#I am so sorry Mau
clovenhoofedjester · 2 months
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a happy tumble
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29121996 · 19 days
#it is actually rlly funny how quickly brain has just gone . Nope at the idea of even talking to * again#n its mostly bc i have recently gotten back into contact w someone i used to likenin high school. n im curious abt it oops#n that is conflicting 4 me rn . bc . yea i dunno#i cannot think abt it . i literallt just have to go w it atp. hes an odd character im ngl . but what else is new#just my type apparently. anyway .#* not showinh up to my place of workvthe last week has rlly been helping . n i fear . this mau not last Much Longer.#like . H . my bets on sunday honestly.#anyway . this job is Great but i am not immune to the Overstimulation apparwntly#that last 1.5hrs is ROUGH i hate the 7pm shift.#no aonder my coworkers Pissed vy the end of it . its Awful.#i gotta . talk to my manager and see if i can do two hald n gours bc otherwise . this Wont work#if it happens again.#like i gotta work the next 2 nights too i am just.#the paycheck is gonna be Worth It . Trust . i also get to drink on tuesday :)#n rest on monday.#also suffering through another 2wks of no skincare just so i can get lush#deserved atp sorry.#i do still gotta get toner n tampons tho. so . i do have to visit a ahopping centre next week .#all my bills are paid n i still have $120 left btw. do u know gow wild that is to me .#its all in cash so its Def Treat money#aka alcohol mostly. cocktails for Sure :)#but still within mt alcohol intake bc i cannot embarrass myself . i still work there#i am regretting . not adding tampons to my grocery list n i literally cant bc i cannot afford them#theres no money IN my bank acc anymore . im acc negative oops ✌#its chill . its only $3. which is fine .#5 days n then it gets paid off :)
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gardenstateofmind · 1 year
WAIT I FORGOT MY DAD EXISTED 😭 okay so add another 2 people that are my full first cousins
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wintertime-in-june · 2 months
A Marriage of Convenience
Colonel!König x Vulnerable!Reader
You sobbed, hot and heavy as tears streaked down your face. You looked at the email through bleary eyes one last time before swallowing the lump in your throat and letting out further cries.
Your visa had come to an end and your citizenship status was declined. You had to go back to your home country, back home, away from KorTac, off the Austrian base.
As König walked past the door to the empty teaching room in which you resided he heard it. The high pitched, sniffles and cries. No man on his base could make these delicate, heart wrenching noises, no, he knew it was you. His perfect little recruit, his good girl, y/n.
He stopped at the door to the room, ready to enter but wanting to do so carefully. Now was his chance, you were crying, upset and oh so vulnerable... in need of a big hero to swoop in and save the day. Now, he just had to find out what you needed and he could make all the pain go away...
He pushed the door open tentatively, trying his best not to nearly rip it from its hinges like he usually did. He scanned the room looking for his little girl and there you were curled up at the back, knees tucked against your chest, with your back against a cupboard. He couldn't help but smile at your small, helpless form. Quickly catching himself his face fell, back to its neutral, stoic stare as he shut the door behind him with a click.
You heard the door close and looked up to see the hulking man that was your Colonel walking towards you. Big, heavy combat boots trudging on the ground.
Your mouth fell into an 'o' as you attempted to wipe your tears away, shaky breaths and sniffles, trying to placate your crying.
The Colonel stood before you, looking down before he himself got down in a squat and eventually sat himself in front of you, arms resting on his knees.
"I'm s-sorry Colonel." You manage to stutter out, the tears having ceased but your choked up demeanour remaining.
He gave you a sympathetic smile, it was no secret he had a soft spot for you, although, no-one but him truly knew how deep it goes.
You gave him a small smile back, attempting to put on a brave face. 'Cute' he thought to himself as he tilted his head to the side.
"What's up kleine Maus?"
'Little Mouse', that was his nickname for you. You smiled a little at the use of the name, tears still brimming your shining eyes.
"I- I got an email," you managed to stutter out before the tears ensued once more, "they're sending me back Colonel, I don't know what to do."
You buried your face in your knees once more, breath shaking as you attempted to get some air in your lungs.
You unlocked your phone and passed it to König, letting him read the email.
"I don't want to go back." You said, barely above a whisper as you let out a shaky breath.
"I like it here," you continued, "I don't want to go back home, my parents... they're not nice... and here I get food and, and I have a bed."
You sob a little as you think back to your old life. Although the military was tough, for you it was an improvement, and you weren't ready to give all of this up.
König read the mail before placing the phone down. His eyes narrowed as you said why you didn't want to go back home. It upset him... no, it angered him that your home life could be worse than this. The one place you were supposed to have guaranteed safety and support and you did not.
"What am I going to do?" You said, choked up, lifting your head from your knees to look at the man that loomed in front of you.
"How could you stay?" König asked, already theorising how he was going to fight off anyone who would even attempt at taking you away.
"I would have needed approved citizenship, m- my visa ran out of time." You said, attempting to blink away tears but feeling yourself getting choked up again.
"But my citizenship was declined." You cried burying your head in your knees once more.
König let out a low sigh as he shuffled forward to sit next to you. When his back hit the cupboard that your own one rested on, it shook under the sheer force of him propping himself against it.
He snaked an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to lean on him. He rubbed the side of your arm soothingly, an expression of distain for the predicament resting on his features.
"O-or I'd have to marry a citizen, but that's not going to happen." You let out a shaky breath, almost like a laugh, as though even the notion was ridiculous.
König's eyes shot open, as if he was having a Eureka moment to say the least. His soothing rubs on the side of your arm stopping momentarily. "A-and why's that not going to happen?" He spoke perhaps too quickly, too eagerly.
You look up at him with a confused expression as if it were obvious.
"I don't have any boyfriend, let alone an Austrian one who would want to marry me in the next," you think for a moment, "...six days."
There is a beat of silence as König collects himself, tries to remain calm and chill.
"I'll marry you."
The air is thick with tension as he awaits your response. You can't believe what you're hearing.
"Really? You'd marry me?" You say softly, looking up at König with awe in your eyes. As if he'd saved you, as if he were your hero.
"But what about you? What if you want to get married for real someday, is there someone you like?" You ask, you couldn't believe he would do this for you.
He lets out a low chuckle, you don't even know the half of it. He wanted you, this was his dream, he could practically not contain the ecstatic happiness he was experiencing at your issue. He knew it was wrong. He knew he was a bad, bad man for enjoying this, but his heart was beating faster, he was holding back a smile and he couldn't help but seize this opportunity.
Before meeting you he thought he would die alone, but not from rejection, no, truth be told he has never been interested in a person enough to pursue them romantically, that was until you stepped into his office...
Perfect, cute, y/n, with an adorable little smile and oh... code violating underwear. That's how the two of you first met. On your first week, sent to the office by the Lieutenant for your dress code violations.
From that point forward he was obsessed, unbeknownst to you. You just thought he let you get away with more, being a girl and all. He was nicer, kinder, sweeter to you. Trying your baking, letting you sit with him at lunch, helping you over the walls in training. A caring Colonel.
"Come here." He said lifting you up and placing you in his lap.
You allowed him to do so, smiling a little, was he really going to fix your predicament?
He wrapped his large arms around you, thick muscles keeping you safe. You leaned into him hugging him back.
"I'm going to marry you, no-one is taking you away."
You couldn't help but smile more as you hugged him tightly. Your heart beating a little quicker.
"Thank you Colonel, thank you." You whispered.
He let out another chuckle.
"You know, you don't always have to call me Colonel, maus." He teased a little.
"What should i call you sir?"
"Mein Ehemann." he stated, petting your hair as you leant against his chest.
"Mein Ehrmann," you repeated, he smiled at this, "what does it mean?"
"Your husband."
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, maybe this marriage would be for more than just convenience...
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latenightdaydreams · 2 months
Trucker!König x Stranded!Reader (fem)
Part 2 🚚, Part 3, Part4, Part5
🚫MASSIVE TRIGGERS FOR DARK THEMES!!!🚫 If this is disturbing for you please turn back now. Your mental health is important and I hope you have an amazing day even if you keep scrolling! ily all! I hope you are all well and please take care of yourselves! You matter 💗
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, oral, cum play, non-con somnophilia, non-con, sleeping pills, kidnapping, non-con recording
2.3k word count
“Fuck!” You shout slamming the hood of your car down. On your way through the countryside on a road trip, your car decided to break down. You’re in a foreign country, the sun is setting, and having no one to help leaves you feeling overwhelmed and defeated. You sit back in your car and begin to cry. In your mind driving solo across Europe was going to be a piece of cake, yet here you are because you tried to save money and got a piece of shit car.
The sound of a semi-truck braking gets your attention as you look into your rear-view mirror to see a blue truck had pulled off and stopped behind you. In a hurry you pull down your visor to check yourself as you wipe tears away and try to relax your face. You close it just in time to see a massive man jump out of the cab of the semi and walk in your direction. A wave of fear rushed over you as you realized you have no items for self-defense on you.
 A knock on the driver’s side window, and the tall trucker steps back and stares at you with piercing blue eyes. Taking a deep breath, you open the car door and step out. His eyes look you up and down.
“Are you stranded?” His voice is smooth with a thick Austrian accent.
“Yes, I am.” Your voice cracks from the nervousness you’re feeling. He is built like a tank and like, really fucking tall.
He gives you a small nod before extending his hand to you, “I’m König.”
“Y/n,” you grab his hand and shake it. His hand is massive and swallows yours.
“You’re not from here, are you?” He gives you a warm smile trying to be nice.
“I’m not…”
“Do you have anyone here you can call?” The question seems innocent enough.
“No, I don’t. My phone has no signal either.”
“Hm,” König looks at your car and then to you once more. “Well, I can’t possibly leave you here alone, especially with it getting dark... where were you heading?”
“I was heading to the German border.”
“Hm, that’s a six-hour drive Maus.”
“It’s okay if you can’t-”
“I can, I’m heading that way. I’ll drive you as close as I can get and help you get set up with a ride in.” He gives you such a genuinely warm smile that you feel your guard beginning to drop.
“I- I really appreciate that, König.” You turn to go to your car and open the back seat to grab two small suitcases out.
“I’ll grab those for you Fräulein.” König walks behind you and gently reaches past you to grab your bags. The sweet vanilla body lotion you’re wearing catches his attention and he tries to take a deep breath as discreetly as he possibly can.
You back away, slightly bumping him. “Oh, sorry. Thank you so much König. You’re like a God send.”
He smiles back at you while holding your bags and closing the car door, “Is this all there is?”
“Yes, that’s it.” You two begin to walk towards the semi-truck as you look around the farm land.
Once to the truck König opens the door for you and helps you climb into the cab, his hand grazing your butt seemed innocent enough so you brush it off. It was most definitely not innocent. He is simply testing your boundaries and seeing how you’d react.
You set you bag down on the floor as König walked around to the driver’s side. He walks to the back of the cab and puts your bags on his small bed back there. He finally sits in the driver seat and looks over at you.
“Are you ready to go?” He asks in a gentle voice.
“Yeah,” you look out at the car that broke down on you feeling slightly sad.
“Don’t worry about that car,” König says, noticing your sad gaze. “I will help you out, I promise. I can’t leave a young woman stranded.” His smile is so warm and genuine, but the look in his eyes shows he has different motives with you.
As he pulled back onto the road König found himself checking you out. His eyes are drawn to the curve of your breast in your tight shirt and the way your thighs look as you sit down in the seat. He was going to have fun with you.
