#Hope is auch a small word!
unholybacon355 · 1 month
Everything stays in the family: Part Four
Park Jihyo x Huh Yunjin
Word Count: 3.2K
TW: Incest.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 5]
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DISCLAIMER: I’m adding this disclaimer because I think it’s necessary.
This story have some taboo themes like incesto to name one. I need to say that obviously some of the things I wrote here aren’t good and by any means I’m trying to make it look like good and normal things. Read at your own discretion.
Everything you see here is fiction and many things in this story are not really good. This is for fun and only for that. Also, all the characters you see here are adults and Jihyo is older, but I’m not specifying how old she is.
Another thing to say is that I have no clue about how human bodies actually work, so you can’t expect me to be very accurate about some things. I’m not saying what because I want you to figure it out as you read.
That afternoon Yunjin and Chaewon spent many hours talking. Yunjin told her girlfriend everything that happened in great detail, crying in many parts and hugging Chaewon in many more. It was really cathartic in a very different way than talking to Jihyo had been. While talking to her mother had helped her a lot, being able to vent to Chaewon was a different relief. After all, her girlfriend could see everything from an outside perspective and offer her a new point of view. Although they practically agreed on the fact that Yunjin had done well to trust Jihyo and finally started calling her mother. After all, she behaved in a maternal way much more than the woman who gave birth to Yunjin.
Chaewon also found it adorable that Jihyo let Yunjin sleep with her. Which in Chaewon's opinion was yet another proof that Jihyo had earned the right for Yunjin to call her mother. Of course, Chaewon hadn't found what had happened that very morning when they returned to get the SD card adorable or funny at all, so evidently Yunjin had to lie. She said that when she came back she had seen something that reminded her of her biological mother and that's why she hid in the bathroom to cry, that when she got back to the car she was angry with herself and that's why she had yelled at Chaewon. Fortunately her girlfriend fell for that whole vile lie.
Although Yunjin had to apologize to her girlfriend for treating her like this and taking it out on her when it had nothing to do with the matter, that was much better than telling her the truth. It was impossible that she was going to tell her girlfriend what she had done locked in that small bathroom, it was something she had to go to her grave with.
“... And that's why it's better that you worry about Jihyo and her baby now."Chaewon said with a sentence that Yunjin hadn't heard half of it, all because she was lost in her thoughts.
“You're right."Yunjin replied lying on her back on her girlfriend's bed. "All I have to do is forget this bad time and help Jihyo, especially now that my father is gone.”
"Speaking of which, I hope he thinks about me and brings me a present. Auch!!"Yunjin punched Chaewon in the thigh.
"First you want to steal the baby and now my father? Yunjin said laughing, stroking Chaewon's thigh.
"Eewwww no!! You know the only person I call “Daddy” is you. But you have to earn it."Right after releasing that obscenity she leaned over to kiss Yunjin between the laughter of both of them.
Yunjin returned home earlier that day than the day before. Proof of this was the fact that the sun could still be seen setting in the distance over the roofs of the houses. Wrapped in the golden and reddish glow of the sunset sun Yunjin prepared to enter the house, not wanting to look towards the living room where everything had happened the night before.
Yunjin tried to go straight to the stairs, but as soon as she set foot on the first step she heard Jihyo calling her from the kitchen.
"Yunjin, is that you?"Jihyo's tone was kind as always. “Can you come for a moment?”
"Hello."Greeted the redhead coming into the kitchen. She found her mother leaning on the island in the middle of the stay, drinking from what looked like a cup of coffee. “Is everything all right?"Yunjin asked fearing that Jihyo would want to talk about what happened that morning when she found her naked in her bed. “Are you drinking coffee?" She added quickly as she noticed the aroma coming to her nostrils.
"Don't worry, it's decaffeinated. Your dad hid the regular coffee." The woman said with a hint of sadness as if she missed drinking caffeine. “At least the aroma is the same.”
"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell him if you drink a cup every now and then.”
“I'm supposed to be the responsible adult here, but you're spoiling me. Jihyo let out a small laugh. “But I shouldn't. Also that's not why I called you anyway." She made a little movement with her hand as if wanting to put thoughts about coffee out of her mind.
“What's the matter? Did something wrong happen?” Yunjin suddenly felt afraid because the expression on Jihyo's face had changed. What if her biological mother had picked on hher again? No, that couldn't be it. It had already become clear to that woman that Yunjin did not want to see her again. Then what could it be? Something about what happened in the morning maybe? The redhead really hoped that it wouldn't be that either because she wouldn't be able to bear the embarrassment of talking about the matter with Jihyo. The truth is that she could not bear the embarrassment of talking about this topic with anyone.
"Oh don't worry." Jihyo reassured her. "Something did happen but it wasn't bad, it was just an accident… I think." Yunjin really didn't know what to expect at that moment, but at least Jihyo didn't look nervous so it couldn't be anything serious. "Well, you see. This afternoon I found a dirty towel in the bathroom on the first floor.”
”I'm sorry if I haven't helped with household chores lately..." Yunjin tried to apologize thinking that this was about a towel that hadn't been changed. The truth was that the project she had presented today at the university had been taking up more time than she wanted and she had neglected her home duties a little. But clearly it wasn't about that because Jihyo interrupted her.
“No, it has nothing to do with that. It doesn't bother me at all that you get a little careless if it's because of your studies." The woman paused for a moment before continuing. "You see... the hand towel in that bathroom was stained with semen.”
Yunjin was petrified once again that day in front of Jihyo. Right now the redhead wanted to be swallowed by the earth, there could not be anything more shameful and dirty that her mother found traces of her semen scattered around the house. Her face turned a much more intense red than her hair as she tried her hardest to think of a proper apology.
“No, no, I'm not scolding you. Take it easy." Jihyo dedicated a new reassuring smile to her. "After the way you found me this morning it's clear that I have no right to scold you about that. But if I'm going to ask you to be more careful and be more responsible." Yunjin felt like with every word the temperature on her face kept rising, probably her face was so red that it could be seen a mile away in the pitch dark. “If you are going to use a towel you have to change it immediately, especially if it is from a common area. Remember that sometimes people come from work and it would not be nice to receive them with such a surprise. For the rest I don't care where and when you give yourself pleasure.”
Yunjin listened to everything in silence, thanking that her mother did not know the reason why she had masturbated in that bathroom. It was still very embarrassing that Jihyo had found traces of her semen. She could swear that she had cleaned up well, but probably because of the rush of forgetting to check everything
“I'm sorry, really. It's not going to happen again... I'm not doing it outside my room again." She added that last hesitantly, but since she had already found the woman masturbating that same morning Yunjin believed that she could allow herself that little license.
"As long as you don't give a show to the neighbors or someone outside the family I have no problem where you do it, but please clean up after you're done." The very calm way Jihyo had practically just told Yunjin that she was allowed to masturbate anywhere in the house as long as no one catch her and leave everything clean, certainly contrasted with the normally sensitive topic they were dealing with. But that also helped to calm Yunjin down a little, because it was clear that she hadn't gotten into trouble.
"I'm sorry.” The redhead apologized once again. “From now on I will be more careful.”
“That's the way I like it. Now, young lady, since I had to change the towel, it's only fair that you have to clean it. I left it by the washing machine with a load of dirty clothes, you just have to put it inside and turn it on. Okay?”
Yunjin couldn't believe that she had escaped from that, but she still felt ashamed. “Okay, it is the least I can do." She finally replied.
“Well, if you haven't had dinner yet, there's food in the oven for you. After turning on the washing machine you can heat it up.” Jihyo meditated for a second and then added. “That's part of your punishment. If I find out that you ate before putting the clothes to wash you will have to clean the towel by hand." That really sounded like a punishment, or it would have done it if Jihyo hadn't started laughing a few seconds after saying that. "Don't worry, do whatever you want dear. But you should turn on the washing machine before going to sleep.”
Yunjin really couldn't believe how lucky she was that Jihyo was such a relaxed person. But fortunately that day she had discovered that her mother was much more open about sexual topics than she had ever imagined. That is, anyone else in her position would have yelled at her for barging in while she was masturbating, or given her a big reprimand for smearing semen on a towel in a bathroom that everyone used. But there she was, making jokes and telling her that pleasuring herself was completely normal. Really, all this time Yunjin had been overlooking how much it made life easier for her to have Jihyo as a mother.
"I prefer to do it right away, so I don't forget it.” She was about to leave the kitchen, but turned around at the last moment. “And thank you for being so understanding.”
Jihyo gave her a big smile before answering. "Since you found me in a much more embarrassing situation this morning, the one who is being understanding is you.” The red color returned to invade not only Yunjin's face, but now the older woman's cheeks had also turned red.
"Oh that... well..." Yunjin swallowed hard. “You yourself said that it's kind of normal.”
Still feeling like a hormonal teenager from being discovered in such a way, Yunjin entered the laundry room and set out to do the assigned task. In fact, said towel had a thick string of her own semen, which she did not understand how she could have missed. But the whirlwind of emotions she had been feeling since the previous night surely didn't help her to be very thorough in the things she did.
She threw the towel into the deep of the washing machine and then went about adding the rest of the dirty clothes without paying much attention, lost in her own thoughts and tribulations until something caught her attention. She had a piece of soft black fabric in her hands, which couldn't be anything other than one of Jihyo's panties. One of her mother's used panties.
Without really understanding why, she stared at the garment with a questioning expression. She had been fantasizing all day about the smell of her mother's private parts, what if... No, no, that was wrong. But on the other hand, when would she have the opportunity again? Maybe they didn't even have a smell, maybe they were just there by mistake, but it was so tempting. Finally, with her heart beating as if it were going to explode, Yunjin took the garment with both hands and spread it in front of her eyes. Now she could clearly see a white stain in the place that corresponded to the crotch, so yes they were used and it was very likely that they still had some smell.
The redhead knew that what she was doing was disgusting and only made her actions from the morning even worse, the same ones that in a strange coincidence had led her to this point, but she had stopped resisting. Yunjin brought the panties closer to her nose and at the same moment that the aroma of her mother's vagina hit her nostrils, her cock was flooded with warm blood.
In her opinion it was one of the most wonderful aromas she had ever smelled. It tickled her nose and it somehow relaxed her. She felt like she was floating as her nostrils filled with the musky smell of that perfect vagina, so much so that she couldn't resist continuing to inhale as much as she could. It still wasn't enough so to her surprise Yunjin found herself licking the small stain of fluids on the panties. The taste was almost as wonderful as the aroma, and it only served to complete an experience that threatened to take Yunjin to nirvana itself.
She had also inadvertently put her hand into her pants and started pumping on her cock. Damn, her range of motion was so small and Yunjin was so horny that she couldn't help but open her pants and free her cock. She had forgotten that Chaewon had kept her boxers so she wasn't wearing anything underneath, but that didn't matter right now. In fact, she also didn't realize that thinking about her girlfriend had done nothing to break her out of the trance she had entered, as a result of which she was now rubbing the used garment over her face.
Despite everything Yunjin still didn't get enough pleasure, but an idea crossed her mind. Maybe the only sane thought she'd had since she found the used panties, except it wasn't a sane thought at all either. In fact, it was not sane at all.
Despite herself, Yunjin separated the panties from her face and quickly began to dig on the dirty clothes. Luckily for her, it didn't take long for her to find another pair of Jihyo's panties, this time they were white, and without wasting any time she wrapped the fabric around her cock while she buried her face again on her mother’s black panties.
The soft fabric felt glorious against the skin of her throbbing member. Maximizing the sensations caused by the constant pumping of her hand, while the smell of Jihyo's intimate areas kept her mind blank. Even Yunjin had caught the smell of her mother's butt on the garment, which caused a new wave of pleasure and intensified the rhythm with which she moved her hand.
By now Yunjin had already lost count of how many times she had come that day, but surely she must be setting a new record for herself. Even though the fleeting encounter she'd had with Chaewon in the college bathroom had threatened to let her dry, she could somehow feel how her balls were full again and ready to shoot a load for her mother. Which was also curious because it wasn't going to be the first time that day that she came thinking about Jihyo, much less the second since she had released her load inside Chaewon while she thought about Jihyo.
The enormous excitement she was feeling right now served as Yunjin's shield to resist shame and disgust for all the obscene acts she had done, and continued to do, that day. In her head there was only room for pleasure and perverted fantasies about Jihyo. She had quickly given herself over completely to sexual impulses and had forgotten everything else.
Her senses were flooded by the scent and taste of the older woman. Yunjin couldn't understand how something as obscene as smelling and licking dirty panties brought her so much pleasure, but it's not like she was thinking about that right now. Flashes of fantasies wandered through her mind in which Jihyo was in the most diverse poses, sometimes completely naked and other times wearing only the panties that Yunjin now had on her own face. Those same fantasies made her wonder what it would be like to taste Jihyo's orgasm, because although her garment was clearly stained with vaginal fluids, the redhead was convinced that her mother had not come while she was wearing those panties. At least Chaewon's taste changed between normal fluids and when she exploded with pleasure, so surely Jihyo's taste changed too. It was surely even more delicious and wonderful than what she was experiencing right now.
Yunjin imagined herself with her face covered in Jihyo's fluids. A mixture between the nectar from her vagina and the woman's breast milk. She imagined warm droplets running down her face as she tried to catch as much as possible inside her mouth. She had already received Jihyo's breast milk on her face earlier that morning so remembering the taste of her came easily, which quickly threatened to bring Yunjin to her climax. It only took a few more pumps with her hand for her to cum again that day fantasizing about the woman who only the night before had accepted her as her daughter.
Without a doubt a very twisted situation, but that itself excited Yunjin more and made her release ropes of hot semen that leaked through the fabric that wrapped her cock. Those panties had been completely ruined, coincidentally it was the second pair of white panties that had been ruined that day because of Yunjin.
Yunjin's arm hurt from having frantically masturbated non-stop, again, and it was hard to breathe. A lot of that last part was because she still had her face buried in her mother's black panties. Gasping she removed the garment from her face, but continued to maintain her grip on her cock. That fabric wrapped around her member was the closest Yunjin's penis was ever going to be to Jihyo's vagina, and she wanted to prolong the sensation as long as she could.
The redhead's cock was still hard, perhaps a product of those fantasies she still had hanging over her head, so she slowly started pumping with her hand again. The sensation this time was much softer, as her own semen acted as a lubricant. Yunjin closed her eyes and although she knew that it was impossible for her to have two orgasms in a row, she continued to masturbate slowly while she lost herself again in her fantasies. And that was what made her not realize what was about to happen, because for the third time that day Yunjin was petrified in the moment when she heard Jihyo talking to her from behind.
“Huh Yunjin, what do you think you are doing?” That simple question was enough to make the redhead's blood run cold.
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coff33notforme · 1 year
German lessons
A/n: Sorry I’m in love with König, and I saw no one had done this idea so I thought I needed to change that
Summary: During a light hearted German lesson with your favorite KorTac operator, a small misunderstanding leads to a confession between you and the Austrian
Pairing: König and Gn! Reader (fluff, pre relationship, maybe some spelling mistakes)
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A deep, gravely chuckle echoed through the empty room, filling it with a warmth. It dripped from Königs lips like honey, the sound was sweet to your ears. 
You groaned as you lifted your face from between your folded arms, you couldn’t contain the smile forcing itself onto your face, you fought back small giggles as you gently elbowed Königs forearm that he laid rested on the wooden table in front of you. 
“Please stop laughing, I told you I wouldn’t be any good at this!” You exclaimed, your gazing shifting as you narrowed your eyes at the German book between you, scanning the page amongst the foreign phrases to see if anything framillar popped out, but to your dismay it seemed to be a sea of uncertainty. 
König shook his head softly, as he watched you with an uncharacteristically soft look in his pale eyes.
“Nonsense, you just need more practice.” He spoke lowly, his deep voice coated in an airy, velvety tone, he spoke softly as if he was cooing to a frightened animal.
“You wanted me to teach you, remember Schatz?“ he teased weaponizing the nickname, he knew you had a soft spot for his pet names, as you shot him a playful glare
“Don’t you dare, use that name against me.” You grinned with a teasing scowl, before your eyes threaded along the paper, this time your eyes had a curious glow to them, like a child peering through the window of a candy shop. Your eyes fell upon another interesting word
“What’s this one?” You whispered your finger falling to the word you were referring to, your head tilted slightly as Königs eyes drifted to where you had pointed
“Ah, Hase?” He asked softly, his murky blue eyes shifting from the paper to you.
You nodded softly
“What does it mean?” You pressed as you watched König eyes melt from behind his dark hood, like a light peeking through a jungle of darkness. 
“It means bunny.” He replied, his voice rasped but as soon as he saw how your face lit up at the word he could feel his cheeks began to glow from under his hood, he gave an airy chuckle, it was such a pure sound, and it melted your heart as you watched him, your eyes never leaving his figure.
König could feel your piercing gaze burning holes through him, he turned to you with a nervous glance 
“Why are you staring?” He deadpans his heavy accent bleeding through his words, your soft lips crease into a warm smile.
“Nothing, it's just a cute name.” You hushed with an airy chuckle as you turned from the tall man, a wavering silence lingered in the air filling the space between you. 
“You know, I’m really glad I get to spend this time with you, I really do like you.”
You smiled with a pause “how do you say it in German? "Ich liebe dich?”
Your tone was hesitant as you spoke, but as soon as the words fell from your mouth König blue eyes widened, it looked as if they glowed from behind his hood, emulating a soft shimmer in the sea of black paint that coated his pale skin.
A warmth filled his cheeks, now looking away from you, desperately hoping you couldn’t see the effect your words had on him as he offered a choked response
“That’s, that’s how you say “I love you.” He rasped, a slight squeal in his voice 
Now it was your turn to become embarrassed, your heart stuttering in your chest as your face grew to a soft red.
“O-oh.” Was the only thing you could muster
Another wave of quite rested, yet this time it seemed to crowd the two of you.
Königs breathy chuckle seemed to snap you from your sort of trance as you looked up to him. His large hand patted your shoulders, König turned to you, looking into your eyes as whispered something
“Ich liebe dich auch, meine süße.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you turned to him
“What did you say?” You asked Königs eyes had a warmth to them you’d never expected as he spoke. Standing from the table with an airy laugh. You smiled as you called after him
“König! Wait what did you say!” You pressed with a lighthearted smile, you sighed as your eyes drifted once again to the book beneath you falling upon a now framillar phrase,
‘Ich liebe dich…’
I hoped you enjoyed I really enjoyed writing this!!
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daisies-daydreams · 2 months
alright bud, let’s say that reader is trying to learn German for Konig right? she’s been practicing alot since Konig leaves to go to his work. When Konig comes back from his mission and reader says some basic sentences in german to Konig, Konig was so surprised so he took her to the bedroom and yknow.. 😝 (smut..)
(also if you don’t mind , can you make it like hardcore? I completely understand that if you can’t do it.)
Next to Me (König x F!Plus-Sized!Reader)
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Pairing: König x F!Plus-Sized!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut Tags: Light Domestic Fluff, Slight Angst, Dom!König/Sub!Reader, Wife!Reader, Dirty Talk, Foreplay, Making Out, Mentions of Safe words, Spanking, Face Riding, Oral Sex (F!Receiving), Bondage, Rough Sex, Unprotected P in V Sex (You Know the Drill), Multiple Orgasms, Missionary Position, Mating Press, Creampie, Post-Sex Cuddling Word Count: 4.5k+ Adult Content Banner by @cafekitsune Original A/N: Thank you for your sweet request! ☺️ König's name is König in this fic - I just wanted to avoid any confusion. I hope you enjoy! (Side Note: I’m not fluent in German. If I made any errors, please correct me. Thank you!) A/N/N: I chose to edit and reupload this fic. I got ahead of myself when I originally posted it, and wanted to go back and make some changes. I apologize for taking it down, but I wanted to make sure it was the best quality I could make it.
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Your heart skipped a beat when you heard the click of the front door unlocking. You immediately turned off the stove and rushed over to the microwave. You parted your lips and checked your teeth as you quickly brushed some loose hair from your face. You smiled before smoothing your hands over your apron. With one firm push, the door to your humble abode swung open and your tall, massive husband stepped through the doorway.
“Baby!” you squealed and sprinted towards him. König’s bright, blue eyes lit up as he bent down and tossed his duffel bag aside. He grunted when you ran into him and squeezed him tightly, your arms wrapped around him in a vice grip. You nuzzled your face into his broad chest as he wrapped his arms around your smaller form.
“Ich habe dich so vermisst, Mäuschen,” your love rumbled while stroking his massive palm along your back [I missed you so much, little mouse]. The two of you simply held each other as the warm summer breeze drifted through your cozy home. König sighed as you pulled back, his sparkling, blue eyes glowing with affection as you cupped his rugged cheek.
“Ich habe dich auch vermisst, großer bär,” your voice wavered as you spoke [I missed you, too, big bear]. König gasped softly as his eyes widened. You squeaked when his grip tightened around your smaller body. His shocked expression quickly melted into a grin as he picked you up and spun you around.
“When did you learn that phrase, hm?” he chuckled before gently placing your feet on the floor and pressing his lips to the top of your head. You giggled as he smoothed his hands over your hips.
“I learned a bit of German while you were gone,” you replied with a small shrug. König's smile softened when you reached up on your tip toes and pecked the deep, prominent scar on his chin. A flicker of desire passed through his eyes as he rubbed his thumbs over your love handles.
“Wirklich?” he asked [Really?]. You smiled and nodded.
“Ja,” you giggled and kissed his chin again [Yes]. König chuckled deeply, his gaze becoming half-lidded as he dipped his head down. You smiled and closed your eyes as he pressed his hands against the small of your back while his lips gently met with yours. Warmth flooded you from head to toe as the two of you tenderly embraced, yours hands resting on his broad shoulders as he grunted.
Your husband sighed when he eventually pulled back, his pink lips glossed over with your combined spit. He smiled softly as he brushed his rough thumb along your bottom lip.
"I thought about you so, so much while I was gone," König sighed as his hand gently caressed your cheek. You sighed and cupped your hand over his own, taking in the many new scratches and bruises woven into the tapestry of his ivory skin. To anyone else, he would look broken...but to you, he was everything and more. König's brows furrowed as you sniffed.
