bearitual · 11 months
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oh my GOD! is that FRISK UNDERTALE?????
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topazy · 2 years
Tomorrow's promise
Paring: Shane Walsh × reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and guts
Chapter: 2.04
A sharp cry cuts through the room as you enter the kitchen. “I know, I know. It's been a long night.”
You kiss the top of Jace’s head, rocking him gently in your arms. You walk out onto the front porch, where it’s empty, and feed Jace while looking out into the field, which was bare aside from a few horses. A few years ago, this would have been Shane’s dream house to raise a family in.
“Morning,” Maggie says, standing beside you. “How did you sleep?”
“I didn’t… Did you?”
She shakes her head and gives you a sad smile. You notice she has a glass of juice in each hand and offers one to you. “You gotta stay hydrated and keep your strength up.”
“Thank you.” You take the drink from her. “And not just for this, but for letting us into your home. I don’t think we could ever thank your dad enough for saving Carl.”
“You don’t need to thank us; kindness is what keeps us human.”
A pit began to form in the pit of your stomach. The Greene family were good people, and Shane... you didn’t have any proof, but your gut told you that he was lying about Otis' death. He told you a different version of the story he told Rick the night before; he told you Otis fell behind and he was too slow to notice, but if he had, he could have saved him. You didn’t believe him.
You both stayed outside in a comfortable silence, and just as you finished feeding Jace, Glenn and Shane joined you on the porch.
Glenn blushes as he notices the brunette standing beside you. “Morning Maggie,” he waved at her nervously before gushing over your son, tickling his cheek with your finger. “Hey, little man.”
Hearing the sounds of traffic nearby, you all turn to watch as the rest of your people arrive at the farm.
You feel physically sick as you look at Shane wearing Otis clothes as they hang off his body.
Otis’s friends and family laid stones for him at a small memorial not far from the farm house while Hershel read from the Bible. “Blessed be God, farther or out lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his span of years, for his abundance of character. Otis, who gave his life to save a child, is now more than ever our most precious asset. We thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in grace.”
Your heart speeds up when Hershel turns to Shane, who says, “Shane, will you speak for Otis?”
He struggles to find a reason not to. “I’m not good at it. I’m sorry.”
Otis' wife Patricia lets out a sob, “You were the last one with him. You shared his final moments, please. I need to hear this. I need to know his death had meaning.”
Reluctantly, he agrees, handing Jace over to you with tears building in his eyes. Probably from guilt. He clears his throat and looks down at the ground, saying, “We were about done. Almost out of ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping; it was bad. ankle all swollen up. ‘We’ve got to save the boy.’ See, that’s what he said. He gave me his backpack, and he shoved me ahead. ‘Run,’ he said. He said, ‘I’ll take the rear, and I'll cover you.’ And when I looked back…” Shane pauses, searching for everyone’s reactions to his story. He limps forward and places a stone on the memorial. “If not for Otis, I’d have never made it out alive, and that goes for Carl too. It was Otis; he saved us both. If any death ever had meaning, it was his.”
You and Shane exchange an intense look while the others make their way back to the farm house. You wanted to yell at him, demanding for him to tell you the truth, but you had a feeling he wouldn’t admit to whatever he did so easily. You only look away from him when you feel a hand on your shoulder. Andrea gives you a serious look and says, “What I said that day... when we were looking for Sophia…”
You cut her off, patting her hand, and you say, “Water under the bridge.”
“Thank you.”
Inside, you were still pissed off that she referred to your son as a ticking time bomb, but now wasn’t the time for any arguments or grudges you might have had in the world before. Almost losing Carl made you realize you needed to let go of the hurt and pain you’d been holding onto, and this was a good way to start.
A group of you crowd around a map of the local area to plan the search parties for Sophia, which so far have been derailed. Hershel says neither you nor Rick were safe to search after giving so much blood to Carl, and with Shane’s ankle swollen, he wouldn’t get far on foot, leaving Daryl to search alone for the remainder of the day.
“If we are going to do this right, it means we can’t have our people out there with just knives,” Shane points out. “They need the gun training we’ve been promising them.”
“I’d prefer you not carry a gun on my property,” Hershel says. “We’ve managed so far without turning this into an armed camp.”
“With all due respect, you get rid of those things wandering in here.”
Rick interrupts him before he can finish his sentence. “Look, we’re guests here. This is your property, and we will respect that.”
You watch Shane screw his face up as Rick sits his gun down on top of the map. You place yours down beside it and chime in before Shane causes an argument. “Rick’s right. The training can be done off the farm, but while we’re here, we hand our guns over. It's only fair.”
You nod in agreement before continuing, “First things first, set camp, find Sophia.”
Shame bites on his bottom lip, looking deep in thought, before suddenly snapping out of it. “I hate to be the one to ask, but somebody’s got to. What happens if we find her and she’s bit? I think we should all be clear on how we handle that.”
Rick gulps down, “You do what has to be done.”
“And her mother? What do you tell her?” Maggie asks, looking horrified by the suggestion.
“The truth.”
When Jace begins to whine, you step back, not wanting to distract them.
You sit on the grass outside beside your brother, as he gently rocks Jace to sleep while telling you about Carl’s slow recovery. Every time you’d gone to see your nephew, he’d been asleep, so you hadn’t been able to talk to him since he’s pulled through.
You spot Daryl walking by with his crossbow slung over his shoulder and jump to your feet; it's getting dark, and you don’t like the idea of him being out alone at night. “Daryl?” He turns back to face you and asks, “Will you be okay out there on your own?”
He looks amused by your question until Rick stands beside you and his face hardens. He starts to walk away, saying, “I’m better on my own. I’ll be back before dark.”
Rick hands you Jace and calls after him, “Hey. We've got a base. We can get this search properly organized now.”
“You got a point, or are we just chatting?”
“My point is that it lets you off the hook. You don’t owe us anything.”
Daryl quickly turns his back, walking away while answering. “My other plans fell through.”
You swat at Rick’s chest with your hand and say, “You're such a jackass at times.”
You stand a good distance back from the others, shaking your head as Glenn is lowered into a well that has a walker trapped at the bottom of it. This was a terrible idea. What if the rope snapped?
You stare at the farm house for a few seconds, deciding if you should go check on Jace. You’d only put him down for a nap roughly ten minutes prior, but felt guilty for leaving him, despite knowing he was in the same room Carl was, with Patricia and Beth watching over them both. Hearing Glenn scream for help, you look over at the well to see the rope falling. You run over as T-Dog, Shane, Lori, Maggie, Andrea, and Dale all struggle to pull Glenn up. You get as close as you can to the well and start pulling at the rope.
“Get me out of here!”
As soon as you see his head, you and Shane both reach for him, grab an arm each, and pull him up onto the ground. When he’s caught his breath, Glenn hands Dale the other rope, which he had managed to secure around the trapped walker.
“Oh my god, I can smell it from here.” You scrunch up your nose as the walker gets closer and closer to the surface of the well; the smell could only be described as rotten seafood and death mixed together.
Just as the bloated walker reaches the top of the well, its body splits in half. Its bottom half drops back into the water, leaving its still-moving head on top, while the walkers' blood and guts spilled out onto the ground.
Maggie claps at her mouth, looking visibly distressed, and walks off. You want to go after her but decide against it when you see Glenn going to check on her.
Shaking your head you stare Shane down, “that was reckless. Glenn could have died.”
“Nobody had any complaints before hands,” he scoffs.
“I did! I told you it was a bad idea and as normal you ignored me,” you snap. Noticing everyone else was staring you smooth your scrunched up top out, “excuse me, I’m going to check on our son.”
Your one-sided conversation with Jace is interrupted when Shane comes into the room: “You talk so much to that boy, I’m surprised his ears aren’t bleeding. His first words will be telling you to shut up at this rate.”
You stare at him blankly.
“It’s a joke,” he says, sitting on the edge of the bed. Originally, you were going to sleep inside the RV, but Maggie insisted that you take her room and she bunk with her sister. She said it would help her sleep knowing Jace was safe in the house and not outside. “What have you got there?”
You hold up the small baby gown in your hand and say, “Patrica found baby clothes in the attic; she gave them to me for Jace.”
“They must be pretty old, huh?”
“Once I stitch up these holes, these clothes will be good as new.”
He watches you continue sowing, only looking down at Jace when he begins to babble, “He looks just like me.”
“That’s because he’s your son,” you say dryly. You squeeze your eyes shut, knowing you weren’t helping by being passive-aggressive. “How did Andrea’s training go? Is she a natural?”
He lets out a deep sigh and falls back onto the bed. “She’s still got a lot to learn. I keep telling her there’s a difference between shooting a target and the real thing, but I still don’t think she’s got it.”
When Jace’s babbling turns to a gurgling noise, you put the clothes down and pick him up, saying, “I’m going to take him outside for some fresh air before putting him down for the night.”
“Want me to join you?”
“No, it’s fine.” Trying to break the tension, you place a soft kiss on his lips. “I’ll be back soon.”
“You don’t think I talk too much, do you? And you're not going to start talking and tell me to shut up,” you say in a silly baby voice, unaware anyone else is listening until you hear the creak of footsteps behind you.
Looking over your shoulder, you’re surprised to see Daryl frowning. “Why would the kid tell you to shut up when he’s older?”
“Oh, it was just a joke, Shane said.” You look down, watching as Jace’s heavy eyes start to close and smile. The words you’d said seconds before are forgotten until you raise your head again and meet Daryl’s glare.
“That’s a bullshit thing to say. You have one of those voices, you know.”
Not knowing what he means, you let out a soft laugh and say, “Uh, no, not really.”
“You have a radio voice,” he shrugs. “Like when folks go on road trips and choose to listen to someone talk rather than playing music. The type of voice that sticks in your head.”
“That’s the strangest compliment I’ve ever had, but thank you.” You smile at each other until he looks away. “I saw the flower you gave Carol; that was a lovely thing to do.”
He grunts in response, “It was nothin'.”
“You might fool them with your bad boy exterior, but you don’t fool me. I know you care,” you say teasingly.
He fights the urge to smirk and rolls his eyes: “Yeah, yeah. I'm all love and rainbows.”
“Goodnight Daryl.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He looks over his shoulder as you enter the house and says, “Goodnight.”
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your-divine-ribs · 5 months
Ice Cold Part 13
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Words: 3.6k
Warnings: more murder… and some smut! 💙
Ice Cold Masterlist Main Masterlist
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It felt like the world had stopped turning. I stood in fearful disbelief, not wanting to accept my fate but unable to see a way out.
Van stood there with a casual stance like he was completely unaffected by my presence. And why would he be? The courageous force that had come over me had started to slip away the moment I heard his voice. Much as I was trying to desperately cling on to a shred of it, it was still slipping now. Pretty soon there would be nothing left.
Van sighed like he was exasperated with me, like he was scolding a naughty child. "Lyla... don't make me have to tell you again." Then his eyes flashed dangerously as he emphasised each word, sharp and precise. "DROP. IT. NOW!"
And just like that my gun slid from my fingers on to the carpet with a thud. I heard a gleeful snigger coming from behind but I ignored it. I couldn't look anywhere else except at Van. He was dressed like the other party goers in an immaculate tuxedo suit, and he cut quite the handsome figure. The thought occurred to me that in another life he probably would have stolen hearts, rather than stopped them from beating.
"Just get it over with then," I said, my voice quiet with a bitter tone.
"What's the rush?" I heard the voice from behind me. "Maybe we can have a little fun first, hey sweetheart?"
I didn't have to look to imagine the lascivious sneer on the piece of shit who stood behind me. I shuddered. Van just lifted his gaze to look at him briefly, then it was back to me, completely impassive.
So this was going to be it? Was he just going to hand me over like an unwanted possession? I couldn't control the surge of dismay that crashed over me, and with it the realisation of the ridiculous notion that I'd thought that maybe there was some kind of connection between the two of us.
He ignored the comments from behind me, sighing again, reaching into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. "How many times I gotta tell you? How many times I gotta tell you not to come after me?"
I stayed quiet, watched fearfully as he pulled out a silencer and began screwing it on to the end of the pistol. He took his time, eyes locked on me whilst he did it. I swallowed, hard, as he brought the gun around to point at me once again.
A grunt of disapproval came from the other man as he chuntered to himself. "Ah man... what a waste..."
I thought I saw a flicker of something cross Van's features, but I couldn't be sure. Tears stung my eyes and I tried to blink them away.
"You know what the drill is... on your knees."
I considered resisting, but what was the point? I quickly sank down on to my knees. At least if Van was going to end my life here and now it would be a small mercy that the creep behind me wouldn't get his filthy murderous hands on me. I heard him now, that repulsive chuckle again. "Who's giving the orders now bitch?"
I kept my eyes fixed firmly on the floor, waiting...
The shot passed clean over my head and although it was muffled by the silencer it still rang in my ears. Shock immediately gave way to confusion as I heard an agonised groan from behind me and I twisted around just in time to see the other man sway and then slump to the floor, a gaping bloody hole where his right eye used to be.
I let out a terrified whimper, my hand going up to my mouth, and I turned again to Van. His expression hadn't changed, not even a ripple on the surface. I opened my mouth to speak, my lips forming wordlessly around a question that never came. Why?
Our eyes locked for what seemed like a long moment but in reality was probably only a few seconds before he wrenched his gaze away, sliding the gun into the waistband of his trousers and striding past me to the lifeless figure on the floor.
"Room 510," he stated, nodding his head to indicate a room across the corridor and then stooping down to grab the man's feet, dragging him roughly. "Open it."
And I did. I followed his orders just like I was politely doing a good deed for the day, not assisting a deadly assassin with hiding a freshly murdered corpse. I could have run away and sounded the alarm. I probably could have even retrieved my gun from the floor and pressed it to Van's head whilst he busied himself dragging his victim across the corridor. But I didn't. I even held the door for him whilst he manoeuvred the body inside the room, leaving a rusty red trail of blood on the patterned carpet.
Van pulled the dead man into the bathroom and then I heard him grunt with exertion as I presumed he was lifting him into the bathtub. I lingered just inside the room, watching the door slowly shut behind me, knowing I should slip through and leave but not being able to do so. I was stunned and frightened but also bound by something invisible. Something that rendered me incapable of being that version of myself I so desperately wanted to be.
Van reappeared in the bathroom doorway, a less pristine version now, dark red spatters stained his white shirt and his hair fell over his eyes. He pulled at his tie, letting it fall open around his neck, loosening the top few buttons of his shirt as he addressed me.
"Do you have any idea what my employers would do to me if they knew what had gone down tonight?"
I pressed my back against the door, suddenly feeling very small without my heels on. Before I could answer, his eyes slipped down to my upper arm where the bullet had grazed me. It stung and a sticky red rivulet of blood had run down my limb and dried there. Van frowned. "You're hurt." He stated.
"I'm fine, it's nothing," I replied, mildly surprised that he'd even commented, but whatever had prompted him to was short-lived. The frown melted away, his mouth set in a hard line as he spoke again, angry now.
"You weren't even supposed to be here tonight. What the fuck changed?"
How the hell did he know that?
I found my voice, clearing my throat before I answered him. "Well... I begged my boss to let me come if you must know."
He lifted an eyebrow quizzically. "And why's that?"
"So I could take you out." 
The words just spilled out and I wasn't sure where my boldness came from. Maybe it was the knowledge that Van had killed one of his own tonight so that I could live.
I expected some kind of vicious retort but instead a sly smile appeared on his lips. "Right... so how's that working out for you then?"
I wanted to retaliate, part of me angered by the mocking insinuation that I wasn't a threat to him, but I quickly checked myself. Just because of his actions so far I couldn't lull myself into a false sense of security that he wouldn't kill me himself... or worse. Maybe he just meant to keep me alive to toy with me. But games didn't last forever. There was always a winner and a loser eventually.
I watched him warily as he eyed me with that taunting amusement, stepping closer. I moved sideways, away from the door and away from him, my back sliding against the wall.
"I don't think I can trust you," he said, moving nearer still, countering my movement. "You always seem to have a weapon sneakily tucked away somewhere..."
"I'm unarmed," I stated, indicating my skin tight dress. "You saw me drop my gun. Where the hell would I hide another weapon?"
"I don't know. You tell me..." Van said, the sharp edges gone from his voice now.
As he trailed off he placed both hands on my shoulders and spun me quickly around, roughly pushing me up against the wall. I let out a gasp, my hands splayed on the wall as he grasped my hips with strong fingers and pressed himself into me. I tried to breathe deeply and ignore the spark that immediately lit deep down in my core as his head dipped down so he could whisper in my ear. "Like I said I don't trust you... I'm gonna have to check."
Every nerve in my body bristled as he moved his hands over me, all the time his head bent over so close I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck. He started at the tops of my shoulders and travelled down my spine, then up again to my collar bones and down and over my breasts. My nipples instantly stiffened as his hands slid over the silk material, making my breath hitch.
"Hmm... what about down here?" He whispered into my neck, his fingers continuing their journey south.
Suddenly and without warning he grabbed the material on either side of the slit in my dress and pulled it apart in one swift motion, tearing it all the way up the centre, exposing me right down to my underwear.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I gasped.
He didn't answer, just let out a small, low laugh. I screwed my eyes shut, trying to clear my mind, trying desperately not to show the effect his touch had on me but it was no use. My body betrayed me. My legs trembled as his fingers moved down the outside of my thighs then crept slowly inwards. His touch was surprisingly gentle, his fingertips just lightly grazing the sensitive flesh of my inner thighs.
"You know, one of these days you're gonna have to stop lying to yourself about what you want."
He was so close I could feel his lips brush my neck and I didn't trust myself to reply, knowing he'd be able to hear the arousal in my voice if I did. My breathing was already coming shallow and fast as his fingertips edged ever closer to my heat, just catching the lace of my underwear. I wanted to move, to press my thighs together, the need to feel something so badly it took me all my restraint not to press myself into his hands.
Pull yourself together Lyla!
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," I managed, voice shaky and unsteady.
Van withdrew his hands and I felt the pressure of his body behind me disappear as he stepped back. I should have been relieved but I immediately yearned for the feeling of his touch again. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself, grasping at the edges of my torn dress and pulling it across my body before I turned around.
There was a solitary chair backed up against the wall and I watched as Van took a seat, a relaxed pose, his legs splayed, his hands resting loosely in his lap. In contrast to his laidback posture his eyes were hard and unforgiving as he regarded me from across the room. Unease trickled like ice water through my veins.
"How long you gonna keep this up? You think just because you catch a bunch of bad guys it's gonna make up for the fact that deep down inside you're just a bad girl crying out for someone to teach you a lesson?"
Fuck... his words simmered in me as I maintained his challenging stare, wondering how to react. Was it a threat or something else? There wasn't a hint of any emotion evident to help me decide, just the knowledge that if he'd wanted me dead I wouldn't be standing here now, living and breathing.
"What sort of lesson?" I found myself saying, my curious desire overtaking the rational part of my mind that berated me for playing along with his game.
"Come here and I'll show you."
As he spoke he pulled the pistol free and reached over to lay it down on the table top nearby. My eyes flitted between it and him but I didn't move.
"Don't make me come over there Lyla."
The edge of threat in his voice spurred me into action and I slowly moved forwards, still clinging on to the fabric of my ruined dress, taking timid steps forward until I was within his reach. He shot a hand out and grabbed me roughly by the wrist, pulling me even closer and I stumbled forward, knocking into his leg.
"Sit right here," he ordered, pulling me down to his level so I was straddling his right thigh, a leg on either side.
My senses were in overdrive being this close to him, our bodies connected, his captivating gaze burning into me. My heart thudded as I tried to anticipate his next move and I watched as he reached up and pulled the tie from where it hung loosely around his neck, running it through his fingers.
"I know exactly what you need. Don't forget I've seen you. I know the kinda stuff you dream about."
His words stoked the fire already burning in me and I immediately felt resistance. I needed to try and hold on to that minuscule scrap that was left of the moral and righteous part of myself that seemed to be spiralling further and further away with each encounter.
"You don't know anything about me," I countered. "How could you?"
"Oh you'd be surprised," he answered, darting his hands forward to grab both of my wrists in a vice-like grip, forcing me to release my dress which now gaped wide open.
I could do nothing as he used the tie to bind my hands, pulling the material tight enough to make me wince. Then he raised up my bound wrists, slipping them over his head so they came to rest around his neck. I was close, much too close. And there was nothing I could do about it.
"There's nowhere to hide now," he said as if reading my thoughts.
My head was a fog as I tried to think straight and focus on something that wasn't him, but it was impossible. He filled every one of my senses. The musky scent of his cologne, the sounds of his deep measured breathing, his touch as I felt his hands slide on to my hips, the heat of his leg between my thighs. My heart raced so wildly I felt light-headed, intoxicated by him.
His fingers curled firmer around my hips and he suddenly pressed my body down, shifting his leg as he did, creating an unexpected friction that made me suck in a breath.
"All those guys you fuck, letting them use you like the dirty girl you are... not one of them satisfies you do they? Tell me... it's me you think of, isn't it?"
His questions caught me off guard. It was like he was looking into my darkest fantasies. And how could I answer truthfully? If I admitted my true feelings then I wouldn't be able to lie to myself anymore. And then what?
"That's not true!" I protested, but my voice came out breathy, my whole body pulsing with desire and arousal.
"Don't fucking lie to me," he warned. "You've dreamt of me fucking you haven't you? Pinning you up against the wall... my hands around your throat..."
His eyes darkened and his fingers dug into my hips, pushing my body down again as he clenched the muscles in his thigh, sending a shudder through my core which radiated out through my entire body. I was teetering on the edge of control, threatening to fall at any moment, turned on beyond belief.
A small smile flickered on his lips, knowledge and satisfaction of what this was doing to me. "Just admit it... it's that simple..."
I tried desperately not to react to the feel of his warm thigh solid between my legs, how the taut muscle felt rubbing against my sweet spot through the sheer lace of my underwear. He pushed and pulled at my hips, relentlessly again and again. A desperate whimper escaped me even though I tried to hold it back, my cheeks burning with shame.
