hollowtones · 11 hours
what'd you think about jade shadows?
I put it under a read-more because I don't know how to talk about this without talking about spoiler stuff. The tl;dr is "I liked it but I wish there was a little bit more."
One of the things I didn't like isn't even really part of the quest itself, but I saw a mutual bring it up a few days ago & it's been on my mind since: it feels a little odd to have a content warning before your sidequest, and then not give you any way to skip the quest if it's content you don't think you'd be able to handle. Especially given there's a whole event & rewards that only unlock afterwards!!
OK on to the contents of the quest itself. There's a lot of themes of love and connection and empathy in the face of systemic cruelty or indifference, in this game in general, and a lot of how that manifests is stories about characters fighting for self-determination and agency (the Ostrons trying to stay free of the Grineer, the Solaris trying to destroy the systems that keep them in debt & deny them bodily autonomy, Umbra, the Tenno, the Lotus, etc etc).
I think it's interesting to try and explore a tragedy where we aren't able to help someone in time, where the powers that be have brutalized someone and we as individuals aren't able to get there in the nick of time & help them claw their agency back. I think it's an interesting thematic & emotional through-line (with very strong parallels to Ordis... very smart choice to make him the event vendor / narrator, I'm feasting good on all the new dialogue LOL), and I think there have been enough well-written woman characters in the game that don't get written out or killed for the sake of some man's tragedy or growth that I don't immediately roll my eyes about them trying a So Sad The Woman Dies story.
I do also think this would have hit harder if we got more information about Jade herself!! I realize "this woman broke a law and was completely dehumanized / made into a Thing by the empire, stripping her of herself to suit their ends" is Kind Of The Point, and they make enough of a fuss about "wow there's a lot that's redacted about her history, huh!" that I assume this is a plot thread they're leaving hanging for later. But I feel like the big moment would have resonated better if they gave us a little more info to establish this character, other than "she was heterosexual" and "the Orokin were fucked up, don't forget" haha.
(I do find it funny that the storyline about Ballas, who got Divorced So Badly that he Caused Nearly All Of Today's Problems, is all wrapped up, but the story keeps going "no no, don't worry, there's still plenty of opportunity to remind you how fucked the Orokin were." Here's these two people that broke some insipid law about conceiving a child & so their bosses and leaders broke their brains and turned them into bio-weapon lapdogs as punishment. Every time they go "BTW Something Was Deeply Wrong With The Orokin & We Still Feel The Aftershock Of That Today" I clap my hands like a seal.)
Warframe Babies Are Born!!!!! This little tyke is fuckin weird. What's their problem. I think it's weird and cool. I don't really feel much about "this character is a parent now!" type of storylines. (I did pop off when Stalker got to do his shithead honourable samurai defending a child with one arm thing. I'm a sucker for that & they made it coooooool. It feels like they're setting up some kind of "Lone Wolf and Cub" situation. The scythe being juiced up with BabysPower was also funny.) The baby thing is neat to me from the perspective of, like... This is something weird and new that's never happened before in this universe. That's exciting and kind of scary! I'm interested to see where they go with that. (Presumably in a year or two. Very funny to drop this on us when a completely different major story arc is right around the corner with 1999.)
Gianni's delivery was fuckin killer. I'm excited for whatever next arc they do with Stalker if it means they're gonna pay my boy to grunt and yell and scream more. It feels very strange to be acquainted with two people who've done voice acting in "Warframe" now. Me next? ^_^
I like our new Corpus weirdo. I hope she comes back. Fun to get more stuff with the Sisters of Parvos & with Mr. Granum himself. But I liked her a lot. It got a fuckin laugh out of me to have her through all the quest excited about her big promotion that she's going to get & resolving that with "Is that a fuckin baby??? Fuuuuuck! They don't pay me enough to shoot a baby with a gatling gun!" I wish her ending scene was a little more than just stoically standing aside but literally anything else I can think of feels way too cheesy or on-the-nose.
The facial animations on the Operator were really fuckin weird. I just remembered that. I thought that was just a thing on my end but I watched someone else play & the faces looked weird for them too.
Hunhow's a good inclusion. I like him seeing the Stalker stewing in his own misery because he hates the only people that could offer him help & going "aw man, c'mon buster, don't be like me now." I like his signature that he puts in his emails. I like that he's still an emotionally constipated weirdo that hates us but is still endeared to us in some way. (They make nods to The New Strange in his ending email, which makes sense given that this also feels like a quest setting up More Weird Shit In The Future, but I do get a laugh that it also reads as "JADE WAS PREGNANT? OKAY... WELL. DON'T FORGET THAT I HAVE A WOMB TOO, KID." Thanks Grandpa. Love you too Grandpa. Thanks for the sweeties Grandpa.)
The event quest feels like a nice bow on top. I like the parallels between Jade and Ordis. Wanting to afford her the dignity in death he could never be given. Acknowledgement of Ordan Karris is fun!!! (The line about him being conflicted with the thought of Granum un-cephalon'ing him has me rubbing my hands together.) I'm excited that we're getting so much of Parvos Granum lately. What a shit head. It's funny to see him so hyped up about Ordan. "Duuuude! Your history's famous killer!! That's awesome? Do you wanna work for me? C'monnnnn we both hate the legacy of the Orokin. Wouldn't it be awesome if MY rule was the one dehumanizing you and wielding you as a weapon instead?" This is something they've been establishing as early as "Parvos and Ballas in bed with one another doing shady back-room deals over a Warframe bodyguard and specter particle research" but it's fun whenever they sow the seeds of Parvos being so much like the Orokin he hated.
I wrote more than I thought I was going to!!! I like the thematic through-line idea of this quest but I wish they executed on it better. I like the stuff this is presumably establishing for the future. I really like the event quest as... not quite an epilogue, I guess, but as an addition. Other than that I thought it was okay! I wasn't expecting anywhere near the level of Whispers in the Walls, but that quest being such a high bar makes a "pretty okay" quest stick out to me a little, haha.
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ddwcaph-game · 3 days
Progress Update
Hello everyone! I know this is a bit late, but Happy Pride Month! 🌈
I actually have something relevant to share: I'll be adding demigender and bi/multigender to the gender options in the next update! Not only that, but you will now also be able to pick your twin's pronouns separately, along with the option to choose multiple pronouns for them.
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The cis and questioning options are now separate, similar to how you choose MC's gender. I hope the wording above is alright, but from top to bottom, it's Trans, Non-binary, Demigender, Bi/Multigender, and Genderfluid.
The multiple pronoun option has also been improved so that it's actually randomized at certain intervals, and is no longer limited to two pronouns. You will now also be able to change your twin's pronouns in the stats screen if they are genderfluid (thanks to the locket's empathy/telepathy powers). Speaking of, I'm thinking of adding custom pronouns too when I port the game to VN, but no promises.
Anyway, sorry again for the delays! Aside from me getting sick and having computer problems again, I have a habit of suddenly getting more ideas just as I'm about to finish an update. This is why I don't even give estimated dates anymore. 😅
More info about the next update below:
Since I'm adding F6E's reactions to MC's ancestry, I'm also taking the time to add some banter about MC's favorite genre.
Besides that, I'm currently working on an addition to Roselyna's BFF scene, and I can't not add it because it's very important to her character development. As in, she probably wouldn't have ran away during the storm if this particular event didn't happen. Her emotional level will now also determine whether she lets Wayne (and MC) continue calling Josie mommy or not.
I also had to overhaul the pronoun system to get the new stuff to work. It's a lot more work than you might realize, but it's worth it because I found lots of bugs, and it actually got simpler, even with the new randomizing feature.
And since I'm updating the variables, I also took the time to change most of the mom/dad/ate/kuya variables to actually use the translated terms if you choose to have a twin language (in the narration, diary, and during private conversation).
I'm also adding new and very fun choices to the existing chapters which will add a new layer to your decision making. Yup, the "plot hole" in the title will actually make sense now. 🤭
There's also lots of other smaller things. Lots of them. The change log is over 300 lines now. But here's a tiny snippet from Lily's BFF scene before I go back to the editing mines:
"Let's talk about that later. We're almost at the station." Tita Rickie slaps Tita Dani's arm. "So turn off that damn underglow before you forget. You really had to install those, huh?" "C'mon, Rickie. Of all the things I could add, this is by far the least illegal one," Tita Dani grumbles as she stops the SUV near Barangay 143's police station.
(By the way, I'm currently updating the Trinkets and Secrets Guide in preparation for the next update. Don't be surprised if some of the stuff in there is incompatible with the current demo!)
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 45 and 54 for joelle and nina please >:^) <3
hiiii bones thank you so much <33 rubbing my evil little hands rn >:^) otp asks.
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
joelle would freak out lmao. she usually is the one that can find solutions or like, think with a cool mind if there's a problem but when it comes to nina she loses it completely especially if she sees nina in a very panicked state. joelle would start asking profusely "what's wrong/are you alright?" in a progressively more anxious tone until she would receive an answer, that ofc only worsens the situation because imagine waking up all shaken up from a nightmare and someone is throwing at you 300 questions at the speed of light. rip joelle jdfkdk she would offer her a glass of water and would absolutely listen nina talk about her nightmare if she feels like telling her.
nina instead is...calm. she would gently touch joelle's arm, making sure she's alright with physical touch, and then wrap her arms around her and comfort her. ask her what the dream was about and keep her tightly secured between her arms for the rest of the night
5. Describe their cozy night in.
cozy nights in include take out (because sometimes not having to cook your own dinner and having dishes to clean after that is a BIG relief) comfy pajamas, music playing some soft tune that nina would sing along to, then a warm blanket wrapping them together as they watch some cheesy romantic black and white movie. they would pretend to be the main protagonists and repeat some lines to each other with a big grin (the ones they find too cheesy mostly bc they would laugh about it so much djsfk). nina would fall asleep before the end of the movie as always and the morning after joelle would have to tell her the ending
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
nina still has that childlike wonder and joelle can't say no to her wife when her eyes get all sparkly with joy, so yes they would absolutely build a pillow fort together <3
10. Describe their first date.
their first date was a not planned first date sjfdsfk. they talked a few times before that since joelle stopped every morning by the cafeteria nina worked at for coffee before work (the coffee was terrible there and she had to pick another one in a different place after that, still joelle wouldn't admit she went to that specific shop for nina) and one day nina invites her to come see her perform at the local pub. OFC joelle accepts. she gets there 40 minutes earlier than planned and, too embarassed, kept driving around the block until the time to show up was..more acceptable in her opinion.
after the performance, which left joelle in total AWE, they met up and began chatting (more like joelle complimenting nina's singing for one hour straight) and suddenly they are walking around the empty streets at 3 in the morning with no destination in mind but with lots to say to each other. it's nina that has the guts to utter the "i think i really like you" bc joelle would've kept quiet for another month or smth lmao
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
not always. when they are leaving for work in the morning there's always a "have a good day, i love you" and a kiss but they don't say it to each other every single time they leave. if joelle says it more than once or twice during the day then nina would playfully tell her that she's "wearing out the words" ndjkfk
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
mmmh okay hard question..i wouldn't exactly say that it perfectly describes their relationship but.. fast car by syd makes me think of them, idk it's the vibes <3
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
they have a very similar fashion style bc they both like to dress comfy. i think that if they had to pick something for the other they would be mindful of what they are comfortable wearing. nina would pick something that makes joelle look classy!! something like a black blouse with a ribbon collar and sheer sleeves and wide-leg pants or whatever they are called. joelle picks something simple instead, a combo of white shirt + sleeveless sweater + checkered pants on the tones of soft brown. she thinks nina looks like a college student like that and finds her incredibly beautiful :3
35. Who's more artistic?
it's difficult to pick one because nina is a singer and joelle a photographer (as a hobby) so they both have something artistic going on within them. i think nina maybe is a bit more artistic than joelle because she expresses her identity, her self, through art and without it she would feel caged
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
it's hard because they got used to feeling each other's presence on the other side of the bed, just like a reassurance that everything is alright, so it could be hard to fall asleep without the other.
when joelle is left on her own in what's the new reality of the world...well, let's say she doesn't have the best sleep, she doesn't sleep at all tbh, just those few hours that feel enough to keep her on her feet. it's hard. she lost the love of her life and the world isn't exactly the safest place. sleeping is a luxury now
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
joelle is <3 because nina usually falls asleep before her and usually on the couch too so joelle's the one carrying her to bed
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ratcandy · 1 year
(nobody knows i've been playing with a warrior cats clan generator for a while now and getting attached to silly pixel cats to an unhealthy degree)
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lemonlover1110 · 7 months
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Pairing: Choso x f!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend completely stops focusing on you after you give him a gaming console for his birthday. Luckily, you have a very clever way of reminding him that you also need his attention.
Warnings: MDNI, smut, oral sex (m. receiving), masturbation
10k Event Masterlist
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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Getting your boyfriend a gaming console for his birthday was truly the worst mistake you've ever made. The moment he turned on the console, all the attention that was rightfully yours, went to a monitor and a controller. Sure, Choso isn’t the most affectionate boyfriend but at the very least he’d give you attention.
You would be attached to the hip, you’d give him all your physical love while he’d do you a favor; whether it was getting you a glass of water or preparing your favorite snack. But now that’s not happening. You try to spend time with him but he’s always on his fucking game, and it annoys you more than you’d like to admit. 
“Do you want to watch a movie tonight, babe?” You walk to the living room, finding him with his headphones on, eyes dead focused on the TV. You sit down next to him, and your usually calm boyfriend suddenly begins to scream, the match pissing him off. You roll your eyes, tempted to turn off the game, but you know that’ll ensue a huge argument. You clear your throat, and repeat your question.
“Huh?” He responds, and you glare at him. You decide that you won’t ask the question for a third time. You’re about to stand up and walk away, but your eyes go to his sweatpants, and a much better idea comes to mind. You suck your bottom lip between your teeth and ponder your options. You’re touch starved because of the stupid game console. But Choso doesn’t deserve it.
Your hand still goes to his thigh, and you get on your knees on the floor. Maybe doing this for him will make him remember that he still has a girlfriend with a lot of needs. He can’t pause the game, risking for him to lose when he looks down at you. Utter confusion then clarity hits as your hands go to the waistband of his sweatpants. You give him the cutest eyes while a wicked smirk comes to your lips before asking him, “May I?”
“Have fun.” He responds, his eyes back on the screen. You pull down his pants and boxers, letting his cock free of its confinements. 
Your hand wraps around the base of his shaft and you spit on his cock a couple of times. Your tongue drags on his dick before it gets to the tip. Your tongue circles the tip before you hollow your cheeks and wrap your mouth around what you can take of his cock. It doesn’t earn much of a reaction from him. His game is that much fun.
Your hand wraps around the part that isn’t in your mouth, stroking it while you bob your head. Your free hand goes to his balls, massaging them to get a sound from him, and you feel like you’ve succeeded when you hear a whimper from him. You look up at him, his eyes still focused on the TV but you feel his attention drifting. 
You stop playing with his balls, your hand goes down your own shorts and gets in your panties. Your index and middle finger run through your folds before you begin to play with your clit. Sucking him off always turns you on so much. And it works more now since you’re in dire need of attention.
You try to take all of him in your mouth, your eyes immediately filling up with tears as you gag on his cock. You hear a soft moan from him, and your teary eyes watch him finally break his focus. You finally let his dick go, gasping at a breath of fresh air. It doesn’t take too long for your mouth to wrap around him again, going back to all you can handle. You push two fingers inside your pussy and begin to move them in and out of you, moaning on his cock. 
“Ah… shit– fuck fuckfuckfuck–” You hear, and you watch him toss the controller to the side. He doesn’t care if he loses anymore, his attention has been captivated. He whimpers again before praising you, “You’re doing so good…”
Your fingers go back to your clit, playing with it a bit more before stopping. You have a feeling that your night is far from over, and he won’t edge you. On the contrary. He’ll be generous tonight after you’ve been so generous to him.
He gets more vocal as you continue, letting you know that he’s close to finishing. Maybe after this he’ll finally remember what he’s missing out on while he focuses all his attention on a stupid game. He’s missing out on his pretty little girlfriend in a hundred different ways– If you do well enough he might smash the console into pieces (he won’t).
“I’m gonna–” His breath gets caught up in his chest, his hand going to the back of your head and pushing your head down before he fills your mouth up with his cum. He holds your head still for a moment, and when he finally lets go, there’s a smirk on your face as you swallow every drop of his cum. 
“Did that change your mind?” You ask.
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” He completely ignores the game on his screen, completely focused on you.
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yourmidnightlover · 4 months
the sun
pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
summary: after the events of the snap, you find out news that's both heart wrenching and warming. what happens five years later when bucky's back?
warnings: death, mourning, pregnancy, childbirth, canon-typical violence (not much but just adding to cover all the bases), loosely based on end game and infinity war (as in ignore my mistakes lmaooo), if i failed to mention any warnings PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
wc: 2.6k
a/n: dude idk why i've had an urge to write such heart wrenching angst lately. i'm actually in a decent place rn. i tried to cut this fic down bc originally it was SOOOO long i felt like a lot of it was just filler and i feel like shorter fics of mine tend to do better... ANYWHO! this does have a happy/hopeful ending so no worries! also picturing this beefcake for this story is AGHHHHHHH!
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you never thought two lines on a stick could ever break your heart the way they did.
tears clouded your vision as you gripped the counter, trying not to crumble or succumb to your grief.
6 weeks ago, the avengers lost. everything.
half of the world, gone in a moment.
in one moment, your world collapsed. seeing bucky fade to dust right in front of you...
sobs wracked through your body as you crumbled to the ground.
this was supposed to be a happy moment. there should be tears of joy, not sobs of sorrow. your heart should feel full of love, not like there's a super-soldier sized hole in it.
"y/n," nat's voice rang outside the door, giving you a moment to yourself.
"just-," you tried to level your breathing before she opened the door, knowing but not understanding the grief you were feeling.
she wrapped her arms around your body, tucking your head into her neck as she gently rubbed your back soothingly. steve leaned against the bathroom door, glancing on the counter to see what they had all expected.
a positive pregnancy test.
you were having bucky's baby.
without bucky.
you gripped his dog tags that you had been wearing since the funeral. they were the only thing that could truly ground you.
they brought back happy memories of cuddling in bed, the cool metal shocking your skin for only a moment before realizing that it was only bucky and smiling at the memory.
god, it hadn't even been two months.
how were you supposed to do this alone?
"we're here for you," steve's voice called from the doorway, as if he could hear your thoughts. "you'll never be alone. not in this... not ever." he shook his head, his brows furrowed in a serious, straight line.
eventually, your sobs subsided. you stood with nat from your seat on the ground, wiping your own eyes mustering up a pathetic smile before she left you and steve to work out your grief together.
"we didn't even know it was possible," you shrugged. "it's like he sent me them..." you placed your hand on an invisible bump before facing steve, his teary eyes reminding you that he had lost his best friend, too. "he sent us this baby."
you reached your hand out for steve to hold. he took it gratefully and pulled you into his arms, hugging you tight and letting only a few tears slip his waterline before pulling back.
"if you'll let me, i want to be there for you for everything," his chin wobbled. "buck would kick my ass if i let you go through this alone." a genuine laugh left your lips for the first time in nearly two months.
"i would be so grateful for that," you nodded as you let go of his arms. "part of me still can't believe that it's real. it's like part of me still expects him to walk into the compound from a long mission or something..." you shook your head. "i know that sounds so stupid."
"it's not," he shook his head with a smile. "it's what i wish was true, maybe it's your subconscious trying to preserve your mind?"
"maybe," you shrugged before continuing, "i should probably talk to tony and bruce, huh?"
you knew you were around eight weeks along.
according to the doctors' tony had enlisted, however, you were already 12 weeks along, which was impossible.
bucky had been gone on a mission at that time... but it's whatever. you got to hear the heartbeat. steve went with you, too. you both bawled together. you kept three copies of the ultrasound and he kept two.
banner had already offered to do some testing on the dna of the baby, noting that the serum would likely affect the pregnancy (as it probably already has).
you had talked to tony about retiring from the whole superhero gig for the time being. you needed to mourn and prepare for a new life simultaneously. tony had promised to provide anything you needed at the drop of a hat, and he sure as hell delivered.
within no time, your pregnancy was being measured at 20 weeks while only being pregnant for 12. banner was concerned for your body's ability to keep up with the rapid rate of growth of the baby. he had you on a strict, hefty diet with two different prenatal vitamins in attempt to help your nutrition.
in spite of your best efforts, you were always exhausted and in pain. but you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. this was bucky's baby. you didn't care how much pain you went through when you had half of him growing inside of you.
you couldn't walk for long without feeling like passing out, which banner chalked up to low iron. steve had grown progressively more worried for you and the baby the longer the pregnancy went on.
as a result, he had moved into the spare room that was in your and bucky's house. truly, it just made it easier for him to help you finish up the nursery anyway.
he was very handy about it all, painting, building furniture from scratch, the whole deal.