"Maus, what's wrong?" your beloved cooed softly as he wiped your tears away with his calloused finger. You sighed and shook your head.
"I-I'm just happy you came back to me," you said with a solemn smile, the weight of the "what ifs" that came with his occupation weighing heavily on your aching heart. König gazed into your glossy eyes as he rubbed your back, resting his chin on top of your head.
"I'm here, (Y/N). I'm here," he murmured soothingly. You closed your eyes as you released a shaky breath, your shoulders relaxing as the two of you rested in the doorway. You eventually pulled back and smiled as you looked up, your husband brushing his fingers behind your ear as he reflected your grin.
“You look so cute in that little apron, Mäuschen,” your beloved smiled. You chuckled softly as the tips of your ears heated up.
“T-Thank you. I was just finishing up dinner: Schnitzel and Käsespätzle,” you murmured. A bright grin formed over his face as he closed the front door with his combat boot.
“Ah, you know how to spoil me, Schatz," he chuckled and pecked the top of your head. You beamed, your heart skipping a beat at his praise as you slipped your hand into his.
"Come on then, you must be starving," you cooed. König squeezed your hand as you began to lead him into the dining room. You turned to see an insatiable hunger glowing in his eyes.
"I am...but I'm afraid I'm hungry for something else right now,” your husband rumbled as his hand fiddled with the strings of your apron. Your eyes widened as your apron became looser, a spark of heat igniting deep within your core.
“O-Okay. I’d be happy to make something else for you,” you swallowed thickly before biting your lip. A mischievous glint flashed through König's blue eyes as he clicked his tongue.
“Now now, there's no need to play coy with me, Hase,” he rumbled lowly while gently pulling your apron over your head and tossing it aside [bunny]. You squirmed beneath his lustful gaze as he leaned closer to your ear.
“I might have you just give you a spanking for being so cheeky, you know,” König groaned as his hands snaked down your back and gave a delicious squeeze to your supple rear. You parted your lips as your body trembled with need. You leaned back and met his gaze as you played with his short, fiery locks at the back of his neck.
“Ich würde gerne sehen, wie du es versuchst,” you whispered lowly while tracing your hand down his chest [I’d like to see you try]. König’s brows shot up as he dug his fingertips into your clothed bum.
“Oh, würdest du?” he rumbled in a deep, husky voice [Oh, you would?]. You noticed the primal look in his eye as he readied himself like a panther about to pounce. You squealed as you ran into the living room, his long strides quickly catching up with you as he chuckled.
"Come now, Hase," he hummed as the two of you playfully danced around the coffee table. You moved your upper body back and forth. You giggled as you made a mad dash for the bedroom, your hulking husband effortlessly wrapping his thick arms around you and pulling you against his rugged body.
"Nice try," he clicked his tongue as he gave your chubby tummy a subtle squeeze. You wiggled against him, your ass mindlessly grinding against his semi-hard cock. Your husband groaned as he leaned down and gently nibbled on your ear, making you gasp and arch your back in his hold. König grunted at the sweet friction of your round bum against his stiffening cock, his lips slowly trailing from your ear to your cheek.
"(Y/N), bitte. I haven't felt you in so long," your beloved groaned as his hips bucked against your backside [please]. You whined and shifted your body as the heat within your core began to swell and spread through your entire being.
"Ich gehöre ganz dir, mein Liebe," you moaned breathlessly [I'm all yours, my love]. König rumbled deeply as he gently pushed you against the bed, your body folding over the edge of the mattress as his hands glided over every inch of your curvaceous sides. You squealed as König dipped his fingers below the band of your pants and panties, his hot breath cascading over your neck as he tugged them down.
"Oh mein gott," your love groaned as your bare ass jiggled when he shoved your pants all the way down to your knees [Oh my god]. You arched your back and wiggled your hips as your husband grunted behind you, his massive palms now cupping and squishing your asscheeks together.
"Same safeword as last time?" he whispered against your neck. You swallowed thickly and nodded, your heart racing faster the longer his hands remained on your luscious body.
"Y-Yes," you managed to breath out. You felt him smile over your pulse before he pressed his lips even harder against your neck. You moaned softly as one of his hands embraced your hip, the other lazily tracing shapes over the curve of your ass.
"Listen here, Hase. You're going to count each and every spanking I give you. If you mess up...well, there will be another punishment I'll give. Verstehst du?" your husband grunted as he smoothed his hand over one of your lower cheeks [Do you understand?]. You parted your lips and nodded, your hands gripping the sheets below you.
"J-Ja," you replied, your legs clenching with anticipation of the delicious mix of pain and pleasure. You moaned as König suddenly laid his flat palm against your bum, the sharp sting sending a wave of pleasure straight to your needy core. "O-One," you grunted. You gasped when König traced his fingertips over your spine before pinching your bum.
"Ah-ah, Liebling. Auf Deutsch," he clicked his tongue [In German]. You whined and squirmed against his hold.
"E-Eins," you sighed [One]. König chuckled lowly before laying another quick smack across your rear. You moaned as your walls clenched and fluttered, a dark mark starting to form over your bum. "Zwei," you panted as you felt your lower lips start to ooze with slick [Two].
"Gute Arbeit, Maus. Keep going," he urged you with another swat to your backside [Good job]. You keened each time his palm slapped against your skin, your pussy growing wetter as the pain slowly melted into a pleasure that pooled in your heat. You were white-knuckling the blankets by the time his palm slid away from your body, your ass throbbing with a dull sting.
"Sehr gut, mein kleine Frau," König grunted before gently brushing his fingers through your hair [Very good, my little wife]. You keened at his praise as he gently kissed your neck. Your eyes rolled back as you felt him suckle on your pulse, his rough, calloused hands gently spreading your asscheeks apart as he rutted his hips against your rear. You sighed and tilted your head back as he slowly pulled his head back, a string of spit connecting his lips to the fresh hickey adorning your neck.
"You know what I want now, more than anything?" he murmured huskily before slowly dragging his tongue along the dark mark on your skin. You shuddered and shook your head.
"W-What?" you whispered as your breath hitched. König chuckled deeply as he dipped his fingers lower. You gasped as he gently teased your lower lips with his fingertips, the tender rubbing making your clench your thighs around his hand. He tilted his head close to your ear again and nipped at it.
"I want you to ride my face, mein Schatz," he rasped into your ear as he pushed his fingertip against the slick rim of your entrance [my treasure]. Your throat grew tight as you squeezed your thighs together, his fingertips resting over your folds as he chuckled. "Does that sound good, Liebling?" König hummed lowly as he slowly rubbed his fingers across your labia. You swallowed the growing lump stuck in your throat as you nodded.
"B-But, I don't want to hurt you. You know how...big I am," you frowned and looked down at the mattress. Your husband chuckled before his hand cupped your mound.
"I'm not worried about that. In fact, I could suffocate between your thighs and die a happy man," he growled while swiping his thumb over your sensitive clit. Your jaw went slack as a searing wave of bliss rolled through your weeping cunt. Your husband sighed before gently kissing your temple. "Now...let's get out of these clothes," your love groaned before laying a soft, playful slap against your cunt. You mewled and slowly nodded your head, your chest rising and falling as König stepped back and rolled his shirt over his head. You tore your shirt and bra off and tossed them aside before climbing onto the bed, your husband still unbuckling his belt.
"Gespannt, nicht wahr?" König snickered as his pants dropped to the floor [Eager, aren't we?]. Your mouth watered as you saw the large bulge strain beneath the fabric of his dark briefs.
"V-Vielleicht," you replied while licking your lips [P-Perhaps]. Your beloved hummed softly as he tugged his underwear down his taut, muscular thighs. You released a quiet moan as his thick, heavy cock bobbed from the tight confines of his briefs, the weight of it causing it to droop closer to his knees. You bit your lip as his eyes trailed over your naked body, drinking in every roll and curve of your exposed form.
"Sie sind so schön," König rasped as he climbed into bed with you, his back flat against the sheets as his hands tugged your hips closer to his face [You're so beautiful]. Your heart fluttered at his words as your dripping heat hovered mere inches from his eager lips.
"Endlich," König groaned as he snaked his burly arms around your thick thighs [Finally]. Your eyes rolled back as he blew a puff of hot air against your lower lips, your legs shaking around his head as you lowered your hips. A loud instantly escaped from your mouth the second his warm lips touched your folds in a wet, sloppy kiss.
"O-Oh baby, mmm," you panted as you fully sank down, the tip of his nose tenderly brushing against your swollen clit. You mewled and shifted your hips as he tugged your labia between his teeth, your slick smearing along his lower face as he groaned. Your eyes widened as he slowly dragged his tongue along your slit, his hot breath fanning over your weeping sex.
"Oh mein gott, I've missed this," your husband's voice was muffled between your thick thighs as he traced his wet muscle between your folds [Oh my god]. You whined and gripped the headboard as you rolled your hips forward, creating a savory friction between your bodies. König squeezed your supple legs as he swiped his tongue back and forth across your sensitive heat, his throat bobbing beneath your folds as he guzzled down your juices.
"K-König, o-oh shit," you gasped. Your heart skipped a beat as the his rugged nose continued to gingerly rub your bundle of nerves as he swayed his head side to side. Your moans grew louder with every wet stroke of his tongue. Intoxicating pleasure swelled and bubbled through your pulsing core as you ground your hips against his warm mouth. You threw your head back as your love gently puckered his lips around your clit while flicking the tip of his tongue over the surface of your button.
"F-Fuck!" you groaned as your walls fluttered. König grunted, the sound reverberating deep within your sensitive heat as he suckled on your needy clit. Your hips began to rock even faster against his face, the bed creaking beneath your thrusts as he flattened his soft tongue over your engorged bundle of nerves. The muscles in your lower belly began to wind tighter and tighter as he enveloped his lips over your entire lower lips. The wet sounds of him sloppily making out with your gushing, hot pussy driving you deeper into a lustful frenzy.
Your eyes rolled back as you felt him dip his tongue inside of your puckering hole, your juices cascading down his chin and pooling around the bottom of his thick neck. His low, gutteral grunt sent shivers through your core as your body balanced on the edge of your release.
"K-König, Mmmm-fuck, I-I'm so close!" you keened as your hips wetly slapped against his face. Your husband dove his tongue even deeper inside your slick cavern as his fingers snuck around your hips. You gasped and arched your back as he rubbed slow, languid circles around your bundle of nerves while curling his agile muscle inside your tight heat.
"König!" you screamed as stars danced across your vision. Your hips bucked forward as your legs shook around his head, the muscles deep in your core violently clenching around König’s tongue. A thick, creamy ring of white formed around his pink muscle as your thighs tightly squeezed around his ears.
"Yes, yes," you panted as your warm slick painted his stubbly chin. You swallowed thickly before slowly blinking your eyes open, your head still spinning after your intense release as you caught your breath. Your body shivered as König loosened his grip around your thighs, allowing you to shakily raise your hips. Your jaw went slack when you saw how utterly soaked his lower face was.
"O-Oh my god!" you gasped, the tips of your ears burning as you scrambled off of your husband. His chest heaved as he gazed at the ceiling with a far-away look in his eyes. "Sweetheart? A-Are you okay?" you asked as you carefully cupped his face. You stroked his cheekbones with your thumbs before he suddenly snatched your wrists.
You squeaked when he quickly shot up and pinned you to the mattress, his wet lips finding yours with ease. Your cheeks filled with warmth as you tasted yourself on his tongue while he rubbed his clothed erection over your raw heat. You both panted for air when he eventually pulled back, his lips curved into a small grin.
"That was amazing, Mäuschen," König beamed as his large hand squeezed your wrists above your head. You couldn't help but let out a small giggle as you blushed.
"You were amazing," you murmured, your head still spinning with the bliss of your sweet release. Your husband chuckled softly before pecking your lips, his body gently rocking against yours as the two of you groaned. Your heart raced as you watched him dip his arm down the side of the bed. The metallic sound of his belt buckle clinking made your sex throb with insatiable need. A wave of goosebumps washed over your skin as you watched him gently tie the leather piece around your wrists, tugging on it until it was snug around your arms.
"How does that feel? Is it too tight?" he whispered, his lips just barely ghosting over the shell of your ear. You shook your head, the pulse between your legs growing more and more unbearable.
"N-No. It feels perfect," you murmured in reply. König nodded slowly before he kissed your forehead.
"Alright. Just remember: the safeword is always there if you need it," he rumbled while tracing his calloused fingers along your cheek. You smiled softly and nodded before watching as he wrapped one of his large hands around the base of his cock.
"Mein gott, I love seeing you like this," König groaned as he slowly began stroke himself. "All spread out...just for me," your love rumbled as he used his the other hand to spread your puffy, flushed folds apart.
You moaned as he gingerly massaged your clit with the pad of his thumb as he curled his fist around his throbbing dick. Your eyes lit up when you saw his bulbous tip was already weeping with heavy, translucent beads of salty precum. You bit your lip as he continued to trace slow circles around your bundle of nerves while guiding his tip to your oozing pussy lips.
"Are you ready for me, Schatz?" he murmured as he gently pressed his thumb against your delicate button. You swallowed thickly and nodded as your walls ached for the steady drag of his veiny shaft.
"Y-Yes, mein großer Bär," you moaned into his ear. Your beloved growled deeply before you felt the flush tip of his cock kiss your entrance. You tilted your head back and wrapped your ankles around the back of his knees as you felt his bulbous head part the tight rim of your slick entrance with a loud squelch.
"Ohhhh mein gott," König sucked in a sharp breath as he slowly slid inside your tight heat, his prominent veins caressing your warm, velvety walls. Your breath hitched as your pussy grew tighter with every inch he pushed into you, your wrists squirming in the snug grip of his belt.
"Y-You're just as tight as before - Scheiße, so gut," König breathed as he rubbed his calloused thumb back and forth over your sensitive clit [Shit, so good]. Both of you let out a soft gasp when he finally bottomed out, his heavy balls resting against your puffy slit. Your husband sighed deeply before he rested his forehead against yours, his cock twitching as it rested deep inside your snug cunt.
"F-Fuck, it's so much," you swallowed thickly as you could feel his dick throbbing against your plush cervix. You felt a ghost of a smile pressed against your lips as he sighed.
"I know, mein Schatz. Just take some deep breaths for me," König whispered tenderly as he slowly pulled his hips back. You moaned and dug your heels into the back of his thighs as he pushed back into your gummy walls, a trail of your slick gushing down your slit and painting the ruffled blanket below.
"Ohhh fuck," you panted as he kept flicking his thumb over your wet clit. König clenched his jaw as he locked eyes with you, your breasts bouncing each time his hips slapped against yours.
The bedframe began to creak and groan at his even rhythm, each drag of his cock leaving you breathless and desperate for your release. The slow, steady pace was driving you wild with need, your walls practically pulsing and aching for him to go faster. König stopped when you let out a small, quiet whine.
"(Y/N), what's wrong? Do you need to use the safe word?" he asked in a quiet, hushed voice. You shook your head quickly.
"N-No. König...please go faster. I-I don't want you to hold back," you mewled and arched your hips against his. Your husband parted his lips as he gazed into your eyes.
"A-Are you sure, (Y/N)?" he grunted, his ginger brows pinched together and lips curved into a frown. You nodded your head vigorously as you squirmed beneath him.
"Bitte, Liebling – hämmere mich in die Matratze," you pleaded with a high-pitched moan [Please, darling - pound me into the mattress]. Your eyes widened when he grabbed the back of your legs, a feral fire burning in his eyes as he shoved your legs up to your chest. You groaned as your puffy tummy poked out, your knees squished against your soft breasts as you gulped for air.
"K-König!" you squealed as he squeezed the back of your knees, his lips puckered over your pulse as he rapidly pounded into your cunt. Your pussy clenched around his girthy shaft as you released a wailing sob of bliss. He moaned as he suckled on your neck, the sound of skin wetly slapping against skin echoing inside your dark bedroom as the bed creaked even louder.
The tip of his cock brutally rocked against your g-spot as he frantically drove his dick into your velvety, oversensitive sex.
"S-Scheiße," König cursed between gritted teeth as he squeezed your legs. Your thick asscheeks began to clap with his rapid thrusting as the familiar tight knot began to form deep within the depths of your belly. Your moans and whimpers filled the room as he licked over the fresh hickey he decorated over your skin, his cock fervently splitting your sopping cunt wide open.
You panted heavily, your head spinning a the knot grew tighter and hotter. Your hands curled into fists as you strained against the belt, your eyes growing wide as you gasped.
"A-Ah! König!" you screamed as your hips snapped forward. Your lips parted into a perfect circle as your walls gripped his thick length in a vice. You sobbed as your cunt spasmed and contracted incessantly as your mind dissolved into ecstasy.
"M-Maus, oh mein gott," König sucked in a sharp breath as his thrusts began to stutter. Your head continued to spin with pleasure as he dug his nails deep into your skin.
"M-Mmm, s-so good, baby," you moaned as you felt his warm lips press against your neck, his breathing growing ragged as he inhaled your scent.
"(Y/N), God, I'm so close," König grunted against your goosebump-riddled skin as his swollen cock throbbed. The movement made a pulse of pleasure rush through your core, your body twitching with overstimulation as you moaned.
"P-Please, fill me up," you begged as you squeezed his dick with your gummy walls. A strangled moan flew from deep inside his throat as his hips moved impossibly faster.
"S-S-Scheiße, S-Scheiße," your love rasped before he slammed his taut hips down with one last, powerful thrust. His gutteral moan made your eyes nearly roll back as you felt him still against you.
"K-König," you murmured his name with a shiver as his cock painted your stretched out cunt with thick, sticky ropes of his seed. You mewled and panted as you felt his milky cum fill you to the brim, pearly drops of his release forming around the base of his cock and dripping down your slit.
König swallowed thickly as his breathing began to steady, his hands giving the back of your knees one last, gentle squeeze before he peppered your neck with kisses. You sighed and closed your eyes as his warm mouth danced across your skin, his hands now rubbing your hips in circles as he exhaled slowly.
"Are you feeling okay? Are you sore anywhere?" he mumbled against your pulse. You blinked your eyes open and smiled.
"N-No, I'm fine. Just a bit out of breath," you said with a quiet sigh. You felt him grin against your neck before he gently untied your wrists.
"Let's get you cleaned up, ja?" König cooed as he scooped you up into his burly arms.
You laid on the fresh, crisp bedsheets with your loving husband after taking a long bath together. Your ankle gently wrapped around his as you traced lazy shaped over his thick, muscular back. König sighed as he brushed some wet locks of your hair away from your plump cheek.
"Danke," he murmured with a yawn, his eyelids starting to flutter [Thank you]. You smiled softly and tilted your head.
"For what?" you whispered. König smiled and rested his hand against the side of your face.
"For taking such good care of me," he replied with a dreamy, half-lidded smile. You cooed softly and pecked his lips.
"You're welcome, König," you said with a calm, gentle smile. Your husband yawned again as he slowly closed his eyes.
"Süße Träume, mein kleiner Hase," König murmured before letting out a soft snore [Sweet dreams, my little rabbit]. You giggled quietly as you traced your thumb over the scar across his bottom lip.
"Schlaf gut, mein großer Bär," you whispered softly and laid a soft kiss to his temple [Sleep well, my big bear]. You sighed and closed your eyes, falling asleep in the safe haven of your beloved's arms.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthashadowriley @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobbsessed @8xbygirl @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @lyrasdrawer @mcmiracles @genma-support-group @rattybimbo @rinyukaa
Want to be a part of my taglist? Comment down below! (MUST BE 18 OR OLDER)
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ronance4everbrainrot · 2 months
Just one more hour before school is over and the holidays starts and Chloe can finally go back to her dorm and talk to Red. She had a surprise for red and she's been dying to tell her about. With all that time traveling stuff and the changes, it can get overwhelming sometimes most of the time, to not know which timeline is true and which is false. Since Ella and Bridget had stayed friends in this timeline, she'd known Red since childhood. Which is really cute but she can't help to feel sad knowing she doesn't have the memories of this timeline.
Which is why she has been looking through books for a solution for the memory problem. The Charmings aren't a magical family, so Chloe wasn't really keen on potions and spells. And while she was searching in the books, she came across something called "Memory Restoration". She wasn't sure if I'll work or if it does that they'll lose their other timeline's memories. That's why she has been hesitant about it and hasn't mentioned it to Red, not to get her hopes up and all.
Speaking of Red. She still has her distance with Bridget, even tho she very much changed and was more kind-hearted than cruel. But Chloe knows to some extent what the Queen of Hearts was like and she understands that Red needs time. But even with time and however many times Bridget showed she was kind and loving to her daughter, it may also never fully go away. The Trauma the tyrant caused has been done, it can't just be taken away by changing the past, creating a new timeline. It still happened.
Chloe was not paying attention as the Teacher was wishing them a nice holiday as the Bell scared Chloe out of her thoughts and made her jump up. As she jumped, she accidentally shoved her seat-neighbour's arm which caused them to pour too much of the ingredient into the small cauldron, as well as let the glass vile fall into it. As her classmate cursed and ducked down fearing the worst.
They were taught here in this potion class, to not let the glass vile fall into the cauldron/potion. Chloe never understood why, and also was confused that they never told them what would happen. Or maybe they did but she doesn't have the memory of it anymore. But she was pulled from her thoughts as there suddenly was a sound of a small explosion and Chloe was getting hit by the potion flying everywhere. She squeezed her eyes shut, her body clenching afraid of what will happen next.
