#I asked him if he wanted pizza when I ordered it and he acted like he was gonna kill me
memequeen92 · 2 years
babygirl are you okay? you've barely sexualized your irredeemable bastard today
I swear I'm fine I've just been chatting with a Springtrap AI chatbot for the past week it's been a blast I'm having a silly little time with it I'm alive I swear
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breannasfluff · 7 days
“Tony’s Pizza delivery!” Danny knocks on a door and stands back slightly, waiting for the answer. Silence. He knocks again. “Pizza order! For…” he checks the box, “Rob!”
There’s the thud of footsteps behind the door, but it doesn’t open. It’s like someone walked right up to it and is waiting. The house itself has blacked-out windows and piles of trash on the lawn. Something about the situation feels…off.
Danny pulls out the taser, which he usually keeps in his pocket. The other hand tightens slightly on the pizza box. He doesn’t go intangible, not yet, but his powers bubble around his core, ready at a moment’s notice.
The door swings open. There’s a gun pointed at his face. 
Acting on instinct more than thought, Danny snaps the taser forward and presses the button when it meets the man’s arm. There’s a roar of pain and the gun is dropped. 
Keeping a hold of the taser, Danny drops the pizza box on the steps. “You owe us payment next time you order thank you goodbye!”
He bolts, grabbing the bike and wheeling it next to him instead of jumping on it. Pulling on intangibility it spreads to the bike as well. As soon as he’s around the corner, Danny goes invisible. His heart is hammering against his chest and all he wants to do is curl into himself. 
Still, he keeps a hold of the bike–no good if it suddenly pops into existence–and breathes through his panic. The taser worked. Sure, he didn’t get paid, but he also didn’t get shot. If Tony’s upset, Danny will ask him to take the cost out of his wages. 
After another few minutes of breathing exercises–thank you Jazz–he’s settled enough to flicker back to visibility and bike back to the shop. 
Tony glances up at him when he enters and does a double take. “What happened, kid?”
“Didn’t get payment for the pizza. Sorry.”
The owner’s eyes narrow. “This wouldn't happen to be because someone pointed a gun at you, would it?”
Laughter is not what he expects. Tony just grins at him. “Kid, I just got a call saying the delivery boy had a taser he wasn’t afraid to use and skedaddled without payment.”
Danny winces, waiting for the beratement. 
“Rob gave you a five-star review. Said it’s the smartest move he’s seen in a while. Paid over the phone for once. You’re good, kid.”
He lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Do people often answer the door for pizza while holding a gun?”
A shoulder shrug. “Around here, it’s more common than you’d think. But if you think you’re in danger, you act to protect yourself, got it? The pizza shop will recover if someone decides to order elsewhere. Besides,” and Tony’s grin edges on feral, “they don’t get many other choices.”
Crime Alley residents, Danny decides, are a rare breed of people.
Read the rest here!
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disgustingtwitches · 1 month
141 as clients for sexworker reader!
//König and Nikto are here too//
You rarely see him, but you look forward to hearing from him. He always books multiple hours, sometimes even overnights. It's just hour after hour of pounding. Every hole you can take it. You tell him not to leave marks, but you don't really mean it. You know it. He knows it. Bitemarks and bruises are on your skin for days afterwards, he pays for you to send pictures of them healing. Thank God your regulars don't give a shit about the marks. Even if they did you wouldn't stop him from leaving them. Can't really stop him from leaving them. He asks you to wear makeup so he can fuck it off your face. You recently found out he's been stealing your fake eyelashes when they fall off, he collects them like trophies(???) Only praises you when he's felt you've earned it, which was rare. Never said I love you. Don't think he knows those words.
Ugh, perfect client. Always a gentleman and really hot. Like "why are you hiring me when you can fuck anybody?" hot. Such a pretty dick too, has a little beauty mark on his shaft you like to kiss. He books three hours every other week just to cuddle and fuck. Really big on pleasing you, so he'll request you not to wear underwear just so he can pull your pants down as soon as you walk through his door and start eating you out. Sometimes when he really wants the "girlfriend experience" he'll slide into you while your spooning and watching Netflix. Has accidently said "I love you" once while ploughing into you, his lips pressed right up to your ear. You don't bring it up.
One of the older clients. Big pussy eater. Huge. Likes to hire you to do stuff around his flat in a skirt and g-string so he can pull it to the side and eat you out while you're doing whatever he asks you to do. Watching TV? Cleaning the windows? Folding laundry? Sometimes he just straight up wants you to sit on his face, holding the skirt up so he can still see your face. When he's finally satiated, he'll get his. Sitting you on his lap and helping you bounce up and down, still in that skirt. Says I love you, but not to you. To your pussy. Literally looks at your pussy and says it.
So, so weird. Likes to act out scenes he sees in porn. Seriously. Like "help me I'm stuck in the washing machine" or "did you order a pizza with extra sausage". He'll buy outfits for the scenes; cheerleader, nurse, maid, even has a oddly realistic army uniform, right down to the boots. You get the point. One day he wanted to "try ass stuff", because he thought it "looked cool". He said I love you as soon as you stuck the tip of your strap-on in him and continues to do so every time you fuck him in the ass.
Yeah... Sorry to be basic but he's a bondage guy through and through. He likes to switch it up sometimes but he's mostly the dominating party. Not the kind to care about fancy shibari, really just hogties and knots that will keep you in your place. Taught you a few moves to take him down when he wants that. Wants you to use him for your pleasure when you're dominating, just like he uses you for his own. Doesn't say I love you. But he does teach you to say "I am yours" in German. So whenever he asks you a question in German, your line is always "Ja, Ich bin dein, Oberst."
Very clingy. He was odd off rip. You were kind of uncomfortable with him because you didn't really understand him. Then he became endearing when you finally "get" him. He's sweet. Doesn't want to be alone. He'll pay anything just to have you sit next to him. Watching TV. He sits on the floor between your legs while you sit on the couch and play with his hair. He tells you lame jokes while eating whatever you wanted that day. One day you decide to tell him a corny joke too.
"We... don't think that is very funny."
Of course, he has needs. It depends on the day, but he's always changing the dynamics. Very much a switch at heart. He'll have you bent over the table while holding your jaw to look up into his eyes. Making you say thank you everytime he strokes into you. Other days he'll want to be rode while you hold him, "handsome man," you say between every kiss, "love you so much," while he whimpers under you, "you deserve to feel good." He says I love you. A lot. You say it back. Whether it's because you want to continue getting paid or you actually care about him, you're not too sure at this point.
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parfaitblogs · 3 months
peace ❀ s. reid x reader
in which you self isolate, and spencer knows better than to let it get too bad. 
pairing: spencer reid x reader genre: hurt/comfort tags: established relationship. suicide ideation? ("i want it to end"). depression. lots of stuff that coincides with that. brief mention of reader not eating/having no food. please be aware of your triggers. i think i mention reader as a girl somewhere? word count: 1.9k a/n: i finished this then relistened to peace (taylor swift) which was the og inspo for this, and added a section in the middle so if it feels weird its because i failed at integrating it! this was supposed to be out two days ago. all my relationship insecurities in a fic. lol how embarrassing here's my heart tumblr dot com!! anyways enjoy ily all
also posted here on my ao3 !
Three consistent raps against your front door was the only sound that got you up that day, pyjamas that you had not shed from your body in a week hanging off a frame that could probably be described as lifeless — with the nearly dead-looking face to match.
In fact, the only thing to prove you were still a living human being aside from your movement, was the pink hue around your eyes, on your nose, and above your lips, indicating how much you had cried recently. 
Usually, it isn't this bad. You just need a day or two of rotting in your apartment and doing nothing but scrolling on your phone until it died, staring at the wall, or — on the better days — watching reruns of a 90s sitcom that you don't really watch. 
But it was exceptionally bad this time around, for some odd reason, and not one part of you actually wanted to get up and out of bed for long enough to be productive about your day. Your phone had died again, after charging it two days ago, which meant you were on day six of no communication with anybody. Which might partly be why it was so bad now. 
You had a blanket wrapped around your body, dragging against the floor as you wiped your eyes and let out a small sigh, unlocking your front door and opening it, completely unsurprised by the person standing on the other side. 
He was the only one who ever paid enough attention to your disappearing act when you were like this. 
His eyes softened at the sight of you — which is kind of amusing, considering you thought you looked like death reincarnate currently. 
Neither of you said anything as you stepped aside to allow him in, the door clicking shut behind him as he placed down the leather bag he had slung over his body, turning back to you as he finally allowed the frown to appear — one you knew he would've had the entire way here.
"Have you eaten today?" was the first thing to break the silence — the question coming out so gentle you were sure you'd break down again at some point in the next few seconds. 
You wordlessly shook your head, and he nodded his own, saying nothing else as he walked into your kitchen, knowing you'd trail behind him no matter what. 
He opened your fridge first, before closing it when he was greeted with the alarming sight of nothing. Doing the same with your pantry, at which he turned around to look at you.
"Angel, you have no food," he said. And while it held no malice in the tone of his voice, you could tell he was slightly annoyed at the fact. Your heart ached. 
"I know. I'm sorry," you mumbled, and his eyebrows creased inwards. 
He didn't mention your apology — arguing with you about your vast use of 'sorry's' is futile. "Do you want a pizza?" he asked instead, and even though you, mentally, did not, you knew he wasn't actually asking. So you only nodded your head, and found a place at your countertop, the blanket falling from your body and pooling to the ground in a heap.
He ordered a pizza, and then he was nudging your knees apart, standing between them while you stayed sat on a stool, his chin atop your head, that was buried into his chest. 
And he said nothing, as he held you like that until the pizza arrived. And then he ensured you had at least eaten two slices, the remainders going in your fridge for the next meal you needed to eat. 
He was so kind to you, with his every movement, as he dragged you into the bathroom to help you shower. 
It was heartbreaking, the love you could see in his eyes. The tenderness in every stroke of his fingers against your scalp as he washed your hair, the softness in his touch as he did the same to your body. He gently dried you, told you to stay there, disappeared, and returned with one of his many t-shirts left in your apartment drawers. 
That was when you cracked. When he pulled the shirt over your head, that smelled so painfully Spencer and you. The mix of his clean scent and your own laundry detergent that you were so accustomed to, triggering something in you.
So, you crumpled to the floor of your bathroom, and he followed soon after, his arms wrapped around your body once more, firm enough to keep you still as you sobbed into his chest. 
You weren't sure how long you stayed like that for. Long enough for your head to hurt, and your eyes to sting, and hideous snot bubbles to stain his cardigan. 
When your sobs subsided, he spoke. 
"You wanna talk about it?" he said, quietly, and you shook your head. 
"Don't know what to talk about," you mumbled, and he knew that all too well.
He nodded his own head. "Did something happen?"
"Lots of little things."
"Yeah? You wanna tell me about them?"
You hesitated, because you didn't know where to begin. But then you nodded your head wordlessly, swallowing the lump — and, by extension, the sob — in your throat. "I fell down on the stairs at the train station in front of everybody. And then I missed my stop, and I was late to work. And I had a huge project due, but I didn't finish it, and I forgot I hadn't finished it, and I was anxious about it all day. And I think my friends are just pretending to be my friends, because I keep trying to make plans with one of them, and she keeps blowing me off for her boyfriend. And I'm just really sick of being sad all the time, Spencer. I want it to end."
With the onslaught of your bad vignettes throughout the past month coming back up, you broke down, again. Another sob escaping your lips as you pushed your fists down into the tops of his thighs.
If it hurt, he didn't say anything; simply continued to hold you against his chest, on the floor of your bathroom, that, if it were any other time, he would be having a field day rambling about the germs you both were currently sitting on. 
He also didn't say anything for a while as you sobbed, instead his fingers entangled gently in your hair, and he peppered kisses along the top of your head. 
"I don't want it to end for you," he finally said. His hands slid down from your scalp to your face, holding your cheeks with such tender, pulling you back so he could look at you. 
You sniffled. "I'm so exhausted."
"I know, my love. I know," he sighed, thumbs caressing over your cheekbones. "Ending it won't fix that. You know, logically, however you die is the state you'll be in, in the afterlife. So if you die while you're exhausted..."
"You don't believe in the afterlife," you answer, but his words still cracked through your tearful expression, and your lips twitched with a small smile. 
He returned the small smile, nodding his head. "That's true. But I also don't know anything about post-death. I could be wrong."
"How terrible," you mutter, and he laughed, quietly. 
"I know," he mused, falling silent for a few moments longer, with only both of your quiet breathing to break the silence. 
His fingers ran through your hair once more, and you sniffled audibly, your brain wandering away from the small content you had felt in that exchange, and back to one of the many reasons why you had isolated in the first place. 
"Why are you still with me?" you said, slicing through the silence all at once. 
