#big heartslabyul thoughts lately
cerealmonster15 · 10 months
I get very startled anytime someone here says they have read my fics bc like. Idk even tho I post them here and I li k back to this blog on the ao3 posts I’m not really Aware of what ppl are doing or why they followed me. Like if there’s a revlog or comment on the tumblr post sure or if there’s an ao3 comment w/a similar username Maybe ya But. I don’t have kudos emails on. Idk where people come from when they follow me from seemingly out of nowhere. I make post and someone goes “I see post” and I go WHERE did you come from. how could you possibly see this thing I publicly put on the internet to be seen lol.
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38riku · 1 month
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𝐁𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐓.𝟐 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗
includes ace and deuce (i was gonna add more but i hate it when i have a lot of drafts) this is part two. you can read part one here
warnings // none.
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Hey, Prefect, guess what day it is. I'll have you know it isn't an unbirthday—it's MY birthday! Which means I'm the star of the day. Wonder what kinda fun things are in store.
to his surprise the two of you had a similar idea of fun. in hindsight it isn't that much of a shock. you guys are together 24/7! as a group, not one on one like now.
there's really nothing different about it.
sure, it's nice having your undivided attention without a pesky feline hogging it. plus he can actually hear your laugh when he jokes. was it always like that? a funky yet endearing sound? probably.
he's starting to notice things that he should've a long time ago and it makes him feel weird.
you're thoughtful, to the point it makes him wanna gag.
"this place better be good. it's my birthday after all so i'm head honcho!" he exclaimed, taking a seat on the opposite side of the booth you shared.
"cater recommended it. i asked him what place in town had the best burgers and viola." you were too busy looking over the menu to see his face, and thank the seven you were, otherwise, you would've notice him gaping like a fish.
"oh! and they serve cherry pie! you think it's as good as — what's wrong with your face?"
jaw on the floor.
he was positive he only mentioned his favorite foods once or twice, yet, you remembered it.
and for a second time, he brushed off the odd feeling bubbling in his chest.
the last time was hard to ignore. you sprung a gift on him last minute before entering campus. it was, ironically, a deck of cards.
"learn a new trick other than a basic sleight." you joked, nudging him slightly. "oh! and don't let riddle see these. all the aces are an ace of hearts." winking, you bid him one more 'happy birthday' before leaving.
they were just a deck of trick cards. it wasn't anything special.
so why was his heart racing?
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Do you have plans later? Actually, no, I should get straight to the point. We're celebrating my birthday at Heartslabyul today. Would you come to the party?
he did it! he asked you, personally.
it may not seem like a big deal but riddle threatened to off his head if he didn't stop pacing. apparently it's against the rules to have inner turmoil on your birthday.
ace asked him why he was nervous. 'it's the prefect, we hang out all the time!' and yes, why that might be true, deuce had never invited done something like that.
delinquents don't have many friends. let alone birthday parties.
"happy birthday deuce-y!" the nickname ricocheted off the walls as you successfully stole the spotlight. "sorry i'm late but riddle said i had to be properly dressed or whatever."
your rant went in one ear and out the other.
he's never seen you dressed up and wow, you cleaned up nicely.
was it shock? freezing up, cheeks flush, trouble speaking, sweaty palms — his symptoms all align with shock. that has to be it.
"thanks for still showing up." he spoke after regaining basic functions. it didn't last long because you hugged him. arms around torso, face to face, lasting more than three seconds hug.
friends hug all the time. he's shared a similar embrace with ace, albeit riddle forced them to, but this is was not like that.
"course I showed up! fancy clothes wasn't gonna stop me from celebrating one of my best friends." your smile reach ear to ear and he struggled to remember if it was always that bright and pretty.
"we both know you're more tenacious than that."
deuce now understands why he was nervous.
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© 2024 — 38riku. Do not copy or repost or plagiarize my work. All Rights Reserved.
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Just like how kalim embodies scarabia's mindfulness in his own way, how do you think other boys embodies their respective dorms spirit?
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For the sake of ease and consistency, I will be using the official TWST localization's terms for each dorm's core value.
Please note: these are my personal interpretations; even the definitions of each dorm’s “spirit” is not explicitly defined within official TWST materials, so I’ll be running with my own definitions before covering each NRC student. Additionally, since I’ll be covering 22 characters in this post I may not have time to get into painstaking detail for each one.
***Main story spoilers (including late book 7) below the cut!!***
The Queen of Hearts' Spirit of Strictness
Literally speaking, strictness refers to following rules or beliefs exactly. There is rigid enforcement of these rules or beliefs, and very few, if any, exceptions or mercy granted.
Right off the bat, it’s easy to see how Riddle aligns with the spirit of strictness. He is the embodiment the law in Heartslabyul, serving as both judge and executioner to his students. Riddle insists that the rules—no matter how nonsensical—be followed, and he does not hesitate to unleash his wrath and collar those who step out of line. He is strictness itself. Beyond book 1, we do see Riddle trying to be more patient and flexible—however, the fact remains that he upholds rules and continues to have trouble with circumstances where he has to think independently or without a set of instructions to refer to.
Trey is known for frequently indulging others and behaving in a manner which some may call kind. The twist here is that Trey’s strictness is present in the “big brother” role he adopts when dealing with his peers. He’s generally more lenient than Riddle, but Trey often alludes to the fact that he shouldn’t be underestimated or thought of as a nice guy. There are moments when Trey gives others their comeuppance for misbehaving (such as in his dorm uniform vignettes, where he deprives first years of cake for complaining about his same-y baked goods). The thing is, most don’t see it coming because he’s typically so… nice. When he wants to be stern and put his foot down, he certainly can—it just isn’t something that happens a lot, since he’s more mild-mannered than his classmates.
Cater is strict with his public image, specifically how his peers view him. This is most obviously seen in his obsession with social media. He's constantly taking pictures and posting, being heavily involved on Magicam—a space where he can control the narrative about the type of person he is and the life he has. Cater keeps up this front in real life as well, acting cheery and sociable with his classmates while masking a far less motivated and sad side to his character. (This is implied in his Lab Wear vignettes, where a mandrake he infuses with his own magic becomes gloomy and huddles into itself.) There are occasions when Cater expresses that he is lonely or that he wishes he had more friends growing up, but he never fully opens up about his true nature. He strictly keeps that part of himself locked up tight and is seemingly afraid of what others would think of that persona.
Like Cater, Deuce is strict with himself. In Deuce's case, this arises from a past of delinquency and the desire to reform and to be an honors student that his mom can be proud of. Because of these goals, Deuce tries very hard to excel in class (but often falls short) and to behave in a way that he believes honors students would. This means changing the way he looks (he let his natural hair color come back in; it used to be bleached blonde), the way he speaks (not using foul language), the way he dresses, and, most importantly, the way he acts. Of course, his temper gets the best of him at times and his delinquent self bubbles back up (like in book 1 when the eggs were ruined), and Deuce is currently working on better repressing that.
Ace is probably the most carefree and the least stereotypically "strict" of the Heartslabyul group. Instead of having a focus on enforcing rules, Ace is usually the one breaking or defying them. How, then, does he embody the Queen of Hearts' spirit of strictness? I believe it comes through in some of Ace's most iconic scenes: the ones where he is calling others out on their bull crap. Time and time again, it's Ace that is bluntly telling others what they're doing or saying is hypocritical or wrong, or that they haven't truly taken accountability. He does this no matter who he is facing, be that his own dorm leader (book 1), an undead bride (Ghost Marriage), or Malleus Draconia himself (Endless Halloween Night). Ace has his own set of morals and beliefs, and he speaks them loud and clear without imposing as harshly as Riddle does.
The King of Beasts' Spirit of Persistence
Persistence is when one continues their course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. In other words, there is an obstacle in the way of achieving a goal, and one persists in the face of that obstacle.
Leona is a somewhat strange case to make for persistence because initially he comes off as a very lazy character. We quickly learn that though he appears unmotivated, he’s comfortable scheming and thinking multiple steps ahead to cut out difficult or unnecessary work. There’s no doubt that Leona has had a challenging childhood, feeling like he was always being compared to his brother and never recognized for his own talents. We feel the effects of Leona losing this hope as late as book 6, when Leona says that Jamil is capable of change, unlike himself. Some fans even speculate that Leona’s dialogue implies he has fallen into depression as a result of frequently being dismissed and put down in spite of his efforts to be seen. Even when Leona is dealing with such trauma, he cooks up a plot to return his dorm to glory and to support its future. He, the lowly second born prince, wants to prove himself and his team of misfits, as being worthy of respect and admiration. When the plans fall through, Leona is quick to give up (which seems to go against the idea of Savanaclaw’s persistence). However, I would say this is part of his character growth in book 2. Later in the main story, Leona also throws in the towel quickly—but it doesn’t contradict his development; he knows when to strategically retreat in book 6.
Ruggie comes from an extremely impoverished background. He has had perhaps the least “cushy” life out of the entire NRC cast. Even so, Ruggie was able to study and work hard enough to earn decent grades, get multiple part-time jobs, and pick up many useful survival skills. He’s street smart and knows that what he lacks in strength he can make up for by sticking to someone who is strong (Leona). (Their relationship is mutually beneficial!!) Ruggie knows that just having money isn’t sustainable in the long run, so he’s hauling ass now to make something of not only himself, but also for all the people in the slums.
Jack embodies persistence through the events of book 2. At first, Jack tries to get Leona to see reason by letting him know that he genuinely is a figure Jack admires. He’s put in a moral dilemma when Leona argues that even if they play dirty, he has good intentions. If Jack interferes, he is messing with the future job prospects of his dorm members. Jack wrestles with the question before ultimately coming to the conclusion that he has to tell others about it—and, what’s more, put his own pride as a lone wolf aside to confront Leona and stop to his machinations.
The Sea Witch's Spirit of Benevolence
Benevolence may refer to meaning well or general kindness and compassion. It involves a willingness to help others and caring for them.
Azul, being at the head of the operations at Octavinelle, passes himself off as a benevolent man who will listen to your woes and grant your wishes. In fact, he does—but at a price. The shady ring he’s running is NOT wholly benevolent; the deals can definitely come across as malevolent in book 3 (when Azul wrote the contracts in such a way that the loopholes could fuck clients over). The deals themselves (assuming no foul play), however, are neutral since both parties agree to the terms. Contracts are written with the idea that they will benefit the clients. And Azul is, of course, also seeking out benefits for himself, as that is the nature of business dealings.
Jade represents a kind of benevolence associated with acts of service. He’s Azul’s right-hand man and information broker—furthermore, much of how Jade presents himself alludes to being a butler or some other supportive role. Jade just generally behaves in a way which benefits others. He acts demure and servile, then uses the trust he has gained through service to ply what he wants out of others. Jade does it so sweetly and so expertly that his prey don’t usually notice, or willfully overlook it, being far too impressed by his abilities to fixate on his ulterior motives. This strategy works even on notoriously stern individuals such as Vil (Jade Dorm Uniform vignettes).
Floyd gives “free hugs” :) is… well, ironically, the “kindest” of the trio in a weird way. While this is highly dependent on his mood, the fact of the matter is that Floyd is the easiest to read in terms of “telegraphing” his actions. If he’s in a bad mood, he usually will not hide it. You know what you’re signing up for as soon as you see him. He also typically doesn’t put forth an effort to manipulate or to scheme like Azul or Jade would; Floyd would prefer to be direct and get it over with already. That, in a sense, is the mercy that he offers: something swift and plain to see.
The Sorcerer of the Sands' Spirit of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a state of being aware of oneself and the present moment. A mindful individual can aknowledge and accept one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. Mindfulness may also extend to being aware of others and perceiving their own states of being.
Kalim is not viewed as the most intelligent or crafty of leaders, but where he shines is in his ability to welcome and to bond with his dorm mates. His emotional intelligence is extremely high, which proves itself to be a useful skill in getting to know others and to earn their trust. Kalim has made a name for himself in Scarabia because he is always there to listen and lend a helping hand to his dormmates. He is unabashedly open about his own emotions too, crying when he is sad and trying hard when he is frustrated or dissatisfied. He often asks to know what is wrong when he senses upset within his classmates and wants to do what he can to rectify those situations. This is peak mindfulness--not only is Kalim acutely aware of his own emotional state, but he's also pretty consistent with sensing those in others (the one big exception here, of course, is Jamil). Sometimes Kalim can be blindsided by his own blind faith in others or his overeagerness causing him to blurt things out unintentionally. He's definitely not perfect in this regard--however, there's plenty of room and willingness to grow and to learn (something which Kalim has expressed both in book 5 and in birthday vignettes).
Jamil more readily fits in with a less savory interpretation of mindfulness. He thinks ahead and uses what he knows of others to manipulate them or put himself in an advantageous position. This notably occurs in book 4 (when Jamil plans to use the feedback of Yuu and the Scarabia members to dethrone Kalim), as well as in events (like Beans Day, where he plans to entrap Kalim when Kalim cooks a fragrant lunch that Jamil purposefully packed for him). He uses what he notices or knows about others (Azul’s shadiness, rumors about Lilia being a bad cook) to avoid interactions which could be less than beneficial to him. Jamil’s main fault is that he fails to recognize people’s strengths (something which Leona calls him out for in book 6), and instead focuses mainly on their weaknesses, shortcomings, and how those could be exploited (mostly because he’s in a position where he cannot outright act in certain ways without suffering some consequences). Jamil is aware of these potential consequences and finds or plans workarounds for them. However, he is also mindful in a more conventional sense too. He’s usually the competent one in Scarabia’s leadership and fulfills the organizational tasks that Kalim doesn’t. The duo is like sun and moon; they balance each other out.
The Beautiful Queen's Spirit of Tenacity
Simply put, tenacity is determination and endurance. One is persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired. Each of the members of Pomefiore knows what they want, and they are stubborn in their pursuit of it.
Vil makes it clear in book 5 that he wants to win VDC/SDC, thereby proving to himself and to the world that he is capable of more than playing the part of a “villain”. He already had high standards for himself prior to book 5 (exercising, doing skincare, maintaining a healthy diet, etc.), but you can see how single minded Vil is toward this one goal. He drives his team members hard and even cancels a major job offer from his manager so he can dedicate all his time and energy into seizing the win. And how many times has Vil lost in the past??? Countless, I bet. Yet here he is, trying again and again, even when he knows that happy endings aren’t guaranteed and his efforts may not bear fruit after all.
Rook pursues any and all things beautiful!! He used to just be content admiring beauty, but with Vil’s prompting, Rook soon also found value in beautifying himself. It means Rook can also put beauty out into the world, and helps him better appreciate other works of art. This man is infamous around campus for his… admittedly creepy and unnerving habits. He follows people around, documents them in photographs, memorizes their personal details, etc. His keen eye has also earned him praise though—Vil can comfortably rely on him for honest feedback, and Neige recognizes him as a dedicated member of his fan club. Rook is nothing if not determined and dedicated to his craft.
Epel is tenacious too, but in a way that Vil would not approve of in all circumstances. Epel is stubborn in his thinking and refuses to let go of his hometown roots. He’s very proud of where he comes from, so he puts up a fight with Vil when Vil demands that Epel address his upperclassmen more politely. Epel sees the command as a threat to himself, and a challenge to the hometown he loves. Additionally, it takes Epel a while to reevaluate his deeply ingrained views on gender norms. He’s all-around very strong-headed!
The King of the Underworld's Spirit of Diligence
Diligence is when one is involved in careful and persistent work or effort. This principle generally governs all of STYX, the blot research organization operated by the Shroud family. Their job is a thankless one—they do such important work, yet it isn’t recognized by the general public due to STYX’s secretive nature.
Idia, as the temporary acting director of STYX in book 6, gets involved in their research. There’s many Phantoms kept in the STYX facility, so there are many safety precautions in place and care taken to ensure no one is harmed. (Ironically, it was Idia’s lack of diligence that led to Ortho’s passing.) Outside of book 6, one can say that Idia has a diligent personality, at least when it comes to his hyperfixations. He becomes dedicated to media that captures his interests to the point where it actually incentivizes him to leave his room (Ghost Marriage) and overcome his meek stutter to speak confidently and lecture people (first Halloween event, his Dorm Uniform vignettes, etc.).
