#I got reallly carried away
crisispider · 1 year
from @xenjoyedthat :
❤️ romantic
💛 platonic
💙 family
💞 friends with benefits
💕 unrequited love [honestly, it can go either way XD]
What kind of relationship does your muse want with mine?
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OKAY so i have some thoughts, because all of these dynamics could be so good okay?? So firsts things first, if i get anything wrong about the characterization of Lyla in anyway please tell me! I'm just doing a lot of rambling with ideas you know?
So with that being said....
This ended up getting REALLY LONG so i'm going to put most of it under a read more.
Platonic & Family
I live for just the day to day of anything in the spider society, and since Peter is one of the more founding members of the society with Miguel you can't tell me that Lyla and Peter aren't at the very least friends.
I'm a really big fan of the idea of just Peter and Lyla working as a team to keep an eye on Miguel and make sure he is doing things like taking breaks every now and again, and remembering to eat, you know basic human survival skills. It becoming just like this weird little tag team of just Lyla messaging peter when Miguel has been up for too long, and Peter just stopping what he is doing (or finishes whatever super important thing he is doing) and goes to help bully the man to bed.
But also just the two of them being gossipy babies?? And just any time Peter comes to the society and making sure he stops by her area to talk with her about everything and anything that has been going on and all the new things going on with Mayday.
Peter would INSIST she come over for movie nights and takeout and just get a chance to decompress herself because he definitely thinks she also works too hard for her own good and just deserves a break.
I could see Peter also just confiding in Lyla a lot in the quiet moments you know? He has NEVER been good at talking about his feelings and he still isn't.. but it's a work in progress. But the two of them just sitting down and maybe it starts off as just grumbling about the week, because Peter is good at grumbling about things and that could then devolve into actual serious conversation.
Which of course would just like lead to Peter noticing that like Lyla just does so much for everyone all the time, even though she has her hands full with Miguel, and he would start to go out of his way to make sure that she is taken care of. He will swing by the society all the time with a bag full of take out and a movie he INSISTS she just has to see, just to make sure she is taking breaks and getting in an actual meal.
Adding on to like some of your thoughts about Lyla and Mayday. Peter would ABSOLUTELY just be like 'here. hold the baby!' and not really give Lyla too much of a choice. He of course would keep enough of a watch to make sure it's never pushing her TOO FAR. He knew he could never take away the ache of gabriella, but he hoped that maybe having a baby around could be a healing distraction of sorts.
He of course wouldn't pay annnnny mind or call out Lyla showing up to come 'check on him' to make sure he isn't being some level of disaster. Peter would always be more than happy to let Mayday use Lyla as a jungle gym while he makes some dinner so Lyla can catch up with MJ.
The two of them organizing just movie and game nights between all the baby spiders or any other group that they felt needed a good break and just having such a good time? I feel like their game room is EXTENSIVE filled with probably way too many nerdy games because there are too many Peter Parker's in the damn society.
Romantic & Friends with Benefits
OKay so like for a lot of this I can really only talk from Peter's side so you are going to have like correct me if anything messes with your take on lyla!
So I have two possible routes I can go for just verse and like Mayday when it comes to shipping with Peter. There is the Peter and MJ are together, but are open to adding another and being a polycule. Ooooor the other way is that Mayday was an accident. The short version is that when Peter went back to rekindle, they had a night together, and then somewhere between then and Mayday being born they decided that they were better as friends and co-parents, and that's how they raise Mayday. So Peter is a single disaster dad.
WITH all of that way too many words being said, onto the cute stuff. I feel like all of the friendship stuff, mixed in with Peter falls for a person pretty easy. That man gets heart eyes faster than he has any reason to. But he would probably attempt to keep it to himself at first, figuring it's best if it's one sided, he had a kid and Lyla probably isn't interested in his old dorky ass.
But god he would do his best to be the absolute best friend he could be though? Just doing absolutely everything to make sure she was taken care of but not in like the.. obnoxious and overbearing way? just like the finding any dumb excuse to come hang out at the society and spend time with her sort of thing, but if she was too busy he would obviously take a hint.
I can almost PROMISE you that their first date? Peter would absolutely take her to the central park zoo in his New York. Would even go as far as to call in a few favors with some of the zoo keepers he has made friends with so she could even pet some of the animals that don't mind a friendly pat. Peter would absolutely bring his camera and take SO MANY pretty pictures of Lyla with all of the different animals, not just so she would always have them as a memory but because he just finds her truly breath taking.
But also the two of them having little nerd dates? Peter may not look it as much anymore but he is a smart little science nerd and just the two of them curled together or sitting like goblins as they just tinker with either spider gear or whatever dumb little invention they made up. Or even just learning about the tech of a new universe they went to recently and just trying to learn all about, just cute nerds.
Peter wouldn't always be the best, he is a workaholic who does make mistakes, but he is trying to be a better person. So sometimes I feel like their stubbornness would clash, but I think Peter would always come back after a fight looking like a little kicked puppy with some flowers to apologize because he would be SO SCARED to loose her.
It would take a lot of work, they are from different dimensions, and Peter is a single dad so Lyla really would have to be okay with one day taking on the title of step-mom if she ever wanted a real serious relationship with Peter, but Peter would also understand any hesitation. He has literally no room to judge ever.
If you wanted the more friends with benefits I could definitely see the two of them just crashing together after weird long weeks. Them both constantly working with miguel and everyone else to stop all of the universes from falling apart and just one thing leads to another, maybe there is a little bit of a dumb drinking game or peter had one too many weed gummies and it just happens, and then they realized it works for them. You know?
Even that could be the starting point for the romantic route if you wanted, they started off as just friends with benefits but peter is a dumb bitch who catches feelings.
Okay. okay okay i could go on forever, i haven't even gotten fully through all of your headcanons so like i'm sure i could come up with even more.. but idk, here have my absolute babble.
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sinning-23 · 11 months
Blowing Bubbles Blowing ZAZA
OPLA headcannons whre y/n for some reason has an ungodly amout of ouid stashed...but always offers because sharing is caring.
Warnings: uhhh some oiud, mentions of slightly nsfw topics, uhhhh yeah thats about it.
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-Ok so.....he knows that smell, but why the hell was it coming from your room.
-He doesn't knock, just kinda cracks the door open, and there you are eyes wide like you'd been caught (technically you have) but that didn't matter.
-What DID matter was that you were smoking two blunts at once and took one out of your mouth to offer him.
-He hesitates only for a second but accepts it, closing the door behind him.
-I mean this mfs eyes are bloodshot with a satiisfies smile on his face.
-"Where did you even get this?' His voice seems slightly deeper now.
-"Stole it. Good shit tho." You sigh, the two of you laid out, staring up at the ceiling that seems to be warping before your very eyes.
-There's a silence but it's comfortable...until it's not, Zoro cutting through it
-'Do you think god stays in heaven cause he's scared of his creation?"
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-You already tried to convince him this was better than any cancer stick he's put in his body but he's not one to dabble in that.
-"You can make it butter. Infuse it. Boom edibles." you suggest, passing him the ziplock back with a wiggle of your eyebrows.
-"C'mon chef boyardee, hook it up?"
-Ok so it was far more tempting than he thought and damn did he get carried away fast. Like...way too fast.
-THIS MF COOK A FULL MEAL...ALL OF IT INFUSED. Ohhh you're all fucked up. I mean REALLLY fucked up
-Zoro is knocked out, sleeping in the most uncomfortable position. I mean he's folded like a goddamn omelet with the hilt of his sword acting as a pillow.
-Luffys got his arms stretched out in one big puddle trying to untangle them
-Nami is doing circles around the ship looking at her compass needle, trying to figure out why 'Weast" isn't labeled
-And the two of you giggle away, opening and closing the fridge to try and catch the light go off and on inside.
-It's a gawd damn mess and technically your fault for giving THE CHEF A BAG OF WEED TO USE IRRESPONSIBLY
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-He found it completely by accident and thought it was food.
-"Well, I don't know why you keep a bag of lettuce in your room, but I was hungry so I ate it. I think it's gone bad by the way. so... you're welcome!"
-You freeze, turning got him in a way that's damn near comical.
-Oooooh hes fucked up, it takes less than an hour for it to kick in and the whole time he's a mess of tangles, stretched-out libs, asking questions that make no sense to anyone but him.
-"If I like.....stretch my stomach can I eat more than usual or...would I have to stay stretched like that until it's digested?"
-Starts to panic just a pinch because he said his 'hands don't match'
-Que him flipping his hands back and forth for the next hour
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-Only smoked because you offered...and because she hasn't in a while
-Surprizingly knows some cool tricks.
-Opts to take her rolling tray out of its hiding place. Hooray for a new smoke buddy!
-She's actually really calm and relaxed when she smokes. can hold a normal conversation, she just seems a bit sleepy.
-Already prepared with food from the kitchen cause she knows she gets the munchies and already had an incident where she tried to cook while high anddd it backfired.
-Is also very creative. She keeps a sketchbook with pages of mandalas she drew under the influence. Unfortunately, it's only a talent she possesses when high as a kite.
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-Scam or not the lady at the booth said it was a very nice vase for a unique kind of flower. The plan was to gift it to you with said flower but uhhh... he couldn't find it. That is until you spotted it in his room.
-"Yooo I didn't know you dabble uUo! I would've shared my stash sooner!"
-Whatchu talking bout Willis?
-"What? No no, the lady said this was a vase for a special kind of flower and- Ohhhhh."
-He pauses, giving a nod and clearing his throat.
-Did you just teach Usopp what a bong is and how to use it???
-He gets terrible munchies after and can't decide whether he wants something out the kitchen or to simply eat you up because you already a snack (oop girl hold on-)
-If hes not horned up he's paranoid. No inbetween. literally like, "They're in the walls!" paranoid or "I'm in your walls" just nastyyy
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-Ouid you say? Zaza? The devil's lettuce? Oh, he will be partaking.
-Will fuck up the rotation. Not on purpose tho, it's just been a while since he'd done this.
-Was kinda a pothead in his youth. These days the closest he can get is a CBD ointment he uses for soreness in his back and shoulders.
-So when he catches you with quite literally the FATTEST joint he has ever seen in his life he can't help but join in.
-"There's no way you're smoking that by yourself." He chuckles, sitting crisscross beside you as you begin to pass t back and forth
-Please don't try to outsmoke him. You will lose and green out way before he does sweetie.
-Shotgunning, that's all I have to say.
-He gets kinda freakayyyy when he's high, so just expect wandering hands and some deep, passionate kisses.
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-Oh you stole it from someone and he stole it for you because wtf? You're supposed to offer your Captain the shit you steal that totally a rule.
-You don't say anything when the bag goes missing but you do smell your precious green coming from your Captain's quarters.
-You knock, hearing a light cough, and then 'come in"
-"So you were gonna keep this little gem a secret from me? I'd laugh in your face right now but I feel like I'm gonna cough up a lung" He strains, very obviously holding back a series of coughs.
-He doesn't seem upset and passes the joint to you with a welcoming smile.
-Who tf else did you think Shanks would smoke with back in the day?
-For once he's not talkative, just enjoying the feeling of complete relaxation. It's like he turns his brain off for a moment. he needs it honestly.
-Is literally the BEST at rolling. Like every time it's a perfect, photo-worthy blunt.
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corie-is-writing · 1 year
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↳ ❝ [S Y N P O S I S] ¡! ❞
Y/n L/n, a simple minded reader, is one of the biggest fans of a popular web novel, Twisted wonderland. In their shock after finding out it has ended, they froze in the middle of a busy street and got hit by a truck.
Dizzy and confused, they have awoken in a coffin in the world they adore so much, and must use their knowledge to survive and stop the boys from overblotting.
↳ ❝ [M A S T E R L I S T] ¡! ❞
˗ˏˋ Fight for the eggs ´ˎ˗
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"Finally, Got them all puréed!" Ace cheers, hands in the air before he slumps his shoulders. Besides him is a tired Deuce resting against the counter.
"My arms are killing me." He silently says.
"Kids these days are pretty weak.." The mainstreet ghost says, none of you know why he's here but he's been a huge help so nobody really cares.
"Now then," Trey speaks, adjusting his glasses. "I just need to add butter and sugar to the chestnut paste, and a sensible splash of oyster sauce– that's my secret ingredient!"
Everybody snaps their heads towards him, eyes wide and jaws dropped.
"OYSTER SAUCE??" The cards yell in confusion, clearly astounded at what Trey just said.
"Yep. The umami of the oysters gives the cream a deep, savory flavor. I use this one here: Walrus-brand Young Oyster Sauce. All the best bakers use it in their tarts." Trey innocently explains, innocently to them– at least. Already knowing the joke, you instead turn your attention to the chestnuts paste.
'Just a little taste..' You think, reaching your hand out while everyone is distracted. Unfortunately, the ghost catches you and bonks you on the head with a whisk.
With a huff, you turn your attention back to the rest as Deuce speaks. "Really? But isn't oyster sauce like, super salty?"
"Some folks put chocolate into curry, don't they? Maybe it's the same idea." Ace suggests, though the look on his face means he doesn't entirely believe it.
Unable to restrain from smiling, the green haired lets out a boisterous laugh– clearly entertained by their confusion and naivety. "Pfft- Aha!"
The two turn their heads with perplexed expressions as Trey explains. "I'm totally lying! No one in their right mind would put oyster sauce into a pastry."
Ace and Deuce blink, "EH?!" The two shout, embarrassed with how they believed him so easily.
"So you were just yankin' our chain?!" Ace huffs, annoyed.
"Consider it a lesson to not believe people so easily." Trey chuckles, Grim sends a glare at him.
"This guy seems nice, yet he can tell lies like they're nothing.."
Swiftly changing the topic, Trey sets his gaze back on the task at hand. "Now, we take some cream and.. Oh!"
"Something up?"
"I got too carried away and made too much marron paste." Trey says. "We don't have enough cream to mix it into."
"I can go and buy some," Deuce offers. "Is it sold at the school store?"
"Should be. You can find practically anything there. Mind if I ask you to pick up a few other things while you're there? Two cartons of milk, a dozen eggs, some aluminum baking cups, and about five cans of fruit..."
"I don't think I can carry all that alone. Would you mind coming with me, Y/n?" Deuce asks, turning to face you– stopping Grim from rummaging through the fridge.
"Sure thing!" You nod, grabbing Grim with you as you head out the door.
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Upon entering the store, you are overwhelmed at the sight of various colors surrounding the place. From snacks to trinkets, drinks and rugs, hats, masks, books– you can find just about anything in here.
'My school store didn't even have milk..' You sigh.
"Pardon us." Deuce says, taking a look around in awe. "This place is amazing.. crystal skulls, grimoires.. What kinda texidermy is this?"
"Does this place reallly sell cream?" Grim pipes in, trying to paw at the strange orb on the counter before you stop him.
"Hey, my lost little imps!" A booming voice speaks up, you turn to see an eccentric man clad in purple. "Welcome to Mr. S's mystery shop!" He welcomes, before turning your attention to all sorts of strange things.
"What can I do for you today? A charm for uncharted lands? Mummy of an ancient king–" How does he have that? "Or perhaps some cursed tarot cards?" Why does he have that?
