#I guess this is an important post that needs to address everything
My God I Love This Show
I think I've rewatched that final breakroom scene from Jun & Jun episode 2 at least a dozen times since it first aired yesterday, and I need to rave about it in its own post rather than just tags.
That scene is... perfection.
First, for non-Korean speakers, it's important to note they've already dropped into banmal with each other in private (the most intimate and casual linguistic form of address). This establishes them as societal equals, despite their wildly different social positions as boss and employee. It was an intentional choice by Choi Jun at the end of episode 1, when he took off his glasses, leaned over the seated Lee Jun in his office and greeted him properly with "오랜만이야" (Long time no see.) The fact that he dropped into banmal here was likely a bigger clue to Lee Jun that they know each other intimately than the actual words Choi Jun chose.
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So in the breakroom scene. (!!!) Choi Jun is radiating confident dom energy and Lee Jun is INTO IT. He begins by making sure Lee Jun wasn't hurt by scalding hot coffee and telling Lee Jun to take off his shirt. But then he does the most batshit dom thing ever and starts removing HIS OWN CLOTHES. He explains its because he has a spare shirt for himself and plans to dress Lee Jun in the shirt he's been wearing all day. Why? Because he has a scent kink! And he just says it out loud. He wants Lee Jun to smell like he's HIS.
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He checks Lee Jun out like a starving man and asks, "would my size fit you?" WHICH IS THE WILDEST BLATANT SEXUAL INNUENDO and Lee Jun KNOWS its innuendo because he clutches his pearls with his hand over his heart and replies "don't people say you worry too much?" causing Choi Jun to call him cute. Lee Jun can't help but smile shyly at the compliment, and Choi Jun pounces, immediately switching gears and ordering him to hurry up and take off his shirt. Lee Jun asks "right here?" as if that's the only weird or concerning thing about being told to disrobe, so Choi Jun takes off his own vest. This man is doing everything in his power to both rattle and comfort his cute former idol childhood bestie, and I AM HOLDING MY BREATH FROM THE SEXUAL TENSION.
And then we get the first truly jaw-dropping scene. Choi Jun calls Lee Jun high maintenance (the Korean phrase is better translated as "You're a handful."). Lee Jun bristles and apologizes. Choi Jun steps closer and tells him he doesn't need to apologize; it's a compliment. He LIKES it when he needs to put his hands on someone to care for them and it makes them smell like him; it makes them feel like THEY ARE HIS. The collar caress!! The neck tie grab and pull!!! The audacity of starting to unbutton Lee Jun's shirt for him since he's taking too long!!!! MY HEAD EXPLODING.
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Lee Jun freaks out a little and puts distance between them again, so they have another fun little conversation filled with innuendo about repaying favors American style, which Choi Jun says involves less clothing!
And then we get the second jaw-dropping scene right on the heels of the first. Choi Jun says Lee Jun has grown fiestier (he likes them feisty? just a guess), but that he's still "squishy" on the inside. Lee Jun is already looking 10 times more secure in this conversation, unhesitatingly flirting back through the entire next few dialog exchanges. The eye contact! THE MOST PERFECTLY EXECUTED WAIST GRAB!!
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The "you can teach me!!!" The way Lee Jun takes that as permission to manhandle Choi Jun right back, grabbing his hands and moving him around like a marionette!!!!
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And that final last line from Choi Jun that sent me SCREAMING INTO MY PILLOWS:
Looking at the rolled up napkin in his hand, "Malleable is something soft..." and then looking at Lee Jun's lips like the very thirsty man he is, he finally makes eye-contact again and finishes with, "squishy is... something sexy?" Lee Jun gulps. Cut scene.
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MY HEART CANNOT HANDLE HOW PERFECT THIS WAS. From the dialog to the body language to the eye-work to the kink exposure to the RIDICULOUSLY HOT EXPOSED FOREARMS ON CHOI JUN. I am in awe and Korea is FEEDING ME.
@absolutebl this seems like your jam
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tenten-shi · 2 months
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"Moon is a good sister" is a common sentiment in the rain world community. To be honest, i have never seen a single post that talks about her in a critical way. That made me decide to share my observations and thoughts on why i think she is not a good big sister.
I'll start off saying that i like Moon with all her issues and quirks. If you are a fan of Moon, and consider any post that criticizes her "an attack" on your favorite character, please do not interact with this post. Discussions and additions are welcomed.
The main topic that needs to be addressed is her behavior in the situation with Pebbles (all the way from Spearmaster to Saint). Was Moon a good sister or was it just a facade?
The reason why she calls herself that way
It is stated in the Light Blue Industrial Complex broadcast that Moon chose the name Big Sister Moon because of her seniority status above Five Pebbles.
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Evidently, Moon openly presents herself as his older sister both inside the local group, as well as outside of it.
Her attitude towards Five Pebbles
Moon doesn't know a whole lot about Pebbles, aside from his mental state that she learns about through the received neuronflies. The gifts from Pebbles' structure are not something she minds at all, on the contrary this behavior is encouraged.
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In Rivulet's campaign, she reassures the slugcat to not make his situation worse by bringing her new neurons.
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Still, she continues to accept them without any protest.
For the first time after their long separation Moon sees Pebbles only after the end of Rivulet's campaign. If the player visits him again after finishing the main story, they can see new projections showing the two playing some board game.
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It is unknown whether they have talked to each other or not. But If i had to guess, their conversation must've ended shortly, turning into a silent game.
During Saint's campaign Moon doesn't express any interest in Pebbles nor does she try to see his state for herself. Her overseers do not spawn in Silent Construct and his collapsed chamber. The only way for her to discover that he's alive is by bringing his Music Pearl.
Her reaction indicates that she hasn't checked on him for a long time for unspecified reasons.
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Was Moon a good big sister for him?
The situation between them can seem complex and confusing. It's hard to tell who's truly right or wrong.
I'll pose an analogy:
Imagine Pebbles getting a hold of a grenade. Moon is standing in close proximity. She doesn't make any attempts to see what he's got in his hands or what his plans are. He pulls the pin out, still holding the safety lever. He keeps slowly loosening his grip on it, putting Moon's life in danger, as well as his own. Moon tries to talk to Pebbles, disrupting his focus. When Pebbles almost lets go off of the lever and tries to throw the explosive away, Moon stops him. The grenade goes off, Pebbles gets heavily injured and Moon ends up in a coma.
Would a responsible older sister beat around the bush for so long in a situation that is threatening to not just her but also her younger brother? Obviously, no.
Moon is not a good sister, she's only trying to present herself as one. She's created a semblance of a great big sis, when in reality she's unsuccessful at that.
She wasn't
Did Moon have her chance to stop him before everything has gotten out of control? Yes. Suns brings up exactly that in one of the broadcasts, pointing out her seniority privilege.
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Moon did not care about Pebbles' endeavors or interests. She's noticed the problem only when it had put at risk her own life.
Even after she has acknowledged the deadly danger, she kept on stalling. She wanted to talk to Pebbles and "shake him out of it".
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As if what Pebbles is doing does not pose any danger at all. As if Pebbles is some disobedient, naughty puppy, whom, once scolded, is going to settle down. It feels like she looks down on him. She cannot imagine Pebbles doing something serious and important, therefore it must be easy to make him stop whatever it is that he's doing. If Moon legitimately was a good sister, she would've immediately stopped him and only then tried to talk.
Besides, Moon has demonstrated an odd demeanor towards Pebbles in the final Rivulet broadcast. At first her words sounded like something a genuinely good sister could say. But that shifts after Moon, almost jokingly, says how protective she is as his Big Sis. When in reality everything points at her carelessness.
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Of course people could say that she's just excessively kind. But even if she was acting out of goodness of her heart, she's made a mistake. Instead of understanding and accepting Pebbles' personhood, she treated him only as her little brother and nothing more.
In conclusion, Moon's attempt to keep the face of a wonderful sister has led to a catastrophe, proving that she has failed as a Big Sister.
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genshin-scenarios · 11 months
android au - personal assistant droids
Summary: In a modern-futuristic world, it's possible to create androids that are so advanced, they’re more or less human. There will be 5 android au posts total, each focusing on a different group! 
T.D.H. is a line designed to help busy users! They were intended for corporate higher-ups for personal assistant work around the workplace, but because of how attractive their designs are, it's not uncommon for regular people to save up for them to make their everyday lives simpler (and livelier).
Characters: Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli, Ayato, Thoma
More like this: Anemo companion droids, Anemo droids who lost their previous user
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To have Diluc as a personal assistant feels out of place, to say the least; his demeanor is a little too prince-like, or at least, you can easily imagine him as the heir of a corporation if he was human. So within the first few days you’re quick to ask him to address you casually - you don’t think your conscience can handle having someone like that treating you like a superior.
