#Gender-Neutral Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
beels-burger-babe · 1 year
Heatwave Drabble
MC: God, how is it so fucking hot down here? Solomon: It's the Devildom. What did you expect? MC: I dunno! Maybe an ice tundra or some normal boring weather not a melt your skin off heatwave! Solomon: There's not much I can do to help you there, MC. What would you want- *Spots Simeon and Luke grooming their wings in the other room. Glances at each other* *10 minutes later* Simeon: You know, this isn't at all the appropriate use for our wings. MC: *Sighs, happily getting fanned by massive angel wings and being given an ice coffee from Luke* Does that mean you're going to stop? *Pouts* It's fine if you do. It's just- I've felt like I was dying all day and your wings is the only way I've been able to cool down. Luke: *Immediately falls for it* Don't worry MC! We're not going any where! Faster Simeon! Simeon: *Sighs and picks up speed* Solomon: *Cackles and cheers his glass against MC's* You, my friend are a diabolical genius. MC: I try.
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inactiveobeymeblog · 6 months
⚠️NSFW Ahead⚠️
What if MC was an angel but they were also there when Lucifer was an angel?
Starting out, what if MC was really young when their connection to Lucifer first began?
What if at one point MC had to attend an angel meeting bc of their guardian angel and they developed a silly-little-kids-crush on Lucifer the moment they laid eyes on him?
Imagine MC with starry, sparkling eyes while they gawk at how magnificently beautiful he is.
And during the meeting, Lucifer randomly comes up to MC and is like, “And what is your name?”
MC would be so shy bc that’s what little kids are like when their crush pays any attention to them and MC would whisper their name and he’d go, “Oh, really? That’s such a beautiful name.” And makes MC so happy because Lucifer just said he likes their name!
But skip a little into the future where angel MC gets a little older but they get really scared over something and they run into the nearest dark place, which just happened to be the alleyway where Lucifer was walking by.
He sees MC sniffling and gets so worried and approches them calmly then says your name and goes, “Are you alright? Is something the matter?” But MC doesn’t want to talk to him and just positions their body away from Lucifer, getting all defensive and defiant.
Lucifer eventually gets close enough to where he can crouch in front on MC and place his hand on their back, soothing them by rubbing it slowly.
“Can you tell me what happened?” But MC would still refuse to talk and Lucifer would sigh in defeat.
He digs something out of his pocket and presents it to MC and they look at it. With MC’s attention, he says, “This is a magical necklace. See?” And he would make the necklace softly glow with his magic and MC is in awe with it.
He then takes MC’s hand and places the necklace in their palm, closing their hand around it before saying, “If you ever feel scared, hold this necklace right against your chest, and I will always be with you in spirit. No matter what challenges you face, just know that with this necklace, I will never leave your side.”
Then they never saw Lucifer again after that day, but MC has always worn the necklace and never let it out of their sight.
Then fast forward to when the war begins.
MC is older now, about maybe 7000 angel years (looks like about 20-30 human years) and their frantically looking around to see if they can find Lucifer.
They know he’s probably forgotten about them, but that doesn’t mean MC won’t fight along side him.
But MC’s heart is shattered when they see Lucifer is falling from the heavens.
They scream and run towards him but they couldn’t help him. They’re on their knees and they start to cry.
After the war comes to an end, MC is devastated and broken. They’re not in their right mind anymore, with having just witnessed the love of their life slip from their fingers and fall to his death.
MC thinks Lucifer is dead until several thousands of years later, Lucifer’s face shows up in the Celestial Realm once again accompanied by his brothers and the demon kind’s son. But this time his wings are black, he has pointed spirals adjourning his head, and aura is that of a demon.
MC hears wind that Lucifer and his brothers are here as a last resort to restore peace between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm.
So when Lucifer and company enter the main estate of the Celestial Realm, MC waits by patiently until the sun dims down and the doors finally open once more.
MC waits until Lucifer is by himself.
Lucifer is walking into an alleyway when MC walks up behind him. They’re about to grab his shoulder, but Lucifer reacts quickly and pins MC to the wall, his forearm on their chest.
“Who are you?” But MC is too stunned to speak. He asks again and MC snaps out of it.
MC explains everything and Lucifer slowly backs away from MC.
“Show me.” MC looks at him confused. “Show me the necklace. Prove it to me. Prove to me who you say you are.”
And MC shows him the necklace.
Lucifer walks as close as he can and shows his own version of the necklace.
They’re the same shape, same design. A gold heart with a tiny angel feather in the middle, only now, Lucifer’s is black.
Lucifer brings his closer to MC’s and both necklaces start to glow. Lucifer slowly looks up at MC and looks into their eyes for the first time ever since that fateful day, and wraps his arms around their neck, leaning in to kiss them.
MC immediately kisses back and wraps their arms around his waist, pulling him closer.
MC’s heart is pounding, thinking of how long they wanted this day to come and now they finally have it.
Their first kiss is slow and sensual, then they break it to gasp for air. When they share their second kiss, a flame ignites their heart’s desires and they share a passionate and equally lustful hunger for each other, their lips moving fast and sloppy.
By the time they share their third kiss, they’re in MC’s bedroom, Lucifer on his back on MC’s bed.
They both kiss with such veracity as if it would satiate their ever-growing desire for each other.
MC’s hands are focused on removing Lucifer’s clothing, while Lucifer’s are focused on removing MC’s clothing. But when they both are naked and exploring each other’s bodies, they stop moving for a moment to stare into each other’s eyes.
“Are you sure you want this?”
MC kisses Lucifer and preps him with a bottle of lube he had summoned.
Hearing Lucifer moan for the first time only makes MC harder. MC scissors Lucifer open until they think he’s ready and Lucifer hands them the bottle of lube.
MC wastes so time in lathering themself up and inserting themself inside Lucifer.
MC loves the way Lucifer arches his back and clenches the bed sheets.
MC adores the sound of Lucifer’s sounds. They sound so pretty, so perfect, exactly how they imagined them to be.
