#Have you ever wanted to buy something online but didn't have the means? Have you ever had to book a flight but couldn't afford it? Well
aeternusfoundation · 1 year
Shop Anything Anywhere with ATRNO Crypto Tokens
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#Have you ever wanted to buy something online but didn't have the means? Have you ever had to book a flight but couldn't afford it? Well#there's good news: ATRNO Crypto Tokens can help unlock your potential to shop anywhere!#ATRNO Crypto Tokens are the future of online shopping and travel. With a single universal digital currency#you can purchase whatever you need without worrying about fluctuating exchange rates or additional fees. And best of all#it's easy to get started and begin making money with ATRNO Crypto Tokens.#It doesn't matter what type of traveler or shopper you are; ATRNO Crypto Tokens make it simple for anyone to access a wide variety of goods#we'll discuss how ATRNO Crypto Tokens work and how they can help you easily earn money while also saving time and money when booking flight#What Are Crypto Tokens?#Have you ever heard of crypto tokens? If you’re looking to use your money to buy and shop anything#anywhere#then you should definitely look into crypto tokens. These are digital coins that are based on blockchain technology#meaning they can be used just like any other kind of currency. With ATRNO Token - the world’s most secure and trusted digital currency - yo#services#and more online with complete confidence.#But what’s so special about crypto tokens? Well#for starters#they are incredibly safe and secure. Because your data is stored in a decentralized ledger on the blockchain rather than in a traditional b#it’s nearly impossible for anyone to manipulate or compromise it. That means your funds are safe no matter what!#In addition to their security features#ATRNO Tokens can also provide some incredible benefits when it comes to booking flights. It’s incredibly easy to find cheap flight tickets#you can also make some extra money by trading these digital coins on marketplaces. So make sure you check out ATRNO Token – the only multi-#The Different Ways to Use ATRNO Crypto Tokens for Shopping#With ATRNO Crypto Tokens#you can shop anything and anywhere. Whether you're staying in or going out#or even just enjoying a staycation – there are so many different ways to use your Crypto Tokens for shopping.#Shopping for Goods: The obvious use for ATRNO Tokens is shopping for goods. You can easily find retailers that accept Crypto Tokens as paym#retailers don’t have to worry about converting currencies at checkout#as they’ll always receive the correct amount in the correct currency.#Shopping for Services: In addition to buying goods#you can also use ATRNO Tokens to pay for services such as airline tickets and hotel stays. Booking your flight tickets with Crypto Tokens i
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txttletale · 5 months
roadhogsbigbelly is doubling down. genuinely incredible (yes i am aware how deeply funny it is to start a serious post with that sentence. it is my one allotment of levity)
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oh okay you just assumed that "loliporn" was involved and something that i deserved to be associated with defending and accused of making "integral to the queer identity" because of stuff that the OP (who i cannot stress enough i never followed or talked to or knew in any fucking way!) did that got called out months after i made my addition?
the rest of his post is just a very lengthy way of saying "umm if you didn't want to be called a pedophile because you were mean about stardew valley maybe you should be more careful about how you reblog from". yeah buddy im sure you apply that standard to yourself too huh. im sure you pull out your Bad Person detector every time you reblog a fucking post and beam OP with it. you literally screenshot my post about how as a trans women i get this standard uniquely applied to me and went "um its a good standard though. answer for the actions of every fucking person youve ever reblogged a post by".
and all this whole fucking schtick where he's like "ummmm im not calling you a pedophile :) i just assumed you thought 'loliporn was integral to the queer identity' based on source: i made it up and am going out of my way to repeatedly say you're agreeing with pedophiles and not being wary enough about pedophiles and that 99% of people who make the type of post im accusing you of making are pedophiles" is so fucking pathetic and if you fall for it you are a blatant transmisogynist like come the fuck on man.
i am no longer having a nice time on the computer, i am pretty fucking angry. and all this because he "doesnt have much skin in the game" but he doesn't like my stardew valley takes! yeah man real proportionate response.
not to mention the aside he makes to say 'wah wah someone told me to kill myself' amiguito do you have any fucking idea what my inbox has looked like since this entire transmisogynistic harassment campaign began a week ago? i delete those asks because i'm not into flaunting every piece of online abuse i get to make myself look like the victim in computer arguments but it has been constant and graphic! breaking news, women are people too, some of the most cutting-edge research suggests they might even have feelings!
"oh i censored her identity i dont know how she even found it" oh okay so you were anonymously pedojacketing me to your thousands of followers while vaguing about a post i made that had thousands of notes and using the same screenshot that an uncensored version of was passed around with thousands of notes as part of a transmisogynistic harassment campaign last fucking week?
how could anyone possibly have guessed it was me! it's a real mystery man it was basically witness protection. "oh but i didn't know, i didn't know she was trans", maybe he'll also say he didn't know about the harassment campaign, hey fucker, maybe apply some of the constant scrutiny you're reserving for women who are mean about farming game and apply it to yourself and consider looking into these things before baselessly making pedo accusations against someone!
this transmisogynistic crybully shit is absolutely fucking insufferable and i am absolutely sick of it and anyone who buys into it. i'm done assuming good faith or ignorance. i am not going to be a good placid little bullying target and acquiesce to this vile shit. it's truly fucking incredible that a tme guy can be found out as an actual pedophile and guys like mr. belly can immediately jump into action to use this as an opportunity to denounce a trans woman who had one interaction with him ever that consisted of five minutes spent typing an addition to a post and hitting ''reblog''. & if you don't find that sickening then straight up you are not safe for trans women to be around.
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Going Green
Charles looked around the board members.
"Micro. Transactions. Have you ever heard of that? Anyone?"
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Slowly, heads nodded.
"Oh, good! So, you *have* heard of them. Does anyone care to explain to me then why our games barely have any? In fact, I have yet to see *any* microtransaction revenue from our latest release."
"But Sir, 'Orcs and Morcs' is a single player game - and not for a mobile platform, too. It doesn't even have an online connection. It would be highly unusual."
Charles M. Anderson cut the engineer up with a gesture. He didn't even know the other man's name, which wasn't too unusual. Even though he was the CEO of GreenGames for six months now, he didn't bother to learn his subordinates names until they proved useful. And this unnamed engineer could be happy if he still had a job after this meeting.
"I don't care about your techno-babble. Microtransactions is where the money is, so I want them in our products. *All* our products. And make sure to make them mandatory for any progress, too."
Charles usually talked about "Releases" and "Products". To him, video games were just a product like any other. Of course *he* didn't play any of those silly games, games were for children and losers. He only cared for the numbers, the graphs and revenues.
"What about the backlash? I mean, I understand that you want to generate more revenue, but GreenGames is known for providing high quality games that *don't* try to rip their customers off."
"So, this could be bad publicity for us. Really bad."
Charles looked around the table and noticed most of the other board members nodding.
"Listen up, everyone. I think there is some misunderstanding here. You think that I care about our customers. I really don't, as long as they continue to buy our products. There is no such thing as bad publicity. So, I don't tell you how to draw your silly ogres and you don't try to meddle in the business aspect of the company, okay?"
Even though the inflection suggested a question, it was perfectly clear that it was neither a question nor a request. Again, heads nodded and tried to avoid eye contact. Good. Respect was very important for a leader.
One woman spoke up. Charles suspected her to be some lead writer or something.
"It's orcs, Sir."
Charles blinked. "What are you trying to say?"
"You said ogres, but our games are about orcs. That is our thing, we make games about orcs."
"There is no difference between orcs, ogres, unicorns and all that whimsy stuff. Leave me alone with your fantasy crap."
"But there is another thing. You are responsible for the story of our products?"
The woman agreed with a careful: "Yes, Sir?"
Charles looked her straight in the eye. "It has come to my attention that there are certain woke elements in our products. As a story writer, I expect you to take care of that."
"What... do you mean by woke? And by taking care of that?"
Charles sighed. Why was everyone so incompetent?
"Apparently, there is same-sex smut in our products, some even have pronouns. That crap needs to disappear asap. It is 'go woke go broke', after all."
The writer woman looked at Charles incredulously. "But Sir! Same-Sex romances are a well-accepted part of the industry for *decades* now. And it's not like the player has to engage in that, too. It's just an option - an option we actually received much praise for in the past. And about the pronouns... It's just a setting that influences some dialogues on how the player character is referred to. Again, it is perfectly possible to play as a straight green cis male if that's what you want to do."
Charles shook his head, his voice now dangerously low. "One more word of that, miss, and you can start looking for a new job. 84% of our customer base is male, and male customers want to see boobs, that's a fact. I won't tolerate wasting company resources on pacifying some noisy minority and alienating our main audience."
"But sir!" the writer woman objected.
Charles' look silenced her.
"One more word and you're out. We'll find another writer. Someone who does the job and keeps their mouth shut. This meeting is over. I expect results end of next week."
Nobody dared to speak up when everybody left the meeting room, and Charles returned to his office. What a productive meeting.
Just as he turned to his computer to check today's KPIs, he noticed a new email.
From: Employee Council
To: Charles M. Anderson
Subject: Going Green
Dear Mr. Anderson,
we here at GreenGames would like to take the opportunity to point out some concerns about your leadership role.
