#Chris hemsworth x OC
juiles · 6 months
Horror Movie Queen
Requested: yes
Summary: a teen reader whos done a bunch of horror movies is filming a scene where she has to scream, freaks everyone out in the cast. Italics is the filmed scene.
Tags: really just fluff except one mention of torture and hitting
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A/N: Its short but its something new. i think im getting back to writing again so thats exciting!!
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Y/n sat staring at the star studded cast in front of her at the reading table. Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen. It was wild all the people she had spent her whole life looking up to, and here she was, about to film a whole Marvel movie with them.
This was new territory for her too. A whole new genre of movie, different from the horror movies she was known for. The rest of the cast didn’t watch her movies so they didn’t know how she worked.
“Y/n? You okay?” Chris Evans asked waving his hand around in front of her face. “You zoned out there.” He added softly to the teen who flushed slightly and nodded looking down at her hands. “Have you done enough reading now? Are you ready to get into costume and makeup?”
Y/n paused for a moment picking at her fingers before she looked up and nodded. “Yeah. Ill go get ready. I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” She took a quick glance around at everyone who shot her small nods before she disappeared. When she finally came to set, fully ready for her scene, her manager waved her over.
“Okay… lets get this over with guys.” She said, her manager chuckling at the bored look on the teenagers face that was currently covered in bruises and blood, her clothes hanging off of the girls frail body, a gash across her face where a scar usually sat on her characters face.
She was filming her background scene, how her character, Maddison, got where she was, fighting with the Avengers. The torture and pain the character had gone through obvious with the way she was dressed. “Alright you, are you ready to scream?” Thomas asked the girl with a grimace, knowing what he had to pretend to do to the girl. She nodded and stepped on to the set, a cold damp cell that had red splatter all over one wall, showing what she was supposed to have gone through. Thomas stepped forward, the director getting ready for filming, unknown to the teen, the rest of her cast mates stepped in to the studio, hiding in the shadows.
Scarlett elbowed a nervous looking Lizzie who motioned to the makeup on the girls face, the blonde shook her head slightly motioning to be quiet with a finger to her lips. Evans eyes widened as he studied the gash on the girls face. They all knew it was makeup, but as they had grown protective of the young girl, it scared them all. The all focused in on the girl when the director called action.
--Filming scene--
Maddison, a 13 year old girl who had been kidnapped by Baron Strucker at the age of 5, sat huddled against the bloody wall, her whole body shaking as she slowly lifted her head, a giant gash across her face, towards the man standing in front of her. The man merely raised his hand that held a ragged, rusty dagger and slashed down at the girl, her face getting slashed.
The girl let out a blood curdling scream, a scream so loud it even made Strucker take a step back out of shock. The man then turned on his heel and slammed the cell door closed whispering to the girl. “No one will ever want someone as disgusting as you.”
--Scene over--
The director called cut and y/n stood up and with a lack of emotion on her face and grabbed her water bottle. She had barely gotten a sip of it when she was collided with, a pair of arms wrapping around her, gripping her tightly. The teen squeaked as she tried to move the blonde hair to see the horrified look of all her adult castmates standing around her. She patted the back of what she assumed to be Scarlett with a look of confusion running across her face.
“What was that?” Mark asked as he nervously twisted his hands. “How did you bring that up? That was so real…”
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked as Scarlett finally pulled back. “I’m confused?”
“It was very convincing sounding darling.” The actress said, one hand not leaving the teens arm. “Are you okay?”
“Oh. I’m fine?” She responded. “I did- have you guys never seen any of my movies?”
RDJ looked at the girl sheepishly. “Your movies are intense kid… theyre a little scary for most of us.” The teen barked out a laugh shaking her head.
“My whole career I’ve only done horror movies, that scream just is what it is at this point. Nothing behind it, just 5 years of perfecting it.” She said with a small shrug and a small smirk on her face.
“Jesus kid, you gave us a heart attack as a whole.” Hemsworth chuckled as he ruffled the girls hair making the teen roll her eyes with a small smile as she was called back to the set.
Taglist: @mythixmagic @boredandneedfanfics @natashamaximoff-69 @asiangmrchk13
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darknight3904 · 11 months
The Monster and The Lady
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Happy Loki Season 2 Finale! As my gift to you here's the chapter a day early! ( The finale was amazing and it ripped my heart out and stomped on it.)
Asgard 2011
Astri was polishing her sword when Loki barged into her chambers. 
   "Remember the conversation we had about knocking, Loki?" She asked without looking up 
His lack of response got Astri to look away from her work. Loki was sitting on one of the large pieces of furniture that decorated her room. All of his attention was on his hands as he stared at them. 
   "If you're upset about what happened to Thor, I'm sure he is fine on Midgard." She said moving to sit next to him. "They love him there."
   "Stay back," Loki said, his deep voice suddenly scaring Astri. It was the same tone he often used when speaking to enemies in battle. It was intimidating, mean, and cold, and Astri hated everything about it.
She crossed so that she was sitting across from him, the small table felt like it was keeping her miles away from him. Loki's eyes looked red and swollen as he kept them focused on his hands. 
   "You've been crying." Astri observed, "What happened?" 
   "Nothing I can't handle." He lied.
   "It doesn't seem that way? Do you want some tea? We can talk about it, I'll send for Drifa." Astri offered gently
   "I didn't come here to talk," Loki said 
   "Then why are you here and not in your chambers?" Astri pushed, she knew he didn't just come here to sit, he had something he wanted to get off his chest. 
   "I don't want to be alone." He said, looking up, "You're the only thing that makes sense in this damn palace." 
Okay...progress. But he definitely had something else he wanted to say, Astri would take that for now. 
   "You don't have to worry. I won't be going anywhere, I'll stay here with you." Astri assured knowing her words were anything but lies.
   "You won't want to once you know though. That's what scares me." Loki said softly 
Astri wanted to reach across the table and hold his shaking hands but his harsh tone from earlier kept her grounded in her seat, hands folded neatly in her lap. The doors opened to her chambers and two guards walked in. 
   "Lady Astri, the queen summons you." The one on the right said. 
Astri wondered what could be amiss as she walked quickly through the halls. Loki was uncharacteristically a few paces behind her and dead silent when the guards directed them to Odin's chambers of all places. Frigga seemed frazzled and uncomposed when Astri saw her next to the Allfather. It was strange seeing her so distressed when she normally seemed to have everything under control. 
   "Astri, Loki." She stood and greeted them both with warm hugs. Loki's stiffened posture didn't go unnoticed by Astri. 
   "What happened?" Astri asked eyeing Odin's sleeping form 
   "He has fallen into the Odinsleep. It was too sudden this time. I fear he might not wake this time." Frigga said sadly 
   "He is strong, Frigga. I'm sure he will wake again soon." Astri said placing a warm hand on her mother figure's shoulder. Was this what Loki wanted to tell her? Did he cause this? The way he was acting made it seem worse than this. Odin had fallen to Odinsleep many times in the past.
The doors opened abruptly to reveal what had to be a full platoon of soldiers on the other side. When Loki turned to them they all bent their knee to him. One came forward and presented Loki with Gungnir, the spear Astri rarely saw Odin without. 
   "My king, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three request an audience with you." He said once Loki had taken it from him
Astri felt her face pale when she realized what was happening. Loki seemed to have a similar reaction but quickly recovered and nodded to the man. 
   "I'll meet them in the throne room," Loki said, dismissing him and his fellow soldiers. 
   "Loki..." Astri said, reaching out to grab his hand. She didn't know what she was going to say just that she didn't want him to leave her. 
   "Stay here. With my mother." Loki said, pulling his hand away from her reach 
   "But I want to-" 
   "Stay. I'll send Drifa to bring you those cakes." Loki cut her off 
   "Is that an order...my king?" Astri asked, the words felt bitter in her mouth. 
   "Yes." He hissed before turning on his heel and leaving the door. 
   "Come sit with me, darling." Frigga beckoned to her.
Loki kept his word and sent Drifa with Astri's favorite cakes. They were delicate little lemon-flavored things with soft powdered sugar on top. Beyond the cakes, he had also sent her the book she had been reading for the past week along with tea and a book for his mother. Even when he was upset, he was looking out for them.
   "What's on your mind?" Frigga asked, moving her eyes from Odin's form.
   "Nothing." Astri sighed 
   "Remember when I told you your mother and I were raised by witches?" 
Astri nodded. 
   "That means I can see with more than eyes. Now, why is my son troubling you?" She asked 
How does she always know what's wrong?
   "He seemed very distraught before you summoned me here. I know it could have just been Odin's condition but it seemed to be more than that." Astri confessed, "He kept staring at his hands too, and wouldn't let me sit next to him which you know he always does." 
   "I think it's best if I let him tell you what's wrong," Frigga advised suddenly looking away.
