#Hell I want there to be trans people that I don't get along with and that I disagree with and that I don't like being around
kaninchen-reblogs · 1 year
okay but honestly? big love to all the transfems out there who don't fit the "usual stereotypes" that get tossed around a lot in online spaces.
Straight transfems
Asexual/Aromantic transfems
Sex-repulsed/non-hypersexual transfems
Transfems who aren't good at math
Transfems who aren't good with computers
Transfems who aren't big on gaming
Fat and/or hairy transfems
Transfems who like sports and the outdoors
Transfems who are "mainstream" and don't really do subcultures
Transfems who aren't furries
Neurotypical transfems
And of course, the biggest love to older transfems and transfems of color -- without you, this community wouldn't be here at all.
As a furry transfem gamer nerd who listens to weird music and is neurodivergent as hell, I love seeing all these folks online who are like me -- but I just wanted to post this thingie to make it clear that all transfems (and all trans people in general! I love you too, transmascs!) are deserving of love and appreciation, not just the ones we typically see online, y'know?
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baphofemme · 3 months
yet more strangely vivid dreams i had the other day (yesterday and the day before), this time it's a twofer
#i'll start off with dream 1#as per usual i can only conjure up the most vivid aspects of them#the most prominent element of this dream was some andrew tate-esque 'alpha male' influencer making a dumb tweet (par for the course)#the tweet in question was a qrt of a person making instant ramen that had a lot of ingredient packets (the more packets the better imo)#and the qrt was some transphobic slop along the lines of 'if you're a man and eat shit like this you might as well get a sex change'#however the comment section in OP's post wasn't going the way he wanted it to and tons of trans people were making memes and jokes out of it#the qrts of OP's post were hilarious#one of the most popular ones was of a transfem making a post of how she ate a lot of ramen as a kid and it made her trans#by the end of the day ramen was considered the unofficial 'trans' dish#funnily enough i ate a shitton of top ramen (among other brands) as a kid and look where i'm at now! i'm genderfluid and nonbinary...#and now for dream 2!#in this dream i was at my old high school (the one i attended before switching to online school) but the exterior was way different#it was a reddish-brown brick exterior similiar to the k-8 i went to before going to that high school (but not entirely the same)#my hair was super long; it was about rear length#i was also more androgynous looking#the outfit i wore was all black with my favorite docs; weirdly enough i wasn't wearing a spiked choker this time#you know i couldn't forget my eyeliner though!#i was meandering through the hallways since the ten-minute bell before first period rung#i saw a short girl with dark brunette hair in a low ponytail who had the cutest bat wing tattoo on her upper back#i complimented her tattoo but i don't think she heard me#as everyone went to class i was still wondering where the hell to go#i finally made it to the office (which had a see-through door) to pick up my schedule#that's all i could remember before that dream ended#what's cookin' in hell's kitchen?#adventures within my amygdala
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drchucktingle · 6 months
Hello Dr Tingle! I wanted to ask you about that re: your post about how all your books are serious literature (hell yeah Love is real). How do you personally deal with the whole traditional publishing institution? It attracts a whole different level of coverage and it seems that they're very quick to try and box you and like turn you into a brand. Is it stiffling? Is it freeing? Does the attention help more people understand your trot? I don't know I've never been published but since you have experience in both traditional and self publishing I'm interested in knowing how that's feeling for you
well this is a pretty complex question with lots of different trots but i will try my best to answer. lets start with WHO I AM as buckaroo name of chuck
what i create has a very strong voice and my way is pretty recognizable. while buckaroos do not know what most authors look like, i REALLY stand out in a dang crowd with a big pink bag on my head. if you see 50 random author photos and mine is mixed in and then you ask 'which photo do you remember the most?' it is probably gonna be chuck. i also have a VERY UNIQUE STORY with what i create and my artistic sensibilities, not a lot of buds are out there making trans mothman erotica along with their big five traditional publishing bestsellers (SIDENOTE preorder BURY YOUR GAYS)
now if you were going to take 'CHUCK TINGLE' to a marketing department they would FALL OVER BACKWARDS IN THEIR DANG CHAIR with excitement. it is hard to think of an author with a stronger BRAND than i already have in the sense of 'instantly recognizable trot and specific unique style'. even in answering this you can tell that i dont even TALK like other dang authors.
what i am getting at is this: i am VERY VERY LUCKY because my existence just so happens to equate to what a company would see as GOOD BRANDING. it is not intentional on my part, it is just the hand of fate i guess. im out here expressing myself in a FULL ON WAY that is PRETTY DANG STRANGE TO SOME and it just so happens to work as mainstream branding too
on paper you might think 'what the heck no way chuck tingle will fly as a mainstream trot' but honestly the main thread of this timeline can be surprising sometimes. ive been saying the key ingredient for years and i will say it again: LOVE AND SINCERITY RESONATE. when you make art with this fuel, the timeline will feel it. when you stand up tall and shout with your whole chest THIS IS MY WAY AND I LOVE MYSELF. I AM THE WORLDS GREATEST AUTHOR TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, the timeline will listen
so all that said, i do not mind the idea of myself as 'brand' because i am not CHANGING myself to create this effect. what some might see as 'brand' i just see as another part of my art. i have always believed that art is THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE not just the painting but what is outside of the frame. WHO I AM is just as important as the books i write, and interacting with my way is a whole MULTIMEDIA experience that INCLUDES YOU TOO. it is the feeling when your friend shows you your first tingler cover, or the feeling when you realize that i am not playing a character. this is ALL a part of the tingleverse and it is all a part of my honest raw expression as a queer and neurodivergent buckaroo.
it is my nature of have a PUNK ROCK trot. always has been. but to me that does not mean just angrily going against everything for the sake of going against everything. for me, this punk rock trot means fighting to EXPRESS MYSELF IN THE MOST HONEST AND PURE FORM POSSIBLE and to create the art that i want to make without any boundaries
somehow i have threaded the needle in this really interesting once-in-a-dang-lifetime kind of way. my pure punk rock self as an OUTERSIDER ARTIST just so happens to resonate with this larger system of brand and traditional publishing and popular culture. i COULD reject this, but rejecting it would be LESS HONEST.
this is just who i am. i LIKE pop culture. i LIKE joy. i LIKE dressing in all pink and wearing my custom suits. I LIKE PROVING LOVE IS REAL WHAT THE HECK ELSE EVEN IS THERE? i love being a queer outsider artist and using my small voice to shout at the big bad devils and i like that every time i shout a few more of you buckaroos join the chorus and together we are just getting louder and louder and louder and WHO KNOWS what comes next for us all trotting together.