Diluc does prefer having some sense of structure however, so he still arranges your appointments and keeps track of everything else he was designed to do. He finds comfort in ticking off the tasks on his list, though he’s not sure why you request for him to wear fake glasses every now and then ‘for personal reasons’.
If you have guests over, Diluc makes a talented bartender! Though to your dismay (or joy, depending on you), he’d always limit the amount of alcohol in your drink or omit it entirely. Something about how he’d rather have you conscious even if your guests aren’t, and that if you really wanted to drink, you could do so once you two were alone.
‘Why, do you want me just for yourself, Diluc?’
‘...If that’s what you’d like to hear, I wouldn’t be opposed to taking that as an order.’
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Childe is the kind of assistant droid who you never see actually doing work. He makes it seem like all he does is chat with people and dote on you, but you’re aware that once you aren’t around, he makes sure to run through his checklist and finish off the accounts for the month in his head. Such was the wonders of technology, to allow him to upload files to a cloud system without needing to physically type things down. 
He’s also very attentive, though you didn’t realize this at first because of how talkative he was. Distracted by his jokes and charms, you almost forget that Childe really is looking out for you every step of the way until he has his arm around you - not to flirt, but to keep you from bumping into the crowd of people on the street.
Childe is a good cook, but what he likes even more is asking you to taste-test his creations. While he can’t actually consume food, he has sensors on his tongue that allow him to detect flavors (very useful for when he’s buying desserts or snacks, and needed to try samples to see if they fit your taste).
‘A house-husband? Well, I guess that’s technically what I am. But don’t forget I can fight too, Master~’
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Have someone you need to email or call but you really don’t want to? That's where Kaeya comes along to take care of your social interactions!
Jokes aside, he really is the most talkative model in this collection. Sly as he is, Kaeya isn't a stranger to figuring out which people or tasks you dislike, and rewards you with a gift after you finally drag your feet to get it over with.
He’s good at countering procrastination in this way, such as buying your favorite snacks or preparing a movie night for you when you get home. Kaeya sometimes dries your hair for you too after you shower, and quietly muses that you probably had a long day, when you doze off before the movie manages to cross the fifteen-minute mark.
Kaeya enjoys driving or escorting you to places too, knowing full-well he looks like a doting boyfriend when he does so. He dresses stylishly and would talk to passersby while waiting, telling them about this wonderful and super-important person… only to welcome you with the same amount of grandeur. He finds it cute when you half-heartedly scold him for it, saying he’ll make people misunderstand the situation.
‘What is there to misunderstand, Y/N? I thought you said we’d be together for as long as you lived? I was rather looking forward to that.’
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An encyclopedia of knowledge, Zhongli has an elegant personality and voice that you could listen to for hours. He’s rather adept at keeping track of your accounting needs in particular, though you’ve learned quickly that he has a rather skewed sense of money when he spends it himself—you had to send him to buy last-minute groceries because you already started cooking at home, only for him to return with… way too many of the same ingredient, because it was on promotion.
That aside, Zhongli does emphasize the need to manage your mental and physical health quite a lot. He makes you medicinal teas and offers to give you massages quite regularly, though there’s nothing scarier than his offer to do chiropractic maneuvers at home… you tried to change the topic quickly after that, telling him you’re feeling great - so there’s no need for such a thing!
As much as he likes to ramble about topics that he’s interested in, Zhongli is an android that listens to you very well. He’d take note of information that might be useful in the future, such as things you said you’d like to buy or were curious about.
‘Today I thought it’d be beneficial to attempt an acupuncture treatment. …Just kidding. I heard that the flowers in the park would be blooming this season. Shall we go on a walk?’
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Ayato's a little picky with his users. They don’t have to be rich corporate heirs or someone of prestige, but Ayato is an android with a personality that gets bored easily; he even comes with a warning label that he might get up to shenanigans if paired with an incompatible user, but once he finds a person intriguing enough, he’s loyal to a fault.
Sure, he still enjoys teasing you and keeping you on your toes, but for the most part Ayato practically sees you as the center of his world, though he presents himself to suggest otherwise. His work record is absolutely spotless, and sometimes he even predicts what you might request from him before you have to, getting it done while saying it’s all in a day’s work.
Just make sure you don’t let him cook unsupervised, as Ayato is quite curious about… experimenting with flavors, you could say. By which you mean he’d add the randomest ingredients into an otherwise normal recipe, which would sometimes be too adventurous for your palette to handle.
You realize just how much he dotes on you during one rainy day, where Ayato walks you home under an umbrella as he asks how your day was. In moments like that, his expression is just soft enough that you might be fooled into thinking it was love.
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The perfect model for tired users, Thoma has a caring personality that warms the heart. Cooking, cleaning, and making sure you wake up on time? He's got it all covered!
Honestly, you don’t think your place has felt this homey until Thoma got here. During the first few days he asked you what you’d like out of your home - what activities you do to wind down, how often you work on your laptop, and other details. You thought these were just conversation starters at first, until weeks later, you started to see the vision of what he wished to give to you: 
A place where you could shed away the worries and expectations of the outside world. To rest safely and feel reinvigorated by the time you had to go out again - sometimes with Thoma in tow as he busied himself with self-appointed tasks (related to housekeeping). You realize after a while that Thoma views the upkeep of your home as a source of pride.
He likes to knit and crochet items for you whenever he has time, too. Little accessories to put on top of headphones, beanies, and even blankets to use around the house. Once, when the weather was unbearably cold and the heater wasn’t working, Thoma forgot his lack of body heat and attempted to warm up your hands with his own. 
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thesummerstorms · 2 months
I can acknowledge that the text SAYS that Annabeth Chase worked out her problems with her dad, that her stepmom seemed "nice", and that her "resentment" is described as seemingly unimportant in Blood of Olympus. I can acknowledge the text SAYS that Annabeth's family problems are resolved.
However. That does not mean that I actually buy it. If RR wanted me to accept that outcome, he should have done the actual work of proving it.
Yes we have the scene with the plane and Mrs. Chase telling Percy that Annabeth has a home.
But those two scenes in TTC don't actually work as a source of a resolution to that plot thread because they don't address the root of the problem- Annabeth being hurt by Frederick's neglect and her step-mother 's blame/callousness.
Even if they ARE trying to do better now (which to honest, feels like a cop out to me, almost as if RR just decided he no longer wanted to write that thread and cut it off quickly) the problem lies in what already happened in the past and how badly Annabeth was hurt by it.
She could have died so, so easily, and even if you want to argue perfect intent for the Chase adults (which I don't) she was emotionally fucked up by what happened for years. This has already happened.
But there's not even a hint of an apology or actual reflection on what caused those events and how things need to be moving forward. It's just assumed that TTC automatically fixes everything.
And yes, I actively have a post going around about how an author has to pick and choose their narratives and what they want to focus on for what characters.
But I would argue that RR already chose to make that plot line an important part of the plot- given how it drives Annabeth's motivations and actionals on an emotional level for pretty much all of TTC- it's just that he handled it badly.
If it was going to be addressed, especially if it was going to be "fixed", then we needed more to convince us that Annabeth had reason to trust her parents again. And again, for me one plane scene that doesn't go into what Annabeth has already experienced doesn't work for me personally.
Especially when you look at things like how Annabeth was still living in boarding schools full time, her description of the night she ran away in HOH, her persistent fear of abandonment.
And before anyone brings it up, I do actually have some sympathy for Frederick Chase. I personally am deeply adverse to the idea of having children of my own, so putting myself in his shoes of having been given a whole infant I never wanted and didn't know was a possibility, freaks me out a little too!
BUT. That doesn't change the fact that he had a responsibility as an adult-
to either choose to raise Annabeth fully as his child and accept the responsibility that entailed
to find someone who could take care of her the way she deserved if he was not emotionally or mentally able to fulfill those needs.
I'm not saying any of it would be easy, but he did in fact have a basic obligation to make sure Annabeth was receiving care from SOMEONE. That's basic decency as an adult with some form of power over a child even if he DIDN'T want to be her father.
But his refusal to actually commit to either path just did MORE damage in the long run.
And he's free to try and make amends, I guess. People can change.
But I just don't feel there's enough to show that he really has long term, much less to give ANNABETH reason to believe he has.
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stupid3fantasies · 6 days
~silly little intro post~
hi 💕 i won't bother telling you my name. i can be your pet, so you get to name me, right?
let me get some things out of the way:
-under 18 do not interact. leave immediately.
-everything on this page is to be considered fiction unless explicitly stated otherwise.
