angryborzois · 1 year
maybe i should go back to writing instead because writing was actually fun but art makes me want to throw my sketchbook out the window and set a car on fire and then cry in a corner
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snekdood · 29 days
personally, i dont see the fundamental difference between deleting your account and making a new one and deleting all your old posts, if we're talking about "running from ones past", then what are you tryna hide there, bud?
#mood#vent#the evidence of your past is gone regardless either way sooooooooooo#how is it so different and how do you keep convincing yourself you're morally superior?#i mean- this is me pretending I agree that that's true to play devils advocate a lil here#bc i know the only reason i deleted any account of mine was bc i just like fresh starts sometimes#and tbh i struggle to find a username i like and some website require me to delete & remake in order to change it#what-- is the problem that you struggle to hold on to me and keep track of me?#bc i promise as soon as i start posting my ocs people Will know who I am regardless of if I recreate-#at least yall and your kiwifarms stalking-ass followers will recognize it and immediately report back to their cult leader#so whats your issue here EXACTLY?#you're already documenting everything I do. so whats your issue?#i mean. is it bc other people wont 'know who I am' and what YOU think i'm like? even though other people- strangers-#already dont know who I am?#bc if thats your argument- I could say the same for you! how are people supposed to 'know who you are' when you delete all your posts?#there was only 1 time I actually deleted my acct out of fear of how ppl would treat me- and it was bc I was dating you!#you made me feel like I had to be Perfect. so quite frankly#blame yourself you bum#what can I say- ig i learned how to cover my tracks from you.#bc before you- I probably would have left it up even with all the bs happening at the time#and now I regret deleting it bc the only reason I did was to impress you with how Good I Am. 🤮#be honest- the reason you're upset is bc you cant use what was on that blog against me#even though what was on that blog PALES in comparison to the kind of shit you've done and posted.#ok ignoring you now and focusing on me again- there was so much art on that blog thats just lost forever and it makes me sad.#even any problematic things. I woulda wanted to keep it if only to keep an archive of my growth as an artist#plus there was a gif of hoody dancing to the thrill by wiz khalifa (i think that was the song I made the gif to) that i'll never get back 😔#i honestly have an issue with deleting my art in general- stuff that isnt problematic so dont start w me bitch- but- for some reason#I just used to get these urges to delete shit like out of shame. I think its bc of being trans and trying to stuff that down and feeling#ashamed that I even wanted to be the guy I wanted to be so I would just get rid of it all and .-.#theres a lil chunk of my comic art that's just gone forever and i wish ik everything I drew. at least I remember one of the ocs i deleted
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lilacstro · 4 days
messages from someone(channeled messages pac)
hey, I wanted to post a pac for a while, so i did haha. It was hard to decide what topic should it be on, so i decided delivering messages from people who would want to come through, hoping it resonates
lmao all three piles were so different than one another, I enjoyed doing this tho. I hope you could resonate with this <3 leave suggestions and feedback in the comment or asks :) remember its a general reading and you dont have to take it if it doesnt feel right :) i love you :)
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decks used: cupid says oracle, biddy tarot deck
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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Pile 1
this doesnt seem to be a romantic pile specifically, feels like someone who you felt like family with, a sister, a female best friend or mother coming through, did they betray you in some way? doing something behind your back to pull you down, maybe criticizing something you wanted do or create. someone who could have cut you off or blown up on you for putting your side of feelings forward, some kind of argument could have occurred too. could be someone who thought you are doing to well, or, going after what you want, was too ambitious or man like? could be jealousy infact. Could be that they didnt intend to do so maybe? maybe it was heat of the moment? take what resonates. I see them wanting to come forward and apologize so much. Someone who is ready to rebuild what was gone, and take things forward with you, especially apologizing and creating a new emotional start, probably meaning wanting to leave everything that has happened in the past, It is in their heart to give you an apology, they might even have nightmares about it, they know they have to do it sooner or later and they have this realization. They want to take a quick-impulsive action too. They just know they have to do it. If its been a while, this person seems ready to come forward very soon.
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channeled messages: I am confused this isnt a phase it still hurts i love you more take a leap its getting very dark and cloudy as i am reading this pile.
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Pile 2
awww this feels like someone who has a crush on you. I was feeling very anxious while reading this pile trying to make meaning out of the cards even before they fell out or the spread was complete. So they might be overthinking everything(thats so cute) Also, as soon as i finished laying this deck down, the sun came back again lol.
This feels someone who you are either dating or wants to date you. Some possible scenarios I am getting are (since this is a general reading) being in an online/long distance connection or you might have not met this person yet, or atleast even if you know them they definitely seem at a little distance from you, even emotionally. Could also be cultural differences.
This person feels like someone who is walking away from something in their life. Going into the unknown, starting something new. Apart from this, they definitely want to start something with you, slowly even if its small, I see confidence issues here, feeling of not being good enough. This person wants to give you queen treatment pile 2 , but i feel they have this subconscious belief of wanting to be better, to be able to provide for you and give you what you deserve. Some of them might also be thinking what other people might think, they just dont want you to suffer with them in any way, they want the best for you before they can come forward to you. Financial stability is major here, maybe you or them have experiences or wounds around it. This person definitely is giving this a lot of time and serious thought
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Channeled messages: I think about us a lot Make me believe(yeah man ig you need to because this person is very hard on themselves for even if they deserve you) I am yours the time is now
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Pile 3
Ok so this feels like someone who has unfinished business with you, This screams to be a ex lover but could be a situationship/toxic old friend. Someone who is up at night thinking about how they couldnt give you what you deserved, not realising they slept on their chance to do that. I see it is someone you had a lot of love for, maybe you expected that the love was reciprocated but it rather caused you some kind of heartbreak. Some possible scenarios coming through are someone who probably left you without explanations, making you rely on other people for help or information, or someone who acted on what their friends or family told them to do instead or someone that caused you some kind of shame in front of people, making you some kind of "gossip topic" in the end. It could even be that you or them heard something from other people that could have caused trouble. Number 3 might be significant to someone, it was coming up a lot. Third party? 3 friends? 3 chances? March? could be, but its a general reading so take what you only believe could be confirmation
This ending could have been very fast and hurried and unexpected as well. It could be that this person chose you over thrill and enjoyment in their life, OR they were over committed to two things at once, both of which needed their time and passion. They were struggling to create a balance is what I see. This person has so much to say to you its insane, they think and reflect on this a lot. But I see this person isn't ready to take the fight as such, they have so much to say to you, so much apology for not being able to give this what it deserved, yet they are afraid of coming forward and saying what they have to, They keep on thinking and wishing, I wish I could, not realizing they are literally sleeping on their chance to do so. What a weird person lol
However what I see is this person making a choice, and a plan, to do something. I wonder how fast is that going to be because i see so much pain and doubt in this person, they don't really feel that you would take this. But I still see them contemplating and making some plan. Could be you have gone through similar some cycles with this person. You could have been hurt yet compassionate to this person it seems yet very uproar and mad and visibly upset about it (understandable tbh) In such readings I am adamant to say that they love you, because this absolutely isnt love imo, Its called guilt tripping and gaslighting but your situation might be diff. However if anyone loves you, they would not be so wishy washy and "oh I wish..." about it, They would just not want to lose you, even the second they knew or even had a realization. These kinds people irk me tbh. They do miss you a lot (more like seems the fun with you but whatever) though and do hope for a second chance. They somehow even find you even more attractive/addictive and dont seem to be over of what has went down yet.
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Channeled messages: I want you you are incredible do you know that what do you want from me i can help it i feel so guilty lets go on an adventure have I been here before? feels like deja vu we need to talk
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newtkive · 5 months
pixels [newt x reader - modern text au]
ch. 1 - the gc birth
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in which two online friends navigate a romance through a minecraft groupchat with their stupid friends
or, newt, the quiet, stoic boy, and y/n, the bubbly girl both curse the world for keeping them apart, but at least they can send each other cute emojis and hope the other doesn't notice their blossoming feelings.
warnings: strong language, mutual pining, none really.
➥ m.list
notes: hi :p im very new to writing on tumblr (but ive always been a reader) so pls bare w me! and im trying to revert back to being 14 (im 23 lols..) so im revisiting my old favs including the maze runner/thomas (bc i binged the artful dodger and now im obsessed again). there will be non-text chapters in the future as well, when everyone eventually meets. this will be newt focused so enjoy !! also everyone is like a realistic age from 23 to 28
[ 7:45 PM ]
alby added minho, y/n, newt, tommy, and gally
alby: Hello, guys.
minho: wtf is this
newt: uhhhh
tommy: hi :3
y/n: so this is why you asked me for my # in private
gally: i didn’t consent to this when i gave you my number
newt: don’t give strange men your number y/n
tommy: oh that’s y/n?
alby: Wait, Newt you had Y/N’s number already??
newt: yea
tommy: o.O
y/n: i gave it to him like two weeks after we met lmao
y/n: well he asked and you guys didn’t :p
newt: lmao
minho: ik he smug as fuck rn
not u asking for a girls number lmao simp
newt: stop
y/n: we all talk in discord anyways so i didn’t really think about it
plus you guys are friends irl so idk
it felt kinda weird to insert myself heh
minho: we’ve known you for a year and a half y/n
we play games all the time
call all the time
we even send packages and shit
you’re very much considered our irl friend
y/n: REALLY?? 🥺🥺
tommy: internet friends are real friends 😍❤️
minho: the heart eyes are crazy
but yes dude
newt: of course you’re our close friend. just cuz we live near each other and you’re a bit far away doesn’t mean we don’t adore you
but real ig
gally: i do not want my bed to be infested by you guys
minho: gally sleeps in the corner
gally: no i dont i sleep in my mansion
y/n: cherry blossom mansion*
gally: and you sleep in a shed
y/n: cherry blossom shed* its pink and that matters.
tommy: love you y/n 😊🥰
y/n: love you tommy <3333
minho: that’s actually nasty stop now
y/n: u mad ur unloved
i love how the gc name is our minecraft town name :((
newt: aw it is
minho: can we talk about why tf this was made when we have a perfectly good discord
alby: I’m done with Discord.
newt: you got your shit hacked didn’t you mate
minho: mate 💀💀
british people so crazy
alby: Yes maybe..
I don’t want to make another.
y/n: or your old ass doesn’t know how to
minho: LMAO REAL
alby: Gonna ignore that. But I am getting too old for it. I have a new promotion at work so that means I won’t have time to play with you guys as much anymore. So I decided to make this groupchat in hopes to talk to you guys more to make up for it :)
minho: every group always has the old head with the job 💀💀
newt: minho admitting he’s jobless
minho: you work at a library be so fr rn
newt: i have an income. you have a room in your grandmas basement. we are not the same.
minho: stfu :////
tommy: YAAAY!!!!
im going to text you guys all day
tell you every meal
every thought
every interaction will be meaningful and glorious
newt: you are 24 years old you don’t have to do all that
minho: no fr im turning off my phone if he starts this shit
why not just do it before in the discord ??
tommy: easy access now and i tried before but stopped since no one really replied..
y/n: i say we all do it :D i will too tommy
newt: ok second thought that’s fine
minho: .
gally: that’s wild.
newt: first with what
y/n: say what u ate today
newt: didn’t say i’d do it.
tommy: i ate muffin, monster energy drink, and hamburger :3333
you guys next
minho: that’s all you had bro..
y/n: hot cheetos and french fries and coffee :D
minho: ??????? BRO
how are you guys alive
y/n: it's my day off and no class so i just wanna rot in bed and that means no cooking
newt: please eat and drink water.
like for real and document it
y/n: ok wait
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tommy: yum!
minho: y/n..
newt: cereal does not count
im a 23 year old broke college student my fridge is bare
newt: alright what do you want?
y/n: wym?
newt: like if you could pick.
minho: that’s so cruel 😭😭 just making her imagine it
i like it go on.
tommy: i want chick fil a
minho: i knew you hate the gays
tommy: I AM THE GAYS?????
y/n: ugh that does sound good
mmmm chickem sandiwh waffle fry I Want that Os mYch
newt: that’s what you would order?
y/n: mmmcm yeahshhhhh
newt: ok
minho: that’s it?
i thought soemthing would happen
tommy: me too
like a spell! magic 🪄
y/n: sigh
my cereal tastes bad now
newt: well it is cocoa puffs.
minho: L cereal
minho: she so madddd 😂😂 L
newt: you're annoying minho
minho: youre just saying that bc shes saying that
newt: no ive always said it. and i will continue to. youre fucking annoying
minho: who bought you your coffee yesterday
newt: ???
and i paid for yours too
im the one with an income
minho: .
well i didnt think youd remember that well.
newt: it was literally yesterday.
minho: yeah but ur old
minho: yeah but im 🤗✨ 26 ✨🤗and youre... 26😬😔
tommy: guys stop fighting
newt: we aren't fighting
maybe this gc was a bad idea
tommy: NO!!!!!!!!!
y/n: NOOOO!
tommy: this is like y/n is here w us irl
y/n: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
minho: no it's not. we would smell a foul stench if she was
y/n: i ahte you sooo bad.
wait there is a knock at my door im scared
newt: answer it
minho: aren't you supposed to say don't open the door for strangers ????
newt: well usually yes
y/n: no im not expecting company
newt: just do it pls
y/n: ok :D
minho: bruh..
i hope she gets robbed and u feel bad forever newt
newt: why would you want that
minho: bc she owes me money
newt: YOU owe ME money
minho: yes but i have a good reason she just wanted robux
y/n: :o....
tommy: Y/N?????????
minho: why would she text a silly face if she got got
tommy: clearly its a surprised face
maybe its not her
its like those cut out magazine letters murderers use
y/n: who got me chick fil a!!!!!!!!!!
minho: me
newt: you literally did not
minho: shut up
y/n: newt it was u i see ur name on the receipt
newt: well
y/n: :(
newt: what why are you sad?
minho: im hungry too
y/n: u spent ur money :(
newt: you're hungry are you not?
minho: she's not but i am
y/n: yeah but..
i feel bad you shouldn't have
newt: just eat it or i'll be mad
minho: i think i want red lobster
newt: it's really no big deal y/n
y/n: thank you newt :(((((
newt: you're welcome
go eat and watch ur show or smth
minho: i owuld love to eat and watch a show rn <33 ohhhh im starving
newt: can you shut up
gally: im muting this gc if this means i have to deal with your guys' shit more than usual now.
minho: thank god
newt: good
tommy: good
y/n: good
the food is good too <3
newt: good.
lmk if you want to be tagged!
