#Homemade mini tank
minnesota-fats · 2 years
I was rereading a Dead Marvel x Danny Phantom crossover ( last updated in 2014, RIP ) called Marvel Phantom by Slayer Anderson, and here is the Summary.
So...the Fentons punch a hole through to the afterlife in their basement, and develop unparalleled hover technology and...they're crackpots?
In that fic, that gets played seriously because they showed their tech and a brief glimpse of the Ghost Zone to the News for an interview on their studies and everyone on the planet, from Companies to the Military, wants their tech.
Like they made a physic cancelers shd gravity inverters for their hover machines to study ghosts, not knowing that what they did went beyond groundbreaking and make every technology look like it came from the stone age.
That they are actually geniuses that do genius things despite being 'kooky.'
And you know what, that author is right. Are there any other stories out there where someone stops and says 'You built a what in your basement that did what?!
Sure, Amity is Amity which deals with weird supernatural shit, so they get a pass on not actually stopping and thinking that, but what's everyone else excuse?
Suddenly imagine everyone knows about FentonTech and what they can do.
Remember the Fenton Crammer that can shrink humans and inanimate objects? And if a ghost gets shrunk, their powers get weaker? That can be very useful to transport stuff that would had taken time and money.
Or how they have a what's basically a futuristic tank for a RV that has a lot of space?
Or that they have an Emergency Ops Center on their home that can turn into a hover vehicle.
All of the anti-ghost weapons.
I can go on and on, but things can get funny/ hairy real fast.
Wayne Ent, Lex Corp, Cadmus, every military will want a generous piece of that Fenton Pie, with the Fentons going, what's the big deal? We only made this for ghosts and shit. Whatever happened because of that was a happy accident.
Also imagine Lex Luthor about to pop a blood vessel, and holding himself back from throttling Jack during a talk .
Lex: 'Let me get this straight. You built a pocket-sized mini nuclear reactor that can power the US for six generations at full capacity and still have the juice to power an extra two, and instead of using that to for the betterment of mankind and showing those aliens ( cough Superman cough ) their place, you use it to power a pastry machine homemade peanut butter FUDGE!?'
Jack: Gourmet peanut butter fudge! :D it even makes pies and cookies. That nice Superhero with that A on his chest sure loved the Apple Pie it made!
Luthor: *collaspes and start to foam at the mouth out of rage, shock and disbelief*
Vlad that was sitting at a corner: *Sniff*. 'Welcome to my world.'
Bro this is HILARIOUS!!!!
This is the type of chaos I LIVE FOR!
I know little to nothing of Alex Luther other than the fact that he is a xenophobe…. And that he got cancer from being a xenophobe. (Ha! that’s how it should be for racists and such(jk cancer is actually really bad and not a joke))
He would just be MAD that these social idiots would have been able to go all of this with NO FUNDING!
Like seriously where did they get the money to do this crap????
Also Vlad crying in the corner is so funny to me, the grown ass man being a pouty bitch cuz he can’t have a woman he simpped for for 20 plus years!
Wish I could add more but I can’t possibly think of what else to add other than this.
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buybricks · 11 months
Mini crochet dump
I’ve been spending the last couple of months altering/redoing/undoing some of my older projects
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One thing I did was redo the patchwork cardigan into a sweater and a bag (the cardigan looks really good in this picture but it was waaay too big and the squares weren’t all the same size so they didn’t sit flat). Even with making these two things I still had a decent amount of yarn leftover, and I also unraveled two tops since I was never going to wear acrylic tank tops
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I ended up making this blanket from the scrap yarn and some old yarn, and I ended up with exactly enough yarn for 36 squares. It was also my first time doing an invisible join, still gotta figure out how to do the corners but definitely learned a lot doing it!
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(Also this was my first time blocking squares, featuring my homemade blocking board (yes it took me forever to make it. and yes my hands hurt just thinking about it))
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And don’t forget about the snag (snail bag)! I don’t really think there’s much else to say about it
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
i just realized the final god fight being the jungle fits so well with the whole fire theming actually and im very normal about this i swear (lie)
but on the topic of flames, i think you mentioned zed having a flame thrower and ive been thinking of what all flame devices everyone could have. like maybe when theyre fighting shadows and stuff, its all holy flames and giant tanked flame throwers or whatever, sure, but in reality, this is just- what kinds of novelty lighters would everyone have? some ideas inlcude:
- impulse: classic metal lighter with a dope gold i/eye design
- skizz: theres this super cool dragon head lighter/torch (you can find it under the lighters tag or specifically tagged as #lighters and posted by transparentgentlemenmarker) that i feel like he’d enjoy
- bdubs: maybe doesnt actually have a lighter. maybe just like. matches.
- tango: electric arc lighter that makes tiny lazers to burnificate things in an instant
- zed: if youve ever seen the handheld steampunk mini sonic flamethrower, its that and he made it
- pearl: i feel like she would have a shaped lighter, but im not sure what type. maybe one of the coin shaped ones
- gem: a neat little knife lighter combo
- grian: actually just a handheld blowtorch
oh these are all REALLY COOL as their respective flames. i would also like to add that zedaph starts like, his first dungeon with a lighter, but decides that is Boring, and he makes a homemade flamethrower. he can still summon his persona and he has not yet died so everyone is going with it.
