#I could talk about this show forever I think
watchmegetobsessed · 13 hours
A/N: aaaah im so excited for yall to read this!!! im kinda ashamed to admit this whole idea came from something i heard in an ep of milf manor but lets just move past that lol
WARNING: sexual content, toxic and verbally abusive relationship, cheating (not from Harry or Y/N)
SUMMARY: Harry Styles is used to get any woman he wants, everyone knows that. But when his interest shifts towards you, everything changes and he is ready to wait for you for as long as it takes, even when he finds out you're engaged to your asshole boyfriend. Not even that ring on your finger stops him from pining after you.
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You don’t have to look up from the drink you’re making to know who just walked into the bar. It’s like the atmosphere of the whole place shifts instantly whenever Harry Styles appears, a sixth sense always triggers a siren in your head before your eyes could spot him crossing the space between the entrance and the bar. 
You’d be lying if you said you felt no excitement every time he shows up, the way your heart starts hammering in your chest is a great tell that he is anything but neutral to you, but you’ve been trying your absolute best to keep yourself under control. For one, he is known to be a flirt. Every woman in town knows that Harry loves three things, attention, pretty women and the combination of the previous two. You’ve seen him around with different partners every time, but never with the same twice. You heard the stories, the gossips and the whispers, how he shakes every woman’s world and then leaves, never giving the chance for anyone to even try to tie him down. This is not what you want or deserve.
And for two… You’re taken. Engaged, to be precise. 
When you spot Harry you instantly hide your hand behind your back, hoping the diamond ring won’t catch his eyes, because you know he would flip. 
Apparently, his latest fixation has been none other than you. He came into the bar about two months ago for the first time. He sat by the bar and clearly tried to flirt with you all evening, ignoring all the women who were brave enough to go up to him. He remained focused on you and as the evening carried on he became more and more blunt about his intentions with you. 
“So, are you coming home with me?” he asked when you walked out at the end of your shift. He was waiting by the back, leaning against his motorcycle. You were never blind, you saw how attractive he was then and you still see it now, but you just shook your head no.
“I’m taken.”
“You got a boyfriend?” He arched an eyebrow and you nodded. You expected him to give up, but instead, a devilish smirk took over his expression. “It’ll be even sweeter when I win you over, Angel.”
You were taken aback by his confidence and you were surprised when he showed up the next day, but got used to his presence quite fast. 
It became a sort of usual, have him walk in not long after your shift starts, he sits by the bar so he can talk to you, he drinks one or two beers and then asks if he could take you home once you’re done. You decline and then it starts all over again. 
An unexpected feature of his never dying attempts is that you’ve actually got to know each other during those long hours when he sat by the bar and entertained you while you worked and when he drops the cheeky act he is actually someone not just bearable but rather pleasant. You’d never admit it to him, but you kind of think of him as a friend, you’ve shared some things with him about yourself not many know. 
Like how you found out your boyfriend cheated on you. 
“You look stunning, as always, Angel,” he greets you as he takes his usual spot and you’re already pouring his drink.
“And you’re being flirty, as always,” you give him a knowing look, but he just smirks. You give him his beer and then move over to another man by the bar. 
When you return you notice the change in him and you know he saw the ring. As if you could still hide it from him, you cover it with your other hand, even though you did nothing wrong. 
“What’s that?” he asks, though it’s obvious he knows it’s an engagement ring. 
“He proposed to you?” he asks, eyes snapping up to meet your gaze. 
“Yes, he did.”
“And you said yes?” He is clearly growing angrier by the second and you worry, because he tends to lose his temper easily. You don’t think he would ever hurt you, but he might take his anger out on something or someone else.
“Yes, that’s why I’m wearing the ring,” you say and try to keep yourself busy, moving the clean glasses in front of you around. 
“Y/N what the fuck?! You can’t be fucking serious.”
“I am and it’s none of your business,” you snap at him.
“The guy cheated on you!”
“Would you stop airing my private life for everyone?” you hiss at him, looking around to see if anyone has heard him. 
“Then explain to me how you are so stupid that you want to marry a man who doesn’t love you?!”
You’ve had enough. Checking if there is anyone waiting to be served you find no one so you walk out from behind the bar and grab Harry’s wrist, pulling him out through the back door to the empty parking lot behind the building. 
“Who do you think you are? You have no right to talk about me or my relationship like that!”
“Y/N, you are making a huge fucking mistake!”
“A mistake would be trusting someone about dating who has never stayed with a woman for longer than a couple of hours! What the fuck do you know about love or marriage when you can’t even stay until the morning when you fuck someone?”
It might be petty, bringing up his reputation against him just to invalidate his words, but he brought the worst out of you. 
“Because I don’t fucking lie to women about what I want! Your man lied right into your face and then only admitted to cheating when he was busted. You think he wouldn’t do it again? You think he is not doing it now? Cheaters don’t change, Y/N. He doesn’t fucking deserve you.”
“And you do?” you snap at him as your anger takes over your body. Maybe it’s because he brought up what Jeremy did or maybe it’s because he is lecturing you about something he has no right to stick his nose into. “Let me guess, I should ditch Jeremy and run to you? We fuck, have one great night and then leave me like you leave everyone, is that what I should go for? Is that what I deserve?”
He seems to be at a loss of words and that’s new. He probably wasn’t expecting you to call him out so explicitly, but it’s been building up for a while. 
“Do me a favor and stop trying to orchestrate my life. I’m more than capable of making my own decisions. Go and chat up another woman, fuck her so you stop trying to stick your dick inside me.”
You walk past him and straight inside, your rage doesn’t die down for a couple of long minutes. You take a few orders and then slowly get back to the workflow and manage to forget about Harry for a bit. When you glance towards his spot you see that his beer is still there, but he never returned. For a second you get uncertain, have you gone too far? 
No. He deserved it and everything you said was valid. It’s not your fault he can’t take the truth. 
Two days pass by and you see no trace of Harry. You find yourself looking at his usual seat from time to time and you mistake a few tall brunette guys with him, but he never actually shows up. You tell yourself you should be happy he is out of your hair, but somewhere deep inside you there’s still some disappointment that you try to push down every time it threatens to bubble up. 
Sunday comes and it doesn’t start off the best. Jeremy is in a mood all morning and he just practically picks a fight over anything you do. It’s whether what you cook, where you put the scissors or how you forget to lock the backdoor, he overreacts everything and by the time you’re leaving for work you’re a mess from all the fighting you’ve had. 
Being away from him is actually a bit of a relief, but your peace only lasts until he starts texting you and somehow you end up fighting again, this time about the outfit you wore to work. A simple black skirt with a white t-shirt, you’ve worn this before and he didn’t even notice, but today it seems like the skirt is too short for his taste and the shirt is too see-through. 
JEREMY: Enjoy the attention of every fucking men in the bar.
JEREMY: Congrats on being a slut.
You’re angry at him, but you’re also too tired to run around in circles. When he sets his mind on something nothing can change it, so there’s no use trying to convince him you’re not doing it to get other men’s attention.
You put your phone aside and ignore it for a while, but apparently, that wasn’t the right decision. Because the next time you check it you see a bunch of missed calls from Jeremy and another thread of texts.
JEREMY: Answer the fucking phone Y/N.
JEREMY: Are you fucking someone in the toilet? 
JEREMY: If I find out you fucked someone you’re dead I swear.
There’s only twenty minutes left until closing and the bar is almost entirely empty, so you step out to the back and call him. 
“Are you done fucking?” That’s what he says when he finally picks up. 
“Are you done being an asshole? I’m not fucking anyone!”
“Don’t fucking talk to me like that! I know you’re sucking dicks for tips, don’t even try to lie to my fucking face!”
He is vivid, shouting on the other end of the line and it’s making your head throb. You’re tired and you don’t want to deal with his unreasonable jealousy right now. All you want to do is go to sleep, but you know if you go home you’ll just continue from here. 
“I’m not lying, you’re delusional!”
“Stop with the fucking lies! Don’t fucking come home until you can’t admit the shit you’re doing! I will not have a woman lie into my face!”
“What the hell are you talking about? You can’t tell me not to go home, that’s my place too!”
“I’m sure you can find a place to sleep if you suck another dick.”
And with that the call ends. You’re staring at the screen in disbelief for several moments before the tears start rolling down your face. You lean against the brick wall and slide down as you let the sobs bubble from your throat. You try to call him again, but it doesn’t even ring. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whisper to yourself as you bury your face in your hands. 
You always kept telling yourself Jeremy has a temper and that he doesn’t mean it when he says these nasty things, but every time it happens again it gets harder and harder to believe that you could put up with it. You get that it roots in his jealousy, but he shouldn’t act like this with you, you know it’s not normal and yet… you still haven’t been able to do anything against it. 
You’re so buried under your pain that you don’t even notice the motorcycle that rolls into the parking lot and stops just a couple of feet away from you. Harry’s voice is what snaps you out of your spiral.
“Y/N? What are you doin–Hey, what happened?”
He rushes over and kneels in front of you, one hand on your back as the other lifts your head by your chin. 
“I’m fine,” you breathe out, as if he couldn’t see your tear soaked cheeks and bloodshot eyes. 
“No, you’re not. What happened? Did someone hurt you?” Seemingly he is trying to find wounds on you, but you shake your head. 
“It’s just… I-I don’t…” You can’t get the words out, it’s like your mind is blocked. 
“Come on, let’s go inside.”
He helps you up and you don’t protest when his arms curl around you and he keeps you close to his chest as he walks you inside. He pulls you to the stool he usually takes and makes you sit before walking behind the bar and pouring you a glass of water. 
“I need to close,” you croak and try to get off the stool, but he stops you.
“I’ll take care of it.”
You faintly hear him making the last few people in the bar leave and then the lock turns on the door before he returns and sits beside you. 
“Now tell me what happened.”
“I don’t want to talk,” you breathe out as you close your eyes. When you open them again, Harry is still there looking at you patiently. 
Then he stands and walks back behind the bar, grabbing a bottle of tequila from the shelf along with two shot glasses.
“Alright. Then let’s drink the pain away.” He pours the liquor into the glasses and then pushes one over to you, holding up the other one. For a second you just blink at him, a warning going off somewhere in the back of your head, but you’re quick to turn it off. 
Drinking the pain away actually sounds nice right now, since you can’t go home until Jeremy is having his episode. 
So you finally take the shot and you catch a tiny smile from Harry before you both chug down the alcohol. And soon more follows, at least on your side. 
About thirty minutes and three more shots later you’re definitely drunk. But at least you stopped crying and can actually laugh now, practically on anything Harry says. 
“Oh my God, stop!” you cackle, slapping your hand onto the bartop.
“No, I swear! I climbed out the window and fell straight into the jacuzzi!”
“Did her father see you?”
“No, I would be dead by now if he did?” he chuckles.
“I can’t believe you were such a playboy even as a teenager!” you keep laughing. 
“What, are you surprised?” he cheekily asks.
“Honestly, not that much,” you snort and reach for the tequila bottle, but Harry pulls it away from you. “Hey!”
“Maybe let’s slow down a bit, yeah?” You pout at him, but he just grabs a normal glass from behind the bar, fills it with water and hands it over to you instead. 
“What, you’re not up for a bit of fun?” you grin into the glass, but take a few sips anyway. “I thought that’s what you wanted.”
“I do want to have fun with you, Y/N. But I’m also concerned at how fast you downed those shots,” he admits smirking. 
“Ah, how sweet of you, as if you don’t just want to take me to bed,” you scoff, but you didn’t mean it in a bitter way this time, like before. “Isn’t it tiring?”
“What is?”
“Ah, don’t make me say it!”
“I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about, Angel.”
“Angel!” you groan and then let out a sigh. “Aren’t you tired of running after me? I mean, you’re used to getting your way with women. Honestly, I thought you’d stop by now.”
Harry just stares back at you and it gets intimidating, especially when a smirk curls the corners of his mouth up. Your cheeks already feel quite hot, but now they are burning. You always hated how bothered he could get you despite all your effort to reject him in every possible way. 
Just when you think he’d ignore what you said forever, he finally speaks up. 
“Would you believe me if I said it’s because you’re different?”
“Oh no, don’t give me this bullshit!” you scoff and then just laugh it off. You change position on the stool and try to cover up just how much his words affect you. 
Because it might have been the corniest thing you’ve heard from him, but you’re also just a girl who’s a hopeless romantic and this is exactly the stuff that can turn you into a giggly mess in a heartbeat. 
“Why is it your first instinct that I’m just bullshitting you, Y/N?” he asks, but he is not at all accusing, more like curious. You purse your lip, but decide not to say anything, just sip on your water. Harry walks out from behind the bar and takes the stool next to yours. “I think you don’t know your real worth, Y/N.”
“And you do?” you roll your eyes at him teasingly. 
“I would love to, but as long as you don’t let me get closer to you, I can only work with what I see. I know you probably think I’m just lying to get into your pants, but if there’s one thing you should know about me is that I’m always telling the truth. I’d been lied to before, many times and I know what it does to you, so I would never do the same to you or anyone.”
“Is this your way of buttering me up?” you smirk, but narrow your eyes at him. Your wording makes him laugh. 
“Of course.”
“Ah, you are so smooth, I hate that about you! And I hate how handsome you are.”
Oops. That’s definitely the alcohol talking, you’d have never admitted that to him sober. You catch the surprised smirk on his face and you immediately regret opening your mouth. 
“So you think I’m handsome, huh?”
“Oh shut up! I can see your head getting big!” You point at him, but he grabs your hand in the air and tugs at you gently, just enough to make you hop off your stool and fall towards him. He catches you by the waist as you end up between his legs, your hands end up on his chest as you try to find your balance. 
“I would love to hear you say how handsome you find me, but just know, that you’re playing with my self restraint.”
Even despite the shots, you can feel the switch, your breathing becomes shallow and you make the mistake of letting your eyes move down to his lips for a moment. His fingers dig into your waist and though you know you should move your hands, you love how you can feel his warmth under your palms. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened earlier? Why were you crying?”
“Jeremy,” you say in a whisper. 
“Did he hurt you?”
“Just… with his words.”
“That’s still not okay, don’t downplay it. What did he say?”
A small voice in you is telling you not to tell him more, but his undivided attention and care towards you feels so good, it’s something you haven’t experienced in a while. Jeremy is different, he is not the soft type and though you’ve been telling yourself it’s fine, you can’t deny how much you’ve been craving this kind of connection with someone. 
“He accused me of cheating, that I… I suck people off for money.”
Harry’s hands stiffen on your waist, but he stays silent and gives you the chance to talk. You can feel your throat closing up again and your instinct is to close up, but you want to take this weight off your chest in any way possible, so you don’t hold yourself back. 
“It wasn’t the first time he flipped, sometimes he just… loses his mind and takes his frustration out, often on me.”
“Has he ever hit you?” Harry asks in a somewhat cool tone, but you can tell he is holding a lot back. 
“No,” you shake your head. “But his words… He called me a slut tonight.”
Harry exhales sharply and you see his jaw jumping. Your reasonable self is pounding down the door of the room you shut it into, but you blatantly ignore it as you push closer to him. It’s your first time being this close to him physically and you want to hate it, you really do, but truth is you feel yourself being pulled towards him and you’re just too tired and weak to fight it. 
When one of his hands moves to cup your cheek you’re ready to give in. You part your lips and give him an unmistakable look and you expect him to take advantage of the moment, but he surprises you by turning his head to the side with a heavy sigh.
“Is it not what you want?” you ask quietly, trying your best to ignore just how rejected you’re feeling all of a sudden. 
“You know it is,” he replies, turning back to face you. “I want you more than anything.”
“Then what are you waiting for?”
He shakes his head and your stomach sinks. You try to pull away, but he keeps you caged against him. 
“Hey, look at me.” His hand captures your chin to make you look at him, but you keep your gaze away from him. “Y/N, look at me,” he pleads again and you give in at last. 
His thumb slowly runs across your bottom lip, making it tremble from the intimacy of his touch. 
“This is all I’ve wanted since I first saw you and it’s taking everything in me not to take it. But I know you and I know that you would regret it. I would never put you in a situation that could hurt you.”
You hate how right he is, how well he knows you. 
“So considerate, respecting the… bro code and everything,” you huff, hoping to break this weird mood that’s lingering around the two of you now. Harry’s head falls back as he laughs. Then he grabs your hand that has your engagement ring on and with a confident move he takes it off, throwing it over his shoulder and you just watch with your mouth hanging open.
“I give zero fucks about the bro code, especially if it’s about that asshole you call your fiancé.”
“Did you just–”
“What I do care about is,” he continues, “you. And how you feel.”
Your mind is racing but also blank at the same time. You just stare back at him, eyes drooping as the alcohol is starting to wear you out. 
“So what, you’re just gonna wait around, hoping I will wake up one day and leave Jeremy for you?” you ask jokingly, but his answer comes in a serious manner.
There are a couple of seconds when the two of you are just staring back at each other and you swear you can see the universe in his green eyes, the past, the present and a future together and as much as it scares you, it also starts a fire somewhere deep in your chest. 
“Can you–um, can you give me a ride to my sister’s place?” Clearing your throat you pull away and this time he lets you. 
You sit on his motorcycle behind him, arms wrapped around his torso tight as you watch the night lights pass by, blinking lazily, his scent filling your nose every time you press your cheek against his back. When he stops in front of your sister’s apartment’s building you almost ask him to just drive for a bit more, but you force yourself to let go of him and climb off the motorcycle. 
“Thanks for… everything, I guess,” you awkwardly say while he is still sitting on the bike. 
“Take an Advil before you go to bed.”
“Okay, stop babying me,” you laugh and he finally breaks into a smirk. “I guess I’ll see you around?”
It’s a simple question, but the obvious hidden question is right there, out in the open. It’s your way of asking if he’ll be returning to the bar despite the fight you had a few days ago. 
“Of course. Keep my seat open.”
Nodding you’re about to turn around and walk inside, but he calls after you.
“Y/N?” You look over your shoulder, waiting for him to continue. He opens his mouth, then closes before actually speaking up. “You don’t have to believe that my interest in you is genuine. I will gladly prove it to you any way possible, but… Maybe you should look at Jeremy with the same criticism as well.”
You have no idea what to say so you just nod and then keep walking until you’re inside the building, but you stay leaning against the door until you hear his motorcycle roar up and fade into the night. 
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You’d love to say that after the night with Harry at the bar everything changed, but that’s not true. The next day you went back home, Jeremy calmed down by then, you had a fight nonetheless, which ended up with some makeup sex, but your head was somewhere else.
Or with somebody else.
Then it all went back to the same usual. Harry was there at the bar the next time you were working and luckily he didn’t bring up anything that happened that night. Not what you said about Jeremy, not that you practically admitted being attracted to him and not that you gave him the green light which he rejected. It’s all locked up in a box and put aside. 
However you can feel a slight change in yourself. Harry’s words did stick with you and have been on repeat ever since. 
Maybe you should look at Jeremy with the same criticism as well.
You and Jeremy have been together for over three years and moved in together a year ago. You can’t really remember a time you haven’t been with him. You do know that he is not perfect and the shit he pulls sometimes… 
You’ve thought of leaving him before. It did occur to you that maybe you’d be better off without him when he flipped in the past and turned crazy out of the blue. But every time it happened, he went back to his sweet old self, the one you fell in love with. 
But are you still in love with him?
One day, about a week later Harry waltzes into the bar, but he is not looking his usual, confident self. 
“Okay, hear me out before you say no,” he starts as he takes his spot while you’re drying off some glasses. “I know you might find it hard to believe, but I have friends.”
“We are off to a great start,” you chuckle.
“My best mate, Mitch, he lives two hours away so we don’t meet that often, but he is in town this weekend.”
“Good for him,” you smile, curious about what will come out of it.
“And we were talking about what we should do and all that and I made a mistake. He suggested this club we could check out and said we should meet there at nine but I asked him to make it ten thirty, because on thursdays you finish work at ten.”
Your hand stops mid-motion and you put the glass down, giving him a curious look as you tilt your head to the side. 
“Obviously he wanted to know who you were and I swear I told him we have nothing going on, but he is just so stubborn, he didn’t let it go until I promised I would ask if you wanted to come with us. So here I am, I asked, you can just ignore it and tell me to fuck off. I know you probably wouldn’t want to spend the night in a random club with me and my friend and his wife, so if you just–”
“I’ll go with you.”
Your reply surprises him the most of course, but yourself as well, though you don’t let it show. You spoke before you could think it through and not that it was said out loud and you can’t take it back… You don’t really mind it at all, to be honest. 
“Are you trying to mess with me right now?” he asks, leaning closer, examining you with a narrow-eyed look. 
“No. I haven’t gone out in forever actually, so I would love to.”
He stares back at you for a long moment, looking for any sign that might tell him you’re just joking, but when he sees none, he decides it’s better to just accept it. 
“Okay. Okay, then… I’ll, umm… I’ll pick you up after work?”
