#I took an hour and a half long nap earlier today. I want to take another nap right now
daincrediblegg · 3 months
Born to do productive things forced to sit in my little chair being cozy and sleepy and wanting to ride on old irish seaman dick
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anothermonikan · 6 months
'In 33 hours this will all be over, whether you do it good or not you wont have to worry about it anymore, cmon Andy, you got this! You got this!' <<< trying to do their last assignment
#I have not been able to focus today. I'm half way through the writing but itsa presentation video thing#so I gotta film it! I would just take the easy way out with a presentation but....#it's a 1k word limit. and the video has to be. 12 - 15 minutes long. no ones getting a 12 minute video off 1k words alone#and it's gonna be easier to get to that 12 minute minimum limit if I can like insert clips and stuff.#so I'm doing like an ACTUAL video. so I gotta edit it as well#I hope I reach that 12 minutes because IDK what I'm gonna do if I write this all and put all the clips in and what-not and it's under#make my title cards longer IG??#asdshsddsds#Ugh. I'm not like tired or anything but I know I'm gonna be later because I made plans....#so idk whether to bite the bullet finish this paragraph. sleep for a bit more. and then go back to work after#but considering idk how long I'm gonna be out for.....I'm gonna guesstimate like 3 hours#That leaves me with. 20 something hours after I go out if I pull an all nighter which I will almost definitely have to do#if I can add on a lil bit to the 4 hour nap I took earlier maybe I'll feel a lil better#also my brains like bugging me because I really want to spend time with bby aha#is 20 hours enough time for me to finish a script. film a video. find all the clips and materials I need for it. edit it all together.#Space out my transcript correctly. and hope there's no issues with the upload process#I'm dual uploading onto two platforms in case one of them fails but how long does a 12 minute video take to upload...#wahhhh#I think I should sleep a lil more maybe#yeah I'm starting to get tired again oops#one last thing and then I'll take another nap#Android.txt
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~2.2k
Summary: Pietro receives a disturbing letter
A/N: This didn’t exactly turn out the way I wanted. I kind of hate it, but here it is anyway. 
Warnings: angst, mention of violence
Pietro leaned against his car in the parking lot beneath the compound anxiously tapping his foot as he waited for his sister to arrive. He'd called her earlier this morning asking if she could stop by to help him with something. She’d told him that she’d have to check with you but that she would let him know shortly. She’d sent him a text about half an hour ago saying she was leaving and Pietro’s been waiting here, trying to come up with his plan ever since.
He never thought he’d be in this situation. He thought he was a pretty good judge of character and nothing had ever tipped him off before now. He’d never had any concerns, but what he received today challenged everything he thought he knew to be true. He couldn’t say that he believed it, but he wouldn’t be a good brother if he just brushed this off.
He had to be sure.
When Bucky texted you to confirm that you were home you’d been a little confused. Nevertheless, you’d responded that you were on the third floor reading with Boone and would be for a while. You were actually closer to falling asleep, and now that Wanda was gone for a bit, hopefully not too long, you might end up taking a nap. You thought about smoking, but you had promised your wife you wouldn’t do that alone anymore. Last time you’d fallen asleep and woken up to a small fire and Wanda dumping water on you.
You wonder what Wanda’s been called in for, and you hope that it won’t take too long. The two of you had plans for dinner that you didn’t want to change. You two were going to cook together before watching a new show you’d been waiting almost two weeks to start. Wanda had wanted to finish one up first and you’d been patiently waiting for this night for days. You were very excited.
“Pietro, what’s going on?”
Wanda had arrived to the compound a few minutes ago, and after walking to the elevator in the parking lot she heard her brother call her name. She walked over to find him sitting on a car that he didn’t usually drive, and he ushered her towards him with a frown. He unlocked the doors and got in, and despite being confused Wanda followed his lead. It wasn’t until he asked for her phone that she had to figure out what was going on.
He shakes his head before holding his hand out, and she sighs before watching him take it and roll down his window. She opens her mouth to protest thinking he’s going to chuck it, but he puts it on the roof of the car before rolling the window back up.
“Seriously, Piet, why are you acting so--?”
“I need you to tell me the truth, and I needed to make sure no one was listening.”
Wanda frowns in confusion as she considers her brother’s words. It explains why they’re in a random car, and why he took her phone from her. That said, what could be so important that it couldn’t be discussed in his office? Did he really think it would be bugged?
Despite her confusion, she nods slowly as she waits for her brother to enlighten her. She hasn’t seen him this stressed in a while, and it’s starting to worry her.
“Okay, Piet. What is it?”
The older Maximoff takes a second to breathe in deeply before he comes out and says it. He hadn’t expected his morning to start like this. He’d figured he’d be busy finalizing the weapons deal before scolding Yelena for beating up too many recruits. He had not planned on having an intervention for his sister.
Pietro runs his hands through his hair with a sigh before he turns to Wanda with a blank expression. Wanda doesn’t think she could have guessed what he asks even if she was given all day to think about it.
“Are you safe? At home I mean?”
Wanda’s brows furrow in confusion and she nods immediately because why wouldn’t she be? She lives in a somewhat isolated house with an obscenely expensive security system and way too many guns. She also has a dog who doesn’t let someone he doesn’t know get within 5 feet of her. She’s very safe at home.
She says this and is surprised when Pietro seems frustrated by her answer. He shakes his head before realizing that he needs to be more direct. He hates to say it, but he needs to know the truth. He has to make sure he’s able to help Wanda if she needs it.
“No, Wands. I mean are you safe with Y/n?”
Wanda turns fully so she can look at her brother straight on. She’s scowling at him because what kind of question is this?
“Of course, I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Pietro doesn’t answer this as he recalls what he’d been told this morning. He scowls at the thought before pulling out the letter from his jacket pocket.
“So, she’s not hurting you?”
Wanda’s shocked speechless and she just stares at her brother for the longest time. Her brain is working in overdrive in an attempt to figure out what’s happened—why her brother is asking this. She eventually manages to look at the papers in his hand, and she wonders if her answers are there.
“Why the hell would you think that?”
Pietro’s still frowning as he waits for an actual answer that doesn’t come because Wanda’s too distracted.
“Tell me, yes or no.” “No, of course not! She’d never hurt me, Piet.”
Wanda’s frowning now because she’s truly upset by the idea that her brother could think this of you. You’ve been nothing but loving to her and you’d never raised a hand to her or anyone who didn’t hit you first. Pietro sighs again as he rubs his face in exhaustion. This is stressing him out and he really wishes he didn’t have to do this now. He starts to open the letter in his hands before shooting Wanda one last questioning look that just makes her angry.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, damn it! Now what the hell is that?”
Pietro unfolds the papers before glancing at them once more. He had found it on his desk this morning. It was addressed to him from an unknown source and it included a shocking amount of detail. The sender had mentioned that they were worried for his sister’s safety because they’d seen various signs of abuse. He didn’t see his sister on a daily basis, but this person seemed to, and they mentioned bruises and skittish behavior that made Pietro worry.
It wasn’t until they mentioned you as the perpetrator that Pietro realized what this could be. He didn’t want to believe that you’d hurt his sister because he’d seen how your relationship has grown over the years. You loved Wanda, and you’d never shown any indication of having any hidden frustrations or anger towards her. This was bullshit, but again, the brother in him had to be sure. It was just so detailed. There were dates mentioned and particular outfits discussed that covered various injuries, and Pietro had to cover his bases.
For this reason, he’d even sent Bucky to your house to make sure you didn’t do anything suspicious. There weren’t cameras in your house, but there were some in the garage and around it, and he’d asked his friend to look for anything concerning. So far he’d heard nothing, and he was starting to think that he probably should have let this go.
Looking at his sister’s face as she reads the letter just solidified this belief. Wanda nearly starts to rip it up as she finishes reading the detailed lies that someone’s written about you. She instead just thrusts it back in her brother’s hands with a scowl.
“What the hell is this?! None of that’s true, Pietro. How could you even think it is?”
Pietro puts his hands up in surrender as he shakes his head with a sigh. He didn’t believe it. He just needed to see his sister’s reaction to know that there was nothing he was missing. He owed both of you an apology, but for now he’d just like to get this over with.
“I just needed to make sure, Wanda. You’re my sister. I couldn’t just ignore this. No matter who it was I would have come to you.”
Pietro adds this last part as Wanda is about to come to your defense again. She’s shocked that someone sent this and that Pietro even entertained it. She understood his brotherly obligation to look out for her, but you weren’t capable of something like this. Pietro knew you well enough to believe this too. She supposed if the roles were reversed though she would have double checked as well. She may have taken a more violent approach depending on the circumstances.
“Jesus. Who sent this? You don’t have any idea?”
Pietro shook his head before claiming that the mail carrier had brought it and then his assistant Luce had left it on his desk. Wanda frowns at this but she’s going to help him figure it out. She would be tempted to forget it, but this person whoever the hell they were came after you. They tried to accuse you of doing a horrible thing and she wanted to know why.
“No, but I’ll look into it.”
Neither twin talks immediately as they think through all of the possibilities. Wanda’s scowling as she thinks about you and your lovable persona, your caring nature and the fact that the only time you’d hit her was when you were having a nightmare. You’d never do something like this to her, and whoever thought differently was a fool.
Pietro sighs again before he rolls down the window and retrieves Wanda’s phone. He gives it to her and squeezes her hand as he shoots her an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry, Wands. I just had to ask. I love Y/n, you know that.”
Wanda sighs with a nod before she leans back in her seat and tries to relax. She had not expected this type of stress today and she does not appreciate it. She was supposed to be spending the day with you before cooking dinner and having a nice night in. She wonders what you’re doing right now, and as she does something occurs to her. She looks up to her brother with a worried frown that he quickly avoids.
“Piet, you didn’t tell anyone about this, did you?”
The idea of someone going to interrogate you or worse makes her start to panic, and she is about to call you when Pietro shakes his head.
“No…well I asked Bucky to check on her and some other things, but I didn’t give details.”
Wanda scowls before she shakes her head and grabs her keys. She needs to go home now.
“No. Call him off. It’s a waste of time.”
After an awkward goodbye, Wanda races home to make sure that you’re unbothered by anything but her short absence. She still can’t believe that someone would write her brother a letter full of lies. What was the point of that? Why did they want to paint you as the enemy? They honestly could have tried harder to come up with something believable. There were very few things you truly did that were problematic, but your occasional drug use was more believable than the idea of you hurting her.
When Wanda gets home, she near runs into the house to make sure you’re okay. She can’t find you immediately but she tries not to worry. Your car is still here and Boone’s things are as well, so you couldn’t have taken him for a walk. She walks up to the third floor and looks out onto the decks before spotting you with your dog at your feet.
You’re sleeping on one of the larger chairs that the two of you often cuddle in. Wanda can’t help but want to do this now, and she quickly takes off her shoes and drops her things next to Boone. He sits up in surprise but his tail starts wagging when he sees that it’s her. She pets him briefly before she lies down next to you with a sigh. You grumble in your sleep, but you’re quick to pull her toward you with a yawn. She smiles as she kisses your cheek and takes a long look at you before shaking her head.
You’re honestly one of the sweetest people she’s ever met despite the many obstacles you’ve had to overcome. You’re far to good for someone like her. She holds you close before burying her face in your neck.
“I love you so much.”
Wanda smiles when you mumble something in your sleep that she chooses to believe is you saying that you love her too. You both settle again, and before long the three of you are fast asleep.
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granulesofsand · 26 days
Well yes, but actually no
🗝️🏷️ emotional, RAMCOA
I called the domestic violence hotline earlier today, but I couldn’t get through. They have a text line, so I spoke to someone there who told me to call back in 10 minutes so someone would be free. Terrifying, I want to curl up somewhere dark and simply fade into the abyss. I hope it goes well.
They’re very nice. I had to borrow a phone because mine has RTT/TTY software the can’t get past the keypad redirect. The elevator music while I’m waiting to see if the shelter will take me is vaguely tropical — this is hilarious, the stress making me hysterical.
They’ll take us, but it has to be before 8am tomorrow (it’ll be long passed by the time this goes out). Pack pack pack. I don’t know the address, it’s gonna be Uber to the shelter. Scary. So close. We can stay for 7 days unless we get in trouble, then about a month and a half max if they let us. Wanna puke. The last page of our system notebook has the details of what to do. I have to get ready. Leaving, packing.
It took us 13 hours to get an Uber. The shelter staff wanted to speak to us before ordering it. We told them our address at least ten times, between the hotline that was doing the Uber and the hotline that was getting us shelter. The person said there was no lower bunk for us, then there was no bed on the first floor, then we couldn’t go at all. They told us yes, make sure to get here by 8am. Then they told us yes, we’ll extend it to 11am. Now we have to redo the screening in two weeks and hope it’s still a yes, we have a bed.
It is safe-enough in the dorms. We have a bed and a bathroom (sometimes), and we only get hurt bad once or twice a month. I thought they were taking us anyway, but they were just confused. I have to take the stuff back upstairs, probably unpack and repack if they ever do say yes again.
It stung. The constant inability to secure transportation was stressful, plus already having called a DV hotline. Back to bleak hope. I want to cry. I thought we were leaving, I thought we were safe. They didn’t even stay to talk about getting our legal documents or how to reach a case manager. I feel like they stayed too long and noticed how bad we are.
Two weeks. We have to stay alive and not tell on ourselves for two weeks. If they don’t take us, we’re running on foot. I can’t decide whether I’m angry or ashamed. I hate you, don’t leave me.
Okay. It was a rollercoaster, but we can still get through this. I’m taking the bags up, then I’m taking a nap. It’s been almost two days since we last slept. It’ll be alright. One way or another, we have to keep moving.
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theladyofdeath · 2 years
Fallish prompt: feysand trying to take Halloween pics of nyx inside a pumpkin but everything is going wrong.
A/N: I love this prompt more than legit anything. Thank you. Enjoy! T/W: none
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"Come on, buddy," Feyre begged, staring at her son as he squirmed and squirmed without a care in the world.
They had already been at this for nearly half an hour and, at only nine months old, Nyx had already lasted way longer than Feyre had expected him to.
One good shot. That's all she needed. One good shot and then she would call it a day, preferably before Rhysand got home so she could surprise him with it. It was their first Halloween as a family of three and Feyre had made sure to document every first they'd be having. Later that night, once Rhysand was home from work, they'd be carving pumpkins. Even if Nyx wouldn't be directly participating, he'd be there, playing with the pumpkin goo.
She currently had her son plopped inside of a giant pumpkin, his legs sticking out of two holes that she had carved out earlier that morning during his post-breakfast nap. It looked like he was wearing pumpkin-pants, an idea that Feyre used to think was slightly overused, but now she thought it was the cutest damn idea that ever existed for a holiday photoshoot.
Babbling, Nyx leaned forward and started gnawing on the edge of the pumpkin, hiding his entire face. Again. With a sigh, Feyre dropped her phone and frowned. "Nyx. Hey buddy, look up here. Look at mommy."
"I'm looking at mommy and it's a hell of a show, I have to admit."
Feyre straightened and spun around from where she was hunched over, ass in the air, trying to get a picture from where Nyx was on the floor of their kitchen atop a blanket, sitting in his pumpkin.
"Nyx, however, looks ridiculous."
Feyre had no idea how long her husband had been standing at the threshold of the kitchen, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Judging from the gleam in his eye and the humor in his grin, it must have been longer than she wanted to admit.
"Don't let me interrupt," he added with a wink.
Feyre sighed. "First of all, he looks ridiculously cute, so don't hate. Secondly," she continued, rubbing her temples, "I'm about to give up because just wants to play with the pumpkin."
Rhysand pressed his lips together to contain his laughter. "You mean that the baby would rather play with the pumpkin rather than sit still and get his picture taken? Wow. The audacity."
Feyre swatted at him as he approached, wandering into the kitchen with his typical cockiness and ethereal beauty, both of which Feyre had found charming when they first started dating.
Now, three years into marriage, she still did.
Nyx giggled and clapped his hands, having heard Rhysand's voice and giving all of his attention to his daddy. Rhysand's smile softened as he walked to his son and knelt, kissing the top of his head. "Hi, buddy. I missed you today. Yes I did. I can't believe mommy put you into a pumpkin."
As if he thought it was hilarious, Nyx erupted into a fit of giggles once more. Rhysand continued his small talk in that voice that made Feyre fall in love with him all over again, and took a few small steps back before taking out his phone and snapping a few quick pictures. Nyx was smiling and looking at the camera in all of them.
Feyre couldn't decide whether to be ecstatic or pissed.
"Seriously?" she asked, as Rhysand rose to full height, picking Nyx up out of the pumpkin as he rose. The infant immediately snuggled into Rhysand with a yawn. "Do you know how long I've been trying to get that? You're here for two minutes and it's like magic."
Rhysand shrugged. "I have the magic touch."
Feyre just stared at him, bewildered, which made Rhysand laugh as he gave her a quick kiss. He said, "You're welcome."
As she looked at Nyx, every ounce of frustration disappeared. His eyes were already closed, his little hand gripping Rhysand's collar. He was his father's spitting image, right down to the violet eyes and the shape of his nose and thick hair as dark as night.
"I came home early so we could have more time to carve our pumpkins before it got too late, but it looks like Nyx got worn out," Rhysand said, quietly. "I'll put him to bed and then maybe you and me could find a way or two to waste a little time."
A grin slowly spread of Feyre's lips. "That shouldn't be too hard."
Rhysand wiggled his brows before disappearing around the corner. Once her little photoshoot arrangement was cleaned up, Feyre took Rhysand's phone off the counter and plopped down on the couch.
The pictures he took in a matter of seconds were too cute for words. Feyre was still staring at them when Rhysand came back down the stairs, out of his work clothes and into the comfort of his sweats, and sat down next to her. She crawled onto his lap and tossed his phone aside. "We made a cute kid."
"Yeah we did," he agreed quietly. "Wanna make another?"
Feyre laughed as he tackled her against the couch cushions and kissed her slowly.
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sereniv · 1 year
Today, I thought was going to be a good day.
I awoke this morning feeling oddly well-rested and despite having stayed up all night, as I do every night, this didnt seem to affect my sleep. For that I was grateful and I can easily say I still am. Or so I thought.
I used that energy I then had, to continue my routine of walking the dog which is something I had stopped doing for the past 2 days due to my hypersomnia getting the best of me. I not only felt proud of myself upon returning home from the much needed exercise, but I also felt...happy. I felt refreshed, rejuvinated, though also a little worn out; the type of feeling that really helps create a positive attitude for the rest of the day.
I made myself breakfast which consisted of a very basic 'dilla' filled with seasoned rice and pinto beans, sour cream, and some blue corn chips. Though I could have turned this dilla into a quesadilla, I still was wary of this energy I had and thus didn't want to extend more effort than I needed to.
Which you might be thinking, "How much more energy does it take to add cheese to a meal?", and with that I say: Do not question me.
During my meal, my grandmother and I sat down and enjoyed the rest of Chicken Run. We had started it yesterday night, but seeing as I was too tired we had to stop half way through. This is a common occurance and one that saddens me deeply.
