#I hope this makes sense because honestly this one was a nightmare to work on and I never want to look at it again lol
solradguy · 2 years
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Word Count: 1,534 Warnings: Dense scifi word salad Chapter Index & Credits Page・ Mobile Friendly Version Archive.org download page (.PDF + uncompressed art scans)
Everything that happens in this world is the result of decisions made in the Backyard. To be more specific, the infinite number of possibilities created in the Backyard are the extremely low-probability results of the countless processes of selection that have led to the prompting of their manifestation. Conversely, the number of possibilities that have been eliminated without being manifested is infinite.
Consider the universe, which is the largest scale that can be perceived and logically interpreted. The Earth on which everyone lives, and the universe as a whole, extends approximately 470 billion light-years, and all of its components were contained in a sphere only 1.7 cm in diameter at the primordial birth of the known universe. This sphere is called the "Big Bang Model," and it is the very universe in which we live.
The Big Bang model was also defined in accordance with the Backyard's code, and the emergence of its existence was established. The same is true of its internal components. First, the possibility of the birth of the Big Bang Model was created. Then a selection of possibilities was conducted to determine whether or not the existence of the model occurred, and the possibilities of the components within the model were determined through an infinite number of processes. In other words, it is possible that the Big Bang Model itself did not come into existence, or that it could have had a different shape and mass. Even if the possibility of the sphere's creation had been determined, if the Big Bang itself had not been determined there would have been the possibility that it would have continued to wander forever in another dimension.
Oddly enough, the Big Bang Model drew on the extremely low chance of causing the famous "Big Bang," a massive explosive phenomenon. The occurrence of this phenomenon itself is also only one of the possibilities according to the Backyard's code, and is the result of an astronomically low probability.
These potential selections by the Backyard are extremely mechanical and inorganic physical phenomena in which no one's will can intervene. The Backyard itself has neither will nor emotion. It is simply a world of information that generates all possibilities and determines events. Since these events are created according to the standards defined in the Backyard and undergo an unlimited number of selection cycles to produce a single result, the common phrase "fate is predetermined," can be simply explained as the result of an unlimited number of selection cycles until an unlimited number of possibilities are reduced to a single result.
However, Valentine was born after the intervention of an indeterminate force that destroyed every possibility in which she was not born.
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When was she born? It’s nonsense to seek an answer to this question. It isn’t impossible to estimate the time in this world, but it is not equally possible to calculate her age because time in the Backyard is not synchronized with our world. Simply put, the unit of one second observed in the Backyard from this world is not an objective second within the Backyard. A minute can be a second, or it can be a hundred years.
It took several hundred times longer for Valentine, who was born and raised in the Backyard, to be fixed into a complete shape than it would take a human being to grow in similar circumstances.
The first step was the formation of the body that would serve as the vessel. Most of the possibilities that were conceived for the human-like form were confirmed without problems, but there were some irregularities due to "Mother's intervention". She was created using a human woman as a model for her appearance. By eliminating all possible differences between her appearance and that of the model, she achieved a very close resemblance. The most significant physical difference between her and the human’s were the antennae-like organs extending from her head. It took more than a hundred years to determine the possible shapes of her form, to compose them, and to make them into a vessel.
With the vessel complete, the next step was the formation of her soul. When she acquired the potential to be conscious, to acquire language, and to pronounce words, the first words she uttered were not much different from those of the average human infant.
A synonym for identifying one’s female parent. At this time, she still had no emotions and was only allowed to express objective facts about perceived events. Since she had no feelings, she could not "lie.”
“Who… am I?”
The next step was to ascertain her own existence. It is a process of checking and recognizing in detail the elements, shapes, and textures that made up her body.
“I am Valentine… not Aria. Aria… Who is..? The configuration of the body has been identified. Checking the faulty regions. Lower extremities are unresponsive. Check for communication deficits. Measuring electrical synaptic transmission. Abnormality confirmed. Re-order axial guidance. The hippocampal cortex is impaired. Valentine's memory is… stable. What are… these? Aria's memories? Aria… the model for this body. This feeling… Fred… who is that? My partner… someone I love… my beloved… warmth…”
Valentine stopped speaking.
“Emotions are incomprehensible, suspending this process. The entire body is operating at 92 percent. No rejection. No issues with mission execution. Confirm purpose of action. Mother's errand. Searching for a key. Confirm mission objective… no faults. Check the route. What… is that? What’s this?”
Valentine tilted her head.
“That isn’t correct… There’s no way out.”
At that time, the gate connecting the Backyard to the tangible world did not exist in all dimensions. In a way, this situation was fortunate for humanity, because Valentine's goal would have meant its destruction. For Valentine to achieve her goal would have meant extinction for the human race.
“No way out, no way to run my errand… There is no other way… none. This is a problem. Hmm, hm, mmm."
Without any clear intention or reason to guide her, Valentine began to wander around.
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“Hey there, girl. What are you doing here, in the Backyard?”
A round object appeared.
“Who are you? Your nose is bleeding.”
"No, this is… because, you know, you're… naked."
Valentine didn’t understand.
“I am Valentine. When I'm naked, your nose bleeds. Correct?"
“It’s common sense that blood would burst out like this, come on.”
She still didn’t understand.
“I mean… Why are you naked?”
"Valentine was just born. This is normal…"
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess so. What are you doing now?”
“I'm… going to run an errand for Mother.”
“You’re quite devoted to your family!”
“However, it appears that I am in trouble. There is no way out. I can't enter the other world. I can't complete my errand.”
“What? You want to go to that world?”
“There is a high probability that is affirmative…”
“Well… Maybe don't walk around naked, eh?"
"…Hm? Why?”
“Well, you… You don't want other men to see a young soon-to-be bride naked, do you?”
“…Bride… Negative.”
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know. Alright, well if it doesn’t make a difference to you… how about… we go on a date together?”
"… Denied."
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There is a word, "troublemaker." It’s a person who creates problems and is highly irritating to others. There are several patterns among troublemakers. The most vicious of these are those that cause problems unconsciously, without symptoms, and do not cause any harm to themselves.
There was one person who could be called the most striking example of this vicious pattern. Out of respect, he will be referred to as "Mr. A." While there are many troublemakers who can be quickly dismissed with a laugh, in the case of Mr. A., the situation is extremely serious. The list of troubles that Mr. A. has caused in the past is endless and, in every case, he has invariably caused deaths.
Mr. A.’s troubles are created by himself, and "action" is necessary for them to happen. Conversely, after Mr. A. takes that "action," trouble will always be sure to follow. Of course, he is not aware of it. Though many people would like to know what that "action" is, to avoid exploitation, it will not be described.
One day, Mr. A. unintentionally took an "action." There was no noticeable trouble around him. However, the trouble was on an unprecedented scale, and it was happening in another dimension.
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“How long is this going to continue..?"
“Until we find the gate…”
"Pft… Although… gates are not that easy to find.”
"Probability is extremely low."
“I see. Well, that's okay, I'm not busy. And, you know… if I can be with you…"
“There it is…”
“Don't make me say any more embarrassing th– Wait, you found it already?!"
“It’s luck.”
Valentine jumped into the gate without hesitation.
"Hey… wait! I'll also… let's go together… ahaha?!"
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Chapter Index & Credits Page・ Mobile Friendly Version
Special thanks to Volcanic Fighter (@Nincopyjasb) for the Japanese manuscript for this story.
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
can you do one where the reader has *terrible* periods (im talkin cramps, headaches, while nine yeards) but does their best to push through them and how 141 + ale, rudy, and konig react to them <3 (also i really do like the way you did your masterlist its v neat and put together)
Literally me every month 😭 this one’s for the nightmare period squad, I love y’all and I’m right there with you (thank you love!) (I’m sorry for leaving Rudy and Ale out, it’s a little much for me I’m so sorry 😭)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He’s pretty attuned to you, he has a sense when something’s up, so he decides to keep an eye on you throughout the day
You’re sweating a little more than usual and looking a little clammy when you’re on the treadmill (hoping beyond hope that working out will help) (… it doesn’t)
He’s watching you during the briefing, your hands are clenching your abdomen, your breathing is a little irregular, and your left eye twitches occasionally. You’re masking your discomfort and you’re doing it well enough to fool everyone else but him. He sees you make a detour to the clinic on base and walk out with a small heated water bottle pressed against your stomach
He stops by your room to see that your usual coffee is replaced with peppermint tea, the lights are dim, and you’re sitting at your desk, curled over the table with paperwork scattered under your head. He announced himself with a knock and you bolted upright, you winced almost immediately
“Easy love, it’s just me.” He chuckled, “Doin’ alright?” He eyed the tea and turned the bottle of pills in his hand,
“Of course, always.” You we’re out of breath, “Why?”
“Don’t make me ask.”
“Ugh fine. It’s my period, I’m sorry.” He tossed the bottle in his hands at you and you caught it not very gracefully.
“Don’t be. You’ve done more in your state than most of them do normally. Just… take a rest. Take your meds. You’ve done enough.”
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He doesn’t really notice, you’re unfortunately good at hiding your symptoms (save for the obvious bleeding and the wrappers in the trash)
Honestly he’s amazed you can go about your day so effortlessly with all that going on
He’s watching you catch up on some chores when he starts to notice the wince in your eyes when you move a certain way, you’re putting away laundry fresh from the dryer and pressing the warm clothes tightly against your lower abdomen
You’re in the kitchen and you’re massaging your temples, breathing heavily, leaning against the counter, shaking your head and continuing with your task
“Alright, bonnie, that’s enough. Let get you set up.”
“Johnny, baby, I’m fine.”
“Sure ya are, I’m just taking care of that fine arse for you since you won’t.” He winked at you, he walked you back to bed, grabbing your heating pad and menstrual relief pills from the bathroom.
“Take it easy, hen, let’s get some movies going, yeah?”
John Price:
He knows your tells. Not only because he lives with you and sees the wrappers in the trash, but because he can feel the shift
You start to take on tasks that you’d normally pass on, whether it’s to prove to him or yourself that you can muscle through it
You don’t need to prove anything to him sweetheart, he knows how strong you are, just let him take care of you
He tells you as much but you wave him away and continue with what you were doing
He gets a little frustrated because he knows you’re suffering, he knows how hard your periods hit you, just let him help you damn it
So he sets up a little trap, he asks you to help him in the bedroom, and being the big strong girl you are, you go in ready to help but he wrap you in a big blanket and swings you over his shoulder, he set you down on the bed, tucked under the blankets, half-heartedly glaring at him.
“Rest, darling, please.”
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He knows how bad your periods are and he doesn’t let you move an inch out of bed, he’s super doting, and he spoils you absolutely rotten
Even if you insist you can muscle through it, he won’t let you
Dishes need to be done? He’s got it. Groceries? Instacart that mf. Laundry? Say no more queen. Gotta make dinner? No you don’t.
He’s got your heating pad cranked up as high as you need it to be, your comfort show or movie is playing and he’s got your meds and some water ready for you when you need
Period care king tbh.
Schatz please, you only make it worse, he knows that and you know that, but he’ll always remind you
He lets you press on about your day, doing whatever you can to distract yourself from the pain, but as soon as he sees you clutch your stomach and double over when you think he can’t see you, he steps
“Liebling, please you’re hurting me.”
“König, don’t start.” You sighed exasperated, he’s willing to deal with a lot but when it comes to your well-being, he doesn’t fuck around,
“Beg your pardon, schatz?”
“Fine. Do your worst.” You relented, he smiled mockingly at you (not in a malicious way),
“That’s what I thought.”
You’re buried under blankets, your electric heating pad spread over your abdomen, water and medicine is on your nightstand, and you’re so grateful König knows you as well as he does.
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softspace-fics · 29 days
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A/N - it's been such a long week and I've missed posting so much, two requests currently in the making! I hope you guys enjoy whatever this turned into.
Masterlist - All my work!
Warnings ⚠️: Mentions of a mission, mentions of anxiety, mentions of a avengers party, let me know if I missed any!
Stucky (mainly bucky) x gn! Little reader
If there was one thing that everyone in the tower knew, it was that you don’t touch bucky unless aloud. This even applied to you, even as his second partner along side Steve. The only one that was able to touch bucky without his life being in danger is Steve, and thats just because Bucky could almost like, sense him.
You felt a little sad that you may never have that with Buck, but you didn’t show it, atleast you did your best not to. You knew that if he ever did warm up to you, you’d open it with loving arms and let him know that he doesn’t have to be afraid.
Steve in a way, knew an saw how you felt. He would watch as your eyes showed how you wished that you could hug buck surprisingly as he did, or just to be able to move into rooms silently as you were known to do.