   "But you just asked me to tell you-" 
   "When Odin fell asleep, He and Loki were discussing...matters in the weapons vault. Loki told me what happened." Frigga explained, "But, it is not my place to tell my son's secrets to the world." 
   "But it's not the world. It's just me." Astri reasoned 
Silence passed and Astri could tell Frigga was thinking about something important.
   "Go to him. If he gets upset tell him he can whine about it to me." Frigga smiled
Astri groaned but stood up and went to the door anyway. 
   "You're sure you'll be ok alone?" She asked looking back at Odin. 
   "I have lived for thousands of years, darling. I will be alright." She smiled gently
Astri nodded before quietly slipping out the door. The walk to the throne room was incredibly brief. Perks of being the Allfather, your bedroom is closest to the most important room in the castle. 
Loki's armor was complimented by the large throne. The green he normally donned made him look more regal as his golden helmet shone when the light hit it. 
   "Lady Astri. I thought I ordered you to stay with my mother." 
  "And I thought you weren't an uptight jerk with a stick up your ass," Astri responded 
Loki's sharp gaze snapped to her and she stared up at him defiantly. He might be king now but she knew he'd never do anything to harm her. 
   "Leave us." He ordered the guards in the room 
Astri watched him slowly descend from the throne almost as if it was for dramatic purposes. King of Asgard? More like King of Dramatics.
   "What are you doing?" Loki asked, annoyed
   "I wanted to talk to you," Astri explained 
   "That doesn't mean you can call me names like that in front of others." Loki scolded "I'm acting king now." 
   "The guards do not care what names the king's childhood friend calls him. I bet some of them are old enough that they saw the time you and Thor went running through the castle naked." Astri smiled 
   "Stop it," Loki demanded, looking around to see if anyone had entered the room
   "I'll stop when you talk to me." Astri said, "Do you think any of them remember the time you went crying to Frigga after you had a nightmare from the scary story Thor told at that sleepover we had with Volstagg?" 
Loki snapped his fingers in her face before she could think of another embarrassing childhood moment of his. 
   "Alright. We'll talk. Just stop saying crazy things." He said 
   "Crazy? All those things happened Loki. Just like the time you farted in front of that gorgeous boy, you tried charming who was visiting from Xandar with her family." She laughed 
Loki's face had grown red as he gestured for her to follow him. 
   "Not another word about me as a child," Loki ordered 
   "The fart incident was 200 years ago. You were already fully grown at that point." She pointed out 
   "I'll cut your hair again," Loki said as they reached his chambers
Astri giggled as she sat down on his bed and gestured for him to sit next to her. 
   "I'll say here." Loki declined still several feet from her 
   "I'm not going to bite you you know," Astri said
   "I just...don't want to hurt you." Loki softly said, piddling with his hands, a gesture Astri noticed he had down since they were children.
   "You won't. Just...tell me what's wrong. I'll help you fix it. I promise." She sincerely said 
   "You can't. I can't. No one can." Loki said looking away from her and at his shoes 
   "How do you know? What's even wrong anyway?" Astri asked 
   "If I tell you, you'll be scared of me," Loki said quietly
   "I won't. Nothing you do will ever scare me." Astri swore
A soft beat of silence passed over the room as Astri wished Loki would look up at her. 
   "I am a monster. A relic Odin kept here until he had a purpose for me." Loki said 
   "You're not a monster," Astri assured, standing and crossing the room so she was close to him again. 
   "You don't understand...I'm...one of them. One of those monsters who we've been told frightening stories about since we were children. I am a Frost Giant. The monster who Asgardian parents tell their children to be frightened of when they misbehave. I was nothing but a bargaining chip to Odin. Another object in this castle that represents his conquest over these Nine Realms." Loki said angrily, words cutting across the air like knives, as he finally looking her in the eyes 
   "What do you mean you're a Frost Giant?" Astri asked slowly, surprised at his speech.
Loki led Astri through the castle as he told her the story Odin had told him merely hours before. She stayed silent the whole time, absorbing what came from his mouth. Loki couldn't tell what was worse, her silence or what she might say about who he was. They reached the weapons vault quicker than he would have liked and soon were standing in front of the Joutun's casket. 
   "I will show you." He said, barely trusting his voice 
    "You don't have to. Let's go back to the library and read together." Astri said reaching for him again.
Loki ignored her request and placed his hands on the casket again. An indescribable coldless tingled through his body and he watched his hands turn blue once more. He felt it spread across his body and felt the soft facial lines that all Frost Giants bore rise from his skin. When he was sure he had held it long enough, he turned back to his dear Astri, awaiting her judgment.
   "I understand if you want to leave," Loki said
Astri was silent as her eyes roamed across him. Her light brown eyes we taking in every inch of blue skin that Loki had exposed to her and when she was finally done looking she opened her mouth.
   "I don't care." She said
   "What?" Loki balked, feeling his skin begin to change again
   "I don't care what you are. Tomorrow you could show me you're actually a dragon with wings the size of me and I'd still stay by your side. What matters to me is that you're Loki. I don't care if you're blue." Astri said finally taking his hands when they had gone back to normal.
   "Why?" He asked, closing his eyes and savoring how his hands felt in his. 
   "Because you're important to me," Astri said pressing her forehead to his "No one knows me like you do, and no one ever will." 
No spoilers to the finale but I have never felt more devastated yet fufilled by a Marvel project ever. I don't think I've been this distressed since I watched Infinity War and had to watch Loki die and then 2 hrs later watch Peter "die" in Tony's arms.
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incorectly · 2 years
✨ ✨Appreciation Post ✨ ✨
Dear Blogs that write for Black Readers x Austin Butler or any of his characters he’s played (Or any Black Reader x Any Person), Please don't stop writing, all of y'all’s work is some of THE BEST to be written, EVER. (I’ve been apart of ALOT of fandoms and have read a ton of work) None can compare, you make black women feel seen by making stories that are relatable to US.  (Even if it’s made up). So this is for you, I APPRECIATE all of you and all the time and dedication you put into your work, it does not go UNSEEN or OVERLOOKED, because if I come across your work I’m always liking and reblogging (I’m getting better at reblogging y’all’s work) because I’m always rooting for y'all even if your work isn’t getting the recognition it deserves. You are SEEN. 
Sorry for Rambling it was just on my heart to share
(Tagging a couple people who I think are amazing writers) (If I didn't tag you drop a comment I would love to see your work I’m always up to read more stories) 
@dulcewrites @mamasturn @infernalodie @that-one-anxious-mango @enchantinglyjade @chaeycunty @geminixevans-stan @mauvecherie-writes @syntheticavenger @afriendlyblackhottie @dramaqueeenamby @royallyprincesslilly @blackwomanwriter @jbrizzywrites
(Those are just a few from the Austin butler Fandom and Chris Evans Fandom (Although I need to read more of Chris Evans because I’m slacking, Austin has a tight grip on me) 
Love all of you.🤎
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misschris1412 · 2 years
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Danielle rose russell : Reza de Jotunheim
Phoebe Tonkin : Amara
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sotwk · 8 months
I was wondering who are your fancasts for your headcanon world?
Hiiii Quickie! @quickslvxrr
Am I right in guessing that your question was prompted by my reblog of your reblog of Charlie Hunnam's gif set? XD
Because if so, I will just say that I am very excited to have selected Charlie as my fancast for Théodred of Rohan! (Excited because I hope to start writing chapters of my Eomer x OC fic soon, which actually co-stars dear Théodred.)
I have a growing fancast list for the SotWK AU! I still need to get around to making an official and complete list, but since you seem curious, here is majority of what I have so far.
Apart from Reader Insert stories I write in response to requests, all fics and characters I create are grounded in the SotWK AU, so these characters exist consistently across and crossover between my stories.