His eyes simmered with a hunger that seemed to scorch my very soul. "Tell me what you want. I wanna hear you beg for it..."
And just like that something snapped and unravelled inside me. The words tumbled out of me, breathless and needy. "I want you... please... I fucking need you."
His eyes pooled with dark desire. "Good girl... but I don't think you're ready just yet. You're gonna have to work for it. Show me what you want."
He clutched my hips even harder but my body bucked of its own accord, grinding against him, the resulting friction on my sensitive clit so delicious that I closed my eyes and threw my head back. I felt Van's lips on my neck, kissing and sucking hard at my skin, his teeth grazing my flesh.
The sensation made me drive my hips even harder, and once I started I couldn't stop. I could feel the dampness pooling at the apex of my thighs and soaking my panties through, igniting my desire even more as I rolled my hips hard against him. Every fibre of my being was desperate and hungry and yearning. And all for him.
His name fell from my lips repeatedly like some kind of mantra as waves of pressure started to build in my core.
"Look at me!" He commanded. "Don't take your eyes off me."
One of his hands found its way to my hair as he roughly grabbed a fistful and leant in so he was just inches away.
My eyes flicked open to be met by his unrelenting gaze and I was caught there as my climax started to wash over me like a tidal wave, so powerful that I cried out, my whole body convulsing.
I was still shuddering with aftershocks as Van lunged forward, closing the small gap between us, kissing me fiercely and stealing my breath. I responded with the same passion, wild thoughts raging through my head like a hurricane.
He grasped my thighs, pulling my legs up around him so that I was fully straddling his lap, his kisses feverish as his lips left mine and made their way to my neck once more. I pressed myself into him with everything I had, feeling the unmistakeable stiffness of his arousal, coaxing a groan from him.
"Christ... what the fuck are you doing to me?"
I heard him growl into my neck, then suddenly he wrenched his mouth away, rising to his feet and lifting me easily in one swift motion.
He crossed quickly over to the bed, my legs still latched around his hips, my heart racing with anticipation as he bent forward to lay me down, but he didn't press himself into me like I was expecting. He slid my bound wrists from over his neck, hurriedly stepping back, the heat rapidly draining from his eyes as his expression began to harden.
"This wasn't supposed to happen," he muttered, the same conflicted look of anguish staining his features that I'd seen that night in my kitchen.
"But Van..." I began, my words cutting off abruptly as I watched him delve a hand inside his jacket, swiftly withdrawing a sharp flick-blade which caught the moonlight flooding in through the window as he held it up and started advancing on me.
I frantically scrambled backwards on the bed, whimpers of fear clawing their way up my throat. How could our impassioned embrace turn so quickly into this? I held my hands up in front of me in a feeble attempt to push him away, knowing full well that restrained as I was I would just have to accept my fate. "Please... please don't..."
He gripped one of my wrists and I screwed my eyes shut tight, waiting to feel the white hot pain of the blade, but all I felt was the tie loosening around my wrists as he cut it away.
"I think it's quite obvious by now that I don't want you harmed isn't it?"
His voice was the softest I'd ever heard it and my eyes flicked open to see him leaning over me on the bed. He allowed me a small smile but it didn't reach his eyes, there was sadness there, a resigned kind of look. Like he'd accepted the destiny his treacherous life afforded him.
I knew then what was coming. He'd have to slip away, he'd already lingered far too long and with each passing second the chances of him escaping dwindled. My heart twisted with an unexpected ache.
"What now? I don't... I don't know what to do... how to feel. Where do we go from here? It's... it's crazy... it's fucked up!" My voice sounded desperate. A sob burst from me suddenly and I swallowed it down, looking up at Van.
He'd already started backing away, that regret still lingering in his eyes. "Goodbye Lyla... and please... please don't come after me again. I don't know how much longer I can keep you safe."
And then he was gone, slipping through the door like a shadow, the only trace of him left the taste of him still on my lips.
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catierambles · 2 years
It was dark, the air dry and hot. Walter and Syverson looked around but they didn’t see anything, unsurprising as they couldn’t even see the hands in front of their face.
“Where the hell are we?” Syverson asked.
“I don’t know, but we have to find her. She’s in here somewhere.” Walter said, “Clark, you see anything?”
“Movement, monsters.” Clark said, focusing his vision.
“Monsters?” Syverson asked.
“Best way I can describe them.” Clark said. A flare was thrown between them, the light creating a halo and they grouped as the “monsters” flinched back, skirting the edges.
“‘Bout time you guys showed up.” They turned, seeing the man that had entered the light. He was tall, and muscular, with a bald head and shining silver eyes. “Keep to the light, they can’t hurt you if you do.”
“Who the hell are you?” Syverson asked.
“Name’s Riddick. You lookin’ for Cate?” They nodded. “Thought so. She’s hiding right now, but I know where.”
“Hiding from what?” Walter asked and Riddick moved his head at the creatures circling them.
“Them.” He said, “Come on, I’ll take you to her.”
“That flare ain’t gonna last forever.” Syverson said and they jumped as glowing cables appeared wrapped around them, Riddick snorting without humor.
“The mind provides.” He said, “She must really like you guys if you’re here and not out there in the light.” He snorted again as Walter pulled the slide back on his pistol, chambering a round and Syverson checked his rifle. “Those ain’t gonna do shit. Take one out, one just pops up in its place.” Clark’s eyes flared red and there was a screech of pain, but the creature just got back up again, the wounds closing. “Told you. Been fightin’ these things going on…twenty years now? You learn the rules quickly enough.”
“Twenty years?” Syverson asked and Riddick nodded.
“That’s only as long as I’ve been here.” He said, “They didn’t have a form before that, but when I came in, they got one. Gave her something to focus on, not that it does much good, mind you. Let’s get moving.” They set off into the darkness, Riddick guiding the way but whispers pressed in on them from all sides.
Not good enough
“You’re the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Why do you think you deserve it?”
Better off alone
Everyone will leave you
No one will ever love you
“You might as well kill yourself, no one will miss you.”
“The fuck?” Syverson asked.
“It’s them.” Riddick said, “They say this shit every day. Some days it’s whispered, others they yell it.”
“Every day?” Walter asked and he nodded. “There should be more of us.”
“They’ll make it here eventually.” Riddick shrugged, “Maybe.”
“Question,” Syverson started, “How do we stop it?”
“There’s a ship.” Riddick said, “She gets to it, we leave, and it’ll stop. I’ve never been able to get her to it, maybe you guys will have better luck.”
“Let’s just find her first.” Clark said and they kept moving forward, keeping an eye on the creatures moving just out of sight. They entered a canyon and they could see them skirting the edges, looking down at them, their claws digging into the rocks. Riddick stopped, gripping a large boulder and he shifted it aside, revealing a small cave in the rock face, glowing blue light coming from within.
“Hey, kiddo.” Riddick said gently and they pressed in close to him. They saw her then, but she was younger, only a child, with riotous red curls, wearing a nightgown. “I brought friends of yours.” She looked at them over his shoulder, a wide smile pulling at her face. The smile fell and she clutched her head.
“Don’t listen to them, sweetheart. We have you.” Walter said and Riddick stepped aside as she came out of the cave. She went up to Syverson and he picked her up in his arms, holding her tight on his hip as she buried her face in his shoulder, arms around his neck.
“We need to get her out of here.” He said and Riddick nodded.
“Ship is this way.” He said, “They’re going to get more aggressive the closer we get to it.”
“Why?” Syverson asked.
“They don’t want her to leave.” He said, “Hold onto her tight.” They moved off at a quick jog, running out of the canyon and across the landscape, the creatures pressing in on them tighter the further they got. They entered what used to be a settlement, the buildings empty and when they rounded a corner they could see the ship, the inside glowing with a warm, welcoming light. The creatures around them screeched as they approached it but just as they were about to get there, the ship stuttered, disappearing and reappearing farther away. “Fuck.”
“What’s going on?” Clark asked and Riddick sighed.
“Really hoped you guys would have been able to do it.” He said and she clung to Syverson tighter, but her form wavered and vanished like smoke.
“Cate?” He asked and Riddick gave him a sad look, shaking his head.
She curled up in the cave, holding her head in her hands and rocking back and forth slightly, hearing the monsters outside scratching to get in.
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chridys-scribbles · 1 year
Family Barbecue
"FE FI FO FUM," I intoned with as much gravel as I could muster, "I smell the blood of an Englishman!"
I stomped around the sunny garden in time with each word while a chorus of giggles emerged from behind trees, chairs, and a playset. I swung towards a nearby tree where the giggling was loudest and stage-bellowed, "Who goes there!"
With my back turned, laughter and squeals erupted behind me as children ran into new hiding places. By the time I'd finished my dramatic turn to examine the kerfuffle, most of the children were hiding again and trying to stifle their laughter. All except one, who squealed when he realised he'd been spotted and redoubled his efforts to open the playset door against the screaming children inside.
I walked menacingly towards him, or as menacing as a 5-foot tall weed of a woman can be, but it had the intended effect as he screamed and started running. I gave chase, roaring like an ewok, and quickly caught him as he struggled to run and laugh at the same time.
"Gotcha!" I said and hoisted him up and under an arm.
Something suddenly whacked my leg with a hollow thwoomp. 
"Let him go!" Yelled the boy's younger sister, holding up a short pool noodle defiantly.
"Ah ha! Pudding!" I boomed, and scooped the girl up under my other arm. I winced a bit at the weight and tried adjusting them gently. I was used to carrying laptops, not wriggling children. Fortunately, they were small.
My distraction had allowed the others to find new spots again, so I roared and stomped my way back towards them, swinging my giggling prisoners with every step.
The children turned out to be better at ambushes than hiding. The moment I stepped past the playset, I was caught in a crossfire of cold water pistols. I yelped in surprise and swung my prisoners in the way of some water, earning piercing squeals for my efforts.
I saw someone in the corner of my eye start approaching, so I dredged up school drama class and sank to the ground as slowly and dramatically as I could.
"NOOooo! My one weakness, cold water!" I let my prisoners wriggle out of my grasp and I started rolling onto my back. "I'm melting!"
The children were laughing and spraying the last of their water pistols on me. I shivered under the roasting sun as cold water soaked through my shirt and jeans.
"Get her while she's melting!" I heard someone shout.
"I'm melting! I'm melt-oof." The wind was knocked out of me as the first child jumped on top of me, swiftly followed by the rest in a giggly pile.
"OK, OK, you got me," I laughed. One girl slipped and fell onto the grass, but she bounced right back up to try and jump back on. "Hey, hey, be careful," I said, "besides, I have a secret."
"A secret?" Asked one.
"What secret?" Said another.
"Where's my shoe?" Asked a third.
"Listen closely," I said. They fell quiet, even the one putting his shoe back on. "My secret is… I WAS THE DISTRACTION! MWAHAHAHA!"
My girlfriend then opened fire with a huge water gun, dousing us all in cold water. I barely heard her laughing as the children squealed and scrambled away, scattering to the four corners of the garden only to veer towards the house at the call of food like little homing missiles.
"You alright?" Jenny said, grinning widely.
"Huh? Did you say something?"
"I said, are you ok?" She said, a little louder.
"I can't hear you, speak up!"
She sighed, but stepped closer and went to ask again. I lunged for the water gun but she was ready and hopped back, squirting me in the face for my efforts.
I yelped as the freezing water hit my skin. "That's freezing!"
"Yep," she said with a grin, lifting the rattling water gun upright, "I put a bunch of ice cubes in there."
"Oh that's evil."
"That's why you love me."
I hummed and wobbled my hand as an uncertain gesture.
"Anyway, I came out to tell you food's ready."
"Now that's why I love you," I said, grinning. She rolled her eyes but she was smiling. I took her outstretched hand and let her pull me to my feet. "Let's go, Uncle Sandy's burgers are to die for."
0 notes
sleepy-sirin · 2 years
Kiana Kaslana x Child! Reader
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Request: Can you do a oneshot of Kiana teaching us on how to fight some honkai beasts?
Author's note: This is an old oneshot I made on Wattpad.
It's been a week since since Y/n got sent here to a familiar world she knew, but the problem is that the people she knew doesn't remember her.
Y/n got a place to stay, and she's staying at Theresa's house. Since Theresa was kind enough to let her stay at her house even though she doesn't remember Y/n.
Right now our child protagonist, Y/n who was strolling around the school. She didn't want to bother Theresa in her office, so Y/n asked her if she could stroll around the school.  Theresa agreed but she did tell Y/n that she's not allowed to go outside the school.
While Y/n was strolling she saw a familiar white-haired female with twin braids hiding from someone. Y/n approach her and called her name.
"Big sis Kiana? Why are you hiding?" Y/n asks.
Kiana looks where the voice was coming from and saw Y/n. Kiana grabs Y/n's wrist then pulls her in her hiding place.
"Shh, be quiet. She might hear you." Kiana said.
"Who are you hiding fr-"
The two girls heard someone,Y/n peek behind their hiding place and saw Himeko.
"Kiana, where are you!?" Himeko yelled, looking for Kiana.
"*Sigh* Where is that child..." Himeko muttered, decided to leave the area.
After Himeko left, Kiana sighed in relief that her teacher left. Y/n and Kiana left their hiding place, Y/n demands Kiana why she is hiding from Himeko.
"I skipped class today, I didn't want to go." Kiana whines.
"But don't you have exam today?" Y/n asked.
"Yes, but I didn't study and play video games all night." Kiana said.
'Still the same big sis Kiana Y/n knew.' Y/n thought, as she shakes her head and sigh.
"Hey big sis Kiana, can you teach Y/n how to fight." Y/n said bluntly.
"You... want me to teach you how to fight?" Kiana asked.
"Yes, since Y/n never encountered these so called "Honkai Beasts" before." Y/n explains.
"Hmm, sure we can go right now!" Kiana said, as she grabs Y/n's small hand.
"But what about your exam?" Y/n asks Kiana.
Kiana sweatdrop not wanting to answer her question, so she changed the subject.
"And I thought you wanted to learn how to fight..." Kiana said.
'She really wants to avoid taking the exam.' Y/n sigh.
"Fine... let's go." Y/n said.
Y/n lets Kiana drag her who knows where. As they've arrived their destination, Kiana leads Y/n to the shooting area. Kiana took out her pistol.
"Watch closely, Y/n!" Kiana said, as she shoots the target easily.
"Mastery of gun kata runs in the Kaslana family!" Kiana said.
"That was so cool big sis Kiana!" Y/n complimented Kiana.
"Thank you, Y/n. Now it's your turn." Kiana said.
Y/n summoned her bow and starts to concentrate. She shot the arrow on the bulls-eye then she took another arrow and shot the bulls-eye arrow.
"That's so amazing, Y/n! You're just like the girl from the movie name Brave!" Kiana compliments Y/n.
"Let's start a challenge, shall we?" Kiana grins.
"Y/n accepts your challenge!" Y/n exclaimed.
Kiana and Y/n started doing the challenge that who gets the most bulls-eye wins. 1 hour later the both of them got a tie and decided to take a break.
"I'm so hungry right now and tired." Kiana sigh.
"Y/n too." Y/n said.
"Let's go outside the school, I heard there's a new pastry shop!" Kiana said.
"But Miss Theresa said that Y/n is not allowed to go outside the school." Y/n said.
"Don't worry about my aunt it's just a pastry shop, you did say you were hungry." Kiana stated.
Y/n was about to argue but she heard her stomach growling, Y/n blush in embarrassment.
"Okay, fine. Let's go." Y/n eventually gave in.
Kiana smiles then took Y/n's hand and headed outside the school, going to the new pastry shop what Kiana said.
They were about to headed to the shop but then they heard someone screaming and saw a lot of people running away. They saw honkai beasts started evading the town and attacking the citizens.
"Y/n, stay here." Kiana said, as she took out her pistol.
"But what about you big sis Kiana?" Y/n asked in a worried tone.
"Don't worry I got this!" Kiana said, as she started running towards to the enemies.
Y/n stands there watching Kiana fights the honkai beasts. Y/n was amazed at Kiana's fight in battle, she wished that she was like her.
After the battle, Kiana came back to Y/n checking her if she was alright. Y/n started praising Kiana at her performance.
"You were so awesome back there, big sis Kiana!" Y/n praises Kiana.
"Why, thank you." Kiana said.
Y/n was about to say something, she saw a honkai beast behind Kiana and was about to attack her. Without a warning, Y/n pulls out her bow and shot the honkai beast.
"You saved me..." Kiana was shock that Y/n had saved her.
"Of course. If you were going to save Y/n, but who's going to save you?" Y/n smiles at Kiana.
"Thank you, Y/n." Kiana said.
"How about that pastry shop? Are we still going?" Y/n asked.
"Of course we're going! Let's go then!" Kiana said.
Kiana and Y/n went to the shop and bought the food they have ordered. The two of them decided to spend more time together. After the whole day, the two of them enjoyed spending time with each other and hope they can hangout again.
Kiana hopes that she's not in trouble for bringing Y/n outside the school and skipping her classes.
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Pay Attention
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Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader
Words: 4472
Part 2 of 2
Part One
Summary: With a new body, the team is sure that the reader’s attacker is the unsub they’re looking for. He, however, is looking for them too. 
Notes: Like the last part, this one is a dark one guys. This part will deal with more violence and the attacks. Feel free to skip. I really loved writing both of these. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Trauma, gore, assault, mentions of rape and sexual assault. 
Find Reid and more crime drama imagines: HERE
He checked every corner of your apartment, leaving no throw pillow unturned. After that call, he wasn’t taking any chances. It wasn’t until he was sure it was clear that he let you through the door. You had your arms wrapped around yourself, hugging your sweater closer to your body. 
“Spence, come on. I feel ridiculous enough with the security detail standing out here.” You glanced at the agent beside you. “No offense, Agent Bradford.” 
“None taken.” He nodded with a kind smile. You stepped into your apartment and Spence immediately started making you some tea. 
“I can do that.” 
“I know.” He looked at you and his hazel eyes were distraught. “I just… I need to help. Please, just let me help.” He turned back to the stove to put the kettle on. His shoulders slouched forward and his whole frame seemed to cave in on itself. You took off your sweater and laid in on the back of the living room chair. Everything felt so hot and stuffy and suffocating. 
You pressed your cheek against Spencer’s back, wrapping your arms around his middle. Your chest and arms still ached and the bandages rubbed against his sweater vest. Spencer paused, resting his hands on top of yours. You could hear how fast his nervous heart was beating and held him a little tighter. 
“I’m okay, Spence.” You whispered, but even you thought it sounded unconvincing. You were scared and you were angry and you were guilt-ridden for causing him this much pain, but you definitely were not ‘okay’. He could feel it too. 
Spencer turned around, still keeping your arms around him. He tucked your head under his chin and enveloped you in his embrace, holding you as close as he could without hurting you. You held each other like that until you pushed away slightly. 
“Spencer?” Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and Spencer put a hand on your cheek, his eyes searching yours in panic. 
“What is it?” 
“Can you…” You felt so stupid, but you needed to feel something else. “Can you kiss me?” His brows knitted together in confusion. You looked down at your feet. “All I can think about is him and his hands and his lips and I-” You choked back more tears. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” He put his other hand up so he was cradling your face. He hesitated at first, worried that it would trigger memories of the attack. But when you gave him a small nod, he closed the space between you. 
Spencer’s lips were soft. He seemed overly cautious at first, but it only took a moment for him to confirm that you weren’t uncomfortable. His fingers slowly slipped back to tangle themselves in your hair. It wasn’t rough or needy. It was more to remind you that he was there. He was with you. 
You weren’t sure which one of you fell asleep first, but your couch was hardly big enough for both of you. You were pressed against his chest and he had his arms locked around you to keep you from rolling off. You listened to his heartbeat and he listened to your breathing, both lulling each of you to sleep. 
Until his phone rang. 
It woke you up first and Spencer still seemed fast asleep so you answered it. 
“Hello?” You whispered, slowly trying to slide off of your boyfriend so he wouldn’t wake up.
“Y/N?” It was Morgan.
“Yeah, Spence is asleep. Is everything okay?” 
“Not exactly. We found another body.” He sighed. “Looks like our guy.”
“He killed someone else?” You cried, putting your hand over your mouth to quiet the sound. “That’s not possible. He said he would stop as long as I went to Hotch. He said he would stop-”
“Woah woah woah, sweetheart, just calm down, okay?” Morgan instructed, softening his tone. “I need you to keep calm and put Reid on the phone, can you do that for me?” 
“I’m not a child Morgan.” You snapped bitterly. You didn’t mean to take out your frustration on him, but your blood was boiling. Your anger kept you from being afraid. 
“I know that.” He wasn’t defensive or irritated. Instead he seemed sympathetic. “Y/N, this isn’t your fault. This guy was never going to stop.” Morgan watched crime scene investigators swarm around him, his eyes landing on the new body. He had a gut feeling that had been gnawing at him since he got here and he hoped that he was wrong. 
“Who is it?” Spencer rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up. 
“Here, he’s awake now.” You handed him the phone and had to sit down. It was like he was there, his weight crushing your chest and making it impossible to breathe. 
“Reid, we’ve got another body.” 
“That’s not much of a cool down.” Reid pinched the bridge of his nose. This could be turning into a spree which meant that he would strike again soon. He turned so that he wasn’t facing you and tried to lower his voice so you wouldn’t hear. “Did the other crime scenes seem to fit Y/N’s attack?” 
“That’s the thing, Reid.” Morgan stared at the pale blue fabric hanging limply from Maddison Gusman’s body. “When we talked to the family of the last victim, they said only one thing was missing from her body. Her red jacket.” 
“The one Y/N saw in the van.” Spence winced. While making connections would help catch the man that did this, it wouldn’t make it easier for you. 
“There’s something else. About this body.”
“Is she missing something too?”
“No. It’s what she’s wearing.” Morgan watched them zip the body bag and grimaced. “Her shirt isn’t the right size. It’s too big.” 