After the movie, it was time to take our dog to the groomers for a scheduled nail trim and bath. An expensive appointment, but a necessary one.
We were told it would be around 3 hours until it was time to pick her back up, so I thought this would be the perfect time to work on my commission. And that I did.
I put my wireless earbuds in, which luckily I had remembered to charge last night, and set my playlist on shuffle and got to work.
Now, to be honest, I didn't just work on my commission. To help myself avoid burnout, I cycle through my commissions and my self indulgent fanart and I am very grateful to have a fandom to provide me with that. And though I sometimes get well invested in drawing said fanart, i cant say im not making good progress with the drawing I was paid to do.
After some time, I began to get tired and with great self control decided to take a nap; and though protested by a friend, I knew that if I didn't lay down then, that I would not be able to hang out later- that which we had planned earlier that day.
So I took a 6 hour long nap, and yet again I felt well rested (to my understandable suprise). I was feeling good, energized, and as per my usual routine, decided to check tumblr.
I did not expect to see what I saw in my activity feed: This Very Anonymous Message.
"No..." I thought to myself, "No, this can't be...this shouldn't be...". I started to weep.
I am now too bored and tired to continue this dumb thing lol
I love this hate mail so much i will cherish it always ty "Anon" ( @tea-withnofixinsplease )
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feelbokkie · 1 year
Okay, I wasn't going to have free time until Thursday but I'm gonna be quick before I go back to doing work stuff (in the middle of the night smh):
The "what are we" part 2 put me on a rollercoaster of emotions. You gut punched me having Chan's be like that (I was literally just telling my brother earlier how Innie irl called Chan "trash" for his verse in Ex lmao), and then when Minho's ended nice, I was so nervous for Changbin's to be angsty but I was so relieved his wasn't. And then you slapped me in the face with Hyunjin saying "June." Like, the maknaes had me riled up, but this one was legit sad 🥲
Also, I'm so ready for Felix to fight people in Love Risk. It's way too late for any of the bet boys to be starting to feel bad just now, so I want Felix to find out about BOTH bets and go totally apeshit on everyone. I'm absolutely feral about this (me being the friend always ready to throw hands is maybe feeding into this too much idk)
P.S. You're so organized and productive (response to my last ask), you're so awesome! I hope nobody else says stupid/horrible stuff to you, and just know we all love you and you're amazing as you are 😘
I rambled again because my human contact today was limited and I am apparently like a golden retriever, sorry.
Get rest if you can! I know how working at night can be. (I work-work in the am but I work on Feelbokkie at night most of the time and I end up making more mistakes) So rest or at the very least take many breaks. And drink water!
Oh yeah, no I wrote Chan's yesterday after being upset so he never stood a CHANCE in hell of being anywhere nearly decent story wise. Maybe what are we Chan and Ex Chan are the same person 🤷🏾‍♀️ (I totally didn't plan it like this, it just happened). I realized that I tend to accidentally make 2Min parallels when I write and decided that he needed a break after distancing part 2 so he got a fluff ending. Seungmin is in angst jail for wrecking me heavily right now and I fear he is going to stay there if I can't get my hands on his No Easy mask off ver. (everyone who is selling him being ridiculous). I also can't bring myself to write Binnie with angst, Han too, bc I can't stand the idea of hurting them. But literally every other member of skz has been through the ringer with me at some point so maybe it's time? Also, Hyun's was going to be way worse but I took a nap and reevaluated my decisions. But it is canon that Hyun and reader got together end of May and Hyun realized beginning of June, so... Do what you will with that information.
I'm ready for Lix to fight everyone too because I finished the first half of chapter 11 and let me tell you, first half Bin pissed me off! We'll see how second half Bin does. Unfortunately we have to wait a few more chapters bc I have to establish a few more things before Lix even finds out about the bet(s).
Thank you! I've been in my room all day, just not wanting to deal with the outside world tbh and working on requests. But considering that I've been in customer service for 2 years now and honestly I'm surprised it has taken this long for someone to say stupid/horrible stuff to me. Before that, the craziest thing that happened was a customer with literal crazy eyes like the guy from the shining put his hatchet down on the counter before his items and give me the creeps (I work at an art supply store in a city, there is literally no reason he should be walking around wielding an unsheath hatchet). But I know that you guys all love me and I appreciate it 🥹
SKZ shelf after several hours of organizing and reorganizing this week
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gorewh0re90x-blog · 5 months
diary entries...
TW: substances, ed, TMI situations
im so tired. i havent been this tired since i quit doing dope 7 months ago. i still miss her almost everyday. my one true love. she was with me through everything the last 12 years. our relationship was toxic as hell but she will always be the one who got away. even if (when) i relapse and run back to her it will always end. it might end in death or just another rehab but it will always end. thats the thing with her, no matter how many times i run back i always have to leave, even if its for a little bit. theres no way around it. i start doing good in life and i run back to her warm and beautiful arms. the beginning is always the best, the honeymoon phase, but it doesnt last longer than 6 months. she always asks for more and more. more time, more money, more attention, more destruction. we lay in bed all day and all night as she whispers sweetly in my ear 'you dont need any of this..not this job, not this money, not your friends, not your family, not the outside world..you only need me..' and i always agree because its true, i only need her to be ok with being alive. no matter how many times we go through the same notions, i always listen to her..how can i not? when im with her nothing else matters, nothing means a thing. she makes me feel so safe, so warm, so invincible, so beautiful, so amazing.. its only her, always and forever.. until she takes everything away from me, as she always does, and drags me to rock bottom where the only choice i have left, is to leave her again..
idk whats wrong with me the last few days. im so tired and feeling like crap. it cant be not enough sleep because im sleeping. it cant be not enough food because im eating. im tired, my stomach hurts, im cold until I get in bed and under the covers and then im hot. my head hurts. my body aches, although that could be just me trying to work out too much. it feels like im constipated but im still going a little everyday. consistency of soft serve ice cream, which is super foreign to me. ive been constipated for the last 12 years, going once a week, if i was lucky, and when i did go it was like pushing out baseballs made out of rocks. this whole thing is just strange and exhausting. i just feel like I have the flu. i took dulcolax, my savior, an hour and a half ago and im hoping it clears out everything i ate the last 4 days and not just little swirls of crap that take 10mins of wiping to clean up. gross, i know. i just want to sleep but i don't want to wake up at midnight and be wide awake til i get back from the clinic at 6:30am. maybe ill be able to sleep for the next 6 hours and then just work out some until its time to head to the clinic at 5:30. i took an hour nap earlier around 5pm and had a weird dream.. it had to do with 2 guys breaking in and trying to shoot us unsuccessfully and ended up with me stabbing one and the other getting shot. hopefully its not some premission.. im gonna try to nap.
i decided to let myself get an oreo mcflurry every sunday since ive been doing so well with my diet and exercise. i figured that since i burn more than the 510cal thats in the dam thing every day anyway, i can be a fat fucking pig and have one. theyre just so dam good 😩 cutting out all sugar has been a nightmare over the last month. ive spent the whole time i was an h addict living on sugar so its been rough. it will be totally worth it though. i should reach my current goal weight of 100lbs in the next 10 months or less as long as i keep doing what ive been doing. i cant wait to be thin and beautiful. i dont need drugs as long as im thin 🖤
i ate that slice of cheese pizza i said i wouldnt touch..378cals. 378!! im such a fat pig. disgusting. it doesnt matter that i burned twice as much in calories today. the only thing that matters is that i didn't have enough self control to not eat that dam slice of pizza. i hate that my husband eats the foods i cant have every freaking day. i know me needing to lose weight is not his problem but it still sucks to be put in these situations everyday. if its not pizza its cookies and sweets and danishes and everything else I cant eat. fuck this sucks so bad! starting tomorrow i need to burn more than 700-900cals each day. i need to walk more than 10-13k steps. i need to eat less than 1400cal each day. idc if im technically still losing weight. its not enough. i need to do better and damnit i will do better.
i ate less but didnt get to work out as much as i wanted to. i guess tomorrow will be better. it better be at least. i need to get to sleep before 3am tonight so i dont sleep til 5pm tomorrow.. i have to be up at 530am to go to the clinic 5 times a week and by 11am im so exhausted i need a freaking nap or im falling over on my feet. i think they need to lower the dose on my medicine. this is getting super annoying. i just wanna be thin already. fml.
today was good. i walked over 13k steps, worked out for an hour, burned about 1000cals and only ate about 800cals. definitely getting a hang of this. didnt have a headache either. got a decent amount of sleep too. im definitely gonna ask my clinic to lower the dose on my medication because im sure thats why im tired all the time. im super sore from the gym the other day but tomorrow i have to go either way. hopefully it wont be too crowded because i get really bad anxiety and paranoia around strangers. i hate going outside. goodnight my lovelies, i hope youre all staying on track and getting closer to your ugw 🖤🚬🦋
i had a good day yesterday but not a great night. i burned around 1200cals and had a 90min work out plus 15k steps. less food as well. ordered some stuff off amazon ive been wanting since beginning of december so i was super happy until my husband decided to drink and be..not great. he hasnt been drinking since we moved states 7 months ago except 1 or 2 previous occasions because he gets wasted and acts a fool. he was doing good until he wasnt. it just wasnt a good experience but hes finally asleep. im exhausted from not getting more than 3 hours of sleep the previous night and having to deep clean the whole house and do my workout and now being up all night. i want to go to sleep but i have a few things to worry about due to his drinking so its not looking so good right now.. i fed the stray cats i take care of just now and im gonna lay down and listen to some creepypastas and hope for sleep to come. hope everyone is doing well 🖤🚬🦋
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0 notes
chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello sickly other half of the eyebags 😅 uh oh body aches and head ache combo is just the worst. You probably don't want to do anything today.
So I did a research, you are right, his is a recurve bow and arrow thats collapsible. I guess it looked like what you had so I got confused haha
I have always wanted a German Shepard ever since I was little. I haven't really thought of names to give a puppy. Maybe Donut or Michael. Hahaha how about you, what would you name a dog?
I swore to myself not to dye my hair at all, but then after watching Marvel AOU, I wanted the platinum silver hair the Pietro had. Of course, it couldn't turn out that way because my hair is thick and black, have to do multiple bleaches. My hair is short right now, how about you?
Nice, yep I've heard of those bands before. I've been to one concert so far. I want to change that next year though.
So what do you usually do when you get sick?
- CuriousGeorge
Hello hello.. haha thats my name now, the sickly other half of eyebags? Lol thats funny. I take it, because im pretty sick right now. I took a nap earlier n just woke up like 30 mins ago.
No, i dont wanna do anything, i dont even write.. n im thinking to sleep early tonight if i can 😅 but dont worry, we can still talk until im in bed tonight. 😁
Haha yeah, hawkeye's bow is recurve one but i think the one in the series, they both use the compound one.but im not sure. The guy at the store at first suggest me the recurve bow but my husband's coworker who does archery as well n bow hunting, says that the best one is the compound bow, so we picked the compound bow. Maybe one day if im good enough i will go bow and arrow deer hunting 🤭
Aaw yeah i like german sheppard too. I dont know why i forgot about that breed. Donut is a cute name. But michael it's a pretty human-ish name 😅🤭😁 but good too.
If i can name my dog, i will name them Vodka, Baileys, Martini or if it's not too big dog i will name it Thor 😅
My sister n i have a dog in indonesia, n i named him. His name is Capucinno n we call him Cino for short. 😅
How short is ur hair?mine is down to my shoulder,but didnt pass my shoulder. I used to have long hair for a while but now i always keep it short n burgundy red most of the time. My hair is thin n a little wavy.haha.
Thats cool, platinum silver..my hair doesnt take dye very easily. I tried many dye to finally fine one that give me the color i want but it takes 3-4 hours.
Oh so what concert u gonna watch next year?
When im sick, i try to toughen up myself.lol n do my things like usual unless if it's really bad like today, i take naps n sleep early. N i usually eat something soupy. Thats probably what im gonna have for dinner tonight. What about u?
Next question?
0 notes
nowandajenn · 2 years
Blue Christmas- Eleven (Healing)
Pairing: Chris Evans/OC Kelly
Summary: After almost three years of marriage, everyone would tell you that Chris and his wife Kelly are the most stable, solid couple they know. But behind closed doors, things are tense as they keep trying for a baby, to no avail. When a secret threatens to shake their solid marriage to it’s core, will they be able to pick up the pieces?
I do not consent to have my content, whether it be this story or anything else of my creation, posted by a third party on any other platform other than right here without my permission. This blog is 18+ and is not intended for minors. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Heed the warnings. This is a work of FICTION. I do not claim to know Chris Evans, his family, friends, or anyone on his team personally.
Warnings for this chapter: Heavy, heavy angst. Language. Mentions of adultery. Mentions of miscarriage. Pregnancy. Allusions to abortion but nothing is stated outright.
This beast is clocking in at just over 6.7k words. Probably the single longest chapter I've ever written. The tag list for this story was getting out of control, and more than half the people on it had no interaction with the story at all, so I discontinued it. I'm tagging my nearest and dearest though. I may, MAY, create a google form for a new tag list. We'll see.
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January 8th (Six days post accident)
The pain meds they give people in the hospital following surgery pack a wallop, especially when given through an IV. They make me have crazy dreams, turn my attention span paper thin, and have the added bonus of turning my brain/mouth filter virtually non-existent.
I’m trying to pay attention to the conversation that Chris is trying to have with me. I really am. To be fair, he knew when he got here an hour ago that I had just gotten another dose. 
“What about this one?”
 Chris turns the iPad towards me so I can see yet another picture and resume’ of a home health nurse. It was an idea that he was originally against, but both Lisa and Andi, my main nurse, had both suggested that maybe having someone come in for a few hours a day a couple times a week would be a good thing. As much as he wants to do everything he possibly can for you, he also knows he’s only one person. After not hearing a response, and thinking maybe I had dozed off into a narcotic induced nap, he looks up to see me using my good hand to fiddle with the end of the braid that the nurse had put my hair into earlier after the shower that I’d finally been allowed to have after days of bed baths. 
Showers used to be glorious things. Water turned up to near scalding levels, music playing loud with me singing loudly (and badly) along, and nice shampoo and shower gel that smells amazing. This was not that. This was an entire process that took nearly an hour, starting with my casted leg and equally casted arm being wrapped in waterproof plastic and ending with me in tears because washing long hair takes two functional hands, and I only had one. There’s zero dignity in having another person give you a shower when you’re a grown woman who’s been showering and bathing by herself for many years now without issue. The nurse had been amazingly sweet and sympathetic and helped me with whatever I couldn’t do on my own (which was a lot), but the whole experience just left me feeling useless and depressed. 
 A soft touch to my hand brings me back to the present. 
“Where’d you go?” he asks softly. 
”My hair smells weird.” 
He leans forward a bit so he can get a whiff of my hair. “It smells okay to me.” 
“It’s not the same. It’s weird, clinical hospital shampoo. It doesn’t smell good like mine.” I lament. “I couldn’t even wash my own hair today. It’s too long, and I couldn’t do it with one hand. I can’t even-”
My voice starts to waver and I look down at my arm that’s laying useless in a sling across my chest. Even my fingers are so swollen and bruised that I couldn’t even put my rings on if I tried. My ring finger, which hasn’t been naked since Chris slipped my engagement ring on it some four and a half years ago, feels very bare and just wrong. Everything about the accident and my injuries keeps hitting me in different ways. 
I look over at Chris and then down at the iPad that he’s still holding. “Hire whoever you want. I honestly don’t care, and it’s not like I have any choice in the matter.”
He sighs softly, knowing that this conversation was never going to go over well. He knows that I know that I’m going to need as much help as I can get when I finally get released to go home, but he also knows that being as stubborn and self sufficient as I am, my worst nightmare is having someone have to help me do something as simple as get out of fucking bed. 
“This is the one thing that’s happened lately that you do get to choose. I want to get someone that you’re going to like and be comfortable with. I can’t imagine what this is like for you right now, and I’m just trying to make life as easy as it can get when you’re home.”
“I don’t know if I’m going to like someone from a goddamn resume’. As long as they can do the job without fucking me up more than I already am, great.” My back is starting to ache because of the position that I’m laying in, and when I go to slide further up the bed, I’m rewarded with a searing pain in my stomach from the movement pulling at my still healing splenectomy incisions. 
“Fuck, honey-”
I fall back on the pillows, irritated as hell and over this damn conversation, and the words fly out of my mouth before I can even think about stopping them. 
“Just pick someone! Maybe you’ll get lucky and you’ll get another girl who’s going to fall for the irresistible Chris Evans charm, who has no moral compass and no compunction about sleeping with married men. Then you can throw a shot into her too.”
I watch as his face falls, his hand pulling back from where it’s been resting on my arm and a lump the size of a golf ball forms in my throat. I didn’t mean to say that. I might as well just be wearing a name tag that says Hi, I’m: Here To Make Things Worse. I cover my mouth with my hand and glance up towards the ceiling, trying to blink the tears away before they can fully form. 
“I’m…..I’m sorry. I didn’t mean….” I start, but the words don’t want to come out. 
“It’s okay.” he tries to assure me. 
“No, it’s not.” I look down at the fluffy blue blanket that Chris brought me from home and I play with the slightly frayed edge, ashamed and unable to look at the broken look on his face. “This is a bad idea.” 
He pops a shoulder. “Could always hire a male nurse.” he says, raising his eyebrow. 
I let out a small snort, knowing he said it to try and lighten the mood, but all I can feel right now is trepidation at the thought of coming home with Chris to recover and him taking the brunt of all of my frustrations and emotional eruptions. 
He turns the iPad off and puts it on the side table and I watch as he stands up and grabs his jacket off the back of the chair, and my eyes widen.
“Don’t leave. Please, I-” I sputter out, trying to push down my panic. 
“I’m not. I’m just going to run down and get a coffee and check in with Shanna and see how Dodger’s doing. Are you getting hungry? You want me to grab you something?” 
I squint, trying to remember the dinner options on the meal sheet they give me every day and which one I might have picked. 
“Uhhhhh….no. I’ll be okay. They should be bringing whatever I picked out soon anyway. I’ll live.” 
“Okay. Text me if you change your mind. I’ll be back. No more than half an hour, I promise.” he says, resting his palm on the top of my head gently. 
When Chris gets back twenty or so minutes later, I’m honestly sort of surprised he came back instead of just going home and getting away from my emotional, broken ass for a while. And even more surprised that his mom is with him, since I didn’t know she was planning on coming by today. 
When they walk in, I’m sitting in one of the chairs in the room with my leg propped up, poking at a dish of red jello with a spoon. 
“What are you doing out of bed?” Chris asks, surprised. 
“I had to pee after you left, and being in bed was making my back hurt, so I asked if they could just park me here for a while. There’s not a ton of options when all you can really do is sit, so…I’ll be ready to get back in bed in a while.” 
Lisa starts towards me and I push the wheeled table away from me slightly so she can bend down and give me a hug, which I return with a strength that takes her by surprise a little bit. Knowing how hard the last few days (hell, weeks for that matter) have been and the fact that your mom isn’t around, she just had a feeling today that you could probably use a big dose of love that only a mama can provide, which is why she decided to pop by and surprise both you and Chris. 
