#I absolutely love SPIDER WEB and DEATH and EVIL
PORTALS Melanie Martinez album stimboard
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ghostfacesvalentine · 9 months
HALLOWEEN DAY 1: Ghost hunting - Multi!Muse x Reader
Pairing: Multimuse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Well, ghosts, death, the afterlife, anxiety, PTSD
Type: Blerps
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: How they would react to going/how they’d feel/what it would be like to ghost hunting with the reader
Notes: Happy first day of Halloween! I wrote this as a blurb, following how they would react/be like to ghost hunting with the reader.
Jason Voorhees: Honestly, doesn’t see the point in it. He’s super lost and doesn’t really know what to do or what he’s looking at. Not to mention he absolutely DESPISES the white box. Flinches anytime it turns on. Kind of just dives in head first to everything, quite literally. Jason would eventually get frustrated with you, at some point, mainly when you would keep hearing things, or seeing things. You thought you would’ve caught them on camera by now, but it’s actually the complete opposite. Overall, could be a very stressful situation for both of you.
Michael Myers: Could not care less. Still follows you though. Kind of just sides eye you as you cling onto his sleeve. Walks in first to any room, as usual. Not a fan of the spider webs, it’s probably the only time you’ve seem him visibly annoyed. Another first in seeing his shoulders sort of slouch over. You swear you could even hear an audible sigh coming from underneath his mask, there’s no one to follow, only shadows. Thinks your rituals of white noise and outrageous flashlights is pointless but on the plus side, he kind of just “walks” through the spiderwebs for you.
Tiffany Valentine: Super excited to go ghost hunting with you. It’s about time to take some kind of adrenaline rush! She LOVES contacting the other side, good or evil. She would absolutely take the lead and pull up all the stops of the most haunted places in the area. Tiffany may even go as far as booking tickets to infamous haunted mansions and abandoned buildings. She looks into different manuals, both old and new, she’d buy and steal all sorts of gadgets and anything that could be used for any rituals for you both to catch a ghost. She laughs when the lights go out or things start flying and hitting the walls, disregarding your fear, if you have any.
Billy Loomis: Kind of thinks the idea is lame at first, but after you seem to be very intrigued, at some point Billy wants to get involved. He’s kind of quiet about it at first with a very much “sure thing kitten, whatever you want” attitude. Billy takes the liberty of just watching you as you set everything up, make notes and doodle on all kinds of maps. At first you think Billy isn’t really paying attention, but when he follows you, you couldn’t help but notice he actually knows how to turn on the white noise box. It’s kind of cute, and not to mention, you are more than welcome to hide behind him if anything gets too scary for you.
Stu Macher: LOVES the idea of ghost hunting, will look into the scariest of places in the area. Asylums, jails, schools are his specialty. You’re kind of taken by surprise with how much he becomes hands on with these adventures. Before you’d know it, Stu would take the lead, flashing the light as you follow him through the grim halls of the abandoned buildings. Of course, he’d act like the light went out, losing you in the process, only to flash the light to your face making you scream, frightening almost any remaining living creature in that place, followed by Stu’s belly laughter. Almost no “real” ghost hunting would get done with this guy, you’d probably be chased out by a curtesy officer before you could sit in a room to make any contact with the other side.
Patrick Bateman: Doesn’t entertain the idea for long, he kind of just stares at you when you go on about the adventures you want to take during this season. He understands it to an extent, but it seems meaningless. Not to mention, he’s possibly more athiest than anything, never with the hope of an afterlife. Patrick would rather go where there were violent deaths, places of execution and torture he’d try to convince you “you’ll find whatever you’re looking for, there.” If you could settle then great, if not, then tough luck. There’s a fifty fifty chance you’d be able to drag him with you if you wanted, but that would depend on his relationship with you. Still thinks the ritual of Halloween is silly and meaningless and yes that includes ghost hunting.
Leatherface: Likes the idea of ghost hunting. he doesn’t really understand it at first. Bubba has an innocent way of looking at ghosts, thinking they’re silly and just the kind extension of another human. Once you tell him about the anger and the sadness some of the ghosts carry at times, you can tell he’s a little bit spooked. He’d ask you questions of the afterlife and everything you’d know about ghosts. Maybe start him off small, little haunted cafes, he’d catch on very quickly and learn how to defend himself and you, he’d become a great ghost hunter with the proper guidance.
Harley Quinn: THE BEST GHOST HUNTER. Harley’s so into it! I bet you she has the equipment already. Super enthusiastic and entirely fearless, Harley will not hesitate to protect you whether you need it or not. She’d take the initiative to look into haunted places for you, persistent until you guys find something. Harley’s so goofy, wearing night vision goggles, carrying around a backpack with all kinds of equipment, flashlights, batteries. She’d be messing with whatever you find at the room and ends up making a mess or scaring you half to death, followed by her wide smile and mouthing a non-apologetic “sorry”
Poison Ivy: Not too big on the idea of ghost hunting, but will entertain the idea. You’d have to bribe her into taking you ghost hunting. She mostly wants to make sure you were okay and what better way to make sure you’re okay than to take you herself. Pamela isn’t scared too easily, she certainly hates walking into spiderwebs though. If you’re afraid of everything, she’d scold you just a tiny bit, laughing it off after seeing your terrified expression. You’d forget batteries or chargers or certain little essential things, but your beloved Ivy would have it in her hand, looking to you with a sly smile. Even ghost hunting she seemed to be the one who knew the most.
Bruce Wayne: His first reaction would be “absolutely not” he’s not doing that, why would he? Of course he’s seen many things but ghosts? It just seems like a dull pastime, but when he sees your discouragement, it definitely tugs at his heart strings. Before you know it he’s waking you up at 1 am, packing your bag because you’re going to go investigate an abandoned jail notorious for ghostly activities. He has all the gadgets, why shouldn’t he take you? Also, if there’s nothing you find after hours and hours of looking, I wouldn’t put it past Bruce to move some stuff around or work his bat magic to get you excited about your adventure with him.
Jason Todd: Absolutely down for anything. “Woah, are you sure about that? You’re not going to hide behind me the whole time?” Jason would absolutely tease you nonstop about being scared of ghosts. “I’m not scared, I respect them” “sure whatever you say doll.” He’d let you believe you’re leading them both, following your advice as to what to take, where to go, what to do. Of course his main job is to take care of the spooky spiderwebs for you. Once you get to your destination, it’s nothing like you imagined. Tucking yourself into Jason’s jacket, it kind of makes his heart flutter, after all this time, whether it’s goons or creeps or ghosts, you constantly feel safest tucking yourself into him.
Billy Hargrove: He’s kind of a little unsure at first, not knowing exactly what you wanted to do or why. Billy likes Halloween, but his idea of a Halloween date considers a movie night, going to house parties. but not spending it alone and in an abandoned hospital or building trying to connect with the other world. He’s intrigued to say the least. If Billy learned anything throughout his years is that if a woman has made a decision of a date, it’s better to go with it. Billy is a little bit more scared than he would like to admit, he’s more on edge than you, but that doesn’t mean he’d only fend for himself. If you both get scared at a noise together, or get out of the way of a ceiling tile falling through, he’d instinctively pull you towards him, covering you with his body where he could. Sooner or later, this would become a thrill for him, wanting to go to more places with you even further out of the town of Hawkins.
Steve Harrington: He’d be hesitant, put up a little bit more of a fight than most characters. Suggesting to go to the movies, or go trick or treating, to a carnival, anything else. You’d make a deal with him, you could go to the carnival, or a house party or trick or treating, whatever he’d like as long as he went with you to cross through that abandoned slaughter house. Steve wouldn’t hesitate to tell you maybe it wasn’t such a good idea, but if you’d insist, he’d take you. He’d rather it’d be him that would go with you than anyone else. Like Billy, he’d be protective of you, but unlike Billy, his priority would be to make sure you were okay, not finding ghosts.
Steve Rogers: He’d be up for it, to your surprise, as long as you weren’t going to bother the ghosts, Steve wouldn’t mind taking a walk around said haunted area in hopes of finding proof of an actual after-life. Of course, he’d be your big body guard, ready and apt to be hidden behind. Steve wouldn’t fall victim easily to the jump scares, not as much as you would at least. There’d be times where Steve would try to hold in his laugh at how cute you look clinging onto his sleeve when you thought you’d heard a noise. Of course he wouldn’t hesitate to remind you that this was your idea after all. 
Bucky Barnes: Kind of isn’t down for it. I feel like this would be crossing a line for him of some sort. He’d beg you not to do it, trying to compromise by doing other activities he’s not so fond of, like baking or going to a Halloween party. Bucky would for sure try to sweet talk you out of it if your heart is set on it, explaining to you that maybe it’d be better to let the souls rest. If you’d sneak out then Bucky of course would track you down, finding you easily and of course it’d be at a time where you were stuck somewhere or lost. Here comes Bucky, not even having to tell you “I told you so” or anything but still, you can tell yourself that he told you so.
Wanda Maximoff: Kind of like Steve, she’d be up for it. Wanda would be curious about the after life at times, what harm would it be if you guys were just looking? There was an adrenaline rush in this hobby of yours and Wanda knew it. It’d become a great feeling for her. She’d look for places on her own time, suggesting new methods and ideas of where to go next. You’d be able to even start your own scrapbook of ghost hunting adventures together. Wanda made you promise each other not to go without each other, both for your safety and also because she liked it just as much as you do.
Loki Laufeyson: Kind of laughs about it, but then sees that you’re serious. He actually has quite a bit of knowledge on spirits and those who live in the other world. Loki would be delighted to enlighten you on said topics. He’d advise you not to go disturb them though. If you absolutely insist, or go without telling him, he’d find you just in time before you’d fall down the second floor or down the stairs into a pretty serious accident. There would be a silent “I told you so” moment, but he’d still smother you and comfort you endlessly. So, preferably an at home Halloween date would be more ideal with him.
Cloud Strife: Doesn’t understand why you’d want to do anything like that at all. He just overall doesn’t understand it and honestly he doesn’t really want to. That doesn’t mean he won’t go with you though, he will. Cloud isn’t the best at jump scares, constantly ready to fight whatever surprises you both on the way. This wouldn’t really help his PTSD or anxiety, so maybe it’s best to forget the ghost hunting and maybe read about it instead. 