“What does that have to do with-” He stopped, feeling his stomach drop. “You don’t think that…”
“Hotch said they never recovered Y/N’s shirt. Other victims had items of clothing that were missing. From the missing person’s report, the shirt on the body is not the shirt that Maddison Gusman was wearing according to her boss’ description.” 
Spencer was silent, trying to control himself so he didn’t scare you. 
“You okay, kid?”
“A murdered woman was found wearing my girlfriend’s shirt less than 24 hours after she was attacked by a serial killer. No, Morgan, I’m not okay.” He hissed. He flinched, hearing a sob escape your mouth despite your efforts to cover it. So much for control. “Do you need me to come in?” 
“No, you stay there. Prentiss and I will come to you to go over the details.” Hotch didn’t want either one of you stepping one foot out of that apartment. “And Reid?”
“If either of you need anything, I’m a phone call away.” Morgan wished that he could just take all of this away, but he couldn't. The best thing he could do was catch the bastard. The agents hung up and Morgan returned to the crime scene. 
“He made her wear my shirt?” You tried to stand up from the chair, but your legs were shaking. Spencer gently sat you back down and crouched in front of you. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. You weren’t supposed to hear that.” He put his hands on your legs, his fingers rubbing soothing circles. He looked at the floor. “Morgan and Prentiss will be here soon. They want to go over some of the details with me. They might want to talk to you too.” His hazel eyes searched yours with the same sadness you saw in them at the hospital. 
“Okay,” You said softly, twirling one of his mousy brown curls around your finger. You stared at it, your mind unable to escape your own guilt. “I really thought that if I did what he said, he would stop.” Spencer caught your hand in his, tangling your fingers together. 
“This man wants to feel powerful. He’s been neglected all his life and this is how he’s getting attention. He needs it.” 
“So he was never going to stop.” You nodded grimly. You should have seen that. You taught this kind of behavioural analysis, for god’s sake. “I gave him what he wanted for nothing.” You should have known better. 
“No,” Spencer said sternly. He pressed his forehead against yours, holding the back of your head in his hand. “It probably kept you alive. And to me that’s everything.” 
You stayed there for a while, breathing each other in and holding completely still. Suddenly, a gunshot ripped through the silence, followed by another. Spencer was up in a second, pistol in hand and slowly walking toward the door. 
“Spence,” You squeaked, getting up from the chair. 
“Stay there.” He instructed, listening carefully for any other sounds coming from outside the door. 
He slowly opened the front door, but his path was obstructed by Agent Bradford’s body. There was what appeared to be a stab wound in his side and two gunshot wounds in his chest. His gun was gone. Reid looked down the hall, finding the fire escape window open. 
“Spencer.” He heard you call out. Darting back into the room, he kept his gun at his hip. 
“It looks like he got out through the fire escape. Bradford is dead. We need to get out of here.” 
“I couldn’t agree more, Dr. Reid.” That familiar raspy voice sent a chill of panic up his spine. He spun around and found himself aiming his gun at you. The unsub was holding you in front of him with one arm latched around your stomach with crushing force and the other holding a gun to your temple. 
“Let her go.” Reid ordered, adjusting his weapon. The unsub just laughed. 
“I wouldn’t do that, Dr. Reid. We both know you aren’t  a very good shot and lovely Dr. Y/L/N here wouldn’t stand a chance if you missed. So why don’t you be a nice agent and put it down.” 
Spencer was frozen. He looked at your terrified face and back at the unsub’s smiling one. 
“Spence,” You cried, wincing as the unsub tightened his hold. Spencer held up his hands in surrender. 
“Okay, okay, just don’t hurt her.” He moved slowly, setting his gun on the floor and sliding it over. The unsub kicked it far out of reach.
“Alright, I just need everybody to calm down.” He leaned his face into your neck, inhaling the smell of your hair. He watched Spencer’s fists clench and grinned. “And do exactly as I say.”
Prentiss had been oddly quiet since the hospital. The elevator in your apartment building was getting repaired, so they had to climb the four flights in uncomfortable silence. Morgan gave her an inquiring look. 
“You feeling okay, Prentiss?” He asked. She seemed too lost in thought to hear him. “Prentiss?” 
“Hmm?” She saw his concerned look and sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just been thinking about Y/N. What this guy did to her…”
“It’s rough stuff,” Morgan nodded solemnly. He remembered the sound of your voice over the phone. How scared and angry you were. “That’s why we’ve got to catch this guy before he gets to anybody else. And if anyone can figure out how to do that, it’s those two.” Prentiss smiled slightly.
“They are kind of a brainy power-couple, aren’t they?” They both laughed, finally reaching your floor. Her expression turned serious again. “You know, we always made plans to get a cup of coffee or lunch, but something always came up. You guys have all known her a lot longer than I have. She’s practically part of the team, and I hardly know anything about her other than she’s one of the youngest instructors at Quantico and a super genius when it comes to behavior.”
“And that she somehow got boy genius wrapped around her finger.” Morgan added, trying to lighten the mood a little. “But you should get to know her. She’s one of a kind.”
“I guess her and Reid were kind of made for each other.” 
Her nice sentiment was forgotten as soon as they emerged from the stairway. Both agents grabbed their weapons and trained them at the unmoving mass on the floor. They scanned every single detail of the hallway as they approached. 
“Is that…” Prentiss started grimly. 
“Agent Bradford.” Morgan confirmed. Your apartment door was cracked open, but it didn’t look like it had been broken into. The window at the end of the hall was fully open, leading to the fire escape. Morgan motioned towards it and Prentiss nodded. She slowly crept through the door while he looked outside, making sure it was clear before climbing out onto the fire escape. The platform had access to one other window. The glass was broken from the outside, shattered pieces littering the carpet of your bedroom. 
Prentiss opened the door, holstering her weapon once she checked the room. She looked at Morgan with a sickened expression. 
“You better come see this.” 
Morgan carefully climbed in, making sure not to disturb any evidence. He followed Prentiss out to the living room and felt his heart sink. Sprawled across the wall were words written in blood. 
“Pay Attention.” Derek read angrily. He wanted to put his fist through every bloody letter. “We took, what, ten minutes to get over here?” 
“He knows how to work fast, that’s for sure.” Prentiss scanned the room. She had to treat this like any other crime scene. She walked around while Morgan called Hotch to get some back up. 
The kitchen table had a chair pulled out and the beginnings of a pot of tea were left stranded on the counter. Scuff marks from the chair likely meant that it had been pushed away from the table quickly. The body in the hall had both gunshot wounds and a stab wound to the side. 
“So if I’m the unsub, I must have approached Bradford without him pulling his gun, so I look like I belong.” She made the motions as she spoke, trying to get into the killer’s head. “I know I can’t take him down without a fight, so I stab him in the side and grab his gun, shooting him twice in the chest.” 
“Reid and Y/N hear the shots, one of them stands up and scuffs the floor.” Morgan added, putting himself into the scene. “If I’m Reid, I’ve got the weapon. I’m going to go check out the sound and keep Y/N away from the door.” He walked across the room and stepped into the hallway. “I see Bradford’s body and the window open so I’m going to go back in and get Y/N the hell out of here.” 
“But Y/N had to have heard the glass break in the bedroom.” Prentiss pointed out. “But if I’m already at the front door, I’ve taken out the security, why don’t I just come that way? Why go out onto the fire escape and break in through the bedroom window?” Both agents were quiet for a moment, trying to get a clear view of the situation. Morgan spoke first. 
“Because you want to get to Y/N without confronting Reid. That way you can use her to control him.” 
“So I’ve got my gun on her and I make you slide yours over here.” Prentiss pointed to the abandoned pistol next to her foot. 
“And make me write that.” Morgan added, looking at the message on the wall. He looked around the room for any kind of clue Reid could have left. “Reid knew we were coming. He’d try and tell us something.” 
There, on the table beside the couch, was another spot of red. Morgan pointed to it and Prentiss grabbed a glove out of her pocket to pick it up. The paper had a red thumbprint next to a few scribbles of writing.
“They look like Y/N’s notes.” She held them up so Morgan could see them. 
“Look at that. She wrote these for her guest seminar at Georgetown three days ago.” He ran a hand down his face. “When Reid told us about the phone call he got from the unsub Reid said that he told him ‘He learned from the best.’” 
“You think he was talking about Dr. Y/L/N’s class?”
“Reid put this here for a reason. He wanted to make sure we saw it.” He took out his phone and dialed Garcia. “If we can find out who was in that class, we find Reid and Y/N.” 
You were both in cages. Yours sat adjacent to the one Spencer was in but your cage had a moldy, piece of cloth that could have been a blanket at one point in the corner. You made the connection and scrambled to the farthest corner away from it. 
“Oh god,” You put a hand over your mouth to cover the sound of your heavy breathing. Your mind started to go into a panic. You were going to die. This man was going to torture and kill you and then dump your body for other agents to find and study and dissect. A quiet groan broke you out of your thoughts. Spencer. He was going to kill Spencer. He turned over, eyes slowly opening. You reached your arm through the bars, desperate to touch him, to feel him just one more time. 
“Can you see anything?” He asked quietly, slowly crawling towards you. Other than the lights hanging over the cages, the room itself was pitch black. Judging from the echo, you knew you had to be in some kind of warehouse or workshop. 
“No, I can’t see anything. I can’t see anything.” Your breathing was picking up as the panic fully set in. Spencer finally reached you, grabbing your hand and putting it against his cheek. 
“You can see me.” His thumb gently rubbed the back of your hand. “Just look at me. Look at me, Y/N.” He was just able to get his hands through the bars and put them on your shoulders. “We’re going to be okay. The team will find us.”
“How, Spence?” You cried, the dark shade of hopelessness washing over you. “They don’t know anything about this monster and- and we don’t know where we are-”
“He was in your class.” 
“They don’t know that. How are they going to figure out who he is let alone where to find us?” 
“I showed it to them. It wasn’t much, but I know that Morgan and Prentiss will understand.” Through his hopeful tone you could still hear it. The fear. He was terrified. 
Spencer wasn’t tough like Morgan or cool and collected like Prentiss. He couldn’t turn off his emotions the way that Hotch could. The only thing keeping him from breaking down was you. Your hand fell from his cheek to his neck. He was wearing some kind of collar, a chain connecting him to something outside the cage. 
“Spence, we have to get that off of you.” As soon as you said it, he was yanked backyards, a choked cry escaping his mouth. The chain pulled him against the bars, his arms still reaching out for you as it crushed his windpipe. “Stop it!” You shrieked into the dark. “Leave him alone! Please! Stop it! Spencer!” 
The chain slackened and he fell to the floor, gasping painfully for air. 
“You’d be surprised at the amount of things you can make with elevator parts.” The unsub had appeared behind you, leaning his forehead against the bars of your cage with a smile spreading across his lips. “Fun, huh?” 
He dangled a key from his fingers, swinging it back and forth in front of you before he started to unlock your cell.  
“Leave… her… alone.” Spencer coughed, slowly making his way back towards you. 
“You know, whenever I brought one of those other girls here, they just screamed and screamed the whole time.” The man shook his head, entering your cage one step at a time, drawing out your panic. “But you aren’t going to do that, are you? You’re going to do exactly what I tell you to.” He pressed a button on the remote in his hand and Spencer was jerked back again. 
“Yes!” You blurted. “I’ll do whatever you want, just leave him alone.” You had your back pressed against the metal bars, putting as much distance between the two of you as you could. He beckoned you to step forward. 
“Show me my work.” 
“I’ve heard you teach, Dr. Y/L/N so don’t pretend to be stupid with me.” He snapped, his calm exterior cracking. He stepped towards you more aggressively but was able to regain control of himself. “Take off all those pesky bandages.” 
“P-please let us go.” You pleaded. He just held up the remote again, his finger hovering over the button. “Okay, okay.” You made sure your back was to Spencer before lifting your sweater over your head and slowly peeling the bandages off of your wounds. The letters were still an irritated red color against your skin and your usual bra felt more revealing than ever. He ran a hand down your arm, bringing your shirt up his nose to breathe in your scent. 
“D-don’t touch her.” Spencer cried, using the bars to pull himself up. The unsub just clicked his tongue, not even bothering to look at him. 
“You should have popped the question while you had the chance, Dr. Reid.” He smirked as your eyes widened. “Oh, didn’t I mention that?” He pulled a small rectangular box from his pocket. “I found this in lover-boy’s jacket pocket. Looks like he won’t be needing it after all.” He tossed it over his shoulder and grabbed you by the back of your neck, forcing your lips to his. His hands traced over the marks he’d left on you greedily. 
He was distracted and you took the opportunity to snatch the remote out of his pocket and threw it through the bars, listening to it smash into pieces under Spencer’s foot. The unsub shoved you backwards, the breath knocked out of you as you hit the ground. 
“You little bitch.” He spat, his hands moving down to his belt. “Pay attention, Dr. Reid. I’ll show you how your girl is meant to be treated.” 
“Put your hands up and don’t move!” Prentiss’ voice ordered, a team of agents bursting into the room. The unsub clenched his jaw and lifted up his arm, knife clenched in his hand. Prentiss pulled the trigger without hesitation. 
You didn’t even give them time to reach you. You reached into the dying man’s pocket and grabbed his keys. You pushed through the other agents and unlocked the door to Spencer’s cage and had the collar off of him as quickly as you could. He could see your body shaking as you moved and you were desperately trying not to break down. He wrapped his jacket around you and pulled you into his arms. 
“I’m okay.” He choked out. It was still hard to speak without his throat feeling like it was burning and now he had relieved tears welling in his eyes. “We’re okay. It’s over.” 
Sitting in the hospital felt strange. You had been cleared already, but Spencer was still in as they looked at the damage to his throat. You sat leaning forward with your elbows on your knees. In your hands was the small box you had yet to open. You had grabbed it before you and Spence were taken out to the ambulances, but you hadn’t brought yourself to look inside. 
“You, um… I guess you know what it is.” Spencer’s raspy voice startled you. You looked up and saw the dark bruises starting to form on his neck. “They said I’ll be okay, I just have to take it easy on the talking.” 
“That won’t be easy.” You laughed lightly. He sat beside you and stared at the box.
“Have you opened it yet?” Even in his strained whisper, you could hear the disappointment. This isn’t what he wanted and now he was afraid his chance was gone for good. You shook your head. 
“I thought we should do that together.” You took his hand and put it on the lid. He gave you a small smile and slowly flipped it open. Inside was a leaf. To someone else, it wouldn’t have made any sense, but seeing it brought tears to your eyes. “Is that…?”
“It’s the leaf that got caught in your hair the day we met. You walked into the BAU to assist us on a case and I grabbed it for you. I was just this weird, tall guy who pulled your hair so you gave me this strange look so I explained that there was a leaf in your hair. And then you smiled and I had never felt like I had right then before. There wasn’t a trash can or anything so I put the leaf in my pocket. I guess I’ve just held onto it ever since.” 
“Spencer, this is-” You were trying to find the words, but you couldn’t. 
“I was going to ask you last night when we were supposed to watch the movie.” He sighed. “It feels like a long time ago now, but I still feel the same way.” He shifted so that he was kneeling in front of you. “I always thought that if, by chance, I ever found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, it would be because they make me feel normal. But you don’t make me feel normal.” He blinked back his own tears so he could say everything he needed to. “You make me feel like the best version of myself. And maybe it’s inappropriate after everything that has happened in these two days, but all of the pain we just went through just made me realize even more that I don’t want to spend one moment of my life without you. Dr. Y/N Y/L/N-”
“Yes.” You blurted, kneeling on the floor with him and taking his face in your hands. Spencer laughed. 
“You didn’t let me even ask.” 
“Right, sorry.” You brushed away the endless flow of tears that now fell down your cheeks. “Ask away, Dr. Reid.” 
“Will you marry me?” The smile on his face made your whole body light up. 
“Yes.” You crashed your lips into his, not caring if anyone was around to see. 
The team was down the hall, beaming at each other. Even though they couldn’t hear your words, it wasn’t hard to tell what just happened. Prentiss leaned over to Morgan. 
“I told you.” She grinned. “They’re made for each other.”
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks​
From last part (I think I got everyone, but don’t be offended if I missed you, I’m just bad at tag lists): @ takeyourleap-of-faith; @ squiggledrop; @ avidreider; @ lotties-journey-abroad; @ justfloatingthroughtime; @ bisexualwomanofcolour; @obsssedwithjustaboutanything; @jupiterdove; @ uhuhuh; @ walkingjunkdna; @ skullwithemotions; @ shigwhore; @ harry-hollands; @ cielo1984; @ slytherin-blogger; @eevee0722; @ spenceoffense; @ radtwinkie; @ absolutemarveltrash
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unsupervisedpanda · 3 years
Shots fired
Spencer x reader
Sitting on Spencer's couch you'd been reading one of your favorite books. It was early, at least for a weekend it was. You'd come by Spencer's hoping to catch him before a phone call from the team, however he seemed to have been gone already.
   You thought about just going home, but decided to stay and clean the already, mostly pristine apartment. It was organized in his own chaotic way. You'd slowly put away his paperwork and obsessively marked books.
  You then walked over to his nearly empty sink washing the dishes. After that it was doing his laundry and maybe make and remake his bed.
  Today was your last day off which is why you were hoping to catch him. You worked at an elementary school and taught a rambuctious group of 2nd graders. They were great kids and you loved them all dearly.
  That being said tomorrow was Monday so you had things that you needed to prepare. That is why you called Spencer and let him know you'd been there. You knew he was observant and may panic if he saw his apartment.
   "Hey Spence, it's me. I just wanted to let you know I stopped by. I love you and I'll see you when you're back. Kisses." Then you hung up.
  Nothing could have prepared you for the next day.
You woke up at 5:00am and got ready for the day. The school day didn't start until 8:30, but you wanted to catch a shower.
Swinging your legs over your bed and wobbled to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and your brush on the way. You had your clothes laid out the night before, surprisingly you were set for Monday it was Friday when you just threw your clothes on and prayed they matched.
  That being said you sauntered into the small room flipping the light on and flinching at it's brightness.
   "Ugh no! Tis to early for this." You groaned plopping the towel on the toilet.
  You stripped the overnight clothes off and turned the shower on, the steam rising from the enclosed space and into the rest of the room.
   Pulling the curtains aside you stepped in, the hot water cascading down your back and soaking your hair. The water washed away your sleepiness and you began to shampoo and condition your locks. You hummed as the suds made your hair squishy and soft. You giggled before putting your head back under the rushing water. The soap washed out gathering around your feet and down the drain.
   Once you were sure the soap was out and that your body felt refreshed, you shut the water off. Stepping out of the shower your feet padded on the shower mat. You smiled reaching over and grabbing the grey towel.
  Drying your body you then dried your hair. Once you were sure you wouldn't drip water everywhere you brushed through your damp hair.
  Spinning back to your door you wrapped the towel tightly around yourself. You needed to get dressed and you'd sleepily left the clothes in your room. Huffing you opened the door, the cool air rushing at your damp flesh, goosebumps rising.
Shivering you padded to your room and made sure the curtains were closed, windows locked, and then locking the bedroom door. You heard all sorts of stories from Penelope about how women were attacked in their own homes while they were vulnerable. No not you and not today.
   Quickly you slipped into your clothes, which happened to be a pair of black leggings and a (favorite color) dress that ended just above the knee, with a light overcoat
  You huffed before grabbing your phone. 5:45 am. Good you were on a roll. You lived about 15 minutes away from the school so you had time.
  Sliding your sneakers on you tied them before hearing your front door open. You immediately jumped up, opening your night stand, and pulling out the pistol you'd kept stashed there.
   You crept over to the door and unlocked the knob. With the way your apartment was set up you couldn't see the front door or the kitchen. Stepping into the hall you slinked down towards the living room. Once you entered you saw the back of the person kneeling in front of your fridge.
   You almost laughed out loud, but clicked the safety back on.
   "Spence you couldn't text me before coming over?" You giggled as the brunette jumped, hitting his head off the top of the fridge.
  "Ouch! Crap. I'm sorry y/n I wanted to surprise you. I figured I could stop by early enough that I won't be called in." You laughed at the male before placing the gun in another drawer in the kitchen. 
  "Awe that's sweet Spencer. What were you looking for?" You laughed walking over to him and pushing his bangs out of his face.
  "Ehm well I was looking for some coffee creamer because the barista forgot it. They were really busy." You nodded before brushing past him and to the refrigerator.
  "Ahh let's see I have hazelnut and vanilla and oh! There's some caramel, too."
   You heard him whisper a soft "Vanilla, please." Before you stood up the container in hand. Turning around you saw his eyes were downcast and your eyebrows raised in concern.
  "Spencer. Is everything alright?" He seemed to jump at the question, but nodded reaching for the bottle in your hand.
   "No. There's something bothering you, love. What happened yesterday?" His eyes widened as you placed the bottle behind him on the counter.
  "You can talk to me. You know that. Now spill, Spence." He shuddered slightly before sighing.
   "There's a case. The unsub is targeting elementary schools in the area. He targets the female employees killing them, talking about it's them or the kids. He even used a recording to lure them. Still no one is taking us seriously! We've gone to several of the schools, even the superintendent! They're refusing to shut the schools down saying that 'our employees are trained for this.'" He huffed heavily running his fingers through his hair.
  "This guy is smart y/n. He's already gone to three schools and killed 23 people and-" he choked up as he thought about the 13 children who died.
  "Spence, what school would he go for next? He's smart and calculated I'm sure. Where would he target next?" You looked at your best friend worry in your eyes. He looked up at you the gears in his head turning.
  "That's the thing y/n he's unpredictable. We thought he had a connection to one and he attacked another. We have no idea which school he'll target next. So far all of his attacks would seem random but they're not." He sighed out rubbing his face.
  "He's killed 23 people. 10 teachers and 13 children. We thought we were so close Y/n and he killed again. We can't lose. We can't let him kill again." His voice sounded so strained.
  You went to answer him when his phone beeped. He jumped slightly before pulling it out.
  "I got to go. The team needs me. I'm sorry. I love you! Be safe" he rushed kissing your forehead, before slipping out of the front door.