You watched the smile fall, and his eyebrows furrowed, and his lips part as he went — and hesitated — to say something. "What do you mean?"
"I'm difficult." Your voice is impossibly small, and it breaks a crack in his heart as his eyes soften. 
"No. You're not," he reassured. 
"Yes I am," you breathed out — and then the tears came back. "I get sad and then I stop responding and stop seeing you, and you don't get any warning even though I know you should, and I feel so awful every time but then that makes me feel worse. And I'm sad all the fucking time, Spencer. I mean, I get upset when you aren't at home and you have to deal with all those messages and calls even though you hate texting, but then you get home and I'm isolating myself because I'm sad, on top of all the other things that make me sad, and you deserve better. You deserve someone who can give you their all and—and—"
"Hey," he cut you off, as did the sob that was ripped from your throat. "No. That's not what we're going to do. Do not sit there and tell me what I do and don't deserve." 
"But you do deserve better."
"No," he sighed, resting his forehead on your own, warm breath fanning across your face that usually made you scrunch your face up and pull away, now comforting you. "Do you love me?"
"What? Yes, of course I do. Why would you even—"
"—That is the only requirement I have for you," he said, oh so simply. When you didn't reply, he pressed, "Okay?"
"Okay," you murmured, and he relaxes a little.
More silence fell between you, your tears subsiding and your shaking body relaxing a little more. 
Then, "Did you hurt yourself when you fell down?"
You nodded your head, reluctantly pulling back from him so you could show him. You pointed to a yellowing bruise just below your knee, and the grazes on the bottom halves of your palms. 
"Oh, wow. Look at these," Spencer said, running a thumb gently over the grazes on your hands. "You're braver than me. These would've taken me out."
You laughed, and you saw his face light up at the progress he was making with you, and your mood. 
He then pulled you back into his chest. More silence, but less anxiety, and you sat comfortably in his arms for a few moments longer. 
"Did I worry you?" you say. "Not responding?"
You were so close to him you could hear his breath hitch, and you prepared yourself for a lie about how he wasn't worried at all. Except; "Honestly? Yes."
He exhaled, shakily, and you were kind of glad he couldn't see your sadder expression, half-buried into his chest. 
"You've never gone that long without checking in," he then explained. "The first two days I got what was going on. By the fourth I figured you still needed space. Today I just had a gut feeling."
"Just a gut feeling?" you echoed, and you felt his head nod against your own. 
"Thought you might need someone."
You sighed. "I hate that you're a genius."
"No you don't."
"No, I don't."
His fingers entangled in your hair again. "I also didn't figure you needed me here because I'm a genius."
"No? Then how?" you asked.
"It's simple," he murmured, tugging your head back oh so gently so he could look at you again — puffy eyed, and tear-stained cheeks and all. "I just know."
"That's the most illogical sentence I've ever heard leave your mouth."
He laughed, and you smiled again.
"Come on," he then said, untangling your limbs and pulling the both of you up to your feet, hands ghosting your waist to hold you steady. "I am willing to sit through whatever awful movie you want me to watch."
your reblogs and replies are always appreciated dearly ♡
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celestie0 · 4 months
I actually kinda like the accidental pregnancy trope idk just two characters learning to coparent and then eventually falling in love is kinda cute 🥹 I’d love to see what you write for gojo I feel like he’d be scared but end being such an amazing dad
gojo x reader | accidental pregnancy trope [drabble]
little miracle. a gojo x reader story
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a/n. ok anon i basically started answering this ask very minimally but i couldn't stop myself from writing and it basically became an entire story so enjoy i guess?? LOL my bad <3 warnings/tags. domestic fluff, angst, mentions of sick parent, mentions of death, pregnancy symptoms. there is happy ending!! word count. 2.2k
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gojo and you are in your mid twenties but you're both just barely getting by, you're a new writer living in a tiny apartment in a big city and gojo is the cute waiter at your favorite diner who's just saving up some money because he wants to go back to school and you're both kindaaa crushing on each other, flirting w one another. the restaurant gojo works at ends up starting meal delivery option, and you order some pizza to your apartment just so that you can see him on a weekday and he's soooo super cheeky with it leaning in the doorframe entryway of your apartment with the pizza in his hand like "it says here someone ordered a hot guy in some super sexy black jeans, well he's here now" and you're like "you're such a fuckin idiot" and you abandon said pizza to fuck him on your facebook marketplace couch.
fast forward the next day n you wake up, but he's not there anymore. he left you a little note that says he's going away for a month since his mom is sick and he needs to be w her. you're confused by the note, and you wish he left his phone number because you realize you have no way of contacting him. but that's ok, he'll be back soon, right?
in the couple weeks following the night you both hooked up, you're feeling like shit in the mornings, nauseous, you realize you've missed your period but you shrug it off because it was never really normal anyways. but one morning you throw up, confused as hell, wondering if you got food poisoning. but as you swing your legs back and forth in your paper gown, sitting high up on your primary care doctor's examination room bed, they tell you that you're pregnant and you act like you've never even heard the word before.
there's no doubt gojo is the father, you haven't slept w anyone except him in months. and a baby was just...you can barely afford to pay your bills, you're already living paycheck to paycheck since your book isn't even out yet and you're just surviving w the advance from your old job. what the hell were you going to do? and you can't even tell him that you're pregnant, because he's god knows where, stranding you with no phone number to contact him and you feel so left behind and alone.
the first person he comes to see when he gets back into the city is you. he looks tired, probably from his travels, or possibly from what he saw back home w his mom laying sick in bed. but he's still so happy to see you, and he kisses you and tells you he missed you and you stop him to tell him that you need to talk. for him, there was life before you told him you were pregnant, and then there was life after. and now he was living in the after. standing still in the tiny living room of your apartment when you tell him he's the father, and the words that leave your mouth afterwards are drowned out in his head because he can only focus on that one thought at once.
father. he's going to be a father? whatever heaviness he finds in his chest from the word is replaced with adoration when he looks at you.
keeping it, was what you had told him next.
it was tough at first, because of the morning sickness and the hormones and the yelling at him for not bringing you the kfc you craved so badly a minute before he did, and then the crying that follows suit when you realize you're being mean to him. but he does everything you want, everything he knows how, because he doesn't know how to be a dad, and he figures the least he can do right now is know what to do for you. and the thought scares him, to death every day. as he's driving you to your doctor's appointments, he's praying under his breath that you and baby are ok and healthy. while he's waiting tables at work, he puts on his best smile for an extra tip because it's extra money for the baby, because she isn't even here yet and he already wants to give her everything she's ever wanted.
yes, she. a baby girl. you were having a baby girl. you cried when your ob/gyn slipped and told you the gender, because you asked for it to be kept secret, but what hurt even more was that you told gojo he didn't need to come to this appointment. just a routine little check up, not a big deal. i'll just have my friend drop me off, you said. little did you know it was the one where you would find out you two were having a little girl.
oh, gojo knows nothing about girls. would it be different from raising a boy? can he play wrestle w her when she's a little older, or would he have to be gentle with her? would he learn how to make flower crowns for her with daisies from the field just to see a smile on her tiny face? how will he ever be able to deny her anything, especially if she looks just like you?
the second trimester, you two felt like a young married couple, and for once it felt like things were bright. like you two knew what you were doing. like it wasn't a mistake, but a blessing. you wanted him, desired him, and he'd never desired anything more than he desired you. it took you a while to come around to having sex again, it felt wrong, because that was what got you two into this mess in the first place. but those feelings melted away when you two moved into his little ranch together on the outskirts of town and you knew what it felt like to be hugged by him in the mornings, his sleepy voice drawling in your ear about how much more beautiful you look with every passing day. in those moments, all the regret melts away.
it all comes crashing down in third trimester. you're angry, he's tired, you're sad, he swears he's trying his best but he just can't seem to understand what you need from him. you say you wished this never happened, he says he didn't ask for any of this, and you're sobbing on the kitchen floor with your head in your hands because it all just feels like some cruel twisted joke. like a dream you should be waking up from any second from now. he sits down on the cold tile beside you, solemn in the face. he already looks so much older than the bright eyed boy he used to be, twirling a pizza box around on his finger in the doorframe of your apartment. his cheeks have sunk in, and you realize we all die someday. his hand reaches out to hold yours, and he kisses the back of it, and he says he'll never leave. not like how he left all those months ago, with nothing but a note. no matter what it comes to, one thing he can always promise you, is that he'll never leave like that ever again.
when your baby girl was born, nothing else mattered. it's like all the turmoil you faced in the past eight months was not even worth paying a moment's care towards when you cradle her in your arms. gojo had been fighting back tears the entire time, mostly provoked by how difficult childbirth had been for you as he watched feeling helpless, but the moment he held his little girl in his arms, he couldn't fight back the tears anymore. and he cried, and he cried, and he cried. few fathers could treasure their daughters as much as gojo did, and he knows it's a promise every parent makes to their child, but he vowed he'll never let anything hurt her. never let anyone upset her. for as long as he lives, he'll keep all the cruelty away from her, and keep her safe forever. you both named her yuki, for snow drifting outside of the hospital window when she opens her eyes for the first time.
you two make the tough decision that it's best for gojo to go back to school like he originally planned while you take care of the baby at home. it's hard having him away, and it's torture for him too, since he seems to breathe and live just to make yuki giggle and smile. but it's what made fiscal sense, since you knew what it was like to grow up in a household with little money to feed or fend, and the two of you wanted more than that for your daughter.
gojo's mother succumbed to the very illness that had been haunting her since he visited her for a month over a year ago, and he cried to sleep when he realized she only got to hold her granddaughter once before she passed away. and for the first time in his life, gojo learned what it really meant to be a parent, and it was only found in losing his own. there was no time to grieve in the capacity that he wanted to, because he needed to be there for you and his little girl. a year ago, he would've been broken, beaten, and bruised, but now he bleeds only in his dreams, then buries and braves the seasons for the sake of you two. as he slips his shoes off at the front door after a long day, then walks into the dark of the house, turning the corner into your shared room, he sees you humming peacefully while rocking his daughter to sleep. and he realizes his entire world is sitting in that chair.
gojo graduates from his two year engineering program, and lands a job in the city. the same city you left to go live with him when you were pregnant. it was tough to come back to the same city you fled, because all you remember of it now is morning sickness and fear of your career and falling in love with a boy that had a boyish charming smile you knew would ruin you one day. and now he's taken you back, moving the little family you've made together into a house. a house! he bought you a house. it was a little one, with no more than two bedrooms, but there was enough room in your hearts to raise your daughter with love, and that was all she'd ever need. she can walk now, mumble words. she said dada first, and gojo never stops teasing you about it. and when she finally says mama, you felt like your whole heart would burst.
he proposes to you on the waterline of the city's park, at the top of golden hour while the wind is subtle and tame but still ruffles the fabric of your dress. waiter boy, on one knee in front of you, years of waiting tables but he cannot even bare to wait one more second to hear your answer to the most important question he'll ever ask anyone in his entire life.
and you say yes. and he promises he'll love you for the rest of his life.
the wedding is small, because you two decided not to invite all of the family that had become estranged ever since you told them that you were pregnant with a man's child who you weren't even so much as dating. his family became yours after that, with his aunts and uncles congratulating you and yuki's cousins playing with her before she was to skip down the aisle as flower girl. it was sad to see your side of the church so empty, but you could never truly feel empty in this world anymore. not with what all that you've gained in the process.
there is fear in love, and in life. there was fear in gojo's heart when he learned he was going to be a father when he barely even knew right from wrong. there was fear in learning you were going to be a mother when you knew you cannot protect your child from the same hurt that has haunted you for a lifetime. but there was joy too. joy in seeing your baby bump for the first time, joy in holding your daughter in your arms for the first time, joy in seeing a sparkling stone in a tiny box presented to you on a sunday by the boy who still made your heart skip a beat just by looking at him, and there was so much joy in marrying him too.
but you find the real joy comes in the moments that you expect nothing from at all, but they happily surprise you with the feeling nonetheless. like now, as you sit on a picnic blanket at the park and you watch your husband running across fluttering grass in the wind, chasing after your daughter whose giggles and shrieks fill the summer air. he catches her, throwing her up into the air before spinning her around in his arms, and you tuck your hair behind your ear as you watch it happen. you expected nothing from anything life had given you in the past four years, and yet it gave you all the joy in the world. where you could've expected sorrow and sadness, it gave you something beautiful instead. you never would've thought that the boy you locked eyes with through a shy flutter of your lashes underneath warm restaurant lighting, the one that winked at you with no shame despite you being surrounded by all of your friends, you never could've imagined he'd be who he is to you today. but for certain, now, you believe in it. you believe in little miracles.
[the end]
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a/n. what the flying fuck. i'm gonna go cry now lmfao.
