#I have a riddle cater trey friend fic I wanna write
cerealmonster15 · 7 months
I get very startled anytime someone here says they have read my fics bc like. Idk even tho I post them here and I li k back to this blog on the ao3 posts I’m not really Aware of what ppl are doing or why they followed me. Like if there’s a revlog or comment on the tumblr post sure or if there’s an ao3 comment w/a similar username Maybe ya But. I don’t have kudos emails on. Idk where people come from when they follow me from seemingly out of nowhere. I make post and someone goes “I see post” and I go WHERE did you come from. how could you possibly see this thing I publicly put on the internet to be seen lol.
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duchess-kyuupid · 11 months
Doors or Wheels? [TWST]
It's time for the TWST gang to answer one of life's most weirdest questions. Are there more doors or wheels in the world?
[Not even a fic, just some crack on how everyone would react if you asked them this question]
Riddle: "What a silly question. Of course there's more wheels. "
Trey: "Uhm... Wheels, probably? When you add in gears, it makes sense."
Cater: "Oh? Hmm... I think it's gotta be doors, right? Hold on, let me go ask my Magicam followers!"
Deuce + Ace: Do NOT get them started on this again. They were already arguing about this last week and they STILL haven't gotten over it.
Leona: "Did you really wake me up to ask that? Well, herbivore, why don't you go find out for yourself with that smart brain of yours? Go count them."
Jack: "Doors, probably? Like kitchen cabinet doors. And there's a lot of doors around campus too."
Ruggie: "If you give me 500,000 Thaumarks, I'll go find out for you."
Azul: "Neither doors nor wheels are used very often in the sea, and yet you expect me to know which are more common on land? ... You can leave the VIP room now." The next day he walks up to you in full confidence and says, "Doors."
Floyd: "Don't know. Don't care. Not in the mood. Now go away, shrimpy, before I squeeze you to death."
Jade: "Oh, please excuse his rudeness. Azul just rejected his idea to refurnish the Lounge with string lights. In any case, I believe the answer would be wheels."
Kalim: "Doors! No- wait, wheels! Oh, but what about- AH! I can't pick! There's so many of both! How can there be so many??"
Jamil: "Have you been drinking?"
Vil: "What sort of absolutely nonsensical question is that? Don't tell me you've been spending too much time around those Heartslabyul troublemakers, have you? You're better than that, little potato."
Epel: "Erhm... Why are you even asking that?"
Rook: He doesn't even answer the question. He instead goes into a long tangent about the beauty of figuring out the answer. He ends up writing an award-winning poem titled, 'The Real Wheel Before the Door' in which he lists every single item that contains either a wheel or a door in perfect rhyme (with some French mixed in).
Idia: "I don't know, ask Ortho. Now go away, I'm trying to grind for this limited-time gacha..."
Ortho: "Processing request... Counting all available doors and wheels within 300 meters.... Processing complete. There are approximately 3,247 of wheels and 2,489 doors on campus. With that in mind, I have computed that there are approximately 46.2% more wheels than doors in the world."
Malleus: "Child of man, are you asking me to go count them for you?" He thinks for a moment before nodding with a smile, "This must be one of those 'friend' activities that Lilia told me about. Of course I'll go count them. Hopefully I'll be back with an answer that will satisfy you, my dear friend." And he disappears. You feel bad that you asked him.
Lilia: "Oya? You wanna bet some money on it?" He says as if he hasn't already counted them before... Don't ask me why he did it, because I don't know either.
Silver: "There is an equal number of both. Probably."
Grim: "I'd rather there be more tuna than either one."
Crowley: "My! You clearly have a bit too much time on your hands to be asking me such a strange question! Could you spare some of that precious time to do this thing for me- I mean us! For the benefit of the whole school, no- the WORLD! Thank you in advance, Prefect, I knew you were just as generous as I."
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Gn reader
(THIS ISNT ACTUAL NRC. Just there are actually other gender than boys 😨)
This is Reader x All!
