#Essence Harper
thewickedharlot · 1 year
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Essence Harper at the Golden Awards
This is tacky and over the top - in the best way. While a lot of other actresses would’ve looked like the Disney princesses you can order for your child’s birthday party in this, Essence’s curves, swerves and reputation turn this from a look fit for a  fairy godmother straight into a “Mommy, sorry, Mommy”-situation. We think this look definitely didn’t need that tiara, but why not remind yourself of the queen you are?
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taweetie · 2 months
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Beyoncé and Solange for Essence and Harper’s Bazaar 2024
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bitter-hibiscus · 3 months
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Im sure I forgot multiple other characters whom Jason has completely fucked over
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blackbatcass · 1 month
there is something so profoundly sad about jaderoy. like. at the end of the day. no matter what she did. no matter how different they are. despite everything else. when it’s all said and done.
jade loves him. and roy loves her.
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medico-meo · 2 months
i’m not into irredeemably horrible characters usually But give me the right moe points and i fold like paper. granted hot dodgy doctors usually get a pass but vrel giving harper workaholicism and a Sweet Tooth and Bad Sex Skills that they acknowledge and feel insecure about… fr made me want to pass out. i’m completely hijacking the point of the PC in the game but idc i’ll make an OC who’s a worse Freak to properly pursue (scare) the insane doctor to inadvertently make harper the saner one in the relationship.
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leoruby-draws · 2 years
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Here are some drawings I did while thinking of potential teams for Jason in the Training Wheels au, I drew these a while ago actually. They've been stuck in my drafts for months (since like...October last year lol) decided to just post before I forget about it again.
When thinking up teams, I used different sorts of criteria. Being close in age, similar upbringings, their relationships to their parental figure/mentors, if they share similar narrative niches in their respective family/teams. Sometimes I get inspired by other peoples ideas for a team too, it's fun to see how different people create so many different teams.
Plus some of these characters never got to be part of kids team of their own, if they did it either didn't last long or ended badly. So I wanted a place for them to just be happy ig.
Anyways I'll post their names under the read more, so this post doesn't get too long.
First team (top row, from left to right)- Silver Swan (Vanessa Kapatelis), Rankorr (Jack Moore), Tefe Holland (from Swamp Thing), and Godspeed (August Heart).
Bottom row- Ravager (Rose Wilson), Jason Todd, Kid Devil (Eddie Bloomberg) , the main trio.
The first one was one I thought of right away, but thinking it over they seemed better fitted for a more older, anti-hero type team (look at poor Eddie, he looks so out of place there lol). Of these characters, I think I might drop Godspeed as a member, since he's Barry's age him being here wouldn't work. I'm thinking Owen Mercer could be a better fit hmm.
Second Team - Koryak, Anima (Courtney Mason), Damage (Grant Emerson), Black Alice (Lori Zechlin), and the main trio.
This second team is probably a more better fit for my Training Wheels au tbh, maybe a bit edgy but its more of a place for wayward angry teenagers trying to find their place in the world.
Third Team ( Not an actual team, just a mishmash of characters I considered) -
Yonder Man, Meow Meow (Nyan Nyan?) (randoms from Get Joker)
Crux (Simon Amal), Essence, and Strike (Dana Harlowe) from RHaTO
and Arsenal (Roy Harper) I grabbed from the Young Justice cartoon, he's the younger one who got kidnapped and put on ice. I always kinda wished that he'd be retconned into being New52 Roy tbh.
Anyways these are just random thoughts I had for a alternate universe Robin Jason team I've had for a while, I have a bunch more drawings showcasing these characters. I'll try to space them out posting them, so that I don't end up spamming ya'll.
If your interested on why I chose any particular character, you can always drop an ask!
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 4 months
Beyoncé, Solange, Ms.Tina and Blue
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batfambyval · 1 year
Jason is totally on the Ace spectrum
Jason’s sexuality is obviously very different from your usual comic book hero. Partially because he spent his teen years dead/isolated but still. He has never really had a stable love interest. His relationship Artemis is still new and undefined, and it isn’t driven by sexual attraction, but on mutual respect and shared experiences. 