"We've got a list here.." Deuce interrupts, handing him the piece of paper. Sam carefully reads the list and nods.
"You've got quite the sweet lineup, okay! Coming right up." He says, walking off to gather the stuff.
While waiting, you decide to look around the store, you peek through shelved of sweets and sauces, to comics like "That time I got forced into a demon school" or "I woke up as a lowly dumb evil villainous character and slowly leveled up and became a god."
What a mouthful.
Then– Something shiny in one of the boxes caught your eye, you grab it to observe closer. Hard, long, a metalic gray in color, somewhat heavy.. Perfect for self defense, perhaps.
"Y/n, something caught your eye?" The blue haired boy asks, peeking through your shoulder.
You turn around and show him the object in your hands. "I want this."
"...A metal bat?"
Grim and Deuce stay silent in concern, questioning why you would need something like that.
"You're not gonna kill someone, are ya?"
Deuce shushed the beast, before hesitantly turning back to you– who is just staring at them blankly.
"I just like shiny objects." That was of course a lie.
"I see.." Deuce lets out a sigh of relief, though he doesn't seem entirely convinced.
Sam steps in, carrying the bags. "Sorry for the wait." He says as you take it from his hands.
"Sammy, can I get this bat too?" You ask.
"Sure thing!"
Deuce pays for the ingredients while you pay for your bat, which is surprisingly very cheap. The three of you (with you grabbing Grim before he knocks something off the shelves.) step out the store with a quick thanks to Sam.
"Yuu, that bag of cans looks heavy." Deuce says, turning to you. "Let me take it, there's a trick to carrying heavy bags." He offers.
"There is?"
"Yeah, my mom always bought more than needed during sales. Since I'm the only guy in the house, it was up to me to do the heavy lifting.." He pauses, giving you an apologetic look. "My bad! didn't mean to talk your ears off.."
You give him a polite and sincere smile, "You must really care for your mom.
The blue haired boy seemed takened back by your words and smile, flustered and hesitant to speak. However, as he processes your words, the look on his face is quickly replaced by a dark and gloomy espression. "That's not true, I always made mom-"
Before he could finish, someone bumps into him, causing the bags in his hands to drop to the ground– crushing the eggs inside.
"Agh! The eggs!" Grim squawked, Deuce takes one look at the bag– the yellow liquid oozing out and into the concrete ground below.
"Shit! The whole pack of eggs, destroyed!" He curses to himself.
"Hey, watch where you're going!" The boy that bumped into him says, he fixes his sight onto Deuce and quickly remembers who he is. "Hang on, aren't you the pieces of shits that ruined my carbonara?"
As he says this, his friend blinks and turns to you, squeaking at the sight of your unnerving stare and the tight grip you have on the metal bat near your hip. He grips onto the foul mouthed boy.
"D-dude! Calm down, let's apologize and leave already!" He begs, his voice cracking in desperation.
"What, you scared? Don't be a wuss, they were just lucky that time!" Idiot number 1 responds, but guessing by the sweat forming on the side of his cheeks and the way his eyes frantically switch from looking to you, the bat, and anywhere else, he was afraid.
As if his entire life was enlightened, the one with more common sense threw that sense out the window as he nodded. Turning to you with narrowed eyes and tightened fists. "You guys seriously just can't get out of trouble.."
Deuce stayed silent for a bit, then took a deep breath, "You were the ones who jumped out from behind the corner." He said calmly, though you see from the corner of your eye how his shoulders tensed.
"Even at lunch, it wasn't as if you couldn't eat the egg anymore, and yet you still tried to pick a fight with us. You do realize you just ruined a whole pack of our eggs, don't you?"
"Yeah yeah!" Grim piped in, cheering the navy blue haired on. His claws are out and his eyes are narrowed in a cutely menacing way.
"And? You sayin' it's our fault?" Idiot number 1 says, really reinforcing his idiocy by questioning something very obvious to anyone with half a brain.
"Yes." Deuce flatly says. "Please pay for the eggs, and apologize to the chickens too."
At that, your body shook– not from fear or rage but from the sheer will of your entire mind, soul, and body trying not to burst out laughing as the scene replayed in your head. Your face contorts into a strange wrinkled expression as you took a deep breath.
"Huh? They're just eggs, what are you gettin' so worked up about?" Idiot number 2 says, it astonished you how much of a hypocrite one can be.
"..Excuse me?"
They looked at Deuce with mocking grins, pointing at the eggs– idiot number 1 speaks. "They ain't on the ground, so you can still eat them. Don't sweat the small stuff."
Ah, they weren't being hypocrites, they were being assholes.
'That makes a whole lot more sense.' You turn to Deuce, seeing how he seethed in anger– his fist shook and his whole body looked tense as he looked down with a shadow cast over his eyes.
"We saved you a ton of time breaking them!"
God, their laughs were as obnoxious as their faces. It took everything in you to not bash in their face right then and there.
"Laughing matter.."
You really shouldn't, since Deuce is the one who will.
"I SAID THIS ISN'T A LAUGHING MATTER, YOU ASSHOLES!" The delinquents flinched at the volume of his voice– sneering at them with a look of distaste, his veins popping out as he reached his hands out and grabbed idiot number 1 by the collar.
"What makes you think you get to decide what matters to us?! See those eggs? They were gonna become a delicious tart to make up for not gettin' to hatch into chicks! That makin' sense to your thick heads or what?! Huh?!" He spat out in a fit of rage.
Idiot number 1 quickly released himself from Deuce's grip with the help of his friend– squirming back as his heart thumped and face was a sweaty mess.
"E-eek!! What's up with this guy all of the sudden?" Idiot number 2's voice cracked, shrinking back at the intense glare of Deuce.
"If you don't wanna pay for the six eggs you broke.. then I hope you're ready to get punched in that same amount!"
Oh boy this is not safe for work, "GRIM AVERT YOUR EYES!"
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xxlinyxstarxx · 2 months
New mutual SPOTTED !! Here have some questions :3 !! (Hopefully this doesn’t overwhelm you 😅🫠)
Dogs or cats ?
Favorite show or movie ?
Who do you listen to ? (Like music artists)
Hobbies ?
One fun fact about yourself or just a fact !
Fandoms ?
Have a good timezone !!! <D
Cats definitely!!! I have 3 XD
I reallllyyyy luv mlp and invader zim XP
There are SO many music artists i listen 2 AAAAAA (I reallly luv pierce the veil, my chemical romance, mindless self indulgence, falling in reverse, ghost town, escape the fate, get scared, rebzyyx, dot dot curve, attack attack, 3OH!3 S3RL, brokencyde, millionaires, clover!, d3r, ayesha erotica, weezer, mitski, mac demarco, alex g, cigarettes after sex and the smiths)
I draw a lot :p (mostly silly random characters) and maybe sometimes post them AND i also draw animals (mostly big or small cats in a realistic style) I also ride horses itz rlly fun, AND MUSIC IS MY LIFE I LOVE IT SO MUCH AAAA I LISTEN 2 MUSIC 24/7
Welll a silly fun fact abt me: when i fell really happy i get zoomies like a cat and i won't calm down before i jump and run around my room a few times XD!! And i usually get hurt often when i do that bc i'm really clumsy-
I haven't really thought about what fandoms i'm in and whenever ppl ask that i don't honestly know what 2 say!!! So imma maybe reply later and let u know !!! X3
THANKZ 4 THE QUESTIONS!!!! also sorry i got a lil carried away while answering these questions and wrote a bit too much maybe XD
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givemethesleep · 2 months
(For your ocs)
What is everyone's alignment?
(Did you finish Australis' book/sketchbook that you were making? Cause I REALLLY want to see it!! If you posted it, I missed it :( )
Who's most likely to have a secret (or not) stuffed animal/special blanket?
How old are they?
If they could have a pet or animal companion, what would it be?
(I'll think of more but I'm super sleepy ((ha lol)) )
THANKYOU I ADORE YOUUUUU I'll answer the first one, then put the rest under the cut ♡
Okay so alignments!
Australis is Chaotic Neutral. Laws have meant nothing to her for quite some time and, while she wants you to think she spends her free time kicking dogs and making babies cry, she has quite the stubborn good streak she spends an inordinate time trying to hide.
Boreal is Neutral Evil - he is the cause of almost every almost-disaster that strikes the tiny town of Clicking Heels, and he's always miraculously around to save the day and cure wounds and make everything better. His desperation to prove himself to be good, to be a hero, has resulted in him being a person who does everything to the letter in order to cause enough problems to paint himself the small town hero.
Daphne is Lawful Good, and is both a people pleaser to the highest order and terrified of upsetting anyone ever. Having been raised in a way that convinced her that her magic was unruly, dangerous and in need of full time restraint, she makes very very sure no one else has reason to hate her. She also just has a huge heart and is consistently putting others above herself.
It could be argued that Belladonna is default Chaotic Evil, as the Dark Urge, but she's fighting these violent, cruel instincts as best she can. So I'm labelling her Chaotic Neutral, too.
Lividia is Lawful Neutral. As a Fist, her job is to follow orders. She's got a horrible jealous streak, so she's willing to do almost anything to boost her station without breaking rules, even if that means playing dirty.
As for secret comfort items, Australis has been carrying around a ratty stuffed owlbearntoy since visiting the House of Healing in act 2. It doesn't have a name, or anything, but Austrinwill sit up all night just looking at it, turning and tracing seams and squishing it in her hands. It reminds her of a stuffed animal she had some 50 years ago, before her corruption, before her pact. It's almost a tie back to the childhood she lost. Of course she'd rather die again than admit that she kept the old thing stuffed away in her pack.
As for the IRL Book of Shadows, it's still a work in progress!! The fact you remembered I was making it has made me so excited so here's some dodgy pics of where I'm at!
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Thankyou so so much for the ask!! ♡♡♡♡♡
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avenger09 · 3 years
The Dragon Prince: Heroes and Masterminds Epilogue
Callum and Rayla had held each other for over a minute having, after a day of uncertainty following thier first kiss, realized that what had grown between them was somthing far beyond feelings of friendship.
Right now the prince and former assassin were locked their fouth, most pleasent, kiss. The previous two having been exchanged in haste after Callum's starstruck, heartfelt admission of his utter admiration for her. As it drew to a close the two youths -once unlikely friends, now an unlikely couple- continued to hold the other, as they realize they have much to talk about.
Callum: Sorry about before. I should have let the moment be, instead I was an idiot and I, I made you feel rejected.
Rayla: Callum. Its okay. We were both idiots. I should have told you how I felt about you earlier. It would have saved us both time... and embaressment.
Callum: It really would have. I just didn't want you to think I was only saying that stuff for a kiss. I meant every word.
Rayla: I know. I've gotten to know you pretty well, I know your not to sort who'd do something like that. Besides, no matter how it went, all that matters now is, we're together now... Right?
Callum: Right... ...This is, this really happening isn't it?
Rayla: Yeah, it is. Its a bit scary isn't it?
Callum: It is, but good scary. Amazing scary... We should, we should talk about this right?
Rayla: Probebly. We'd better sit first.
Callum: Yes, yes, absoluetly we should.
Moving to the back of the Ambler's saddle they settle against the railing that encircled them. Careful not to wake the sleeping dragon prince and their exhausted mount laying nearby. As they do the implications of their romance begin to dawn on them.
Rayla: Y'know, we're probebly the first elf and human fo kiss in a over a thousand years.
Callum: Right! I mean forgot about the oasis, we're still being idiots now. We're trying to get Zym home to his mom. Stop a war. This is hardly the time for... well, stuff like this, but...
Rayla: It kinda/also is?
Callum: Exaclty. If nothing else it gives us another reason to succeed. So that we can... y'know. Keep on being a thing... I reallly want that, Rayla.
Rayla: I want that too, Callum. So we will succeed. I didn't meet the sweetest boy in Xadia, just to let him slip away now.
Callum: Well, if you put it that way...
He reaches out and takes her hand.
...I promise I won't let you down.
Rayla: (smiling) Good. Because I won't let you down either...
A moments peace passes before Callum speaks again, curious about somthing she had said earlier.
Callum: So... when you said: you should have told me how you felt. That means you figured out you liked me first, before the oasis. It wasn't a sudden realization thing to you like it was for me, well, I guess that's not completely right knew on some level I liked you, I just...
Rayla: Callum.
Callum: Right, sorry. What I'm asking is; Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Rayla looks away, her expression whistful as she recounts the now bittersweet idea she had once envisioned prior to her return home.
Rayla: I was planning to...when we got to the Silvergrove...before...
Callum: Oh... Its fine, you don't have to talk about-
Rayla: No, I want to, its better I get it out... I guess I thought it'd be romantic, we'd show everyone Zym was alive, that there was hope. Then i'd show you around after, we'd share a Moonberry surprise, I'd take you to meet Ethari and then, when it was just us, alone. I'd... tell you how I felt, and ask if you felt the same. I thought you might but, I wanted to be certain. At least I got one thing right.
Callum: Huh. That honestly would've been nice... plus without a doubt In that situation I'd have been the kisser.
Rayla lets a small chuckle escape from her. Her smile infecting Callum in a delightful way as he speaks out in mock offense.
Callum: Hey! I can be spontantious. Though, I cleary need to get carried away a bit first. Still even if it didn't work out that way, like you said, all that matters is we're together now. Your are, and always will be, the most amazing person I've ever met. I was always going to realize that.
Rayla: Then there's nothing to regret. Is there...
Shaking his head in response they smile at one another before gently leaning into each other content. Eventually the fatigue of the day's events catch up to them and they drift off to sleep, their future now looking at bit brighter then they expected it to be when they first set out on their quest.
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icedhoneyy · 2 years
Hey hey~
For the ask game, maybe 2 and Semi, Bokuto and Suna? 🪴✨️
pls i love them 😭❤ thank u for sending one <3
!! ASK GAME: send me 3 characters + a number !!
2- fist fight, get drunk with, share a flat with
— fist fight with: Suna!! I love him to pieces but i just want to 🤜🤜💥 him a little you know? I just feel like we would have this type of relationship lmao alexa, play true love by P!NK 🤭💕 (and for the record, I would win purely bc i'm not above cheating my way into victory. If Suna wins, he won't let me live it down. He will make my life a living hell. Can't let it happen hehe)
— get drunk with: Semi 🥰🥰 He would be the silliest drunk, me thinks!!! Just a giggly mess, everything is funny, neither one of us can stop crying with laughter at the most ordinary things. I wouldn't be too shy to badly serenade him some cheesy love songs nor would he mind my terrible rendition. Also, I bet all my money that Semi Eita talks like a parrot when drunk, he has no filter and will talk about anything!! Even things that he normally keeps to himself because it's too sentimental or something. We would have the best time getting drunk together, giggling at everything, talking about everything, from my silly nonsenses to heart to heart conversations. Maybe we even smooch a little idk 🥰🥰
—share a flat with: Bokuto. Okay okay hear me out!! I know it sounds like a nightmare at first. Hes probably so messy (like we saw in that one haikyuu bu chapter) and so forgetful, I bet he forgets about his leftover food for days untill it become it's own ecosystem in your fridge😬🤕 However, Bokuto is such a great guy and he tries, he reallly does!! And if you're nice and patient to talk to him, find ways to fit both of your lifestyles in the same place and give him some time, then I bet he turns into the greatest roommate. It's just that on top of everything, Bokuto is kind, incredibly fun to be around, and such a good friend. He's not perfect and he will always leave his stinky socks on the hallway. But he's also gonna come home with your favorite food when you had a bad day, watch and get too invested in trash tv with you, or even hype you up when you're leaving the house for something that makes you nervous, like a date or a job interview. Yeah, he's not perfect but it's impossible to not love this guy, and after awhile you just don't mind a little mess anymore if it means you get to share a place with your bestest friend tbh. AYE I GOT CARRIED AWAY SORRY
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katoodlez · 3 years
uwu meter exploded and i ate dinner at 2am after watching this aka the sam and bucky show episode 5
The new episode was sO goOd omg tbh i didnt think i was gonna be able to watch it last night and i legit cried. But i did and i am very very thankful. Because it was a very very good episode. But before we start stOP reAdING cuz theres gonna be MASSIVE SPOILERS IN THIS POST.
