#Cody x wolffe
cloneshipping7567 · 11 months
Romantic Confessions Part 11
Part 11/30
11. "Don't make me say it. I can't say the words."
Pairing: Cody x Wolffe
Rating/WC: T/2614
Warnings: none
I struggled with this one nil ;-; I hope you like it!
They’re drunk; way more drunk than they should be. It’s giving Wolffe hives, seeing how reckless his men are behaving. Just imagining the look on General Koon’s face is enough to make Wolffe growl at the poor shiny who was ordering drinks while standing next to Wolffe’s seat at the bar. 
As the shiny is scurrying away,a hand claps on his shoulder harshly, and Wolffe turns to snarl at the intruder before he realizes who’s touching him. “Relax, vod. You’re on leave, they can have fun. You can have fun.”
“Says you,” Wolffe grumbles, but he turns on his stool to face Cody. “I don’t think you’ve ever relaxed a day in your life.”
Cody glares at the person in the stool next to Wolffe until they get the hint and run off, before taking the now vacant seat and turning his frown to Wolffe. “I had plenty of fun as a cadet.”
“You’re just lucky you picked your name before we could give you a nickname,” Wolffe says, wishing he had been as lucky. “Or we would have named you Uptight.”
Cody scoffs. “I did like to have fun, I just liked to have fun in ways where I wouldn’t get caught or were allowed by the rules.” He suddenly grins, all teeth, and Wolffe narrows his eyes. “I liked beating the shit out of you on the mats. That was plenty fun.”
Wolffe snarls, taking a swig from his drink. “You weren’t that much better than me.”
Cody’s grin widens, and Wolffe is temporarily distracted by how handsome Cody is when he’s genuinely happy. “The only times you ever won were when you bit me, and those times don’t even count because you got disqualified for cheating.”
Wolffe grins back, showing off the teeth that earned him his name. “All is fair in love and war,” he snarks. 
Cody rolls his eyes. “We weren’t at war yet, asshole.” 
Wolffe forces a laugh, taking another drink and raising his finger for another. “What do you want to drink?” Wolffe narrows his eyes. “Wait, can you drink? You aren’t on leave, are you?” 
“Nope,” Cody says, shifting on his stool. “General Kenobi had to meet with the council, and while Coruscant is a little bit out of our way to our next station, it’s not bad enough to go straight there and meet up with him after. So the 212th is refueling and getting more supplies and such while they have their meeting.”
Wolffe takes his new drink, and wraps his hands around it. “What are you doing here, then?” he asks, gesturing to the bar in general. 
Cody grins again, kicking Wolffe lightly on the shin. “I can’t just want to visit my favorite commander named after an animal?”
“I’m telling Fox you said that,” Wolffe says, smiling when Cody curses softly. He takes another sip, before putting the glass down. 
“I just wanted to see you,” Cody clarifies, his smile still in place. “And I have several hours to kill until I’m expected back on the ship.”
“How did you know I would be here?” Wolffe asks, even though he already knows the answer. It’s 79’s; where else would clones be on leave on Coruscant?
Cody doesn’t dignify the question with a response. “Do you wanna get out of here?” Cody asks, eyes taking on that specific glint that always used to end with Wolffe in trouble, one way or the other. 
Cody may have found ways to not get caught, but Wolffe was always the one who straggled behind and had to take the heat. Cody would always apologize after, but he never stopped inviting Wolffe to tag along- and therefore take the fall when the Kaminoans caught on. 
“And go where?” Wolffe asks, finishing off his drink and pushing it up the bar, closer to the bartender. 
Cody only smirks and stands up, winking once at Wolffe and making his way to the exits.
Wolffe watches him go for a minute, internally debating. There is a very real chance he could get arrested tonight if he goes with Cody. 
Fuck it, the commander of the guard is his batchmate. He’ll risk it. 
He tries to catch up to Cody, and glares at anyone who hinders his progress. The best part of his massive scar is how easily his bitch face gets people scrambling now. He follows Cody out of the club, just in time to see him hailing a cab. 
“Come on,” Cody says, opening the door and encouraging Wolffe to go in first. Wolffe narrows his eyes at Cody, but the other clone simply smirks and gestures to the open door with his head. 
Wolffe sighs and climbs in, resigning himself to his fate. “I’m regretting implying you were a buzz kill.”
Cody laughs, a genuine one, and it makes Wolffe’s lips involuntarily spread into a smile. “Oh, just wait until you actually see what we’re doing. You haven't had anything to regret yet.”  
Wolffe swallows thickly, and Cody laughs and gives the cab driver an address. “Where are we going?” he asks. 
“You’ll see,” Cody says, a cocky smirk replacing the genuine smile. “You’ll love it.”
Wolffe isn’t sure about that, but he chooses not to comment on it. Instead, he makes small talk for the duration of the trip. They talk about what they’ve been up to, how their battalions are doing, how their generals are doing. General Kenobi is still as crazy as ever, and Cody is going to shove his lightsaber up his ass if he loses it again. 
They finally make it to their destination, and Wolffe is surprised to find a hotel. “What are we doing here?” Wolffe asks, turning to give Cody an inquisitive look. 
“I got a hotel room,” Cody says, leading the way inside and towards the elevator. “Something about how Kenobi is ordering me to take a real break, and I’ll find something to do if I stay on the ship; blah blah blah.”
Wolffe hums softly, still feeling like none of his questions have answers. “Okay…so why are we here?”
Cody rolls his eyes, pushing the button to take them to the correct floor. “To hang out, obviously.”
Wolffe purses his lips. “I’m failing to see how I’ll regret this. Or why I’ll love it.”
Cody doesn’t answer, simply walks out of the elevator the second the doors open, and walks to the correct room. He unlocks the door and pushes his way in, holding the door open for Wolffe. “You never trust me.”
“On the contrary,” Wolffe says, taking in the inside of the hotel after walking past Cody. “Trusting you blindly is what got me into trouble as a cadet. If anything, I trust you too much.” 
Cody hums and walks further into the hotel. He turns on his heel and grins at Wolffe, and it’s toothy and a little silly looking and it makes Wolffe’s stomach warm and flutter. “Well? What do you think?”
Wolffe cocks his head to the side in slight confusion, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s a hotel room.”
Cody sighs dramatically, his smile faltering. “It’s private. When’s the last time you had any true privacy? When no one even knew where you were, if they really wanted to bother you? Kenobi is the only person besides us who knows where this place is, let alone that I even have a hotel room, and he’s got his own duties.”