Now, I’m not saying he’s demisexual, but he is somewhere on the ace spectrum. It doesn’t disgust him or put him off, but unlike a lot of people it doesn’t consume him. I strongly believe that he and Kori never had sex. They were on a tropical island in swimsuits and both very attractive but Jason was comfortable. He knew Kori was beautiful but there wasn’t a physical reaction. Most guys in that situation would be uncomfortably turned on. Not Jason. I also chose (like most of the fandom) to ignore that thing with Talia, it was a desperate attempt to make Jason into a sexualized character because that’s what’s expected. 
And yeah, there was Essence and that flight attendant but here’s my understanding of those relationships. 1. Essence: teenage exploration. Like I said, he’s not totally ace or demi, he just isn’t constantly thinking about sex. He would still feel the need  to experiment. Essence was a beautiful girl he was in close proximity to who he trusted and liked more than most of the people around him. It was also a friendship, it was honestly more of a friendship than a relationship. 2. Flight attendant lady (I forget her name, that’s how important that relationship was): she was interested in him, Roy was with Kori, he felt like dating was the expected thing at the time. When he eventually called her he took her on a boring date and didn’t even think of going up to her apartment for sex. They did eventually sleep together but it wasn’t immediate and I’m fairly certain she initiated.
What I’m saying is human beings are usually hard wired to obsess over sex, most people have a sex drive set on high. Some people just have it turned off. Jason’s is set on low. Villains who utilize sexual attraction as a weapon/distraction don’t work against Jason because he just doesn’t obsess over sex. His relationships with women are built on respect. I haven’t actually read the comics where he liked Donna, but from what I’ve gathered it was a hero worshipy crush where he followed her around and took her word as gospel. A lot of crushes at that age are more along the lines of ‘so pretty 😍 wait what did she say i zoned out.’ 
For Jason sex is secondary to respect. His relationships all have very different tones than Bruce’s, Dick’s, and even Tim’s. I don’t even think it was done on purpose, in fact the writers are actively trying to combat it, but Jason just won’t let them.
Anyway yeah, that’s my take. To be clear this is only on canon, I love JayRoy but including it doesn’t really work since it’s not canon. I am not saying I think Jason only likes girls, but the only canon relationships he’s had are straight. 
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batbigbang · 8 months
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Bat Big Bang: Granted the Serenity
Author: @faiasakura Artist(s): @reineydraws
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Ao3 Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Jason Todd & Kyle Rayner & Donna Troy, Jason Todd & Donna Troy, Jason Todd & Kyle Rayner, Jason Todd & Ducra, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Stephanie Brown, Jason Todd & Dana Harlowe, Jason Todd & Essence (DCU), Jason Todd & Talia al Ghul, Jason Todd & Roy Harper Key Characters: Jason Todd, Dana Harlowe, Ducra (DCU), Essence (DCU), Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne, Roy Harper, Stephanie Brown, Donna Troy, Kyle Rayner Summary: What does it mean to come back to life as an accidental wrinkle in the fabric of reality? Jason Todd might not know the meaning of life, but he does figure out the meaning of his life, somewhere in between killing the Joker and ringing the doorbell to Wayne Manor. Or, a canon-divergent take of Lost Days and Countdown to Final Crisis, where Under the Red Hood doesn’t happen. Word Count: 61,588k
Author’s Notes: This is the longest fic I've written and a doozy to write, but I'm so happy to bring into the world my take on Jason Todd. This is a canon soup where I cherry-pick elements from comics that spark joy and have fun playing in the DC sandbox. Shoutout to my fellow mods of the BBB for making this happen and to my beta @wingdingery. BIGGEST THANK YOU to my artist reinydraws who has done delightful art for this fic.
Artist’s Notes: I just want to thank the mods for putting this event together, and to my author Faia for writing such a great story! It was really cool to read about Jason visiting all these different universes--especially when I knew that there is going to be so much more to of those universes discover once the fic is complete--and it was fun to see the writing process of a fic author at work. This Bang was full of really great artists and authors and it was a pleasure to be a part of it. :)
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this one for iceheart's aria?
Ask Game
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🌋 How often do they fight? Do they usually playfight or only serious fights? How do they make up to their s/o?
They have their fair share of fights, but they do their best to work it out. They definitely playfight a lot though, and whether that's j wrestling for the remote to pick a movie or some friendly spars, it usually ends up in giggles. That or Honoré gets all pouty at Harper 'shooting' at him.
