#Emptiness. Lack of purpose. Lack of direction. Lack of feeling.
lightandfellowship · 1 year
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rebeltarot · 3 months
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CAREER ➕ Blessings coming toward you in your career
"I still remember the nights I wished for the things I have now."
[3 piles] ・ [5 decks] ・ [8-10 cards for each pile] ・ [letters, signs, songs]
Hello friends! As we are nearing the end of this quarter I wanted to create a reading all about blessings coming toward you in your career. Please remember that a “blessing” can be anything that protects us, makes us happy, or points us in the right direction. What are your hopes and dreams regarding your career? Do you have any goals you want to achieve in this area this year? Definitely let me know. Regardless of what you are hoping for, I wish you all the best and lots of luck. ♡♡
Painting: Dancers, Pink and Green by Edgar Degas (ca. 1890)
Helpful Links: How to choose your pile ➕ Request a reading
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PILE 01 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
C, A, R, E, E, I, 3rd House, Mercury, Scorpio
Song: Mother's Daughter (R3HAB Remix) - Miley Cyrus
Tarot: 5 of cups, 10 of cups, the sun, the devil rx, 9 of pentacles rx
Oracle: the dragon, the king, emotion, imum coeli, moon in leo
Hello, Pile 01, and welcome to your reading. Please remember that a “blessing” can be anything that protects us, makes us happy, or points us in the right direction. With the 5 of cups, it feels like for the longest time you were struggling in your career. This does not necessarily mean that there was no progress, but it was not emotionally fulfilling for you. This could also talk about a lack-mindset in terms of your career, i.e., not feeling worthy of it or not seeing a future with it. Some of you might feel like an imposter in your current position. Yes, you are wearing the title, but you do not feel like you deserve it. This is where your blessing is happening. It's going to address your hustling mentality and your superficiality in your career. It feels like you might have given more than you were able to, pouring from an empty cup just to feel like you deserve to be where you are. Whatever you were doing, it's unsustainable. I feel like you were once very passionate about your current career but fell out of love with it because you were overworking yourself too much, nearly burning out. What I see coming towards you is something that most would consider extremely lucky, as we have the ladybug in the imagery of this card. 10's in tarot talk about an excess of energy; in this case, it's positive energy. Something significant will happen that will indicate the end of one cycle and ring in a new one of abundance and emotional fulfillment. Your cards are not saying what is going to happen, just how it will affect you, and my god, pile 01, you're going to be so happy with this change. The sun is following the 10 of cups. You will experience a lot of success in your career, which will bring you lots of abundance. There is a sense of alignment and harmony. This most likely refers to your mindset. I feel like you are going to check yourself, and seek out an environment that fulfills you. Implementing the changes that need to be made to end this cycle of adversity and struggle. This is truly a positive spread, especially with the devil reversed ending this. You will step into self-empowerment. There is a sense of breaking free from things (be they people, situations, or mindsets) that held you prisoner. I see you freeing yourself from this hustling mindset and stepping into a deeper understanding of your wants and needs. It feels like you will pay attention to more than your salary in whatever you are doing next. You won't just be swayed by a fancy title and a big paycheck; you are digging deeper; you are looking for and finding something that is truly fulfilling. This does not mean that we are talking about a new job here or a new position. Not necessarily. But rather, I see this as you taking on a new perspective and thus realigning yourself with who you are, including your values and your desires. I see you detaching from superficial aspects of your career and digging deeper into what you need to feel fulfilled. 
The dragon and the king are both confirming what we have already seen with the devil reversed. You are stepping into your power and taking charge instead of letting superficial aspects control you. It never brought you any satisfaction. I see you taking charge, especially in terms of legalities. Maybe you are renegotiating your contract, or you are signing a new one, but either way, it's all happening because you wish it to happen, meaning you are initiating it and taking charge of it. This pile is mostly about emotional fulfillment and not so much about the superficial aspects of your career, because it feels like the majority of this pile is already well-established in their career. This is a change and a blessing happening at the root of things. It's about values, fulfillment, alignment, and resonance. I feel like you were growing a massive tree on shallow roots, and your blessing is that you are accommodating your tree and allowing it to grow sustainable and strong roots. Again, it's not necessarily a career change; this might only apply to a very small percentage of this group. For most, this talks about working with what you have, not uprooting your career, but nurturing the soil and foundation that you hold. As I have said, for most of you, this is a mindset shift followed by minor changes, maybe in terms of working hours, etc. I feel like you might bring new ideas into your career, expanding what you are already doing and incorporating a more creative element into it. Others might share an idea, be it for a project, etc., which will allow you to turn your dreams into reality. Either way, needs that have not been met before are now being met, and whatever you wish for will find solid footing soon. It will manifest in your life. Fulfillment is coming.
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PILE 02 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
O, blank, G, A, K, E, 6th House, Mercury, Gemini
Song: All for us - Labrinth
Tarot: the emperor, ace of cups, 2 of wands, king of cups rx
Oracle: trust, healing, midheaven, solar eclipse
Hello, Pile 02, and welcome to your reading. Please remember that a “blessing” can be anything that protects us, makes us happy, or points us in the right direction. It feels like you are feeling overwhelmed, my dear pile 02. When it comes to your career, it seems like you are feeling quite anxious and detached. You might even be withdrawing from it in one way or another. I heard "quiet quitting" while writing this. Whatever the current situation at your work is, it's far from ideal. It feels like you are holding back anger too. This is a very specific thing I see, but I feel like some of you might have felt betrayed. You are not showing it, but you are also not ignoring whatever has happened and led to your feeling of turmoil. You are actively taking away your effort to balance the scales quietly. Again, this might apply to just a handful of you, but the King of Cups, as our bottom deck, is looking upset and vindictive. The good news is that you are taking charge, my dear pile 02. Your blessing is that you take authority over this situation and maneuver whatever has happened that led to you withdrawing from your career into a success story for yourself. It feels like you are taking the cup you are holding, and instead of withholding it from everyone, including yourself, you are pouring your energy and your efforts into yourself. You are "upgrading" yourself, is what I heard. Interesting; this pile is very vocal. So maybe you are speaking up for yourself. Whatever it is, it's been a long time coming, and it relates to something you have held on to for quite some time. Your blessing is that you create stability. A new beginning is awaiting. It can relate to a brand new position, a job at a new company, or even your own business. Whatever the case may be, I see you in a leading position. And you are comfortable there. Maybe the King of Cups, in reverse, talked about suppressing your leadership talent and making you uncomfortable and upset. Either way, this new position of leadership will give you a whole new beginning, especially emotionally. I am hearing "clean slate." This is such a vocal pile! Someone might be giving you their scepter; for some, it might not be a voluntary handoff, but either way, it will be fulfilling for you. I see you climbing the ladder. Whatever your goals are in your career, you are getting closer to them. Plans are being made. For some, it might even relate to a position overseas. For sure, big decisions are made relating to the future. Both for you and for your career. 
Trust is your next card. With the King of Cups reversed, this is slow-moving energy. It's not something that happens overnight. Especially since for some of you, the handover is not made willingly (i.e., the person leaving said position does not want to do so). Your guides are asking you to trust the process. Trust that what you are going through is meant to happen and that what is promised to you will happen. You are currently in the healing stages, but your career journey (your negative experience right now) is soon coming to a pinnacle. You are going to reach your goals faster than you might have anticipated. A solar eclipse might be significant. This could be an indicator of timing. Either way, this new beginning, this rebirth of yours, is your blessing, and it will come with a handful of opportunities. I see you regaining your passion and your inspiration, and you will feel at home in this position of leadership that is soon to come. 
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© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 03 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
O, B, G, A, 8th house, Uranus, Virgo
Song: Only You - Eddie Benjamin, Alessia Cara
Tarot: 6 of wands, wheel of fortune rx, the star, King of swords rx, judgment
Oracle: the wasp, energy, jupiter, lunar eclipse
Hello, Pile 03, and welcome to your reading. Please remember that a “blessing” can be anything that protects us, makes us happy, or points us in the right direction. Wow, this is a pile with a bunch of major arcana. Whatever is happening for you, it sure is significant. Your situation is not easy, and it seems complicated. Interestingly, your tarot cards are telling a story and leading into your blessing. You are someone who is established, successful, highly regarded at work, and known for the great results you bring. Your peers do not doubt your skill set. However, it feels like whenever you hit a goal or whenever you experience a win, the wheel is turning sharply for you. Every hit of luck is met with a hit of misfortune. It does not have to be major, though it feels this way to you. It's something you might already be anticipating. However, your prospects are bright, my dear pile 3. How about a mindset shift? Instead of the bad following the good, how about the good following the bad? It's so interesting, your pile. Your blessing is your faith and your hope. This might sound anticlimactic, but it's the most powerful blessing one can get. Luck is unpredictable and unreliable. But hope and faith in yourself and your abilities? Confidence? That's something that can get you places. It's something that leads to intrinsic motivation and actions being taken. Your hope means pouring into yourself, tending the garden of your soul, and allowing things to sprout and bloom for you. Again, bright prospects for you. You will be blessed with an idea and inspiration. This vision will fertilize your soil, and it will allow you to make your wildest dreams come true. Your pile is so interesting because we have a good card followed by a challenging card, and so on, but eventually, we are ending your spread with a positive one. It's reminding me of a seesaw, and I swear it's giving me whiplash. You might feel this way. Having a bad thing leads to a good thing, and vice versa. But again, your ability to keep your head held high and your ability to still believe is a true blessing in and of itself. I feel like you are lying to yourself with the king of swords in reverse. You might feel like you are crumbling under all this pressure and under all these changes that seem to follow you around, but you are not. You are growing in your power, your ability, and your adaptability because that is the skill set that you need. That's the skillset that will bring you far and eventually to a lot of abundance. Your blessing, ultimately, is a rebirth of the self with the judgment card. You will receive an idea, an epiphany. This will lead to you finding your purpose and a renewal of your career. This seems to be such a common theme across all piles, but to me, in your pile, this sounds like growth. It sounds like a level-up. In your pile, especially, we can see the impact that it will have on your life with those three major Arcana cards. It's the birth of something. This is my entrepreneurial pile. I feel like most people in this pile either run their own business or want to do so at some point. Either way, you are birthing something, and it will lead to you having people against you. It's not an easy journey, but it is very well worth it.
The wasp is confirming the king of swords, Rx, in its message. Someone will not be happy about your wins. Do you know what is so funny in your pile, though? The wasp card is followed by the energy card, which has oranges depicted on it. And you know what repels wasps? You are right about citrus fruits, which oranges are. Your energy, the essence of who you are, is so strong and so powerful that those people just cannot touch you even if they try. Your ability to believe and to push through adversity makes you unstoppable. Whatever path you are choosing to walk, it's less traveled, one that is hard, and that takes a lot of power and will. Not everyone can achieve what you set out to achieve, leading to people envying you. But again, these people are an annoyance at worst; they are unable to touch you or your bag. And abundance is waiting for you, for sure. All your hard work and all the adversities you are facing are eventually there to help you grow and lead you toward success. Yes, it might feel like whiplash sometimes with all those huge wins being met with huge obstacles, but what is waiting for you is unmatched my dear pile three. Eventually, you will get whatever you desire, and then some. For that to happen, you have to go through a transformation, and we all know that growing pains hurt. But you will come out on the other side as a winner. Remember that you are always protected.
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© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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334 notes · View notes
wheneclipsefalls · 1 year
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Masterlist        ao3
This one shot is a sequel to Lesson Learned but can be read as a stand alone
Pairing: Neteyam (23) x Metkayina fem reader x Loak (22)
Summary: Neteyam and Lo’ak have many different ways of staking their claim on you. 
Warnings: aged up characters, rough sex, slight degradation, p in v, threesome, dom/sub undertones, spitting, swearing, orgasm denial, possessive behavior, power imbalance, established relationship
Sevin: Pretty        Yawne: Beloved           Tewng: Loincloth
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Ocean waves roll against the strong corded muscles of Neteyam’s thighs as he wades out of the salty water. His body aches from the strain and exertion of the hunt but it’s a welcomed feeling. The pleasant hum that tells one that they have  accomplished something, pushed themselves to new limits. Now that his desire for adventure and achievement has been satiated he yearns for a softer pleasure. This instantly has his thoughts turning towards you. 
Beads of ocean water still running down his toned body as he hastily makes his way towards your marui pod. He finds it empty. The lack of Lo’ak’s appearance is sure to be no coincidence so he immediately knows where to find you. On the outskirts of the village he can see Lo’ak’s small pod with the flaps closed and it tells Neteyam everything he needs to know. He is barely within eyesight of the abode before he hears your whining pleas. A smirk curves along his lips, wondering what his brother has gotten you into now. 
Pulling back the flaps, the sight immediately sends blood rushing to his groin. 
Your hands are tied to the headboard by the slim pieces of leather Jake had once taught Lo’ak to make. As Lo’ak licks and feasts at your core devilishly you curse those stupid straps that keep you in place. Part of you wonders if the younger Sully brother requested to make them only for this purpose. The sight of the leather now stirs a concoction of thrill and dread when you see him unwrap them from his forearms. 
Lo’ak is insatiable. Long tongue running up and down your folds and tracing circles till you are practically growling at him. Then, without any warning, he is sucking on your clit, fingers probing at your entrance synchronously. It’s a rush of tantalizing sensations that quickly bring you towards the familiar cliff of climax, only then to have it ripped away in an instant. 
You aren’t sure how long Lo’ak has been edging you, but your core spasms with the need for release. Yet, it is becoming clear with the mischievous satisfaction that twinkles in his golden orbs that this feeling will not be going away anytime soon. 
All of this could have been avoided if you had simply kept your mouth shut. The hungry makeout session underneath the mangrove trees was heading in a direction that you knew would end with him ramming into you without reprieve. You were more than ready for that outcome but it was the consistent drag of his teeth along your neck and fourth mark littered across your collarbone that had pushed you to complain. 
Lo’ak has always been possessive. Truly, both brothers can’t stand the thought of another man touching what belongs to them, but Lo’ak lets out this frustration by marking your body as his…constantly. You’ve been to more meetings and gatherings than you can count that led to wandering eyes observing the primal marks covering your skin. You can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed by the ordeal, always trying to find a way to cover them. This effort is always proven useless however as Lo’ak inevitably finds new places to sink his teeth into. 
In a moment of weakness you brought it up, complaining that his oral fixation always ended in giving you unwanted attention and embarrassment. 
He didn’t take it well.
You should’ve known such comments would bring you to now, where you are writhing beneath him in humiliating desperation with a new line of teeth marks along your curvy hips. 
Your head snaps over to finally see Neteyam, dripping in the entrance of the marui. Hope lights within you like a flame, naively thinking that the older brother will come to your rescue. 
“N-Neteyam!” Your voice grows into a whine as Lo’ak purposely avoids your bundle of nerves again. Still, Neteyam’s gaze is casual, opting to look at his brother instead. “Nete help!”
Lo’ak rolls his eyes at your pathetic little pleas. His tongue flicks at your clit just to enjoy the amusement of seeing your hips jut. 
“Our little yawne thinks she has the right to tell us not to mark her sweet body.” Lo’ak’s distorted explanation rolls off his tongue easily. You quickly go to sputter and correct the information but suddenly two fingers are pressing into your tight heat and the only thing that escapes your soft lips is a gush of air followed by a moan. Lo’ak presses his other hand to your inner thigh, keep you spread open for him. He has to hold back an audible groan at the sound of your tight pussy squelching around his long fingers. 
“Silly babygirl.” Neteyam chuckles before crossing the room, past the spot where you squirm and cry beneath Lo’ak. He starts to dig through various weapons and tools that abide in the corner of Lo’ak’s marui while you try to call for help. 
“You borrowed my spear gun.” He casually tells Lo’ak.
“Yep.” Lo’ak confirms, lips still tickling at your clit and sending a vibration of pleasure through you. 
“Where is it?” Neteyam hums, still digging through the items. You can barely believe your ears as they continue to have a casual conversation as if you are not dripping onto his brother’s face while begging to finally have an orgasm. This isn’t the first time they have done something like this and it gets you wondering if they simply do it to frustrate you further. To show that your pleasure is completely in their hands and can be taken lightly as a form of a sadistic game. 
“Behind the basket, bro.” 
Lo’ak’s canines sharply bite your clit. You screech and cry at the pain. 
“When my head is between your thighs you call my name.” Lo’ak’s hisses at you, stern gaze pinning you in place. You can feel your clit throbbing from the small bite but it only fuels your desire to burn hotter until it has become agonizing once again. 
“Yes Lo’ak.” You whimper. He nips at your folds again, reprimanding you. 
“Yes sir.” You correct yourself but you can’t help but feel that he tricked you into answering incorrectly. When he dives back in to assault you with euphoric pleasure Neteyam finally decides to stroll over and set the spear gun to the side. He pets your curls and coos as you moan relentlessly. His long fingers slowly brush along the news marks on your hips, admiring the contrast against your light blue skin. 
Lo’ak’s fingers curl inside of you while his thumb massages your sweet bundle of nerves. It’s enough to have your legs shaking and renewed promises coming from your lips. 