“So, where are you originally from?” He asks, keeping his eyes straight ahead.
You answer and explain how you have always wanted to visit Europe so on impulse you decided to come.
“A bit far from home aren’t you Maus?” He asks with a sly smile on his lips. “Do you even have any friends or contacts in any of these countries?”
“No, I don’t.” You shake your head not realizing these are questions you shouldn’t be answering truthfully.
“That’s a shame, you could get hurt out here. Good thing I came across you and not some… pervert.” He turns his gaze from the road to you and looks at how your breasts bounce with every bump he hits. He couldn’t wait to see what they actually look like, but in his head, he is running through every possibility.
“Yeah…thank you so much for all of your help. Really. I was about to give up and go back home.” You giggle softly.
Your giggle was so genuine and soft. Your lips look tender and kissable. He wanted to see how your lips look wrapped around his cock or sucking on his full nut sack.
“That would have been a shame, it’s good to explore. See the world and expand your horizon.” He says it so casually as if he isn’t thinking of shoving your head down on his dick and making you give him road head. I wonder if she does anal…
You both drive while having small talk. Innocent topics like your hobbies, home life, any little question he can drop to get more information out of you. The sun was now completely set and König noticed your eyes becoming tired as the drive went on.
“If you need to rest, there’s a small bed in the back. It’s not much, but if I can sleep on it, you’ll do just fine.” There’s a friendly chuckle in his tone as his eyes look over at you. Watching as you turn in the seat and look into the dark tiny cab with the bed. His eyes trailing up and down your legs before going back up to your eyes.
“Oh,” you couldn’t explain this feeling in your gut. It was as if it were screaming at you, telling you no and that you should stay awake. You really shouldn’t even be in this truck. Shoving those feelings to the side and excusing them as anxiety, you look back at König.
“Don’t worry, y/n, I don’t bite.” König says with a big smile revealing his sharp K9s. “You’ll be safe with me.”
You nod your head as you begin to stand and walk to the back, it was dark so you used your hands to guide you back there. It was simple since it’s a small space. Taking your bags off the bed and setting them on the floor, you lay down and rest your head on the pillow. Grabbing the thin blue blanket on the bed to cover yourself, you feel so happy to be in a bed, even if its this tiny.
König turns his head slightly to look back at you. It has been ten minutes so he wanted to know if you were asleep or not. 
“You settled in alright back there?” He waits to see if he hears your voice.
“No…” Your voice meek as if you feel bad you can’t fall asleep.
“Would you like a sleeping pill Maus?” Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes… “My doctor gave them to me to help with the uncomfortable sleeping situation.” He chuckles softly. That was a bold face lie, he got them from his handy dandy street dealer for a moment like this.
You know it isn’t smart to take medication from others, especially prescribed and from a stranger. You hesitate for a moment trying to think of your answer.
“Here,” he opens up a small pill organizer with one hand and holds them out for you to grab. His eyes are straight ahead still on the road.
You slowly get up and grab one, “Thank you.”
“You can take a sip of my water. I promise I have no gross germs.” He laughs, his laughs so warm and welcoming.
You take the sleeping pill and thank him again. Returning to the tiny bed in the back of the cab you try to get as comfortable as you can. You keep your eyes open for a while, looking at the little bits of König and the road you can see from the angle. By the time I wake up we should be close to the German border, and I’ll be able to continue on my way. This is just for a few hours…just…a few…more…
Twenty minutes pass as König continues to drive. There is a truck stop coming up where he can refill and where he’d usually rest. He looks over his shoulder at you again, “You still awake?” He asks rather loudly.
No response.
“Are you asleep?” He asks again at the same loudness, no response. “Perfect.”
König pulls into the truck stop as usual. He pulls up to the gas station and gets out of the semi to refill the tank and make sure all his wheels are in good condition. He buys you a drink and something to eat when you wake up from the concession area inside before you pay. He grabbed himself another water and a snack as well. Casually he got back to the truck and drove it around back to the parking lot where truckers can park and sleep for the night. He took his time setting up the window covers and making sure the doors were locked and safe. Standing in the now total darkness of the cab, he looks in your direction.
“Hey,” he said, lightly shaking your leg to see if you would wake up. You didn’t. Good.
He pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and pulls the blanket off of you. His hand caresses the curve of your waist, hip, and ass slowly taking his time to enjoy the way the curves feel. His hand wrapping around your ass and squeezing.
He turns on the light from his phone and illuminates the small cabin. He crouches down beside you and gently pushes your body back so you’re lying on your back now. His hand gently runs under your shirt and caresses the soft skin of your abdomen. His hand reaching up and cupping your breast over your bra. He lets out a soft sigh as he withdraws his hand.
“You’re so beautiful Maus, so beautiful…” He says as he slowly begins to pull your pants down. He opens the photo app on his phone and begins to take photos of your exposed body, only your panties and bra to cover you.
As he continues to shine a light on you, he pulls your bra down and records himself gently shaking your breast and caressing your nipples until they harden. He leans in and begins to suck on each nipple, making sure it’s all on camera. With his free hand he rubs the erection that is growing in his pants.
Pausing the recording he stands and undoes his belt buckle and then his pants, pulling them down to around his ankles. He releases his aching cock, a bead of precum dripping from the pinkish red tip. He picks back up the phone and points the camera back at you as he jerks off over your body.
His loud pants being picked up on the camera as he stops occasionally to rub your pussy through the fabric of your underwear, feeling a wet spot begin to form, or play with your breast before continuing to pump his fist on his cock.
You remain asleep, completely unaware of what was going on as König kneeled into the bed a little and scooped your drool up with the head of his cock, gently rubbing his tip over your soft lips. He spread your drool around the tip of his cock and used it as a lube for himself. He slapped your lips with his cock twice before gently trying to push it inside of your mouth. He moved his hand from around his cock to your jaw to hold it open as he slid himself in. His breathing shakes as he feels the wet heat of your mouth.
He slowly bucks his hips forward into you as he inches his cock in your mouth little by little. “Ja, that’s my good little Hure.” He moans out, his free hand traveling to your breast and squeezing your breast.
“Oh fuck,” König quickly moves his hand back to his cock as he begins to cum. He pulls out slightly so he can cum on your lips and in your mouth. His breathing heavy and he moans your name. Releasing his full balls completely on to you he smiles at his artwork. He slaps his cock on your lips a few more times before scooping it up with his cock and shoveling it into your mouth, making you eat all of his cum.
König stops recording once he is done and puts the phone down on the bed and he picks his pants back up. He would usually have his fun and drop the girl off somewhere safe, but you… you’re so beautiful. Your tits are perfection and he didn’t even get to try that pussy yet. You’re the type of woman that would never even give him the time of day outside of these circumstances. He’s keeping you. You’re his now.
Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5
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meatonfork · 1 year
Wondering how grim would react to meeting König and being absolutely flabbergasted from how huge this man is
New Best Friend
pairings: p!könig x grim, platonic 141 x grim
warnings: none!
summary: grim finally meets the big man
you had seen him around before, but you were always rushed off to the next mission before you could get acquainted with the behemoth of a man
finally, months later, you finally got to say hi.
well, that was the idea.
you’d just finished dinner in the cafeteria with your force and decided to head in for the night
könig had been across the room, eyes fleeting to your laughing figure
it wasn’t until much later that you’d snuck off to get a snack
washing your plate off in the sink, you listened to music flowing through your headphones, humming softly
a tap on your shoulder made you turn, dropping the plate from how soapy it was
it shattered, literally just glass all over the floor
you didn’t have shoes
könig immediately starts apologizing
“oh mein Gott! i am so sorry!”
his voice pulled you out of your stupor and you start calming him down
“it’s okay! i swear! shit happens, man. you mind helping me around the glass? i don’t have shoes” you offered him a sweet smile
without hesitation, he helped you around the glass by lifting your smaller figure and plopping you away from the glass
“thanks, big guy. let me go grab a broom!”
you left him there
he kinda just stood there like this 🧍
he felt awful
definitely beating himself up over this
he was also caught up on “big guy”
he’d heard it before, but it was nice coming from you
you came back quickly, dustpan and broom in tow
you two cleaned up the glass in relative silence
it wasn’t until you dumped the glass in the garbage did you finally say something to nervous giant
“so, uh.. did you need something?”
“when you came in. did you need something?”
“oh. no, i wanted to say hi. i didn’t know you couldn’t hear me. i’m sorry.”
“stop apologizing- it’s okay, i promise!”
“uh, can i get your name, Maus?”
a subtle blush sets on your face and you answer him before asking the same
“ah, King. seems fitting”
since that night you guys are attached at the hip
ghost and soap are so jealous
you reassure them they have no need to be
sometimes you’ll come back from a day out with könig and soap will be sulking on your bed
if you guys end up on missions together, you both go out of your way to make sure the other is okay
so many piggyback rides
he manhandles you
just throws you around
he buys you flowers a lot bc he knows you like them
after knowing each other a while, hand holding is a must in public with him
you know he has social anxiety, so instead of babying him, you just leave lingering touches to let him know you’re there and you leave it at that unless he initiates it
you guys are best friends.
grim + könig = besties for the resties
a/n: thank you for reading!! there will definitely be more of these two <3
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
Cod Characters General Dating Headcanons (part three)
+ Random and Some bits of Chubby Fem S/O Headcanons with mentions of different nationality S/O
+ What type of BF/GF they would be
Including König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Philip Graves (+ some headcanons including the Shadows), Makarov
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fem terms and pronouns like she/her are used for the reader
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My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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A/n: I tried so hard to get this one out in time with the other but my other wips are getting to me 😭. I posted twice today just to feed y'all ahaha.
Disclaimers/warnings: Typical Cod things, OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
Tiny sidenote: the reader in this has been describe to be shorter than the characters and has been mentioned to have a soft body rather than the muscular type.
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ꕥ Speaking of König, I don't think this man is the shy boy that some people is making him out to be (not that he doesn't have that side at all, I just feel like they make it his whole personality). Based on voice lines alone this man is cocky asf.
ꕥ There's a reason for his mask, yes he was bullied as a child because of his looks and that's one of the causes to his social anxiety but that doesn't mean this mf is shy. He just like to avoid people and social interactions yk. (Y'all have no idea how much I can relate to this)
ꕥ Has and will continue to use his height to his advantage, someone bothering you while you're both sat having a wonderful time together? This mf stands the fuck up, shoulders back, chest out and everything. Looming over that person while glaring down, arms crossed while they're engulfed by the shadow of this 6'10 behemoth of a man.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader? He'll throw you over his shoulders, only using one arm below your ass while he carries you off. Seriously it is no problem to this man, he'd beg you to sit on his face and suffocate him. If anything I'd say he has a preference for it yk, very soft and plush reader for real.
ꕥ Our DIY king here wearing a shirt for a hood, his hair sticking out of the hole for the head whenever he's dressing casual. Play with his hair like right now, you'll make him melt right then and there.
ꕥ Enjoys cuddling, hasn't had many partners and by that I mean kinda none. Nobody was insane enough to approach him till you came around so he's very touch starved. He didn't even know he enjoyed touching that much till he was able to feel the amount of warmth your body gives him. He'd swear on his life that he was intoxicated in that moment.
