#Euro International School
spotsupstuff · 11 months
Okay, I need to know how Sparrow's job was saved by Boreas. What did he do that let her win the case?
Also, was there a reaction from the High class Ancients as for why Boreas was defending Sparrow?
Boreas' involvement with the case was all very hush hush. he reached Deep into his big macho core to pull out some of that feminine manipulation and planning skills (oh wow he has those) and called up Sparrows. with her, he was all genuine and gentle for once. cuz she was all stressed, her eyes were puffy from crying cuz she just doesn't know how to save this (she studied as a Mechanic not a Lawyer, goddammit!!! she doesn't know this! neither do i so gimbe a break if anythin) and he admitted to himself that "alright Three Sparrows can be a part of the family, the girl is now my responsibility to keep safe" those two years ago
so he tells her that he has a plan. it shall be based from the truth- she trusted Euros with telling her about things like that, she was "too" kind- but we shall spin it even further without revealing your two's relationship. Boreas kind of played the role of her lawyer, basically
the main key was getting some evidence to back up the claims that Three Sparrows on a Wire is far too empathetic when interacting with Iterators. Boreas guided Sparrows to call upon her old teachers/school for evidence of that (and also then to show off her good grades to prove that she Is competent). the evidence, of course, ends up being all the footage of her lessons and tests that's saved in Boreas' memory since he has his consciousness in the entirety of the facilities and the city. he IS the security system of himself
now, taking out things from Boreas' memories isn't such an uncommon thing. it is invasive and typical Iterators don't have to go thru this, but he does. accessing him like this is usually done for quite recent things to prove a crime or smth, however. Sparrows attended the school like 40 years ago so it requires a Deep Dive into his memories and oh he HATES that. so That's a little sacrifice he does for her sake. opens his mind up to smth like that and lets people dig through him for the required footage without trying his damnest to be inconvenient like usually
with this memories combing thing also comes being a lil shady about stuff like this, too (needs to keep his memories of spending time with Zephyr a secret from his Houses). so he helps Euros falsify some of his own memories to make himself look worse and Sparrows better (cuz what can they do against their Own Iterator? they won't reset/wipe him over This)
and so all of this proves that Sparrows was sort of a damsel in distress in the Rot situation and got bitten terribly because of being a Good person. they can't fire her for being just a good person! that would look bad in their little religious community!!!! so she gets off with the warning/requirement to be sharper and... more merciless/meaner (they say "strict") while interacting with Euros i suppose
n das how Boreas bails her out!
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best24news · 1 year
Rewari News: यूरो इंटरनेशनल स्कूल धारूहेडा में हर्षोल्लास से मनाया वार्षिकोत्सव
Rewari News: यूरो इंटरनेशनल स्कूल धारूहेडा में हर्षोल्लास से मनाया वार्षिकोत्सव
धारूहेडा: यूरो स्कूल में एक धमाकेदार वार्षिकोत्सव युगांतर – एक पहचान का आयोजन किया गया। मुख्य अतिथि इंदिरा गाँधी महाविद्यालय के कुलपति जेपी यादव, विशिष्ट अतिथि नपा धारूहेडा के उपाध्यक्ष अजय जांगड़ा व समाजसेवी त्रिलोक धारीवाल पार्षद रहे। विद्यालय के चेयरमैन सत्यवीर यादव व सरला यादव, विद्यालय के डायरेक्टर श्रीमान नितिन यादव, श्रीमती स्वाति यादव, विद्यालय के अकादमिक डायरेक्टर श्रीमान राजेंद्र सिंह…
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snickerdoodlles · 4 months
one of my most formative fandom experiences was a comment i had gotten on a fic i wrote for a halloween themed fandom event.
this was for a manga/anime, so the fic was a general ghost story obviously set in Japan. the beginning of it involved a pizza delivery and while writing it, i had spent like 30 minutes just double checking tipping customs and the types of pizza they serve and even fell down a wikipedia rabbit hole looking up the history of pizza in Japan.
now, i just like the research part of writing, i do stuff like this because i have fun doing it. and while i was writing this particular fic, i had laughed at myself for my 30 minutes of googling that amounted to 2.5 offhand lines in a 3500 word fic. i didn't think anyone would care about or even notice those particular details except for me, especially since none of them were relevant to the ghost part of this ghost story.
except, when i had sent this fic to a Japanese friend, the first thing she said to me about it was "OH MY GOD YOU GOT THE PIZZA RIGHT"
and that was the moment when it had really clicked for me. what had just been 30 minutes of effort on my part had become a moment of relief for her. my friend was far more used to reading ethnocentric fic that ranged from unintentional ignorance to outright superiority against part of her culture (the original story's culture no less). and even with the "innocent" ignorance (heavy quotes on that) far outstripping any outright maliciousness, that's still so many people saying her culture was not worth learning about. the pizza in my story was a small detail, but i had cared enough to put in some effort to check it. and for her, coming from a fic experience where her norm was bracing for hundreds of inaccuracies born of ignorance, especially at that time after a flood of stories centered around "Halloween as a cultural holiday in the US" premises instead of the "Halloween is a commercial gimmick in Japan" reality, seeing someone put in some effort even for minor story details meant something to her.
this also throws me back to the discourse that arose in a french show fandom a few years ago because there were a lot of fic authors that wrote 'dollars' instead of 'euros'-- but when people brought this up as a prevalent issue across the fandom but an easy one to fic/watch out for, many of these writers instead pushed back to complain that they were posting stories for free and it wasn't that big of a deal. which really upset a lot of people, but then this upset was met with a new wave of indignation that people needed to 'get over it' because they're writing fic ~just as a hobby~. but, even if 'dollars' instead of 'euros' wasn't a big deal, by digging in their heels about the issue, they were saying "your culture isn't worth even five minutes of my time or effort."
I've been thinking about these things lately because the ethnocentrism in Thai drama fandoms is...staggering. just over the turn of the year, there were waves of Christmas fic for Buddhist characters. and just. Christmas in Thailand is a tourist thing at best. sometimes a pop culture gimmick for international audiences or maybe an offhand high school thing to blow off steam between midterms. it's not a cultural thing. and even if a character is a part of the Christian minority, a Christian Thai's holiday customs and culture are going to be vastly different than a Christian's customs in the Americas or Europe. and while the Christmas fic is at least finished for now, I'm already bracing myself for the Easter fic wave that also seems to pop up for Thai dramas. it's so frustrating to see this sort of cultural overwrite all the time, especially since most Thai drama holiday works aren't about Thai holidays.
but the thing that really got me bristling about all of this again was i saw a post the other day where op said that they weren't going to write [thai drama] fic because they don't know much about thailand.
what an absolutely appalling statement to make.
google is right there. wikipedia is free. you don't even have to leave tumblr or AO3 to learn more because there are Thai natives in fandom who write essays to explain common elements of their culture. hell, even just watching these Thai stories and considering the values and messages imparted by the narrative framework and story lens tells you something about that culture. the audacity to look at a culture different from your own and say "this is not worth my effort or time to learn anything more about," are you kidding me?!?
the messages and values of a story tell you about the writer's values, which are going to carry their cultural values, beliefs, and biases. Thai culture is going to be heavily relevant to any Thai story, even the ones that aren't explicitly about Thai culture/customs/etc. (hell, Thai bl/gl as a genre alone-- just the fact that queer Thai writers are making these stories in Thailand's current political climate is highly political, even the "fluffy" ones that don't seem to make outright political statements.) to approach any story like it was made in a vacuum is to remove the writer(s)' culture and values and to overwrite them with your own.
especially because this is fandom. these are the lowest stakes to learn! it sucks to see people say things like "but i'm scared i'll get something wrong" and hold up that fear as a shield to justify their ignorance. no one's expecting anyone to get every detail right, especially not for a culture that isn't theirs, just make an effort to learn something new about it. pick out something that caught your eye as different to learn more about and see where it leads you.
and for the record--making a mistake trying to broaden your horizons is a far, far better thing to do than to superimpose your culture on everyone else's because you're scared to confront your ignorance.
edit: check out this reblog thanks
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mysunshinetemptress · 7 months
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You Promised
Disclaimer: angst
Leah Williamson x reader
To say you and your girlfriend played the same sport just at different levels was an understatement.
Leah played for Arsenal in the WSL and is Captain of the Lionesses on the international stage whereas you played for and Captained Newport Pagnell FC an East Midlands women’s regional football team.
Now you where proud to play for them every time you walked out onto the pitch it was like you had led out an army ready to battle for the next 90 minutes. Only it was a pitch in the back arse of no where and the changing rooms where prefabricated buildings and your subs bench wasn’t the most comfortable place to sit but you wouldn’t change it for the world this was your team.
Dating a world class football player who had captained the English women’s team to European champs meant that many people began to have opinions on her life and in turn yours, and most of the time it was about the different levels you both played at.
Both yourself and Leah grew up in Milton Keynes and although you where a life long Arsenal fan you hadn’t began playing till the later Leah’s of primary school, unlike Leah who had been playing at Arsenal since the age of 8. You had both met later in secondary school and a friendship soon blossomed, your parents would often find you both either playing, talking or watching football together, but it didn’t take you long to realise that you both played at different levels.
It had become something you where rather insecure about. Watching as Leah made her senior debut in 2014 you had also been chosen to play on the women’s first team but your success would have to wait as you celebrated Leah’s and you honestly didn’t care as long as Leah was living out her dream and happy you would never care to celebrate yours. That was until recently.
Leah had asked you out on the night of your 20th birthday stating she simply couldn’t wait anymore and if it meant fucking over an amazing friendship for an even better relationship she would do just that. The first four years had been blissful. Leah played at Arsenal and had won the WSL as well as the FA cup and each time she just had to look into the stands to see your gleaming smile telling her how proud of her you where. Leah had played on the youth squads for England but in Russia in 2018 you had stood next to her family to cheer her on as she made her senior debut, as well you where the first person she called after Sarina Wiegman had asked her to be captain of the Lionesses heading into the euros, ultimately you had been asked to become the Captain of Newport Pagnell the same day but not wanting to take away such a moment from her you kept it quite. You had been there at every match of the Euros and had ultimately burst into tears at the sound of the final whistle on the 31st of July grabbing Amanda as you both sobbed with pride for the English captain, who had jumped the barrier and ran up the steps to kiss you right after. You had been there to witness all of Leah’s best moments from the minute you met, but you had also been there to witness her hardest moments. You had been sat in the west stand of Leigh’s Sports Village with Amanda and Leah’s cousin Holly hair still wet from training when she had gone down. Amanda had immediately grabbed your arm out of instinct before you stood stating you would go check on her. You had found her tear stained lying on physios bed “oh darling.” Leah had immediately burst into tears once more at the sight of you before explaining what the medic team had told her. There wasn’t anything you could do but hold her and listen wishing for it all to be wrong. Sadly it didn’t workout that way and it had been announced your girlfriend had torn her ACL and would be unable to Captain her team at the World Cup this summer.