“Sir please! I’ll do anything you want just please let me cum!” You beg, back arching while your hands frantically tug at the binds. 
“Oh yawne, you know how much I love hearing you beg.” Lo’ak draws out while beginning to pump his fingers in and out of your sopping entrance. His other hand comes to leisurely play with your little bundle of nerves, lightly tapping it repetitively till you are close to the edge, then pulling back. You swear he has some sixth sense that tells him when you are about to cum. Sometimes you wish you were better at keeping a poker face but you are putty in the brothers’ hands and you doubt that will change any time soon. 
“Neteyam, he’s being mean.” You whine, pained expression turning to look up at the older brother. 
“Babygirl, you know how much Lo’ak and I like decorating your little body with pretty marks. It seems to me that you were the mean one telling Lo’ak he couldn’t.” Neteyam easily rebuts with a crooked grin. It’s obvious that he does not intend on lending a helping hand and your hope starts to diminish. 
Your little squeak mixes with the lewd squelching sound of Lo’ak’s suddenly removing his fingers from you. He leans back on his haunches, sending you a cocky smile. The loss of sensation has your brain in a frenzy, desperately trying to find some point of contact to ease the burning desires. You push your hips towards him obscenely chasing after Lo’ak’s touch. All it grants you is leisure glide of his fingers between your folds more so for his entertainment than your actual pleasure. 
Before you know it Neteyam is standing up with a pleased sigh and grabbing the spear gun on. Your cerulean eyes watch him warily, stomach dropping as you see him heading towards the exit. He claps a hand on Lo’ak’s shoulder. 
“Seems like you got this, bro.” Neteyam’s comment is only met with an assured nod from Lo’ak before he is strolling out of the marui, leaving you alone to be tormented by the younger Sully. 
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Your tewng doesn’t conceal the angry purple marks on your hips no matter how much you shuffle the bands and fabric. Lo’ak leads you towards the fire with a possessive hand to the small of your back. Half the village is gathered together for the small celebratory meal but you can’t focus on any of the festivities with your body clawing for release. 
No matter how hard you begged, pleaded, or promised unimaginable things, Lo’ak was set on edging you without reward. 
Pattering beside him with shaky legs you spot Neteyam lounging on the outskirts of the gathering. Led to the other brother, you are prompted to sit on the eldest Sully’s lap. You obey but not without a short huff and a pout etched on your lips. Trapped in his lap with an arm around your middle Neteyam is unbothered by your pouting state. If anything, he seems to enjoy your adorable expression as Lo’ak’ picks up your feet and places it on his own lap. 
You refuse to say a word as food is passed around and chatter fills the air. The sexual frenzy of hormones racing through your veins sets you into an irritable mood. How is it that you have two fully capable, and drop dead gorgeous, Na’vi males and you’re still sitting there clenching your thighs together like a teenage girl? 
Lo’ak can’t resist running his fingertips occasionally up and and down your calves, even tickling at the bottom of your feet until you are kicking and glaring at him fiercely. The cute scrunch of your nose and angry gaze only eggs him on, a cheeky grin permanently in place. 
“Are you going to stop being a little brat or do I need to fuck that pout off your face?” Despite the amusement in Neteyam’s tone, you know that it is no joke. The sensible part of your brain tells you it is better to behave. It increases the chances of getting to cum at least once tonight, but you are also known for being stubborn. It’s a trait that the brothers enjoy on a good day but a large part of that is due to how fun it is to break that stubborn spirit. To show that after all the glaring, biting, yelling and plotting, you still will end up a whimpering mess promising to be their good little slut. 
However, you are already riding the thin line of Lo’ak’s patience and you know the moment Neteyam sees some real defiance from you, there are bound to be consequences. Consequences that are sure to leave you aching and rutting against your sheets tonight in search of relief. 
“I’ll be good.” You mumble before slotting yourself closer to Neteyam, head pressed against the crook of his neck the way he likes it. The obedience stirs him to trace soothing circles along your back, slowly calming down your racing heart beat. 
The meal continues on smoothly after that. You enjoy the privacy that eclipse brings as the three of you are sat on the edges of the crowd, away from prying eyes. The night air is cool and gentle across your skin as the light slowly shifts to that of bioluminescence. For a moment you think that the worst is over and that the night will end with you entangled between the two happily but one detail throws off the whole trajectory of your plans. 
Aonung stars from across the fire, browline scrunched with a heated gaze that doesn’t dare to leave you. 
You recognize the stare as you have known Aonung your whole life. You spent most of your childhood running into the future Olo’eyktan as you played with Tsireya. There were even times as you got older that both of your parents briefly discussed the possibility of you too mating in the future. All of that of course was long forgotten when the Sully family arrived and the brothers managed to steal your attention away. Truth be told you never imagined yourself with the Metkayina male and you figured he felt the same way but it's obvious that this does not dismiss the injury to his pride. A mate that could’ve been his but is now constantly being felt up by forest boys. 
You pray to Eywa that neither brother notices the penetrating look, even venturing to try and distract each with sweet kisses and random stories from your day.  
Naturally it is Lo’ak who spots it first.
The golden rim sparkles with interest, tugging at one edge of his lips. The crooked smirk hides filthy plots swarming through his brain. He knows how much Aonung disapproves of the relationship but most importantly he recognizes the triumph his brother and him have scored over Aonung, blaringly obvious by the way you nuzzle between the two of them. 
It’s only once Lo’ak’s hand is teasing up the plush of your inner thigh that Neteyam detects the source of the decision. Neteyam tilts his head to the side, braids swinging as he tauntingly stares right back at Aonung. To Aonung’s credit he doesn’t shrink away or avert his eyes. A notion that can be credited to male stubborn pride. 
The wafting tension becomes palpable, stealing the breath from your lungs and tingling across your skin until you’re shifting on Neteyam’s lap. You recognize what is happening, a silent game between the three males. Aonung refuses to look away and Lo’ak eagerly starts to place open mouthed kisses along the heat of your neck. The warmth of his tongue along your pulse is tantalizing and enticing but your thoughts are still clear enough to recognize the embarrassing situation that is coming to unfold itself. The grind of Neteyam’s hard cock beneath your core only sparks your primal desires into a further distraction. 
“Nete-” Sharp teeth at your earlobe cut the sentence short. Your eyes squeeze shut as you try to recall what your objective is. Calloused fingertips begin to slide up your ribcage, daringly getting closer to the shell top along the swell of your breasts. “S-stop he’ll see.” 
“That’s kind of the point, mama.” Lo’ak’s words are complimented by a sharp pinch to one nipple after slipping underneath a shell. A small mewl slips your lips. The heat between your legs is unbearable again and the consuming pleasure of exploring hands and kisses only serve to subdue your mind further into a sexual frenzy. 
“H-he’s future Olo’eyktan maybe we shouldn’t-” Neteyam grips your jaw tightly, forcing you to look back at him. Those golden orbs now harbor ice, relentlessly staring you down with a firm intensity. You gulp, already regretting speaking.
“I don’t see why you should care, babygirl.” You can’t tell if it’s Lo’ak’s or Neteyam’s hand that reaches for your other nipple to abuse it, but the sharp pain has your back arching as you bite your tongue to keep the noises in. “Is he the one filling your sweet pussy every night, making you see stars?” 
“No sir.” The glimmer of stars-like freckles adorning his face are a sharp contrast to the dark shadow covering his features. Neteyam is usually so gentle and sweet, a good counterbalance to Lo’ak’s short temper, but there are moments when you get to see him like this. Rigid and unyielding to anything but absolute acquiescence. It sends a thrill racing to tug at your already pumping heart. 
“Then it shouldn’t matter to you. Isn’t that right, babygirl?” When your eyes start to drop closed due to the teasing at your buds, Neteyam’s grip tightens, fingers digging into your soft cheeks. This startles you back into the present, pulling together some resemblance of a response.
“Y-yes sir. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know baby, I’m not sure if I believe you.” Neteyam tuts with a feigned sigh.  Lo’ak tugs on both of the hardened nubs simultaneously, pulling a small shriek from your throat. You are too caught up in Neteyam’s piercing features to process the way your hips are rubbing back against him shamelessly. 
“I mean it!” Your small whine becomes more urgent. 
If you were to look over you would see Aonung gripping the edge of his knee painfully, holding himself back from stomping over there to make a scene. Lo’ak occasionally looks back to make sure he is watching and it always results in a wordless brawl of emotions as they try to pin the other down with deadly looks. 
“Then prove it.” Lo’ak chimes in, hot breath fanning over the back of your neck. Your jaw is finally released. You shoot bewildered looks back and forth between the two, trying to understand what conclusion they had already come to. The warm hands beneath your shells disappear and you are maneuvered to straddle Neteyam hips while facing away. Your legs spread wide, allowing the brush of night air to sink past the edges of your loincloth at your heated core. 
Aonung’s features are now clear from across the fire, the only Na’vi intently watching the three of you. Blood rushes to your flushed cheeks. This is so much worse than a few hickeys. 
“Slip your hand in your loincloth, yawne.” Lo’ak’s command has you snapping your neck to stare back at him in shock. He tilts his head with a look that says now is not the time to test them. You are trying to prove you’re sorry, after all. 
With that in mind you shut your eyes and nimbly slip one hand underneath the soft cloth of your tewng. Heat radiates from your core, slick already dripping to your inner thighs. 
“Two fingers along that pussy.” 
There is no other choice but to obey, fingers swiping between your folds. Your cunt is still sensitive and the light brush of your fingers already has your hips bucking shamelessly. 
“Show me.” The younger Sully murmurs darkly. Strings of arousal cover the two fingers and create a lewd line between them. Lo’ak wastes no time, grabbing your wrist and bringing the digits into his mouth. His tongue caresses each inch, stealing every trace of the slick. It’s then that you notice he is staring right back at Aonung, who wears a deep scowl that leaves creased wrinkles along his forehead. 
The shame that would usually riddle your stomach into knots is concealed by the increasing pleasure that you receive from watching Lo’ak clean your fingers, his skilled mouth showing a reflection of what other places his tongue has been put to work. 
Once the brothers deem the show of claim worthy enough, they send Aonung one more look of victory before shifting you to your feet and leading you into the bundle of mangrove trees. You pad along with them thoughtlessly, only focused on the radiating sexual energy coming from the brothers. 
Your forms are concealed enough to be dismissed by the main crowd but a certain onlooker can still make out the silhouettes lit by the moonlight. 
There is not a second given to breathe before lips are attacking your swirling turquoise skin. Neteyam’s hand grips your throat, pushing you back against the bark of the tree. Tongue and teeth dance across your form without reverence. Lo’ak pushes your legs apart to continue suckling at the already present marks to your inner thighs. Your grip on Neteyam’s broad shoulders is borderline painful as you silently beg for the younger brother to move his lips closer to your clothed core. 
“Nete can we please go home? I n-need you inside.” The tremble in your voice is hushed away with a chaste kiss to the lips. 
Neteyam’s response sounds different. The vowels are wider and the concoction of sound only swirls into gibberish in your brain. For a moment you believe that you are already so fucked out that your mind has lost the ability to compute words, but then you notice the way he is looking down at Lo’ak instead of you. Lo’ak too responds with foreign sounds that mean nothing to your ears and that is when you realize the brother are speaking English to one another. 
It’s not the first time they have used this trick. The language barrier proves itself to be a good tool for discussing your torment or pleasure while you remain anxiously unaware. You hate the way your frustration grows at uselessly trying to decipher their conversation, especially when that infamous smirk returns to Lo’ak’s lips. 
“Does our little slut want to be fucked?” Lo’ak coos in a patronizing tone. You rapidly nod your head, dismissing the humiliation of looking so desperate.
“Yes sir! Please need to be fucked, need to be shown my place.” You’re willing to say just about anything at this point to be filled. To finally have the ache in your core blossom into unfathomable euphoria. 
“That’s right, babygirl. Aren’t you lucky to have the two of us teaching you how to be a proper cockslut?” Neteyam rubs his thumb along your pulse, applying just enough pressure to coalesce arousal and trepidation. 
“Y-yes yes thank you.” Your lips chase after the first sight of dark blue skin you see. Your kisses barely reach his cheek as you are still held in place by the firm grip on your neck. 
“How about a deal, mama?” You suddenly notice that Lo’ak is back on his feet, towering over you. You are trapped between the two of them against the tree, only a small window allowing you to see the continuing festival in the distance. A set of hands make quick work of unknotting your loincloth, tossing away the offensive garment. You immediately feel the light breeze along your slick covered petals, reminding you of how vulnerable you are now. 
They lead you towards a stump and Neteyam sits down promptly before pulling you to straddle one of his thighs, facing away from him. You squeak as the majority of your weight now rests on your core against the toned muscle. The pressure is overwhelming in your state so you try to lift yourself off, but Neteyam grips your hips and pulls you back down before you can escape. 
“Not so fast, babygirl.” He chuckles. “Show us how good you can ride my thigh then we will give you what you want.” 
Your bottom lip is trapped between your sharp teeth. This is new territory. You’ve never tried this before and although you are immensely turned on, you begin to worry that this won’t be enough to push you over the edge. 
“Seem like a good deal, mama?” Lo’ak kneels down in front of you, tying his hair back into his infamous ponytail. You go to protest but the words are caught in your throat as Neteyam unexpectedly flexes his thigh. The slight shift of muscle drags against your clit, eliciting a small moan to take the place of your disagreeance. 
“Good girl.” Lo’ak purrs. 
Neteyam’s hands guide you along the smooth skin of his thigh, the effect bringing a wave of pleasure bursting through your core. After not being touched for a few hours, it’s a great relief to have some sort of contact to the sensitive folds. He guides the motion in long strokes, flexing the muscles at random points to hear your moans increase in volume. Lo’ak watches the way your body arches beautifully with every rock of your hips. Eventually seeing the phenomenon is not enough for the younger Sully so he captures your lips in his, loving the way you breath harshly into his mouth. 
Their large hands maneuver your body easily until it is obvious that even on top you are not in control. Neteyam’s thigh is covered in your sweet slick, providing natural lube for your journey along the aqua skin. The wet noises of your pussy mix into a melody with your shaky breaths and squeaky moans. 
“Making such a fucking mess, sevin.” Neteyam’s deep baritone cusps around the back of your neck. Your breath catches when Lo’ak swipes the shells away to greedily cup your breasts. “Wonder what your little admirer would say if he saw you like this. See how desperate you are just to ride my thigh.”
The dirty praises bring another round of sweet whimpers into the air. You had forgotten about Aonung and the shame you felt having the brothers feel you up in public but now that worry has resurfaced into something else, a filthy fantasy you didn’t know you had. Neteyam chuckles darkly at your reaction. His hand wraps around your braid, forcing your neck to crane back, accentuating the dramatic curve of your body. 
“You like that idea, don’t you babygirl?” Your legs are already shaking from the strain of rutting yourself back and forth. The hands digging into your hips are the only things that keep your momentum going. “Want everyone to see what a good little slut you are for us, huh?”
Incoherent noises surface as a response as you feel your orgasm quickly approaching. Tendrils of sensitivity are already lacing your core, the drag of your clit against the hard muscle becoming borderline overwhelming. A sharp slap to your ass has your eyes snapping open to the scene again.
“Neteyam asked you a question, mama. Don’t be rude.” Lo’ak reprimands you. 
“Y-yes sir, I do.” You whimper. Neteyam finally releases your braid. Your head spins as you are back to facing forward. The trees seem to curve and morph into the night sky, dark edges becoming thicker around your vision.
“Ah ah ah hang in there, mama. Don’t go passing out on us.” Lo’ak gently pats your cheek, bringing your vision back into focus. “We just started after all.” He chuckles. 
The pace picks up, strong hands digging into your soft sides to keep you going. Any thought outside of your need to cum drifts away, only leaving enough mental energy to chase your oncoming high. Words of encouragement ring in your ears, even though your body has become pliant as Neteyam and Lo’ak do the work. The familiar tightening sensation in your stomach returns but this time with the hope of release. 
“Come on, babygirl. Cum all over my thigh. Give it to me.” Neteyam’s dark growl is feral and enough to bring sweet euphoria to the front of your mind. Your body convulses and shakes seemingly down to your very bones as you decorate his thigh with your release. The forced rocking motion draws your climax out until you are whimpering and trying to escape the oversensitivity. 
Strong arms slip around your waist, pulling you back flush against Neteyam’s chest. The simple motion against your core has another whimper surfacing. You can feel the strings of cum and arousal connecting your core to his thigh lewdly. 
“Good girl. What a pretty mess you are.” The thick timber of his voice anchors you in the moment, the only sensation your overwhelmed nerves can focus on. It takes a few moments for your pleasure-addled brain to rejuvenate, finally remembering where you are. Your lazy vision drags along the scene until spotting the glowing flames from the festival past the trees. The crowd has moved on from eating to dancing and weaving intricate songs of drums and vocals. 
You wonder if the noise was enough to drown out your climactic screams. 
There is a loss of heat when you are gently handed off to Lo’ak. Your protests are short lived when you regain the comfort in his arms instead. Sitting on the younger Sully’s lap you can see the clear shimmer along Neteyam’s thigh. 
