#I tried and didn’t do it :0( /j
marsithefox · 9 months
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Y/N starts a new diet
18+ Minors DNI
Y/N: *Throwing out all of their snacks and junk food*
Peter: *Walks by, tilts his head* What are you doing, Y/N?
Y/N: I’m gonna quit eating all of this processed crap. I think it’ll make me feel better.
Peter: *Impressed* Wow, way to go! That’s a big lifestyle change.
Y/N: Yep! I’m only gonna eat organic stuff from now on.
Peter: Really? I… Don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat one fruit or vegetable.
Y/N: *Confused* Who said I was gonna eat fruits and vegetables?
Peter: Uhh- I… Wait, am I missing something? You just said you were only going to eat organic stuff, right?
Y/N: Yeah…?
Peter: So… Fruits and vegetables. What’s more organic than that?
Y/N: *Shrugs* Pussy. It’s nature’s flavor bomb, you know?
Peter: >:0 Y/N!
Y/N: I’m just so glad Nat’s on board with my new diet! Now, I don’t even have to go to the store to get food. I can just chill and have breakfast in bed.
Peter: *Retches* Y/N, you can’t live off of just… That!
Y/N: Sure I can! I’ll be getting all the NAT-rition I need! *Laughs wildly*
Natasha: *Suddenly walks in*
Y/N: *Blanches, finally stops spewing idiocy, realizes they’ve been running their mouth too much* B-babe!
Peter: *Eyes shoot wide open, panics* N-Natasha! I… Uhh… What a beautiful day we’re having, right?! I can’t remember ever seeing a more beautiful day! The sun is out and it’s so… Sunny! Hahahaha!
Natasha: *Quirks an eyebrow at Peter, weirded out* Um… Yeah, it’s great, Peter. I’m glad you’re enjoying the sunshine. *Turns to Y/N, kisses them on the cheek* How’s cleaning out all of the junk food going, detka?
Y/N: *Quickly throws their last bag of snacks away, trying to seem innocent* I j-just finished!
Natasha: I’m so proud of you, Y/N. *Pinches their cheek affectionately*
Y/N: *Chuckles anxiously* Hehe. Thanks, babe… *Looks away, scratching their head*
Peter: *Nervously twiddling his thumbs*
Natasha: *Narrows her eyes suspiciously as she looks between Y/N and Peter* I clearly walked in on you two discussing something. Care to fill me in?
Y/N: *Tries to think of a good lie* Well, I was going through all the snacks and Pete was-
Peter: Minding his own business! *Runs away, screaming* You’re on your own, Y/N!
Y/N: *Mutters under their breath* Coward…
Natasha: *Crosses her arms, turns to Y/N* … Detka?
Y/N: *Begins to sweat* Yeah, babe?
Natasha: Were you talking about something with Peter that I wouldn’t approve of? That seems to be your favorite hobby.
Y/N: *Gives her big puppy dog eyes, trying to placate her* Don’t freak out-
Natasha: *Groans* Oh damn it, Y/N! What did you say to Peter?!
Y/N: Uhh…
Natasha: *Glares at Y/N* I swear if you told him about our sex life or something you’ll be shitting teeth for a week.
Y/N: *Cringes* Umm… No, I didn’t! I mean, not really! But, the conversation was about something sort of… Sex life… Adjacent? I just got carried away, that’s all!
Natasha: ???
Y/N: I was telling Pete about my new organic diet! Your coochie’s next level and I just wanted to brag a bit-
Natasha: *Cheeks flaming, mortified, goes over to bang her head on one of the nearby cabinets* You’ve scarred Peter for life now! He’ll never be the same!
Y/N: *Waves their hand dismissively* He’ll be fine… Maybe.
Natasha: *Growls* I knew I should have said no when you suggested this stupid diet. Consider your dining privileges revoked! *Storms off*
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Note: This is cursed… I’m sorry :( Y/N runs off of 50% pussy, 30% stupidity, and 20% Peter’s tears.