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“Have you heard that a new play will be happening?”
“Yeah, I’ve heard. Apparently they already chose one of the love interests of the story!”
“Really who is it?!”
The gossip of the two girls that say near Ace and Deuce interested them very much.
“I heard it’s gonna be Y/N!”
Now all of the sudden Ace and Deuce where theater kids. And that didn’t end there. Now apparently many lovely boys and girls wish to play the part of the “Heroic love interest” to get a chance you kiss Y/n.
All of the people who wished for the role were ass.(Apparently to the judges.) Well except for 21 very unique students. Riddle, Trey, Cater, Deuce,Ace, Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Floyd, Jade, Azul, (YOU KNOW WHO ELSE IM NOT WRITING EVERYONE….), Kalim,Jamil, Vil, Epel, Rook, Idia, Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, and Silver.
All boys were perfect love interests for you, but the judges had thought of them as all equal acting skills. (realistically most would be butt cheeks but oh wells man) Some don’t even know how Idia got in here? But the judges had came up with the quickest solution ever. Through out the story the boys will switch out with each other. They would all wear the same outfits and all wear wigs. (Some would wear platform boots to match the height of the supposed character.[short asses😨] ) The play was about 3 hours and 50 minutes, so each boy would get ten minutes with you. And the kiss is around the 3 hours and 30 minutes mark. So now all the boys are slowly calculating who would kiss you,(some calculated slow than other but thats okay) and the boys came to a conclusion you would kiss AZUL! (THE CROWD GASPS 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Now there was only one problem…They all wanna kiss you on the little lips. So now each of them are scheming each others down falls. Isn’t that splendid!
And now finally comes the day of the play. Half of the students in the theater were there to see Y/n and the other half was to watch their personal ships of y/n x [character] sail. I mean we love a balanced fan base. Besides the point, backstage there stood all 21 boys glaring at each intensely, some just smiled and glared. But the boys focused their glares more on Azul. Azul just had a sly smirk while thinking how king triton had given him so much luck. Footsteps were able to be heard and the boys slowly turned their heads to the sound. Their stood you in all your beauty. You wore some medieval clothes that you preferred. Now this made the boys want to sabotage Azul even more, while Azul just wants to faint from your beauty.
Its a few minutes before the play starts, when suddenly a large bang of a door is heard. “WHAT THE HELL!?” Ace’s voiced could be heard in the front and now the guest were worried. In walked in the man himself…..
It was shrek. SHREK RUSHES IN THROUGH THE DORR HE JUSTED SLAMED OPEN AND HE SLOWLY WALKS UP TO YOU. “Y/n L/n, I ask of you a favor. Will you run away with me to my swamp?” Shrek’s eyes stare at you awaiting your answer. WHEN SUDDENLY, ONE OF THE CEILING TILES FALL DOWN. The ceiling tile hits Trey and knocks him out. But who comes down from the ceiling tiles?
Its BARNEY, YES THAT PURPLE DINOSAUR. “STOP Y/N DO NOT ACCEPT HIS PROPOSAL!!!BECAUSE IF YOU RUN AWAY WITH HIM, YOU WILL LEAVE ME YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND BEHIND!SO STAY WITH ME INSTEAD Y/N!” Barney now held your hand on one knee. You weren’t able to comprehend wtf just happened. As you were about to say something, a big force punches both Barney and Shrek. And the one who punched them was….A CAT? Oh wait, it was pusheen. Pusheen meows at you to just go back home with your family and pusheen. This time you knew the exact answer, “Okay!” You pick up Pusheen and walk out of the theater. And the boys stood there flabbergasted at what just happened. And in the end no one got to kiss you.
The End
Also happy april fools man, THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL SERIOUS FIC. I made this during 2-3am so yeaaaaa. (I can’t believe my first writing post is for april fools 😔 Also probably add the header blocker thing later)
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
so feel free to ignore this bUUTTT we're always hearing abt characters u enjoy writing but is there any characters you dislike or find difficult to write???