Alrighty without further delay, the Sam and Bucky show episode 5 and all its best things (there are a lot, to no one’s surprise). Im gonna go in chronological order to avoid losing my mind.
1. The fight in the beginning. Omg. Walker looked like he was gonna do both Sam and Bucky in with the shield like 6 times and it was lowkey scary. And when Walker knocked bucky into the electric tower or whatever it was— skdjfjs i saw some people post abt Sam’s glare mid battle like “if this is sam looking at walker after he hurt bucky” anD IT ACTUALLY WAS marvel why.
2. Walker ripped Sam’s wings off omg. That was so brutal i audibly gasped. I think we’ve seen the wings being shot at or broken but never ripped clean off. 0 _ 0
3. I like how the fight ended with all three of them on the ground and the shield just lying there. And then Bucky picked it up, left it for Sam and left. Walker was defeated but it kinda shows how Sam still wasn’t sure about the shield, he just knew in that moment that Walker absolutely couldn’t be the one to have it. I feel like that fight scene really conveyed how all of them felt about the shield and it was done really well. (Ok but on a side note, remember in episode 2 when Sam was like “bruh we cant just run up on the man, beat him up and take it?” I guess they went with that plan after all)
4. TORRES MY BELOVED. He’s back and I’m so happy 🥺🥺🥺🥺 also i love how he’s not afraid to give Bucky sass lmao.
5. WHEN SAM TOLD TORRES TO KEEP THE WINGS. listen i havent read the comics but i know what happens in them and Torres is such a Falcon fanboy omg if he’s gonna be the new falcon im gonna be so happy for him ahhHhHh
6. Sam’s conversation with Isaiah Bradley. Man. I’m really really happy that we have that scene. The scene with Isaiah in episode 2 left me reallly uneasy because it ended on a really bad note with unfinished and unsaid things between Sam, Bucky and Isaiah. Also Sam didn’t really get to talk at all in that scene and I felt like he def had things he wanted to say. I appreciated how Sam said that he really didn’t get some stuff and he had Isaiah explain more of his backstory. I think Sam believes that things can change, for good reason, and at the same time Isaiah believes that nothing will change, also for a completely fair reason. But having the time to let the two of them talk, esp with the shield in the room and without Bucky’s complicated history was a really well written piece of dialogue. Thank you screenwriters.
7. SARAH WILSON SUPREMACY. I’m glad we got more of Sarah in this episode ahhh. She’s such a caring sister and I’m here for it. Sam and Sarah sibling dynamics also >>>>>
8. Sam calling in the favors to help fix the boat was so heartwarming omg. And Bucky just showing up lmaooo
9. Bucky flirting with Sarah to get on Sam’s nerves LMAOO
10. Sam and Bucky fixing the boat together was something I needed to see. That entire montage, the teamwork and warm lighting and akskdjajd my heart 🥺🥺💕💕💕
11. Bucky waking up to Sam’s nephews playing with the shield reminded me of the Black Panther end credits scene but also of that one scene in Wandavision with Pietro and wanda’s kids lollll
12. Sarah asking Sam if he’s gonna let Isaiah tell him what to do and then Sam asking/telling Bucky to stop letting others, even Steve, tell him who to be was just. Skdkfjaod. The character conversations in this episode ahHhh
13. On that note, Sam and Sarah having a chance to talk about themselves, their boat and their family was just amazing. They’re fighting to keep their history and also understanding each other at the same time.
14. Sarah telling sam that there’s the fight out there and then theres the fight in here is so special. It in a sense reflects/applies to not only Sam and Sarah’s relationship and struggles, but it also applies to Sam and Bucky’s relationship and struggles esp with Steve and the shield’s legacy, Bucky’s history as the Winter Soldier and all the weight he carries with it. They gotta sort out the inside stuff before getting into the thick of what I’m sure will be the final battle next week as superheroes in the face of the world.
15. On that note. Sam and Bucky finally having the chance to talk was so relieving and eye opening for both characters. Bucky finally understanding Sam’s perception of the shield and its weight on his conscience because he is an African American representing his people and Sam finally understanding a more personal side of Bucky’s relationship with/perception of the shield feels like a knot in their friendship that has been resolved. The development in this show is just through the roof omg.
16. Okay but Bucky talking about how Steve told him about the plan to give Sam the shield... wkerjkakdja I feel like that makes Endgame’s ending a little better 😭😭😭
17. Shield training shield training shield training ahhhHhHhHhh i swear whenever either sam or bucky touched the shield in this episode i started physically vibrating LOL. Its so cool to see the shield in the hands it’s supposed to be in again ☺️☺️ Sam’s training montage with the shield was also AMAZING omg it was so so cool to watch him grow with the skills
18. Not Sam asking Bucky if he has nightmares and talking to him about amends and stuff skdjfjskd lowkey Sam is the superior therapist in this show and he doesn’t get nearly enough credit for it aksjdjskdjajd. Also the implication that Bucky will go back to Nakajima and give him closure for his son I— 😭😭
19. Also im so glad the scene where they’re walking away from each other ISNT the last episode. Its sort of like a “we’ll see each other soon” walk : DD
20. Okay but Bucky helping the Wakandans capture zemo at the memorial (which i think is for his family? 😭😭😭) and then the favor that Bucky called in for sam. WHATS IN THE GOSH DARN BOX OMG. i think it’s either new Falcon wings, a vibranium Redwing (please let it be this) or a suit of some kind
21. And lastly what the heck does Sharon wanna kill Sam for?? She workin for the flag smashers now or sumn? Also Batroc coming back when the last time i think we saw him was in CA: Winter Soldier 0 _ 0
Did it take me an hour to write this post? Yes. Did I get everything? No. I dont think I discussed Walker in this post but he was super scary and deranged and Wyatt Russell blew it out of the ballpark in this episode. Also whats the special character that everyone was hyped about? Anyways. Until next week 0 _ 0 season finale and im not ready for it to be over
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Courtney's Visit (OC X anime)
Curt gulped softly as he made his way from his hotel room. He'd been in Domino city for all of 2 days and had already won a jackpot, winnng a million dollars. At age 21, the skinny brown haired boy was set for life, and he knew that most people his age would of been going out and partying, drinking and having a blast. Instead he'd put 3/4's of the money in the bank and was carrying the rest in a briefcase as he made his way to a certain..place of business. He knew the reputation that this house had, how so many men had gone in so prideful or certain they were smarter then the ladies who worked there and how many had come out penniless. he was sure that with the 1/4 of a million he had with him the ladies wouldn't leave him broke and summoning up his courage, he walked into crinkles, house of sissfy.
Sitting behind the front desk of the lobby (the place was a former hotel with each of the girls having their own room and then other rooms having been converted into different styles of nurseries) sat the digimon queen herself, Rika and just the smirk she gave him as he walked in made Curt's knees wobble. "Oh good, anther BIG baby~ Hi there loser, Do you need a diapie change before we get you signed in?" she asked in a voice dripping with fake kindness and venom. "I..I..I.." Curt stammered and was glad he'd worn black jeans here, as a small trickle of pee escaped into the crotch of them. "t-t-today loser!" Rika mocked and gestured to a chair in front of her desk. "C-Can't we uh..go somewhere private to t-talk?" he asked, looking around the lobby where some girls, not working were hanging out, having drinks and snickered. "Why? you really think anyone who see's you in here thinks your anything but a diaper wearing loser?" Rika asked bluntly. "You DID see the big old sign on the front of the building right? if anyone was going to snicker and call you out on it that didn't know what you are, it would of been someone on the street. now come sit down." Curt practically dashed over as Anzu nudged Rukia and whispered something in her ear, the action distracting him and he tripped and fell onto all fours. Rika just laughed and stood up, looking down at him. "Awww, did baby fall and go boom?" she mocked. "I better make a note that your a crawler." she added, taping away on the computer in front of her. Curt whimpered and got into the chair. "A-Actually I'm not so big on cra-" he started to say, but he was cut off "Fuck you. I say your a crawler, your a fucking crawler." She snapped. "Now what's your name loser? I just need a first one, none of your dip shits ever give a real last name anyways." "I..it's Curt." "ok then Curt..do you have a stupid little diaper baby name you'll want you're mommy or mommies to call you?" she asked, typing away. "I uh..Courtney." Curt said, cheek's burning red. "Ohhh a little SISSY BABY~" Rika said with delight, raising her voice and getting chuckles from around the room. "Are you diapered already little missy?"  She asked. "N-No Ma'am." "bad girl, I'll put in a note to have you spanked. Little sissies like you should NEVER go without thick puffy diapers on letting everyone know what you are." "but I do-" "I'm sorry, did I word that in a way that made you THINK it was your choice?" She asked, daring him to defy her. "That's what i thought. now of course your a diaper filling and pissing sissy baby right Courtney?' She asked. "Y-yesh Ma'am." Curt said, his voice taking on the lisp and softer tone it always did when his clitty got all stuff. "wow, like sandblasting a soup cracker. I bet your a pay piggy too aren't you? Oink for me if you are." "I..uh..Oink." Curt said. "Knew i smelled bacon when you came in. Well Missy, just a few more questions. How frilly and stupid do you want your outfit to be?" "S-Super girly and frilly pwease." Courtney said, not even able to think of himself as Curt anymore. "and of course you wanna be sent home when this is done in your sissy baby outfit for public humiliation. " she said, typing again. "One mommy or two loser?" "I..um..Two pwease." Courtney said. "so, let's recap. you're going to be a crawling thickly diapered pay piggy loser, who's gonna be spanked and fill your diapers to the brim, then get kicked the fuck out of here with your keys and wallet or what not in a cute little purse and your boy clothes destroyed. Is that correct sir?" she asked, smirking. Courtney whimpered and squirmed, anther spurt of pee coming out in his pants and he nodded his head. "That'll be $130,000 please then, Paid in advance. with a extra 20,000 fee for every time you cum, and 50,000 for a diaper change. Of course if you wanna pay for a cummie up front you're more then welcome too." She laughed. Courtney gulped, he knew this place was stupid expensive but he hadn't thought it was gonna be this bad. but the cruel attuide of Rika and the way the other girls snickered, he did something very very stupid in his horny haze. "I..I have $ 250,000 in here..can..can i just give this to you and go meet my mommies pwease Miss Rika?" he asked. whistles were heard in the lobby and Rika snickered. "of course you can~ I already sent them your work form." she said taking the briefcase from him and putting it in a safe. "Follow me sissykins and remember, crawl or auntie spanks!" Courtney whimpered, eyes watering up but he slid down to the floor and crawled behind Rika who he was now thinking of as auntie, and to her total delight, he started to oink softly.
May was dressed in a pair of grey sweat pants and white socks, a baggy dark pink t-shirt reading 'queen bitch' in white text covering her top with her bandanna on, while Kari was wearing a baggy pair of shorts, black, with no socks on and a white t-shirt that was just plain. Both girls looked up and smirked as Courtney was lead into the pink nursery and chuckled. "so this is the bigggg spender~ I'm almost sorry i have to spank someone who's gonna be spoiling his mommies so well." she giggled, getting up and coming over, bending down and pinching Courtney's cheek. "I'm not. If he wanted to get out of a spanking he should of brought HALF a million. clearly the fucking loser can afford it." Kari said, coming over and scowling. "Don't think I don't know who you are, I watch the news." Courtney gulped at that, he'd been hoping neither of them would know who he was. "anyways, I'll leave you ladies too it. oh, and before i leave, while we were coming up here Little Courtney BEGGED me to stress he wants orgasm denial." Rika lied, then left before the poor sissy could argue. "wow, quarter of a mil and you don't even wanna cum? my kinda loser~" May laughed. "Well loser, since your spending soo much we'll let you choose, which one of us do you want to spank you? me, or May." Kari said, smirking with a evil gleam in her eye. "I..I want Mommy May to spank me." Courtney said, since so far May had been the sweeter of the two. "Awww ok sweetie, though you reallly should of picked Kari. She just half asses her spanking. I believe in giving the customer everything they paid for!" May chuckled and went over to a spanking stool, picking up a wooden hair brush. "heh yeah,., she's brutal. anyways. lose the boy clothes pig." Kari ordered. Courtney whimpered but did as he ordered,with the two mommies laughing had as they saw his piss stained hello kitty panties, and laughing harder still as they saw his hairless 1 inch wonder. "Awww, not fully hard yet because your scared?" may giggled, wiping a tear from her eye. "I..I'm actually..rock hard." the sissy admitted, looking down. a fresh wave of laughter filled the room and his clitty twitched and throbbed as they did so.