Also… Based on the way that chocolate looks on Patrick’s face… Y/N eats ass too 😂
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
List of AU’S I came up with
Crack Hodari x Njano (They need a ship name: Hodano? Njari? Lizards in Love? idk)
Makuu-Kiburi role swap
Hyenas-Crocodile role swap
Pirate AU
High School AU
Piga is alive
Danganya is alive (nothing would really change much but I like to think he, Shupavu, and Njano are a trio)
Didn’t create this one per se, but Zootopia-esque AU (specifically Kenge in that universe)
These could technically count as au’s:
A world without Jasiri
A world without Kiburi
Ushari’s still alive
Ucheshi is the leader of the crocs instead of Makuu
Okay so I was listening to “Give a Little Guy a Chance” again (as you do) and I kept thinking about Ucheshi’s reaction and then I said “If Ucheshi were the leader, she’d immediately say yes”…which led to this au
Soooooo I have thoughts….
-She’d definitely be a little more cocky in this au. Not as cocky as Makuu or Kiburi, but she wouldn’t be above rubbing stuff in animals’ faces
-Her challenging Pua to a mashindano would be so funny tho. It starts off so civilized and then it’s Ucheshi pulling a Looney Tunes and tricking Pua into agreeing to fight her
-Ucheshi would have waaaay too much fun battling Pua. She treats it as if it were a game
-Like my in-universe hc for her, she’s not a villain by any means. I like to imagine her as a neutral character if anything; an unbiased participant if you will. She respects the circle of life most of the time but she’ll let her crocs take over all the watering holes
-Like in the Savannah Summit, a lot of the animals would assume she’s here to cause trouble when in actuality, she’s pretty chill
-No but her in that episode would be so funny cuz Kion and Simba are talking about her and she just casually butts in like
Kion: I think Ucheshi has more enemies than friends
Ucheshi: *pops her head in* In my defense, so does Bunga
Kion: What the-?!
-not her breaking the fourth wall at one point or another/j
“By Pua! Have a nice life! Hope you get more screentime!”
-Don’t be fooled, Makuu still has a role in the au. He’s mostly the one by her side supporting her
-I think Kiburi would be a little more respectful than he is with Makuu. Though their disagreements are still amusing to watch, especially with her using her title as an advantage
“Sorry, who’s the leader here?”
“Answer the question: who’s the leader?”
“What was that?”
“Oh really? Didn’t realize! 😁”
-That being said, he still challenges her to a mashindano and loses, which is admittedly still very hard on her
-Instead of Kiburi trying to hurt her like he does with Makuu, he repeatedly tries to get her to become evil
-Hodari would immediately become a part of the float after singing his song. If he goes to Kiburi’s float, it’s probably to try and get the siblings to reunite and make her proud of him
“Hey guys, this little gecko is now a crocodile. You can fight me on that! No, seriously, I dare you to challenge me to a mashindano!”
-Her and Kiburi’s dynamic would definitely stay the same lmao. Imagine her reaction when Kiburi finally challenges her
Kiburi: Or…I could call for a mashindano
Crocodiles: *gasp*
Ucheshi: :0
Ucheshi: Nuh uh
Kiburi: ….Tf you mean “nuh uh”?!
Yeah my…my brain is weird djdbbdgrgrv
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grumpybabybat · 7 months
The Batman/Bruce Wayne (2022) regressor headcanons/sorta scenarios with CG!Alfred cause, yeah.
(Also these are MY personal thoughts and honestly probably projecting, so if you don’t agree with them or think otherwise, thats fine)
The biggest brat, oh my god, Alfred would be so stressed over him, constant “Bruce, please do not put that in your mouth” | “Bruce no, don’t play with the Batarang it’s sharp!”
Fussiest baby ever, never wanting to eat anything, refusing bedtime, try and get him in the bath? expect attempted punches. If he decides to let himself play with toys, my gosh he’ll never wanna put them down.
I don’t know how I personally feel about time outs, but I think bruce would definitely need somewhere to calm down when he gets too upset or overwhelmed.