It had been a selfish wish one that you immediately felt guilty about but you had hoped with this forced break Leah might attend a few more of your matches, maybe meet the team and the girls who had become some of your best friends, normally she either had training or was playing in one herself whereas you had a job as a teacher and trained night and played on Sundays. But what you had really hoped for was to turn to see Leah standing beside the pitch cheering you on as your team played their final match of the season and one that could potentially see your team winning the league.
“Lee, my love.” You had walked through the front door expecting to find your girlfriend sitting on the couch typing away on her computer, instead you found her in the kitchen with Lia Walti “oh hey Wally .” Lia stood pulling you into a hug “Y/n how are you.” You smiled dropping you bag before picking up the girls cups and refilling them making one for your self “I’m good Wally tired but good how are you.” Leah grabbed your hand pulling you to the chair beside her resting her hand on your thigh “I’m good, thought I would come check on this one since I’m out for the rest of the season as a precaution.” You smiled “thank you, speaking of how is your ankle I watched it after it was hard to watch no idea how you did it.” Leah squeezed your leg “she’s just built different love, you have to be to play at our level.” You froze slightly at what Leah was implying but chose to ignore it instead asking Wally if she was staying for dinner.
You lay in bed head on Leah’s chest as she stroked your hair softly “Lee.” Leah hummed “I was wondering if you would come to my last match on the 27th kickoff is at 2pm.” Leah smiled “I’d love to my girl.” You squeezed her gently “only if you want to.” Leah kissed your head “I promise to be there my love I want to be there.” You kissed her jaw before settling back down content with Leah’s answer.
Leah was still asleep when you woke up Saturday morning getting all your things ready to head to meet the team for the last match of the season. You ran back up the stairs after making yourself breakfast before leaning over to kiss her head “I’ll see you shortly Lee.” You had taken your jersey from last season and left it on her night stand hoping she would wear it before running out the door.
The team had been on a high the minute you had all met at the clubhouse the excitement of the last match and potentially winning the league had set you all into a buzz as you all danced around the changing rooms getting ready to go out for warmups. “Anyone special coming Skip.” You turned looking to your best friend and teammate Tegan Mallor, you couldn’t help your cheeks get all read “oh is the wife making an appearance.” You laughed “she’s not my wife yet haven’t asked haven’t been asked but yes she told me she was coming as well as her Mum and cousins plus my parents.” The girls cheered at the thought of the Lioness captain coming to watch the final match.
Walking out on to the pitch for warmups you looked over to see your parents stood on the sidelines with Amanda,Holly,Ben,Jordan and a few others of the Williamson/Baker bunch it had made your heart swell at the sight you had grown up with no siblings and so Leah’s cousins and brother had taken on that mantle, but you couldn’t help but notice Leah wasn’t here yet. Putting it down to her being late you got on with training and put your captain head on ready to win.
The first half had gone terribly, the opposition had scored twice all in the span of 10 minutes of each other and you found the girls began to lose hope, you had never been more grateful for the half time whistle grabbing your team into the changing room and trying to hype them back up “what’s going on this isn’t the bunch of girls that where dancing around this morning we have 45 minutes to do this 45 that’s plenty of time turn it around come on.” The girls had jumped up and began running back out as the second half began. You turned looking to the sidelines hoping to catch your girlfriend but instead it had been the same group you had seen at training, Holly had caught your eye and shrugged letting you know she had no idea where Leah was.
The next 45 minutes flew in and your team had managed to tie the game but with a minute to go you had found yourself screaming for a cross in at the edge of the box from Tegan. The team held their breath as you sent a scream to the top right corner before they all piled on top of you screaming as the red blew the whistle stating the match was over and you had won both the match and the league. You all stood running to your family’s on the sidelines grabbing your dad into a hug as he cried “oh peanut I’m so proud that was amazing.” You squeezed him letting go as you hugged your mum before moving to Amanda “that was incredible darling no one deserves it more.” You pulled away thanking her before hugging everyone else “where’s Le.” Everyone froze “Go celebrate we will talk after.” You sighed shoulders sagging in disappointment “she promised.” Holly squeezed your arm “I’m sorry Y/n.” You shook your head “can I take him with me.” You turned asking Jordan if you could kidnap her son to help raise the trophy wanting to move away from their pitiful stares “want to go with Auntie Y/n buddy.” The baby simply smiled raising his hands for you to take him as you thanked Jordan and walked off to get your medal. “I’m going to kill her.” Holly punched Ben in the arm before Amanda spoke “you will have to get in line.”
You had been stood in the changing room dancing with the girls when Tegan had tapped you on the shoulder showing you her phone. You felt your stomach drop as you watched your girlfriend hobbling around the pitch at meadow park wearing a Rafaelle jersey as the girls shook hands and did their lap around. “I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up it was so stupid.” Tegan grabbed your arm “hey it’s her fault she let you down ok you asked her to be here and she said no promised you she would ok.” You nodded turning to pack you bags just wanting to get home and change before heading to Amanda’s house for dinner.
You had arrived at Amanda’s and where currently sat on the floor playing with Jordan’s son while you laughed and talked about your summer plans when Leah had walked through the door “Hey.” You ignored her calling out in the hall as you talked about what you where bringing to Ibiza with Holly as well as possible things to do with Ben, “I’m bringing four bikinis max but my mum wants me to bring a rash vest if we are going jet skiing this year Ben after I came back the same colour as a strawberry last time.” They all laughed as Amanda grabbed Leah from the hall taking in her appearance dressed in an Arsenal jersey “you are in big trouble missy.” Amanda didn’t get to say anything else as you walked in with Jack (made up the name) resting on your hip, you stopped watching as Leah turned a smile taking over her face “Hi gorgeous.” You turned looking to Amanda “we thought we would come ask if you needed a hand with anything.” Amanda walked over taking Jack from you “no all good darling, I’ll leave you both to talk.”
You sighed turning to check the food as Leah went to grab you hand “hey what’s going on.” You shook your head “you promised.” Leah looked at you confused “what.” “You promised me you would be there, I thought you would be there, do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to tell my teammates your coming and then not show up only to see you all over instagram at Meadow park Le.” Leah shook her head “what are you talking about be where Y/n I have no idea.” You cut her off scoffing “oh my god you didn’t even remember, your telling me you didn’t care enough to remember.” Leah was getting annoyed now “what are you talking about.” You huffed not wanting to raise your voice “my match, the final match of the season where i captained my childhood club to win the league the one I asked you to come to the one you promised you would only to never show.” Leah froze “Y/n.” You shook your head “I left my jersey out for you to wear to it, I thought since you where injured you might come to just one of my matches heck even the most important one but you stood me up to go see Arsenal at Meadow park.” Leah sighed “it was Rafa’s last game.” You rolled your eyes “it was the most important match of my career.” Leah scoffed “you don’t have a football career Y/n your a teacher that’s your career not football for crying out loud your acting like I missed a World Cup final or a match at the emirates I missed a match in a field where the toilets are porta potties,the teams stand on the sidelines at half time and a bunch of wannabes pros run around so sorry I chose to go a more exciting match to support my friend in her last one for an actual professional team.” You felt tears spring to your eyes begging them not to spill over “so supporting your own girlfriend..” Leah scoffed “come on Y/n seriously I get bored watching you play at least my matches aren’t mind numbing.” You froze as Leah slowly began to realise what she had said “y/n” “ no your right, I don’t think I can do this anymore Leah.” Leah looked at you confused “do what Y/n let me explain please.” You shook your head “I can’t be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support me they way I support them it’s not fair and I’m so tired of it Leah I really am and I’m so sorry because no matter how much I love you because believe me I really do I can’t keep being the only one putting in the effort or support so I’m done.”You began to turn to walk back to the living room where you knew everyone could hear “Y/n.” You just shook your head walking into the room collecting your stuff as Leah walked in behind you “eh thank you for coming I’m so sorry I can’t stay for dinner I have eh I really have to go.” Amanda stood up not bothering to look at her daughter “Y/n.” You shook your head “it’s fine enjoy dinner I’ll see you later.” You brushed last Leah and headed straight out the front door. “Mum I.” Amanda shook her head “I don’t know who you are but you are not the girl I raised the girl I raised would have understood how important today was for her girlfriend she would have been rushing the pitch after watching her girlfriend score the winning goal, the girl I raised would have been there point blank.” Leah felt her eyes fill with tears “they won.” Holly nodded standing up “your girlfriend led a team who hadn’t won a game in ten years to wining the East Midlands league in a season and she scored the final goal.” Leah shook her head “I didn’t mean it.” Amanda laughed “I have known you long enough and so has Y/n to know that you did and you know she is insecure about not being enough for you as a human being and as someone who plays football yet you told her today right to her face that those fears where true. I’m sorry I can’t even look at you right now.”
Leah stood hopeless “Holly I…” Everyone stood up leaving the room as Leah was left to think about what she had said “oh god what have I done.”
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writers-potion · 3 months
International Slang, Slang, Slang!