She tilts my cheek to the side gently as she examines my face. “Your bruises are looking better.” 
“Mmm. Still hurts. Airbags will save your life, but you’re going to feel like you went twelve rounds with Mike Tyson after they go off in your face.”
“So, Chris and I were talking downstairs, and I had an idea.” I swallow my mouthful of jello and look towards Chris, really hoping that he didn’t tell her about what I said. He shakes his head almost imperceptibly and the anxiety in my gut loosens up a bit. 
“What would you think about me coming to stay with you guys for a bit when you got home?” 
“Chris, tell me you didn’t ask your mom to come home with us to be my babysitter.” I groan. Lisa snorts slightly. “He didn’t ask. I’m offering. I know you’re not crazy about someone you don’t know being in your house and….” she searches for the right words “helping you. And it wouldn’t be for too long; just until you guys get yourselves situated at home and get into a routine with things. It’s just to make the transition a little smoother.” she assures me. 
I look over at Chris and he shrugs, gesturing to me. “This is your call.” 
I sigh, looking over at my mother in law, who I adore more than anyone in the world. “I’m not great to be around lately. I’m still not convinced that coming home after this is the right thing to do, and I’m afraid it’s really just going to make things worse. I don’t want you both to have to deal with my psychotic mood swings.”
“Sweetheart, if your mood was completely stable after everything that’s happened, I’d be terrified. You’re hurt, and you can’t do the things that everyone else takes for granted without help, and everyone knows how frustrating that is. I know you’re angry and sad and frustrated. And that’s okay. We’re-” she gestures between herself and her eldest son “made of tough stuff. Well, I’m tougher than him. We all know he’s a big baby who cries at the drop of a Hallmark movie.” I sputter out a laugh while wiping my eyes. 
“We all love you, and we’re all here for you no matter what.”
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January 17th (Fifteen days post accident)
“They would release you on the coldest day of the year.” Chris says as he makes a final sweep around the hospital room that I’ve called home for the last two weeks. 
I huff out a small laugh. “Let’s just get the hell out of here before they come back here and tell me that they’ve decided to keep me for another week.”
“They should be back any minute with your discharge papers, and then we’ll go. The doc said he was going to call in your prescriptions to Walgreens, so hopefully they’ll be ready by the time we get there. Or I can get you home and settled in and run back out and grab them.” 
“We can wait for them. It’s too cold to be running back and forth.”
I look down at my “going home” outfit and can’t help but feel completely ridiculous. A pair of pink flannel pajama pants with penguins on them (they’re the only thing besides sweats that I can get up over the cast on my leg), a long sleeved white shirt, and one of Chris’ hoodies that’s zipped up over my sling, leaving just my good arm in the sleeve. They removed the stitches from my arm yesterday, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to look at it. The compression bandage that I’ve been instructed to wear all the time (with the exception of showers) is a lot more comfortable than the layers of wrapping my arm was encased in, but still annoying. And it itches like the devil. My right foot is encased in fluffy socks and a shoe, and my left leg is of course still in a cast, a sock pulled down over my exposed toes so they don’t freeze off when I go outside. 
My eyes go to the small black wheelchair that’s coming home with me and I squeeze my eyes shut. Because I’ve been instructed not to use my damaged arm for ANYTHING more strenuous than moving it gently to maneuver a shirt on and off, I can’t use crutches. 
Chris finishes packing up my backpack, and stops when he sees me staring vacantly at the wheelchair. He frowns, and walks over slowly, sitting on his heels in front of me. 
“Hey.” he murmurs softly, snapping me out of my reverie. 
“This isn’t going to be forever. They said the cast is going to come off hopefully in a couple of weeks, and then they’re going to put you in a walking boot. At least then you’ll be able to get up and move around. I know, I know how much you hate this. I do. But it is not forever.”
“I know.” I hate how small my voice is. “I hate how I have to think about every move I make. I can’t reach for anything because I can’t use my arm. I have to be careful when I stretch or it hurts my stomach. I have to cough or sneeze as soft as I can or else my ribs hurt. It’s just….I feel like a prisoner in my own body right now.” 
“But you’re going to get the chance to get stronger and recover.” I look up at him and our eyes meet, and I know we’re both thinking about the fact that the driver of the car that hit me died four days ago from his injuries sustained in the crash, and how that could have been me instead. 
When the nurse comes in with my discharge papers and the litany of aftercare instructions, Chris takes them and heads downstairs with my stuff so he can bring the car around to the front entrance. The nurse helps me put my coat and hat on before helping me maneuver myself into the wheelchair and we head down to the first floor. 
“You excited you’re finally out of here?” she asks me with a smile. 
“And nervous. It was kind of comforting knowing that even though I was stuck in here, if anything went wrong, I was in the right place.”
I see Chris pull up at the curb, and the nurse wheels me outside, and I gasp at the biting cold. It’s the first time I’ve felt fresh air on my skin since the day of the accident, and although it’s beyond freezing, it still feels amazing to breathe it in. It isn’t until I get situated in the passenger seat and we’re ready to drive home that the panic sets in. 
“The last time I was in a car I almost died.”
Chris takes his hands off the steering wheel and reaches over to hold my right hand. 
“I know.”
“You drive like an insane person.” 
Despite the seriousness of the conversation, he snorts, because he knows the amount of speeding tickets he’s accumulated since he started driving is ridiculous. But he also knows that since the accident, he’s been almost hyper aware of his speed and everything going on around him, when he usually just goes on autopilot when he’s driving, like anyone else who drives every day. 
“I promise I won’t drive like an insane person with you in the car.” 
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“Don’t drive like an insane person ever. You can’t control the way other idiots drive, but you can control how you do. I need you around.”
Those words make hope bloom in his chest. 
“I promise.”
When we get home, relief washes over me. As promised, Chris drove very carefully and obeyed the speed limit, but I was still a nervous wreck the whole 25 minute drive. Plus, being scrunched in the roomy, but limited space of the passenger seat isn’t very comfortable with my injuries. One the car is parked inside the garage and Chris has my door open, he realizes that he didn’t really think this part through very well. 
The furniture inside has been arranged and re-arranged about a dozen times in different configurations to accommodate the wheelchair in the house. He purchased a shower chair for me to make showers easier, he got cast wraps to keep the cast on my leg dry, he set up a perfect little nest with pillows and blankets on our sectional so I’d be comfortable, with remotes and chargers and books, and even a little cooler within reach. 
I notice the look on his face that he gets when he’s confused about something or trying to find a solution to a problem, and turn to him. 
“You’re trying to figure out how you’re going to get me in the house, aren’t you?”
The sheepish, yet slightly guilty look on his face tells me I’m right. “I have guys coming on Monday to put in a temporary ramp over the stairs in front. But I didn’t think about today.”
There’s two steps to get from the garage into the house, and the wheelchair isn’t going to make it up them. 
“You’re going to have to carry me in the house.”
“I was thinking that, but I don’t want to hurt you. You’re still really sore.” he says, gesturing to his chest and stomach. 
“I’m pretty sure everything I do for a while is going to be somewhat painful, but I think this is our only option. Why don’t you grab the wheelchair and bring it in, put Dodger in the bedroom until we get inside so he doesn’t knock me down when he sees me, and then come back out and grab me?”
He exhales slowly. “Okay. I’ll be right back. Just…..” he trails off, gesturing vaguely at me. 
“Trust me, I’m not going anywhere.” 
When Chris comes back out, he comes around to the passenger side and opens the door for me. I turn in the seat, angling myself as much as I can to make it easier for him to grab me and carry me inside. I’m slightly nervous about how much this is going to hurt, but I’m determined to not let it show. 
“You ready?” 
I take a deep breath and nod. He stoops down and slides his left arm around my back, while his right arm loops under my legs and he lifts me gently, my good arm going around his neck. He’s carried me like this about a million times in the years that we’ve been together, but for some reason, all I can think about is how he carried me (both of us slightly tipsy)  like this up to our hotel room after our wedding reception, and me laughing and telling him not to drop me or else I’d get our marriage annulled. I squeeze my eyes shut at the memory. 
I open them back up when I feel Chris setting me down on the end of the sofa and helping me get comfortable. 
“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asks nervously. 
“I’m okay. Can you just grab a couple pillows so I can put my leg up though?” 
He hits the button on the side of the couch for the foot rest to come up and slides a couple throw pillows under my leg. 
“Can I get you anything? Are you hungry? Thirsty?” 
“I”m okay for right now. Can you go get Dodger though? I missed him like crazy.”
He smiles and goes to the bedroom to let the dog out, and a second later, I hear the sound of his nails clicking rapidly on the hardwood. 
“Hi, baby!” I exclaim, holding my arm out. 
“Dodge, be gentle, okay? Careful.” Chris warns. 
Dodger jumps up on the couch next to me and immediately snuggles into my side. Luckily enough, he’s on my good side so I can give him pets and belly rubs. 
“Mom’s going to be over in a few hours. She said she wanted to give us a little bit of time to get settled in and such. I’m gonna go and unpack our stuff and start some laundry. You have the remotes and your phone and charger nearby….if you need anything, just yell. Or tell Dodger to come get me.” 
“I will. I think I’m going to try and take a nap though, honestly. The trip home kind of took it out of me.”
“Okay.” He grabs a blanket from the back of the sofa and drapes it over me, dropping a kiss to my head before he leaves to go get started on unpacking our stuff. As he walks away, he stops to look back at me again, thinking to himself how it seems like it’s been a lifetime since the last time the both of us were in this house together, even though it’s only been about three weeks. As much as he wanted you back home, he never in a million years thought this would be how it happened. 
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January 25th (23 days post accident)
“God, that feels nice.” I moan at the feeling of Chris’ fingers in my hair, massaging the shampoo in. 
“Why do you think I always beg you to wash my hair?” he says, smirking. I catch his use of the present tense, and try and think about how long it’s been since the last shower we took together before the accident. I’m damn near positive it was way different than the ones that have happened since I’ve been home, and probably ended in orgasms all around. 
“This is infinitely better than the showers in the hospital. The nurse who always used to do mine had long ass nails. I’m pretty sure one of them is still embedded in my brain somewhere.” 
He laughs as he rinses my hair with the detachable shower head. After working conditioner through my hair and helping me scrub myself down and even shaving my right leg and under my arms for me, he steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist before grabbing another one to dry me off. I’m sitting on the toilet lid in my underwear while Chris smooths lotion on me, letting me do what I can reach with my good arm when I say his name softly. 
“Thank you.” I watch his eyebrow quirk up in confusion. 
“What for?”
“This. The- everything. When we got married, I bet you never imagined you’d have to help me shower and put on clean underwear and take me to go pee.”
He looks down as he continues to rub the lotion into my leg. “No, but I don’t think anyone goes in ever thinking about the worst case scenario where those things would ever come up. But that’s part of the deal, right? For better or worse? That covers everything; not just the good stuff. You don’t have to thank me. It’s my job.” 
“You could have just let my mom have her way and let them take me home.” I point out. 
He scoffs and shakes his head. 
“Absolutely not. For one thing, you and your mom would have ended up killing each other. And for another…..your head is giving you enough grief as it is right now, and being around her would have just made it worse. I couldn’t do that to you.” 
I see Chris reach for my shirt and groan, knowing how much it hurts my arm to put a damn shirt on. 
“How bad does it look?”
“Your arm?” 
I nod slightly and he sighs. “It’s still really raw and red. It’s going to fade, but it’s going to take some time. The doctor recommended some stuff that’s supposed to help with scars. Make them less visible over time.” 
“Can I see it?” I ask. 
“Are you sure?” he asks. I shrug a bit. 
He picks me up off the toilet seat and walks us in front of the bathroom mirror and turns so I can see my arm. I suck in a shuddering breath and close my eyes. It’s ugly. A roughly five inch or so vertical incision straight down my upper arm, red and raw and glaringly obvious. Even when it’s fully healed, it’s going to be ugly. 
“If you want, I can always talk to Josh. We can see if he can draw something up so you can cover it up once it’s fully healed.”
I nod as tears leak out of my eyes. Chris tilts my chin up. “It’s just a scar. It doesn’t define you and it’s not the end of the world. It doesn’t make you any less beautiful.” He pivots so my ass is sat on the bathroom vanity and once I’m settled, he pulls the shirt over my head, being gentle with  my arm, and then helps me into a clean pair of pajama pants. 
“You know, we’re actually getting kind of good at this.” he says as he carries me out of the bathroom and sets me down in our bed. 
“I hate that that’s something to brag about.” I tell him, rolling my eyes. “Although, I guess after doing the same thing day after day for a couple weeks, it’s to be expected. You don’t look quite as terrified now as you did the first time we did this.” 
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February 2nd (one month post accident)
“I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner….I was in a pretty serious car accident a month ago and things have been a little hectic since then. I haven’t been cleared by my doctor to fly yet, so there’s no way we can make it out there. Mmmmhmmm. Yeah, the reservation is under Kelly Evans.” 
Chris walks into the kitchen and starts making himself a cup of coffee while I’m on hold with the resort to cancel the Valentines Day reservations I had made back in November. I had a solid plan that I had cooked up with Meghan and his team so he wouldn’t have anything scheduled for the three days I had booked at Post Ranch Inn, but then between finding out about the affair and the accident, my carefully made plan got blown straight to hell, leaving me feeling a little (lot) angry. 
“Okay. Thank you again for all your help. I’m sorry again for the late notice.” 
I end the call and toss my cell phone onto the island, irritation bubbling up inside me. 
“Who was that?” 
“Canceling the reservation I made for us for Valentines Day at Post Ranch Inn. I made it before I found out about you fucking someone else. That kind of took the romance out of it a little bit. Well, that and the fact that my body’s still mostly useless.” 
My newly (as of two days ago) uncasted leg starts itching to high hell under the walking boot and compression sock I have on, and I start the process of unstrapping the boot one handed so I can enjoy scratching my leg to my heart’s content. I wish I could have gotten a picture of Chris and the doctor’s faces when my cast was finally cut off and a fork, two pens, and a plastic ruler came tumbling out of it, all lost in my attempt to wedge something down there to scratch the itch. 
He sighs lightly and turns so his back is to the counter, giving me what I’ve coined his “kicked puppy look.” Most of the time, I feel guilty for whatever I said to make that look appear, but today I’m just too agitated to care. 
“Don’t give me that look. You do it every single time I mention the fact that you had sex with someone else. You know what you did. You don’t get to make that face and look like I just told you that Disneyland is closing down forever.”
He walks over to where I’m sitting with a sigh, and reaches to help me with the straps on my boot. “Can we not fight? Please? I know that there’s an ocean of stuff we have to work through, and I know none of this is easy…I just don’t want to fight with you.” 
“Just stop. I can do it myself." I tell him, brushing his hand away softly. "You know, just because I still need you to help with most of my basic human functions doesn’t mean that I necessarily like being around you all the time. You’re my husband and for some God forsaken reason, even though you did what you did, I still love you, despite me calling you a cheating shitbag in my head at least once a day. So, just leave me alone for a little while, okay? I was really excited about having this trip happen, and it all got blown to hell in a really magnificent fashion, so let me just sit here and be pissed off and sad about it.” 
He holds his hands up and backs away. “Okay. I can do that. Just, we have your doctor’s appointment at 2, so let me know when you need me to come help you get ready.” I look up at him and nod, spinning my phone on the table. He starts to walk away, but then turns back towards me. 
“You know, when the accident happened and you were out of surgery, I kind of went into crisis mode. I called my team and canceled everything, because I knew that you were going to need someone to be there for you and help take care of you until you were stronger. And I know that you have a million people that are in our lives that would drop everything and do that for you, because you’re amazing and everyone loves you so much. The parade of people that have come and gone through here since you’ve been home is proof of that. I kind of just took charge, because I didn’t know what else to do….and I don’t think I took the time to stop and ask myself if you even wanted it to be me, given everything that happened.”
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“Chris….I did. I wouldn’t have felt comfortable having anyone else do it.” 
He nods. “I know that it’s hard for you to be around me sometimes. I know that you’re still angry, and hurt and upset and you have every right to be. I know we’re a mess, but once things settle down a little bit, we’ll get in to go see that therapist that Carly told me about, and we’ll start working through it. That is, if you still want to.”
“I do.”
A few hours later, we’re sitting in the waiting room of my gynecologist’s office, and Chris is just staring around the room at the posters on the wall, and occasionally glancing at the couple of pregnant women that are in the waiting room with us. 
“Why did you need to see her?” he asks softly. 
“I’m overdue for my annual exam, and since all I do lately is go to the doctor, I figured I should probably just get it out of the way.” It’s a half truth. Well, ⅓ truth. If the doctor was right about my hcG levels when I was in the hospital, I’m about six weeks pregnant, and it’s probably time to get official confirmation in black and white. And if I am, Chris deserves to be there to hear it. But first, he needs to get something done himself. 
The nurse comes by and hands us both a clipboard with paperwork on it, and Chris’ eyebrows raise. “Why do I get paperwork?”
The nurse clears her throat nervously and taps a section on the paperwork. STD test, with the works. She walks away to let us fill out the papers, and his eyes shoot to mine. 
“I used a condom. I told you that. I'm not an idiot.” he says softly.
“I don’t care. I need to see it for myself, for my own peace of mind.”
He’s called back first, and with a nervous swallow and a look back at me, he follows the nurse. I’m called back shortly after, and after blood work, urine test, and the internal exam, Chris is allowed back into the exam room to wait with me while the results come back. 
“You want to grab something to eat after this? You didn’t have much for breakfast earlier.” he asks. 
“Uh, yeah, I-” I’m interrupted by a knock on the door followed by Dr. Hartman coming back in. By the look on her face, I just know. 
“Congratulations, you guys are pregnant.”
Chris is lucky that there’s a chair right behind him, or he would have been in a world of pain when he landed. When I see him basically collapse into the chair, I get worried. 
“Mr. Evans, are you okay?” Dr. Hartman asks, reaching for his wrist to check his pulse. His face is a look of pure shock, like he can’t begin to comprehend what he just heard. 
“Chris?” I ask, my own emotions threatening to spill out despite knowing this was coming. I instantly feel bad for not giving him a heads up that this was a very real chance. His eyes find mine and we just stare at each other. 
“I’m okay. I just- it’s- are you sure?” he asks, his voice unsteady. The doctor steps away, seemingly convinced that a movie star isn’t going to drop dead of shock in one of her exam rooms. “The tests are extremely accurate, but I’m going to go ahead and do a transvaginal ultrasound so we can take a look. If you’re far enough along, we should be able to hear the heartbeat.” 
Since I’m still in the gown and haven’t gotten dressed yet, I lay back on the table and assume the position again as she pulls the ultrasound machine towards her. Chris gets up on unsteady legs and stands next to me, still looking shell shocked. 
“Okay, this is going to be a little uncomfortable. Just take a nice deep breath.” she warns. I do as she says, but I still make a face when the probe is inserted. Chris is torn between watching my face and wanting to see what’s happening on the screen. Me, I’m too afraid to look anywhere but his face. For as much trepidation as I’m feeling over this pregnancy, I’m overcome with the sudden fear that she’s going to find the baby and there’s not going to be a heartbeat, just like last time, and I honestly don’t know if I can go through that twice.
