#I literally went through every single line of the song
chaos-bringer-13 · 4 months
I am spreading the madness. I will be @bloggerspam 's crazy priest, making people cry about Mimi's stories. All hail Mimi. All hail bloggerspam.
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apologies, i'm still angry abt TUA S4
so, if we take out all of the blatant issues with the season (character assassination, 'resolutions' that create more plotholes than they solve, rushed scenes that make no sense, side plots that go nowhere, raymond vanishing for no reason, etc etc), what are we left with? let's see:
fatphobia (multiple jokes made about 'chubby Diego', when David just looks hydrated and healthy)
SA played for jokes (it's clear that Klaus having sex while possessed is supposed to be funny, but he's being held hostage and forced to do this for money, when we already know he didn't even want his powers back??)
problematic / borderline problematic age gaps (either way you spin it, either Five is physically 20-26 while Lila is likely mid 40s, or Five is mentally 70s while Lila is mid 40s; Aidan was 19 while filming, and Ritu was 34)
waiting for the actor to come of age before introducing a romance (we already know what some fans can be like over Five/Aidan, this will not have helped; I would be horrified if I found out the show runners had planned a romance arc with a coworked 15 years older than me and then waited for me to turn legal age to execute it)
sexism (i was reluctant to call it that but i also don't know what else to call it - Lila basically had her agency stripped away to become the love interest two men fought over; Steve wanted Five to have a romance and didn't care who with - use Lila simply because she was there)
complete disregard of character trauma (Klaus being buried alive despite it having been mentioned in every prior season that he was locked in a mausoleum by Reginald, including literally being left to die)
possible overstepping of an actor's boundaries (i've not been able to verify this, but i've seen it said that robert sheehan has requested not to do sex scenes?) (still havent been able to prove this; wasn't an issue with other roles so... hesitant to leave it)
actors requests being ignored (David asked multiple times if the Lila cheating sideplot was required, but clearly it went ahead anyway)
bad cgi
that awful vomit montage
Reginald (im not quite calling it abuse forgiveness but uh. it's not far off tbh)
i don't even know what to call this, but basically told the Hargreeves the abuse they suffered was their fault because they shouldn't even exist??
what did i miss? (im sure there's something)
from the replies:
the song in the ep3 dance scene uses a slur for romani people (and is also about a man and an underage girl)
SA dismissal (it's literally never addressed that Allison SA'd Luther last season. like, at all. everything's just a-okay now!)
more sexism (Allison's arc was also reduced to serving men; there's a single line to explain that Ray left, with no mention of why (i could go OFF about this but this post isn't supposed to be about mishandling of characters); even after everything, all her bonding with Claire comes through Klaus's storyline. also, Sloane is just gone and nobody gives a shit - Luther has one line and that's it??)
so many issues with consent (all of the girls shown in the place Klaus works look drugged / Klaus doesn't want to be there and doing any of that, it's all against his wishes / they all get their powers back against their wishes - although they do tell Ben that wasn't his choice to make / Klaus gets his powers back against his will when Allison is pressured to do it to save his life)
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ashtxrie · 3 months
submitted 11:59 pm
— alternatively, enhypen maknaes as your typical high school crush!
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PAIR. high school! enhypen maknaes x gn!reader (rest under cut) GENRE. fluff, high school au, bullet points WORD COUNT. 1.8k total HYUNG LINE VER.
김선우 — kim sunoo
candy hearts, spotify playlists, good morning texts, easy laughter, crescent smiles
in high school, sunoo's known as being super friendly and sociable
and because of that, he has a ton of friends
like he basically knows everyone
you and sunoo have definitely talked before, and you may have had a teensy tiny crush on him from your... downward of five interactions
he's kind of like your hallway crush!
however, you DON'T know that he has had a crush on you for FOREVER
and his friends are SICK AND TIRED of hearing about it
man's dedicated because he really saw you in every single one of your phases and STILL decides to like you. he's a real one
he's so whipped like he's hitting up the group chat (named "en- gang" by riki btw) at 1 in the morning being like
"GUESS WHAT?!!! she smiled at me today ☺️ i forgot to tell you all"
everyone is so done
"did you talk to her though"
"NO. i'm getting there"
"all you did was make eye contact for the past month be srs rn"
so one day jay and jungwon (your mutual friends), who were in the same english class as you both, were feeling DEVIOUS
it was the fall semester final project, and it was supposed to be worked on in teams of 2 to 3
"bro you are NOT working on it with us the love of your life is literally RIGHT there"
jay and jungwon took matters into their own hands and forcefully excluded sunoo ("you guys are so fake")
so now, with no other option, he had to approach you!
"do you have a group already? if not, we could work together?"
wait wtf he didn't say that
it was YOU???
you approached him first??? he was SHOCKED
tried to play it cool but his smile gave away how happy he was
"yes!!!! let's work together!!!!! :)"
the project actually went so well he has literally never been happier typing away on that document every night
updates the group chat periodically too
"when we were working on the google doc at 2 am in the morning our cursors went over each other’s & it was like we were holding hands :>>"
"how do i unsubscribe"
"you're just mad because you've never been in love <333"
secretly sunoo's thanking his friends though because now you guys are basically close friends!
while doing the project together you started talking about school, friends, life, and everything in between
talking with you just seemed so natural, and sunoo wonders why he was so afraid of it before
i'd like to think that with you, sunoo doesn't feel the need to always put on the bubbly and outgoing side of him
sometimes, he can just be quiet and calm sunoo with you, and the silence feels so comfortable and safe
you start hanging out more and more, and soon you've met so many people through sunoo that they think of you whenever they think of him too
it's like a package deal!
throughout this time he's still madly in love with you btw
he just wants to take things slow! he didn't want to scare you away or anything
and yes, the gc is STILL getting their daily sunooyn Down Bad News Network
"today during lunch she gave me a yakult bottle, i think she’s starting to like me back! :D"
he does Not know you've liked him all this time
the mutual pining is crazy
he (finally) confesses after a whole YEAR
he's super nervous about it, has possible plan b's scripted and sat through 30 minutes of youtube subliminal audios the day before for extra good luck
after he says his whole heartfelt confession, he gives you this handwritten letter with all of his favorite moments with you in the past year, complete with spotify codes next to each one that links to a specific song he thought of at the time
you teared up a bit because oh my gosh it was so cute he was so cute and your heart just melted
you told him you've liked him since forever too and he was FLABBERGASTED
you both also reveal that you've BOTH had hidden spotify playlists dedicated for each other???
let's just say that even years later, the 'en- gang' group chat would NEVER let sunoo live down his digital footprint
양정원 — yang jungwon
strawberries, honors classes, coming of age, familiarity, inside jokes, paper rings
your childhood best friend
who just so happens to also be mr student council president, king of extracurriculars, resident academic powerhouse
and also a LITTLE SHIT about it
since elementary school, you've got some friendly (and not-so-friendly) rivalry going on
"we both know who’s going to get the higher score for this chem final” 
“yeah, and it’s going to be me”
but the drive you get from the competition is really what brought you guys together
it's what keeps you motivated, it's what keeps you going
and he's funny! (though you'd never admit it)
because yes, you're both trying to beat each other for the top spot in class rank
but you also get each other
you've been study buddies since the beginning of time, and he keeps the two of you accountable
sometimes he's TOO responsible
"jungwon don't let the pomodoro timer dictate you life can we PLEASE take a snack break right nowww"
"we literally did that FIVE MINUTES AGO"
outside of studying he's really chill though
one summer he started to get really into alchemy of souls and you binged the series twice together, effectively destroying both of your sleep schedules right before school started
he just loves existing in the same space as you tbh
definitely loves calling you for hours during the school year, whether to review for an upcoming exam or to just have the two of you do your own things while connected on the phone
it's pretty common for the two of you to fall asleep while on call with one another
late night yapping sessions (hello??? his weverse addiction??)
he feels like he can just let his responsibilities go and you're the only person who really understands him and everything he does and why he does it
lowkey.... he also just wants to make you proud :(
he was so happy that one time you offhandedly mentioned how you've seen and appreciated all the hard work he was putting in for one of the school events
when he eventually confessed to you, everything just made sense
like the way your eyes always lingered on his bright smile when he showed up on your doorstep at the crack of dawn
and how even when you tease each other, you never miss how he would reach for your hand with his own before retracting it hurriedly as if changing his mind
now, oh he just makes you feel so loved
texts you at random times of the day just because, sending you the most random images and captioning them with "us"
he's still got the silliness in him though!
"i want to try every strawberry with chocolate combination with you <333"
西村力 — nishimura riki
neon lights, school dances, sunglasses, finger guns, playful banter, shared hoodies
honestly he's just at school for the vibes
however, he DID take homecoming very seriously
with one goal in mind: to DOMINATE the dance floor
and dominate he did.
he partied in the USA so hard that by the end of the night, everyone was talking about that freshman who left everyone speechless at a HIGH SCHOOL DANCE
among those witnesses of how riki out-danced the entire school population, were you
and you thought he was literally the coolest person ever
fast forward two years, and you're a junior now
it's all good! you've definitely outgrown your month-long admiration of the Guy From Hoco
but yo what guess who sits right next to your seat in class???
it's the Guy From Hoco himself
honestly, you're a pretty chill person so you turned to him and were like "hey aren't you that guy that got famous back during hoco freshman year?"
but now? he’s EMBARRASSED to admit it
"oh uhhh that wasn't me haha"
boy bffr you would know his face anywhere
you kind of gave him a questioning look and shrugged
"oh well, i thought it was really cool though"
he instantly backtracks, because you thought it was cool and NOT an aura loss????
"wait i think i remember now haha that WAS me!!!"
you guys match energy so well tbh
he started to catch feelings for you because of how funny you were and how you two just clicked, but he was stuck in denial FOREVER
"I DON'T CHASE I ATTRACT" (desperate)
heeseung also tried to give him "rizz counseling" but that just ended up with them both saying "mb gang" at everything
which was..... not very rizzy!
you had convinced him to audition for the competition dance team at your school, which he obviously made
he texted you the day he got in too, typing in all caps in everything which he NEVER does
"why would you scream about things in caps lock when you can be cool and nonchalant" YEAH SURE RIKI
updated all his social media bios to @[school]varsitydanceteam the moment he got the acceptance notif
“[name] is my instagram bio tuff”
"because i’m committed and it lets them know i’m part of a professional community"
(heeseung told him that it would show his commitment to the sport and thus his potential to commit to you.)
at this point, riki was ready to fire heeseung and switch to jake as his ghostwriter 💀
but little did he know, you started liking him too once you saw how genuinely hardworking he was when he has a goal
like those hours he spent on call with you asking if you thought this one move was clean enough?? he really put in his all (he also wanted to impress you)
you kind of had the idea that he liked you back, because let's be honest he was being a bit obvious about it
the way he almost choked when you hugged him congratulations??? he looked DAZED for a whole hour
you had to confess to riki because his heejake rizz courses consisted mainly of heeseung and jake arguing about whose approach was better
even when you two became a couple, you still had teasing as a love language LMAO
"HAHA 🫵🫵 YOU'RE SO SHORT i still love you though <3"
it's just how he shows his love, but he also loves draping his arm across your shoulders when walking around
made sure to emphasize to heeseung and jake that this was all his doing and they did not help him at ALL
but let's be real, YOU were the rizziest of them all
and riki agrees <3
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TAGLIST : @star-sim @boyfiejay @jlheon @jwsdoll @dimplewonie @suneng @en-gelic @mygnolia @asteria-wood
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thealogie · 2 months
sorry I just have to use this blog as a diary to write down every special "actors breaking/audience reaction" moment from that last Merrily performance to (a) get it out of my system and (b) put it down somewhere in case i forget a single second of it.
during the overture, if you were sitting close enough you could hear the actors cheering backstage and we all started to laugh because they were so rowdy
Every single member of the ensemble got applause during their entrance not just the leads.
jonathan groff entered the stage with tears visibly rolling down his face
as i've said before, franklin shepard inc. got the first and maybe biggest mid-show standing ovation of the night and daniel radcliffe who was already on the verge of tears broke down crying. it was beautiful.
they had so much fun during "old friends." there's a bit where they're all dancing and mary accidentally goes the wrong way (which is scripted) and lindsay went "oh shit" in such a loud, funny, "this is unscripted" way that everyone lost it.
they got a huge standing ovation after "old friends," and just stood on the trunk laughing and bantering through the applause to keep the bit going (half in character, half as themselves). Their mics were cut but this went on for a full 3 minutes and i wish i could lip-read.
In general, lindsay was generally coping by being even funnier than usual. She hissed at gussie so vigorously during the scene where they're in gussie's apartment that everyone in the cast almost lost it.
more on lindsay being so funny: during the bit where gussie and frank are in his apartment and mary and charley are outside and gussie says "can they [meaning mary and charley] see us?" and the last time i saw it charley and mary just pointedly steal a glance inside to indicate that yes they can see inside. this time lindsay waved to them so aggressively to say "yes we can see you" that jonathan groff broke laughing.