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thesimulacrasimp · 3 months
Okay so im gonna just throw randomly my thoughts on sm6 while rewatching it cuz why not, I was doing the same thing for hazbin hotel so why not spooky month too?
Ok im just gonna say: that starting scene with thieves was kinda funny. Also rewatching it, im starting to suspect that this giant spider thing in Lilas attic have her husbands soul, IDK WHY, I JUST FEEL LIKE IT, it just looks so important, it even appeared twice in the ep: in the begining n in the end.
Okay so Skid does know and remember his dad, I just was thinking that his father left/died when Skid still wasnt born or when he was very little so Skid doesnt even know that he had a father, but no he does remember his dad, so that means he presented for quite long time in Skids life.
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Also im really suprised how big Pumps house is, well i mean— he said that his parents work alot so ig i shouldnt be suprised-
Poor Ignacio just wants some peace– *watched the ep a lil longer* Oh hes kinda fucked up actually---
Also for some reason i find kinda interesting that Ross n Rob were kinda comforting Roy every time they were on the screen like "We're here for you, Roy" etc etc, so im thinking maybe something bad happened to Roy? I mean he looked kinda frustrated n angry, so maybe somethng between him n his parents?
Okay but can we talk about how Moloch look so much more scarier than before?
Okay so--- get ready for my rambleling bout my boy Dexter-- HE LIVED WITH HIS MOM N ALOT OF CATS😭😭😭 N HIS MOMS PURE GRIEF BOUT HER LOSS WAS GENIUNALY SO SAD TO WITNESS 😭😭😭😭
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Okay so looking at Skids impression when Father Gregor asked him bout his father-- yeah i think his dad actually died---- but i can be wrong ofc
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Okay- im sorry but-- why does Kevin n Radfords interactions make them look like a couple--- I AM SORRY BUT----
Also the way Father Gregor gave Kevin holy water was really funny to me, it was like: "You know these children?? Yeaahhhh i feel bad for u, kid. Here have some holy water, just in case...." ALSO the fact that ppl started coming in the store ONLY after Radford sprinkled holy water in it-- DOES THAT MEAN THAT THERE WERE DEMONS IN IT THAT WERE KEEPING PPL AWAY???
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Dont mind me guys, im just a little crying :')
Okay but the way how Skid n Pump were SO exited to see Moloch again was really funny n cute at the same time
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Okay... This is the part when i literally teared up. I know it was just Moloch trying to fool Father Gregor to give him kids but idk.... It still made me tear up for some reason, and i even know the reason: i just miss Dexter so much n i didnt expect him to appear so much times in this ep, I just think hes a precious boy who deserved better. I KNOW THAT HE WAS KILLING ANIMALS N I DONT APPROVE THAT AT ALL, but hes still a sweetie idfc.
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Also why would Patty need a gun so immediatly?..
Also that part when Moloch were wandering around the town n Father n spooky bois were trying to catch him was so funny and entertaining
Poor Pelo got ooffed again. Press F.
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And this is the part where i actually cried alot. Poor Skid doesnt know that its not his fault at all.. Also even if Father Gregors words were kinda mean, that Lila is irresponsible mother, I cant disagree with them. Yes, she is an alone mother, but it doesnt give her permission to just leave her child to himself n his friend n go drink n then spent time w her child drunk. Yeah i know, that she leaves him to mr Wonder n Susie, but lets be honest, were here even a single time when the kids didnt just leave the house n cause problem? No. So i think the Fathers words are make perfect sense, n Lila should think bout it. Also a lil thing i just thought bout, why would Lila throw away her husbands stuff? If he actually died why would she do this? Or hes not dead n he just left for some reason? Idk
and so ummm i think thats it. It took me 1 hour to write this lol.
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killakalx · 21 days
Pookie ur making me blush ehbfiwebiub I'm so glad I found someone as deranged as me litterly makes my stomach do a thing <3 (I have kidney failure)
like you think my lil ol ask are to good? keeping me a secret? hheehehhehe blushing and giggling 🤭🤭🤭
anyways, sure Jason at first is a bit like "erm.. ok I guess." when you first start messing around with his nipples but I firmly believe that he's so touch starved after while of messing around and they start to get a bit puffy and red from the constance touching he'll kinda start letting out cute little breaths and his face start to turn red, he's pushing you away cause he can't figure out if he likes it or not. I feel like he wouldn't bust in his pants from touch and more like it feels good but he needs more stimulation. its more like edging with him you know? Roy tho, bro can cum on the spot from just accidentally brushing against him. he knew he had sensitive nipples but he just never really messed with like before they would just itch??? ig?? or he'd get a shiver down his back but that's it, but after you find out about that and start to mess with them more often its to the point he has to go shirtless at home because he doesn't wanna bust in his pants while he's in the middle of something. just play with his nipples and nothing else for a good 30 minuets and he won't be able to form a single thought. Dick, since I'm not a huge fan of him I haven't really thought of it tbh? its mostly just Roy and Jason, but I feel like he'd be a mixed of both? Like he can be stimulated by his nipples but I feel like he'd have to already cum a few times before like his body is just so exhausted and overstimulated that he can't really control anything.
also Roy have a tongue piercing, eyebrow, and nipple piercings. He used to have a spectrum but not anymore cause it kinda irritated him during his hero work and stuff, he also got an eyebrow piercing after having lian. Dick just has studs cause he has that clean pitch boy look and Jason have a nose ring and a few ear piercings. Roy also has an ear piercings.
anyways I never thought id rant so much about nipple stimulation about grown men but life just takes you to wild places. Love you have a great day MUAh 😘 😘 😘
girl. tumblr takes you to wild places. like this blog 🫶🏽 i’m glad u found your way to me bae
mmm instead of pushing you away, jason’s pulling you over the bulge in his pants and tugging at your clothes. more like he’d rush you into the fuck instead of letting you drive him insane because he does end up liking the stimulation to some extent. gets all huffy and antsy for the cat and in turn it drives you away from his pecs and to his cock, which was his intention when he started feeling a little out of control of the situation.
roy harper you pathetic motherfucker. when i get my hands on you. i’d want him to need more stimulation before he can cum just so i can torture his ass yk? and you said he’s gotta walk around shirtless… soooo free use? anyone? but instead of him touching all over you whenever he wants (bc he does that anyway), you get to sit with him while he’s on the couch and kiss all over him whenever you want. or better yet- just straddle him out of no where and nibble at his neck while your hands rub and pinch all over. and i mean until he’s basically fucking up into you through layers of clothes and begging you to get him off. drive that man insane!
“since i’m not a huge fan of him” oh i just fell to my knees nonnie don’t say that to me ever again 😞 it’s ok though bc i’ve got this bit. instead of his nipples his sensitive part is his stomach/abdomen. it isn’t that bad but he probably gets butterflies when you kiss your away down and he loves when you do it before sucking him off <333 trail lipstick and cover him in red kisses, make him look like those slutty models with his collar and tie fucked up yk? probably wants you to take pictures too
mmmmmm eyebrow piercing after lian 🥰🥰🥰 so he’s got the nice facial hair and slightly exhausted look in his eyes??? ugh i love my dilf sm. and i had the same thing in mind for dick, he’s gotta keep the clean preppy pretty boy look for the most part, but i still wanna give him a tongue piercing. something that’s sexy and isn’t obvious unless he’s being a whore about it on purpose 😋 and fuck let’s give jason a smiley or snakebites bc i’ve made it so clear that i’m obsessed with mouth piercings. in all honesty i don’t think he’d have anything other than ear piercings, i think his thing would be tattoos, but let a girl dream
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4ln-stay8 · 3 months
Behind closed doors- part III
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>summary: Han isn’t too happy to find out what his sister is doing lately
>author’s note: I don’t know how I feel about it but I thought the idea was nice ig… I can also take requests if you want to haha THIS IS THE LAST PART
>warning: fluff
>pairing: lee minho x han jisung's sister
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On that night you and Jisung bonded again, healing the wounds you caused each other. You finally got your brother back after weeks of ignoring each other.
He made a plan to redeem himself and fix what he broken. Han was regretting the way he made the both of you feel.
Thats why, little to your knowledge, you were outside the JYPE company after weeks of refusing to go there, with some food Jisung asked you to bring. He told you he had dance practice today and that he forgot his snacks and he was feeling a bit edgy today.
To your surprise, the man you were meeting behind the dance studio door wasn’t your brother. It was your lover, well technically ex lover.
- Hi! you said with a little voice I am looking for Jisung!
- He is at the dorm today. He has a day off!
- Oh…. He didnt tell me…
- How are things between you? he asked with a voice so little you could barely hear it
- We are ok now. He is being nice lately. How about you two? Did everything go back to normal?
-Not really. It’s really awkward between us… He- I can see how guilty he feels about it all and I felt guilty too for a while. We forgave each other but I can still see the guilt in his eyes…
-Yeah he still feels guilty about it all. I see it too. But please don’t hold a grudge against him.
-I don’t. I don’t blame him as I would’ve probably done the same, but his guilt wont change the fact that I lost you!
-I am so sorry Min! I know you hate me, god I hate myself! But please, please try to work things put with him.
- Who said I hate you? God I love you way too much to even think about hating you!
-You do?
-Would it change anything if I would?
-It would change everything Min! You whispered softly
-I do! I love you so much I dressed your pillow in your shirt and hugged it every night before sleep! I love you so much that you are the only thing on my mind. I love so so much that I cannot even breathe without you being right by my side!
Without a second thought you dropped the bag of snack that you still had in your hand, along with your bag and ran straight into his arms, collapsing your lips on his.
He hold you so close and so tight as if he was scared you’d disappear. He kissed you back so passionately until you ran out of breath.
-I love you so so much too Min! You whispered between your breaths hugging him closer to you
Minho kissed you softly again and again and again until you heard giggles from the door. You slowly break away, turning to the door.
-I guess my plan worked? said a shy Han
-I don’t know, was your plan to get your sister to kiss me?
- I- it was supposed to get you back together… Didn’t it worked? You just kissed I thought-
- We did kiss Ji, but that doesn’t mean he will give me another chance.
- Thats not even a question jagiya! You’re all mine from now on! All mine only mine! said Minho kissing your temple
-Well then I guess your plan worked Ji!
- Are you ok with me dating your sister Hanjishi?
-I know I was a brat last time, but honestly I would rather have someone I trust date her than someone who will break her heart!
-Thank you Ji! You said running to hug him
-Just so you know Minho hyung, you hurt her and I’m going for your babies! said han with a serious tone
-I wouldn’t even dare to hurt her! And by the way, Im not letting you near Soonie Doognie or Dori ever again!
You laugh at the most important boys in your life. You were happy again! You made up with your brother, you got back together with the love of your life! Life was good again because your life was back into your arms!
