#Funfair Attractions
mlpleasurefairs · 11 months
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 14 - Attraction
@jegulus-microfic June 14, Word count 676
Previous part First part
Regulus received a beautifully written email from Effie the following morning apologising for her idiotic son and for upsetting him when she invited Sirius and Remus to dinner. ‘Monty enjoyed their company when we were at dinner in the hotel and thought it would be nice to recreate it. If I had known James hadn’t asked you already, I would have invited you first. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us.’ And she’d signed it ‘Love Effie.’ 
Regulus had read it, again and again, breaking down each part and beginning to form a response. It was harder than he’d thought it would be. He’d never written to anyone’s mother before, let alone the most wonderful mother he’d ever met. No wonder James was so good and kind with parents like Effie and Monty. 
‘To Effie
Dear Effie,
Thank you for your lovely email. Of course, I forgive you, it was entirely my own misunderstanding. It could have happened to anyone. James is a total dolt! Thank you for the invitation. I am looking forward to dinner. Is there anything I can bring? 
It was short, but he couldn’t think what else to put without embarrassing himself. He closed his eyes and hit send and relaxed back on the bed next to a snoring James. 
He was brushing his hand through his boyfriend’s scruffy hair when his phone pinged. He opened his emails and there was a reply from Effie. 
‘Dearest Regulus,
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You are a sweet boy, and I am so glad James tried to bury you in snow. 
No darling, all we ask is for your company, we have everything for you all. See you at 6.
All my love,
Effie xxx’
James stirred next to him. 
“What are you laughing at?” He raised his head trying to catch a glimpse of Regulus’s phone screen. 
“Something your mum said,” He answered, twisting his phone out of James’s eyesight. 
“My mum? Oh gods, what have I forgotten now?” James sighed into Regulus’s chest. 
“Nothing,” Regulus had to chuckle, which made James scrape his stubble over Regulus’s sensitive skin. Regulus’s chuckle turned into a squeal, he didn’t see James’s hand flick out and grab his phone. He scrolled through their messages before Regulus even realised what he was doing. 
“Muuuummmmmm!” James groaned. “She’s such a pest. Sorry,” He added as he handed Regulus his phone back, and Regulus wasn’t sure if he was apologising for reading the messages or for his mum. Either way, Regulus wasn’t that bothered. Barty had done far worse. 
They were going to head over to James’s parents earlier than they’d planned because Monty had called Regulus’s number and, after ordering him to put him on speakerphone, so the others could hear, told them about the fun fair that had set up last night and would be opening in a few hours. Sirius and James had whooped with joy and started to excitedly discuss which attraction they would be going on first. 
“I’m just excited about the candy floss,” Remus had confessed to Regulus.
“Same,” Regulus agreed, “And the waltzers. I’m a sucker for the waltzers,” Remus turned to stare at him. 
“Me too. Why don’t we let those two bugger off and ride all the big rides, and we go and have some actual fun,” Remus suggested, pointing a finger at James and Sirius. Regulus watched his brother and his boyfriend messing around. Sirius jumped on James’s back while James spun around as fast as he could, until he tripped and launched Sirius into the air. Luckily, the sofa was waiting for him. Sirius sat up looking a bit dazed before he cheered. 
“Do it again!” And jumped back onto James’s back. Regulus rolled his eyes at them. 
“It’s a date,” He said to Remus, deciding James and Sirius could put themselves in danger and he'd eat sweets with Remus instead.
“Perfect,” Remus winked at him before he went to try and separate Sirius from James.
Next part
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senseofnewness · 3 months
crushing!art donaldson because i need that boy to be desperate since childhood [nsfw]
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• you guys have known each other since you were 7 or 8, growing up in the same circle, at first, he thought you were annoying as fuck
• only sees you during summer because you go to an all-girls catholic boarding school
• doesn't know how to deal with the fact that you grow more mature and prettier each year, so he resorts to tugging on your ponytail, pinching your waist, and teasing you with silly nicknames
• notices your hips getting wider and your chest growing fuller when you're 13, and he can't help but let his eyes linger a little too long when you aren't looking
• starts being more gentle when you play rough-and-tumble, one time, you even feel him growing hard beneath you, you never wrestled again after that
• introduces you to the infamous patrick one summer and it's the first time you understand why your dad tells you to be cautious of boys, so you stick to art, you feel safe with him
• forces patrick to invite you to his summer house after that, telling him you're like family, patrick thinks you're just getting in the way of precious boy-time with his best friend
• brings you to the beach to buy you ice cream as soon as patrick takes a nap, when you ask why patrick is missing, he tells you he's lactose intolerant and can't eat that
• tries to teach you about tennis but the shorts you're wearing makes it hard for him to form coherent sentences, he spends the whole time readjusting his own shorts
• gets mad that you always associates him with patrick, even if it makes sense since they're always glued to the hips
• his grandma thinks you're dating and calls you his girlfriend, he never bothered correcting her
• helped you get rid of the sand on the back of your thighs once and still thinks about the feeling of your skin underneath his fingers on a daily basis
• the first time he stroked himself thinking about you was after another day at the beach when he saw you mindlessly tugging at the crotch of your bikini bottom that kept riding up your crack
• was turned on by you long before that but had never admitted to himself that he was attracted to you and allowed himself to think about you in his most private moments
• caught you changing into your swimsuit once and turned bright red, it was so quick before you covered yourself and whined at him that he had barely seen anything but knowing that he saw you naked got him heavy breathing
• thinks of you as a prude innocent thing that needs to be shielded from the perversion of the world and keeps telling patrick to shut up when he starts saying innapropriate things in front of you
• gets obsessed with the idea of kissing you ever since you told him you wear flavoured lip glosses
• when he finally tells patrick about his crush, patrick is constantly on your back bragging about what a good guy art is and trying to question your feelings about him, but from art's point of view, it looks like patrick is monopolizing your time and he gets pissed about it
• gets in a big fight about it with patrick, after that patrick seems more distant with you
• finally kisses you in the ferris wheel at the funfair during the summer of your 17, he had planned that moment for days because he wanted your first kiss to be romantic
• changes his mind about you being prude and innocent when you're sucking on his tongue minutes later, you both spend the rest of the night making out on the beach
• when he tells patrick, he's all giddy until patrick reminds him how frustrating it's going to be for him to date a virgin who is saving herself for marriage
• starts officially dating you and when the making out gets too intense, he assures you he respects your choice to wait and he won't pressure you into doing anything
• you spent the whole summer after that just constantly dry humping each other, both soaked, always coming close to breaking the promise you had made to god
• gets so frustrated while making out that he asks for your hand in marriage while his is up your shirt, you laugh at him but maybe he was a little serious about it
• thinks about all the ways he could convince you to let him just slide the tip in for a second, just to feel you, but he won't
• the summer ends with you still a virgin, you did jerk him off though, a lot, like in every room and at any moment of the day, patrick even urged you to 'just do it already' the third time he caught you with your hand down art's pants
• pays for your train tickets home the first weekend back to school because he misses you so much already
• when you show him that after a long introspection you decided to stop wearing your purity ring, he already knows you're going to spend the whole weekend in bed
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monstersandmaw · 11 months
Male orc x gender neutral reader (light nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Commission number two folks!
Content: Gender and body neutral reader who’s autistic deals with sensory overload while at a funfair, stimming includes rocking and pressure on the hands. Male orc offers a way out so the reader can catch their breath. Very brief mention of the orc losing a close friend in the past year, and of deciding to live more in the moment because of it. Light-ish nsfw at the end with a bit of a fade to black. 
Wordcount: 7562
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Three hours ago, you’d been sure you could handle this. How could you not? It was a day out with your friends for Lily’s birthday, but of course, the orc had chosen the modern equivalent of a jousting tournament to show off her skills to her girlfriend. Still, you and Luke and Ellis had met up and made your way through town, collecting Lily and Maggie outside a gelateria, where naturally you all paused to buy the most amazing ice cream in town. With a start like that, how could things possibly go wrong?
After a leisurely walk to the fairground on the outskirts of town, you’d watched Luke win a fluffy white rabbit toy that was almost as big as he was on the coconut shy, despite the way the game was obviously rigged, but the werewolf had wagged his shaggy grey tail and howled his victory to the sky and clutched his new friend to his chest like it was his own goddamn child, and you’d clapped and cheered along with everyone else at the soppy wolf.
You hadn’t noticed the way you'd started to grip one hand with the other, squeezing tightly with finger and thumb just to give a little release to the steady buildup of pressure inside you as the atmosphere of the fanfare closed in around you. You also didn’t notice that you were gently rocking from side to side on the spot while you waited for Ellis to decide if he was going to go and say hi to the girl he’d been crushing on for a while, so when you found a teenager staring openly at you from the queue for the paintball stand, you assumed their attention was on Ellis.
Ellis usually attracted looks, not only because he was a goblin — a species that was relatively rare in your part of the world — but because his storm-grey skin was mottled all over with pale patches from vitiligo. He wasn’t bothered by the attention for the most part, but when you saw exactly where their gaze was directed instead — at your twisting hands — you felt an ugly stab of something bitter go through you. Carnivals may not offer the outdated and heartless ‘freak show’ elements anymore, but boy were you made to feel like one sometimes by other people.
“Hey, look!” Ellis exclaimed, his scratchy, reedy voice cutting through the maelstrom of noise and crush of people easily enough. “There she is! I’m gonna go see if she’s up for a ferris wheel ride. You think she’ll say yes?”
Your nod came out jerky and a bit stilted, but you mustered a smile of encouragement for your friend and he grinned back at you, all his sharp teeth glinting in the sunshine. Then something shifted in his expression and he frowned. “You ok?” he asked as his completely black eyes went a little wider with concern.
Again, you nodded and tried to look a little more convincing. After weeks of dancing around each other, he was finally going to shoot his shot, and there was no way you wanted him to miss because of you. “Fine,” you croaked. The word came out like a cat hocking up a hairball, but at least you got it out.
“Ok. Text me, alright?” he said. “Text me if you wanna go.”
You nodded. No way were you going to be the reason everyone left. If things got bad, you’d just… bail. Somehow. If you could find your way out of the crush of people without imploding first.