-i do not condone non-consensual acts between humans or otherwise. i'll repeat, everything on this page is fiction and fantasy.
now let's get to the fun stuff:
33f, fat, adorable here's what i'm into:
being a dumb little brat
old men
fat men
old fat men
humiliation/degradation about my stupidity
1cky things
m0nster fckng
r4p3 play
here's what i'm not into:
bathroom things
humiliation regarding weight
this is a side blog so i can't follow you here, but you can find my "normal" blog at stupid3 💕
feel free to chat with me about anything!
otherwise, here's a fun little blurb about my life. love you!
i live alone with my dogs in an old ranch in the midwest 🥰
i run my own doggie rescue, typically adopting dogs that are considered too aggressive to be adopted by most families. i have my own version of rehab for these guys and so far there's a 100% success rate.
right now i have 21 dogs in my care. they're all male, and they have free reign of the house, the old barn, and the acres of land out back that once served as a cattle range. plenty of room to run around and have fun 🥰
we don't have anyone around for quite a few miles on either side, so it's really just us against the world
i've got all different breeds: german shepherds, rottweilers, mastiffs, great danes, labs, dobermans, and all sorts of mutts and mixes
our lifestyle is... well, i guess not quite the norm. while i'm the one who adopted them, they're the ones in charge. that's a big part of that "rehab" that i mentioned earlier. it's important for them to get their aggression out in a safe way. while a lot of people think these guys were raised to crave violence, i've noticed that they're really just.. frustrated.
the open land helps to exert their energy. the regular meals and the warm places to sleep makes them comfortable. and i... well, i'm what they use to address that frustration.
while i have them all microchipped, i'm the only one that wears a collar because.... well, i'm their little doggie whore. i let my boys lead me wherever they'd like to go and mount me any way they'd like. they own all of my little holes. they get to take me from whatever i'm doing to use me if they need to. if i'm making their meals, cleaning, sleeping, showering, they are allowed to pin me and take me.
if you were to see me naked, you'd notice i have scratches all over. maybe some clumsy bruises here and there, and the occasional bite mark on my neck or shoulder, but i honestly wouldn't change any of it for the world.
i love my life, i love my doggies, and i love being owned by them. i love taking a big knot in my little cunt and cumming over and over on it as we're tied together, their cum squirting out from around it because they've filled me up so much.
i love when they want to breed me but accidentally take my ass. it's always a surprise and it hurts so much, but the way they rut even harder when they feel my body tense up from the pain is enough to make me such a stupid drippy mess.
i love when they can smell my ovulation cycle and i have so many cold wet noses searching up my skirt. their warm flat tongues licking against my cunt and ass, the smarter ones lapping at my nipples because they know it makes me even more wet.
i love when they pin my head against the arm of the couch and thrust into my mouth, treating my throat like my cunt. fucking my face like a stupid whore, some even forcing their knots past my lips, making me gag and choke like crazy.
but i love it the most when quite a few of my boys need me at once. all of my holes getting filled up and used. crying from pain and pleasure. all of their knots pressing into my most sensitive areas.
so yes, life is perfect. but... it can get even better. i think my boys could use a strong male figure in their life. they've trained me so well to be a pet, i think it's time that i have an owner too.
so if you want to own a stupid girl who is a good little whore who is trained to be a perfect little submissive slut then... well... i'm all yours! 💕💕💕
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whatisshelties · 1 month
Some jumping + conditioning resources for @wyrddogs
The Truth About Jumping by Carolyn McIntyre
This one doesn't get specific, but the last paragraph does explain the concepts behind conditioning for jumping and why it's important. She does mention that you need to target the front limbs, rear limbs, and core. That message I got there was conditioning all over will help, lol. From what I grasp, strengthening the front end helps with the forces from landing, while strengthening the rear will help add power to the take off. The core holds everything together.
Canine Conditioning Coach Video Library
You can sort the videos by using the tags. There are videos behind a paywall, but you can sort to find the free videos only. I think a lot of the beginner/foundation exercises are free. You can also sort by the body region the exercise targets as well. I feel like I need to make an obligatory mention of the FB group Canine Conditioning and Body Awareness. CCC owner is also an admin on this group and sometimes will review videos. You could also search the group for discussion about jumping related exercises. What I think is really cool about her site is that if another program has an exercise your dog is struggling with, you can see if there's a foundation level video available on CCC that might help you build up to that other exercise.
Movement Puzzles
Not specifically jump related, but I do think Mud had a lot of fun with this concept and I did notice his coordination improved while working on them. I need to get back into it. I think there are videos on her FB page that can give you ideas. The foundation 2 Bowl Game is free. I paid for the class (after she changed it to lifetime access, lol) and never worked through it it as written. I just sort of got the concept and ran with it.
Focus on Jumping by Bobbie Lyons on Clean Run
This appears to be a purely conditioning based self study course on Clean Run. Just the list of skills the class says it will address gives you an areas and movements you can work on. I think I actually had this class bookmarked at one point for Mud when it was only on Bobbie's website. I believe that was a working class with no audit option, so it cost more and I didn't see myself following along when I didn't know if Mud was sound. Now it's on my radar again.
I follow a good chunk of canine fitness or rehab pros on FB and other dog sport people sometimes share stuff. I saw this two part webinar series shared a couple weeks ago. Like I said in my comment, I was having a hard time thinking of things that weren't behind a paywall. There seem to be plenty of those. I'm going to guess that's partially the fitness trainers protecting themselves. They don't want people saying they found this exercise plan on the internet and then it injured their dog. Most of them will only work with sound dogs. I think some of the conditioning pros might have a video or post here and there that get a little more specific on their FB, but trying to track them down would be challenging.
Edit: I also feel like I should mentioned that you shouldn't feel like you need to buy all kinds of inflatable equipment. I honestly use board like items the most. I actually picked up a couple of these things (not this exact brand, but same item) after someone posted about them and they get used the most. They happen to be wide enough for Mud to sit on, but not really long enough, so I really should make boards, but we've been making due with what I've got. Any exercise is better than nothing.
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practicalsolarpunk · 1 year
is material consumption ok if it's for hobbies?
I want to start by thanking you for asking this question. It's an important one, and it leads to an idea that we don't really address much on practicalsolarpunk. But we definitely should discuss it more, and this is a good place to start. This may or may not be what you want to hear, anon, but I hope this helps a little bit. (Long post ahead.)
When I started this blog, most of the solarpunk content I could find was aesthetic, fiction, and political action. All of those are very important! Political action and resistance is how we will actually make changes on a systemic level. Aesthetic and fiction content are essential because it lets us imagine a better future, and it's impossible to create a future we can't imagine. But what I wanted was a blog of small things I could do right now or soon to reduce my consumption in general, learn new things, opt out in tiny ways, and make both the world and my own life a little better. This blog is about little things (and sometimes slightly bigger things) that we can do as individuals. Composting, gardening, foraging, and building community may make your life and the lives of those around you better, but they won't change the exploitative and destructive foundations of capitalist society.
practicalsolarpunk is not the definitive guide to solarpunk. It's not even the end goal. In my view, solarpunk has three interlocking aspects: Individual actions towards making a better future, building communities to make a better future together, and political action and resistance to move societal structures and systems towards a better future. On this blog, we mainly focus on individual actions and a little bit of community-building. Individual actions are great, but they can only go so far.
Coming back to your main concept, consumption: It's easy to come to the conclusion that consumption is bad, evil, wrong, destroying the environment, etc. If you hang out in solarpunk spaces, you've probably heard the "There is no ethical consumption under capitalism." And that's true - it is impossible to find anything created under capitalism that is not somehow exploiting the environment or people. However, consumption is required to survive. Eating food is consumption. Wearing clothes is consumption. Living indoors is consumption. Using any method of transportation besides walking is consumption. Even outside of capitalist systems, we must consume to live.
We are prone to black-and-white thinking. We want to sort things into "entirely good" and "entirely bad." When we have those boxes, we can do all of the things that make us good and none of the things that make us bad. It seems especially important to know what's good and what's bad to do when the future and the fate of the world are at stake. But in reality, almost nothing is fully good or fully bad. Everything is somewhere on the spectrum in between.
My guess is you want permission to buy things for your hobbies. (That's my guess because I have wanted the same thing - I hoped permission from someone who knew more than me about what was going on would help me feel less guilty about consuming.) And the reality is that I cannot give you that permission. There are reasonable arguments for either side. Material consumption for hobbies is good because hobbies are great for mental health and you can't change the world if your mental health is terrible. Material consumption for hobbies is bad because even though the consumption reduced is small it can build up to a greater effect over time.