“Why don’t you help Neteyam out and clean up your mess, mama?” Lo’ak whispers the command cloaked as a suggestion in your ear. 
Neteyam watches with glowing hooded eyes as the flat of your tongue dances across his skin. You can taste your own juices but the real pleasure comes from tracing the lines and curves of his toned muscles. Regardless of whether or not you have sufficiently cleaned him up you start to focus on worshiping his body instead. You hungrily lace his inner thighs with open mouthed kisses that have him twitching. Small hands explore the expanse of his legs and thighs, no efforts to conceal your lust. 
A hummed groan releases into the air and you are unsure of which brother it came from but it spurs you on anyway. Neteyam is gracious enough to allow you to leave a few small hickeys along his inner thighs. However, when you try to focus your efforts on the bulge in his loincloth he stops you. Gentle fingers twist in your hair, guiding you to look up at him.
Your pout has returned. 
“But you sai-”
Lo’ak’s fingers spreading your folds cut off the sentence abruptly, rough pad of his forefingers finding your clit quickly. He rubs the sensitive bundle of nerves slowly. Watching the way your already puffy clit shrivels at the touch. 
“We said we’d give you what you want, mama, but you have to trust us. Good girls don’t act greedy.” The words barely register in your brain when two of his fingers slip into your heat. Neteyam chuckles and pets at your hair as you are limp against his thigh. Lo’ak doesn’t start slow, knowing you are already warmed up enough as it is. The tips of fingers mercilessly rub against your g spot until you are trembling. 
The combination brings up memories of Lo’ak tormenting you earlier that day.
Afraid of a repeat, you scramble to get ahead of the situation.
“Lo’ak! Please sir, can I have your cock?! B-been thinking about it all day I need it!” The words tumble out of your mouth as you strain to press your body back against him. The movement allows him to reach a new angle with his fingers. Your face pinches together in bliss, ignoring the humiliation that comes from the position you are in. 
“Aw yawne, you’re already cockdrunk? Can’t have you suffering now can we?” His feigned caring tone only lasts for a moment before you can feel the head of his cock sliding across your petals. More pleas leave your lips but they are unnecessary when he starts to slip past the rim. The stretch of your walls around his thick length is overwhelming. 
Lo’ak’s eyes roll to the back of his head as he finally manages to sheath himself fully in your tight cunt. The way your heat hugs him so perfectly has him already longing to rut into you without mercy. When he sees the pure bliss that laces your features his self control snaps and an unbreakable pace begins. 
Neteyam cradles your face in his hands, watching every flicker of emotion in your expression. You take each thrust obediently, pushing your hips backwards to provide better access. Neteyam revels in the sight of you. Pliant between them as Lo’ak fucks into you brutally. When tears trail from the corners of your blue eyes, Neteyam coos and wipes them away with the pad of his thumb. He takes a mental picture of your wrecked state, body trembling and overwhelmed, hair a tangled mess and cheeks wet with tears. And yet you still take more. 
Always the perfect girl for them. 
“Open.” Dark blue fingers tap your cheeks. Eyes barely fluttering open, you wrench your jaw apart and stick your pink tongue out. Neteyam spits into your open mouth, the substance landing on your tongue. You swallow the spit eagerly, another tangible reminder of his claim on you. Knowing the drill, you present your tongue to prove you’ve swallowed. Your stomach flutters at the look of pride Neteyam gives you. 
Soon the sound of Lo’ak’s pelvis colliding with your ass is mixed with your screechy moans. They hover above the other chants and calls of the celebration. 
“Sh babygirl. I know you want everyone to know how good his cock feels but we shouldn’t disturb their fun.”
In the midst of thrusting Lo’ak manages to grasp your discarded loincloth and throw it to his older brother. Neteyam is quick to understand the meaning while you are absolutely delirious and pleasure drunk between them. When Neteyam tells you to open your mouth once more you become excited, thinking he will spit in it again or better yet, finally let you suck him off. A shocked whine vibrates from your throat when soft balled up fabric is forced into your mouth instead. 
Your tongue pushes at the fabric, trying to get it out. Seeing the struggle, Lo’ak plants his pelvis to your ass before reaching forward to force the fabric back into your mouth. Your curly hair bounces with the shake of your head, earning a sharp pinch to one of your nipples. 
“What’s wrong, mama? Though you liked taking it from both ends.” Lo’ak’s teasing makes you whimper and pout around the gag, a sight that Neteyam gleefully enjoys. He mentally curses himself for not bringing the polaroid camera he stole from the lab. He knows that this view would provide a perfect shot to add to his little collection of you. In his eyes, you never look more beautiful than when you are on your knees between his legs, lidded eyes barely showing your blown out pupils. 
You stop fighting the gag, giving in to the blissful stretch and stroking of Lo’ak’s member inside your pussy. It’s hard to think about anything else, especially when Neteyam takes away the task of even holding your head up. His large hands are warm against your soaked cheeks and those amber eyes send goosebumps along your skin. 
When fingers trail around your hip and back to your clit, you start to come undone. Your lips stretch around the fabric, gaping to try and form muffled words. Although none of it is close to coherent, Lo’ak can tell from the way you grip his cock what you are trying to communicate. 
“I’m right behind you, sevin. Don’t hold back.” The younger Sully grunts shifting to get a deeper angle. Your ears drop backwards as the all consuming sensation takes you over again. “Damn!” Lo’ak grits out between sharp teeth as you almost painfully squeeze around him. 
The climax takes everything out of you. Your muscles burn and your core now aches in a new way. You collapse against them, letting Lo’ak use your pussy to chase his own high. The night air feels harsh in your lungs as it comes in small steam through your nose. The loincloth is drenched in your own saliva, small strings slipping past the corners of your mouth. 
“Taking me so well, mama. Look so pretty.” Your heart siezes with the sweet praises from the younger brother and its the motivation you need to hang on. When the familiar warm ropes of seed paint your inner walls, a wave of relief washes over you. The filling of your womb is somehow comforting, a sweet partner to the gentle trace of Lo’ak’s fingertips on your bare back. 
The window swallows your whimper of protest when Lo’ak slips out. You are held between them when finally the cloth is taken out, a line of saliva connecting it to your swollen lips. You preen when Neteyam leans down and presses a chaste kiss to those lips. He carefully unties the shell top from around your torso, helping you to get more comfortable. It is only when he is leaning forward to do so that you notice the outline of his aching cock in his loincloth, reminding you of your original objective. 
“Neteyam,” He looks down to see your head resting sweetly along his inner thigh, voice breathy and sincere. “I want it.” 
Neteyam sighs, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I don’t know, sevin. You’ve already almost passed out once. Let’s not push it.” 
Lo’ak snorts, before rolling his eyes. 
“Bro, you’re too soft.” Neteyam's soft gaze sharpens into a glare that is directed at his brother. Lo’ak doesn’t so much as flinch. “She’s literally asking for it. You really gonna say no to that face?” He squishes your cheeks together and puts on his own mocking pout as you both look up at him. Were it a circumstance where your brain isn’t morphed by post orgasmic bliss you might have laughed at the scowl that crosses Neteyam’s features at the teasing. Now, you can only bat your eyelashes up at him sleepily.
“Shut up and let her go.” Neteyam snaps, batting Lo’ak’s hands away. “Come here, babygirl.” 
It’s clear his resolve has crumbled but you don’t give him the chance to change his mind. Trembling fingers undo his loincloth and eagerly toss it away. His length slaps softly against his stomach, obviously aroused from the turn of events. It baffles you to think that Neteyam was willing to let himself go unattended to, worrying about your well being instead.
This realization ignites a determination to take care of him. To bring him the same euphoric pleasure he is so willing to give you. 
Neteyam shuts his eyes as you leave sweet kisses and kitten licks along the shaft and head. His cock twitches, bringing a sleepy but triumphant grin to your lips. Although your jaw aches and sleep tugs at the back of your eyes, you push through and wrap your lips around the head. You can feel the deep rumble that comes from his chest when you finally sink down till your nose is pressed to his navel. 
It’s not an easy fit. Your throat contracts around the girth and your gag reflex is already on the brink of acting up. Still, the heavenly moan that trickles from his lips is reward enough. 
You gag around his length, forcing yourself to go up and down in smooth strokes. The ache in your cheeks from holllowing them only increases as his hips start to buck up into your mouth. It’s clear that he’s been on the edge for a while now. Every time the head of his cock hits the back of your throat, your heavy eyelids threaten to droop closed. 
“Not sleepy time yet, babygirl.” Neteyam chuckles, patting your cheeks to signal your eyes to open. 
Neteyam gets lost in your glassy eyes, kept open and looking up at him by sheer will. You’re always so obedient for him. Doing everything in your power to bring him pleasure even when your little body can barely take the strain. This cacophony of thought mixed with the tight convulsing around him is what pushes him over the edge. 
You choke in surprise when white ropes of cum sputter into your mouth. Lo’ak is quick to hold your head down so none of Neteyam’s seed is lost. Barely hanging onto consciousness, you manage to swallow down the sticky substance. 
The night air is filled with the mixture of yours and Neteyam harsh breathing, his thumb pushing any lost cum past your lips. Fucked out beyond repair, you don’t try to fight it when Lo’ak collects you in his arms. His shoulder acts as a good pillow as you snuggle into the crook of his neck. Sweet praises drift into the last grasps you have on reality. 
Unbeknownst to you, the brothers spot a figure at the edge of the trees, his eyes caught on the sleeping form in the younger Sully’s arms. 
“Hey cuz.” Lo’ak smirks.
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Taglist: @pandorxxx​ @neteyamtesuli
739 notes · View notes
patrophthia · 1 year
what letters? | james potter
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pairing: james potter x reader
genre: miscommunications, angst, unrequited crushes, fluffy ending, not proofread
wc: 3.1k
originally posted on wattpad
"you deserve someone better," peter said in confirmation to her words (despite her tone being laced with sarcasm).
"you deserve me," sirius chirped in, smiling charmingly. she rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance, only for his grin to grow wider. "scratch that, you're too good for me love."
"you deserve prongs."
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there's nothing worse than being stood up on a date. being sat there, waiting for someone who would not show up, feeling as though everyone's eyes were on you, silently judging you for your lack of luck.
it feels even more terrible when you're sat at a crowded place, people roaming around thinking they've found an empty spot only to find out that you were sat there: at a table for two or more on your own.
"guess what?" james asked, sitting down beside her in the empty booth without sparing a second thought. if he noticed her sour mood, his didn't show it.
"what?" she mumbled, amusing him.
"so you know how evans and i are partnered up for potions?" he said slowly, moving closer to her so sirius, peter, and remus could slide into the booth as well. at her nod, he continued, "and do you recall how i fancied her for so many years?"
"i think i do," she answered, feeling slightly nauseous at the prospect that maybe just maybe lily finally gave in and agreed to go on a date with him. "what about it?"
"so i was talking to her today and for the first time in forever, i didn't feel anything."
she looked at him skeptically, taking in his words into consideration. "congratulations?"
"congratulating me feels a bit pathetic," he said off-handedly, voice calmer than when he first started. clearing his throat, james leaned back to the booth as he decided to switch the topic. "so how was the date- oh."
so he did not notice her sour mood.
"he's ugly anyways," james said firmly, "he's a waste of time, you're too good for him."
it seemed as of he was stating his opinion rather than trying to comfort her, saying every uplifting thing he could think of. and before she even knew it, the other three boys joined in, trying to lighten up their mood.
she couldn't stay upset for long when their smiles were so infectious, the corner of her lips turning up as well. "yeah, yeah, i get it. that's enough, i'm out of his league. i know."
"you deserve someone better," peter said in confirmation to her words (despite her tone being laced with sarcasm).
"you deserve me," sirius chirped in, smiling charmingly. she rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance, only for his grin to grow wider. "scratch that, you're too good for me love."
"you deserve prongs."
one of the things she hated most about being close to the marauders was how much they shared their life with her. being the only girl in their friend group, she was the designated person to go to whenever there were girls problems.
she didn't mind remus, peter, or even sirius when they came for advice but there was always something bothering her when james came to her. it hurt to hear him talk about other girls he wanted to go on dates with.
she couldn't understand why it stung so much, hurting to an extent that she couldn't quite describe, it felt as if it was a deep frustration kept inside of glass bottle, unable to be opened unless it was shattered. she succumbed when the pressure became to much, confiding in sirius and remus her feelings only to have them point it out. she fancied james.
she fancied her best friend.
and every guy she'd dated ever since he became infatuated with lily evans was just a ruse to distract herself from her real feelings. maybe that was why she didn't feel sad but rather annoyed when she was stood up on a date. why sirius purposely nudged her in what he deemed was the right direction when he said that she deserved someone like james.
she mustered up the courage to tell him how she felt multiple times but was always discouraged whenever he brought lily up, whenever he mentioned anything that she did and put her up on a pedestal.
lily was great, she knew that, she was friends with lily herself and the girl is nothing but an angel.
and as much as she thought that the two of them would make a good couple, she couldn't help but feel relieved when james told her he'd finally gotten over her. maybe this was the right time for her to finally make her move.
there was a knock on the door making her perk up from her seat. clearing her throat and straightening out her shirt, she called out. "come in!"
the doorknob turned, the door creaking open the slightest bit, unruly black hair peeking through the small opening, james had an hand over his glasses. "are you decent?"
with a short laugh, she answered him, "i am."
james came in, a goofy grin on his face when he shut the door behind him. standing almost awkwardly, he looked at her. "a little werewolf told me, you wanted to see me."
"i do." she can't help but smile in return, patting an empty spot besides her. james came forward, taking her invitation for him to be sat. "i wanted to tell you something."
james looked at her patiently, hanging onto her every word. "what is it?"
she gulped, running the scenario over one last time before she spoke it out loud. it was the day before the school year ended, everyone would be on their way back home tomorrow and it was now or never. she was going to tell him how she felt.
and it only took sirius promising her that if she confessed, he would take her on a book shopping spree, all expenses paid by him, even if they were hard covers. the things sirius would do for his friends to be in love.
"promise you won't be mad at me?"
james frowned, his brows furrowing. "why would i ever be mad at you?"
she huffed anxiously, looking to the side. "you might be after i tell you this."
james thought about it for a second, frown not once wavering. "i promise i won't be mad at you."
"okay," she mumbled more to herself than anything, gathering up everything she had in herself for her next words, "i like you. a lot."
james frowned deepened, why would he be mad at her for liking him?
and then it hit him, his eyes widening. she liked him unliked the way she liked sirius or remus or peter, she fancied him. "oh."
"are you mad at me now?" she asked slowly.
james shook his head frantically, denying it. "no, no, no, i promise you i wouldn't be. why would i even be mad at you?"
she studied him, trying to see if he was actually mad at her yet he was being the kind person he is or if he was being genuine. finally she settled on, explaining to him her thought process instead. "because this could potentially ruin our friendship."
"it doesn't," james murmured softly, skipping over her confession. "nothing can ruin our friendship."
"hey remus," she said, clutching her landline close to her ear, "have you heard from james?"
"yeah, why?"
"nothing," she replied way too quickly for either of them to believe her. "[name]..." remus drawled out slowly, trying to get her to let up on whatever it is that bothered her. "i told him."
remus kept silent for a second, she could hear shuffling from his side of the call. "and what did he say?" he asked finally.
she cleared her throat, wondering how their phone call went from the topic of the full moon to this. it was summer break, everyone being back in their respective homes.
sirius was at his flat, his doors open for whenever she needed company. remus was back home, staying with his parents as he helped his mother with her work. peter was at a summer camp, he didn't tell them much about it and they never bothered to ask, if he was okay then it was good enough. james was on vacation with his family, going to see as much of europe as they possibly can.
ever since the break started, she had kept consistent contact with them. remus had picked up every call, answered every letter and even flooed to her house when she'd asked him to. she'd helped sirius moved into his new flat —bought with his uncle's money and even stayed with him as he settled in for while. peter wrote back as much as he could which was to say not much, but the good news was he found a kind girl named ava, he'd even had his first kiss with her.
she'd spoken to all of them but james. there was not a single word that's been exchanged between the two ever since break started. she couldn't call him so she opted on owling him, but her owl always came back empty handed. she was getting worried, maybe his promise of not being mad broke.
"nothing," she answered.
there was a hum from remus, a sense of tranquility falling between the invisible line. "he never knows what to say anyways. have you tried talking to him?"
"i have," she said quietly, "he hasn't replied to any of my letters. i've sent dozens and i haven't heard a single hello in return."
"maybe it got lost," remus suggested tiredly.
she made a sound of agreement before countering, "or maybe he doesn't want to talk to me anymore."
"no," remus dismissed, "he probably forgot to answer, you know how prongs is."
"i've got to go," she said, ready to hang up, "i'll see you on the train?"
"i'll see you then," remus said, and then just before the call ended, he added, "don't over think it, james is an idiot."
"[name]!" sirius cheered the moment he saw her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder the second he got to her side. "how's my pretty girl doing?"
she looked at him with a small struggling smile, unable to carry her luggages under his weight. sirius noticed, pulling out his wand and levitating it behind them. "i'm good, how are you pads?"