We have noticed a disturbing development since your takeover and would like to remind you of the values we stand for at GreenGames. We like creating games, and we identify with the work we do. Our players are important to us, and we strife to be open and accessible for everyone. Just like the protagonists in our games, we have honor and use our strengths to better the world. You in particular should be the living embodiment of this ideal. Please take this chance to re-think your methods and decisions and "go green" for real.
The Employee Council.
Charles was outraged. How dared those subordinates criticizing him? He reached for his phone, ready to phone his secretary to find out who this "Employee Council" was but was interrupted by a ripping sound.
The right arm of his expensive suit jacket had ripped at the shoulder, which was unusual. He would have to have a stern talk with the tailor. Charles stood up and took off his jacket - or at least, he tried to. It was like the piece of clothing was way too small all of a sudden. He finally managed to get out of it, but only with several more rips in the fabric. Charles loosened his tie. He was sweating like mad, and when he looked down on himself, he was in utter disarray. His shirt looked like it was several numbers too small and as he was watching, one button after the other flew off with an audible "pling", exposing his torso underneath.
But was it really his torso? Not only was it *bigger*, it also looked way *hairier*. Charles had never been a man with much body hair, but now, he looked down on a stomach that was showing visible abs covered with a dense treasure trail of dark hairs. They continued upwards where they met with a true forest of curly dark hair that covered the slabs of pecs that were still growing as Charles watched.
He had to loosen his tie again before taking it off entirely. All of his clothes felt constricting, so, he peeled himself out of his shirt, too. His expensive watch was interrupting his growth painfully, but Charles was too occupied to notice, let alone care. With a dull cracking noise, the leather strap broke, and the watch flew across the room, hitting the opposite wall.
As Charles continued to grow, the chair underneath him creaked, but, again, he had other things to worry about. His lower body was still covered by his dress pants and shoes, but that was getting tight, too. His shoes especially were getting painful, and it was a relief when the front broke, exposing large muscular feet and toes. His pants were filled to the brim with heavy, muscled legs now, but there was another region where the capacity had been reached. His groin formed an obscene bulge. That alone would have probably fit - barely - but it was accompanied by an unusual feeling. Charles didn't *mind* his extreme change. In fact, the hyper masculine body turned him on, even. He watched as a dick print became clearly visible outlined against his groin, as his cock grew hard. It pulsed, once, and Charles felt a spurt of precum soak into his boxer shorts. A wet patch became apparent as the liquid seeped through his pants - all from a single spurt. His dick pulsed again, and Charles' head began to swim. The air in the room was thick with sweat and testosterone by now, and Charles groaned from arousal. Man, what would he give for a nice firm manly ass right now, giving him a lap dance.
Wait, what? Manly ass?
But it was true! Every time, Charles tried to think about sexy girls, but all that came to mind were men. Burly, hairy men, twinkish shaved men, green-skinned ogre-man. No, not ogres, he corrected himself. Orcs.
As he thought this word, his dick pulsed again and made Charles almost cry out from arousal. He couldn't restrain himself anymore. He *ripped* apart his dress pants and lowered his boxer shorts that looked like a pair of briefs on his massive body now, releasing a gigantic stiff rod and a matching set of heavy balls - along with a whole cloud of manly, musky smell that made Charles even hornier than before.
He closed his gigantic hand around his shaft and moved it up and down, in a slow, barely constrained motion. He had almost come by that one stroke, so horny was his mind. Fascinatedly, he watched as his cock and balls took on a deep, green color. It looked almost like a cucumber, or the penis of the incredible hulk. Or... an orc. As he moved his strong hand up and down again, the green started to spread in all directions.
Yes! There was no doubt: He was becoming a big, strong, sexy orc! Charles let all restraints fall away and started pumping in earnest now. With each stroke, the green spread, until his entire torso was of a rich green color. His head felt a pressure as his facial structure reformed, and his ears grew long and pointy. His hair lost darkened and grew out into a wild mohawk-like hairstyle. At the same time, a black beard sprouted around his entire jaw, underlining his masculinity.
Meanwhile, the green had swept across his arms and legs, quickly eliminating any leftover pink spots. The green color looked incredibly hot under the coat of dense, manly hair, and Charles felt himself getting closer. He grunted with each stroke like an animal and where his muscular green body touched the furniture or his executive chair, it left a film of manly sweat. Finally, he felt a short bit of pain on his ears and nipples, as small metal piercings appeared there: Short studs in his ears and small rings in his nipples.
That sent him over the edge. With a final bellow, he came, mightily. His large green balls contracted and his massive cock spew cum everywhere: All over his stomach, his chest, his furniture, even his face!
Charr panted in the afterglow of his orgasm. He was the epitome of virility and although he had just cummed all over his office, his mind kept creeping back to sexy guys again. He would be able to go again, soon - but that had to wait a bit. He used the remains of his suit to clean up a bit (although it was still clearly visible and smellable what happened here), stuffed his mighty tool into the cum-stained underwear and reached for the phone.
"Please send the board to my office, I want to issue an honorable apology, and announce our new strategy." He rumbled with his new, low voice. After a moment of consideration, he added: "And please send someone to install our games on my PC."
He rubbed his hands. This would usher in a whole new era for GreenGames - with the greenest possible CEO.
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I have the feeling that a lot of companies could benefit greatly from a bit of a greener leadership!
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dira333 · 12 days
To come home - Kageyama x Reader
for @writingsofanomnivore - Haikyuu Taglist: @lees-chaotic-brain
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Coming home is both the best and the worst part of your day.
There's no free seat left and your feet ache from the shoes you thought were cute in the morning. You're tired in a way no coffee can appease but you still have to get through half an hour train ride before you're remotely close to your bed.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket and you pull it out, stress lifting just from the sight of the message.
Because coming home also means coming home to him.
It's not that hard to find him in the crowds, the last drops of evening sun caught in the shadows of his dark hair. His eyes are closed and you'd assume he's falling asleep standing up if you didn't know better.
"Hey," you link your arm with his and lean into him, "I'm here."
Ever since Hinata introduced him to it, Tobio has been trying to meditate. So far with limited success.
"Hey," he presses a kiss to your lips. "Welcome back."
"How was your day?" You ask, hand in his as you cross the street. There's a Konbini not far from your shared apartment and you listen to his recollection of today's training as you fill your basket with fresh produce.
"Blueberries?" You ask, holding up a box. He nods, loading his arms with milk, cheese, and some yogurt. "Buy two," he says, "You'll probably eat one on your own. Anyway, while I was practicing my jump serve, Hoshiumi-"
Arms heavy with groceries you make the short trek down the street and up the stairs to your apartment. It's your turn now to tell him about your day and you're in the middle of explaining something when one box of Blueberries slips from your grasp.
You can see it fall, dread the moment it will hit the ground and catapult its content everywhere but Tobio is a little faster and picks it out of the air like he's receiving in a match.
"That was close," you gasp but he snorts, clearly insulted by your lack of faith. "I'm sorry," you lean in to kiss him again, your hands still occupied, "You're my hero."
Coming home with him is still your favorite thing in the world. You love coming home earlier and getting everything ready, surprising him with his favorite meal ready to eat and seeing his eyes light up on the doorstep. You love coming home to him, hair damp from a shower, his figure drowning in the comfiest clothes he owns, the one and only meal he's perfected making bubbling on the stove.
But coming home with him just hits differently.
How you giggle in the doorway, somehow always in the way of the other person, stumbling over and around each other, pressing kisses to every speck of skin you can reach just to annoy, distract, confuse.
Tobio loves playing Tetris with the Fridge and you don't mind getting started with Dinner, inspiration overflowing after you've spent picking out ingredients at the store. There's the chitchat that flows into each recipe, the jokes he remembers from last week or how you suddenly remember that Yachi invited you over for the weekend and you still need a present to bring along.
Tired feet stretched out under the table when Dinner is finally ready and the satisfied hum at the back of your throat when it's exactly the thing you'd been craving all day.
"What are you doing?" Tobio asks, towel in his hands. He finished doing the dishes while you freshened up a little and grabbed your Tablet on the way back.
"I wanted to do some online shopping."
"What are we in for today?" He slips onto the couch, curls around you like the world's cuddliest snake, chin hooked over your shoulder. "You didn't buy the shoes you picked out last week."
"Yes, because I told myself if I didn't think of them again on my own I'd take them out of the cart. Now you made me think of them."
"Oh," he grins, "So I get to buy them for you?"
"No, I get to buy them for myself."
"But I wanna spoil you," he tries to grab the Tablet from your grasp but you've learned to defend yourself against Tobio's bouts of generosity. It's not that you don't like it when he does it, but he's yet to learn a healthy balance. And sometimes, you don't really wanna buy the stuff you put in your cart, you just want to look at cool things and put them away for later consideration.
"Not those shoes," you beg, "Let me find some other ones."
"Fine," he eventually relents, huffing as if this is a great sacrifice for him. Not that he falls silent, though. He's got an opinion on everything.
"They're too brown. Ugh, not brown enough. What even is that strap? Trying to strangle your ankles or what? No... This dress reminds me of Hinata in our orange jerseys, that's not the connection I wanna make. Oooooh, this one!" He interrupts your scrolling and taps the screen violently, opening another tab.
"The dress, the purse or the jewelry?" You ask, a little confused. It's a nice fit, you suppose, but you're not sure what he's getting at.