ꕥ Whenever you sit or straddle on his lap, he's still so fucking tall. I swear you will gain neck pains if you wanna keep eye contact while talking to him. (I understand the struggle, I am a 5'1 girly. Every character I know within the CoD universe is taller than me 😭)
ꕥ Doesn't actually wear his mask around you, he's comfortable and trust you enough to know you wouldn't go around telling everyone what he looks like.
ꕥ Nicknames he'd call you in German are Mein Schatz, Fräulein, Liebling, Engel and Kleine Maus
ꕥ He's still definitely bitter about not being a sniper. (AHAHAHA)
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Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
ꕥ He has doodles on his tactical gear that he did himself (there are also one that are a tribute to squid game because man's had a gambling addiction), has asked you to draw on it too and he proudly wears it when on duty. Will feel stupid while unconsciously smiling if you draw a heart.
ꕥ Writing something down on his vest from your own mother tongue and he's asking the meaning, if it's genuinely something good like a compliment or something like "I love you" then you will catch this man with a shit eating grin.
ꕥ He used to be a gambler before entering the military and it eventually got him to stop, though he still has a thing for risk, he got himself a more deadlier alternative.
ꕥ Expect surprise back hugs, this man isn't called Horangi for nothing. He's stealthy, I like to think that whatever he says to you is well thought out as well. Man knows how to think before he speaks.
ꕥ Horangi likes to pounce on things, just for the fun of it. It leads him to tackle you on your shared bed a lot, lots of play fighting too.
ꕥ HAS THE PRETTIEST EYES EVER. Like seriously, the only people who knows what he looks like is you and König. Had gentle eyes, you know that quote "His eyes softened", yeah that's the definition of his eyes.
ꕥ Loves it when you trace the veins on his arms with your finger nails, will just straight up offer his arm to you.
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Keegan P. Russ
ꕥ This man and his panty dropping voice like holy hell I have never heard a voice as deep as his without a vocal fry (from those try hard guys on TikTok who try to hard thinking their thirst traps are good).
ꕥ Calls you "kid" in an affectionate way? It's honestly just what he calls anyone younger than him, you're shorter? He'll emphasize on that shit. Elaborating on the nickname I said earlier, he uses it less when y'all are dating but still does on some occasions.
ꕥ Would say the most dirty and uncalled for things, whispering it in your ears. He's and asshole in the best way possible, loves it when you gasp and playfully slap his chest.
ꕥ He's sweet though, would see you as his wife even if you're not married. You're his now, the moment you entered his life, he basically had a death grip on you.
ꕥ Something tells me that he likes talking about you or to you through radios yk. His voice sounding even deeper through the device, calling you doll even though he's supposed to refer to you with your call sign.
ꕥ Praise kink? I mean you've more likely heard his voice lines, is the type of man to praise you and ruffle your hair, either that or he'll kiss you depending on what stage of your relationship you are both in.
ꕥ Constantly thinks his eyes are weird even though they aren't, he just has sleepy eyes. Speaking of sleeping, I feel like he has such a fucked up sleeping schedule and is used to pulling all nighters more than the normal person.
ꕥ Will drag you in bed though and lay his whole weight on top of you because you ain't going nowhere, you are staying there with him and only him.
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Philip Graves
ꕥ (If it isn't "Fix It Felix", please tell me I'm not the only one who sees it AHAHAHA)
ꕥ Philip is touchy, somebody for the love of everything that is holy cuddle this man please. He is just screaming at any type of physical contact at this point. (My sources? Right fucking here)
ꕥ Is the type of boyfriend to come home to you and just hug you, y'all would be there for a solid 10 minutes before he lets you go. Burying his head into your neck and just inhaling your scent while having his arms wrapped tightly around you.
ꕥ His Shadows? More like his fucking children, again going back to the TikTok. He knows how to get their attention, the little pats on the shoulder and small praises are his way of saying they did a good job and they're eating it up.
ꕥ That being said, you are either gonna be their mother figure or someone they enjoy protecting because their dad is so fond of you. Why not be both right?
ꕥ You cannot tell me this man won't be next to the grill, spatula, tongs or whatever kitchen utensil in one hand and a cold bottle of beer in the other.
ꕥ Spends his weekends with you on his lap while he watches football in your guys' couch, you're definitely scrolling on your phone during this.
ꕥ You cannot tell me this man doesn't wear cowboy hats and boots because he certainly does, is it a turn on or a turn off? I genuinely do not know..
ꕥ Is fruity on some aspects but would never fucking admit it..
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ꕥ Y'ALL ACTUALLY THOUGHT I'D WRITE FOR THIS MAN? NAH THIS ACC IS WHOLESOME (OR ANGSTY) AND ION THINK THIS MAN IS SALVAGEABLE. (This came from a girl who once was obsessed with Tom Riddle for years when she was 13, I recovered from it dw)
ꕥ This man would literally use anyone and anything as leverage for whatever he wants to achieve. (Yes I am one of those "I can fix him" people but damn idk if this man is fixable)
ꕥ Please don't tell me you actually genuinely think this man would be good to you.. I knew what I was writing was unrealistic but damn y'all are delulu on another level (so am I, stay delulu). Jokes aside I love y'all and he's one of the few I won't write for. (AHEM Severus Snape (that greasy mop haired mf)
ꕥ And yes I understand most of my shit are kind of OOC but damn if I wrote him, it would be extremely fucking far from canon and I don't like romanticizing toxic relationships (if I ever do write it, it will be angst and I can't ever promise a happy ending).
ꕥ Happy April fool's! (I know I'm posting this end of September (it's actually October now 😭)
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dqrciedaily · 2 months
baby arsenal headcannons, arsenal wfc x teen!reader
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a/n: i am so so so sorry that this isn’t an actual fic but i’ve left yous without anything for like two weeks so take this 🥰🥰🥰
warning - this isn’t proofread so pls ignore any mistakes x
1. she is maths no.1 public enemy - literally will stare at her homework for two hours instead of actually trying it. then the next day at school she gets in trouble for not doing it but she genuinely couldn’t care less because she’d rather have them email lia than try do trigonometry
2. her tiktok reposts and twitter likes have fans speculating like there is no tomorrow - she’s definitely liked transfer rumours on twitter before as well as reposting things she shouldn’t be and she reposts things that happened way back way but people think it’s about her current situation, leading to some very concerned fans in her tiktok comments and instagram requests.
3. baby girl has stina and laura wrapped around her finger - she’s cold? stina’s gonna give her the jumper she’s wearing. she’s hungry? laura’s up to make her something to eat, even though maus is perfectly capable of doing it herself. they’re basically on her beck and call.
4. she always curses out players in german on the pitch - when she was younger her brothers taught her the art of cursing people out in german then speaking in english to confuse them. however this did not work when arsenal played chelsea and she went flying after a tackle from nüsken, who very obviously understands german, leading to maus getting a yellow.
5. which leads to the next point which is that she gets her fair share of yellows - giving katie a run for her money, although most of hers come from back chatting the ref and not from actual gameplay, although she isn’t afraid to put in a heavy tackle here and there.
6. her + kyra = little shits on steroids - on the first media day of the season they decided to put y/n and kyra in three of the same interviews, let’s just say absolutely nothing productive happened until caitlin had to come in to do an interview with the two of them.
7. she’s lia’s no.1 reason for her early gray hairs - firstly maus is awful at answering phone calls, so if she’s out with her friends and lia needs something best believe she cannot contact her. secondly the amount of emails the school sends her may send lia into overdrive, she genuinely couldn’t care less if y/n didn’t do her homework as long as she’s passing all her classes, which she is (besides math but lia doesn’t need to know that.)
8. y/n has the best outfits - her instagram feed is filled with mirror pics of her outfits and they’re all just so good!!! she’s known for her fashionable clothes throughout the woso community.
9. she gets really really really nervous when doing interviews by herself - she already refuses to do orals in school because they stress her out too much, so after her first full 90 for arsenal she gets called to do an interview and poor girl is swaying from side to side the entire time, stumbling over her words and overall looking like a deer caught in headlights.
10. the first time she brings a girl or boy home lia gets a group of the girls to pretend they’re over for dinner without telling y/n - so then when y/n gets home she sees most of her teammates there and very hastily shoves her ‘friend’ upstairs, before going over to the girls who all tease her. then when she’s upstairs in her room with her ‘friend’ they all take turns coming upstairs to walk past the closed door to hear what they’re talking about.
11. she is a hugger of note - the first time she meant all the girls minus her shy demeanour she hugged every single teammate she met. she is also a massive cuddler, on the team bus she makes ours sit in the window seat (much to the brunettes complains) then uses kyra as a pillow which 1. forces kyra to be quiet because she doesn’t want to wake y/n and 2. she can’t move around the bus as she wants deciding to annoy everyone which the other girls are very thankful for.
12. her first crush on a girl was laura freigang, who she had seen around the german youth camps before - she even told her parents at one stage that she was going to go to penn state just like lau did but that phase was short lived when she then developed a crush on one of her teammates in her age group instead.
13. in another life she’s a dj who lives in ibiza - literally no explanation needed, she truly is a party animal at heart and would go to all the festivals and raves possible during the off season.
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mactavishwritings · 1 year
Please, i literally will beg for a Hard dom! König and a Gentle dom! Ghost, and Reader was a big brat on a mission
haha love you too <3 i did say i was going to write more 1) more poly stuff and 2) a König smut so thank you <3
The silence in the air was so thick, it made you squirm in your seat. König and Ghost were sitting up front, Ghost driving the vehicle while König was in the passenger seat. The two hadn't said a word to you since the evac point. Maybe you took it to far, pushing your boyfriend's buttons a little too hard while on the mission, but you couldn't help it. Something in you always would force you to act out when they would give you instructions.
On this mission, you had deliberately went against König's order, him telling you to watch his back as he entered a room, but you had just gone in yourself and was able to get the data you were looking for. Ghost watched the two of you from his vantage point, through his scope. König had grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the room, practically fuming. You could see the smoke coming off him as the two of you ran towards the evac point where you would meet up with Ghost. When you saw Ghost, he was leaning against the car, arms crossed over his chest. You sheepishly walked up to him and König reached out to grab the back of your neck. "Maus... Do not look to him for forgiveness. He will not give it to you." König practically growled in your ear as Ghost just shook his head.
You three finally made it back to the base and you were quick to jump out of the car. "(Y/N). Do not even think about it. If you run, you know that it will be far worse for you." Ghost said, looking at you through the open window. You knew that he was telling the truth, but once again, something told you to run and you would be able to avoid the harsh punishment that you knew was coming. So, you took off running.
König and Ghost looked at each other before Ghost recognized the look in König's eye. "Be gentle with her. She's still recovering from your last game." Ghost asked König, but it was too late. "I am going to hunt her down and she will learn." He stepped out of the car and calmly walked in your general direction. Ghost followed behind him, matching the man's steps. "Little Maus...where are you?" König called out and you heard him in the distance.
You thought that hiding in their room would prevent you from being caught, thinking that would be the last place they would look, but it was almost like the boys knew you too well. König sauntered into the room and you tried to stay quiet, holding your hand over your mouth. König's head turned toward where you had been hiding and pounced. You screamed as the man pinned you to the wall. "What did we tell you about running? Hm? You are truly in for quite the punishment."
