#Healing Grief After Pet Loss
eileensmith · 11 months
Guided Meditative Prayer for Healing Grief After Losing an Animal Companion
Pet Grief - A Prayer For When You're Grieving The Loss Of Your Animal Companion. Losing a beloved pet is an experience that touches the depths of our hearts, leaving an indelible mark on our lives. Find solace and healing in our Guided Meditative Prayer to overcome the grief of losing an animal companion. Experience emotional renewal and inner peace.
Guided Meditative Prayer for Healing Grief
Overcoming Loss with Guided Prayer
Discover Inner Peace and Emotional Renewal
Download Your Healing Prayer Now
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aashiquidreams · 5 months
In the early hours of this morning, as I drifted back into sleep, I found myself entering a dream world where Suzy and Tijgertje appeared. Their presence was as vivid and heartwarming as ever, inviting to share in moments of affection and tender connection. I could almost feel the softness of their fur as I embraced them in the dream. Upon awakening, a genuine smile graced my face, reflecting the joy their visit had brought.
In the dream, the sky was hazy, painted with hues of pastel colors like pink, reminiscent of a sunrise or sunset in springtime. The surrounding environment exuded a sense of calmness and dreaminess. They sat peacefully beside someone familiar, radiating a serene presence. Their choice of companionship intrigued me. This person seems to appear in my dreams quite often lately. I wonder why. Beside this individual was another figure, their face remaining elusive yet familiar enough to evoke a sense of recognition. It’s a detail of the dream that calls for deeper analysis.
Reflecting on the dream, I’m reminded of the comfort and healing that our subconscious mind can provide, weaving together cherished memories and emotions in times of need. It felt as though my mind and soul sought solace amidst the challenges I’m currently facing.
Beyond the realm of psychology, the dream carried a spiritual resonance, hinting at the continued presence and guidance of our departed loved ones. It’s a comforting thought, affirming the enduring power of love that transcends the boundaries of life and death.
As I contemplate the deeper meaning of the dream, I find solace in the idea that Suzy and Tijgertje’s visit serves as a gentle reminder of the everlasting love we share, casting light even in the darkest of times.
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bernspeaks · 1 year
New Post has been published on https://www.bernspeaks.com/quotes-18/
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chaoticbardlady99 · 11 months
Could you please do some comforting fic? Like, Tav is crying because of stress (or maybe a painful memory) and Astarion has to console her being an absolute emotional support vampire?
Dying Star (Astarion x GN! Reader)
Your wish is my command!
Synopsis: While exploring the Shadowlands, you run into Arabella and she asks you to find her parents. Unfortunately, you don’t have good news to deliver and Astarion tries to navigate your feelings with tips from Karlach.
Character Class- Cleric of Lliira
 (I’m really obsessed with this concept because I’m a Social Worker and I refer to myself as the “positivity police” so this is a character type I have grown fond of)
TW: Grief, Trauma, Parental loss, PTSD, Panic Attacks, mentions of violence and gore.
*I really like the nickname Little Love (I know it’s for Ascended only but…..) so I will be using it as a pet name that Astarion uses for the reader.
Companion song: Dying Star by Ashnikko (feat. Ethel Cain)
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     It was supposed to be easy. You had an extra skip to your step as you headed in the direction Arabella told you her parents went. 
 Finally, you had thought, I can do something good for someone. I can reunite a family. No morally gray bullshit to navigate.
 You were grinning the whole way there despite your argument with Astarion before sending him with Arabella.
 “We don’t have time to go parent hunting.”
“There is always time to go parent hunting.”
  He had expressed his disdain about finding Arabella’s parents. He told you it’s a waste of time- they were probably dead anyway. Arabella had whimpered and teared up. That was enough for you to lose your patience and you ripped into him for saying "something so awful and in front of a CHILD, nonetheless!"
You sent him back with Arabella and Wyll, telling him that if he had no desire to search and rescue, he didn’t have to. He had looked hurt and insisted he go, that he needed to be there, but you were fed up and a little girl was crying.
Dejected, Astarion had gone back to camp. The guilt sat heavily at the bottom of your stomach, but you had a personal mission to complete and nothing was going to stop you.
  You were orphaned as a young child. The nightmares had gone away (for the most part), but you still remember your father dragging you away from your mother’s cold body as Loth Drows ambushed Silverymoon. They had had a whole army and their druids had control over giant creatures from the Underdark. You remember losing your father in the haze, an arrow to your back, running and slipping into a river. Then nothing. Until a nearby Cleric of Lliira (Leer-uh) had saved you, taking you to Selgaunt (SELL-GAUNT) on the coast of the Sea of Stars. Lliira had healed your heart and saved you- you hoped to pay that debt forward and help Arabella have a better outcome than you did. 
  No one in your party knew your past and you hadn’t brought it up to Astarion. It feels so long ago and it was a topic you preferred to bring up in a more hospitable place than the Shadowlands and after you help Astarion kill Cazador. You wanted to prioritize his joy and help him finally be free, so why would you burden him with your past while he is suffering far more from his?
 It didn’t take you and your party long to locate Arabella’s parents. You found them in the House of Healing- dead.  Along with your hope and joy. 
  You had erupted in a tearful rage and you stabbed the Sister who killed them over and over. 
  You didn’t care what the Joybringer would do if she saw how senselessly you mutilated the sisters and Malus. You had made them suffer as you saw fit. Mutilating them, using more painful methods of killing (stabbing in painful, but not lethal spots), and your crying came out as painful, angry screams. 
   Gale, Karlach, and Shadowheart eyed you with concern as you walked back to the camp. Usually you were singing or whistling a tune, cracking jokes to relieve the tension. 
Instead, you were focusing on how you would break the news to Arabella that her parents are dead and she is all alone. 
   Astarion paces around his tent, trying to distract himself from the pit of fear in his stomach. You had never snapped at him that way- usually you just roll your eyes at him and give him a chaste kiss with a soft, “I understand if you don’t want to go, but I would appreciate it if you would come along.” 
He wasn’t sure why Arabella and her parents had been a sensitive subject or why you had insisted on looking for them when they were likely already dead. No one survives the Shadow Cursed Lands without a light source and mediocre tactical skills.
That didn’t stop him from rooting for you though- he hopes he is wrong and that you come back victorious. He wants you to be happy. Astarion enjoys seeing you succeed because that’s when you flash that brilliant grin that he has (silently) adored since the moment he met you. The reason he protested in the first place is because he knows how destroyed you would be if Arabella’s parents are dead. He doesn’t want you to hurt- for your heart to lose it’s optimism. 
 He hears you, Karlach, Shadowheart, and Gale come into camp. He steps out of the tent- hoping that you were able to achieve the outcome you wanted, that you would come parading into camp victorious.
He sees you talking to Arabella in a quiet whisper and he watches as your face contorts to hold back your own feelings as Arabella screams at you. He watches you take it- as she punches you in the stomach over and over. You just let her before she runs off. Withers says something to you quietly before you walk into your tent, closing yourself off from everyone.
 Astarion feels stuck in the entryway of his tent. He doesn’t know what to do.
 “Hey fangs,” Karlach says, offering a sad smile as she walks up to him, “you should probably know- they went over the rails after seeing Arabella’s parents.”
A look of confusion spreads across his face. What does that even mean? You were barely capable of hurting a fly!