Glancing right, you saw Lily raise the hammer on the high striker and watched her muscles bunch and flex in her arms, shoulders and back. She was wearing a black tank top that said, ‘If lost, return Butch to Femme Fatale’ and beside her stood pint-sized Maggie in her denim hot pants and white t-shirt that read ‘Femme Fatale’. It was adorable, honestly, but as you stood there alone in the stream of people coursing and jostling down the avenue of grass between the smaller stands and side-shows, over-stimulation swamped you completely and you found yourself drowning silently.
Flashing lights, blaring funfair music, screaming, children running this way and that, rides rumbling and rattling on all sides, electronic bleeps and jingles mingling into a cacophonous mixtape in the air and reverberating in your head, cartoon pistol noises on the laser gun range sounding over and over and over, more screaming as the pendulum ride swung overhead once again…
The sensory overload raked its claws across your skin and left you with white noise in your head and cotton wool in your mouth.
The scent of candy floss grew chokingly thick in the air as you just stood there, paralysed.
Out of nowhere, a small and extremely solid lizardfolk kid barrelled into you, nearly knocking you flying. His horned head collided with your thigh and it hurt, but you didn’t cry out. His father scooped him up by the hand and apologised to you, but when he saw you rocking from side to side, he snatched his kid away and shot you another look, as if you were contagious or dangerous and not just struggling to kick start your brain again so you could get yourself the heck out of there and find somewhere safe to process everything.
Struggling to catch your breath, you gripped one hand with the other, squeezing as hard as you could but it wasn’t enough. There was just too much, inside and out, and you had nowhere to put it — nowhere to park it all until you could deal with it.
Someone ducked in front of you, their huge form blotting out the searing light of the afternoon sun.
Blinking, you looked up, still rocking, and tried to focus on their face.
He was an orc, you realised when you saw the huge, jutting tusks in his lower jaw and the expanse of sage green skin. A long, thick plait of black hair hung forward over his left shoulder, and through it ran a streak dyed a dark, vibrant red that was really attractive; it complemented the green tone of his freckled skin beautifully. Wearing a white, sleeveless tank top that had the logo of the fairground company on it, he wasn’t built like he spent every spare minute in the gym, but he looked like he could have lifted the ferris wheel right off its supports with no trouble at all.
Someone snickered nearby and you flinched, but you didn’t break the steady rocking motion of your body while mentally you tried to fend off all the unending stimuli around you. The orc’s expression darkened when he caught the sound of  laughter, and he stepped pointedly a little to the left. The movement served to block you from their sight and to refocus your attention on something that was quiet and solid and steady in front of you.
Yeah, he was solid alright. You blinked and watched the corners of his mouth twitch upwards just a little behind his colossal tusks, both of which bore silver caps over the tips to indicate that he had reached full maturity in the eyes of his culture. It probably meant that his tusks were filed to sharp points beneath the caps too. It was rare for orcs who lived in the city to stick to the older ways, but as you continued to stare up at him and move side to side while you ran your hands over your forearms, you noticed the beads in his braid of different materials: wood, copper, steel, glass, stone, and even bone. He’d lost someone close to him then at some point. Gods, now was not the time to be fishing everything you knew about orcs out of the depths of your brain.
For another few seconds, he continued to shield you from the staring judgement of the people in the queue for the nearest booth, but when you didn't seem to be able to settle, he jutted his chin to the side of the grassy avenue between the stalls.
“My name is Rhokann. You wanna step this way for a second? Catch your breath where it’s a bit quieter?” he said.
When no words came to your lips, he tilted his head just a little and then beckoned you with a big hand. “There’s a quieter spot over by that oak tree and the river. You want to come with me for a minute?”
You did. You also wanted to say thank you, but the words got glued up on their way from your brain to your mouth, so you just nodded.
He stuck out his arm and halted the flow of people for a moment to usher you between the candy floss stall and something else that was painted a thousand lurid colours so you didn’t look too long at it. Only when you saw the bole of a huge, old oak and a wide patch of un-trampled grass around it did you let out a shaky breath and turn to see him standing a little way off. A couple of people peered after you down the gap between the stalls, and he looked back at them with a very articulate and animalistic growl. That done, he stepped a little to his right, obscuring the view of you down the small alley with his body.
“Forget about them and look out over the river for a minute,” he suggested.
His dark brown eyes slid from you to the railings behind you, and you turned to see the river gushing in a white foam over the weir that controlled its flow through the city beyond. The sounds of the funfair behind you faded slowly, dissolving into the steady stream of white noise from the river, and you took a deeper breath and gradually released the death-grip you’d had on your own hands.
You let your gaze unfocus a little, but your body kept on moving as it tried to help you dissipate all the tension that had been building in your muscles and your mind ever since you’d first arrived at the fair.
A shadow moved in the corner of your vision, and you found Rhokann approaching slowly. He cast a pointed look at the metal railing to your left and said, “You mind if I join you for a moment?”
You shook your head. The word ‘no’ didn’t want to come, but he didn’t seem to take it as rudeness.
“Cheers,” he said. “Carnival gets intense, huh?”
This time, you nodded and he smiled when he saw it. You liked the way it hitched his mouth up around his tusk on the right, and it brought a twinkle to his coffee-brown eyes.
“Take your time,” he said. “You here with your friends?”
You nodded.
“They know where you were?”
You shook your head, but reached into your pocket and drew out your phone. Shaking it a little, you hoped he’d get the idea that they could contact you if they wanted to find you, or the other way around, and he smiled again in understanding. Your heart skipped a beat. He may have been seven and a half feet tall, but he had a gentle demeanour that you hadn’t really realised was possible in someone that big. He had a paunch too, which he clearly wasn’t trying to hide with his close-fitting, sleeveless top, and you could see from the scoop of the neckline that he had an attractive swirl of dark hair across his pecs that made you wonder what the rest of him looked like without clothes on; a fact that was startling enough in that moment to make you flush hot and look away.
“You want me to keep you company for a bit, or do you want some space?” he asked after another couple of minutes floated past.
You shook your head and then struggled to find the words to make him stay just a bit longer. When he saw you floundering, he smiled and asked, “Stay?”
You nodded, exhaling in relief, even as you fought off a rush of disappointment in not being able to form the words.
“You’re good,” he said with a wave of a huge hand. “Don’t stress talking.”
He took a deep, luxuriant inhale and leaned his massive forearms on the metal railing, easing his weight forward and gazing out at the river. His braid went all the way to the small of his back and it made you want to wrap it around your hand and tug just to see what kind of sound he’d make, and again, you had to look away before he caught you lusting after him. Just because you’d been rescued by a heroic stranger, didn’t mean you had to go falling in love with him in the following five minutes. It didn’t hurt that he hadn’t batted an eyelid at your stimming, or that he didn’t seem bothered by the fact that you’d been rendered almost completely non-verbal by the whole experience.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket a while later and you drew it out again to see that Lily was looking for you.
‘Where are you, Titch?’ she’d texted and you smiled when you saw the nickname. The massive orc had given it to you back in college, and it had stuck ever since. Even Ellis called you ‘Titch’ sometimes, despite the fact that he was nearly a foot and a half shorter than you. ‘We turned around and you’d gone!’
Rhokann was watching you from the corners of his kind eyes, and you waggled the phone again before typing out a message to Lily. ‘Needed to step away for a second. Got rescued by a super hot orc guy. More at ten.’
Lily texted back immediately. ‘Super hot orc guy, huh? I’ll be the judge of that. Where are you?’
‘Big oak tree on the edge of the park near the river. Don’t embarrass me please.’
‘As if I’d ever…’
‘You spend every spare minute you’re not kissing Maggie trying to embarrass me and El and Luke.’
‘Fair play. We’re nearby. I can see the tree’
You locked your phone and swallowed thickly, feeling a bit more able to talk. “Friend’s coming…” you faltered. Wow. Nice and articulate, you sneered at yourself with your usual sarcasm.
“That’s good,” Rhokann smiled back. He made no move to push himself back upright from the railings though, and shifted his gaze back out to the city that sprawled over the other side of the river. He gave another sigh.
You stepped a little closer and looked up at him. “You… ok?” you asked.
“Mm,” he hummed. When he looked back down at you, his dark eyes were strangely sad. “Just… thinking,” he said with a gesture of his hand near his temple. “I’ve been working here all summer, and it’s been amazing, but I’m starting a full time job in a week. I’m just thinking about what’s coming next.”
“Doing what?” Words were starting to come back a little quicker now, but it wasn’t great.
He turned his head over his shoulder to look at you, but before he could answer your question, you heard Lily’s voice coming from behind you.
“Hey Titch!” she called, and then she eyed the other orc ostentatiously up and down.
She raised an eyebrow when she saw the beads in his braid and the cuffs around his thick tusks, and you watched Rhokann deflate a little. Lily was not a traditional orc. For one, she was dating a human, which wasn’t exactly frowned upon but humans weren’t normally seen as suitable partners for her kind, and for another, she had cut her black hair short in a style shaved close to her skull above her pointed ears and left a little longer on top. She wore no cuffs on her tusks, and she’d filed them to softly-rounded points. “As much for Maggie’s pleasure as my own damned convenience,” she’d once told you.
Lily disdained orcs who stuck to the old ways, thinking them brutish thugs stuck in the past, and she folded her arms as she stared Rhokann down. “You wanna head home?” she asked in a low growl.
You turned your attention to Rhokann and he offered you a tiny, sad smile and a shrug of his shoulder. You wanted to stay and get to know him, but you also desperately wanted to be away from the fairground now. Your body felt drained of life, like you were running on fumes, and all you wanted was the quiet of your apartment, a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, and a good book.
In the end, Rhokann decided for you. He offered you a broader smile, and said, “It was nice meeting you. Take care.”
You’d never regretted your tendency to go non-verbal more than watching him walk away and not being able to say thank you.
With Lily on one side, you were joined by Luke a few minutes later, still hauling around the giant fluffy bunny he’d won, its ears flopping comically with each of his bounding steps, but you kept scanning every face for Rhokann. You saw an ogre with green skin that was a similar shade to Rhokann’s, but disappointment bit deep when you realised it wasn’t him, and when a flash of red hair up ahead drew your attention, you barely contained a sob when you saw it was a troll with multiple streaks of red in their black hair.
