#Claire danvers
Thinking about rereading the Morganville Vampire series. I haven't touched it since college (I graduated college in 2016 so it's been a hot minute) and it makes me wonder if I'm gonna like it as much as I did when I was younger. It was such a great series and I loved the characters. If I get back into it, I might even do some fanfic?
With that being said, I was always kind of on the fence with the Shane and Claire ship. So my question for my fellow fans is: Are there any Claire and Myrnin shippers out there? Don't get me wrong, the dude is hella old and bat shit crazy but I ship them so hard.
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clyrnin10yearslater · 10 months
okay help me out here. Is there any official like... timeline anywhere?? I haven't actually read the whole series in eons, just the bits Myrnin's in so I can't remember everything lol
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i-like-anything-water · 8 months
rearranging timelines and creating alternate realities while fighting god himself is so lesbian coded like, doing everything for your woman amirite?
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elirium · 9 months
could you please draw supergirl in your little guy style? she would look so cute
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You didn't say which supergirl so just take all of these.
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withgirl-sq · 2 months
Sorry for not updating anything for such a long time, I wanted to assure you all that I'm working on fics!
I thought it could be fun if anyone wants to ask any questions, it might help with my temperamental motivation so please feel free!
Could be questions about the stories themselves or the writing process or anything you want!
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(Please ignore the redacted entries lol)
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
What if you wrote about Darcy being targeted for her scientific work, and it's up to the Widow Sisters and Kate to keep her safe. And maybe since her work is usually about astrology what if it the threat is alien, like the skrulls or something since we know they are on earth, and that's how Carol gets dragged in.
Thank you so, so much for this request! I actually ended up writing something like this inspired by your request, and I for some reason totally forgot to reply and say anything 🤦‍♀️😅
Here's the link to the fic! 💖💖💖 I hope you enjoy! 🥰
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lingeringscars · 2 years
there’s something something about the fact that claire, for all intents and purposes, is destined for greatness. she could have gone to MIT or CALTECH at the age of 15 and has a mind for physics that could have changed the world and won a nobel prize. she isn’t challenged in classes because they are below her level. she could dominate the world, but she chooses and belongs to a small town. a small town full of vampires, sure, so nothing mundane, but a small town nonetheless. 
it’s somewhere that challenges her, makes her expand her mind past the barriers of physics that she knows and loves. it’s absolutely not a normal life or normal town, but it’s also somewhere where.. the only people who know her greatness and capabilities are the people within the confines of this town. she faces off against an enemy outside those very walls because she wants to do good in the world, and sometimes that means doing work to help the vampires. that is her passion and her calling; this is where she belongs. Podunk, USA. 
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earth489 · 1 year
Earth 489: Supergirl Legacy Redux
Supergirl I - Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr: Kal-El's older paternal cousin, Kara was intended to arrive on Earth at the same time as Kal, but she was stranded in the Phantom Zone after Krypton's explosion knocked her rocket off course. Masquerading as Kal's cousin who was orphaned in a house fire - not entirely far from the truth, if one thinks about it - Kara would soon become the first Supergirl, and would later form the Titans alongside Dick Grayson, Wally West, Garth of Atlantis, Donna Troy, and Roy Harper. However, it didn't take long for Kara to want to distance herself from her now incredibly famous cousin. Altering her costume, removing her house symbol from the chest, and changing her name to Power Girl, Kara reinvented herself entirely. This extended towards her civilian identity, as "Karen Starr" would later found StarrWare Industries, a technological firm dedicated to saving the environment. Karen's attempts to reinvent herself have taken her to many strange places, including the 30th century, where she was a member of the Legion of Superheroes, and the not too distant past, where she and fellow time lost adventurer Huntress - not the same as the current, although Karen has stated that her name is also Helena - were members of the Justice Society.
Supergirl II - Cir-El/Mia Kent: The woman who would become Mia Kent was an unfortunate victim of a disease which rendered her brain dead. Noting her resemblance to Clark Kent and Lois Lane, the Brainiac of this time period kidnapped her and altered her DNA to include both their samples and to gift her Kryptonian abilities. Sending her back in time with false memories of being the daughter of Superman and his wife, Mia was intended to usher in a new era where Brainiac ruled supreme. But it didn't take long for Mia discovered the truth. The artificial Kryptonian sacrificed herself to prevent this terrible future from coming to be, taking Brainiac with her. This would be the last anyone would see of her, or this time period, until the time travelling Rip Hunter would discover her stranded in the time stream and return her to this timeline, where she is once again Supergirl.
Supergirl III - Kara In-Ze/Linda Lee Danvers: The half Daxamite cousin of Kara Zor-El via her mother - unrelated to Kal-El, mind you - Kara In-Ze was living on Daxam with her parents when Krypton exploded, knocking its neighboring planet out of orbit. In order to give her daughter a chance to live, Kara's mother used what remaining resources she could to build a rocket to send Kara out into space, at the cost of her life. This attempt ultimately paid off, and soon Kara found herself on Earth, where she would reunite with her now older cousin (funny how history seems to repeat). Operating as the next Supergirl, Kara would be adopted by the Danvers family, scientists Jeremiah and Eliza as her parents, DEO agent Alex as her older sister, and a baby brother named Wally. However, Kara's anger with what happened to her home planet and her biological parents flared, and she often clashed with her new family, as well as her teammates on the Titans and the second iteration of the Young Justice group. She soon found purpose, however, when she took on the mantle of Flamebird - one she shares with Bette Kane and Thara Ak-Var - and became partner to Stephanie Brown, when she took the name of Nightwing, and later Jason Tood when he did the same.
Supergirl IV - Keira Zor-El/Claire Starr: As mentioned earlier, history has a habit of repeating, and Claire's story in no exception. A clone created from the combined DNA of Kara Zor-El and Lena Luthor, "Claire Clarkson" was created by Ultraman to bolster the ranks of the Crime Syndicate, a villainous counterpart to the Justice League. Adopting the name of Ultragirl, it didn't take long for Claire to discover her true origins, or realize that what she and her "friends" were doing was wrong. Claire turned against the Crime Syndicate and, after confronting her creator and adoptive father, discovered her genetic origins. She in turn revealed this to Power Girl, who would take her in as an adoptive daughter, feeling responsible for her. Claire later joined the world of heroes as the fourth Supergirl, but never felt worthy of the name, and once Cir-El was refound, it didn't take long for her to abandon the name and assume the alternative of "Snowbird".