 “Like they became upset?”
  Karlach nods with weary eyes,“They became upset and… well very, very, very violent.”
    The tadpole behind his eyes begins to squirm as he allows Karlach to show him the scene.
He didn’t think you were capable of that much destruction.  He saw angry tears slide down your face as you destroyed everything in your path. His gentle, joyful Cleric had broken in the House of Healing.
How ironic, he thinks bitterly.
He feels his own tears begin to prick his eyes as he watches you suffer through the battle- screaming and crying. He should have been there for you. He should have gone and let you be mad at him for disobeying. He hangs his head and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“She really needs you Fangs,” Karlach says to him, interrupting his train of thought.
Of course Karlach would say that as if it was the easiest thing in the world- like he hadn't been tortured and unloved for the past two centuries.
“I don’t know how to be what she needs right now,” he says in a soft voice.
It was true. He had only just expressed his feelings for you and he barely felt confident doing that to begin with. He spent two centuries seducing and manipulating whoever he could to survive. How could he be what you need right now? When he is just as much of a monster as the individuals that killed Arabella’s parents?
  Karlach contemplates this, searching Astarion’s face as if the answer to all his problems would be there. 
  “You don’t need to do anything other than being there- tell them you are sorry. Tell them you were rooting for them because I saw it in your head. Tell them that they aren't alone,” Karlach pauses before saying, “And remind them that they are a good person- that Lliira wouldn’t abandon her in her suffering.”
Despite his fear and reluctance, he thanks Karlach for the advice and walks towards your tent. 
    Your body is shaking violently as your chest tightens and painful, silent sobs come out of your mouth. You are trying (and failing) to use your hand as a sound barrier.
It’s not about you, it’s about Arabella, you remind yourself, stop being so selfish. 
Except the images are back, you are small again, helpless again, alone, and afraid. Despite your effort, Arabella has been given the same fate and in the same breath, you turned away from your Goddess. You lost yourself in the fight, you were aware of this while it was happening. You just didn’t have it in you to care anymore. 
You hear footsteps approach your tent- you do the best to rub away the tears and snot.
 It’s not about you. 
You hear Astarion’s voice on the other side of the tent flap. 
 “Little love,” he says softly, “can I please come in?”
You laugh, your voice hoarse, “Come to tell me ‘I told you so?’ To gloat and laugh? If that is your intention, then no. You will need to wait one to five business days before you can do that.”
   You don’t hear him laugh at your humorous response as he usually does. He enters the tent and you feel him sit down behind you, his legs on either side of yours. He’s tense as he puts his arms around you from behind, pulling you in between his legs. He slowly relaxes against your body, putting his face in the crook of your neck. 
 “I’m sorry Little Love. I wanted to be wrong. I just knew how much it would… hurt you if the outcome wasn’t… well.”
 You sniff, choking back a sob as he begins drawing shapes on the back of your shaking hands. 
“It’s okay my love. You can let it out. I’m here for you. You aren’t alone.”
 Despite how clumsy and awkward it was said, that sentence alone broke whatever composure you still had. You cry and scream into your hand as Astarion holds onto you as if you are about to fly away and he is your anchor. Your breath is shallow and it’s hard to breathe as you suffocate on your grief and panic. You feel him ask for access to your mind, wanting to know how to help. So, you show him and you let all your grief pour into your cries. You feel his own tear mix with yours as he cries into your neck as he endures how you feel with you- as he watches your whole life fall apart because of one ambush over and over again.  
  He continues to trace patterns on your hands, asking you to focus on him and what he is doing, reminding you to breathe as you do for him when he is distressed.
  You begin to calm as you focus on his voice, focus on his delicate fingers tracing your skin, and for once, you don’t feel so alone. You scoot forward, gently removing his arms , and turn around to face him, your tearful eyes meeting his.
He grabs your face gently and kisses your forehead as silent tears roll down both of your faces. You look down at your hands before speaking.
“I thought… I thought I could help Arabella be reunited with her family,” you say in a gravely whisper, “I had hoped she wouldn’t be alone like I was, but now…”
  You suck in a harsh breath and look at your hands, “Gods, I am naive and stupid.”
 “No- you do not get to talk about my favorite person that way,” Astarion says sharply.
 You look up in surprise at the intensity of his words. He matches your eyes with a look of adoration, guilt, and a ferocity you have never seen before.
 “Little Love, you are not naive and you are not stupid,” He pauses, to kiss one of your hands and intertwines your fingers together, “you are so good without trying because that is who you are. You experienced hardship and you didn’t let it destroy you. You didn’t become a monster.”
 He looks at your face to gauge your reaction. You sit quietly, letting him continue to speak if he chooses so he does.
 “You… you are amazing and a bright light in the darkness. You are my moon, my compass, and you have shown me parts of myself I didn’t know existed,” he clears his throat before continuing.
 “ I hate to see you hurt, but I promise I will be here to help you through your suffering,” He stares into your eyes intensely, “for as long as you will have me.” 
  You pause, taking in everything he has just said to you. You felt like a star dying, exploding in the cosmos. You feel evil and wrong for the violence you inflicted on the Sisters and Malus in your need for revenge. Your actions were not of Lliira's will.
 “I don’t know if that’s who I am anymore, Star. I engaged in senseless violence… I don’t think Lliira will forgive me- and if she does, it won’t be easy to obtain her forgiveness,” you say glumly. 
 He grabs your other hand in his and offers a soft smile. 
“Then we will work together to get you back into favor with your Goddess and I will remind you everyday who you are until you believe in yourself again,” he says before leaving a chaste kiss on your lips.
You smile despite yourself, your chest glowing with warmth as you stare into his eyes. You know Astarion detests the Gods, but the fact that he was willing to help you made your eyes tear up again. You are horribly desperately in love with him and as much as you want to tell him that, you practice restraint. There is a time and place- that time is not now, not when the relationship just began.
 “And what if I need it everyday for the rest of your Immortal life?” You say half-joking and half-afraid of his answer.
 A wide, genuine grin spreads across Astarion’s face as your words register in his mind. 
They want me to stay. They want me to be by their side-even when this is all done.
    Astarion pulls you into his lap, your legs straddling his hips as he pulls you into him and presses a soft kiss against your neck before laying his head on your shoulder. 
“Then I will stay by your side. Forever.”