“There it is.” I hear from next to me. I watch as his eyes move from mine to the screen, seeing the tiny blob in the middle of my uterus with the little flicker in the middle. A heartbeat. I still can’t bring myself to look though. Dr. Hartman, who was the one who told me that I had miscarried and performed my D&C, senses my fear, and quietly hits a button on the machine. The sound is almost overwhelming as it fills the room. I have a crazy thought that it almost sounds like clothes in the washer as it’s agitating. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. It's loud and fast and sounds strong. My eyes snap to the screen, and I immediately bring my hand to my mouth and burst into tears. 
“From the size, it looks like you’re about six or seven weeks. Which is going to put the due date at about….” she stops to put some numbers into the computer. September 23rd, give or take.”
After printing off some pictures and leaving the room to let me get cleaned up and get dressed, we leave the office feeling a million different emotions. We’re both quiet on the drive home, both lost in thought. How many times have we wished for this? How many negative pregnancy tests have we seen and tossed angrily into the trash, tears threatening to spill. How many times did we say “It’s okay. It’ll happen. I know it.” only for it to happen during the worst period in our marriage? 
When we get home, I slowly waddle into the house, still enjoying the feeling of being able to (somewhat) walk instead of being chained to that damn wheelchair. I make my way to the back door to let Dodger out, passing Lisa, who’s watching both Chris and I with a curious, careful gaze. 
I feel him behind me as I turn on the tap, filling a glass with water and downing it almost all in one gulp. 
“How are you feeling?” he asks softly. He can see my hand trembling slightly as I hold the glass, and he knows he has to tread lightly. 
“In general? Or about the fact that we found out I’m pregnant in the middle of our personal shit storm?” 
“Both.” I drop my head. Truth be told, I’m exhausted. My arm is killing me, the nerve pain making burning pins and needles radiate over my whole arm. My leg is aching from being on it for an extended amount of time. 
I’ve been trying to roll it over and around in my head for weeks. What to do if I really did have the shittiest luck in the world, and I did end up actually pregnant in this situation. I keep coming back to the bad joke that my brother made the night I found out about Chris about me not having to deal with all of this while I was pregnant. 
“I don’t know if I can do this.” My voice is soft, but he hears it like I’m screaming it. “I don’t know if I can have this baby. I don’t know if my body can handle it, and I don’t know if I can handle it emotionally.” 
The words punch through him like a hit from a prize fighter. He knows exactly when it happened; the night that you had come over to get a dress from your closet and we had ended up defling quite a few surfaces in the house. There’s a good chance that our baby was conceived on the dining room table. 
“Are you talking about-” he can’t even bring himself to say the words. He KNOWS this the worst timing for this to happen. He KNOWS that no matter what, it’s your choice. But the thought of not having this baby with you almost brings him to his knees. 
My breath hitches. “Chris, look at us. Take a good look at me, at my body. I’m broken. I’m still recovering. I’d have to be monitored more closely to make sure that everything is okay. Because we don’t know if it will be.” The thought of finally getting everything I wanted with my husband and then not having it makes my chest hurt. 
“I’ve wanted kids with you since the moment you told me you loved me for the first time, and that I was it for you. I knew that you were going to be the father of my kids one day. But now, with everything, I don’t know if that’s the case anymore.” 
The tears are burning my eyes, and I can feel the sobs starting to build in my throat, and I know if I don’t get out of this room right now, I’m going to lose it. I’m pretty sure that Lisa heard at least part of our conversation, and I can’t talk about it anymore without losing my mind. I set my glass in the sink and silently make my way upstairs, thinking that two of the worst conversations I’ve had in my life have come within months of each other and have both taken place in the kitchen that I loved. Now I can barely stand to be in it. 
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firehousewithaview · 2 years
Prompt: Buck and Eddie sleep at the others house for whatever reason and ends up wearing the others shirt or shoes. It's pretty innocuous, only the others aren't sure if they slept together and either didn't notice the slip up or this is their way of subtly revealing their relationship and can't ask. Hilarity ensues as maybe the bet gets involved and if someone won.
I uhm. Got a bit carried away. 
“So, uh,” Hen starts, eyes bouncing between the two backs on the couch. “Anyone know what that’s all about?”
From the seat next to her, Chimney releases a breath like he’s been holding it for hours even though shift only started half an hour ago. “I was hoping you knew.” He whispers back, voice pitched low. 
Raising an eyebrow at him, Hen gives him her best unimpressed face. “You live with Maddie! You have the closer sources!”
Chimney slumps down against his arms on the counter. “I asked her when I saw it, but she said she hasn’t heard anything.”
Hen turns back to contemplating the boys on the couch, the names Buckley and Diaz shining back at her. From the wrong backs. “It could just be a mix up.” She points out. “Eddie hates mornings and Buck’s been staying there for a while.”
Nodding his agreement into his arms, Chimney rolls his head to squint at her. “You think they’ve missed it this long?”
“Yeah,” she draws out, “But it’s them, so it could also be their way of telling us but not wanting to talk about it.”
Groaning, Chimney rolls his head back into his arms. “We will never know peace.” He sits up, back cracking a bit. “What we need is another opinion.”
Both heads turn to Bobby, who’s pointedly looking at the counter he’s wiping. “It’s their business.”
“Mighty vague answer there, Cap.” Hen challenges, though there’s not much heat to her tone. 
Bobby sighs, finally glancing up to the couch. “Not my business.”
“I don’t know, Cap.” Chimney jumps in, a delighted grin growing across his face. “I think I see two firefighters out of uniform.”
The shock then horror that crosses Bobby’s face right as the alarm goes has both Hen and Chim giggling the whole way into their turnouts. 
It’s still not clear by the time they’re trudging into the station almost 16 hours later. 
The whole day, neither acted like anything was different, which means it’s still a toss up because there are happily married couples who can’t rival the way Buck and Eddie function. The shirts were swapped back somewhere between the first and second calls of the day, but it’s Pandora’s Box now. 
Hen needs to know, and not just for the bet. She’s invested in this, dammit. Those boys deserve love and ever since Eddie came out to them, everyone who knows them has been waiting for it to happen. 
Everyone troops up to the kitchen once out of their gear. Bobby starts the coffee pot while Hen and Chim take the stools they had earlier. 
Buck and Eddie head for the couch, a playful argument bouncing back and forth between them. 
They aren’t being exactly quiet, so when Buck says, “You weren’t complaining last time you were in my bed,” Hen loses a bit of the water she just took a sip of.
Eddie’s answer of “that’s different and you know it.” doesn’t clear any of this up. 
Making eye contact with Chim, she makes an is this what I think it is face to Chim, who shrugs and mouths ‘quarantine’ back to her.
Oh, right. They did share a bed during quarantine. Which seems to have opened the gate to more frequent napping together on the couch and Buck not even pretending to sleep on the couch when he’s over at the Diaz house. 
Cap is casting both Hen and Chim amused glances. “I’ve said it a couple times today and I’ll say it again,” He nods at the couch. “You could just ask them.”
“Oh no.” Chimney huffs, pointing a finger at Bobby. “We’ve just got them back to being themselves, I am not rocking that boat.”
Nodding, Hen rests her chin on her hand. “It feels wrong to risk messing things up between them just for a stupid bet.” 
Bobby’s face softens into fondness. “Then maybe leave it alone for now.” He urges gently. “Even if they are trying to be subtle, both of you know secrets don’t last long here.”
Isn’t that the truth? Hen thinks, glancing back to where Buck is all but curled into Eddie’s lap. But is this even a secret anymore?
They get their answer the next morning when, as soon as the clock passes their end of shift, Buck leans over and plants his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck where both of them are sitting on the bench still shirtless. “Okay, you win.”
Both Hen and Chim freeze where they are, eyes glued to what’s happening in front of them. 
Eddie has his smug face on. “Yep.” He laughs, eyes sparkling when they flash to meet Hen’s. “Told you they wouldn’t bring it up unless we did.”
As Buck grumbles from where he’s still slumped against Eddie, Hen finally finds her voice. “You boys have something you want to share?”
“We’ve been together two weeks.” Buck grins as he sits up. “And I bet you guys would ask before the end of this shift.“
Pulling his shirt on, Eddie glances back at Hen. “I knew you would be trying to let us work this out on our own.” 
An understanding passes between them, half remembered but still important. When Eddie needed someone to ask, but wasn’t ready to talk about yet. 
Eddie stands, narrowly avoiding the deodorant Chimney tosses at Buck, who just laughs. Buck starts spinning the tee shirt he still hasn’t put on yet into a whip. 
“Who won for last Saturday?” Eddie asks, eyes sparkling with amusement and understanding. 
Laughing, Eddie shakes his head. “Course she did.” He leans back against the glass next to her, watching Buck and Chim argue playfully. “Thanks for letting us have that.”
Hen feels herself tearing up, but sniffs it back quickly. “Always.” She nudges his shoulder. “Now I need some details for the other bets.”
Eddie’s face screws up in confusion. “Other bets?”
“You really think we had one bet for this?” She laughs. “No, there’s at least 4, based on how it happened.”
The confused horror on Eddie’s face is almost comical. “What? Why?”
“We’ve been waiting for this, Eddie.” She lowers her voice even though the other two are starting to get louder. “We all knew you guys were getting close, we just didn’t know when it was going to happen.”
“Huh.” Eddie puffs. “Well, ask me then.”
Hen tilts her head at him. “Oh.” She pauses, “I thought that would be harder.”
“What can I say?” Eddie laughs, eyes never  leaving Buck. “I’m in a good mood.”
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Can I request a prompt of dad!Harry where maybe it’s just him And Sasha and they get mobbed and her slightly hurt but he is furious
word count: 5k+ (how'd i write this in one day)
warnings: language, smut, blood, minor injuries
- If you'd like more from dad!harry verse - check out my masterlist! (pinned post)
*** <- click for visuals throughout the story!
Harry was quite stressed out. He wasn’t sure how his wife did it all the time. She was constantly packing up Sasha and toting her around the globe to meet up with him for concerts and events when he was away.
The little family had been staying in their Los Angeles home for nearly three months now as Harry had been writing for his third solo album. It involved a lot of late nights were Y/N were putting Sasha to bed by herself.
Harry was eternally grateful that she was so patient and understanding when he snuck into bed quarter past three after finding a rift that fit a new song perfectly or when Mitch had an idea that had Harry on Skype for hours with him.
The stress was overwhelming for her though. She was usually good at self-care and taking time for herself but Sasha had been so needy lately and crabby when her father wasn’t at her beck and call.
The toddler was going through a bout where she struggled to sleep through the night and had a tendency to scream bloody murder when she didn’t get her way.
It was nearly three weeks of this and she hadn’t mentioned it too much to Harry because she didn’t want him to be as stressed out as she was.
Tonight, Y/N had rocked, sang, hummed, and read to her daughter to stop the angry tears that were rolling down her cheeks but nothing was working. It was near eleven at night and she had took Sasha out in the car for a long ride where she finally fell asleep.
But as soon as Y/N unlocked the front door, she startled awake even angrier than before, squirming out her mother’s grip and bolting through the house. When she tried to round a corner, she slipped on her bum.
Y/N felt her anxiety level break.
Sasha began screaming once again, “Mummy! No! No!”
When Y/N picked her up after her slight tumble, she was absolutely not hurt but had become even more frustrated. Y/N was starting to feel overwhelmed - which didn’t happen often.
“Baby, what do you want? What can mummy do?” Y/N asks with desperation, searching her baby’s watery green eyes. She looked so much like her dad it was absurd.
“No! Down! Stop!” The two year old orders with a furrowed brow, lips in a tight line with her nose scrunched up in displeasure.
“Sasha, you just hurt yourself. You can’t run in the house, the floor is slippery,” Y/N tells her firmly despite it falling upon deaf ears.
“Bad mummy,” Sasha shrieks, “Daddy! Want Daddy! Now!”
Y/N is embarrassed to admit that she has tears welling up in her eyes. She was trying everything in her power to soothe her baby. It’s midnight at this point and she’d been at it since seven this morning.
Sasha had refused a nap all day - giving Y/N no respite at all. Harry had left at eight in the morning and hadn’t returned yet. Even though Sasha was only two and a half, Y/N felt a pang at the words ‘bad mummy.’
She didn’t feel any other option at this point than to call Harry for help. She wanted to be capable of being at stay home mum but sometimes it was really fucking hard but she felt guilty because she should be able to do this. Harry was out there working hard, providing, constantly.
When he doesn’t answer, the tears freely start streaming down her face in silence. She scrubs at them quickly so that her daughter doesn’t see them but it’s hard to catch them all - sobs threatening to bubble through her lips.
“Daddy’s working, we need to go to sleep,” Y/N replies to her daughter, jaw clenched to hold back the upset she feels. She needs a minute alone but she doubts her toddler will let her.
“Pool?” Sasha piques, “Swim?”
Y/N wants to laugh, it’s so fucking late and Sasha should have been in bed nearly four hours ago. The mother was so beyond her routine at this point, that she actually just gave in to her daughter.
Sasha’s mood turns around when Y/N wrangles them both into their swimsuits ***and trails out of the back patio, switching on all the lights around as well as in the pool. The California air was still extremely warm, enough to cause a sweat. ***
She tugs a little donut raft into the pool with them that Sasha can float around on while Y/N guides it to keep her safe. She was so tired by this point that her bones felt like they weighed a million pounds.
Sasha’s eyes droop until they finally flutter close within minutes of being in the warm water. Her eyelids splotchy pink from all of the fits and tears from the day. And when she is completely asleep, Y/N lets herself cry as she continues to float the baby around the pool to keep her asleep.
She hasn’t been doing it for more than ten minutes when the patio door opens and Harry is stepping into the back with a confused expression that she can’t see because her back is turned to him.
“Love, why are you in the pool? S’late,” Harry asks softly but he doesn’t get an answer, so he’s slipping out of his plain tee and striped pants, dirty vans kicked to the side ***.
Just in his briefs, he quietly enters the pool to not disrupt the ebb and flow of the water. When he makes his way over to her, he slides in front of his wife, alarmed at the exhausted, tearful expression on her face.
“Baby, what’s happened? Talk t’me,” Harry whispers, hands coming to cup his wife’s face in between his large hands. Rings cold against her hot, wet cheeks. He looks to his sleeping daughter, running his eyes over her a few times and decides she seems completely okay.
“M’fine,” Y/N chokes out but the lie causes a fresh wave of tears.
Harry frowns, “Don’t lie to me, pet. Please, don’t shut me out. M’always here for you.”
“I’m a bad mum,” She sobs silently, her eyes closing as she leans into his palms before moving to rest her head heavily on the crook of his tattooed shoulder, his chest damp from the salty tears.
“Wha-What’s brought this on? Y’the best mum in the world, best wife in the world. The best at everythin’, why are you doubtin’ that, my heart?” Harry murmurs, taking over the rocking motions of Sasha’s raft.
“She wouldn’t settle today, Harry. Like at all, refusing to nap, eat any healthy food, or bathe. She screamed at me the whole day no matter what I did and then she told me I was bad and she wanted you.”
“Love, she’s in the midst of her terrible twos. She loves you more than anythin’ on this earth. Y’her mummy and a damn good one at that. Why didn’t y’call me? I’d come home, work is never more important than our family.”
Y/N doesn’t bring up the fact she did try to call, “I need to be able to do this myself, Harry. M’a stay at home mum, taking care of Sash is literally my only job and I can’t even do that.”
Harry’s face hardens but he tries to not take it personally, knowing his wife is just upset with herself, “That’s not fair to me, dove. M’her daddy, she’s half mine too. She’s just as much of my responsibility as yours, no matter what my job is.”
“I don’t want to stress you out more than necessary,” Y/N mutters into his skin.
“Me coming home to my wife in tears and my baby in the pool at midnight is more stressful than you ringin’ me to come home,” Harry tells her, smearing a few kisses to the top of her hair.
“I’m sorry for worrying you. I’m just tired.”
Harry pulls her back so he can look her in the eyes, “Never apologize for somethin’ like that. Go get a bath and let me put the bub to sleep, okay? I love y’mumma.”
Harry calls his mum the next morning while Y/N is out getting a manicure with Glenne. He’d called her favorite salon earlier in the day, coercing them into opening a spot for her with a monetary bribe.
Y/N had hesitated at the door as Sasha threw a fit at her mother leaving the house. She clung onto her calf until Harry had to physically pull her off and hold her tightly in his arms.
Currently, Sasha was playing with a set of dolls on the floor of her bedroom as Harry sat next to her. She’d originally been happy with the presence of her father until he told her he needed to make a phone call.
Harry had to be stern with her when she went to grab at the phone pressed to his ear, gently gripping her wrist and frowning, “We don’t do that, s’not nice.”
Sasha had attempted to grab at it again and managed to tangle Harry’s long locks into his fist, tugging at them. Harry unraveled the small fingers before telling his daughter, “If you do that one more time, y’going on the step for two minutes.”
The threat had her pouting harshly but turning back to her toys to occupy herself, sighing when his mum finally answered the phone, “Hi darling.”
“Hi mum, you alright?” Harry asks, relaxing at the sound of his mother’s melodic voice.
“I’m perfect, you don’t sound okay, dear,” Anne replies with a concerned twinge.
Harry didn’t call much to complain, didn’t like worrying her and most of the time Y/N was able to provide the support he needed or Jeff.
“Y/N’s really overwhelmed,” Harry tells her before choking up a bit, “And I don’t know what to do mum, I feel like m’bein’ a bad husband. Came home to her crying last night and she feels like she’s a bad mum.”
When Sasha hears her father’s voice crack, she looks up at him curiously before recognizing that he’s upset. She crawls into his lap, fitting herself against his chest before playing with a doll there. Comforting him.
Harry wraps his free arm around her, pulling her as close as possible. His precious little baby. A little blessing as sweet as her mother.
“Oh honey, that happens. Mums, good mums especially are so critical when they don’t need to be. Baby’s are overwhelming, plus I know she’s been alone a lot with her. But you’re not a bad husband, dear.”
“It feels like it,” Harry sniffles, burying his face in his daughter’s lavender-scented curls from her bath earlier.
“If you were, you wouldn’t be calling,” Anne chuckles at her son, “Now how can we make this situation better?”
The phone call helped Harry not feel so hopeless in helping his wife. He’d come up with the plan to fly to England with Sasha so that Anne could see her but Y/N could have some alone time for a long weekend.
When Y/N enters the front door after her appointment, she’s met by a very excited little human who rushes to her mother and demands to be picked up. Of course, Y/N obliges, looking a bit more refreshed and awake as she tucks the baby against her hip.
Harry had ordered their favorite salads from a shop in the city and had it ready for her, “Oh, looks delicious. Thank you, H,” She smiles at him, leaning to give his stubbly cheek a kiss.
As they dig in, Y/N feeding bits of chicken and veggies to her daughter as they eat, Harry clears his throat, “I’m taking Sash to Holmes Chapel for the long weekend to see my mum.”
Y/N smiles, “That sounds great!”