“Okay,” you say after him, feeling entertained that you could surprise the always so confident Harry Styles. “So tell me about this friend of yours. Is he hotter than you?”
His expression changes in an instant, the cockiness returns and there is the man you know and…
“He wishes,” Harry laughs. “I met him through work.”
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The apartment is silent when you arrive home that night. Jeremy is working the night shift so you have the place for yourself until he comes home at around four in the morning. The bed is unmade in the bedroom, the plates he used during the day are in the sink and the hamper is full of his clothes. It’s all waiting for you to get everything done even though you work just as much as he does. It wasn’t always like this, you remember the honeymoon phase when he would cook for you and then clean up after, when he would bring you flowers for no particular reason.
When he would actually act like someone who loves you. 
With a heavy sigh you get to work even though you just finished. When the dishes are done and the washing machine is loaded you finally sink into the couch and just sit in silence for a bit. Right until a buzzing sound interrupts your peace. Only then you notice that Jeremy left his phone on the coffee table. 
Grabbing it you check the screen and see that one of his buddies is calling. The name flashes and you wait for it to stop. When he does, you just keep holding the phone, staring at your own reflection in the black screen. 
Jeremy never lets his phone out of his hands, he takes it with him into the bathroom and he is always on it. Tapping on the screen the device comes to life and asks for a password. He never felt comfortable using  face ID or his finger print, so he only uses a password to lock it. What he doesn’t know is that you’ve seen him type it out so many times that you actually figured out what it is. 
No, it’s not your name or the date you met. It’s his favorite line of his favorite movie. 
I am Ironman.
Before you could think twice, you type it in, no space, capital I in Ironman and then the phone unlocks. A rush of excitement washes over you as you open the messages in an instant and start scrolling through them. 
Texts from his dad, from his boss, from his friends and texts from…
And Penelope.
And Bella.
And Riley.
Unmistakable messages, photos and even voice memos. It’s all there and you just keep scrolling and reading and it feels like it never ends. When you get to the end of one thread you find another. It’s not just one woman, but about a dozen. Not even you can turn a blind eye over it this time.
But surprisingly, you don’t feel like you want to scream or cry or punch the wall. Instead, you just put the phone back where it was, walk into the bedroom, grab a bag and start packing some stuff you’ll need for the next few days. When you’re done you walk into the kitchen, grab a paper and leave him a note. 
You have two days to move out. Take your shit and move to Andrea or Penelope or Bella or any of your bitches. Goodbye. 
Then you take the ring off your finger, place it next to the paper and walk out.
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Harry wasn’t sure what he expected to see when he arrived to pick you up after your shift. He thinks you’re the most beautiful woman he has ever seen even when you’re wearing a stained shirt after a long day, so it really doesn’t matter to him what you wear.
But when you step out through the back door in your skin tight black dress that’s top sheer enough to tease him with a peek of your black bra underneath. 
“Are you gonna just stand there and stare or are we gonna get going?”
He opens his mouth to say something, but then he just shakes his head with a laugh as you finally reach him by his bike. 
“Let’s get going.”
You hit it off with Mitch and his wife Sarah instantly. It’s like you’ve always known each other and you can’t tell if it pisses Harry off or he just likes to be the victim every time the three of you make a joke at his expense. 
Even though it’s a Thursday night, the club is pretty busy, but not the kind that makes you want to crawl out of your skin, because someone is always touching you wherever you go. Harry however stays close to you no matter what, like a guard dog, watching your every move. 
It’s giving you butterflies. Especially because he is doing all this even though he doesn’t know about your little secret you will share with him, but you’re waiting for the perfect moment. 
You start off in a booth, having a few drinks, talking and having fun and when the DJ starts playing songs that are just too irresistible you and Sarah drag the men to the dance floor. They try to protest, but it doesn’t last long. As gruff as Mitch can look, it’s obvious he is whipped for his wife and would do anything Sarah asks him. 
And Harry… Well, the moment he sees you moving to the beat he practically glues himself to you. Though dancing is not your biggest strength, you can definitely follow the rhythm and move your body in a way that’s appealing to the male gaze. 
You can tell Harry is trying to keep his cool, but the more he holds himself back, the more you push his buttons. Touching him while dancing, moving in a way that obviously makes him struggle, pressing up against him and then you pull out the big guns when you start grinding on him, when you have your backside pushed against his front. His hand on your stomach twitches when your ass meets his crotch in a not-at-all innocent way and you hear his groan even over the loud music. 
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Y/N,” he speaks into your ear, his hot breath sending goosebumps down your spine. You turn your head and your lips almost brush against his as you look at him innocently.
“Not having fun, Harry?”
“You’re teasing me.”
“Do you not like it?” You turn around to face him easier, but press your front against his to keep the physical contact on the same level. 
“Y/N, you’re… taking it too far,” he warns you, but it just urges you to keep pushing his boundaries. You’re enjoying this way more than you probably should but you are giving yourself the satisfaction this one time. You’re not afraid of asking for his forgiveness later, because you have a feeling he will gladly give it. 
“Am I doing something wrong?”
“No, but I might if you don’t stop.”
“Don’t stop what?”
“Acting like… you’re trying to seduce me.”
“I can’t do that? Why?” It finally brings him to the point where you wanted him to be.
“Because you’re engaged and I’m–” he snaps, but you don’t let him finish.
“Except I’m not.”
You both have stopped moving in the middle of the dancing crowd and Harry is staring at you as if he just saw a ghost. Slowly, you raise up your hand and show him your naked fingers. Reaching up he grabs your hand as if he had to physically touch your ring finger to make sure the ring is not there anymore. 
“I ended things with Jeremy and he moved out. I’m single.”
His gaze keeps flicking back and forth between your eyes as he just keeps staring at you, it seems like you broke him and he forgot how to function, but then his expression changes and you read it perfectly. 
It’s not enough for him that you and Jeremy broke up. He wants you to give him the green light.
You look down at his lips and think of all the times you fantasized about kissing them and the guilt you felt every time, but now it’s nowhere, pure desire took its place and you’re ready to give in. 
You move a hand to the back of his neck and push yourself up, making that first move, but Harry is quick to take over from there. He moves fast as his lips crash down on yours, finally kissing you with the heat of his months long pining and never dying persistence. 
You’ve had your fair share of passionate moments in your life before, but nothing compares to the way Harry practically devours you, he’s demanding, dominant and rough, but the more he takes from you the more you’re willing to give until he has everything in you. His hands are holding your face firmly, tilting your head in the perfect angle for him to greedily kiss you until your lips are numb and you’re gasping for air. And when you can’t keep up with his hunger his mouth moves down to your neck, kissing, biting and sucking shamelessly as if you weren’t on a dancefloor at a club. He has one hand move from the back of your neck into your hair, giving it a gentle tug while his other hand makes its way down your body, your ribs, your waist and then it stops on your ass, squeezing it without remorse, earning a moan from you that just riles him up even more. 
For a split second you’re convinced he is about to fuck you right then and there in front of all those people. But to your surprise he pulls back, his hand wraps around your wrist and he starts pulling you out of the crowd. At the side he finds Mitch and Sarah dancing and he leans close to his ear. You don’t hear what he says, but judging from the smirk and the way Mitch nods, he didn’t try to sugarcoat anything. 
You don’t even get to say goodbye properly, Harry lets go of your wrist, but his arm is quick to curl around your waist as he leads you towards the exit. The cool night air feels refreshing after the heat inside the club, but you don’t get to enjoy the change, Harry is eagerly pulling you towards his motorbike and when you reach it he pushes you against it before kissing you hard again. Your ass is pressed against the seat and for a moment you think it’s about to fall over along with you, but it stays steady while Harry is having his way with you. Then he just simply pulls back and helps you up, making sure you’re holding onto him tightly. 
“This will be the longest ten minutes of my life,” he says, making you laugh as he starts the motor and moments later you’re speeding down the streets. 
It really is an excruciating ten minutes until you arrive at your place, especially because you keep squeezing your thighs against his, giving him a rather hard time and every time you have to stop at a red light, Harry’s hands are quick to find your naked legs, roaming them shamelessly until he has to hold the handles again and focus on the road. 
As soon as he parks in front of the building and you get off the bike, he is back to focusing all his attention on you, so it’s a challenge to even make it up to your apartment. His hands are mapping up every inch of your body and he takes every chance to kiss you on the lips, neck or shoulder, making it almost impossible for you to even open the front door, but at last you manage and he is quick to shut the door and then push you up against it. 
But he is not kissing you this time, instead he looks at you with such passion and tenderness at the same time, it makes your whole body shiver. 
“Tell me no at any point, okay?”
“Okay,” you whisper as a sudden nervousness washes over you. You are not nearly as experienced as he is and sex with Jeremy had been more about his quick relief rather than something you both could enjoy the same amount. 
“Hey, we don’t have to do anything tonight. Holding you is more than I even hoped for tonight,” he admits with a chuckle and he gives you a short, soft kiss. 
“I want to. I just… I’m afraid I won’t be… good enough.”
You’re nervously fidgeting with the neck of his shirt while his hands are plastered to the door behind you either side of you, keeping you caged in with his body. 
“Angel, you had me running after you for two months and the past weeks felt like the longest foreplay of my life,” he chuckles. “I should be the one being nervous about coming in ten seconds.”
You can’t help but crack a smile at his words and he did ease your nerves a bit, but you’re still worried. With one hand he caresses the side of your face so softly, you almost question if he is the same man who was groping your ass not long ago in a packed club. 
“I doubt you could ever not be good enough for anyone but especially for me.”
Your inside melts and there are no words that could describe the way he is making you feel. But instead of talking, you push yourself against him and kiss him, urging yourself to overcome your insecurities so he doesn’t regret choosing you. 
You manage to hype yourself up so well that when you reach your bedroom you pull away and make him stop at the edge of the bed as you stand just a few feet away from him. His eyes roam up and down your body with such hunger you have never seen from a man before and it gives you that last boost to step your game up. 
With slow, teasing movements you start to pull your dress up, revealing more and more from your legs, than your underwear and when the fabric is bunched up around your waist you cross your arms, grab the hem and pull it up and over your head before dropping to the floor, all while Harry is eating you up with his eyes, sitting there with the smuggest smirk on his face as he watches you like he is in a movie theater. 
“Fucking perfect. Come here,” he holds a hand out that you take and he pulls you between his legs, placing your hands to his shoulders as his palms slide to the back of your thighs. He places a few open mouthed kisses to the swell of your breasts before his hands squeeze your thighs, urging you to move your legs and make you straddle him. As you climb to his lap he captures your lips in a toe curling kiss and he catches you by surprise when he flips the two of you over and throws you into the mattress. 
He straightens up but just enough to get rid of his shirt, revealing even more tattoos you haven’t seen and a toned chest with abs you’re already burning to touch, kiss or lick. Or all of these above. He comes back down on top of you, his lips return to yours while his hand easily slides underneath you, unclasping your bra and seconds later he is throwing it across the room before his mouth starts moving down your neck, collarbones and then to your chest. You rake your fingers through his hair as his tongue swirls around your nipple and you gasp when he gently bites and tugs on it, flashing you a cheeky smirk when he looks up at you before he keeps moving down on your body. When he reaches your underwear he takes the elastic between his teeth and tugs on it then lets it go so it snaps back against your skin, making you gasp and give him a protesting look, but it just makes him chuckle. 
“What? Don’t tell me you didn’t wear it for me,” he mumbles against the lacy fabric, skimming it with his lips. 
“I did, but not to have you play with it,” you breathe out, however you quite like how playful he can get even in such a heated moment. This is a side of him you’ve gotten to get just a glimpse of but you’re getting the full ride now. 
“Alright. Next time then,” he shrugs and hooking his fingers into the elastic he tugs it down as you lift your hips up and soon it joins the rest of your clothes on the floor, leaving you fully naked in front of him. But before you could worry about your looks, his mouth is already on your throbbing clit, making you forget about your whole existence. 
He turns you into a whiny mess with his lips and tongue in just seconds and when he adds his fingers into the equation all you can do is repeat his name like a prayer to all powers above. You’ve never experienced anything like this, not that anyone you’d been with did it the way Harry is. Before you could even process what’s happening you’re coming on his face and he is licking up every drop of it in every possible sense. 
Your body already feels like jelly when he moves back up and he kisses you with your own taste still on his tongue, but he is not even nearly done with you. 
He kneels up and unbuttons his pants and then pushes them down along with his boxer briefs so now you’re looking at just how good enough he is finding you. You can’t take your eyes off his erection, it’s big, rock hard and the tip is glistening from the precum. It’s like the sight has turned on something inside you, because before you could have a second thought you’re moving until you’re on your knees as well, hands wrapping on his cock. Harry moans at your touch and a triumphant smile stretches across your lips as you lean down and don’t stop until your lips are wrapped around the head. 
He sits back onto his heels, eyes glued to you as you struggle to push further and further down his length every time your head bobs down. You’re far from taking his whole cock, but every time you go down again and again he keeps praising you. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good.”
“Look at that mouth, taking my cock so well.”
“That’s it Angel, you make me feel so fucking good.”
You don’t stop until your jaw is sore and when you finally come up he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you hard, pushing you back onto the mattress as he lands on top of you again. 
Half blindly, you reach towards the nightstand and into the drawer, grabbing a condom and handing it over to him. You’d love to be the one to roll it onto his cock, but your hands are starting to shake from how much you want to feel him inside you already. 
Once the condom is on he lowers his hips between your legs and you feel his length wedge between your drenched folds. He moves his hips back and forth a few times, coating his length in your arousal before reaching down between your bodies and grabbing himself by the base. 
“As much as I want to take you in every possible pose, I meant that I might not last long,” he chuckles as the head is already teasing your center. “But I won’t stop until you come again. And I’ll have all my fantasies played out next time.”
Next time. These two words make your heart jump, knowing that he is planning to have a next time and you’re still thinking about that when he finally thrusts forward and into you, filling you up inch by inch until his whole length is buried inside you. 
He stills for a few seconds, maybe to let you get used to his size or maybe to regulate himself enough to last longer, you don’t know for sure. But then his lips capture yours again and he starts moving. His hips are rocking back and forth in a steady rhythm and when you hook your legs around his waist he picks his pace up and his thrusts become a bit rougher than before, but it’s just what you needed. 
Your second orgasm is already building up in the pit of your stomach and you claw at his back as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, his moans getting muffled by your heated skin. You feel his muscles flex on his back and you can tell he is close, but he is fighting to hold back for you.
He lifts his head and rests his forehead against yours, keeping his rhythm steady and you see the struggle in his eyes. 
“I’m close,” you breathe out and he nods with an almost torturous look. “Let it go, Harry, I want to feel you come.”
“Not until you—”
“That’s what I need,” you urge him and he moans before he thrusts forward harder than before, he stays still for a moment, gasping for air as he pulls back and slams into you again, riding out his own orgasm that quickly triggers yours. 
Seeing him fall apart because of you is all you needed. 
He keeps moving for a while, but his thrusts become sloppier until they come to a halt. His whole weight is pushing against your body as your hands are lazily dancing up and down his sweaty back. You feel his heart hammering against your chest and listen to how his breathing slowly steadies before he rolls off of you. Moving with him you curl up against him, your head resting on his chest. 
Then, out of the blue he lets out a soft chuckle. Curiously you lift your head to look at him questioningly. 
“I think I need an award for lasting that long,” he comments and you laugh with him until his hand cradles your face and he pulls you up for a soft, lazy kiss. 
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A siren wakes you up that passes by the bedroom window. You grimace with your eyes still closed as you roll from one side to the other, your hand reaching out, searching for Harry’s body, like you did during the night, but this time all you find is the empty mattress beside you.
It instantly sets off a siren in your head as well. 
Sitting up you look at the rumpled sheets on the right side of the bed, but Harry is still not there. Your stomach drops as you crawl out of bed and grab a shirt and a pair of panties to put on quickly before walking out of the bedroom, hoping you might find him in the kitchen making breakfast, but when all you find is your own mess from the day before, panic takes over.
There won’t be next time. That was just an empty promise, he left you just like he left everyone else. How could you even think that you were different?
Tears are dwelling in your eyes as you wrap your arms around you, but then you hear the front door open and you turn around to find Harry walking in, balancing two coffees in one hand and a paper bag in the other.
“Hey, you’re up! I went to get us breakfast, because I didn’t find much in your fridge and—Y/N, are you crying?”
“No,” you shake your head, but then a sob bubbles from your throat. Harry places the cups and the bag to the side table and rushes over to you in panic. 
“What happened? Talk to me,” he pleads, but you just shake your head, embarrassed that you instantly assumed the worst of him. 
It takes only a couple of seconds for Harry to put the puzzle pieces together as well.
“You thought I left,” he says. 
“I got scared for a moment when I didn’t find you.”
He doesn’t try to play it off or play the victim. He pulls you into a tight hug and gently sways until you calm down. When he pulls back and looks you in the eyes all you see in his gaze is determination. 
“Remember what I told you the night when I dropped you off at your sister’s place?”
“That I should look at Jeremy with criticism.”
“Before that.” You remain silent because you can’t recall what else was said that night. “I said that I will gladly prove to you that my interest in you is genuine.”
Oh, yeah. You remember that.
“The proving starts now. I will do anything to earn your trust.”
“Even if it takes a long time?” you ask, biting into your bottom lip. He smiles warmly at you.
“Even if it takes forever.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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cuubism · 3 days
Found this old fic concept in my notes, I doubt I'll ever get around to writing it or that I could do it justice if I did, but it still makes me laugh so I wrote it up as a little blurb. Perhaps it will make you laugh too.
Mega Popstar Dream and Hob, his extremely non-famous celebrity crush
So in this universe Dream is an extremely famous musician. He's like Taylor Swift level of famous, if you walk up to any random person on the street they would know who he is. Meanwhile Hob is an actor but really not very well known, he was in a few small projects and is in the core cast of one TV show that's well-regarded but not super popular.
It's Dream's FAVORITE TV SHOW and Hob is his FAVORITE ACTOR that he's ferally OBSESSED WITH. Everyone knows about this too, Dream is really obvious about it. In interviews people will ask him what he likes and he's like "this is my favorite TV show" "have you seen Hob Gadling in that show isn't he incredible", They'll ask him if he has a celebrity crush (as a joke) and he's like "YES HOB GADLING 😍" like it's become a meme in Dream's fandom how much he has a crush on this random actor.
They've never met though, probably Dream was afraid to -- 'never meet your heroes' and all -- and never let his team book any overlapping events. So he's never seen Hob in person, only watched his favorite TV show 65 times in a row and memorized every inch of his face. Like a stalker.
So then a Buzzfeed-esque YouTube channel is running a special edition of their usual challenge show, "People Meet Their Celebrity Crush", except this time it's "CELEBRITIES Meet Their Celebrity Crush." Dream's entire team conspires against him to book him on this. Dream doesn't know what it is until the very moment since the whole point is to surprise people with their crush. Needless to say, Hob was REALLY dubious when the channel reached out like "do you want to come on as Dream's celebrity crush" but what's he gonna do say NO? say NO when Dream is so pretty and cute? So yeah he goes.
Anyway during the moment in the video when they revealed his celebrity crush to him -- aka Hob just looking like a totally normal and random guy -- Dream literally tripped over a chair and fell on the floor and then fainted. Instant meme and it became the thumbnail of the video. When Dream woke up to find Hob crouched by him all concerned asking if he was okay he nearly had a panic attack, he was never more flustered and nervous in his whole life not even performing for crowds of millions.
Hob fell in love instantly. He doesn't even know much about Dream, he hasn't even listened to Dream's music other than what's just playing ubiquitously on the radio all the time but all it took was watching Dream fall over a chair and then look up at him with his huge starry eyes and he was like 'This one's mine forever idc. I gotta protect this nerd he won't survive in the wild.'
Anyway they did start dating after that and Dream never leaves the honeymoon phase for the rest of his whole life, he truly thinks Hob is the most handsome man and best actor in the entire world and will tell anyone so at any opportunity, he goes around saying things like "see if you believe really hard you too can marry your celebrity crush 🥰" with zero irony, he might have skipped the Grammys to go to the premiere of season 3 of Hob's show (Hob didn't ask him to do that) (Dream won the Grammy but had more fun staring at Hob's face for 2 hours than he would have had at the awards show). Meanwhile Hob never talks about Dream in public because Dream already has negative 500% privacy in his life, he's extremely protective of him, and he allegedly punched one of the paparazzi in the face when they tried to take stealth shots at their wedding which was supposed to be a private affair. ALLEGEDLY. No charges were filed.
Dream did post one photo of the wedding on insta for his adoring fandom in which he described Hob as his knight in shining armor and then denied any knowledge of any 'alleged' events when asked about it in the future. Because Hob was so much more private about their relationship than Dream, for a while Dream's fandom had been like HOB DOESN'T DESERVE DREAM but after the (alleged) story about Hob punching someone in the face came out they were all obsessed with him. So that solved that problem.
