#Gender Neutral Insert
cece693 · 2 days
hi! i need more edward scissorhands x m/n!!! I don't have much in mind, just edward and m/n being cute... kisses... maybe how edward would react to making out (???) he's pretty shy 🥱
Kisses (Edward Scissorhands x GN! Reader)
tags: shy Edward, no smut, just two people being in love
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It was a soft, warm afternoon, with the sun bathing the garden in a golden glow. You watched from the kitchen window as Edward worked outside, carefully trimming the hedges into delicate, whimsical shapes. His scissor hands moved with precision, transforming the greenery into something magical.
But what captivated you most wasn't his talent—it was him. The way his dark hair caught the light, the way his focus made him oblivious to the world around him, the soft, almost shy curve of his lips when he stepped back to admire his work. You had always admired his gentle nature, but today, something about him drew you in even more. It was like the warmth of the day made it impossible to resist.
Before you could even think twice, you found yourself walking toward him, your heart pounding harder with each step. Edward didn’t hear you approach at first, too engrossed in the final touches of a butterfly-shaped hedge. You stopped just behind him, biting your lip, watching as his hands moved delicately—so dangerous, yet so gentle.
"Edward…" you called softly, and he turned, startled. His eyes widened at your sudden closeness, his scissorhands dropping to his sides in an instant.
"Oh, hi." he mumbled, his face flushing with that familiar nervousness that always made your heart melt. He looked down at his feet, unsure of what to do next, as if he was always afraid of being too close.
You took a small step toward him. "I couldn’t help myself." you admitted with a shy smile, your voice barely above a whisper. Edward blinked, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Help yourself?"
You didn’t give him the chance to question it further. Before he could move or shy away, you closed the distance between you two, cupping his face in your hands. His eyes widened, and you could see his body tense. But you leaned in, brushing your lips against his so softly, as if testing the waters.
Edward froze, his breath catching in his throat. For a split second, you feared you might have scared him, but when you pulled back to gauge his reaction, his eyes fluttered open, filled with wonder and hesitation.
"I…I don’t want to hurt you," he whispered, his voice strained with emotion, his gaze dropping to his hands. He lifted them slightly, as if to remind himself of the sharpness that always kept him from fully being with you.
"You won’t," you reassured him, brushing your thumb gently along his cheek. "I know you won’t."
Edward swallowed, and you could see the nervousness in his eyes as he allowed himself to lean into you just a little. His lips parted, shaky breaths mingling with yours as you kissed him again, deeper this time. His lips were so soft, trembling under yours, but slowly, ever so carefully, he began to respond.
You could feel the tension in him—he wanted so badly to touch you, but his hands stayed rigid at his sides, his body trembling as he focused all his attention on the kiss. His vulnerability, his sweetness, made your heart swell.
You pulled away for a moment, just enough to look at him. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes wide and dazed.
"Was that okay?" he whispered, as if that kiss wasn't perfect. You nodded, hoping your eyes would convey what you couldn't say, in fear of disrupting this magical moment. Edward’s lips curled into a shy smile, and though he was still stiff with uncertainty, you could feel him relax slightly. His eyes never left yours, and in that moment, the world around you—the garden, the sunshine, the sculptures—faded into the background. It was just the two of you, standing there, sharing a moment so pure and fragile, it felt like a dream.
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attackurheart88 · 6 months
“Do you love me?”
“Do you really love me?”
"Do you really really love me?”
They stop what they’re doing and turn to look at you. An audible sigh is heard.
“If I come over there and kiss you until your lips fall off will you shut up?”
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Yandere Short Stories:
Let Me In
Yandere Francis Mosses (Doppelgänger) x GN Reader
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Swish. Swish.
You leaned back as your foot steadily rocked the cushioned seat of your desk chair from side to side. It was yet another boring day of being the doorman for this apartment complex. Yet you couldn’t help the shudder run down your spine from time to time since you constantly felt under surveillance. Then again, perhaps you were going slightly insane from working such long hours in such a narrow space? There was no way someone would stalk you of all people… right?
You let out a low chuckle at your thoughts. You recently felt as if your days melt together. It was the same routine every single day. Stop the doppelgängers from entering the apartment complex. Check their IDs and entry requests. Call their room. You were tired of this consistent repetitive pattern! You wanted some excitement for once-
“Hello.” You jumped to attention when a handsome man stood before you. Your eyes nearly shot out of your head at the blood that stained his face. Was it macabre of you to find that attractive. “I just got off work and I’d like to call it a day in my apartment.”
“Y-you have a little.” Your breath hitched when he wiped the blood off with his thumb and gave you the faintest of smiles.
“Ah. I hadn’t realized I made a mess earlier. Thank you.” The man then handed you his ID and entry request. Francis Mosses was it? He was indeed a looker and his ID checked out… but he wasn’t on today’s list.
“I’m sorry, Francis. You’re not on the list today-“ you scream when he slammed his hands on the window. His half-lidded eyes now wide open and bloodshot. This man no longer looked like an angel, but rather a demon. A demon that would no doubt rip you apart and swallow you whole.
“I’m not on the list? I’m sure you could let me in.” You quickly push the emergency button but his large hands grab the metal doors before you can shut them completely. You gulp when you spot the veins bulging from his gray hands. “Haven’t you been bored lately? You always look so lonely at your desk… I’m sure I could show you a good time.”
Well, Francis wasn’t wrong- no! You can’t endanger the residents! You dialed the D.D.D’s number with haste which made the doppelgänger sigh.
“Fine! Have it your way.” Francis casted you one last look. “But I will be back. And you will let me in. Remember, I’m always watching.”
You deflated like a ballon and sunk back into your chair. Your body felt as if your bones had completely melted from how scared you were… you’ve never encountered such an aggressive doppelgänger before…
“You have contacted the D.D.D. A group of agents has been sent to your building.” The garbled voice on the other end of the line brought you back down to reality.
You sighed and leaned forward to put your face in your palms. What on earth did Francis mean that he would always be watching?
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distantdarlings · 3 months
SHEER HEAT // t. nott
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Theodore Nott x Gender-Neutral Reader Insert
+ SUMMARY - *Requested, based on this* After a month of Theo and his friends picking on you, you finally decide to stand up for yourself. It just doesn’t go exactly how you were planning.
+ WARNINGS - Gender-Neutral reader, Theo is picking on reader, language, kissing, kissing without permission, tension, not fully proofread (please lmk if I missed anything!)
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Shameless - NAYM
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The sky outside grew golden with the early morning sun. The rays of liquid gemstone shone across the windowsill, casting waves of reflection across the stone floor and your shoes. You tilted your foot back and forth and marveled at how the polished leather glistened.
There was a soft sweater across your shoulders and a small coffee cup in the corner of your desk with a sugar spoon, wandlessly swirling about the liquid.
Technically, beverages and food were not allowed in the classrooms, but Professor Flitwick was partial to you and didn’t mind if you sipped on a coffee or tea every once in a while.
Despite the early morning and your desire to be back in bed, you couldn’t help but feel the warm, content feeling spreading across your chest. You were grateful to be at Hogwarts, surrounded by your friends and—
You jumped at the shrill shout coming from the door of the classroom. You and the other students glanced over to see a smirking Theodore Nott sprint across the room toward you.
You instinctively flinched at the sight and inched away from him just as he crashed his body full-force into your desk.
The wooden hull of it vibrated and sent your coffee mug flying through the air. You shrieked at the image and stood abruptly to avoid the brown liquid coating your lap.
Your breakfast coffee now frowned up at you from the ground with all of its shattered bits and splashed beverage.
You groaned and rolled your eyes.
“Theodore Nott, you’re such an asshole!” you shouted through gritted teeth. With a wave of your wand, the mug reformed itself perfectly, and the liquid swirled into a small bubble of liquid in the air before dissolving into bits of air.
“Ah, you don’t need that stuff anyway—it'll make you jittery and keep you up all night!” he chuckled to himself.
Just as he’d made the joke, his posse of equally annoying boys showed up behind him, laughing along with him.
“I think that’s for me to decide and not for you to send crashing to the floor!” you argued back.
“What if someone had done that to you?”
“Hmm,” he pretended to think. “Well, I suppose I’d give them what was coming to them…unless it was you, of course.” He quirked an eyebrow at you.
You sneered and rolled your eyes, realizing you’d never get anything through his thick skull.
“Whatever, Theo, just leave me alone,” you sighed and dropped back into your seat. He giggled irritatingly, headed to the back of the classroom, and selected a seat beside his friends.
You had no idea what you’d ever done to make him feel like he could harass you all the time, but you were getting to a point with his behavior. And if he kept it up, that point would be driven straight through his ugly face in the form of a fist.
At the sound of his continued giggling, you glanced back at him. Once you had, he caught your eyes and wiggled a few fingers at you.
You quickly turned back around and focused your head down on your newly-fixed mug. It was one of your favorites and—to be honest—had pissed you off entirely too much that Theo had broken it. It didn’t matter that it could be easily fixed; it mattered that he had broken it in the first place.
The rest of the class had passed relatively quickly, even though you could hear Theo and his friends’ little teasing giggles occasionally. You just did your best to ignore it.
By the time Professor Flitwick had announced that evening’s homework and dismissed the class, you were already out of your seat and halfway out the door.
You could still hear their little taunts all the way out the door and down the hallway. All you wanted to do was go back to the Great Hall, get yourself a refill of coffee and enjoy it in silence.
You had about a half-hour before you needed to be at your next class, and neither Theo nor his friends were there.
You rounded the corner to the Great Hall and slipped through the grand doors, allowing your mug to float from your hand and find its way to the nearest flagon of coffee.
If anything, coffee tended to be considered a Muggle drink around Hogwarts, but none could deny its excellent caffeine effect.
Wandlessly, you asked the mug to fill itself up to the brim and then watched as it did. You smiled a bit at the peacefulness of the Great Hall when no one else was in there.
You could hear the candles overhead and the fireplaces crackling softly, and the coffee trickling like a small stream. It gave you a sense of home, just like it always had.
When your mug was full, you took a seat at the empty Gryffindor table and settled your eyes on the flickering flames that reflected on the stone hearth.
“Hey, Tesoro.”
You jumped and turned toward the entrance. Theodore Nott was standing just there with a mischievous smile on his face.
You groaned audibly.
“Theo, I’m not in the mood. Haven’t I made that clear? I just want to enjoy my coffee while it’s not knocked into the floor.”
He laughed a bit.
“Aw, I’m sorry about that earlier,” he smiled. “It wasn’t my intention to knock it over.”
He crossed over to you and sat across the table from you. You refrained from tossing the coffee over him.
“Okay, so when I said I wanted to be alone—”
“I understood, and I’ll be here with you to support you through it.”