Then MC starts to move and they don’t stop until the sun brightens again and they both pass out from exhaustion.
It’s only the morning after that Lucifer reveals the truth about the necklace.
“It’s a necklace that ties one soul to another, then their souls form an eternal bond. A bond that can never be broken.”
A Soulmate Bond.
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Headcanon: Brothers making you sin
Imagine a MC that doesn't sin a lot... that lives near the 7 demon Avatar of the Deathly Sin.
Lucifer with an humble Mc
We are talking about the Avatar of Pride; how can the person he has a pact with be humble?! Within 1 month he will make you sin more than you should. He will shower you with compliments and get used to accepting them.It will make you savor the feeling of being the best at something and then you won't be able to do without it. You will start training to excel at everything. You have become a pile of pride and he is happy about it. You don't admit that you are the best, but you want to be. Sometimes you overestimate yourself, but that's his sin, isn't it?
Mammon with an loadable Mc
What do you mean you make donations? Start making yourself more indifferent and thinking more about yourself. If you want something, he gives it to you, so you start believing that if you want something, you must have it. Without realizing all those things that you denied yourself because you had to save money, you start buying them. Lucifer's New Money Problem: Yes.
Levi with a Mc that admires the others
Levi doesn't care so much whether you sin or not of his sin. But when he starts to notice that you admire others without ever wanting what they have... Create a strategy to make yourself a little envious (he's always a General)
"Wow, it's so beautiful their skin"
"It's you that should have it, not them"
"What ?"
"What ?"
Only he knows how he managed to succeed in his intent. His demonic influence probably played a part.
Satan with a calm Mc
Like Levi, he's quite chill with your composure. What he can't stand is that if they insult you you don't answer. Don't rebel, don't raise your voice when needed. Come on! Do you have such a low opinion of yourself? His plan is a mix of demonic influence and manipulation. First of all, he wants to see you angry for whatever reason, so he teases you a little. When you finally lose your temper he is so happy.
"So, it feel good letting out your anger?"
Asmodeus with a MC with low self-esteem
When you don't wear the shirt he gave you because you don't think you're beautiful, he bursts into tears. You're gorgeous, how can you not know that? Like Lucifer every day will shower you with compliments. Through shock therapy he will take you to all the parties he is invited to. Obviously every demon has already been informed threatened that they owe you compliments; somebody doesn't do it? Crazy ... and dead. You'll get to the point of considering yourself stupid sooner... You're amazing and you know it! When you were walking with Asmo one day and a demon insulted you, you answered him properly. Asmo was so happy
Beel and MC eating problems
First he will take you to all your favorite restaurants. Must make you love food again. Extreme demonic influence: You are always sitting next to him during meals. You were once so under the influence of her power, you ate until you threw up. Lucifer was pissed but Beel was happy he could make you eat not until you feel sick though
Belphie with an active Mc
Don't take it badly, he loves your energy, but when you get too busy and try too hard, he gets worried. You need to take breaks. So he starts manipulating you by offering to "help" him into doing things that end up with you 2 falling asleep. Slowly so you learn to appreciate that hour of rest, even if you have to postpone your commitments. You may not reach the level of Belphi, but he is happy with your breaks at the expense of your work
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"How long have you worked here," he asks, keeping pace with them as they stroll down the street, listening to the song of birds waking up for the morning, the rare rumble of a car passing by, distant chatter of people getting ready for their day.
They hum, tilting their head up to stare at the clear blue sky. "I've been living here for almost a year now but I've only had this job for a month. Sometimes though, it feels like I've had it since the beginning of time."
“One of those jobs, eh?” He laughs lightly at what he knows isn’t an all that funny joke. He expects that warm bubbling laughter to join him in solidarity, as it has for the handful of minutes they’ve known each other. What he gets instead is the cold morning air biting at his skin and the deafening silence.
It’s only for a second, a moment in time that freezes and drags before the world comes rushing back to him in a cacophony of white noise, but for a moment when he turns to catch their eye wanting for that warm, welcoming acceptance that threads their every word, their every action, he is instead met with cold, cold, burning anger that fogs his breath and paints his fingertips blue. For but a moment in time, where the world around him ceases to exist, he is nothing to them, a bug under their shoe, dead decaying meat viewed with mild disgust as an inconvenience to their otherwise perfect day.
They blink.
The world rushes in; birdsong and chattering townsfolk.
The Vacancy (Part 2: Chapter 8 - The Sacrifice link)
The Vacancy (Part 1: Chapter 1 - The Town link)
Unnamed, Gender Neutral MC x Mammon
What they have always wanted was a place to belong. A place for themselves, full of love and purpose and family. Where people were happy to greet them each morning. Where their existence mattered. Isn't that what everyone wanted?
Wouldn't you do anything, everything , to find that place?
Chapters 1-7 were initially posted on 10.09.2023 & have now been revised
Chapters 8 onward are COMPLETELY NEW
Tags: • Alternate Universe •Twisted and Fluffy Feelings •Unhealthy Relationships •Mild Gore • Body Horror • Angst with a Happy Ending • Psychological Horror •Unreliable Narrator •Fluff •Angst • Horror •Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting •Cults •Human Sacrifice •Self-Harm
Rating: M
Comments & kudos & reblogs are always treasured because I am a cave dwelling little creature that hoards that shit and snorts it like crack
Tag List (if you want to be added like this -> post. If you want to be removed lemme know);
@mxsunnybop @betta-phish @anxiously-sidequesting
@dweeb-central @noblognamepleasee @fully-automatic-ass
@sweetbrier2908 @reikabae17 @emiosb
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Lucifer x gn!reader with a voice kink (NSFW hc)
‣ Notices fairly quickly how you react to his voice, he's an observant man. He probably won't say anything to you to confront you but there are times that you can just notice that he knows.
‣ Whenever you need help with something that you don't understand and you are sitting down. He leans over you from behind you and whispers the his explanation and the instructions into your ear. You can feel his hot breath fanning the side of your face and his calm voice.
