#I honestly dont get the flavor
yourlocal-edgelord · 1 month
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milkweedman · 8 months
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Fig and apple pie with pecan-cardamom crust. The figs and the apples were both foraged, which is always fun. Smells super good !
It was supposed to be in a pie tin, but I had 3/4 of a pound of figs rather than the half pound the recipe called for. And then needing to scale the recipe complicated the already confusing situation of reading while dyslexic. So I largely gave up on reading, and this is more inspired by the recipe than anything else, but here it is nonetheless: Fig, Apple, and Walnut Tarts. Anyway, it ended up too big to fit in a pie tin, hence the cobbler dish.
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
The pushback to the term "cultural Christianity" from atheists is real odd to me because, as someone who has been an atheist since 13, only ever went to church a handful of times never with my own family (made a note never to sleep over at that friends house on a Saturday again bc I HATED church it smelled like shit, was boring, pews are uncomfortable as fuck, and the religious people I knew were all wildly misogynistic and I've never been here for being told I was less of a person for being Born Like This), and generally had no actual connection to Christianity in a meaningful way but still only knows Christian mythology, has been steeped in Christian values I had to untangle, and my religious understandings are still deeply Christian.
Like Ive never paid attention to the bible, church, Jesus, Christian teachings, or whatever but if you asked me about any religion the one I'll reliably know the most about is Christianity. I don't know why atheists are offended by being called culturally Christian because they have bad blood with the religion because like sorry bruh that doesn't mean you're less indoctrinated by Christian values if the culture you grew up in is predominantly Christian. In fact I'd say that religion being this ubiquitous in the culture regardless of anyone's consent to exactly ONE religion being shoved down our throats is reason to team up with other religious folks who ALSO don't like being constantly evangelized to by the culture at large, not a reason to throw a fit because you don't like being tied to a religion that is so ingrained into the culture that shit like "oh my god" and "Jesus Christ" are common expressions of surprise regardless of how atheist you are. Like surely I'm not the only atheist to notice the shocking amount of cultural religious shit that works it's way into my life and speech despite having not set foot in a church since I was like 10, and I can't remember the last time I was in one before that.
Idk man cultural Christianity seems like a pretty damn useful term to describe my relationship with a religion I never fully bought into and then actively rejected as a child yet still hold weird connections to and knowledge of just because Christianity is so baked into the culture I grew up in like it or not. If you want to be mad, be mad at the Christians who stole your freedom from religion from you, not usually religious minorities who discuss cultural Christianity and how it damages them too.
#winters ramblings#like breh i HATE how much christian bullshit ive had to detangle from my life. like the idea of sin and punishment for example#id say a LOOOOOT of discussion regardless of religion leans towards a Christian understanding of the pridon system#prison is basically a recreation of hell on earth where youre supposed to go to burn off your sins in your 10x10 cell#now i gotta say not all Christians buy inti the styke of punishment and sin i know normal well adjusted Christians#but for the most part a HUGE portion of shit comes with a helping of cultural Christianity. but prison is probably the best example#hell any discussion of punishment relies on a distinctly christian flavor of 'atone for your sin or be doomed forever"#repubs bitch about so called cancel culture but thats just how Christians act towards sin lmao they do it too#except they choose shit you didnt ACTIVITY make a choice about like being gay to condem you to hell.#cant be mad that twitter cancels people for small shit like a crap joke if you actively subscribe to the same belief system#and are only mad bc that logic is applied to YOU now. anyway i could do without this logic in activist spaces#or ANY spaces being doomed forever over sin is only one way to do Christianity. like damn can the ones who like#rehabilitation and justice and helping the poor at least be the ones in charge??#regardless ive never been a Christian and barely have a meaningful connection to the religion. whuch is why i find it rather salient#that i still have this deep connection and knowledge of something i ACTIVELY REJECTED at 13#do you know HOW MUCH i had to have been indoctrinated into this shit with as LITTLE of a connection to organized religion as i do??#the fact i have ANY connection at all is kind if fucked honestly it shows you really REALLY do not get to choose#your religious leanings unless youre actively ANOTHER RELIGION BESIDES CHRISTIAN otherwise tough tiddy#you get to be Christian By Default and i don't like it either. but when i see jewish people talking about it#i know EXACTLY what they mean because i dont like my connection to a religion i never believed in and rejected at 13 either#i don't like that my choice to reject Christianity was stolen from me by such a ubiquitously christian culture#im not mad at jews for pointing this out im mad at christians for stealing my freedom of choice