and like. YEAH these all like, fit their personalities and roles really well! and i think like. yeah whenever a new party member joins impulse tries to give them a normal lighter but NO they want to light things on fire with a PERSONALITY. by the time grian joins and is like "can i use this handheld blowtorch" impulse throws up his hands and is like "if you want to blowtorch your hands every few minutes when we fight shadows so you can summon your persona then BE MY GUEST it's stupid magic anyway" and grian is like. thank you. i do in fact want to do that. and impulse is like. sigh. yeah sure okay.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
You see that they're kind of interested in it and the sun says it you have face painting down there and you can slowly turn into clowns go back to your house get your bicycle pretty bike really done it up and go step by step at the church they have a name for it down there festivals and they have them occasionally it's a great idea you used to put on a lot of them and now it's slowed down but people really need to get back to it a little it's a great idea and people can face paint and come by and say stuff and then go get in there full clown gear and some people used to do this and our son says it's a good idea you would make the bike and it's a motorcycle you wouldn't put the lights on but you'd have the seat on there and some kind of fake tank maybe even to put a e-bike kit on it and you're riding around and people would see it stitched together and they think that they're going to be the one to make it but it's a homemade job and people might do that so who knows what will show up it's a great idea and we really like it and really quarter inches pretty thick you don't really need to use that particular steel would be a lot lighter he's thinking maybe start with a mini bike and it would be Davie's harlequin with a mini bike that's RTA and really really cheap this bike would be really cheap I mean the TS steel is so cheap somebody did that and it has no rear shot and no gears no lights at all but it's but it is sturdy and can hold 330 lb at 3 or 350 and really test out at about 700 lb and we can sell it for $500 with the motor included but that's disassembled and it's a little bit bigger it's the size of the Coleman and people want that so we're going to start making those yeah and we're going to name it Davies harlequin and it's their company name and it's going to be awesome I think it's awesome this is going to be a new bike and a new it's going to be a new style there'll be several seats or one of those like a wider seat like a sun had and it was on Marcus pueschel had one it's a seat we're talking about and the tank is like a kind of a fat Bob Harley tank it's not a barber it's a big it's a big fat tank and it looks kind of funny but it really works and you put that on the mini bike a big fat tank and a big seat and it can have like a big saddle seat they use those too I'll tell you what these things are great and they're comfortable to ride going to start off that way with the mini bike and it's not going to be too small and then you make it motorcycle so I'm going to find out a way to do this. You said you have your thing with the church and then you do like another one but you do it a lot more clown stuff then you have a clown race and you try and all make a Davies harlequin and you get out there and there's a dirt pit and it's legal to go there and you organize it for a church fundraiser and you have races and oh you know how that works with races you can you all pay a fee to enter it and then the proceeds go to the church and a little bit to the winter and you all have your homemade Davies harlequin we're going to make some ourselves our designs so we're hoping that they'll be people there
Thor Freya you can make it into a bicycle too or e-bike it says it's better it's true too A lot of these he bites kind of look like it but not really they're not they're not right on
Olympus what is close but it's a chopper not a cruiser
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edgewaterfarmcsa · 2 years
Oh Goodness gracious, it is impossible to hide from all this change that is currently brewing.  So much energy around the election, the Lunar eclipse, and now the weather.  On Monday Roy and I were harvesting collard greens in tank tops and the sun felt so hot and so good, and we were both so aware of this extremely fleeting moment.  On Tuesday we all woke up, stepped outside to greet the day and promptly ran back inside to put on 10 more layers, all our woolies, and our neoprene gloves.  We saw this change coming about a week ago in the 10 day forecast. Ever since, we’ve been working hard to accomplish as many outdoor tasks as possible before the hard frosts really sets in.  For example, Carrots are being dug and stored nearly daily.  Turnips also harvested.  And around the farm, the great button up for winter continues. Tasks include pulling rebar from the field, storing remay in bins, cleaning greenhouses, oiling tools, etc….  Also we’ve been thoughtful in what we pick and when.  Allie and I knew this day would come in which we’d be hemming and hawing over late fall harvests while on the 48th bunch of kale and the chill drops right into your bones.  So this week we treated ourselves to harvesting from inside a greenhouse.  Oh it is such a farmers dream!  When temps turn south, you step right in, shut the door, and you are existing in a tropical bubble.  Ray was savvy enough to think ahead about this. While we were still harvesting for Summer CSA back in August, he was seeding, planting and prepping for this moment in which it is waaaaaaay more fun to pick in a toasty greenhouse than the blustery cold.  So on Monday of this week when the sun was hot, we picked all the field veg: collards, oregano, leeks, purple top turnips and on Tuesday we harvested baby broccolini bunches and lazy lettuce from the greenhouse while outside the cold wind blew. 
MINI BROCCOLINI BUNCHES: I know! I know! These cuties are too small to base an entire meal off of, BUT they are so dang tasty!  Eat the whole thing, stalk, leaves, flowers, etc! Hopefully by cutting all the plants back we will see a regrowth by the last CSA pick up (fingers crossed)!
Beet and Turnip Gratin Servings 8 by Brandon Matzek
9 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided (1 for the skillet, 8 for the sauce)
4 1/2 pounds mixed beets and turnips (I used red, gold and chioggia beets, peeled and sliced thin crosswise (I used an mandolin)
3/4 cup finely chopped leeks
2 teaspoons minced garlic
2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup chicken stock, preferably homemade
1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Grease a 12-inch cast iron skillet with 1 tablespoon of butter.
Working from the outside in, tile sliced beets and turnips in a rosette pattern. I started with red beets on the outer edge, then gold, turnips, and chioggia. If you don't want to fuss with all of that, check out the note above.
Warm 3 tablespoons of butter in a small skillet set over medium heat. Add shallots and cook until soft, stirring frequently (about 4 minutes). Add the garlic and thyme and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute more. Take the pan off the heat, and stir in the remaining 5 tablespoons of butter. Once the butter is melted and incorporated, season to taste with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Pour the butter-garlic mixture evenly over the prepared beets and turnips, then pour over the chicken stock. Cover the skillet tightly with foil, then bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Remove the foil and cook until the top of the gratin is just starting to brown and get crispy (about 30 minutes). Let the gratin cool for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped chive just before serving.
 I was unable to get ham hock or smoked turkey wings the week I made these (in the more unevenly-stocked months of the pandemic) and decided to use bacon (8 ounces thick-cut in 2-inch segments) instead for the smoky flavor. The broth doesn’t have the depth of a broth made with bones, but the flavor was excellent.
SMOKY SOUL STOCK2 smoked ham hocks or smoked turkey wings (see Note)
2 medium onions, quartered
4 celery stalks, including leaves, halved
2 carrots, trimmed and quartered
2 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns
2 bay leaves
GREENS AND DUMPLINGS1 1/2 quarts Smoky Soul Stock (above)
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 garlic clove, minced
1 pound collard greens
2 small dried red chile peppers or 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
3/4 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste (used 2t diamond in greens)
Black pepper
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups coarsely ground cornmeal
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Salt, to taste
Make the Smoky Soul Stock: In a large heavy stockpot, bring 3 quarts water, the smoked meat, onions, celery, carrots, garlic, peppercorns, and bay leaves to a boil. Reduce the heat, and simmer, partially covered, until the flavors are well-blended, about 2 hours. The broth develops a stronger flavor the longer you let it simmer.
Remove the meat from the broth. When cool enough to handle, pull it off the bones (discard the skin, fat, and bones). Chop the meat and reserve for another use. Use a fine-mesh sieve to strain the stock. Refrigerate the stock until the fat floats to the top. Use a slotted spoon to skim off the fat and discard. Store the stock tightly covered in the fridge or freezer.
Make the Collard Greens with Cornmeal Dumplings: In a saucepan, bring the stock, onion, and garlic to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer while preparing the greens.
Thoroughly wash the greens and trim away the stems, if desired. Discard the stems or chop small. Stack 2 or 3 leaves on a cutting board and roll tightly into a log. Slice the greens crosswise into 1/4-inch-wide ribbons. Place the greens and the chiles in the broth and return to a simmer. Cook, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours for very tender greens; you may cook them for less if you have young greens or prefer greens with more chew. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Spoon out about 1 cup of the potlikker (the cooking broth) and set aside.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together the flour, cornmeal, baking powder, sugar, and 3/4 teaspoon salt. In a small saucepan, melt the butter. Add the reserved potlikker, and heat to just below boiling. Remove the potlikker mixture from the heat and whisk half of it (1/2 cup) it into the dry ingredients, and more if needed, 1 tablespoon at a time (I needed almost the full cup to reach a thick batter consistency). Let stand 5 minutes. When cool enough to handle, use wet fingertips (or in my case, a big scoop) to shape the dough into 6 dumplings.
During the last 15 minutes of the collards’ cooking time, carefully drop the cornmeal dumplings into the pot with the greens, making sure the dumplings rest in the potlikker. Cover the pot and simmer until the dumplings are cooked through, 10 to 15 minutes.
Serve the greens and dumplings in bowls with plenty of potlikker.
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shinark-life-me · 3 years
Fish tank decoration ideas simple easy homemade at home mini nano betta
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phlhomemade · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSIE1r-2e-w)
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possumcollege · 2 years
I keep seeing this guy brought up as some kind of contemporary folk hero, and it's fucking gross.