I didn't actually hear them perform much of "it's a hit" because it got interrupted by applause every five seconds. There was one long standing ovation during the "tony" bit and another at the end. But also just constant applause interruptions throughout. They went "it's the sound of an audience losing its mind" and we all just lost our fucking minds mid-song. Reg got cheers for “it's funny girl, fiddler and dolly combiiiiine—“ so he literally had to add the "d" in "combined" after the applause, which just caused more cheering and laughing.
During "opening doors," frank types something on Charley's typewriter and Dan has previously said Jonathan writes him a dirty/funny joke every night. Whatever the fuck he wrote that last night made Dan break and laugh and shake his head. And the audience lost it.
Everyone crying during "not a day goes by" and "good thing going." Jonathan openly weeping looking at Dan during "good thing going." Dan looking straight ahead to avoid crying.
When Dan entered for the final rooftop scene, J Groff just lost it when Dan goes "is something wrong" and started crying instead of saying his line (shoulders shaking, back to the audience) and Dan's face was just like "don't do this to me." so everyone in the audience went "awww" and clapped for them until they were ready to jump back in.
all three of them just crying non-stop during "our time." When Frank goes "after this moment that the three of us are sharing, nothing is ever going to be like it was" everyone in my section gasped and people just started crying. and then also Dan and Lindsay both just lingered (with tears in their eyes) and shared a long moment with J Groff before exiting to leave him alone for the blackout.
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k-hotchoisan · 1 year
Soaking wet (San x fem!reader)
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Synopsis: Soaking in the water festival, both literally and physically, you find your eyes trailing to a certain red haired man, completely drenched, his tank sticking to his skin like a tease. The festival isn’t the only thing that’s gonna be wet.
Genre: smut, fluff, San is performing, the both of you are wet, sexual tension (kinda!), reader is playful
Warnings: penetration, cumming, masturbation, heavy petting, slight hair tugging (san is the one getting his hair tugged🌶️), unprotected sex (PLEASE USE CONDOMS <3), cream pie, riding
Word count: 3.7K
A/n: no one drives me as insane as Choi san… my brain has rotted even more ever since waterbomb and I can’t stop fucking thinking about him
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You navigate against the crowd, your hand linking with your friend’s, who is babbling about being excited that they could finally attend face-to-face events after a long while. You smile as you continue threading the crowd, a strange glimmer of excitement and anxiety flicking in you because you knew he would be there.
Water festivals are fun in their own way, once you let yourself get drenched and just enjoyed the music beating in your ears. You weren’t letting San dominate you of course. You had your own white shirt on with a bikini top and sweat shorts for easier manoeuvring, especially through the thick crowd. Whether or not you’ll get sprayed—is another matter entirely, and whether that will capture San’s attention as well. But the main point was, you weren’t gonna let San get a rouse out of you.
Bubble Pop blasts on the speakers and you silently cheer in delight at such a fun song. Definitely a summer classic. The water guns continuously drenches the crowd, including you but all you care about was feeling Hyuna’s music from head to toe. You didn’t know where San and his buddies were but not that it should matter—nothing was going on between you and the idol anyway. You comb your wet hair back, shaking it to let the excess water out. You are wet, but not drenched, yet. The fun was just getting started. Your friend whispers something in your ear—something about getting drinks for you. You smile at her and gently take the drink she offers you—a non-alcoholic one. It’s too early to get wasted. After having more talks and giggling with your friend, she suddenly squeals and you whip your head to the stage. Ah, another band is performing on stage. And it’s exactly who you think it is.
Choi San’s shirt clings onto his skin, pulling taut against chest, his nipples just peaking beneath the sheer fabric, teasing your eyes. You glance up and down at him, swallowing every single part of San with your eyes like a full course meal, forcing yourself to show as minimal reaction as possible. Seonghwa told you that San’s outfit was safe but dangerous—whatever the fuck that even meant. Dangerous is an understatement—San looks deadly. He had removed his hat and hung it on his ripped, baggy jeans, sweat and water just trickling down his temple to his jaw, down his throat, and sinking into the sheer ass fabric clinging onto dear life on his skin. Before you realise it, San catches your eye, and his lips curl into a smirk as he continues to pour and drench himself with another bottle of water. You swore to yourself that you’d never let him have the satisfaction that San just crawled into the crevices of your mind like a parasite. Fuck. Your eye contact meets his, determined not to lose this round. This only seems to rile him up a little more and he cuts the eye contact shortly after, going off to the other side of the stage. You exhale, combing your wet hair back again, feeling like you went through the most intense battle for some reason.
Just then Seonghwa walks over and meets your eyes, flashing a small smile. He, too, looks absolutely delectable—his white turtleneck drenched, pressing against his skin and a whole line of zipper just censoring his nipples at the perfect spot. What a fucking tease. He glances at San who catches his gaze before turning back to you, his hand on the water cannon. Before you know it, it sprays and absolutely drenches you. Your friend squeals and has her arm up with her drink in surprise. The white tank presses onto your skin and while you were wearing a bikini top, it somehow looked even sinful since now your chest was becoming more visible. You push your completely drenched hair back and your eyes search for Seonghwa on the stage. He’s obviously left the scene of the crime, whispering to San about something as San passes him. San’s gaze turns to you, and his expression unreadable as he lingers on you. You stare back and smile innocently. This felt bad for some reason, and you weren’t even the one who insinuated it.
The band finishes their set and you excuse yourself, threading yourself back out of the crowd. Your friend follows you out for a quick breather as well. “Toilet” she says. “I’ll call you when I’m done.”
You nod as you watch her disappear into the distance. You walk the opposite direction, pulling out your phone from your mini shoulder bag. You reach to a more isolated area in the festival. The music was still beating pretty loudly in your ears and you comb your hair back again, getting the wet strands from your face to check your phone. A presence appears in front of you and you look up. San is staring down at you. Up close, he looks even more heavenly, his expression still unreadable.
He breaks into a small smile. “Damn. Seonghwa really got you huh.”
“What brings you here, San?” You ask, locking your phone and crossing your arms. You’re not sure if your heartbeat is accelerating from the music or because San is standing before you.
“Saw you in the crowd. Didn’t expect you to be here”, San says as he leans towards you.
“Of course. Came here to see Hwa”, you mention, pressing your bottom lip with your left index finger, tilting your head a little, your eyes feign playing dumb as your gaze flicker from San’s to somewhere else. You hear San take a breath, sounding irritated. You peek at your peripheral vision and oh boy, you definitely pushed a button or two in San. Such a gullible man.
“Right, that totally seems like that case.” You both know that’s a lie. The both of you were like playing some kind of cat and mouse game ever since the accident of when you ended up making out with San at a pub in your drunken stupor as a dare from one your friends. What you didn’t realise was that he was from a rising boy band at the time and you ended up befriending the four out of eight boys who were at the scene—including Seonghwa. But you were obviously attracted to San. Obviously. And you would never let him know. The only problem was that the kiss had you hooked. He was way too good at it. The way he pushed himself to you as your lips locked. The way he had combed your hair back during the kiss. The way he had you cornered.
Just like right now.
“Do you want to go find him?” San asks after a moment of silence. You can’t identify if he was being sarcastic or genuine but you decide to play along. “Why not? I’m giving him a piece of my mind for drenching me like this”, you reply, tugging the collar of the tank top, and San’s eyes fall right onto your chest. Oh dear. You forgot about that.
San smiles and puts his hand out for you to take, and you do. “Won’t you get swarmed by fans walking out in the open like this?” He shakes his head. “We got a staff shortcut.”
His grip was firm yet gentle, as if he didn’t want to let you go, not yet. Your heart continuously beats, and you worry that San could hear it at any point of time now.
The both of you reach a more quiet and isolated space at the festival, in front of a trailer. It probably is the band’s trailer. San unlocks the door and invites you in.
Of course, Seonghwa wasn’t there. You already knew. He obviously was not going to let you meet Seonghwa. You hear the sound of the door being closed and locked. Instead of panicking, you turn to the couch and sit, making yourself comfortable. “Where’s Hwa?” You provoke. San only inches closer. There’s a glint of guilt that flashes in his eyes for a moment.
“I lied. I’m sorry” He admits, as he brushes his hair back. “Do you really like him that much?” Fuck, he’s so cute when he’s soft like that.
“What if I say I do?”
An expression of hurt flashes across his face for a moment. Or was it jealousy?
He pouts, and it sends your heart into a spiral. Was he the same dude drenched and smirking on stage like 15 minutes ago?
“Really?” He confirms, stepping closer. You feel your breath hitch.
“No”, you plaster a smile, “I lied too”
This automatically puts a smile on San’s face. His hair was partially dried, so was his tank. It was still damp and the fabric still clings onto his chest. You swallow. Not to mention up close and personal.
“Hey y/n, I couldn’t stop thinking about you ever since the pub” and that leaves your face flushing. The only thing that flashes through your mind was how fucking good he feels in your mouth. “You tasted so unforgettable.”
“Can we go further than that?” He pursues, this time right in front of you. He tilts in, trying to close the distance between the both of you. But at that moment, the couch suddenly vibrates. The both of you jump at the sensation. You crawl to the position of where you phone (which was in your bag) was lying, and San stays put at where he’s at, his gaze following your movements.
You pull out your phone from your bag, and the phone lights up with your friend’s caller ID. You look up at San. “Excuse me for a moment”, you say and put the phone up to your ear as you slide to answer. Your friend asks you where are you, and that she’s out of the toilet.
“I’m…in the middle of something”, you reply, your eyes darting to San, who’s staring at you intently. “I’ll call you when I’m done. Enjoy the rest of the festival!” Your friend laughs and replies with an “okay!” before hanging up. You lower your phone from your ear and stuff it back into your bag. The moment you turn your head, San closes the distance between the both of you, hungry and needy. His lips pressing yours, gently pushing his tongue in to part your lips.
There it is—this feeling of fireworks just going off in your head when he kisses you like that. You almost go giddy as you feel your lower abdomen flutter in pleasure. Fuck this feels so good. You intertwine your fingers against his bright red locks of hair and tug a little in case you fall somewhere. This only elicits a soft moan out of San, and pulls back for a moment, his lips now red and swollen from kissing you hard. His eyes look slightly glazed and you can’t imagine how you are looking—you just know you want him to start fucking you right about now. He leans his head towards your neck and starts peppering your neck with kisses, sending jolts down your spine, and your pussy. Goosebumps scatter throughout your skin as you felt something loosen—your bikini top. The clothing piece falls limply as the knot gets undone by San, and with a swift motion, he tugs the bikini top by the string and down it goes, removed from beneath your shirt. You feel the tank top fabric stick to your nipples and the sensation makes you gasp a little. San only continues to trail his kisses down to your tits and when he gets there, he lifts the hem of your top up, letting it cling to the skin above your tits, and then sucks delicately on your right nipple. This only pools the area between your legs.
“Fuck.. San..” you barely manage out. San brings up his other hand and pinches your left nipple. Your hand goes to his hair and you tug again—this time from the pleasure jolting right between your legs. San moans again. He removes his lips and switches over to the left nipple. This pushes out a moan on your end. Oh my god, his tongue feels so good.
You continue to brush his hair back in pleasure as he licks and sucks in your nipple like some kind of candy. Suddenly he removes his hands and lips entirely, leaving you gasping at the lack of touch.
“Remove your sandals” San instructs, and you kick them off easily. He shifts his position so that you’re seated on his lap, straddling him, and that’s when you realise his hard on just pressing against your pussy. That just excites you even more.
San smoothes his palms up and down you—from your chest—not forgetting to play with your nipples—all the way to your thighs—dangerously close to your cunt. “So what do you want me to do, y/n?”, he asks, almost in a whisper, since his face is so close to yours.
Your eyes gaze to his damp shirt and you brush your hands against his nipples. San whimpers in surprise, and you feel his cock harden even more beneath you. His eyes open slightly as his head tilts back a little. “Do you like teasing me that much?”
You smile in reply. “I can’t help it if every part of you is fuckable.” And that kind of snaps something in San. He goes in for another needy kiss and this time your tits rub against his chest through the thin and wet fabric, causing you to moan in between kisses. You also start to grind your hips against his, desperate for some skin.
San pauses the make out session, leaving you half lidded and breathing heavily. It was starting to be difficult to cling onto any sense of sanity left. You feel him reaching for his pants and unbuckling, he’s acting like he’s doing it steadily but it’s evident that he’s rushing to let his cock spring out. Another hand slides to your pussy, and he pushes the sweat shorts aside, along with your panties—right to your clit.
“Fuck, you’re so wet already y/n” he breathes out. “I can’t wait to fuck you”. He bites his lip as he rubs your clit. His other hand grabs yours and has you rub him off—his cock at a significant length, but more on the girthy side. How the hell is that gonna fit in you.