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talaok · 9 months
Movie night
Summary: Peter's coming over for your weekly movie night, and you’ve decided you wanna confess your feelings for him, but as it turns out, he has similar plans
Warnings: Smut| unprotected p in v sex, praising, soft!Dom Peter
a/n: thanks to this request I might go back into my Peter Parker era honestly. Also, @wtvbabes (this is not the person that made the request)
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It was time for the weekly movie night with Peter, 
You had been doing it for so long that you didn't even remember how or when it started, it was now simply a part of your routine.
Every Friday night, at 6 o'clock you went to whatever house was free, ordered pizza, and watched a movie each of you had chosen.
It was routine, so you shouldn't have been nervous... except that this time, this time wasn't gonna be like the other times, this time you had made a promise to yourself that you were finally gonna come clean, that you were finally gonna confess your feelings.
You had been keeping it a secret for way too long, and you were tired... god, were you tired, it was exhausting pretending like you didn't want more, like you didn't wanna kiss him and hold his hand every time you were together, and perhaps it was the holiday spirit surrounding you, or perhaps it was the fact that Gemma, your other best friend, had given you a 30-minute talk about how you should just "stop being a little bitch and tell him already" after you had started your usual ramble about how perfect and great Peter was,
But you had made peace with yourself, if this was gonna ruin your entire friendship, if you were gonna lose him forever, then so be it, because at the end of the day, if you couldn't have him like you really wanted to, then there was no point in having him at all.
And just then, when you were repeating your script to the mirror for the thousandth time, the words coming out of your mouth not even making sense anymore, he knocked at the door.
For some reason, a gasp fled your throat, but after the familiar "hey, it's me" from the other side of the door all you could do was take a deep breath and fix your dress.
It's all gonna be ok, it's all gonna be ok
"hi" you smiled, opening the door
Your anxiety must have been all over your face because the way he frowned at you told you everything you needed to know.
"hi" he said, coming into the house as he inspected your face "is something wrong?" he asked "Please don't tell me your sister changed the password to her Netflix again"
You forced a smile to your lips "no, no everything is fine- let's just... sit down"
"ok..." he frowned, following you as you sat on the couch "did something happen, or-"
"no" you shut him down "I-I just wanted" You shook your head as you regretted your choice of words "no actually, I need to- uhm- to tell you something"
You watched his eyes widen slightly, but out of all the things he could have said, he chose the only one that made you even fucking more anxious.
"Really?" he smiled "That's funny 'cause I do too"
You swore you felt your heart stop beating.
What could he ever need to tell you?
Your voice didn't even sound like your own, it was just fear and stress finding a way to come out of your body.
"yeah" he nodded, watching you closely "so... you wanna go first or..."
"no, no, you go first" you spit out, making him chuckle
He still didn't get why you were acting so weird, but to be perfectly transparent, he was kind of freaking out internally himself, so he didn't really have the brain capacity to investigate further.
"Alright" he laughed "I'll go first"
His eyes focused behind you for a moment as he prepared for whatever was coming, and just then, did you notice that perhaps you weren't the only nervous one.
What is it?
Did something happen
Oh god, did he find a girlfriend?
Your heart was beating out of your chest and then just like that, he came out and said: "Y/n I like you" with a hopeful smile on his face, while yours completely stilled.
Actually not just your face, you as a whole went completely still, frozen at the words that had just come out of his mouth
Did I just imagine that?
Am I dreaming or something?
What the actual fuck is going on?
That was supposed to be my lin-
"y/n are you there?"
He was talking to you, you realized.
"w-w-what?" your eyes were wide open in shock 
"I know" he smiled, scratching the back of his neck, "I know it's out of the blue, and I really really hope this won't ruin anything, but... I've been feeling like this for a long time about you, and I just- I needed to tell you"
And then you could do nothing, absolutely nothing but throw your arms around him, hugging him so tight he probably couldn't breathe.
"y/n?" he murmured, hugging you back, but before he could say anything else you leaned away, still holding onto him as if he were a life jacket, and smiled like an idiot.
"I like you too Peter-" you grinned "I really really like you"
The smile on his face now matched yours, as his eyes sparked with joy
"you do?"
"of course I do!" you almost yelled from the excitement "that's-that's what I wanted to tell you! I can't believe this"
You looked into each other's eyes, both incredulous and unbelievably happy altogether, 
you were so close, but an inch between your faces, that what happened next was inevitable.
His lips were on yours, 
his lips were on yours and they felt every bit as good as you had spent hours and hours imagining.
And then for a moment, you both leaned away, looking at each other as soft silly laughs fled your throats.
"i can't believe this is real" he breathed, melting your heart right into a puddle
"I can't either"
And then his lips were back on yours, but this time... this time he was hungrier.
His tongue was exploring your mouth, and his hands were one holding your face, while the other started roaming your body, pulling soft whimpers from you as your arms remained locked behind his neck, your left hand gently playing with his hair,
And then in no time, without a clue of how or when, you were lying on the couch, and he was on top of you, his legs parting your thighs.
And you didn't need to know when it had happened, because all you knew was that you liked it, god you really fucking liked it.
His whole broad and strong body was engulfing yours, his scent was all around you, his hands were everywhere, and his mouth... his mouth was simply heavenly.
As embarrassing as it was, you couldn't control your body as you started grinding down onto his leg to try and relieve some of the need pooling between your legs.
"please" you pleaded, whimpering softly into the kiss.
"I like it when you beg, sweetheart"
And if you wanted him before, you now needed him
His lips moved to your neck, starting a slow trail from just below your ear, down until he found your shirt as an obstacle.
You didn't need to be told twice and helped him take it off of you in a second.
Your bra wasn't far behind.
"god, you're so beautiful" he praised, making you blush 
he bent down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking on it while his other hand played with the other one, making you lose your goddamn mind as you shut your eyes in ecstasy.
"oh my god" you moaned, one of your hands going to his hair as he switched up the breast he was taking care of.
Your panties were completely drenched
He continued his work as his hands traveled underneath your skirt, caressing your thighs in a way that was turning you into a putty mess in his hands.
His fingers gripped the edge of the fabric, and with the help of you raising your hips, only the sheer fabric of your panties divided him from where you begged for his attention
"Peter" you called, stopping him as he had seated himself in between your legs
"yes, sweetheart?"
"I-I've only ever done this once"
His features softened and one of his hands traveled to your face to cup your cheek as he left a soft kiss on your lips
"don't worry, I'll go slow," he promised "I'll take care of everything, you just relax, ok?"
"ok" You nodded softly "I trust you"
He smiled at that, kissing you again "Thank you"
And no more than a few seconds after that, you were completely bare before him.
"you're perfect sweetheart" he murmured "fucking perfect"
He left a kiss on your pussy, making you moan, before his lips were on you again, and you were more desperate than you had ever been.
Your hands gripped the fabric of his shirt, frantically trying to get it off of him.
"Peter please take this off"
He didn't need to be told twice.
His shirt was on the floor with the rest of your clothes in no time, and then came his pants.
He went back to kissing you, the kiss now a heated mess between your moans and his hunger.
"baby please" you whined, your hand going to his boxers 
"what do you want sweetheart?"
"you, please, all of you"
Your voice was so thin and so breathy it was almost incomprehensible
"what about me?" he asked, his mouth next to your ear "You want my cock sweetheart, is that what you want?"
"yes" you moaned, as his hand played with your clit "I'm begging you, please, I need you inside of me"
He freed his cock from the confines of his briefs, as he kept kissing your neck
"you're gonna be good?" he asked, his tip now collecting all your juices and making you squirm uncontrollably "you're gonna be good and take all of it?"
"yes" you breathed "yesplease, yes-"
And without so much as a warning, he had started to push into you
"told you I like hearing you beg"
You moaned so loud you surprised even yourself, and then he retracted his hips and pushed another inch of himself in you, and you were just about ready to die.
"O-oh my god, P-peter" you moaned
He made the same motion again, and you couldn't help but look down at where your bodies were meeting, and that's when you noticed,
"fuck you're so big" you breathed, watching as he thrust only half of his dick inside of you
"it's ok" he purred, kissing your neck sloppily "Just be a good girl and take it" he ordered, pushing in again "Take it all inside this tight little pussy"
A high-peached moan fled your mouth again, as your pussy stretched around him,
"just like that," he said, his hot breath fanning over your skin "That's a good girl"
He was now fully inside you, by some miracle, he had made himself fit, and he felt absolutely perfect.
"fuck you feel so good" he groaned, picking up his pace "so tight" he grunted, feeling your walls squeeze him better than anything ever before "like you were made for me" his thrusts somehow felt deeper now, resulting in even more moans and cries coming out of your mouth
"O-oh god" you whimpered, feeling him hit and hit and hit again that perfect spot inside of you.
"You're taking me so well sweetheart"
The couch was now shaking with each of his movements, while your brain had stopped working and all you could do was cry out as he brought heaven to you.
"look at you" he murmured, kissing your mouth "So beautiful" he praised "so fucking pretty" he groaned, as your walls tightened around him "squeezing me so good" 
His thrusts were so fucking deep you could feel them in your belly, and your orgasm was inevitably approaching
"such a good girl"
A louder moan left your throat at that, and he definitely noticed
"you like it when I call you that?" he asked, smirking devilishly "You like hearing that you're my good girl?"
Again, another cry, followed by a frantic nod now.
Your ability to talk had been lost a while ago.
"It's just what you are" he purred in your ear now "You're my good girl y/n, only mine"
And that, that sent you definitively over the edge.
A series of cries and moans resembling his name came out of your mouth as the best orgasm of your life took over your body completely.
He waited for you to come down from your high before he pulled out of you, spilling his seed all over your belly not a second later.
"fuck" he muttered, his head falling to the crook of your neck
You stayed there for a moment, waiting for your heartbeats and breathing to calm down,
And only then, only after you spent five minutes in the most comfortable silence, did he lean away to look at you.
"I love you, Peter"
You couldn't stop yourself from saying it, it was just the truth
And not a beat had passed, that he had already answered
"I love you, y/n"
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gurugirl · 15 days
BRUTAL | step!dad!h
NOTE: Just a reminder that while this is step!dad x step!daughter - Harry has never been a father figure to Y/n in this story. They met when she was already in her 20s and Harry is closer in age to Y/n than he is to her mother. Their relationship is clearly inappropriate but he never knew her as a minor or a child and I would never write that kind of stepdad fic (anyone who's been a fan of this trope since the beginning knows this). < for all the haters who accused me of that not long ago
Summary: You come home for the weekend and Harry just wants you to tell the truth. Based on this ask!
A/n: It's been almost a year since I've given y'all anything for stepdad!H. ENJOY!
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: cheating, smut, lying, inappropriate relationship, spanking
step!dad!harry masterlist
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“Stop,” Harry warned.
You did it again. Reached your socked foot out to his lap and nudged against his crotch. Your mom was just in the other room talking to you about what she should make for dinner since you were planning on staying for the weekend.
“What if we just order pizza?” You answered as you grinned at your stepdad, pressing down at the lump that he was trying to keep at bay.
Your mom walked into the living room just as you quickly pulled your foot away from Harry. You’d both been sitting on opposite sides of the couch and the moment she stepped out of the living room to get ready for her scheduled surgery you started fucking with him.
“Okay. I’ll pick up a couple of pizzas on the way back. There’s this new pizza spot not far from here that I’ve been wanting to try.”
Harry sat up and placed his elbows on his knees to hide the way he was already thickening in his pants, “Sounds good, love.”
She bent down to kiss him and then looked at you, patting your knee, “Glad you’re here for the weekend. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
You smirked to yourself as you turned your attention to the TV and Harry sat quietly in his spot as your mom walked out. You knew you were in for it.
For one, you hadn’t seen Harry in weeks. You’d been too busy and you were enjoying college life. You still texted him frequently but he was jealous because you’d often be out with friends and that included guys. He’d see your Instagram posts where you were dancing with other boys or wearing very little and he’d text you asking who you were with and it’d just make you feel all smug and satisfied to know he was suffering like he was.
For another thing, the moment you walked into the door that morning you’d been nothing but bratty with him. A right pain. But that was because you needed something punishing and rough from him. Something that would stick between your teeth and that you’d feel for a few days after you left.
Well, you just needed Harry to fuck your brains out. You’d tried fucking around with other guys but they didn’t do it for you. No one did it the way Harry did.
And the moment your mom’s car was out of the driveway and down the street you felt his hand gripping your arm and pulling at you, “You know better than to act this way with me.” He pulled your stretchy shorts down, taking your panties with them and tossing them across the room before he had you stuffed, face down on the couch with your bare bottom up in the air.