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Marvin Heemeyer, the killdozer guy was a petty asshole, who gave zero fucks if his homemade tank killed people. Do not believe the goddamn internet fanboys who say he only targeted property and empty buildings. He could've murdered god- knows how many if the city hadn't evacuated most of the town once he started ramming buildings and shooting at the police.
Heemeyer was a fairly successful business owner who bought cheap land for his muffler shop, then tried to get sweeter and sweeter deals when the people he bought it from wanted to buy it back to built an enclosed concrete batch plant. The buyers agreed to accept his price even as he jacked it up at every stage. They offered him a land swap at one point for property closer to the interstate, but he kept demanding additional improvements so the deal fell apart. At that point he spread rumors about the plant to gin up support to torpedo their building permits, purely out of spite. Once the owner of the concrete plant publicly addressed allegations made by Heemeyer and other residents learned of his personal beefs with them, they lost interest in supporting him.
While some spoke favorably of him, others speak of him making threats against customers who were not satisfied Werth his work.
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Also worth mentioning is that he'd been illegally dumping raw sewage into irrigation ditches for years and contaminating the town's groundwater because the building his business occupied was't connected to the municipal sewer system. He applied to be connected to the system and was approved but when the city explained that there would be a necessary $80k fee to connect the shop to nearby lines, Heemeyer refused to pay. The city offered to cover the fee for him and Heemeyer rejected their offer. Instead he continued to use the buried barrel of an old concrete mixer as an improvised septic tank and pumped it out into said ditches when it rained. Some state that this sewage setup pre-dated Heemeyer's use of the property, but this does not invalidate the fact that continuing to use it and dispose of raw sewage as he did was knowingly illegal.
His business was never threatened. The concrete plant continued to use other access roads and new construction didn't infringe on Heemeyer's property. Photos of the back of the muffler shop were taken by journalists from the road Heemeyer claimed was cut off on the day after his attack. The easement he frequently complained about was the land the city would need in order to run sewage lines to his shop, not the road to his shop. Nonetheless, he harbored a number of intense grudges because he'd destroyed much of his reputation and credibility in town through frivolous lawsuits, insincere land deals, mudslinging, and malicious trolling campaigns. He closed his own shop, sold his property, some say for 10x what he paid for it, and used that money to buy and modify the bulldozer in a building he rented from the new owner. Claims that he owned the bulldozer in order to build his own road are discredited by the fact that it was bought with money from the sale of his property.
He spent his last days outfitting the bulldozer with armor, cameras, monitors, and (counter so some claims) guns. A Ruger mini 14 rifle in .223 Remington and a Barrett .50cal sniper rifle were mounted in gunports cut in the dozer's armor. Much of the evidence of his oppression cited online stems from audio tapes Heemeyer recorded at this time, painting himself as the victim in what was essentially a suicide note. When the work was complete he rolled out with a hit list of his personal enemies. The list included the mayor, the local newspaper, people he believed had wronged him or damaged his reputation, and the Catholic church.
He repeatedly shot at the police and at people who rolled out their own heavy equipment to try and stop his massively destructive tantrum. He plowed into the library at a time when children would normally have been inside. He demolished walls people and police officers had been using for cover. He also attempted to use his mounted guns to detonate a giant propane storage tank in town. Regardless of whether its explosion could have resulted in casualties, Heemeyer seemed to believe it worth trying. He demolished homes, newly planted trees that his friends thought were keeping costumers from seeing their businesses, and numerous buildings that, as far as he knew, were still occupied.
He didn't "only target property." Granby officials did a good job of evacuating people ahead of his heavy, slow-moving vehicle. He wasn't firing "warning shots," he was taking potshots with homemade gun mounts and aiming by closed-circuit TV cameras.
Then after plowing into a building with an unexpected basement, he got stuck in a hole and killed himself rather than face consequences for his bullshit.
The legends of him being a "good man pushed too far" are horseshit and largely come from his own tapes and bloggers more interested in the myth and symbol of the man than recorded facts. Evidence supports the position that he just didn't believe laws should apply to him. Marvin Heemeyer was an avatar of entitled dude rage and I'll say as such whenever he's mentioned forever.
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Huge fan (drabble)
Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Requested by @the-fandoms-georgie
GENDER NEUTRAL but the reader does wear a skirt.
Bakugou sighed when he finally entered your shared apartment. It had been a long and rough day. He plunks his keys onto the table next to the door and toes off his shoes before looking up and realizing he hears music coming faintly from the bedroom.
He makes his way casually down the hall. He's just about to push the slightly ajar door all the way open when a flash of orange catches his eye and he stops. Leaning to the left, he can just barely see you through the crack in the doorway. A devilish smirk makes its way onto his features when he takes in your attire.
Meanwhile, you, remaining completely oblivious to your husband standing just outside the door, are decked out in full Ground Zero/Dynamight cosplay. A tight black tank top hugs your torso, with Katsuki's signature orange X crossing over your chest. On your lower half you sport a black pleated mini-skirt and matching black boots. Your eyes are highlighted by heavy eyeliner to cover the bit of skin showing between your eye and the mask you wear. As you move your hands up to reposition your phone resting on the dresser Bakugou feels his heart swell and chest puff with pride when he sees your extremely detailed homemade gauntlets.
Dear god you look ADORABLE
Unable to stand it any longer your husband finally pushes open the bedroom door.
You whip around, caught of guard in the middle of making your tik tok and see Katsuki with a feral grin on his face.
"Oh! Hey Katsu," you say, trying to act casual even though you're admittedly a bit embarrassed. But Bakugou is having none of that. His crimson gaze rakes up and down your body before finally settling on your eyes.
He smirks. "Well damn teddy bear, didn't know you were such a huge fan"
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
shoto and bakugo headcannon of a hot makeout with their female y/n!!
Steamy Make-Out.
I know you requested a headcannon but my brain was screaming for a two mini imagines because I love to get detailed asf! SO! I HOPE YOU ENJOY MY DEAR ANON!
Disclaimer: (ATTEMPTED) Samwiches, and cursing.
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Shoto Todoroki
You bit your tongue, trying to perfect a recipe that your mother sent you. It was for the perfect cup of honey milk tea that was passed down from generation to generation. Something about that sweet taste of honey, milk, and a bit of strong earl gray tea or English Breakfast. You decided to make to surprise this for your boyfriend since he did mostly drink it a lot.
You let out a soft sigh, smiling at the beautiful creation on the kitchen counter. You turned around to grab the honey to finish as the door closed, hearing your boyfriend take his shoes off. “Baby?” He called out as you responded. “In the kitchen!” His eyes lit up a bit, smelling the sweet drink before he walked to you.
“What’s this?” He asked, looking at the two drinks. “I asked my mom for that recipe I kept telling you about, so here it is!” You said, happily before popping the lid to the honey open. Shoto watched as you attempted to squirt the honey out of the container but it didn’t budge.
You popped the lid back on and tapped the bottom to make it come down. After a soft plop, honey soon emerged out as it filled the cups evenly. “Hungry? I can make us a snack with this if you’d like.” You offered, leaning onto the counter. The off-shoulder sweater you were wearing dropped low, showing your collarbone and neck as well as your breasts which were pressed together from your position.
“Yeah...I’d like a snack.” He said before you sat up, turning towards the kitchen cabinets to grab a random pastry as his hand suddenly touches your waist. He spun you without hesitation before pressing his lips against yours. Your eyes were wide from his random affection before closing while your arms wrapped around his neck. A simple kiss increased to a steamy make out as his hands reached underneath your thighs. He softly sat you on the counter while your tongue’s fought for dominance.