König forced you onto the bed, on your stomach, when Ghost walked into the room, no mask on. "I tried to warn her, but the poor brat never listens. Don't you?" Ghost crouched down to be on your eye level as König held both your arms in one hand. Your eyes filled with tears as you felt König grab a fistful of hair and made you look up at Ghost. "You better answer him, brat. Now!" You cried out and shook your head. "I didn't! I should've listened!" Ghost leaned and kissed your head. "And what do you say?" He petted your hair and you tried to push yourself into the comfort, but König pushed your head down into the mattress. "I'm sorry for not listening and running." Your muffled voice rang out.
"There you go, bunny. Now, you've made it up to me. Now you gotta make it up to him." Ghost smiled wickedly before nodding to König. "You're mine now, Schatz." König pulled you up onto your knees and you cried out. "But!! I said I was sorry!!" You looked desperately at Ghost, who had sat on the couch across from the two of you and just watched the two of you, who just shook his head. "Not enough, you still must learn your lesson. This is a punishment after all. König, continue." König was practically vibing when he pushed your pants down to your knees, exposing your ass that was still healing from the punishment you received before the mission. You knew what was coming next, bracing for the hard impact that König delivered. His strikes were rough and quick, enough to make you try to pull away, shaking and writhing.
You knew that all it took to end this was one word, but you didn't want this to end. As much as you never wanted to say it, the brattiness you displayed was exactly for this reaction. With every smack, you grew wetter and wetter. You knew that they most likely not let you finish tonight, an extension of the punishment, but you didn't care. This was almost enough to get you off completely. König did not stop until your ass was black and blue. You pushed your hips back against König's soothing touch as he rubbed his hand over the rising hand marks he created, the welts serving as a reminder to you for this punishment. "You think that I'm going to give you what you want?" König pushed your hips away, "You think you deserve to cum?" You grabbed at König's hands as they gripped your arms. "Sir, please! I promise I've learned my lesson!" You wiggled your hips to entice the man, but he just delivered three more swats to your ass. "I knew you were stupid, but c'mon Liebling..." König laughed meanly as Ghost leaned forward. "Bunny, you and I both know that you did not and you will continue to do this in the future. You will not cum tonight or tomorrow. You will not get either of us until we feel you actually have, understand?"
You nodded at Ghost as König pulled you up to standing and harshly pulled your pants up, buckling them for you. "You know that even though we punish you, we still love you. Right, Liebling?" König kissed you gently as you nodded. "I know, you tell me this every time." You giggled as Ghost snuck up behind you so that you were sandwiched between the two tall men. "Good, now you will sleep in here tonight so we can watch over you." Ghost looked over your head as König nodded. "Let's get you washed up and take care of that sore ass of yours." You smiled and snuggled between their arms, knowing full well that tomorrow you will act out again, just for this to happen again.
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noirandchocolate · 1 month
After a longer silence, the girl asked: 'Would you go back? If you could?' 'You mean, without the wave?' 'Yes. Without the wave.' 'Then I'd have gone home, and everyone would have been alive, and I would be a man.' 'Would you rather be that man? Would you change places with him?' asked the ghost girl. 'And not be me? Not know about the globe? Not have met you?' 'Yes!' Mau opened his mouth to reply and found it choked with words. He had to wait until he could see a path through them. 'How can I answer you? There is no language. There was a boy called Mau. i see him in my memory, so proud of himself because he was going to be a man. He cried for his family and turned the tears into rage. And if he could, he would say "Did not happen!" and the wave would roll backward and never have been. But there is another boy, and he is called Mau, too, and his head is on fire with new things. What does he say? He was born in the wave, and he knows that the world is round, and he met a ghost girl who is sorry she shot at him. He called himself the little blue hermit crab, scuttling across the sand in search of a new shell, but now he looks at the sky and knows that no shell will ever be big enough, ever. Will you ask him not to be? Any answer will be the wrong one. All I can be is who I am. But sometimes I hear the boy inside crying for his family.' 'Does he cry now?' asked Daphne, looking down at the ground. 'Every day. But very softly. You won't hear him.'
--Terry Pratchett, "Nation"
(Hey, if you're a Discworld fan and haven't read this book may I recommend it? Also: hey, if you've heard of this Terry Pratchett guy and how great he is, but think Discworld wouldn't be your thing for one reason or another? May I recommend this excellent book as a gateway to Pratchett's writing? It's about upheaval, and grief, and healing. It is beautifully written, and I swear it'll rip out your heart and then put it back in but different. Or, if your heart has already been stricken, it might offer some solace or hope.)
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dawnisdreamlanding · 6 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig
Neighbor! and Roommate!au hehe
About me | Masterlist |
Author's note: Happy Hanukkah! I'd like to say THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT FOR THE FIRST PART AAAA!! I've been wanting to write fanfics for agess but I was always too nervous to hahahdsf so all the support means so much to me, especially for it being my first fic. But less talk, more story, I hope you enjoy part 2! <3
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‘Why am I meeting so many tall, buff guys today? Well, not that I’m complaining,’ you chuckle inwardly. Konig’s so tall that when he greets you, he bends down slightly. Talk about being short. You mentally shake that thought away before smiling and telling him to follow you to your apartment.
Everything goes smoothly, and he ends up moving into your apartment the following week. It takes him a couple of days and a little head-banging on the door frame due to his height for him to get used to your shared apartment.
It’s been a month since then. You learn he’s from Austria, and he starts to call you ‘Maus’ which was self-explanatory. But you never really learned anything else other than that. So, to recap, both your neighbor and roommate are both silent and secretive. And they’re hot. You quickly shake that thought away. You shouldn’t be thinking about them like that!
Speaking of Simon, you haven’t seen him for a couple of days. You wonder what he’s doing. After a few extra moments of silence, you realized you’ve spaced out from doing your work. Your gaze lands on the long list of emails you’ll be needing to respond to by tonight, followed by the time on your computer on the bottom right of the screen. ‘7.43 pm’. Ugh, this looks like you’ll be staying back late in the office tonight.
It’s already been a few hours since the last of your coworkers said goodbye to you, and the office lights has been turned off except for your section of the office. The darkness surrounding the office was a little unsettling if you were being honest, but you pressed on with answering those emails. Your phone buzzing makes you jump in your seat and the bright screen in contrast to the surroundings makes you squint a little.
Oh, Konig’s calling. You pick up the call and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t relieved to hear someone’s voice after hours of overtime. The line’s a little staticky, but his voice comes through the phone. “Hello, Maus? Where are you?” Konig sounds worried. “Hey Konig!” You try to sound a little upbeat, but your exhaustion comes through nonetheless. “I’m working overtime tonight; I’ll be coming home late.”
Home. You don’t know when you started referring to your apartment as ‘home’, since you’ve always thought your apartment felt so soulless since you moved in. If you think hard about it, the emptiness of your apartment only ever seemed to disappear when Konig’s large frame started to fill in the empty space in your apartment. Despite not knowing much about Konig’s life, the two of you spend quality time together, bonding over shows on Netflix ranging from ‘The Good Place’ to ‘Emily In Paris’. Though you’d have to admit, the more mind-numbing the show is, the more entertaining it is when you hear all Konig’s quips and comments while the two of you watch it. God, you wish you were hanging out at home with Konig now.
“Maus?” Konig calls me once again, snapping me out of my train of thought. “H-huh? Sorry could you repeat that?” I reply. “It’s looks like its about to rain hard tonight, do you need me to bring you home?” his voice gets a little more staticky by the second, and you’re only able to get out a “it’s fine” before the power in the office shuts down.
“Oh hell no,” you say out loud to yourself. You watched enough horror game playthroughs to know that you’re not staying a second longer in office if you want to see another day. Your line gets cut off and you groan. If this isn’t the start of a horror movie.
You managed to exit the office without tripping in the darkness with being little on edge. Little droplets of rain start to fall to the ground, slowly painting the pavement a darker shade of grey with each drop. Your line comes back and you were seconds away from calling Konig to ask him to drive you back home but then a hulking figure leaving the nearby grocery store enters your field of vision.
You are quick to look at this guy because who the hell is he and why is he dressed in all black at night, looking like a robber? Oh my god is he a robber? Oh, it’s your neighbor, Simon. You should really stop bumping into him in such shady situations.
Simon ends up driving you back to your apartment complex. This time around, you try to talk to him the car ride there. In between the awkward silences, the two of you managed to bond over some shared bands playing on the radio and you learn that he’s from the military.
“’s not fair that they’re makin you work overtime like this.” Simon grumbles out. “Yeah well, what can I do? Besides, they pay me quite well.” You reply. It was true; the company you worked is quite taxing at times, but the benefits and pay holds you back from quitting.
“Well,” he inhales as he puts his car into park. “If you ever need a lift home, just let me know.” His offer puts a smile on your lips. For someone who you’ve gotten to really know in the span of a 20 minute car ride, he has a heart of gold. “Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind.”
He has the manners to walk you back all the way to your apartment — you ignore the fact he lives literally right next to you — and makes sure you enter your apartment safely before unlocking his own door.
 You sigh and drop your bag onto the floor. Your eyelids feel really dry and the constant urge to get some shut eye makes the tasks of getting ready for bed seem to stretch on for far too long. Part of you debates on sacrificing dinner so you can sleep a little earlier but that’s when you hear Konig call out for you in the kitchen.
“Eat.” He speaks. “I cooked dinner for the both of us, but I didn’t know you were staying in the office.” A slight pang of guilt shoots through you at the thought of Konig waiting alone at the dinner table for you to come home. “Thanks, Konig.” I smile at him. “I’m glad to be home.”
Konig tries to ignore the warmth that creeps up on him during moments like these. His eyes naturally drink in the sight of you sitting across the table, happily munching on the food he’s cooked you. Fuck, maybe being a househusband wouldn’t be so bad, especially if its for you. He quickly shakes off that thought. He kills. He likes to kill. What was he even thinking?
“Emily in Paris?” he suggests when you finish your dinner. You sigh and shake your head. “Sorry, too tired, Ko.” The nickname slips out of your mouth so easily that you don’t notice it, but he does. His body freezes up and his brain short circuits. He’s so focused on the nickname you used for him that he doesn’t even feel sadness when you rejected his suggestion. He hums in acknowledgement.
“Maybe this weekend?” You say and he nods, watching you turn to head into your room. He decides not to tell you he’s leaving for work that weekend. Leaving to kill people. “Next weekend.” He confirms. You smile tiredly at him and the warm yellow light illuminates your features. “Goodnight, Konig.” God, he wishes you could call him Ko again. “Goodnight, Maus.”
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Taglist! @gojo-mochi
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jay7543 · 3 months
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Your new C.O, konig, claims you
My first konig story!!! Wanted to take a bit of a break from ghost, might not post as much either since not as many people have seen my newer stuff, whatever, I do still enjoy this so I’ll keep making them.
Also, this will have some German in it, it will be google translate so please don’t come at me, I am American, I only speak freedom, and a bit of Italian, nevertheless, please don’t judge if the German isn’t perfect lol, blame google.
It contains a bit of degradation, so I get if that’s not your thing. Enjoy!!!
You recently got transferred to a new unit as a medic, you didn’t really want this but whatever, you’re here now, might as well meet some new people. As you walk around meeting your new squadmates, you realize something odd, they don’t all speak English, they didn’t tell you you’d be part of an international unit. You hear some French, English of course, even some Spanish, but then, you hear one really deep voice, a German voice. You turn and see the biggest man you’ve ever seen, standing at a whopping 6’10” a full foot taller than you
Konig-“Bist du der Neue? Großartig, noch ein kleiner”
You don’t understand a word he says, he walks over and awaits an answer, you say-
Reader-“uh, sorry, I don’t speak German, only-only English”
You say nervously, hoping you didn’t offend him. He sighs and roughly translates it into English, with a very thick German accent
Konig-“I said, are you the new guy? Great, another small one”
He says annoyed.