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ear-motif · 7 months
ew cooties (personal)
alright can someone who knows about romantic love help me out. every time i feel what i think is a romantic crush it sucks fucking ass. i get obsessed w them and assume every little thing they do means they don’t like me. it makes me so anxious like ?? isn’t this supposed to be fun
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clownboy-yeehonk · 13 days
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bunnyb34r · 8 months
Trying to undo the damage of Facebook w/o risking your relationship with a loved one is like defusing a fucking bomb sometimes I stg
#marquilla#i had a whole thing typed out ab this but ugh#im trying to explain to my mom that no they are not fighting to let children have sex changes. the only sex change sugery they preform on#minors are the fucked up shit they do to intersex kids at birth#that hormone therapy would be the only 'trans treatment' a minor could get and no it will not be w/o parental consent. and that hrt is#reversible.#id love to try to deradicalize the rest of my family but im sorry those motherfuckers are too far gone for me to try and keep my own sanity#like 1 went from far right to libertarian which isnt much better but it's something but im still leery of him ngl#and tra/dwife cousin's husband is full blown far right and i know it's wrong but i dont care enough ab them to want to try#ahdhdgdg i know it's bad but like they can all go to hell idc#and then theres the cousin i dont talk to who is a bible thumping freak who told his sister at her fucking lesbian wedding something#something god doesn't approve or something like that like 😬#and hes in a cult of some kind im sure but i didnt dig deep enough to find out if it's just WS flavored or full on WS shit#but theyre dead to me. i only have my lesbian cousin w/that last name sorry i dont have any [name]s in my family besides her#wouldnt put it past tra/dwife cousin's sister to be in some cult or cult adjacent beliefs honestly#i know shes being abused in some capacity and that her husband is a fucking asshole but shes a bitch so i dont talk to her at all anyway#(not that her being a bitch makes her deserving of that. those statements are two sep things. i feel bad shes being abused. AND separately#shes a bitch and her being a bitch is why i dont talk to her)#ANYWAY I Have a headache so im gonna wash the gunk off and hope i feel better
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disordersgirl · 2 years
nooo anon whered you go come back im so bored
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choccymilk · 2 years
i want like. a true friend (doesnt exist) to just like.. go to the most random hotel with and get snacks in our hotel room and watch movies on the crappy old tv and swim in their pool at midnight even tho the lighting is dingy and everything is like barely a notch above shit, just to get away from everything else and exist in a place that’s just for us at that moment in time, that exists exclusively for 2 friends to have fun
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euniexenoblade · 24 days
Honestly, it can stand as it's own post. The tobacco industry is evil they want to get you smoking yadda yadda you've heard it a million times and like. I think we hear it so much but that a lot of the younger generations in the us dont really get why there's such an aggressive anti smoking campaign, I think people buy into the narrative South Park has spun about it "the cigarette companies are all upfront about it and people still chose their service and everyone against smoking are just obsessive fascists" and it's like. Genuinely, the cigarette companies are some of the most evil entities this world has ever seen. From knowing cigarettes caused cancer before anyone else and lying about it, to being the reason the majority of 50s television existed (shows like I Love Lucy existed to sell you cigarettes) to specifically making flavors of cigarettes and cartoon mascots to sell to kids. And I'm not saying that if you smoke cigarettes you're bad but I do really want the tobacco industry abolished and have it's wealth distributed to the society it controlled for so fucking long.
Seriously, go read about it. They did shit that manipulated the country, politics, and the lives of your parents and their parents, and likely their influence is affecting your life in this day and age still.