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torntruth · 2 years
@torncast​ :       ( I mean all of ours are obvious but ) "smash or pass"
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“   Eh   ...   smash.   ”     The word smash was quickly spoken behind the opening of her beer bottle before drinking it like she didn’t speak at all.   Honestly,  Matt Murdock is probably a little too good for her.  
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“   Smash!   ”     There was actually a little musical inclination to the pitch of Claire’s voice when she said that.   It definitely sounded sing-songy,  smile curling her lips.   She just picks up the pillow from the end of the couch before chucking it at Jill. 
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“   I would like to smash.   ”      Caitlyn says it so casual,  like it wasn’t Vi she was playing this game with and just another friend   ( Jayce wouldn’t be playing this game,  he’d be lecturing her ) .
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“   Smash.   ”     Point blank,  blue eyes just staring at Jennifer’s features like Jennifer was the only person in the whole world.
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“   Mm,  smash.  ”     It was whispered,  distracted.   Automatic,  though.  Asami didn’t even turn from whatever she was working on. 
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She was on nodding terms with scary body guard [vampire] dudes. Great.
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clyrnin10yearslater · 10 months
"Before he knew what he was thinking, he scooped her sleeping form into his arms and promptly thought he might die all over again when she made a small sound, her head falling against his shoulder. Her heart continued its steady beat. He could feel it thrumming throughout his own body. Once she was in his arms he had no idea what he ought to do with her."
Myrnin had always struggled with finding a balance in his focus. As a boy he had received his fair share of beatings, too distracted by the stars to see wolves picking off the sheep. It hardly got better the older he got. So focused on the task at hand he often failed to recognize his own needs before hunger or exhaustion overwhelmed him. Or his attention would be drawn so rapidly from one idea to the next that nothing would get done properly. 
But worst of all was how often he neglected to notice things about those he cared for. Certainly, he had caught on that Claire was staying in the lab far later into the night than was typical, but it wasn’t until she smacked his hand away from her most recent project that he realized she no longer wore her engagement ring. His attempt to broach the subject made the smile drop from her sweet face so fast he hadn’t dared to mention it again in the following weeks. Judging by the fact that all pigmentation had returned to the band of skin around her finger he probably ought to have noticed far earlier than he did. 
If his focus hadn’t been so dominated by his own wasted shame for having missed something that obviously distressed the poor girl, then perhaps he would’ve noticed when her heartbeat began to slow and her tinkering came to a stop. 
They were working in a calm peaceful sort of silence, or at least as close to as one could get with a human. And yet only when the quiet became true silence, interrupted only by Claire’s soft shallow breaths and steady heartbeat did he risk looking at her and ruining the moment. 
When he saw her there, her head tucked against her arms, parchment, and opened books scattered across the table he thought his unbeating heart may burst. He had only ever seen the girl sleep a handful of times before and never once had she looked as though she were truly at peace. 
“Claire?” he called tentatively across the laboratory, making his way toward her. Could that position be comfortable for her? The way her neck lay crooked to keep her head in her arms, and the pen making indentations in her face made him think otherwise. Excuses. He knew. He knew he just wanted to be closer to her, in the rare opportunity when he could allow himself to be without fear of being deemed too close by her. He just wanted to be near her. Close, close, close. He wanted to hold her close.
He felt it, somewhere deep inside him, that sick, horrible, delightful urge to take advantage of the opportunity the girl provided for him, trusting him too much. Perhaps she wasn’t as smart smart smart as everyone gave her credit for after all, nobody with a modicum of intelligence would trust a monster let alone enough to find themselves asleep in the monster's lair,  any chance of defense or escape lost that vulnerable state. No, not so smart smart smart at all.  His fangs snapped down, the sweet, so sweet, scent of her overwhelming his senses as he continued his approach. 
And then he stopped, all at once realizing his intentions. He couldn’t help the flicker of relief that coursed through him. She really did make him better. There was just something about her that made him need to be better. If only she had come along long ago. Perhaps he never would have become a monster at all. He shook his head. That was hardly fair to her. What pressure to put on a single human, to fix generations of madness, centuries of his own insanity. 
Recently he’d let himself tell her a story of his childhood, his father in particular. (For someone who frequently protested her dislike of history, Claire was very curious.) His arm still tingled where her touch had lingered several moments longer than usual, her gaze filled with more sympathy than he, or his father, deserved. Her mouth had opened, in that way that had become so familiar to him, when she hesitated on what to say next. 
He’d been caught off guard by a strong rush of desire to kiss her. Kiss her before she could speak and rekindle any emotion he’d long since blocked off in regards to his childhood. Kiss her because her lips were warm and ever so inviting. Kiss her because he hadn’t done it right the first time. Kiss her because dear god he loved her. 
Coward and fool that he was, he’d rushed abruptly away from her, making some excuse that mere days later he couldn’t recall, all the while seething with self-hatred. For hours after she’d gone he wondered at what might have been. Not the kiss of course. He knew how that would have gone. Even though she avoided going home with increasing desperation he knew her decreased love for that boy would still never translate into love for him. He had never been quite so lucky. Had he kissed her then she would have rejected him. He could handle being her friend, boss even, so long as he never had to face such an intimate rejection from her. 
No, instead he wondered what might have been if she’d been there when he was but a boy. If they’d grown together. She would have saved him, of that he was certain. And in those moments, when she held more power over him than she ever knew, he was fairly certain she could have saved them all. His father, his wicked mother, even his sisters whose names flickered in out of memory like flames in the wind. Claire could have saved them all from themselves. How indescribably cruel of him to believe her capable of the impossible. 
Before he knew what he was thinking, he scooped her sleeping form into his arms and promptly thought he might die all over again when she made a small sound, her head falling against his shoulder. Her heart continued its steady beat. He could feel it thrumming throughout his own body. Once she was in his arms he had no idea what he ought to do with her. 
He could carry her back to her home, but he wasn’t certain how good an idea that would be. Myrnin knew that boy had always been… distrusting of their relationship, even when he himself believed his feelings towards her were merely professional. He didn’t know what was going on between the two, but the last thing he wanted was Claire blaming him for making it worse. 
For a moment he considered waking her, or at least putting her back where she’d been and letting her sleep without disturbance. But she was so warm and the stool she’d fallen asleep upon so cold and perhaps it was pure selfishness but he couldn’t fathom abandoning her to that. He held her tighter as her breath swirled against his cheek, wishing he could just hold her forever. But she’d be upset with him if she woke in his arms. He’d hurt her enough that she wouldn’t trust that his intentions were purely innocent. The silvery glint of the scars upon her neck served as a good reminder of the pain he caused when allowed to get too close. 