The walk back home passed in a daze, and you spent the rest of the day buzzing in the worst way possible.
A week later, Luke texted and asked if you wanted to grab breakfast on your way to work, and since you only had stale cereal in your cupboard, you practically leapt at the chance. ‘You mind if we drop my car off at the garage on the way?’ he asked with a subsequent text. ‘There’s an amazing little cafe just around the corner and we can get the metro from there afterwards.’
When his sputtering old deathtrap wheezed onto the garage forecourt though, your heart practically sputtered out as well. There, in oil-stained overalls, was Rhokann.
He didn’t spot you to start with, but when you climbed out of the passenger side and closed the door, his eyes flickered to you and then away again. Then back in a huge, obvious double-take, and his face split into a hearty grin. “Hey,” he chuckled once he’d taken the keys from Luke. “I didn’t think I’d get the chance to see you again.”
“Neither did I,” you admitted, and Luke shot you a look. He was in his human form this time, but he was no less intimidating than he looked as a shifted werewolf. For all that he was happy to haul a fluffy, cartoon rabbit around a funfair all day without a lick of self-consciousness, he was a dedicated gym-rat and had the body to match, but while his commitment was certainly admirable, he wasn’t your type. Rhokann, on the other hand, with his strongman physique and solid layer of fat to soften the strength that lay beneath… unfff… It was hard to look at him for long without feeling your skin start to prickle with heat.
“Wait, you two know each other?” Luke asked you and you nodded.
“He came to my rescue at the fairground last weekend while you were showing that white rabbit the time of its life,” you grinned.
At that, Luke flushed. You weren’t the only one who liked Rhokann’s build, but the orc wasn’t looking at Luke’s incredibly toned arms, which were currently being deliberately shown off to amazing advantage by his tight, black t-shirt. No, Rhokann was looking at you like you were the most interesting thing he’d seen in a year, and it was enough to make a cloud of butterflies erupt in your chest.
“Damn,” Luke hissed down at you, smirking. “You weren’t kidding about the ‘super hot orc guy’ thing.”
At that, your eyes went wide with horror and you smacked him in the chest with a wild flail of your hand. “I can’t believe Lily told you I said that, but you didn’t have to fucking repeat it!” you hissed around a strangled yelp. “In front of him,” you added through gritted teeth.
Rhokann chuckled quietly from a few feet away, and you turned quickly back to look at him. He raised one thick, black eyebrow and you rolled your eyes.
Turning to Luke in desperation as a mild panic seeped across your brain, you blurted, “Didn’t you say they were super busy at breakfast? Come on, we’d better go…”
And with that, you bolted from the garage without waiting for Luke to follow.
You weren’t proud, and you were sorely disappointed in yourself for chickening out, but in your defence, your friend had just embarrassed the hell out of you in front of your hero of the day. What if Rhokann just thought you were some human with a crush now?
Luke caught up with you, looking back over his shoulder at Rhokann for a second, and then trotted down the road at your side. “Hey, wait, I’m… I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
“It’s ok,” you groaned. “I know how it feels when there’s a gorgeous guy standing there looking like… that… In your case, stupid stuff falls out of your mouth. In my case, I clam up.”
“Fair, but still,” Luke groused, holding the door of the cafe open for you and letting you step in ahead of him. “I’m sorry.”
The scent of coffee and sweet icing sugar wafted around you and you forgot your embarrassment for a bit, but the way you’d scuppered your chances haunted you for the rest of the morning at work.
By the time you got home, you were fractious and stimming and in need of some space to slough off the day on your own terms. When your phone chimed a little while later, you assumed it would be one of your friends, but it was an unknown number, and your heart skipped a beat.
‘Hey, it’s Rhokann. I hope this isn’t presumptuous of me. Your friend Luke gave me your number and said it was an apology, but he didn’t say what for. Anyway, if you’re not interested, just ignore this and block my number, but I’d love to see you again. Let me know if you’re up for that, and maybe we can figure something out soon. If not, I’m glad I met you all the same and I won’t contact you again.’
No one had ever said anything like that to you, and you stared at the text for a full five minutes.
The first person you texted though was Luke to yell at him affectionately in all caps. He called you back, and you accepted the call with a little huff that made him laugh with quiet fondness. “I’m sorry, Titch,” he said. “But I fucked up, and I figured he’d been about to ask for your number before you bolted…”
“Yeah, but I would have had the chance to say no…” you said.
“True, and I’m sorry I interfered again,” he sighed, and then after barely a beat had passed, “So are you gonna meet up?”
You rolled your eyes and flopped down onto the sofa. “I haven’t texted back. But probably.”
“Yes! He’s stunning. You saw those caps on his tusks though, right? He’s old school… He’s probably gonna go all-out to impress you…”
“So long as he doesn’t literally hunt and catch dinner for me, I don’t mind. Lily told me about orc courtship, and I am not interested in a whole fucking elk on my doorstep or something…”
“Nah, but he might challenge the chef to a death match for the honour of feeding you…”
“Oh please don’t even joke about it,” you groaned, and Luke did laugh, long and loud. “I’m hanging up now, you bastard.”
“Love you too, Titch,” he said, and hung up for you.
It took a while to figure out how to reply to Rhokann, but eventually you came up with something that you hoped didn’t sound super desperate and strange. ‘Sorry I bailed earlier like that. Luke has no shame, I swear, but I’ve told him off for going behind my back and we’re friends again now. You free this Friday evening?’
Before you could chicken out, you sent the message and sat back on the sofa, wringing your hands quietly in your lap and breathing steadily.
His reply came five minutes later. ‘If it helps, he was really awkward about broaching the topic with me when he came to collect his car. And yes I am free this Friday. What were you thinking?’
‘All on me then?’
‘I have suggestions but I wondered what you wanted. Cocktails at ‘IceCube and Henbane’? Catching that new movie they’re advertising all over town? Dinner somewhere? A walk along the river and takeaway from one of the food trucks? Any combination of those?’
Realising he was probably letting you decide on something that wouldn’t be as overstimulating as the funfair had been, you decided to keep being playful first. ‘You know henbane is poisonous to humans?’
‘They serve human-safe cocktails too, and non-alcoholic ones too that are just as good. Steer well clear of the naga-specific menu though because that shit could clean out a drain. Or strip the rust off your buddy’s car.’
You barked a laugh that echoed off the walls of your apartment. ‘I’ll tell him you said that.’
‘Go ahead, I said as much to him already.’
His texts had a cocky kind of confidence that he’d not really exuded on the day you’d met him at the fair, but then you remembered how he’d drawn himself up to his full height to shield you from those artless onlookers and flexed his shoulders just a fraction to make them back off, and you figured the two sides of him could probably sit well on his bulky frame after all.
‘Oof, I bet his ego took a hit with that. Let’s do cocktails and then maybe walk them off along the river afterwards?’
‘Sounds perfect. Shall I meet you somewhere first or meet there?’
You looked the place up online, which you probably should have done first in case it was out of your price range, and hit the map on the website to see where it was. Having arranged to meet him there, you signed off for the night and tried to get your mind to stop spinning. Somehow, despite two missed chances, the universe had thrown you a gift and a third chance in the form of Luke’s meddling.
That Friday, dressed in what you hoped would be an appropriate outfit for a cocktail bar in a swankier part of the city, you headed out with your heart in your throat.
Rhokann was impossible to miss, standing under the soft, orange light of the lamp outside the cocktail bar, and wow did he look good in black dress pants and a white shirt. His twin silver tusk-caps caught the light, and you noted that this time he had his hair tied back off his face in twin braids that melted into a single rope that hung down his spine.
He spotted you and turned to watch you walk towards him, but he didn’t make any kind of move towards you until you came to a stop in front of him and looked up into his softly smiling face.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly.
“Hi. You look gorgeous,” he added, eyeing you up and down in a way that made his gaze feel like a physical presence against your skin, and it was all you could do to repress a shiver.
You swallowed thickly. “Likewise.”
“Shall we head in?”
“Lead the way,” you said, not really wanting to walk into the unfamiliar space first. Rhokann just nodded and pushed the door open, holding it for you to enter behind him before heading into the softly-lit, wood-panelled bar.
It had the cosy, secretive air of a speakeasy, and as you wove through the tables behind the server who had looked Rhokann up and down and licked her lips in a very unsubtle display of interest, you spotted someone playing an upright piano in a far corner. Rhokann thanked the server politely and let his eyes drift back to you a moment later, the woman apparently forgotten. Something warmed in your chest and you took your seat opposite him.
He was one of those people that had real presence, and it wasn’t just his size that conjured it around him like a tangible aura. There was something about him that made people look at him, but his eyes never left you. After two menus had been set down before you, he said, “Tonight’s on me, if that’s alright?”
“You’re sure?”
Rhokann inclined his head and you caught sight of an earring dangling from his right ear. It looked like a piece of jet shaped like a small fang, polished and set in silver and dangling by a single link to a ball stud in his earlobe. He had silver rings up the line of cartilage to the pointed tips of his ears, and in the lobe of his left he had a simple silver stud. At the artfully-open neck of his white shirt, you could see the hint of an orcish tattoo and a whisper of dark hair that made something thrum through you again.
In contrast to your habit of moving around, he seemed still and calm as a monolith, and you found yourself drawn to that; drawn to his steadiness in a way you’d never experienced with anyone. Over the course of the next two hours, the two of you also talked in a way you’d never found easy with anyone. He listened, and in a measured, easy, back and forth of conversational give and take, you got to know each other.
His family was wealthy and lived in the country for the most part, and yes, they were very traditional by modern orcish standards. “You might think I’m pretty formal when it comes to orcish ways,” he said, looking self-conscious for the first time all evening, “But you should see my parents and my two older brothers…” He took a deep draw of his smoky, whisky cocktail and blew out a breath. The tip of his tongue caressed his lower lip just a little as he savoured the lingering taste, and your eyes tracked the movement hungrily.
To distract yourself, you eyed his silver tusk-caps and said, “I was going to ask about…” and tapped the side of your mouth awkwardly, not sure if you should really be asking about his orcish jewellery and personal tastes so soon.
To your relief, Rhokann smiled and brought his finger and thumb up to the right hand tusk. He lifted the cap off and turned it over in his hand for a second before handing it to you to look at. The tusk beneath gleamed beautifully in the low light, and you had been correct in guessing that his tusks were tipped with wickedly sharp points beneath them.