when i post something like 'WHAT A GREAT DAY TO PROVE LOVE' it is not me sitting here in a bad mood thinkin 'well i gotta make todays post to keep up with my brand'. i am ACTUALLY FEELING THAT FEELING and i actually believe it with every fiber of my being. honestly, half the time i post about the beauty of this timeline i am probably over here literally crying tears of joy (chuck is an emotional bud i get riled over the joy of existence A LOT)
and heres the best part of this trot: because i really have this punk rock way it makes me very powerful. others can pretend not to care about success and brand and all that but I REALLY DO NO CARE. i would write tinglers whether buds were reading them or not, this is just my natural state, and that makes me incredibly strong. if some big corporation says 'YOU MUST DO THIS' and i dont want to do it i just say 'no thanks'. it is not some big debate about my career or anything like that because I REALLY DO NOT CARE IN THE SLIGHTEST. i care about the art
because of this, my relationship with my GIANT TRADITIONAL PUBLISHING MACHINE is great. we trot like equals and we get along really well. i tell them exactly what i want to do and they let me do it. i really do not have to answer to anyone and they deserve a huge amount of credit for respecting me in this way.
and heres the thing, THEY ALSO HAVE SOME GREAT IDEAS
SPECIFICALLY my imprint of NIGHTFIRE is very dang cool. yes, they are the head of a giant hydra of a BIG FIVE PUBLISHER, but nightfire is SO DANG ART-FOCUSED
there is no right or wrong way to be an artist, and my path is not the only one, but i can tell you what WORKS FOR ME. this is the advice i would give myself, and buckaroos can take it or leave it
here it is: never beg the big book publisher, or record label, or movie studio to pay attention to you
do not let it become a lotto ticket in your brain. do not think that you are some weak little creature and maybe if you trot just right they will scoop you up and take care of you. do not go to their door begging to be let in
create something so incredible and beautiful and honest and powerful and unique and important that they would be foolish to miss out. create a community or a system or a timeline or a world of imagination that thrives on its own and THEY SHOULD BE SO LUCKY TO BE A PART OF IT
then when you sit down at that board meeting it is not 'please brand me, ill do whatever you want'. instead, it is 'lets make a deal and see how much love we can prove together.'
now lets trot buckaroos
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moonastroellie · 3 months
i looovvee the song daddy issues by the neighborhood (definitely does not say anything abt me) do you think you could make headcannons inspired by the song?
where reader has never been taken care of but ellie come along and like heals her ig? 😏
Hell yeah
warnings: 18+, these are going to get dark, mentions of childhood trauma, abusive parents, panic attacks, mentions of murder, trans! Ellie.
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- Ellie met you in her shared dorm with you and Dina, after you had a panic attack crying on the ground after you accidentally broke Dina's favourite cup.
"hey, hey, are you okay?" Ellie kneels down next to you, and caresses your hair gently as you sob and rant on about how you broke Dina's favourite cup, "it's okay- I promise, she doesn't care"
"are you sure?" sobs continue to leave your mouth as Ellie sits next to you leaning against the wall "I promise"
- Ellie who asked you about what you were thinking about, while you were both studying together.
"what are you thinking about, hon?" she questions, you shrug, trying to brush it off, "if I told you what I was thinking about you'd think I was insane" Ellie laughs "you couldn't say a single thing to me that would make me think you're insane"
"I killed someone" you joke and a choked out "what" leaves Ellie's lips "I'm fucking joking!" you say as soon as you realise she didn't think you were joking.
"I think I like you" and just like that, you and Ellie began dating—not only this, but this is when all your past trauma started taking effect on your relationship.
- Ellie who comforted you whenever you thought you did something wrong. she knew there was something deeper that you weren't telling her but never pushed you to say anything if you weren't ready-
- Ellie who sat and listened to you whenever you needed to rant, and in fact. it was the first time you ever opened up to Ellie.
"this is how my story begins and I don't ever wanna tell the story again" you cry as tears drip down your face "it's okay, you can cry- I'm here for you" you immediately find comfort in Ellie's lap.
"and my dad? fuck he was crazy, he was never present- he cheated on mom so many fucking times and i- he used to yell at me for leaving a light on, that's fucking insane am I right?" ranting on and on, Ellie didn't once turn her attention to something else. it was on you and only you.
- Ellie who pushed you out of your comfort zone to make more friends and learn that not all people are bad, she knew you had social anxiety due to growing up with your parents who never taught you how to communicate properly.
"I'd do whatever I can do to protect you, you know that right?" Ellie says as she places her hand on your thigh, as she drives to Jesse's place. you smile and nod, leaning on her shoulder as she drives.
- Ellie who watched you have a panic attack over eating the last brownie, that was in fact her brownie. "I don't care, it's not the end of the world babe, it's just a brownie" she chuckles, this doesn't calm you down once—ellie realises this and hugs you tight "it's okay"
"my dad left money in mom's hands but I always felt bad for eating the last food because maybe Mom doesn't have enough money and i-" Ellie pats your head in a comforting way, suddenly you realise there wasn't any reason to react to that.
- Ellie who was so happy to see you finally come out of your shell and actually enjoy life the way people should—she pushed you to finally get therapy, which helped a lot. she noticed you going out a lot more, not crying over every small inconvenience.
- Ellie who cuddled you so much that you actually wanted to push her off you sometimes "Ellie, I'm boiling" she grumbles, and you chuckle at her half asleep body, pulling a hair strain behind her ear as she snuggles into you more.
- Ellie who teared up when you told her that she saved your life, "are you crying?"
"what? me, ew get away!" she sniffles and hugs you, telling you how much she loves you.
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ceilidhtransing · 5 months
In light of recent and ongoing UK fuckery, I am so sick and tired of the idea that extremely transphobic things “aren't really transphobic” because they are coming from people who “probably mean well” and “don't hate trans people”.
Yeah, because bigotry can only be perpetrated by people who are actively, consciously hateful, sitting in their villainous lairs and dreaming up new innovative ways to be evil. (Obvious sarcasm.)