Wolffe thinks about it, and then smiles. It has been a long time since he had some privacy, when no one needed anything from him and there was zero possibility someone would interrupt him. “I guess that is pretty nice.”
Cody shifts his weight, and the movement is so strange coming from Cody. Cody is always so sure of himself; it’s weird seeing him feel displaced. “Are you hungry?” Cody asks. 
Wolffe blinks, uncrossing his arms and scratching the back of his head. “I could eat.”
Cody smiles again, and stands up a bit straighter. “Good, because I got food. Go sit at the table, I’ll get it ready.”
Wolffe laughs, shaking his head fondly but taking a seat at the dining room table. It’s a nice table, and the view is gorgeous; there’s a giant window where the table is pressed up against, and the setting sun is beautiful to look at. “You sure know how to treat a guy,” Wolffe teases Cody, and expects some jab in response but is met with only silence. 
Wolffe tears his eyes away from the view, forcing himself to look over at Cody. The other clone is bustling around the kitchen, and the sounds of metal hitting metal and glasses clinking fills the silence. Cody seems to be out of his element here, cheeks a bit flushed and his movements jerky and flustered. 
Wolffe wants to offer to help, to do something to make Cody relax, but Cody is done before Wolffe figures out how to ask without embarrassing Cody. 
Cody brings over two plates, filled with some sort of noodle dish, and places one in front of Wolffe and one in front of his own empty seat. He returns to the kitchen for just a moment before he comes back in with two glasses and a bottle of very nice looking wine. 
“Where did you get that?” Wolffe asks, allowing Cody to pour them both a glass before placing it in the middle of the table.
“It was a gift,” Cody says, cheeks still a bit flushed as he takes his seat. “Got it a while back, actually. I was saving it.”
“What’s the occasion?” Wolffe asks, because he doesn’t know what else to say to that. It’s just dinner; dinner with Wolffe, of all people. He hardly feels like all this trouble and a gift of expensive looking wine is worth Wolffe being on leave. 
Cody’s eyes snap to Wolffe’s, and the slight panic there sets Wolffe on edge. “I…” he clears his throat, and Wolffe has literally never seen him this unsettled and nervous before. Not even when they graduated and  became official commanders. “I just wanted to share it with you.”
Wolffe shrugs, attempting to let Cody off whatever hook he’s managed to worm himself onto. “Thank you,” he says, taking a sip. It’s good; much better than anything Wolffe has ever had before. 
Cody gives Wolffe a small smile, and then takes a sip of his own. “Mm. I’m glad I saved it, it tastes better than I thought it would.”
Wolffe hums in agreement, putting the glass down and taking a bite of the food Cody made for them. He grans at the taste; not only is it real food and not rations, it’s fucking delicious food. “Mm, Cody, this is great! Where did you get it from? I’ll have to take the boys there next time we have leave.”
“I-I made it, actually.” Cody clears his throat and takes another sip of his wine.
Wolffe raises a brow. “I didn’t know you cooked.”
“I don’t,” Cody says, and then looks down to his dish. “Normally. I learned how, so I could make this.”
Wolffe puts his fork down, studying Cody, who shoves a giant bite of food into his mouth and stares pointedly out at the sunset. “Cody…what’s going on? What is all of this?”
Cody chews slowly, and swallows loudly. He buys himself even more time by taking a sip from his wine, licking his lips and carefully setting it down. He finally makes eye contact with Wolffe, opening and closing his mouth as he decides what to say. 
Wolffe cocks his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest. “Is something wrong?”
Cody makes a frustrated noise, looking down at his own plate. “No, why would something be wrong? I was-I was trying to do something for you.”
Wolffe sighs. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, Codes. This is really great. It just seems…like it’s not something you would normally do.”
Cody grabs his wine and takes a long sip, cheeks flushed just a bit. He puts it down and sighs, putting his hands in his lap. “I’m sorry, this was a stupid idea.”
Wolffe sighs again, relaxing his arms. “It’s not stupid, it’s just-I was just wondering why you’re doing it for me. This is all really nice, Codes.”
Cody looks at Wolffe, and he looks much more like himself again. He’s giving Wolffe the ‘you can not be this stupid right now’ look he usually reserves for shinies or Fox. “I don’t want you to humor me. You can just leave, if you want.”
Wolffe bristles at the sudden coldness, folding his hands into fists and resting them on the table. “I wouldn’t even know what I was humoring, Cody. I’m not trying to be an asshole here, I’m just confused.”
Cody works his jaw, looking back to his plate. “I just wanted to impress you, make you happy.”
“Why?” Wolffe asks, growing impatient. “It’s just me, I’m nothing special.”
Cody sighs in annoyance, looking up at Wolffe with the furrow between his brows he only gets when he’s really angry. “Don’t make me say it. I can’t say the words.” 
Wolffe scoffs, feeling just as upset as Cody now. “Spell it out for me Cody, since you’re so much smarter than me.”
Cody sighs and rolls his eyes, and then he stands up. “You’re not-” he cuts himself off with another huff and stands over Wolffe. 
Wolffe glares up at him, narrowing his eyes in annoyance. “If you would just use your big boy words instead of-” Wolffe cuts off abruptly, eyes going wide. 
Cody runs his fingers along Wolffe’s jaw, moving down to hook under his chin and gently lift so he’s looking up at the other clone. “Wolffe,” Cody says softly, using his other hand to run through Wolffe’s hair. 
Wolffe’s eyes flutter as he tries to understand what’s happening. Everything suddenly makes a lot more sense–if Cody is about to do what he thinks Cody is about to do. 
He does. 
Cody leans down and connects their lips in a chaste kiss, not pushing for anything, just saying without words what he’s been skirting around all night. 
Cody was right to give him the ‘you idiot’ look, earlier; in hindsight, it’s very obvious what Cody was doing. 
Wolffe almost chases Cody’s lips when he pulls away, but instead bites his lower lip and look into Cody’s eyes. “Oh,” he whispers, reaching up to cup the back of Cody’s neck and denying him the ability to retreat any further. “Oh, I get it now.”
Cody snorts and rolls his eyes, and the smile is so fond and genuine and Wolffe never wants that smile to leave Cody’s face. “I wasn’t trying to be subtle.”
Wolffe hums in agreement. “You love me,” he says instead of arguing, like he normally would. He watches Cody’s eyes widen just a fraction, and smiles back at him. “I love you too.”