💬 How do they express their love and affection? Verbally? Writing it down? Actions? Do they ever say/Have they ever said “I love you?”
They're both verbal about it, but Honoré struggles to say it more. It's not that he doesn't love Harper, it's that he's afraid he isn't good for Harper or that he'll leave him once he has no more use. A lot of Honoré's love shows in his actions and the way he says "I cherish you."
🧩 When was the moment that really clicked for them? Like “I’m in love with them” or “This is the person for me”?
I wrote in the other post the moment Honoré knew. But there was also the first time they seriously fought side by side in battle. They were already established, yeah. But there's something about somebody willing to put their life in your hands. And Honoré has kept that life safe since.
🧀 How sappy and cheesy are they? Do they go for cliched things or do they try to come up with original ideas to impress?
Honoré isn't super sure what he's doing, but he's trying his best. Sometimes he goes for cliches because its the first thing that comes up in research. He tries to come up with original ideas though.. Which is how they end up with a lot of burnt dinner dates that end up in takeout... Honoré isn't extremely cheesy or sappy, but sometimes he can get clingy..
🩹 What do they do when their s/o gets hurt? Do they fuss over them? Nurse them back to health?
Honoré is the first person to wave Harper off when he gets hurt, and then proceeds to do everything in his power to make sure Harper is healed and alright so I mean.. Anyways nurse(doctor) Honoré real.
💍 Would they like to get married? Are they the type who likes a big dramatic ceremony or just go to the nearest town hall to get officiated? Do they plan their wedding or ask others for help?
They do get married!! Poly married with Darien lol. Honoré wears the wedding rings on a necklace around his neck. Their ceremony isn't massive or dramatic but it has their family and friends, a nice little event for them. Though the one Elysia throws for them is definitely.. Dramatic..
🏆 Do they play fairly, go soft on their s/o, or do they use affection to distract their s/o to win? (e.g., kisses, flirting, etc.)
Honoré isn't the one to do that until Harper does and then NOTHING IS OFF THE TABLE, NO BITCHES SAFE NOW.
🗺 How would they handle long-distance relationships? Do they wait for their s/o to contact them, or do they spam their messages with every little thing that reminds them of their s/o?
Honoré is busy as hell anyways so he doesn't spam, but he does note things throughout the day that he wants to tell Harper about and writes them all down when he can so he doesn't forget! Then he sends several big ass paragraphs lol
🧸 How spoiled do they act around their s/o? Alternatively, how much do they spoil their s/o?
Honoré spoils the shit out of Harper. He doesn't like being spoiled much cause he feels bad about it? But I know Harper spoils him too. It just flusters him soo much.. But he LOVES spoiling Harper.
📏 Do they like the height difference (or lack thereof) between them and their s/o? Do they take advantage of it?
There's not a huge height difference between them, but Honoré makes a point to wear heels just to be taller the fucking bastard. He loves hugging Harper and resting his head on top of his<3
🤪 Do they get second-hand embarrassment? Or do they join their s/o in whatever crazy ideas they’ve come up with? Alternatively, do they drag their s/o into their wild schemes?
Honoré does not know what cringe is. Let's just leave it at that.
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jaynedolluk · 2 years
Cosmopolitan US had a little feature on drag queens + their makeup with Jaida Essence Hall, Trinity the Tuck and Yvie Oddly.
New issue of Bazaar has a big interview w/Gemma Chan + Elle has Lizzo (great photos of her). Elle also had pieces by CJ Hauser on tarot cards, Ottessa Moshfegh on her love of vintage fashion and Phoebe Robinson on her glow up.
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thewickedharlot · 11 months
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Today we will be taking a look at the various couples in Hollywood to give them a rating. Keep in mind, we're using "couple" loosely. Some of these are exes, situationships, etc. The rating will be out of 10 with points in the following categories loyalty (1), attractiveness (2), power couple (2), compatibility (2), individual personalities (2), public cuteness (1).