Transphobia is not just “when you actively and knowingly hate trans people”. Transphobia is also
A paternalistic attitude that says that trans people can't really be trusted to know themselves or what they want and so need to be gatekept from healthcare by cis “experts”
A refusal to listen to and take into account trans expertise; hell, a denial that trans expertise even exists
The idea that while some trans people existing in society is fine, ideally we should be limiting that number as much as we can
The idea that transition - social or physical or both - should only ever be a last resort after all other “possible avenues” have been explored, because being trans is fundamentally an undesirable inferior state and ideally we should be protecting people from transition for their own good
An attempt to clamp down on the use of “dangerous unregulated private healthcare” and an insistence on “safety” and on “doing things the right way” that manifests in reality as a denial of care because no viable alternatives to such “dangerous” options are actually provided
A carving out of exceptions to the basic principle of bodily autonomy whenever a body happens to belong to a trans person
A total dismissal of the concept of harm reduction when it comes to trans people; the only harm reduction that really matters is making sure no cis person accidentally does anything trans, and that end should be doggedly pursued no matter how many trans people it will harm along the way
An expectation of ludicrously unattainable standards of evidence and success for any healthcare involving trans people, that you would never demand of “normal” healthcare - a >15% regret rate for some common surgery is fine; a <1% regret rate for something trans-related is a national scandal that calls for an immediate inquiry into care standards
The refusal to change policies and approaches that have been demonstrated time and time again to harm trans people, because you view the status quo of cis authority over trans bodies as more important than the survival of the people those bodies belong to
The demand that cis people as individuals, and cis society at large, deserve to have their opinions taken into account regarding how a trans person chooses to live and what they choose to do to their body, and that trans freedom should hinge on cis approval
An assumption that segregation between “normal healthcare” and “trans healthcare” is just natural and necessary, even when it is literally the same procedure or treatment
The welcoming of openly trans-hostile voices into conversations about trans issues to the exclusion of actual trans people, because “it's really important that all views are aired” (apart from the views of trans people, obviously)
The attitude that, no matter how ignorant of, detached from, irrelevant to, and unwilling to learn of trans people's lives you are, your personal consent and satisfaction must be obtained before any progress around trans equality can be made, and trans people must only move at the pace of your willingness to understand and get on board
An insistence on endlessly rehashing the same basic points again and again and preventing any forward movement by repeatedly dragging the conversation back to square one, forcing trans people and their allies to debunk the same nonsense again and again and defend the same well-proven, well-established truths again and again
The denial that transphobia even exists or is a significant problem that needs to be addressed - it's not bigotry, it's just conflicting views! After all, gender identity is a polarising issue!
and so much more besides. Transphobia is a social system, a way of thinking, a set of baked-in assumptions, an institutionalised bias. Conscious, active “hatred” is not a prerequisite for anything listed above, but they are all transphobia, and at the root of all of them is a casual indifference to trans survival, a prioritisation of cis comfort and cis interests over trans lives, and an instinctive valuing of cis existence over trans existence. A lot of cis people don't even recognise these things as transphobia because they themselves hold those casual prejudices and therefore see the extensions of them as natural.
And at this point, I don't care about “good intentions”. These things are all manifestations of the insidious and deeply evil web of transphobia that prevents trans people from living full lives as equal participants in society. People who keep holding these attitudes and doing these things aren't “basically well-intentioned”; they're just bigots who don't know or care that they're bigots.
Transphobia is not just “when some hateful fanatic says they want all trans people dead”. Transphobia is all around us. Start seeing it.
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psychotrenny · 1 month
can i ask- why use the word 'theyfab' in particular? since it draws such specific attention to their c-agab, and sounds so similar to terms and phrases used to demean cafab nonbinary people
Because when used appropriately* it doesn't draw any more attention to the target's AGAB than the target already has. TheyFAB is a term that arose in response to the unfortunately common tendency among AFAB non-binary people to socially weaponise their AGAB against transfems; embracing the common view of "Non-Binary= Women+" in order to take a position of innocence. People get called theyFAB when they imply or even outright state things along the lines of "There's no way I, as an AFAB, could commit violence against or hold privilege over any of those male-socialised trans women". Like hell, that sort of rhetoric already draws as much attention to any given tranfem's AGAB as it does to the "theyFAB" in question. If you don't want trans women to draw attention to your AGAB, then don't make anyone's AGAB their problem.
It also helps that the only people seriously offended by it are those ignorant and/or transmisogynist enough that they basically deserve it anyway. You don't have to like the word in order to appreciate the genuine frustrations behind it and realise that trans women do not as a class have enough power to make it meaningfully damaging. It's not as though trans women are, on a structural basis, big beneficiaries and defenders of patriarchal gender norms.
It's a bit like "cracker" in the way that it's a certainly not a nice word but you're stupid if you think it's a "slur" and an absolutely pathetic if you choose to make a big fuss over it. And once again if you don't wanna get called that word, the best thing to do is not be a bigot. It's surprisingly easy
*well as appropriate as a word like that can be
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Tim and Dick are actually cousins, Tim through Janet and Dick through whichever parent isn't related to William Cobb, Mary Grayson. Janet only just found out that she had a sister. This is why the Drakes were at the circus that day. Janet was trying to get up the courage to introduce herself and maybe form a connection.
Then of course, things went very wrong.
Janet was trying to convince Jack that they should take in Dick, by the time she had almost gotten him to agree Dick was taken in by Bruce and Janet left the situation like that since Bruce was richer than them and since she wasn't sure how Dick would react to an aunt he'd never met or how he and Tim would get along in the long run. She did always mean to drop by the Waynes and introduce herself to Dick so he'd know that he had living family but never got around to it. She meant to tell Tim but it always slipped her mind. Suddenly it was too late. It was one of her last regrets. Jack either completely forgot about the connection to Richie Wayne or actively didn't care or was disdainful towards the whole situation and wanted no part in revealing any evidence of his father in law's past affairs. In any case, he wasn't about to mention it to Tim either and then it was too late for him to say anything.
A decade and some change after that day at the circus, random DNA check because of potential dopplegangers let Dick and Tim discover they have a blood relationship.
Cass too, the only good thing that David Cain does for Cass is being related to Mary Grayson and Janet Drake. David was, like Mary, the result of an affair and he never met or knew about his sisters. Janet was the only legitimate sibling.
Janet, Mary, and David's mutual parent was their father who never met a woman he didn't like, though he was also a very big fan of mutual consent.
"Never met a woman he didn't like." Shout-out to grandpa for loving every woman, regardless of their background. Imma hc he's a trans rights activist as well, cause why the hell not. He loves all women.
Anyways, I'm also vibing with him being a fan of mutual consent. I'll add on that he asks and then immediately disengages if the other party expressed disinterest or discomfort. Some people try to badger others into "consent," especially back then. If someone has told you no 5 times and then says yes the 6th time you've asked, they aren't consenting. They're giving in.
Anyways, imma built up this grandpa's background a bit. I hc that he beats the shit out of people who do the badgering or straight up don't ask for consent. He's obviously dead in current days (when everyone finds out they are related), but he was quite the force when he was alive.