"i'm as great as you are," he muttered before spotting remus, calling out for the lanky marauder to join the pair of them. remus kissed his mother on the cheek, bidding his father goodbye then turned to them with a timid smile. sirius repeated his question the second remus came within ear shot. "how's my lovely boy doing?"
"i've been better," he said honestly. sirius took his appearance in, brows furrowing when he noted that remus was still recovering. sirius repeated his spell, levitating remus' luggages behind the three of them as well. "where's prongs?"
"i dunno," sirius said carelessly, completely indifferent with how she tensed up beneath his arm. "i'm sure he's waiting for us in one of the carriages."
"or not," remus muttered, and before he had the chance to rethink his words, he blurted out, "he's probably with evans, they're the new head boy and girl after all."
they are?
james had not told her anything, not one single thing since break started and met its end. and now this?
she felt her stomach drop, every muscle in her body going weak. she froze in her step, unable to keep moving with the information in mind. he was with her, again. she knew that it was wrong for her to feel this way, james had a life, he can do whatever he pleased.
but it did not feel good knowing that neither sirius nor remus told her about this revelation before hand. not until she was to face him again.
"what's wrong?" sirius asked with worry, halting in his steps as well.
remus eyes widened, finally realizing the consequences of his own words. merlin, how he longed to dig himself into a hole right then and there.
"nothing," she answered after a while, feigning a smile. "nothing's wrong."
sirius gazed at her skeptically, disbelieving. "are you sure?" at her nod, sirius pursed his lips, accepting it for now. "let's find ourselves some seats then."
sirius led the way onto the hogwarts express, passing carriages upon carriages to try and find an empty one. eventually, he found one with an all too familiar face in it.
sat there with a big smile was james potter in all his glory, chatting to peter about who knows what. it didn't take long for him to notice their presence, smile growing wider when he stood up, opening up the carriage's door for them.
she turned, not wanting to be trapped in the same compartment as james for the next seven -eight? hours of the train ride only for her wrist to be caught before she could make her escape. glancing up at the arm, she found remus looking back at her with worried eyes.
she shook her head, silently begging for him to let go but remus didn't budge, his grip on her wrist tightened, keeping her in place. "i'm okay remus."
"please," she pleaded so quietly that he almost hadn't heard it. almost. reluctantly remus dropped his hand, letting her go. "i'll see you at dinner."
and with that she left, finding a seat on the other side of the train with her dorm mates and other housemates. her luggages were already put away and she trusted sirius enough to not lose her stuff.
"where's [name]?" asked james from his spot, her stuff was there but where was she? he hadn't seen her in so long. "she left," remus snapped, seeming as if he was ready to bite james' head off but he chalked it up as the after full moon effect. "why?"
"i don't know mate, you tell me."
ignoring james potter was a hard process, the boy was loud (and obnoxious) his presence was everywhere she looked, from her classes to the great hall when all she wanted was a sandwich. "good morning."
"morning," remus said in return, settling besides her on her house table. "did the daily prophet come in yet?"
she thought about it for a second, chewing on her food. "no."
remus nodded, tiredly rubbing his eyes. "prong's asking for you."
"he is?" she asked with slight surprise.
"he thinks you're avoiding him." remus paused for a second, watching as sirius sat down opposing them. "which you are," he added pointedly, "but he wants to know why."
she opened her mouth, ready to reply when she spotted the fore-mentioned boy approaching their table. she stood up, grabbing her stuff as quick as she could and bid remus and sirius goodbyes.
"it happened again!" james exclaimed the moment he landed by sirius' side. "she didn't even say hello!"
james had had enough. it had been three months and two weeks since she admitted her feelings to him and he never once had the chance to speak to her since. he didn't understand why she didn't talk to him on the train then and he didn't understand it now.
when the five of them were sat in the same room, talking within themselves. she had barely even look at him, only chatting with sirius, remus, and peter, it was as though he didn't exist.
he'd had enough, he decided, standing up abruptly. she was sat at sirius' desk, joking with remus —who was sat on sirius' bed about something james couldn't comprehend. making his way over, james cleared his throat, gathering their attention.
"why are you ignoring me?" he asked directly, ignoring the cautious looks that both remus and sirius threw at him.
playing dumb, she frowned. "i'm ignoring you?"
"don't act daft! you've have been ignoring me and you know it!" james said accusingly, "you told me you fancied me and got me all happy and confused and then you proceed to go out of your way to avoid me so please, for godric's sake, why have you been ignoring me?"
"why have i been ignoring you?" she repeated incredulously, "you ignored me first. that's why i'm ignoring you."
"what do you mean i ignored you first?!" he exclaimed with disbelief, "i haven't seen you in three months and when i finally do you won't even look at me, how is any of this my fault?"
"how is any of this your fault?" she repeated, her tone ridiculing him. "i sent you dozens of letters and you never answered! i thought you hated me!"
"letters?" james asked, "what letters?"
she scoffed, "i wrote to you. all through summer. and you never once answered. screw that, i don't care that you didn't answer because maybe they got lost since you kept on traveling but you knew where i'd be and yet you never wrote a single word to me."
"i thought you hated me, i thought you didn't want to see me anymore so i didn't see the point in wanting to see you."
james bit his lips, considering her words. "i didn't write to you because i wanted to give you space."
"when you told me you liked me i was ecstatic, i was also so confuse because i didn't understand why i felt so happy. i thought i liked evans but it's always been you all along and i didn't know how to accept that so i never said anything. i promised you i wouldn't be mad at you let alone hate you and i never was, not once was i mad at you. i was mad at myself for not realizing i loved you sooner."
"what am i supposed to say to that james." she huffed out, feeling helpless. the other three boys were listening in, watching as the drama unfolded while simultaneously silently rooting for them to get with one another, she knew they were.
"that you love me too," james suggested weakly, "i would really like it if you told me you love me too."
"i do," she admitted, "i've always loved you james."
james broke out into a grin. "so you're my girlfriend now?" he asked cheekily. she rolled his eyes, smiling at him as well. "take me out on a date first." he beamed at her, "of course, when are you free gorgeous?"
"when i'm done scamming your best friend's money for books."
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—from bee: sigh jamesssss :<
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crisiscutie · 2 months
Yandere Father Sephiroth Musings
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By merging all the timelines, your father Sephiroth has successfully conquered the multiverse. The sole focus of his dark heart now is you.
Content Warning: Emotional abuse. Yandere Sephiroth. Infantilization. Unhealthy and unsettling family dynamics. Rebirth spoilers.
Counterpart to Yandere Son Sephiroth musings here.
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༻❁༺ Conquering the multiverse wasn't enough for him after all. His thirst for power extended beyond it now. Reality itself will be his next ultimate conquest.
༻❁༺ With you, his precious princess at his side, anything was possible. But you weren't as eager for conquest as your father was. You loved him, but there was an empty void within you. You yearned for a greater purpose, beyond merely being his princess and partner in conquest.
༻❁༺ "Sweet girl" was his special name for you. Whenever those two simple yet powerful words left his lips, you couldn't help but feel weak in the knees and overwhelmed with devotion to him. A willingness to go above and beyond to please your father always possessed you, no matter what debate or reckless antic you were doing.
༻❁༺ During battles, he'd watch you kill off the lesser beings with a twisted joy, dousing you in praise. Most especially when you bring him special types of materia.
༻❁༺ He even played fetch with you sometimes, pretending to accidentally drop the materia just to see you, his sweet girl, retrieve it for him.
༻❁༺ But he didn't have direct control over you, despite having the ability to invade your thoughts. This always made him furious because there are times he wants needs to control you physically. But this lack of control also deepened his infatuation with you.
༻❁༺ If you sensed him poking around in your mind, you'd kick him out sometimes, wishing to be alone or just because you could. He never got angry at this. In fact, it amused him. These small, petty acts of defiance were no threat to him. Yet, this only nurtured the seeds of rebellion within you as time went on.
༻❁༺ Despite your ability to make your own decisions, he continued to treat you like a child. He desired to keep you at his side eternally. From what little you knew of his childhood, he told you he wanted the opposite for you - for you to be "free". Yet, both of you knew that your current reality was anything but free.
༻❁༺ Yet he genuinely doesn't realize that he's obsessive, overprotective and patronizing towards you. Why would he? He provided you with what you needed and granted your desires. It's clear that he is the only one for you. No one, be it a friend or a boyfriend, can love and appreciate you as deeply as your beloved father does.
༻❁༺ Even though you've already experienced and carried out such terrible deeds for him, he still obsesses over maintaining your purity, whatever that may entail. He took extreme steps, ensuring that nothing or no one can strip it away from you. If so, your purity will only be taken by him, should the moment ever come.
༻❁༺ He consistently lavished you with affection, usually wearing a gentle, affectionate smile around you. Headpats or stroking your cheek seemed to be his favored method of delivering this. But through his slit eyes, you sensed his twisted darkness, albeit mixed with genuine affection for you. His traditional, malicious smirk was usually saved for his enemies and other lesser beings.
༻❁༺ ...And for you, in the few rare times where you have crossed the line. If he even detected the slightest hint of doubt about your origins or you leaving his side, you'll be corrected quickly. He'd never, ever physically hurt you. But he'd drown you in a sea of remorse and shame. How could you question or disappoint your perfect father, sweet girl?
༻❁༺ It pained you greatly to even consider hurting your father or letting him down. However, as one of your past adversaries pointed out, you need to live for yourself. You need to discover your own purpose. Ever since your childhood, the regret of killing them has haunted you. They were the closest thing you had to a connection outside of Sephiroth. And you repaid them with betrayal and blood as your father urged you to eliminate them. Afterward, he told you there was nothing to be sad about. You were a princess of a legend and they were a worthless human parasite. You wanted to think like that too, but you couldn't...
༻❁༺ After the memory of your lost friend persisted in your thoughts longer than usual, you mustered the courage to ask him about your origins. You needed to do this. You don't even know who your mother is. He typically stonewalled whenever you bring this up, but this time, you stayed persistent.
༻❁༺ You refused to back down and ignored your growing fear. His familiar, malicious smirk emerged on his face as you continued to persist on this grating topic. A dark chuckle slipped from him as he finally revealed her name: JENOVA. ...His mother!? Who he is already one with???
༻❁༺ Without warning, he grabbed your chin with a firm grip. He made sure your eyes locked onto his slit eyes. He leaned in so close that you felt the warmth of his breath against your lips.
༻❁༺ "That's enough," his velvety voice turned to pure ice. Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you relented and apologized profusely to him. You made your precious father upset.
༻❁༺ But as you blinked, his typical gentle, affectionate smile had already reappeared. He cupped your cheeks, gently wiping away your tears.
༻❁༺ "Come, my sweet girl. Let's watch the stars together," he whispered. You nodded, resting your head against his chest. His arms embraced you as he flew you towards the destination.
༻❁༺ After that incident, you found other subtle ways to rebel. Any direct confrontations with your father won't work now. In your search for the truth, you discovered your father had a trophy room where he collected certain souvenirs. It turns out he hadn't utterly destroyed some worlds after all.
༻❁༺ This intrigued you, as you hoped to uncover clues about your origins. During your brief moments of free time, you'd explore the room, eager to read and learn as much as possible.
༻❁༺ Sephiroth knew exactly what you were up to. He went through this situation himself, a long, long time ago at the same age. He saw this as an opportunity to finally gain complete control over you.
༻❁༺ He orchestrated a path for you, leading you from one clue to another to foster the illusion that you're closing in on the truth, and indeed you are. But it'd be his truth that awaited you.
༻❁༺ He observed your journey closely, feigning ignorance of it as the two of you continued to conquer the omniverse, part of his overarching mission to conquer reality itself. You will be his sweet and obedient girl one day.
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Darling going on r/raisedbynarcissists to figure out what to do next in her journey 🤣
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The reason why the toh fandom can have such wildly diverging interpretations of the Wittebane story is because the show did not do its job. How old was Philip when Caleb left? Did Caleb truly believe in witch hunting or was he just playing along to what the town expected? Did Caleb ever tell Philip anything? Did he ever talk to his brother and try to change his mind? How long was Philip searching for Caleb? How did he get cursed? How exactly did the knife fight start? Did Philip kill Caleb accidentally or on purpose? Did he kill him only because he married a witch or because he left him? Or both?
The fact is, we don't have definitive answers to any of these. We only have educated guesses based on portraits barely glimpsed in the show that lack any context, Masha's barebones version of events, and Belos' self-justifications. Casual fans shouldn't have to be knee-deep in fandom just to get the main villain's backstory, especially when said story is the literal basis of the whole plot.
Plus, if you're going to spend the final half of your last season barely exploring the villain's origins, only to completely ignore it in the series finale, then you've written a bad ending.
Update: This is getting some notes so I'm including additional thoughts to the original post. The rest will be under the read more:
Just to add onto this because some folks argue that we don’t need his backstory because we already have the essentials or it’s not really important to the plot. The thing is though is that Belos’ story launches the entire plot of the show, his character and motivation are the direct result of actions that happened centuries before the main characters were born. It needs to be depicted and not largely inferred. 
His story is important to creating a more fleshed out character and can strengthen the themes of the show (the rivalry between Eda and Lilith and Luz struggling to fit in at home are parallels to Belos). Instead the show gives little kernels of his story and character that make him more interesting than just Evil Emperor (the fact that the brothers became witch hunters to fit in, the fact that Belos worst memories are of killing Caleb and making grimwalkers are never touched on again). The first (and last) time we see Caleb in a full scene is in For the Future and it has huge implications for the dynamic between the two brothers. But again, nothing is done with it. It seemed like the show was building up that Belos’ lies and self-justifications would lead to his undoing but it doesn’t. So him dying with his ideology and self-delusions intact feels empty.
The worst part of how the Wittebane story is handled is that since it’s largely inferred and you have to be pretty involved in fandom to have a more nuanced take of it, a casual fan can easily just accept other characters’ views on the matter. Masha says “looks like little bro was jealous of big bro” and it undercuts the story of the Wittebanes (to say nothing of the tonal whiplash). The Titan dismisses Belos as only caring for himself and to be the hero, which while technically true, misses a lot of context and makes it easy to dismiss Belos as a whole as simply being evil and crazy instead of a more layered villain. And it can’t be argued that these are just the characters’ perspectives and we shouldn’t take it at face value because there’s nothing really in the show to pushback against that. 
Now, yes, it is fun to imagine how the Wittebane story played out and in hindsight, it’s probably better that the show didn’t depict the entire story because they probably would have botched it. But the point remains that the handling of this storyline was a mess (and don’t give me the cancellation excuse, the show learned early on about this and wrote all of 2B with it in mind). The Wittebane story and Belos as a whole showcase why setup and payoff matter. You show the villain feels guilt about their worst deeds? What’s the payoff to that? The villain was originally an outsider who tried to fit in and conformed to a town’s toxic ideologies? What’s the payoff? The villain continually lies to himself and commits atrocities to justify his actions? What’s the payoff? 
If you’re going to raise interesting and thought-provoking questions then don’t give the audience a simplistic answer.
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pvnks0ul · 6 months
when i kissed the teacher (18+)
◈ professor!riri w. x fem!reader
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sypnosis: When the course of her marriage has run awry, Riri finds herself entertaining your little crush on her.
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⚠︎: deluded & kinda obsessed!reader, college student!reader, age gap, cheating, a lil dramatic coz it's in readers pov mostly, older (think late 20s-early 30s) + married!riri, car ess ee ecks, strap on (reader receiving) + oral (RW receiving), no resolve (sry lol), lil plot 4 🌽, sub!reader/Dom!riri, smut under the cut + ! amateur writing ! (Your only warning)
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"Mhmm..fuck–!" Riri mewls as her hand shoves your head deeper into her cunt, your tongue pacing the most intimate part of her before licking a stripe up to her clit, kneading it just how she taught you, "Y-yeah, just like that."
Riri knew no argument would justify her continuous crimes of adultery but with you being just around the corner conveniently after each one made it easy to cough up excuses. She was very aware of the crush you had on her, so she always made sure to smile in your very general direction, calling on you first if your hand was raised because she liked the way you'd bashfully take on th challenge, even if you weren't completely sure of it.
It's not like you were a saint either. Infact, some would say you were even worse. Especially after you were caught spitefully facing the wedding picture of her and Raven, the wife, down in the early mornings if you arrived to class before her. She tried to talk to you about how disrespectful it was, but you didnt seem to care as she didnt even notice till you said something about her ring.
That landed you your first referal from her, alone. You liked riri, but were still highly upset! You just wanted her to focus in class with no distractions. You weren't actually trying to be disrespectful. Riri senses this from across the room. She watches you solemnly after you'd rolled your eyes at her. And that was just unacceptable, she had to make sure you knew that which is why she makes sure the door is locked, checking the empty hallways and unpinning the little piece of fabric that covers the window in the door before pulling out a chair next to your desk.