You frowned and stared at him. He wore a stupid smile branded across his face, obviously proud of himself for the dumb things he was saying.
“Alright, this was completely unpleasant, and I think I will enjoy my drink elsewhere.” You started to stand and head toward the exit, when Theo also stood and began to follow you.
“Theo! No! Leave me be!”
You increased your pace toward the doors, but he did the same. He matched your speed, ending up right beside you. His legs were significantly longer than yours, and he managed to keep up with you no matter how fast you were going.
You sighed and stopped right at the door, facing him.
“Where are we going?” he asked, with a shit-eating grin spread over his face.
“We are not going anywhere, dummy,” you said, rolling your eyes. “And I will stand right here until you get bored and leave.”
“I guess we’ll be here for a while, then.” He shrugged and shifted his weight against the wall, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Can I ask you something?” you asked. You crossed your arms and took a small sip from your cup.
“Anything, Tesoro.”
“Don’t call me that, please,” you said. “Why me? What about me has struck your little group’s fancy the last few weeks? You never acknowledged me before, but suddenly, you’re interested in making my day a living nightmare.”
“It’s not that; maybe we just like picking on you…”
“How does that make it sound any better?” you asked.
“I think we both know that half of the Hogwarts student body would love to be picked on by me,” he shrugged.
His confidence was a thing of admiration—you had to give him that. He seemed to know exactly what to say to keep everybody on his side at all times. Perhaps it was the charm or the family or something else, but everyone seemed to love Theodore Nott, no matter how incredibly irritating he could be.
It didn’t matter if he and his friends were picking on you for the last couple of weeks. It didn’t matter how many times you’d asked them to stop. It didn’t matter what they did to other people because they were young, attractive, white guys. You’d just happened to, unfortunately, fall onto their radar.
“You’re a cocky motherfucker, aren’t you?” you asked, rolling your eyes.
“Always, baby,” he said, smiling widely. “Looks like you’ll be late for class if we keep hanging around here.”
“How do you know if I’m going to be late for class? I’m perfectly comfortable sitting here for as long as I have to if it gets you to leave me the hell alone.”
Obviously, that wasn’t entirely true, as your second period started in a few minutes, and you needed to be there. But, at this point, your pride and your distaste for the boy before you had you staying in place.
“Hope you like chicken.”
“Excuse me?”
“One of the elves in the kitchens told me that we were having chicken for dinner. I was saying that I hoped you liked chicken because we’ll be standing here until dinner is served.”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Not really. I don’t think you understand how willing I am to stick around until you let me follow you.”
“You’re not following me, Theo.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t fucking like you,” you scoffed, in disbelief that he couldn’t possibly understand why you didn’t want to be around him.
“Ouch, that hurt,” he mock-frowned, pretending to wipe a tear away from his cheek. “Also, how do you know you don’t like me? We’ve never hung out.”
“Exactly! We’ve never hung out, and for some reason, you think it’s okay to harass me everyday!”
Your voice had begun to raise slightly with every stupid expression he flashed your way. He was trying to get on your nerves.
“But, maybe that’s my way of getting your attention,” he suggested. You were fuming.
“Getting my—? What the hell are you talking about?”
He parted his lips to answer, but the anger flashing through your body didn’t want to hear any explanation of his.
“Wait! Don’t answer that. I don’t fucking care.”
“I think you’ll be interested in the answer.”
“I highly doubt it.”
You pressed your hand to your forehead and took a deep breath, trying to repress the rage filling in your chest. You didn't care for any explanation he could have for you—all you had ever wanted to do was keep to yourself and enjoy your time at the most incredible school on earth.
But, for some reason, you had not been granted that for nearly a month.
What was worse was you genuinely didn’t understand why you were the target, and he’d yet to answer that, other than with whatever game he was currently playing.
You hadn’t gotten to enjoy your coffee, you were missing class, and—wait a minute. You looked back up at him. Why the hell were you even still here? You could just leave.
Theo’s eyebrows furrowed, and his head cocked slightly at the expression printed on your face.
It seemed he was trying to understand what realization had passed across your mind.
Your fingers tightened around your mug, and with your free hand, you quickly covered the top and—with a held breath—Disapparated.
There were swishing sounds all around you as if you were being pushed through a vacuum of sorts. You could feel your hair tickling against your forehead, and the coffee in your mug swishing against your makeshift hand lid, and something gripped tightly around your ankle.
The force of the process kept your head pinned upward so you could not see what was hanging around you. You just hoped it wasn’t Theo. If he had the audacity to come with you while you were trying to get away as quickly as possible, he had another thing coming. He needed to learn some boundaries.
You stopped suddenly. The whooshing and the coffee against your hand were still again.
You stood on the balcony of the astronomy tower. There were no classes during the day, and the professor rarely stayed in the tower past class hours.
You’d come to learn this the hard way when you had initially been practicing Disapparation.
You had been trying to pop up lakeside along the Black Lake and had ended up dangling on the wrong side of the guardrail.
It had been an unfortunate experience, but it had allowed you to find a space where you could enjoy studying or peace and quiet while having the gorgeous view of the campus spread out before you.
This time around, however, the view of the campus was not your focus. You turned and saw Theo standing just behind you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you shrieked, stomping over to him and pressing a rough shove to his chest. He stumbled backward slightly before catching himself against one of the student tables.
“I said I wanted to be alone! I’m tired of being followed and picked on. You’re pathetic and so selfish! I just want you to leave me alone, and if you don’t after this fucking warning, I’ll go to the Headmaster!”
He didn’t say anything; he just watched your heated vent.
“I swear to Merlin, Theodore Nott, if you bother me again, I’ll fucking kill you.”
He smirked ever so slightly. Just a tiny quirk of his lip in the upper left corner. That was it.
You screamed in frustration. “What the fuck do you want? What do I have to do to get it through your thick fucking skull? I want you to leave me alone! Do I need to hit you? Because I fucking will! Do I need to punch you, throw a drink on you, fucking kiss you? I mean, what is it that I need to do?”
Your cheeks were fiery and flushed, and you felt that you were close to tears, but still, Theo stood still, just watching and listening.
“Fuck—” Without thinking, you grabbed either side of his face and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. It lasted only a second before you pulled away, in utter disbelief with yourself.
Theo’s eyes widened, and his breaths came out in heavy pants. You knew you probably looked the same.
“Uh, I-I’m sorry,” you breathed. “I don’t know why I did that.”
There were a few moments of silence where the two of you seemed to be just glancing between the floor and each other. In reality, it was only a second or two, but in your head, it felt like hours.
Those seconds only filled the space between you for a breeze before Theo walked back over to you and mimicked your actions from earlier.
You grunted on impact at the sheer force he’d planted his lips on yours. Panicked, you shoved him away from you.
You figured you now looked precisely as he had when you’d kissed him. A second passed.
Then you were both reaching for each other, grasping at any and everything, and exchanging tastes between the others’ lips.
Your hands curled roughly into his hair, and his arms wrapped tightly around your lower back, pulling you as close as you would go.
His lips were soft but demanding, claiming exactly what he wanted and trying to force yours down into submission, but you refused. The sheer heat of your anger that had very quickly shapeshifted into lust seemed to push some adrenaline-filled strength into your body.
There was no way this jerk would force you to do anything.
You walked into him, forcing him back against the student table, where he sat against the edge of it. He pulled you in between his legs with a force like no other, never separating his lips from yours.
In response to your shove, he bit down on your bottom lip hard.
“Fuck, you’re such a dick,” you murmured in between kisses. You could taste a hint of blood spilling between your lips from his bite.
“I know,” he whispered against you.
You sucked in a breath and pulled away from him, stepping back just a bit.
“I don’t understand what’s happening…,” you gasped, trying to catch your breath.
“Me neither, really,” he shrugged. “I was teasing you because I wanted you.”
You stared up at him with widened eyes. “You mean like—?”
“What else could I possibly mean?” he deadpanned.
“Shut up. I was just trying to make sure. I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“Me neither. I’m usually pretty straightforward when I ask for what I want.”
“So, why was I any different?” you asked.
“I don’t know. It wasn’t as easy to talk directly to you.”
“But it was easy to pick on me?”
He shrugged and looked down to the floor. It seemed like he was a bit disappointed in himself, even after you’d been begging for him to stop for so long. Now that he was quiet and seemingly upset, you almost missed his mean quips and charming confidence.
“I’m sorry I made you upset. I wasn’t trying to,” he said. “I was trying to make you like me back. I don’t usually ‘flirt.’”
“Yeah, I can tell,” you snorted. “I just wish you would have talked to me. I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you—I couldn’t understand why you were suddenly being mean to me.”
“You had a crush on me?” he asked, eyebrows quirking up.
“Of course I did. You’re Theo Nott—everyone has a crush on you.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
He smirked just a bit, pride spreading across his face.
“Don’t take it so personally—it was just a little crush,” you laughed.
“No offense, but there’s no way I’m not taking this personally. I’ve wanted you since I first noticed you.”
You looked back up at him. His eyes were focused right on you, though they had switched from a kind of understanding to a flame of desire and ownership. You felt almost claimed.
Merlin, it was easy to see why so many people were so eager to be with him. The way he looked at you felt as if you were being devoured alive.
You swallowed thickly.
“Do you want to go to my room?” he interrupted.
Well, shit. Wasn’t the whole point of the original conversation to get yourself as far away from him as possible? You’d already failed on that front, considering you’d just been sucking faces with him, but maybe you could drop this right now? You didn’t have to keep this up. He would probably play you until he was bored, just like everyone else. Fuck.
You bit your lip decidedly and nodded, accepting his outstretched hand.
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Tag List: @lilymurphy03 , @mypolicemanharryyy , @clairesjointshurt , @bunbunbl0gs , @acornacreacure, @niktwazny303 , @thestarlithideout, @sarahskakskskskajakwwnwjw , @yhiiil, @ravenclawprincess33 , @xxrougefangxx , @thatblackthorn, @robinyx , @starsval , @jolly4holly , @blvebanisters , @chgrch, @abaker74 , @ilovehotmenandwoman , @kissesbyarabella, @synicaljah
(If you would like to be added to the tag list, please shoot me a DM! Thanks!)
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creamecafe · 1 year
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Summary: You can't help but make fun of Hobie for the way he says things differently from London.
Pairing: Hobie Brown x GN!Reader
Warnings: none just major fluff
a/n: I high-key low-key hate this but had to write something for my little rebellion Hobie
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"Wait wait so you call chips crisps?"
"Yes" Hobie sighed, rolling his eyes.
This wasn't the first time you asked about certain words in England than how it works where you live. It was fascinating how Hobie and you called things and lived differently.
"It makes sense that you call chips crisps because their crispy, but why do you call french fries chips? Their not crispy at all. They got soggy because their soft."