I think Dick, Cass, and Tim would still consider each other siblings but would use the cousin status when they find it funny (i.e. to confuse bigots or whatnot).
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mgc02 · 3 months
Yandere Vox X food Delivery trans masc walker reader
I'm guessing by "walker" you mean reader walks to deliver food. If not I apologize
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Other Motives
Yandere Vox x trans masc food deliverer
Tw: yandere behavior, manipulation, mind control, violence, mild swearing
You didn't mind walking. Although it did present occasional dangers. You normally liked the physical activity and you liked the scenery. On the nicer parts of town of course
But one day you got a job to deliver to a not so nice part of town. Your employer could care less that you didn't have a vehicle and you needed this job to pay for your testosterone and to save up for your top and bottom surgery. So you grabbed some mace and decided to jog there
You're crappy shoes didn't make the jog very pleasant but you would rather not slow down in this area of town. Unfortunately your feet had other plans
You fell to the ground when your foot cramped up bad. You clenched your arch and grimaced. And you were practically pleading for the pain to go away so you could get away from this alley you had stopped in front of
Footsteps pulled your attention away and you saw three large sinners beginning to surround you
You silently and discreetly reached for your mace
"Well, well, well. Lookee what we have here. You're on our turf buddy" the biggest one said threateningly
"I'm sorry. I was just passing through. I'll leave immediately" you tried to talk your way out of the situation
"Nope. Nobody just walks right into our turf without a punishment. We're gonna teach you a lesson!!!" The man grabbed you by the collar and that's when sprayed him directly in the eyes
He screamed and clutched his face in pain but his buddies were quick to take over. One them kicked you in the gut and you fell over. Then the other kicked the mace out of your hand
"You're gonna pay for that asshole!" The biggest shouted still covering one of his eyes
"Gentlemen, gentlemen." A voice came from behind
"I'm sure this won't be necessary" he continued.
You turned and looked with the thugs about to beat you to a pulp to see a tall man in a blue suit with a bow tie and..... a TV for a head? Is that Vox? You wondered. He was one of the vees and possibly the richest most influential sinner in hell and a powerful overlord
"Vox?!?" One of the guys exclaimed
"Yes. And I do think it's rude for you to beat up one of my workers" he muttered while straightening his bow tie. He seemed so uninterested or was it his way of showing them he doesn't see them as a threat?
Though you were definitely NOT his worker you figured it out and played along
"Boss! I was bringing you your lunch when these guys attacked me!" You shifted the focus onto them and as you looked at them they had terror in their eyes
"S-sorry we-we didn't know he worked for you. We'll leave" they didn't wait for him to respond but immediately took off like cowards
You struggled to stand up until a hand outstretched to help you
You took Vox's hand and thanked him
Although you were curious why he helped you...
"You know you should get those injuries checked. If you come by the studio I can have someone take a look at that for you" he offered
"No thanks" you declined. "If I'm late for this delivery I won't have a job to come back to"
Vox had look in his eyes as if he was about say something but changed his mind
"Well I can have one of my drones deliver it for you and you don't have to tell a soul" he winked. He was being suspiciously nice
You knew most overlords were not the nicest people and you weren't sure it would be a good idea to trust him
"You wouldn't want to have run into any more trouble would you?" He smiled kind of deviously
He did have a point
Stay out here and risk getting attacked again or go with the guy who just saved you
Against your better judgment (or maybe it was cause you were tired, injured, and slightly terrified), you agreed to let him handle the delivery and go with him
Back at the studio, someone looked you over and patched you up. You relaxed. No longer feeling like you were in danger
"So why walk all the way through that neighborhood?" Vox asked as he shooed away his assistant leaving the two of you alone in his office
"I don't have a car" you responded
"And your boss was ok with that?" He questioned. His fingers tapping the desk in a rhythmic drum
"My boss doesn't care as long as he gets his money at the end of the day" you replied rather bluntly
"Well why don't you quit? Surely no job is worth risking your life?" He acted like that was reasonable and to be fair it was
You didn't know why but you decided to trust him with knowing more about your identity than most people
"I need the money for hormone therapy and surgery. I'm trans" you admitted in relief to finally tell someone. Though anxiety immediately followed
"Wow! I couldn't even tell. You pass very well" he said with last part almost sounding flirtatious but you figured you were just overthinking
"Thanks" you smiled at him. He seemed so nice. You didn't know if it was from exhaustion or if it was real but you felt yourself trusting him more and more in his presence
"You know," he said approaching you before sitting down next to you on the couch. "You could come work for me. I'll pay you better. Provide you with a vehicle and you will be much safer. There might even be some opportunity for advancement"
It all sounded too good to be true. Which you knew usually meant that it was. You were hesitant. "I'm... I'm not sure"
Suddenly when you looked in his eyes you thought for moment you saw them change. Then you started to relax and you started to question yourself. Why did you think he would trick you? He saved you! He's been nothing but nice
You felt your worries melt away as you continued to look in his eyes and you heard his voice. "You know this is what you want. Don't you wanna come work for me?" His voice feeling like it was merging with your thoughts
And this time you answered without hesitation
Let me know if you want part 2
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river13245 · 4 months
Your recent piece with daryl x FTM reader made me so happy :,) I don’t see much of that content! When you have the time if you’d be able to write something along the lines of him dating a FTM reader & wanting to show him off/show how much he loves him.
Thank u :3!
Dating Daryl Dixon (FTM reader)
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Now this completely depends on if Mearl is alive when you meet. If Mearl is alive during this time. Mearl will make a comment at your body. If you do have top surgery he will make a comment about your thighs and if you don't then about your boobs. He will find something. That's just who he is. Which will cause Daryl to tell him to shut up.
If Mearl is dead at this time he would probably meet you at Alexandria or our hunting. Either way I don't think Daryl would even look at your body in that way. He will ask who you were and then so forth.
During your time dating he would notice things. Daryl is very observant so he would notice things like how you would avoid being physically close with him. Not that my man is very physical in that aspect but he notices.
He wouldn't ask questions until one night he does. Making sure you both were alone during this time. This would be the night when you open up to him about being trans. He would be accepting of course he wouldn't be the type to judge. Just would ask a few questions cause he hadn't been around Trans people before. He would just want a better understanding so he wouldn't do anything wrong.
Many people in the town knew of course. So sometimes there would be some people who would find our and be homophobic. Daryl would be by your side instantly and even though you could take care of yourself perfectly fine. He would be the one to throw a punch if the person said something bad and didn't know personal space.
Daryl would not initiate anything so you would have to be the one to do so. If you were wanting sex you would have to tell him that it was okay to touch you and so forth. Of course when you gave him the green light he wasn't so hesitant any longer.