He didn’t use his bedroom very frequently. Even as a human, he’d preferred to stay awake, avoiding the darkness that came with the closing of his eyes. Nonetheless, the door swung open with nary a sound. Her scent, overpowering in the main areas of the lab as it was, still lingered in this space, though it had been years since she’d occupied it and he’d attempted to wash the smell of her out several times. 
He could not bring her home. He could not allow her to sleep in the cold discomfort of the lab. And he certainly could not hold her. But he could lay her here, in the bed he had used no more than twice since she’d last used it, hoping that it would be familiar enough for her to remain unfrightened upon waking. 
“Myrnin?” Claire’s voice called, groggy and thick with sleep. He moved to step back, having just finished tucking her under the threadbare covers — he ought to invest in better blankets, in case she ever needed to rest there again — but she caught his fingers before he could get away. 
“Hush now,” he murmured, stroking her hair out of her face with his free hand. “Go back to sleep, fy annwyl.” He didn’t know how awake she truly was, but when her grip on his hand tightened, tugging him gently toward the small bed, he wasn’t strong enough to pull away. And when she spoke, voice soft but insistent, he could do nothing less than oblige her request to stay. 
With Claire held safely in his arms, Myrnin found that for the first time in all the centuries that he’d been alive, the oppressive darkness of sleep brought no terrors to wake him.
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abbyromanoff · 7 months
DAY 2: BETTER THAN HIM - Yelena Belova
DAY 3: VISIONS - Wanda Maximoff
DAY 4: OLDER - Wanda Maximoff
DAY 5: NEVER KNOW - Natasha Romanoff
DAY 6: DESIGNS - Natasha Romanoff
DAY 7: GOLDEN GIRL - Maria Hill
DAY 8: LET ME LOVE YOU - Agatha Harkness
DAY 9: MISTLETOE - Maria Hill
DAY 10: HOAX - Claire Debella
DAY 11: UNFAIR - Carol Danvers
DAY 12: KEEP QUIET - Emily Prentiss
DAY 13: HAPPY HOLIDAYS - Kate Bishop
DAY 14: DOUBLE TROUBLE - CarolValkyrie
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marleneoftheopera · 5 months
Holiday Audio/Video Gifts!
For the holiday season, here are some audio gifts from various shows and one Phantom video! The link to them is here and the info is below the cut:
Happy holidays and I hope you are all having time for some rest!
Jon Robyns, Paige Blankson, Joe Griffiths-Brown, Kelly Glyptis, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, David Kristopher Brown, Maiya Hikasa August 22, 2023; London
Tim Howar, Harriet Jones, Nadim Naaman, Lara Martins, Nicholas Garrett, Arvid Larsen, John Ellis, Valerie Cutko, Kelsi Boyden March 19, 2023; Greece
Josh Piterman, Corinne Cowling (u/s), Danny Whitehead, Katy Hanna (u/s), Ross Dawes, Kris Manuel (u/s), Sophie Caton (u/s), Paul Ettore Tabone, Georgia Ware October 17, 2019; London ​Matinee.
Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Samantha Hill, Greg Mills (u/s), Michele McConnell, Richard Poole (u/s), Tim Jerome, Ellen Harvey, Christian Sebek, Kara Klein, Scott Mikita (u/s) March 9, 2013; Broadway Matinee performance.
John Owen-Jones, Deborah Dutcher, Matthew Cammelle, Bruce Montague, Charles Shirvell, Margaret Mary Kane (u/s), Janet Murphy, Jeremy Secomb, Lucy Middleton January 5, 2002; London
Love Never Dies
Tam Mutu, Celia Graham, David Thaxton, Daniel Dowling August 25, 2011; London Tam Mutu's last performance.
Les Miserables
Christopher Jacobsen (u/s Jean Valjean), Stewart Clarke (Javert), Katie Hall (Fantine), Will Callan (Marius), Lulu-Mae Pears (Cosette), Amena El-Kindy (Eponine), Luke Kempner (Thenardier), Claire Machin (Madame Thenardier), Dejan Van der Flyert (Enjolras), Alex Shaw (Gavroche), Clohe Sullivan (Little Cosette), Tom Hext (Grantaire/Majordomo), Adam Pearce (Bishop/Claquesous), Ellie Ann Lowe (Factory Girl), Jordan Simon Pollard (u/s Foreman/Bujon), Matt Dempsey (Bamatabopis/Lesgles), Annabelle Aquino, Hazel Baldwin, Emily Olive Boyd, Ben Culleton, Matt Hayden, Sam Kipling, Anouk Van Lake, Harry Lake, Ben Oatley, Jonathan Stevens, Phoebe Williams, Ollie Wray September 28, 2023; London 15,000th show in London and the 5th show for the new company.
Sunset Boulevard
Nicole Scherzinger (Norma), Tom Francis (Joe Gillis), David Thaxton (Max von Mayerling), Grace Hodgett Young (Betty Shaefer), Ahmed Hamaad (Artie), Tyler Davis (Sheldrake), Charlotte Jaconelli (Johanna), Jon Tsouras (Cecil B. de Mille) September 28, 2023; London
Laureen Jones (I), Richard Carson (Maxim de Winter), Kara Lane (Mrs Danvers), Sara Harlington (Beatrice), Neil Moor (Giles), Piers Bate (Frank Crewley), David Breeds (Ben), Alex James Ward (Jack Favell), Shrley Jameson (Mrs Van Hopper), Nicholas Lumley (Colonel Julian) September 27, 2023; Off-West End
POTO Video
Ian Jon Bourg, Olivia Safe (u/s), Kyle Gonyea 2001; Hamburg, Germany VOB files. One of the most legendary Phantom's opposite one of the youngest Christine's!