He continues to rub your clit in slow, circular motions and you could barely focus on pumping San out. Each flick felt like a tickle that only thinned your sanity even more, the jolts of pleasure coming in non-stop. “…so good” you barely manage out. “Keep doing that San”.
The knot in your stomach tugs from the pleasure and you feel it building rapidly. You are definitely not going to survive this. It feels like fucking heaven. San continues to kiss your neck and suck on your skin, littering your shoulders with faint, red marks, adding into the pleasure even more. He continues to encourage you to keep up moaning, because it’s making him feel amazing too and whatever else. You were feeling too good to process his sweet nothings.
That was when you feel your climax reaching. Your legs trembling slightly as San’s fingers brushed against your nub once more, the feeling growing more intense by the second.
“Ah fuck-“you cry out. “S-san-“ All he does is continue to flick your clit. By now you let go of his cock because your focus was out of the window, only staring right into San’s gorgeous eyes, half lidded as he wraps his fingers around your neck. Oh fuck. You feel it building.
“San, I’m coming-“you whine, over and over as your body shakes in pleasure, your eyes rolling back as San now presses against your clit, sending even more shockwaves through your system. He lets your ride out your orgasm.
“You look so pretty when you come”, San whispers as he removes his hand from your name and combs back your hair. “We’re not done yet though.” Before you could reply, he pushes the fabric of your pants and panties further to the side, taking your hand and having you hold the pants to the side, your pussy exposed even more. It doesn’t take you long to realise what he’s trying to do and you start taking action. Lifting your hips up, your free hand holds San’s cock as you line up to your entrance, and then you push down, taking him in instantly.
FUCK. The pleasure jolts in you so much and you wonder if you can keep your eyes open as he fucks you. The overstimulation felt so amazing. His cock is buried deep inside you and it feels so fucking full. San gasps as well, his eyes squeezed shut. “Fuck, y/n, you feel so good, squeezing me out like this”, he whimpers. You crash your lips into his, and he hungrily devours you. His moans mixed with yours as you start moving slowly, starting at a slow pace.
Moans start to fill the trailer, so do the sounds of wet skin slapping. Every time you ride and lift your pussy off his cock, you cry out in pleasure, only for San to slam you down, balls deep in you again. You lean in to his shoulder and kiss his neck in an effort to hold back your moans. His hands reach for your ass and he slaps it, the sound bouncing off the walls, and you jumping before sinking right back into his dick.
“You take me so well”, he whispers in your ear. “I can’t wait to start fucking you everywhere. Then you’ll be only thinking of me”. His possessiveness only turning you on a little more.
Just then, the door suddenly knocks. The both of you freeze for a moment. The tapping continues. “San, are you there? Manager needs us in fifteen.”
It was Seonghwa. San suddenly lifts you off his lap and cock before turning you over to face the door. Your heartbeat quickens. What the hell is he trying to do? Before you could protest, he slips his cock right back into you, and you go limp, falling back to his chest and head supported by his shoulders. He fucks you with your legs open like that. “There he is, your little crush. If he has the key and unlocks the door, he’s gonna see you like this. What would Hwa think?” San presses. He’d think you were a whore, being fucked out, balls deep by Choi San.
“He’s not my crush. You are. I love how fuck me like this”, you cry out softly, still bouncing off his cock. You don’t know what washed over you to confess that but it already slipped out. San pauses for a second, and you feel him smile, you also feel his cock grow in your pussy. “Yeah sure! I’ll be there!” San strains. The footsteps shuffle away, and your heartbeat starts to slow down.
“Really?” San asks, both of his hands flicking your nipples. Fuck, you can’t answer, not like this. “Yes. San, please, don’t stop” you confirm. San bites your ear gently as he pounds into you. God, your face must be looking so fucked and glazed over.
You feel his movements getting erratic and sloppier. “I’m close”, he exhales. His hands travel down to your thighs as he strokes them gently.
“Please”, you whine. “You can release in me”. And that snaps whatever sanity San had left as he fucks right into you and paints your insides with his cum. He keeps moaning in your ears about how good your pussy feels, how he’s going insane. He slowly pulls out and shudders at the overstimulation from emptying out in you. Cum trickles down your pussy and that sight almost made him hard again. Almost.
San puts you aside as he reaches out for a box of tissues to clean yourself up with. He also reaches out to clean your pussy up when he’s done wiping down his dick.
“Are you okay? Does it hurt?” San asks, stroking your head. You shake your head as you hand him the used tissues. He lifts up your shirt, which makes you squeal in surprise.
“Hold your shirt up. I’m tying your top back on,” he assures. He fits bikini over your chest and knots the string to tighten it. The butterflies are back in your stomach as you feel his touch. He walks over to the bin and throws the tissues and washes his hands over at the sink. You follow him over and wrap your arms around his waist, which takes him by surprise. “I’m still pretty soaked you know” he says. You laugh, snuggling against his back even more.
“Will I see you again?” you ask, reluctant to let go. You know it would be difficult because he was an idol, and you were just someone else. He lifts your arms off him, turns around, and fits your arms around his waist again, this time facing you. He just looks so fucking good from every angle. He could put the Greek Gods to shame.
San smiles at you and presses a soft kiss onto your forehead, you completely melt under his touch. “I might be a little busy because of scheduling but during my pockets of free time, I’ll find you.” He takes your hand towards the trailer door. He unlocks the door and pushes it ajar, checking if the coast is clear. He pushes the door wider, and you follow him. The both of you walk hand in hand for awhile until he lets go.
“I’ll be off first. See you around y/n. That was an amazing time with you”, he smiles, and you see a tint of pink colouring across his tanned skin. You take his hand and kiss his palm. “See you”, you reply. He pulls you into a hug and your heart flutters again. Another kiss planted on your forehead and he waves goodbye before disappearing.
Oh dear. Looks like you’re head over heels for sure.
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erinwantstowrite · 9 days
how do you pick titles for your chapters? Chapter 15 absolutely blew me away when I started to think about it in the context of the title (my baby, my baby) BECAUSE the line after is “you’re my baby, say it to me” and the chapter almost just feels like dick reaffirming to Peter that he truly does care about him, and that isn’t changing anytime soon. It almost at certain points feels like he’s desperate for Peter to understand how deeply he loves him (but he understands Peter’s apprehension). Anyways, I wish I had payed more attention to titles through the chapters (my brain is begging for a re-read) because I’m sure there’s a lot of thought there and I’m curious what this looks like from your perspective!
Ahhhh!! I think this is the first ask I've gotten about chapter titles (I could be wrong, I get so many a day that I often don't see them all).
They're all lyrics from songs!! alighterwood and I both go through the contents of each chapter and pick out what we would most like the chapter title to focus on, then we search for a song that fits that segment/scene/overarching theme the best. We mostly go looking for a specific stanza or line that fits the vibes... or clues in to a bigger hint. :3
Chapter 1 "slipping through my fingers, all the time" is from ABBA's song, Slipping Through My Fingers. Not only because it was pretty literal in that Peter disappeared when Tony went to grab his hand to catch him, but also because the song talks about a daughter growing up so fast that the mother feels like there wasn't enough time. It's a big clue as to how Tony will feel later on- Peter's only been gone a couple months, but in that time, he faced a lot and grew up. This is definitely Tony's song for the series
2 is from Mr. Rager by Kid Cudi. "birds singing flying around" We both think it fits the vibes of Peter learning more about Gotham and the resident vigilantes, so it mostly represents the Bats
and so on and so forth. All of the chapter titles are picked out like that! there's 15 chapters so far so i'm not gonna go through every single one, but I will mention: when a lyric from Jericho is mentioned, it's got a big hint to our villains. it'll come up again in later chapter names (*^▽^*)
(alighterwood has a playlist for LoF! I listen to it a LOT).
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wynsummers · 1 year
i've been thinking about the whole "friction in his jeans" thing a lot lately, and while it is certainly one of the more iconic instances of the lyric in the CD booklet being different from the actual song, it is far from the only one. on top of that, there are quite a few lyrics that play with double meanings that only become clear when they're written out.
so, i present a collection of every lyric in the fob CD booklets that differ from the final version, punctuation and double meanings that aren't noticeable unless the song is written out, and any other interesting details i find in the process, or a really long post of me cornplating about fob:
disclaimer that if the difference is small enough/doesn't change the meaning of the line i won't include it because that would take me years (for example, the book says "light that smoke for giving up on me" and patrick says "yeah, one for giving up on me" but literally who cares that changes nothing. everything i include here is relevant, i think)
follow-up disclaimer that there are a bunch of fucking typos in every single one of these books because these boys never proofread anything but unless i think it's significant in some way i probably will skip it
tell that mick:
"I hope you choke on those words, that kiss, that bottle - I confess / now ash yourself out on the insides, when I said I loved you I swear I lied"
grand theft autumn:
"someday i'll appreciate in value, get off my ass and call you... but for the meantime i'll sport my brand new fashion of waking up with my clothes on at 4:00 in the afternoon"
"pete and i said goodbye to astoria with promise and precision and mess of youthful innocence"
(most of these are just silly but this one fucking hurts)
sending postcards:
"fake it like you matter - cause that's the biggest secret you have to keep"
chicago is so two years ago:
"that means that I believed every single lie you said (and learned from the best)"
"cause every pain of glass that your pebbles tap negates the pains i went through to avoid you / and every little pat on the shoulder for attention fails to mention i still hate you" (pain of glass instead of pane of glass - i think this is supposed to be a parallel. that or pete just misspelled pane)
patron saint:
"I'm holding out and I'm holding on to every letter and every grudge"
*flashes forward 20 years to hmlag*
our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn't get sued:
"we're good friends only when you're on your knees"
the icon, the legend
"don't mind me, i'm watching you two from the closet wishing to be the friction in his jeans" 🎉🏳️‍🌈
dark alley:
"joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of 'just friends'"
"I'm hopelessly hopeful that you're just hopeless enough"
champagne for my real friends, real pain for my shrimp friends:
"you steer away in a rearview mirror, make my head swim"
i slept with someone in fob:
"someone old, no one new / always borrowed, always you"
ahem. anyway
sixteen candles:
"i confess, i'm just messed up / dropping 'i'm sorrys' like you're still around"
"to hands"
(that's it. no "between legs, and whatever it takes" just hands. just fuckin. to hands)
"to hotel stares/stairs" (wordplay!! to clarify it literally says "stares/stairs" in the book)
"choose awe or sympathy"
also in the last verse it says 'to the "love"' with the quotes which is just kinda funny
this ain't a scene:
"crashing not like hips or hearts"
i'm like a lawyer:
"i only keep myself this sick in the head cause i know how the words get you (off)"
"collect the bad habits that you couldn't bare to keep" (idk this one might just be a typo)
hum hallelujah:
similarly, this might also be a typo, but "versus" is spelled "verses"
(after) life:
ok. ok. hear me out. this is the cornplatiest i have ever been. but on genius it says "death's in a double bed"
and on the lyric book it says "deaths in a double bed"
that changes everything!!! (not really, i know) it's not death as a concept or figure or whatever it's deaths. as in multiple people dying. aaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaughhhhhhhhhhh
moving on
carpal tunnel:
"we take the sip from life's lush lips"
the line "we might've started singing just a little soon" isn't listed, it's just the goodbye line twice
"but i'm just tired yawns for fawns"
you're crashing:
"the cause, the kid, the charm, and the curse"
"lips pressed this close to mine"
"but the prince of this failing empire knows" (hhhnnnggggggghhh)
"i've already given up on myself once but the third time is the charm" that's not how numbers work pete <3
"just kind of figured on not figuring myself out"
folie a deux doesn't have a lyric book. just portraits of the boys with empty white pages that have their names written on them. my poor beautiful masterpiece
not a lyric but for some reason the whole fuckin song is in quotes
the phoenix:
another punctuation thing but instead of "hope to die" it's "hope-to-dies"
"you're wearing our vintage misery"
alone together:
"my heart is like a stallion, they love it more when it's broke in" instead of "broken" (i love double meanings!! i love wordplay!! i love pete wentz!!)
where did the party go:
"i will appear to you if you make yourself shake fast enough"
the mighty fall:
the lyric book straight up doesn't have big sean's part 💔
rat a tat:
at the end there's this "talk less / mean more / let's be electric / like we were before" that i have literally never heard so i'm assuming it's a neat little cut lyric
save rock and roll:
"i will save the songs / the songs we're singing"
"coming in announced" this one. this one's just a typo. come on boys it's been 12 years at this point read the books more than once
"i just dragged my nails on the tile / i just follow your scent" ?? idk
"this will not be a battle"
for some fucking reason it just says "she's an american beauty" three times at the start of the song 😭
"and as we're drifting off to sleep" isn't in there, it just says "and all those dirty thoughts of me, they were never yours to keep"
the kids aren't alright:
indulge me once more, reader. i am cornplating again
instead of "former heroes who quit too late and just wanna fill up their trophy case again" it's "wanted to" do you understand why that makes me insane
also they have it as "will put your curse in reverse" instead of "we" which could be a typo but could also be a neat little change
uma thurman:
"you cut me deep like uma thurman"
jet pack blues:
"i'm the kind that can turn june to september / the last one that you'll ever remember"
"between these two white highway signs"
"i try to picture you without me but i can't"
M A N I A:
hold me tight or don't:
the line "i'm pretty sure that this isn't how our story ends" isn't included
"i know it's just a number but to me you're the 8th wonder"
sunshine riptide:
they didn't include any of burna boy's lines 😒
smfs doesn't have any lyric changes that i noticed, just the usual typos.
update: future emma here, upon further contemplation I have decided to add the line "I'd never go, I just want to be invited" since the first verse definitely says "I'll" (thank you sugarweregoinin and foliejpg for inspiring this revelation)
and there we have it! if you're insane patient enough to have made it until the end, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed! if there are any i missed/any in CDs that i don't have please let me know i find these so fascinating (if you couldn't tell). i just love getting glimpses into their writing process and seeing how the songs we know and love evolve before they get to us. i might also do a post about how spotify/genius gets a bunch of their lyrics wrong because it pisses me off but this is all for now, good day/night!