Cody’s expression melts into something warm and dopey, and his eyes light up with that same warmth he had earlier in the bar. “Finish your dinner, before it gets cold,” he says softly, almost playfully. 
“If that’s what it takes for you to kiss me again,” Wolffe says, watching Cody take his own seat again. 
Cody laughs, grabbing his glass and taking a sip, but this time he doesn’t hide behind it; this time, he keeps eye contact with Wolffe over the rim. 
Wolffe has a feeling he’s in for quite the treat tonight; they do have the entire hotel room all to themselves all night long, after all.
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
Inspired by @retroyy1138 amazingly sweet and precious fic! Its so soft and I absolutely recommended it!
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When Wolffe entered the living room, it was to Cody sitting cross legged with his datapad playing another one of his dancing videos. He stopped to study him for a moment before walking forward and holding out his hand.
Cody glanced up at him with a confused raise of his eyebrow. "Yes?"
"Dance with me."
His riduur's cheeks darkened. "What? You want to dance? Now? In our living room? Dressed in pajamas?"
"Why not? We have plenty of room for a slow dance. It won't be anything like your dancers, but its something."
A slow grin spread over Cody's face before he turned a melodious, gentle song on his pad and took Wolffe's hand. Wolffe returned the grin with ease and pulled him to his feet. Immediately, he tangled the fingers of their hands together and placed his other one on Cody's bare waist.
Cody placed his hand on Wolffes shoulder and asked, "Do you even know how to dance?"
Wolffe gave a little smirk and stepped forward, moving Cody with him. "Of course I do. Well, simple dances like this."
His riduur smiled and easily fell into step with him. "Impressive."
"Well, like I said, its nothing like your dancing videos, but I wanted to give you something."
Cody leaned forward and pressed his cheek against Wolffe's. "Its perfect."
Wolffe gave a deep, rumbling, content, sigh and leaned into the touch of the other's cheek. He couldn't help but to agree, holding Cody close and moving to beautiful music really was a form of perfection. One that Wolffe had no desire to leave any time soon.
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tattycoram · 3 months
Cody: I cut my finger Obi-wan: I can kiss it so it'll get better Cody: Does it work? Obi-wan: Yeah the healers used to do it when I was a kid *later that day* Cody: I need you to punch me in the mouth Wolffe: Fucking finally
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candyfloss5000 · 3 months
I'm just gonna leave this here 🤗
"Do you think it hurt?" The question had been eating Wolffe alive, ever since he had deserted the Empire and realised what he did.
Rex turned to him, "Did what hurt, Wolffe?"
"The general..." Wolffe couldn't bring himself to say anymore, as he felt the bitter bile stir in his stomach.
"No," Rex tried to sound reassuring, tried to sound like everything will be alright when it ultimately won't and will never be, "I think it was quick, painless."
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darthmalewife · 1 month
The clones like to slip song lyrics into conversation to see if they can get people to notice.
Wolffe has managed to get a few lines of The Final Countdown in before anyone noticed.
Fox once slipped the names of seven Deftones songs into conversation before the senator he was talking to noticed.
Ponds has, on multiple occasions, got Windu with Nickelback songs.
Rex targets civilians for the sheer sake of he's a menace and it's funny. Furthest he's gotten is like an entire verse of In The End. Only reason he had to stop was because Anakin ruined it accidentally.
Cody goes for country songs. Man has gotten through the entirety of Highwaymen by telling someone that each verse was some prophetic force vision that Obi-Wan had.
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
The Clones reacting to you smushing their cheeks
Idk I had this idea and thought it’d be cute. Since the clones are supposed to have round cheeks, visualize live action and not animated 😂
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Fives, Wrecker, Hardcase, & Tup: Loving it so much, will lean into your hands and give you heart eyes. Maybe even press a few kisses to your hand.
Cody, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Vaughn & Mayday: Will blush profusely and look side to side for a second, before giving in and flashing you a tiny smile.
Rex, Hunter, Tech, & Fox: Not sure what to do, just give an awkward smile and internally scream because they secretly find it super cute.
Crosshair, Wolffe & Dogma: Not understanding any of it. Don’t know what you’re doing, not sure that they like it, 3/10 do not recommend.
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starrylothcat · 10 months
Hey hey! Love your writing!
I wanted to ask for some nsfw headcannons for Wolffe, Cody, and Rex. Where their F!Jedi reader keeps force projecting different sex scenes of them together during a briefing; with the boys trying to keep it together during the briefing and their reactions/what they say to her after.
I also just wanted to say, that you are one my favorite TCW/TBB writers on Tumblr!
Distractions - NSFW Headcanons with Cody, Wolffe, and Rex
Summary: You decide to spice up a pre-mission briefing meeting by projecting naughty visions to your clone, knowing you’ll pay for it later.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. Absolute filth. Smut. No real plot. Dom vibes from Wolffe and Cody, slightly rough handling but everything consensual. Fingering, oral, PiV sex. Reader a Jedi, not described in detail.
Pairings: Cody x Fem!JediReader, Wolffe x Fem!JediReader, Rex x Fem!JediReader
WC: Around 2,000 total (bullet points)
A/N: Let me tell you, the squeal I squealed when I got this ask! Thank you for this filthy request, anon! And thank you for your even kinder comment, I was having some self-doubt in my writing lately and I’m glad that you are enjoying my silly little stories, it means a lot to me and I love writing for y’all!
This is pure smutty goodness below the cut, I hope it’s what you envisioned. I had fun writing this for sure! I kinda got carried away with Rex, oops. Enjoy! 💛
✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.*
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💛 Cody 💛
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He is a tough man to crack.
He’s always the Marshal Commander, taking his duties seriously on and off the battlefield.
You started innocently, visions of you kissing up and down his torso, slowly taking off his armor and blacks, fondling his cock, whispering how good of a girl you’ve been and that you’re ready to please your Commander in any way.
Cody didn’t even look at you, though you saw his hand twitch slightly at his side.
You smiled to yourself, projecting a more enticing scene into his mind.
This time, you were sucking his cock, his gloved hand wrapped in your hair, mumbling how amazing your lips felt around him, how much he was going to reward you later for being so good to him.
Still, nothing. Though his jaw seemed tense as he listened to Obi-Wan go over battle plans.
You knew you were playing a dangerous game, an exceedingly dangerous game, one that you will be thouroughly punished for later.
The thought shot a jolt of pleasure straight to your core, upping the ante again, needing him to crack.