In your fingers, the cap was practically the size of a tiny shot glass, and you could see the orcish patterns engraved into its surface all the way around. “It’s beautiful,” you said. “My friend Lily told me a bit about orcish culture, but she doesn’t really keep to traditions, so I don’t know all that much. Just the things she personally doesn’t like. Which, to be fair, seems like a lot when you get her started on a rant.”
He laughed and delicately took the silver cap back from you when you held it out to him. He slid it easily back into place and said, “You can ask me anything you like. I figured your friend didn’t like me much when she gave me the once-over at the fairground.”
“She’s protective of the people she cares for,” you said. “It’s the one orcish trait she hasn’t abandoned. That, and showing off her muscles for her girlfriend.” The heady atmosphere and the slight rush of adrenaline that was coursing through you from being so close to him at last was making you bold, and you spoke before you’d realised you might actually be insulting him, but Rhokann only laughed.
“Ahh, those traits are etched into our DNA,” he said. “You’re gonna have to go a long way to find an orc who isn’t protective, and who doesn’t like to show off just a little bit.”
You stared pointedly at his muscles beneath the white shirt and then looked him in the eye. “If you’ve got it, why not show it off a bit.”
“Only if it works…”
You cocked an eyebrow. “Can’t you tell?”
He leaned just a fraction closer and your heart skipped a beat or two as his big, brown eyes seemed to glow softly. “I’m getting some hints,” he purred. “You slipped through my fingers twice now,” he went on, bringing his hand up onto the table and laying it knuckle-down on the wooden surface between your empty glasses. “I’m not going to let a third time pass me by without a proper answer from you.”
“What’s the question?” you asked faintly.
He smiled. “Can I see you again after tonight?”
You nodded.
“You want to get out of here yet?”
Again, you nodded.
His smile returned, and you sat back in your seat while he hailed the server and paid for your drinks. He gave her a tip generous enough to make her blush, and then stood and looked down at you. “Ready?”
A third nod was all the answer you could muster, but he didn’t seem to think you rude.
He walked behind you this time as you led the way out, and when you stepped out into the balmy, end-of-summer evening, you heard him heave a huge sigh. Glancing back over your shoulder, you found him looking at you, and you flushed. “What?”
“I’m just glad I got the chance to see you again. I thought… I thought that was it when your friend bustled you away from me.”
“Why were you working there?” you asked bluntly. You wanted to know why he was working as a mechanic at a tiny garage on the edge of town too, if his family was so well-off, but you didn’t know him well enough to ask something so direct. “At the fair, I mean.”
He smiled. “I wanted to?” he shrugged. “I’ve always been the dutiful son — I went to a good university and got a respectable degree and got a sensible job, but I felt… choked.”
Rhokann sighed again and checked the street for traffic before gesturing with his hand for you to start crossing. You walked by his side as the pair of you headed towards the river, where a long, flat promenade stretched, and you listened to him talk. His beautiful, rumbling bass carried easily on the still evening, and it made you feel steady again amid the noise of the city behind you.
“I’m not on bad terms with my family or anything, but… after a close friend of mine passed last year, I decided that I was going to live my life on my terms, and not anyone else’s. My heritage is very important to me, but it’s not everything I am. My family doesn’t understand why I quit my career and got a summer job working at the fair of all places, or why I turned my love of cars and fixing things into a job as a mechanic.”
“If you’re happier now, that’s all that matters, right?” you said.
He grinned. “I’m happy tonight, that’s for sure.”
“You’re such a charmer.”
“If it works, right?” he chuckled. You got the impression there were depths to him that would slowly unravel to you over time, and you found yourself looking forward to it already.
“Yeah, it works,” you mumbled.
You walked along the embankment together for a while until his footsteps faltered and he asked, “Would you let me hold your hand?”
“Sure,” you smiled, hoping you didn't have sweaty palms.
His hands were rough and huge, but you made it work, and it was wonderful to have a physical connection with him after clicking over chat and drinks already.
In the lea of the oldest bridge that spanned the wide river, the two of you slowed and came to a natural halt to lean against the wall in easy silence, staring out at the water as it slid past in an inky, glittering ribbon.
Rhokann turned away from the view and the movement caught your attention, drawing your gaze up to his handsome face.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked in a hoarse murmur.
Leaning down, Rhokann placed his palms on your jaw and angled your head gently upwards, but he didn’t kiss you right away. He bit his lower lip and although his eyes narrowed, you saw the way his pupils widened hungrily. “You’re stunning,” he exhaled. “I… I’ve wanted to kiss you all night.”
“Stop talking about it then, and do it,” you teased.
His eyes flashed and he closed the distance between you, hunching over and pressing his mouth against yours. His tusks framed your mouth beautifully, the silver caps nudging into your cheeks a little as he kissed you senseless. You’d never been kissed like that. His hands left your face and wandered down to your waist, where he tightened his grip and picked you up, setting you down on the wide, stone wall that bordered the river. At that height, it was much easier for him to reach you, and he stepped closer, parting your knees to stand even nearer to you. You hooked your lower legs around his hips and let him kiss you over and over until your body felt like it was on fire.
Your fingers found the intricate plait of the braids on the side of his head and he moaned when you ran your fingertips over the pattern. “I want you,” he said. “Not tonight if you don’t want it, but I need you to know I want you. However you’d like…”
“I want you too,” you breathed back in the scant space between you, foreheads touching. It felt more intimate than any words you’d ever spoken, but it also felt true.
Your hands moved to grip his huge, rounded shoulders and you squeezed before running your palms across his pecs. His chest heaved and he sounded out of breath when he said, “My place isn’t far from here. You want to come back to mine?”
You nodded.
He lifted you down and took a moment with his eyes closed to breathe carefully. In the light of a nearby street lamp, you could see the impressive tent in his trousers, and you bit back a smile.
“Told you I want you,” he said when he caught you looking. “Come on.”
Flattered and a little intimidated, you walked with him back to his apartment. It wasn’t anything showy like a penthouse overlooking the city, but it was in a nice part of town, and it felt secure and homely as you followed him into the lift. In a small rush of bravery, you placed your hand at the small of his back and you felt as much as heard the groan of pleasure he let out in the small confines of the elevator. His skin radiated heat through the fabric, and you splayed your fingers, feeling the solid muscle and the slight softness there too that made you ache inside and out for him.
By the time you got to his front door, he was taking deliberately steady breaths, but the moment you were inside, he lost a little of that composure. “I’d offer you a drink, or —” You silenced him by reaching up and pressing your thumb along his lip before drawing him down to kiss you again. Part of you wanted him to take you right there in the hallway, but you had hoped for something a little more comfortable.
Rhokann undressed you carefully but insistently, and between the front door and his stylish, modern bedroom you left a trail of your clothes and his, until you were both in only your underwear by the time you were standing beside his massive bed.
Dark sheets stretched neatly across its huge expanse, and he let you push him down to sit on the edge of the mattress, gazing up at you with his hands resting at your hips, thumbs drawing idle lines across the fabric of your underwear. The evidence of his arousal was obvious, and a darker wet patch had started to seep into the material at the tip of his cock.
His body was soft but strong in the kind of way that you’d always adored. His paunch was evident, but his arms were like anchor cables, and while he might not have had the lean look of a social media gym-junkie, he could outlast any of them in a show of strength.
“I never thanked you,” you said, reaching around to the back of his head for the plait that you’d wanted to feel in your hands since the first time you’d seen him.
“For what?” he asked breathlessly. His pupils were huge and the light reflected in his warm eyes like a cat’s in the dark. Desire swept through you in a heady rush.
Slowly, taking your time about it, you straddled his lap and sank yourself down to grind your hips decadently against his, and when his hard cock moved against your body, he let out a long, broken moan.
You tightened your hold on his braid and the sound he made would stay with you forever. The deep, guttural groan rumbled from his chest and his eyes rolled back behind fluttering eyelids. Beneath you, you felt his cock twitch.
“Please,” he gasped. His grip tightened on your hips and he shuddered like he was losing control of all his strength, fighting to keep from having his way with you. The jet earring dangling from his right ear glinted softly as it swayed like a tiny pendulum in the void between his earlobe and his shoulder.
“I never thanked you for taking such good care of me,” you said.
The orc responded exactly as you’d expected he would, and gave a throaty hum of pleasure.
“When I needed you, you protected me… got me out of there…”
You’d chosen your words very carefully, and Rhokann arched his spine, jutting his hips up and practically begging to fuck you without uttering a word.
You twisted his braid around your hand one more time and he tipped his head back, following the direction of the force you put on his head. The lick of red in his forelock looked perfect in the warm light of his bedroom, and you had been right about the orcish tattoos that covered his chest, right down to his hips. He also had the most delicious chest hair and the dark trail that ran down from his navel to the waistband of his tight boxer-briefs was gradually making you lose your mind.
“You were patient and understanding, and you didn’t mind that I didn’t have my words then,” you went on. “But I have them now, don’t I?”
“You do,” he choked. “You do. Please… Please…”
“Let me thank you properly then,” you said, and climbed carefully off his lap. You looked pointedly at his underwear and said, “Off.”
“Only if you do to,” he said, and you knew you’d met your counterpart in him.
He gave and took in equal measure, and as the two of you lost yourselves tangled in his sheets that night, you knew he was going to be the best thing that could have happened to you. The two of you moved in perfect synchrony, and you came apart within a heartbeat of each other. Rhokann made a mess of the sheets and you made more noise than you’d ever made coming in your life, and when the two of you lay back, sweaty and satiated at last, he wrapped his arm around you and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“You’re perfect,” he whispered.
“Thank the gods for third chances,” you smiled and he laughed quietly. “And meddling werewolves.”
“Indeed. Come here.” He tugged you against his body so that you were lying half-propped against him, with one arm draped over his soft middle, and you trailed your fingers up the centre of his chest. “You staying the night?”
You nodded, and hoped it would be the first of many.
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kaisacobra · 1 year
Eyes On The Prize - Hope Mikaelson
Summary: Hope just wants you to have the best time of your life at the new Mystic Falls funfair
Warnings: Fem!reader, pure fluff
Word Count: 3.3k
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Hope almost couldn't believe it when Alaric announced to the students that they would be allowed to visit the new Mystic Falls funfair.