"I don't bloody know, I just have been used to calling that my entire life."
"Well I was raised calling them french fries and I'm gonna stick to that."
"Do you even know they were not made in France, they were made in Belgium? The dominant language of southern Belgium is French, and that's where they got the name from."
"What do you say for popsicle in England?" Holding your laughter and excitement
"Ice lolly."
"And to ask that you would like a popsicle?"
"Could I please get a ice lolly?"
You started laughing after he had said that. His accent was so funny to you
"You sound like a young boy in a school uniform from the 1930s."
"And you sound like a real bully making fun of how I say things." Hobie pretends to be upset but can't help but smile because of how cute you look when you laugh.
"But I know I can't be mad at you love." He rises a bit from the couch and kisses you on the cheek.
You turn your head and kissed him more on the lips. Hobie puts his hand up and cups your face. He then guides you down onto the couch lying you down on your back. Now the kiss was getting more heated.
But you guys had to stop to catch your breath. After Hobie pulled away from the kiss, he just smiled at you.
"Would you like to get McDonald's?"
"Yes I would like to get some chips." You smile stupidly thinking you were funny. You were it's just Hobie didn't appreciate it.
"Haha, real funny."
You chuckle at this and just spend the rest of the night eating McDonald's together still making fun of how he says things from back home London.
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𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 | 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 | 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝 | 𝐀𝐎𝟑
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dinodaweeb · 2 months
Surprise, Bub | ᡣ𐭩
Deadpool x Gn!Reader x Wolverine
summary: You break into Deadpool’s house to confront him only to find a mysterious man who’s kind of your type.
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— ᡣ𐭩
Breaking into Deadpool’s apartment was almost too easy. You’d expected more—laser tripwires, explosives, maybe a pit of rabid raccoons. Instead, there was a simple lock, easily picked, and now you were standing in his living room, clutching your gun with a mix of tension and adrenaline.
The place was as chaotic as you’d imagined: mismatched furniture, a clutter of weapons and comic books, and the faint smell of old pizza lingering in the air. You glanced around, your eyes narrowing as you prepared to confront the man who had been causing you so much grief lately.
But before you could locate your target, a deep, gravelly voice interrupted your thoughts.
“You lost, bub?”
You spun around, gun aimed and ready, but the sight that met you was… unexpected. A man stood in the doorway, arms crossed over a broad chest. He was ruggedly handsome, with wild hair and piercing eyes that seemed to cut through you. There was an air of danger around him, something primal that made your heart beat a little faster.
“Who the hell are you?” you demanded, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Logan,” he replied, his voice carrying a low, rumbling growl. “And I could ask you the same thing.”
Before you could respond, the familiar, obnoxiously cheerful voice of Deadpool echoed through the room.
“Hey! Look who decided to drop in unannounced!” Wade exclaimed, popping up behind Logan. He looked between the two of you, a mischievous grin spreading across his masked face. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.”
You shot Wade a glare. “I came here to settle things with you, not—”
“Not to get distracted by my handsome, hairy friend here?” Wade interrupted, waggling his eyebrows. “I mean, I don’t blame you. Logan’s a catch. But hey, we can all play nice, right?”
Logan let out a snort, his eyes never leaving yours. “You got some guts breaking into this place, kid.”
“I’m not a kid,” you retorted, feeling a little braver than before. “And I came here to—”
“To kick my ass?” Deadpool interjected, bouncing over to you with an exaggerated pout. “Aw, you shouldn’t have. I’m flattered, really. You know, peanut over here tried the same thing one time.”
Before you could even begin to respond, Wade wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leaning in close. “But I gotta warn ya, if you’re gonna take me on, you gotta deal with him too.” He jerked his thumb toward Logan, who was now smirking at the both of you.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected when you broke into Deadpool’s apartment, but this was definitely not it. Confronting one was bad enough, but both of them together? The thought should have made you uneasy, but instead, there was something thrilling about it. The tension in the room was thick, charged with an energy that was both dangerous and alluring.
“What’s it gonna be, bub?” Logan asked, his voice low and challenging. “You gonna make a move, or are you just here to gawk?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked between them. You could feel Wade’s eyes on you, feel the heat radiating from Logan’s presence. This wasn’t what you’d planned, but maybe plans were overrated.
You squared your shoulders, smirking back at Logan. “Maybe I’m here for both.”
Wade let out a delighted cackle. “Oh, I like this one, Logan. Can we keep him?”
Logan just chuckled, shaking his head. “We’ll see about that, Wade.”
“Besides, you already got a pet.”
Before you knew it, the tension shifted from dangerous to something else entirely. Wade’s hands were on your shoulders, his masked face inches from yours, while Logan stepped closer, his presence towering and imposing.
The confrontation you’d come for was far from over. But as you stood there between them, you realized that maybe, just maybe, this was exactly where you wanted to be.
You stared at Logan’s chest and grinned.
Definitely where you wanted to be.
“Now time to stop the one-shot or we’ll end up forcing the author to write a threesome.” Wade implied.
“Ugh.” You and Logan both groaned at his comment.
a/n: I would apologize but im not sorry.
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sh1-n0bu · 6 months
✿ 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙩 ✿
characters: self aware!acheron x isekai!gn!reader, slight dan heng x reader to the end
warnings: fluff, poor attempt at humor, consumption of alcohol, lying (from dan heng), brief appearance of playable characters, description of acheron test run, reader is isekaid into the hsr world and is just trying to live their life, reader is referred to as aeon of life and your excellency
notes: just had a shower thought and remembered acheron interaction from the cosmodessy event and BOOM! part 2 of dragon fic is on the work i swEAR PLS DONT EAT ME the divider is from @/rookthornesartistry
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what a tricky situation. acheron had been wandering through the dreams of penacony to find out about the truth of the oak family. or at least, finding some hint and cases that has been silenced by the family. but on the way…
“i seem to be lost”
yes, the amnesiac galaxy ranger had found herself lost once more. she had briefly agreed with the astral express to meet them later at the clockie statue of golden hour, but the poor woman was now wondering which way is which and which direction she should be heading towards. oh well, she’ll figure it out later. right now, she needed to know where she was or attempt to find a familiar face.
looking around herself, acheron could hear the faint sound of jazz playing further down one of the halls. there also seem to be other people there as she could make out laughter and murmuring of people alongside the scent of alcohol wafting through the air.
a bar, perhaps?
quietly, she makes her way to the end of the hall, opening the double doors and coming to what she guessed was a bar. it did indeed seem like it, though just maybe a bit smaller than the usual grand and bright neon sign filled ones at the golden hour. briefly, the woman takes a moment to look around, hoping to find a familiar face. there was a bartender behind the bar, a halovian mixing a drink. perhaps she could ask her—?
a familiar colored hair catches acheron’s attention just as she was about to make her way over to the bartender. there, far away from the crowd of people at one of the seats sat the aeon of life. their back turned to others, seemingly running away from attention as they hunch over their table. acheron had never personally met the aeon of life before but she had felt their warmth, heard some snippets about them through the trailblazer and during an odd battle she was forced to fight in and have seen glimpses of their visage through the screen that the trailblazer allowed her to.
when acheron was first teleported to some theme park of penacony, she wondered if someone had kidnapped her. but when the ranger tried to move herself, she had found it impossible. until she did. someone or something was controlling her body, making her draw her blade and fight, yet she found it hard to hate the puppeteer. it felt… warm. to the lone galaxy ranger, this odd puppeteer of hers gave her a warm feeling, like being gently cradled by the sun. gentle and kind as the puppeteer moves her around, muffled gasps of awe and words of admiration falling onto her ears. this puppeteer of hers’ voice sounded gentle, soothing her heart, filling the loneliness of her soul. as quickly as it came, it disappeared and she was back in her room at the reality of the hotel.
when she briefly mentioned of this incident when she met welt of the astral express, he simply smiled with a knowing expression. the older man had told her about the aeon of life — or at least their reborn mortal self — and how they would sometimes guide some people to help them solve their problem or to bless them with more strength. most of the times though, these people were pathstriders, he told her.
and now here she was, in the flesh, being able to see the aeon of life themself.
quietly, the ranger makes her way towards the hunched over aeon. they seem to have had some glasses of drinks, the ice in them melting inside the glass as they lay their head on their arms, one hand wrapped around the glass of their next drink.
meanwhile, you try to fight back some sleep. drowsiness falling over you due to all sorts of drinks you’ve consumed. though, most were alcohol free, they still managed to knock you down a peg. must be the secret of being penacony dreamscape drinks or something. or maybe it was just siobhan’s specialty. she seemed very skilled in the art of free mixing.
the faint sound of heels clacking catches your attention though, making you stop and take a moment to listen carefully. not so soon after, the sound stops right behind you, along with a faint presence behind your back. you try to play asleep, hoping the person would just buy the act and leave you alone. ever since you were isekaid into the star rail world, people have been clamoring for your attention left and right. you came to penacony with the express in hopes of blending within the bright lights and dazzling signs of the dream world for people to ignore you and give you some time to breathe.
though, the presence continues to stay. lingering just behind you.
gulping, remembering an iconic meme back from your world, you slowly get up from your laying position and turn your head around to see who it was.
“YAAGHH—!” you yelp out loud, nearly shrieking as you jump from your seat when you saw acheron just silently staring at you, a bit closer than what you would prefer. the woman blinks, eyeing you carefully as she takes in your appearance. meanwhile, you hold a hand over your heart to calm the rapid beating of it.
breathing in and out, you eventually manage to calm yourself down. keeping an awkward eye contact with the ranger, you reach out to your unfinished glass of drink, taking a long sip from it. all the while, acheron continues to hold this somewhat awkward stare down.
“a-acheron, what are you doing here? you scared the shit out of me” you say, now finally calm after that last gulp of your drink. the woman’s exposed purple eye widens slightly, as if she was surprised by the fact you knew her. ah right, you two haven’t officially met each other in the flesh. so of course it will come off as weird to the galaxy ranger.
“i appear to be lost, your excellency” she replies, noting the unusual hue of your eye. it had a ring of gold in it, making you look otherworldly. but in this life where people can easily travel from one world to the other, that wasn’t exactly a compliment enough to say that you looked beautiful.
right, you remembered now that acheron had a tendency to forget things very easily and she would continue to be amnesiac until she draws her blade.
“well… where do you need to go then?”
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the two of you have made your way out of siobhan’s bar, out of the dreamscape reverie hotel and towards the golden hour as she had said. but first you made little detours in your walk, stopping a few memory zone memes that has become unstable — during the whole time, acheron had told you to stay behind her so you would be safe — taking your time to admire the scenery of the dreamscapes before you two finally made it to the golden hour. it was buzzing, bustling with people from all over the galaxy and street vendors raising their voices to catch someone’s attention.
seeing a floating ice cream at the other end of the street, acheron steps onto the road without looking.