There actually is! So basically all of Heartlabyul is a STRUGGLE, which sucks because when I do the dorm posts I go in order and start with them. It’s mainly Riddle, Ace, and Deuce. I love them but damn it’s hard for me to write them. Trey and Cater are hit or miss for me; sometimes I’m in the mood to write them and sometimes I’m groaning in frustration.
Then there’s Epel, since I just…I dunno? I see him as a feral little goblin soft boy Aesthetic and I’m not a fan. Would I be besties with him? Mayhaps.
Then Scarabia is also a pain in the butt. I love Kalim with all my heart but as a bestie. Jamil isn’t my type either so when I try writing him my head goes “Eh”.
Also Leona. My friends all love him, I love him, but I wanna punch him in the face anytime he smirks.
I don’t even wanna ATTEMPT Neige or Vargas.
Also Ortho is kinda hard to write because I’m the youngest sibling and have no clue how to write for him? I try my best because I love the baby but oh my goodness is it a slog.
I have yet to write any of the staff so I dunno how I’d be writing them. First few fics would probably be a bit OOC but I think I could do the rest?
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writesology · 2 years
Do you write TWST fics? I would love to see Riddle x Ace! They crush me so hard with their relationship assfghkljfghsh- you should write something like chapter 6 but heartslabyul teaching Riddle how to game❤️
ohoho anon you have wonderful timing i have so much heartslabyul brainrot
Let's Play A Game
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover
Relationships: Riddle Rosehearts/Ace Trappola
Word count: 3.0k+
or read on AO3 here
At first, Riddle had only come out of his room for an evening tea break after completing the weekend’s homework, but the laughter coming from the lounge had piqued his interest.
He turned the corner and saw his friends (the word still felt strange in his mind, but he found it pleasant) sitting on the couch with controllers in their hands. “What game are you four playing?” Riddle asked, observing the TV screen as he approached. 
“Eh, you don’t know what this is, Riddle-kun? It’s only Fauna Crossroads, the hottest new game around,” Cater said, laughing. “I got it right on release day, and then roped Trey and the freshies into it as well!”
The redhead sighed, shaking his head. “Cater, you already know I don’t keep up with such trivial things.”
“Still, it’s surprising you don’t know what Fauna Crossroads is, dorm head,” Ace chirped from beside Trey, ignoring Deuce’s suddenly horrified look. “It’s the only thing everyone in the dorm has been able to talk about for a week now.”
“It must be a riveting game then. How do you win?”
“Um… there is no goal, dorm head! You just have to build your island to the best of your ability,” Deuce exclaimed, gesturing to where their four avatars stood. 
Riddle gazed at the screen strangely, tilting his head a little. “So am I correct in assuming, then, that there are no rules to this game either?”
“Well, there’s rules of etiquette since we’re all sharing the same island, but beyond that, no,” Trey answered with a smile. “It might be a good game for you, Riddle. Didn’t you tell me once that you wanted to try living without so many rules? Maybe playing this can help you loosen up a little. Care to try?”
“I… alright, I suppose so.” The redhead took the controller that Ace handed him. “However, there’s still the problem of my not knowing how to play. I’ve never done this kind of thing before.”
“Don’t worry, Riddle-kun!” Cater grinned at him, waving his controller as he started setting up a new account. “We’ll be sure to teach you everything you need to know!”
“Alright, dorm head! First things first, you need to make a character that looks just like you,” Ace announced, pulling out his phone and showing Riddle pictures of their four avatars. “It’s part of the game’s charm!”
“Incredible… they actually look like you four! You even got the card suits right,” Riddle laughed, surprised but delighted all the same. “Though I doubt I can do the same, considering my hair isn’t as easy to replicate as card suits are.”
“As long as you get something close, you should be alright,” Trey said. “Want us to help?”