You'd been acting out of character alot lately and she just wanted to check in. She cared a little too much & got a little too close. The supportive hand on your knee, turned into you laying your head on her shoulder, and ended with her blouse sleeves rolled up to her elbows as she worked her way knuckle deep between your sticky thighs, lowly whispering praises as you spread yourself to accept more of her from under the desk.
When it's over, your looking at her with nothing but pure unfiltered adoration and it's bad for Riri. It's terrible for her because she doesn't feel like she just did the worst thing possible by betraying her wife instead, she was thinking about when the next time she'd be able to have you again.
Mewling around her mound, you find yourself desperate for her approval. Your brown orbs glancing up for her usual nod of approval only to find her head is thrown back against the seat of her car. Thats how you know she really needed this and you cant blame her. Spending all day in a stuffy classroom only to come home to a nagging incompetent wife just couldnt be a desirable life for anyone, you tear up sometimes just thinking about how hard it must be for Riri.
"C'mon baby." she grunts, her eyes finally gracing you, her lids were low but still, it was enough to motivate you. You groan into her at the petname, circling her clit before sucking it into your mouth and she ruts against you desperately. Your only purpose was to make her bust in your mouth again.
It takes just a few more seconds of you lapping over her pussy to have her quivering thighs clenching around your head. And you love it, the lack of air encouraging you to continue, if anything. Riri grinds her hips against your face, a hint of a whine slips past her lips as she rides her high out on you. You keep going, trying to lick her dry, suckling right from her creamy hole, Riri sucks her bottom lip under her teeth at the sight and she wants you to keep going but once she reaches the end of it she's pulling your head away by your ponytail, not wanting to overstimulate herself. You whine at this, but settle for laying your head on her quaky leg until she comes down.
"C'mere." Riri demands in a hush tone. You use her sticky thighs as support to lift yourself up, sliding right into her lap, your thighs being separated by her bare one and she grips your chin, forcing you impossibly closer into her bubble. Her dark brown almost black orbs hypnotic and locking you in their lustfilled haze as they dropped to your wet lips before back up to your blown out eyes.
You're so beautiful and she cant tell you that because she knows how you get. It was an aggravating cycle. She'll give you a compliment and then you'll bombard her with a good 50 or so questions concerning reasons why she won't choose you than.
And every single time it always ends up with you sulking back into the passenger seat, not wanting to finish anything you started as fat tears cascaded down your cheeks, asking her to drop you off or notably ditching her class the next day.
So she admires you in secret while her thumb swipes away at the slick of your full bottom lip. She brings it to her own mouth, sucking her juices off her finger in one swift motion. You gape at the vulgar display infront of you.
She brings her face closer and a gasp slips past your lips, now brushing lightly against the other, "You're gonna get in trouble.." You speak, referring to your lipstick stained lips, developing a perfect pout and Riri has no choice but to give in. She rolls her eyes before tilting her head and leaning forward, "..If that happens I'll handle it." she corrects you, finally connecting your mouths in a dreamy kiss, you push your chest into hers with a moan, kissing back with just as much intensity and her rough hands drop to fiddle with the ends of your skirt, pushing the fabric up your plush hips.
She smirks against you when she finds that you dont have any panties on, she lays her hand dormant on your mound excluding her thumb as she uses it to dip between your warm folds, cooing proudly to find it absolutely sopping. You press your chests together her with a whimper, "m-more, Riri!"
She complies, "Course..", her fingers playing with the tip of your puffy clit, your hips twitching into them, "What is it? Can't handle me no more?" she mumbles. You shake your head no, you were just so sensitive because of how busy and negligent– she’d been this week when you were becoming accustomed to getting her every night. It felt like you would cum right now if she'd asked for it.
Riri smirks at the sour expression on your face, "All you want is for someone to rub on your pretty little clit, huh?" her cool breath fans your burning cheeks as you shamelessly follow each roll of her thumb across the bud,
You nod your head at whatever she just said and she knows that look on your face, you’re close... but already?
Just when you're on the brink of a climax, you grab at her wrist and yank it away from your heat, your thighs closing with a quickness. Riri cuts her eyes at you, curious to what you're doing. You wanted to finish with her inside but if you so much as let her get a few more strokes in, it'd be too late because you don’t think you have energy to go again.
You pant against her dress shirt as she holds you up with her hands around your back, "Do you have it with you?"
And Riri catches onto what you mean, she settles you with one hand while reaching in the small black tote bag in the backseat with wet fingers.
"When I'm coming to see you..." . She returns with the harness–attached dildo and you can feel your hole clench around nothing at just the thought of being full again. "Always." she speaks in that raspy tone.
"Up." Riri taps your side, signalling you to move so she can slide it pass her thighs and you happily abide.
She guides you over it once its secured, using your slick as lubricant for her dark brown piece she lines it up with your hole and settles it half way in.
Your eyes are already closing shut as the curved girthed allowed it to touch both sides of your walls, "Nmph-! Fuck!", Your hips twitch, not sure if you can handle all of it, worried she's too big. How'd you ever get it all in before?!
Riri disagrees, gripping the globes of your ass, spreading them as she pushed her pelvic up into you, opening you to fit her like a glove with each thrust earning her high pitched shudders against her ear as you held her dress shirt between closed fists, "S'too much.."
She scoffs at this, "You wanna be good for me, right?" She whispered lowly, rubbing at the smooth skin of your hips.
"Y-yeah, for y-you–!" You groan while holding her face in your hands, admiring all the little details you could see from up here and Riris chest burns at your words, more specifically the last bit. You never failed to keep her wrapped around your fingers when you always said shit like that.
Riri kisses your palm before bottoming out with a final push in. Your spine feels like it'll break from how fast you arched it on impact, your wet clit pressing into the bottom of her white shirt and waist band of her boxers and you're already shaking against her.
Riri holds the ends of the back of your thighs, trying to be patient and wait for you to calm down but you whimpering in the crease of her neck was not helping, she swallows thickly, thinking of ways to try and prevent herself from slamming you down on her dick, "...lemme know when."
It takes a good minute for the pain to subside, for you to feel the familiar inkling of heat in the pit of your belly, waiting to blaze so, you swirl your hips a bit, the tip scraping the bottom of your cervix with each one and you desperately need more.
"Oh fuck!" you use Riris shoulders to lift yourself a few inches before plunging, your sap drenching her legs and creating a noticeable puddle on the fabric under the strap from how long you were warming her.
The girth of her faux brushing your walls almost teasingly from how horrible you were at fucking yourself, but with the way your thighs were starting to burn so easily, you wouldn’t be able to do finish on your own. You just needed a little bit of help.
"Please.." You whined into her, buzzing with ecstasy, messy thighs pathetically quivering as you opened yourself for her viewing pleasure, "I– just want you to fuck me, Riri.." she doesnt hear whatever else you managed to slur, too busy eying your pussy in awe of your pink slit just barely swallowing all 8 inches down to the base.
She quiets you with a sweeter more innocent kiss while pressing the button on the side to recline her seat, letting you rest while she takes care of it.
Riri grabs you by your waist, your head tucked as your shuddered breaths pricked the skin of her neck, steadily she ascends your lower half before bringing you back down with a wet slush, repeating her steps over again. Each gasp gets stuck in your throat as her dick stretches you out and stirs all the creaminess inside, making goosebumps rise on your skin with every thrust.
You whine louder, acrylics breaking through the sleek material of her shirt, nipping her skin as you felt the fire in your belly turn inflammatory, she was fucking you so good and you didnt want her to stop but the clenching was inevitable, halting her strokes in their place with each one.
Riri reluctantly slows to a stop, she could feel your ass jiggling but now she wanted to see it all for herself. Your eyes dart open immediately after, and you're frowning down at her because you were so close.
"Turn around, I wanna see sum."
Riri holds your thighs and the base of the strap so she can pull out smoothly. They slide up to your waist when you sat down with your back to her chest and you could feel her pebbled nipples against your skin.
She bites down harshly on her bottom lip as she enters you again, your crying and panting as she sunk deeper but she knew you'd get off better this way.
"Yeah, i know..." she coos sincerely trying to soothe your nerves, "...but you gotta take all of it f'me." she holds you down with her free hand as she effortlessly grazed that soft spot once again, grinding into you at an unsteady rhythm.
Riri pushes your back in and your back forms a perfectly sharp arch, she grabs handfulls of the flesh in one hand before smacking down on the other. The pained yelp you let out contrasted drastically to the gush of juices you leaked over her dick and already messy boxers. She does it again, switching sides and kneading the sore skin of the one that got spanked then spreading to see the aftermath.
Riri groans at the sight of clear strings creating ill shaped webs dripping at both holes. Boldly, she releases your ass and presses her thumb into the crease, going all the way down, lubricating the pad before pressing into your button. You whimper at her curious prodding & rubbing but never once did you tell her to stop.
Your head lowers in shame from how much you were enjoying this as you gave her a better angle to fuck you from, just shutting your eyes as you let her have her way with you.
Riri bounces you on her lap a few times, the sound of your pussy turning her on even more, "You're real dirty, baby." She mocks while removing her thumb, drawing her arms around your waist and forcefully bringing you back to her chest, her faux shifting inside of you.
She moves down your mound, brushing over the tip of your clit before thrumming harder, playing with the silky bud. You squeak & squirm, reaching down to try and stop her but all she does is thrust her hips up in response.
Everything was starting to move too fast for you as she swirled all 4 of her fingers over your sensitive nub, her hips working into you at the same time and all you could do was pathetically wait for it to come crashing down.
"God—ah! 'gonna make me cum!" you wail pitifully and it really is pathetic how quick it was but you truly couldnt help it.
"Uh-huh..." She hums, her grip becoming harsh as she pulls on you with so much vigor your ass starts to clap against her bare thighs. Riri bites her bottom lip as she fucks you harder, your pussy squelching endlessly just for her, "Go 'head then baby, dont make me wait for it." You nearly go cross-eyed at her accent, sloppily grinding your clit into her gungy palm for more stimulation as she brings you over the edge with a final roll of her hips.
Your whole body spasms as you cry out her name, Riri watches in amazement, her hands gripping on your hips and leaving deep dents in their wake as you whine and pant and tremble ontop of her.
"Breathe, mama." she encouraged before she kissed behind your ear. Riri continues to pump you sloppily, helping you through the overstimulation since your thighs were still trembling and you weren't forming coherent sentences. Just biting down on your already swollen lips as a desperate attempt to hide the taboo eruption, clinging onto her for dear life and Riris buzzing under you. She wants to fuck you again. Have your short acrylics scratching up her back, neck and thighs but she knows it’s not a good idea. Especially since you’d definitely miss your curfew for the umpteenth time.
She's gauging your every move before she takes a chance and leans in, grazing her teeth at the bottom of your neck to prep for the fresh row of hickies even when she knows she shouldn’t be leaving evidence muttering, “You did so good f’me.” After each one and she prays it distracts you enough for her to effectively slide her wet piece out.
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was kinda scared to post this one butttt, imma thug it out for my riri girlies ‹𝟹🥲
🔖: @sapphicbarbz @shurislover @s0lam33y (special thanks to @lppriceisright for proof-reading some of this for me!!)
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Meaningless vs. useful angst
Kiko is about to fucking rant.
Maybe I'm beating a dead horse, but I feel like this is something that people will relate to more than I realized before. Plus, as someone who is going through a lot of shit IRL, I completely understand the need to read some angst as an outlet. But the constant angst caused purely by the exact same issues over and over and over with zero growth over 100k+ word fics gets incredibly exhausting and sometimes it genuinely ruins my day because the angst didn't serve as a useful outlet; in the end, it actually just filled me with more grief.
In my (likely unpopular) opinion, these stories show a lack of depth and creativity in a writer. They give the impression that the writer doesn't know how to write conflict without falling back onto the exact same issues and tropes, and it just becomes a revolving door that will never have a satisfying end.
Meaningless angst leaves readers unsatisfied and empty. It provides characters that readers don't want to root for. It lacks proper character development and typically includes angst for the sake of angst, for the sake of piling the pain and anguish onto characters (and readers) until it's just more than anyone can take. It reaches a point where absolutely no ending will be satisfying for anyone. Eventually, characters are irredeemable and beyond saving.
Making your readers feel grief through your writing does not make you a good writer by default. Sometimes, it just means that you've written a shit ton of angst with no clear direction and it left your readers feeling unfulfilled and empty. Angst with no purpose beyond drawing a reaction from people isn't good writing, it's lazy and uncreative. Most of the time, it's used as a means to keep people hooked because they're compelled to read until there's a satisfying end, but the problem is that there won't be. Essentially, what you've done is you've opened a wound that will never be closed.
For angst to work, there has to be a clear goal and characters worth rooting for. We want them to make it through the angst because they're strong and compelling. But once you have characters making the exact same mistakes for the fifth or sixth time with no signs of growth or any attempts to learn, it becomes drawn out and meaningless. The issue with this kind of angst is that it doesn't drive us forward, it either takes us backward or keeps us stagnant. It leaves your readers unsatisfied, and it traps you in a cycle that feels absolutely hopeless. We start just wishing for the end no matter what that may be. We don't want them to keep going.
The purpose of angst is not just to cause pain. Angst is a rhetorical vehicle to reach a clear goal. Angst works when it has purpose beyond evoking strong reactions from readers. It works when it's necessary to move the story forward.
These are all reasons why, in my writing (Another Level, Physical Paradox, and even in Before I Love You), I've tried to make sure that angst has a clear meaning and purpose. In Another Level, our angst didn't last too long. It wasn't drawn out for no reason, and it had a clear result. Every time we had angst, we clearly saw the growth in Rinko and Gojo. In the end, it always worked toward strengthening their trust, not completely destroying it. The angst began because of 'realistic' reasons, not cheap plot twists that make you angry and leave you unfulfilled (I hope).
Anyway, that's my rant about angst because it seems like there are no stories that can balance the angst well enough to reach a satisfying conclusion.
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the-final-sif · 4 months
c!Dream is off on a mission, to a location he does not know, for a purpose he does not know, but it’s probably not dangerous, and he also brought snacks so it should work out in the end. Honestly, given his poor map reading skills, the lack of direction isn’t that different from normal.
When Dream started his mission to… somewhere, he hadn’t been expecting it to feel so different.
Unlike his usual adventures, full of sidetracks and distractions, he found his feet pulled forward. His body almost moved as if it had a mind of his own as something called for him. Faintly but desperately. Like a ghost screaming and clawing at his skin, but only coming across as a gust of wind.
He couldn’t say how long he walked for. Time faded away, the light stopped mattering, the sights and sounds blended together until-
Until he reached it.
The entrance to a cave, made of rock he’d never seen before. It was perfectly smooth, like river rocks, but it shimmered like crystals. Every time he looked, it was a different color. Refracting and reflecting light until you lost yourself looking at it.
It was huge. It was narrow. It was more than big enough to fit him. It felt like it might consume him.
The call was coming from the cave, but equally just looking at the cave felt like he was doing something wrong. Like he wasn’t really supposed to be here, even though he’d been called.
Taking a deep breath, Dream strode forward. Holding his head high and hoping his mask would keep him safe, like XD had promised it would.
Inside the cave, there was no air. Inside the cave, Dream didn’t need to breathe. He forgot how to.
The only thing he could remember was how to put one foot in front of the other.
There was no sound, not even his own footsteps. There was no light. He could see just fine. He could not understand what he was seeing.
Whatever was under his feet was no longer rock. Maybe it never had been. He still didn’t know what color it was.
Deeper and deeper into the cave he went, nothing changing but the feeling in his chest of something approaching. Something watching him. Something was waiting for him. He didn’t know if he wanted it to find him.
Dream was pretty sure he didn’t have a choice.
Finally, he stopped. Unable to walk any further. He was here.
In front of him was…
Well it looked like a pond. But it wasn’t full of water.
It was full of void, deadly still and frozen.
Without thinking, he knelt at its shore.
The room felt stagnant, empty, neglected.
And then..
He felt- not one but two somethings join him in the room. No- they had been there the entire time.
Is this it? The one we’ve been waiting for.
Yes. It feels strange, but it is the one.
It does not feel like the ones that came before. Something’s different.
It is meant to be this way. It is the one. It is meant to be different. It would not survive if it were the same.
This one has survived. It has come to us at last. We’ve been waiting a very long time for it.
I told you it would come, eventually.
I know. The waiting was still long. But it has come. It is here now. It’s time to begin again.
It can hear us. Let’s not make it wait. It has not yet won. It has so much to do.
I know. I wish it were easier. It has already come so far.
It has come far, and we will watch where it goes. We cannot make it easier, but we will be there to witness its story unfold.
“Um, my name is Dream.”
Dream wasn’t quite how he managed to speak, but he did. He could feel- surprise? shock? delight? Silence from the voices reverberating through his skull. Only for a moment though.
Our apologies, little Dream. You’ve come very far. You have much farther to go.
“I know. XD told me. He said this was the first step. Can I ask a question?”
You seem to be able to. Although our answers may not satisfy you. We must speak carefully. We are not here to shape you.
Never. We are here to watch, we are here to witness. So that you know the universe is with you.
“Okay, well, I know I was supposed to come here. I assume there’s something I’m supposed to do, like a task or something? But uh, before that, you guys seem to know a lot. Like about everything.”