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untoldreader · 6 months
Masterlist Of Masterlists⚜️
Welcome to my Masterlist of Masterlists
Please give feedback
Marvel Universe
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Kate Bishop
Falling For The Archer
Wanda Maximoff
The Witch & Her Possession
Natasha Romanoff
Shadows of Love: Natasha Romanoff and Y/N'S Destiny
Yelena Belova
A Dark Love
Maria Hill
Relentless Devotion
Peggy Carter
The Forgotten Past
Carol Danvers
Cosmic Connections: Carol Danvers Finds Love
Threads Of Fate: Wanda, Natasha, and Y/N
The Miraculous Trio: A Journey of Love, Power, and Parenthood
Beneath the Veil: Love and Loyalty in the Underworld
Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Eternal Flame: A Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff, and Y/N Love Saga
Temporal Veil: Unmasking Hydra's Schemes
Daisy Johnson
^-updated Apr/?/24
Jemma Simmons
updated Apr/?/24
Melinda May
updated Apr/8/24
Bobbi Morse
updated Apr/?/24
DC Universe
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Kara Danvers
Lena Luther
Alex Danvers
Maggie sawyer
Sara Lance
Thea Queen
Laurel Lance
Felicity Smoak
Nyssa AL Ghul
The Flash-
Iris West
Caitlin Snow
Wonder Woman-
Diana Prince
Vampires Diaries Universe-
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The Originals-
Rebekah Mikaelson
^- updated Mar/27/24
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Freya Mikaelson
The Vampire Diaries-
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Pierce
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Crime Shows-
Criminal minds-
Emily Prentiss
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fastestmanalive333 · 1 month
Rundown on my AU Earth-1987
Heavily based around New Earth.. a continuation in a sense accept for a few changes
-Bart Allen is the big resurrection instead of Barry, Conners resurrection in Legion of 3 Worlds stays intact Bart continues as the flash and gets the title but keeps his impulse and old personality unlike fastest man alive, Wally gives him a made up oath and goes goes to retire to be a dad and raise the twins, Bart is unsure of his New position.. he reconnects with Carol Bucklen..
-Roy Harper continues as Red Arrow Cry of Justice simply does not happen and Lian is still alive, he will even go on to join the Justice League
-The Justice League will be very much led by Dick Grayson the line up will consist of
-Nightwing, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Troia, Red Arrow, Jade, Obsidian, The Atom (Ryan Choi), The Flash (Bart Allen), and a New Green Lantern (Terry Berg) more on him later, Firestorm (Ronnie/Jason), Kendra Saunders(Hawkgirl) and Cyborg(Victor Stone)
-Titans will mostly consist of the YJ characters except Bart the line up will consist of Red Robin, Sentinel (Kon-El) he will now move on from the superboy moniker and become his own hero, Fury(Cassie Sandsmark) will be trained by Lyta Trevor the Fury of the newly reformed Earth Two and the daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve trevor her and Conner will be dating once again, Ravager (Rose Wilson), Red Devil(Eddie Bloomberg), Blue Beetle(Jaime Reyes), Static (Virgil Hawkins), Aquawoman(Lorena Marquez)
-Gar and Raven will join JL Dark along with Zatanna and others
-Batman: Batman will run batman incorporated Duke Thomas will be in this canon and will have met batman during no man's land as opposed to Zero Year, he will be Cass' best friend and will become The Signal, Gothams day protector unlike main continuity he will not be in the Batfamily, he will be his own unique hero, Jason Todd will have his pre crisis origin and hair color.. controversial ik.. but for the sake of preference that will be so, he will be an anti-villain crime boss controlling the drug trade, him and Bruce won't be at odds with each other, he simply does not approve of the path Jay has taken and it saddens him, Jay cares about Bruce too.. but he has chosen this life he will still be with Scarlet, Stephanie Brown will still be Batgirl, Barbara will still act as Oracle, Joker will have the doll maker remove his face and the court of owls will be introduced as Justice League villains instead of batman villains, they will very much be a worldwide illuminati type organization Damian will still act as Robin the bat fam will just be smaller and have Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Steph
-Green Lantern: Hal Jordan will marry Carol and Kyle Rayner will lead the corps, the mythos will be explored more, Terry Berg will be given kyles ring after kyle becomes a white lantern, Terry is Kyle Rayners assistant in Winicks run he will become The fifth earth lantern, kyle and Terry will get more bonding moments.. Kyle and Jade will get back together and marry for real this time, Terry's character will be explored more
-Superman: Kal will lead the Supermen of America a new team, Chris will be living with Clark and Lois again, he will be attending college classes with Thara and will be best friends with Duke Thomas, their dynamic will be like a swapped version of batman and superman.. Chris being the more serious super and Duke being the lighthearted bat, Chris will be able to control shadows and darkness, Duke controls light, him and Thara will be members of the JL Dark, Thara will assume the civillian identity, Claire Connor Lang acting as Karas sister, Kara Zor El/Linda Lang will still be living with lana and be on her last year of high school she will meet and team up with Linda Danvers her predecessor and they will quickly become friends, Conner will still be in Smallville now going to school at Kansas State.. the same college Chris goes too Kon will see him as a brother/Cousin, and they will be a duo in themselves they will all deal with the repercussions of zods war on earth
-The JSA: It will very much feature mostly the children and grandchildren of the jsa.. the remaining founding members will pass on.. except Jay and Carter Jay will act as mayor of NYC quitting the team giving guidance when needed, the JSA Hawkman will continue on with the JSA
Flash: Bart Allen will now be the main flash.. he will not be so sure he can do it again.. he failed.. he died.. and failed.. he will reconnect with his old friends in Manchester now all adults, him and Carol's relationship will spark, now working for Star Labs, Bart will get a job as a reporter at Picture News with Iris and we will see their relationship more Rival will return still possessing Max's body he will be the first big bad and it will give Bart and Max the closure they deserve, him and Bart will speak in the speed force where he will call him son before passing on, we will establish his rogues, the old rogues will still be on, barts old villains will hoin in too including White Lightning, Irey will become Barts Kid Flash
Wonder Woman: Diana will be working for the government and working to rebuild themysciras connection to earth, the amazons tactics have changed no visitors are welcome, Cassie will unleash her Olympian abilities more, she will cross over to earth two and meet Hippolyta Trevor the Daughter of Earth Two Wonder Woman, she will take on the name Fury, while Donna has uncovered a prophecy.. depicting the rise of an old God long defeated known as Typhon the Enemy of the Gods
Green Arrow: Ollie will still be married to Dinah, Robert Queen II will join the arrow family, Roy will gain a bigger role, Olivia Queen will be born
Aquaman: Arthur will retire with Mera, Garth will now be the king of atlantis, but he will not be the Aquaman.. Koryak will be the new Aquaman, a more brutal aquaman, although meaning well, it will feel like a tale of two brothers, Garth and Koryak will constantly butt heads.. Dolphin and Cerdian will be revealed to have not died but survived the destruction of atlantis in infinite crisis having been taken by atlan, Cerdian will have aged to 10 having been in the pocket dimension with atlan so long... the family will be reunited at last.. Cerdian will become Aqualad
Captain Marvel: Billy and Mary go on a quest to get their powers back which they do successfully, Freddy and Kit Freeman reunite the long lost freeman Brothers together at last they go on a journey through hell together
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
The Precipice of Lost Memories
Summary: In the aftermath of the camping trip that Darcy, Carol, Kate, Natasha, and Yelena went on where they found a meteor, there is finally going to be a gala thrown to celebrate Darcy’s findings. However, with the meteor’s connection to the Kree, Carol is now forced to become Darcy’s bodyguard. Old threats resurface and new friends are made.