“No, I think I’ll be able to manage. It shouldn’t be that difficult.” The redhead grasped the controller in his hands and focused on the screen as he clicked through the various options. “There. Does that look close?”
“Even without the signature heart, I can already tell that’s you, Riddle-kun! Looking adorable as always!”
“And now that you have a character, you can find a place on our island to put your tent, Riddle.”
“Tent? But you all have houses, no?”
“You have to start off with a tent first, dorm head, and then they put your house where your tent is later. I just so happen to have an empty space near my house,” Deuce said, glancing at Ace with a smirk.
“Oi, oi. If dorm head’s going to be anyone’s neighbor, it’ll be me,” Ace retaliated, standing up and glaring at Deuce.
Deuce stood with a frigid glare, hands balling into fists as he moved to meet Ace behind the couch. “Yeah? You wanna test me, Ace?!”
“And so what if I do?” As the two of them glared at each other, Trey and Cater pulled their magical pens out almost in sync, casting spells to separate the two freshmen.
While Ace and Deuce were still shouting at each other, spells holding them in place, Riddle's avatar ran around the island until he found a spot beside a waterfall and a small red house surrounded by heart-themed items.
“This looks like a nice place. I assume this is Ace’s house, then?” Ace and Deuce suddenly stopped fighting, Riddle waiting for their response as the spells were released and Trey and Cater watched in something akin to terror. 
Ace grinned, plopping down on the couch beside the redhead. “Sure is, dorm head!” Riddle smiled and nodded as his character set the tent up in that spot. “I knew you’d choose to be neighbors with me!” 
“And what’s that supposed to mean, huh?!”
“Alright, let’s calm down, you two.” Trey guided Deuce back to the couch and sat him down near the edge. “Now that Riddle’s got his tent set up, we can all play together.”
“Yes~ I can finally get some beautiful island screenshots with Riddle-kun!”
“I’m certainly looking forward to it. Let’s get this game started, then.”
“...and that’s how you pay your loans off and upgrade your house,” Cater finished, pushing a button and paying the last few thousand gold coins towards his loan. He grinned as everyone’s characters started clapping. “Just you wait, tomorrow I’ll have a second floor!”
“I see. Thank you, Cater, that was extremely helpful,” Riddle said, nodding. “And I’m supposed to earn money by selling things, correct?”
“Yep! Fish, bugs, seashells, fruit- whatever natural stuff you find on the island, you can sell! I say natural because there’s stuff on the island you probably shouldn’t sell, like all those decorations in front of our houses. Those are there for the island aesthetic, not for money, ok~?”
“Understood. I think I’m prepared enough to keep up with you four now.”
“Great! Now we can give you welcome gifts!”
“E-eh?!” Riddle’s eyes went wide in a look of surprise. “Welcome gifts? You really don’t have to-”
Ace chuckled, patting Riddle’s back with his free hand. “Ah, don’t be shy, dorm head! Cater-senpai’s been wanting to get you to play since he got the game, you know?”
“Besides, it’s kind of a tradition as of now. Everyone on the island gives a little something to the new neighbor,” Trey said with a smile. “And while I’m at it, my present to you- a few crafting and baking recipes. But if you ever want to try baking for real, you know where to find me.” Trey’s avatar dropped some papers on the ground, which Riddle quickly picked up with a silent nod of thanks.
“Ehe~ I knew you would give something like that, Trey! You’ve been making treats for everyone as long as I can remember. Anyway, if you won’t go clothes shopping with me IRL, you have to go with me in-game, ok Riddle-kun~? Here’s some clothes to start off your wardrobe, all Diamond-approved!” 
“And I have furniture to put in your house when you get one, dorm head!” Both Deuce and Cater’s avatars started putting things down, only stopping after they were all surrounded with things, and Riddle started to pick it all up.
“This is quite a lot, isn’t it… thank you, everyone. I’ll be sure to put it all to good use.”
Ace laughed nervously, turning away from Riddle. “Well, with all this good stuff, surely you don’t need anything else! Right, dorm head?”