Bucky had a feeling about it but he couldnt put his hand on what was bothering you. The super soldiers knew you like the back of their hand. This is why when you became their partner, and little, it was like a part of them had been completed. 
You’d always announce yourself coming into rooms when around bucky, or make some sort of noise to make sure you didn't spook him. Bucky thought it was a sweet gesture, something you had been doing since you met him. Steve just knew it couldn’t only be that.
One day when all of the avengers were hanging out, you and bucky decided to hang back at your room in the tower. Bucky wasn't feeling the greatest, and in all honesty you weren’t either. Your anxiety had been spiking all day. You barely wanted to even have to get out of bed.
You were laying on the couch watching a movie when you heard bucky shuffle around in your guy’s shared bedroom. Nothing unusual, so you ignore it.
Until it happens again, and again, and maybe even a 4th time. That's when you decide its worth going to at least check out. You stand up and head towards your bedroom when you what bucky mumbling, and then making noise again.
“Bucky?” you open the door quietly as you speak, trying to figure out whats going on with him.
“No- No I don’t-” Bucky mumbles, his sleeping form crumpled in your bed.
“Bucky? Bucky are you okay?” You ask as you walk over to him, trying to gently wake him as he appears to be having a nightmare.
“No-No You can’t- You can’t have them!” Bucky screams as he sits up in bed, looking around with fear and worry in his eyes.
“Bucky?” You sit down in front of him, looking at him with concern, but avoiding touching him.
That is until he literally drags you into his lap, crying as he holds you tightly. He’s mumbling thank god and jesus christ over and over again, you softly hug him back, burying close into his embrace.
“I-I thought they got you. I couldn’t save you.”
“Im here buck.. I promise no ones hurt me.”
He sighs and gently kisses your cheek before wrapping you in the blanket and pulling you under with him.
He plays with your hair until you inevitably fall asleep on top of him.
When steve arrives home, bucky has you practically strapped to him with his own limbs, his arms are tightly secured around your torso and his legs are tangled with yours as you both sleep, soundly.
You were fond of the experience, this was the first time bucky had let you help him through a nightmare. You were honestly glad he was starting to open up.
Something you hadn’t realized was that bucky had the urge for you to just jump on him like steve did. Ever since the nightmare hes realized how much you made sure to let him know you were there, it was as if it was to make sure he didn’t attack you. You never touched him unless he saw you first, and you would always announce yourself in one way or another when walking into somewhere where he was, and you’d always leave him notes or messages to let him know if you'd be home at an odd hour.
With steve he never has to guess or know, he can feel steve a mile away, and hes beginning to be able to do the same with you. He can hear your small quiet footsteps, the way your keys jingle in your pocket, your breathing patterns, everything was starting to tell him that he was safe around you.
Weeks pass of this bothering him, he just wants you to not feel like you can just exist without him having to necessarily know.
The first time you don’t announce yourself is when you get home at 3:40am from a in-house mission. Your half regressed, and feel actually disgusting, the in-house being you had to join clint in the vents, and you really never want to go back.
You quietly enter the house, and slowly drop your stuff on the table, before opening the fridge and grabbing one of your pre-made juice sippys.
“Can’t hurts” you quietly mumble to yourself, your regression starting to take over.
You turn towards the living room and you see bucky standing in the door way, watching over you.
“Pa- Uhm, Bucky?” You ask, surprised.
“How did you know I was home?”
“I can hear you from practically anywhere, my senses know. You sure you want juice? I could make you up some milk?” Bucky smiles softly.
He sees the grime slimed on your face, and the dust from wherever you were on your clothes, but he sees you most importantly.
You give him a knowing look, before you slowly lose the facade of being big and walk over to him, burying your face in his chest and letting him take the exhaustion.
You didn’t need to announce yourself for him to know you needed him, and you’d be able to learn soon enough that you wouldn't have to announce yourself at all. 
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Disclaimer: Image this in the Van Helsing werewolf design, please. I love that movie.
Imagine, if you will, the full moon.
Now— you were never superstitious or believed in the supernatural, but when it is running at you on all fours in the darkness of the street, with sharp white teeth and with a single red glowing eye? Then, you do believe in the supernatural. So you do the sensible thing: You forget about putting the trash out, closes the door, and says, "Nope!" Before simply locking all doors and windows.
You stay in your room, door locked and under the blankets, just to make sure nothing bad could get you— After all, monsters don't fuck with you if you got a blanket on, that's the rules! You ignore the weird whining sounds and the weird scratching sounds, and fear gives way to tiredness once the adrenaline fades away.
You wake up the next day, believing the whole thing to be a nightmare, a figment of your masochistic mind paying tricks on you.
Werewolves don't exist!
But neighbors do. And you got a new one!
The first time you met was just a tiny little bit surprising, but normal when context was given— His dog ran into your porch. He had this beautiful Black Labrador that had a harness that read [Service Dog] on it, and her collar had [Leyla] written on it. And she was looking for something? She was sniffing everything around. Apparently, she was a new dog and was still being trained, which explained a lot about her behavior.
"Oh, hi- I apologize for Leyla!" He was tall. Definitely taller than you. Maybe 6'6? The most striking thing about his appearance was the eyepatch on his left eye, a plain black one. He walked with a limp and had a darkish green jacket over a plain white shirt and tight shorts. "I'm your new neighbor, Kata." And oh, his voice was just like the best thing you've heard - It was beautiful.
You soon find out that he used to be in the military. He worked closely with the K-9 bomb-sniffing unit to help clean the fields, and sadly, a newly trained dog missed one of the bombs, which led to his incident. He seemed pretty open and sincere when speaking about his experience as a veteran, not shy to express and answer your questions even going further and above.
When asked why, he simply answered: "You just wanted to learn more about me, so I taught you more." With a smile that was, honestly, quite breath taking.
Regardless of your little interactions, nothing seemed to be going on - much to your dismay - because he was clearly very hot and showed interest in you. Maybe it was the "don't ask don't tell" thing that the military has? You felt silly thinking about it, mostly because he never showed clear interest, so you decided not to assume anything of it.
In truth, however, he was unhealthy obsessed with you. He was constantly spending hours of his day listening to your breathing, to your heartbeat, to your little noises that you weren't even aware you made! Did you know you have this habit of clicking your tongue when you're playing games and sometimes something you didn't want to happen happens? Did you know you hum the sound of commercial jingles sometimes? Did you know that when you're asleep, you're quite vocal about your dreams, even if what you're saying doesn't make any sense? Did you know you smell like soft petrichor mixed with tulips and brown sugar when you're relaxed? Did you know he likes to watch you sleep from the window? Did you know that sometimes he breaks into your room while you're asleep and just stands beside you? Did you know he can't control it?
It's in his very nature.
Like humans can't help but breathe, tell stories, eat, and lie - Werewolves can't help but obsess over their Mates. Their Soulmates. Their one and only. Their destined - Call it what you will, but he loves you in ways you can't ever hope to understand... He wants you so badly, you should be happy he isn't laying it thick on you, that he is controlling himself to not jump you and fuck you everywhere, that-
The full moon is here.
It happened really easily. You were asleep when you heard a pretty clear and rough sound of snoring, alongside the heavy weight of an arm on you, a weird, smooth, and wet sensation on your neck, and the heat of a body hugging you from behind. You couldn't move your body. Was this sleep paralysis? You look down and see arms of black fur holding you tight, and although you're confused, your mind finds reason: This is just a dream.
Oh, a dream! Of course this is a dream.
You huff... This might not be the exact first time you've dreamed of a big werewolf man and probably won't be the last! What? They're hot!
What was hotter, however, was waking up with a naked man in your bed. It was a shock at first, mostly because you're pretty sure you didn't have Kata sleeping in your bed last night...? Right? Was the dream about the werewolf his brain making up something to summarize or excuse Kata's presence in his bed? Dreams do that sometimes... But hey, looking at that dick was more than enough to make you forget about his presence for a few moments - It was, uhm, quite big.
"My eyes are up here..." His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and like his tone of voice, he was looking very smugly at you: "Well, eye. Singular." He chuckled at his own words, poiting at his lack of eye - In fact, an unnaturally dark hole was there, almost like darkness originated from it.
You ask him what he is doing in your bed. Naked as the day he was born - but much, much hotter (and legal!)
And that is when he drops the ball.
So... as it turns out, werewolves are real... And they soulmates, and you are Kata's soulmate... Although overwhelmed at first, curiosity overwhelms you because of the fucking implications. What else is real? Magic? Fairies? Wizards!? Do they go to walmart!? Also, do werewolves follow normal wolf biology - Can they smell really far, hear really well, and do they mate for life too? And, also, do they have knots? As a rather curious person, you asked them.
"Well... I can show you." He replied, taking your hand for a moment and hesitating: "I-if you want?" He was rather nervous - the truth is, although he seemed confident, he was quite nervous. A wolf needs to be strong for their Mate. What about him? He is crippled. He is weak. He isn't good enough...
"...show me." Although a bit oblivious to flirting, you wouldn't say no to this.
As it turns out, werewolves do, in fact, have knots. And they can knot even in human form!
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sweetbydarkness · 3 months
It's incredible how a company can literally ruin their own job.
In the start, whb was so awesome. It promised being incredible, with a good plot and well, everything else. Then it got worse. And after a lot of complaining from the fandom it had one good update that make us have hope, and now they did this.
PB ruined the game. They made it so bad, that the fandom is dying now, because people simply lost interest.
The game was since always, very bad to f2p players. But now it's impossible. Everything is behind a paywall and they make it seem like they don't even care about the story continuation. Just events and cards that are very expensive and making us pay for everything.
Now there's cards that are even more expensive than in the start, the ones that aren't coming in the nightmare pass are coming only 3 MONTHS after they launch. 3 months. Events are shorter, they're now hunting any type of leak, basically they're taking any type of privilege we had.
Honestly PB, just say it's not a free game and destroy yourself alone.
I don't know if this post makes any sense, and I wanted to make something more elaborate talking about what I got annoyed at but honestly I got so angry before, that I'm not even angry anymore. Just sad.
I just ask, please boycott the game. Maybe they'll listen. But it will only work if people really do it.
Is so sad with this situation. PB really decided to kill their company.
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alicechess · 6 months
Yandere The Unknown x reader (part 1)
(Dead by daylight)
Note: don't question this
Also this is going to become a proper fanfic, I have no idea how long. I might connect it to my dbd fanfic.
Also I might edit it to make more sense, a lot of this has been written at 3am. Please ignore any errors they might be fixed at some point.
You found a new job a few weeks ago, working at a movie theatre. Honestly, you were kind of happy for it. Although the area was dirty and sticky, you were able to get a discount on the movies and snacks, which made it worth it for you. It isn't something you wanted for the rest of your life, but it was good enough for now. You moved to this new town a few months ago, and previously worked at a wreckers, but quickly moved on since the people working there were sketchy.
One of your old friends suggested to work here and of course you agreed. You got discounts and your friend everyday, she also helped you get the job. But not long after you started she disappeared. It was difficult, and you hoped every night she'd come back. The place hurt to be at sometimes, but maybe one day she'll walk in through the doors with that beautiful smile on her face.
You shook your head, you couldn't think about it now. You can't do anything to get her back. You just had to hope the police would take it seriously. But with the recent disappearances, you doubt they'd focus heavily on her. Within the past month there's been over 10 people who've gone missing. Maybe to them she's just a number. There's a few people who go missing every month. It's just... normal for this town. The police do what they can... I guess. But they never will focus for long on one person, because there's always another who goes within a few days or a week. There's just too many crimes happening that it's difficult to keep track. There's maybe a few thousand people who live there, and maybe two stations. So there needs to be more, but they probably won't bother. It's been the same two for maybe 20 years from what you'd heard.
You vacuumed the crumb covered floor, wiping down the chairs, trying to get it as clean as you could. You wanted to keep this job, at least till you could find something more stable. While mopping the linoleum floors, you listened to some music. You ignored the world around you. It was nice to have a distraction. Although cleaning wasn't a nightmare, you'd prefer not too. Some parts of the cinema was darker, your boss was always insistent on turning off the lights if you aren't in the room. It was a bit unnerving, but eventually you learnt to get used to it. It wasn't exactly welcoming, but it wasn't terrifying either.
Occasionally you'd take off your headphones for a few moments, as your ears started to get sore from the pressure. You wanted to get better ones, but you were in a somewhat small town, and there weren't a lot of electronic stores. It was annoying having the wire in the way, but you learnt how to deal with it. You decided to just let them sit on your shoulders, around your neck. Still hearing the music, although it was quieter. You hummed along, eventually sighing at peoples disgustingness. Was it so hard just to put their rubbish away?