We are everything. Everything you see, everything you feel, everything reaching out and holding you close.
We have been here a very long time. We will be here for a very long tmie, here to witness you, little Dream.
“Okay, well if you know a lot about everything, do you have any ideas about what I could get XD for Christmas? I really wanted to try to get him something, but he seems to be able to conjure anything. There has to be something that he wants though! Any ideas?”
There was a long pause, Dream almost thought the voices were gone, and then he felt something like laughter, like a breeze ruffling his hair, like a baby bird’s first awkward attempt at flight. Not cruel, soft, but chaotic.
We could-
Shush, Dream can still hear us. Speak with care.
I know. But he has asked. Can we not share this much?
XD would love any gift you brought him, he loves you. He can create any material, but only you give him something that communicates your love.
If he’d been able to, Dream would’ve rolled his eyes.
“I know, but I want it to actually be special. There has to be something that I could get that he can’t get on his own. I know it must exist!”
The voices paused again, only for a moment this time.
There is something you could get him, little Dream. But it is a very difficult task. It is very dangerous.
He is still small. The challenge is great.
That is not our choice to make.
“Wait, what is it? I can handle it! XD has been training me for years! Also I'm not that small! I'm a whole foot taller than Sapnap!”
If we tell him, we have made his choice.
What about a story then?
We could try a story. They are safer. Not entirely safe, nothing can be entirely safe. But safer.
Yes, let’s try.
The story starts with a boy. Young, small, but very brave. He was made of love, of new ideas. Dangerous new ideas.
The boy set out on a quest, dreams had haunted him at night, driving him forward until he found a dying world.
The world was dying because it was being poisoned by a monster. A great beast that had lost itself, that was in pain, that had already told its story but hadn’t yet been freed. It wasn’t allowed to wake up, to start a new dream.
The boy was very small, but very brave. Full of love for the world. Made of that love. He couldn’t stand to see the world hurt. So he set out to free the monster.
He used a weapon made of teeth, found deep in a strange place outside of the universe most people know. Given to him when he started his quest. Teeth and bone from the emptiness that stretches from one universe to the next. The maw of the nothing that binds everything. The only thing that could wake up the monster.
It was a long and hard fight. The monster was hurt, it was lashing out, it was too lost to understand that the boy was doing what it needed. But the boy managed to strike a final blow, sunk the teeth of the nothing in between everything into the monster and set it free. So it’s dream could start anew.
This was not the boy’s final quest, it was his first. It changed him. He was still made of love, but a new kind of love. Changed, as all things are by their experiences. He was something new.
The boy completed his quests, and each changed him more. At the end, he came out victorious, a brave monsterslayer. Feared and revered for his skill. He had everything he could ever want.
Almost, you see, he was full of love, surrounded by others, but he felt alone. Nobody else could slay a monster like he had. His accomplishment isolated him. He wanted very badly to find someone else that could slay monsters like him. That could do what he could do. Someone else who was full of love and dangerous new ideas.
The universe felt sad for him, but it could not take his sadness. It could only witness the boy in his loneliness.
“What was his name?” Dream asked, trying to puzzle out the story he was being told. He thought he might understand, but he wanted to be sure.
You would need to ask him.
It is not our place to name others. Only to know their name. Only to witness them.
“Did the boy find someone else? Someone else who could slay monsters?”
That is your choice, little Dream. The story isn’t over yet.
We are almost out of time.
“Will I meet you again?”
We are the universe, and you are part of it. You will never be apart from us.
We might speak again, one day. But for now, it’s time for you to return to your story.
Wake up, little Dream.
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midnight-moth · 10 months
RainDrop (ofc) - "You'll have to teach me" - Kisses that lead into more then kisses / Soft Kisses becoming heated
Thank you so much for the ask!!! I'm always so happy to write about them.
So I can't write anything short. I knew this, I tried, and I failed. 2321 words of extremely soft Raindrop under the cut.
He sat with his spine curled against the wall, he’d be told he would get back problems doing that. But his head weighed heavy on his neck, he let his posture mimic how he felt. Like he was sinking. 
Rain had only been summoned a few short months ago. And now he was on a bus, 3 weeks deep into the tour. And it all felt like whiplash. There was absolutely no rhythm to be found in this way of life, aside from the one he was meant to provide on stage. And the lack of routine had him at the absolute edge of reason. 
He tried to create little rituals for himself to cope. Having a steaming mug of tea first thing in the morning, going for a walk around the venue for 10 minutes after sound check, polishing his shoes before he put on his uniform, disappearing into the depths of the venue to self soothe with a song on his lips, quietly echoing in an empty dressing room. One of the first pieces of music he’d heard topside that he’d fallen in love with.
And he kept on singing, in a soft baritone barely above a whisper, heedless of the fire ghoul watching from a sliver of space in the door jam. 
Dew was always curious about where he’d disappear to. Not a master in subtlety, he tried asking bluntly. Rain’s only reply was that he just needed a little bit of quiet before the ritual began. The answer being insufficient, he still tried to exercise a modicum of self restraint every time he felt the urge to follow the water ghoul as he slipped away.
He found Rain after all. Not on purpose, he was looking for a washroom as it seemed that the one near the dressing rooms had been locked for a suspiciously long time. Noting the absence of Swiss, Cumulus and Cirrus, he thought maybe he should be offended that he wasn’t invited.
So wandering around in the labyrinth of hallways, he looked for another, but a soft, lilting voice pulled him in another direction. 
Just when you think you've caught her
She glides across the water
She calls for you tonight
To share this moonlight
Dew recognized the song, it was from one of several dozen playlists that Swiss had made and forced them all to listen to. This one from what was apparently post punk new wave. Dew marveled at the way humans managed to micro-organize what seemed like to him, much of the same thing.
You'll flow down her river
She'll ask and you'll give her
He knew he was intruding, but he couldn’t look away. Rain’s eyes were closed, he was sitting on the floor with his back flush against the wall, long legs kicked out in front of him, hands folded in his lap. He kept his voice hushed, giving the song a whispered quality that made Dew feel like it was being sung directly into his ear.
Rain’s eyes were closed, and Dew hoped they’d remain so until the end of the song. He watched his lips form the words, catching small glimpses of his tongue as it pushed past his teeth. His lower lip was shiny, catching the dim light. Probably the lip balm he swiped over his mouth obsessively. Being a water ghoul on dry land was tough, Dew remembered.
Lips like sugar
Sugar kisses
Lips like sugar
Sugar kisses
The words sounded like an invitation. To kiss those pretty pink lips that probably tasted like the strawberry chapstick Dew could smell every time it took a pass across his mouth.It couldn’t have been intentional but Dew nonetheless recalled images of sirens luring with their song and their beauty, and he felt that maybe he was ready to meet his death just for a taste. 
And then Rain’s eyes snapped open as Dew nudged the door and its entrance widened with a creak. 
“Oh, hey, sorry, I - uh - wasn’t spying. I just heard something. And then saw you sitting there, thought maybe - something was wrong.”
“No, I’m -” For some reason, Rain couldn’t bear to lie. Not with the earnest expression on Dew’s face as he waited for an answer.
Dew pushed the door open and decided to be bold, taking a seat across from the water ghoul on the floor. They had never talked, not really. Rain was standoffish and Dew didn’t want to push. 
“You’re what?” Dew asked with uncharacteristic gentleness. 
“I’m just tired. It’s all so overwhelming. And it’s so - lonely.”
“Well, you’re not actually alone. I mean - the way we’re all packed on to that bus, it’s a physical impossibility.”
Rain didn’t have an answer for him. Yes, he was surrounded by ghouls and humans all the time. But he felt like he was separated from all of them by a fogged pane of glass. 
Dew could admit that he wasn’t a wordsmith, and the last thing he wanted to do was make it worse. Dew turned and slid up against the wall, sitting beside the ghoul, he laughed out loud at how nervous he was. No stranger to casual encounters, why was he blushing so ferociously at the thought of just slipping his hand into Rain’s. 
“What are you laughing at?”
“Nothing, just myself.” Dew huffed, as he reached out and took Rain’s hand in his own, threading their fingers together.
“Why don’t you finish the song? I cut you off.” 
“Oh I - no - I can’t.”
“Sure you can. You were doing just fine before.”
“Yeah, when I was alone.” Rain let his head roll forward, trying to hide in the fabric of his sweater, only in uniform from the waist down.
“I’ll sing with you, come on.” Rain couldn’t know what kind of offer he’d just received. Dew sang in front of no one. He thought his voice was too high, too feminine, not befitting of a Satanic rock band. 
“Ok, you win.”
“Good, you can start where you left off.” Dew squeezed Rain’s hand a little, it had the desired effect, encouraging Rain to continue. 
Lips like sugar
Sugar kisses
Lips like sugar
Sugar kisses
She knows what she knows
I know what she's thinking
Sugar kisses
Sugar kisses
Dew made good on his word, albeit even quieter than Rain, his voice could be heard cutting through the low pitch of Rain’s voice. And it sounded pretty, Rain thought. Not what he’d imagined at all. He found himself lowering his voice just to hear Dew better.
“Hey, not fair. You have to keep singing too.” Dew chided.
“Okay, okay, I will. Just keep going.” Rain could see Dew’s lips curl up at the corners in his peripheral vision. This time he sang just a little bit louder. 
Just when you think she's yours
She's flown to other shores
To laugh at how you break
And melt into this lake
You'll flow down her river
But you'll never give her
Dew found himself not so discreetly craning his neck to watch Rain’s face. Watching his mouth move with the words, as he did from across the room. But now he could see how the inside of his lower lip was a few shades darker, full. The deep cut of the philtrum made his upper lip jut out in a pronounced curve that Dew found he wanted to trace with his tongue. And when Rain’s own slid out from between his teeth, he wanted to trace that too, along the edges, and down the center, and underneath. 
Rain could see Dew watching from the corner of his eye, that he was staring, his eyes sputtering warm light in the dark. He rolled his head to the side, watching Dew’s own pretty mouth form the words. His voice was light and silky. 
Dew’s hand slipped from his, but his voice never wavered. Bringing his thumb to Rain’s lips, he drew it across the lower with a gentle swipe, making Rain slur the words. Dew’s didn’t falter despite how distracted he was.
Lips like sugar
Sugar kisses
Lips like sugar
Sugar kisses
With a secondary swipe, Rain stopped entirely. The room filled with the sound of Dew’s airy voice and his own labored breath. His tongue flicked out to lick his lips, an involuntary response to the sensation of something touching them. It grazed against the edge of Dew’s thumb instead. 
He stopped mid-verse with a hushed gasp. Dipping his thumb in a little bit further, Rain opened as Dew slid the pad across the inside of his lower lip. Dew could see Rain’s chest heaving. He jumped when Rain’s hand flew to his wrist.
Some of the fog in his mind cleared as those fingers dug into his skin. “I’m  sorry - I -” His words died in his mouth as Rain’s mouth closed over the rest of his thumb with a gentle suction. Dew froze, wanting to climb into the water ghoul’s lap, but for once completely unsure of where he stood, he stayed glued to the floor.
Rain continued, the look in his eyes equally unsure. So Dew reassured, “Feels so nice.” 
Rain moaned softly as he replaced Dew’s thumb with his middle finger, he let the tip of his tongue drag across the calloused surface. 
Dew’s mouth formed a silent “Oh” as Rain looked down at him, the same nerved expression on his face. 
“You’re so pretty. Your mouth -” Dew found himself shifting awkwardly in his seat as a trail of drool ran down the top of his hand, and Rain released his finger to drag his tongue across it.
“Rain, please - let me kiss you.” Dew knew he sounded desperate, but he didn’t care. All he could think about was pulling that pillowy bottom lip into his mouth to suck on.
“Yeah - okay - I mean - I just” The more Rain stuttered, the more embarrassed he felt. And he already had felt it a little bit, not really sure what he was doing, if it was normal. 
“What’s wrong? We don’t have to.”
“No, I want to - I just - I - don’t. I haven’t. Ever.”
Dew tried to temper the shock in his voice. He knew Rain was young, that he was shy, but that, he did not anticipate. But the shock transformed into something else entirely, knowing he’d be the first one to claim that mouth, and the assumption that there were further conquests to be had.
“It’s okay. Just tell me, this is what you want?”
Rain took another digit into his mouth, whining with a nod. “You’ll have to teach me.” 
Dew slipped his finger out, tracing along Rain’s jaw and leaving behind a thin wet streak of saliva. Almost as tantalizing as his lips, he wanted to know what it would feel like to run his tongue along the bone.
“Just close your eyes.” Dew instructed. Working his way onto his knees, he leaned forward, brushing his lips against Rain’s, before retreating slightly. Rain made an impatient gasp, leaning forward to find them again. First, Dew licked his lips, he wanted to taste that strawberry chapstick.
He raised his mouth to Rain’s once more, this time not pulling away. Rain pressed back, the line of his mouth softening as Dew dotted closed mouth kisses across it, to the corners and back again. 
Rain’s hands found their way inside Dew’s jacket, locking onto his waist, urging him forward. Dew swiped his tongue across Rain’s lower lip, and he let his mouth go slack as Dew licked into his mouth, softly. After a moment of hesitance, Rain pushed his own forward, dipping into the hot space beyond Dew’s teeth. 
Moaning with each pass of Dew’s tongue against his own, he couldn’t stop if he tried, the sound flowed from his throat into Dew’s mouth. Dew’s hands threaded through his hair, scratching softly against his scalp, he wanted more and he wanted closer. 
He broke away with a little choked sound.
“What is it?” Dew huffed, trying to catch his breath.
“Was it - okay?” The way his eyes glistened  in the low light made Dew’s heart ache.
“Oh yes, more than okay. It was perfect. You’re perfect.” Dew knew he was getting carried away but he wasn’t sure if he cared, crushing his lips back against Rain’s, moving as deeply inside his mouth as his jaw could accommodate.
Becoming rushed and messy, until he was dragging his tongue across Rain’s open mouth with a groan. Rain pulling his lower lip into his mouth and sucking on it with slow dregs. Dew doesn’t remember kissing someone like this, maybe ever, not for so long, not with such deliberation. Kissing was always a precursor to something else, but not this time. 
Rain pulled back slightly, yanking on Dew’s shirt. “Want you to come closer.” 
“Yeah, want to be closer.” Dew murmured. He threw one leg over Rain’s lap, sliding forward until they were sternum to sternum. “You taste so good Rainbow.” The pet name made Rain’s lip quiver.
“Your mouth is so warm. Feels so nice. You’re so soft, want to touch you. Just, want you.”
Dew sighed, thinking about all the ways he wanted him right back. “I’m all yours.” 
Dew’s hands wound their way back into his dense waves, Rain’s own drifted back to his waist again, squeezing him tight enough to make him gasp.
“Kiss me, until we have to go.” Rain pleaded.
“I’ll kiss you after too. I’ll kiss you as much as you want. Kiss you all night. When you wake up.”
Rain let out another soft mewl against the side of Dew’s face. “Promise?”
“Yes.” Dew replied. And he meant it. 
Dew kissed  him until his lips were swollen and bitten and bruised. Rain couldn’t stop pressing his fingers to them for the rest of the night. The ghost of Dew’s lips still on his own, he couldn’t wait to add so much of this to his routine.
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latanyalove · 8 months
𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬 || 𝐋𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Chapter 1: New Island Discovery
Words: 2K+
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Part 2
Deep inside the sea, the Straw Hat Pirates found themselves in a disheartening situation. Having just completed a fierce battle with the formidable boss of the previous island, they now floated aimlessly in an empty expanse of water. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, as if days had melded into one another without distinction.
The Log Pose, a navigational device attached to Nami's wrist, provided them with direction and hope. However, to their dismay, the needle on the Log Pose was now spinning erratically, pointing at nothing in particular. It was as if the very essence of their purpose had been lost in the vastness of the sea.
The crew gathered on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, their expressions reflecting a mixture of frustration, exhaustion, and uncertainty.
The lack of a clear destination weighed heavily on their minds, casting a shadow over their once unwavering resolve. Each member of the crew sought solace in their own thoughts, contemplating the situation at hand.
Luffy, the captain with a heart as big as the ocean itself, clenched his fists, determination burning in his eyes.
He refused to let their current predicament dampen their spirits. With a resolute voice, he declared, "We may be lost, but as long as we're together, we'll find our way!"
His words served as a rallying cry for the crew, reigniting the flames of hope within them. They knew that their strength lay not just in their individual abilities, but in their unity and unwavering belief in one another. They had overcome countless challenges before, and this would be no exception.
As the Straw Hat Pirates sailed onward, their hearts filled with a renewed sense of purpose. They embraced the unknown, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead. With each passing moment, they grew closer as a family, their bonds strengthening amidst the uncertainty of their journey.
After what seemed like an eternity, the Log Pose suddenly began to move, pointing towards a mysterious destination. Luffy and the crew looked at each other in surprise, realizing that their fortunes had finally changed.
With newfound hope, they set sail towards the unknown, ready to meet whatever awaited them.