He would be so in love with you and he may not be super good with words. Daryl showed his love in other ways. Acts of service and gift giving was big for him. He would give you a good portion of food before getting himself any. Sometimes you would split some of your food cause he always gave himself so little and you so much. Then when you both were away from each other you both would come back with small gifts for the other.
For physical touch he would hold your hand. Kissing in private just sticking to hand holding in public. However sometimes during small gatherings you would kiss his cheek and his ears and cheeks would turn the faintest tinge of pink. Which causes Caryl to tease him and for him to roll his eyes and mumble.
Some people would question why you were with him. They didn't see what you seen in Daryl so you would be quick to defend him. They didn't need to understand or feel the way you felt about him. Its not their job to. They just needed to accept the fact that you are with him and they will be seeing the both of you two together.
Some also didn't understand why he was with you and he wouldn't get into a big argument or a big speech. Would usually just tell them to shut the hell up and walk off. Or when they would pester him he would say that he's in love with you and if they couldn't accept that then to stay out of your guy's way.
When Daryl would compliment you. He would not make many comments on your body. He would just say that you were handsome or say your eyes were pretty. However when he did compliment your body he would more so just look you over and say that you were so handsome.
In fact if you didn't have top surgery and you binded your chest. He would always remind you to take it off when you needed too. If you were hunting together he would stop everything he was doing and make you take if off right there while he turned around. Or if you were with people he would either give you a look or tap your back and you would excuse yourself and put on one of his hoodies that he had but never wore.
When you needed more bandages or wraps for your chest he would always be on the look out for more on his trips. This is the apocalypses of course these things wouldn't just be easy access so sometimes you wouldn't be able too. But As soon as Daryl came back with bandages and wraps he would give the extra to you.
On the days you were having a very bad self image day he would wrap his arms around you and pull you into a hug. Its a very firm hug. Then when the both of you would pull away he would take you hunting. Even letting you use his cross bow just to distract you. Let me tell you that he never lets anyone use that thing. Then after he would take you on a motorcycle ride.
All in all Daryl is such a good partner and you are a good one for him too. 10/10
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bluntloyalist · 3 months
didn't want to come across as passive aggressive putting this in the reblogs so here's a separate post about my thinky thoughts on she/her tsubaki. mainly because i do what i want forever but if canon happens to make a convincing argument for it thats nice too since i am incapable of shutting the hell up
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people love tsubaki's whole thing of accepting herself for who she is regardless of what others think. this is something i've seen repeated a lot in comments re: the official translation's he/him pronouns, and when fighting through the generally hypermasculine trenches of shounen anime/manga it's understandable want more male characters who stay true to themselves by rejecting social norms and openly embracing their femininity...however i fear we are forgetting our history 😔 the femboy diversity hire has been here all along yall our quota is full !! really tho kiryu was MADE for the girls and the gays even without getting into his personality just look at him. the pink hair. the piercings. the accessories. the off the shoulder drip. like come on COME ONNNN give him his genderqueer props
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i don't know japanese so i can't actually get too deep into how she speaks and is referred to BUT what little i can say is this. she used to use the personal pronoun ボク (boku) [katakana] as a child, and this is a common way for young boys to address themselves, but at some point she switches to ワタシ / あたし / 私 (atashi) [katakana/hiragana/kanji] in order to present and be percieved as female/feminine. this is a form of gender expression unavailable in english due to our limited number of first person pronouns and it's extremely important to her character due to how deliberate and intentional of a decision it is (though for the sake of interpretive fairness i feel like i have to say i'm not culturally knowledgeable enough to discern if it's used in a 女性語 vs オネえ言葉 context or how/if her speech patterns fit into those categories). shizuka also specifically thinks of her as an older sister 姉 (ane) [kanji]
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tsubaki's childhood feelings of alienation, displacement, and deception are way too extreme to come from someone who only wears women's clothes because he likes the fashion (imo). this doesn't read as a young boy who's into girly hobbies and is scared people will make fun of him for it; this reads as a young trans girl who is tormented by the act of constantly lying about who she is, but who knows that living truthfully will get her utterly rejected by the majority of the people she knows. she just doesn't have the language to explain herself beyond liking pretty things and not being like "other" boys. tumblr won't let me add another photo but the shot of her looking at her reflection in the window and calling herself a liar at the beginning of the chapter...there is something so incredibly and incommunicably transgender about those few panels
IN CONCLUSION: i don't necessarily hate the official he/him decision because it will be very very cool if nii satoru actually is playing 4d gender chess with tsubaki like that but i simply do not know or trust the editorial team enough to take their word on her english pronouns (<- is hypervigilant about microaggressions against trans women)
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onlyongallifrey · 6 months
can u do a 9th doctor x male reader smut?
Warnings: 18+ only, trans male reader so afab anatomy, reader has top surgery scars
a/n: Hell yes I can!! I love asks like this, short, sweet and to the point :D best part is I can write it however I want! Sick! Hope you enjoy this!
30 Minutes
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Thirty minutes.
Thirty minutes was all the time you both had together, at least, alone anyways. You couldn't remember the last time the two of you were able to really be alone in the privacy and seclusion of the TARDIS. Hell, with the amount of adventures the Doctor loves to go on, not to mention all the companions he loves to bring along, you're barely able to even sit down. You had been traveling with Rose and Jack for so long and so often, you honestly forgot what relaxing even was. You were exhausted, and you could tell the Doctor was, too.
Rose and Jack left to go get food for everyone, and you got a call from Rose letting you know it would take about thirty minutes before they were able to get it and come back so you all could eat and relax together. You couldn't lie to yourself; you really didn't want either of them to come back. However, the Doctor seemed to feel the opposite.
You both were spent, exhausted after the last few back to back trips with so many people and barely any time together at all. Didn't help that the Doctor had to save the world almost every single time. Quite frankly, you had enough of all of this scurrying around and saving one world after another. You just wanted a bit of downtime with the man you loved, and now you do. But it's only thirty minutes.
"Only thirty minutes, can you believe that? Only thirty minutes of time. The hell are we supposed to do, talk the whole bloody time?" The Doctor openly complained, pacing around the center console while you sat down on a set of stairs. "Thirty minutes, that's thirty minutes of nothing! Time wasted! We could be several galaxies from here by now, did you know that?"
You chuckled a bit to yourself at his antics, as he was always so antsy. Always eager to go to a new place, never very fond of staying in one for too long. You, however, didn't enjoy the idea of going anywhere else at all at the current moment. And you knew that if you didn't do something, he'd probably end up attempting to fly the ship somewhere else in the universe before Rose and Jack could even come back. So, you took it upon yourself to offer him a pleasant distraction.