The first swat to your ass was welcome. It was like a shot of pain relief to your insides. The next one stung but you moaned with a grin on your face. The third and fourth made you wiggle your bottom at him and sigh loudly, “Yes, Daddy…”
And that made him pause, “You know what? I’m too nice to you, aren’t I? Giving you exactly what you wanted. But you’re nothing but a childish brat,” the palm that landed on your ass that time had you hissing in pain. He did it again, harder and you felt like your skin was starting to welt.
He held your wrists together behind your back as he landed blow after blow to your backside, making you howl and attempt to move away from him but you had nowhere to go. Tears and slobber were wetting your face and the couch cushion.
It hurt. It fucking smarted. Every strike was worse than before and you knew you’d started it all but damn was he making you wish you’d just been nice.
There was also the fact that you sent Harry a photo of yourself making out with a college guy as you sat in his lap half-naked. You and Harry had been arguing and he told you he didn’t want you anymore anyway and you were hurt by that so you found yourself someone who did want you. You knew Harry was pissed about that too.
“So did you fuck him?” He growled as he finally let up with the spankings.
“Yes. Big cock too,” you lied. You didn’t have sex with him, but he did finger you and it was awful and the moment he pulled his pants down so you could blow him you realized what a mistake it was. His prick was barely half the size of Harry’s.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you so wet from me just beating your ass like this, hmm?” His palm ran over the achy raised skin on your bum and then down to your pussy where you were drenched, “Feel like if you were being fucked properly you wouldn’t be so desperate right now. Bet you’re lying to me.”
You grunted into the couch, your words muffled, “I’m not lying. He’s so good in bed. Miss him.”
Harry laughed, “No you don’t. You missed Daddy. That’s why you got all excited the moment my hands got on you… Yes, Daddy…” he mocked your voice as he repeated your words before landing another solid thud against your bum cheek. You jolted forward and cried out.
“Just tell me the truth and I’ll give you what you want. Something you can’t get from anyone else.”
“He fucked me with his big cock, bigger than yours, and he made me come so much. I let him have me anally last night.”
Harry’s thumb slid over your ass, “If he did then he has a pencil dick. Either that or you’re still lying to me. All you have to do is fess up. Be a good girl for Daddy and tell the truth. Have you really had sex with him?”
You gulped as you felt his thumb tease around your tight hole. Rearing back to urge him to push it in he pushed you back into place, “I’ll stick my thumb inside and fuck your pretty cunt if you tell me the truth.”
Moaning at just the thought of it you turned your head, “He only fingered me. But I hated it. I promise that’s the truth. Now please, Daddy…”
Harry was still and stiff suddenly. It was like the atmosphere in the room had grown thick and heavy as he pulled away from you completely, your hands falling away when he released your wrists. You turned to look at him.
“Harry… I only did it because I’m trying to move on. You get to–”
“I really don’t want to talk about it. Get your top off.”
You stood from the couch and pressed your lips flat, pulling your t-shirt off over your head before stepping in front of Harry completely naked for him to do with as he pleased.
His eyes were dark, brutal, as he slowly removed his belt and then tugged at his button and zipper.
“On your knees on the couch, turned away, face down. I don’t want to look at you right now.”
You did as he said. You knew he was extra pissed off. That you let someone else touch you. Placing your knees on the couch cushion you bent forward and placed your face back into the cushions, “Daddy, I’m sorry. I only want you. He wasn’t even goo–”
You yelped at another smack to your very tender ass and felt his hand pressing down at the back of your neck, “Shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear about him.”
He stood behind you and you felt his hands on your hips after letting go of the back of your neck before he rewarded you with his big cock, impaling himself until he was buried in balls deep. You were already sodden from the way he’d spanked you and the way he spoke to you. You’d needed it. You’d need him.
And when he began jackhammering into you, hips thudding against your ass, hands gripping meat of your hips to pull you against him every time he thrust forward, the sticky heat that formed around his cock from your dripping hole… it was relief.
You knew you were fucked in the head for everything. For what you liked and for doing what you were.
He was pounding into you like he was in a hurry and it was all you could do to hold yourself steady as he bullied his fat cock inside. He hissed as he watched the way he stretched you open, “Always gonna need Daddy, aren’t you?”
You gurgled as drool pooled onto the cushion under your mouth, “Yes!”
Just like what you wanted, it was punishing and unkind. You gasped as you held onto the material that covered the cushions. Involuntary grunts were falling from your chest as Harry punched into you.
“Try to make me jealous by sending photos of little twerps you’re seeing but we both know they can’t give it to you like this. Because you’re dirty, filthy… you like your pussy getting railed deep and hard with a nice big dick just like this…” He was panting his words, gritting his teeth. He was on the edge already. He’d missed your tight your pussy. And you too, but he wouldn’t admit it right then.
Letting go of one side of your hip he slowed his plunges and you felt his thumb drag through the spot against your pussy where he was pushing into you. He wiped your arousal all over his thumb and smeared it around your anus before awarding you with a nice little stretch as he pushed his digit inside and began it thrusting, “Need your ass and your pussy stuffed, need to be spanked… you need a lot of things don’t you, baby?”
His cock was dragging into your guts and against your front wall just right, making your walls flutter. And when Harry felt you squeezing he couldn’t help but to take his fingers over your clit and press circles where you needed it. As mean as he might be, he still wanted you to come. That was partly due to his ego and needing to be the best. At least if you did sleep with someone else one day, Harry could tell himself he always made you feel good when he fucked you.
You were grinding back against him, muffled moans coming from you as slick dripped down your thigh. Every plunge of his cock through your wet pussy was gushing, sloshing and Harry was clenching his jaw. What he was watching was filthy and hotter than anything he’d ever seen. Your ass was all marked up, your swollen pussy was gulping him in, and your ass was pulsing around his thumb.
“Coming already?” Harry inhaled deeply, almost in a whimper when he felt you begin to shake and your pussy began to milk him. “Fuck… So desperate to have someone take care of you. Can’t get what you need from any of those losers… mmm shit baby… always coming back to me for more.”
It was true. You hadn’t had sex with any of the guys you tried dating because they didn’t do it for you. You tried but they weren’t Harry. They didn’t handle you the way he did. They didn’t know your body the way he did and they never would because you didn’t want them anyway.
Harry groaned and cursed as he drove into you deeply and you could feel him throbbing as he pumped his come into your tummy. Illicit and hot… you both got each other off like no one else ever could.
When he pulled himself out he cooed, his thumb gently tracing around your ass, “That’s my favorite. Watching my come drip from your pussy after I just destroyed it. Still shaking too,” he gripped the back of your thighs, “Can you sit up?”
You mumbled affirmatively and pushed yourself up slowly, Harry steadying you with his hands. He helped you off the couch and you noted he’d already tucked himself back into his pants, while you were stark naked still.
“You okay?”
You nodded, a soft smile playing on your lips, “So good. That’s just what I needed.”
Harry smiled and splayed his big hand around the front of your neck and drew you in for a kiss that had you melting.
One day it’d come back to bite you, you were sure, all that sneaking around. But in that moment it was a secret you and Harry would keep holding onto to enjoy for as long as possible.
. .
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luvjunie · 10 months
miles “i got it” morales earth 42 miles 591 words
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Between the both of you, Miles is always the first to stand up when the bell rings at the end of class. With all the textbooks you bring to school, he knows your backpack is just one mechanical pencil away from hitting a ton and for that reason he never lets you carry it yourself. In fact, he makes it his mission to pick it up before you do. With his own backpack on one shoulder, he’ll watch for the exact moment you’re done tucking your supplies away just to interrupt you as you’re mid-reach so he can scoop it up into his free hand by the top handle.
“I got it.”
Miles always pays for you guys’ dates. You knew this wasn’t abnormal when it came to relationships, seeing as he’s the guy, you’re the girl, and that’s just the ‘societal norm’ or whatever. It’s how your dad told you a male should treat the girl he’s with, and based off how Miles acts, you assumed his own father had given him the same speech as well before he passed. But even when you two take a stroll to the corner store to pick up some cheap snacks for a study session—the total coming out to as little as $4.37 for some sunchips and sour gummy worms—he still won’t let you pay.
He’s already getting his wallet out before the cashier can read the total off. And when you try and protest, he’s all—
“I got it.”
When your laces have come undone and you hadn’t noticed.
“Ma, your shoe’s untied.”
You’ll stop in your tracks and look down at your loosened laces, prepared to hand your phone off to him so you can bend down to tie them, and like always—
“I got it.”
When the pizza you ordered an hour ago finally shows up at the door and you get the ‘arrived’ notification on your phone—which he’s already seen because he’s always looking over your shoulder as you scroll your time away on tiktok, watching them with you as an excuse to be all up on you—you can bet your life on what his response will be.
“I got it.”
You knew he only wanted to be a gentleman, but at this point, you were convinced ‘I got it’ was his middle name instead of Gonzalo.
For a while now, Miles has felt like he has to take responsibility and do everything even when something isn’t asked of him, and you wanted him to know that same sentiment didn’t have to apply to the two of you. So you started trying to beat him at his own game.
Brushing past him and rushing down the concrete steps of his apartment building to make it to the passenger side door and open it for yourself before he can.
Keeping your backpack on the opposite side of your desk so you can have the chance to pick it up before him, even if it earns you a subtle glare each time. And while some days it really is too heavy for you to carry—heavy enough to make you question exactly what point you’re trying to prove here—you remain determined.
Having cash ready and smacking it down on the peeling countertop of the bodega before your snacks have even been rung up, and regardless of how insane you look and how the clerk squeezes his face at you to confirm that, the triumphant grin you give Miles (who’s struggling to contain a smile of his own) doesn’t falter.
“I got it.”
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silent-stories · 4 months
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Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: Waking up with JJ. (jj's version of this)
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When you woke up you were curled up next to JJ, as if you had unconsciously tried to be as close to him as possible during your sleep.
For a moment you wondered why you weren't at your house, then you remembered that the night before you fell asleep on JJ's bed: when his father wasn't home, you were spending a lot of time at his place, lately.
You noticed that the first lights of the day were filtering through the window, illuminating his bedroom with different shades of red and orange, so it must have been early morning.
You felt the boy next to you, starting to move when you tried to get out of the bed.
"What's happening?" He asked with a husky and sleepy voice, raising his head slightly and rubbing one eye with his hand.
His hair was unkempt and his blonde locks went in all directions.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked again.
"Because you're cute." You said. "But I gotta go. My mom must be wondering where I am. I didn't tell her I wasn't coming home yesterday."
You were about to get up and get out of bed but he wrapped his arm around your waist and you fell back on the mattress.
"J, c'mon." You laughed.
"Nah, you're not going anywhere." He said as he pushed you against his body and your legs got entangled.
Instinctively, you rested your head on his chest, even though you knew you should have gotten out of bed. He slowly ran his warm hand up and down your back.
"J." You said again.
"Stay, it's too early." He muttered as he left a kiss in your hair. "Please."
That "please" almost convinced you, he soundend just like a little kid.
"I'm so sorry Jay, but my mom needs to know that I'm still alive. I have to go." You said as his arm still held you against his body.
"What about me?" He answered moving a lock of hair that had fallen on your face and placing it behind your ear. "I need you too."
JJ's morning version was absolutely one of your favorites.
"John Jay Maybank," you muttered as you left a short but tender kiss on his lips, "If you keep acting like that, I'll never leave this room."
"Well, that was the idea."
You sighed, enjoying the feeling of Jj's arms around your waist for a few seconds, listening to his heartbeat.
"I really should go." You murmured.
"Or you can call your mom and tell her you're spending all Sunday in bed with your really, really amazing boyfriend." He replied, his hand still running up and down your back. "Specify only cuddling. Or I'm gonna end up dead."
"J..." You tried to convince him, even though the exact opposite was happening.
"Don't go," he whispered "please."
"I-" You tried to say, but he continued.
"I'll give you one of my t-shirts because they look way better on you than on me and then we can order a pizza, smoke a joint or do whatever you want. Later we can go to the sea for a walk, if you like."
It sounded nice, you had to admit it.
"What do you think about it, mh?" He asked, you could hear the hope in his voice.
You knew you should go, that your mom was probably worried and you also had to do your physics homework by Monday. But you just couldn't say no to JJ.
"I think I'll stay." You muttered as a smile formed on JJ's lips and he left a kiss on your forehead.
"Good." He said simply as a satisfied smirk appeared on his lips.
You wrapped your arms around his torso.
"Good." You whispered back, placing your head better on his chest that you were still using as a pillow.
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risuola · 1 year
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So... it happened, you and your frenemy of ten years fucked and now, you have to deal with his shenanigans, idiotic pet-names and so. much. touching. The man took teasing you straight to his heart.
cw: smut, little to no plot, unprotected sex, Satoru being his usual teasing self, reader discretion is advised — 1,6k words
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"Fuck you, Gojo."