   Fisting your hands you sighed. This man could target your school next. Grabbing your purse and keys you rushed out the door.
     "Yes sir I understand there's no evidence or reason for him to come here but please listen to me. If we take the precautions, just until he's caught there's less likely of a chance for anyone to get hurt!
   We are an elementary school. We don't have to switch classes. We can have indoor recess, allowing the children to be safe, to learn, to have fun!
  We can have lunch in our classrooms and avoid being out in the open. This man is dangerous sir. Please."
   Your boss looked at you his eyes sharp.
  "Ms. L/n I'm sure this man is dangerous, and I'm sure you're worried but there is no reason for us to go into a panic. You may do as you wish with your class, I'll permiss it but I cannot make the other teachers to through with it. I'm sorry." You sighed but nodded.
  "Thank you Victor. I appreciate it but please inform them?" He hesitated but nodded.
  "I will."
Walking back to your classroom your shoes thudded along the tile. At least you got permission to protect your class. It was definitely something.
   Unlocking your door you pulled together today's activities. You'd have to make sure everything was prepared for if something happened.
   Going through your cupboards and closets, you emptied or organized them, to maybe hide the kids in. It wasn't much but you wanted to keep them safe.
  School would be in session soon and you needed to be sure that you were prepared.
    "Hey Lola! How are you today?" You greeted the young girl as she plopped into her desk.
  "I'm mad. Mommy told me that Skylar isn't coming to school today! And she is  like my bestest best friend!" You laughed as she threw her arms up in frustration.
   "Maybe that's what's best Little Lady. Don't worry though! We might play hide and seek later!" You said handing her a squishy ball to squeeze.
   Soon you had all of your kids for today. You may have called the parents and let them know of the risks and  Victor might not be impressed but you'd deal with his wrath later.
    Looking around you told the class of the plans today and gave them a math game to play in small groups. The door of course was locked along with the door stop.
   You gave each child an assignment, but made it a game so that they wouldn't be scared. You made Lola and Jaiden your captains who took care of their crew. If someone had to go to the bathroom you'd take a small group and leave the other group to watch the classroom. Then you'd come back and switch.
    That being said you were constantly checking in on Spencer. He didn't answer much but he did reassure you to his best ability. At least he had been.
   You didn't understand what was happening until you heard someone bump into the microphone in the office.
It made a terrible screaming noise before you heard Haley, the secretary announce that everyone had to take the school intruder precautions.
  Quickly you told the kids to go to their "bases" or hiding places. Jaiden and his team hid in the cupboards while Lola and hers hid in the closet.
  You? You stood next to the door out of sight. Earlier you'd put up a curtain so that if the guy did show up he couldn't look in.
   You heard the other kids in other classes asking what was going on and some of them were crying. You grimaced at the thought of their faces.
   You waited for a while before Victor came on.
  "I understand you are scared. I need you all to stay calm and keep the children safe. No matter what you hear, or see DO NOT leave your classrooms. Thank you that is all."
   Glancing around you began pushing some of the desks in front of the door. Then you ran over to the window and unlocked one. You didn't open it for fear of making your escape obvious. If you needed to get the kids out quickly you would.
   Pulling out your phone your dialed Spencers number. If you heard any evidence of the unsub he'd be on speed dial. That being said you told the kids to stay hidden and go over their "battle plans".
   Steadying your breathing you walked over to the door and stood next to it out of sight.
   It didn't take long before you heard screaming, a female. She was yelling about how it was the schools corrupt system that got her son killed. That if they had listened to protocol and protected him he'd still be alive.
  You gasped before calling Reid.
"Hello?" Shuddering you replied quietly.
  "The unsub is actually a woman. She has a dead son. He died in a school shooting or something similar." The other end was silent for a moment before you heard some scuffling.
   "Y/n?" You sighed as you recognised Hotch's voice.
  "Yes sir?"
"I need you to tell me what's going on." Before you could answer a loud gun shot was heard.
  "Y/n! Are you okay!" You heard Spencer panic.
   "I- I am fine. So are the kids. I don't know about the others though. The unsub. She's here Spencer and she's mad." You cried softly before another shot echoed throughout the building.
   "Y/n. We're on our way. Just stay safe. We're coming." You nodded before mumbling a soft 'okay' and hanging up.
   "YOU TEACHERS KILLED MY BABY! YOU DIDN'T PROTECT HIM! HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE. HE WAS A CHILD!" you gasped as she wailed before shooting her gun again. Directly into your door.
  Gasping you waited. You heard her walk over to the door before pulling on the handle.
  "Oh. So you think you can protect them huh? With a measly door and a glass window with a fucking curtain? No way in hell."
  With that she put the gun against the glass with a 'clank'. Before you could react and loud ringing filled your ears as she pulled the trigger.
   Glass flew everywhere as the woman laughed. Thinking fast you grabbed a desk and faced it towards the window holding it in place. With her only way in temporarily blocked you called for Lola.
  "Lola honey! C'mere!" You whisper yelled as the small girl crawled out.
  "Ms. L/n what was that? It was really loud and we're scared." You smiled softly.
  "I know honey but I need you to get all of your classmates and take them to the 3rd window. Do you understand?" She nodded quickly rushing around.
   Sighing in relief you jumped when another gun shot sounded.
    Gritting your teeth you let go of the desk, glad it stayed.
   Helping Lola gather them all was much harder then you wanted it to be, but they were scared and that you understood.
   "Okay my little adventures, we're gonna do an escape mission. I want you all to climb out of this window and hide in the bushes until the good guys come okay?" They nodded and you shivered in relief. Once they were safe you could do what you needed to.
   Quickly you put them on the counter and they climbed out, the taller boys going first to help the shorter ones.
   Finally it was Lola's turn and she looked at you with big watery eyes.
  "Ms. L/n I'm scared." Your heart broke before you hugged her.
  "Me too. Don't worry though our knight is coming princess." She cried as you put her on the counter helping her out.
   "Be safe. Hide. Go!" They all nodded and ran off. As soon as you were sure they were safe you rushed to the door that connected to Mr. Groves room. Unlocking it you rushed in all the kids looked at you wide eyed.
  "Hey guys! It's okay you need to be really quiet and come with me okay?" They cried and looked over at their teacher and you nearly screamed at the sight.
He had gotten hit by a stray bullet or something and was bleeding out on the floor.
  "Okay. Okay come on. Quietly." They nodded rushing into your classroom. When you had them all you helped them out like you did your own, giving them the same instructions.
   Rushing back the other class you took off your jacket pressing it into Steve's chest.
  "Hey Steve. How are you?" You laughed awkwardly and he gurgled at you. Crying you kept pressure.
   "They're all safe. I helped them. It's okay." You smiled at him and he smiled lightly and you sobbed quietly as his life slowly seeped out onto your hands and jacket.
   Slowly pulled your hands away you jumped when you heard sniffling.
   Whipping around you looked under his desk finding a little boy.
  "Hey hey! What's your name handsome?" You asked quickly wiping the blood off.
  "C-christopher, b-but my mo-mommy calls m-me Chris." He sobbed.
   "Okay Chris why don't I help you out with your other friends?" The boy shook his head aggressively in a 'no' motion.
  "I can't." Your eyebrows raised before your eyes widened.
   "Christopher, are you paralyzed?" The boy nodded and you let out a breath.
  "Okay come here. I'll carry you." His eyes widened.
  "We, we can't go out there. The bad lady will shoot us!" You winced at his loud voice and he seemed to realize what he'd done because he began to softly cry.
   "Ahh honey it's okay. We won't move. We won't move." You hushed pulling him into you.
   You sat there for what felt like forever before you heard Derek talking down the Unsub.
  "Ma'am you don't want to do this! Put the gun down. Ma'am!" You and Christopher jumped when someone slammed into your classroom next door.
Pulling Christopher into your lap you held him close as he cried into your chest.
   "THEY KILLED HIM! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT. THEY KILLED HIM." You jumped at how close she seemed.
   Breathing out shakily you put Chris down gesturing for him to be quiet.
   Slowly you pulled yourself up. Glancing at the door connecting the rooms you saw it was partially opened.  
   Taking a deep breath you slowly made your way over jumping when the woman began to yell again.
   This was your chance. Running at the door you slammed it shut turning the lock.
   "YOU CAN'T PROTECT THEM!" She screamed slamming into the now locked door.
   Quickly you dragged a few desks to block her from entering. From there you unlocked the main door.
   "Chris, baby, I'm going to pick you up and I want you to close your eyes. Do you understand?" He nodded quickly tears bubbling up.
   "Okay come here honey." He dragged himself over to you and you quickly gathered him into your arms.
   "Okay you have to trust me. Just close your eyes." You hushed quickly and quietly opening the classroom door, as the women continued to bang and scream in yours.
   Rushing into the hall you saw Derek's eyes widen as you held Chris to your chest, the blood from Steve staining your outfit.
   "It's not mine!" You assured as you jogged to him, Chris hiding in your hair.
   "The kids are outside hiding in the bushes." You whispered once you were close enough so the woman wouldn't hear you.
   "Mr. Groves, she killed him. And Chris he's paralyzed." You informed as Derek ushered you behind him.
   "You need to get out of here. If she sees you she'll-" *BANG*
   You yelped in shock as the shot rang out.
   "Move in!" A man yelled followed by his team.
   Christopher held onto you sobbing into your dress. You held him close and hushed him, whispering reassurances into his ear.
    Derek led you outside and when you got there you were surrounded by police and EMT's.
     You handed Christopher off to one of the women, promising him he'd be okay. Then you ran over to the bushes and found both your students and Steve's.
     "Hey guys! Come one the good guys are here." You promised as Lola ran to you.
    "Hey princess." You murmured as she cried into your shoulder. The other kids surrounded you in a group hug.
     Standing up you held Lola to your chest.
    "Come on guys." You ushered them to the authorities.
     You were shocked when a woman mobbed you and began to cry as she held you and Lola.
     "Thank you! Thank you so much." She cried and you were to shocked to do anything.
     When she pulled away she held Lola's face in one hand and yours in the other.
      "You don't know me, but I know you. You saved my little boy Chris." She sniveled and you nodded.
    "Chris. Is he okay?" You asked as you set Lola down next to you keeping ahold of her hand.
     "Yes thanks to you. He's a little shaken up of course but thank you!" She continued.
     You nodded before you led her to an ambulance where Chris was sitting.
     "Hey Chris. This is Lola. You mind if she stays with you and your mom?" You asked as you brushed Lola's hair back.
    He nodded patting the spot next to him.
    "Thank you. Lola honey I'll be right back." You assured her before turning to scan the crowd, looking for Spencer. 
     When you found him you rushed to him. Calling out his name, he turned, and you ran into his arms.
    "Spencer." You wept lightly and he held you, wrapping his arms around you as he held you tightly.
    "You did it." He whispered and you nodded.
     "We did it." You told him pulling away.
   He nodded and kissed your forehead.
   "You're amazing." He murmured.
  You shuddered lightly.
    "Amazingly gross. I- I need to change. Steve..." You muttered and he nodded.
    "I think JJ might have a change of clothes.... Or I could ask Penelope?" He suggested and you nodded hating the blood on your clothes.
   Leading you towards his team mates, he kissed your forehead.
    When you got there Derek clapped you on the shoulder, congratulating you for your quick thinking.
    Hotch nodded to you in respect and Emily and JJ fretted over you.
    Emily gave you one of her shirts, and you borrowed a pair of sweats from Morgan.
    "Thanks guys." You smiled tightly as Spencer held you to his side, one arm wrapped around your waist.
    Leaning into his shoulder you closed your eyes. Today definitely didn't go to plan.
     You found out later after you asked what happened, that the woman was named Marissa Timmins. Her son was killed in a school shooting after one of the teachers snapped.
     The boy was eight. The snap occured after she found out that the man who'd killed her child was going with an insanity plea.
    That being said the gunshot you'd heard was her... well taking her life into her own hands.
    Everyone was deemed okay but were understandably shaken up. Luckily no children were harmed. Haley was being treated for a gunshot wound to her hip and Victor had been shot in the abdomen but was rushed to the hospital.
     It seemed the only casualties this time were Steve and Marissa.
   That night Spencer had taken you home and stayed with you the entire time, which the team understood. Several parents sent you thank you cards, and so did the kids. School had been cancelled for the rest of the week so you slept in, or tried to.
    The nightmares weren't helping but waking up in Spencer's arms calmed your racing heart.
     You were glad you had him. So glad. That being said Steve's funeral was on Thursday, and then despite how everyone else felt you attended Marissa's as well.
Maybe it was to see how her family saw her before she lost her child, maybe it was to try and get to know her for who she had been, or maybe it was so you could put a face to the woman who'd killed so many people.
It was closed casket for her, but the pictures showed enough. As for Steve's, well you felt terrible. Seeing his wife and two daughters, it broke your heart.
You offered your condolences and Mrs. Groves held you for a long time. She thanked you for being there for him in his final moments.
Spencer waited for you both times, ready to hold you as you sobbed.
You never understood how Spencer could do this, see people die, day in and day out but you loved him for it.
Standing on your tip toes you pecked him on the lips.
"Let's go home?" You asked and nodded walked around the car and opening your door.
"Let's go home." He confirmed kissing your cheek.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH30- House Of The Mouse
Summary: Frank, Fliss and the kids take a vacation to Disney World
Warnings: Bad language, allusions to smut…
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 4k
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Ch29 Part 3
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 Any parent will tell you that their child could be in a room full of other kids, all screaming blue murder, and they’d be able to pick their baby out blindfolded from the sound of their cry. So when Frank heard Alex’s loud scream, followed by a huge onset of distraught tears, he instantly spun on his heels. To his surprise, the crying was followed by Fliss’ distinct laugh as he located them a little way from the line he and Mary were waiting in. Fliss had Alex in her arms, laughing and shaking her head as someone dressed as Mickey Mouse was waving at the tot. Fliss gently kissed Alex’s head, said something to Mickey who gave an exaggerated shrug and turned to a group of older kids who were waiting patiently to say hello. “What’s his problem?” Mary scoffed and Frank turned to her.
“Guess he doesn’t like cartoon mice.” Mary took a deep breath and then let out a whoop of delight as they’d reached the front of the queue for ice cream. They placed their order, Frank grumbling a little that three ice creams cost him more than Mary’s college education would, before Mary simply told he was being an idiot. He passed her the cone down, before he grabbed his and Fliss’ and made his way over to where she was stood outside the parlour on Main Street of Disney's Magic Kingdom, gently hushing Alex as his tears subsided. Frank quirked his eyebrow as she rolled her eyes. “Talk about dramatic.” She moved Alex onto one hip and took the cone Frank held out to her with a thanks. “Can you manage?” Frank asked and Fliss nodded. “Will you push his stroller over there?” She inclined her head towards a bench which was free off to the side of a little seating area in the shade. “I’ll settle him down and get him a snack.” Frank nodded, dropping a kiss to her cheek before he pressed one to Alex’s head. “No, Frr-ank!” Alex yelled before he giggled as Fliss burst out laughing. “Stahp that!” Frank looked at her, a whine to his voice, “it just encourages him!” “I’m sorry, Sailor,” Fliss chuckled. “Yeah, sure you are.” Frank took a huge mouth of his ice cream, before he gripped the handle of the stroller and the four of them made their way over to settle at the seat. Once there, he took Alex off Fliss and settled him back in the seat, handing him a packet of animal crackers which he tucked into with gusto, all tears forgotten. “Hey, is it nearly two yet?” Mary asked. “Fifteen minutes,” Frank glanced at his watch, “why?” “The Pirates of the Caribbean show starts at two!” She grinned eagerly, “you said we could go see it!” “Errr, yeah!” Frank nodded, “best Disney film around!” “No it’s not!” Mary scoffed, “we all know that’s Oliver And Company.” “You’re both wrong, it’s The Lion King.” Fliss rolled her eyes. Both Frank and Mary rounded on her, and she laughed at the pair of them, that famous indignant Adler expression on both their faces. “Argue all you want, you won’t convince me otherwise!” She shrugged, crunching the last bit of her waffle cone. “That’s because you’re a stubborn pain in the ass.” Frank grinned, leaning over to give her a peck. “Pot-kettle.” She mumbled against his lips and he chuckled, pulling away. Once Mary had finished, they strapped Alex in and made their way through to New Orleans Square and found the small stage not far from the ride entrance. A little crowd had already gathered and they found a spot off to the right and waited. A few minutes later a pistol fired making Mary jump, and both Fliss and Frank laughed at her. She turned and shot them a filthy glare, which simply made them laugh even more. Seconds later some guy, dressed as a very convincing Jack Sparrow swaggered onto the stage to loud applause and then Frank felt the stroller rock a little and he glanced at Alex who was yelling and waggling his arms and legs, grinning ear to ear. “So cartoon mice are a no go, but Captain Jack okay, huh bean?” Frank watched and Fliss chuckled. “That’s because he’s a real sailor.” “No, he’s a pirate.” “With a big ass ship…” “I got a boat.” Frank pouted playfully. “Yeah, a speed one.” She winked, “what is it you keep telling me? You don’t sail a speedboat.” “You hypocrite!” Frank scoffed and Fliss laughed. As the show progressed, Frank found himself watching Mary more than the actors. Her grin was ear to ear, as she cheered and shouted along, hissing and booing in all the right places. He loved watching her like this, exuding sheer innocence, just like a ten year old child should. A lot of people had pulled a funny face whenever he and Fliss had said their honeymoon was a trip to Disney with the kids, but to them it had been the only thing they’d wanted to do. And so far, a week in, it had been nothing short of amazing. They’d opted for a villa just off lake Buena Vista, making sure that they had their own room because, whilst Frank recognised that having the kids with them put paid to any romantic nights out, he sure as hell was not about to be cock-blocked on his own honeymoon. So far, it had worked out great. They Disney’d or toured Orlando by day, and by night they settled round the small pool in the back yard and drank, ate, made out and fucked once the kids had crashed in their bedroom. Today was their first trip to Magic Kingdom, having done Typhoon Lagoon, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and the two Universal parks so far, where Mary and Fliss had both had a fit as they’d seen Harry Potter World for the first time. Frank had snapped a fantastic candid shot of the pair of them, both looking up at the Hogwarts Castle, hands over their mouths in awe and he couldn’t wait to get it framed for the mantle at home. That said, it had been a little draining. Unlike a typical honeymoon, it had consisted of early mornings and late nights, centred round the kids. But tomorrow they’d convinced Mary they needed a day out and were intending to spend it round the villa with a visit to Disney Springs later on to eat and chill out round the shops and entertainment. As the final act of the small show concluded, Frank watched as Mary joined in the singing, hopping on one leg as she belted out, “yo-ho-ho, the pirate life’s for me,” before everyone applauded and Mary turned back to them, grinning. “That was totally AWESOME!” Fliss smiled and gently ruffled Mary’s hair as she spun on the spot and then turned back to them. “Can we do the ride now?” “Sure.” Frank smiled, turning to Fliss, “is this one of the ones he can ride?” He looked at Alex and Fliss nodded. “Yeah, I checked before. I’ll pop his ear defenders on and he can sit in my lap.” They made their way over and joined the queue, which was fairly large but seemed to be moving reasonably quickly. As they waited, their chatter turned to what Disney film was the movie of choice for that evening. So far,  each night as they chilled out a little before the kids went to bed, they had watched something related to the parks they’d been in, selected from the extensive DVD collection which came as part of the villa rental. “Well, we might be a bit too late if we’re staying for the fireworks but if not, I think we should do Beauty And The Beast.” Fliss offered, “I would say Pirates Of The Caribbean but we did that when we went to Typhoon Lagoon.” “Oh yes!” Mary grinned and Frank shrugged. “Whatever you guys want. Although, I’m down for seeing my man, Gaston.” “Your man Gaston?” Fliss looked at him as they moved up the line, “really?” “Hey, he’s the smartest guy in that film.” “What?” Mary looked at him indignantly, “Gaston is a nasty douchebag.” “Yeah, but he’s smart.” “No, he’s an idiot!” “Look, you can’t be an idiot and win a No-Belle prize.” Fliss let out a loud snort of laughter as Mary blinked before she groaned. “God, Dad, that is so lame!” Before long they were at the front and Frank took Alex out of his stroller and passed him to Fliss as she settled down, placing his blue ear covers over his little head. The little boy was mesmerised by the ride, grinning and shrieking as they went at the various twists and turns through the cavern. They spent the rest of the day making their way around, Frank and Fliss taking it in turns to ride the bigger attractions with Mary. There were a few smaller ones they could all do together, although Frank was quite pleased he got to skip the tea cups when he saw the speed Fliss managed to ramp theirs up to. As the night drew in, they headed for something to eat and Mary leaned over and whispered something to Fliss who gave her a wide eyed grin and nodded. “What are you up to?” Frank asked, placing his beer back down. “Nothing,” Fliss replied quickly and Frank narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, right.” After dinner they headed back down Main Street to find a spot for the fireworks. Once settled, Fliss and Mary both headed into a shop as Frank sat and gave Alex a bottle of juice. “Okay, which ones do you want?” Fliss asked as they stood in front of the huge selection of ear hats. “The purple and pink ones I saw on the internet.” Fliss nodded and pulled a pair off the shelf. “Good choice, babe. I think I’m gonna get these ones!” She reached up and grabbed a pair of leopard print ones. “They’re awesome!” Mary grinned. “What about Dad?” “Hmmm, well, you know he’s gonna try and refuse to wear them…” “Yeah, like we’re gonna let him not!” Mary chuckled. “Correct.” Fliss nodded, “but I think we should get him…” “Those!” Mary pointed to a pair that were decorated with little stars like Mickey’s sorcerer hat and Fliss grinned. “Boom!” She pulled them down and handed them to Mary. “And Alex needs these ones!” Mary pointed to a smaller pair which were light blue. “Awesome!” “Mom… could we get our names on the back?” Mary asked shyly as they headed to the counter to pay. Fliss paused and then smiled. “Sure, why not!” They we’re gonna a fair while, but on their return, Fliss laughed at the look on Frank’s face when he spotted their new head attire. He let out a scoff of a laugh and shook his head. “You two look…” he was cut off as Mary thrust one at him and he shook his head. “Yeah, I’m not wearing that.” “You have to!” Mary thrust it at him. “Says who?” “We’re at Disney!” Mary stated. “And we’re gonna watch fireworks.” Frank rolled his eyes and took the hat off her, turning it in his hands. He arched a brow, fighting back a smile as he saw the word “Dad” embroidered on the back in blue thread. Fliss grinned and turned around to show hers, the word ‘Mom’ depicted on hers. “Fine!” He groaned dramatically and jammed the hat on his head, “happy now?” “Yup!” Mary grinned as Fliss went to put one on Alex.