(Despite Hob's efforts a paparazzi photo did come out of them the morning after the wedding, Hob sitting on the terrace drinking coffee, Dream sitting on his lap wearing Hob's shirt and looking thoroughly ravished. Dream might have framed it.)
Then they lived happily ever after. Dream put Hob in every one of his music videos regardless of whether it made sense for the story. Hob got one of Dream's songs put in his favorite TV show which made Dream's whole entire year. The end :)
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nor-4 · 2 days
Formula 1 Incorrect Quotes with reader Two
F1IQ - Part One
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Y/n: Bitch why don't you shut the fuck up before i slit your throat and watch the honor roll out?
Max: Are you threatening me??
Y/n: No, I'm hitting on you, flash me a titty bitch.
Lewis: Yeah uh, there's something I've been wanting to say lately.
Y/n: Oh what's that?
Lewis: The N-Word
Y/n looking at toto: Look at your dad. Such a dork, keeping bees.
Y/n: I mean atleast it's interesting though. At least like, i wish my dad kept bees.
Y/n: I mean it's kind of cute. Like, your dad keeps bees.
Y/n: How old is your dad? He's obviously beekeeping age. I dont know. I think It's kind of sweet.
Y/n: George, i wanna fuck your dad.
George: Oh really?
Yuki: Hey can i sit with you?
Y/n: Why
Yuki looking at stroll and ocon: The kids at the other table keep throwing ketchup packets at me.
Y/n: You're not covered in ketchup, though
Yuki: They don't know you have to open it first
Y/n: Damn. We need remedial bullying class too.
Yuki: So how do you like your remedial english?
Y/n: I guess it's whatever. My mom was really pissed, though.
Yuki: Yeah? What about your dad?
Y/n: My dad killed himself.
Charles: I'm finally seeing someone good for me.
Alex: Omg who is it?
Charles: A therapist
Y/n: max is pissing me off *20 minutes ago*
Y/n: nvm just got dicked down
George: Girl what..
Fernando: Every time i talk to you i feel confused.
Fernando: I've never met anyone that speaks like you do
Y/n: Stop lovebombing me
Fernando: what? It's not a compliment
Fernando: You scare me
Y/n: What are you hiding from me?
Zhou: Nothing..
Y/n: Zhou Guanyu.
Zhou pulls out a cat: The cat distribution system chose me okay
Y/n at drive to survive: If he cheats on you, put hair remover in his shampoo, you wanna act like Andrew tate, u gon look like him too.
Lewis wearing a beanie: I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS FOREVER
Toto: That's your fault. Being too quick signing your seat with ferrari
Oscar: Are you high?
Lando: Am i what?
Oscar: High
Lando: Hello
Christian: So what could a Mercedes principal possibly have then?
Y/n: I just feel like he'd be into satan-worship, or at the very least have a sex diary.
Christian: A toto wolff sex diary would be horrifying. He's like our rival.
Y/n: We say that about Stephen king books, we still read those.
Daniel: "Dear diary, hot candle wax hurts so good"
Christian: No it'd probably be like a thesaurus of words for "Good"
Daniel: Yeah he probably sexts with perfect grammar.
Y/n: "My wife showed an exquisite exhibition of lust for me."
Toto: Let me try something different here. Do you guys have thoughts and feelings for one another?
Y/n: Uhh i think George's kinda spoiled
George: And i feel like y/n's a bitch
Y/n: What're you gay?
Alex: What.. How did you know? I've never told anyone that.
Y/n: Dude look at your hair dye, you're either gay or color blind.
Lance: bro stop chanting in dead language's your scaring the hoes
Y/n: Bitch you is so lonely I'm summoning the hoes
Sebastian: You used to be shy, now you're a whore
Y/n: There's a thing called character development
Oscar: Reminder that I'm very sweet and endearing so be nice to me
Carlos: or what
Oscar: or I'll punch your lights out
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Hey yall this is a bit short cause I'm finna make a random crack twitter posts n I'll post it in the most random day. I love yall baby💋
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worldofkuro · 8 hours
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXVI
<- Previous Chapter I
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I feel like I've been gone forever.... But well, writing Alastor's point of view are always the hardest. Once again, a little trip inside our favorite psychopath's mind. It's almost 16K long, enjoy it. Surprisingly, I don't think there is any warming...?
“ Don’t ever leave me.”
He whispered to your sleeping form, moving your locks from your face. It was still nighttime, maybe 3 am, it was normal for him to be awake at this time of the night. He was used to it and in a way he enjoyed being awake when you were sleeping. It was once more, a proof of how vulnerable you could be with him. How you trusted him. 
He stared at you until it was time for him to get up and prepare breakfast. He kissed your forehead before sitting on the edge of the bed, inhaling with a wicked smile. Killing, going to work, having you by his side… What a life.
“ No, don’t go yet…”
His smile turned soft when he felt you hug him from behind, kissing his cheek. You were adorable, did you know that? 
He was becoming more and more popular in town. He was narrating stories, making small talks and then he talked about the incident in the hotel, the fire. He couldn’t contain his smile when he talked about the people who got killed in the fire. Larry and his butler, the one two victims. 
The couple who was sleeping in the next room have been arrested, thanks to you putting Larry’s eye on their room. The police, mostly John, were very invested in this case. They said they found bloodied clothes in the closet, Larry’s eye and so on. He couldn’t help but laugh when he heard the news about the couple's arrest.  Everything was going smoothly, no one was suspecting you or him.
He even got to have dinner with Alyzée’s father, the mayor. He talked with him about John, saying you saw him trespassing on his property without a warrant, furthermore,  the bear trap he left. The mayor seemed very confused but he was drinking his words like water. It was so easy… He asked the mayor to stop his father’s disappearance’s case. He wanted to marry you as soon as possible. They could go back to the case after.
The mayor accepted easily, saying he was going to take John off the case because he didn’t follow the law but because of his family’s name, he couldn’t fire him from the police. Alastor didn’t mind, he just wanted John off the case and to marry you. You still weren’t aware of it, he wanted to surprise you.
“ I need to leave earlier, today.” He kissed your nose but he let you tug him back into bed. He stroked your naked back, loving the feeling of your skin against his hands. He chuckled when he heard you saying you couldn’t wait to be married to him. Oh, only if you knew…
He kissed you once more,  tickling you. Your voice was so smoothing he couldn’t help but wanting to hear more of it. But it wasn’t the right place.
He knew your father wouldn’t like to see him in your bedroom, you were supposed to be a virgin until the wedding. He almost scoffed each time your father said you both needed to wait until the wedding until you could sleep together. You have been together since childhood, your bond was more than just some sexual intercourse. He enjoyed your body, naked like today, because it was so pretty. Your hips would move sensually, the bones showing against the skin… You were beautiful. You were a piece of art. Sometimes, if you were feeling in the mood, you would play with him, building up tension but you never went further than that in your bedroom. Usually, he would just admire you while you were reading or sleeping on your bed.
You asked him if you could take a shower with him which he accepted. He was looking at you as you played with his hair, he didn’t know why you enjoyed his curls so much but if you were smiling, it was all that mattered. You were blushing, were you really finding him attractive?
He knew he was good looking, men or women would try to hit up on him, but they only saw his mask. You, you were seeing him as he was and yet, you find him pretty, attractive. How crazy of you.
“ Don’t we look amazing?” you laughed.
“ Always.” he kissed your forehead with a soft smile.
He cleaned your body, being gentle with your skin. When you asked him if you could do the same, he stayed silent for a minute. You were looking at him with those shining eyes, with so much trust… He nodded.
You cleaned him, being so mindful of your touch. You sometimes kissed his scars, making him smile. You were so cute. 
You both left the bathtub, and he let you do your hair. He closed one eye as you let one curl on his forehead, smiling brightly. He used to slicked his hair back when he was working but if you wanted this hairstyle on him, who was he to say no?
He smirked when you looked for his watch and used your powers to throw it at him. His shadow took it, making you pout and of course it went toward you, poking you until you gave it attention.
“ I shall come back tonight with a surprise. Be nice.” He kissed the top of your head before leaving to work.
He entered into his workplace, Victor sprinting toward him with a big smile, telling him about the new records his podcast did last time. He smirked, of course, he was Alastor Sanglar,  he was the best. He went into his office, closed his door and began his usual podcast. He played jazz and blues, talking about what was going on in New Orleans.
But then, he heard loud footsteps coming toward his door. He squinted his eyes, looking toward the noise, still talking into his microphone. He smirked when John bashed his door open. Just as planned.
“ Alastor, you bastard!” shouted John as he walked toward him, Victor behind him, trying to stop him from coming closer to him. He held his hand in front of him, telling Victor to back off with his hand.
“ Well, ladies and gentlemen, please, welcome John Felleur, an officer from the police of New Orleans. Let the lad take place.”  He said, amused. John’s face was red from anger, he already knew why the man had come to him: the mayor should have told him the big news! “ Well, what can I do for you, officier?” 
“ I have been taken away from the case because of you! You knew I would find dirt on you.” Alastor almost laughed out loud, what a poor fool… He pushed a button which made an “ Oouh” sounds, like a crowd was here, watching the spectacle. He was going to have so much fun, John was already digging his own grave.
 “ Oh yes. You must have heard it, folks, but my father has gone missing. The one on the case was no one but the successful John Felleur. The man has been on my back since then, slavery is abolished you know?” He chuckled, leaning back against his chair.
“ Because I know you have something to do with it. Just like last week’s fire, I’m sure I saw you there. You, fucker, have been manipulating everyone around you and now you wished to get married? You even took her away while I could be–”
Ah, he shouldn't talk about you.
“ Ooh.. Is John insecure, pursuing allure? Fitting between my father’s case and the hotel’s one, is nothing working?”
“ You–!”
“ Every day, he’s got a new failure!”
“ You’re looking at justice! He is the one behind all of it!”
“ Is John as strong as he purports? Or is it based on his support? He’d be powerless without his family’s name. And here’s the sugar on the cream. He asked my fiancée to be his wife.”
“ Hold on!”
“ She said no, and now he’s pissy, that’s the tea!” Alastor’s laughter echoed into the room. How fun it was! 
“ Alastor !” you heard John shout. “ I’m not weak. You can’t kill me!”
“ I’ll make you wish I would, my dear friend.” Alastor laughed.
“ I don’t bend to no one.” he spat.
“ Be careful, what doesn’t bend usually breaks.” Alastor hummed. “ Well, folks. I shall leave you, as you can see, I’ll need to have a little chat with our rude friend.  It will be fun.” he chuckled before standing up, letting Victor handle his broadcast.
He left his office, and stood before John, with two policemen by his side. Was John trying to intimidate him? He almost scoffed. He let the men speak in front of him, crossing his arms against his torso. He listened to John, who was warning him to stop getting closer to the mayor or other high positioned people.
He turned his eyes to his side, he felt like something warm was touching his hand. He looked at his hand and then looked back at the men speaking to him. He asked the men to leave before going back to his office. He sat on his chair and sighed.
“ Those fuckers…” He passed his hands on his face before looking back at his note. Now, he needed to make some changes. He wrote in his notebook before jerking up when his paper sheet went into the air. He looked around him, his eyes becoming red. He could see some kind of form in front of him… 
He watched as your name appeared as the paper folded itself. He blinked. For a second, he felt his heart stop. You couldn’t be dead right?  You wouldn’t do this to him. You were to be alive next to him even after death. You couldn’t be dead. You couldn’t. You couldn’t. You couldn’t.
“ Darling?”
He could see the paper folded itself with a yes. His body relaxed, he couldn’t feel a bad energy as the paper moved around happily. You weren’t dead. You just..project your spirit away from your body. How amazing…
“ This is really impressive.” He smirked, looking at the direction he knew you would be. You always were moving around when you were in an excited mood, always bouncing around him, it was cute. 
He felt a warm sensation against his cheek and looked at his side.“ Your hand is next to my face right? Your energy has always been warm…” he sighed with a soft smile. “ Why are you here, dearest? Have you heard our dear John coming to my show? What a performance, right?” he laughed , imaginating you grinning next to you.
He watched as the paper flew enthusiastically around him. He crossed his arms on his torso with a smirk on his face. He knew you were at Alice, she must have told you his surprise. He already knew the mayor talked to Alyzée, who gossiped with Alice who couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She couldn’t keep a secret, huh? Was it karma because he used her secret against her ? Was that karma because he took a picture of Alyzée and Alice kissing and sended to Larry?
…. Maybe he didn’t care.
“ Darling, you should go back. As soon as I’m finished, I’ll come to you so we can talk about the wedding ceremony…” he took the paper from your invisible hand with a soft smile. He felt a warmth sensation on his lips before it was tugged away from him.
He went back on his chair, chuckling before laughing out loud. 
You were amazing, a strength that needed to be veneered. You were his, his wife, his, his, his hishishishishis.
He stopped laughing, his smile dropping. He should write notes for his next broadcast, he would have to go to your house so he could tell the good news to your father and mother about your wedding. 
He started writing, but jerked up his head when he heard commotion outside of his office. He stood up and opened his door and smiled when he saw the mayor walking toward him with a huge smile of his face.
“ Alastor! I have big news for you, young man!”
He tried so hard to contain his satisfied smile when the mayor told him he could marry you in two weeks. In two weeks, you will be his in front of your friends and your family. In human terms, you were about to be bound together forever.
He shook the mayor’s hand after having a little chat and then took his stuff before going toward your parent’s home. Oh, so many good news was to be shared today. He smirked as his shadow moved around his feet, as happy as he felt.
He almost bought flowers on his way, but was too eager to share the big news with you. He knocked on your parent’s home’s door and smiled at your father when he let him enter. He shook his hand as he heard you walk down the stairs. He could recognize your footsteps in the middle of a dance party.
He smiled when you hugged him, nuzzling against his chest. He knew your father didn’t like when you both were too close, but he couldn’t refuse a hug from his soon-to-be wife, right?
“ Well, I came here to give you some happy news. I talked with the mayor, he is ready to hold our wedding in two weeks.”
He smirked when he saw his mother hug you but his attention quickly turned to your father. He seemed confused, after all, your wedding was supposed to be held after his father’s disappearance’s case was solved. Which would never be.
After half-lying to your father, he flinched when your dad slapped his shoulder. Well, manipulating someone was getting easier and easier, it was almost boring. But, oh, well you were there, happy, smiling at him, seeming as eager as him to finally prove your affection for each other.
He bantered with Alice and finally she went home. You were always saying Alice and him liked each other but he couldn’t care less about Alice. She was just a tool, he didn’t feel anything else, she was like a pen he needed to write a letter. He would be annoyed if the pen broke, but he could just take another.
“ Where should our honeymoon be?” you turned toward Alastor.
“ Mhn… Somewhere near the ocean maybe? I’ve never been there.” he smiled at you. He knew you didn’t know how to swim, and he needed to take care of that. It was dangerous for you to have such weakness.
“ If you are afraid of drowning, do not be afraid my dear, I’ll be by your side.” He kissed the back of your hand. You smiled softly at him.
“ I did want to go somewhere warm.” 
He looked at you, warmer than here? He looked at you, imagining you in your wedding dress, staring at him and only him.
“ Who should we invite ?” 
“ Well, Alice will be the maid of honor,” you smiled as he rolled his eyes. He was amused, it was cute how you were friends with Alice. ” My family will come, so I shall invite Alyzée and some other friends but not too many.”
“ Mhn.. I guess I need to bring some people too. Well, I guess Mimzy could come, maybe Victor, if he isn’t too noisy about it.” He thought out loud. “ I don’t have any family left but my mother, which is enough.”
“ On our honeymoon, I think I will be able to do the spell.” he looked at you with a fond smile. He read everything he could find on this spell; he talked with Kalfu, everything was going to be perfect. “ I can’t wait.”
You grasped his face and kissed him fiercely. You took a step back before he could kiss back, jumping on the grass with a big grin.
He couldn’t contain his smile. That was what he wanted. You were smiling thanks to him. Being happy to be caged with him forever and ever. He looked as you laid down on the grass, you were so beautiful… You always seemed so out of reach and yet, here you were, giving yourself to him without being afraid of what he was.
“ What do we need for.. the ritual?”
“ Well, we need another powerful spirit.” He sat next to you, taking away the leaves from your hair. “ I will try to invoke him this weekend.”
“ Can I be there?” You looked at him.
“ Well, I can’t say no to you.” He kissed your forehead with a smirk. “ We’ll need enough offerings…”
“ Now that you mention it, I need to give him an offering..”
“ Yes, what happened back then?”
“ My soul left my body,” you said proudly, “ so I could come see you.”
“ It was really impressive,” he said, looking at you with pride. He was really impressed, he didn’t even know such things were possible. You would always surprise him, how fun. You chuckled as you explained to Alastor how you managed to do that and that his shadow was being able to see you when you were in that state. “ I see… Don’t do it somewhere when you aren’t safe. I don’t know what could happen if you were to be forced out of your trance.”
You nodded, placing your head against his shoulder. Soon, you would be wed, chained to hil without any ways of escaping.
He was confident.
He was handling everything well, the preparation for the wedding, for the honeymoon and with the rituals. Everything needed to be perfect, it was something that needed to be perfect. What was irritating was that he couldn't see you as often as he wished he would. He would always try to come at night, like a shadow, never being seen. 
Alastor placed a cup of black coffee on a table with a cigar and wrote symbols with chalk on the walls. He was excited to meet this spirit, the spirit who rules over death: Baron Samedi. This spirit was invoked to contact and communicate with the dead, he determines whether they could come visit or not. He may be asked to remove bothersome ghosts and invoked to ward off death. He is a powerful healer. Baron Samedi rules the cemetery: no one can die until he gives permission for their grave to be dug.
He looked at you, you seemed to be nervous but he reassured you easily. You didn't have to be here if you didn't want to. He would get the work done. Furthermore, he wasn’t really enjoying the fact that you were in a situation where he didn’t have full control. But when did a situation escape him? He would control anyone to achieve his goals. Spirits, Gods, Humans or Demons.
He kissed you deeply before walking in front of the table and began his incantation. He closed his eyes, feeling coldness seeping into his bones, into his blood faster than usual. He held his head as a freezing pain smashed into his head. 
What was going on?
“ Alastor…”
“ Are you okay, dearest?” He grabbed your hand when he saw you stumbling toward him. Did he mess up his incantation?
“ Aren’t you adorable?”
He turned his head toward the voice and squinted his eyes. There was a man smoking the cigar he had put on the table, a moment ago, staring at you with an amused smile. The gentleman looked like an older, dark-skinned man in formal attire, dressed completely in black. He was wearing a black top hat, black suit and impenetrable black sunglasses which were missing a lens. He had read that the missing lens was showing the eyes that could see  in the underworld.
“ You asked for me?” he smirked before sitting on a chair, taking the cup of coffee. “ Well, I already know why. It’s not everyday I see Papa Legba and Kalfu in the same room. How are you doing, my good fellows?”
He turned his head toward a presence he wasn’t used to feeling. And for the first time, he saw him. The spirit he first tried to approach, the spirit which worked his mother to protect him.
Papa Legba.
He looked like a tall old black man, with a strangely warm expression. He was smoking a long pipe while staring at you, his back against the door. He looked oddly human if not for the wisdom in his eyes that seemed so deep, an entire life wouldn’t be enough to hear all about his knowledge.
“ Must be nice to finally meet me, right,  little missy?” 
You turned your eyes toward the voice and yelped when you saw a man crouching next to you, his red eyes staring at you with a mocking smile. He almost rolled his eyes as Kalfu enjoyed your scared expression.
“ Well, it’s nice to finally meet all of you, gentlemen.” Alastor spoke with his usual confidence. Those three spirits weren’t as impressive as he thought. “ I didn’t expect to have all of you with us today, but it might be for the best.” He beamed at the spirits as he took a chair to sit down.
“ You truly have beautiful eyes.” you turned around as you felt your hair being touched. You looked at The Baron Samedi who was looking at you, still seeming amused. Alastor could feel his blood boiling. How dared he touch you?  You took a step back before being tugged on Alastor’s laps. You looked down and smiled softly at his shadow which was frowning, keeping its hand around your waist.
“ You really didn’t change, Alastor !” Baron Samedi laughed before sitting on the table, smoking his cigar. “ I used to heal you when you were unconscious after your father was done punishing you, your Mother was always asking for my help, what a caring woman.” 
He tensed as he remembered his father’s assault. He always wondered how he never died under his father’s fists, how his body always was he aling quickly and easily.  You stroked his hand while staring at the three spirits in front of you. “ Well, it’s not for being healed that I called you.”
“ ‘I’ ? Boy, you didn't call me all alone. Your darling is also in it.”
“ Nonsense. She didn’t prepare anything to summon you.” Said Alastor, his smile twitching. He was sure of it. Not a single drop of your blood or any other things coming from you was used to summon them. You weren’t bound with this summoning. He made sure of it.
“ Why? Am I connected to Alastor in some way?” 
“ Well, little lady, of course. If not, why would you be able to see me, summon me or even work with spirits?” Papa Legba asked you with his calming voice.