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Author’s note:
This is the last part. Its short but I didn’t feel the story the way I felt it at the start. I gave them the ending they deserved and I hope you guys like it even a little. Its not the best story and Im not the best writer, I can’t even call myself a writer lol, but I enjoyed writing it so I will continue to write stuff. My requests are open if you have any ideas you want to share, even if its a written story or a fake text scenario. I hope you guys liked it and you’ll hear from me soon
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mrsoftthoughts · 17 days
Maybe im late to do this
But I'm bored, so come with me to my rambling about my personal opinion towards some of Nico di Angelo ships and Rating each one
(Disclaimer: Nothing here goes with intention of offend someone,i always try to be respectful but if something that i say here sounds rude, feel free to tell, I never notice how bad can sound something until someone else points it out)
-Percico/ Nicerci 4/10
Honestly i admire the people that ship this and doesn't give a fuck about what other people say, some of the fan artist and writers make things soo good that should be in a museum
But it's not my personal liking, i only like this when its the exploration of Nico's unrequited crush on Percy , but i honestly I never liked when Nico and Percy had a 100% good relationship of any kind, because their dynamic is complicated at best ( i could talk about it for hours while im probably crying because both are pretty dear to me) and i prefer to think that now their are just "neutral" to each other ( see that part of my description that says "bittersweet relationships sucker" this is why is there) and all that extends to that i cant see these two in a romantic relationship
But that's all, is just not my personal liking, i don't mind the existence of this couple and once again, the people that makes content from them are really talented an deserve all my respect, you guys always come out with the best ideas for angst and i love that of all of you
-Jasico 9/10
They're Cute!! Honestly i don't have my own ideas for them but the Romantic content of these two 90% of the times it's good and i enjoy it ,I really value their friendship more that any other dynamic so i prefer them in a platonic way,but that doesn't mean that i don't get the vision, they really had potential and the people out there are using it
-Solangelo 5/10 or 11/10
The two rates exist because i honestly feel they relationship in canon as one of the worst ways that existed to make them a couple, it's obvious that they are supposed to be something cute and healthy, but all their development is out of screen and then they are just introduced as a couple when Apollo and meg made it to camp, some of their scenes leave me feeling that Nico is out of characters and also in order to give Will the rol of "protective boyfriend" Nico feels quite weak and Will doesn't get many chances of get out that role for being his own character, and he had a lot o potential
(And I'm not be talking about TsatS because is just all the fails of their relationship but multiplied by 1000, ooc, plot holes and toxic traits all around, it's not that bad as a read, but as canon content it is)
But as the saying goes "if you want something done right, do it yourself"
And that's exactly what I do with them, because in this housedhold we don't tolerate wasted potential of any kind, and they relationship deserved better , because honestly the things we know about them and their individual personalities just feels as a good mach and even if the things wouldn't be perfect, no couple it's at the start so it's ok
I also like them in a platonic way, but i think that just like i appreciate more platonic jason and Nico because that how i was introduced to them i lead more towards see them in a romantic one
So Canon gets 5/10 because " it's the tough that counts" ig?
And 11/10 goes for what they could have been ,should be in canon and are in my mind
( i talk abou my thoughts of them a little bit more in this Post if you want to check)
-Nicobaster 9/10
I know, it's a rare ship, but They can be interesting on any kind of relationship and why not make it romantic?? there's a lot of dynamics of where to chose and the alternative AUs that i see of them are great,Cthonic demigod X Cthonic demigod is a good base, I don't have much to say apart from that
Except that you can blame @drksanctuary content for make me like the ship in first place
-Valdangelo 4/10
Not a bad ship ig, i just don't see them as a couple and I don't even now why, i just can't see it , and i also have a pretty strong headcanon of Leo as aromantic so its hard for me to see him in Romantic relationships, but i have nothing against it so that's all
-Clovico 7/10
Another rare ship, one that I've seen around but honestly don't have a a lot to say, i like the little that we see from Clovis and i always like the Cthonic demigod X Cthonic demigod so 7/10 just due the lack of content
-Nico x literally any woman -80000000/10
I love Nicos platonic relationships with the womans in his life, can we keep that PLATONIC and leave the gay in peace??
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thecluelessdoctor · 2 months
so recently
i was watching a bunch of videos on blogthegreatrouge
and remembered my once love for PJs Daycare. but now i know its disgusting like.. so bad. so is she. i just. ugh.
so, im going to remake it. i mean remake that shit i will do my best to make it better. starting with removing all the fankids characters and ships because.. sanscest is w e i r d.
anyway, for the people who some how dont know what im talking about is heres a summery. if i spelled that wrong shut up no i didnt
Tw: SA, suicidal thoughts I suppose, gr00ming basically
pjs daycare was a AU for undertale made by blogthegreatrouge. the au, was as it says, a daycare. basically all the sans aus were children, from like 3-6 i think, and the characters were... sanscest ship characters or sans fusions. one of the caretakers, and our- basic mc, is Paperjam, or PJ, the fusion between ink sans and error sans. i say fusion because i think that what they were originally intended to be before the fandom... yoinked them. aslo i refuse to ship sans aus together because thats WEIRD AS ALL SHIT. anyway. those are the basics, shipkids/fusion sanses are the caretakers and the sanses are children. interesting concept ig (i will make it better trust)
ok now that we have the basics down, lets get to the story. this was a ask blog so there wasnt much story, but from what i do remember, there were 2 major plot lines. the first plot line was uhm. borderline gr00ming. basically fresh sans, the satire sans au, has a crush on PJ. this fresh is i think about 3 yrs old. so ok, hes a kid, kids are weird. he claims he wants to marry pj. again, child, children say that stuff alot. and you think pj would be yk, normal and be like " no no, we cant do that" nicely and shit. WELL HE DOESNT. THIS BITCH SAYS "we cant get married righ now, but when your all grown up we can ^^" IM SORRY HUH. SIR. WHAT. not only that, later, there is a ask of how would pj react to adult fresh. in which its super weird with really gross sexual tension. not only that, lets follow in this aus rule, aus made by the same creator/s are gonna be related. ok. error, fresh and geno/aftertale are brothers. kinda weird but lets keep going here. pj in rouges interpretation is a ship child. A SHIP CHILD. MEANING FRESHIE HERE IS IS UNCLE?? ITS SO WEIRD?? also there is a mini plot line where ink and error like each other and its a big deal even tho, again, CHILDREN. also same person but i digress.
our next plotline is... where shit hits the fan. so, error, gets deathly sick and needs to go to the hospital. didnt know monsters had hospitals but ok. geno, error's older brother who is at most, 5, gets really depressed. and ik depression can come at any age, however, GENO here tries to commit farewell. this. doesn't. make. sense. a child isnt old enough to even comprehend death that well, let alone have the feeling to die AND ACT ON IT. not only that, right after stopping geno from leaving this mortal plane (isnt he immortal though?) they completely forget about it and have this weird romance between palette and goth (swap sans and dream sans) (geno and reaper) and its super weird, and gross (not as gross as nerd and jock but still) and palette is weirdly obsessive over goth and shit so its all just a huge pile of SHIT
oh yeah there is also this weird plot line with like this trio of mini villains, one being rouges self insert i think so. yeah.
anyway, that was pj's daycare. i will be reworking and remaking the entirety of this au. so uh.
it will be posted. anyway bye
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chrissbitchhh · 3 months
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briefly based of bad idea by girl in red. this is kinda short and mid but that ok ig.
WARNINGS: allusions to FWB?, making out but no smut, thats kind of it !
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This is probably the worst idea I’ve ever ever had. And it’s way way worse that I’m about to act on it. 
I click send on the one word text and instantly put my phone face down on my chest, I don’t know if he will even answer, plus its 11:00pm on a friday he’s probably busy. Should I have done that, I should go and delete the message and block him and pretend this never happen-
Oh hello sweetheart whats up :) 
I roll my eyes, of course he’s already all pleased I even texted him.
Nothing wrong person.
Rightttttt, no need to be worried, I’ve been waiting for your text.
Uh uh. 
Aww come on baby don’t be like that. What u need?
Should I do this, I could just not answer and Never talk to him again right? I don’t need him? 
U busy?
Never for you ma ;)
Come over? need to talk.
See was that so hard? Omw. See u in 5.
this was such a bad idea. Me and chris had a…thing going on for a while, it was basically just a big game of cat and mouse, of who would give into the other first, we would meet at a party or go over to the others house and then would go silent on each other for sometimes weeks, before one of us gave in. 
I sigh as I turn my phone off and stare at my ceiling. I don’t know why I keep going back to him, I Mean he’s not bad to me but he can’t commit and is so far up his own ass its honestly concerning.
I lie there for a few minutes before I heard rapid knocking on my front door. Hes here. I get up from my bed and walk out of my room towards my front door, I stop infront of it and take a final sigh of pure disappointment before reaching for the handle and pulling the door open.
“Hay” is the first thing he says as I open the door, his eyes trailing down my body and a smirk on his face. His brown fresh love hoodie, camo pants and his messy brown hair making him look a bit to good. This is why I always go back to him.
“Hello chris” I say moving aside from my door so he can step inside of my apartment which he does very quickly, making himself at home very quickly on my couch. 
“You want a drink?” I ask him as I walk over to my kitchen “yeah sure” he replies I nod to myself and grab two Pepsis out of my fridge and walk back over to him and hand it to him, he nods his head to the side signalling for me to sit next to him.
“I was thinking w could go to my room” I said and he nodded getting up “whatever you want ma” he smirks as he starts walking to my room me trailing behind him. The two of us sitting on my bed comfortably. The two of us just looking at each other in since for a few minutes.
“God” he sighs out loudly “your so pretty it hurts Y/n” he says quietly as if he was 7 and sharing a secret in the playground, I smile at his complement as he leans in towards me. I quickly reciprocate and meet him in the middle, our lips meshing together messily but easily, as always. 
Chris quickly moves onto his back and grabs my hips pulling my to straddle his lap, I sigh into him as his lips slowly move to my neck. 
“Chris” I sigh as I feel his lips sucking gently against my neck, my hands easily finding home in his brown curls. “Its ok ma” he mumbles against my neck. I whine and reach my hands to tug at the bottom of his shirt, signalling to him I want it off, he nods his head telling me he wants me to pull it off, he removes his lips from my neck and leans backwards giving me enough access to pull his shirt off his head, his chain falling back down against his collarbones. His chest illuminated by the purple lights on my ceiling.
I run my hands down it as I pull him back into a kiss, I feel his hands running up and down my back, sending tingling feelings through out my body, as it always did when he touches me. He slips his hands to the bottom of my shirt and quickly tugs it over my head leaving my in my black bra and shorts as he he sits back to look me over.
“Fuck… so so perfect” he says before kissing against my collarbones.
I knew it was a bad idea to start this whole thing with chris, I knew what would happen, and I knew it wouldn’t happen to him. And I was right, it has become more than just hooking up to me, he’s become more than that. Which was the whole reason I invited him over today, I need to end this whole thing, I wont be the reason my own heart gets broken, because its not his fault I’ve practically fallen in love with him
“chris” I try and get his attention 
“You ready for more” he asks and I shake my head which causes him to quickly remove himself from me and sit backwards against the headboard. I look down at my lap in embarrassment which is still stretched across his lap. I can tell he’s confused.
“Hay…” he places his hand under my chin and pushes my head up so I’m looking at him again “you ok?” He asks, concern laced in his eyes. I lightly shake my head, getting nervous as I look into his eyes.
“Whats wrong?” He asks quickly, tucking my hair behind my ears so he can see my face, I don know how to tell him we have to stop because I’ve caught feelings, I’m so lost in this whole thing. And completely and totally fucked. 
“Um…” I awkwardly chuckle, his hands lightly come to rest on my thighs, lightly caressing them, telling me to take my time and that he’s here and waiting.
“I need to tell you something, kinda important” I say as I climb off his lap and sit awkwardly next to him, the feeling of his hands too much for me to deal with right now. “Ok..” He says the confusion obvious. I just sit there for a moment as I prepare myself, I don’t know how he’s gonna react, I don’t think he could ever be cruel to me but its still scary that he could be mad or even disgusted.
“Alright, I need you to not say anything till im done ok?” I look at him seriously and he just nods “yeah ok” 
“So basically, I think we need to stop doing this. And its not you! Not you at all. Its actually all me” I let a dry, humourmess chuckle “Ive realised that I’ve started to feel…more things towards you, and know I need to end it because thats not fair on you” I take a breathe in and close my eyes waiting for a reply.
“Not fair to me?” Is all he says as e looks at his hands in his lap. I furrow my brows out of everything thats what he is questioning.
“Yeah, you didn’t sign up for feelings and I get that I don’t want to make you feel like you owe me anything just because we fuc-“
“Y/N’ he quickly cuts me off “your right, I didn’t think I wanted anything real or feelings involved” he starts, stopping to clear his throat and looking over at me.