laying across May's lap, Courtney was shaking a little even as she rubbed his back. "shhh it's gonna be ok." she said and giggled. "actually that's a bold face lie, this is going to hurt like a mother fucker, but you know, I figured you'd wanna hear some sappy shit like that first." before the sissy could say anything the hair brush came down hard and he cried out in pain, a little trickle of piss escaping from his baby dick and going between may's spread legs into a dog dish they had set down. "even if you don't drink it, you wouldn't believe what some perverts online will pay to drink 'our' piss, when we just sell them sissy pee!" Kari snickered. Courtney barley heard her as the brush came down over and over again, redding then bruising his buns but despite the pain and the humiliation (or maybe BECAUSE of the the humiliation) he was still rock hard! "wow, you must REALLY love getting your ass beat!" Kari said, a hand down the front of her shorts. watching little loser like this always got her so fucking wet. "Don't think it's gonna earn you any brownie points though, I already tossed your shit out in the hall and it's gonna be burned." Sliding her hand out of her pants she took his wallet and went over to a desk where a note pad was, and looking though his wallet started to take some notes. "If you want her to stop go ahead and ask, but that'll add anther five minutes to your silly Lil spanking." may said. "or I can stop now and while Kari writes down all the information she can about you, we'll get you in a nice thick fluffy diaper and some plastic panties." "I..I want my diapies!"Courtney said, unable to handle the spanking anymore and the girl's just laughed. "Good girl~"
Flat on his back Courtney was powder and then taped into a thick massive pink diaper. the girls giggled and teased him about how NORMALLY they had to shave a man but either Courtney was SUCH a sissy he never got his pubes or he just shaved them himself. a fat cockfier was stuffed in his mouth, the dick shaped nipple reducing any protests to whimper and the mouth guard was in a nice shade of dull pink with white text saying it was widdle Courtney's mute button as they oiled him up Courtney whimpered as may then Kari then back and forth slipped their fingers deep in him, though unknown to the sissy they weren't just fingering his sissy pussy. nice and slick they powered the big baby then pulled a custom ordered diaper that was equal to at like 16-18 diaper of a no name brand's thickness (while being so massive and  hot pink, with stenciled in words like sissy, loser, faggot, cocksucker and the like covering the surface) as the diaper was taped closed Courtney did the only thing he could with two cruel, mean mommies looking down at him he started to rock his hips and make baby love to his massive diaper as they laughed "awww, somebody wuv him's diapies, yes he does!" May coo'ed and pressed her foot down on the front of Courtney's diapers. the little sissy humped like crazy and was SO close to making baby milk when Kari shoved her off. "Hey! no cummies remember? sheesh! you';re gonna get us BOTH fired when he whines we let him cum hard in his diapers!" Kari said and then winked at Courtney. the big baby whined loudly even with his mouth stuffed and May snickered. "oh i can tell, I'm guessing that's him whimpering about how I almost let him go cum cums~" Courtney toyed with shaking his head no, to tell them he wanted to spurt in his sissy diapers while they called him every name in the book, but just couldn't bring himself to spit out the fat cock shaped nipple from his mouth. "Come on loser, time to sit up so we can get your pretty widdle dress on." Kari teased, holding out a SHORT pink party style little girl dress, with puffy shoulders and white lace trim on the hem and sleeves. "What do you think Lil lady? is it girly enough for you?" May giggled. Sitting up on his thick pampered diaper butt, Sissy Courtney sucked hard and fast and rocked back and forth on his diapered butt, trying to rub his nub as he reached out for the dress with his hands. Naturally both girls responded the only way they could. with hysterical laughter. "Bwhahahaha! Oh my god!" May laughed, taking out her phone and record his pathetic display. "Don't you have ANY fucking pride as a man?" Kari asked sneer, and took out what Courtney realized was HIS phone and was taking pictures! Still he couldn't get himself to stop right till Kari put her left foot on his face, mashing it against his nose lightly, till she kicked and knocked him on his back. "enough you little loser! now sit the fuck up and be good or we'll toss you out early, and I'll send those picture I just took to ALL your contracts." The idea of his family and friends seeing him like this made Courtney wet his diapers a little and as he sat up, though it was hard, he managed to control himself as they tugged the dress on him. naturally it didn't even come close to covering up his massive diapers and his 'mommies' helped him stand up and made him strike pose after pose in his shameful outfit. It was of course Kari who had the next evil idea, and she took Courtney's photo id card and tapped it to the back of his diapers so when he was crawling everyone would be able to see who he really was. May, not wanting to be outdone brain stormed then smirked. "Ok loser, time for you to get a whiff of one of your mommies, lay back down so I can sit on your stupid face and smother it with my bubble butt. And you better stay still or I'll have to unleash my 'poison gas' attack." She chuckled. "Ugh, listen loser, if you make me have to smell her farts your in for it!" Kari warned. "oh come on Kari, we both know with the kinda total loser Courtney here is.. He'll sniff and huff up all my ass gas." may snickered and then with the loser on his back, she plopped down.
Courtney found himself in total darkness as the bubble butt of May covered his face, but she wiggled around and made sure that his nose was lodged between her cheeks. She had also made it so he couldn't spit out his paci, and so the only air he could get was tainted by the smell of her crack. 'ugh! does this bitch even wipe?!?' Courtney thought and squirmed a little under the bubble butt. He only squirmed for maybe all of 2.5 seconds but true to her word, May unlessed a fart right up poor Courtney's nose, making the sissies eyes water. that however wasn't even the worse of it as his diapered crotch took a kick from Kari, not hard enough to really hurt but clearly a warning. he could of sworn she was saying something but with his whole world experience now being the bubble butt of a trainer he'd had a crush on for ages, he couldn't make it out. Trying to appease May and there for Kari before things got too out of control he wiggled his face a little differently, giving May's ass a Eskimo kiss. "oh my god! he's making out with my rotten ass!" Squealed may in delight, laughing. "..really? guess he really DOES love huffing farts. so no fucking excuses! huff better!" Kari growled and lightly tapped Courtney's balls with her foot again as a warning. A series of poots later and Courtney huffing as hard as he could lead to the sissy blacking out.
Courtney came to a little while later, but he was locked in a high chair and was being force feed some sort of awful bland paste. with his arms pinned under the tray and his wrists shackled anyways, all he could do was whine and whimper and swallow the muck as he looked over to where Kari and May were browsing Facebook..what a second, HIS Facebook! "Oh wow, who'd of thought a sissy baby dweeb like him could HAVE so many friends." Kari said. "eh, he likely just friended every hot girl and guy he could find so when he worked himself all up they could all see what a baby he is. Oh, he went to high school with that one." Mat said, then jabbed at the screen and happened to look over her shoulder. "Oh hey stinkerella! About time you rejoined the party. me and Kari kept ourselfs busy and made sure not to turn off the clock so you could pay for nothing for a whoooole half hour~" Courtney tried to protest though his feeding gag, and nodded at the computer. of course he couldn't get any words out as his tummy filled up and started to crap. "Hmm? Oh! well we both know you wanna fill your diapers to the brim and waddle home sobbing in shame and semi broke...buttt since we're not letting you spurt your gross sissy milk me and Kari figured you deserved a little bonus. We know a guy or two who are computer wizards and with your personal information it wasn't all that hard to find your Facebook and hack into it." May said bright and chipper. Kari turned around and smirked. "So we talked about it and decided while outing you to five of your friends online is normally a very costly thing, we'll toss it in for free for you JUST because we think SO much of you." Both girls laughed at that while a red faced Courtney shook his head no even as his dicklet throbbed yes in his soggy diaper. "Awww, do you not want out gift?" May asked looking hurt. "how rude! here we are being kind and it's not enough for you?!?" Kari huffed, looking pissed off but playing a role and noticing how the high fiber paste was almost all in the sissy now. "Some sissies are just SO greedy!" May complained, also hamming it up. "but fine, if just five of your friends finding out about what a diaper shitting sissy baby LOSER you are isn't enough for you..we can always do a public post. buttt that's gonna cost you the rest of the session." Kari said. Courtney's eyes went wide as saucers and he shook his head no over and over again even as the last of the paste went in, only pausing as May came over. she unhooked the feeding gag and wiped Courtney's mouth and smiled. "Now, tell the truth little one. do you really not wanna be OUTED to everyone you know, seen as the loser sissy baby you are?" She asked, leaning down and talking into his ear and patting the front of his diapers. Courtney went toi answer no but it came out a whimpering moan as his soggy diapers were mushed and played with, his 'dinner' already wanting to come out the back and fill his diapies. "Hmm? I dunno Kari, did that sound like a 'don't post me!~' to you, or a 'I'm a stupid loser, ruin me!'?"May asked. "I'd say a little bit of both." Kari said, and was hooking up her camera to the computer, and started to make the post, making sure to use pictures of Courtney they had taken THAT date, with a date stamp in case Courtney tried to claim later they were old pictures. "I'll tell you what Princess..I don't really trust a dumb sissy baby who's about to shit himself to tell the truth.. so we'll go by what your cock says. If you can keep from going goo goo gaga till you crap your huggies, we'll call off your Facebook outing. but if you go cum cums before then..Cliccccck~ your famous!" May said and giggled ever so sweetly and Courtney whined and squirmed, just having May this close and everything else had him at the bursting point! "D-Deal!" he squeaked out. "Not like you had a choice, but good to know your on board." May snickered.
Moving the high chair over took some effort, but it was a labor of love so it was worth it. Of course that love was of money and ruining boys, but it was still love so May was sure it counted. Maybe. Truthfully May wasn't sure if Courtney would actually make it. Normally she'd of bet on his cock head going off first but the boys guts were stuffed and this was the extra powerful stuff that Poison ivy had cooked up in her lab. May had had a tea spoon of the stuff once and hadn't been able to stop shitting for a hour! If she was a betting woman (and of course she was) May bet that the only thing keeping the sissy from messing was the tight confines of the high chair, but even that wouldn't help for too much longer. Courtney was mostly ignoring her to stare and whimper as Kari arranged the photos and made sure it was only ever Courtney in the shots, before starting to type out a heart felt message 'from' Courtney to his FB friends.
'Just so everyone knows, I'm not now, nor have I ever been a man, let along a boy. Nor am I a women or a girl. i'm not transgender, I'm just a little whimpering sissy loser humiliation junkie who gets off pooping and peeing in thick massive diapers while dressed like a baby girl. I've decided to take the ultimate plunge and hope that all of you, no matter HOW much I beg and whine, refuse to let this go away. Hugs and kisses Little sissy baby Courtney (formerly stupid stinky Curt)'
Reading the message over, Courtney was jerking back and forth in his high chair, Moaning and whimpering though whether he was trying to cum or trying to crap himself, that was a question May doubted even Courtney knew the answer to. "N-No..Please..Ugh..Don't..don't.." The sissy whined, bubbly farts escaping and May gagging and pulling away, holding her nose. "whew! I am SO glad we're not gonna have to change him." May said. "tell me about it..not even Tai is that toxic and he licks toilets for a living." Kari groaned, getting two clothes pins and handing one to May. "P-Please.." Courtney whined, clearly one mess or anther was about to happen. "Look here loser. you got till the count of three to make one or the other, Or you're getting posted anyways." Kari said rolling her eyes. "W-what?!" the sissy cried out. "oh, we should try and keep him from cumming then if he's gonna be posted anyhow." May commented. "I don't think we can, once he's posted he's gonna blow his load regardless. they ALL do." Kari said, basically ignoring Courtney now. "That's true..eh, fuck the countdown then." May said and took the mouse from Kari and clicked post.
Courtney's eyes were wide again, and filled with tears as he saw himself in all his shameful glory posted on line. the sight and seeing everyone who was online was too much and his cock head twitched like crazy and he grinded his diaper as much as he could as he blew load after load in his huggies, with his rear opening up unable to hold back. as the front was painted with sissy milk, the back was filled with mush that filled the room with a nasty stink. the girls were saying something, and he was dimly away they were letting him out of the chair as he kept filling but the world was like in slow motion to him. it wasn't until he was tossed outside and landed with a gross splat on his diapered behind his mind snapped back and he caught a purse as Rika tossed it to him. "Thank you for trying our services. we know you'll be back baby gurl. you got nothing else now.Change your diaper first though and bring more money. Courtney hiccuped and whimpered, aware of the scene he was making and everyone looking at him, at how he smelled.. and did the only thing he could. He nodded and bowed. "Yesh aunt Rika." he lisped and started to walk back to his hotel room. "Hey! what did I tell you? your a fucking crawler!" She called. Courtney, having nothing left, just nodded and got on his hands and knees, where a stinky pay pig sissy baby like him belonged.
the end
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muwur · 4 years
do u think u could write something fluffy for atsumu? :D (if not, bc he just showed up in the anime, futakuchi?) nd they/them pronouns pls :3 ty ty!!!
dating headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for atsumu and futakuchi
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.6k words
a/n: oml my first request fgrinffej thank u anon <3 been doing sum ~research~ and brainstorming snaccing and i hope this is okay ! >:) for u i shall do both ppl hehe. feel free to lmk if you would like me to redo or add anything, i wanna do my requests justice :*)
also i find myself gettin inspo at 4 am ofhfuohf i hope this is a bit fluffy, tho its a bit playful n snarky as well fnoggrefjf. also this took me so long bc i literaly got this whole other idea LMAOOOO but i find it more suitable as a separate piece so be on the lookout for that (nudge nudge itll feature atsumu ;) i got a bit carried away AAHA). here u goo
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✧ boi’s a tease
✧ on days he stays really late to practice so like?? most days LOL  you drop by a nearby eatery and pick up some fatty tuna (or something else, you like to change it up sometimes even if fatty tuna is his fave)  for him to munch on (gotta replenish your body!!)
✧ even though it’s for him, he’ll make you share the food with him as you both sit on a field nearby the gym
✧ likes to feed you but exaggerates it just to mess with you
✧ “say ahh, y/n” he coos with a smirk when he holds out some food from his chopsticks
✧ and just to mess with him back, you close your mouth around the piece, taking it from the chopsticks slowly and never breaking eye contact with him until after you chew and swallow
✧ “ah, that was delicious, honey” you smile cheekily
✧ rip atsumu, he malfuncc inside
✧ however
✧ fights you for the last piece of any food or snack you’re sharing
✧ “why even offer sharing if you’re just gonna hog it all”
✧ “you were just slower than me, that’s not my problem”
✧ in the end, he would definitely just let you have it. Only fights you when hes bored and wants to provoke you, which is often
✧ pretty affectionate in public. likes to ruffle your hair or place a head on your hand, no matter what height you are
✧ especially likes to do this when you’re annoyed at him, which kinda makes it not cute anymore and you just wanna punch him in the face
✧ as annoying as he could be tho you had to admit that your bickering could be quite fun he was definitely a caring partner
✧ is quick to take notice how youre feeling, liek:
✧  “hey, are you feeling okay?”
✧ “yeah im fine, why?”
✧ “you know you dont have to lie, right? you cant hide these things, anyways, i can just tell if something’s up. what’s wrong, babe?”
✧ pulls you aside to talk things out a little, then offers to spend some time together after practice  
✧ squeezes your hand as he walks you home, plants a soft kiss to your forehead before parting ways, and says goodnight
✧ he also notices any changes, no matter how small, in your appearances:
✧ *scrutinizing you* “what do you want, atsumu?”
✧ “did you do something different today? maybe like with your hair or uniform or something?”
✧ “o-oh, yeah, i did.”
✧ “hm. it really suits you, actually.”
✧ “oh, thanks. it’s such a small change, i didnt think anyone would notice--”
✧  “dont get too ahead of yourself, i didnt say it looked nice-- im kidding, im kidding!” he has to say in order to defend himself from your piercing glare
✧ lowkey highkey cant go long without seeing you
✧ so when he finally gets to spend some time with you, he’s even more touchy than usual
✧ you eye him suspiciously before saying, “you’re acting like you missed me or something”
✧  “yeah, i did miss you. something wrong with that?” he asks, burying his face in your neck as he hugs you from behind
✧ “yes, because its been two days”
✧ expect lots of kisses and hugs, though. mans is deprived and he gets what he wants (with consent, of course)
✧ makes sure everyone knows he’s there to stand up for you if necessary, which can be pretty intimidating
✧ loves it when you fall asleep on his shoulder. will take selfies with your sleeping face and show you later
✧  “you look cute even when you’re drooling all over my arm”
✧ doesn’t talk about how he sniffed or kissed your head when you were asleep. definitely doesn’t admit how he was whispering about how lucky he was to be in love with you asdfghjk
✧ was the first to admit he loved you
✧ it occurred after his team won a game to qualify for nationals. excitedly, you raced your way to meet him and tackled him in a hug. who cares if he was sweaty. “i knew you guys would win, and im so proud, atsumu.”
✧ he stumbled a bit and hugged back. he pulled away shortly to look you in the eye
✧  “y/n, i love you.”