The next image was of you, laying on his bunk, pleasuring yourself, two fingers deep inside your sopping pussy, your other hand pinching and tweaking your nipples writhing and moaning in pleasure, getting off completely fine without his assistance.
Since my Commander can’t be bothered to help me, I have to take matters into my own hands…
You held that teasing, lewd image in his mind, and you could almost feel the blade of his stare pierce straight through you as he finally made eye contact across the room.
It was a simple gesture that said so much, and you knew you had him.
After the meeting, you went straight to your personal quarters, knowing he wouldn’t be too far behind.
As your door hissed closed behind you, it was open again, and Cody had you pinned to a nearby wall so fast you barely had time to register what was happening.
Cody was deadly silent as he crushed his lips to yours in a bruising kiss, teeth and tongue clashing as his armored body pressed into your robed one.
You smirked against his lips as he pulled away for air, your lungs burning. “Cody-“
Cody growled as he flipped you around, your face pressed up agains the wall, tugging down your robes, revealing your ass to him and your glistening pussy.
He gave your ass a solid smack, his lips against your ear, heavy and commanding.
“You’re not getting away with this.”
You sighed in both pain and pleasure, hearing the clunk of his codpiece hitting the floor, his fingers gripping your ass hard as he rubbed his rigid cock at your entrance.
“Is this what you wanted?” He husked, “to be filled by your Commander? To beg for this cock? Oh, mesh’la, you’ll be begging.”
You let out a whine as he teased your dripping entrance with his cockhead, already thinking you maybe took it a little too far with your visions, knowing he was a man true to his word.
It was too late now.
“Cody, please, I need-“
Smack! Another slap to your ass, his other hand wandering between your folds.
“Only good, obedient girls get this cock. After that stunt in the comm room, you have a lot to make up for.“
He swiped a finger over your clit, causing you to cry out, your body twitching, unable to move much between the wall and his solid form behind you.
He roughly rubbed your clit, pushing two fingers into your entrance, immediately finding the spongy spot that made you see stars.
“You’re soaking, mesh’la, so needy for me.”
You could feel your release coming quickly, choking out his name as his other hand groped at your breast.
Cody knew you were close, feeling you tighten around him, your high pitched moans giving you away.
Cody removed his fingers right as you were about to reach your peak.
You whimpered, trying to lean back against him, desperate for your release, for anything.
Cody spun you around again, pressing his gloved fingers soaked with your juice to your lips.
“If you’re good, I’ll let you cum. You haven’t proved yourself to me, though. Now be a good girl, and clean me up.”
You licked his gloved fingers clean, tasting yourself and giving him a little show of what you could do with your tongue, if you let him.
Cody’s eyes darkened, slowly pulling his fingers out of your mouth, a line of spit connecting your lips to his fingers.
“On your knees, mesh’la. Like I said, you have a lot to make up for.”
🖤 Wolffe 🖤
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The image you projected was absolutely filthy.
Your hands were pinned behind your back by his large hand, the other pressing between your shoulder blades keeping you down on the bed as he pounded into you from behind.
You were shamelessly moaning his name like a dirty Holofilm star, crying out for him to go harder, faster.
You stood at attention, casually glancing at him, noticing a bead of sweat forming at Wolffe’s temple.
You could sense he was trying his best not to leap over the holomap and ravage you in front of everyone.
You decided he had enough of the first fantasy, briefly closed your eyes, projecting another scene into his mind.
You were on your knees in front of him, your mouth open as he shoots ropes of cum all over your face, greedily lapping it up, kissing up and down his still-hard cock, begging for more.
Wolffe’s eyes flashed at you, his cybernetic eye and scar making him look more dangerous than usual, his eyes narrowing.
Got him.
You were enjoying watching him keep it together, a vein bulging at his forehead, his neck tense as he stood at attention, listening to Master Koon’s hologram.
You knew you were in for it after the meeting.
That was the entire point.
Wolffe was practically kicking down the door to your personal quarters after the meeting, pinning you to your bed, his mouth ravaging yours, moving down to suck and bite at your neck, hard.
He had your wrists held above your head with one hand, his grip like iron.
There was no escape.
“What was that?” He growled as he continued the assault on your neck, his hand tightening even more around your wrists that were wiggling to get free.
You whined as his hand that was digging into your waist moved under your robes, up toward your breasts.
“Answer me, mesh’la. Or you won’t get what you so obviously want.”
His gloved touch left a trail of fire on your skin, sending goosebumps across your body and a jolt of arousal straight to your pussy, your panties wet at the anticipation.
“You looked bored during the meeting.” You smirked at up at him, breathy pants leaving you as he touched you. “Thought you could use some entertainment.”
Wolffe’s gaze darkened at your teasing tone, the ghost of a smirk on his lips.
Without warning, he ripped open the front of your robes, yanking down your breast band.
You yelped as he attacked your breasts with this lips and teeth, leaving more marks for him to gently kiss over later when he was through with you.
“Do you want my cum, mesh’la? Is that what you want?” Wolffe grunted against your flushed skin as he switched to your other breast.
You gasped a yes, his teeth expertly nipping and tugging at your sensitive bud.
You writhed, your wrists still restrained above your head by his strong hand.
“I’ll fill your mouth to the brim, and you’ll swallow every drop, isn’t that right you filthy girl?”
You nodded, almost delirious just at his mouth on your nipples. He hadn’t even really started touching you yet.
“And then I’ll fill that pretty pussy of yours, but only if you behave. Will you behave for me?”
“Y-yes!” Your voice cracked, needing him to fuck you until you couldn’t remember your name. 
“Yes…?” He stopped, his predatory gaze locking on you.
“Good girl.”
Wolffe continued ravaging your breasts, your mewls filling the room.
“Please, I want your cock inside me, I want you to cum so deep inside me, Wolf-Commander. I’ll be good, I promise…”
Wolffe released your wrists, your hands finally free.
“You haven’t been good though, you knew that the second you invaded my mind with those visions.”
Wolffe sat up, and began removing his armor. You forgot it was even still on.
“I’ll make sure you’re properly punished for such distractions, and then I’ll decide when you’re ready for my cock.”
You shivered at his promise as he climbed over you, just in his blacks, the outline of his rigid cock straining against the fabric.
“I dunno, Commander. You seem to be all bark and no bite.” You teased, knowing you were getting yourself into even more trouble.
A dark chuckle reverberated in his chest, ripping your pants and panties down your legs, tossing them to the side.