“No, Mama!” He protested pushing her away. Frank took it off her, and went to try, also to no avail. “No, Frank!” “Daddy.” Frank corrected. “Dadda!” Alex beamed, as Mary took the hat from Frank.“Mareeeeee!” He grinned, holding his arms out. Fliss and Frank watched as Mary leaned over and Alex allowed her to place the hat on his head. The two snorted at the realization Mary could get Alex to do nearly anything and chuckled when Mary gave them a grin of victory. 
The wait, seemingly arduous, was soon over and the fireworks began. Because they were at Disney in October, typically there was a special showing for Halloween time in the parks and this was one of those nights. A video layover of Jack Skellington's house covered the castle as a voice announcer brought to life the show, the words "This is Halloween" ending a short little story rhyme as his introduction all while long sparkler fireworks with white fountain fell in the sky behind the scene. 
The first pops caused Alex to jump a bit in Frank's arms but he quickly settled as the bright lights and music played, his ear defenders back on once again. 
Various bangs of shapes and colors exploded in the dark night sky above Cinderella's Castle with the help of story telling by Jack himself and his ghostly dog Zero. The themes of the pop tune and vibrant bouncy songs with various Disney character voices and images were projected across the castle as its backdrop. Mary bounced around as she watched the show, Fliss and Frank taking in their children's expressions and wide eyes as the show carried on. 
Disney Villains controlled the show as it gave them their voice and stage for just under twenty minutes and the grand finale sounded like a war zone but beautifully glittered over the park and Main Street exclusively, dozens upon dozens of bright and colorful fireworks fired off. Frank took the moment to lean down and give Fliss a sweet but firey kiss, a muted "No Frank!" coming from Alex.
At fireworks conclusion, thunderous applause and happy screams filtered through the crowd. Mary beamed, happily content with how exciting the spectacle was and Alex rubbed his eyes, suddenly tired from the excitement of the day.
"It'll be easier if we carry them," Fliss suggested as the large crowd began filtering out of the park. “He’ll probably kick off if we try and strap him back in his stroller. I’ll take him, you grab Stack.”
Frank nodded in agreement and passed Alex off to Fliss once she had secured all their things in the stroller. Once he was in her arms, Frank hoisted Mary up into his shoulders. 
"Hold tight, Stack," Frank's eyes peered up at Mary as she leaned over his head a moment. 
Frank led the way down the crowded Main Street, one hand securing the empty stroller and the other locked around Mary's ankle to keep her steady. Fliss walked in step beside him, a fading Alex in her arms as they navigated through the drives of people trying to get those last minute souvenirs or to the exit. 
At one point, just as they neared the exit Gates, Frank looked down to make sure Fliss was still there by his side and he felt a soft smirk splay over his pout. His sweet baby boy was asleep in his mama's arms, knackered from the day, his ear defenders popped on his head still over his baby Mickey ear cap. The twinkling lights and old fashioned arcade bulbs that lit their way made Fliss' brown eyes glitter as she glanced up at him with a smile. And for just a second, Frank cocked his head up at Mary who was still grinning, her eyes flitting about at the scenes around her. 
In that moment, Frank was a very happy and content Sailor. 
**** Their quiet day was spent around the villa pool, dipping in and out of the water as and when they felt like it. They all took an afternoon nap in the shade, before changing and taking an Uber up to Disney Springs.  They ate at the Paddlefish, Fliss having booked earlier that day to secure one of the outdoor rooftop tables. Fliss and Frank shared a bottle of wine, but were unable to decide what they wanted to eat so ended up sharing a portion of crab fries, ahi poke, crab guacamole and pan fried salmon. Mary opted for a chicken burger whilst Alex chowed down a hotdog and fries, burping loudly as he finished, a huge grin on his face. Once Mary had fleeced Frank for another hundred and fifty bucks in the many gift shops, they headed home, their bellies and hearts full. After another Disney movie, this time Moana, Mary made her way quietly to bed so as not to wake Alex who had fallen asleep on the way home, not even waking when Fliss had changed him for bed. Frank opened a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured them both a glass and they headed outside to the seats around the patio. Fliss lay her head on his shoulder, sighing with contentment and Frank kissed her temple. “I know this isn’t a conventional honeymoon but, well, so far I’ve loved every second.” She whispered and Frank chuckled, his hand running up and down her arm. “We’re not a very conventional couple, Cowgirl, when all is said and done.” “Oh I dunno.” She looked up at him, “I mean we’re married, kids, dog, perfect little white house, not quite on the prairie but…” Frank laughed and pecked her lips, “a million horses, boat, one eyed cat…” “Yeah I’m not seeing your point.” She chuckled as he kissed her again. The kiss grew deep, and flowed into soft touches, which turned into heated making out and clawing at watch other. As Frank stripped the last of his wife’s clothing from her, his lips nipped at her neck causing her to groan loudly. Before long she was in his lap, her hips circling as she ground down on his cock, his ruts up matching her rhythm. They came within seconds of each other, and Fliss collapsed forward, her face pressing into the crook of Frank’s neck and shoulder. His hands held her close, fingers trailing up and down her spine as he felt her nipples gliding against his chest, her breathing deep. “I love you,” He gently kissed her cheek as she sat back a little, the pads of her fingers cupping his jaw as she smiled, “more than I can even begin to explain, Mrs Adler.” “Good,” she whispered back, kissing him deeply, “because I love you too.” ****** The rest of their time passed in a blur and all too soon they found themselves on their penultimate day. Blizzard Beach was the park of choice, being the last one left to do. Mary wanted to go back to Hollywood Studios for the last day, having loved the Star Wars section, Tower of Terror and Rock N Roller coaster, both Fliss and Frank having ridden those with her. The water parks provided a chance for them to relax a little. It was less full than the other parks, and easier to navigate on the whole with Alex as they could secure their spot on a couple of loungers, Frank and Fliss happy to take it in turns to wait with Alex whilst the other headed off for an hour or so with Mary. But when it came to Summit Plummit, Fliss refused point blank to even contemplate it, but instead of waiting at the loungers, said she would come and stand at the viewing platform near the bottom of the slide. And Frank knew full well this was so she could laugh at his reaction when he got off the horrific looking hundred and twenty foot free fall slide. Resigned to his fate, he followed Mary to the queue and began to climb, the steps seemingly never ending. But finally they reached the top and when they were about four from the front, he made the mistake of looking out over the distance. Jesus Christ… He watched as the next guy to go stood on the platform which was released and he fell through it with a yell. “Oh, fuck that.” He shook his head and Mary laughed. “That’s awesome!”
The attendant called her forward, directing her to stand against the stick so he could measure her height. They’d checked her height at the bottom, but Frank’s prayers that she would have shrunk half an inch or so during their climb up the steps were not answered, and she turned to him, giving him a thumbs up. “Stack, I don’t think…” “Don’t be a pussy, Frank!” She giggled, but before he could reply she was gone. Frank swallowed and stepped forward, looking down to see her reach the bottom where she hopped up and skipped off to find Fliss. Oh shit… “You going mister?” A voice behind him said and he turned to see a small kid looking at him.
Everything in his brain was telling him to bail, and go back the way he’d come, but he’d never live it down. And so, his male pride won out. He stepped onto the platform, the attendant giving him a smug smirk as he told him to cross his ankles and arms and then suddenly he was falling through the air. A yell flew from his mouth before eventually his back and ass hit the slope of the slide and he skidded down and down, before it finally levelled out and he came to a stop. There was water up his nose, in his eyes and throat. And to top it off, his trunks were wedged up his as crack. With a groan he stood up, spluttering as he stepped over the edge, shaking his head as he yanked his trunks straight. That was the worst thing he had ever done. Ever. “Jesus Christ,” he shook his head as he reached Fliss, Mary and Alex, his two girls laughing their heads off, “these trunks cost me twenty bucks and there’s about ten dollars’ worth stuck up my ass.” “Ass!” Alex loudly yelled. At his outburst Fliss blinked and Frank groaned whilst Mary doubled over laughing. Instead of walking back to their loungers by the kid’s part of the main pool, Fliss suggested they ride a loop on the Lazy River which ran round the full park. This was much more Frank’s thing. He was quite happy to bob round that, Alex settled on his lap as they floated round in the inflatable rings. Half an hour later, Fliss sat in the shallow water of the pool watching as Alex, Mary and Frank played on one of the small polar bear slides. As Frank guided Alex down the small slope into the water he looked up and caught her eye. She smiled at him, contentment flooding her system as his wedding band caught the sun. She couldn’t remember a time she’d ever been happier. Rising to her feet she splashed trough the barely shin high water and beamed as Alex grinned at her, Frank swinging him up onto his hip, his broad chest and slim upper body speckled with water. “Think he could probably do with some shade and a drink.” He pressed a kiss to his son’s cheek. “Shall we go back to the loungers?” Fliss nodded. “Good idea.” “Mary,” Frank gestured with his head for her to follow as they made their way over to the spot they’d reserved under a large canopy round the edge of the pool. Alex began to protest, wriggling a little and yelling, gesturing back at the slide. He threw his head back, arching his back as he cried out. “No!” “You can go play again in a bit buddy.” Frank adjusted him in his arms, his voice level yet firm, as he nipped the impending tantrum in the bud in his usual calm manner. “You wanna get a snack?” “Mmmm nom nom!” Alex was suddenly all smiles again at the mention of food. They all sat down, Frank heading off to the small food hut to grab a beer for him and Fliss along with a soda for Mary. As he made his way back, Mary skipped over for her drink and he passed it to her with a smile. “You okay, sweetheart?” “Yup.” She nodded, swallowing the huge mouthful of Sprite she had just taken. “Dad, this is the best vacation ever.” Frank grinned as she headed off back to the loungers. He followed her, pausing for a moment and taking a deep breath as he watched his wife hand their son his sippy cup, gently smoothing his auburn hair back. “You’re not wrong, Stack,” Frank felt the soft smile curl across his lips as a warm sense of love and satisfaction filled his chest, “you’re not wrong.”
**** Chapter 31
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Fathering a Phantom ch2
I just wanna Talk, I swear
Here we have the chapter 2 for that fic from earlier! Once again, here ya go @five-rivers @floralflowerpower and @uwuplasmiusuwu
“Cole I’m going to murder someone,” was the first thing that Toby said to his husband upon arriving once more in their temporary sanctuary. Cole paused mid throw of his javelin, electric sparks crackling up the polearm, and turned to look at his husband. Toby’s wings were ablaze, his nails sharpened into claws, and his eyes a colorful storm, as though he couldn’t decide what to turn into for maximum lethality. Cole set down his javelin and wrapped around Toby in a hug.
“Who are you planning to murder, sunshine? And should I join in? I haven’t gotten into a good fight since we got here, which is a shame.” Cole coalesced from a mass of clouds into something a bit closer to his original body when Toby relaxed in his embrace, running his fingers through shimmering feathers made of embers. “You really do look like a star like this, by the way.”
“There was, I think, a war forged around here who fired a bunch of rockets at a child! You know that liminal kid I told you about?”
“Oh right, we’re rare in this realm, huh?” Cole’s face scrunched up in confusion and he arched a brow. “I thought the liminal around here beat up the tyrant ruling the place when he woke up?”
“I didn’t exactly ask about what must’ve sucked when I half blew up the metalhead.” Toby flew over to the couch and flopped face first into it. “Now I gotta track him down.”
“Why only half? Sounds like someone you’d take out in one go if you had the drop on em.”
“Well, do you wanna traumatize a kid of unknown cultural origins? He’s so small, and his friends were clearly still living humans. I dunno if he’s seen someone die before, let alone a ghost getting Ended. If I recall, committing murder is a bad way to start a friendship with a child.”
Cole snorted and gave Toby a pat on the shoulder. “Alright, fair, Sildar didn’t like me much after that rescue. But hey, now you can put that on your to do list! Murder, the answer to most problems.” Toby laughed, phasing through the couch when Cole sat on him. “There he is, my giggly celestial chandelier.”
“Do you even remember what a chandelier is? I know you broke like three of them over someone’s head, but I forget whose head.” Toby put out the flames in his feathers and stretched, satisfied when his spine popped a few times. “It’s nice to still be able to do that.”
“I’ll be honest, being a cloud has made the sound of your joints popping kinda gross to me. It sounds like you’ve still got a flesh and blood body.” Cole sat up, scratching his head. “Do you still have a humanoid body? With like, meat and bones and stuff?”
“Probably, yeah. We’ll see, cause if so that’ll come in handy with helping out this liminal kid. Said his name is Danny Phantom.” Toby paused, the feeling of his feather being torn an odd and upsetting one. “Speaking of whom, I should go meet up with them. Think you can find this ‘Skulker’ guy while I educate some kids?”
Cole kissed Toby on the cheek and gave him a thumbs up. “Will do! I can’t promise there’ll be much left of him afterward though, I’m not a fan of idiots who attack kids.” Toby smiled and in a flash of light and beat of wings, he was gone. Cole nodded to himself and grabbed his maul, crackling with electric arcs, and opened up the door to their temporary Sanctuary. “Now then, who the fuck is Skulker?”
After having a small debate about where they couldn’t go and why, team Phantom finally ended up at the indoor roller rink that was partially destroyed by a giant ghost crab a while ago, and sat down at a table that Danny cleared of debris with an ectoblast or three. “Ok guys, I think this is a good enough place to call him up.”
“Are we sure it’s a good idea to call him at all?” Sam held up the feather she’d kept in her pocket, turning it about to watch the golden flame dance. “He took down Skulker pretty fast and it usually takes you a good half hour to do that, Danny.”
“Skulker specializes in attacking Danny is all, Sam. We’ve got the weapons to handle pretty much any ghost we normally deal with, and Danny took down the king of ghosts. I’m pretty sure he can handle anyone else.”
“Plus, Toby wrecked Skulker pretty bad. If he wanted to fight, I’m pretty sure he would’ve started a fight.” Danny condensed his ectoblasts into one ball of ectoplasma and stretched it out into a pole. “Imagine all the cool stuff he could show us!”
“Alright, if you say so.” Sam snapped the feather in half, surprised by how easy it was to do, and grabbed her ecto-pistol. For a moment, there was silence. Then the sound of wingbeats filled the room and Toby appeared above the rink as though landing from a long flight.
“That’s a spell I’m not used to casting frequently in a day. Heyo kids!” Toby waved, tucking his wings by his sides while walking closer. “Sorry for the delay, I was talking to my husband. So, names again just to be sure: Sam, Tucker, and Danny, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right. What do you mean spell, exactly? Do ghosts have magic ontop of the other ghost powers now?” Tucker spun the lipstick laser around in his fingers, remembering Desiree’s magic and Freakshow’s staff.
“Anyone who can do magic keeps the ability in death, usually. I’m not dead though, I’m Deathless.” He spread his wings and spun around, thumbs pointing to his chest. “I was born awesome like this, and so was Cole. But, based on your faces you weren’t born like this?”
“No,” Sam said, gesturing at Danny. “This is a recent thing, it’s been since about…” Sam paused, her gaze landing on the wall behind Toby. “March of last year, so 14 months.”
“Yeah, god, we’ve been doing this for over a year now, haven’t we?” Tucker, who had held up a camera to record everything Toby was saying, slumped a bit in his seat and sighed. “Feels like it’s been like this forever and like it happened yesterday.”
Toby stared at them all like they’d each grown extra limbs in odd places – Danny even checked to make sure he hadn’t done that while feeling both old and young at the same time due to how little time had actually passed – before zipping over to Danny and holding his hands just over the teen’s face. “Oh my gods, you’re a baby.”
“I am a teenager, thank you.” Danny gently pulled Toby’s hands away from his face, a brow raised. “What, is 14 infantile to angels, feather man?”
“You’re only 14 months dead, Danny, that makes you a baby ghost.” Sam snorted and Tucker covered his mouth to try and hide his laughter. A snap of Toby’s fingers and flowers began growing in Tucker’s hat, and seeds appeared above Sam, growing into flowers as they fell all over her. “If you’ve had regular interactions with that metal head, no wonder your aura’s all aggro.”
“Skulker’s not exactly the worst of the ghosts we’ve had to fight over the months,” Danny said.
“Oh yeah, that’d have to be either Walker, Spectra, or Vlad. It’s really a toss up between Spectra and Vlad, if you ask me.”
“Vlad wants to kill Danny’s dad because he sees his mom as a trophy that was stolen from him, while Spectra tried to kill Jazz just to depress an entire school so she could feed on the misery to look young.” Sam brushed away the flowers and weighed two in her hands. “Yeah, those around the same level of grossly evil.”
Toby’s wings ignited at some point while Sam was talking, and the sunlight streaming in from the hole in the roof grew somewhat brighter. He reached into a bag he had strapped to his waist and pulled out a book and a pen, his smile all teeth. “Tell me, please, a list of all the adult ghosts who have attacked you children? I’d like to have a discussion with each of them.”
“If we give you their names,” Danny said before Tucker could answer, “do you promise not to go slaughtering them all? I don’t need to know ghostly body language at all to know that flaming wings come from a place of anger and imminent violence.”
“When did you read a thesaurus, Danny?”
“Sam, I’m insulted: I know tri-syllabic words. I can even say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”
“I promise not to slaughter all of the ghosts you inform me hurt you in the past few months, yes. Names?” When Tucker listed off names, Toby wrote them down with an inhuman speed, and Danny exchanged a look with Sam, worried about how exactly that deal might be loopholed around. “Right,” Toby chirped while slamming his book shut, “I’m here to answer some questions of yours, not just ramble about myself and assemble a… list of people to talk to. Got any?”
“So many that I don’t even know where to start.”
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flamingredanon · 3 years
"I can't believe that an entire town was abandoned... Some crazy shit must of happened!" Rupert exasperated as he and his military group, plus the General, walked through thick forestry and dirt. The mission was simple enough, find the Abandoned town, make sure it's safe and take anything deemed important.
"Language Price. It isn't lunch time, you're on duty right now, Think about that." General scolded Rupert despite how far in front he was, how the hell had he even heard him?... Huffing a little, Rupert turned his attention to the, strangely silent, pilot that was next to him. Good old Charles Calvin, a blast to work with.
"Charles, you agree right? How freaky it all is?" Rupert asked as he fiddled with his gun, don't worry, the safety is on, for now. When all he got was silence in response, Rupert nudged an elbow into Charles side. "Huh?-" that got the Pilots attention. "What's wrong with you? You're all... Quiet." Charles blinked before a look of realization hit him.
"Oh!- hahaha um.. nothing. Just.. got a really bad feeling you know?.. About this mission?..." Charles chuckled nervously, looking around him suspiciously. Rupert made an agreeing sound. "Finally someone that agrees with me!" Charles smiled awkwardly in response. Suddenly, the group came to a halt and the general turned around to face everyone.
"Alright Men, behind these last bit of trees is the town. Remember, this town has not been looked into, we know little about it and danger could be anywhere. Got that?" "Yes General Sir!"
Charles was strangely anxious, really anxious... The building he was checking was big, old, empty... If he were attacked right now no one would know and he'd probably bleed to death, alone...
Charles shook his head. "Agh no! Shut up Charles. Your. Fine. What's wrong with me today..." Charles huffed and he continued to search through the house. The first floor was clear with nothing valuable, the second floor was the same. Charles was making his way down the stairs when he saw something... Peculiar. Peculiar as in, out of place.
There were crayon scribbles all over the wall right where the stairs were. Something that would be easily over looked when coming up. The thing that startled Charles a little was how fresh they looked. "Huh..." Charles said as he got closer, looking at them closely. They weren't scribbles, but instead a drawing of a stick figure with.. headphones going up the stairs...
"Wow what a.. terrifying coincidence." Charles laughed nervously. A creak behind him, caused Charles to swing around in fear, hand reaching for his pistol as he came face to face with- !
"W..what?..." Charles sputtered out as the person in front of him, the threat, was actually a small child. They looked about 10 ish, a black Toppat placed on unkempt black hair. Charles' brain processed this information... Slowly. However, when he understood that yes, he was in the middle of no where with his squad and yes a kid had shown up out of thin air!
"H-Hey buddy, how... How did you get out here?" Charles asked slowly, approaching the child cautiously, he didn't want to scare them. They blinked up at him, staring at him like he was the person who had just appeared. Their hands moved in a familiar way and Charles identified it as ASL. 'It was right.'
Huh? Wait what? "What do you mean bud? W-Who was right?" 'My Vision.' What?..
"Hey, look, I don't know where you came from but this place is dangerous. Let me take you back to my group alright?" That got a reaction, they shook their head and turned and ran off out the door. Charles shouted after them and gave chase.
"Hey! Wait! It's not safe!" Charles called out, trying to run through the tall grass was harder than he thought. The kid, who was a few ways away now, tripped suddenly and fell over. Charles stopped and immediately went over to help. "Aw buddy! are you ok? I told you it wasn't safe-"
"Get away from my grandson!!!" An angry voice yelled and Charles flinched, stumbling back. The kid got up and made their way over, to a man, a very familiar man! It was a past Toppat leader, Randy Radman!
All the yelling had attracted Galeforce and Rupert over to Charles, who was still staring at the older former Toppat leader and the kid hiding behind Randy, holding on to his bright pink coat.
"I knew the damned Toppats were involved somehow..." Rupert growled, pointing his gun at Randy.