✧ and all you could do was blush before he pulled you into a soft, yet passionate kiss
✧ surrounded by like. literally everyone lol
✧ osamu just fake gags in the background
✧ later that day:
✧  “sooooo do I get a reward for winning ? ;)”
✧  “dont push your luck”
✧ but you do spend the night just chilling at his place, watching a movie and cuddling, unwinding from a long day
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✧ you met each other in class, bonding over how bored and sleepy you both were
✧ one day he started passing you notes and you went with along it until this class’s purpose in y’alls lives was just for goofing off and totally not to see each other’s smiles or be a bit flirty
✧ loves to mess around with you, but also thinks highly of you
✧ shortly after you started dating and met the boy’s volleyball team, moniwa asks you to please keep futakuchi in line
✧  “babe, please, you’re driving your seniors crazy”
✧ but ever since he became captain, you could sense that futakuchi seemed more responsible
✧ but poor bby was also wayyyy more tired than usual
✧ you poked his back with your pencil whenever you found him dozing off in class, just in time before he risked getting caught by the teacher
✧ you also nagged him about getting more rest and maintaining his health, doing things to help him out until he gave in and made a better attempt at taking care of himself
✧ unless you have other activities going on, you’d usually come by the gym to watch practice and then walk home with futakuchi
✧ you always bring him and his team snacks. they all love you, especially koganegawa
✧ “how are you and y/n dating, they’re so much nicer than futaku--”
✧ cant even finish his sentence before the captain smacks his head and poor kogane chokes on his snacc
✧ but les be real you also go to admire your manz
✧ on the walk home one day:
✧  “you hit a really good spike today”
✧ sheepishly scratches the back of his head, “oh, thanks. kogane’s sets are improving, so it’s getting easier to hit the ball”
✧ secretly loves and craves your praise
✧ futakuchi’s pretty down for pda. you two can often be seen walking down the aisles, hand in hand
✧ will also give you lots of pecks, especially on your cheeks and lips
✧ he also insists on helping you carry your things
✧ wants you to rely on him
✧ saw you shivering once and took his jacket off, draping it around you like nbd
✧ lets just say he wishes he coulda thought of that sooner dhqnwxhgergk  youre not allowed to look this cute
✧ but now you literally keep half his closet in your house cuz he always tells you to return it whenever you want
✧ could go on dates anywhere and literally have such a good time. the night market? y’all will share foods and play games the whole time. the park? he could go for a nice, relaxing walk, or if it’s at night, he’d love to lie in the grass and admire the night sky with you (as long as you hold hands lol). at home? would totally binge some shows or movies with you, has sour gummies n a blanket ready to share hog
✧ can be a tease, but will protect you at all costs
✧ glares at anyone who looks at you with interest (boi gets jealous)
✧ had to pull you into his arms and give you a kiss to save you from getting hit on by someone from a rival school. “hey babe, i’ve been looking for you. let’s head back, everyone’s waiting.”
✧ you happily follow him, not noticing how futakuchi looks back at his now sworn-enemy and sticks his tongue out at them
✧ he will fIGHT anyone who hurts you, is very overprotective to say the least
✧ always makes sure he knows where you’re at, starts to worry a bit if you’ve gone mia
✧ got reallly worried one time when he called you like 5 times and you didnt pick up!
✧ 20 minutes later his phone rings and he picks it up immediately. “hello? y/n? are you okay?? you haven’t been answering me for a while.”
✧  “ahh, yes, im sorry about that, my phone died :P”
✧ thinks the best cuddles are the ones in which you both end up falling asleep. also likes to admire your sleeping face totes not a creeper
✧ also loveloveloves to snuggle you from behind and bury his face in your neck and loves to just smELL you
✧ you told him you loved him first
✧ you were having a rough day when you heard a knock on your door
✧ opening it, you found a futakuchi giving you a small smile and carrying a plastic bag full of goodies. “i, uh, didn’t want you to be alone, so i thought we could hang out for a bit? just us two, your favorite snacks, and whatever else you want to do”
✧ touched by his gesture, you pulled him in by his jacket’s collar and gave him a long kiss
✧ after separating, you looked into his eyes as you cupped his face gently. “thank you, kenji. i love you. this means a lot to me”
✧ ejiufnicenjfdhksujsk he nearly melted in place
✧ later tries playing the pocky game with you, but then y’all forget about the pocky after your first round and stick to the smooching
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foggysday · 4 years
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OC x OC fanfic-
Made this story for a friend’s oc and mine! 
It was a cold, rainy night at the Justice High dorms. All of the students had long finished their classes for the day and were settling in either to sleep, or to find an activity to keep them busy.
Bella, being the night owl she was, was hanging in the Common Area. As she was sitting on the kitchen counter, she looked around and saw her classmates doing various activities. She saw Chara and Cho watching movies on the couch, accompanying them was Oli and Zeph. To her left she saw Amari and Landon, very tiredly, trying to finish the English homework. To her right, she saw Cassidy making a cup of coffee. All the people currently awake were regulars to the night shift of the dorms.
Since it was the night, Bella felt awake, and she hated it. Everyone always got tired and sleepy when she finally had enough energy to do things. Bella loathed to be the one always yawning and irritated.
Bella hoped off from the kitchen counter and made her way over to Cassidy, who was now sipping her coffee and reading a magazine.
Bella plopped into the seat next to Cassidy and gave an irritated groan, she laid her head into her arms. Her words were muffled when she said, “Good night.” (Saying good night is a way of greeting for Bella).
Without even looking at her, Cassidy put her coffee down and patted her head. “Looking a little tired there Belle.”
Bella lifted her head from her arms and gave Cassidy a glare, “Yeah, tired of your shit.” Bella finished with a smirk.
“That makes two of us,” Cassidy said, still not looking at Bella, and instead reading her magazine.
Noticing how Cassidy was still focused on her magazine, Bella became curious to see what could grab Cassidy’s attention so easily. She thought Cassidy hated reading.
“Hey, what’re you reading?” Bella asked, while looking over Cassidy’s shoulder.
“It’s a magazine about romantic gestures.” Cassidy replied while grinning.
Now Bella was confused, “why would you need to learn about romantic gestures if you could just use your quirk?”
Cassidy gave Bella a look, the look of ‘wow you’re really fucking stupid’. “Because, maybe I want to find love without FORCING them to love me.”
“Oh, right...” Still looking over Cassidy’s shoulder, Bella saw one of the suggested romantic gestures’. “Giving them roses? That sounds so cheesy.”
“You clearly have never been given roses before, because that’s super romantic.” Cassidy said, rolling her eyes.
Bella stayed silent, she didn’t want to respond and give away her answer. But Cassidy noticed her friend’s silence, and that gave her enough of an answer.
Cassidy turned in her seat to face Bella, “Wait, so you’ve never been given roses?” She said with a shocked look.
Bella didn’t meet Cassidy’s eyes, she instead focused on the magazine. “I was homeschooled up till now Cass, I didn’t have ‘friends’. “ Cassidy was about to respond with another question when Bella interrupted with, “- And my parents were always busy with work.”
Cassidy’s look of shock turned to sadness. She decided Bella would rather not keep talking about the topic and turned back to the magazine. After flipping through a couple pages with Bella looking over her shoulder, Cassidy got an idea.
She turned to Bella again, “Wanna go somewhere?”
Bella raised an eyebrow with confusion, “Cass.. it’s the middle of a down-pouring school night.” She turned to Cassidy when a deadpan look, “It’d better be somewhere interesting.”
And with that approval Cassidy grabbed Bella’s arm and started to run, leading her past Landon and Amari who gave confused glances.
Standing at the front door of the dorms, they looked out at the down pour of rain. “Don’t worry,” Cassidy said as she pulled out an umbrella and opened it. “-We’ll be fine.”
The two girls then started their walk in the rain, with Cassidy leading the way. They avoided puddles in the sidewalk and getting too close the the side of the road. Cassidy still didn’t give Bella any clues to where they were headed, but Bella trusted Cassidy enough to follow her. They made conversation the entire time, quickly falling instep with each other’s strides.
Cassidy stopped in front of a building, “Wait right here.” Cassidy handed the umbrella to Bella as she walked into the store. Bella tried to read the store fronts signs but the rain made it nearly impossible, she decided to give up and wait for Cassidy to come back outside.
When Cassidy finally walked back outside she was carrying a single red rose. She stood under the umbrella with Bella and held it out to her. “I just wanted to be the first,” Cassidy said, with a smirk.
Bella stepped forward. They were both in their school uniforms. She had been speechless for one of the first times in her life. Bella had no witty comeback to retort with, and silence hung heavy. She slowly started to reach out for the rose.
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“I-“ Bella stepped back, and doing so caused Cassidy to stop being protected by the umbrella. A look of shock and recognition struck Bella’s face. What was she doing? Bella looked away with shame from Cassidy and the rose, and avoiding eye contact she said, “I have to go.”
And with that, Bella hurriedly walked away from Cassidy. Leaving her in the cold rain, with a rose that’s stem became droopy from the downpour.
Thanks to Oli for the prompt!
also ignore the reALLLY old art lmao
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
Hensley & Char: Friends or Whatever || Part 1
@henryharts @junknstu1f @ciara-knightly @sunbeameyes @kiddangers @bitchmilsky @just-a-j-reallly
I only tagged the people who expressed interest and my known ladygaze. If anybody else wants in, just let me know in your review.If I tagged you and you want out, same. Thanks. Where the story starts, they’re about 10, because I feel like in canon, we find that Jasper and Henry have been friends their whole lives, but it always seems like Charlotte’s known them less time, and the earliest I can remember is maybe 5th grade when they’re talking about something happening with Bysh? It could have been earlier whenever that girl’s birthday party Henry nearly killed her, but I only watched that episode once and that was years ago, so I’m starting them here at 10/5th grade.
Fashion Exchange Student
Hensley didn’t know WHAT she was thinking whenever she went school shopping this year. Maybe about the fact that your younger sister, Piper, the one of the two of them with an eye for fashion told her that she was going to be popular for looking like a dirty lead singer of a 90s grunge band. Hensley wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but it got into her head and whenever they were out shopping, she dared to pick out a couple of skirts, and more unwisely, to wear one to school the first day.
Her whole outfit was emotionally uncomfortable, from the moment she spent time trying to accessorize up through the minute she figured out that she couldn't walk in anything but sneakers. So, those cute boots that Piper picked out? Hensley kept slipping with them on. She did this enough that she slipped, and barely missed an ill-placed bench wet paint and got the bottom of the skirt touched by it. 
She looked down and behind herself and tried to cover up with her backpack. Why was the paint red? People were gonna think things! She was never listening to Piper again. Who listens to their six year older sister for social advice anyway???
She supposed she could change into her gym shorts… but that might look even stupider. "Are you having a crisis?" She heard a tiny voice ask. She glanced around until she saw where the little chipmunk sound had come from. 
It was the bookworm. Starlette? No. Scarlett? Yeah. That was it. "Nope. No crisises this fine first day of class…" Hensley awkwardly lied.
After staring at what was obviously Hensley Hart having a crisis, she decided that if the girl lied, she didn’t want her help. “Okay. Because you looked pretty put out by that red paint on the back of your skirt," Scarlett said, returning to her large book, her glasses in the tip of her nose until she pushed them up.
Hensley returned to her crisis. And a crisis it WAS. She took off her pink plaid over shirt and prepared to tie it around her waist… "We don't know what kind of paint it is. You could ruin the shirt too if you put it against the paint," Scarlett told her, not looking up from the book. 
It was one of those ancient mythology young adult series, Hensley noted.. unsure of why she noted this, but shook it from her head to ask, "As the only person here right now with a brain, what do you suggest?"
"Cut off the bottom of the skirt and wear the extra as a headband," she said, with a shrug. "Or turn the skirt into a pair of shorts with a set of safety pins… paperclips if safety pins are unavailable."
"WHAT? These are my new school clothes! My mom would flip!" Hensley paced, covering her backside with her backpack, noticed a little paint had been transferred to the bag and let out a tiny shriek that made Scarlett jump. 
"Do you need help, Hensley?" She asked, once again.
"I need all the help I can get! I normally wouldn't care, but people are gonna think.." 
"That you've had a menstrual accident."
"When you say it like that, it sounds even worst! Please help me!" 
When she closed her book and put it away, she pulled out scissors, "Headband option or shorts option?"
"I don't have any safety pins."
"I do."
"You just… carry them?" Hensley asked.
"I'm a very unique size where I have to either buy clothes for much younger kids and look like a 7 year old, or be swallowed by clothes made for people our age. Safety pins hold things in place if something happens with big clothes that I haven't properly taken in, since I’m teaching myself to sew and haven’t gotten too far yet.."
"Wow. That's. Very strange…"
"Headband or shorts option??!" Scarlett practically squealed, impatient.
Hensley allowed her mini savior to take her into the girls locker room and changed into her gym shorts while she worked. "It'll look thrown together, but you can always just say it's an upcycle aesthetic. That’s what I’ve been doing all summer and no one is the wiser yet. Also… scrape the bottom of your boots against the concrete so you can eliminate that slip."
Hensley followed instructions and then changed into the pinned together shorts which… actually were pretty cute. The scruffiness of it looked purposeful and that kind of style generally ran for hundreds of dollars in the stores, AND scuffing the bottom of her boots made them walkable. She picked up the girl and spun her around and gave her a kiss, "You are a hero, Scarlett!" 
Being caught totally off guard by being whisked up and casually smooched by a stranger was uncomfortable, but the thing that caught her attention was... "Scarlett? Did you just call me Scarlett?" Her face gave away that this was in fact NOT her name.
Hensley winced, "Is it Starlette?"
The girl frowned, "It's. Charlotte." She grabbed her bag, insulted and began to leave the locker room. Hensley grabbed her bag too and gave chase.
"Hey! I happen to think that I was pretty close."
"And I guess that would be fine if we haven't gone to school together for years!" 
"Well… I don't think I ever had the chance to know it before…"
"I sat right behind you in three classes," Charlotte complained.
Hensley laughed, "Why? Were you stalking me?" She stopped smiling whenever her short new friend turned suddenly to look her directly in the eyes with her frustrations.
"No. I was seated in the front and every teacher always had to make us shift because you would either fall asleep, get caught texting, or consistently talk to Jasper Dunlop in class." They tried to make us switch, but you always picked a seat too far away from the lesson, so the person behind me had to go to your seat instead."
"You're… kinda uptight, huh?" Hensley asked.
Charlotte turned around, an angry looking little adorable person and Hensley braced herself for tiny girl rage. 
But, it would have to wait. Because Chloe Hartman squealed and came rushing between the two of them, ignoring Charlotte completely and cheering, "Ohmygosh, Hensley! Those shorts are SO. FUN. Such fashion sense! I'm impressed. And the boots go SO WELL with the outfit! I guess you're not gonna do the Hensley Hart uniform this year!" They laughed, with Hensley blushing and Charlotte rolled her eyes and left.