“ Alastor already created some kind of bond between the two of you, but you already saw it, right little missy?” Kalfu smirked at you, making Alastor grimaced. Seemed like Kalfu enjoyed scaring you. 
“ What are you talking about?” You asked, squeezing Alastor’s hand.
“ When you asked for your soul to leave your body to see Alastor. Didn’t you see a red thread linking you to him?”
Alastor looked at you, stroking your thigh in a soothing manner. He was curious, did you really see something like that?
“ But… It was so.. weak?”
“ Of course!” Laughed Baron Samedi. “ Alastor bound you the first time he tried to summon our dear Papa Legba, he had a tissue with your blood on it. Blood is really important here. That’s why when Alastor summoned Legba, he went toward you because the first thing he felt was your blood.”
“ And then, I came in, because I wanted to work with Alastor. This boy has a lot of potential.” Kalfu smirked. “ It’s in his blood.”
Alastor was conflicted. The air he felt when he first tried to summon Papa Legba was the spirit itself…? He had managed to summon two powerful spirits in less than one hour. They were saying he had potential. Well, he wasn’t surprised, but he wanted more. But for now, he needed to understand before acting.
“ Then, how did the bound apparead when I didn’t do anything to make it happen?” Asked Alastor, looking at the spirits. 
“ Well, like Kalfu told you, you have huge potential. You could have created the bond, you already had summoned me and him. You made the first step but stopped when you made a deal with Kalfu for power. That is why, right now, your bond is half-made.” Legba said, inhaling smoke from his pipe. “ But now, your other half is working with me, which makes you, in a twisted way, work with me.”
“ But you told me you would cut our deal if I were to work with..Kalfu?” you asked. “ Alastor is working with him, and yet..?”
“ Of course, little lady. Even if your control on your spirit is impressive, it’s not in your blood. You can do all that because Alastor ‘tainted’ it. If he were at his most powerful, and your bond were created, you would have maybe half of his abilities. Your body wouldn’t be able to take more.” He said to you with a sad smile. “ You would lose yourself to the spirits and end up mad.”
“ Or dead with me!” said Baron Samedi with a laugh which echoed in the basement. “ I’m joking, Alastor.” he smirked when he saw Alastor’s hand clenching on your waist. He didn’t like any of those outcomes, if he had to stop you from using spirits, he would stop you, no matter how.
“When you will be powerful enough, trust me, Legba’s protégée won’t be able to do anything against you. You could just use the shadow to bring her to you.” Kalfu smirked, staring at Legba with a competitive glint in his eyes. 
Now… that was interesting. Frist of all, Kalfu was referring to you as Legba’s protégée. It was a heavy title he didn’t necessarily want you to hold.  Being the protégée of a spirit, even more for the powerful one, was honorable. Kalfu had chosen Alastor as his protégé, that was what the spirit told him.  It meant some kind of protection… 
Second of all, he was going to be so powerful he was going to be able to bend you at his will.  He smirked when he saw your face, you seemed to enjoy the thought of being at his mercy.  You were just like him… 
But you surprised him once more, asking Baron Samedi for his healing power. You were insane, wanting to protect him at all cost. You were insane, mad,crazy, just like him. It was oddly comforting.
“ So, you would want to work with me, for my healing capacity? You know, it’s different from working with Legba? You are asking a skill of mine. Papa Legba just gives access to a spirit to work with you, the spirit chooses when to go back, if Legba allows it,  unless you ask him to leave. You’re asking for a power that belongs to no small spirits, the price will hurt.”
“ Then, she doesn’t need it.” said Alastor, forcing you to look at him. “ I won’t need this power, who could hurt me?” He asked you with his usual charming and confident smile. A healing power could be very useful, indeed, but if it meant you would get hurt, he didn’t need this power. His priority was you. You, you, you, you.
But, you managed to hold this power, making a deal with Baron Samedi. You would be able to heal him and yourself, what a power… You were beautiful, your red eyes having a purples hues. You fell asleep quickly after that, letting him and the spirits talk about the real deal they were supposed to make. 
He would have to take Eamon to create a material bound, the spirits would then possess the both of you before doing their things. He almost winced when Kalfu said that it was going to hurt you. He didn’t care if it would hurt him, he could take it. You… You, he didn’t want you to feel anything pain that wasn’t created by him.
After some time, he knew all he needed to know about this ritual. Once the spirits vanished, he walked toward you and smiled fondly when he saw your sleeping expression. How could you be so vulnerable? Since you’ve been children you have always been vulnerable with him even if you were now just like him. A  cold blooded killer.
“ Darling, open your eyes.”
“ Did I fall asleep?”
“ I’m afraid you did, dearest.” He kissed your forehead with a soft gaze. “ We should sleep.”
You looked at his face, he knew you could see the fatigue on his face. You nodded and stood up, walking out of the basement, walking toward his bedroom. You took Eamon in your arms, signing in bliss. After all those years,  this plushie was here.  
“ Undress, dear.”
You whined but undressed quickly, throwing your dress on his chair with the rest of your clothes. You bury yourself under the cover, trying to stay awake. He undressed himself, putting his pajama on before sliding behind you, wrapping his arms around you.
“ Is everything ready for the ritual..?” you asked, yawning. 
“ Yes, you don’t have to do anything.” He kissed your naked shoulder. “ You just have to think about the wedding.”
“ Oh my baby, you look so handsome.”
Alastor turned his gaze toward his mother with a soft smile. Marie was already having tears in her eyes just because she was seeing him in his suit. 
Today was the day he was to be wed to you. 
He let his mother kiss his forehead, bending toward her. She took his face between her hands, staring at him with a proud smile. He tilted his head, it was strange. He thought he would have seen this expression on his mother’s face when he had killed his father with your help. And yet, it was on his wedding day that she was beaming the most. How strange…
She was kissing his cheeks while walking around him, praising him again and again.
He looked at himself in the mirror with his mother by his side.
“ I’m so happy, I’ve always wished for your happiness.” She whispered, leaning her hand against his shoulder. His mother was getting older, she seemed smaller than she used to be. He looked down at her, as she grinned at him. 
He turned his head toward the door when he heard someone knocking. His mother went to open the door and greeted your father who stepped in. Alastor shook his hand, smiling at the man who seemed… nervous?
“ Well, Alastor, you look splendid.” he said as he held his hand between his. Alastor nodded, staring at his soon to be father-in-law. He could already see that the man wanted to talk with him. His mother must have sensed it because she left the two men together.
“ You wanted to talk to me, sir ?” Alastor asked, his usual smile. Your father seemed surprised but he couldn't help but laugh.
“ As observant as always, Alastor.”
He almost rolled his eyes. No need to be observant, most of the time, when someone knocked on someone else's door, it was usually to talk. Furthermore, your father was a policeman, he wouldn’t be surprised if the man wanted to talk with him about you, or his father’s death.
“ I’m here… I wanted to talk about my daughter.”
“ I just… You have nothing to do with your father’s disappearance, right?”
All of them were so easy to read. Now, he just needed to give your father some kind  of informations that would make him less… threatening.
“ I won’t lie to you. My main goal right now is to marry your daughter. My father is still haunting my thoughts but I need to be strong for your daughter, right? What I’m asking of you, if you ever find him, please do tell me before he goes home.”
“ Of course, Alastor. I’ll find him, you’ll meet him again, I promised.” Your father frowned.
He wanted to laugh out loud. If you were next to him right now, would you bite your lips to contain your laughter or would you giggle behind your hand.
“ But… Please, do take care of my daughter.” 
“ I’ll protect her with my life.”
Alastor looked at your father, his gaze was set on him. Your father was giving you away to him. A monster, disguised as a human being. How funny.  But you loved him, the human being and the monster. Was he half-human? Half-monster? A monster? A Human? What was the difference?
He watched as your father relaxed. He tapped his shoulder two times before leaving him alone. He looked in the mirror and he laughed out loud, almost crying from laughing.They were all stupid people, dear, you would have laughed with him so hard if you were here.  
He beamed at his reflection, arranging his tie once more. It was time for him to wait for you at the aisle. He looked as his mother entered the room once more, telling him it was time to go. He watched his reflection once more, smiling widely before going into the ceremony’s room with his mother.
He waited at the aisle, listening to Victor and Mimzy. He couldn’t wait to see you in your wedding dress. 
After a while, everyone went to sit down and the mayor invited Alastor to place himself. He asked him if he was nervous but he shook his head. He wasn’t nervous,he was… excited? He turned his head toward the big door once the music started and he freezed.
You were breathtaking, walking toward him, holding on to your father’s arm. Your face was covered by a white veil, which almost made him grin. This shield you put against others was going to be taken down by him,  and him alone. 
He held his hand toward you, wanting to smooth the itch that was bothering him. He needed to feel you. He took off your veil, and relaxed when he saw your face. How beautiful.  You truly looked like an angel. 
“ Who blessed me with you, I wonder…”
And he wondered who cursed you with him.
 In a twisted way, he was so elated to be the one to ruin you. Since you first met, you always choose him until, even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to run away. You were all pure and you accepted to be tainted by him, from your morals, to your blood and soon your soul. He couldn’t tear his eyes off from you but he still listened to Alyzée’s father talking. You were watching the mayor but he could see all your attention was on his fingers stroking your hands.
He turned completely toward you once it was time to say your vows. You were adorable, you were already ready to cry. How cute you could be, from crying because you were emotional to you tearing an eye off. How lucky he was! 
“ I shall begin. We all know she is the most emotional between the two of us.” he smirked when the crowd laughed fondly. “ Dearest…”
You sniffed. Well, let’s share what he felt for you in front of everyone.
“  I don’t think I can recall a day where you weren’t at my side. Your voice is the best melody I can remember, your touch healed much more than any doctors could have achieved.  You are the first who showed me genuine emotions, you never hide yourself from me and the most important… I never felt the need to hide myself from you.”
He wondered if you knew how comfortable he felt with you. How every time your eyes would lock, he would feel shiver in his whole body?
“ You waited, dearest, you waited for me to open myself to you, which is admirable in a lot of ways. But what was more important for me is that you didn't run away. You accepted me.” he kissed the back of your hand, keeping his eyes on yours. “ You decided to put your trust in me even though what we share isn’t what you used to believe in, right?” he chucked as you nodded with a shaky laugh. 
All those romance books you read while he couldn’t grasp the meaning behind those fancy words. He remembered how you would gush about the prince charming who was saving the princess while the prince didn’t even know the princess. 
Was your meeting like a fairytale? No. If it was a fairytale he would be the dragon keeping you inside a tall tower, killing every person that would approach you. But he couldn’t help but think you wouldn’t not enjoy that. 
“ What I’m willing to give you is much more than what you have ever read, ever seen, ever experimented with. Death itself couldn’t tear us apart, I swear it , my love.”
Your relationship through all those years was like evidence. In his mind, he couldn’t see himself without you.  He still did not know if his affection was like the love you wished for when you were younger, but from your tears, maybe you would still accept it. He looked as Alice came to you to give you a tissue to wipe your eyes.
You looked at Alastor who stared at you, caressing your cheek.
“ I shall love you in the way you accepted. In sickness, in health, poor, rich, I do not care. As long as you are by my side, this life is worth living.”
Your smile and your eyes  were beautiful. It was the first thing that caught his attention since the beginning. Your eyes would always shine bright, with any emotions you would feel. As you grew older, you stopped showing your emotions to anyone which made it even more special when you would just show your bare feelings to him.
He didn’t expect to feel so much during your speech.  You were confirming everything he questioned in his mind. You were as obsessed as him, you both would die in your madness bound to each other.
He smiled during your speech but couldn’t hold himself when you said your last sentence.
“ I love you so much, it might cost me my sanity, my love.”
He tugged you against his torso, caging you in his arms. You would lose your sanity for him, he almost chuckled. He felt like he never had sanity from the beginning and you were the one being his moral compass, sometimes.. 
He stepped back and waited for the ring before putting the jewel on your finger. He could feel a shiver running through his whole body. He could almost see a chain around your neck where his necklace was. Finally, in front of the law, you were his, completely his.
“ I declare you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”
Who was he to say those words? 
You smiled as Alastor tugged you toward him, kissing you like tomorrow wouldn’t exist.
You broke the kiss, staying near him as the crowd was shouting and clapping.
“ I love you, Alastor.. I love you, I love you..” you whispered against his lips. He almost melted at your words. He didn't know those kind of words, which he couldn’t truly understand, was making him feel so weak and strong at the same time.
“ I love you, dearest, in a way that no human would dare to love.” he whispered back, making you kiss him one more time. Even the devil would be afraid to love you like he was doing right now.
You walked out of the town hall, holding on to your husband’s arms. You stayed on the stairs as journalists took pictures of you and Alastor. He would already hear Victor’s yapping about how great you both looked. 
You laughed when the women were asking you to throw the bouquet. You turned your back to the crowd, closed your eyes and threw it. He kind of wished Mimzy would catch it, she didn’t want to get married, that would be fun to watch her face if she happened to catch the bouquet.
“ Oh my gosh!”
Even better.
You turned around and screamed in glee when you saw Alice with the bouquet. She walked toward you and hugged you, sniffing. He turned his eyes toward the mayor who said that the car was ready for you to use. He smirked before thanking him, shaking his hand once more. Alastor took your hand and guided you toward the vehicle before opening the door for you. 
“ Is it our car..?”
“ A gift from Alyzée’s father.” he winked at you before you entered the car, Alastor closing the door behind you. He settled behind the steering wheel and began to drive until his destination.
“ I feel like I’m dreaming…” you sighed in bliss. 
“ I don’t think I ever felt this… happy.” you looked at Alastor who almost seemed confused. He wasn’t very surprised to feel this much emotion when you were by his side, but it was still surprising when he knew killing was the second next thing that could grant him so much euphoria. “ Even killing my father didn’t bring me this much joy. You really are something, my love.” he smirked as he parked in the hotel’s parking lot.
Once everyone has arrived you all went into the banquet hall. You looked at all the tables and the band that was on stage, preparing themselves. You sat next to Alastor as Alice walked toward you with a piece of paper. She did a speech, an emotional sarcastic speech which brought you and her to tears. 
He laughed when Mimzy did her speech. She would make inside jokes that would make him smirk but she didn’t tell too much which he appreciated. Victor was next, he told everyone about how Alastor was the definition of dedicated and so on. Victor was a good fella, he kept him at his side to feed his ego when needed.
His back straightened  up when his mother walked with the microphone. He knew she was going to make a speech, but he didn’t know if he was ready to hear it.
She didn’t talk about the bad thing, but through her eyes he was telling everything he needed to know. She, who looked so small in his dressing room before the wedding, was looking so tall right now. He almost felt like a little boy. The little boy who just wanted his mother to tell him they were safe now. 
He always wondered how his mother perceived him. When he was torturing animals when he was younger, when he went hunting, being captivated by death, when his soul began to rot. What did she think about it? 
Was his soul already rotten when she gave birth to him?
Well, he didn’t really care now, he was satisfied with himself.
“Mon bébé… Not everything has been easy, I’m well aware. You always asked me what you could do to make me smile, to make me happy. Well, mon coeur, by being happy, you make me the happiest mother on earth. Je t’aime, quoi qu’il puisse arriver, tu seras toujours mon fils que j’aime.” 
He wondered why his eyes got teary. Maybe his inner child was waiting for this moment? He stood up, letting your hand go before hugging his mother, harder than he expected. Everyone was clapping around them but he didn’t care. She whispered in his ears that she loved him, no matter what could happen. His face was hidden in his mother’s shoulder, hiding the boyish smile that was on his lips. He stepped back, kissing his mother on the cheek, wiping one tear from her cheek before walking back toward you. 
Was his mother letting him go? Was she telling him that she did her job, protecting you as she could, until he could leave living his life with you? He hoped she knew, he would always go back to her, she was his mother. 
You looked as Alice’s father walked toward you. Well, he didn’t expect a speech from her dad, but he did see you grow up.
“ Well, I do not know Alastor, but I know a woman, who has always been by my daughter's side. No matter what was going on, she would take my daughter’s side. As a thank you, for being yourself, Mr and Mrs Sanglar, please accept as a wedding gift the house we wanted to sell.”
His eyebrows shoot up. Well, he wanted to buy the property but he did not expect it to be given to you like this. 
“ Well, now, we shall see the married one dance! Band, some music, please!”
Alastor guided you toward the dancefloor as a soft song began to be played. You danced with Alastor, never breaking eye contact with him.  He was moving you against him until he made a gesture to the band who began to change the music, they were now playing jazz.
You smiled widely at Alastor as you both began to dance, twirling, being lifted in the air, under everyone’s eyes. No one could detach their gaze from you. 
After a while, everyone danced with everybody. He danced with her mother, being careful as she laughed, seeming the happiest she ever was. He even danced with Alice to make you happy. 
He walked toward a balcony to breathe some fresh air and he smirked when he saw you outside. You were outside the hotel, being beautiful. He sended his shadow to you, you never know what could happen.
He frowned a little but kept his smile when he saw John approached you. He looked at the scene, drinking from his glass as Mimzy chatted next to him about the good looking men that were present on the dance floor. He told her to go back dancing, keeping his eyes on you.
When John left you, he came back inside and took another glass of whiskey, talking with the guests, listening to the drunk confessions. Everything could be used, and the mayor was really talkative with Alice’s father.
After a while, he saw you and Alice drunkenly walked toward the balcony. He excused himself before following you. He wanted to be with his wife now.
“ So~ Can’t wait for the honeymoon~?” he heard Alice ask.
“ I don’t even know how I managed to not jump on him.” you giggled drunkenly with Alice. How cute you were…
“ Who are we talking about?”
You smiled as you turned around and saw a smiling Alastor.
“ We are talking about my husband.”
God, he loved hearing those words coming from your mouth.
“ What a lucky fella! May I know what he looks like?” he smiled as Alice winked at you before leaving.
“ He looks… like sin.” you whispered as you stared at him. “ You shouldn’t be this close to me, you don’t want to meet his wrath.”
“ I’ll try my luck.” He kissed you, making you grab his shoulder as you moaned his name. “ You’re finally my wife.” He looked at your ring.
“ You’re finally my husband.” you kissed his lips one more time as you both stared at each other with so much passion, tenderness, obsession, lust and love, it would almost make you faint.
“ I love you.”
You were singing in the car with the biggest smile you had on your face. Alastor was behind the wheel, smiling, humming the same tune as your voice. He always was satisfied when you were singing. 
He has been driving for almost two hours, enjoying the salty air and your voice. Sometimes you would hold your hand toward his mouth so he would sing, which he gladly did. When his voice was mixed with yours, you both were singing the most beautiful songs.
You fell asleep in the car, waking up when Alastor kissed your lips. You blinked slowly before smiling at him. He stroked your cheeks before going to take the luggages. He knew Paulette was near the house. He easily carried the luggages, greeted Paulette before entering the house. It wasn’t his type of decoration but well… As long as it didn’t bother you.
“ What do you want to do first?” He crossed his arms on his chest, looking patiently at you as you thought out loud about all the possibilities. You moved your hands toward the luggages and telekinesied them toward the bedroom. Seeing you using your power always made him feel something dark inside him.
“ I want to see the city ! No, the beach!” you clapped your hands as your eyes returned to their usual color. He smiled before stretching his hand toward you which you immediately took before leaving the house.
You let Alastor guide you and you smiled even more when you saw the beach. It really was close to the house Alastor rented, he knew you always wanted to go to the beach. You took off your shoes, Alastor already holding them for you. He looked as you innocently walked barefoot on the warm sand.
“ Come with me!”
As if he could do anything else.
He watched as you walked toward the water, stopping in front of the tide. Alastor knew you still were afraid of water, since the lake accident. He needed to teach you how to swim, he didn’t want something bad to happen to you.
He hugged you from behind, teasing you as always, his body relaxing at your usual banters. He took your attention from the water by giving you a seashell that looked like he had been painted by all the colors. You quickly decided to find others so you could give them to him.
He looked at the waves and the sun. It was a strange emotion to feel at peace. He felt like the world stopped to make you savor this moment.
“ Dear husband ?”
“ Dear wife?” He asked, still looking at the water, trying to find a way for you to not be afraid of it anymore. He heard you walk closer to him and he felt his shadow move but it didn't say anything to him. When he decided to look down at it, you threw sand at him.
“ Oh, are we already playing?” he said as he slowly lifted his head, looking at you.
“ Don’t we always?” you grinned before taking off. You laughed as you heard him running after you. It was a little difficult as you weren’t used to running on sand but a few seconds after you screamed as Alastor tackled you on the floor. You laughed as he tickled you with a mocking smile. “ It’s because you forget rule number one!” you shouted as you trashed underneath him.
He smirked, you still remembered these three rules he had teached you when he was younger. It was almost touching. 
You then decided it was time to go home. He said he was going to prepare something to eat and you should take a shower which you gladly did. He was cutting the meat with a smirk, looking at the blade while it disappeared inside the meat. 