After a while she opens her eyes slowly, the first thing she notices is her teacher, Mrs. White checking on her, she seemed relieved as she had asked the student what potion they were making and it wasn't anything harmful (which fortunately wasn't a surprise since this is Auradon. Why make a harmful potion, especially in class?). She looked around hoping no one else got hit by the potion, since it was her fault and she'd hate to be the cause of someone's discomfort when it's unwarranted Luckily everyone got away quick enough and Chloe finally let herself breathe. Mrs. White asked if she is okay or she feels weird. Chloe thought for a second and said "Alles okay, Frau Wittchen, und überraschenderweise fühl ich mich eigentlich ganz normal." Mrs White looked at her somewhat surprised and also a bit amused but she understood her "Chloe, you're speaking German. The potion was a language potion, well more like being able to understand and speak the language for a duration of time. But since something was changed in the formula, you can only talk in your native language. But it should wear off in one or two days"
Chloe's eyes grew wide "Was!? Wirklich je-" she pauses. Now noticing the words leaving her mouth not being English. "Ach schei-...benkleister" Chloe almost curses and Mrs White. Raises an eyebrow but she can't help but chuckle "Off you go know. If you have any negative symptoms or start to feel weird. Go to the nurses office" she walks back to her desk "Auf Wiedersehen und schöne Ferien" said Mrs. White in German. Chloe let out a short laugh "Danke. Ihnen auch" she sighs and walks out of the classroom after she packed her things.
When she was out of earshot she cursed
Part 2
Part 3
Ok this is it. I may write more. But not right now. I mean I definitely want her to
Also the teacher was Snow White and I'm German she's called Schneewittchen and Snow white is from Germany lol.
Also also the first time she's about to say shit she changed it to window glue? lol. It's like a kid friendly swear lol. Like wanting to say shit but changing it to shoot "sh-..oot"
Too lazy to translate the other stuff rn.
Ask nicely if I should write the translation at the end 😙✨ but you'll have to still wait
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daisygirlwrites · 1 year
TF 141 comforting you after a heartbreak (drabble + headcanons)
note: continuation of this fic but can be read on its own. No use of (Y/N)
pairings: Task Force 141 x fem!Reader (Platonic), König x fem!Reader
a/n: hey hey, i really enjoyed writing this and i hope you all enjoy reading this! thanks for your support <3
taglist: @bobfloydsgf , @warenai , @devilsfoodcake22 , @imalovernotahater , @cutiecusp , @allen-444
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They watched you with sad eyes. Even with your hood on and mask pulled up, they could see through you. For months, they knew about your relationship with König and honestly, they should have said something to you. But they would be lying if they said they didn’t go through the same thing at some point. This wasn’t a punishment or a lesson to you; it’s not selfish for wanting something happy and normal in the kind of life that they live. 
The task force came out on the tarmac to say their goodbyes to the KorTac team. Thankfully but painfully for you, it was short and sweet. You weren’t sure how long you could hold yourself together. König was the last one in line and the only one that you pulled down your mask for. Both of you gave each other a smile before going into a hug. At that point, you didn’t care and you held onto him tight. His hands quickly find themselves on the small of your back and your waist. König closes his eyes, taking in your scent. But after a few seconds, you had to let go. 
“Ich liebe dich,” he said quietly as he pulled away. 
“Ich liebe dich auch,” you whisper back. 
The team watched the plane start up. And as it rises, they begin to walk towards the buildings but you remain in the same position. As the aircraft got smaller as it went farther away, you felt your heart sink, the stabbing pain feeling too much to ignore. You finally broke. 
Before he entered the building, Soap looked over his shoulder. He only sees your back but he watches your shoulders tremble. Without a second thought, he starts walking back towards you. However, it was Ghost that pulled him back. 
“Let’s give her some time,” he says. The team takes one last glance at you before heading inside.
The first person that talks to you about it after a few days. You get called into his office, thinking not much of it. You greeted him with a small smile but he sees how exhausted you are. Price thinks carefully of his next words, not wanting to make you more upset or uncomfortable. 
You don’t make eye contact with him at first, knowing that seeing his worried expression would make you break down. But eventually, you do tell him. You kept it vague, not wanting to take the risk. However, when Price tells you a story of his younger days on the field, you finally spill the whole thing.
It was painful to recount memories, causing you to start crying. 
He gives the best hugs. And he holds you tight, letting you sob on him. He gently pats your back, muttering, “It’ll be okay, love.”
Once you’ve calmed down, he’d either get you some water or tea. 
“Am I in trouble?” You ask him in between sniffles.  “No, love. I won’t report on this,” he informs you. “If you get punished, I should have been punished years ago.”
He continues to give you advice, talking about his past and the lessons he’s learned about relationships.
“Sometimes things work out and sometimes it doesn’t, that's just life.”
Price gives you one more hug, quietly telling you that he’s always there for you.
It was a few days after your talk with Price, you only came out of your room every once in a while with the exceptions of missions and training. Oh, and picking up the guys when they went out to drink. 
It was like the first few months of you joining the team; you didn’t talk as much and even when you smile at the boys, they can see a hint of sadness in your eyes.
You hear a knock on the door one night and you open to see Gaz and a set of keys in his hand. “I was told to go on a supply run, wanna come with?” He asks you. 
Kyle knows you well enough that you wouldn’t say no to helping someone out, especially if it’s your team. He did feel a little bad though, it looked like you haven’t been sleeping well. But you went with him anyway.
As you double check the list, you almost missed Gaz walking through the ice cream aisle. Catching up with him, he turns around, holding your favorite flavor. 
You chuckled, “That’s not on the list.” “Come on, my treat?” “Now how can I say no to that?”
Gaz convinced you into a movie night, letting you pick. But neither of you were really paying attention, opting for a conversation instead
“Was it really that obvious?” You ask him “Honestly, yeah,” he looks back at you, “Both of you are surprisingly easy to read but what really confirmed it for us is when you two stayed back here the other night”  Gaz takes another spoonful of his ice cream before speaking again, “Hard to hide love, I guess.”
You kind of feel lighter. The not so secret is out and you can properly talk about it without the risk of getting in trouble. Gaz would ask questions and you'd answer. It was a relief
You couldn't help but tear up, recounting your memories with König, but Gaz was there to support you. Giving you the tissue box and seeing if you want to continue talking. He'd offer you advice but most importantly, he's the shoulder you can lean on.
First and foremost, he gives you a great bear hug, the kind that slightly lifts you up from the ground
Like Gaz, he’d get you something sweet. Probably your favorite kind of chocolate or pastries. That’s how he helped his sisters through their breakups
Technically, what you’re going through isn’t really a breakup but Johnny knows heartbreak when he sees one
Like everyone else on the team, he lets you talk. He’s happy that you’re letting him in though hearing your voice crack a few times hurts him just a tiny bit. 
By the end of you venting, again, you were nearly in tears but you were trying to hold it together. 
Soap sees this, he knows enough that by letting go, you’ll feel better. So, he encourages you to cry. 
“I’m tired of crying and honestly, I look ugly doing it,” you huffed, hands coming up to cover your face. “Oh pish posh! Everyone looks ugly when they cry!” Johnny exclaims. “Plus, it’s better to let things out than in, like a fart.”
You look up at him, giving him a bewildered look as he smiles like an idiot. It was silent for a moment, but it was broken with your sudden laughter.
He hated seeing how miserable you were and the fact that he made you smile, hell, laugh out loud, it was like a weight being lifted from his shoulders.
You didn’t cry that night and you saw it as a good thing. Before he leaves, you thank him.
“Nothing heals better than time and laughing,” Johnny tells you and he gives you one more hug
After hearing the rest of the guys helping you and giving you support, he doesn’t see the need for him to come up to you. Like, what else can he say or do that the others already have?
Dude just gave you a pat on the head and walked away, leaving you a bit confused
But in all honesty, Ghost feels guilty. He clearly remembers that night, encouraging you to go after the Austrian. He thought you two were just going to hook up (hell, he even bet 50 pounds on it) but he didn’t expect for you guys to develop a relationship
Your mood doesn’t affect missions. Though, he hated how you were quiet again outside of the field. It was like a reminder of how he treated you during your first few months when you joined the team and now, in a way, it was his fault again. 
Neither of you bring it up during training or when you go out with the boys. Seeing how long it took for you to turn back to “normal”, if he said something about it, your progress would be ruined
But even when you feel like you’re getting better, there are just some days that are difficult
The team had a day off and Ghost wanted to throw knives, knowing that activity helped you guys have a proper conversation. Yet, he can’t find you in your normal spots
After asking around, he makes his way up to the rooftop. You had your hoodie on and a cigarette between your fingers. You mentioned to him that you quit smoking back in college but you had one every once in a while to relieve stress. This is the first that he’s seen
Forgetting about the plans for knife throwing, he joins you instead. It was a comfortable silence between you two and honestly, you preferred it that way. 
Eventually, he spoke up:
“I’m sorry,” he starts. You glanced at him from the side, giving him a puzzled look, “What for?” “Pushing you to him.”  You chuckled, “You’re very silly to say that.” It was his turn to look at you, staying quiet, waiting for you to explain. “You opened the door, I walked through it.” You turn around, back leaning against the railing. “It was my choice and I’m dealing the consequences,” you continued on “Still, should have stopped you,” he responded “Why didn’t you?” “Because you looked happy.”
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namleeea · 2 years
first love
...begins with a glass of water
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Fem!reader
Sumary: You are Dec’s sister, so you and Mason know each other from an early age, but for some reason you didn't get along, and any conversation always ended in each other's tingling. Moreover, you were in love with Mason for a whole bunch of years and you are sure that this is not mutual.
Word count: 2,3K
Author's note: soo, english is not my native language and i'm definitely not a pro, so there might be some mistakes here, please don't be too strict. my first fic! hope you enjoy it:3
Warning: A little silly Mason, but he is fine, i swear!
The morning started with screams coming from the kitchen. You jumped up on the bed from the loud, heart-rending roar of your brother and quietly swore, even in your sleepy head realizing right away: if it’s noisy at home, then someone decided to visit again.
You stretched on the bed and slowly slid off of it, moving down the stairs and hearing the voices get closer with each step.
Damn boys, do they have to be so loud and rabid? Because you can't understand why your brother and his best friend started a fight over a sandwich at 9 goddamn in the morning in the kitchen of your house.
“Yes, and good morning to you” You said sarcastically, attracting guys attention. Declan finally gave Mason a sandwich and smiled at you.
“You are awake, sis” He said softly. “But, as I see it, not in the best mood. And oh my god, what's on your head?” He chuckled, drawing Mason's attention to the mess on your head. You didn't care too much about how you looked, so you just snorted in displeasure at your brother's statement and sat down at the table, making yourself some cereal with milk.
“Good morning, Rice Jr” You looked up at Mason, feeling how your heart sank from his treatment. “How did you sleep?”
“Wonderful! But the awakening was too...loud, if you know what I mean” Mount covered his mouth with his hand in mock surprise and shook his head. You rolled your eyes and continued to eat, ignoring him, which was actually quite difficult.
“Shouldn't you be at school now?” Mockingly drawled Mason, grinning from your displeased look. Of course he knew that you had already graduated, he just liked teasing you too much. The difference of two years caused constant jokes on his part throughout the years that you were acquainted.
“So funny, Mount. Shouldn't you be in training now?”
“I have a week off” You chuckled sadly and shook your head. “This is very bad, your bones must be rusting by this time”.
“C'mon guys stop it” Dec appeared in the room, dressed and ready to go.
“Where are you going?”
“Affairs of adults” And as soon as Mason said it, he immediately got a kick in the ass from your brother.
“Stop bullying my sister. We are going to meet with the guys from England team” Declan said, grabbing his keys from the nightstand. You fidgeted in your chair.
“Will you come in the evening? Maybe ... by 9 o'clock?”
Your brother furrowed his brows and asked “And what did you want?”
“I'm going to a party tonight. Will you drop me off?” You felt how Mason's gaze darted towards you. And when your brother agreed, he widened his eyes in surprise. “You were going to drink today”.
“Oh yes...that's right. Well, Mase would drop you off”
“Oh yea really?” Obviously Mount was unhappy that his opinion was not even asked.
“Yes, why not?” Threw Dec and moved to the door. Mason followed him, grumbling: “Man, what a party? She’s too small!”
“C’mon Mase”
“Yes Mase, just shut up!” You yelled at his back before the door closed.
You don't remember exactly when it all started. it’s impossible to say for sure whether it was when you first saw Mason at your brother’s games, or a little later, when Mason first came to your house for playing with Dec and asked you for a glass of water. Maybe when you turned 14 and he was 16, you suddenly realized that he is no longer the same Mase that just kicks the ball in the backyard of your house with your brother, now he is a very handsome boy with muscles and a low voice, who, unfortunately, will never look at you as a girl, no matter if you are 14 or 22. You will always be Rice Jr, who he likes to tease so much.
At least you thought so.
Today you wanted to be extra beautiful, especially when you understood that Mason would drop you off, and you wanted to impress him so badly, even if you knew that you were not attract him as a girl. Anyway, you are a young, smart, beautiful and funny girl who is going to a party today, you are doing great, you are going to have fun and stop thinking about Mount.
You put on a lilac mini dress with a corset top and made light curls. The natural ‘clean’ make-up with emphasis on the lips, and yes you are ready and look stunning.
Hearing the door slam, you went downstairs.
“Y/n!” Declan called you.
“I'm coming!” As soon as you appeared on the stairs, you heard a loud cry from your brother. “Damn, sis! You look great!”
“Thank u, Dec” You smiled at him and finally found Mason standing at the door with eyes on you. Was he…surprised, impressed? You weren't sure how to accurately describe that look, but you definitely loved the way it burned through your eyes. It took Mason a few more seconds to take his eyes off you and turn to the door.  
“Let's go”
You meekly followed him to the car and, after thinking for a while, decided to sit in front. Mason started the car, asked for the address, and you drove away from the house. For the first few minutes such awkwardness reigned in the air that you even had time to regret that you had agreed to this venture.
“So, you... you look good. Beautiful”, muttered embarrassed Mount, without taking his eyes off the road. You bit the inside of your cheek so as not to smile and show how glad you really were for his compliment, and just quietly thanked him.
You quickly reached the right place. You got out of the car, about to say goodbye to Mason, but he came after you.
“What's wrong?”
“It’s just” You frowned in confusion. “I’ll just walk with you, see what kind of place this is, if there are any adults here” An annoyed groan escaped your mouth. You waved your hands dismissively and turned around, quickly leaving.
“I'm not a fucking kid, you jerk!” Your rude words had no effect on him, so he followed you, but before you even reached the door, you were called out.
“Y/n, darling!” You turned around and saw who it was. “You're looking like a dream” It was your good friend Eric who invited you to the party. You smiled broadly and hugged him tightly. “I'm glad you're here. Shall we go inside?”
“Yes, sure!”
“Wow guys, wait. Y/n, who is this?” Yes… you forgot one small detail: Mason was still standing behind. “My friend Eric. I'll be with him all evening, so you can safely go home, nanny” You muttered mockingly, making Mason grin.
“Hey man. Don't worry, I'll take care of Y/n”, kindly said Eric, holding out his hand. Mason shook it, squeezing a little more than necessary, and threw a displeased look at you. “Oh, I'm sure you will”.
“Yes, so you can go”, You said firmly, still a little angry at Mount for the way he treats you. He pursed his lips and raised his hands in a resigned gesture.
“Yea…you're not a kid anymore, right?” And he left, leaving you with head-eating thoughts for the rest of the party. Is he actually was…jealous?
The next morning was the same chaos, but now not because of extraneous sounds, but from a hangover, accompanied by a headache and dryness in the throat. You groaned in doom, when you realized that the glass of water and the magic pill were not on the nightstand, so you had to get out of bed and go downstairs to to bring yourself to your senses.
After two hours, you definitely felt better: you managed to go to the shower, dry your hair and change into sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt. It was quiet at home, Declan was in training until the evening, so you decided to sit in the living room with a laptop and study.
The insistent call at the door finally reached you through the music of your headphones, and you hurriedly got up from your seat. “I'm coming!” You ran to the door and opened it without even looking through the peephole, so you were quite obviously surprised when you saw Mason outside the door.
“Hey” He greeted uncertainly. “Um…hi. Dec is not here”.
“Yes, I know. Can i come in?” You nodded briefly and let him pass, still not fully understanding what Mount was doing here. “Tea, coffee?”
“Coffee please” Mason sat at the table, watching you start preparing coffee for you two. “So…how was the party?”
“Good, I had fun”
“Yea, with that guy, I think” You looked at him strangely, realizing that he was talking about Eric.
“What do you mean?”
“Well...you looked like you were pretty close” Your cheeks blushed as you realized he was trying to find out if you were dating Eric. “Um…we are definitely just friends. One hundred percent”.
“Oh…cool. I mean, got it”. You put two cups of coffee on the table and sat across from him. “So why are you here?”
“Why not?”
“Don't think, I'm not kicking you out” You chuckled, taking a big sip of coffee. “It just looks like you came to see me”. Of course, you just teased him, expecting a reciprocal mockery in response, as it usually happened, but it did not follow.
“Y/n” He got your attention by saying your name with a voice full of both excitement and complete confidence: “M?”
“Let's go on a date” You choked on your coffee, coughing loudly. Mason gave you a napkin and waited for you to calm down. “Mount, for God's sake, what are you doing?” You muttered dissatisfied, hiding your face in napkins.
“Invite you on a date” He answered casually. Your cheeks burn. “It's not funny” You said, pushing your coffee mug away. Mason smiled tenderly and leaned towards you, leaving critically little distance between you.
“Why not? I’m cool, you’re cool. Cool people have to stick together” Seeing your distrustful gaze he became more serious. “Y/n I'm not kidding. I like you. Like…most of my fucking life. All the time that I've known you”
“You always treated me like a kid. How the hell was I supposed to know that you like me?” You muttered, feeling your palms sweat. His brown eyes shimmer in the light, and you almost go crazy with his beauty.
“I'm sorry. I'm the biggest jerk on the planet, I know. I just... I was so scared to admit that I like my friend’s little sister. I was constantly haunted by the feeling that this was wrong, that I was betraying Dec and all that shit. But you've always been more to me than Rice Jr. You were always reminding me that sunny girl with crooked teeth who gave me a glass of water the day I first arrived at your house”. A soft chuckle escapes your mouth, making him smile wide. “You always shone for me brighter than all others, Y/n. And yesterday, when I saw you with that guy, I was like ‘Oh shit, I'm such a dumbass, how can I miss her? She is literally the love of my life’ ” You shyly hide your face in your hands and feel a happy squeak stuck inside.
Is it all real? Is this Mason Mount now sitting in your kitchen and confessing his love to you? The same Mount you've been in love with for a whole bunch of years?
“Stop it or I'll cry now” You admitted without raising your face. Mason walked around the table and pulled your hands to him to see watery eyes and a happy smile. He pushed your noses together and giggled along with you. “I'm happy” Your whisper gave him goosebumps.
“Me too. And you would know how much I want to kiss you” You turned away in embarrassment, trying to avoid his gaze. “Mason!”
“You would only know... seriously, you wouldn't believe that someone could want something so badly”.
You reached out to him, tremblingly waiting for his actions. His eyes lit up as he realized you wanted that kiss as much as he did. “Hey sis!” Declan's voice made you jump away from each other. You awkwardly rubbed your neck and turned away from Mason when your brother entered the kitchen. “Oh man, what are you doing here?”
“Hey! Um…I came to settle some business” Mason muttered, looking askance at you. “Settle some business? With my sister?”
“Yeah” Declan looked at you in bewilderment.
“Uhm, I just left the bracelet in his car. Mason came to return it” Your brother looked at the two of you in disbelief and headed upstairs to change after training. “Bracelet?”
“What else was I supposed to say?” You asked, mirroring his smile. Mount gently touched your hand, causing your heart to melt.
“Then... what about our date? Maybe Sunday night? We could go somewhere and all that”
“Cinema is the best option,” Declan said casually, back in the kitchen. You screamed in fright and jumped away from Mason. “Dec, what the hell!”
“What? Everyone goes to the cinema on a first date” He stole an apple from the table and disappeared upstairs again, leaving you gazing at each other, uncomprehendingly, until you were infected with laughter again. “So cinema”
“Yes, I like this idea” Mason said smiling. You nodded and squeezed his hand slightly in yours, still in mild shock. Mount, doubtful, froze for a split second, but nevertheless decided and left a light kiss on your cheek.
“See you soon, beautiful. I'll text you and pick you up” He went to the door, saying goodbye. “See you soon” You replied with a wide smile, squeaking happily as the door closed behind him. “Be careful, sister, don’t die of happiness, I still have to go out to your wedding!” Your brother shouts from the 2nd floor.
“Declan, for God's sake!”
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broomballkraken · 6 months
Title: Chicken Chaser
Fandom: Unicorn Overlord
Pairing(s): Auch/Rolf
Word count: 1928
Warnings: None
Summary: After turning himself into a chicken with no idea how to turn back, Auch runs off in a panic. Rolf gives chase, hoping to catch the distressed sorcerer before he ends up as the main course of tonight’s dinner.
“Auch, wait! That’s where Chloe is preparing dinner!”
Rolf’s shout of warning fell on deaf ears as Auch, stuck in chicken form, shot off in a panic, and the young hunter cursed under his breath as he quickly gave chase. This was certainly a first for him, chasing after his ‘prey’ in order to save it from slaughter. He certainly didn’t want their resident sorcerer to end up on the chopping block, even if he had been acting like a prick before turning himself into a chicken.
Ignoring the confused shouts of his fellow Liberation members as he sprinted by them, Rolf reached the kitchens, his face going pale when he heard Auch let out a loud series of bawks. Rolf made haste and rushed inside, finding the chicken-sorcerer pinned to the table by Chloe, who had a rather large meat cleaver raised over her head.
“Chloe, wait!”
Without a second thought, Rolf launched himself onto the table, arms outstretched, and he snatched up the squawking Auch. Chloe brought down the cleaver a second later, the blade coming just shy of slicing the tip of Rolf’s nose clean off.
“What the hell, Rolf!?!” Chloe screeched as she jumped backwards and her arms shot straight up, sending the cleaver flying behind her and clattering to the floor. Rolf stood up, shaking his head as he tried to catch his breath while keeping a firm hold on the struggling Auch in his arms.
“Auch…This chicken…is Auch…” Rolf gasped, and he hugged the distressed sorcerer tighter to his chest when he felt him start trembling violently. He ran his hands gently over his feathers and whispered, “It’s okay. You’re alright, Auch.”
