#Fairy-Tale Sweets on AO3
thebibutterflyao3 · 2 years
Marlene: (waves) Whoa! What are you thinking about?
Dorcas: Why?
Marlene: You look like you want to eat me!
Dorcas: (smirks) Accurate description of my mental state.
Marlene: (laughs) I am not food!
Dorcas: If not food, why food-shaped?
Marlene: 😳
Dorcas: (nibbles her ear)
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djevelbl · 2 months
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I already read it bc I was NOT waiting a whole ass hour just to live post 3 times about it--
Anyway OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD??? I FUCKING MISSED THEM BEING BESTIES I CAN'T it was genuinely so great! Fun and relatively lighthearted, I am mildly curious as to why Tap & Mercowe were softly probing porcelain man to see if he'd spill the Devil-related secrets or not👀👀 y'know, with Holly always (unknowingly) asking him ALL the right things to get him to spill like. It feels a lil too intentional of a conversation turn for Tap & Mercowe to NOT have actually meant to probe him for that — I mean, the way it was written feels... Emphasizing, at the very least.
Also the kneeling??? Theater kid much????? /lh
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vaaaaaiolet · 3 months
“Tell me a story, please?” you add, hiding a smile under the edge of the blanket. A kiss is bestowed upon on your forehead and the cave opens for the night. Leon clears his throat theatrically. “This story is about a girl, and a boy who loved her very much.”
Leon keeps his best tales under lock and key, and you crack one out of him on a particularly sleepless night. He thinks you might like this one.
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f / m, fluff sprinkled in with angst and emotional hurt, insomnia, grief + mourning, leon is a sweetheart he just loves you :(, he basically tells you a fairy tale before bed
word count: 1.6k // read on ao3
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a/n: um. norman fucking rockwell, baby. if you catch the lyrics from "How to disappear", i love you. i wrote this fic like i was possessed 😭 nothing was planned
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There aren’t any waves outside your landlocked bedroom window to lull you to sleep, but there is another ocean view you can think of. You turn to the other side of your pillow, biting your lip hopefully.
“Hi, sweetheart,” the view mumbles, ocean eyes groggy and losing the fight against sleep.
You’re in luck.
“Leon,” you whisper. 
“Can’t sleep.”
“Don’t know why…you’re not tired,” he yawns, his blond lashes almost fluttering closed before snapping open at your wide-eyed expression, “when you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
You cram the comforter to your chin and flip to the other side of the bed with a groan. 
Leon chuckles, giving your shoulder a sleepy shake, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” 
He’s not sorry. But you relent anyway. 
“Tell me a story,” you mumble as he tucks you back in.
You brush a strand of hair across his forehead to unveil those ocean eyes again. They’re faded and tired, yes, but they’ve also seen more of the world than you could ever dream of. The only good thing to come out of Leon’s mysterious missions to the ends of the earth is the treasure trove of stories he brings back with him, like a Cave of Wonders, filled with only the best for you to unlock. You don’t know anything about the outside of that cave – he stops telling the story if you ask – and you’re not in any position to argue as the clock ticks closer to morning.
“What’s the magic word?” he nudges.
Is he really going all open sesame on you too?
“Tell me a story, please?” you add, hiding a smile under the edge of the blanket.  
A kiss is bestowed upon your forehead and the cave opens for the night. Leon clears his throat theatrically. 
“This story is about a girl, and a boy who loved her very much.”
“One thing you have to know before I start anything though, sweetheart, is that this girl was a spitfire. Completely unreasonable. She was the type to pack a grocery cart full of ice cream she swore was on discount only to have all of it be full price and melt in the checkout line.”
(“That was one time!”)
“Never said a thing about it being you, sweetheart, shh. You’re supposed to be trying to sleep. But either way, this girl couldn’t be you because she was a princess – a real pretty one at that. Sweet, smart and kind like little girls grow up wanting to be. She lived in a castle by the sea on an island in the middle of nowhere, and here’s what I heard about her on my last mission. You’ll like this one.
“Life on that island was as peaceful as you can get in a fairy tale. She had plenty of mermaids for friends and animals to keep her company, but you can’t help getting lonely after the years start passing by. The princess was stuck there, you see.”
(“How’d she get there to begin with?”)
“Uh-uh, you’re interrupting me.” Leon teases. “Story or no story?”
(“Story, please.”)
“Magic, alright? Say she got stolen away by some evil witch like Rapunzel did and her kidnapper drowned in the sea. I don’t know. But it didn’t really matter because that island became home after a while. A beautiful home, but lonely all the same. The mermaids all returned to their castle under the sea when the moon came up and the princess wished had somebody she could sleep next to when it got cold at night. 
“She was fond of stories too, like somebody else I know, and after all those years on that island, she’d read every book in the castle and longed for someone who could tell her something new. All she ever wished for on her birthday was a friend. ‘Just for a little bit’, she’d beg.”
Leon sucks in a careful breath.
“So one night, the ocean decided to send the princess a birthday present just like she asked. A magic tide deposited a little boat on the edge of her island, and when the princess woke up the next morning and looked outside her window, she saw something – or rather, somebody – slumped inside of that boat.”
(“And inside that boat was a prince?”)
“No prince. The princess made sure of it too, brave thing that she was, walking right up to the boat and taking a good look at who was sleeping inside of it. 
“The boy inside that boat was dead to the world with cuts on his face from fighting too hard. He gave the princess a good scare ‘cause he was so asleep she thought he was actually dead. When he woke up and asked ‘Who are you?’, she nearly punched him out of fright.”
(“You were right, I think I like her.”)
Leon laughs, bright and warm.
“But this boy was a real charmer, and the princess was kind, remember?”
“She didn’t go around punching people out of nowhere. Especially not the first human she’d ever seen. Her curiosity got the best of her and she took the boy to her castle, where he told her he was a mercenary from a faraway kingdom. He’d been on his way to kill a rampaging sea monster when a mysterious wind blew his boat off course and right onto the princess’ island. 
“Over breakfast, the mercenary told her stories about monsters, jungles, fire-breathing dragons, stuff she’d only ever read about. She was entranced. The more he spoke, the more the princess wanted to see for herself even though she knew she couldn’t. She had to be smart about it.”
Leon swallows. He nestles the blanket around you a little tighter, like you’d slip out of his grasp, and continues.
“The boy was battered from the beating he took from his voyage, so the princess nursed him back to health. I told you she was stubborn, right? She wouldn’t take any of the gold or jewels he tried offering her from his travels. All she asked for was a new story each day he stayed with her. He agreed.
“The first week went by in a flash. The princess borrowed magic green herbs from her mermaid friends to heal the mercenary faster. The herbs made him strong enough to move mountains if he wanted to, so he pounded a couple to the ground outside her castle just to prove he could when she asked, and with the new space, the princess made him a place to stay. Turns out she was a great businesswoman; the boy spun tale after tale for her while she fixed a loneliness deep in his bones. Everything was perfect.”
“The boy stayed longer than he thought he would. His boat collected dust as that week turned into months. Those months grew into a year. The princess’ birthday rolled around again.”
(“Did they fall in love?”)
“They did, sweetheart.”
Leon chuckles softly.
“He ended up loving her a lot, and the princess loved him too, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not usually how it goes in fairy tales, is it? There’s a catch.”
You reach for Leon’s hand in the deep of the comforter, not remembering when he let go.
“Good sailors know not to mess with the ocean. It wasn’t too pleased with the princess keeping the boy to herself for more than just a little bit, not when he needed to get rid of that sea monster that had been killing millions of innocent people. So on the night of the princess’ birthday, the sea asked the boy to go back to being a mercenary. He needed to do his job and the princess wasn’t part of it.”
(“Tell me he stayed, Leon.”)
“Princess, I can’t-”
(“Make him stay.”)
And for the first time, Leon stutters because he never changes the story.
“A-Alright, so the boy stays. He tells the sea that he fell in love and can’t bear to leave the princess behind.”
(“And then?”)
“And then…and then he finds out he’s in over his head. The tide comes and goes, everything has to have a balance. He needed to go because he had to protect all those people, and he couldn’t do that by staying with the princess no matter how much he loved her, right?”
Lifting the blanket aside, Leon falls onto his back. You watch the ceiling fan blades spin in the dull sea-blue of his eyes. 
“The princess asked him to stay and he couldn’t say no to her. She meant well. She didn’t…she didn’t know. And they were happy together on that island until the boy’s decision caught up with him. The sea monster he was supposed to kill found their island one day, sweetheart.”
(“...Leon, no. That’s not supposed to happen.”)
“It’s how the story goes,” he murmurs, gently pressing his lips to yours.
You barely feel it; you taste saltwater in his kiss, feel it running down your face.
“But you changed it!” You’re crying, can’t find his hand. Where’d he go? He’s supposed to be here, you changed the stupid story, you have to make him stay. 
The ocean might not be outside your window, but you still see it behind glass as you prop yourself up on your elbows, heaving for breath only to find Leon’s framed picture sitting beside your pillow.
His eyes are so blue. Ghostly in the dark. 
You must have dropped it when sleep took you under. Your earbuds are still hooked up to a podcast in an earlier effort to bore yourself to sleep, but you don’t really want to hear about relaxing Zen gardens right now. Tugging everything out of your ears, your shaking finger opens the notes app. 
Right now, you’re in the mood for a story. A story with a happy ending where no one goes anywhere.
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psst, find more of my work here!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 take care and i love you!
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sidekick-hero · 8 months
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(steddie | general | wc: 2.1k | cw: none | tags: childhood friends, Eddie lives, fluff and tiny bit of angst | AO3)
Written for the @steddielovemonth prompt: Love is being willing to wait for them.
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Eddie was six years old when he first met Steve, not that he would remember it until much, much later.
The boy Eddie met that day was sweet and a little shy, perhaps because he was so small for his age. He was a year younger than Eddie, only five, which was forever in Eddie's eyes. He felt responsible for the little boy somehow, so he walked up to him on the deserted playground to make sure he was okay.
"'Ello!" Eddie exclaimed, holding out his hand for Steve to shake, like he'd seen his daddy do all the time when they were in town. His dad called it part of the Munson charm, whatever that was, and Eddie wanted to be as cool as his dad. "I'm Eddie, who are you?"
The boy looked up at Eddie with big eyes and made no move to take Eddie's hand, so Eddie reached out and took the boy's hand in his own and shook it wildly.
"See, that's how you do it. And then you say your name. Let's try it again!" Eddie decided, still pumping the boy's hand. "I'm Eddie."
"Steve," the boy said with a slight lisp, and Eddie thought maybe he hadn't said his name earlier because he was afraid Eddie would make fun of him for it. The other kids made fun of him a lot, for a lot of reasons that Eddie didn't really understand. All he knew was that he didn't like it; it made him sad. Especially since none of the other kids would play with him, so he had to go on his adventures all alone, fighting the big dragon without a trusted knight at his side.
Perhaps Steve could be his knight.
"Will you help me slay the big dragon, Steve?" Eddie asked, suddenly excited at the prospect of finally having someone to play with. "He stole all our gold, so we have to slay him!"
He was still holding Steve's hand, but he dropped it as he began to imitate how they would fight the beast with their swords. "I'm a mage because my mom says every fairy tale needs a good fairy or a mage to help the hero defeat the villain. And you can be that hero, Steve! I'll help you with my magic," Eddie promised, his whole face breaking into a wide grin.
Steve giggled, but Eddie thought it wasn't like the other kids laughing at him. It sounded nice, like Steve was enjoying Eddie's antics. "What do you think, Sir Steve?"
Between bursts of pearly laughter, Steve eagerly agreed, but then paused to ask Eddie in a suddenly serious tone, "But why don't you wanna be the hero?"
"I'm no hero, Stevie! I'm a mage, didn't you hear me? I can do magic to help the hero, because only together can we defeat the beast." Eddie explained in an equally serious tone, because killing dragons was serious business.
"Okay," Steve agreed. "How do we fight a dragon? I never fought a dragon before."
Eddie explained his plans to Steve, and together they ran and climbed around the playground in search of the dragon. It was the most fun Eddie had had in a long time. Steve was the best hero ever; he listened to Eddie's ideas and had some surprisingly fun ones of his own. They forgot everything around them, caught up in a world of make-believe, until a woman's voice startled them out of their play.
"Steve! Steven, where are you? If your parents come home and you're not there, they'll fire me," the woman grumbled before shouting again. "Steve!"
Eddie looked at Steve questioningly as the voice came closer.
"That's Lucy, she's looking after me 'cause my parents don't have time," Steve explained in a low voice. "I have to go." He looked very sad when he said that and Eddie already missed his bright smile.
"That's okay, Stevie, we can kill the dragon tomorrow!"
That made Steve perk up. "Yeah?"
"Yeah! I'll wait for you here tomorrow!"
"Thanks, Eddie!" Steve exclaimed, throwing his arms around Eddie in a tight hug before running off to find the woman.
The next day, Eddie was back at the playground as soon as he could get away from their house, telling his mama that he had finally made a friend and now they had to kill the dragon. "He's my hero, Mom, and I'm his mage, just like in the fairy tales!" He told her, and she hugged him tightly before making him and Steve two sandwiches, because "slaying dragons is hard work and makes you hungry'.
Steve wasn't there when Eddie arrived at the playground, so Eddie sat down on the swings and waited for his new friend.
He waited until the first signs of dawn reached the playground, and he had to eat both sandwiches because he was hungry, and drink all the water his mama had packed.
Eddie only left when it got dark, and he knew his mama would be worried. But he was back the next day, and the next. Every day for weeks, Eddie waited for Steve on the swing, always wondering why his new friend didn't want to play with him anymore.
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Eddie never made a connection between his Stevie and King Steve. How could he, when King Steve was all aloof and arrogant, looking down on people like Eddie and walking the halls of Hawkins High with that haughty grin on his face. The boy wasn't his hero, and Eddie wouldn't dream of using his magic to help him.
Funnily enough, the first time Steve's sight sparked any kind of recognition in Eddie was when Eddie pinned him against a boathouse wall with a bottle against his neck. Stripped of his usual confidence by surprise and fear, Steve looked somehow... small. He sounded even smaller as he tried to reassure Eddie that he meant no harm, and the sound of his voice made something tingle at the back of Eddie's mind.
Steve was different than Eddie had expected, to say the least.
At times, he was snarky and bitchy. But not in the mean way he had been in high school. He was all bark and no bite. And he was good to Eddie's sheep, to all the kids, really. Like a big brother, a protector. A knight in shining armor who stood between them and danger.
And not just for the kids, for everyone.
Steve jumped into a dark, deep lake not knowing what awaited him; fought demonic bats with bare hands and teeth, losing more flesh than seemed healthy.
Steve was a hero, and later Eddie berated himself for not realizing it sooner, but hindsight is 20/20, and he only understood that Steve Harrington was indeed his Stevie when it was too late to do anything about it.
Eddie was almost sure when they stole the RV together, because the way Steve grinned at him just before they switched positions and Steve sped out of the trailer park reminded him so much of the sweet boy he once knew.
The boy he never really stopped waiting for.
When Steve asked Dustin and Eddie not to be cute, not to be heroes, he decided to test his theory.
"We're not heroes," he told Steve, and when Dustin said “you can be the hero, Steve” Eddie was watching his face for any sign of recognition. He could have sworn he saw a flicker of it in Steve's eyes. That was the moment he almost, almost asked outright.