"i've been thinking... and if it's a girl, i want to name her evangeline james barnes," you informed steve as you ate the steak he had been making for the past few weeks of your pregnancy, as ordered by dr. banner. that with carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and for dessert strawberries, blueberries and raspberries over ice cream. "and if it's a boy, cyrus james barnes. evangeline means good news, and cyrus means sun."
steve placed his hand over yours, "i think buck would've loved them." he smiled warmly as you downed the food in a few minutes.
you had begun showing soon after you found out you were pregnant, but now, it felt like it was impossible to hide. nat had been wonderful about helping you keep up with the changes your body was going through, getting you new maternity clothes every week.
she even made sure to get you every single craving that wasn't in accordance to banner's hefty diet. not that he didn't want you to eat more, he thought it was best you did! but he also wanted to make sure that with all that you did eat, your body got as many nutrients as possible.
just to be safe, he kept you on other vitamin supplements anyway.
you couldn't help but imagine what bucky would say or do about everything now.
he would hold your body closely, pressing firm kisses to your bump every chance he could get while whispering some sickly sweet sayings to your unborn child, words that would melt the winter soldier's cold exterior.
he would whisper words of encouragement any moment you felt worried about your abilities to be a mom. he would say how beautiful you were, in spite of being bloated in places you didn't know could bloat.
he would be wonderful, and in your mind, he was still alive and vibrant. well, as vibrant as bucky ever was, at least.
truthfully, that's the only way you were able to keep going on like this. steve was wonderful, but you couldn't help but want the love of your life by your side as you tried to navigate this new chapter.
in a couple more weeks, you were projected to be at 32 weeks. bruce and tony were talking with your doctors about the safety of inducing so early, both for you and the baby.
oh, and you wanted the gender to be a surprise.
and within the week, you were having your baby.
steve and nat were by your side during the birth, whispering encouraging words and compliments of your strength.
"i need him!" you screamed in pain as you held one of each of their hands, sobbing in agony. "i need james! i need my bucky! i can't do this alone, i can't-i can't!"
"you can," nat reminded you. "this baby needs you," she held your face to look at hers. "bucky is a part of this baby." you swore you could see tears in her eyes before turning to face steve.
"remember what you told me when you found out you were pregnant?" he didn't bother wiping the tears from his face. "bucky sent you-sent us this baby. he knows you can do it." you sniffled before nodding at your two best friends, pushing with one last scream and a second later, you had...
"cyrus james barnes," the nurse called to you. "it's a boy, congratulations mom."
the next few years went by quicker than you could've ever imagined.
crawling, first words, first steps...
you missed bucky. not a day passed where you didn't miss him.
but, having cy helped a lot. he looked just like his father. dark brown hair, icy blue eyes, a cute little nose... not to mention his father's stubbornness.
you made sure he knew who his father was. you took him to the museum often, showing him the statue of his father and his background in the world war, him saving the world so much. you told him how you fell in love with him.
how you fell for the quiet man before ever really talking to him. how you were partners on a long-term, undercover mission and that's where your love ignited from the sparks.
not that cy understood any of what you told him. you just felt it was important to know that his parents loved him, and each other dearly.
you never took off his dog tags, either.
steve was a huge help the whole time. he kept working for the avengers, so he was gone often, but he provided a good male role model for cyrus. after all, he was his uncle steve. he already taught him how to throw a ball, albeit a little softball, but it counts!
you made sure to document everything that went on in yours and cyrus's life.
banner had said that cyrus was growing at an exceeding rate, but nothing to be concerned about. in fact, cyrus was turning five in almost half a year, meaning the anniversary of bucky's death, or disappearance or whatever you called it, was coming up.
then, you got a call from tony and banner.
it all happened so quickly, from testing to planning to the execution. pepper watched cyrus for you while you went back with steve, scott, and tony to get the tesseract.
of course, the men being men had to come upon a few hiccups, but eventually, after going as far back as the 70s, you brought back the tesseract.
the only thing is that nat never came back...
next thing you know, bruce is snapping his fingers and clint is getting a call from his supposedly deceased wife. your eyes fill with tears, hands searching in your pockets for your phone to see if you've gotten anything yet.
is it possible he wasn't brought back? he was the first to... disintegrate. die. maybe that meant something in the eyes of the stones?
then, you felt a buzz in your hand.
although, you didn't have any time to try to grasp what that meant, because more aliens came to earth.
after yet another war, one that you weren't even prepared for, after losing more people, again. after losing tony...
but amidst the chaos of the aftermath of the fight, with screams of joy and shock and grief surrounding you, tears streaming down your face, your eyes met the blue ones you only saw in your son.
he slowly walked towards you as the tears sped up. you didn't even realize when your feet began running towards him.
when his arms wrapped around your waist, you finally felt the home you thought you had come to terms with never feeling again. your arms wrapped around his neck, your face buried in his shoulder as you breathed in the scent of gunmetal that had overtaken him in the battle.
"oh my god," you cried into the leather of his jacket. he lifted you off the ground, your legs wrapping around his waist as you felt his smile on your cheek. "i can't believe you're really here."
"i'm here, doll," his hands cradled your head so tenderly. "i'm not ever leaving again. never."
you pulled back before your eyes widened in realization. "you've gotta meet someone, jamie."
his brows furrowed in confusion, just smiling and nodding along with whatever you said.
within the next few hours, simply being held by bucky before steve stole him away with a hug, you finally brought him home.
"so, steve moved in," you started as you pulled your car into the driveway, turning to see bucky looking at you with an incredulous look. "you'll see why." you reached to hold his hand before he brought yours to his lips, pressing a kiss there.
you told him to wait in the car as you went inside to relieve the babysitter for cyrus. after giving him some cash, he went outside, knocking on your car window to let bucky know he should make his way inside.
upon entering, he saw you sitting on the floor with a little boy with striking blue eyes that seemed so familiar to him. his nose, too. his lips though, they were all yours. he had a slight grin plastered on his lips, one that matched yours to a t.
"daddy?" suddenly, it all clicked.
his heart, his mind, his fucking soul, everything made sense now. the pain, hydra, the mind washing, the torture.
meeting you. falling in love. dying?
his son.
he started walking closer to bucky before the steady walk turned into a run. bucky knelt down, wrapping the boy in his arms, cradling his tiny frame in his arms protectively. his son.
"cyrus james barnes," you said with a teary smile on your face. bucky, without breaking the hug with his son, looked up at you with a smile that matched yours. "cyrus means 'sun', and i thought it was fitting. he brought me so much light and hope after you..." you choked up before he stood up with cy in his arms, walking towards you before wrapping you in the big, family hug.
"i love you so much, both of you."
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selfishdoll · 8 months
❛you wanted this, right?...❜ ━━ ft. ghostface! gojo & geto
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⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 SUMMARY. ━━ after disclosing a fantasy you had, your beloved boyfriends decided to make it happen. them in masks, you the victim, and you all inside a big mansion they rented out. an unfair game of cats and mouse seemed delightful, no?
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 CONTENT WARNING. ━━ everything is consensual & discussed beforehand | fear play | predator & prey play(? maybe), | ghostface mask | voice manipulation (they sound like ghostface | manhandling | rough sex | praise & degradation | oral sex (f & m receiving) | ooc characters (i’m not gege don’t clock me) | pet names (princess, sweetheart, pretty girl, minx, slut, etc) | spanking | minor choking (not really just holding your throat) | double p in v sex | fingering | multiple orgasms | orgasm denial | minor knife play | etc. if i forgot something let me know.
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 NOTE. ━━ this took much longer then i wanted & went on much longer then i wanted 😭🙏🏾. as always please excuse typos & grammar mistakes.
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the anticipation swelling inside you was almost nauseating. your pretty manicured fingers digging into the little pleated skirt you wore. everything you wore was little; little white top, little denim skirt, and little pink thong. why? easy access.
you waited so impatiently for the car to stop, eyes peering between the seat and your phone, feeling your panties wetten as your thoughts swarmed with the events bound to transpire soon. to think your beloved boyfriends would actually make a disgusting fantasy of yours come true.
not without a little teasing of course.
“us, in ghostface masks?” gojo asked with a little grin, coming close to you. “you want us to chase and fuck you, huh?”
“and you’re letting us use knives, right?” geto asked next, a simper pulling his features. his eyes ran down your form, feeling excitement brew inside him.
it didn’t take much coaxing, given they were as freaky as you were. you three decided on a nice gothic mansion, four-story, furnished with several rooms. several hiding places.
whether for you or them.
next were the rules, establishing a perfect plan so everyone was comfortable. the knives used were only sharp enough for thin fabric, you had a word to say incase you got too scared, and also; you had an objective.
you would start at the top floor, your goal to get outside the house through the front. along the way however, your lovely boyfriends will be obstacles. but.. if you could guess correctly who was under the mask whilst they played with you, you were allowed to run and they had to stay put.
easy right? you think so. despite the fact one missup, and you lost. you had to be careful, calculated. sure of your decision before it exited your lips.
“miss, is this your stop?”
you quickly blinked out of your inappropriate thoughts, turning back and forth. you were sure this was the right place, an exact replica to what you saw online. with a sweet smile you thanked the uber driver, exiting the car and collecting your things; your phone and a flashlight. you didn’t need anything else.
shutting the door behind you, you headed up the grand walkway of the mansion; glancing at the pretty windows and rose shrubs standing tall outside. it was beautiful really, you wondered what it was used for before your perverted adventures.
grasping the door, which was unlocked, you entered the mansion and stepped into the dark foyer. you licked your lips nervously, shutting the door behind you. you quickly texted your lovers you were inside the house, knowing they were on the way.
satoru <3
we’re three mins away, sweetheart.
suguru <3
hurry up & find a hiding place, you don’t get a grace period.
you didn’t need to be told twice, flicking your flashlight on and rushing towards the stairs. you bounced with each step, ignoring the slight pain as you continued up them. you made it to the second floor when you heard the front door slam open and close, fear running through your body as you dashed across the hall to the next set of stairs, making it to the fourth floor.
your whipped around back and forth, searching for a perfect spot to wait out the next five mins. those were the intervals you were allowed to wait in one room, before you were expected to move. your eyes quickly settled on one second to the one at the end of the hall, rushing over and opening and closing the door.
you gripped your arms close, regaining your breath and sinking against the wall. you tried to calm down, tried to hear what was going on outside. had they made it to the fourth floor yet? maybe. but even so, you couldn’t hear a damned thing.
the ringing of your phone caused you to gasp, quickly pulling it from your chest to glance down at the bright unknown number, glaring at you. you hissed, accepting the call and placing it against your ear, whilst standing from your spot against the wall.
it was about three mins. you needed to find somewhere else to hide.
“what’s your favorite scary movie?”
you rolled your eyes, a little grin covering your face. “you’re so corny, baby.” you murmured, slowly opening the door and peeking out with your flashlight. luckily you didn’t see their large forms, allowing you to step out into the hall.
“you want the ghostface masks, you get the ghostface treatment, princess.”
“mhm. you’re only trying to get me to talk so you can find me.” you hummed, continuing down the hall to the next room, opening and shutting the door behind you.
the man released a soft cackle, his breath fanning against the receiver of the phone. “oh no, i’m not doing that. i already know where you are.”
you blinked a bit, whipping around in time to spot a large form burst out of the closet and head towards you. a delighted, yet fearful shriek escaped you as strong arms locked around your body. his gloved hand pressed against your mouth, bringing you against his form.
“too bad, we just started and i already caught you.” ghostface snickered against your ear, plastic mask rubbing against your hot skin. his hand dragged down, the warm fabric tracing your skin. “what should i do first? should i cut these useless clothes off? maybe i’ll wait for the other ghostface to get here.. end this game quickly—“
“satoru!” you shouted out, hearing the man click his tongue a bit. the strong arms released you, a triumphant giggle escaping you as you rushed out of the room without even looking back. you ran down the hall, ignoring the other rooms and heading down the stairs.
you didn’t know where geto was, and you didn’t care; you were making far too much noise for the man to ignore. you quickly entered a room, pulling the door open and shutting it behind you. your eyes peered around, regret entering you quickly.
it was a simple room, no closet, no bathroom— nothing. your only hiding spot.. was under the bed. so fucking cliche.
with some effort you got to your knees, sliding your self under the bed with even more effort. you pushed up, assuring your legs weren’t stick out like all those stupid movies and waited. you had five mins, only five and then you’d have to figure out where to go next.
getting yourself from under this bed was bound to take some time, so you planned to exit a little early.
that was until, you heard them. heavy footsteps, pressing against the floor from outside the room. you quickly slammed a hand against your mouth to cover the small whimper, shaking as you watched the door push open. the person entered, black boots coming into view as he shut the door behind him.
they stood motionless for a moment, your eyes closing as you tried to relax your racing heart. hopefully, hopefully they thought you were too smart to slide under the bed. that they would exit the room and maybe go to the next one.
your heart rung in your ears, palm squished against your mouth to cover your small pants. that was until, a strong hand curled around your bare ankle. you screeched as you were dragged out from under the bed, being flipped onto your back, right on the cold wood floor.
you whined a bit as you felt the cold steel glide across your thighs, rising to pull at your thin thong string. “under the bed? really?..” the man purred above you, raspy voice slightly muffled from the mask he wore. you whimpered as your panties were cut off, revealing your soft, wet cunt.
you attempted to shut your legs, only for ghostface to be much faster; blade rising to press against your neck. you knew it wasn’t sharp enough to cut, yet, the thought alone had you keening— arousal dripping down to your ass.
the man hummed a little, fingers tapping on the handle of the knife whilst his other hand traced your thigh, slapping the inside of it. a high pitched moan escaped you, eyes pinched closed as his gloved hand soothed the skin.
“such a minx, begging for us to fuck you in masks. bet all that running around and hiding got you so wet, huh—?” his own question was answered the moment his fingers glided across your slit, slick collected on his gloved hands. ghostface swore softly, two fingers pushing into your entrance with no restraint. he wasted no time in curling them, pushing against your velvety walls all while the knife remained against your throat.
your eyes found the back of your skull, nearly forgetting your goal. you were supposed to be guessing who this was, currently ruining you so easily with his fingers. thumb pressing against your hardened clit, circling it slowly. your sweet moans covered the room, thighs squeezing his strong forearm as little tears threatened to spill.
ghostface leaned closer, his pace quickening. “oh, gonna come already baby? you know what that means.. means we’ll win.” soft squelches covered the room, hissing at the way your gummy walls clenched around his digits. “come on, come on— guess pretty girl, guess—“
your mind raced as he coaxed you, struggling to keep your orgasm at bay. you knew if you got it wrong, you lost. if you came, you lost. you wanted, needed the game to go on just a while longer. a harsh whine escaped you, “suguru!” you finally huffed out, feeling his fingers instantly stop inside you.
“good girl.. though, i doubt you have much left in you to run.” he spoke, a clear smirk on his features despite you couldn’t see.
the man even helped you up, you rushing out the room the moment you were on your feet. suguru was slightly right, given how much you wobbled about; legs shaking as you carried yourself down the end of the hallway.
you didn’t want to get to the next floor yet, fearful gojo was waiting on you. it was so frustrating how well they worked together sometimes.
you opened the door, closing it behind you with a soft sigh. your head rested against the cool mahogany wood, heart racing as a little giggle escaped you. to think you were having so much fun being used as prey for your boyfriends. you were a sick freak, really.
you clicked your phone, glancing down at the time. four more minutes, and you’d have to move. though as excited as you were, you did find this little rest enjoyable. they weren’t going easy on you, keeping you on your toes at all times.
a soft breath escaped you as you rose from leaning against the door. clasping the knob, you turned it, opening slowly— revealing the man standing right behind it.
you screamed as he lunged forward, snatching you out of the room and closing the door. once done you were pressed right back against the wood, squeezed between it and his large form.
“you’re so easy to track, princess— gotta be a bit quieter..” ghostface teased, snaking a hand under your thin shirt to grasp your breasts. he tweaked your hard nipple between his thumb and middle finger, enjoying the pretty moans that escaped your throat. “look at that.. leaking all over this pretty mansion. such a mess.”
you cried out as his palm smacked against your bare ass, keening once his fingers plunged inside you. your legs shook, arched perfectly against the door as his hand move; flexing and scissoring his thick, long digits in and out of your messy cunt. a string of moans escaped your throat, his hand releasing your chest to glide up to your neck, holding it gently.
“fuck.. sucking my damn fingers, so much.” he mused, masked face focused on your pretty pussy. your walls clamped down, desperately trying to keep them inside with each thrust he delivered. ghostface could feel himself growing harder and harder under his slacks, having half a mind to end the game right then and there.
“messy fucking pussy.. go ahead and come, pretty girl. you want to don’t you?— so greedy for our dicks, bet you can’t wait for the game to end.”
you furiously shook your head, eyes pinched as you clenched and clenched; struggling to hold back your orgasm. with the way he was fingerfucking you, you were sure the restraint would dissipate quickly, racking your mind. satoru or suguru? satoru or suguru? satoru or suguru?
“fu—fuck, satoru!” you cried out just when your peak nearly hit, hearing the man swear but release you. you breathed heavily, feeling him step away to give you space.
“tired, baby?” satoru said in a mocking coo, watching in delight as you lifted your body off the door.
without think you flashed your boyfriend the finger, collecting the scraps of your dignity and rushing down the hall and down the steps. you didn’t know if you could last much longer— no there was no way you could.
you felt way too damn good to even distinguish between the two anymore, mind melting away as they fucked you to ecstasy with just their fingers. you hated them so much, for how easily they played with your body.
you made it to the second to last floor, tempted to just take the final stretch, but deciding not to. you turned towards a door, rushing to open it and close it behind you. a bathroom. perfect.
no where to hide but the damn tub.
with a little grimace you pulled the shower curtains back, happy to not see one of your cloaked and masked boyfriends waiting patiently for you. you stepped inside, pulling the curtains closed once you were done. you leaned back against the white tiles, sighing softly as you closed your eyes.
these little moments of peace was so bittersweet, knowing they were short lived. your lovers were much faster then you, you were sure they were on this floor already.. waiting and searching.
you glanced down at your phone, a little surprised either of them hadn’t tried to call you again. it nearly made you giggle if it wasn’t for the heavy footsteps you heard passing by the bathroom. you hissed softly, quickly covering your mouth and pressing against the wall.
your heart beat harshly, hearing doors open, footsteps, doors slam shut, and more footsteps. you didn’t know if it was only one of them on the floor or both, unfortunately.
as the footsteps closed in on outside your door, your heart rate increased; ringing in your ears and nearly whimpering the moment the door opened slowly.
whoever it was stepped into the small space, standing and looking around. the only thing between the two of you being the decorative shower curtains.
more agonizing moments passed before you heard a soft sigh, hearing a footstep towards the door and it opening and shutting shortly after. your hand slowly fell, feeling your lips curl into a little smile.
so silly, you thought to yourself, fingers curling around the curtain. they didn’t even check the tu—
“your hiding places suck, pretty girl.” ghostface chuckled, snatching you out of the tub right as you gave a fearful yelp. the man easily turned your positions, pushing you to lean against the sink, pressed up behind you. a hand came to curl in your pretty dark braids, grabbing a handful and lifting your head.
the moment your eyes landed on your face in the mirror you glanced away, whining as you felt his other fingers gently pinch your clit. “no, no.. no looking away. watch yourself as i fuck you with my fingers, sweetheart.” three fingers easily slid inside your sweet cunt, instantly clamping around the digits.
you reached back, hand gripping his wrist as he fingerfucked you, the other hand steady in your scalp. you watched as your lips parted, moans escaping and eyebrows pushing together; all while your masked boyfriend stood behind you, arm moving with each thrust he gave you.
it was such a sight, making you even wetter by the second, arousal dripping down your thighs. you whimpered as his fingers curled, legs shaking as heavy pants escaped you.
“oh, is this the last round?” the man behind the mask mocked, feeling your pretty walls clench and clench. “you had such big talk, claiming you would get out before we caught you.. was that all it was— talk?” he angled his fingers, pushing against the spot inside you that caused stars to collect in your vision.
“mmm— fuck, fuck!” you cried out, nails digging into his wrist as your head leaned against the mirror. “it— its ah— suguru!” you felt triumphant the moment his fingers were removed, gently letting go of your hair.
before you could think you were rushing out of the bathroom, chubby thighs carrying you down the stairs to the final floor. you gasped out, looking back and forth, and feeling your blood run cold the moment you spotted a large form standing at the entrance of the mansion, waiting ever so patiently.
you moved to run, making it about two feet away before your were snatched from the ground, arms tight around your waist. you huffed softly, kicking for a moment as a sharp, “satoru!” escaped you.
instead of being released, you heard soft chuckles. your eyebrows pinched close, attempting to move away. “don’t cheat, satoru!”
“oh, i’m not satoru, princess.”
your eyes went wide, whipping around to watch the man tug his mask off. and much to your dismay, suguru stood in all his glory, eyes gleaming with excitement as he took in your withering form. “looks like you lost..” his tone was sing-songy, tossing the mask to the side.