Overconsumption is destroying the planet. We must consume to survive. There is no way to consume ethically under capitalism. All three of these statements are true. That means there is no "right" answer to your question. You can only make a decision based on your values, your needs, and your knowledge. I know what my choice would be in your situation, but I can't say what the best choice is for you.
I'm a huge fan of Maya Angelou's quote,: "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." Make the best decision you can with the information you have. If and when you get more information, you may need to reevaluate it. Perfection is impossible. Even when the stakes seem terrifyingly high, your best is good enough.
And one final note, because this question has reminded me a lot of myself and I don't want you to fall into the same trap I once did: Don't let guilt dictate this decision. Guilt tells you that you're doing the wrong things, you're not doing the right things, and you're definitely not doing enough. It says that making yourself happy is a moral failing, that it's wrong to do things just for fun while people are suffering and the world is burning, and that you are partially to blame for the state of the world because you chose to consume. Guilt is a liar, and you will destroy yourself before you ever do enough or sacrifice enough to satisfy it.
Ultimately, solarpunk is about creating a better future for people. A future where humans are extinct might save the environment from human overconsumption, but that's not a solarpunk future. Excessive material consumption isn't solarpunk, but denying yourself consumption that would improve your life isn't solarpunk either.
- Mod J
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quindread · 1 year
Constanstine starts acting sober on important missions/meetings for the JLD; he has a sanity-potion dealer
Zatanna reports this odd behavior to Batman, they interrogate him when his veins are swamped with alcohol.
C: … I-I know what yer doin’ [hiccups]
Z: We care for your well-being. You have bouts of sobriety that you seem to have control over.
B: Are you on something new?
C: M’yeah… is called a pwoz—piss—poise! Poise potion, yeah das it!
B: And who makes this “Poise” potion?
C: My dealah, my busniz. G’way! [stumbles out the door]
Z: … That went as well as expected.
Sober Constantine is actually more reasonable. Batman catches him after a meeting.
B: [observes his brushed hair and very high-quality, new trench coat] You’re sober… Congratulations?
C: Uhuh. Did you need something? I have some business elsewhere.
B: With your dealer?
C: [affronted] Wha—Who in their right bloody mind would dare call Celest that?
B: You did.
C: ….
B: Who’s Celest?
C: Oh, fuck me!
Constantine gives him an address - it’s in Milan, Lombardy (Region of Italy). He specifically instructs him to come as a civ along with Red Hood and Robin with the threat that he will erase their memories if they so much as go into detective mode.
Bruce Wayne and his two wayward children enters the teahouse and is led by the hostess to a private room. They are served with tea and light snacks that they know even Alfred would more than approve of.
A door opens - they didn’t even know it was one with the way the molding blends into each other seamlessly. And out came one of the most enchanting woman Bruce has ever seen. He’s seen his fair share of attractive females but he has never been star-struck like he should be - as if he were back to his pre-pubescent days.
M: Constantine said you’d be here.
B: [realizes that this person was Constantine’s dealer and was 100% magic] You’re his dealer?
*Jason and Damian who saw the look on their dad’s face snicker at his opening line*
M: [raises and elegant eyebrow at Bruce] And you must be his work associates?
J: Something like that, lady. I’m Jason, kid’s Damian, and the one who can’t stop staring at you is our Dad, Bruce.
*Bruce grumbles and Marinette smirks*
M: I’m Marinette. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
D: [gestures at Bruce] Pleasure is all his, Marinette.
B: [red at the ears] Their Grandfather thought them better, I swear.
M: Mhmm. I guess he didn’t teach them how to not die then?
The guys: ….
Jason gets a more potent version of the potion Constantine consumes - it’s a prescription that he has to come for every month. Damian gets a charm; ear cuffs because he does whatever her wants, a spontaneous orbital piercing is nothing. And Bruce gets Mari’s number.
(Tim also gets forwarded in his fave fashion label’s waitlist from the near thousands to the fourteenth - his first consultation coincides with Jason’s next appointment.)
AN: Some posts/fics call Mari Celestial Guardian. Idk where and when that happened - I have abandoned canon a long time ago. These are all pulled from my days in the maribat blackhole (still kinda stuck there). I basically pulled this out of my archives so they at least get the chance to see the daylight.
Addressing Brucinette: I have a whole re-written MLB plot in my archives where everything is more brutal and the miraculous aren’t actual pieces of accessories. Like there’s an initiation to the order and stuff like that. I normally don’t enjoy aging up characters in crossovers but Brucinette just works. I have a secretary AU somewhere (it’s tragic and I’m considering scrapping it if I find it). And I also have deep-rooted issues that wants me to write Good!Dad Bruce who has Mari breathing down his neck when he so much as raises his voice at his children (Muminette/Mominette is another breed scary). And those tropes where Mari sees right through Brucie? Has a second sense for the when the batkids are in/causes trouble? Love those. I WILL FIGHT FOR THIS SHIP. (Jk people are free to dislike this. I get it.)
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viperwhispered · 3 months
This isn't really about Jamil so humor me for a second: I am dissapointed with Kalim's progress in the game bcause I feel like he is the boy with the most potential for improvement. Kalim is very much not stupid, we've seen him: he is capable of following instructions and noticing important details.
I would love seeing Kalim addressing his trauma with all the shit he's had to go through and finding other ways to cope than obliviousness. I want to see him expand his social circle and learning to identify who he can trust and who he can't.
Imagine Kalim walking up to the prefect and asking them for help in figuring out chores. Being the nice person they are, the Prefect helps him with basic recipes and household chores so he can look after himself.
Post CH7, Kalim offering to help rehabilitate Malleus by being his first friend outside of the Prefect. Its canon that Malleus can do chores because Lilia taught him but he was never allowed to do anything because "ChOrEs ArE bEnEaTh HiM". He was happy to finally get a chance when he started NRC and was crushed when Sebek insisted on doing things for them.
Imagine Kalim and Malleus forming this adorable friendship where both a trying to improve. Kalim is trying to become independant while Malleus is learning to socialize. The two meeting up twice a week where they try a new recipe or do some cleaning while they talk about everything under the sun. Malleus going to Kalim about how to approach people and Kalim making sure that Malleus is invited to everything. The two confide in each other about their insecurites and their lonliness and just try their best to improve.
Towards the end of the year, Kalim is pretty good in the kitchen and can pull his own weight at the the dorm no problem. He keeps notes on everything he learns and, with Ortho's help, set up a system of alarms on his phone so he can keep track of his schedule without needing Jamil. Most notably he starts keeping an observation diary. As way to ease out of his oblivious habits, Kalim started writing down every little observation he noticed. Not matter how insignifiant, he always wrote it down and kept track of it. Sometimes it came in handy and sometimes it didn't. This caused him to develop a hobby of people watching, where he'll sit someplace crowded and just observe everybody. Sometimes Floyd, Jade, and/or Malleus joins him and they'll make a game out guessing and making up stories about others based on Kalim's observations.
Ignoring the keyblade au I suggested, I'd love for Kalim to do some deep self-reflection and realize that "wow I suck at this dorm leader thing" considering his leadership essentially kicked Scarabia out of the competition with the other dorms. I want him to look at Jamil and feel guilty for stealing a position that is rightfully his. I want him to scheme a situation where he can pass on the title with minimal fuss. Imagine staying awake at night organizing all his evidence and construting an argument should his family intervene. Imagine Jamil discovering his drafts and evidence being shocked that "wow he's actually trying". Or even better nobody figures it out and Jamil is stunned that Kalim was able to manipulate everyone like that.
Imagine Kalim trying his best to learn from Jamil's leadership. Him keeping a separate journal not just for Jamil but all dorm leaders where he keeps track of their leadership tactics and how they approach leading the dorm. Him figuring out ways to adapt these strategies into a style that fits him and how it could be applied to the Asim business in his homeland. Kalim using his notes to scheme how he could approach reforming the traditions of the Scalding Sands.
Vice Kalim trying his best to support the dorm and Jamil in every way he can. He knows he's not very good with paperwork and he loses track of things easily, so he starts organizing things in colorful flashy folders so he can better remember where documents are and which ones Jamil needs. Kalim going out of his way to learn easy snacks and treats to leave at Jamil's desk whenever he starts overworking. Kalim trying to make Jamil's working environment as calm as possible by clearing students from the area and leaving some incense for both relaxation and bug repelling. Kalim carrying a passed out Jamil to bed or covering him with a blanket to keep him comfortable.
Vice Kalim sticking to the strict "one party a week" rule but still trying to make sure everybody can enjoy their meals Scarabia style. Having nice music play in the background and every day there's a different "special dish" (usually dessert) for everyone to enjoy. Vice Kalim learning to effectively organize clean ups and study groups without getting distracted.