Wolffe grasped your thighs, biting down into the soft flesh of your inner leg, earning a loud yelp from you as his tongue eased the first of many marks he will leave on your body.
“Be careful what you wish for, mesh’la.”
💙 Rex 💙
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You had him sweating and fidgeting as Rex tried to keep a straight face in the briefing room.
Rex was attempting to listen to the mission report, but your vision in his mind was proving to be quite the distraction.
You were on his face, his hands grasping your thighs as he feasted on your pussy from below.
“Rex, oh kriff, more, please, I need your big cock, I want you to ruin me.”
Rex gave you a desperate look from across the room, slightly shaking his head.
You ignored his pleading glance, changing the vision.
Now, you were splayed out on his desk in his private Captain’s quarters, his cock driving deeper and deeper into you, your back arching as you rubbed your clit, cumming over and over again around him.
His desk was dripping with your juices, your breasts bouncing almost comically as you cried out his name, hamming up the vision to see Rex squirm.
Rex suddenly coughed, everyone in the room looking at him momentarily.
You rocked on your heels, hands behind your back, pretending to listen as the pre-mission brief continued, completely innocent.
Finally, the meeting ended.
You exited the room, Rex quickly walking past you.
“My office. Now.” He hissed quietly, before being called over by Anakin to discuss further plans.
When Rex opened the door to his office, you were sitting at his desk, waiting for him.
“You have a lot of explaining to do, General.” Rex strode up to you, placing his hands on his desk, leaning over toward you.
You loved it when he used his serious Captain voice on you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Captain.”
“You know.” His voice dropped an octave, husky and gruff, just how you liked it.
“You’ll have to elaborate. I can’t read minds.”
Rex stood up straight, his expression unreadable. You continued to sit in his chair as he walked around the desk and over to you.
Rex leaned down again, placing his hands on the armrests of the chair, caging you in.
For a moment, you thought he was actually upset with you. You felt guilty, maybe you did take it too far in the meeting.
You opened your mouth to apologize, but Rex spoke first.
“I think you can, mesh’la. How else would you know those visions are what I think about doing to you every waking moment?”
His lips were hovering centimeters from yours, a quiet gasp leaving your lips, your body quivering at his statement.
Oh, he liked it.
His breath fanned over your face, feeling your panties dampen, his usual soft eyes glazed over with lust.
You leaned forward to close the small distance, wanting to taste him, but he pulled away, avoiding your kiss.
“Mmm, mesh’la. You’re not going to get what you want so easily.” Rex purred in your ear, his gloved hand snaking up your neck, tilting your head to the side.
He placed a hot kiss right below your ear, lazily licking your neck.
“Rex…” you sighed, grasping at his shoulder pads, his teeth grazing your skin, his lips pressing to the side of your jaw.
“You want something from me?” He removed himself from you, kneeling between your legs.
“I’m not sure if you deserve it. I could write you up for what you did back there.”
Rex hooked his fingers under your pants, pulling them down your legs. You lifted your ass, helping him remove your lower clothes.
“Yeah? What would the report say?” You shuddered as Rex began lavishing your bare thighs, teeth and tongue sucking and nibbling as he slowly made his way up to your aching apex.
You could feel Rex smirk against your skin.
“My General coercing me into questionable situations. Inappropriate use of Jedi abilities.”
Rex stopped right at your core, aching and throbbing for him. You could feel his breath on your pussy, desperate now for any friction.
You let out a frustrated whine as Rex kissed your inner thigh, ignoring where you needed him most.
“Patience, mesh’la. You need a lesson in discipline, it seems.”
Rex brushed his nose against your clit, your hips instinctually bucking up toward him, your hands grasping at his buzzed hair.
You groaned impatiently as he gently kissed your labia, touching you everywhere but your clit.
“You’re not going to get what you want so easily.” He rumbled into your core, a finger now teasing your entrance.
You panted, knowing you asked for this, that you deserved this, but you could still protest to his teasing.
“Captain, please…” You begged, shifting your hips, hoping he would press his finger knuckle deep inside you.
Rex continued to just tease your entrance with his finger tip, slowly circling, not quite pressing all the way inside.
“Kriff, you’re so wet. Do you want me to fuck you on my desk? Do you want to cum over and over again on my cock?”
You nodded, heavy pants the only sound able to leave your lips as he finally pressed his finger inside.
“Use your words, is that what you want?”
Rex’s lips were brushing over your clit, the teasing almost too much.
“Y-yes! Please, Rex, I need you inside me!” Your words came out as a garbled cry as he suddenly sucked on your clit, adding a second finger to your pussy, stretching you so deliciously you thought you might cry, pleasure shooting up your spine.
And his cock wasn’t even inside you yet.
“You’ll get my cock, mesh’la, don’t worry. But first, I want you to cum just like this.” Rex added a third finger, his tongue and lips circling your clit, your vision white from the pleasure as you squirmed and writhed in his chair, totally at his mercy, your orgasm building quickly.
You came apart on his fingers, shaking and sobbing his name, pleasure coursing through you as Rex’s fingers and mouth worked you through your first orgasm.
“You’re so beautiful when you cum.” Rex’s pupils were blown with desire, licking his lips as he cleaned you up, his baritone voice was laden with desire, his control now gone.
You barely had time to come down from you high as Rex easily lifted you onto his desk, removing his codpiece in a flash, pulling down his blacks far enough for his flushed, dripping cock to spring free.
“And you’re going to cum again, and again, and again. Are you ready, mesh’la? This is what you asked for.”
Your answer was a cry of his name, his hands gripping your hips as he slammed into you, starting a devastating pace, fucking you exactly like you showed him in your vision.
Your last coherent thought before being so thoroughly fucked and blissed out by your Captain was that you should definitely tease him like this more often.
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Tag list: @littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @secondaryrealm @sinfulsalutations @anxiouspineapple99 @secretthegriffin @idontgetanysleep @starqueensthings @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @dreamie411 @aconstructofamind @coraex @multi-fan-dom-madness @freesia-writes @kashasenpai @sunshinesdaydream @din-miller @clonemedickix @wizardofrozz @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @blueink-bluesoul @the-cantina @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @sleepingsun501 @sunshinesdaydream
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skywalkerrtno · 3 months
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awkward-tension-art · 2 months
Clones as expectant fathers
I am an actual nero-cancer researcher. I have a job and a degree. And my ADHD brain saw sad military men and went “I want that one”
Clones: Rex, Wolffe, Fox, Cody and Fives
CW: pregnancy, the clones all have a ‘secret’ SO, They are expecting a baby, A little angsty with Fox, there's slight mentions of smut with Fives (if you squint), swearing, this is just supposed to be a good time, its not reader insert
Minors do not interact!