Eddie even called out to him, the words on his tongue, "Why didn't you come back? I was waiting for you.' But in the end he decided against it. What use was there? They had bigger problems to deal with right now. He would ask Steve later, when it was all over. He would tell him that he had been waiting for him all this time and that he was glad that Steve had come back to him.
They would talk later.
Only later wouldn't come, Eddie realized as he tasted his own blood in his mouth and stared into Dustin's frightened, tearful eyes.
And then Steve was there, holding his hand, begging him, pleading with him to stay, not to die. Eddie couldn't promise him that, but he had promised him something else, and he wanted Steve to know that he had never broken that promise.
"I waited for you, Stevie. Every..." Eddie coughed wetly, more blood flooding his mouth, and he suppressed the grimace to keep smiling at Steve. "Every day. I knew you'd come back. Worth... the wait," Eddie whispered, his voice fading. Eddie was fading fast.
In the distance he heard Steve's voice begging him to stay, he needed his mage by his side, and the last thing he thought was that he was sorry he had to leave before he could see Steve slay their dragon, but he hoped his magic had helped enough.
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The next time Eddie was able to think and feel, it was like waking up from the worst hangover ever. Everything hurt, even his hair.
Slowly opening his eyes to a thankfully dimly lit room, he winced at the sharp pain in his head. It made moving his head even more torturous, but Eddie had to know where he was. Looking around as much as he could, he realized several things.
He was in a hospital bed with monitors beeping softly beside him.
It was night, with only a small bedside lamp providing some light.
Steve Harrington was asleep next to him, his arms crossed on Eddie's bed and his head resting on them.
Eddie must have made some sort of noise at the sight, because at that moment Steve jumped to his feet, ready to fight or flight.
Then he looked at Eddie and a myriad of expressions played across his face. Most of them passed too quickly for Eddie to decipher, but he's sure he saw surprise and joy. Wonder, definitely, but maybe fear, too, though Eddie had no idea why Steve would be afraid of him.
"Steve," Eddie croaked, his throat like sandpaper. The sound of his name was enough to jolt Steve into action and he hurried over to Eddie's bedside table. Seconds later, a straw was held to his mouth and blessedly cool water filled his mouth and ran down his throat.
"Thank you," he told Steve when the cup was empty and he felt more like a human being again. A badly mangled human being, but he took what he could get. "What happened? Is everyone..."
"Vecna is dead. Everyone made it out alive." Eddie let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "That's all you need to know for now. I'll tell you the rest tomorrow, okay? You should get some more rest. You... we almost lost you."
Steve looked shattered as he said this and Eddie finally noticed the dark bags under his eyes. Steve's hair worried him even more. It looked greasy and unkempt, worse than it had even looked in the Upside Down.
Eddie was afraid to ask, but he had to know. "How long..."
"Twenty days. They couldn't tell us when you'd wake up. If you'd wake up." His voice broke at the words, and Eddie tried to lift his hand to soothe and comfort, but it weighed a million pounds.
"I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long, Stevie," he said instead, hoping to ease Steve's pain with his words instead. But all it did was make Steve collapse, the bed the only thing breaking his fall. He was the one who reached for Eddie's hand then and held on to it like a lifeline.
"I'm sorry, Eddie. I'm the one who kept you waiting for years. I never went back to that playground. My babysitter didn't want to take me anymore because I ran away, and she almost lost her job. And then it had been years before I was old enough to go by myself and I couldn't... the thought of going there and you not being there was too much. And why should you be? Nobody would wait that long."
The "not for me" rang out between them and Eddie gathered all his strength to pull Steve's hand to his mouth. As he planted a kiss on the soft skin of the back of his hand, Eddie said in a low voice, "I did ... I waited all this time for you. This playground became my hound, once a day I would stop by, just in case. I always hoped you would come back."
Now it was Steve's turn to take Eddie's hand in his and place it gently on his cheek, planting a soft kiss on Eddie's palm.
Caressing Steve's lips with his thumb, Eddie smiled at the sweet boy he had waited a lifetime for. His hero.
"We did it, Stevie. We slayed the dragon!"
Steve's pearly laugh echoed through the room, silenced only by Eddie's lips as he leaned down to capture them in a fairy-tale kiss.
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whirlpool-blogs · 18 days
whirlpool's personal MOTA fic recs!
I've actually been dying to put this together for a while now...today is as good an excuse as any! I might not know everyone's tumblrs vs ao3 names so I will NOT be offended if you tell me to correct something!! <3
the big list = going alphabetical order in my folder because YES I do download my favorites, it's like having your own little bookshelf!!
non-clegan fics:
nine mothers' sons by @reallylilyreally (truly beautiful, breathtaking, and **THE** John Brady bible for the fandom so make sure you pray to it every night)
at your heels by @reallylilyreally (this one is Ev Blakely, another really beautiful story that helps you understand just why Crosby's memoir speaks of Blakely with such love and affection)
clegan (or gale-centric, or john-centric) fics:
A Direct Solution by @sweaterkittensahoy (Gale & Marge proposition Bucky...so cute and so hot)
ain't it easy? by @stereobone (dom/sub with john as the dom but ohhh man it's so much more than just that!!!!! this fic is so full of FEELS. and it's also HOTTTT. and also the FEELSSSSS.)
all the rest of what I want with you by @london-cowboy (the level of care that went into writing this fic is insane and impeccable. down to its own internal timeline, little egan kiddos, and the ANGST. but it's all worth it, I promise!!)
back home where you're from, that's the measure of a man by wolfhalls (nice little oneshot of the bucks, I love the back-and-forth of their dialogue in this one, it really does feel like two people who know each other well)
bittersweet between my teeth by @blixabargelds (post-war adjustment...love when the two majors are a little messy and a little sad and also john calls gale the prettiest thing he ever saw so there's that <3)
bluebirds singing a song by ourdarkspirits (Marge jumps Bucky's bones. Then Gale joins. Super fun, super hot!)
Close and Yet Closer by Anonymous (LITERALLY THE MOST!!!!!! FIC OF ALL TIME!!!!!!! Gale is a little bit mean and John is a lot bit sweaty. Like all the time. it's amazing and you should read it and it WILL change your life.)
Corpse Song by birdwif (oof. john is miserable in the stalag he's scratching at the door he's gnawing his own leg off.)
deep breath baby by @defnotanarc (um FISTING. yeah. intense and delicious. side note sometimes the world isn't fair and people who are really talented and amazing at drawing are also really good WRITERS too LIKE WTF!!)
DOG DINNER by @wompire (super interesting writing style, extremely poetic and striking. hits you right in the gut.)
everything and the kitchen sink by @swifty-fox (YEAH THIS ONE WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE TOO. modern au where gale is a professional dom and john is a journalist who hornily consents to both (1) fucking around, and (2) finding out. in top ten fics of the decade in general tbh)
Freed From Desire by @feyd-meowtha (yoooooo such a fun and free and sexy fic!!! such a great writing style and such a cool remix of all the characters we know and love!)
He wears his love around his neck by kasugayamaisforlovers (Gale character study, he tries to run his little gay thoughts away which is always so fun to see)
hold me like a knife by storm_warning (tw: self-harm, this REALLY gets into John's self-destructive stalag spiral and it's super visceral and wet and heart-wrenching and written with such, such care and precision)
Hound Within the Heart by Anonymous (fairy-tale esque, gets super crazy and pushes the limits of reality but in the best ways possible)
I Don't Wanna Be Alone Tonight by @johnslittlespoon (cuddling for warmth <3 and then a little more <3 <3 so sweet and intimate!!)
I Like A Bad Boy by @nicijones (modern college AU and bucky is a fratty fuckboy type & in this fic he DOES punch a guy for Gale and it's all very hot and sweet and a delight to read)
i wish you wouldn't tell me (about your hawaiian party) by @whitetrashjj (when the fuckbuddies thing gets messyyyyyy because gale catches feelingsssssss, so delicious and meaty!!)
if that isn’t love, it’ll have to do by @irregularcollapse (ALWAYS such incredible character reads from this author, never misses. also facefucking. also FACEFUCKING <3)
i'll be seeing you by @puffanities (a quick 1.6k oneshot but still packed with some really great characterization and powerful language!! 'when the numbers of planes don’t match...')
i'll find you before the dust settles by butidontreallycare (a Westworld AU!! super cool)
in our bedroom after the war by @stereobone (one of those fics that's just like. a pillar of the community, y'know? iconic. classic. eternal.)
Into the Unknown by Melanie_Mikaelson (big win for john whump enjoyers. BIG win. like 20+ chapters of winning)
it ain't for meatball by @meyerlansky (Curt/Bucky. Curt puts the dog collar on Bucky....and it's HOTTTT arf arf i'm barking just like bucky is in this fic...)
It's Not Love, but It's Fun by @sweaterkittensahoy (Curt/Bucky, 500 words so it's short and sweet just like Curt ahahahaha, ANYWAY still such an interesting little read regardless!)
judgment by the hounds by @puffanities (PG, very visceral and tender apology after the stalag fight scene <3)
level-off maneuvers by wormringers (sweet little oneshot of the Bucks in London)
little fix by ForASecondThereWedWon (Algeria <3 <3 you just kNOW those two gay pilots were sniffing and huffing and licking each other's sweat.....this author GETS it)
love means nothing (in tennis) by @irregularcollapse (fics that make you go WEEEEEEEE!!!! every word, every physical action that these characters take is SO precise and well-written. truly like wrapping a soft bathrobe around yourself and also the bathrobe is incredibly sexy and also they're sucking each other off post-game but PRE-shower. also gale's dad!! also margie!! truly such a well crafted AU)
make you feel alive by @sig-nifier (really sweet little oneshot of gale being a little protective of john. and i am ALWAYS a sucker for the 'call off your dog' trope... and it's done perfectly here!)
meet me at the chapel by @swifty-fox (still in-progress and SUCH a creative, inventive universe!! outlaw john you will always be famous to me!!!!)
my kingdom for a kiss upon your shoulder by @swifty-fox (swift can really weave a story like no one else. so many lines that pack a punch. and in the end, they make it <3)
my type by @spaceshipkat (this one is SOOOOO well-written, I always go so crazy for the dialogue!!! such a great push-pull dynamic in this fic)
night terror by @antiquitea (hot! and sweet! and HOT! and angsty!!!!! highlights include: gale gives john a literal countdown deadline to get off)
Obligate Mutualism by bowhuntress (Gale-centric story of trying to get John through the stalag, then returning the England without Bucky, a fic very obviously written with a lot of care and love)
obsessions, and other things by @sig-nifier (the Bucks cope. really great pacing and dialogue, and I always love when fics take the care to delve into john's struggle with alcoholism as well)
of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world (he walks into mine) by @whitetrashjj (really fun parallel universe where Buck owns a bar, just a great read all-around!)
Oh, I do, do I? by @defnotanarc (DIRTY TALK, like the most delicious, incredible dirty talk you can imagine, this fic nails it!!)
One of your Girls by @soliloquy-dawn (9k oneshot and it's great all the way through, Gale is jealousssss of John fucking around, don't worry they resolve it <3, definitely captures that innocence of pre-Bremen MOTA episodes)
peacetime like a liminal space by @spaceshipkat (this one is PHENOMENAL. post-war, John goes to New York City and turns out it doesn't fill the emptiness. luckily Gale shows up. <3)
Putting Words to It by @impalachick (YEAH THIS ONE IS REALLY HOT. John is a snoop and reads Gale's letters to Marge <3)
Reunited by Flowersandthings (PG, cute & funny oneshot of the Bucks being reunited after Gale makes it over from Greenland!)
Reverie by @avonne-writes (REALLY creative, well-crafted story. Gale and John are soulmates and can visit each other's dreams since adolescence. INCREDIBLE journey and arc in this story, the stalag part is just wow. truly such a gift to the fandom!!).
Rugire by Anonymous (umm omegaverse-ish but with deer dynamics. messy. and SO good.)
SHOTGUN. by pornogirl (YEAH this one is awesome, it's not safe it's not sane but oh boy it is consensual)
Song of Songs by @swifty-fox (sweaty sex sweaty sex sweaty sex)
Spin, Sit, Roll-Over by @glumbabie (Gale is a little mean to John and it's VERY sexy of him tbh. 'DOGS DON'T TALK'???? 'YOU CAN EAT'???????? yeah. read this.)
the chimneys hardly ever fall down by @redbelles (another Gale/Marge + John, and it's HOT. it's SEXY it's awesome!!)
the hand of a good man by @stereobone (John rewrites Gale's daddy history <3)
the jacket by @dogmetaphors (REALLY great sense of dialogue and characterization even in 1.6k words, also shamelessly horny and SO yummy)
The Major’s Wife by tryingmyhandatwriting (John/Original Female Character but like. give this one a chance, I'm telling you!! I'm always soooo compelled by sex scenes that like. are actually a little bit unhappy. and this one SERVESSSSS.)
this must be the place by @blixabargelds (BIG win for Gale whumpers. broken bone and LOTS of blood and super well-written)
To be alone with you by Damn_Illusive (THIS ONE IS SO, SO SPECIAL AND CREATIVE!! freaky army experimentation gives gale and john telepathic communication. incredible separation arc while gale is in the stalag. really, really unique story that is such a staple in my mind as one of the the most incredible clegan stories ever. I think about this one A LOT!!!)
To the Moon and Back by @rambleonwaywardson (iconic astronaut AU, written with SUCH care and love, it's so obvious!! and BIG win for john whumpers. who said that -)
Tough And Sweet (Like You And Me) by @johnslittlespoon (sooo fun and creative and inventive, Bikeriders-esque!Gale and a sweeter, more innocent John. really well crafted)
trading paper dolls by ForASecondThereWedWon (Alex draws Gale pinup girl style in the stalag.....John swipes it.... super great fic!)
two slow dancers by everywordnotsaid (unrequited love, John for Gale, through their journey. I genuinely, actually sobbed for a long time at the conclusion of this fic. I am always thinking about this fic. I think it really captures something about the experience of watching the show and realizing in that hopeless, lovesick kind of way that there's no way to go back in time and save all of them. I still get teary whenever I think about this story or hear the song. It's one of those fics that's not just good, not just great, but somehow also really fucking IMPORTANT. this story MATTERS. you should absolutely read it and save it and imprint it onto your heart. I know it's imprinted onto mine.)
Un Chant d’Amour by @counting0nit (really intriguing take on the interrogation center time frame!)
unicorns, and other extinct animals by @spaceshipkat (really, really incredible reading experience. something that actually touches other aspects of my life, even now. I see planes overhead and I think about this fic. I see letters on a table and I think about this fic. just. this author GETS IT, you know? just absolutely nails every aspect of this kind of fic: post-war adjustment, the pain, the LOVE. this fic will make you FEEL it. let it happen.)
Up In Our Bedroom by @steeseman (ICONIC. really one of those pillars of the community type fics, y'know? it's funny and it's sweet and it's painful and the hot parts are HOT. clearly written with SO much care, and SO much love, and SO much precision. every single word packs a punch. absolutely one of my top reads of all time, across time, across fandoms)
When the bones are good by @aramblingjay (a really incredible post-war fic, such a beautiful, rich writing style!! isn't afraid to dig at the hard parts - john's relationship with alcohol, their nightmares from the war. stunning visuals -- the author uses setting and place and motion in such a tangible, real way. I can still see the little hideout spot in my mind's eye, even now. one of those fics that's just. such a treasure to the fandom.)
your dreams, whatever they be by @drylite (this one is super new, and it's just SUCH solid writing!)