Of course, along with the permission came an authoritative warning from the headmaster, reminding the young ones to be discreet and not to use their abilities to gain an advantage in the games, but at this point, everyone was so excited that the words of caution were barely heard.
Hope glanced to the side with a smile on her face, finding the happy expressions of her other friends who were celebrating the permission as a victory, and, of course, you, who were already exchanging looks with the girl with your own laughter.
To be honest, Hope had already planned a way to escape from Salvatore School with her group of friends as soon as she found out about the fair through Lizzie. She was supposed to sneak out at night with the Saltzman twins, Kaleb, MG, and you, who were secretly the reason why she had planned this little transgression.
The connection between the two of you was almost immediate ever since you were rescued by Alaric on one of his recruiting missions. He brought you to the boarding school so you could better control your powers, and Hope was assigned (more like forced, at the time) to give you a tour of the property.
At first, the tension between you was palpable. You could hardly look at Hope, averting your eyes shyly every time you noticed she was looking at you, and Hope was never the best at first impressions, which made her wonder how she should act around you.
But somehow, your conversation started and never stopped. In no time, you had come to understand Hope better than anyone and made her feel relaxed in a way that was normally reserved only for her family.
With time, she began to notice that she couldn't help but smile when you laughed, that you were the first person she looked for in any room, and that she completely lost focus when she looked at you because you became the only thing on her mind. Hope wasn't stupid. She knew very well that her feelings for you had crossed the line from friendship into something much more intense.
And that's why when you mentioned that you had never been to a fair after Lizzie mentioned the Mystic Falls fresh attraction, Hope took it as a personal mission to make you go and have the time of your life.
With Alaric's permission, the old plan of sneaking out and stealing two cars to get to the town was discarded, but still, the group of friends remained excited as they stepped out of the school van, catching their first glimpses of the festival's vibrant colors.
"This is so beautiful," you sighed in admiration as soon as you stepped alongside Hope. Mikaelson looked at your side profile, enjoying the way your eyes seemed to shine with the sight of countless fun possibilities awaiting you.
"It really is," Hope replied, her gaze fixed on you. She definitely wasn't talking about the decorations.
"Hey! Let's take a picture in the hall of mirrors!" Josie requested, already pulling you by the arm in that direction. You briefly glanced at Hope and signaled that you'd be back soon, causing the blue-eyed girl to decide to wait for you at the entrance.
Kaleb and MG headed toward the bumper cars, but Lizzie stayed with Mikaelson, looking at her with a teasing smile. "Are you finally going to tell y/n about your crush?"
"Shut up, Lizzie," Hope turned her head, hoping that the blonde couldn't see her blushing face. As good as Hope was at hiding her emotions most of the time, it seemed obvious to everyone that she had a little crush on you.
Everyone except you, of course.
"Ugh, you guys are so frustrating," Lizzie huffed, crossing her arms in irritation. "So, what are you going to do today? Follow her around like a lost puppy, just like at school?"
"I don't—" Hope tried to formulate an argument, her cheeks burning from the feeling of being caught. "I just want her to have fun today, that's all."
Seemingly having lost the last remnants of her patience, the blonde Saltzman grabbed Hope by the shoulders and gently shook her back and forth. "For the love of god, just do something! No one can stand you two looking at each other like you're in a 2000s teen romance movie!"
"Okay, that was very specific," Hope removed Lizzie's hands from her, but she opened a shy smile as she processed the girl's words better. "Do you think she looks at me that way too?"
The twin threw her hands up in frustration. "Jesus, what did I do to deserve this? Of course she does! Are you both blind or something?!"
Hope pondered for a few seconds. It wasn't a secret to anyone that the two of you were closer to each other than to anyone else, but the Mikaelson never thought that it could be a sign of interest on your part. She thought about the times you turned to her first to celebrate a touchdown during games against Mystic Falls, the times you went to her room in the middle of the night because you couldn't sleep, and most importantly, the times you held her hand when she needed comfort, which was more frequent than Hope would like to admit.
"What do you think I should do, exactly?" The girl asked cautiously, beginning to consider the idea of making a move on you.
Lizzie rolled her eyes and gestured around with her arms, indicating the festive environment they were in. "Look around! A funfair is a great place to have a date without it looking like a date. Seize the opportunity and, I don't know, be romantic."
"I'll give it a try," Hope smiled and nodded to the blonde. "You're actually decent at this love advice thing. I don't know why you can't use it on yourself."
"Listen here, you garden gnome—"
Before Lizzie could properly retaliate to Hope's teasing, you and Josie joined the two of them again with amused smiles on your faces. "Are you two bickering again? Don't you ever get tired of it?"
Taking advantage of the distraction caused by Josie's words, Hope moved closer to your side and linked her arm with yours, feeling the area where your skin touched growing warmer. "Want to go check out some games with me?"
You looked to the side and happily confirmed as soon as your eyes met the tribrid's. Hope began to pull you further into the festival, making sure not to look back when you turned to wave goodbye to the twins, knowing that Lizzie would have the most insufferable expression on her face.
The two of you began to venture further into the decorated streets of Mystic Falls, appreciating every detail that made the fair more vivid and exciting. The line for the Ferris wheel, glowing in shades of blue, was long, children screamed with excitement as they bumped into their friends on the bumper cars, and hundreds of people passed by you, holding candy apples or cotton candy in their hands.
"Have you been to many of these?" You started the conversation after a moment of silence. At some point, you had started holding Hope's hand to avoid getting lost in the crowd of people, not that either of you was in any hurry to let go.
"A few," Hope replied. "I used to go quite a bit in New Orleans with my family. My parents used to compete to see who could win more prizes for me at these booths."
She pointed to the game booths. Some were shooting games, others had ring tosses, others were fishing games, and there were countless other options to try your luck and win a prize. The Mikaelson turned her gaze back to you and found your gentle expression. "And who used to win?"
Hope felt her heart skip a beat with your genuine interest in her family moments. Normally, everyone else was so quick to pass judgment every time the Mikaelson name was mentioned, associating the family with their evil deeds of the past, but never you. You understood.
"My aunt Rebekah, actually," the tribrid chuckled at the memory. "But she'd pretty much compel the vendors into giving her all the prizes, so I'm not sure if that counts."
"Of course, it counts! If there weren't any explicit rules..." You shrugged playfully, which elicited a laugh from Hope. Unconsciously, she squeezed your hand a little tighter as you continued the conversation. "So, does that mean you're good at these games?"
The girl squared her shoulders, assuming a super-confident posture. "Oh, I'm more than good. Want me to teach you?"
You laughed heartily at Hope's confidence but agreed, letting her lead you to the first booth she saw, which appeared to be a high striker. She pointed to the red device decorated with yellow numbers that went up to a bell. Leaning against it was an orange hammer. "Look, all you have to do is hit the hammer on this black part hard enough to ring the bell."
"OK, sounds simple enough." You tried to reassure yourself, and Hope placed a gentle hand on your shoulder to encourage you. "I mean, I'm supernatural, right? I can handle a carnival game."
"Yes, you can," Mikaelson hyped you up as you approached the vendor, noticing that the man seemed to be holding back a laugh, as if he didn't believe you could do it.
Hope watched anxiously as you raised the hammer, preparing to apply as much force as possible in your strike. When you brought your hands down and hit the black button, Hope watched as the disk slowly rose, reaching only halfway up the game.
The man laughed when he saw your disappointed expression and took the hammer from your hands. "Oh, why do little girls still keep trying to win this? Leave it to the real men, okay? Your boyfriend can win a prize for you."
Upon hearing the comment, a wave of anger boiled Hope's blood, causing her eyes to briefly flash yellow before she could control them. Taking a few steps forward, she carefully pulled you behind her and glared at the vendor with disdain. "She doesn't need a boyfriend. I'll win it for her."
He laughed loudly and held his own belly as if he were hearing a great joke. Still looking at the tribrid with amusement, he extended the hammer to her challengingly. "Fine, then. Do your best."
You took a few steps back, giving enough space for Hope to position herself in front of the game. She had a focused expression on her face as she toyed with the hammer, switching it from one hand to the other as if she were bored. After a few more seconds, Hope quickly discarded the hammer to the side and hit the button with her hand, causing the disk to rise so fast that in less than a second, the bell was ringing.
The vendor looked back and forth between Hope and the game in shock, unable to believe the scene before his eyes. Stuttering in surprise and fear of the strength demonstrated by the girl, he awkwardly pointed to the prize shelves. "Y-you can choose."
A smug smile spread across Hope's lips as she surveyed the available stuffed animals to be taken. Crossing her arms, she turned to you and nodded towards the shelves with her chin. "Which one do you want?"
Your cheeks reddened at the gesture, and you had to look away to keep Hope from noticing you turning into a tomato. "No, you won, it's your prize."
"But I want you to have it. I already have too many stuffed animals, anyway," she insisted. "Go on. Choose."
You considered your available options, scanning through dolphins, penguins, and birds, until you finally selected a plush brown wolf that reminded you of a certain someone. "I want that one."
The vendor hurriedly picked up the plush and handed it to you, perhaps fearing what Hope might do if she lost her patience. You could swear you saw him trembling, but you didn't have much time to investigate his body language because Hope was already pulling you by the hand to another place.
"I thought we weren't allowed to use our powers," you commented with feigned innocence, giving Hope a playful look.
She responded with a feigned expression of confusion, looking up. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just naturally very strong."
You snorted and playfully rolled your eyes. "Alright, Wonder Woman. Help me choose a game I can win on my own; I feel kind of humiliated here."
"I know one that will be fun," Hope pulled you to another booth. This time, yellow plastic guns were attached to the counters, and white and red targets decorated the backdrop. The two of you got closer, and Hope gestured for you to pick up one of the guns.
"The goal is to knock them all down," the tribrid pointed to the 10 standing targets. "Just aim and shoot. If you knock them all down, you win a prize."
You shrugged your shoulders in preparation and awkwardly picked up the gun with both hands. Aiming carelessly, you started shooting the foam bullets, realizing that they weren't going in the direction you expected. In the end, you huffed in frustration when you realized you had only hit 3 out of 10.