Reader-“i-yeah, I am new, and I think everyone is small compared to you”
You say cautiously, it’s true but he might not like hearing it. To your delight, he laughs and puts a hand on your shoulder, his hand is extremely large, and very strong.
Konig-“you’re funny American, I like you, come with me”
He grabs your hand and drags you away
Reader-“w-where are we going?”
Konig chuckles deeply, keeping a strong grip on your hand. Even though the situation isn’t exactly preferable, your heart pounds in anticipation for what he’s gonna do. As he drags you by your hand, you start to get a better look at him, his arms, thick and veiny, with some huge muscles, every time he looks back at you, you notice his piercing eyes. You also notice…. He’s wearing a t-shirt on his head? Odd, but he’s still extremely hot so whatever. After a few more minutes of walking, you two arrive at an office, presumably his. He takes a seat behind the desk in the middle of the room and stares at you before speaking.
Konig-“so, you’re the new Sanitäter, right? You are very small, like I said before”
You roll your eyes, feeling you’re gonna be teased about your size by him often
Reader-“yeah, I assume you said medic, so yeah, I am”
Konig nods and runs his eyes up and down your body, admiring your physique.
Konig-“are you good?”
Reader-“what? Of course I am, I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Although I am a bit surprised this is an international unit, I wasn’t told about that”
Konig chuckles
Konig-“you never know. They send anyone these days, especially considering how, how you say, petite you are”
He chuckles again as you start to get really annoyed
Reader-“look, is this gonna be a constant thing? I really don’t need it, so can you shut the fuck up”
Konig-“oh, a feisty maus, I like that”
He stands and walk back over to you, towering over you yet again, looking down on you.
Konig-“I get whatever I want here, and as of right now, I want… Du”
He smiles under his mask and leans down to your level
Reader-“what-what does that mean?”
You ask nervously, your face bright red. You know exactly what he means but you don’t wanna say it
Konig-“I think you know little maus. I want you to be mine, my… Spielzeug, toy, if you will”
He pulls up the bottom of his mask to reveal his perfect lips and intoxicating smile before licking his lips
Konig-“how does that sound little maus?”
He ask, smirk still plastered onto his face. You think for a second, you’ve always liked the idea of being someone’s toy, being used, but you also just met him, but it’s also not like you’re gonna be able to leave for the foreseeable future, so, you answer him.
Reader-“I-yeah, ok”
You stammer out, face still flushed, erection growing in your uniform pants. He smiles
He leans in and kisses you deeply, running his tongue all over your lips before forcing it into your mouth, making your mind go all hazy as you lose all the worry you had before. He slides his hand down between your legs and cups your bulge, squeezing it a bit
Konig-“did my little maus like that kiss that much? Good to know, but you don’t get to touch yourself, not till I have my fun. Come”
He grabs you again and leads you to his desk, he sits in the chair again and points under his desk, signaling you to get under. You look back and forth a couple times before going on your knees and getting under the desk. He puts his hand on your cheek and rubs it with his thumb.
Konig-“i always wanted my own little twink”
He laughs before pulling his hand away from you and pulling down his pants, showing you his huge cock, it just sits there and throbs, almost bigger than your head, his balls so full of assumably thick and delicious cum.
Reader-“I-wow, that thing is-is really big”
You say as you take it in your hand and stroke it a bit, getting it get hard in your hand, almost being able to feel the blood cells rush into it, that’s how big it is.
Konig-“you like it? My fat fucking Schwanz? It’s all yours from now on, my little maus”
He laughs then grabs the base of his cock and slaps it on your face a few times, making your cheek redden and almost bruise, it’s so heavy, almost as heavy as the rifle you carry on missions, how does he carry or around all day. And the smell, ohhh the smell, it’s so sweaty, so pungent, so…manly. You bury your nose in his balls and breath in only his scent. He rubs your hair as you smell and even lick his balls a bit
Konig-“you like my scent? Want it to mark you?”
He smirks and rubs his balls on your face, making you smell only him before prodding your lips with his huge cock head.
Konig-“suck it”
He says commandingly. You take it into your mouth, feeling his tip alone filling a lot of your mouth, already making your jaw sore, but you start bobbing up and down, slobbering and gagging in it. Soon, you hear the door open, you start to panic and try and pull away but konig holds the back of your head in place, he strokes your cheek to calm you down and you keep sucking, while trying to stay quiet. You hear a British voice
???-“konig, you see that new recruit around? I wanted to talk to him”
Konig grunts softly and looks up to the man talking
Konig-“ah ghost. No, I haven’t seen him for a few minutes, he’s probably looking for his room or introducing himself, either way, I’m sure he’s very busy.”
He says smugly as you continue to bob up and down on his shaft under the desk, slobbering on it and gagging as quiet as you can, you even squeeze his balls a bit in hopes of making him cum faster. He then grabs the back of your head and shoves you the whole way down on his cock, sheathing it deep in your throat, your nose buried in his thick pubes, you make a loud gagging sound
Ghost-“did you hear that? Sounded odd”
The British man says, starting to get a bit suspicious
Konig-“no, I heard nothing”
Ghost-“hm, whatever, see you later”
He turns and walks out, closing the door behind him. When he does this konig finally lets you off his cock, causing you to cough and gag a few more times as you get your breath back.
Reader-“what the hell! I almost fucking choked to death”
You say with a very scratchy voice from his cock being buried deep in your mouth. Konig laughs
Konig-“I know you liked it”
He says as he strokes his cock, still covered in a thick layer of your spit. He grabs you head again and pulls you close, his cock positioned just above your face
Konig-“oh fuck, maus, I’m going to cum. I’m going to paint your Hübsch face”
He grunts and moans as he starts to spray thick ropes of cum onto your spit covered face, every rope feels so heavy, so warm. It feels so damn good, and some even gets into your mouth, and you were right, it tastes amazing
Konig-“you look so pretty covered in my cum”
He says with a chuckle as he wipes some off your chin and puts it in your mouth to swallow.
Konig-“now, go find your room, and don’t clean your face till you get there, just so you remember you’re mine”
You stand up, one of your eyes almost glued shut from his cum
Reader-“y-yes sir”
You walk out of the room, your face covered in his cum, you love it so damn much. This is a great start to your time in this unit.
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Heyyyyyyy, how are you?! Hope your doing great... LOVING YOUR WORK ❤️ Can you write 141+könig+alejandro+Keegan were they fight with the reader and she leaves the house, (just because she don't want to say things that she doesn't mean and break up any relationship with them, so she just go out to get fresh air and relax a bit) and meanwhile they get panic since been 2hr and your not home yet, sooo you know...... Please can you write, no hurry take your time 🥺❤️
Pairing: Multiple x F!Reader Category: Angst & Fluff (16+) Warnings: Swearing, Discussions of Sex (No Smut), Couples Fighting, Pregnancy, Discussions of Weight Gain Word Count: 2.7k+
A/N: Hello! I’m doing okay. I had some health issues recently, but I’m feeling a little better today. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for your request! 🫶 (Believe it or not, I actually had to step away from a few conversation to avoid saying certain things, so I can definitely relate to this). I hope you enjoy!
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“Hase, please! It was an honest mistake, I didn’t-“
“Oh, so you just ‘forgot’ that today was our anniversary?!” you shouted. Your makeup was trickling down your face as you bunched your dress in your hands. König sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry, I just-“
You suddenly sprang up from the couch and strode towards the front door. König was stunned as he watched you grab your car keys. You slammed the door shut and promptly drove away in your car. You drove around for quite some time, listening to music with the windows rolled down. Driving while you were flustered probably wasn’t the best idea, but you needed to get out of the house to clear your head.
After pulling into the driveway, you found all the lights in the house were turned off. Your brows knitted together as you stepped inside and set the keys on the table. You called out König’s name, only to find him sitting on the couch with his hands grabbing at his ginger locks. He looked up, tears running down his cheeks as you stood in front of him.
“Maus,” he breathed as his face softened. You shuffled in place awkwardly.
“I’m sorry, I just needed some space,” you explained. König sighed, his shoulders slumping in relief.
“I understand,” he replied. Your boyfriend patted the cushion next to him. You slowly came over and sat down. “Hase…I am so, so sorry I forgot our special day,” he apologized with a wavering voice. You remained still as silent tears streaked down his face. “There’s no excuse for it,” he sighed. You patted his back.
“I forgive you, großer Bär,” you said, your own tears now falling into your lap. König puffed out a breath of air as you rested your head against his shoulder.
“I want to take you out this weekend,” König suddenly said as he took your hand. You looked up at him as he gently smiled down at you. “We can do whatever you want-just name it and I’ll do whatever you'd like,” he said. You smiled and kissed him gently.
“Danke,” you replied.
Alejandro Vargas
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“Mi amor, please! All I’m asking is for a little more time to be intimate,” Alejandro exasperated as you rubbed your temples.
“How can you ask me to be intimate with you when you’re always out there?!” you motion towards the bustling city. Alejandro took a deep breath.
“Cariño, I know you’re upset…but-“ you saw his fists clench and teeth grit. You raised a brow, hoping to every power that he wouldn’t say it. “But…I just feel like my needs aren’t being met,” Alejandro confessed. You felt your eyes become glossy and your face searing with frustration. You suddenly stepped out of the door, walking around the trails that twisted and turned near your house.
By the time you returned, it was almost dusk. The second you walked inside Alejandro rushed over and wrapped you in a tight hug.
“¡Mi vida! ¡Pensé que habías desaparecido!” Alejandro spoke frantically as he pulled you close to him. You blinked, overwhelmed with the sudden gesture before he pulled back from the bone-crushing hug.
“Lo siento, Ale. I just needed a little bit of time to clear my head,” you apologized while wringing your hands. Alejandro gave a tired smile.
“It’s okay. I was worried that you had gotten lost…or worse,” he confessed as his face lost some color. You shook your head.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you joked. Alejandro gave a silent chuckle, his hands rubbing your sides gingerly.
“I’m sorry, cariño. I shouldn’t have just mentioned my own needs. You have your own as well, and I didn’t respect that. ¿Me perdonarás?” he asked as he gently caressed your waist. You smiled and nodded.
“Sí,” you replied. Alejandro’s grin grew wider before he pulled you into another hug. “How much more often did you want to have sex anyway?” you asked curiously.
“Oh, just three times a week rather than two,” he said. “Though it could be more if you’d like,” you felt him smirk against your shoulder as he pinched your butt. You pinched his arm in return.
“Well, we aren’t doing anything now…” you insinuated before biting your bottom lip and wiggling your hips. Alejandro smirked as he squeezed your waist tenderly.
“Traviesa,” he chuckled lowly into your ear.
Keegan P. Russ
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“Keegan, you need to be here for us! I've done everything while you’re gone, and all you do nowadays is spend time in your office! You're never around for the boys and I!” you exclaim. Keegan didn’t remove his hand from his mouth as he took a deep breath.
“You’re just overreacting,” he suddenly muttered as he averted your gaze. Your eyes widened as your mouth snapped shut. You felt your fists tremble as you turned around. The door slammed behind you as you walked over to the lake near your house. You spent some time there, watching the small waves crest and geese fly over the water. Once your anger was quelled, you stood up and walked back to the house.