"Doctor?" You try to catch his attention, but he's still just pacing around, blabbing to himself. "...Doctor?"
He doesn't pause even for a moment. You know that you're going to have to catch his attention in some way or another. You don't really know how to go about that at first, until you finally get an idea. You smirk to yourself, knowing that this always works, every single time.
"Oh, Doctor? It's getting very warm in here." You say cheekily, and you take note of how the Doctor pauses for a second. "Oh goodness, I guess I'll just have to take my shirt off!"
You announce this loudly, making a show of lifting your shirt off of your body, feeling the cold air of the TARDIS start to hit your warm skin. You suppress a shiver, but you feel yourself start to warm up when he finally looks at you. A mere glance at first, but he does a double take and begins to stare at your body, your beautiful skin and the handsome scars on your chest. He takes a deep breath, which makes you grin. You love how you have this much control over him.
"Well...maybe it isn't really a waste of time after all, then." He says firmly, clenching his jaw before a wide grin spreads across his face. "You've been waiting for this, haven't you? Come to think, it has been a while since we've been alone, hasn't it?"
His voice is low as he begins to move toward you with an intense look in his eyes. God, you love when he gets that look. You remember all the times during dangerous situations when he'd get that look in his eyes. And now here he was, stalking towards you with that same look, like a predator stalking his prey. It makes you feel so much warmer.
"You're right, it is pretty warm in here, isn't it? Very stuffy." The Doctor says quietly as he stands right in front of you, still entranced by only your upper half. "I think you might need to take these off as well."
He tugs at your waistband, pulling you against him, beginning to unbutton them. You waste no time, letting them fall to your feet along with your underwear and kicking them away, the only thing you're left wearing is a pair of socks as you had kicked off your shoes a while ago. The Doctor has to suppress a groan at your nude body, realizing just how long it's actually been since the two of you even had a little bit of privacy. He runs his rough hands over your skin, the sensation making you shiver. His left hand grabs your chin and tilts your head upwards as he leans in to kiss you, the two of you unable to help yourselves as you both groan into the kiss, fully entranced by each other by this point.
You grip the sides of his jacket, the worn leather soft under your hands. His mouth quickly goes on its own path away from your lips and to your neck, starting to kiss and bite on the sensitive flesh. You moan loudly as his wandering hands begin to squeeze your soft bits, gripping your ass and thighs with a quiet desperation. He hasn't been like this in a long time, and fuck, do you love it. He begins to guide you down to the floor of the TARDIS, the metal frigid against your nude skin. This time you do shiver, but not only because of the cold chill, but also because the Doctor has begun to strip as well, tossing his jacket and shirt to the side and beginning to unbutton his pants.
Your breathing grows a bit more rapid, and you feel your sex start to pulse in anticipation. The Doctor doesn't take his pants off, instead opting to pull them down slightly, pulling his moderately large cock out from it's restraints. He's VERY hard, as his left hand moves to stroke it up and down. He looks down at you with both a loving and lustful look, admiring you intensely as his right hand creeps down your body until his fingers find the right spot.
You whine as he slowly pushes a finger inside, your sex already wet and aching with a need for something much bigger. Though, he doesn't yield, pushing one more finger into your depths and slowly moving them in and out, your body beginning to writhe at the cruel teasing. His thumb skillfully moves to your clit, moving around in circles in just the right way, your eyes squeezing shut as you take it all in.
"Look at you, I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. Sometimes I forget about how irresistible you are." The Doctor scolded himself as his fingers still move within you, now starting to move at a quicker pace. "That's terrible of me. Have I reminded you of how absolutely gorgeous you are today? Well, you're getting it now."
His thumb moves at a pace that has you seeing stars, your teeth clenching before you moan aloud. You don't see it, but the Doctor is stroking himself at the same pace, watching you and your body intently, making sure that he was doing everything right and making you feel as good as you deserve. He can't help but watch you in awe.
"You're absolutely soaked down here. Are you really enjoying this that much? Do I really make you feel that good?" He comments, beginning to get even more desperate to have you. "Oh, you're such a good boy. Taking it so well for me. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll give you what you want."
He stops, pulling his fingers out from your sex which causes you to whine involuntarily. He tsks at you, before pushing the digits that were inside you into your mouth, making you taste yourself.
"Go on and clean me off, I'll give you what you want after. You'll be a good boy, won't you?" The Doctor speaks lowly, and you groan before beginning to suck on his fingers. "Very good, was that so hard? You're doing so well."
It doesn't take long before his fingers leave your mouth, that hand moving to grip your hip as he positions himself at your entrance. His cock moves in between your folds, pushing it back and forth, teasing you. Finally you can feel him beginning to press against you, and you bite your lip.
"That's it, slowly..." He says quietly, slowly beginning to push himself inside you, and you grit your teeth. "You're alright, don't worry love, just tell me if it's too much, okay? You're doing fantastic."
You let out a shaky breath as he finally sheathes himself completely within you, and your breath gets quicker as you feel a fullness you haven't gotten to experience in a while. He pauses, letting you grow used to his size again, even though it doesn't take you very long. You nod at him, smiling softly. That's all the confirmation he needs before slowly beginning to move, setting a nice, even pace.
Both of you are panting heavily, and the Doctor can't help but start to speed up, having been so deprived of you and your body for so long, he forgot the pleasures of flesh entirely until now. Now he just couldn't stop, pumping himself in and out of you like a well oiled machine, your hands moving to grip his shoulders as he moves to your neck, nuzzling his face into it as he fucks you hard and deep. Your nails start to claw at his back as he goes harder and harder, both of you getting lost in the sensation of your bodies.
The pleasure is intoxicating, so intoxicating in fact that you both completely lose track of time. You both don't even realize that time is even passing until you're screaming into nothing as he groans loudly, filling you to the brim with his cum. He moves to start again, cock still throbbing with a desperate need to continue, to keep going and never stop, the Doctor, he needs you, needs you constantly–
"Doctor! I think we've lost track of time!!" You say suddenly, bringing him back to reality, a look of panic on your face. "How long have we've been at it for–?!?"
The Doctor scrambles up, pants falling to his ankles comically as he runs to the console, checking the time. His eyes widen as he realizes it's been waaaay more than 30 minutes. He swallows. The Doctor swiftly moves to clean the two of you up as fast as possible and look even somewhat presentable before you both go out looking for Jack and Rose.