‣ When he pulls back and asks if you understand you just dumbly nod. You understand how to do it now but are way to distracted to actually answer the problem. You could only focus on how he leant over you, his body pressing against your back, how his voice had sounded.
‣ Whenever he need something from you and he has the time to he makes sure to call you.
‣ When you did well he always make sure to tell you good job or good work. But he always makes sure to somehow lower his voice a few octaves and just enjoys the reaction you have. Most of the time he walks away after that leaves you standing there chocking on air.
‣ Other times when he's feeling more like teasing you he asks you are you okay? Making you mutter a yes with a face as red as a tomato.
‣ During sex he makes sure to lower his mouth right next to your ear and whisper praises or degrading names depending on how good you have been for him that day.
‣ Sometimes walks up to you and whispers the most vile things into your ear before walking away with a smirk. Leaving you there behind hot and bothered.
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thedemises · 6 months
. . .  PAINTING NAILS (BY FORCE)! featuring mephistopheles!
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contains! . . . lowercase writing, obey me! shall we date?, some swearing here and there, mephistopheles being a little jerk, probably ooc! mephistopheles cuz idk much about his character-, mc is a human-ram hybrid (having ears, horns, and some other characteristics and traits of a ram), mc is gender neutral, mc is strong?, mephisto being rammed over 💀 (no mepmep was injured in the making of this scenario), does "bloody hell" count as swearing?, got too lazy during the ending so it's kinda rushed 😔, mentioned the demon brothers, simeon, raphael, luke, and solomon! notes! . . .  an idea by me and good ol' buddy @ringdabel during a chat of ours that switched from talking about satan to his nails to the other characters to the painted nails of all the obey me characters (except for the angels, mephistopheles, and solomon)👍👍
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mephistopheles feels like he ran a marathon but then he has the urge to run another mile because— bloody hell, why is that puny human exchange student so fast?
he, as a noble, never needed to run as much as he would need to in his whole life of existing. already having dozens of quite expensive cars in the ready to transport him with a snap of his fingers—but for some reason mephistopheles felt like running on foot like as if cerberus is hot on his tail was a good option.
while most humans don't have much stamina and speed in the first place unless they train hardly for it, from what he had read, there's some others that are given the gift of incredible speed or the natural ability of endurance and stamina. rarely, even both.
and clearly enough—this peasant human, the HUMAN who managed to gain the pacts of all of the seven deadly sins AND survive a whole year in a realm where demons roam and most more likely to eat humans—was this close to snatching the tail cape of his attire off.
(well, the said human was turned into a human-ram hybrid when they were transferred to devildom in the first place, so that might've made their speed increase a bit more than an average human's speed—being half ram, after all).
“STOP chasing me, you human peasant!” he makes a sharp turn around a corner, letting his legs take him to demon-lord-knows-where, “i am NOT letting some rubbish paint be applied on my fingernails!!”
with loud yelling responding from behind his back, you declared, “NOT UNTIL YOU COMMIT TO HAVING YOUR NAILS BE PAINTED!!”
mephistopheles doesn't dare to look behind as he kept running in different directions, seemingly beginning to be out of breath when his pace grows irregularly.
the chase eventually doesn't last as long as he expected it to be when he was cornered in a room and then suddenly got rammed to the ground and was pinned down by the forced added weight on his chest, leaving him no other choice than to give up or attempt to resist it.
“KEEP YOUR FLITHY HANDS OFF OF ME!!” a low growl rumbles from his throat with his gritted teeth shown while he attempts to thrash around but you somehow prevent the demon from moving by holding him firmly, restraining his head by wrapping your dominant arm around the noble's neck as you pin down his arms with the other arm of yours.
“not until you let me paint your nails.”
“tch. why is getting my fingernails painted such a big deal to you, human?!” scoffing in disbelief at your insistence, the magenta-haired male tries pushing your body off his back but you don't budge a bit by your stubbornness.
damn, how come you're strong too? aren't humans supposed to be weak?!
“because,” you start, bringing a gloved hand of his closer to you as you inspect it, “doesn't lord diavolo have painted nails? heck, even barbatos and the seven brothers have their nails painted.”
ending your sentence with a determined toothy grin and one of your ram ears flicking a bit, you added, “besides, i think you'll look great with green-ish teal nail polish.”
mephistopheles clicked his tongue at that following a slight eye roll, scowling when you touched the dark patch of the back of his hair, “so? it'll be covered up when I wear my gloves either way, so it's useless and a waste of time.”
after a bit of eventual bickering, pleading, and some reluctance, mephisto finally agrees to your begging persuading with a, “... fine. but be quick about it though.”
turns out, painting your nails is a long, time-consuming process.
currently inside your room in the house of lamentation (who knows how you sneaked him inside without alerting the others), different nail polishes of varied colors were placed aside as both of you sat comfortably on your bed. as you held his now naked hand (after you told him to take his glove off) while carefully painting his nails in a cool green-ish teal color after prepping them and adding a base coat to make the pigment look better in the outcome, the demon sat in front of you with his legs folded underneath his thighs while resting his buttocks on the heels of his feet, his left arm outstretched to you.
during the mostly silent process, mephistopheles' black eyebrows were furrowed with his chin held slightly upwards as his eyes narrowed with skepticism and they held slight impatience but he didn't say anything. until now.
“why'd you want me to wear nail polish?... human.” his voice trailed off for a second, watching you finish painting his middle finger's nail before moving onto the next digit. response to the question, you shrugged your shoulders.
“don't know. the thought of you not wearing nail polish like the others irritated me—though simeon, raphael, luke, and solomon also don't wear nail polish either; so im gonna do their nails next after you.”
“by ramming into them?”
“no, but you were running away from me so i had no other choice.”
eventually, you finished painting all of the nails of his left hand and let him inspect the finished product before doing his other hand—observing the slightest changes in his expression while you waited for his acknowledgment.