When you entered, you found Keegan playing Legos with your two young boys. He looked up and gave a tired grin.
“Mama!” your youngest son beamed as you walked to the table. You came over and kissed the top of your sons’ heads. “Mama, look! Daddy and I made a shark!” he said giddily as he held up a hodgepodge of blocks.
“That looks great, honey,” you smiled. Your eyes wandered over to your husband. He nodded before telling the boys to keep playing while the two of you had a talk. Both of you walked to your room. Your eyes widened when your husband pulled you into a spine-crushing embrace.
“Where the hell did you go?” he asked.
“Down to the lake. I just needed to take a break so I wouldn't say something I'd regret,” you admitted. He squeezed you tightly.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been spending as much time with you and the boys. This last mission…it fucked with my head more than I thought it would,” he said as his face grew pale. You cooed and cupped his cheek. “I-I can’t tell you what happened. I can’t tell anyone,” his voice broke as his body became heavy. You pulled him in close, whispering into his ear.
“It’s okay, hun. It’ll be okay,” you soothed as you rubbed his back while he silently cried on your shoulder.
John Price
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“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal! He wasn’t touching me or anything,” you raised your hands in defense. John’s bushy brows punched together as his face turned red.
“You still didn’t reject his advances,” your husband scoffed, his voice low and gruff. You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. A man had tried to pick you up at the pub. While you were flattered, he was still persistent enough that you had to pause so you wouldn’t punch the man’s face. John happened to be watching this whole ordeal unfold, having arrived late due to a briefing that ran over.
You could feel the anger rising off of John like steam.
“If you were tired of being married to me then you should’ve just said so,” he snapped. You gasped at his words and stepped back. His facial expression loosened once he realized the words that came out of his mouth.
“(Y/N), I-"
Before he could finish, you were already out the door. You paced towards the local park, walking several laps around the trail before eventually taking a break on the bench. John’s words continued to sting at you, though you knew you couldn't avoid him forever. You sighed before rising off of the bench and walking home.
When you returned, you found the house completely empty. You started to panic at the thought of your husband leaving you when you saw his truck pull into the driveway. The front door swung open as John stood at the threshold. He wore a tired, solemn look as you rushed over to him.
“Where were you?” you asked. He sighed.
“Looking for you,” John replied. Regret instantly shot through your heart as your bottom lip shook. John hushed you as he closed the door and wrapped his arms around your trembling form.
“I’m so sorry,” you sniffed.
“No, I’m sorry, love. I let my jealousy blind me and I took it out on you,” he sighed. “Would you please forgive me?” he asked. You nodded. John sighed as he drew you into a tight hug.
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said as he kissed your forehead.
“I love you, too," you replied softly.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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You hummed as you folded the last few towels from the clean laundry. Your boyfriend, Kyle, walked into your room after a meeting with the task force.
“Evening, love,” the man said as he pecked your cheek. He suddenly tossed his duffel bag onto the bed, spilling his dirty laundry over the clean set you just folded as he went to take a shower. Your smile quickly turned into a scowl. Kyle walked back in to grab a clean towel and saw your expression.
“Something wrong?” he asked. You gripped the towel in your hands as you tried to maintain your composure. Kyle looked you up and down. “Did I mess up your towels?” he continued. Your jaw clicked.
“It’s not about the towels, Kyle! It’s about you not always picking up after yourself!” you scoffed. Kyle's fists clenched.
“I've gotten better, haven't I?" he tried to reason. You sighed.
"Still, I feel like I do everything to clean up, only to find it messy the next day. It’s like you expect me to do everything around here!” you said. There was a brief pause.
"You’re worse than my mum. Why can’t you just get off my back?” he snapped. Your eyes widened and your nostrils flared. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes before you stomped out of the house without saying another word.
A few hours later, you returned home with a fresh mind. It felt good to get out and walk around to organize your thoughts. The second you walked inside, though, all you could hear silence. You rushed back into your room to find Kyle slumped over on the bed. His head perked up when you cautiously came towards him.
“Hey,” you simply said. His eyes looked a little red and glossed over. You sighed before taking a seat next to him.
“I thought you left,” Kyle said, his voice weak and strained. “I tried to call you a dozen times,” he frowned.
“I’m sorry, I just…I just didn’t want to say anything that would make you upset,” you told him. His eyes remained on his hands folded in his lap. You gasped as he suddenly pulled you into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a lazy arsehole,” he murmured. You patted his back.
“It’s okay. I shouldn’t have blown up on you like that. It wasn’t fair that I put all of my frustration on you,” you replied. He pulled back to look into your eyes.
“I forgive you, hun,” he said. "I promise I’ll try to get better at cleaning. I’m in the bloody military-would’ve thought that’d translate into other areas of my life,” Gaz laughed quietly. You chuckled. The rest of the night was spent with the two of you finishing chores together.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
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You clutched the pregnancy test in your hand. Two pink lines stared up at you. You swallowed a lump in your throat and turned, only to find your boyfriend standing in the doorway with wide eyes.
“Si,” you gasped. His gaze was locked on the test in your hand. You backed up slightly as he approached, his silence overwhelming.
“Were you going to tell me?” he asked. You tilted your head down to look at your feet.
“I-I don’t know,” you confess. Simon remained still as a statue. The two of you have discussed having children multiple times, and his answer was always the same. You knew his reasoning behind it, but you’d be lying if you said that every “no” broke your heart a little more.
“Simon, I know what you’ve said…but you also know I’ve been wanting kids for a long time,” your voice quivered.
“Well, I don’t,” he snapped back. A deep, caustic feeling began to rise within you as you gritted your teeth. You slammed the test onto the floor before brushing past him.
“(Y/N)!” he called, though not in an aggressive way. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you marched out the back door. You walked around the city for quite some time. Your hands were shoved in your pockets as you rounded each corner until eventually you came to a coffee shop. You drank some tea for a bit, the warm drink soothing you enough to collect your thoughts.
When you eventually made your way home and stepped back into your bedroom, you found Simon cradling the cracked test in his large, calloused hands. He looked over his shoulder, then back at his palms.
Despite his stoic face, you noticed how much his hands were shaking.
“I’m sorry I left. I just…I didn’t want to snap at you,” you explained. You gasped when he wrapped his arms around you.
“Don’t you ever scare me like that again,” Simon chastised. “I thought you left me,” his gruff voice cracked. You pulled back, keeping your hands on his shoulders.
“Never,” you said. His dark brown eyes were glossy as the test shook in his hands. You rubbed his back. “Simon, I know it’s scary, but I think you’d make a wonderful dad,” you smiled reassuringly. He swallowed thickly.
“How will I know that I won’t fuck it up like he did?” his hand gripped over test. You patted his upper back and kissed his cheek.
“You won’t because you’re not your father, Simon. You’re an incredible, strong and loving man. And I know you’re going to be a wonderful dad,” you replied with a subtle strength in your voice. A faint smile appeared on his weary face.
“Thank you, love,” he said.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
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“I was just answering your question honestly!” Johnny guffawed. Your eyebrow twitched as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“You’re not supposed to tell a woman she looks fat when she tries on a dress, Johnny!” you exasperated. His lips fell into a straight line. Bless his soul-Johnny was honest, but sometimes it went a little too far.
“So what if you’ve put on a little weight since I’ve gotten back?” he said dismissively. The chair suddenly slid out from underneath you as you made your way to the door.
“(Y/N), wait, I didn’t-“
You didn’t stay to let him finish. You stomped out into the hallway and walked down the stairs, crossing your arms as you strolled around the apartment and onto the street. Hot tears pricked at your eyes as you paced around the small town. Johnny wasn’t wrong: you had gained some weight while he was deployed for a few months. It was something you felt pretty insecure about, something you hoped he wouldn’t notice. So much for that expectation.
A scowl stretched across your face when a sudden downpour soaked you to the bone. You sighed as you trudged back to your apartment, your body feeling achy as you opened the door.
“Bonnie!” Johnny exclaimed as he rushed over to you. You stepped back and avoided his gaze. His frown deepened when he saw how red your eyes were. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry. I was being a daft prick and wasn’t thinking about what I was saying,” he apologized. You wrung your hands together as you slowly looked up. “Come on, let’s get you dried off,” he motioned inside and opened the door wider.
You sniffed as you walked in. Johnny rushed over to the linen closet and grabbed a towel. He smiled warmly as he wrapped the fabric around you, patting your arms once he was done. You suddenly broke down in tears and nuzzled your face into his shoulder. Your boyfriend pulled you into a tight embrace.
“Johnny, do you still think I’m beautiful?” you sniffed.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Johnny cooed as he rubbed your back. He kissed you on your lips and rested his forehead against yours. “You know the answer to that: I think you're drop-dead gorgeous,” he beamed. You cried even harder.
“I-It’s just, I was so afraid you wouldn’t love me the same since I’ve gained some weight,” you hiccupped. Johnny’s expression softened as he pulled back.
“(Y/N), I’ll always love you, no matter what shape or size you are,” he said as he tucked some wet hair behind your ear. Your heart warmed at his words. You suddenly leaned forward and kissed him sweetly. You squeaked when you felt him suddenly pick you up by your bum, carrying you towards the bedroom.
“What are you doing?” you gasped.
“Gonna prove my point to you,” he replied with a wink.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Hase - Bunny
Maus - Mouse
Großer Bär - Big Bear
Danke - Thank you
Mi amor - My love
Cariño - Honey
¡Mi vida! ¡Pensé que habías desaparecido! - My life! I thought I lost you!
Lo siento - I'm sorry
¿Me perdonarás? - Will you forgive me?
Sí - Yes
Traviesa - Naughty
Tags: @notthatfanfictionwriter @mrswhitethornbelikov
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literatecowboy · 9 months
The King With No Name
6. Road Bandits and Kisses
Part 1 here Next Part (7) Summary: König - the king of Caldera - has been called upon by your father to choose a bride from his daughters in order to establish an alliance to keep peace over the lands they rule. When he arrives, he is enraptured by you, your father’s eldest child - an unconventional woman by all standards. He pursues your hand in marriage, doing his best to make you fall in love with him like he has fallen in love with you - much to your dismay Author's Notes: I want to use the space here to apologize if this isn't up to my usual standards. I've been rather stressed lately and a sudden bug infestation of my home has exhausted me. Warnings: Arranged marriage, eventual smut, pining, dogged pursuit of reader’s love and affection, kisses (finally), mentions of arousal
A little after nightfall, you reached the seat of König’s power. The city that surrounded his castle was the largest you’d ever seen and still bustled with life despite the late hour. König had insisted on you riding in a carriage with him to move inconspicuously through the streets and you were too saddlesore to argue, climbing in with him quickly.
You watched out the windows as you were driven through the streets. Candles were being blown out as people turned in for bed and the world quieted. Bugs chirped and buzzed to each other across the night air. A barking dog and crying baby could faintly be heard from somewhere in the distance.
The castle was as large as the city, fit for a king as mighty as König. As the carriage stopped before the great hall, he helped you out and onto the road, heading for the open doors. A figure approached to meet him as he arrived.
“Sir, it is relieving to see you back. I must speak with you immediately. A gang of bandits has been ambushing wagons on the roads outside of the city and your guards have not lifted a finger to help us catch them. My deputies can only do so much on their own,” he said. König paused.