A/N: As a good friend of mine on here would say, this one’s gonna be a longin’ 😂 And honestly, it’s the longest one that I’ve done in a while, lol. I’ll be back to finishing request from the prompt list now, but I wanted to post this and give y’all some closure after the camping trip  with our favorite Lifetime Gang 💞 This one also has a lot of stuff (and spoilers) from the Iron Fist show, so y’all be ready unless you’re not planning on watching it or spoilers aren’t a big deal, lol 💞
I hope y’all enjoy! 🥰💖💖💖
Word Count: 5.3k+
  “Y’know, as grateful as I am for your protection, can I say something and you not take offense to it?” Darcy asked abruptly, leaning closer to speak to Carol so that she could be heard over the hubbub of the party around them.
  It had been a few weeks since Darcy made her discovery of Kratorium, and she had been able to submit a sample to the government to be officially viewed and considered. They had processed it quickly, and they officially announced it as a new metal with Darcy being responsible for the discover. Tony had made the decision to hold a gala to celebrate her work with a small sample of the meteor being placed in the center of the room to display Darcy’s findings.
  “Lou, if I was going to get offended, I would have already gotten there when you said I was like an overbearing helicopter parent,” Carol deadpanned, and Darcy shook her head quickly.
  “I’m sorry, okay? I just… I don’t know. It’s been two weeks since the meteor landed and you’ve been following me around everywhere,” Darcy explained, exhaustion reading in her gaze as she looked at the blonde. Carol sighed, nodding.
  The fact that Darcy had found the meteor made her a target. Kratorium happened to be a metal that was heavily sought after by the Kree, and it had been a primary goal of many missions that Carol’s old team had taken on. It was an energy source and something that the Kree highly valued. Carol knew that the Kree couldn’t be too far behind, and it was only a matter of time before they sought it out.
  Since Darcy’s work was potentially attracting a very real threat, Carol had been assigned as her bodyguard. Darcy was a primary target now, and the Kree would be after her if they did not find the meteor first. It was Carol’s hope that when they came, Carol would instantly be there to take them on and squash the fight out of them.
  And if Yon-Rogg showed up… Well, she figured she would deal with that when she got to that point.
  Carol could not help but feel like something was going to happen at this party tonight. She was on edge, and she was not planning to leave Darcy’s side even once that night.
  The good part was that there would likely not be any sort of disguises on the part of the Kree. They would probably either come in with a bang or try to sneak attack, and while the latter option made Carol uneasy, she figured that she had the advantage because she was trained in the art of recognizing their uniforms from a mile away.
  “Trust me, it hasn’t been something I’ve relished. I’ve figured out way more about you than I ever would have wanted to,” Carol replied after a moment, raising her eyebrows as she thought of all she had learned during her time having to guard Darcy.
  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Darcy questioned, narrowing her eyes. Carol shrugged, taking a swig of the drink she had gotten.
  “I’m just saying, I really didn’t need to know that you put hand sanitizer under your arms when you forget deodorant,” Carol pointed out tiredly, leaning against the bar as she looked out over the party.
  “Look, it’s only sometimes!”
  “Thankfully,” Carol deadpanned, and Darcy sighed, rolling her eyes as she looked back at the party scene before them. Carol scanned the faces around, trying to catch sight of any unnatural-looking people that could be Kree.
  “Woah, D, you look amazing!” a voice suddenly fondly declared from nearby them. They both looked to the side and spotted Kate in a purple pantsuit. Darcy was currently in a maroon dress.
  “Hey, Kate! You’re not too bad yourself! Hoping to pick up a rich boy?” Darcy joked, and Kate huffed, looking slightly embarrassed as she looked around to try to ensure that no one had overheard the scientist speak. After all, there were tons of people paying attention to her since she was the woman of the hour, and everyone was trying to get a chance to talk to her at least once that night.
  Carol smiled, looking at the kid fondly as she noted that Natasha and Yelena were following after Kate not too far back from her, Yelena muttering something to the redhead as Natasha largely kept her attentions on Kate. Natasha was dressed in a pretty black dress and Yelena was in a creamy-white pantsuit.
  “Wow, Yelena… You actually clean up nice,” Carol complimented, unable to help her smug grin as she eyed the girl. Yelena shot her a glare, unimpressed despite the compliment.
  “I always look nice,” Yelena replied, and Carol raised her hands in a placating gesture.
  “Oh, of course. Definitely,” Carol agreed, pretending to be unconvinced just to mess with Yelena a little.
  Natasha let out a soft sigh, regarding the people in the party as she glanced over them and studied the guests as she took a sip from her drink. Carol leaned in closer to her to try to keep people from overhearing.
  “Haven’t seen anything yet,” Carol stated, and Natasha hummed in agreeance.
  “M’kay… Keep a look out,” Natasha told her, speaking softly around the rim of her glass. Carol shrugged.
  “It’s what I’ve been doing for two weeks now, and so far, all I’ve seen is way too much information about Lou’s personal hygiene habits,” Carol quipped, and Natasha glanced at her playfully, getting a little too much enjoyment out of her disgust. Carol drew back, refocusing her attention on the room around them.
  To her surprise, as she straightened, she realized that there was a couple and another woman behind them approaching their group. Carol instantly tensed up just a bit, examining them carefully.
  They did not appear to be a threat, but there was something about the couple that carried something almost warrior-like in the way they carried themselves. There was a definitive discipline to their movements. The woman seemed far more closed-off than the guy, who seemed as if he was dying to speak.
  However, the darker-skinned woman behind the both of them seemed relatively easygoing and actually appeared to be texting on a phone or at least working it with considerable ease that would be typical to only a human.
  Carol reluctantly let herself relax just the smallest bit. If they were Kree, they would not have even known how to use a smartphone. Despite that, she could not help the slightest bit of distrust.
  But to her utmost surprise, the guy did not seem to be primarily focused on speaking to Darcy, instead glancing repeatedly at Kate while pausing for politeness’s sake to speak to Darcy since the entire thing was being held in her honor.
  Carol assured herself that this entire thing was not necessarily out of the ordinary. People had been coming to talk to Darcy all night at various points, congratulating her or asking questions about her findings.
  “Hi… I just wanted to take the time to congratulate you on your find,” he expressed, offering a small bow, and Darcy looked at him as if he had sprouted two heads. The woman who had to have been his girlfriend remained upright but nodded to Darcy, agreeing with him.