“But I think..no i know that im in the same boat. I’ve completely fallen for you and it is scary, completely terrifying to bee honest  but if you want to….I would want to Maybe try something real with you..”
I just look over at him with wide eyes at his statement. WHAT? 
“Are you being serious? You don’t just have to say that-“
“Shut up.” He chuckles as he leans over and kisses me softly, the kiss doesn’t last long due to both of us breaking out into small giggles.
“I would really like that” I nod and he just smiles widely and nods his head “me too”.
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bumofthewild · 2 months
what are your thoughts on the stormblood characters. did you like fordola at all
i wanted to organise my thoughts (oxymoron) on the sb chars actually so this is a good opportunity to start. none of my thoughts are positive though bc i think sb's writing is really bad so when i probably start to sound aggro during this while remembering this expansion i'm sorry.... i try not to be mean when criticising things but i have very little respect for stormblood. also this is about to be extremely long like im not kidding but i figure ppl expect that by now? i hope
i can't really talk abt the stormblood chars without mentioning how much this expansion worships whiteness. and thats even after playing heavensward????? with all of the stuffy white (though beloved) elves who love their white elf history??? fantasy rpgs in general ig. and from square enix. idk why i was so shocked by sb... its a fantasy rpg from square enix....that was truly my bad...................
but fordola isn't who bothers me the most anymore at least. while i was playing sb she used to be the worst sb character to me bc i just thought she was silly and hard to take seriously. initially i was just uninterested in her personality solely being a traitorous attack dog for the empire. that's not to say i don't think sellouts are interesting--i actually think characters like that are very interesting, hence why yotsuyu is one of the more interesting chars (but not by much). it's more that i dont think a single stormblood character was doing anything interesting enough for me to really appreciate, or if they were, it went nowhere or was so poorly developed that any new thing i learned about a character felt random. i feel like anything that could have been interesting in sb was squandered constantly. a lot of them had the potential to be interesting, but were instead so bizarrely flat and almost kind of cliche that i genuinely struggle to put it into words how sb managed to achieve this. possibly bc the story was so preoccupied with repeatedly driving home the same uncomplicated ideas about war and oppression (this would require a separate post) that any sort of actual personality was more or less lost? maybe because it didn't really have a foundation it was working from to keep itself focused? i feel like a lot of time would pass with the characters making the same realisations over and over again (we have to defeat zenos...!) and then when it came time for actual developments it had to rush, thus the feeling of being random. of course, unless, the character was from othard, which the game obviously gave more of a fuck about developing as a location.
like i think fordola's really serious and unwavering personality, the fact that she would do literally ANYTHING to accomplish whatever it is she wanted, could be interesting. if there wasn't so little else going on with her. and also that unlike her fellow ala mhigans she's white. i can't stress how ridiculous it was to watch her or lyse be presented as so important/be the more relevant ala mhigans and everyone else is brown and they're just white. but it wasn't only that she was white. there was just nothing else really going on with her whenever you saw her that provided any kind of intrigue or texture to her scenes. nothing about her character ever changed. until they reveal her motivations for joining the imperials (????)
ok anyone can correct me if i'm wrong, but her goal is to free the ala mhigans from the imperials.....?????? like i'm 100% sure that's what she said. but how does upwards mobility in an imperial nation that relishes in using the word "savage" to describe your people seem even remotely like how that's going to happen? i actually could not fathom for a long while that was what she had said. like i fail to find another way to describe this aside from idiotic, and i often try not to consider things in those terms, but i really don't know how else to describe this. like. this is what i mean when i say the backstory for the characters feels so poorly constructed it genuinely feels random. nothing about her behaviour to me suggested she gave a fuck about ala mhigo. it didn't turn out to be some grand farce when she had her skulls or whoever stomping on the brown guy who they collect dues from in the middle of the road the first time she was introduced. so i just have no idea why that's what her goals are or how i'm meant to believe that's what she wants. i have no idea why she would care about ala mhigo except that her father does or something? but that explained so little to me bc it was lazily done and she definitely does not demonstrate any resolve re that memory except for the one time you see it so okay
similarly, nothing suggests to me that she's deluded enough to believe this path she's on will lead to freedom, either. she didn't seem unaware of the cruelty of the imperials. she's actually meant to seem very capable and smart considering she's established her own unit amongst the other garleans and ends up getting the apparently desirable prize of being zenos' little pogchamp but then what???? why does she think that zenos will give her what she wants?? i literally do not understand what her angle is supposed to beeeee
so i considered the angle that what she said is actually not what we're meant to believe and we're actually meant to extract from the story that she's on a revenge quest for her father against the ala mhigans, and the best way to enact that would be to join the side that's oppressing them. except how she's expressed her motives and how the game makes it clear shes carrying on her father's beliefs for a better ala mhigo doesn't really imply that this is out of revenge either? also she'd be doing the exact same thing yotsuyu is doing, which could be possible bc this expansion can't write. but i just don't think that's it. i think if she truly believes that's what will help ala mhigo like her father did i don't care about it being wrong or right and whether she learns that won't work... but then it just seems so silly.......like girl there is literally no way..................... i am stumped trying to think of what this was supposed to mean or what insights her character could possibly be providing aside from the extremely banal "everyone deserves forgiveness" argument stories about colonialism are OBSESSED with trying to make. hmm i wonder why that is, square enix japan? why cant you properly research colonialism? why is media so obsessed with sympathising with colonisers and pretending its even remotely original to keep saying "if we kill this imperialist...we're just as bad as the people who have been systematically oppressing us for decades...." well...!!
im ngl i actually forgot about fordola until u brought her up bc post-sb really seemed to be gearing her up for the aforementioned redemption arc. but then i forgot how much ala mhigo gets pushed aside to put the spotlight back on doma. bc after she helps you fight sri lakshmi (another character who they just had to make white btw despite the vira/qalyana being brown bedlah babe snake women. they worship a white god. whatever i hate my life) she just vanishes. i thought that was maybe the most interesting thing they did with her character even despite my hatred for lazy redemption arcs for colonialists and cheap backstories about dead parents, bc i liked that she wasn't forgiven and that she herself didn't seem to know what was in store for her own life anymore, but stubbornly chose to help everyone fight and was still really driven despite all her L's. and then you just never see her again. as far as i can tell anyways, and i do not want to know actually bc im still in shadowbringers.
in a parallel world where stormblood is well-written i see myself liking fordola a lot. but this is not that world and i can't keep spending my time imagining a world where sb could be good. like... she just lacked a foundation that really made any of her actions make sense to me. was i meant to feel bad her dad got stoned for selling out to garlemald? i'm not being sarcastic i genuinely dont know if thats what the game wanted. i assume it is bc this entire expansion reeks of endless humanisation for white characters, but ive said the writing is so bad as to leave me genuinely confused abt its purpose many times already.
anyways the absolute worst waste of a char to me is zenos. i haven't had such a hard time taking a character seriously in a long time, and asahi gets introduced shortly after so competition was definitely fierce. i think part of it was that he was one of the few chars id seen fanart of b4 i got to him in the game which gave me the impression he was going to be insightful or something, so maybe i had given myself expectations. but ultimately i was left with maybe the most simplistic main villain this game has produced thus far. which is a shame, bc like fordola there's aspects of his char that i found really interesting, only for them to be routinely squandered with each new cutscene. initially i thought his disinterested, calmer demeanour was interesting in comparison to the other imperial chars, like gaius, who had a lot of thoughts about/passion for what he was doing. i like characters who feel a sort of existential boredom...like a real dead inside char who discovers a sort of esoteric way to live or regains meaning thru someone else--i love that trope! wanting to forever be locked in a cycle of violence with wol. sure. why not! i like that sort of thing! i was even willing to ignore the blonde hair and blue eyes (i wasn't) like i've done this before as someone who used to devote a lot of time to dimitri fe3h. this is not new to me.
but the thing is the moment zenos started talking about the thrill of the hunt i felt something in me wither and die. that trope is not interesting! i will never find it interesting!!!!!!!! if you do i'm happy for you but not me. his nihilism could have been interesting if it wasn't manifesting itself thru the subjugation of the fantasy brown people this game invented just to subjugate like...can we be serious. even just the scale of that was so beyond moronic to me. i had such a hard time suspending my disbelief whenever he opened his mouth... that i was supposed to care about this prince who was deathly bored of it all but somehow still gave a fuck about maintaining the occupation and fetishising the struggle? it was so hard to reconcile any of what he said with his actual apparent years of behaviour. like okay, i already know whiteness is synonymous with violence and ppl are unwilling to take that seriously, but seeing that realised in the sheer scale of colonial violence zenos apparently engages in and then for him to turn around and be like grr i'm gripped by such potent ennui and this is really deep. what about this was supposed to be complex or interesting or well-thought out. i genuinely have no clue
what made it even funnier (worse) to me was that before i got to stormblood i was back at home watching my dad play two separate video games where the main villain was a white guy with the exact same motivations: everything else in life now bored them except for this very specific (and not socially constructed at all apparently!) thrill of hunting real people/framing life as some social darwinist thought experiment that definitely has to be true bc look at how many ppl ive killed and conquered? what's left for me in this life now that i'm at the very top of the very real and not invented and not racist social pyramid.........? but it's not just a me thing humans are just like violent and actually love killingand i am very smart <- like how is this not just a blatantly normalised concept in life in general. nothing about zenos having this outlook reads as crazy or interesting to me, it actually just feels monumentally simple. he was just reading from the coloniser textbook. my sis actually told me while we were talking about the game that there's a book called "the most dangerous game" where i'm assuming this trope as it exists in media probably stems from, if not just the like usual racism/unfortunate fascination with imperialism over and over and over and over again. i just...that his thoughts on the consequences of his actions, the sheer amount of conquest he's engaged in, are largely due to some fatalistic boredom that comes from just being way too strong and too powerful and elevated above the savages. like okay dude.
i think if they had just removed that shit (except idk if thats possible the colonialism is so entrenched in this expansion bc ff couldnt conceive a non-white race without oppressing them) then his character would have been a lot better......maybe..? idk all that shit he says to you before he goes shinryu mode about violence or his being self-serving wouldn't have been original but at least it'd have been a lot easier to believe as his ideology without this nonsensical pile of bodies behind it that i literally could not take seriously. his final monologue was hard to sit through bc it all felt so random. my sis also pointed out that he doesn't feel relevant to the story, especially ala mhigo's story, at all, and i genuinely agree. i feel like they must have had a lot of ideas for him separately and then shoved him into this expansion because they needed a strong villain or something to keep their already thin plot running. with other villains you can see where they get their ideas from or why they're doing what they do and how their actions might progress the story. gaius for eg is a char i find really interesting bc i thought his opinions on primals in arr which is about primals was really interesting, and his conceptions of an ideal empire as well. like he actually has a leg to stand on and compelling things to say. nidhogg is also a good enemy to me, and i dont care so much for thordan but i still think he had interestingly selfish motivations and contributed ideas to the story. maybe that's because hvw didn't wallow so much in a simplistic good vs. evil like stormblood did...like hvw isnt just war its revising centuries of propagandized history and learning to change your own beliefs and going thru a lot of interesting discomfort (to put it mildly). stormblood i thought tried to be complicated at times when for eg meffrid (one of the only chars i liked in sb btw) would occasionally argue with lyse on what's "right" for occupied ppl to be doing during their occupation, like how a lot of ala mhigans wanted to keep their head down. you can see where that idea gets used throughout sb like in namia, but it never actually gets complicated into something worth thinking about bc again the chars are constantly reachign the same realisations over and over by the end (we have to kill zenos...! ANDTHEN THEY DONT EVEN FUCKIGN KILLGHI). like the ideas don't go anywhere, which might be for the best bc in my perfect world this game would not be writing about any of this. and now meffrid is dead bc ff doesn't give af about the ala mhigans or developing their thoughts/beliefs beyond the occasional potentially interesting idea on the map dialogue. atp i just feel blessed zenos doesn't have a backstory so that his personality isn't the result of some lazily done traumatic event. well i say that but the game couldn't even keep him dead so fuck my life. who knows what's in store for me. plz dont tell me.
all the thoughts i have are negative i'm so sorry but the chars i actually liked like gosetsu just get ruined by the time post-sb gets its evil evil hands on them so this expansion is genuinely just dead to me. i used to like gosetsu a lot, and i thought the shame he carried with him for abandoning hien a long time ago was a fun addition to his character. one of my favourite tropes is when a character just wants to die...like they feel like they've emotionally exhausted themselves and don't know what to do with the end of their life. i find that kind of thing really poignant. and i'm pretty satisfied w how they wrapped up his arc, actually, with him deciding to go on a sort of pilgrimage. it was just how they got there i absolutely hated.