"Neither. She's wearing a hat and you need one for the summer. You always get sunburn on your ears."
There's a certain type of coziness that can only be reached when you're ready for bed, curled up in the comfort of clean sheets, waiting for your partner to step out of the bathroom.
You can hear Tobio brush his teeth and just the sound of it, so well-known you could probably pick him out of hundreds of others, lets you relax just a little bit more.
By the time he slips into bed with you, your eyes are already closed and you manage little more than a "Love you T-" before you slip away.
Tobio drops a kiss on your forehead, checks if you're really asleep by snipping his fingers next to your ear, and when he's satisfied with the results, picks your Tablet from your bedside table. The password is the day you two got together so he doesn't need long to find what you had been looking for not long ago.
He might not be the smartest guy in the world, but at least he knows what he's getting you next...
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
C.C Christmas headcanons? -🧶
[Yan Incubus + G.N Reader Christmas HCs]
"Santa? Never heard of her. Only lap that was should be sitting in is mine."
"Presents? Why do you need those when I'm the best gift you'll ever receive?"
•Despite the origins of the holiday and his, C.C is a rather festive devil - mostly cause he loves buying junk to spoil his loved ones with and he looks amazing in red. Adores all the pretty decorations around town and having the opportunity to string some up around his apartment with you. Buys the biggest tree that'll fit through his door and decorates his side of it mostly in handmade ornaments of you two together (Don't ask why most of them are of you asleep)
• Wants to bake cookies/make hot chocolate with you all the time, but don't be surprised if you find him spitting in the batter to add a lil extra excitement holiday cheer to the mix (I always forget his saliva is technically an aphrodisiac, but I didn't here)
• Wakes you up bright and early in his holiday best (one of those Santa dresses that rides his ass). Tries to be all cute by bringing you breakfast in bed he made all by himself.... and by that I mean the chef he hired. He knows what you like to eat if that any consolation.
• High chance you won't get through all the presents he gets for you before new years. If you show even the faintest interest in something at a store/online or express your grievances with something not working properly in your home, best believe this incubus has you covered. Throws some lingerie and other fun items into the pile because he's got to treat himself too sometimes, and there's no better way for him to do that than doll up his favorite toy. Hopefully you'll be nice enough to put on one of your new outfits for him as it's all he truly wants for Christmas...well that and your undying love and devotion.
• Wear the matching lingerie sweaters he ordered for you or he will cry and you'll never hear the end of it.
•Mistletoe strung up everywhere. Door frames, above the bed, taped to his horns if they're visible. You are giving this man his smoothes or there will be hell on earth. I doubt he'd allow guests unless it was family, but if anyone is caught underneath it with you that isn't him is getting booted out the nearest window.
• Might be best to keep an eye on the placement of the gift boxes when he's giving them to you - especially if they're in his lap and he invites you to stick your hand in blind. He does say he's the best present you'll receive.
• After the first round of opening presents, C.C would love nothing more than to cuddle up with you and watch some seasonal movies by the fire place. He may go on and on about all the things he can't wait to do to you with certain presents he ordered, but he'd honestly be out like a fucking light all snuggled up with his human surrounded by your love and the heat from the flame. There's always tomorrow anyway.
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stawbeemilk · 1 month
⤷ his s/o is insecure about their small chest – hq
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✩ characters: kuroo, kenma, hinata, bokuto
✩ warnings: f!reader, suggestive
✩ a/n: finally doing some more small-chested reader content, i'm sorry this took so long!!
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⭑ kuroo
⤷ kuroo is so good at comforting you when you're feeling insecure, he'll hold you in his arms as he places gentle kisses along your neck and collarbones, mumbling compliments and reassurance against your skin as his hands caress the small of your back
⤷ he's definitely someone who likes seeing you in his clothes, but he especially loves when you wear one of his shirts and no bra— as much as he tries not to he always ends up staring, and he never means for you to feel that he's judging you, it's just that he thinks you're so hot and can't take his eyes away <3
⤷ if you're someone who's ever been made fun of because of your chest size, kuroo will tell you that you shouldn't listen to anyone who feels the need to project their own insecure feelings onto others as a way to feel better about themselves
⤷ he reminds you that you're beautiful no matter what and says that you shouldn't let other people’s opinions determine the way you feel about yourself
⤷ if you're still not convinced, then kuroo will happily tell you what he likes about your body, reminding you of all the benefits that come with having a small chest— he always finds himself going into a little too much detail and ultimately flustering you
⤷ he's determined to get you to see yourself the way he sees you, and will tell you how gorgeous you are as many times as it takes until you start to believe him <3
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⭑ kenma
⤷ to be honest it probably didn't take kenma long to pick up on the fact you were insecure about your chest
⤷ he noticed how you always seemed to wear clothing that covered certain parts of your body, the way you had a tendency to slouch instead of sitting up straight, and not to mention the countless times he'd caught you staring at your own reflection for an unusually long time
⤷ while he did manage to piece things together rather quickly, that isn't to say he understands why you feel the way you do about yourself, he thinks you're so pretty!
⤷ he has an endless supply of hoodies for you to wear when you're feeling self-conscious, and he'll make sure to give you one of the softest and warmest ones before quietly asking you if you want to cuddle with him
⤷ speaking of which, kenma loves to rest his head on your chest when the two of you cuddle, and listening to your heartbeat always manages to put him at ease— there have definitely been times where he's fallen asleep in your arms because he just finds it so comfortable <3
⤷ when he knows you've been feeling bad about yourself he'll give you his card and let you do as much online shopping as your heart desires, encouraging you to buy as many new outfits as you want to give yourself a little confidence boost
⤷ kenma might not always be the best with words, but you can tell from his actions alone just how much he cares about you and wants to see you happy <3
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⭑ hinata
⤷ hinata is so confused when he finds out about your insecurity, because he genuinely thinks your body is perfect the way it is and so in his eyes you have literally nothing to be insecure about
⤷ your boyfriend is such a sweetheart, as soon as he realises that you're unhappy with yourself he starts showering you with even more compliments and affection than usual and doing whatever he can to see you smile
⤷ with the way he was teased about his height growing up, he definitely knows what it's like to feel inferior to others because of something you have no control over, and so he can empathise with the frustration you feel and the way you can't help but compare yourself to those around you
⤷ but that doesn't mean he won't do whatever he can to try and change the way you feel about yourself
⤷ while hinata is the literal definition of a ray of sunshine, if he ever overhears anyone making a joke or comment about your chest size you'll see a completely new side to him— his smile will vanish and he'll become incredibly serious and hostile, glaring daggers at the person who dared to speak about you like that
⤷ while he knows he won't be able to magically get rid of your insecurities, regardless of how much he wishes he could, he hopes that if he keeps on telling you just how perfect you are that one day you'll start to love yourself as much as he loves you <3
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⭑ bokuto
⤷ it never even occurred to bokuto that you were self-conscious until you decided to open up to him about it
⤷ your boyfriend literally adores you and thinks he's so lucky that he gets to wake up next to you, and so he never imagined that someone as wonderful as you would ever think so negatively of themselves
⤷ when you did finally open up to him about your insecurity he honestly couldn't believe what he was hearing— he thinks you're so beautiful, how do you not see yourself the way he does?
⤷ bokuto didn't hesitate to engulf you in a big hug, pulling you into his broad chest and telling you that he loves you just the way you are
⤷ he's another one who is big on complimenting you, and he'll probably become a lot more touchy with you as well— but only if you're comfortable with it!
⤷ he also isn't the type to judge if you need a shoulder to cry on, and he will always be there for you if you're having a bad day and just need to be held as you let it all out
⤷ bokuto gets so upset whenever you make self-deprecating jokes or negative comments about your chest size, not only does it hurt to hear anyone talking badly about the literal love of his life, but it also breaks his heart that you don't see yourself as the amazing person he knows you are, and he's determined to convince you otherwise <3
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 3 months
Can you write a Melissa Schemmenti x reader, which Melissa writes like secret like cute notes to us but like we don't know it's from her and it being like all fluff and stuff please also maneater was sooooo good ❤️😭
melissa schemmenti x reader
(not proofread please ignore any errors 😭)
old fashioned lover.
“i just wish some things were still old fashioned, everything’s online now” you comment as you open the break room fridge “like buy me flowers, write me letters, something real” Janine nods along.
little do you know, melissa is taking mental notes of everything you say.
the first note you got, you thought it was from a student.
you walk into your class room, seeing a folded white sheet of paper on your desk. you opened the little note up.
'you are an amazing teacher, when you first came to abbott, I could tell you were going to make this place better than it has ever been'
you slide the paper into your drawer, smiling at the kind words.
the second note made you assume you had a secret admirer. there was a bouquet of beautiful flowers with the note inside.
'your smile lights up any room you walk into. just seeing you makes my day'
you grab the flowers, bringing them up to your nose to smell them. Barbara walks up to the door.
"you got yourself a special someone?" she asks, knowing very well who sent them.
you turn around, smiling. "yes, apparently. but I have no idea who it is, they aren't giving me anything to go off of"
she smirks. "don't worry, time will tell" her words only confusing you more.
the third note gave you a little hint at who it was.