SotWK AU Fancast List (a work in progress)
The Royal Family of the Woodland Realm
Elvenking Thranduil - Lee Pace
Elvenqueen Maereth - Jennifer Connelly
Crown Prince Mirion - Henry Cavill
Prince Turhir - Sam Heughan
Prince Arvellas - Rupert Friend 
Prince Gelir - Sam Claflin
Prince Legolas - Orlando Bloom
Crown Princess Itarildë  - Teresa Palmer
(later Crown) Prince Aranion - Bradley James
Princess Anariel- Gabriella Wilde 
Elvenking Oropher - Jason Isaacs
Greenwood Elves
Darthol (Gelir's birth-mate) - Dan Stevens
Olondir (cousin of the Thranduilions) - Jake Gyllenhaal
Rivendell Elves
Elrond - Hugo Weaving
Celebrían - Connie Nielsen 
Nimeithel (oc cousin of Celebrían & mother of Itarildë) - Rebecca Ferguson
Elladan - Richard Madden
Elrohir - Sebastian Stan
Silmarillion / First Age Ancestors
Glorfindel - ???? -still searching!-
Elemírë (oc wife of Glorfindel & sister of Elenwë) - Vanessa Kirby
Maglor/Kanafinwë - Ben Barnes
Velcálë (oc wife of Maglor) - Zendaya Coleman
Círdan the Shipwright - Iain Glen
Eäriel (oc wife of Círdan) - Olivia Hussey
Eärondir (oc son of Círdan & father of Maereth) - Alexander Skarsgard  
Laurinwen (oc mother of Maereth) - Lily Collins
Dwarves / Line of Durin
Durin III, King of Khazad-dûm- Hugh Jackman 
Frerin, son of Thrain - Gerard Butler
Aerdis (oc love interest of Boromir) - Freida Pinto 
Anarlas (brother of Aerdis) - Oscar Isaac
Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth - Eric Bana
Ivriniel - Isabella Rossellini
Finduilas - Monica Bellucci
Erchirion - Adam Driver
Lothíriel - Gal Gadot
Théodred - Charlie Hunnam
Signyr (oc shield-maiden & Éomer's love interest) - Katheryn Winnick
Léodor (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Chris Hemsworth
Héothain (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Will Poulter
to be revealed OC - Pedro Pascal
YUP. I almost didn't want to insert that little spoiler of my upcoming fic, but I'm just too excited about fancasting the widely adored Pedro Pascal in my AU. It will be one heck of a character, too! I am SO VERY excited to create Harad OCs (Pedro's will be the main one)!
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Thank you for the Ask! Although this list is still messy and incomplete, answering it puts me one step closer to getting an official fancast list done! :)
Just tagging people whom I think/hope might be interested in this:
@hobbitwrangler @scyllas-revenge @ass-deep-in-demons @emmanuellececchi @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @konartiste @hippodameia @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @entishramblings @heilith @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @quillofspirit @stormchaser819 @g-m-kaye @mirra-kan @alwayssevvy @marsharmonicorchestra @laurfilijames @coopsgirl @jane0error @jezzibee @lathalea @cuarthol
Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
SotWK HC Masterlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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nightmarefuele · 5 months
muse directory.
primaries in big. repression is a huge theme on this blog. smut happens (usually in gruesome ways), but don't expect it.
Dune, Star Wars, general gritty sci-fi;
na-Baron Feyd-Rautha ; austin butler ; draws 98% from the '24 film. Verosha Aniseya ; amandla stenberg Qimir | The Stranger ; manny jacinto ; might feature a knight verse in addition to some canon Ren (of 'the' Ren) ; adam driver ; a heavily divergent/'oc-ified', post(usually)-snoke, visceral horror, gritty lean from star wars' kylo ren. Shin Hati ; ivanna sakhno ; ahsoka. Kylo Ren ; adam driver ; as close to kylo 'canon' as i'm capable of writing, but solely draws from tfa characterization. Mae-ho Aniseya ; amandla stenberg Paul-Muad'Dib Atreides ; timothee chalamet ; leans on the book(+ messiah) from time to time. Lady Margot Fenring ; léa seydoux. Officer KD6-3.7 ; ryan gosling ; blade runner 2049 . Ezra ; pedro pascal ; prospect (2018). Cee ; sophie thatcher ; prospect (2018).
Melisande Shahrizai ; oc-ified character lifted from the kushiel's series; testing ; some amalgamized version of saffron vadher with myriem boukadida's vogue covers Aegon II Targaryen ; tom glynn-carney Alicent Hightower ; olivia cooke Aemond Targaryen ; ewan mitchell Rhaena Targaryen ; phoebe campbell Jacaerys Velaryon ; harry collett Addam di Hull ; clinton liberty Rhaenyra Targaryen ; milly alcock, emma d'arcy Mysaria ; sonoya mizuno Helaena Targaryen ; hunter schafer (slightly different interpretation), phia sabban Oscar Tully ; archie barnes Alys Rivers ; gayle rankin, katie mcgrath Baela Targaryen ; bethany antonia
villains, antiheroes;
John Constantine ; keanu reeves Loki Laufeyson ; tom hiddleston ; fuck u i don't consider post-tdw canon. ciao Jonathan Crane ; cillian murphy ; selective muse, likely won't be writing him within gotham just for the sake of gotham. want to explore him thru different subjects and lenses.
bleak, flexible, modern;
Shelly Webster ; fka twigs ; the crow (2024). Lisa Nova ; rosa salazar ; brand new cherry flavor.Code ; manny jacinto ; brand new cherry flavor. Elliot Alderson ; rami malek ; mr. robot. Phillip Price ; michael cristofer ; mr. robot. Leon ; joey bada$$ ; mr. robot. Lisbeth Salander ; rooney mara ; the girl with the dragon tattoo (2011) . Berry Rydell ; young josh hartnett ; freelance private security officer from william gibson's virtual light trilogy, based in retrofuturist nocal and socal. just a guy doing his own thing and getting caught up, routinely, somehow, in the national (but very top-secret) dickfight over some expensive glasses. + virtual reality, or whatever. Control (John Rodriguez) ; bob morley ; based on authority by jeff vandermeer, and annihilation, book and film, exploring hypnosis/mind control and consequent distrust, or outright paranoia. operates at the branch-end of a highly bureaucratic and mysterious organization. eventually ends up at Southern Reach, "...a secret agency that manages expeditions into a place known as Area X, an uninhabited and abandoned coastal area of an unnamed country which nature is gradually reclaiming." 'nature', in this context, being a cute/tame word. refers to his guns as 'gramps', 'grandpa', 'grandpap', etc. 6" tall, impassive. Tangerine ; aaron taylor-johnson ; bullet train . Colin Laney ; tbd. ; has a talent for identifying nodal points. Kid ; dev patel ; monkey man. Benny Cross ; austin butler ; the bikeriders ; characters like these are cute. i basically get to make them ocs.
Joel Miller ; pedro pascal . Imperator Furiosa ; anya taylor-joy. (alyla browne.) Dr. Dementus ; chris hemsworth. Max Rockatansky ; tom hardy..
cyberpunk, modern sci-fi;
Connor (the Android Sent by Cyberlife) ; bryan dechart. Takeshi Kovacs ; joel kinnaman . Jesper Fahey ; kit young . Kaz Brekker ; freddy carter . Yennefer of Vengerberg ; anya chalotra .
Blitzø ; helluva boss Azula ; atla Silco ; arcane Jinx ; arcane Zuko ; atla
aus are fun. hit me with em or forever hold your peace.
ocs, always subject to adapt and update on a thread-to-thread basis;
Viggo Hurskainen ; firstname aliases include vil, nils, lars ; bill skarsgård ; 'soft' but also murdery. deranged and confused. will break away just as erratically as tag along. backdrops include scandinavian/russian/german mafia, interdimensional southern cthulhian gothic, (vampire) cult, serial killer bullshit, et al. sometimes works as 'housekeeping/cleanup crew.' (for assassinations.) (sometimes is the assassin/ation. or spy.) Oeznik Ambroicz ; cillian murphy ; loosely based on a character from an original script. flexible iterations. director of an institute/facility (sometimes agency, depending on setting and historical values) that focuses on exploring the residual elements that paranormal trauma leaves behind. these elements can be purely psychological, physical, combined, or, sometimes, paranormal themselves. in other iterations, to draw further on lovecraftian or cthulhu mythos elements, oeznik may lean more private investigator, or 'freelance', for his own mysterious and often unexplained purposes. focused and preoccupied when fixed securely inside his element; wary and suspicious when not. Nadya ; sara serraiocco, sara montpetit ; lab experiment turned a) runaway, b) interdimensional spy/assassin, c) something something time shenanigans. or simple modern ones. who the fuck knows. Dorian Yu ; christian yu ; tba. loosely based on christian yu's musical creations. relies either on psychological themes (wherein dorian is bipolar), for stories more grounded in realism, or the supernatural. heavily flexible, works into most (if not all) modern environments. can be taken a vaguely sci-fi or heavily cyberpunk route. (he's fun. smiley ball of energy and sunshine, or depressive and vaguely antagonistic shut-in.) prone to delusions, dissociation, and in severe instances, amnesia. Fifine ; anya taylor-joy ; random modern verse shenanigans. (the) Insomnium ; tbd. ; developed and hatched by a cult of space witches moreso than born. derived from an organically inorganic (or just inexplicable) substance. for tumblr purposes, blends the idea of dune's 'voice'. cult functions similarly on some levels to the b.g., but is entirely an unknown. stems from the same gritty, visceral horror environment and themes as the ren. (especially picky about where i throw this one.) space cultists tba.