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clanoffelidae · 4 months
Cons to being suddenly sent into vyvanse withdrawal again: basically everything
Pros: my appetite, which I have been struggling with since starting adhd medication that resulted in me rapidly (nearly a pound a day) and uncontrollably losing weight and led to changes i don’t like in my diet (more processed sugar, doesn’t sit well on my stomach :/) in an effort to consume enough calories to stabilize, has returned with a VENGEANCE
#and im craving my usual hearty foods not sweet things#ive always favored hearty foods and good filling meals to sweet treats#umami supremacy#i’d rank my taste preferences umami - salty - sweet - sour - bitter#and honestly i dont even mind bitter so long as it’s a food and not a drink#idk im rlly picky once it becomes a liquid tho#love me some chocolate leaning further towards bitter than sweet tho#really lets the fullness of the flavor come through#because when i say i like chocolate i mean i want to be able to taste the CHOCOLATE#not chocolate flavored sugar#anyway that’s a tangent#but god ive been STARVING all day today despite eating enough to carry me through an entire day these days#before even getting home#just downed enough turkey and cheese sandwiches (grilled) that i would be full to nausea normally#and i would keep going if not for the fact that i dont want to get up and make more lol#im still hungry#we’re back baby#and for the record i never actively gained weight prior to meds either#i naturally regulated myself and stayed stable overall#so when the meds shot my appetite in the foot yeah no wonder my weight started PLUMMETING lol#i wasnt overeating before at all - i was eating normally#for my metabolism#and activity levels#so yeah lol#but anyway my appetite is back with a VENGEANCE today lol#im gonna have second dinner here soon i know it lol#four sandwiches? that’s nothing#i haven’t even had my veggies yet (was too hungry to wait for them to finish thawing)#gonna lay down for a bit before round 2 but i almost forgot what a functional appetite felt like lol#i dont like everything else about this - but it’s good to have my hunger back
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malewifesband · 1 month
EDIT: if this post has made you think about whether or not you are autistic, im really glad! i hope you get some better understanding of yourself and are able to find community and support
however before you go and tell a therapist and seek an official diagnosis please read this thread and consider the points made therein:
autism is highly stigmatized. be fully informed about what you gain and what you lose from having an official diagnosis before seeking one.
people do correctly identify that laios is autistic fairly often but a lot of the reasoning begins and ends with his special interest and social difficulties, but honestly it goes far deeper into the build of his character than just those two things
his pain tolerance is wildly inconsistent, unable to tolerate a drop of hot oil (or any heat) but able to shrug off both his leg being bitten off and it being reattached
hes sensory seeking in the extreme. he rubs the bat bones against his face, pets and fluffs the shapeshifter tail.
his desire to eat monsters comes from three very autistic places. 1) the rules for why monsters are not okay to eat but animals are are arbitrary to him so he cannot follow them easily: he cannot understand the 'feelings' argument others make. 2) this too is a sensory seeking behavior. he wants to experience these new things, new flavors and new textures. 3) it completes his knowledge of the monster in question to also have data on its edibility. because he cannot draw that arbitrary line around all monsters, he wants to evaluate them case-by-case and see if real patterns emerge. butchering and eating the monsters improves his knowledge of them greatly and highlights their importance in their ecosystem, as well as making him a part of that same ecosystem
he cannot emote the way others expect him to. he compartmentalizes his feelings (to an unhealthy degree) because he needs a pragmatic solution. so as long as there is a problem to solve, that matters far more than evaluating his emotions and allowing himself to experience them. while this is also a coping mechanism for ptsd, it is a trait found in many autistic people regardless of trauma, as we have trouble sorting the feelings we have and often need time to think about what we feel, so it becomes easier to simply not do it and pretend we dont need to. laios emotions certainly affect him, with or without his processing them, but others do not see what they expect to see and thus dismiss that he is feeling what they would feel
he is incredibly gifted with pattern recognition, observation, and analysis within realms he understands. to understand subjects that dont come easily to him, he must filter them through his established schema (his special interest--this is why they are so special! they help us sort the world). when he isnt sure about the social cues and details hes observed in the shapeshifter arc, he filters it through the lens he understands best: monsters. he was making correct observations about his friends all along, but he could not be confident in that the way he was about their behavior when it came to his interest (chilchucks caution, senshis passions, and marcilles carelessness)