I'm sharing this list of slang in different languages (English, British English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Malaysian, Russian, Hindi) to use for dialogue:
English Slang
LOL = laugh out loud
OMG = oh my god
Noob = newbie
LMAO = laught my ass off
SFW = Safe work work
HMB = hit me back
XOXO = hugs and kisses
Txt = text
msg = message
cuz = because
kinda = kind of
outta = out of
'bout = about
C'mon = come on
'em = them
lil = little
lotsa = lots of
nope/nah = no
wanna = want to
dunno = don't know
lemme = let me
TBH = to be honest
gotcha = have got you
jack around = waste time
jillion = an immense number
nuke = destroy, delete
bushed = extremely tired
fab = fabulous
chicken = coward
grabbers = hands
grub = food
vanilla = plain
peanuts = very little money
British English Slang
skive = lazy or avoid doing something
knackered = tired
nicked = stolen
bugger = jerk
zed = equivalent to zzzzzz
nosh = food
dog's bollocks = awesome
bog roll = toliet paper
nutter = crazy person
punter = customer/prostitute's client
fiver = 5 euros
toff = upper class person
taking the piss = screwing around
pissed = drunk
wonky = not right
gutted = devastated
Tosser = idiot
Cock-up = screw up
Bloody = damn
Wanker = idiot
Fancy = like
Lost the plot = gone crazy
Kip = sleep or nap
Bee's knees = awesome
Dodgy = suspicious
Wicked = cool!
Know your onions = knowledgeable
Chuffed = proud
Bespoke = custom made
Give you a bell = call you
Hoover = vacuum
Tad = little bit
French Slang
Spanish Slang
Tu (me) fair chier) = (literally: you make me
shit) You are pissing me off
Ca me saoule = I'm sick of this
J'en ai ras le cul = I'm sick of this
Fringues = clothes
Grailler = to buy/steal/take/eat
Crever = to die
Crevant = exhausting
Gerber = to throw up
Defonce = stoned
Glander = to procrastinate/to do nothing/to
lay around
Va craver = go die
J'ai la dalle = I'm hungry
Avoir la flemme = not wanting to do
Japanese Slang
Tio = dude or guy
Guay = cool/great
Currar = to work
Fome = boring
Value = okay or sure
Colega = buddy or friend
Pasta = moneu
Majo = nice or friendly
Flipar = to be shocked
Bocachancla = gossip
Raro - weird
Papear = to eat
Resaca = hangover
Plomazo = boring
Loco = crazy
Chafa = Lame
Baka (ばか) = Stupid or idiot.
Bucchake (ぶっちゃけ) = To be honest or frank.
Chiruru (チルる) = To chill or relax.
Chō (超) = Very.
Dame (だめ) = No good or not allowed.
Dasai (ダサい) = Uncool or out of style.
Disuru (ディスる) = To disrespect or talk down about someone.
Egui (えぐい) = Awesome or incredible.
Gachi (ガチ) = Serious or real.
Ganba (がんば) = A short version of “ganbatte,” meaning “do your best” or “good luck.”
Guguru (ググる) = To Google something.
Gyaru (ギャル) = A fashion-conscious young lady with tanned skin and long nails.
Honto (ほんと ) = Really or for real.
Ii kanji (いい感じ) = To have a good vibe or feeling about something.
JK = High school girl.
Kimoi (キモい) = Creepy or gross.
Kira kira (キラキラ) = Sparkling, cute, or beautiful.
Kireru (キレる) = To snap or lose your temper.
Maji (マジ) = Seriously or really.
Moteru (モテる) = To be popular or attractive.
Mukatsuku (むかつく) = To be irritated.
Nampa (ナンパ) = To chat or pick someone up.
Sugoi (すごい) = Amazing or incredible.
Uzai (うざい) = Another word for annoying.
Wakannai (わかんない) = I don’t know.
Yabai (ヤバい) = Anything from “awesome” to “oh no.”
Russian Slang
Долбоеб (dolboyob_) = Fool, Idiot
Иди на хуй (idi na hui) = F*ck yourself
Сволочь (svo lach’) = Trash, Scum, Jerk
Жопа (zho pa) = Brat (typically used towards children)
Гавно (gav no) = Sh!t (used more when speaking to yourself rather than to insult someone)
лох (loh) = Stupid, Idiot, Sucker
Гандон (gan don) = Condom (Whilst calling someone a condom in English is just not a thing, it’s quite common in Russia. Used to refer to someone weak or just plain irritating)
Чушь собачья (chush’ sobach’ya) = Bullsh!tter
Malaysian Slang
Трахни тебя (trakhni tebya) = F*ck You
Ти дегхенераат (ti degheneraat) = You’re a degenerate
Отыебис от меныа! (otyebis ot menya!) = Move your ass / Get the f*ck away
чертовски дно (chertovski dno) = F*cking bottom (would be used when referring to hitting rock bottom.)
Bo jio = use when referring to friend who didn't invite them to a gathering (e.g. 'why you bo jio?)
Ýum cha = hang out over drinks or food at local coffee shops
belanja = I got you covered
Potong Stim = killjoy
Boss = waiters refer to their cusomters as boss, and customers call out for waiters using the same term!
Tapau/Bungkus = take-away
Ang Moh/Mat Salleh = "Western foreigners"
Kantoi = being cuaght red handed
Paiseh = shy or embarrased
Walao Eh! = brother
Macha = good friends (equivalent to "fam" in English)
Alamak! = shock, surprise, or frustration (punctuate with 'face palm' for dramatic effect)
Lah = This one really has no meaning, used to add "emphasis" and "flavor" to sentences. It is rather addictive...
Kawan baik = best friend
Jom = let's (inviting someone to do something together)
Best gila = crazy good, crazy fine (like "amazing!" in English)
Kantoi = busted
Fuyoh = WOW or OMG
Cincai = whatever
Italian Slang
Ma Dai = come on, imagine, stop it (express surprise, amazement)
Chi Se Ne Frega? = Who cares?
Scialla = stay calm
In Bocca Al Lupo = Good luck
Come Il Cacio Sui Maccheroni = like sheep's milk for the macaroni
Come Te La Passi = How is it going?
Trescare – Have a flirt
Camomillarsi – Calm down
Sbalconato – Be out of your mind
Incicognarsi – Get pregnant
Citofonarsi – Call someone by surname
Tirare tardi – To be late
Inciucio – Intrigue, a cheat, a mess
Un carnaio – Many people together in the same place
Abbioccarsi – falling asleep unexpectedly
Bordello – Problematic, confusing, and chaotic situation
Fottìo – Something that has happened or occurs in large quantities
Svalvolare – Loss of control
Rosicare – To be envious of something
Scazzato – A state of mind of malaise
Che pizza – a boring or bad thing
Sbroccare o sclerare – Getting angry and making a scene
Raga – Guys
Tranqui – abbreviation of the word “calm,” it means to stay calm
Che Figata – Cool
Meno male! – Luckily or thank goodness
Che schifo – How disgusting
Vivere alla giornata – Live in the moment
Pisolino – An Italian slang word that means “afternoon nap”
Hindi Slang
Yaar = Friend, used at the end of sentences for casual social interactions (including shopkeepers/autorickshaw drivers)
Achcha = good/okay/really?
Thik Hain = okay (+ head nod)
Arre = hey (with a higher tone = surprise, lower tone = exasperation)
Bas = that's it
Chakkar = dizziness
Funda = fundamentals
Ghanta = Yeah right
Jugaad = hack
Bakwaas = nonsense
Chalega = That will do
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footygirl114 · 11 months
Cuando Eramos Niños (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
SO this is going to have another part.... but it got to this point today and I wanted to post something for y'all for being so patient with me. This one is a little less flirty Alexia, but it's the build up to the second part with all the cockiness. Let me know what we think?
Sitting on the plane to participate in your first world cup for your country was a surreal feeling, it was like nothing you have felt before. Looking out the window, watching the clouds fly by you couldn’t help but take a moment to reflect on the craziness of the past year. 
You had hoped to be an alternate player called in for Euros, as a left back you had a hard time finding playing time with the quality the team already had. Moving from Spain to England to play for Aston Villa, meant that you were being noticed but you had yet to make your national team debut. Watching the euros from your couch back at your mothers house in Barcelona, made your drive to play for them deeper and you wanted to push harder to get there. 
When the 15 came forward you hated that they had to do it, but you knew this would be your chance and you had to take advantage of it. And you did, you played some of the best football of your career during the international breaks but also during league play. You were working harder and digging deeper than you have ever done before. 
When your name was on that 30 player shortlist for the world cup you almost cried, but you still knew that you would not be here without the sacrifice of others, particular Leila who was missing out but you were taking her spot. While you were working harder, it slipped your mind that you would also be back playing with Alexia again. 
What no one else on the team realised was that you and Alexia had grown up together, she was a couple of years older than you, but she was your first for everything. You knew it was just a passing thing for her as you were younger and she was popular, but you knew the feelings you had for her ran much deeper than the ones she had for you. 
When she started to play more and signed her pro contract you were still in school, then your first contract came and it was on the other side of the country. You both grew apart, but you never missed her games - unless you were playing yourself. Neither of you had reached out but you watched her flourish and grow into one of the best players in the world and you kept pushing down those feelings that would bloom whenever you saw her. 
When you walked into camp that first day and your eyes locked you knew you were in trouble, when all those butterflies you felt came fluttering back. You couldn’t afford to be distracted now though so you vowed to yourself that you did not need her and you would make the team and do this by yourself. 
She didn’t get the message, and tried to befriend you and sit with you any chance she got, the one good thing is that she never hinted to anyone that you knew each other before. Last thing you wanted was for anyone to pick up on the massive crush you have had on her for years. When you walked out of the room that the coaches were using to deliver a players fate. You thought it was cruel but it was common in sports, you packed your bags before and when you left the room you were either heading to the team bus to continue on, or to a cab to fly home. 
Alexia was the first one you had seen walking out and you couldn’t help but let out an excited squeal and when she wrapped you in her arms it felt like coming home. The whispered “I am so proud of you” and the kiss pressed to your head made the butterflies go crazy. 
The following weeks of training leading up to this moment you are on the plane went by in a blur of training, meetings, and ice baths so many ice baths. The also included Alexia slowly getting more comfortable flirting with you, and she was not subtle in the way she watched you from the sidelines during drills. 
It wasn’t until the captain announced that the plan was landing that you shook out of your reflection. Reminding yourself in that moment that you got here on your own through hard work and grit meant that you would not given in to Alexia, she had already made her name in the football world. This was your chance to let everyone know what you could do. 
Transitioning from this plane to the final plane that would take you into New Zealand you kept repeating it in your head. Since this was a shorter plane ride it was a smaller plane, the team took up most of the plane and you settled into a window seat wanting to see the sights as you were landing. You were so deep in focus looking out the window and thinking about how you were going to get over this jet lag in order to keep playing your best. You felt someone sitting down beside you and didn’t think twice of it until you could feel someone pressing against your side, and feel their breath on your ear, you immediately know it’s Alexia. 