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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moonartemisia · 1 year
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✧.* Self-ships ✧.*
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Touken Ranbu
MikaMichi - Mikazuki Munechika × Saniwa Michiko
IchiMichi - Ichigo Hitofuri × Saniwa Michiko
Troupe: historical, master × sword, reincarnation (song: Hyakka Ryouran by Kalafina)
(They are oc x canon)
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Blue Lock
RinHaru - Rin Itoshi × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: age-gap, brother's best friend × lovers, slow burn romance (song: Drive You Insane by Daniel di Angelo & Say It by Tony Lanez)
MichHaru - Michael Kaiser × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: second chance, long-distance, exes × lovers (song: Monster, Judas, & Bad Romance by Lady Gaga)
ChigiHaru - Hyoma Chigiri × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: childhood friends × lovers, childhood sweethearts (song: Message in a Bottle & Style by Taylor Swift)
SaeHaru - Sae Itoshi × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: team manager × soccer player, celebrity × manager, private relationship (song: It Won't Stop by Sevyn Streeter, ft. Chris Brown & Homebdy by DÉMI, slimedemislimedemi, ft. Madman Stan)
(They are self-ships)
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TsukkiHaru - Kei Tsukishima × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: academic rivals × lovers, frenemies × lovers, volleyball player × team manager, tsundere couple (song: Loyal & New Flame by Chris Brown, ft. Usher)
TetsuHaru - Tetsurō Kurō × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: team manager × volleyball player, neighboring classmates, cocky × serious (song: This Kiss by Carly Rae Jepsen)
KeiHaru - Keiji Akāshi × Miharu Hasegawa
Troupe: classmates × lovers, crushes × lovers (song: Shy by Jai Waetford)
(They are self-ships)
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Moriarty the Patriot
BondWorth - James Bonde × Stephanie Cris Hemsworth (oc × canon)
Troupe: enemies × lovers, slow burn romance (song: Circus by Britney Spears)
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Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective
SatsuRon ‐ Ron Kamonohashi × Satsuki Chifuyu (oc × canon)
Troupe: cop × criminal, the one that got away, acquaintances × lovers (song: Sweet but Psycho by AVA & Criminal by Britney Spears)
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HaTitia - Hajun Yeon × Letitia Heidi (oc × canon)
Troupe: acquaintances × lovers, one night stand, slow burn romance, situationship (song: Nobody's Business by Rihanna, ft. Chris Brown & One of the Girls by The Weeknd, ft. Lily Rose Depp and Jennie of Blackpink, SHOONG! by Taeyang ft. Lisa of Blackpink, NVMD by Denise Julia)
@moonartemisia •▪︎°.☆
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shebeafancyflapjack · 5 months
Little hurt/comfort ficlet for @idiotwithanipad x
Robin & OC
Most of the time she managed to block out her 'gift', having had nearly twenty years to train herself to ignore the dead people who existed everywhere she went, the majority of them easy enough to spot with their outfits, the way they weaved between livings without getting a passing glance, or outright walking through walls and furniture.
As a child, she'd had the excuse of being an imaginative kid who acquired many "imaginary friends" to talk to. As a teenager that didn't go down quite so well. Not that she usually cared if people looked at her as a weirdo. It was more the 'getting sectioned' possibility that concerned her.
Her parents had gone on and on about how old this hotel was, how it apparently had enough history to warrant a quick tour offered by the resort. So Amy expected more than a few ghosts to pop up here and there. Thus far she'd done her best not to make eye contact with the giddy Georgian woman or the Bridgerton Ken who had been in the reception.
It was a little more of a trial to ignore the caveman scurrying around her room, sniffing at the leftovers of her dinner she'd ordered through room service, nostrils flaring above the lone slice of pepperoni pizza.
"Ooo, smell so good. Wonder how you taste. Cheese taste like cow bum? It all come from same." The feral man was muttering to himself.
Once he got bored of inhaling the food, he was judging her parents choice of books that they'd brought, having dumped them on their bedside tables.
Amy covered her head beneath a large pillow as he continued his one-sided conversation.
"Fanny read this one. Butler no do it, it maid disguise as butler. And she also vampire. Big twist but saw it coming. Oooh, Christine Lampard autobiography! Me want read! Might put on Christmas list-."
He raised his head in time to see the pillow she's thrown hurtle towards him and he ducked to the side to dodge it. He blinked at her in wonder.
"You see me?!"
"Yes! I can fucking see you, all right?!" She confessed through gritted teeth, knowing she'd probably made her situation worse now.
The caveman gave an excited whoop and jumped like a hyperactive five year old.
"This so cool! We have new friend who see! Almost never happen. Me gotta tell others-."
"No, please, please don't!"
Perhaps it was the crack in her voice, brought on by a surge of pain throughout her muscles as she tried to reach forward, that made the ghost stop in his tracks and turn back to her.
His excitement quickly morphed into concern as his eyes met Amy's, her own shining with tears.
"You no look so good..." The man frowned, one of his hands reaching up to stroke at his shift.
"Gee thanks, haven't heard that before. You're not exactly Chris Hemsworth, mate." She bristled; "I'm fucking ill and don't need to have a party of dead people storming in giving me a headache on top of everything else. It's bad enough my earphones have crapped out on me."
"What you got? Plague?" He asked, inching a little closer to her bed.
She huffed a laugh; "Not quite...but my body gets these sores. Don't think it's the same as that bubonic thing but fucking feels like it sometimes." Amy held her arm to show the spirit the angry looking lumps and scars near her armpits.
"Ouchie. They no look fun." He said, sitting on the edge of her bed.
She lowered her arm, slowly, wincing a little.
"Those aren't even the worst ones. The others are in...awkward places."
"That why you not downstairs with mum and dad at dinner and the show?" Her mum had been going on and on about this famous illusionist being the big star tonight, some Derren Brown-wannabe.
She nodded, miserably; "Wasn't expecting to flare up like this, or else I'd just stayed at home. At least then I'd have all the stuff in my room. Netflix don't even work on the TV here."
"Yeah, WiFi on blink since...some ghost, me not know who, play around with router when bored." He said, bashful, scratching at his ear. "So...they leave you here alone?"
"S'not like they abandoned me, I just didn't wanna make a fuss 'cause I know how much Mum's been looking forward to this." She sighed and waved her phone up; "Signal is crap here too so can't even WhatsApp."
"What's what?" He asked, turning his head to the side.
"No, WhatsApp."
"What is app?"
"No! I..." She couldn't help but laugh, realising how ridiculous this was, "Just something I use to text my mates. They're probably sick of listening to me moan too..."
"...You can moan to me if want?" He said, shuffling closer; "Me good listener."
Amy smiled at him a little; "Don't wanna be pitied, thanks. Anyway, I'm sure you got more exciting things to be watching."
"Eh. Me seen how that guy on stage do his tricks. Take all fun out. Lot to do with mirrors. Clever but boring. Rare me get to speak to living girl."
"Rare? So...I'm not the first?" Amy had never met anyone else with her gift.
"Lady who own hotel before golfy people come, she see us after my friend almost kill her. No, it cool! We good now!" The caveman assured after Amy's face went pale with terror; "She like family and come visit."
"She could see you guys because she almost died once?" Amy asked; "So she's not...chronically ill, like me?"
The caveman shook his head; "No think so. Just got bumpy on head. She say she now crazy forever but no ouchy scars and lumps and pain."
"Lucky cow." Amy clicked her tongue. She'd always thought her gift had something to do with having to deal with the constant agony, as well as other health issues she'd had as a baby.
Speak of the devil, another surge of agony hit her from her lower back as she shifted against the mattress.
"Shit!" She swore.
"Woah, woah, you 'kay?" The caveman fretted.
"Yeah, just a reminder to take my painkillers." She went to get off the bed, having left them on the sideboard, only for one of her feet to become tangled in the bedsheets.
Amy nearly fell before two hands caught her by the shoulders, fingers grazing against some of her abscesses. Painless.
"Fuck, that would've been embarrasing. Thanks, mate." She smiled, turning to see an almost cartoonish level of shock on the dead man's fuzzy face; "Uhh, you okay?"
"I....I touch you....?"
"Uhm, yeah, I've always been able to touch ghosts...Can that friend of yours not do that?" She asked, reaching for her pills and grabbing some water.
He shook his raggedy mane; "Only see and hear, but touchy hurt us, same as all other living people. You..." He poked her arm cautiously, mouth agape with awe at the contact, before poking again; "Ha ha!"
"All right, stop that now." Amy batted his hand away.
He retreated, looking regretful; "Oh, sorry. It hurt, yes?"
"No, it was just annoying." She laughed, sitting back down on the mattress; "It's weird. Ghosts are the only ones who can touch me where it's sore without hurting me. Don't invite too many of those though. Used to have a dead friend when I was a kid but...she moved on, I think." Amy looked down at her ebony nail polish, morose.
"Ah. Go up to stars. Me have many friends do same. I name each star for them." He explained, warmly.
"Her name was Lana, if you wanna find one for her." Amy said, quietly; "Speaking of names, do you have one?"