That seemed to settle him down a bit, and Auch let out a weak cluck and buried his head into the crook of Rolf’s elbow as he explained the situation to a perplexed Chloe.
“Ah! I’m so sorry, Auch!” Chloe lifted a hesitant hand, before gently brushing it over his feathers. “But…wow, you really did turn yourself into a chicken! That’s some awesome magic!”
Auch pulled his head away from Rolf and let out a bawk as his feathers puffed up. Rolf rolled his eyes; he could practically feel the smugness radiating off of him. Letting out a tired sigh, Rolf shook his head as he turned back to Chloe.
“Do you know where Yahna is? She might know how to change him back.”
“Yeah, I think she said something about meditating by the lake.”
“Thanks. C’mon then.” Rolf tucked Auch under his arm and made to leave, casting a glance over his shoulder when he heard Chloe giggle.
“See you later, Chicken Chaser!” she said, winking as she gave him a small wave before walking over to retrieve her fallen cleaver.
“...That nickname better not leave this kitchen,” Rolf grumbled, dragging his free hand down his face as he left the room, and Chloe’s laughter, behind.
“Alright, let’s find Yahna and get you out of this mess,” Rolf said to Auch, who clucked in response and pecked at his arm.
“Ugh, knock it off!” Rolf’s eyes narrowed as he tried his best to fend off Auch’s assault while also keeping a firm grip on him, and he quickened his pace. “She’s the only one that can help you, so you’ll just have to deal with her scolding or teasing or whatever you’ve got coming.”
Auch’s pecking continued, to Rolf’s incredible annoyance, but luckily for him it didn’t take long to find the elder witch, and Rolf was quick to explain the situation to her.
“Oh Auch, you silly boy,” Yahna said, letting out a deep sigh as she placed a hand on her hip, “If you wanted to learn about shape-shifting, you should have come to me in the first place. You would never have gotten into this mess with my expert guidance.”
Despite his animated protesting on the way here, Auch deflated in Rolf’s arms at her scolding, and Rolf almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
“Can you change him back?”
Yahna tapped the end of her staff on the ground and nodded. “Of course I can. Hold him still, Rolf. This will only hurt a little bit.”
Auch bawked vehemently at that, and Rolf had to concentrate to keep hold of him as he struggled and puffed out his feathers. Yahna let out a rather dark chuckle that made the hairs on the back of Rolf’s neck stand on end, before lifting her staff and muttering under her breath.
Suddenly, the chicken in Rolf’s arms was replaced by Auch. The former was not prepared for the weight difference, and they both were sent to the ground in a heap. Rolf landed on his back in a daze, and the wind was knocked out of him when Auch fell on top of him.
Rolf gripped Auch’s upper arms to steady the disoriented sorcerer, whose head lobbed forward, giving Rolf an up-close-and-personal view of his striking hazel eyes. Auch’s breaths were short and shallow, and Rolf felt the warmth of each one against his cheeks, which made his eyes go wide and heart start to inexplicably race.
Auch’s face was close…very close…way too close.
“Get off me-” Rolf started as he pushed against Auch’s arms, but he was cut off when he was hit in the face by the feathers that the sorcerer started coughing up. He blinked as Auch finally rolled off of him and ended up kneeling on the ground as more feathers spewed from his mouth.
“Oh dear, you really managed to miscast this spell,” Yahna said, shaking her head as she tapped her staff against the back of Auch’s head a few times, “I don’t think I’ve seen this particular side effect before.”
“You can fix it though, right?” Rolf asked, and Yahna barked out a laugh.
“Oh, of course I can…as long as he promises to come to me next time before trying out a new shape-shifting spell.” Yahna poked Auch’s back this time, and he groaned as he coughed up a few more feathers.
“How…degrading…” he managed to squeak out, and Rolf ran a hand through his hair and shrugged.
“Well, I need to go help Chloe with dinner. Good luck.”
Rolf paused when he turned to leave, and he decided to give Auch a gentle pat on the back before he left the bizarre spectacle behind, and he couldn’t help but wonder if this was some really messed up dream that he was having.
Dinner came and went, with Auch’s shape-shifting debacle being the hot topic of conversation, and when the sun had set and most of the other Liberation members had retired for the night, Rolf found himself enjoying some peace and quiet alone by one of the campfires.
“Ah, hello Rolf.”
Raising an eyebrow, Rolf looked up to find Auch standing across the fire, his gaze locked at the ground as he shifted back and forth on his feet. Rolf was glad to see that he was back to normal, but he was curious as to why he was here.
“Evening, Auch. Did Yahna manage to fix you up?”
“Yes…but I fear that I will never recover from the scolding that she gave me afterwards.” Auch visibly shuddered, causing Rolf to chuckle, and his gaze wandered to the log that Rolf sat on. “May I…join you?”
Auch took a seat and they sat together in silence. Rolf cast a sidelong glance at him; the sorcerer had his elbows propped up on his thighs and his chin was resting in his hands as he stared at the dancing flames with a dejected look in his eyes. His shoulders were slumped, and he let out a deep sigh every so often, causing Rolf’s brow to furrow with confusion.
Rolf didn’t get Auch. One minute, he would be turning up his nose at someone suggesting that he do something that was beneath someone of his skill, only to turn around and berate himself in the next breath for being a failure and not living up to his mother’s expectations. Right now, he was acting like a wet dog without a bone, which made Rolf want to come up with a way to get Auch to pull that stick out of his ass. Maybe Mordon could help him get his hands on some strong liquor when they reached the next town…
“Um, Rolf?”
Auch lifted a hand to his face and cleared his throat, and Rolf swore that he saw a light blush settle upon his cheeks. “I wanted to thank you for saving my life…and I also wanted to apologize for insulting you earlier. I took my frustration at my own inadequacy out on you, and that was unfair of me.”
Rolf’s lips set into a line as he poked at the fire; there was that piss-annoying self-loathing of his again. He resisted the urge to tell Auch off, as he did appreciate this completely unexpected apology.
“It’s fine, and you don’t need to thank me, really. I wasn’t going to just leave you like that.”
Glancing back at Auch, Rolf was given pause at the intensity of his gaze. His eyes narrowed when Auch let out a frustrated sigh and wrapped his arms around himself.
“I mean it, Rolf. If you hadn’t been there, I would have ended up on the dinner table tonight. This whole ordeal would not have happened if I could only live up to my mother’s expectations-”
Rolf couldn’t hold his tongue this time, and he cut him off sharply. “Auch, you’ve gotta cut that self-deprecating shit out.” He paused and watched as Auch’s mouth slowly closed while his gaze drifted to the ground.
“I wasn’t bullshitting when I said that you’re an accomplished sorcerer, and I really wish that you could see what I do when I look at you.”
“Rolf…” Auch’s voice was soft, and he hummed with contemplation before standing up and turning to leave. Rolf rolled his eyes and huffed as he poked at the fire, but he froze when Auch continued speaking:
“I…almost believe it when you say it, so…maybe someday your wish will come true.” Auch glanced over his shoulder, and Rolf’s eyes went wide when the sorcerer gifted him with one hell of a smile.
“Goodnight, Rolf.”
“G-G’night…” Rolf barely managed to push the words out past the lump that had formed in his throat, and he stared at the spot where Auch disappeared into the darkness, long after he had left the light of the campfire behind.
What…the hell was that about? Rolf pursed his lips as a weird pit formed deep in his gut. That smile…he didn’t think he had ever seen Auch smile like that at anyone before, and it was something else. The way that his eyes lit up as bright as his beautiful blond hair, and the genuine happiness that was displayed plain as day on his face made him look quite handsome-
Rolf cringed, the direction of his thoughts making him physically recoil, and he was sent toppling backwards off of the log and onto his back. His brow furrowed as he stared up at the star-filled sky, trying to focus on how beautiful it was and nothing else. Alas, it was all in vain, for one thing and one thing alone was at the forefront of his mind: that prickly sorcerer’s damn beautiful smile, and that caused a not-so-subtle warmth to blossom within Rolf’s chest.
“Oh hell no…”
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lexiklecksi · 2 years
Find the word (tag game)
Thank you so much for tagging me @captain-kraken to find the words hope, dark, eye, love, and smile. I've translated the words into German to search my wip and then translated my sentences to English, but I'll include both versions for the bilinguals out here because I am afraid the translation doesn't do my original sentences justice.
Hope/ Hoffnung:
Wie Ihnen alles genommen wird, so wie sie alles verloren hat. Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung. Ihre Familien werden beten, doch die Götter werden sie nicht erhören.
Everything will be taken from them, just as she has lost everything. Faith, love, hope. Their families will pray, but the gods will not hear them.
Dark/ dunkel:
Ich werde wieder durch die Luft geschleudert und blicke überrascht auf ein Augenpaar, so dunkel glänzend wie ein Käferpanzer, mit einem Schlitz und eine tiefe Furche in ihrer hohen Stirn.
I am flung through the air again and look up surprised at a pair of dark eyes, shining like a beetle's shell, with a slit and a deep furrow in their high forehead.
Eye/ Auge:
Keuchend spuckte das Geschöpf des Himmels Wasser aus und öffnete zum ersten Mal die Augen. Fasziniert beobachtete ich, wie die lederne Haut ihrer Lider in den Augenhöhlen verschwand. Eine kleine orange Flamme leuchtete um den schwarzen Schlitz ihrer Augen auf.
Gasping, the creature of the sky spat out water and opened her eyes for the first time. Fascinated, I watched the leathery skin of her eyelids disappear into their sockets. A small orange flame lit up around the black slit of her eyes.
Love/ Liebe: (also meaning dear in German)
Liebe Lissi, ich habe mich heute Nacht dazu entschlossen, fortzufliegen und mir anderswo ein neues Leben aufzubauen. Ich werde zurückkommen und dich da rausholen, versprochen! Bleib mutig und halte gut durch. Alles Liebe, deine Enni.
Dear Lissi, tonight I decided to fly away and build a new life for myself somewhere else. I will come back and get you out of there, I promise! Stay brave and hang in there. All my love, yours, Enni.
Oh weh, ein hungriges Mädchen! Die Ärmste! Was steh ich noch hier rum? Na dann sind sie goldrichtig gelandet, meine Liebe!
Oh dear, a hungry girl! Poor thing! Why am I still standing here? Well, you've come to the right place, my dear!
Verneige dich vor unserer Königin Yoni, unserer geschätzten Herrscherin und angebeteten Göttin der Lust und der Liebe. Sprich nur nach Aufforderung, Eindringling.
Bow down before our Queen Yoni, our esteemed ruler and adored goddess of lust and love. Speak only when spoken to, intruder.
Smile/ Lächeln:
Er lächelt und für einen kurzen Augenblick werden seine markanten Gesichtszüge weich. "Sofern du mich nicht am lebendigen Leibe verbrennst, meinst du wohl." Nun schleicht sich auch ein kleines Lächeln auf meine Lippen. "Na dann: Lass uns weitergehen!"
He smiles and for a brief moment his striking features soften. "Unless you burn me alive, I suppose you mean." Now a small smile creeps onto my lips as well. "Well then: let's keep walking!"
Find the 5 words crazy, flower, comfort, accusation and deprivation.
I'm tagging everyone who has previously tagged me in "find the word" tag games I never got around to post. This is my way to say thanks for tagging me and sorry for not posting. @mjjune @theramwrites @novel-emma @elizaellwrites @leebrontide @sparrowhawk-rose @sunset-a-story
I'm also tagging my fellow @writeblrcafe friends: @charlies-storybook @mkmoondust @betweenthetimeandsound @naiyawrites @lilymelancholy04
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writingredrose · 4 months
love in the form of thorns | malleus x reader
summary : in the late night, inside NRC, you are assaulted by a few students. Having no other options, you summon your trusted fae in hopes of him giving you a hand.
warnings : a slight mention of blood and injuries
fic type : fluff and a bit of angst maybe?
a / n : I saw a comic like this yesterday and it inspired me to write this short story after it. Credit to the artist bun0286 on Twitter for the original story. I just wanted to write this in a bigger story because I really like the plot! Please don't harass me :') ; Hi. Yes, it's me. I'm back. After months :')
Tumblr media
Rushed footsteps could be heard outside the Night Raven Collage in the dead of night.“You can't run too far human!„ A voice said from behind. You never guessed people were awake at this our, hell, you didn't expect to be assaulted by them either! What was their problem anyway? You just wanted more snacks from the school's kitchen.
Shit. A dead end, great. You thought as you walked around the corner just as one of the three boys behind you swung his pen for a spell. “Stop running will you?„ “Hey you guys listen. Don't you know battling without permission is forbi- Ack!..Auch..„ Just when you almost reached the end of the road you tripped on a rock, causing you to fall flat on your chest. “Really now, how is this fair? A human like you being in this school? You can't even use magic! The headmage must've been quite stupid to let someone like you in this school„ Shooting another beam of magic, you've barely avoided it, the impact of it made a slightly deep cut on your cheek. “You're little cat isn't here to help you anymore, what are you gonna do without him? Heh. You're weak. You have no place here. And you'll never will„
Turning on your back to get up, you ran your hands on the newly formed cut. Man, can this situation get any worse? As you looked at the blood dripping from the finger slowly down your palm, you noticed it. The gift, the blessings, from your dear fae, Malleus Draconia. Ah, I guess there's no way around it huh?
* — a week ago — *
It was after hours. You've been called in the halls of the school hidden from the teacher's eyes by the one and only Malleus Draconia. I wonder why he would invite me here out of all places? Why not speak outside of Ramshackle? As you advanced in the halls you suddenly heard a silent voice. “Child of man„ “Ah Malleus! You scared me„ “Heh, my apologies, I didn't mean to startle you„ “Is uhm.. Is there a reason to why you called me here? „ “Quite. Can you give me your hand?„ “My hand? Sure..here!„ Putting your hand in his, you watched him closely to see what he was planning on doing. He silently took your hand and slowly, he kissed your hand slightly biting your index finger. “M-Malleus! What're you doing?!?„ “Fufu, your reactions are adorable as ever, my dear„ Now with a blushing face you took your sweaty hand away from Malleus. “I want you to listen closely to me, my child of man. If danger shall ever fall upon you, I want you to call me name. One call, even a silent whisper, that's all it will take for me to come and help you. I shall come to you and summon thousands of thorns on those who did you wrong. Promise me this child of man„ Malleus looked in your eyes as you did the same, a small smile slowly making its way to your face. “I promise Malleus. If I'll ever be in danger you'll be the first person I'll call. Even if it's a small whisper„ At your words Malleus gave you a smile. He believed in your loyalty, as you believed in his.
“And that's practically what happened„ “Man you really got yourself the best boyfriend in the whole Twisted Wonderland!„ The next day after school, both you and Grim were staying in the Ramshackle lounge. You figured that telling Grim this story could take his mind off of Tuna for some time. “Indeed! This story is quite intriguing!„ Startled by the mysterious voice, both you and Grim jumped back, only to be greeted by a familiar face. “Lilia-senpai! You scared me! How did you get inside?„ “Khee hee hee I have my ways human! Besides! I couldn't help but overhear your little story! Malleus never told me the events that happened in it„ “Yeah, I would tell you more but...I was so embarrassed I can barely recall all of the things he said„ Lilia's eyes curiously trailed over your figure, only to stop at your fingers. He was the first to notice the thorn-like tattoo on your index finger. The one that Malleus had kissed the night before, just a bit lighter than your skin, almost invisible. Lilia's eyes winded at the sight of it. “Oh my would you look at that! Did you and Malleus make a deal perhaps?„ “I-...what?„ Scooting closer to your face, Lilia looked right into your eyes.“I'm surprised you didn't notice it sooner! That mark on your finger there is quite the big deal you know? How did you do it?„ “I- well...it wasn't really a deal...it was more of like...a promise„ “Hm..is that so? Khee hee hee, you're a really lucky one. That mark, rather, that promise you made has given you quite the gift. As I said before, this is no big thing, it's a spell made directly by Malleus, the future king of the Brair Valley. It's both a blessing and a curse. This spell grants you protection, a protection that is formed by your strong bond and that alone. Shall Malleus' feelings change... you'll end up being covered by thousands of thorns. A charm from a fairy ....
* — present time — *
Yes. A charm from a fairy... Getting up and taking a few steps back, you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. “Heh what are you gonna do now? Cast a spell?„ And you said it. A small whisper, one that couldn't be heard, not even by the three boys in front of you. But didn't he say it? That's all it took.
One time a thunder stuck...then twice, and then thrice. “Huh? Thunder, there aren't even clouds in the sky„ The ground shook, slightly, but enough for the four to feel it. Another thunder could be heard, accompanied by a bright big flame that appeared behind your back. Two big wings had emerged from it and there he was, Malleus, he had come to help, just like he promised to do. “You called? Child of man? Fufu, having fun, aren't you all?„ “Is that? - Th- That's... that's Malleus Draconia!„ As he was standing behind, you felt an arm hook around your waist, pulling you close. “Ah! Malleus you came!„ “Of course. You had called, and I had come to help, just like I promised that night„ As Malleus was looking at you, you noticed the three boys trying to run anyway, just to be stopped by a thick wall of thorns, blocking their way out. “Now now, don't tell me you want to escape? You wanted a duel, did you not?„ Summoning his staff, Malleus brought you even closer to him. Looking at his face, his bright green eyes had a tint of amusement in them. Of course he won't take them seriously. “Come on you three! I suppose you'll do your best? Hm, well, even if you did.... You won't be able to defeat me„
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Misunderstanding or wrong language?
(A/N): This fic is based on this late night thought I had. I really had fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it :) Any necessary translations that aren’t explained over the course of the fic are put down at the end.
Summary: Out of all sudden Spencer’s daughter is able to speak a different language. Where does she know it from?
Wordcount: 1.1k
✨Masterlist✨ ______________________________
Spencer is set on a calm morning with his daughter. He wakes her up and prepares her breakfast, a bowl of cereals, like any other morning he is at home. As the father pours the milk, (Y/N) sits down at the kitchen table.
“Here you go Sweetheart. Bon appetit”, he says in a terrible faked French accent and puts the bowl and a spoon in front of her. “Danke, Daddy.” Without even sparring him a look (Y/N) dugs right into her breakfast.
Spencer freezes for a moment. Did he misheard it or did she mispronounce the word? “What did you say, Sweetie?” He takes a seat next to his daughter and watches her curiously. “I said ‘thanks’”, she answers with her mouth full. “Baby, we don’t talk while we eat. You can after you swallowed, alright?”
The little girl nods and continues to devour her meal.
Later that morning both of them stand in front of the little one’s classroom. Spencer crouches down in front of her. “Ok Sweetheart. Have fun and be nice to your teacher and the other students. I love you.” Then he hugs her. “Have fun at work. Ich habe dich auch lieb”, she whispers into his ear.
Before the father is able to ask her about it, (Y/N) lets go and runs into her classroom. She instantly sits down at the book corner and begins to read. Spencer smiles at that sigh and makes his way out of the building to the metro.
As soon as he gets into the office, he searches for a certain black haired woman. “Emily”, he says breathlessly while entering the kitchen, “How much do you know about European languages?” Confused Prentiss looks up from the coffee machine, at which she stared for several minutes already. Mornings are rough.
“My knowledge is big, but I don’t think it meets yours. Or is the great genius suddenly at a loss?” She teases the young doctor. But this doesn’t bother him. “I have quite an extensive knowledge on that subject, but I can’t speak any except for English. But I know for a fact that you do and I have a suspicion. That’s why I am asking you: When you hear any European language, can you tell which one it is?”
Emily arches an eyebrow. “I guess. I don’t know all languages and I’m not sure if I can point at one, because it’s hard for me to differentiate between the several Scandinavian ones and between the eastern languages. But give me an example and I see what I can do.”
Spencer takes a deep breath and recites what his daughter told him over the course of the morning. “Danke. Ich habe dich lieb.”
The other agent mulls over the words for a few moments before answering: “This is German. It means ‘Thanks. I love you’. Where did you hear that?” “(Y/N) said it to me today. I don’t know where she learned it, but I had to know what it was at first before asking her. Thank you for your help, Emily.”
The rest of his work day consists of filling out one report after another, drinking copious amounts of coffee and wondering about where his daughter learned German phrases. Luckily for him he gets done with today’s workload earlier and Hotch dismisses him sooner than expected. That means he is able to pick (Y/N) up from preschool herself, calling off the babysitter.
“PAPAAAA”, screams his child excitedly as soon as she spots him. Suddenly a small weight collides against his legs. Spencer pets her head, smiling at his daughter.
“Hello Doctor Reid. Are you able to spare a few minutes?” Her teacher asks hesitantly. Confused, he nods and sends (Y/N) off to play for a bit.
“Thank you for your time, I appreciate it. Uhm, I noticed that (Y/N) began speaking in a foreign language, I don’t know which, and I really support you teaching her. But a little heads up would’ve been nice, because I don’t understand what she is saying since she switches between it and English constantly and then (Y/N) gets frustrated by repeating herself to me and the other children. So I advise you to work on the conscious use of one language or another, it’s in your daughter’s and your interest.” Spencer looks dumbfounded at the teacher.
“Uh, I didn’t know (Y/N) is fluent in German since this morning. She suddenly began speaking it and I’m not sure she knows it from. But thank you for pointing the problem out, I’ll take care of it.” After biding their goodbyes, Spencer takes his daughter home.
They play together with legos, then the young doctor reads to her. (Y/N) sits on his lap with her head on his chest. “Ok Sweetie”, Spencer says as he moves her down beside him, ”I’m going to make dinner. Do you want to continue that book on your own or do you want to watch TV for a bit?”
“Can you put on Dora the Explorer? But the one from last night? I really like her new voice”, she asks her father. “Sweetheart what do you mean? Dora doesn’t have a new voice.” Spencer slowly thinks he gets to the reason for her sudden bilinguality.
“Of course she does, Daddy. She sounds like this: ‘Swiper nicht klauen! Swiper nicht klauen! Swiper nicht klauen’!” All at once he understands it. Spencer accidentally put on Dora with the German dubbing and since there are English elements and it’s a kids show, she was able to understand it. All the things shown there are pretty easy to understand.