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lick-me-lennon22 · 2 months
How they'd comfort you after losing a pet
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(hey, guys!!! this is the final request in my queue, so I will make a post announcing request are once again OPEN ♡ I apologize for the lateness, I've been dealing with heart issues and some complications with work but I didn't forget about y'all!! I hope these headcanons bring peace and comfort to those who need it 💕)
John would be straightforward, but empathetic
He would sit with you, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on
Though he's not the greatest at comforting words, he would express his understanding of your feelings and emphasize the validity of your emotions
After hearing you describe your pet's unique features and seeing the photos you showed him, he surprises you with a (somewhat crude, but very sweet and personal) art piece of them
John might recommend adopting another animal companion together when the time is right
He would also share his own experience with loss and how he found comfort in memories and shared love
Paul would be very nurturing and comforting towards you, as always
He might bring over a sweet treat or make you some tea just the way you like it, knowing that simple gestures can mean the most to someone who is grieving
He'd share comforting words and reassurances, emphasizing the unconditional love that pets give and how their memory can live on through stories and shared experiences
Paul would share stories about his own pets and how they inspired some of his songs (think "Martha My Dear")
He would sit down with you and help you write a song about your beloved companion, composing a gentle and soothing melody on the guitar, understanding the healing power of music
He would likely bring you a small gift as a token of remembrance, such as a charm bracelet with their name engraved
George would talk about the interconnectedness of all living beings and how our pets leave a lasting imprint on our souls
He would offer comforting words about the eternal nature of love and memory
He might suggest meditation to sit with your feelings or calming music to soothe the grief
Above all, he would encourage you to release your emotions when they overwhelm you - whether it be by crying, journaling, or whatever eases your pain
George would help you create a small memorial space/altar in your home, complete with candles, flowers, and a favorite toy or photo of your pet
He'd gift you a flowering plant as a symbol of growth and renewal, offering hope for healing and moving forward
Ringo would be incredibly compassionate and understanding, and create a supportive environment for healing
He might lighten the mood by sharing anecdotes about his own pets behaving in amusing ways, sharing how they brought joy into his life and reminiscing about heartwarming moments
He would encourage you to take time for a favorite hobby or comfort activity to take your mind off of your grief and sadness
He'd also provide physical comfort at a time when it's needed most
Ringo uses his crafting skills (if you can call them that) to help you a photo album or scrapbook to immortalize your favorite memories
He would invite you to watch a sweet and funny movie together, offering distraction and a chance to share a cozy moment of connection
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egberts · 1 year
sending you a my condolences for callie tonight. when you posted about her getting sick it was almost comforting because my dog got sick around the same time and this evening she passed. theres not much comfort in the loss of a beloved pet but it has made me feel less miserable knowing someone else gets what im going through at the same time, even if we are strangers. i hope my dog and callie can hang out in the afterlife together and know they were loved. best wishes and i hope things get easier for you <3
thank you and i'm also sorry about your dog. it's specifically the feeling of life going on as normal with them just not being there that really keeps getting me. it's like a big empty space where she used to be and she's just not in it. on one hand i want to fill it with another cat and on the other i need time to grieve her memory and really process that she's gone until it feels real. people at the animal shelter were telling me they get all types in looking for something after pet loss. one employee said her dog died suddenly and she got two more within a month, another woman apparently went in to adopt a cat the day after she lost her previous one. everyone heals differently but there is comfort in knowing that this is a shared experience. on somebody else's advice i was reading about pet grief and it was crazy how very accurate the "you're going to feel" and "you're probably feeling" segments were. like scarily exactly how i was feeling and cycling through emotions, it was oddly comforting knowing that this is a natural reaction and everything i am going through is so well documented that there are swaths of advice articles describing it to a T. all that to say again, i am sorry for your loss and i do get it, we'll get through this just like so many others have and will. good luck ❤
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y0ukn0wme · 1 year
Capitano x F!Reader
Warnings: Injured reader, blood, injury, mentions of war, angst, use of pet names, OOC Capitano?, time skip, malnourished body, kissing, comas, emotional distress, grief, violence.
Word Count: 1724
A/N: Dropping part 2 after 8 months of no uploads because a user by the name of @mikrou reblogged part 1 and made a comment that had me blushing, so I thought I’d grace them and everyone else who liked the first one with another one. Thanks @mikrou, lots of kisses for you from me. Part 1
Distant screams and echoes of thunderous explosions resonated amidst memories emerged. The stench of smoke from burning buildings and soldiers, the taste of fear that hung in the air was akin to that of a heavy smog, and then there was the deafening sound of gunfire and the clashing of swords.
The Second Archon War.
It had torn apart Teyvat, leaving scars not only on the landscape but etched deep into everyone's souls. The weight of being an aide in this war was a burden, one you couldn’t shake.
Faces flashed – comrades in arms, friends that had been lost to the raging war and their loss of absence was deeply etched into the few who remembered them. There was a desperation to remember and honour their sacrifice for the greater good... their families... for the Tsaritsa herself. 
Just as the memories began to resurface, something was pulling you away from them. They were becoming distant, unclear to the eyes. NO! NOT YET! Even with the desperate pleas to stay and recall such memoirs, they fell on deaf ears to whoever was prying you away from them.
The memories receded, sinking deep into the depths from where they came, unsure if they were to ever resurface again.
With a gasp, you yanked into awareness, your eyes snapping open albeit with a heavy feeling attached to them, as if they hadn't opened for a century. The familiar amber hue to the room made you relax, a welcoming sight in contrast to the war you had just been actively participating in.
Your heart raced as you struggled to make the connection – the battlefield and this room. Your body felt heavy and sluggish, as if waking from a deep slumber as you sat up to get a better view. Your eyes slowly swept over the room, you were alone.. But the familiarity of this large room was unclear to you until you saw the red chaise lounge seated by the large window, opposite to the hearthy fire.
You were… home.
Why were you home? In bed lying down as if you had just taken the world's longest nap without a care in the world, as if there was no war going on and as if you hadn’t just been in battle fighting! – fighting? A sharp pain coiled through your head as you began to remember, your hands holding your head. 
You and the 12th company had engaged in active combat with the Millelith from Liyue. While your company was large and vastly experienced, the Millelith had the high ground in terms of landscape and your soldiers stood no chance. But nonetheless, you remembered pushing forward with your company even if the odds had been decided. You and your soldiers had taken quite a bit of ground before you felt the familiar feeling of the hollowing ache.
You had been pierced in the side of your waist by… who had stabbed you? All you can remember is a polearm… and a mask… a… Yaksha. The realisation hit you then. 
General Alatus.
The one who had taken you down was him. You shook the memory from your mind before peering down and pulling the clean shirt that you wore up to where your wound should have been, but all that remained was a large scar. You traced a hand over it, feeling a small phantom pain as you admired it.
You pulled your shirt back down. How long had it been since the battle? A wound such as the one you had would have taken weeks to properly heal. Has it been that long since you had gone out? You pushed the blankets away from yourself and looked over the rest of your body. You had lost most – if not all of the muscle you had before, you even looked slightly malnourished in your eyes.
You slowly turned to the side, your legs dangling off the edge. It’s not that you were short… you were quite tall but the bed had been lifted a long time ago for Capitano to comfortably get in and out of.
Where was he? Now that you thought of it. You slowly stood up, taking time to get used to standing again, it felt quite dizzying to be moving again after who knows how long… You looked around the room once again, the only sound coming from the fireplace. The floor slightly creaked as you made your way to the red chaise lounge, kneeling on it as you placed a hand on the window that overlooked the forest that you so intimately remember.
You let out a steady breath, the window fogging up in return and a small smile graced your lips at the reaction and watched as snow continued to fall and heavily blanketed the estate outside, too engrossed in watching even that you had not heard the bedroom door creak open.
The deep voice from behind startled you, causing you to turn toward its direction before you relaxed as you realised who it belonged to. Capitano stood in between the doorway, not moving a muscle as he watched you, his helm still on.
A smile crossed your face as you took him in with your eyes, it relaxed you to know you were allowed to see your husband again since your last reunion had seemed like the last you’d ever get.
Just as you were about to speak and take a step towards him, Capitano stalked towards you,, his hands clad in armour found your shoulders, squeezing them a tad to make sure you couldn’t move, like he thought this was a dream and you’d simply vanish. He peered down at you, his breath hot and heavy as he took you in.