“I still have space in my inventory, and even if I’m not so sure what to do with everything, I’ll figure it out eventually.” Riddle came to a realization, and his eyes narrowed. “Are you asking because you didn’t prepare accordingly?”
“N-no, I did, promise! It’s just… really stupid. And I don’t think it’s enough after all the stuff everyone else gave you.”
Riddle smiled warmly at him, making Ace’s heart skip a beat. “To be completely honest, the fact that you all cared enough to have gifts for me… it’s an amazing feeling. So whatever it is, Ace, I’m sure it’ll be wonderful.”
“F-fine! Here.” Ace’s character dropped two bags to the ground. “They’re rose seeds. Both red and white, since I'm sure there's a rule somewhere that talks about rose color, or something like that.”
“So you can remember the rules if you put your mind to it.” Ace squawked indignantly, and Riddle laughed alongside Trey and Cater. “But in all seriousness, this is very thoughtful of you. Hopefully, you can see them around my house as soon as I figure out how to plant them.”
“Riddle, you know you don’t actually have a house yet, right? All you’re getting is a tent until you can pay off the first loan.”
“Ah, that’s right… I haven’t really seen anything I can sell so far, so it doesn’t seem like I can start just yet.”
“There’s a fish in the river right over there, Riddle-kun! Here, take my rod and fish it up! Can’t wait to see what you get~” Cater tossed his rod to the ground, and the redhead picked it up before casting it into the water.
It wasn’t long before the fish noticed and started nibbling on it, and they patiently waited until the bait sunk. The redhead immediately started pushing the button, and the other four cheered as the fish was slowly reeled in. 
“Ah! I got it!” Riddle beamed as the fish was pulled out of the river, and his character caught it before proudly showing it off. “It’s… a goldfish.”
“Hey, you caught yourself, dorm head! Nice going,” Ace exclaimed, clearly amused. At the confused looks of the other three, he explained, unable to stop smiling. “You know how Floyd-senpai has a nickname for everyone based on marine life, right? Well, he likes to call dorm head ‘goldfishie’!”
“A nickname I really wish he’d stop using.” Cater began to laugh, Trey and Deuce joining in, and Riddle’s face turned red out of embarrassment. “S-stop laughing! I am not a goldfish!”
Ace smiled lazily as he stood, gazed at Riddle, and started speaking in an imitation of Floyd. “But you’re small and red, so you’re a goldfish!”
“Gh… Cater. Take your rod back.” Riddle’s avatar tucked the goldfish away and put the rod back on the ground, which Cater dutifully picked up with a giggle.
“Alright guys, let’s pack it up. As much as I’d like to keep playing, it’s almost time for lights out,” Trey said, ignoring Ace and Deuce’s protests. “We don’t have school tomorrow since it’s a weekend, so we can always play again then.”
“Trey is right. As intriguing as this game is, I hardly think it should cut into other things, especially not something as important as sleep.” Riddle handed his controller to Cater as he stood. “Right, I’ll be off to bed now. Goodnight.” He smiled as everyone bid him goodnight, and headed off to his room for bed.
…was what he thought would happen. Riddle groaned as he turned and buried his face into the pillows, desperately trying to fall asleep. He squeezed his eyes shut, tossing the blankets over himself, and waited as he tried his best to relax. When nothing happened, the redhead opened his eyes again and sighed.
He could ignore it all he wanted, but Riddle knew what was keeping him up- he really wanted to play that game again.
Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, he slid off his bed and silently slipped out the door. He made his way through the hallways, hoping that no one was awake, but when he got to the lounge, he saw a faint light coming from the couch.
Sneaking closer revealed Ace, quietly humming as he played Fauna Crossroads on Cater’s console, and Riddle smirked once he realized that the other boy didn’t yet know he was there. “Ace. What are you doing awake at this hour?” He asked.