Harry gives her a perplexed look, he’d thought she’d put up a fight. She despised being away from Sasha - couldn’t go a day without seeing her daughter.
“Really?” Her husband asks, putting down his fork.
“Mhm, I just have to pack a bag for Sash and I. When are we leaving?” Y/N replies eagerly, ready to go back home and get away from California for a bit.
Harry’s stomach clenches, “Erm, I meant just me and the baba? I thought you could stay here and relax for a weekend. Sleep, hang out, shop.”
Y/N’s face falls and is replaced with a devastated look, “You don’t think I’m being a good mum.”
Harry backpedals, realizing he shouldn’t have approached it in the lax way he did.
“No, no, of course not, baby. I think you’re such a good mum that you need a break. You never get breaks, m’the one who always does. S’not fair to you. I just need you to have some time to take care of yourself,” Harry explains, his heart shattering a bit at the tears brimming again.
“I don’t want a break, don’t leave me here,” Y/N begs, tucking a piece of tomato in her daughter’s expectant mouth before Sasha chews and smiles at her mother.
“Mummy, more please?” Sasha chirps, her mood a little bit brighter than it had been the last few days.
“Thank you for using your manners, here baby,” Her mother responds, popping another into her mouth after she sliced it in half.
“Did you book a commercial flight?” She asks her husband with an angry tone.
“No, private but we have to catch it at LAX,” Harry explains, the private airport they usually fly out of was filled to capacity at the moment.
“Either I’m coming or you’re going alone. You’re not taking Sasha without me,” Y/N replies firmly. She stands up and shuffles Sasha into his lap before leaving the room without another word.
Harry didn’t expect that. He should have thought it through more. If Y/N wanted to come, of course she could, but he’d never meant to offend her or act like he was taking Sasha away from her.
Harry had attempted to reason his way out of going to the studio with Jeff today. However, with the final cuts and adjustments were being made - he was quickly turned down and demanded in the studio.
When he’d trailed into the quiet house that night, relieved to find his baby in her crib instead of the pool, he went to his bedroom where the lights were still on.
The closet doors were open and Y/N was on the ground folding and sorting Sasha’s clothes before placing them in her suitcase. ***
Y/N’s suitcase already laying zipped and ready to go by the entrance of the closet. Her toiletry bag was placed neatly on top of it. Then his heart pings a bit when he sees that she’s already packed up his suitcase as well.
Harry pads over to his wife, plopping down behind her and tugging her back into him - long arms wrapping around her upper chest.
“Missed you, mumma.”
She hums, “I missed you too. Miss you always.”
“Y’the love of my life, y’know that?” Harry asks, kissing the back of her neck.
“I better be or you married the wrong person,” Y/N laughs softly, her tone still off but lighter than before.
“Married the right person, knocked up the right person.”
Y/N barks out a laugh, rolling her eyes, “How romantic.”
“Baby, y’know what I’m getting at. You’re the best mum and wife. I just wanted you to have a few days to yourself. To lower your stress level and let you do some self-care,” Harry murmurs, pushing the baby clothes out of her hands.
“But your mum can watch her for a bit while we’re there, right? I don’t want alone time, I need the exact opposite. I need company,” She tells him, twisting herself until she’s seated in his lap - straddling him.
“Mmm, can definitely have some alone time,” Harry agrees instantly, his mouth finding her throat - beginning to lay a path of wet, hot kisses down the column down to her collarbones.
“H, I have t’pack, we’re leaving tomorrow morning,” Y/N weakly argues but can’t help but bear down against her husband when she feels him harden in his loose pants quickly.
“S’just a quickie? Yeah, pet? Lemme fuck you,” Harry’s hands dragging the shirt she’s wearing up and over her head. Eyes lighting up boyishly when he realizes she didn’t have a bra on.
She can’t argue as he darts down to wrap his lips around her pert bud, sucking between long swipes of his tongue - just how she liked it. “Missed y’body so much,” Harry states against her heated skin.
“Just had me two days ago,” Y/N laughs but it cuts off into a moan when his hand slides into her pajama shorts and finds her clit over her thin underwear.
“Never enough,” Harry replies easily, “Remember the song I wrote f’you?”
Y/N snarkily asks, “Which one? Nearly all your songs are about me.”
And well...Harry can’t even argue how true her statement is. “The one titled ‘Never Enough’, pet? Remember?”
Before she can speak, he lowly croons out the chorus of the song he wrote for One Direction years ago, “Lips so good I forget my name. I swear I would give you everything. It’s never enough, never enough.”
Harry knows his sweet as syrup singing gets her immensely turned on and so he’s not surprised when she whimpers against his lips, “Fuck me, c’mon.”
He’s delighted at his wife’s pleas and quickly moves them, leaning forward with her until she’s on her back on the ground of their walk-in closet. He accidentally kicks over a pile of Sasha’s dresses but neither even notice.
There is no time wasted as Harry removed every single article from Y/N’s body quickly as well as his own. He’s leaning forward to suck a few more kisses to her chest as his fingers slip down to crook right up into her hot center.
“No teasing,” Y/N complains, wrapping hands around his biceps and bringing him on top of her more fully. She’s squeezing around his two fingers with need, it has him groaning when he brings them up and sucks them between his pouty lips.
Then she’s not waiting any longer, reaching down and grabbing a hold of his thick length. Harry lets out rumble from his chest at the contact before she’s guiding him into her without any further ado.
“Baby,” Harry chastises as soon as she starts goading him into thrusts with her feet against him bum, pushing him into her harder than he’d usually start, “Y’squeezin’ me s’tight, you missed me too?”
Y/N nods, whining every time he pushes against her spot and sends a zip of arousal through her body. His trimmed hair around his base brushing against her clit causing delicious friction for her.
“No, y’need to tell me,” Harry huffs, hand gripping her jaw harsher than he would if they were having slow, intimate sex. He knew she loved it by the way her eyes twinkle with stubbornness.
“No,” She replies coyly, heels of her feet pressing hard against him to the point it itches with a slight pain. Harry loved his wife so much it was looney.
“It’s fine, don’t need y’to come for me to get off, dove,” Harry replies simply, speeding up his thrusts with his hand holding her jaw for him to press bruising kisses against. His teeth are coming to pull her bottom lip in between.
Something switches in her demeanor though without warning, her voice softer and pliant, “Tell me you love me.”
It has Harry slowing down his hips until he’s rocking deeper into her, going down on his elbows so their noses are bumping. He releases the grip of her chin and instead moves to her bum to encourage her to meet him halfway.
“I love you, s’much it hurts most days,” Harry replies obediently, knowing what his wife needed at that moment. Reassurance. “Most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, then you made us a perfect little baby.”
She’s looking up at him with loving, grateful eyes, landing a gentle peck to his upper lip and letting her head fall back onto the floor. This is what she needed right now from her husband and he was so good at providing.
“Breaks my heart when y’don’t think your a good mum or wife. ‘Cause you’re everythin’ I ever wanted. Why’d you think I write every song about you, lovie? S’cause you’re my soulmate.”
“H,” She whimpers, emotion thick in her throat as she meets his eyes, “I love you so much. You’re the best husband and dad ever.”
“Baby,” Harry murmurs into her cheek, picking up speed as she starts to clench around him in a warning of her oncoming orgasm. He slips his hand down to press a few light rubs to her clit before she’s arching her back and moaning with pleasure.
“You look s’good, coming ‘round my cock,” Harry tells her, helping her ride through it before hitching her hips up even further and thrusting harshly until his hips stutter and he’s coming as well.
“Harry,” Y/N sighs, her breathing coming back to normal as she roams a hand down his shoulders and back - scratching lightly.
“Hmm, dove? Y’want my cock again? Need a few,” He replies into her neck, ever the teenage boy.
She giggles, “No, we have to catch a flight at eight in the morning and it’s currently four-thirty.”
Harry grunts before pulling out and sitting up, “Y’better have packed my favorite pajama pants or I’m goin’ to be cross with you.”
Y/N now regrets the second round of fun as soon as their alarm goes off. Her body sore from the position he’d twisted her into against the shower wall after they packed the rest of Sasha necessities.
They were nearly at the airport with Sasha nodding back off in the carseat. She was excited to see her Nana and Aunt Gemma once again.
Their daughter was in the cutest, comfiest jumpsuit with comic hearts all over it *** and adorable little sock sneakers*** that slide right on and off her feet.
Harry had chucked on black sunglasses, a black jumper with green lettering, black joggers, and blue checkered van with white socks. He was attempting to fly under the radar as much as possible because he knew paparazzi just sit outside the entrances to spot celebrities. ***
It was annoying but he could deal with it when he was mobbed at the airport when he was by himself. But when it was with his wife and baby - he couldn’t stomach it. It’s part of the reason they fly private from a private port.
When they pull up to the curb, a staff member is waiting for them and helps Harry as well as the driver put his luggage on a cart to be brought to the awaiting jet.
Y/N unbuckles the baby who is awake now but bleary-eyed as she’s sitting on the curve of her mother’s hip.
And well - that’s when the madness begins. A pap spots them within seconds of exiting the car and is pulling up his camera for the first shots, the other photographers sitting around follow suit.
As soon as one of them screams, “Harry Styles - look this way!” The jam packed area looks towards them, seeming fans of his start murmuring before following behind the paparazzi pulling their phones out.
Y/N is used to the crowds by now - but just like Harry, not with Sasha around. They tried to avoid situations like this as much as possible. The lights and loud noises were scary to the little girl.
“Mummy,” Sasha whines, picking her head up from her mother’s shoulder to stare wide-eyed at the gathering in front of them.
Harry started to feel anxiety because this was becoming a massive crowd - scratch that, it wasn’t a crowd it was a fucking mob of people. They were all too close, blinding the family with their flashes despite security attempting to push them back.
Fans were shoving and thrusting their phones in Harry’s face, shoving random things for him to sign in front of him. Paparazzi were screaming questions and taking thousands of pictures in a minute’s time.
Harry grabs onto Y/N’s hand tightly, their diaper bag on Harry’s shoulder, and begins to attempt to guide them through the swarm. It was like trying to move through cement, the crowd not budging despite security’s screams.
Sasha is full blown crying at this point into her mother’s neck. Y/N’s hand cupping the back of her head to keep her head down and out of the photographs - holding her as tightly as possible.
Y/N can hear Harry began to curse - signaling that he’s becoming stressed out because he would usually never be rude to the public despite their actions. But he couldn’t give a fuck when it came to his family.
“Move out of the way.”
“D’you not see I have a fuckin’ baby?”
“Get those fuckin’ cameras out of their faces.”
“Back the fuck away from my wife and baby.”
Then Y/N is being shoved by a teenage girl who trips when she thrusts her arm towards Harry. She tumbles into Y/N with her full weight and Y/N’s loses her footing, falling forward - letting go of Harry’s hand.
When she falls, she manages to catch herself with the arm that’s not holding her daughter. But she feels pain in her knees and Sasha emits a sharp wail that alerts Y/N her daughter is hurt.
“Sash, fuck,” Y/N gasps, her motherly instincts automatically kicking in and she’s cradling her daughter as tightly to her chest as she can, shielding her from the swarm who had quieted only a bit.
It must take Harry a second to realize that something had happened, he turns around - eyes frantic as he absolutely roars, “Back the fuck up! I’ll fuckin’ break each and everyone of your cameras! Fucking leeches.”
With that, he’s helping to pull you up and grasping at the two, “Are you okay? Wha’s hurt?”
Y/N just shakes her head, having a panic attack as she shuffles the crying baby into his arms. “Please, just...Sasha. I think she hurt her arm when I fell.”
“Daddy, ouch,” Sasha shrieks loudly into his sweatshirt as he hikes her up onto his chest, her little legs wrapped around his midsection.
“Ssh, y’okay,” Harry tries to reassure her, matching his wife’s panic.
The crowd seems to give way now, the parents rushing their daughter into the airport.
Employees guide them to the medical office on-site where it’s now silent and calm but the family feels anything but.
Sasha’s sobs have turned into moans and whimpers at this point - but come back with a vengeance when Harry has to set her on the exam table and wrestle her out of her clothes until she’s just sat in her diaper.
The nurse was so amazing and kind. She checked Sasha thoroughly for any signs of trauma or broken bones but luckily, it was just a nasty scrape on her forearm that was hurting her. It wasn’t anything serious.
The parents had such concern for their daughter that Y/N didn’t even realize she had bled through her white joggers at the knees ***. The nurse frowns, “Honey, you’re still bleeding.”
“I’m fine,” She insisted even though her knees were aching.
“I’d like to examine your legs, dear,” The nurse tells her sternly, signaling that Harry can dress Sasha again.
He’s digging into the diaper bag for a spare out that they were always ready with. She was calming even more when Harry dressed her in a comfy pink set of clothes with little deer on them. ***
“Love, please let her,” Harry asks softly, pulling Sasha back onto his chest. Her thumb tucked into her mouth and her father hands her a plushie that Y/N had shoved in the bag last minute.
Y/N obliges with the pressure, wiggling the loose fabric down her legs until she’s just in her underwear and shirt - sits up on the table with her knees off to the side for her to examine.
Harry grimaces when he sees the multiple cuts and scrapes tainting her skin. A few slow trickles of blood still oozing from the gashes. The skin is already slowly covering purple and blue with bruises.
The nurse cleans her up, Y/N wincing when the alcohol brushes the cuts but Sasha is smiling again like nothing ever happened and cooing at her mum. It makes them both feel a lot better.
When they’re finally on the private jet, up high into the clouds away from the crowds and paparazzi - it feels like relief. ***
They had tucked their daughter onto the couch with her favorite fuzzy blanket and she’s asleep nearly as soon as her head hits the pillow.
They trail back into the other part of the cabin so that they don’t disturb her, cuddling up on the couch together.
“M’so sorry, I’m such a bad fa-”
Y/N cuts him off before he begins, “If I’m not allowed to be a bad mum - you’re not allowed to be a bad father. It wasn’t y’fault that happened - it’s those careless, crazed people who have nothing better to do.”
Y/N was always the voice of reason in Harry’s head when he started to spiral.
Spiral because his fame was so overwhelming and got his family into difficult situations sometimes. She brought him back to reality.
“Hey, we’re both okay. Just a few scrapes. It was just a lesson, Harry. We just need to be safer and plan better, alright?” Y/N assures him softly, kissing under his chin before resting back - ready to sleep.
“Y’the best. Best mum, best wife,” Harry tells her, encompassing her in his loving hold.
let me know your thoughts bub
come talk to me <3
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moonctzeny · 3 years
Can I request WayV reaction to you suddenly avoiding skinship/intimacy because you don't feel attractive anymore after they rejected you once? (they were tired or just not in the mood at that time)
WayV reaction - you avoid intimacy out of insecurity after they rejected your skinship
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warnings: WinWin's gets a tiny bit suggestive, alcohol consumption
He looked so good when he cooked. You couldn’t stop your eyes from following the veins on his arms as he cut the various vegetables in the smallest of pieces. Your fingers ached to run across their length so you let them, stroking the little hairs in the opposite direction from their growth in the meantime.
“Y/n, not now”, he whines with a strictness in his voice that has you withering away from him.
You stayed quiet for the rest of the cooking, watching Kun in silence until he finally put the dish in the oven to cook. He walks over to your seat on the countertop, fitting himself between your legs. His hands find their place on each of your shoulders, making their way down to your elbows lovingly, yet you go rigid at the feeling and back away from his touch.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“Do I annoy you sometimes?”
Kun’s eyebrows shoot up at your question, dropping his hands immediately to wrap them around your wrists instead.
“Never. What makes you think that?”
“You seemed pretty annoyed at me when you were cooking earlier”
His face stays frozen for a second, trying to figure out what exactly you were talking about. You’re taken aback when he starts to laugh light-heartedly, planting a kiss on your pouty lips.
“I didn’t tell you to stop because I didn’t like you touching me, baby. I needed you to stop because I liked it too much”
You avoided his kisses like the plague. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into you, usually your nights visiting his dorm consisted of the both of you cuddling each other to death, napping in sheets that smelled of him and inviting the cats that snuggled between you. However now, the more he tried to approach you, the more you scooted away from him, and your excuses were starting to run out.
“Are you avoiding me or something?”
You shake your head negatively, avoiding eye contact so that he doesn’t see through you. But Ten is intuitive, especially when it comes to you, so he repeats the question again until he gets a sigh as an answer.
“You told me off pretty badly when I tried to kiss you an hour ago you know…”
“When I was drawing? You pushed my hand on accident and I missed like, half of my work!”
When he sees you continuing to be visibly upset at him, despite his light and teasing tone, he lifts your hand from your lap to his lips, kissing your wrist, then your palm, then your ring finger.
“I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t”, he leans over to peck your lips mid-sentence, and his voice is too soothing for you to resist him, “You know how much I love to kiss you.”
As if to prove his point he brings you closer again, and he smiles into the kiss when he feels you deepening it.
“I could taste your lips forever”
Your boyfriend was never big on skinship and you knew. You understood his paranoia of holding hands in public, even with sunglasses and a big mask covering half of his handsome face. Being a celebrity isn’t easy and you had come to terms with that, but you didn’t know he would react so coldly to you in this private party with his members being the only ones invited.
You were a little tipsy, holding on to Sicheng’s arm for stability, and admittedly you just wanted a little love from your boyfriend. Pulling his hair out of his eyes, you pucker your lips at him, waiting for a kiss that never came.
“What is up with you today? You’re all over me!”
The drive home was quiet, your whole body facing away from him, eyes staring outside the window or anywhere else but him. You weren’t angry, just sad if anything else, and Sicheng felt he had enough when you started to storm off to your shared bedroom without him. A hand on your wrist stops you abruptly.
“Why are you like this? You’ve been quiet ever since we left the party”
“Do you not find me attractive anymore?”
The filter between your brain and mouth had vanished from the alcohol, shocking Sicheng with your candor.
“What on earth makes you think that?”
“You never kiss me in front of your friends. It’s like you're embarrassed of being seen with me…”
Your boyfriend’s eyebrows furrow, almost meeting on the base of his forehead before he pushes you up against the entrance door. The kiss he initiates is full of passion and something animalistic that you’ve always thought looks good on him. It isn't long before the hands that you so desperately needed on your body before formed bruises on the skin over your hipbones.
“The reason why I don’t kiss you in public is because I won’t be able to stop, not when you always look so pretty. And then I will make you look needy and breathless and messy, just like you do right now. I don’t want anyone else to see you like this. You’re too damn beautiful. You’re mine.”
Skinship and Lucas were synonyms when it came to your relationship. He loved getting to touch you at all times, whether it was a big, suffocating hug or just his large hands on the small of your back. You were barely awake when your boyfriend came back to your apartment, his busy schedule with SuperM keeping his side of the bed colder than you’d like. He didn’t even bother to wash up, just took his clothes off and covered himself up with your shared duvet and his chest facing your own. Satisfied with his mere presence, you scoot over, and lay one arm over his waist, bringing yourself closer. It was a shock to you when he turned to the other side, unwrapping your arm in the process and letting it fall in the space between you.