He knew you were behind him but he didn’t expect you to use your power to make the knife fly out of his hand. Alastor turned toward you, with an annoyed smirk when he saw you.
“ I’m trying to cook, dear.”
“ I don’t see what is stopping you.” you smiled sweetly at him. He walked toward you, sliding his hand on your shoulder until he touched your hand where you were holding the knife.
“ We both know we like it more when I’m the one with the knife, right?” he smirked when he leaned toward you, taking the knife from your hand. “ right?”
“ Right.”
“ Good.” he purred before going back to cooking with a satisfied smile. He asked you to dress up the table when you told him you wanted to help him. But you played with him, with the knife, so he was going to have his fun too.
You easily opened the cupboard with your telekinesis but frowned when you saw Alastor’s shadow trying to keep the plates inside the cupboard.
“ Come on now, bad boy, let go !” you said as you force on your power, the shadow mocking you as he kept the plates in its grapes. You heard Alastor chuckling which made you even more agitated to have those damn plates.
“ Having some trouble, darling?” he sneered at you.
“ No!” You could feel power getting stronger in your eyes but then the shadow smirked at you before letting the plate go. You gasped before crouching, avoiding the plate that flew toward you. You bit your lips as you heard the crash against the wall behind you. You lifted your head toward Alastor who was trying to suppress his laughter. He didn’t expect you to use so much strength but it was funnier than he anticipated.
“ Well?”
You turned around and winced when you saw the plates in pieces on the floor. You pouted as Alastor took the pieces in his hands, laughing. He winced when a sharp piece of plate cut his finger. He already knew it was a deeper cut that it was letting on.
“ Do we have bandages ?” you asked as you took his finger to see the blood pouring out the cut.
“ No need, darling. It’s going to stop soon.” he smiled at you, ready to move on.
But you grabbed his hand and licked his wound. Your tongue was moving around his finger, licking his blood like it was the best thing you ever had. He could feel his eyes flash red, staring at you. He tugged you against him when you realized what you were doing, already ready to panic.
“, I’m sorry ! I didn’t–!”
“ Well done, my love, you healed me.”
You looked at his finger and freezed when you saw his hand was as good as new. You winced when you felt a little pain on your finger and looked at your hand. Alastor and you looked as you saw your finger being cut, just like Alastor a moment before, without any weapon around. 
“ I see… You can heal me because you took the injury yourself.” he mumbled, not happy with the news. He wasn’t the kind to get injured often. But he knew that you would want to heal him, even if it was a scratch.
You stared at the cut and a few seconds after, the cut disappeared. You looked at Alastor with a smile.
“ I think the injury stayed on me the same time it has stayed on you. Which means, if you ever have a serious injury, I need to heal you as quickly as possible, if I don’t want to keep the injury for too long.” 
That was even more problematic. If he was injured, he needed to make a choice if it was better to be treated by you or a hospital and the choice has to be quick because you would keep the injury as long as he himself had kept it. He needed to get stronger so he could get a hold of this power and you wouldn't have to get hurt.
“ I see… Well, I just have to not get injured, right?” he smirked at you as he kissed the place where the cut moment before. “ You are pretty in purple, but I like them better in red.”
You tried to find a mirror and once you did you find that your eyes had a purple hue.
“ Well, darling, would you please set the table?” you rolled your eyes at Alastor's cunning voice.
You both ate and then you talked about John. You came back with an envelope which held 1,000 dollars. He didn’t expect the Felleur’s family to give so much money to the man who insulted their son on the radio. He smirked as he imagined John’s face when his parents had told him to give you this from them.
“ Let’s take a walk.” he chuckled at your words.
“ Going outside, at night, in an unknown town? Are you looking for trouble?”
“ Aren’t we the trouble?” you smirked at him.
He groaned as he tugged you toward him and kissed you feverishly, how he adored you. You smiled as you put your shoes on after clearing the table. You went out with Alastor, holding upon his arm. You decided to follow a trail that seemed to go away from the city, feeling adventurous, you begged Alastor to follow it. He sighed but accepted your supplications. Once you reached the top you looked down the hills and saw the ocean, you weren’t too high but you still gulped. 
Well, it seemed like you needed a little push to move out from your fear. Mostly when he was next to you, you did not need to fear anything.
Alastor jumped off the hill, falling into the water. It felt good to be underneath water, the water was cool against his warm skin. He swam back to the surface, throwing his head back so his hair wouldn’t get in his eyes.
“ Stay here, I’m going to take the trail to–”
“ Jump!” he shouted.
He saw you freeze but he needed you to do this. Were you remembering your first meeting when he had asked you to jump off the swing? That day, you listened to him, you went out of your comfort zone for him. He needed you to do the same today, he wanted to see your trust in him.
He wanted to see the little girl that changed his life so much.
“ I’ll catch you” Always.
He grinned when he saw you jumping off the cliff.  It was the same as that day, you looked like an angel, your hair moving into the air, your dress making it seem like you had wings. You were an angel, turning your back on anyone, to be with him. You chose to fall in hell with him, for him. 
You felt Alastor’s arms as you hitted the water. You wrapped your arms around his body before he swam the both of you toward the surface. You gasped for air and looked around before laughing as you stared at your husband with a wide laugh.
“Wow! Did you see that Alastor ! I did it ! Haha ! That was super amazing !” You looked at him with a wide smile.
You looked as Alastor hand cupped your face before kissing you. You closed your eyes as you kissed him back. He was proud of you, he would never let you be alone in those moments, he would be your protector if you needed to. But he knew he needed to be sure you could hold yourself, you were partners, husband and wife, child friends and so on..
The next day, you both went into town. You watched what kind of furniture you would buy for your future home. He was looking at some desk that he would be able to put into his office… Your new house was big, bigger than he was used to but he knew you would fill every room with warmth.
You kept walking, looking for things for your new home or for yourself. You find new clothes, a new hat for Alastor and some souvenirs for your family and friends. You ate lunch in a small restaurant that you found delicious. Alastor didn’t like it much but he couldn’t help but smile when you said you could help him finish.
You walked back home, still full of energy. You looked at the full moon as Alastor was taking a shower. He came back to you, cleaning his glasses with a tissue.
“ Are you ready, my love?”
“ Mhn?”
“ Well, to bond yourself to me.” 
You moved so quickly he feared you would lose your balance. You both went into the bedroom where he had written symbols on papers with ink.
“ I have everything we need.” He said with a confident smile. He walked back toward you with a blade. “ First, I need a place to mark you, if you don’t mind, dearest, I’ll choose your heart. I already carved an ‘A’ here, but you know I’m greedy. I’ll place my runes here…”
“ You have a rune for yourself ?” you asked him, curiously.
“ I created one, yes.” He tilted his head as you took off your dress, baring yourself at him. He walked toward you and cut you between your breasts. The ‘ A’ he once had carved wasn’t there anymore but it didn’t matter, something much more meaningful was going to be here.
“ Every time your heart beats, it is for me. This life is mine… “ He whispered against your skin. “Now,dear, unfortunately, you can’t carve  rune but you still have energy. Where do you want to place yourself on me.” he smiled at you with a teasing expression, watching you as you put your night dress on. “ My heart already belongs to you–”
“ Your forehead.”
“ Pardon?”
“ Well, we both know you always stay inside your mind for hours sometimes. I want to be the one who owns every single one of your thoughts.” You said confidently. You advanced toward him, feeling power inside you. You kissed his forehead, closing your eyes. “ This twisted brain of yours will never work if my heart isn’t beating for you.”
Well, he knew for a fact that if you were no longer by his side, which would never happen, he would lose the rest of his sanity.
“ This is really cute, I don’t remember the last time I performed this curse!” you looked at Baron Samedi who was smoking his cigar.
“ Let’s finish this.” you heard Papa Legba. “ You need something that would be the material bond in the human world. “
You looked as Alastor took something of his luggages.
“ Eamon!” you shouted in surprise. 
“ Of course, dear. What is better to represent our bond than our fawn?”
“ He is a deer!”
“ Fawn. Now! Let’s begin.” he placed Eamon on the floor between the two of you.  He felt Kalfu entering his body, taking it as his own vessel. He could feel his lips moving into a smile so big he almost felt like the corner of his lips were bleeding. 
He watched as Kalfu cut his wrist, making the blood drip onto Eamon. He stared at the fawn which seemed to be infused with energy. The symbols on the paper were detaching themselves from it. 
He then felt a horrible pain in his head. It felt like his brain had been shot, he wanted to tear his hair off so it may lessen the pain he was feeling. The pain was moving from his head to any parts of his body, it was like his blood was poisonous and was contaminating all his being.
Baron Samedi wrote something in front of him, he couldn’t understand anything nor the voice that was chanting around him. He fell on his knees, holding his head as Kalfu left his body. He didn’t really listen to the spirits talking, his head was pounding, like someone was using a hammer and kept punching his head with it.
You were talking to him, he always loved your voice but now he needed to lessen the pain. Maybe if he took a cold shower it would help… He groaned when you forced him to lift his head to watch you. “ What? Are you not okay?”
He freezed when he heard your voice, but inside his mind. You having been talking, you were speaking inside his mind and from the look of it you could also hear his thoughts.
His smile widened before he rushed toward you and hugged you. He spun you around, laughing happily. You stared at him, lost but happy. He put you down and took Eamon with a smirk.
“ I don’t believe it. There aren’t a lot of archives about this spell but I sure didn’t know we could share our thoughts that way.” He put Eamon with care on the bed. “ My love, now Eamon is the material bound between us, nothing must happen to him, it could weaken what is linking us.” 
He laughed like a mad man, that should scare you but you just smiled softly, looking fondly at your husband.
“ Oh my love, curse of my sanity, I can’t wait to kill while hearing all of your thoughts!” he laughed, bending his body backwards, his hand hiding his eyes. “ I have a list of new victims, it only needs us to erase them from earth!” He laughed as you giggled next to him.
What a good day ! 
You walked toward him as he lifted you up in the air. You laughed as you both danced in the small bedroom while laughing. You stopped when you saw something.
“ Alastor…”
“ Yes?”
“ My shadow…”
He looked as your shadow was now similar to his. It held the same hideous smile while it played with his shadow. It seemed like the ritual had more secrets than he initially thought. He couldn’t wait to discover it with you.
“ Oh, this will be fun.”
“ Once again, the police have found a body, the right eye missing and a smile carved into the victim’s flesh. This had been going on for years, yet, the police, led by John Felleur, still haven't found a single clue about the serial killer that haunts New Orleans’s streets. The killer seems to attack men only, so my dear fellow gentlemen, you should stay vigilant!” He spoke into his microphone with a big smile.
It’s been three years since his wedding and what a journey it has been. He was the most popular radio host of all Louisiana, he was well respected, having connections with people he never would have thought to meet. And thanks to that, he could easily find new targets.
The police were trying to find a serial killer, which was of course, him and his darling wife. You didn’t give up your little hobbit, always going with him when it was time to slay. He always finds a new way of torturing his victims, sometimes wondering if he was affraying you, but when he would turn around, you would just look at him fondly.
How lucky he was.
His powers were becoming more stable and he had more stamina now. He didn’t necessarily use his power when he was killing someone, he didn’t think they were worth it. He would use it during the track, finding information about how vile the pig was. And he was getting better and better, never injuring himself.
Which created an argument between the both of you. He didn’t want you to use your healing capacity but you always have been a brat, so you would injure yourself so you could train. The first day he saw you doing that, he thought he lost any sanity left in his body. He had you pinned on the floor, asking many times what you were doing. 
After hearing your pleas, he agreed to hurt himself so you would learn from him. He didn’t want you to heal serious injuries, he didn’t know if you could die from an injury you healed before it killed him.
Alice was the one who would help him find filthy pigs that he didn’t know they existed. She could still be of use after all those years, who would have thought?
He said his goodbye to his audience before leaving his workplace and took his car to drive back home. He was sure Alice was at your home, he didn’t really care.
He entered the front door and smiled when he saw you, your head already turned toward him.
“ How do you always know when he is coming home! Each time, it’s a different hour!” asked Alice, always shocked when you could tell when Alastor was coming home.
“ Good evening, Alice. What an unhappy expecting surprise to you here.” said Alastor with a mocking smile. 
“ Even after all those years, you are still not a gentleman.” 
Only with my wife, right, my love?
It was a new power you both acquired when you bond your souls togethers. You could talk in each other’s mind which created funny and interesting moments. He looked as you went into the kitchen to cook dinner. He wanted to keep painting the room but well, he couldn’t let your guest unattended. 
“ Unfortunately, I think I can’t stay with you for dinner.”
“ What? But I was going to make your favorite dish!” you shouted, going back into the living room with a pan in your hand. “ Did Alastor say something?”
“ Honey…” he sighed with a smirk.
“ Do you think he could make me change my opinion?” she raised an eyebrow.
“ Right, so why? Are you still feeling unwell?” 
“No… It’s just…” She sat on the sofa, sighing. You sat next to her, taking her hands while Alastor was looking at her with his usual smile. “ I am pregnant.”
“ What?” you said in unison with Alastor.
Alastor watched as you asked Alice for precision, your eyes flashing red. Alice never asked you anything about it even though he was sure she saw your eyes changing colors. Was she lying to herself or was she trying not to be noisy?
Alice was pregnant even though she told you her husband never forced himself on her. Alastor was surprised, Alice never really talked about wanting to be pregnant so if he needed to kill the husband, you would have to be very careful. 
“ Do you need us to kill him?” asked Alastor calmly. He didn’t really feel anything but maybe anger about not controlling the situation. Trey Felleur was a  catholic man he thought was boring, just a tasteless man that was doing his job, talking about politics… Nothing worth his time. 
“ Calm down, the both of you. He didn’t force himself on me. I wanted a child, so this has to happen. He asked me multiple times if this is what I wanted, I said yes. He didn’t do anything bad.” she stood up, taking your hands in hers. “ But there is something worrying me. I think Alyzée is being stalked by someone… She says she feels like she is being watched.”
Well, well, well… Another stalker’s story? Last time was when you were teenagers, and you never found him. It was mostly not a stalker, he kept watching when you both were out and he never felt eyes on him. But someone following Alyzée, now that was interesting and possible.
He stood up when you took Alice to the front door. He listened as he leaned against the door.
“ Nothing will hurt your family.” you said to her. Alice looked at you, taking your hand in yours.
“ You know, you are part of my family as well.” she whispered to you. “ Even Alastor, but never let him know that.”
“ I heard you.”
“ Fuck off!” she shouted before looking at you. “ Please, be careful. If you need anything, ask me.”
He watched as she took a cab and went back to town.
You both went into the kitchen, preparing your dinner. If someone were to see the both of you, they would mostly think they were dreaming. You were moving everything you needed in the air with your power, the plates placing themselves on the tables, the vegetables being cut while Alastor was boiling the water.
You smiled when you saw Alastor’s shadow begin, once more, to tease yours. They were fighting each other, you could see them on the wall. Sometimes he wondered if both of your shadows had your childhood’s personality…
“ Alastor, should we finish painting the last bedroom?”  you asked, taking off your apron. “ I’m not hungry yet.”
He nodded before following you. You both painted and of course you decided you wanted to play. He smirked when you threw paint at him, your laughter echoing in the room. You yelped when you felt the shadow held you while Alastor was painting your cheeks, smirking at you. You laughed, trying to escape from the shadow. Yours was jumping on Alastor’s, taking it away from you. He looked as both shadows were happily fighting each other. You quickly took paint and threw it at Alastor as he shielded himself with his arms. 
After winning the war, you both went to take a shower and then went back to the kitchen before sitting on the table and eating.
“ How should we find Alyzée’s stalker ? Should we send our shadow?” you asked as Alastor made you eat from his fork.
“ Oh, my love, no.  Do we really need to waste our power for this?” he laughed, waving his hand in the air. “ We need to kill John, remember?” 
John was becoming a pressing matter. He was still in the police and he was setting on finding the serial killer that was terrorizing New Orleans. He was far too blinded by you to think you were the one behind the killing with him, but he knew John was still thinking he was the one being the cause of his father’s disappearance. But he needed to find the right moment…
“ How could I forget? But right now, he isn’t a threat. The stalker could be, what if he found out about Alice’s relationship?” you asked as he wiped the sauce from your lips. 
“ If this is what you wish for, we shall take care of Alyzée’s stalker. It shouldn’t take long, nor be difficult.” he said as he leaned against his chair. You smiled at him, making him raise an eyebrow at you. “ What?”
“ You are so sure of yourself, I admire that.”
“ Because no one could make me doubt my abilities,” he said before kissing your forehead. “ You should stay with Alyzée, try to see if you feel something when you are with her.”
You both agreed  before going to bed. The next morning, he felt a little off but after a quick breakfast he felt better and he drove you to town, kissing you before going to work. Victor came 5 minutes after him, already telling him the news about his last broadcast.
He was writing on a paper when he felt something. He lifted up his head. He finished his emission 10 minutes ago, which let him write for his next broadcast… But right now, he didn’t like what he was feeling… He stood up quickly, asking Victor to handle the rest before leaving his workplace.
He could feel your bound, so he just had to follow it then he would find you. He freezed when he saw you walking alongside John, bruised.
He wondered how John would scream if he were to open the policeman’s chest and eat his heart right in front of him. He was sure it would be less painful than seeing you bruised in front of him.
Did he do that? Tell me, I’ll kill him right now.
You stopped walking when you lifted up your head, Alastor was in front of you, it seemed like he had just finished working. 
“ Mr. Felleur, please tell me why my wife is injured, next to you?” he said as he smiled like usual even if you could see anger swirling in his eyes. “ Please, answer me quickly.”
“ Mr.Sanglar, your wife has been attacked by a man, I happened to be there to save her life.” John said as you ran into Alastor’s side. 
“ Well, Officier Felleur, thank you for bringing my wife to me. I shall take it from here.”
“ I need her to write if she happens to see his face. It could be the serial killer I’m after.”
You tried to hide your smile while Alastor laughed out loud.  This poor fool wouldn’t be able to catch him red-handed as long as the sun kept rising up.
“ Oh right, but I think she would have told you if she saw something, right? But this is not the case. So, if you allow us, we shall go.” He wrapped one arm around your waist before walking away from John who just stared at you.
Alastor walked you back to your car, opened the door for you before settling behind the steering wheel. You waited for him to drive but he stayed silent. He was trying to keep the anger inside of him which was difficult because he could felt his body being warmer because of the fury inside him.
“ Alastor, my love ?”
You flinched when you saw him punch the steering wheel, grinding his teeth. 
“ I’m okay, darling. I just… didn’t expect to see you hurt.” He said before driving toward your home.
“ Alastor no! Alice and Alyzée are maybe in danger!”
“ Does it look like I care, my love? You are hurt.” he said, his eyes never leaving the road. If you think he cared about anyone but you right now? You were injured, your body had marks that haven’t been made by him, someone dared touch you.
“ Alastor, stop the car!” you shouted.
Alastor stopped the car on a deserted road, the one you always used to go home. He looked at you, his smile twitching, could you be a good girl right now and let him drive you home? Your eyes were red and so was his.
“ Alastor, Alice is pregnant, Alyzée doesn’t know how to fight, they need us! What if the man is already there?”
“ Love of my life, curse of my sanity, Alice's family is the RicheMont. They have maids, butlers, their houses are on the richest quartier of New Orleans. Do you really think a mere human could walk in like that?” he asked you, his grip tightening on the wheel. “ They are safe there, my shadow is watching.”
He saw your body relaxed but then you explained you used your power against the man. He didn’t like it, he hoped the man hadn't seen you use your telekinesis, he always told you: If you were to use your power, make sure the person was dead right after. 
His smile came back when he saw how upset because you let your prey run away. How cute, he felt like he was watching a small animal trying to hunt on a bigger animal. But well, he knew you were a professional killer now… Well, it didn't mean he couldn’t be protective of you.
Alastor started back the car, driving you home. He went to prepare dinner but then he stopped when he felt you use your healing abilities. The atmosphere was always colder when you were using it…
You saw Alastor watching you through the mirror, his arms crossed on his chest. You tilted your head as he walked toward you. He kissed your bare back, kissing each place a bruise has been made before you healed yourself.
He kissed your face, his eyes looking at you.
“ Don’t let others injure you my dear. This is my privilege, isn’t it?” he tilted his head, his eyes never leaving your face.
That night, he played with your body, cutting you with his teeth, his nails and his blade. You were like a sacrifice made for him. An angel offered as a sacrifice to calm the wrath of the vengeful spirit that was haunting New Orleans.
Hearing you moaning his name although he was sliding the blade against your skin was making him ligheaded. You both were crazy and you both enjoyed that. Your blood was dripping so pretty on the table, the red so mermazing. 
He kissed every single one of his cuts and smiled when you told him you didn't want to heal them yet. You wanted to feel them.
When you went to bed, he watched you sleeping before going into the living room. He needed to write his next podcast, maybe he could talk about his sixth murder? No…  He coughed a little, hiding his mouth behind his fist. What could be tomorrow's next topic?