“but.. but i thought i w—“
“won?” another voice cut in, watching as the other ghostface; satoru walked down the steps, approaching the two of you. he was close within minutes, sandwiching you between himself and suguru. “no.. you guessed wrong in the bathroom. i just felt so bad about you losing, i let you slip away.” his gloved fingers found your cheeks, a sick simper covering his features.
your breath hitched as you felt strong hands grip your thinly covered body, suguru’s face falling to your neck. “means we get our reward, right?”
you whined in defeat as they snatched you away from the foyer, carrying you towards a room— a bedroom. placing you on the bed, suguru moved first, pushing you to lay out across the blankets. revealing his knife, the man slid it up your simple white shirt, cutting it open and revealing your bare chest.
the cold air licked against your skin, feeling the bed sink in as satoru crawled on; face lowering to your chest. his lips clamped around your hard nipple, sucking and gently biting it. your fingers found his brightly colored hair, the pleasure covering your sensitive body.
you gasped as the cool metal carried down from the valley between your breasts, to your stomach, and finally your skirt. geto, effortlessly, slid the sharp point under the fabric, cutting it off.
“suguru!” you huffed, watching him toss the ruined garment to the side, knife following. said man only grinned, hand finding the inside of your thigh.
“don’t worry.. i’ll buy another one for next time.”
you weren’t given much time to dwell on his words before his fingers glided across your slit, the man watching in enjoyment at you flincing from the simple touch. “practically drooling, pretty girl.. fuck.” he drawled, fingers collected your slick, rubbing it further across your slit.
you clenched onto your boyfriends, head rested back against the blankets as whimpers escaped you. “please, please..”
satoru popped off your nipple with a small chuckle, fingers replacing to tweak at the wet bud. “mhm.. you can wait, right baby? had us waiting for so long, playing your little game. it’s only fair.”
you whined once again, causing another chuckle to escape your lovers. whilst satoru grabbed your chin and captured your lips, suguru’s fingers pushed inside you, wasting no time in curling and fucking you. they no longer had to hold back to give you a chance to run, you were stranded, right where they wanted you.
your fingers clung to satoru, all while your hips moved, angling to glide your swollen clit against suguru’s palm. you cried at as he curled the digits up against your sweet spot, angling just perfect to continuously thrust there. given how much you were holding back this evening, it was no surprise your end was approaching quickly; eyes closed shut as gasps and moans entered satoru’s mouth.
he pulled away, fingers rising to your cheeks to grip, taking in your expression with a soft swear. “so fucking close aren’t you baby? making such a mess on suguru’s fingers— greedy slut.”
“hah— did you seriously clench from that, (y/n)?” suguru’s words came next, your mind flooded with pleasure and far too fucked out to acknowledge their teasing. your thighs shook, trapping the dark-haired man’s forearm between them as you fisted satoru’s hair.
a drawn out moan escaped you, creaming all over his hand, arousal dribbling all the way down to your taint and the sheets.
the praises that fell from their lips caused your head to feel light, barely registering suguru removing his fingers. you regained your breath, sitting up when you realized the two had stepped off the bed.
you watched in excitement as they fiddled with their slacks, pushing them off with their boxers soon following. your thighs twitched, little hole clenching around nothing as anticipation collected in your tummy.
suguru moved close, gently grabbing your cheeks and leading you onto your knees on the bed. satoru moved behind you, pushing you into a little arch, hands massaging your ass.
you whined as his thumb pushed into your mouth, laying on the flat of your tongue. suguru watched as your lips wrapped around the digit, sucking it slowly. he didn’t let it go on for long before he was pulling it out with a soft pop, smearing your saliva across your pretty lips. “think you could put that pretty mouth to good use, princess?” he grinned, moving close and pressing the tip of his cock against your lips.
you attempted to wrap your lips around it, only for the man to pull back, hand falling to your chin. “so fucking greedy..” suguru hissed, instructing you to poke out your tongue. you obeyed easily, whining the moment you felt satoru’s hands large hands grip your ass, nearly turning to look back if it wasn’t for suguru’s hold tightening.
“nuh uh— eyes on me, beautiful. you don’t get to see satoru right now.” he groaned, slapping his tip against your waiting muscle. the soft plaps echoed in the room, all while you felt satoru’s fluffy hair glide across the curve of your ass.
at the same time satoru’s lick tongue slid into your entrance and suguru thrusted into your mouth.
you moaned around his length, eyes rolling back as satoru wasted no time in feasting away. hands gripping you tightly, keeping you arched right there as his tongue dragging across your walls, lapping and enjoying each drop that came from you.
your attention kept being knocked back and forth; suguru dragging his hips back as his hand found your hair, slowly, carefully setting a pace inside your wet mouth. your cheeks hollowed, glossy eyes peering up at the man as he fucked your mouth. suguru groaned at the sight, swearing as his pace quickened, pulling you flush so your nose brushed his stomach.
within minutes his tip was hitting the back of your throat, heavy, full balls slapping against your chin. you could only shake and take it, gripping the sheets under you all while satoru’s tongue never stopped inside you.
licking you up, mixing your arousal and his saliva, only to pull back and spit it right back against your messy pussy in a soft ptuh. slurping it all up, dragging his tongue between your folds.
“wanted this so bad didn’t you, (y/n)? you wanted us to win, to fuck you just like this.” suguru huffed, stuttering between each thrust inside your throat.
you squealed as a large hand slammed against your ass, fingers massaging the raw skin. “he asked you a question, princess— or is your mouth too full to respond?” satoru cackled right into your pussy, hand slithering to your entrance to push two fingers inside, all while he licked your clit raw.
you moaned around suguru’s cock, the man’s eyes rolling back from the vibrations, twitching as his peak got closer and closer. your jaw hurt, center was sore, and your palms ached from how much you were gripping the sheets. but you didn’t care— not one bit.
suguru delivered a few more thrusts into your mouth before his hips stuttered, coming deep in your throat. you moaned around him, your own orgasm peaking— making a mess on satoru’s face.
the man infront of you panted softly, wrapping a hand around the base of his cock and slowly pulling out; pressing the tip against your lips. your licked off the rest of his come, swallowing to which a soft good girl, escaped him, leaning down to give you a gentle kiss.
your lips moved slowly, feeling satoru leave the bed and soon you; being lifted easily by the two of them. like before they sandwiched you between them, your legs wrapping around suguru whilst satoru held your thighs.
pulling back from the kiss you tried to regain your breath, the action short lived as satoru planted his lips onto your own; stealing it right back away. your gripped suguru’s shoulders tightly, whining as you felt satoru slowly pushing his heavy length inside.
the man pulled back to grunt, fingers sinking into your plush skin as he continued to thrust in. “look at that, sucking me in so easily.” satoru teased, the pair chuckling at the whine that escaped you.
he was halfway before suguru came even closer, grasping the back of your knees and slowly, pushing in— right in the same hole. your head knocked back against satoru’s shoulder, lips parted as a silent cry escaped you.
you felt like you were being split open, arousal gushing and coating their lengths as they pushed inside you. you whimpered, never growing used to this stretch no matter how wet you were. “fuck.. oh fuck, suguru, satoru—!”
“i know, baby, i know..”
“splitting so pretty for us, sweetheart— taking us so well.”
their praises made your head feel light, finally breathing the moment their hips stilled. as desperate as they were to move they waited, knowing you were tired and possibly sore. suguru rubbed your legs carefully whilst satoru kissed the side of your face, whispering sweet words into your ear.
moments passed before your breathing settled, the men taking this as a signal to pull their hips back until only their tips were inside. with a harsh thrust, the three of you were moaning— the two men wasting no time in setting out a pace.
one that worked in rhythm, cocks driving in you and out of you at perfect tandem without a care for your well-being. your high pitched moans covered the room, gripping to your boyfriends tight as your legs shook.
“fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out, tears trickling down your brown cheeks, feeling yourself gush all over their lengths. unfortunately they didn’t let up, fucking you through your orgasm— ignoring your desperate pleas to slow down.
suguru leaned close, lips attaching to your neck as his fingers dug into your skin. “you really think we’re gonna slow down after waiting for so long, princess?” he questioned with a simper, teeth sinking into your skin just to hear you cry out.
satoru grinned, hand rising to gently wrap around your throat, the vibrations of your voice pressed against his fingers. his cheek brushed your own wet one, softly mocking your moans as his hips never stopped their harsh thrusts. “you don’t want us to slow down any, do you? such a fucking mess..”
you reached up, clinging to his wrist as each drive in and out of your messy cunt rendered your brain to mush; ruining you. your words became incoherent, fingers curling with your thighs wrapped tight around suguru. the pair enjoyed it all, each twitch, cry, moan— the way those pretty fucking eyes rolled to the back of your skull; it was no surprise their own orgasms were creeping up on them, fast.
“feel so fucking good, sweetheart.. so fucking good, keep making a mess of us.”
“gonna come again aren’t you? yeah, we can tell— clenching so damn tight— fuck..”
throat raw, breath ragged, and your voice pitched; you shrieked as your orgasm hit you like a truck, spraying all over their cocks.
their eyes widened at this, gaze locking and making a mental note to somehow get you to squirt again. for now their thrusts stuttered, becoming sloppy and desperate as their cocks twitched inside.
suguru was first, shoving himself deep and pumping you full of his come— satoru following shortly after with a deep groan.
the three of you simply panted, standing in the middle of the room for a moment before leading you towards the bed; where you laid down in a messy heap.
you whimpered as they pulled out of you, feeling their combined releases trickling from your entrance and to the bed. you warmed however the moment their hands caressed your body, kissing where they previously gripped, spanked, or bit.
“i should have asked for this a long time ago.” you murmured sleepily, hearing your lovers chuckle softly.
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reblogs & comments are appreciated <3
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misstrashchan · 3 days
I know people have picked up on the board game scene in RWBY V2 Episode 2 (Welcome to Beacon) as foreshadowing the events of the show, but for funsies I want to take a stab at how it foreshadows the general arcs of each four kingdoms myself.
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So we have Blake playing as the Kingdom of Vale, and she's completely unaware of the events of the game unfolding and not really paying attention, clearly distracted.
"Alright Blake, it's your turn!"
"Huh? Sorry, what am I doing?"
"You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the four kingdoms of Remnant!"
The Vale arc is the first three volumes of RWBY, where all our protagonists are at Beacon, but during that time, much like Blake during the game, they're unaware of the larger conflict with Salem, and aren't actively participating in the war at that point. They are ignorant and reactive instead of active. However it's ironic that Blake plays as Vale, since the reason she's not paying attention to the game and seems distracted is because, out of all the main characters in the Vale arc, she is the one most concerned about being kept in the dark and that they're ignorant as to what's really going on.
Blake: I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm.
Ruby: (approaching Blake) You're still thinking about Torchwick?
Blake: Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!
She also leaves the game during her turn, much like how she runs away after the FoB and the end of the Vale arc.
"Right. Well, I think I'm done playing, actually"
Yang is playing as Mistral, and she's the most savvy and knowledgeable (hah) player, winning many rounds of the game, teaching Weiss how to play, and has the other players falling into her trap cards.
"Heh, pretty sneaky sis, but you just activated my trap card!"
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There's two ways this can be interpreted, with how the Mistral arc (volumes 4-6) is when our protagonists start to gather more knowledge and awarenesses of themselves and the world. It's also in Mistral that our heroes have their most decisive victory so far. It's fitting to have Yang playing as Mistral then, since during the Mistral arc she's the one who who learns from Tai to fight smarter, and to question the authority figures around her from Raven, and after confronting her in the vault is the one who retrives the relic of knowledge.
But, most of the losses our heroes experience are because of Cinder, who is from Mistral, and them falling into her own "trap cards" with the Fall of Beacon being orchestrated by her, killing Pyrrha and Ozpin. And in Atlas the same, with her manipulating Ironwood, undermining the heroes plans to evacuate everyone from Atlas, and killing Penny. She often finds ways to trick and exploit others, and is most dangerous when overlooked and underestimated, like falling into a trap.
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Which brings me to Ruby playing as Atlas, where Ruby and Yang have this exchange after Yang's trap card is activated by Ruby:
"Giant Nevermore! If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!
"But! If you roll lower a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!"
"That's just a chance I'm willing to take"
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In the Atlas arc (volumes 7-9) the theme of trust and taking risks is very prevalent. Like the move Yang makes in the game it is a risky one, that could end badly for her, but it is one worth taking nonetheless. They take the risk of trusting Ironwood but he ends up turning on our heroes. Oscar takes a risk trusting Hazel and Ozpin, as well as Emerald later on being accepted into their group, and it ends up working out for them. Ruby takes a risky chance in sending a message out to all of Remnant and evacuating Atlas, which saves a lot of people, but they still lose some, including Penny, a dear friend of Ruby's.
"Noooooo! My fearless soldiers!"
"Eh, most of them were probably androids anyways"
"Goodbye my friends... you will be avenged!"
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Ruby acts distraught when losing her turn in the game as Atlas, expressing anguish over losing her friends who are described as androids by Yang, just like how Ruby is incredibly depressed and broken after the Fall of Atlas in V9, mourning the loss of Penny, who was both a sentient android and Ruby's friend. (I do wonder if Ruby's comment on avenging her friends might be foreshadowing for her wanting to avenge Penny's death in the future, like how Jaune tried to 1v1 Cinder in V5 to avenge Pyrrha, but I think it's too soon to say)
As a sidenote the fact it is a Nevemore in this turn that has a chance of turning on Yang or helping her is interesting, as it puts me in mind of two characters who can turn into ravens/crows, like the bird and poem Nevermore is associated with. It could pertain to Raven, someone who turns on Yang in v5 during the battle of Haven, but appears to help her and her friends in the V9 epilogue. It could also be about Qrow and his semblance, since during the Atlas arc it begins to evolve so that it is not simply a bad luck semblance, but one that can generate good luck too. In other words he can affect whether the chances are in people's favour or not.
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After defeating Ruby (Atlas) Yang says this:
Yang: Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!
Ruby: Bah!
Yang: Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path?
Ruby: Bah! Bah, I say!
Yang: I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!
After the Fall of Atlas Cinder retrives not one but two relics for Salem, and with Atlas falling into Mantle, two kingdoms are destroyed in one fell swoop.
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Then it's Weiss's turn. Weiss is playing as Vacuo, but has no idea how to play the game. Yang takes it upon herself to teach Weiss how to play and what she can do to win the game:
Yang: Well, Weiss, it's your turn.
Weiss: I have... absolutely no idea what's going on.
Yang: (Yang slides up beside her and puts her hand on her shoulder.) Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus.
Weiss: That sounds dumb.
Yang: See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh! (She pulls up a card to show Weiss.) Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet—
Ruby: (crying) Nooo!
Yang: —and put it in your hand!
We know from the end of V9 that what remains of the airfleet of Atlas, as well as the airfleet of Mistral and Vale, have all flocked to Vacuo's defence. What remains of the kingdom of Atlas, the airfleet, but most importantly the people, have now fled to Vacuo and are trying to make a home there.
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Yang continues to give Weiss advice on how to win the game to Weiss, building her up, until Weiss starts to get arrogant, believing she's going to win the whole game and is the one in control:
Yang: And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom! (Yang points a finger at Weiss.) Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war.
Weiss: And that means...
Ruby: You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!
But then Yang turns on Weiss, activating her trap card, and Vacuo loses.
Since this is may be foreshadowing for the Vacuo arc that we haven't seen yet, I can only speculate what this might mean.
...But judging from the V9 extended epilogue and the books, my best guess would be that if Yang/Mistral is meant to be in part Cinder/Salem and their forces, then Weiss as Vacuo is in part the Crown. In the extended epilogue Jax and Gillian appear to be recieving help from Tyrian and Mercury, meaning Salem has decided to recruit them to her cause.
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The Crown wants to restore the Vacuoan monarchy and detest outsiders, especially Atlesians. They do however wish to protect Vacuo from the same forces that destroyed Beacon, aka Salem, and so they are likely going to be manipulated like Weiss is by Yang in the game, being offered aid and giving them advice on how they can win and achieve their objectives, making them believe they can "conquer Remnant", only for them to realise later they were being tricked and used.
"Once again, Vacuo had been isolated from the conflict raging throughout Remnant—only this time it was an opportunity. With the global CCT network disabled, Vale in ruin, Haven leaderless, and Atlas closed off, Vacuo was theirs for the taking. This was likely their last, best chance for a generation. And it was their only hope to defend Vacuo against whomever had been targeting the other kingdoms. In likelihood they had written off Vacuo, like everyone else did, but if they tried to move against the Crown, they would have an unpleasant surprise.
Vacuo wouldn't break this time around."
Weiss: (Weiss stands and a thunder clap accompanies Weiss' overjoyed psychotic laughter.) Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!
Yang: Trap card... (Yang's arm appears holding the card.)
Weiss: Huh?
Yang: (Yang shuffles the pieces on the board, Weiss' pieces disappearing in a puff of smoke.) Your armies have been destroyed.
Weiss: (Weiss slumps in her chair, cries and whines.) I hate this game of emotions we play!
Weiss as Vacuo may lose to Yang after realising they've been tricked, but is offered comfort afterwards by Ruby who relates to her losses and empathises with her, which is interesting since Ruby plays as Atlas. So I'm predicting at the end of the Vacuo arc they'll experience somewhat of a loss, whether that's the Crown, our heroes, or likely both, but Atlas will give support to Vacuo and the two kingdoms will come together to heal and ultimately work together, making steps to overcome their tense history with one another.
"Stay strong Weiss we'll make it through this together!"
"Shut up, don't touch me! "
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...Which does make Weiss specifically playing as Vacuo especially intriguing, as she is the SDC heiress from Atlas, and Vacuo is a kingdom that has suffered the most in being exploited and colonized for it's natural resources by Atlas. From the epilogue it seems like the Schnees are being confronted directly with all the harm that has been caused by their family and kingdom, so I wouldn't be surprised if Weiss recieves a certain amount of focus during the Vacuo arc in deciding what her legacy as an Atlesian and heiress to the Schnee name will be. Moving forward to make amends, maybe inspiring the citizens of Atlas/Mantle to come together with Vacuo so they can all help and support one another, instead of isolating themselves and suffering alone.
Jaune offers to plays Weiss's hand for a turn also, with Weiss refusing:
Jaune: (Begging with both hands folded together.) Come on, let me play your hand for a turn!
Weiss: I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!
Which is reminiscent of how Vacuo is mistrustful of outsiders, as we've seen in After the Fall and Before the Dawn books.
Yang follows up to say that Weiss attacked her own forces, which could reference the infighting in Vacuo, especially with the Crown.
Weiss: Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess.
Yang: Uhh, you attacked your own naval fleet two turns ago. (Weiss makes an annoyed sound.)
Overall Weiss as Vacuo recieves the most help as any player during their turn, being taught how to play by Yang, offered comfort by Ruby after losing, and Jaune wanting to help her by playing her hand for a turn. This seems to fit with both how all kingdoms have flocked to Vacuo's aid in response to Ruby's message, but also Weiss as a character, who starts out "the loneliest of them all" but gradually opens up and warms up to other people. The crux of her arc being looking outside herself and at the people around her, relating to their struggles and coming to support them and being supported by them leads to her better understanding herself and becoming stronger for it... Which is kind of what the Kingdom of Vacuo needs to learn too!
Following this is Blake's turn as Vale, which I covered at the start of this post, but that's not the end of Vale's turn. We don't actually see it, but we know the aftermath of the game is this:
Yang: Ugh, we should have never let him play!
Ruby: You're just mad cuz' the new guy beat you!
Blake leaves the game during her turn as Vale, and presumably the "new guy" which is likely Neptune, who they'd just been introduced too, takes over her hand as Vale and wins the game of Remnant overall, even beating Yang and her trap cards. This is likely the endgame of RWBY itself, our heroes return to Vale after the Vacuo arc during the last volume for the final stand, where they win.
How and what that victory will look like I don't know, as we don't see the last turn of the game, so yet again this is even more vaguer speculation. Neptune doesn't really have much plot significance so I can't think there's any meaning to that except that he's a minor foil to Jaune, and the line of it being "a new guy" that wins, so maybe someone who recently joins our heroes side in the final act of the story, possibly Mercury or Cinder.
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mysteryshoptls · 4 days
SSR Idia Shroud - Tsumsitter Vignette
"A Moment with Idiatsum I"
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[Main Street]
―Idia and Vil, immediately after encountering their look-alike tsums…
Vil: Honestly, what a handful they are… Idia, we must capture those tsums.
Idia: Eeh…!? Wh-why do I have to go with you…?
Vil: Are you content with having those peanuts outfox us? Quickly, now!
Idia: Urrgh, why is this happening to me…? I shouldn't've gone outside…
[Idia and Vil start searching]
Idia: Not like we even know where the tsums ran off too…
Vil: Oh! I found a tsum! Idia, help me capture it.