Randy simply retorted "Didn't anyone teach you to watch your language infront of the elderly and children? And I haven't been in the clan in a good several years."
Rupert continued to glare as General Galeforce gave the order to stand down, clearing his throat before speaking. "Excuse Mr Price's language, his tongue can be quite foul, but he is a good soldier."
"Mr Radman, if you or the child know what happened here, it could be of great importance to us. An entire town disappearing is not normal by any means."
Randy found himself sitting down in the grass as he replied "Little Tin knows what happened here, I just came by because Tin texted me that bad things happened and everything was taken and that men in green were coming and he was scared."
Randy turned to Tin "I know the Government is usually not our friends here, but you need to tell the General everything that happened. I'm here for you if they try anything funny."
Tin nodded his head, adjusting his hat as he faced Galeforce, Rupert and Charles and started signing.
"The CCC took everyone here away, including my dads. They... they took everyone, then they cleaned out the buildings and houses to make it look like no one lived here. Dad told me to hide so I didn't get caught, that I needed to text my granddads or my grandpa when things were quiet."
Tin pointed at Charles before continuing "I saw you in a vision of the future, coming up the stairs. Since I was alone, I drew what I saw on the walls while I waited for grandpappy."
Galeforce spoke up "Did you happen to hear any of the CCC people talk about where they were taking everyone or did you atleast see what direction they left at?"
Galeforce knew these were probably tough questions for a small boy who had his fathers snatched away from him alongside so many other people.
Tin thought for a minute as he looked at the town before turning around and pointing to a dirt road. Rupert walked to the road and back as he said "It looks to be several van tracks sir, pretty fresh too."
Galeforce took out his walkie talkie as he spoke to Randy "You and your grandson should get somewhere safe, I am about to call in alot of people to handle this. I will atleast make you the promise that no Toppats will be arrested, with all this happening, getting these people home safely is far more important."
Randy nodded his head as he picked Tin up "Thank you, General. I'll give you the number to my phone so that you can call or text us when you rescue everybody. And do be safe out there, the CCC is no joke."
Galeforce, Charles and Rupert watched Randy and Tin walk away, with Tin giving a small wave before hugging Randy. Galeforce wasn't sure what going against the CCC was like, but he was making sure his men were more then ready.
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
Mafia Wonderworld Part 5
Leo groggily woke up. His body felt numb and his mind felt like mush. He shook away the fuzz ebbing his mind, and tried to put his hand up to his head, but found that his hand was stuck in place. The blurriness in his eyes faded to find himself in a beautifully decorated room, but he was handcuffed to an ornate chair. "WHA- WHAT THE?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" He yelled, tugging at the cuffs.
The door to the ornate room opened, and a figure that...didn't seem all that human walked out. The figure was much to tall and thin to be human, but he had a humanOID figure. He was decked out in a gold and white suit, and had golden rimes eyes and a very large smile. He was followed by a horde of small chick like creatures with fedoras and one of them perched itself on the beings shoulder.
Leo felt himself get paralyzed in fear, but not at the peculiar being, but rather the dual pistols that he was holding. Leo let out a loud 'gulp' as he walked over to him "Hello there Boy..." The being said in a intimidatingly deep voice, making him tense up. The being glared at him the smile never leaving his face "Now what should I do with you..." He said, pulling out one of the pistols and tapping on his face "You've caused a lot of trouble Kid...and in doing so you're going to have to be PUNISHED." He told Leo sliding his pistols across the table, scaring the boy.
"And that unfortunately...starts with your head getting blasted off." He said, aiming the pistols at the kids head. Leo closed his eyes, and waited for the bullets to blow up his head when he heard a sickening BANG. However, even after the bang...he didn't feel anything. Not pain, not a metal bullet, or the release of death...he wasn't dead.
Leo cracked open an eye and saw a small red flag with the words "BANG" on it. Leo stared at the flag in disbelief, as the being next to him snickered before he released a deep, but joyful belly laugh. The blonde haired boy however, didn't find it very funny "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He shouted, still trying to escape the confines of his cuffs. The being wiped a tear from his eyes "Forgive me Child, I was just having a little fun, Just a silly little prank little one." He said.
Leo glared. "Well I didn't find it funny, I thought I was going to die!" Leo grumbled, tugging at the cuffs. The being walked over to his cuffed arm and unlocked the cuff on the chair. Leo got off of the chair and scooted away from the being. He let out another chuckle "You're confused I bet, and I haven't introduced myself yet. " He said before giving a very extravagant bow to the boy. "My name is Balan, The Maestro of the positive gang, and the owner of the two pistols I named 'Boom and Bang.'" He said. Leo gave a terrified but uninterested 'Uh Huh...' as he backed towards the door. "Now I know that that you're not trying to he impolite, but it's your turn to introduce yourself, am I right?" Balan asked, appearing behind the boy. Leo jumped and backed away from him "Um, I'm Leo, Leo Craig, and I really need to be getting home now." He said
"I'm afraid you can't leave yet, because you have something of mine I bet." Balan said as the white bird creature hopped over to Leo's pocket and pulled out the teardrop shaped gem. "H-Hey!" Leo shouted as the bird hopped over to Balan and deposited the gem in his hand. "Thank you Shiro dear, you always find a way to make me cheer." He said, giving the bird creature a scratch. "Now, this Drop that you have taken from me, as a Symbol of complete Loyalty. Those who work with me wear it with pride, as they guard this part of the city from the OTHER side." Balan explains, spatting out the "other side" with venom in his voice. Leo gave a confused look "What does that mean? What on earth is going on?! And where's Emma?!" He shouted.
Balan sighed. "Well, I should tell you, for better or worse. You're in Wonderworld City...a place trapped by a mafia curse.
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cruecifymesixx · 3 years
Love and Leather /part eighty nine/
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: Hi! Enjoy the update!
Warnings:major angst
Taglist:   , @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, ,  @a-simple-salmon,  @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent, ,  @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill-blog @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls-blog,  @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, , @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream,  @broke-n-bitchy​,  @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @herbertweeest, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001,  @waywardprincess666, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe, @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991,  @m0rnlngstar,  @findingmyths,  @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @patheticgay69 , @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @thechangingme, , @makaelahdelvalle
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*Nikki’s POV*
I sighed heavily through my nostrils, resting my head against the couch as I sucked on a hard piece of watermelon flavored candy. Dr. Peterson left a few very persistent voicemails on my phone as well as pages on my pager, attempting to get me to come to the therapy office. Reluctantly I agreed, but I wish I didn’t as I assumed Vanity would be here too, however she’s not.
“Hey Doc…” I speak lightly when she walks in, sitting directly across from me in the leather chair as she crosses one knee over the other.
“Thank you for coming in Nikki, I’m sure you are a very busy man.” She eyes the handful of empty candy wrappers on the oak coffee table, “It’s new candy, I just put it there today…and looks like I have to add more.” She smiles as she jokes.
“I like the strawberry ones better…and it’s okay, I wasn’t super busy today. Sorry for taking long to get back to you.” I sit up more in the chair as she opens up her folder and takes out the good ‘ol notepad.
“So how’ve you been? Anything new?”
I shake my head, “I’m okay, just been busy. We finally wrapped up the album, then we do some promoting and then we hit the road for tour.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that it’s hectic and time consuming. Have you taken anytime for yourself to relax recently?”
My lips pull into a small grin, “Is this where you poke my brain and tell me I’m putting myself into work too much?”
Crystal chuckles a bit, “Do you think you’re putting too much of yourself into work?”
“It’s my job? I kinda don’t have a choice. Not like anyone else is writing songs, well good ones for that matter.”
She nods, “So you’re the one in charge? excuse my ignorance, I don’t really follow your music. I’m sure that’s stressful having everyone depend on you. Do you deal with stress well?”
I shrugged, “I don’t have to write all the songs, it just happens that way.” I chuckle a bit under my breath, “Too loud for you? I mean, yeah it’s stressful. I used to go out and get high, but then that overtook everything. Now I just work out or take my camera out or write more songs to relax.”
“Just not my cup of tea, Nikki. Have you done any of that recently? Vanity mentioned shopping helps her relax.”
I roll my eyes and laugh, “Anything that revolves around spending money sounds good to her. And no, I haven’t had the time. Stuck at rehearsal with the band and when I’m not at rehearsal I’m hanging out with the band at a bar.” I stare when she writes something down, “Taking notes already?”
She glances at me, “I do it with everyone, you know that. So you only hang out with the guys? The same guys you’re around all day? You never really escape work, do you?”
“Well…I mean no…but I have fun when I’m with them. Tommy and I are like practically married and Mick is fun and John is cool too. I see Tommy constantly cause Van and Clementine are best friends. Sometimes it’s a little much. At times I just want to take a break but I know I can’t because it’s my music and it keeps the nice things flowing and Arianna’s school.” I explain to her, “I mean…I would have enough to take a break for a long time but still…I don’t want too.”
“Tommy, right…Vanitys mentioned him a few times, same with Clementine. But why are you so worried about money? Vanity has money does she not?”
“Yeah…god mother of the year.” I roll my eyes, “Yeah, yeah…Van has plenty of money for her, she’s a great mom. I missed out on a lot the first few years of Arianna’s life so I just want to make up for that.”
“Well…as you know, everything you missed could have been prevented. Kids don’t remember a lot from their childhood anyways, with the exception of a severe traumatic even happening. They usually won’t start remembering moments until the ages of 7 and 8.”
I glare a bit, “I don’t need to be told the same thing I already know. If I had kept my dick in my pants I wouldn’t have missed anything, I know.” I lean forward reaching for another piece of candy and shoving it in my mouth.
“Theres no reason to jump to the defense Nikki. We’re just talking.” I would think she was being condescending if she wasn’t a damn therapist.
“Right-“ I roll my eyes, “Talking? You’re blaming me for it.”
“Well who is to blame them? Vanity? You’d be surprised to know she never wants to talk about this.”
“Wait-no, no. You’re twisting my words. No, it’s not her fault, it’s mine. But still, she could have called or retuned my letter letting me know.” I defend myself as she looks at me.
“Nikki, we can spend all day talking about the things Vanity, should’ve or could’ve done differently. We can talk for hours about how things were suppose to go differently.”
“Then why the hell did you bother me? What could you possibly want to talk about if it’s not that?”
“How are the dates going? Let’s start there.”
I stare at her a moment, rubbing my knees as I take a breath, “I don’t know…Donna, she’s great but she’s just…she’s just not Vanity.” I look away feeling disappointed, not because it wasn’t working, but in myself. That it took me seeing someone else to figure out what I wanted, “Donna’s hot and funny, well tries to be funny. But she hangs on to every word I say, thinks I’m right about everything, doesn’t ever disagree with me…it’s…it’s boring. I don’t know if it’s just because I’ve been with Vanity for so long, that nobody else can compare or what. But I just…it’s not working. Donna’s too clingy anyways.”
“Really?” Crystal sounds surprised, “You were so vocal about seeing other people.”
“Well…I wasn’t excited about it. I did it because I thought thats what Van wanted. I just wanted to help fix us. I would do anything for us, for her.” I sigh as I lean back against the cushion.
���You thought.” She pointed out, “You assumed and didn’t really ask what would have helped, did you?”
“Well…I-“ I stumble over my words before sighing, “No, I didn’t. I just took the first suggestion that was brought up. I wanted to get out of the office before I was ganged up on.”
Crystal chuckles, “Nobody thought about ganging up on you Nikki. You just don’t like when you aren’t in control, that is both of your issues.”
“I don’t have control issues.” I glance at Crystal as she stares at me, “What? I don’t.”
“Yes you do, wether you like to admit it or not. You mentioned earlier it’s always you writing songs because nobody else will do it.” She says, using air quotes might I add as I glare in return, “I’m sure they would if you backed off and gave them a chance.”
“I just like to make sure things are perfect, there’s nothing wrong with that. Mick isn’t interested and Tommy wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“Nikki, maybe if you gave them a chance they would shine and pressure would be taken off your shoulders. Nothing has to be perfect, there’s no such thing as that.”
I roll my eyes, “Okay, so maybe I have a slight control problem but this, the band, has been the only thing in my life I actually have control over.”
“And the other parts you don’t? Can you tell me about it?”
I groan in annoyance, “Oh come on. I’m sure Vanity has mentioned a thing or two about me. I’m sure she’s told you all about the reason why I’m fucked up is because of my childhood.” I reach for a candy disk, unwrapping it before popping it into my mouth.
“The subject has came up once or twice but Vanity never dived deep, she said it wasn’t her place to talk about it. Do you want to talk about it?” She asks softly, like how every other therapist in the past has done.
“No, not really. But I just moved around a lot as a kid…”
“Oh, well I’m sure that had an affect on you. Always being the new kid and what not. Are you parents still together? They must be so proud of you.”
I laughed, probably a little too loud “God no. My dad split when I was a kid and my mom and I don’t talk, at all. Every time we do it explodes into something bigger.”
“I’m sorry for that, I’m sure it was hard without a dad in the picture. So your mom raised you?”
Again, I laugh, “Here and there when she wanted me. Half the time I’d be with my grandparents.”
She glances at me, “Is this why you’re so scared of failing as a father?”
I stare at her a moment, “I’m not like my dad. I didn’t just abandon the girls. I begged her to move here so we could be a family.”
“So…they had to uproot the life Vanity had built for them in New York to make you comfortable? Which is essentially what you had to do every time you moved as a child?”
I shake my head “You’re twisting my words. I just wanted them close. Vanity hated New York, she basically stayed for Clementine.”
Crystal shakes her head, “Are you assuming she hated it because she told me she loved it there.”
I chuckle l, “Loved it? Of course she loved it! She was nose deep in fucking coke when I got there.”
“And that’s a problem she’s been working on has she not?”
I sigh, “Yeah, yeah. And I’m proud of her. I know it’s not easy. But I’m not like my parents alright? I’m not just leaving Arianna high and dry nor am I leaving her alone in a run down fucking house okay?”
Crystal looks at me, her head slightly turning to the side, “If you know that, then why are you so worried about messing up? You sound like such a great dad Nikki, from what Vanity tells me. That little girl is lucky to have you.”
I exhale deeply as I nod a bit and lean back against the chair, “Because something always happens…”
“If you spend all your time waiting for bad things to happen you’ll miss out on everything life has for you. Can you give me an example of something happening?”
“I don’t know…I could relapse, Vanity could relapse. We could break up, she could fall in love with someone else and leave me…” I mumble the last part “..and I don’t want her to leave me.”
“You both work hard on your sobriety right? Then what is the worry?” Crystal looks at me, taking off her glasses as she leans forward a bit, “I think you need to spend less time worrying about her being with someone else and only worry about her being with you. Like I said earlier Nikki, we can spend all day talking about the what if’s but it doesn’t help anything or anybody in the long run.”
I frown a bit, “I guess you’re right…it doesn’t do me any good, just drives my anxiety up the wall.”
She smiles a bit, “See…I knew I could get through to you. Is there anything else you want to discuss? You said the dates you’re going on aren’t fulfilling?”
I nod, “Yeah they aren’t. I’d rather be at home with the girls.”
“So…now I’m gonna assume you and Vanity are going to sit down and talk? If this is how you’re feeling, plus with how she feels..”
“I want this to work with her. I need it to work. I can’t picture myself with anyone but her. I hated my ex wife because she wasn’t Van. I just forced myself to pretend that I tolerated her, let alone love her.”
“Then I think you two need to sit down and discuss what you both want from each other and what it will take to make it work. You can’t always blame your issues on your childhood, just like she can’t blame everything on her temper and how she reacts to stressful situations.”
I laugh under my breath and grin “Yeah, she does get mad at the slightest thing.”
She cracks a smile and nods, “That she does. But just like you, Vanity also needs the control. I think you two need to find a solid ground and share it evenly, 50/50. Not 25/75 or 60/40. But right down the middle.”
“And what if we can’t?”
“Nikki.” I sigh and let my shoulders fall back, “As long as you two actually talk about your problems instead of holding onto the anger and grudges. I think both of you also need to learn how to let certain things go.”
“Like the cheating?” I look at her, “She throws that in my face any chance she gets. I just don’t know how many times I can say sorry for it.”
Crystal nods, “I understand Nikki, I do. But put yourself in Vanity’s shoes okay? It’s a traumatic situation for anyone. Just think if the tables were turned. How would you feel? How would you’ve reacted? I believe what bothers her is the principal of it, if you being with someone else. She didn’t want to see it, just like mentioned earlier, you don’t want to see her with another man.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll work on being understanding and sharing control. I need to be home more, hopefully after this album I can take a break for a while and we can get to know each other again.”
“It’s not a bad thing to get to know one another again, you aren’t kids anymore.”
*Vanity’s POV*
“It’s okay Ari! Just brush it off and keep going!” I yell, cupping my hands around my mouth as I sit back down on the folding chair. I wince when I see Arianna trip over the soccer ball again and get a mouth full of dirt, “You’re doing great, sweetie!” I give her a smile when she looks over, glaring as she brushes the dirt off her knees.
“Come on Van, she can barely kick the ball without eating shit. Maybe soccer isn’t for her.” Nikki states, flicking a peanut shell at me. I glance down, seeing him laying on his side on the blanket, “We could try gymnastics. Or cheerleading.” He points in the direction of coaches surrounding a little league team.
I sigh as I slump back in the chair, groaning when Arianna falls again, “It’s only the first day of practice, Nikki. She’ll get the hang of it.”
“Or she’ll get kicked off the team.” Nikki laughs before sitting up and leaning against my leg, “However, it is pretty entertaining to watch.”
I roll my eyes and tap the back of his head, “She has to start somewhere, she can’t just be great over night. I know it took you some time to get good at bass playing.” I smirk a bit as he tilts his head back to look at me.
“Don’t go there. She clearly has no coordination at all and she’s kicking way to hard at the ball and that’s why she keeps falling.” He shakes his head when Arianna kicks the ball and hits another kid in the gut, “See? And she’s being a ball hog.”
“A ball hog? Maybe you need to coach this team instead, Sixx.”
“Well I do look good in stripes.” He laughs but it quickly stops when his phone starts ringing. I watch him dig it out of his pocket as he shakes his head and shoves it back in his jeans.
“If it’s a work call then take it.”
“No, no it’s fine. It’s just Donna, she can wait till later.” He tells me, glancing in my direction as we look at each other for a moment. I watch as he scratches the back of his neck before he looks back at the field, mumbling something under his breath.
I chuckle to myself when his phone starts ringing once more, he digs out of his pocket again before shoving it away, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want her upset with you since you’re ignoring her calls. It’s okay Nikki, you aren’t missing much, it’s just practice.” I explain to him as I see his back raise with a deep inhalation of a breath before he exhales.
“No. This is important, unlike making plans for another expensive restaurant or some stupid high end club.” Nikki spews out, I can hear the annoyed tone.
I clear my throat a bit, “Is everything okay with you..and her?” He side eyes me from the corner of his black shades as I see the corner of his mouth pull up a bit.
“Just...she’s...she’s just making it complicated. She’s asking for too much. Always wants to talk on the phone or hang out or meet up for coffee. She doesn’t grasp the idea of space. Donna wants to be a girlfriend and she’s not girlfriend material, at least not for me.” Nikki leans back on his hands, his legs stretched out on the blue and black flannel.
“Girlfriend material?” I question him as he turns his head to look at me.
“Yeah? You know...girlfriend material? She’s a great women but she couldn’t handle being with a rockstar. Grew up catholic and has all these beliefs that just make me want to gag. She’s hot but she can barely talk about anything other than the modeling and acting. I like someone that can at least tell me what they’re thinking at any given moment.” I feel him nudge my leg as he rests a dandelion on my knee, “I don’t know...it’s just fizzling out.”
I fumble with the yellow flower between my fingers as Nikki cheers for Arianna. My eyebrows pull together in confusion. He was just spending this whole past week with her so I wonder what could have changed. I was still thinking about everything Dr. Peterson had told me last week, I was nitpicking the pros and cons of the situation. Nikki had apologized the next day after our fight like always and then that turned into me being under him...like always. And then it was back to ignoring the problem.
“Hey Nik? Can we talk-“
“Mom! Mom! Did you see how good I’m doing?!”Arianna runs to me, exuberant as always before she’s taking the juice box Nikki hands to her.
“Of course baby! Daddy and I are so happy you’re enjoying it.” I smile at her, smoothing her hair back and wiping some dirt off the side of her cheek, “Just try to be careful okay? And let some of the other kids get the ball.”
She nods feverishly, “But coach Taylor said I’m doing a really good job!”
“And you are princess, but it’s a team sport. So you gotta let the others play with the ball too.” Nikki tells her as he ties the laces on her cleats and tucks them into her shoe, “Sixx’s always play as a team babe.”
“But Blackwoods know how to get the job done themselves.” I wink at her as she giggles and hands me her juice box, “Go finish and then we’ll grab some dinner and maybe ice cream.” Arianna nods before she gives me and Nikki a hug and runs off to the field again.
“So...how are you and Jon?” Nikki questions, almost uncomfortably as he glances at me for a split second.
I shrug, “He’s been busy with studio stuff so
I haven’t really talked to him that much. He calls every few days or so just to see how I’m doing.”
Nikki nods as he leans back on his elbows, “Oh…well that’s good at least…”
“Yeah, I guess?” I chuckle a bit and shake my head, “It’s not like you really care.” 
“Yes I do..” I glance when Nikki mumbles, picking blades of grass and flicking them away. I chuckle at his words and shake my head, my eyes going back to soccer practice.
“Yeah, okay Nikki.”
“I’m gonna go get a drink at the concession stand.” He mutters quietly, getting up as his bangs fall over his eyes. I glance at him as he shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair as he walks across the field. I look down, noticing the unopened bottle of Coca Cola from earlier.
*A few days later*
I took a deep breath in and exhaled as I paced nervously outside of Nikki’s office door. Why was talking about how we felt so scary for us? My heart was racing as I hear the light hum of bass strings being pulled. Nikki had came home from having lunch with Donna an hour ago and slammed every single door he went through, so I wasn’t sure what had happened. I said hi to him but he brushed me off and went straight up the stairs.