Terrified. Also overjoyed. But mostly terrified. 
He’s a soldier. Captain of the 501st, the most….adventurous of the GAR. His chances of dying on the battlefield and leaving his SO behind are higher than the average clone
And now he may leave behind his child? His kid may grow up without a father
He gets nervous. Anxious and antsy, and it's very VERY easy for Anakin to figure out Rex isn’t entire OK
Rex doesn’t even need to tell Anakin.
Skywalker takes one look at him and just KNOWS.
“Congrats, Rex.” “...on what, sir?” “If it's a boy, name him after me.” “WHAT!?”
Ahsoka needs to be told and she’s more excited than Rex when she finds out. 
“Come on Rex! Name them after me! The republic needs an Ahsoka jr!” “And if the baby is a boy?” “Don’t name them after skyguy, please!”
Most of the 501st don't know. Too many people knowing raises the chance of less accepting individuals knowing. And if that happens, Rex, his SO and his baby may be in danger.
It’s forbidden for the clones to have SO’s, not to mention babies. It could end with Rex being decommissioned or reconditioned if it was found out he had both
Rex will visit and help as much as he can every chance he gets. He feels terrible for leaving his SO for long stretches of time during the pregnancy. 
He WANTS to be there…he just can’t. Not while the war was going on
Despite his terror, Rex is…overjoyed
He didn’t think children were possible for him. He knew it could happen, but he didn’t think HE would ever know this happiness
The first time he feels his baby move in his SO, he’d get this sweetest smile on his face. He’ll kiss the baby bump and just murmur words of love in mando’a
He falls head-over-heels in love all over again
As the due date approaches, Anakin asks an important question
“Captain, I need to know when your baby might be born.” “...why, sir?” “Because I need to know when to take extended leave.”
Anakin tells Padme, and she is beyond sweet. Even visits Rex’s SO and the two have a wonderful friendship
All in all, Rex is both excited and anxious. But having so much support from Anakin, Ahsoka and Padme (and his other brothers who find out much later) helps him a lot
More relaxed. And by relaxed I mean he hides his anxiety better. And it doesn’t exactly hit him as hard
Partly because Plo Koon and the entire Wolfpack knows about his relationship already. 
So you bet your ass the pack celebrates when Wolffe tells them he's going to be a father
Plo Koon especially is excited
“How wonderful, new life being born during times of war” “I’m not naming my child after you, general Plo.” “Nonsense! The child will be a girl.”
During battle, Wolffe finds himself being protected by his brothers and General a tad more
At first he writes it off as a coincidence, but then Boost lets slip during a battle “You gotta get back to your little one!”
He gives his men a bit of a lecture. He’s not incapable of fighting or defending himself. He thinks the message gets across but Plo chimes in with, “Ah yes, the stern words of a father already!”
Wolffe would probably see his SO more frequently than Rex. Just because Plo would more than likely spend more time on Coruscant.
He’s definitely protective. As in, waking up in the middle of the night to check all the windows, protective. Keeping an arm around his SO, protective. Every symptom or sign of discomfort he calls a medical droid, protective.
He’s not stupid, he is well aware that by having an SO and a child on the way he's in violation of several rules. All of which, when broken, would have him decommissioned
But dammit, he's not letting that happen. Wolffe will be there for his SO and his baby, no matter what
Since he’s able to spend more time with his SO, he’s there to feel the first movements of his baby.
It sort of causes him to short-circuit for a second. It hits him that yes, this is a life that he and his SO both created. Out of love.
Wolffe makes a swear that he’s going to protect his baby at all costs
Grandpa Plo does as well, but the Wolfpack doesn’t know that
Fox (kinda angst)
First of all congratulations to the SO for actually managing to be Fox’s SO
They got to be something special for the head of Palpatine’s personal guard to break rules and regulations and find himself an SO
Speaking of Palpatine, congratulations to Fox! Your SO is now in even more danger!
No, seriously. Palpatine knows before Fox. No one knows how, but he knows.
And he absolutely will use Fox’s SO as leverage to keep him under control
And Fox knows this, so he behaves. More so than usual.
He’s not blind. Hes fiercely loyal to the republic, but one step out of line and the (very few) things he cares about will be killed
Which…is why Fox may come across as cold or uninterested when his SO informs him of their pregnancy
A part of him is terrified, he just won’t show it
He’s not going to be more affectionate or anything. He actually acts pretty normal. Which is standoffish.
Despite his…demeanor, he actually manages to be present for the entirety of the pregnancy. It helps being a Coruscant guard, which means he’s more present than all the other clones.
He’s not moving mountains or anything, but he’ll get snacks in the middle of the night in case of cravings
No one else knows about Fox and his SO. not even his own men. He refuses to tell anyone. 
Its for his SO’s protection
But Palpatine, the sick fuck, slips some words to get Fox’s nerves into overdrive
“This war is taking such a toll. So many dead children…so many grief stricken parents” “Sir?” “Oh nothing. Just stating the fact that the loss of an innocent life, such as…a baby, is always a tragedy. Wouldn’t you agree, commander?”
He found himself walking home a bit faster that day and hugs his SO a little tighter that night
Fox cares, in his own way. He’s just beyond stressed and anxious. But you wouldn’t know. He hides it behind a mask. 
It's actually Padme that finds out. And she feels somewhat bad for Fox. She thinks his anxiety comes from the fact that clones aren't allowed SO’s or children
Which, it is, but theres the added threat of fucking Palpatine.
She ends up getting him to tell her the truth and she swears to secrecy. Even offers to hire his SO as some sort of assistant, if only so Fox can be closer to his SO
Hear me out, he actually breaks down when he feels the baby move. He can’t fully handle it anymore and shuts down. 
This is a baby. His baby. They're alive and already so loved.
Something in him clicks and he accepts Padme’s help. 
His terror gets easier, ever so slightly. But he keeps his collected and calm front.
“General Kenobi-” “Ah! Commander Cody! Congratulations!”
Cody is a tad more relaxed than Rex, but more tense than Wolffe
He knows Kenobi isn’t going to punish him or force him back to Kamino for decommissioning, he’s still a little on guard.