I believe Ortho is diligent in being Idia’s emotional support both before and after Ortho is officially recognized as a separate student. He cheers Idia on and encourages him to touch grass socialize, wishing nothing but the best for his big brother! Ortho wasn’t always like this either; he used to be quite stiff and monotone, and had to learn how to emulate emotions by carefully observing and absorbing media. His motivation in book 6 is also fueled by diligence—Ortho worries about what he can do to support Idia’s wishes, and this is ultimately what drives him to taking over STYX and unleashing the Phantoms. Then, in Fairy Gala: What If, Ortho stubbornly tries to come up with his own ideas regarding the theme of evolution rather than rely on others for answers. He works hard to developing his own concept and is able to put on a show-stopping performance with it!
The Thorn Fairy's Spirit of Nobility
To be noble can refer to strength of character, mind, and/or literal position, birth, rank, or social status. No matter which definition you go with, I think they could all apply to the members of Diasomnia.
Regarding noble status, Malleus and Silver are both princes. Lilia and Sebek may not be nobles themselves, but they (in addition to Silver) serve royalty and have close personal connections to people in high places, be it via friends or via family. Diasomnia is very well-connected.
Beyond superficial nobility, one can say that those in Diasomnia are noble in character as well. To begin with, Lilia has sacrificed himself for his country on multiple occasions. This isn’t limited to going to battle, but also ferrying his princess’s egg to safety, traveling the world for knowledge on dragon eggs, and going so far as to give up his own life force to hatch Malleus. And what does Lilia get for all of this? Banished from the capital, screamed at, shunned—all because he is a nobody, a bat of no status. Despite this, Lilia does not become bitter nor hateful, he instead opens his heart and mind to the world and seeks to instill others with the same wisdom. Through all the tragedies he suffered, Lilia rose stronger than ever rather than sinking to the same levels as the narrow minded senators that rebuked him.
Silver is, perhaps, the most overtly noble in character. He extols the virtues of listening and getting along with others, often serving as the peacemaker between parties (typically between Sebek and their peers, but we’ve also seen Silver smoothing things out between all of NRC and diurnal fae). He also assumes the best of others and is ready to leap into action to protect them at a moment’s notice. His kind and gentle nature attracts many forest animals to him, who can likely sense the purity of Silver’s heart.
Sebek’s brand of nobility isn’t geared at others in general but rather is pinpointed on one person (that being Malleus). He is noble in the sense that he dedicates himself to his prince. It’s no secret that practically everything Sebek does is to “live up” to perceived standards so as to not shame Malleus or the Draconia royal family—from doing well academically to dressing neatly and throwing himself into training… Sebek’s passion and eagerness is what makes him stand out. It could also be said that he fiercely defends his friends and those who have earned his respect (albeit maybe not worded in the most tactful ways). That, too, in a sense, is honorable.
Finally, we have Malleus. What can be said about him that hasn’t already been said? He is the prince of a nation, so there are many people looking to him for leadership. As such, Malleus must always conduct himself in a manner that puts his country’s best face forward and expects the same of others. Indeed, he reprimands Sebek for behaving in poor taste and instructs him to apologize to Leona, the prince of another nation. However, what is most telling about Malleus is his impetus for Overblotting. He deludes himself into thinking “this is what is best for everyone”. In his mind, he frames forcing everyone into dream states so they can stay forever and have their happily ever afters as the “good” and “noble” thing to do. He’s definitely not doing this for himself, he argues, it’s a gift for everyone. And throughout book 7, Malleus tries to gaslight others into this belief too 💀 when bro’s already convinced himself of this and refuses to see otherwise—
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inuiiwonderland · 4 months
Twisted captivity
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Chapter 4
Twst third years x fem reader
A/n: So sorry for not updating in over a month😭 life’s been rough lately and work has me TIRED. Anyways I will be back on my grind soon guys (after a good nap)
Words: 1.1k
“Leona kingscholar”
It read. After that scary encounter at the savanaclaw enclosure, you thought it would be a good idea to get some more information from Crowley about the three mers you met the other day.
The moment you got home, you did a deep dive about their past and background information for the next 3 hours.
Jack howl
Current Age: 16
Rescued/Found: Found washed up on shore with a big heavy fishing net on him. It was a hassle trying to set him free since the poor mer was confused and scared seeing all these strange people trying to touch him.
He was only 9 at the time
Poor boy, he never saw his Family again after Crowley decided to take him in his care.
You quickly wiped the small tear that slid down your cheek and grabbed the second document.
Ruggie bucchie
Current Age: 17
Rescued/Found: Was kept in captivity by a crazy fisher family before being found by trein.
The family that kept ruggie said he was abandoned by his family but both Crowley and trein didn’t believe it. Poor boy probably got caught up in their nets. It was later discovered that the home that ruggie was kept in was a merfolk slaughterhouse. He was taken away from his family at the age of 4 and was originally planned to be slaughtered and sold but that was soon forgotten when the sweet old lady who was against the whole thing stopped them from hurting him.
He was 6 when they rescued him from that crazy family.
And last but not least
“Leona kingscholar”
Age: 24
Rescued/Found: Unknown
“Huh?” You frown and flip through the many pages of Leona's document. But found nothing. The only thing you could find was his name, age, weight, height, and species.
You’ll have a talk with Crowley tomorrow morning about this. You wiped your tears before getting up and placing your cup in the sink. You took the documents with you and made your way upstairs for a much needed rest.
The next day you tried getting more information about Leona's background from crowley but the moment you asked it’s like he completely stopped functioning and was acting strange.
Before you could even ask again, he quickly shoo’d you away and told you that your main focus for today was taking care of the savanaclaw enclosure.
So here you are with your notebook and pen and your lunch as you make your way to the enclosure.
“Wonder what that was all about” You mumble under your breath as you take out your notebook and pen.
You hummed to yourself as you quickly jotted down notes for your mer friends from heartslabyul.
Ace has been wanting to try more of that cherry tart that you brought in the other day while deuce wants some more of that chocolate cake.
I should sneak some more of that next time I’m assigned to heartslabyul
Once the big doors of the enclosure came into view you started putting away your stuff in your bag before pushing the big doors open.
You didn’t know what to expect when you first stepped foot into savannaclaw but you definitely didn’t expect there to be a meeting of some sorts.
You saw as everyone gathered around this huge rock and you had to squint to see who they were all looking up to.
It was Leona!
You were shocked to see as everyone gathered around him silently. He was talking but you couldn’t understand anything that he was saying since whatever was coming out of his mouth didn’t sound human.
Merfolk language
The only thing you could hear was chirps and clicks. Whatever he was saying he had everyone nodding along in agreement.
But your observation was soon cut short when you let out a sneeze. Everyone quickly turned to see you watching them. You awkwardly waved as everyone just stared.
You feel uncomfortable now that everyone's eyes are on you.
You thanked the heavens when Leona grabs everyone’s attention again. All eyes are back on him.
He let out a few more chirps and clicks and soon the meeting was dismissed.
You watch as everyone swam in different directions while two of them stayed behind.
Ruggie and Jack!
You slowly walked up to them and you could see ruggie wave at you once you came into view.
It seems he’s taken a liking towards me. That 's good!
“Hey ruggie” He chirps before sniffing the air. His eyes quickly land on your bag before looking back at you.
“My bag?” He points at it before pointing at his mouth.
That’s when you remember that you had your lunch with you.
Ah he’s hungry
You sat down on the patchy grass and pulled your bag towards you. You opened it up and the boy came closer as the smell of your lunch grew strong.
You heard a small growl and the boy sheepishly smiled when you looked at him.
You dig through your bag before taking out a sandwich, a drink, and a small bag of donuts.
Water splashes everywhere as Leona growls and shouts in the merfolk language at ruggie but he doesn't care as you gave him half of your sandwich. He takes small bites before scarfing down the rest.
He pats his belly before sniffing again and eyeing your small bag of donuts. You grab the bag and hand him one of the donuts.
He sniffs it before eating it whole. His eyes widen and he eyes the bag of donuts before pointing at the bag and then his mouth.
He likes it. I should keep that in mind for future visits!
“You like the donut? Want more?” He nods.
“More” You giggle before giving him another one. As your attention was on ruggie, you didn’t notice leona stare. Jack was a bit hesitant but he soon worked up the courage to swim closer to you. You looked at Jack and smiled as you gave him a donut.
Now your main attention was on the two merfolks in front of you.
Leona watches carefully at the interaction that you have with the two young mers in front of you. Ruggie seemed to fully feel comfortable in your presence while Jack is still trying to get used to it.
At least you aren’t one of the mean ones
Leona thinks
He still doesn’t fully trust you, but…..he can get used to this new change.
“Y/nnnnn!” You mentally groan and resist the urge to roll your eyes when you hear your name being called by the one and only….crowley.
“Yes crowley?” The man smiles as he hands you stacks of papers.
“This is for you!”
“Yes! For I so graciously decided to assign you to 5 more enclosures!”
“You’ll get paid more!”
Oh brother…..
I noticed that i haven’t introduced the rest of the heartslabyul crew but don’t worry! They will soon be introduced! Again the first and second year crew view reader as a mother figure/older sister! Those poor babies went through a lot under crowley’s care:(
more Information in future chapters
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voonroo · 4 months
Twisted Wonderland Mafia AU Introduction
Want more? Check out the masterlist↩︎
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: This could 100% be expanded on if I actually ever get back into TWST. I'm working on clearing out some old works deep in the depths of my Google Docs and Notes app because I feel kinda bad for disappearing suddenly😋 This is actually from late 2022... Thanks to @justcallmecj for encouraging me to post this again.
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The Night Raven District is a district full of criminal groups who will do anything to keep their city to themselves.
There’s the RSA District, which has, for years, been trying to reclaim property from the Night Raven District. No one knows what RSA stands for. However, it is thought to stand for the phrase Recover, Seize, Adjust, as it is the group's job to salvage stolen districts and cities from the unruly.
The Mafia Groups
A group of gamblers whose intent is to teach others self-restraint. Most often you will find anyone apart of Heartslabyul at night, or in a casino. There is always a member of Heartslabyul in the city's most popular places for a quick gamble.
A considerably notable pattern to identify one of these members is if they have the symbol of a heart, spade, diamond, or clover painted under or on the eye. The explanation for why it’s so easy to find them is that they don't hide, they aren’t doing anything illegal so they see no need to. Or at least the majority of them. It is effortless to become a part of this clique if you can withstand the harsh rules that come with it.
This pack is full of fighters. Svanaclaw does the most around the city pertaining to almost anything physical. Is someone getting a little too close to the district? They’re the first to do something about it. Most will jump at any opportunity to turn something into a challenge.
Numerous people in the group have fought for something or someone. Most likely being unsuccessful, but don’t speak of it. Or else you might be on the news the next morning, for these people aren’t known for their steady temper. To be a part of this club, you have to be physically strong and have vigorous will.
Largely Octavinelle members are by the coast dealing with outsiders who don’t know any better. Those that aren’t? They oversee a lot of legal issues. Such as digging up dirt on others and using it for their own advantage. They're good with their words, many of which can get just about anyone under their thumb.
The captain of Octavinelle owns a pub near the docks. Though, he is pretty well known to be your typical everyday businessman. These people aren’t always the strongest, nonetheless, don’t get too comfortable. You never know when they’ll make you walk the plank and feed you to the sharks.
This party is one of the lesser-known groups. They are often found in the city shops during the day. You wouldn’t be any the wiser. Because the group is the smallest compared to the others, it’s hard to identify hardly anybody that’s part of the Scarabian folk. They’re onlookers.
It’s said they “help” the other mobs with some inside information. No one knows where they get said information, it is said that there is a particular person that can with just a few words. The leader of the Scarabia team is very in-depth with the local trades, they're able to get anything for a good price.
Another community that isn’t well known. It’s difficult to get into the prestigious group of Pomefiore. You must be hand-picked by the crown of this cluster. This group is the most out and about in public. You secretly see the members every day.
Evidently, they are remarkably nice to look at and often speak with higher-ups. The director of this group is never seen without other group members especially if they’re ones that he himself, needs to whip into shape. They’re also good at covering their tracks and hunting others down.
Ignihyde is the least-known group out of the big seven. These people work behind the scenes, in the backgrounds. Either covering up news stories or scrolling the dark web for more stockpiles. It is said that the supervisor of Ignihyde was the cause of a nasty computer virus, putting thousands of electronics out of service.
There is still no known fix to this virus. Or maybe there is, you just have to pay a hefty price. Only those of the best technicians or engineers are even considered to be given a role in this organization.
The most powerful body of the Night Raven District. You’d have to really fuck up to catch even a glimpse of someone from this group.
The boss of this body is fairly notorious. This troop has the strongest defense against just roughly anyone. If there’s ever a fight with Diasomnia in it, they will come out on top. For years this group has kept RSA at bay. No recent members have entered Diasomnia for years, the only way to get in is to have caught the eyes of a certain individual.
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Word Count: 803
A/N: BSD MANGA SPOILERS I've raised from the dead like Fyodor in the latest bsd chapter
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merakiui · 2 years
I stumbled upon your Ruggie fic where he accidentally knocked up MC and I was like "oh my god that's a banger." Then I scrolled to your tags and I short-circuited.
AS A RIDDLE STAN??? YOU'RE SO BIG BRAINED??? LIKE ok yeah with him being the perfect kid and all and his mom I always wondered (a perfectly healthy and normal amount) what would happen if he got MC pregnant?
That Ruggie fic was so real!! So well done!! If you don't mind, could you elaborate what you think would happen with Riddle? You don't have to write a whole fic or anything! Just briefly share your thoughts with the class (me) if you would be so kind please!! 🤓
Frothing at the mouth,
Hello, Riddlelover69!!! Allow me to share the thoughts. >:D
(cw: brief nsfw, female reader, accidental pregnancy, mentions of alcohol/intoxication, riddle's mother, fwb dynamic, mentions of abortion)
Riddle is floored when you break the news to him. He's in so much disbelief even after you've provided him with physical evidence (the pregnancy test). He insists you take another one just to be sure because he's so certain that you can't possibly be pregnant. He has always been so careful and responsible when the two of you were intimate; he made sure to wear protection each time and he never did anything reckless. But then the second test comes back positive and he's absolutely stunned. Where did he go wrong? How did this happen? He's never been careless. This must be a mistake!
Riddle lives in denial for three days before it occurs to him. Weeks prior to this discovery, the both of you were attending a stargazing party Cater had thrown in the Heartslabyul rose maze. He'd practically begged Riddle to let him host it. Apparently it was going to be "super cammable" and a "perfect opportunity for lots of stupid fun." Riddle should have known his angle when he slipped vodka into the fruit punch Trey made, and he should have realized the wine Cater had been discreetly serving everyone. "Stupid fun" must have meant stupid drunk. Where he even got the alcohol from was beyond Riddle. He had intended to scold him; he was ready to sever his head for breaking so many rules. But then you were passing a glass into his hand and he knew it would be wrong and inappropriate for him to drink when he was meant to be the upstanding, always obedient Housewarden.
You were smiling, nudging him playfully, saying something teasing. The two of you are close friends (fuck buddies, according to Cater), not lovers, and Riddle really shouldn't have entertained your blatant rule-breaking. But lately he's wanted to impress you; he wanted to show you that he can be cool—that he's not always so stiff and formal and boring. Great Seven, he nearly died from the shame when you had jokingly said that to him. He doesn't want to be boring. He wants to be fun and not so awkward all the time. He wants to branch out and have a lot of friends. He wants to be effortlessly relaxed like you.
He's not, but with the music swelling in time with his heart and your own melodious laughter in his ears he could delude himself into thinking so. And foolishly Riddle broke his own moral compass, NRC's rules, Heartslabyul's rules, and even the unspoken rules put in place by his mother. And for one night you thought he was cool and so did he. And for one night he was not boring. For one night he could kiss you silly without worrying about perfecting the technique or the placement of his hands on your hips or what to do about his reputation should anyone find out (not that it mattered to you, but it meant the world to him).
One night, under an inky canvas of stars (they looked more like chips of glass to Riddle, but then his mind was foggy and his senses were all tangled and he was so obviously intoxicated, but that didn't matter; ironically enough, he was having fun breaking rules with you), he did away with formality and fucked you raw in a shadowed corner of the rose maze, far enough from any prying eyes but close enough where you could still hear the music, feel the thrum of it between the both of you.
And now, weeks later, the result of such a reckless night rears its ugly head. And oh is it ugly. He's not sure what he should do. For once in his perfect, well-tailored life, he is completely lost. He tries not to panic—tries to act like everything's normal, but he has never been a particularly convincing actor and it doesn't take long for those close to him to suspect he's stressed. How you can be so calm about all of this is beyond him. You're pregnant! Aren't you worried what everyone will say and think? Aren't you even a little concerned for your future? His schedules are already complicated and cramped enough. Fitting a child in there is impossible!