Aerith Gainsborough: Kind of scared of ghosts? But also so excited about them as well. She loves anything that looks remotely creepy or enchanting, telling you constantly “You should give them a chance” Aerith truly knows how to find the beauty in everything and if it’s anyone that could convince you to find the beauty in a beaten up spiderweb infested home, it’s Aerith. She’s terribly empathetic towards the lives who have ascended your reality, often wanting to get to the bottom of their story and could sit there with you for hours trying to figure out what they’re trying to tell you two.
Sebastian Michaelis: Won’t entertain it. Sebastian is not a fan, if it’s not an actual threat to you or himself, he finds it to “just be another creature” It’s amusing how nonchalant Sebastian is in the presence of a ghost, not caring for their story or their past. If you wanted to know, he would tell you still. Sebastian wouldn’t mind explaining to you the history of souls and where they wander, how they came to be and the whole ordeal. Hopefully it would suit your curiosity enough to keep you from trying to hunt them down. 
Spencer Reid: Soooo down. He’s probably the one that suggested it in the first place. Spencer already has a map of all the said haunted locations in town, he’d even color code them to coordinate where you’d go to first. Spencer would love to keep a scrapbook of different notes, pictures and whatever “evidence” you both find regarding the souls you’ve encountered. There would be times too where Spencer could be out of town on a case, he’d promise you to go to the nearest creepiest or most haunted house in town and take pictures to add to your scrapbook. Nevertheless, the most immersive s/o on this list to go ghost hunting with!
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Virgil loves Melanie Martinez and bc of that he forces Remus to watch it
What songs do you think they’d like the most?
- Vee 💜
They both absolutely streamed Portals and watched the K-12 movie I feel like they'd like all her songs but I think from each album these would be their favorites
Vee: Tag, You're It or Carousel
Ree: Mad Hatter or Pity Party (Or if you wanna get A N G S T Y) Soap
Vee: Wheels On The Bus or The Principal
Ree: Lunchbox Friends or Nurse's Office
Vee: Evil or Spider Web
Ree: Death or The Contortionist
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deathsimage · 11 months
Things The 141 Likes That Most People Don’t
Gaz: Reptiles and Amphibians
Lizards, snakes, salamanders, all of the above. He wants a little sanctuary full of them. He had a pet python when he was a kid and whenever he shows people pictures they’re astonished at the fact that he let a snake that size live with him. He treated it like a dog. That thing was his best friend and he still tears up talking about it.
Price: Boonie Hats (I’m just kidding I mean yes but the actual thing is storms)
Price loves a good thunderstorm, but his absolute favorite weather is right before it rains when the sky is dark, the lightning is flashing across the clouds, the thunder is starting to rumble, and it’s windy. The kind of weather that makes most people feel a sense of danger is when he feels the most at peace. He even finds things like tornados and tsunamis exciting, but he also knows the devastation they can cause.
Ghost: Spiders
To him, spiders are actually little helpers. They eat other annoying bugs like flys, and their webs can actually be pretty handy, including helping wounds clot/close. They’re misunderstood and actually cute if you get past the spookiness. He kind of relates to them in a way (including liking to live in dark abandoned places).
Soap: The Smell of Gasoline
He’s probably gotten high huffing gas before and he didn’t even mean it. Totally took those deep inhales while his parents were pumping gas as a kid. Maybe that’s why he’s so silly, the gas inhalation goofed up his brain.
Things The 141 Dislikes That Most People Do
Gaz: Cats
They are EVIL to him. They’re plotting his murder and you can’t convince him any different. Possibly seen a cat murder a lizard before and that scarred him but he just says they’re evil.
Price: Reality Shows
Wtf even is this? Who cares to watch this? It’s beyond stupid. Granted he falls asleep watching practically anything, these actually annoy him. “What is a Kardashian? A sweater?”
Ghost: Candles & Fragrances
He can’t handle the smells of scented things, unless it has a subtle natural scent like clean linen or something. Possibly has a sensory disorder, or maybe is just so used to the smell of death.
Soap: Caterpillars
They absolutely disgust him. Even butterflies. He hates them. He can kinda deal with butterflies from a distance but dO NOT GET CLOSE TO HIM. Ghost was trying to show him a caterpillar once and Soap literally gagged, and almost puked. Complete, whole body cringe.
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kimmimaru · 2 years
Continuing my FF7 character headcanons, my next one is Tseng. Now, to me, Tseng is the most dangerous of the Turks. Not because he’s ‘evil’ (he’s not), but because he’s patient and clever. I think in one of my fics I had Hojo describe him as the spider in the center of the web and I feel like that’s an apt descriptor. We never see him actively fight but I imagine he can and is good at it too but his real strength is his brain. I see him as an expert manipulator as well, a man in his position would likely have to be considering the people he works with. I feel like Tseng is a deeply conflicted man. Watching his progression through the FF7 stories, from BC and CC where he’s relatively approachable and seemingly friendly (esp to Zack Fair who I would say was someone he considered a friend) to the man he becomes in the OG and Remake proves it to me. Also the other Turks’ reaction to this change show that this is new and they don’t like it. The reason Reno and Rude get so angry and shocked at Tseng’s change is because it’s NOT who he is, if it was it wouldn’t have been surprising. This is the same man who sent his Turks out to track Zack Fair down to not only help him (which, if found out, would have resulted in their deaths. Doubt Shinra would be so forgiving a second time even with his son’s intervention) but to give him Aerith’s letters. I feel that the cause of this conflict is partly due to a sense of helplessness, at least to an extent. Realising that, despite being director of a pretty powerful department, he doesn’t really have the power to change much until he allies himself with Rufus and partly due to a facade he’s convinced he needs to have to be able to do his job. I have a headcanon of Tseng as having a very awkward and difficult relationship with religion. Wutai has always struck me as a pretty religious country and since that’s where I, and many other fans, think he comes from it feels right to me. I like to make up various reasons for this in my fics. On a similar note I headcanon Tseng as being considered very ‘odd’ in his native country. Someone who struggled to fit in, didn’t have many friends in his age group. So, I see him as having been socially excluded except for maybe one or two people in his homeland.  Tseng’s hair is important. I know that in many cultures across the world hair has cultural and religious significance and the fact that Tseng, who is in a job that involves fighting wears his so long seems an odd thing to do unless it had some other purpose. I mean, it’s easy to grab someone’s hair if it’s long and use it to disable them and stuff. (Reno’s hair strikes me as more to do with laziness than anything else, lol). Also that scene in BC when Tseng properly takes over from Veld he lets his hair down to indicate that the Turks are entering a new ‘era’ with him at the head. This seemed very significant to me.  Tseng had great respect for Aerith and even loved her. Not necessarily in a romantic way, although I know that is a ship but he spent a LOT of his life watching over her and that would easily breed some kind of feelings. I know the other Turks are very protective of Aerith but Tseng’s relationship with her is much deeper and much more complicated. Ok, on to my final major headcanon about Tseng. I believe that Tseng works with Rufus to actively bring down his father after BC. This decision is driven partially by revenge on his part, I believe that Tseng absolutely hates and is disgusted by old President Shinra. Mostly because he tried to have the Turks executed and forced Tseng to shoot his own mentor but also because I just don’t see Tseng being able to even remotely respect a man driven purely by greed. Now, Rufus is also greedy in his own way but he also has other motivations as well. I feel that Tseng is very protective of his found ‘family’, more than he lets on. He contrives the whole plot of faking two people’s deaths in order to protect them, he would do anything for them including plot to bring down President Shinra with his son.
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vfig · 2 years
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spiders spin their threads into webs to catch prey; caterpillars spin theirs into cocoons to transform. i pity the poor snake that climbed into the tensed silk structure, dreaming of transformation, but finding instead he was to be—
— — — — —
daniil comes to the town hoping to find something that will help him figure out how to defeat death. not by any technicality, but still in an idealistic ambition, hoping to find a cure, to fix death for everyone. so…
the moment he arrives in the town Death takes a stronger hold on it: starting with oyuns killing of isidor, the townsfolk killing women and worms, and then of course the gluttonous spree of the sand pest, inquisitor, and army (and maybe daniils own revolver).
and then the kains do something unexpected: they seem to be actually bringing simon (and nina?) back. the polyhedron, which has just been this weird geometric oddity infested with a militant gang of kids, suddenly becomes the focus (haha) of daniils ambitions. because he is absolutely at the end of his rope. understandably! surrounded by death. barely escaping being killed himself on numerous occasions. news of thanatica destroyed, his research gone. the kain thing is utterly not in line with his past ideals—but if you squint…
— — — — —
in all this cacophony of death, the rebirth or whatever of simon into the polyhedron is a clarion that wakes the zombie remnants of daniils ambitions again. death will be defeated: but no longer for everyone, just this one defeat, this simon.
the polyhedron has been many (mostly terrifying) things to many people, but now to daniil it is his last hope of vindication. he has been completely radicalised. no matter what, the polyhedron must stand.
the kains plans have nothing to do with daniils past ideals, but now he is caught up in them: a small snake trapped in a large spiders web. they pull the strands, and he twitches like a puppet.
there is only one thing left for daniil to do:
— — — — —
on day 12, daniil calls for the death of the entire town and everyone in it, so as to preserve the polyhedron.
so consumed by the polyhedral idea, he cant even see that, far from defeating death for everyone, he is instigating it. causing the last mass death now.
— — — — —
the ending cutscene for daniils “victory” is so bleak: the polyhedron stands,
“Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level steppes stretch far away.”
— — — — —
— — — — —
— — — — —
left to himself, as the powers that be explain, daniil is “always the evil guy when we're playing.”
but that doesnt have to be daniils fate, now that a Player is in the loop. daniil can defeat Death: not perhaps the inevitable death that waits for everyone. but,
but he can defeat the Death of his ideals—the Death of his soul that the kains would have. he can defeat the Death that he would otherwise inflict on the town.
he is, already—somehow, impossibly—more alive than anything else in the game, because of the Player. as teensy says: “Take you, for example-look how it all worked out! You used to be a doll and now you're alive. Perhaps the rest also work like this?”
daniil himself could never hear this. for him to get here, the Player must have been steering daniil to preserve life, to protect all the bound.
and what do the powers that be ask the Player-daniil to do?