The rare moments of him being a little teeny without fussing, and Alfred just rocking him and humming lullabies.
Needing Alfred to help him with things but refusing to let him help.
Alfred having noise cancelling headphones, stim toys, and a pacifier on him at all times.
Attached to a very specific blanket and stuffed animal, carrying it around with him all the time, Alfred made the mistake of washing them while Bruce was awake, he had the biggest meltdown, Alfred never did it again.
Alfred is so gentle with Bruce, not matter how upset, fussy, angry, aggressive Bruce is, Alfred is just patient.
Reluctantly being Alfred’s little helper, saying he hates it (he secretly loves it and loves when Alfred tells him he did a good job on folding laundry or watering the plants).
They have plants, a bunch of plants, it started with one but now theres just so many plants.
I think his age ranges would maybe be about 0-7?
Since Bruce hates everyone and everything (/j?) Alfred has a playset set up in the backyard so Bruce can get some outdoor playtime.
I think Alfred has always had a feeling that Bruce regresses, especially after those long nights of patrol and he comes back all fussy and tired and Alfred has to bathe him, i think that Alfred actually did research on regression and then slowly introduced Bruce into it, since Bruce didn’t know what was happening, all he knew is that he felt small and hated it.
Alfred hangs up every. single. drawing on the fridge, every single one, Bruce scribbles all over the page with crayons, Alfred is praising him and sticking it up on the fridge.
Probably a huge crybaby but hates crying in front of people (Alfred is the only exception) all the ouchies and boo-boos have him in tears, with Alfred giving him kisses and little bandaids with bats on them.
Definitely whines, like all the time, over everything.
Hates to go shopping but Alfred doesn’t trust him being home alone, having to hold Alfred’s hand to cross the street and even while in the store, Alfred took his eyes off of Bruce one time for a second, and Bruce was halfway across the store and swarmed by people. (Bruce now wears a face mask and a little hoodie when they go out to hide his face)
Will put anything and everything in his mouth, Alfred has grabbed chewed up TV remotes from him before.
Follows Alfred around everywhere, Alfred pointed it out once and Bruce got so flustered and upset, saying he doesn’t, but he absolutely does. He loves being close to Alfred, feeling safe around him.
Probably chews his fingers and nails when upset, or scratches himself, Alfred tried to put lotion on him and mittens so he’d stop, but he refused it completely.
Nightmares, all the time. Alfred has woken up to screaming, crying, and a scared baby Bruce crawling into his bed. Long nights of rocking and bottles, with Disney movies (Bruce “hates” Disney but will willingly sit down and watch Frozen).
Chasing, Alfred has had to chase Bruce down so many times when he’s grabbed something that he absolutely should not have, or running from something like bathtime, Alfred has considered wearing tennis shoes from how much he has to chase after Bruce.
So fussy over naps but absolutely needs to take naps or he throws more tantrums than average.
Loves to play with and make things with Playdoh, tries to eat the Playdoh.
Calls Alfred ‘Papa, Dada, Baba, Alfred, Meanie, Alfred the Butt-ler/ref’
(Stopping here because I’ve written down way too much)
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multi-fandomsfreak · 2 months
My friend doesnt have tumblr but they would like Devil Mario relationship hcs if you can do that!! /nf (Showed them ur page and they really liked it!!!)
And also since you're like the only person who does mario's madness stuff 😭,,,
we hope you have a good day/afternoon/evening!! ^0^
Devil Mario Relationship Hcs
Hey there thanks for the ask!
Glad that your friend enjoys my page. Happy that people enjoy my stuff even if they don’t have the app/site. Hope you and your friend enjoy this one.