“...” blinking at his freshly painted fingernails, mephistopheles doesn't speak out loud while he examines his teal-colored nails in silence.
then his eyes, hued a gradient of pear green and chartreuse, glanced up to stare back at you with the slightest satisfaction before darting to the side as the slightest flush appears on his cheeks and the demon nods his head at you slightly.
“... it looks awful.”
taken off guard, you took full offense to this unpleasant reaction. “excuse me? bitch, I took the time to chase you down, ram into you, paint your nails for a painstakingly long time, and this is how you thank me?”
“well i— ... i think it's alright.. i guess.” slightly startled by the sudden shift of attitude, he finally replies that gives you some satisfactory and the demon moves his hand to remove the other glove that his right hand is still wearing until he was eruptedly halted by you grabbing his wrist. “don't,” you firmly told him, dragging it to you and lightly tugged at the edge of his glove, “let the nail polish on your other hand set first for about one to two (1-2) hours before you do anything with it. now, may i?”
the demon's eyelids widened at the extended amount of time before they relaxed and he nodded with his ears turning slightly reddish at the last sentence, giving you permission to take off his glove for him—which you did, peeling it off from his wrist to the fingertips.
with his hand now bare, you begin doing the same prepping process like you did to his other hand before applying nail polish—letting the base coat set for two minutes beforehand and then, painting on the teal colored polish with patience and precise precision; not allowing the green apple-eyed demon to move from his spot (meanwhile, he was just uncharacteristically quietly observing while you worked on his nails—not that he'd admit it to your face or anything).
eventually after a long time, completing the progress of painting mephistopheles' green-ish teal nails and the drying process, you were finished.
after putting your supplies away, you sigh in relief as you flop backwards onto the soft mattress of your bed with your arms sprawled out—not paying attention to the magenta-haired noble in front of you—and closed your eyes.
“finally...” you murmur, making the demon glance at you with an arched eyebrow, “you were a pain in the ass to begin with but at least im finished.”
this ticked off mephistopheles quite a bit, “oi, oi, oi... i stayed completely still for you, peasant! is this how you react after pestering me to paint my nails?!”
“yeah, yeah... whatever.. you can kindly get out of my room now before any of the brothers—especially lucifer—find you, goodnight.”
“h- hey! don't just order me around like you can, human!- OI!!! don't ignore me!! AND DON'T FALL ASLEEP EITHER!!”
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own. ━━  word count: 1,436.
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Mammon: Alright, Mc, Beel. Let's go over this one more time.
Mammon: If something breaks?
Beel: We try to fix it before Lucifer gets home.
Mammon: If it doesn't work?
Mc: We blame Belphie.
Belphie: Seriously, guys, what the hell?!
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aballadforbarbatos · 1 year
mc falls hard and fast
specifically, out of the sky.
you were looking for a gift for mammon, originally. something sparkly and shiny- he seemed down in the dumps, last time you saw him
and since you’re back in the human world for an undisclosed amount of time, this is the best time to go searching for a surprise gift!!
thinking back on it now, this whole set up was a bit suspicious… maybe you should be a little less one track minded next time?
i mean, saying the item’s worth is well over ten thousand dollars and then selling it for only $200? what were you thinking?
and it only got worse! they apparently had it hidden in a secret place where you needed to take a helicopter, and they needed your driver’s license and passport? MC, what is WRONG with you?
well, they told you they were going to steal your identity, taken your documents, and pushed you out of the helicopter. they’ll probably be back later to collect your body.
so here you are. falling out of the sky.
you screamed when you first got shoved, sure, but you can’t keep doing that or else you’ll go splat on the ground and the entirety of devildom might break down and also some shady guys will steal your identity.
and you’ve done a lot to have this identity, so that definitely can’t happen
pacts! you can get a demon to come rescue you!
as soon as the idea pops into your head, you know exactly which demon you want, even before you see his pact mark on the back of your hand, the same hand that you always, always use to pull out your wallet.
but, uh… you’ve never actually used the pact from so far away. will it even work if you order him from here, now?
you reach into your pocket for your D.D.D.
with the needy demon boys you’ve collected, you can barely go anywhere without it
you tap his name…
and wait while the phone rings??
meanwhile, in devildom, the demons are having a student council meeting, completely unaware that you are currently hurtling towards the ground, and your death, at an incredibly fast pace.
mammon’s phone rings.
he tries to ignore it and play it cool, but it’s so obvious it’s him
“mammon. what have i told you about keeping your D.D.D. on silent.” mammon does not look at lucifer and instead decides to investigate the table until he remembers-
“no, wait! i did put it on silent, which means-”
which means that the caller has to be you, because he fiddled with his settings so that you were the only one that could reach him while his D.D.D. was off.
he digs his hand into his pocket and pulls it out, eagerly answering your call and putting it close to his ear
…and then immediately holding it at arm’s length as you shout into the receiver, trying to be louder than the wind
he genuinely has no idea what to say. what’s going on in the background? why’s it so loud? and it’s nice hearing you say his name, don’t get it wrong, but you sound panicky and he’s not sure why you’re saying it so often.
“mammon, it’s time for you to take responsibility for your words, okay?!”
“aha, words? MC, what words are you talking about? i haven’t done anything super bad or anything!”
“mammon…” your voice gets quieter and shaky so he gingerly puts his ear against the receiver. “mammon, i don’t want to die, okay?”
his eyes widen. if lucifer’s saying anything to him now, it doesn’t matter. mammon has totally drowned it out, listening to what you have to say.
“what do you want me to do?”