I crack my knuckles as I try to find the courage inside of me to knock on the door. I just wanted to talk and I figured with Arianna being at school still, it would be the best time to do so. Ya know, in case of it getting ugly.
My lips puff up as I exhale deeply, glancing at anarchy as she’s sprawled out on the floor watching me, “Wish me luck.” I knock on the mahogany door, not hearing any response to come in. I wait a second before reaching for the doorknob and slowly cracking it open, seeing him hunched over in the usual position when he plays his bass with headphones on. I watch him for a moment as he reaches for his journal and writes something down. He notices me through the reflection on the blank computer screen.
Nikki turns around in his chair as he takes off the headphones and smiles “Hey sorry. I just had an idea and I wanted to play it while I had it.”
“No, no it’s okay. I get it. I uh just wanted to talk but you’re busy so we can just talk later.” I stay by the door, gripping the handle as I swallow the lump in my throat.
Nikki stares at me for a moment “No, come sit.” He motions to the futon, “What’s going on?” He sounds concerned as he rolls his chair closer.
“Okay..” I mumble as I sit criss cross on the cushion as I hold the pillow in my lap, “I went and talked to our therapist the other day to get some things off my chest and now I want to talk to you about them.” I take a breath as I look at him, he looks as worried as I feel, “I-I just feel like we aren’t getting anywhere. That this-“ I motion between us “..isn’t going anywhere.”
“You think that?” I notice the slight frown playing on his lips “I took the advice the therapist gave, Van. I didn’t want too….is this about me locking you out? If it is I’m sorry, I was just messing around.”
“Yes, I think and feel that. Like we’re just not letting go and we’re trying to stay together for the sake of Arianna. No, no it’s not because you locked me out. I’ve been feeling like this for a while now..”
“Is that what you want? For this to be over?” Nikki stares at me as he gnaws on his bottom lip, “Are you breaking up with me?” It’s faint but I hear it and it makes my heart heavy.
“I-I I don’t know..”
“My dates with Donna haven’t been that fun, not like how they are with you.”
I smile a bit before it fades, “I just feel like it’s me that’s trying to save our relationship, or what little is left to save. I’m just confused Nikki.”
“What’s there to be confused about Van? You either want to be with me or you don’t.” I stare at him, I wish it was as simple as that but it’s not. 
“Do you wanna be with me?” I ask him as he chuckles a bit and rolls closer to me.
“Vanity, of course I want to be with you. You should already know the answer to that. It’s always going to be you every time.” I look away at the painting on the wall as he touches my knees, his thumb gently rubbing back and forth.
“I just feel like our relationship is one sided now. I told you from the start I didn’t want to do this, seeing other people. I vocalized how much I was against it and you still wanted to do it anyways.”
Nikki nods as he lets out a deep breath “I know, I know. I should have listened to what you were saying. It put an even bigger strain on our relationship. I broke things off with Donna today. She was just getting on my nerves. I was only going out with her because I saw how much fun you were having with Jon and how happy you looked. It made me jealous because the whole time I was miserable.”
“You didn’t seem like it..I don’t want to break up. I just wish it wasn’t so hard all the time. We aren’t kids anymore, it feels like how it did 10 years ago and I feel like it shouldn’t be. It should be easy for us by now. Do you think other couples have it this hard?”
Nikki chuckles as he gets off the chair and sits down next to me, “No baby, I don’t. Because not everyone is as complicated as you and me. What do you want from me Van? You want me to actually work on us instead of finding excuses not to?” I glance at him as he smiles at me.
“But that makes me feel like a bitch when you say it like that. I feel selfish. Do you want this?”
“Vanity, you may be a temperamental brat and a pain in my ass sometimes, but you aren’t selfish. You’re far from it.” He reaches for my hand as he brings it up to his lips “I want this. I want you and only you. We shouldn’t be doing this because of Arianna, we should be doing this because we love one another and cause we want this to work. I do love you Vanity.”
“I know you do and I love you too.” I feel him kiss my knuckles again as he’s gently pulling me closer and into his lap. I feel him wrap his arms around me as he lays his head against my shoulder. I sigh as I lay my cheek atop of his head and let my nails run over his neck and back.
“I’m sorry for making you feel this way. Like we weren’t gonna have a chance. I never wanted to do that.” He tells me as I nod and kiss his temple.
“I know you didn’t do it on purpose, it’s okay. I just worry and overthink sometimes because you’re you. You’re Nikki Sixx. You could literally have anyone you want and I could be so easily replaced at any moment. It just scares me.”
Nikki looks up at me and laughs, “You? Oh come on you’re joking. Doll I love you just the way you are. Sure, models and playboys are hot but they couldn’t even touch you. They’re not the ones running out of the house applying make up and dragging a kid behind them because they’re running late. Or throwing water on dinner because they forgot they were even cooking. They don’t have eyes that remind me of the ocean when the sun shines. They don’t have soft lips for me to kiss, even when my breath is so fucking rancid in the morning.”
“Hey I haven’t set dinner on fire in a few months alright?” I laugh a bit as I lean forward to give him a kiss, “Thank you for saying that.”
Nikki licks his lips as he leans back against the couch to look at me, “Plus who else on this planet is able to make me cry? Besides Arianna, she’s just harsh.”
“Yeah she has been pretty mean to you lately hasn’t she?” I chuckle as I move pieces of hair back and out of his face.
“Yeah all because I wouldn’t let her crawl into the that claw machine at the arcade a few weeks ago. You know she put her blue goo in my boots? That’s not something I ever want to feel again.” He shudders as he looks at me and smiles “I’ve also been trying to meditate and write my feelings out instead of keeping them inside.”
“Oh! So that’s why you’ve been sitting at the pool every morning? I thought you were just having a mid life crisis or something.” I grin and laugh when he pinched my hip.
“Hey just because I’m getting closer to 40 doesn’t mean shit.”
“Kinda does a little bit, Nikki.” I lean forward and squint “is that….is that a grey hair?” I tease him as I pretend to pluck it out of his hair.
“Oh shut the hell up. You have them too probably.” He rolls his eyes as he pretends to pout.
“Oh no no baby. Not on this head of hair, you won’t find a single thing.”
Nikki leans forward as he gives me a quick and simple kiss, “Well whenever it happens, I’ll still love you when you’re old and grey.”
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harryspet · 4 years
rogue angel [1] bucky barnes
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[Warnings] dark bucky x reader, forced (noncon) age regression, daddy bucky, kidnapping/abduction, drugging, mild violence, hydra reader, post endgame bucky, dd lg dynamic (future ab dl?), wetting, pacifier
A/N: This one has a super taboo dynamic so forewarning! I’m trying something out that I’m into and I want to know if my readers like it too! I’ll continue if I get some good feedback. Reader is 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
In which Bucky tasks himself with deprogramming you, a former hydra soldier.
series masterlist
word count: 3.3k
You were the Rogue Angel and you were completely unhinged. 
You went off the radar when Hydra was destroyed but, without the guidance of your commanders, you lost control. With no orders from the evil organization, your new identity was crumbling around you. You killed when you felt threatened. You robbed and stole to survive and to keep yourself hidden from the agencies tracking you. 
You were only a child when they stole you from your family and reprogrammed you into a super-soldier. They taught you to use your youth and beauty in order to do their bidding. You never had a chance to be innocent. Still, the world wanted you dead for all the deaths you were responsible for but Bucky thought you could be saved. You could learn to be good just like he did. 
Bucky was familiar with being a fugitive. He was risking a lot by going after you especially since he was going behind the governments back once again. 
You had decided to “lay low” in the East End of London, “renting” an apartment sat above a convenience store, and you had little idea that Bucky was watching you. It confirmed his suspicions that you had gone off the rails and it was even interfering with your normal training. Back in the days when he was brainwashed, it would’ve taken him seconds to realize someone was trailing him and a few more seconds to kill them.
As you left the apartment one day, Bucky noted your erratic behavior. You even fumbled with your keys as you locked your door. As soon as you disappeared down the rough streets of the East End, Bucky made his way into your apartment. He didn’t bother with keys, knowing the strength of his arm could push it open easily. 
He forced it open enough just to crack it, then his eyes trailed down to make sure there wasn’t any tripwire. There was and part of him was a little relieved that you weren't completely unprotected. Normally, he wouldn’t doubt that you could protect yourself, but without hydra commands, it worried him.
He maneuvered himself over the wire before shutting the door and carefully dismantling the wire that was attached to an explosive. He wondered who exactly had sold you the parts to build it. Checking for more booby traps, Bucky made his way around the apartment. It reminded him of the time he spent in Bucharest, trying to understand his relationship with Steve and why exactly he had pulled him from the water. 
There was a small mattress in the corner and only a few knick knacks to decorate the barren run-down apartment. He found money shoved into a jar in one of the cabinets, currencies from all over Europe, and a large map tucked away. Bucky quickly noted that you had mapped out a few Hydra locations around the world.
Bucky sighed, folding up the map, realizing you were going to try to find another Hydra factor to join. As far as he knew, they had all been destroyed and you’d only get yourself caught by a government agency going on this scavenger hunt. 
“I’ll blow your head off if you take another step,” Bucky knew you were behind him as soon as he heard your small voice. You were trying your best to deepen your feminine voice but Bucky could tell it was only an act. 
Bucky moved to turn around until you shouted, “Don’t!”
You hadn’t shot him yet which raised Bucky’s suspicions, “I’m putting my hands up,” Bucky decided to test the theory developing in his mind. He slowly raised his hands and you got a glimpse of the gold and black that was his left arm. 
You knew who he was as soon as you got a glimpse of his face. The Winter Soldier. You racked your brain for more information about him but all you could remember was that he had betrayed Hydra. He used to be like you. 
Bucky took in your appearance, the way you skillfully held your pistol, but also the darkness around your eyes, “Who sent you?” He could tell you had recently cut your hair to be shoulder length and, whatever clothes you had purchased, were from the men’s section. 
“No one,” Bucky answered monotonously, “I’m not here to turn you in.”
You were quiet for a moment. Looking over him, you realized that so much had changed since you had last heard about him. His hair was cut short and he even had a new arm. 
“Then you’re from Hydra?”
You sounded … hopeful, “They’ve been destroyed, Y/N.”
You blinked, staring, before gripping your gun tighter, “That’s not my name.”
Bucky took a step forward and you only narrowed your eyes at him, “It is,” Bucky continued, “You were five when Hydra started experimenting on you. Ten when they started using you in the field. They killed your family and then made sure you’d never remember then.”
You faltered and Bucky took a step closer. You closed your eyes, shaking your head, before lunging towards him, “You’re lying!” You lunged towards him but Bucky was too fast as he sidestepped. 
His arms were still raised in defense, “I’m not here to hurt you either, Y/N.”
“Don’t call me that!” Your finger pressed down on the trigger but Bucky’s movement were sudden, pushing your wrist and grabbing a hold of the barrel as he tilted it away. This led to you wrestling for the weapon. You were still strong, capable of superhuman abilities, but you were weaker without Hydra. 
Bucky pinned your to the ground, sliding the gun away, and it hit the wall with a clang. You continued to fight although it was futile against his vibranium hand. He pinned your legs with his own, keeping you from kicking at him. 
There was nothing but anger in your eyes, pure venom, “I’ll kill you, traitor. I’ll kill you and everyone you care about-”
Bucky shushed you, reaching into his pocket to grab a syringe, “Everything’s going to be okay,” Bucky was still learning to be gentle too and he’d get even more practice in the coming days. You flinched away but only exposed your neck more. Bucky took the opportunity to sink the needle into your neck.
Bucky began to loosen some of the pressure he was using to keep you pinned down. He watched as your body began to slump and you tried to blink your eyes in order to keep yourself awake, “You’ll pay … for this,” Her voice trailed off before you quietly whispered, “Winter … Soldier …” 
Bucky’s lips pressed into a thin line as he watched you float away into a dreamless sleep, “I’m sure I will.”
You awoke in unfamiliar surroundings. Of course, everything was unfamiliar to you these days, but you had an especially bad feeling this time. You turned your head, your eyelids heavy as you blinked them open. You saw a blue sky and clouds. A supposedly peaceful scene but what was peace to you anyways? You felt nothing. Death and destruction were peaceful to you. 
You turned your head to realize you weren't outside, looking up at the sky. Her eyes met with a tan leather chair and, as you continued to look around, you realized that you were sitting on an airplane. A private one. 
Panic began to set in as you looked down at your body, a soft blanket covering it and keeping you warm. You lifted your arms but they shook, weak from whatever sedative was in your system. It took all your energy to throw that blanket off and everything else you had to crawl out of the chair. Well, it was more so a fall.
You grunted as you collided with the floor and Bucky finally looked up from where he was standing by the cockpit. 
You realized that your legs were completely asleep as you tried to pull your body up. You turned onto your back with a wince, poking at your barren legs. You couldn’t even feel them. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Bucky approached the scene, realizing that you had fallen from your seat. He didn’t expect you to awake this soon or even have enough energy to try to hurt yourself. As soon as you saw him, you tried crawling away, pulling your limp legs with you. Bucky grabbed you by underneath your arms, against your protest, and lifted your back into the leather chair. 
“Don’t,” you moaned, your voice weak too but it was useless. Bucky continued to sit you up, reaching behind you to buckle you into the seat. 
“There, that’s better,” Bucky looked over his work, his hands on his hips, “You shouldn’t try to walk for awhile, Y/N.”
“What did you do?” You asked, barely able to raise your voice higher than a whisper. 
“It’s easier this way,” Bucky said simply. Easier for him to keep you from escaping and for you to start to depend on him as your caregiver. He took a seat in the leather chair in front of you, lifting some mechanism that brought up a small table.
You looked down to see your legs were bare and you trailed your shaking hands up to your stomach to find soft pink fabric. Moving your hand down, you felt the soft white fabric of your panties. He had undressed you and that made you grow even more frustrated. 
Bucky brought out a manila folder, flipping through its content before grabbing pictures and setting them on the table in front of you. You saw a mother and father sitting on a picnic blanket, a baby girl in their hands. The next photo was a young girl with her grandmother. They were cooking some dessert in the kitchen. Something in that little girl's eyes gave you a sense of familiarity. 
“Do you recognize them?”
You shook your head and Bucky started to add even more photos. The girl seemed to get happier with each photo and you continuously shook your head.
“This was your family, Y/N.”
“And I’m … s-supposed to believe m-my . . . kidnapper,” You hated how weak you felt. Sure, you had made thousands of people bend to your will and tortured them until they told you what you wanted. Unlike you, Bucky’s motives seemed personal. 
“Your Daddy,” Bucky corrected, “You’ll refer to me that way from now on.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “You crazy-”
“I won’t punish you here,” Bucky interrupted, collecting the pictures and putting them back into the confidential file, “But when we’re truly alone … I have a feeling you’ll find out.”
He wanted to be loving and caring with her. To make her feel like finally someone, other than Hydra, is looking out for her. Still, he’d have to train the bad behavior out of her. 
“Where are we going?”
“America,” He was a man of a few words, you noticed. You were hoping for something a little more specific. If you knew then you could track down some former Hydra bases.
“Where’s my weapon?”
He only chuckled, a smile tugging at his lips. 
“Whose plane is this?”
“My friends.”
As you opened your mouth to ask something else, a stewardess approached, carrying a tray in her hand, “Your bourbon, Mr. Barnes,” She set down the alcoholic drink and flashed the woman a thankful smile, “And for you, Ms. Barnes.”
You scowled at her, wondering if she was in on all of this, “I’m not-”
“Thank you, this is her favorite snack. Could you close the curtain for us, doll.”
“How cute,” The stewardess blushed, walking away, “Of course, Mr. Barnes.”
A white curtain was closed, blocking the two of you away from the front of the plane. You looked down at the table to see baby carrots, apple slices, chicken nuggets, and a juice box, “You should eat. We have a lot of time left before we arrive.”
“I’m not a baby,” Bucky took a sip from his glass. 
“I’d have to disagree.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but instead, you slouched back in your seat, “There’s a good amount of time left on the flight,” Bucky continued.
“I’m not hungry,” You lied. 
Bucky only shrugged, knowing that you were dealing with the battle going on in your mind. You wanted to be taken care of, he knew that, but your conditioning wouldn’t allow you to think that way. 
You didn't touch the food, as Bucky expected, even as the flight continued for five hours. You’d experienced worst torture before. This was nothing. You could starve yourself to death if you wanted to but Bucky would just end up force-feeding you. 
“Are you sure?” Bucky asked you again.
“I. Don’t. Have. To,” You explained again, though you could feel your bladder was painfully full. 
“I won’t look, I promise.”
You shut your eyes tight and shook your head again.
Bucky sighed, standing from his chair, “Let’s get you dressed then, little one. We’re landing soon,” Your eyes widened as he walked to the chairs across from yours, a baby blue backpack sitting in the chair. It had the first initial of your name sewed into the front. He pulled out a pair of floral printed overalls, frilly socks, and pink Converse. 
He laid out the blanket that was wrapped around you when you awoke. He undid your seatbelt and your struggling commenced as he lifted you into his arms, setting you down on the blanket, He lifted your legs, sliding on the outfit as you landed futile hits against his back, “If you ate your snacks, you might have more energy,” He was baby-talking you, “Maybe your hits would be more effective, little one.”
Little? You weren’t little. You could kill him if you just … just got your strength back. 
He snapped the overalls into place, easily maneuvering your body. Next was the socks and shoes. You were sure you looked like an overgrown barbie doll. He wasn’t finished though as he pulled out another item from the bag. It was blue, leather, and reminded you of a choker. Instead … it had a white binkie built into it. You struggled the most as he forced it into your mouth, locking it around your head. You reached your hand to find the mechanism that closed it but it seemed to be a magnetic lock. 
Bucky admired his work, grinning, as he put you back into your seat. The plane’s descent began shortly after that. 
No one seemed to mind that a grown man was carrying you, a grown woman, like a child. Bucky thanked the pilot and the stewardess as if he was a totally sane person. Despite you pushing at his chest, he wrapped your legs around him and carried you down the steps of the plane. The gag muffled whatever curses you were spewing at him.
The sun was setting now at the private airport and you looked around for any sign of what state you could be in. 
A sleek, black car was parked beside the plane and a blonde woman emerged as you and Bucky made your way to the bottom of the stairs, “You work fast, Barnes,” The woman spoke. She was dressed in a dark pantsuit, her hair straight as a pin. She looked you over, noting how different you looked from all the photos that were in your file. 
You turned your head away from her, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment. You mentally cursed, angry at Bucky for putting you in this situation but you were more upset with yourself than anything. 
“You have to when you’re starting from scratch,” Bucky answered, seeming to be on relatively good terms with the woman, “You have what I asked for?”
Sharon handed Bucky an envelope, “Sam thinks you’ve lost your mind.”
You felt Bucky shrug, “What’s new?”
Maybe this Sam person would help you escape. Bucky opened the back door to the car, setting you inside and buckling your seatbelt for you. As soon as he closed the door, you started fidgeting with the gag in your mouth that was forcing you to suck on a pacifier. 
You were gaining some of your strength back, you could even move your left leg a little, but it wasn’t enough. Bucky was partially right, you probably would be stronger if you’d eaten the food. And now that your bladder was about to explode, you had too many things overwhelming your senses. Bucky got in the passenger seat and soon Sharon was driving them off. 
You tuned yourself out of their conversation, deciding you should map out your surroundings. As you sit up to look out the window, you watch for significant landmarks that would mark your location. Your plan was foolproof except for the fact that it seemed you were completely in the middle of nowhere. You passed no cars on the road and, as the airport went out of sight, both sides of the road were covered by evergreens. 
That meant you were either in the North West or Bucky had lied about even being in America. 
It made your brow furrow. How could he have chosen such a perfect location? You had underestimated him. Clearly, the Winter Soldier used his new resources wisely. If only you had time to get back on your feet after Hydra. 
The car pulled up to a two-story cabin, a red truck sitting outside in the driveway. 
“Welcome home, Y/N,” You realized that you had zoned out when you felt Bucky undoing your seatbelt. He took you into his arms again and you wrapped your arms around his neck, only for balance. 
There wasn’t some big fence or electric wires. It was just a quaint little house. 
“I’ll see you soon, Barnes,” Sharon waved her goodbyes, and Bucky watched as the car backed away. 
When the car was out of sight, he turned to you, “You’d like Daddy to give you a tour, wouldn’t you?”
You only scowled at him, as much as you could with the gag on. Your baby bag on his back and you strapped to his hip, he carried you inside. As he did, you felt another part of your freedom slipping away. 
He carried you around the cozy home, through the living room and dining room, baby-talking you as he explained small items. The walls were a light beige, the floors a dark wood, and there seemed to be bookshelves made into all of the furniture items. 
Bucky had brought you into the kitchen which surprisingly had stainless steel appliances. The thought of eating flooded your mind but you pushed it down. Before, you could completely clear the thoughts from your mind. Now, your mind was a mess of conflicting thoughts.
Suddenly, there was a loud bark, causing Bucky to pause before he smiled a bit. He set you down on the counter, your limp legs hanging down, “Wait for Daddy for one moment.”
You didn’t acknowledge his command, only watched him slip out the backdoor connected to the kitchen. As soon as he disappeared, you slowly started to ease yourself off the counter. It was a far jump, one that he probably wasn’t expecting you to attempt. 
Your whole lower half was still numb but you felt it as one of your shoes touched the floor. You were relieved, holding onto the counter tightly as you tried the next leg. There was still little feeling but, if you took a moment to practice, maybe you could make it. 
“Y/N?” You were so focused on the task that he had startled you. You almost fell but Bucky was there to catch you. In a swift movement, he was holding you as you pressed against the kitchen counter. 
You felt tears stinging in your eyes as Bucky looked down. You felt the warmness running down your leg and pooling by your feet, ruining the new outfit he had put you in. You’d been so frightened that ...
You can’t cry. 
You can’t be weak.