Once the bin was full, you picked it up and went outside. The dumpster was almost overflowing, but it wasn't your job to empty that. You threw the bag on top, trying to prevent it from falling down. Once it was stable, you were about to walk inside when you heard someone voice from in the parking lot.
"Can... can you please help me? I'm stuck!" The voice sounded wrong, it's tone was off as it lacked any emotion behind the words he was saying.
You were about to walk over, but remembered all the disappearances. You felt a loud tinge of guilt. "I'm... I'm sorry I can't! I'll get the police to help." You yelled back.
"P-please I really need help!"
You gulped and stepped back, "I can't, I promise the police will come soon!"
You ran inside slamming the door, hearing the cries begging for help coming closer and closer. You were confused, if they were stuck how were they getting closer... Something wasn't right. The situation made your skin crawl. You ran to the phone which sat on the desk. You dialed the number for emergency services and asked for a police officer. You explained the situation, and made it sound more normal as you didn't want to be labelled crazy. You said it rather simply, that there was someone saying they were stuck but something seemed off and suspicious and you wanted the police to take care of it.
While you waited for the police, you sat on one of the chairs at the front desk, fidgeting while listening to music, trying to prevent yourself from panicking. You wanted to keep level-headed. You sang the song quietly, tapping your fingers on the desk. You laid your head back and closed your eyes. You kept one side of the headphone off your ear, so you could hear the police knocking and let them in.
Once they arrived, they checked the whole building and area surrounding it, eventually finding nothing. They also checked the security cameras which showed only you, nothing else. The footage showed no one in the parking lot or anywhere else.
This made you doubt yourself even more.
Eventually you went home and laid in bed. You struggled to fall asleep as all you could think about was what happened and the fear you felt. You kept replaying it over and over, analyzing any details you could remember. You remembered how off the voice was, how almost inhuman it was.
You brushed it off, maybe it was because of a lack of sleep. You weren't sure anymore. You tried to stop thinking of it because you really needed to sleep. But it kept squeezing through the cracks and coming back into your mind.
Your eyes slowly closed, and your breathing softened. You were so tired, so, so tired. You just wanted to rest.
Eventually, you started to hear light tapping against the window and low whispers of which sounded like it came from hundreds of people. You thought it was just because you were exhausted. It went away after a few minutes, leaving you to think you were right.
However, after tossing and turning for another 30 minutes, you were rustling in the bushes and voices near your bedroom. You shot out of bed, then peered slightly through the crack of the curtains.
You saw a head peeking out of the bushes, the main thing you noticed about the being was it's lifeless, black hole like eyes. It had no emotion and truly seemed inhuman regardless of its humanoid-like stature.
You felt your stomach drop and your heart stopped for a few moments. It twitched its head every few seconds, every time, it made your stomach twist more and more, the anxiety and fear filling you to the brim. You couldn't look away, it was almost hypnotic and left you in an awful trance with its horrifying appearance.
"Can you help me? I'm... Stuck." It said without its face moving. Your eyes widened in utter horror.
"I'm scared, please help me." It said with a loud snap of its neck, finally pulling you out of your trance. You fell onto the ground with a loud thud, you rubbed your back attempting to soothe the pain. After about a minute you got up, and went back to the curtain.
You watched as the legs of the creature disappeared from your line of sight. You weren't sure if you truly saw that, maybe you were truly going insane you couldn't tell anymore.
You awoke in a cold sweat to your alarm blaring into your ears. You groaned, turning it off. You didn't remember crawling back into bed, was it a nightmare? You shook it off. It was just because of the fear you felt last night, it just made you bring it into your dreams.
You stood up and got ready. You looked awful, but attempted to fix it with some makeup. You wore some more dramatic makeup, especially around the eyes. You wore some eyeliner, smudged it a little and combed your hair. You then applied some lip gloss and grabbed some random clothes from your closet.
You decided to call your boss. You knew it would be better to tell him yourself than someone else. You made it sound less bizarre and brushed it off. You didn't want to lose any shifts if he thought you needed a break.
After attempting to cover the tremble in your breath as you explained the situation, you walked to your car and headed to work. You've been taking longer shifts to earn more money. You would've left earlier yesterday if you could've but apparently that... Thing had to show up.
You stepped out of the car, the harsh winter wind making you shiver. You felt ill as you walked to the door. You had to go in though, you knew there was no other choice.
You took a deep breath and opened the door, you were swapping shifts with one of your coworkers. Your shifts often start from 6pm to 12am. The theatre often closes at 10pm, which then gives you a couple hours to do some cleaning. Sometimes you do have to stay overtime, however, which can be a bit frustrating.
As you stepped inside your coworker greeted you. Another one was working as the cashier, which you also did but in between movies you gave a quick clean to the theatre room. The other coworker leaves at 10pm, which then leaves you alone in the building.
You plopped down next to them at the register, asking how busy it was.
They sighed, scratching the back of their head. "Surprisingly, not many. A lot of people are too scared to come down this way."
"Huh? Why?"
"I'm surprised you don't know. Last night there was another disappearance nearby. The police are on high alert and people are freaking out."
"How'd they figure out they disappeared so quickly? Doesn't it normally take longer?"
"Well... It makes more sense when you know that there were screams at 2am coming from their house."
"I guess so... Sucks knowing I'm gonna be in this creepy place in the middle of the night." You grumbled, leaning back on the chair.
"Better you than me man, I'd rather quit than do that shit."
"Wow so comforting of you, thanks." You rolled your eyes, drawing on a random piece of paper to distract you.
"Yeah yeah, at least I'm being truthful! Honestly it's kinda shitty boss is still telling you to continue your shift.
"Ehh, it's fine. I need the money anyway, so the more hours the better."
"Your time not mine, just keep an eye out."
"Was planning on doing that. Also, do you think boss is going to be more of a tight ass? I hate having to have half the place pitch black while cleaning. Not the safest or efficient way to do it."
"I'm sure more people will come in the next few weeks, let's just hope the next disappearance is further away."
"I can pray, maybe god will damn help me this time." You murmur, tapping the pencil against the desk.
Very few people came in, only maybe 20 compared to the normal 100 or more. It meant you had less to clean, so maybe... You'll be able to leave earlier. And won't have to be in this uncomfortable place anymore. You can only pray.
As the shift passed, some people were on edge, but overall seemed fine. One child must've overheard about what happened recently, as they were scared, their eyes wide, they grabbed their mothers arm and attempted to pull them away from this place.
The mother rolled her eyes, saying they were safe since it was daylight.
"Monsters don't come out during the day, darling. You'll be fine. And there's other people here, they'll make sure to protect you." She leans down and pats her daughter on the head. "I promise you'll be okay sweetheart, it's just a movie theatre."
As night crept in, you started to slowly dread being there more and more. It started to slowly consume your thoughts, of what could potentially happen if you were left alone once more in this building. You hoped that since there wasn't as many people, you had more of a chance of being able to clean faster. And therefore, be able to leave earlier.
As your coworker left and put the closed sign up, you felt your stomach sink. You were sure that you were fucked. But what else could you do? You had to do your job. You had to do it regardless of what you wanted.
You went to the janitors closet, pulling the strings which turned the light on. It was rather claustrophobic. Dust had built up after what seemed like years of not being cleaned. You grabbed the vacuum and left the closet, and went over towards the front desk. You started there, and moved towards the movie room then upstairs. You were hyper aware of your surroundings, you couldn't help but feel on edge after last night. Every tap on the windows or hum of the electricity made you feel sick.
Once you were done vacuuming, out started to mop the floors. You wanted to listen to music, but you were afraid of not hearing if someone was lurking inside. You wanted to know what was happening around you.
After you did the basics, you sat down for a bit and wondered if you could get away with leaving the theatre like this. It's not like your boss comes in everyday.
You eventually decided to leave the place as is, you didn't feel safe being in there any longer. You instantly grabbed your handbag, but noticed your keys were missing and so was your phone... And wallet.
You felt bile instantly run up your throat. That awful feeling of knowing you were truly at another's mercy started to suffocate you. You panicked, looking under the desk, in the janitor's closet... Nothing. It was nowhere. You attempted to calm yourself down, saying you just misplaced it. That's all you did. There was nothing lurking around the corner watching your every move waiting to pounce and kill you.
You were fine. Just fine.
How the hell was everything missing? There's no way it all fell out when it was closed, and that it's been in the same spot since you got here.
You rushed around the building, searching everywhere for your stupid belongings. And in the middle of the already awful experience, you started to hear tapping on the windows. It was slow and intentional.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
You went over towards it, moving the curtains. Nothing was there, but the bushes did move slowly. Those same, dead eyes pearing at you. That's when you realised everything you've witnessed was real.
Something was after you.
And you had no idea what the fuck it was, it definitely wasn't human. No humans neck twists like that, no human has the void-like holes, where no ounce of light can go through.
It slowly crept out of the bush, it's mangled limbs moving in unnatural, inhuman positions as it came towards the window.
It has already came in before, why the fuck was it trying to come in again? It could come in before, what now? Was there more than one? What did it want? Did it just get off on scaring you?
You stepped back, feeling like how you did the night before.
"No... No no. No." You murmured, grabbing the phone that hung on the wall. You attempted to dial the emergency services, but the lines were down. You shook your head, you had to have something to defend yourself from that... Thing. All these awful thoughts came into your mind. Of what it could do, of what it wanted.... And what it's true form was.
You heard popping sounds from the other side of the window.
"Can... You help me?"
Those distorted voices sent a shiver down your spine. That unnatural, disgusting sound.
You slowly glanced over your shoulder at the monster. It had the most awful, disgusting grin which showed all its teeth. It's disfigured head and body contorted as it started to tap on the window again.
"I... Need your... Help."
It said as it cocked its head.
"I am... Scared." It's mouth twitched wider. Both it's hands were placed on the window. Its face squished against it.
"I'm so scared."
If the situation wasn't serious, you would've laughed at the irony.
"Stay away from me!"
You yelled, grabbing a pair of scissors from the drawer. You pointed it towards the creature, even though you knew it was futile.
"Stay away from me!"
It mimicked, the dread which formed was sickening. It... Said the same thing. The two voices at once made it even more horrifying. The distorted sound triggered you more. It said things which were already unnerving, but it mimicked you in your tone, just slightly distorted was utterly mortifying. The fear you felt that night here and at home could never compare to this.
You decided that you had to get far away from this thing. You couldn't sit there forever, even another second was enough to make you want to crawl into a hole and rot. A being like that shouldn't exist.
You ran up the stairs, you felt it's... Sockets following your figure, analysing every movement. You went into the bathrooms and slammed the door shut. You locked the door, then moved over to the window. You glanced outside, and saw that it was clear.
You heard fast, but light footsteps coming from outside. You knew it was toying with you. You knew it enjoyed the chase and it made you feel sick.
The tapping continued once more, but this time at the bathroom door.
"I'm scared... Why won't you help me?"
"What do you want from me?!" You screamed back, tears welling up in your eyes as you stared at the door.
"I'm stuck."
The more you listened to it, the more its voice sounded normal and close to human. You rapidly shook your had, murmuring to yourself.
"No, no this isn't happening."
It sounded so normal, its panic was so evident and felt real. Earlier it didn't, what was going on?!
You felt dizzy, your vision started to become slightly blurry. You collapsed onto the ground, in front of one of the bathroom stalls.. Your head thumped, the pain made you groan. You knew you had to get out, that's the only thing you could do. You weren't sure what was going on anymore. You had to get out.
You slowly stood up, holding onto the edge of the stall. You moved towards the window, contemplating how you were going to get down. There were bushes underneath, but you knew you were screwed if you landed wrong. There were no other options unless you wanted to face that thing. You slowly opened the window, attempting to be quiet just in case the... Thing will hear. To your relief it made no noise. You slowly placed your legs over, holding onto the edge tightly. You took a deep breath then pushed yourself off.
You groaned as your body hit the floor hard, causing pain to radiate through you. you groaned, knowing your body was going to be covered in bruises. You hissed as you slowly sat up. You brushed the twigs off of your shirt, then used the brick wall to attempt to help yourself up. You moved around the outside of the building, attempting to be quiet.
You knew you couldn't use your car, you had no idea how to hotwire it. The only option you had was to walk home, well, better run.
You started to sprint away, ignoring every aching muscle and joint. You gritted your teeth as you forced your legs to move. You occasionally glanced over your shoulder, and to your relief, saw nothing there. You started to slow down when you felt safer since you were further away from that thing.