Your hands were in his silky hair while moans and grunts slipped from you two, echoing around the quiet home. He soon broke the kiss, kissing every part of your neck, nibbling on your collarbone before a loud buzz came from the door, signaling that someone was at the door. With a soft sigh, he pulled away before whispering in your ear.
“We’ll finish this later, Baby.”
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Katsuki Bakugo
You laughed, watching the movie with your boyfriend while his arm was behind your head. After much arguing, debates and more, he finally agreed to watch this movie with you. He did laugh a bit at few parts of the rather hilarious rom-com that played.
You sat up, grabbing the bowl of homemade caramel popcorn which was perfectly sticky. You reached your hand in, pulling out a small handful before a trail was left on your neck to your lips. It was pretty obvious especially since you wore a simple tank top with your favorite pair of shorts. You held your hair back with a headband which (ironically) was a Ground Zero one.
“You’re a messy eater, you know that?” He said as you smiled softly. “Whatever, I’ll be right back. I’m gonna change.” You said, standing up before a hand tugged you right onto his lap. You yelped softly, straddling him on the couch before feeling his tongue graze your skin. Your hands gripped his shirt as he grabbed your waist, holding you in place while he teased you with his tongue.
His lips soon pressed against yours while the sweet taste of caramel swirled together into your mouth. Your tongues fought for dominance before he ultimately won. A soft moan slipped from your mouth when he broke the kiss, pinning you onto the couch before kissing you again, his body standing over you while he hovered over your body. He was in between your legs, his body pressing against yours while the burning feeling in your lungs became unbearable.
You broke the kiss only to earn a bite from him on your neck, biting at the fading hickeys that hadn’t left quite yet. You left out a moan before you heard a knock at the door. “B-Baby..” you tried to tell him before he responded with a growl. “Ignore it.”
“Bakubro! Open up, I know you’re home!” Kirishima yelled before ringing the doorbell, earning a annoyed grunt from Bakugo. “That Spiky haired bastard..” he said before pulling away. You sighed softly before he stood up. “Don’t think you’re off the hook just yet.”
“Because you’re all mine tonight, Teddy Bear.”
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Tag game
Thanks for the tags @glitternightingale and @waitingonavision
Favorite time of the year: oooooo! Season wise, summer. I like the warmth. And wearing tank tops. And swimming. And iced tea and iced coffee and even though I’m still at work, there’s something about summer where it just seems a little less hectic at least part of the time. I do miss having summers off. Vibes wise, Autumn. Scarves and sweaters and hot coffee and color scheme.
Comfort food: Potatoes. So versatile. Although for comfort wise, fries. Homemade ones with rosemary and smoked paprika. And if you toss on some lunch meat and cheese and onion and spinach, then it’s a whole meal!
Do you collect something?: I mean not officially, but by definition probably. I kind of accumulate things. Like mini lab glassware and notebooks and sketchbooks and books and mugs and nerdy t-shirts and rings and scarves and candles. I used to collect pencils.
Favorite drink: alcoholic? Maybe a dark and stormy. Or just red wine. Non alcoholic, currently whatever tea I happened to have put in the fridge, or earl grey tea with just a splash of milk. Or dark roast coffee with a little cream and caramel.
Current favorite song: Hrm. Maybe Be Calm by Fun
Favorite Song: Okay this is even harder. But. Get Better by Frank Turner. I love that song
Tag nine people you want to know better:
@thisstableground @breannaaiedail @fidelesir @jump-on-winds-back @spacestationdaedalus @celosiaa @taylortut @metaphoricaltigers @saturn-the-bard
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prk-pyo · 4 years
You do headcanons? If so Could you do headcanons/scenarios with Izaya, Shizuo, and Chikage with a Lazy!S/O who literally spends all day caught up in their own little world and whatever they feel in the moment? like they will randomly stop and take a nap in the middle of the street of out of nowhere (or just lie there watching clouds) and even far prefers fast food/takeout to homemade/restrunts simply because it's less 'effort' May also always wear tank tops, shorts, and hoodies lol
LMAO THATS LITERALLY ME 💃🏻💃🏻 finally someone who requested chikage, I love him
Headcannon + Mini Drabble | Izaya, Shizuo & Chikage With A Lazy S/O
Pairing: Izaya x Gn!Reader, Shizuo x Gn!Reader, Chikage x Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Poorly Proofread
Izaya Orihara
Izaya constantly (fake) complains about your laziness. You better have lots of patience ‘cause this man will poke/tickle you to snap you out of your little dream world.
He uses your laziness as an excuse to cuddle you because “there’s nothing else you want to do other than lay around all day.” lmao you never said that but let a man dream.
He will make you wear his clothes. It boosts his ego so HARD. He may or may not buys shirts a size bigger just to say you drain in them.
Izaya adores your legs. Whenever he sees your bare legs, he either puts his hand on your thighs and start caressing your soft skin. He also loves having them wrapped around his head. Play with his hair and he’s a goner.
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On a warm and sunny afternoon you and your boyfriend Izaya decided to go out and eat something. You claimed cooking something yourself is way too time consuming. Izaya didn’t fight you on that, so you two decided to go to Russian Sushi.
On your way, Shizuo crossed path with you and your man. We all know Shizuo is not very fond of Izaya, so Izaya told you to wait here as he took care of the ‘monster.’
You nodded your head and started looking for a quiet spot to wait for Izaya. After finding a spot under a big tree, you lied down on the green grass and clutched your belongings into your izayas hoodie and closed your eyes for a little nap.
You slowly started to wake up at the sounds of engines and people talking loudly. You yawned and opened your eyes. “So you finally decided to wake up, sleeping beauty.” A male voice said and you snapped your head towards the voice. Only to be met with the sight of Izayas sharp jawline.
He was holding you in a piggyback. You blushed at the thought of him carrying you through whole ikebukuro and snuggled your head into his neck. Chuckling at your little affectionate, he continued carrying you to Russian Sushi. ♡
Shizuo Heiwajima
He’s surprised he got himself into a relationship in the first place. Everyone is tbh.
After discovering his s/o's low-on-energy persona he was relieved. I can’t see Shizuo liking someone very overhyped and active. He’s not the most boyfriend-material man in the world and definitely not the most active one either.
Whenever you’re beside him or far away from him he always makes sure you’re safe. He doesn’t want anyone or himself hurt his precious darling with violent actions.
He LOVES carrying your bridal style while you take your little naps. He appreciates the way you trust him so much.
He finds your spontaneous and unplanned actions cute. Some of them catch him off guard, but he usually goes along with them because they sound ‘appealing.’ He just wants to spend time with you
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It’s late night. You two were half wide awake in bed talking about random things that happened that day. Shizuo was about to roll onto his side and throw an arm over your frame. But you stood up from the bed and left the bedroom within a few seconds. He groaned at your sudden disappearance but soon followed you into the comfort of your shared apartment.
You were currently standing in front of the fridge looking for some leftovers to eat. You and your man went out eating some really good hamburgers the other day. So you decided to order two more to take home with you.
As you heard the heavy footstep of your boyfriend approaching you, you grabbed a little carton of milk and put it down on the table you placed the hamburger. “Want some?” You asked as you put the hamburger in the microwave to heat up a little. “No, I’m fine with milk.” He mumbled and pushed the straw into the opening of the carton.