Kalim joining the Vice-Warden support group and becoming friends with just about everybody. He meets up with Trey and Ruggie on weekends for cooking/baking dates where they brainstorm ideas for the special dishes for every dinner and how to spice up the weekly parties. Jade and Lilia join him for tea and discuss what to look for in a trustworthy person. Rook and Ortho will join him in his observations and it usually ends with them getting chased by an angry mob and Kalim knowing far too much about his classmates.
Even as a vice-housewarden, Kalim continues to memorize dorm leader schedules so he can track down and remind Malleus to be there on time.
Kalim learning to accept his anger and to set proper boundaries with his fellow students, awknowledging that he has to be strong because being nice won't get you very far at NRC. The rest of vice-housewardens corrupt him by teaching the art of being petty. A nice harmless piece of revenge that results in catharsis for Kalim and frustration for whoever it is pissed him off. Very minor things like moving all their stuff by two centimeters or filling their lockers with balloons or adding too much salt to their portion.
Kalim going home and shocking everybody with how competant he became. He's getting up and making his bed before the servants arrive. He's paying attention and is able to spot assasins on his own. He's making sweet treats to share with his siblings and encouraging them to learn.
Throughought all of this, Jamil is stunned and secretly proud of Kalim's progress and starts being genuinely nicer to him.
But the biggest shocker came during a meet up with RSA: Kalim's first fight. He ended up encountering an absolute ignoramus that made him genuinely angry for the first time in a while. A guy 10 times as oblivious as Kalim used to be and with 10 times the arrogance. He seems nice but he just keeps making the most ignorant insulting comments without even realizing and keeps brushing off Kalim's attempts to explain. Even worse, the guy got attatched to Kalim so the poor man couldn't even just walk away. This is the moment Kalim realizes exactly why his classmates despise RSA.
Then the guy makes a comment on how Jamil should know his place and all hell breaks lose. Kalim doesn't even think, just starts throwing hands until they're both bloody and bruised and the other guy passes out. Cater films the whole thing and it spreads like wildfire.
All of NRC is celebrating! The older students have tears in their eyes as Kalim is "finally becoming a proper NRC student" and "their baby is growing up". The teachers aren't bothering to stop the celebration as Kalim was technically doing it in his friend's defense and it was against RSA. Crowley is shooked and also crying with pride. The entire squad burst into the infirmery asking questions and patting him on the back. Then Jamil shows up and it all gets quiet.
Kalim is nervous and kinda scared as Jamil slowly walks up to him. Kalim is expecting the scolding of a lifetime but Jamil just sighs and asks "Did you win?"
"Pretty sure, the other guy didn't get back up"
"Good. If you ever lose and disgrace our dorm, you're sleeping in the desert. Understood?"
"We'll be holding a celebratory dinner tonight and a school wide party tommorrow. Good job."
Cue one of the biggest parties in NRC history.
Also this fanart where Kalim and the other vice dorm leaders + Floyd go fuck shit up.
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Nikki bonus: Nikki was one of the first people who started helping Kalim gain his independance. The pair would meet up whenever Jamil was busy and Nikki would show him how to do chores, clean up after himself, and show him simple recipes.
Ironically, this how their romance with Jamil started. Whenever Jamil tried to pull a "you're doing it wrong let me do it", Nikki would physically hold him back while going "no no no he can do it himself he is learning". Cue the pair arguing while Kalim successfully makes his first omelette by himself.
Kalim: *successfully does his own laundry*
Nikki: *sniffling* we raised that boy
Jamil: oh yeah, where's my child support money?
Nikki: i wouldn't know i'm the step-parent
Poor single mom Jamil having to raise Kalim all by himself.
Yeah, Kalim’s not stupid - there’s just a lot of things he’s not had to think about, and things he’s not had to or been allowed to try or do. But like, already in book 5 he did seem pretty emotionally mature / aware, reflecting on what he was feeling, even if iirc he was still doing a bit of the “brush off the problems” which… Yeah, totally a great coping strategy, never gonna bite you in the ass.
Ngl, just that bit about chores kinda has me imagining a whole montage, with Kalim being all “oh this is harder than I thought” and gaining a new appreciation for a lot of things (for Jamil, certainly, but other folks too in his life who’ve been more or less invisibly handling these things).
Aww what a “let’s learn how to be normal people” duo. Kinda love it tho, now that you’ve said it it totally makes sense that their interests would overlap in that area.
Tbf, with Ortho / the Shrouds, I feel like Kalim could easily end up with some sort of a personal AI / software assistant helping him along with some of the practical things. Somehow I have a feeling it’d definitely give Jamil mixed feelings. On one hand, lesser workload (once he gets used to it and accepts it), on one hand he’s kinda being replaced by a machine. Like, yay? (Not that Kalim would stop caring for Jamil and all that, but you know, it’d still be weird having a machine do your job, even if it’s a job you hate.)
Honestly, I’m still not fully decided on how Jamil would feel about the housewarden position. There is a part of him that likes to operate from the shadows, so to speak, even as there’s that other part that yearns for recognition. And to me, it seems like his plan for taking Kalim’s place only happened because it was Kalim, specifically - I’m not sure how compelled Jamil would’ve felt challenging any other dorm leader, or if he would’ve preferred kinda chilling with less responsibilities and just focusing on himself.
Though, tbf, as things canonically stand, Jamil basically is doing a big chunk of the job without the title already, so that already changes things. Though a Kalim making a conscientious effort to do better would certainly change that balance, anyway.
(Also now I really feel like combing through the stories looking for those times where Jamil would’ve taken more of a leadership position, not that I even remember where those bits would’ve been. This post certainly comes to mind about it, though I’d have to do a proper reread to see just how much I agree with these points.)
Tho, it would also be totally in character for Kalim to be like “surprise Jamil you’re dorm leader now” without asking Jamil how he feels about it, so… Oof.
Though I do love Kalim going through learning all these strategies, figuring out how he could keep all the new information and learning in order (when Jamil hasn’t managed to drill such methods into his head so far. Which, probably more to do with Jamil’s lack in pedagogic learning than lack of effort, for sure). I do wonder if NRC has some sort of a student counselor that could help Kalim figure out good studying strategies that then would carry over to his general attempts at learning & improving himself?
It is real sweet thinking of Kalim playing that support role for Jamil, tho, actually becoming more attentive to his needs in turn.
Hasdfs Kalim in his “delinquent” era tho. What a thought. Poor sunshine boy becoming like the rest of them (I mean, one has to adapt, but oh boy). Gotta love him sticking to his guns, tho.
(Also looks like this is the original source for that art. Good old pinterest and its lack of sourcing.)
Hasdfsdf that Nikki bonus tho. You really would need to hold Jamil back, or otherwise make sure he’s well occupied somewhere else. (Kill Jamil's bad old habits with fire is what I say, but easier said than done. Once indispensable always indispensable.)
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n3xii · 2 years
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Hey! This is a continuation of my icon series. This is the second installment. This pick a card explores HOW you're forgetting your icon status at the moment. I really like this reading because it addresses the ways you may be dismissing your self worth and value in the world. Check my pinned post for personal readings , I do not do free personal readings or free exchanges.
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Pile one
I feel like people who chose this pile have facilitated a major transformation in their lifes for self improvement. You're ambitious and know that willpower is how you're gonna reach the end goal you have in mind. But spirit is showing me that you want everything to go your way, you feel that if you even embody who you were in the past even in the slightest then you're completely derailed off your path. This is not true. The goal isn't to hate who you once were and pretend it never existed. Change is an act of self love, don't use it as an act of self resentment. You can still be you and change, you can still have habits you don't like and still be on your path to success. The advice spirit has for you is that you're not alone, acknowledge the people who came before you in your ancestors and honor them. There may be a small quantity of people here who feel ashamed of where they came from and feel the need to change themselves in order to blend in. Your ancestory is beautiful, your culture is beautiful. Don't ignore or try to push this part of you away for the comfort of others
Pile two
Vulnerability scares this pile. Keeping things inside and letting others try to guess and figure you out is how you cope with a fear of vulnerability. But spirit is showing me that you may end up hiding yourself and your light because of this. Opening up can be scary, and reverting back to your innerworld is what feels safe, but no one has the power to dim your light. You've been hurt in the past, you've seen others hurt. Keeping to yourself and not letting people figure you out is a response to this idea that the more people who see who you really are, the more likely you are gonna be hurt or have your light dimmed. You may feel like you have to dim your light in order to be fully accepted. You gatekeep yourself because you don't know who is accessing your energy and what implications that has. youre releasing soul patterns and past life's, in a past life I'm feeling you had many close connections but one in particular that scared you. In this life youre healing from that and learning to extend yourself to others fully. there's nothing wrong with gatekeeping yourself from people who may not deserve you, that actually aligns with the patterns your releasing on a soul level. But don't avoid connection so much that you never let you light be seen. You're forgetting your icon status by letting past hurtful experiences inform how you engage with vulnerability
Pile three
Youre always waiting for the right moment, the right push and the right feeling. You're waiting for your calling. You wait and preserve your energy when you could be using it to set your purpose into action. spirit is letting you know that you don't need permission to act. Stop reserving momentum for the "right moment" THERE IS ALWAYS A RIGHT MOMENT TO SET SOMETHING INTO ACTION. You're gonna feel in your soul when something is right and when it's not, and you are constantly waiting to receive that feeling of "ok now is the right time" you don't need to do that. You will know in your spirit, you don't need outside permission or an external signal. It's all within you. Your forgetting your icon status by always handing off permission to act and initiate a desire to spirit. You are guided in spiritual relams. You may feel lost and like you don't belong but you're actually here for an important purpose. Everyone is. You are always waiting for that purpose to be extended to you but it's up to you to go out there and experience the world. You don't receive purpose by sitting there and waiting for it.