He stood up and went into the kitchen to make some coffee, still thinking. Maybe he could tell the story of your first murders, his father’s death.. Mh, it could be interesting. What name should he choose… Maybe he could ask the audience what the name of the character could be.
He walked back into the living room and felt a sudden dizziness that made him drop his mug on the floor. He almost swore but he just sighed. 
“ Alastor, are you hurt ?” you watched as he lifted his head up to you with a warm smile. He stood up and walked toward you before kissing your forehead. 
“ I’m okay, love. It seems like I was still upset about what happened to you with the stalker, my hand was shaking.” he sighed, whispering his words softly against the skin of your forehead. 
“ Why don’t you come back to bed..? It’s three in the morning…” you whined against him. 
Alastor looked at you for a minute before nodding. He cleaned his mess before going back to the bedroom with you, turning off the light. You slid into the covers, opening your arms for him. He smiled softly at you before going into bed, placing his head on your chest, above your beating heart.
“ Do you want to talk about it, my love?” you asked softly as your fingers were running through his curly hair. He hummed but didn’t say anything. He didn’t know why, he was so tired… Well, he was use to sleep three hours or more if he was lucky, if he were listening to your beating heart… 
When he opened his eyes the next day, he almost freaked out for a minute. He was alone in the bed. He sat up, feeling you downstairs. He sighed, placing his head against the palm of his hand. He was still sleepy, what an odd and unusual feeling… He walked toward the kitchen and looked at you.
“ I made your coffee.” You said before kissing his cheeks. He wrapped his arms against you, kissing your forehead, thanking you in his deep sleepy voice. You smiled at him, placing the pastries in front of him. “ Did you sleep well?”
“ Mhn… I slept deeply, this doesn’t happen occasionally.”  he held his chin with his left hand, looking at the ceiling, perplexed. You tilted your head as he winked at you. “ Don’t get used to it.”
You went to wash up after Alastor then you went into the living room, sitting on the sofa.  You tied up his tie for him, you always liked doing that so, he would let you do it, always watching you with a fond smile. You stared at him, stroking his cheeks.
“ You don’t have to meet with Alyzée today, my shadow keeps watch.” he said.
“ Nu-uh, I’m going. Take back your shadow, I don’t want you to be tired.” You kissed his nose with a fond smile.
“ It’s not taking an ounce of my energy and with what happened with the stalker, I’m not taking any chances.” he cupped your head in his hands, staring at you. 
You nodded and then he took you to town. When he went into his office, he let himself fall on his chair, massaging his head, running his finger into his hair. Why was he so tired and why was he feeling so hot? This summer was really warmer than last year? Dear god…
Victor came to him seeming worried. Alastor told him to just do his work as his program was going to begin. He would go through it, just like he always did. He focused his thoughts in his notes, never losing his flow, his humor and his answer with the audience. Today seemed like it wasn’t going to end. 
He, sometimes, was holding his head while a listener was talking. There was so much noise… and it was god damn too hot !
Thank God, he managed until the end. He took a bottle of water and drank all of it, closing his eyes as the cold liquid ran inside his throat. He lifted up his head when he heard a knock and told the person to enter. He could already feel your presence behind the door.
He stood up from his seat. He walked toward you as Victor left his office. You smiled at him, kissing him softly as he hummed against your lips. “ What is my darling wife doing here?”
“ I wanted to see my husband.” you chuckled when you felt his lips kissing your neck before sitting back on his chair. “ This is the first time I come here… With my body.”
“ Last time, it was your soul, you’re right.” He leaned on his chair, crossing his arms against his torso. You seemed to be observing him, he almost laughed. He always enjoyed when you were “copying” him.
You took a tissue from your bag and wiped his forehead as he closed his eyes. You touched his forehead with your hand and frowned a little.
“ You’re warmer than usual.”
“ Well, it is summer and my office gets hot with all my materials.”
You pouted, trying to fan him with a piece of paper which made him laugh. He stood up, kissed your forehead and  said it was time to go home. He took some paper with him and you both left his workplace, and drove to your home. He needed to finish this and maybe he would be able to breathe a little.
But before he could enter your home, you took his hand and brought him to the lake. He looked at you as you took off your shoes and lifted up your dress before taking a step into the water. You turned around to look at him. holding your hand toward him with a soft smile. He stared at you before taking off his shoes and socks and walked in the water, toward you.
“ You aren’t scared?”
“ I’m with you, so, no, I’m not.”
He smiled, his body relaxing with your answer. Even if his body was doing nothing it was told, you would still put your life in his hands, like right now.
Alastor dived into the water with his clothes on. You smiled when you saw him emerge out of the water, his hair sticking in on his forehead. He closed his eyes as he swam, never going too far from you. In case you wanted to go into the water.
He looked as you went back home before closing his eyes, floating on the surface. The water was cool enough for him to feel his body get colder… But it was still not enough. He took off his shirt, before going back into the water.
He swam toward the edge of the lake when he felt you come back. He looked at you and smirked when he saw you staring at him, your mouth wide open.You gulped as he left the water and walked toward you. 
“ You’re red, darling.”  He touched your chin, making you close your mouth you didn’t even realize was open. You shoved the sandwiches in his hands, looking away as he laughed. You laid down on the grass, looking at him. He leaned toward you, kissing your lips with a soft smile.
“ Did you know Alice wanted me to be her child’s godmother?” you whispered against his lips.
“ I guessed it.” He whispered before kissing you once more.
You smiled against his lips, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You pushed your lips against his as he tried to get away, wrapping your legs around his waist. You tried to suppress your laugh as he was groaning when you didn’t move your lips away from his.
He stood up easily even if you were still clinging to him. He walked toward the lake, before entering the water, speaking , his voice muffled against your lips.
“ Darling… Let go…”
You shook your head, keeping your lips against him. You chuckled as he sighed before swimming in the water. You nipped at his lips, looking at him playfully. He went into the water with you, kissing you properly before diving into the water.
You closed your eyes, he could feel your hair moving against his skin, Alastor kissing you fondly. You felt him poking your cheek with his finger. You opened your eyes slowly, and Alastor looked as he saw your eyes. You both stared at each other before he swam to the surface. 
You broke the kiss, smiling sweetly at him. He felt more relaxed than when you saw him at work. He swam to the lake’s edge, and you both ate what was left of sandwiches, looking as the sun was setting down. You played with Alastor’s curls until it was time to go home.
You fell asleep easily which made it easy for him to go downstairs to work once more. He needed to find that stalker, to find another pig to kill, put John out of the picture. He pulled on his hair, biting his lips.
This headache didn’t want to stop!
He wrote down on his notes, trying to ignore it but it was getting harder and harder to think about anything else but the pain in his head. He turned his head toward the door when he felt your presence, surprised. 
“ Darling?”
You squinted your eyes at him and walked toward him, observing him. You touched his forehead and gasped when you felt how hot he was.
“ Alastor, I think you might be sick.” you said, already ready to go take the medicine you kept in your drawers.
“ Darling, I’m not. It’s hot, remember ?” He tilted his head, looking at you, amused.
You shook your head, crossing your arms on your chest. When you saw him going back to his notes, you took his hands, begging him with your eyes. How cruel of you…
“ Then, please, at least, go to bed.”
He looked at you before sighing and nodding. He couldn’t refuse anything and he was sick of this headache. Maybe laying down would help him in any way? He laid on your chest and before he knew it, he was asleep. 
He woke up, and he almost swore when he saw the time. He was going to be late, what was going on? He stood up, took a rapid shower which didn’t stop the warmth in his body to stop getting hotter. He hitted the living room’s table with his hips, making him wince, as he was taking his notes.
“ Damn it…!”
“ Alastor, stay here, I’m calling Victor to tell him you won’t go to work.”
Alastor turned his head toward you, surprised to see you. Did he not feel your presence ? What was going on with his body? He didn't remember even getting sick since he had killed his father. You walked toward the telephone but Alastor stopped you with his usual charming smile.
“ My love… I’m going to work, there is no need to worry. It’s just a little fever, nothing more.”
But he knew you would be a brat. You threatened him to use your healing capacity on him if he wanted to go to bed. You were diabolic. He loved it. He felt like he was going to throw up… 
You dialed Alastor’s workplace and sighed in relief when you heard Victor’s voice. You told him Alastor couldn’t go to work because he was sick.
“ Alastor? Sick?”
“ My wife is holding me hostage, Victor.”
You shushed your husband before telling Victor you would call him later. You looked at Alastor who was trying to keep his smile but, even if this was against you, he hated losing. 
You pushed him into the bedroom, forcing him to change before going into the kitchen, preparing a meal for him. He felt like he was burning, the ceiling was moving even though he was laying down. He couldn’t see well, his senses were confused.
Where were you..?
He flinched when he felt a hand touch his forehead, smacking it immediately. Damn it, he was vulnerable and someone was there to witness it.
“ Don’t touch me..” he whispered. He wanted to have his usual smile but he couldn’t. Moving was exhausting, even smiling was asking too much of him.
“ I’m sorry, I just wanted to cool down the fever.” he heard someone say. The fever? He was sweating so much it was horrible. Was he in hell? If he was in hell, where were you?
“ Do you want to drink something ?” 
“ Hot chocolate….” he whispered, closing his eyes. If you still weren’t in hell, he would have to wait for you.
“ But you don’t like it…Why?”
“It tastes…like my wife…” he said, opening his eyes slightly, looking at you. “ She…is sweet…” He slowly blinked and then he was given a hot chocolate.  He sat up with difficulties, his head spinning. He drank a bit of the drink and couldn’t help but cringe. How could you drink that…?
He then was given a glass of water he drank completely. He laid down once again and then felt a soft weight on his chest. He looked and smirked a little when he saw the plushie.
“ Eamon…” He took the plushie with a small smirk. He stroked the fur of the plushie before looking at you. “ You shouldn’t touch it, lady…” You asked him why, tilting your head. “ I cursed… my wife with it. We are bound… forever..” he gave you a boyish smile before falling asleep, Eamon in his hand.
He didn’t know how long he was out cold, but when he woke up he saw your hands moving toward him with your eyes and their purples hues, showing him you wanted to heal him.
“ Darling, don’t…”
You freezed when you saw Alastor’s gaze on you. His eyes were focused, conscious and he had his usual smile on his lips. He sat up slowly and you quickly helped him.
“ Alastor, do you recognize me ..?” 
He nodded, kissing the back of the hand. He didn’t want you to be ill just because he kissed you.
“ I’m feeling better… Just tired and cold, but you don’t need to heal me…”
He smiled at you, reassuring you until your whole body relaxed. You kept taking care of Alastor until the next day, he was feeling way better.
The next morning, he smiled at you before going to work while you decided to stay at home to clean out the sheet and every tissue. He went to work, avoiding Victor’s questions and sat in his office. He looked around before concentrating on his shadow who was still guarding Alyzée. He looked around but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.
He freezed when he felt your presence not too far from the two women. He forced his shadow to look around, he knew soul was somewhere near. His shadow’s eyes fell toward a warm feeling, Alastor knew your soul was here. He wondered why you were here… His shadow then looked at a man who seemed to be looking at no one, but his stare was focused. 
He was focused where he could feel your soul.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos
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paisleypens · 1 day
whispering waves asmr | spencer agnew x asmr!reader
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guys i did it!! i love this so much if you want more from asmr!reader lemme knoww. thank you @easy-peezy-squeeze-a-lemon for the inspo!!
Spencer Agnew sat in the Smosh Games pod, headphones firmly in place, eyes glued to his phone. On the screen, the soothing voice of Y/N, the ASMR content creator he admired filled his ears. He found her voice calming, and her intricate roleplays were a perfect escape from the daily chaos of filming and editing.
“Spencer!” Shayne’s voice jolted him out of his trance. Spencer quickly paused the video and pulled off his headphones, looking sheepish as he turned to face his friend.
“What’s up?” Spencer asked, trying to act casual.
“Watching your girlfriend again?” Shayne teased, nudging Spencer with a grin. Across the room, Alex caught the tail end of the exchange and joined in.
“Yeah, Spencer, are you ever going to meet this Whispering Waves ASMR, or are you just going to keep crushing from afar?” Alex added, his eyes filled with amusement.
Spencer rolled his eyes, but a blush crept up his cheeks. “She’s not my girlfriend. I just like her videos, okay?”
“Sure, sure,” Shayne said, laughing. “You’ve got to admit, you watch her a lot. Why don’t you just reach out? Who knows, maybe she’s a Smosh fan.”
Spencer shook his head, but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips. “I doubt it. Besides, she probably gets tons of messages. She wouldn’t even see mine.”
Before Shayne or Alex could respond, the conversation was cut short by a call for a meeting. They all headed to the conference room, but Spencer’s thoughts lingered on her. Maybe Shayne had a point. It wouldn’t hurt to try, right?
The bustling convention center was packed with fans, creators, and endless rows of booths. Smosh Games had a prominent spot, and the crew were busy meeting fans, signing autographs, and taking pictures.
During a rare lull, Spencer found himself scrolling through Twitter, checking out the convention hashtags. That’s when he saw it – she was at the same con today.
“Hey guys,” Spencer said, trying to keep his excitement in check. “You’ll never guess who’s here.”
“Who?” Shayne asked, looking curious.
“Whispering Waves,” Spencer replied, holding up his phone to show them the tweet.
Shayne’s eyes widened. “No way! You have to meet her.”
Alex grinned. “Yeah, dude. This is your chance.”
Spencer felt a mix of nerves and excitement. “Maybe I will.”
As the day went on, Spencer kept an eye out for her. Just when he started to think he’d missed his chance, he saw her across the hall, talking to a small group of fans. Gathering his courage, he walked over, his heart pounding.
“Hi,” he said, once the fans had dispersed. “I’m Spencer. I love your ASMR videos.”
She turned to face him, a warm smile lighting up her face. “Thank you so much! I’m a big fan of Smosh Games.”
Somehow she was more captivating in person. Spencer felt a rush of relief and excitement. “Wait actually? That’s insane! I wasn’t sure if you’d know who we were.”
“Of course I do,” she replied, laughing softly. “Your videos are hilarious.”
They chatted for a while, the conversation flowing easily. Spencer couldn’t believe how well they clicked, and he had affirmed he could listen to her voice forever. Eventually, he gathered the courage to ask, “Would you like to grab a coffee sometime? Maybe after the convention today?”
She smiled, her eyes sparkling. “I’d love that.”
After the convention ended for the day, the two of them discovered a charming coffee shop close by. They had a great time chatting about everything – their jobs, hobbies, and hilarious behind-the-scenes anecdotes. It felt like they had known each other for years.
“You have really pretty eyes. The blue suits you” Y/N complimented him.
Spencer’s mind went blank at the comment, feeling suddenly giggly. “I have spent a lot of time looking at yours. Not in a weird way but like- shit- through your videos… if that makes sense.” He muttered looking away.
“It does, maybe give me a little more time to look into your eyes.”
Spencer looked up to Y/N’s eyes, which were looking into his with such adoration, he couldn’t believe it. So they sat there gazing in a comfortable silence, the tension between them growing. They both would occasionally burst into laughter at the same time, feeling the same energy.
“So,” she said, letting the tension ease, “I guess we’ll have to do a collab sometime.”
Spencer grinned. “I’d love that. The Chosen ASMR sounds very…”
“Scary. But funny.” Y/N quickly laughed.
As they finished their drinks, Spencer couldn’t help but feel grateful for Shayne and Alex’s teasing. Without it, he might never have had the courage to approach her. He had tried to picture what it would be like to be with her, but now it was real. He wanted their future together and somehow it was so close to being real.
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chaifootsteps · 1 day
I'm placing my bets now for Apology Tour -
episode unambiguously sides with Stolas & only has Blitzo be expected to change or apologize
Stolas bonds with Verosika over how awful Blitzo treated him (bonus points if they retcon it so Blitzo wanted to use Verosika's crystal to get to the human realm despite it never ONCE coming up in s1, in order to establish Evil Blitzo has a habit of using people, unlike Innocent Stolas who would never do that) and later confronts Blitzo on it (the whole dumb 'do you ever feel regret for what you do' line, though going by Stolas' outfit that could be a later ep)
Stolas' development won't be him realizing Blitzo had a point or that anything he said/did to him was wrong, but it'll be some kind of internal journey about learning to love himself (bonus points if Vassago turns up just in time to be his rebound and convince him he totally didn't do anything wrong) - this is where the 'I want someone to care, I want someone to want me' line comes in. Stolas is still self-obsessed but it's framed like he's just a sad uwu owl who just wants love
We won't hit the Blitzo Victim Blaming Event horizon yet but we'll get close - we'll save that for whatever consequences Stolas faces as a result of lending the book out that the show decides are all Blitzo's fault
Blitzo gets thrown a bone in the form of making up with Verosika
But this probably only happens after he realises Stolas is performing (the look on his face in this shot: https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/comments/1ctnyak/verosika_is_sitting_next_to_blitz_in_the_trailer/) and the episode uses Blitzo feeling bad about Stolas to motivate him to make peace with her (yuck) - as sort of 'Blitzo never had to look at the aftermath of him hurting people before and who is more hurt and sad than Stolas?' (the audience: literally anyone!!!)
That bit with the moon is part of Stolas' performance, maybe? (from the trailer on the line 'I want someone to care, I want someone to want me'
If Stolas' song isn't a straight diss track I'm betting it's gonna be a more ballad-like heartbreak song where Stolas sings principally about how he was hurt and victimized and only wanted things to work out and it hurts him when Blitzo shuts him out. If the episode has Stolas or anyone else acknowledge Blitzo yelling at him in the prior ep it'll only to do more Oops-like framing of Blitzo as just unreasonably prejudiced against the rich and his whole hangup is his problem
Blitzo is watching from the balcony and at this moment he has the epiphany that he 'doesn't want to be this way forever.' Song ends with that winceworthy shot from the trailer of Blitzo looking up, all vulnerable, as the show frames Stolas in this gold light like he's this idealized love Stolas always needed (upgrade yuck to puke)
Afterwards Blitzo will go up to talk to Stolas while wearing that white sheet who's weeping by himself as per usual (other shot from the trailer), to apologize. Stolas still will not say I'm sorry or anything close because the writers have clawed out the empathy chip in his head for good, but this is the moment where he and Blitzo will maybe sort of get it together, kinda
And y'know what my other bet from the trailer is? I think a lot of people are gonna hate it. They're gonna realize even more that waiting for the show to ever address Stolas' flaws is a losing endeavour and that it was a total lie that we were supposed to think Stolas was in the wrong. His only flaw was loving Blitzo too much
I think this is the moment the show loses the audience for good and only the Stolas apologists and the diehard 'it's good no matter what you say' crowd are gonna remain
I think you're probably right. I'll be extremely happy if you're not and even half of this doesn't come true, but I think anyone who's waiting on a sincere, heartfelt resolution where they actually talk about things and Stolas fully acknowledges what he did wrong is going to be deeply disappointed.
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rafyki · 11 hours
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 5!
Finally, another chapter!! Back to Percy's POV~ oh I absolutely adore writing him being head over heels for Nico 💕💕
Some more internal panicking, some more flirting, and they're finally getting to know each other~~ 💕
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy went to the beach two days after ready to bury himself under the sand as soon as he saw Nico, and at the same time ready to show off the best surfing moves he knew. 
I'll look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar, that was what Nico had said. 
Percy had been replaying that moment in his head so many times in the last fifty hours it was now indelibly engraved in his memory. He could picture it perfectly, like it was still right before his eyes - the afternoon light bathing Nico in pretty shadows, that single strand of hair that had escaped his ponytail and was falling on the side of his face, the numerous earrings on his ears shining in the sun, the way he was biting and playing with those on his lips (it must have been an habit of his, and it definitely was an image that had been driving Percy crazy since the first time he had noticed it); Percy had clearly taken him off guard, and his expression had been the prettiest mix of surprise and embarrassment.
Percy had been ready to make up some silly excuse and run away as far as possible to hide his embarrassment and cursing his stupid impulsive mind for even thinking that saying something like let me teach you how to surf to someone he barely even knew was a good idea. 
And yet.
I'll look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar.
He felt like screaming, felt like he could surf all day long even without waves if it meant Nico would look at him.
To be honest, flirting with him hadn’t really been his intention. He just wanted to talk to him, exchange more than those few words of courtesy that were needed to buy something. 
He had not expected it to be this easy.  Somehow, the words had come out easily, and the conversation had felt awkward but nice and natural at the same time - and maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part, but he couldn’t help but think Nico had enjoyed it too.
The smile on his lips had been genuine, the way he had laughed (and oh, wasn’t that the sweetest sound ever? Percy would gladly listen to it forever), talking and asking questions like he hadn’t wanted the conversation to end. 
Somehow flirting had come so natural to Percy as he looked at him - the need of getting to know him, to impress him somehow, to make him smile, to make the moment last as long as possible, all mixing and tangling together; somehow, that had resulted in the filter between his brain and mouth shutting off completely.