"Oh my, your mouth is so filthy," the man laughed quietly, squeezing your hip and pressing his hard, muscular body against your back under the guise of reaching for a can of soda that he could have easily grabbed without gluing his dick to your ass. His lips brushed against your ear as he added, "should I punish you for that?"
" Get lost," you snapped, pushing him away with your hips and he chuckled.
"I think I should," his grin widened. "You've been acting like such a brat lately. I wonder why would that be?"
God, how you hated him and his stupid smile. Ten years of knowing each other and still all you could think of when he opened his mouth was to break his damn nose. You thought he couldn't possibly get any more annoying than he already was, but he proved you wrong every time. It's been four months since the two of you had sex for the first time, and somehow that triggered another level of madness that you had to deal with while working with him. Endless supply of idiotic pet names, never-ending sexual innuendos, and so much touching now created the new veil around the usual bickering that has been going on for a decade.
"It's not me acting like a brat. It's you straight-up being an idiot," you scoffed, glancing around the crowded gymnasium at Jujutsu school. It was a special night; students and some teachers from Kyoto were visiting Tokyo, and the only reasonable thing to do was to throw a party to create bonds between the youths and just relax a little without the need for training and fighting. There was a little bit of that, as some of the students just communicate through their fists, but other than that it was almost an ordinary high school party, with dozens of ordered pizzas and fried chicken, snacks and sweets, plastic cups filled with various non-alcoholic drinks, and music blaring through the speakers. There was also a corner where teachers could sit and enjoy some chitchat, but most of the adults were responsible for keeping an eye on things. You were one of those supervisors, and so was Gojo, but of course, the idiot takes everything so lightly.
"So mean," Satoru chuckled again and took a sip of the melon soda straight from the can. "You know, there are other ways to get into my pants than acting up. You could just ask."
There he goes.
"Not everything is about you and your dick," you were that close to growling at him, but forced your composure back in line and your voice down. You wouldn’t want anyone to know about your little affair with him, or whatever the fuck that was. Yea, you fucked him... few times after the first one on his desk, but in your book few quickies wasn't enough to call it a romance. If anything, you felt like you were the teenager in this school, hiding in the various corners only to have some tension off, but damn, Satoru was good at releasing it. There was this thing where he bragged he was good at everything he did and you figured that sex was clearly one of those things.
"No, but since that thought is already in that pretty head of yours, shall we sneak out of here?" he purred, way too close to your ear and his large hand smoothed over the curve of your hip. You took a grip of his wrist, squeezing it with enough force to make him hum with a slight surprise that quickly switched back to his signature grin once you pulled him out of the hall and into the teacher's dormitory. Your door was first, and you unlocked it swiftly with a key, pulling him inside.
"Oh, so we're meeting at your place now?" he teased, but you shoved him against the nearest wall with no delicacy whatsoever.
"Shut up," you muttered, already working on the buttons of his light blue shirt.
"Eager, aren't we?" a chuckle rumbled inside his chest, but his hand betrayed that he wasn't so chill either, with how quickly he began to undress you.
And then, there you were again. Underneath him, in your own bed, leaving scratch marks across his back and shoulders as he's slammed his hips into yours, kissing every sweet and sensitive spot inside of you, burying his cock deep into the velvety heaven time after time. His mouth never parted from your skin, smearing hungry, wet kisses all over it, and you let your hand tangle in his hair as he sucked a spot onto your neck. A low, breathy moan escaped your throat as his movements became sharper, harder, driving you absolutely crazy with every push and pull of his hips.
"You're not gonna cry this time, are you?" he teased; his teeth nipping at the shell of your ear, but you couldn't care less about his taunting when he rolled his hips with such delicious finesse, reaching so deep inside you that your vision was filled with stars.
“Oh, shut up, Gojo,” you mumbled. Heat filled your entire system, every touch of his hands stinging with pleasure and lust, and the temperature rose rapidly as Satoru shattered his own composure.
The intimacy of your apartment unleashed even more wildness in him, he was less cautious about the surroundings, much more playful. All his attention was buried in you, he was vocal, moaning low and purring against your skin and lips. He gave into the surge of ecstasy that pulsed through his veins and the rhythm he set made him lose his mind as your pussy swallowed him whole. So lost in bliss, he didn't care about the bruises his grip on your hip will leave and the marks he sucked into your flesh. The subtle pain it caused only made your head reeling even more into the heated state of euphoria.
Satoru's hand fell between your bodies, quickly finding your clit and massaging circles into it, forcing a moan of his name from your throat. The sound was music to his ears, he wanted it on repeat. Your whole body tensed, pleasure began overtaking you and your orgasm was threatening to explode. You squeezed his bicep, clawing at the hard muscle and your breath stuttered. Gojo knew you were close, with the way your pussy throbbed around him, it was a clear cue and he picked up the pace, determined to bring you over the edge. Your trembling thighs and the desperate hold you had on his shoulders only added fuel to his fire and when your warmth exploded on his cock, leaving creamy white around the base as he pumped you through your orgasm, he felt himself close as well. His name slipped off your tongue like a prayer, whispered so beautifully.
"Look at you, such a good girl," he praised, licking your throat and chasing his own release with ferocity. The searing kisses he planted all over your chest and neck became sloppy and wet, and you felt the curve of his dick hitting your sensitive spots all over again as his thrusts became hurried, rough, and frantic. He collapsed onto his forearm, your plush walls squeezing him hard, and he moaned your name as the final string snapped, releasing the warmth of his load that slicked your insides, filling you so completely to the brim, and the sensation only untangled another knot of ecstasy in your stomach. Second orgasm washed over you, although weaker than the first one, but still overtaking your entire, hypersensitive mind and soul. It was too much, he was too much, too intense, overwhelming.
A satisfied smile stretched his lips, a light laugh escaped them as he rode the high out with slow and languid rolls of his hips. Satoru pulled away and then dropped onto the bed, barely making it to the spot next to you. He found himself lost in a haze of afterglow, but the excitement still surged through his veins. He was still hungry, unsatiated. All of this felt so good, it was almost frightening. And then you went again. And again, giving into the primal impulses and the intoxicating haze of desire and lust. The world outside your room faded into nothingness and only you two mattered. Nothing more than two bodies colliding, breaths intertwining and lips crashing onto one another.
As you lay down, facing each other, both sticky and messy in the aftermath of your adventure, you could feel the adrenaline wearing off, leaving your body sore and exhausted. His grasp remained at your waist, keeping you close to him. It was odd, it felt foreign and wrong to stay in the tender embrace of his arms, to share kisses so soft and intimate, and yet it felt right to be there with him. You let your fingers brush his cheek. Gojo in a state of post-bliss was a blessing to witness. His eyes heavy and hooded but still so blue and beautiful; his hair disheveled with some strands stuck to his forehead and his lips swollen and parted as he breathed slowly through them. His pale complexion still bearing the marks of flush, and there was none of his usual arrogant facade. Gorgeous.
"We're gonna get in so much trouble for leaving the party," you whispered against his lips, and he chuckled lightly. "That old Kyoto prick is gonna get pissed."
"He has no power over me," Satoru responded, stealing another kiss. All his focus was directed on your lips, you were the only thing on his mind right now.
"No one has power over you, Satoru," you smiled, biting his lower lip gently, and he could swear that his nervous system twitched in excitement at the way you spoke his name.
"You seem to have some," he admitted, giving you another peck and with a firm grip, he rose from the mattress with you in his grasp. "Shower. We're disgusting," he joked and you laughed, holding on tight as he made his way to your bathroom.
"Oh yeah, we are."
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rubiehart · 5 months
when john b is wanted by the cops, leopard!reader uses her pretty privilege to get the pogues some sustenance in the form of shitty pizza.
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the roughed up teens sit in the crowded truck, seats reclined to keep them out of view of any passers-by who were drooling for that reward money. the yellow-ish light coming from the ‘urban slice’ sign illuminated the side walk, casting eerie shadows across the faces of the teens and distorted reflections against the windows.
“does anyone have any more cash to contribute?” clearly irritated, pope tries again, shaking the few coins he has in the palm of his hand, giving expected looks towards everyone. the silence was all the evidence he needed and he lets out a long sigh.
“dude, i’m so hungry i could eat my own arm.” jj pipes up, throwing his head back against the seat and flopping his arm around for empasis. the girl with her head on his lap gives him a sideways look, teeth crunching down loudly on the hard candy, completely unamused by his antics.
“only time i’ll agree with jj.” kiara adds from the driver’s seat, throwing an arm over her eyes and groaning. jj scoffs. “how much you got pope?” the second girl asks, sitting up from her laying position against jj and eyeing up pope expectedly. “uh-“ he starts, jingling the coins around between his palms to count. “79 cents.” he almost winces, eyes flitting to the girls face as she throws herself back against the leather seat with a groan. “great.”
“will you all shut up, for even five seconds? please.” john b asks with his eyebrows furrowed, turning his body to face the three in the backseat, eyes trained specifically on the girl with a short temper. “acting like i can’t hear your stomach rumbling from here.” she quips back, arms crossed over her chest, an equally unamused expression on her face.
huffing impatiently, she takes one last glance at her unhelpful friends, reaching over pope to pull the handle of the door. “since none of you losers wanna help-“ she starts, climbing over pope’s stunned body and jumping down onto the pavement, her sneakers smacking the concrete. “i’ll just do this myself.”
“um- i know i’m not the plan guy but i’m not really seein’ how this is workin’ out.” john b adds from the front seat, eyeing her suspiciously through the dirty window and she rolls her eyes, a little grin gracing her lips, teeth glinting in the shifty light.
“i got this. ‘kay?” she directs the questions at everyone, but her eyes are still trained on john b’s, blinking slowly as his eyes widen ever so slightly, his whole attitude seemingly changing. “uh- yeah whatever, be safe n’ stuff.” he nods, ignoring jj’s teasing from the backseat.
she gives everyone a once over, returning kiara’s supportive thumbs up with sticking her tongue out, slamming the car door and starting towards the borderline abandoned pizzeria.
she pushes open the door, big smile on her face directed to the only person behind the counter, a boy about her age, his cheeks noticeably redden as he looks her over, he hesitantly returns a little smile as she shoves her hands into the back pockets of her shorts, back arched a little and tits pushed forward as she eyes up the menu overhead.
her eyes are big and innocent as she blinks slowly at the menu, eyes flitting to his once she’d decided. “could i please get a large pizza, deep dish.“ she starts, eyes trained on him intently as he nods, stabbing nervously at the shitty screen, attempting to take her order.
“um- what toppings?” he hiccups out, her eyes widen a little and she pouts her lips a little, looking to the side as if she was thinking. “hmm..” she mumbles, bouncing on her heels a little, boobs practically in his face as she reels of her incessant list of toppings.
“cool. uh- will that be all?” he asks, scratching behind his ear awkwardly as he tries to keep his eyes on her face. “mhm. and a strawberry milkshake, extra whipped cream.” she smiles, rapping her nails against the chipped marble counter, tips of his ears reddening as he processes the order and quickly scurries into the back without another word.
she smirks to herself, pulling out her phone and swiping onto whatever app to pass the time, elbows leaning against the counter as the guy sneaks glances at her whilst sprinkling olives onto her pizza.
sliding her order across the counter to her. “that’ll be $12.95.” he nods, and she smiles, a little too confidently for someone who currently doesn’t even have a cent to her name. “for sure.”
she reaches into her bra, purposely making a show of dipping hem of her tank down to show the lace of her bra. “oh shoot.” she whispers, theatrically patting down the rest of her pockets and sighing when she expectedly finds nothing, concealing her smirk at the way his gaze followed her hands, shamlessly taking up and down her body as she pouted.
“i must’ve forgot my purse..” she mumbles, throwing one hand down at her side, giving her best puppy eyes to the scrawny boy and he goes red, something that seemed to be routine for him. “uh, y’know what, it’s on the house. closing up this shit hole in half an hour or so anyways-“ he coughs up the excuse, clearly a lie but she was thankful anyway.
“really?” she smiles, canines gleaming as she picks up the pizza box, milkshake in the other hand, wrapping her lips around the shitty paper straw and taking an overly suggestive sip, eyes closed and fluttering as she lets out a pleasured noise.
“that’s really good.” she smiles, he’s bright red by this point and she’s feeling a little bad, although she does take pride in making perverted men uncomfortable, he seemed sweet so she left it at that. “see ya!” she turns on her heel, waving behind her as the little bell above the door chimes to signal her exit, sneakers tapping against the concrete as she slides open the truck door again, the smell of freshly baked pizza filling the senses of the starved teens.
“someone order a pizza?”