"I can't believe that happened, dammit, I should have put the TARDIS into stasis, that way this wouldn't have happened– oh I hope they're okay, you think they got lost?" The Doctor speaks to you in a panic, eyes frantic. "You don't think they got attacked, do you?"
"I'm sure they're fine, Doctor. Food was probably late being prepared, that's all." You say, fixing up your clothes. "Look, we're gonna go find them, okay? It's fine! Let's just go and–"
You open the TARDIS doors to see Rose and Jack right by it, sitting on a bench and eating their food, giggling when they see you and the Doctor leave the TARDIS. The Doctor looks at them puzzled, wondering why they're laughing to themselves as your face turns hot, realizing why they're giggling.
"You two have fun in there?" Jack asks, and Rose punches his shoulder before laughing even harder, covering her mouth with her hand. "Sure sounded like it!"
"What are you talking about–?" It takes the Doctor a moment to realize it, seeing you covering your face with your hands, but when he does, he pauses. "Oh! Oh. Oh no."
Even after the two of you get your food and go back into the TARDIS, Rose and Jack can't help but tease the two of you for the next few trips, while also giving you both a bit more privacy. It's embarrassing, but also refreshing, as you and the Doctor get a lot more date nights after that.
Guess thirty minutes wasn't enough.
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imsiriuslyreading · 17 days
i keep seeing people on tumblr saying “if you like harry potter you are a bad person” “anyone who likes harry potter should go to hell” “liking harry potter makes u a transphobe btw” and it really bothers me to be lumped prejudicially like this but also most people making these posts are trans and i’m like ok fair of you to be pissed at j*r but… i just read silly fanfic on the internet and reblog queer af art of characters she spent all but three pages on… i get that the books are rife with the author’s prejudices and bigotry but we literally *fix* all that stuff in fan work…. why do i have to be treated like a literal fascist you won’t even have a convo with me just because ur making a blanket statement? makes my blood boil. i just want to enjoy gay fanfic idk about what the transphobic cunt says… how do you cope with this, if ever?
hello! how are ya?
oh boy do i have thoughts on this.
recently, i've been thinking a lot about this.
there have been a lot of assumptions made without me actually being asked what my thoughts on this are, so I'll jump on this and tell you what I think.
i think queer and trans people, people of colour, along with other 'minority' groups have a lot to be furious with her about. I think she's a despicable excuse for a human and the way she has acted so dangerously to the group of people who needed her stories the most growing up is one of the saddest things to happen in our lifetime.
as a queer arab woman in this space, i often ask myself how do I balance and walk the line of engaging in fandom whilst keeping true to my beliefs and protecting the people in this space. i think it's different for each and every person, but what I know for sure is that if there's one thing JKR hates, it's the queers. its the lgbtqia+ gang.
something I think about a lot is that making this place what it is for us and our trans friends is one of my favourite parts of finding fandom. Being able to facilitate and offer safe spaces for people who are targeted is another.
so i think one of the most fierce and beautiful ways we can and should reclaim this world from her is by being as loud and as proud here as we can. i don't think we should hide in the shadows and skulk around pretending we don't love the parts that she created. i think we should continue doing what we do, and making these works of art of who we are, what we love, and keep writing the stories of ourselves we want to see in the world.
because if not us, then who?
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godbirdart · 8 months
in what universe is someone going to see a DNI that applies to them and think "this person is definitely someone im going to enjoy following and get along with". do you go on twitter and see nazis saying they hate trans people and decide to follow them out of spite? of course not, and literally nobody else does that either, even on the other side. hell forget DNIs, I get less conservatives in my notifs than I used to just by having they/them pronouns in my bio because they see it and go "ew, I'm not following them". people dont typically follow people theyre clearly not going to feel welcome around, a DNI is just another way to communicate that.
1 - you don't have to Get Along with someone to follow them. people can and will hate-follow or follow to annoy you, block evade, etc out of spite. some people will interact with you just because you told them, or people like them, not to.
2 - your experiences are not universal. nazis, terfs, bigots in general, they can and will follow and harass people they don't like online. this is spoken from my own experience as someone who has seen his transfem friends be followed and harassed by alt-right nut jobs online.
3 - "forget DNIs, I get less conservatives in my notifs than I used to just by having they/them pronouns in my bio" ← you're right. this is effective because the vast majority of people regardless of political stance or belief will only ever read your bio. not many people are going to jump through hyperlinks to read your DNI. if they don't like what they read in your bio, they'll just leave [or possibly harass you, if they're particularly malicious]. ergo, making a DNI is largely just for yourself and not at all a real, useful barrier people must pass through in order to follow / engage with your posts.
no one is stopping you from making a DNI. you can write a terms-of-service length novel of a Do Not Interact list, put it on its own Carrd and make it aesthetic and pretty with flair. you're completely free to do so and tell people to read it. a few will, sure.
however. the post you're referencing is specifically addressing the glaring reality that most people, regardless if they fit your DNI criteria or not, are simply not going to go out of their way to find and read it. abusive people aren't going to see "DNI abusive assholes" and be deterred because they themselves don't consider themselves abusive. this post, particularly what OP wrote, is saying how it's much more proactive to curate your own space through utilizing the block button and tag filters when you see things and people you don't want to engage with instead of trying to impose your personal boundaries on strangers online.
addendum // i don't really care if teens are making DNIs and being aggressively annoying about em. i remember the era of setting weird arbitrary rules in my developing years while i was forming Who I Was as a person. they're figuring out who they are and what their comfort levels are. i get it. it's the grownass adults that are hyper-virulent about DNIs that i worry about - and i'm not talking about when they're trying to establish an adults-only space with a stern "minors DNI".
note: what i'm talking about below, i am Not referring to literally illegal and harmful activities / content. just want to be clear.
now, i'm not saying you have to welcome and embrace the content you don't like, but it's important to challenge yourself and toe your comfort boundaries. if you over-prune yourself trying to be the bestest morally correct person, at some point you're going to start boxing yourself into this narrowed teeny tiny worldview. you may turn into the person you claim to have loathed, imposing personal beliefs and morals on others, and brandishing your DNI like it's a certificate of righteousness; not unlike how conservatives wave around religious scripture while pruning away LGBTQ+ rights because it goes against their morality. a few examples of this are topics such as: kink at pride, and the language discrepancies between the younger and older generations of the LGBTQ+ community - particularly in regards to self-identifying with words such as Queer and Dyke and Transsexual.