“Anything interesting out there?” she asks quietly into your ear. You feel the butterflies start again and the goosebumps on your skin as she finishes. 
“Once we move there will be” you say quietly back. 
She smiles and moves her hand to your arm and she rubs it softly as she says “I am looking at the most interesting thing here.”
You feel the blush rising on your cheeks as you say quietly “Ale please.” 
She chuckles and says “I missed that, I have missed you Y/N” 
Before you can answer the pilot announcement about seatbelts comes on and she leans back in her seat beside you. You wait until take off is over and you are at altitude before you turn toward her and say “I mean it you cant do that to me.” 
She turns her body slightly toward you in the seat and say with a smirk “I can do what ever I want Y/N.” 
“Ale, please Im asking you to give me a break” you say pleadingly. 
She reaches her hand out and places it on your forearm as she asks “give me a reason why not?” 
You close your eyes and take a deep breathe as you tell her “I worked my ass off to get here by myself, the last thing I need is a superstar like you complicating the one chance I will have to make my dream come true.” 
“complicate?” she asks softly. 
You look away as you say “yes Ale, you make me feel things that throw me off my game and I need to be on my game”
She squeezes your forearm and says “Y/N you are here cause we need you here, and you earned it. I have followed your career and I wish you had better opportunities to shine. The fact you didn’t  and still shined proves to me that you belong here.” 
You smile softly and met her eyes as you say “thank you for that Ale”
“do you remember that party in school when you found me sitting in the treehouse?” she asks softly as she runs her fingers softly over your wrist. 
“I do” you say with a question. 
She continues her movement as she says “do you remember why I was in the treehouse?” 
You look at her confused as you say “you needed a break from the party.”
She softly shakes her head and says “I had just found out that I would be signing my first pro contract the following week, I was freaking out about living up to their expectations.”
“You never said that” you say back. 
She smiles softly and says “I didn’t need to, its like you knew what to say without needing to know what I needed to hear.” she continues stroking your wrist moving up your forearms and she asks “do you remember what you said to me?”
You shake your head and say “no but I remember thats the first time you kissed me.”
She smirks and responds “I did but only because you told me that you believed in me and that I could do anything I set my mind to if I wanted to. You also told me that you would never stop following my career even if it took me to the other side of the world, cause you wanted to be able to say I know her.” 
You smile and nod whispering “I said all that?” 
“You did Y/N” she smiles “I never forgot it, and always knew I was playing for you.” 
“this doesn’t change anything Ale” you whisper silently. 
She nods and says “I know but I wanted you to know, that you have always been the reason I kept pushing, and for me this tournament being able to play beside you is a dream come true.” 
“It’s my dream too Ale, but I need to do this on my own. I got this far on my own I need to not be the player sleeping with Alexia Putellas.” you say firmly. This whole time she’s been running her fingers on your forearm, and you can feel the comfort only she can provide you.
She smiles at you and says “I can respect that but I will not change who I am Y/N, and who I am wants to flirt with you, and ever since I saw you again last month it reminded me of the feelings I had when we were younger.” 
“You did?” you ask her with a surprised look. 
“I did, I do Y/N.” she says. 
“even more reason I cant do this right now.” you say “I need to do this for me, and keep my head clear so I can be the best player I know I can be” 
She smiles and says “Okay Y/N, but I am going to prove to you that there can be an us while we both are the best players we can be.” 
Before you can answer there is shouting and the team is standing and dancing in the aisles of the plane, where they drag Alexia into the foray and you are happy that you do not have to have this conversation any more. turning back to the window all you can think about is how you will get these butterflies to calm down. 
You spent the next week avoiding Alexia at all costs, it wasn’t that hard since she was training away from the team. She would meet your eyes and send you a wink anytime they connected, but anytime you looked over and she washy looking at you, the anguish and pain on her face made you want to wrap her in your arms and never let go. 
Walking into the ice bath room the day before your first game of the world cup you saw the back of her head, you know it's her that pink hair doings it job, she was alone in the ice bath. You pause debating on coming back later, but the flash of her pained face comes across your mind and something pushes you to enter. 
“room for one more?” You ask her as you walk into the room. 
She immediately turns her head and smiles softly at you, you notice it doesn’t meet her eyes. “Yeah, come in Y/N, I am almost done.” 
You frown at the back of her head as she turns away from you. Placing your stuff on the bench you pull your shorts off leaving you in spandex, and your shirt off leaving you in your sports bra. Moving towards the end of her tub you slowly step in and sink down in one motion. 
You wait for her to say something and when she doesn’t meet your eyes you ask her “No comment about me stripping for you?” 
You can see her mouth quirk up as she says “not today.” 
Frowning as she still hasn’t looked to you, you move your foot to rub softly on her calf underwater as you ask her “penny for your thoughts?” 
“I’m okay” she says. 
“Ale, can you look at me when you say that?” you say and keep your foot rubbing on her calf. 
Again you see the corner of her mouth quirk up, and she moves her eyes up and finally meets yours. You can see the anguish in her eyes and she asks “happy?” 
“not really Ale” you say, you scoot closer to her and reach out for her hand as you ask “What’s going on in that pretty pink head of yours?” 
She snorts and says “Cute Y/N” and she moves to stand up as her timer beeps. 
You watch eyes locked on her body and she moves out of the tub and wraps a towel around her body, when she turns back to you with a smirk and a raised eye brow you smirk back and say “thanks for the show.” 
“anytime Y/N anytime” she chuckles and turns to leave. You close your eyes and lean your head back against the tub. You wait till the door closes and when it never does you peak one eye open and see her standing there with her back to you. Closing your eye again you wait it out. “I hate this Y/N, I hate not playing. I was just told I probably won’t get many minutes tomorrow and it pisses me off that they pushed my body too much and now I might pay for it.” 
You sit up and turn towards her still in the tub as you say “Alexia, thats not your fault.” 
She spins towards you and says “It is my fault Y/N, I am supposed to be the leader of this team, but I cant if I cant play. I should be the one helping us to win this thing, instead I am taking a spot from someone with a working fucking knee.” When she finishes you can see the weight lift off her shoulders as she gets that out. 
You get up and step out of the tub grabbing a towel and wrapping it around you. You move right in front of her and place your hands on her upper arms forcing her to look at you as you say “Every single one of us wants you here, no needs you here. You are a leader even when you aren’t on the field Ale. Don’t think I haven’t heard every one of your Barca teammates talk about your champion league half time talk. You are here to lead us to victory Ale.”
She softens and meets your eyes and says “what if I cant play Y/N?” 
“Then you yell and scream and lead us from the bench Ale. Just having you with us makes us all better.” you say and move your hands down to grab her’s. “Remember when I broke my ankle and thought I would never play again?” she nods and you continue “and you told me that you would cut your ankle off and give it to me if it meant me smiling again?”
She chuckles and says “I did say that” 
“I would do the same with my knee in a heartbeat Ale, every single one of us would. What i am trying to say is what you said to me a long time ago; That we need to fight through the hard times to get to the good times. You motivated me to be the bench player that my team needed, to be the strength when they lost there’s.” 
She smiles with watery eyes as she says “who knew I was so wise”
“I did” you respond softly. 
You watch as she inches closer to you and her eyes move down to your lips, you know you should pull away but right now you can tell she needs the closeness. Before your lips can touch your timer to get out of the ice bath dings and you pull back startled. 
You hear her chuckle behind you as she says “thank you Y/N”
“anytime Ale and for the record I am going to be playing for you when you can’t” you say with a smile. 
“then I’ll be the strength you need me to be Y/N” she smiles and you can hear movement down the hall as you smile and she says “we should go.” 
Nodding you follow her out of the room. Your mind and heart is racing and you cant help but think you aren’t going to survive the whole tournament if she keeps this up. 
When you get the nod on the starting 11 the following morning, you almost don’t believe it. But when you are lined up in the hallway waiting to walk out in your first world cup it finally hits you. When you are lined up for the anthems and you meet Alexia’s eyes, who’s dressed and ready to subbed on the bench, you feel a calm you didn’t know you needed. 
3-0 up in the 70th minute you glance towards the sub board and see Alexia’s number, that is the moment that this game feels surreal to you. This was what you dreamed of when you were younger, you and Alexia playing together for Spain on the worlds stage. 
She comes in and as the other subs are made, she looks towards you and smiles with a wink and you can feel the excitement build in your stomach, and this time you aren’t afraid of the butterflies, this time you use them. 
The connection you and Alexia have lead to a goal, you make the run down the wing, she just knows you will be there. And when you cut it back you can see exactly where she will be and you lay it off perfectly to her at the top of the box, one touch and she’s placed it in the top corner. 
She takes off running towards you and when she jumps up in your arms you know this feeling is one you want to keep feeling. 
Once the final whistle blows and you have shaken the other teams hands, you feel Alexia come up behind you and place an arm over you shoulder. You lean into her and feel her whisper “Unreal game Y/N, you are unreal.”
You can feel the blush, but luckily you are still red from running as you say “Ale that shot was unreal.” 
“only cause you set me up on a platter babe” she says with a wink as she pulls away to jog over to another player. 
Standing there with a blush on your cheeks it takes you a moment to look around and take it all in.  Knowing you have worked this hard to get to this moment was an overwhelming feeling, but you wanted to keep working hard and win this thing. 
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palestinegenocide · 3 months
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More than 300 Palestinian sports teams are calling to ban Israel from the Olympics over its genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.
The Israeli offensive on Gaza has claimed the lives of 26,706 civilians, including 11,422 infants and children. Ninety percent of Palestinians are internally displaced and living in inhumane conditions with “no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel.” No functional hospitals. No mosques. No churches. No libraries. No schools. No universities. No bakeries. At this rate, the brutal Israeli regime will soon destroy every aspect of life in Gaza, including its sports.
Join the global campaign to peacefully disrupt the road to Paris 2024 calling on the IOC to #BanIsrael until it ends its crimes against Palestinians and recognizes our UN-stipulated rights.