"I give up. I'm terrible at these things," you pouted and reluctantly placed the gun back on the counter. Hope chuckled softly at your frustration and in a quick motion, she trapped you between her arms, leaving both hands on either side of the plastic gun.
Using one hand, she held your left and raised your palm up, using the other to position the gun correctly for you to hold. After that, she held your right, making you hold the gun with both hands, and enveloping both of you in an accidental but very welcome hug.
Your body grew warmer every time you realized Hope's chest was pressed against your back, and your breathing was already becoming more erratic. At the same time, Hope prayed that you wouldn't be able to feel how fast her heart was beating.
"So..." Hope cleared her throat and tried to focus on the task of teaching you. "Hold it firmly like this and try to use the tip of the gun as an aim. You can look up really close and close one eye if it helps."
"And then I shoot?" You asked, trying to control your voice and speech so that nothing embarrassing slipped out accidentally.
"And then you shoot," Hope agreed in a low voice. She removed her hands from yours but remained in the same spot, choosing to cross her arms before she did something she couldn't control.
 You took a deep breath to try to regain focus. Following the tribrid's instructions, you closed one eye and tried to aim the tip of the gun's mouth at one of the targets, firing when you thought it was right.
To your surprise, the advice actually worked, and the bullet hit exactly where you had previously aimed. Repeating the actions every time, you managed to knock down all the targets and shouted in celebration when you realized you had won.
"You did it!" Hope celebrated and pulled you into a tight hug that you quickly returned. You swayed back and forth in the embrace, not wanting the moment to end, but it was interrupted by the teenager in charge of the booth, who impatiently asked which prize you had chosen.
You picked up a giant brown bear plush from the top shelf, and Hope offered to carry it for the rest of the night because, according to her, she had already proven her skill in the hammer game.
But you didn't stop there. The night was just beginning.
"You know, I think this is the price of greed," you said with difficulty as you climbed the steps of the Salvatore School, trying to balance the enormous amount of stuffed animals in your hands until you reached your dorm room.
A little behind you, Hope laughed. She, too, carried numerous prizes you had won during the night. "At least now you'll have plenty of company to sleep with."
"If any of these stuffed animals secretly turns into a monster and kills me in the middle of the night, I'll come back to haunt you," you joked and stopped in front of your room's door, suddenly realizing that your hands were too full to reach the keys in your pocket. "Can you use a spell to open it? I'm a bit stuck here."
With a quick hand movement before she could drop the items in her hands, Hope managed to open your door, making room for you to enter the room with quick steps to place all the plushies on the bed, relieving the weight on your arms.
Hope entered shortly after and did the same, putting her hands on her waist and containing a laugh when she saw that there were so many plushies on your bed that you could hardly see the comforter. "Yeah, I bet one of these will rebel in the middle of the night and suffocate you while you're asleep. My money's on the unicorn."
You used the pink unicorn to lightly hit her. "Wow. You won't even try to defend me, Mikaelson? How ungentlemanly of you."
The tribrid laughed with amusement, but soon her gaze softened as you locked eyes. "It's getting late, I should go."
"I had fun today. Thanks," you said, looking deep into her mesmerizing blue eyes.
"I'm glad," she replied with a shy smile, and after hesitating for a few seconds, she started to walk out of your room, wanting to give you space to rest.
When she was two steps outside your room, you suddenly stood up impulsively and called her. "Hope! Wait!"
She stopped when she heard your voice, turning around with anticipation. "Yes?"
"I just wanted to give you something. You won all these things for me at the fair, and I didn't get anything for you," you fumbled with your fingers, feeling a bit embarrassed.
Hope was quick to put your concerns to rest. "Relax. I just wanted you to have a good night. That's enough reward for me."
You blushed at her comment and in an unthinking, impulsive decision, you planted a kiss on Hope's cheek, so close to her mouth that you practically felt the tips of her lips meet yours. As you pulled away, a huge smile threatened to spread across your face. "Good night, Hope."
Seeing your room's door closing in front of her, Hope gave up trying to control her face from turning extremely red and let out a happy giggle. She touched the spot where your lips had just touched with the tips of her fingers, and her mind replayed the moment over and over again.
She sighed happily and practically skipped back to her own room. Thank goodness there was no one else in the hallway, or Hope's reputation as the scary tribrid would be seriously at risk.
That night, Hope dreamed of an alternate reality where she had moved just a few inches to the side, and you had actually kissed. She dreamed about the taste your lips would have and how you would hold her during the kiss.
But this dream didn't seem so unattainable to Hope anymore. Maybe she'd try it tomorrow.
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Outsider POV
Words: 952
Lily had reluctantly agreed to go on a blind, double date with Remus, Benjy, the guy Remus was seeing, and James, Benjy’s colleague. The fact that it was at the funfair was a big selling point, even if just for the nostalgia with Remus. They hadn’t been since the summer before university, when they’d drank too much strawberry wine and it had been very difficult to hold back the neon pink vomit until they were off the waltzers.
Lily wasn’t a huge fan of Benjy’s, he was alright, she just found him dull. Too normal for Remus, somehow. Nevertheless, she was prepared to make small talk with one of his friends for an evening for her best friend.
James was, as it turned out, objectively, very attractive, with dark brown eyes and untameable hair. Plus he was funny and charming in ways that Benjy really wasn’t. She had half a mind to ask if he’d got a different friend for Remus.
The four of them were having a good time, to be fair. Maybe Benjy was lightening up a bit. They went on the waltzers, the Wall of Death, and the dodgems. They’d stopped for candy floss when Remus noticed the cutest cuddly toy dog on one of the games. Benjy immediately declared that he’d win it for him. James met Lily’s gaze and she swore that he rolled his eyes.
£35 and almost twenty minutes later, Benjy was no closer to winning anything, let alone the cute dog. Remus had told him several times that it was fine and they should just go and ride the Miami or play the arcade but Benjy was having none of it. Remus turned to look at them and shrugged.
It was at this moment that another man stepped up to the stall and exchanged his money for darts, while Benjy was pulling out more money. James’ face did something strange when he saw the man and she was suddenly intrigued by this admittedly very attractive stranger. He was wearing a leather jacket and his long black hair was pulled into a messy bun which only served to accentuate his cheekbones. She didn’t even need to look at Remus to see his reaction, because if Remus had a type, this man was it.
He paused for a moment, before looking at Remus and asking ‘It’s that dog you want, yeah?’, and Remus could only nod, stunned, as the man threw each dart and popped a balloon with all three. The fairground worker frowned at him before grabbing the fluffy black dog and handing it to him. He passed it over to Remus, “Here you go, darling.”
“Are you sure?” Remus’ cheeks were pink and Benjy looked mutinous.
“Yeah, felt like you’d be there a while otherwise.”
“We’d already been here a while!” Lily said before covering her mouth apologetically.
“Thank you,” Remus took the dog and held it in the crook of his arm. “That was seriously impressive,” Lily swore she heard James suppress a snort.
“I would have got it soon!” Benjy snapped. “I’d almost got it.”
“Oh yeah, for sure.” The stranger smiled, “Just wanted to help. Misspent youth coming in handy and all that.”
“We all appreciate it,” James said. His face was still doing the weird thing, grimacing but with a twinkle in his eyes. “We should probably get going though.”
“Of course. Have a good night.” The stranger let his eyes linger on Remus for a few seconds before he turned and walked back into the crowds.
“Who the fuck does that?” Benjy growled. “Are you going to keep that?” He asked Remus.
“Well, it would be wasteful not to, right?” He chuckled, “I can’t believe a stranger would do that, that’s so nice.”
Benjy sighed audibly, “You could probably catch up with him if you wanted.”
“Oooh bad move, Benj,” Lily said under her breath.
“Lily, let’s go grab us all a drink. We’ll be back in a minute, guys.” James grabbed her hand and practically dragged her away towards the bar. When they were out of earshot, he looked a little sheepish. “Hey, are you and Benjy close?”
“We get along ok for Remus I guess, but other than that, nope. Why?” She looked up at him.
“Because uh, the guy that came and won that dog for Remus is my brother. Well, best friend, basically my brother. Long story.” He ran a hand through his tousled hair. “I didn’t invite him or anything, he just showed up and…”
Lily started to laugh and James felt his stomach do a little flip. “He’s your brother?!” She wiped a tear from her eye, “Oh my god, I don’t even know what to do with that. The way that we were all so uncomfortable about competitive Benj that we somehow manifested your brother to put us out of our misery is the fucking funniest… Thank you James’ brother.”
“He’s a fucking menace, but he’s wonderful.” James shrugged, “I know I probably shouldn’t say but your Remus is just his ty-”
Remus appeared behind Lily, without Benjy. “James, Benjy said to tell you that if you want a lift home you need to go now.”
“Nah, I’m good,” James said, sneakily pouring some vodka into the coke he’d bought them all. “Unless you’d rather just hang out the two of you, of course.”
Lily made eye contact with Remus and smiled. “Nah, stay with us. We’re more fun than Benjy anyway. See if your brother wants to join us if you like.”
“You have a brother?” Remus asked.
“Yeah, I think you’ll really like him.” James grinned as he saw Sirius round the corner of the dodgems and head towards them.
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leasstories · 6 months
The funfair
Eddie Munson x afab!reader
No trigger warning
WC: 1.1K
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You nervously write a note for your crush, Eddie Munson. You have been crushing on him for months now and your best friend, Robin Buckley, told you to ask him at the fair. She said it was the perfect opportunity to get to know each other while having fun. The fair is in Hawkins for a month.
Here’s how, you ended up nervously standing in front of locker 066.
“Put the note in his locker.” Robin presses you.
You anxiously put it in his locker and quickly run off. Robin runs after you and once you stop, you anxiously bite on your thumb nail.
“What if he laugh at me?” You ask Robin.
“I know Munson you dingus, worse case scenario? He is only flattered and Eddies loves flattery. Best case scenario? He says yes and you’ve got a date.”
“I’m gonna make a fool of myself…” You tell her, exasperated.
“No you wont,” Robin answers “I’m sure Eddie will say yes.” She says suspiciously smiling.
“You know something!” You exclaim. “Spill!”
“Munson might have mentioned you once or twice…” Robin spills.