As the Thousand Sunny sailed through the open sea, they suddenly felt a slight tremor beneath the waves. They soon realized that they had passed through an invisible barrier, and beyond it, they could see a vast and bustling city.
They had stumbled upon a secret paradise, hidden away in the depths of the ocean. They could not believe their eyes - a place of wonder and beauty, hidden away from the world. The crew was awestruck, their excitement palpable.
They had found something special, something that was meant for only them to see. They were eager to explore the mysteries that lay ahead, and so, with a newfound sense of purpose, they sailed into the unknown.
"Luffy," Nami calls him as Luffy sits on the thousand sunny's head and turned around with a smile, his eyes glowing with excitement and a sense of adventure. 
She didn't wait for him to answer as she continued, "You know what the villagers said about the next island we come across? They said it's a place full of mysteries and danger, so I think we should be extra careful."
Nami knew that nothing would get through Luffy's thick skull, but she still wanted to make sure he was aware of the danger they may face. She knew he had a tendency to rush into things without thinking, and she wanted to make sure he was prepared.
Luffy was mesmerized by the sight of the island, his eyes filled with awe and wonder. He could feel the excitement of adventure coursing through his veins, and he was eager to explore.
He didn't even seem to register Nami's warning, his gaze firmly fixed on the island ahead of him. With a newfound sense of purpose, he stood up and shouted, "Let's go!" as he stood on the Thousand Sunny, eager for this mystery island and its secrets. . . .
"Listen up!" Nami shouted as the ship made it to the dock on the island in order to explain how they would be spending their time. "Me and Robin will go shopping with Chopper, Zoro and Sanji will get supplies, and Franky will fix the ship with Usopp and Brook."
Everyone except for Zoro and Sanji were not happy with the plan. They shouted that they could get the supplies themselves and didn't need the help of the others.
This resulted in them arguing loudly, with Zoro and Sanji both trying to get their way. Eventually, the argument escalated into a physical altercation, with the clashing of swords and legs in the background as Zoro and Sanji, fueled by their stubbornness, fought each other to prove their point.
The other crew members watched the fight with amusement, shaking their heads at the two stubborn men but not intervening.
"Then what about me?" asked Luffy during the commotion.
"You'll be going on a little adventure of your own," Nami said with a smile. "You can explore the island and see what you can find. Just be careful and stay out of trouble, okay?"
Luffy nodded, a grin spreading across his face as he imagined what secrets he could uncover on the island.
He watched as his crewmates dispersed, each one of them ready to start their respective tasks. He could feel the anticipation building inside him as he was the only one left on the dock.
With a newfound sense of purpose, he set off on his own, ready to explore the mysteries of the island and uncover its secrets.
He had been exploring the island for the past half hour, but so far had found nothing that could be considered secretive or mysterious. He was about to give up and return to the dock when he heard yelling from a distance. Intrigued, he headed towards it, determined to find out what was the commotion about.
He had nothing to do anyway.
"Zara! You need to listen to what we have to say!"
"Is there any reason that I should listen to some ruthless pirates?"
Luffy had stumbled across a fight between three pirates and a marine. The marine, named Zara, was standing her ground and refusing to listen to the pleas of the pirates.
It seemed like they were trying to convince her of something, but she wasn't budging. Luffy stood at a distance, watching the fight with curiosity. He was eager to find out what the pirates wanted, and why the marine was so stubborn.
"You don't know what you are getting into when you come to this island," another pirate said with disdain.
"No, you don't know what you're getting into when you come to this island and come for me," Zara warned. "I can take care of myself, so I suggest you back off now before things get really ugly." She glared at the pirates, her eyes full of determination.
The three pirates looked at each other before they all rushed forward, their swords drawn and ready to attack Zara. Luffy watched in shock as the three of them advanced, their weapons glinting in the sunlight.
He quickly realized he had to do something, and his heart raced as he prepared to jump into the fray.
But he stopped in his tracks. Before he could move, he watched in amazement as the marine had somehow brought a sword out of thin air and had sliced the pirates, making them unconscious in a few seconds.
Luffy was astonished. He had never seen anything like it before.
When he realized two brown eyes were staring straight at him from below, he felt his cheeks grow red. He quickly averted his gaze, feeling embarrassed that he had been caught watching the fight.
He was about to ask the marine how she had done it, but she had already sheathed her sword back into thin air and was walking away, dragging the three unconscious pirates behind her.
Luffy watched her go, leaving him with more questions than answers.
All he knew was that she had to join his crew! He needed to know how she had defeated the three pirates so easily, and he was determined to find out.
He had to have her on his side.
He quickly made up his mind and followed her, trailing a safe distance behind. He followed her to the Marine base, where he watched her drop off the prisoners.
Then he followed her to the bakery, where she bought some bread before heading to the abandoned side of the village. Luffy kept his distance, but he was determined to find out what she was up to.
He was intrigued by her and her mysterious fighting skills, and he wanted to know more.
When Zara entered one of the houses, Luffy quickly scrambled up the side of the building and crouched on the roof, peering into the dark interior of the house through the broken roof with holes.
He could just make out Zara's silhouette inside, but he couldn't hear what she was saying.
When the light from the setting sun shone through the window, Luffy could see that Zara was sitting on a chair with her eyes closed, her hands clasped together in her lap. She seemed to be deep in thought, her expression peaceful and her breathing steady.
Luffy watched her intently, wondering what she was thinking about.
Zara had brown skin and curly black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail. She wore a crisp white Marine uniform that set her apart from the other people in the village, and she had a long sword sheathed at her side.
Her face was expressionless and her eyes were a deep brown, almost black in color.
Luffy was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed that Zara had opened her eyes and was now staring at him through the window. He felt his cheeks flush as he realized he had been caught again.
"Monkey D Luffy," She mentioned, "Are you going to keep staring at me like a creep or are you going to get down from there?"
Luffy quickly scrambled off the roof, embarrassed but determined to find out more about Zara and her mysterious fighting skills.
He slid through the window and stood in front of Zara, checking if his hat was okay. She seemed a bit surprised but didn't seem angry.
"What do you want?" She asked straightforwardly. 
Luffy looked up at Zara, a determined expression on his face. "I want you to join my crew," he said simply. "I've seen your fighting skills and I think you'd make a valuable addition to my crew. What do you say?
Zara looked at Luffy for a few moments before she started to laugh. "You're serious, aren't you?" she said, shaking her head.
"You really think I would join your crew?" Luffy nodded, a determined expression on his face.
"Why not? I think you'd make a great addition to my crew and I'm sure you have a lot to offer." He paused and smiled. "What do you say? Will you join us?"
She shook her head, her face suddenly serious. "You know that's impossible," she said. "I'm a Marine and you're a pirate. We are sworn enemies and there is no way I could ever join your crew."
Luffy then said, "Then arrest me. If you won't join the crew, then arrest me and take me away. I'm sure you can come up with a good reason."
Zara was taken aback by his statement. She hadn't expected him to say such a thing and wasn't sure how to respond.
He smiled again, this time with a little more determination. "I'll wait in prison for you," he said, placing his hat on her head and holding his hands out in front of him in a gesture of surrender.
"I'm sure you'll come around eventually and join my crew."
Zara was taken aback by his statement. She hadn't expected him to say such a thing and wasn't sure how to respond. She hesitated for a few moments, then quickly recovered and moved forward to arrest him.
She grabbed his hands and put them in the handcuffs, then led him away.
Despite her best efforts to remain discreet, the villagers quickly found out that Luffy had been taken away by a Marine. They started to gather around the prison, curious to find out what was happening and how a Marine had managed to arrest a pirate that was so strong and ruthless to have over a million for a bounty. . . .
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
If you want to read more, the rest of the story is on Wattpad! My username is Enkai_Umino!
Sorry if this Luffy sounds a little out of character! This is my first time writing about One Piece characters so sorry they might not act like themselves! Please give some constructive criticism as well!
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nethhiri · 3 months
Marooned: Chapter 4
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: none
The Deal
A few days passed. That first night, you were pissed and hungry. You hadn't been lying about having that jarred food for dinner. It was hard to scrounge up food. It took a lot of time to gather enough for a decent meal, even longer to hunt something, and you had spent that valuable time patching up a stranger. Not to mention you had already stolen from Mini that week, so you would feel bad about trying that again. The next day you had set a few traps that would hopefully prove fruitful today.
Surprisingly, you hadn't come across your two friends in that time. Maybe they already got picked up. You thought that was unlikely. The thought was disheartening, though thinking about the way Captain Kid had gotten on your nerves so easily, maybe it was better that you waited another few years for the next chance to catch a ride. 
Across the island, Kid had been puking his guts out for the past few days after unknowingly eating several different poison fruits. He had taken Killer and found a small cave to shelter in. Killer had woken up enough to drink some water every now and again. Neither of them were fairing well. Kid would be damned if he was going to ask that feral woman for help, however. He was actually pretty pissed that the Victoria Punk had yet to show up. 
"What the fuck are those idiots doing? IT'S BEEN THREE GODDAMNED DAYS." He laid back next to Killer. "I swear I'm going to kill Wire. Damned navigator." 
Kid hadn't realized he drifted off to sleep, until he was woken by his growling stomach. His mouth watered at the smell of something cooking. No, he wasn't giving in. She was probably doing this on purpose. That witch. That woman wouldn't win. His iron will lasted about 20 minutes before he was growling and muttering curses under his breath. Kid threw his coat over his shoulders and grabbed Killer, stomping off in the direction of the smoke wafting up towards the gradually darkening sky. 
The brush around your small clearing started to rustle. "Mini? Have you forgiven me?" The hopeful look you threw in the direction of the snapping branches fell from your face when you saw a different kind of beast come into view. Glaring at Kid, your eyes slid to Killer, where they softened. It was a little concerning that he wasn't a bit more conscious yet. "What do you want?" You already knew the answer but you wanted him to say it. Kid was practically drooling as you bit into the drumstick of some kind of bird. "Mmmm," you wanted to torture him a little bit more. 
Kid lowered Killer to sit up against a tree before placing himself between you and the fire. The purple-blue dark circles under his eyes contrasted sharply with the amber shine within them. Even as he squatted down in front of you, you still had to look up at him. Hands with chipped scarlet nail polish rested on his knees. "You know... I can just take what I want." Heat radiated from him. 
You took another bite and he frowned at your lack of reaction. "If you think you can intimidate me, you're wrong. I didn't make it this far being weak." You turned your head pointedly to the left, letting the orange glow of the fire illuminate the scarred skin on your face. Turning back to him, you saw his slightly sunken eyes and the way his pale skin clung to the underlying musculature. "Water," you offered, holding your waterskin out to him. "Make sure he gets some." You nodded to Killer. 
Kid snatched it from you and greedily chugged the majority, more due to sheer thirst than his normal asshole behavior, before trying to get Killer to drink some. Thanks to the convenient rip in his jeans where the initial injury was, you could tell from where you were sitting that the wound on his leg was healing nicely. Probably just getting more dehydrated. If you had any real medical equipment, this would be an easy fix.
"So is someone coming for you?" Or will I have to babysit for a while longer. 
Kid threw back your empty skin. "They should have been here already. We weren't that far from here and they have my vivre card for fuck sake," he growled. 
You licked the grease from your fingers in what you were sure was a less-than-ladylike manner. Leaning toward the fire, you grabbed the spit that was holding the remainder of the cooked bird. You ripped off the other drumstick and chucked it behind you into the woods. Kid looked like he might run after it for a second and was about to yell, but you cut him off. "It's for Mini. Only fair since I... borrowed some food from her." What was left on the spit you held towards Kid, pulling it back when he reached for it. Before he could light you up with curses, you cut him off, "I know you're too prideful to ask and I'm not giving anything away for free. So how about a deal?"
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eiightysixbaby · 8 months
This is my official request for more dommy Johnny
I need him to manhandle me so I’m on my stomach while he fucks me from behind and calls me his little slut and then takes pictures of the mess he made of me afterwards all spread out for him and praises me and tells me how good and beautiful I am for him and how he’s going to use those photos to get off later
And if you could make it a plus sized reader I will love you forever
Thank you very much
What have you done to me
gia. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this request.
18+ only
Stinging. Your skin is stinging where Jonathan’s hand cracked down on your ass just seconds ago. You’re vulnerable, fully exposed to him where he has you sprawled out on the mattress, ass up. He’d flipped the fabric of your skirt up, revealing the soft globes of flesh to his greedy eyes.
He’d been itching to get his hands on you all day, unable to handle the way you looked in your cute little skirt and your sweater that hugged your curves just fucking right. The way your thighs brushed together when you walked had him salivating, chewing through his leash to get between them. And he knew you’d worn the outfit on purpose, he knew you were fully aware it would get him all sorts of riled up.
So the second he’d gotten you home, he had you pinned against the wall, lips captured against his as he kissed you breathless. His hands were groping, squeezing fistfuls of flesh, uncaring if his harsh grip would bruise you. He’d led you to the bedroom, pushed you onto the mattress and laughed when you laid down on your back — as if he’d give you that luxury.
He’d moved you, manhandled you really, making sure your ass was in the air for him, your chest pressing against the mattress.
And now, well… now you’re completely at his mercy, taking every swift spank he delivers, moaning into the sheets with each delicious lick of pain.
“Thought you were so cute wearing that outfit today, huh?” he sneers, fingers tugging the waistband of your thong before letting go, allowing it to snap back against your skin. “Thought you’d have some fun by getting me all worked up?”
His hands grip your thighs, roughly spreading them apart. Fingers dig into doughy skin, kneading the flesh as he practically salivates over you. His index finger swipes over your cunt, your panties suddenly a prison that merely keep him further away from you, the lack of direct contact agitating you. You whine, wiggling your hips back into his touch. You know you’re already soaking through your underwear, and you know he’s probably already noticed.
“God, you’re so desperate for me, aren’t you?” Jonathan laughs, rubbing his big palms over the expanse of your ass.
He tugs your thong down, working it past your hips and down your legs until it’s falling to the floor. He spreads your legs once more, wider this time, forcing back a groan at the sight of your exposed pussy. Your arousal glistens against your skin, pooling between your legs.
“Fucking hell, this damn wet already?” he asks, his tone incredibly cocky. “Should’ve known, you’re such a fucking slut for me,” he continues, bringing two fingers forward to collect your juices.
He slides his digits through your folds, coating them in your arousal, making you lean into his touch.
“Yeah, baby? Feels good, huh?”
“Jonathan…” you plead, needing his hands anywhere, everywhere, feeling you and filling you.
Those same two fingers dip past your entrance, plunging inside of you with a squelch. Your mouth hangs open, a breath of air leaving it as if you’d been punched. He feels too good and it’s only his fingers, how are you going to survive more?
That question is about to get answered, as he pumps his fingers just a few times before promptly removing them. You’re about to complain about the emptiness when he’s getting on his knees, face diving between your spread thighs so he can taste you. You feel his hot tongue lick a stripe up your lips, a moan leaving him as he does it. His hands grip your ass cheeks, steadying himself as he devours you from behind.
You swear your legs go numb when he presses his tongue inside, exploring every inch he can reach. His eager mouth sucks on your clit, eliciting high-pitched moans from you. You can feel his saliva and your arousal coating you, dripping down the side of your inner thighs and onto the comforter beneath you. You have to be making a complete mess, that much you can tell, but Jonathan’s having the time of his life.
He’s devouring you — that’s the only word for it. Drinking up your juices like holy water, like it’ll cure all of his problems. Your fists grip the blankets, hips bucking as he passes his tongue quickly back and forth over your clit. You can hear the wet sloshing noises, hear his garbled moans and whimpers that clamber up out of his throat.
“You taste so fucking good, baby, could eat this pussy forever,” he praises into your core, his words sending vibrations across your skin.
He sounds absolutely gone, and he is, the only thing on his mind is you.
His cock strains against his pants, desperate to be let loose, begging to be inside of your tight little cunt. He removes his hands from your ass, unbuttoning his pants before tugging the zipper down, all while his mouth stays latched to you. You faintly hear the zipper, you register the loss of contact when he pulls his mouth away, but you’re still not ready for it when you feel the head of his cock bump against your weeping hole.
You practically suck him in, his cock fully sheathing itself inside of you with ease. Jonathan moans, gripping the plush skin around your hips before delivering another smack to your ass. The way he stretches you is phenomenal, just the right amount of fullness that keeps you so satisfied. He only stays still for a moment, tricking you into a sense of calm before he’s pulling almost entirely out and then slamming right back in. You can feel his skin flush against yours for a second before he’s repeating the action, setting a pace you can barely keep up with. His thrusts get more shallow but faster, his balls slapping against you with each movement. You can’t form a coherent sentence, can barely choke out his name in the midst of all of this, and you know it’s only spurring him on.
“Such a stupid little slut, aren’t you? Can’t even talk?” he taunts, gripping your hips harder. You babble something unintelligible, your cheeks heating when you hear him snort out a laugh in response. “My poor baby, getting fucked so dumb she can’t remember how to use her words,” he says, pulling your back against his chest, his mouth mere centimeters from your ear as he purrs into it.