“Heal the town, please! Just look, it's so wonderful... It's alive and it's our favourite one... We won't be able to make another one like this. If it can't be helped, then it will disappear forever. You know how much we love it?”
heal the town! dont destroy it. dont fall for the trap, the web that has been spun for you. do not choose your own ending!
— — — — —
and so the only way that daniil has the slightest hope of achieving his goal, of defeating death—
is by giving up on it. not being the one to decide. handing over the reins (puppet strings?) to let artemy or clara have their ending instead.
and that will maybe, probably, not be the Right ending. but at least it will not be the truly Wrong one.
Illustration: Spider's Web by maxbanshees
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bluejayboi · 1 year
What I write for:
What I’ve watched and have a relatively firm grasp on:
A plethora of songs that give off “yandere” vibes (I love writing stories based on songs)
Demon Slayer
Black Butler (manga and anime) (platonic for the underage characters)
Quintessential Quintuplets
Junji Ito
Ouran High School Host Club
Death Note
Future Diary
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
Monster Musume
Interspecies Reviewers
Video games (popular)
Twisted Wonderland
Pokemon Black and White
Resident Evil 7 and 8 (mainly platonic)
Little Nightmares (platonic only)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Video games (lesser known)
Helltaker Ib
The Jellyfish Girl’s Absolute Abnormal Adventure (only platonic)
Bad End Theater
Homegrown Pet
Spider’s Web (only platonic)
Witch Soup
Bonnie’s Bakery
John Doe
House Hunted
Today, I'm Harvesting You!
My Lovely Daughter (only platonic)
Coraline (platonic only)
Addams Family (1991 and 1993 films) (mainly platonic)
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings (mainly platonic)
The Boy (1st movie only) (mainly platonic)
Van Helsing (2004 movie) (mainly platonic)
Ghostbusters (Any but I especially enjoy the female ghostbusters)
What We Do in the Shadows
TV shows
Hannibal (platonic only)
Squid Game (platonic only)
What We Do in the Shadows
Helluva Boss (mainly platonic)
Dimension 20: Fantasy High, The Unsleeping City, and Escape from the Bloodkeep (mainly platonic for all)
Clinic of Horrors
Fairy tale concepts, mythical creatures, monsters, and cryptids
I won’t write for certain creatures that would disrespect a community (such as sk*nw*lkers or w*ndig*s)
All non-humanoid creatures (sea serpents, dragons, etc.) will only be platonic (sorry to all monster fuckers but I'm just not into that)
Humanoid creatures (vampires, driders, robots/AI, etc.) can be romantic or platonic
What I haven’t watched in completion/at all but am somewhat familiar with (may be shakier with canon plot and characterization):
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Pokemon (anything other than BW)
DC (Mainly Suicide Squad, a few Batman movies, and parts of Gotham)
Soul Eater
Mainly platonic: I prefer writing platonic because I have more ideas for it but I’ll still write romantic if it’s requested or an idea strikes
Only platonic: I can’t think of the characters in any way other than platonically so I would not be able to write them romantically. Some of these stories also include characters who are minors so I will not be writing them in a romantic sense
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Lee!Peter Parker Headcanons
Peter3 x reader
Strictly SFW; fluffy, playful, and romantic sweetness all around
Note: More self indulgent adorableness for the tumblr feed ahsksjdjf. (It's the way I am a complete and total lee but could I totally see myself getting a ler mood for certain characters) I'm so sorry this one isn't as long as the other set of headcanons but I hope you still enjoy.
Spoilers under the cut!
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O.M.F.G. Lee!Peter is the absolute fucking sweetest
Also it's pretty damn evident he really does not mind being tickled at all considering he's got super strength and web-shooters and could deadass turn the tables anytime he wanted to, but he doesn't. Not until he actually feels like wrecking you with tickles (ler!Peter is EVIL and I need him in my life)
"IhIhI'm gohonna gehehehet youhou bahahack soho bahahahadlyyy!"
"Youhou literally could right now!"
"IhIhI... Youhouhou..."
*cue Peter malfunctioning*
He'll be a stubborn little shit at first
Pressing his lips together or biting his lip and exhaling through his nose as he tries not to laugh
It doesn't take long for him to begin chuckling, and then that turns into pure GIGGLING
It is the cutest sound ever and super high pitched
You always tell him as much
"Ahahawww! Youhour laugh is so cuuute~!"
"B-Buhuhuuug! Pleheheheheaaase! IhIhIt's nohohot cuhuhuhuhuute!"
"Yes it ihis!"
When he laughs hard, he wheezes. HE WHEEZES (as someone who wheezes myself, wheeze laughing brings me joy)
It's so adorable
The t-word doesn't really fluster him much at all. What flusters him is you pointing out how he's actively letting you tickle him and that his pleading is so disingenuous
He knows when you're trying to sneak up on him to tickle him, and occasionally he'll surprise you and get you first before you can get him
"You know you started this, giggle-bug~"
If Peter's lying face down on the couch or bed, you'll carefully sit or lie on his back and tickle his sides
He'll grip the pillows or couch cushion and bury his face in them while his shoulders shake with laughter
"Buhuhug! H-Hehehehey! PFFT! Nohohot thehehehe rihihihibs- NOHOHOHOO!"
You know that spot on the nape of his neck where the spider bit him? The DEATH spot of death spots
He. can't. handle. it (it's lowkey his favorite even though he swears it'll kill him)
Are you the big spoon during a cuddle sesh? Nuzzle the back of his neck with your nose and attack his hips or belly and he'll curl up his legs even more while snickering
Call him a giggly spider (He will BLUSH)
Call him your giggly spider (He's gonna blush even MORE and scream into his sleeves)
Call him your amazing giggly spider, he's gonna start whining about how much you make his heart melt (he is so. in. love. with. you.)
He hides his face when he gets flustered. Hands, pillow, sleeves... Whatever he can hide his face with he'll hide it (He hid his face behind flowers in TASM I have no doubts that he'd still do that post!NWH too)
This adorable smartass gets MAJORLY flustered by you teasingly wiggling your fingers at him, but only when you're in the middle of tickling him.
I'm talking you'll give him a little breather after wrecking his shit and he sees you wiggle your fingers and JUMPS out of sheer reflex while giggly protests or cuss words come out of his mouth. He totally does a loud giggly scream
"Nohohoho! Nononononohoho, dohohon't youhouhou dahAHAHARE!"
"Gihiggly Spider can dihihish ihit out but can't take it~"
"Youhouhou ahahahare ihihihin soho muhuhuhuch trouhouhouble ahahahafteher thiHIHIHISSS! FUHUHUHUCK! JUHUHUST GEHEHET IHIHIHIT OHOVER WIIIIIITH!"
"IhIs ihit really that bad~?"
"Hohohow cahahahan youhou behehehe sohoho cuhuhute ahahand mehehehean ahahahat ohohohonce!?"
"Behecause IhI knohow my gihihiggly spihideher lihihikes when I am!"
*cue Peter hiding his face and refusing to look you in the eyes because it just kills him*
In the rare moments you manage to catch him off guard with tickles (very. rare. Spidey sense man... he'll almost always immediately snatch you up in his arms and wreck you before you get the chance to wreck him) he'll either crumple to the ground or he'll straight up SHRIEK and jump up onto the ceiling or climb the walls, full on feral spider mode
Like he'll stay up on the ceiling or crawl away from you- (The imagery of this in my head is so.damn.funny- I'm trying so hard not to laugh)
"Peheheheter! Cohohome dohohohown frohom thehehere!"
"Noho way! I'll stay uhup here where the tickle bug can't reach me"
The first time it happened, you let out a shriek of your own and then you were laughing until you cried and Peter was terrified you might combust
"Ohohohoh myhyhyhy GOHOHOHOD! *hic* IhIhI cahahahahaaaan't!"
"Y/N, you're sobbing! Please stop laughing before you get sick or something!"
"Youhouhou... youhouhou're lihihike a cuhuhute lihihittle juhuhumpihihing spihihideherrr!"
He had to get you a hot water bottle and plenty of water because your laughter just dissolved into crying over the adorable idea of "Peter Parker, the Jumping Spider"
"Y/N, you're scaring me. Like- scaring the hell out of me."
"You're just *hic* so *sniff* cute..."
*cue you curled up on the couch and clutching your abdomen while laugh-sobbing*
"Alright. C'mere, you sneaky little tickle bug. I'm gonna cuddle you better again."
*cue Peter just snuggling you while you calm down and recover from laughing so hard. This mans will always dote on you he's a sweetie*
Peter would totally let him chase you though-
Like he'll see that you're giddy and he knows you're about to tickle him (Peter's legit got a tickle tingle- afhjhddhhj) and all of a sudden he's in the most playful mood
Like he'll just slowly raise his hands in front of him and back up
You know in NWH how he goes "Max. Maaaax." with that tone of voice? Yeah. He'll say your name or one of his cute nicknames for you like that as he's backing away
"Y/NNN. Y/N. Hey. Heyyyyy. Don't even think about it."
*cue him pointing warningly (but not really cause he's gonna let you tickle the hell outta him) at you*
He gets all shy watching your bright and playful smile as you're tickling him
You're just so cute and seeing you get so excited and bubbly about making him laugh is just so CUTE
When he has tough days, whether it's exhaustion from everything that being Spider-Man entails or missing lost loved ones, he likes to keep his hand in contact with yours as much as he can
I feel like he'd find major comfort from you just leaning on his chest as he holds you while you have one of his hands in both of yours and you're just tracing light patterns on his palm
Not enough to draw out much laughter (aside from the occasional soft giggle), but enough to remind him that you're there and that you're alright (Losing Gwen and Uncle Ben made him terrified of losing you too. That fear wouldn't be as heavy after meeting Peter One and Peter Two, but he still worried. Of course he worried)
"I'm right here, lovebug. There's nowhere else I would rather be, than right here, with you."
*cue Peter holding you closer and kissing your forehead or your temple and humming in acknowledgement*
"I love you, Peter Parker. You have made the people you love proud. All of us. All of us."