  “Thank you. I appreciate it,” Darcy answered, nodding to him somewhat oddly. He offered her a smile.
  “Hey, are you Kate Bishop?” the guy questioned, eyeing Kate. Kate’s gaze glinted with something that was almost akin to recognition, but Carol could see that she was having a hard time placing exactly where she knew him from.
  “Hi! Yeah, I am. And you are?” Kate questioned, and he nodded to her, a twinkle in his eyes that was oddly innocent and reminiscent of a kid as he extended his hand to her.
  “Danny Rand. And this is my girlfriend Colleen,” he introduced, and Kate’s eyes widened a little as she shook his hand and then shook Colleen’s.
  “Oh, gosh, I knew I knew you from somewhere! You’re like Mr. Rand’s son, right? Partners with the Meachum’s? You came back from the dead not too long ago,” Kate pointed out, grinning as she looked at him.
  The woman standing next to him was eyeing her carefully, and largely remaining quiet as she offered the group a onceover. Carol instantly felt herself on-guard about these two. She was mostly certain they were not Kree, but the past couple of weeks of being constantly vigilant had made her a little paranoid.
  “Yeah. That’s me,” he chuckled, smiling kindly as he regarded her.
  “Your mother was arrested not too long ago, wasn’t she?” he questioned, sympathy in his eyes as he looked at her, and Kate shrugged, seemingly a little taken aback by the sudden question.
  Carol could see Natasha bristling a little, preparing to step in and stop this conversation if it started to make Kate too uncomfortable. Carol noticed that Yelena was paying quite a bit of attention as well and seemed to be on the same page as the redhead.
  “Yeah… She was involved in some things that… Well, they just weren’t too good,” Kate tried to vaguely explain the entire thing without going into it too far. She obviously did not want to talk about this too much, and Carol did not blame her at all.
  “Was it the Hand?” Danny asked, his eyes narrowing a little as he suddenly looked far too interested. Kate looked at him in confusion, furrowing her brow, and Carol glanced between the two of them as she readied herself to step in if necessary. Of course, she probably would not have to given the fact that Natasha looked ready to put a stop to it herself.
  “The Hand?” Kate asked, and Colleen shot Danny a warning glance. He instantly started backing up, a slight nervousness in his gaze.
  “Don’t worry about it, it’s not too important,” Danny shrugged, shaking his head as he attempted to dismiss the entire thing.
  Kate was about to speak once more, but the woman from behind Danny and Colleen suddenly got off the phone and interrupted, stepping up with them and looking at Darcy first as Danny had done.
  “Hi, I’m Claire. Congratulations on the discovery,” the woman from behind them greeted, a smile on her face as she remained easygoing as Carol had assessed her to be. Darcy nodded to her with a smile.
  “Thank you! It was kind of a group effort,” Darcy looked at the girls around her, and Kate smiled, her attentions lingering on Danny as his comment about this Hand thing doubtlessly remained lodged in her mind.
  However, she seemed to decide to leave that alone at least for now.
  “So did you figure out anything about what your mother was involved in?” Danny asked, obviously not leaving his own need for knowledge alone. Kate looked at him oddly.
  “Well, she was charged with murder,” Kate explained, laughing slightly nervously, and Natasha returned her attention to him, staring him down.
  “Why do you ask?” Natasha questioned, stepping in, and Danny shrugged, opening his mouth to speak. Colleen interrupted him before he could talk, offering an explanation.
  “He just has an interest in her because she was someone that worked with Harold Meachum, his father’s business partner. He read a few of the files on her after she got arrested because he was pretty sure he had seen the name before in some documents he’s signed in the past,” Colleen explained carefully, and Natasha looked at her carefully, nodding to her as she accepted the answer.
   However, Carol knew that Natasha was far from actually believing the other woman, but the reason she had let it go was because she had accomplished her goal in making them stop questioning Kate about something she was far from comfortable with discussing with total strangers.
  “Umm… Nice party you guys are having here,” Danny tried to make small talk, and Darcy nodded.
  “Yeah. My boss threw it for me.”
  “Who’s your boss?” Danny asked, and Darcy easily answered him.
  “Tony Stark.”
  “Ah… How long have you been working for him?” Danny questioned, and Yelena narrowed her eyes as she finally spoke up.
  “Do you have some kind of sticking your nose in other people’s business problem?” Yelena asked, laying it out there bluntly for him, and Natasha pinched her side softly, trying to stop her from saying such things that were so rude.
  “Umm, sorry. I didn’t mean to offend. I’m just curious, that’s all,” he expressed, holding his hands up in a placating gesture.
  “Yeah, well, you know what they say. Curiosity kills the kid,” Yelena declared.
  “Don’t you mean cat?” Danny tried to clarify, and Yelena glared at him.
  “I said what I said,” Yelena shot back, and Claire raised her eyebrows, letting out a breath as she shared a glance with Colleen.
  Carol looked out over the crowd, checking once more. She had a strange feeling for some reason, and she was not sure why. It made her even more uneasy than she had been before.
  After a brief moment of calm, Carol started to let her guard down.
  But then the window suddenly shattered.
  The guests screamed, ducking and taking cover, and the heroes in the room simply readied themselves. Even Danny and Colleen did not look too terrified. Claire, on the other hand, looked a bit more nervous.
  Carol narrowed her eyes, realizing that they had finally come.
  The Kree.
  And at the head of them, Yon-Rogg.
  His eyes instantly zeroed in on Carol, and he smirked wickedly.
  “Vers… How nice to see you again.”
  “Can’t say the same for you, unfortunately,” Carol declared, watching his every move. He was standing behind his group of fighters, and they were all decked out in armor.
  He tilted his head, eyeing her.
  “I’m assuming you know why we’re here,” he stated, and all of the people in the room were frozen, just watching the exchange and not knowing what to do.
  “Well, probably not to have a drink and catch up,” Carol sarcastically answered, and he chuckled, shaking his head. Carol moved forward, preparing to fight, and to her surprise, Danny and Colleen were flanking her.
  “You still have that same sense of humor. I guess we’ll find out if you have that same amount of uncontrollable emotion, too,” he pointed out, and Carol clenched her jaw.
  “You still certainly have that same punchable face,” Carol shot back, and he narrowed his eyes with a smirk before looking at his men.
  “Don’t leave here without the meteor or its precise location. Get to work,” he called, and they all withdrew their weapons, starting to walk forward as they came toward Carol.
  The people around them started to panic and disperse, and Tony leapt into action to take care of them.