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helloaugustmoon · 6 months
this is so classic wattpad plot but I literally do not care
Michael Jackson x she/her!reader
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·˚ ◌༘͙[Keep The Faith] ! ˊ
Fishing has been one of Michael’s favorite hobbies for some time. Not in the traditional sense - he cannot sit still for long enough to actually go fishing - but rather by his own definition. Whether it be peering at the faces in the crowd at a concert, seeing faces pressed against the windows of cars and buildings he’s in, fishing is a term that Michael dedicates to peacefully viewing pretty creatures that appear just to see him when he’s passing through. In no way is it dehumanizing; he views it as comparing people to other beautiful things in nature, and in a comical sense too, of course. By now, his team is well aware of his traditions when it comes to fishing, only laughing along and agreeing with his comments pertaining to ‘nice fish’, all in jest and never something he’d consider seriously pursuing; he’d feel he had too much power over a fan that it wouldn’t be fair or just, it would be taking advantage, and that’s not something that sits well with him.
That is, until your face catches his eye.
Fan after fan came and went, greeting Michael and taking pictures while he signed their copies of ‘Bad’ and gifted him their most sincere praises. It was certainly lovely, never something he takes for granted, but to an extent, the social scale of the event can become quite tiring. He’s grateful the line is nearing its end, hoping that soon enough, he’ll be able to rest. But when Michael lifts his gaze from the table in front of him and his eyes meet yours, when he sees your smile- he swears to every holy thing he’s ever known, his heart stops. You aren’t screaming or hyperventilating, but you are trembling in a way that stirs the gentleman in him, wishing the circumstances would allow for him to perhaps offer his jacket to you. The smile on your face as you look at Michael is reflected right back at you, and his previous idea of having any power over a fan is single handedly erased by the existence of you. In that moment, had you wished it, he’d have dropped to one knee and ripped his own heart out to offer it to you. One word from you, and he’d do anything for you. All you had to do, was-
“Hi, Michael.”
And he’s yours.
Your voice is the sweetest melody he’s ever heard, and he already knows it’ll inspire more songs than anything ever has before. You are the siren to lull him to sleep, to guide him to the pearly gates of heaven someday, and he is nothing if not a devout worshiper at the altar that is you.
“I don’t want to take up too much of your time, you’ve already been here so long- but, I just wanted to thank you for the music you make and the message of love that-“
Is now and has only ever been meant for you, he realizes.
Words continue to fall from your lips like a steady stream, a peaceful and thought-out poem that touches every part of Michael’s very soul. And he sits there, smiling up at you as you stand before him, in absolute awe of you. The stars of the night couldn’t hope to hold a candle to the ones in your eyes.
“You don’t need to thank me, it’s my pleasure. It brings me joy to know that my music brings you joy, too.” He answers, his own voice softer than he’s ever heard it.
Your smile turns shy, then, and Michael wishes he had the kind of magic to seal this moment in a bottle, or lock it away in a drawer, so that on the lonely nights he foresees in his future he might gaze upon this moment again. You.
“What’s your name?” He asks you, the question feeling more like a desperate plea than a general curiosity, and when you do tell him your name, it’s immediately stitched into the very fabric of his being.
He wants to compliment your name for how pretty it sounds, how well it suits you, how he’ll close his eyes and whisper it to the sky before he falls asleep and wishes for you without being capable of waiting for a shooting star to do so. He wants to, more than anything. But for risk of seeming too forward, Michael only allows his smile to widen, tells you it was wonderful meeting you, that he hopes you’ll have a pleasant rest of your day, and then passes you back your copy of his album - signed with his name and a kiss that he simply couldn’t resist leaving for you.
Michael’s team exchange glances when his eyes linger on you, watching you leave until you are completely out of sight. At which time, he releases a sigh that is impossible to mistake as anything other than a swoon. With his longing being so obvious, a member of Michael’s team steps forward.
“Would you like us to ensure tickets for tomorrow night’s show, Sir?” The security guard offers, and is surprised when Michael only shakes his head, not offering a verbal answer as he turns his attention to the next person in line.
That night, Michael is ringing up an impressive phone bill from his hotel room, rambling to Janet about every shade in your eyes, every intricacy of you, every cadence you spoke in. After an hour, he finally leaves enough time for his sister to actually respond.
“So you made certain she’ll be at the show tomorrow, right?” It almost sounds rhetorical, not to mention sarcastic, coming from Janet - not that either would surprise Michael.
“No, no,” He shakes his head, leaning against the wall as he holds the phone to his ear, careful not to step too far from the cord. “I don’t want to enforce or engineer anything- that’s not love, that’s a script. If I’m meant to see her again, I will.”
Janet sighs at this, knowing Michael’s mind is set and that means he’ll be too stubborn to consider any alternative; his views on love and fairytales are so absolute, he’d rather spend a lifetime waiting for you and loving you anyway, than use the powers at his disposal to set up a meeting that could lead to a love story.
That said, Janet also knows that for you to have captured Michael’s attention so, you must be some girl. Women have thrown themselves at him from the moment he entered the spotlight - for him to not only notice one amongst the rest, but yearn for you so obviously and without any trace of hesitance, you must be something special. For that, Janet can only pray alongside Michael that somehow, some way, you will find your way back to him.
During rehearsals the following day, Michael finds himself envisioning you in front of the stage, using the idea of dancing to impress you, to woo you as his motivation for giving the performance tonight everything he’s got. No matter how bright the overhead lights of the stadium are, he can picture your smile widening when he dances around onstage, pointing at you as a means of dedicating the song to you, and you alone. He intends to do so regardless of the fact you won’t actually be there. Perhaps he’ll point at the stars, lest you see the footage and misunderstand that he’d ever point at another girl again.
The screams of the crowd do little to quiet the thoughts of you that continue to whirl around the mind of a lyrical genius, even when he runs out onstage to greet them. Breaking into the first song of the night, Michael puts his all into his performance as he always does, but can't help feeling that tonight he has a heavenly blessing in the form of your smile lingering in his thoughts, pushing him that little bit harder. It isn’t until the end of the first song that Michael stops moving for long enough to scan the faces he can actually see from where he stands, the distance from the stage to the front row being further than he’d like. Pausing only momentarily for a brief interval of fishing, Michael’s eyes trace over the front row. And then, he does a double take.
His heart must have been playing a trick on his eyes, surely.
He looks back again, feeling an irregularity in his own pulse when he struggles to find you in the sea of faces again, until whoever had been cruel enough to temporarily block the view of you happens to move just enough for Michael to see you again. Front row, clinging to the barricade like your life depends on it. And you’re smiling at him just the same.
His eyes lock with yours, the band behind him exchanging confused glances. By now, Michael should have given the cue for the second song to start, but the perfectionist has been entirely distracted by the very definition of perfect that he’s been waiting his whole life for. It takes several seconds for him to accept the reality that you really are right there, but as soon as he does, the smile on his face is so big he’s concerned it’ll split his face in half. Giving the cue for the second song to start, Michael points right at you.
“You knock me off of my feet now baby, HOO!”
Throughout ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’, Michael’s gaze connects with yours, and he doesn’t shy away from devoting the song to you in every way he can. If it weren’t for the rehearsed role of the woman onstage that he’s barely even noticing, he’d have pulled you up here with him. Instead, Michael settles for pointing at you, winking at you, and holding your gaze while singing lyrics and dancing in ways that leave no room for misinterpretation.
He continues this for the remainder of the setlist, a plan forming in his head over the course of the next few songs. Because now that divine intervention has resulted in you being right here with him again, who is he to stand and do nothing in the face of that? Of you?
With the instrumental for Liberian Girl beginning behind him, Michael sets his plan into action. Against the better judgment of his security, he jumps from the edge of the stage, making a beeline for where you stand in the front row, every face except yours blurring into his peripheral vision, the increasing volume of the screams of the crowd fading into nothing with the way your smile brightens, the closer he gets to you. Realizing how disastrous this could be, Michael’s security lunge forward to lift you over to the barrier, holding back the other fans that try to climb over with you. And then, Michael’s hand is taking yours, holding it so gently, his free hand bringing his mic back to his lips.
“Liberian girl, you came and you changed my world, a love so brand new…” He sings, eyes holding yours with reverie as he guides you by the hand until you’re standing onstage with him.
The very second there’s enough time in between lyrics, Michael lifts your hand to kiss your knuckles, and that shy smile he’s already dreamt of appears on your face again. With the gentlest movement, he pulls you closer to him, inviting you to erase the distance that he’s desperate to be without, and you’re hardly going to hesitate. You let go of his hand to instead wrap both of your arms around his neck, and Michael has never cursed not having a headset more than on the occasion that he can now only hold your waist with one arm because he’s required to use the other to hold up his microphone. Sometimes, the world is too cruel to comprehend, he thinks. Still, a man can't complain about getting to hold you in any capacity.
“More precious than any pearl…” Michael sings, his voice soft in your ear, intimate despite the scale of the concert itself that surrounds you.
Unable to resist the urge a moment longer, he starts to sway with you in time with the music, melting into the most perfect slow dance on a stage with an audience of thousands, but feeling like the only two souls in the universe.
When the song draws to a close with notes that have you ascending to an astral plane, the crowd screams with enthusiasm like never before, and Michael lowers his microphone. Wrapping both arms around your waist at long last, he leans to your ear to ensure that you can hear him.
“I prayed I’d see you again.” He tells you, his voice so sincere.
“You must be on pretty good terms with God, then.” It’s all you can do to prevent yourself from collapsing in his arms at words like the ones he just spoke.
“I think I must be.” Michael chuckles. “Now, I owe him more than ever.” His arms tighten around your waist, and your heart splutters in your chest.
Knowing that this moment is one that needs to be put on hold for now, Michael sighs, moving one hand to hold the back of your head.
“Would you mind waiting for me, backstage?” He wonders, and when you shake your head into the crook of his neck, his entire body relaxes with relief.
“See you after. Break a leg.” You wish Michael luck, surprising him with a kiss on his cheek and then stepping away from him.
His hand trails down your arm, to your wrist, and holds your hand for every microsecond he can until you slip from his grasp, but his smile is unwavering. Michael watches you leave, waiting until you’re safely situated backstage with his best security guard at your side, and then he blows you a kiss that you catch in an instant. With an effortless, expert kick in the air, Michael breaks into his next song. And he cant help looking over at you longingly every so often, just to check the perfect vision of you is still there, still waiting for him. Still smiling at him.
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Why YOU should get into jethro Tull!!
You’ll never run out of things to listen to, with over 200 songs and 23 studio albums!
Each album has a slightly different genre to the last, you can go from blues to prog to folk to hard rock!
Every single member is so darn cute 😭 that’s like an added extra bonus
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They’re pretty too 🥰
They have about 1,034,264 line up changes, so you never run out of new musicians to obsess over!
You gain a new friend (me!) and a close knit community on tumblr of regular Tull posters (again, me!)
No one else knows them, yet somehow they were one of the top ranking bands in the 70s. Flex on your family and friends with your cool knowledge! For example, did you know Jethro Tull is in fact not a the lead band member, but rather the name of the band? Cool stuff right 😎
1979 😐
They have amazing musicianship! They’re insanely talented, and absolutely blow your socks off in live performances. Give “Bursting out”, their live album from 1978 a listen, or chuck on a concert from YouTube!
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Where should I start?
Well, that depends on you! Because each album is so different, it can be hard to choose. Here are a few helping notes to consider
The 70s were their peak era, any album from this time is gold! Songs from the wood, Heavy Horses and Stormwatch are known as the folk trio. Thick as a Brick and A Passion Play are proggy concept albums. Aqualung is super rocking, Minstrel is acoustic and This Was is blues. Venturing into the 80s and beyond may not be wise for the first time, unless you really like your synth.