it just keeps going back to an inability to write. for eg, if what they wanted was to complicate gosetsu's character by demonstrating how someone extremely self-sacrificial and devoted to his country's cause could actually really want to indulge in something, they choose to do it by having him play an uncomfortable game of house with someone who's murdered an innumerable amount of their country's people. but its okay bc instead of giving that idea any meaningful thought, here's a throwaway line about how he had a granddaughter so it makes sense he's doing this, also we're going to age regress the coloniser so its okay she's basically a child now which isn't a total slap in the face for everyone involved including the player, and then we're going to play these scenes for laughs and everyone is totally fine with it and it's not lazy writing at all.
asahi too i thought was an example of just poor writing, bc why is a single almost zero-context scene of zenos saving him supposed to do anything to explain his behaviour. does that not just seem lazy? he doesn't like zenos for any other reason...? we don't see asahi's thoughts on zenos except for this one cut scene where the chars could be replaced with how meaningless it is and then from then on his suddenly passionate behaviour is just supposed to be engaging...? i personally thought he was a lot more interesting when he seemed to genuinely believe in the bullshit he was saying about the empire being gracious and forgiving and rubbing his hands obsequiously at wol and being overly flattering and just a sort of greasy spoiled bastard. but then of course this totally obvious reveal happens and he's just some "crazy" guy who just wants to be his coloniser's lapdog bc he's sooooooo strong. fascinating. post-sb felt like a bad tv drama. its like the ideas in somewhat isolation are alright but they just stopped caring
tbf to asahi i did like his moments with yotsuyu. if they weren't so steeped in like....the weirdest plot points ever (random-ass yandere behaviour and yotsuyu behaving like a child) i would have been a lot more invested in the punishment they enacted on their parents for grooming one to be an imperial officer and the other being sold off. yotsuyu's backstory is still kind of typical but i thought she was like. interesting enough. she was ok. i could believe in/enjoy their callousness a lot more readily than a certain other character ive already said too much about. i think their truly awful sibling relationship had potential. dare i repeat myself about what happens to potential in this expansion
i wish i had more to say about hien and yugiri and lyse but they kind of just...idk. they just feel kind of shallow......... i don't think they really get developed much, i mean i definitely have things to say but there's just nothing really there that inspires me to do so and this post is already way too long. maybe when i finally write like an essay on how mjuch i dont respect stormblood. i like yugiri though. her hometown is very cool but she just gets relegated to "dutiful ninja" that they use when something needs to be done that wol isnt going to do, and they don't go into much detail about what really pushed her to leave or how exactly she felt, they just kind of have her parents tell you thats what she did. i liked the part though where she was like WE NEED TO KILL ZENOS RN bc it suddenly seemed out of character almost but then well where did that go...ok. hien just feels genuinely evil to me like his vibes are so off and i could not tell you why but he's kind of just there to move the plot forward so i really don't have much to say about him. and talking about lyse would just make this post even longer and more hateful. i used to really like her too.
time for something positive...? i really liked the azim steppe when it wasn't being so randomly misogynistic. that was where i was most interested in what was going on bc it had less to do with the war, but then you bring the war to them so...*screaming*. like it's a shame to me that the xaela are still framed by a focus on war, but the dotharl's concept of rebirth and the other practices the different groups had were maybe the most interesting things to me in the entire expansion. also how gosetsu had that moment with one of the dotharl warriors who died without it being some weirdly ignorant clash of beliefs. i liked that part a lot. sadu and magnai and cirina arent developed enough for me to have much of worth to say about them rn bc like yugiri and hien they kind of just become channels for the story, but at least they have a lot of personality and there's a lot to work with. also its 2am. i'm hoping to have more ideas re the xaela when i get around to doing the sidequests in that area, which i think will help me round out their characters more. i called cirina having a thing for hien from like a mile away btw bc this game is so unserious. anyways i think there should be like a spin-off about sadu magnai and cirina and if it doesn't come to exist soon i will grow like ten extra hands and make it myself
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theshortolivia · 1 month
Get to Know me tag :)
Was tagged for a get to know me tag game by @deerlisteners and these are fun so thought I’d do it for the like two people who will see it, even though, they are both childhood friends and know all this…
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yeah! My moms named me after the character Olivia Benson from law and order because she was a ‘strong independent woman’ like they wanted me to be and they also both had a crush on her/the actress who plays her. Bonus fact I’m p sure if I’d been born male they woulda named me Josiah
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh, I got emotional and ALMOST cried at the ‘shoe scene’ (can’t be any more specific cause Huge spoilers) when rewatching Jojo Rabbit, I DID cry when I saw it in theatres and I HIGHLY recommend it as a comedy satire but also a harrowing reminder of history we should never forget (and for taika waititi of course). Um last time I actually cried I don’t remember cause recently my mental health has been depression apathy and not anxiety tears but it was Probably out of frustration at my chronic illness limiting what I can do, not a fun anecdote unfortunately but sometimes it be like that
3. Do you have kids?
I do not and I don’t plan on having any anytime soon for economic, chronic illness, and age reasons (I’m 22 lol I am Not settled in life I don’t even live alone). I would like to have kids when I’m older and more settled health and money wise, I love kids and feel I have so much love and care to give, i think I’d both enjoy and be a good mother. Also, I’d like to have them ‘traditionally’ because I’d like to experience pregnancy and I have some good genes lol. I think I’d like to have 3, partially because I do think I will love to raise and love children but also largely because I want my kids to have multiple siblings and to have a bigger (I know that’s not large in the grand scheme but for like, this day and age and economy and etc) family and for their kids to have multiple aunts/uncles. I love having a brother and wish I had more siblings, I wish I had a sibling closer in age that I could relate to, but I do still enjoy taking care of him and him being my baby brother. I also used to have 5 aunts and uncles (well 10 since they were all married ig) and many many cousins of all ages before we stopped talking to that side of my family, and I have two uncles (and my aunts their wives) and only see a few of my cousins due to where they live, and I am so glad I have family gatherings that big but I do miss the giant ones too, therefore I want for my kids what I have and love.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I am NOT a sports girlie. Up until I was 12 ish I was a very into ballet and modern dancing (would’ve continued but alas anxiety struck) and after that I did musical theatre which is its own style of dancing, incorporating all different types. I’d love to go back but since I stopped dancing due to a steady string of anxiety, anxiety medication side effects, foot problems, and then finally chronic fatigue syndrome, I’ve become out of shape, have really bad feet, and REALLY struggle to find time to take care of myself. I do want to start exercising again in ways that don’t require me to have functional feet like weight lifting, aerial dancing (those fabric strip things) etc. But I am Not good at sports nor do I like it, sorry. I remember basketball in elementary being the most frustrating and volleyball being,,,ok
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Hm in general i don’t think I do actually, I’m a pretty earnest and straightforward person myself and idk using sarcasm feels negative? For me? And I strive to be as positive to others as I can be. (Not that sarcasm is always mean I just feel like it don’t my Vibe ykwim) but I’m also somewhat socially and subtextually dense so I think it makes sense I don’t use something I may not be the best at understanding unless it’s obvious
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm, I think that varies a Lot, it’s probably usually either makeup, clothing, hairstyle, or tattoos if they stand out or if they’re something I’d want myself or am attracted too or like aesthetically. I always try to get up the courage to compliment people on things I notice because I feel good when I get complimented so I want other people to feel like that too :) also actually since I’m a cashier and people hand over cash and point cards often I usually notice nails. Oh I also notice extremes in height immediately, I’m short so people shorter than me are like woah! And people super duper tall are also like Woah!
7. What’s your eye colour?
Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
TLDR happy endings, I’m a sucker for happily ever after to the point where if it didn’t end happily I’ll probably write or st least daydream a fan fiction ending where it does. ESPECIALLY romance it Always gets me. I do like scary movies though, especially psychological horror, although,,,In The Tall Grass FUCKED ME UP (the movie, I don’t read stephen king books cause his writing style makes me uncomfy but man does he have some fucked up terrifying horrible ideas for for him)
9. Any talents?
Ig that’s kinda complicated cause I’d probably call myself a jack of all trades (but master of none). I was one of those kids that was praised for being good at like everything the first time I tried it and now as an adult has to learn how to study and have a huge issue of getting frustrated and stopping anything I try that I’m not immediately good at therefore never being able to improve because I’m not practicing. But I’ve been Told by teachers, professors, and other people that I’m quite talented at singing. I starred in some musicals in elementary school and studied vocals in high school, in choirs the whole time too, so I’d say I’m like, sort of trained in musical theatre and opera and I Have worked to improve my voice. But I was also told that apparently when I was 3 ish I grabbed a mic and went on a stage (probably at play group or smth idk) and belted twinkle twinkle little star and parents laughed and said I’d be a star one day so idk maybe I just have that star quality lol. Oh I’ve also been commended for my acting skills back before I did acting? But I haven’t done much of late and wouldn’t consider myself exceptionally skilled, I want to be though! I uh also had a period in high school where I discovered I liked (and was good at) academics and excelled in science and math and focused Heavily on that, getting awards and whatnot. I’m not gifted but my mom and grandfather are (were, granddad is not alive) and I definitely did get their big brains.
Oh also I’m like a professional daydreamer at this point I write whole ass stories in my head most of which Never make it to the Google docs and I’m Amazingly talented at oversharing I’m sorry in advance tell me to stop talking I literally won’t mind I promise I ramble Too much
10. Where were you born?
Ontario, Canada
11. What are your hobbies?
Too many. I have this issue where I like too many things so I spread myself too thinly to commit to spending enough time practicing on any one thing to improve, and then on top of that have this thing where I can’t just do something for fun I have to be Good at it (which I think stems from being a Talented Kid™) BUT here’s a list here we go it’s long
Learning languages (I’m shit at it tho)
Linguistics (how languages WORK is So Cool)
Learning about cool science things namely psychology, genetic, otherwise biology, or nuclear related
I’m not good at this yet but I wanna get into mixology for fun and also as a job
Can’t sew v well yet but I think it would be So Fun and also good to know cause I have to hem every other pair of pants I get
12. Do you have any pets?
I live w my parents still n we have a dog who’s actually my brother’s service dog she’s a huge black lab named Marshmallow and she is full of so much love but not a lot of thoughts, and we recently got a tuxedo kitten i got to name Carmilla (Carmilla is the name of an 1872? gothic lesbian vampire novella that came out before dracula, see my kitten loved to hide n is super duper fast and also play bites, hence, vampire)
13. How tall are you?
5’1 or 152cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
Too many uhh in high school I rlly loved general biology, my vocal classes (which we learned solos in Italian, German, and musical theatre genres and etc it was amazing), my intro to sociology, psychology, and anthropology class, my human development throughout the lifespan class (I wrote a super cool paper on the theory of infantile synesthesia which tbh is probably the best paper I’ve ever written), and my drama classes. In uni so far I’ve enjoyed my year 1 biology class, Especially the second half cause it was like almost All genetics (soooo fascinating!!!), I Loved my Japanese class which was hard as hell but so fascinating and awesome (I love languages and how they work, and Japanese being so different from my native language of English was really interesting, I also really like Japanese food and culture and nature so learning the language was partially because I think it’s a wonderful language but partially so I can go to Japan at some point), my psych intro class was fascinating and I especially enjoyed the parts on sleep and consciousness and on sensory and perception, those parts of our brains are sooo cool I also really liked my Health Psychology (relating our body to our mind was eye opening and very interesting) class. All those classes had super interesting subject matter AND really amazing sweet and helpful professors. Oh my intro data science class was cool cause I got to do shit of coding which was fun and rewarding