Idia: Eep…! As you wish…!
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Vil: Good thing we were able to capture it fairly quickly. Be good, now, peanut.
Idia: Can't believe we found it posing under a lamp light… Fuheehee, Vil-shi, your tsum's real silly~
Vil: And do you think you have any time to be prattling away, still? Hurry and find your tsum already.
Vil: I'll be heading off to the Headmage's office now.
Idia: HUH!? Why…?
Vil: Well, why not? There's no reason for me to stay here longer than I need to.
Idia: B-But…! I came in as reinforcements to capture your tsum!
Vil: All you did was follow many paces behind me. So, goodbye.
Idia: W-Wait, wait, wait a moment! We just took our eyes off the tsums for a sec and they vanished, right!?
Idia: That means their speed stats are way too OP! There's no way I can catch them with my own weak skill set…
Vil: I understand what you're trying to say, but… It would just be a waste of my time to go searching for it without any plan.
Idia: I-I think I can guess where Tsum-shi would be… And I have a strat forming.
Vil: What are you thinking?
Idia: J-Just hear me out.
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[Interior Hallway]
Vil: If this tsum takes after the introverted Idia, of course it would run indoors… Makes perfect sense.
Vil: Now it comes down to whether your ace strategy will succeed…
Idia: And, here we go. Pretty good for something I just slapped together with what I had on hand.
Vil: All you did was lean a basket on a vertical stick and laid a tablet underneath it. What's "pretty good" about it?
Vil: And the tablet is just playing some weird music on loop. What an eerie noise.
Idia: Huh? You seriously doesn't get how good this BGM is? This is why I just can't with normies…
Vil: You're planning to lure the tsum here with this music, yes? We should go hide ourselves in the shadows now.
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[Idia's tsum follows the sound to the tablet]
Idia: Ah…
Vil: I can't believe it actually appeared…
Idia: Perf, it's checking out the tablet. Now all I have to do is pull the string attached to the string, and…
Idia: It's under the basket!
[the tsum starts running frantically]
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Idia: Wait, it's trying to run away even with the basket over it! Vil-shi, help!
Vil: Fine. You owe me for this, Idia.
[the tsum continues running]
[the tsum slows and finally stops]
Vil: …Oh, it stopped running. Perhaps it's accepted defeat.
Idia: I-I bet… It's just out of energy. It's kind of unsettling to see that it lacks stamina like me, too...
Vil: Well, at least your plan worked. Now then, we should hurry on to the Headmage's office.
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: Whew~ …Finally got to escape. I can't deal being stuck in the Headmage's office with that many people.
Idia: But still…
Idia: Tsum-shi, you've just been trying to avoid looking at anything, huh. …I mean, I definitely get it, tho.
Idia: I'm just as uncomfortable as you, you know… Didn't think the day would come that I'd let anyone else other than Ortho in here.
Idia: I guess if you're really like me, then you won't try to go outside anytime soon, so… Just gotta chill for now.
Idia: Think I'll just jump back into grinding in my online game to get outta this funk. 'Specially since we're in the middle of a EXP UP event.
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Idia: Ugh, I fell asleep in the middle of my game again… Oh, it's 4:00 already. Gotta snag my login bonuses.
Idia: Hmm, where's my tablet? …Huh? I swear I threw it on my bed when I got back to my room…
Idia: More importantly, what's with this cardboard box? It's just sitting in the middle of my room, getting in my way…
Idia: EEK!? The box moved on its own!?
Idia: Oh… I think I see what's happening… But I think I'll take a peek inside just in case.
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[Idiatsum is under the box playing with the tablet]
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Idia: Yuup, that was a given. So, Tsum-shi, what 're you doing with my tablet…?
Idia: …You're just re-rolling tutorial banners in some game??
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"A Moment with Idiatsum II"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: I showed it Premo merch, and the computer I built myself… Even showed it a ton of my other prized stuff…
Idia: But after all that, it got mad over MMORPG class roles. I'm so over this Tsum-shi.
Idia: Ugggh~ I was dumb, thinkin' I could take care of it myself. I'm not gonna do anything for it anymore.
Ortho: But you have to, the Headmage gave it to you to look after.
Idia: It'll be fine on its own. Or what, you wanna look after it?
Ortho: Hmmm, I don't really mind, but… I have to get going to my Film Research Club after this.
Idia: Eh!? You're heading out!?
Ortho: It'll be alright! I'm sure you and the tsum'll patch things up! See you later!
Idia: Be safe…
[Ortho leaves]
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Ortho left… And now I'm stuck all alone with Tsum-shi, even though we're not getting along… THIS SUCKS!!!
Idia: Ughhh, I don't want to deal with it anymore, but I gotta at least get my tablet back from it…
Idia: U-Um… Think you could give my tablet back anytime soon?
Idia: Eeep!? N-Nevermind…
Idia: Wait, why am I backing off, anyway? That's my tablet, isn’t it?
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: At this rate, I'll lose my consecutive login streak… I have to get that tablet back somehow!
Idia: What can I do to grab its attention…? I've already shown every Premo thing I have, and my custom build computer…
Idia: What else would catch my eye…? Ah! I got it.
Idia: …Cool. Let's get it done.
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[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Hey, Tsum-shi~ can I bug you for a sec?
[Idiatsum gives Idia a grumpy stare]
Idia: It's still cranky, huh. Hey, come on, I'm the one that wants to be upset here… No, wait, I mean…
Idia: I made something pretty cool for you, Tsum-shi.
Idia: Think of it as a peace offering… This is for you.
[Idiatsum perks up]
Idia: Ohoo~ Do you like it? You see, this is…
[room door opens]
Ortho: I'm back! Were you two able to patch things up?
Idia: Perfect timing, Ortho~! We're just about to come to a compromise.
Ortho: What do you mean, compromise?
Idia: I built a super amazing multi-functional sofa to pull the Tsum-shi in… Or more aptly named, "Tsum-Melting Sofa"!
Ortho: You're going to… melt the tsum?
[the tsum happily hops]
Idia: Ooh. Looks like it gets just how awesome this sofa is.
Idia: Come on, Tsum-shi, sit, sit!
Idia: Time to show the features off ASAP. First... We have this!
[sofa shines brightly]
Ortho: Woah, the sofa lit up like a rainbow!
Idia: That's a must for gamers, you know. As for why it's gotta light up like that, no comment.
[the massage function is activated]
Idia: Then there's the massage function. Nerds like us tend to get tension all up in our shoulders and backs and such.
Idia: Next is this: Inside the sofa is a 7.1 surround sound system with an amp and woofer embedded with it.
[tsum hops to music]
Ortho: Nice, looks like the tsum is pretty into it!
Idia: Use this alongside the massager function and it'll sooth both your mind and body.
Idia: There's a bunch of other functions, too, like a monitor extension, unfolding footrest, easy reclining…
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
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"A Moment with Idiatsum III"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
Idia: Let's turn it… ON!
Idia: Fhee hee hee hee! Looking at Tsum-shi's reaction, it's super effective!
Ortho: The tsum is really excited. Nii-san, what kind of function is that supposed to be?
Idia: Listen and be amazed, this sofa is integrated with MR… a Mixed Reality display!!
Ortho: Huh!? MR is that function that combines the real world with anchored virtual elements, right?
Ortho: The tsum doesn't even have a headset… You're amazing!!
Idia: I mean~ At first I thought about making it come with a headset, but I just kinda found my groove while making it.
Idia: This kind of tech is basically still in beta, but yeah, I rocked it… Oh man, that's a W for me. Heehee!
[the tsum hops happily]
Ortho: The tsum is overjoyed, too. I wonder what it's seeing.
Idia: The default setting is a live performance vide of Premo, so I bet Tsum-shi feels like its right there in the action.
Ortho: Makes sense. Hehe, it looks so happy.
Idia: Yeaaah, glad it's happy with it. Let me grab my tablet before anything else happens…
Idia: Perf, I finally got it back. Now I can keep my consecutive login streak going.
Ortho: Was that your goal here all along?
Idia: Obviously?
Ortho: Yeah, I definitely couldn't believe my eyes when it looked like you had made a real cool sofa to reconcile with the tsum, but…
Ortho: Now that I know it was for the sake of your games, it makes so much more sense!
Idia: See, you get me, Ortho~
Idia: Sides, that sofa is basically just a prototype. I adjusted a blueprint that I had made for myself down to Tsum-shi's size…
Idia: Then I just made it with whatever I had on hand, so there's a ton of functions still missing.
Idia: I'll make sure to collect as much data as possible before it heads back home.
[tsum hops off the sofa]
Ortho: Oh hey, the tsum jumped off the sofa.
Idia: HUH!?
Ortho: It's all smiles. Maybe it's trying to thank you?
Idia: Ah, is that it…?
Idia: Fuheehee! I knew you'd get how cool all those functions were, Tsum-shi.
Ortho: It's great that you and the tsum are getting along again!
Idia: …I guess so. We might've bumped heads, but we're both nerds in the end.
Idia: Guess it's not totally a bad thing that we'll part on good terms, especially since I got to meet someone just like me…
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 4 months
Turmoil of events...
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This update might be a bit all over the place. I'm still ill, but I had a spark to write, even if it doesn't make much sense at all.
Credit to @alotofpockets for the idea on this update; I am very grateful for her help!
⟫ part 1
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After being sick for five days, it became apparent that having the flu was not enjoyable. You spent most of the week confined to your bed, wrapped in blankets, with a noticeable pile of used tissues beside you. You felt cold one moment and hot the next, shivering uncontrollably.
You had been feeling completely miserable. However, the good news was that you were starting to feel better just in time for the training session ahead of the away game against Bristol.
Although, your team's mothers held differing opinions on the matter.
"Maybe you should take a few more days to recover" Beth suggests, shaking her head. "I still don't think this is a good idea" she adds.
"Why? I feel better now" It's not a complete lie. You do feel better, although you're still slightly sniffling and your head is pounding a little bit too much. Overall, you did feel better than previously.
"I just don't think it's a good idea" Beth says, pursing her lips and turns to look at Viv, seeking her input.
The Dutch shakes her head in agreement and adds, "There's no harm in taking extra time to feel better. You don't want to push yourself and make yourself worse" she tells you.
You try your best to resist the urge to inwardly groan at the two of them, "Seriously? Come on. I'll be fine! I have to get back into the squad-- You know that the nations league games are coming up soon so I need to get minutes" You know that it's important to play; you can't be sidelined instead.
"There'll be plenty of chances for that" Viv tells you with a frown, but she can't help but be concerned about how much you've been pushing yourself.
"I can't be sidelined, I need minutes!" You exclaim before you storm off to finish getting ready for training.
"That kid is..." Beth begins to speak.
"Stubborn" Viv finishes the blondes' sentence.
Beth can't help but chuckle slightly, "Well, that's one word for it now, huh?" she jokes.
"If you're talking about Y/N, then she's definitely stubborn," Laura chips in, amusedly, as she appears in the kitchen. "What happened this time?" she wonders.
"Y/N wants to go to training apparently" Beth exhales a sigh and shakes her head. "It's a bad idea" she states.
"It's definitely a bad idea" Laura replies in agreement with the blonde, she knew how stubborn you could be at times.
"Well, hopefully Jonas will realise that's not ready to be playing in the game yet" Viv tells them as she exhales a sigh.
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Apparently, Y/N had done an excellent job of persuading Jonas and the coaching staff that she was fit to play. Therefore, it was not surprising when she secured a spot in the starting eleven for the upcoming game.
This game is significant as Viv is set to return to the pitch, being subbed on during the second half.
"Oh dear" Beth mumbles as she shook her head.
Viv exhales a sigh, "This is not good" she states.
"I'm glad to see that Y/N is feeling better. It'll be good to have her in the starting lineup," Steph says as she looks over to where Kyra and Y/N are joking around on the bus.
"Except that she's not better. We told her she should take more time, but you know what Y/N is like..." Beth remarks.
"Stubborn" Steph pipes in, amusedly.
Beth and Viv both nod in agreement with the woman.
Jen furrows her eyebrows, "You mean she's still sick? I can't see this going well then" she confesses.
"It really isn't going to" Beth exhales a sigh.
"We can't get involved though and decide things for her, or she'd be upset with us for that" Viv states knowingly.
"Yeah, you're right there, Viv" Beth replies in agreement with her girlfriend as she looks over at you, realising that she couldn't say anything and sway the decision or it would backfire on her.
"Cheater!" Y/N shouts aloud, glaring at the australian girl sat opposite her. "Stop cheating!" You protest.
"How am I a cheat? You can't even cheat at Uno!" Kyra delcares with a smug smirk on her face.
"Easy there Y/N, it's just a game now" Laura states, amusedly, although she isn't playing, she's joined all of you on the coach to the game to watch it.
"Nah! Kyra's cheating!" You continue to scowl at the girl while crossing your arms.
"How did I?" Kyra's smug look was starting to annoy you even more.
"You know you did-- You looked at my cards!" You break out into a sudden loud cough as you get worked up, shooting further glares at the 21-year-old.
"You want some water for that cough?" Laura wonders, concerned.
"I'm fine!" You shake your head in protest.
"I thought you said you were better--" Kyra's words are cut off.
"I am, I'm totally fine. It's just a tickle!" You protest, shaking your head as you try and avoid coughing again.
The rest of the girls' don't seem so convinced about it as Kyra and you continue to play uno, under the watchful eye of the rest of the girls.
"Kyra! Stop cheating!" You shout aloud, fed up off the girl constantly cheating with the game and trying to look at your cards.
"Less of the bickering now children" Katie chips in as she laughs, shaking her head from where she sits beside Caitlin.
"There's only one actual child here" You remark, continuing to cross your arms and scowl at the Aussie girl in front of you.
"What's going on?" Alessia wonders, glancing at the two of you confused as she sits in front with Vic.
"Kyra is being a massive cheat!" You exclaim aloud, pointing your finger in the girls' direction accusingly.
"Sure, go and tattle. That's real mature of you kid" Kyra states, smirking cockily.
"Says the 21-year-old whos' acting immature" You remark as the girls all watch you and Kyra bicker amusedly.
"You're being dramatic, Y/N. It's just a game now" Kyra states doing everything in her that she can to wind you up.
"KYRA!" You lunge towards the older girl.
"Y/N!" Kyra shouts back.
"Girls, they're fighting again. Might want to sort that out?" Katie jokes glancing between Beth, Viv and Steph as she watches the two of you almost attempt to wrestle with eachother.
"Kyra, cut it out. Stop winding Y/N up" Steph scolds the younger Aussie girl.
"Kyra, stop winding Y/N up" Steph scolds the younger Aussie girl.
"Y/N you need to calm down, it's just a game. Take it easy" Beth scolds, shaking her head. "Viv, would you talk to her? She'll listen to you" she turns to her girlfriend for help.
"Y/N" Viv scolds you with a knowing firm look
"Sorry" Both you and Kyra apologise after being told off like 2 misbehaved kids, at least you had an excuse that you were an actual kid.
"Handled it like a pro there, girls" Katie jokes with them.
"Well, we've got a few years experience, eh?" Beth remarks to the Irish women.
"It's like I'm permanently babystting" Steph huffs and rolls her eyes. "Caitlin, it's your turn next!" she insists to the fellow Aussie, while the rest of the girls just laugh.
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At first the warm-up is going successful, you run with the rest of the girls to warm up and try and obtain the energy needed, you're feeling good and motivated about the game.
It's going well until it's not...
You can't help but wobble slightly as there's a light pounding in the back of your head, you just put it down to dehydration instead rather than the after-effects of illness instead.
"You alright, Y/N?" Lia notices you stumble slightly and frowns.
"I... I'm good" You're crouching over slightly as you feel out of breath but you try and play it off like its' nothing instead.
"You're sure?" Lia checks in as she's not too keen to give up on the conversation yet.
"Oh yeah I'm great, I'm totally fine" You insist as you try and push off the terrible feeling that you felt looming; You couldn't afford to miss this game due to illness.
"Y/N..." Lia still doesn't look totally convinced, but she knows better than to try and push you.
"I'm fine, really Lia... Uh huh, yep I'm cool" You nod and quickly run off in the opposite direction to avoid any further questions and concerns.
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"Okay, kid. This is it, your time to shine!" Katie's enthusiastic voice comes from behind you in the lineup. "Are you ready for this?" she asks.
You were reluctant to acknowledge that your headache was intensifying. The throbbing sensation in your temple caused you to tightly shut your eyes, and the noise emanating from the crowd only made it worse.
It's worth mentioning that your throat feels somewhat scratchy again. However, you have to play in this game, so you pretend it's nothing and that you're fine.
"I was born ready, let's go!" You cheer and try to be like your usual upbeat self, but never mind how terrible you still feel.
"Let's go girls!" Kim exclaims, leading the team onto the pitch alongside the Bristol team.
As you walk out to the pitch with the rest of your team, you try to keep up the facade of looking happy. You attempt to block out the pounding feeling in your temple, knowing that you only have to make it through 90 minutes before you can finally flop down and fall asleep once again.
As soon as the whistle blows and the game starts, you get your first touch on the ball and begin racing all over the pitch. Despite fighting off the flu, you don't give Bristol a chance to gain possession of the ball.
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It all happened too quickly for you to realise what is happening at that moment. The team is 2-1 ahead of Bristol when everything went wrong.
You went to intercept the ball, a simple move that you had done plenty of times. Suddenly, as you got your toe on the ball, ready to pass it in the direction of Alessia, you felt a sudden pop in your knee, followed by a sharp pain that felt excruciating.
"Agh!" You scream as you fall down onto the pitch in agony.
"Y/N!" Beth is the first to crouch beside you, concern spread across her face. "What's happened?" she questions, worriedly.
The sound of the whistle echoes through the stadium as the girls rush to your side to check on you; the noise is suddenly silent as the crowd of fans watches on in despair as Arsenal's wonder kid falls down on the pitch.
"What hurts-- What's happened?" Katie asks, concerningly as she joins you on the other side.
The tears well up in your eyes as you clutch your knee to stop the pain, "My knee... It's my knee!" You exclaim, letting out a sound of whimpering. "I heard it... I heard the pop!" You add.
"It's okay, Y/N. Don't panic; everything is going to be fine" Viv says as she quickly comes to your side. She had been subbed on to replace Alessia, but you couldn't help but feel awful. This was supposed to be Viv's comeback, her return to the pitch after her ACL injury, and instead, you selfishly took the spotlight away from her.
You could see the girls exchanging looks as they signalled for medics. It's at that moment that you realise you have made a grave mistake. Even though nobody spoke, it was clear that the situation was not good.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Three
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Three: Sports Festival
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) participate in the Sports Festival, and Saiki has his receiver taken.
            (Y/N) stretched as they waited for the events to begin. It was PK Academy’s Sports Festival, and Class 3 was ready and eager to compete (except for Saiki). Everyone was way too into the event for his taste, but it wasn’t like he could change that.
            “Never give up, Class 3! Yeah!” shouted Hairo encouragingly.
            “Yeah!” repeated his classmates.
            “Quite saying ‘yeah,’ it’s annoying.”
            “Sports Day, huh? Humph, how stupid,” remarked Kaidou dramatically, “My strength is for use in combat. I shouldn’t waste it on silly games.”
            “You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re terrible at sports,” said Nendou.
            (Y/N) laughed.
            “Hey, Saiki!” called Hairo. “I expect great things from you!”
            Don’t expect anything from me!
            “Saiki!” (Y/N) ran up to him and gave him a large, closed-eye smile. “You’ve got this if you try!”
            “Thanks,” said Saiki (not as begrudgingly as he’d like to think). They seemed earnest, and he respected that (and them in general).
            “Nendou!” Hairo turned his exuberant attention to the tall boy. “You’ve got great athletic skills!”
            “Sure!” Nendou gave Hairo a thumbs-up. “You’re not gonna beat me this time.”
            “Nendou, he’s on our team, too,” reminded (Y/N), poking him.
            “(L/N)!” Hairo looked at them. “Keep bringing your energy!”
            (Y/N) gave him a peace sign and smile. “Sure thing!” They always had energy.
            “Also, Kaidou…!” Hairo attended to the blue-haired boy. “Uhm, well, do what you can.”
            Even Hairo’s optimism has limits.
            “What do you mean by that?!” cried Kaidou.
            (Y/N) patted his back comfortingly. “Give your best. I believe in you.”
            That’s probably less earnest than their other statements.
            “Don’t worry,” said Hairo, “All that matters is that our class wins!”
            “I’d rather just have fun,” commented (Y/N) to Saiki.
            Just like they said that day after the rain, they enjoy the little things. They called it “romance.” Saiki frowned as his heart beat a fraction faster as he thought of the word “romance.” That had never happened before. He wasn’t a fan.
            “The competition this year looks tough,” said Hairo. “First, Class 1. An intellectual group that has many students get top grades on tests! And Class 2. An athletic group that has the most students who belong to athletic clubs!”