As soon as you spoke his name, the large giant crashed to his knees in front of you, his hands grabbing onto your pants. It was most definitely a surprise to you nonetheless to see the man you loved kneeling down in front of you. His grip tightened around you to make sure you couldn’t leave. 
“Oh, love…” your heart broke as you looked at him, your hands trailing underneath his helm and finding their place on his ice cold cheeks, your thumbs gently rubbing beneath his eyes. You frowned onced you noticed the slight shaking that came from him. “Dear… tell me what is wrong.” You said gently.
To Capitano, it seemed as if his prayers were answered by the Tsaritsa herself, even though he did not pray, he would do so on your behalf if it had meant you’d wake up one day – and you had.
“I thought… I had lost you Dove.” You looked at him with widened eyes. 
“No, I am right here husband. I-” You words fell through as you listened to him continue.
“First I thought it’d be because of how much blood you had lost from your wounds, but then… you fell asleep… and didn't wake up.” You lowered yourself on the red chaise, listening to him as he spoke.
“Everyday… I hoped and I prayed for you to wake! But you didn’t!” His voice raised in volume, but not at you – never at you. He had just been so frustrated with being so useless to help you wake sooner. Your eyes began to gloss over as tears threatened to fall from our eyes.
“I-I am sorry, husband. I did not mean too.” Your voice shook with heavy emotion, your hands holding onto his cheeks just a little tighter. “I am here now though, you need not worry any longer. I have only been out for a few weeks at most and here I am, back in your arms.” You spoke softly even though tears lined up under your eyes, ready to spill but didn’t.
“A few weeks?... No dove…” Capitano slowly released you from his grasp, sliding his helm off and placing it on the floor before his attention was back on you. You breathed a sigh of relief as you looked over your husband's rugged and handsome face, it had been awhile since you even saw it, perhaps even just before the war began. 
You admired his face, running your hands all over it because of how dearly you had missed it – him. He leaned into every touch you gave him, leaning in closer so there was no more space between the two of you.
The two of you stared at each other for quite a while, basking in each other's presence because who knows how long it had been since the two of you were last like this – looking at each other, being together.
The deep and intense kiss between the two of you was no surprise either, it was rough and desperate but neither of you mind. He tasted and smelt the same as ever – dewy moss in the woodlands surrounding the estate, with a hint of cigars and sweat lingering. For him, you tasted as you always have, the refreshing and relaxing scent of carnations lapped over his lips and nose.
Oh how he had missed this… how he had missed you.
When the two of you pulled away from each other, it felt as if you two had finally become one again after so long.
Capitano placed a hand on a cheek of yours and you immediately melted into his touch. Neither of you spoke for a minute, just enjoying the moment.
Till he told you,
Just how long it had been since you slept.
“It has been eight months since you have slept my dear.”
In that instant, it felt as if the blade had pierced you anew.
You looked at your husband with wide eyes… and the tears began to uncontrollably fall.
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soloavengers · 2 months
Was gonna say a little something about NG+ Syl lore and it derailed into a Syl & Pawns ramble.
NG+ lore thought of the day, each pawn was maybe harder for Syl to click with at the beginning. Safe for Eidolyn, the feeling was mutual. Part of it is the idea of having a pawn, whether he remembers his past or not, feels wrong. The loss of his only family made him feel absolutely alone in the world, overwhelming unless he accepted it, which he thought he did.
If Syl had his memories, he would have created a pawn copy of his father, but he longed for someone who would need him as much as he needed them, someone as lonely as he was. So, Winnie. When he saw her the name of his “pet” wolf from childhood popped up in his head and he named her. He didn’t realize he needed her also in a sense of survival. God won’t let him die he gave him a pawn that can magically appear and pull him away from danger by the scruff kicking and screaming.
They were both still grieving, whether they realized it or not — most importantly they had completely opposite ways of dealing with it. His self-destructive behavior and Winnie’s anxious carefulness on their own would not be healthy, but together it healed the both of them.
Syl growing up with his mother in the next cycle, the grief was slightly different. Nonetheless, loneliness should have has an effect. This time, he got a snarky sulky pawn, he was not happy. Thorne wasn’t either, but he was more confused than anything. It was hard to adapt to having a new Arisen, and one so different. It was extremely strange to him how the Arisen falls into line better than his old soldiers when he shouts at him not to fight so recklessly near the edge of a cliff. Syl often didn’t realize he was bossed around by his own pawn til later, when thinking about pointing it out made him feel bad. He can be a capable enough leader, but that idea was bordering on controlling in ways he wasn’t comfortable with. And that’s why he was right for Thorne after all the atrocities his old Arisen made him do. Thorne was most pleased to have an Arisen who needed him to survive, rather than conquer — too bad he was so stubborn.
Eidolyn’s face was familiar like a punch in the gut. Syl can’t remember, but he hates looking at him, it’s accompanied by so much guilt and confusion. The pawn’s kindness feels wrong, but Eidolyn came to exist with so much of the love and devotion Winnie and Thorne had for him, so the avoidance he gets is a bit hurtful - he would prove himself somehow.
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doumadono · 11 months
Hi, does this count as an emergency request? If not feel free to ignore, thank you.
My cat Arthur who's been with my family for a long while while hurt when he got outside yesterday, he passed this morning and my world is spinning. Would it be possible to ask for some comfort through Bakugou?
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A/N: I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved cat. Losing a pet is always incredibly tough. I hope that, with time, you will gradually find healing after the loss
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Life had been challenging since the loss of your beloved cat. The grief weighed heavily on your heart, and the once-familiar silence in your home now felt oppressive. You'd shared a unique and cherished bond with the cat, and the void he left behind was suffocating.
Bakugo, your boyfriend, was not known for his softness or sentimentality, but he could see the depth of your pain. The sadness in your eyes hadn't gone unnoticed, and he was determined to find a way to bring back the light that had dimmed in your life. He was about to hatch a plan that, unbeknownst to you, would be a potent mix of surprise and emotion.
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Seven months had passed since your beloved kitten, Arthur, had crossed the Rainbow Bridge, leaving a void in your heart.
On a crisp spring morning, he presented you with a mystery. "Close your eyes, and don't open 'em 'til I say so," he grumbled, his demeanor trying to hide his excitement.
You obeyed, curious yet tinged with worry. Bakugo had his own way of surprising you, but this felt different.
A soft rustling followed, and then the sensation of something warm and fuzzy against your fingertips. "Okay, open your eyes."
You blinked in astonishment, your gaze meeting a pair of sparkling brown eyes, filled with endless curiosity. A fluffy, golden retriever puppy was nestled in your lap, wagging its tail with enthusiasm.
"Bakugo!" you gasped, your heart swelling with joy. "Is this… for me? You got me a pupper?"
He crossed his arms, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Don't get all mushy on me. Yeah, it's for you. I noticed how down you've been since Arthur…. well, you know. Thought this might help."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you scooped up the puppy, cuddling it close to your chest. "You… You have no idea how much this means to me."
The puppy yipped happily, nuzzling against you, and you couldn't help but smile through your tears. Bakugo might not express himself like others, but his actions spoke louder than any words could.
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Days turned into weeks as you and the puppy, now named Sunny, built a deep bond. Sunny was a whirlwind of energy, constantly testing your patience as you tried to train him. You spent countless hours with Bakugo, who had secretly been watching training videos to help you.