“mammon, come here.”
poof! he appears next to you
except you’re falling through air
so he’s only next to you for a split second
and he’s in his student uniform too so he’s falling as well
just a human and their demon, falling to their certain doom
“mc, what the fuck?!”
that’s what you think he says. you’re not sure. the wind has carried his words away
you look up, away from the ground, and at the scenery beyond. at the very least, if mammon doesn’t get it together soon, this is a pretty place to die.
mammon gets it together.
your life didn't flash before your eyes- did that mean that your brain knew that mammon would catch you?
well, of course it would think so. it’s not like he’s ever let you down before.
he could’ve saved you a little NICER, though?
seriously, slamming into your body from the side? what if he broke a rib?!
plus he accidentally crashed into a haystack, so now you’re sitting there pulling straw out of your hair, adrenaline still pulsing through your veins
okokok hold on, you’re gonna hurl
mammon’s head pops up just as you finish, “okay, gross.”
you laugh. and laugh. it feels so good to be alive! a shame about your stolen documents, but you can do something about that later
“um, why did you call me? lucifer probably would’ve been faster…”
you look at mammon with a warm smile
“mammon, aren’t you my first? didn’t you say that if you couldn’t rescue me, then i should just die? why would i want to be saved by anyone other than you?”
your D.D.D. buzzes
it’s a text
no wait, it’s two
they’re also all asking you if you know what happened to mammon and if you could get him to come back to the student council
you glance at your saviour, covered in hay, now sporting a light blush
“lol” is all you send back
the devildom lives another day
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astralis01 · 1 year
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Visiting a book café with Satan
It wasn’t everyday that you got a day to yourself that you spent to relax. Even though ever day was an adventure here in Devildom, somedays, you’d just feel so socially drained from being dragged here and there by the various members of RAD.
No, it wasn’t that you did not love them. You did. But sometimes, their presence felt a bit overbearing on you and you’d seek solace in small corners of the House of Lamentation.
Today, you sat quietly in the corner of the House of Lamentation’s library, trying to solve the questions that your Arithmancy Professor had given. Though you would seek the help of Lucifer or Mammon who were way better than you in arithmancy but you knew, if you sought help from the two of them, your work would not be completed.
Your mind flittered to Satan. He could help you with whatever numerology thing and pattern your teacher had given you.
As you were about to get up from your seat and move towards the fourth born’s room, the person himself appeared in front of you, and out of breath.
It was not often that the demons were out of breath. They had monstrous stamina and energy (well, except for Belphie) and seemingly were always at ease even during PE where they were asked to run fifty rounds of the seemingly endless field. (Beel would usually just pick you up as soon as you started to pant and ran the rest of the distance with you on his shoulders.)
As your mind wandered back to the present, Satan caught his breathe and excitedly said, “Do you wanna come with me to the new cafe? I heard the food there is super good and they have books as well.”
Well, you had anyways given up on your arithmancy assignment. With a last somber look and the consequence (read Lucifer) ran through your head you asked, “Help me with arithmancy?”
Satan nodded, as calm as he could and then dragged you out of the House with a shout informing the other members that you were leaving. You doubted they could hear him, all six busy in their own worlds so you shot a text to Lucifer informing about you two’s absence.
The cafe was located at the centre of Devildom. pretty much in the midst of bustling crowd. 
As you entered, a small bell rang, informing the occupants about the entry of new people. Only the servers looked up and greeted you both and quickly ushered you to a seat by the windows.
The ambiance of the cafe was nice and quiet. The smell of ground hell coffee beans and pastries wafted through. As Satan took a seat, you offered to go and give your orders. Satan readily accepted and quickly fluttered towards the direction of the books.
As you waited in line, you saw Satan taking the seat with a book in his hands, his reading glasses out to conquer the book. Before he opened it, he took a look around and you waved at him with a smile. He waved back with a soft smile on is face.
Oh how could you put how much you loved Satan, especially when he was like this?
As soon as your turn came, you quickly prattled off the orders that you remembered like the back of your hand and quickly got it to your table.
Satan had already comfortably read quite a few pages by the time you arrived. You sat down and pushed his cup and a few scones towards him as you took out your assignment.
A comfortable silence blanketed you. As you scribbled on the paper, asking whatever questions you couldn’t understand to Satan and him periodically turning the pages.
Sometime in the middle, without you realising, Satan had one for refilling your cups. As he returned with two cups of steaming coffee, you quietly thanked him.
As you finished your work, you glanced up at Satan. His eyebrows had furrowed, showing his concentration. You got up to go to the counter to pack snacks for everyone as you knew none of them would forgive you from not bringing back any.
As you were returning to your table, Satan closed his book and glanced up. He saw the package in your hands and got up to put your assignment in your bag and return the book to its place. You waited as he returned it, swinging your bag on your shoulders.
The chime of the bell was heard again as the two of you exited.
“How’d you like the cafe,”  he asked, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“It was nice. I would love to come again with you,” you replied, moving to place a kiss on his cheeks.
You laughed at how red he turned.
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twiceasfrustrating · 1 year
Always and Forever
Rating: General Audiences  Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me! Relationships: Simeon & MC, Simeon/MC Characters: Simeon, GN!MC Additional Tags: Gender-neutral main character, Fluff and Angst (bittersweet ending), Lesson 076 spoilers Summary: Angels only ever choose one human to protect. Ever. What if it's too late for Simeon to make that choice though? A/N: There's this line in Nightbringer where Mammon says angels only ever choose one human to protect. Ever. My brain went feral and had thoughts. Why does sad me only write angst? Word Count: 502
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He could, he thought, choose them. He wouldn't have minded living his life with them as the center of his universe; his one and only; his everything. They could have easily been the reason he awoke in the morning and the reason he kept breathing. They could have been the reason he lived for days on infinite and, when they eventually passed, the reason he mourned each of those same days. 
They would, he reasoned, not quite understand the power of his oath to them. They wouldn't quite know that when he promised them eternity he meant it in the most literal sense. He would never have another person like them, even after they were long dead and buried. He would keep them in his memory until some unforeseeable time in the distant future where the only reason their existence faded from the shared consciousness of humanity was because he was no longer around to sing their exaltations. With just a few words, he was, after all, promising them his complete and utter devotion.
He could have, he surmised, made sure they remained happy and content for the rest of their life. He would never allow any harm to come to them. That was the kind of life he wanted for them; blessed.
But Simeon couldn't make that oath anymore.
Only angels could make an oath so profound and he was no angel.