Whose who? What’s all this I hear about lineups?
Jethro Tull went through a lot of personnel. Some names you might keep hearing are
Ian Anderson. He’s the main guy, and he’s on every album. Does the flute, singing and weird faces
Martin Barre. Guitarist for almost every album except the first! (And the last 2 but we don’t talk about that.) literal cutest person in the world. His middle name is Lancelot, for crying out loud
Barriemore Barlow. Drummer from ‘72-‘79, insanely talented, loves his short shorts and singlets (in red). Was favoured as a replacement for Bonham in Zeppelin.
John Evan. Piano player, half insane half beautiful mermaid person thing??? His fursona is a rabbit and has a habit of chucking stoves out the windows.
Basically, you can’t go wrong! Enjoy this train wreck of a band <3 (and if I don’t see any Tull dedicated blogs popping up in the next 24 hours I’m hitting someone over the head with my flute)
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
kinda famous - d.s
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summary: after your debut album charts in the top 100, you somehow get invited to the obx3 premiere. you went there to make connections- but maybe not the exact kind you ended up leaving with.
wc: 2.6k
tags/warnings: no warnings! just a meet-cute :), drew x musician!reader
February 16th, 2023
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Not a day went by this past year where you didn't consider yourself incredibly lucky. Your debut album saw some medial success, landing you in the Spotify top one hundred with the help of a TikTok trend to some of the lyrics from your first single. You could hardly believe it was real, sometimes. What always helped, however, is having connections.
Your best friend was a makeup artist to the stars. Working on movies like Avatar and even a few marvel films, but most notably and most recently, she's been working with Madelyn Cline. They've taken a liking to each other, having been in touch about every event, shoot, and movie she's been working on in hopes of having her new friend styling her look for the occasion. Luckily for you, your best friend is your number one fan- and hardly ever does she have a client who isn't forced to sit through your album while she's blending out the makeup on their faces or curling their hair.
Madelyn, apparently, had taken a liking to it. In the words of your best friend, "She was just gushing over it! She requests your music every time she's in my chair. I swear." So that, is how you ended up at the OBX3 premiere, shaking hands with one of the most beautiful actresses of your generation while she complimented both your dress and your music.
"I am seriously such a big fan. B/F/N put me on and I am literally obsessed." Madelyn smiles, dropping your hand.
"Oh my god, you're such a sweetheart- stop." You laugh, waving her off.
She smiles and leans in, resting her hand on your shoulder as she whispers in your ear. "Between us, I can't confirm anything just yet, but I'm working on getting you a soundtrack offer for season four."
You gasp, your hands flying up to cover your mouth to hide your shock. "No- you're literally joking!"
The blonde smiles and shakes her head, giggling and clapping her hands together excitedly. "We all listen to you on set- it's growing on the producers I think."
"Oh my god- Obviously I am so down! Allegedly, of course." You smile, winking at her.
"Yes, of course, Allegedly." She laughs, matching your wink. "I have to run, but we'll jump in for some photos together on the carpet, yeah?" Madelyn grins, giving you a quick hug and brushing past you in the direction of the curtain where everyone lines up for photos.
Feeling absolutely giddy, you're quick to lift your dress and shuffle over to the makeup room, where B/F/N was still working with some other clients doing some touch ups. "Oh my god!" You smile as you approach her chair, where she's just wiping up. You cringe internally at the sound of your music playing over her desk speaker, hearing the way you swore that the man you wrote this song about was the love of your life, and you'd be a fool to let him go. It wasn't long after the release that you ended up having to, discovering he was cheating on you with a girl from his hometown.
"Y/N! Hey girl! Did you get to talk to Mads?" She asks, looking back at you over her shoulder.
"Yes! And I have some serious tea to tell you later. Well- not serious, but good! It's definitely tea." You explain vaguely, knowing she'll understand.
"Yay! Okay, we'll debrief after." She nods. "Did you talk to anyone else?"
You instantly shake your head as she turns to face you. "God, no, I'm petrified." She doesn't answer, holding her finger up in your face and digging through her kit and pulling out a brush.
"Look up." She says, pointing to the ceiling and you oblige as she touches up the shadow under your eyes and brushes away some flaked mascara while she talks. "You need to. You've got to make some more connections- I can't carry you forever." She teases, placing the brush back in her belt when she's done. "They're a lovely cast, trust me."
You nod a little, taking a deep breath. "I just like... don't know what to do. Do I just walk around and talk to people?"
"That's the beauty of it! You're already doing it. Just show that stunning face of yours to the cameras with this beautiful dress, smile, make small talk, and opportunity will fall into your lap. I know you- everyone will love you regardless." She muses, quickly adjusting the waistline of your dress. "And report back to me- of course."
"You're not gonna come? I want some pictures with you. The world needs to see the artist behind this face." You grin, gesturing to your face of makeup and wiggling your eyebrows.
"Yes, of course." She giggles, smacking your shoulder playfully. "I'll change and come find you."
You smile and clap your hands together, bouncing in your heels. "Let's go together! I think I have to because I'm basically your plus one."
"No- absolutely not." She dismisses you quickly, closing up part of her kit and doing some quick organization. "You, my dearest Y/N, need to prove your independence in the industry. Just because you put out your Lover Era album doesn't mean you can't stand proudly on your own after the breakup. Your energy will draw all the cute boys to you. I just know it." She jokes at the end, but you know she's serious about her sentiment.
Your breakup wasn't fresh anymore- she was right. It didn't hurt and keep you up all night over heartache that you had assumed would never get better. You're thriving now, you feel like yourself again. "That's not why I'm here and you know that." You giggle.
"Of course not... It just would be a nice bonus." She shrugs. "Now shoo! You're distracting me. I'll see you in a few." She pushes you away, winking at you before returning to her cleanup duties.
You take a few breathes as you turn around, making a conscious effort to smile as you walk over to the curtain where crew is organizing people and sending them out onto the carpet.
Luckily, you spot the bar not far away, and quickly make your way over to grab a quick glass of wine before you have to step out. You try to sip on it casually, not wanting to draw attention to yourself, but craving the buzz and freedom that comes with being a little tipsy around strangers.
"You're Y/N L/N, right?" Someone approaches you, and you quickly turn to the source of the voice.
"Yes, that's me." You smile, securing your glass in one hand before holding out your hand to shake. The woman takes it, smiling politely as she shakes it.
"Lovely. We're ready for you whenever, just go check in with that lovely gentleman by the curtain and you're free to walk when you're ready." The woman smiles, quickly taking off to go deal with more crew business.
You lean back against the bar, nursing your drink still and glancing in the direction of the dressing rooms and hoping your best friend would walk out in time to join you. You give it another minute as you finish your drink, feeling adequately warmed by the alcohol in your system before approaching the curtain.
"Hey! Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N." You greet the man with the clip board and he nods, giving you a thumbs up and holding the curtain back for you to step out. You take deep breaths and focus on smiling (and not tripping) as you take the few extra paces behind a wall before you'll be in view of the many cameras you can already see flashing at the cast and their friends standing already in their full view. You hear lots of voices as you walk up, but they somehow get a million times louder as you step into the lights.
This isn't your first red carpet, but it is your first premiere. Besides the backdrop curtain, they have a variety of props from the show, including the Twinkie itself, making you giddy with excitement. You make a mental note to yourself to not leave without a picture of you behind the wheel for your instagram.
"Y/N! Look over here!" You hear a dozen voiced calling your name and you decide your best move is to smile and wave, stopping and placing one hand on your hip and just glancing across the whole crowd of camera men and interviewers behind the small fence. You give it a few moments to capture hopefully enough photos for their portfolios before an interviewer pulls you over to chat with them.
"Y/N! So nice to meet you. You look absolutely stunning!" They grin, shaking your hand and holding the mic up to your lips.
"Hello! And thank you so much! It's lovely to meet you too. What's your name?" You ask, smiling at them and giving a quick wave to the cameras still flashing in your face as they record you with one closer up.
"I'm Noah. I'm with Netflix just documenting everyone here tonight." He grins. "So, we were all excited to hear you would be coming tonight! Are you a fan of the show?"
"Oh my god, I'm a huge fan." You gush, looking around at the other people on the carpet. "I was just so lucky to be invited- I was ecstatic when I got the invitation from Madelyn. So nervous, though. So, so nervous."
"I can't imagine!" He chuckles, agreeing with you. "If it makes you feel any better, we've heard from a few members of the cast that they were looking forward to meeting you."
"That does actually help a lot, thank you." You giggle, a blush covering your cheeks. "You mind telling me who, though? I'd love to know who wants to talk to me and who I should probably not bother." You joke.
"Oh, nobody to avoid here. This is one of the nicest casts I've ever worked with." Noah assures you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "That being said, the boys seemed extra keen." He winks, making you laugh.
"Oh god, okay, I'll keep that in mind." You go along with it, looking around and seeing the rest of the cast goofing off a little ways away.
"So, I have to ask, Y/N- keep in mind you don't have to answer if you don't want to, about your breakup- how are you doing? Your album is absolutely amazing, you told a beautiful story, but we've all heard about what happened afterwards." He says, and you glance down nervously, trying to maintain your smile as best you can.
"Yeah, totally. Uh-" You pause for a second. Your ex has never been in the public eye- you were highschool sweethearts, which gave your album a sense of purity and authenticity that was almost rare in modern music. With that, however, comes a responsibility to keep him out of public scandal in the fallout of the albums success. "I am doing really well. I believe my ex is as well. Of course he was always a huge inspiration for me, and he always supported me and my dreams, so I know he's still cheering me on, which is a nice feeling." You nod, smiling as Noah drops his arm from around your shoulders, patting your back.
“Well, you’re stronger than I am because I would want him to be punching the air right now.” Noah laughs.
“No! God, no, I’d never want that for him. I wish him all the success in the world, which just means something different for both of-“ You try to explain, when you get bumped from behind and stumble slightly forward. You let out a little squeak and try to turn to look what happened when someone steadies you by your waist.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Didn’t mean to knock you there.” A man chuckles, making sure you’re steady before letting you go. You’re met with blue eyes that reflect the lights and the matching colour of his suit just beautifully, and you quickly recognize him as Rafe- quickly racking your brain for the actors name. Drew- yes. That’s it.
“No! No you’re fine- I was in the way.” You say sheepishly, laughing it off and adjusting your dress again.
“Drew, Welcome back! While I’ve got you both here,” Noah says, holding the microphone up to him as he nods, leaning down a little in anticipation of the question. “Have you listened to Y/N’s album? We were just talking about it.”
Drew nods, smiling and locking eyes with you again briefly. “Yes, of course. It’s both Maddie’s favourites right now, they’ve always got it playing on set. If it wasn’t so good I’d be sick of it.” He chuckles.
“Aw- thank you!” You grin. “Thanks for listening even if it’s against your will.” Your eyes connect again and you feel yourself blushing once more, he just has this aura about him that shows he’s really listening and really cares what you have to say. “Not to plug it here or anything, but we’re almost at ten million streams on spotify so I’m feeling really proud of it, it truly was a passion project for me. Sorry…” You explain, looking back at the interviewer again, trailing off when you realize you’re acting selfishly.
“No, don’t apologize. You worked hard on it- you deserve to talk about it.” Drew cuts in before Noah can speak. “Everyone stream it- you won’t regret it.” He says, pointing to the camera.
“Yes, absolutely.” Noah agrees. “We won’t take up any more of your time, but I’ll let you know we’re all looking forward to your next album already.” He smiles, giving you a quick hug.
“Thank you!” You wave as him and his crew are quick to move onto someone else. You take a deep breath, turning and jumping slightly when you see Drew still standing there, looking down at you as you clasp your hand against your chest. “Oh, gosh. I didn’t know you were still there.” You giggle, quickly adjusting your hair.
“Sorry.” Drew chuckles, holding his hand out to you. “We haven’t properly met. I’m Drew. Or you might know me as Rafe, I guess.”
You smile, taking his hand and shaking it. “Y/N. You might know me as the girl who got cheated on right after releasing an album about how amazing her relationship is.”
This makes him laugh, dropping his head back as he lets go of your hand. “Hey, it’s good to have a sense of humour about it I guess.” He says, locking eyes with you again. His charisma is truly captivating- it’s rare you meet someone in the Hollywood scene who seems to care about anyone other than themselves.
“I’m coping.” You shrug, laughing it off with him.
“Let’s grab a few pictures together, then maybe a drink?” Drew suggests, guiding you back towards where the rest of the cast was taking photos with the beat-up van parked on the carpet. “I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
“Yeah! Yeah- thank you.” You smile, glancing over your shoulder and seeing your best friend stepping out. She quickly waved at you, giving you an excited look and a thumbs up, which you return behind his back.
No doubt the pictures of this moment will embarrass you tomorrow, but at least the debrief with your best friend in the uber home will have a lot of good things to cover.