“I am disappointed to hear that, Sheriff Klein. Rest assured I will personally have Sir Wilhelm assist you with the issue tomorrow. The guards in question will be spoken to,” König said, shaking his head.
“It cannot wait, I am afraid. They grow bolder each day. Just last night the baker almost lost his life returning home in the evening when he had no coin to hand over,” the sheriff said, looking up at König with concern in his eyes.
“Very well, I will send for assistance as soon as possible, but I cannot help you now. My wife has arrived and I must see her inside,” König said, gesturing to you. Sheriff Klein seemed to notice you for the first time and bowed.
“My lady, I am sorry for the intrusion. I do not mean to worry you,” he said.
“No, don’t apologize. This sounds serious. König, you and I can go help him, can’t we?” you asked, stifling a yawn.
“No, maus, you must rest. I will see you inside and then I will go speak with my men,” he said, resting his hand on the small of your back and gently guiding you towards the doors.
“I will see you soon, sheriff. Wait in your office,” he said. You watched as the sheriff left, heading into one of the castle’s large towers before disappearing.
“Come in and rest, maus,’ König murmured, leading you inside and through a grand hall. You barely had time to take everything in - the light was low and he was hurrying you.
“I will show you your home tomorrow,” he promised, guiding you up a grand staircase and down several more long halls before opening a large door for you and ushering you inside.
“König, wait, I have no idea where I am,” you protested as you stepped into the room, glancing around. König slowed for a moment and took your hands gently.
“Rest, maus. Your things are here - my men have brought them for you already. Take a bath and sleep. I will be back with you by the morning,” he assured, squeezing your hands. And then he was gone, back through the door from which he had come, calling out and asking if any of the soldiers in the hall knew where Sir Wilhelm was.
You looked around as the door slammed closed, taking the exceptionally large room in. A fire roared in the fireplace, illuminating the space with flickering light. A large bed sat against the back wall, no doubt having been built especially for König.
A second doorway led off to what was no doubt a bathroom and a third revealed a balcony bathed in moonlight. You sat down on one of the lounges with a sigh and rubbed your forehead, watching out the large windows. You blinked when you caught sight of the sheriff loading up a prison wagon by himself, hitching horses to it and seemingly preparing to leave. The sight of him made you spring to life once more and you ran out to the balcony, calling out to him below.
“Are you going by yourself?” you called, waving at him to catch his attention. He looked up at you, surprised.
“I cannot wait on more men, my lady. The time in which they tend to strike is drawing near,” he admitted, climbing into the wagon’s driver’s seat.
“Wait for me!” you cried, dashing back inside. It took you a minute of digging through cabinets but you found your weapons, shoving your knife into your belt and strapping your bow to your back. Already armored for the road, you paused only to snag a large helmet from a display of König’s war armor and raced back onto the balcony.
Sheriff Klein looked nervous as you climbed down the trellis that supported the vines and flowers growing against the castle walls and glanced around several times as you hit the ground and jogged up to the wagon.
“Let’s go!” you whisper-yelled as you climbed into the seat beside him, grinning and resting your bow in your lap.
“Are you sure about this, ma’am? The men I’m hunting are dangerous. They wouldn’t think twice about killing or stealing away a woman,” he warned, eyeing you warily.
“I’ve already been stolen, sir, and I’ve been itching for a proper fight ever since.”
The wagon rumbled loudly across the cobblestones as Sheriff Klein drove quickly through the city streets, but not a soul dared to stop you. When you reached the ambush site you found yourself just outside of a little farm on a road that snaked in between two cliffs - perfect for ambushes from above.
“This is the road that they use to bring stolen goods in and out of the city,” Sheriff Klein explained as he parked the wagon a few meters off into the trees to hide it from view. He unlocked the large door to the back, which was essentially a cage built to contain up to ten men.
“We should post up on the cliffs and shoot them from above,” you murmured, following the sheriff as he hurried up the hill, keeping an eye out for approaching men.
“That’s the plan, but the aim is to capture, not kill. I want these men alive so that they might be tried fairly,” the sheriff said. “Kill only if necessary, in self-defense.” You nodded.
“We should block their way if they try to escape. Box them in and force them to go one way or another,” you said, scanning the moonlit road below you.
“If we had more men and more time we might have been able to spring a better trap,” Klein admitted, rubbing his chin and glancing around.
“Then this will have to do. I’ll do my best to disable the wheels of any wagon that comes across my firing line,” you said with a smile. Before Sheriff Klein could respond, the sound of an approaching wagon and several horses faded into earshot down the road, approaching the city.
“Stay out of danger, my lady. If anything goes wrong, run and save yourself.” Sheriff Klein murmured as he crouched down on the cliff, drawing his sword and watching the small group approach.
“Nonsense,” you hissed, pulling König’s helmet on and notching an arrow into your bow, kneeling by a tree that hung over the road, preparing to draw.
There were only five men with the goods split into two wagons, and once you saw the sheriff nod to confirm that these were the men he was after, you drew back and fired, your first arrow striking the road just in front of the main wagon to stop the horses.
They reared and cried out, backing away from the arrow as it sank into the ground. The two men in the wagon looked up, scanning the trees, fumbling for their weapons. You sunk another arrow into one of the wheel mechanisms of the second wagon and the wheel shuddered as it came loose. If they tried to run, it would undoubtedly fall off.
The sheriff leaped down from the cliff and landed on the road in front of the wagons, raising his sword.
“Halt there, strangers! You are under arrest for robbery! What say you in your defense?” he shouted, brandishing his blade at the men in the forward wagon.
The driver cracked his reins and before you could think twice, you leaped down from the cliff and onto the wagon as it shot off, leaving the sheriff and the three men on the disabled second wagon in the dust.
“Stop!” you cried as you sat up from where you’d landed in the back, scrambling forward and shoving the passenger harshly in the back. He and the driver shouted in surprise as the horses kept running forward. The passenger sprung up and out of his seat, clambering into the back to try to subdue you. You aimed a quick punch to his cheek which sent him off balance and dropped your bow, pulling your knife free and slashing at him with it. He stumbled as he went for his own but the wagon hit a rock and sent you both falling to the ground.
With all of your strength, you reached to your side and shoved him, sending him tumbling out of the back of the wagon and into the dust. You scrambled to your hands and knees, and having lost your knife in the fall, snagged a bit of rope from the bottom of the wagon. You lunged for the driver, wrapping the rope around his neck in one quick motion and pulling tightly, making him drop the reins and clutch at his neck.
“Stop the horses!” you yelled in his ear as he clawed at the rope around his neck, which only made you pull tighter. You gritted your teeth and grabbed at the reins that had fallen to the side, tugging back on them tightly as you tugged back on the rope.
The horses came to a stop with whinnies of protest and you released the driver as he went limp, kicking him out of the wagon and down to the road below. You whooped as you leaped down with the rope, your heart racing and adrenaline coursing through your veins as you trussed him up and stepped back to admire your work.
The sound of hooves striking the road made you look up in surprise. Expecting to see the sheriff, you paled and your smile disappeared when you caught sight of at least a half dozen soldiers riding hard for the wagon, König leading them.
They skidded to a stop as they reached the wagon and König launched off of his prancing horse, searching the scene for you with wild eyes.
“Maus!” he shouted, barreling towards you. You couldn’t help but grin despite his obvious anger.
“König, I did it!” you called proudly, trotting towards him as he approached. He reached for you, anger and concern radiating from him. You grabbed him as he bent down to embrace you and pushed his hood up to his nose, pushing your lips against his as your eyes fluttered shut.
Shock radiated through König’s body and he froze as you kissed him, his eyes closing instinctively. He grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you onto the back of the wagon, shielding your body from onlookers. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer as he kissed back, breaking away after a moment to catch your breath.
Your eyes fluttered open and met König’s through the mask. The anger was gone from him and he gestured behind himself to his soldiers. He slid his helmet from your head and placed it on his own.
“Take that man away. Clean this mess,” he growled, picking you up from where he’d sat you on the cart and setting you on his horse. He swung on behind you and wrapped one arm around your waist, pressing you to him and taking the reins with the other as he rode off back towards home.
You could feel every inch of him pressed up against your back as you rode in silence. He was fully erect, and you could feel his cock pressed up against your ass through your pants, each step the horse took grinding you back against him slightly. He held onto you tighter, not uttering a word until you reached the rest of the men.
The sheriff and several soldiers had locked the four prisoners into the wagon and were going through the stolen goods, attempting to identify the owner. König called out as you approached but didn’t bother to stop.
“Sheriff Klein, I must apologize to you for the situation my wife has placed you in. Thank you for keeping her safe,” he called, his arm tightening around you. You waved at the sheriff, a guilty smile adorning your cheeks.
“Thank you for your assistance, my lady. You held your own quite well,” he called. “And thank you, sir, for sending so many soldiers.”
König had mostly calmed down by the time you reached the castle and led you inside without a hint of aggression in his frame.
“Maus, you have done an awfully dangerous and bad thing,” he murmured to you as he guided you up the stairs and back toward his bed chamber.
“I only wanted to help and I was successful,” you argued, sighing as he opened the door for you.
“I was gathering men to assist the sheriff. You didn’t need to endanger yourself in that way,” he said, taking off the helmet you’d both worn that night and setting it on the stand.
“The men responsible for robbing merchants on the roads have been apprehended. I was only trying to help the people that you brought me here to rule,” you said, folding your arms across his chest.
“You cannot help people if you are dead or captured.”
“I apologized, didn’t I?”
“Not with your words.” You sighed.
“I’m sorry, König. I should have told you that I was leaving to help the sheriff. I just couldn’t let him go alone and get himself killed,” you said softly, taking his hands. König nodded.
“You are a brave woman, maus. A noble woman who cares for others. That is what makes you beautiful, what has drawn me to you,” he murmured, tucking a strand of hair that had fallen over your face behind your ear. You stood on your toes pushed his mask up again and he leaned down.
You kissed him again, more softly this time than you had kissed him on the road. He held you gently by the hips and pulled you closer to him, smiling and resting his forehead on yours as you broke the kiss.
“Take a bath, maus. While I would like your sweat to stain my sheets someday, I would prefer if it was not accompanied by dirt and dust,” he said softly, making you laugh and push away from him lightly.
He helped you out of your armor and sent you into the bathroom alone before unstrapping his and tucking it away. When he came into the bathroom you were settled peacefully in the massive tub, facing away from him as you dried your face on a towel.
“Maus, can I join you?” he called softly, tugging his shirt off and draping it on a nearby chair. You turned around, frowning.
“I suppose. But don’t…look at me. And don’t touch me, okay?” you asked softly, turning back around. König’s heart fluttered. He didn’t blame you for still being so shy, and even though he wanted you desperately, he had no desire to push you.
“Of course, maus,” he murmured as he slipped out of his pants and underclothes and let them fall to the ground. You turned your head politely as he approached and slid into the warm water, the flower petals that floated on the surface obscuring your body from all but the most scrutinizing viewers.
Once he’d sat down across from you, you looked up and offered him a hesitant smile. He still had the hood on, which didn’t surprise you. You sighed softly and leaned back against the tub’s wall, letting your hair hang over the edge of the tub as you relaxed, enjoying the steam.
Sometime later - you had fallen asleep - König roused you, calling your nickname quietly in your ear.
“Maus, the water has gone cold. It’s time to go to bed,” he murmured, gently brushing a towel against your cheek. He had already gotten out and dressed, and you grumbled a little and rubbed your eyes, sitting up slowly and taking the towel.