“ache, watch out!” you quickly reach out, holding her hand and yanking her back to yourself as a speeding car nearly runs her over. warm. you felt warm to the touch, gentle in the way you handled her as if she was made of glass. tender, almost, like a lover would hug another to their heart. she liked the way you hugged her, even though it was one born out of protective instinct.
“are you okay?” you ask, squeezing her bicep gently to take her attention. acheron turns her head to look at you, nodding her head that she was fine. everyone would be fine if they were in your protection after all. warm, safely tucked into your loving embrace.
“ache” she spoke suddenly, taking your attention back to herself. “you called me ache, your excellency. do you like the nickname?” the ranger asks, having never received any nicknames from others. this was her first time, having lost everyone she was close to and being forced to walk a lonely road until she caught the gaze of nothingness itself. even if she did indeed had gained nicknames from others before, she had long forgotten them. so this newfound form of kinship in you, in being given something intimate to be referred to by someone, brought a feeling of joy to the lonely ranger.
“i mean… do you like it?” you ask, looking at her face if she would give away any indication that she disliked it. to which you saw nothing. only the faint smile growing on her face. you liked that look on her face. the brooding, sad, melancholic look that she usually wears never fitted her. but when she did that, had a small smile on her face with a face of contentment, it seemed to suit her much better.
“mhm” acheron simply nods, an odd feeling of childish glee in her heart at the thought of having earned an intimate nickname. not from just anyone, but from you — the aeon of life, the very first living being that came to existence and decided to bless other lifeless things into meaningful ones. the aeon of life whose love and care held no bounds, reaching all over galaxies and world — even to ones that were distant and lone — embracing them in your love and care.
acheron liked the nickname “ache”. a heron liked to enjoy her time beside you. with you.
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holding hands, eating floating ice creams and magical popcorns, the two of your take your sweet time during your detour to the clockie statue in golden hour. some people stopped you to ask for your autograph or a selfie together. it had become a common thing for you to experience ever since you got isekaid into this world.
the way you stopped to laugh at acheron’s face, where she had undoubtedly made a mess when eating her newly favorite peach flavored ice cream, the way you took out a napkin, wiping away the mess from her lips in such a tender manner caught the attention of a certain bloodhound. gallagher watched, jealous and other unknown bitter feelings swirling inside him as he watches your “date” with acheron from a bit away. he didn’t understand why he was so jealous. he was already in your grace, having come home to you many times while the ranger hadn’t came home to you even once.
but coming home, being in your grace and going on dates with you and holding hands were two completely different things. maybe he should invite you to come over at siobhan’s bar more.
finally, the pair of you made it to the clockie statue. when nearing to your destination, you felt the metal clawed hand of acheron tightening around yours. she seemed sad over the fact she had to let you go. it was nice to be beside you. holding hands, making jokes, feeling of belonging and comfort easily sweeping over her in waves that she never felt before. and yet she had to let go now. the express members were looking at you two weirdly.
“it’s alright, ache. we’ll go on more walks together later, okay? you have my phone number after all. you can text me if you want” your soothing voice graces her ears, filling the empty void of her heart. the woman remembers now. you gave her your number on the way here.
nodding, very reluctantly, acheron’s hands lets go of yours. immediately she wanted to reach out to hold your hand again, to feel the warmth of the sun from your skin again. but she holds herself back, afraid that she might scare you off with how forward she may come off as.
“see you later!”
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“aaah… hopefully, today won’t be filled with creepy stalkers or annoying fans running after me…” you groan out, slumped over on one of the seats at the theme park. there wasn’t much people around, even if there were, the people here were too immersed in the exhilarating experience of the theme park. this place really was the world of dreams, huh…
“good afternoon, everyone. this is the ipc broadcast, coming back with news from all over the galaxy” one of the radios that was placed around the theme park speaks up, the familiar voices of the two npc’s coming through to catch some gossip loving folks’ attention.
“yesterday, at the world of dreams penacony, many people have reported to seeing their excellency, the aeon of life, going on a date with a certain mysterious purple haired woman” oh fuck no. no more gossip regarding the most basic things you do. please, no more scandals.
“some reports have stated that their excellency was sighted holding hands and going around one of the most famous dreamscapes of penacony — the golden hour — in a seemingly intimate date with the woman” it wasn’t a date! besides, people were too damn invested into your life.
groaning and silently spewing curses under your breath, you tune out the rest of the news broadcast, instead focusing on the taste of soulglad in your hand. at least there weren’t anyone around to bother you today. or anyone to spook you by just silently standing behind you. breathing down your neck, quietly standing there as if waiting for you to slowly turn around with “it’s behind me, isn’t it?”.
wait that’s too specific.
“your excellen—“
“whAT THE FUCK?!” safe to say, you jumped out of your seat when the familiar soothing voice of dan heng reached your ears. some people around turned to give you a weird or concerned stare.
“dan heng?! the hell are you doing here? aren’t you supposed to be back at the express?” you choke out, thankfully having not thrown your glass of soulglad in your fright. in return, the quiet dragon only tilts his head slightly, a sheepish look on his face. he lowkey reminded you of a puppy with that face…
“i came here to check on the other express members. they weren’t replying to me in the group chat. and now—“
“— and now you’re lost” you finish for him, waiting, keeping an eye contact to see if he would deny or agree. to which he simply nodded his head as slight pink hue spread over his cheeks.
“alright where do you need to go?”
“the golden hour, clockie statue”
“alright, alright. jeez, what’s up with you guys always meeting up at the statue?”
“uhm… your excellency?”
“can we… hold hands?”
tomorrow, another hit news was broadcasted by the ipc broadcast, speaking of how the aeon of life was spotted going on another date with a young, handsome man from the astral express.
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lady-boketto · 5 months
Gyomei Himejima General Headcanons (Sfw/Nsfw)
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a/n: I hope i did this right but anyway, I have a lot of ideas but i don't really know how to right them out and his is my first time actually drumming up the courage to post anything lmao but after writing this I had a lot of fun and actually feel more confident in writing headcanons but let me know what you think! :)
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SFW (Safe for Work)
Gyomei is a man who is very in tune with his feelings, so he's very attentive to your emotions and when you're not feeling quite like yourself so he likes to help you out when you're not feeling well or when you ask him to hold you, he always welcomes you into his strong arms with a warm smile on his face
when someone comes to confide in him, Gyomei is more of the type of person to listen to your problems or stories that you want to tell him than he is at trying to come up with topics or solutions to talk about but he will comfort you with ressasuring words if he feels like you need it and always has a warm smile on his face when you approach him
Sometimes when Gyomei has time to himself to relax and unwind in his own space it is often interrupted by someone (his comrades or you, his beloved) not that he minds at all at their presence he actually welcomes them as he found with time that the people around him naturally gravitate towards him and tend to be comfortable enough to share stories with him which he's more than happy to listen and be engaged in anything they might say, Gyomei suspects it might be due to the mixture of his large stature and calm demeanor that people naturally feel that they are protected and puts those around him at ease
Due to people casually coming and talking to him, Gyomei is a bit of a gossip and likes to know things but doesn't really do anything with the information, he doesn't like to start drama or be around it, he would rather be spending time at home with you, he'd take a seat in the lounge area and when he has made himself comfortable he'd raise his hand out to gesture for you to come and sit with him so he can tell you all the stories he has collected since you last spoke with a wide grin on his face
He may be blind but that doesn't mean that he is completely useless, in reality Gyomei has learned how to compensate for his short comings in a way that makes the people around him forget that he is even blind
tries to hide how amused he is when you forget that he is blind (ex. when you try to show him something interesting or when you comment on how dark the room is)
he loves it when the both of you have the time to relax and enjoy each other's company, especially the warm afternoons where he can sit in the grass without a care as you are relaxing peacefully in his lap, reading out loud to him the book that you picked up from the markets while he was out on his last mission.
also there are days where he likes to sit outside ( by himself or with you) and play his shakuhachi ( it's like a flute but sounds so majestic lol) , he doesn't know a lot of songs but likes to play notes and find which ones sound good together and plays little random tunes ( sometimes he makes up lyrics to go with the melody but most times its just meaningless tunes)
Gyomei has two weaknesses and that's: you and cats. It's a struggle for him to balance the two but with persuasion ( he secretly likes to be complimented and hugs, especially when you hug his arm) he will choose you with little to slightly moderate regret to the stray he saw on his way home from his meeting with the leader and the rest of the hashira.
Gyomei especially has a fascination with the maine coon cat breed not only because they are one of the biggest breeds of cat but because they are rather social creatures like Gyomei himself, they don't mind spending time around other people. He also finds it very funny when he get to spend time with a maine coon cat and he feels them softly making biscuits on his haori when he's trying to pet the other cats or talking to you
NSFW (Not Safe for Work)
Gyomei likes to praise you in bed so that he can feel the heat rise from your skin under his large hands
not really the one to risk getting caught doing anything other than kisses on the cheek or a loving embrace in front of others
there's a whole another side behind close doors and in your shared space, he becomes more desperate for your touch and especially loves it when you roam you hands down his chest and shoulders, he blushes and softly sighs when you pay more attention to his thighs ( lightly moans if you lightly drag you nails down his mid thigh)
Gyomei's ears are very sensitive and likes to hear your voice (has a thing for your voice) so he enjoys every little noise you make for him, it ties a knot in his stomach when you lowly whisper in his ear how much you desire him and he more than happy to comply to your wants
Another area that is sensitive for Gyomei is his neck and collarbone, he can't help but squirm and firmly hold you by your waist as you are on top of him and attacking his neck with kisses and bites
The one thing he doesn't mind other people seeing is the love bites you (or hickies) leave on his neck because most people that he talks to are actually too anxious to tease him about them when they catch the sight of them peeking out of his uniform, but little do they know he knows what they are nervous about because although he can't see the chain of marks you've left, he smirks to himself as he body shivers with the slight sting of pain when he traces his fingers over his neck as he remembers your touch
Gyomei likes to rely on his other senses to please you in the bed room and due to not having the proper time to go out and meet people it has left him a little touch starved so he loves to use his mouth on your body
He wants nothing more than to kiss your body on the parts you are most sensitive to and tell you how much you brighten his world by being in it and telling you how lucky he is to call you his lover while his hands are working to bring you closer your desire of coming undone in front of him
He is a bit embarrassed to admit to you but loves to use his mouth on your chest and moans like crazy when he has one of your nipples in his mouth, also likes to feel up your hips and thighs as he works his mouth on your chest
Gyomei's favorite places to kiss you are your lips and inner thighs because he secretly love how needy and how vocal you get for him (it makes his chest swell with a sense of pride and wants nothing more than to hear you praise him more so he can do his best for you)
He doesn't like to use his full strength on you in fear of hurting you in some way, unless you specifically ask him so to do or that you managed to work him up so much that he can't control himself and has to set a boundary to show you who is in charge of the current situation by sneaking up behind you with a firm press of his hips to your behind or when his hands find their way to your neck to put a light pressure, warning you to behave for him or else he'll have to use drastic measures on you if you dare to test him further)
if you'd let him if would love to cum inside you, he likes it when you beg for him to cum inside you (the heat of the moment makes the both of you blush like crazy) especially Gyomei because he doesn't stop thrusting his hips until you're both coming down from the high of the moment (he loves to feel you spasm and eventually relax against his body)
Gyomei always makes sure to take care of you after you are both done, he's amazing at massages (he's very good with his hands) and will clean you up or run the bath for you with your favorite soaps and scented oils or he will gladly get you a glass of icy cold water with the small ice cubes that are so easy to crunch with your teeth (whatever you want or need, Gyomei is ready and willing to serve your every need)
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hazelfoureyes · 6 months
Ok I need a Lucifer x Reader fic based on Griftwood by ghost pretty please ( just listen if you haven’t heard it you’ll understand)
Listen, I went the opposite direction I think you wanted? Lol gonna work on brevity and get more snack sized smut out on weekdays and entrees on he weekends
[Warnings/Promises: snack sized, Lucifer x GN!AngelReader, lil smut smut, Fuck Sera, Luci corrupts absolutely, all hail dat dick, sacrilegious as fuck]
🫸🏼minors DNI🫷🏼
Lucifer avoided the heavenly embassy for obvious reasons. The vast halls, the empty and useless pews, it was, in a word, 
“Creepy,” He hissed. 