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biteapple · 1 year
i need to make a comprehensive list of "bevs that give me the tummy ache + tired + bones hurt" disease. insofar ive got arizona green tea, apple or grape cider (any brand or type), apple juice (horrible version of this, #2 on the scale), and sprite (BY FAR WORST OFFENDER)
#eating a whole apple will also do this to me to a lesser degree unless its particularly juicy and large#i DO think it has something to do with apple juice in general like the sprite and tea are probably are flavored with apple juice#for sweetness and would fall under ''natural flavors'' but idk if sprite is one of those 0% fruit juice mfers#ive talked about this over and over but if i drink a glass of sprite it will make me completely bedridden for the rest of the day#it makes me incredibly lethargic and in whole body pain and tummy pain#i wanna bring this up to a doctor and their answer will probably be like ''? simlple. dont drink those things. 800 dollars plz''#but i do want like a concrete answer to if this is a part of anything. i think this probably falls under ''suspected apple/grape allergy''#which is made worse when the juice of the apple is drank in a concentrated form#but what perplexes me is im differently allergic to grapes and apples#like if i eat grapes they just make my mouth mildly numb and i thought this was just how grapes were supposed to be but apparently not#im honestly unconvinced that grapes ARENT supposed to do that still#but a normal apple doesnt USUALLY hurt me. a LOT of apples will give me the tummy pain and lethargy#cursed with the Adam of Eve gene unfortaunetly#but like i feel like its not a TRUE apple allergy. i feel like its something else#because it doesnt FEEL like an allergic reaction like. i dont get hives or itchy or anything i just get TIRED and in pain
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
can you do xikers reaction to fighting with a girl who was flirting with them around her(if that makes sense lol)
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• PAIRING — bf!xikers x fem!reader (i am sure of it this time XD)
• GENRE — honestly mad xikers, plus some clueless ones
• WORD COUNT — 289
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — ty for requesting!!
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty
Minjae was a little annoyed because he was obviously talking to you, so he just puts his arm around your shoulder and forcing a smile. "Sorry."
Junmin was scrolling through his phone, waiting for you to get out of the bathroom when he feels a tap on his shoulder. "Oh sorry, im taken." He would nod at the now frowning girl, before walking over to you when you walk out.
"No, I-" sumin was definitely tired of telling the girl no repeatedly, giving her multiple side eyes before walking out of the building and giving you a text. Ranting about the girl.
"You're really pretty." "Yeah, my girlfriend thinks so too." Jinsik would smile to himself, confused on why the girl was frowning and walking away. "Did i say something wrong..?"
Hyunwoo doesnt really know what to say so he just starts flexing his wallpaper and his phone case, proudly showing off his beautiful girl then apologizing
Junghoon would just ignore the girl, continuing about his day. I dont know what else to say 🤷‍♀️
"Oh, sorry.. i dont really like that fla- BABE YOU GOT ME A DRINK!! WITH MY FAVORITE FLAVOR! OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW?! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" -seeun
Yujun was close to throwing hands. "But.. im prettier 👉👈" "yeah if we were comparing you to a rock!" Yujun would snort. "I hope!!"
"Oh, you're really handsome. Do you come to this place often?" "Yeah, my girlfriend just loves the food here and oh, shes right there!! She looks so pretty today, doesnt she?" -hunter
The sudden question took yechan off guard, nervously noding his head. "T-thanks..?" Panicks when the girl asks for his number, so he just blurts out 911 and starts running <3
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antiwhores · 2 years
Bakugou’s sidekick with a mask
Bakugou has known his sidekick for 3 years now and he has not once seen your face. No one has. Hes getting curious too with the crush he’s harboring.
Yall I gotta take my braids out today but im not tryna do that. Also, my friends keep calling me mommy. Im childless!
Part 2 👇🏾
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Bakugou has never, not ONCE, seen your face.
You work at his agency as his sidekick and yet he has no real idea what you look like. You’re documents are proved secure so you’re not a villain in disguise. And even so, he would’ve caught you acting suspisous by now. You just really don’t wanna show your face.
No one has seen your face in the agency. You walk around with a full face mask and suit like some spider-man wannabe and never take it off. Not even in the girls locker room! And oh, the female workers have tried to pry it off you.
As a little inside joke between the both of you, Katsuki offered a reward to anyone in the agency who could catch you without your mask on and tell him what you looked like.
They would hide in lockers and wait for you to take off your mask. They would be seething with excitment, practically hyperventilating. Then you would pull off the mask to reveal another mask.