He could not promise them hymns and epic poetry recited in their name to generations of humans born long after their history faded into tales and myths. He could not give them paradise beyond compare, the likes of which humans couldn't even fantasize about because it was beyond their imagining.
He could not promise them a future he could no longer see nor guarantee that that same unknown future would be overflowing with happiness. There was nothing he could do to ensure they received the life they rightly deserved.
It was in moments like this, the ones where he could see their vivacious spirit, that he truly wished he could still give them a blessing. He longed to promise them everything he had never given to another, but he had already lost the right to do so in choosing them over everyone and everything else once before. Now, all he could do was watch them and long that his oath would still somehow find a way to weave their fates together past the end of time.
He would never, as he realized, be able to make them that promise, but as they took his hand in theirs, smile beaming brightly at him and eyes sparkling under the light of the mid-afternoon sun, he made a different promise to them in his mind.
He may not have an eternity to devote to them anymore, but he would give them what little time the two of them had left without hesitation. It was the most he could do for his special someone and he suspected that would be more than enough.
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secretjules · 4 months
♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ 𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖌!! ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥
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You feel the rough patter of rain against your skin, each drop a cool kiss from the sky. Beneath you, the cold stone floor presses into your arms, its chill seeping into your skin. It's dark and chilly and... wait a minute, HUHH?? You were just in your room! How did you get here!? You lift your gaze to a small, dimly lit cottage, tendrils of smoke curling from its chimney into the twilight sky. Suddenly, an unseen force stirs within you, and you find yourself rising, your steps guided by an invisible hand toward the cottage. Each footfall feels dreamlike, as if your body moves with a will of its own, drawn irresistibly to the warm glow ahead. You open the door, enveloped by the warmth of the... LIBRARY?!? It's huge inside compared to outside, what kind of place is this??! "Yoo hoo! Welcome to my bookshop, I'm Jules. Have a seat!"
★about me; I'm Jules (she/her), I'm currently a student with a lot of downtime, and I love to daydream! My favorite seasons are summer and winter and I have no idea what I'm doing w/ my life but I'm happy to be here :) I also suffer from severe writers block but bear with me, I love to write I swear.
★about my blog;
My blog is both nsfw and sfw. Nsfw posts will have warnings on them of course. MDNI, goes without saying. Remember, I CANNOT control your media consumption but please heed my rules with respect :D also make sure you read the warnings on my works before you read, you never know. You might dislike the content!
I am no professional writer so if you see any spelling and grammar mistakes that slipped through my editing phases, please let me know!!
I mainly write afab readers for my nsfw works, but try to stick to gender neutral pronouns. Occasionally I'll use fem pronouns if the story calls for it. As for race, I am Mexican-American so on occasion I'll write a blurb or two with a reader who is Latin (mostly Mexican). I'll gladly write for amab reader and other races, just specify in your ask!
I will forever keep my inbox open cause I love to read everyone's requests, but that being said if I feel uncomfortable with any of the material in your request/ask I will ignore it. I'm all for experimenting and writing different kinks as well, but anything glorifying r@pe or pedophilia will be deleted and blocked!
Even if you don't have any requests I love to hear everyone's imagines, maybe I'll turn said imagine into a blurb or short story, hehe. And returning Anons are always welcome here!
And lastly, I don't write for OC's nor do I write my own OC's. If anything I'd only post blurbs or "sneak peeks" of characters from personal stories I've been cultivating on my own. I.e my pen name (Jules) came from my written character "Julienne Fontana" who is a main character in a post-apocalyptic book I started writing at the beginning of the year. (its a WIP)
★¸.•☆•.¸★ ★⡀.•☆•.★
★Stuff I write for;
(I want to expand my fandoms so this list will eventually grow)
Obey me: Shall we Date? - (still finishing the game)
Hunter x Hunter - (still watching)
The Last of Us - (game 1 & 2)
★¸.•☆•.¸★ ★⡀.•☆•.★ masterlist... here! || request status... open ||
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Late Night Talks
*I was going through my drafts and found this. Apparently I wrote it at 3 a.m. because my brain wouldn't be quiet. I decided to finish it off, since the original draft ended in a key smash mid sentence when I passed out 😅 Enjoy while I work away on a new fic for ya'll! This is mostly just crack. -B.*
The two of you laid on your backs, staring up at the attic ceiling. It had been a while since either of you came up, but now ...
"Use your powers on me. Knock me out."
Belphie snorted and raised an eyebrow at you. "I don't need magic to knock a crumby human like yourself out. Besides, it takes effort."
You huffed, wiggling on the stiff matress. "But your bed freaking sucks and I can't sleep."
An offended gasp instantly came from the space beside you. "Don't insult Anthony,"
"You name your bed? What-"
"Anthony is a marvelous bed. I, of all beings, would know."
You clicked your tongue. "Nope. If anything you're the worst person to ask about bed comfort. You can sleep on a cement block! How can I expect you to choose a mattress?"
He hummed, and with the telling sound of shuffling blankets, shifted onto his side to face you. "Just because I can sleep anywhere I want, doesn't mean that I don't know how to value comfort. Here. Try this." That was the only warning you got before his cow-print pillow was thrown into your face. You groaned and arranged it under your head before pausing. It was, undoubtedly, the softest pillow you had ever slept on.
Belphie smirked from beside you. " Amazing right? It's made from celestial swan down clusters and feathers. I had it smuggled in shortly after the fall."
You hummed, barely acknowledging the demon as you closed your eyes. "It's like being on a cloud."
"Hence," Belphie said smugly, "why I can sleep anywhere. Not because I can sleep on cement," you yelped as he suddenly ripped the pillow out from beneath you and claimed it as his own once more. "Now shut up and go to sleep."
"Belphie!" You whined. "That's no fair! You can't just show me the heavenly existence of your pillow and then strip me from it! Please! Let me use it for just one night!"
"Nope. It's my pillow. I'm using it."
You groaned loudly as you flopped back onto your own flat, worn pillow. "So mean," you muttered in the dark.