And beyond all of that, past NRC's gates and all the way in the Queendom of Roses, his mother waits. He absolutely can't tell her. It's one thing to devote oneself to a no-strings-attached relationship (she would definitely disapprove of you); it's another to impregnate said friend with benefits, especially when he isn't even finished with school yet or married. He's meant to be perfect (he's not; no one is), but how can he look and be perfect if this is hanging over his head like a guillotine's blade?
His mother will definitely disown him. He can already hear her shrill screams. She'd probably say something like, "If you have the time to fool around, then you can spend that time acting like one." She wouldn't offer any support or comfort. It would just be harsh and cruel scoldings. She wouldn't acknowledge him or you. It would be so easy for her to snip him out of her life as if he was nothing more than a paper person on a chain of paper people, entirely useless and flimsy in her eyes. A failure—that's what he would be. She couldn't boast about him to friends and coworkers. Not after this.
You have to get rid of it. He tells you this a week later when the both of you are cooped up in his room to discuss the issue at hand. Riddle has never truly argued with you, but the both of you are going back and forth over what to do with the baby and his temper is rising. For some reason you want to keep it. He's so stressed and panicked and livid. No, you're not keeping it! He tells you to stop calling the baby a "them" because it's an "it" and that's all it will ever be. You look genuinely hurt when he says that, and his chest is heaving wildly as he catches his breath, throat raw from yelling.
He...went too far. He shouldn't have said that, and even when he sees the tears in your eyes he knows right away that he's doing everything completely wrong. And you admit in a hushed, broken voice that you're scared, too. That you feel so horrible for being reckless. That you know this isn't ideal. And it occurs to Riddle then that you have never been the calm and collected person he's often admired. You are just as frenzied as him.
He exhales a slow, exhausted breath, allowing his shoulders to deflate. He apologizes for raising his voice, for saying those terrible things, for panicking. He can give you time. It's your body; you're the one carrying the baby. Naturally he thinks it should be your choice, even if he's adamant that you get rid of the baby, but Riddle hates to see you so distraught. Arguably, he hates that more than he hates this situation. And he likes you. It's always lingered in a crevice of his mind, a romantic attraction that was getting harder to snuff the longer he stayed with you, the more he got to know you, the more he allowed himself to open up to you.
He walks you back to Ramshackle Dorm. It's the polite thing to do, and the both of you are silent during the walk. He bids you a stiff, boring, hollow farewell. It's more than fleeting admiration, Riddle muses as he turns on his heel and begins the trek back to the Hall of Mirrors. But regrettably he finds himself shying away from you in the following weeks, too frightened to touch you. He can't. He doesn't want to, and he thinks it's because this mistake is too life-altering for him to confront.
He broaches the subject to Trey some time later with a vague, yet extremely convoluted hypothetical: "If you did something wrong and another person was affected by it and the both of you were left with a difficult decision, would you let the other person make the final choice?" Trey considers it, always so level-headed and logical. He asks what this difficult decision entails. Riddle chews his lip, peers into his teacup, and mutters something about life and death and embryos and the science behind reproduction and how long it takes for something to be considered human—to be considered conscious and alive—and what one should do when contemplating such a thing and...he's rambling.
Trey gives him that look—that hardened stare that pierces his soul and seems to know of every secret he's kept buried (Cater calls it the "dad stare"—whatever that means). He knows. Riddle is a poor liar. Trey doesn't say it, but when he asks, "Who?" Riddle knows what the question means. He wrings his hands under the table, clasping and unclasping them. They're shaking; he's on the verge of tears. He whispers your name.
Trey lets the admission settle like sediment on the sea floor. He nods, hums, stirs the batter for the cake he's currently baking, and then hums some more. "I can't give you an answer," he eventually says, offering a sympathetic frown. "Sorry." He tries to say more, but nothing comes out and instead he returns to whisking, allowing the silence to console Riddle instead. It doesn't work as intended.
Riddle holds his head in his hands, elbows propped on the marble surface of the island. In the Heartslabyul kitchen, where everything smells so sugary sweet, he cries. He's never felt more lost.
Riddle can't avoid you forever. That same day he approaches you and tells you that if you're so determined to keep the baby you will have to convince him. Whether that's by powerpoint or bribery (at this point he's desperate to adopt your views, so please, by all means, bribe him with sweets and let him drown in sugar so that he can ignore the looming threat of his mother back home), he's willing to hear you out. It's only fair, and if the two of you can reach a decision (preferably as soon as possible) he can start planning ahead. You're not sure how you should go about convincing him, so in the meantime Riddle resolves to read up on pregnancy, if only to further educate himself.
He scours the library for information and finds Lilia who is, arguably, as ancient as some of these textbooks and might be a reliable source of information. Riddle doesn't intend to tell him anything, but when Lilia offers to aid him in what he notes looks like a "very important search" Riddle submits.
It doesn't take Lilia long to put a few clues together when Riddle tells him he's looking for books about child care and pregnancy. It also doesn't take him long to theorize who might be carrying a child. For some reason Riddle feels ashamed as he quietly admits the truth, thus confirming all of Lilia's suspicions. Somehow telling Lilia this feels like telling a parent or an adult or some authority figure; he expects a scolding. Instead Lilia smiles warmly and tells Riddle that children are like miracles: sometimes you can plan for them and other times you cannot, but what's most miraculous is the bond forged between those who raise a child. They are tough work and you might encounter many troubles and doubts along the way. But if you can look for happiness in miraculous, magical mistakes, you will find love. Riddle stares at him, dumbfounded. Is Lilia really just a third year?
The first time you try to convince him is with a poorly assembled slideshow displaying the benefits of keeping the child. "Think of the cute clothes we can get!" you say, to which Riddle responds with, "Think of the expenses, (Name)." You are not one to give up, puffing your cheeks out at him. He rolls his eyes, but he sits up straight and continues to listen, watching as you click through images of firsts. First loose tooth. First day of school. First drawing. First handprint and footprint. First word. First laugh. The list is endless, apparently, and so is Riddle's sanity as he endures it. But he's smiling as he watches your wild gesticulations.
The second time you try to convince him is just as bad, if not worse, than the first time. "Riddle me this, Riddle," you say while he's in the middle of studying. He does not want to riddle you anything, but he listens anyway. He always does. "You plus me equals..."
"That is not a riddle. That's an equation," he corrects, not yet taking his eyes off the page. "And it equals trouble. Nothing good."
You're silent for too long, so finally he turns to look at you. Your eyes are glued to your phone. Riddle furrows his brow. Did he say something wrong? Was he too mean?
"All right, I got it! Riddle me this. One plus one equals three."
"Again, another equation."
"Not true! This article says it's a pregnancy riddle, not an equation."
"Did you...look up riddles?"
"Pregnancy riddles, yes. They're not really good."
Riddle scrubs at his face, suddenly weary. "Three is too big a number."
"Maybe for you, but not for me."
There should only be two, he thinks. You and me. But even that is a troublesome combination.
The third time you try to convince him is with a box of mini tarts, all in various flavors. He peers at them and then at you. You're rocking back and forth on your heels, eagerly awaiting his reaction. When he doesn't immediately give one, you groan and sink into the chair beside him. "Can I please keep the baby?"
Riddle snorts through a laugh and then clears his throat, neutralizes his amused expression, and says, "Resorting to begging already? And you were so confident last week."
You huff and slouch in your seat. He intends to correct you, but then you're stuffing a tart in his mouth. "I would look cute pregnant, wouldn't I?" you ask, batting your eyelashes and catching him so off guard he chokes on his bite of tart. Riddle sputters, his face the color of roses, and stands from his chair, promptly excusing himself.
You are a nuisance, but he agrees. You would look very cute.
The fourth time you try to convince him is with the help of Trey. "Trey can make the sweets for the baby shower," you say. Your grip on Trey's forearm suggests he is not a willing participant in...whatever this is, but it has Riddle quirking a fond smile.
He folds his arms across his chest and glances between you and Trey, his next words addressing the latter. "You would do that?"
Trey grins boyishly and responds with, "If I had to."
You tut at him. "Trey, we rehearsed this. You're supposed to say, 'I'll make a strawberry tart so big it'll need to sit on two tables.'"
Riddle's laughter surprises both you and Trey, and as he wipes an invisible tear from his eye, he says with a playful smirk, "I'll hold you to it when the time comes, Trey."
As he makes his graceful departure, he hears your disbelieving exclamation: "Do you think it worked?!"
The fifth time you try to convince Riddle is in the bedroom. You're lying on your side, peering at him with a silly, sex-drunk smile. "What if we got married?"
"We have to," he mumbles absentmindedly, his mind replaying the past few minutes in a loop. He wonders if he was too rough. He doesn't want to hurt the baby... What is he thinking? There's still time to get rid of it. It doesn't matter if he was rough (it does; he's worrying).
"Really?" Your eyes are blown wide. "You'd actually marry me?"
Riddle gazes at you, collecting context clues to comprehend your angle. "I should be asking you that question."
"Why? I would marry you, not your mother."
"You might as well be, though," he mutters bitterly, glaring at the canopy that envelops his bed. "I'm aware she is not an ideal in-law."
"Then we'll run away. You, me, and Baby Riddle."
"That is a horrible name." He peers at you, his features softening. "We're not calling the baby Baby Riddle."
"Why not? It's cute."
"Hardly." His gaze travels to your stomach. Soon you'll show and when you're round enough it'll be impossible to hide this secret. "Well... Humor me. Where would we go if we ran away?"
"Anywhere you'd like." He opens his mouth to stop your wild imagination, but you beat him to it. "'Think of the expenses, (Name)!' Just hear me out. Anywhere could mean anywhere, but it could also mean nowhere. And maybe nowhere is our anywhere."
Riddle chuckles. "You sound just like Che'nya."
"Do you think he knows?"
"He's anywhere and nowhere."
"Cheeky..." You shuffle closer to him, pressing your forehead against his. "So cheeky."
Riddle wants to say it. He wants to empty his heart right here, right now. He loves you and, though it took some time to warm up to the idea, he wants to start a family with you. He wants to be more than friends. He wants to marry you and experience all of your child's firsts alongside you. It doesn't matter if his mother disapproves because this is arguably the best mistake he's made in a while. A miraculous, magical mistake.
Before you can swallow the words in a kiss, he blurts them hastily. "I... I love you." But there's more, and perhaps he's confined himself in a misleading dream when reality and encroaching worries melt away. But he needs to tell you. "And I... I really want to be a father. A-And I want you to be a mother! I don't care about what others will say anymore. Admittedly, it was...fun to misbehave with you that night. It certainly wasn't responsible, but I enjoyed it. Far more than I should have." That last part is murmured, but you catch it. Riddle finds your hands under the covers and squeezes them. "You've convinced me. I'd like to start a family with you."
You smile and then tears are spilling and then you're smiling again. He knows he's crying because his eyes are wet and glassy, and for a while the two of you cling to each other, sobbing about everything and nothing, laughing through blubbery cries.
And Riddle realizes three isn't a big number. Rather, it's a pleasant number. Not perfect because nothing truly is, but it's more than enough for him. And that's really all that matters right now.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Riddle: What's going on? Why are you insisting to share a bed with me?
Baby MC: *gives him a big hug*
Riddle: ...
Trey: *knocks on his door and walks in* *once he sees them, lets out a sigh of relief*
Trey: I'm glad they're here.
Riddle: What happened, Trey? I asked you to tuck them in.
Trey: I did. But it's still a little bit early so I read them a book.
Riddle: A book?
Trey: Yes. And um... *troubled smile* I think they didn't like it.
Riddle: What was it about?
Trey: Siblings who became distant after the years passed by.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: *stern* Trey.
Trey: I know. I'm sorry. I thought it was a good story because of the drawings.
Ace: Housewarden Riddle, aren't you a little bit late for class now?
Riddle: Yes. But Professor Trein will understand. *helping Baby MC to change clothes*
Riddle: Nope. These are too tight. Bring me another.
Heartslabyul student: Yes, housewarden! *runs to get another pair of shoes*
Baby MC: Yada?
Riddle: Yes. Those shoes are not a good fit.
Ace: Oh. Maybe because they've grown a little.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Right.
Baby MC: *staring curiously at their brother*
Lilia: What's wrong, Riddle Rosehearts? You seem a little bit gloomy today.
Riddle: Ah, Lilia-senpai.
Lilia: Oh. And hello too, Baby Rosehearts. You look adorable as usual.
Baby MC: Yeyu~!
Lilia: *chuckles* So, what's bothering us today?
Riddle: ...
Riddle: I just realized... MC is growing too fast. Soon enough, I would've to return them to the Queendom of Roses.
Lilia: Oh? But didn't your mother ask you to take care of them because she was too busy to watch over her baby?
Riddle: She was worried that it would affect my studies so she started hiring some nannies.
Riddle: Anyway, I wouldn't be bothered by something so trivial.
Lilia: *looks at the baby*
Baby MC: *listening intently*
Lilia: I don't think it's trivial at all. You see, you might be worried that you're not creating enough core memories for your baby sibling.
Riddle: Is that so...?
Lilia: Yes. *chuckles* You should cheer up. You wouldn't want the baby to pick up sad emotions.
Riddle: Yes. That's right.
Deuce: Housewarden Rosehearts! I think MC went out again!
Riddle: I see. I'll check where they are. *uses his baby tracker*
Riddle: Hm? It says here they're in the office of the headmage.
Deuce: The headmage's office?
Riddle and Deuce: ...
Riddle: *has arrived to the headmage's office and witnessing the commotion*
Professor Trein and Professor Crewel: *laughing as they find the situation amusing*
Crowley: *in a chipmunk voice* Professor Trein and Professor Crewel! Don't just stand there and help me!
Baby MC: *has used their magic on him to make him tiny* Yabababu? *holding a contract Azul made for them in which it states that MC should be a student of Night Raven College the moment they could read and write*
Crowley: No! I won't be signing that contract!
Baby MC: ...
Baby MC: *turns their head to Professor Trein*
Professor Trein: Headmage, you don't have any choice right now. The baby is the one who can only break their own signature spell.
Crowley: Oh...
Riddle: ...
Professor Crewel: There you are, Mr. Rosehearts. Come in.
Riddle: What happened?
Professor Crewel: Your baby sibling wishes to spend time with you as much as they could. In fact, they've got the approval of your mother.
Professor Crewel: Headmage is the only one being stubborn right now.
Crowley: My dear Night Raven College is not a kindergarten... *sobs*
Riddle: *once they got back to Heartslabyul*
Baby MC: Yayi?
Riddle: Pft— Yes. *kisses their cheek* You really scared the headmage.
Baby MC: *giggles* *kissing his cheek back*
Riddle: *chuckles*
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
In which (Y/n) does all kinds of stupid things to get Trey's attention. An example: stealing a pie slice and getting scolded by Riddle — just for Trey to come save the troublemaker.
But it's all worth it, right?
Request by anon.
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"What were you thinking, (Y/n)? You can't just steal a piece of pie from the kitchen!"
"It was just laying around there... I thought nobody wanted it?"
The air in the Heartslabyul kitchen was so tense that it was almost tangible — and the knife laying on the counter would have been able to slice through easily. You had been caught red-handed in your act of crime; the crumbs of the pie crust still clung to your lips after the half-eaten pie slice had been shoved into your mouth hastily.
Riddle looked like he was about to burst with frustration. "I—" He was so angry that he struggled to form coherent sentences. "You're almost as bad as Ace!" he managed to squeak once he had regained his composure again.
"Take that back!" Your lips curled downwards into a feigned pout. Snickers threatened to escape your lips at his angered scowl, but you held them in as best as you could.
"I should just behead you— but you're magicless anyway..." Riddle threw his hands into the air in resignation. "Honestly, prefect... Why do you always get yourself into trouble like that? It must be the influence of Ace and Deuce." A look of frustration flashed across his face at the mentioning of his two infamous first-years.
Just as you were about to continue teasing him, wanting to see how far you could push him, a new presence made itself known by the entrance of the kitchen. "Riddle, you shouldn't be so strict with (Y/n)," the newcomer said calmly.
Riddle whipped around to find Trey standing behind him. The calmness his vice dorm leader exuded somehow managed to infuriate him even more. "You should be the one who is angry with the prefect! No one but the criminal standing in front of you ate the last piece of your apple pie," Riddle grumbled and crossed his arms. "The piece was specifically reserved for you."