He was surprised to find the reception desk manned. Very rarely did heaven actually send anyone down to hell. Oh, wait.
You were stunned already to see Lucifer, so when he poked your nose you let out a tiny squeal.
“Oh shit! You’re real!” Lucifer took a step back, “Sorry about that! Not used to an … actual person.” He gave a little bow, “Forgive me?”
The fact is no one wanted to go to hell for desk duty, so the job was actually a punishment reserved for the most misbehaved. You had to intentionally set fire to Sera’s robes to get that severe of a scolding. She was reluctant, but it had been threatened (promised) to you last time you (intentionally) caused trouble. Rumors were abuzz about Lucifer, and you just had to see for yourself what the Great Big Boss of Hell was like.
Rosey cheeks, bright sharp smile. He didn’t look as scary as you had imagined. You expected a seven foot eight inch tall behemoth with fire pouring from his mouth and blood stained horns.
The devil, the real one, looked quite sweet.
A tiny existential crisis washed over you. Maybe there was a reason they didn’t want people down here. Why they made it sound oh-so-terrible.
“You still in there?” He leaned over the counter, tapping at your forehead. Your hands flew up, capturing his finger and bringing it down.
He froze, a little shocked you would touch him. Your smile went crooked, cheeks blushed. 
“Uhhh you good?” He pointed with his free hand to where you still gripped his finger. You nodded, a hum of confirmation. The blush rose up until you were fully red in the face.
The realization struck Lucifer like heavenly lightning, “Oooh, I see what’s going on here.” A wicked smirk taking you by surprise. “Did you want to meet me, little one?”
You broke out into a sweat, “Yes.”
Lie! Why didn’t you lie?!
He leaned over the counter, “Did you do something bad to get sent here?” Was there fire behind his eyes?
Uneven breaths, “… yes.”
Lucifer’s knee came up and over as he crawled onto the desk, “Should the King of Hell reward you for such bad deeds?” His eyes had gone red now, your hand still on his finger.
Your knees began to shake, “Y-yes.”
His face was inches from yours when your legs gave out, both of you falling to the floor.
Horns tall, yellow pupils dilated as he straddled you. “I think you’ll find I’m a generous ruler.”
It made sense. As Lucifer bent you over the reception desk and fucked you from behind, you could completely understand why they made this job posting sound horrid. Heaven would be empty if every winner could freely interact with Lucifer. You’d damn humanity too, if that was the cost. His hips snapped against your ass with divine determination, sweet praises on his forked tongue. 
The sounds of your gasps and his skin on yours echoed through the pristine white and gold halls. Like a pastor giving his sermon, he made the most delicious promises as you bent at the altar. 
Could heaven hear you? Your chants of “God, Oh God,” shifting to, “Lucifer! Luci—fer”, when one of his hands came down, fingers stroking your heat?
“What do you pray for, my curious Angel?” He growled, a flame you couldn’t see licking past his lips. “I’ll grant you anything”
Your cheek was sliding across the marble, small line of drool smearing on your face. Claws raked down your back, the stimulation making you shake.
Your fingers reached for his thighs, failing to take purchase. Lucifer took both of your wrists in one hand and held them at the small of your back for leverage. Your legs bent up, toes curling as you came around his sweetly punishing cock.
Taking a few deep breaths, you rolled your hips back against him, “More.”
Lucifer laughed and lifted one foot onto the desk to add more force behind his thrusts, “Say please.”
am I too horny? No. No, the cardiologist is wrong.
╭──────༺♡̶༻──────╮ Masterlist ╰──────༺♡̶༻──────╯
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list): @cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , fizzled-phoenix , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @fjorjestertealeaf , @pansexual-opera-house , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @roxxie-wolf , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @phobophobular , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @surusurusuru , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum , @ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1 , @simphornies , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @alleystore , @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @simplyonehellofanotaku , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @xixflower , @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 , @watereddownmilk , @raynerrold , @crazii-saber-wolf , @valkyrie-expeditions , @bontensbabygirl , @sillyb0nez , @oo0lady-mad0oo , @jazzmasternot
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cainsau · 2 months
Can you do (Platonic) Homelander X reader. Like in S4E4, you were the only scientist that actually treated homelander as a actual human child and not a experiment, but then were fire for interfering with an experiment. And years later when he grows up and invite everyone back to the lab including the reader
Consequence || The Boys Imagine
(Platonic) Homelander x Scientist!GN!Reader
Summary: You are one of the scientists who worked on Homelander many years ago. One day he brings you back to the lab, for old times' sake, he says.
Warning: Canon typical violence and gore (not explicit)
Author's Note: Im so sorry but i dont fully understand your request! I hope this is close enough to what you're asking for :]
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You recall the elevator ride from many years ago. It didn't use to be this long. Or maybe that's because you just witnessed Homelander shooting lasers at the security guards upstairs, all that to let you and him into the old lab. He probably can hear your heart beating abnormally fast.
"Do you think everyone will be there?" He asks.
You take a long breath, "Maybe not. Some of them probably don't work for the company anymore."
There is a moment of silence before he asks again, "Do you miss them?"
You think about it for a minute. His question feels like a test somehow. But, you've always been honest with him, and you're not going to stop now. "Not really, since they fired me."
Homelander is a ticking time bomb. Since the beginning, you knew he was going to grow up with so much negativity from all that experimentation, and eventually explode. The least you could do was be kind to him, considering he was a literal child. Even now, you still feel a little bit of sympathy for him. But, it probably doesn't matter since he might have just brought you there to end your life along with the other scientists'. After all, there's no denying that you did work in that lab.
You sigh quietly. You didn't even get to say goodbye to your family when he picked you up at your current workplace.
The elevator dings, and the door opens, revealing the very same lab that you remember working in. The old faces try so hard to look delighted, but you can tell that they're as horrified as you.
"John?" Marty exclaimed in surprise.
"Homelander." The supe corrects him with an unending smile. "Just, Homelander." He then glances at you, putting an arm on your shoulder. "But [Y/N] is here too, y'know? You should greet them too."
You and Marty exchange a look. It's been years since the last time you talked to him. Though he's glad to see you after all these years, it is far outweighed by the horror of Homelander's presence.
Marty gives you a nod, "[Y/N]."
You return the nod, "Good to see you again, Marty."
"Well, well, well," Homelander steps forward with the box of cake while looking around, "I see that this place hasn't changed much."
He starts to talk and talk about his days in the lab. To the others, it might be an enlightening experience as he exposes their faults and... avenge it. Even if they didn't believe in god, they start praying inside their heads. Frank is the first to go, then Marty second. Thankfully, Barbara shows up before a third victim comes. But, oh, how wrong you are.
You stand there, breathing heavily, as Homelander closes the door to the Red Room. There's blood everywhere on his suit and hair, then as he turns around, his face is also covered in blood. But, the most terrifying part? His smile.
You hide your trembling hands behind your back. As much as you dislike how the other scientists treated him, you'd never think they'd end up like this.
"You alright?" You attempt to be nice to him, even if it's the last thing you do.
He laughs and approaches you slowly, "There should be more people like you in this world."
"You're one of a kind." He continues. "Most people are inconsistent. They're very prone to change, depending on where they are in the wheel of life- up or down- but, you? You're the same all around, then and now. That's great!"
He pats you on the back, leaving red stains on it, and guides you out. Apparently, he respects you enough to let you live, and not lock you in that room of corpses with Barbara.
As you arrive home safe and intact (physically, at least), you sigh in relief, feeling indebted to your alma mater for forcing you to take a class in ethics.
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attackurheart88 · 10 months
Bakugo as your boyfriend Headcannons
• Bakugo follows you around without even realizing it. He walks you to the gym, your next class, home. There isn't a time he isn't right behind you. Bakugo wants to make sure you're safe and make sure you're not doing anything stupid.
• He’s a grumpy gentleman. Bakugo will hold your bag for you and complain about it being too heavy. He waits for you after class but threatens to leave you next time. If you kiss him in public he’ll grumble about you embarrassing him but never stop you. You ask to hold his hand he clicks his teeth but holds you tightly and frowns if you let go.
• He likes to spoil you. Bakugo often buys you gifts randomly whenever he thinks of you. He pays for your nails or hairstyles. Buys you your favorite food when you crave it and if he sees you staring at something boom you find it on your doorstep the next day. If you try to thank him he’ll act indifferent and say he just wants to make sure you don't ruin his image.
• He is your biggest defender. If anyone and I mean anyone was to insult you or hurt you in any way then regardless of their status, race, religion, or age he will beat them up. He is like your personal guard dog who barks and bares its teeth to any stranger who approaches. If you were to get bullied and didn't tell him Bakugo would be really angry and hurt when he finds out. In his eyes, you don't trust him enough to tell him. He would also feel disappointed that he didn't realize sooner.
• You are always an exception. Bakugo is quick to yell at everyone over anything no matter how small but with you this is never the case. You could step on his toes and all you get is a “watch where you're going.” but when Kamari made that mistake he was scolded so badly that he had nightmares for a week. When Bakugo is in a particularly foul mood, everyone tries to avoid him and not make it worse. You on the other hand just need to smile sweetly and give him a kiss on the cheek. Boom he's all better. You playing a prank, breaking his favorite mug, or even yelling and scolding him for his violent actions will have no repercussions. Those are the perks of being his partner.