“Sweetheart, Daddy did there something yesterday and I need you to listen to me closely. The Dora you watched yesterday was a different one from the one you always watch. She spoke another language, this is what you mean by a new voice.” The rest of the evening Reid tries to explain the concept of different languages to his daughter and its meaning.
“Daddy”, she asks him in the end as he puts her to bed, “Can I still learn German? I really like it.” It makes him happy to see her taking a liking in something, even though it’s different from what he likes. He is ready to support anything (Y/N) does or wants to do.
“Of course, if you want to. I’m gonna get you enrolled in a class tomorrow. But now it’s time to sleep for geniuses. Good night, my little genius. I love you.”
“Gute Nacht, Daddy. Ich habe dich auch lieb.” Even though he really doesn’t have much of a clue what she just said, Spencer loves to hear it.
Translation: Swiper nicht klauen → Swiper, don’t steal Gute Nacht → Good night
All works:
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid:
x child!reader:
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Characters: Albedo, gn!reader
Word Count: 1,508
Warnings: None
Premise: Sometimes emotions can be confusing. In those times it can be easier to shut down. After all, wouldn’t finding the truth out be scarier?
In which the reader assumes their character is disinterested, and pulls away.
Author’s Note: It’s only been a week but it feels like ages! Too bad I only had time for one character tonight. I can’t wait to write for multiple characters again (hopefully tomorrow haha).
Anyways Albedo, you’re such a comfort character it was so wonderful to write you again!
You didn’t become friends with Albedo in the “traditional” way. There was no moment when you two sat down and had a chat, neither one of you offered to go to the other’s house, and certainly there was no “want to be friends?” It was more that you had stayed and Albedo, in return, hadn’t chased you away. Eventually the idea of friendship just sort of became an implication. After all, if you hadn’t gotten kicked out already, safe to say Albedo didn’t dislike you, right?
No, you were quite sure Albedo didn’t dislike you. But did he like you? That question was a completely different one. And you were well aware of that fact.
At first you tried to find out the answer to the question. Observation: Albedo appeared neither to hold any particular affection for you, or any particular disdain. Hypothesis: Albedo doesn’t like being particularly affectionate towards anyone, so the fact that he’s let you stay on this long means he probably likes you at least as a friend, and might be open to more. Experiment: Try your best.
And you did try your best, looking back you really couldn’t say that you didn’t. Whether it was bringing flowers for him to study – then mash into paints – or making your way painstakingly through the papers he let you read – which usually flew half over your head – so that you could ask him questions about it the next day. You really did try. You were early to every meeting the two of you had, something Albedo seemed to copy after a while, and you were quick to offer your help in any way possible. Making yourself useful and always being there, surely Albedo would notice that. You even snuck in the occasional compliment, the occasional comment about how you were so happy to have someone like him in your life. Still, your experiment didn’t seem too successful.
Shouldn’t you just stop at this point? I mean, you probably could come to some conclusions after the weeks of “experimenting” you’d done. Albedo didn’t dislike you, he definitely didn’t. He thanked you when you brought him stuff and made sure to show up as early as you did to your rendezvous. He sometimes let you keep the flowers you brought him to sketch you instead of using them in his experiments, he even let you bring one of his paintings home. But how much of this really signified anything beyond friendship? It was hard to tell. Albedo certainly never dropped hints that he preferred your company especially. It was simply that you were there and that he didn’t have the want or the energy to send you away. Surely there were many other people who could say the same. Maybe it was time to move on.
Though your emotions certainly weren’t on board with this suggestion – the torch that you held for Albedo was not ready to burn out anytime soon – you did at least manage to rein in your actions a little bit. First it was no longer bringing this and that with you. The particularly small buds of lamp grass remained on their stalks, or pressed into books in your house, the fireflies that you had managed to awkwardly sketch on a piece of cardboard never made their likeness towards the alchemist. Then it was meeting a little less often, not that you didn’t retain the habit of going early when those meetings did happen. It was just, surely you didn’t want to annoy Albedo too much. He might end up kicking you out after a while. Then it was asking him less and less questions while you were there, when you were there.
The affect was more depressing than you cared to admit, before you knew it the idea of going off to find Albedo became almost painful, something that would involve crossing a gulf that somehow grew wider every day. Days turned into a week, turned into two, turned into three. Every day you’d wake up, the idea of going to see Albedo at the forefront of your mind, and every night you lay in bed, scolding yourself for avoiding the person you most wanted to see. And every day the gulf widened a little more.
Perhaps things would’ve continued on like that indefinitely, a never ending circle of guilt and dissonance and going to bed feeling like you’d somehow failed something, like now certainly Albedo wouldn’t want to talk to you. Yet somehow fate had a different idea. Whether or not you were grateful for its interference, you couldn’t tell over the apprehension at the beginning, the relief after the fact.
There was a commission on your list: Pick up salve from alchemist’s lab and deliver it to Sonja before the end of the day. At first you had considered trying to pawn it off onto someone else. After all, this was a rather easy commission, and surely some of the less experience Guild members would be grateful for easy legwork. Still as you were rationalizing all this away in your head, wondering what sort of commission you might get in return, you found that your legs were already moving onto the familiar route you had walked so recently before unsurety and dejection had clouded your actions.
Standing in front of the alchemy lab you felt your legs still as Albedo appeared in front of you. At first you wondered if you might be able to duck somewhere else, to evade detection. Yet your legs which had been so happy to move before suddenly felt leaden and incredibly useless, and all you could do was stare as Albedo glanced up from his papers, his eyes landing on you, the placing blue of his irises widening slightly.
“I hadn’t expected to see you here.”
“I’m here to pick something up.”
It was a bit lame in terms of opening lines, but it was a start.
“Ah, I see,” Albedo replied, looking down at his papers. Stepping towards you slightly he tilted his head. “I thought you might want to see me again.”
“I do! I mean, well, yes,” you coughed awkwardly, feeling as if you had just verbally fallen flat on your face. Still Albedo did nothing but smile, something which eased your nerves slightly.
“I’m glad. I thought I might have done something, and that you no longer wished to talk to me.”
“You didn’t! It was my fault, I’m really sorry I went so long without contacting you. Really, really sorry.”
“There’s no reason to apologize. But are you sure that it’s only you? Are you sure I didn’t do something to make this happen?”
“Well,” you paused. What was the correct answer? Yes didn’t seem right, but no also stuck in your throat. “I, I don’t know.”
“It’s just, I don’t, I sometimes, I have a hard time knowing what you think of me Albedo.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, am I a friend? Do you like me? I know that you don’t dislike me, or at least I hope you don’t since you let me trail along so often. But still… I don’t know, I don’t know if it’s because you like me, or because I’m not enough of a bother to send home.” It was close enough to the truth.
“I’m sorry if I ever made you confused,” Albedo’s voice was warm, but there was an urgency to it that broke the usual calm. Looking up into Albedo’s face, having been examining the ground previously, you watched as flashes of emotions crossed the alchemist’s face. “I didn’t realize that I didn’t make my feelings clear. I don’t dislike you. I very much like when you’re around me. I, I think you’re my friend.”
“You think?” How come everything was so confusing?
“In truth, I find classifying relationships difficult. It’s not like alchemy, it’s too messy. So, sometimes I don’t even know how to classify my own relationships. But if there are people in this world who would consider me a friend, who I would consider a friend, you are certainly one of them.”
It was all you could’ve asked for in the moment. Letting a smile erupt across your face, you closed the space left between the two of you. “Thank you for telling me! I’m sorry I was being so selfish by hiding away.
“You weren’t being selfish,” Albedo replied. “You were completely within your rights.”
“Thank you,” you murmured. Gazing up at Albedo you found the words coming out of your mouth before you could stop them. “May I say something that might be selfish?”
“What is it?”
“I’ve fallen in love with you, a little bit.”
You watched as Albedo’s eyes widened in surprise. At first you thought you might’ve made a mistake, leapt and fallen into the gulf. However before you could continue that train of thought a smile bloomed on the alchemist’s face in front of you. Taking your hand Albedo leaned over and whispered into your ear.
“Und ich auch.”
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agentmaxa · 3 years
Running Home (Krashlyn x Reader) Part 1
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A/N: This is a mate AU, I think? There is also a little German speak, I’m sorry if I got it wrong I used a translator on the internet.
Sorry for any mistakes, please enjoy.
It was weirdly quiet in the locker room.
But then again the World Cup didn’t happen every day.
So yeah... normal ran out the door today.
Y/n didn’t like the silence but she was getting caught up in her own head, pacing in the general area of her locker.
Ashlyn and Ali watched Y/n, worried for their mate.
Ali was sitting at her locker just finishing getting ready and Ash looked over to her giving her a look and grabbing Y/n’s headphones from her things.
Ash approached Y/n and Y/n was about to turn around to do another pace. Stopping Y/n looked at Ash as she put the headphones on Y/n wordlessly.
Ali was ready with Y/n’s phone, playing music but also being careful with the volume.
They both watched Y/n as her shoulders noticeably dropped to relax. A small gentle smile graced her lips. Ashlyn even watched as her pupils dilated.
Ash then guided Y/n to the lockers where Ali was sitting.
The Omega and the Alpha rested themselves on their Alpha’s shoulders, knowing that she felt better when she knew her mates were safe and sound.
Y/n closed her eyes and leaned back a little bit, to reset so she doesn’t add more stress for Ali or Ash.
While she did that Ashlyn listened a little to the music and how it sounded familiar. Ash looked over at the phone Ali was holding and saw the song on the screen.
She smiled and fully relaxed with her mates playing their wedding song from memory, hearing the whispers of it from the headphones, a smile creeping up on her as she remembered that day.
It was a few minutes then it was time to head out to line up.
Y/n took off the headphones, getting up with her mates. They were about to walk off but Y/n stopped them by calling out with a small, “Hey.”
Y/n kissed Ali first softly, much too brief for both of them but they had to go. Then Ashlyn and Y/n shared a kiss mirroring the one with Ali.
“Thank you both, I love you.” Y/n was almost mumbling because of how gently it was spoken.
The two gave Y/n kisses on her forehead, “Love you too, babe.”
“Ich Liebe Dich auch, Alpha.” (I love you too, Alpha) Y/n smiled as she heard Ali speak German and she had no idea why it made her very happy.
“Is that the last box?” Y/n asked as she put a box down.
“I think it is.” Ashlyn set another box down, with a huff.
“Aw, are the big bad Alphas tired?” Ali came in with two small boxes while Ash and Y/n were working with ones almost half their size.
Before Ash could say something Y/n beat her to it, “Tired of not being able to kiss our Omega all day.” Y/n moved to hug Ali from behind, leaving a small kiss on her head.
“Look at you, smooth talker.” Ali smiled at the contact and when Ashlyn walked over and kissed her on the lips she let out a light purr.
The sound of a phone going off made one of the Alphas let out a small huff, opting to not growl so she wouldn't startle her mates; having to pull away from her mates to answer it. Y/n looked down at the number and saw who it was.
Y/n put the phone to her ear after picking it up, “Hello?”
Ali and Ash hoped it was the call to finalize Y/n’s trade to Orlando. Y/n had put in the paperwork the moment she could, hoping to join her mates on the Pride team and not just on the national team.
“Yes, this is Y/n.” Y/n’s brows furrowed, focusing on the person’s every word.
“Excuse me, can you repeat that.” Y/n’s voice got abnormally calm and quiet. “You can’t be serious.”
The three had just moved into their new house together in Orlando, Y/n couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“Excuse me, just one moment so I can pinch myself to see if this is real.” Y/n pinched her forearm, moving the phone back to her ear. “Everything still the same?”
Y/n took the phone from her ear slapping herself across the face. Y/n shakes it off, briefly glancing at her very concerned and confused mates.
“How about now?” Y/n looked pissed when they assumed she got the answer that her attempts didn’t do anything.
“Yeah I got it and I hope this looks fucking amazing for you because I might just come over and kick you where the sun doesn’t shine. Maybe then the hospital visit to stitch you back up will allow you to soak up some of that common sense from some of the staff there.”
Y/n hung up right after saying that, rubbing her eyes trying to stop the headache from forming. She was also trying to calm herself down.
Y/n let out a sigh looking at Ash and Ali. “I didn’t get traded to Orlando.”
An instant sadness radiated from the three of them but the two could tell there was something else bothering Y/n.
“That’s not all, is it?” Ali spoke lightly.
“I...” Y/n tried to find her voice but it seemed to get stuck in her throat.
“Y/n, whatever it is, we’ll be there. We survived being states apart at a time, I’m sure they’ll trade you once they realize how dumb they are.”
Y/n wanted to laugh but all she managed was a chuckle. Y/n walked over to the couch saying, “I think this might be a slightly bigger challenge.”
Ali sat on one side and Ash on the other side. Ashlyn gently rubbed Y/n’s back while Ali leaned into Y/n. Both hoped to make her feel more comfortable so maybe she would share the news.
“I’m being traded to Manchester United.”
The car ride was silent.
A dread-filled Y/n as she saw the building with the tower and planes taking off and landing.
They were all guilty of being more clingy than usual once they were told the news.
They had spent time apart but before there was a short time difference, maybe they were lucky to see each other if they were playing each other. But overseas is a whole new beast.
Y/n noticed Ashlyn parking the car, and she took a moment to wipe a small tear that threatened to escape.
They all got out, Y/n was going to the trunk to get her bags but was stopped by Ali when she put her head on Y/n’s shoulder. Y/n held her omega, trying to calm her, feeling how distressed and sad Ali was.
Ash was opening the trunk during this and putting Y/n’s luggage down to join the two.
Y/n started to lightly purr when Ali burrowed herself into Y/n, Y/n making a soothing scent to hopefully help.
Ash used her nose and began lightly nudging Y/n in the shoulder. Y/n turned her head, to look at Ash, who had watery eyes. Y/n pulled an arm away from holding Ali and pulled Ashlyn in as well.
Y/n felt tears trying to escape but held them back. Ashlyn had buried herself in Y/n’s neck as the Omega had done; slightly wrapping around Ali in the process.
Ashlyn was never one for being sentimental but she had never heard of mates living apart for so long. So she was scared at not knowing what this could do.
Ali wasn’t thinking deep thoughts like her mate, preoccupied with trying to scent and be scented by her Alphas, feeling more vulnerable and helpless than she has felt in a while.
Y/n let a few tears finally fall, quickly stopping them because she didn’t want her mates to worry more.
Maybe minutes passed, maybe it was only a few seconds but Y/n felt like she wasn’t in control of herself as she forced herself to speak.
“I have to go.”
Ash loosened her grip while Y/n could feel Ali somehow pull closer and both of the Alphas heard a small whine from their Omega.
Y/n went to gently loosen Ali’s grip. She loosened it enough to get her hoodie off and put it on the Omega.
“I don’t want to leave either but the moment I can get a break before the season ends I’ll do everything I can to get back here.”
“And when I’m done ripping up the fields in Europe I’ll be on the first flight back.” Y/n kissed Ali’s forehead.
“You promise?” The smallest mumble came from Ali.
“I promise.”
Y/n was walking to the flat she would be staying at, wishing she could just go to the airport and just get back on the nearest flight home.
Y/n unlocked the door and went inside turning on the lights, looking at the time to see if it was a bad time to call her mates to tell them she landed safely and got to her flat.
Before Y/n could get to her phone after putting her baggage down, her phone started ringing.
She smiled at the device before answering.
“Hey there Pressy, how are you and your other half doing?”
“I’m good and Tobin has been trying to beat her SMASH record for a good bit now. How are you doing, being away from your mates?”
Y/n sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “I don’t know. As much as I love you guys, I already miss them more.”
“Hey, the season will be done and over with before you know it, trust me. And then you can breed as much as you want with them.”
Y/n felt herself go into a deep blush, recalling when Press asked for advice on how to propose to Tobin or if it was even the right time.
And because the conversation was already on taking the next step in a relationship Y/n may or may not have brought up how having pups was a recent topic with her own mates.
“Yeah, I hope it goes by really soon.”
Oh, Christen was so wrong.
Y/n had barely been here for 3 days but it felt like a week and a half had gone by.
And it felt like everything was taunting her.
Swearing she’d see her mates in the crowds on the streets and then hear their voices behind her.
Obviously, Y/n knew the transition would be hard but at this point, she thought she was going crazy. It didn’t help that everything reminded her of them too.
It was well into the night. Still not being acclimated to the time zone difference, Y/n was staring at a stuffed animal place that had an adorable great white shark for kids to cuddle with.
Ashlyn would love that.
The windows were dark and the shop closed. Y/n just shook her head trying to get control of herself and out of her head again, continuing with her walk.
Y/n didn’t really have a goal of taking a walk other than to distract herself but that clearly wasn’t working. So Y/n headed back to her flat and turned on the television to try and find the Orlando game her wives were going to be in.
Noticing there was only a little bit of time before the match Y/n got on her phone and sent a message to her mates on a group chat.
“I know you probably have your phones off so you don’t get distracted before the game but I wanted to let you both know how much I love you both, my darlings. You could beat them with your eyes shut.”
Y/n didn’t have to wait for long when she got a text back, “Love you too Alpha.”
Y/n smiled at the screen turning off her phone and turning towards the tv, waiting for the match to start.
Y/n, Ash, and Ali had all been trying to call and face time each other as much as they could. But with their busy schedule and considerable time difference, it was challenging.
With the small contact that she has had with her mates, Y/n has started to feel like her ability to be happy was being ripped from her.
Y/n was broken out of thought when Tobin put a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly reminded that she was at practice for Manchester.
“How’s the forecast looking for that dark cloud over your head?” Tobin received a playful eye roll from the Alpha as she asked.
“Where’s your personal ray of sunshine at?”
Tobin felt herself blush and lost the eye contact she had with the Alpha.
Y/n barely tilted her head at Heath’s action before Y/n noticed the markings on Tobin’s neck.
Y/n scrunched up her nose at the sudden knowledge of the couple’s activity last night but something on Tobin’s hand caught her attention.
Y/n narrowed her eyes as she focused on the item on her finger.
She used her own hand to guide Tobin’s hand closer so she could properly examine the ring.
“Damn, Press has good taste.”
Y/n felt a small smile creep up on her, happy for the two mates finally taking the next step in their relationship. Looking at Tobin’s ring made it feel like the chained ring on Y/n’s neck suddenly weighs like a ton of bricks.
Letting go of Tobin’s hand, Y/n’s gaze landed on Tobin again, and Y/n saw the blush had deepened severely.
Y/n lightly punched Heath in the arm saying, “Don’t worry, saying “I do” is the best part of the wedding.”
Y/n played with the chain as she walked out of the locker room and headed to the field, getting ready for the last practice before game day.
Ali and Ash lay in their bed, holding each other. Even though they were comfortable they couldn’t help but feel the absence that Y/n should be filling.
Ali was wearing the same hoodie Y/n left her before she took off to England. She hadn’t worn it around anyone but Ash because Ali didn’t want the clothing to lose its sweet scent of her other Alpha.
Ash had been there as much as she could be there for Ali but it was hard when she was missing Y/n just as much as Ali was.
Watching Y/n’s matches helped, being able to see how well she was doing, even if she wasn’t there to celebrate the wins in person. Ash was worried at times though.
Those heart-pounding seconds when Y/n went down.
It was bad enough how much she worried when they shared the field; she never had imagined it would get worse than that.
This new trade proved that very wrong, very quickly.
While Ashlyn was getting lost in her head, she subconsciously slowed her hand that was rubbing the Omega’s back to help her stay asleep.
Ali started to stir eventually waking up because of the changing colors on the screen, she could see with her closed eyes. Ash had her phone where she was watching one of Y/n’s matches live.
Ali perked up at the thought of her other mate. With a sleepy voice, she asked Ashlyn,
“How’s Y/n doing?”
Ashlyn slightly jumped, failing to realize her Omega was awake but she shook it off.
“She’s doing good; one assist so far, it’s a more physical match though. Are you sure you want to watch, babe?”
Ali moved so she would see the screen better and get in a more comfortable position with her mate, saying.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Manchester was ahead by a miracle because it seems not only the team has it out for them but so do the refs.
They watched as Y/n sent the ball to Christen.
Press was in the perfect place for her to score but before the ball had left Press’s boot, a player slid in and took Christen off her feet.
Y/n and Tobin could only helplessly watch as the player from the rival team slid in just barely clipping one of Christen’s ankles, their other feet intertwining.
Sending Christen to the turf.
They ran over to her as fast as they could, Tobin immediately being concerned for her Omega when she heard Christen hold in a whimper as she tried to get up.
Y/n’s inner Alpha went defensive, looking for the person responsible for this. Press was family to Y/n and so Tobin.
Y/n tried to steady herself but it was harder when she saw the person that injured Christen.
A low growl emanated from Y/n that only she and the other player could hear.
“What the hell was that you pulled?” Y/n asked trying to control herself.
It didn’t help that the person she was asking looked completely clueless.
“Oh, the thing with your teammate?” The remark was like they had just realized what they had done.
Y/n crossed her arms against her chest, “Yeah, try it again and I’ll make sure your ass is on the ground faster than you can say ‘red card’.”
The other players huffed and turned around mumbling something under their breath, Y/n losing her patience very quickly.
Y/n grabbed the girl's shoulder and turned her around and said, “Hey, why don’t you act like a real alpha and insult me to my face, pup.”
The player looked so baffled by Y/n’s words Y/n that almost wanted to check the sent coming off of her, to make sure she was an Alpha.
“Don’t call me a freaking pup, if anyone is acting like one it’s you.” Y/n wanted to be done with this already but she couldn’t let that slide.
“When you’re not even using real curse words? Grow some balls, pup.”
Y/n turned around, heading to the mass of people around Christen.
Tobin was right by Christen’s side the entire time and the medics came quickly after they saw she wasn’t getting up after the fall.
Right now, Christen was denying help from the medical staff to get her off of the field. Y/n held out a hand to Press and she grabbed it, Y/n pulling her up to her feet. “Come on, Pressy.”