*cue Peter getting teary-eyed and not letting you go for another hour*
Totally feel like a weak spot of his would be the back of the knee
It only takes a few seconds on that spot for Peter to lose his mind and he's gotta be careful not to accidentally launch you off of him and across the room (it may have happened once. You were okay you landed on the couch)
Peter would totally be a lee that's just "fake complaining" the whole time. All that playful stuff
*cue you laughing because even in the midst of being tickled to pieces, Peter's gonna Peter (this phrase is making me laugh)*
He'll joke about you being the most powerful opponent out of all the villains he's fought
When he's all tickled out, he'll dramatically act like he's been defeated in some sort of battle
I'm talking, just falls back with a theatrical voice and surrenders because it makes you laugh when he does it and he loves your laugh
"Plehehease! Spahahare meheee! IhIhI'm nohoho mahahahatch fohor thehehe tihihihihickle mohonster!"
"WAHAHAIT! IhIhIhI suhuhurrehehehender!"
"Youhou wohohon't gehehet ahahaway wihihihith thihHIHIHIS! HOHOLD IHIT! OKAHAHAHAY! MEHERCYYY!"
He'll just be lying there giggling while you grin and trap him in the cutest post-tickle attack hug ever
"Ohohof ahall the vihillains... Spider-Man hahas ever faced... Youhouhou, tihihickle bug, ahahare the ohone I'm no match for..."
*cue him completely wrecking you with tickles no less than ten minutes later*
This man gets so giddy after you're done tickling him. He'll just happily snuggle you and kiss you and you two will repeat "I love you" back and forth for several minutes
Watch out though, once he feels fulfilled by the snuggles and affection, ler!Peter Parker is gonna be coming after you
WHY DID WRITING THESE FLUSTER ME SO BADLY AHAKAJDJF HELP- I hope y'all enjoyed this 😖 Lee!Peter3's gonna live in my head rent free! I adore him
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atlas-of-galaxies · 2 years
pls explain how ur choosing which entities to give to which yttd characters i am listening
i love u thank u for indulging me
I'm gonna go ahead and put this under the cut tho cuz it's about to get Very long and Very spoilery
Sara as the Desolation
right out of the gate is one of my favorite assignments!! Sara has proven many times that she (understandably) is willing to use others to keep herself and the ones she cares about alive. the moment with Anzu being sacrificed over Gin in the Coffin Russian Roulette is an obvious example, but she's shown her selfishness many times throughout the game, such as her scramble to find enough tokens to dump her Sacrifice onto someone else, and her subsequent reaction when she suddenly realizes she's free of it. it's one of my favorite parts of her character.
Desolation is also a lot about loss of potential; Joe's death weighs heavy over her, and she feels nothing but guilt and responsibility for the fact he died so young. not to mention her own role in the Death Game as the supposed 15.5% player; her own potential for cruelty is held over her head by both Shin and Midori, and Keiji's pressure over her to become a leader undoubtedly adds to the expectations she's already crumbling under. she's being pulled every which way, and I really do hope she has her moment of catharsis in 3-2.
... speaking of ... she has quite a similar story to Agnes Montague, doesn't she? :) and I'll admit this next bit is just coincidence, but the Desolation is always antagonistic with the Web, out of all other entities. and the Web in my silly little assignments is, well ...
Shin as the Web
okay, I'll admit I have a very specific idea for Shin, but hear me out. one of my favorite little worldbuilding details in TMA is utilized with Mike Crew: the idea of devoting yourself to one entity to escape another.
Shin is, quite bluntly, the Stranger's ideal target: he mistrusts others, he is terrified of kindness as a mask for evil intentions, and its whole thing is the perversion of identity and self. I think that his First Trial would serve as the culminating realization of his utter hopelessness and inability to trust those who may mean his downfall - however, instead of plainly falling victim to the Stranger, he turns to the coping mechanisms that Midori taught him.
he turns to the Web. he takes that same fear of manipulation he learned from Midori, weaponizing it and doing everything in his power to turn the Game to his favor. granted, he's not nearly as good at it as Midori was, but he certainly puts on a good show, and the Spider is nothing if not dramatic.
Keiji as the Slaughter
another favorite of mine. :) one mistake, one slip in judgement, one hasty pull of the trigger, and Keiji is suddenly haunted for life. he was tricked into violence, sure, but that doesn't mean he isn't still responsible for it, and he's terrified of that part of himself that killed his idol. who's to say it won't happen again? will the next person he hurts be less innocent than his idol? does that make it better?
I think he also has a little bit of Fear Soup Syndrome going on; his fear is very much Slaughter-based, but it manifests in a Spiral-esque fashion, hence the hallucinations. Keiji's absolute lack of trust in himself is also very rooted in the Spiral. Sara, too, but to a less intense degree.
speaking of,
Joe as the Spiral
what else would fit the guy who had to deceive others to try to survive but the embodiment of deceit? even in the single chapter we know him for, Joe has multiple moments where he shows a lack of faith in himself or his beliefs. honestly, he's really only exceptionally strong in his stances where Sara is concerned, hence his one man show in the first Main Game. even if he had somehow managed to survive, though, the guilt I have no doubt he'd foster over tricking the others would weigh heavy on his shoulders. what kind of guy would let 9 people die for his sake? no one worth trusting, that's for sure.
and, of course, then there's the easy part of the assignment: Hallucination Joe! not much to explain there.
Reko as the Stranger
here's an easy one: she literally gets Not!Themed. she doesn't die, sure (at least in one route), but she gets swapped out with a fake that can't quite get Reko down right. the fake is even a doll, for hell's sake. reko was the blueprint (i'm joking i'm 90% sure not!sasha was introduced years before)
barring the elephant in the room, though, her regular self still fits the bill; she's a performer at heart, and her distaste at being manipulated into specific roles and boxes could definitely align with the Stranger's dealings with identity. hell, even her dealings with Alice lend themselves to the Stranger, as she finds his supposed actions utterly incomprehensible. how did she ever trust someone who has the potential to take a life?
Alice as the End
everyday I think about the fact that Alice doesn't even remember the actual act that put him in prison. his entire life becomes tarnished and defined by this singular event that he cannot even recall; I can only assume that his brain moved to fill in the horrifying gaps and concoct his own version of events from what he's gathered in court proceedings.
he parallels Keiji very nicely in this regard, so I could see Slaughter working for him, too. but the thing that strikes me is that Alice's punishment becomes his entire existence, while Keiji's strife is over the fact he isn't punished. Alice isn't even allowed to forget his role in the Death Game; he's constantly in his prisoner's uniform, and his occupation is listened as a Murderer (I'm sure that's more Midori being petty than anything else but it still counts).
the final nail in the coffin is the fact that death is the thing that keeps Reko and Alice from reconciling, which is really the one thing Alice wanted to do before he dies.
Nao as the Corruption
I love assigning characters as the Corruption because it's almost always for one of the less-utilized aspects of it: toxic love. and Nao, through no fault of her own, fits the bill quite well. whether it's her maddened grief that inadvertently endangers Gin and gets manipulated into attacking Shin, or the fact that she is responsible for the only canon ending we have so far at the price of the lives of 6 people, Nao is almost always put into a situation where sympathizing with her means harming others.
she seems to have issues with boundaries too, as evidenced in her rapidly warming up to Sara, a total stranger, and some. um. choice scenes in YTTS. she gets attached hard and fast to others, even if those others happen to be an AI of her dead professor ... I forget if any characters call it out as such, but I doubt such coping is exactly healthy.
I feel like I'm absolutely dragging Nao thru the mud rn and I feel BAD cuz I adore her, but she's a wonderfully complex character who, despite her understandable situation, is capable of doing some very bad things. she's fascinating and I miss her deeply.
Kai as the Hunt
as an extension of the organization that has been tracking and studying the participants for years before the Death Game, Kai fits quite neatly into the Hunt. his role as the hunter ("stalking" Sara, protecting the Chidouins, keeping track of other participants) suddenly being flipped into being prey (being put into the Death Game, receiving the Sage) is classic Hunt behavior.
hell, he's even an assassin who doesn't like to kill! people engage in the Hunt for the chase, not the end result.
okay this is already long enough so I'll save the last four for once I finish their pieces, but I will say that I didn't repeat entities anywhere so. do with that information what you will
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crankynewt · 3 years
Spider-Man No Way Home Predictions!
(Potential spoiler warning, but these are just my predictions as a fan of the MCU)
✨the line✨
This is (most likely) Tom's last appearance as Peter Parker, meaning there's no way we won't hear "with great power comes great responsibility." I predict that we'll hear it come from Tobey to Tom, as Ben is already gone and I doubt they'd change the origins of something so iconic.
"Is this stuff coming out of you?"
As Andrew and Tom's Peter use web-shooters rather than have it come from their wrists, like Tobey's Peter, and would likely be confused at this difference. It'd be a nice little callback to Sam Wilson's comment during the first time we saw Tom's Peter in action way back in Civil War.
Avocados at Law
I want to see Charlie Cox return as Matt Murdoch sooooo bad but, unless Marvel hints at Daredevil in a trailer again (like they may have done with the protest signs and lawyer's arms) or reveals that he will be in the movie, I doubt that we will see him. I feel like we'll probably see him in an end credit scene or mentioned as an easter egg, but not in the film itself. If the lawyer isn't Matt, however, a fun twist is that Foggy could represent him instead! (Although I still doubt that we'll see either of them).
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(more below the cut 👇)
He saved her... This time.
Gwen Stacey's death in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was absolutely heartbreaking, and I'm sure we'll see MJ in a similar place of danger to raise the stakes. I feel we'll see Tom's Peter trying to save her and fail, but she won't die. Instead, it'll reveal that Andrew's Peter got there in time to save her, doing what he wasn't able to do for his love. Almost a sort of redemption but also a heartbreaking parallel and difference between their lives in each reality.
No really, No Way Home
This is a fairly obvious one, but it is most likely that it'll be the villains who have no way home, not Peter. He'll have to choose between sending them back, resulting in their deaths and possibly making him a "murderer" once more, or defeating them in this reality. He'll probably have to come to terms with eventually choosing the former at the end of the film.
Here'ssss Rhinoooo!
We've seen or been alluded to 5/6 members of the Sinister Six in the trailer already (Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman, & Lizard), and I truly believe that the last villain we'll get is Rhino. I believe that he and Andrew's Peter will be transported through the multiverse at the ending scene from TASM2, and that's the moment they'll have come from as it was the last time we saw either of them.
It was a DiVeRsiON
This theory has definitely been circulating a lot on the internet, but I do believe it was Tom Holland's face edited onto Tobey Maguire's body. It's the same suit we saw him wear in Spider-Man 3, tying into the theory of them being pulled through existing moments we've seen before as mentioned above. Additionally, that's the only time we see Tom's face on a body wearing the Iron Spider suit, meaning that it very likely could be Tobey actually wearing it.