One evening, as you sat on the couch, Sunny perched beside you, Bakugo turned to you and said, "You've done a damn good job with that furball."
You looked at him with a teasing glint in your eyes. "High praise coming from you, Katsuki. Did you ever imagine we'd love a dog this much?"
He huffed, leaning in closer. "Don't get too smug. It's just 'cause you're so crazy about the damn thing."
You laughed, leaning into him. "Thanks for giving me a reason to smile again, Bakugo."
His gruff exterior softened, and he pulled you closer. "Yeah, well, someone's gotta keep that smile on your face."
As the weeks turned into months, the three of you became inseparable. Sunny had grown into an energetic, playful dog that loved to steal Bakugo's socks and make a mess of his bowls.
But Bakugo had also grown, showing a side of himself that he'd hidden from others for so long.
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kangals · 5 months
way back in 2014, probably a few weeks or months after you posted that picture of boone with the stick on his head, i checked your blog out and so dearly enjoyed all the dogposting that i followed. i think you were the first dogblr blog i actually followed at the time, but it's been ages and my memory is bad, so i'm not fully sure. it wasn't long before then--2012 i think?--that i had gotten a new dog of my own, a border collie. iirc he and boone were just about the same age.
in 2018 i lost that blog i'd followed you with, and a lot of connections with it. i didn't return until 2021, and when i did, i didn't refollow most of the old blogs; i don't think i even really went looking for them. it took me a while to get back into the swing of using tumblr.
last september, my border collie had a sharp health decline, and i had to say goodbye. it's not the first time i've had to put a pet down, but i think it was the hardest. i'm still not over it. even just typing this now, i feel raw.
then in march or so, i made a new fandom friend who knows you, and i enthusiastically recalled following you before and how much i enjoyed it. i didn't even know about stellina, and now there's kep too! but... i also didn't know you'd lost boone. i followed because i still really enjoy your blog, and i love your collies too. and butters!!! so glad she's still here!
idk what made me look tonight... maybe because i talked about my old border collie with someone today. i went looking for the posts immediately around when you lost boone, because i guess some part of me wanted to know what happened. i spent the better part of an hour (maybe longer?) reading posts from the weeks before the decline, and then the loss, and then the deluge of old boone pictures after, and i've been crying pretty much the whole time just reading your posts and tags about him.
and this is a long and windy way to get to saying thank you. i'm glad you shared your grief, though that seems like a weird thing to say. there's something cathartic about crying over someone else's dog when you still hurt about your own, and knowing you're not alone in that kind of sorrow. boone was such a beautiful boy. i'll never forget that silly post that made me check your blog out in the first place, or the years of posts i stuck around for after. i wish i'd remembered to follow sooner, but the archive is still there, and it's so fun looking through all those old posts about him and his quirks and antics. he was amazing.
sorry for the length of this, i just... really wanted you to know that he touched yet another life, i guess. and i've been so deeply enjoying your posts about stellina and kep. i know it'll be a year soon... i hope there's some peace in how things have gone since he passed, and i hope the anniversary isn't too hard on you. thank you for sharing him with us.
i've been on tumblr for 14 years and this is, genuinely, the nicest ask i think i've ever been sent.
thank you - sincerely. there's been a lot of times over the course of this blog that i've felt like i was oversharing, or talking about pointless things only i cared about. i still so frequently start typing out a post only to stop mid-sentence and delete it because i can't help but think "no one cares about this." possibly it's why i like to talk about my pets so much - they're not me, but i'm the one who knows them best, so i get to say "hey look at this" and ramble and have people say "i'm looking" back. when boone passed, i lost that filter and i poured my grief out into this blog because it was the closest outlet i had. and to have hundreds of people not only acknowledge this but to commiserate, to reassure, to share their own stories - that helped healed me more than i can put into words. it's exactly as you said: there's a catharsis in grieving together.
i am sorry you also had to say goodbye. i wish i could say it gets easier, but i think that would be defeating the point of grief. your grief is your love and damn it if there isn't any act more loving in the world than choosing to say goodbye to an old, loyal dog. you think of how dogs were domesticated tens of thousands of years ago, of how human society and dogs have developed intertwined, of how we have records of ancient greeks and romans carving loving epitaths on their dog's graves, of how a prehistoric dog's skull was found with a bone placed in it's mouth after death, and you wonder if grieving a dog isn't one of the most consistent experiences in the whole of human history that there is.
i'm glad to know that this could bring you some comfort, in some way. it's incredibly touching to know that you kept me and boone in your thoughts for all this time. i am doing ok - i've been reflecting a lot as we approach the one-year mark. i'm not sure if i'll be able to condense those thoughts down into coherent words, but i'll do my best. i hope that my silly little pets continue to bring you some happiness, and that you've found peace with your own grief.
thank you, again - this is extremely touching and means a hell of a lot to me.
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Rise!Boys comfort Reader after losing a pet
Relationship status: Platonic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Comfort Angst, Pet D3ath, Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language.
Author's note: I know it's a bit unexpected post, but I went through something terrible when I got back from work after the night shift today. My beloved dog died for unknown reasons. I wanted to vent my frustration and sadness into something, and it happened to be writing more headcanons. I hope that if someone else is going through such a loss right now, they'll find comfort in this post. And don't worry, the other requests are ready and I will make them public soon.
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◇ When he heard about your loss, he immediately used his sword to teleport to you.
◇ What happened was terrible; he didn't want to leave you alone with it.
◇ Most likely, the boy began to wipe away your tears with his hands and then hugged you.
◇ Sweet words of encouragement here, sweet words of comfort there, Leonardo is an expert in conversation.
◇ I think he didn't leave your side for at least a week. You were pampered from every side. Leo just couldn't stand seeing you in such a state.
◇ That's why he often appeared out of nowhere at your school.
"Leo...?" You whispered in surprise when you closed your locker and saw a red-slider turtle right in front of you, wearing one of his blue hoodies.
"Tadah! Your knight in shining armor has come to the rescue again!" The teenager announced, pulling a pack of tissues and a candy bar from his pockets. Before you could say or think anything, Leo wiped away your fresh tears and handed you the treat.
◇ If you kept falling into despair, he tried to only recall good memories with your deceased pet. Honestly, he would prefer you to forget the whole incident, but he suspected it would be entirely unhealthy for your mental well-being.
◇ I know this may sound controversial, but I think Leo is one of those people who will want to find a new pet for you as soon as possible to help you heal faster.
◇ If you agree, he'll scour every animal shelter and internet listing to find the best replacement!
◇ But if you don't, he'll try to listen to your opinion, although expect occasional reminders of the idea.
◇ In the end, he won't leave you without support.
◇ He understands that this is a difficult time for you, so Raphael is ready to provide you with all the support you may need.
◇ His willingness to come to you whenever you need him is a testament to his dedication and care for you. Whether it's during a regular day or a nighttime patrol, he'll quickly come to your side!
◇ It's worth appreciating that despite the absence of your pet, you have a loyal friend in Raphael who will try to fill that void.
◇ In these challenging moments, you will surely be a tremendous source of support for each other, given that Raph has taken care of your pet before, and the loss has deeply affected him as well.
◇ Especially since animals usually don't like him very much, so your pet had a special place in his heart.