'the night when we all went to the bar after the last school year ended is forever burned into my mind. your hair was perfectly curled, the outfit you wore bringing out your eyes. every time you looked over at me, my heart jumped out of my chest. it's impossible to not fall in love with you.'
you remember that night, you and the entire abbott crew went out for drinks after completing yet another school year. your secret admirer is between Jacob, Ava, Barbara, Melissa, Gregory, and Janine. there is no way its any of them, Jacob is gay, Ava and Janine are straight, Barbara is married, Melissa is messing around with that firefighter, and Gregory is still in love with Janine.
who the hell is it?
the fourth note made you even more confused.
'I've tried to move on from you, I even got into a serious relationship thinking if I tried to ignore my feelings for you, they would go away. I was so wrong. I felt like a shitty person because I kept comparing them to you. I learned then that no one can compare to you.'
in the break room, you're showing Janine the note. "it has to be someone in our group." she says, you nod. "could it be Melissa? she has been the only one who was in a serious relationship and broke it off?"
you laugh. "no way, she wouldn't feel that way about me. plus she has that one guy. bob? rob? I don't know, I just know she is way out of my league... I wish though, you know how long i've liked her" Janine shrugs.
Melissa, who is right outside the door, heard everything. you liked her back?
it's 8pm on friday, you're on your couch in your pajamas, watching your latest obsession when there is a bunch of loud persistent knocks on your door. "Jesus! I'm coming!"
you get up, running to your door. you open it, revealing an out of breath Melissa. "Melissa? are you okay?" she nods, trying to catch her breath.
"i'm sorry, I just need to get this out. I heard what you said in the break room about your feelings for me-" you cut her off.
"shit. I didn't mean for-"
"don't. let me get this out, y/n. I've been writing those notes for you. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if you found out it was me, I just wanted to make sure you knew there was someone out there who loved you. I never thought you would feel the same about me. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I've loved you." your eyes go wide. not sure what to say, you pull her into you. looking into her eyes for permission. she gives you a little nod. you gently press into her, her lips soft against your.
you pull away. "what about your firefighter guy? weren't you seeing him?"
she shakes her head. "it was one night, just for fun and I hated every second of it." she pulls you in again.
taglist: @natashamaximoff-69 @allamanamedearl @ricejucie @marvels--slut
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
Hello! Could I request the bros reacting to an a quiet Mc who’s love language is just silently leaving hand-crocheted plushies/items in their room and leaving wintout saying anything? Kind of like how a cat would leave a dead lizard or mouse for you, but instead it’s small handcrafted stuff.
Some people also head cannon Asmodeus as a crocheted or knitter, and it could be fun to keep that in mind if you want.
Thank you in advance, and have a nice day!
Hello, anon!
Okay so you just happened to hit on something that I have knowledge of lol. I haven't crocheted in a while, but it is something I have done quite a bit of! Though I have yet to make an amigurumi type project, I really should get on that.
Anyway, I didn't know about the Asmo headcanon, but you can be sure it has been fully accepted by me now.
Thanks for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC who leaves them crocheted gifts
Warnings: none!
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The first time he finds a little crocheted item in his office or bedroom, he's slightly perplexed. What exactly is this thing made of yarn? But while Lucifer often acts like he's aloof, he pays close attention to you, and he's seen you crocheting before. This causes him to realize that you've left him a gift. In the privacy of his room, he's going to blush because he can't handle how cute you are.
Confronts you about it. MC, did you make this for him? If you try to dodge the question, it won't work. He knows it was you, he just wants to hear you say it. You might as well indulge him and admit it. If you do, he'll tell you he has a gift for you, too, which turns out to be a hug or a kiss.
If you made him a little plushie, he keeps it forever on his desk or beside his bed. Absolutely glares down anyone who might even think about picking it up. If you made him something like a scarf, he wears it at every opportunity.
He's not going to be blatant about it, but the way he clearly cares for the things you've crocheted for him lets you know how he feels. He's protective of them, but he also likes to show them off.
You'll be leaving things for him in his room for some time before you realize how much it means to him. Because every time he finds a little crocheted item you've left for him, he stashes it away like a little treasure. He knows they're from you, but he's too embarrassed about how much he loves them to talk to you about it directly.
You figure it out when you stumble upon the stash. It's in his room somewhere safe and you just happened to find it. A little hoard of every crocheted thing you've ever given him. If he's there when this happens, he's going to insist that it isn't because he likes you or anything. Of course you're makin' stuff for the Great Mammon, MC! He just figured he might as well take care of those things since you spent so much time on them and everything.
If you make him an amigurumi crow, he'll lose his mind. Customize it by giving it gold button eyes, maybe using yarn with little gold streaks in it. This becomes his most prized possession.
Mammon is constantly buying you more yarn to make things with. It's not that he wants you to make new stuff for him! (He does.) He just saw some and thought you might like it! (Please keep making him things, MC.)
Oh? What's this? An adorable crochet plushie version of his favorite anime character? He LOVES IT. It's one of a kind! No one has this but him! It's the most limited of limited editions! Yeah, he's thrilled. Like Lucifer, he figures out pretty quickly that it was you because he's seen you crocheting before. He's so happy to have received this item from you, he finds you instantly to tell you how great it is.
MC! W-would you maybe be willing to make him more? Like if you made a little Ruri-chan, you know he's going to want an Azuki-tan, too. At the very least! He starts a whole collection. Custom crochet character plushies. He makes a blog to show them off to people online.
Make him some fingerless gloves to keep his hands warm while he's gaming. You'll find he almost never takes them off. Gets comments about them when he's streaming, but doesn't ever answer any questions about where they came from.
He might actually ask you to show him how to crochet. He might want to make you something in return. He also might be interested in making crochet clothing items to go with various cosplay ideas. He'll give you all these reasons, but secretly Levi just wants to spend time with you.
He knows exactly what's happening, but he doesn't say anything to you for a little while. He wants to see how many things you'll bring him first. Eventually he can't help himself, though, and he casually mentions how much he appreciates all the little gifts you've been leaving him. You truly are adorable, MC.
He might actually ask you to crochet him a book cozy. He's probably seen them on Devilgram - little pouches for holding a book to keep its pages safe from getting bent up while on the go. If you make it, you can be sure Satan will never part with it again. Though he may need you to make more than one for different sizes of books.
You can really make him blush like crazy if you make him a bunch of cat plushies. Every time he sees a new one, he's overcome by the cuteness. It's the closest he'll ever get to having his own cats in the House of Lamentation and that means so much to him.
Returns your gifts with things he's chosen for you. Writes you poetry. Gives you books of crochet patterns. Makes you bookmarks with ribbons and pressed flowers. He isn't overly demonstrative in general, so this is his way of letting you know how much he loves when you make him things.
Since he can also crochet and likely knits, too, this becomes a gift-off. Every time you leave him a little something, you find something from him in your room the next day. They're often on theme - for instance, if you make him a plushie of himself (once he's done swooning over it), he'll make you one of yourself. That way you're always matching.
He likes the secretiveness aspect of this, too. Sneaking in your room to leave you gifts is exciting. But he can't keep it up for very long because he wants to tell you how much he loves what you've made. As soon as he sees you've found his gift, he gushes to you about the one you left for him.
Now listen, MC. You can crochet, he can crochet, the only thing you guys could possibly do is design some crochet outfits and accessories! He wants you to model them all for him, too. Posts everything on Devilgram unless you're too shy and then he only posts selfies you've taken with him. Crochet accessories become a trend in the Devildom after that.
Asmo also just loves to crochet with you. Sitting side by side, watching some TV or listening to his brothers bicker or just chatting while you both work on your latest projects. Teaches you new stitches and patterns that he's created over the years.
As long as you don't make him a plushie cheeseburger or something, he's going to love them. Any time you make anything food themed, you run the risk of it being eaten before he realizes it was actually made of yarn. It's probably something he figures out after the first few times, but even if he knows it's not technically edible, that might not stop him if he gets hungry.
He has a much easier time remembering not to eat things that are not food shaped, though. Make him a little plushie of himself and Belphie and he'll be over the moon. Make him extra happy by giving him one of yourself, too.
If you make him some kind of accessory like a scarf, it just becomes part of his regular outfit. He rarely takes it off, wears it every day. Beel is really protective of it, too. Keeps it safe when he does take it off, makes sure it never gets crumbs on it.
You're really amazing, MC. He's genuinely impressed that you can make so many cute things with just some yarn. He actually loves to watch you crochet because it looks like magic, but you're not actually casting any spells.
Another secret hoarder, so at first you're not sure he's even getting your gifts until he wears something you made. Enjoys gloves and little pillows, but fully appreciates everything you make, even if he acts like he doesn't. Keeps them all next to his pillow on his bed.
While crocheting a blanket can take some time, if you do this for him, you can be sure that blanket will become his favorite thing in the world. He doesn't like to nap without it. If he's going to get cozy somewhere, he brings that blanket with him. He'll love any pattern you go with, but if you make one that matches his cow print pillow, he'll probably lose his mind.
Absolutely loves to wear any and all items you make for him because there is something so soft and cozy about the yarn. He might use all of them as pillows at some point. They're comfortable and they smell like you.
Belphie likes to sleep on your lap while you crochet. He'll hold the ball of yarn for you while he sleeps. He likes to snuggle up with you and he likes the steady rhythm of your body moving with each stitch you make. Please tell him whenever you're planning on sitting and crocheting for a while, MC. It's kind of his favorite thing.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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toffee4you · 2 months
Sleepover Headcanons—--
Second Years
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Content: Prefect!reader, platonic, mentions of a bug
Other parts: first years, third years
ROUND 2!! I finally have an excuse to write more for Silver...