This cracked Bakugou the hell up when he heard the gossip. The whole situation honestly only made his fondness for you stronger
This same procedure repeated a whole bunch of other time too. They would think they finally caught you then you would reveal another mask. One of them even tried sneak attacking you to rip the mask off. Only to reveal another mask.
The masks the multiplied while the amount of people trying divided until everyone gave up and there were about a hundred of your masks hanging around.
Of course, Bakugou was curious. Especially since during the 3 years of you being his annoying sidekick, he’d started to feel some unwanted love and attachment towards you. How was he supposed to ask you out if he didn’t know who he was asking out? Not that he cared what you looked like. Its just he wanted to know to feel… special.
He had managed to pry a bit of information about you along with sarcastic comments:
“Okay. Just answer my questions if you’re not gonna let me pull that damned mask off.”
“Ugh, why’re you so curious? Are you wondering if I’m insanely hot? I am, now leave me alone.”
“No you fucking idiot, its just unfair.”
“Yes unfair, I’ve known your dumbass for 3 years. We hang out outside of work, we’ve almost died together like 40 times, and you’ve seen me almost naked!”
“Not by choice! I swear, you should’ve locked the door!”
“Oh my fucking god. Anyway, all that shit and I dont even know what your dumbass face looks like! You could just walk by me out of costume and I’d have no damn idea who you were.”
“Yeah, thats the fun of it! Makes me feel like a spy.”
He gives you a serious look, “y/n-“
“Uuuuugggghhh, fine you whiny bitch. What do you wanna know?”
“What race are you?”
“What race do you think I am?”
“I’ve seen your skin sometimes when your costume breaks. Also I know you’re from y/c so your probably y/r.”
“Im gonna fucking murder you!”
“You’re correct, you smart cookie! Anything else?”
“EHHHHH! Only one question every 3 years Katsuki!”
Eventually he does see you outside of work but just as he suspected, he has absolutely no idea its you.
There was a villain attack happening and you were oblivious to it. Or more like you couldn’t afford to do something right now. You had forgotten your costume but thankfully you heard familiar explosions accompanied with the voice of Sero.
“Oh, they got this.” You mumbled as you continued to walk in the direction of your apartment. You took a bite out of a piece of the cheesecake you went all the way across town to get.
The deluctable flavor, and maybe your lack of care, stopped you from realizing a literal car was fly towards you. Honestly, you’d walk out pretty okay if it hit you, banged up but alive, and thats all you needed. You also overused your quirk yesterday and now you’re basically quirkless so there wasn’t really anything you could do without loosing your cheesecake and that was worth more than your life.
Just as you prepared for the car by taking another bite you were swooped up into warm arms. The stranger had flung himself and you into the air. You couldn’t bring yourself to even care cause YOU DROPPED YOUR FUCKING BAG OF CHEESECAKE.
You screamed at the man, it all came out muffled due to your mouthful.
The man whos arms you were in ignored you. He went to drop you off on top of the building you were standing under but you immediately jumped off.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!?” The man screamed. He must’ve thought you were doing this just to die.
He blasted himself down to grab you before landing on the ground safely.
You were about to turn around to answer but the words died in your throught at seeing your partner. So you just pulled yourself away from his grip and walked over to the bag. You picked it up with a bright smile before continuing your walk.
He grabbed the back of your shirt before you could get away. “Do you have a fucking death wish or something?!” You broke the piece that you were about to grab into two. You took the other piece and shoved it in his mouth.
He looked like he was about to murder you but you just threw him a thumbs up. He spit the cake out, earning an insulted scream from you. “What the hel-“ Before he could finish the sentence he was interrupted by Sero. “BAKUGOU! If your finished flirting with the civilian… COME HELP ME!”
Its like he remembered he was in a fight by the way his face hardened. He grabbed your neck, turning you to face him. “Leave. I don’t wanna see you around here again. And definitely not for no fuckin’ cheesecake.”
You nodded feverishly, a blush was creeping up your cheeks. You felt exposed looking him straight in the eyes. Like one wrong move and he knew everything about you.
He mumbled something about you reminding him of another dumbass he knows before blasting away.
The next day when you guys were patrolling he told you the story. You couldn’t stop laughing at how he described whom he didn’t know was you. “Yeah and then she wanted to fucking give me attitude and shove cake in my mouth!” You giggled, “Was it at least good cake?” “YES!”