Register your group to join the campaign
We thus urgently demand:
An immediate suspension of Israel from participation in all international sports until it fully complies with international law and sports regulations
For global and European sports governing bodies to immediately uphold their statutory obligations – especially their own rules on human rights and non-discrimination given Russian, South African and other precedents. This would include, inter alia, a ban on Israel competing at the 2024 Paris Olympics, FIFA World Cup, and UEFA’s EURO. 
For a deeper analysis on the rationale to suspend Israel from international sports, please review this paper (also available in Spanish) that will be sent to sports organisations.
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Here’s what you can do.
1. Join the Global Day(s) of Action, March 15-17 
Ahead of the IOC executive board meeting in Lausanne Switzerland (March 19-21), take the call from Palestinian teams to your National Olympic Committee, International Sports Federations and Recognized Sports Federations. Organize protests, sit-ins, peaceful disruptions, or awareness raising events on Israeli attacks on Palestinian sports. Register your group for more information.
2. Olympics qualifiers and events
From now until the Olympic Games start in July, the road to Paris will be filled with opportunities to remind the IOC that there is no place in the Olympics for genocide perpetrators. Earlier this month, four runners took the #CeasefireNow message to the Olympic Trials Marathon in Florida, crossing the finish line with Palestinian flags. Find information on Olympic time trials and qualifiers (also here) or other Olympics-related events in your area. Register your group for more information.
3. Kick Israeli apartheid out of sports
Is your country a signatory to the International Convention Against Apartheid in Sports? If so, it has an obligation to “take all appropriate action to secure the expulsion of a country practising apartheid from international and regional sports bodies.” Register your group to learn what you can do.
4. Sign the petition to ban Israel from world sports
Join more than 70,000 people from all over the world who have signed the petition calling for banning Israel from international sport.
Add your signature here
Israel has killed Palestinian Olympic Football coach Hani Al Masdar, destroyed the Palestinian Olympic Committee offices, and turned sports facilities into shameful mass detention and torture centers.
We can’t sit back as the IOC allows Israel to use the Olympics to sportswash its genocide in Gaza and its apartheid regime against Palestinians everywhere. Support the call from Palestinian teams. 
Join the campaign to #BanIsrael from the Olympics and peacefully disrupt the road to the Paris 2024 games. 
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oksurethisismyname · 5 months
There’s a lot of One Piece student/ high school Aus but I suggest One Piece teacher AU
Note: these descriptions are based on my experience as a teacher in southern USA. Where I’m at, you have to be certified to teach in public schools and it is a well known fact that coaches are almost always history teachers (don’t ask why)
Luffy is one of those coaches that is also a history teacher, but every student knows he only got his history license so he could be a coach. He’s taking girls volleyball to state this year, they are absolutely destroying their opponents. He teaches World History and is known for being vocally anti government / capitalist, but also super optimistic.
Sanji is a French teacher who is also certified in Home Ec. He is known by students to be a bit of a hard ass but he always brings food from whatever francophone country their learning about and students low key love him for always having snacks ready for kids who might not have enough lunch money or have breakfast at home.
Zoro is a coach as well, and he got certified in Japanese so he teaches one section and then uses the rest of his time coaching. Him and Sanji are both on the World Languages department and when the state language competition rolls around, they go HARD. Somehow he got roped into teaching health this year but is really hoping the teaching intern will get hired and take that over next year.
Nami is a certified geography and economics teacher, which is unfortunately apart of the history department so she’s stuck in stupid department meetings with Luffy. Shes in charge of detention and has students do stuff for her class as “punishment”, but really it’s a fun time with music playing and her classroom is always spotless after.
Robin is obviously also a history teacher. She’s AP certified so she does AP World, AP US, and AP Euro. Her students love her but are also kind of afraid of her. She’s currently advocating for the inclusion of AP African American Studies at their school.
Franky is part of the vocational program at the school, doing mechanic and wood working stuff with students. Alternatively, Franky could be the maintenance guy at the school. He’s always around fixing something.
Usopp is the drama teacher. He is the most chosen elective because he’s super funny and also has a habit of getting off topic and just not giving tests. He and Franky work together on set design and lighting for the school shows.
Brook is the choir and orchestra director. He’s super old so students think it’ll be boring but day 1 he is acting a total fool and kids love this crazy old man.
Chopper is a student teacher doing his internship as a biology teacher. He’s got major baby face and a sweet voice which is funny considering his teaching mentor is Dr. Trafalgar Law, who has resting bitch face and a tired annoyed voice. His AP bio and AP anatomy classes are some of the hardest classes at the school, but chopper offers tutoring and students are doing better now that they see Dr. Law being kind to Chopper .
Jimbei is the guidance counselor. He’s always got his door open for students to talk to him and he never judges them. He’s kind and patient and students trust him.
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sallyastral · 6 months
Today it's International Day of People with Disabilities. No matter what disability you have, today you are celebrated... by who exactly? Is there someone "abled-bodied" who remembers about this day?
No one my age knows about this day. Not even the adults I know, except for my parents for obvious reasons, know this. In all my years of school, no teacher has ever said a word about disability. I haven't seen a single post about it. No news organization in my country talked about it today. The President of the Republic banally called for inclusion, on the same day that funds for economic aid for people with disabilities were cut by 400 million Euros.
But wait, the second most followed television broadcaster made a themed commercial with a motivational phrase that lasted for just one day! Italy celebrated disability, now we're done, right? We can go back to looking badly at people with disabilities, to judging them, to staring at them in public, to asking uncomfortable questions, to talking down to them, to infantilizing them, to using "disabled/handicapped" as an insult, to making fun of them, to educating our children to be afraid of them or to offend them, right?
Let's do it for ourselves, let's fight, let's make some noise, let's spread awareness. We also want to be heard.
(Please reblog this post if you can. Not judging, but if you don't you're a part of the problem too.)
Happy International Day of People with Disabilities, everyone.
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jane-gunson123 · 5 months
Making History
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Your boyfriend, Mason Mount, supports you through the biggest victory of your career so far, winning the Euros as captain of the Lioness. (Social Media AU) 
The reader is also Jordan Henderson little sister, just so there isn’t any confusion.
Main masterlist.
England NT masterlist
Mason Mount Masterlist
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Tagged : lj10, chelseafcw
Liked by lj10, masonmount, KSI, and 132,783 others
Y/NHendo01: Nice 3 points before international break. Ft. A sneaky goal from your favorite duo. ⚽️
view all 62,456 comments
lj10: always on fire 🔥
          ----- Y/NHendo01: 🔥
User084: stargirl ⭐️
Trentarnold66: come to Liverpool
———— Y/NHendo01: Up the toffies 🔵
——— jordanhenderson: stop antagonising my players pls.
——— Y/NHendo01: soz broski 💁‍♀️ (said in a bad Scouse accent)
User09: the banter between Y/N, Jordan and Trent will never not be my favourite 😂
ChelseafcW: Woman of the match 🤩
———— Y/NHendo01: ❤️❤️❤️
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Tagged: Lionesses
Liked by Lionesses, Mbrighty04, Jordanhenderson and 203,482 others
Y/NHendo01: And the hard work begins. 24 days to change our lives. Euro 2022 here we come. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
View all 78,351 other comments
Lionesses: Our skipper 🤩
———— Y/NHendo01: honoured ❤️
User843: How is she that pretty and talented 😍
——— jordanhenderson: she gets it from her brother 🤷‍♂️
Centralcee: the manden be backing u bro.
——— Y/NHendo01: You keep talking road in my comments and I’ll post that video of u.
——— Centralcee: I was just been nice, Y/N and you wouldn’t dare.
——— User823: I need to see this video, pls post it Y/N
——— Y/NHendo01: I would and thank u. U better come and watch me play if we play at Wembley.
User05: Why is central cee in her comments. She’s lit not that famous 😂
——— user88: They have know each other since they were 15 and Y/N signed for Chelsea. They went to school together.
——— User134: Same with her and Trent. They went to the same school when Y/N had to move to Liverpool with Jordan.
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Liked by Y/NHendo01, KSI, Masonmount, leahwilliamsonn99 and 1,598,718 others
Lionesses: semi-final bound. The English are never done. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
View all 456,782 other comments
Masonmount: that’s my gf 😍
——— User23: He’s so lover boy coded
——— Trentarnold66: He’s whipped that’s what he is.
Y/NHendo01: The English are never done, Howay the lasses.
——— alessiarusso99: Skipper 🫡
JackGrealish: proud to be English. Keep going girls 🩶
User367: They have honestly restored my love of football.
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Tagged: Y/NHendo01
Liked by Y/NHendo01, Jordanhenderson, Centralcee, ChelseafcW and 1,257,286 others
Masonmount: supporting you every step of the way, my girl. We are all unbelievably proud of you. To wear your name on my back is like a feeling comparable with none, but hopefully soon it will be it will be mine you wear. I love you unconditionally ❤️❤️❤️
View all 834,562 other comments
Y/NHendo01: U have made me cry now I can’t leave the room for training. I love you so much and miss u loads can’t wait to see you face to face again 😂❤️❤️❤️
User617: I feel like I’ve just been called single in 627 different languages
——— Trentarnold66: same
Centralcee: I’ll be the DJ at the wedding.
——— Y/NHendo01: No, we want people to actually stay at our wedding, not leave because they heard your music.
——— Centralcee: Don’t lie I watched the interview where Tooney said you were in charge of the music in the dressing room and played my songs so 🖕
Jordanhenderson: your last name is going no where near my sister. Not when u haven’t asked me to marry her.
——— user162: He’s such a protective older brother 😂
——— Y/NHendo01: Can u not pls 😂
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Tagged: Lionesses
Liked by Masonmount, Phil Foden, lucybronze and 567,278 others
Y/NHendo01: 1 step left. Bring on the final and wave the flags. It’s coming home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
View all 135,167 other comments
Ellatoone: it’s coming home
——— 1MaryEarps: it’s coming home
——— MBrighty04: Footballs coming home
Masonmount: bring on Wembley
User56: let’s go, the lionesses are bringing it home.
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Tagged: Y/NHendo01
Liked by Y/NHendo01, Trentarnold66, Lionesses, and 2,542,682 others
Jordanhenderson: From you begging me to take you to the park so we could kick a ball together at 5 to now at 23 captaining England through a Euros final.