“Gyah! D-dorm head?!” Ace screamed, whirling around in surprise. Then his voice dropped to a whisper, and he put his hands together in a beg for forgiveness. “Damn, I didn’t know you’d be up too… please, please don’t collar me! I’m sorry for staying up past lights out!”
“I’m kidding, Ace. I could hardly collar you for playing the game this late, when… I also came here for that exact purpose.”
“Heh, really? What happened to this game not cutting into more important things, dorm head?” Ace chuckled at Riddle’s pout and patted the spot next to him, prompting the redhead to sit and accept the controller he was given. 
“The voice in my head telling me to stop thinking about something so foolish… it sounded a lot like my mother,” Riddle explained as he leaned against Ace. “I wanted to follow my own whims for a change, instead of always obeying her command.”
“Your life, your rules! I’m definitely not gonna complain, especially after you promised not to collar me. What’s the plan, dorm head?”
“I, for one, want a house like the rest of you. I believe Cater told me it was 5000 gold for that.”
“Hey, I’m close to an upgrade too! We should look for things to sell together if you’re up for it.”
“I’d be delighted to, as long as I don’t catch another goldfish.”
“Alright, score another fish for me! My pockets will be full of fish at this rate,” Ace quietly exclaimed, grinning as his character tucked the fish away. “How’s it goin’ on your end, dorm head?”
“Well enough, though I highly doubt that this’ll add up to 5000,” Riddle sighed, shaking his head. “At least there are still mo- Ace. Ace, what is that?”
“What’s what?”
“That… black thing! Scuttling near me!”
Ace squinted, then flinched as he realized what it was. “Oh great Seven- ok, dorm head, don’t move an inch.” Ace’s avatar pulled out a net and crouched as he approached. “We’ll be fine as long as we don’t startle it.”
Riddle froze in fear as his voice dropped to a low hiss. “But what is that?!”
“It’s a scorpion, dorm head! If it runs into you, you’ll black out!”
“Eh?! Isn’t that dangerous?!”
“Relax, I know how to catch ‘em! Cater-senpai taught us how when Deuce ran into one. Besides, these things sell for a lot, y’know? I bet one of these can pay off your loan fully!”
“Ace, I swear to the Seven, if you mess this up, it is off with your head!”
“I won’t screw up, promise! I’m your ace, remember? You can count on me for anything- including this, if you don’t move!” 
Ace’s avatar slowly approached the scorpion, and when it finally disappeared under the net, Riddle let out a breath he didn’t even know he’d been holding. “You… actually caught it.” The redhead sighed again, letting his head fall onto Ace’s shoulder. “That was much too close for my liking.”
“I think this is the real reason why Trey-senpai and Cater-senpai don’t want us playing at night, eh? Let’s just sell these and hope we don’t see another one.” Riddle stifled a yawn and merely hummed in reply, and once they reached the shop, they sold everything and paid their loans. Ace laughed as their characters started applauding, already thinking of all the ways he could use his new room. 
“We did it! Congrats on your new house, dorm head!” There was no reply, and he glanced at the other boy. “Dorm head? Riddle?” The redhead shifted, murmuring something unintelligible, and Ace quickly realized that Riddle had fallen asleep on him.
Ace couldn’t help but smile as he slipped the controller out of Riddle’s grasp and used his magic to turn the game off before levitating the console back to its rightful place. Then Ace turned his gaze to Riddle, who had claimed his shoulder as a pillow and was peacefully sleeping without any of his usual stress.
Man, dorm head’s cute when he isn’t angry, he thought to himself. And he isn’t angry right now, so surely it’s alright if I… He leaned forward to gently kiss the top of Riddle’s head and playfully ruffle his hair, and the redhead smiled in his sleep, snuggling even closer. Ace chuckled as he carefully laid his head on top of Riddle’s, and as he slowly drifted off to sleep, he could only say a few words. 
“I love you, dorm head. Goodnight…”
“What do you mean Riddle-kun isn’t in his room?!” Cater exclaimed. “We all saw him go to his room last night!”