◇ Together, you will overcome the sadness of its loss.
◇ The turtle won't push the idea of getting a new pet on you, but he will either give you or specially sew a plush toy for you so that you don't feel too lonely.
◇ Just a real big bro for you.
◇ Let's be honest, Donatello isn't particularly adept at understanding the feelings of others, offering words of comfort, or empathizing with specific situations.
◇ Therefore, the only consolation for now is listening to you and every thought you have about the loss of your beloved pet, while occasionally patting you on the back for comfort.
◇ He may not initiate it at first, but if you want it, he'll give you a strong hug.
◇ He knows roughly how long grief lasts, but the young genius won't want to let you wallow in bitter tears and sadness for too long on his watch.
◇ So he created an almost-perfect replica of your pet as a robot for you. Hey, it might be a little... unethical, but his way of showing he cares is by giving you devices he's made!
◇ Although a few drops of nervous sweat trickled down his forehead when the only response to the cheerful little robot was shock on your face.
"Cough! Don't worry, [Y.N]! Your dear evil genius has created something for you that won't plunge you into deeper depression! Behold, Pet 3000!"
"... damn."
◇ Maybe the initial impressions weren't the best... But slowly, you got used to having something like that around.
◇ But in the end, you still wanted Donnie to improve the robot so that it became its own separate entity, not just a copy of something dear to you.
◇ Nevertheless, you were grateful to the guy for his effort.
◇ Hugs, sweet words, and support, but multiply that by 7. I don't know why by 7, I just love that number, lol.
◇ He's NOT LEAVING YOU ALONE WITH THIS! No matter how much you didn't want to burden him with all this, he won’t let you shut yourself up, especially after this tragedy!
◇ It's also worth remembering that the grieving process is individual, and everyone goes through it differently. Michelangelo will approach your needs patiently and understandingly, respecting your time and space.
◇ But he really would like to spend as much time with you as possible.
◇ Expect many sessions with Dr. Delicate Touch; thanks to understanding your feelings, accepting the loss of your pet will be faster and much easier.
◇ Together, you probably created special memorial spots for your lost pet, which will help preserve their memory.
◇ There will also be painting sessions. He'll expect you to pour your frustration onto a piece of paper.
◇ Another one who will want to spend whole days and nights with you.
◇ I have a feeling that if for some reason he can't be with you at a given moment, he'll ask April to 'borrow' Mayhem for you. It might be a bit painful for you feeling Mayhem snuggle up to you and purr, reminding you of your previous pet, but after a while, you'll feel much better.
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fairycosmos · 6 months
I'm sorry to do this bc I know you get so many ppl venting and you have your own shit to deal with and yet ppl on here constantly implicitly ask you to console them which is incredibly emotionally labour intensive. However all that being said. I found out my cat who is 9 but is very young looking and active and shows no sign of pain or suffering has large cell lymphoma (general prognosis 6-9 months) and I'm literally broken. She's my best friend. I've been through years where I've had no friends but I've always had her and she's everything to me and I've known a lot of cats who live to late teens so I had expected that for her and this has come out of nowhere and is just so soul destroying because she is my whole world and I love her so so much. she's literally saved my life (have been at the point of kms so many times but didn't for her) and now she probably wont be here next year and I don't know how to keep existing without her and I didn't know who else to tell. I really appreciate your kind and honest presence on this site it's very cleansing and healing and ik this is a parasocial thing to say/feel but you are like a friend to so many. so thanks. even just having a space to say this stuff is invaluable. You have helped and comforted and offered love and insight to so many people despite your own suffering. Much love to you, I hope the universe treats you with lots of kindness going forward.
i am so so sorry to hear this - sometimes i honestly can't believe how cruel life can be. i wish there was something tangible i could say that would make a change to what you're feeling but my experience with grief (all types of grief esp preemptive grief like what you're dealing with) has proven to me that words often ring hollow when you're going through it. i do want to offer some understanding and some comfort despite that, i just know it may be hard for you to register right now and that's alright. losing a pet is so so deeply painful and it's completely normal to be devastated and taken aback by this news - anyone would be. at the same time it sounds like your cat is deeply lucky to have you and to be loved so completely by someone. while what you're both going through is horrific, i am so glad she has you to take care of her and that she ended up having a wonderful life with you - the gift you have given her and continue to give her every day just by being her owner is huge and i hope you continue to remind yourself that as you confront there next few months. she is warm and fed and taken care of and she has the best chance of living longer with her condition bc of the care and love you continue to show her. i know this is much much easier said than done but please try to take it one day at a time and make every moment count with her - it's easy to get lost in the idea of losing her but she is still here and you still have time together, albeit not as much time as you both deserve. i can't stand how much of a gamble of luck everything seems to be and how horrible things happen to ppl and animals who truly deserve so much more - that anger, despair and incredulity still hits me day after day and i feel it very hard on your behalf rn. you have every right in the world to process that sense of feeling like your soul has been destroyed on whatever timeline works for you. as long as you continue to move forward, hour to hour or minute to minute despite it all.
are you able to talk to any friends/family about this? i only ask bc pet loss is one of the hardest things in the world to go through and i think having some sort of super system could make the days feel a little more manageable. if not, please feel free to message me and share updates, stories, vents etc about your cat and how you're doing - i lost my childhood dog a few yrs back and i do understand. it's such a heavy feeling to carry around with you all the time. i would also recommend joining a pet loss support group as another option too, bc so so many people sadly completely get what youre going through. i hope your little girl is doing OK today and that you are taking care of yourself as much as you feel able to as you process this news. if you need to break down, go to sleep, scream, punch pillows, be numb - that's alright. there's no wrong way to react to this. i just hope you give yourself some grace as you do. sending so so much love to you both - and thank you so much for the insanely kind words by the way. you didn't have to say that and it really made my night better that you did. so sorry you're in this position. X
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starlitangels · 2 years
My Angel (Sent To Save Me)
More proposal fluff because... well. It’s rotting the brain 1.3k words
David jerked the truck’s gear shift into Park and stared across the front yard at the front door. It was not an unusual front door. He’d knocked on that front door dozens of times in the last... God, it’d been nearly four years now. Dinners, birthdays, pretty much every single holiday besides the MoonBound solstice since David didn’t have family to swap holidays with... 
The familiar house seemed so foreboding now.
Nothing had changed about the house or the occupants inside.
The only thing that changed was within David.
He swallowed down his fear and got out of the truck. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself. He was an alpha werewolf. The head of the biggest, most influential and respected pack in the city. He’d done that.
So why the hell was he so damn scared?
A long exhale. Another deep inhale.
He started walking up the path to the front door. He released the breath as a sigh.
Standing just in front of the door, he swallowed one last time, hoping the lump in his throat would fill the pit in his stomach.
He rang the doorbell.
Shifter ears, he’d explained the first time he came to this doorstep with his now-mate and he’d said he could hear movement inside before they could.
It was the same this time. Almost immediately after the doorbell’s chime faded, there were footsteps inside. David popped his knuckles as if the movement would help ease his own tension.
It didn’t.
The door opened.
A familiar, warm face beamed at him. “David! How good to see you!” his mate’s mom greeted warmly. “Come in! What’s going on? You’re almost never here alone!”