Lost Friend... AGAIN
I adore Ned, I adore Jacob Batalon, but in the first two series' Peter lost Harry and I feel like it's the emotional turmoil that they want for him to experience more character development. I don't want it, I DON'T WANT IT, but I think we will see him become Hobgoblin.
Since we see Stephen Strange in this movie, one of the end credit scenes will probably be teasing Multiverse of Madness!! Since Elizabeth Olsen will be in that film, we may see her or see another direct reference to the events of WandaVision to begin connecting the two characters. (We may even see the deleted footage of Stephen that Feige confirmed was removed from the project).
Evil Doctor, How Strange.
There are a few clips in the trailer that look like Stephen and Peter are fighting, so what may happen is that Peter will encounter a version of him which he has to fight. Who knows, it may be an interesting scene to see.
They confirmed his existence in the MCU in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and I would love to at least have another mention of his existence in this movie as well! I'm sure they'll at least throw us some easter egg about him even though we probably won't see him.
Return of the (Dancing) King
This one is more of something personal that I want to see, but I want a callback to Tobey's Peter dancing in Spider-Man 3! I mean, c'mon.
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^^ This was iconic. As long as somebody does this dance, I'm happy.
Here are the honorable mentions of things I want to see that I, unfortunately, really doubt we will:
Dane DeHaan: The best Harry Osborn but had just had another baby before filming so is likely not lying when denying the rumors.
Emma Stone: I mean, Gwen died... And she also just had a baby so we probably won't see her.
Peter Maximoff/Ralph Bohner: MARVEL NEEDS TO FIX THIS but I don't think they'll do it in Spider-Man.
Okay, I think that's all! Let me know your thoughts on these theories and/or your favorite theories in the comments!
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There's a trope that has been going around since the day humanity started thinking about themselves in relation to the universe: the finite nature of the man in contrast to the infinite nature of the world.
Our time is limited. We are born, we live, we die. That scares us as a race, because we don't know what's beyond the death line. We are scared of dying, we are scared of working our whole lives to then lose it to the darkness. And from that fear, rises the stereotype of the man who refuse to die, the man who wants it all.
Wanting and loving are two different things.
The man who want it all wants to own, wants to rule over everything that exists, because he's so afraid of being just a tiny piece of a greater game that he wants to have absolute control. You see, like a spider in a web, his threads are easy to break when you're a greater figure, but they are also resistant enough to trap any being tinier than him, so that gives the illusion of control he wanted so bad.
The man who loves it all is afraid of dying too. The difference? He accepts his time and place, and instead of focusing on owning things, on trapping things, he spends his time admiring them in their freedom, loving them as they come. If our time is finite, instead of making it last forever, we should enjoy the time we have. That's what the man who loves it all thinks.
Thinking about the Shigaraki siblings, about the meaning behind All For One and One For All, I came to the conclusion that mha / bnha is the story of the human race struggling to understand how should they live.
Many times in the manga we have encountered characters that think their quirks or their abilities makes them superior. But it isn't quiet true, because the human body is a fragile thing. Not matter how strong it is, time affects it the same. Evil lords like AFO get old, weak kids like Deku grow strong. A quirk can be trained as much as a body and a mind can be trained, so strength is not the variable they should take as a foundation to their world.
The same happens with intelligence, beauty, speed, money, power... They don't last in the hands of a man. Those are things that one can win and lose in an instant.
The answer is simpler than you could think.
It is men who choose who they are and what they're going to be, as long as they understand their limits and capacities.
Take Mirio. In order for him to become a great hero, he first needed to understand his quirk and then work based on that. He understood himself, he accepted himself and then he grew.
Take Deku. What makes Deku a Deku? His love for humanity. He's always observing, always studying, always connecting. When he focused his quirk on what he was, instead of trying to imitate All Might, he understood how he could grow. He's the kid who's built on his love for other beings, so he takes a piece of everything he loves and he is who he is.
It's not enough to want. You need to love.
Overhaul wanted it all, but he failed when it came to love. Why? He indeed loved things, but he forgot to accept his limits and capacities. He tried to do more than he could, he forced the people around him passed their limits, and everything came crashing before him.
AFO, with all his powers, lives hiding, frustrated because he can't obtain the only thing he "needs" in order for him to control the whole world. But can he take it? Would that be enough? Once he has everything, would he be happy? Or is he trying to obtain everything to cover up a bigger pain in his heart?
The reason why Yoichi could develop One For All is because he loved so much, that he knew he was going to die, but it was not the end. Our lives are not the end of the world. There's more people, future generations. What AFO couldn't accept (he not being immortal, he not living forever and being able to have it all), was what made Yoichi so powerful.
AFO, as a being, can't be going on forever. But you know what can go on and on endlessly? The repercussions of our love.
The vestiges are a symbol of that. Even if we can't name them, that people that came before us lives in the things we do. The users of One For All didn't want to live forever, but they wanted to protect others, save others, give others the chance to live their times. Contrary to AFO, their lives were short, they die not owning that much, they were very mortal and almost simple.
Do you remember what Nighteye said when he saw how Deku changed the future? It was not only his will, but the will of everyone, fighting so hard to, that changed the course of time.
One For All. One will, one wish, one continuous time for all of us. We live in the same world, it is mine as much as it is yours. Sacrifice our lives to protect everyone, do our best to defend everyone. Love doesn't judge, it loves even the worst beings, because it's capable of finding light in the deepest of darkness.
All For One. Since the beginning, AFO was destined to fail. His body is mortal, he is mortal, so he can't take the whole world, he can't take all the quirks, he can't live all lives. All he does, for one fear: dying. He can't avoid it. The more he tries to stay in control, the more he loses. If the target is too big or there are too many flies on his web, the threads eventually break.
We are born, we live, we die. Not matter how much you tried to kill it, hope always finds a way to come back. And not matter how much you try to keep it alive, evil dies as everything else does.
One last question: Does Shigaraki Tomura resembles the man who want it all or the man who loves it all? Is he trying to control everything or trying to break a web? Is he a parallel of Yoichi or a parallel of AFO?
Or maybe, can he be the personification of that duality? Can he be the point where the two things meet? What makes us complex as human beings? Is he not a thing or the other, but the ultimate consequence of the Shigarakis fight, along with Deku?
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ash-rabbit · 3 years
Reading Recs for Each Entity
When Magnus ended, I thought back on different media that I've enjoyed, some of them fit very neatly into the dread powers, unsettlingly so in some cases, others not so much. If you enjoyed the show for it's horror, and want more of that, then I've got a list for you.
Assume everything here is rated M and has some gore, death, and general dark themes.
Beneath the cut, because there's 15 of these fears. Feel free to add on if you like. By the way, I'm citing writers, not directors when there's a movie.
1984 - by George Orwell: Classic surveillance society. Very boring to start off with classical lit, but it was and still is a relevant commentary on society.
Psycho-Pass - by Gen Urobuchi: Has anyone read Hobbes' 'Leviathan'? It's like if that met psychological horror. This anime engages in what it means to live in a world where crimes can be stopped before their ever committed due to the Psycho-Pass system. This system allows authorities to monitor ones emotional state and likelihood of turning violent. I think there's a brief mention of sexual violence, but it's been a hot minute since I've watched.
Panopticon Theory - by Michel Foucault: Yes, political theory. I've read it multiple times (not by choice) and it offers some interesting insights into the world of the Magnus Archives. It's greatly influenced how I regard the dread powers, that being that Smirke's 14 is incredibly limiting.
Nutty Putty Caving Incident - A real life news story. The only time I can say I've felt properly horrified and deeply unsettled. If 'Lost John's Cave' was the statement that gave you nightmares, avoid this. It's true and it's tragic.
Fate/Zero - by Gen Urobuchi: Another anime by the Urobutcher. If you thought Jane Prentiss was excellent this is the show for you. It's excellent for all sorts of reasons, and engages with other avenues of horror but when I heard the Prentiss statement, I was brought back here. Living hives, magical evil wasp larvae writhing beneath someone's skin, it happens. Your warning is that anything bad that can happen to a child, will happen to children here. I mean it.
The Picture of Dorian Gray - by Oscar Wilde: Moral decay, and it's just a damn good read. It's not conventional Corruption material, but the corruption of one's soul in the pursuit of beauty and pleasure is somewhat fitting I should think. I like it, so it's here. Also Jonah Magnus vibes.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - by a bunch of people: it's a movie. Not an orthodox choice but I feel the dark deals better in ignorance then the literal. Err, no spoilers, but nothing particularly bad happens, it just sort of tugs.
The Flowers - Alice Walker: A short story about innocence and ignorance. Not particularly spooky, but it hits you at the end.
Allegory of the Cave - Plato: Just a good preliminary reading that provides an alternate lens. It's not spooky, I just like it.
All is Quiet on the Western Front - by Erich Maria Remarque: The effects of war on the youth, child soldiers, and the death of innocence. It's bleak, and miserable, but it's honest and Remarque and his family were persecuted by Nazi-Germany because the book carried 'anti-german' (anti-war) sentiments. There's a movie as well.
Pan's Labyrinth - by Guillermo del Toro: Also anti-war, with bad things happening to good people and children. A bit heavy handed with it's symbolism, but hey it's a two hour movie. Also be prepared to read subtitles. It's very good, and if you haven't seen it, I don't want to say too much.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - by Ken Kesey: There's a more popular movie version as well. Corrupt systems, cutting people down until they fit into a socially appropriate mold. It's fairly dark, and has lobotomies since that was what, the 60s? I watched this in my catholic high schools film studies class, so I don't think there's anything overly egregious. But an interesting lens for the Desolation.
The Count of Monte Cristo - by Alexandre Dumas: For a fun revenge romp. The titular count gets his revenge after everything he's ever loved has been stolen from him and looks to do the same to his betrayers. Err sexual violence happens here as well. A bit of background that might inform the reader: Dumas' father was half black and affected by the 1802 discrimination laws, causing him- a high ranking military officer to be dismissed. The precursor to Monte Cristo, 'Georges' deals more heavily in themes of colonialism and racial discrimination.
Masque of the Red Death - by Edgar Allen Poe: You know why this is here. Warning for plague allegories and people not properly social distancing.