Y/N/N, you are a true inspiration to everyone around you including me. I can’t put into words how proud I am of you. It’s an honour to watch you achieve what you have as your older brother.
You were always my biggest fan growing up, sitting front and center at all my matches now I will be for you. Bring on Wembley wor kid. You got this. Whatever the result I’ll be waiting arms open for you.
View all 982,617 other comments
Y/NHendo01: are you trying to make me cry.
——— Jordanhenderson: don’t get emotional on me now 😂
Y/NHendo01: Love u bro, what an honour it’s been to follow in your footsteps. Bring on this final. ❤️
——— Jordanhenderson: Love you unconditionally sis ❤️
User62: To have bond with your siblings like Y/N and Jordan would literally be a dream
——— Trentarnold66: you should see them bicker over who supports the better football team.
——— Y/NHendo01: it’s not my fault Jordan fell and hit his head as a child so support’s Sunderland. Up the mags 🩶🖤
——— Masonmount: not this again.
Liverpoolfc: Come on you Lionesses ❤️
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Liked by, Y/NHendo01, Masonmount, alessiarusso99 and 1,262,267 others
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User362: legends 🔥🔥🔥
Jordanhenderson: Come on you lionesses.
PhilFoden: Come on England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Lucybronze: champions 🏆
User267: It was Y/Ns goal that was incredible.
——— user36: yeah then she took her top of as a celebration. Ledgend 🔥
Y/NHendo01: Unbelievable
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Tagged: Y/NHendo01
Liked by, Y/NHendo01, JordanHenderson, CentralCee and 653,278 others
Mason mount: Champions after 55 years of hurt. A beautifully talented captain. A team filled with ambition and resilience. What a night a Wembley and what a goal from my gorgeous girl ❤️❤️❤️
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Phil Foden: come on u lionesses ❤️
JordanHenderson: Proud brother moment
——— Masonmount: Proud Boyfriend moment
——— CentralCee: Proud best friend moment 🙄
Y/NHendo01: I could not ask for better. Love u always my boy ❤️
——— MasonMount: love you forever baby ❤️
——— Ellatoone: Well forever is gunna have to wait cos we are getting smashed tonight. Soz Mason, me and less stole ur girl 😘
User347: what a team they are
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zwedexx · 5 months
Any opinions?
THE actual urge to write a AWFC x English-Italian reader where instead of the reader accepting help as soon as confronted they do it the hard way and just change clubs then later national teams just so they don't have to rehabilitate themself. BC thats me. I told the school counsellor a couple of years back that I had a drug addiction after getting a double sprain in my left ankle. She ratted on me but didn't get too specific so I just lied my way out of it. Just told my parents and psychoeducator that I was depressed and that's why counsellor woman was worried. Like in these stories I read the reader gives up so quickly and easily it's so unrelatable.
also dw if you're thinking it. I got over the addiction by myself aka I ran out of the pain meds and my parents got suspicious that it had gone so fast. The anxiety of getting found out and the actual fact that I didn't have it anymore basically got me off of it.
the story probably won't be solely on drug addiction, probably just bad behaviours in general. Kind of like this circle of Reader goes out partying alot and drinks alot but is worried about gaining too much weight so then stop eating but now has no energy and are constantly in pain and is falling off so they take enhancers (along with other stuff). Then reader is ashamed so they go back to drink to forget about it then the cycle continues. When the players confront reader, reader will fight back and maybe pretend to do better then it all comes to a head and instead of folding reader doubles down and requests a transfer since they aren't being played. Other teams not knowing the situation jump on offer and reader gets bought up by Frankfurt. When international duty comes along reader is called up for the first camp since their transfer but has to put up with their ex-teammates trying to help them. Reader then doesn't get called up to the next 2 camps so they request a national team transfer that is granted. Reader is then called up by their birth country Italy for the Euros.
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cesalt · 5 months
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From Al Jazeer's Instagram account.
Image ID:
Three infographics from Al Jazeera's Instagram account, @aljazeeraenglish. In all of them at the top is text saying "Israel's war on Gaza" and in the bottom right corner is their logo and @AJLabs. All were published on January 24, 2024.
The first says, "625,000 children are out of school. At least 346 schools in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed or damaged". The source is listed as OCHA. Behind the text is a picture of a Palestinian classroom with some kids and a teacher visible.
The second says "At least 4,327 students have been killed, 7,819 others injured. At least 231 teachers and administrators have been killed, 756 others injured". The source is listed as OCHA. Behind the text is a picture of a large building in ruins, hollowed out by bombs.
The third says, "Israel has destroyed every university in the Gaza Strip. On January 17, the Israeli military detonated 315 mines to destroy the strip's last standing university, Israa University, south of Gaza City". The source is listed as Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor. There are two pictures above the text, one of a building (the university?) still standing, and the other of it blowing up in a cloud of smoke.
Not included in the images is the caption on the post from Al Jazeera, which says, "January 24 marks the sixth International Day of #Education as proclaimed by the #UN General Assembly, but tens of thousands of #Gaza students cannot go to schools, which are lying in ruins.
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nrdmssgs · 7 months
Activision doesn't understand, how Russian language works
Spoilers to CoD MW3 below the cut.
@sofasoap @siilvan @cumikering @stag-beetle-wastaken @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot be my guests.
First and most important: this rant is not aimed to 'make Russian culture great again'. I am not offended as a representative of some cultural or linguistic group. But as a member of gaming community, I feel, as if Activision... kinda didn't give a flying f about the gaming experience, that they are trying to sell me for 60 Euros. And I can't say, I like this feeling.
Second: I will be criticizing some approaches to language, that I will never criticize in fanfiction. Because you guys are doing it for free, for the sake of having fun. So I will be ok with you just straight using Google translate to write e.g. Nikolais lines in Russian. Because you never ask me to pay 60 Euros for the right to read your works. With that being mentioned, lets roll!
Activision doesn't pay attention to their own script, when it comes to Russian lines
Ok, this is a major issue. Because Activision sometimes gives completely different information in character line and in the subtitles. And it is not some minor information, we are talking about major plot details!
Let's just watch 20 seconds of a playthrough (time code 8:44)
Pay attention closely to how Makarov starts his monologue after Nolan says "Its an honor, commander". Makarovs subtitles say 'four years', when Makarov says something like 'shest let'. "four" in Russian is "chetyre", "six" is "shest`". These words sound nothing alike! And to check this, you literally need 5 seconds on google translate! Here, Activision, I did your work for you and I don't even ask for 60 freaking Euros! You learn these numbers on your second-third lesson of Russian 101!
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There are ways to fix this scene. There are even ways to do it without reshooting Julian (because ok, I get it, maybe he costs so much, that all our 60 Euros purchases would never help Activision to economically recover...). All you need is to ask him to record TWO WORDS!
Activision doesn't care for wording even in the simplest proverbs
You remember a saying "enemy of my enemy is my friend"? I mean, of course you do, even John Price remembers it! And you know, who forgot this saying? Activision did! Because honest to god, I was very happy with our new Yuri, until he produced this ominous linguistic construction... (time code 56:10)
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And if you think, it sounds just a tad off in English... Well, in Russian this sounds, as if a Colonel, a man, who spent tenths of years constantly communicating with soldiers, superiors, officials, started learning Russian... a month ago.
This is an international proverb, it exists in many languages! Now this is a safe case to use an automatic translator! It gives you a very simple answer.
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But for some mysterious reason, Activision writes their strange line, translate to russian and find a poor-working synonym so that Yuri doesn't say 'opponent' twice... And in the end it kinda still makes sense, but this whole phrase sounds so off!! You never choose this sick long, overloaded wording for a proverb, that you literally learn at school. They just make it look like zarin is already there and it affects Yuri heavily.
This is just one example, but in reality, almost every Makarovs monologue sounds very strangely formulated. I just got you one example, but believe me, this is a systematic issue here. And the strangest thing is that all their errors are so easy to fix, but they never bothered!
Activision doesn't care for how Russian sounds
Ok, this is not a rant against Julian Kostov. The guy does his wor absolutely gorgeous! He steals every scene, where he appears, and I have nothing, but respect for him. However... Russian is a complicated language. For real. It is full of long words, with many unfamiliar for European ear sounds. It is not only difficult to understand it - it is complicated even to imitate it.
Now apparently Julian knows Russian to some extent just because of his origin and age. But that doesn't save him from swallowing some letters, syllables, sometimes even big parts of words. And when it happens in almost every line of his character - it becomes an issue. An issue, when even Russian-speaker has to read subtitles to understand, what is going on in a scene with two Russian characters!
This whole scene is a nightmare (time code 1:42:54). Replaced letters, disappearance of parts of words, strange accents - they collected a bingo on this one.
And I dont blame actors here! Because on every shooting there is a director - a guy, who is responsible for how overall scene will look and sound in the end. There is always a possibility to find someone, who actually speaks the language and make them sit and listen! And if there are many issues with pronunciation revealed - you just come to your actors and say 'guys, you did amazing jobs, we are so happy to work with you. Now can we please do another shot and pay attention to these lines of yours?'.
And believe me, it is ok to have multiple shots for ingame cutscenes! Actors are ok with that! I don't ask for a perfect pronunciation, I just ask Activision to make sure, their characters don't sound as if they are speaking gibberish!
The most strange part here is that there are super-clean lines in game as well! Milena spoke with accent too, but she sounded clear! Some NPCs sounded perfect!
So Im sorry, but at the end of the day - this your most accurate Russian character by Activision. Because he chose to speak English.
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spotsupstuff · 6 months
Iterators, of course, aren't made capable of resting. They are here to work.
Even if biological to a degree, the components of the Hiveminds either take careful turns for a shut eye or they work themselves to death from exhaustion. Terrifying-, is Three Sparrows' opinion on that, -but they can't live any differently. Just like moths without mouths or crazed fish fighting against the streams of oceans, that's just how their Cycles are predetermined.
But there's these few rare days... Especially with the newer Iterators- those that are still chugging through life like newborn rain deer fawns, unsure in their existence, a little too vulnerable- when they slow down for a thorough, long debug session.
For the citizens this means a little dimmer day. A little bit of detoxification from screens as nonessential devices shut down or receive far too little power from the hearts of the Iterator. As those beats slow down and the energy that does get generated from them is more focused internally.