loyalty - There have been no signs that either of them have been disloyal, nor that either of them are the type. Full points. attractiveness - They're both very attractive and look good together as a couple! They'll get full points. power couple - Mmm.. I'm gonna be honest. I'm not sure about this one? Mateo isn't really in the public eye outside of singular reality tv stunt. We'll give them 1 point in this category. compatibility - We don't know that much about them as a couple, but there have seemingly been no hiccups. individual personalities - They both seem as sweet as sugar, so we'll give them full points for this. public cuteness - Mmm. Unfortunately, I'll be the stickler. In the past few months, we haven't seen a ton of public interaction between the two of them, so we'll give them .25 in this category. OVERALL SCORE - 8.25/10
loyalty - We have zero faith in the ability of Olivia to be loyal to anyone. So we'll give .5 points because we think Roman could be. attractiveness - Unfortunately..Liv.... We'll give 1 point in this category. power couple - We're hoping that Olivia fails sometime soon, and Roman has just started releasing his own music. We're not sure about this one.... .5 again. compatibility - Yeah, no. individual personalities - Roman seems great! public cuteness - Roman doesn't post much on social media, but she posts pictures of him from time to time. OVERALL SCORE - 3.5/10
loyalty - Its hard to imagine these two as super loyal, when it seems like maybe there are some break ups in between? We'll give half a point because this time together has lasted for a while. attractiveness - They're a very attractive couple! power couple - They're so new to Hollywood...what power? No part of them gives off ambitious bad asses in power. They give off more..college students letting loose. Zero points. compatibility - This one is tough. We'll give them a one. individual personalities - We're gonna be honest. I don't know that much about them, but they seem relatively likeable. We'll give them 1 point. public cuteness - They post cute stuff together occasionally, but not super frequently. We'll give them .5 for looking so cute on tour together. OVERALL SCORE - 5/10
loyalty - This one is a toss up. Haven't there been some...rumors? Some...uncertantiy at the beginning of their relationship..? That didn't set them off in a good foot in this category, but we'll give them half a point. attractiveness - Sebby's looks are up for major debate. Margeaux is pretty, though, so she'll get one point for them. power couple - This is another one I'm torn on. They're obviously famous in their own regard, but its hard to really define them as a super huge 'power couple'. We'll give them 1.5 because once you curbstomp someone, you start to lose a bit of credibility. compatibility - They're very compatible! They get full points here. They seem very in love. individual personalities - Again..up for debate. The consensus is that Sebby is a really nice guy, but that Margeaux...maybe isn't as much. We'll give them 1 point for their efforts. public cuteness - While some of their stuff can be on the edge of cute and obscene, they do post the most about each other. So we'll give them .75, with the .25 cause some of it is just..ick. OVERALL SCORE - 6.75/10
loyalty - Is this still a touchy subject? We're gonna go with 0. attractiveness - Mmm. I'd say they're...fine? They're both clearly attractive people, but they scream very much 'standard cute couple'. We'll give them 1.75, because it is a bit generic. power couple - I mean..son of Amazon, but she pulls the points back again. We'll give them a 1.75. compatibility - This one..again.. Its hard to tell because there's been so much fighting and so many problems. We'll give them a 1 for this because they're working it out for a reason (and lets hope its just not because of the trust fund). individual personalities - This one is a bit of a rough one because they've been in such a rough patch, but Fletcher seemed fairly nice? We've had less public interaction with Bonnie, but we'll give them 1.5 to be nice. public cuteness - They are fairly cute sometimes. They post lots of pictures together, so we'll give them the full point. OVERALL SCORE - 7/10
loyalty - They seem very loyal to each other without issue. I guess maybe we COULD dock them .25 points for time they broke up, but we won't. attractiveness - I guess it depends on your tastes. Their looks go well together, so we'll give them the points. power couple - For some reason, I refuse to say that Axel could be apart of a true power couple. Saint has some pull with Austin, but for some reason they - as a couple - just don't scream POWER COUPLE to me. We'll give them .5 points. compatibility - They seem fairly compatible, so we'll give them the points. individual personalities - This..you know. Axel seems nice enough, but Saint doesn't exactly seem super agreeable? We'll give them 1 point. public cuteness - Axel likes all of Saint's photos, but Axel likes everyones photos. We're gonna go with a .5 here. OVERALL SCORE - 7/10
loyalty - These two seem fiercely loyal to each other. So we'll give them the full point. attractiveness - They're a fairly attractive couple, but they just don't look like they would be together. We'll give them 1.5 points. power couple - They definitely have full power couple vibe. Clothing, label owner, acting, all of that. compatibility - I'm sorry. We've gotta wonder what these two talk about? They're clearly compatible to a point, but...what do they talk about?!?! We'll give them 1.5. We're taking away .5 for our confusion. individual personalities - We love the both of them so much! Lovely! public cuteness - Have you seen Austin's bio? OVERALL SCORE - 9/10
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legendsmagazine · 11 months
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Disclaimer: Legends Magazine does not share the views shared in this article. There are no spoilers!