Nothing in the Dark - (Twilight Zone): No words needed, it's the Twilight Zone.
Death Parade - by Yuzuru Tachikawa: This is your fun suggestion. It's light for the most part, but there are scenes and moments that will absolutely hit you.
Godzilla - A whole bunch of people: Atomic bomb fear during a time of censorship. Everything is an allegory.
Tokyo Ghoul - by Sui Ishida: It's the most Magnus-y out of all my suggestions and I desperately want to see a crossover between them. The manga is better as the anime tends to brutalise plot points and water down the horror. Deals with becoming a cannibal, the nature of humanity, and other things. Warning for mentions of child abuse. Kaneki has a sort of - if Martin was the Archivist vibes. Not 1-1 of course, but if I had to make a comparison, that's the one.
Lamb to the Slaughter - by Roald Dahl: Arguably more slaughter, but hey I'm not giving you any warnings. I read this short story for ninth grade english, so I'm sure you can survive this one.
Se7en - by Andrew Kevin Walker: A movie about a detective hunting serial killer. It's excellent, there's gruesome murder scenes. It's from the 90s go watch it.
Frankenstein - by Mary Shelley: From the perspective of Mr. Frankenstein it's the terror of being hunted, from the monster's perspective it's the horror of being alone. It's good, a pillar of sci-fi written by a teenager, don't snub this because it's classical lit.
The Bone Collector - by Jeremy Iacone: Another detective hunting a murderer. Also from the 90s and also excellent. Look, the 90s don't pull their punches, it's got blood and lots of it. A favourite film of mine.
The Metamorphosis - by Franz Kafka: Turning into a big bug does not a corruption/flesh story make.
Passengers (2016)- by Jon Spaihts: I hate this movie, it's clearly a horror, but they try to pass it as a romance. Anyway, for psychological lonely horror and manipulation, this is a movie for you.
Go watch a classic slasher film. I don't care for senseless violence, so I don't like most of this sort of media.
Read up on a war or a riot. Learn how your nation's government discriminates and persecutes minorities historically and today.
Sweeney Todd - by Hugh Wheeler: The musical is the better known version. Some flesh horror here as well. It's not really senseless, as I think the Slaughter should be, but hey, we need substance here.
The Giver - by Lois Lowry: A utopia that is not quite right. Read for school when I was nine, I'm sure you can all live without a warning list.
The Matrix - by the Wachowskis: Reality is an illusion, and the Universe is a hologram.
Truman Show - by Andrew Niccol: You know why this is here.
Coraline - by Neil Gaiman: The scariest children's book. Other!Mother and all that jazz are so very Strange.
The Landlady - by Roald Dahl: Taxidermy.
Lovecraft: I'm sorry, I can only think of him. No one else is so ignorant as to be able to capture the horror of things beyond their ken.
Medea - by Euripides: The God's suck, it's a Greek tragedy, bad things happen to everyone without discrimination. Children are harmed, Medea is dosed by Aphrodite, Jason is literally the worst.
Animal Farm - by George Orwell: It's anti-authoritarian and deals with the mutability of laws and how uneducated masses are sheep. . . literally. You will feel horrified, it's a short read.
There's also some children's story about a spider/snake(?) and gluttony that I've been looking for, for the past year. It's pretty similar to Mr. Spider, but the villain consumes so many victims that he becomes too large to leave his den and is blockaded in by those he terrorized, and it's heavily implied that he starves to death. For the life of me I can't remember a title, but then, it's been 15 or so years.
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bittydragon · 3 years
//Webbed Au stuff because a spider crawled onto my computer while I was in my dark room yesterday, and I almost shrieked out of fear. It’s... dead now, thankfully, but, sadly, its death was painful since I don’t know how to catch and release them without losing my cool.
//You brought up the idea of Techno cocooning Tommy with his spider silk, and I love the absolute fear that comes with it so much.
// Unedited
A pit of confusion and growing terror fills Tommy’s head as the giant drider pulls a strand of silk from behind them. Warily, he watches them weave it through their fingers.
He glances at their face for any hints of what’s to come, and he only sees a growing, pearlescent grin along with a glint of something evil in their eye as they stare at the strand. They tug at the string a little, making the thin, white line fall to the ground. He anxiously watches it limply land on the floor.
Suddenly, the sharp feeling of being watched- scrutinized, really- grows in volume. His gaze flickers back to the drider in time to see them crawling towards him. He holds back a startled gasp, only limply crawling back to gain at least a few more precious seconds of freedom before he’s most likely going to be tightly grabbed.
To his relief, he’s not. But that only leaves him with a dreadful feeling. They’re planning something, and he has a feeling he’s about to find out soon enough.
They loom over him, easily towering over him. Their spidery legs stand dangerously close to him to his foreboding alarm. They could easily pierce him if the drider really wanted. They’ve already tried that fear tactic, though, and he’s pretty sure they’re not too keen on repeating that yet. Hopefully.
He gulps slightly in fear, watching them creep over him a little, their first pair of legs easily stretching over and past his form. They could so easily crush him with barely any effort.
His head tilts up and back to watch the long, spindly legs with unease. He’s so focused on that pair of limbs that he doesn’t see the drider’s second pair of legs stretching out for him until it’s too late.
He shouts out in dreaded surprise as he’s grabbed and hoisted slightly off of the ground. The drider only lowly chuckles at his scream.
He struggles, trying to fall out of the grasp. Before he can, though, the second to last spider legs spring towards him, bringing along a see-through, white-looking blanket with them.
This time, he can’t hold back a terror-stricken scream as he feels the sticky ‘blanket’ quickly wrap itself around the entirety of his body. He’s able to squirm a little, but it only lasts a second because the sticky substance coils around him again, and again until he’s unable to move. He screams out the drider’s name, begging them to stop before he cuts himself off, feeling the brushing sensation of the sticky, silky feeling hit the base of his neck.
He waits for the feeling to reach his head with a raggy, shaky breath, squeezing his eyes shut in terror. When nothing comes of it, he peeks an eye open to see that only the rest of his body is still being cocooned in the spider silk.
He feels like he’s going to throw up.
It’s not the first time he’s felt that, and he doubts it’s going to be the last.
//End of sudden writing burst.
//Remember to hydrate and take care of yerself :]
Shoulda answered this sooner, but procrastination is a bitch I'll tell ya
But this... this is perfect. This exactly what I mean when I say Techno toyed with Tommy. Like, this is amazing and I love your writing so much Wendy. So much
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Hi! I’m a big fan of your work!! I am looking for more but unfortunately I feel like I have read all yhe good Harry Potter docs on Ao3. Do you have any recs?
Sorry for the delay, I just know that whenever I make rec list it usually ends up taking a while.
With that, Harry Potter fics are a big genre. Just saying Harry Potter in general really isn’t that specific to me so this is across genres/character focuses/you name it.
Also, as usual, I’ve been on fanfiction longer and have amassed more favorites there. Some of these are cross posted to Ao3. Similarly, a lot are unfinished, this personally doesn’t bother me but if it bothers you take heed.
Also, you’ll see my embarrassing obsession with Tom Riddle. So, heads up for that.
Stepbrother (Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger, period piece, in which the two remind me a lot of Nabokov)
Cat Among the Pigeons (Tom Riddle/Lily Evans, Psycho-Pass Detective AU, in which I am a beta actually so my promoting this goes without saying)
Til Death Do Us Part (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Voldemort wins AU, which for me does very well with the concept of immortality and what exactly Tom is supposed to do after he wins)
This Tangle of Thorns (Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger, modern AH AU, a full on Nabokov inspired fic which I enjoy because Lolita)
Delusional (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, sort of. Harry wins the war, goes crazy, checks into a mental hospital. Or he’s not crazy and Voldemort is as unkillable as Palpatine.)
Harry Potter and the Natural 20 (OC insert, D&D inspired, shameless crack. I mostly enjoy the beginning of this but it makes me laugh enough to recommend.)
A Hairy Business (AU, Harry is a deer, he is literally a deer, that’s it. It’s funny.)
Animus, Anima (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Harry travels back in time, gets stuck in Tom Riddle’s brain, and it turns out Harry’s responsible for every terrible thing that ever happened. This one was squicky even for me, very well done, but strap in.)
Addendum, He is Also a Liar (Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger, Tom has an inexplicable ability to travel to the future, but only to this random little girl Hermione Granger)
Framed & Fractured (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Harry gets stuck in an evil painting back in time. Tom is creepy as usual.)
Trying for Eden (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Harry travels back in time to lecture Tom into morality. It doesn’t work.)
Magical Mirrors (Luna Lovegood and Severus Snape, Luna and Snape stumble on the Mirror of Erised at the same time and strike up a conversation)
Aphelion (Hermione Granger/Loki, MCU crossover, Hermione and Loki strike up the world’s weirdest toxic friendship when Hermione’s young and attending Hogwarts, this leads terrible places as Loki slides into madness and despair)
Wandering Souls (Luna Lovegood and The Undertaker, Black Butler crossover, Luna meets and strikes up a conversation with the Undertaker)
Of Lies Most Beautiful (Tom Riddle, Hunger Games crossover, Tom wins the Hunger Games becaues that’s what he does bitch)
In Wonderland (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Harry ends up back in the past and decides to raise Tom Riddle. This goes so poorly that the pair almost get eaten by eldritch gods multiple times.)
Rumpelstiltskin, Guess My Name (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Female Harry travels back in time and offers to save Merope’s life/get her Tom Riddle Sr. the non rapey way in return for her firstborn son. Merope thought Harry was joking. She wasn’t joking. In the sequel, also linked, Harry kills Morfin.)
The Eyes (Harry Potter, AU, turns out “the power he knows not” is the power humanity knows not, Harry’s ability to see eldritch abominations and cosmic gods and thus bring them far enough into our reality that they eat everything. And I mean everything.)
Mirror Mirror (Harry Potter, MCU crossover, Harry makes a huge mistake and stops Hulk in the middle of a rampage. This gets him abducted by octopus nazis.)
I See the Moon (Harry Potter and Bruce Banner, MCU crossover, Harry got brain damage from the war and wanders around the middle of nowhere. He runs into Bruce. He’s now Bruce’s only friend.)
You Will Be the Death of Me (Harry Potter and Tom Riddle, Despicable Me inspired, through a series of convoluted events Tom as the world’s worst father figure ends up raising Harry the sad adorable orphan.)