You decided not to address the incident that left a sting to your heart the next morning, spending the whole day with Lucas since it was rare for him to be free of any schedules. It was absolutely lovely, from the movie you watched to the homemade food you prepared for the both of you. Until the sun set again.
“Are you going back to your dorm now?”, you ask him while doing the dishes, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know, maybe you prefer sleeping in your own bed. Alone.”
Your back is facing him but you can sense the pout forming on his handsome features. You feel his body heat as he comes closer to you and wraps his arms around you, only for you to squirm away from his hold and pat your hands dry, leaving the sink.
“What’s wrong?”, Lucas asks quietly, his eyes doubling in size.
“It’s just that last night when I tried to cuddle you to sleep you avoided me… It’s okay if you don’t want to crash here you know-”
“Babe, babe”, he starts, taking your hands in his, “I was dirty and sweaty last night. I didn’t have the energy to shower and I felt gross. I would never reject a night with you”
“Really. Now how about we go to bed and I give you those cuddles that I owe you?”
It was rare to see Xiaojun be so frustrated with anything. He’d been sitting on that same spot of the bed for hours now, guitar propped up on his lap and a blank sheet of paper in front of him. You tried to relieve his stress anyway you could, massaging his shoulders, kissing his cheek every time he sighed. And while your boyfriend accepted them at first, soon you saw him bend away from your acts of affection, so much so that you were worried about whether you have angered him.
An icky feeling weighed you down when he kept ignoring you as time went by, realizing that today was not the day you’d get the quality time you craved from your boyfriend. Quiet so as not to bother him, you start to collect your things and pack them back into your bag, the sound of the zipper finally catching Xiaojun’s attention.
“Where are you going?”
“You seem busy. I’ll come by another day”
“No no no!”, he exclaims, swiftly pulling his guitar aside, “I was looking forward to seeing you”
“Well you don’t seem to want any love from me right now. We can reschedule our date night for another time”
You didn’t expect him to jump up on his feet so quickly, neither to pull you into a hug as tight. His words come out muffled from your hair that is covering his mouth as he kisses it.
“Don’t leave, please. I’m sorry I was ignoring you”
“No, I’m sorry if I overstepped your personal space”
You soothe out the wrinkles that have formed between his pretty eyebrows with your thumb, taking a moment to appreciate his warm smile before he brings you into a long kiss.
“I’m stuck on this song that I’m writing. Maybe I just need inspiration”
“Why are you looking in the mirror so much?”
In the span of the last hour you managed to feel insecure over your hair, your skin, your choice of clothing. You thought you were being subtle when checking out yourself, the reflection only making you wanna shrink even more with every quick glance.
“Do you still find me as attractive as you did when we first met? Like do you ever get butterflies on your stomach anymore?”
“Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?”
You sigh, rubbing your face in embarrassment. Being content in yourself was a challenge on its own, even more so when your boyfriend looked like that.
“When we first started dating we were all over each other. I wouldn’t even make it past your bedroom door before you kissed me everywhere. Ten called us disgusting all the time.”
“And now it’s been an hour since I came here and you haven’t even touched me...”
Hendery sighs, and runs his fingers through his hair defeatedly. With a soft hand motion he encourages you to come lie next to him on his bed, cupping your face before leaving a kiss on your lips.
“When we first started dating I couldn’t believe you were mine. I had this urgency in me like I had to taste as much of you as I could. Like you would slip away from my fingers, but-”
Hendery takes your hand in his, and starts a trail of shiver-inducing kisses from your wrist up to your shoulder, so slow that you thought he’d never finish his sentence.
“But I realized that it wasn’t fair to you. I want to love you like we have a lifetime ahead, not like our time is running out. I want to love you like you deserve, and I want to take my time”
He was playing that damn video game again. Yangyang always looked so cute when he was concentrating so heavily, lips pursed in a pout and eyes following the different players on the screen. Desperate to feel the softness of his hoodie and comfort on his embrace you come closer to him, attempting to sit on his lap.
“He’s behind you! Shoot! Shoot!” You jump up from your seat along with him, wrapping your hands around his neck to keep your balance. “Babe not now! You made me miss the screen!”
Hurt by his sharp tone and volume of his voice you start to get up, hating the burning feeling of the fresh tears that begged to escape the corners of your eyes.
Yangyang’s grip on your elbow stops you before you leave his lap, a worried look painted on his face.
“What’s wrong? Are you crying?”
“You know sometimes you get so into your games that you yell at me over nothing…”
His pretty face falls into a frown, whole body rigid and focused on your sad expression.
“Baby, come here”
Throwing one leg over his lap, Yangyang turns you around in his hold so that you’re facing him. His fingers pet your hair until you close your eyes in bliss, your breath slowing down until it matches his.
“You’re right. I’m so, so sorry if I said something that hurt you. Will you please stay here? You’re my lucky charm. My beautiful, lucky charm that fits right into my lap”
You smile at his sweet words, letting your head rest against his neck and enjoying the little backrubs he gave you until he felt you were fully relaxed. You easily fell asleep in his arms, your sweet dreams interrupted only from the kisses he left on your temples.
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when they find you sleeping
pairings : Akaashi Keiji, Kozume Kenma, & Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a Fem!Reader
warnings: probably some swearing but all fluff otherwise 😊
a/n: i love how they just got longer from first to last lol anyways I took a lot of naps this past weekend because it was a long weekend for me so I thought I’d write about it 😊 enjoy! 
haikyuu masterlist
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Akaashi could’ve sworn you sounded so stressed on the phone when you had called earlier. He had only imagined the worry in your eyes and he could practically hear you pacing in your room.
“Please?” You begged, gripping the phone to your cheek. “I promise I’ll make it up to you!”
Akaashi sighed, glancing at the clock that was in the gym, calculating how long he figured it would take him to walk to your place, “Fine. I’ll pack up and you better be ready to actually review with me! Not just goof around like last time,” he scolded you gently.
“Mhm! I will!” You told him, a smile in your voice as you hung up. Akaashi just shook his head slightly. The things he would do for you.
It didn’t matter that practice had run late and that he was starving. It didn’t matter that he really wanted to go home, eat something, and go straight to bed. It didn’t matter because the most wonderful person was waiting for him to come over and he would do anything- absolutely anything, to make you smile.
But when he got to your place, he couldn’t help but smirk seeing you on the floor. For someone who seemed so stressed earlier, you didn’t seem stressed now. There you were, on the floor, curled up and using one of your old plushies as a pillow, sleeping the night away. 
The boy just shook his head as he smiled, glancing around the room at the familiar smell of your mom’s cooking. He grinned, knowing that you had saved him a plate because you knew he was hungry, because somehow you always knew exactly what he wanted.
By the time you had opened your eyes from what was supposed to be just a small recharge, Akaashi had licked the plate clean and was going over the study material.
“Hey! You were supposed to study with me!” You whined, rubbing your eyes open with one hand as you swatted at his arm with the other.
“You were supposed to be awake to study with me,” he pointed out with a smile because you were the most perfect being he could ever lay eyes on, even if you had just woke up from a nap.
“Okay okay okay I’m ready, test me!” You asked eagerly, holding up your textbook to him, shaking your head awake so you could concentrate. 
Akaashi just watched you for a moment, that smile of his reaching his eyes as he just looked at you. He asked you some questions, going over some study material and both of you finding it easy to talk things out with someone else there. He watched you as the two of you studied, just glimpses here and there. He loved you, even if he had never said it before, he did. And maybe, if this exam went well, he would tell you.
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Kenma couldn’t help but feel just a bit of guilt in him as he found you passed out on his couch. His eyes drifted to the screen on his phone, noting that you had been over for at least 2 hours now and he had only now taken the time to realize where you were.
You had shown up a few minutes early, beaming sunshine and all things perfect like you always did. But even though the two of you had planned this movie night for weeks now, Kenma just couldn’t find it in himself to leave his game yet. “It’s alright, Kenma!” You had smiled, noting his hesitation. “Go ahead and finish whatever level you’re on. I’ll set everything up!”
It wasn’t out of character for Kenma to lose track of time, especially when playing a game, but this time, he felt extra guilty about it. There you were, on his couch, hugging a blanket that you probably brought for you to cuddle under during the movie, with the TV screen now sleeping because it had been too long, and a bowl of popcorn that had gone cold on a nearby table.
Kenma tried to think of what to say when you eventually woke up. He didn’t want to make you mad, because despite his actions in the last few hours, you really were the best thing that had ever happened to him (Kuroo liked to remind him of this all the time). Maybe... he could just go back and keep playing? No that would make things worse... right?
“Ken?” You grumble, sitting up slowly as you notice his presence in the room. He jumped at the sound of your voice, watching you carefully, as if gauging just how upset you were. “Oh! Are you all done now? Can we start?” You asked excitedly, still smiling so wonderfully over at him.
“...You’re not upset with me?” He asked carefully, sitting down next to you slowly.
You gave a small smile and just shook your head, “I knew when I first met you that I was going to love you. Even if that meant waiting on you.” You gave a little laugh at his somewhat stunned face, giving a bit of a whine when you realized the popcorn sitting there. “Damn, I knew I should’ve waited to get it ready. Now it’ll be all cold.”
Kenma shrugged and pulled the bowl onto his lap and tugged you closer to him, “It’s fine, we can always make more. I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” 
You snuggled into him, glad that you didn’t have to imagine him next to you anymore, “It’s alright. But maybe next time, just warn me you’re still playing so I don’t come over too early,” you teased and his cheeks turned red as he nodded.
Kenma wouldn’t be able to tell Kuroo later what the movie was about, even though Kuroo thought he was crazy for not paying attention.
“Who doesn’t pay attention to movies?” Kuroo scoffed.
Kenma just shrugged, looking up at the ceiling as he thought about his night with you. “It’s not that I really like the movies. I just... like being with her.”
“Have you even told her yet?” Kuroo nudged his best friend, raising an eyebrow. “Girls won’t wait around forever, you know.”
Kenma just sighed, knowing his friend was right, but there was just a little something in him that made him wonder if you already knew how he felt. “I knew when I first met you that I was going to love you,”... you hadn’t meant love love... had you? The thought tugged at Kenma’s brain all day long until he had had enough of it. It was starting to effect his gaming at this point because all he could think about was you. That’s it, he told himself with a huff. I’ll tell her today and just get it over with. 
Even though he decided on it so hurriedly, Kenma still gave the words he would say to you a lot of thought. This wasn’t like a game where he could try again later. He had one shot at this... and he wanted it to be perfect.
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Ushijima should’ve sent you home. He had tried at the beginning of practice, but he should’ve been more firm. He scolded himself a little internally, shaking his head as he kneeled next to your sleeping body, which was lying on top of a makeshift pillow made from your jacket. You must’ve been so tired after class today and yet, you insisted to Ushijima that you wanted to walk home with him like usual.
“Who is that?” Goshiki had whispered not-so-softly as the rest of the team started to leave the gym.
“Come on, Goshiki. Don’t you pay attention to anything other than volleyball?” Shirabu scoffed in response, glancing at how gentle the giant of an ace was being as he sat down next to you. “That’s the Ace’s girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Goshiki repeated, as if he hadn’t ever considered Ushijima having a girlfriend. And he hadn’t. Because Ushijima always seemed so devoted to volleyball, it didn’t really cross Goshiki’s mind that there could be something else.
“Now now, children,” Tendō laughed, wrapping his arms around the boys’ shoulders, grinning proudly, “If you’re going to gossip, at least get it right. Y/N is not Ushijima’s girlfriend yet.”
Ushijima couldn’t care less that the topic of choice for the team was his romance life. He wasn’t even really paying attention as their voices disappeared from the large gym. Although, he had wished they would be just a little more quiet since you were in fact, sleeping.
“Y/N,” he spoke gently, brushing your hair from your eyes slightly. His hand moved to touch your cheek, an instinct that he wasn’t quite sure where it came from, but hesitated and pulled away instead. “Y/N, it’s time to go home.”
You stirred a little at the comfort of Ushijima’s voice, mumbling something as your eyes fluttered opened. “All done?” You asked, a yawn interrupting you half way. 
A small smile tugged at Ushijima’s lips as he watched you, offering a hand to you and helping you stand, “I’m sorry you’re always the one waiting for me,” he apologized gently, rubbing the back of his neck as he watched you pack up your things. 
“I don’t mind, Ushijima,” you beamed up at him. “It’s not like you don’t do things for me,” you pointed out as you watched him grab your bag from you, always insisting that he help you carry things when he walked you home (even if you only had the one item).
The two of you left the gym, the rest of the team still lingering about and everyone wishing their goodbyes. You gave a smack onto Tendō’s arm as he laughed about you falling asleep, teasing you about being a baby who needed a nap.
“Is that really what you get when you’re the ace of Shiratorizawa?” Goshiki was gaping, a little starstruck over you. Sure, he had seen you around before but you just seemed a little too ethereal for him to think of you anything less than an angel.
“No,” Ushijima interrupted before Shirabu could, not even bothering to look at his underclassmen. “She’s one of a kind.”
Reon and Semi couldn’t help but laugh as Goshiki blubbered out an apology, hoping the ace hadn’t thought of his words as rude or anything, but Ushijima just walked away, clasping your hand in his as he said goodbye with you to his best friend. 
You should’ve been more surprised that Ushijima’s fingers were now interlaced with yours but it felt so natural that you didn’t realize that it was such a moment until you got home. The two of you spent the walk home talking about anything on your mind, you even managed to make him laugh a few times with how silly or dumb your thoughts were.
Ushijima gave you a small smile as he handed you your bag at your doorstep. And for a moment, he wondered what would happen if he just told you how he felt right now. But your parents called you inside and you eagerly waved him goodnight, sending him one of those adorable smiles you always seemed to save for him.
So maybe not tonight... but he would come back tomorrow morning with scribbled notes on his hand about things he wanted to say to you and a pastry or two because he wanted his confession to be as sweet as you.
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@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @tobi-momo​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @livy384​ @babyshoyo​ @jesssobs​ @b-bakana​
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leossmoonn · 3 years
One Day at A Time
pairing - lip gallagher x fem!reader
type - angst, fluff
note / request - “Hi, I love your Shameless imagines! And I was wondering if you could write something for Lip Gallagher x Reader having a baby and struggling with their new life ❤️” alright so i named the baby fred bc thats lip’s baby’s name already lol also you and lip live in the house that lip wanted to buy for tammy. enjoy!
summary - you and lip struggle to raise a baby and survive 
warning / includes - language, fighting, alcohol, smoking, but fluffy ending
*gif isn’t mine*
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“Lip!” You shouted. 
Your boyfriend ran into the room frantically. “What’s wrong?” 
“I need you to get me more baby wipes. Freddy took a big shit,” you instructed. 
Lip nodded, going to the table where you kept the baby wipes. He gave you the whole packet only for you to yell at him.
“Hand me them! I have to hold Freddy down so we doesn’t roll off,” you said.
“Sorry, Jesus,” Lip muttered, handing you baby wipes each time you put your hand out. 
You successfully cleaned your baby’s bottom and but on a new, fresh diaper. You picked Freddy and went downstairs with him. You set Freddy down in his high-chair, going over to the cabinet to get Freddy’s baby food. 
“Are you um, are you going into work today?” Lip asked.
“Yeah, are you?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I am,” Lip said. 
You frowned, turning around and putting a hand on your hip. “You can’t. Someone has to watch Freddy.”
“Debbie can watch Freddy,” Lip said. 
You scoffed, “She's never here. And before you say V and Kev, they’ve already helped us enough the past few months. They’re busy with their own kids.”
“Well, I need to go into work. We need the money,” Lip said. 
“Yeah, and I need to go to work or I’m gonna get fired!” You exclaimed. You began feeding Freddy, your mood lightening a little once you saw the little guy’s face. 
“What about working tomorrow? I thought that was our schedule,” Lip asked. 
“It was, but one, I’m well overdue on maternity leave and two, my boss doesn’t care about my personal life. She doesn’t care that we are struggling to raise a child,” you explained. 
Lip opened his mouth to suggest something, but nothing came out. He looked at you helplessly. 
“Here, why don’t you work for a few hours and I’ll watch Freddy in the morning, then you come back home at lunch and I’ll go and work for the afternoon,” you said. 
Lip nodded. “Yeah, that works.”
“Alright, good,��� you said. You turned your attention back to the baby, feeding him the rest of his breakfast. Meanwhile, Lip went to shower and get ready to go to work. He came downstairs, coming over to bid you and Freddy goodbye. 
“I’ll see you later. I love you,” Lip said, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
Even though you were mad at him earlier, you melted into his arms immediately. You hugged him back tightly, burying your head in the crook of his neck. 
“Hm, I love you, too,” you said, breathing in his scent. 
Lip couldn’t help but smile at your actions. He pulled away after a few moments, walking over to Freddy. 
“I love you, too, buddy,” Lip cooed, kissing Freddy on the cheek, making the baby giggle. 
You smiled at the scene, enjoying seeing Lip interact with Freddy. 
“Bye,” Lip called out before leaving. 
“Bye!” You exclaimed, watching him leave. 
You let out a long sigh, leaning back against the fridge. You looked at Freddy, who was clapping his hands on his high-chair table. You laughed a little.
“You’re so silly,” you said, going over to him and picking him up. 
“Do you want to go to the store with me?” You talked to Freddy, bouncing him up and down while walking across the room. 
Freddy make a little squeak and you smiled. “Yeah, I know you want go to the store with me. I’m gonna shower and get ready, you stay in the crib, okay? I’ll be out in 10 minutes,” you said, going up to the nursery and setting Freddy down  gently. 
You went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing your teeth. You went back in your room and got dressed into a pair of mom jeans, a dark-purple, buttoned-up shirt and put a grey sweater over it, taking the collar of your shirt and folding it on the collar of your sweater. You then returned to Freddy’s room. You saw him on his back, sucking in his thumb. You smiled and picked him up, quietly going down the stairs. You set him in his high-chair again, getting your coat, purse, and your shoes. You also got Freddy’s little coat and hat to keep him warm in the cold winter of Chicago. 
You went out to your car, buckling Freddy into his carseat. You then went to the supermarket, putting Freddy in the front of the cart. You picked out fruit, vegetables, and salad mix. You got 2 gallons of milk, new coffee creamer, and cereal. You bought a few warm-up dinner packs and hamburger meat, going to the freezer isle and getting ice cream. You then went to the snack isle. 
“What should we get, Freddy?” You asked, looking at the pop tarts. 
Freddy pointed to the birthday cake-flavoured pop tarts. 
“Good choice, baby,” you smiled, grabbing the pop tarts. You then grabbed a few packs of chips and gum, going over to check out.
“Cute baby,” the girl at the register said. 
You looked up from putting the groceries on the table. You looked at her name tag and smiled. 
“Thank you, Stacy,” you said. “How old is he?” Stacy asked. 
“Almost 2 months,” you said. 
“Awe, so cute. I just found out I’m pregnant,” Stacy said. 
“Oh, really. Congrats,” you smiled. “Yeah, my boyfriend and I are happy,” Stacy smiled, putting her hand on her stomach. 
She rang your groceries up. “It’ll be $103.98.”
You nodded and took your card out and a few coupons you and Lip had collected in the past month. 