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taglist: @slut4drudy , @madelynie , @mutual-mendes , @sadfury (i just tagged some mutuals who like my other stuff so if you want to be added or removed lmk!!)
reblogs and feedback are very appreciated as always :)
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monimccoythings · 1 year
Classy Turtle
Okay, here’s part 2. Second parts were never good but I was dying to make this one. Just the mental image of it. Been watching the critics reviews of this glorious movie and every single one I’ve read are just terrible reviews of movies the audience absolutely adored (it’s the freaking Super Mario Movie, it doesn’t have to be the new Godfather) And those people who want to cancel Bowser, the villain of the Mario saga, for acting like a villain and singing a villain song that slaps? Are they okay? Don’t they get the basic concepts of villainy?
Previous Parts: 1
Next Parts: 3,4,5
tags: @loveforfandomsstuff​ @harpy-space​
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You kept coming back to the palace to visit whenever you had the time. You really enjoyed spending time with your new friends and learning more about the Mushroom Kingdom. It’s like everyday there was some new adventure!
You also met the famous fearless Toad who had accompanied Peach and Mario throughout their dangerous journey to the Kong Kingdom and were lucky enough to eat one of his even more famous meals. You weren’t sure you had tasted something so divine in your entire life, goddamn it, Toad, drop the secret recipe book.
But if there was also a not entirely malicious ulterior motive for your visits, it would probably be your endearing wittle piano playing turtle that on his free time commited war crimes. It’s not like you were obsessed (liar), you just found yourself completely enamoured by the concept of some tiny musical tot that spoke highly of himself in a high pitched voice.
You were no fool. You knew he was dangerous and that given the chance, he would commit all those atrocities again. But he was SO LITTLE AND CUTE NOW. You just have to be careful with your gushing. The least you wanted is to cause the literal Third World War over a turtle.
It became an habit of yours to bring some gifts for everyone of your friends whenever you came to visit, and that included him, be it a tiny chair from an old house, a Ken doll, that always ended with his head chewed off, some lettuce (or whatever this turtle ate)...
Presenting him your offerings always was a tricky task. Peach and the bros had kindly drawn a perimeter around his cage that was called the “no-no zone”. Anyone that dared to cross that line, would meet their untimely end at the hands of a flame with the burning power of some kid using an aerosol flamethrower. Maybe it was a bit dramatic but he nearly burnt part of your hair last time so better not risk it, as he was an amgery firey boi. Unfortunately for him, you had put your wicked mind to use and had developed a system that didn’t put your hair or any part of your body in danger of suffering third degree burns. You called it “The Salad Tongs Solution”.
You had decided to use them instead of sticking to the classic put them in while he sleeps. Next time you tried to put a blankie over him when he slept he got scared so badly he went inside his shell and started spinning against the walls of the cages like some deadly top toy. Never again. Poor baby needed his beauty sleep.
So today, you were bringing in a special gift. After some rumaging through your old toys, you found some old tuxedo from one onf your dolls, you didn’t remember which one. But hey, maybe he would like this one?
Welp, he didn’t. As much as Mario would have loved to see him in it, nope, this turtle had expensive tastes and apparently this old tuxedo wasn’t up to his standards. Awww, classy turtle. The high pitched voice just made his rant look like an angry smurf that swore like a sailor. It was so adorable, you were not even bothered he didn’t like it. “It’s okay sweet baby!” You cooed to him. 
Bowser was bewildered at your audacity, your nerve! How dare you not praise him like the feared warlord he is! This will not stand! He will get out, and when he gets out the world shall get a taste of his revenge! You will bow to him in reverence! You will- oh, there you go again, looking at him with that dopey smile and those adoring eyes. Disgusting. Embarrassing. He is NOT a cutie patootie, thank you very much. He is KING OF THE KOOPAS, the strongest and baddest there is! That’s why you should look at him adoringly! Not because he is burger shaped!
A couple of days later Luigi sent a message with a photo attached to the groupchat. Opening it was the best decision in your life: there he was, your little buddy dressed in the tuxedo with the most disgruntled face he could make and being held with the salad tongs. A warm feeling spread through your chest, and for the rest of the day a huge smile was plastered on your face. He was such a dapper little gentleman.
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queer signalling: louis and harry living their beautiful queer lives, collected by me
since we must take note of our fellow queers when they signal that they are very much one of us, despite being closeted. since i've had a very very queer few years thanks to them, thanks to their signalling, thanks to them being brave.
(!! this list isn't exhaustive, and if i've forgotten your favorite, by all means let me know. there's always room for another edition. it's been a while since i made a compilation and felt there was a need of a new one on my blog. this one goes a few years back, since my last one dates from 2021 :'o. so yeah. here we go.)
harry in my policeman, playing a closeted queer man, based on the book that's long been one of his favorites. lauded by the director and co-stars for how well he portrayed this character, how well he understood.
harry wearing a green flower on his chest for the mp premiere, placing himself (once again) in the same line of history as oscar wilde.
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louis's green flowers on his initial 28clothing jersey at the first afhf, which includes bonus roses and 28s all around
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the entire late night talking mv bc!!!!!
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louis's rainbow stage lights during sibwawc. he really did that. every single night.
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the entire dazed magazine happening. “I’ve always tried to compartmentalise my personal life and my working life,” he explains. / “I have unlocked an ability to be myself completely, unapologetically,” he says with conviction." / “I think through my own sense of self and personal journey, I am realising that happiness isn’t this kind of end state.”
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louis's gay exit songs: most notably 'ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't've)'
harry flirting with stanley tucci
louis and his gay ass tank tops !!! we must point it out !!!!!!
all along
harry kissing a pride flag during harry's house ono in nyc
rainbow flare during the btm mv
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harry being gifted a mask of his own face at munich n2, which prompted him to say that he feels like he's wearing a mask sometimes
28 in a triangle for 28clothing!!!!!!!!
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kit connor soft launching 28 clothing. a young actor starring in a queer coming-of-age series, who was forced to come out after being accused of queerbaiting. he was the first one, besides louis, to wear 28clothing
harry's grammy's speech "people like me" (which ppl sadly misunderstood), echoing what he's been saying on tour for years. this doesn't happen to people like him. if they only knew, right?
harry's freddie-inspired outfit for the grammy carpet (which also brought back his theme for clown/jester fits, like harryween 2021 n2. wonder why)
louis's merch graphic where a boy is trying to smash a glass ceiling
harry posing for david hockney, actual living legend, gay artist of the ages. "Styles seems to know how lucky he is, adding, with a tinge of disbelief: “I’m in awe of the man with enough one-liners for a lifetime.” As to what those one-liners might be? Styles and Hockney’s mutual silence on that question suggests that what happens in the studio, stays in the studio."
louis having suspicious visuals during back to you, the only visuals of that type on tour
harry's 2022 harryween outfit: dressed as danny (literally. he did that. he went grease on us.) but wearing sandy's jacket
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louis at barricade aka held safely in the arms of strong security personnel
harry singing man, i feel like a woman and still the one with shania twain. while wearing a rainbow discoball jumpsuit (parallel with kacey musgraves wearing a rainbow dress to sing it with him years ago.)
louis's gay ass merch for the away from home festival
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harry dressed in nina ricci by harris reed, an explicitly gender-fluid line. "At 18 I found myself living in london creating ruffle blouses, corsets, fabric flowers and flares from my kitchen floor (...). My creations at the time were met with nothing but criticism for being “too feminine” or “costume”, teachers said I should focus on “menswear” or “womenswear”. l remember it really wasn’t until I started dressing for myself and who I was that it all clicked. @harrystyles was my first ever client who embraced the fun, fluid and expressive clothing I was creating."
continuous bluegreening. to name a few: harry's werchter fit, all this time lights, satellite caps in two colors only, louis's smiley flickering bluegreen on tour in 2022, the james cordon shit, louis in uncasville. enjoy this post here
harry's snl shoot unseens: him as ariel
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louis out in amsterdam at a gay bar
harry going to the women's only swimming pond (on a day it was open for men, but this is important to me okay)
harry's use of orchids in his visuals during 'she' during love on tour '23
the 'hairy mermaid' tour visuals
harry as a mermaid during the mfasr mv. as a supreme physical manifestation of harry as the mermaid he truly is inside. but in his true form he gets chopped up and consumed. literally
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as it was mv and its parallels with the matrix, hints to harry as the woman with the red dress.
louis jumping up on barricade against the one spot where a pride flag was draped over it
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oh yeah that exact same thing happened in 2022 too
harry forming a skirt with a pride flag in brasil after his pants ripped
that gay ass denim getup with the fur collar?? while wearing the fucking peace ring????
harry and phoebe breaking gender norms in the tpwk mv dance. no i'm not over it yet shut up
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louis wearing a basquiat t-shirt, another famously queer artist joining the ranks
harry bought an actual genuine basquiat. flex
harry dressed in skirts for gucci
"happy pride! happy pride! 'tis the season! can you tell i'm relaxed?"
"isn't all of this sparkly bi music?"
satellite mv rainbow planet tshirt
louis's bigger than me promo where he's literally george michael like??? IM SORRY???????
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harry kissing lewis capaldi at the brits
harry kissing nick kroll at the dwd premiere. lol
and... harry as friend of D O R O T H Y. sang over the rainbow. we all cried. especially me at this clip of harry glancing in relief at his band after over the rainbow.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Dear. Army
I went to bed last night thinking that we won't be getting anything substantial on 7/6 even though we had a calendar showing us this:
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Only to wake up this morning to discover this was uploaded to Weverse at 10pm KST on 7.6.23 (and an hour later to YT).
Where do I start?
By saying how amazing JM is, how much I love him and his voice and this song.
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This man is an angel pure and simple.
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What did I notice?
First of all the big ass miss out by releasing it at 10 pm KST and not 10:13 pm. All it took was a little more thought put into it. Just a little more.
Well, the next most obvious is of course the absence of a certain Jeon Jungkook in person, performing this song together with JM.
And why do I say in person?
Because even though every other single background sound and vocal was wiped from this performance, JK's background vocals, although subdued, were still there.
Do I admit that I am disappointed?
Fuck yeah.
I'm not only disappointed, I'm actually furious. Not at JM. Not at JK. But at the friggin company that isn't allowing those two to be in one frame, and has been doing this for months now.
And if you pipe up and say: "well that's not true, we've seen them in content together", stop for one second and think about what you are saying, what content that was. Ot7 content (no choice they are all there - and when they were, thinking of the last BTB JM was as loud as fuck, can't help but wonder why - or not) and JM's dance practice BTB, in which we got to see less than a minute of JK at JM's SMF pt. 2 practice. And about that one: first of all, we probably wouldn't have gotten to see that one if not for JM and JK's interaction in JM's live mentioning JK came to see him practicing, and second of all, go have a lookie what was shown to us in that BTB (we don't even get to see JK arriving to the practice - perhaps not to show us not JM's reaction to him arriving nor just how long he stayed there) and compare it to the Like crazy MV BTB and Jhope visiting JM.
And I'm sure I said this before, how stupid this all is, when it's as clear as day (well, thank god for JK and his rebellious streak) that these two are as close as can be. Couple or not. So wtf is the company so scared of? At this point, with everything that JK has been doing in the past few months (and it's not only JK, JM is part of it too of course, but admittedly JK is just not giving a fuck anymore, while JM is doing what he can within his own respectful and very intelligent way) it's bloody ridiculous not having them in content together.
You may think I'm over reacting here, but this is a long time coming, this angry rant of mine. And this here, as expected as it was, it pushed me over the line.
Like I said, It's not like I didn't see this coming. I knew in my heart that they will do this. Try to nullify Letter's importance to JM and JK. Whitewash it as a song for army. But somewhere, somehow, I still had some hope. Well, that one was a bust. And I guess knowing it's coming doesn't change that ache in the gut once it actually does come.
I ask myself, would it have been too obvious in their books? JM and JK singing this together? But why? If it's an innocent letter to army? A token of JM's love for army?
I guess we all know the answer to that.
So, then I am sitting here and thinking about what I said about JM.
How intelligent he is. How he does things within the 'allowed' limitations but still gets the message through.
He did it with the song's name for starters. It's not "Dear Army", which would make it addressed to army, it's "Dear. Army". By adding the period between the Dear and the Army, you literally have him addressing 2: Dear (which we know exactly who that is) and Army.
We have said this over and over again. This song is a song for JK disguised as a song for army. Dear does come first out of the two after all, lol. No, but this is just how things have to be, as long as they remain closeted, and that is totally understandable. This is how JM is telling us all what his feelings are for JK. He's telling JK and us. I know that there are those who believe that the song is talking to us in some parts and to JK in others. I'm not one of them. I believe this whole song (and the original lyrics say it all in my opinion) is addressed to JK. He is Dear. He is the one the Letter was written to. But in saying that, it was given as a gift to us. JM is allowing us to see what they mean to each other. And a gift that certainly is.