  Danny got into fighting position alongside Colleen, the both of them on Carol’s right side. Carol glanced over at them, worry and confusion instantly gripping her. These people were definitely not cut out for fighting the Kree. Even though they appeared to be experienced in some amount with martial arts based on the well-practiced appearance of their stances, they still would not stand a chance against the aliens.
  “I hope you’ve got a Plan B or something, because Jackie Chan-ing it isn’t going to cut it for this,” Carol pointed out, trying to offer them some manner of warning, and Danny looked over at her briefly before sharing a glance with Colleen. Colleen offered him a small smile before looking ahead of them at the enemies.
  “You’d be surprised,” Danny answered cryptically.
  Yon-Rogg smirked, moving away as he disappeared into the crowd of people that were trying to escape. Carol furrowed her brow, her nostrils flaring as she decided she would catch up with him in a moment, needing to take out the Kree so that none of her people got hurt.
  They then quickly moved into the fight, Carol blasting powers at several of them as she shot them back into the wall. Carol punched several of them, using full-force as they cracked the surfaces that they crashed into.
  One that she grabbed and threw went toward the broken window that the Kree had come in through, and they went flying out.
  Tony was guiding civilians out, guarding them as they went, and Steve was trying to fight several of them, having come in to interfere from where he had been remaining undercover. Natasha and Yelena were pulling off an assault of their own, fighting in close proximity as they threw punches and worked off of each other’s momentum to take people out.
  During the chaos, Kate had gotten a vantage point up higher and was working on picking them off with her arrows, attempting to pierce their armor.
  However, as soon as one of her arrows landed in the leg of one of the enemies, she quickly found out that whatever armor they were wearing had some manner of forcefield, and the arrow was sent shooting out back in the direction it came.
  The arrow lodged itself into the wall directly next to Kate’s head, and Kate’s chest heaved with the fear, her eyes wide as she gaped at the arrow that had landed terrifyingly close to her face.
  As Yelena stabbed one of them in the gut, she stopped as she stared the man right in the eyes. He grinned cruelly, and she was shot back along with her knife as she rolled across the floor.
  “Yelena, I think they’ve got forcefield armor or something!” Kate called somewhat shakily as she got down from her vantage point. Yelena grumbled under her breath before replying aloud.
  “No kidding…”
  “Yelena, are you okay?!” Natasha called as she hurried over to help her up, and Yelena groaned as Natasha pulled her to her feet. Kate ran to them, looking at the both of them in concern. Natasha gazed over at Kate, examining her wordlessly as she checked for injuries.
  “Yeah… My pride’s not doing so great, though,” Yelena complained a little, and Natasha just huffed in reply to her, happening to stop long enough to look in Carol’s direction. Kate followed her gaze, and she gaped at the scene before her.
  “Woah,” Yelena muttered, gaping at the other blonde as she breezed through the fight.
  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that… powerful,” Kate admitted.
  Carol was glowing unnaturally brightly from her usual luminescence, and she knew it was largely to do with the emotions she was feeling right now. It was taking everything in her not to singe full-on holes into the Kree.
  Carol turned to face the rest of them after the ones she had successfully taken out, and she watched as a sword that Colleen had somehow gotten her hands on came flying out of her hands as she was knocked back. She had just stabbed one of them, and Carol quickly came to the conclusion that they must have been using the Kratorium for new armor, using its natural forcefield-like qualities for their own protection as they had discussed doing for so many years.
  Carol narrowed her eyes, shooting the one that was approaching Colleen. The woman crashed through the wall, hanging partially in the building and partially outside, and Colleen looked over at Carol from where she was on the ground.
  Colleen nodded to her, and Carol offered one in return. She looked back at the scene, trying to spot where Yon-Rogg had disappeared to. She had wanted to clear some of the Kree to help the others, and now that she had, she needed to check the primary target.
  It did not take her long to home in on him.
  However, she swiftly realized that he had cornered Darcy and had a gun drawn to shoot her with.
  Carol narrowed her eyes before darting forward, the golden glow surrounding her blasting people out of the way. She landed just in front of Darcy as Yon-Rogg was about to pull the trigger, and as he pulled it, it simply crashed into Carol’s chest harmlessly, her powers protecting her.
  She looked at him, nothing but utter stoniness in her gaze as she stared him down. He just stared back at her in surprise, still holding the gun.
  “My turn.”
  She blasted him as hard as she could, his body flying as he was sent out of the window.
  “Are you okay?” Carol demanded, turning toward Darcy swiftly as she took in the bleeding place on her head from where Yon-Rogg had knocked her to the floor. She did not have time to stop for too long, but she needed to make sure Carol was alright.
  “Yeah, I’m fine…. I just… I think I might be sick,” Darcy commented, and Claire was suddenly nearby the both of them, a first aid kit in her hand. Carol had no clue where she got it from, but she was not about to complain.
  “Don’t worry, I’ve got her,” Claire assured Carol. Carol nodded, glancing between the both of them before stepping back and away.
  “Woah…. The one day I didn’t think to bring my taser, amiright?” Darcy tried to laugh and make it into a joke, her voice shaking which only served to further anger Carol at the man who had dared try to hurt one of her people.
  “You’ve probably got a concussion if you’re feeling sick to your stomach. If you need to throw up, just try to aim to the side of you,” Claire explained, and Carol could hear Darcy gagging, Claire’s medical assessment being proven correct.
  Carol simply snarled as the protectiveness swelled within her so strongly that pure rage was filling her, stalking toward the window as she glowed brightly.
  As she went, she could not help but notice that there were a few other sources of bright light pouring in around her. She dulled her powers just a little as she looked to the side. She quickly noticed Danny with two glowing golden fists, effortlessly blasting through the enemies. Carol raised her eyebrows before turning to look in the other direction.
  She quickly realized that Colleen also had a glowing fist, her sword glowing in unison as she took out enemy after enemy.
  Carol supposed the both of them did have a Plan B outside of karate. And a good Plan B it was.
  Carol levitated out of the window, flying over to where Yon-Rogg had been blasted. Carol slowly stopped glowing as she approached him where he was currently standing. His eyes were practically glowing under the moonlight, and the gleam in them was nothing short of wickedly evil.
  “Hmm… I remember this from before. From when you were too much of a coward to face me without all of the help,” he risked.
  “And I distinctly remember telling you to go home and give your people a message, but I guess we both have pretty different memories of that day, huh?” Carol bit at him, walking toward him as she tilted her head and eyed him coldly. It was taking everything in her not to completely blow his head off.
  “Oh, please. We were never afraid of you, Vers. You never came,” he spat in return, daring to laugh just a little. Carol tilted her head as she paused momentarily in her advance.