For her, as his Mechanic, this means an especially busy couple of days. Anxiety inducing ones, too.
First thing in the morning of the first day, Sparrows sends her charge a question- "how did the debug start up go?"- then remembers that the drama queen that is Caper of Euros does not wish to be bothered to formulate as horrendous things as whole words at this stage, because, in his words: "You don't understand just how *draining* it is to put together syllables in such a state!". So she adds a little unprofessional "doin good?" supplement message right after.
It takes unnaturally long for him to respond (twenty whole seconds!!!) with a singular checkmark. She breathes a sigh of relief and allows herself to go about her day now.
The city of Ales keeps relatively quiet. The typical churn of energy, cogs and thoughts of a behemoth beneath her feet is near silent even in the depths of the inner subway system. The traffic lights blink a little slower, the fake birds overhead sing just that tad bit louder. The children freed from school thanks to the low current bump into her by accident as they chase each other through the city square. Three Sparrows clutches her breakfast, gives the little rascals some mock chase with her fist waving in the air and then she sits down to finally scorf that food down.
First day is the hardest. This one is dedicated to check ups of the hearts, gravity generators and the memory arrays. All of that is functioning at its bare minimum right now and she better make use of that! Less thunderous beats for her body to weather even through the suit specialized for this, less frustrating fights against complete antigravity and less train of thoughts for her to derail by accidentally bumping into the softer bits of his mind.
She won't get to really interact with Euros today- or well... at least he won't be able to respond much to her day's worth of effort like he'd usually do. It's still strange to think of that. Running all around someone's body yet not actually properly interacting. This job forces a person through so many paradigm shifts... It gets exhausting to change one's understanding of simply *being* so many times.
So today she ensures his hearts are without a single scratch. That the Void Fluid trapped inside of the water is still spinning right (that part is always needlessly scary. the Void stuff can't be trusted, no matter how holy the preachers say it is, Three Sparrows on a Wire doesn't give a damn). She checks all the cables and tubes surrounding them, the antigravity generators solely dedicated to only this giant chamber all the while trying to keep her own little heart from panicking at the loud noise.
Manually she visits all the major generators sprinkled through the facility and runs diagnostics on the lesser ones through her watch. She amputates and treats the biological parts of the arrays that need it, tells hi to a sleepy yet determined Inspector that came to check it out, pries neuron flies out of weird places they somehow managed to wedge themselves into and takes a peek into Euros' mental state as per regulations.
She already knows his priority list won't make the demanded norms. Her own name shines at her from the first spot, forcing all too familiar self-blame to bloom in her chest. With a swipe of a finger, the screen disappears. Her final report will have lies in it again, then. Nobody can know.
At 23:11, fifteen hours since the beginning of the work day, Three Sparrows stumbles out of the stuffy biomechanical guts of her boyfriend without popping into the puppet chamber once absolutely destroyed.
"Oh, I always forget how sweet the evening air is. Void below, wow," she says, taking a deep breath before dragging herself home.
Aching limbs force her to skip normal dinner for easier-to-prepare and consume nutritional supplements, but they don't manage to stop her from making it to the daily family call. Or from quietly hacking into Euros' systems afterwards.
There's a spike of panic in the entire Hivemind, according to the live diagnostic program running on her watch and she looks on as his systems reach for the firewalls he unconsciously dropped alongside his damn heart rate (most likely, she has yet to catch the moment when he actually drops them). Three Sparrows can't help but grin to herself a little as she turns off her computer's cloaking *just* before the firewalls reactivate. The recognition of her IP address is instantaneous- telling by the sudden stop of Euros' frantic efforts at self-defense.
At least for a few seconds. Then he's rapidly purging her out and slamming the firewalls back into their place behind her. She barely manages to burst into laughter and her watch already pings with a new message. Message in question? Only reads a singular period.
But oh, those few pixels somehow manage to obtain all the dramatic affront, anger and disbelief a typical Euros rant would have. It only makes her laugh harder.
When she finally wills herself to stop, lest she gets a headache, she replies: "when will you finally remember to *not* become a sitting mouse for hackers during your debugging. you dumbass you!"
Euros replies with another period.
"watch out for yourself, ok? just bc im tots willing to break a guys face in the name of keeping your giant eight legged box butt safe doesnt mean im exactly itching for that kinda situation" "now good luck during the night. i gotta go take a five everything hurts"
Two periods and a second later, a heart.
Sparrows smiles at the screen a little, turns off her computer and climbs into the soft bed sheets.
The next day flies by a little easier. This one is dedicated to check ups of technologies related to production of the biological Hivemind members. There's quite a lot of those scattered through the whole body of Caper of Euros, but at least the hearts are beating a little faster today which means the gravity generators everywhere are stronger and that again means Sparrows gets to call upon an Inspector to hitch a ride with it for the whole day. No solo swimming in 0g this time!
All the production centres end up being more or less perfectly fine. Any damage caused by use is miniscule enough to not matter and be fixed naturally in a matter of days. As it should be with all Iterators out of their test run phases.
A small feeling of pride settles warmly behind her ribs. Another thing she can be almost certain to check off the long long list of her duties as a Mechanic, another Euros' step towards being completely self-dependent and, for the lack of biomechanical term on an Iterator scale, fully mature.
He's progressing despite small hiccups here and there and she couldn't be happier.
Though, one thing she will admit.
As she gives her goodbye to today's guide, Sparrows just can't wait for this day to be over. It won't be admitted aloud, especially where Euros could hear her, but she's starting to painfully miss their usual interactions.
Sure, today her interactions with him were... "closer" than yesterday, but it still wasn't it.
Another dissonance. Even being near something more closer to her level than the entirety of his physical body is not exactly a direct mutual interaction. The Inspector nuzzled to her, held her, clicked at her in some attempts at communication. And it was Euros, but... also just such a small piece of him.
So small, that it almost borders on meaningless. But it hurts to think of anything with such personality and role in the grand scheme of him as meaningless so she quickly shakes that thought out of her head.
It is strange. But she doesn't mind calling the *puppet* meaningless. That thing is what her heart yearns for now, whose embrace she's currently missing- its carmine coloration and big dark lenses are what her eyes are searching for. And still, the cynical and rational part of her dubs that piece useless without an issue.
Because the puppets are useful with their emptiness. The uselessness makes them precious, paradoxically enough.
She's even writing a paper on this subject, questioning if the existence of these masks or decoys- essentially inherent lies- are really so important. So naturally, her thoughts spiral further as she's walking back into his facilities during the third day.
Today is deep puppet chamber maintenance day. A whole day dedicated to the bullshit.
In her paper, Three Sparrows argues that puppets are installed more for the sake of the Anemon population more than the Iterators themselves. In the grand scheme of things, can it be said that these priorities will pay out?
Yes, certainly, there are aspects to puppets that are helpful for the Iterators themselves too. Mainly that the relatively little things are the central focus point of the Hivemind- a means for the entirety of the scattered person to come together and form an Individuality seamlessly.
'But,' she asks, 'isn't That a condition Created by The Puppet's Existence? If We direct Our Attention to the Iterator Inconvenient Sporadic Change, she was known to exist Outside of her Individuality Without Complications! Research shows that she performed just as well if not better in Her Duties than the other Iterators of Her Time Period- which, if I May remind The Reader Kindly, are some Monumental Names. Better output than that of Boreas' Blessing, Orion's Pathway and even The Dedicated Aftertaste of Disdain.
Her Processes proved to be Seamless, Direct, Quicker. Reports are Also Kind Enough to mention the Need for Maintenance- Be it Physical, Psychological or Emotional- was at a sweet Minimum.
If a Puppet of an Iterator Should not be Given, is it Possible that the Hivemind would find a Different, Healthier Way of Coming Together? Of My educated Opinion, I'd dare to Say Yes.
The Consciousness would have the Free Choice of expanding Outwards, to the Limits of the Superstructure, rather than Claustrophobically Inwards. This Change of Procedure would Potentially Result in Absence of These known Disorders that Plague Your Great Gifts to the World:'
Then there is also of course the benefit of pearl reading and printing, but really? Her computer doesn't need a whole person just to burn her a picture, song or some text into the surface of a pearl and then also read it back. This function of the puppets is a weakness if anything. Why not exchange the entire chamber setup for something like a series of pearl readers so they might as well multitask in this, too?
Euros certainly could be reading twenty pearls at once and burning information onto thirty other, for sure. Maybe that would sate his programmed hyperactivity at least a little before he gains access to his predetermined role as a Phone Operator Chief of the Eo group.
The puppets are just a ginormous fumble at optimization of the Iterator blueprint and that's that.
And still...
Three Sparrows climbs through the pipe into Caper of Euros' puppet chamber. This place is like another heart, despite its function being nothing like a real one. A hub of his mind, maybe. An important, precious piece of him, even if those epithets are forced onto it by circumstance.
Her feet hit the floor and the chamber brightens up just that bit to signal at least a piece of his attention is now dedicated to the happenings within the room, but stays deep carmine instead of turning light pink. That signals he's still working, just as she instructed him.
Overseers come and go to take a look at her, some stay to watch her. Understandable, since the puppet is slumped over in the middle of the floor, sitting with its eyes half closed- for once, he is the one frustratingly limited in his ability to interact with her properly even though she's right here.
"Good morning, Caps!" Sparrows cheerfully calls into the more or less empty room, giving the Overseers a quick salute in greeting. They reply with quick spins of their tendrils, the room itself greets her back with a pleased purr. One that she can feel shaking her legs even through the metal soles of her boots as she walks over to today's main point of interest.
Kneeling next to it, she rests a hand over its chest in support. "Alright. As always, we'll get through the detachment sequence and you can go fully back to finishing off the debugging. How close are you to being done?"
Something whirrs and then a projection appears on the wall in front of her of a progress bar. 87%.
"Nice! You are getting faster. Come on now, then."
During a deep maintenance of the puppet, it is advised to nearly fully disconnect it from the rest of the structure. The purpose of that is to give the systems some rest, but also to avoid stressing out or making the Hivemind uncomfortable by sticking a hand into what it perceives as its very personal very own chest.
The first step is for the Hivemind to pull back from the body, to avoid the shock of forceful extraction. Once that is done, the Iterator disconnects the umbilical arm from the back and allows the Mechanic to slowly push it away. Carefulness is needed during this- the arm contains cables and tubes, acting like an umbilical cord for an unborn offspring in some animals.