"It's alright. You don't need to get so angry on my behalf." Trey chuckled softly and pushed his glasses up. "I'll just make another pie tomorrow. It's no big deal."
For a moment, awkward silence overtook the kitchen. You found yourself frozen, watching as Riddle's gaze darted back and forth between his vice dorm leader and you. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Riddle muttered, "You're lucky my vice dorm leader was here to save you, prefect." His narrowed eyes never left your form until he exited the kitchen. "Don't let me catch you another time..."
His departure allowed the tension in the air to ease up, until you were left with a comfortable atmosphere, only Trey and you remaining.
"He didn't collar you, did he?" the third-year asked in worry.
You waved his concerned look off and began laughing in amusement. "He never does," you chimed innocently. "Thanks, Trey! You're the best."
Trey, however, didn't seem to share your amusement. "Your recklessness will get you killed, (Y/n)." His voice was stern — well, as stern as it could be. You caught onto the way it wavered around the edges.
"It was worth it," you said cheekily.
Your compliment caused him to quirk an eyebrow in disbelief. "Is my pie really that good?"
"No, not the pie." A shy smile appeared on your lips which caught him off-guard — usually, you were anything but shy. Where was the brash and reckless prefect he knew? He eyed you warily when you took a careful step towards him. "I got to see you again!"
"Me...?" His eyes widened in surprise.
The beaming smile on your lips wobbled around the edges, slowly but surely drooping into a disappointed frown. "You've been so busy lately..." you muttered between sighs. "I missed our weekly afternoon tea. You know, there's no one else on campus who is as good of a listener as you are, Trey."
His confused eyes soon brightened up in happiness. The tips of his ears turned a soft red, and he tried to mask the rest of his embarrassment with gentle chuckling. "That's kind of you to say. Truly, I feel flattered," the green-haired student said with a silly smile on his lips. Yet, the silliness on his face disappeared as soon as you opened your mouth. "But you're still stupid for getting yourself into trouble like that."
You rolled your eyes in amusement. "Oh what in hell, you sound like my freaking mother now."
"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, (Y/n)?"
At once, your head whipped over to the entrance, where you found a certain red-head leaning against the doorframe. Your cheeks warmed up in embarrassment at his question, and you couldn't help but screech, "Go away, Ace!" When he dashed away, laughing, you tried to chase after him.
A hand wrapping around your forearm stopped you from chasing your fellow first-year. You slowly turned around to find Trey's hand firmly wrapped around your arm, and you giggled in surprise.
Trey merely shook his head in amusement. "Oh, you troublemakers..." For a brief moment, a mischievous sparkle overtook his eyes — only to disappear as soon as you had blinked. He tilted his head to the side, innocently asking, "Are you already leaving, (Y/n)? I was hoping we could have some tea now."
"I'd love that!"
"If I make sure to have some tea with you every week, will you stop causing trouble around here?" Trey teased while he offered his arm out for you to take.
"No promises." A pleased grin on your face, you put your hands on his arm and let yourself be guided out of the kitchen. Then, a devious plan entered your mind. You briefly gazed up at him with the most adorable puppy eyes you could muster. "If you also add candlelight dinner on top, then I might consider your suggestion."
"So that's how you want it to go?" Trey asked, laughing. "Of course, anything for my little troublemaker."
"Hey, I'm an angel!"
While you had your gaze averted to who knows where, he took the opportunity to sneak a glance at you. A sheepish sigh escaped his lips when he realised that his heartbeat had sped up — he knew what that meant. You caught him off-guard when you turned your head to look him dead in the eyes. His surprise soon melted into a fond smile, though.
"You know, you're a handful sometimes, (Y/n). But my life would be much more boring without you."
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prefect-of-memes · 1 year
Reader in their late 20s that looks like they are 18, sent to Twisted Wonderland.
All Character Reactions (short):
*Gn Reader*
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Ace: Huhhh?? You’re as old as Crewel??? (Calls you grandma/grandpa from then on)
Deuce: M-ma’am/S-sir? Reader!? I mean Ma’am/Sir! I apologize for the disrespect! (Our boy is literally traumatized)
Cater: Yooooo! Nobody is gonna believe this! (Always wants to take pictures with you for Magicam)
Trey: Well I figured you seemed mature for your appearance, but it makes sense now. (Will bake you things and treats you with more respect)
Riddle: H-how!?? Why are attending our school at your age? Is that even legal? (Red faced. Calms down after a while and begins to put together a study plan for you so you can get ahead in your studies. Is way more respectful now)
Ruggie: (ears flattened and shocked face) What?? Wait…you must be able to purchase good food if you’re that old. Can I come with you, senpai? Shesheeeesheee (laughs)
Leona: What’s the big deal? (Sigh) You’re all a bunch of empty-headed herbivores if you didn’t realize that when you first met them. (Yawns) Now leave me alone, you’re disrupting my nap.
Jack: (shocked face) Oh..uh..sorry for not realizing. If I offended you in any way, I’m sorry. (Rubs back of neck embarrassed) If you need anything, let me know, I’ll do my best to help.
Floyd: Wahhhhh Senpai~ (eyes sparkling and smiling) How are you so small but so old? Let’s play together! (Treats you the same, but teases you more by calling you Shrimpy Senpai and such)
Jade: My my~ to think we had such ripened wisdom among our classmates. Say, since you can drink, would you like to try this new potential menu item? It is alcoholic in nature fufufu. (Don’t try it, it’s laced. Jade tries to get you to sample legal-aged drink items and finds it amusing how you look so young and small despite your age)
Azul: How inspiring! (Fake) Would you be interested in a partnership or working at the lounge? It would be a wonderful opportunity for m-I mean you! (Surely you will need some work experience in this world considering your age and is interested in serving alcoholic drinks now that he has someone old enough to survey them)
Kalim: That’s so cool! You must come from an amazingly well-off family to look as young as you do! Let’s celebrate! I’ll even bring out the expensive wines that my family sent since you can drink. It’s going to be a lot of fun senpai! (Is always trying to have parties with you and get praised by you)
Jamil: Huh? (Horrified face) How can you be so irresponsible in not telling people your age? And what? You can’t cook? At your age??? (Absolutely floored that you can’t cook and takes it upon himself to teach your incompetent self, but is more so embarrassed and disappointed because he had a slight crush on you due to your maturity)
Vil: (sighs/slightly annoyed) Pota-no..miss/mr reader, what is your skincare routine? We should have tea sometime together. I’m interested in how you stay so young looking, but wait your back aches and everything hurts? (Absolutely unacceptable! Will force you to do yoga and workout with him to loosen up your body. He will also ensure you are eating correctly to maintain your youthful appearance. Takes on your development as a beautiful being like he does with Epel since your beauty is something to be preserved despite him being envious)
Rook: Merveilleux! Incroyable! Beau! Beauty and youth such as yours is surely god’s gift to the world! A wonder are your large sparkling eyes, soft skin, and shiny hair! Ah~ I am blessed to be able to be in your presence! (Secretly stalks you from afar as your contrary appearance to your age has piqued his interest. May or may not have a photo album of candid shots of your day to day activities)
Epel: What in the tarnation?? I thought of ya as my wheel-horse reader! I- (glare from Vil) I-I mean, I thought we were friends! How are you so old? You’re Crewel’s age..like you could be a teacher! (Awkward for a few weeks, but slowly starts to treat you like he did before)
Ortho: I thought that was obvious? (Shocked nobody knew) I scan everyone when I first meet them, but I thought maybe everyone already knew you know? (Giggles)
Idia: W-w-what?!?! (Turns even more pale, sweats, hair pink, the whole shebang) How am I supposed to deal with this?! Normies are one thing, but an unaging god/goddess in my midst?? 💀 That’s like the final boss! I’m not equipped with the right stats for that! (Scurries off to room to cope)
Malleus: Oya? What an interesting development. Child of man, it’s almost as if you resemble Lilia in that way. (chuckles) You are still a child by my standards, but less so of one. Let us go for a walk. I am interested in hearing your explanation for your appearance (happy dragon boy, knowing that you are closer in age made him all the more interested in pursuing a relationship with you)
Lilia: Keeheehee, is the game over little one? It seems everyone figured it out. It’s a pity, but I did enjoy watching to see if anyone would discover your secret. Oh dear, well now I’ll have to find some new form of entertainment. Perhaps we can do something together? Have you ever played an RPG before? Don’t be shy now darling, if I can play it at my age so can you~
Silver: (sleepy) You said you are how old? (Wide awake now) I’m terribly sorry for the disrespect I showed you. Please forgive my impertinence. I need more training to recognize these things it seems. (Bows and still talks to you, but treats you like he treats Lilia, as a superior and parental-like figure)
Sebek: (insert Lemongrab gif) UNACCEPTABLEEEE! HUMAN! DID YOU BELIEVE YOU COULD GET CLOSER TO WAKASAMA WITH YOUR YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE TO GET HIS GUARD DOWN?? HOW DARE YOU DECEIVE HIM?! (Full on yelling mode) Hmph! You say you look like that and it’s not your fault? (Still upset, but more pouty) I don’t yet trust you human, as I didn’t before. But know I will keep my eye on you. I will not be made a fool of. (Pouty crocodile boy because he never noticed)
Crowley: How is this possible? The dark mirror should have an age-limit on it?? You should be expelled or put to work, but seeing as I am generous, I will allow you to stay on campus and still attend classes with Grim. (Internally sweating and not wanting the secret to leak to the press or *gasp* the police)
Crewel: Pu-! *clears throat* Reader, even if you are to remain a student, don’t think I will go easy on you or assign you any less work just because of your age. (Treats you with more respect than the other students and tutors you to help you catch up and get ahead of your peers, becomes friends with you over time)
Vargas: Ha! You have the spirit of youth in you! Let’s exercise to keep our bodies limber and no running away, the pain means you need to work out harder! (Treats you like a buddy, but doesn’t allow you to skip classes even if you are feeling like a stiff old person)
Sam: Hey there imp! I guess I can’t call you little anymore, ha! Anything you need, I’ve got it for you. I can also offer you a job if you want to make some real green~ (Treats you like an adult and is happy to bargain with you)
Grim: Mragh! (Shocked) Henchman, you should’ve told me you were that old! Well, it doesn’t matter really. It just means we can get more respect! I, The Great and Powerful Grim should show off my amazingness! Come on henchman, let’s go find those two morons! (Smiles mischievously)
My first sort of story post. 😅 I’m in my late 20s myself, so it’s sort of self-fulfilling, this post, but it was fun to make. If I ever make an OC, this will likely be one of the things about them; that they are older than the students, but look young. ☺️
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maopll · 1 year
Can I please request the Heartslabyul boys reacting to you ‘forgetting’ to give them a good morning kiss?
Where's my kiss ?
| twisted wonderland !
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⌗:, a/n: good morning kisses are a no from me if I'm not in the mood. ain't nobody wanna give someone a stinky ass kiss 😭 but I'll do it for the sake of this fanfic <3
⌗:, warning: fluff
⌗:, pairings: ace, deuce, trey, riddle, cater w/ gn!reader
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You always give him a goodnight, good morning and a goodbye kiss. you've never forgotten to kiss him. if there are days when you haven't kissed him he will demand them no matter what the situation and you have to listen to him whims.
today you had other plans. what if you don't kiss him? you couldn't resist yourself after seeing other people do it too.
so here you are getting out of bed sneakily after not giving him a kiss. you went with your daily chores after you saw a dishelved ace telling you "Where's my kiss? :("
he looked like a three year old after having their candy stolen. you were trying your best not to laugh at his state but he caught onto your lips curling up.
he made it a point to you to always kiss him so why were you depriving him of his sole way of getting his daily dose of serotonin?
he annoyed you to have you kiss him and ofcourse you obliged! you just can't miss the feeling of his soft cheeks against your lips as you smother his face with kisses.
he is such a sweet boyfriend that he actually got really hesitant to ask you why you did not kiss him good morning. he thought maybe you were angry at him for whatever he has done and he got really tensed because he couldn't remember what he did to annoy you enough to not even kiss him :(
he slowly hugged you from behind and started apologising like crazy and he even said "love I'm sorry for what I've done I really am but please don't hate me too much to not even kiss me"
deuce may put up a good behaviour infront of others showing how perfect he can be but his behaviour of being like that absolutely melts in your arms when you kiss him. he is very different from how he shows himself to be in front of the public eye.
you weren't answering because you were trying your best to hold in your laughter but he caught on the way your shoulders were shaking and you definitely were not crying because he knows your acts and behaviourisms like the back of his hand
he is so mad at you now for trying to prank him like that
"I can't believe you [name] I'm going"
He didn't reject your kisses and daily dose of affection.
he is not thinking that much about how you 'forgot' to give him his morning kiss after waking up in his arms after cuddling so much with him last night
he knew it was another one of your shenanigans so he wasn't quote bothered by it until he has had enough
your kisses are like a lucky charm to him even if they may have some kind of placebo effect on him he still believes it's your kisses that makes him have a good day.
at the end of the day he returned with most of his energy exhausted because he had a pretty bad day because of you forgot to give him something.
"baby I know what you are trying to do...please kiss me I can't do it anymore"
you kisses him on his forehead, cheeks, eyelids, and lips and he wants more now.
you two shared kisses and cuddles for an hour until he has had his fill.
poor baby held whatever piece of patience he had throughout the day until he got to you.
he wakes up with your morning kisses but today he woke up a bit late because you did not kiss him
he was so agitated because he was getting late for his class by 2 minutes !!
how could you do this to him !
off with your head /j
he was genuinely offended and annoyed because you did not give him his energy boost for the day
he flipped at whoever crossed his way because you just committed a big crime
ace and deuce were scared of him getting so angry so they brought you infront of him to take matters into your own hands and they were too afraid of doing something that might make him render them immobile or something.
they left the school ground to leave you two alone to do your bidding...more like get his emotions checked
a kiss on the cheek was enough to turn his full face blushing red like the tart he was eating.
he coughed and said blush still evident on his face "I will accept this kiss as a form of your apology towards the behaviour showed me today...don't do it again [name]...please"
you heard most of what he said but that "please" was so soft cause he mumbled it but you caught onto what he said.
with a cheeky grin you continued painting his face with kisses
ace and deuce heaved a sigh of relief as their dorm leader finally isn't angry anymore
I definitely did not forget about cater
Usually you two have a kiss fight(?) in the morning. the first one who wakes the other one up with kisses has to have the other give them kisses for the whole day including cuddles and a whole lot of affection
usually you would win but today you were feeling devious so you got out of bed without kissing him. he was a bit awake but his eyes bust open when you cooly opened the door and went your merry way
he sat up straight and grabbed his phone ready to cancel you out on social media
how could you do this to him
so he pestered you throughout the day
he told you and practically gave you a presentation on WHY you should kiss him
you were soon growing tired
you wanted to prank him but looks like it's an uno reverse moment now
you finally gave in and kissed him which shut his yapping.
he was silent for a while but he soon recovered and returned your kiss
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ser3nityst4r · 2 months
Eighth Step
The night before the duel, Yuu tossed and turned, plagued by a dream that felt both familiar and terrifying. In their vision, the Queen of Hearts, a figure of regal yet chilling power, paced a lavish garden, her voice echoing with manic glee. Wanting to wake up from this nightmare but also wanting to stay til the end to see how the story plays out, Yuu realized it was awfully similar to a certain movie from their original world. 'A single rosebud out of place, a crumb on the tablecloth… oh, the tragedy!' she boomed, her laughter echoing like thunder through the dream. Her punishments were absurd, cruel, and completely disproportionate to the 'offenses'. A single misplaced teacup led to a servant being forced to drink an entire pot of boiling tea. A dropped napkin resulted in a swift trial and execution by playing cards. Yuu woke with a gasp, sweat clinging to their skin. The dream felt so real, the Queen’s manic laughter echoing in their ears even as morning light filtered through the dorm window.
Unable to tell if that was just a nightmare or a warning from the universe, Yuu went outside the dorm to get a breath of fresh air to clear their head. Amidst the shadows, they see a gorgeous figure with emerald scaled horns atop his head. Its bright, glowing eyes stared back at Yuu. “Hm? I was unaware that someone had taken a liking to this place as I thought it was completely inhabitable.