It seemed Nico hadn’t minded too much though. Percy’s heart was playing athletics in his chest as he thought about it once again. 
Calm down, he told himself, trying and failing to get a grip on his derailing thoughts. Maybe he just didn’t know what to say and said the first thing he could think of.
Okay, but did he really have to say that? 
He shook his head. No need to think about it, he’d just have to go and face the consequences of his own actions.
Despite all the time spent thinking about it, he wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.
The beach was as hot and nice and crowded as it always was, but Percy couldn’t concentrate on how that usually made him feel, couldn’t ignore his nervousness and the way his insides were tangling and curling together out of anxiety and anticipation.
He didn’t even have Annabeth with him today - he was almost tempted to call her just to scream his struggles to her once again; she was probably tired of listening to him freak out and would tell him to simply go and talk to Nico again. Was she right? Of course she was. Did that make Percy feel any better? Not really, to be honest.
He sighed as he set everything up and got ready. 
Would Nico look at him like he said he would? The simple thought made Percy shake.
He took up his surfing board, heart beating ridiculously faster than it should as he moved closer to the shore. 
And then, right before getting into the water, he turned around. 
Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but there he was, the boy of Percy’s dreams, looking back at him. 
They were far enough from each other that Percy couldn’t see Nico’s expression clearly- maybe he had just happened to be looking that way for a moment. Percy almost expected him to simply turn around and look away like nothing had happened.
But then, Nico raised a hand and waved lightly. Percy’s heart did a flip as he waved back, a smile growing on his lips. 
For a handful of seconds, there was no one else on that beach but them.
Then Nico’s attention was called back by a customer, and with one last glance at Percy, he went back to work. Percy stood there, eyes still fixed on him and smile still in place, for a little longer.
Maybe he’ll be really looking at me, after all.
He was definitely ready to show off everything he could do.
They weren’t friends exactly, probably not even acquaintances. But something had shifted, and Percy could feel it every time he went to the beach - it wasn’t just him, wasn’t just the anticipation he felt or the way he spent most of his time thinking about the next time he would see and get to talk to Nico again; no, it was in the way they waved at each other in greeting when Percy got there (or sometimes when Nico’s shift started later and Percy got on the beach before him), or the way Nico was always the one who took Percy’s order at the kiosk, the way he smiled at Percy like he was happy to see him, the way Percy let himself linger there for as long as he could and Nico would never shy away from small talks.
It was all the little things piling up that made Percy’s heart run around like crazy, and he couldn’t hold back the smile coming up on his lips every time - he just hoped it didn't look as enamored and lovestruck as he felt.
His crush was growing every day, every moment. Percy could feel himself fall harder and harder with every new word exchanged, every new smile and little laugh, every new thing he learned about Nico. He was probably going a little crazy with how much he liked that boy.
He went to the beach as often as he could, even just to get a glimpse of him and for those fast and precious moments they got to share.
Today he hadn’t planned on going, but he had finished earlier at work and his feet had brought him there almost without him realizing. It was later than usual, and he didn’t even have anything with him. Yet there he was, sitting at his usual place at the kiosk, trying his best not to make it obvious that he was looking at Nico, busy with another customer.
“Nico will take your order in a moment”, the other guy, the blond one who also worked there, told him. 
“It’s okay, I can wait”, Percy replied. It took him a moment to realize that it was weird that the guy hadn’t simply taken his order himself. He worked there too, right? And he didn’t look busy, he was just there chatting with an elf-looking Mexican guy. 
Percy didn’t know if he was feeling more grateful or more embarrassed at this - was it really that obvious that he was there for Nico? At the same time though, the fact that apparently it was a thing, that Percy was Nico’s own customer, that the other guy didn’t even question it, like he knew it - well, it was making Percy feel stupidly giggly and hopeful.
“Ehi, hi Percy”, Nico greeted him, and Percy finally got out of his own head, but only to feel himself fall once again as he met Nico’s eyes and pretty smile. “The usual?”
“Hi, Nico”, he said. His throat felt dry, his heart lost a beat or two. “Yeah, thanks”.
Oh he was too pretty. Annabeth and Grover had laughed at him when Percy had spent a whole evening telling them about every little detail of Nico’s features, how he must have been an angel - because there was no way a human being could be that incredibly and otherworldly beautiful, right?
No, you’re just completely gone for that guy, Seaweed brain, Annabeth had said.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you having this big of a crush, Percy, had been Grover’s contribution.
And they were both absolutely right. Percy really didn’t remember the last time he had been so head over heels for someone, couldn’t even remember the last time he had had a crush at all. But Nico - god, Nico was making him feel everything all at once.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you today”, Nico said, and Percy’s brain short-circuited for a moment. So Nico thought about seeing him? Did he look forward to see him just as much as Percy did? 
“The weather isn’t so good and it looks like the waves aren’t big enough to surf”, Nico kept going.
Percy needed a second to find his words, too enraptured by the shy yet curious look in Nico’s eyes. He had such a nice voice, too, Percy loved listening to him talk.
“Uhm, yeah, I actually wasn’t planning on coming today”, he managed to say in the end. “But I finished earlier at work, so I thought I’d pass by and get my favorite drink”.
Nico smiled softly at that, and Percy counted it as a victory.
“You’re literally the only one who orders this”, Nico said.
“So it’s like a special drink just for me?”
Flirting came to him way too easy when he talked to Nico. Maybe it was the need to see the light blush tinting his cheeks. He blushed so easily, and it was always so evident on his pale skin. Percy loved it.
This time too, Nico rolled his eyes at him, but the blush was there. It was starting to become Percy’s new favorite color.
“Where do you work at?”, Nico asked after a moment. Percy didn’t mind too much that he had ignored his previous flirting. It was endearing, really, that Nico was so shy. 
“Oh I teach kids how to swim at the pool near here”.
Somehow, that seemed to hit Nico, because he stopped to look at Percy with such surprise and awe in his eyes that it was Percy’s turn to blush in embarrassment. He was looking at him like Percy had just told him he went around saving the world on a daily basis.
“That’s so…”, Nico started, then stopped, cleared his throat and looked away. “That’s cute. You look like you’d be good with kids”.
“You think so?”, Percy smiled.
He liked sharing things with Nico, liked telling him about himself, cherished it when Nico told him something about himself. 
“Do you like working here?”
“I do, I guess. It’s a good summer job”, Nico said, meeting Percy’s eyes. “And it’s allowing me to meet some interesting people”.
Percy's heart started to beat ridiculously loud in his chest. “Yeah? You don’t look like you like meeting people a lot though”.
That made Nico’s laugh. Percy sort of wanted to drown in the sound.
“I don’t, usually”, Nico said. “But I guess I can make an exception for some people”.
Percy wanted to kiss him so bad. Wanted to take him on a date and make him smile and laugh the whole time, wanted to hold his hand as he told him about himself, wanted to share everything he could with him, wanted to card his fingers through his dark silky hair and pull him closer and closer to him until he could press his lips to his and feel the rings under his teeth.
“Some special people?”
Another laugh, and that beautiful shade of pink on his cheeks. “Yeah, special”.
Oh Percy was so far gone for him.
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djeterg19 · 2 days
Ugh I could talk forever about Yak and Dee. I get both of them so well. Yak is holding onto his crush with Taemrak while being the softest boyfriend ever to Dee. Dee is seemingly aware of his feelings for Yak but doesn't think it's his place to declare himself or make a claim on Yak's affections even though they are basically living together and acting like they are actually boyfriends because Yak has told him of his feelings for Taemrak. And he wants to protect himself because yes he is still hurting from finding out Ter didn't return his feelings and thinks he's gotten himself into the same situation again.
I really don't think either is doing anything wrong per se but Yak hasn't acknowledged his feelings to himself yet. I think we ALMOST got a breakthrough after the convo with Oyei about who he thinks of first but he was interrupted by Dee showing up. We know who would be top of his mind though because before he went outside to do the thought experiment...he already opened his phone and CHOSE Dee but Yak hasn't connected those dots yet. He chose Dee last week as well when Taemrak invited him out after the event at the hospital. IDK why there are tears next week but I really hope we start moving away from the Taemrak crush soon. Especially since it looks like Dee is wearing the sweater from the trailer when they are kissing on the mouth.
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blood-grove · 2 days
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unnatural bleeding
merfolk au!
previous <- part 5 -> WIP
parings: gaz x reader
chars: gaz, price , soap , ghost
tws: blood, injuries, violence, past abuse, language, slow burn.
a/n: hehehhehehe finally new update :3 got rid of the rude reader tw cuz reader is gonna be annoyed at the world at best angry at worst plus i dont think ive been writing them rudely so also forgive me if the writing pov changes weirdly idk i have a hard time staying focused and consistent ill try better
tags; @chickennn-soupp @cassiecasluciluce @sans-chara @lethargicluv  @kaoyamamegami
What the hell was this place.
It seems all they did was stare at you and when you would clearly get sick of the mumbles and looks you'd splash them and they'd fucking laugh.
They were weird and the Gaz guy was weirder.
You found later his name was actually Kyle and he meant to clarify earlier.
But you found the silly nickname funny.
But this wasn't fun.
Being propped up on a large mat next to the side of the pool the leather felt uncomfortable under you, You also felt way too exposed as a few humans looked over your stitches and wrappings.
It felt weird there hands weren't rough but no one besides a few have touched you like this they were talking about something you'd care less to pay attention too.
As they examined you, Gaz kept trying to pull your attention away from the other humans.
Was he jealous?.
Humans are so fickle it's funny.
Even working with merfolk in the past Gaz still never got used to the bigger ones like you.
Scarface as you've been suitably nicknamed for the moment been alright and cooperative so far no biting or thrashing.
He'd likely guess the wounds were causing you to be so irritable they didn't look good when they first arrived problem had a couple of parasites on them along with other infections that are still being treated.
Price was observing the whole check up process.
You didn't speak much at least not to any of the other staff.
There were a few problems though.
Firstly they found you solo but there was still likely you belonged to a pod but which is the question.
Secondly, they couldn't keep you in the medical pool forever you were wild to some extent it would be cruel to keep you from you family.
Thirdly during your surgery, they'd found a piece of metal that didn't look important it was kept to be looked over in case it helped discover why you were in such a state, Price already guessed territorial fighting but you clearly (no offense) couldn't pick your battles.
Some of these scars and bites could have been lethal.
He was pulled out of his thoughts as you shifted clicking in annoyance he was quick to reach over for another fish from the bucket nearby by offering it up in an attempt to distract you.
"Are all humans this pokey?"
"No Scarface we just..need to make sure your healing okay..Then we can release you."
Kyle huffed as he gave you an honest smile ignoring the glare and grumble he received in return, You still took the fish though idly crunching on it.
They eventually finished the examination without much fuss except for you not so subtly tripping the newest volunteer who honestly should have been starting off with a much smaller mer than you.
But you start off somewhere.
Speaking of which it's about lunch time for them now and his break time, Kyle oversaw you getting back into the pool without much struggle before he left your area visiting by Price to mention he was going on his break before grabbing his lunch and heading to the docks.
He'd usually not have to wait long before they'd show but it'd seemed they were late.
It wasn't long till a familiar face popped up flashing teeth and all.
"Hey, Soap!" Kyle grinned as he looked to see the shark mer propping up his elbows onto the dock.
"Ghost comin'..?"
"Ah in a bit he's still getting his bearings.."
Now he was confused the last time he'd seen the pair and given them there updated shots and tags they'd been great.
The pair were unusual a Shark and Orca together seemed unheard of but yet just a few years ago now when Kyle had fallen overboard during an solo observation trip Ghost saved him from drowning.
Both of them were odd in a good way, Simon having been outcasted by his pod but he doesn't like to talk about it.
He had lots of scars all telling of countless battles of either for his territory or from just fights.
As for Soap, Sharks were solitary regardless but Soap had his own set of scars from fights some he shouldn't have tried starting.
"Bearings? What happended?.."
"Another fuckin' Orca smaller not as experienced grabbed me a few days back, Si really fucked em' up till the bastard clocked him on the head with there tail-"
"Jesus , Where is he? I can get a team out and-"
"Ah ye know how he feels about humans..Plus he seemed to be swimming straight.."
"But Soap , He could have a concussion or maybe a facture-"
Soap sighed as he glanced back to the water before back at Kyle.
"Look..You can try convincing em'"
Soap frowned as Simon finally surfaced propping himself up onto the dock as well the wood creaking slightly under the weight of just Simons upper half.
Kyle huffed as he didnt even need to say anything as he went up to him giving him a look before he huffed grumbling quietly adjusting himself better so that Kyle could assess him.
Taking his time looking over the newer injuries they had healed well enough fishing out his little hand held flash light from his keychain in his pocket he checked Ghost's eyes.
After a bit of checking Kyle felt satisfied ignoring Ghost annoyed clicks.
"Mm..Now Soap you said it was another Orca right..? Did it come back?"
"Nah..Fucker swam off after bashing Ghost head..Pretty sure I could smell em' bleeding though for a bit till they got too far."
Right this was looking to be way too convenient and fitting to not match up with good ol' Scarface's condition.
"Mm..Alright..Anyway I brought some-"
"Treats?!" Before Kyle could even move his lunchbox away Soap had snatched it and Kyle let out a exasperated sigh not even fighting for it risk of being pulled into the water.
"Jesus Soap my lunch is still in there be careful- And dont eat the plastic!"
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chenfordspiral · 3 days
What are your top 5 Chenford scenes ever?
Sarah, we need to have a serious talk because this is not okay. I can barely narrow it down to top 5 scenes from each season, now you want me to name top 5 scenes EVER?? I don’t have a word strong enough to tell you how rude this is. (Apologies in advance for the mountain of gifs I put in here. I just couldn't decide. Such a shocker, I know.)
(1) Um, so… can I already cheat for this one and say both the hug in the desert and the hospital scene? Yes? Cool.
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(2) The ending scene from 5x12. You all know why.
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(3) THE DANCE (4x18). Just… look at them. I could watch this forever.
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(4) Their first real kiss (5x10).
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(5) The entire buildup to and then the subsequent awkwardness after their first kiss. I mean, Tim in her apartment and them sitting on her couch so comfortably, his broken brain, Tamara walking in on them "practicing," Tim's realization at the end in the hall... just everything. Seeing gifsets of this scene is what got me hooked on this show two years ago, so of course it needs to be up here.
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And because I’m an indecisive bitch (you all know that I am) and Sarah's a meanie, here’s five more, not in any particular order, just numbered to keep track.
(6) Tim giving her the ring back in 2x12. We saw Lucy struggling the entire episode even when she wouldn’t admit it, and in the end it was Tim who got through to her. And then of course she realizes who found and saved her when he tosses her the ring. So yeah, I’m super normal about this scene.
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(7) Maybe not a super popular choice, but their talk in the parking lot at the end of 5x08. I had this scene playing on a loop for all of December 2022, and I still love it.
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(8) Their hug in the hospice in 4x09. I mean, how can you not love this and completely melt away when you see Tim just totally giving in and practically being held up (and together) by Lucy?
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(9) Airplane bathroom kiss. I think this one explains itself. Actually, all of those airplane scenes because.. woah.
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(10) 5x22 fight scene. Love me some power couple completely crushing it. (Can I add the hug in here, too? Mh, my post so I will, lol.)
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There’s about a million more that I wanna add right now but I will stop here and pretend I don’t wanna change everything about this list already.
Thanks for the ask, Sarah! ❤︎
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jjkilll · 3 days
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— pairing | artist jk x actress y/n
— summary | Jungkook realizes he has a crush on you. One small problem, You're his sister's best friend who she's made clear is off limits.
— warning | smut
— word count | 3.5K
— song | LUNCH - Billie Eilish
a/n: I accidentally deleted my entire accounts like all of them. it's still me, I'm extremely upset. i will fix my account after work. i worked so hard on my account.
2:47 pm
"Jungkook, Y/n is coming over will you straighten up the house before she gets there? She'll be there before I get home." Jungkook listens as his younger sister and roommate explain. "Y/n? I haven't heard about her in forever."
"Yeah, I know! She moved away for school and work, but she's back in town visiting family for a month. So please make sure the house looks good."
"Will do," he replies before hanging up. You haven't seen Jungkook since you and Jangmi's high school graduation. You and Jangmi have grown up together and you two were inseparable. Jungkook always found you adorable, your braces and round cheeks made him think you were as cute as a doll. He couldn't even lie and say he wasn't excited to catch up with you. Your brother Stephen and Jungkook were excellent friends and seeing you reminded him of his good friend. Your families were close and it had been a while, now as adults you could drink and talk shit about your family drama which everyone probably overindulges in.
Jungkook cleaned the shared house and took the best liquor out of the cabinet and the nice crystal his mother bought for him on his 19th birthday. Suddenly he hears a knock at the door. He quickly runs to the door and opens it.
There you stand. No braces but still with the cutest cheeks in the world. Your hair short and brown shined against the sun. You were not the little girl he remembers, you were...hot. "Jungkook!" you exclaim hugging him quickly. "Wow, Y/n you look..."
"I know the plane ride was a little rocky, my hair is kinda a mess. I forgot how humid it is here," you explain brushing through your hair with your hands. Jungkook stood there in awe, his arms still out from the hug. "You look great, is what I was trying to say." he finishes.
"Don't flatter me just let me in, it's hot," you say pointing behind him. "Oh right, sorry" he apologies letting you by.
you kick off your shoes and say "So... do I get a house tour? It's so crazy that we're homeowners now." you say reminiscing. "Yeah sure, although Jangmi will for sure be upset so just act surprised when she wants to show you around." You giggle at his idea and follow behind as you two meet in the corridor. "Don't worry Kook, I can keep a secret." He smiles and asks, "Would you like a drink?" you nod and he pours whiskey into two glasses. He hands you one and you clink them together. "cheers." you say softly.
Your voice sounds like honey to him, smooth, sweet, and soft. He wondered if you'd taste the same. He quickly shook the crazy thought out of his head, he had never thought of you that way and couldn't quite understand why he'd felt that way to begin. You stop at the first door in the hall. "This is my studio and office. It's the best room in the house in my opinion." Jungkook was an artist, and his paintings were gaining popularity in the art world pretty quickly. Everyone seemingly loved his art and so did you. "Can I go in?" you ask starstruck by the art. He nods still standing in the doorway as you walk in. "Kook, these are amazing. I love every single one seriously, you're talented." He shakes his head putting it down shyly. "and you're still so humble. I don't get you." You joke. He smiles, "Thanks Y/n, it means a lot coming from you, really."
"I wish I did though... get you, maybe I'd understand your art more. Get inside your head a little." You say really scanning each canvas not necessarily paying him any attention and taking a small sip from the alcohol. The way you spoke made his body tingle. The sultriness of your voice was music to his ears. "Can I buy one?" You turn around asking him. "You don't have to pay, let it be a gift," he says rubbing his neck. "Hell no! If everyone else has to pay then so do I. And this deserved payment." You point to an abstract piece that no one but your families would be able to recognize. "You painted my our backyards," You pointed out.
You and Jangmi became friends after having to line up according to birthday in 1st grade. So every year until you were both 18 you had a joint birthday party. With your family's gates opening up to each other you basically have a big baseball field-sized birthday party filled with all of your family and friends. It's something you missed after moving away for school.
"Now seriously it'd be an honor if you took it, you're actually the first person to guess it right on the first try and not turn your head to the side and say 'ohhhhh'. You definitely deserve it more." He laughs. "Well, I appreciate it, Kook. It reminds me of how much fun we had as kids." You say giggling along with him, taking another sip from the cup.
"It actually reminds me, I can tell you now so it's not weird and we're grown up but I used to have the most intense crush on you. You took Audriana Cooper to prom your senior year. You were 18 turning 19 and I was 13 getting ready to turn 14 two days later, and I sobbed in the back of my parents' car after watching you make out with her. I did my makeup and everything, hoping you'd notice me it's kinda sad if you think too hard so just... don't" You laugh and he giggles with you.
In that moment you remember how cute you thought he was back then. You'd think about him more than you expressed to Jangmi, but you'd love it when he'd hug you a little tighter so you could smell him. You had always been so drawn to him until the prom incident. Your mom explained to you that you and Jungkook would never work since Jungkook was about to graduate high school whilst you still had three years to finish. Soon after your little crush dissipated, and Jungkook was just your best friend's hot older brother and not SpiderMan or something.
"I don't really know what to say, I can say I was kinda the guy to fool around," he says embarrassed at the memory. "I can't blame you, if anybody looked as hot as you did at 19, I'm sure they'd do the same." You sip your drink once again.
"Are you saying I look old now? I'm only 26." he jokes with you. "No! No! I didn't mean it like that, I mean I still think you're hot." You say before quickly trying to correct yourself. "I just mean like you're attractive... not like in a weird way like I'm super attracted to you, I mean like I'm not saying that I do not find you attractive, I'm just saying- " You stop to take a breath realizing you were rambling on. "You know what maybe day drinking isn't my thing. I say weird things... I'm learning." you sat the cup down on his desk. You close your eyes trying to not be so embarrassed by your randomness.