Chikage Rokujou
Oohhhh his fangirls were a bit sad after they found out their handsome Rocchi was dating someone. But they stood by his side anyway lmao.
I had a lot of people saying he’s the “unloyal” type. But I personally don’t think he is. He may have this kind of reputation. But if he really loves someone he’d never hesitate to push someone away.
He is a tease. A smug and cocky man that loves getting on peoples nerves. When he sees you lazing around in your apartment he always cracks a joke about you aging faster and getting a bad body posture. But his teasing always includes many hugs and kisses :D
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One day you were just lying on a bench admiring the clouds. You knew your boyfriend was nearby because of the sounds of motorbikes and men laughing. You were no stranger to Toramaru. They all knew you were their leaders most adored human.
You closed your eyes for a mere minute as you suddenly felt a hat on your face. “Hey there~” a familiar male voice whispered into your ear. “Hi.” You yawned and grasp the man’s hand. Exactly knowing who he was. “Come on, pretty baby, let’s take you home~” he slurred and pulled your body up from the bench. You let out several complains as he took you by your hand and walked you two home.
End :P
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harrysgoldenline · 4 years
this is super soft but can i request something where the reader doesn’t have a lot of experience and her and harry agree to take things slowly? there’s so much pressure nowadays and physical stuff makes me anxious haha🤍🤍 totally okay if u cant/don’t want to! ly :)
love this idea bc I also don’t have much experience so i may be projecting here lolololol. ANYWAYS! Kinda made me my mini series called “Cant Help But Love Him”! I really hope this is kinda what you were thinking and you like it! Thank you so much for requesting 💕
Harry and Y/N have been together now for just over two months, having known each other for a year and a half before that they both completely loved and trusted each other. They meet through a mutual friend, Y/N was a bit younger and instantly intimated by Harry while he was entranced by her instantly.
When he asked her out the first time (and even still to this day), she cutely blushed and anxiously agrees, finding it hard to believe that he even wanted to spend time with her.
That leads to where they are now, an uncountable amount of dates later, sitting on the floor in Harry’s living room as they sat eating pizza after their night out at a much too fancy work cocktail party, the pair leaving early and ordering the pizza on their way home.
Y/N changed out of her gown, borrowing a pair of Harry’s big t-shirts and leaving on the spandex she had underneath as he sat across from her in a pair of sweats and his white tank undershirt.
“You like the shake? That bloody machine is always broken when we go there.” He chuckled, nodding toward the homemade chocolate milkshake she gripped with both hands.
She let out a soft giggle, eyes wide as she nodded with the straw between her lips. He smirked, staring at her as the girl happily dipped in the shake, eyes closing as she lets out a soft ‘mmmm’.
He slowly scooted closer to her, licking his lips as he stared at hers, his thumb raising to the girls lips and wiping away some of the leftover residue, staring down deep into her eyes. He could see the girls chest rise and falls shakily, licking her own lips as she watched him put his thumb into his mouth quickly.
“Need a better taste.” He barley spoke, smashing his lips onto hers in an instant, cupping her face with both hands.
Y/N was surprised by his sudden move, shakily setting down the milkshake before her arms go around him, tangling in his hair, letting out a soft whimper as she feels his tongue slip into her mouth and she instantly grants him access.
He suddenly grips her thighs, lifting her up and having her legs wrap around his waist as he also stands, knocking over her milkshake in the process.
“Harry!” She exclaimed, throwing her head back laughing before lifting her head back up to look at him, “put me down we need to get that cleaned up.”
“I need you.”
He leaned forward, his perfect, pink lips attaching to her neck and sponging soft kiss on the bare skin, arms right around her waist as he continued walking to his bedroom, Y/N’s heart starting to beat out of her chest.
Tell him. She was screaming in her head, tell him it’s okay. Harry won’t be mad. He’d understand.
He kicked the door open and close in an instant, connect their lips before separating them lay her down on the bed, a sly smirk on his face as he stared down at her, slipping his shirt over his head before starting to hover over her.
He gripped her face in one hand, pressing their lips together and Y/N tried to focus on his lips, his warm skin. Everything is okay. She was telling herself, it’s Harry! Just do it! Tell him the trut-
“Wait.” She chokes out, eyes already welling up with tears as embarrassment and fear filled her, “I-I’m sorry, Harry- I can’t-“
“No, fuck I shouldn’t have moved so fast I’m sorry-“ he rambled, quickly moving and sitting next to her, “I’m sorry... why are you crying, baby I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you- fuck... I really am-“
“I’m a Virgin.” She admits, ripping the bandaid off completely, “like, completely. I haven’t, umm. I haven’t really done anything...not really, I mean really...nothing.”
She nods, confirming his thoughts and his blank stare of surprise remained glued on his face, making Y/N rub her eyes to try to calm down before standing, planning to head to the living room to clean up the mess and go home.
Harry quickly grabs her hand, pulling her back to him, surprised to have run into his hard chest rather than falling back on the bed. She slowly looked up at him, a loose curly strand falling in her face that Harry quickly tuck behind her ear, a sympathetic smile slowly covering his face.
“You leaving?” He softly asked, wiping a stray tear on her cheek, “I truly am so sorry if I made you uncomfortable or pressured you, that was never my intention. You are so important to me. Whenever your ready, no matter how long it takes.”
“You never have, Ive just been so happy I didn’t know what you were going to say... or if you would even have wanted me stay.” She admitted, cuddling herself into his warm skin, “it just makes me feel so silly. You’re like the sexiest man alive and I’m just some inexperienced girl who somehow got you...”
“Ya think I’m sexy?” He smirked, digging his fingers into her sides.
“Shut up!”
Harry heart flutter as he heard her laugh, grabbing her wrists as he went to push his chest, gripping them and pulling her close and quickly throwing her over his shoulder, spinning around a few times before having them both fall on his bed, the pairs laughing loudly and leaning into one another.
She softly leaned in and quickly pecked his lips before burying her face in the crook of his neck, snuggling into him as his arms go tight around her.
“Lets take things slow, okay?” He whispered softly in her ear, “I really, really like you and I don’t wanna rush into anything, we’re gonna do whatever you feel comfortable with. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost ya.”
“But, Id hate to... deprive you.” She blushed, shyly looking back up at him with a red face, “don’t want you to grow to hate me for making you wait o-or go to somebody else... just because I’m not ready yet.”
“I’m not gonna hate you. Never could.” He whispered, kissing her forehead, “and absolutely could never even think about being with anybody else. If you knew how much I liked you I think I’d scare you away.”
She shook her head in disbelief, wondering how she got to be the luckiest human being in the world to be able to have him. She quickly pressed her lips onto his, fingers tangling in his hair.
“I do like kissing you.” She whispered, innocently looking up into his eyes, “Really, really love kissing you... that doesn’t scare me. Can we just do that?”
“Fuck yeah.” He chuckled, smashing his lips quickly onto hers, gripping at her sides as his tongue slides into her mouth.
“Wait!” She squeaked, pulling back and giggling as she saw his eyes still closed with puckered lips for a moment before opening them back up, cheeks pink after realizing, “the milkshake! It’s gonna destroy your rug!”
“It’s a stupid rug.” He muttered, pecking her lips rapidly making her laugh, “I’ll get a new one.”