“Who might you be?” Yuu asked with admiration and curiosity lacing their voice, wanting to know the name of the gorgeous and unique fellow before them. “You really don’t know who I am?” His eyes widen with shock before recomposing himself, finding Yuu to be extremely fascinatingly. He continued, “You may call me whatever you wish for it might be a bad idea on my part if I gave you my name now. When the time arrives, I shall bestow you my name.” Yuu found him to be utterly ethereal and enchanting, especially his lovely glimmering horns atop his head. “Then, I shall call you Tsunotaro/Hornton!” Yuu beamed, their heart racing at getting to meet and give the enchanting person a nickname to call them by. Little did Yuu know, the fae was beyond joyous to have finally have someone to call his friend.
“Ah… It’s getting pretty late and there’s a duel tomorrow, I better get back inside” Yuu said, their voice shaken and mourning over the lost time with the ethereal stranger. “I’ll see you soon, Tsunotaro!” With a wave and sleepy smile, they went back into their dorm as the fae granted them a beautiful sight of fireflies.
'Yuu! Yuu! Wake up! Today’s the big duel!' Grim yelled, his voice brimming with a mix of excitement and fear.  Yuu sat up, the dream haunting their mind. 'A duel… with Riddle?' they murmured, a sense of dread slowly creeping in. Still wondering if the meeting of the strange man with horns was a dream or not. ‘Was last night a dream? I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. After all, how could someone look so breathtakingly royal visit such a shabby place like Ramshackle…’ The hallways of NRC buzzed with the news, the idea of anyone challenging Riddle Rosehearts a source of amusement and disbelief. 'Riddle? That's like challenging a lion to a staring contest!' one student snickered.  Trey and Cater, upon hearing the news, their faces paled. They knew the severity of the situation. Riddle, in his role as housewarden, was ruthless and unforgiving.   'They’re just underclassmen, they won't stand a chance,' Cater added, his usual boisterous energy subdued. Trey nodded anxiously in agreement, silently hoping Ace and Deuce won’t be too injured after this. The duel was held in a grand hall, its atmosphere thick with anticipation. Crowley, the headmaster, stood poised, a stern expression on his face. 'We are about to commence two challenges for the housewarden position at Heartslabyul House,' he announced, his voice echoing through the hall. 'The first challenger is Ace Trappola. The second challenger is Deuce Spade. The current housewarden they have challenged is Riddle Rosehearts. Now, in accordance with the duel rules, please remove the magic-sealing collars.” Ace and Deuce, their faces alight with a mixture of excitement and fear, cheered as the collars were removed, liberating their magic.  'Enjoy your moment of freedom,' Riddle sneered, his voice as sharp as a knife. 'The collar will be back on soon enough.' 'I could hardly believe it when I heard you two intended to duel me,' he continued, his gaze sweeping over Ace and Deuce, disdain dripping from his words. 'Is this a joke?' Crowley, ignoring Riddle’s arrogance, stepped forward. 'The duel will be decided in a single round. Riddle, you have the right to choose the challenge. Now, choose wisely. The consequences of your choice will be entirely yours to bear.' 
Cater approached Riddle to remind him that one of the rules of Riddle’s own farce was that teatime is at 4pm sharp and that it has already been last 3:30pm. “And you fear that I will be late? All the more reason to end this promptly.” The redhead laughed at the possibility.
Riddle, with a smirk playing on his lips, turned towards the students. 'It appears I have little time to waste. Rather than facing my opponents in succession, I will take on both at once.' Crowley, caught off guard by Riddle’s unexpected move, nodded in agreement. 'Very well, Riddle. Proceed as you wish.'  He held up a mirror, shimmering in the dim hall light. 'When the mirror I’ve thrown shatters upon the ground, that is your signal to begin. Ready... Go!' As the mirror crashed to the ground, shattering into a thousand pieces, Yuu felt a wave of dread wash over them. Their heart pounded in their chest, their eyes brimming with tears, a sense of overwhelming fear taking hold. Their heart writhing in cages and oppression, unknown to the reason behind their distress. Yuu’s intuition screamed at them, urging them to do something, to stop whatever terrible thing was about to happen. But the fear was too powerful, blinding them. They couldn’t see the danger, couldn’t comprehend the terrible consequences that awaited them.  'What is going to happen?' Yuu whispered, their voice barely audible. 'What’s so terrifying?'
As the duel began, Yuu knew they were witnessing something more than just a simple magic competition. They were reading the beginning of Riddle's inked pages, a dark and twisted reflection of the Queen of Hearts' tyranny. And in the depths of Yuu’s fear, a chilling certainty dawned: the dream had been a symbolic warning of what was to come. Splash
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akunya · 2 years
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"let me do you a favor."
pairings: trey clover x m!reader
summary: dinner tastes best when someone feeds it to you.
tw: FEEDING/FEEDERISM(?), persuasion/manipulation, frottage, dubcon. regression(?), CARETAKER!TREY, comfort, subspace/little space(?). SOMNO, praise, guilt trip, etc.
notes: i have been working on this for a bit, and finally got around to finishing it for his birthday. trey is my favorite twst character so i hope this does him justice.
i feel like its ooc, but whatever. enjoy! : )
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"you have to eat, yknow that right?" trey frowned, his eyes never leaving your hunched form. it was late at night, at this point everyone had retreated to their dorms to get some good nights sleep; every student except for you. "its important - much more important than studying."
you shrugged in response, flipping past another page of the heavy textbook in front of you. your desk was littered with crumpled papers, eraser shavings, post-its askew, and everything else that would make riddle scream his head off. trey had taken note of you not being in the cafeteria for lunch. while he assumed you were busy, his mind started to worry as he realized you didn't show up to dinner either. in fact, now that he thought about it, trey hadn't seen you all day.
the upperclassman had always felt the need to take care of others, and you were no exception. while he would deny hi true intentions about being heartslabyuls big brother figure, deeply inside, he knew it was somewhat true. you couldn't fathom why he cared so much about your well-being while he had so much to deal with on his own. wouldn't it be easier to just leave you be? wasnt he tired himself after such a long day? you started brooding in your own thoughts. trey sighed, not moving from his spot next to your desk, hoping that if he stayed long enough you'd eventually give in. your eyes darted from word to word, silent, adamant on finishing your study session before you allowed yourself a bite to eat. you had to pass this time, or it would seriously be off with your head.
you were insistent on finishing your book before having a snack — until trey had spoken up. "what if fed you instead?" your brain had taken a moment to process what he said, blinking a few times. the offer made your thoughts stop in their tracks, ripping yourself away from the book to look at trey with wide eyes. he smiled, pushing up his glasses, unshaken from how surprised you were. "i can make you something and feed you. that way you wont have to stop reading."
you couldn't help but feel embarrassed. the way he didn't even stutter to offer something so domestic (in your eyes, at least) to you made your cheeks flush, clearing your throat awkwardly. was this another one of his jokes? was cater around the corner getting ready to laugh at you with his phone in hand?
before you could hesitate any longer, your stomach growled loudly, making the both of you stare at each other for a moment before laughing. "..s-sure, if you really want to. there's really no need for that though."
"dont worry, its no big deal. i have some leftovers from what i made for dinner. ill grab them and come right back." with a polite nod, you muttered another ‘thank you’ before continuing your boring textbook about potions and whatnot for your test. your fingers tapped on the smooth wood of the desk as you read.
you wouldn’t admit it, but you enjoyed being doted on every once and a while. it felt nice to be cared for — letting your worries slip away as someone else’s hands did the work for you. it was tough having so many responsibilities. thinking again about how trey not only takes care of himself but riddle and the dorm as well, you really wondered how he did it all. shouldn’t you be the one offering him comfort and care? you sighed, leaning back in your chair and staring at the ceiling.
“whoever ends up with him is one lucky guy, that’s for sure.” you mumbled under your breath, your eyes drifting close for just a moment before a knock came from the door. “come in!”
trey nudged the door open with his foot, holding it open just enough for him to slip through with the tray of food in his hands. your mouth started to water, your room being filled with the delicious smell of treys cooking. you didnt get a good look at the dishes, but it didn't matter - your stomach was rumbling all the same. he chuckled lowly, placing the tray on the coffee table momentarily. “it’s nothing too complicated. baking is usually my specialty, but i figured you wouldn’t want to eat cake for your first meal of the day.” you shook your head, quick to quip back at his comments. “no no, don’t worry about it! it looks delicious, trey. id eat anything you make.” there was a small moment of silence, and your words had sunken in, making trey laugh again. “is that so, y/n?”
the vice dorm leader’s eyes wandered towards your desk and back to the tray of food. “would you like to move from your desk, or should i scoot closer to you?” either way, you were going to be flustered by the intimacy of his hands holding your chin in place, shrugging nonchalantly. “do whatever you feel comfortable with. you’re doing me the favor after all.” you were in this deep anyways.
trey nodded, starting to ponder about how he should go about this. he didn’t want you to stop reading and studying (although he truly wanted you to take a break from it) since it seemed important to you. however, how is he going to get close enough without dropping food on your precious textbook? it would be a shame to go back on his offer just because it needed some extra maneuvering. with all of the extra problems the students of heartslabyul create, he wouldn't give up that easily. treys eyes practically lit up with a solution. he cleared his throat before speaking up.
“could you sit on my lap, y/n?” if you listened closely, you could hear the tinge of anxiety in his voice. it was a risky offer, after all. you felt your own heart flutter. unable to muster the courage to speak, you nodded instead, getting out of your chair and out of the way so trey could take the seat.
and boy, were you staring at him like a pervert. his bigger build practically dwarfed your worn little chair, filling up the seat nicely unlike yourself. his legs were spread open comfortably, and for a split second you swore you saw something stiff in between them. he was wearing a plain red colored shirt with dark grey pajama pants. how cute.. you smiled, taking note of the little red clovers printed on the fabric. even heartslabyuls hardworking senpai had cute clothes to relax in. the more you stared, the more soft he looked in your eyes.
trey cleared his throat, disrupting you from your thoughts. he patted his thighs, closing them slightly so you'd have somewhere to sit. "if you sit like this, it shouldn't be too uncomfortable." his soft hands moved your legs across his lap, angled sideways as he faced forward. he took the heavy textbook from the desk and placed it on your lap, moving the tray of food to rest on the desk instead. scooting closer, the position would seem uncomfortable to anyone else, but you truly didn't mind. the extra body heat from being pressed so closely to the man made you relax. "comfy?"
you nodded, going back to silently reading your book. why couldn't it be like this all of the time? you felt oddly safe, flipping the pages in your book as you read. trey reached over to scoop some of the food onto a fork, hand holding the small of your back while he moved. your eyes were glued to the page still. the cool metal of the fork tapped at your lips, prompting you to open without hesitation, biting into the warm tasty leftovers you had missed out on a few hours ago. "do you like it? i can use my magic to make it taste like something else if you don't."
you shook your head, swallowing first before speaking. "theres no need to, trey. it tastes really good. you're amazing in the kitchen." it was his turn to blush, not expecting the compliment in such a vulnerable position. having a cute boy sit in his lap didnt happen everyday after all. he didnt say anything in response, feeding you another forkful.
you two stayed like that for a while as you read. the silence was comfortable, to say the least. the upperclassman didnt care asking mindless questions, letting you read in peace as he fed you. while the food was more than splendid, a few forkfuls was enough to make your stomach begin to feel full, so when trey had held the utensil expectantly in front of your lips and you didn't budge, he frowned a little. "what happened? you dont like it?" his hurt face tugged at your heart strings.
you panicked, eyebrows raising in confusion. "thats not it! im just starting to feel full, so..!"
his saddened expression made your heart sink. why did you feel so empty? even though you were reading, the words were blending into one another and you barely processed anything you had just read. why did he look so disappointed? was he actually that worried about you?
"you only have a little bit left. you can do it, right? you barely ate today.." his voice was gentle, almost as if he was convincing you, sweet and persuasive. you found yourself shakily opening your lips for another bite, much to treys delight. he made sure to take note of the blush on your cheeks.
"thats it, good boy. i knew you could do it." the senior praised you, ruffling your hair as he fed you. trey wasn't stupid - he knew he had a way to persuade others while making himself look like the good guy. he's guilty of doing the same thing to riddle more than a dozen of times. if being a bit selfish meant getting what he wanted, then he didnt mind.
embarrassingly enough, your dick twitched at the pet name, too. 'good boy'? no ones ever called you that before. it made you feel.. good, to say the least. small, but safe. you found yourself itching for more praise from trey, wiggling a bit on his lap but not denying any food when he had gathered some more on the fork. trey didnt even bother correcting himself or making an excuse. he saw how you relaxed, how you looked so eager to please. "perfect. just like that." trey mumbled lowly, opening his own mouth to mimic yours.
your eyes looked glossy, void of any valuable thought. its as if you were staring at him, but you weren't truly there. he watched, making no effort to stop you tipping over deeper into that cozy mindset of your own. at some point you even began to lean into his side, relaxing into the upperclassman's firm yet soft chest. trey smiled, brushing some hair out of your face as he set the plate of food down. you looked as if you would knock out at any moment.
"look at that, all finished. i bet your stomach feels better now, right?" you lazily nodded, humming in response as you nuzzled against his neck. he coo'ed at you, taking the heavy book out of your lap so you could rest comfortably. your body was so relaxed against his, so accessible. trey gulped, noting that he could no longer hide the throbbing boner in his pants anymore.
he had been excited ever since you initially agreed to his offer. in fact, he was practically buzzing with energy when he had went over to the kitchen to plate some leftovers from earlier today. treys hands shook with an uncharacteristic amount of nervousness, licking his lips before letting his arm wrap around your small form. even if you wanted to get up, he simply gently nudged you further into the crook of his neck, hand splaying on your thighs. his mind raced with the thousands of possibilities that could happen.
he should leave you alone. really, trey should carry you to bed like the fine gentleman everyone thinks he is, like the normal role model they take him for. deeply, the man wants to do the right thing.
yet, all moral thought flies out the window when he notices you were hard too. your little cock made a proud tent in your pants, straining against the fabric as you slept. you were so quiet that trey didn’t even notice before, but now that it was practically on display for him, he couldn’t contain the groan he let out.
his bigger hand hovered over your bulge. he felt his heart flutter, looking down at your face. you were so calm, so peaceful in his arms. at this point.. wouldn’t it be wrong for him to deny you of your basic needs? the upperclassman has already hand fed you at this point, making sure you were full and taken care of. isn’t this just.. another task that he should handle?
you were too small to do it on your own, a little too dumb. friends do this all the time for each other. besides, you were totally into him too (he was confident on that, at least), so if anything.. maybe trey is doing a favor. a favor that he definitely doesn’t mind fulfilling for you.
“it’s alright, y/n. i got you. you deserve a break.” you had mumbled something in response, trey not catching half of what you said. he shrugged, pushing his glasses up before his hand hesitantly palmed your bulge, making you shudder. he felt his own cock pulse at just how tiny you were. his hand covered a good amount of your cock, squeezing and teasing you through your pants before unzipping them quietly.
trey was thankful that riddle had given you a room in heartslabyul to stay in. you didn’t have any other roommates because it was such short notice, so he didn’t have to worry about anyone barging in and catching him doing something he probably shouldn’t. trey pumped your cock slowly, making sure to flick his wrist and twist a couple of times. he loved the way your back arched, even while you were resting, desperate for more pleasure.
“you’re doing so well, pretty boy.” the praises spilled out naturally, his gaze shifting from your face to your cute little cock. your head felt dizzy, cloudy with dreams and pleasure as you moaned softly. the amount of pre-cum that dribbled out made an erotic squelch noise fill the room. trey didn’t bother stopping, even going a bit faster to get more reactions from you.
he thought about you like this before, but had no idea how to tell you. the mysterious transfer student from a different world was more than alluring to the normal student at NRC. not to mention, you are undeniably cute, winning the hearts of many of your seniors without you noticing. you never really noticed much, most of your schedule filled with hanging out with the first years or studying.
but the way you were now, and the time you were spending in his lap, was solely because of him. treys eyes widened when he noticed you were clumsily bucking your hips towards his hand. even while asleep, you couldn’t help but be so honest. you really were such a good boy.
when you started to curl up and shield yourself away from treys hand, he tutted, unwaveringly pushing your hips the opposite way so he could continue jerking you off. “no no, not that way. we’re almost done. let me help.”
it felt way too good. all of it felt unreal. being coddled so closely, fed so gently, cared for so nicely. it made you moan louder, drooling while you felt yourself grow dumber. trey was so overwhelming, and yet, you didn’t want to leave. you were in and out of your sleep, groaning treys name as he chuckled.