You're A Dog (I'm Your Man) by @johnslittlespoon (one of those fics that's a pillar of the fandom for SURE!!! definitely a classic)
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urlovebrini · 1 year
arranged marriage with alhaitham
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⋆❀ — includes: alhaitham x fem! reader
⋆❀ — content: arranged marriage, alhaitham is bad at feelings, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, little miscommunication, you are a sunshine, he calls you nymph, little age gap, alhaitham is like 27 and you are like 20/21 its not mentioned in the writing but he calls you little, sfw but there will be a second part with the nsfw, i love arranged marriage i can't help myself, maybe little occ alhaitam at the end but his in love, smirking alhaitham is in my mind all the time
⋆❀ — a/n: hello sorry for the disappearance, but you know life happens, i don't promise that i will be so active, but will try to write more things. i tried not to go into the story too much, especially in the beginning and get to the good part of the drama, angst and romance, tell me what you think, if you like it maybe I'll think about enlarging it on ao3, i will do a follow up with the nsfw and this is a part of a serie so next character is ayato.
⋆❀ — arranged marries series: ayato | tartaglia | diluc
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⋆❀˖°·࿐ ࿔ alhaitham
he knew about arranged marriages, in reality, they were pretty common in sumeru society, when the grand majority of people were putting all their minds and time into the endless pursuit of knowledge there was little time for romance and love all that fairy tale things were out of the equation of the people lives. alhaitham was no exception to the rule, in fact, he cared so little about the idea of infatuation and romance that it didn't cross his mind at all, not until his old grandma told him, that she had found an adequate and nice girl to be his bride.
the truth was, he didn't care at all, he could have refused with good reasons, in reality, he liked being alone, it was easier, lets complications meant more accomplishments. but if the girl didn't bother him and let him be with his studies and do his things, he didn't see the problem with accepting the marriage. so the preparations begin
the first time he met you, alhaitham didn't know what to make about you. you were a pretty young girl, he could appreciate that, a nice smile, bright eyes, and a cheerful disposition. you seemed so far away from the common world. you looked nervous but he could tell you had what people seemed to categorize as a sweet personality. it was a little eerie looking at you, so nice and cheerful, with a fitting lilac dress… and your eyes met his, a smile on your face, he could only nod in acknowledgement, but your smile grew more as you talked with a friend excitedly. so contrasting.  
in the days leading to the wedding, he discovered some things about you, it resulted, you were an ex akademiya student, and you had a decent academic record, but for some reason, you decided not to follow the academic path. all the times he saw you, it seemed like you always were happy, with a smile, and going to one place and another, you had a liveness in you. one day you asked him something maybe it was about the flowers, maybe it was about the cake he could only answer the true 《he didn't care》 something seemed to change in your expression but you nodded not the less. you seemed like you wanted to tell something more, so he observed you; you were in another dress it was white but it had lilac ornaments. with all the people you talked to, you smiled, he was surprised your face didn't hurt at this point. 
and the wedding day came. it was lively, decorated with care, rainbow roses and paradises hung over chandeliers, and the bride, you looked eerie in the bridal dress, your always present smile shining and brightening the room, and your eyes looking at him almost like searching for something. alhaitham was stoic as always, but even he felt his breath taken away at your sign. for you almost all seemed unreal, you were getting married, his face was serious like always, and you were searching for something, something in him that could tell you that this was going to work. you wanted to believe that there was some curiosity behind his eyes, it all felt helpless but you hoped. 
the ceremony was quick, nothing special in particular, traditional rites and votes, it was like a trance it finished almost as it started, and the wedding continued with the fest and the party, and especially the first dance you smile at him, but he didn't say anything, his face with the same expression, you didn't know what you were waiting but it was something, maybe at 《you look beautiful》 but you would be conformed with an 《the weather is nice》 in that moment. 
alhaitham was in his seat of honour, he was watching you dazzling with some girls, your cousins he believed you said? but in a strange way, you seemed in your element, he couldn't keep his eyes out of you, you were an enchantress, it was not natural, the sweetness, the brightness, the way you flow in your moves, he was there with you some hours ago, the first dance, it was brief, as he only wanted to go to his place and end all this, and you seemed distracted, he remembers you asked about the decorations “they are fine, i guess” he answered, you smile seemed to felt for a second and came back almost immediately, averting your gaze he could her you murmur “the rainbow rose is one of my favourite flowers, all people say they are pink but sometimes they seem lilac to me, and the colour is pretty, and the meaning…”  alhaitham looked at you waiting for you to continue talking in the dance "it can symbolize several things" you said quickly to look away as if wanting to avoid something, alhaitam decided not to pressure if you wanted to say something you would say it he tought. 
and now he was watching you dance, laughing, and dazzling, you asked him if he wanted to dance more, but he refused, “im comfortable here, thank you” was his short answer, something shifted in your face, but as you enjoy your time it seemed left past. and as he looked at you a single word could only describe you, nymph, he thought, an ethereal nymph, that bewitched all the room. 
the day ended, and the moment came, time to go to alhaitham house, no, your new house you remember yourself, the way was silent, but he seemed comfortable with that, so you stayed silent. he looked as always, with the same expression, he was now your husband, and you were in way to his home, no, in way to your home. as you passed the portal, the place seemed nice, but you couldn't help to feel disappointed, there were no laughs, no bridal carry, and there was so much silence. 
he looked at you seeing the place, you seemed lost, like a deer in bright lights, you watched him walk to a door and clear his throat “there is an extra set of keys in the kitchen that you can take tomorrow, this is the bedroom you can refresh and make yourself comfortable” you enter the room it was nice and big, but it seemed lonely? “someone of your family brought somethings of yours these last days, all is in the boxes so you can accommodate the how you want” you nodded your head, what you can say in this moments? “that door leads to the bathroom, the other one is the closet” you looked at him maybe hopping that he say something more but he didn't.
when you came out of the shower after bathing and putting in one of the pajamas one cousin gave you joking that with that you could even conquist a god, it was pretty, but it made you feel shy. the bedroom was alone, alhaitham was not in sign, and all seemed to be in so much silence, you carefully get out of the bedroom looking for alhaitham, the house was dark, but there was a dim light coming out from a door, opening the door slowly, you saw what it seems to be the study room, alhaitham was there in an soffa, bathed and in comfortable clothes. his eyes looked at you quickly only to return his gaze to the pages of the book "there is something you need?" the question came in surprise, how you answer that? "i was just wondering a little... and didnt saw you" you answered as he changed the page, with out apparting his eyes from the words in the book he said "yes i came to finish some reports, and continue with my reading" you could saw that, but in the wedding night? you were hopping maybe you could talk more, try to know each other. you didn't knew what to answer and he seemed that had little interest in conversation, so you only nodded and walked to the bedroom. and as you lied in bed your thoughts seemed to spiral in what is to come.
the light wake you and you woke up alone with the other side of the bed, almost intact, it seemed like he sleep in the studio. you get up of the bed and walked only to saw alhaitham already dressed up and drinking his morning coffee. he looked at you briefly "there is some coffee left, but you can make whatever" you looked at him with keys in his hand, he was leaving? today? "are you going out" tried to sound as casual as possible, "yes" he said and didn't give more explanation as you looked him going to the door only to stop "oh i am going to the akademiya, have somethings to do" he saw you giving him an small smile, your hair was messy of the sleep, and if he looked more down, well in reality yes you were beautiful "when you arrive?".
"don't know, so don't worry about that" was the last words he said, and you were alone. the rest of the day you just accommodated your things, and recieved the wedding gifts, you were curious, but decided to wait for alhaitham, maybe it could be a chance to talk, and past time together. the house seemed nice, but it felt solitary almost like a chell, just some place to rest and store things. and there were a lot of books, all academic and of a lot of subjects, maybe you should ask your mother of bringing you your novels. but even if there was something you wanted to read, your mind were wondering about the man that lived in the house, maybe he was just nervous you were too, he was polite, maybe it was cuestion of time, maybe you just needed time.
time passed, day by day, and as time goes bye, things seem to stay the same. that first day when he arrive you commented him about the gifts, you were excited but all semmed to faint when he answered "i think you can check them and sortem alone" you tried to smile to him "you don't want to look at them" his only response was "no its fine, trust in you" so you opened your wedding gifts alone, in a house that you felt will never be yours.
and as time still went , week by week, things didn't seem to change, the feelings of rejection were groing, he was not bad, he was not good, you think the only answer was that he wasnt, you tried to stay positive, tried to stay optimistic, but it was waiting on you, the house feeled strange, and you couldnt balance yourself in this eviroment that semmed so far away for you. he was not cruel, so there was nothing you could complain about. you only feel lonely.
you started to fall in routine or so you believed, only half of the time you could wake before of him and doing a breakfast he always say "its not necessary" and after that alone time, sometimes you will get out and go with some friend to talk or eat something, and every fifteen days in saturday, you visited your family, alone. they didnt ask, your father talked things about the akademiya, you found out about the changes there, even if your husband was the grand scribe.
at the beginning you took advantage of the house alone, to dance and sing, and just move yourself, you were alone soo you say to yourself that you could made a fool of yourself, unknowngly of the little times alhaitham catch you, dancing and singing in the kitchen or common room, for him it was a little fascinating but he would never comment something about that, but he would smile to himself, you were a nymph he tought is obvious that dance is in you second nature. but as time passed you danced every time less, you didn't feel motivation to sign, and you almost not feel like yourself.
alhaitham moved towards his own things, all within his space, you didn't knew his colleagues, or friends? only one Kaveh he was fine, but commonly it was only bickering between him and alhaitham. all made you feel invisible. more when people when people at the akademiya, were surprised that alhaitham was married. only one time you went to the akademiya to leave him something he had left behind, and the way some akademics treat you, thats what you left in the first place, but why nobody new alhaitham was married? so invisible you were. all more feel lonely.
if someone asked you what alhaitham was to you, and if you would tell the true, the only answer was 《 a ghost, an spirit that just lives there, and you know that is there, is not an evil one but either a good one, he is just a ghost i live within this walls, of a place that seems unknow to me, a ghost that don't disturbs, it almost difficult to feel his presence but you know is there, and don't matter what you try, you can never recognize him, talk to him, comprehend him, you could never recognize his will. in the end the ghost is just part of the place, but you also are becoming just a part of the house, a wallflower of life 》
alhaitham noted your change, the energy, the life and the bright in your eyes, faded everyday, for several days now he didn't catch you signing or dancing like before, and now the brief chitchat that you had when your ate, was more brief, being now him the one to talk more, he observe you, you didn't seem sick, you looked tired, and you body sometimes trembled, he saw your hands they had injuries from cleaning, the last days, you seemed a little obsessed with that everything where clean he told you, that it was not necesary, that all were spotless but you said you prefered so he let you be, but he couldn't saw you hurt.
so after dinner he enter the bedroom, you were there with that pajamas more akin to a babydoll, you seemed lost reading a book but in reality not reading "you hurt yourself" was the thing that he said, and take you out of your trance, without letting you answer, he took your hand and began to put ointment on it and bandage it. your eyes round looked at him, but as always he just discussed what is in hand "i'm going to hide the cleaning products, if you keep going, you can't be hurt, understood?" he saw you, and you looked so helpless there, hair let down, pink babydoll, and eyes wide like a doe, nooding to answer to him "fine" he couldn't look you more so he looked briefly at the book in your hands, a novel. "not more cleaning, now rest" he left with a word more.
when you wakeup the next morning the house were alone, but there was tea waiting for you, and a fiction book in the table. when alhaitham arrived home an smile face was painted in his face as he saw you reading the book he left for you, without a world he put a candy box in the bureau and left to the studyroom.
alhaitham missed the shine in your smile, and your cheerfulness, but he could spotit sometimes everytime you looked at a new book, or saw a desert, even somethings so simple like flowers made you smile. so everyday without a word he let something for you, first only the thing and after that with a little nottee, he feel stupid, but you seemed to smile to the notes.
it was morning, it was strange, you didn't have hopes for the day, this last days, he seemed to disappear for some days only to cameback, an expeditions they where, in reality you didn't coment on it, all ways confused, the tug of war, of your feelings was getting out of crontol. and maybe the thing that made you crazy, was that he looked the same, you belived that you liked stoic man, but not the stoicism in person. in the other side there was his care, the gifts, but there also was the silence and the space. you looked to the vase of flowers with some rainbow roses, that he left there, was he so confusing, you didnt want to fall for him, you didnt want to be the one to get hurt, you were scare, that even after all this time, you felt helpless in his presence.
you wished you could sleep the day away, maybe was the better, so that were the plan of the day, if you sleep, nothing could happen, and life moved without you so it was fine. but after some hours, and some headache you couldn't help to cry, and just cry in the dark room of this house that wasn't your home and hounted your heart.
alhaitham hated sometimes those stupid scolars of the akademiya, he thought as he entered his house, it was dark, it was pretty late, so you must be asleep now, although he sometimes notted how you couldn't sleep at night. alhaitham new things were slow, but he could say they were a little progress, your eyes seemed to shine almost like at the start, and he conversed more with you, when he accepted to get married, he didn't think that he will feel so enchanted for his wife. but you were a nymph in his life, 《 you had bewitched him of body and soul 》 as the corny books you read put it. in the beginning he started distance for him, after that it was for you, and after that it was just a routine of you. but he was restless, all the time he did what he wanted, and say what he wanted, but with you it was different, he wanted you, but he didn't knew what to do now.
he saw the table and frown all was intact since the morning, he made its way to the master bedroom, that seemed almost yours, but in wanting his space and then in not making you uncomfortable, maybe he could change that, his thoughts close as he heard you sniff and cry, it seemed you were almost out of breath and he never felt so shitty in his life like in that moment, he didn't care what people thought of him, but now he care about your thoughts.
you fell him in the room, and telling you something that seemed far away, you tried not to, but you couldn't help of hugging him, of trying to hide yourself in his arms. you thought maybe just for night, he didn't say nothing, and he let you be. so you hide in him, until you felt asleep.
the next morning you wakeup expecting to be alone like always but he was there looking at you. alhaitham couldn't help himself looking you so helpless his hand traveled to your hair, getting it out your face "you know my little wife?" it seemed so surreal almost like a dream, "i have been thinking of the shitty husband i was being and how much i have neglected my marital duties" his voice was low and hoarse of the morning. his hand hold you chin and made you look into his eyes "i wonder if my sweet little wife could forgive me" you were left for word and only form a perfect o with your lips "maybe i should try harder to fulfill my duties as a husband" he smile when the words seemed to fall on you and your eyes shined like when he met you "maybe you should try" your voice were eerie "maybe i should but only if my so sweet wife let me" his face was serious, but you wanted, he was breaking the wall, yes it started with the presents the notes, but this felt real, you only nodded to him, for a reason you felt shy in his gaze.
his voice lowered more as he hold you "nymph you have been so sweet forgiving me, i promise that i will be better for you" there was that smile "you hadn't being that bad, i guest" you wanted to jock a little but you couldnt not know that it all seemed unreal "alhaitham thank you , for the books, and the sweets, and the notes and the flowers, you remembered my favourite flowers" his face was the same serious face of always but there were something in his eyes some shine and a little smirk that was appearing in the corner of his lips "so polite my nymph...."