Apparently, Alexis Woods has had enough of the plastic Barbie doll sweeping the box office. Who would've thought?
The feminist narrative portrayed in the movie is one of the key points of contention for Alexis Woods. In a 15-minute rant she talked about it promoting a strong, independent worldview for women, which she believes undermines the biblical concept of family citing Matthew 19:1-12.
But Woods' critique does not stop there; she also takes issue with the depiction of male characters in the film. According to her, every male character in the movie is either portrayed as an idiot, a bigot, or a pitiful loser. This representation, she argues, "perpetuates a negative view of masculinity, unfairly vilifying men for embracing their natural roles as providers and protectors."
"There is nothing wrong with men wanting to be men. It's normal, it's natural," Woods states firmly, defending her belief in the importance of embracing traditional gender roles. "I am disappointed that my son-in-law, Austin Harper, has put himself in a role like this."
She then went on to say that nobody should take their young daughter to a film like this, stating that it would "fill their head with nonsense". She also denoted that she found the movie to be "anti-motherhood" due to a joke about girls not wanting to play with baby dolls.
In her long rant about the depiction of the Barbie movie, the only nice thing she had to say about it was that the set design was beautiful, but that is seemingly where her love towards the movie ends.
Needless to say, I don't think Alexis Woods took photos in the Barbie box after the movie.
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saraswritingtipps · 1 year
Ways to hit your readers in the gut
When it comes to writing, there's a profound and mesmerizing way to touch your readers deep within their souls. It's about crafting moments that hit them in the gut, stirring up intense emotions and forging an everlasting connection. Here are some techniques to help you achieve this:
1. Unexpected Loss: Introduce a character who captures hearts, only to snatch them away suddenly. Think of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series, where the abrupt departure of beloved characters like Sirius Black and Fred Weasley leaves readers shattered, their grief a testament to the power of storytelling.
2. Sacrifice for a Cause: Show a character willingly sacrificing their own happiness or even their life for a greater purpose. Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games" portrays Katniss Everdeen's selflessness, volunteering as a tribute to save her sister, evoking empathy and admiration.
3. Unrequited Love: Explore the agony of unrequited love, where hearts ache and souls yearn. Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre" delves into the bittersweet and heart-wrenching tale of Jane's unfulfilled affection for Mr. Rochester, resonating with readers who have experienced the profound depths of unrequited longing.
4. Betrayal by a Loved One: Peel back the layers of trust to reveal the sting of betrayal. George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series delivers shocking betrayals that shatter readers' expectations, leaving them stunned and heartbroken alongside the characters.
5. Overcoming Personal Demons: Illuminate the struggle against internal conflicts, be it addiction, guilt, or haunting trauma. Anthony Doerr's "All the Light We Cannot See" explores Werner's moral compass during wartime, captivating readers as they witness his battle for redemption and personal growth.
6. Injustice and Oppression: Shed light on the injustices characters endure, igniting empathy and inspiring change. Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" reveals the racial prejudice faced by Tom Robinson, awakening readers to the urgent need for justice and equality.
7. Parent-Child Relationships: Navigate the intricate tapestry of emotions between parents and children. Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner" unearths the complexities of the father-son bond, evoking a myriad of feelings, from longing and regret to hope for reconciliation.
8. Final Farewells: Craft poignant scenes where characters bid farewell, whether due to death or separation. Markus Zusak's "The Book Thief" gifts readers with heartbreaking partings amidst the backdrop of World War II, leaving an indelible mark of loss and the fragile beauty of human connections.
9. Personal Transformation: Illuminate characters' growth through adversity, offering a beacon of hope and inspiration. Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" narrates Ebenezer Scrooge's extraordinary journey from a bitter miser to a beacon of compassion, reminding readers that redemption and personal change are within reach.
10. Existential Questions: Delve into existential themes that provoke deep introspection. Albert Camus' "The Stranger" challenges readers to ponder the meaning of life through Meursault's detached and nihilistic worldview, prompting them to question their own existence.