Meanwhile, Eddie goes to his locker, followed by Dustin. They talk about D&D and Eddie opens his locker without looking, the note falling on the ground. By chance, Dustin sees it and pick it up.
“What’s that?” Eddie asks.
Dustin shrugs. “It just fell off of your locker.” The younger boy answers.
Eddie unfolds the note and read it. Eddie smiles like a fool once he read the six words neatly written on the paper.
‘Wanna go to the fair with me?
“What is it?” Dustin asks, curious of what made his older friend smile so big.
“None of your business.” Eddie answers? “Go wait for me at the van, I’ll be here in a sex.” Eddie answers. Eddie scribbles his answer and his phone number on the back of your note and put it in your locker, hoping to get a call from you to arrange the details of the date.
You got Eddie’s note in your locker when you went to grab your things before heading home. It is now 8pm and you are pacing anxiously in front of your phone, pondering on calling Eddie right now to arrange the details of your date. You take a deep breath and pick up the phone. You compose Eddie’s number.
“Munson residence, Eddie here.” You hear on the other side of the line.
“Eddie, it’s YN,” You tell him.
“You called?!” he asks, positively surprised.
“I called.” You answer.  “I’m really bad at this whole going on a date thing…” You confess.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie coos. “Do you really think I’ve been on a ton of dates before?” he asks.
“I don’t know…” you answer.
“You overestimate me. So when are we going at the fair?” Eddie asks.
“Would tomorrow be okay?” You shyly asks.
“Tomorrow it is!” Eddie answers. “Picking you up at 10 am.
“10 am” you repeat. “Goodnight Eddie.”
“Goodnight Sweetheart.” Eddie answers before hanging up.
You hear a car honk in your driveway, you quickly take your bag and get out to find Eddie’s van, parked in your driveway. Eddie gets out of his van and opens the passenger door for you.
“Thank you sir,” you shyly say while climbing into the van.
Eddie and you spend the car ride talking about the attractions you want to do at the fair. Eddie wants to do some sensational rides and is currently trying to convince you.
“I’m sure you are going to love it!” he insists.
“It scares me…” you confess, ashamed.
“I’ll be holding your hand through it if it helps you.” Eddie says reassuringly.
“Okay…” you breathe out.
Eddie parks the van and open the passenger door for you. You both go into the fair and Eddie stops in front of a food booth.
“Want something to drink? Or eat?” he asks.
“What about sharing a cotton candy?” you ask.
“One cotton candy.” Eddie asks the salesman, Eddie pays and hold the cotton candy in between the two of you. While eating, you put accidentally some on your nose and Eddie use his fingers to take it off, he then licks his finger and hold eye contact. You start blushing and see Eddie getting closer to you.
His nose bump with yours and Eddie gently kisses your cheek. You then go towards a rollercoaster, Eddie buys each of you a ticket. In the line, you anxiously bite on your nails.
“Hey, if you’re too scared, we don’t have to do it.” Eddie gently says.
“I want to.” You say smiling a little at Eddie.
It’s your turn, you both take place, harness lowers and the rollercoaster leaves.
You hold Eddie’s hand during the entire ride. You are scared but strangely enough, you like it as well.
Once the ride is over, you and Eddie go to another food booth and order two hot dogs. You sit at a table.
“I really like you.” Eddie blurts out.
“Me too.” You say, smiling shyly.
“I know this date is not over but would you do me the honor of going to a second date with me?” Eddie anxiously asks.
“Of course,” you say before biting into your hot dog.
Eddie and you spend the rest of the meal eating in silence.
You do several rides in the afternoon and you hold Eddie’s hand in each of them but enjoy them nonetheless. When the night starts setting Eddie takes you by the end and leads you towards the ferris wheel.
“Would you like to go to the Ferris Wheel with me?” Eddie asks.
You nod.
Eddie buy the two of you a ticket and climb in the Ferris Wheel. You both sit next to one another, and you hold hand. While you are watching all around you, Eddie can’t take his eyes off of you and once the Ferris Wheel stops at the top, Eddie cups your cheeks and kisses your lips softly. You reciprocate the kiss and break apart once you are back at the entrance. You both leave the Ferris Wheel and in hand and grab a sandwich, you eat in the back of Eddie’s van, asking questions to get to know each other. Then, Eddie drives you back at your parent’s, he get out of his car to open the car door for you, and before parting ways, you kiss him softly.
This was your first date and you couldn’t have dreamt for a better date. You are looking forward for your next date with Eddie in a few days.
Taglist: @abellmunsonmovie
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smimon · 7 months
For Giant K Valentine:
Chelsea! I want Chelsea to get a kiss from him while holding her very gently in his hands, and Chelsea going bananas and kissing him right back with her tiny little tongue :D
Häärijä. K can´t bow down low enough to reach him so Häärijä has to climb the booth :D
Yee Chelsea beloved 🥹 she fits so nicely in his hands 😭
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Oh nooo Häärijä once again is too short for funfair attractions 😭 but he won't give up easily, no obstacle will stop him from getting that kiss! 🔥
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Thank you! 💚
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sahnejungsliebhaber · 2 months
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In meiner Seminargruppe an der Uni sitzt so ein süßer schnuckeliger Bursche. Alle machen ihm schöne Augen. Ich habe nicht getraut ihn anzuflirten. Aber neulich auf einem Jahrmarkt hatte eine verhuzeltes warziges Weib einen Stand mit angeblich Zaubertränken aller Art. Obwohl ich wusste das dies Scharlatanerie war, fragte ich in meiner Verzweiflung nach einem Liebestrank. Sie meinte, dies sei zu gefährlich, man könne nicht sicherstellen wen oder was die verzauberte Person als erstes bei Wirkungsbeginn erblicke. Sicherer sei es, wenn ich die Form annehme, die er attraktiv fände. Kaum hatte ich den Trank gekauft und getrunken bekam ich Appetit auf alles was extrem kalorienreich ist und hatte keine Lust auf Sport. Schnell wurde ich zu meiner Verzweiflung dick. Gestern sprach mich aber diese Schönheit mich an, nach der Vorlesung, wo ich wieder Donuts gefressen hatte. „Du hast ja einen gesunden Appetit und das sieht man dir inzwischen auch an. Ich liebe Jungs, die einige Polster angesetzt haben. Lass uns doch in die Cafeteria gehen, ich lade dich ein.“ Er hat mich mit Bergen an Essen überfüttert und mich fürs Wochenende zu sich nach Hause eingeladen. Er will mich zu einem feisten Schwein mästen. Und jetzt habe ich schon wieder Hunger.
In my seminar group at university there's a really cute boy. Everyone makes eyes at him. I didn't dare flirt with him. But the other day at a funfair, there was a old warty woman with a stall supposedly selling all kinds of magic potions. Although I knew it was charlatanry, in desperation I asked for a love potion. She said it was too dangerous, you couldn't be sure who or what the enchanted person would see first when the potion took effect. It would be safer if I took the form he found attractive. As soon as I had bought and drunk the potion, I got an appetite for everything that was extremely high in calories and had no desire to exercise. To my despair, I quickly became fat. Yesterday, however, this beauty approached me after the lecture, where I had eaten donuts again. "You have a healthy appetite and it shows. I love boys who have put on some pads. Let's go to the cafeteria, I'll buy you lunch." He has overfed me with mountains of food and invited me to his house for the weekend. He wants to fatten me up into a fat pig. And now I'm hungry again.
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all444miles · 1 year
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its miles. its literally all miles.
© all444miles 2023. do not plagerize, copy, or repost my work in any way shape or form, without my permission - likes, reblogs n comments r appreciated !
the bakery/asks is open !!
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➜ ARACDE DATES — summary: miles is your boyfriend, so when you heard that the local funfair was opened, you just had to ask him to come with you. the perfect date, right? (earth 42)
➜ PRINCESA — summary: it's your quince, your big day, and your boyfriend is right there with you, dancing with you (and shi, he can dance) reveling in your beauty ‹3 (earth 42)
➜ IN HER OWN LIL' WORLD — summary: you can chat for the world, so you tell it all to none other than your boyfriend. (earth 42)
➜ TOUCH MY HAIR — summary: just miles loving you and your hair ‹3 (earth 42)
➜ DOWN TO EARTH — summary: what its like for both miles' to date an earthy girl ‹3 (earth 42 + 1610)
➜ SHE A BADDIE — summary: what its like for 42 miles to date a reader with a "baddie like megan" vibe. (earth 42)
➜ OCEAN GIRL — summary: what it's like for 1610 Miles to date a girl with a love for the beach and the ocean. (earth 1610)
➜ JERSEY LUV — summary: attractive things 42 Miles does that make you fold instantly. (earth 42)
➜ JERSEY LUV PT.2 — summary: attractive things the Miles does that makes you fold. (earth 42)
➜ JERSEY LUV PT.3 — summary: attractive things Miles does that makes you fold. (earth 42)
➜ VAMP LOVE — summary: halloween was just across the block, so why bother start early and practice makeup on your boyfriend? (earth 42)
(more posts 2 come !! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝)
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mlpleasurefairs · 1 year
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anthrophobixx · 2 months
can u share with us why/how you chose the typings for the characters like why karen fairy, why oliver ghost and so on
of course !!
Karen got the fairy type because fairy types are mostly known for being quiet, calm, collected, but also very hard hitting, which I feel like resembles Karen quite well
Oliver got ghost because of the spooky mansion !! At the end of his good route he talks about how the cinema was indeed haunted by ghosts, but he managed to befriend some of them. This was actually suggested by a different tumblr ask, since we originally wanted to give Oliver the electric type :]
Randy got poison, since poison types usually live in conditions that are deemed "poor" by humans, but they're infact optimal for them. That's kinda how they found Randy actually. Bro is also probably a walking hazard so it only makes sense. Not to mention the kind of poison type pokemon that exist that just...scream Randy Jade (eg garbodor, who's actually his strongest guy)
Gabby got electric since she works at a phone shop and her job is to fix phones, printers, typewriters, all that good stuff. Since she fixes items that require electricity we thought electric type was the most fitting. Even if electricity isn't always needed when repairing things, pokemon such as magnemite, magneton and rotom can be useful regardless as shown in the games
Jerry got normal since he is probably the most casual citizen in dialtown. He's just livin his life, got nothing too special going on, he's just a regular guy
Norm got fighting and I feel like it's kinda self explanatory why. Fighting types are known for being angry and aggressive, but also reasonable and kind once they get used to their trainers. Some fighting type pokemon are also known for wanting justice and they fight for whatever they feel is right (eg lucario). Sounds kinda like Norm imo
Mingus got dark because she's a corrupt mayor, but also because the dark type has the most cats. Majority of dark type pokemon are sassy and they all give off this weird mingus energy I can't put into words.