“Alright, with these coupons, your total is $80.56,” Stacey said.
“Great,” you smiled. You paid with your card, gathering the grocery bags. 
“Have a good day!” Stacy smiled. 
“Thank you, you too. Congrats again with the baby,” you gave her a kind smile. 
She thanked you as you walked out. You loaded the groceries into the car and put Freddy back in his carseat. You then drove back home, putting away the groceries while Freddy watched you in his high-chair. 
“Are you tired, baby? I’m tired,” you yawned. Freddy yawned right after you, making you chuckle. 
“Why don’t you take a nap and let Mommy clean the house, okay? It’s a fucking mess,” you muttered the curse words, looking around the house. Clothes and toys were everywhere. Plates were stacked in the sink and on the coffee table. The house needed to be vacuumed and wiped down very badly
You put Freddy down in his crib, turning on the baby monitor. You changed into a tank top and shorts and put your hair in a ponytail, going back downstairs to clean. 
You started with the dishes, washing and drying them off, putting them back in their cupboards. You then wiped down the kitchen counter, stove top, kitchen table, and coffee table. Next you decided to clean up all of the baby stuff that was on the floor. You put Freddy’s toys in the play bins you and Lip had bought and put Freddy’s clothes in the washing machine. You then vacuumed the living room carpet and swept the kitchen tiles, making yourself another cup of coffee. You were done in an hour and a half, taking a look at your work, smiling in satisfaction. Your house hadn’t been this clean since you and Lip had bought it. 
It was lunch time and you knew Lip would be coming home soon. You decided to make you and him lunch. You made chilli and salad, knowing that it would last you two for a few days. You changed back into your work uniform before grabbing yourself a bowl and sitting down, eating your lunch quickly before you had to go to work. 
15 minutes later, Lip had walked through the door. You got up to greet him. 
“Hey, babe. This smells good, what did you make?” Lip asked.  “Chilli and salad for lunch. You can have some,” you said. 
“Ah, nice,” Lip said. He gave you a kiss on the cheek, going over to the kitchen.  You frowned. He usually wasn’t this detached.
“How was work?” You asked. 
“Good,” Lip said, grabbing himself a bowl of chilli. “How was your day?”
“Good,” you said. “ I um… I cleaned the house and got groceries.”
“Oh, nice,” Lip said, sitting down. 
"Are you okay?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired,” Lip said. 
“Um, okay,” you said. “Well, Freddy is upstairs taking a nap. He’s been asleep for about two hours, so he will probably wake up soon. The baby monitor is here. When he wakes up can you give him a bath? He’s a little stinky.”
“Sure,” Lip nodded. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to figure out why he was acting so off. 
“I gotta go to work. I'll see you later, okay?” You said. 
“Okay. Have fun,” Lip said.
You slammed the front door shut and walked to your car, letting out a long sigh. You wanted to ask why Lip was acting so distant, but you knew you had to go to work. You worked as a waitress at a local diner. You had been working there for the past 3 years. You hoped to be moving jobs to what you really wanted to do, which was cosmetics, but having a baby set you back a little. You were so thankful for Freddy, though, you didn’t regret having him one bit. It just sucked a lot. But you were good at your job. you were friendly to customers and co-workers, got the most tips, and never played around. You were your boss’s best waitress, despite you always having to change your shifts. 
You worked from 1 pm to 9, going back home tired, but happy you at least got a shift in. You drove home, looking forward to seeing Lip and Freddy, but once you got in the door, your excitement immediately diminished. 
Freddy was in his play pen and the person who was watching him wasn’t Lip. It was Carl. 
“Um, hey, Carl,” you frowned, setting your coat in the closet. 
Carl turned to you, a nervous smile on his face. “Hey, Y/n. How’re you?”
“Good, thanks. Where is Lip?” You asked, putting your hands on your hips. 
“He went out,” Carl answered. 
“To where?” You asked, your temper rising. “Um…. to the Alibi,” Carl said nervously. 
Your eyes blew wide. “What?! He went to the Alibi and left you to take care of our baby? No offense, Carl.”
“None taken,” Carl shrugged. 
“I…” you started to say. You put your fingers on your temples, rubbing in circles to try and ease the headache you were beginning to have. You were able to calm down a little. 
“Thank you for taking care of Freddy,” you said to Carl. 
“No problem. I love the little guy,” Carl smiled. 
You smiled back, grabbing your purse. “Here, let me pay you for watching him.”
“I would usually say yes to money, but I’ll say no this time. I like spending time with Freddy, he's my nephew, I like watching him,” Carl shrugged.
“Are you sure?” You asked, holding a 20 dollar bill. 
“Yeah, I am,” Carl smiled kindly. 
“Alright. Thank you. I’m going to find Lip. Do you mind staying until I come back?” You asked. 
“Nope. Can I have some of the chilli?” Carl asked. 
“Yeah, of course. Do you know how to change diapers and feed Freddy?” You asked. 
“Yeah, of course. I took care of Liam and Franny for Debbie sometimes,” Carl said. 
“Right, of course,” you chuckled. “Thanks, again. I’ll see you later.”
“See you,” Carl waved. 
You didn’t bother grabbing your coat, rushing out of the house to find Lip. You drove to the Alibi, parking haphazardly. You went in, anger surging through you as you saw Lip smoking and drinking his liver and lungs out. He was talking with Kermit and Tommy. 
“Lip!” You screamed, the whole room turning going quiet. 
“Oh, hey, Y/n!” Kev smiled. 
“Hey, Kev. Can I see Lip for a second?” You asked, clenching your jaw. 
Lip looked at you, his eyes dropping. “Hey, baby.” He walked up to you, a stoned smile on his face. 
You grabbed his hand, yanking him out to the alley behind the Alibi. 
“What's up?” Lip asked.
“You! That’s what’s up!” You exclaimed. 
“What do you mean?” Lip asked. 
“You fucking left Freddy alone!” You shouted. “I left him with Carl. He’s fine,” Lip shrugged. 
“Yeah, but you didn’t call me to say you were going to leave Freddy!” 
Lip glared at you. “I don’t need to call you. He’s my son.”
“He’s my son, too! I’m his mother. I need to know who he is with! What if Carl brought over Kelly and they started having sex on the couch where Freddy could see, huh? I don’t fucking want that!” 
Lip chuckled. “They wouldn’t do that. Carl and Kelly are broken up or whatever.”
You groaned. “That’s not the point! I’m tired and super stressed out. You could have let me know!” 
“I’m tired and stressed out, too!” Lip exclaimed.
“Oh, yeah, I bet you are. Getting fucking drunk and stoned,” you laughed sourly. 
“I’m not drunk, I had 2 sips of beer, and I worked!” Lip exclaimed. 
“Yeah? Well I worked, too! I worked until 9 at night. I should be home by then! And I was the one who cleaned the house and did the dishes and got the groceries, which by the way, you are fucking welcome!” You shouted. 
“I never asked you to do that,” Lip said. 
“i know, but I did it because we needed it. All I wanted was a thank you!” “Well I was tired and hungry when I got home,” Lip shrugged. 
You glared at him, tears clouding your vision. “You’re so full of shit, Lip. So full of fucking shit!” You screamed, pushing him back. He stumbled backwards and hit the brick wall gently. 
“What the fuck, Y/n?!” Lip yelled. 
“Don’t do that! You don’t have the right to question me!” You screamed back. 
Lip opened his mouth to yell back, but Veronica and Kevin came out. 
“Hey, you two stop it!” Veronica yelled. 
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Kevin asked. 
“She is yelling at me!” Lip pointed to you. 
“Yeah, cause you’re a fucking asshole!” You screamed, your voice hoarse and tears running down your face. 
“Oh, no,” Veronica muttered. She went over to you, wrapping her arms around you gently. “Let’s go inside and get you some tea, okay?”
You started to sob, leaning in to Veronica. Lip looked at you, his heart breaking at the sight of you so upset.  
“Kev, you take Lip home and get him cleaned up, okay? Make sure Freddy is fed and changed and put to bed, too,” Veronica instructed. 
Kevin nodded, putting his arm around Lip and went to Lip’s car. Veronica walked you inside, taking you to the back of the bar. She got you a beer and a hot cup of tea, placing them in front of you. 
“T-Thanks,” you sniffled. 
“Talk to me, baby,” Veronica said, sitting down next to you. 
“Lip left Freddy home alone with Carl. I’ve been so busy and tired today. I cleaned the whole house, got the groceries. I worked for fucking 8 hours. I just wanted a little ‘thank you’ from Lip. That’s all I wanted,” you cried. “God, I’m such a fucking crybaby.”
Veronica put her hand on your arm comfortingly. “No, honey, you’re not. I understand, don’t worry, and Lip should, too. Maybe you should calm down a little and then go back home and talk to him. Really talk, no shouting and pushing.”
You took a big sip of your beer and nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good plan.”
Veronica smiled. “Do you want anything to eat?”
“No, I’m fine,” you said. 
“You sure? We have some chocolate chip cookies,” Veronica smiled. 
“Hm, okay. I'll have a few,” you smiled. 
“Great!” Veronica squealed. She went away for a few moments, coming back with a container full of cookies. 
You sat and talked with Veronica for two hours. You soon were about to pass out and decided to drive you and Veronica home since Kevin had taken their car. 
“Thanks for the fun night, V,” you smiled at Veronica as you dropped her back to her house. 
“No problem! Drive home safe! Call if you need anything,” Veronica said. 
“Will do,” you said and drove back home, which was thankfully only 5 minutes away. 
You got home, going in and seeing the living room empty. You took off your shoes, groaning in relief as your heels had been aching the whole day. You trudged up the stairs and into your bedroom. You heard the shower going but didn’t bother to go and see Lip. 
You changed out of your work clothes and into a pair of shorts and a tank top. You put your hair in a messy bun, flinging yourself on your bed. 
Lip came into the room with Freddy a few moments later. You noticed his presence.
“What?” You snapped. 
“I just… do you want Freddy and I to lay down with you?” Lip asked. 
You looked to them, seeing Freddy smiling at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure.”
You scooted over, Lip setting Freddy down next to you and climbing into bed with you. You gave Freddy a big kiss. 
“Hi, baby. I’ve missed you,” you cooed. 
Freddy chortled, clapping his hands. You giggled with the baby, ignoring Lip until he spoke. 
“So uh… how was your day?” Lip asked nervously. 
“Fine. How was yours?” You asked, not looking at him. 
“Mine was uh… good,” Lip said. 
“Good,” you said shortly. 
There was an awkward silence between you two before Lip spoke again. 
“I wanted to apologise for my actions today,” Lip started to say. 
This was the first time you felt like looking at him. You stared in his blue eyes, waiting for his apology. 
“I’m sorry about ignoring the work you did around the house and I’m sorry for not letting you know I was having Carl take care of Freddy. And I’m sorry for going to the Alibi and getting stoned. I really appreciate you cleaning the house. It really needed to be cleaned and to keep it clean, I promise to try and not leave dishes out and pick up Freddy’s toys,” Lip said. 
You smiled at his apology, scooting up on the bed so you could put your forehead on his without crushing Freddy. 
“Thank you. And the house being messy isn’t totally your fault. I need to learn to clean up after myself more, too,” you said. 
Lip chuckled, “That’s something we can both work on then.”
“Totally,” you smiled. 
“I’m also sorry for yelling at you at the Alibi. I’ve just been so stressed with work and Freddy. I’ve never had to take care of a baby that was my own before. I’ve always had help from Fiona and Ian,” Lip said. 
You put your hand on his cheek. “I know, baby. This is all new for me, too. And I’m sorry for yelling at you, too, you didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s alright. I kinda did,” Lip chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile “Well anyways, we’ll get through this together, okay? I love you. So, so, so much. And I love Freddy, probably a little too much,” you joked. “Let’s just take this one day at a time okay?”
Lip nodded and pressed his lips against yours softly. You kissed him back before pulling away, making sure Freddy was okay. 
Lip smiled. “I love you, too, you know.”
You looked back up to Lip with a big smile. “Yeah, I know.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 2) - Baseball Caps & Stroller Naps
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Summary: The reader gets into the swing of things around the Ackles household and starts having more one on one time with Jensen. He even offers to set her up with a friend of his. When he invites her to a family outing as a friend though, she gets another glimpse that he might not be as put together as he appears...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Square: Daddy!Jensen
Word Count: 5,900ish
Warnings: language, mention of death of a spouse/death of a parent
A/N: Things are starting to happen! This was also written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo!
“Good morning,” you said the next day as Jensen walked into the kitchen covered in sweaty workout clothes.
“Morning,” he said, going to the fridge to grab a drink. “Get the kids to school okay?”
“Yup,” you said, Jensen sniffing the air and humming as he walked over to where a loaf of banana bread was cooling in the rack. “Ah, it’s still too hot. Wait another half hour.”
“Fine,” he grumbled. “It smells amazing by the way. I don’t think anything’s been baked in this house in six months.”
“I’ve always enjoyed it,” you said, Jensen taking a seat on top of the counter. He chugged down the cold bottle of water, some of it dripping down the corners of his mouth. “Enjoy sleeping in today?”
“You don’t know the half of it. I feel amazing.”
“You look rested for the first time since I’ve met you,” you said. “You should sleep in on the weekends more too. The kids don’t need to be up at dawn.”
“No, they don’t,” he said. “I do love sleep too. You do okay with getting the three of them going on your own today?”
“Yeah. JJ’s old enough to get herself dressed and make her bed and do a few things on her own. The twins are a balancing act but the trick is to give yourself double the amount of time you think you need and you’ll never be late.”
“Not a bad tip,” he said as you finished wiping off a glass and picked up a pad and pen. “Whatcha working on?”
“Ideas for crafts and that sort of thing. You guys have a lot of supplies already so I was thinking of some ideas to do this week,” you said.
“You know...you can stick them in front of a TV too. They have their shows they like. We aren’t big on tracking screen time,” he said. “As long as they play and do some kind of creative thing everyday they can watch TV for a few hours in a row if they want. Our parents didn’t worry about that shit when we were kids, you know?”
“No, they didn’t do that,” you said. He lifted up the bottom of his muscle tank and wiped off his face, your eyes going straight down to the pad so you wouldn’t risk staring. “Any work scheduled for today?”
“I gotta wash up, head to the brewery for a few to check on things. I have some voice acting work I’m doing right now so I go to a place downtown and record that. That’ll be my afternoon. I can handle making dinner tonight. I should be back around four thirty, maybe a hair after,” he said. 
“Alright,” you said. “Anything you need at the store today?”
“Nah, we got plenty here,” he said. He wiped off his face with his shirt again, using his collar this time. You handed him a dish towel and he smiled, rubbing it over his neck and head. “Sorry. I’m dripping aren’t I.”
“A little. Do you work out a lot?” you asked. 
“No more than the average person. Try to do thirty minutes in the morning most days of the week. It’s sort of been my only alone time lately,” he said.
“Are you a runner?”
“God no. I’m not built for that. I like boxing and HIIT, weights, that sort of stuff. Part of my job is to look a certain way so if I’m gonna be the tough guy…”
“You gotta look like a tough guy?” you asked. He smiled and you looked him up and down. “Don’t get me wrong. You’re a strong guy, that’s pretty obvious. But you’re not a tough guy.”
“Oh I’m not?” he asked but there was a lightness to his voice.
“Tough guys tend to be assholes. You’re too nice for that,” you said. 
“I suppose you have a point,” he said, sliding off the counter. He stepped over to the banana bread and picked up the knife nearby, slicing off a piece for himself and popping it in his mouth. “Hot. Hot.”
“I told you so,” you said with a small laugh.
“Tastes delicious though,” he said with his mouth full. You shook your head as he ate another piece and turned to go upstairs.
“Jensen,” you said, pointing at the sweaty dish towel. 
“Ugh, yes mom,” he said, swiping it away with a smile. 
“Thank you,” you said, tapping on your notepad. You felt his presence beside you, not to mention the smell, and turned your head up, Jensen smiling back. “Yes?”
“Aren’t you due for a break?” he asked.
“You don’t really get how this nanny thing works yet, do you.”
“Yeah well...I’m not a shitty boss so I guess you’ll have to get used to that too. Take a break Y/N. Have some coffee on the balcony. It’s a sunny January day. Enjoy it,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he pointed at the back door before he headed upstairs. You bit your bottom lip and glanced at the clock. You had been going for over three hours non-stop and one of those had been spent trying to convince a four year old he had to wear pants to daycare.
You turned to leave the kitchen when you heard a tsk. You jumped and slipped on the rug in front of the sink, falling backwards straight down to the hardwood floor.
“Sorry! Sorry!” he said as he rushed over. “I’m always tripping over that thing.”
“I’m fine,” you said as you sat up with his help. Your ass hurt but you knew you’d be alright. “Maybe we move the rug from the very trippable area?”
He swallowed and stared at you for a long moment before you smiled.
“How about we put it outside your office?” you asked softly. He nodded and you picked up one end of the long strip of fabric. He went to the other end and picked it up, backing up as you walked it over to the other side of the house. You laid it out in front of his closed door, smiling as you straightened it up. “There we go. Safe and sound.”
You headed back to the kitchen, Jensen lingering behind you.
“I was...gonna say you can make...you can use my coffee machine,” he said quietly. 
“Okay,” you said quietly. “Jensen.”
“Stuff is stuff. This isn’t a museum. It’s a home. It’s gonna change over time.”
“I know. It’s just that rug...it is so damn ugly and I hate it,” he said with a smile. “I wanted to get rid of it the day she brought it home.”
“Wives have a way of getting the last word in,” you said. He chuckled and you got out a mug for yourself. “Tell me to shove it if this is too personal but are you sure you want to get back out into the dating world? It’s rough out there.”
“It is. Until it isn’t,” he said.
“You’re a hopeless romantic, aren’t you.”
“Guilty as charged.” He rubbed the back of his neck and his cheeks flushed for a brief moment.
“Women like hopeless romantics,” you said. “Just don’t get taken advantage of for that. There’s some not so nice women out there too.”
“Afraid I’ll fall for some ditz?” he asked.
“No, I don’t think you’d do that. But someone might hurt you and you’ve been through enough. Maybe just...don’t fall in love at first sight or something like that,” you said. “Alright?”
“Never was much good at that,” he said to himself while you grabbed your coffee mug. “You believe in that sort of thing?”
“I’d like to. But you’re more of the expert on falling in love than I am,” you said.
“Maybe it’s not first sight but within a few days, a week, yeah I knew I was in love,” he said.
“Well if that happens again let me know and I’ll make sure this chick is good for you,” you said.
“I didn’t know my nanny came with bodyguard services,” he chuckled.
“That was under special skills on my resume,” you said as you headed over to the door to the balcony. “You should wash up. Don’t want to be late.”
“No I better not be,” he said. He turned to head upstairs, pausing on the first step. “You know, no one’s an expert at falling in love. Even those of us who were once married.”
“Oh don’t be a hopeless romantic for me getting my shit together too. We’ll be here for years,” you laughed. 
“Just sayin’...maybe we’ll both find somebody. Not that we need anyone to be happy but...you know what I mean,” he said. 