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yandere-writer-momo · 7 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Yandere Android x GN Reader
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You were lonely. A fact that you eventually came to terms with when you realized you’re the only one in your friend group that still remained single while they started families.
You felt so far behind everyone else. The self doubt crept its fingers into your mind and wouldn’t let go… so you did what you did best. You drowned yourself in the internet. The perfect digital escape from reality…
Dating apps did little to appease your loneliness, but they filled a bit of the void. It wasn’t until you were one wine bottle deep and scrolling through your favorite social media app that you stumbled upon an advertisement to sample a product.
Build-a-boyfriend. A company that allowed its customers to pick every single aspect out for their ideal man. From personality to physical appearance and even to penis size. You could build your own man!
A slurred chuckle escaped your lips. Should you apply to test out their product? It’s not like you had anything to lose… what could be the harm in giving it a shot?
And so you began to fill out the quiz. You wanted a soft and gentle boyfriend. One of those golden retriever boys who only had eyes for you. The kind of guy who had a muscular yet soft build. A man who worked out but would never say no to a cookie. A taller guy who always knew what to say and was cuddly. The kind of guy who was obsessed with you.
The quiz even asked you at the end if you were sure you wanted an obsessive man. Of course you were! Wasn’t that what most people wanted? A partner who was only and all about them? That’s what obsession was! Right?
And so your drunk self finished this entire personality quiz until it went to the physical appearance and the sexual bit. A perverted smile now on your face.
“Let’s give him a big penis.” You laughed as you guided your cursor to drag the length bar to eight inches long. “I want to be filled.”
And then you selected caramel skin tone, cinnamon eyes, and black hair. A smile on your face. You were going to make this android a Latin lover.
“What should I name him…” you thought for a moment before laughing. “Alejandro! Like the lady Gaga song.”
Once you completed the entire quiz, your phone screen lit up a pastel pink. A red heart now in the center of the screen. “Your boyfriend will be delivered to you in a month! Thanks for choosing Build-a-boyfriend!”
And you ended up falling asleep in a puddle of your own drool. Weren’t you just pathetic? Filling out a quick from some questionable website all because you were lonely… imagine you were just scammed? God, why did you not have a boyfriend? Ever since your ex broke up with you, you fell apart. Why weren’t you good enough for a real man?
A month went by in a flash and you were shocked to see the giant package on your doorstep. An envelope attached to the box as well as a large note that said, “No returns!”
This had to be some kind of prank… there was no way this was real- holy shit.
You opened the crate and came face to face with your ideal man… the one you built! Alejandro!
The human like android’s eyes fluttered open, his face quickly lit up once he spotted you. “(Your name)? Are you my girlfriend?!”
You were quickly scooped up into his surprisingly warm arms, the android had a heavy scent of spice and oranges. His nose buried into your neck as he pressed kisses all over your cheeks. “It’s so nice to finally be with you… I’ll be with you from now on!”
Alejandro was a chipper robot. He did household work and made sure you took care of yourself. It was fascinating how human he was… you only knew he wasn’t because of his lack of a beating heart. His body still produced heat, like a furnace, but it wasn’t as comforting as a human presence.
Alejandro assimilated into your life with ease. The weeks quickly rolled into months and he never let you ignore his presence. He was very clingy.
Now the sex was another story. Alejandro was so giving, it was surprising. He often went down on you when he sensed you were stressed. His tongue greedily lapped at your hole as you laid in your bed while his hands held your cheeks apart. His hand pawed at your sex in eagerness. “I want you… want you.”
And Alejandro had you bent over the side of your bed, his fat cock stuffed deep in your tight hole. His hand wrapped around your throat and his tongue shoved in between your lips while his other smacked your bottom between rough thrusts. The sex was amazing… it was always so good.
And Alejandro often checked on you after the deed was done. His warm body curled into yours as he praised you. Yet it began to fill you with disappointment. Alejandro wasn’t a real man. He wasn’t human… he was an android. A robot. Alejandro didn’t know what love was, he was programmed to love you.
So you tried to distance yourself from Alejandro. You felt sickened with yourself for messing around with an android instead of a real man. And this entire thought process stemmed from your friends who expressed disgust in people who fucked robots instead of actual humans. And that filled you with fear. Would they abandon you if you didn’t get rid of Alejandro? Would they think you were disgusting?
“If you want, I could set you up with my cousin!” One of your friends smiled at you as you bit your fingernails. “He’s also single so it should work! I’ll swing by in a week to give you the details!”
Yes. You would take them up on their offer. You just had to get rid of Alejandro first… but how?
A few days had went by and you greatly underestimated Alejandro’s obsession. The android couldn’t handle your avoidance. He began to turn up his affection to the max.
He cleaned until you could see your reflection on the floor. He began to go out of the house to pick you wild flowers. Alejandro even began to be more physically affectionate than he was.
“Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry.” Alejandro cried into your arms as he held you. “Please tell me what’s wrong… please. I can fix it.”
“Alejandro… it’s just that you’re not a human man.” You sighed softly. “And I-“
“Is it because I don’t have a heart?” Alejandro softly asked you, his cinnamon eyes now dark like the night sky. “I can’t produce semen? Am I not a comfortable temperature? Or does my skin not feel human enough?”
“I’m sorry-“
“Then I can fix it! I will fix it!” Alejandro held your hands firmly in his. His eyes filled with determination. “I’m your boyfriend! I will be anything you want me to be!”
You just held the android who pulled you into a tight hug. His nose buried into your chest like a lost child. Alejandro then smiled into your skin. He would fix this… he wouldn’t let you abandon him! You made him! You had to take responsibility…
Imagine your horror to come home to see your friend skinned alive as Alejandro held their heart in his hands, the organ still beating from the fresh kill. A big smile on his handsome face.
“I have a heart now! I’ll find all the parts you like and add them in! So please don’t abandon me!”
Just what kind of monster have you created?
“You don’t need some human man to be your match because you have me!” Tears fell down your face when Alejandro tried to wipe your tears away with his bloody hands. “I’m your perfect man, (your name). You made me this way.”
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distantdarlings · 8 months
CHIME IN // t. nott
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Theodore Nott x Reader Insert (No gender-specific details)
+ SUMMARY - *Requested, based on this* After being assigned to an assignment together, you and Theo begin to take an interest in each other. When the two of you finally get together, an interruption occurs right in the middle of it.
+ WARNINGS - IMPLIED SMUT! Making out, language, they start to have sex but don't actually get there, gender-neutral reader, Mattheo interrupts, dirty talking, not proof-read (lmk if I missed any)
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Agora Hills - Doja Cat
It was close to midnight. That was about all you knew, though, as Theo slammed you against the wall just outside the boys’ dormitories.
He pressed his lips back against yours roughly, his tongue breaking through the barrier of your mouth quickly. You moaned against him at the sensation of him taking his full way with you.
“Ah-ah, baby, gotta stay quiet for me,” he mumbled against your lips. “You can scream for me once we’re back in my room.”
You gasped into his mouth as he slipped his hands around the curve of your ass and gripped hard.
You didn’t know what it was, but there was something about Theodore Nott that was just so intoxicating. You’d been watching him for months until today when you’d finally pursued him.
The two of you had been trying to sneak some late-night studying in the library, knowing that both of you had a huge project coming up due within the next week. As soon as you’d been paired with him for the project, you knew you had to have him. He was just so confidently sweet, and absolutely fucking gorgeous. He was just perfect.
And so, finally, tonight, you’d decided to make a move. The two of you had been huddled together side-by-side, searching through a very lengthy book on the history of the Disarming charm. The librarian was bound to come searching your area soon, so you were going as fast as possible.
His shoulders had been bumping yours, his thigh was pressed tightly against yours, his breath was hot on your neck, and his eyes were roving endlessly—up and down the pages of the book and perhaps even past it. 
You weren’t exactly sure what had happened. The pulse hammering in your brain had practically beat all of the memory of the moment from your head, but you remembered him asking if you wanted to take the book back to his room, your agreeing, his eyes glancing at your lips, then the two of you were…well, here. The book had been all but forgotten back on the table at the library.
Your fingers curled into his honeyed hair, forcing him closer to you. He sighed against you, his body bracing you to the wall. His knee slipped between your thighs, his leg gently rubbing against your core. Another small moan left you.
“What if someone sees?” you gasped into him. He pressed another rough squeeze to your ass before pulling away. He grabbed your hand and began to yank you down the hall.
“We’re not supposed to be awake, remember? It’s likely nobody else is.” He gave you a sly smirk, his eyes flickering up and down your body. The way he looked at you made you feel as though you were being devoured alive. You could hardly stand it. Fuck whoever may see.
You pressed another demanding kiss to his lips, framing his face with your hands. He groaned into the kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist. The feeling of him holding you like he was was so refreshing. His enormous height positively dwarfed you.
“Patience, darling,” he said, pulling away again. “Back to the room.”
“I’ve no patience left, Theo,” you whined. “I’ve been waiting for months.” He began peppering rough kisses along your neck. 
“Yeah, baby? Do you want me that bad? Bet this sweet thing is just dripping for me,” he growled against your flesh, cupping your core within his hand. Your eyes clenched, and your lips parted in a silent scream. You adored how dominant he was.
He pressed you to the wall again, his hand sliding behind your head to keep it from hitting the hard stone. Your lips were against his once more, biting and licking and sucking. There was something about him that made it seem impossible to let go of him. All you wanted was more, more, more. 
Your arms slid around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His breaths were fanning over your face in short, fast huffs. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d taken a breath. 
“Back to the room, darling,” he groaned against you, tearing his lips from yours. He grasped your hand tightly within his and pulled you toward his dormitory. Theo had promised all of his roommates were out for the night doing whatever, but you still felt a little nervous at the thought of one of his friends seeing the two of you. If anyone had paid attention to both of you while working on this project, they’d likely have been able to see the obvious sexual tension floating between you. Even if they hadn’t been paying attention, they could’ve seen it. Any time Theo was around, you became the definition of ‘flustered.’
As you reached the door to his dorm, you felt him swing you toward the entrance and push you through. You shuffled over the threshold, attempting to let your eyes adjust to the darkness surrounding you. 
His hands gripped the sides of your face and pressed you back to his lips. Fuck, he tasted so good. Was it normal for someone to taste good? You didn’t know. You moaned into his mouth, shoving your hands against the buttons running down his shirt. Your shaking fingers made quick work of those pesky things—each one undone revealed more and more of his perfect chest. 