You leaned over, placing your hands on your knees as you took deep breaths. You felt dizzy, but knew you had to get home. After a minute, you started to walk again. As you walked down the street, occasionally you spotted cars driving by or the really odd person or two walking by. You always held the scissors tight, regardless of how much it dug into your skin.
Eventually, you got to your home. You searched your pockets for your keys, then remembered you lost them at the theatre. You hoped that thing wouldn't find them. You went to the backyard and grabbed them from under one of the pots. You unlocked the door, then went inside.
You placed some chairs behind the front and back door under the handle. You then slipped the latch so unlocking wouldn't work. You made sure you did everything you could to prevent the thing from coming inside.
You felt relieved once you glanced around knowing that you were safe.
So you could finally have a good sleep, you went to have a warm shower. You washed away all the dirt from your skin, watching as the dirt slowly went down the drain. You sat in the warmth, soaking up the comfort from it for as long as you can. You sat in the shower for a while till the hot water ran out, forcing you to go back into the cold. Reminding you of the bitter reality you'll have to face eventually.
You got dressed then went to the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the utensil drawer. You tapped the point, dragging your finger across the blade. You wanted to make sure it'd actually be useful if you needed to defend yourself.
You locked your bedroom door, making sure the latch would be strong enough to keep anything out. The hairs on your skin were constantly standing. Every shadow and movement puts you on edge. Your own home didn't make you feel safe, only the slightest bit safer than if you were to be outside.
You walked over to your bedside drawer, then placed the knife on top of it.. You left the lamp which sat beside you on. You pulled open one of the draws and grabbed one of your old alarms since your phone was lost.
You haven't used it for so long it took a while to figure it out. Once you set it, you laid down in bed. You stared at the ceiling, getting dragged into your thoughts. You occasionally focused on shadows that danced on your walls, wondering if one of them will ever be the creature which tortured your emotions hours before.
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HEELLOOO!! Firstly,How are you? I hope you are doing good(sorry for my bad english its not my first language😭)
I absolutely loved the way you wrote hazbin hotel characters ESPECIALLY angel dust.I was wondering if you could write what would Angel Dust be like if its fallen angel!reader's first time? Reader is also insecure about their body since their wings and some parts of their body(not their face) burned when they fell and they are trying to get used to their new appereance(if you are comfortable with writing it ofc).Thank you so much!!🩷🩷
To make sweet love - Angel Dust x fallen angel!fem!reader
MATURE CONTENT AHEAD! MINORS DNI! Hey there, hun! I'm doing well, thank you! Hope you're doing great too 💕 And don't worry about the English, haha! It's not my first language either, so I totally get it. But honestly, your English is really good, so no need to stress! 💕 I absolutely loved your request, and I apologize if it took a bit longer to get to you. I usually try to get things done ahead of time because there are days I'm not home, so I like to have things in the queue to make sure I don't forget to post. So, sometimes new requests might come after the ones already lined up. Anyway, I had such a great time working on this—it was so sweet. You have no idea how much I adore Angie, and I really wanted to make sure he's showered with extra love💕I wasn't sure if he and the reader would be in an official relationship, so I wrote them in a more casual, really close, and comfortable dynamic—kind of like dating, but not quite officially dating, if that makes sense (but i guess you can consider them together by the end of it? It's up to you really). Hope you enjoy it! 💕
Words: ~3800 TW: corruption kink, cursing, first time sex, fingering, vaginal sex, oral (female receiving)
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It wasn't easy to adjust to a whole different world. After refusing to participate in the Extermination Day anymore, you were exiled into the realm of nightmares. You found yourself alone, your body bruised and torn after the flames engulfed it in your downfall. Your wings were no longer the ones of a divine saviour, worn with pride and confidence. They were burnt to ashes, only a few feathers managing to offer you a pang of comfort as you would gently wrap them around you.
But one day, gentle hands lifted you up from the ground. You were too tired to fight back, too hopeless to even care about your fate anymore. You closed your eyes and waited for the sweet death that would ease your pain, wondering what other tortures you'd have to endure at the hands of the ones you considered to be monsters. But you didn't die that day. Instead, you found yourself surrounded by the ones who were about to become your family.
Angel Dust was your saviour. You found it quite amusing when he told you his name because, for you, that's what he was - someone who saved you, who listened to your endless prayers and saved your life when you least expected.
Despite everyone's kindness, you found yourself growing more warm towards him and he seemed to enjoy being around you as well. He'd ask you to come to his room where you'd spend hours just talking. He'd ask endless questions about your life in Heaven, and you could sense that part of him wondered if things might have turned out differently for him under other circumstances.
But one day, after overhearing a conversation among sinners, your curiosity got the better of you, as you became quite curious about a topic that was a bit taboo among angels - fornication. You knew that for many people this simple thing led to their damnation, but you couldn't help but wonder - was it really that good?
Being an exorcist made you only focus on your job, not really having time to think about stuff like these. But now that you were here and had nothing else to do, you couldn't help your mind from wandering off at times.
You knew what Angel Dust did for a living and you also knew how much he actually hated it, so you tried not to ask about stuff like these too much around him, trying to take his mind off the horrible things he had to endure. But as you lay next to him, watching him scroll numerous messages from Valentino, you couldn't help it.
"Angel...?" you whispered, a dark blush on your face while you fiddled with your fingers.
"Yeah, hun? What is it?" Angel Dust said in a casual and lazy tone as he continued to scroll through his phone, reading the messages from his boss, rolling his eyes as usual as he read through them one by one.
"How... does it feel?"
Angel Dust raised an eyebrow and shifted his focus from his phone to you. "How does what feel, exactly?"
"You know..." you said, your face getting redder as seconds went by. "Fornication?"
Angel Dust chuckled and put his phone down, gently resting his arm behind his head, a look of subtle surprise spreading across his face as he looked at you. "You want me to describe sex to you, darling?"
"Yes... Is it really that good?" you calmed down a bit when he seemed comfortable with your question. After all, it wasn't really something he was ashamed to share.
"Oh, baby doll..." Angel Dust said with a smile and a laugh, clearly amused by your question. "Yeah, it's pretty damn good. Of course, it's a lot better if you actually love the person you're doing it with, but even just casual hookups feel pretty good, too."
"But... why do you hate to do it sometimes then?"
Angel Dust's expression became a bit more serious, and he sighed as he looked away from you for a moment before speaking again. "There's a big difference between doing it by choice with someone you like, and doing it because you 'have to' in order to pay the bills. Valentino makes me do it way too much and with... less desirable people."
You nuzzled against his neck, as his arms wrapped around you, the warmth of your body against his always managing to make him feel a little fuzzy. "Do you think anyone would want to do it with me?"
Angel laughed and gently ruffled your hair as he held you close, his hand wandering across your body, tracing the curves of your figure. "Oh, sweetheart, you're adorable if you think you'd have a hard time finding someone to do it with you. Any guy would be damn lucky to have you in his bed. Or gal. Either works."
You chuckled, but a hint of sadness could still be noticeable in your eyes. "I don't know... I feel like people would be... repulsed by the way my body looks..."
Angel rolled his eyes, an amused expression on his face. "And what do you mean by that, darling? Your body looks gorgeous as all hell."
"But these scars..." you said, slightly lifting up your sleeve to reveal a part of those dark memories.
His expression softened, and he gently touched the scars, tracing them with his fingers. "Darling, these scars just make you look more badass. Anyone who judges you by them isn't worth spending time on. Believe me, sweetheart, you look absolutely gorgeous."
You smiled softly at his compliments. He always lifted you up when you felt bad about your appearance. "And like... does it hurt when you do it... the first time, I mean?"
"That depends on a couple of things, darling..." He said in a slightly more playful tone, gently tracing his fingers across your skin. "If the person you're with is careful and takes their time, probably not. If they're too rough and hasty, it could hurt like hell."
"They're supposed to be someone... you trust then, right?"
Angel Dust nodded and gently moved his hand to caress your cheek. "Yeah, it's supposed to be someone you trust. Someone who cares about you, who'll be gentle and take good care of you, y'know?"
"Angel... Would you want to..." you began, your face burning as words came out of your mouth. "... you know..."
Angel Dust's expression changed to surprise as he looked at you. He wasn't expecting you to ask such a thing, not from you. He gave you a sly smile as he began to gently move his hand down your body. "Are you serious, darling?"
Your eyes widened as you moved away from him. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't want to make it weird..."
Hi's expression softened and he gently pulled you back towards him, wrapping his arms around you. "No, no, you didn't make it weird, darling. I'm just... I'm surprised, that's all." He let out a little laugh and looked at you with a smile. "Are you sure you want this, hun?"
"Well... you said it has to be with someone I trust... And I trust you, Angel." you caressed his hand, gently tracing your fingers against his. He let out a long sigh and looked at you, his eyes travelling down your figure. He was torn; on one hand, a part of him always wanted to do it with you. You made him feel safe and he couldn't help but want to make you feel good, but he never told you anything for fear of making you feel pressured. On the other hand, he was afraid he might destroy this sweet little thing that you two had. It was so innocent and nice and only the thought of him messing things up and you not wanting to talk to him anymore was too big of a risk for him.
He gently pressed his forehead against yours, looking you in the eyes as he spoke. "We can do it, darling. On one condition." You watched him with big eyes, curious of what he was about to say. "If at any point you want to stop, you tell me, ok?"
You smiled, placing a small kiss on his lips. "You too, Angel."
He chuckled and returned the kiss, gently caressing your skin with his fingers. He slowly moved against you and pinned you down on the bed, hovering over you with a small smirk on his face.
"I'll be fine, beautiful..." he said in a playful tone, his hand gently tracing down your body down to your hips. "Now, there's something else I need to ask you, darling. How much experience do you have, exactly? Like... I get that you never had sex, but you must've done things, right?"
"No... not really."
Angel Dust's eyebrows rose, but he didn't lose the smile on his face. "So you've never found any freaky angel up there, huh? Not even had fun by yourself?" You shook your head, feeling a bit embarrassed by your lack of experience.
He chuckled and gently brushed a few hairs out of your face. "Darling, you're way too innocent for your own good, you know that?" he leaned down, placing soft kisses on your neck that sent tingles down your spine. "You know... I'd lie if I said I didn't... fantasize about this moment from time to time..."
"R-Really?" you asked, as his lips softly caressed the skin.
"Mhm..." Angel Dust hummed as he started gently nipping your neck, leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone. "The thought of seeing someone so pure like you do such things... Kinky."
His fingers intertwined with yours, gently squeezing your hands as his other two caressed your body. His hand slipped underneath your shirt, the warm touch making you tremble in excitement. His fingers quickly found your nipple.
"No bra today, sweetheart?" It pleased him how much you trusted him and allowed him to touch your body like this, and the feeling of your chest, completely naked under your shirt, gave him a certain... satisfaction.
"Ah~ fu- Angel!" you gasped when he grabbed your hardened nipple, gently playing with it.
Angel Dust let out a little laugh, watching your every reaction as he touched you. The way you gasped and squirmed, your body hot against his, it all made his chest fill with excitement. "You're so sensitive, darling... I can't wait to see how you'll react to everything that's coming~"
He pulled away from your body, gently raising your shirt as his eyes looked for any sign that you wanted to stop. You looked away as he revealed your boobs. You two were close, yes, but you always hid your body, so the fact that he's seeing it for the first time made you a bit self-aware.
"Don't look away, darling... You're beautiful," he said, his eyes admiring your body. "I want to see every part of you." He leaned down, his lips crashing into yours, as his hold on you grew tighter, his tongue gently sliding into your mouth.
He took your hands, placing them around his body, your fingers brushing against his soft fur, tugging it slightly. A soft moan slipped from Angel's mouth against yours as he felt your touch, sending waves of pleasure through him. He pulled you closer to him, his body pressing against yours, and you felt him getting excited against your skin.
He pulled away from your mouth and went lower, placing kisses along the path. He gently licked one of your nipples, a soft gasp escaping you. He was enjoying every reaction you gave, the way you squirmed and trembled, it made him want to keep going, to keep teasing you and make you want more. He harshly started to suck on your nipple, as his other hand played with the other. You arched your back into his touch, feeling yourself getting hotter with every moment.
"Angel... Please... I want more!" you pleaded as you felt yourself getting wetter with every moment. You were desperate to feel some pressure. You needed this.