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littledigits · 6 months
Random facts that may amuse you about the river episode of hilda
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To be handed a script and then be like ' ok now lead your team to do the visuals' its like ,a wild experience so I want to share some of the weird things my brain latched onto .. For the door sequence, My pitch to our location and color designers was based off of a blacklight, under water themed mini-putt course I used to love when I was a kid. Just goes to show you can really pull inspiration from anywhere haha. I dont think anyone expected me to go that buck wild with it but I'm glad everyone was on board. anyway.. I lovingly called it Eugene's ' Putt Putt cave of doom ' . I wanted the doors to look kind of flat, like stage props ! The mini putt is STILL THERE BTW . look at this video. GOSH I MISS IT SO MUCH.
Anyway - It works great too because it allowed everyone to have the cooler blacklight palettes, where you can see Eugenes -true- colors. I wanted him to be duller outside of the water on purpose. Cuz hes just a lil old timey guy. A " slightly deranged Stan Laurel " , which was what i had in my pitch notes to the design team.
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Heres another silly fact but we based part of the serpent off of the sarcastic fringehead cuz..look at it . its just like -AHHHHHHHHHH. It just waves its mouth infront of other fish and it looks scary but it doesnt DO ANYTHING. ( I think, biologists can correct me)
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Also just in general I was vibing with the old..creatures on a map . Like. Of course we're going to give this serpent hooves. OF COURSE THIS SEA SERPENT NEEDS HOOVES. So the designers did a few rounds based off of way older illustrations.
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The choice of shadow puppets was done to give Eugene an 'old timey' flavor. I really wanted him to feel more vaudeville and tap dancey - so the shadow puppets were to give him a..more modest intro. The adventures of prince achmed was an inspiration, because how old school animation can you get ! And it really backed up the use of bold colors. I wanted to save his BIGGEST performance to the end, also shout out to @castletoons who boarded this episode AND nailed the song sequence WITHOUT EVEN HAVING THE FINAL SONG?! It fit perfectly. It was fate.
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oh , and if you felt a particular beetle juicey tone to this whole episode? You're not wrong ! While it wasnt on my mind when I was first working on visual concepts, our storyboard supervisor Jeff Bittle showed me this intro from the second season of the animated show. Everything zipping at the camera on this endless void ride was the perfect chaotic energy that really helped bring in that sinister tone.
UH SO YEAH I mean I could go on about some of the thought processes behind choices and stuff and honestly I dont want to get into the weeds with opening up a pandoras box on behind the scenes of hilda or whatever. But I thought this episode was a fun example to kind of share a bit of The entire team ran with this weird chaotic energy and I appreciate them so much for it. I'll always love this strange lil episode.
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scwheeler · 1 year
🍒💋🍒 ˖ ࣪⊹ — ‘CHERRY FLAVORED’
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pairing: ethan landry x reader
summary: at a halloween party you and ethan get to talking and drinking, both of you only focused on each other’s cherry flavored lips
author’s note: thank you so much for the appreciation in my last two ethan fics!! also what the fuck was ethan even dressed up as… (this was originally gonna be based off of the nbhd song ‘cherry flavored’ but i got lazy) 👋👋
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you licked your lips before coating your lips with another layer of cherry-flavored lip gloss. “are you ready yet?” tara asked from the other room. you grabbed your just-finished charged phone and checked your reflection in the mirror before getting up from your vanity and meeting tara by the front door.
“ok im all good,” your eyes traveled up to tara’s costume. she was dressed up as a pirate and honestly best choice of the year.
“you look really good what the fuck,” you expressed and gave her a few up and down looks. a smile crept up her face and you could tell she appreciated your comment, “oh shut up, you’re pretending that you dont look like the hottest babe on the planet!”
she put her hands up and presented you in your costume. you were dressed up as an angel because you had a white dress lying around and got this last minute invite by chad a few hours ago.
everyone knew chad’s crush on tara so you had to force her to come with you. you liked acting like a little matchmaker for your friends and no one could disagree that they would look so cute together.
mindy and anika picked you two up and in around fifteen minutes, the party was in sight.