15. Dream Job?
Ok so remember the ‘jack of all trades but master of none’ thing? Liking and being somewhat good at many different things is rlly not helpful for deciding on careers, the end of that phrase ‘but better than being a master of one’ I’d say isn’t true cause I do think being good at One thing has its pros and cons, a pro being it’s def easier to decide what to do. I’ve been told I could probably make it in the opera industry, and I would love to act and sing for a living, whether that’s theatre, film, or voice acting, preferably I’d love to do them all tbh. It feels narcissistic to admit but I do like the recognition for performing, I relish the applause I get during curtain calls or after a solo, I wouldn’t say I Live for the applause but I do like it, I think I’d like to be some level of famous. However I know that’s not easy to attain and I also would love to be a teaching and researching professor of psychology and genetics. I love presenting and teaching and am very good at it (my best marks are always on presentations lol) and I love researching concepts that are interesting to me, like for example if I had to write a thesis right now I’d probably write it about the possibility of finding the epigenetic patterns that cause hereditary depression, anxiety, etc, and use CRISPR gene editing technology to correct those thus ending the cycle of hereditary mental illness instead of putting the bandaid of a medication on it. Also I know that coding and computer science is lucrative right now and I did enjoy my taste of coding so I’d also love to look into that. I Do want to make a lot of money so I can afford to take care of those I love (and myself), be more sustainable, and enjoy some extra things in life like fancy and unique or uncommon to my culture food
No pressure but Also tagging @dragonheart1330 :)
I probably didn’t even say One thing @dragonheart1330 and @deerlisteners don’t already know lol as I said I am soooo talented at oversharing
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kaoharu · 4 days
how would you rate every a' song & ciel song ever! looks
yippeeeeeeeee !!!!!! heart heart
ill start with ciel bc he has less songs lol
Ache&Deny – worlds most predictable baby ( me ) ok anyways im just a reallly big sucker for kenns vocals in this song. the guitar Also gets me so bad really fucked up how its Always there . even when the loud drums come in . eheh :my eyes tear up: i dont have any comments for the lyrics unfortunately ( mg illness doesnt allow it . . . )
Heaven's Door – i really like the instrumentals for this song also . also always a big fan of when lyrics reference religious concepts and stuff like literally wahtever ( htis is just like hanadoll . sorry )
BLACK ANTHEM – religious concepts again. hi i think hes so interesting stares off into space did you know that die fledermaus is thw name of a german operetta . which im pretty sure is why in the intro ( and the instrumental breaks ) there is the opera like singing. so cool right thumbs up emoji
LUV (Your) StiNG – i just think he sounds really good in this one . no further comments :scratches head:
Vibes – i actually reallly lvoe the lyrics of this song it sucks i cant place it higher . sinc ehe only has five songs. bursts into tears sorry ok also random but it just feels really criminal for vibes ro be last. i love this song i just love the others more for various reasons waaaahhhhh
aaaand for a' 👍 im so excited for his headliner release in :checks calendar: october . strained smile
Pinch102gou – worlds most predictable baby pt2 ( its still me ) i dont even have a really good explanation other than the instrumentals have kept me captive for literally forever. oh yeha and i rlly kimuryos vocal performance its very cool . . . the lyrics are ❓️ if im being honest.i still dont know what he meant but its fine. i like it i dont have to understand
SorakaraHuruYume – this song makes me want to shatter into ten billion pieces i have a hard time listening to it purely bc it makes me stupidly emotional whej i thinkna little too hard in fact i havent even fully listened to it in a while bc i keep skipping and avoiding it cause i get really sad LMAO im ill
THE MIRROR HOUSE – this peaked i love it veryvery much the contrast between it and sorakarahuruyume is wild to me. anyways tho i like to look at the lyrics and jst sit down and think a bit its his second song talking abt mirror images . . . hrmmm
Kamukamu Miracle – I LOVE THE LYRICS FOR THIS SONG. theyre truly as fun as the instrumentals if we ignore his mental health streaks . its season one :] hes just a sillyguy :] and whatnot anyways this is Truly a nsfw song to me heart heart
RE:Morse – big fan of mirror imagery and stuff. i feel liek the lyrics here are an interesting glimpse into how a' views himself and his issues . . . . not rlly sure how to articulate my thoughts on this aside from theyre just kinda Separate from his identity raaaahhh what am i saying
Dakara Onegai Dakara – this song fucks i think it should be listened to more 👍 the lyrics are surprisingly ( or not rlly surprisingly bc this is a' afterall ? ) serious despite his instrumental whimsy what do you mean do you want to kill yourself why are you asking us man /silly
Masaka no Massacre! – worlds biggest sin is that i have literally never been able to find a tl for this song. who cares tho ig it can still be peak to me
Papipupepo de Rarirurero – no one loves this song like me. itd be second place if not for factoring in lyrics . the lyrics are ok papipupepo and rarirurero are really fun to say tho and i can spell it out without having to double check myself anymorw . heh
Yoiyami ni ainori – i looooove how this song sounds . nodding the lyrics are also interesting to me with the various meanings of some phrases in it
Crazy≒Nutrient – i rlly like how it sounds. im not gettung into the lyrics :seal eyes:
#HAPPY – the lyrics for this song are really sweet to be honest. a' happiness ambassador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i like this song 👍 to be honest maybe it shld be a little bit higher but the instrumentals dont strike me as much as some of his other songs and such . but yes i think everyone shld read the lyrics nodding
Calling Cat – everytime i listen to this song i think of lady gaga im sorry anyways its a very solid song tho i think the lyrics are an interesting read . glimpses into his strange as fuck mind as they say(?)
Ningen Yametatte yo – this song is Very heavy instrumental wise. i think it is neat still . . . yeah :]
Yotsuba CLOVER – i wish i liked this song more like. its very good its jusr surprisingly not up my alley . the lyrics are quite nice however so hearttt
Mirai e – this song is alright . j feel like id like it more if i cld find a tl for the lyrics WAAAAHHHHH anyways not too much to say i feel like unfortunately. i do like the music break its very fun sounding everything else was just Average for me. is this mean
S≠O≒S – waaahhh. i have a complicated relationship with this song. i think the lyrics are ok and the music is fun but i juust feel like his other songs are Better im sorry sos i still like you
KKK->E – another one i cant find a tl for my misery but its ok 👍 this one is a weaker a' song imo like i like it but its not very nsfw soundign thay sounds awful hello . you know i mean it just doesn't sound like their bands usual music to me
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grapefiesta · 1 year
Favourite Terran
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Rocket is an asshole and that's that... or is he?
pairings: Peter Quill x Reader (kind of?), Rocket x Reader
A/N: fuck it, its gn reader now and a cute Peter scene ig;;; again.. not proofread. Also this is the last rocket wip I had *thumbs up* idc if he's a racoon he's bby and deserves fanfics
“How many times have I told you to stop messing with my blasters?!”
“And how many times have I ignored you? They make cool explosions! I ain’t gonna stop using ‘em!”!
“Rocket!!! You have your own blasters!” You snatched your blasters from his workbench.
“Hey, put them down!” He puts his hands on the blasters. “You can’t stop me from taking ‘em you know it. I’m the greatest Guardian of the Galaxy!"
“Let! Go! They’re mine, you stupid Racoon!” You pulled on the blasters to get them off of his grubby hands.
“Nuh-uh! I’m not letting go of them!” He starts doing the same, trying to pull them away from you. “I deserve these blasters more than you deserve them!"
“Rocket, I can’t fight without them! Stop tinkering with them and give me my fucking blasters back!” you pulled your arms up, and they pulled Rocket up into the air due to the height difference between Terrans and Racoons.
“Put me down right now, you annoying little Terran!” He starts kicking your leg in the hope of forcing you to let the blasters go.
“I'm way taller than you!” you argue and start shaking the blasters. ‘How am I going to make this rodent let go??’
A genius idea struck you at that thought. “Let go and you’ll be down!”
Rocket does as you told him, letting go of the blasters and falling to the ground. It was funny watching him scramble up with a sour look on his face. “Aw, come on, that was mean!”
You scoff. “you are mean.”
“I am?! How am I the mean one?!” He gets up completely now and looks at you. “You’re the one who snatched the blasters away from me after I’ve been playing with them!”
“Because they’re mine- you’re not supposed to- ugh whatever.” you turned on your heels and walked down the stairs towards your shared "room" with Groot.
“Fine! You can take your stupid blasters!” Rocket grumbles and goes off to his room to tinker with some of his gadgets.
You put your blasters down in the room and then go up to the cockpit and sit down on a chair next to Peter.
Peter turns towards you. “Everything ok, Y/N?”
You shrug. “Just rocket being a little asshole again.”
“Can’t say I’m surprised.” He chuckles a little. “So what was it about this time? Stealing your blasters to make some more stupid, loud, explosion-filled toys?”
You also chuckle. “Whoa, how’d you know?”
“Call it a wild guess.” He shrugs. “He’s always pulling stupid pranks and doing stupid things like that, but I guess that’s kinda his charm.”
You groan and stretch across the seat.
Peter sighs. “I guess you two will have to sort out your differences by yourselves because there ain’t no way that I’m getting in the midst of your little arguments.” He chuckles.
“Wouldn’t know how. He loves annoying the shit out of me.” you sigh. “At least I’ve got you. We Terrans have to stick together!” you put a fist on your chest and knock on it before giving Peter a peace sign.
Peter chuckles. “You got that right. Terrans together!” He returns the gesture.
You giggle a bit too loud after a few jokes. “Ssshh shhh Peter be quiet!” you try to whisper between the laughs.
Peter keeps quiet and nods his head, trying to stifle his laughter. You need to be careful with your volume, because the night is silent, and people are trying to get some rest.
You hear Rocket yell at you from across the ship. You put a hand on your mouth and desperately try to stifle your laughter. “He’s so- he’s so angry pfft.”
Peter chuckles before suddenly covering his mouth before he bursts out laughing. He slowly pulls his hand down and looks at you with a wide, amused gaze. “Guess someone’s having a hard time keeping their temper in control.”
“Ok, ok, ok, we should go sleep now. Or else we’ll wake everyone up with our laughter and Rockets yelling.”
Peter nods and gets up. “Good point.”
He turns towards you. “But before I head off to bed, I want to thank you for making me laugh. I really needed that.”
“Yeah? Well..” you look away a bit with pink cheeks and a smile. “You’re welcome.. us Terrans stick together, you know?” you look back up at him.
Peter smiles at your comment and nods. “Of course. We always have each other’s backs on the whole ride. Can’t leave anyone behind.” He looks at you for a moment before adding. “And I know that I can rely on you if I ever need you.”
you nod and keep staring at him. “Yeah.. me too."
Peter notices you staring at him. “Do you want anything else, Y/N?” He chuckles. “Or do you just want to stare at a boring ol’ human like me?”
You giggle a bit. “Hey, I’m a boring ol’ human as well!” you step a bit closer to him. “Just wanted to.. to properly say goodnight.”
Peter chuckles and steps a bit closer to you as well. “In that case…” He reaches out and touches your cheek. “Goodnight.”
Your face starts to flush furiously and you look at his face with wide eyes. You hope no one else saw this. Especially Rocket since he’s apparently still awake. “I- goodnight Peter.” You hugged him quickly and hid your face in his chest.
Peter wraps his arms around you and smiles at the hug, which was unexpected to him, but made him happy nonetheless. “Sleep well,” he whispers in your ear.
Before you could react, he lets go of you and turns to go back to his bedroom.
You nodded and turned around to walk to your room only to bump into a Rocket on the way. You stared at him. “Oh- uh-“
Rocket looks at you with an amused grin on his furry face. “Sooo, what’s up? And why do I feel like it has something to do with Peter?” He says while leaning on one of the walls in the corridor.
“No way.” You started to walk towards your room again.
Rocket watches you as you go back to your room. “No way what? Could you please elaborate, because I think I saw what I saw.” He chuckles and raises one of his eyebrows.
You turn around really quickly. It’s almost as if you were going to snap your neck. “You saw what?!” You were starting to break into a nervous sweat.
“I saw you hugging him before you two went to your rooms.” Rocket chuckles and wags his tail. “He looks like a good-looking fella. You sure you didn’t catch feelings?” He says with a smirk.
You shake your head. “No, no, no. That’s just a normal Terran way to say goodnight! He’s just a close friend.” 'fuck. That's embarrassing.' You didn't like Peter in that way, but you couldn't deny that he was an attractive Person. Plus, he was the only other human around here.
Rocket laughs. “Normal way for you Terrans to say goodnight? That’s strange.” He pauses for a second and then chuckles. “Whatever the case, you better be telling me the truth. I’d be devastated if you hooked up with Peter.” He winks, trying to tease you.
'wait what?' “What?” You speak your thoughts out loud.
“If Peter and you ever end up together in a romantic relationship… I think I’d be very sad.” He leans closer to you and drops his voice. “Is that what you want to do?” The raccoon asks, his voice sounding like he’s trying to tease you again. He tries to maintain a serious face but finds it hard not to burst out laughing.
“Wait.. really?” Then you notice the tone in his voice. “Oh fucking hell!” You turned around again, annoyed.
Rocket can’t help but burst out laughing, amused by your reaction “Hah! You thought I was serious about it, huh? Look at your face!”
“You’re an asshole. I was just about to start thinking that you actually like me.”
“Like you in what way? Do you want me to like you in a different way?”
“Just like me in General.” You didn't turn around.
This seems to confuse Rocket. “I do like you. You’re a good Ter- err, Human,” he says as he corrects himself.
You sigh and turn around to face him. “Well you’re always such an ass to me and I know you do that to everyone but you seem to just like to annoy me an extra bit.”