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Meeting You In The Hallway
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a/n: HII lovely people! I hope you are all doing well today! This is part 1 of Meeting you in the Hallway. Part 1 is a bit short because it’s an introductory chapter, but I do plan on making the chapters as I go. I’ll put specific warnings in the beginning of each chapter.
What it is: You move into the apartment across the hall from Harry and you begin a friendship which you both want more from but can’t communicate that want. AU. 
Word Count: 1.9k
Pls reblog if you like it 😊
You had finally raised enough money to buy your own apartment right around the corner of Central Park. You were a registered nurse in the city, but the city was nothing new to you. You had grown just outside of the city your whole life. You worked on 5th Ave so buying an apartment near Central Park was just perfect. Today, Sunday, was move in day and you didn’t come with a lot. Few boxes and basic furniture. Your apartment was on the top floor which gave you the most beautiful view of Manhattan. There was only one other apartment across from yours because you were all the way at the end.
You got to your apartment around noon and began bringing up all your boxes after your mom and dad helped you bring up your bed, couch, and dining room table. You’d get the rest with time. With the view you had you weren’t in a rush to buy a tv. Just a good book and a chair was fine. “Have you met your neighbor yet?” Your mom asked. “No, not yet. Hopefully soon. The seller said he was nice. Not too loud” you shrugged. You figured that maybe it was just a bachelor business man who worked a lot, like you.
Once you finished bringing everything up to your apartment, you said goodbye to your parent’s downstairs. You thanked them as they gifted you a frame of you with them on your graduation day. Their smiles full of pride. “Alright bye, we love you. Stay safe okay? Call us if anything.” Your mom said trying to not get teary eyed. You stayed home for college so this was the first time she felt like she was letting her baby go. “Okay mom, I love you too.” You waved bye to them and then walked back inside saying thank you to the doorman. You’d learn his name another day. Right now, your back and feet were just killing you. You took the elevator upstairs, playing with your new keychain. Apartment 17G. You looked at it happily as you walked back to your apartment. Enchanted by your key you didn’t even notice the man right in front of you until you bumped into his hard chest.
“Ow, sorry. My bad” you looked up and saw two pools of green. Slightly intimidated you looked away and stepped back. His eyes remained on you, studying you, wondering if he’s ever seen you around.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. 'Scuse me” And just as fast as you bumped into him, he was gone. You looked behind you as he left. Noticing just how tall he was. With a sigh you continued your walk until the end of the hallway. You opened your apartment door and closed it behind you. You leaned against the door and let out a sigh. Green eyes on your mind. You heard the door across your apartment open and then close. You grunted; upset you missed your neighbor. Just a few seconds too late. You were hoping to get along with them at the very least.
That night you decided to order in pizza and drink some wine on your balcony. Basking in the last few nights of summer. You looked over to your right and noticed your neighbor’s balcony. It was simple, two chairs and small table.  A few plants near the edge. “Green thumb” you said to yourself sipping your wine.
Eventually it become dark and you grew tired. You cleaned up your kitchen and organized your cupboards just enough to get rid of one box. On your way to shower and call it a night you remembered to check your door. "Can never be too safe" you thought to yourself. As you checked your door, you felt your feet crumple some paper. Confused, you bent over and picked it up.
“Hi, um I think you moved in today. If not, you’ll just see this whenever you do, I guess. Well just wanted to say welcome to the building. Guy across the hall, 17H.”
With a small smile you brushed your fingertips over the handwriting. This was a sweet gesture and your apartment began feeling even more like home. A possible friend you thought. No, you hoped. As you laid in bed about to sleep, you thought of your neighbor in 17H. Was there a reason why the H was underlined? But as you closed your eyes you remembered those two pools of green.
 The next morning was a Monday. You were off that night so you woke up and decided to unpack as much as you can.
During breakfast, you saw the note your neighbor had left you. You flipped it over and wrote, "I'm moved in, thank you for the warm welcoming." You debated whether or not to ask if you should grab a drink together. Instead you settled on, "Meet you soon. Girl across the hall, 17G." After you finished your breakfast you quietly opened your door, setting a stopper so you didn’t get locked out, and slid the note under 17H's door. You hurried inside. You were still only in your pjs and a robe, hair a mess.
When Harry woke up on Monday morning, he got up and put on a tank top, shorts, and sneakers. He tried to go for an early run, before there were too many people in the vast Central Park. He liked the feeling of morning air. As he was about to leave, he thought about the girl he bumped into yesterday. He was so focused on this new song he was writing he didn’t even notice her. She was also pretty short. He had a small gig the next night at a small café. He was getting less nervous of performing in front of people but he got nervous when they were his own songs. He cleared his head and left for his jog. On his way back, he stopped by a bakery and bought some fresh bread and a few pastries. The small bakery reminded him of his old job from when he was a teenager.
When he got home, he barely noticed the paper on the floor. When he flipped it over, he half smiled at the bubble handwriting. So different than his. "Meet you soon" he repeated to himself. He debated going right over and knocking, but then he remembered he was a sweaty mess and didn’t want that to be your first impression of him.
By lunch time you decided you needed to buy groceries. No more eating out. You grabbed your bag and a light sweater. The day had gotten a little bit cloudy. You tucked a mini umbrella just in case. That’s the kind of person you were. You were cautious, always prepared, because you know... Just in case.
You walked downstairs and introduced yourself to the doorman. You found out his name was Pat and he was retiring next year. He was a sweet old man. You walked to Whole Foods to buy your essentials for now and picked up some soup. You'll have something to keep you warm if it rains. You put the soup into your cart and debated whether or not if you should buy ice cream. You thought oh fuck it, you were getting your period soon anyway. You'd need it. You bought chocolate, vanilla, and butter pecan. You decided it was time to go before you bought the whole store. You approached aisle 5 and leaped for joy inside because there was no line, the customer just leaving. The customer looked familiar though, his back looked familiar. A light bulb lit in your head, that was the guy from yesterday. The one you bumped into. For New York City to be so big, it was interesting how you saw him again.
You paid for your groceries and made small talk with the cashier about the weather. Both of you a little upset that it was one of the last few days of summer and it was cloudy. You walked back to your building a little faster as the clouds got darker. Once you made it inside and up to your apartment door you put your bags down and reached inside your purse for your keys. As you were about to put your key in the keyhole, you heard an enthusiastic "Hi!". Jumping you dropped your keys.
"Oh, shit sorry, didn’t mean to scare you" he said as you both reached for your keys causing you to both bump heads.
"Ow!" you both said and laughed a little. You both fell back onto the floor. Still laughing lightly. When you finally focused on who the man was you realized who it was. "Oh my god, it’s you. From yesterday" you said. He looked at you with eyes squinted. "Oh yeah. You." he looked you up and down. "So, you're the girl from 17G" he said as he pointed to your apartment door. "17H?" you asked. "Yep, H was underlined because my name is Harry" he said. You couldn’t help but like the way he said his name. His accent almost stretching his name out. "Oh. Makes sense. I'm y/n." He brushed his hands on his thighs and reached over his hand for you to shake. "Nice to meet you, y/n". You shook his hand. "You too, Harry."
He kept ahold of your hand. You realized how soft his hands were. He slowly stood up while still holding your hand and gently pulled you up.
"Thanks" you said wiping your hands on your jeans. You had trouble looking him in the eye. The green was so beautiful you were scared you'd get lost. His sharp facial features reminded you of one of your favorite characters, Stefan Salvatore for some reason.