“you’re so sweet when you say my name, y/n. you can say it more. say it as much as you want.” trey kissed your forehead, his hand moving quicker and harder as you started to practically wail from how your body felt. you could feel his breath on your neck. it was hard for him to keep his composure.
when he saw your little hands try and grip the chair, that’s when he knew you were close. why was he so worried before? you clearly wanted this just as much as he did. you were the perfect little boy, listening and letting him do as he pleases. trey groaned, letting you hump into his hand clumsily. “you’re gonna cum, arent you y/n? it’s okay. let it out for me. you’ve been so good.” his voice only urged you further, sweet and soft in your ear.
your mouth was open, but no sound came out when you came, eyes rolling back a bit from your release. your cum shot high, some of it nearly landing on your chin as trey milked your cock, making sure every last drop was drained from your balls. it’s probably been so long since you’ve let yourself relax like this. he made a mental note to do this more often with you.
“see? didn’t that feel good?” his smile was as warm as ever, ready to greet you as you slowly opened your eyes. his face was a bit flushed, holding you in place even as you began to wake up and try to piece together what just happened. your trusty senpai would never do anything so dishonest after all. you could only nod, not wanting to make a fool out of yourself for falling asleep and not listening to.. whatever went on.
there trey goes again, forgetting to take care of his own tasks. his cock twitched angrily, aching to be touched. maybe a pretty boy like yourself wouldn’t mind returning the favor tonight.
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I don’t know why but I got this idea in my head of Cater’s sisters being really into Ace’s brother. Maybe because I got Cater and Ace mixed up all the time when I first saw the character designs for TW.
Ah, yes. Putting more Heartslabyul boys in familial crises with the fear that their own [relative] may start a relationship with a [relative] of a classmate (the last one was Mrs. Spade + "Silver's dad") :)) That's been my favorite thing to write lately, lol
I wrote Cater’s sisters with the concept of bubbly, sociable girls and gyaru fashion/subculture in mind. There's a lot of "like" and "totally" in their vocabular! Ace's brother is 7 years older than him, so in my head I'm placing the Diamond sisters around that ballpark too. (We don’t actually know what the age difference between the Diamond siblings are, nor do we know that much about the character of the sisters other than having girlish interests and being somewhat bossy with Cater.)
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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Head-turning was an understatement for the effect the Diamond sisters had on NRC’s general populace. The gemstone of their surname might have implied elegance in the right context—but they were more the gaudy kind of jewels, shining so brightly it was difficult to ignore them.
The Diamond sisters dressed loudly, talked loudly, and lived, laughed, and loved loudly. It earned them no shortage of strange looks and stares. Attention, but not the good kind.
The cards that Cater held so close to his chest threatened to slip out from between his fingers and scatter. Putting on an act was one thing—but when his sisters were present? A whole different act to balance.
People looked too closely. They wondered. All things he worked so tirelessly to avoid.
His house of cards threatened to topple.
“Is this really your dorm?” one sister gushed, disrupting Cater’s thoughts.
She gazed at the red roses that wreathed the lounge. Cards were also strung above to give the illusion of floating down. Suspended clocks ticking away the time, racking up the seconds.
“Heartslabyul’s, like, so aesthetically pleasing!” the other sister declared. “It’s like I just walked straight into a viral Magicam pic.”
“Yup, it’s my dorm alright!” Cater said quickly, careful to not let his smile falter. “Hey, if you like Heartslabyul, then we should check out the other six dorms too. You might find a place that vibes with you even more!”
“Really? But I wanna soak up the atmosphere of your dorm first!!” The first sister fell back into a quilted couch with a pout.
The second shook her head and tutted. “Let’s stop and smell the roses, okay, Cay-Cay?”
“Eeeeh? That’s easy for you two to say… I kinda get tired of smelling roses all day myself. Don't 'cha find it a little stifling? There are other places we could hang."
His sisters looked at him incredulously, neither of them willing to budge. He had feared this--their headstrongness had been the cause of many disputes as children.
"Maybe we could hit up the gardens then?" Cater offered, changing up his tactics. "It's so big, and there's so much to see there! Lots of 'cammable spots! We could spend all afternoon wandering it and getting lost~"
Hopefully out of sight for the entire day. It was more energy than he had hoped to expend, but it was a concession Cater was forced to make.
At this, the Diamond sisters leapt up excitedly.
"Omg, pics with floral backgrounds are like, SO hot right now. It's the season for it!"
“Is there a flower archway? Or a trellis we could pose in front of?”
“All that and more!“ Cater beamed and gestured to the open door. It led into a twisting hallway, checkered in black and white squares. When he looked to his sisters, he mustered all the eagerness he could. “Come on, let’s shake a leg and check it out!”
“What, you’re checking me out?”
“… Eh?” Cater whipped back to the doorway.
A man was now there, casually leaning against the frame. He wore a confident grin on his handsome face, poised with the laidback sort of swagger of a street-smart alleycat.
Riddle would have blown a fuse at how he dressed—his vest was open, his shirt wasn’t fully tucked in, nor full buttoned. His tie was loose too, and tossed over the shoulder… and, worst of all, he had the same impish glitter in his cherry eyes as Ace did. Double trouble, it seemed.
“I didn’t think my lil’ bro’s classmates would be so into me,” the Ace-like man joked.
Cater blinked as realization kicked in. “Eh, could it be that you’re Ace-chan’s…”
Right on cue, the first year in question popped up from around the corner. He crammed himself in the doorway with his brother with a groan.
“Would it kill you to wait up for me?!” Ace cried indignantly. “Just cuz you’re visiting your alter mater doesn’t mean you can ditch me to run off and do whatever!”
“Can’t help it if you still can’t outrun me,” his brother smirked. “Maybe you oughta work out some more.”
“Yeah, right! You just got a head-start is all. I bet I’m WAY more in shape than you are!”
Yup, that pretty much confirms it… They argue like siblings—I’d know it anywhere.
"I didn’t know your brother would be dropping in," Cater began. Rapt gasps cut off the rest of his thought.
“O. M. G.”
The blood in Cater’s veins ran cold. He didn’t need to look to know that something had completely entranced his sisters.
They were both suddenly on either side of Cater, sandwiching him between them. "Cay-kun, who’s this cutie?! Where have you been hiding him?"
For once in his life, he was at a total loss for words. Cater stared pleadingly at Ace, his puppy dog eyes (a technique he had learned from many fake Magicam apology vids) on full blast.
The first year wiggled his brows at Cater, then strolled forward. He slicked hair back with both hands (he had seen it once in a movie) and made what he probably thought was an attractive expression. “Ladies, ladies! I know I'm hot stuff! No need to clamor, there’s plenty of me to go around.”
The Diamond sisters flew right by him, snubbing the boy.
"... Huh?"
Both Cater and Ace gawked as the girls clustered around the older of the Trappola brothers. One sister took hold of his right arm, the other, the left, in a desperate bid for his attention. The Diamond sisters giggled coquettishly, batting their eyes at Ace's brother and toying with locks of their hair.
"Hey, cutie~ You free right now? Cuz we totes are!"
"Let's ditch our bros and get to know each other better! You're, like, def our type."
"Oh, you've got to be kiddin' me," Ace groaned, face-palming.
His brother smiled languidly and shrugged. "Sorry, my dude. I can't help being a chick magnet. Better luck next time."
"You don't sound very sorry about it!!"
"What else is a guy supposed to do in a situation like this? I'll make it up to you somehow, promise!"
"Aw, you care about your little bro's feelings? I love that," one of the Diamond sisters swooned, a hand to her forehead.
"Hot and considerate? He's the total package!" The other traced a light circle on his chest, a longing sigh drawn out from between her lips.
"Oh, BARF." Ace yanked on Cater's sleeve, demanding, "Uh, a little help here, Cater-senpai?! You CAN'T be okay with this, right?"
"Eeeh, you seriously want me to get in the way of true love, Ace-chan?" he pulled back, both hands up--distancing himself from the situation. "Sorry, but I'm not up for it."
"Oh, come on! True love, my ass! You're fine with your sisters peacing out on you to flirt and make goo-goo eyes?!"
"Honestly, whatever keeps them out of my hair~" Cater replied with a mischievous wink. "And besides, I don't want to deal with the potential fallout if they kick up a fuss about it. Haven't you ever heard of 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'?"
With a grin, the third year wrangled his junior by the shoulder and brought him close. "I should actually be thanking you, Ace-chan! You got me out of a real tight pinch there~"
“Yeah, and now you put me in a pinch!” he groused back, shoving Cater away. There was no shame to his senior’s smile, only smug satisfaction. “Traitor!”
“Geez, that’s mean of you to say. I didn’t ever promise you anything, did I? We just happened to cross paths and things worked out in my favor 🎵”
"Well thanks for NOTHING, then!"
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diodellet · 2 years
what can i do for you? (jamil viper x gn!reader*)
i was originally thinking of a hcs post for who would be the best charac to borrow a hair tie from and then realized my bias would shine through so... yeah? hooray for ya girl's first twst fic? jamil makes me confused... like i wan to punch him sm???? maybe its bc im still in recovery over not getting his alab naria ssr content warnings: -anachronistic (it is set in the main story of twst, the events of the Prologue chapter happened but there are no references to Overblots.) -references to some spoilers for Book 4 -*reader has thick, long, not-straight hair word count: 5.5k words
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chapter 1: just let me do this for you
When it came to most things in his life, Jamil had little to say with regards to how he felt about such. From a young age, he was taught to put his personal thoughts aside. If he had so much to say, then he could direct that energy to his work instead. From a young age, he was taught not to make a big deal out of things, rather, he learned to placate and smooth things over. With time, even little joys were overlooked out of his mind’s automatic urge to run through his tasks and obligations again and again. There was no end to the things he had to attend to, so whatever he felt, whatever he had to say, would go disregarded and ultimately remain unsaid. But for some reason, today felt different.
Of course, nothing outwardly changed. Flight class was technically his second subject of the day after morning training at the basketball club. The sun’s rays had yet to grow harsh and he had enough time to get his body to fully wake up. The flying drills were easy enough to accomplish. With it being early into the semester, the class was still being made to recall past lessons. But as usual, Jamil would have to take his time completing them, making sure to match the majority of his classmates’ skill level to land squarely in the middle. Though, the teacher’s attention was mostly focused on the first years since it was their first time flying out in an open area. Another loud yell followed by the shrill sound of the coach’s whistle told him that another first-year nearly fell off their broom. 
Sparing the field a cursory glance, he estimated that he could complete the practice course a bit quicker than he usually did. He could shave off a few seconds from his regular record. Maybe he deserved to show some progress in the class and use the remaining time for something else. Hovering above the treeline, he watched the specks of students going about. The cool temperature of the wind grazed against his shoulders, the golden ornaments in his hair chimed softly with the movement. For once, it could be said that Jamil was in a good mood.
The same couldn’t be said for you though.
He spotted you, the blue flames of your familiar’s ears starkly standing out against the field of green and the black of the PE uniform. That combined with the loud and late entrance the both of you made, caught the attention of all the involved classes. Your frantic screaming, along with the broom speeding faster than what was manageable led to the pair of you getting stuck in a tree. The two Heartslabyul students who frequently accompanied you, tried to get you down without aggravating any possible injuries you sustained.
Come to think of it, he did have to remind Ace about afternoon training. Guiding his own broom, he descended to land a ways from where your group was standing.
“Have you ever heard of a hairbrush?” Ace picked a bunch of leaves out of your hair.
“I already told you I woke up late—ow—so I couldn’t.” You winced before swatting his hands away. “...and besides, my hair tie broke.” 
“Y’were hurrying me to finish eating breakfast…”
“Because you’re powering the broom, Grim. I’m not gonna make you do that on an empty stomach.”
“Maybe you could get a haircut if it’s such a hassle to take care of?” Deuce suggested as he handed you your broom. It probably flew and landed a bit further away after you and Grim crashed. 
“Maybe.” You tilted your head, tone pensive as you considered the prospect, before your expression gave way to a grimace. “But it’ll be expensive…”
“Come visit Heartslabyul then, we’ll use the hedge shears on you.”
That remark pulled a laugh from you. And it was contagious, making your friends smile in turn. The conversation continued in such a way as you slowly combed your hair. With each pass of your fingers through the locks, your expression would scrunch up in slight pain before you’d move on to undo the rest of the tangles.
“Okay, this is probably the best I can do. Ace?” You held out an open hand to accept his spare hair tie.
“Took you forever. Coach Vargas’ll be calling your names any second now.” He dropped it into your palm.
“Not if he calls you guys first—Coach! Trappola’s skipping out on drills!” Just as you raised your voice to bring attention to your friend, the hair tie around your fingers snapped apart, turning into a piece of string. “Ack—wait!” you cursed.
The shrill sound of Vargas’ whistle pierced the air. “Trappola, enough dilly-dallying! You’re up. Spade, you’ll be after him!” 
“Ha, karma!” Ace laughed at you before hopping onto his broom and speeding off. 
“No! Argh!” You scowled, shoving the useless band into your pocket. Letting go of your hair, letting it tumble down your shoulders.
“I think y’deserved that, henchman.” Grim quipped.
You asked, “what do we do, Grim? Do we just go for it?”
“Just don’t start screaming at me again. Let’s go, let’s go! We’re gonna be left behind!” He pawed at the side of your leg, before bounding off in the direction that Ace and Deuce went in.
You leaned against your broom and carded a hand through your hair, then again and again. The repetitive motion seemed to do little for you and you ended up dropping onto your haunches, releasing a long shaky exhale. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, deciding to approach you.
“Oh crap, you saw that—” You straightened up. “Agh, I’m sor—I mean, who are you?”
He introduced himself as a second year in Scarabia, added that he was in the same club as Ace. At the mention of that, your initial trepidation dissipated. You also introduced yourself, the magicless student living with Grim in the formerly-abandoned dormitory.
“Your familiar made quite the appearance at the entrance ceremony,” he remarked. 
“Aah… Grim isn’t really my familiar,” you explained. “But he needs the credits, so… we’ve become sort of a package deal.” One of your free hands toyed with the ends of your hair. 
Jamil had to admit that he could somewhat empathize with your situation. Having to pick up after someone else, spending all of your time being responsible for another. It was the story of his life. “It seems like a handful.”
Which was a severe understatement, considering the bits and pieces of rumors surrounding you and the several times he’s seen you chasing after the catlike monster through the hallways. Said understatement elicited a laugh from you. “You should’ve seen us earlier.”
“Earlier?” He injected a practiced amount of obliviousness into his tone. 
“Ah, nevermind.” A loose lock of hair fell in front of your face as you rocked on the balls of your feet. “By the way, you wouldn’t happen to have either a spare hair tie or tips for controlling a broom, would you?”
He had a spare, always kept one on him. But not in the case that he misplaced them. The band of red had its improvised uses. “Why do you ask?”
“There’s only so much my understanding of theory can do for Grim. I’ve tried asking others, but I don’t…” You kicked at a patch of grass as you considered your next words. “...I don’t get it,” you admitted in a soft voice.
He could hazard a guess as to who you asked, and yet there wasn’t much he could do to help. Casting magic differed from individual to individual. For him, his own magic was almost indistinguishable from himself, it felt no different from moving a limb. One of his hands came up to his chin as he sank into thought. “You’d… lessen your chances of having an accident as long as you don’t pull up your broom. There’s no ceiling to stop you this time.” 
“Easier said than done, but thanks.” You gave an appreciative smile. The wind kicked up and your expression gave way to nervousness as you glanced up at the sky. “Fingers crossed I don’t fall and break all my bones.”
“Wait.” Jamil reached into his pocket and pulled out his spare hair tie. “This will also help.”
You fixed him with a suspicious look, but nonetheless accepted it. “This won’t break on me, will it?” He shook his head, no.
You looped the band once, twice, three times into a snug ponytail. “Oh, huh.” You ran the tip of your finger along the decorative feather.
“It’ll hold up better than Ace’s.” His lips curled into a knowing smile.
“...So you did see that!” You pointed accusingly at him, mortification painting your features. “You saw all of that!” 
Before Jamil could reply, the sharp sound of Vargas’ whistle piercing through the air followed by the sound of your name being called cut your conversation short. For a moment you looked unsure of what to prioritize, until you moved to grip your broom with your other hand. “I’ll give this back!” You called over your shoulder as you ran towards the practice course.