He arrives early but waits outside until the exact time to come in. It's probably good, because you need to worry about disciplining Grim last-minute before the whole dorm sets on fire when those two break out into a fight.
The refreshments he brought are mostly healthy ones, but Trey had also made him pack one of his cakes beforehand, so you'll be eating pretty good. It goes without saying that he brought tea to drink alongside his snacks.
He doesn't quite understand the concept of sleepover games, so he just brought crossword puzzles. The only person who was having any sort of fun with his old-man taste in games was Silver... Unless you're also willing to participate. Kalim played too, but it was likely out of kindness.
You had to buy a fire extinguisher before the sleepover out of fear that Ruggie, Azul, or Floyd would set Riddle off (emphasis on Floyd). And it almost did happen, had Jamil and Silver not stepped in. You stopped Jade from helping because you honestly just don't want to be in debt.
As far as games, he typically wins first place when it's cards. Also, you don't have to be extra wary about cheaters since Riddle will probably catch them for you. It's just in his nature.
He'll probably demand to play something else if you start with video games. The others will absolutely crush him on this—and by that, I mean full-on last place for almost every game.
It's really no surprise that Riddle sent himself off to sleep early. Floyd attempted to provoke him into staying up, but he didn't fall for it this time. He will come to regret this in the morning when he discovers the dainty, frilly, little bowtie tying his antennas (ahoges) together. Courtesy of Octatrio.
He planned to come early, but since he fell asleep, he ended up a few minutes late. It's not anything that bad, but he still apologizes for it.
He brings popular snacks and drinks with the help of Lilia's guidance, but... Yeah, he brought protein bars too and basically no one there is eating it except Ruggie and MAYBE Jamil. Kalim will have a singular one if he's offered.
Surprisingly good at online games? He's played enough times with Lilia to the point where he's at least better than most of the traditional game enjoyers there. He can be a bit proud of his wins sometimes, but he's not going to rub it in anyone's faces. In fact, he may go a bit easier some rounds and even give tips if the skill gap is too large.
He's also decent at traditional games, but the others typically win. The most painful part is waiting for him to wake up when it's his turn.
He's probably one of the few people (besides Kalim) that genuinely don't get bothered by Grim, or anyone else for that matter. 0 arguments, 0 property damage, 100% apologies if he causes any issues—even minor ones.
Fell asleep WAY early. He had been constantly nodding in and out of consciousness since the sleepover started, but completely fell asleep around the same time as Riddle. With Riddle unconscious, everyone was much more inclined to start ramping up the pranks, so Silver ended up with dyed hair and a face full of makeup the next morning.
You immediately watch this hyena like a hawk to ensure he's not pocketing anything from Ramshackle and actually eating snacks in moderation, not just downing everything at once for the sake of saving his own food expenses.
His behavior during traditional games can be explained pretty easily. He participates in a few games, gets a competitive streak, tries to cheat, gets caught by Riddle (and forcefully forfeit from the game!), then claims it was boring anyways.
When everyone moved to online games, he was pretty excited since he rarely, if ever, gets the luxury to play such things. As a quick learner, he did much better than most of the others at the very least. He usually ends up in the middle to top place.
Even though he has a knack for teasing others, most of the second years there are either able to brush it off or they're just too oblivious (Silver, Kalim). Besides, he avoids provoking intimidating people like Floyd, so you rarely have to worry about fights occuring because of him. The only “fight” that may happen is with Grim, but that's easy to break up.
He can stay up pretty late, and considering his awareness of the pranks that will be pulled on early sleepers, he's determined to outlast everyone else. Ruggie only allows himself to sleep after seeing everyone else pass out; unbeknownst to you, however, it's also because he wants to pack up all of the leftover snacks and leave with them in the morning.
The sweet little ball of sunshine. Yeah, maybe he arrived slightly late, but you can forgive him. He probably would've arrived later if it wasn't for Jamil dragging him there.
Initially, he was going to bring all sorts of trinkets, games, and a whole 5 course meal to the sleepover if Jamil hadn't stopped him. So instead, there's just a wide variety of snacks and a handful of games/movies. Most of his tastes suit the others due to his experience in hosting many, many parties... And having the help of Jamil's advice.
Never fights with the others, and in fact, tries to lighten the mood whenever tension begins to grow (especially after games). No matter if he wins or loses, he will always be just as happy as before.
Even though he's a bit better at traditional games, he's pretty decent with video games too. The most surprising part is that he's not even taking it seriously despite his wins. He's just playing for the fun of it.
He can stay up decently late, but since he's completely fine with getting pranked in his sleep, he doesn't have the urge to force himself awake. Kalim falls asleep after Silver and Riddle, but he's protected from pranks anyways because Azul wants to forge good ties with him (MONEY.) and Jamil has the obligation to do so.
Arrives at the same time as Kalim, but only because he has to assist him. He would've been there right on time if it was up to him, mostly because he didn't want to come early in case it would intrude on your preparations. Everything that Jamil brought is combined with Kalim's items since there was a lot to carry as is.
He's constantly babysitting Kalim during the sleepover while keeping his eye out for troublemakers, so thankfully, your workload is lightened by a lot.
All of this immediately goes out the window as soon as he sees a cockroach crawling toward him. Ramshackle is all broken down, so what did he really expect? Remember that fire hydrant you brought in case of Riddle's outbursts? You ended up using it on his fire magic instead. He was about to fire again when he realized that the roach was (somehow) still alive, but fortunately, Ruggie just straight up stomped on it. With his bare feet. Everyone immediately told him to wash it off afterwards (except Silver because that is the same exact person who washes his hair with body soap). At least it was better than the alternative happening, which would be Floyd taking care of it himself. Who knows what would've transpired.
He's one of the top scorers in both traditional games and video games, yet, he doesn't get first place all the time. He's typically unbothered by it, but can get internally competitive. Also, he can be very passive aggressive about others taunting him for his performance. By “others”, it's mostly the Octatrio.
He has the capacity to stay up super late, but due to overexerting himself from babysitting Kalim and trying to decimate that roach, he falls asleep before some of the others. By this time, the only people who are still awake would be Jade and Ruggie, so he's still not safe from pranks. His hair is tied into braided double tails, finished with a frilly pink ribbon weaved between each side. Your ghost camera will probably become a valuable asset for Octavinelle after all of these photos...
He came slightly early to try negotiating a deal for himself to use Ramshackle again under some very convoluted terms. After everything that happened, though, even Grim was having no part of that. The deal was rejected and everyone went back to casual mode.
He bought menu items from Monstro Lounge for everyone to have, which was obviously just another marketing tactic. Since it wasn't harmful, it wasn't called out at any point in time. He still made sure to cover his expenses by eating enough of everyone else's refreshments, with the assistance of Jade and Floyd of course.
He's a close competitor with Riddle in traditional games and only slightly better than him in video games. He may not be awful with video games, but compared to the others, his skill gap is still very clear.
Losing doesn't bother him too much since there's always something to look forward to at the sleepover. Namely, making himself known to Kalim and Silver. Luckily, Jamil knows how to keep some distance between Kalim and Azul, but you'll have to remind Silver that the octopus may be aiming for a bigger goal when speaking with him. Malleus.
Azul falls asleep only slightly before Jamil, which is both relieving yet terrifying. For once, you no longer have to worry about any underhanded plays from him. At the same time, who's going to control the mushroom maniac Jade now?
Comes with Azul, as expected. He brought his own refreshments in addition to the Monstro Lounge menu items, but... It's just a basketful of mushrooms. He also brought some tea on the side to drink with the mushrooms.
He's decent at traditional games, but mostly scores in the middle of everyone else. Unfortunately for him, most of the second years are aware that he'll pull shady tactics.
In video games, he's also slightly in the middle to low range since he doesn't care too much for them. He's seen Floyd playing them a decent bit, but he doesn't join all the time.
He's very compliant at first. He never rages over games and mostly stands on the sidelines during arguments. The worst he did was add fuel to the fire verbally.
That all ends when the snacks start running low, and the mushrooms start coming out... Obviously, most people didn't take them. Riddle and Jamil were too suspicious of it (so obviously Kalim isn't allowed to have any either). Azul and Floyd are SICK of mushrooms. Ruggie only eats them after identifying them as edible, because there's no way he could let food go to waste. Silver... He's the only person who legitimately enjoyed it. The mushrooms were downed quicker than chips. Never trust risotto enjoyers.
You weren't sure if he was the type to sleep early or late at first, but you eventually realized that he only stayed up for so long to observe the pictures you took of all the pranked sleepers. You better watch your ghost camera from now on, lest it goes missing one day.
Ruggie doesn't really want to deal with the consequences of messing with him, and neither do you, so he's also one of the few people who were saved from pranks.
Came with Jade and Azul, didn't bring anything except a giant shrimp plush. He was mostly just gnawing on it and tossing it around for most of the sleepover, leaving you feeling rather uneasy. Who knows how many times that shrimp plushie has needed to be sewed back together.