Callum got steel because he works with metal. His arms, legs and his head are made out of metal. There's pokemon that shed pieces of metal when they evolve (aron) so he doesn't only use his pokemon in battle, but also in his workshop, kinda like Gabby. I can't explain it any better sobw
Bunny got ice since he's "cold as ice" iykwim. Tried to give him as many passive aggressive pokemon as possible (and this includes alolan ninetales somehow)
Gingi doesn't have a specific type since it probably ate the gym leader guide book it got from the higher ups. It also doesn't keep it's pokemon in pokeballs since 1. no money 2. the concept of big ass creechurs being trapped in tiny balls terrify it and it doesn't want its pokemon to be "put in ball prison". Gingi also resembles the player in this au thing
Abel got fire since fire does resemble anger, but also power. Abel owns a whole ass funfair and is also part of the minglings !! Bro got plenty of power !! He is also angry at Gingi for wasting his time, bothering his employees and pissing on one of his attractions I totally didn't forget what it was but I remember it happening !! We tried giving him all the passive aggressive fire type pokemon we could find in the dex (he's also matching w his boywife bc love wins)
Mr. Dickens got psychic since psychic types are known for being the wise, knowledgable pokemon. Like fairy types, they're also calm, quiet and collected, but they got a lil touch of wisdom in there. They also represent the power of the intellect, which is pretty mr. dickenscore if I say so myself.
Theoroar got the dragon type, since theo doesn't actually give a damn about building a bond or relating to his pokemon. He wants the rarest, most powerful pokemon under his grasp and dragon types just so happen to fit in both of those categories. His logic is that his pokemon work for him and whatever gets him to the top he will use it
Hobo got all the gods. Dialga, the god of time, Palkia, the goddess of space, Xerneas, the goddess of life, Yvetal the god of death and Arceus the creator of it all and the being above everything. He probably has Groudon and Kyogre in his pc, since they're the god of land and the sea respectively. He got herdier for good measure, it's kinda like Red's pikachu in the johto games.
Tango and Billy are both rocket executives so they don't have a specific type they specialize in, but Billy has a more offensive team no pun intended, while Tango has a more defensive one
Shooty and Stabby well....they obv don't have a type they specialize in since they're pretty much just rocket grunts. Their goal is to become executives one day
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chubypotato · 5 months
Cotton candy
Imagine what it would be like to go with Nagi to a funfair!
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You were in the bathroom getting ready for your date with Nagi. This time you managed to convince your lazy boy to go outside and go to a funfair you really wanted to go. Usually you would just stayed home and watch something or play but you really wanted to do some attraction there and there AND eating cotton candy. Cotton candy are the most important part of it.
While you were putting your makeup you could feel two big arm around your waist while something lean on your neck. Nagi was there hugging you with his lazy eyes. You could tell he wanted to stay in but he put an effort to go outside with you since you really wanted to go.
"Baby when will be ready ? Do I have the time to load a game? "
You turn around to put your arm around your boyfriend neck and pressing a little kiss on his lips.
"I am ready shall we go? "
Nagi just nodded before letting you go to put his shoes on. You saw him waiting for you by the door before walking to him and take his hand.
After the road to go there you couldn't help but to smile and having stars into your eyes. It was beautiful. Color everywhere, food, people and all of that stuff. While NAGI was just looking at you with a small smile you took his arm before starting to running to all the attraction you guys could get done.
After a while if fun you felt like you feet burn and you starting to starve a bit. You looked at nagi eyes.
"Sei I'm hungry could we get cotton candy?"
"Why can't we just go home and eat there? " You looked kinda disappointed, you really wanted cotton candy. Without a word nagi set you on a bench before getting you cotton candy. You guys happily eat it while laughing and you talking about how the evening was fun and nagi just listening to you.
After a moment of silence nagi felt your head fall on him. You just fall asleep there. It must have been a long evening even though it was really funny. After a few minutes nagi took you on his arm giving you a piggy ride and going home.
After nagi arrives at home he put you carefully on the bed taking off your make up and putting you in pyjamas. It was such a nice evening and it ended it perfectly just you and nagi cuddling together until nagi fell asleep.
.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・
It was such a cute thing to write. I'm not gonna lie I got the idea since I m starving for cotton candy but I can't find any. 😔
Hope you guys enjoy it!!
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newmih · 1 year
A night at the funfair
Words: 500+
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, female reader
Summary: Just Dean on a roller coaster…
NA: It's been so long since I wrote last and I honestly don't know if it's any good Enjoy anyway ^^
Main Masterlist
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It was the smell of candy that had first attracted Dean Winchester. Then the cheers of the crowd convinced him to stop. Sam, Y/N and the older hunter had been riding aimlessly for a few hours after completing a case a few days earlier. So when he realized they were passing a funfair, he couldn't help but go along.
Sam hadn't minded, on condition that they went straight home if they came across any kind of clown. As for Y/N, she'd only followed them because she needed to stretch her legs.
After a few taffy stalls in which they left with a multitude of giant stuffed toys, Sam decided he'd had enough and disappeared in the direction of the food with the promise of bringing some for Y/N and Dean.
The young woman would have liked to follow him, but she didn't know what Dean alone at the carnival would be like, and she had no intention of finding out. Yet she soon regretted her decision to stay with him when, after giving all their winnings to a family, he grabbed her by the sleeve and pulled her towards the biggest ride.
It wasn't that she didn't like this kind of attraction, but at the time, after hours of nauseating rides and hours of rifle shooting, the hunter just wanted to sleep.
She grunted as she tried to free herself from his grip, but he was much stronger than she was, and soon she found herself in the middle of the line with no means of escape.
-Oh come on Y/N!!! It'll be fun!
She shook her head at her friend's pleadings, but followed him anyway. The ride looked like a giant swing, only more complex and frightening. The man sat down beside her, not in the least afraid, but convinced that this was why Y/N had refused to follow him in the first place.
The machine started up, swinging from left to right. It was when he began to turn on himself that she felt a strong pressure on her left arm. She turned her head but couldn't see anything because of their seat except Dean's clenched hands on her. A mocking rictus appeared on her face as she realized what was happening.
Dean was scared.
-Aww, are we scared?
Her mockery was lost in the air as the attraction increased to a new level. The turns on himself had finally made the hunter lose all ego and he began to scream. A burst of laughter came from Y/N's mouth, who finished the trick in a fit of giggles after Dean hadn't stopped screaming once.
When they finally went down, the huntress was still hilarious and despite all her threats to keep quiet, she couldn't stop herself.
-Let's not tell Sam, okay?
Bended in half, she nodded. At the same time, Sam returned with a bag of candies and a candy apple, which he gave to Dean and Y/N. He was still dusting off his clothes, trying to regain his self-confidence.
-What's going on, Dean? You look like you've seen a ghost.
He froze before arching his chest.
-I don't know what you're talking about.
Sammy smiled before taking out an open camera from his pocket.
-Oh, yeah? Are you sure about that?
please reblog if you liked it!!
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groovysaber · 1 year
an introduction to THE PHONE BOY(tm)
You can find the image here in my Pillowfort! (Due to ai scraping on Tumblr, my main blog is now over on PF!)
It all started when i was away and played dialtown again after a long time
And i returned and became a CHANGED MAN
drip? YES
a criminal? he ate pineapple pizza
Info: Phone Crimson
ver3 gae (phone fan) His associated color is a light-ish Hot Pink (#FF248A), and his dialogue font is Solid Grooves
His Theme Music: Hit the Road Jack (Electro Swing Instrumental) (Funky Electro Swing Theme) he is nokia phone (INDESTRUCTABLE, unlike randy)combines fancy and funky clothes, unpredictable just like himis he even human? (no) he likes to open the fridge constantly, even if he has no intention of actually getting food out of it (Note: A lover of pizza and such delicious dishes, what a bodacious gentleman) his red-blue goggles work much like red-blue 3D glasses he is very bad at making jokes, and he makes one every 3 to 8 minutes he uses words like ''groovy'' and ''epique'' (french for epic)99% of movies he has watched were on shady movie sites he owns 34 different types of weapons (one of them is a rocket launcher)
fnaf fan he's a creative and resourceful mind (he custom-painted the phone head himself) he's also very technically-minded (He made the phone head himself)
instead of using it, he became a criminal (only on tuesdays and sundays)
when it's not tuesday or sunday, he works in the funfair as operator for the ''El Crabbo'' and ''The Funeral-Planner'' attractions (the only job where people were willing to hire him) he got drip
More images of him below
You can find all of the art here in my Pillowfort! (Due to ai scraping on Tumblr, my main blog is now over on PF!)
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
Any gustholomule human realm date ideas/headcanons?
on it, boss!!!
first of all, Gus would be ecstatic to be Matt's tour guide. now that he visits the human realm by his own choice and isn't trapped here, he drags Matt around to show him everything he's learned with Luz, Vee and Camila, even taking him to random ass grocery stores. Matt is happy of course, but isn't nearly as excited as Gus
while they visit a lot of places, i think they'd have their favorite dates such as funfairs!! despite the similarities with the ones from the demon realm, they have their own specific quirks and rides they love to discover
they're both very competitive when it comes to win prizes, and they can spend all the pocket money Camila gave them on a single attraction. Matt also tried to steal some prizes when he knew he was gonna lose, but it always backfired
they also love to hang out at arcades for the same reasons, although Gus struggles a little more with video games than Matt
they've had a lot of dates at the aquarium!! they're both fascinated by marine creatures from the human realm, since they're very different from theirs
from an outsider's perspective, you could never tell these two are dating; they're always in competition for something, play-fighting or calling each other names. they come across more as rivals than anything to strangers
they're not big on PDA, but if they're sure they're alone, like if they're taking a walk outside, they're gonna be a lot more affectionate. they're still calling each other names, tho
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