“I know, which is precisely why I’m so worried,” Trey replied, running his hand through his hair. “I  don’t know where else he would go.”
“Ace is missing too. Our roommates told me he was there last night, but gone by this morning,” Deuce groaned. “Honestly, if dorm head’s collared him, I’m not giving him any pity this time.”
“We should go look for them. Let’s start in the lounge, since that’s the last place we all saw each other.” Cater and Deuce nodded, and they all ran to the lounge before spreading out and beginning their search. The trio quietly searched for a while, and then Cater made a quiet noise, grinning as he leaned over the couch. 
“Trey-kun, Deuce-chan, I found ‘em,” Cater softly called, snapping pictures with his phone. “Be quiet though. I wouldn’t want them to wake up.”
“Wake up? So does that mean..?” Deuce said curiously, peering over the top of the couch. Both of them were peacefully asleep; Ace’s arms were wrapped around Riddle and the redhead was snuggled on top of Ace’s chest, content to simply stay in their embrace. 
“Looks like Ace-chan and Riddle-kun had a little sleepover together, hehe! Don’t they look so cute like this~?” Cater continued taking pictures from different angles, trying to get as many as he could.
“What are you even going to do with all those pictures,” Trey sighed, using his magic to cover Ace and Riddle with a blanket. “Either way, we shouldn’t wake them up. Let’s go.”
“I don’t want to think of what dorm head will do if we wake him…”
“Fine~ play a bit of Fauna Crossing with me, though?”
“Maybe after breakfast, Cater.”
The three’s footsteps faded and Riddle slowly opened his eyes, carefully listening to make sure that the others weren’t there anymore. He lifted his head to look at Ace’s sleeping form, and the redhead smiled before gently resting his head back down, comforted by Ace’s soft heartbeat.
Reveling in the warmth of the hug, Riddle found himself being lulled back to sleep, but he had to at least get something out. “Thank you for loving me… and I love you too, Ace,” he whispered. It was more to himself than anything, but from the way Ace smiled, Riddle knew that it hadn’t gone unheard.
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intynidad · 3 years
headcanons that my banana brain came up with
hello everyone inty here with some mana potions that I brewed myself hope you enjoy!
(all of this are my personal headcanons is perfectly fine if you think otherwise,please be free to share your own headcanons so we can all enjoy them!)
because of his past if you raise your hand at Riddle (like stretching or trying to get something) he will flinch, only trey knows the reason
riddle drinks a lot of chamomile and lavender tea so he can relax
deuce still has a couple of friends of his ex-“delinquent gang” they are proud of him for looking for a better future and tease him about that when he became a police officer he will go easy on them
ace has a lot of nightmares 
cater has a deep-rooted fear that maybe he is not the “original” carter and is just a clone or that people gonna start liking one of his clones more than him
when Trey started to learn to bake he almost burns down his parent’s bakery 
cater has a secret magicam account where he posts more personal things
all of the heartslabyul gang baby-talks to the hedgehog and flamingos 
ace has a low pain-tolerance
Jack genuinely believes in soulmates
Ruggie is trans 
Leona really cares about Ruggie in a brotherly way because he sees him as the little brother he never had 
jack is demisexual 
Ruggie listens to “mother mother” and his favorite song is “wrecking ball”
jack send letters to his family at least once a week
Leona taught octaville how to use eyeliner and eye shadow 
Leona has a secret diary in which he writes every night, nobody knows about it
jade and floyd had done the thing where they switch hairstyles and pretend to be the other or the “who is who game”
when Floyd discovered what hair dye was he came to the lounge with a different color each day 
Floyd loves bananas (i will not elaborate on this)
Floyd has a sweet tooth unlike jade that prefers salty things
the only pictures that Azul has of his childhood are the ones he is with the twins
Azul was a victim a countless “pranks” that a girl came to “confess her love for him” he fell for it once and is still something that hurts him to this day 
jade knows how to do macrame
floyd is neurodivergent
Kalim is good at drawing