In Death, Standby (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter (sort of, the authro claims), Tom raises Harry, the only Tom raises Harry that I’ve seen done well because Tom is the world’s worst father. Harry thinks he’s a deformed snake until the age of three.)
Little Harry’s Mirkwood Adventure (Harry Potter and Dudley Dursley, Hobbit Crossover, one of the most Tolkien style crossovers I’ve actually seen and is very good)
A (Self-Imposed) Trap for a Fool (Ginny Weasley, turns out Harry Potter never existed, as in he’s a collective hallucination made up by the entire wizarding world)
McLaggen and From McLaggen with Love (McLaggen, a detective AU then a James Bond style adventure starring McLaggen, the greatest wizard who ever wizarded)
Tom Riddle’s Diary: on keeping devils in the summer (Tom Riddle, Tom Riddle’s antichrist orphan adventures involving exorcism and burning people alive)
and the fates sing (hold on, son) (Harry Potter, MCU crossover, Harry is the son of Loki and like all children of Loki he is a wretched and cursed thing)
A Faulty Master (Harry Potter and Itachi Uchiha, Naruto crossover, Itachi after the massacre of his family has a run in with a master of death Harry, who is a creepy creepy man)
Eye of Reason (Harry Potter/Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians crossover, due to the mythos surrounding his life Harry ceases to be a man and becomes akin to a god)
Flowers for a Ghost (Luna Lovegood and Itachi Uchiha, Naruto Crossover, Luna befriends a blind ghost)
Third Time’s the Charm (Harry Potter, MCU crossover, Bruce Banner keeps trying to kill himself and MoD Harry is there to have himself a real good day)
Blind Faith (Bellatrix LeStrange/Tom Riddle, canon compliant, an in depth look at Bellatrix from the escape of Azkaban onward)
Cocktail Time (Rita Skeeter and Gilderoy Lockhart, Rita does an expose and autobiography detailing the descent of Gilderoy Lockhart and how he became what he became)
Fantastic Elves and Where to Find Them (Harry Potter, canon divergent AU, Harry thinks he’s an elf. That’s it.)
The Twine Bracelet (Colin Creevy, a look at Colin’s death) 
Legal Alien (Harry Potter, MCU crossover, Harry visits New York and an alien invasion breaks out. Culminates with the best, dumb, joke.)
The Root of Desire (Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger, Hermione travels back in time and tries to influence Tom. All this does is inspire his sexual awakening.)
Deadheads (Harry Potter/Godric Gryffindor, a romantic comedy of a kind, culminating in the best dumbest joke)
Give and Take (Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger, Hermione tries to outwit Tom, it ends in despair)
The Road to Somewhere (Harry Potter, Spirited Away crossover, Harry as MoD is in the realm of the spirits)
Absolute (Harry Potter, Harry picks up a death note, he kills everyone)
Fortunate Son (Dudley Dursleys, years afterwards Dudley looks back and writes a memoir and expose about the abuse inflicted on his cousin)
Elective Affinities (Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Harry travels back in time to discover his parents are assholes and things are more complicated than he imagined)
Juxtaposed (Bod, Graveyard Book crossover, Bod attends Hogwarts)
The Fire Omens (Tom Riddle and a look at WWII)
Broken Toys (Tom Riddle and his useless broken toys)
The Fine Art of Poisoning (Madame Zabini)
A Marriage of Convenience (Pansy and Theo get married)
Reparabilis (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Tom becomes a professor, he still destroys Harry Potter)
The Unforgivable Curses (Draco Malfoy, a look at the 4th year unforgivable lecture with Moody and the Slytherins)
Ugly (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy one sided Dudley/Harry Potter, Dudley’s fat, ugly, and creeps on his cousin)
Three Can Keep a Secret (Harry Potter, on secrets and secret keeping)
Caveat Incimici (Hermione Granger, on Hermione and her terrifying wrath)
Babylon (Harry Potter and Tom Riddle, Harry never gets rid of Tom)
Wonderful Tragic Mysterious (Luna Lovegood and Albus Dumbledore, Luna Lovegood time travels and becomes a young Albus’ neighbor)
In the Clockface, Weighted and Weary (Harry Potter/Ariana Dumbledore, Harry after DH ends up back in time in Dumbledore’s childhood and witnesses the beautiful Dumbledore family dysfunction)
Eternal Return (Harry Potter and Tom Riddle, Harry is reincarnated as Tom Riddle and as a result becomes Voldemort so that a Voldemort exists)
Like Pale Fire (Harry Potter/Godric Gryffindor, the Founders are resurrected and it turns out Harry had travelled to the past and become Salazar Slytherin, turns out the Founders were more complicated than people expected.)
12 Moves Sideways (Harry Potter and Light Yagami, Death Note crossover, Light becomes the Defense Professor, for once Harry does not figure out the mystery.)
A Very Young Girl’s Record of Her Own Impressions (Ariana Dumbledore’s diary)
Night Comes Early (Moody on war)
Little Witches (The Black family women and how it all falls apart)
Paved with Good Intentions (Petunia on finding a baby on her doorstep)
Emerald Serpent for Vanity (Draco and Nagini introspective)
Blue (Tom Riddle/Bellatrix LeStrange, Voldemort wins dystopia, Tom visits Bellatrix’s grave and is very crazy)
Eighteen (Hermione Granger, on Hermione’s betrayal of her parents)
Ouroboros (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, on what they’ve made of each other)
Not so Different (Scout, To Kill a Mockingbird Crossover, Scout reflects on the wizarding world’s raicsm)
Traitor (Hermione Granger, Hermione is captured by the Death Eaters and commits unspeakable acts to free herself)
Smashing Mirrors (Tom Riddle, introspective)
Twelve Dark Moons (Luna Lovegood/Tom Riddle, Luna becomes a captive of the dark lord)
Full Circle (Harry Potter, Harry wins and is miserable)
The Web of a Thousand Spiders (Luna Lovegood on the diary)
The Metronome (The fall of Lucius’ entire generation)
Understand (Hermione Granger and her betrayal of her parents)
Tea with the Headmaster (Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore, the pair have tea)
This Grief Feeling (Hermione Granger and Severus Snape after the end)
After Innocence (The trio after the end)
Of Great Turmoil and Excess Stupidity (Sesshomaru and Hagrid, Inuyasha crossover, Hagrid decides to capture a demon for class)
What’s Left of Hope (Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore, on preserving hope)
In His Keep (Severus Snape and Luna Lovegood, Snape informs Luna her father has died)
Wednesday (Petunia Evans, introspective)
In the Presence of Angels (Moody in WWII)
What He Grows to Be (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Harry Potter raises Tom Riddle in the past and it goes horribly wrong)
Being Cassandra (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Tom, and their strange AU friendship)
The Girl (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, a fem Harry Potter keeps accidentally appearing in Tom’s childhood)
Corruption (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Tom wins AU and female Harry slowly becomes corrupted)
One Night Stand (Tom Riddle/Lily Evans, a wonderful look on the first war, Tom Riddle, Lily Evans, the Order of the Phoenix, and terrorism)
The Voldemort Principle (Severus Snape, turns out Snape was Voldemort the whole time and Harry is a lying liar who lies)
Harry Potter and the mountain of pure diamond (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Harry has become an ageless god who travels worlds and decides to raise Tom Riddle. He’s disturbed when he realizes Tom is more of a person than he is)
A Road Less Travelled By (Harry Potter/Lucius Malfoy, Harry’s a veela, just read it, it’s amazing, I know I sound crazy but it is)
Transformation (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Draco gets eaten by the Forbidden Forest and then Harry gets eaten too)
Rock Bottom (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Tom gets trapped being defense professor and has a miserable time)
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 4 years
i know the fears are kind of made up so classifying the statements isn’t super important, especially now, but I’d like to point out that even thought MAG 180 is about death, it is absolutely 100% a Web statement and, unfortunately, that means we should be worried about Annabelle
First off, this statement’s in second person. All of this is someone telling you what to do, to “walk faster now, pick up the pace” and to “just knock and and ask to enter.” Then there’s what’s actually in the building. The face “you” find is “stained with age and death and sin,” but immediately after "sin” is mentioned, the statement giver backs up, saying that they’ve misjudged what they saw. It’s very typical of the Web to make you second guess yourself. MAG 172 has something similar
THE SPIDER: “Oh, Francis. It’s such a shame that I couldn’t do such a thing even if I wanted to. The man in the audience saw to that. (laugh) I am no more free than you are, little puppet.
It’s not exactly the same, but here’s the line in MAG 180:
Or try your best not to hear, to think nothing but good and admirable thoughts of those who wait in monuments to their own virtue. There now, a face, pale and stained with age and death and sin, no, not sin, never sin. Misjudgment. Indiscretion. Misunderstanding. Never sin. Never evil.
Once again, an outside force is telling the statement giver that the people around them are good, despite the fact that the situation they’re in is specifically designed to cause as much fear as possible.
We even have a description of doors with occupants that have “brittle, bony limbs.” It’s easy to assume that this could be describing skeletons, except that Annabelle is described several times as being extremely thin, and says that the Web avatar she met was very skinny as well. Either way, we never find out what’s inside the crypts because the statement tells you to avoid the doors, and ignore the thoughts these sights make you feel. 
There’s a very heavy emphasis on not being able to speak your mind, not because you don’t want to, but because something is stopping you from being honest about your feelings. First, there’s the phrase “Nihil Nisi Bonum,” which means not to speak ill of the dead, then the statement goes on to insisting that the angels wouldn’t like it if you made a scene, and continues on to imply that saying anything bad about the dead, even if they personally wronged you, makes you a terrible person. It’s all manipulation! The person in this statement isn’t afraid of the dead, or being dead, they’re afraid of what this experience will force them to say, and what will happen to them if they deviate from their script. It’s also pretty important to point out that this is very clearly about a dead female relative! It’s not specified whether or not it’s their mother or not, but it’s definitely someone who raised him. Which makes this next bit very interesting;
Don’t step on the cracks, or goodness knows what will happen. And you are surrounded by goodness, are you not?
"If you step on a crack, you’ll break your mother’s back” is a really childish superstition, but it’s another mention of mothers, right before we meet Annabelle (aka, the daughter of the mother of puppets) and it’s another insistence that “you” must be good. More manipulation, more insistence that you follow a rigid morality that makes no sense.