            “Why does their class representative not have his shirt on?” mumbled (Y/N). They really didn’t need to see a random guy’s bare chest.
            At least someone here notices how weird this is.
            “Furthermore, Class 4,” continued Hairo, “An intellectual group led by Tanihara, who scored first-place in the midterms! The last one is Class 5. An intellectual group where an astonishing eighty percent of them wear glasses!”
            “You just like saying ‘intellectual,’ don’t you?” remarked Saiki. “And why did you have to give such long exposition?”
            “So we’ve got three intellectual classes, an athletic one, and…us,” said (Y/N). I don’t really know what’s special about us. Maybe we’re the “weird” class. A little mean, but it felt right.
            At least someone here knows how to get to the point.
            Over the loudspeaker came an announcement. “The first event is the boys’ 100-meter dash.”
            Saiki sighed.
            “Good luck, Saiki,” said (Y/N), smiling brightly.
            Saiki nodded at them.
            “Kuu! Go for it!” cheered Mrs. Saiki.
            “I’m recording you on a hard drive called my heart,” called Mr. Saiki.
            (Y/N) tilted their head. “Doesn’t he have a video camera?”
            “Out of battery,” answered Saiki.
            (Y/N) frowned. “How do you know?”
            “He didn’t properly charge it last night.” Saiki easily covered for himself. Before they asked anything else, he walked over to the starting line.
            “Go! Saiki! For our victory!” shouted Hairo.
            Saiki sighed, and as the gun went off, he ran out. He ended up in second place, but that was too conspicuous, so he let everyone catch up and instead finished third—acceptable, but more average. His team didn’t mind and congratulated him.
            “Great job,” said (Y/N) earnestly.
            Saiki nodded to them in acknowledgement.
            “That was incredible!” exclaimed Hairo.
            “Why am I getting so much praise for ranking third?”
            “Because friends congratulate each other,” said (Y/N).
            “You’re not my friends.”
            “Maybe one day you’ll actually convince me,” teased (Y/N). They weren’t put off by Saiki’s words. After all, the heart held the truth more than what he said.
            “Not bad, pal, although I can run faster than that,” said Nendou.
            “Well, right now it’s Kaidou’s turn,” said (Y/N). “Come on, Kaidou!”
            Yare yare, so energetic.
            Kaidou tried his hardest and ended up fifth place. He looked disappointed, so (Y/N) patted him on the back and told him he tried his best. He smiled slightly and stood up straighter.
            “What was that running?!” laughed Nendou.
            Kaidou slumped over again. (Y/N) leveled a steely glare at Nendou. He flinched and shut up. Saiki watched warily and reminded himself not to upset (Y/N). Evidently, they had an intense, protective side.
            “We have to somehow turn things around in the next event,” muttered Hairo determinedly, completely engrossed in the events of the sports festival.
            The loudspeaker turned on again. “The second event is the girl’s 100-meter dash,” announced the voice.
            “Well, I’m up,” chirped (Y/N). They were competing against girls since their team needed strength in that area.
            “Good luck.”
            Surprised, (Y/N) blinked. Their heart thumped for a second, but they recovered and just grinned. “Thanks, Saiki!”
            The gun went off, and (Y/N) ran the best they could, spurred on by the belief their friends had in them (even Saiki. Especially Saiki). They crossed the finish line second, moving the class up the ranking. Seeing the scoreboard change, (Y/N) whooped happily.
            “Great job, (Y/N)!” cheered Hairo, clapping them across the back.
            (Y/N) coughed as the wind was knocked out of them but laughed all the same. “Thanks, Hairo.”
            “The next event is the coed three-legged race,” announced the loudspeaker.
            Teruhashi was competing. Instantly, everybody swarmed around her and began to give her words of encouragement. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. It really was incredible the effect she had on people.
            “Good job,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) brightened. “Thanks!” For some reason, (Y/N) couldn’t help but straighten happily knowing Saiki had cover over to stand with them instead of hovering around Teruhashi. It was normal for him, but (Y/N) couldn’t help but notice it.
            From behind them, Teruhashi frowned for a moment before lighting up with a bright smile again. Why’s he over there with them?! Why isn’t he over here, telling me I’m going to do a great job?! I am going to win this! After all, I’m the perfect pretty girl, including in sports!
            I might want to blend in, but I still have my pride. I’m not going to fawn over someone… He subconsciously glanced at (Y/N) before forcing himself to focus on Teruhashi and her partner in the race.
            “Let’s do our best, Sawakita,” cooed Teruhashi.
            “O-Okay,” stuttered Sawakita, blushing nervously.
            “Let’s win no matter what!” Teruhashi took Sawakita’s hands into her own gently. I may not look it, but I hate to lose. Which is why I have to get first, to beat (L/N) and to have Saiki congratulate me!
            Yare yare. I don’t want to deal with this.
            “Hey, if we win, let’s celebrate alone, okay?” asked Teruhashi coyly.
            That’s one way to give him a reason to win.
            Sure enough, as soon as the pistol signaled the start of the race, Sawakita picked Teruhashi up and sprinted to the finish line. No one had a problem with it, and they won first place with no issue. As usual, the world smiled upon Teruhashi and let everything work out for her.
            “Aren’t they supposed to run on three legs?” asked (Y/N).
            Saiki nodded. It’s Teruhashi, though, so no one will get in trouble.
            “All right! Let’s keep it up and make a comeback!” said Hairo.
            “Ha! The scavenger hunt race is next!” laughed Nendou. “Who’s gonna do that?!”
            “You will,” said Saiki.
            “Good luck,” said (Y/N), deciding to ignore Nendou forgetting.
            “Oh, yeah. It was me,” realized Nendou as he walked over to the group of participants.
            “Go for it, Nendou!” cheered the redhead.
            “All right!” yelled Nendou as he picked up his list of items. “Oh, this is so easy.”
            “Looks like he knows where to get it,” commented Hairo, relieved.
            Nendou ran up to the class. “Hey, let me borrow that.”
            “You mean this?” Hairo held up his tennis racket.
            “No, that’s not it.” Nendou reached out and grabbed one of Saiki’s receivers.
            Saiki blanked and collapsed in exhaustion.
            “Saiki!” cried (Y/N) in concern, dropping to their knees next to him. They hadn’t anticipated such a reaction, but their worry covered up the strange moment.
            “What’s going on?!” questioned Hairo. “What happened?!”
            “I-I don’t know,” stammered (Y/N), “He just collapsed!” They gazed at him worriedly since he had an odd look on his face. He clearly wasn’t alright. “Nendou! Give me that bobble back,” they ordered. If taking it out hurt him, maybe it needed to be put back in.
            “Huh? Why?” asked Nendou.
            (Y/N) just snatched it from him and put it back in Saiki’s hair. It also went into his head, but they didn’t realize. They held their breath and waited.
            A moment later, Saiki’s eyes opened. He found himself staring up at (Y/N). Surprised and suddenly realizing he was close to their face, he sat up wildly and backed up.
            “Hey, hey, you’re safe,” assured (Y/N), putting a steadying hand on his shoulder for a moment. They removed it immediately after, not wanting to cross any boundaries. “I put that bobble back since you collapsed after Nendou took it,” they explained.
            Saiki breathed a slight sigh of relief. Obviously, his reaction to seeing them had been about the receiver. He thought he’d done something without his powers being dampened. Luckily, he hadn’t.
            “Are you okay?” asked (Y/N), their voice filled with concern.
            They didn’t care about the announcement of Nendou being last place in the scavenger hunt; they were just worried for Saiki. However, he stood up steadily, so (Y/N)’s apprehension abated.
            “I’m alright,” said Saiki. He was…glad they were concerned—somehow, them being worried about him felt nice instead of irritating.
            (Y/N) let out a breath of relief. “I’m glad.” They smiled. “You had me worried there.” They stood up and brushed the dirt off their knees. “Let’s get some lunch, you need to refuel after passing out.” When there was no response, they straightened. No Saiki. They frowned. “Saiki?” He’s wandered off. It’s not safe to do that after just collapsing. I better go find him.
            At the back of the school building, Saiki slid down the wall with his bento box. His hands trembled as he held the chopsticks. His strength was still uncontrollable, so he was avoiding other people because people might find out about his abilities and because he might hurt a friend. When Saiki heard footsteps, he was immediately on edge. It only got worse when (Y/N) walked around the corner. They were probably the person he least wanted to hurt other than his family.
            “Saiki,” they said, crouching down next to him. “You need to stop scaring me,” they joked. Their smile fell as they saw his shaking hands. Their gaze softened in concern. “Hey, you’re still pretty weak…Do you need help?”
            “I’m trying to eat. What is there to help with?”
            “At the rate you’re going, you’re either going to snap the chopsticks or drop your food,” teased (Y/N). Their expression turned serious. “But really, I can help. I know it’s kinda weird, but you need to eat, and I’m not going to just leave you without help.” Was it strange? Yes. But (Y/N) was Saiki’s friend. They would help him in any way possible.
            “Alright,” relented Saiki. He decided consciously that this was a good cover and a way for him to eat while his strength was uncontrollable, but there was also a comfortable feeling that surrounded him when (Y/N) was there to help. He couldn’t help but say yes.
            (Y/N) smiled and gently took the chopsticks into their hand. Bit by bit, they fed him his food. No words were exchanged; a calm silence enveloped them.
            The peace was unfortunately broken when Nendou rounded the corner.
            “Oh, hey, pal, pinky, we were looking for you. You guys missed the magician,” said Nendou. He noticed how (Y/N) was feeding Saiki. “Oooh, are you guys on a date?”
            (Y/N)’s faced warmed, and they laughed nervously. “No, I was just helping him out since he still isn’t feeling well.”
            Saiki nodded. Good thing (Y/N) thinks quickly. Otherwise, Nendou would tell the whole school we were dating.
            Yare yare, there’s that feeling again.
            “Oh, pal, are you still sick? Maybe you should head home,” said Nendou.
            I never thought he’d ever have such a good idea. Saiki nodded.
            The three of them went back in front of the building. Saiki’s friends annoyances were waiting there and bombarded him.
            “What happened?”
            “Where’d you go?”
            “Are you alright?”
            “Are you heading home?”
            “Are you sure you can go home alone?”
            “Don’t push yourself.”
            “Don’t worry about us, we’ll cover for you.”
            Yare yare. These guys…It’s very hard to go home now. Saiki was tempted to smile, but his “annoyance” was too grand.
            “You’re going to stick around, aren’t you?” remarked (Y/N).
            Saiki looked at them. How do they manage to read me?
            (Y/N) continued jokingly, “We’ve melted your icy heart! You cannot help but stay!” They laughed at themself.
            The corners of Saiki’s mouth twitched upwards for a moment, and he immediately decided not to entertain their conversation for fear of more reactions.
            “Alright, Class 3!” declared Hairo. “We’re having team competitions in the afternoon! The next event is the tug of war!”
            “I think he’s super excited because he wasn’t in any of the individual events,” commented (Y/N) to Saiki. “Have fun,” they teased.
            Yare yare.
            Saiki pulled on the rope with the rest of the boys in his class. However, he wasn’t giving much effort since his strength was far beyond the others’. Saiki even accidentally broke the rope. Due to the situation from earlier, he still couldn’t control his abilities and ended up winning the match for Class 3, though no one noticed it was him.
            “Great job, you guys!” congratulated (Y/N). They turned to Saiki. “You must be strong, Saiki! You were barely breaking a sweat!”
            Yare yare. They somehow cover for all my abilities while also noticing them more than anyone else. So strange.
            “Behold the power of Class 3!” declared Hairo.
            “To think that a match against humans got me this fired up,” murmured Kaidou dramatically.
            “Did you guys have lunch?” asked Nendou.
            “The rope is torn at the spot I was holding,” exclaimed Takahashi, “Could I have done this?”
            The four boys then posed with determined faces and crossed arms while the other classes looked on in wonder. However, Class 3 was still in third place overall. Two events remained.
            “Class 3 isn’t doing so hot, huh?!” questioned Toristuka challengingly, “Looks like Class 2 might win, huh?!”
            “So? I couldn’t care less,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “Having fun with friends is more important.”
            Toristuka hurriedly continued his condescension. “Ah! See? We’re number one right now! Bam!” He smiled. “Well, I was last in the three-legged race, though.”
            Recalling how creepy he’d been, (Y/N) shivered.
            “I can’t believe you look so proud of it,” said Saiki.
            “Please don’t hold a grudge against me if my class wins,” said Toritsuka, still acting superior.
            “Seriously, I couldn’t care less about who wins, or about you for that matter,” said Saiki while (Y/N) nodded in agreement.
            “Sorry, but it’s Class 3 that’s going to win!” declared Hairo. “If we lose, I’ll get a buzzcut!”
            “We’re way behind them, are you sure we should be making bets?” questioned (Y/N), tilting their head blankly. They were all for some fun, but they weren’t sure this was their class’s best idea ever.
            “Are you serious?” asked Toritsuka, looking at Hairo.
            “That just shows you how determined I am!” said Hairo.
            “Hey, hey, if Hairo’s going to do it…We’ll get a buzzcut, too!” promised the other boys of Class 3.
            “Wait, wait,” said Saiki. He didn’t want to get roped in.
            “Count me in, too,” said Kaidou confidently, “Of course, there’s no chance of me losing.”
            “Kaidou, confidence is good, but sometimes realism is important,” remarked (Y/N).
            “Where is he getting that confidence from?” asked Saiki.
            “I’ll get a buzzcut, too,” proclaimed Nendou.
            “In your case, it won’t be a penalty,” observed Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “A proper cut that’s even all the way around may actually look better.”
            “That’s right! Our hearts are one!” declared Hairo. “If we lose, every guy in Class 3 will get a buzzcut!”
            “I’m glad it’s just the boys doing this,” commented (Y/N). They beamed. “I don’t have anything to worry about.”
            Saiki gave them a deadpan glare.
            “Aw, come on, you know I’ll still try to help you,” said (Y/N), waving a hand. They frowned. “All the same, I don’t think there are a lot of events left.”
            I’ll be making sure I don’t have to get a buzzcut with my powers, anyways.
            The loudspeaker turned on and announced, “The next even is the interclass beanbag toss.”
            Sure enough, as his classmates ran around and threw beanbags towards their basket, Saiki ensured that a good amount landed inside. Psychic powers came in handy occasionally.
            Hey, don’t say this is foul play. Nothing in the rulebook forbids supernatural powers.
            Once the time ran out, the beanbags were counted up, and the announcement was made.       “Class 1: thirty-three beanbags, Class 2: twenty-eight beanbags, Class 3: eighty-three beanbags,” reported the PA system.
            “Hey, we did pretty well!” chirped (Y/N). They smiled brightly, and flowers seemed to dance around them.
            “We got more than double the others!” shouted Class 3.
            “Er…” the announced paused awkwardly, “Class 4: one hundred beanbags.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened comically. “How did they manage that?!”
            Especially without psychic powers…
            “We used our heads. Look,” said Class 4’s representative pompously.
            His class had piled all the beanbags into one giant plastic bag and put that into their basket.
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped. “I feel like there should be a rule about that.”
            I might have powers, but this definitely feels like foul play.
            “Don’t call this foul play,” said Tanihara, “The rulebook doesn’t say that the use of a big bag is forbidden.”
            “They should’ve written a rule for that.”
            (Y/N) nodded fervently. “It’s out-of-the-box thinking, but it just feels unsportsmanlike.”
            “But there’s still the last event, the interclass relay!” declared an optimistic, determined Hairo. “The class in first place will get five hundred points. It means that if we’re in first place and Class 4 is in last, we can win! Saiki! I want you to be another leg!”
            “It seems refusing would just make things difficult,” the psychic observed.
            “I’ll try to get the baton to you quickly,” said (Y/N) brightly, trying to help as best they could.
            The classes organized themselves. When the pistol signaled the start, Kaidou began running as fast as he could (not very fast) while his classmates cheered him on. When he passed the baton to Tadashi, they were unfortunately in last place. This was repeated when Tadashi passed the baton to Nendou. Luckily, even though he ran very strangely, he was fast and got to first place. Teruhashi was next and could run quickly as well (another perk of being the perfect pretty girl). She passed the baton to Yumehara who managed to maintain a fast pace. Hairo was next to receive the baton. He handed it to (Y/N) while still in the lead. (Y/N) prepared to run quickly but tripped suddenly. They were in last place as they got back up and started sprinting.
            Saiki readied himself for the baton. I’m going to cross the finish line in the same place I started. In other words, we will finish in last place.
            Tripping someone isn’t foul play, either…As long as no one notices, that is… thought Tanihara.
            Now that changes everything. Can’t let him get away with cheating and sabotaging (Y/N) my class.
            “Saiki! Hurry!” called (Y/N) as they held out the baton.
            It flew from their hand to Saiki’s, causing them to blink.
            “I will,” said Saiki. It’s payback time for (Y/N).
            Class 3, indeed, all of the students, gazed in amazement as Saiki sped to the front of the group. He was almost at the finish line.
            “Yeah! Great job, Saiki!” cheered (Y/N).
            Saiki collapsed. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. His class gaped.
            Oh, that’s right. I can’t control my body well right now.
            (Y/N) walked over and knelt by him. Smiling kindly, they said, “It’s alright. You did your best.”
            Yare yare. I was trying to avoid a buzzcut.
            “Good morning, guys!” greeted Hairo. “Where are your buzzcuts?”
            He was sporting one himself. Behind him stood Nendou, Kaidou, and Saiki. Nendou sported the same cut, but he somehow ended up with more hair than he began with. Kaidou was completely bald, and Saiki had a buzzcut.
            (Y/N) bit their lip to stop from laughing. “You boys only had to do that if we lost to Class 2, remember? We beat them.”
            Yare yare. Saiki had a feeling that (Y/N) wasn’t going to let this one go for a while.
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dmwrites · 1 year
Grian didn’t choose the CuteGuy lifestyle as much as it was thrust upon him. He had made one joke (just one!) about how he could be HotGuy’s sidekick, CuteGuy, and Scar went nuts. Within a week, a shulker box had been delivered to his base, containing some flashy pink clothes, a huge bow with a deadly-looking quiver of arrows, and, most unexpectedly, a bedazzled pink flip phone. There was only one contact in the phone, so, with a sigh, Grian pressed the call button.
“Scar, what is this?”
“Oh, so you found your CuteGuy readiness package!” Scar gasped excitedly. “What do you think? Do you like my big package?”
“Wording, Scar. And, no, I’m not going to be your sidekick! The CuteGuy thing was a joke, bro.” Grian held up the clothes and looked them over with distain, using his shoulder to prop the phone to his ear. “And pink really isn’t my color, much less hot pink.”
“What do you mean? You’re blonde, you’re basically like a Barbie, you’d totally rock pink!”
“I have an alter ego already, Scar, I don’t need another, much less one that wears… does this shirt have a heart-shaped cutout in the chest? Scar!”
“Oh please.” Scar scoffed. “Do you really think Poultry Man will make a comeback? Let’s all be honest with ourselves now.”
“Hey now, mister ‘HotGuy is like half of my personality’. PoultryMan was the blueprint of superheroes!” Grian put the clothes back in the shulker and closed it firmly. “Scar, this dress up game is going a little too far, don’t you think? There isn’t even a need for HotGuy.”
“You never know.” Scar said in a sing-song voice. “Listen, just keep the shulker and the phone- if I really need a sideki- backup, I’ll call this phone, okay? Please?”
“Fine.” Grian said. “It’s a good thing you’re my friend, or I’d burn all of this.” He hung up the phone and set it down on top of the shulker box. He sighed, shaking his head at the bedazzled and pink nightmare that sat on and in the box before him. He picked the box up and moved it to a shadowy part of his basement. Grumbot looked down at him, lights twinkling in a way Grian took as laughter.
“Listen, Scar never said a thing about me actually picking up the phone, so by technicality, I’m off the hook.” Grian felt a need to explain himself. “If he really wants a CuteGuy so bad, he can get someone else to do it or something. I don’t do sidekick. PoultryMan is main character energy.”
Grumbot just flashed his lights, and Grian wondered if the robot had even been listening at all. He sighed, turning around and gazing out towards the now-dull rift on the other side of the basement.
“Now, to something that really matters, what on earth do I do about this?”
-seven months later-
Much like young Issac Newton theorizing about gravity from an apple falling onto his head, Joe Hills also had an odd series of events happen to him when something big and heavy fell onto his head. But he thought “ouch!” instead of conceptualizing gravity, but that’s besides the point.
“Who is messing with me? Guys, now is not a great time… huh?” Joe looked all around, and his gaze came to rest on a red shulker box on its side, spilling stacks upon stacks of tnt onto the ground. Joe went to pick it up and saw it labeled as Grian’s. “Grian?” There was no answer.