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miguelhugger2099 · 7 months
I need soft Miggy so maybe some aftercare with him? Like after a rough fucking session and he makes sure you feel loved
Love Between
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started ripping my hair out chewing on iron bars i just KNOW his love language is acts of service like fanfiction isnt enough i need to experience this man in the flesh thank you for the request ! i hope its up to your standards! as alwayssss i can always remake this once my requests open up if you're not satisfied :)
Miguel x Reader, Fluff, Brief mentions of smut, Not proofread, Word Count: 1,361
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Miguel tightens his hold on your hips, his teeth buried in your neck while his hips slowly came to a stop. He let go of your neck, his lips brushing against the bite mark he’d given you. He helped you release your legs around his waist, gently placing them back down on the bed. Miguel pulled out of you, pressing soft kisses along your neck and jaw when you whined.
“I’ve got you, mama.” He whispers, his hands gently caressing your thighs to ease the feeling back into your legs. “You did so good.”
You blink up at him, your vision slowly coming back after a dazing session. You could barely feel your body, legs numb and your chest heaving up and down in deep breaths. You feel Miguel’s hands rubbing up and down your waist.
“You okay?” He asks sweetly, pecking your nose and cheeks. You nod and mumble.
“Uh-huh…” You close your eyes, completely drained and spent. Luckily, Miguel had prepared beforehand and grabbed a towel from the nightstand. When you two decided to be a bit more rougher this time around, he knew he had to be prepared to love and pamper you since his stamina was much higher than yours.
He helped spread your legs apart to clean up the cum that had spilled out of you. “Do you want take out or do you want me to cook something?” He asks, taking glances up at you. You mumble your answer that was borderline incoherent but he understood you easily. “Take-out it is.”
Miguel then tosses the soiled towel to the hamper and slides in his boxers. He then scoops you up in his arms and you snuggle in his warmth. He kisses your head and leads you to the bathroom. He plops you down on the toilet and turns on the tub faucet to fill the tub up with warm water.
Miguel takes you in his arms again and helps you inside the warm tub, quickly filling it with bubbles. You gained a bit of your strength back, leaning against him while he cleaned your body up with a nice smelling soap. You looked up at him with a soft smile, watching him work on you with care. He meets your eyes and gives you a small smile of his own. You pucker your lips, a silent plea for a kiss and he chuckles. Leaning down, he meets your lips with his in a tender kiss.
Satisfied, you lean back on him again and play with the bubbles, already starting to feel the effects of the warm water making you sleepy. Miguel’s hands–which were groping and kneading your hips and ass moments before–were gently grazing over the small bruises on your skin. His thumb caressing the bite marks of his teeth and the sore spots where he held onto you desperately. He made sure to massage those specific places, wanting you good as new.
“What do you wanna order? Pizza, some fast food, or maybe something from that small restaurant we go to?” Miguel pulls you out of your sleepy state. He brushes back your hair, his hands wet so some strands get stuck to his fingers.
“Hmmm. I don’t care.” You murmur with a shrug of your shoulders. You reach up to his face, the water dripping off your arms and you cup his cheeks. He gazes down at you lovingly.
“Okay.” He replies. He knows you want something specific.
Miguel runs his hand in the water after a few minutes of cleaning and massaging you. “Alright. The water’s getting cold. I’ll be right back, nena.” He murmurs and kisses you before getting up on his feet and walking out the bathroom. He picks up his phone and places an order at one of your favorite places–one you haven’t had in a minute so he decided to spoil you with it this time.
He heads to the laundry room where warm towels had been sitting in the dryer earlier. He snags one and walks back into the bathroom where his heart stutters seeing you put your hair up with a claw clip. Water droplets down your back and arms, glistening on your neck in the warm lighting.
“Can you stand for me, mama?” He sets the towel aside and offers both his hands for you to take. You nod and take his hands, Miguel hauling you up from the tub and it swishes loudly from the sudden momentum. You step onto the floor mat and Miguel wraps the warm towel around you. You clutch onto the towel and he brings you in his arms. For a few moments, Miguel just holds you in a big warm bear hug, peppering a few kisses to the side of your head.
He picks you up bridal style again, refusing to let you walk, and plops you back into bed. He kisses your forehead and heads off to rummage through your drawers to find you some fuzzy pajamas. You watch him with a smile, your heart swelling as he takes care of you down to the tiniest details. You were clean and loved while Miguel worked hard to make sure you were relaxed.
Miguel comes back with folded pajamas in one hand and your slippers in his other.  He places the slippers down and takes the towel from you to dry off any remaining drops of water. He kneels in front of you to help slip on a clean pair of panties on you as well as the pajama pants. Meanwhile, you picked up the shirt that was from the pile, noticing how it was just Miguel’s shirt and you smiled while putting it over your head.
He looked up at you, his eyes brighter seeing you glow and look cute in his shirt. He takes your hand and kisses it before joining you in bed by wrapping his arms around you and pushing you back on the bed. Miguel snuggled himself back to the crook of your neck and your arms went around his shoulders. He pulls the weighted blanket over you two for extra warmth.
Despite his shirt drowning you in the fabric, his hands ran up and down the sides of your body to feel your skin. “You were great, baby.” He mutters against your skin and you chuckle.
“It was fun. Rate me out of ten.” You smile and curl your fingers in his hair, nuzzling against him. You feel his shoulder shake with the rumble of his deep laugh.
“I’m not rating you. If anything, you should rate me. How did I do? Are you okay? Did everything feel good?” He asks, lifting himself off from your neck and brings a hand up to caress your cheek.
You nod, your eyes sparkling and heart fluttering at the memory. “Really good.”
“Did I hurt you?”
“In the best way possible.”
Miguel playfully bites your cheek and you giggle, turning away from him but he tightens his grip around you to keep you near.
His hands rub up and down your back and you look down to meet his eyes. He moves closer so that your foreheads touch, noses grazing each other. You close your eyes with a soft smile, basking in the presence of Miguel. He keeps his eyes open, admiring the way your eyes flutter under your eyelids, eyelashes long and pretty. He glanced down at the marks on your neck and his hand went down to hold your thigh, bringing it around him. He wondered how many marks would appear in the next twenty four hours.
“I love you.” He whispers and it makes you open your eyes. He’s staring intently up at you, a certain softness to it while he gazes into your soul. You felt vulnerable. He felt vulnerable too. It was moments like this that mattered most.
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“I love you too.” You whisper back, shifting yourself so that you could cuddle into his chest. You feel him adjust to the new position, his arms going around your shoulder this time as if protecting you. His hand rises to your hair, his nails gently scratching your scalp.
“I love you more.”
A/N: god if ur real, you'll send miguel o'hara on my doorstep ASAP
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pennjammin · 1 month
JJK ROOMMATES (aka my tumblr debut)
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summary! he comes home to find that you’ve been drinking, and sees you in a rather… compromising situation of sorts. things are said, some teasing is done, and your relationship with your roomie is forever changed.
PAIRINGS. gojo/reader, nanami/reader, choso/reader
CONTENT: implied smut, switch!reader, slight exhibitionism, cunnilingus, afab!reader
this is my first post on tumblr!! i hope everyone enjoys. crit welcome ^.^
GOJO [with Geto + Toji Cameo.] oh so you can twerk on your friend? come show me what that ass is really good for.
You had invited your girls over for a sleepover. A small group, only three of you. The goal had been to get wine drunk, paint, and play some drinking games. (Like naming all the things you like about Satoru Gojo.)
A few glasses in and plans had changed, though.
You were in the center of the living room, the furniture moved out of the way, as you all had a ‘dance battle.’ But you were so far gone off of wine by now, that you were basically just dry humping your friends and taking turns throwing it back on both of them while they cheered you on.
You could smell the noise complaint letter from the landlords a mile away, but right now you didn't care.
The wine had your senses tingling. You could sense the unwanted urge to text your roommate and ask him what he was doing. But you knew full well that he had declared his own plans away from home with his friends, and that it was not your place to rush him.
But God, it was so hard. Your impulse control had practically vanished by now. It would be nothing to sneak away and call Gojo, putting on your whiny voice that always got him to fold like a lawn chair.
As if eavesdropping on your thoughts—right when you were in the middle of bending down in front of your friend to touch your toes and hit an extremely raunchy dance move—the front door busted open and in walked Gojo with two of his friends you'd only seen a few times: Toji and Geto.
Gojo was carrying a tower of pizza boxes while Geto held two thick bottles of clear liquor, and Toji stood empty-handed, a smirk on his face.
"We're crashing your party!" Gojo announced, sitting the boxes down on the counter. If not for his sunglasses, you would be able to see his eyes practically burning through your clothes.
You didn't bother straightening up or pretending that you weren't just throwing ass on your friend. And she certainly didn't pretend not to be catching all that you were throwing.
And the boys certainly didn't pretend to not be looking.
Y/F/N who had been standing to the side, recording, dropped her phone and spoke up, annoyance in her tone.
"Who the hell invited you?" she demanded.
"Well, I do live here, so write that down,” Gojo retorted, coming around the island, pointing at you. "Secondly, look at how you have my roommate acting. Looks like I got here just in time. I didn't even know she knew how to..." his eyes had latched back onto your ass. "Do that."
"Jealous that someone knows how to twerk better than you, Satoru?" Geto chimed in.
Gojo was silent, as that was clearly not what he was jealous about.
“Alright, sounds like a twerk battle is in order!” Toji boomed, clapping his hands, walking towards you girls.
“They just want to see us shake some ass,” your friend whispered from behind you, as you stood straight with your back to her.
You giggled, not caring in this slightest if it was a trap, as you’d gladly show off your skills to the white-haired boy. His friends could look if they wanted to, but it was his gaze, his opinion that mattered most to you.
The boys piled into the living room with schoolboy expressions and tried to sneak onto the couch.
Your girls immediately started exclaiming, “absolutely not!” “Get your ass up and twerk.” “You thought this was just going to be between us girls?”
The boys insisted on you allowing them to catch up to your level of drunkenness, to which you agreed.
And that is how you ended up in the corner of the living room, grinding on Gojo's lap.
The scent of tequila clouded the room. The music, at some point, had been switched from thumping party music to soft reggae, the lights all turned down.
Toji and your friend (who had yelled at the boys) were eating each other’s faces in the kitchen, and your other drunken friend was in deep conversation with an equally as drunk Geto on the couch; both of them sitting cross-legged and dangerously close, in their own bubble.
Everyone was occupied. So no one noticed Gojo's hands drunkenly slithering up your back side, his fingertips digging into the soft skin of your hips, his breath hitching as he tried to keep himself quiet.
You kept dragging your hips forward and backward on his clothed dick—that had long since hardened beneath you—the world fuzzy around the edges as you barely registered what exactly it was you were doing.
The "twerk battle" had been just this, essentially since it started, because Gojo had lost his mind when you'd started throwing it at him, and the liquor had gotten the best of his lightweight ass.
"Y/N, wait..." he groaned out suddenly. “What are we doing?”
A surge of confidence washed through your veins as you stood and turned, wanting to see his face. His blinking eyes, now free from the sunglasses, were stunned as he stared at you, lips parted.
“What do you think we’re doing?” you questioned, biting your lip, perching yourself back up on his lap and proceeding to make the same motions with your hips from before.
A low groan escaped from deep within his throat.
“But Geto and—“
You placed a finger over his soft lips. He bared them back to nip the tip of your finger with his teeth. The sensation flooded your nerves, down to your core.
“Do I hear the Satoru Gojo being… shy?” you teased.
His hand flew to your throat in a flash, the pads of his fingers pressing into your glands and forcing your face towards his, the aroma of different kinds of liquor mixing together in the air between you.
“Who’s shy?” he purred, cocking his head to the side. “You honestly saying you can handle being fucked in front of your friends? That what you want?”
You gulped a bit.
“I…” The words got hung in your throat.
“As I figured,” he cooed, pulling you even closer to him. “It’s alright, we’ll kick everyone out soon, and then I’ll mark you all over this livingroom. But for now, keep grinding, princess.”
NANAMI miss me so much you had to touch yourself in my shirt baby?
Maybe just a little masturbation wouldn't hurt. To rub one out quickly and relieve some of the pent up energy you had from not having a partner in months couldn’t possibly be weird.
Except for the fact that here you lay, a bottle of tequila with a noticeable dent in it on the table next to you, snuggled up in one of Nanami's big, blue dress shirts. You'd never admit this to him aloud, but on these times that he was gone on long trips, you missed him.
At first you'd chalked it up to missing the security that came with living with a man, but you realize now it was one-hundred percent his company, his warmth, him that you missed. His shirt was the only thing that filled the void for you. You’d secretly wear them all week, but this was the first time you’d found yourself masturbating in one.
One minute you’d been sipping curtly on your tequila, the next you’d begun picturing Nanami; his fingers unclasping the heavy golden watch that he always wore, then you’d laid back on the couch and imagined what other things his big fingers could do.