You started to hyperventilate, anger and frustration boiling over.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, angel. It was just an accident,” Bucky spoke soothingly. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes. He knew you wouldn’t be able to hold it in for so long and he should’ve forced you to go earlier. Still, it gave him an excuse to comfort you, “Daddy’s gonna get you all cleaned up, don’t worry.”
Being without hydra had made him weak, you thought, and it looked like the same thing would happen to you. 
Let me know if you’d like to read a second part of this story! I know this type of dynamic isn’t for everybody. Check out my master list for more of my dark marvel fics.
update: both chapter 2 and 3 are posted :)
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infernwetrust · 4 years
The Devil In Me [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader] Part 1
Plot: What if we took the Antichrist, Michael Langdon and turned him into founder and leader of one of the largest cartel’s in California? And what’s even better, is that you’re by his side through it all.
Summary: Michael has some business handled at his California home.
Warnings: violence, swearing, fluff, a lil smut, MURDER, some graphic descriptions
WC: 3.1k
A/N: I thought long and hard about starting this, but I’m gonna go ahead and give it a shot. Outpost Michael fits this perfectly of course, but he’ll cut his hair every now and then lol. This will have it’s own bracket on my master list. Thank you for reading! -Juno
The air was cool. The evening was just right. Your husband Michael had decided to throw a small party that consisted of only close friends, family members, and some staff from your residency and Michael's line of work. Party music played moderately in the background as the backyard of the Santa Monica Villa you and Michael purchased this same year was filled with laughter, dancing, and casual conversation. Servers carried around platters of the most delectable finger foods. Drinks were also being served. Cars were lined up in the driveway, late arrivals having to park on the side of the road. Luckily, Michael always sent one of his guards on a golf cart to pick up his guests that had to park far away.
Michael laid in his hammock, across his rather large pool so that he was away from everyone else. Michael dressed comfortably. He wore a beautiful salmon pink floral shirt and white slacks, with a white belt. No need for shoes. Around Michael's neck was a platinum rope chain that glistened when the light shined on it just right. Around his wrist was a platinum iced out Rolex watch, his name engraved on the inside, one of his favorite gifts from you. The only ring he decided that he wanted to wear today was his wedding band, which shocked you. Michael always wore all of his rings.
Curled up against Michael's chest yours and his beautiful 1 year old boy, Malcolm. He was blessed with a full head of hair, just as blonde as his father's. He took after your eye color, but his resemblance to his father was unmatched. No worries because in his twin brother's arm was your handsome 3 year old son, Michael,who captured most of your features. All really, but your eye color. Michael won that fight again. Junior, is what everyone calls him. On the opposite side of Michael, still in his hammock was you, dressed in that sundress Michael loved to show you off in. Your wedding ring glistened on your finger, no matter what time of day it was or where you were. Michael made sure of that. Around your neck, your favorite Pearl necklace.
You lay head your head on Michael's chest, rubbing your hand gently against the back of your one year old. Michael raises his arm slowly as to not alert the sleeping child and takes a sip of his whiskey. He's glaring at someone, hard. And you know why and who, but you rather choose to not address it. All you were waiting for were the words.
"You know, brother." Jim said to Michael, using his free hand that wasn't holding Junior, to also take a sip of his drink. "I don't see how you do it."
"And what is it that I do, Jim?" Michael questioned, turning his head slightly to meet his brothers gaze. Junior nestled his head back into Jim's chest, mouth full of goldfish out of the bowl he was holding. Jim sat in a chair, adjacent to Michael's hammock.
"How you stay so calm and collected about things."
"Dirty work is not something I'm a fan of."
"But I am."
"I know, so that's why I gave this task to you."
"You know I'll do anything for my family."
"I just don't see why we can't just kick them out." you mumbled, watching as Malcolm grabbed your finger in his sleep as you tried to put your hand back down from his back.
"Because in this life, lessons have to be taught." Michael answered you, putting his glass down to wrap his arm fully around you. Michael made eye contact with his other twin, Duncan, who sat amongst a group of women, one of them in his lap, stroking his hair. He nodded, giving Michael the cue. "Will you go ahead and take the kids inside?" You sighed, sitting up, looking Michael in his soft blue eyes.
"Baby, you don't have to-,"
"One day you'll understand, Y/N." Michael said, cutting you off, grabbing one of your hands and giving it a few small kisses. Getting up, you gently picked up Malcolm, holding him close to you.
"Come on, Junior."
"Nooooooo." Junior whined, not wanting to leave his Uncle's side. "Don't wanna."
"Hey." Jim said, playfully grabbing Junior's tummy, causing him to giggle. "What was that phrase I taught you?"
"The first time." Junior responded happily.
"The first time what?"
"Listen!" he clapped, letting go of his bowl which Jim quickly caught before it fell to the floor.
"Smart boy. Now go with inside with your mommy. We'll play later, yeah?" Junior quickly nodded, scurrying off of Jim's lap and to your side, grabbing your hand. He turned around momentarily to look back at Jim, who shot him a quick wink before you took both boys inside. You also managed to scurry up the other children as well, promising treats and a good show on TV. You had them at treats.
"He loves you so damn much." Michael said, sitting up, hanging his feet of his hammock to come face to face with his brother. "Sometimes I swear he thinks you're his father."
"I mean. I could be. We're twins."
"Watch it, playboy."
Jim chuckled, reaching for his drink to take another sip. He dressed in a dark blue polo shirt, black slacks, and a pair of dark blue dress shoes. A black Louis Vuitton belt, midnight silver buckle, lined his waist. He sighed, reaching for his pistol that was tucked neatly behind him is waistband. He quickly removed the clip, checking it, and popping it back in before setting it down on the table next to Michael.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Jim questioned. "He's been with us for a few years, Mike."
"All the more reason to get rid of him. I've taken care of you for years and you betray me like that?" Michael answered. "He knows too much and has seen too much."
"That's true." Jim mumbled, rubbing his hand underneath his chin. "What are they doing with his body?"
"Burning it." Michael said quickly, squinting his eyes at Jim. "Like we do 90% of the time. Do you not want to, Jim?" Michael's question caused Jim to laugh as he got up, returning his shirt back into his slacks. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes off the table, taking one out, placing it between his lips and giving it a light, tossing the box back on the table. He inhaled sharply, before exhaling lengthy.
"You and I both know, Michael." Jim began as he took another hit of his cigarette. "That I shy away from nothing. Especially not an, how do I put this, opportunity." Jim tucked his gun back into his waistband.
"And speaking of opportunity." Jim continued, looking out into the body of people before hitting his cigarette one last time and then handing it to Michael. "Here's mine."
Jim made his way, at a decent pace, back to the other side of the pool, where all the party goers stood. He took his time, waving and smiling at familiar faces. Spotting his target, he moved with just a little bit more urgency. It's such a shame that Bryce had to go. Michael watched Jim as he moved, continuing to sip his drink. Part of him wanted to look away because this hurt him as much as it was going to kill Bryce. Bryce was one of his favorites.
He remembered when he stumbled across Bryce who limped out of an alleyway, screaming for help as Michael closed up his bar. When Michael laid eyes on him, his clothes were completely ruined by blood. He held onto his stomach, collapsing onto the sidewalk, coughing up more blood as he spoke. Michael made his way over to the boy, kneeling down by his side, removing his hand from his wound, watching as the he poured out.
"How bad do you want to live?" Michael asked, cocking his head at the boy.
"What the fuck is up with you man?!" he questioned. "Help me!"
"I asked you a question." Michael spoke again. "You want to live right? I could just let you die, here."
"Um, kinda, yeah!"
"Then tell me how bad you want to live."
"Bad man! Bad! I want to fucking live bad! Please don't let me die!" Michael grinned. How fragile life was, he thought. How it could just be taken from you at any moment. Moments like these.
"What's your name, kid?"
"Br-Br-Bryce." he responded before blacking out from the pain.
"We're going to get you alllllll fixed up, Bryce."
Michael took Bryce, not to a hospital, but instead back to his property, where his own private doctor could deal with Bryce. They managed to take care of what they discovered was a gunshot wound instead of a stab wound like Michael originally thought when he found Bryce.
"How's he doing?" Michael asked Dr. Joseph as he stepped into the rather large, renovated, shed he had given to his doctor for his medical practices. He even was nice enough to give him a little office space as well.
"Well. He's very lucky considering how much he was bleeding." he answered. "Those two bullets I removed barely missed his vital organs, but he'll make a full recovery."
"Which room do you have him in? Is he awake now?"
"Room 3. It has the most room. The last time I checked on him, yes."
Michael nodded at his words, making his way over to the room. He entered quietly, not wanting to startle, Bryce. Bryce sat up in the bed, sipping on an ice cold water, scrolling through the movies on the flatscreen TV Michael had gotten installed in every room. Jim's idea, of course. There was an awkward silence in the room as Bryce didn't know whether to thank him first or say fuck him for waiting until he passed out and asking him all those stupid questions.
Michael didn't say anything as he walked around to the side of Bryce's bed, pulling up a near by chair to sit closer to him. Michael leaned back in his chair, throwing a leg halfway over his knee as he clasped his hands together. Bryce never took his eyes off of him, not sure what his next move would be.
"You're welcome by the way." Michael said. "Isn't it nice having someone take care of you without all the pesky need for insurance information or just a bill in general?"
"Why are you doing this?" Bryce questioned.
"Answer me this, Bryce." Michael leaned forward in his seat. "What if I offered you a chance to start over? A new chance at life. Somewhere, where you could be safe, your meals paid for. And all you have to do is stay by my side, loyal to me."
"I'm not gay, man."
"Who said anything about being gay?" Michael questioned, raising his eyebrow. "And what if I was?"
"Listen." Bryce breathed out. "I didn't mean to offend you. Look. Thank you. For bringing me, to, well wherever we are, and helping me. And once I'm all healed up, I'll be all out of your hair."
"Do you have any family, Bryce?" Bryce's whole attitude changed. He looked softer.
"No..." he answered silently.
"Well you do now."
Jim was just a few feet away from Bryce now when the two made eye contact. And when Jim reached, rather quickly, behind his back, Bryce knew. Of course he knew what he had done. Bryce turned around to start running, when Jim quickly cocked his gun and fired two shots, both at the back of his legs. Everyone stopped what they were doing, in shock, but not enough shock to runaway. It was Jim and who dares question one of Michael's brothers. Everyone watched as Bryce fell to the floor, screaming bloody murder in pain. Jim continued to walk at his leisurely pace to him, standing in front of him.
"Now." Jim said aloud, over the groans and screams of Bryce. "I know you all looked at Bryce as family, right? 4 years ago my brother found this piece of scum bleeding to death, begging for help. And of course Michael helped him."
"I'm sorry!" Bryce yelled, hands reaching out to grab Jim's ankle and it took everything in him not to kill Bryce right then and there, but he wanted to get his point across.
"And with the help of our wonderful Dr. Joseph, he was taken care of, free of charge, can you believe that?" Jim continued. "And all we asked for in return was just his unwavering loyalty." Jim snatched his ankle away from Bryce's hand, stepping on it, instead, causing him to scream out again as his fingers were crushed.
"But when you lie to AND you steal from the hand that feeds you." Jim looked around at everyone as he said this. "There are consequences." Jim kneeled down in front of Bryce who looked up at him, his eyes filled with tears, pleading with Jim.
"Please..." Bryce whispered to Jim, grabbing ahold of him again. "Please Jim, I'm sorry. I was desperate."
Jim grabbed him by his face, snapping his head up to look all the way at him. He looked at the gun in his opposite hand, before looking back at Bryce. The small breeze that was in the air had come completely still, everyone virtually silent as they watched the events unfold. When things first went missing around the house when Michael would hold meetings, they didn't even think to look at Bryce. Not until Michael had trusted him enough to appoint him as Duncan's right hand man. Duncan handled all of the cartel's finances and when he kept coming up short on the days just him and Bryce would do the counting, he caught on rather quickly.
"I liked you Bryce." Jim said, jaw clenched. "I really did. We all did. We loved you almost, but you know the rules, don't you?"
"Jim please..." Bryce whined, starting to cry his eyes out, but only enough for Jim to see and hear. "Please man. I'll do anything. Anything please!"
"What did I tell you happened to those who betrayed the cartel? What is your own way out once you're in? I mean I could just let you go, yeah? But once you walk out those doors you become a liability to me, my brothers, and my family. And I just can't have that."
"Death..." Bryce mumbled. "But we can work something out, please!"  Jim chuckled as he let go of Bryce's face, quickly cocking his gun again, before holding Bryce's face up again. He put the gun inside of Bryce's mouth, looking him dead in his eyes.
"Maybe in another life." And with those words said, Jim pulled the trigger, the sounds of bloods and mush splattering across the ground. A few turned their heads, not wanting to see the sight. Jim looked up and back across the pool at his brother who downed the rest of his drink, nodding at Jim.
"Clean it up." Jim said to the disposal crew who stood near by, rising to his feet, and tucking his gun back away. "Everyone else can carry on."
The warm water danced on your skin as you stood in the shower, washing away all events from today. You put your face underneath the water for a few seconds before running both of your hands through your hair. When you turned around you were startled by the presence of your husband, Michael, who stood behind you, a little soaked from the backlash of you being underneath the water. His vibrant blue eyes were now several shades darker as he was out of the sun light. He simply just stared at you.
You offered to trade him positions under the water so he could get completely wet too and of course he didn't object. You were now staring at him as he stepped underneath the water, sighing as it hit his skin. He ran his hands over his face as he turned around to face you, getting off as much water as he could before he opened his eyes again to look at you. Water dripped off his skin and your eyes couldn't help but trail all over him. He was so beautiful. His long blonde hair, over shoulder length, completely wet now as the water continued to pour down on him. You almost smiled, remember when Michael told you that he was going to start growing his hair out. He cut it every now and then, but nothing compared to long haired beauty.
"I'm sorry." he spoke, running his hands over his face again. "I know you don't like when.. you know." You walked over to your husband, pressing your forehead against his, throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His large hands found their way to small of your back, pulling you even closer.
"I know..." you mumbled, using your thumbs to rub the back of his neck. "I'm not mad at you, Michael. I just don't want you to become... emotionless."
"Everything I do is to protect you and our boys. Without my family, I am nothing. This empire? We built it, Y/N. Not just me. I'm still here emotionally, but you know it works. He was too much of a liability to just let go. And when the right information gets into the wrong hands, I'm only sure you can imagine what happens."
"Do you ever get afraid, Michael?"
"Only if it deals with you and my sons." he said, looking down at you, smiling. Cheeky bastard.
"I'm being serious. What if one day you go out and don't come back home? What if we get attacked here? What will I do? What will I tell our children?"
"Don't you ever worry about that, my love." Michael reassured you. "As long as my brothers and I are alive and breathing, no one will be in any kind of danger. I promise." Michael brushed his lips across yours as he finished his sentence. You pulled him in for a kiss. A hungry one, it was, as your tongues wasted no time entering each other's mouths, Michael's dominance showing as you basically let him devour you, melting away at his touch. He backed you up against the shower wall and you gasped against him as it was cold. He picked you up and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist, holding onto him like your life depended on it. 
"Let me help you forget..." he said against your lips, brushing his nose across yours and you remembered, just how in love you are with Michael.
Taglist: @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @jimmason @theneverendinghunger
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octalove · 4 years
The Menu
(Batgirl/Red Hood)
Description: Reader has been looking for Red Hood for months. A small risk takes her right to him- but it’s not what she expects.
TW: Light description of gore.
“Nothing?” I asked, surprising myself at how nervous I sounded.
“Nothing yet, Batgirl.” I twisted my lip. I know Oracle didn’t resent me for taking up the mantle- we’d talked about it. Several times. Long talks, over coffee and finger sandwiches. She was proud of me, and I of her, and that was that. But a sort of guilt had settled too deeply to be wiped away, as I now wore the bat on my chest, and she wore a headset in its absence.
“He’s good at this, you know. Don’t be surprised if we don’t catch him red handed.” If Nightwing hadn’t sounded so serious, I would’ve thought it was a purposeful pun.
Honestly, though, I wasn’t expecting to catch him. Red Hood had eluded us for months while simultaneously managing to usurp the entirety of Gotham’s underground in a matter of half a year. Anyone that wasn’t under his thumb was chained to concrete at the bottom of Cape Carmine. All except us.
The man himself was evasive, but his goons were anywhere crime was- that was to say, everywhere. Two nights previous, we‘d run into some- Nightwing, Red Robin and I. We were doing well, naturally, but somewhere along the way, a man abiding prison rules had slammed his balled fist into my temple, and taking advantage of my disorientation, had pinned me on the cold warehouse floor and growled vulgar things into my face. Only a moment, before Red Robin speared his dull-end staff into the man’s sternum, taking his breath along with his ability to speak. He’d never admit it was for the sake of poetic justice.
Tonight, it was dark. I felt something, stirring, like the fight had knocked something off the shelf within me. Batman called it instincts- said I had strong ones, but somehow in between praises never managed to trust them the way I did. We were in Otisburg- location of the last reported sighting of our slippery, red-helmed target. Of course, I knew he was long gone, if he had really been spotted at all. We were watching empty streets, and I felt fervid restlessness trembling beneath my skin at the idea of that. I let dead air pass for a while. Quiet. Peace.
Finally, I stood. They wouldn’t notice if I went dark for a moment; I was similar to Batman in that regard. Contrast to him, however, I trusted my instincts, where he didn’t. And my instincts were telling me to slip away from Otisburg before he could stop me.
Nowhere in the north was there a place so dark and venomous as Gotham- and nowhere in Gotham was there a place so evident of this fact as Crime Alley. Nestled in the concave ruins of an old slum district, an unsavory black dread had settled in every street corner, juxtaposed, not complimented, by the titian and auburn neon lights burning of the bars and strip clubs. A smokescreen of choking smog evoked the feeling of being watched, and the scent was even heavier than that of the smoky ports. A slow, swaying song played from a radio in the warehouse, broken occasionally by a radio host’s grim report of politics or the death of someone no one seemed to know, or care about. A few men sat around, some paced, gripping their weapons. None looked completely relaxed. They were inconspicuous, henchmen that could’ve belonged to anyone. But they didn’t belong to just anyone. I watched for a minute, draped in the deep shadows of the exposed rafters.
He was the worst of them. I’d seen the crime scenes he left behind. Yellow tape usually prepared me for anything- expect the worst, that’s what Nightwing said. Expect the worst thing you can imagine, and you’ll usually find it’s at least not that horrible. Red Hood always managed to exceed the expectation. Do things beyond what I was capable of imagining. Human flaying, blood let corpses, decapitated heads with the teeth pulled out, scalping with dull blades. Gouged eyes and hastily extracted entrails. To those he deemed worthy of some modicum of mercy, two bullets sufficed. Those he didn’t want found never were. I’d only ever seen him from afar- or in pictures and security footage.
His footfall was heavy- weighed down with armor and his myriad of deadly weapons. Nothing about the way he walked seemed hesitant or unsure. I wondered if he was well-planned and methodical, or let a natural aptitude for improv carry him.
“Good evening, gentlemen.” He muttered, voice scrambler sharpening the sound.
“Red Hood, Sir.” One of the men returned acknowledgement. He inspected a gadget of his for a minute; it was obscured from my hiding spot.
“Hey, I got a question,” Despite the chilling robotic drag of his helmet, his voice had a distinct northern lilt. Of course, Batman had already deduced that he was probably a local. “Where the hell’s Hoffman? He fought the bats a couple nights ago, yeah?”
“Uh- yes, Sir. He’s over there.” Something told me Red Hood already knew he was over there. A man pulled himself from the shadows. Familiar face. I knew it well. I’d gotten a good look when it had been a couple of inches from mine.
“Red Hood, Sir.” He said, glancing around. God, he looked just like a child who’d been called into his parents room with no idea of what to expect. Red leaned back against a car that didn’t appear to be in operating condition.
“Heard you got it pretty bad.” He said, tone mystifyingly even. Hoffman shrugged, rubbing at his chest.
“I also heard you managed to get little Batgirl on the ground.” He said. This was followed by a jagged laugh. “I’m impressed. I didn’t think you had it in ya, Hoffy.”
Hoffman relaxed a little, and the first man grinned, clapping him on the back. I scowled, feeling gross. I wondered how many other people heard what had happened to little Batgirl. I wanted to go home and shower. Again.
“Yeah, she’s feisty. But look at you- still in one piece.” Hoffman looked like he’d just won the county fair. Red straightened and sighed, brushing a bit of dust from his pants. “Unfortunately, not for long.”
A pistol disappeared from his holster and reappeared in his hand, and in a hair-trigger span of time, a bullet had gone through Hoffman’s stomach. He made a sickly grunting sound as he went backward, and downward. A panicked, involuntary shuddering yelp escaped him as his hands went to the wound.
“I don’t fucking like creeps.” Red sighed again, glancing around nonchalantly, as if he was pondering something. “You can fight Nightwing and his merry band of who-the-fuck-cares all you want. Hell, you can take it right to Batman if you’ve got some ambition in ya,” He pulled back the hammer, aiming it at Hoffman on the ground, who whimpered something that sounded like ‘please’.
“Is off.”
“The fucking.”
Stomach, kneecap, crotch, head. In that order. Blood seeped from the body, appearing black in the dim light. Thick as oil as it outlined his body like a moat, rippling with the still-twitching muscles. I’d forgotten how to breathe. Every wide pair of eyes in the warehouse followed him.
“Who else was there?” He asked. The first man sputtered, blood dotting his drained face.
“I- um- I don’t- Jimmy, I think. Jimmy Murillo. And Rufus Harding!”
He grunted. “Then I gotta go pay a couple visits.” He turned to leave, but before he did, his boots scuffed the rough cement, and he turned on his heel, gesturing at the man with his gun.
“Hey- just for professionalism’s sake- remind me again,” He tilted his head. “What’s Batgirl?”
The man swallowed dryly. “Off- off the menu, Red Hood, Sir.” Red chuckled and gave a satisfied nod.
“Good man.”
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