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⋆❀ — a/n: i hope you like this, i am not so sure if i liked it, but is my first long post, so maybe if i do a change will be little and i will warn. i try to stay in alhaitham pov most of the time but the angst is better in the reader's pov, like always asks are open, if you have ideas, or want to comment something. dont know if the next post would be the second part of this or the ayato one. thank you for reading as always. if you had a better name for the tittle its welcome 🌸🍨🪼
⋆❀ — lovelies tags: @oveloof,
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wangxianficfinder · 6 months
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Fic Finder
March 23rd
1. Hi. Looking for this fic wherein wwx tried to prank lqr and the elders by acting like a Lan. It backfired because they thought wwx was possessed by Lan An, especially when jwy visited cloud recesses (almost causes a war between jiang and lan). For it to end, wwx pretended to be Lan An and said goodbye then fake fainted (as if Lan An left wwx’s body)
please help me find it 🙏
Hi! I’m from the recent fic finder #1. Unfortunately that’s not what i’m looking for because I remember it being post canon (meaning wangxian are already married). I also remember the Lans asked lwj if lwj still do lovers stuff with wwx (as they really thought wwx was possessed by lan an)
FOUND? Wei Wuxian is Definitely Not Possessed by CursedBlessing (T, 20k, WangXian, Misunderstandings, General Dumbassery, Humor)
#1 I think was deleted. I know the fic they're asking about and I can't find it either.
Number 1 is the correct fic, it's just Chapter 3. / Yeah, 1 IS the correct fic, op's scene is the entirety of ch. 3
2. Hey, I'm looking for a wangxianfic, in which wei ying and lan zhan are already married. Wei ying goes on a night hunt with the juniors and gets hurt. I think it was a cut on the stomach with poison. Lan zhan cares for him but wei ying is almost dying. Lan zhan is davasteted and says that he can't wait for wei ying again. It was a completed work and I think just 4 chapters. Please can you find the title? With kind regards @smarti1997
3. I'm not sure if this is something I think happened in a fic, or it really exists, but on the off-chance someone know what I'm talking about - the Sunshot Campaign ends differently with Wen Qing/Wen Ning in charge of the Qishan Wen, and as part of reparations(? Maybe?) the family vaults are revealed. Wen Qing warns people not to touch anything but JGS is too greedy and grabs something and dissolves in dust? And then WQ opens the real vault, the first was to stop thieves. Thank you in advance! @katonahottinroof
I know which fic #3 is talking about but i cannot find it either, gonna go deep dive on ao3 tho (is it that one where the wens have a secret passage into the throne room that opens only with wen blood isnt it. unless im mixing fics too)
FOUND! ❤️ Gentians in bloom by teawater (M, 251k, WangXian, XiQing, XuanLi, Canon Divergence, Political Marriage, Dysfunctional Family, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Hurt/Comfort, Fix-It, LQR bashing (not really), POV Multiple, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Eventual Happy Ending, BAMF WWX, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, madam yu bashing (again not completely), MXY Deserves Better) the thing with jgs happen in chapter 34
4. Hi writing in hopes that someone remembers this fanfiction.:
i once read a fic where LWJ and WWX were stuck in the Xuanwu cave and WWX was i think on the verge of dying but then something emerges from the waters and gives LWJ a deal that if he gives up his voices then as an exchange he can save WWX's life which LWJ obviously does so his voice goes away but by the end of the fic Wangxian go back to the cave where LWJ gets his voice back because he once again strikes a deal with that creature giving up his immortality or something that has to do with him being worshipped for gaining his voice back. was a one shot that i remember clearly and was on ao3 platform also thank you so much cause this blog has bought me my favorite Wangxian fics.
FOUND! Outside Another Yellow Moon by Vamillepudding (T, 10k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Fairy Tale Elements, Hurt/Comfort, LWJ Needs a Hug, Curse Breaking)
5. help. hey i am certain the fanfics in my memories exist but they keep on eluding me so there are these 2 fics:
A) the premise of this story was time travel where modern WWX travels back in time when other WWX is living with the wens in the burial mounds when LWJ comes to the borders with his modern counterpart and when modern wangxian meet they have a sweet reunion in which they share a kiss after that they are joined by the hip much to the mortification of OG wangxian. WY's parents are dead (car accident) but madam Lan's alive and he calls her mother or mom and modern them is engaged they also have their phones by which they click a photo and after coming to modern world WY sees that as proof that it actually happened. read it on ao3 muti chaptered (completed) with either 4 or 6 chapters 6 being maximum
B) in this one the main Lan fam is captured body swap between WRH and LWJ occurs and after LWJ realizes what has happen he commands that his body's head be severed which is currently housing WRH's soul and LXC and LQR are present to see that happening and grieve over LWJ not knowing WRH was the one who died and LWJ doesn't inform them about the body swap but tells the guards to take LXC and LQR to their rooms he keeps his own body's severed head in his room also. LWJ asks guards to bring him WWX which they do but injured and WWX sees LWJ's severed head and gets angry he also practices to be more like WRH so nobody suspects this is the most clear i remember there were also i think one appearance of WQ and some from WX and WC was on ao3 ongoing atleast when i was reading think over 5 chapter but under 10 the last i had checked (i was so curios to know what happens next but i lost the fic)
thx and sorry if its too confusing
FOUND? where the sky begins by Shializaro (Not Rated, 17k, WangXian, Bodyswap, Blood and Violence, Body Dysphoria, Dissociation, Rape/Non-con Elements, Crack Treated Seriously)
6. Hello! This is for ficfinder, I have lost track of two fics, and would very much like assistance finding them again!
A ) an Addams family style modern au. I cannot remember the title, but Lan Wangji enjoyed the taste of Hemlock tea, Wei Wuxian always dressed in gothic clothes, A-Yuan keeps getting possessed, Wen Ning would die temporarily every now and then then, and the reason Lan Wangji went to Yiling in the first place was to find his mother (madam lan is alive in this one).
B ) Young Prince Lan Wangji fled the palace to avoid an arranged marriage, and met an older Wei Wuxian and traveled with him, keeping his identity a secret. Lan Zichen catches up with them after Wangxian have spent the night together (bottom LWJ), and Lan Zhan is taken back to the palace. Wei Wuxian returns to claim his hand, revealing himself as Baoshan Sanren’s heir. Fix ends with them watching their kids play in Lan Zhan’s mother’s garden.
If you can help me find these, I would appreciate it very much!!!! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ @cullen-blue23
NOT FOUND🔒The Altogether Ooky WangXian Family by FluffyHippogriff (T, 72k, WIP, WangXian, 3Zun, Modern AU, Addams Family AU, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, mostly because death can be overcome with the help of a little necromancy, Kid Fic, Comedy)
FOUND! lovely thorns and singing crows by isabilightwood (E, 37k WangXian, Modern AU, Addams Family Vibes, meet cute at a funeral, Madam Lán Lives, Light Horror, Curses, Possession, Fluff and Humor, Developing Relationship, Found Family, Weirdo4weirdo wangxian, Eventual Smut, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs)
NOT FOUND🔒darkness there and nothing more by wvlfqveen (M, 21k, WangXian, Addams Family Fusion, Magical Realism, Body Horror, Addams Family Levels of Violence, Identity Issues)
FOUND! Beyond These Walls, the Heart Calls by wayward_wing (E, 13k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Fluff and Smut, Adventure & Romance, Prince LWJ, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Jealous WWX, LWJ Flirts, Sleeping Together, Masturbation, Slight Voyeurism, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, eating ass, Older WWX, Younger LWJ, Getting Together, Naive LWJ)
7. Hi. I've been trying to find this Untamed fanfic which I bookmarked but somehow is not in my bookmarked collection anymore! :(. I think it's post-canon but WWX (of course) is injured and LWJ is helping him recover, told from LWJ perspective totally in-character where he has to remind himself to breathe. Once,wj returned to inn room, found WWX gone from the 2nd bed and he tripped over his own feet and was "resigned to the fall". Once he tucked WWX into his bed and sat at his desk to breathe.
FOUND? Always Light My Way by cqlorphan (E, 27k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Friends With Benefits, to lovers, wherein dual cultivation may be counted as a benefit, Jealous WWX, a little bit, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, angsty sex, Switch WangXian, Bottom LWJ, Service Top LWJ, Topping from the Bottom, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Coming Untouched, Dom/sub Undertones, the angsty sex happens in the beginning but they get past it dw, Oblivious LWJ, archer wwx, Smart WWX, Porn with Feelings, probably at least half of this fic is just that, Panic Attacks, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dual Cultivation)
8. thank you again for this wonderful blog! loading up on fics for my next offline trip and i have one that is driving me nuts. I remember seeing the reference here awhile back but for some idiot reason didn't bookmark it. What I remember is something like this : its after canon - Wei Ying is back, its after Guanyin's temple - but Lan Zhan has a soulmate to get back to so leaves Wei Ying alone on the road. that scene in Untamed haunted me. does this ring any bells? appreciate any help!! @oldoni
FOUND! Boy Trouble, We've Got Double by saltyfeathers (E, 60k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Case Fic, betrothed to someone else, unfurling of wifexian scrolls: the fic, Pining, Unresolved Sexual Tension, (it gets resolved lol), WWX POV, Protective wwx, WWX centric, explicit stuff only happens between wangxian, (or wwx and his own hand), Masturbation, get wwx a fainting couch agenda, Alcohol, wwx has some brain problems in this one, Consensual Non-Consent, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, straight boy WWX)
9. Hello! Please help me find this fic. I don’t remember much, but there was an OC lan elder, who is rescued or helped by Wei Wuxian. I am not sure but Wei Ying didn’t know he was a lan or something. Later on they meet again and elder favours or helps him. I am sorry for being vague, but this is what I remember. It would be great if somebody knows what this fic may be !
Hello, this is requester for number 9. I am really grateful for the person who replied but unfortunately I don’t think that it is the fic I am looking for. As far as I remember wasn’t QHJ, rather an OC lan elder. However I really love the suggestion and enjoyed the fic, so thank you for that!
NOT FOUND The Shadows of My Old Palaces, Falling Across The Moats by ChilianXianzi (T, 8k, WangXian, onesided QHJ/WWX, Canon Divergence, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, QHJ lives, Domestic, Angst, POV Outsider, Age Difference, Fix-It of Sorts)
10. for the FF: it was a fic where wx are full time dom/sub (sub wwx), i dont rmmbr much except that theres a part where jc causes a scene fearing lwj is abusing him (bc fulltime d/s, he chooses what wwx eats, wears, etc) and jyl has to tell him to shut up and that her and jzx are in a d/s relationship too! i read it ages ago T^T its not "something so flawed and free" by verseau btw! thank u guys <33 love u all mwah
FOUND! rainfall by daltoneering (E, 37k, WangXian, Modern AU, Established Relationship, lifestyle kink, 24/7 D/s, Kink Negotiation, kink discussion, Communication, BDSM, dom lwj, Sub wwx, Top LWJ, Bottom wwx, Kink Exploration, collaring, Body Writing, Breathplay, Orgasm Denial, Bondage, Subdrop, Safewording, Panic Attacks, [Podfic of] rainfall by exmanhater)
11. Hiii! I don't remember much except for the first few chapters, but the fic was really long. I think the plot started off as "What if the Incident in Qiongdi Path never happened?"
The first chapter or so takes place at Jin Lings one month celebration
Wei Wuxian is really damn depressed the whole time (he's really damn depressed the whole fic actually)
Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan never die. Yanli wants to spend time with Wei Wuxian and she makes some soup, but he gets spooked at some point and Wen Ning helps him run away back to the Burial Mounds???
At some point later on in the fic, Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli go to Cloud Recesses and they bring some food for Wangxian.
12. hii :D im looking for a modern au fic where lz works as a in pharmaceutics and meets wy who is the tech guy of their apartment. he calls himself mo xuanyu and lives with ayuan and is trying to escape his past with the help of police officer nmj. i think there was an autistic lz tag in that fic too. it was so good but i think i forgot to bookmark it.. thanks for your help! @harapecowee
FOUND! Stop and Stay by Fantazy_Eyeland7 (M, 98k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, LXC/JGY, SL/XXC, WIP, Blood and Violence, Hurt WWX, Kidnapping, Torture, WWX discovering weighted blankets, Pining LWJ, Modern, FBI Agent NMJ, Protective LWJ, Emotional Manipulation, Toxic JGY, not JGY friendly, LWJ learning how to communicate, WangXian have competence kinks, adopting children, Bad Parent YZY, Protective JYL, Protective JC, Protective NMJ, Past Child Abuse, Precious LSZ, Baby LJY, Warning: XY, Blind Character, slaps top of WWX: This bad boy can fit so much trauma inside, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Everyone is ending up in well-needed therapy, Child Abandonment, Genius WWX, Obsessive XY, Yunmeng Siblings Feels, Eventual Smut, Bad Parent JFM, Junior Quartet Dynamics, (As Babies!), Implied/Referenced Suicide, sort of a slow burn, but not really, because they KNOW, they just can't, Good Uncle LQR, eventually) It doesn't have the austistic!lz tag, but everything else fits.
13. Hi! 🤗
I'm looking for two fics:
A) A fic where WQ makes a second operation with WWX and JC. The only thing I remember is that WWX is really in a bad condition and they ask JC to give the half of the golden core to WWX. He accepts.
B) I'm not sure if it's one o two fics that I'm mixing, but all I remember is that LWJ when he knows about the lost golden core of WWX, decided to make a second golden core inside him to give it to WWX.
Thanks for the wonderful work! 🥰 @wangxiansgirl
FOUND! The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Injury, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts)
NOT FOUND! Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics) might also be, (around chapter 43)?
NOT FOUND! in this place where we don’t have a prayer by Cerusee, Mikkeneko (T, 42k, WangXian)
FOUND? 🧡 Discarded by teawater (E, 178k, WIP, WangXian, Lots of Angst, Hurt/Comfort, YLLZ WWX, Golden Core Reveal, Case Fic, Depression, Family Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Multiple, BAMF WWX, dubious morals in the Lan sect, Feels, Pining, Grief, Fix-It, BAMF LWJ) If 13B is different from 13A, maybe B is Discarded Lan Zhan creates a "seed core" that Wei Ying can use to grow a new core.
FOUND? these colours fade for you only by doodlebutt (T, 36k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Everybody Lives, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, ...eventually, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, bed sharing, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Sunshot Campaign)
14. Im trying to find a fic
It was modern setting and maybe has cultivation still? wwx is a tattoo artist and I believe lwj saw some type dark energy out side his shop. So he went in and ending up saying he wanted a tattoo, wwx was who ended up talking to him about it and making him a design. I think it had something to do with bunnies and, then finally when the day came for lwj to get the tattoo. He’s like I’m sorry I never wanted one, wwx gets upset and tells lwj to pay him money in cash for compensation. Lwj does that’s all I can remember I think wwx might have adopted or least helps take care of a -yuan. @zerokogane
FOUND! Demon Ink by Jade_Valentine (E, 189k, WIP, WangXian, Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor, Tattoo Artist WWX, Magic, Chaotic Bisexual WWX, Demisexual LWJ, background NieLan, Slow Burn, Angst, But substantially less angst than canon, Mutual Masturbation, Domestic Fluff, Welcome to my LWJ & NHS friendship agenda, Shower Sex, Brief mentions of past Lan Bro abuse at the hands of LQR, wangxian family feels, WWX is the Best Dad Ever, WWX's canonical abuse at the hands of Madam Yu, Blow Jobs, Slight Make-Up Kink)
15. Fic finder request please!!
This is a short omegaverse wangxia? I think it might’ve been part of a series? where it’s Omega WWX and YZY gets him married off to LWJ where she expects him to be treated badly. Instead bc the Lana treat omegas very well, WWX is happy and content. Meanwhile JYL is jealous that WWX actually got mating bites and equal status bc Jin Zixuan didn’t even do that for her. I can’t remember anything else. 😅
FOUND!🔒Alliance AU by Ilona22 (E, 21k, WangXian, JYL/OC, Arranged Marriage, A/B/O Dynamics, PWP, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Intersex Omegas, Not JC Friendly, Matchmaking, canon Jiang family dynamics, Family time, Night Hunts, Mention of male omega pregnancy, Intrigue at Jinlintai, Mentions of Prostitution, War, Conflict between characters)
16. Sorry to be asking this(fic finder), I really don’t remember how I got to this fic but now I cannot find it but I feel like it probably was here
It’s a fic about how when wwx comes back to life he meets lxc instead of lwj in Mo manor. he asks for lwj and that confirms to lxc that he is wwx and not Mo xuanyu and asks him to go back with him to cloud recesses where he takes care of lwj who couldn’t heal after the 33 leash punishment.