I also think about the fact that JM in this performance stripped the song down. No wave sounds. No harmonica. None of his own background vocals. The guitar, it's not him playing (unlike in the actual recorded song). All making it a little less personal perhaps (while singing it to army for Festa). But then, he made sure to leave one thing, and that's JK's background vocals, as soft as they may be, they are still there.
2 things I get from that (and yes, this is art and it's open to interpretation):
First of all, he's stripped the song of it's intimate setting (settings that were him and JK and what was between them).
Second of all, he left JK's vocals in but softer. JK isn't there with him, but JM is still telling us that JK is an inseparable part of this song. That the song can still exist without the waves and the harmonica and his own background vocals, but not without JK. JM even goes quiet at one point during that verse so we can hear JK's vocals clearer.
Maybe that's me being over melodramatic here, but that's what I feel at the moment.
Did you notice how JM doesn't look once at the camera, at us, while singing the song? Not once. The first and only time he looks at the camera, at us, and smiles, is when the song ends.
You know why?
Cause the man, he ain't singing that song to us. He's singing it for us to hear, but we aren't the recipients.
Oh, and did you see the smile on his face once he starts the verse with "baby", yes, that same verse where JK joins in?
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I'm sorry, but you can even hear the smile in his voice as he's singing "baby"...
I apologize that this post isn't all filled with joy and gratitude that we got to see JM performing Letter (Dear. Army). But I have always been honest with you guys, and that is not going to change.
Don't get me wrong. I'm over the moon that we got to hear JM sing this live.
But I'm also sad.
I'm sad because I know how important this song is to both JM and JK. I know that JK would have joined JM in a heartbeat if only given a chance to, or more so, if allowed to. There is no way under the sun that JK was given the chance and declined. NO WAY. So there you have it.
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sillystappen · 30 days
We have had singer!Daniel aus and dont get me wrong I LOVE them but
and hear me out
musical theatre performer Daniel. I have had this image in my head of Daniel pacing around (I’ve mainly pictured it in the back of RBR garage during a red flag or when nothing is happening) with a script in hand softly singing his lines to memorise them. And maybe Max helps out by singing/saying the other lines and everyone is like ??? why is F1 Champion Max Verstappen dramatically and goofily acting out a fight scene? (Waving imaginary swords at each other) And then the camera moves a tick and boom its Tony Award winner Daniel Ricciardo absolutely cackling as he fake-fights Max and gets his lines out through laughter.
When Max is asked about this he says “oh yeah I met Daniel at one of his shows and we became friends yada yada invited him to a race and sometimes I help him with his lines as a scene partner - it’s fun.” Of course in typical Max fashion he says this as no big deal and the musical theatre fans are like “who is this driver but tbh hes cool. We welcome him the DR fanbase.”
Daniel is later asked about Max he says: “Max is a great driver - huge fan. I’m literally buzzing to be here and see all of this up close and personal. It’s amazing work they do here and it’s incredible that I am even here in the garage and not in the grandstands like usual. […] I didn’t think Max would be a fan of my work and it’s still slightly insane to think about. But yeah, he’s a great guy, and well as a scene partner he’s not too bad either!” F1 fans are either just viewing him as another celebrity or are immediately charmed by Daniel and his knowledge of the sport, saying lovely it is that he genuinely likes the sport and is not there for press.
Moving forward, Daniel attends more GPs (mainly the US ones and Australia) and Max goes to shows and attends the opening night of the one that Daniel was practicing. Max even goes to the Tony Awards when Daniel is again nominated. Of course people notice they’re at least very close friends and it’s basically confirmed when Daniel appears in Max’s summer break photos. (This is when Maxiel starts).
This continues until one random media day when Max says “my partner and I” and everyone is like PARTNER?! Some people notice how he didn’t say girlfriend but f1 being f1 thats a minority.
Not long after, at a show near whatever GP it is, Daniel (cast as lead ofc) says “Thanks to the cast crew and everyone part of this show and my partner for helping me memorise every single song with terrible singing.” Which of course lines up a little too nicely with what fans already know about Max and Daniel and everyone goes ?!!!!!!!! (Little do they know Max was there too)
Those bitches knew what they were doing tho and after over a YEAR from that incident they say “oh yeah we’re together, since like 1 month after we met, and we’re married too lol”
[As their first kiss it was when Daniel was practicing a more romantic scene, Max knew this, and at the end of it, instead of just high fiving or whatever to indicate the kiss, they just both went fuck it and kissed]
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ghostinacardboardbox · 3 months
@averagecygnet-blog i accidentally deleted your ask about my opinion on the themes in Black Friday 😶 sorry bout that anywhere here’s my thoughts.
So like first of all, like you’ve already said, the critique of consumerism is incredibly heavy handed. You are right. It is not at all subtle. We’ve all heard Made in America. But I really don’t think it was possible to tell this story and have it be subtle; this was always going to be an incredibly overt anti-capitalist message.
Starting with the real life inspirations of the premise, the “Tickle-Me Wiggly” is already a direct reference to “Tickle-Me Elmo,” which was a toy that inspired real life riots ending in at least a handful of injuries and arrests. In the scene right after the Wiggly Jingle, Paul and Emma discuss Cabbage Patch Kids. The Cabbage Patch riots have their own wiki page. The idea of parents literally resorting to violence over toys on Black Friday is something that already happens. So this musical is really just looking at those events, saying, “Wow, capitalism sure makes people behave badly,” and then pushing that concept to its most exaggerated form. The fact that it isn’t subtle is not a bug, it’s a feature.
I also see people bring up this theme almost entirely in relation to the song Made in America rather than connecting it to almost every scene. As if this isn’t a show that doesn’t begin with an advertisement. The opening number is an ad.
(Apparently an effective one, considering how quickly Starkid sells out of the Lord in Black dolls whenever they sell them. People literally watched a whole musical about how the doll represents using the product of capitalism to distract from societal problems and then went and bought the doll. And I would have, too, if I had the money. But I think about the irony.)
I'm not going to go through every scene and the capitalist imagery in it, mostly because I don't actually have anything particularly unique to say about it. Like most of them are fairly self-explanatory and I'm not particularly good at analysis. But do want to specifically bring up the lyrics of "Our Doors Are Open" since they usually get overshadowed by people talking about how much cunt Corey served (it's a lot of cunt. Record amounts of cunt served), because the entire song is both satirical and foreshadowing. Also the bridge of "First of Famine" and the dehumanization of the worker, etc. etc.
I'm also fascinated by the social dynamics in Black Friday. Lex is basically raising her sister due to their mother's neglect; Tom is a single dad; Becky is a domestic abuse survivor; and while Linda's family externally looks very well-put together, she's had multiple affairs, and it's revealed in the Nightmare Time episode "Honey Queen" that she blatantly plays favorites with her kids and has a terrible relationship with her father. Lex is a poor retail worker, Tom and Becky are middle class, and Linda is very wealthy. Black Friday more than any other Starkid show acknowledges the implications of social class, I think. I wonder if part of why a lot of people don't like it is because it's not really escapism the way a lot of other musicals are; it's pretty clear about dealing with real life problems, in a very simplified but obvious way.
I think all the time about the scene where Linda tells Becky, in front of a crowd, that everyone knew her husband was abusive and chose to stay silent. It's such an important moment because it's directly showing the audience just how cruel Linda is. It had been implied before but this was on another level. And it also serves as, again, a pretty basic depiction of how society treats victims. Like, saying that "bystanders will always look away as long as there's plausible deniability to preserve their own comfort" is pretty simple, but that doesn't mean it's a bad point to make, and I think it's made well. The title song also has the lines "I don't want your half-baked sympathy, / When did it save those in need?" which reinforces a similar concept; expressing pity isn't the same as actually taking any kind of action.
And then, of course, there is all the religious imagery. Every time I watch this show I notice more of it, it's everywhere and it's so cool. The show takes place during the holiday season so there are a lot of references to Christmas, specifically. Wiggly keeps saying it will be his birthday, and Linda will "birth" him, so they are tied to Jesus and the Virgin Mary, symbolically (While writing this I had the thought that Wiley possibly counts as the angel Gabriel, then). And I think that using Christmas works because of how commercial Christmas in the US is. If your eldrith god is using capitalist desires as a recruiting tactic, having him bastardize Christmas for his own purposes is a pretty logical step I think. It's also not just that Wiggly is associated with Christmas thematically but also in a sense the iconography of the holiday becomes Wiggly. The garlands on the balcony turning into Wiggly's tentacles is one of the greatest set design pieces I've ever seen. Even apart from the functionality of it as a low-cost set that can go unnoticed until it's needed, it so perfectly evokes the imagery of Wiggly literally corrupting the holiday imagery. The first time I saw that scene I was amazed. I don't feel like checking rn who did the set design for Black Friday but whoever they are, they're fucking incredible. No notes.
And then the music. This is by far my favorite Starkid score overall. I love it so much. Partially because I, known 80's pop-rock enjoyer, am obsessed with a good synthesizer, but also just because of how well the songs suit this particular story. The synths are used most in the songs that show Wiggly's influence (Feast or Famine, Adore Me, Wiggle). Is "non-traditional instruments represent the unknown and otherworldly" the most unique special concept ever? No. But I like it and it sounds cool so like idc.
Jeff Blim is an incredible songwriter who is so talented in so many genres, and I'm always impressed with the songs he writes for Hatchetfield. I think sometimes we don't appreciate enough that all of these songs are by one guy (also Matt Dahan's musical direction for the entire series and the underscoring for both seasons of Nightmare Time that works in the melodies of previously used songs so incredibly). All of the Nightmare Time songs are so different, and all three of the stage shows have a very distinctive sound that really makes sense with the story that's being told. And one of the things Jeff does best in my opinion is the use of repeated melodies and leitmotifs.
Hatchetfield is full of them. There's been a lot of discussion of it in Nerdy Prudes because that show has so many motifs (i.e. the Nightmare Time riff, the "I'm not a loser" melody), and one of them actually comes from Black Friday. In The Summoning, right after Wiggly says "fwendy-wends," the keyboard melody that plays is the same as the part in the song Wiggle that goes "We will build a portal just for [when he comes]" (The last few notes fade directly into the chorus of The Summoning). I'm not the first person to notice this or anything but I thought it was so cool when it happened.
And Wiggle itself is using a different melody: The Carol of the Bells. Again, it ties into the idea of Wiggly completely taking over the idea of the Christmas season. The lyrics of Wiggle also include the lines "He will rise up with joyful noise," and I didn't realize that not everyone would catch that as a religious reference until a friend commented about it but "joyful noise" is a biblical reference (Psalm 100:1). It all ties back to the religious themes.
This last one may not be intentional, but the last song also really makes me think of another Christmas carol? The opening lyrics of What If Tomorrow Comes ("Do you all see what I see, / What I know, / What I see?") really reminds me of the song "Do You All Hear What I Hear?" The melody is different and only vaguely similar so I may be reading too far into it, but I always got the feeling that I'd heard something like that before and wasn't able to place it until last year.
Anyway TLDR Black Friday is heavy handed but I think it actually works better that way, and I like how strong the imagery throughout it is.
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marsmarauders · 4 days
folklore (Marauder's Version)
Welcome back to another episode of Mo and Marls going insane :) @idkjustlemmedrownlikerab and I overanalyzed every single song on folklore… (the BEST Taylor Swift album, no discussion).
Also, we first discussed this one like a month ago and I didn't take very detailed notes, so if I missed anything Mo, let me know!
Sorry, it took a bit longer for this one to come out… I’m trying my best here. 😭
Let’s get into it, shall we?
the 1
So we all know how James changed, right? Like how he grew out of the bullying and mistreatment? I think part of that maturity came from Jegulus. The experience of being in a relationship with someone who is the complete and utter opposite of you would probably take a lot of emotional maturity. (And immaturity, hence why he left him when he did). And obviously, Regulus would not have betrayed Voldomort if he hadn’t first gone through the worst of it all. If it was all sunshine and rainbows being a death eater, why on earth would he have changed his mind? Like the song says, they never would’ve matured and grown if it weren’t for the fallout of their relationship.
“And if you wanted me, you really should've showed. And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow.”
“To kiss in cars, and downtown bars was all we needed. You drew stars around my scars, but now I’m bleeding.”
Yeah, I know the cliche. That’s literally the most quoted Wolfstar coded song lyric in the history of Taylor Swift songs, so instead, let me bring up verse 3.
This part of the song perfectly encapsulates how I think Remus felt after October 31st, 1981. Sirius would always be there in the back of his mind, whether it be the ghost of his slips or the scent of smoke. Even though he didn’t want to feel that way about Sirius anymore, considering the weight of the crimes that Sirius had supposedly committed, he still felt that way because the younger him was insistent that Sirius was the one. And some part of him knew that even though destiny fought against them, they’d end up together again. (Not for long- cough).