Overall, he's the #1 fear monger and fight initiator of the sleepover. If anyone has concerns, he's making it worse. If he loses a game, he'll just get bored at best and squeeze someone at worst. For the record, he never let Jamil live down the cockroach incident, and will likely try chasing him down with bugs if he feels like it after the sleepover.
His performance in games is extremely prone to changing, as expected. In video games, he's usually #1—unless he loses motivation midway. In traditional games, he's usually in the middle score when motivated, but tends to get bored faster when he doesn't win.
At the beginning of the sleepover, he claimed he was going to stay awake longer than anyone else, but towards the end, he decides he doesn't really care to stay up and sleeps early instead. His "early" is still decently late, but before Azul and Jamil. Floyd falls asleep still gnawing on the shrimp plush. Maybe it would be best to sleep far away from him.
Only Jade is really daring enough to prank him in his sleep, leaving a mushroom in his mouth so he gnaws on that instead. Floyd will definitely flip out when he wakes up with the taste of mushroom all over his mouth.
Special: Scary Movie
Ft. Grim
Kalim is the one who brought the horror movies, but it was mostly due to Jamil's recommendations.
At first, it really only had an effect on Kalim, Riddle, Grim, and Azul—though Ruggie felt slightly uneasy too. Jamil had already seen this movie before, and Silver had built up tolerance to horror because of Lilia. Jade and Floyd had also watched their fair share of horror movies, so it hardly affected them... especially when they constantly make their targets' lives a horror movie.
You likely weren't too affected by it since Twisted Wonderland residents are afraid of literal marshmallow-looking ghosts, so why not put in your own choice of horror movie once this one's done?
Congratulations, you officially left the boys fearing for their lives. This type of horror doesn't even exist in their world, so you just gave everyone a new fear. Not a singular person was safe from that.
You had to cover Grim's eyes for some parts, leaving everyone else to fend for their selves. It was almost funny seeing how some of them were trying to hide their faces behind each other's backs, or even your's. Especially the taller boys.
It takes everyone a few weeks to readjust with what they just saw. You'll definitely get questioned by some of their peers on occasion, but it was all worth it!
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shinayashipper · 2 months
Puzzleship role-reversal AU following Egyptian boy Atem who transfered schools to Japan because of his father's job. As a son of a busy, high political figure, Atem constantly changes schools and have very little friends aside from Mahad and Mana who are the children of his father's close colleagues. (The other kids also got scared of him because his father is a powerful figure / only attempting to befriend him to gain benefits).
Atem grew up with strict lessons and pressure. Always have to be the best in everything. He always tried to maintain an aloof, cool-headed, always reliable leader persona, but in truth he's very shy and anxious. His only comfort was playing games, but it's very lonely to play alone (and he's not so fond of online games) (Mahad and Mana play with him but Mahad is older and doesn't have time to play childish games with him and Mana has other interests)
Atem had changed schools a lot, but it's the first time he moved overseas. He didn't know anyone in Japan and only spoke the language a limited amount (even tho his lessons back in Egypt always drilled the language into his brain but with no one to talk to it's pretty hard).
He instantly became The Talk at Domino High as "The cute/cool foreign transfer student from Egypt" and he didn't really like the attention. He became closed-off and only interact with his classmates a minimal amount, even tho he had always wanted to make more friends. (Now people thought he got a Mean Look, because of the frown 😂). Anzu was the first person who greeted him in good-faith because she purely wanted to get to know him and make him feel accepted in class (but he always brushed her off too). Jou and Honda are still part of The Delinquents(TM) and Jou just hated Atem's guts because he thought Atem is "snobby little Rich Kid". Kaiba is still Kaiba and he just Doesn't Care much.
One day, Atem got some free time and decided to visit a nearby game store: Kame Game. It's kind-of old and there's more board games and puzzle games instead of the ever-popular digital ones. But this is how Atem loves his games. (And there's always a weekly little tournament where kids can play Card Games against each other. Very Fun!).
When he came in, the store was empty and dark, but the store still has the "Open" sign at the door so Atem just kept going. There sits an open wooden box with silver carvings on one of the small table where kids play. Atem was intrigued to get closer and he saw some... wooden blocks. Maybe a Puzzle? Atem loves solving puzzles. Because this is just left alone on the play table, it means he can try it right? So he tried Solving it...
And as if the Puzzle itself was calling and urging him to Solve it... he's assembling it very smoothly. He can finally see that it's forming some kind of pendant, just a few more blocks but Grandpa Sugoroku suddenly appears and surprised him 😂 Gramps saw him with the Puzzle/Pendant and you know I really like the idea of him Knowing More than he lets on, he told Atem that this Puzzle was an artifact from The Gods' Time and whoever solved it will get a Wish come true. He urged Atem to take it home and solve it in peace. It might help you in some way, he told him.
So Atem brought The Puzzle home, thinking how that grampa was kind of Weird, but he's also intrigued with the Puzzle- so he's going to solve it. And a wish coming true doesn't sound bad at all...
Atem had solved it Perfectly, and it was a pendant. But nothing happens. Ha! What wish... Atem thought it's probably just Sugoroku's attempt to make him come back to the store and buy something. Atem was kind of Sad tho. But nevermind that, he got a new pendant now, so he wear it immediately and went to sleep. (Having strange Dreams about Storms and a boy with white robes and wearing The Pendant Facing Them... but he's not going to dwell with it- he must be Tired)
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purpleberiii · 5 months
Hi I liked the story on Nightingale, can you do a alternative one where reader never cheats for money but a scenario like this happen
Reader went to Chealsea to see her because she was going to buy something and since she didn't want to leave her cell she asked reader to but it for her, coincidence is that the CCTV malfunction so Chief sent Hecate, when Nightmare appeared he was only able to listen in the convo about buying things in exchange for money but Sitri surprised him and ended up going back to report
They misunderstood the situation and still did Nightingale's plan but this time reader was innocent
The ending is up to you
"Wrong message"
☆Prompt: what anon said
☆Warnings: Mentions of nightingale x chief, Slight smut, Angst then fluff at the end.
You didn't know how it happened. What did you do to deserve this?
For starters, you loved your wife Nightingale like your life depends on it and she does the same. The bond the two of you share was unbreakable or so you thought. Being the Arresting Captain of MBCC meant you had to look after the sinners as well and because of chief having such a kind heart, you had to make sure that they have everything they needed.
Sinners don't have access to the outside world so any transactions to be made had to pass through to you. Chelsea wanted to order some clothes from online so she did and you had to be one to deliver it to her, however, her shipment was cancelled due to some unfortunate circumstances so you had to deliver the news.
The cameras to every sinners' room were malfunctioning and Chief saw you get into Chelsea's room without any tray of food, documents or bags, and it made her suspicious so she ordered Hecate to send nightmare to spy. Nightmare couldn't get a good look at what was happening but he heard moans and giggles and before he could listen more,Sitri gave him a scare. He reported back to Hecate who then reported back to Chief who then told Nightingale.
That was how you ended up in this mess, tied to a chair as you watch Chief pound Nightingale right on YOUR shared bed. You had tears streaming down your face, and quiet and broken sobs left your mouth. Your phone began vibrating and it was Chelsea who had called. Chief stopped her movements and picked up the phone, walked over to you and told you to answer it and put it on speaker. With a strained voice, you managed to let out a hello.
"Heya Captain! I just called to tell you that the shipments have arrived. I had to get those clothes one way or another. Also, thank you for cheering me up when you came to tell me the news. You really made me giggle like a school girl and please! Knock on the door the next time you wanna enter before you catch me watching porn again."
"T-that's great Chelsea. I'll keep that in mind." When Chelsea hung up, both Nightingale and Chief's mouth were left open.
"So wait... those giggles were you cheering Chelsea up because her shipment was cancelled? And those moans... were her watching porn?"
You nodded, hot tears streaming down your face. Nightingale was left in disbelief. "I would never cheat on you Nightingale! I never did and never will! I don't know why you planned this but this shows that any chance you have, you'd cheat on me!"
To say she was in shock was an understatement. All her unsatisfied urges and needs disappeared, as well as chief's. With shaky hands, chief loosen the ropes and you got up with anger and started packing. The two rushed to put on clothes as you packed yours. "Y-y/n please wait! Please!" Nightingale grabbed your hand, tears streaming down her face. "Please don't leave! I didn't mean it! Please please please! I-I thought you cheated on me with Chelsea so I planned a pay back for you! Please I didn't know what was happening!"
"You didn't even come to confront me about it!" You sobbed. Nightingale hung onto your hand, not wanting to let you go.
"I don't know what came over me please baby... please don't leave me...I won't ever think like that again! Darling... please..." Her shouts turned into whispers and sobs. You loved her too much to leave her. Part of you wanted to shove her off of you, and the other wanted to comfort her. You were stuck between comfort or chaos but in the end, you chose comfort.
Her eyes shot open as she felt your arms around her. She quickly gripped onto you for dear life and sobbed. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry! Please don't leave me! I won't do it again! I will never do it again!"
"Shhh it's okay. I forgive you..it's alright.." you rocked her from side to side and kissed her head, just to comfort her. You stood with your wife in your arms and at that time, you felt like only the two of you existed and no one else did.
"I love you so much y/n. I thought you had cheated on me so I said that if I did it to you, you'd understand how i felt. I didn't know you were only comforting her..." her sobs never left her nor did her embrace on you.