At first wwx doesn’t want lwj to know that it’s him. He brings him bunnies and helps him re learn how to play the guqin(he cannot play it due to his injuries and because he hasn’t practiced since he was punished) lan Yuan helps wwx to learn how to play it and lwj starts being more active
Lxc is happy and let’s wwx go to a small one week vacation but lwj gets worse that week, he also discovers mxy is wwx I think
Tsm for the help🙇‍♀️
17. hi! i’m looking for two fics:
A) one where wei ying lives with ghosts and is a teacher and runs into lan zhan for the first time in years during a class field trip
B) all i can remember is that wei ying wrote a software called yiling
FOUND! won’t take the easy road by twigofwillow (T, 47k, wangxian, JC & WWX & JYL, WWX & WQ, space au, yearning, found family, complicated family feels, ghosts, food, teacher WWX)
NOT FOUND Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Persuasion au, Separations, Mutual Pining, Depression, Miscommunication, Emotional Roller Coaster, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Reconciliation, Eventual Smut, Jane Austen Fusion, Underage Kissing) I think no. 17 might be "Tempo Rubato" but the software is "Stygian"
NOT FOUND The Fated Fortuity by devinokaze (T, 26k, wangxian, WIP, Royalty AU, Modern, Social Media, WWX is Wen Ruohan's son, Qishan Wen Kingdom, stangers to lovers, Prince WWX) The software is called Yin Tiger Tally and Su She tries to claim he wrote it lol.
18. Hello!! All good? I'm looking for a fic in which WWX becomes a god after his death, I think he's the god of death if I remember correctly. I remember a part where Madam Yu and her Husband (the leader of the Jiang sect) decide to reincarnate... I don't remember much, it's been a while since I read it, another thing I remember is that he communicated with Jiang Cheng through dreams. I already searched the Tag Deity Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian but I didn't find it... Thank you for your work!! @sweettiebah
FOUND! 🔒 Of Destruction and Rebirth by demoniqt (M, 88k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, major character death, rape/non-con, underage, graphic depictions of violence, Slow Burn, Canonical Character Death, God WWX, God Verse, BAMF WWX, Grieving LWJ, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Gods & Goddesses au, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Rabbits, Fix-It, Attempted Sexual Assault, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, Castration, Lots of it, repeatedly, Punishment, Hell)
19. heyy could u help me find a fic, I only vaguely remember the details
I read this quite a while ago, wwx is some sort of courtesan, pretty sure he works in a brothel, lwj is either a cultivator (like in canon) or he's a noble/king smth like that! he meets wwz in the brothel place and I think wwx is pretty sly, MAYBE he's wearing dresses and I'm pretty sure they get married in the end? I think someone in the lan clan is against wwx (either lxc or lqr) and I'm also pretty sure it's a pwp, they might have been conspiring too, it's all very vague! any help would be appreciated thanks!!!
FOUND! 醉 | drunk; intoxication by sweetlolixo (E, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mythical Creature WWX, everyone falls in love with weiying at first sight..., Besotted LWJ, Romance, Pregnant WWX, Fluff)
20. Hi I’m looking for a fix where sizhui and jingyi travels back to the past (maybe to the conference) and they make commentary during the entire time they were waiting to get back to their present. I think in this fix, sizhui revealed that some of the people (madam Yu and others) are listed on lan zhan’s lists. Sizhui also mentions that lan zhan has several lists for different things. Also jinyi called Jin guangshan jin guangshit throughout the whole time they’re there. Thanks
FOUND? A Room Full of Dead People by BurningBlueDiamond (T, 10k, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-It, but not really, Canon Divergence, Conference in Qinghe but canonically they stay in Gusu, strangely fluffy, POV Outsider)
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tlonista · 9 months
A whole mess of Astarion hurt/comfort fanfic recs
OK fine I've read so much Astarion hurt/comfort-adjacent fic that I should really put together an incomplete rec list. Be warned that with Astarion's canon backstory there's a lot of abuse and assault references of varying explicitness, so check the AO3 tags. I'm also limiting myself to one fic per author because otherwise I'd end up with several pages of Asidian and FlowerCitti. In case you're wondering, my personal contribution to the field is Seducere.
Ongoing Fics:
innocence died screaming by FlowerCitti
Comprehensive pre- and in-canon Astarion character study. Contains possibly the most heartwrenching post-Astarion-locked-tomb-era turn I've ever read. Very good.
Another Path by Asidian
A sweet Wyllstarion monster hunter x monster no-tadpole AU in which Astarion gets captured/rescued by Wyll straight out of a year in a coffin and navigates basic human kindness for the first time in a couple centuries.
Seen by ayvaines
Modern Bloodweave AU where Cazador is Astarion's cruel, controlling boyfriend and Gale is the kind D&D GM who's hosting them both in a game. As makes sense for a modern AU, it's a more-understated-than-canon take on Astarion coming to terms with the fact that he's in an abusive relationship, working out his feelings about Cazador through tabletop roleplaying, including some clever scenes dealing with the bleed of intense RPG sessions.
Heartbeats by LadyRagnelle
Canon-divergent Durgestarion fic where Astarion was recaptured by his siblings, memory-wiped, and then rescued by a team of companions he no longer remembers. A lot of well-executed (and sometimes surprisingly funny) angst around Astarion, charlatan that he is, trying to pretend he hasn't forgotten absolutely everything including how to be a non-level-1 rogue and have friends.
The stars began to burn by peregrinefeathers
Gale is trapped in fantasy nullspace and gets Astarion free of Cazador's clutches, after which they navigate an odd-couple relationship while trying to kill Cazador and pull Gale back into the physical world. Another classic "Astarion learns what human decency is" no-tadpole AU.
Memoir by IzzyIzGay
An Interview with the Vampire-style fic in which Astarion tells Gale about his time under Cazador, playing with that series' trademark unreliable narration and an unusually literal version of Cazador's creepy family dynamic.
Starved by neo7v
A modern non-magical Bloodweave AU featuring Astarion and the lonely degradation of a precarious service industry job! Only a few chapters so far, but seriously, it takes the "vampiric starvation" theme in a direction that's very mundane and miserable and compelling and it's one of my favorite recently started fics.
Unexpected Guests by Erandir
Another "get loved and cared for, sucker" no-tadpole AU featuring a non-Tav druid OC taking care of a lost Astarion who's escaped Baldur's Gate. Astarion and druids, the perfect foil.
Through The Night Dark And Drear by JJJSchmidt
Astarion is accidentally bargained off to an archfey by Cazador and taken to the palace of infuriatingly confusing fair folk magic! There's still a lot of story left to be uncovered, but I love the worldbuilding and fairy-tale premise.
snare by parsnipit
A Halstarion fic where Astarion never got tadpoled and the gang ends up rescuing him from Cazador, post-game, with his compulsions very much intact. Which leads naturally to hissing wet cat Astarion reluctantly learning to trust Halsin while they plot to take down Cazador.
Quick Step by starkraving
starkraving's another person who could have made up a big chunk of this list, and this character study plays really well on the classic "how the hell does Astarion know how to be a rogue anyway" fandom conversation. My favorite entry in a good and growing series of Astarion-centered fics.
Gifts by Feena_c
Astarion gets caught by Cazador before the confrontation at the palace. Impeccable "Cazador doesn't realize Astarion didn't just come back to Baldur's Gate, he came back loved" vibe, as Cazador tries to break Astarion by taking away the gifts the tadpole gang gave him along the way.
What is Affection but the Absence of Cruelty by Aztec24
One of my favorite tropes is "Astarion tortures himself by obsessively imagining how awful these perfectly nice people will be to him," and this very much delivers. Featuring a rare two-Tavs-plus-Astarion throuple!
The Mimic by ForsakenFlyingCircus
This is really hurt-no-comfort, but I'm including it because it's a good super sad take on dehumanization with an awful Tav confirming all the worst things Astarion thinks about himself and the world, touching on the whole problem of sentient monsters in D&D.
Peel the scars from off my back by WitchyBee
A Spawn Family fic in the aftermath of Astarion getting Cazador's contract on his back - lots of antagonistic but grudgingly caring sibling interaction and Astarion being satisfyingly ambivalent about it all.
Complete Multi-Chapter Fic:
Just A Taste by NightmareGiraffe
The tadpole gang gets imprisoned at Moonrise Towers and Astarion accepts an offer from Araj Oblodra in exchange for their freedom. A very dark yet totally in-character elaboration on the canon blood merchant encounter, plus a cool dragonborn Tav.
The Accountant’s Guide to Taking Down an Evil Vampire Lord (and maybe bagging Astarion while you are at it) by Cinnamontails
A charming f!OC-who-isn't-Tav/Astarion longfic that combines hurt/comfort with het romance novel conventions, which I feel like is rarely pulled off.
And I know there's a ton I missed here -- god this fandom is big.
294 notes · View notes
spnfanficpond · 1 month
July 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
A Stairway to Nowhere by all_the_kings_ham (AO3)
Everyone knows there is a lack of some good Ducifer fics out there, due to it being a rarepair. This one is still one of my faves and I love the humanity and trauma shown in some scenes. It's truly worth a read.
Apple Pie and the Apocalypse by @ladyknightskye
I'm still reading it but I've read quite a few new chapters and I'm absolutely loving it. There are some hilarious scenes and some more serious ones (sometimes they're together...) and I really can't wait to see how it ends
Like an Open Book by @butiaintgonnaloveem
I am trying to get into x Reader fics and there truly is a lack of Ketch oh my G-d. Anyway. Although here the reader is... Way too dominant to be me lol... I love Ketch showing his softer side and reader helping him to relax. I shall leave nsfw thoughts untold 😫
Nominated by @annahmiraculousmillenium
Let's pretend I'm dead by evitably (AO3)
I love possession fic.
Nominated by @charliethealpaccaso
Woof by morrezela (AO3)
I tend to hunt down all sorts of transformation based fics of all kinds if it peaks my interest and this one caught my interest at the start. I want to make sure more people check out the tag or get some ideas. For this fic what if jensen got turned into a dalmatian. How is he going to deal with his new form and does he ever get back to his human self that is up to you to figure out
Like The Fairy Tales by Icefire149 (AO3)
As the one trying to seek out some great animal transformation fics we got this one where sam is turned into a frog. I thought this was a cute fic and worth a read if you like to check it out.
Regarding Sam by AllHallowsEve (AO3)
For me Regarding Dean was a great spn ep and when I found this I wanted to see what would happen for Sam. The story for the ep plays the same with some added bits more leaning on the Sam side of it all along with his relationship with Dean.
Home For a Stray by 3oclockrock (AO3)
This one was a hard read for me with the topics but it did peak my interest a bit in its concepts. If your interested in a strange read with more mature topics dealing with struggle and recovery check out this fic.
Faithful Companion by brokenlittleboy (AO3)
I'm still hunting down as much transformation fics that peak my interest and this was one I thought was a great read. Sam's powers go out of control causing him to change into a dog and Dean take a bit of an advantage on him giving him a pink collar.
Nominated by @glygriffe
Did You Hear? by cacholady (AO3)
This is a sweet outsider (mostly school related) POV on Dean. He might not be a dad, but he sure has a way with children! And I love that Bobby John Campbell was a part of this story.
Nominated by harrypotterfanatic1 (AO3)
amoralism by @artyandink
I'm nominating this because it's just caught my eye. It's an AU, based in the world of the FBI and the smut is just AAHH and the sexual tension and all of it is so damn GOOD! There's also a plot around a crime syndicate which includes as many major characters as possible and it's overall a read which I would recommend everyone to check out and leave their feedback on as there's so much to go. Aah, can't stop talking about it! It's the characterization as well, all the characters leap off the page and are so accurate. Definitely felt I should nominate this.
Nominated by @leatafandom
Wingman by cas---2y5 (AO3)
I love Sam's fascination with wings and Gabe helping him organize the bunker. I love how their relationship changes and the how Sam just can't help himself. Plus it's also just so steamy.
we sons of hell and heaven by @gay-destiel
This was such a great read! I love the word usage and descriptions so much! It was so enthralling and the relationships were amazing to watch bloom.
Nominated by @masoena
Living in a Haze by @girlsvmonsters
The story has well thought out plot, smoking hot smut, lots of Dean whump and a red thread of humor that compliments the trauma, angst and comfort perfectly. It is also polyamorous and A/B/O.
Nominated by @rainythursdaynight
Crashing In by @followyourenergy
I'm an angst girl through and through, but sometimes I just really need some fluff and comfort. That's what this fic is, hot chocolate on a (not 2024) cold winter's day, snowed in with a good book. Single parent Cas and kid Jack fics are always so lovely, as are the fics where Dean comes in when Cas needs it most. Even if in this fic it's a literal crash into them, it's fluffy and sweet and heart warming and cozy and everything you could ever want out of a read.
And This, Your Living Kiss by @asecretvice
I'm a sucker for well written stories about well written in-story works. Poet/Writer Dean has some beautiful works sprinkled throughout this fic that the author does so much justice to, his story is heart wrenching in the leave-your-chest-aching-despite-knowing-the-outcome-is-okay-kind-of-way, and I love me a fic about hidden identities. The tension, the prose, the energy: this fic is beautiful, if I only could describe it in one word it'd be that: Beautiful.
Heroes for Ghosts by @pantheonofdiscord
I think I haven't felt such deep yearning as I have felt conveyed through this fic. It reads so tense, like you're waiting for a small crack to let out some of the building up pressure and anxiety but still waiting, and waiting, and aching the way Cas does. And then when that pressure is finally relieved, god is it worth it. The waiting was worth it in the end. This fic is also a masterclass in writing interactions that aren't direct, none of TFW can speak to each other or see each other, but they still move and talk like they can, even if its out of desperation. It acknowledges the empty spaces in each of their lives during the fic, and reminds you in equal parts that they are connected even if the thread is invisible.
The Benjamin Franklin Key-and-Kite Experiment by @deanology101
I'm a sucker for not only time travel, but pre-season 4 deancas meetups. This one hit all the marks. It was tense with mystery, with energy, with passion and secrecy. It left the reader and the characters in equal levels of dark as to why things were happening in the way they were. And it kept characters alive that the show couldn't bother to, and gave the Winchesters some meaningful friendships to boot. This setting IS if Faith Healer had an extended cut, rainy and dreary and electric, but with occasional bouts of light peeking through the clouds. And Dean's Journal Entries? His little doodles? His analogies? Dean's voice was PHENOMENAL in this fic, I highly recommend it to any Dean fans, period.