“But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss. I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs. The smell of smoke would hang around this long. 'Cause I knew everything when I was young. I knew I'd curse you for the longest time. Chasin' shadows in the grocery line. I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired. And you'd be standin' in my front porch light. And I knew you'd come back to me.”
“Who knows, if I never showed up, what could've been. There goes the loudest person this town has ever seen. I had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
the last great american dynasty
So first off, let’s completely ignore the word American in this scenario. Second off, my interpretation is different from the actual meaning of the song. Instead of blaming women from a sexist point of view, I’m instead using the motif that everyone was (rightfully) blaming the death eaters for the war. Does that make sense? Okay.
So when Mo first brought up the idea that this song was about Regulus, it took me a minute to understand where she was coming from (Not because it was a bad idea, not at all. This is just not my particular favorite song off of folklore). But the fact that one of the lyrics is “there goes the maddest women (person in this case) this town has ever seen, really sold it for me.
We may all argue that Barty was the maddest of all the death eaters, considering the lengths he went for Voldemort, but up until the betrayal, Regulus was literally the #1 Voldemort stan. He was mad. If he’d never “shown up,” yeah, some things might’ve been better. But to figure out the Horcruxs, he kind of had to go down that path. So in the final chorus, I honestly think it’s Regulus, 6 feet under, mocking everyone who hated him, because without him, Voldemort would’ve never been defeated.
“I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending.”
This song is the dynamic I picture Wolfstar having after reuniting. Not in the shrieking shack, but outside of school. There were two conflicting sides to the story, but both left them in shambles. And now that they know the truth, they’re too scared to risk it again. Because what’s the point of trying again if they’re only going to die in the end?
The bridge gets this point across perfectly. When Taylor echos Justin’s singing with a second perspective of the story, that captures Sirius and Remus perfectly. Because from Remus’s perspective, Sirius didn’t give him any kind of heads up that he thought Remus himself to be the traitor. Sirius never gave him the time of day to hear him out! But obviously, Sirius tried giving signs, such as 1: keeping the Potter’s secret keeper extremely confidential to the point that he wouldn’t even tell his partner and 2: arguing with Remus about where he was at night. But how could Remus have known that? He couldn’t read Sirius’s mind! They were falling so quickly that there was no way to stop it.
Now that they know the truth, however, they’re learning to forgive each other and move past it. But how can they when they’re just as in love with each other as they were before? Why would they risk it all if it could disappear all the same? They knew how this movie ended, why would they watch it again?
“And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home.”
my tears ricochet
This song is Sirius to many people all at once, so let me break it down a little.
The majority of the song is Sirius to the people who believed him to be the spy. To have killed his best friends. The fact that he was never given a chance to explain himself and was just locked up; he’s feeling a lot of resentment. Sirius wants to know why on earth they care so much about it when he was “suppoedly” the one to have destroyed everything. Why is the focus on him? Why aren’t they focused on James or Lily or Marlene or Dorcas or the people who died in the war? If he’s dead to them, then why do they act like he exists?
The bridge is him towards Regulus. Regulus died, for reasons that Sirius will probably never know. He talks to the Regulus star, because it’s all he has left, even though he left him years ago. He probably wonders if Regulus saved himself from ending up like Sirius. He probably wonders if Regulus was right. Not about pureblood supremacy, but about keeping quiet and leaving it be.
I think the last chorus is Sirius towards Peter. Throwing Sirius under the bus will only disadvantage Peter in the long run. Why would you willingly stay a rat for 13 years?
"I'm a mirrorball. I can change everything about me to fit in. You are not like the regulars. The masquerade revelers. Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten."
Mirrorball was a little tricky at first cause it's just kind of ✨ominous manipulation✨ to be quite honest and at first, I think Mo was thinking Sirius? But then I kind of looked deeper into the lyrics that I listed above and was like "Hear me out… It's Peter's internal monologue convincing himself into becoming a death eater." and we were both like "Woah."
"Sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won't tell no other."
So, I think we can all come to the agreement that from the bridge to the end of the song, it's James talking to Sirius. This kind of pure, compassionate, and beautiful friendship is such a special part of this fandom. They had such a special bond and I think that they're basically the definition of "Chosen Family."
However, the more I think about it, I think that everything from before the bridge is incredibly Regulus and Pandora coded. The difference between the Black Brother's closest friendships and how that kind of influenced their decisions. James gave Sirius a safe space, whereas Pandora was Regulus's safe space. Do you understand what I'm getting at?
So, I haven’t read ATYD but I know the basic concept of who Grant Chapman is and what he did and all that, and Mo was very insistent on this song being Grant, and I completely agree.
“So much for summer love and saying “us,” cause you weren’t mine to lose.”
Grant was a stand-in for Sirius in some way. I think both he and Remus knew that, but Grant fell for Remus, he couldn’t help it! And he knew Remus loved him, but he wasn’t Sirius and he’d never be Sirius. But that doesn’t make it any less bittersweet for Grant, knowing that Remus is happier off with Sirius. In the same way that Jegulus was necessary for James’s character growth, Grant was necessary for Remus’s.
this is me trying
So I was certain this was Black Brothers and Mo was certain this was Regulus, so I’m gonna mix them. In the bridge specifically, I can see Regulus longing for Sirius after he left. The parties? The weird pureblood cult meetings his family had. It was hard for Regulus to even walk around their house because it was not the same without Sirius. The “one screen in his town” is Sirius being Regulus’s only escape. (Cause you watch movies on a screen? And movies tend to be an escape from reality? Look at me. I’m smart). And Regulus is also struggling with this internal battle because if he leaves, he’ll put himself and Sirius in danger, but if he stays, he’ll have to do things he knows deep down in his heart he doesn’t want to do. This is him trying.
“And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you. You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town.”
“It's born from just one single glance. But it dies and it dies and it dies a million little times.”
illicit affairs
Okay, before I get into this song, I want to clarify that we’re not implying that any of these characters were unfaithful.
There’s a difference between an affair (long- term cheating) and an affair (a pastime experience). I’m not the kind of person to promote cheating or adultery in my stories, because I think it’s such a frustrating topic to discuss. I wouldn’t ship people who went out of their way to hurt their partners. That being said, the word “affair” here is being used in the same way the words “event” or “incident” would. Obviously the word “illicit” means forbidden, so our interpretation of “illicit affairs” is just a “secret relationship.”
I think you might understand who I’m getting at here… if you guessed Jegulus, you’d be correct! James and Regulus were a secret, but not in the way you think. Their friends knew, Sirius knew, James’s parents probably knew, but Regulus’s family could not know. No one outside of their circle could know. (Reminds me of another Taylor Swift lyric. “You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath.” James kept Regulus as a secret, only because Regulus wanted him to, but Regulus held on to James like he was his life support). It was almost as if they were having an affair, and like most affairs, they die.
Also, the bridge; lets discuss.
The first part of the bridge is James to Regulus. James was a mess after leaving Regulus because he couldn’t fix him. He couldn’t help him. (Well actually, he might’ve been able to but he left when Regulus needed him the most so-) The “colors” that Regulus showed him were 1: that the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, 2: that James cannot fix everything, and 3: the maturity that James gained from their relationship.
“And you wanna scream don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby.” Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me. You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else.”
Again, Regulus was ripped to shreds after their break up, and he made some really foolish choices afterwards. The so-called “secret language” that James taught him, was vulnerability. Sure, he can talk about things with Barty or Evan, but with James he wasn’t expected to pull himself together. He could just exist with James and everything would be fine. Until it wasn’t.
“Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby.” Look at this idiotic fool that you made me. You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else.”
“A string that pulled me. Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar. Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire. Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons. One single thread of gold tied me to you”
invisble string
This one was tough, because there are so many couples that start out as these wholesome, pure, lovely relationships, but we quickly vetoed most of them.
Wolfstar: This song is literally about the concept of destiny and fate, and although Sirius and Remus were quite literally meant to be together, destiny kept pulling them apart.
Jily: I guess Jily are also quite literally the definition of fate, considering their matching patroni, the prophecy, etc. But Jily is also quite literally the definition of slow-burn, so again, this song doesn’t fit them.
Rosekiller: I guess you could argue they were fate, but they’re way too angsty.
Dorlene: Again, soulmates but way too angsty + they were rivals at the start.
This is where I came to the realization that every single couple in this fandom ends in tragic death… but then I thought about it some more.
Xenophilius and Pandora- JUST LET ME FINISH.
Yes, I am well aware that Pandora dies, but from what we know in canon, it was a freak accident. She wasn’t murdered like Marlene, Dorcas, the Potters, technically Evan, and Sirius (Yes, even if Sirius hadn’t fallen into the veil, he would’ve died). She didn’t risk her life like Regulus and Remus. She wasn’t driven to insanity like the Longbottoms and Barty (by the dementors kiss) She was experimenting, something she loved to do. She probably died happy for all we know!
I also think Pandora was probably esoteric (she believed in crystals, chakras, astrology, etc), so I think she also might’ve believed in fate. And considering the fact that Xenophilius and her relationship was so perfect, they probably were fate. They were classic friends to lovers, and they had the happiest ending out of all the marauders. Pandora was able to raise her daughter until she was nine, more than Lily and James ever got to do, and Xenophilius continued to raise Luna even after she died. (Yes, I’m aware he technically betrayed Harry, however we know he was a good person at heart and that prior to the Battle of Hogwarts, he openly supported Harry. The death eaters had kidnapped his daughter, I honestly don’t blame him that much.
Oh and also, Xenophilius was probably her only friend during her 7th year, considering 1: the older marauders had all graduated and 2: the pantheon’s falling out, so that’s why I used the lyrics I chose!
mad woman
For Mo, this song is blatantly Pandora, and for me it’s Dorcas. But, (again) it’s been a while since we discussed this, so I have a new narrative I’d like to propose to you. (Because we both had the same concept, just different characters.)
“Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill and you know I will.”
It’s both of them, from the perspective of Barty, Evan, and Regulus. They call them “mad women” because they don’t agree with their pureblood ideologies and want to be death eaters. The lyric “Everytime you call me crazy, I get more crazy,” feels like something Evan would think after all his fights with his sister. The lyric “It’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together,” seems like something Regulus would think. Obviously, I don’t think Pandora and Dorcas wanted him dead (considering the fact that Pandora definitely checked in on Regulus from time to time), but they wanted the bad part of him gone. And since they both left the rest of the Pantheon, that would’ve resulted in them growing closer.
And I guess in a way, they both went mad, but it’s up to your imagination. Dorcas went mad because she literally tried to go after the people who killed her girlfriend. And Pandora went mad because (if you headcanon this) she died trying to help Regulus destroy a horcrux.
If there was a song that played during a slow-motion montage of October 31st, 1981 the second Sirius finds out about the death and rushes over to the Potters, this would be it. It’s Sirius seeing his best friends lifeless body. The lyrics “With you I serve, with you I fall down,” symbolizes the way that when James “fell” (died), Sirius also “fell,” (falsely-accused) and even though it was unintentional, they went down together. Sirius felt like it was his fault. He switched the secret keeper and if only he’d trusted Remus enough, maybe it wouldn’t have happened.
“And some things you just can't speak about.”
"In the garden, would you trust me if I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only 17, I don't know anything, but I know I miss you."
Again, I'm using the concept of the "affair" love story in folklore as instead the story of a secret relationship, so no adultery was committed in the making of this post. 💀
Basically, I think this song is James's guilt when he's falling for Lily all over again, but he's still not completely over Regulus. (Of course, he and Regulus are dead and gone at this point, but it still lingers).
It's him thinking through what he would tell Lily if she ever asked him if he still loved Regulus. (I don't think Lily would've cared personally, lol).
Also in my mind I think this song has to be from James's perspective, solely because of the lyric "She said "James get in!" (I'm now literally realizing that that line is mentioning how he fell into the affair… well that ruins everything… scrap that idea).
Regulus and him were kind of an affair in the way that it was never meant to last. And also, while James may not have had feelings for Lily at that very moment, it was obvious that James was in love with both Regulus and Lily. (Again- no cheating).
I don't know, Betty's kind of a tough one.
This song is about Jily. Lily finding peace in the friendship she has with James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, Mary, everyone now that she's away from Severus. But she also knows there will never fully be peace with them, because of her blood status.
"Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other. Family I chose now that I see your brother as my brother."
And she wants to know if she's enough for James, even though she knows he's knee deep in love with her, but she gets worried because what if they die? What if they don't get to live the life they'd always dreamed of living? No matter how wonderful their life may seem together, she knows that there's always darkness around the corner, and she wonders if it's because of her.
This song is how Remus feels knowing that the person he trusted the most in life with his deepest and darkest secrets was supposedly worthy of commiting a crime just as dark. That's it. Don't have much else to say here 😭
"You knew it still hurts underneath my scars when they pulled me apart but what you did was just as dark."
the lakes
If this song isn't Regulus Black, then we don't know what is.
"Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die."
Okay wow that was a long one! If you made it this far, thank you!! Make sure to look out for Lover, coming soon to a theater near you!!!
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