König turned his back respectfully as you got out, dried yourself, and put on a clean nightgown. Once you were finished, he took your hand and blew out the remaining candles in the bathroom.
König’s bedroom was warm and his bed was inviting. Too tired to care that you had to sleep in the same room as him, you slid into bed and buried yourself beneath the pile of warm blankets he’d retrieved for you. König followed you, watching the light from the fireplace flicker across your face as you fell asleep quickly in his arms.
taglist: @0mint-chocolate0, @elowynnlane, @littlelovebug98, @saturnknows, @passdaweedgaara, @lexuria, @numnuts, @nothingkillsyoulikeyourmind105, @acynicalcat, @poohkie90, @glitterypirateduck, @babyspice6, @hazelnutbitch, 
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soggyriceee · 10 months
SJSHUAHA RAHHHH—Hello! It's me, the anon who requested the lost and found teehe3
If you wouldn't mind at all could I be 💮anon?
About the smut, yes, just yes rjshsh but I don't want to rush you at all or force you to make it rahh :'))
lost and found pt 2 | Konig
warnings: female!reader, oral(f!recieving), Dom to sub Konig, shower sex, strong language, forced breeding
"maus please.. let me show you how sorry I am." he said, moving closer down to your face level. his lips grazed over your lips, teasing you. "please." he breathed out.
he didn't have to ask twice. your hands found the side of his face, pulling him down into you. immediately his tongue slid into your mouth, his hands gripping your hips. he pushed you onto the wall, the kiss growing more rough. it was only a few hours, but he was over you as if it had been months.
"k-konig aren't you worried the other would hear?" you breathed out, pulling away from the kiss. he immediately moved to your neck, pulling and sucking gently at the skin. "why would I be?" he eventually responded, pulling away from your neck to look at the large red mark.
before you could say much else, he was on his knees in front of you, gently pulling your legs apart. his fingers creeped up between your legs, his pointer and middle spreading your lips apart. " so wet down here, mäuschen. just for me, yes?" he asked, moving his fingers up and down between your lips. "y-yes." you nodded, looking down below him. he smiled at your answer, humming softly.
" but Konig please listen to me- a-ah!" before you could finish your sentence his lips latched onto your clit. your head titled back, your eyes squeezing shut. his tongue rubbed small circles around your clit, his eyes moving up to meet yours. his hand found your clad, lifting it to place your leg over his shoulder. this position made you pull your bottom lip between your teeth, your hands finding his short brown hair.
your hips couldn’t help but slowly grind against his face, your eyes fluttering closed. “k-konig” you whimpered, opening your eyes to meet his. he pulled away, kissing your inner thigh. “your pussy tastes so good.. need more.” he pushed your leg off him gently, turning you so your boobs hit the cold walls of the shower. despite the warm water that ran down your back, your body was covered with goosebumps. he pulled your hips out, spreading your ass. “fuck your so perfect..” he mumbled, his finger sliding between your pussy lips.
again his mouth found your pussy, his lips sucking your clit into his mouth. your head tilted back, mouth opening ajar. if Konig didn’t care about the noise why should you? “oh f-fuck.. keep going~” you whined, legs slowly giving out. his tongue ran up and down your slit, entering your cunt ever so slowly. usually Konig would never eat you out if it wasn’t on your bed or the couch. he thought he got to taste you so much better with you laying down or sitting. but he wanted to try something new, and you weren’t opposed to it in the slightest.
your hand slid down your body, finding his head between your legs. you tugged his hair, grinding deeper onto his face. “that’s it baby give it to me.. fuck yourself on my face.” his words only made your stomach turn more, your chest arching off the wall. he dug his face deeper into your cunt, whimpering into it. his hands found your hips, gripping them desperately.
the water slowly began to turn cold, but it honestly wasn’t something either of you were worried about. your other hand found the shower curtain as your pussy began to pulse around his tongue, the sounds of him slurping up all your slick only turning you on more. “k-konig i’m gonna.. c-cum” you whimpered, pressing your head to the wall of the shower.
as your fingers tangled inside his hair, your pussy released itself all over Konigs tongue and face, a mid of drool and your own cum running down his chin. he moaned into your cunt, loving the spasming of your hold around his tongue. “that’s it mäuschen.. pussy is so fucking good.” he moaned, opening his eyes to look up at your pleasure twisted face from between your legs.
you planted above him, loosening your grip on the curtain and his hair. he pressed a kiss to your cunt one more time before standing, letting the now cold water hit his face. your eyes opened and closed slowly, your clit still throbbing. and Konig let you stay there until he finished cleaning how own body, pressing a kiss to your back or a soft grab of your ass.
Konig reached from behind you, turning the water off. you turned to him slowly, looking up at his slightly covered face. “come on..” he whispered, lifting you into his arms, taking you both out.
he grabbed your towel, wrapping your body tightly before wrapping his own around his waist. you watched as he finger combed back his hair in the mirror, your eyes scanning his scarred body. you couldn’t help but press your legs together when you got to his V line.
“come on my love. let’s get you in clothes before you catch a cold.” he said, taking your hand and gently leading you back into the room. as soon as he got to the bed, you took the opportunity to push him down. his towel fell off as his body shifted on the bed to sit up. before he could say anything, you were already on his lap, hands pushing his chest back down.
“what the hell?” he asked, lifting himself to rest on his elbows. your eyes scanned his face before saying “you said you wanted to make it up to me right?” he nodded slowly, swallowing.
you removed your towel, tossing it to the floor beside you before moving back onto his knees. you grabbed his semi hard member, slapping it against your lower tummy. you looked up at him with the innocent eyes he always loves. “see how deep you are inside me?” you whispered, slapping it on your lower stomach one more time. he moaned at that of course, nodding his head quickly.
you smirked before lifting your hips slightly, rubbing the tip of him on your clit. your hips bucked slightly from the still sensitive feeling. his breathing picked up, his eyes staring as his tip got wet with your slick. “fuck please.. please just sit on it love.” he moaned, clenching his jaw to try and hold back simply sliding into you. but he knew you were in charge, at least now you were.
“don’t even think you deserve it. leaving me in that forrest alone…” you said, pressing the tip of him to your hole, just enough for him to get a small feel of how warm you were inside for him. he whined out pathetically, eyes meeting yours. “please i need it maus please… i’m sorry i left you out there.” he begged, scooting to try and get himself to slide in but your hips were much faster.
“hm i don’t believe you.” you smirked, snaking your hands around to the back of his head, tugging back on it. “make me believe you.” you whispered, your tongue sliding across his bottom lip. “please m-miss i’m so sorry i’ll never do it again j-just please.. please let me be in that pussy i need it.” he whined, his eyes pleading with yours shamelessly. and you couldn’t lie it was turning you on so damn much.
you pulled your bottom lip before looking down, grabbing his base once more and sliding down onto him. you both gasped at the feeling, his cock immediately twitching inside you. his mouth fell open slightly, eyes still on yours. “s-shit your so big Konig.” you whimpered, the skin of your ass slapping onto his thighs as you bottomed out on him.
his hands found your ass, gripping it firmly. “come on miss please.. bounce on me.” he whispered, snuggling his head into your chest, his mouth taking in one of your nipples. as much as you wanted to tease him and hear him beg some more, you needed to feel him fuck deep into you right that moment.
your hips moved halfway up his cock before slamming back down as you tried to determine the speed you wanted it at. but it didn’t matter to Konig. he still was going to burst despite you just starting. his hands helped your hips bounce up and down on him, his core burning as he kept himself up.
your shoulders found his and pushed him back fully, grabbing pillows to try and sit him up just a bit. “oh my.. fuck this pussy is so wet mistress… so fucking good.” he. moaned, his own hips bucking up into yours now. “s-so so close.” he whimpered, looking helplessly into your eyes.
your hand found his hair once again, tugging his head back. “you better not cum until i say do you understand?” you asked, moving your hips faster. all he could really form was small, whimpery yes’s. and that was good enough for you.
your head fell back, boobs bouncing against his chest as your hips and his met. the sounds of you guys’ moaning was definitely not unheard, and the help of skin slapping did not help your case. but it make it so much hotter, for the both of you. you loved the thrill of people hearing how good you guys fucked each other.
“fuck mistress i-i cant hold it.. fuck please.” he cried out, his arms finding your waist and pulling you in. your hands propped on either side of his head, your hips and his still moving at the same pace. “o-okay baby you can cum.. cum for me.” you panted, moving your hips in circles on his cock.
his head pressed into the pillow, mouth ajar as sinful, pathetic little whimpers left his lips, the pleasure of your wet pussy and your beauty alone was too much for him to hold back himself. but there was one issue. you guys weren’t using a condom.
he sat up quickly, only to be pushed down back. “didnt i say you could cum?” you asked, moving your hips back to the original way. but Konig couldn’t form words. he was beyond lost in pleasure and needed too desperately to cum. “c-cant cum in y-you.” he choked out,poking up at you.
but the thought of forcing him to fuck his cum into you, forcing him to shoot his hot cum in your pussy, it made your cunt pulse more and more around him which he of course loved. so, you kept bouncing. ignoring his please if you to get off him.
“please m-mistress i’m cum-cumming- oh fuck!” Konig cried out, feeling his hot cum shoot inside your pussy. his legs shook, arms gripping around you so tightly as he gently pound himself into you, whimpering into your chest as the new feeling task over him, making his toes curl. he painted below you, struggling to stay awake as his high washed over him. but of course, you still had to cum.
your hips continued to bounce on his sloppy cock, occasionally feeling it twitch inside you. “so close Koni..” you whispered, bouncing on him a bit faster, feeling his cum ooze out of you each bounce. his body was lifeless in your arms, whimpers leaving his lips as you continued to bounce on him, over stimming him. “please mistress.. please cum around my cock. i need to feel it.” he moaned, hugging you tighter.
those words were all you needed from him before you felt yourself letting go around him, gasping and twitching his arms. he moaned at the feeling of your cum sliding down his shaft, completely coating his balls with your cum and his.
your bodies fell limp on each other, your eyes slowly closing off before his. and as tired as he was, he couldn’t let you go to sleep like this. he cleaned your pussy up, finding a nice pair of pajamas in one of the drawers. it took him about 10 minuets to get everything and every set for bed.
as he crawled in next to you, he heard the boys outside hyping him up, some making fun of the noises. and as much as he would be annoyed about it usually, he felt only happiness now that you were back in his arms, asleep from how good his dick is for you.
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radarchives · 21 days
German Obey Me is always so fun lol
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Also, this one is my personal favorite <3
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your German obey me content keeps me ALIVE. "Mit Verlaub" Lucifer lives in my head RENT FREE (also sorry to everyone else for the crimes against both languages i am about to committ)
here have a few unrelated German obey me thoughts
asmo: constantly says süße maus. everyone's a süße maus to him. did call diavolo one that one time und dann war aus die maus (regular lucifer yelling incident).
mephistopheles: calls everyone geringverdiener. unprovoked.
solomon: constantly says digga. it gets annoying real quick. also king of giving vague answers via tja and naja.
diavolo: "na das ist ja ULKIG!!" also specifically outdated 80s slang, taken from our lord and saviour "jugendlicher spaß einhuderteins"
luke: "Anzeige ist RAUS" as soon as a demon looks at him for too long
raphael: bekannt als der Anzeigehauptmeister des Celestial Realms (unter den Brüdern)
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