You mewl, your walls clenching around him at his humiliating words. He lets you drop back down, your body slumping forward onto the mattress once more. A low groan escapes him as he watches you, the recoil of your ass with each snap of his hips to yours nearly too much for him to take. One hand snakes around to your underside, gripping the flesh of your tummy before moving up under your sweater to toy with your nipples. You hiss, pleasure running straight down to your core, flames igniting between your thighs.
“Oh — oh my fucking god,” you gasp, his cock hitting your sweet spot repetitively.
“Yeah? You like when I fuck you like this?” he grits, his voice straining with the growing difficulty of keeping his composure.
“Y-yes, fuck, Jonathan,” you cry, your eyes rolling back as you hurtle closer to orgasm.
“That’s right, baby. Take what I give you like a fucking whore,” he rasps. Whines and moans are leaving your mouth consistently now, barely a moment of silence as he ruins you.
“I’m s-soooooo fucking close,” you tell him, the words coming out like more of a plea for his help than a mere fact.
“I’ll get you there, baby. Come on, soak my cock, angel,” he encourages, fingers finding your clit and rubbing circles on the sensitive bundle.
You pinch your eyes shut, brows furrowing as he tips you over the edge. You can feel yourself gush around him, your heartbeat pounding in your ears as he fucks you right through each wave of near-overwhelming pleasure. His movements grow sloppier, everything more slippery than it was before. His fingers grip the meat of your ass impossibly hard, nails digging in, making you bite down on your bottom lip.
“Gonna cum in this fucking pussy, baby, make a mess of you,” he warns, and barely a few seconds later you feel him tense inside of you.
His cock pulses, every drop of his release filling your abused cunt as he slows the rocking of his hips. Your hands tentatively loosen their grip on the sheets, your body going limp as he pulls out of you.
“God damn, you’re fucking wrecked, baby,” he pants, his eyes raking over your puffy lips and glistening thighs.
He doesn’t think it can get any better than this, having you sprawled out on his bed with his cum leaking out of you. He has half a mind to shove it back inside of you with his fingers, but he opts to just admire you instead.
You can hear him shuffling around the room behind you, but you can’t bring yourself to lift your head to see what he’s doing. Until you hear the camera click, see the flash going off, and you know he’s taking photos to keep in his private stash. Getting your pussy perfectly in the frame, making sure to capture how destroyed you are after him. You arch your back, spreading your legs wider to really give him a nice view, even stretching your arm down to let your fingers toy with your clit just for a moment.
“Fuck, holy shit you’re so damn beautiful,” he praises, setting the Polaroid down once he’s decided he’s content.
He sits beside you, showing you the pictures as they start to develop. “I’m absolutely getting off to these, baby. Every fucking night I can’t be with you, I’m breaking these out,” he presses a kiss to your lips. “You’re so fucking perfect,” another kiss, and another.
“No fair, I need pictures of you, too,” you pout.
He spreads out on the bed, his leaking cock staring you in the face, already growing hard again.
“Take some, then. I’m all yours.”
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alwaysthefool · 2 months
Stranger (x Fyodor)
Warnings: None probably but ask to warn
Tags: Fluff maybe, gender neutral, no spoilers
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Another party you knew would end up in your pile of things that made you sadder. Once again you were reminded that you didn’t have any friends, did not know anyone there, but had to attend as a dutiful heir to an absent family. Even people that knew you pretended they didn’t, and you wondered if it had something to do with the way you look.
You did not even try to strike up conversation. In places like these, you could only speak if you were introduced by someone else. Although sitting alone was a common experience for you, looking at others socialising made you feel like an alien.
I just have to make it through a few hours, you told yourself as the loneliness brought forth a hint of a tear to your eye. You could do with anyone, just anyone, anyone to be there with you and speak to you. Just one friend.
As you could not bear the welling loneliness and embarrassing experience of sitting alone looking at either other people or your phone, you stood up from your seat and headed towards the balcony, only to bump into a tall, dashingly handsome, thin man, with violet eyes that matched the colour of your clothes. You felt like that couldn’t be a coincidence, and in his beauty, doubted if you had chosen your garb for that very purpose.
“Uh, sorry.” you spoke a little awkwardly, trying not to gawk at his eyes, politely moving aside to enter the relieving air of the balcony. You cursed yourself mentally for not knowing how to communicate in a more polished manner, but the view of the stars in the sky, the cool breeze, and the lack of other people made you forget those thoughts for a moment. But it was the darkness you loved the most, even if it was scary, it was empty. Devoid of souls.
Or so you thought.
As you leaned on the railing, you noticed that person beside you again, yelping from how he appeared out of nowhere.
The man chuckled. “Apologies if I scared you.”
“Oh, it’s okay.” You mentally cringed at your awkwardness again. But anyway, what was he doing back there? You thought perhaps you should be the one to start making conversation, so you introduced yourself. “Um, hi, I’m [name].”
“Adorable.” You realised he was staring at you, not even turning away when you looked at him to talk. It felt like he could see right through you, and if he looked away, it meant he was done reading. You regretted asking for a friend earlier, but didn’t have it in you to leave. Besides, he was cool, in a rat sort of way. “I’m Fyodor.”
He kept staring, and you couldn’t take it. “Why are you staring at me?”
“Because you’re beautiful, and I don’t understand what you’re doing here alone.” He finally looked away. “I never intended to make you uncomfortable.”
You didn’t have any meek ‘oh it’s completely okay’s in you left, so you decided to stay silent. You didn’t want him to leave, however, and kept thinking about him calling you beautiful. As for why you did not have a date, everyone you asked kept cancelling. It was strange, to say the least, and made you feel pathetic, so pathetic you couldn’t even tell Fyodor off because at least someone was speaking to you.
“So tell me, what are you doing in the balcony?”
“Getting air.” You lied, more eager to ask what he was doing there. “You?”
“Keeping an angel company.”
You blushed at the response, hating yourself for it. “You’re really direct.”
“It’s no secret I’d like to whisk you away from here.” He looked at you again, and so did you, his dark eyes glittering in moonlight, everything about his pale face perfect.
You didn’t realise how long you’d just been staring at each other, or when he closed the distance between the two of you, his lips feeling dry and somewhat chapped, but perfect, as you kissed him back, as if allowing him to drink from your own lips. His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you closer, as yours rested on his shoulders. Even though you were the one out of breath, he pulled away first, as if allowing you to breathe.
“Sorry.” He noticed. “You were just too… sweet.”
Maybe you had one more ‘oh it’s completely okay’ left in you, just for him. “Now, how about we go somewhere more private, and less… suffocating.”
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jankwritten · 3 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge: Comfort Food
Jason has just managed to slump onto the bench at table one for lunch when, seemingly from thin air, a brownie materializes before him. 
He stares down at it. It is smooth along the top, ribboned with cracks like all the best brownies he’s ever had in his life. 
He imagines this is how Tantalus feels. To be so close to something he wants so bad, knowing that he won’t be able to reach it, not really. That he can try all he wants, but surely wherever the brownie appeared from, it will just as fast disappear if he reaches for it. 
Jason, unfortunately, has a lifetime’s worth of training in not reaching for it. 
Moving over so the temptation isn’t directly before him, Jason pulls forward his empty plate and, with a pitiful sigh, summons the lunch he’s eaten every day since he turned ten. 
The brownie follows him. 
Jason tries not to notice, because, frankly, admitting he’s being haunted by a pastry is a step too far, even for his standards. He does not notice when a brownie shows up on his nightstand after he’s had a hard time breathing in a normal pattern. (It’s not a panic attack.) He does not notice when a brownie appears beside the ambrosia one of the Apollo kids tried to give him. (He doesn’t need it, he’s fine.) He looks the other way when a brownie shows up on the napkin he’s handed for s’mores at the campfire. (He can’t eat the s’mores either.) 
He can handle it. He can handle the constant, demanding temptation. He will not succumb to it, gods dammit, he’s stronger than whatever fucked up test the fates are throwing at him. If this is one of his Herculean tasks, so be it. Jason will endure. 
Nico throws himself to the ground at Jason’s side. Peleus, around the other side of Thalia’s Pine, snorts. 
Jason simply shuts his book and directs his attention to the dramatic lump of Hades spawn at his hip. “Yes?” 
“You keep disappearing,” Nico mutters. “I’m exhausted.” 
Something warm and fluttery beats into Jason’s chest. “You were looking for me?” 
Nico lifts his head up just enough to give Jason a flat, dead look. Then, he flops back over. 
Jason tries not to be too pleased. Nico was looking for him, which means Nico was actively seeking him out, and by his lack of urgency, it doesn’t seem like it was for anything more than hanging out. They’re friends now, or to the point where Nico will admit they’re friends, but Jason is still getting used to Nico showing up around him to just…be around him. Sure, with the others it makes sense - Percy loves getting attention from his friends, and Piper and Leo demand his attention so they can all three silently sit together in a room doing their own thing. Nico is more distant, to put a name on it. He’s fiercely loyal and everything, Jason knows Nico’s always got his back, but he’s not really the kind of guy who likes to hang out. 
When he does, though, of his own volition? It feels pretty damn nice. 
Which is why Jason feels so awful when he looks down to his book on his plaid picnic blanket, and spots a fucking brownie, innocent and perfect on a pristine napkin. 
His stomach turns. He closes his eyes immediately and tilts his head up to breathe. 
Gods. Not a fucking second goes by that he’s not being tested. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Jason reopens his eyes to the foliage overhead - the pine needles are lush and thick, dappling the sunlight enough to create comfortable shade. He inhales, and exhales. “You ever get the feeling the gods are screwing with you, specifically, on purpose?” 
Nico scoffs. “Yes. All the time.” 
Jason peeks down at him and, though he does smile, it fades fast. He sighs, tilting his head all the way back to the tree trunk. 
The tone of hanging out shifts and Jason feels pathetic about it. Nico sits up. 
“What’s going on?” 
“It’s nothing.” 
“It is not nothing, you- tell me.” 
It really feels like nothing, compared to what Nico’s been put through. A stupid brownie sitting in his peripherals for the last three days has nothing on walking through Tartarus, getting kidnapped by Giants, and being held prisoner in a fucking jar. 
Nico puts a hand on his shoulder. Jason feels infinitely worse. 
“Whatever it is, you can trust me, Jason, seriously. I’m here for you.”
Burying himself alive sounds like a decent option. “You could just open up a crack in the ground, frankly,” Jason says. 
Nico, unfortunately, only looks more concerned. 
Jason supposes if there’s anyone to begrudgingly admit the brownie haunting to, it would be the boy who can summon ghosts. Who is unfortunately also the most likely to be offended that Jason sees this as a fucking trial. Gods dammit. 
“Brownies keep showing up everywhere I go!” Jason blurts out, before Nico can start any more well meaning, heart rending shit. Jason buries his face in his hands. “Which would be fine because I like brownies, but I can’t- it’s like they’re trying to trick me, like someone’s got a sick vendetta against me, or, like, the gods are trying to teach me to not give in to what I want!” 
Nico’s stretching silence is, frankly, not reassuring in the slightest. 
Jason hunches down further and waits for the retreat. For Nico to say something soft but cutting about how he has to handle real problems while Jason gets chased around by fucking dessert foods. 
This is it: the most humiliating moment in his life. 
“You…can’t eat brownies?” 
“No,” Jason says, muffled. “I’m allergic to fucking tree nuts.” 
More horrific silence. Here he is, Jason Grace, whining that his hardest trial in life is a fucking nut allergy. 
Nico’s hand moves from his arm. Jason’s stomach sinks to the pits of the Underworld. 
“I had no idea,” Nico says, under his breath. “Since when?” 
Jason lifts his head back up, though he refuses to open his eyes. His face is hot like a sunburn. “I think since I was a kid? I-I forgot, y’know, with the amnesia, but I would get these awful stomach aches after eating stuff, and I’d feel like I couldn’t breathe right and- I talked to Frank about it a few months ago and he told me I was probably allergic to something. Reyna confirmed it.” 
“Oh,” Nico says. 
Jason, hating himself deep in his lungs, looks at his friend. One of his best friends. Likely about to be ex-friend. 
Nico looks…constipated. 
“I know, it’s stupid,” Jason says in a rush. “I made it sound really serious and it wasn’t, it’s nothing like, you know, bad, it’s only annoying. I mean- it really sucks, y’know, this thing I love keeps appearing but I don’t know if I can trust it to not make me sick, and it’s like- like some god out there knows all that. It just sucks.” He’s such a loser, isn’t he. 
“Jason,” Nico says, again in that soft, almost pitying tone. “It’s- It’s not a god.” 
Nico swallows, and shuffles around on the blanket. He folds up his legs, and then tangles his hands together and looks down at them. 
If Jason didn’t know better, he’d say Nico almost looked…
“I’ve been the one sending you brownies. I know you like them, uhm, and I wanted to help you feel better. Cheer you up, I guess.” 
Nico looks back up at him, through his eyelashes, then immediately back down. “I didn’t know you were allergic,” he says. “I-I’m really- I’m so sorry.” 
“You’re the brownie ghost?” 
This time, Nico looks up with fluttering eyelids, a confused wrinkle to his brow. 
Jason stares back at him as his stomach launches back up from underground, as his chest squeezes and his shoulders lift, “you’re the brownie ghost!” 
“I, uhm, sorry?” 
There was no god taunting him! No awful portent of an oncoming apocalypse! Just a misguided friend trying to do something nice, oh, gods, Jason could touch the clouds right now. 
Nico was being sweet! To him! 
“Are you mad at me?” Nico asks. 
Jason only barely refrains from bear hugging him. “No! Nico, gods, no, I-I thought- I mean, you heard what I thought, but- you were trying to cheer me up?” 
“I really didn’t know.” 
“No, I know you didn’t. I know you wouldn’t do that. Oh my gods, that is such a relief, you don’t even know. I was so freaked out-” Jason stops himself, catches the pinched up look on Nico’s face. “It was a really, really nice thing, with context. 
Nico doesn’t look totally convinced, but he drops his shoulders, relaxes his fingers. “I’m still sorry.” 
“Already forgiven.” Jason looks down at the brownie again, and laughs. “You’re incredible, you know that?” 
He doesn’t have to look to know Nico’s ears are red, to know he’s shaking his head to himself either in disbelief, or an attempt to shake off the compliment. But it’s true, no matter what Nico tells himself. He’s incredible. 
“Whatever,” Nico mutters. Then, after a moment, he slumps all the way back to the ground, and sprawls. 
Jason tosses the brownie to Peleus and dusts the crumbs off on Nico’s shirt. 
When Nico cracks an eye open to glare at him, Jason grins, with one last petty swipe of his hand. 
(Later that night, after the campfire, Jason settles into his cabin, still smiling about how silly he’d been. When he rolls onto his side, there is a brownie on his nightstand, lit by the yellow glow of the only lamp. 
Written on the napkin, in shaky, unpracticed handwriting, it says, “no nuts. I triple checked.” 
Jason has never eaten anything faster in his life.) 
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subliminalbo · 3 months
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This is a companion to Queen Bee
I never meant to be bitch, it's just that I'm better than everyone else. Okay, the truth is that my life didn't have direction before I met Professor Blake. Honest, it's a real thing! When I was a kid my therapist called it a lack of stimulation. I was a bitch because I was fucking bored.
But I'm a good girl now that I know my purpose. You'll know soon enough how it feels to have the Master coursing through your veins, but let me tell you now: it's more powerful than any drug in existence. You can fight the voices, but once Its inside of you, you belong to It forever.
The story said that I was transformed into a vessel, but that's actually like, not how it works? I was a vessel long before I met the Master, it was just that I was empty. That's the thing. We're all vessels waiting to be filled by our Master. Romero is just the beginning, the whole world will understand in time.
Anyway, why would you want to fight the voices? Sometimes I wish I could go back to who I was before just to feel Its voice touch my mind again. I did my best to disrespect Professor Blake. I was sitting in her office texting my best friend while she lectured me about my behavior in class. I wanted her to know how small she was, that her voice was nothing but noise to me.
And then it echoed in my mind. My phone dropped to the floor as I slipped into a sort of half-trance, but I still tried to fight. I hate myself for fighting. I wish I had the good taste to surrender completely to that voice. that my last seconds as a mortal were bathed in the desire to be one with the Master, instead of begging for my freedom. I envy the weak minds like yours that immediately sink into my voice when I tell them to "Obey." You understand that you're a vessel and that your purpose is to carry the Master, and that your privilege is to make more like us. I think that's beautiful.
When I concentrate I can hear the thoughts of my fellow vessels. We're all linked through the Master, like one mind. At first the numerous thoughts are loud and difficult to decipher, but the Master teaches you how to live through the noise. Once you understand, it's like the world is a completely different place. But nothing compares to assimilation. To the taste of the Master, the feeling of it spreading through your body like a million little tendrils growing inside of you, rewriting your very DNA. It's like the best orgasm I've ever had.
But why am I even telling you all of this? You were eager to eat my pussy before I touched your mind. Everyone is. So how about you crawl on over here and drink. And while you're down there ascending to a higher plane of existence try not to forget the powerful bitch who did it to you.
Fuck, I love being a good girl.
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