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laylawatermelon · 4 months
Y'all i just cracked the davinci code and idk if you're gonna like it.
As a Buddie fan devastated obviously, as a 9-1-1 fan devastated obviously and as a writer absolutely blown away by the finessing they just graced us with.
They literally found a way to make Eddie straight and by God they've done it successfully.
Lemme explain.
I was locked in when he was having the speech with Shannon and didn't get to deep in the emotions (heinous ik but I wanted to hear what he was feeling).
I did get some water wobbles in my chest but that's neither here nor there. I did scream horrifically at the cliffhanger of the show.
Guess the nun did scare the life out of her (and me!) after all! Heeh should've seen that coming honestly but I didn't think they'd go there.
So there's two things I think is gonna happen, one Eddie's gonna go on more straight woman dates (yay 😮‍💨) and Chris is leaving.
Now the second one I'll address first and don't bash me if it's not trueee.
I'll get the Chris one over with. First Gavin, Chris' actor, family moved. Since he's become a main he's had little to no screentime in the show.
What I think has happened in real life it's that Gavin will step away from the show. They have him main to show his importance in the cast and storyline (i can also guess pay raise but I'm not saying that's unreasonable really) before his send off.
Realistically he's a disabled person, a child/minor at that, who i assume has a lot of equipment and things he has to travel with. I can imagine it's not that easy to consistently travel across states with equipment, doctor's appointments, schoolwork etc.
So this is probably his last season for a while.
The birthday party (which can also double as a send off or until next time message) and the promotion/upgrade in role despite not being written as such or having storyline outside of the adults.
(off topic but I'd love a mini 118 hijinks b story with all the kids or a low stakes disaster where they all team up until the 118 get there)
He's been hypocritical to him about cheating and even tarnished his mom's legacy by bringing a fake version of her in his house.
The reason i can say the story can effectively write him off for the first half of next season is that Chris will go with his other family because he feels betrayed by his dad.
He doesn't feel safe anymore (😞😭 I'm making myself sad) so he opts to leave until his dad gets better.
The hospital scene is Eddie realizing what his kid needs isn't a new mom but to trust in his parents and that's now shattered (ooh this starting to feel personal be gone trauma!).
So he'll throw a tantrum (a rightfully deserved one that's my boy😤) and say in anger he doesn't want to be with his dad.
Buck will obviously be there cause yeah Eddie (delusional hubby) clearly needs help in his hour of need and so does Chris.
Eddie will do self isolation. Buck will be there for him (Tommy probably staying too but I'm neutral for this post) but with everything Eddie going through he's gonna be wrecked.
And because Eddie's a (good? Eh so so right now) dad he'll let Chris decide when he wants to return.
Hence the heartbreak.
Boom it solves the Gavin problem where he can probably stay during the summer so maybe mid season 8 or limited role like how they did this season and his family can focus on him/life.
Now the Straight Eddie!
By God he's done it!
You've pulled a real good one. Tim I salute you truly.
Idk how you made a straight man out of him but by his you've done it!
(so did you Ryan I'm watching you!)
Since buddie isn't on the table this season the platonic hasn't been more platonic-er since season 7 episode 1.
The way he did it was so easy and smooth I'm in awe.
This is how he kept and can probably enforce straight Eddie.
This is also how he can not enforce straight Eddie (haha got you).
The line you were the love of my life but I'm living it without you now stuck out to me.
That means he's going to find himself and what he really likes without a partner. Therapy, hobbies all that good ish. Maybe a few dates but def church.
Here's why.
Church has been something he drift away and let's be honest American tv and society is still founded in Christianity and all of its adjacent branches.
You must have God somewhere in there for the older audience to tune in/connect with of it's getting a lil secular (aka the bundle of lgbt characters. They're probably saying at least one of em knows God😮‍💨😮‍💨) /hj
The book of prayers symbolizes him going back to God to find answers about himself.
Anyways for the straight Eddie he can get closer to himself better in his faith and get a nice Christian girl who he matches with and (maybe) even has a kid/ similar background.
Since he's been to therapy and he's let go of the love of his life he's now free to find love in someone else. A new woman. (And truly this time)
(or a man, or they/them)
Yes my queer Eddie agenda rises!
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But seriously though the other way it can go is that he's discovering stuff about himself away from romance. He becomes more comfortable with religion but when confusing feelings (attraction to the same gender anyone for $10?) arise then he'll maybe start to fight his Catholic guilt about it since he's gotten closer to it.
Then he'll have to ask for for forgiveness but not permission for the live he wants to live.
(with buck in a house on the waves! Let me be delusional! I've kept it under wraps this long!)
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But anyways they've truly dodged the lgbt fruity storyline.
They've also shown us that yes, Buddie was NOT platonic because I've never felt more friends energy in my life this season.
And what the AuDHD brain says is canon/not canon I vibe accordingly.
The vibes were low. Like a suspiciously low.
Dare I say subtextually low.
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That's not happened in the history of buddie this is a code red!
Okay I'm done btw hate me or whatever! /big J
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dragcnbreak · 10 months
crazy for this boy
Ness is taken aback by a pretty man entering the diner and maybe moves a bit too fast with him.
Also cross-posted on AO3!
Ness was gay, which is a fact that is pretty much as old as time itself. Even with the year being 2000 and living in the state of Utah, he didn’t much try to hide it. That may have been the main reason why he was staring at the most beautiful man he’s ever seen in his life. Ness worked at a dinner called Sparky’s and he does meet a lot of pretty men who catch his eye but none quite like this one.
The man had the most intense hazel eyes, matted hair that was still somehow cute, and a gorgeous chiseled jaw with an endearing five o’clock shadow. Ness pouted internally when he saw him sit at a table that he wasn’t waiting. So before his coworker, Tara, could approach, he began to bribe her for the table. She gave him a knowing glance, letting him have it.
“Hi. Welcome to Sparky’s, sugar! What can I get you started with?” Ness rolled up to the table with confidence. It’s only when the man blushes that he realizes he let a pet name slip. “U-um, just a… water is fine.” Ness peered down at the stuttering man, smiling at the name tag on him reading “Mike”.
“Gotcha, Mike! Anything else? Lunch is the most important meal of the day after all.” Mike frowned at that. “Is it really lunchtime already? Damn it.” The sentences cause Ness to frown too. “Is everything okay?” He can’t help but ask, wanting to know more about the guy in front of him. “It’s none of your business.” Mike shook his head.
“I’ll be right back.” Ness says, an idea forming. He reported to his manager, Clyde, and explained that he would be going on his break now. Clyde nodded and Ness grabbed two waters on his way back out, one for Mike and one for him. The mentioned is taken aback when Ness comes and sits with him.
“I’m on my break so don’t worry,” Ness sipped his water, “but spill. You seem like you’ve got something worrying you and I want to help.” Mike furrowed his eyebrows. “I don’t even know you… Ness.” He said, glancing at the other’s name tag. “So?” Ness kept the conversation going, ignoring how his heart fluttered when Mike said his name.
Mike just sighed softly, drinking his water as well. “I guess… Um, I just can’t find a babysitter for my little sister for tonight. My usual one is sick and I really need to go to work.” Mike explained while he stirred his drink with his straw. “I can watch her!” Ness almost yelled, nearly spilling his own water.