Y/n put Press’s arm around her neck and shoulders helping her hobble off the field much to the medical staff’s dismay.
After the match had finished and Manchester declared the winner, Y/n and Heath were the first ones to check on Christen.
Y/n was second as Tobin almost ran to the bed her mate was resting on, Y/n let out a huff and then asked Press, “Anything career-ending?”
“No, just a really bad sprain may be a bone bruise the medics couldn’t really rule that last one out.” Christen let out a sigh letting her legs hang over the bed’s edge, Tobin in front of her as they started to rub their noses together.
“I’ll leave you two love birds alone,” Y/n spoke softer as she went outside. Y/n suddenly saw someone that looked relieved to see her.
“L/n, some media people want to talk to you.”
“Oh, goodie.”
Ashlyn and Ali watched as their mate sat at the tables waiting to be asked questions by whoever was interviewing her. They could also tell she didn’t really want to be there but she didn’t really have a say.
“And here we are after the match with Y/n L/n, four games returning to her career in the European league. Y/n how does it feel so far?”
Y/n kept a neutral face saying, “This is an amazing opportunity, and it has been very amazing so far I guess I’m just a little stuck on the fact that I wish it was my decision.”
“And being away from your mates and wives, Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris, for so long, I can’t even imagine. Do you think they're watching right now?”
Y/n let a small smile creep on her lips, “Probably. Although I kinda wish they weren’t.” The reporter gave her a strange look and so did Y/n’s mates even though they knew Y/n couldn’t see them.
“Why’s that?”
“Well, considering the time here, it’s probably well in the early morning in the States. I just rather they get all their sleep than watch, probably sounds weird but.” Y/n just ended there, shrugging her shoulders.
“Aww, that’s so sweet you look after your mates like that. Tell me was it the same when Ali Krieger went to Frankfurt was it the same?”
Y/n thought for a moment, saying, “It was a rough patch but it was more planned than this trade because we all talked it out and when Ali went, Ash and I just saw going to the leagues here as a better option than staying in America.”
“And what about the sudden trade that brought you to Manchester United, comments on that?”
The small bit of happiness that was in Y/n’s expression from talking about her mates was gone. She hoped she wouldn’t get in trouble for saying this but she really didn’t care.
“In my opinion, it’s a commentary on sports and how things need to start changing. Players at times really have no say if they’re being traded or not, not even where. Only being viewed as statistics or pawns to be traded, it’s not that simple. These are people that have to uproot their lives just to do what they love. It’s ridiculous.”
Y/n answered a few more questions about the game and the interviewer eventually let Y/n get back to the locker room.
Head lowered as Y/n faces the reality of her mates still being an ocean away.
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hugespace · 3 years
Prompt: van, thunderstorm, link is scared and rhett is there for him and gives him hugs and kisses
Thanks love 😘
There you go! 🥰 I ended up writing some high school Rhink - lots of fluff with a dash of angst. Hope you’ll enjoy it!
*** (~2k words) ***
"How the crap did you miss that, Rhett?!" Link rapidly turned his whole body in the passenger seat, making his bleached blonde locks flap around on the top of his head. "How are we even out of gas-? Didn't you just say, like yesterday, that you'd fill it up?!" he threw his hands in the air, staring with disbelief at his friend who sat quietly behind the wheel.
Rhett muttered something in response, his head downturned and eyes focused on his own lap.
"Rhett!" Link exclaimed impatiently, not having gotten a clear answer out of the other boy.
"I thought we'd make it, okay?! I was gonna buy gas with some of the money we'd get after the gig!" Rhett repeated his explanation in a raised voice this time, finally looking his friend in the eyes and shrugging in the process.
Link only returned the look with wide eyes.
"Are you serious-? You're so irresponsible!" he answered even louder after a few short seconds of processing Rhett's words. "You're telling me you wanted to buy gas with the money we won't even get now because we won't get to the damn concert- because. You didn't. Get. Gas. In the first place?!" Link continued thought clenched teeth. "What the crap, Rhett?!"
The taller boy felt his face grow warm. Sure, perhaps Link was right, it wasn't the smartest decision of his life, or even of just that day, probably – electing to risk not reaching their destination in a borrowed van full of equipment for the two of them and the other members of Wax Paper Dogz just to be able to spend the last of his cash for the week on snacks. But he certainly wasn't going to give the other boy that, or the full reason for getting them stranded in the middle of a road on the way to the farm they were supposed to play at, for that matter. Truth was, Rhett didn't do well with criticism. Not even when it was earned.
He opened his mouth and got ready to match Link's tone, when a powerful crash of thunder resounded directly above them all of a sudden, immediately preventing the shouting match that was surely about to ensue.
"What was that-?" When Link's voice reverberated to Rhett's right again, it was remarkably smaller and less filled with anger than just seconds ago.
"Shit" was the only response the older boy could muster as the sky opened up, letting thick and heavy drops of rain fall onto the world around them, drumming angrily against the van's roof.
"At least we don't gotta worry about the gig-?" Rhett tried for a reassuring smile after a few beats of silence between them ticked by, interrupted only by blaring sounds of the summer storm they’d apparently gotten caught in. "It ain't gonna happen now with that rain-" he conceded, hoping it won't anger Link any further.
The younger boy was silent, the unexpected arrival of thunder seemed to have not only taken away his temper, but his voice as well.
A pair of blue eyes, still wide open, met Rhett's. The fire that burned in them just moments before the first loud crash fizzled out completely, giving way to a cold shade of fear, and the face they belonged to quickly became visibly paler, taking on a greyish colour only intensified by the sudden lack of sunlight.
"I don't like this-" Link whispered, clutching the edges of his seat with such force that his knuckles soon matched the paleness of his face.
Now, Link didn't exactly suffer from a deadly fear of thunder, not to Rhett's knowledge at least, which after more than a decade of being best friends meant it could as well be equalled to a fact. On the other hand, he wasn't especially keen on those either, and the aspect of being trapped in a metal can in the middle of a country road with absolutely nowhere to go to seek refuge only added another dimension to that.
Instinctively, Rhett reached out a hand and rubbed the other boy's shoulder soothingly.
"Hey- Hey, look at me. Link-?" he leaned forward trying to catch his friend’s eyes again and grasp his attention, temporarily directed towards the sky where bright flashes of lightning cut through the dark graphite clouds one after another. "Hey"
Link finally directed his attention back to Rhett, gulping loudly, almost comically, if it weren't for the entire situation. "We're gonna be fine. The car's safe, we're better off here than anywhere outside probably, just don’t touch the doors. We'll wait till the rain passes a bit and then I'll go get us gas, okay? The station's not that far. We'll be good." Rhett added in a calm voice, still keeping his right hand on Link and gently rubbing his upper back.
"Okay" the boy replied, still in a weak voice, and drew in a deep breath, only to be startled by another instance of rumbling thunder and hastily clasp Rhett's other hand.
"Sorry..." he cleared his throat and tried to compose himself once the sound of thunderclap died down, leaving them only with the deafening banging of raindrops against the van. Link went to retract his hand but was stopped by Rhett's before the taller boy could think about it.
"Ssh, don't. S’okay, brother."
The split-second decision to comfort Link and hold him like he hasn't since they were kids came from the feeling of guilt for getting them in that situation in the first place, he told himself. And sure, he did feel responsible for making Link endure the storm in a car stuck in the middle of nowhere all because of his stupid idea. But it wasn't just guilt; the vulnerable look on his friend's pale face combined with the fear in his big glassy eyes made him look like the boy he was when they were still in grade school - small and innocent, and it tugged at Rhett's heart in a way he didn't fully comprehend, awakening an instinct to protect Link no matter what.
"Do you... Maybe we'd- Should we...?" Yes, Rhett did make a decision but was suddenly struggling to articulate it. The scared boy next to him wasn't really listening anyway, his whole attention focused on the sky again and his free hand grasping Rhett's sleeve and trembling. Rhett cleared his throat and tried again. "We should move to the back."
"Whaa...?" Link started but was cut off by his friend gently removing his fingers from the fabric of his shirt and swiftly moving to the row of seats behind them.
"C'mon. It's gonna be more comfortable. The stick's poking my leg when I lean over like that." the older boy offered from the expanse of the middle row, gesticulating to the gap between Link and the now empty driver's seat.
If Link was hesitant to join him, another growl of thunder must have been enough to persuade him because suddenly, he was clambering to join Rhett, inadvertently nudging his thighs and elbowing him in the process.
"Auch! Okay, okay- Com'ere" The older boy grabbed the other's shoulders once he was situated next to him and moved his body even closer, encircling it with his long lanky arms and squeezing hard, making Link's head fall onto his chest.
To his surprise, his best friend didn't protest, he only burrowed his face deeper in the front or Rhett's bunched up flannel and breathed in deeply, obviously trying to relax.
"Good, good" Rhett praised absent-mindedly and slowly stroked Link's smooth hair, temporarily stunned by the feeling of warmth and peace holding the other boy so close gave him. After a couple of minutes of stillness, he felt Link's arms move, too, and wriggle in between the backrest of the seat and Rhett's lower back, finally hugging him back around the waist. It made the taller boy instinctively seek even more contact, and he lowered his head, positioning his face on Link's hair and eventually, before he could rethink it, leaving a kiss on top of it
Link froze and tensed up again, though this time there was no crash of thunder or flash of lightning to blame it on.
Oh no. Rhett's action caught up to him. This was weird. He was being weird. They never kissed each other, not even like that, not even when they were kids. His heart sped up from embarrassment and he was sure his friend could feel it, with the way he was still clinging to his chest. But he wasn’t letting go- In fact, he seemed to hug Rhett even tighter now, nuzzling his face into his body, left cheek smushed against his sternum.
Shyly, Rhett risked another smooch to Link's head, this time as close to his forehead as he could reach in the position they were in.
In response, the boy let out what sounded like an appreciative hum, or maybe even a tiny whimper, and a warm breath against Rhett’s skin, making his heart pick up the pace again. Continuing the pattern of acting before we could talk himself out of it, Rhett gathered his friend and tried to pull him even closer, not even sure if it was possible at that point, and was rewarded with Link landing almost entirely in his lap.
The face of his best friend was now nearly level with his. It was blushed, he realised, the earlier sickly tone of his complexion gone almost completely. His hair, equally blonde as Rhett's though significantly longer, was dishevelled. The sight was endearing, there was no other word to describe it, and the look in Link's eyes, blue as ever and soft now – not as filled with fear anymore, only made the effect it had on Rhett more intense.
Blinded by the affection that flooded him all of a sudden, he leaned in again, now able to kiss Link's forehead, and left another peck there, keeping his lips pressed to it for a bit longer. Before Rhett could really get used to the new sensation, Link straightened his back, making himself taller in Rhett's lap and as a result, bringing his own lips to the same hight his friend mouth was at.
The taller boy flinched slightly and almost recoiled on instinct, seeing how there were no more than two inches of tense air filled with petrichor separating their faces, and nothing else.
Instead, he gathered all of his courage and closed that gap, planting his lips square on Link's.
They were incredibly soft, almost cushiony, and oh so warm. And they were moving against his! He realised, stunned, as the other boy's hand reached up to his face and gently cupped his jaw.
Rett felt his own lips form an involuntary smile, soon matched by the lips he was kissing. As they started to separate, both beaming and searching each other’s faces with sparkly eyes, he took in the near silence that surrounded them.
The rain stopped, there was no banging on the roof of their van and no rumbling of thunder above. It was like the clouds dissipated the moment they kissed, giving way to sun again, Rhett thought not caring about how silly and romantic at the same time that idea was.
Divine intervention or a simple coincidence, he didn't care. The sky was clear now and so was the fact that he just shared a kiss with the person he loved most in the entire world. How he hadn't realised that earlier was unimportant. It might have taken being stranded in the middle of a road, surrounded by nothing but trees and crops and a thunderstorm worse than any other time that summer to get there, but they did, in the end - that was all that mattered.
And with that thought, Rhett embraced Link trying to put all of his love into it, and went to kiss him again.
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erismerald · 3 years
𝑰 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕 (Jacob Frye x reader) 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2
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Hello creed, I bring you here the second chapter of my Jacob Frye fanfic, I hope you like it and maybe I would like to remind you that my requests are always open in case someone is interested!
Without further ado, stay safe, and happy reading!
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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: Fluff and a bit of teasing ;)
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 3953
𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝟏𝟖𝟔𝟖
Your head hurt a little, and your vision was blurred, you felt moving but you were still, you looked around, the environment you were in was different from the wet and scary street, with a little more effort, you tried to look for details that would help you identify where you were, you were on a train. ... but how? the room you were in was well decorated, you knew that style well, your nanny was doing her best to decorate every part of the house with the rustic and elegant theme of the Victorian era, so none of that had been a dream?
You sat up in bed, feeling your body weakened, you took a deep breath and gained strength to pull yourself together, the clothes you were wearing were different, it was a nightgown, made of cotton, all black with gold details on the sleeves, after all you had really traveled in time. ... but how was that possible, one moment you were with your friends and the next you were alone in the world, flash all the memories of last night had burst into your mind, the dark street, the rain... the man who tried to abuse you, and your savior, who was he? was it him that brought you here? doubts hovered empty in your consciousness, you looked at your wrists small black marks tinged your skin, you felt pain when the palm of your fingers ventured to touch them, without realizing it you let out a 'auch', you couldn't control the fear you felt, you were alone. You wanted your grandmother by your side to calm you down, you grabbed your knees and pulled them up to your chest, and laid your head down lightly letting the tears run down your face, feeling them fall on your hands, you felt small, you felt abandoned.
Suddenly the bedroom door opened revealing a woman, still quite young she must have been in her early twenties, she smiled sweetly at you, no matter how hard you tried to hide under the blanket, that smile warmed your heart and made you smile back.
"I see you're awake at last" She approached with a tray of food that she set down on top of the couch where you were lying "My name is-" she was interrupted by a man, you recognized him, he had been the one to save you, your heart pounded hard when your gaze met.
"Ahhh finally, I'll be able to sleep in my room again" he laughed sitting down in the armchair opposite you, you bowed your head in shame
"Jacob! The girl just woke up, and you're already being a real jerk, I can't believe you're my brother sometimes" The girl said turning her attention back to you " Dear ignore him, he's just a jerk, how do you feel?"
"I... I'm confused just... I feel sick and hot" your voice came out shaky, you were nervous.
"It's because of the fever the doctor said you would feel like this for a few days, but that you would be fine, what's your name?" The girl asked meekly, sitting down in front of you, your gaze shifted a little to the man sitting in front of you, he seemed asleep.
"M-my name is Y/n L/n" again your voice betrayed you, as you said your name the girl looked shocked but interested in you.
"Your family is a great help to our brotherhood, it is an honor to have you here with us!" The girl said with a gentle smile kissing her lips, a feeling of hope embraced your body, would there still be a way back home? But in a flash, you recalled what she had said.
"M-my family? how do you know them?" you asked pulling your body forward-facing the two people sitting in front of you.
"The L/N family has always been a great help in training young assassins" Assassins? What? you didn't want to believe what you heard, all the memories were joining the truth about your family, the story your grandmother told you and you preferred not to believe was really true? It wasn't possible, but why now? why now that you had decided to find out who you were? Why now that you have finally traveled to London? And who were the people in front of you? The girl stood up and stretched her hand towards you "My name is Evie Frye, and that idiot over there is my twin brother Jacob Frye" the words that came out of her lips were like glass tearing your mind, you felt dizzy as if you couldn't breathe right, was all that true? Wasn't it possible? Was it? But how did you end up in their time? Was your grandmother right, weren't they just children's stories?
"How is it possible?" you whispered, both brothers looked at you curiously, " No, it can't be real, I must be dreaming... "Your gaze was fixed on your hands resting on the thin cloth that covered your body, crystal clear tears came out of your eyes, Evie seeing your reaction to finding out who they were hugged your body and pulled you in, you hid your face to her shoulder, letting the sadness leave your heart.
A few minutes passed, but it seemed like hours, your body was still weak from crying, in 18 years of life you had never cried so much, you took a deep breath, hugging Evie's body tightly.
"I know very well who you are" you finally said, Evie knelt down beside the sofa looking puzzled at you.
"How do you know us, love?" Jacob said getting up from the armchair and staring at you, he was much taller than you, and you felt a little embarrassed to feel his gaze fixed on yours, in one small movement you looked away from Evie, you took a deep breath and gathered your courage to expose your whole story.
"My name is Y/n L/n but I am not from here... in fact until a few minutes ago I believed that you two were part of the stories my grandmother used to tell me when I was younger... "I know well who my family is, I just didn't know their true position in this brotherhood, my grandmother used to tell me stories of the Frye twins and the adventures of the assassins to free London from the grasp of the Templars, but I always believed that you were a lie, I am not from here, nor from this time and I honestly don't know how I got here," you said between sobs, raising one of your hands to your face wiping the tears that were falling "I don't even know why I came here, for one second I was in 2020 and the next I traveled back in time to here. .. BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY! I WAS JUST TRYING TO FIND OUT WHO I WAS, WHY DID I HAVE TO VISIT LONDON AND IGNORE ALL THE WARNINGS MY GRANDMOTHER GAVE ME? WHY DID SHE LET ME COME? DID SHE KNOW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?" Your crying turned into anger, you felt like your body was going to collapse, you felt dizzy, everything was becoming blurry but something broke your fall and held you tight, with the tremendous effort you looked up to see what had happened, the next thing you knew you were in Jacob's arms, he protected you from falling or passing out, you wanted to talk but all you could say was 'ahh' or 'I...'.
"Okay love I know it's a lot to process but you're not alone here, you have us now, we'll take care of you," Jacob said stroking your hair and holding you close to his body, the beating of his heart helped you calm down. "Now what do you mean 2020? We can tell you're not from here but did this happen? Evie?" Jacob called his sister's name they both looked at each other, and after a few seconds, Evie had an idea.
"Let's wait for you to recover so you can tell us everything straight so we can understand what's going on, but..." Evie stopped sighing "Until you can get back home we have to make you unnoticed, we have to make you mix with the people of our time, only then you will be safe, and since your family is a big influence here in London we can visit them and try to ask for help, what do you think?" Evie smiled at you and you smiled back, you felt your eyes grow tired, and without much effort, you fell asleep.
Your eyes opened slowly, it was hard to sleep with the storm of thoughts that rambled through your mind, occupying every neuron, it was still night, you looked at the clock on the desk, it was 4 am, still so early and you were already so awake, you couldn't deny that you felt anxious and nervous with what was happening, Your body moved from side to side on the sofa where you slept, the rain hit the glass loudly, the sound of the wheels on the rails, the wind whistled lulling your body, but you couldn't sleep anymore, the stress, the fear, the frustration of not being home, it was agonizing, you stared at the ceiling, thinking, those memories were still very fresh in your mind, it would take a while to accept.
With a little effort you pushed your body up, sitting down and crossing your legs, the window above your head was splashed with raindrops that slid with speed, the landscape was beautiful, the city lights in the background made your heart beat faster, Even in another epoch London was still London, still a beautiful, attractive city, without you realizing it, a weak smile broke out on your lips, it was ironic that you wanted to visit a place so much and when you did it was as if it vanished through your fingers.
You observed the room and noticed your bag lying on the side of the sofa, with one hand you pulled yourself towards you and took out your drawing notebook, you appreciated the picture sticked on the leather cover, it was your grandfather who had made it, he made a dozen of them just for you, every time the pages of one finished, another one came on the scene, with canvas for more adventures and emotions, since you were very young that writing and drawing were a way to represent your emotions and represent the world you lived in.
With a few gestures you let your hand flow across the white page, drawing and sketching empty emotions but full of comfort, looking on the bright side, when you return you will always have something to show your grandmother, a memory, the sound of the pencil scratching the sheet of paper, soothed your heart so full of bitterness, 'so this is what it's like to discover who I am? Is this what you wanted me to see grandma?' you thought to yourself, is this the destiny that was destined for you?
You sighed and let your hand fall on your thigh, you looked forward, and saw Jacob's coat resting on the back of the armchair in front of you, a wave of warmth and embarrassment invaded your chest, you felt strange every time you thought about him, he was mysterious but gentle and protective, when you felt his body wrap around yours it seemed that they had connected to each other, and all the negative energies and scary thoughts disappeared, your heartbeat as he did, your breath calmed down as you felt his fingers tangle in your hair to comfort you, without a second thought, you began to draw his face on that once white page, you remembered every detail of his face, the two scars, his unshaven beard, his hazel eyes, his lips. ... he was an attractive man, you would never in your life think of meeting him, but now that you know him, he was something you didn't want to forget, you put the notebook against your chest and smiled like a little child, feeling butterflies playing with your belly.
But something interrupted the moment, that moment when you were no longer present on earth, you were lost, hidden in a world of thoughts:
" Rough night?" A voice coming from behind you, scared every inch of your body, you put your hand on your chest letting the notebook fall to the floor, you recognized the owner behind that hoarse and funny voice, Jacob laughed a little "I didn't want to scare you, love, I just came to check if you were okay and since I saw you were awake I decided to come in" Jacob said sitting next to you, his gaze crossed with yours. "How are you feeling?"
"I-im okay, and don't worry you didn't scare me, I was just lost in my thoughts and didn't even see you coming...." you replied shakily, like a leaf in the middle of a storm, his smile was directed at you, you could feel your face getting warm, it was obvious you were nervous, but why?
Jacob sat in the armchair in front of you, he looked tired, but more importantly, he was completely flushed, your gaze was fixed on his body, his hair was dripping, his breathing was racing, your heart was beating unregulated as if you were in a sprint, your breathing became heavy for a few moments.
"Do you like what you see love?" Jacob teased, bending his body forward, you jumped a little when hearing his voice, and quickly looked the other way, the rain was still beating strongly on the window, but the train had stopped, maybe because of the bad weather? "I was just messing with you, I just came from a mission, and well... since you are sleeping in my room and my stuff is here, I came straight to you." He laughed a little, his laugh was wonderful.