“ok so we’re totally getting wasted tonight,” tara mentioned as she looked around the light up house surrounded by blasting music. you rolled your eyes and grabbed her arm before running straight into the house.
mindy and anika followed briefly, holding each other’s hands. every corner of the house was filled with drunk teenagers shouting and hollering. both of you tried your best not getting run down by a frat guy chasing his friends without a shirt.
speaking of a guy without a shirt, chad walked up dressed up as a cowboy. “hey you guys made it!” he exclaimed and put his hands in the air.
“i would never refused free booze,” you sarcastically remarked and slightly pushed tara into chad.
they started making awkward conversation about each other’s costumes. “so you’re a naked cowboy?” tara asked and pointed to his bare chest. which only led to chad nervously laughing, “well i mean i do have pants on.”
you headed to the kitchen to follow up on your free booze comment.
however you had some company. “ethan you’re here!” you tried not sounding so surprised but ethan landry was not the type of guy to be at a halloween party with loud music and alcohol. if anything he was the one saying that everyone should stay home.
you were shocked to found out that he wasn’t at home studying for econ as he has for every past friday night since school started. “sorry that came out wrong, i just meant that i didnt expect you to be here,” you attempted to make up for your past sentence. luckily he cracked a small smile, “yeah i know, chad just insisted that i come since its halloween and everything.”
“well i’m glad you’re here and im digging your costume,” you said and indicated to the horned helmet on his head.
he slightly laughed, “yeah its homemade if you couldn’t tell” he sarcastically replied. you laughed with him at the cardboard covering his body head to toe.
“y’know i like your costume too,” he complimented and was about to say something else but stopped himself.
he bit his lip and contemplated for a second before talking again, “did it hurt?” you got confused and had to further question him, “wait what—what do you mean?”
“did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” he tried not to laugh and you spotted the shy blush creeping on his face. if it weren’t for the dim lighting and colorful strobe lights covering the room, you could’ve easily saw his bright red face.
his body tensed up at the lack of response from you until you burst out laughing. “oh god that was terrible but in a good way, that was perfect though because i’m an angel!” you exclaimed and playfully slapped his arm.
while you were practically dying at the stupid joke, you missed ethan’s eyes which remained on your hand on his arm.
“hey do you want a drink?” ethan changed the subject and tried hiding his embarrassed face from his failed pickup line and your body being so close to his. “oh yeah that would be great, mindy was complaining in the car sooo much about this new movie coming out next week. so i definitely need a drink,” you chuckled and followed him further into the party to a bunch of bottles lined up on the counter.
“you want me to make you the best thing you’ll ever drink?” you asked and swiftly turned to face ethan. he was flustered and took a step back before replying, “oh um im the designated driver so i cant really drink…”
“—wait you room with chad though right? how about mindy just gives you a ride after the party? if i beg her, she will probably say yes!” you smiled and took one of his hands with both of yours.
if only you saw how pretty you looked in ethan’s eyes. your eyes lit up and your red lips was the only thing ethan was focused on.
“so? can you? please say yes, i promise you i’ll make it extra special!” you begged and shook the two bottles in your hands. and what was ethan supposed to do? how could he say no to that face?
dismissing the fact his car was literally parked down the street from the house, he answered, “ok fine i’ll try it.” your face immediately smiled and you jumped into his arms out of excitement and thanks to a little pregaming with tara earlier.
ethan caught you but didn’t know whether to push you away or hold you. you hugged him tight and then stepped back before turning to make his drink. ethan stood there yet again starstuck at how eager you seemed to hang out with him.
it was the first time he felt this way. why were so nice to him? why did you like him?
while ethan was off thinking about the list of possibilities you were making a damn drink for him right now, with trying to kill him secretly being his top choice, you spun around and had two red solo cups. one you kept close to yourself and the other outstretched towards him.