With these techniques, you have the power to touch your readers' souls, leaving an indelible impression. Remember to weave these moments seamlessly into your narrative, allowing them to enrich your characters and themes. Let your words resonate and ignite emotions, for that is the essence of impactful storytelling.
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absolxguardian · 7 months
[Elminster and Khelben Arunsen] proved to be worthy and capable receptacles of her power, but Mystra's other early attempts to invest her power in living humans were unsuccessful, and she came to realize that only a very few mortals were of stern enough substance to contain such power within themselves without being destroyed or corrupted. Even though some people aside from Elminister and Khelben may have possessed the requisite strength, it is possible that having lived for years prior to being visited by Mystra had set them on a path from which they were not able to deviate. Whatever the reason, the problem needed to be solved. To get around the difficulty, Mystra devised a plan to use herself as a vessel to breed individuals who could be nurtured and acclimated to her power from the very beginnings of their lives. For the father of these individuals, she picked the best example of human stock she could find: Dornar Silverhand, a nobleman and a former Harper who lived near Neverwinter. Mystra then possessed the body of Elue Shandur, a helf-elven sorceress whom Dornal was already attracted to. Mystra revealed her presence and her plan to Eleu, who happily and eagerly agreed to have the goddess share her body. Eleu had been reluctant, but under the influence of Mystra the woman became a seductress, and Dornal found his advances being suddenly returned with great fervor. Dornal and Mystra/Eleu were wed in the Year of the Drifting Stars (760 DR). The first of the seven daughters, Anastra Syluné, was born the following winter. Sylune's six sisters emerged at one-year interval thereafter: Endue Alustriel, Ambara Dove, Ethena Astorma (she prefers the name "Storm" these days), Anamanué Laeral, Alassa Shentrantra (known today as the Simbul) and Erésseae Qilué. These siblings have become known in Realmsian lore as the Seven Sisters. Dornal, who had been kept in the dark about his wife's true nature through the years (presumably because Mystra didn't want to risk losing his services), was disappointed and distraught by the time his sixth child was born; he had always wanted sons as well as daughters. More importantly, he was seeing his wife deteriorate right before his eyes. The strain of coexisting with the goddess all these years had turned Eleu into a withered shell - in essence a lich, clinging to life only because Mystra's power was within her. When Eleu was carrying the seventh child, Dornal consulted a priest who told him his wife had been possessed by a entity of great magical power. To spare both of them any further agony, he attempted to slay his wife's physical form by severing her head from her body. As soon he had done this, Mystra was forced to reveal herself to him, and she went on to explain her scheme. Just as she had worried would happen, Dornal was aghast at how he and his wife had been used by the goddess. He turned his back on the corpse of his wife, abandoned his lands and his children, and vanished into the North. Mystra bore him no ill will, and in fact protected him for the final 30 years of his life. When Dornal finally did meet his end he called out to Mystra, and the goddess granted his continued existence as her servant. Now known as the Watcher, Dornal Silverhand travels the world unseen by mortals on a continuing mission to locate candidates to swell the ranks of the Chosen and to identify possible threats to Mystra and her minions.
-History of the Chosen of Mystra (Baldur's Gate 1)
Hey Mystra what the fuck. This also creates an interesting paralel to Bhaal, who also foresaw his death during the Time of Troubles and thus went and had mortal children. (This is a different Mystra from Gale's Mystra, but they're all reincarnations of the preceding goddesses)
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COZY act i - renaissance
“Beyoncé’s seventh studio album is an altar call to those who have forgotten who made house and disco music: black queer and trans people.” — ESSENCE
“In a rare message published on her official website, Beyoncé revealed that her latest project is a labor of love made during the pandemic and dedicated to her family, as well as her LGBTQ+ fan base.” — HARPER’S BAZAAR
“Beyoncé’s seventh studio album Renaissance include homages to Black queer icons like TS Madison, Honey Dijon, and Big Freedia (who appears on "Break My Soul," as well as 2016's "Formation" from Lemonade). Beyoncé bringing these artists to the forefront in a time when many Black queer artists aren't being recognized for their talent is definitely a statement.” — INSTYLE
Honey Dijon and Ts Madison are the first black trans women to land a Billboard Hot 100 Top 40 hit single. (As co-writer’s of Beyoncé’s “Cozy”)
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