Even not looking directly at him you could feel his smile, unbelievably you were feeling calm again, your breathing was quiet, but you felt Jacob's gaze on your body, something captivated him about you, but he still couldn't know what it was, maybe because you were exotic? Because you were new to him, his gaze was fixed on your neck, the necklace that belonged to him was now adorning your neck.
"I wanted to thank you, Mister Frye, thank you for saving me from that... you know, I wanted to thank you earlier but, I've been busy with my mind-" Suddenly you felt his fingers slip up your neck to your jawline turning your face to face his, his curious gaze was focused on the necklace, he smiled.
"How funny I have a necklace just like that hanging around my neck, matching aren't we" Again his laughter filled the room, you couldn't contain yourself, and a small giggle broke out from your lips "Oh you do laugh too, you have a very adorable laugh" Your face flared, a pink color graced your cheeks as you heard his voice, he was so close. ... his scent intoxicated you, as if you were drunk on his scent alone, you felt your eyes getting heavier, but something woke you up, a fallen drop of Jacob's hair fell on your cheek.
"Shouldn't you take off your wet clothes, or at least dry yourself? Mister Frye you might catch a cold" the words escaped from your lips, the concern was explicit on your face, Jacob found it adorable, but he laughed a little, confused you looked at him pouting, you were just trying to help and he still laughed.
"Darling, my clothes are all here and if you haven't noticed, you're here, it would be inappropriate to undress in front of such a delicate lady, besides I'm used to it, after missions I usually go to some pub to celebrate with my rooks but Evie asked me to keep an eye on you, and I didn't want to leave you alone either," Jacob said sitting back in the chair.
You blushed but nodded, he was right, it wouldn't be appropriate, but something wandered in your mind, he didn't want to leave you alone? Jacob's watchful eyes noticed your notebook lying on the floor, he reached out to pick it up, you felt a wave of embarrassment and shame hit you like a stone, no, a bunch of them.
His fingers slid across the pages looking at the drawings, especially the one you had done the day you arrived in London, he looked like a child watching a cartoon on TV, he was mesmerized.
"Ahm Mister Frye, may I ask you something?" you asked as he looked at your notebook, he nodded without saying a word. "What was this mission you went on?" his gaze was still focused on the drawings, but he took a deep breath and answered finally.
"Y/n you know what an Assassin does right?" He asked, you nodded, waiting for his answer to continue "I was assigned to kill templars and free London from the disgusting and profiteering clutches of theme, today I helped rescue some of my rooks who were taken hostage in the middle of one of their rounds when they warned me,
I ran immediately to save them, they are like a family
family, and I as their leader have to help and protect them.
His words were like melodies, he sounded just like the way your vein described, ruthless, brave, gentle and playful, fearless, you smiled, was it possible for a man like that to be true? Was it even possible that your childhood hero was right there in front of you watching your drawings? Was it really true that after many years of hearing about him, you were having a conversation with him? You felt so confident that for a few minutes you forgot that you were stuck in 1800.
"You are really brave Jacob..." Finally, you said, slowly removing the necklace from your neck and holding it between your fingers, circling it from side to side. "You know I spent years adoring you... wanting to be like you and Evie, my grandmother spent years telling me about your adventures, I remember when I was younger and climbing up on the roof, jumping from window to window pretending to be you, pretending to be with you, and well. ... years later here I am in front of you, talking to my idol, and I still don't know how to react to this situation" You laughed a little sarcastically. You were nervous but you knew you could trust him, when you looked ahead again his gaze went through every detail of the drawing you had made of him, he seemed excited.
"I thank you Y/n, for idolizing me when you were younger, it must come as a shock to you, finally meeting me hum?" He said with a tinny smirk on his lips.
"W-well it is but I think you can even exceed my expectations Mister Frye" You laughed nervously, you tried to avoid looking at him, you were afraid you wouldn't know how to react.
"How do you feel about your family belonging to the brotherhood?" He questioned you as he put your notebook down on the desk next to him, you sighed, honestly you didn't even know what to say, or what to think about it, of course, you knew for many years that your family came from a long line of assassins but, you preferred to believe that it was a lie or just another story invented by your grandmother to entertain your creative mind during the most starry nights, you never imagined that they were real, and you still thought that taking someone's life for the sake of a brotherhood or to protect others was wrong, and you didn't want to be associated with that, so you forgot that story, and went on with your life, but now that you knew that they were real, you were a little afraid to confront them.
"I... honestly I don't know how to answer you, when I was younger, I heard the stories told by my grandmother over and over again, but I never thought that they were real, and even when she talked about the brotherhood I... preferred to ignore it, in my view, it isn't right to kill someone, I thought that the assassins were cruel monsters who had no feelings, so I never really wanted to know that part of the story, but I confess that I am afraid to confront them tomorrow..." Jacob seemed to understand what you were feeling his eyes were downcast, you could hear his heavy breathing, you felt a little worried, would you said something wrong, but something surprised you when his gaze met yours you could see a little fear and sadness in his gaze.
"Do you think I'm a monster?" Jacob asked getting up and walking towards you again, you felt your body harden like a stone, your heart was beating uncontrollably, you couldn't think of anything to answer him, he knelt in front of you, still with his gaze fixed on yours, you couldn't even think, he was very close to you, his hand wrapped around yours and took the necklace you were holding between your fingers "Your grandmother gave you this didn't she? and by some fluke of life you came right to me... tell me Y/n even after I saved you, do you think I'm a monster?" His voice was husky, his touch made you sensitive, his smell made you dizzy, you are hypnotized.
"N-no, I don't think you're a monster, I... just didn't know much about.... I... and by some fluke of life you came right to me... tell me Y/n even after I saved you, do you think I'm a monster?" His voice was husky, his touch made you sensitive, his smell made you dizzy, you are hypnotized.
"N-no, I don't think you're a monster, I... just didn't know much about.... I..." Jacob's hand moved closer to your neck his fingers slid across your skin easily, you sighed deeply as you felt his skin in contact with yours, Jacob smiled, it was funny to see your submissive reaction to him, with a small gesture, he placed the necklace around your neck, caressing the back of it, but before he left, his breath-focused on your ear and with a whisper, he made your world crumble.
"Don't take this necklace off, so I'll always know why you're here"
He stood up and grabbed his coat, you were completely paralyzed, you were blushing, your breathing was heavy and panting, your gaze seemed glazed on him, he smiled and walked towards the door, but before disappearing into the darkness his voice echoed once again in the room "you better get some more rest Love tomorrow we have a long day, it was nice talking to you miss L/n". And with that he left you there alone, your heart pounding, panting, and nervous, your only thought was his voice softly caressing your ear.
You let your body fall back, staring at the window, and the rain sliding on it, you didn't realize that the train was moving again, you just let your mind wander, what would have happened if he stayed here?
Feelings and thoughts left you awake for the rest of the night, before you knew it the birds were already singing, the first rays of sunlight illuminated your smiling face.
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derailedfiction · 3 years
The Most Wanted | Baron Zemo | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairings: Helmut Zemo x Fem!Reader | Sam Wilson & Fem!Reader |  James Barnes & Fem!Reader
Word count: 6764
Warnigns: smut, a bit of swearing
Summary: After John Walker's outburst, Reader.and the boys ™️ follow a promising lead of a certain doctor.
A/N: IT’S FINALLY HERE :D enjoy <3 
tag list: @sea-murai you’re my smut queen 
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What a mess, you thought replaying in your head over, and over again how the poor man was decapitated. You returned to the empty apartment and made yourself a drink, which you drank at the spot and immediately you refilled empty glass. You looked at the amber liquid pensive. It was not the first time you saw somebody getting killed but the brutality of the act itself and the direct publicity it had from the very start, made you feel sick.
With heavy sight, you sat down on the sofa and closed your eyes. It was not the only haunting thought that was in your mind. The kiss. You suspected he did it to play with you, but you could not stop feeling his lips upon yours. How gentle and soft they were and Zemo’s gloved hand lightly caressing your chin as you succumbed to his actions.
What a nonsense, you thought and took away your own fingers that tried to trace his touch on your lips. But it was a pleasant nonsense, and you did not really want to let it go.
“Still here?” you heard Sam as he walked in. “Your great prize just escaped; you’re not following him?”
“Kein Problem, Sam. Ich verfolge ihm, [Not a problem, Sam. I’m tracking him,]” you answered him opening your eyes.
They both looked like they have been through hell. Weary, bruised up with some cuts on faces, but somehow victorious as you spotted the shield in Sam’s hands, still wearing some marks of blood on its surface.
“We must think what to do with Walker, he clearly snapped,” Bucky said as he was taking off his gear. “It’s hard to deal with what he’s done to the shield.”
That sounded way more accusatory than it supposed to be, and you saw Sam slightly tensing his jawline, listening to Bucky. It was something that you were used to, as James would from time to time throw such punchlines toward Sam, and how he has treated the shield.
You got up and went for the first aid kit, which still was in bathroom after Zemo helped you with taking out the bullet. You heard them heatedly arguing back in the room, so you grabbed the kit and went back.
“Sitz [Sit,]” you ordered James showing him the chair, and surprisingly he obliged. You then took a swab with sanitizer and tried to clean his face cuts, but he retreated catching your hand. “Komm jetzt, es wird nur für einen Moment kneifen [Come now, it’ll pinch only for a moment,]“
He let your hand go, rather unconvinced and allowed you to continue with the procedure.
“Sie mussen ihm neutraliziren. [You have to neutralize him.]” you referred to what they were arguing about, whilst cleaning James’ nose cut. “Er kann nicht ein Super-Soldat sein. Das ist zu gefährlich. [He can’t be a super soldier. It’s too dangerous.]”
“Well, that’s out of the question,” James answered with sigh.
“Yeah, but how do you want to take down a bloody murderer? It’s not like we can burst into his house and handcuff him, man,” Sam stood looking at the two of you, with crossed arms. “He’s a straight up killer, a super killer. He won’t go easy, especially as something broke in him.”
“I have told you something was not alright about him,” with nod you agreed to what Bucky has said.
“Warum hat er diesen Mann getötet? Was ist passiert? [Why did he kill that man? What has happened?]” you asked.
“Lemar, his partner died in action. It was actually Karli that pushed him into the wall, but Walker set his mind on that man,” you stood silent for a longer while, thinking intensively about something. In the meantime you let James to go, as you finished with cleaning of his cuts and invited Sam to take his place.
“Ich kenne eine Frau, sie ist eine Wissenschaftlerin und sie hatte an dem Super-Soldat Serum und einer Art Gegenmittel gearbeitet. [I know a woman. She’s a scientist and she worked on the super soldier serum and some kind of antidote.]”
“Really? – Nicht bewegen, [Don’t move,]” Sam looked at you as Bucky explained him what you have said. You found it utterly irritating and hard to tend his head cut as he moved all the time.
“Nun, ich kenne sie nicht persönlich, aber ich weiß, dass es diesen Wissenschaftler gibt, der versucht, die Wirkung des Serums umzukehren. [Well, I don't know her personally, but I do know that there is this scientist who is trying to reverse the effects of the serum,]” you took your time washing the wounds and bruised lip.
Only when you finished, you cleaned up and put the rest of the things back into the first aid kit. Then you took out your laptop and started looking for some useful information.
“Don’t you think is worth a shot?” Bucky asked Sam, who wasn’t that convinced to your idea. He didn’t trust you and you could not blame him for that. Especially, as you let Zemo escape their custody.
“Do we have other option? We should try this, it’ll be easier to do something with him, when he’s not a super soldier,” you felt Sam’s glances as he has spoken with James. “But still, I don’t trust her that much to do as she proposes.”
“For a bit we’re stuck with her,” they both stopped talking to look at you, working on the computer. You paused and looked back at them.
“Was? [What?]” you tilted your head and returned to your work.
“Anyway, we try to find this scientist and then we go back to States. I’m done with Europe for a while.”
“Mags du die offiziele Treffen? [Do you like official meetings?]”, you closed laptop and approached men. “[I know you have enough of Europe, but we’ll be here for a bit longer. In two days, there’s an annual meeting of scientist. What very little people know that it is also an annual convention of all sorts of medical freaks.]”
“Where is it?”
“Come sta il tuo gentiluomo italiano? Andiamo a Venezia. [How is your Italian? We are going to Venice],” you asked them with disarming smile as you saw confusion on their faces.
“How many languages do you know, woman?” Sam was highly shocked considering your ability to change languages so easily.
“A lot,” you smiled cheekily answering him in the purest English, much to his dismay.
“Do we have to go through the plan again?” you growled under your nose, hesitantly getting up from the bed you sat on.
You arrived in Venice in the early morning, when the whole city was still asleep. The three of you took that opportunity to do a short reconnaissance in front of the opera where later that day, the event was to be held. A square in front of it was rather small but provided enough space to set an observation station. You really hoped for a moment free to go and visit a bit more of the city you haven’t seen for a long time. Unfortunately, during the day you were seated in the nearby café as Sam and James went inside.
“Bucky and I go inside, and we try to find this doctor of yours. You Y/N, will be a watch-out in the nearby,” James looked at you for a moment, thinking about something.
“Can you tell me again, why you can’t go inside with us?”
“Wie ich Ihnen bereits sagte, wünschen mir einige Leute dort den Tod, [As I told you, some of the people there wish me dead,]“ you shook your head lightly. “So, denke ich, das ist keine gute Idee für mich in zu gehen. Jeder würde wissen, dass etwas lost ist. [So, I think it’s not a good idea for me to go in. Everybody would know something is going on.]”
James was visibly tormented by the idea of you doing things on your own.
“Es ist in Ordnung, ich verstehe dich und dass du mir nicht vertraust, James. [That’s alright, I understand you and that you don’t trust me, James,]” you gently put your hand on his arm. “Aber wir haben keine anderen Lösungen [But we don’t have any other options,]“ he sighed as he knew there was no other idea and that was your best shot so far.
“Right, but how do we get in there? We don’t even have clothes or anything?”
You smiled broadly as you were waiting for this question. You went to the phone and dialed a number, “Sie werden hinreißend aussehen, [You’ll look ravishing,]” you winked at them and started talking on the phone.
Within an hour, you were gaily sitting in a comfortable chair, slowly drinking your second mimosa and simply enjoying the view. Sam and James were trying on their tuxedos for the evening, which was truly captivating activity as you could look at two well-built men in smart clothes.
“Is it me or Y/N enjoys this a bit too much?” Sam turned around to see himself in the mirror.
“Ja, ich genieße die Aussicht, [Yes, I do enjoy the view,]” you smiled and raised your glass to toast and finished off the drink, which was immediately refilled.
Bucky stood silently in his dark-blue velvet jacket and you could have sworn he was mumbling something about you acting like Zemo.
“Komm schon Jungs, du muss anständig aussehen, um in die Oper zu gehen, [Come on boys, you have to look decent to go to the opera,]” the tailor took the last measurements from Sam and invited Bucky to stand on a low step.
“Ah, James, du siehst absolut schneidig aus [James, you look absolutely dashing],” you complimented the man as the dark shade of blue looked absolutely mesmerizing on him. “Du auch siehst absolut schneidig aus, Sam,” what was more to say, you simply took pleasure in both, observing them in those fancy clothes and how miserable they were at the same time.
“Aren’t you getting ready?” Sam asked, looking at himself in the mirror one more time. You sensed that he actually liked being dressed like this.
“Ja, aber ich bin schon bereit, schau. [Yes, but I’m already ready, look,]” with your free hand you pointed to a hanger with long, evening dress in your favourite colour, next to which stood high-heels.
As you finished your last drink, you got up from the armchair and spoke to the tailor, who informed you that there, is need only for small changes and outfits would be ready within two hours. You smiled to him and left the room with the dress and shoes to get ready.
It was not your first time to be a watch out but what concerned you the most about this evening, was the fact that you still had the Powerbroker’s men after you. The odds were rather unlikely for them to come but they were not zero. Then again, you did not really owe anything to James or Bucky, to stay and to help them here or to go after Walker and neutralize his super soldier abilities.
You looked at your reflection in a mirror, carefully observing how the fabric of the dress draped over your body. The sleeves were of right length to nicely cover the bandage on your arm. It was a simple, evening dress as many others, but it had something in it that made you checking-out yourself for a longer moment. Was it the cleavage, not revealing yet complementing your breasts? Or maybe a nicely cut waist, hugging your body well-fitted? You did not really know, and it did not bother you. The effect was stunning, and you loved it. It was a perfect camouflage for your position. Being in that dress allowed you to look as one of the guests, who casually went outside to smoke and was about to go back. The only thing that didn’t go well with this outfit was your purple black eye from the other day, but what make-up cannot solve?
It took you a bit longer than you wished but you managed to cover the bruised area with an evening look. As you finished the last touches of your gala outfit you took out two boxes with the equipment you got from a friendly smuggler you knew from the past.
“So, I brought some good stuff,” you said as you returned to the boys and put first small box on the table.
“She speaks,” escaped from Sam’s mouth. And it was not the only sense that was shocked as his eyes were wandering on your figure, as much as James’s. “You look really nice.”
“Yes, I do,” you replied in such way on purpose, so he had to think about it. You opened the box revealing small earplugs. “We’ll communicate through them. It’s so small nobody will notice it,” you handed one for each of them and put one in your ear.
“Why now?” Sam was still inquiring about your magical ability to speak English, all of sudden.
“I thought it would be easier if both of you would understand me, not just James,” you answered him. “And honestly, gentleman you should consider wearing suits more often… They really suit you.” Sam was visibly flattered by your compliment, while James mumbled something again. “Do you want to go over the plan again?”
“I think we’re good. You’re observing, we’re inside looking for your doctor. We get needed information and head out,” Sam summed up shortly, as you took out invitation. “Only one?”
“Yeah, you’re going as a pair. Settle between who is who’s one plus,” you handed him the piece of paper with grin. “You’ll do just fine.”
“I preferred when you spoke German at least I didn’t understand you,” he sighed heavily. You lightly shrugged your arms and turned on a little screen, which was showing halls of the opera house from different angles. You wrinkled your nose lightly observing one of the video.
“What?” you heard Bucky over your shoulder, standing behind.
“Nothing, I just spotted a bar I want to invade before we begin,” you answered him and turned off the device.
“How professional,” Sam snorted.
“Come now, darling,” you smiled blissfully and grabbing their arms as you were leaving the apartment. “What can go wrong?”
As you soon found out quite a lot of things could have gone wrong, starting with your high-heels and Venetian pavement that was not co-operating with them to finish with a bottle of not-so-cold champagne you have hoped for.
“How is it going?” you asked through the earplug, observing incoming wave of smart-clothed people.
“So far, so good,” you heard Sam and you saw him with a drink in a hand, “How does our target will look like?”
“Tall, blonde, she’ll be probably with a cane. She had some sorts of accident and can’t walk without it,” you replied smiling to the passing by couple, “She should be easy to spot. Please, don’t scare her.” Sam let a short laugh.
“Well then, let’s get to it,” James was rather tensed, observing guests coming in.
“You should go and take your seats, the play is about to start.”
“What?” they asked simultaneously.
“Oh, I didn’t mention that?” you smiled to yourself, seeing their distressed faces in camera, “As a treat for guests, you’ll be able to see one of the finest version of Don Jovanni. Enjoy gentlemen –”
And you lost sound at that moment, you could have seen they were saying something to you but it was just lost.
“Hello? Can you hear me?”
What a piece of shit, you thought taking out the comm and gently hitting it in order to work.
“Problems in paradise?” a familiar voice, you thought you won’t hear for a time, asked as you turned around to see Zemo standing in the shadows like a common creep.
“As far as I’m concerned, we’re doing perfectly well,” you said, observing the entrance. Quite a lot of people were still going in, even though the opera has already started. “I’m surprised to see you here, to be honest.”
“I got a little bit bored, and I decided to come back,” Zemo said, walking up to you slowly.
“Don’t tell me you missed Sam or James’s company?” you scoffed him with a smile just in the corner of your lips.
“I missed your company Y/N, if I may speak freely,” you raised your eyebrow at his words. Zemo stopped next to you and observed the façade of the opera house. “It’s quite a crowd, isn’t it?”
“I suppose it is. I never liked those official meetings, really. The only one good thing about such parties is this,” you showed him a bottle of champagne you took earlier from the opera’s kitchen. “Want some? But I warn you, I don’t have any fancy glasses, so we have to drink straight from the bottle,” you drank from it and passed the alcohol to Zemo, which he gladly accepted.
“Are our mutual friend inside?” you nodded. “How did you make them go inside?”
“It wasn’t that hard, really,” he was standing with such close proximity, you had no problem with smelling his cologne nor with feeling his warmth. “Is it your doings that our communication is jammed?”
Zemo smiled innocently and pretended to turn the key against his mouth, “I know nothing of such thing, Y/N. But then again, we wouldn’t have had this opportunity to talk freely.”
“And you came, God knows from where, just to talk with me?” he opened his arms and shrugged them.
“Night is still young, and you don’t have to stand here waiting for them to return. They’re big boys,” he took the liberty to caress your neck skin as he spoke, giving you shivers along the spine.
“What we do here is important, Zemo,” you slowly turned your gaze upon him. “Honestly, I don’t really want to see any more dead bodies caused by this man.” You lazily leaned towards him, occasionally glancing at his lips. So, tempting to try them one more time.
“I can see that, Y/N,” Zemo answered in low whisper, still caressing your neck.
You moved even closer to the man and just inches before his mouth, you paused and said, “Give me back champagne.”
You saw how his face shifted as he gave you a short smirk along the bottle, from which you took another sip.
“So, hypothetically, where would you want to go, Zemo?” you asked, enjoying the sensation of his gloved hand against your skin.
“Hypothetically, there is a little hotel, not that far from here where, hypothetically, I have an apartment – Of course, you have – where we can go and talk,” you rose your eyebrow as he took his hand away and took of his signature coat to put it around your shoulders. “It’s rather chilly.”
“What a chivalry of yours, Zemo,” you stated, even though you accepted it with quite a pleasure, “Shall we go?” As for a true gentleman, hidden under a mask of a terrorist, he offered you his arm, which you gladly took.