"It's okay baby. I said i forgive you."
If Nightingale learned one thing, it was to always ask before judging.
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How to recognize a scam targeting artists
None of these are universal, but all are red flags. One red flag does not necessarily mean it is a fake commission, but more than one is very sketchy.
1) They contact you in a way you didn't ask to be contacted. Message when you said email, email when you said message.
2) They tell you they want to buy your art and name upfront a large budget with seemingly no idea it is large; an attractive amount to give the impression they are rich with no indication they ever looked at your commission prices.
3) Nothing about their message proves they ever looked at your portfolio. They will say "I looked at your portfolio" but never name a single piece they liked or anything they like about your style. This could be a copy+paste message sent to any artist.
4) The commission they want is frustratingly vague. Usually a person who requests a commission has a specific idea about what they want; this person (or bot with a limited response repertoire) can't figure out how to respond when you ask them if they want a bust or a full figure, and what style they prefer. A portrait is a portrait, right? You get the sense they've never communicated with an artist before.
5) Wants to pay via an unusual method that avoids accountability. Tells you they have financial trouble and can't use a card or PayPal, but will wire you money or mail you a check or something.
Even if it is hard to tell at first, a few questions will suss these people and bots out! They are unable to engage with normal commission negotiations, so they're likely looking for people who are very new to the online sales game and desperate enough to ask zero questions. They will also manipulate you via pity. Don't waste your time on them! Block and report! I have gotten these via Instagram, Deviantart, and email (from Artstation.)
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striped-carpet · 1 year
M. List
Haikyuu Boys Comforting You After a Break Up:
Includes: Oikawa, Tendou, Kenma, Kuroo, Sugawara
A/N: I am so good at not posting lmao. Hope you're all doing well!
Tumblr media
When you told Oikawa that you got broken up with, he immediately started in his way to your place
He went to the convenience store to buy all of your favorite snacks, drinks, etc.
He would also bring some of both of your favorite movies and all that with him so you two could watch them together
If you start crying, he'll offer you his shoulder. If you just want to rant to him, he'll allow that too
I feel like he overall would be a really good comfort/distraction for these things
Tendou immediately goes to trying to distract you with something fun
You have a game you like to play? you're doing that together. same goes for movies, activities, etc.
He might get you a few of your favorite snacks as well, but that really depends on where he is
Despite this, if you just want to talk to him about it instead, he'll gladly listen to you no matter how mad you get or how much you cry
Overall, he would be pretty good at making you feel better most of the time
Kenma's first reaction is to be angry at the person who broke your heart
Basically starts dissing the person and their choice to leave you, but ends up making it funny so that you get cheered up
After that, he'll invite you to play video games at either one of your houses, or even just together online
He even pays an extra bit of attention to you for the time being just in case something happens
Once you tell him about the break up, he pretty much immediately goes to telling you everything he didn't like about the person and how you could do so much better than them
And if you even slightly consider getting back with them he gives you a lecture about how you deserve someone other than that dirtbag
Probably takes you for a walk in the park or something like that in order to get your mind off of things as well
Suga's first reaction is to start comforting you
I mean, of course he's mad, but he can't exactly fight the person right now, if ever
He'll come over with a bunch of your favorite snacks, a few gifts, and just hugs you if you're crying
If he ever sees the person who broke your heart, rest assured that he's giving them hell about it
Thanks for reading! Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and have a great day/night! :D
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Zukka fic list part 2
On ice we fall (in love)
Zuko and Sokka rivals to friends to lovers slowburn competitive figure skating AU.
Zuko is an idiot trying to get over a breakup, Sokka is a hockey boy, and online dating isn't really that awful.
Iroh insists they create a new life and identity in Ba Sing Se. Zuko wants nothing more than to bide his time until his next opportunity to return home, until he realizes ‘Lee’ can get away with things Zuko never could.
Zuko dons the mantle of the Blue Spirit again only to los e his focus when the Avatar comes to the city. This time, however, his attention is drawn to the annoying Southern Tribe warrior.
winter solstice: an addendum
Zuko gets imprisoned with Sokka and Katara during the winter solstice, and some very unfortunate things come to light. Alternatively: the gaang kidnaps adopts Zuko in book one after discovering just how awful his father is.
I'll Come Back Someday (For You)
“We’ll be together someday. I won’t stop looking until I find you again.”
Those words, Sokka thought, were a blessing.
After living through several lives without Zuko, they now feel like a curse.
They were the last words Sokka muttered to the Fire Lord on his death bed after saving Avatar Korra from an attempted kidnapping, and while he meant them, he didn't know that they would come true.
Yet, he tried, tried, tried again, and after cycling into his fourth life, he's starting to give up hope.
All until he walks into the Jasmine Dragon right next to Republic City University's campus.
(i'm sorry but) i'm just thinking of the right words to say
Zuko is the last person Sokka expects to end up as his roommate when he starts college. Sokka is the last person Zuko expects to befriend when he starts his whole life over. And no one who knows a thing about their shared past expects them to end up together. Except, maybe, Toph.
There's Bound To Be A Ghost At The Back Of Your Closet
Zuko needs a new dad, and Hakoda volunteers. A story spanning Zuko's old life, new life, and beyond
running right back to you
the air conditioning stops working at the Jasmine Dragon, and it's miserable until a cute stranger makes it a bit more bearable
Sorry, I Have to Move to Alaska!
Following a lengthy legal battle with Ozai, Iroh has full custody of his niece and nephew. Desperate to get Zuko and Azula away from Ozai (just in case) Iroh buys a tea shop in Anchorage, Alaska.
Sokka has been living in Anchorage since birth and nothing interesting ever happens in this city. Except less than a month into this school year, the mysterious new kid with a facial scar beats up a well-known student in first period.
purrfect for each other
because sometimes, it takes going to a cat café four times to realize you're in love with your best friend
The World We Dream About
A HS Theatre Kid AU where the gaang is in Hadestown, featuring all our favorite high school nostalgia moments and way too many tropes
when i'm set alight
“I’m going to go practice some firebending forms,” Zuko says stiffly, running a hand through the tangles in his hair. “Tell Aang to join me if he wants to once he wakes up.” Gold eyes dart up to where Aang had strung up a makeshift hammock and was still sleeping soundly, snoring like a buffalo yak.
“Alright,” Sokka says, watching as he walks out without another word, evidently having reverted back into his usual brooding self. “Have fun!” He calls after Zuko loudly, which he means to be sarcastic, but comes out painfully, embarrassingly sincere. His face burns, and as soon as Zuko passes out of sight into the the temple, Katara turns to him, leveling him with a Look.
“You like him.” She says, and it’s not a question.
Born Lucky
Zuko knew this would happen one day.
He really should've prepared better.
Of course, he'd imagined something like this many times. He'd see him-- or anyone from high school, really-- and he wouldn't even be recognized. They'd be immediately enamored with him and wouldn't even pause to think he looked like that one girl from high school.
Instead, he has a 24-year-old Sokka cradling a swollen wrist and smiling awkwardly up at Zuko.
like we're made of starlight
When former High Imperial Prince and Sith Acolyte Zuko defects to the rebellion Commander Sokka is tasked to keep an eye on him and bring him into the fold.
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No more internet for you (Pierre Gasly)
Since Pierre seems to be a danger on the Internet, you have to cut the problem from the source
Note: english is not my first language. I'm sorry that I didn't think this had potential at first because the longer I thought about it, the more I wanted to write it as a funny and breezy thing
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
Tw: references to smut
Switching your laptop off at the end of the work day, you tidied your desk and placed your belongings inside your backpack, checking if you had everything before closing the office and making your way out, ready to head home so you could see your boyfriend. You hadn't seen Pierre yet since you left the house early to go to your university office and he had arrived back from Monza around lunchtime if everything went according to the plan he had.
Unlocking your car, you placed your backpack on the back seat, unzipping it so you could retrieve your phone from the pocket it sat in since your afternoon break, bringing it wirh you when you sat on the driver's seat.
Turning your mobile data, you check your personal e-mail, only seeing a few newsletters from online shops you buy from before the notification bar showed that you had a few messages on your group chat with your friends. Making a mental note to try and schedule something with them and Pierre, since he was home for a bit after the triple header, you opened the app to see what they were talking about.
From Anna: I never took you for that type Y/N, you always looked like missionary to me, or maybe some ankle on his shoulder action but never that
From Marie: Nah, I mean, have you seen how Pierre looks at her butt? It's obvious that that's how they like it, even I would do her like that
From Louise: Don't you remember that time that she insisted that she wouldn't wear the tiny bikini bottoms from her favourite set when we visited them? I bet Pierre got handsy and she couldn't hide the marks
You read the messages and did not understand why, all of a sudden, your friends were mentioning your sex life. Did they want any advice? You weren't exactly unexperienced since Pierre liked to experiment a lot in the bedroom and you didn't mind it either, the trust you built on eachother over the years making it a lot easier. Wanting to know what they were on about, you typed a reply.
From Y/N: I love you guys, we've shared our youth together, the good and the bad, but why are we talking about my sex life all of a sudden?
Louise was quick to reply while you saw that Marie was typing.