“Is that what you’re trying to get at?” Rocket raises an eyebrow and scratches behind his ears, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. “I do annoy you a bit more than anyone else on the ship. Guess that’s just my way of showing who my favourite Terran is,” he says with a mischievous smirk.
“Huh…” you think for a bit. “Wait! I thought Peter was your favourite! He’s your best friend!!”
“Peter is my best friend, but you are my favourite Terran!” He chuckles. “What? You don’t like being favoured over the others?”
“Oh… Oh!” You try to not look embarrassed but fail miserably as your cheeks feel a bit warmer.
“It seems you’re having trouble accepting it.” Rocket smiles at you, amused at your reaction. “Do you like being my favourite Terran?” His face looks curious in an inquisitive way, waiting to listen to your response.
“I mean I don’t hate that idea..” you mumble and start to walk towards your room again.
“Ahhh, so we’re going that way.” He chuckles. He leans slightly closer to you. “You better appreciate this special treatment then, favourite Terran. You’ve got to make it up to me one way or another,” he says, his voice sounding like he’s trying to flirt with you.
You let out a short squeal and pushed his face away with your palm. “Go to sleep.”
He lets out a sigh. “Fine.” He doesn’t make any more attempts to flirt with you and heads back to his room, mumbling to himself.
“I’ll get them next time… next time…” He whispers before turning into his room and closing the door behind him.
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scarfwrites · 1 year
Hihiii firstly I just wanna say that I love your writing i like how immersing it can get sometimes and just how it hits the feel idk how to explain it other than that so uh... right I just wanna ask if you could write iwaizumi x reader where the reader has this overprotective friend or sibling (idk you choose) and the overprotective friend/sibling just trys break up iwaizumi and the reader at the start but in the end they just end up supporting them basically overprotective friend/sibling with a twist ig? Maybe angsty at the start? I would love to see if you could do this ❤️ and even if you cant its ok and again love your writing I personally liked "Sunshine on Valentines Day" and also hated it cus it made me feel lonely after 😭 (not trying to guilt trip you or anything just really love your work!)
(May or May not be new to tumblr)
A Promise to Keep
❅Genre : Fluff, Crack, Comfort, Angst
❅Pairings:  Iwaizumi x Reader
❅Warnings: Vulgar language, mentions of cheating, mentions of toxic relationship (NOT WITH IWAIZUMI)
❅ Summary : You were worried that your parents would disapprove of your new boyfriend Iwaizumi. You should’ve worried about someone else though
❅A/N : Sorry if it was late! I was working on some other fics. Thank you so much for those kind words! I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart💙💙💙. I do my best making sure my readers feel immersed into the writing 😊😊😊. Ngl this idea popped into my to write list and I enjoyed finally making it though it was pretty challenging. Thank you again for enjoying my writing. It makes me really happy! I used the term nee-chan which is used for girls (since i couldn’t remember if there’s a neutral term for older sibling in japanese) however y/n is gender neutral
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“Nervous?” You asked looking at Iwaizumi
“Yeah, but you look more nervous than I am” Iwaizumi chuckled emphasising that your hand gripping his hand firmly
Today was the day Iwaizumi would finally meet your family. Aside from the normal nervousness one would have of what their parents would think of your parents, your last relationship was pretty bad to say the least so you expect your parents to be more “cautious” this time around.
“Oh! Sorry!” You relax your grip on his hand “I mean you already know the reason why I’d be worried” You spoke softly as you look down
“Don’t worry I’ll make a great impression on them” he gives you a soft yet reassuring smile
“I know you will” you smile back gratefully “I’m sure they’ll love you! You’ve all the qualities of a great boyfriend!” You tried encouraging yourself making Iwaizumi chuckle
“We’ll get through this together okay?” Iwaizumi held your hand more firmly as you gave him a nod
You took a breath before you rang the doorbell. You hear your younger brother informing your parents that someone was here. After a few moments you hear the door lock open as the wave of nervousness comes back crashing in. The door opens and you see your mother.
“Oh it’s just you Y/N!” Your mom gives you a big hug as you did the same before letting go
“I’d like you and dad to meet someone” you said with nervousness as Iwaizumi waves
“Oh! Y/N you should’ve told me you were bringing someone home!” Your mother lightly scolds “Come in!” She opens the door as you both walk in
“Nee-chan!” Your younger brother tackles you as you pull him up “Gasp! Is this who i think it is?” your brother looks at you with a knowing smile 
“Mhmm” you nod as his face widens in excitement
“Hi!” Your brother wiggles his way out of your grasp and runs towards Iwaizumi as he holds him in his arms “You’re nee-chan’s boyfriend right?” your brother whispered his question whilst Iwaizumi lifts him off the ground
“Has she told you about me?” Iwaizumi smiled at the young boy as he responds with an excited nod making your boyfriend chuckle
“I’m on your side” he whispered on Iwaizumi’s ear “If you make my nee-chan happy then I’m happy” He gave your boyfriend the brightest smile making his heart swell at your brother’s adorableness
“Thanks little buddy” Iwaizumi smiled back to your younger brother the pet name making him smile even more
“I really like him!” Your brother looks to you as you smile at him
“Everyone! Dinner’s ready!” Your mother calls out
Iwaizumi puts your brother down and as he gets down he dashes towards the living room.
“ Well I’ve got one” Iwaizumi chuckled as he looked at you
“Well he’s known from the start and it isn’t that hard to convince him” you chuckled back as the both of you walk to the dining room
After a while everyone gathers to the dining room and takes a seat
“You’re lucky we had just enough dinner for everyone” here your mother chuckled “You should’ve told me that you were bringing someone along! I would’ve loved to treat him with my signature dish” your mother rambled
“Do you like tofu?” Your younger brother looked at Iwaizumi as he ate a portion of tofu
“Yeah, it’s part of my favourite food” Iwaizumi smiled to your younger brother as he gasped
“Really? It’s my favourite too!” Your brother exclaimed excitedly “Nee-chan I like your friend a lot!” Your brother gave you a happy smile putting you at ease from the awkwardness
“Speaking of which” your father cleared his throat “You mind introducing us to your friend?” your father looked at you then at Iwaizumi
“Oh right! This is Iwaizumi” you introduced as Iwaizumi waved “He’s uh my friend” you mumbled
“I see…” your father spoke quietly making you nervous “Seems more than that” your father looked at your hands slightly touching as you both blush
“Right! He’s… he’s my boyfriend” you looked away bashfully as your father took a sip from his tea however you feel your older brother’s intense stare looking right at you
“I see…” He said once again sipping more from his tea
“It’s been awhile since you brought someone here” your older brother stated coldly
“Well, I’d like to get a proper introduction to your boyfriend” your mother looks at you “To get to know him of course” you mother reassured you with a smile
“Well… We go to the same school, we’re in the same class, we’ve known each other for a while-” you explained but you were interrupted by your younger brother
“Yeah! He’s on their volleyball team! He plays their ace! His spikes are amazing!” Your brother’s eyes sparkled in excitement explaining everything he knew as all of you look at him
“Someone sure knows a lot” your father chuckled at your brother’s excitement
“I’ve seen him on TV before!” Your brother eagerly said“Oh oh and! He’s super serious when it comes to talking to his team and he looks super scary but he’s super sweet to his fans especially to Y/N!” Your brother continued to explain making Iwaizumi blush red at his last statement
“He sounds like a wonderful person” your mother smiled at you making you smile back nervously
“Yeah yeah yeah! He's a total gentleman and-” Your brother was about to enthusiastically share more though your older brother interrupted him
“I think that’s enough for now” your older brother nudged the younger child as he stopped
“Thank you” you whispered giving him a thumbs up as he gave one back
“From the looks of it, he sounds like a responsible and kind young man” your mother spoke as she ate her soup
“I like the athletic types, strong enough to keep someone like my child protected” your father said “Am I right?” Your father looked at Iwaizumi 
“Yes sir” Iwaizumi nodded
“Is that a yes?” You hid your excitement asking both of your parents
“If he can keep that promise then I’m fine with your relationship” your father stated 
“If our little boy is that enthusiastic about everything he says, I’m sure i need not to worry with such a responsible man” your mother gave the both of you an approving nod
“I’m sure this one would have a lot to say if we objected” your father chuckled as you all looked at your younger brother who was trying to hide his excitement
“Yay! You’re part of our family now!” Your younger brother got of his seat and gave Iwaizumi a big hug
“You just gonna let them off like that?” Your older brother interjected as you sighed “You just trust everything they say?” Your brother scowled making your younger brother pout
“The description your brother gave fits” your mother responded “he’s sitting here very well mannered and even brought us a gift” your mother said as your older brother scoffed
“Yeah! Stop being such a Debbie Downer!” your younger brother’s pout turns into a very angry scowl
“You think I’m being a Debbie Downer?” Your brother stated coldly as he stood up from the table with rage “Stop being so delusional! Don’t you remember how broken they were with that last son of a bitch who came here!” Your brother’s voice seethed with rage as you slowly signalled Iwaizumi to leave
“Y/N are you sure-” Iwaizumi said but was soon interrupted by you insisting on him leaving
“You don’t know that!” You yell at your brother “You know nothing! You barely even talked to him let alone know what he’s like!” you continue to berate your brother as he grit his teeth 
“As if we can trust your judgement” he crossed his arms “Who knows you might’ve broughten a cheating scumbag back into our house” he glared at you as you clench your jaw to stop yourself from crying
“Watch your mouth when you talk to your siblings like that” your father interjected as your brother scoffed and stomped back to his room 
“Sorry about him” your mother sighed as your younger brother asked for you to pick him up
“Don’t be sad nee-chan!” Your brother gave you a comforting hug
“Thank you” you hug him back tightly
“I’ll be sure to give him a piece of my mind later” your father huffed as your mother patted his shoulder
“Let’s not worsen the situation” she spoke “Don’t mind him Y/N, we both trust you” your mother gave a comforting smile as you smiled back softly
“ Thanks, I should check on Hajime though” you said as you walk to the door as you open it you see Iwaizumi sitting on the ledge of the porch
“Can’t say he still won’t bother us anymore” you sighed as you sat with him
“Sorry about all this” Iwaizumi frowned slightly
“It’s okay! He’s always like that!” Your brother spoke up as he sat in between both of you “He’s always so grumpy when it comes to y/n and me” your brother pouted as he laid his head on Iwaizumi’s lap making him chuckle slightly
“He’s just overprotective of us” you commented “But sometimes it feels too overbearing of him” you sighed tiredly
“It’s okay! You can get through it together!” your brother stood up and hugged you both tightly together
“Thank you buddy” Iwaizumi smiled
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You were glad at least your parents were on your side. You understood why your brother was like that as he just wanted to protect you. Though you won’t let him bother you or Iwaizumi. You knew better than him that he’d never leave you broken-hearted. Unbeknownst to you your brother was already plotting something.
“Nee-chan! Are you gonna visit your boyfriend?” Your brother ran towards you as you were about to leave your house
“Yeah! His team’s been working very hard so I made them lunch!” You smiled as your brother looked at the neatly made bento boxes you were carrying 
“Can I come? Please!” Your brother said with his puppy eyes making you giggle
“C’mon let’s go!” You said as he jumped in joy
As you both walked towards the gym you weren’t surprised to see Oikawa’s fangirls waiting at the door for the brunette. You paid no mind to them and opened the gymnasium door. As you opened the door you saw a girl talking to Hajime and Oikawa holding something. You observed the girl give Iwaizumi a box of something then she proceeded to run off past you outside the gymnasium.
“Who was that?” You asked Iwaizumi as you both walk over to him
“I think she was a fan” Iwaizumi replied as he examined the box
“Hey who’s this?” Oikawa kneeled down at your brother holding your hand
“I’m y/n’s brother!” Your brother waved excitedly
“Did you come here to see me?” Oikawa smirked as Iwaizumi rolled his eyes
“Are you Oikawa?” Your brother tilted your head
“Yeah! You must know all about me!” Oikawa laughed to himself
“You’re Shittykawa!” Your brother said excitedly making you and Oikawa’s eyes widen whilst the whole team and Iwaizumi hold in their laughter
“Don’t say that!” You scold as your face flushes with embarrassment whilst your brother looked at you with confusion
“Who told you to say that?” Oikawa asked trying to hold back his anger 
“I heard Iwa-chan say that!” Your brother pointed at Iwaizumi
“How could you teach a child to say that!” Oikawa yelled at Iwaizumi making him roll his eyes
“It’s true though” Iwaizumi shrugged off
“Nevermind all that! Nee-chan made food for all of you!” Your brother exclaimed as you show the boxes of bento
“Woah really?” Makki walked over to you looking at the bento boxes you were carrying
“Yeah I made it for all of you” you smiled
“I was just getting hungry, thanks Y/N” Iwaizumi smiled back
“Thank you Y/N!” The team bowed in gratitude as you handed over the bento boxes
“Hey little guy, why don’t you watch us play volleyball after we eat” Oikawa suggested to your brother 
“Can I?” Your brother looked at you with pleading eyes
“You have a curfew though” you teased making your brother pout
“C’mon Y/N” Oikawa pestered as you chuckled
“Alright fine” you said as your brother jumped in joy
“Can you teach me how to play?” your brother asked excitedly
“Yeah! We’ll teach you everything” Makki smiled “But you don’t wanna learn from Oikawa, we call him Shittykawa for a reason” he whispered
“I heard that!” Oikawa yelled as Makki brushed him off
You were overjoyed seeing your brother having fun with the whole team. You wondered how everyone could deal with how much energy he was outputting.