So, Joe did what any good person would do, and gathered up all of the tnt, put it back in the box, and set off for Grian’s megabase, which he had only an approximation of its location. He did manage to find it eventually, or, at least, the amalgamation of Grian and Mumbo’s bases, and he dithered on the spot for a while, trying to remember who’s was which. He eventually just gave up and dove down into what he knew to be Grian’s basement, with that weird robot and rift thing. Luckily, both oddities seemed inactive, and Joe put the shulker box down in the middle of the room, and took out a scrap of paper to leave as a note.
Suddenly, a phone rang, echoing through the basement. Joe looked at the rift, then the robot. Neither seemed to a source of the ringing. It was coming, Joe found out as he looked around, from a bedazzled pink flip phone on top of a pink and horribly dusty shulker box. On instinct, Joe picked it up and answered.
“Howdy, Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee here, how can I be of service?”
“Cuteguy, it’s time! The time is nye! I- wait, Joe?”
Joe recognized the dramatic voice on the other end at once. “Scar?”
“Howdy, Scar!”
“Wait, I thought I gave this phone to Grian.”
“Well, I suppose you did. I just happened to be by, dropping off a shulker box of tnt that he must have dropped by accident onto my head, and I heard the phone-“
“Hold on, I’ll be right there.”
Scar hung up, and Joe pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it in confusion. He considered leaving, he really did, but after a rather arduous debate in his head of how much time he could be spending on his pinball machine instead of waiting on Scar, he ultimately determined that time spent with friends was always time well spent. He had just come to that conclusion, in fact, when Scar crash landed right in front of Joe.
“Ahh! One heart, Joe, one heart.” Scar said, while Joe helped him right his wheelchair. “Now, where’s CuteGuy?”
“Who?” Joe asked. He took stock of Scar’s outfit, which was a tight black unitard looking thing with blue and orange details. “And what on earth are you wearing?”
“Well, I’m HotGuy, of course!” Scar straightened up, taking out a deadly looking bow and pointing it, clearly posing, which Joe took as the cue to make appropriate awed noises. “But every good superhero needs his sidekick, and I was hoping CuteGuy would have gotten my message.” Scar looked around, like this CuteGuy guy would be hiding in a corner or something.
“Scar, there is no one on the server named ‘CuteGuy’- I feel like Xisuma would have told us if he’d whitelisted someone new.” Joe said very seriously.
“What? No! Okay, Joe, listen,” Scar lowered his voice conspiratorially, and Joe leaned in, keeping an eye on Grumbot as he did- who knows who could be listening. “CuteGuy is Grian’s alter ego. Like how I’m HotGuy.”
Joe put a hand to his mouth in shock, to be polite. “You mean it was actually you who terrorized me all those months ago while I was building a sign for King Ren?”
Scar clicked his tongue in an awkward kind of way. “No time for that, Joe! The point is, I need a sidekick right now, and Grian is nowhere to be found. So, Joe, what do you say- wanna come be CuteGuy for a little while?”
Joe considered this. He had many questions, but Scar had a sense of urgency in his tone. And Joe did like to say yes to new experiences…
“Well, I suppose I could help you out Scar- I mean, HotGuy. But shouldn’t I be called something else, as CuteGuy is kind of more of a Grian thing? I wouldn’t want to invade his creative space.”
Scar rubbed his chin, thinking hard “Maybe… are there other adjectives that are like hot and cute?”
“Oh! I was named the sexiest Minecraft youtuber via a set of tumblr polls!” Joe exclaimed. “Sexy… guy?”
“Tumblr? What’s that, like a disease or something?” Scar asked.
“I- okay, so I could explain this simply, but even that might take a few hours within itself… if I say the words ‘Ball Pit’, does that invoke emotions within you?”
“Joe, we don’t have time!” Scar put a hand over Joe’s mouth. “Listen, I think G will be fine if you borrow the CuteGuy name and outfit. But we really do need to go- crime does not sleep!” Scar opened the pink shulker box and pulled out a couple of sets of clothes, holding them up to Joe and squinting. Finally, he shoved a bundle at him. “Go put this on, and I’ll meet you on Grian and Mumbo’s bridge. Hurry!”
Scar flew up, and Joe quickly changed into the violently pink clothes without much thought. It wasn’t until he flew up to meet Scar did it occur to him what exactly he had on.
“Scar, HotGuy, I don’t mean to complain, but is it really all that sensible to be fighting crime in a crop top and booty shorts? Where is the padding? And the armor?” Joe asked, pulling down on the crop top slightly.
“CuteGuy, in this life, you gotta slay in every way. We’re hotter and cuter then our enemies.” Scar lowered his sunglasses, gave Joe a once-over, and tossed him a huge, glittery pink compound bow. “Now, let’s fly. I’ll explain our mission on the way.” He took off, leaving Joe to put the bow in his inventory and hastily take off after him.
The pink phone began to ring as soon as Joe was coasting in the air, and he fumbled to pull it out of the bag strapped to his thigh.
“Alright CuteGuy, are you hearing me alright?” Scar’s voice was cool and collected, if a bit hard to hear over the wind.
“Loud and clear, Scar- I mean, HotGuy.” Joe could see Scar up ahead, and kept pace behind him.
“Fantastic.” Scar turned to give him a thumbs up and a cheesy smile. “Now, for this mission, CuteGuy, we’re heading for the lair of the biggest threat to the server, the goat himself, DocM77. Perhaps you’ve heard of him.”
“I… yeah, Scar, sorry, HotGuy, we’ve both known Doc since season five, of course I know him.”
“Good, good. Recently, I, HotGuy, teamed up with two esteemed revolutionaries to form the Buttercups, an elite team set to take down the goat once and for all. The camp has been set, but we need to send a message to the goat that we mean business. Doc may have fancy redstone, but we have determination, grit, and most importantly, obsidian. Oh, and we’re here!”
“Obsidian?” Joe asked, landing beside Scar on the floor of the perimeter, hanging up the phone. “I thought you were gonna say, like, a pipe bomb or something.”
“No, no, CuteGuy.” Scar pulled out a shulker box and set it on the ground. “We just want to be annoying to good ol’ DocM, not actually kill him. So, we’re gonna cover every surface down here in obsidian.”
Joe looked at Scar, then around at the yawning expanse of the perimeter. “I- yeah, okay. And we are the good guys here, right?”
“Of course.” Scar replied, smiling.
It took about five hours of painstakingly placing obsidian, but every surface within the perimeter was eventually covered, which was an interesting sight to behold. Scar and Joe stood at the mouth of Doc’s house, looking down into the expanse.
“I think we did good, CuteGuy.” Scar said, patting Joe on the back.
“This bow was surprisingly effective against slimes.” Joe replied, hoisting up the big pink bow.
“That’s the power of the veloci-tay.” Scar said with an understanding nod. “Now, let’s get out of here before Doc gets back.”
He’d hardly uttered the words when there was the distinct sound of someone coming through Doc’s nether portal. Scar and Joe turned around just in time to see Doc emerge from the portal, and freeze at the sight of them.
“HotGuy?” Doc breathed. “What are you doing here? You and your… actually, I don’t believe I’ve met your… friend?”
“Oh, this is my sidekick, CuteGuy.” Scar waved his hand at Joe.
“Name suits you, CuteGuy.” Doc winked at Joe. “Pleasure to meet you. Now, what was I- oh, what are you both doing in my base? Why does CuteGuy look guilty? What…” Doc’s mechanical eye suddenly flew from the socket, whirring into the air with small but powerful blades. It flew behind the two superheroes and looked down into the perimeter. The room went silent, and Joe watched Doc’s face fall, first into surprise, then anger.
“What the- what did you do? Obsidian?” Doc’s eye flew back into socket, and he actually growled at them. “You annoying-”
“CuteGuy, shoot him!” Scar screeched, hiding behind Joe.
“I- what- okay!” Joe pulled back the bow and aimed it at Doc. The arrow missed. Then another missed. Then Doc was standing right in front of him, glowering.
“It’s a good thing you’re cute, because you’re a terrible shot.” Doc growled.
“Run!” Scar screamed, shooting into Doc’s face over Joe’s shoulder, and they both took off to the sky. Doc typed a bunch of angry and cryptic messages into the in-game chat, but didn’t pursue.
Joe and Scar landed on the bridge between Grian and Mumbo’s bases, breathing heavily.
“We did it! Our first mission as a duo!” Scar held out his hand for a high-five. “What do you say, Joe, want to take on the CuteGuy persona full time? HotGuy needs a good sidekick like you.”
Joe gazed into Scar’s grinning face, seeing his own, glittering pink reflection in Scar’s sunglasses.
“Absolutely not.”
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pinkyqil · 16 days
Irene has that van so maybe she and Ileana go on an adventure in the van?
Adventure time funsies // Irene paredes kid fic
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Summary : Irene takes you on a mother daughter date with the van.
Autor's notes : here's some more of Irene and her daughter lleana/r feel free to send some hcs about Irene crazy lil pepe i do have more chapter's coming soon for butterfly and as always feedbacks and request are appreciated hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing.
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Today was another special day for you after last week events. your mami had planned a mother's daughter day for both of you. but not only that you guys where taking the special van for the whole day which got you really excited.
Irene had just finished getting everything ready at the back of the van.
She had planned the whole thing wanting make up for lost time. as she didn't like making empty promises to you and not being able to fulfill them.
And this week happened to be the best one too plan everything out no games and practice everything was going to be prefect for you her little princess.
"llena let's get going princess". Irene called out.
"Coming mami just want to get my ball". you said before running out thinking she wouldn't know
"No running what did i tell you about it". She said yelled out.
"Fine". You yelled back trying to figure out how she knew when she was outside.
"Come on let's get you in there". Your mami told you as she picked you up and placing you in your big girl car seat before going to lock the houes doors.
"No touching anything I'll be right back be my good girl alright". She told you
"Sí mami".
"That's my girl". She said proceeding to give you a peck and locking the door.
You did as your mami said even though you wanted to try getting off your car seat. and push all the buttons but no you sat there quietly like the good girl you are.
Your mami didn't take her time and hurried back quickly.
"Mami where we going". you asked her
"That I can't tell you mi bebé". She said ruffling your hair before starting the van.
"Umph me wanna know mami". You tried convincing her to tell you.
"Well if you wanna know you just have to wait". she said.
"Me no wanna wait". You whined getting annoyed at that she wouldn't tell you where.
"How about we play I spy". She suggested
"Fine". You said even though you knew it was too distracte you.
"I go first mami".
"That's okay by me".
"I spy with my big big eye something blue and red". You told her after spotting the object
"Princess it my little eye". She told you
"No big big eye". You told her
"No it little eye". She said
"Big". you yelled really loud
"Okay okay peque no more yelling".
"Ummm the van". She asked
"Silly mami the van not red and blue". You said this time around but laughing at your Silly mom's mistake.
"How about your sippy cup it-"
"Wrong again mami you have last try". You told her giggling with your hands in your face couldn't believe how funny your mami is.
"You think your so smart why don't you tell ke what it's huh".
"My barca ball it's blue and red you got it wrong I win". You said now making silly faces at her.
Irene couldn't scold especially after seeing your adorable smile even though you are being naughty to her.
"mami I tired". You said letting her know before sleep was taking over your small body.
"But we just started playing". she said. by time she looked over at you, your eyes already gone shut.
For the next few hours of Irene driving you had already woken up from your small nap. She gave your homemade peanut butter sandwich in butterfly shaped.
if any of your stuff wasn't butterfly themed you refuse to use it. an habit she was trying to get rid of.
"Are we there yet mami". You asked her as you were coloring in your butterfly coloring book when she let you get off your car seat.
"Almost bebé". She told you
"Okay". you said getting back to coloring.
You guys had finally arrived when you felt the van stopped. and your mami coming to get you out of the van.
"Here we are princess".
"Wow so many pretty butterflies". Was the only thing you said.
Irene had brought you both to a beach side that was known for it magnificent butterflies and hiking spot. figuring out the best place for you guys to bound would be here. especially with your love for nature more like what it has to offer.
"Come on princess let's go unpack the van cause that where we're spending the nights in". she said putting you down so that you could walk.
"Okay". You said finally being able to stretch and run.
"No running princess".
"That's not fun". You told her
"You'll thank me when you don't get any scratches". She said.
Half the day was spent with you guys taking a walk on the beach,taking pictures and having a picnic with the lovely butterflies. that surrounded you and your mami. eventually you feel asleep as the sun was setting.
which Irene carried you back to the van laying right next to you as you clearly enjoyed your time.
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un momento perfecto con mi princesa liked by alexiaputellas and 7,089 others
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archiveikemen · 4 months
『 Drowning in A Lustful Night 』 Story Event
Ellis Twilight
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
Liam: I heard that chocolates laced with aphrodisiac are popular these days.
One afternoon, Liam was talking about a rumour he heard.
Liam: People are advertising these chocolates as something that can let you know your lover’s truest desires.
Liam: Stuff like what they’re enduring because they love you, or things they haven't been able to say, you know?
Liam: It’s especially used during certain activities done in the bedroom at night… looks like it can enhance the intimacy between lovers.
Then one night, I had completely forgotten about that silly rumour I heard.
Ellis: Oh, right. Look at this, Kate.
It was a chilly night. Ellis took out a small box while we were having a casual conversation before bedtime and opened its lid for me to see the contents.
Kate: Are these… heart shaped… chocolates?
Kate: How cute. They look delicious too.
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Ellis: These are the chocolates Liam was talking about.
Kate: The ones Liam talked about… no way!
Ellis: Yup, they seem to have been laced with an “aphrodisiac”. I got these from Allie at the tavern.
Ellis: I was told that it’ll be okay if eaten with a lover.
I stared in surprise at how casually Ellis said that.
Kate: So these are the rumoured…
Ellis: Do you want to try them?
Kate: What!?
Ellis: Because you’re a kind person, and… I feel that there are many things between us that can’t be said.
Kate: I don’t think so.
Ellis: … Really?
Ellis tilted his head and peered at me, while I tried hard to think of what I could say to him.
(Things that I can’t say to Ellis… hmm.)
Our relationship was as sweet and close as lovers, but it was also as faint as the twilight before evening turns to night.
Out of fear of our relationship being ruined, I definitely did hold myself back from saying some things, several times.
Ellis: I want to know… the emotions you usually wouldn't show.
Ellis: I’m sure that I can make you even happier if I know what they are.
Kate: That’s why you got the chocolates…?
Ellis: Yeah, that’s right.
(Liam mentioned something about “knowing your lover’s truest desires”.)
(Since these chocolates are laced with an aphrodisiac, eating them would make us feel like… that, right?)
(Ellis is suggesting we eat the chocolates, despite knowing what kind of effect they will have…)
An uneasy feeling slowly crept into my chest.
Kate: Ellis…
“Would you give this chocolate to just anyone if it would make them happy?”
(Will it put him in a tight spot if I ask him that?)
(Will Ellis keep his answer a secret from me if he knows it won’t make me happy…?)
Ellis was always kind and sweet when talking to me, but there was a possibility that he had many unspoken words.
My gaze was drawn to the aphrodisiac-laced chocolates that could reveal “unspeakable things”.
(... If Ellis eats them, maybe he’ll be honest and say those words to me without hesitation.)
I was curious about Ellis’ true feelings, and so I—
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Ellis: … I won’t force you. If it’s something you don’t want to do, then I don't want to do it eit— oh.
I picked up a piece of the chocolate and ate half of it.
Kate: Mm… you too, Ellis.
Ellis: … Huh?
Kate: Please eat half too.
There was a hesitant look in Ellis’ eyes.
Kate: I want to know too… the things you “can’t say”.
Ellis: … Mm, got it.
Ellis ate the chocolate I held between my fingertips and savoured the sweetness.
The two of us anticipated what might happen while relishing the chocolate together. However…
Ellis: … It tastes like regular delicious chocolate.
Kate: … Raspberry flavour?
Ellis: Mm, I like this taste.
Kate: … Hehe. Could this be how it sets the mood between lovers?
I couldn’t help relaxing my shoulders and bursting into laughter.
(If I think about it calmly, I just did something quite daring…)
(I’m glad nothing happened.)
For a while, Ellis and I talked about the chocolate while sipping on hot milk.
We talked as we usually would — and it was time for us to return to our rooms after washing the mugs.
(... Hm?)
Kate: Ellis… I have a feeling that my face is very red right now.
Ellis: … I was about to say the same thing. Your face is flushing red, Kate. Are you running a fever?
The moment Ellis touched my forehead with his palm—
Kate: ahh…!?
A wave of pleasure ran through me like an electric current.
(W-What was that…?)
Ellis: Kate, could it be…
(Is this… the effect of the aphrodisiac?)
Kate: Are you also…?
I gently touched Ellis’ cheek.
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Ellis: Nn…
Ellis’ shoulders shivered and a noise escaped his lips.
Ellis: … Apparently.
I felt his heated breath on my forehead.
It made me conscious of the heat starting to rise from the pit of my stomach.
(Oh no… the chocolates were the real deal.)
Ellis: … This is just right, let’s give it a shot.
Ellis: Tell me everything you want me to do, even things you normally wouldn’t say to me.
Ellis: I’ll fulfil them and make you happy.
Kate: ah…
Ellis gently ran his fingers down my neck, sending a sweet numbing sensation through my spine and making my legs nearly give way.
Kate: E-Ellis… wait, I…
Ellis: Mm, I’ll wait. I’ll wait till you forget all about your shame and be completely honest with me.
The dishevelled breathing of two people filled the room in the night.
Kate: Haa… aah…
Ellis: Haah… are you okay? Do you want some water?
Ellis carried me back to my bed when my legs became too weak to stand.
He sat on a chair a short distance away from the bed, looking after me.
(My body feels hot… the sheets rubbing against my skin is making me feel weird…)
Ellis: Here, have some water. … Fufu… the effect of the chocolate is very strong.
(Ellis is likely feeling the same way too…)
We were under the effect of the same drug and my body felt like it was on fire, yet all Ellis cared about was my wellbeing.
Ellis: … Is there something you want to say?
Ellis: You can say it, Kate. … I want to hear you express your feelings.
Kate: Ellis… if you’d do anything to make someone happy, regardless of who they are…
Kate: Would you eat this chocolate with them…? Even if it's someone you don't want to eat it with?
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Ellis: …
Ellis: Is that what you couldn't say to me? You ate the chocolate because you wanted to ask me that?
Ellis: … Why do you want to know that?
Kate: Because…
(I want you to treasure yourself.)
(I don’t want you to do things that'll make you unhappy.)
(Also… maybe I…)
(Maybe I want to hear you say that you are the chocolate “because it’s me”...?)
Realising my feelings made me so embarrassed, my ears were burning.
Ellis: Fufu, you went silent… you can't tell me although you ate chocolate laced with aphrodisiac?
Ellis: I… I’ll say it. I’ll tell you what you wanted to hear so badly that you had to resort to this.
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Ellis: If it’ll make someone happy, I’d eat the chocolate.
His response caused a sharp pain in my heart, but the pain was soon soothed by a gentle voice.
Ellis: But I won’t eat it with anyone else.
Ellis: This is what’s been bothering you… right?
Ellis even saw through the reason why I could outright tell him about it, and smiled at me with blushing cheeks.
Kate: Why… why would you go so far just to make me happy?
Ellis: That's because…
The faint smile on Ellis’ face faded away like the last bit of light from the setting sun disappearing in the horizon.
Ellis: Because I like you… I guess.
Ellis: My greatest joy is in making time stop for the person I love when I make them the happiest they’ve ever been.
His voice was calm, gentle, and… gloomy.
(Do you really like me?)
(What was that about stopping time? Why does it make you happy?)
I bit down the urge to fire those questions at him.
(I’m still afraid of knowing the answers.)
(... The claim that those chocolates could let you “know their truest desires” is a big awful lie.)
The aphrodisiac did nothing to make me ask the questions I truly wanted answers to, all it did was fuel the carnal desires intensifying inside of me.
Ellis: Kate, you look like you're having a hard time. … Can I touch you?
Kate: Haa… y-yes…
I shook my head, and Ellis came over to sit on the bed.
Ellis: I’ll make you feel more comfortable. It might be embarrassing if I do it from the front, so…
Ellis had me sit in front of him and lean against him as he hugged me from behind.
Ellis: Haa… okay, I’m going to touch you. … Fufufu, I feel dizzy.
Ellis: Where do you want to be touched now? Your chest? Or… lower?
Kate: Anywhere… you want to touch…
Ellis: … Haah.. you’re sneaky.
Ellis: … Then I’ll touch you here.
Kate: Mmm, aah…
He kissed me on the ear, and my body felt a sweet numbing sensation.
Kate: Is this… what you like…?
Ellis: Nn… I like watching you feel good…
Kate: Nnn…. hnngh.. aah…
I could feel my underwear getting wet from the light kisses he planted on my ears and neck.
He played with the peaks of my breasts through my loosened blouse and corset, but the tingle I felt in the pit of my stomach told me I desired a very specific kind of stimulation.
Kate: Ah… Ellis…
I rubbed my thighs together and heard a shameful wet sound that only heightened my embarrassment.