From Louise: Y/N, dear, please go and see your boyfriend's photodump from Monza
From Marie: if this is the last time we ever have the chance to get a message through to Pierre, please tell him that at least he's going with a good bang in the bag
Opening the Instagram app, you flick through the pictures, seeing him the blue t-shirt you loved so much, specially against his tanned skin, the thermometer picture that you had nagged him about to send you everytime he took it and then a few more from the garage until you reached his Twitter inquiry for what grid position he would start on race day, given the amount of penalties the other drivers had, and pressing to see the comment section, you found the top comment replied by your boyfriend of four years, the damned dog emoji staring back at you as you looked at the screen.
Exhaling, you opened the app the communications service that had installed their service at your shared apartment had provided you with so you would be able to control who got on your WiFi (if there was something that living in student housing taught you was that sometimes people want the things without having to pay for them, and that remained an attention point for you) and blocked Pierre's devices from your shared house's WiFi, deciding that your boyfriend had had enough Internet for the time being.
Just as you were about to turn on the car, your phone pinged with two notifications, one from your group chat and the other from a text from Pierre
From Anna: I could think of worse ways to go honestly, Pierre is a lucky guy, still such a shame to see him go like this though
From Pierre: Mon coeur, I think there's a problem with our Internet connection
Opening your apartment's door, you heard what you assumed was Pierre's feet making their way to the entrance while you took your coat and shoes off, setting then aside as you placed your backpack in its usual place. Pierre stretched his arms to greet you, having not seen you in a few days and having missed you a lot, dropping them when he sees the crease between your eyebrows, "What's is wrong, mon coeur?", he asks genuinely worried. Looking up at him, you pushed your glasses to rhe top of your head, "Why did you go and tell everyone about what we do in the bedroom?", you out it simply, watching how his lips tilted as a smirk made its way into his handsome face that threatened to could your thoughts, "Now the whole world knows Pierre", you tried to reason. Chuckling, he tried to grab your arms, your reaction to step back almost like a reflex, "C'mon baby, it's funny, and at least people won't ask anymore", he smiled "and you and I both know how much you like it", and there was those blue eyes who had a way of persuading you, almost like magic.
"Oh my goodness, what if your family see it? Your mother has Instagram, oh no, no, no", you said mortified, you could deal with people from the internet you'd never see in your life but his mother? That was a no go.
"Mon ange, I doubt that she will get what it means, and even if she does, it's not like she thinks we don't do anything", he said, clearly not as bothered as you by the fact that he was talking about his mother acknowledging your sex life. You were all for "we all do it so we should all talk about it", but you thought it would hardly be a fun conversation to have with the in-laws, 'yeah, sure, I like it when your son has his hands on me like that'. Nope, that is not dinner conversation appropriate. "Besides, aren't you always saying people should be more open about their sex lives and speak about it with no taboo and all", and oh, how much did you want to squish that handsome face into oblivion and make him regret the smart remark. It's true, you had never been shy talking about with friends but the whole internet was a different level.
"Well, we'll see how you like it without Internet for some time", you said as you passed him, sitting on the living room sofa and turning on the TV, making him realise that he had been blocked from the network, as every other device was working perfectly.
Approaching you, he spoke up "it was you! C'mon ma belle, you know I didn't mean it to be a bad thing", he said sitting next to you, "and maybe it's probably not even that bad", he offered, "How would you know? You can't see it because you can't be trusted around the big world wide web", you remarked. Were you really that mad at him because of it? A little bit yes, but honestly it had phased you already. So what, were you going to feel guilty that you had a really good sex life? No. But were you going to have a little fun making your boyfriend work for it? You bet your very nice ass you were, remaining quiet and ignoring his lingering and tempting touches.
Getting up a while later, you headed for your usual evening routine, hopping in the shower since it was hair washing day and you took your sweet time, even taking the opportunity to try the new body oil you had gotten over the weekend before putting you pyjama set on, drying your hair quickly airh rhe blow dryer and applying your night skincare products before making your way back to Pierre.
"I made your favourite for dinner, and I put extra cheese on yours just like how you like it", Pierre said quietly once you crossed the corner to the living area, seeing the table set up simply and yet beautifully, the smell from the food invading your nostrils and hitting you straight in the feels.
"I'm sorry I posted it like that, If I had known it would make you this upset I would have never even thought of it", he said as he grabbed your shoulders, pushing you in for a side hug and kissing your forehead, making you decide to end the act, wanting nothing more than to feel his embrace tight around you. "I'm not upset or mad, I just got caught by surprise I guess. I never thought you'd be that forward about it.", you explained, "if you want to, I can take it down", he offered, "Pierre, once in the internet it will be in there forever. And I don't mind it that much really. At least people know you have someone at home who treats you well", you said, grabbing the collar of the linen shirt he was wearing, tracing the outline of his chest hair that you loved so much. Smiling at you, he finally placed his lips on yours, his hands going straight to your butt and grabbing it so you could be as close to his body as possible.
You were sitting on the sofa after dinner, the news broadcast playing in the TV as you and Pierre looked at your phone screen, "everyone is having a blast imagining our sex life, there are some wild things in here", you said as you pointed out a few tweets and comments around the many posts about your boyfriend's comment, "Well, this one is not too far off, I'd day, seems pretty accurate", he said and you immediately flicked his forehead, "what? We might even get some new ideas from them, we haven't tried something new in a while", he said as he pushed your body impossibly closer to his, kissing your cheek as you kept looking, laughing when someone had come up with a good joke and blushing when things got a little bit too accurate and graphic.
"Goodnight handsome, je t'aime aussi", you said as you snuggled into your pillow once you both went to bed, Pierre settling himself so your back was glued to his chest and resting his arm on your waist, "So you'll let me in our WiFi again?", he pouted, "I'm going to sleep on your case", you said as you grabbed your phone and checked if your alarm was on for the next morning. "That's it", you huffed, "what did they say this time?", Pierre asked as he kissed your shoulder, noticing you had read something on your phone that led you to that reaction "Yuki just sent me the link to buy book called 'Breeding dogs for advanced practitioners'. I don't care if he's small and cute and friendly, next time I see him, he's going down".
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
V seems to be a.. fan of cats.. and you’ve mentioned how he would react to a clingy reader; but how would he react to a bubbly dog hybrid one?
(feel free to ignore! c: love your works!)
To say Vince wasn't a dog person would be an understatement to how deep his dislike ran. For his eight birthday, his nanny loaded him and his sister into the family car to pick up a present for the girl after she had a fit while he was unwrapping his gifts. Yet another day ruined by her need to be the center of attention. Vince knew there was no hope in regaining what little joy he had as soon as they left the arcade, but nothing could prepare him for the decade long torment awaiting him at the paws of what his sister chose as her prize.
Shadow. The beast was a rottweiler a head taller than him standing up. V had always been a late bloomer, so it was easy for the dog to pin him whenever it decided he was in need of its affection which was more frequent than he would have liked. It seemed to like him more than its owner if not taking pleasure in his screams. A drooling, lumbering pile of fur he had no escape from exceplockedck in his room like most of his troubles. Living with Shadow until his parents finally let him move out thoroughly tarnished his outlook on dogs no matter the breed. He swore to himself that in a place of his own not one dog would ever make it past the front door.
"V, welcome back!"
But he was well known for changing his mind at the drop of a dime.
V drops his things and braces himself against the doorframe as you leap from the couch and into his arms, squeezing the air from his chest as you pounce putting all your weight behind it. He helps your legs around his waist and waddles over to the couch where he collapses on the cushions still cradling you to his chest. He kisses the ear posed in range near his lips and lifts you briefly to free your wagging tail from being pin down to his leg. He snuggles into your fur, inhaling your calming scent.
"Missed you..."
The tag attached your collar rattles with the bark of your laughter. "That's usually my line! You were only gone about ten minutes though.."
V's desire for a roommate were far from innocent or a need for cash. The various odd jobs he did online, and the money his parents poured into their adult children left him well off, but he needed something that money couldn't buy - in a realistic sense. With previous quests for companionship falling short the next best option to him was finding a roommate who'd he could get to fall for him one way or another. In his mind, romance was a guarantee being in such close proximity to another person. The perfect crime..til it you showed up.
Seeing a hybrid of the same animal he'd grown to hate wasn't how he planned for his weekend to go. You appeared with no warning and nothing in hand but first month's rent, a backpack, and a print out of his ad. Just like with Shadow and his food your sob story and puppy eyes made it hard for him to turn you away. He let you sleep on the couch with the notion that you would be out by morning. It took that exact amount of time for him to never want you to leave his side.
"Does that mean you didn't miss me too?"
The gasp that tears through you catches him off guard. You're offended he even asked something like that. "Of course I did! I just didn't want to tell you this time since you came back so soon.."
It takes all of V not to kiss you. That overbearing need for attention and affection transfered quite well into a hybrid of your class. V despised physical contact depending on the day, but he couldn't resist taking you in his arms whenever you came to him. The shedding was tolerable too since it meant you found comfort in his bed and your scent would be left behind when it was time for him to wind down.
"But what if I like you missing me? What if that's the only thing that wakes me up every morning and coming home whenever I have toleave?"
"That's a good question... Guess I'll just have to prove how much I miss you go." Your claws in his jacket, you unleash all your pent up energy in the wet kisses you leave along his neck, face and jaw. V humbly accepts your display sneaking some of his own. He was still on how he felt about others, but when it came to you he was proud to say he was a dog person.
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