But, since Kenobi knows, Anakin does. So does Ahsoka. Which means Rex knows.
More people in the 501st know than in the 212th which gives him the biggest headache
Waxer knows though. Cody had to tell someone that wasn’t a sarcastic general
He does a good job hiding his worry though
Cody is able to spend about the same amount of time as Rex with his SO
He doesn’t feel as bad as Rex when it comes to the lack of presence he has during the pregnancy
It's war. It sucks and he’d prefer to be there for his SO, but he’d also prefer SO and child have freedom from the separatists
I will say, he is pretty attentive when he isn’t off in space.
Foot rubs, shoulders massages, helping with cravings
One thing Cody does is that he’ll wrap his arms under his SO’s baby bump and lift it slightly, giving his SO’s back some relief
He really loves to do this because his SO just melts
Hear me out, Cody gets giggly when he feels the baby move/kick the first time
His palm is on the bump and he feels that first little flutter against his hand
404 Commander Cody has his amygdala broken from joy. Reboot?
He’ll actually tell Kenobi about it because he’s so happy.
“That's wonderful Cody, but I still question one thing.” “What is it, sir?” “How you managed to get laid to begin with.”
“Hey everyone! I’m gonna be a dad!”
Ecstatic is not a strong enough word
Also not subtle at all
There is a solid 3 hours until everyone in the 501st knows
He’s told Echo before the first hour. Rex knew within 2 hours.
Fives is BEYOND over the moon
He gets this small smile on his face that just doesn’t go away
Whenever he’s not with his SO, he definitely calls them every day. He wants updates on the little one
Also, seeing his SO with a baby bump? Unlocks something inside his brain.
Fives is incredibly horny when he’s with his SO. He’ll be rubbing their middle and getting a puppy dog look in his eye.
Only if his SO is in the mood of course! He’d never try and be forceful
He’s probably the clone that takes the distance the hardest. He debates taking a ship and making a run for Coruscant on more than one occasion.
In the end he settles to ask Anakin for extended leave.
Anakin is also extremely happy for Fives. Like with Rex, he makes a “name the baby after me” joke
Fives brings that up to his SO and nearly gets smacked. He also makes a “Fives jr.” joke and actually does get smacked.
When Fives feels the baby kick, he gets high on happiness. Actual mumbling incoherent words of love and affection in Mando’a
Lots and lots of “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum”
He also gets very VERY affectionate with his SO
Kisses his SO’s face a lot. Even as a greeting, he’ll just start peppering their cheeks with pecks
Also probably the only one ballsy enough to ASK his general for extended leave
“Excuse me, general Skywalker? I’ll need to take leave at this date.” “Oh, yea sure. You know what? That seems like a good time for all the men to take a break. Thanks, Fives.”
He’s also probably the only one ballsy enough to actually take his new born baby onto a fucking battleship to introduce everyone.
“This is your uncle Rex. This is your uncle Echo and your uncle Tup. That's your auntie Ahsoka!” “Fives what the FUCK are you doing?!” “Introducing the family, captain.”
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obes-kenobes-benos · 1 year
Wolffe: *barges into Cody´s room*
Cody: *obviously startled*
Wolffe: Are you hiding something from me?
Cody, sweating: What? No! What would be there to hide?
Wolffe: General Kenobi?
Obi-Wan, under the covers: …yes?
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sailorkamino · 8 months
his pet name [cody, fives, rex, wolffe]
relationships: gn reader x clones
warnings: none
your pet name
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• "why don't you take a break, darling?"
• a classic romantic. he's learnt the art of flirting by watching obi-wan. he's not as shy as many of his siblings when you call him a pet name, instead he becomes satisfied, a confident smirk tugging on his lips. he doesn't like a lot of pda but he'll be giving you heart eyes a lot. like whenever you're talking. he finds wit and intelligence super hot.
• "i'm so proud of you, sugar!"
• fives is confident man who loves being doted on. he doesn't even know the meaning of toxic masculinity. he's the embodiment of that tweet 'my girl's mad at me. i hope i die.' you can call him the most over the top, sugary sweet pet names, and he'll just smile like a doof. if any vode tries to tease him he just responds with "you're just jealous i have a hot partner."
• "your hair is so pretty, treasure."
• since rex means king you wanted to give your man a ~dignified~ pet name. the only affection he's used to comes from older siblings calling him rex'ika and giving him noogies, not this flirting. he definitely runs into a door or trips over himself at one point because of you. fives laughs so hard he winds up doing the same thing. echo records it all and sends it to fox (the king of blackmail.)
• "no, sweets, you can't shoot your brother─"
• the vode think you're joking at first. they know wolffe is a good man, deeply loyal and loving, but he's not what one would call sweet. they're even more shocked when his usual scowl is replaced by a soft smile. if you're someone who uses pet names with friends/family, don't use this one for anybody else. wolffe will get huffy and he will not admit why.
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abigfanofstarwars · 1 year
if there’s one thing the men of star wars will do it’s be sassy with their slutty lil waists
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Clone Soulmate AU Series
A Masterlist of all my fics for my Soulmate AU series. All of them contain smut so minors vanish.
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Blessed Silence - Tech x reader
Monochrome - Imperial!Crosshair x medic reader
Jaig Eyes - Rex x medic reader
Carry Me Home - Cody x reader
Danger - Wrecker x reader
00:00 (Zero O'Clock) - Hunter x reader
Cabur - Wolffe x reader
Grey - Jesse x reader
Healing Touch - Kix x reader
Lost Time - Gregor x reader
The Soldier and The Spy - Fives x reader
See You In My Sleep - Howzer x reader
Dream of You - Echo x reader
The Thing About Soulmates
On Soulmate Rejection
A Little More On Rejection
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tattycoram · 1 month
Rex: Where have you two been? Wolffe: We were helping Cody with his wedding vows and got kicked out for making it inappropriate Fox: How is "Nice ass, Kenobi" inappropriate?
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
just gonna leave this here
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 7 months
Hi! *Waves like a weird-o*
You probably already know this, but I absolutely love your writing and you truly are so talented. Please never stop!! Even if you just write for yourself!!!
So I do have a mini request if you don't mind of course. Post-sex cramps? For female reader? Clone of your choice of course and any way you wanna write it; NSFW or NFW.
No rush of course!! Thank you!! ❤️
- Hales
And here is cat + kitten(s) for your troubles. And puppies if you like those better. And a snake if you like those too.