Ellis: So I have to touch you here… to make you feel less painful?
Ellis slid his hand down my stomach, to my belly button, and lower.
My thighs that were squeezed shut opened up on their own in response to the hand slowly creeping under my skirt.
Kate: Aahh…
Ellis: Haa… it's impressive you put up with this for so long… it must've been painful.
He slipped his hand under my soaked underwear and stroked the wet spot between my legs, as though he were rewarding me for being “good”.
Kate: Aaah… n-no…
After only a few strokes, my body still under the effect of the aphrodisiac easily went into climax.
My head went numb, I felt momentarily relieved of the uncomfortable throbbing feeling that plagued my body.
Kate: Hngg… haaa…
Ellis: Haa… let me see your face, Kate.
Kate: Nn…
Ellis: … Fufu, you look very happy. … Maybe it'll be even better if I can give you more pleasure.
His words seemed to instantly reignite the fire deep inside me.
Ellis’ fingers went deeper into my now incredibly needy core.
Ellis: Do you like it when I touch you here?
(Does Ellis really want to touch me? Or is he only doing this because I want to be touched?)
I was afraid to ask, but my heart was dying to know.
Kate: I want you to do what you want… Ellis.
Ellis: What I want…
Ellis: … What should I do?
I felt Ellis’ hot breath behind my ears.
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Ellis: I’m starting to get confused… whether this is what you want or what I want… I don't know…
Ellis: That’s… important.
He hesitatingly paused his fingers over my wet nether region.
Kate: Ahh.. ah…
(I'm too needy right now… it’s painful.)
(But… Ellis is in even more pain.)
Ellis: Hey, Kate… say that you want it.
Kate: …
Ellis: … You want it.
The desperation in Ellis’ voice as he tried to get me to beg him made my chest tighten.
(I have a feeling that Ellis is trying to tell me that he wants to be wanted… and he needs a reason to touch me.)
(Is the aphrodisiac making me go crazy?)
Kate: I… I want it…
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Ellis: …
Kate: Ah.. ahhh…
He pushed his fingers into me with a lewd wet sound.
A few pumps of his fingers inside me was enough to make my back arch.
The back of my head rubbed against Ellis’ chest, and he kissed me on the forehead.
Kate: Nn… ah…
Ellis: Haa… you're so cute, Kate.
Ellis: Does it feel good? It’s still not enough…
I felt the heat of something warm from Ellis pressing against my behind when he hugged me tight, my insides reflexively tightened around his fingers.
(If Ellis really wants it…)
(If the reason is because I’m special to him…)
For a moment, I almost thought that it would be alright for me to surrender my body to him.
Perhaps, at that moment, I was really happy.
(Don’t think about that now… don’t say it…)
(We don’t know if it’s only because of the aphrodisiac.)
Kate: Ellis… ah, aah… wait, too much… hngg
Ellis: Haah… you’re so lovely, Kate… I want to make you feel even better…
We didn’t understand each other's real desires, I only drowned in the sweet moment of pleasure Ellis gave me—.
Ellis: Oh, good morning, Kate.
When I awkwardly walked into the dining room the next morning, Ellis greeted me as usual.
Kate: G- Good… good morning, Ellis.
Ellis: I saw that the bakery had a new item this morning and it looked delicious, so I bought it. Let’s eat it together.
Kate: Okay… wow, it really is delicious.
He sat down next to me and whispered into my ear.
Ellis: I couldn’t ask you yesterday because you fell asleep, but…
Ellis: When we touched each other like last night… how happy were you…?
Kate: …!
There was that gloomy light flickering behind Ellis’ eyes again.
Kate: … When I eat new bread with you… it makes me happy.
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Ellis: …
Ellis: Fufu, I see.
Ellis: In that case, I’ll make you happier.
His calm and carefree smile hid that gloomy look away.
(If only… we could bare our hearts to each other without fear someday…)
(Will there come a day when I can finally say that I’m the happiest I've ever been?)
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bucketsofmonsters · 1 year
The Witch's Apprentice - Part 5
cw: demon summoning, prolonged isolation, size difference, non-human genitalia, oral sex, agoraphobia, magical branding, more tags will be added as the story continues
male demon x afab reader
Word count: 4k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7
By your third week of being locked in your room, you felt like you might lose your mind. 
Considering you’d been locked in the house for years you’d think the room wouldn’t be so bad. The actual space wasn’t that much smaller but the real problem was that there was nothing to do. Everything you’d been busying yourself with for years was locked outside, your books, your garden, your best friend. 
Any pretense of freedom had disappeared. You could no longer go outside, chose what to do with your day, or see another living thing. 
Well, most living things.
Eden had soundproofed all of the rooms for her own usage, so no one overheard anything she didn’t want them to. She knew how to break through it and project sound through the walls, something you’d never learned to do. However, you had no qualms about using the soundproofing to your advantage. 
Lucien was less and less incredulous with every new time you summoned him. What do you want’s turned into easy greetings and his exasperation with you faded, although he seemed loathe to let you notice. 
The summonings had become almost daily events. 
You never made it more than an hour or two without at least giving it a shot. Your lack of actual summoning materials or techniques made it so he didn’t strictly have to come, could just decide not to show up, but he almost always did, choosing to stay with you for hours on end. 
Every now and then he’d drop out, feeling a tug of being summoned by some other witch before he’d pop back, unsummoned and of his own choosing. 
Today you were laying back on your bed while he sat on the floor. Even sitting, he was tall enough that your heads were roughly in line with one another. 
You never did much. You would ask him question after question and watch as his answers got more and more evasive, not even to hide anything but seemingly doing it just because he could. He spoke in circles just to watch your head spin and see how long it would take before the questions stopped in favor of throwing pillows at him. 
All the pillows lay scattered around him leaving you tragically out of ammo. You supposed you’d just have to hope that he’d had a change of heart in his neverending quest to irritate you. 
It never worked. Not really. 
Even if it weren’t for the boredom that made you cling to every word, there way something almost charming about his refusal to commit to an answer, to dance around the question and try and make you forget what you’d originally asked, regardless of whether he cared about you knowing the answer or not. It felt almost like a game. 
“What does it feel like when you get summoned?” you asked, curious what happened on his end when he got that distant look in his eyes. 
“Why, do you think you're getting summoned?” he asked with a laugh. “Is there another witch out there who wants to lock you in an even smaller room?”
“Stop it. She’s just worried.”
“Uh-huh. How long do you think this is going to last?” he asked, staring out at your locked door with blatant disgust. 
You were less evasive with your answers. “I don’t know. If it lasts longer I might actually lose it.”
“So let me take you somewhere. Come on, I’ll have you back before you know it.”
Where the teasing and talking in circles was entertaining, this was your biggest point of contention. Lucien had become fixated on getting you out of here, on showing you the world. 
You’d be lying if you said part of your apprehension to leave wasn’t fear. It had been so long, even talking to him had been such a big step. You couldn’t imagine just being somewhere new. 
But you also couldn’t do that to Eden, betray her trust like that. No matter how many times he reassured you that she would never know, it left a churning feeling in your stomach. She’d been there for you for so many years, kept you safe. You couldn’t just leave her like that, behind her back. 
You avoided the topic as often as you could. Other than those little arguments, seeing him had absolutely become the best part of your day. 
You supposed that wasn’t hard to do. You spent most of the time he wasn’t there sleeping, What else was there to do?
You told him as much and he couldn’t quite manage to hide the flash of pity that crossed his face, the one that showed up whenever you mentioned your current living situation. 
He did his best to push past it. “Have you been having fun dreams?” he asked with a grin. 
You tried to brush off the comment despite his suggestive tone and allusion back to what he’d seen before. “They’re fine. Why don’t you show up in them anymore?”
“Just fine? Maybe dream me needs some pointers.” 
You leaned off the bed, reaching for the pillow that lay closest to you on the floor. You managed to get a grip on it right as you started to slide off the bed but Lucien pushed you back up before you could fall to the floor. 
He was rewarded for his efforts by a pillow flying towards him that collided with one of his horns as you let out a quiet harrumph. 
“You’re so rude to me. And why are you asking? I’m here all the time, do you miss me?” he asked, cooing at you with faux sympathy. “Because if you want me there all you have to do is ask.”
“None of that was an answer to my question,” you informed him, well aware it wouldn’t get you anywhere. 
He rolled his eyes. “You’re much more fun when your inhibitions are gone.”
“Mmhmm, I’m sure. And do you take a lot of humans to your little sin room?”
“Only the cute ones.”
You snorted. “Yeah, sure.”
“I could take you back there.”
“You are so shameless. If you want me to get all loose and flirty again just bring some wine by or something.”
“Not like that. I just think it would be good for you to get out, stretch your legs.”
“For the last time, I’m staying right here.”
“Suit yourself,” he said with a huff, as if there was even the smallest chance that he’d finally give up on the idea. “If it were me, I would have killed that bitch by now.”
“Stop it! You will not talk about her like that!” Your defense of Eden was as reflexive as ever. You knew he had every right to be unimaginably angry at her but she was still your best friend, your savior. 
His inevitable upcoming protest was cut off by your dinner being slid under the door, Lucien keeping absolutely still as the metal tray scraped against the floor. 
He hated being here when she was nearby, even if she wasn’t interacting with you much these days. He claimed it was because he didn’t want to get you in even more trouble and get any more of your freedoms taken away. 
You were sure that was part of it. But you saw the way he tensed up when she got close, when any sign appeared of her existence right on the other side of the door. 
He was afraid of her. Absolutely terrified. 
It made your heart ache, seeing him like that, seeing the fractures in his facade. You couldn’t help but wonder what she’d done to him to make him act like this. 
Not that he’d ever tell you. You knew better than to push that point, it was one secret he was more than entitled to. 
You did your best not to dwell on it too much. If you did you’d have to reflect on the way he always put himself between you and the door, the way he tensed up whenever she called out to you, knowing you couldn’t even respond unless she allowed it through the soundproofing.  She never did. 
You couldn’t be sure exactly when, maybe when you summoned him on your own the first time, maybe when you’d told him about all the years you’d spent stuck in this cabin surrounded by the vicious woods, maybe when you’d broken that summoning circle and trusted him, but at some point he’d decided that you were just as much Eden’s victim as he was. Some mysterious point where something switched in his mind and it moved from being you and her against him to Eden against the two of you. 
You didn’t blame him for it. Eden had done horrible things to him, that much was clear. He needed her to be a villain and you could give him that. 
Lucien always waited a long time before speaking after she showed up so you just lay there, attempting to sneak glances at him and getting caught every time. 
Eventually his shoulders untensed and he seemed to decide it was safe to speak again, although a simmering anger still burned in his eyes. 
“She isn’t teaching you jackshit.”
“Well…” you attempted to protest before he immediately cut you off. 
“Not a question. I could teach you, you know. Your little witch isn’t the only one who knows magic.”
You laughed. “And what’s the price? You want my soul or something?”
“Please, if I wanted your soul I’d probably just need to ask, your dumbass would just hand it over to me.”
He probably wasn’t that far off the mark, if your history was any indication. 
You shrugged as you replied. “There’s no real point in teaching me anyways, I’m not very good at it.” You weren’t even sure why he was offering, he’d already seen more than enough of you to know you were a lost cause. 
“Being good at things isn't the only reason to do them. Come on, have some fun with it.”
Everything in you screamed that it was a bad idea, that you’d fuck it all up. But the way he was looking at you, daring you to say yes, managed to override those instincts just long enough to squeak out, “Fine. But you’re not allowed to get mad when I mess up.”
You weren’t sure what to expect of Lucien as a teacher. Whatever those confused expectations in the back of your head were, he certainly didn’t match them. 
He was a patient teacher, letting you feel things out quietly and slowly. His jokes and evasiveness disappeared completely and every question you had was met with a careful answer. 
You discovered very quickly that his sort of magic was very, very different from Edens. 
Eden was all about rules, about maintaining the security and purity of her spells first. Everything was a strict ritual to be observed. 
Lucien’s magic contained a freedom you thought couldn’t be afforded to humans. Instead of a list of materials and steps, what you were faced with most frequently now was instructions to shut your eyes and imagine, to put all the trust you had into the idea that when your eyes opened, whatever you imagined would have happened. 
It was something you struggled with. That faith that it would work. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t believe in the magic, you’d seen far too much for that. It was thinking it would work for you that you kept stumbling 
Where Eden’s magic was like a recipe, Lucien’s felt more like a trust fall. 
And still, you progressed. Without the same confidence Lucien carried himself with, but progress nonetheless. 
He brought you little gifts every time you made progress, slivers of the outside world. 
You’d been getting frustrated with yourself. The very first thing he’d tried to teach you was just the ability to reach out to someone. 
You sat there, day after day, attempting it. The way he’d explained it, everyone had an aura, a little pool of energy that hovered around them. If you focused you could reach out, stretch it thin and find someone else’s. 
It had to be close. Not in proximity but in a more abstract sense. He reassured you that the two of you were more than close enough for it to work. 
One night, after he had long since left, you were practicing and getting frustrated once more when you felt that aura of yours he’d described time and time again bump into something warm, and a sense of familiarity washed over you.  
A moment later you felt something back, a meandering sense of something winding inside of you, pulling at some part of you that made you giggle. Who knew auras could be ticklish? 
The next day he came bearing an eclair. It felt like a breath of fresh air. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been able to eat something sweet like that.  
You treasured the little paper doily it came on, sometimes just tracing the intricate designs that bordered it. 
A few days later was a soft scarf in a bright red that had been given to you when you opened your eyes to find yourself letting off a faint glow in that same red. 
The next time you managed to do something, this time it was simply to warm up a surface by a few degrees, he reached out and handed you a gift he had at the ready. It made your heart swell that he already had it, like he had absolute faith you’d be able to do something to deserve it. This time it was a tiny ceramic fox that had its little head lifted defiantly towards the sky
You kept them all buried under your pillow, terrified that any day now would be the day and Eden would come in to free you only to see mysterious trinkets that could only have come from elsewhere. 
You kept the fox wrapped up in your scarf, afraid you’d roll over wrong in your sleep and it might break but still unwilling to hide the little treasures too far away from yourself. 
More often than not, you woke up clutching them, a habit you couldn’t break no matter how hard you tried. 
Sooner than you ever could have imagined, you weren’t even afraid to make mistakes around him anymore. When you’d begun, you’d been convinced any slip-up would ruin everything, that he’d give up on you and leave you behind. Now you floundered and messed up spells and it didn’t matter. He made sure that you were alright, that it was safe to learn and eventually you figured them all out. 
“I’m running out of rewards,” he said with a chuckle as you beamed down at your fox, one you’d managed to make wobble without so much as touching it. “That’s how you know you’re getting good. How will I ever motivate you now?”
“Are you kidding,” you basically shouted, pride and excitement welling up inside you. “Did you see what I just did? That was amazing! I don’t need a reward to want to learn how to do incredible things.”
“Maybe. I think you deserve them anyways.”
The comment brought a heat to your cheeks, one that was becoming more and more common in you every time Lucien was here. Another thing you tried not to dwell on too much, lest you get swept up in it. 
His head cocked to the side with a familiar look as you gave him an understanding smile. “Off to see another witch?” you asked.
He sneered. “Yes, your favorite witch, in fact. Well, I shouldn’t keep her waiting.”
He leaned down towards you and kissed the top of your head before immediately dissipating, a move that didn’t feel quite fair. At least it didn’t give him the chance to watch you flounder. 
As you slept that night you found yourself having a familiar dream. The walls of colorful fabrics were a much more welcome sight than the forest that so often plagued your dreams. 
A dream Lucien stood before you, per usual. But something was off this time. It took you a second to place it before you realized that even standing here, passively, you could sense his aura. You knew him too well for the trick he was trying to pull. 
But after an onslaught of little tricks and his rude kiss and run earlier, you were feeling a little more mischievous than normal. Perhaps he was rubbing off on you. 
Before he could say anything to tease you, you strode up to him, got onto the very tips of your toes, and reached up to pull him into a kiss. 
He was too tall for you to be able to pull a maneuver like that without him playing along but he eagerly leaned down to meet you, lips crashing together. His hands fell to your waist, helping you keep your balance as you strained to reach him. 
You pulled away after a moment and looked up at him with a smirk, giving his aura a little tug as you said,  “You really should announce when it's you.”
He laughed. “You didn't give me the chance.”
His hands tightened around your sides, giving you a gentle squeeze as he kept you close. “We don’t have to stop, you know. I’d be a cruel man to rob you of a wet dream.”
Your boldness grew in your chest. You couldn’t remember if you’d ever been around someone and simply not felt nervous before now but these last few weeks, he’d managed to foster that feeling in you. You were eager to try out this new confidence. 
You slipped out of his grasp and fell to your knees in front of him. “You know,” you said, “I haven't been able to thank you for being so kind to me.”
For once he seemed to be at a loss for words. After a moment of floundering, he managed to say, “You don’t need to do that, little one.”
“I want to,” you said, looking up at him with big eyes. 
You barely caught the quiet groan that escaped him. “What did I do to deserve you,” he asked, and it too was quiet. You couldn’t help but wonder if it was a question meant for you or if it was for the universe itself. 
After his little nod of permission, you were immediately undoing his pants, eager to get your hands on him after so many weeks of pining after him. 
Being here, now, it felt silly that you’d denied yourself those feelings for so long. Outside of his little pocket of hell where you’d been able to do as you wished, you’d tried to force down those feelings. 
But now, despite the appearance of his familiar room, nothing was here to help you along. The dam just broke, and you couldn’t help but wish you’d given in much sooner. 
As you pulled down his pants you found he was already hard, his massive cock bouncing up as you freed it of its confines. 
Part of you was glad your first encounter with it was in a dream because it was intimidatingly big. It fit his frame as he towered above you but you were unsure if humans and demons were meant to be together like this. You found you didn’t much care either way. You’d make it work. 
You gave an experimental lick to the tip, your tongue moving lightly across it. 
His hand came down to grab your jaw as you pulled off of him, squishing your cheeks as he angled your face up toward him. 
“You’re too sweet, little one. It’s going to get you in trouble one of these days.”
“Wanna be sweet for you,” you said, leaning into his touch. 
He released your jaw and tilted his head to the side, giving you the reigns. 
You licked up a long stripe up his cock, from the very base. It felt like the most you could manage, your hands encircling him to make up for what you couldn’t do with your mouth. 
His breathing was coming faster, his eyes remaining locked on your form. As your hands pumped up and down his shaft, focusing most of your attention on licking at the head of his cock, you couldn’t help but wonder how much of him coming undone so quickly was because of the actual sensation and how much was from him getting to watch you. 
He seemed entirely entranced. You felt several times as his hands moved to touch you before pulling quietly away, like he could get head from you and yet was nervous to touch, as if that would make it too vulnerable. 
The more grunts and whines you pulled from him, the more determined you became. You pulled back from your persistent licking, taking him in for a moment. 
He might be massive, but you focused on the fact that as real as this felt, it was a dream. Surely in a dream you could do whatever you wanted. You were most certainly going to try.
You managed to fit your lips around the head, your mouth stretched wide. You swirled your tongue around the tip as your hands worked his shaft, determined to draw even more noises from him. 
You looked up with wide eyes, waiting to make sure you were doing okay. You could feel them watering as you worked him over but you pushed past it as those watery eyes met his, pitch black and full of nothing but lust and adoration. 
A massive hand found its way into your hair, not pushing but caressing as you tried to take as much of him as you could. 
The hand tightened in your hair and he grunted out, “I’m going to…”
That was the only warning you got before he started to come. 
You tried to swallow it all but couldn’t manage it.  It just kept coming, it was too much. You popped off the head with a little cough, the rest getting all over your clothes and making you once again glad that this was a dream. 
This would have been a nightmare to explain to Eden. You might’ve just had to burn your clothes and hope for the best. 
Lucien lets out a gentle chuckle, thumb wiping some of his cum off of your face. “A little over-ambitious but I appreciate the enthusiasm.”
You snorted out a laugh and as he looked down at you fondly, you thought you could happily stay here forever.
And then something other than the contentedness and fondness crossed his face, wrinkling his brow.
His expression soured and before you could so much as ask a question, he simply said, “Wake up” and the world around you fell away. 
You woke up frustrated and confused, not understanding why he sent you away. You wanted more and you wanted to stay and more than anything you wanted an explanation. You summoned him almost reflexively, the process second nature to you now.  
Before any of your confusion or frustration could come out, he blurted out, “Let me take you somewhere.”
A wounded little sound escaped you as the moment soured and his obsession with whisking you away appeared once more. “Not a chance.”
“But if you could go somewhere…”
“Can we not do this? Please? I can’t.”
“Shouldn’t. Whatever word you want me to use.”
“Why, because she says you shouldn’t? I say you should.”
“I say I shouldn’t. Isn’t that enough for you?”
The fight normally petered out right about there, both of you frustrated and exhausted with the uphill battle of trying to get the other to understand. 