"Do you need help? Err carrying that stuff inside?" He asked pulling you away from your thoughts.
"Oh um, no actually. Thank you but I'm okay." you said and turned to open your door.
"Okay. Um well, if you ever need anything."
"Yeah thanks. Appreciate that" you smiled up at him. Looking him in the eye for a second. He was so tall.
"Yeah of course. Just knock" he said and as soon as he said it, he realized how dumb he sounded. Why did he feel so nervous?
"I think that may be my only option. No doorbell" you said teasing him a little.
"Yeah" he said looking down, feeling stupid.
To cheer him up you said, "hey, if you need me, knock three times. That could be our own “homemade doorbell”."
He looked up with a bigger smile and for the first time you noticed his dimples. "Yeah okay, that sounds good. Three times." He nodded.
"Alright. Well, goodnight harry"
"Goodnight y/n"
As you both closed your doors behind you, you both replayed how you each said each other’s name. The way your name sounded with his English accent and the way his name sounded with your American accent.
Part 2 is now up!
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himbodiaz · 3 years
(Fun (or not) fact, I’ve only been to one actual sleepover party (as in a sleepover with more than one person) and when I got home my mom yelled at me for what up I wore as pajamas because it was a tank top and how I should not wear revealing things because my friend’s dad was in the house. I believe it was eighth grade, and I did not understand why I was getting yelled at)
For headcanons tho! Because we are coming up to Christmas, I have thoughts. Like do you think Buck celebrated Christmas beyond what he sent Maddie via postcard or do you think he just took as many holiday shifts as he could because other people have families to go to and he’s alone, so obviously he’d just work?
Also I just put up my one tree (I’ve got another to go because I worked at Hallmark and thus have so many ornaments I must have multiple trees - two are mini, one of them is purely Christmas and one is mini with superhero’s and fun stuff that stays up year round, one is full sized, and one is like three feet tall) and I’m thinking about Buck having a collection of ornaments from the places he’s been because even if he’s not celebrating, he wants to have them for when Maddie comes back because they’ll celebrate then, but he forgets about the box until he moves in with Eddie (because obv they get together and things move quickly from there) and Eddie finds it and figures out what they are and gets a sneaky little idea. So he hides them with his own Christmas stuff, and then when it comes time to decorate the tree, he sneaks them in and they get hung up along with the handmade ones Chris brings home from school and they both tear up a little because it’s a tree that shows their family and having a family that fits is all they’ve ever wanted.
(Also another side note, my full sized tree has so many superheroes, Disney characters, and pop culture characters that I feel like Chim would be proud even if it’s not totally Christmasy)
nah i hate the implication that young kids wearing tank tops is inherently sexual. like miss me with that it's so UGH. anyway!
before buck feels comfortable with the family he finds in the 118, he definitely takes any and all holiday shifts. someone needs their goo friday shift taken? buck's got them! or another person was scheduled for eid? no worries, buck will take the shift! the guy who was probie right before buck is slated to work rosh hashanah? bro, dont even think about it, of course buck will take it. like, even if it's a holiday that he didn't know existed until the shift needed to be covered, buck will always take it if he's able to, because he might not have the best holiday memories, but he knows the love that comes from being surrounded by your family while you celebrate through maddie, and maybe he hasn't felt that for years, but making sure others get to experience it helps fill some of the hole that's missing.
god, i don't have much to add, but a tree that's just a mishmash of ornaments from buck's travels, chris' homemade ones, a few from eddie's school years, and some generic ones is just so them. a complete blend of their lives. and after they get together, eddie gifts buck with a new fancy ornament every year, one that he's taken hours to pick out, and has the year engraved on it (buck cries every time he opens it, even a decade after they get married, because it's a reminder that he always has a place during the holidays with his diaz boys).
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juniaships · 3 years
Jora Holiday Bio **Update 2021**
The following paragraphs contains information exclusively for the original series.
Full Name: Jora Ladybird Holiday
Age: 9, 29 (Ben10000); 39 (Ken 10)
Birthday: March 31/April 1 (she was born 11:59pm on March 31)
Species: Human
Race: African American
Fandom: Ben 10 (classic&reboot), The Secret Saturdays (crossover), Generator Rex (crossover), Cartoon Network/CN City (crossover)
Voice Claim: Kimberly Brooks; Brandy Norwood is another alternate choice
Character Role: Friend and love interest to Ben Tennyson
Powers/Abilities: Rot Inducement, Mycokinesis, Poison/Toxin Immunity, Self Healing/Regeneration, Moderate Chronokinesis (Time-Acceleration)
Items: Vials, Mini Lab, Gloves
Family: Jeremy (father), Mavis (mother), Tasha (sister), Pattibelle (first cousin) Ginger (family friend); Kenny, Kendrix & Belle (future children), Devlin (adopted son/cousin in law(?))
Friends: Ben & Gwen Tennyson, Max Tennyson, Cooper Daniels, Richard Mortis, Mama G (future mentor)
Acquaintances: Ginger T. Glass, Tamika
Love Interest: Ben is her primary love interest, as seen with their eventual future together as well as hints and blatant displays of "puppy love."
Enemies: Pretty much every villain in this show; her personal arch-nemesis is Kudzu, a lifestyle expert & entrepreneur who initially tried to gentrify Jora's neighborhood & ruin her family's business. Other villains include Master Mortis (Richard's creator), and Kudzu's bounty hunters.
- Dark Skinned African American girl
- Chubby, shorter than Ben and Gwen
- Has dark brown hair styled in twisted pigtails, pink hair scrunchies
- Black Bead Eyes//dark brown
- Wears lilac lacy gloves
- Wears three different outfits through the show:
- Season 1: Yellow t-shirt, pink shorts, beige sandals
- Seasons 2&3: Pink and Yellow striped tank top, orange skirt, and same sandals
- Season 4: Pink and white t-shirt, yellow capris with orange belt, and purple shoes
A sweet and quiet girl, Jora Holiday did not consider herself to be special. She lacked friends in school and kept to herself out of fear of getting bullied. This was because she had to deal with her mutant powers since they came into fruition as a very small child. Jora normally tries to avoid or deflate conflict, though deep down she does get a little fed up with playing peacemaker if the squabbling persists. Jora is compassionate and humble, never boastful but also bashful when it comes to compliments and praise. Of the four kids she is regarded as the nicest.
Because of her powers Jora has clean freak tendencies in her desire to look as normal as possible. She tried to avoid gross situations, although later down the line she learns it's okay to dirty her gloves - literally.
But with sweetness comes sourness, as she does have a passive-aggressive side towards slights, whether real or perceived. She didn't get along with Tasha, feeling as though the latter didn't care for her (which isn't true). Jora tends to be oversensitive and takes things too personally, ans even can be prone to tears if provoked hard enough. She also bears lingering resentment and shame over the partial ailments her element brings; these feelings fade away over time as she grows to accept her powers and adapt to her condition. One of her biggest flaws is her timidness and inability to stand up for herself and others. She also didn't get along with Ben for a while, though they get better quickly.
Jora has a love of nature, as shown with her hobby of collecting flowers and mushrooms. She despises animal abuse of any kind, and strives to be a bit more conscious of the environment. She also seems to have no phobia towards bugs, and thus is the designated "spider catcher" on the Rust Bucket.