The room would've been silent after that, if it wasn't for you tossing and turning, attempting to find someway to make this lumpy bed and ancient pillow comfortable. The blankets rustled and the bed creaked with every movement you made.
Belphegor finally broke, "Fuck. Just come here," he tsked before reaching out and grabbing your waist. Before you could even shout in complaint, you were tugged tightly against his chest, head planted on his beautiful, beautiful pillow right next to his. "Now," he whispered against your ear. "Go. To. Bed. And stop fucking around."
You didn't have to be told twice! The warmth of his arms and the comfort that the pillow provided was more than enough to lure your mind into the depths of unconsciousness.
Belphegor watched as your breathing evened out and you finally fell asleep. He rolled his eyes, nuzzling ever-so-slightly closer to you, and purposefully ignored the heat dusting across his cheeks and nose as he drifted into sleep.
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Headcanon: Mc dress code at HoL
At the beginning, one of the things that bothered Mc the most was how Diavolo deprived them of home comforts with the story of the exchange student program. In their world, if Mc wanted, they could even walk around the house in their underwear, without worrying about others.
But with all this shit happening to them, they end up living in a house with strangers, who were also demons. Even while Mc were in bed sleeping, the first worry was what they were wearing, in case something happened and they had to leave the room without having time to change.
Now, after a year, the onew who are really scared are the brothers.
They don't have anymore a " guest room", but a Mc's room, and, inside, they could be presentable as they could be a thirst trap for these 24h horny demons.
And that could be OK, if this problem was confined in the room. But after a bit MC started to walk in panties and a large t-shirt, going in all HoL's places.
The first time they did it, Lucifer put on them his jacket and asked imposed MC to change. However, now it's the base-home-outfit of this menace of brothers' patience.
"If they are comfortable in this way, what we can do ?" They think.
And so, except when they have guest, MC walk in panties or whatever they feel comfy with.
Still, never go in their room without knocking first.
Unless it's Asmo
Little inspiration from the incorrect quote "morally no, but I'm wearing pants if that what you asked".
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"There's a new initiate," says the creature - Their Creature - happily and boyishly, because he is a sweet thing really, even when the blood of the lives they sacrifice, in his name and upon his altar, hit his lips.
They knew, of course. They'd spoken with the new stranger (all big eyes and charming smiles weaving a net she would never see and never escape). Felt her bubbling greed, hidden so carelessly, and known she would be one of theirs.
The Vacancy (Part 2: Chapter 9 - The Beginning link)
The Vacancy (Part 1: Chapter 1 - The Arrival link)
Unnamed, Gender Neutral MC x Mammon
What they have always wanted was a place to belong. A place for themselves, full of love and purpose and family. Where people were happy to greet them each morning. Where their existence mattered. Isn't that what everyone wanted?
Wouldn't you do anything, everything , to find that place?
Chapters 1-7 were initially posted on 10.09.2023 & have now been revised
Chapters 8 onward are COMPLETELY NEW
Tags: • Alternate Universe •Twisted and Fluffy Feelings •Unhealthy Relationships •Mild Gore • Body Horror • Angst with a Happy Ending • Psychological Horror •Unreliable Narrator •Fluff •Angst • Horror •Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting •Cults •Human Sacrifice •Self-Harm •Happy Ending
Rating: M
Comments & kudos & reblogs are always treasured because I am a cave dwelling little creature that hoards that shit and snorts it like crack
Tag List (if you want to be added like this -> post. If you want to be removed lemme know);
@mxsunnybop @betta-phish @anxiously-sidequesting
@dweeb-central @noblognamepleasee @fully-automatic-ass
@sweetbrier2908 @reikabae17 @emiosb
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the brothers x gn!reader (incorrect quote)
mc: i wanna do something stupid
mammon, only half listening: i'm stupid, do me
the other brothers: ...
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arllenn · 3 years
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Severance: 1 2
Saudade comes from Portuguese culture, and it is often expressed in its literature and music. A nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant, or that has been loved and then lost; “the love that remains”
Tw - blood, rituals, abandonment, self deprecating thoughts
Mc - it’s briefly mentioned that they have nothing for them in the human world, implying that they don’t have friends or family and ik that’s doesnt leave room for projection in the family sense but I still felt like it was necessary to add to the story.
You and Lilith had met in a dream. As cheesy as it sounded it was true. You had finally been getting back to being yourself after the, incident with Belphie. Tired from your first "normal" day in what felt like centuries. You had collapsed onto your bed, ready to be dead to the world for the rest of the day. You rolled about trying to find the motivation to do your homework instead of sleeping but it was nowhere within reach. So, when you felt the tendrils of sleep clawing at you you didn't fight them, drifting off peacefully.
It was then that you were met with the same white room from before, voices echoing all throughout, but one stood out to you in particular. A woman's voice, like a gentle breeze, smooth and melodious. Familiar, but not something you knew intimately. The voice spoke directly to you, and all the whispers and jumbled cries stopped. It was just you and her now. Odd questions flew about, motherly in a way that made you feel frail, affectionate in a way that you had never experienced.
One particular question nearly broke you though,
"How was your day?"
It had been so long since you had heard something so loving, sure the brothers cared, sure the other exchange students were cordial, but you had always felt deep down somewhere that it was a 'just for now thing' that when you turned your back and looked away that they'd grimace at the thought of you. Even mere moments after Belphegor had killed you and you had been brought back there had never been an 'are you ok?' you hadn't been asked how you felt and had someone genuinely listen since you came down here. Maybe it was just your over emotional mind making the waters of your relationships with everyone murky but still, somewhere from deep inside you the raw feelings that you had been holding back burst out, and you screamed.
You didn't feel well rested when you woke up but, you did feel refreshed.