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hiiii friend! *waves back like a weirdo* first of all, thank you so much?? for the kind words?? omg. I appreciate you so much—and the pictures of the baybiessssss! I love all of them, please give them snoot boops for me (if they're yours ofc). anyways, I hope this is somewhat in line with what you envisioned! I opted for the fluff/SFW route because I need that tonight lol enjoy! <3
Comforting Touches
Summary: Some HCs and blurbs about how the commander batch comforts you through some post-sex cramping.
Warnings: no actual sex described but still mature content so 18+, minors get outta here; f!reader, fluff, i guess hurt/comfort?, big strong stoic men being soft and loving
Word Count: 1.1k
dividers by @saradika and @dystopicjumpsuit
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Like with many other things in his life, Cody is nothing if not thorough. Meticulous in the way that he picks you apart and puts you back together, painstaking in the image of self-confidence and dominance that he exudes when he’s intimate with you. 
And just as attentive to your needs after he makes you finish several times. If you wince in pain from the cramps beginning to twist your insides, despite the many orgasms he’d given you, he’s all over that. 
Tilts your head to the sides to check your vitals, gets you meds, and frowns when you try to shoo him off. “You’re not goin’ anywhere until you’re good, cyar’ika.” 
More than anything, you’re just grateful to still be sitting on the edge of his bunk. Between the shakiness in your legs from the strain of having him buried inside you just a few minutes ago, and the pain tugging at your body, you have no energy to stand right now. Cody sighs, a furrow deepening between his brows; you can’t resist the impulse to smooth his skin with your thumb. You trace the outline of his scar when his expression doesn’t relax. 
“Did I cause this?” he asks. Despite the way he tries to hide it, you can hear the concern underlying his words. 
Sighing, you shrug with one shoulder. “Kinda. But it’s okay,” you hurry to assure him. “It’s, um, most often caused by...intense orgasm. Or just intense sex. Happens now and then.” 
He blinks at you, your words clearly taking a moment to compute. Almost unbidden, a small groan escapes him. “O-Oh.” 
“Mhm.” You clench your teeth as another wave of cramps knifes through you. “Worth it.”
He cups your face in one hand, the other resting on your bare thigh, kneading your soft flesh. “Good. Because I can’t promise I won’t be able to keep myself from making you cum like that again.” 
His words are a promise, and you know Cody never breaks promises.
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Listen I know we all think Wolffe is this hard-ass, mean dom (and he is) but he’s also very caring. Hard shell, gooey insides.
The minute you show signs of being in any kind of discomfort he’s right there, cradling you to his chest, smoothing his warm palms over your thighs, pressing a sweet kiss to your temple. 
“Where’s it hurt, mesh’la?” 
You curl in on yourself within Wolffe’s embrace, your body trying to wrap itself around the dull pain blossoming in your center. Though pleasure lingers in your limbs, this unfortunate side-effect of sex occasionally makes an appearance, particularly after a good romp with Wolffe. Normally it’s not so bad, but right now, you just want to squeeze into a ball and sleep until the cramping fades.
“M’sorry if I hurt you,” Wolffe rumbles in your ear, his voice soft and quiet. “I know I can be rough.” 
“S’not that,” you say with a small smile. “Just...does this when it’s really good.”
“That seems counterintuitive.” 
You bark a short laugh. “Tell that to whoever designed the female human body.” 
Wolffe tucks your head under his chin and presses a large, warm hand over your tummy to act as an impromptu heating pad until the cramps dissipate, his lips pressing chaste, close-mouthed kisses along your neck and shoulders to help distract you. You hum in contentment, drawing lazy circles on his bare hip, relishing how his muscles flex under your touch.
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If the cramps take a bit to set in, and you’re both already re-dressed and ready to go about your days, Fox will still immediately put his very busy schedule on hold to make sure you’re okay. 
Gives you pain meds, extra water, and kisses you sweetly. “Why don’t you lay on the couch here for a bit until you feel better, sarad?” 
If/when you protest, he simply gives you his best deadpan look—which is quite good, considering he’s perfected it through use on his men—and crosses his arms, cocking his hip. 
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, the slight smile tugging at your lips vanishing into a twisted grimace at the next wave of cramping. Fox sighs and ushers you to the old, ratty couch he’d acquired for his office. He guides you to sitting down at the least, and nods in approval when you draw your legs up to your chest and hug your knees to put pressure on your center where the cramps are the worst. 
When he goes to turn away, you reach out to snag his hand, threading your fingers through his. “Fox?” 
“Hm?” He looks down at you, graying curls sweeping over his forehead. 
“Sit with me?” 
“Of course.” He graces you with a soft smile, retreats for just a moment to retrieve his datapad, and settles into the couch next to you. He rests one arm along the back of the couch; you snuggle into his warmth, grateful that he hasn’t yet put on the top half of his armor, and let your eyes drift shut, listening to the rhythmic tap-tap-tap of his fingers over his datapad while he works. You’d be able to fall asleep there, in post-orgasmic near-bliss. 
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Rex realizes that something is amiss the moment that you don’t roll over to cuddle him after he returns from getting you a warm rag to clean off with.
When you simply groan your answer, the post-sex cramps clenching your insides a little more intensely than you’re used to, he’s instantly in Protective Partner Mode. 
“I’ve got you, cyare.” 
With strong, steady hands, Rex gently repositions you on the bed so that you’re lying on your front, before settling his knees to either side of your thighs. His thumbs, calloused and rough, rub slow, comforting circles along your spine, from your butt to your neck and back. Though he knows by now that he can’t do much in the way of helping your cramps aside from offering pain meds (which he retrieves as soon as he realizes what’s going on), he can offer you relaxation of other sorts. 
His practiced hands work away all the knots and kinks in your back, urging your entire body into a state of bliss beyond the post-orgasm glow. 
“How’s this, cyare?” he asks, voice quiet, contemplative. 
“Feels s’good,” you mumble, face smushed into the sheets. “Thank you, Rex.” 
“Always.” He leans over you to press a kiss to the side of your head. “I’d say that I’d stop doing whatever causes these cramps, but—”
“Don’t you dare,” you interrupt, playfully glaring out of the corner of your eyes. “You know damn well the orgasms you give are worth this discomfort.” 
He preens just a little at that, and if he happens to give your butt a squeeze or two while resuming his massage, well, that’s his deal. 
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Ragu: @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @bobaprint @lem-hhn @thorsterstrudle @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @cw80831 @dreamie411 @jedi-hawkins @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl @originalcollectionartistry
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