Not today. Something had changed between the two of you and the desire to linger in it, to bathe in the affection, dissipated as he grabbed your arm and the room around you gave way to the stone walls of an alley. 
The narrow, stone corridor was devoid of people but you could hear the buzz of a crowd not far off, probably not more than a few paces away. It was hard to tell exactly as the noise bounced off the walls, echoing in your ears. 
Despite your anger, you found yourself edging closer to Lucien. Anything familiar was welcome in this alien place you’d been thrust into. 
Your breathing got shallower and you pleaded with him. “Take me back.”
“I will if you want me to. Just not yet. Please not yet. You need to leave, you need to not be there.”
You looked up at him with teary eyes, the trust you’d been basking in being shattered in a moment. “Why are you doing this? I know it’s not for me because I don’t want it.”
“She’s made you afraid. You’ve been tricked and trapped and you need to leave. I need you to leave. You just need a push, that’s it. Just need to be away from her.”
“Listen, just because you don’t like her…”
“No, this is not spite talking, you need to listen to me, you need to figure it out.”
You reeled back. “What?” Surely if he knew something that could change this endless fight, he would have told you. What could there possibly be that you needed to figure out all on your own? 
“You just, you need to ask…” his words were cut off with a yell as he doubled over on himself, runes burning into his skin as he spoke. They shone bright red and it almost looked like he was being branded. 
The anger faded immediately into concern as you rushed to his side. 
“What’s happening, I don’t understand?”
“You can’t say anything,” he insisted, a frantic look in his eyes.
“But you said…”
“I know what I said, you can’t ask anything.”
More than anything, that scared you. The constant pleading for you to break free and push back against Eden and now he was doing everything but that, retracing his steps after unmistakable witch marks were burned into him. 
She’d done this. That much was clear. 
You couldn’t keep doing this. You needed to know, needed to understand. 
“Take me back.”
You put everything you had into your voice as you said, “Lucien, take me back.”
The use of his name in his already weakened state with the ruins still charred into his skin was enough, he didn’t have it in him to fight back and you were whisked into the depths of the woods. You returned home. 
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getlostsquidward · 14 days
a shot in the darkest dark
pairing: emily prentiss x reader; emily prentiss x andrew mendoza
a/n: pls excuse the rusty writing. it's been almost 2 years since I've written something andddd this is my first time writing for emily teehee :D
warnings: angst, hurt/(a bit of) comfort, canon-typical violence (plot is set between events of 14x15 to 15x2 with some plot changes for self-indulgent purposes), gun violence, gunshot wounds, blood and injury
summary: to save the lives at stake in the hands of an unsub, you dared yourself to reveal your deepest, darkest truth.
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Everyone is tensed as the unsub, Casey Pinkner, is forcing Melissa to kill the store manager, eager to prove that she’s just as capable of hurting other people as anybody is. Casey hands Melissa the gun, reminding her that her daughter will be dead if she doesn’t follow.
JJ intervenes. “Come on. She’s got nothing to do with this, okay? Just let her go. She’s not a part of this. You have no reason to hurt her. Just let her go.”
Casey smirks, a new idea seemingly brews in his head. He grabs the gun from Melissa, walks over to JJ, and grabs her hair. “I wasn’t talking to you.”
You and Spencer stay still and silent as you let things unfurl, that is until the unsub pushes the poor store manager away and shoots her.
“Do not move!”
Casey then hands the gun to Melissa again, which she accepts easily this time. “New deal. Now you need to kill one of these three.”
She’s shaking but aims the gun in your direction still.  “Who’s it gonna be?”
Melissa looks the three of you in the eye and pleads, “Please, I don’t want to do this.” 
Looking at your peripheral vision, you know that JJ and Spence have something up their sleeve to avoid having Melissa shoot one of you. Spencer never wavers with his eye contact with Melissa, while JJ looks ahead with a determined look on her face.
“Judge, you’ve got to decide. That’s what you do, right? Decide life or death with a flick of your gavel.”
The judge trembles while aiming the gun at each of you until the shrill ring of the telephone makes all of you jump. Finally, they’ve opened a line of communication with Casey, and you were just hoping that he at least take the call even though you know that he has what he wants and most likely won’t negotiate. 
He lets it ring, contemplating if he should pick it up. Reid encourages him. “Answer it, Casey.”
Casey tells Reid to shut up, further confirming your feeling that he won’t talk to somebody from the outside. He turns to Melissa. “Pull the trigger.”
By this time, Melissa’s gun is aimed at the ground, and you’re currently steeling yourself to what might happen next — until Casey does the unexpected. 
He lets the phone off the receiver but doesn’t pick it up to speak with your team outside. He just…let it in the open, letting everyone hear what’s happening inside.
He turns his focus back on Melissa. “Pull the trigger.”
You share a look with JJ and Reid, and before any of them can speak up. You kneeled from your position. “Casey. If Melissa won’t play, I will.”
JJ and Spence looked at you as you tried to settle with the unsub, the blonde shaking her head. You knew JJ was planning to do it as well but you beat her to it.
“Truth or dare. That’s your game, right?” You asked, standing slowly. Casey hesitates but aims his gun at you nonetheless. “I’ll play.”
On the other hand, your team outside has finally accessed the security feed, all the while listening to you. The good thing was even though the camera wasn’t capable of audio, the unsub let them listen through the phone.
“All right, looks like Reid, Y/L/N, and JJ are tied up, and it’s the shop manager that was shot. Right? Look. She’s still moving.”
Simmons studies the feed, and points at the door caught by the camera. By now they’re delegating the police with their positions and Tara asks Garcia to route the video and sound feed to the local police department where Emily is.
“Melissa, the weapon, now!”
“Casey, I know what it’s like, to be wrongly accused, sent to prison for a crime you didn’t commit,” Reid says, trying to empathize with the unsub.
As expected, Casey didn’t buy it even if it was the truth. He then turned his attention to you. “Okay, agent…” 
“Agent Y/L/N. Truth or dare.”
Without hesitation, you responded. “Truth.”
“If I think you’re lying or stretching the truth in the slightest, I’ll kill these two.”
When you nodded, Casey continued. “You ever shoot anybody before?”
“Yes, I have.”
“You enjoy it?”
“No, no, no. I’m not lying. I had no choice when I shot those people. But I did not enjoy it. I didn’t.” He seems to accept your answer somehow, and when doesn’t follow up, you do. “Okay, you asked, and I told the truth, okay? It’s the truth. So now it’s my turn, right? That’s how this game is played. We take turns. Truth or dare.”
“What’s it gonna take for all of us to walk out of here alive, for this to end peacefully?” You know it’s a long shot, but it never hurt to try when yours and four other lives are at stake. Casey shatters your hope with his response.
“I ain’t going back to prison. My turn. Truth or dare?”
You still picked truth, knowing that if you chose the other option, he most likely would dare you to kill JJ or Spencer or one of the civilian hostages—or yourself.
“I want you to say something you’re afraid to say, that you’d never tell anybody. And you better make it good, because if it’s not, it’s gonna be the last thing you ever say.”
You nod in understanding, wracking your brain for anything that you can use to say. You gasped as he shot Melissa, cutting you off as he viewed what you said as boring. “Next!”
Your chest is heaving as you think carefully about what to say next, nerves getting the best of you. Knowing very well that time is of the essence, your throat then decides to close up as if it’s physically hurting you to say the words that will come out of your mouth. Casey was having none of it as he dragged you back on your knees. “Last chance. Something you would never say aloud, not even to your partners here. Your deepest, darkest secret. Impress me, or I kill them both.”
You’re so close to hyperventilating as you look at your two teammates with tears in your eyes, and before you pass out and drop the chance to save everyone, you rush the words without thinking anymore.
“Um...I'm seeing someone, a lovely woman, but I'm... still hung up on Emily. My boss,” you chuckled sadly. Looking up as the unsub reaches out for the phone, assuming that he wanted to let your team outside hear what you have to say, you continued. “She and I uh, we kind of had a...I'm not even sure what to call it. We had a thing before she left for London. Of course, we still had communication, but we never got to talk about that. Talk about us, and now the rest is history.”
Back at the station, Emily gulped when her name was mentioned, feeling Luke’s curious eyes on her as he got ready to go to rescue Melissa’s daughter. Her jaw clenched as she kept her features schooled, she could not let her emotions take over her right now. There's a nothing-to-lose unsub with two civilian and three federal agents hostage in closed quarters. An erratic unsub whose gun is pointed at your head, for god's sake. She can deal with that later.
“I thought I'd get over it, you know. But what's that saying? Distance makes the heart grow fonder. That's when I realized that I...” you trailed off, shaking your head. The unsub is having none of it when he reminds you of the gun on your head. “When she came back to the BAU I was prepared to take this feeling down to the grave.”
“Go on, say it. Don't hold back.”
Your eyes darted to the ceiling, searching for any CCTV that could capture your face. There was none, you figured it was placed somewhere out of your line of sight. Relieved that none of the team could see your face, you took a big breath as you finally revealed your deepest secret to everyone. To her.
“I'm in love with you, Emily Prentiss. I always have, and I always will. I was fine without you knowing this, but god I think about what could've been, every waking moment of my life.”
It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your chest as you finally confronted your feelings. You know that you've been in love with Emily for a long time now but you didn't have it in you to put it in words. Confronting your feelings for her made you scared, so much so that you waited for Emily to say something first until case after case passed…until she eventually left to work in Interpol, words left unsaid. Years have passed and you didn't hear a peep about it from the woman, which left you hanging on to your feelings for the BAU Unit Chief. You knew that you should’ve moved on a long time ago, but you just…couldn’t.
“Hot damn,” Casey chuckles. “That’s what I’m talking about. Now those are some last words right there, but not good enough to save your life.”
The relief in saying it out loud almost made you overlook the unsub’s finger onto the trigger until Spencer shot him in the gut. You and JJ turned to him, noticing the gun holster in his ankle. As if on cue, the police then bursts out the door. You let JJ them about the wounded, allowing yourself to ruminate on what just happened.
Once outside, you let the cool night’s air hit your face, hoping that no one talks to you about what happened tonight—though knowing that you’ll have to deal with this confession sooner or later once you return home.
Perhaps it can wait until after Dave and Krystall’s wedding.
The world seems to have given you its grace as Emily didn’t bring Mendoza with her…but you know full well that grace can be and will be recalled anytime as your plus one chat with Penelope, Spencer, and Tara at the bar. 
While Penelope keeps them busy, you give in on doing what you deprived yourself of the past couple of hours—indulging at the sight of Emily, how her off-shoulder dress allows you to drink in the skin of her neck and shoulders, and how you used to—
Nope. Don’t.
Before you can’t help but go down the rabbit hole that is Emily Prentiss, you turn your attention back to the bar. “Pen, can I have double of your fancy drinks?”
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Sophie asks, her hand on your back. 
“Hmm? Nothing, just wanted to feel the bite of ‘The Rossi’,” you smile, and before she can comment on it, you let the drink burn through your throat until there’s nothing left on the glass. 
Emily goes to put her gift on the side, standing next to JJ as she subtly looks around the room to search for you. She spots you at the bar, shaking your head as you set your glass down. Emily makes a mental note to ask for one of those later, knowing that she needs to have liquid courage if she has to watch you with your date all night. She’ll need all the help she can get to talk to you.
She’s yet to speak her side about your confession, deliberately separating yourself from her as you got into the other SUV on the way to the airport that night. As she expected, you’d also kept your distance from her on the jet.
The ceremony was short and simple, but the love between the wedding couple made it so much special. You can’t keep the smile off your face as you watch your friend and father figure to get his second chance with the love of his life.
“Their marriage was in the stars…”
You find yourself mustering all of your resolve to not look at Emily as she gives her toast, so you let her voice lull you back to that rabbit hole again. With your feelings for her out in the open, it was hard not to fall back to the routine where you’ll think back to the nights of passion and words of ardor whispered to each other’s ears only, and soft smiles are exchanged. Moments which you hold very dear to your heart.
“...Twin flames, two souls that are always meant to be together.”
You keep your tears at bay on how beautiful Emily’s toast speech is, and how you can’t help but think that maybe…you wish that there’s a part of her that thinks of you while she utters those words. You wish those words were meant for you, too, because right now, she’s all you can think of. 
“Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes a parallel universe or something, but the thing about twin flames is that nothing can keep them apart…”
A sad smile appears on your face. Maybe, in a parallel universe, Emily Prentiss is in love with you too.
“To David and Krystall.”
The crowd’s cheer rouses you out of your deep thoughts, raising your glass to make a toast. You had the full intention of avoiding Emily physically tonight, but alas, the world has had enough of you running away as you find Emily’s dark eyes on you—like you’re the only person in the room.
Emily felt like her heart restarted again when you finally returned her gaze—and kept it. It made her burn inside. So when she spotted you walking to the bar alone, she kept that fire blazing and started up a conversation.
Emily knew you’d already seen her coming and was glad you didn’t try to escape. “Hey, you,” you replied, a ghost of a smile appearing on your lips. It was fast, but Emily caught it still. She’s thinking carefully about what to say next when you speak again.
“Look, what I said back there, I needed to say something that would get his attention, and I needed to get to say something that would get everyone’s attention, you know, so I uh- I just needed to throw him off balance,” there was a slight waver in your voice which you played off with a nervous chuckle.
Emily knows that…but she needed to confirm something that’s been at the forefront of her mind lately. She needs to hear it, to see it. “Y/N… Truth or dare.”
Her eyes, at this close distance and with the lighting, offer its lucky spectator with the gold specks within her brown eyes. Before you could get yourself lost in it again, you answered. “Truth.”
“Did you mean it?”
You tried your best to convey it with your eyes, though you know she needs to hear it too—but then someone bursts the bubble you and Emily are in, effectively cutting off your trance. “Guys, they’re about to cut the cake," Sophie says, before kissing your cheek and interlacing her fingers with yours. She then turns to Emily. “Can I steal her for a second?” 
Emily nods, letting her whisk you away. Although baby steps were made today, she’s afraid that she might have to live with never hearing your answer.
The wedding allowed everyone to take a short reprieve from the horrors of your job, but the Everett Lynch case has been giving everyone a migraine (Rossi in particular) that sometimes you just want to bash your head in your desk in frustration. You feel for the man and his commitment to catching Lynch, which is why you’re now flooring the pedal on the way to the US Attorney’s Office to make sure Everett doesn’t break his daughter Grace out.
You can’t wait for backup any longer so you, JJ, and Reid split off to cover the underground garages where you can cut Lynch and Grace off. Reid and JJ ran off to the parking in Piedmont and 10th, while you now entered the parking in Trade Plaza as you spotted the father and daughter were about to get into a van. 
“Everett Lynch! FBI! Stop! Drop your weapon and place your hands on your head. Now!”
Lynch slowly puts his gun on the ground and kicks it over, so you order to do the same with her backpack. 
You've been in the same positions enough to know not to take your eyes off the suspects, even for a split second, but you guessed you’re not always lucky as you didn’t anticipate Grace shooting you down. 
It wasn’t in her profile. Like father, like daughter, you mused.
And well, your luck must have run out already, because in all places to have been shot, it’s in a place that’s not covered by your vest. You’re lying on the pool of your blood as the tires of their getaway car squeal out of the parking lot. You try to reach out for your gun in an attempt to shoot it down, but your vision is already blurring at the sides. 
You could faintly hear Spencer’s voice on your earpiece, but you can’t find the strength to answer it as you’re holding on to what remaining energy you have from succumbing to the darkness.
Eventually, you did, and the last thing you know is unfamiliar faces hovering over you, and the harsh lights of the hospital. 
Your heart stopped.
Emily’s might as well do, too. 
“If I’d believe you, maybe-”
“No. There’s only one person to blame for this. Everett Lynch. He’s the one who shot Y/N, and he’s the one that we’ll move heaven and earth to bring to justice.”
Rossi reminded Emily that none of this is her fault, but she can’t help her mind going haywire over the thought of you getting hurt. She lets a few tears escape her eyes, before taking a deep breath and joining the others at the round table.
“Y/N’s gotta be okay, right? But what if she’s not okay? What if she’s—”
“Y/N’s strong, and she’s in good hands.”
Emily placed her hands at the back of the chair to keep her grounded, but her trembling hands hadn’t gone unnoticed by the rest of the team. “Spence is staying at the hospital. He’s gonna keep us updated. In the meantime, the best thing we can do for Y/N-” her voice falters at your name, but she also has to keep her head in the game as the unit chief. “-Is to find Everett and Grace before they go deep underground.” 
She reads Spencer’s update to the team that you’re now in surgery, and then her heart stutters over the next text she gets.
It’s going to be a while. She’s gonna want to see you too when she wakes up, Emily.
The sun has long been set when Emily couldn’t hold herself back anymore and asks Rossi to take charge in the meantime. The unit chief arrives just in time as the doctor tells Reid that you're out of surgery. “Is she gonna be okay?” She asked with bated breath.
“She’s lost a lot of blood, but she’s currently stable.”
“Can we see her right now?”
The doctor nods and leads the two to your room. Emily lets out the breath that she's been holding as soon as she hears the steady beeping of the monitor. She couldn't help herself as she approached your still sleeping figure, her hand cupping your face, thumb softly caressing the apple of your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were missing sooner,” Spencer whispered.
“You haven't talked with her yet.” He continued, but it’s no longer directed at you.
It's not a question, everybody knows the tension that's been up with the two of you ever since the confession. No one attempted to bring it up—not when the two of you are present, anyway.
You, nor Emily didn’t bring it up anymore after the wedding, either, as both of you didn’t know how to talk about it. Now you’re back to walking on eggshells around each other.
How do you even go back to how you were before?
Emily retracted her hand. “Unless it's about a case, no.”
“Have you ever talked to anyone about it?”
Sad would be an understatement for Emily. She's been oceans apart from the team, from you, when she was in London but right now, you've never felt so far. Emily desperately wanted to reach out to you, but she didn't know what to say. There's also the fact that you're keeping her at arm's length, and that drives the two of you even further away from one another.
“You should, right now. The doctor said it’s unlikely that she can hear us, but it’ll be good for you to let it out.” Spencer pats her shoulder as an offer of consolation. “I’ll be right out.”
Unlike before, Emily didn’t bother to collect her thoughts anymore, letting her heart speak instead. “I know things between the two of us have been kind of weird lately…ever since you said you’re in love with me.”
It has been playing in her head since that moment…then there was one night when she’d hit rock bottom, and asked Penelope to get the audio file of your confession sent to her phone. It was the closest thing to ‘bringing it up’ with anyone from the team, but even then when Garcia asked Emily about it when her head was clearer, she shrugged the technical analyst off.
“I heard it, and it’s yet to leave my head, but the truth is I don’t know what to do with that. I mean I know why you said it, but what I’m itching to know is…if you meant it. But now, all of a sudden none of that matters. What matters is that you wake up. Come back to me, so I get to have more time with you.”
Emily sits at the edge of your bed and takes your hand in hers. The feeling of your soft and gentle touches against her skin now felt like a fever dream, something that she was not sure if it had happened with how long ago it was. “I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Y/N. Please don’t leave me.”
She lets out a breath that she’s been holding, taking in the features of your face. How your lashes kiss your skin, the way your brow furrows together as you read case reports, or how your nose scrunches up when you smile.
Emily dreams of you that night.
She only hums in response.
“Emily Prentiss,” you tried again, but she only groaned. “Em.” This time, you take your free hand to her head, because she’s taken your other hand hostage.
Finally, she stirs awake at your touch. “Did you sleep here all night?”
You chuckled at her groggy features. She’s adorable. “How are you more out of it than I am?”
Emily only laughs softly in return, letting go of your hand as she sputters apologies.
“I’m glad you’re here, Em.”
“You’re my best friend. Where else would I be?”
…Right. I’m your best friend.
When you didn’t answer, Emily stood up. “I should go and let you get some rest.” 
“No. No, not yet,” you racking your brain on what to say next, to prevent Emily from leaving. “I…I’ve missed you.” You’ll just blame it later on the drugs they put you in.
“Me too.”
“It’s my fault that things have been weird between the two of us.” Emily tensed up at that, so you went on. “Yeah, I heard you…Um, we do need to talk about what I said.”
“No, we don’t-”
You grasped Emily’s hand in yours to stop her. She lets you continue. “I needed to say something real, and that’s what came out, and I’m so sorry. I didn’t—I never meant to do that to you…or her, to Sophie. I was prepared to take that secret to the grave, but now it’s out. And I can’t…lie to you and say I didn’t mean it. Because I do. I’m deeply in love with you. I know that’s not fair, springing this onto you when I know you love Andrew, and I want you to be happy…and I just want us to be okay.”
“We are,” Emily smiles, genuinely for the first time in days, also while keeping her tears at bay. She squeezes your hand in assurance.
You’re the first one to let go of her touch, already missing her hand that you think perfectly fits with yours.
Baby steps. 
But this time, maybe, you can let Emily go the same way you’ve always loved her. Silently.
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