"Many. Most of them insults. But friends call me Robin." He said, holding his hand out to her.
It was a bit cliché but she supposed he rarely got a chance to meet anyone like this, so she shook it. "I'm Amy."
The fur of his sleeve brushed against her wrist. She couldn't resist the urge to feel it properly, softer than any comfort blanket.
"Wow...Is that...real wolf?" She asked, partly freaked out but also a little amazed - couldn't really compare hunting for clothes in this guy's time to the fashion industry today.
He nodded, then gently took her hand and pressed her fingers to different parts of his outfit.
"That bit cougar, that some wild dogs, that leather obviously from cow, and rest mostly mammoth." He explained.
"Real mammoth? Woah." Now that was pretty awesome. She'd never be able to meet one but she could say she'd felt one.
It definitely beat the hotel duvet.
She didn't want to move her hand away. It felt so soothing to be able to touch something, someone, so warm and soft without her skin being irritated. But this must look super weird from Robin's point of view.
"You look sad again. More pain?" He asked, reaching to touch her hand on his fluffy chest.
She shook her head; "No, s'just....My mum tried to give me a cuddle earlier when she could see I wasn't doing good and I had to tell her not to, even though I sure as shit need one right now. Pathetic, right?"
"No it not. I had little cousin, her skin like tissue paper, very delicate, tear easily. Big hugs make her cry too. But she brave and strong to survive. Like you." He told her, squeezing her hand; "We wrap her up in special leaves with Moonah blessed water to try to help. Not sure it did much good but we not have Doctor Google in them times. We just do best we can to ease pain."
"Well...you're doing a good job now." She praised, feeling the burning sensation ease a little with him being so close.
"You...want me to stay?"
"...Could you?" She couldn't understand why he would want to but didn't want to question it.
He nodded, a little bashful, as if he was just as new to the concept of being asked to stay for company.
"Want me to stay quiet still?"
Amy smiled; "Not too quiet, just not rambling out loud like you were doing. You look like you've been here for thousands of years, you must have some stories to tell. Could you just...tell me some of those till I get sleepy?"
"Ooh, yes. Hehe. Get comfy. Me know great one you like about man killed in library." He said, rubbing his hands together.
Getting comfortable was easier said than done in her condition, especially as she pulled away from his touch.
"I...Uhm...God, this is so cringe." She muttered to herself.
"Would you be okay to just...hold me?" She asked, cheeks turning pink.
He smiled and nodded, shuffling to lay down and slide his arms around her, as she shifted into them, snuggling against the warm body of fur and skin and wild hair.
"This okay? Amy no ouch?" Robin whispered, fingers moving up to stroke through her hair.
She hummed, content at last; "Amy no ouch. Thanks, Robin."
A soft chuckle came from the long dead man as be continued to hold her close, his etheral presence doing nothing to aggravate her sores. On the contrary, a strange heat seemed to vibrate from his fingers as they brushed over her abscesses, melting the pain away.
It was a shame that ghost therapy wasn't prescribed on the NHS.
Amy relaxed in the man's arms and listened as he began the thrilling tale of the pirate captain who'd been slain in the library.
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negative-speedforce · 10 months
who are your OCs celebrity crushes? (real or in universe lol)
Siv: Helena Bonham Carter, Beyonce
Jay: Starfire, Chris Evans
Cassandra: Bruce Wayne, Mads Mikkelsen
Hailey: Nyane Lebajoa, Tom Hiddleston
Arya: Miley Cyrus, Hunter Schaffer
Ember: N/A (aroace)
Gina: Amy Lee, Bella Hadid
Esme: Jungkook, Liam Hemsworth
Cat: N/A (aroace)
Max: Nightwing, Gerard Way
Kyle: Dwane Johnson, Simu Liu
Eric: Lil Nas X, Hozier
Jacob: Nichelle Nichols, Toby Maguire
Khalil: N/A (aroace)
Antonio: Ariana Grande, Zendaya
Ameerah: Jeri Ryan, Pedro Pascal
Rania: Oscar Issac, P!nk
Reggie: N/A (aroace)
Meredith: Scarlet Johanson, Charli XCX
Director Hawke: Jennifer Anniston, Janet Jackson
Onnie: Batwoman, Gwendoline Christie
Pippa: Jessi Juno, Oscar Issac
Jessi: Brendan Urie, Bruce Wayne
Hyun-Ki: SZA, Emma Watson
Marie: Demi Lovato, Sirella, Daughter of Kul (Klingon Acid Metal singer)
Qiara: Kathryn Janeway, Spock
Liah: Lwaxana Troi, Taylor Swift
Soraya: N/A (aroace)
Thalia: N/A (aroace)
Laila: Trilla Sunduri, Rae Sloane
Athena: Ahsoka Tano, Grand Admiral Thrawn
Reyna: Depa Bilaba, Asajj Ventress
Samira: N/A (aroace-spec)
Aldrich: (was born before the modern concept of 'celebrities')
Sohelia: N/A (aroace)
Matt: Sam Smith, Dove Cameron
Dolores: Orlando Bloom, Dolly Parton
Vanessa: Doja Cat, Lalisa Manoban
Victorie: (was born before the modern concept of 'celebrities')
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darknight3904 · 10 months
Like We Used To
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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This marks the beginning of Part Two of This Love. 
Warnings: Slight references to male masturbation and dirty dreams. Nothing wild.
Asgard 2013
   "Are you sure you want this?" 
   "Hush, Fandral, she can make her own decisions." 
   "Yeah,  I can make my own decisions, and I  have decided to change it to blue." 
   "HA! You're such an idiot!" Volstagg cheered, slamming his final card to the table which erupted into loud groans 
Astri and her friends had been playing a Midgardian game Thor had brought back from New York, it was called Uno and Astri was inherently terrible at it.
   "He can not keep winning like this," Hogun said tossing his hand into the middle of the table. 
   "He has to be cheating," Sif whispered  
   "We could always rig the cards against him," Fandral suggested 
   "But then, is it a fair victory when one of us wins?" Astri asked 
   "It is if he hasn't been winning fairly this whole time." Sif pointed out
   "Pass the cards out, I plan to win again." Volstagg declared
   "Cheater," Fandral whispered as he dealt the cards again.
Loki didn't realize how mind-numbing his time in the dungeons would end up being. The first few weeks had been a blur, Frigga had sent furniture and books to him and he spent time rearranging and figuring out the best angle for his bed. Now, he was out of furniture to rearrange and the endless books were becoming boring. He had begun to stew over his loss on Midgard but felt his mind slipping away from his humiliation. As he lay there, he realized he missed the feel of the sun on his face and the way the wind would slightly blow through his chambers when he left the balcony doors open. Loki missed horseback riding through the dense forests of Asgard and the way the stars looked down at him at night when he couldn't sleep. Most of all though, he missed Astri and everything that came with her. He missed the way her laughter would carry through the castle when he made a bad joke. He could imagine the way her long hair would shine whenever the sun streamed into the huge library windows. Loki swore he could smell the soft scent of Astri's fruit-smelling perfume as he lay in his cell.
He couldn't believe she hadn't visited him yet. At first, he had presumed Odin had banned visitors but after asking Frigga who said Astri was free to visit him as much as she wished, he was saddened by her absence. Every day when his meals arrived he swore he heard the soft clicking of her shoes, instead he was met with the same guard over and over again. Loki tried to imagine what she could possibly be doing without him. They had spent nearly every waking moment together as they grew up. Was she with Thor or Sif? Was she rotting away in the library, learning a million different spells? Or perhaps she was with the Aesir fellow she had met in the damn markets? Loki had felt jealousy swirl in his stomach at the idea of the last one. Aesir wasn't necessarily terrible but he just seemed so droll. The way he just mindlessly complimented Astri whenever he saw her, it was like he was grovelling for her when they barely even knew each other. Loki doubted he even remembered what Astri wore each time they saw each other. Did Aesir know Astri's favorite foods and that she hated red flowers? Clearly not since he brought her bunches of them all the time and brought almond cakes when Atri clearly liked lemon better.
By the time his supper had arrived, he had decided that Aesir was possibly the most boring Asgardian who ever lived. Beyond his flat personality, he has terrible style. Loki had peered into Astri's mind the other night and found the most recent memories of Aesir. He had been dressed in the worst possible outfit. The way the silver in his armor contrasted against his skin made him look rather yellow. He felt Astri's embarrassment as they had strolled through the gardens when multiple handmaids had passed and giggled at Aesir.
   "What's on your mind?" A soft voice asked
Loki swore he had never sat up quicker than in this moment.
   "What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost." Astri asked, "Is there something on my face?"