“it’s a surprise but you have to give me your honest opinion whether you like it or not,” you handed the cup to his right hand and nervously waited for his reaction. ethan carefully took a sip of the mysterious concoction and gulped.
it was cherry flavored. the flavor was evident and so was the color. as soon as ethan put the cup down, his lips and tongue were painted in red. he looked like a vampire after eating a whole ass meal.
the drink was fizzy and bubbly therefore ethan felt it moving it’s way to his stomach. it was sweet and quite bitter because of the vodka but he couldn’t deny that he was good. even better that you made it specially for him.
you stood in front of him, eyes wide and awaiting his opinion while sipping on your own cup. “i’m not gonna lie, that was the best drink i’ve ever had,” ethan admitted and started gulping the rest down.
you laughed in relief, “oh thank god! it’s pretty easy to make. i like to call it a cherry bomb because it kind of explodes in your mouth and all the way to your stomach.” you winked and chugged the rest of your cup.
after a couple more drinks, you were wasted but ethan decided to stop after two. he felt like he needed to keep a serious eye on you so you didn’t get into reckless behavior.
without your full knowledge, you danced with him, hugged him, held his hand, and even almost kissed him but ethan stopped you because if you did ever kiss him, he wanted you to remember it. so you pulled back and let you lay back on the couch for a little while to get some rest.
the party was dying down and some people started to leave, including your friends. mindy and anika approached the pair on the couch whilst moving to the beat of the high tempo music. “hey lovebirds, ready to go?” mindy asked and held anika close by her.
ethan looked away once mindy said ‘lovebirds.’ his ears started burning and his face clearly was flustered. you suddenly gained consciousness and stood up, “yes yes let’s go!” you almost raced to the door with ethan shortly following you, to make sure you didn’t run straight into a wall.
mindy and anika laughed at how cute you two looked. they also watched how ethan followed you around like a little lost puppy even though you didn’t even realize it.
thanks to a little bribing from anika of having candy at home, you finally got into the car in the back alongside tara and ethan. tara sat in the left, you in the middle, and ethan on the right. anika sat in the passenger seat and mindy was driving.
tara was passed out after partying way too hard and doing who knows what with chad all night. mindy was going on and on about this new film theory she read online while anika responded with short replies of ‘mhm’ and ‘ohhhh’ since she was way too wasted to say anything else.
your head felt heavy and naturally fell upon ethan’s shoulder. to his surprise, he found you peacefully napping practically on him! throughout the car ride, he tried to keep as still as possible to not wake you.
there were a million bumps and sharp turns because mindy could not work the GPS in the car and refused to use google maps. but ethan kept you close and occasionally tucked your hair behind your ear or held onto the side of your face so you didn’t fall and wake up.
your body jerked awake once the car came to a harsh stop though. “we’re here!” mindy announced. you slowly lifted your head on ethan’s now numb shoulder and groggily opened your eyes. luckily ethan and chad’s dorm was right next to tara and your’s so the there were no stops to be made.
also mindy and anika were sleeping over since it was too exhausting to drive all the way to their place. anika opened tara’s side door and gently shook her awake while ethan was almost carrying you out of the car.
“god you guys are wasted,” mindy commented. you groaned at a pounding headache approaching and tried walking on your own but found yourself almost crashing onto the pavement.
thank the gods for ethan’s existence. all ethan was thinking of was how glad he was that he went to the gym often because with you practically leaning your entire body of him, he had to carry you.
the group eventually got to the dorm door and this is where ethan would retire to his own dorm. “thank you so much ethan,” anika said and pulled your body off of him with the help of mindy.
“yeah no problem, it’s my pleasure,” he replied and took a sigh of relief once he knew you were safe and in good hands. but before he turned to go home, you walked away from your friends and back for he doorway where he stood.
“w-wait—ethan wait,” you called after him and fell into his arms since your legs didn’t properly work at the moment.
again, he caught you.
“what is it y/n?” he asked and looked down at those dazzling eyes for the second time. you smiled before speaking, staring into his left then right eye. you looked at his curly brown hair and how it had tangles in it due to the constant jumping and dancing you made him do early.
then your eyes drifted down to his lips.
there were still faintly coated in cherry vodka. without answering his question, you jumped up and held his face close. you put your lips on his and kissed him. for a split second, you felt yourself waking up and sobering up.
ethan was surprised and taken so aback but he didn’t complain. your lips felt right on his and he leaned forward more into the kiss. he wrapped his arms around your waist. after a minute the two of you pulled back to breathe some air.
“wow,” you muttered and smiled at the fluttery feeling growing inside of you. the feeling ethan had the entire night. he licked his lips before responding, “your lips are cherry flavored.”
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