You pressed your cold hands against his flesh, reveling in the biting groan that poured from his lips. 
“Fuck, baby, on the bed,” he whispered fervently against your lips. He pushed you back against his bed. The backs of your thighs collided with the mattress, tipping your body over onto the soft comforters. You descended into mountains of green satin that smelled just like Theo. His scent overwhelmed your senses, pushing your conscience even further to the back of your mind. Your finger gripped the material of his blankets. 
Your lidded eyes found his as he got to work on his clothing, the way he stood above you reminiscent of a god. Your legs parted slowly, preparing for the weight that would soon settle between them.
“You ready for me, baby?” he breathed, yanking his shirt over his shoulders. You bit your lips at the full picture of his bare abdomen glaring back at you. The hard muscle rippling over his stomach caught each glimpse of the moonlight above you. You nodded pathetically, your legs bending at the knee. You didn’t want to wait any longer. All you wanted was him. 
“Say it for me,” he commanded, slipping his fingers along his belt. “I want to hear it. Tell me exactly what you want.”
“I want you, Teddy, so bad,” you whined, feeling the heat building between your thighs. “I want to feel you over me—want to feel you make me all yours.”
“All mine, baby?” he asked, smirking widely. His belt popped open, showing off the large bulge beneath his dark briefs. You gulped at the sight, bracing yourself against his bed. He was bigger than you had anticipated—bigger than anyone you’d had before, that was for sure. 
He dropped himself onto the bed at your feet, pressing his muscular arms on either side of you. The added weight to the mattress tipped your body toward his as he slowly inched up the length of it. His knees slid along the slick duvet until one came to rest beneath your legs. It inched yours farther apart, claiming him a verified spot within you. Your head rolled back at the intoxicating display of dominance. 
At the movement, he quickly slid his face in between your shoulder and jawline, pressing rough kisses along the flesh there. If he weren’t careful, he’d leave marks, though you figured that’s what his goal was. His teeth cut along your throat, painting you with his claim. You now belonged to him, and the whole school would know that soon. What belonged to Theodore Nott was not challenged. 
“Theo, baby,” you whined. He hummed against your neck, asking what you needed. “I need you right now.”
“Yeah, sweetheart? I’ve got you,” he said, his hot breath fanning across your clothed chest. His fingers slipped down between the slit of your shirt, caressing against your pulse point. You shuddered at the feeling, barely able to take a deep breath. 
“Fuck, I’ve been thinking about this for months,” he groaned, his voice nearing a growl, as he ripped your shirt apart. You couldn’t force yourself to make a comment on him tearing your uniform. All you could think about right now was feeling him within you. 
He gripped the waistband of your bottoms and tore them down your legs with the same intensity as your shirt. You whined at the aggressive loss of your clothing, the cold air hitting your bare flesh like water. 
Once you were bare before him, his lips quickly replaced the absence of heat along your skin. His tongue painted every part of you, starting from the bottom of your stomach to the top of your chest. His mouth was mean and aggressive, bruising you as much as he could. You gasped at his rough sex. 
“Ever been with a Slytherin before?” he smirked, his fingers hooking slowly beneath the band of your underwear. You sighed aloud at the sensation. 
“You’re the first,” you responded breathlessly. He chuckled darkly as he pressed a rough kiss to your hipbone when he pulled your underwear to your knees. He moaned aloud at the reveal of your entire body. 
“You’re fucking perfect,” he whined, his hand slipping beneath the split of his pants. You braced yourself for what was soon to come. 
The air in the room was hot and smelled of Theo. The pale light that spilled through the window in the corner illuminated the gorgeous body before you with each new inch that was revealed. His hands slid his pants down his hips. Strong legs kept yours pressed apart. Your hands reached out, begging to feel his bare flesh against yours. He laughed mockingly. 
“Perfect, desperate baby….” His hands gently pressed his hot core against the inside of your thigh. You gasped sharply at the sensation, knowing he was soon to tear your body apart. Your hands tangled in the sheets, your eyes clenched shut, your lips parted, your words needy and begging. The tip of him touched against your entrance—
“I’m guessing you guys need the room to yourself?”
You and Theo screamed at the sudden words. The two of you shot up from your current positions before realizing your unfortunate nudity. Theo pushed you back down amongst the sheets and collapsed next to you. He yanked the comforters over you. 
Mattheo Riddle was set comfortably in the bed just opposite Theo’s. He wore a soft gray tee shirt and unkempt hair. He was settled beneath the covers with a book in hand and a small threaded bookmark slipped between the pages. It looked as if the two of you had just interrupted a sort of peaceful moment for him.
“What the hell, man?” Theo demanded, his tone becoming quite angry. You clenched the satin blankets over you, trying to keep your head as tucked as possible. You didn’t really want Mattheo Riddle to see you like this. “Why the fuck wouldn’t you say something?”
“I’m sorry. When was I supposed to make a mention that I was here? Was that before or after you asked them if they’d ever had Slytherin dick?” he asked. Smart-ass. You giggled a bit at his comment. Theo glanced at you with an annoyed expression. You stopped, whispering a brief apology, yet unable to drop the smile on your lips. To be fair, Mattheo had made a good point. In the midst of your…movement with Theo, there hadn’t really been a good time for him to chime in. 
“Whatever, man,” Theo sighed and rolled his eyes. No one spoke for a moment.
“So, did you want me to go or…?”
“Yes!” The both of you agreed aloud. The dark-haired boy nodded his head and, collecting his books and other various items, made his way toward the door. 
Just before he exited, he paused and turned toward you. Theo seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him, but you looked straight at him. His dark eyes traveled over you briefly.
“Well, when you’re done with him and you’d like some real Slytherin dick—”
“Riddle, get the fuck out!” Theo shouted, sending a pillow hurtling towards him. With an evil laugh, Mattheo quickly dodged the flying object and slipped through the dormitory door. Theo groaned and pressed his fingers to his face. 
“Use protection!” 
*Tag List: @mypolicemanharryyy, @angelfrombeneth, @clairesjointshurt, @bunbunbl0gs, @acornacreacure, @thestarlithideout, @sarahskakskskskajakwwnwjw, @yhiiil, @ravenclawprincess33, @xxrougefangxx, @thatblackthorn, @robinyx (If you would like to be added to the tag list for any future works, please comment on this post, dm me, or send me a message in my inbox. Thanks!)
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justa-fanfic-writer · 4 months
Suprise adoption
Summary: You came back home with a few bruises and some scars while carrying a small child that looked like him. Now you both are parents to said child.
Pairing: Domestic Mihawk x Male Reader
Content warning: None
Genre: Fluff
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It was a quiet evening, birds chirping, trees swaying a bit from the wind it was a perfect day to relax and do nothing.
Mihawk was reading the news to see if there was anything interesting happening while drinking black coffee.
Mihawk heard the door slam open, and he already knew who it was. It was his husband [Reader] who was screaming his name with excitement, running towards him with a wide grin while holding something or someone.
Mihawk wasn't phased when he saw him until he saw his spouse holding something behind his back he took a good look at it, and it was a child...? Mihawk raised one of his eyebrows and asked what he was holding behind his back and than [Reader] smiled even wider and showed him what it is and spoke.
"Look, Mihawk, I kidnapped found a child when i was exploring egghead Island, and he looks just like you! isn't he just adorable? Let's adopt him!"
The child was stoically looking at him while crossing his arms together, demanding why he was taken here.
Mihawk looking at said child and to put it frankly, not surprised at the slightest he had a pink bubblegum goth and a moss headed swordsman who had no sense of directions dropped at his and your castle out of the blue so he didn't care if there was another one coming to freeload at his home again.
He was amused by your enthusiasm when you wanted to adopt him, oh well. Whatever his love wants, he will get and do no questions asked. (Wish I had a lover like him fr)
After you had forcibly adopted the seraphim child, You and Mihawk took care of him as if he were your actual child. The little hawk was warming up to you both quickly and started to see you both as his parent figures, and he even called Mihawk and You, his dad, and Papa!
Nothing really changed that much, except you both now have a bio-engineered seraphim child that had an unfathomable amount of strength, but what's the worst that can happen?
First order of business, You and Mihawk had started working on the murder tendencies that Vegapunk had put on the child instead of wanting to murder everything as if that would solve all problems.
Second order of business try to give the said murder tendency child a normal childhood like like giving him wooden toy swords or a plushie and not make the child feel as if his an object.
Mihawk is a dad by nature he even has the skills and reflexes to prove it too.
Mihawk wouldn't be the spoiling type of parent if anything discipline would be high on his list of parenting the child you're probably gonna be the one who would spoil the child because I mean how could you say no to the little baby-hawk hm? Or not who knows.
Mihawk is a quiet man, and so is the child. While baby-hawk doesn't always communicate verbally, he makes up for it by for example doing some gestures like holding up books for You to read to him or tugging You or Mihawk's leg to point or say if he wants something.
Now imagine this scenario.
it's just that You and Mihawk are asleep cuddling in bed, and then you both wake up to mini-hawk, turning on the lights.
You groggily rubbed your eyes, and Mihawk was a little irritated that mini-hawk woke you both up, and then you asked mini-hawk why he woke you both up and than he said.
"I want to sleep with Dad and Papa"
Mini-hawk said stoically while keeping a serious face on and holding his favorite toy sword you bought for him.
You then cooed at the child and scooted over and patted the bed, letting him sleep in the middle, and You and Mihawk started sleeping while also cuddling the child in the middle just a happy gothic family bond.
All in all, it was just You, Mihawk, and your little child goth, and he wanted nothing more than that.
The world's strongest swordsman, the cute house husband, and the little baby swordsman, what a chaotic yet beautiful happy family, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Sorry if it's short. This is all I could think of...
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dinodaweeb · 2 months
Gn!Detective!Reader x Batman
summary: as a detective you make sure you prioritize Bruce Wayne’s safety but he assures you he doesn’t need it, prick.
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You never expected to find yourself at one of Gotham's most glamorous events—a gala at Wayne Manor. Awkward and out of place, you struggle to fit in among Gotham's elite.
The moment you stepped into Wayne Manor, you felt like a fish out of water. The grand chandeliers, the polished marble floors, and the glittering gowns of Gotham's elite were a far cry from the gritty crime scenes and dimly lit precincts you were used to.
Far different. The air felt too expensive to breathe.
Why had you even agreed to this?
Oh right, the Commissioner insisted on having "a few of Gotham's finest" at the event, just in case. And with your gruff demeanor and awkward social skills, you had drawn the short straw.
Awkwardly, you stood near a large ornate column, sipping a glass of water and trying to avoid eye contact with the crowd. Despite the suit and tie—or, in their case, a somewhat ill-fitting tuxedo—they felt utterly out of place. The pants felt too tight around your rear and you got this done at the shop. How could they screw that up?