“Someone’s having a lot of fun” Iwaizumi commented looking at your brother trying to serve
“Hopefully he doesn’t turn out like Oikawa” you chuckled as you looked at him to see the box still wrapped “Why haven’t you opened the box yet?” You tilt your head
“Oh, I forgot” Iwaizumi said as he grabbed the box and opened it revealing  chocolates and other goodies inside
“It’s all Godzilla themed” you examined the box
“Yeah, I wonder how she’d know I don’t exactly tell anyone about it” Iwaizumi pondered
“Your phone case tells otherwise” you giggle showing him his phone as he blushed
“Iwaizumi got a fan! That's a first” Makki when over to the both of you “Usually Oikawa’s the only one with fans” Makki sat down next to both of you
“Y/N’s sitting right there” Matsun chuckled
“It doesn’t count if they’re dating though” Makki responded
“Well, I’ll always be his number one fan!” you hugged Iwaizumi
“Nee-chan look! I can do a serve now!” He tried to serve but it only ended up hitting Oikawa making the team laugh “Oops sorry!” He tried helping Oikawa up
“We need to work on that” Oikawa said slightly dazed
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You slightly disliked the idea of fangirls giving your boyfriend gifts, however you knew that he was bound to have fans being the ace of the team so you understand. It’d be fine if it was different girls giving him gifts but the same girl kept giving him gifts every single day. Each gift had something that not alot of people knew about which slightly made you uncomfortable. You tried to pay no mind to it but that same girl kept bothering Iwaizumi trying to get all his attention, even when he tries to tell her to lay off gently she doesn’t get the hint.
“Are you okay Y/N-chan?” Oikawa asked you as the both of you walked to the gymnasium
“Huh? Yeah…” you spoke 
“Is it about that one girl bothering Iwa-chan?” He asked looking at you
“N-no what makes you say that?” You tried to hide your jealousy making Oikawa chuckle
“It’s written all on your face Y/N, you’re cleary bothered by it” Oikawa pointed at your discomforted face making you sigh
“I appreciate that he has fans, I mean he’s always been insecure about being in the shadow but…” you spoke looking down
“But you don’t want them to be all touchy and grabby with him, am I right?” Oikawa guessed as you nodded “I understand I mean he did try to let her off gently but she still persists” Oikawa sighed in annoyance
“I don’t wanna make it seem like he can’t hang out with other people or have fans but… It makes me feel bad about myself” you expressed your turmoil
“Hey, it’s alright to be jealous! You can’t control how you feel” Oikawa gave you a smile of reassurance “Don't feel bad about yourself! Iwa-chan would never replace you, especially if it’s a pick me like her!” Oikawa encouraged making you smile
“You seem bothered by a fan that’s a first” you chuckled
“If it was my own fan I wouldn’t really care but if it’s bothering my best friend’s significant other! It bothers me too!” Oikawa smiled at you
“Thank you Shittykawa” you teased as he frowned
“Hey! I just gave you kind words!” Where’s my thanks He crossed his arms making you laugh more
“You’re right, I’m sure it’ll all blow over” you said as you open the gymnasium door
“Something wrong, Iwaizumi?” Makki asked putting all his stuff down on the bleachers
“The girl who comes here everyday she won’t leave me alone” Iwaizumi replied with an annoyed expression plastered on his face
“Oh the one giving you gifts?” Makki asked to which Iwaizumi nods “I can see why” Makki chuckled
“She’s more annoying than the fans Oikawa always has outside the gym” Iwaizumi huffed making the pink haired boy laugh
“It makes you wonder how Oikawa can bask in all their attention” Matsun chuckled as he interjected
“I really wouldn’t care if it wasn’t bothering Y/N” Iwaizumi sat down placing his hand on his forehead “They don’t wanna admit it but it’s clearly bothering them alot” he continued
“You told her to lay off already right?” Makki asked as he sat down with Iwaizumi
“Hundreds of times” Iwaizumi responded “I even told her straight up when we were alone” he let out a sigh of frustration
“She sounds super obsessed” Matsun added
“What if someone’s paying her to do that?” Makki suggested “I mean not even Oikawa’s fans are that obsessed with him” Makki placed his hand on his chin
“You know… that might be it” Iwaizumi thought
As you opened the door you felt your life flash before your eyes. You and Oikawa saw the girl leaning into Iwaizumi sharing a kiss. Your eyes start brimming in tears feeling overwhelmed at what you were seeing. Iwaizumi pushed her off, his eyes widened looking at you. You couldn’t bear the sight anymore so you ran away to compose yourself. Oikawa catches up to you and held you to stop you from running
“Y/N! Listen to me!” Oikawa holds you tighter as you try to get out from his grasp “We both know Iwa-chan would never hurt you!” He reasoned with you stopping you from moving as tears fell from your cheeks
“I know but… It still hurts…” You continued to cry as Oikawa rubbed your back
“Hey, c’mon let’s just hear him out this could all be one big misunderstanding” Oikawa held you up as Iwaizumi catches up to both of you
“Y/N I can explain she forced herself-” Iwaizumi was cut of by your tight hug
“I knew you wouldn’t do that but I guess my insecurities took over” you explained nestling your head in his chest
“I’d never do that to you… I won’t ever treat you the way that bastard treated you…” Iwaizumi hugged you back “I made a promise to your little brother after all” he smiled at you
“He’s a little guy but he’s pretty scary” Oikawa chuckled
“I can’t disappoint my little buddy” Iwaizumi chuckled along “Anyway I think I know what’s going on” Iwaizumi said as you and Oikawa look in confusion
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Iwaizumi explained how the girl admitted she was being paid by someone for doing all this. You instantly knew who would do this so you stormed back to your house as quickly as possible.
“Oh y/n you’re home early!” Your mother smiled but soon faltered seeing your serious face
“Oikawa and Iwa-chan!” Your younger brother runs up to the both of them
“I think now’s not the time” Oikawa chuckled nervously as he picked up your brother “Why don’t Iwa-chan and I go play outside and teach you how to play more volleyball” “Oikawa takes him to the backyard as he squealed in joy
“What’s going on?” your mother asked confused
“Where’s b/n?” You inquired with a serious tone ignoring your mother’s question
“Right here” your brother said walking down the stairs “I see you’ve brought him again” your brother glared looking at Iwaizumi and Oikawa playing with your little brother outside
“Trust me he isn't your biggest problem right now” you scowled “How could you pay a girl to ruin my relationship with Hajime!” You accused making your brother scoff while your mother widens her eyes
“I want an explanation now!” Your mother looked at your brother with an angered expression
“Wow, accusing me now? I told you your new relationship would make you more delusional than you already are!” He rolled his eyes making you laugh
“I’m delusional? You’re the delusional one if you think you can pay a girl to make him do the same exact mistake as my ex did!” You argued back “You don’t need to hide it, she fessed up already!” you continued to yell angrily
“So what if I did huh? It won’t be a matter of time till he does that to you!” Your brother confessed still trying to defend himself making you more angry
“You don’t know that! You don’t know anything!” You yelled as you started tearing up 
“Why don't you listen to me!” He yelled back as your mother tried to come both of you down “I don’t want you to end up like that again! It was my fault why you were like that in the first place! I can’t let you feel that way again knowing I didn’t do anything to stop it!” He explained as his eyes glistened with tears making your expression soften
“I know you want to protect me but… I’m sure that he wouldn’t do that to me… He was there for me when it happened, he was the one who was with me the entire way and was helping me get through it” you explained as your brothers eyes widened “Honestly I don’t think I would’ve been able to get through it if it weren’t for him” you smiled reminiscing at the thought “He already showed it to me today how he’d never do that to me from how you staged everything… I know you want to protect me but I know for sure he would never do that” you looked at your brother eyes “So please… give him a chance” you asked with pleading eyes as he wiped away his tears
“Don’t blame yourself hun” your mother comforted your brother “It was completely out of your control and you didn’t know that it would turn out like that…” your mother hugged your brother “If you give them a chance you’re already protecting Y/N by allowing a responsible young man to be by their side” your mother continued
“Yeah! And he promised he’d never hurt Y/N!” your brother interjected walking inside
“Sorry, we heard all the fighting from the inside and the little guy couldn’t contain himself” Oikawa scratched the back of his head
“Please give them a chance! Let Y/N start over happy! We all want that for them right?” Your younger brother pleaded 
“Alright, I’ll take your word Y/N…” your older brother agreed, making your younger brother jump in joy “Sorry Iwaizumi for all this and what I’ve put you both through… I understand if you won’t forgive me” he scratched the back of his head
“It’s alright we both want to protect her” Iwaizumi smiled accepting your brother’s apology
“Okay! No more fighting! It’s so tiring” your brother huffed as you picked him up
“Don’t worry we’re all tired too” you smiled kissing his cheek
“Let’s go play more volleyball” your brother exclaimed
“I thought you said you were exhausted” Oikawa chuckled
“Nope! I wanna play!” Your brother said making you all laugh
“Why don’t I teach you how to spike?” Iwaizumi offered making you smile seeing your younger brother’s joyed expression
“All's well that ends well” you smiled sighing in relief
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I was so immersed with this one the argument and the "cheating" hit my heart 😭😭😭 Thank you so much for requesting this again! This was a banger 50th post!
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
HEYYYYYYY I Just Found Your Blog Today , And i was like this is
A M A Z I N G.
Anyways are requests open by any chance ?
If they are , then could you do Yandere Hawks with a reader whos on her period and having cramps and backpain ? ig you did something like this with Kuuro?
( ok but uk what, right now im having pms and the backpain-
i mean idk if u relate , but my back hurts more than my stomach really 😭)
♡ Bedridden ♡
(A/N: Welcome, love!! We’re glad to have you here 💖 And yes requests are open!! I definitely relate, I get really intense back pain too 😭😭 I hope you start feeling better, don’t forget to rest!!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, AFAB reader, periods, pain, pills
Summary: Keigo comforts you while you’re on your period (Yan!Hawks x AFAB!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Keigo always expected you to cone greet him when he came home, most of the time you did. Happily jumping into his arms and him giving you a kiss. Today was no different, the moment he stepped through the door, he expected you to come running to him. Only you didn’t.
“Y/n~ I’m home!” Keigo calls out, only to still get no response. “Y/n, baby, where are you?” He continues, checking through different rooms. He looks for you as if he were a lost puppy searching for its owner. Keigo stops for a moment, hearing a small groan. Keigo peaks into the bedroom, seeing a lump of blankets on the bed.
“Dovey, what’s wrong?” He asks, taking a step forwards only to see you snuggle even deeper into the blankets. “Go away” you mumble, trying not to pay attention to the pain in your abdomen and lower back.
“What’s wrong?” He asks once again, more strict this time. He sees your words as back talk. “I wanna be alone” you groan, lifting up the blanket to look at him. Keigo definitely softens at how you seem to be in pain. Your face has tear stains and your eyes are glossy, your bottom lip quivers a bit before you pull the blanket back up to cover yourself again.
“I’m on my period” you mumble silently, Keigo almost facepalming at himself. He had completely forgot! He knew how much pain you were in during your period. He had your period tracked on the calendar and yet somehow he completely forgot!
“It’s okay, birdy, do you want some medicine?” Keigo coos, gently rubbing your shoulder through the fluffy blanket. You nod, sniffling slightly. As much as it was infantilizing, the way talked to you sometimes. You would be lying if you said you didn’t love being babied while in pain like this.
You lay in bed, groaning at the pain. It isn’t long before Keigo comes back, gently setting a pill and a glass of water onto the night stand. Keigo doesn’t speak as he helps you sit up despite your intense pain. You swallow the pill quickly so you can get back into your position in bed.
Although this time, Keigo lays behind you. Bringing his hands to your lower back to soothe you, massaging you. You can almost feel your body immediately relaxing at his touch. You just want to lay in bed and try to distract yourself from your pain until the medicine kicks in, and Keigo was happy to pamper you until you felt better.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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