As soon as the class ended, he searched for Ace, managed to remind him about that afternoon’s meeting. To which the freshman responded with a casual ‘aight,’ before going to return the brooms. He supposed that the three of you would switch every now and then to be the one responsible for putting away all your brooms. 
Grim jumped onto your shoulder, climbed to perch atop your head to crow about his flying skills. You reached a hand up to scratch at the fire monster’s chin, calling his attention and quizzing him about the different ingredients needed for a Numbing Potion, the steps needed to prepare mandrake root, and… the correct method of handling poisonous ingredients? That wasn’t something brought up in Potions quizzes.
There’s a story behind that, probably. Before he could approach you though, Deuce turned your attention to his own notes. You squinted at the page, mumbling silently to yourself as you pieced together his solution. You sounded unsure as you explained the problem to the fellow first year.
At the sound of Ace’s voice saying that the both of you were wrong, Jamil withdrew. Okay, guess that means he shouldn’t disturb you and your friends.
He had other obligations to attend to anyways. He could just ask Ace to get it back for him during training. Of course, a part of him was irked at the thought of carelessly leaving his belongings with another person—a stranger, at that—but if he lingered on those thoughts, he’d end up nursing a migraine for the rest of the day.
He didn’t know it then, but that was the last time you addressed him casually. 
His good mood for the day ended with that Flight class. A pop quiz sprung on the class which mainly consisted of material from an advanced, optional reading. Don’t get him wrong, it wasn’t the spontaneity nor the class’s collective low scores that irked him, rather the teacher’s disappointment in said results which added insult to injury. Following that, his next class, a research paper comprising a quarter of his final grade was assigned and made into a group project. Which he didn’t see the need for, it was just a vocal majority of the class wanting to coast by without exerting much effort.
 Look on the bright side, he reminded himself with a copious amount of sarcasm, there were no pressing emergencies so far today. But then again, that could’ve been a problem in itself. Call him paranoid, but the times where Kalim has tried and failed to solve his own problems were too numerous to keep count of.
“How were your classes?” Kalim asked.
“They were alright, nothing noteworthy,” he replied with a shrug as he took Kalim’s things. “Did you turn in the student information sheets to the Headmaster?”
Kalim pressed a hand against his temple, the bracelet adorning his wrist clinking with the movement. “Oh, I almost forgot about that. I still need to collect them from the first and second years.” 
He supposed he could afford to leave club early for this. “I’ll make sure to do that after club, then.” While this would hurt his chances of being picked for the starting lineup, dorm responsibilities always came first. The reminder did little to calm the bit of annoyance flaring up inside him though. 
Kalim’s expression shifted into one of concern. "You don't have to, I can do it after my classes." 
"There's going to be a meeting for the dorm leaders later today though.”
"Then I could just do it after that—oh! Or we could do it now," he suggested brightly.
“No.” Jamil could feel the startings of a headache above his left eye. “You’re not skipping lunch for this.”
The sound of idle conversation and students milling about grew louder the closer they reached the cafeteria. The queue for the buffet was almost long enough to snake around the perimeter of the room. At least he had the foresight to pack lunch, that only left the challenge of finding free seats for the both of them. Jamil’s hand tugged at the collar of his hoodie. Or maybe they could eat at the courtyard, the weather outside seemed fine—
“Hey, is it alright if me and my friend sit at this table?” Spoken too soon.
At least, there was a familiar face.
“Sure, knock yourselves out. ” Ace replied, giving a casual wave.
“Thanks!” The both of them took the seats across from your friend group. 
His clubmate sat between you and an empty seat. You were resting your head on your folded arms, asleep. Judging by the lack of trays, Deuce and Grim were probably somewhere in the line getting food.
“We’re back!” Speak of the devil. 
The other Heartslabyul freshman carried two trays, and passed one of them to Ace, while a third one hovered just behind him. Grim leapt onto the table, looking awfully pleased with himself. Another round of quick introductions were made. Jamil learned that this was apparently a regular occurrence when you had multiple quizzes to take during the day.
“Wake up, I got us food!” The levitating tray fell onto the table with a clatter. But you didn’t stir at the sound. The monster padded closer to you, pawed at the exposed part of your face. “I got only the best morsels for my henchman!”
“Did he get into a fight?” Ace looked up from his meal, at Deuce’s sheepish expression he grimaced. “The both of you? Jeez, they’re gonna be in for a rude awakening.”
“I tried stopping him…” 
“They got a taste of my fiery wrath, mwahaha!” Grim ignored the way that the other two tried to shush him. “Ooh, what’s that?”
“Hm, this?” Kalim pointed at his lunch. “Wanna try some? It’s really good.”
With wide curious eyes, Grim moved closer. “Don’t mind if I do—hey! What gives?”
Jamil held out a hand to block the fire-monster from taking a straight out bite of the food being offered to him. “Don’t just give away your lunch like that, I only made enough for you.” 
Before the dorm leader could protest, an upbeat guitar instrumental started playing. You slowly sat up and turned the alarm off before it could repeat. One of your hands wiped at your face. There were imprints marking your forehead and the side of your cheek from your uniform’s sleeves. Underneath your elbows, an Alchemy textbook was being used as a makeshift pillow.
“Henchmaaan, this guy’s tryna starve me!”
“Don’t listen to ‘im, he wants to eat someone else’s food.”
“It’s really fine, I don’t mind sharing!” 
“Kalim, are you even listening to me—”
You blinked owlishly at each of them, the gears in your head slowly turning as you took in the situation. “Um, who…what?”
In those few seconds, Grim took his chance, lunging to snatch a piece of meat from Kalim’s unguarded lunchbox, cackling to himself as he bounded to your side.
You were still fighting off your drowsiness, the two first-years were telling Grim off and apologizing to the dorm leader while said thief showed zero remorse, and Kalim laughed brightly with amusement. Whether it was pointed at himself or at your friend group tripping over each other, or some mix of both, it was his go-to reaction to everything. Especially in the face of nuisances.
 Jamil massaged the bridge of his nose in an effort to stave off the returning headache. Why did he even bother? He set aside a portion of his own lunch, giving it to Kalim. “Here.” 
“Thanks, Jamil!” God, Kalim’s persistent optimism was painful to look at.
He didn’t respond, only tugging his hood up and keeping his attention pointed at his lunch.
The only good thing about eating in the cafeteria was that the ambient noise was more than enough to make up for any awkward pauses in the conversation. Unless you were in the company of someone who never ran out of things to say.
“Hey, I just noticed that you’re wearing the same thing as Jamil.” Like right now.
Keeping a neutral expression plastered on his face, he stole a subtle glance at you—you were poring over a section in the textbook with Deuce, who leaned over to get a clearer look, to Ace’s chagrin—the red gem adorning the hair tie gleamed, standing out against the curls of your ponytail. The three of you looked up, pausing the last-minute review.
“Oh, I always keep my hair tied—” you started to answer before your eyes widened in realization. Hooking a finger around the band, you freed your unruly hair from its hold and reached to offer it back to Jamil. “I’m sorry, I was too focused on our next class—”
“But we’re going to have to change into our lab coats later. For the practical quiz?” Deuce reminded you, passing the empty lunch trays to Ace.
You clapped a hand, the one that was holding his hair tie, against your forehead. A loud curse fell from your lips. “Ah…I forgot about that too…”
“It’s alright, you can keep using it.” The practiced response was basically muscle memory for him at this point. An automatic impulse to placate, to never rock the boat.
“Are you sure?” A concerned, almost guilty expression washed over your features. That sight, combined with the loose locks of hair framing the sides of your face, was…hard to look at for some reason.
Making a noncommittal sound, he busied himself with putting away his used utensils. “Just come by Scarabia after classes end.” 
It wasn’t like he had anything important to do anyway.
Because of club meetings, you and Grim were the only ones visiting. You mentioned something about how the both of you still had yet to join a club, with the majority of cleaning up the Ramshackle dorm taking up your afterschool activities. But what was supposed to be a quick visit to the dorm ended up becoming a full tour of the place at Kalim’s insistence. He just had to find himself in the company of not just one, but two additional absent-minded individuals. 
He should just ask for it back, get it over with—
“Oh, would you like to have some snacks? My family sent over a few boxes of baklava to share.”
“Baklava? What’s that?” Grim’s tail flicked back and forth.
The moment he resolved one problem, another one would spring up. “...Sure, I’ll handle it.”
“Thanks Jamil,” Kalim said, before turning to Grim. “You haven’t tried it before? It’s really yummy.”
“But what is it?” The sound of conversation faded behind Jamil as he went to the kitchen.
Pressing the heels of his palms to his eye sockets, he allowed himself a scant few seconds of letting the frustration wash over him before composing himself. Filling the kettle with water and setting it on the stove to boil, then pulling out the needed number of plates and a platter to serve the pastries on, tasting for poison…
He remembered how Grim gorged himself on most of the food he brought for you during lunch. For once, there was a silver lining to the lavish amount that was gifted by Kalim’s parents.
He’s much calmer by the time he leaves the kitchen, effortlessly balancing the trays of food and bringing them to the common area.
“Ooh, that does look yummy.” Grim appraises after giving his serving of baklava a cursory sniff. “I’m diggin’ in!” He raised his fork to take a large bite of the dessert. 
Jamil learned that the fire-monster’s paws were capable of some dexterity the more he watched Grim eat.
“What do you think? Eat as much as you like, my family sent lots! Jamil, have some!” Kalim held up a forkful.
Jamil acquiesced, pausing in his task of serving tea. The flaky pastry combined with the flavor of honey and pistachio was a welcome sweetness. “It’s good to eat.”
“‘Good to eat’? This is delicious, henchman, I demand another!” Grim held up his empty plate.
“What’s the magic word?” you asked, holding the refilled plate away from Grim. 
“Now, please!” The response pulled a short laugh from your throat, more amused than exasperated. You chided him for taking such large bites.
Kalim explained, “oh, he actually means that there’s no poison in the food.”
The both of you looked at him, then at Jamil. “...Poison?”
The dorm leader waved a dismissive hand. “It’s kind of why I only eat Jamil’s cooking.” 
Your expression was unreadable as you took in Kalim’s words. Throughout the tour, whenever Kalim would mention something about his home life, about Scarabia, you would glance over at Jamil for just a fraction of a second before going back to the conversation at hand.
So he was caught. More than being the vice dorm leader, more than being his so-called ‘friend,’ his presence around Kalim was a job, and it was one that he performed strictly out of duty.
“Ah, sorry for bringing the mood down. But you don’t need to worry about us!” Kalim reassured you. “Would you like something else?”
“No, no it’s okay.” You mustered a polite smile. “I um…think I’d like some more tea.”
“Sure!” He accepted your cup, refilling it to the brim. Ignoring Jamil’s insistence to do it for him.
It wasn’t like the attempts made on his life put a dent in his naivete, Jamil thought to himself. He set another piece of baklava on his plate and took a bite, this one was walnut-flavored. Sure, there was the occasional moment where Kalim suffered from leftover nausea after recovering from poisoning, but he always bounced back. 
The light conversation started back up, eventually. But you still wore that pensive expression, carding your fingers through the end of your ponytail as you listened to the conversation in front of you.
“I’ll start cleaning up.” Jamil stood up from his seat to take the used dishes and empty teapot. His initial estimate proved to be right, seeing as how there were no leftovers for him to dispose of.
“I’d like to help!” You stood up, somehow managing to neatly stack your plate and fork with Grim’s while holding your cups in your other hand.
“Just leave it to me,��� Jamil reached forward to accept it from you before you took a step back. “What are you doing?”
“You… can’t take it from me if I take it to the kitchen first!” Your words spilled out in a rush before you dashed away.
You didn’t even know where anything was—just how were you planning on doing that?
“Kalim!” He scowled as the dorm leader took the teapot from the tray and followed after you.
“I’d like to help too!” he called back with a bright smile on his lips. The gesture sent a rush of irritation through Jamil. “The kitchen’s the other direction!”
He was expecting to hear the sound of shattered ceramic, another mess for him to clean up, but the sound of light-hearted laughter echoed in his ears.
“Mragh…do they really have to do this every time we visit someplace else…” Grim grumbled himself before hopping off the cushion.
By the time he arrived at the kitchen, you were halfway through washing the used dishes. The sleeves of your blazer were messily rolled up to your elbows. You were in the middle of talking about how your first few days at the Ramshackle dorm, how the ghosts were capable roommates despite their incorporeal form. It was almost like you barged into a family, but they were willing to accept you and Grim under their care, never mind the rocky start.
Though your voice and pleasant expression remained steady, the moment Kalim asked about your family, one of the teacups tumbled out of your hold and landed in the sink with a loud clatter. The noise shattered the warm atmosphere.
Jamil took that as his cue to guide Kalim out of the kitchen, which the latter reluctantly agreed to. Giving you a worried look just before he left.
“Please excuse him, Kalim didn’t mean to pry—”
You shook your head, at least you didn’t seem angry. “It’s funny, I can remember doing things like this with them.” You glanced at Jamil, then back to the running water before admitting quietly. “But I barely remember them, my family, my friends.”
“Don’t think about that, henchman. You have me now.” You stumbled as Grim leapt onto your shoulder, clambering up to the top of your head.
“...You’re right, I guess so.” The smile didn’t reach your eyes.
You stood in front of the mirror, head craned upwards to stare at the intricate frame. Your hands busied themselves with twisting and picking at your fingers. Since you were standing alone, Grim probably went on ahead at your request. 
Jamil decided to speak up, “forgetting something?”
Turning to the sound of his voice, your confused expression gave way to sheepishness as you noticed what was in his hand. It was the notebook you were carrying with you when you arrived at the dorm. “Oh shoot—” You quickly took it and flipped through the pages. “Sorry, where’d I leave it?”
“It was in the common area.” 
"Y’know, I think that place is more ‘pillows’ than lounge.’”
“You can thank the Asim Family for that.”
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just that lost ‘nd found spells got to have a limit or something.”
“Or you just get used to it.” He shrugged.
A part of him thought back to the brief conversation in the kitchen, the little admission you made. But you made no mention of it again, there wasn’t a trace of embarrassment, no hesitant request to forget about it. Your hand carded through your hair, brushing aside the short baby hairs, and through your ponytail. His eyes caught how your fingers grazed against the ornamental feather attached to the hair tie. 
“You should start heading back to Ramshackle.”
“I know, I really should…but I still feel like I’m forgetting something.”
His hair tie. You were still wearing it, but at some point in today, you had completely, unwittingly accepted it as part of your person. He might just outright ask for it back, but instead, he asked you, “what are your classes for tomorrow?”
You blinked. “Um. I think I have five subjects? No, wait—”
“That should be History and Alchemy.” He counted on two fingers.
“—yeah. Uh, we get free study on Wednesdays so that leaves Animal Linguistics and Practical Magic.” Four fingers.
“And what do you have to pass for those subjects?” 
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Oh crap…what were we going to do tomorrow—there’s a quiz for History of Magic… two worksheets to pass for Alchemy homework, um…Oh! We’re going to have a report on a new chapter in Linguistics...” You listed the first three easily before trailing off to think.
“Nothing for Practical Magic?”
Your brow furrowed. “...I don’t think so?”
“No assigned readings? Practice quizzes? Group reports?” He listed a few more options. Mentioned anything but that band of red tying your hair and keeping it out of your face. With each shake of your head, he watched your expression sink deeper into contemplation.
“I think we just have a lecture for that day… Everything else is due next week.” You conceded after a few more seconds of racking your brain. “Ugh, it’s right at the tip of my tongue though. I really think I’m forgetting something.” You recounted the same number of requirements on your own hand, the index finger of your other hand bending your pinky.
His hand returned to his side. “You’re overthinking it.”
“Big words, coming from the Dorm of Overthinking.”
He couldn’t help the exasperated sigh. “Mindfulness and overthinking aren’t the same.”
“Are too—wait, now I know what I’m forgetting!” Well, it was fun while it lasted. He expected to see you reach upwards and undo your ponytail, to see your hair tumble messily over your shoulders, to hear a quick goodbye. Normalcy was only two quick steps away, the distance between you and the mirror.
Instead, you folded your other fingers, holding up your pinky. “I’ll come over after classes to help you out.”
“Ha?” Your solution was to give yourself more to do?!
“Is-is that too much?” Your head tilted to the side, concern laced your tone.
Schooling his expression back into a neutral one, he backtracked, “no—I mean, don’t you have anything better to do?” With your free time? He left that last part unsaid.
“You’d have to be a fool not to admit that two sets of hands are better than one,” you reasoned.