   "I didn't think you'd ever visit," Loki admitted crossing the cell to where the golden barrier separated them
   "I wasn't planning on visiting today. I was going to make you sweat it out for a few more weeks but Volstagg was driving me insane and I needed a break." She explained
   "What did he do that's annoying you so much?" Loki asked
   "He keeps beating me at this Midgardian game Thor showed all of us." Astri sighed
Loki felt his mouth twitch slightly into a smile. Even though he wanted to be mad at her for not seeing him sooner, he was, as usual, finding it to be impossible to be angry with her.
   "I also brought this..." Astri said pushing a tray of food through a designated spot in the barrier.
   "Aren't you hungry?" Loki asked
   "No, Thor and I have been eating our suppers together for the past year and I swear spending time around him has fattened me up. It's like his huge stomach is affecting me too." Astri admitted
   "I think you look great." Loki complimented, he felt jealousy roar in his chest at the idea of Astri sitting across from Thor in her chambers, laughing at jokes and eating her favorite cakes.
   "Aesir said that a few days ago. I'm sure you already knew that though. You know you're not entirely undetected going through my mind like that at night. You show up in my dreams and that's how I know you're searching my memories, seeing what I've been doing with my days." Astri said
   "Anyone has a right to know what their best friend is up to. And how else would I know when I thought you had resolved to never see me again." Loki countered, surprised that she was able to sense him.
   "Oh please, you never thought that. You knew I'd show eventually." Astri knowingly said
Damn, she knew him well.
   "Has it occurred to you that maybe I missed you?" Loki asked honestly
   "It's crossed my mind. Although I'd like to think that you don't since then I'd feel guilty about not spending my every moment with you." Astri said
   "Like we used to?" He asked
   "Like we used to." Astri parroted with a soft smile that made Loki's heart beat just a little quicker.
Silence fell as he stared at the girl across from him. While she claimed to be fattening up with his "brother", he swore she had lost weight. Perhaps it was the lighting or maybe her dress was ill-fitting? No. Astri was definitely smaller than usual, her arms were normally more defined with muscle than they were now, exposed by a soft yellow gown she wore.
   "You're staring again," Astri said
   "I haven't seen you since the cage on Midgard." He reminded "Forgive me if I'm trying to commit your face to memory. I don't know when you'll visit again."
   "Maybe I will, maybe I won't," Astri said wistfully
She seemed sadder. As if someone had snuffed out her firey spirit Loki had come to love over the years.
   "Would you be able to come tomorrow?" He asked
   "What's in it for me?" She coyly asked
   "I'll read to you for as long as you'd like." Loki promised.
   "You're just tired of being bored in there," Astri said
   "Oh, quite the opposite I'm having a wonderful time here." Loki lied
   "You're not the only one going through their best friend's minds when they sleep" Astri smirked
When in the Nine Realms had she been doing that? Loki felt his smile falter as Astri laughed
   "By the way, beyond your obvious boredom, your dreams of me undressing and then bathing are quite erotic. I feel bad for your hand, and the other prisoners." Astri laughed
That explains the dream he'd been having for the past week.
   "You should not be going through my mind like that." He scolded, feeling his face redden
   "Oh, and that gives you permission to go through mine?" She questioned
   "What you saw is personal." He hissed, embarrassed at her knowledge of him
   "Whatever you say, Loki." She laughed
God he missed that sound, it warmed the air around him and sent a smile to his face.
   "I'll see you tomorrow. I hope whatever book you have is worth my time." Astri said standing
   "You're leaving already?" Loki asked following her as she walked.
    "It's getting late, I had a long day of losing to Volstagg. Plus I'm sure you need some alone time with your dreams of me." She teased
Loki felt his face go red, he was so embarrassed he bet even his ears were red.
   "What a nice color on you, Loki!" Astri complimented before walking away
Loki sighed and watched Astri walk off, she was going to kill him one day. The funny thing was he'd be perfectly fine with it, dying for her no matter how ridiculous the reason.
Astri had barely closed the door to her chambers before Thor had her jumping out of her skin.
   "How is he?" Thor asked
   "Don't scare me like that ever again."  Astri glared looking at Thor who was reclined on her bed
   "Why? It's so fun." Thor smiled
    "He's fine. He's bored and just as Loki as he has ever been." Astri said
Thor nodded as Astri walked to her vanity and began removing her jewelry and pulling pins from her hair.
   "Aesir came calling when you were with Loki." He said
   "Really? What did he want? I just saw him two days ago." She said
   "Well, he left these." Thor gestured to a large red vase of flowers "I put them in water, no need to thank me."
Astri rolled her eyes, she definitely wasn't going to thank him.
   "He say anything to go along with them?" She asked
   "Well, he said his mother was going to make the almond cakes you liked last time and he said he wanted to take a horse ride through the forest in a few days time." Thor said
   "How nice, I'll have to tell him I accept," Astri said picking her brush up
   "Don't you hate red flowers, and you don't even like almond cakes, everyone knows you prefer lemon." Thor pointed out
   "Maybe I've changed," Astri said
She looked at Thor through the mirror who gave her a 'Are you serious?' stare.
   "Okay, you got me, maybe I didn't tell him those things." She groaned
   "They seem like important things," Thor said
   "Pfft.... no." Astri laughed nervously, when did Thor become so observant?
   Silence fell over the pair as Astri brushed through her hair and every few seconds glanced at Thor who seemed to be admiring her patterned bedspread.
   "Did Loki ask about me?" Thor asked
Astri thought about lying to him to make him feel better. But what good were feelings if they came from lies that would just hurt later down the road?
   "He didn't. Our conversation was rather trivial today." Astri admitted
   "Ah. Okay." Thor said
   "I'm going back tomorrow night. Maybe he'll ask about you. If he does I'll tell him all good things." She said truthfully
   "You better." Thor smiled
   "I should really get ready to sleep so if you could you know...leave," Astri said, a bit rudely
   "I came to you to talk about something more important than Loki and Aesir," Thor said ignoring her request.
   "And that is?" Astri asked turning to him
   "My father has said that I am too taken with Jane. He's pointed out that I'm better served with what is in front me me here." Thor started
   "He better not be suggesting we court," Astri interjected, worriedly
Thor's silence was her answer.
   "We are not getting married. I would rather die." Astri groaned
   "That was rather rude." Thor pointed out "You don't have to worry I'm not telling you this because I want to court you. I'm telling you because I don't think he's right, I want to be with Jane but I also want to do my duty to Asgard."
   "You know you're not king yet," Astri said, relieved that Thor wasn't interested in her.
   "What does that have to do with Jane?" He asked
   "It means that you should go out and live. Who cares what Odin thinks is best?" Astri smiled
   "It's irresponsible." Thor pointed out
   "When has Thor Odinson ever cared about responsibility?" Astri laughed
   "Well there was that time I brought my brother back because he tried to take over Midgard." Thor pointed out
Okay he had her there.
   "I am sure whatever is meant to happen will happen. If you end up with Jane, great! If not...well we aren't getting married but there's lots of other eligible maidens!" Astri said
   "I suppose you are right..." Thor said
   "I'm always right." She smiled "Now, get off my bed and leave so I can sleep, Volstaggs victories and Loki's silver tongue have worn me out."
Thor's eyebrow raised at the last statement from Astri.
"Astri! You don't want to court me yet you sneak around with my brother while he is locked away under the castle?! I ought to tell the whole kingdom!" He gasped, feigning a scandalized face.
   "I didn't mean it like that, you idiot! I meant his wordy conversation is exhausting! Just go to your own room!" She blushed trying to pull him out of the bed.
Thor laughed and continued to laugh at her reddened face as Astri shoved him out the door and proceeded to slam it in his face. The Odinson brothers were surely going to drive Astri insane one of these days and hopefully, it wouldn't be for another thousand years.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie has changed my entire life. Suzanne Collins cooked again.
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daisy-thetoxic · 2 years
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Master List
Smut ♤- Fluff ♡- Sad ◇- NSFW ♧ - Headconons ☆
Prompt list
Angelina Jolie
Elizabeth Olsen
Florence Pugh
Hailee Steinfeld
Scarlett Johanson
Lana Parrilla
Light down low part. 1
Bailey Sarian
Tom Elise
Tom Holland
Alexia Demi
Taylor Swift
Selena Gomez
Lana Parrilla *including Regina Mills*
AJ Cook
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Salma Heyak
Kara danvers
Alex danvers
Lena Luthur
Sara Lance
Felicity Smoak
Oliver Queen
Thea Queen
Berry Allen
Caitlin Snow
Criminal Minds
Jennifer Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgon
Aaron Hotch
Penelope Garcia
Elle Greenway
Kate Callahan
Tara Luise
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Teen Wolf
Melissa McCall
Alison Argent
Stiles Stelinski
Lydia Martin
Derek Hale
Wyonna Earp
Wynonna Earp
Waverly Earp
Nichole Haught
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Fluff hc
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Elle Lopez
Brooklyn 99
Game of Thrones
Daenerys Targaryen
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Robb Stark
Khal Drogo
All dragons (platonic dragon rider)
Cercie Lannister
Miss Peregrine Home for Particular Children
Alma Peregrine
Little bird
How to train your dragon
All dragons (platonic)
House of Dragons
Alicent Hightower
Our little dragon (Rhaelicent x Oc)
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Harwin Strong
Rue Bennet
Lexie Howard
Maddy Perez
Shadow and Bone
Alina Starkov
You can ask for other character of I did not add them. I will do poly relationships, yandre, or cheater ships.