The baby analogy never fails to make her skin crawl. While Anemons conceive children without such things, it's still so... personal. It stirs unwanted feelings inherent to intelligent organic beings, the need to look after a child. These puppets are like stillborns. Stuck within the womb for the "mother" to use as an extension of its being.
That is not a matter easily pondered.
The next step, after the bundle of crucial cords safely rests on the ground, is to disconnect the umbilical cables from the back of the puppet's head.
One by one, Sparrows disconnects them. And with the last, Euros' puppet goes slack against her hand. Quite unnerving, that. It always makes her heart jump even though she knows better than to worry.
She secures the umbilical cables to the arm and pulls back to take a look at him, both arms supporting his shoulders. The head lolls, eyes still open a little yet unseeing. Something whispers that's not right, so she guides his eyelids closed for him.
...Iterators can't sleep. But the useless piece of Euros looks like he does and suddenly she can't help but feel like this is the most important thing in existence.
The something in her shifts, the something that is yearning, loving, that wants to take care of another and keep him safe from the sharp world outside.
Sparrows caves. Gathers the puppet into her arms, rests his head against her shoulder. The chamber lowly, but sharply whirrs. He's probably annoyed that she has decided to be all cuddly and sweet now when he can't be fully present for it. What little consciousness he can still muster in the puppet presents itself in the tiniest nuzzle of his face into her neck.
Such a small gesture, yet it steals her breath away. She hugs him... it.. closer, cheek presses against his forehead, a hand moves to caress the side of his face.
She marvels at the feeling of holding him. Questions why she is left stumped by an almost empty thing.
He's sleeping, face buried against her neck, says the something- he is awake, just a little drowsy, staring at her with seven eyes across the room, replies reason.
She cradles him in her lap… he's so thin and light, the feeling begs her to keep him safe until he wakes up again, he wouldn't be able to defend himself against a predator-! He holds her in his center, so small and insignificant compared to his mind breaking vastness.. her life span so minute compared to what he is yet to live through. Someone of his caliber wouldn't find a challenge in simply deleting her like a line of code.
'The only thing keeping me truly safe are the taboos woven in their genes,' says the cynical piece of mind, jaded by decades of unkind life and all tired, entertaining the absolute worst of scenarios for the sake of a warning. 'I couldn't be in a safer place than here, at his mercy, in this artificial world where he might as well be a true god,' says the lovesick heart backed up by years of experience, making her arms tighten in a hug.
She caresses his arm, taking a note of the bit too dry skin, created similarly enough to her own to bring comfort of familiarity, only to be snatched away again when there's no softness of flesh beneath.
'That's just a Generation 2 thing,' the knowledgeable mind shrugs it off.
And the more primal worrywart of a heart panics about it as it applies organic understanding of things to it. Remembering the few times Sparrows was allowed to touch Boreas' puppet, the many times Zephyr pulled her against her side for the night. Those are his family members! They are padded with something pliable-
Cushioning of Generation 1 to combat possible gravity generator outages. There's more certainty in the Iterator engineering now, Euros has no need for those. He's better off than either of them. He's safer and, terrifyingly, many times more loved than them.
She sighs, concerned and-
Ah, that seems to be the limit for how long Euros is willing to take the actionless silence. The voice is relatively quiet considering it always echoes through the little room from the speakers seated in the corners of the ceiling. It's kind of sluggish. Not entirely out of the concentration of debugging. The Overseers have come closer.
"Sorry, I was just thinking."
"Sure you were. Your face went on quite the journey there. Why were you frowning so much?"
She considers. "...dissension of... wants and reality, I guess."
"Well then don't go doing that when I can't feasibly help out. Same with the cuddles I want in on that."
Three Sparrows only rolls her eyes in amusement at that and goes back to work, this time with the Overseers watching her a bit more intently. It's a little uncomfortable, but she can't blame him for worrying when she does so constantly.
Later that day, when the sun hides away, her gaze lingers in random places.
In the kitchen at the table with one chair, one plate and one cup of tea. She stares at the too much space on the couch in the little living room, one toothbrush waiting at the sink, the empty place beside her in the bed.
Perhaps an Iterator puppet isn't the only empty thing in her life.
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magz · 2 months
Ending Water Apartheid In Palestine.
Article Date: April 8, 2024.
Article Excerpt:
According to Euro-Med Monitor, those in the Gaza Strip have access to just 1.5 liters of water per person per day for all needs, including drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene. The established international emergency water threshold is 15 liters per person per day—ten times what Gazans have now. At least 20 people have already died of dehydration and malnutrition, a number that will continue to rise as diarrheal disease spreads due to lack of clean water, leaving many unable to retain what few calories they ingest.Despite significant investment in water and wastewater infrastructure in Palestine from institutions like the World Bank and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Palestinian per capita water consumption continues to fall. While the water crisis in Gaza is now catastrophic, the Palestinian struggle to access water long predates the current onslaught and is an issue in the West Bank, too.
The root cause of Palestine’s water crisis is not a lack of investment but the political reality that Israel, as an occupying power, manages water in a way that denies Palestinians fair access. Experts and rights groups call this “water apartheid.” They say that recent Israeli tactics in Gaza, such as cutting off water to the enclave, are just the latest examples of its weaponization of the vital resource.
“Water apartheid describes a form of segregation that results in unequal access to water, where policies and practices ensure that water resources are disproportionately allocated to privileged groups while marginalized communities face scarcity and denial of access,” explains Saker El Nour, a sociologist and co-founder of Water Justice for Gaza, a collective of researchers and activists that publishes a newsletter on water in Palestine.
In Gaza, as early as 2017, UNICEF estimated that 96% of the water from the enclave’s sole aquifer was unfit for consumption due to untreated wastewater and seawater pollution. Still, before Israel’s October 2023 invasion, the aquifer provided over 80% of Gaza’s water, with three desalination stations and three pipes from Israeli company Mekorot providing the remainder.
“There is a segregationist thing of investing in water infrastructure for the settler population, allowing them to dig deeper wells to pull out more water, and constraining the Palestinian population, not letting them invest in improvements in their water infrastructure,” explains Michael Mason, director of the Middle East Center at the London School of Economics.
“Development aid is just a band-aid put on to make things look good, but it does not necessarily offer a sustainable solution,” she says. “The United Nations or USAID, for example, could spend a hundred million pounds to build a big water treatment plant, but then it gets bombed and that’s it—nothing is protected.”What is needed instead, Zaqout says, is an end to Israel’s control over Palestinian resources and its attacks on infrastructure and autonomy for Palestinian decision-makers to “think about their water needs, design their own infrastructure, and manage and decide on how they want to allocate funds.”
Mason says that the political pressure needed to push governments like those of the United States and the United Kingdom toward withholding support for Israel’s occupation could come from international courts and rights groups. Many of these are already spotlighting Israel’s weaponization of water.
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good-old-gossip · 1 month
Israeli army carries out random killings, new forced displacement campaign in Gaza City’s Zaytoun neighbourhood
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Palestinian Territory - As part of its ongoing military operation in Gaza City, the Israeli army carried out a second day of random killings in the city’s southeastern Zaytoun neighbourhood. Israel’s clear aim is to imposea new forced displacement campaign, destroying Gaza City and the Gaza Strip’s northern region, and evacuating its residents.
The Israeli army conducted its second military operation in less than three months in the Zaytounneighbourhood. Amid heavy Israeli air and artillery attacks, a military ground incursion, the forced evacuation of hundreds of families, and the bombing of residential squares, Palestinians in the area are struggling to survive.
The neighbourhood, which is thought to be among the most densely populated areas in the Strip with an estimated population of 78,000, was previously targeted by the Israeli army in numerous airstrikes prior to the new ground assault.
The ongoing bombing is said to have resulted in numerous civilian deaths and injuries, while ambulance crews have encountered difficulties in reaching the victims. Reports also affirm that displaced people have also come under Israeli gunfire.
Forty-two-year-old Zaytoun neighbourhood resident Ibrahim Fathi Yassin told Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor that he and his family were forced to evacuate to a shelter in a school due to intensive shelling. However, they were targeted by an Israeli quadcopter and hit while walking down Totah Street, which resulted in Yassin’s injury and the death of his father, who was left bleeding at the scene due to the heavy gunfire.
Another displaced resident, Muhammad Al-Baba, told the Euro-Med Monitor team that residents of the Zaytoun neighbourhood came under intensive shelling on Friday morning, forcing them to leave their houses. While searching for a safe haven, they were targeted by an Israeli quadcopter. At least one member of the Abedfamily, a girl, was killed during the attack.
Al-Baba further noted that the Israeli army also attacked scores of displaced people taking refuge in the Shuhada Zaytoun School, resulting in numerous casualties. Notably, the targeting did not spare the carts that the residents depend on for movement during thedisplacement process.
Talal Saeb Al-Harazin told the Euro-Med Monitor team that he and his nephew suffered moderate and serious injuries while trying to flee their home in the Zaytounneighbourhood after being targeted by at least three artillery shells. The shells caused major destruction in the area.
By expanding the buffer zones it creates inside the Gaza Strip to strengthen its military position in the Netzarim axis—separating the north and south of the Strip—the Israeli army is able to commit more killings, cause more destruction, and displace more individualsin an effort to escalate its genocide against Palestinian civilians and impose a fait accompli. This has been going on for weeks in places like Al-Mughraqa and the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.
Israel continues to break international law by committing crimes against humanity, war crimes, and grave violations against the Palestinian people, primarily in the Gaza Strip.
Prompt international action is therefore required to end to Israel’s genocide and campaign of forced displacement against the Strip’s population, which violates international law and amounts to the crime of forcible transfer.
Civilians are still being evacuated from their homes and shelter centres without being provided a safe place to stay, and are instead being left out in open spaces without any facilities to supply basic necessities for life and safety, or security during their displacement. In addition, homes, gathering places, and residential neighbourhoods are being systematically and widely destroyed by Israel, depriving forcibly displaced people of a realistic timeline in terms of when they can expect to be safe. 
Source - https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6317/Israeli-army-carries-out-random-killings,-new-forced-displacement-campaign-in-Gaza-City’s-Zaytoun-neighbourhood
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