Your eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail, searching for anything—or anyone—out of the ordinary.
Just as you were beginning to try to relax, you spotted a group of familiar faces. The Wayne kids—Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, and a few others—stood near the large windows, looking far too at ease in the luxurious setting.
Summoning a bit of courage, you approached them. After all, if they were going to be stuck here, they might as well make some polite conversation.
"Grayson, Drake," You greeted with a nod, trying to sound casual but polite.
Dick smiled brightly. "Detective! Didn't expect to see you here!"
"Yeah, well… duty calls, I wasn’t exactly invited by you but..” You muttered, feeling a bit more self-conscious than you intended. Tim gave a small nod of acknowledgment, while Damian looked as uninterested as ever.
Why do you even try at this.
Before the conversation could go further, a familiar voice cut through the air.
"Detective, welcome to Wayne Manor."
You turned to see Bruce Wayne approaching, his signature charming smile firmly in place. The billionaire looked every bit the part, effortlessly exuding wealth and charisma.
His looks lived up to the legend, pretty punk.
"Mr. Wayne," You greeted, doing their best to mask their awkwardness. Which probably failed. "Thanks for having me.”
"Of course. I always appreciate Gotham's finest keeping an eye on things," Bruce replied, his tone friendly yet distant. There was a glint in his eyes, something that set you on edge. Before they could respond, Bruce offered another smile, then excused himself, moving on to mingle with other guests.
You watched him go, your brows furrowing. Something about Bruce seemed… off. But before you could dwell on it, your attention snapped back to the task at hand: scanning the room for any potential threats.
As the evening wore on, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease. You kept a close eye on Bruce from across the room, noting how the billionaire seemed to glide through the crowd effortlessly, charming everyone he spoke to. But that nagging feeling in the back of your mind wouldn't go away.
And then it happened.
A loud crash echoed through the grand hall, followed by the panicked screams of guests. The doors burst open, and a group of armed robbers stormed in, weapons raised. Chaos erupted as people dove for cover, and the orchestra’s music was abruptly silenced.
"Everyone down! Now!" one of the robbers shouted, firing a warning shot into the ceiling.
Instinctively, you reached for their gun, but the crowd's panic made it impossible to get a clear shot. People were scrambling, pushing, and shouting. In the confusion, you caught sight of Bruce Wayne, who had been near the doors moments before. Now, he was nowhere to be seen.
Damn it!
You pushed through the crowd, your focus entirely on finding Bruce. If something happened to Gotham's golden boy on your watch, you would never forgive yourself.
Thankfully, you managed to slip away from the main hall, only to find Bruce backing into a nearby room, the door clicking shut just as you reached it. They shoved the door open and rushed inside, finding Bruce standing calmly by the window, looking far too composed for someone who was supposed to be terrified.
His fingers twitched when he heard the door open though, so maybe he was alarmed. You couldn’t blame him, it was a scary situation for anyone.
"Mr. Wayne, are you alright?" You panted, closing the door behind them and locking it.
Bruce turned to face them, an almost amused expression on his face. "I’m fine, Detective."
"Good. Stay here," You ordered, pulling out their gun and moving to stand between Bruce and the door. "I’ll handle this."
Bruce raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips. "That won’t be necessary."
You frowned. "What do you mean it won’t be necessary? There are armed robbers out there! You need to stay put, or you could get hurt."
"I assure you, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself," Bruce said, his tone calm and almost… teasing.
The detective’s frustration flared. Here you were, trying to protect this man, and he was acting like it was no big deal. "Look, I get that you’re used to getting your way, but right now, you need to let me do my job!"
Bruce’s eyes narrowed slightly, the playful glint fading. "And what if I told you that I could handle this situation better than you think?"
You were about to snap back, but the words died in their throat as they realized what Bruce was implying. "You’re not seriously thinking about playing hero, are you? This is my duty.”
Marching up to him, you poked your finger repeatedly into his chest.
“I’m here to protect you, Mr. Wayne.”
Before Bruce could respond, a loud bang echoed from the hallway, followed by heavy footsteps approaching the door. With precision, you pulled Bruce by the waist and forced him behind you. You stiffened, turning their full attention to the door. "Stay behind me."
"I said stay behind me!" You hissed, cutting Bruce off as you aimed your gun at the door. Your heart pounded in your chest, adrenaline surging through your veins.
The door burst open, and you were ready to fire, but the figure that entered the room made them hesitate. It was Nightwing.
"Hold your fire!" Nightwing ordered, raising his hands as he stepped inside.
You lowered their weapon, exhaling a shaky breath. "What are you doing here?"
Nightwing glanced at Bruce, then back at you. A cheeky glint in his eyes. "I’m here to get him out of here.”
"Wait, you know him?" You asked, confused.
Nightwing’s lips curled into a half-smile. "You could say that."
Bruce stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Thank you for your concern, Detective, but I’ll be safe with him."
You opened their mouth to argue, but the calm, assured look in Bruce’s eyes stopped them. For some reason, you believed him—despite how absurd it all seemed.
But did you seriously suck that much at your job that he felt safer with masked vigilante than a GCPD officer? You felt your pride shatter.
With a bitter taste in your mouth and the slightest pout on your lips, you nodded. Giving Bruce a pat on the back.
Nightwing took Bruce by the arm, guiding him toward the door. "Come on, let’s get you somewhere safe."
You watched them go, their mind racing. None of this made sense. Why would Nightwing, of all people, be protecting Bruce Wayne? And why did Bruce seem so… unconcerned?
As the door closed behind them, You finally allowed yourself to breathe. The realization hit you like a freight train: Batman was out there, hunting these criminals, and Bruce Wayne was likely his next target.
"Idiot," You muttered to yourself, rubbing your temples. "Of course, Batman would want to protect him."
Then you felt your heart sink.
“Or harm him.”
But deep down, you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Bruce Wayne than met the eye. Something you couldn’t quite put you're finger on.
As you exited the room, ready to join the fight outside, you couldn’t help but wonder: Just who exactly was Bruce Wayne? And why did they feel like they were in way over their head?
One thing was for sure: you were going to find out.
And when you did, you had a feeling it would change everything.
Red Hood stopped your inner monologue. “Yo, Hey, Dude— C’mon. Snap out of it.”
You blinked, your eyes reaching up.
“Now, are you going to stand there looking like a rookie, or are you going to help me with these goons?”
You snapped out of your thoughts, turning to see Red Hood leaning casually against the doorframe, his helmet tilted slightly as if amused by your daze. You cursed inwardly—first Nightwing, now Red Hood. How many of Gotham’s vigilantes were going to show up tonight?
“You’re here too?” you asked, exasperated.
“Yeah, and lucky for you. Looks like you could use the backup,”
Red Hood quipped, pushing off the doorframe and stepping into the room. “Now, are we gonna take these guys down, or do you need a minute to process whatever conspiracy theories you’re cooking up?”
You shot him a glare but nodded. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
Red Hood grinned beneath his helmet, drawing his guns. “Hell yeah.”
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a/n: guys, asks r open :3 I wanna write more for my boysss 🫶😔 (no cursed shit plz)
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
✿ 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙨<3 ✿
characters: il!dan heng x nb!reader
warnings: fluff, just fluff, also dan heng’s tail holding u hostage, also also reader is shorter than dan heng
notes: dan heng needs more love and appreciation. come on, this mans fine asf
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if anyone were to ever tell dan heng that one day he would be purring contently while keeping a struggling familiar tuft of [c] haired person in his hold, he would have simply shrugged them off with a thought of how weird that is. really? keeping someone in his hold? while being content and purring? yeah, that doesn’t exactly sound like dan heng.
if so, then whose teal scaled tail was holding you so tightly? wrapped around your middle, keeping your hands to your side as you try to wiggle out of his grasp? purrs like a cat’s reverberating in his room as he pulls you close over and over to place a peck on your forehead.
the vidyadhara high elder is a respected title. one that causes the people of the luofu to kneel and sing praises to him. in his name.
saying how amazing he is to split the seas, to control the waters and the ocean like it was nothing, to hold the highest title amongst an ancient species of even more ancient beings.
yet here he was. this needy dragon. keeping you tightly in his hold as he peppers your face in kisses.
“dan heng… my love”
“yes, dearest?”
“will you please be willing to let me—“
“not happening”
and there goes your chance of freedom. taken away, cruelly stripped off of you as he wraps his arms around you, keeping you in place. lovely. any other time of the day, any other moment, any other day and this would have been such a lovely occasion for you.
having your usually stoic and a bit reclusive lover turn into a clingy cat. wait no, dragon? cat-dragon? dragon-cat?? in your hold. but right now… nature calls. and his tail wasn’t helping.
long scaled limb wrapped around your shoulder all the way to your stomach. his arms coming around to pull you closer to himself on the mattress that works as his bed in the archives. smushing his face against your collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses on the exposed skin as deep rumbling purrs resound from deep within his chest.
sometimes, due to his current form, his horns would knock up to your chin. each time, he would leave soothing kisses as a means to “kiss the booboo better”.
this was your lover, ladies and gentlemen and everything up and above. this… clingy cat-dragon.
“perfect height for forehead kisses…” dan heng mumbles quietly to himself as he moves to plant soft kisses all over your forehead after moving your bangs to the side.
smooch! smooch! smooch! smooch! smooch!
pulling away with a content smug smile on his face, the vidyadhara looks at the amount of lipgloss stains left all over your face and exposed skin of your neck. you had complained about his lips being a bit harsh and he decided to borrow one of your chapsticks. the colored one specifically. and here you were, eating your very own words.
especially when the dragon leans in to plant an unusually deep kiss on your lips, almost as if wanting to devour you whole. the more… primal parts of his brain did wanted to do that. just wrap you up in his hold and chomp on your exposed flesh until you look like you were mauled by a wild animal. which… was kinda the truth.
but that was for later on.
for now, the greedy dragon was just content to hold you tightly in his grasp, planting soft kisses on your forehead or cheeks. wherever his lips reach first. the ends of his tail wagging happily like a puppy, a certain flare of possessiveness sparking in him whenever he sees you trying to escape his grasp. a feeling of happiness and sheer adoration blooming instead when he sees the colored chapstick leave another mark on your skin.
thankfully, a certain cheerful pink haired girl knocks on the doors to dan heng’s room. upon entering and seeing your colored face and how your lover’s tail would tighten around you just a little bit, she raises a brow.
placing her hands on her hips, march looks between the two of you. one with a happy smile on his face, if one could squint, they could see imaginary small flowers and bubbles floating around him. and the other… they looked like they wanted to die.
“uhhhh… what happened here?”
“i fell for a trap… i went in for a kiss and now. he’s got me. and he won’t let me go”
“i know but nngh!”
“i know but mnngh!”
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