  “I chose to have mercy on your people. Looks like that was a mistake,” Carol almost growled, narrowing her eyes.
  “So confident with your powers… So reckless. I wonder what would happen if you didn’t have the lightshow to back up your threats,” he smarmily challenged, and Carol looked at him, unphased despite the fact that his words still managed to get to her even all these years later.
  “I guess we’ll never have to know the answer to that question,” Carol shrugged as she tried her best to force a sense of nonchalance, advancing upon him.
  While she had grown to embrace her emotions and the power they had, she also treasured the outcome of holding them back just until the right moment.
  Unfortunately, he did know that she was mad, and he was on the prowl despite being the one that was backing away from her. He watched her carefully as he gauged what he would say next to her.
  He was seeking to rile her up, and it was easy for Carol to see. Granted, it was definitely working, but she was thankful that she had gotten so much more experience since last time she dealt with him. She was now even more prepared to handle his low blows.
  “Face me, Vers. Face me like you couldn’t before. Like you still can’t!” he challenged, glaring at her as he finally paused. Carol looked at him carefully, stopping as she waited for a long moment. She was doing her best to center herself as well as she could.
  She slowly let all of her powers melt away from her, leaving just her in her usual form except in nicer clothes than usual given the fact that she had dressed up for the party. Carol approached him carefully and leisurely, and he smirked a little, far too pleased with himself for presumably getting to her.
  “Fine. I’ll face you without the lightshow,” Carol assured him, offering the smallest of smiles. She then suddenly launched forward, grabbing him around the neck with one hand firmly as she held him in place, pulling him down so that he was looking her in the eyes.
  “But no promises about the parts of the package that don’t involve lights,” Carol raised an eyebrow with a smirk as she firmly punched him in the gut, knocking the breath out of him. She then delivered several punches to his face that were not quite as strong but still left a definitive mark behind.
  She then grabbed him by the throat once more, him heaving as he tried his best to regain his breath. She narrowed her eyes at him, leaning it a little more closely.
  “And by the way, in case your memory is running a little on the short side like some other parts of you… It’s Carol now,” Carol corrected him before launching him up high into the sky with the sheer force and power of her punch. She watched as he came freefalling back down to the surface, and as he screamed, close to hitting the ground, she flew up and grabbed him by his leg just before he hit it.
  He remained completely still before finally looking back at her in horror.
  She smirked.
  “Now. Shake the poopy from your pants, baby boy, and we’ll take a nice walk to call your men off and give them one last chance to walk home free,” Carol told him. He nodded swiftly, his throat bobbing as he swallowed hard. She dropped him on the ground, and then proceeded to land, grabbing him by his collar as she lifted him back up and onto his feet.
  She flew him back up through the broken window, seeing that several of the Kree were downed. Unfortunately, several of his squad were still going, and it appeared that Colleen’s and Danny’s respective glowing fists were officially out of juice.
  “Hey, dipwads!” Carol yelled, and the Kree turned to look at her, murder in their gazes despite not understanding the slang. They understood the spirit behind it, and that was good enough.
  However, as they realized she had their leader, they suddenly looked far more respectful.
  Carol held him up by his collar.
  “Looking for this?” she asked, and they all just stared at her, not sure what she was going to do next.
  “Here’s how it’s going to be. This guy is staying with me, and you all are going back to your planet. And to be super clear, you will never touch the face of this planet again. Because this one is mine,” Carol venomously staked her claim. They looked at one another, and a few of them looked like they might try something.
  “And if anyone is getting any ideas, well,” Carol trailed off, shrugging as she looked at Yon-Rogg.
  “I’ll take care of you all personally. And I won’t be holding back this time,” Carol warned, and they all looked terrified. They turned their attentions to Yon-Rogg, not sure what to do, and his face remained sour for a long moment.
  He finally nodded to them.
  And with one last glance amongst themselves, they gathered their injured and they jumped out of the window, fleeing to their ship wherever they had hidden it.
  Steve came over to Carol, looking at Yon-Rogg as he furrowed his brow. He met eyes with her momentarily.
  “Is this—”
  “Yep,” Carol answered simply. She had told him about Yon-Rogg, and needless to say, he was very much not a fan after all that the man had done to his girl.
  Steve narrowed his eyes at him, anger burning in his eyes.
  “I can take him,” Steve told her, and she smiled softly, leaning in and kissing his cheek just to rub it in Yon-Rogg’s face that she actually was moving on with her life and had gotten a life outside of the one that the Kree had fabricated for her.
   He gaped at them, and Steve grabbed him, dragging him away rather roughly. Tony joined the both of them, offering some manner of sarcastic quip about Steve needing a leash on him.
  Carol smiled softly before looking at the group that had gathered near her. Natasha had a gentle look of tired happiness on her face, and Yelena was even smiling fondly at her. Kate had a goofy, wide grin on her face from where she was standing on the other side of Natasha, apparently still riding the adrenaline rush from the fight. Colleen and Danny were standing nearby as well, breathing heavily.
  Carol then looked over at Darcy where Claire had helped her to her feet to come and see. Based on the very unhappy look on Claire’s face mixed with concern, it was doubtlessly at Darcy’s own insistence.
  However, after just a moment of Darcy looking at Carol, she pushed away from Claire, walking over to Carol. Carol grinned at her, and to her surprise, Darcy suddenly hugged her, her much shorter form collapsing against her.
  “Thank you,” Darcy expressed, and Carol chuckled warmly after getting over the initial shock, wrapping her arms around Darcy in return.
  “You’re welcome, Lou,” Carol told her gently, squeezing her softly for a long moment.
  When Darcy pulled away, Kate reached out an arm, wrapping it around her as she gave her something to lean on. Carol straightened, looking at the group before centering her attentions most primarily on Danny ass he remembered his glowing fist.
  “Hey, that was some pretty amazing fighting, karate kid,” Carol complimented Danny, and he huffed, smiling in reply to her.
  “Have your fists always lit up like that?” Natasha questioned, looking at Colleen and Danny. Colleen shrugged, somewhat out of breath as she gazed at the redhead.
  “Not really… It’s kind of a long story,” Colleen finally settled for saying.
  “Trust me, we have time,” Yelena told her, and Colleen offered a grin to them.
  “That’s good, but let’s discuss it on the way to the hospital. She probably needs an actual examination to make sure I didn’t miss anything,” Claire explained, pointing at Darcy where she was currently leaned against Kate.
  They all started to head out, and Carol smiled as she let out soft, deep breath.
  It was all taken care of. Darcy was safe and her work remained where it should be.
  Carol would never let the Kree take anything from her again.
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