The Sinking Ship by @crack--attack
I'll offer the note that I wrote down when I bookmarked this fic the first time. "Like bearing a part of my soul open and shining sunlight on it. I ache, but there are new flowers here. There are new flowers and a gentle breeze." This is a story about sacrifice, and love so intense it shakes the planes of the world. It's about story telling and eternity and history inundated by loss and a ticking clock and forgiveness and moving on and love. It's everything I could ever want in a piece of literature. Please, if you have even the slightest interest in Deancas, give this story a read. I read this not even acknowledging some of the ships in this fic but found myself pleasantly surprised by them. Even if you don't like or are impartial to deancas, or sam/rowena/gabe, or claire/maggie, please please PLEASE give this fic a shot. I'm so so glad I did.
The Neighboring Perspective by aileenrose (AO3)
A story about loss, grief, and healing. About loving unconventionally but loving fiercely and fully. About opening old closets and airing them out with hope. It's a shorty so I won't write much, just that if you're interested in moving on from loss, in finding new family, in learning how to love again, give this fic a shot. Plus baby!Ben Braedon is adorable throughout!
Out of the Deep by @riseofthefallenone
This is a behemoth of a fic, and popular if the hits are anything to go by. However, if you haven't read this yet and you're into heavy Mermaid lore, I highly recommend giving it a try! It's heavy at times. Cas is caged and sometimes no matter what they try to do, things don't work out for the protagonists. But they try again, and again, and again and the payoff is very much worth it in the end. Plus there's a whole lot of cathartic payback and BAMF Cas, Dean, Sam, and Jess that makes the high action points of this story edge-of-your-seat fun! And the calmer points much more magical, mystical, and hopeful. I loved it for its found family, for it's incredible lore, and it's fierceness. And when I have the time, I know I'll go back in for a second read.
Nominated by @samanddean76
My Brother's Keeper, My Father's Prisoner by @xpurdyglambertx
An Omegaverse story that starts dark with Dean being trapped by his duties and obligations. It follows him as he struggles to break away from those that are more intent on hurting him, than helping him to grow. With help, he does escape. And he goes on to find a relationship with an OC that you will love and adore. They grow together, while Dean works through all of the pain and trauma that was inflicted upon him by the one that should have protected him. It concludes with happy endings all around, and the possibility of hope for the rest of his days.
Nominated by @sardonic-the-writer
B-Clean by EliDeetz (AO3)
i'm nominating this story mostly because the descriptive nature had me hooked, as did the accurate characterization of gabriel, and the relationship between him and the reader was really enjoyable without feeling forced
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
The Cherry Pie Club by zation (AO3)
>.< It’s so hard to explain. It’s a great story with angst, fluff, a bit of violence that is an after the fact type description so not too bad imo, and a hopeless romantic story. Zation does it again, ok? They’re an amazing writer and destiel is just *chef’s kiss* for them. I have yet to read a story of theirs that I haven’t enjoyed. I swear! Did I mention a bunch of well written kinky smut that also shows the developing relationship between the main characters and Dean coming to happy terms (with loving support) with his sexuality too. I highly recommend reading!
Stars in Your Eyes by Cigarettes_and_Valentines (AO3)
It is so, so good! It’s perfect. It’s perfect and I love it. Relaxed, Endverse-like Castiel is an amazing Alpha for Omega Dean Winchester, a career-focused man that loves his job. ❤️💙💚
Stars Above, Earth Below by @hellhoundsprey
It’s a love story that is technically a slow burn. It’s so sweet and well done. I love how the author gets Jensen and Jared finally together. It has a lot of A/O vibes imo, which might be why I love it so much. The secrets that come out and how it ends up actually helping in the long run, shows just how dedicated they are to each other. There is some angst but a good amount of smut that is actually necessary for the story. Pay attention to the details or you’ll miss it. 😊
For Appearances Only by @lotus820
It’s an amazing amalgam of urban fantasy, billionaire romance, one-sided enemy to lovers with a decent slow burn, and then everything gets fun, sexy, and dangerous. The love that Castiel has for Dean just keeps showing and showing so easily. Dean can’t help but falling for the being that is Castiel. I love this! This is a new comfort fic. It is amazing. You gotta read it. The title is half the story. 😊
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
The Fear That Remains by @stusbunker
This fic is nearly 4yrs old, and I've read it multiple times because the characterization is perfect (as Stu is wont to do) and it feels like I'm in the room, whether as a spectator or as the female reader. It's sumptuous and heartfelt, sexy and so, so Dean.
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @heavenssexiestangel, and @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes!
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 5 months
dorlene fic recs!!!
all on ao3
there's beauty in the tragedy - badhotdog03
scar tissue - twiggyisnotdead
invisible string - a1phab3tsoup
no strings attached - allthedeadgays
ever the loved - mytinyoceans
miss americana and the heartbreak princess - moonsandcrying
the hand that feeds - rollercoasterwords
underground gladiators - bizarrestars
seasons in desire - dykesiriusblack
fairy-tale sweets - thebibutterfly
honey honey - aeoneskova
lavender haze - marlenemckinnonss
sweet nothing - rabidlittlestrawberry
be mine - missamericanbi
bumblebees in the fall - thelizbian
thank you for the venom - arakhnee
like a secret in your throat (can you stake my heart)
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ssukidesu · 3 months
don’t be a stranger
Fandom: Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale
Pairing: Inukag
Rating: T
Inukag Week 2024 - Day 5: Personal Space
Summary: Kouga doesn’t respect Kagome’s personal space, and Inuyasha runs an experiment.
Read on AO3
Read below the cut
Evening came and went in a blur. Kagome’s eyebrow twitched at the sensation of golden eyes on her back as she cooked up some stew for the two of them. The others had gone back to the village, each for their own convenient reasons, but she knew that it was really because they, too, thought it best to leave them some time to resettle. They would be rejoining them after nightfall.
She sat on the opposite side of the fire he’d built to eat her serving of stew in peace, but as soon as he finished his own bowl, Kagome knew she wouldn’t be able to keep him at bay much longer.
Well, time to embrace the inevitable.
Taking her food with her, she pulled herself with a grunt to her feet, circled around the fire, and plopped right next to Inuyasha on his left side. He was leaning his back against the closest tree to the flames. He clearly still felt disgruntled about the day’s events, but he was long past growing angry with her about it, surely. All of his disdain was for the pushy wolf—and she appreciated that, at least. Alongside the disdain, though, there seemed to be something else bothering him.
Kagome leaned forward, bracing her arms over her knees, her own bowl still between her hands. It was warmer in her previous spot; she wasn’t as close to the fire now, and the wind bit through her clothes when it blew. She mused that she’d likely be more comfortable if she changed into her pajamas.
She’d been dreading when he’d finally start this stupid conversation, but the sooner it began, the sooner it’d be done.
The sudden sound of his voice wasn’t unexpected.
“So, you don’t like that kinda thing, huh?” he probed.
Kagome frowned, digging at a piece of cabbage stuck in her tooth with her tongue. “What kind of thing?”
After a beat, he spoke flatly, “Getting felt up.”
She cringed. Inuyasha was an all or nothing sort of man: either he would beat around a bush until he made himself dizzy, or he’d spit out something so blunt it made her dizzy. Right now, she wasn’t sure which she would have preferred more.
Kouga’s arm was crushing over her shoulder, more of a confining weight than a sweet affection. His words were equally heavy on her waning patience.
“Kagome, you don’t have to play shy—I know you’re only saying that ‘cause the mutt’s feelings will get hurt. Don’t worry about him.”
Her eyebrow twitched. “I’m not worrying about anything. I just don’t want your arm on me.”
“What, is it too heavy? I have been putting some muscle on recently—”
“It’s called personal space, Kouga. Can’t you respect mine?”
Kagome filled her mouth with a final spoonful of stew, chewed, and swallowed. Inuyasha was looking down at her expectantly, already having finished his bowl. She clunked hers on the hard ground.
“Didn’t you hear what I said to him?” she said, curling her lip. “Of course not. I like my personal space, thank you very much.” She straightened her spine and planted her hands on the ground behind her.
“Hmm. You sure about that?” he asked in a strangely calm voice. She turned her head to inspect him and found him gazing at her sideways. It wasn’t an accusatory look, but it did contain a clear serving of doubt.
“Bastard!” growled a familiar gruff voice before landing a hard fist to Kouga’s head.
“Ow!” cried her captor, who whipped around and cradled the wound with his free hand.
“Keep your filthy hands to yourself,” Inuyasha spat.
Kagome breathed a sigh of relief. At least this meant Kouga would probably let her go so that he could square up with Inuyasha.
He did just that. Lifting his arm from her shoulder, Kouga turned to face the half-demon, who had landed only a couple feet away. Kagome turned, too. She found Inuyasha not looking at Kouga, but at her. She sent him a look of tired gratitude before the wolf could steal his attention fully.
“Oh, you’re still around? That’s surprising,” drawled Kouga.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s just that there was hardly any trace of your scent on Kagome… I figured she finally got tired of you.”
Didn’t he believe her by now? It wasn’t like she hid her discomfort earlier. Even she could still smell the wolf’s unkempt stench on her shirt. How could he even think she was okay with it?
“Is that so hard to believe?” she grit out, clearly offended.
“Honestly?” he grunted. “I know for a fact you were lying about that.”
What the hell? Was he delusional? Was he that jealous? Kagome glared at him in pure horrified agitation—but his own expression, surprisingly, didn’t seem exactly angry.
Kagome grit her teeth. What was she, some kind of fire hydrant?
“What is she, your personal pissing post?” growled Inuyasha. It wasn’t the most gracious of phrases, but she appreciated the sentiment.
She thought now would be a good time to say so herself, too. For the hundredth time.“Kouga. My answer is the same now as it’s always been: I’m. Not. Going. With. You.”
“Come on, Kagome! You know I’d treat you better than this flea brain?”
“Kouga… how Inuyasha treats me has nothing to do with me going with you,” she said. In the corner of her eye, she saw Inuyasha’s expression tighten bitterly, but it was back to normal in a mere flash. She continued, “I just don’t want to. I don’t like men who touch me like that. It’s not complicated. Now please, get out of here before Inuyasha tries to tear your throat out.”
“Heh! As if he could!” scoffed the wolf. But he turned his back to them nonetheless and reared to go. “Catch you later. I won’t give up so easily.”
And then, he was gone.
“What could possibly make you think I was lying!?” she cried.
But when he elaborated further, Kagome realized that they weren’t precisely talking about the same thing: “I just think it’s not true, is all. You liking your personal space. In general.” He shrugged.
Their eyes locked.
“Huh?” she squeaked. “W-What do you mean?”
“Maybe just with him you do,” he went on. Then, to her growing horror, he smirked.
She tore her eyes from him and turned her head to the side to hide her rosy cheeks. She sputtered, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I wonder if you’re lying again,” he mumbled, and it almost sounded like a chuckle.
She was going to rebut him, but the sensation of fingers on her left elbow almost made her jolt. Somehow, she managed to keep still. She was staring at the fire now, waiting to see what he was about, and she felt his hand climb slowly up from her elbow to her upper arm.
When he scooted himself an inch closer to her, she finally lifted her head to look at him. His bent arm was pressed along her lower back. He’d halted for a moment—maybe to allow her the chance to respond—but all she could manage was to stare dumbfounded at his nervous but still altogether patient and watchful gaze.
He continued to elevate his arm, the action displacing her hair that was once on her back to drape messily over his bicep.
His face was pretty damn close now. But she couldn’t look away—she was fascinated by his own fascination, his own carefulness, his own daring expression. There was a slight tilt to his brow, as if his increasing confidence brought him to the cusp of amusement.
When the full weight of his arm was over her shoulders and behind her neck, he softly tugged her backwards the few inches it took to recline fully against the tree trunk.
They settled, and he stared down at her—waiting.
During the process, Kagome had been so focused on tracking his movements that once they stopped, her body caught up to her all at once: her heart began to pound in her ears and in her chest, and her face grew rapidly hotter.
His downturned chin was perhaps half a foot from her eyes, which were still gawking up at him. After a full ten seconds of her silence, she watched his lips curl into a smile that could only be described as pride incarnate.
Ah. So that’s what this is about, Kagome noted absently.
And of course he had to go and ruin it by opening his stupid mouth: “I thought you said you didn’t like this sort of thing, Kagome.”
She forced her throat to swallow, and she hardened her face into a weak scowl. She could tell by his continued smirk that her blush kept the expression from looking very intimidating, but there was nothing she could do about that, really.
She was going to say And I still don’t, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t like the feel of being under his arm—but she also didn’t want to just hand him a victory at her own expense. It was Kouga he wished to defeat in this endeavor—not her.
…Right? Right.
“You’re one to talk,” she managed evenly. “Kouga wasn’t wrong earlier when he said you had the affectionate instinct of a puffer fish.”
Yeah, that would work for now. Deflect, deflect, deflect—avoid the truth, but also avoid lying.
“Keh. That isn’t…” he began, surprised at finding himself on his heels in this conversation. She saw his struggle plainly: he wanted to tell her she and Kouga were wrong, but in doing so, he’d have to defend himself as being some kind of touchy-feely person—and even if he was (which she didn’t quite buy wholesale), he’d never admit to it.
She did somewhat pity his dilemma. “Well, I guess it’d be more accurate to say that you’re affectionate when it’s on your own terms.” She looked away as she spoke, and if she allowed a touch of dejection to leak into her tone, well… so much the better.
It worked.
“Hey,” he grunted, angling his head to stay in her periphery. “It’s just ‘cause—well…”
She hid her rolling eyes. He was so bad about leading himself into dead ends. He’d begin to say what he meant, and then once he came close enough to actually feel the sugary words on the tip of his tongue, he discovered he didn’t approve of their taste. He didn’t have much of a sweet tooth, after all.
When she turned her head back to him, he staggered his own back a few inches. She stared at him with a raised brow.
“You mean to tell me that you’re okay with receiving affection, too?”
He froze. “Uh…”
She scoffed and gave him a derisive look. “You’d rather jump off a cliff.”
Her words seemed to agitate him. “You’re wrong,” he said, returning to his closeness from before, expression obstinate.
Was she cruel? Maybe. It was his own fault for turning this into a competition between them instead of just between him and Kouga.
“That so?” she prompted simply.
Kagome brought her left hand up to tangle her fingers with his where they draped over her shoulder. She watched his face contort with first confusion and then embarrassment, which he just as quickly moved to quell.
He was a stubborn one.
The sky was at dusk now, and its gold only highlighted the matching tones of his eyes. She watched as he resettled himself inwardly.
She’d push a little more, then.
In one movement, without disturbing his arm or their joined hands, she twisted her waist and flung her legs over his lap.
He clearly was struggling to suppress the coughs that came after he choked on his own spit, but his eyes grew fixed and firm on her face.
Her torso was adjacent to his now, and she could look straight up at him without having to turn her head.
Still holding it in, she mused. One more try.
Her right hand, which was free on her own lap, came to snake around his back and settle on his waist. She gripped his robe in her fingers. Then, she loosened her left hand from his and brought it to rest on his left leg, right beside where her own thigh was pressed atop his.
His fingers instinctively latched onto her shoulder. His expression was outright pained now, his own face beet red and a bead of sweat trailing down his temple. His eyes weren’t on hers—they were somewhere lower—and their expression was not a sweet one.