"Patience, darling... You'll get what you want, just wait a little longer~" he said in a teasing tone, enjoying how you were at his mercy. You let out a desperate scoff and you moved your leg slightly, touching his clothed hard cock. He let out a soft gasp, his eyes snapping back to you, his expression a mix of surprise and excitement. "Mmm... now that's a good girl. Getting impatient, are we?" he smirked, his expression growing more sly as he spoke. "Alrighty then. I guess we can skip a few steps," he said and traced the waistband of your pants. "You alright, babe?"
"Yes, Angel. Please! I want this!"
Angel Dust smiled, his heart fluttering slightly as you begged him for it, your voice pleading and desperate. "Okay then, darling..." he said, gently starting to undo the buttons of your pants. "I'll give you what you want, don't worry." He slowly caressed your legs, looking at you with a mischievous smirk on his face. "You ready, sweetheart?" he said, his eyes full of excitement. You nodded, your heart beating like crazy. "Alright. You tell me if you want me to stop." Gently, he took down your panties, his eyes fixed on your pussy, your juices shining in the dim light of the room.
He placed your legs on his shoulders, lowering himself, his breath hot against your skin. You gasped when his mouth attached to your heat, his tongue making a mess of you. Your back was arched, as your hands tightly grabbed at his hair, his arms strongly keeping you in place.
"Oh, shit! Angel- Fuck, yes!"
Angel Dust smirked against you as he heard you swear, your curses making his heart pound as he continued to use his tongue. "Mmm, honey... you taste so good, no wonder I have a sweet tooth~"
His tongue moved in circles on your clit, as you lost yourself in pleasure. The sensation was electrifying in your body, sending waves of pleasure that left you shaken. You felt his finger slowly entering you.
"Ah, fuck…" you breathed, your body gradually adjusting to being spread, even though it wasn't much.
"Does it hurt?" Angel asked, his movements measured and careful.
"No. Don’t stop, please…" you whispered, and he began to move just a bit faster, his tongue and finger working together in perfect rhythm. The sensation was intense, and as you felt another finger trying to enter, there was a slight discomfort. But with how wet and needy you were, it only made you more eager.
"Jeez, are you already close?" he murmured, noticing how your body reacted, tightening around his fingers as they slid in and out, your juices making everything slick.
You couldn't find the words to answer, too focused on the way his fingers moved inside you, each drag against your sensitive walls sending shivers through you. He kept going, the knot in your stomach winding tighter with every passing second. Just as you were about to unravel, he pulled back, sensing how close you were.
"Woah! Slow down, honey," he said with a soft chuckle, pulling away and leaving you with a whimper of frustration.
"Why'd you stop?" you asked, feeling your orgasm fading slowly as you tried to regulate your breathing. He came closer, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Listen, toots. If you want me to keep going, I need you to be just as horny as you are right now. Finishing now can make you a bit... sensitive and it might hurt more." he explained, running a hand through your hair. "But if you're not ready for this, we can finish this up and then grab a snack and watch something." You let out a sigh, looking at him and you could tell he was concerned, not wanting to push you too far too quickly. "It's your call, baby! Just tell me."
You cupped his face, kissing him softly. "I want you, Angel... So, do as you know it's best." Angel Dust smiled against your lips, feeling your body still shiver slightly in his grip. He let out a soft chuckle and looked down at you.
"Alright, darling... just relax. I'll take good care of you, I promise. Just let me know if it gets too much, alright?" You nodded and he kissed your forehead again, getting up to undress.
You watched as the clothes gracefully fell off his body. You always admired the way he looked as he never missed a chance to show you as much as he could. But this time it felt different. It felt intimate. It felt right.
He noticed the way your eyes locked on the tent in his boxers, a bit taken aback by how big it was. He approached you, gently cupping your face. "Hey, I know it might seem scary to... see a dick for the first time." he chuckled. "You don't have to continue if you don't feel like it."
"I do! It's just... I'm a bit nervous, that's all." you smiled, caressing back his hands.
"It's okay to be nervous, darling. You have nothing to worry about, alright? I'll be gentle... Just trust me." He kissed your lips as you both leaned back on the bed, his arms gently propping himself up above you. His hands caressed your body, running down your sides, feeling the softness of your skin as you lay beneath him.
He lowered his hand down to your core, his fingers coating themselves in your wetness. You moaned in his mouth as his long finger entered you once again, the motion a bit faster than earlier. His lips brushed against yours, his thumb drawing circles on your clit as you felt yourself getting close again.
Feeling you getting tighter, he pulled back, taking off his boxers. Before you could realise what was happening, he crashed his lips against yours again, as you felt something brush against your entrance.
"You ok, honey?" he asked, drenching the tip of his penis in your juices.
"Yes. I want it, Angel! Trust me!" you said, feeling a bit nervous, but not regretting any moment of it.
"I do, baby," he said and pressed his tip inside of you, slowly. With slow movements, he gradually entered, pulling out from time to time and entering a bit more after. You hissed at the stinging sensation but felt a bit more calm when you realised it was not as bad as you thought it would be. You kept a hand on his chest, slowly pressing when the stinging sensation became too much, and he would immediately pull back.
With one hand he started rubbing your clit, his movements less painful as the pleasure made you relax more. He kissed you as soft whimpers filled the room. "It's almost in, baby. You're taking me so well." His praise sent a tingle in your stomach, as his dick came in and out of you.
The sensation of fullness combined with the way his fingers teased your clit was surprisingly arousing. Your body responded eagerly, your juices flowing freely around him, as he bottomed out inside you
You looked at each other, desire visible in your eyes. There was something so special about this, so erotic, but pure at the same time. Angel's heart was beating loudly, as his hands roamed through your hair. It felt like he didn't only stop to give you time to adjust, but as if he wanted to spend some more time like this, in this moment.
His thrusts were slow and deliberate, allowing you to feel every inch of him. You moaned in unison with each movement, his pace on your clit quickening.
Without realizing it, his thrusts deepened, sending waves of pleasure through your body. He froze, concern flashing in his eyes, but you wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him to continue.
"Angel, please, don't stop!" you said as his pace fastened, the knot in your stomach getting tighter with every move.
"Shit, toots... You're a freaky one, ya knew that?" he said in between grunts, his breath tickling the skin of your neck. The feeling of his cock brushing against that sweet spot over and over again shot a strong, electrifying wave of pleasure through you, a moan escaping his mouth as you got painfully tight around him, your body trembling at the sudden feeling.
With a few deep thrusts, he finished inside of you with a guttural growl, his body collapsing on top of yours as he breathed deeply. He looked down at you, a lazy smile on his face. "You okay, darling? I didn't hurt you, right?" he asked softly, his breathing slowly steadying.
You hugged him tightly. "I love you, Anthony..." you whispered, hiding your face in his fur. Angel Dust's heart practically melted at your words, the way you said his real name always made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer against him, his face nuzzling in your hair.
"I love you too, sweetheart. So, so damn much," he replied, his voice a soft whisper against your ear.
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"So... can we do it again?" you asked, as you rested your head on Angel's chest, his breathing still heavy.
"Toots... it's been the fifth round already... Aren't you tired?" he said, a soft, exhausted smile on his face.
"Nope," you said, making a pop sound at the end. "Cherri told me about a sex position and I want to try it."
Angel Dust let out a laugh and let his head drop onto the pillow, his eyes locked with yours. "Oh my god, you are unbelievable. How much stamina do you have, darling?" he said, slightly shaking his head.
"I'm an angel so... a lot."
Angel Dust chuckled at your reply and rolled his eyes playfully. "Of course... of course you are." He let out a sigh and looked at you for a moment, trying to think. "Alright, tell me about this position."
Your smile grew wider as you started to explain this new idea, but he wasn't fully listening. He got lost as his eyes adoringly looked at you. Yes, you became a little sex gremlin since your body got used to it, but it was the kind of sex he always craved - it was loving, safe, and warm. It made him feel special, wanted for more than his body.
Someone like him, who had nothing to live for anymore, finally found a reason. A reason to fight through the miserable life that he was cursed to have for eternity. And he wasn't willing to lose it.
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Tags: @ratsematary @littlebluefishtail
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
am IN LOVE with your feral leo au
the story just keeps getting interesting every time!
i love the art so much! i just wanna- AGEUGAUEGUAEGA * insert more gremlin noises *
-{ by someone who should probably study for their exam }
Thank you! Also *softly bops you on the head* I hope you studied and did well on your exam!
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@renmiel Honestly Donnie hasn’t really had time to process properly. After Leo, he’s the one on the team with the most medical knowledge so he’s stuck in a sort of, assess what we can fix immediately mode, hence why he’s the only one with bites, and then when Leo’s all cleaned up, Donnie moves into a denial stage and thinks with enough prodding he can sort of snap Leo out of it. Raph tries to tell him that Leo might never be the same, but for being so smart, sometimes Donnie refuses to see what’s right in front of him if he doesn’t like the reality of it. It takes him a few days to realize this won’t be a quick fix.
@imadino @blankiss2204000 @aron-has-ocs
The plan at first is really just to make him as comfortable as possible so they don’t get attacked lol. Just because they’re his family doesn’t mean Leo wont pounce and lash out if startled. So he stays with Mikey in the infirmary for a few days, listening to his little brother’s stories about when they were young, and looking at the pictures on his phone, up until Mikey’s recovered and can move around. By then the rest of the family has “Feral Proofed” the lair (i.e closed off all the places Leo could escape to and get lost, hidden all the sharp objects things like that). Then they make sure someone’s with him at all times. They make him a nest in the corner of the living room, but he’ll prowl around at night and check to make sure the lair is secure, and by the morning he can be found at the foot of someone’s bed—usually Mikey.
Once Leo’s more at ease with them, Donnie can get to work on patching Leo’s shell. He does try to make turtle noises back at Leo, but Leo just huffs and wheeze laughs at the sad attempt, and pokes Donnie in that big forehead of his. Still Donnie keeps trying and gets better. Now that he’s fully accepted the situation as it is, he’ll do anything if it helps, even if it is a bit embarrassing.
Yes that “churp” is a turtle noise. I’ve found it’s a pretty common staple of TMNT fanfic that I’m obsessed with lol.
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Leo’s recovery is LONG He gets nightmares pretty regularly and it’s months before he’s even able to let his guard down, despite only ever remaining in the lair where it’s always quiet and safe. I’d say it takes Leo at least a year before he starts to resemble himself and speak in fuller sentences (though the chirps and hissing never go away). Then maybe two years before he’s able to make cheesy jokes and fight without reverting to his more savage way of fighting. Even starting off slow—bringing him only on what they think will be easy missions, can sometimes end with them having to pull Leo off of the bad guys before he causes them serious harm.
Leo isn’t embarrassed so much—he realizes he did what he had to in order to survive and make it back to his family. He’s more serious and actually shockingly calmer now, but at the same time, in no uncertain terms, he makes it clear that he thinks Raph should take the reigns back, Leo knows he’s in no proper state to lead.
@asleepyb0i one word. Klunk!!!! Mikey finds him one day a few months into sneaking out to help with Invasion clean up, but he let’s Leo hold him so much that he’s Mikey and Leo’s little fluff ball.
Leo and Draxum never really liked one another, but awkward Dad #2 does try to help when he can. Leo manages to sneak out of the lair a few times, and gives his family heart attacks every time, but they always manage to track him down, or he finds his way back, his sense of direction is one thing that was sharpened in the Prison Dimension.
GOLLUM??!! GOLLUM????! I don’t think he looks that bad off does he???? 😱
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A. You’re so right. Galaxy brained!
B. @snipersiniora That’s a good way to lose a finger! No, he keeps the nails for a long while until he’s a bit calmer.
C. @snipersiniora He’ll eat anything at this point, but pizza will always be a fav!
D. You know what’s funny? While I was googling the spelling on Pepino like forever ago, just to make sure I was spelling it right, I read that there’s actually a common Spanish phrase (and please native speakers correct me if I’m wrong!) something translated like “I care a cucumber.” When you don’t care about something or want the convo to end, and I think that’s hilarious and maybe I’m reading too much into it, but if the writers knew about that phrase and having Heuso use it cause of course Leo’s green like a cucumber, BUT ALSO because Hueso didn’t much like Leo at first and always seemed to want him to go away—that’s gotta be the funniest thing ever.
E. Well…they are in a sewer….with lots of…………….rats.
F. The crack’s pretty large but not too deep. Donnie patches it before shell rot sets in (it never set in before because the prison dimension kept Leo in like a sort of stasis where his wounds healed and scarred over in a few days). He’s gotta be very careful for a few weeks, while it heals, which is a bit of a re-learning curve. Leo’s not used to his wounds actually slowing him down for so long.