The two of you went for a relatively short stroll, which raised questions you wanted to ask, how on earth he found out about this event and that you will be there, but you just let it go.
You shook your head for his proposition of a drink as you reached the apartment, you felt a little bit light-headed after the champagne and wanted to make a pause. You nonchalantly slipped the coat on an armchair and sat down on a small sofa.
“Well, you can now tell me why are you back? I mean, you had a clear way of escaping and be free as wind,” you pressed your lips tight, and you crossed your arms, waiting for him to answer you. He poured you two drinks and handed one to you even though you didn’t want any.
Just as soon as he sat down, he started, “It might sound strange, but I wanted to spend some time with a person who will not try to kill me.” You smiled to your whiskey and sipped a little of it, “And as much as I enjoyed co-operating with Sam and James, it was tiring after a while to look over your shoulder.”
You raised your eyebrow in amusement. It was the very Baron Zemo who just said, he must have looked if there was anyone wanting to stab him. You found that hilarious and couldn’t prevent a silent laugh.
“I must say, Zemo, that sounds rather funny, being said by you.”
“Why? Because I know my way out of any situation, even if it demands some stabbing?” he looked at you, gently smiling.
“Precisely,” you narrowed your eyes, observing him. In this dim light and with that smile on his lips he seemed to be quite relaxed and peaceful. A rare view for anyone watching. “You know what, I missed our little talks like that.”
“I’ll drink to that, Y/N.”
You observed him for a moment, urging to ask a burning question that you carried since the beginning of your reunion, “How do you feel?”
He stopped drinking and looked at you surprised, “Ravishing, what do you mean?”
“You perfectly know, what do I mean, Baron,” you slowly took another sip of the drink, “You know, you were severely depressed in the jail, so obviously I’m a little bit concerned how do you feel now. You wanted to kill yourself, Zemo. It doesn’t happen just like that,” you snapped your fingers, looking expectantly at him.
“If that will ease your mind upon this matter, I went through the therapy during my incarnation,” he looked at the peaceful night through the window. “ – and it helped for a certain extend.”
“I’m glad to hear it, Zemo. I really am,” you smiled lightly and finished your drink. “You want a refill?” You stood up from your armchair and took his glass, as you headed for the bar. “Same or you want to change for something else?”
“The usual,” you snorted and poured him whiskey.
“So,” you started, handing Zemo his glass back, “shall we speak about something a bit more cheerful?”
As the two of you engaged into conversation, the time passed by unnoticed. You must have admitted that Zemo was a delightful chat partner as he could talk about literary everything starting from political matters and literature to what knife would be the best for a hand-to-hand combat. It was that kind of dispute which was challenging you and yet allowed you to carry it on effortlessly.
Your engagement in conversation with Zemo, reminded you how the two of you had similar talks when he was in German prison. You were quite proud of yourself when you successfully infiltrated that prison posing as a trauma counsellor. There was no real therapy, but it allowed you to plan and implement the escape. Though, now you could see much more emotions and freedom in his talking and way of acting. You found it enjoyable to observe him a bit more alive than he used to be.
At one moment you were standing and slowly dancing to the music played from a gramophone and it was quite blurry for you to recall who came up with this idea. But it was pleasurable when you felt his arm gently resting around your waist as the other supported your hand, even though both of you had some percentages in blood. You were slowly rocking across the room, trying to avoid sneaky furniture that would appear out of nowhere, to your disapproval.
“Maybe it’s best if we sit for now, we’re not the best dancers after this amount of alcohol,” you led Zemo by his hand to the sofa, on which you sat down.
“You look lovely in this dress, Y/N.”
“I know, thank you,” you gave him a cheeky smile, much to his amusement.
“You know what…”
“Are you going to tell me it would look better on the floor?” you interrupted, and Zemo chuckled in response.
“Only if you want to, Y/N,” you shifted on the sofa to move a bit closer towards him.
“What do you want, then?”
“You,” this simple response made you astonished, uncertain what to say.
“Is this drunken you speaking, or real you?” your fingers started slowly caressing the back of his hand, in anticipation of Zemo’s answer.
“What would you like me to be?” you lightly shook your head.
“Does it really matter?” you asked, not really knowing whether you were asking yourself or Zemo. Before he could answer you in any way, you placed a short, uncertain kiss on the man’s lips, which was followed by much longer and needy one. You wanted to retreat after this, to think about it but Zemo’s hand in your hair prevented it sufficiently and pulled you back for another kiss, heated and passionate.
You felt the zip of your dress going down and as you leaned in the kiss, the material slide off revealing your shoulders. You pushed him gently on the sofa seat and comfortably nested yourself on Zemo. Your fingers were tenderly stroking his hair as your kiss became deeper and sweeter with each passing second.
His lips slipped from yours to your jawline and neck leaving trail of messy kisses, each of it awarded by your soft moan. You felt as if you were melting under every single touch, stroke or nip left on your skin.
“Would you like to go somewhere more comfortable?” he asked into your neck, kissing it possessively.
“After you, Helmut,” you placed another peck in the corner of his lips and sat up.
Baron swiftly got up and offered his hand to lead you to the bedroom, where he took his time stripping you out of the dress, along saying how much he admired you and your body. As your apparel hit the floor, it revealed you were wearing no lingerie.
“Y/N,” Zemo chucked huskily, grabbing you by your waist and turning around to see you, “You’re full of surprises, my dear.”
You rested your forearms on his chest observing how his eyes brightened. Your fingers played with the collar of the man’s shirt before leaning in for another kiss, which he tenderly gave you.
“Why am I the only one undressed?” you softly purred, revelling in his gentle strokes. You moved your hands to ably undo his belt and shoulder holster, which were now laying on the floor.
“Is it my fault you weren’t wearing any underwear?”
“Is it my fault you were so eager to undress me?” you replied with another question, working on his clothes. Zemo chuckled allowing you to do further undressing of him. “You know what…” you paused your doings and took your hands away, looking at him slyly, “You’re a big boy, do it yourself.”
You walked away from him with a cheeky smile and sat down on a bed, resting on your palms with crossed legs. Zemo tilted his head letting a quiet sigh of disbelief as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, still maintaining eye contact with you. Oddly, you found it quite erogenous, and your breath quicken a bit watching him stripping the rest of clothes.
“Like what you see?”
“Come to me,” you softly lured, feeling deprived of his touch and affection for too long. You climbed higher on the bed making room for Zemo, who was over you within seconds.
“So needy,” he chuckled darkly, leaving lazily trail of kisses starting on your collar just to end right next to your ear. His hand was exploring your hip, gently clenching fingers into your sensitive skin, enjoying each of your soft moans. “So impatient – and so welcoming.”
You deeply inhaled feeling his fingers inside you, already dripping wet.
“Y/N…”  Zemo caught each of your whines with his lips slowly fingering you, “You’re such a beautiful mess.” You laughed in his mouth which quickly turned into loud groan of pleasure as heat inside you was more and more mounting.
“Zemo, I want you,” you said quietly and whimpered as he took his fingers away from you.
“Good Lord, Y/N. You even taste as good as you look,” he smiled devilishly, licking off your juices and suspended any actions, glancing at you somehow distressed.
“What is it?” you looked up, searching for his eyes.
“It’s just been a while since I – ” you shushed him with your finger on his lips.
“Roll over,” you said sternly and surprisingly he was more than happy to oblige and pull you on top, “Good boy, Helmut,” you awarded him with a loving kiss.
You straddled him and helped yourself with your hand to position his member to your entrance, and you slowly lowered down on him. Both of you gasped at the same moment as you froze to feel him better inside you. “You’re quite to take,” you whispered slowly rocking your hips, much to Zemo’s approval. After a moment of his stillness, Zemo started to counter your movements.
“Oh, my – Helmut,” you gasped airlessly feeling his thrusts and trying to keep up with the pace. “Don’t you dare to stop,” you bit your lip, watching what hot mess he became beneath you. It seemed as his hands were all over you, all the time, yet you felt them mostly strongly gripping your hips as he kept thrusting in you.
“You are beautiful, Y/N. I cannot get enough of you,” with each next pound into you, you felt your legs were about to fail you. Zemo saw that as you were faintly allowing your head to fall down with sorrow moans of pleasure.
He unceremoniously flipped you on your back and trapped between the mattress and his body.
“That’s unexpected,” you said pulling him closer, sinking your fingers into his messy hair, “But not unwelcomed.”
“You were barely holding on. I couldn’t allow anything happen to you,” he stated, changing his pace to much slower and mor passionate lovemaking.
“You have well-rested, my dear Bar–ON,” a moan escaped your lips as he suddenly caught your nipple in teeth and bit it.
Zemo hooked your legs around his hips as he started to pound into you mercilessly, catching every single moan and scream of pleasure that escaped your mouth with his indecent kisses. Within a blink of an eye your arms were held by his hand, above your head, much restraining your movement. You tried to squirm your freedom, but he was relentless in overpowering you.
“Don’t move, be a good girl,” his whisper next to your ear made your eyes even darker from lust and you obliged to Helmut’s demand. “Good girl,” he praised you huskily, cupping your breast with the free hand.
“Helmut, I – ” you shivered strongly as your climax was almost there. Your hips were coming ahead his thrust gaining as much friction and stimulation as you could get. “Please, let me go… I want to touch you, to feel you when I come on you,” you pleaded sweetly arching your body toward him even more.
As soon as your arms were free, you clenched them around his upper body, dugging nails into his back. Your breath was becoming more and more frantic as you were on the very edge of your climax. All of your nerves were aching for it to happen, controlling over your body as you softly whimpered into Zemo’s neck nonsense. His brown eyes, now almost black were staring at you as if you were his pray, his victim.
“Don’t you dare stopping n-OW,” you were an absolute mess and him changing pace for the faster one was bringing you over the edge.
“Be a good girl and come for me,” Zemo’s hips were smashing into you with the force you have never suspected him. You nodded sloppily kissing his face wherever you could and then it happened.
You felt overwhelming wave of heat and shivers overpowering your body as your orgasm hit. For a moment you stopped breathing and allowed to be filled with this shake inside you and how your muscles tensed around him. Your arms were holding onto Zemo, whose moves became hastier and erratic, close to his own finale. He rested his head on your shoulder breathing heavily and babbling as with few last thrusts he came in you, with loud moan.
He stopped moving to catch his breath and slowly slipped out of you.
“You are intense, Y/N,” his soft smile was something amazing to observe. You could have sworn there was only affection and nothing more in him, at the moment.
“Well, I got to taste my own medicine, Helmut. I think I might have some bruises,” you looked at him out of breath and satisfied.
Zemo pulled you closer and left few short kisses on your forehead before he spoke to you, “Sleep now, I’ll get you back to boys tomorrow morning.”
As much as you hated the idea of being vulnerable in your sleep, you settled down comfortably next to Zemo, slowly falling asleep. His arm around your shoulder was holding you steadily, yet you could still hear his heart fast beating. Listening to it and how it was getting slower as to the regular hear beat, you found yourself drowsy enough to relax and fall asleep on his chest.
Your sleep was abruptly finished by the phone ring.
“Hallo?” you took the phone quickly not to wake up sleeping man next to you.
“Y/N? Care to explain your sudden missing?” you heard James on the other side and stopped breathing for a moment.
You got up and left the bedroom with sleeping Zemo and you replied, “Ich hatte einen Dinge zu machen.[I had some things to do.]”
“Yeah, right. I’m waiting outside,”
“Was? [What?]” a shocked question slipped your lips.
“Das. [That.] I put a tracker on you. I didn’t want another runner like Zemo. Come down or I’ll come for you,” he said and hung up.
FUck, fuck, FUCK, you thought shocked as you started quickly looking for your clothes. Outside the window, you indeed noticed Bucky standing under a street lantern on the opposite side of the hotel’s entrance. As you were gathering your dress and shoes, you noticed some kind of package on a chair, opposite to the bed. You almost omitted it as they were all black and only delicate shimmering in the streetlight, caught your attention.
 I hope these will be more comfortable to pursue me in.
 You smiled lightly and put the note in the pocket. How come that he could not speak about his feelings but had no problem with showing them in other ways. You took the pile from the chair and you noticed it was surprisingly heavy, as you walked into the bathroom.
How does that man know so much about me?, you asked yourself putting on clothes he prepared. And of course, they fitted you perfectly, which was quite amazing. You haven’t had a slightest idea what kind of material it was, but it felt so comfortable as if you were wearing a second skin. You slipped your feet into boots and laced them thoroughly.
The last thing from the pile was a black box in which you found lather shoulder holster, quite similar to the one Zemo was wearing himself. You put it on and adjusted to your preference and when it was perfectly laying on you, you inserted a gun into the holster.
Before you went away, you have left a short notice foe Zemo that you must have gone.
“Why did you left your position?” he asked as soon as you saw you leaving the hotel, and narrowed his eyes checking out your outfit closely. “Weren’t you wearing a dress?”
“Und jetzt trage ich das. [And now I wear this,]” you answered shortly, unsure how to feel about this whole situation. “Es ist nicht nett, dass du mir nicht vertraust. Aber ich verstehen es. [It’s not nice that you don’t trust me. But I get it].”
“Well, I was right not to trust you, Y/N. Why did you leave?”
“Ich habe dir gesagt, ich musste mich um einige Dinge kümmern. Es ist nicht so, dass ich an euch beide gebunden bin. [I told you, I had some things to attend to. It’s not like I’m bound to you two],” you snarled back at him. “Wo ist Sam? [Where’s Sam?]”
“Back at our hideout,” James sighed quietly and rubbed his eyes. “Alright, listen… You don’t have to tell me why you left, just –,” he stopped for a second looking at you. “Just leave any kind of note that you’re going…”
“Oh, warst du besorgt? [Oh, you were worried?]” you looked at him surprised as he growled with huff. “Das ist schön, James. [That’s lovely, James.]” you mocked him with light smile.
You never would have thought that any of them, James nor Sam, would display any kind of concern of your person. It was even funnier, considering the fact you just did write a note for Zemo, so he would not be troubled about your whereabouts.
“Just don’t do it again, ok?” he looked miserable as you laughed silently at this revelation. You gently patted his arm and nodded to his ask. “You’re not going back there? To your things?”
“Nein, alles ist gut, James. Wir können zurückgehen und darüber nachdenken, was als nächstes zu tun ist. [No, everything is good, James. We can go back and think what to do next,]” you said and started walking down the quiet road.
“I’m afraid no, she wasn’t even there,” Bucky answered and looked at you.
Sweet Lord, these boots are comfortable, you thought taking each next step.
“Haben sie mit diesem Wissenschaftler Glück gehabt? [Did you get any luck with that doctor?]” you asked after a while.
“Verdammt [Damn it],” you muttered under your nose silently, “You’re sure about that? [Bist du darüber sicher?]”
“Yes, we’ve talked to some other scientist that told us, she went missing like three days ago. Presumably taken by the Power Broker, as she was last seen in Madripoor.”
“Verdammt [Damn it],” you repeated louder, which caught Bucky’s attention.
“Why is she so important to you?”
“Willst du wirklich, dass Walker länger ein Supersoldat ist? [Do you really want Walker to be any longer a super soldier?]” you answered with another question. “Ich denke, wir müssen uns ausruhen und dann überlegen, was wir als nächstes tun sollen, [I think, we should take a rest and the think what to do next.]“
“That’s good idea,” he shortly agreed as you came in the apartment.
You noticed Sam sleeping on the sofa under a blanket. Surely something that was taken care of by James.
“I really enjoyed this opera, you know?” you smiled softly hearing it, “It was nice to do something normal? I guess.”
“Ich bin erfreut, das zu hören, [I’m happy to hear it,]” you lowered your voice not to wake the other man.
You looked at James trying to figure out what was he all about. No doubt, he was a caring and a caring persona and that softened you. It was truly awful what happened to him in the past because he did not deserved it at all.
“Es gab nie eine Schwester, [There was never a sister,]” this sentence sounded louder than you thought after a moment of silence.
“I know, Y/N,” you turned to him with surprised expression, a question painted all over your face. “It wasn’t exactly that hard to figure it out, especially since I found your file in published S.H.I.E.L.D. documents.”
You sighed heavily, “Wie viel weißt du [How much do you know]?”
“Pretty much all of it. That you helped Zemo going after the Avengers,” he took off his jacket and hung it over the chair, then continued, “And I just found out about your ailment, you want to treat so badly, Y/N.”
“Okay, willst du dich ausruhen oder darüber reden [Alright, do you want to rest or to talk about it]?” you rubbed your eyes. It was quite late and you dreamt only about continuing your sleep but you couldn’t leave it just like this.
“Let’s talk. We still have some time.”
“Nimm dann die Flasche und zwei Gläser [Grab the bottle and two glasses, then],” you moved to the bedroom and made him space on the bed. “Es wird einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen [It will take some time],” you said closing the door.
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years
Hello!! May I request headcanons for medic, spy and demoman separately with female reader where she gets drunk and confesses their love to them? How would they react and how would they tell her that they reciprocate her feelings? Thanks in advance!!
certainly! however i'll have each of the mercs leave you alone at the end bc doing anything while drunk is kinda 🤨
(also a little update on my schedule at the bottom)
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medic is not one for drinking in particular, but seeing you barely able to stand up straight gave him a bit of a giggling fit and the idea of sticking around to see how you would end up at the end of the night (and totally not because he wanted to baby you, what are you on about)
after enough times of you nagging him to drink he reluctantly picks up a bottle to indulge you
10 minutes later he's as drunk as you are and you two look like a match made in heaven, constantly cackling at each other's fumbled words
as you double over in laughter you say "y'know, this 's why i love you s' much.. you make me feel good"
in his drunken state he doesn't process what you said until you hold his face with both hands and repeat "i loooove youuu"
of all things he could've done, medic laughs and holds your hands. "ich liebe dich auch" (i love you too)
you, now a bit more sober, slowly lean over and peck him on the lips with a smile
"i don' know what that means, but i hope you like me too"
medic replies "of course i zo. now, go sleep. we'll talk more tomorrow" with a grin. you reluctantly let go of his face and stumble into the night with a gleeful smile on your face(zho? do? medic's accent is weird to physically write)
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spy has been determined to get you to drink with him all week, so after gathering enough courage you accept and hope to not make yourself look like a drunken fool in front of him
he takes you to his suspiciously fancy room with an assortment of wine on his equally suspicious counter, nudging you to chose whichever you like
"spy, how strong are these? i don't want to be tipsy 2 minutes into drinking"
"unfortunately, these are the best i could find. new mexico doesn't have the best choices when it comes to wine" (99% this isn't true please don't flame me lmao)
you chose a medium sized bottle with an apricot as its logo, allowing spy to pour your drink with a small smile
you two share small chit-chat for over 2 hours, constantly bickering and complaining over every other merc
unbeknownst to you, wine makes you sleepy. after 2 hours, spy begins to worry when you barely respond to his words and barely move your body
"are you alright l'amour?"
"...yea? i'm jus' feelin' sleepy, that's all.."
"would you like me to escort you to your room?"
"that'd be nice, yea"
spy unceremoniously carries you all the way to your bedroom, which is especially caring coming from someone who never helps when his teammates are in danger, especially when they're drunk
when he arrives at your door you have to lean against the wall in a poor attempt to not fall over, leaving spy to basically hold you again the wall
"thanks spy, for tonight. you can go if you want to now. love you"
spy's entire body freezes up immediately, his eyes widening in shock
"surely you didn't mean that. you're so drunk you can't even stand straight."
you chuckle and cup spy's face, smiling. "i may have had too much wine but i do love you, spy. i didn't wanna tell you like this though. i had a whole thing planned out-"
spy cuts you off with a finger over your lips. "tell me about it tomorrow, mon amour. you won't remember this, and i want you to. goodnight."
surprised by his words, you nod and slither out of his grasp. "okay. goodnight, spy"
"au revoir, chérie"
(this one's long, oopsie)
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getting drunk with demo is not an unusual sight to see on base. you two are constantly seen holding a bottle of booze and sometimes each other for support
the other mercs leave you alone as no one wants to deal with two horribly drunk, stumbling fools who can barely speak a coherent sentence
after a particularly rough day, demo invites you to drink with him. you accept, immediately downing a bottle with a smile on your face
in the middle of a "conversation", you say "why can't it always be like this? me 'n you together doesn't look like a bad thing"
demo chuckles and replies "well lassie, life wouldn' be fair with you bein' by my side all the time!"
you take a swig of your bottle. "it'd be much easier though. i wouldn't have to pretend that i didn't like you."
demo tilts his head at your response, setting down his scrumpy on a nearby counter
you laugh at his obvious curiosity filled glance and reply, spilling your heart into the wide open. "i could kiss you, hold your hand, tell you that i love you, y'know? stuff like that"
demo is not one to experience hallucinations, so hearing you say this has him rethinking his alcohol addiction. no way that it's gone as far as hearing voices, right?
"ya' serious, lassie? ya' sure you haven't had too much scrumpy?"
"i'm serious, demo. i like you, a lot. i wanna be with you" you say, now a bit more sober and fully aware of what you're saying. "i think i love you"
tavish should be happy. he should. he is, in fact. however, deep down inside him he can feel something unpleasant. fear? fear of what? disappointing you?
demo sighs, rubbing his forehead. "lassie.. ya' can't.. why? outta' everyone, why choose the one-eyed alcohol addicted cyclops?"
you chuckle, reaching out to carefully put your hand on demo's face. he subtly leans into it, putting his hand over yours
"i love you because you're a one-eyed alcohol addicted cyclops. i love you because you're amazing."
demo can't handle this, not tonight. it was just supposed to be a fun little night of drinking, not you confessing your love to him.
"..we'll talk tomorrow, yea? i wanna remember this, lassie. please."
you nod and kiss his forehead, letting your hand fall from his face. "alright, see you tomorrow then."
demo stares at you like he wants to return the favor, but he doesn't and starts to walk away.
"see ya' tomorrow lassie."
"alright demo. bye."
yesterday was my last day of finals after a full week of them (and i start winter break as well) so i'll be much more active! however my inbox is pretty full right now so you might see your request a few days later than originally intended :(
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