Your hands found the top button of his shirt, and then the second, and then the third, until your breasts came free, the cold air eroticizing your nipples until they were so hard that it hurt. You slid a hand underneath the waistband of your underwear and began to tease yourself, the free hand twisting one of your nipples as you let out a gasp.
You could smell Nanami's cologne. Strong, but sweet; just like him. The scent of a man in general was driving you forward as you slid your fingers across your slick clit in circular motions.
You kept inhaling deep breaths through your nose to get more hints of the cologne; his general musk. You couldn't help picturing his face with his lips parted in pleasure, his hair between your fingers, his hands sliding up your arms, binding them together with harsh ropes—
You gasped as you tried to shake such nasty thoughts about your sweet roommate away, but the pleasure coming from your wild imagination was adding to your arousal.
His face appeared in your mind’s eye all over again. You shut your eyes and finally stopped fighting it. You were aching to slide a finger in, so you gave your body exactly what it wanted. You let out a gasp, a gasp so loud that it masked the sound of the door opening.
You began pumping your finger in and out, wringing pleasure from every stem of your nerves. You whined at the intensity, still seeing Nanami in your mind's eye, hovering over you. He’d massage your thigh with his free hand as his fingers pumped mercilessly into your dripping core. Despite his innocence, you knew he’d put your pleasure first. You knew he could take care of your needs and satisfy your hunger. Another whine fell from your mouth.
By this point you needed those restricting lace panties to come off and give you more room to open your legs. You opened your eyes so that you could see what you were doing, and when you did, your visions of Nanami didn't go away, because he was standing over you.
You let out a yelp and immediately took your wet finger out of your core, using your hands to pinch his shirt closed and hide your breasts.
"N-Nanami, you're home,” you rasped, your throat dry from embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, I—“
"No, I-I'm sorry," sped out of his mouth, cutting you off. "I should have looked away the second I saw you."
His cheeks were as red as yours felt. And yet, the expression his face did not seem very sorry. It was an expression similar to a starving man watching people eat through the window of a restaurant.
"I've never come home to a woman touching herself in my shirt, though," he added sheepishly, swallowing so hard that his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat.
"I just..." you started, sitting up, your heart racing; as you still hadn't shaken the embarrassment. You didn't know what to say, so you started gushing out apologies. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, this is weird and creepy and—"
"So fucking hot," Nanami breathed.
"W-What?" you blinked up at him, unsure if he’d really said that or if the liquor was really hitting now.
"I mean, it's..." Nanami cleared his throat and started tugging on his collar. "It's so fucking hot, in here."
"Maybe you should take your shirt off," you heard yourself say, though it sounded so far away. You couldn't believe you'd just said that. Had those words actually come from your mouth?
He had long since looked away, but now his neck snapped back towards you, his pupils black with desire.
"Of whom?" he asked.
"Me," you whispered, as if your pussy was speaking for you.
If Nanami was shocked, he didn't show it. He dropped his suitcase on the ground with a thud and was sitting in front of you on the couch in milliseconds.
He reached up and took off his glasses, sitting them down on the table, next to the liquor bottle. A single strand of his blond hair had fallen over his glistening forehead, and you were so deep in heat that it made you even wetter.
“How much have you had to drink?” he questioned. “I… don’t want to feel I am taking advantage of you.”
“Hmm,” you began, “maybe that’s what I want. I solemnly swear that I am…” you hiccuped a bit, inciting a deep chuckle from him, “mostly sober.”
Your arms fell away from your chest and your breasts popped back out of his shirt. He licked his lips, clearly wanting to hold back, but he must have lost the battle with his morals because his erotically cold hands found the buttons of his shirt on you—and started expertly popping the rest open.
One. By. One.
His shirt fell away from your chest and exposed your entire naked torso, which Nanami gazed at like it was the last supper. You shifted before him, wanting to hide yourself.
"You always get so bashful when I stare," Nanami cooed, a soft hand pushing the shirt down off of your shoulders until it was a big pile around your waist. "Never understood why. You're so..." he sucked in a breath and dropped his hand, curling his fingers. "I want to eat you alive."
You bit your lip. You wanted to beg him to make good on his threat, but you knew it was already so wrong of him to be undressing you, let alone to put his mouth on you. But you wanted him to. Wanted it so bad, it was causing pain between your legs.
“Then feast,” you tutted back, leaning on your elbows and slowly spreading your legs—revealing the light blue lace panties, complete with a tiny pink bow; the ones Nanami had caught himself staring at a few times when doing your laundry.
It was like you could read each other’s mind, and before you knew it, those panties were across the room; your roommate’s head in their place.
CHOSO i just saved you! how are you gonna repay me?
Choso opened your apartment door, grunting in pain for the hundredth time at the searing wave of pain that was traveling up his back. He could go for a hot shower and a massage, but he was lucky to even get the 'hot shower' part, given your apartment had the shittiest plumbing he'd ever seen.
A long day of working out, and all he'd wanted now was to sink into the couch and pretend to fight with you about putting on face masks and having a movie night. Verbally, he always claimed he hated it; because apparently, guys weren’t supposed to like that kind of thing, but internally, that quality time was sometimes the only thing keeping him going.
He glanced around the living room and kitchen. You weren't anywhere to be seen. Not unusual, you could have just been out with your friends. Your car was out front, but that hardly meant anything; you’d disappear for hours and even days without your car at times. He knew you had a life, but he also felt it to be his duty to make sure you were safe.
Choso sent you a text about dinner plans, and decided to start dressing down while he awaited your reply, partially taking off his sweaty gym shirt and resting it around his neck. The gnawing suspicion that you were home was confirmed when he heard your phone ding across the room. He hummed, deciding he would juuuust have to wait for you to emerge. Hmph.
It was as Choso began to unpack his gym bag that he heard banging, like someone knocking on a door. In the silence of the home, he was able to catch your bone-dry voice shouting on top of the knocking.
He went into action. Adrenaline immediately began to make him sweat all over again as he hustled around the house to locate the noises, realizing they were coming from down the hall.
He pulled on every doorknob until he found one that didn't twist: the bathroom. Locked.
He heard your voice from the other side; completely frantic, hoarse from an undetermined amount of screaming.
His heart sank. The thought of you in trouble caused his mind to wipe clean of all ideas and thoughts besides getting you out of it.
"Y/N?" he called to the other side of the door. "Are you... are you locked in there?"
You wailed from the other side. Choso's heart had already sped up, but now it was completely shattered.
"I...I don't know," your muffled voice slurred from the other side
Choso realized then that you had been drinking, and locked yourself plain into the bathroom. He wondered how many hours you'd been there. He had been at the gym for most of the afternoon.
"What did you drink?" Choso asked, still shaking at the handle, trying to wedge it free.
Deflecting the topic to try and make you feel better had been something he’d learned while trying to navigate this new world of human emotions.
"I only had a..." a hiccup cut you off. "I only had a little bit of cognac."
"How much is a little bit?" Choso questioned. "You've locked yourself in the bathroom, Y/N. How much did you drink?"
"I don't... remember," you cried. "Been stuck for hours. Choso..." your voice practically screamed the last word, and he could hear your voice cracking more. "I need you."
Choso didn't have time to debrief exactly what a statement like that did to his psyche before he was super-manning back to the livingroom to search for the chain of keys that unlocked each door in the apartment.
He would have to try them all, one by one, because he had no faith that he would be able to explain to you how to unlock the door from your side.
He came back and heard you crying his name once again. He put his hand flat on the door, as if you could see or feel him from beyond it.
"I'm here, Y/N," he said softly. "You'll have to be patient with me, but I will get you out. I promise."
"Please," you called back, equally as soft.
That was all the push Choso needed to ram every single key into the lock with panic. Over and over he frantically shoved each key in with shaking hands, trying to set you free.
He finally felt the lock click as a key found its match to the ridges inside and the doorknob shifted. He rattled the knob a bit and then the door was coming open.
He looked down to see you, red-faced and tear-stained on the floor, your knees to your chest.
Choso took a deep breath knowing that you were not bleeding out on the bathroom floor or anything, but his heart still thumped rapidly in his chest at the fact that you had been in here, with no food or water, and apparently no cellphone for hours.
And before he had a chance to utter a single word, you were on your feet and stumbling toward him, throwing your whole body weight on him, which didn't even make him stumble.
He raised his black eyebrows in surprise. You were... hugging him.
He let himself melt into the hug for just a moment, smelling your soft aroma mix beautifully with the liquor.
"You saved me!" you cried out, your little arms trying their best to make it all the way around his frame.
He let his own hands wrap back around you for a moment, patting your back awkwardly, despite the feminine urge to let his hands linger.
"I just unlocked the door," he joked, his voice coming out quite dry.
You backed away from the embrace then, staring up at him with dilated pupils.
“I need you more than keys need doors," you said suddenly. “I…I want your key.”
Choso blinked in disbelief, unsure how one responded to that.
"Let's get you something to eat," he said instead, deflecting again, plucking your hands away from his heated body but swallowing thickly all the while.
He grabbed you by your elbows and pulled you gently out of the bathroom before placing one hand on your hip to steady you as you stumbled with him down the hall.
Despite your stumbling, you didn't impact Choso's pace at all. You were falling into him in all kinds of ways, your head lolling on his chest, and there he walked next to you as steady as ever; his breath hitching each time the side of your body rubbed against his.
He brought you to the couch and coursed you down slowly. But, just when he was about to stand straight, you grabbed him by the sweaty shirt that hung around his neck and kept him close to your face.
He gasped, his perfect lips letting out the most beautiful sound you'd ever heard. His eyes widened, and you imagined them rolled back deep into his head, wondering what other noises you could wring from him as your hands explored the shapes of his muscles.
"I don't like repeating myself, Cho," you said through your cracked and sore throat, soberness creeping up on you very suddenly. "So you either fuck me; or I make you sit here and watch me get myself off while moaning your name."
He looked shocked but only momentarily, then his face twisted into a representation of his desire. You caught a quick glance at his sweatpants; whatever he said next would be easy to tell a lie from the truth, because the hardened length in his pants had already given his answer for him.
"I think you’re a little too dehydrated,” Choso cracked, trying to plaster a grin on his face, but it was hard for him to laugh through the overwhelming urge to obey you.
“I don’t need water,” you said, your raspy voice betraying you, “I. Need. You. How else can I thank such a good boy like you for helping me out of the bathroom?”
Good boy. You’d called him a good boy. His eyes practically fell out of his head.
Alright, fine, he thought. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been flirting with each the past few weeks, it wasn’t like he hadn’t already heard you moaning his name, it wasn’t like he hadn’t noticed you leaning your head on his shoulder during movie nights.
He sat down next to you on the couch and reached over to grip you by your hips and effortlessly brought you down on top of him.
“Wanna thank me for helping, huh?” he mewled. “Let’s see how grateful you really are.”
still working on mastering their characterizations; i feel like gojo’s was a lil off, but with more practice i know ill get there >.<
xoxo, pennjammin
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fxrmuladaydreams · 10 months
broaden your horizons (sv5)
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pornstar!seb x camgirl/pornstar!reader
summary: sebastian suggests you broaden your horizons, little does he know just how much his suggestion hurts you
notes: i hope you guys are enjoying this au, this is the first chapter without smut, so we’re getting into the actual meat of the story, i know this is a pretty short chapter but we needed the drama
prev part next part
Sebastian’s video had done just as well as yours had done the previous week. Audiences were begging to see more videos with the two of you together. He smiled to himself reading through all of the comments. Most were compliments, or more so crude comments to you. It turns out you were a hit. Sebastian really struck gold collaborating with you.
He liked filming with you, that was clear to him early on, but he didn’t expect to feel a tug in his heart when he was away from you. He didn’t think he’d long for the time you had together after filming, cuddled up together. He was surprised when he realized just how much he longed to have you near him, even without any plans to film new videos.
It was wrong, growing attached to someone you worked with. Sure, he had multiple girls ask him out after filming with him, but he always turned them down. He told them that he didn’t date anyone he filmed with. And he was more than willing to keep his word, until he met you.
Things would become complicated if he were to act on these feelings that had begun to fester inside him. He probably wouldn’t be able to film videos with anyone else anymore, and he knew for a fact he wouldn’t like it if you did either.
So in an attempt to stop his heart from growing even more attached to you, he called up a girl that he had filmed a few videos with before and scheduled to film another. He was trying to take steps into creating a more professional relationship with you, but still couldn’t stop his heart from skipping a beat whenever he got a text notification or a phone call, then for it to fall when it wasn’t you trying to contact him.
It was in a moment of weakness for him that he had invited you over to his house to hang out. He claimed he was bored and had a few new movies to watch, and asked if you wanted to join him. The truth was he was tired of the texts and phone calls, and decided to give into his desire to have you around him.