He chuckled awkwardly, trying to be friendlier than his usual serious demeanor called for. “I, uh, I was hoping to talk to you both,” he said, nodding in the direction of his mate’s dad who was chopping vegetables in the kitchen with a dishtowel over his shoulder. He glanced back on hearing David and smiled, waving with the knife still in his hand.
His mate’s mom beckoned her partner over. They sat on the loveseat while David perched on the sofa and failed to wrangle his racing heart into behaving. He cleared his throat.
“I, uh...” he started. “I love your child. I know you know that. We’ve been together for nearly four years.”
“Has it been that long?” his mate’s mom asked quietly. Her partner looked equally baffled as he nodded.
David also nodded. “Yeah. And, I can promise you without even a shadow of a doubt that these have been the happiest four years of my life. I was still mourning the loss of my father when I met them and not processing my grief well at all. And in every way, they saved me. They healed me and taught me how to heal myself. I’m sure by now that you’ve heard me call them ‘angel’ as something of a pet name. To me, it’s not just that. I mean it. They are my angel sent to save me. From myself, mostly.
“I love them more than... more than I have words to describe. I’ve always been a person of few words. It’s just a lesson I was taught. The less you say, the more your words matter when you do speak. Which... I think has been to my detriment in certain situations. Including this one.
“But what I can say is that the love I feel for your child is honest and it’s deep. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love them.
“And... I wanted to make sure I said that before...” He cleared his throat again. “Before I asked for your blessing. I plan on asking them to marry me.”
His mate’s mom was already looking a bit misty-eyed. “Oh David...” she whispered, reaching out and taking his hand. His mate’s dad set his hand on top of hers.
“Son, you have our blessing,” he said. “You’ve been part of this family since the day they brought you home to meet us the first time. We would be honored to have you as our son-in-law.”
“We love you, David,” his mate’s mom said. “And, more importantly, we know how much they love you. We see it in their eyes every time you two come over. Every time they look at you it’s like they’re staring at the most amazing thing they’ve ever seen. You make them happy. And you’re good to put up with their playfulness when it gets to be a lot.”
“Heaven knows some of their previous partners didn’t,” his mate’s dad put in quietly.
“But we don’t talk about Michael anymore,” his mate’s mom insisted, tone growing hard and cold for a moment as she shot a look of warning to her partner. He shrugged nonchalantly. She met David’s eyes again, smiling with that same warmth as before. “And previous partners don’t matter now. Because you’re here, and you love them and they love you. That’s all that matters now.”
David blinked to try and drain the tears building up in the ache behind his eyes. “Thank you, both of you. I... know I’ve mentioned before that I don’t have any siblings and I lost both my parents. And your child... has become the only family I have. Sure my friends feel like family but... it’s not quite the same. Having your blessing to ask them to marry me... means a lot to me.”
His mate’s mom gave him a melancholy smile. “Oh, David,” she said softly. “You more than have it. We’re so excited for you!”
“Thank you. Truly.” David nodded.
His mate’s mom smiled. “Send us pictures after you ask,” she said.
“Or just come over,” her partner suggested, a bit more dryly.
“That works too!” she said.
David found himself smiling. If they were going to be his legal in-laws, he decided he didn’t mind that so much. They’d been warm and mostly-accepting of him even before he’d started working on his bad attitude. And ever since he’d started loosening up, they’d really taken to treating him as though he was already their son.
He chuckled. “Well, we’ll see how late at night it is by the time I get up the courage to ask,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to wake you up.”
“You can always come over the next day,” his mate’s mom said. Her partner nodded agreement.
“That’s probably what will happen,” David remarked. “Thank you both, again. I’m honored that you’d bestow your blessing so easily.”
“We love you, son. And we see how much you love them.”
“I do. With all my heart.”
“So,” I remarked as David came in the door. “How were my parents?”
“How did you—?”
“Your location is still shared with me on Google Maps, remember?”
David nodded slowly. “Right,” he said. “Your parents are good. Your dad called while I was at work and asked if I could stop by and help fix a loose shelf. So I told him I’d drop by on my way home.”
I nodded. “Ahhh. Gotcha. You get it fixed?”
“Fun. Ready for dinner?”
“Yeah. I’m starving.”
I smiled. “Good. I’m almost done.”
“Wait... you made dinner?”
“Don’t give my still-burgeoning cooking skills too much credit, Davey. I’m reheating that soup Mom gave us last week on the stove.”
“There’s my angel,” he teased softly, wrapping me into his arms and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“C’mon. Let’s eat,” I said, tugging him toward the kitchen.
Tag list: @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose @mainhoesstuff @darlin-collins 
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goodluckclove · 6 months
WIP Tag Game!
Whoa tagged again by the brilliant @ivaspinoza! Check her out if you're down for what I imagine to be some intense bloodsucking existentialism!
I'll do this for all of Songbird Elegies as a whole. I'm on book two right now - Blind Trust comes out June 20th!
Read below to hear some things about the origins of the series that I haven't actually said yet and probably won't say again.
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
Funny story! I hadn't written anything tangible for months since leaving my terrible copyrighting job. I was absolutely miserable. I ended up leaving my second job because of a medication problem and spent a week in bed detoxing off of Seroquel withdrawal - bad bad don't do that if you can help it. After that I fell into recovery and just had no idea what to do with my days.
The turning point was when I sent an email going fully no-contact with my across-the-board abusive parents. They did some awful things across the course of my life and I'm still spending a good chunk of time making up for their ridiculous medical neglect. I might need throat surgery because of them. Not great! But anyways, I sent that email and wrote the first 15 pages of Blind Trust later that day, sitting on the floor while my wife took a nap on the couch. It just came out. Wife said they liked it so I just kept going.
Three months and two data losses later and the first draft was done!
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I have so many Songbird Elegy playlists oh my God. It's hard to say, and the answer will change, but right now it's "Love Me, Normally" by Will Wood.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
They're all very important to me for different reasons. Scott is the one I tend to talk about the most because he captures a lot of mania and upbeat romanticism, qualities of myself that I value despite the obvious faults. Edgar is just as important, but they represent a lot of my current struggles and I'm doing a lot of healing and processing through them which is good but less - you know - fun?
Tenzin reminds me of my wife with her quiet stoicism. Katy reminds me of my older sister and everything she sacrificed to keep me and my siblings alive. She's more of a mother to me than my own mother. My sister is actually the first person to finish Blind Trust after I finished it.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Disco Elysium maybe? Griffin and Sabine - has anyone else read that? The Witcher, but specifically the novels? Requiem for a Dream for later books. Tales of the City in terms of tone and character focus. Fleet Foxes and Hoizer and early Decemberists?
Good, warm soup. If you like a bowl of good, warm soup, you will enjoy Songbird Elegies.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Definitely Edgar's arc. Their experience with their metaphorical (or are they??) inner child and the abuse they've been working to escape and recover from has been hard to look at directly. Especially once I introduced Scott's mother, who's turned into a weird mix of the maternal figure I wish I had and the one I feel I could've been if I chose that path.