Jora has a passion for fashion and a girly sense of style, preferring to dress in bright or pastel colors. Her love of nature and love of fashion could lead to a career based on environmentally friendly beauty products.
Ben 10000: Lavender shortsleeved dress and white apron
Adult Appearance
When she grows up Jora is considerably more capable of handling herself. She gets upset when people see and treat her as a fragile thing, seeing as though they don't trust her. She also is very in tune with nature, spending her days off on long walks in the forests, or at her homemade lab making potions.
In this timeline she was a waitress who worked after shifts as a vigilante. At the time the Hero of Heroes didn't know who this mysterious woman was, although he was struck by familiar feelings.
Ken 10: Mint Green blouse and pink maxiskirt with pink wristwatch (which is actually her transformation device)
Costume: White bodysuit with light purple accents, helmet and visor.
Jora has the element of Decay (&Rebirth), which enables her to induce decomposition in organic material.
- While not proficient at hand to hand she can run fast in short bursts and have stamina
- Generate spore clouds to obscure vision and block a person's airways
- Increase or decrease the rate the decay
- Increase or decrease the size of mushrooms, from giant prehistoric constructs to miniature samples to be used for medicine
- Create a slippery puddle of rot to make opponents fall
- Throw globs of inky, rotting matter to create fungus or for long range
- Autumn Leaf Tornado
- Create Penicillin (first "upgrade")
- Able to "purify" corrupted Mycellium in the episode "Camp Fear"
- Scavenger-animal Empathy
- Forensics (adult level)
- Fossil Fuel Manipulation (adult level)
- Floral Manipulation (adult level, possibly teen)
- Acid Spit (adult level)
- Hallucinations (teen level)
- Her power has little to no effect on material such as metal, glass, synthetic fabrics, stones
- Has to wear her gloves at all times which can be tedious and uncomfortable
- Lacks strength and hand-to-hand proficiency
- Weak to extreme heat & cold
- Shroom Constructs can be easily destroyed if not continually reinforced
- Unable to control her powers if under extreme duress
- Requires weapons to compensate for elemental weaknesses
- Requires a source for better potency
- Immune to Time related attacks since her powers are considered a form of chronokinesis
- Create healing potions
- Immune to mycotoxins and can decrease and even render dangerous mushrooms safe for consumption (handy for outdoor missions)
- Powers seem to increase in wet environments, the Moon
- Her kind gentle personality makes it easier for her to restrain the dangerous potential of her abilities
- Memorized enough species of fungi and has her own mini lab to safely store and carry samples
- Natural empathy towards others
- Quick learner, continually studies her powers and traits to adapt
Born the second child to floral shop owners Jeremy and Mavis Holiday, Jora had a normal childhood in the comfy small town of Annville, SC. A quiet child, she spent after-school helping around the shop. They were small yet popular with the townsfolk, reputed for their knowledge of plants and colorful arrangements. However that normalcy took a detour when Jora's powers camemto fruition.
When people started to notice more and more plants dying, that in turn led to decrease in customers and soon the shop began to undergo financial trouble. One day, a beautiful woman named Kudzu came into the store offering to buy the place from Jeremy. See, Kudzu was one of the wealthiest and powerful people in town. He refused. The next day Kudzu came again with another proposition. Again Jeremy refused. This occurred all through the week, until finally a very irritated Mavis demanded Kudzu to leave their family alone. That time, Kudzu left and didn't ame back after that. The couple was relieved. Jora was nervous.
One day, just as Tasha and Jora were at the last day of school anf thr parents were off to cash in their winning lottery ticket, the floral shop caught fire! The firefighters were called and put out the blaze, but it left their shop and home in charred ruins.
Jora felt very guilty: if she never had her powers, there wouldn't have been such an awful domino effect. The fire was ruled as a freak accident, however Jeremy and Mavis believed that other forces were at work. They couldn't prove their theories as their suspect had too much power and leverage to be fought one on one. So they came up with a plan: they would spend the summer working to add money to the saved money while their kids go out of town. Mavis called upon an old friend from trade school to take the girls on vacation (somewhere safe from Kudzu).
The next couple of days after staying at a shelter, the girls were able to buy a few new outfits and essentials and told to wait for a brown and white RV. When the RV arrived, out came a older gentlemen in a bright scarlet Hawaiian shirt, with two children trailing behind him. He introduced himself as Max Tennyson, and the two kids were his grandchildren Ben and Gwen.
Jora has a nature motif to contrast Ben's aliens and Gwen's magic.
Overall Jora is the most normal member of the team; her family has no connection to the Plumbers or magic.
Jora doesn't have signature color, the closest would be pink and yellow since those are colors she tends to wear the most of.
I made Jora so that there'd be another main girl in the cast and because the show didn't have a black female character (despite having nonwhite female characters of other ethnicities, and black male characters)
She does not have a major role in UAF; instead her storyline is seen as a spinoff (think Static Shock to the Justice League) focusing on smaller-scale plots with occasional cameos from main cast
Jora does come back in Omniverse to replace Gwen as the female lead; she is joined by Dr. Azura (Secret Saturdays OC), Myra Hopewell (GenRex), Ginger T. Glass, and her cousin Patti.
It is unknown whether her power is genetics or a random mutation.
In the Ben 10000 timeline she and Ben broke up because Ben tried to forbid her from going on active missions as a way to keep her safe. Obviously she didn't like that and left. They do reconcile at the end of the episode.
Out of my OCs for this fandom Jora is the lead character, followed by Kendrix
Jora's powers can vary based on the type of fungi she's using at the time. So her colors could range from inky-black to a gorgeous green
She is a candidate to take on the mantle of Mother Nature (currently held by Mama G)
Her hobbies are: reading comics and books primarily fantasy genre, costume design, hiking, floral pressing, DIY crafts, and insects
Due to her timid nature she has a fear of public speaking.
I don't have a claim for her in the live action films sorry!!
Jora is a foil for Kevin in that she was born with destructive powers. Unlike Kevin, she learned to rely on friends to help her stabilize her powers.
- A recurring subplot is the girls encountering and escaping from Kudzu's hired goons sent to track them down.
Jora was going to have standard plants and flowers as her power but I wanted to go for nontraditional elements instead.
The irony is that she's a softie dressed in bright colors and respects life, yet has a power related to death.
- At the end of the show she reunites with her parents and they're able to rebuild their business. She also stands up to Kudzu and exposes the woman for the rotten POS she is
"Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, meet face!"
"I like comic books. My favorite is the Fantasia Legends."
"If you're supposed to be Lucky Girl then why dress up like a black cat?"
"There's a lot of stories hidden beneath these trees. You just gotta know where to look."
"I'm not that scared little girl you used to pick on, Ben. I think you know I can take care of myself."
"Look I didn't get to choose my powers okay! But Kudzu chose to set our family's house on fire and I'm not gonna sit back and watch her hurt anyone else!"
"It's okay. I'll help you."
"It's called having good manners. You should try it sometimes."
"Leave. Them. Alone!"
"Please let this be a normal day this time!"
"You're like a mushroom. Unassuming at first, but something unique and vibrant!"
"Ben I don't know how to say this but... you're not alone. Don't ever think you're alone."
"I hope you'll be able to see that there's more to life than just money and business but until that day comes, we'll all do very well without you!"
"I may make things rot but the both of you are rotten to the core!"
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