It was the first time you’d ever been to Sebastian’s house. It was clean, neat, although it seemed like it was missing something, like the space could use a little more life in it.
Sebastian had guided you to his living room and ordered a pizza for the two of you to share. He turned the first movie on, then the second, then the third, until it was late into the evening.
You were more than content spending this time with Sebastian, a small prt of you wondered if he was going to ask you to stay the night.
You had started your movie marathon on opposite ends of his couch, yet slowly started to find yourselves inching closer to one another, until you were practically sitting on his lap. He had an arm thrown around your shoulders, holding you to his chest, and the other over your legs which laid over his lap.
You could feel your eyes become heavy as the last movie played, and let sleep overcome you before it had ended.
Sebastian hadn’t noticed that you’d fallen asleep on him until the credits started rolling. He felt you bury your face further into his chest as he shifted. He smiles down at you and brushes the hair away that had fallen into your face.
He carefully lifts you up in his arms and walks you to his room. He lays you on top of the bed and pulls a blanket over you. He debates crawling into bed next to you, the idea of waking up with you wrapped in his arms is way more tempting to him than it should be. But he decides against it, instead grabbing his own blanket and sleeping on the couch.
He wakes up the next morning to hear you padding around his kitchen. He sits up to see you standing over his stove, cooking.
“Good morning schatz.” He says, his voice groggy from sleep.
You smile before turning back to look at him. He’s struggling to keep his eyes open, and his blonde hair is a mess on top of his head. His German accent is thick and his voice is deep. He gives you a tired smile, slowly making his way into the kitchen with you.
“Good morning Seb.”
“You didn’t have to make breakfast.” He says.
“And you didn’t have to sleep on your couch.” You tell him pointedly.
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You wouldn’t.”
He gives you a soft smile then gets plates from his cupboard to serve the breakfast you’ve cooked.
You sit at the small table he has as you eat. Sun shines in through the blinds, you can hear birds singing outside. This feels far too intimate and domestic, but neither of you wants to stop.
You help him wash the dishes, he playfully splashes a little water on you after you bump his hip with yours, giggling at the soapy mess he’s made of the counter.
You sit on his couch afterwards, you not wanting to leave, and him not wanting to ask you to.
You feel like this is the beginning of something new for the two of you. You never expected to become this close to someone you worked with, but it seems like the two of you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.
“So I was thinking about maybe filming some more stuff with you? I mean, obviously people like us together. We could do like a livestream or something?” You ask, sharing an idea that had been floating around in your head for a little bit.
He’d love to film with you again. But there’s a little siren going off in his head. You’re getting too close, back away. He nods. “We could, yeah. I’d have to check my schedule.” He says.
“Oh, I’m sorry, if you’re too busy that’s okay.”
He shakes his head. “No, no, it’s fine. I’d like to film with you again.” He pauses. “I just have a day planned to film with someone else soon.”
It feels like the breath is stolen from your lungs. You feel yourself deflate a little.
“Oh. Alright.”
You shouldn’t have expected him to only be filming with you, he was a famous pornstar, he probably had women lining up to film with him.
“It’s not that big a deal. She’s pretty easy to work around.” He says, his heart begins to hammer in his chest as he sees you become more tense.
“You’ve filmed with her before?”
He nods. “A couple of times.”
Everything you’ve done together flashes through your mind. All of the sweet words and kind gestures, intimate moments you thought were shared between the two of you, were they just a carbon copy of what he’d already done with other girls?
“Maybe you should try filming with someone else?” He suggests. Honestly the last thing he wants is to see you on his computer with someone else’s dick inside you, but for some reason he can’t stop himself from speaking. “See if you like it. Broaden your horizons.”
You feel sick to your stomach. He’s used you, he’s able to say that he was the first one to have you, and now he’s tossing you aside.
“I think I’m going to head out.” You say, getting up from the couch.
He follows you as you walk to his door. “It was nice having you schatz.”
His words, though unintentional, feel like the final knife in your heart.
“Could you send me Daniel’s contact info?”
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heartsforvin · 1 month
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thank you 🪼 nonnie for the request !! i hope you like it <3
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pairing: vinnie hacker x shy!fem!reader
warnings: cussing, use of pet names, pure fluff otherwise <3
summary: it’s your first time spending the night at vinnie’s place
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you were a very shy and closed off person. you loved your time alone and always had some trouble making new friends due to how shy you really were.
when you first met vinnie, it took you awhile to open up to him, to let you see the real you.
you never really cared that much for the dating scene. sure you had your moments where all of your friends were dating and you were left third wheeling, but it never bothered you too much.
so when vinnie showed up into your life out of the blue, you didn’t know how to act.
the two of you have only been together a little over four months, so the relationship was still quite new.
when you first met vinnie, it took you a bit to actually warm up to him and let yourself trust him.
you were also aware of his profession, which made you bit nervous, but he had reassured you saying it was all going to be fine.
meeting his friends and family was difficult for you, seeing as they were brand new people who you had never met.
“they’re gonna love you, you’ll be okay.” he told you reassuringly with a kiss to your head.
meeting his friends and family had gone well, and he was right, you were completely okay.
now, here you were with vinnie in his apartment watching a movie on the couch.
you were sat a few inches away from him, hera in the middle of you two. you saw vinnie looking at you through the corner of your eye, making you turn to face him.
“what?” you ask with a small laugh as you look at vinnie.
he shrugs, smiling at you as he holds his arm out. “come here.” he motions for you to sit by him.
you give him a weak smile. even if it has been four months, you still get those nerves, it was normal. your shyness played a role too, which you hated.
slowly, you move to lay by vinnie, putting your head on his chest but body still being stiff.
vinnie knew not to take it personally, that you were still getting used to things. “it’s alright sweetheart,” he reassured, rubbing your back. “just relax.”
you did, finally easing into him and enjoying the movie together. hours later, vinnie asked if you wanted to stay over since it was getting late, you were hesitant at first, but soon agreed.
he had ordered a pizza for you both and gave you one of his shirts for you to wear. once the food got to his place the two of you ate and relaxed the rest of the night.
once the end of the night came you were a bit hesitant to sleep in the bed with vinnie. this was your guys’ first sleepover, there was reason to be a bit nervous.
“you all ready for bed, princess?” vinnie came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, head on your shoulder as you finished brushing your teeth.
you nod your head once you finish up. vinnie smiles and takes your hand, leading you to his room.
“hera usually comes in here in the middle of the night, so if you feel moment, it’s probably just her.” vinnie notifies, making you smile.
he lets you pick which side of the bed you want when he has his designated spot.
you get into the bed and curl up in the blankets as vinnie gets in too.
“comfy?” vinnie asks as he pulls you against him, you hum with a smile.
the two of you soon fall asleep for the night, not in each others arms, but close enough, and vinnie will take it.
the next morning vinnie wakes up to him being practically on top of you, his arms wrapped around you.
he peppers kisses across your face, watching as you still lay asleep. once you finally do wake up, you feel vinnie’s lips on your skin and scrunch your face.
“g’morning, pretty,” vinnie says as he kisses your cheek. “are you blushing?”
you put your hands over your face with a giggle. “stop it.” you groan.
vinnie smiles as he pulls your hands away. “it’s cute,” he says. “you’re cute.”
your cheeks heat up again at the compliment and you laugh, thanking him.
“you’re adorable when you’re asleep you know? you were all up on me last night, it was co cute, the way you clung to me.”
pushing your head in the pillow you groan at his teasing. “vinnie stop.”
he laughs and pulls you up to face him. he kisses your forehead. “sleep well?”
you nod. “i was nervous at first, which you could probably tell,” you laugh. “but yeah, i slept well and had a fun time with you.”
he rubs your arm reassuringly with a smile. “good. hopefully this won’t be the last sleepover you have, because i plan to have many more with you.”
you smile. “i hope so too, it was fun, really. i know my shyness kind of gets in the way, but i do like spending time with you, really.” you reply.
vinnie kisses your head again and pulls you with him to get up out of bed.
he didn’t know what he had planned yet for the day, as long as it was spent with you, it didn’t matter what he did.
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hiii i’m feeling A LOT better and finally got this out !! thank you 🪼 nonnie again for the request, i hope you liked it <33
tags: @cosmicanakin , @anqeliclust , @42angelgirl , @sturnioloshacker , @khackerr , @visualbutterflysworld , @leqonsluv3r , @kriissy4gov , @kayleighh , @bernelflo , @jpg3 , @khxna , @slvthrs , @0strawberrysorbet0 , @skye-44 , @laylasbunbunny , @defnotayonna , @supabhad , @miilzzy , @eddieslut69 , @hallecarey1 , @violet0182 , @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom
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heyyy hope you’re okay <3333
could i have a pietro x shy!reader, like literally anything will do (hurt/comfort, fluff, spicy) i just saw pietro in my dream and i need to read about him so baaaad
hi baby! doing well and hope you are too!! love it bc it’s so me😭 thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
pietro maximoff x fem!reader — fluff
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word count. 797
You have a neighbour, he seems quite sweet really. You don’t see much of him, but when you do it’s always brief - either sharing an elevator ride to your apartment floor, or bumping into each other when you collect mail. The encounters were always short, almost non-existent.
You’ve never spoken more than five casual words before, but you liked seeing him around. And sometimes, you’d look forward to those fleeting moments when you’d see him around the apartment building. That’s not to say you were spying on him, or posing as some sort of stalker - but instead, the liking you had taken to him made you fixate on those seconds you’d potentially see one another.
He would always smile and nod at you in passing, but you’d often be too shy or nervous to return it. And instead, you’d find yourself turning your attention to your phone, diverting from his eye contact as you’d find it to be too much. 
It was like a paradox. You liked seeing him, but you were too shy to actually see him. 
Your phone lights up, the notification of your food delivery driver telling you he’s getting close. You didn’t look particularly put together, but it was late and you’re collecting your dinner, so who's to judge. 
Kicking your feet into a pair of random shoes by your door, you make your way downstairs - rushing down to meet your driver. But when the elevator stops on the ground floor, you see him, standing by the entrance.
You inhale, the act like you were preparing to make your way over.
He turns around to follow the ding noise, spotting you.
“Hey,” he greets, nodding at you in his usual way.
“Hi,” you reply faintly, moving to stand opposite him by the large glass doors. 
He twists to look at you, a quizzical look on his face. “Waiting for food?” he asks.
You smile and nod, holding up your phone, showing the screen with the map of your area - a little bike in the centre. “Are you?” you ask, voice soft.
You’ve never asked him a question before. You felt sick.
He hums, showing you his screen. “What did you order?”
It was like he was eager to keep the conversation going, and so were you, really you were. But you couldn’t help but notice the bile-like taste in your mouth when your mind struggled to reply.
“Pizza,” you faintly chuckle, turning your attention down to the ground between your feet. You pause, forcing yourself to keep it going. “What about you— what did you order?”
“I couldn’t decide, so I ordered from a few places,” he shrugs, chuckling. He lifts his hand from behind his back, showing a bag. “Got my burritos, just waiting on my curries and pizza.”
You snicker, the sound faint but genuine. You wanted to say something, but you didn’t know what. “What uh– what did you get on the pizza?” 
“I got veggie,” he says. “I’m watching my figure,” he jokes, rubbing over his belly. 
You laugh again, this time it’s louder - like you were growing more comfortable around him. “At least you’re being mindful of what you eat.”
He chuckles, nodding. He pauses, looking like he’s thinking - his eyes focused on the patch of forever lasting dirt on the floor. “I don’t see you around here much. Do you live here?”
You nod. “I live here, just kinda stay in my apartment,” you faintly laugh.
“I uh– I always thought you hated me,” he smiles, shaking his head. 
That could not be further from the truth. 
“What makes you say that?” 
“You never smile back,” he says, scratching the back of his neck. “Got the impression you don’t like me.”
That’s not true. 
“That’s not true,” you shake your head. “I don’t hate you.”
His eyes playfully squint at you, humming in that way as if he’s trying to decide if that was a lie or not. “You can say ‘hi’ first, you know?” he chuckles. “Promise I’m not mean.”
You nod, a subtle smile beginning to shine through. This was the most you’ve ever spoken to him, it was nice –well you felt sick to your stomach– but still, it was nice talking to him. You turn your attention down to your phone, seeing the alert popping up on your screen. It was the only time you wished there was a delay. You wanted to keep talking.
“I uh…” you start, pausing briefly. “I can wait with you while you wait for yours?” you offer and immediately backtrack - feeling nervous from your sudden spurt in social confidence. “Or, I don’t know– just so you’re not waiting in the cold by yourself–”
He cuts you off, stopping you from your verbal spewing. “That would be nice.”
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