Chloe intertwined her fingers with Hensley's and said, "Come sit with us! You're a cute girl now!" Chloe took Hensley with her towards where she and her friends waited for the first bells and Hensley watched Charlotte throw her hands up in disbelief, shake her head at the situation and then return to her spot to read in peace, probably vowing never to help some idiot in a crisis again. But, Hensley didn’t pull away from Chloe or go to check on Charlotte. She didn’t really know Charlotte, and she had been trying to know Chloe better since they were 8. She just choked down feeling bad about this and decided to enjoy the girls who were swooning over her new “shorts.”
The day went by okay. The safety pin shorts were a huge hit. She was in class with Jasper, laughing and talking as quietly as they could, with a clear view of Chloe, who kept looking back to smile at her, when Charlotte walked into the classroom with a piece of paper to hand to the teacher. "Miss Page..  you've already been asked to leave a class?" The teacher asked, looking at it.
"Are you a teacher that allows us to answer questions?" Charlotte asked as a reply. "The last teacher wasn't and I was only asked to leave because he wasn't qualified to answer my questions about the lesson plan." 
"Take a seat," the teacher said, already exhausted by the infamous student who always knew everything. 
Charlotte faced the class and saw an empty seat in front of Jasper. She bit her lip and went to sit. "Hi, Charlotte!!!" Jasper cheered. "So cool that we're in class together again! Did you… always have those glasses?"
"No," she said. 
"When'dya get 'em? This summer? Don't you go to like space camp or something for the summer? Did you get them at space camp? OH! Did you get them FOR space camp??"
"That was a lot of questions, Jasper. Yes, I got them this summer. I always go on a learning expedition every summer, not necessarily space camp… but, yes, this summer I was at space camp, where I did not get them, and I didn’t get them FOR space camp. I got them for reading…" she said, flattered that at least SOMEONE remembered something about her. In that moment, she dared a look at Hensley, who was just giving her a small, polite, slightly still embarrassed smile. She was oblivious to the fact that Charlotte had been stewing all morning that she didn’t even know her name and just left her in her upset to hang out with girls that she knew would never have paid attention to her without Charlotte’s help...
“Well, they look good on you. I also love the upcycle look of your oversized sweater with the pins… Is that an homage to Madonna?” Jasper asked, cutting into Charlotte’s revisit to Hensley’s audacity. 
“Charlotte, do I need to sit you in the front of the room?” The teacher asked. 
“Yes, please!” She cheered. She knew it was because he thought that she was talking, but she liked being in the front of the class and Jasper didn’t seem like he was going to stop talking any time soon. Charlotte collected her things, chose a seat up front and said, “He said to move it,” to Chloe. She liked to sit in the front of the class to be noticed by everyone. She barely cared about seeing the board or reading the teacher’s face and body language. And to be honest, Charlotte didn’t really realize it herself consciously, but she was mad at Chloe for interrupting her discussion with Hensley this morning and just stealing her away before things were settled.
Whenever she went to sit by Jasper and Charlotte sat up front, she heard them immediately talking, “She’s kinda mean, huh?” Chloe asked.
Jasper said, “She can be, but I don’t think that she means anything by it. She’s just not used to having to talk to people. She’s an only child and doesn’t really have friends.”
Hensley said, “I think she’s nice. She’s known for being smart, but she’s sweet too. She talks like she’s rude, but I think if somebody really needed help, she’d lend a hand.” 
The teacher got on the kids for all of their talking and they quickly quieted themselves. Charlotte looked back at Hensley. All of the kids were looking at the three who had just been scolded, but Charlotte looked at Hensley. And she looked at Charlotte. 
Hensley gave her a half smile and waved her fingers a little, hoping that maybe she’d gotten over the whole completely not knowing her name thing from earlier. Charlotte smiled and waved back, then looked at her hand in confusion, like it had done it on it’s own, without her permission. She turned around in her seat and refocused on class. 
But, that was how Charlotte Page met her future best friend, Hensley Hart.
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
Sisters N’ Time Chap.2
EDIT: Something happened as I tried to edit this story. Its fixed now!! Don’t worry!!
So I’ve been kind of focused on my other AHIT stories, mostly my newest one and I completely forgot about this fanfic. Sorry, I just got completely carried away with A Royal Problem as well as the drabbles I’m writing for Winter’s Twin AU that I kind of left this story in the documents for the past couple of weeks.
Though I could say it was worth it, I wasn’t sure if I was going to do lines from the game for this chapter or just improved lines. So I decided to do both. I’m glad there are videos of the characters' lines and game play so I was busy watching that so I know what the characters say. Don’t worry it won’t be for ALL the chapters just this one and a bit on the next one.
“AHHHHH….Oof!” A young girl in a purple and yellow top hat screamed as she fell to the ground face first. The girl picked herself up from the ground, tottering around from how dizzy she was from the fall. Soon she shook her head and saw she was on an island filled with graffiti as well as members of the Mafia like the one that attacked her ship earlier. “Oh deer.” She shivered.
The hat wearing child, or Hat Kid as she is called, looked around the island to find her so called Time Pieces that not only controlled time, but also were the power source for her spaceship. Hat Kid hopped none of the Mafia or anyone on this island took the Time Pieces otherwise it meant big, and I mean big trouble.
As Hat Kid looked for Time Pieces she heard what sounded like a fight up ahead. “Oh no.” Hat Kid shivered. She quickly ran and saw three Mafia Goons on top of each other and knocked out. Mu was on top of them and dusted herself off.
“Boy are they a nuisance today!” Mu sighed to herself. Since leaving the cave, Mu was dealing with way more members of the Mafia as she saw some shooting stars that appeared after she left and Mafia goons left and right have been grabbing them left and right.
Mu had tried to grab a few for herself, but sadly the Mafia was one step ahead of her and would snatch it from her before she could even get a chance.
“Excuse me!” Hat Kid called out. Mu turned and faced the hatted girl. She was surprised seeing another kid on the island and wondered where she came from. Mu didn’t respond and Hat Kid stepped closer to her, which made Mu run. “Hey wait!” Hat Kid shouted.
Hat Kid followed Mu through the many twists and turns of the island. “Wait! I need to know where I am!” Hat Kid shouted. Mu kept ignoring her and kept on running till she made it to a bell tower. “Wait! Excuse me! Where am I?” Hat Kid asked.
Then Hat Kid lost sight of Mu and looked everywhere for the young girl. She growled in frustration, she lost her Time Pieces, doesn’t know where she is, and now she ended up lost herself. Hat Kid kicked a pebble on the ground sadden that no one would help her here.
Hat Kid looked up and smiled seeing Mu again and went after her. “Miss! Excuse me!” Hat Kid shouted. Mu looked at her and ran off again using a rope to go up a bell tower. Hat Kid finally caught up to her, but she was way high up.
“Hey you, down there! Don’t think I didn’t see you stalking me!” Mu sang. Hat Kid narrowed her eyes on the girl, she wasn’t stalking her, she just needed to know where she was. “Us kids should stick together, not stalk one another! I mean Mafia Town could be a REALLLY dangerous place.”
“I wasn’t stalking you by the way!” Hat Kid shouted. Mu looked down at the hatted child. “I just wanted to know where I was, but thank you!”
Mu smiled. “No problem!” She replied. “Anyways want to join my little rebellion?” Mu asked.
“Rebellion?” Hat Kid asked.
Mu nodded. “Yeah.” She replied. Hat Kid thought about joining this girl’s rebellion, but was it a good rebellion? Or a bad rebellion? As she was in her thoughts Mu had to remind Hat Kid something. “By the way, did you have anything to do with the junk falling from the sky?” She wondered.
“Y-yeah. It's a long story and it involved the Mafia.” Hat Kid replied sheepishly. Though she did feel hurt when the mustache girl called the Time Pieces junk.
Mu hissed realizing that the Mafia did this, and it made an even more mess than usual. “Yikes, looks like you’ve got some cleaning up to do, huh?” Hat Kid nodded, and she hoped to do it fast before the Mafia finds out what to do with the Time Pieces. “Tell you what!” Mu continued. “Come up here and I can show you where your junk landed!”
Hat Kid smiled seeing she was getting some help with her Time Piece hunt. “T-Thank you!” She yelled. “By the way what’s your-” Hat Kid paused seeing Mu had already gone ahead of her.
“Follow me, rebel squad!” Mu shouted.
“H-hey wait up!” Hat Kid yelled back following Mu. The two were jumping off buildings and running around Mafia Town staying clear of any Mafia Goons. Up ahead, Mu and Hat Kid saw something glistening in the fountain. Hat Kid smiled seeing how easy it was to track her Time Piece.
Mu pointed at the fountain seeing the glistening herself. “Hey, I think one of your junk pieces fell and smashed right into the market’s fountain. Messed it up real good.” She noted.
Hat Kid nodded. “Yep that’s it alright.” She answered. Hat Kid was ready to just easily stroll and grab the Time Piece, but Mu grabbed her arm before doing so.
“Hold on a minute!” Mu warned.
“What?” Hat Kid wondered.
“When going over there, just avoid eye contact with the Mafia and you’ll be fine.” Mu instructed.
Hat Kid nodded. “Thanks for the tip!” Hat Kid noted.
Mu smiled seeing her new rebel team member was taking all her advice in. “Alright, I’m going to take on some Mafia members and once you collected your junk meet me in a cave by the beach! Later!” Mu then ran off as she kicked a Mafia member that was about to attack her on her left.
Hat Kid smiled at the young girl glad she was getting some help from someone on the island. As long as she doesn’t know about how Time Pieces work then things would be fine between the two. Hat Kid followed what Mu told her and stealthily grabbed the Time Piece from the fountain. However, a Mafia Goon grabbed it before she could.
“H-hey! Give that back!” Hat Kid cried.
The Mafia Goon looked at the Time Piece and back towards the young girl. The girl nodded and tried to walk up to the goon to grab it, but she was held back by the umbrella. Hat Kid glared and grabbed the umbrella and knocked out the Mafia Goon with it.
Hat Kid took the Time Piece and smiled seeing it was safe. One down, many more to go. “Yes!” Hat Kid cheered.
A few Mafia goons heard the girl cheering and once they turned the girl was gone. The goons were confused, but shrugged it off continuing to do their own thing.
Hat Kid was hiding behind one of the buildings covering her mouth with one hand as she held onto the Time Piece with the other hand. The child took a glance at the Mafia goons and sighed seeing they didn’t notice her. She sighed in relief, until she heard a familiar call for help.
“PUT ME DOWN YOU IDIOT!” Mu shouted.
Hat Kid ran from her hiding place and looked to see Mu carried by her hood like a cat being carried by the scruff of their neck by the Mafia Goons, who just laughed at the young girl’s complaints. The goons just laughed at her.
Mu growled. “I’m serious! If you don’t put me down RIGHT NOW, I’ll BITE!” Mu growled.
“Oooh Mafia is so scared!” A Mafia Goon mocked. The other goons laughed as the young girl struggled to release herself from the Mafia. “So Mafia, what should the Mafia do to mustache girl?” The goon asked, glaring at the young girl.
“Hey, put her down!” Hat Kid shouted. The Mafia and Mu turned towards Hat Kid who glared at the goons. The goons looked at each other before laughing loudly at the hat wearing child. Hat Kid glared and took out her umbrella and pointed it at them. “I’m serious.” She glared.
One of the Mafia members calmed down laughing and tried to shoo Hat Kid away. “Shoo! Mafia can’t have a witness when Mafia is teaching lesson.”
Hat Kid didn’t care and stuck her tongue out at the goons. The Mafia goon got upset and went to try and attack Hat Kid, but with her umbrella she was able to knock him out. The other Mafia goon growled and tried to ram into the girl. Hat Kid was able to jump and use a Homing Attack on the goon before hitting him with her umbrella.
“Why you little.” The Mafia Goon growled. He tried to attack Hat Kid, but like what she did with the other Mafia Goons she used her umbrella and was able to defeat this goon as well.
Mu, despite being grabbed by the Mafia Goon was impressed with Hat Kid’s skills as a fighter. She smiled seeing how rough and tumble this little girl was.
“Now are you going to put her down?” Hat Kid asked.
The Mafia Goon growled and kicked a barrel towards Hat Kid, who missed it by doing a roll. The barrel blew up behind her making the young hat child gulp. The Mafia Goon kept on throwing barrel after barrel at the young girl.
“H-hey stop that!” Mu shouted. The Mafia Goon ignored her and kept throwing barrels at Hat Kid who kept missing them with ease. However, while she did miss on barrel the explosion caused her to lose balance and she fell.
The Mafia Goon chuckled and threw Mu to a wall before getting down from the barrel. Mu struggled to get up and saw that despite the blast knocking Hat Kid down, the hat wearing child was able to get up and fight the mafia.
Mu slowly got up to watch the fight, but used the wall to lean on and watched the fight. Hat Kid never broke a sweat as she continued to fight that Mafia Goon. The mustache girl smiled seeing the other girl beat up the mafia.
Hat Kid gave the final blow to the Mafia Goon and blasted him off in the air. As he did a Time Piece fell and Hat Kid quickly grabbed it. She sighed seeing she saved the Time Piece in time. She now had two Time Pieces collected, a great start!
Mu finally had enough strength to walk towards Hat Kid congratulating her on her fight against the Mafia. “Are you okay?” Hat Kid asked.
“Yeah I’m fine.” Mu reassured. “I’ve been scuffed up by the Mafia a few times, this is nothing. Bunch of losers am I right?”
Hat Kid chuckled. “Yeah.” She agreed.
Mu smiled. “Your alright new kid, do you have a name?” She asked.
“I’m Hat Kid! Though everyone back home calls me Hat or Hattie.” Hat Kid introduced.
“The Mafia calls me Mustache Girl, but my name is Mu.” Mu introduced. “Also I like Hat Kid way better than Hattie.”
Hat Kid smiled. “Well I think Mu is a pretty unique name.” Hat Kid commented.
Mu chuckled nervously. “T-thanks.”
“You’re welcome!” Hat Kid replied.
Hat Kid and Mu stood there silently. The latter looked at the hourglass in Hat Kid’s hand. “That thing you have there, are you collecting them?” Mu asked.
Hat Kid nodded. “It's what powers up my ship.” Hat Kid replied. There was more about the Time Pieces, but if she kept it simple then nothing can go wrong.
Mu looked up at the sky and back at Hat Kid. To her it now makes sense where Hat Kid came from. Probably. “You know. I know where there’s more of them.” Mu noted.
“Really? Where?” Hat Kid asked.
Mu pointed up to a building, the Mafia Headquarters, and told her. “The goons have been the ones collecting them and bringing it way up there.” Mu explained. Soon she gasped, smiled and slammed her fist into her hand. “We should go up there and get your thingies! It will be fun! I’ll take any opportunity that involves messing up the mafia!” She continued.
Hat Kid thought about it for a bit. As much as the mafia did mess up her ship and caused her to lose the Time Pieces, she wondered if fighting and messing with them would be worth it After thinking about it for a while she nodded.
“You with me, buddy?” Mu asked
“I’m in!” Hat Kid replied. Mu and Hat Kid gave each other a high five as an award for their new found friendship.
“Sissy?” Mu and Hat Kid turned and saw Molly standing right in front of them holding a Time Piece in hand.
“Molly!” Mu said in a small panicky voice. Her little sister wasn’t supposed to leave the cave. What was she doing here?