She wondered if what he did next was done out of spite or something worse. Proving a point could be a dangerous game—and he was quite competitive. He was growing vexed with her, clearly, but she knew better than to think herself the victor just yet. Especially after he leisurely brought his own right hand to sit on top of her thigh.
Her upper thigh. High enough that his fingertips would brush the fabric of her skirt.
She stopped breathing. Whatever look had been on her face, she hoped it was a pretty one—because it was now frozen there.
He saw her panic, and he smirked with notable strain.
Kagome wondered if she should somehow return them to the point that this was all supposedly about. She said the first thing that came to mind: “…I definitely wouldn’t like it if Kouga did this,” she admitted. She realized when the words were halfway out of her mouth that it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to say.
Inuyasha’s fingers tightened on her leg, the claw of his thumb pressing into the skin of her inner thigh. “As if I’d let him try.”
She gulped. “And what about you, huh? Don’t pretend like this is normal behavior for you. You can’t blame me for thinking that you didn’t like doing stuff like this. Or maybe…” she paused, flicked her eyes away, and mumbled her finish: “…maybe that you just didn’t like doing it with me.”
He brushed his thumb on her sensitive skin, and she returned her meek gaze to his.
His golden eyes softened. “You think I’d have you in my lap if I didn’t want you there?”
Her face heated again. His did, too. When her eyes lowered to his mouth, his head dipped an inch, and she felt his warm breath flutter against her lips. His arm tightened behind her neck, and he tugged her the rest of the way to him.
The first time they’d kissed, he’d been unconscious for most of it. When he’d awakened, he found his claws buried into her stiff shoulders. They felt different this time, his lips, when they met hers. They were firm, but not from a grimace; they were soft, and expressive, and thorough. She’d been afraid of his thickened fangs last time, but now, she almost wished he’d use them a little.
It was only half a minute they got before he smelled Kirara on the wind. When he pulled away, he sighed mournfully and told her this. She stole another kiss, which he gave generously.
They untangled from each other slowly and came to stand.
“Maybe don’t be such a stranger from now on,” she said with a timid smile. “Kouga did say he didn’t smell much of you on me. You want him to leave me alone, don’t you?”
His look grew weak. His fingers twitched at his sides.
He would have responded, but Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were greeting them from above, and Kagome turned her back to him to welcome them back.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 2 years
*After Barty grabbed Regulus*
James: (knife in hand) Move and I’ll slit your throat!
Barty: 😳
Dorcas: (walks by) So, don’t move. I don’t want blood on my shoes.
James: (smirks)
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leavemebetosleep · 5 months
do you have any good fluttercord fic recs?
OH BOY DO I. In no particular order (except of when I thought of them):
1: Non-Entity by Captain Wuzz: An AU in which, instead of being turned to stone, Discord was shot in the head with a magic arrow that takes away his sentience and magic for a 1,000 years. Fluttershy mistakes him for a wounded animal and brings him home. I loved it so much.
2: Chaotic Neutral by C-Puff: The magic is starting to fade from Equestria, and the Main 6 and Discord go on an adventure to find out why, and reverse it. A bit of AU, in the sense it was written before the show was done, so it diverts in some places because of that. Super sweet, and I love the character development here.
3: Time is Taller than Space is Wide by Dott. Can also be read on Ao3 if you prefer. Soulmate AU (?) fic with a Groundhog Day style twist. I rarely see fics play with the idea of what if Fluttershy and Discord's friendship had started when they first met, so this is fun.
4 & 5: Blank and it's sequel Reconnection by @geekcat. Can also be read on fanfic.net. AU in which, before Discord can choose friendship over ruling Equestria, Twilight remembers a "reformation" spell. He is stripped of his free will, and Fluttershy does her best to bring him back. If you don't like the idea of Twilight being a villain, you might not like this one, but I think her villain arc in this is done in a perfect way for her character. It's super heart wrenching in many places, but in a good way.
6: Our Fair Lady of the Chaos Lord, also by GeekCat Can also be read on fanfic.net. Fairy tale inspired AU in which Fluttershy is a princess who's father is pressuring her to marry noble knight Sir Big Mac. Wanting to be sure he's a good person, she makes a deal with the Chaos Lord, letting herself be "kidnapped" so she can test his character. You can guess who she falls for instead. Honestly I've enjoyed all of GeekCat's fics, so they're getting an extra mention. Check out the rest of their fluttercord fics if you like any of these.
7: The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo by A M Shark This is a major case of, strange premise, kick ass results. Basically an AU based off Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson, with Discord as Lisbeth, and Fluttershy as an amalgamation of Mikael and several other characters, but focusing more on the murder mystery aspect of that book, and less on the...everything else. If you're familiar with GwtDT, don't worry, there's no rape scenes. Again, it's more about the murder mystery part. If you're not familiar with GwtDT, then don't worry again, because you don't need to know the original to enjoy it. It's just Discord and Fluttershy playing detective and solving a murder together. It has two sequels, but I haven't read them yet, and it didn't feel right to rec something I haven't read.
8: The Corpse Bride by Bad Horse. Dark fic. No relation to the Burton movie. Fluttershy dies in a tragic accident, and Discord brings her back from the dead as his zombie wife. Her friends (sans Pinkie) are horrified. Has a fantastic twist ending. If you like some of the darker stuff, def worth a read.
Bonus: Comic rec: The Last Adventure by Eveeka. Taking place after the final defeat of Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis, Discord gets into a depressive funk after shouldering the hatred from Ponyville citizens for his latest actions, but also because his friends seem to never be available anymore. He starts to think maybe Equestria would be better off without him, as he can't seem to exist with out making everyone miserable, and decides to hide away in the Everfree forest. Fluttershy, worried when he doesn't show up for tea, asks her friends for help, only to discover there's a monster running lose there he and the rest of Equestria might be in danger from. This fic has two endings, so keep reading even when it seems like it's over. You've got one more ending left. This one nearly made me cry.
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holybibly · 10 months
Divine Rosa  ❢ot8xreader❣ 
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❣ Pairing: yandere!otx8 x reader ❣ Genre: Dark Romance, vampire au, angst, horror, yandere au, smut ❣ Summary: The moth always pours itself into the flame; what a pity that in the end it burns out. After the tragic death of her sister, MС tries to find answers to the questions she left behind. This leads her to a gated cottage town known for its luxurious rose gardens. In addition, there are also these mysterious men who manage all the affairs in the city. Too sweet, too helpful, too intrusive, and too in love. ❣ WARNING: only!18+ Themes of death, suicide, severe depression, stalking, blood, yandere behavior. ❣ Disclaimer: I don't support yandere behavior, stalking, or religious imposition. Themes include violence, obsession, possessiveness, and emotional or psychological manipulation. This book is intended solely for entertainment purposes.
English is not my native language, so if you see any mistakes, please let me know.
Published on AO3 like FleurRi
❣ Prologue: Roses scarlet like blood ❣
 Every story has a beginning: a magical, inexplicable moment—an elusive contact between reality and dreams. When thoughts emerge from the edge of consciousness, a stream of colorless letters appears on the parchment of our fate, eventually becoming an event. Life's intersections, fragments of various plots, are continuously repeated, lost, or deliberately forgotten. They are like unwritten melodies; the echo of their angelic voices follows us through life, like the bright tent of a wandering circus that incessantly makes noise. is full of tinsel, and raves with dreams.
  There are millions of them. No. Billions, like the sleeping stars, sway peacefully on the sky-blue wire; their scattered light tells the wayward souls the way in the velvet folds of the night's darkness. These are our memories. Some are dazzlingly bright, as fresh as summer breezes, while others are barely flickering, covered in the marble ashes of time and a diamond crumb of emotion. And they all live so far away and at the same time prohibitively close together, there, in the labyrinth of the underground sky and on the endless roads of the blood rivers, where it is impossible to find them: in our memory.
  Just as a pebble thrown into the ocean sinks into the murky depths, so does memory. Drowning into the viscous muddy depths without a bottom, in that rich and uncharted area that we call “oblivion,” it sinks in time. And few of us have been given the opportunity to preserve living images of memories of the feelings we have ever experienced: to drown in the bittersweet water of sorrow and joy; to fill our consciousness to the brim, like a vessel with golden honey, with the feelings of pain and keen passion, and to die. Die happy. The greatest privilege of all.
  Seconds, minutes, days, and years—colorful fragments of time; sharp crumbs scattered under our feet. Unlike us, those who plunge into eternal sleep, our memories that have insidiously dissolved in ink in our blood will not disappear. They fear death, flee from it, and hide in the thick of the earth that blossoms with fluttering glass, forget-me-nots and drunken petunias that, in their intoxicating happiness, kiss the eyelashes of the blind God. You hear them whisper, “I’ll never forget you…”
  My story begins with an innocent question that I’m sure you’ve heard more than once: “Do you like roses?”
  Once upon a time, I would have answered, "Yes, I love roses." But, as it turns out, all our words are followed by consequences, and small rosy spikes can be much more dangerous than they seem at first glance, just like in the fairy tales that we were told in childhood.   You know, there are things that we might call fatal: people who decide other people’s lives as long as they reach out to them like they're God. And then there are the flowers, which keep the mysteries tenebrous and ancient.   I'm almost a hundred years old, maybe more. I should start my story right now; this is the perfect moment.
  I will tell you about who I once was and who I am now. I will tell you about love, which is akin to obsession, and the death of her faithful friend. I will also tell you about the people, ghosts, or maybe illusions that were around me. They were with me once…   Now, there are others, but they’ll be in my story later. They will come into my life with a chorus of angelic voices; the sound of a heavy autumn downpour, and the pretentious solemnity of death. Yeah, they’ll be there, though, if you think about it, they were always there, from my first breath to my last breath, by my side.   But I’m forgetting what’s important.   I have to tell you about the roses, and only about them.
· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
Mina's long hair shimmered like luxurious silk under the early morning light. Bloody strands fell in curled doll curls onto her bare shoulders, as if in Baroque paintings. The lush blossoms of white roses woven together in her hair made her look like the ancient Greek goddess of spring.   Her appearance has always been astonishing, blatantly perfect rather than real, but that was sometime in the past. Now she was like a pale ghost of herself, a blurry reflection on a black surface of water on a moonlit night. The only thing that reminded her of her former beauty was her hair, which remained perfectly groomed and scarlet, like blood. Oh yeah, there are still roses.  These flowers… there was something unnatural about them, something otherworldly. Each petal was painfully perfect, as if made of satin. But the flowers were real; they were alive and breathing and too demanding. It seemed that just because they wanted this, Mina could wear them in her hair. It was their choice, not hers.  “Do you like roses, Rosa?” · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
This is the moment when my life changed forever. If I had known that this innocent question would be the beginning of my end, but can this be called the end? Would my answer have been different?
  I’ve thought about it a thousand times. Over and over again, I played this scene like a broken record, crossed my answer out of the script, wrote a new one, and made comments and footnotes, but…   But the answer was the same. I couldn’t change anything; it was destined. Much later, when I fall asleep in a warm bed, I will feel a gentle kiss on my closed eyelids and hear San’s angelic voice whisper in my ear that fate is never wrong. That they would find me or that I would come to them does not matter; in the end, we would still be together in life and in death. In eternity.
  I’ll come back to that later, I promise. In the meantime, I’ll continue. · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
“They’re beautiful, Mina, but I don’t like them anymore.”  I sounded terribly rude from the outside, and I could see Mina’s eyes filled with tears, as if I had slapped her.
 “But Rosa!” Mina reached out her pale arms to me. “Look how perfect they are; don’t you care about their beauty? Doesn’t your heart beat faster when you look at them? O Rosa, these flowers are special; they never wilt.” She shook her head, as if confirming her words. “Yeosang gave them to me before I left” Her long, thin fingers reaching for the white rosebuds in her hair. “I want to give you one.” Hooking the flower, Mina gently pulled it out of her curls and stretched it towards me. I didn't have the desire to accept her gift; something in her behavior and her voice caused me anxiety. And there was this name: Yeosang. It wasn’t the first time I heard it, but it was a long time ago, and I still remember that Mina mentioned others with that name: Hongjoong, San, and Mingi. They sounded familiar to me as a song once learned by heart. She pronounced them in a special way: with a gentle intonation and an exciting euphoria. As if it had been repeated countless times at the same completely new to her.  All I could hear was the echo of that song, which came along with those names in the conversation. It was an ominous echo, like an impending, inevitable storm. Mina was still holding out a rose, and I looked at her hands. Arms with a faint web of blue veins that looked like dried stems of faint flowers. For some reason, I came up with the idea of sirens holding out their hands to pirates while their voices led them into the welcome embrace of death. Did they look like Mina’s hands now?
I remember these hands weaving long pearl threads into my hair during festivals. I remember the feeling of intertwined fingers as Mina led me down the dark corridors of my grandmother's old house. I remember them gently wiping my tears when I was rubbing my feet until I bled in ballet class.
I remember the touch of those hands… I know him. These cold fingers that so carefully hold the snow-white flower no longer belong to my sister. Their touch changed, becoming foreign and distant, as did the mysterious land where these perfect, never-fading roses grew.
Didn’t that sound like a fairy tale? Just in our history, there has been no magic mirror, no Queen-Witch whose crown shines like a star, and no apple full of poison, but there is a coffin of shimmering crystal, and a prince that sleeps in it. Of course, there are also roses—thousands of roses.
“Rosa” Mina turned to me again. “Please take them; you will surely love them. Just try to feel them…”
She put a flower in my hands. The drops of nectar froze on the wax petals, and the first rays of the dawn sun made them sparkle like diamonds. “This variety is special.” Her voice sounded soft. “It's called the Deva-Rosa. I want to show you where they grow. It’s so beautiful. I want you to come with me, Rosa. We’ll be there together, you and me.” Mina smiled dazzlingly, but something was wrong with that smile. The once-sensual kiss lips were painfully curved, the corners awfully lifted, like the forever-frozen smile of a Venetian mask, and the warm pink shade was gone.
I was always jealous of her lips. They were so tender, plump, and enticing. All her features attracted attention, but it was her lips that made Mina's beauty unique.
She shone like the sun, easily becoming the center of everyone's attention—a beautiful white swan. The main heroine of the story. 
Then there was me, only a shadow of her perfection—gloomy and pale as the moon, the complete opposite of the burning heat and the sexuality of my sister. Unlike Mina's, my features were not sensual and breathtaking; no, they were old-fashioned, like those of a porcelain doll. I didn’t find myself ugly or unattractive; just ordinary. One of a hundred million. The classic tragic heroine of a Gothic novel, someone like me, doesn’t make it to the finale.
Now looking at Mina, I can no longer see her life; her fire has almost been extinguished, leaving embers smoldering. And only her hair, like a burning sunset, was the only bright spot in her appearance. They crimson her white dress like blood rivers in the snow. 
 “Rosa, come with me.” The touch of her hands was icy and gave me a nasty shiver. It wasn’t Mina anymore. “Let's go, please. We can admire roses together. We can be together, Rosa. Remember what we promised each other when we were kids? Forever.”   Mina leaned towards me with her whole body, completely trespassing into my space, and with her intimacy came the suffocating, sugary smell of roses. It was a thick, enveloping aroma that instantly sat in the lungs. I thought that if I breathed it in deeper, these strange, unnatural flowers would sprout in my veins, intertwine with my bones, and create a new home for themselves in my body.
 “No!” I exclaimed, pushing Mina away from me. “I don’t want that, Mina. I don’t want you or those freaking roses in my life.”