“Men don’t really talk about love like that you know.”
“I do,” he said. You smiled and he returned it. 
“That’s why all the good men get taken early, the ones that talk like that,” you said.
“I was older than you when I got married. Maybe I’ll get married again someday. We’re out there. I promise.”
“Go shower,” you said, waving him off. You slipped outside, closing the door behind you. You leaned over the railing with your mug and let out a sigh. “You have to a be a fucking hopeless romantic too don’t you. Fucking perfect at everything.”
You lowered your head and took a deep breath. 
“It’s a crush, it’s a crush,” you said, closing your eyes. “Just a crush. He’s your boss and a widow and he bought a birthday cake for me.”
You opened your eyes and glanced into the mug, taking another deep breath.
“He’s just nice. That’s it. Even if he’s…” you trailed off. You took a long sip of the hot liquid, not caring you were burning your tongue. Jensen was simply a nice person and that was that. You had a crush on the attractive single dad you were nannying for. There was nothing wrong with that and you knew for a fact it’d be gone by the end of the week tops.
“Ow,” you groaned a few days later. You opened your eyes and heard a knock at the door to your suite. “Yeah?”
“You okay in there? I thought I heard a crash,” said Jensen. 
“I’m fine,” you said, sitting up with a grunt, leaning back against your bed. “Shit.”
“Y/N, are you sure you’re alright?” he asked again.
“No,” you said with a sigh. “The door’s open.”
You peaked through your open door down the hall, Jensen opening the one to the suite and offering a friendly smile. You nodded and he walked inside, frowning at your cut up knee. 
“I got blood on the rug,” you said. “Do we have bleach?”
“I thought we agreed earlier this week a rug is just a rug,” he said, squatting down and looking at your knee. He looked up and saw your overturned garbage can in your closet where you’d been trying to reorganize a few clothes. “Next time use the step stool in the garage?”
“Yeah,” you said, your face hot. “I’m fine really. Just want to clean up the blood before it sets in.”
“It’s a few drops,” he said, helping you stand with a wince. “You got any first aid stuff?”
“Yeah,” you said, Jensen crossing his arms. “No.”
“Come on,” he said, putting his hands on your shoulders and walking you down the hall. “Scraped up knees are my specialty.”
“Jensen,” you said, stopping at the kitchenette island and bending your leg a few times. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said. He left and you hopped over to the couch, stretching your leg out. The bleeding had stopped, just a thin cut on your knee cap where you’d hit it, but you knew you were in for a nasty bruise. He returned with a bottle and cotton ball in one hand, a bandage and ice pack in the other. 
“Sorry,” you said, Jensen setting the items down on the coffee table.
“Why would you apologize for getting hurt?” he said.
“I should have my own first aid supplies,” you said. 
“Ah. So you’re as stubborn as I am when you’re not feeling great,” he said. You looked down at your lap and took a deep breath.
“Am I fired?” you asked. 
“No? Why the fuck would I fire you?” he said. 
“I don’t know,” you said, picking up the bottle of rubbing alcohol.
“Have you been fired for getting hurt before?” he asked, watching you hold the cotton ball against the open bottle top and tip it over, soaking the liquid in. You pretended to not hear him and put the bottle back, wiping the ball over the cut, a deep red mark already on your skin. “Y/N.”
“Yes, I have,” you said. You set the ball on the table and picked up the bandage, trying to angle it over your knee. He rolled his eyes and took it out of your hand, bending down and turning it around, pressing it gently over your skin. 
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal,” he said as he looked up at you.
“Do I look like I have an HR department I can go to? They were dicks anyways,” you said.
“If you’re ever hurt, big or small, just tell me,” he said. He rested the ice pack over your knee and you sat back, throwing it up on the couch for you to lay there. “Promise I won’t fire you for it.”
“Well if I can’t do my job I’m not much use to you,” you said.
“Are all wealthy people assholes that act like that?” he asked. You shook your head and smiled. “Good.”
“I’ve nannied for eight different families, nine counting yours. Some were very good people,” you said.
“But you were just the help to them, even the good ones,” he said.
“I am the help. That’s the whole point of me being there,” you said. 
“Do me a favor? Don’t assume just because you’re someone’s employee that they think of you as just the help,” he said, picking up the first aid supplies.
“Why do you apologize for…” he said, muttering to himself as you looked down. “If I ever make you feel like that, smack me in the head, alright?”
“Alright,” you said quietly. He nodded and left with the items, returning a moment later with some cleaning spray, ducking into your room for only a moment before exiting.
“It’s all clean,” he said. He lingered at the door and put a hand on it. “Leave that ice pack on for fifteen minutes and pop it back in the freezer. Put it back on for a bit before bed.”
“Thanks,” you said. 
“It’s no problem,” he said. He still lingered and you took a deep breath.
“You should call someone, talk to them,” you said. He looked over his shoulder and you smiled. “You seem like you want to talk to somebody tonight is all.”
“I think I’m gonna go for a drive, maybe stop at a friend’s. The kids are all in bed,” he said. “If that’s cool.”
“Yeah go take a second for yourself,” you said. “I got everything here.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Jensen.”
One Week Later
“Y/N,” said Jensen as you washed your car in the driveway on a Saturday morning. You dropped the soapy sponge in the bucket and straightened yourself out. “Got plans today?”
“Uh, I was gonna run to the grocery store in a minute but other than that, no. Need me to watch the kids?”
“No. We were going out to lunch and then going to a little car show was all and we were wondering if you’d like to join us. Totally up to you. My treat.”
“You don’t want me to watch the kids?” you asked. He laughed and crossed his arms at you. “I’m confused.”
“Do you want to hang out with us today? For fun?” he asked.
“Oh,” you said. “That’s okay. You enjoy your time with the kids.”
“How do I make this clearer,” he said, walking over to you and looking down. “I want you to come with us, as a friend, to do something fun, like friends do. This is not work. Come if you want to.”
“You sure you want me to come?” you asked. He rolled his eyes and plopped his baseball cap on your head as he walked away.
“Yes. And wear sunscreen,” he said. “We’re leaving at eleven thirty.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll see you guys then.”
“There’s something about a burger that’s been cooked in a greasy pop up kitchen that just adds to the flavor,” you said as you took a bite of your cheese burger at the car show.
“It’s probably the grease,” he said, walking one hand on his burger, the other holding Arrow’s hand. She wiped her own little hand on his leg and he sighed as he looked down. “Arrow. I got napkins in my pocket.”
“Oh,” she said, wiping her face against him.
“No one mentions this part,” he chuckled. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulders once he was done with his food, humming as he pushed the stroller with a sleeping Zeppelin inside. 
“Dad, I gotta go to the bathroom,” said JJ. 
“I’ll take her and we can catch up with you guys?” you said. He mouthed a thank you to you as you headed over to the women’s room. You used the bathroom as well, finishing before her and waiting outside for her. “All set?”
“Yeah. Can we get fried dough?” she asked.
“Sure,” you said. You let her lead the way in line and got a plate for the two of you, taking a seat at a picnic table so she could dig in. “Taste yummy?”
“Oh yeah,” she said. “Dad likes fried dough a lot too.”
“Everybody does,” you said, taking a piece off the corner.
“Y/N, you don’t have a mom either right?” she said. “That’s what dad said.”
“Well that’s a funny question. I got a mom and so do you. They just aren’t around anymore is all,” you said. “What’s up?”
“I’m happy you stay with us I guess is all. I know you’re not mom and you work for dad but you kinda are and I like it when dad’s happy again,” she said.
“Me too. You doing okay, kiddo?” you asked. “It’s okay if you still miss your mom.”
“I do but I’m not sad anymore. Dad says when I get real old I can see her again so that’s cool,” she said, taking a big bite.
“It definitely is cool,” you said. “Maybe our mom’s are hanging out right now.”
“You think so?” she asked.
“Maybe. I bet they get up to some fun stuff up there,” you said. 
“Me too,” she said. “Dad’s really happy you came with us. He’s been cranky lately.”
“Your dad’s gonna be just fine,” you said as she finished off her food. “So do you like having a nanny? I know that’s kinda new and funny, huh.”
“Yeah but I really like you being home. Dad gets flustered sometimes.”
“Flustered?” you asked with a little laugh.
“He works on a lot of stuff and he didn’t pick me up on time from school and stuff a few weeks ago. Too many chickens in a basket,” she said.
“Too many eggs in one basket,” you said.
“Isn’t an egg gonna be a chicken though?”
“I...never thought of it that way,” you said. You nearly jumped when you felt some hands on your shoulders but JJ was smiling as Arrow climbed up next to you.
“Ah. I see you ladies found the fried dough. Twins you want some?” asked Jensen.
“Yes please,” they said and he chuckled as he went off to buy some more.
“Look at her,” said Jensen twenty minutes later, pausing at a deep blue Impala, the twins both conked out in their stroller. 
“Isn’t that the same car you have?” you asked, lifting up the brim of your baseball cap to get a better look.
“Mine’s a 67. That’s a 63. I love that color though,” he said. “Blue’s my favorite but it looks good on that car.”
“I think it looks good in black,” you said, walking again when you saw JJ a few cars ahead of the two of you. “Where’d you get your car?”
“Work,” he said with a quick smile, hiding behind his sunglasses and hat. 
“Aren’t you an actor?” you asked.
“You have very obviously never seen an episode of my show,” he chuckled. “Which is totally cool by the way. I drove that car in the show for well over a decade. She’s one of my true loves.”
“Ah, gotcha,” you said. “So you’re a car guy.”
“Kinda. I don’t know everything but I enjoy them. What about you, you like-JJ! Stay closer,” he called out when she kept walking ahead. “So do you like cars?”
“I guess so. This is kinda neat, walking around and looking at the old ones. They had more style back then,” you said, walking past a pair of guys your age, one of them looking you up and down as you went by. “Did that guy-”
“Yup,” he said, glancing back over his shoulder, throwing his arm over yours for a few moments. “Looks like he got the message.”
“Jensen,” you laughed. “I wasn’t offended. It’s not like he was gonna come up and ask for my number.”
“I don’t like the look of him,” he said.
“Neither did I,” you chuckled, Jensen dropping his arm from around you. “You’re that guy friend girls have that will do shit like pretend to be a boyfriend and all that stuff, aren’t you.”
“At your service,” he said with a mini curtesy. You giggled and he straightened up, JJ rushing over.
“Dad can I get an ice cream?” she asked.
“How about some apple slices,” he said, reaching under the stroller and grabbing a cooler. He pulled out a little baggie and handed it to her, JJ shrugging and walking ahead of the stroller again. “Shit, that probably means I can’t get ice cream now too.”
“We can always get some on the way home for later,” you said. “I won’t tell on you.”
“I’m putting this on your performance review,” he said. You shot him a side glance and he smirked. “I’m joking. I don’t want to do that as much as you don’t.”
“Thank you for that,” you said, stopping and looking at a red challenger for a moment.
“You like that one?” he asked.
“It’s nice,” you said before you started walking again. You fixed your hat and caught back up with him, Jensen slowing down as JJ took her time ahead of you. “So I should probably know this but what show were you in where you were driving around a muscle car?”
“You really haven’t looked me up online yet?” he chuckled. You shrugged and he laughed to himself.
“I may have peeked at your IMDB page but that was it. Was it that show you were on a long time? Super something?”
“Supernatural,” he said, a big smile on his face. “Yeah, I drove it for that.”
“Oh yeah, that was the really scary show, wasn’t it,” you said. 
“You’re too sweet,” he said, chuckling to himself. “It’s not that scary. I promise. Give it a try sometime. You might like it.”
“I’m sure someday I will. If I’m brave enough.”
“I think you are,” he said, JJ running up ahead again before he called for her to hang back. He sighed and threw his head back. “It never ends, does it?”
“I’m sure someday when she’s older you won’t have to worry so much.”
“I’m gonna worry about that kid when she’s forty years old,” he said.
“That’s cause you’re a good dad,” you said. 
“You haven’t known me that long,” he said.
“Do you love her? Worry about her?” you asked and he nodded. “Well any dad that does that and tells his kid that someday they’ll get to see their mom again to help her grieve when he well and truly doesn’t know the answer to that...you get the picture Ackles?”
“I could be better,” he said.
“Everyone could be better. They don’t need the best dad ever. They just need the best dad for them and you seem like you’re doing a good job of that from what I’ve seen so far,” you said. “You’re gonna screw up but so does everyone. Try to just enjoy it and not be too hard on yourself.”
“You’ve spent a lot of time with kids haven’t you,” he said.
“I’ve been in the mom role more than once as a nanny,” you said. You kicked at the dirt and shrugged. “It’s how I know the difference Jensen. You don’t need me or want me to be their mother. You just need help sometimes. That’s an important difference. Asking for help, especially when you don’t want it but need it, that’s a good dad move.”
He was quiet as he walked, stopping at a yellow mustang. He stared for a moment and swallowed. 
“Thanks, Y/N. That means a lot. Really.”
“Come on dad,” you said, walking away and up towards where JJ was. “Let’s go see if we can find one this one’s gonna be asking for on her sixteenth birthday.”
“Those three are finally down and out for the count,” said Jensen as he walked downstairs to catch you in the kitchen wiping up the pan from dinner. “Thanks for eating with us tonight.”
“Thanks for inviting me,” you said, putting the pan away. He looked out the back window and bit his bottom lip. “Everything alright?”
“You’re not like, hanging out with us cause you think you have to right?” he asked.
“Trust me. If I didn’t want to, I’d be down in my room,” you said. “Besides, I’ve thought about it and you know what, why don’t you set me up with that friend of yours.”
“Really?” he asked, a little alarmed.
“Why not? The age thing doesn’t bother me at all. Unless you think it’d be a problem for him?”
“No, he doesn’t really care about that sort of thing. I think he’d prefer it’s just someone he clicked with, had a connection, you know?” he said.
“Perfect. Why don’t you set us up for next Saturday night then?” you asked.
“I need you to watch the kids next Saturday night. I have-”
“The gala. Sorry, I forgot. Um, just, I’m free whenever. You know my schedule so you can set something up and just let me know?” you said. He smiled and nodded. As you were starting to leave he grunted. “Yeah?”
“I have some friends coming over for a drink in a bit. Small backyard fire. Whiskey and smores. You’re welcome to join.”
“Jensen. You’re not asking because you feel like you have to right?”
“No, not at all. I like hanging out with you. I’m sure whatever you’re binging on TV will be there if we bore you too much,” he said.
“Alright. I’ll be out in half an hour or so. Just wanted to freshen up from the show earlier,” you said. You ducked back to your room, taking a quick shower and changing into some leggings and a flannel. By the time you were out you could hear a slight mumbling and walked downstairs, catching Jensen with some guys on the patio pouring some drinks.
“Hey,” said Jensen when you stepped out of the slider door. “Guys this is Y/N.”
“Ah we get to meet the world’s best nanny,” said the tallest one. “I’m Jared.”
“Hi!” said a redhead that slipped out of the door behind you. “I’m Ruth.”
“Y/N. Your hair is kinda amazing by the way,” you said.
“This is what happens when you invite the girls,” said Rich.
“Normally we just talk about Jared’s hair,” chuckled Jensen. You grabbed a chair and helped gather up some snacks to bring over to his firepit, Ruth hanging back to help you.
“Jensen said you live here with him and the munchkins?”
“Yeah. He works so much it makes things easier on him. Are you an actress?” you asked.
“We all are. Only Jared lives close by. The rest of us haven’t been down here since…” she said and you nodded. “I really am happy you’re here. It’s nice to see a smile on our boys face again.”
“He’s a great boss. He’s very kind. We’re becoming friends,” you said. “He’s trying to set me up with his friend actually.”
“Oh which one?”
“Dunno. He just said he’s 42, an actor and is single. Age stuff doesn’t bother me.”
“Rob is a bit older than myself. It really doesn’t matter in the slightest, especially when you’re a little older,” she said. “Jensen says you’re great with the kids.”
“They’re pretty easy going. Normally the parents are the hard part of my job but he’s been great. He really loves his kids,” you said.
“Yes he certainly does,” she said.
By the end of the night you found yourself really enjoying Jensen’s friends. It was clear they cared for him at more than a surface level, especially Jared. You’d heard Jensen speak to him on the phone a few times and call him his brother but it really was apparent they had a special bond that went beyond a typical friendship.
“I’ll catch you guys for brunch before you head home,” said Jensen, waving night to them all as you helped pick up. You were just about finished and heading back for your room when Jensen caught you in the kitchen. “You have fun tonight?”
“Yeah. Your friends are great,” you said, a small pair of footsteps coming down the stairs. You both turned and saw Zeppelin there with tears in his eyes.
“What’s wrong, honey?” asked Jensen as he walked over and squatted down.
“I had a bad dream and I want mommy but she’s gone,” he whined. Jensen instantly scooped him up and held onto him tight, kissing his head. “I want mommy.”
“I want mommy too, baby,” said Jensen quietly. You mouthed go and he nodded, taking Zeppelin upstairs while you finished cleaning up. 
You got up early the next morning and made a big batch of chocolate chip pancakes, plenty leftover for breakfast the next morning. Jensen padded over from the hall where you knew the home gym was, sweaty and tired but a smile came onto his face when he saw you.
“What’s all this,” he asked, getting a bottle of water from the fridge.
“Chocolate chip pancakes make everything better,” you said. He put a few on a plate for himself and sat down at the counter as you made up some more, stealing a few for yourself.
“These are delicious,” he said. You stored away some for when the kids got up, making up your own plate before you dug in. “Sorry about last night. I feel like I ruined the fun.”
“Not at all. He’s a toddler. I literally can’t imagine being in your position. I’d have fallen apart instantly,” you said.
“No you wouldn’t. You care about those kids,” he said. “You push on for them.”
“I know it’s not really my place to say so but-”
“Y/N. I’d prefer if you just talk to me like a friend, really,” he said.
“You made it sound like you were ready to try dating again. Last night you seemed kind of...maybe not so ready.”
“I’m ready. I will always miss her. I’ll always love her. But that doesn’t mean I can’t love anyone else ever again like that too, you know? I don’t believe there is a limit on how much love a person can give,” he said.
“Your wife was a very lucky woman,” you said.
“I was lucky. She was patient with me,” he chuckled. “You guys would have gotten along really well.”
“Can I offer a bit of advice?” you asked.
“What’s that?”
“Keep telling your kids about her, all throughout their lives. They’ll still get to know her that way, you know?” you said. “Tell your future girlfriend too. That’s how you’ll know if they’re a good one for you.”
“Why do you say that?” he asked.
“You’re a kind soul. I would expect your partner would be as well,” you said.
“I hope so. Mine kinda has a permanent handle with care warning label on it,” he chuckled.
“I don’t think so. Just need somebody that understands, not try to fix you. There’s nothing wrong with you in the first place,” you said, taking a bite of your pancake.
“Thanks, kiddo,” he said.
“You’re not that much older, bucko,” you chuckled.
“Nah, I’m keeping kiddo,” he laughed. “You good to watch the kids for a few hours around eleven?”
“Sounds good. Go have a mimosa with your friends for me,” you said.
“Will do, Y/N. Will do.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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