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misschris1412 · 1 year
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Reza Louve De jotunheim : Danielle Rose Russell
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Writing round up
September 2022 - March 2023
Most recent round up
Previous writing round ups
💫💫💫Feb 2023 updates 💫💫💫
✋🏾 = on hold coming eventually unless noted otherwise
🌸 = complete
💜 = actively in progress
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Complete (oneshots, fics, etc) 🌸
***See more at @artemiseamoon-updates (more than I can list here) ***
A lighthouse in the dark (triple frontier, Ofc, the boys)
Make it out alive (ft Frankie and Will, part of Frightfest) - triple frontier
After this is over (Calderoni, Slate, Walt &crew) - narcos mx
A hermits journey (Jax, brother omc fc Garrett h.) - Soa
Nocturna sanguine (my indulgent vamp fic based off an original short story of mine. Ofc fc is Kat Graham ft modern Ivar and Roman Godfrey)
Milk & Honey (werebear Bjorn x ofc | Vikings)
Flirting with Danger (narcos Mc Ramón x reader)
Milk & Honey (Werebear! Bjorn x ofc)
Under a Golden sun (ft Benny and ATJ as an omc)
Outshine the sun (extended) (Frankie x ofc ft. Benny)
The Barmaid & the Spaniard (Pero Tovar x plus! F reader)
Neptunium (vampire John Wick x f reader)
Wisteria & moonlight (ft my Ocs and werewolf Will miller and Benny miller)
Previously started & In progress 💜
Damage control (see link below)
Triple frontier
Damage control (ft private security Frankie)
Every breath, every heartbeat (will x ex fiancé oc) ✋🏾tba
Sweet Melancholy 👋🏾 tba
Have you even seen a vampire
Sin (Miguel, Pacho, RC) ✋🏾 tba
Playing with Fire (Poison x f reader/Oc) ✋🏾 tba
My world and yours (Barron x ofc coming mid January) - ✋🏾 (April 2023)
Reflections in the mirror (April or May 2023) Javi x ofc ✋🏾
Werewolf Ezra x huntress Nyx - queen of poisons
Marcus Moreno
Tell me no lies ✋🏾 (April 2023)
Pero Tovar
the terms of enchantment -✋🏾(May 2023)
Ricky Hauk
It’s all poetry (Ricky x ofc) 👋🏾 tba
Untitled - King Harald ( his pov to this) -✋🏾tba
When night comes - incubus Ragnar -✋🏾tba
Deep in the woods, the Goatman lives Satyr Ubbe -✋🏾(May move yo Halloween)
New to my masterlist!
Ryan Corr
Ser Harwin
Laena Velaryon
The Gray Man
The Sandman
Chris Hemsworth
On the road (movie Garret H.)
Maurice Compte
Chopping block, might get canceled
MCU - what comes next -✋🏾
Not canceled but not sure when I’ll start again
Some kind of blue (Thomas Shelby x ofc)
Writing celebrations, challenges
Frightfest -✋🏾
Writer Iron Chef 💜
Writer Wednesday ✋🏾
Other challenges
* on hold, creator had left tumblr but I’d like to finish these after I get some wips done , also see pinned post
Vikings x
Triple frontier /Soa crossover x
Finished fics & almost finished fics
🦋 remember
Previews post to tumblr (minus some exceptions) and full work only posts to A03
I do not do taglists
Reblogs mean more and do more than likes
Minors DNI , this is an adult 18 + account
I do not do requests anymore. That era is over.
I mainly reblog others via reblog accounts. Saving; @artesreadinglist | read @arte-is-now-reading | narcos home @narcos-narcosmx | gifs, art, etc @adrikamoon (I have some others too, these are the main ones) main is for random stuff, personal, my previews, etc
Update only account @artemiseamoon-updates
I don’t do tags, but you can follow there. You can also subscribe to select works or follow me on A03
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Are there any TVD (The Vampire Diaries)/TO (The Originals) fans here? 'm looking for someone to write the following ships with:
Klaus x Caroline
Klaus x Hayley
Elijah x Hayley
Kol x Davina
Caroline x Stefan (I’d die for a Steroline plot!)
Damon x Bonnie/Elena
Kai x Bonnie (and for them!)
I'm also more than open to canon x oc!
Please read the rules below before reaching out to me!
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I'm looking for an active, creative and friendly 18+ person who'd like to write 1×1 roleplay on discord.
Most important:
- I'm 26, female, GMT + 2
- Basic communication is crucial for me. If you know that you won't be able to reply within the next few days, weeks, fine but please let me know. When you don't, I tend to lose interest quickly as it's pretty tiring to guess what's the reason for receiving zero replies in two weeks for example. Just don't leave me hanging, that's all I'm asking for.
- I enjoy plotting together, sending photos, visuals, gifs, playlists anything than can make us inspired.
- Currently I prefer plots about celebrities. l'd love to write about Harry Styles, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Austin Butler, Joseph Morgan, Niall Horan, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Sebastian Stan, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Holland, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Wood, Daniel Gillies, and many more. But I'm definitely open to other ideas. I'm sure we can find something we both like if you're not really into RPF.
- I don't double. Some may find it unfair but it's easier for me and I just prefer to focus on one plot. If I write two I feel this odd pressure and I just want this to be a fun experience. MxF ships only.
- Past tense, 3rd person. I do match my partner's length but give me something to work with. I enjoy writing so writing more than 3 paragraphs isn't an issue for me but overall I do believe in quality over quantity. But no one liners, please.
- I roleplay only on discord and I use tupper box. Please like this if you're interested and I'll reach out to you or you can send me a private message and we can start plotting.
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Verboten - Chapter Twenty Eight.
My loves! I am so sorry this has taken me 900 years to update, haha! But here we are, the last chapter is here! I do hope you enjoy it and I want to extend my thanks to everyone for their loyal readership. I appreciate you all more than you could ever know xx 
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen  Nineteen  Twenty  Twenty One  Twenty Two  Twenty Three  Twenty Four  Twenty Five  Twenty Six  Twenty Seven
Visuals - The Verboten cast of characters post
Words - 2,391
Warnings - None
Tag list - In the comments! To be added/removed, please DM me :)
“I never expect you to forgive me, for what I did, you know.”
Ella almost laughed, making a small noise in the back of her throat. “So, we’re going straight into it, then? No pleasantries, just missile directiveness. You’ve picked that up from your man.”  
She sounded cool, a little entertained as well to begin with, but the mention of Tyler made something crack a little in her voice, despite her smile remaining in place. Ella didn’t mean for it to unnerve Zoey either, but it did.  
“Yeah, yeah I kinda have. He gets frustrated when I beat around the bush.”
“I remember that, yeah. Prevarication lights his fuse.” She smiled, obviously thinking back to times when she’d been hesitant with her very direct ex-husband, who couldn’t bear when people meandered around their words. “Anyway, you were saying?”
“I don’t expect forgiveness for how much I hurt you. All I want from you is an apology for not telling me about when he was shot, because no matter how terrible a sister I was to you, and I was, I know I was, shagging your husband behind your back, I didn’t deserve that. I could have lost him and not been there, Ella. That would have destroyed me.”
“Which was, if I’m honest, exactly what I wanted at the time, I think. You’re right, too. I was wrong. Hugely wrong not to put our feud aside and let you know. I apologise for that, and I would have done so without you prompting it, because I realise my fault there.”
She paused, looking out at the playground, where two chattering mothers with their thermos mugs had just arrived, their children running on ahead to the swings. She’d left hers all cuddled up on the sofa with Cami watching cartoons. “As for forgiving you, I think I could, maybe when a little more time has passed. Camille is really helping me there, processing the betrayal, but see, Zo, what I can’t get past is the fact that in my mind, no matter how much I love you, and I do, I can’t trust you.”  
It broke Zoey a little, to hear that. It was a break she knew she deserved to feel. Only so much could be mended here at their first meet. Her sister’s trust would likely be a long time in coming. “I want us to repair the damage, but trusting you again is where I fall short on being able to fathom how and where that begins. Okay, so we weren’t in a good place, I admit my faults in driving my husband away, but for you to welcome him into your bed? I just... it still makes me so upset!”  