It isn’t that simple, he wanted to say. If only your words could have undone the rigid duty that had dictated his entire life. But, what could he say to someone who was just as, if not more, stubborn than they appeared? It was too much of a hassle to deal with, he reasoned to himself.
He linked his pinky finger with yours. Made no mention of the way you tensed up at the contact and filed it away in his mind. “Very well, I’ll hold you to that.” 
“Cool.” A few more beats passed, your gaze darted from his face then to your joined hands. “...okay.” Your tone softened bashfully at that last word. With your head tilted downwards, as if adamantly turned away, more loose strands of your hair slipped from your ponytail. At least you weren’t able to see what his own expression looked like. He imagined brushing the hair aside and tucking it behind your ear.
Instead he drew back, pulling his hand away from yours and slipping it into his pocket. In this way, the residual heat from your hand wouldn’t dissipate as quickly. “Didn’t you say you had a test for History tomorrow?”
Breaking out of your reverie, you cursed and turned to the mirror. “You’re right, um… Sorry for overstaying my welcome, thank you for to—” The rest of your sentence cut off the moment you went through the portal. But he didn’t need to guess what you were trying to say. Your goodbye floated in the air, pleasant and warm, settling comfortably into his mind. 
He spared a glance outside. The sky was growing dark, a day consisted of 24 hours, and he wasn’t one to lose track of time. But a part of him swore that whatever happened that afternoon took place for longer than two hours. He stopped in his tracks, for once he wasn’t thinking two or three steps ahead for tomorrow and the day after.
Get it together, Jamil Viper. His facade as a retainer for the Asim family slipped back into place. First, he had to clean up the lounge, then prepare dinner. After that he needed to go over the recent chapter for Ancient Incantations, to help Kalim review for Defensive Magic. What could be prepared for breakfast and lunch tomorrow, he should ask if Kalim had any preferences. He counted each task on a finger, his mind seamlessly recalling what else needed to be done for tomorrow, for the party this weekend, and so on. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he didn’t take a look until late in the night, after he finished putting everything away and made his last checks around the dorm.
Unknown Number IM SORRY I FORGOT TO RETURN YOUR HAIR THINGY AAAAAA I can Run back and drop it off Or is it Too late??? Ahhh im really sorry See i KNEW i was forgetting something this whole time!!!
From the first message, he already knew who the sender was. Did you ask Ace for his number? He changed the name to yours and started typing a reply. Unbeknownst to him, an amused smile tugged at his lips.
Jamil It's fine, I already told you I have more than one. It isn't a bother. Red looks good on y|
What was he doing? The back of his neck grew warm with embarrassment. He erased that last message.
Just make sure you bring it with you tomorrow.
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chapter 2: take my hand like you mean it chapter 3: you're afraid to believe it A/N: first id like to thank @jessamine-rose for her time and patience in dealin wid my shenaniganery as she beta'd this story. fic+chapter title credits to this song iykyk wink wonk idk what else to say other than strap in? get ready? this is overly self-indulgent? ill update the links when i get around to finishing pt. 2 (as of now im 1.2k words in) i hope this was fun to read haha i was being hounded with worms in the brain for this funny guy lmao (read: 🤧📢📢GAGO KA JAMIL HANGKYUT MO TALAGAAAAA) don't be afraid to rb and holler in da tags! i cherish each and every comment 💞💞
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magicluckystars · 1 year
A not-so-perfect first halloween
Halloween collab with @jade-s-nymph !!
TW: fluff, reader can be Yuu or not, they/them pronouns used, Cater is wearing a skull hairpin, post book 1, reader is mentioned to have hair and a costume, (name) used to mention reader, a lil bit of crack, not edited, (name) has like one line, second person POV, switches between (name) and Riddle randomly
characters: Riddle x reader, honourable mention to Cater, Vil, Jade I added Jade just for you @jade-s-nymph be grateful and Floyd (not shipped)
Not accurate to the Halloween event in-game! This is an au where NRC students set up stalls with challenges and if you win the challenge, you get candy which you can eat or trade in for prizes
I am still an amateur writer so writing may be cringe/out of character! Constructive feedback would be much appreciated!
🌹🌹🌹 Riddle was…Nervous, to say the least. He had experienced Halloween at NRC before, and he’d like to say he enjoyed it. However, this was his first Halloween with someone other than his dorm mates or friends: you. What was your favourite activity on Halloween? Did you like candy? Had you gone trick-or-treating before? Riddle had asked you these questions and more in advance to make sure both of you enjoyed yourselves. He smoothed out his costume—a skeleton with heart embroidery—and straightened his back. I’m going to make sure this is the best first Halloween with them, Riddle told himself. One of the benefits of wearing heels was seeing Heartslabyul students straighten up immediately after hearing the click-clack of Riddle’s heels as he stepped into the dorm lounge. Usually, Riddle would’ve greeted them and even brought up some small talk if he was in a good mood, but it was almost 6:00 in the evening, about time for Riddle to set out to meet you. “Looking good, Housewarden! How about a selfie for Magicam?” Cater winked, taking out his phone. He was wearing a similar outfit to Riddle, only difference being the size and the fact that he had a skull hairpin in his long, ginger hair. Riddle sighed at the tall student in front of him. “Make it quick,” He said, “I am sure you are aware that I am going to meet (name), and it is against the rules to be late.” After snapping a photo with Cater, Riddle set out. You both were to meet in front of the school, on Main Street, and then explore the festival together. It was 6:00 exactly when Riddle arrived at your meeting place. As he waited for you, Riddle couldn’t help but admire the decorations. After all, NRC students always went the full nine yards for Halloween. Candles littered Main Street, all set aglow by Headmage Crowley himself. Pumpkins which had different faces on them—Riddle thought he saw one that looked like him—some in the sky, some on the apple tree branches, candles inside them flickering bright. Small lanterns hung from the now-bare branches of NRC’s historic apple trees, adding a subtle but noticeable glow to the dark brown branches that hung over the statues of the Great Seven. The sky was a cloudy sunset, with gaps in the clouds where remnants of the sunny October day before peeked out for one last chance to glow before the moon came up and night arrived. As the sun set and the moon rose, more and more people started to arrive to participate in the festivities, and soon Riddle found himself smushed between a little girl and who Riddle thought to be her big brother. Great. With this much rush, I doubt I’ll be able to find them. Riddle mentally sighed, and started to search for you among the crowd. Meanwhile, you came running to the decided meeting place and were about to apologize for being late, but as soon as you opened your mouth, you realized you couldn’t see Riddle in the crowd. You guess at some point Vil showed up in his Halloween costume, because people started running and pushing forward, taking their phones out and screaming. Just as you told a guy to watch it and another woman and a few teenagers to please stop pushing, you finally fell to the ground because of the stampede. It left your hair a mess, and your Halloween costume soiled slightly. As the stampede thinned a little bit, you saw a familiar pair of skeleton heels and rose-red hair.
Riddle searched for your face when the crowd thinned. His mind went all sorts of places. What if they didn’t want to come and just forgot to tell me? What if they’re in trouble? I should probably call them… The last place Riddle expected you to be was on the ground.
“(name)..? Is that you? Are you alright?” He questioned, surprised. As you raised your hand in greeting and weakly made a thumbs up, Riddle bent down to offer you a hand, which you gladly accepted.
“Great seven…You can’t go a day without causing trouble for me, can you?” Riddle said as he pulled you to your feet and fixed your clothes and hair. As you opened your mouth to apologize, he stopped you. “…Well, it’s not like I mind.” He mumbled, looking satisfied with his work and nodding. You two walked through the mini-fair, making idle talk about recent events and often stopping to make comments like this booth is decorated beautifully, and oh, let's try this game! Riddle kept a close watch on you. There might be more rush and another stampede, and he didn't want you to get hurt.
Eventually, you came across a stall run by some Octavinelle students, where you had to throw a ball and break glass to win candy. Riddle turned to you. “Do you want to give it a go? I will be here.” As you nodded, Riddle stepped back so the ball wouldn’t accidentally hit him. You threw the ball with all your might, but none of your balls hit. The Octavinelle student at the stand sniggered.
“Sorry, better luck next time, I guess.” The student sneered. (Was it rigged? Were your throws actually horrible? You never know…)
You and Riddle both tried a bunch of games, winning some and losing some. Eventually, your bags were reasonably full with candy, and the night was coming to an end. Guests were starting to leave, but in the darkness the decorations around the school shone yet brighter. Riddle checked his watch. It read 10:34 PM. He looked at you. “We should probably get going. We do have school tomorrow, and if we sleep late we will wake up late for school tomorrow. Let’s go exchange our candy and head back.”
As you two walked to the exchange stall, a familiar—yet unnerving—voice spoke. “Well, look what we have here. Why, it’s the Housewarden of Heartslabyul and his paramour. How are you on this fine night?” Jade Leech peered down to make eye contact with you and Riddle. Behind him was Floyd, energetically giving out and restocking prizes, and the prize wall. The bigger plushies were hung higher on the wall, and the smaller fidgets hung lower, both in price and on the wall. You looked at Riddle, who was conversing with Jade about the candy, and you looked at a hedgehog plushie with a Halloween mask on that you had just enough candy for. It wasn’t too big, but it was freakishly adorable. You interrupted Jade mid-speech to point at the hedgehog you wanted. He looked a bit irritated, but quickly changed to his normal expression. “Ah, that one. I’m assuming you have the candy to pay for it, yes?” He smiled politely, but it didn’t reach his eyes. You nodded as you dumped out your entire sack of candy. Jade reached for the hedgehog hanging mid wall—you couldn’t help but think Riddle would’ve struggled to get that if it were him—and handed it to you. As you and Riddle left, you couldn’t help but notice Floyd suddenly stop his work and going to annoy Jade. In the background, you could hear Jade saying “Now, Floyd. I don’t think Azul will be happy if you leave those customers hanging.” It was almost 11:00 now. The mini-fair closed, only reopening next year. You and Riddle walked in comfortable silence. The fall breeze was crisp but chilly. A lingering scent from the apple pie stall remained, and you could hear the crunches of the leaves beneath your feet as you walked toward the Hall of Mirrors. It really seemed like Halloween was over now, and so was your first date with Riddle.
“…I’ll walk you back to your dorm,” Riddle said, breaking the silence. You nodded and walked in the direction of your dorm. When you finally arrived at the Hall of Mirrors, you smiled and waved goodbye to Riddle, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before you left for your dorm. Riddle’s face turned red like a tomato, but he couldn’t stop thinking about that peck on the cheek. It was a simple but romantic gesture. As he went through the Heartslabyul mirror, Riddle noticed you had forgotten the hedgehog plushie you got at the exchange stall. Riddle pulled out his phone to let you know that you had forgotten it and he would give it to you tomorrow, but he was met with a text from you that read:
(name): dw about the plushie. I know you like hedgehogs so I decided to give it to you. I’ve seen your room. it’s neat, sure, but it’s lacking that personal factor. Keep the hedgehog, take good care of him for me ;)
Riddle sighed and shook his head. This definitely sounded like something you would do. The click-clack of Riddle’s heels could be heard as he stepped into the Heartslabyul lounge. Students still in the lounge didn’t say anything, but they stared at the plushie in their Housewarden’s arms. As Riddle gave them a dirty look and they straightened up and pretended to do something else, he walked up the stairs, replaying the night and its ending in his head over and over. Riddle slept peacefully that night with the plushie in his arms.
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letterstoear · 7 months
Single bunnies' assortment!
In my new keychain line, it features bunny plushies: Single and happy, single and a hopeless romantic, as well as single and depressed. I thought it would be fun to sort the different Twisted Wonderland characters into the three categories.
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Check out my shop here: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
Please note that this is all very delusional late-night shenanigans.
Riddle Rosehearts: Single and a hopeless romantic
Honestly this boy probably found his first romance novel at the library while studying and then got hooked on reading romance novels. Most likely to read them in secret from embarrassment. So, yeah that’s how Riddle became single and a hopeless romantic. 
Deuce Spade: Single and a hopeless romantic
Similar to Riddle, Deuce is someone who most likely has a soft spot for romance. And that’s all I have to say about him. There’s really nothing else. 
Ace Trappola: Single and happy
Out of all the main cast he’s the only one who to have had a canon girlfriend and he’s never been happier as a single lad. I remember he mentioned in his SSR story he didn’t like how they didn’t have much in common and he ended up ghosting her in the end. Since that day, he’s never gotten into another relationship. Ace is definitely single and happy. 
Trey Clover: Single and happy
I just don’t think he cares much for romance. Man screams like he’s more focused on keeping the dorm intact and baking than romance. Another one into the basket. 
Cater Diamond: Single and depressed
Let’s be honest, the majority of the fandom ignored Cater for the new SSR card of Crowly. He’s spending this year alone and depressed. Certified single and depressed. 
Leona Kingscholar: Single and happy
You can make the argument for being single and depressed, but he’s probably like Trey and just doesn’t care for romance. Like he’s probably seen enough of it from his older brother. Plus, he might be more annoyed from Cheka. Like I can totally see Cheka giving Leona a handmade Valentines Day card and everything and Leona is just like nope. 
Ruggie Bucchi: Single and happy
Holiday season means more work; more work equals money. So, it’s a win-win situation for Ruggie. Also, once the holidays end, everything that was Valentine’s Day themed, is on sale. So, cheap food and so on. 
Jack Howl: Single and a hopeless romantic
Jack has mentioned he’s waiting for his future mate. Which makes him a certified single and a hopeless romantic. Side note, but it’s really cute to think about how Jack is just waiting all excitedly for his mate. 
Azul Ashengrotto: Single and happy
Someone who is also using the holiday for money reasons. Grabbing all those hopeless romantics together into one room just to collect their money. Probably has the Mostro Lounge all decked out for the holiday season. Love is the furthest thing from his mind. 
Jade Leech: Single and a hopeless romantic
Seeing as Jade does like to experience different customs from a variety of cultures, he’s probably excited. Can see him daydreaming about being with a significant other for the holidays in the middle of his work shift. 
Floyd Leech: Single and depressed
Because he has to work for the busy holiday season he’s probably depressed and annoyed. Like this boy is begging to go out and not work. He just wants to be a part of your world this holiday. 
Kalim Al Asim: Single and happy
He’s just happy to celebrate the holidays. Just another excuse to throw a banquet with a parade. Boy is going all out to celebrate. 
Jamil Viper: Single and depressed
Probably knows that every year Kalim throws a big feast and has to work to make everything perfect. Stressed out and depressed. Give this man a break. 
Vil Schoenheit: Single and depressed
Depressed because he wasn’t voted for the top heart throb position. Outvoted by like 1 vote. Other than that, I could also see if Vil has a hopeless romantic side to him as well. Like he’s daydreaming of someone to love him as he is and all that jazz. However, he knows it’s not his reality which makes him sad all over again. 
Rook Hunt: Single and a hopeless romantic
Did we really have any doubts he was going into this team? Rook is the definition of a hopeless romantic. Could also see it if he was the kind of person whose way more into the chase than actually being with his partner. Rook most likely voted for Neige too. 
Epel Felmier: Single and a hopeless romantic
Has thought about romance at least a few times. Other than thought it’s probably not on his mind unless someone brings it up. When it is brought up, I can totally see him wanting a more comforting life where it’s all fluffy. 
Idia Shroud: Single and happy
He’s depressed for sure, but not because of love so he’s single and happy. There’re so many themed gacha game events which causes Idia to spend his time on them. Idia probably spends his Valentines Day with Ortho making cards or something. 
Ortho Shroud: Happy
He’s just a little happy younger brother spending the holiday with his big bro. Has the whole day planned but is waiting for Idia to come out of his room. 
Malleus Draconia: All three of them wrapped into one
But Malleus is definitely single and ready to mingle. 
Lilia Vanrouge: Single and happy
Just spends his day with his boys spreading some good ol love to his sons. Love comes in all different forms after all. If anything, he might have a pinch of depression. Some angst where he doesn't believe he deserves any of the love he receives or something like that. 
Sebek Zigvolt: Single and happy as long as Malleus is single
Nah, I’m just joking for the most part. To me Sebek’s love is a mix of respect and friendship. Especially towards Silver for friendship, spends his Valentines Day eating sweets. You know the boy has a big, sweet tooth and is a big eater. 
Silver: Single and happy
Same with Lilia, it’s family love for him. He adores his father, Malleus and Sebek. Makes each and every one of them a handmade card. Definitely tells them he loves them more than twenty times on Valentines Day. 
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