Hat Kid turned to Mu, “I-is she your-”
Mu nodded answering Hat Kid’s question. “My little sister, yeah.” Mu walked over to her little sister glaring at her in disappointment. “Molly, I told you to stay in the cave!”
“I know!” Molly replied, rolling her eyes as she heard this statement before. “But look what I found in the cave!” Molly showed off the Time Piece to her sister and Hat Kid’s eyes widened.
Hat Kid’s worst fears were coming true, and to make matters worse this was a younger kid, much younger then her.
Molly then continued on with why she left the cave, “I- I was looking for you. I avoided the Mafia like you said. I-I didn’t fight them I just ran to look for you. I-I heard shouting and saw it was you, but then-” Molly paused as she looked towards Hat Kid, “I saw this lady save your life. I was going to thank her, but then I saw you and you're safe!” Molly explained as she hugged her older sister.
Mu sighed and gave a small smile to her little sister. “Molly, it's okay. I’m fine, but you were supposed to follow orders.” She specified. Molly sighed and looked down. Mu sighed as well she didn’t want to be too rough on her little sister and ruffled her hair. Mu put her arm around her little sister and brought her to Hat Kid. “This is Hat Kid, she’s the one who saved me.”
Hat Kid smiled at the younger mustached girl and waved. “Hello.” She said.
Molly’s eyes sparkled with joy as she hugged Hat Kid tight. “Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you for saving my big sister! You don’t know how much she’s needed help.” Molly spoke rapidly.
Hat Kid tried to gather what the little girl was saying as Molly continued to thank and explain the situation to the point Hat Kid couldn’t wrap her head around it. The hat wearing child looked up at Mu with a sheepish smile.
Mu replied back with the same smile as she blushed in embarrassment over her little sister’s behavior towards Hat Kid. “M-Molly as much as you're thankful for her helping me, you're hugging her too tight.” Mu reminded her sister.
“Oh.” Molly squeaked and let go of Hat Kid. “S-sorry Miss. Hat Kid.” She apologized.
Hat Kid chuckled. “Oh don’t worry about it.”
Molly smiled seeing the other girl forgave her. Soon, the younger girl forgot she had a Time Piece in her hand. “Um, are these yours?” She asked. Hat Kid nodded. “Here you go.” Molly handed the Time Piece to Hat Kid, giving her a total of three Time Pieces.
“Thank you Molly.” Hat Kid said.
Molly stood there smiling as she rocked back and forth at the young girl. “Well,” Mu started. “Molly and I are going to get going now. I’ll come back later on your ship to discuss the plan to take down the Mafia.”
Hat Kid nodded. “Alright! See you later Mu!” She beamed. Hat Kid lifted up her sleeve showing a purple watch that will help her transport her back to her ship. “Boop.” She said as she pressed on her watch and teleport back on her ship.
“Come on Molly let’s rest up before we go.” Mu said as she took her sister’s hand as they walked off towards their cave.
“I like her!” Molly revealed with a big smile on her face.
Mu chuckled. “Me too.” She replied with a small smile.
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Better Than Any Dream - Ryan Ross x Reader
Request: Hey! I love your blog so much. Can I request “I thought you were asleep so I poured my heart out to you but it turns out you were just pretending to sleep so you wouldn't have to stare at the person you thought you couldn't have” with either ryro or dallon? Reallly specific, I know lol. Thanks, much love! Word count: 4 703 A/N: The perfectest of scenarios, I love this request. Before I even read who this was for, my mind immediately jumped to Ryro and I was very happy when he turned out to be one of the options. I hope I’ve done this justice
Maybe you should have known that always the least desirable scenario would come to happen. At least so you thought, as you plopped down on the matrass in your friend Z’s living room.
She had invited you over for a BBQ and sleepover, together with a couple of her friends. Seconds after having hung up the phone, you realized that this meant Ryan, a friend of both of you, would be around as well. And as if having been helplessly, and hopelessly for that matter, in love with him for the last couple of months, no, by now it was years, was not enough, you would have to suffer through staying sane in his company at least twelve hours long.
After the BBQ was finished, some of Z’s friends had decided to call it a night and go home, but there were still so many people that there were not enough beds. In all the chaos you seriously did not mind ending up on the floor in the living room, as long as you would not have to share a room with Ryan.
It was not that you did not want to share a room with him, on the contrary. What you did not want was your emotions to take over, and accidently do something that would ruin the friendship with the musician, or you daydreams.
So just when the tension had fallen off of your body, hearing that Ryan got paired up with another of his friends, and you had been able to relax, knowing that now you would not have to lay awake all night long, thinking about the angelic man next to you, Z had spoken up.
“Know what? Ryan, why don’t you go to the living room too, and Kathy takes the room together-“
The rest of the sentence drowned in the rushing of blood in your ears. Ryan had immediately turned towards you, shooting you a dazzling smile which in itself would have sent you spiralling, but your heart was beating so hard in your chest that it hurt, and for a moment you felt dizzy, fearing you might actually faint. But then again, maybe if you did, you would not have to share a room with Ryan.
And this was how you ended up sitting on the matrass.
Ryan came skipping in, carrying a bunch of blankets and pillows, so you would have it more comfortable. When Ryan saw you sitting on the matrass on the floor, he shook his head violently, his brown locks brushing into his face.
“No, no, no, you won’t sleep on the floor,” he commanded, throwing the blankets into an armchair, and moving to pull you up, “you take the sofa.”
“I really don’t mind,” you disagreed, trying to put up a fight.
You told yourself you did not want to be able to look down on a sleeping Ryan, but deeper in your mind you admitted that you also did not want him to be uncomfortable. Yes, the matrass was really soft, but the sofa was a lot nicer to sleep on, as you knew from earlier sleepovers at Z’s.
“Neither do I, don’t worry, I’ll take the floor,” Ryan insisted, finally managing to pull you up when he felt your resistance faltering.
A triumphant smile spread over his face, and he grinned down on you, whisky brown eyes shining warmly in the soft light of the lamp on the side board. It took you a second to realise how close you were standing to each other, but once you did, you immediately felt a burn of embarrassment scorching over your cheeks, and you quickly took a step back.
Only that behind you there was still the matrass, and you stumbled, falling backwards without control. A picture flashed in your mind, how you would crash into the sideboard next to the matrass, but before you hit anything, Ryan had already grabbed you by the arms, and pulled you to stand.
“Careful,” he chuckled, once again standing far too close, his hands securely wrapped around your upper arms.
Even from here you could tell how warm he was, his body radiating heat like the sun radiated light. It seemed to engulf you, and for a moment you forgot how nervous and anxious his presence made you, and instead your mind got flooded by the peace and calmness that always seemed to surround him.
You had once tried to describe the feeling to your sister, but it was almost impossible to put the feeling into words. He felt like a dawn on a summer day at the sea side, like brown Angora fur, like a guitar, gently strung while sitting in front of a fire place, like crispy cold morning air and the soft, woolly blanket that kept you warm. Being in his presence was the most comforting thing, if it had not been for the fear that he did not like having you around, for the insecurity you could not help but feel every time you looked at his perfect face.
But now, for a few precious moments, his little bubble had engulfed you completely, like a wave that gently rolled over the pebbles at the beach. You did not notice, but your heartbeat calmed down a lot quicker than it usually would have, and Ryan felt the slight shiver under the tips of his fingers, that ran down your spine as you leant into his touch.
This perfect scene was interrupted by Kathy, who had forgotten her bag next to the sofa. As soon as the spell was broken, you felt the nervousness return with full force, hitting your like a brick, and quickly you stepped away from Ryan, careful this time not to fall again.
“I’m- I’m gonna change real quickly,” you stammered, not daring to take another look at Ryan, fearing he might be bewildered by your behaviour from seconds ago.
With shaking hands you grabbed your own bag, which contained the pyjama you had brought, and almost ran out of the living room.
Ryan looked after you. You confused him, there was no other word for it. You always seemed to be on the run from him, yet fate, or whatever the universe called it, seemed to bring you back each and every time, and the faster you ran the quicker and closer you came back.
Chasing the thoughts away, he made sure to throw on his own pyjama, a combination of a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt. Then he walked over to where he had thrown the blankets into the armchair, and started making a bed for himself on the matrass.
Or rather, he threw a pillow and a blanket on the matrass, and then spent almost five minutes arranging the left over pillows and the two blankets on the sofa so you would have the most comfortable bed possible. When he was done, he proudly smiled down on his work before he settled on his matrass, patiently waiting for you to return.
Much to his dismay it took you another twenty minutes to appear in the living room again. Ryan had already worried you might have gotten sick, and he had been close to jumping up, and going looking for you multiple times, but every time he had calmed himself down by thinking you had probably just met somebody on the way, and talked to them. After all, the house was filled to the brim with your friends.
That in reality you had spent almost half an hour in front of the mirror, staring at yourself, and whispering encouragements and words to calm you down, nobody knew but you.
“I made your bed,” Ryan mentioned as soon as you stepped back into the room, trying not to sound too eager or excited about you being back.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, and there it was again, the sweet red blush on your cheeks.
Out of the corner of his eyes he watched you store your bag by the end of the sofa, before walking around it, and sitting down carefully next to the heap of pillows.
“Are you sure you’ve got enough pillows? I think I got like twenty or something,” you asked, looking at him inquisitively.
“Oh, I’m fine,” Ryan waved off, but he felt butterflies erupting in his chest at the sound of your voice directed at him.
“Here,” without warning three huge pillows landed on the matrass next to him, a fourth, smaller one hitting his shoulder, “I’m not gonna let you sleep without pillows down there.”
A soft chuckle followed your almost cocky statement, and Ryan finally allowed himself to look at you. You were sitting on the sofa, cross legged, a shirt that was far too huge for your frame hanging from your shoulders. Your hair seemed a little messy, as if you had already been sleeping for a couple of minutes, and some shorts peeked out from under the long shirt.
All in all you looked like the cosiest person on the planet, and if Ryan had been allowed to, he would immediately have tackled you in a hug, and never have let go. But since your consent would have been needed for that, and he was too shy to ask (after all he did not know that you would immediately have said yes), he did not act on his idea, and instead tried to memorise the happy smile on your face.
“Now what am I supposed to do with these,” he asked in mock annoyance, throwing two of the big pillows back to you.
“What am I supposed to do with these,” you asked back, sending the pillows over to him again.
“I don’t know, they’re yours,” Ryan laughed, launching the soft pillows through the air again.
“You put them there,” you accused him, and once more Ryan got hit by a pillow.
The exchange of words and pillows went on for a while, until all but two pillows for each one of you had been discarded either to an armchair, or out of reach from where either of you were sitting.
When both of you collapsed on your left over pillows, laughing and out of breath, Ryan realised how rare these carefree exchanges between you had become. Often there seemed to be a heavy cloud, like a dark premonition hovering over the two of you, and he blamed himself for that.
He knew that one day he would have to confess his feelings for you, and then he had to be ready for this friendship, no matter how fleeting and fragile it seemed at times, to be over once and for all. He needed to be prepared to get his heart broken, and loose the person, who, more than anybody else ever before, brought light into his life. And knowing that this eventually would happen, darkened almost every moment with you. Except for now. Right now everything was light and easy and happy. He would have given the world to keep it like that forever.
“Shall we turn off the lights,” you eventually asked, your from laughing rigid breathing having calmed down.
“Okay, let’s call it at night,” Ryan agreed, reaching over to the only lamp that was still spreading light.
With a slight click the twitch flipped, and the room was covered in darkness.
“Good night, sleep well,” you whispered from the sofa, and judging by the shuffling of fabric you had cuddled into the remaining pillows and blankets.
“Good night, sweet dreams,” Ryan replied, laying down himself.
Almost an hour later, Ryan still had not fallen asleep. Upstairs he had heard people talking and walking around, but the sounds had faded long ago, and the house was covered in silence. Outside the leaves of trees were whispering in the gentle wind, and crickets were chirping in front of the windows. Other than that the night was quiet.
But it did not take Ryan long to pick up another sound, one that had his heart fluttering. In a regular, quiet pattern, he heard your every breath, slow and even, almost inaudible. The sound reminded him that he was not alone, that the person he loved so much was right next to him, and yet out of reach.
It was almost four am when he could not take it any longer. Quietly he sat up and scooted so that he was leaning his shoulder against the sofa you were sleeping on. During the past hour his eyes had adapted to the darkness around him. The light of the full moon was bright enough to light up the room a little, and the yellow glow of a digital clock painted distorted shadows against the wall.
Taking a deep breath Ryan looked at you. From how he was sitting, he was able to look into your face, about three feet away from these perfect lips he dreamt about almost every night.
You were lying on your side, facing the room, one hand tucked under your head, the other resting on the pillow next to you. Your eyes were closed, the lashes gently resting against your skin, and the silver light of the moon painted your features soft and eternally beautiful.
Ryan watched you for a while, aware, but not caring, that it was creepy to watch somebody else sleep. He had to take this chance, to soak up every second of you sleeping so peacefully. God knew when he would get another chance for this.
Eventually he could not stand it anymore. He needed to express how much he longed for your attention, your sweet, happy smile, and the knowledge that you were his. Of course it would mean nothing to you, if he said this out loud, because you were tight asleep, but it would mean something to him, so taking another deep breath, he eventually started speaking quietly.
“I hope you know how much I love you,” he whispered, his eyes ghosting over your features, “I- I can’t even put it into words. I just know that… my day is so much better with you in it, and…” he halted.
Somehow the words just did not seem to flow as easily as his thoughts. Shaking his head he closed his eyes.
“I can’t imagine living without you. I know, this sounds stupid and cliché, but it feels like you belong with me, like we belong together. Like two puzzle pieces, or… yin and yang.”
He paused again.
“I feel so safe around you. You’ve never judged me once, not ever. And I don’t know how or why. And you look after me, especially if I can’t do it myself. You’re always around, and I want to keep you around, but then you’re gone again before I can bring myself to ask you to stay. It feels like you’re running away, and I don’t know why. I want to chase after you, but if I did I would scare you away, and so I have to wait until we naturally gravitate back towards each other.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before.
I can only fall asleep when I imagine you are next to me, and now that you are, I’m too nervous to even think about sleep.
I dream about you, your smile, your laugh; I dream that you feel the same way, and when I wake up I turn to see if you are really there, but you never are, and I realise that all that was just a fantasy, a dream, too good to ever be true.
You are too good to be true.
Of course I understand why I love you so damn much, but I also know that you will probably never feel the same way.
It’s not only that I’m a terrible mess most of the time, and don’t know what to do with my life, apart from walking Dottie and Elwood, but next to you… you shine brighter than the sun when you smile, and you smell like rain in spring, and wind at the sea side, you’re so beautiful that I sometimes think you can’t even be real.
And you are so kind, so soft, so gentle. You listen when somebody talks, you give everybody the feeling to be the most special person on the planet. And you’re funny. I remember the first time we met, and you said you had a horrible sense of humour. But that evening I laughed so much because of your jokes and I made you laugh, and we just clicked, you know? At least I felt like we did.”
Ryan realised how much he had been talking, so he stopped, opened his eyes and, took a glance at your face. You still seemed to be asleep, so he closed his eyes again, and continued talking. Now that he had started, it felt good to get everything off his chest.
“God, you don’t know how beautiful you are. I know, you always say that Z is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen, but to me it’s you.