  Suddenly on my feet, I took a few steps away from the pale Mina, who was staring at a rose that had fallen to the ground. Her posture was as vulnerable as that of a wounded animal, and her limp arms reached for the flower, which, surprisingly, began to darken and fade, touching the ground.   In her eyes, once radiant with happiness and dreaming, stood tears, and her lips began to tremble. It was as if a child whose beloved toy had been mercilessly abused had fallen to her knees, picked up a dying bud, and, in despair, pinned it to her lips.
“How can you be so cruel, Rosa?” Mina whispered, her lips gently touching the petals. “You hurt them; it breaks their heart. Can’t you just accept their love? Accept the roses?” She continued to kiss the petals.
 “What are you talking about, Mina? Whose love should I accept?” I asked cautiously. Her behavior began to frighten me.
 “You must give yourself to them, Rosa; I must give you to them.” Mina ignored my question, methodically kissing a faded flower. His dead petals began to fall away, slowly, baring his heart. “O Rosa, the rose is a rose; the rose is a deva; the deva is a rose; is a rose.”
 “Mina!” I called her by her name in an alarm. The entire situation had me in a state of primitive terror.   Mina began slowly swaying from side to side in time to your words, all the while continuing to say, “Rose is a rose, the rose is a deva.” It was meaningless, like the ravings of a madman.  The words were repeated in an endless circle, like a prayer or a ritual chant. Mina’s voice grew louder, higher, and higher until it broke, and abruptly she stopped all movement, standing there like a graceful statue.
  Once I admired her every move; now I want to cover my eyes so I never have to see her again.   What happened after became the most traumatic thing in my life. I can never forget it, no matter how much I want it. It seemed to be imprinted on my eyelids, and even after closing my eyes in my sleep, I couldn’t get rid of those memories.
  Her movements were fleeting, like the wings of a butterfly. Here she is before me, tense and waiting, and then her throat crosses a ragged line, and blood rushes through her body like a waterfall.
  Eyes shining from tears are wide open and so resemble smooth black pearls, and lips are opened as if waiting for a kiss.   For a second, Mina's body stretched like a thin string and then softened, falling on the grass.   I heard someone start screaming; the sound was so deafening and heartbreaking that I wanted to curl up in a ball and cover my ears with my hands, so I couldn’t hear.
  I found myself screaming. I needed to call for help; I had to call an ambulance, and I had to try to help her. Put my arms around her neck and cover her gaping red velvet wound.
  But I was yelling about something else instead.   My name is not Rosa; you hear me, Mina!   I am not her. · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
I awoke in a frenzy, sweating profusely and with a wildly pounding heart from an endlessly recurring nightmare.
 This dream has haunted me for months since Mina’s funeral. Night after night, I have lived this sunrise over and over again. I didn’t like morning anymore; I started avoiding sunlight and hiding in the velvet folds of the night, sharing my loneliness with the darkness. I made the moon my friend, and the stars my silent witnesses.
  My memory is folded paper, folded a thousand times. Sometimes, I want to unwrap it, but not completely: open the brittle edges of the fragile sashes, smooth out the folds and creases with my fingers, spread out the time sequence. Unwrap it just a little, and then fold again, mixing letters and days, reality and dreams. I never want to open the pages where the memories of that morning are stored. Every time I get almost to the end, moments before the final, I run away to the safety of happy days.
  I try to come up with a new ending to this story, a different ending, but the dream comes to me like a cat, gently calling me into its embrace, and I find myself again in a place I don’t want to be.
  It’s early in the morning, and the sun is just rising above the horizon, shimmering like a limitless purple-pink ocean.
 In Mina’s crimson hair are snow-white roses, and her dress looks like an intricately woven ruffle and lace. Her pale hands holding flowers, her puffy lips in a painful smile, and her bare feet—the ground must be cold since it was the middle of October.  Her blood… and the roses.   And if it were possible to personify hatred and death, then for me, it would be roses.
  I hated and despised these flowers with all my heart. They brought only sorrow and gloominess into my life. The beautiful symbol of mourning solemnity.   They started it. They ended it all.
· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
I was sixteen when Mina first called me Rosa. One January afternoon, she came home with a basket of the most gorgeous flowers I’ve ever seen in my life. Scarlet like the blood of a rose, they were magnificent and perfect. From that day on, I became Rosa. Why did Mina start calling me that? She never spoke.   But she completely forgot my real name. For the whole world, I was now Rosa.   After this case, every day in our small apartment, the roses became more and more numerous, until every inch of free space was filled with scarlet buds. Their smell was suffocating, thick, and sticky like honey. It is absorbed into the skin, hair, and dissolved in the blood. It made me dizzy and nauseous, and I could taste it on my tongue with every breath.   But it wasn’t just a smell. It was a color that screamed “red,” like blood itself. It poured over our house, coloring the entire apartment in a disturbing shade.
  After that, every day in our house, the roses became more and more numerous until they filled all the surrounding space.
  Soon, they became so numerous that our house looked like a tomb filled with scarlet petals hanging from the ceiling. We've been arranging here with all honors, breathing in a haze as imperceptible as rose-scented mist. 
  In all the time I lived there, not a single flower withered. It was frightening and exciting at the same time. Day followed night, and night gave way to day; but no petal lost its pristine beauty, and no bud bowed its heavy head in sorrow. There was not a single bouquet that would dilute this velvet sea with its mourning black.
  And if that did happen, Mina cried long and hard over these flowers and blamed herself for not saving them. At night, I heard the sound of her apologies and her fanatical prayers. 
  Whether she prayed to God or to the Devil, I couldn't tell. I'll find out for whom these prayers were intended many years later.
  Roses were always sent with a postcard and a box of expensive chocolates with some intricate filling. The box was necessarily in the form of a heart. The signature was also one; once the unchanged calligraphic handwriting deduced only one phrase, “For you,”
  Mina never told me who gave her these magic flowers or why the roses didn’t wither.
  I tried to ask her these questions several times, but she only brushed them off, throwing her long hair from one shoulder to the other and angrily declaring, “You must love them; you don't need to know more.”
 Mina also dyed her hair scarlet, like roses.
  I couldn’t take it anymore. Constantly surrounded by these flowers was unbearable, and one day I packed up all my things and moved in with a friend, leaving Mina alone in her regal rosary.
  My first night away from home, away from the roses and Mina, I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned anxiously in bed hour after hour; but the dream never came, and then the phone rang. Mina called. Crying, she begged to come home, and when I asked her why, she barely whispered, “The roses are wilted.”
  I hung up, and Mina never called me again. Two years had passed. My life had changed, and I think my luck had smiled. I found wonderful friends who were eccentric and bright. I had a great and caring boyfriend, and the internship at ballet school was promising. Everything worked out perfectly, and there were no more roses.
 Until my twentieth birthday, a huge bleeding bouquet of scarlet roses tied with topaz-embroidered ribbon appeared in my new apartment. The candy box was heart-shaped, and the caption read, “For You.”
  I burned the bouquet, threw out the chocolate, and tore the note apart, and blew it to the wind.
  No one was supposed to see or know.   Even me.    Exactly eight days after these flowers appeared, I got a call from former neighbors in the apartment complex Mina was still living in.   I was urged to come and deal with the situation; the smell of rot and death was unbearable, and Mina didn't open the doors or answer the phone.   I opened the door with my key. Opening it wide, I crossed the threshold and could not contain a short scream. All the once-luxurious roses had rotted, dripping thick, stinking jugs on the floor and accumulating in gleaming poisonous lakes. Every corner of the space was occupied by large vases with black velvet buds and tall candles. After my move, Mina got rid of all the furniture, leaving only the big bed, which was now covered with dried stems strewn with thorns.
 This place was like a grave — cold and dark — where my sister was supposed to rest.   Going deeper, I found no hint of Mina's presence. Absolutely nothing.     Only putrid roses and an empty heart-shaped box.
  Mina was gone. For a whole year, I tried to find her without success. Old friends, distant relatives, acquaintances, and any other connections she might have ever had—I checked everything, but there was nothing to help me find her. It’s like she never existed.
 In the two years we’ve been apart, I didn’t know anything about her. Mina didn’t call, and when I tried to contact her, she would reply with a short message, always the same: "Roses have wilted; come back." just like the night I left her.
  All Mina had ever thought about since that unfortunate January day were these sinister roses.
  The police began an investigation. Two years after her disappearance, Mina became officially missing.
  And a year after that, she showed up at my door in the twilight of the fall morning, barefoot, in a sophisticated lace dress with a rose crown on her head. From the Mina that I knew, all that remained was her hair—long, silky, and crimson like blood and roses.
  She still kept calling me Rosa, calling me out, and promising that we’d be happy together. That it will be only us, forever. She promised to show me where these strange flowers bloom, which she called the Deva-Rose, although these were not her words, but those of someone distant and unfamiliar to me, Hongjoong.
  And then...then Mina died. The dawn painted her body in pink shades, flooded the grass with sparkling gold, and dyed the white roses of her crown scarlet. She slit her throat. Ragged a sharp spike into it. As it turned out, even the tiniest rose spikes were deadly.   It was a nightmarish and, at the same time, majestic end to her story.   The image of Mina haunts me in dreams even now—this distant gaze in her pearly eyes and a complete absence of fear of death. No, Mina wasn't afraid. She welcomed death as an old friend, graciously opening her arms.
  It was her exodus.   I remember screaming loudly. Blood thundered in my ears, and tears flowed in an endless crystal stream. I screamed that my name wasn’t Rosa; that I wasn’t her, and never would be.
  Her funeral was truly a royal one. Rain and thunder rattle in the sky, as if raising a toast in her honor. The flat haloes of the black umbrellas swayed peacefully as the guests made their sorrowful speeches.
  Mina seemed to fall asleep, dressed in an old-fashioned wedding dress, lying there like a princess, drowning in thousands of roses.   The flowers were brought at dawn. Their color was deep and dark, as if every petal was filled with the gloaming of the night. They mourned with me.   But I knew better. It wasn’t the end; it was the beginning.  Death follows life in an endless cycle of rebirth. When one flower fades, plant a new one.  Back home that night, I found a black envelope at my door, sealed with a monogram wax seal.
  It lacked an address and the sender's signature. The message was clear and concise. "I live for you, my Rosa."
· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·   I went to the window and opened the curtains with my newfound determination. It’s time to stop being afraid and run away. Whatever it is, I’ll find out what happened to Mina. Let her start it all, but I’ll be the one to finish the story.   The last surviving girl.
· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·   How naive I was then, how stupid. The moth always flies to the flame, attracted by the warm fluttering light; he himself goes to his death.
I was that moth. Without realizing it, I came to my inevitable fate, which has been waiting for me for centuries, maybe longer. Their hands have stretched out since the darkest times, when the light didn't exist, and the Devil was as real as you and I. At that time, everyone knew his face, felt his hot breath on his skin.   The story I’m going to tell you isn't going to be bright and sweet; we’re going to go down to hell and come back. I'll take you through the dark woods to the horrors of uncharted lands where barefoot priestesses rock their sharp teeth in alluring smiles. I will take you to the castle where the prince rests in a crystal coffin and make you drink wine that tastes like blood.
  Now I have to ask you, "Are you afraid of the dark and what’s hidden in it?"   But my question is, "Love, do you like roses?"
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kookies2000 · 9 months
Because I want to join in the Fairy Tale AU for The Amazing Digital Circus!!! How do you all feel about a rated E on Ao3 Fairy Tale Au about a land of Toys at war with a land of Monsters?
Ships? Showtime, Bunny Doll and Gangle x Zooble. I don't know their ship name.
Ragatha: The princess of the Toy Kingdom. Sweetest thing you'll ever meet all thanks to her candy heart. Even though she's arranged to marry Kaufmo, she sneaks off to seek her own love life and answers to forming peace with the Land of the Monster's.
Pomni: The toy jester of her kingdom with anxiety because of her past. She fears the Land of Monsters with every fiber of her body ever since her father's death there. She's Ragathas' best friend and is terrified of her idea of making peace with mosnters.
Gangle: An orphan girl who was never allowed to go outside the traveling theater she was in. Until one day, she was able to escape thanks to a kind stranger. She now lives in the bar with Zooble, the one who helped her escape.
Kinger: King of The Land of Toys. He is kind, gentle, and a grand ruler for his toy people. Ever since his wife died, he's been a dedicated father to his adoptive daughter Ragatha. But doesn't approve of her idea of making peace with the Monster's or the fact that she's always seeking off to find adventure.
Jax: Was orphaned since birth and claims to have no memory of where he came from. He was found at a river and got a job as a farmer in the Land of Toys. He doesn't care much about the war or making peace with Monsters. All he cares about is to farm in peace and sneak into the castle walls to see his favorite princess.
Kaufmo: The castles toy clown and entertainment. He's betrothed to Princess Ragatha since she was born, yet he has no issue with sneaking her out of the castle walls to see her favorite bunny. All he wants is to make others happy, especially his childhood friend Ragatha.
Zooble: Owns a bar outside of the kingdom and sneaks in illegal alcohol thanks to Jax. All they want in life is to create enough money to get by life without falling apart. And creat a life Gangle deserves to have.
Caine: Has lived in The Land of Monsters and destined to be their leader since he was a born. His goal in life is to create a world of goofy and fun adventures for everyone. But because mosnters aren't emotional beings, he has no idea how emotions work and just does whatever makes him laugh. Assuming that's what will make others happy.
Summery: The Land of Toys is a fun and colorful kingdom. Ruled by the courageous king chess piece, Kinger, and his sweet heart daughter, Ragatha. Ever since his wife was killed, he makes sure that his kingdom is safe and sound from The Land of Monsters. But every day, his daughter is always trying to sneak off to make peace with the enemy, forcing him to keep her under strict rules. Until one day, she and her two friends, Pomni and Gangle, get kidnapped by pirates and lost at sea. It is now up to a mysterious fast talking rabbit, a toy clown, and a mismatch toy to rescue the three girls. But also, come to terms with their kingdoms' dark history.
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azriona · 12 days
Not a Fairy Tale Kiss, Chapter 5
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Avenger!OFC (2nd person POV)
This Chapter word count: 1k ~ Total Story count: 130k ~ Later chapters will be rated Explicit. Chapters posted ~2x/week
Summary: When you and Bucky are both accidentally hit with sex pollen while on a mission, you're both determined to keep your relationship status at friendship, even if you’d like it to be more. Even if you think he feels the same. Even if you accidentally end up pregnant. Even if it kills you.
(Spoiler Alert: it might actually kill you. Good luck with that.)
Trigger warnings for later chapters include discussion of abortion, failed pregnancies, deaths of both mom & baby--not the MC! Full warnings on AO3. Happy ending is guaranteed, despite warnings. Please see AO3 for full A/N and tags.
Chapter Summary: In which you and Bucky get a taste of coming attractions. (So to speak.)
"I’ll come find you," you tell him. He nods, taking a step away. Then he steps back, right up to you, his body pressed to yours, his hands on either side of your face, cradling you so gently between smooth metal and rough flesh. You feel his heart pounding in his chest, so hard that it feels like he’s trembling. You gasp as his mouth descends on yours, his kiss so hot and fierce that you forget, for a moment, why he’s kissing you at all. Your body swoops and soars; your hands rest on his waist, you go up on your toes as your mouth opens in a gasp. He tastes like tea and chocolate and granola, earthy and sweet.
Read the rest on AO3!
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