#Christopher 'Chris' Kent
telffiin · 5 months
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i'm reading like a bajillion comics all at once because i keep getting bored in the middle of reading them lol
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pin-crusher2000 · 17 days
Wayne Family Adventures
As much as I am excited for the return of WFA, I wish we could have gotten a Superman family adventures instead (or maybe a book right beside it) imagine the possibilities if we did have one. DC must be allergic to money XD
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fastestmanalive333 · 2 months
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Just editing Chris into J*n covers..
"NIGHTWINGS: WORLDS FINEST #1" (Edit done by me) Original Art by Bruno Dondo..
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lizartgurl · 2 months
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My print from Chris Jones' Etsy Shop arrived! So of course I had to take a picture with my custom LEGOs
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ao3statistics · 3 months
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Date of creation: 11.03.2024
The tag "Dick Grayson is Nightwing" comes in at 5147 hits btw.
Short version with most hits first, much longer version beneath.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
Also, what's going on here:
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baambastic · 9 months
DC hating adopted kids so much they sent Chris Kent to the Shadow Realm twice smh
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sbd-laytall · 1 year
God, Chris was just so damn interesting in terms of what it meant for Clark. Like, in a way, despite him being Kryptonian like Clark, he connected Clark to his human side because of the whole adoption aspect. It's about the repetition of cycles. Clark taking in a lonely and scared child and making him his family was just an absolutely rich idea.
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Superman (1939) #673
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whalehouse1 · 2 months
List of the Kent family (aka Martha and Jonathan are parenting and grand parenting these people no matter what you say):
1: Clark Kent. I mean is this even a question?
2: Lana Lang. they don’t care that they aren’t involved anymore, Lana is always welcome. Unless she just recently tried to kryptonite gas the planet.
3: Lois Lane. Again, how would this be a question?
4: Jimmy Olsen. I’ll be honest I know they love him, but he’s 100% the person they make fun of behind his back like proper midwesterners. Yes we all have that one person.
5: Linda Danvers: They don’t know if they see her as a niece, daughter or granddaughter, but they love her so much.
6: The Danvers: Have you read the comics with these guys in them? They’re awesome and they helped with so much.
7: Kara’s Kryptonian parents if they aren’t in Kandor.
8: Karen Starr: They don’t see her much, but if she ever needs a break they have an apple pie ready for her.
9: Mon-El: Not sure where’s he’s at currently in comics, but if he’s not dying, he’s welcome.
10: Chris Kent: Their first for sure grandchild who they taught their child how to forge documents for upon meeting him.
11: Kon-El: He doesn’t see Superman as dad, but these three see each other as grandparents and grandson. The only argument I will accept on this is if you hc him as trans or non-binary.
12: Connor Kent (YJ show): He sees Clark as an absentee father, but these two were never absent once they found out about each other.
13: Jon Kent: They love this little bundle of joy.
14: Jonathan Kent (older Jon, don’t ask it’s a lot): They’re a little disappointed in him, but they love him and understand what he did and that he’s trying. But he’s, like Kara aren’t allowed plus ones cause they have awful taste in ppl.
15: Maik-El (Superboynfrom RoTS movie): Once he’s taken in by the Danvers and punching Jon, they welcome him with open arms.
16: Thara (possibly): I need to read more to make this calling.
17: Kong Kenan: They had Clark bring him over when they heard about the new Superman in China. He was a little overwhelmed but has since warmed up and blames Ma Kent for that extra five pounds (not like it’s muscle, but blame the pie.)
Obviously others are invited such as the Bats, the Wonders, J’onn, etc, but these ones are their family. If I missed any other Supers please let me know. Superlad might get added along with Matrix, but I have some reading to do before that.
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505essence · 4 months
There’s something I’ve been needing to get off of my chest…. Walk with me now
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spider-jaysart · 7 months
Some Chris and Jon from my apocalypse au
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Chris' weapon is a machete
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Jon helped him attach Lois' earring onto a string to make it a bracelet. It's all Chris has left to remember her
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what are the other handlers like?
You said the others so I'm leaving out Kent, Chris, and Mackenzie (Eddie, Howdy, and Julie's handlers). Which leaves us with 6! this might get a tad long,,,
so I'm putting in under a read more!
Rachael is Barnaby's handler! She's actually pretty funny and can do some impressions to! she's got some tough love in her, which I think is needed to keep Barnaby from sitting in one spot all day. oh and she has like 5 dogs.
Trevor is Wally's handler! he's quieter than most, he tends to just sit and wait for something to happen. Tho he's really good at breaking up crowds and keeping people off Wally. He and Rachael spend a Lot of time together and I'm pretty sure they get along!
Kathleen is Frank's handler. She's tired of everyone and everything but as long as you don't purposely try to peeve her off she's really nice! She's just exhausted 24/7 and will never understand how Frank can be around Julie for so long lol. the tired but still kinda happy to be here type
Simon is Sally's handler. You've never met a more high energy theater kid. He is ecstatic to be anyway involved with the theater lol. His specialty is make up! He'll step in for the face paint artists when needed. Very dramatic and loves to accessorize
Alicia is Poppy's handler. She's a sweetheart but in the "do no harm take no crap" kinda way. Very good at keeping things grounded and is very level headed. also great at customer service, it's seriously impressive
Tami is Home's handler! Now I bet you're wondering why a stationary house needs a handler. Well that's because said house needs a translator and someone to make sure no one is throwing things at him (it's happened before, some people are just mean.) Tami's good at leading groups and has some serious on the spot thinking skills. They're also full of quips and sarcastic humor!
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telffiin · 5 months
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i'm eating the fuck out of this blood sausage rn
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pin-crusher2000 · 14 days
what are your chris kent headcanons?
1: Loves bacon cheeseburgers (canon)
2: Likes basketball, wrestling & baseball, plays with his siblings a lot.
3: He likes space; like spaceships & his favorite planet is Jupiter.
4: Besides family, he's favorite hero is Robin Ill (Tim Drake)& Booster Gold.
5: Favorite animated movie is Shrek 1 & Kung Fu Panda 1
6: His girlfriend is NightStar (Mari Grayson)
7: his favorite school subjects are English/Language Arts & Science.
8: his favorite music genre is rock, pop, & country
9: his favorite tv shows are SpongeBob, adventure time, & regular show.
10: favorite color is blue & yellow
11: his favorite animal is dogs
12: has scars from his time from the Phantom zone. (The scars disappear after a few days in earths sunlight)
Thanks for the question @fastestmanalive333 :D let me know if you got any more! ;)
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fastestmanalive333 · 18 days
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Just a little Chris Kent/Nightwing doodle I did
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bisupergirl · 1 year
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janestvalentine · 8 months
DC really rubbing it in our faces that we're never getting Christopher or Thara ever again, huh? >_>
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