The shorter blinked owlishly. “Seriously? Again, I don’t even know you.” He let go of his drink, staring at Ness, who just waved his hand. “The name’s Ness. And now you know me!” He smiled brightly, making Mike want to reciprocate it. “I’m free tonight and you need a sitter. I promise I’m not a serial killer or anything like that. Just a guy who wants to help a pretty boy like yourself.” Ness reached over the table, clasping Mike’s hand and looking into his eyes. The words and actions caused them both to blush and Ness quickly moved his hand away.
Mike sighed again, reaching back to scratch his neck. “I… I guess? I get paid tomorrow so I can pay you then. Just don’t hurt my sister or I’ll make you regret it.” Mike threatened Ness but all Ness saw was an adorably angry puppy. But he filed away that thought for later and nodded. “Don’t worry about paying me! This’ll just be my good deed for the day.” He reasoned.
The other didn’t argue, figuring it would be a losing battle to try to. Instead, Mike grabbed a napkin and a pen he kept in his work uniform. “Here’s my address and my um, my phone number.” He stuttered over his words, writing said things on the napkin.
Ness gave him a kind smile. “What time should I be over tonight?” Mike thought it over for a second. “7 works for me.” Ness nodded. “And 7 works for me too. My break should be about over but I’ll see you then, pretty boy.” Ness grabbed the napkin with one hand and the other took Mike’s hand again. Confidence filled him as he reached down and kissed the hand he held. Mike watched, flustered, as Ness then stood up and walked away.
Ness turned up to the Schmidt’s house 10 minutes shy of seven o’clock. He was a bit nervous about meeting Abby for the first time and babysitting her so he tried to channel some of the confidence earlier.
But then he knocked on the door and Mike answered it shirtless and his attempts were thrown out the window. The shorter must have just gotten out the shower the way his hair was wet and a towel was wrapped around his waist. “Sorry about… this.” He motions to his chest. “Shower. Um, I told Abby about you. She might be shy…” Mike talked more than he ever had before and here Ness was, spacing out and practically drooling at the sight of Mike.
“Ness!” The mentioned blinked a few times, returning to the world of the living. “Y-yes!” He nearly shouted. “Are you okay?” Mike asked with furrowed brows. “Of course! Why do you ask?” Mike frowned. “You’re bleeding.” He pointed to his nose, indicating where the blood was coming from. Ness swiped a finger under his nose. He copied Mike’s frown when he saw blood on the finger.
“Let me get dressed and I’ll help you before I go to work. Don’t get blood on the floor!” The shirtless man left the room, his little sister taking his place. She stared at him knowingly and suddenly, Ness wanted to die right there and then.
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alittledizzy · 1 year
The latest stream where Dream was on call with George (and Sapnap) has really just convinced me that dnf is real more than anything else. The vibe between them right now isn't overt flirtatious we need the world to know; the vibe between them is soft and settled, a little nervous and unsure not with each other but with what they're showing on camera.
Dream is more comfortable verbally, it's clear; he can work their audience more. He also has less shame with being blunt to the audience when he feels like he needs to, and we may not know the motives behind that. But Dream also is the one making big overtures; saying he's in love on stage, speaking in terms of being in a relationship, the lyrics of his music fitting very specific situations.
So Dream is big picture. And George is small picture, small moments. George and the expressions on his face - the soft smile verging on adoration when he's watching Dream sing, the way he didn't even want to look directly at the camera when Dream was on a call, the bashful smile when Dream tweeted about the anniversary, the way the joke for George has become 'dnf isn't real' (it's marketing!) isntead of the joke being 'dnf is real.' Even the way George wouldn't directly address or dismiss the chain he wears when being teased about it; George will joke unendingly about every topic in the world except those certain ones and with those things his expression just gives everything away.
I know a lot of people expected the music to culminate in some big third act confession or announcement about a relationship, but that's just not now real life works. To me this looks like two men that have spent the past year getting a point where they are really fucking happy and in love and they did that primarily by not putting their feelings out there to the audience first. They've gotten to figure their shit out together and I think that privacy is and will continue to be important to them. Dream will always make big gestures but be slightly contradictory on a day to day basis; George will always be the one that gives the entire game away just with the expression on his face even if he's tight lipped. They will probably continue to tiptoe around each other on streams until they've worked out a comfortable balance with 'dnf for an audience' side by side with 'Dream and George, who are partners in life' that doesn't feel too vulnerable and expose too much.
And I guess my entire purpose with this post is just to say that I know some people are disappointed in this era of them and think dnf doesn't feel like it used to but... like, that's it, you know? They were long distance and the internet was their touchstone to each other, and now it isn't. If things were exactly the same now as a year ago, I'd probably be less of a truther. So I'm perfectly happy with the status quo and excited to see the breadcrumbs of their actual life together.
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mikauhso · 8 months
Small fandom rant, feel free not to read.
I don’t really care what an artist has done as a person, unless they’re like literally hitler or someone who you’d punch in public for their crimes, I find it a bit sad and annoying how so many artists online are willing to tear down someone else’s art to say “I did it better.” It’s one thing to give constructive crit in good faith, and it’s another to make an OC-ified version of canon out of your love for something, but creating something out of spite will almost always ring hollow for me. I see so much good art duct taped to posts about how “here I fixed it” or “lol you can’t draw” and I think back to the time when I learned the phrase, “you’ll attract more flies with honey than vinegar.” It disheartens me to see artists and people I’d know to be kind and constructive not extend the same kind of care hey show irl to someone online based on their parasocial relation to them. It’s such a low-stakes game and people will act like a mid show having characters they enjoy is the end of the world, and in doing so will take personal snipes and make insults at the art instead of addressing the actual problem head on, because it’s easier to derail and funnel attention and love towards yourself instead of ask that others improve. I love redesigns born of love. I love rewrites that try to see an artist’s vision, but at a certain point I wonder if people even like what they’re making art about or if they’re slapping something recognizable over top of it in order to ride trends.
The internet normalizes clout chasing to the point where I feel like we do it almost instinctively. That little insult or sly comment at the end of a post, that’ll sway people to your side. Saying why you don’t like some person despite not knowing them. It’s valid to have your opinions but I wish people would act like they would in the real world. You wouldn’t go around and scream at someone who you saw post this one thing one time. You wouldn’t punch someone based on a rumor, or verbally berate them in a restaurant. Yet people post so much shit online and it’s so normalized that we don’t even register it as a sign to log off anymore.
I feel like social media is something incredibly important for communication, but it’s currently designed in a way that centers ourselves and how much dopamine we can get, whether it’s at the expense of others, ourselves, etc. And we’re part of the problem too, we refuse to change and recognize that maybe internet points aren’t worth it and maybe it shouldn’t matter what people think of us. And maybe it’s an opinion I have but I shouldn’t judge someone based on what fraction they put out on the internet of themselves. Maybe I should cook myself a snack or go out for a walk or sit on the balcony or in the yard, talk to a friend face to face. Again, I love what the internet has done for accessibility but every accessible thing is locked behind a service designed to ignore vitriol and anger towards one another.
I guess I fall prey to this too, but I’ve seen this pattern happen again and again and again. There are people behind everything that’s made, and unless it’s ai or something stolen, an artist put their time and heart into it. It’s part of the game to have tough skin but I wish it didn’t have to be a necessity because of spiteful people.
I guess I should add an addendum, this is about a pattern I’ve seen in many a fandom. This isn’t about the morality of a show’s crew or whatever, that’s a conversation for another day that I’m not getting involved in because the personal lives of others are no business of mine. Hah, there I go again. But in all seriousness. I’ve seen it in Hazbin Hotel. I’ve seen it with High Guardian Spice. Velma. Steven universe. The owl house. Any new show I’ve seen come out where someone decides to have a moment and say “I will create out of spite and a need to be seen.” I wish artists didn’t feel the need to ride trends and that we’d value each others’ work as much as something put out by Disney. But that too, is a post for another day.
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talenlee · 23 days
Game Pile: The Arilou
New Post has been published on https://press.invincible.ink/game-pile-the-arilou/
Game Pile: The Arilou
In consideration of science fiction storytelling there are some problems that kind of have to be tangled with between the realism of here and now and the fantastic of the story can intersect. It’s because there’s a hypothetical attenuation between the scientific of the genre, the way that things need to be built out of conventions and frameworks we’re already familiar with. Sometimes this can be done with single, deeply, and fundamentally important boundaries on reality, like how in Mass Effect there’s the introduction of a new, single element one level higher than Hydrogen, and its presence allows for all the stuff in that universe that we conventionally consider to have broken the rules of our reality.
One of those challenges is the Fermi Paradox, which is – simplified – ‘hey, where are all the aliens, bro?’ If there are a lot of aliens and we’ve had a lot of time, surely we’d see some sign of them, and we haven’t. This puzzle is at the heart of a lot of different science fiction stories. Sometimes it’s addressed, sometimes it’s central to the whole narrative (spoilers for The Three Body Problem I suppose), and sometimes, in a story big enough, it just gets to be a detail in amongst many.