Jamil has the softest hair in all NRC
Kalim is more flexible than Jamil but Jamil has more stamina 
after Jamil overblot, Kalim became his personal cheerleader (he even made pompons)
Kalim has this little notebook where he writes step by step how to do certain things and once he can do it alone he rips the page and puts it in a little box, he dreams of the day that his little notebook has only the cover and no pages 
Kalim has only eaten food that hasn’t been taste-tested made by Jamil and the mc
Jamil likes red poppies and flowers in general
Rook is really good at sewing
Vil eats in a weird way so he won’t mess his lipstick
Rook knows a little bit of Spanish 
when Epel feels lonely he craves apples in the shape of things he remembers from home
since the beach incident in episode 5, Epel and Deuce became really good friends, and they hang out on the weekends 
Epel has a “green thumb”
Ortho likes Nintendo more while Idia likes pc more 
Idia favorite game saga is “the legend of Zelda”
Ortho records every time he sees his brother smile
Idia has dyslexia 
Idia has a collection of weirdly specific enamel pins
Idia doesn’t really need to sleep unlike Ortho that needs to recharge every couple of weeks
Idia has a notebook with “stats” of every person he knows 
Ortho made Idia start to use glasses for screens he didn’t like it at first but now he has like 10+ pairs
Lilia doesn’t know how to cook because of how many time he has been alive so his brain got all the flavors mixed and in war, you can’t actually have the luxury of cooking the tastiest food so he learned to do what he can 
when silver or Sebek has nightmares they go to Lilia’s room 
Malleus discovered what cuddles are and REALLY wanna do it with the mc but is too awkward to ask (omg I love so much this lizard)
Lillia has horrible taste in fashion and he dresses up like a weird toddler
Malleus has another Tamagotchi that he named after us!
when malleus came over for the first time at ramshackle dorm and saw the horrible state that was, he commissioned the headmaster to renovate it and in the meantime, mc can stay in diasominia! (i should write a fic about this)
Silver favorite animal are baby ducklings 
Sebek went from “HUMAN!” (degradation) to “HUMAN!”(affectionate)
Silver has a little plushy Lilia gave him when he was just a baby
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
hi cereal! can you tell me about one of your fave wips you're working on atm? 🥰❤️
Hiiii isaaaa🧡
SO I’m slowly I think coming out of a wip drought bdjnfnggny I kinda went a while without having any inspiration driving me to do anything… but LATELY im getting IDEAS AGAIN and writing them down/rereading my ideas notes app I forgot I had l o l.
It’s pretty much all twst stuff but honorable mention of something that technically is a wip and not just an idea- for dndads there’s a kiss prompt I basically put on the back burner for now bc I Got Too Nervous and stuck on. I’m on mobile so I don’t have a link to the prompt post rn but I was given and and/or choice of these prompts for scam/jodie-
7- French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them.
48- One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s.
And like. I technically started it. I’ve thought a lot about it. I have an idea of the direction I wanna go. I’m just scared LOL scam and jodie are very complicated characters and I have trouble getting into their headspaces (despite scam being one of my fave dndads characters ever LOL). I love them and I love those prompts for them tho.
On the twst side of things….. technically not wips yet bc they’re just ideas I’ve jotted down notes for but, a couple faces of the Many i have written… two I’ve thought of recently actually that I might start writing soon-
Jamiazu- an azul pov starting in their first year and like what goes through azuls mind when he first sees/meets Jamil. He’s said in the game he was interested in him since they were first years, and a few posts pointing out how their student numbers are so far apart means they likely maybe didn’t sit near each other initially… got my gears turning quickly lol I have Thoughts and Feelings!!!
A friend fic about cater riddle and trey post Halloween II event. Potentially exploring trey and riddle being a little more clingy in a protective way towards cater after everything in that event 👀🧡🔥
Teeheehee. Ty for indulging me lol
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