I love that you are not so perfect like all the other people. You are real, and that’s so much better than never having bad hair, or a hole in the socks.
I just… you enchant me, totally and all the time.
All I can think about, when you are around, is how soft your hair looks, and how silky it must be to touch. And I get so jealous when I think about anybody else being allowed to touch you, to be around you, because I know you might give your heart to them, and not to me. But I wish you would. I wish you would let me steal your heart, or at least just a tiny piece of it. I would treasure it, you, and nobody could ever do you any harm.
I just want to hold you, you know? When it’s raining outside, and I sit on the sofa, drinking tea, I want to hold you, and feel your hands heat up from holding the warm cup while I place my hands over yours. I want to push strands of hair out of your face, when it’s windy, and I want to take long walks on the beach, and by the end I would sit you down on a rock, and dust your feet of, so you don’t get any sand in your shoes.
I would lend you my jacket, if you are cold, but you always got your own, so I’ve never had the opportunity to do that. And I –“ he stopped again, his voice having grown so quiet now that it was nothing but a breath in the air, “I want to kiss you, all the time. I want to know what your lips taste like, if they are as soft as they look. I want to feel your nose bump against mine, and I want to feel your breath against my skin, and I want to know what it feels like when you smile into a kiss because I tell you that I love you, and that you own my heart.”
Ryan stopped, the burning in his throat shutting him up. All these impossible pictures in his mind were torture, and they were ripping him apart from inside out, while you were lying next to him, sleeping.
Or so he thought.
Unbeknownst to him, you had not fallen asleep like he had assumed. But unlike him you had not lain in the darkness with open eyes. Instead you had closed them, trying to ignore his presence. You just could not stand seeing him, lying next to the sofa, everything you ever wanted just an arm’s length away, and yet unreachable.
But once he had sat up, and started talking, that had gotten hard. Unbelievingly you listened to the words he spoke, and since he assumed you were asleep, you knew they were words of honesty. Helplessly you had listened to him pouring out his heart, not knowing what to do, how to react.
When he had started talking about what he imagined the two of you together to be like, tears had started to spill from under your eyelids. It felt like your heart was torn apart, hearing his words, him describing what you had pictured so often on your own. And when his voice had stopped, too raspy to continue talking, you finally opened your eyes.
Like you imagined he had settled down, leaning against the sofa, facing you. But his eyes were closed, just like yours had been seconds ago, and his chest was moving up and down heavily, showing how much strength it coast him not to burst.
Still not entirely sure what you were doing, you sat up. Ryan did not seem to notice, instead he continued breathing. For a few seconds you watched him, then you quietly whispered his name.
It took him a moment, the sound of your voice not quite getting processed, before his eyes snapped open and he stared at you through the dark.
“(y/n),” his voice was raspy, but you could tell from the way he spoke your name, he hope you had heard none of what he had said earlier.
Still not certain what to say, you leant forward, and reached your hand out, brushing the tips of your fingers over his cheek until you held his face. You could tell how reluctant Ryan was to give in, but, like an instinct, he leant into your touch, allowing you to brush your thumb over his skin.
“How much did you hear,” he eventually asked, pressing his eyes closed, as if he could avoid the punch in the guts that he expected to follow.
You voice sounded thin in the room, wet from the tears that had run down your cheeks, and by now dried. At your answer, Ryan recoiled, turning his head away, breaking your heart a little.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. I just couldn’t take it anymore. It won’t happen again,” he mumbled moving to get up, but your hand, taking hold of his, stopped him.
“It’s me, who’s sorry. I should have let you know that I was awake. Ryan-“ at his name he turned to look at you, a mix of hope and pain written into his features, “I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t stop thinking about you, about how the one person on this earth I want more than anything, will never feel the same, about how you didn’t even know how much I love you, and about how even though you are so close, I’ll never have you. And when you started talking, I was like paralysed. I didn’t mean to listen to you spilling all your secrets, but- it was too good to be true, and now reality has caught up.”
Ryan had frozen in his movements.
“I said nothing I wouldn’t have told you at some point anyway,” he mumbled.
“You’re not mad at me,” you asked hopefully, scooting a little closer to him, “for not interrupting you?”
“I’m- what do you even- I mean,” Ryan simply seemed to ignore your question, his mind still hung up on what you had told him before, “what you just said, about how you keep thinking about me, does that mean-?”
“It means that I like you, really like you, more than I could have ever imagined I could feel for someone, yes,” you answered, hoping, praying that he understood.
“And you mean it?”
You smiled, tightening your fingers around his.
“With all of my heart, well, if I had one left, but you stole it all away from me.”
Ryan finally relaxed back against the sofa, scooting a little closer to you.
“So does that mean, if I really sneakily stole a kiss from you, you wouldn’t mind?”
“Yes, I would. I don’t want it to be stolen, I want to give it away, and take yours in return.”
Ryan was now so close to you that you could feel the warmth that his body was giving away. His breath caught in a thin strand of your hair, moving it gently with every exhale, and his eyes, just like yours fluttered shut.
“I think I can do that,” he replied, the tension in the small space between you increasing, even if it had seemed impossible.
You did not dare moving, not sure if this was the most realistic feeling dream or actual reality. But Ryan’s lips found yours even without your help.
At first it was just a brush, a tickling of his soft pink lips against yours, and when you did not draw away, he leant in a little closer. His breath hitched in his throat, and if yours would not have done the same, you might have noticed. Instead your heart seemed desperate to reach light speed with the pace it was beating in.
Ryan’s lips were warm and gentle against yours, soft and plush, smooth and yet a little rough. Getting lost in the testing touch between you, you let go of Ryan’s hand, which you had still been holding to stop him from getting up, and wrapped it around his neck. Allowing you to pull him closer, he followed your movement, deepening and slowly starting to explore the kiss a little more.
You could not have said how exactly you ended up on the sofa, cuddled into Ryan’s side. The cushion was just broad enough for both of you to lay next to each other, and Ryan had pulled you half on top of him so you would not fall off. His brown curls were tangled with your own hair, your nose nuzzled against his neck, and every now and then one of you tilted your head to kiss the other. Sometimes there were short, sweet pecks on the mouth, or lingering, exploring, testing, probing kisses.
With your nose nuzzled against his neck, you pressed small kisses against his soft skin, not caring that the first stubble from not being cleanly shaven was burning against your lips. Every time you did so, he hummed softly, and sometimes he kissed your hair, which was so much softer than he had imagined before.
Then he tightened his hold on you, pulled you just a little closer towards him with the arm he had wrapped around your waist, and tried to wrap his mind around the situation he found himself in, which seemed more like a dream than anything he had ever dreamt before.
Ryan got woken up by hair in his face, hair that did not belong to you. A long strand of blond hair tickled his nose, and he immediately recognized his friend Z who had leant over the back rest of the sofa.
“You owe me one,” she whispered before she leant back up, and left as if she had never been there.
Ryan smiled. Of course it had been Z who had managed to get him and you to sleep in the same room. After all she had been the only one who had known how he felt for you, and considering how close you were to her as well, she might have had some insight into your feelings too. He turned his head, and smiled down on where you were resting your head on his chest. Your arm was draped over his belly, fingers wrapped into his shirt. Your legs were intertwined with his, and he felt your heart beating against his ribcage, beating in tune with his own.
He turned to look at the time, and found it was only eight o’clock. After yesterday evening everyone, except maybe for Z, probably wanted to sleep in, which gave him some more precious time with you. Closing his eyes again, smiling fondly, he kissed the top of your head and relaxed back into the pillows. He did not care how many times his mind had screamed this at him already, but here on the sofa with you, holding you in his arms, knowing you felt the same way for him as he felt for you, this was better than any dream.
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xxthewolvenstormxx · 5 years
Heeeey, reaching out from the anonymous ether to lovingly inquire about something I vaguely remember being mentioned once upon a time.... something about a Killmonger/GoT crossover of amazing potential? Does this sound familiar or was it a part of my post-S8 psychosis? Ooooh, PS, I almost forgot - any ETA on What Lurks in the Wolfswood? Regardless of any of the above, hope all is well with you and your world. Thank you and take care!!
Hhhhhhhhheeeeeeyyyy anon! So firstly that wakanda/got crossover is not me. There was one called Whats West of Westeros @ashleyfanfic and @frostbitepandaaaaa. There was another that was just a one shot where reps from Wakanda become trading partners with Westeros and bring Jon and Dany chocolate and there is chocolate covered filth.
But I believe what you are talking about is one that @enygma0710 and @jenksjinks (I cant find her URL!!!) are working on. Rumor mill says its resurected Dany full of rage with a wakandan army at her back. But thats rumors, you should ask one of them
Either way, Im into it.
Plus if its Killmonger.... (Unf) Just :drool: Michael B Jordan is soooo fine.
As for What lurks in the Wolfswood, I skipped its turn in the cycle of updates to try and get a new chapter of World of Valyria out for AU. Plus I just reallly really really wanted to smut. AND theres alot of smut in this chapter. Like.... Alot. Like just an unnecessary amount of it. Its a horny chapter.
Im sitting probably around 60-70% done. I need to go back and tie Jon's mental state back into the sexy bits to keep it thematically on point, wrap up the PiV, close the chapter, fluff everything up a bit.
Heres a thirsty snip. (Keep in mind its still a wip)
She turns to him at his doorway. Flattening herself against it as she pants. Her cheeks red from the cold and from exertion. Water drips from her hair onto the carpet in a rhythmic pattern eerily in time with his heart beat. The air is thick, tense. Her eyes drawing him to her. The vibrant blue green, almost glowing in the dim light. 
In nature, such bioluminescence can be a warning. Telling the would be predator: “If you take a bite, you’ll regret it.” It can also be a distraction. A brilliant, dazzling flash to draw the prey’s focus away from dangerous claws. Other times, it is a trap, luring in prey with a soothing, calm light. Dangling it in front of curious fish, leading them in striking distance of sharp teeth and open maw. 
Her eyes do all that and more. 
She takes him. Teeth sinking into his lips. Claws gripping into his neck. Desperate and hungry. Limbs wrapping around his waist, constricting him, holding tightly as she devours him. 
And he lets her, supports her. His hands sliding under her thighs. Fingers spreading to grab the flesh of her rear. Hauling her up, pinning her against the door so he can fumble for his keys. Her lips on his neck, pulling his focus from the lock before he stumbles through, kicking it closed as he carries her. 
Lightning flashes. The light distorted and diffused through the rain, the dome and window of his dark apartment. Illuminating his spartan furnishings for a half moment as he sets her on his small table.
Her tongue smears over his lewdly, intoxicatingly. As if gathering him to feast upon. Her nails rake down his wet shirt, her feet shuffling to kick off her soaked sneakers.
He takes his revenge, distracting her as she struggles with her socks. Kissing and sucking on her neck, the shell of her ear, her jaw. Scraping his beard across it. Eliciting small gasps and sighs. 
His belt is gone, though he doesn’t remember when or how. He toes and kicks off his own boots as she nips at him, seeking his mouth. Silver wet hair gathers between his fingers as he brings her to his lips 
The hunger slowing to sweetness as he finds the zipper to his jacket. Letting it slip from her shoulders. She breaks from him, with a kiss to the corner of his mouth as she crosses her arms and reaches for the hem of her shirt and pulls it up and over her head in a swift deliberate motion.  
Pictures don’t do her justice.
Anywho. Thanks for the ask. Hope to get it out for AU month but life and responsibilities and adulting and bullshit. We shall see.
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fruit-teeth · 5 years
Soldier confesses their feelings to Demo for the very first time. Demo is very understanding, and they cuddle for a bit and maybe even kiss.
(aH This was another one I got kinda carried away with but it’s just....soft like??? Yes)
9. B confesses their feelings to A for the very first time. A is very understanding, and they cuddle for a bit and maybe even kiss.
Friday nights at the local sports bar were always loud and crowded. Soldier didn’t usually like going, as he hated all the chatter, but when he went with Demoman things were a little better.
They sat at the counter, drinking beer and eating from a plate of cheese fries they were sharing, as Demo watched the television perched by the ceiling.
“Look at those bleedin’ idiots,” Demo commented as a football game progressed. “They dinnae know what they’re doing! Even I could play that stupid game better than them...”
Soldier just nodded, murmuring an, “Uh-huh,” before he took another bite of fries and a sip of beer.
Demo turned to look at him, studying his face for a moment. “Ye all right, Jane? Not too overwhelmed, are ye? We can leave anytime ye’d like,”
“Hm,” Soldier shrugged, staring down at the wood of the counter, scratching a little pattern into it with his finger nail.
After a moment, he glanced up at Demo. “Tavish?”
“Is it...” Soldier trailed off, not making eye contact. “Is it true you were married?”
Demo blinked, going quiet. After a moment, he asked, “Who told you that?”
“Spy,” Soldier replied simply, his eyes finally meeting Demo’s. “But you’re not married anymore?”
Demo wanted to give Spy a good talking to for spilling the beans about his former marriage to Soldier, but for now he shook it off and replied, “I had a wife, yeah, but that was a long time ago. I havenae spoken tae her in a long time, an’ we were only married for a year. Why are ye asking, Jane?”
Soldier looked back down at the floor, and he muttered something which was masked by the chatter of the bar. Demo leaned closer. “What?”
Grunting, Soldier hopped off the bar stool, turning and heading towards the bathrooms nearby. Confused, Demo followed, still carrying the bottle of beer at his side. “Jane?”
Now in the bathroom, which was dirty but thankfully deserted for the most part, Soldier stood by the wall, hugging his arms. Demo approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Jane, what’s wrong? Ye can talk tae me, I’ll listen,”
Soldier shifted, his lower lip shivering a little. For a moment, it seemed like he wasn’t going to talk, but then all of the sudden, he blurted out, “I’m in love with you!”
Demo froze, the confession catching him rather off guard. He’d had a feeling about this for months, now, but actually hearing it from Soldier’s lips was something else entirely. He didn’t reallly know what to say. “Jane, I...”
Soldier suddenly opened the floodgates and started spilling everything he had: “I know I’m your best friend but I wanted to be more than your friend, but I didn’t know I’d you wanted that so I was a coward and I was—!”
“Shh, shh,” Demo moved in closer, wrapped his arms around Soldier, hugging him close. “Hey, Jane, it’s okay. It’s okay, I promise,”
Soldier pressed up against Demo’s shoulder, going quiet, and after a few seconds he hugged back. “You aren’t...mad?”
“Why would I be mad?” Demo placed a reassuring hand on his cheek. “I’m real glad ye told me, honest,”
Soldier suddenly felt silly for getting so anxious and losing sleep over this, but it was masked by the overwhelming feeling of love. He hugged him tighter, his head settling against Demo’s shoulder, the scent of him filling his nostrils.
After a moment, Demo turned his head just enough to press a soft kiss to Soldier’s forehead. Soldier perked up, and their eyes met for a few seconds before Soldier giggled and pressed his face back into Demo’s broad, warm chest.
Demo chuckled back, and he pulled away to take Soldier’s hand. “Ye wanna get back out there and finish up?”
Soldier nodded, grinning, his heart leaping and fluttering as he squeezed Demo’s hand. They went back out into the bar area, hand in hand.
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