After that day it seemed like there had never been a night where you didn't enter that place, the voice never introduced herself, and yet you felt so close, you felt as though you truly knew this being, this entity, even though. she had never spoken about herself. It was always you spilling your guts and her listening. Truthfully it was only thanks to these venting sessions with this voice that allowed you to genuinely begin to move on. Looking past Belphrgor killing you, Lucifer's attitude, Satan's general aggressiveness, Leviathan almost killing you over TSL, being taken from your home, from your world and plunged into a place where everyone and everything wanted to and could kill you. It was only after meeting her that your relationships with everyone starting shifting from endearing yourself to these people so that they don't kill you to an actual friendship, slowly you allowed them to take a place in your heart, in your mind, one you had never allowed anyone else into.
Then the reveal came, on one of the few nights that you weren't there with her you had the unfortunate luck of having a nightmare, it was Belphie killing you, over and over and over again, the same laugh, the same mocking words, your heart beating in your skull, the painful crack of your skull smashing open on the bricked walls of the attic. Pain, you were scared, you wanted to run away, you wanted the people from the human world, you wanted those you felt safe around to come back, to protect you, and then the scene shifted, you back in the human world, sitting in your first period class, alone, your friends, all of them regardless of wether they had this class with you or not sitting together, laughing. They would whisper amongst themselves then glance at you and giggle, you knew this was a dream, but somehow it still gripped onto you, not letting you go, you knew these weren't your friends, these weren't the people you loved and cherished. You pursed your lips, turning away from them choosing to lower your head and stare at the surface of your desk. It rippled like water turning into a mirror, your reflection rising to the surface, just as it opened its mouth, perhaps to speak, maybe to mock the face you were making a woman burst through the door, face a mash of those who you were familiar with.
She cut you off by wrapping her arms around you, the classroom melting away and turning back into that all too familiar white world. She clutched onto you like you were something precious, her hold alone making tears well up in your eyes. She stroked your head, and spoke,
"It's time to wake up"
You awoke with a start, sitting up in bed your hand coming to wipe away the sweat on your forehead. Hearing her voice and seeing her face allowed it all to connect for you the voice that had comforted you for the past two months belonged to her, she was the one who had spoken to you when you had died, you were her descendant, that made her your ancestor, and who had you just discovered was your ancestor? Lilith. She had been the one you were speaking to, the brothers beloved younger sister. You curled up, you felt guilty, the brothers had longed for anything to connect them to their sister, to the point where you just being related to her was enough for them to 'adopt' you into their family and here you were free speaking to her, without any effort on your part, something you knew they would kill for. Your alarm went off startling you, and you had stumbled out of bed, tripping and falling a total of three times as you got dressed.
That day things seemed to have perfectly aligned, you had found out that you had been speaking to Lilith, and now there was a lesson on possession and vessels in your paranormal studies class. It was that class, that discovery, that day that led you to sitting in your room with a pint of your own blood and a poorly made doll a few weeks later.
The plan hadn't even been half baked, more like a quarter, but either way it was far too late. You had purposely picked today, all of the brothers would be out at a ball that Diavolo was holding, you had faked being sick, and after some convincing they left you home alone after you assured them you would check in with at least one of them hourly. And so then came your plot. Hexed clay that had been borrowed from one of the professors who liked you, hair you had collected from each of the brothers brushes wrapped over the lumpy human-ish doll, a freshly bandaged wrist and you on the floor beside all of your materials. You hoped that your memory would serve you correctly because you were far too light headed to go over to your desk and grab your notes.
Cradling the doll you whispered a small "I hope this works" and submerged it in the bowl. Great one step down, now then the next one was to invoke the ghost who you wanted to posses the doll. You didn't really have a plan for this, just knock out and try to convince Lilith to posses it is pretty much what it amounted up to. You didn't even have to do that thankfully, for the minute you were about to lie down on the floor, she appeared in front of you, actually maybe not, she was probably a hallucination, you were starting to feel like you were floating, shakily you lowered yourself down onto the floor fully, it'd be a shame if you knocked the bowl over right now. You felt a cold chill, remembering that one superstition that that meant a ghost was passing through you you giggled.
On the off chance that that was true and that the ghost who had just passed through you was Lilith you mumbled out a "for you" and gestured to the bowl.
Sleep came easily to you, though you seemed to be having another weird dream, a room full of mirrors, each one reflecting a different you, you sitting, you lying down, crying, laughing, dancing, singing, screaming, it was eerie, especially the mirror right in front of you, it reflected you perfectly unlike the others, and yet it's lips were moving as though you were talking, you were able to make out a few of the soundless words "What" "want" "you", creepy, undoubtedly creepy, but still, not exactly your problem. For a second you considered how weird it was that you kept waking up in dreams that you were conscious of but that was neither here nor there. Wandering around for a bit you wondered if Lilith would appear, you really needed to talk to her but had no idea how to initiate a meeting. Before you even had a minute to think about how to meet Lilith the floor cracked under you, and hands rushed out to grab you.
You once again shot up in bed, the covers feeling too heavy, you were supposed to be on the floor, why are you on the bed, did the brothers come back and find you? Which one was it, what time is it, are they going to make you talk about it? Are you going to have to explain yourself?
Gentle hands pushed you back onto the bed and you thrashed, trying to get away, before her voice cut through your panic, Lilith, was standing there, worry in her eyes as she stared at you. Tears welled up in her eyes and you've never felt worse, you hated when people cried over you, you hated when they felt any negative emotion over you or for you. Shame welled up in your gut and choked out the 'sorry' that you had just barely been able to think up. She held you against herself sobbing at this point.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? What if I hadn't been here? You can't just do things like this even if someone is here with you, let alone all by yourself!"
" 'M sorry" you mumbled into her shoulder, and you genuinely were.
You two sat there for a while, just holding onto each other. Eventually Mammon came smashing into your room screaming about how you broke your promise, and when he looked at you, bundled in his little sisters arms he immediately silenced himself. He didn't make another noise even after she got up to hug him, even as the others filtered into the room and began yelling and crying at the sight of her.
The next time he spoke was with a teary smile, as Lilith explained to them what had happened and how she came back, and even then it was only a "geez".
That day you had signed away your soul, wether you knew it or not.
Tag list - @sutsuxan @crystal-freak24 @yaboihack @comfydrem @sothisislove @victoirey @puorin
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