G. I will say…..no. Just for possibly any future angst I might want to cause lol
H. Leo was in the prison dimension three years so he’d be 19!
I. Re-introducing Leo to Cass and Sunita, yes all good 👍. Re-introducing Leo to Big Mama, no very much bad, all out hissing and clawing!
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@hapfrog @snowblossim @zowise2912 aw thanks!!
Music is a very common calming technique Donnie reads about, and then puts into practice when they need to. It works like a charm at relaxing Leo. The prison dimension was so quiet, unless it was filled with Leo’s cries or Kraang Prime cursing and screaming at him. So music allows Leo the audio proof that he’s not there anymore.
Leo’s reaction to his bale crying would be to curl up around them and protect! If there was no threat to scare off he’d focus on providing physical warmth and comfort.
Leo’s knees are probably the least of his worries, that boy’s body is so torn up it’s one big ball of pain, which he’s gotten so used to, it hardly registers. But he does have to do a lot of physical therapy with Donnie and Raph (alongside Mikey who needs it for his own hands).
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Leo didn’t have to eat or sleep in the prison dimension. His body was kept in a sort of stasis—the only wear and tear was from the Kraang. He didn’t even physically age. I wouldn’t think about it too much (I know I haven’t lol) So re-eating syndrome wasn’t a challenge for him, but mentally he does have to get used to the idea of being hungry and eating. He kinda fights them the first time they try and get food in him, but after remembering how good food is—even the simple bland soup Splinter makes him, he’s a nightmare at meal time (his table manners are non-existent).
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fanstuffrantings · 7 months
Honestly, I hope Ruben is related to Professor hopclap by being his Nephew/son/cousin or whatever. Because the idea of the Rat grinders building up thoughts that the bad kids have unfair advantages when all the advantages the bad kids have mirror the Rat grinders would be so juicy. Kipperlily being a rich kid matches up with Fabian already. It would make their arguments petty and superficial, which completely tracks for teenagers.
Teenagers get emotional and reactive. This isn't me saying that teenagers are terrible people and that they're wrong for their feelings, but more so that teenagers tend to be incredibly hormonal and impulsive, which high school doesn't help. Their jealousy makes it so that all of their arguments about how unfair it is that the bad kids get preferential treatment far outweighs the sensible thought that the bad kids are just as privileged (maybe even slightly less so depending on how supportive the parents are) as the right grinders.
Sometimes, hatred you have for people doesn't make complete sense. The bad kids largely are very welcoming and friendly. Some of them can be knuckleheads, but for the most part what they do is always to help others. They're the cool kids in school even if we as the viewers don't always notice it because we see them for the dorks they are. In freshmen year they got arrested for murder charges, broke out of prison after a few months, and saved the day from the vice principal who they'd been actively investigating for months.
In sophomore year both during spring break and summer they save the world 2 more times when their spring break quest unfolded into something bigger.
They're legends at Aguefort and that means all of their classmates probably get incredibly overshadowed.
They see the accomplishments without the sacrifices. They don't think about Kristen dying in the nightmare forest and having to revive herself because no one else could or how tough it's been for her becoming disillusioned with her faith that told her she deserved to burn for who she was. She's the lesbian cleric who broke away from her faith, started 2 religions, weight lifts now, and is chill enough to run for president and jump into a pool of sauce on the back if a flaming motorcycle.
They don't think about Fig finding out she was a child of an affair leading to her father saying she was unwanted and her having to find who she was, something she's still doing. They see fig as the Rockstar revolutionary girl who befriends the outcasts, is the arch devil of fhe bottomless pit, daughter of Gorthalax, and person willing to smoke at any opportunity regardless of whether she'd get in trouble for it.
Fabian isn't a guy unlearning his ingrained toxic masculinity after killing his dad and being raised to believe money, intimidation, and brute strength were how you get through life. They see the captain of the football team who hosts parties at his massive mansion, rides a demonic motorcycle, has a mom dating the vice principal, and is a world class dancer.
Riz had to work through the death of his father at a young age, constant ridicule from peers who didn't want him, and a desperation to do whatever it takes to be wanted that he still hasn't gotten over. But most people see a classmate who has everything figured out and the ability to connect the dots at all times. Plus a nickname from the football team that's said with love.
Adaine with her social anxiety she's now medicated for, parents who never loved her, an older sister she's only barely starting to bond with, and a barely passing grade in her class because she has no money to make ends meet. But she's also the elven oracle, cool party wizard who summons mephits to chill drinks, magically gifted in truly amazing ways, and will always remember your name after speaking to you.
Gorgug who was lovingly raised but always felt disconnected due to his parents not being able to understand him, who had to push against porter for 2.5 years before finally getting a chance to be taught by someone who didn't talk down to him, trying his best but failing so often. But to most he's a football player, rock star, hyper intelligent mechanic, rebellious teen, and now dude who oinked at a fed.
We all as viewers are aware of their flaws and their awesome moments, but the school at large only knows their moments that gained them more attention. Of course the Rat grinders would become jealous and angry when things seem so much easier for them. Of course they'd perceive any instances of the bad kids being friendly as them looking down on others because obviously they're too popular to be genuine. But if the rat grinders can prove the bad kids are the horrible people they think they are and stop them from succeeding, then it just puts things right doesn't it?
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anfie-in-the-box · 1 year
Turns, twists, and paradoxes
First | Previous
It's been finished for a while, just didn't feel like uploading anything. It really takes effort to get the post done, with all the links, the credits, proofreading, etc.
Also yeah, it's the second x-tra! Since @zu-is-here insists on drawing illustrations for this fic, readers get more x-tra scenes!
X-tra 2
Horror hopes he knows where to shortcut to find Murder. He doesn't want him alone after a fight; never again.
Murder isn't in his room, but that's okay. Horror has a few other places to check. He can't feel the other's emotions like Nightmare can, but he knows Murder better than anyone, so of course he'll find him.
Just let him not be too late. Murder needs him.
Horror shortcuts and shortcuts. The castle is silent and empty — it's weird not to hear a single soul, no spars on the yard, no smells of cooking — someone is, was, always awake here. The castle was alive despite overwhelming, suffocating negativity, and now it's dead. For good, once Horror and Murder leave as well. It feels strange to even consider leaving the place behind, yet it's only logical — nothing stops them anymore. They can have a try at a happy ending of their own.
Horror finds Murder in one of the balconies where he sits right on the floor, breathing deeply. He's meditating, Horror knows, so he doesn't interrupt. Instead he sits quietly in front of Murder and watches his deceivingly calm features, looking for a sign of distress. Murder is particularly vulnerable before and after gaining EXP, and while Horror couldn't really help before — Nightmare would never let them comfort each other when their negative emotions were high, only after they calmed down by themselves — he can now. So he's here. It's new, so he's not sure what exactly to do, but being around people always seemed to ground Murder, if only a little, so Horror will keep him company. They worked together for so long they grew attached despite their differences and their past. Horror was at odds with most of others, mostly because unlike them, he cared about his brother and his people and couldn't even imagine killing them. In a sense, he was lucky, never once living through what they call a Genocide timeline; but he had a hell of his own.
Nightmare only picked up toys long broken, after all. Those he could bend and twist into loyalty. Some managed to escape his grasp — Cross wasn't the first traitor, not at all, although he's the only one who joined Dream and therefore put a target much bigger than usual on his back. Nightmare does not forget, and he does not forgive.
Or at least that's how it used to be. Nightmare did bow and thank them for help, after all. And earlier, he did let them go without a word.
They're not free yet, though. Maybe will never be. But now they can make a first step. Together with Murder, Horror hopes. He doesn't want to leave his partner alone.
Murder opens his sockets, mismatched eye-lights focusing on Horror.
Neither talks until Murder twitches, "Did you want something?"
"Just make sure you're alright," Horror responds. "Well, as much as possible," he corrects.
Murder hugs his knees, curling into himself. "Papyrus didn't make an appearance, if that's what you'd like to know. I don't know if it's meditation or he just doesn't feel like it."
"That's okay," Horror assures. "There's no rush anymore."
Murder lowers his gaze. "Are we really leaving?" he asks. Something in his tone breaks Horror's heart. He's come to care so much about his partner.
"I don't know," he answers honestly. "I have to ask Farmer if he's okay with it. But I don't think he'll refuse, especially if we promise to help."
"We're both unstable," Murder says. "And they're peaceful. Would it work?"
Horror knows what he's really asking. What if I snap? What if you snap? Horror doesn't know how to answer that. What he knows for sure is, "We won't be alone anymore."
Murder grins. "Don't know about you, but I was never alone in the first place. Not since you…" He quiets and whispers, smile smaller but more genuine: "Thank you."
"Thank you, too," Horror grumbles. It's not easy to be so open after years of hiding, even before Nightmare came for him, but for Murder, he can do it.
They fall silent, sitting on the cool floor, looking at each other. They're both roughed up, though not injured too seriously. Some food and a bath will heal them in a moment. Maybe good sleep, too, though they won't be sleeping any time soon. Or at least Horror won't.
"Why do you think Nightmare returned?" Murder asks, uncertain and vulnerable. He looks Horror in the eye, waiting for his response nervously.
"I think," Horror says, "Nightmare needs something he left here. Probably those precious books of his. And besides, we knew it would happen sooner or later, didn't we? We were ready as we'd ever be."
Murder nods thoughtfully, reaching out. Horror lets him touch and caress his hands. Intimacy is difficult, but Murder deserves comfort, and Horror is ready to provide.
"It's so weird seeing him like this," Murder murmurs softly. He must be scared to share his thoughts so openly, and so is Horror, but they will manage for sure. There's nothing stopping them anymore. They don't have to hurt anymore. They can heal.
"It is," Horror agrees. "Whatever happened that got rid of his corruption changed him drastically, huh?"
Murder doesn't answer — there's no need to talk anymore.
So they sit together, despite the odds, against the ever-present oppressing air of an AU with hopes and dreams long gone. They're not quite ready for whatever will come next, but Horror wants to face the future by Murder's side.
Undertale © Toby Fox
Horror!Sans © horrortalecomic
Murder!Sans © ask-dusttale
Read it on ao3
Read Russian version on ficbook or fanficus
I told you Murder and Horror would show up again, but did you expect it to be so soon? Even I didn't, but it really wanted to be written, so I couldn't ignore it.
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d3sertdream3r · 15 days
I've been loving trop this season!! I am wondering how the whole SauronxGaladriel thing is going to play out though I'm nervous it won't be very satisfying with everything they've built up and all the marketing hype it's gotten. I'm worried they're baiting shippers to get more people to watch. Thoughts?
Oh boy, I have MANY thoughts!
I am absolutely DEVOURING this season, anon! The first episode in particular really blew me away. As a Saurondriel/Haladriel shipper, I thought all the direct parallels shown in Sauron and Galadriel’s journeys were PERFECT! 
I was worried they were going to retcon Sauron’s genuine feelings of despair and questioning if he should “repent” or not due to the amount of hate and toxicity from the usual suspects on the internet. Instead they really leaned into it, and I loved seeing The Dark Lord having nightmares. It’s a side of him we’ve never seen explored before! And that Annatar reveal… holy moly! Celebrimbor and I were both like: 
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Galadriel has been breaking my heart in each episode. Elrond and Gil-Galad need to give my girl a break! Morfydd Clark’s acting is stellar. She is so heartbroken over not recognizing Sauron for who he truly was and even worse… catching feelings for him! She’s really going through it and it hurts, but it’s also brilliant on the writers’ part. 
Everyone else’s acting and stories are great too. Arondir was a favorite of mine last season and continues to be this season. Disa is FANTASTIC and I love her and Durin so much there aren’t any words to describe it. Isildur and Estrid are cute and I’m interested to see how their story plays out. I hardcore ship Elendil and Miriel, and his daughter needs to take a seat before she helps Pharazon destroy their home! I know the story, but MAN was it killing me to see how Eärien is contributing to its downfall in this show (in a good way… I think having her be involved with the opposite side of her father makes for great drama). 
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As to the second part of your ask… I have been involved in many online fandoms for about 13 years now, and I gotta say that 98% of the time fans come up with way more interesting storylines than the creators of any show. A lot of the time they just don't deliver. I’ve been burned over and over again, so my bar is pretty low at this point. 
They’ve done a fabulous job with the Saurondriel dynamic so far, and I’ve seen some really interesting fan theories about Galadriel briefly joining Sauron or being taken prisoner by him. As truly fascinating as that would be, I’m not holding my breath. I think it’ll be a rehash of season one’s ending with more violence since they have swords this time around. After that, I’m guessing they’ll focus on Sauron gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing his way to the throne of hell while Galadriel and company work together to stop him. They’ve hinted at Celeborn a bit, I’m sure we’ll see them reunited at some point. 