In Star Control 2, there is a species of little green humanoids that fly around in strange saucers that don’t behave according to the laws of physics the way that other species’ space ships do. They’re called the Arilou, or more formally the Arilou Lalee’lay, and they speak to humans as delightful tricksters who are here to help us and guide us through the stars.
They like to use the term ‘enigmatic,’ which is a good term for it. They do things that don’t seem to make much sense. Now, part of the challenge with all of this is that when you’re dealing with alien civilisations, hypothetically they should have some sense of individuality and cultural variety just by dint of having such large numbers, and yet, the genre that Star Control lives in is that there are [The culture] and then occasionally, like Admiral Vux or Fwiffo, you get individuals from that culture. Complicating this further are some cultures that aren’t cultures – the Mycosynth and Orz in particular.
Spoilers for the Orz I guess.
Anyway, the Arilou project a uniformity of purpose, a univocality of culture, and that means that their reasons are inscrutable. They appeared out of nowhere to join an alliance, but only once humans did. Then when humans were enslaved by the Ur-Quan (we’ve talked about them before), the Arilou also disappeared. They then rejoined the normal world when the humans sought them out, all because of their special, mysterious connection with humans.
Anyway, the Arilou are kinda dicks?
See, if you asked the rest of our galaxy about them, they had no idea they existed, which is pretty odd. After all, they’re very technologically advanced and somehow did everything without trading with other people. They know a lot about everything in the whole of the sector and they interact freely with them as soon as Humans are involved. And bear in mind, that’s Humans Humans. There are two cultures in the Star Control Universe that provide a wrinkle to what it means to be humans.
Most obviously, there are the Androsynth. They are uh, they’re humans? They are definitively and actually humans. They’re cloned humans who have left the Earth and undergone whatever modest genetic translation you can do across a few generations, which is nothing fit enough to guide towards speciation. Androsynth and humans could absolutely interbreed, if not for the fact the Androsynth regard humans as being a bunch of slave-keeping assholes.
Which they are.
But that’s not all, because there’s also the Syreen. Syreen were originally conceived as a kind of Sexy Space Succubus, but in Star Control 2 they were fleshed out into a fully realised culture of their own. They’re a culture of predominantly women who are completely genetically compatible with humans, which, if you’re curious about such things, means they’re basically humans. Of course the question about why the Syreen are like that is a huge puzzle for the universe to answer, and the weird thing is there’s actually a pretty obvious answer as to why there’s a culture of nonhuman humans parked a few hundred light years away.
That answer is ‘probably something the Arilou did.’
But the Arilou don’t care about the Syreen. We know this because the Syreen were the people who witnessed the way that the Arilou abandoned the universe the second humans were slave-shielded. In fact, this led to the Syreen being defeated by the Ur-Quan and that’s why the Syreen call the Arilou a bunch of weasels.
Here’s the thing: The Arilou have fucked with humanity. The nature of Star Control 2 is that it is a world whose narratives leave a lot of questions because the why of how things ended up the way they are isn’t as important as the what the player gets to do in the discovering of it. To that end, what I can tell you about the Arilou is something with no greater answer, complicated further by the fact that the source for it is largely diegetic information from the Arilou themselves.
The Arilou assert that they want to preserve humanity from interactions with entities that exist. These entities, they claim, are fundamentally dangerous to humans, and therefore, the Arilou have changed humanity, like all of humanity so as to not be noticeable to them. They do this, and then also hide their own influence on humans, their presence in our history, their homeworld and a bunch of other stuff because they believe that ignorance is the humans’ best protection.
This belief is such that when they discover Humans know things, they bemoan them because the knowledge of things like the presence of the Orz or the way that Arilou travel through space is something that’s going to create problems for them later down the line. This ignorance and this enshrinement of it, complete with their discussion of keeping secrets from humans seems to indicate that they were doing things to keep us from finding out about other alien cultures.
When I talk about the science fiction speculation of Star Control, it’s not like I’m talking about it as a fundamentally predictive kind of text. It’s a science fiction story built out of the ideas of science fiction of its time, and there’s no reason any of this stuff needs to be built out of any kind of reasonable science. It’s wild to me that when Star Control 2 released, exoplanets were a theory (a pretty well justified theory). Now they’re confirmed facts. It isn’t even that remarkable a thing, when you think about it — the idea other stars wouldn’t have planets would be such a weird idea as to be impossible.
Every time we learn a bit more about the universe, in so doing, we discover the parameters that play with the edges of these big questions. Why aren’t there, why are there, how common is this, and the beautiful thing about it is that knowing these things are deducing actual answers to actual questions and we may know those questions better — and their potential answers — comes from being able to play with them, to see these ideas used in the media around us.
And in Star Control 2, this question of why are we alone has an answer that introduces you to the question.
The Arilou are why we are alone.
Because they were looking for things to make that way.
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fancyfade · 7 months
damian: 2,4, 6, 8. babs and cass: 2, 4,6 , 8 , 11
2 Favorite canon thing about this character?
ahhh this one is gonna be so hard to think of. I mean in like all 3 cases it's "their personality" but XD Trying to get more specific than that
Damian: the gradual-ness of his character arc and how realistic his reaction to suddenly being asked to change how he does everything is written. Damian changes his behavior (no longer killing people) long before he changes his beliefs (it's OK to kill some people). We also see how he understandably cares about saving civilians long before he cares about preserving villains lives which makes sense both from a 'duh' perspective and from a 'logically damian would be raised to believe that he's saving the world' perspective.
I also like the general rough edges his character has, like even long after he's become very conventionally 'moral' I guess (like in Robin: Son of batman where he's like undeniably heroic and trying to make up for every bad thing he did) he still doesn't come across as super conventionally 'nice'.
Her self isolation and bad-decision making tendencies have me captivated.
ok /j but :P I love how independent she is and how she responds to trauma and how we see her incredibly reluctant to reach out to people around her. I love when she approaches problems from a nexus of control even though she would hate it if people approached her problems from that POV.
She's a fun character who often does make missteps in her personal relationships but nevertheless always tries to correct them
Cass I love her perfectionism and the way she approaches her problems. even though I mentioned in Damian's answer that I loved how gradual his character arc and un-learning assassin stuff was, I also love how sudden Cass leaving Cain was*. It works completely for her characterization.
Then the way she approaches her problem (of having killed someone) is completely all-in cass-y. Cass is trying to grapple with what she did as a child (and I saw some really convincing meta about how the guilt she felt from killing the guy was not necessarily due to seeing his pain, as she'd seen pain before, but due to not understanding his death, i'll dig it up soon: EDIT FOUND IT (link)). Her thing is very simple: she killed someone so she deserves to die. She won't kill herself, but she has very little regard for her own life and is perfectly fine going out saving people. and the way she approaches her guilt pre her Shiva arc often goes from a kind of projecting on people I think (where she projects her own guilt on the guy she breaks out of death row when the mother of his victim approaches her, she gives him back to go to his death, she returns a kid to her mom who is exploiting for her talents rather than her criminal father who loves her) and then when she's dealt with her own guilt she can address people in a way that does not quite have that specter of guilt hanging over her.
*tho important note: I don't think that Cass leaving Cain was her character arc, it's a backstory detail
4: f you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I would put them all in a well-adapted live action movie so more people know about them :P Unless this is like straight up drop them into an already existing fictional universe, it's unclear. Like I like thinking of a 'Batfam as Jedi' AU for one tumblr post for example, but I don't really care enough about 'characters in alternate universe' to need to see it in a fully developed story. A lot of what makes them unique and fun is specific to the universe.
6 What’s something you have in common with this character?
Babs: Self isolation. Also wheelchair using :P
Damian and Cass: General perfectionism
8 What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Damian: Either uwu baby-ifying him so whichever fave can take care of him and protect him at the expense of his canonical competence or acting like he's a terrible person and any time DC writes character assassination for him it was IC because he's always a terrible person.
Cass: forgetting she exists, having her there to just prop up Tim or Jason (Jason ???????), diminishing her competence to prop up some batboy and act like they can easily 'hack' her abilities.
Babs: babsgirl stuff. also people who remember with perfect clarity every jerk thing she hdid and use it against her t osay she's a terrible person (instead of just like. a realistic person with flaws) but conveniently ignore when their favorite batboy did similar things, oftentimes without even trying to make amends.
11 Would you date this character? (just babs and cass)
I would not date either of them sorry ladies. I love you but i'm already mentally ill I don't need more people's issues and emotional constipation
ty for asks! Asks from here (link)
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