i probably derailed a bit here, i'm answering this before my caffeine's fully kicked in. if i vaguely worded something or yall want more elaboration on something, don't hesitate to ask
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aroace-ventplace · 2 months
I see other aspecs complaining about fighting off this and that suitor or having to turn down friends, and it makes me so glad I'm unattractive and give off "fuck off" vibes. But it makes me react extreme whenever I see someone, especially fat positivity, saying anything along the lines of "everyone's beautiful :)" skill issue, shut the hell up. I neither am nor want to be beautiful and my issues with my weight have nothing to do with attractiveness and everything to do with wanting to be able to have my ankles not hurt. The only positive thing about my fat is people think I'm ugly and leave me alone, don't try to take that away from me cause your self esteem entirely depends on people wanting to fuck you, and learn that beauty doesn't matter in the first place instead of trying to apply it to everyone. Same with people who say "I love you and yes i mean it even if you're a stranger" like I didn't fucking ask and I don't fucking want it. No you don't and if you do your definition is too broad and you don't actually care about me clearly. The one think I learned from being aroace is that if people geenerally consider a concept good or positive then they assume everyone should want it and be thankful for it or they're just being a pessimistic contrarian rather than actually god damn feeling that way.
oh man i do get annoyed when people try to Do An Activism by saying shit like "don't worry! everyone in x group is [insert characteristic that op assumes is universally desired]! even you!!!" like, i know they have good intentions, but statements like that only reinforce the idea that x characteristic is a legitimate measure of worth, and implicitly condemn anyone who voluntarily or involuntarily doesn't identify with that trait
specific examples from my own communities: trans spaces telling trans people they're fuckable, autistic spaces telling autistic people they're smart, aspec spaces telling aspecs that they can still love/be loved. like... i understand why people want to reverse stereotypes and affirm their community's access to traits they have historically been denied. i do get it. but those statements still imply that someone who ISN'T fuckable and smart and full of love is a lesser person for it, and they alienate the people who would prefer to opt out of those systems of value completely. like obviously i'm not gonna start shit on some stranger's positivity post, but i AM gonna scroll away and feel a little annoyed at the 42069th post sexualizing trans bodies or telling aros they can love their friends or whatever, lmao
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sagasolejma · 1 month
your blog is really comforting, i’ve been silently lurking a bit, but I just want to ask because I wouldn’t want to step boundaries-are minors (teenagers) allowed to interact ? I didn’t see anything about it in the pinned so I assume??
Well first of all, thank you for calling my blog comforting, that just made my day! ^w^
And yes, this is something I've been clear about in the past: minors are 100% welcome here and allowed to interact, as long as "interact" doesn't mean flirting with me, because in that case then please don't lol.
While I'm sure many of the other blogs have their reasons for the whole "Minors DNI" thing, I've never really been able find a reason to do it. I don't really believe anything I post is "too inappropriate" for minors, and I'm also not really a part of those people that are like "I literally cannot talk to anyone under 18" because, well... I have siblings and cousins who are way younger than me, we get along just fine, they're humans too, y'know?
And most importantly, it's about being a "safe space" that extends out to queer minors too (or at least that's what I'd like to believe) like, I know what my primary follower base is and it sure as hell isn't cishet men, and I figure that among that group of queer people, there's gotta be some queer and trans kids and teens too, and for a lot of them Tumblr might genuinely feel like the only place they can be themselves, and so what are they gonna do when they go around and literally every single blog they meet they're just met with "minors do not interact" like... damn, leave some space for the children too, y'know? Again I'm sure most blogs that do this have their own good reasons, but as long as I don't see any reason to limit my blog in that way, I won't.
Sorry for the long rant, I guess the short answer is yes (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
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foxgirlintestines · 1 month
The one piece of advice I can really give to younger trans girls is that you really need to embrace the parts about you that you actually liked pre-transition. There is often that crushing weight of gloom and self loathing that comes with severe dysphoria that tells you that everything about you is wrong, but that can just your mind being clouded with negative emotions, and it becomes harder to see the positives. In the end, though, you probably aren't going to become a perfect barbie doll, and that's ok, but striving to become something like that can drive you crazy.
When I first transitioned, I just wanted to be a girl, no ambiguity, just look like a stereotype. It was never really possible, I'm almost 6 and a half feet tall, and the women in my family are not thin, when I got on estrogen I gained weight fast, and it did not go to all the right places. I wallowed in bed a lot, and I just kind of kept getting worse. Oddly enough, it was getting into fetish content where less standard body types were lusted after more than regular anime proportion waifus where I started to see some of the more positive aspects of being amab. I was tall, strong, could be threatening and having a big squishy gut was actually quite attractive. I started to remember things about me when I was younger that I kind of pushed out of my mind. I was the "guy" who would run the mile in PE then casually walk along-side my friends and keep them company so that they didn't get teased, and one time I picked up my overweight friend and just carried her the last bit of the way because she was exhausted and the teacher couldn't really do anything about it because even as a young teenager I towered over him. In theater when there were heavy props to move I just lifted them up and tossed them around when we didn't have grip present. When we were out drinking in college, I was the "safety" who intimidated people so they would not try and take advantage of the drunk girls. I am big, and even if is not very feminine, I like that about me.
I changed my transition goals, I started working out again, not just cardio exercises to lose weight, but weightlifting, squats while holing a barbell, throwing around a medicine ball, and doing laps around my backyard while holding a ~150lb dead tree I ripped out of the ground while doing yardwork on my shoulder. I got healthier, I got happier, and much to my new endocrinologist's chagrin I've been gaining more weight, though now it's muscle. There are still plenty of things that I changed to be feminine, I wear my hair long, I wear girly clothes, often cute shirts with open tops that show off my large arms shoulders and cleavage, and mini-skirts. I put on make-up, lots of bold goth get-ups with heavy eyeliner black lipstick and glittery deep grey eyeshadow. Long painted nails, jewelry, hell sometimes a sparkly rhinestone tiara when I really want to ham it up, cute open toe heels when not wearing my big stompy boots, and of course the biggest one (pun intended) my massive boobs that I got the largest implants legal to be used in the US to make me busty as hell. I don't look like a barbie, and I no longer want to. I'm to the point that people often don't know whether to call me sir or ma'am, but the fact that people say sir or ma'am meekly like they are afraid of getting it wrong is way better gender confirmation than being called "lady."
I am happy now, well, at least happy with my body, there is plenty of shit in the world that still makes me depressed as hell. At least I no longer feel that dysphoria, and it makes those other things a bit more manageable. I think even if I did achieve my original transition goals, I would not be as happy with my body as I am now. You got to find that about yourself too, sometimes you will actually miss things about who you used to be, even if those times were overall worse.
As a silly little comparison, these two pictures of my fursona (which reflect my ideal body type) were made before and after I accepted the things about my body that I didn't want to change.
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