"Maybe- maybe we should go to the next room?" You question looking at him. "Not like that. I mean you should show me the next room with us both standing outside of it." Jungkook looks at you and laughs. You embarrassed and watched him and joined in after realizing he wasn't upset by your awkwardness. "Someone's a lightweight, huh? Didn't do much drinking in college I guess." you laugh. You shake your head.
"Well if it makes things less weird. When I opened the door I was stunned. Your beautiful Y/n." You blush but turn your head to the window not to look at him, hoping he wouldn't notice. "Come on, I'll show you the next room over." You follow behind him. "This is Jangmi's room, we kinda have our own floors, her office is on my floor." He explains. "We found that working like this is better for us."
"I bet you're so proud of Jangmi. She's found success quickly." You mention Jangmi was a fashion designer, he has recently found herself being the creator director for Prada. She was truly talented. You were beyond happy for her too. She deserves it all.
"I am. Jangmi is still my annoying little sister, but just successful." you laugh. "I'm sorry," you say looking at him with a sad expression. "For what?" he asked confused. "I missed you so much, Stephen always calls to tell me the good things that happened here. It makes me wish I never moved away."
"I mean but look at you, little miss actress. Not even little you have an Emmy. Talk about stardom." Jungkook says bringing up your most recent accomplishment.
You didn't like to talk about your career, acting was fun and the greatest thing to ever come into your life, but it's definitely made you a different person. You went from being a little shy girl to a movie star. "Stop..." You blush looking away from him again. It reminded him you're still the same. Still so cute.
"Don't ever feel bad for chasing your dreams, Y/n. Stephen, Jangmi, and I... we've all chosen different paths. Don't feel bad for choosing yours."
You would be lying if you said Jungkook didn't lift a little weight off your shoulders. Moving to LA was a huge deal and when you first moved you regretted it and often spent nights wondering what was right for you. But, he's right, you chose and thankfully you chose right.
"Plus we're all still here. Look..." he says motioning to himself. "I'm me and you're you. We're still the same." He smiles holding his hand out for a hug. You slowly walk into his arms and you hugs you tightly. "I'm serious, you're great." He kisses the top of your head. "Thanks, Kook"
"What the hell?!" You heard Jangmi scream from down the hall. "Move idiot, you will not hog my bestie!" She runs up pushing Jungkook out of the way. "Jangmi!" You squeal. You lock arms with her going with her to finish the house tour. You turn and nod to Jungkook as a small thank you. He nods back with a small smile on his face. Jesus, he's still so cute.
✫ --------------------✫
8:09 pm
"I could eat her for lunch seriously. She's hot like sexy." Jungkook explains to Namjoon, "Hot like sexy?" he repeats, "Dude she'll never fuck you if you talk like that." He rolls his eyes, punching Namjoon in the shoulder. "Ow, I'm serious. Wait, didn't Jangmi say she was off limits?" He sighs being reminded of the warning from his younger sister. "She'll never have to know." Joon chuckles at his answer. "Hyung, don't laugh this is serious. I don't know what to do."
"Don't date your sister's best friend. That seems like the safest option. If Jangmi finds out, she'll put your head on a stick. I mean, who says Y/n wants to have sex with you anyway?" he asks. "she told me she had a crush on me in high school. I don't just want to have sex with her either. I mean she's a sweet girl. I'd love to take her out somewhere. Get to know her some, she's not the girl I remember."
"But she's into you now?" Joon asks curiously. "I think, you had to see the way she looked at me. It was like hungry like she could eat me alive." Joon shakes his head. "Look all I'm gonna say is this, be careful, and make sure you really want her and you're not lusting over her. you could fuck up years worth of friendship." Jungkook finally realized what was at stake here. It's not just you and his relationship. It's you and Jangmi, him and Stephen, and your parents. He had to be right about this and didn't want to hurt you. You were still someone he cared deeply about. He knew how much you mean to Jangmi too. He didn't want to hurt her either.
✫ --------------------✫
10:46 pm
When Jungkook got back home he found you on the couch with a wine glass in your hand and a satin pink pajama set on. "Oh hey! You're back," you say catching yourself sounding more excited than you should be. "Yeah! Where's Jangmi?" he asks. "She's gotta get up early so she went to bed." you motion to her room. "Want some wine?" You ask him. "Absolutely. What are you watching?" He flops down beside you and you hand him a glass half filled with white wine. "It's called Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it's a new series based on the movie." He hums focusing in on the show. "fuck!" you groan rubbing your neck. "Could you massage my neck and shoulders? Those plane seats seriously suck and an old man fell asleep on my shoulder and I was too nice to move." He laughs nodding and setting his glass on the coffee table. You turn so your back faces him now. He starts rubbing your shoulders and you sigh. "holy shit your hands are magic." you laugh softly.
you're soft, and you smell like flowers and it's getting harder for Jungkook to contain himself. Your wavy hair falls right at your shoulders and is the most beautiful he's ever seen. "Jungkook?" you say lightly. He notices you hesitate before speaking. "What's new in you're life? You know, outside of being an artist. What do you like?" He hums, still rubbing at your shoulders. "Well, I've been working on some music. Nothing serious, like not anything I think is worth releasing." He explains to you. "I would want to hear if you're willing to share. No pressure," you say melting into him. "Absolutely. You have plans tomorrow?" He asks. You shake your head, "Family dinner later in the day but I'm free," you tell him. He hums and the noise of the TV takes over. You focus on his movement. His hands are big and he feels strong and... safe. Something you haven't felt in a while. He feels right.
"So." You say breaking the short silence. He hums acknowledging you. You stay silent for a while nervous the say what you're thinking. He peeks at you from the side. "I hope it's not weird if I ask but..." you trail off.
"Are you seeing someone?" you finally blurt. he chuckles dryly a little shocked by your question.
"I am not. Why'd you ask?" Still rubbing your shoulders gently but firm enough. "I don't know. I was just curious I guess," You lie. You clear your throat and Jungkook stops, and his hand runs down your arm, "Turn around." He says sternly, only seriousness found in his tone. You turn to face him. Your eyes lock for a moment and his eyes grow a little darker "Tell me the truth Y/n." He says. You hesitate looking him in the eyes a little longer before leaning in closely to say,
"I wanted to know before I did this" You kiss him softly. His hand cups your face, pulling you in closer to him. You climb into his lap and slip your tongue into his mouth. He moans into the kiss. He pulls back quickly to look at you. "Jangmi is gonna be pissed," he whispers as you're still a few inches from his face. "I told you, Kook, I can keep a secret." He grips your hips and pulls you closer in. "Fuck, you are so hot," he says before kissing you once more. You feel a tent growing in his pants. You grind against him and he moans into the kiss once more. You nibble on his lip as you pull away. You unbutton his jeans and slip your hand in, you stroke his hard-clothed cock. "Fuuuckk" he groans lowly. "You aren't as innocent as I remember," he says watching your every move. You climb off of him and kneel in front of him. You pull his pants down to his ankles and rub your hand across him. "Can I suck you off?" you ask. He nods, "I need you to say something."
"Yes please." He says quickly. You smile pulling his cock out of his boxers. You stoke him twice before licking his tip, then fully putting it in your mouth. You look up at him before fitting all of him in your mouth. His mouth falls open and you never take your eyes off of him. "Cum in my mouth," you say after sucking on his tip once more. You suck him more stroking him too. "I'm gonna-" you hum as he empties his load in your mouth. you open your mouth to show him his mess before swallowing. You flash him a smile before standing up. You get ready to go to the bathroom before he says "Go upstairs to my room." he says hungrily. you walk up the stairs and he quickly fixes his clothes before following behind.
You're sitting on his bed as he walks in and closes the door. "take off your shorts...panties too." you obey and kick them to the side. he kissed you, you fell backward on the bed and you felt so small under him. He kisses your neck and unbuttons your top. Kissing your tits and down your stomach. He kisses the inside of your thighs and stops every time he gets closer to your cunt. "Jungkook," you moan getting needier by the second. "Please" you beg. Before you can even get your words out, he licks a long stripe up your cunt. Sucking your clit driving you crazy. you moan breathily as you watch him eat you like he's a starving man. your eyes on his and swirls his tongue around your clit. he's so messy, his sheets were an afterthought. The only thing on his mind was making you come all over his tongue. "you taste like heaven." He says before slowly putting his index and middle finger in your cunt. "Fuck, Jungkook please." He curls his fingers hitting the spot to make you see stars. You almost moan loudly but with his other hand he tells you "Suck."
He loved seeing you like this, you were now like a drug to him. He knew he had to have more. Your body drove him insane. Your hips and how perfect your tits looked in your bra.
You obey and wrap your lips around his fingers. "Shhh, doll you don't want us to get caught, do you?" He shushed and truly the rush of getting caught turned you on more. He quickens the pace of his finger his head returning back in between your thighs. Sucking on your clit as he fucks you with his fingers.
you were a moaning mess and he felt good. He felt SO good. You'd do anything for him to make you cum. "Please can I come?" you moan quickly begging him for release. "You're such an obedient girl. Such good manners..." he trails off watching you squirm under him. "Cum for me." He curls his fingers hitting your perfect spot once again and you cum all over his fingers. You see stars and grip his arm tightly and he rubs slow circles on your clit as you come.
He flops down beside you, and you both lay there as your breath slows.
"i think-"
"Maybe we-"
you both speak at the same time. "You first," you say with a small giggle. He smiles looking over at you before he speaks. "I was thinking, maybe we could go out? I feel like we skipped a few steps." He says looking up at the ceiling. "We'll go when Jangmi, leaves for work." You respond. You roll over straddling him. "I know that Jangmi told you to stay away from me... But seeing you again brought me back." His hands draw circles on your lower back. "I want you Jungkook. I have for a long time." He smiles. "I want you too, Y/n." He kisses you deeply.
"Good." you stand after breaking the kiss, his hands lingering as you stand before him. You walk to his connecting bathroom and stop in the doorway. "Can I ask you something?" you say tilting your head to the side. He nods to you, "How did you know I was lying? On the couch, you told me to tell you the truth. How'd you know?" He smiled.
"You've had the same tell since we were kids, but I'm not telling. If I do I'll never know if you're lying to me." You smile at him and roll your eyes. "Whatever, Jungkook. Are you gonna join me in the shower or are you just gonna lay there?" you tease. He hops up quickly, "Right behind you baby." He says stripping himself of the rest of his clothing.
This might just be the start of his new craving. And you've got him wrapped around your finger.
✫ --------------------✫
a/n: AHHHHHH!!! hi I'm in love with Billie's new album and Jungkook, so i thought I'd make this lil series :)))
until next week my dolls.
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skayafair · 6 hours
Daaaaaaaaaamn this boy has absolutely no idea how to process his feelings *head in hands*
^ this is about episode 4 ending by the way
And, well, yes, Crystal does refocus any talk about others' problems to hers, okay. Usually there's at least a bridge of "yeah I get you, it's really rough" before sharing your own experience to connect, but she just goes straight to "And I...". Which... honestly she has every right to, but it's also her old self talking, yes.
I'm a bit stuck on Charles' "I cant help her, I can't help you, I can't help anyone or anything" because. It's so damn familiar. It's not that he can't help anyone - he does so plenty. It's not even that he can't SAVE anyone - they DO. But he can't see this, because the ones the closest to him are the ones he cannot save. This isn't about helping, that's a fucking saviour complex. An "if I'm not useful or helpful they don't need me", only just "helping" has never been enough now, has it? It's never enough, whatever you do. Moral support or help with research, little daily things are help, too. But it doesn't count. It has to be big, something you can't overlook, and it has to be final, to make who you're trying to save happy, forever. Only it's not possible. That's why the saviour complex is so bad - you can't save someone whose life is not over over completely, forever. You can only help bit by bit, but it won't ever be enough for you, because it has never been enough for someone big and important in your life, someone from family.
I kinda knew where exactly my - the same - issues stemmed from but never looked at it from this specific angle. I didn't connect the dots at first because Charles had an actual physically abusive parent while for mine it's just narcissistic tendences, but. Honestly the general outline is too familiar and I was tiggered and more perceptive today so yeah, thanks again for the insight, DBD.
The feeling of "I can't help my best friend, I can't help my family, I can't help anyone or anything, so what's even the point of me at all?" is too familiar. And I believe the show didn't create a resolution for Charles' problem, more like put it on hold because there were more pressing matters at hand. If we get season 2, I hope it developes this theme further. I need someone to tell him "your worth has nothing to do with this".
Speaking of which, I can't help being astonished at how psychologically accurate and nuanced the show is. With all the characters, really, but Charles' case is the most obvious, I think. The way he's always drawn to the same kind of people and - wow, Charles, that was unusually perceptive! - even noticed it himself? What he didn't notice yet is that this is the kind of people not only with similar personality traits, but also unavailable. Edwin's metaphorical walls, Crystal being alive and honestly just not very interested? Both are rather rude and I couldn't help noticing how uncomfortable Charles often looks when either of his sweethearts is at it again. I could almost see the cogs in his head turning, figuring out how to balance out yet another moody fit of theirs, be it Edwin or Crystal. And not being offended by obvious insults? Hell, Crystal noticed it right away. Yeah he's used to it with Edwin but that's not normal??? There's nothing good about it??? Have some self-worth, boy!
And. Well. Chasing after an unavailable partner is a totally common thing with this kind of trauma. Toxic relationship is the only normal you know. The only kind of "love" you know. If it doesn't hurt even a little, doesn't have these highs and lows, if you don't have to accomodate another's fits - what are we even talking about, yeah?
Charles is honestly lucky though. Edwin tries to be nicer, amitting his flaws, and generally they are pretty well-balanced and keep growing together (but there's always room for developement). Crystal is doing her best and is caring all over as well. The intent is there and it's good at its heart.
But I'm still waiting for the resolution. "You're the best man I've ever known" doesn't cut it.
Also it would be REALLY interesting to see Charles' developement in s2 because while Crystal is probably still off-limits due to the whole the living and the dead thing (and she wants to be friends), Edwin has opened up. Are there going to be any changes in this regard, because this isn't even about romantic or platonic and the orientation, it's about the dynamic in whole? Or is this going to be glossed over? I mean, when Crystal was being emotionally available as a friend - same episode 4 - Charles got angry fot prying. He doesn't know how to deal with all this but has made some progress. Will we see more of it?
We need season 2 SO. BAD.
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alicentsecretstan · 12 hours
So if you are not team green from the books why are you now?
Well If i get the meaning your question anon, a short answer for your that would be:
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Long answer would be:
Well, first, I am Team Green, doesn't mean I hate every character on TB. I do like Daemon as character, sure I don't think he is internet boyfriend. But I do think he is a very compelling character. And besides Aegon, he is the second character with most potential for development. Especially when Nettles come to picture. If the Ryan has balls enough, she could much be the Brienne of Daemon.
Even Rhaenyra, in the sense of her own tragic narrative. Like, ok Ryan is not inventing the wheel with her character, literature is full of kings that are legitimate heirs to the throne that end up loosing power and going crazy over their own self destructive behavior.
And look I even admit would be so much easier to be TB, like even before I watched the show, all my friends are TB, and I knew how TG ends. But when I started watching it, I star to love Team Green. They are just better writing characters, and their dinamics are more nuanced and compelling .
I really found fascinating how Otto actually care about the kingdom, but at the same time has ambitions and uses this to justify in his head selling his own daughter to king, like he loves her but as well, is interesting how he justify his behavior on his own head.
Meanwhile Alicent is such cunning and compelling character, to me she maybe the most complex character of the show. She has so much nuance, I could write forever about her character. The way she connects the best part of herself with her mother, meanwhile also she does become more and more alike to her father creating identity crisis. And that is just touching the surface with her.
And then part 2 dropped and consolidated that for me. Rhaenyra, which was some out compelling, becomes inconsistent with the original characterization and is very much a reactive protagonist, only being held together by Emma brilliant acting.
Part 2 where the kids are introduced, the show actually land very well into establish team green kids much better, with nuances and potential. Aegon, a hedonist who drowns himself in drink to avoid responsibility and lack of affection, with the potential to become a reverse Robert. Aemond is a fine warrior who hides his feelings behind his facade and blindfold. Heleana being the misunderstood pure and innocent child.
The kids on TB barely have characterization, Baela and Rhaena in the books are supposed to be similar configurations to Arya and Sansa, but the show doesn't even establish that well, they don't even have internal rationalization.
Why don't Jace or Luke have resentment towards Rhaenyra because of the status of bastards one bit? Fuck even Jon from the show has more nuanced feelings about this subject than they.
Why doesn't Baela feel a little bitter toward a bastard taking a place she is actually more worthy to have in Driftmark? It can't just be because they grew up together, Aemond grew up with Aegon, and still feels more entitled to the throne than Aegon.
Why are Rhaena or Baela so loyal to Rhaenyra and not feel the slightest bit of resentment towards their father for marrying her so quickly after their mother died after years of lack of affection from Daemon?
For me, I can't take the answer into consideration "they love each other and are a loving family" without the writers making me believe that these characters only have two dimensions.
I think that in this sense, Ryan fell into the same mistake as D&D, in an attempt to make these characters more heroic, he took away everything that could make them interesting. And I'm unlikely to like something that reminds me of GOT's bad writing, or bad writing in general.
Anyway, I hope I have answered you anon. And sorry for the ted talk.
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episodes of community I could give an hour long media analysis lecture on with no preparation
1x03 introduction to film
2x05 messianic myths and ancient peoples
2x11 abed’s uncontrollable christmas
2x14 advanced dungeons and dragons
2x15 early 21st century romanticism
3x04 remedial chaos theory
3x14 pillows and blankets
3x16 virtual systems analysis
3x22 introduction to finality
4x11 basic human anatomy
5x05 geothermal escapism
5x07 bondage and beta male sexuality
5x11 g.i. jeff
6x13 emotional consequences of broadcast television
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Just curious what the average level of personal investment in these sorts of things is. Like, how much do people usually get into silly stuff like this their friends ask of them? etc. etc. Which I know, only surveying a small sample on a very specific website means I'm not getting an exact average idea lol, but.. curious nonetheless .. Maybe reblog for bigger sample size but also this is not very serious at all/not worth a call to action gbhjbhjb
#which I know this could be context dependent like.. maybe you'd normally dress up but on a week that#you feel sick you wouldn't or etc. etc. - but I mean.. GENERALLY. in the most general average scenario#where you have the average amount of health and free time that you always do. etc. just based on your personality#and level of investment in these things - what on AVERAGE are you most inclined to do#also of course assume they communicate with you ahead of time and are not like planning a part last minute#like 'throw together costume in 5 hours and show up tonight randomly' or etc. I would hope that if we're going with the#AVERAGE of things - most people's friends have better communication skills than springing entire parties#on people last minute lol#assume you have like.. a few days-a week or so to prepare. however ealrly people usually start talking about#birthdays. In my experience it's usually one or two weeks ahead of time. Like 'oh next weekend' or 'oh two weeks from now' etc.#ANYWAY.. feeling a little Sick again of course but still trying to get some photos or something posted#AGAIN i promise I am not going to exlcusively post polls and ntohing else forever hgkjgnekj#I just really really love the ability to post polls and have always my whole life been obsessed with surveying people#I used to think I wanted to do that as a career somehow like.. be one of the people that does psychological interviews#or produce interview asessments for a company or etc. etc. I am always the one friend in the group thats giving out custom made#surveys or asking for other simialr stuff (did you ever take an mbti quiz? how about enneagra#m?? oh yeah I know they're not really scientifically valid or antyhing but like... DID you take them?? huh?? did you??please?? ghjj)#I simply cannot resist.. posting a little poll every once in a while.. as a treat#whilst I still fall behind on like actual content and costumes and stuff gbjhbjh#New poll adventure should be not as much of a wait as the last one was though since I already have the writing#for it really. I just have to do the ms paint sketch. hopefully no unexpected other health issues will get in the way#*** *** ***#< (anytime I do these three star patterns it is an ocd compulsion not me bleeping out words or something just ignore it lol)#(it means something secret in my evil brain just pretend you do not see it. significant only to me)#BUT YEAH.. ... poll... what type of costume party atendee are you?#:0c
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cozymochi · 1 year
Good day, Cozy! Hope you’re doing alright <3 Random question comin’ to ya~!
Do you have any backlogged fanart / wip that you’re especially proud of, even if it’s old or unfinished?
HHNNggHHHHGhhHh weLL… mind i have like 200+ things of backlogged fanart i never posted 🤪 (and might never cuz they are old). The only things i probably still like is this big ass set of drawing twst boys in the style of my private original art and characters I never publicly show 😩😩 Mostly just for personal fun. PROBABLY ONE OF THE FEW BACKLOGGED THINGS I STILL LIKE?? even if just toying around (click for better resolutions)
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the Diasomnia one was made first lol, malleus specifically. these weren’t really meant to ever be seen outside of a small group so *gestures* here they are
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