Yesterday I found myself writing how I wish it went when my wife met my parents, through Scott and Edgar meeting Scott's mom. The sharing of parental pride and affection despite potential embarrassment. It's a cute scene, but there's a lot of grief in there for me. I wonder if it'll show.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Wilford Brimley is Katy's pet Persian cat. He is old and weird and a little fucked up. I had to edit his introduction in Blind Trust because it was six (small) paragraphs and Wife told me that was unreasonable (skill issue), but I can include some canon info:
He shoves his paw under the bathroom door while people are in the bathroom
He likes feet
Edgar sometimes shares little bits of cheese with him
Once he fell asleep in Edgar's lap but then peed in his lap and just kept sleeping in the piss
Edgar treat him like a weird cousin he has to make conversation with during holidays
Wilford thinks he's his brother and an equally fucked up cat
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Cars mostly! Edgar has a shitty used car that's always close to breaking down. Katy has a newer car that's still used, but she takes very good care of it - I think it's a Fiat. I think Tenzin probably uses the car Scott's Dad left behind after he died, which is a vintage Cadillac convertible that Scott's Mom fixed up.
Scott is the only one without a license since he essentially has a magical dissociative disorder and hasn't yet felt safe behind the wheel. In Blind Trust he's taken every form of public transit to cross the country. I think when he was younger he used to skateboard to get around Bluerose.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
I'm close to 40k into book two!
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
I have hopes that people will enjoy the tenderness of it. I'm like a reverse-whump ace writer, in that I've written a series that's aggressively pro-comfort and recovery. People start off in pretty sorry states and then make the difficult effort to put themselves and each other back together.
There's explicit ace representation in Scott and aroace rep in Katy (she doesn't know it yet though shhh). Edgar comes out as Agender and changes pronouns midway into the series, but still keeps presenting as androgynous/masc leaning. There's diversity in body types and gender identities in a way that feels warranted to me - Scott has Klinefelter's and grew up taking T, and he made a best friend that came out so she could take her E with him. Same goes with disabilities in prominent characters, though the main four focus on what I have personal experience in.
As a disabled queer writer I hope to make a series that tells a fantastical story about people like me that doesn't pander specifically to my market.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
I hope people read it. I hope they like it. It'd be cool if I could talk to people about it. I've been pretty deep in the Songbird Elegy fandom for some time now haha.
On a more serious note I hope there's a market for non-sexualized romances that are still hyper intimate. I know I'm into it but I'm still not sure if other people are. I'd like to create more media about positive and fulfilling ace relationships, both romantic and platonic. I'm tired of people seeing that type of life as a loss. Any healthy companionship is not a loss.
I want people to read Songbird Elegies and think about the love in their lives and in themselves. All of it, in every way. Yeah.
I tag @ryns-ramblings! I wanna hear about your thing!
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renlyslittlerose · 1 year
Thank you, peach! For this Ask Meme!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I've been working on that infamous 1980's fic for a little while. Despite how flippant I've been about it, it actually DOES have a storyline beyond Anakin looking cute in short-shorts and cut-off shirts with white tube socks. Obi-Wan is swallowed up by grief and depression when he loses Qui-Gon suddenly in an accident. Unable to move on and to properly heal, and feeling guilty that he can't just Get Over It, he ends up developing a bad drinking habit along with other reckless coping mechanisms. After about two years of a very bad downward spiral, he divorces Satine, quits his job as a professor of Classics at the University of Coruscant, and moves into a small town in the middle of nowhere to escape a life he doesn't feel he deserves anymore.
There he meets Anakin who is his nineteen year old virgin neighbour who tries to (and successful does) seduce Obi-Wan. What starts out as casual, lust fueled relationship between the two, slowly develops into something more - something that maybe makes Obi-Wan want to start trying again.
So basically, lots of graphic, filthy smut scenes intercut with deeply emotional scenes and an attempt at character study, haha.
Obi-Wan placed his hands above Anakin’s and stared at their joint reflection. His wrinkles seemed more stark in that moment, branches of them collecting around the corners of his eyes and along his brow. His skin was dotted with freckles and tiny little scars collected through years of living - the most pronounced being a slice across his collarbone from an irate cat he’d tried to pet when he was twelve. Every time he saw his reflection he noted more greys, flecks of them sprouting from his temples and in the corners of his beard. But his eyes told the real story - of a life lived well before it wasn’t, before it fractured and crumbled and fell apart like jagged glass. When he stared in a mirror he used to see a man who loved and cherished those around him, and who was loved in return; a man who was engaged and present in the moment; a man who lived his life as completely and fully as he possibly could, a man who wanted to be there. Now all he saw was someone who would barely be called a man; someone who took rather than gave, who retreated rather than jumped head-first into the challenges before him. He saw someone who drank because it was easier than feeling, who isolated himself because opening up to others meant having to return a love he didn’t think he deserved, and who toyed with a young man because it was easier than making an honest, truthful connection. Slowly but steadily he’d been stripped of whatever it was that made him who he was by the monster that had no face, no name, no form, save for how it made him feel. Like perhaps things weren’t worth fighting for anymore. “Obi-Wan?” Obi-Wan blinked and locked eyes with Anakin’s through the mirror. His brows were furrowed, lines cut deep across his youthful features. For a moment they matched, both in sorrow and loss, before Anakin closed his eyes and kissed Obi-Wan’s temple. “Lost you for a second,” Anakin whispered. “Are you okay?” “Just thinking…” Obi-Wan said, his voice hoarse. “Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your head…” Guilt; misery; loneliness; a desperate longing for things to be different.
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aprismaticodyssey · 9 months
Dear Nike, I just saw the update on cog....it really hit me hard
Unfortunately I know exactly what you went through & I am truly so so sorry for what happened
I decided to write to you & say that you did the right thing by choosing to let Monty go, to stop his suffering...the reason I say this is because I lost my yorkie 2 years ago to a brain tumor he was also 11, almost 12. He was my everything, he got me through a depression as well, he showed me what absolute devotion & love was...what wonderful creatures dogs are. How lucky we are to have them as friends.
Because Vince (Vincent my pup) wasn't getting bad as quickly as Monty, I had to see how slowly he succumbed to his end, I quit my job, didn't sleep because he was worst & worst but I stayed with him 24/7 for 8 months to his last day. To see & remember what he had to go through over those 8 month was painful & I absolutely torture...
You probably heard people say it will get better, or its just a pet. many didn't understand my deep grief, but I feel like you will get what I say & mean because I get what you feel. It's been 2 years & my pain of loss didn't go away, it didn't change, you just get used to it...I don't think I will every love any dog as much as him, he left a hole in my heart, in a heart he helped to heal
I just want you to know that the life & love you gave Monty was the biggest gift for him & you were his best friend, best mom, best human, his EVERYTHING❤️
I also lost my grandfather a year after Vincent, so I hope they are somewhere better as well, but I know for sure that now they are at peace with no pain or suffering
again I feel your pain so much🐶💔
p.s.: don't think about writing or what someone expects of you & all that. Go through your grief, cry...let it just be...& when you'll be ready you'll come back.
God, I got emotional reading this. Monty got me through so much. I like to think he's with my grandfather who was a big Star Trek fan. So they're probably on the Enterprise together, exploring the final frontier! Kind of jealous, really.
I have a silly plan to make Monty in Baldur's Gate, and probably a character in a story in the future. It's amazing how much good our companions do for us, be them a dog or cat, snake or bird. Thank you for this message. I hope things get easier, so to speak, for you as time goes on. I just try to remind myself everything I can before his health took a turn and how much happiness he gave me. That and how he's living his next best life among the stars!
Death isn't the end. It's merely the next chapter. ❤️
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