Ella balled her fists and softly thudded them against the bench, her jaw tight, tears prickling her eyes and eventually splashing her cheeks when she blinked, shaking her head and gasping into a deep breath. “What would you tell me to do, if it had been Cait or Fran who Tyler had the affair with?”
That was perhaps the last thing Zoey expected to be asked, the question throwing her through a huge loop. “I don’t know, I really don’t.”
“Try.” There it was, rearing up a little, a bit of Ella’s scary fire, that one word delivered through semi-gritted teeth.  
Taking a breath, Zoey attempted to remove herself from the situation, imagining being on the outside looking in. “I guess I’d tell you that it’s completely your call, how you handle the relationship going forward, and that the trust has to come back with taking small steps, if it ever will at all. Who knows? You might never trust me again, which I have to realistically expect might be the likely price I have to pay.”  
Her voice tremored there, Ella’s tears falling more too as she sniffed, suddenly shocking Zoey by reaching to grasp her hand. “I want to trust you again, I do. You’re my little button, but Christ! You hurt me so damn much!”  
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I just... my head told me to stop, screamed at me, but in the end, it was my heart. He... I just...”
“No, go on. It’s alright. You can tell me.” Wiping her eyes with her spare hand, Ella turned and nodded. “It’s okay.”
“I just fell so much in love with him. Being one of my best mates, we had that connection of thinking the other was awesome and loving each other’s company, and it was all of that, but amplified suddenly. Firstly, through sex and then, through love. I know I can’t justify breaking your heart or your trust either, I know that, but I just wanted you to maybe understand it, that it wasn’t this whim, that I did agonise over it.”
Ella sighed, nodding again. “How you looked at Christmas proves that to me, Zo. That’s something that Cami reminded me of, that if it wasn’t real love you felt for him then you wouldn’t have looked so frail in the wake of him ending your affair. That was the human personification of someone in agony. I’ve talked to her a lot about it, she’s been such a big help in seeing it isn’t just my feelings in all of this, even though I was the one who was ultimately wronged.  
“Look, I don’t want you to keep beating yourself up about it any longer. I’ve accepted that Tyler has moved on, with a girl who I think the bloody world of, trust with my kids, etc and not some dodgy bogan or something,” she began, both taking a moment to laugh as they composed their tears. “And I’ve moved on too, Cami and I might be early days but we’re really happy together. I’m leaving it a little while longer and then telling the kids too, I’m confident she’s here to stay. I want us to all move forward as a family, but like I said, trusting you is going to take some time.”
Zoey nodded, squeezing her hand. “Then take as much as you need. Just sitting here, talking, really talking to you while we hold hands is enough for me. It’s a massive step for both of us. Well, you mostly.”  
Ella smiled, nodding at her. “You too. I understand how after the way I spoke to you the time before last seeing you, how you likely came here with your heart in your mouth. I know how I can be, again, it’s something Cami is helping me with.”  
They sat in silence, both taking in the natural beauty of the park, basking in the early autumn glow as well as being reunited with one another. There was a long way to go, they both knew that, but as Ella suddenly rested her head to Zoey’s shoulder, the younger Hudson sibling reciprocating the gesture, they knew the first steps had been taken to mend. It wouldn’t happen overnight, but they were wise to that.  
“This feels nice,” Zoey commented, her fingers squeezing a little tighter on her sister’s.
“It does. Strange, yet familiar. Like, I’m still hurting and upset with you, but I’ve missed this so much that I can push it aside and just enjoy it, the peace, having my sister back. Everything else will come in time, if we work on it.”
“We will.”
That first reconnection made the sisters both feel renewed and positive, agreeing to meet up in two weeks from then with their other two sisters for brunch, knowing they both needed to begin returning to normality in order to get their relationship back on track. When she arrived back at his place, Tyler saw it in how she carried herself, like a physical weight had been lifted from her, the burden she’d carried within her at hurting her sister ever since their affair had first begun.  
“It went so much better than I expected it would,” she began, slipping her feet out of her shoes and taking a seat next to him on the sofa, Tyler welcoming her into his embrace on his good side. “We talked, she apologised for not telling me about the shooting, in turn I apologised again for my part in breaking up her marriage, and we’ve agreed to work on it.  
“She doesn’t know whether she can trust me again, though, which is fair enough. I don’t blame her for that. What I ended up with today was much more than I expected to get, we sat there and held hands, it was so nice. I guess working on our relationship means I have to prove myself to her, rebuild the broken bridge there.”  
He smiled, relieved it had all gone well. “I think it all went as well as anyone could have expected it to, probably better than anticipated, to be honest. The foundations are there, all you have to do now is slowly and carefully build.”  
It warmed him within, to imagine in his mind, the sisters sitting holding hands, some warmth beginning to thaw the frosty glacier that had driven itself between them, frozen by actions committed on both sides of the fallout. The sun was now beginning to shine once more, though, the ice melting, as he always hoped it would.  
That thaw continued as well, Zoey greatly surprised that in the time before she was due to meet with her sisters, Ella reached out and called her one evening, just to catch up.  
“Hey button, how’s tricks?”
Oh, how she’d missed that. The simplicity of answering the phone and hearing Ella’s sweet little pet name for her. Her tone wasn’t quite a sweet, there were still so many broken pieces of her sister that Zoey knew it was her job to mend, to glue back together through taking time with reunited relationship, but they’d get there.  
When they did meet with Cait and Fran two weeks later, it felt good, four of them all sitting at a table enjoying the dishes of delicious brunch food they shared, all laughing, smiling and joking, remembering the sisterly bonds, the warm cords of affection that linked the four together, no longer fractured by two of them being severed. The knots would be tied strongly once more, both Zoey and Ella were determined on that score.  
“So, how did Tyler’s physio go the other day? He mentioned it when he dropped the kids off. It’s good to see him driving again, I know he’s been fretting about you driving his baby,” Ella asked, of course referring to his beloved truck.  
“He’s doing so well, thanks for asking,” she began, noting the complete sincerity in her voice and face. She wasn’t alone, Cait smiling widely as she turned to view her, proud of the steps both were taking. “He’s in at the firing range a week on Saturday, so we’ll see. I think the last surgery nailed it and he’s healed quicker than he expected he would, too. Even over the last fortnight he’s made leaps and bounds. I just hope he can shoot, because I can’t imagine him doing anything for a living that doesn’t involve holding a gun in his hand. It’s in his nature.”  
That nature definitely showed itself on the firing range when he eventually got there, encouraged by Jimmy as he picked up the weapon, the cold metal so familiar within his hands, eyeing the target, squeezing the trigger and beginning to fire. It wasn’t perfect in aim, his shoulder twinging a little, but he knew that was just going to be down to further healing. He thanked the stars as his target came down the range that he was even able to grip the gun at all.  
Swapping out the paper target, he sent it back again, firing once more, managing one head shot at least before he began to hurt more than he was prepared to risk by exerting himself.
“You’ve done well, mate. Call it a day there,” Jimmy spoke, resting a hand to his good shoulder.  
“Even injured, I can still clear a headshot within two clips,” he quipped, his mate frowning as he began to laugh quietly.
“Oi, I was gonna take you out for a beer to celebrate, but you can bugger right off, now! Insulting my skills, you sarcastic bugger!”  
“Well, I was gonna suggest we hook up with the girls since they’re all out this ‘arvo. You fancy it?”
Jimmy looked surprised at his statement. “What, Zoey and Ella are out in the same place, and not clawing each other’s faces off?”
“Nah, they’re good. They’ve met up a couple of times, and they talk on the phone. They’re making real great progress in healing their relationship. Makes me happy as fuck, mate.”  
“That’s amazing to hear, bro! Yeah, yeah, count me in. It’d be nice to see ‘em all again.”
What was nice for Tyler, was after calling Zoey and arranging which bar to meet them at, was sitting at the table in the window with Jimmy, looking out for them, and witnessing a sight that made his heart burst with warmth. All four of them, hand in hand, Zoey and Ella in the middle, all walking along like they used to.  
They entered the bar, Jimmy whistling loudly for them, shouting that they’d bought them drinks already, the girls coming over and greeting them. Zoey took her seat beside him, kissing his cheek, Tyler wrapping his arm around her, Ella leaning over and giving him a kiss on the head in hello before Jimmy bear hugged her.  
Resolve, moving forward with the woman he loved, while the one he previously had no longer harboured any hatred towards either of them. It was all he had ever wanted.  
“How’d you get on, then?” Zoey asked.
“Pretty good, yeah. I managed to fire it alright, got a headshot and then called it a day. Still hurts a bit, but that’s just a matter of giving it time to fully heal. Looks like everything will be back to normal soon.”
Looking at her sisters as they all sat down, Jimmy making Ella scream with laughter before she took her seat beside Fran, smiling over at her, Zoey turned back and rested her head against his shoulder. “Yeah, doesn’t it just.”
The End.  
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