There’s also “t calls itself a home, but it lies,” which is a potentially Spiral line, of course, but the Web lies just as much. And now that Jon and Martin are in Annabelle’s home...
‘Come in,’ the Funeral Director intones, ‘the service is about to begin. You are expected.’
It’s not the same, but Annabelle welcomes Jon and Martin this episode as well. And it’s the Funeral Director nudging “you” through this entire statement. It’s them and their involvement that makes this day as terrible as it is.
The dust has settled over everything in layers so thick you dread to touch anything, to rest for even a moment, so keenly aware of the stark imprint you would leave, the marks of your presence.
This isn’t a super important line right yet, but dust and cobwebs are, as we know, tied to the Web. And the fact that they can’t even rest for a moment is really interesting, since that’s exactly what Jon and Martin are going to do.
There’s not much that’s obviously Web about the way the statement describes walking up to the corpse, but the Funeral Director forces “you” into the podium despite being desperate to leave, and then “commands” you into “saying a few words.” There’s a lot that can be said about, especially considering that’s kind of how Jon was forced into ending the world, but the fact that the eulogy is someone forced into speaking about how good someone is despite all evidence to the contrary? The fact that they talk about how this person touched the lives of others? Very Web. I’m sure Annabelle would say the Web made Jon’s life “more beautiful,” too.
There’s also the part angels play into this statement. It’s the angels that are watching, the angels that you can’t offend, they angels that are waiting for you to make one wrong move so they have an excuse to strike. The person in the statement continues onwards because of the fear of these angels, which the Funeral Director then takes advantage of. And in the eulogy, the corpse called an angel.
Beneath your threadbare suit and fear-stained shirt, the scars that lattice across your body ache and burn at the sight of the one who gave them to you. You feel the cross she once carved into your back open, and begin to weep its own bloody testament.
We all know who gave Jon his scars. We also know who he and Martin are planning on fighting. And we know Elias is always watching and that he was waiting for Jon to make a wrong move, so he could end the world. And Jon, just like in the statement, was placed on this path because of agents of the Web. The Director leads you up to the podium. Mr. Spider makes desperate to learn more. 
And then we have the last few lines, which is what convinced me this was Web in the first place
You cannot turn from the podium, cannot stop the gushing flow of love and forgiveness you vomit out into the nodding crowd. Behind you, a dark shadow moves, a shape that seems to slither from the coffin. You watch it coming closer from the corner of your eye, but you cannot stop your kind words. Not even as the needle-sharp teeth of her corpse begin to dig into your shoulder.
Once again, not the first time we’ve heard about something like this. Yes, this is obviously a zombie, but Francis had hooks dug into their skin for The Spider to control them. And, honestly, what is a zombie but a person operating against their own will? You don’t want for flesh or brains, but being bitten by a zombie gives you that hunger. Jon needs to survive on statements. He lives this way because someone with a similar hunger forced him into becoming something inhuman. 
And of course, the corpse you knew is the only angel that gets to hurt you. The rest never move, though it’s implied they could. But you’re only even so close to this corpse because of the Funeral Director. They’ve placed you right where you need to be for the one who wants to hurt you to deal the final blow.
So, whatever Annabelle has planned proooobably isn’t great news for Jon
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Word of Honor - Episode 2 Part 2 - Mirror Lake has more Fire than expected
In an interesting twist of fate Zhou Zishu decides to take the nice munchkin up on his offer to crash at his place for a while.
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Thumbs up my dood
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Now the fuck are these guys?
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Oh cool. Thanks.
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See? Children chants are creepy! Always!
But especially when driven by plort! (plort was a typo but I’m Keeping it.)
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Finally people treating our man with common decency and respect! Who knew he just needed a fancy bookmark?
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Oop. Nevermind
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I have discovered the joys of fucking with people and I’m never going back again
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A fuck this guy again. I’m assuming we’re not supposed to like him? But I don’t like him either way. He has no...  je ne sais quoi
He boring. Basic. Bland.
It ain’t good.
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Oh and also you know how you wanted us to keep tabs on Zhou ZiShu? Oh well um.. it’s going great! Great! Yeah... except for... we can’t find him.
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Well if this ain’t a whole ass mood?
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Midnight already? Time for the pain pins to poke me painfully!
This sure is a weird version of Cinderella
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Okay okay so normally the 7 torture nails block your chi? I’m understanding? So you can no longer do martial arts. And he would rather die than lose all his martial arts so he put the nails in slowly so that he could still have SOME of his martial arts. But the point of the nails is still that he wants to die and feels he deserves to be punished as well? Right? So having his martial arts helps mediate the pain which lessons the punishment
and if it weren’t for the punishment aspect couldn’t he have just like... faked the nails? Or would they have been able to tell? I mean this is all dramatic and all but where are your motivations Zhou ZiShu?
work with me here
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Hey?! That’s not sunlight?!?
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Love me a good silhouette shot
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And suddenly everything is on fire???
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After watching like 4 people get killed in front of him and a lot of fire and ransacking our protragonists finally thinks perhaps he should get himself involved.
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How is everything a fucking boomerang???
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Pffffff I love it
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Tunk thunk
In another interesting development, the boat man from before is important?????
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Also our boy is doing his best with that hat
Okay I know he’s like a master of disguise and all but like he doesn’t seem to be doing much to actually... hide? Still love his wiggly sword style
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Um take the kid and fucking run maybe????
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*stalks you from a not very inconspicuous distance*
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Didja miss me?
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Hate to see you leave but love to watch you go
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Fuck I hate being disarmed.
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This place looks strangely similar to the woodshed...
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The fuck are you?
Wouldn’t you like to know?
Yes I would. That’s why I asked
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There’s just nothing quite like a near death experience to bring people together.
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Take this kid and run!
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But sir, you don’t seem to understand! I am the Best Boy! I simply cannot just leave you to die.
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Don’t worry kid! You can’t get in trouble anymore! Your dad is fuckin dead! Surely that’ll bring you some comfort!
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Random Local Boatman is surprisingly honorable and happens to be in debt to the father of the kid who was nice to you that morning.
Life sure is weird.
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He doing him best
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Though it is absolutely understandable, he reacts to being touched by that paper the way I react to walking into a spider web.
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Gramps is a badass
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I do have to say these guys do seem to be much better trained than the usual evil henchmen. And you have to appreciate their aesthetic.
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Seriously!! The best boy!!!!!
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This man has helped in a little bit exactly once to repay him for his own kindness an this little teenager is willing to just die for him without hesitation.
Like no, son, the two old men are doing this so that YOU live. You have it backwards.
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Surpriiiiise I’m stalking you too!
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Oh no the henchmen are falling into the drawing things out to emotionally torture their prey thing. Don’t y’all know that giving the protagonist time to recover and/or study your moves is how you die? Did you even GO to henchman school?
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Just.. omg. The noise he made. “Dwaaah!!!”
Okay kid I know you’re young and under a lot of stress and never really got into the whole martial arts training thing but grandpa is doing better than you literally laying down and covered in cuts. Just sayin
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Aw nuts
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Please take your protagonist out of the oven as cooktime has been completed.
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The fighting editing style seems to be a weird splice of nice crisp slowmotion view of the action and spliced together jump cuts and zooms that make for an odd kinda hard to follow combination. But at least I guess they tend to end on ‘cool pose x”
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“Hey, Beggar! You’re good at martial arts. Somehow this surprises me even though I already knew that???”
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Unexpected trust fall ends better than anticipated
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Das gaee
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He’s bendin’ over backwards for you!!
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Unexpected but definitely varied emotional investments on the fact that Gramps is dying.
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Look at him being all humble.
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Ooh he could be in a medical drama. That is the perfect like sad close your eyes and head shake no I’m sorry he’s not gonna make it. Bravo.
Very delicate.
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“Don’t fuckin’ touch me”
I’m guilt tripping you into a found family and you’re gonna like it punk
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Sick dude, whats your name? Shit no one’s asked me that before somehow I’m not ready..
Uh.uh... Zhou Xu.
Nailed it.
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“Zhou Xu? Naw that doesn’t sound right.”
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May you learn from this never to underestimate, rob, and otherwise harass your local old boat man for you never know when he may force you through guilt and honor into taking on a ward and a quest under penalty of being haunted by his old ass ghost forever
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Uncle Li has died and most of the group is much more upset about it than they would have anticipated that morning.
Poor ChenLing is having a rough day.
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RIP Uncle Li. So much for living a carefree couple of years lying drunk in the sun.
It looks like even now you can’t escape your responsibilities Zhou Xu.
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Group of hereto-unknown men arrive in poor time to stop the bonfire
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“What’s wrong?” Um... maybe... fire??
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I say again, thank you for labeling the people I’m supposed to remember.
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Also, why did y’all have to wait for orders before checking out the fuckin boats?
Y’all dumb.
Hey, Wen KeXing, Not trying to throw off your groove or anything but maybe a funeral isn’t the best time for flirting? Perhaps? Maybe?
I know you don’t have an ‘off’ switch but maybe a pause button?
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“are you done?”
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It deadass took y’all this long to introduce yourself? You’ve been stalking him all this time and you never thought to go “btw my name Wen KeXing? Comment t’appelles tu?” Come on man
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Our best boy is having his not best day. D:
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Don’t worry. Your new family will stalk/care for you.
“A-Xiang! Make some food!” “No shit Sherlock I already did.” “My ideas are the best. :D”
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Eat your food!
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Eat your food!
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Eat your food!!
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Eat your FOOD!!!
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“Oh my GOD we get it you can fucking read! Oh my god.”
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If I prove I can read too will you pass me a damn pancake?
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Fuck yeah.
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Um excuse you this group only has room for one little bitch and it ain’t fuckin you, you hear me little girl?
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I am very sorry. Thank you for saving my life. I would like to re-assert my status as “best boy”.
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Wen KeXing: 👀
Please increase your friendship level before asking personal questions.
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Nya Nya you were useless when your home was burned to the ground and your family was killed waaaaah how pathetic are you!!
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Can you fucking not?
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My B.
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Our Man Zhou ZiShu respects bodily autonomy!
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Do not touch my fuckin’ boy or I will fight you!
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And we end the episode with Wen KeXing being horny on main!
Sir, keep it together. There are children present.
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