I’m sorry if this isn’t very reassuring! I wish I could be more optimistic about Saurondriel in season 3, but I honestly don’t think Tolkien’s estate would go for Galadriel falling to the dark side in any capacity. Sauron taking her prisoner could happen, but I highly doubt it simply because as I said before, fans tend to have better ideas than a lot of creators in my opinion.
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I could be completely wrong! I have just learned not to trust creators to handle things the BEST way, but that doesn't mean it won't be handled in a GOOD way. Hopefully that makes sense, lol. I think some people will be satisfied and some people won't, just like every other story. The shippy photoshoots and marketing have been delightful! I can't tell if they're baiting until I see the last episode. I think they were just having fun, but some comments from cast and creators would definitely seem a bit baity if the payoff is underwhelming. We'll see!
I really hope the season goes out with a bang and we all have something to love about it; especially Saurondriel shippers!
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honoriotsusuki · 1 year
𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝!𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐳𝐞𝐥!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Warnings: abusive father and heavy manipulation (also implied gaslighting) parental abandonment and somehow angsty fluff
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
☀️ Okay, so this idea came to me a few minutes ago, and I don't wanna forget it, so here we go-
☀️ Let's not debate how you got the healing hair because that would be A nightmare
☀️ So, for the sake of this, let's say your parents were well-known eristrochrats from Shnezneya.
☀️Once Dottore heard of a child with hair that could heal and keep someone young forever, he just grappled to that opportunity.
☀️He basically took away their status and fame and took their newborn baby with them.
☀️Once Dottore figured out he couldn't just chop the hair off he settled for raising you as his kid.Just saying you got your appearance from your mother
☀️ Dottore managed to be worse than Mother Gothel somehow by just manipulating your entire world view.
☀️ By that, I mean he made you think children never left their parents and that the outside world was practically A wasteland of thieves and death.
☀️ The more realistic books he gets you as a child are literally altered to make the world seem unforgiving and horrifying.
☀️ Also, he never tells you about the Fatui. He tells you He's a successful scientist who wishes to help those across the world, and that's why he's always gone for so long.
☀️ In reality, most of the time you will see him it will be his clones. And of course, you always sense something is different. but you chock it up to a bad mood or something else.
☀️ Dottore would pretty much get you anything that didn't support giving you freedom. Anything that would encourage you to stay would be yours in an instant
☀️ And of course, he would always tell you that brushing your hair was for bonding and because your hair had begun to grow very long.
☀️ You got your love of painting from books and the pretty pictures inside them. Dottore doesn't allow you to paint pictures of the outside world in fear that it will motivate you to leave.
☀️ He keeps Fatui guards outside the tower at all times to make sure nobody gets curious .
☀️ There was an incident where one of the low-level guards got curious and climbed the tower.
☀️ The guard was confused when he saw it just looked like a regular home. Nothing special or rare, just a basic home with odd books.
☀️ While the Fatui guard looked around, you were in your room, panicking at the idea that your father was right and someone was here to take you away from him.
☀️ In a stroke of terrible luck for the poor guard, Dottore just got home from work and was furious to find someone had entered.
☀️He rushed inside to find the guard snooping around, to which he knocked him out with a punch.
☀️You came out when you heard Dottores voice calling you and telling you it was safe
"Flower?" A familiar voice rang. The young child's ears piqued up at the sound. "Flower don't worry.Its safe now." The doctors voice rang.
The young child ran out of their room and down the towers stairs to find their father standing there with A warm smile,standing over the intruders body.
Tears pricked their eyes, and they ran into their fathers warm embrace and began to weep. Panicked sobs about how panicked and scared they were without him.
Dottore smiled at the child's dependence and let out a small shushing sound to try to calm them down.
"Now,now flower don't worry." He let out A gentle laugh. "Its alright,father's here."
Since their head was buried in his chest, they failed to notice the physcotic smirk that had spread across his face.
☀️yeah, you're not going anywhere
☀️at least not until you're twenty and get another even more odd intruder
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[A/N]This was honestly a bit lazy, but I hope you enjoyed it! If you want a part two, then just ask, and I will be happy to supply.I actually have a few more ideas for this AU
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Hellooo, I hope ur doing well ;) Can I request Bruce Wayne/Batman for the headcanon meme ? I know this is a lot and I apologise in advance lol, but I’m genuinely so interested about your takes on Bruce 🫶🏼 Hi anon, I hope you don't mind but I'm posting this as a text post so I can add a read more to it. Thank you so much for the ask, I'm honored that you're curious my HCs. Again thank you, and have a super rest of your day! 💖💖💖
• what religion are they? how do they practice? Canonically, I believe he was raised catholic, and identifies as an atheist because if there was an all knowing God, why would he let Gotham exist as it is?
But I’ve always had trouble rationalising religion in comics. I’m also an atheist but if I’d met/knew Gods literally walked the Earth (Zeus for example) I would be having a crisis of faith. Pretty sure Superman once met the Christian God? Bruce clearly has a stronger sense of belief than I.  
So, practice wise; Growing up would be church on Sundays, grace before dinner. Nightly prayers. Once his parents had passed, while Bruce would be questioning his faith, I don’t think Alfred would have enforced such things if Bruce didn’t want to continue practicing.
• what holidays do they decorate for? For the longest time he didn’t decorate for any. Alfred decorated at least for Christmas every year, but Bruce stopped noticing once he became Batman.
It wasn’t until a young Dick mentioned he’d never been trick or treating that Bruce started to put the effort in. That year Dick had the best Robin Hood costume, Bruce dressed as Little John, and Alfred as Friar Tuck. Not only did Dick get to go trick or treating, but Bruce and Alfred decked out the front yard for any local kids too.
When thanksgiving rolled around, Alfred was delighted that Bruce seemed to care about it again, having gone out to buy new centre pieces. And that year was the first year since he was child that Bruce helped put up the Christmas decorations.
Every year he tried to one up the last, however, his presence on the day dwindles until Dick goes off to college and Bruce’s motivation to care about such frivolous things while Gotham needs him is gone. But this exact process repeats with every adopted child until there’s always somebody home, be they young and living with him or old and visiting.
• what clubs / sports were they involved in as a child / teenager When he dropped out of school, that also meant quitting any clubs and sports. The lack of team sports is probably a contributing factor to his inability to communicate well with others outside of strategy. However, prior to that he was a Cub Scout, as well as tennis and fencing (fuckin’ Rich kids).
Post homeschool (much like in the Gotham TV show) Alfred ensured Bruce was still doing outdoorsy activities; camping, hiking, learning survival skills. As well as Bruce insisting on multiple forms of combat training. He continued fencing.
• do they take any medications? No. That’s not to say he shouldn’t be on medication, he just doesn’t. Hard to speak to a professional when you can only tell them half of your life.
He does however take daily vitamins along with his protein, creatine etc. If he’s not taking supplements, Alfred is sneaking them into his food. He eats nothing but protein, gotta make sure he’s getting his nutrients somewhere.
• do they watch the olympics? do they prefer summer or winter Rarely has the time. But if and when he does sit down to watch I’d say his preferred watches are; tennis, fencing, boxing, and judo. Sports that mean something to him. For that reason he also prefers the summer games over winter.
• what are they like when they're sick? Nightmare. Alfred is a saint for putting up with it, honestly. That WFA comic where he’s trying desperately to get back to work whilest injured is 100% accurate to my imaginings. Even when he’s too sick to move, he’s still thinking up ways he can sneak out of bed, wondering if he should build a batlaptop for these sorts of occasions.
Crime is never sick; therefore Batman can’t be sick!
• what do they usually buy in a gift shop? It varies from place to place but typically:
Fridge magnet and/or some other small kitchen accessories for Alfred.
Stationary for Damian.
Preferably a cola drink, but if not a snack for Tim. He’s specifically looking for decorative packaging that can be saved. [See this Tim HC]
Pin badges for Babs.
Postcards for Dick.
An oversized hoodie for Cass. Black only.
An oversized hoodie for Steph. Tacky only.
Keying for Jason.
Puzzles or decorative decks of playing cards. (Duke is into tabletop card games, Bruce thinks they’re the same thing)
A coffee mug for himself.
• what color was their childhood bedroom? Blue, and it’s still blue but a lot of the furniture has changed. Can’t sleep in a kids bed forever.
Most of the new furniture is sleek, modern looking and black. He likes the gothic style, but this is where he often brings his dates/hook up, and the minimalist style suits his image better.
The old bed, desk, toy box etc haven’t been thrown out or anything, they’ve been used by most of his family as they’ve grown up and are currently in Damian’s room. Everyone who has used the desk (B included) has carved their their initials on the underside of it.
• what does a typical day off work look like for them? A day off? What’s that? Seriously, even if he’s not being Batman, he’s being Brucie, Mr Wayne, Matches, or Dad or even just working out.
On the rare, rare, rare occasions he’s not doing any of those things, the first thing he does is sleep in. He probably needs to sleep for 5 days straight, but he’ll only sleep until 10/11ish.
By now he’s missed breakfast (which is served from 8-9), so he’s latching onto the first person to pick up the phone and taking them out for brunch. By now he’s already itching to get back in the cave, and to thwart this he forces himself to stay in the city; go to a museum, walk in that park, visit a friend, go shopping for (another) new watch, anything but return home.
Will surprise Damian by picking him up from school. Damian, as he gets older externally complains and cringes more and more, but he loves it.
When they get home, he becomes a nuisance until dinner, offering help to everyone with anything to distract himself. It’s appreciated but nobody needs help with homework or housework.
After dinner is the home stretch, and the easiest part. He gathers as many people as he can in the family room for films or games, and by the time they’re done it’s bedtime.
He’s in the batcave at midnight.
• how many pillows do they sleep with? One. He has at least ten in the bed, every night she shifts all but his favourite to the floor, and every morning Alfred makes the bed and puts them all back and arranges them perfectly.
• what's their least favorite chore? He rarely does chores, but Alfred must have time off. The first time he took a week off since Bruce became Batman was the first time he realised the impracticality of having a CAVE! So much sweeping and dusting and everything smells damp, he has no idea how Alfred keeps it liveable because after 2 days Bruce was overwhelmed and ready to risk it all by moving everything upstairs.
• how often do they do their laundry? He doesn’t. If Alfred isn’t available, he’s been specifically instructed to take anything that needs cleaning to the dry cleaners. Not because he’s incapable of doing laundry, he’s not completely inept at doing normal things. He just thinks he can do it better. Which often results in the washer-dryer being ‘upgraded’ in ways that nobody ever needs, and Alfred hates it.
• what is their favorite wine / liquor? Prefers wine to spirits, specifically red. Or better yet, champagne.
When he does drink spirits he leans towards brandy, the same kind that his mother would drink.
• what is their favorite scent of candle? Citrusy, fresh scents. Something strong that pierced the musty smell of the Batcave or the damp of the city. Sage & citrus, lemon lime, maybe even mint cucumber.
• what's their guilty pleasure tv show? Again, he rarely watches TV. But I think at least once while on ordered bed rest he ‘accidentally’ watched every season of the Kardashian’s. He 'hated' every second.
He’s assigned all of his children a Kardashian and keeps up to date with every episode, just as a person who hates the show would do. He will never tell anyone else.
Tim knows. Bruce knows that Tim knows but they’ve never discussed it. Tim has never seen a single episode, but he’s seen memes, and will quote them in front of people to make Bruce sweat.
• have they ever done volunteer work? Bruce is a known philanthropist. The Wayne Foundation is a non-profit which primary cause is funding charities, hospitals, medical research, urban renewal, etc.
He puts a lot of money into The Wayne Hospital (or whatever its called dependant on the media). He also funds a lot of youth centres, and rehabilitation centres.
But as for actual hands-on charity work, no. It anything it would cause more harm than good.
Could you imagine being homeless, starving, at your lowest, and when you arrive there’s fucking media vans and photographers everywhere, cataloguing your worst? And then inside, the herald prince of the city that has screwed you over, billionaire Brucie Wayne is serving you ladles of dirt-cheap slop? You'd be mortified, pissed.
• do they listen to music or watch tv more often? Definitely music. TV is time consuming; music is easier to multi-task. I don't think he listens to much of anything other than classical and meditative music. Maybe some kind of classic rock workout playlist on Spotify that Babs occasionally hacks into and keeps adding back-to-back plays of Black Betty. Bruce gets so into his workouts that he doesn't notice until one day he realises he's done a 2-hour cardio session and Black Betty has been playing the entire time.
• do they watch the superbowl even if they aren't into football? Not into football and barely has the time. However, when it's football season, the men (and some women) in his social circles go crazy for it, so he keeps up with the matches through news reports and tries to watch the final, Batman missions permitting.
(Psst. I'm from the UK and know nothing about American football. I presume the Superbowl is preceded by a series of tournament matches like euro football (soccer) is?)
• do they collect anything? Children
Watches, and cars. Later in life, he's fixed on these things a lot more, because he's been collecting them for so long. But they started purely as a way to fit in with his high society peers. To make him appear more normal.
Imagine that scene in American Psycho where they're comparing busisness cards, but it's Gotham’s richest competing over who has the latest watch, the nicest vintage car etc. Now that he knows what he likes he's more focused in on those; he like vintage European watches and American cars.
I also love the idea that Dick once bought him an ugly novelty tie (completely earnestly) on like his second Christmas at the Manor, and that quickly became a tradition. Every year he gets a new tie, the most hideous the kids can find, and the following year, Bruce wears it during Christmas dinner.
• what hill are they willing to die on? Mint is the superior dessert flavour, milkshakes, ice cream, Oreos, coffee syrups. Dark chocolate and mint = peak.
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Fingon and Maedhros and Optimism.
I often see Fingon written, especially in contrast to Maedhros, as a very bubbly ray of sunshine type character. Which fits pretty well with his characterisation in the Silm honestly, better than a lot of fanon takes tend to. But.. it also tends to veer into making him seem naive.
Again i think that tends to work in pre darkening settings but i find it very hard to believe he survived the ice as happy go lucky and optimistic as he's frequently portrayed. The mission to angband has always read to me as a very elaborate suicide attempt, get his friend back or die trying in a case where getting him back is thought to be impossible. I don't think he would have survived that trip if he hadn't heard Maedhros' response.
Then again i also tend to write Maedhros as a lot more hopeful, or rather determined to see things through, than many and i tend to mellow out Fingon a bit to balance that out. I find in reality that an unerring optimist and staunch pessimist rarely actually get along long term (its exhausting to constantly defend your opinions) and so i try to put them on more even ground. So Fingon is in my opinion less optimistic and more hopeful. He doesn't always truly believe that things will be better but he always hopes so. He tries very VERY hard to not fall into despair especially after his father's death but is not always successful.
I think this need to force himself to see the brighter side of things is actually a detriment to him. It makes him reckless sometimes because when faced with bad odds he'll force himself to ignore them in the name of hope. He's less naturally a ray of sunshine than he is.. wearing rose coloured glasses that always make it look sunny. In modern AUs i tend to write him with undiagnosed depression and like.. coping badly. You know, that person in college that was constantly at parties and bars, sleeping with beautiful people, getting great grades and then one day you find them huddled in a corner sobbing and they cant even tell you whats wrong.
This is in contrast to Maedhros who tends to view things in a very pragmatic way. He strives to literally never think with his gut or his heart especially after angband and as a result comes across as a total pessimist (he does and he is but he doesn't think he is). But his drive to finish what he started gives him an oddly hopeful mien that genuinely inspires people. If the world is burning down around you despair feels like the correct response. The guy telling you its fine really you'll get through it no problem just seems like an idiot in that moment. But someone looking at the rubble and going Ok here's what we're going to do and then DOING it makes the future seem a lot more possible.
In this way they're both incredibly charismatic leaders. Fingon can and will face impossible odds with a smile and literal song, Maedhros can look at any nightmare scenario and give you an actual plan to beat those odds. But neither of them are actually optimists in the definitive sense. They just don't see any other way than running full tilt straight through history. If there's a problem, no there isn't. If they fucked up then that's in the past, they'll work around it. If there's smoke on the horizon they'll figure it out.
They'll burn that bridge when they get to it.
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ohboycharlie · 1 year
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This is my first time writing so please ignore EVERYTHING. pairing: Charles x fem!reader summary: an elevator becomes your cupid.
part2: here part3: here
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Shifting to Monaco was a huge step but the building I got to stay in felt like a reward. I swear I've never lived in such a posh place and the people? god. Rich+Italian=unnecessary attitude. I avoided leaving my flat as much as possible so I wouldn't bump into people and ruin their day with my massacred version of french and Italian.
My job required me to be physically present in the office for only 4 days in a week. This job was my dream job I mean stay at home and work? amazing. Stay at home that the office gave you? AMAZING. Even the locality was good with a coffee shop right around the corner I was living my dream and I really hoped it wouldn't turn into a nightmare.
My neighbour was weird tho. Like I don't think the person ever lived there and they only came at night (I absolutely did not try to spy from the peek hole), at times there were noises of things being thrown around and the piano and I swear I was scared for the day they would ring my bell for some salt or coffee.
The one thing I noticed the people loved was their sport. Let it be tennis or F1, they were PASSIONATE. I knew there was a grand prix the week before I shifted because of the posters. The Leclerc guy had to be too good to be pasted on every street. And the fact that he was that good-looking? Definitely poster material.
Ramen was my staple diet so a frequent grocery shop haul wasn't that surprising for anyone in my life. It was a calming Monday night when I had the sudden urge to pee while coming back. I ran for my life and just as I entered the lobby, the elevator doors were closing and the man inside did NOTHING to stop it. And it wasn't as if my presence wasn't sensed. I was running with a huge bag and screaming to stop the elevator. "Asshole". That's what described the rude person the best and to top it all off the elevator stopped on my floor. GREAT. He was my fucking weird neighbour. That act just confirmed my 'no sugar for you mister' deal.
After an eternity, the lift finally came and if looks could destroy, his door would have been in pieces. But I was a very forgiving person so he was out of my mind the way he was out of his house.
It was months after the incident and my life was going the way it was. My job kept me busy. I partied on the weekends. I dated people. There was this one guy though from my building. We usually met in the lobby and it turned out he only lived 2 floors below me! We went on a few dates but after that, I decided no dating people from the place you live because if things did not work out, it could get pretty awkward in the elevators. Elevators god I hate them. You meet every kind of person there and all they do is look down at their phones so as to not make eye contact or conversation. Elevators can also make some people claustrophobic and what if there were two people trying to get me and some guy to be together by stopping the lift and a delivery man comes in and pees because he cant handle small spaces? real questions were asked.
One fine day though, I got to get my revenge. I was going to buy ramen as usual and I entered the elevator but then I saw my neighbour trying to remove his keys from the door and showing me a hand to let me know he wanted to come but me being the petty bitch, closed the elevator innocently by just turning around and pretending I never saw him (I honestly did not see his face). The joy I felt was PURE.
A few weeks passed by and once again I was hungry so I left in my PJs at 2 am to fulfil my stomach's wishes. As I was coming, I saw the lift close yet again but this time I screamed so that the person inside knows someone is coming. I was honestly out of breath so I did not even think about pressing the button to my floor. After regaining my senses I went ahead to thank the person and the view in front of me was enough to make me gasp. There, on the lift with me was, Charles Leclerc in all his glory. I did not want to make it obvious that I was internally screaming so I just looked down and said "Thank you for stopping the elevator, last time this asshole, my apparent neighbour just let the elevator close on my face". Charles looked amused to me but I couldn't figure it out then he said the most bizarre thing. "You won't believe it but my neighbour did the same thing. She just acted as if she didn't see me." All I could do was just nod at him because THE F1 driver was in the lift with me. "Anyways this is me, see you later" and as the doors were about to close I realised he got down on the 26th floor. MY FLOOR. Charles bloody Leclerc was my asshole neighbour!
I had to get down to the upper floor and come down via the stairs. I was shocked but then I thought what if I revealed myself to him. Maybe go ask for coffee. Act as if we did not just bond over each other in the elevator. I was determined to show him who the true asshole was because if they go low, I go lower.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hey I hope it’s not something that’s already been requested before but could I request headcanons of Mei, Mirio and/or Toshinori after a breakup where they would still have to be around their ex partner (because of school or work) and they’re still pining over each over :(((
Thank you !
[ Honestly, I can't recall if it has because this blog is about 3 years old. But even if it was, kudos to you for choosing characters that need some nice secondary love. I hope you enjoy these headcanons dear anon. ]
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It still hurt, but Mei was used to wearing a poker face. Why the two of you broke up didn't make sense. She gave up her love of invention for you or rather spent less time with her 'babies' because of you. Now that you two were separated, she felt lost. She also couldn't focus with you just a few feet from her every day at school and that made her angry.
"So, how's your latest baby?" She finally managed to speak to you after a few weeks and as awkward as the butterflies in her stomach were, she felt relieved when you replied. Although she didn't care about your invention, she cared about your voice and being close to you again.
Naturally, she was determined to keep you to herself despite the breakup. This meant she was also willing to let certain inventions go awry whenever she witnessed someone else flirt with you. When this happened, she'd smile. "Oops, guess this baby needs more work!" She knew you knew it was intentional, but you never did anything about it.
You didn't realize how much you missed her until you found her goggles in your bedroom. When you returned them to her, a tremble coursed through your body when her fingertips brushed against yours. The urge to hold her hand was strong, but you walked away before she could say a word.
You'd toss and turn at night, unable to sleep knowing she was in the room next to yours. You missed lying on her chest and feeling the warmth of her body against yours. You also missed how her hand stroked through your hair until you fell asleep.
A few times you awkwardly found each other in the forest near Yuuei High. The feeling of nostalgia overcame you when Mei reminded you of a few funny stories from your time together. The memories made you laugh and yet wonder if it was too late to rekindle what you had.
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He couldn't smile for a week after the breakup. Although it was unlike him, he avoided you which you immediately noticed as did your shared friends Nejire and Tamaki and sadly, this only added to the pain of your broken heart.
To think you'd break up with him because he was quirkless now was definitely a hit on his ego. However, in your defense, you thought it was better to give him time to sort his life out and not worry about you. But you realized you were wrong and regretted what you had done.
Nejire and Tamaki took it upon themselves to find out why the two of you broke up. While Nejire was disappointed that you broke up with Mirio because you thought it'd help him, Tamaki managed to get Mirio to agree to stop avoiding you.
The first time the two of you talked since the breakup was when you were assigned to address one of the first-year classes and there was an awkward tension in the air when Mirio actually greeted you with, "Oh, hey there sunshine," which was something he called you when you were together and it was then you realized how much you missed that nickname.
It was a nightmare to focus in class. To make matters worse his desk was not too far from yours, and the fact you could feel his stare, or at least thought you did made your stomach twist into so many knots that you weren't sure if you were still falling in love with him or continuing to feel that regret.
"I don't know how I'll do it, but I'm sure I'll win their heart back someday Tamaki! And I won't stop trying! After all, don't you think Y/n and I belong together?" Of course, he'd first have to figure out a way to get his quirk back and when he did, he'd convince you that no matter what happened, he'd never need space from you.
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He thought breaking up with you was the only way to protect you. Heroes were particularly known for avoiding relationships because of their busy schedules and the fear that their loved ones would become the target of an attack. But he quickly realized he was wrong. While he tried to convince you to get back together, you suggested focusing on your teaching careers.
You never thought you were the jealous type. However, when Ashido made a comment about Nemuri and Toshinori on a date, even if it was in good humor and Nemuri shared that old men weren't her thing, it made you furious, and without thinking you lectured her on inappropriate jokes. The strangest thing was you knew Toshinori was free to do as he pleased but hated the idea of him being with anyone else.
Everyone including the students and your fellow teachers noticed the awkward tension in the room whenever you and Toshinori were near each other. "I can't take this anymore!" Hizashi screamed one day. "What is with you two kit kats!?" he demanded. "I'm afraid things have been a bit strange between us since the breakup," Toshinori confessed after you walked out of the room.
"Hm, I see so that's the problem, isn't it? Most men never know what they want, and they drive the people they hurt to do things like this," Nemuri stated as she entangled her fingers in your hair. You were currently lying on her lap, intoxicated. While she didn't blame you for drinking after you confessed how much the breakup hurt you, she was concerned about both your and Toshinori's well-being.
"I know it's not much but, I remember how much you like flowers so…" You knew he was attempting to make a conversation, but your anger got the best of you and without thinking, you used your quirk to destroy the flowers in front of him and while he was shocked by your reaction. It also reminded him of that fierce nature you held and why he was so attracted to you in the first place.
"No, nothing's wrong sir!" he insisted although he knew it wasn't wise to try and fool Principal Nezu so with a sigh, he glanced down with a determined look on his face. "There's not much I can do at this point. I know that Y/n and I may still have feelings for each other, and I don't blame them for acting the way they are. But...I'd like to find a way to become their everything again, not just their hero."
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