Also, I used they/them for devil mario as well as he/him. Hope you don’t mind. Mostly did it since there are literally multiple beings inside of him (mostly only using they/them when referring to the boos). ~J/Blaze
Pronouns: Not Mentioned
Warning: ⚠️ Mentions Of Harm Done To Reader + Mentions of Murdering⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Devil Mario + Quick Mentions Of Luigi + Peach From Same Series
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Triki_TrOy on Twitter + Banner by lifeislivingyou on Pinterest
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- Well this is weird, you never expected to be dating Devil Mario. Being in a relationship with a dude being possessed by boos was something you didn’t see coming. I like to think in order for this to happen you’ve been with Mario or at least friends with him before the whole incident happened. Regardless of if you were in a relationship with him or you two were just friends he absolutely loves you. He treats you with respect making sure you're okay and have everything you want or need. Willing to go through certain lengths to make sure you're happy. He’s the perfect boyfriend/friend material.
- However it kind of changed when the whole ordeal of him getting possessed by boos. As much as I want to deny it or lessen the degree of what I’m about to say but I’m just going to be honest. Knowing what happened in the original series meeting Devil Mario he most likely tried to attack you or maybe hurt you. Considering what happened to Luigi and Peach in the series who Mario is close to as well there’s no doubt the boos possessing him will do something similar to you as well. It definitely took you by surprise when it happened. You knew it wasn’t actually Mario who was doing this but regardless it kind of made you scared to be around him. It definitely upset Mario once learning about what happened to you, not even trusting himself to be around you or frankly anyone in case he got possessed again and something worse happened.
- However, what you didn’t expect was that Devil Mario had started taking a liking to you. Yeah he did attack you when the two of you first met but regardless of that he just found you interesting. Not just in looks but how you act as well. He could understand why Mario started associating himself with you.
- After discovering you he pretty much made it his mission to be with you. Even if you two got off on the wrong start regardless he wanted to get to know you better. Maybe protecting you or more. For now he wanted to gain your trust. That was the main focus for now since he literally almost murder you the two of you first met. When the two of you first met again honestly you were more afraid of getting attacked by him again, your first thought was that since he didn’t finish you off the first time he’ll definitely do it this time. However, you were mostly shocked when he said that he or rather ‘they’ due to the boos possessing him didn’t want to harm you. Initially you were suspicious at first, maybe trying to grab your attention in order to do something. He knew it would be a while since he would get closer towards you and he was more than willing to do it. Even if it means they may have to derail their current plans in order to do so. Eventually with enough convincing from him as well as a promise to protect you from anyone who gets in your way you decide to at least give him a chance. Lucky for you he managed to keep his end of the agreement.
- It felt kind of weird being around him at first especially considering what he has now become but despite the initial misunderstanding you two enjoyed being around each other. When Devil Mario isn’t murdering people that is. Even if you were just talking to a bunch of ghosts possessing your once friend/lover it felt nice. Each time you two hanged out Devil Mario found himself wanting to get closer towards you. After receiving your trust he couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming feeling of wanting to not only protect you but be more than friends with you. It kind of takes him a while to process his feelings for you even though he knew he wanted to get closer with you ever since the day you and him first met.
- I like to think he never really established that he likes you or that you two are in a relationship. He just does things that people consider loving and you just go along with it. Before quickly realising that he may or may not like you. At first you have to ask him something like “are we in a relationship?” And he’ll just respond “wait we aren’t?” All confused which then evolved into the two of you having a staring contest with the two of you confused as fuck. After a little explaining you just accepted that he liked you and reciprocated them.
- Definitely very protective over you. He managed to get with you this far and he’s planning on keeping like this. Not in an overbearing way of course but still expect him to be very close towards you. If he finds out someone is annoying/bothering you, you can bet your ass he’ll be doing something about it.
- Adding on from the previous point one of said ‘something’ he’ll do is definitely murder. Considering his character he’ll be more than willing to kill someone for you. Just say who’s bothering you and he’s on his merry way to get rid of them. Even if you try to convince him that it’s no bother he doesn’t care. His mind is already set on harming said person as soon as he sees you upset.
- Also kind of adding in from the previous point you can find himself being very loyal towards you. Besides his main goal you come very close to him. He can be easily persuaded into doing something by you (minus the previous point and reaching his current goal). As soon as you say you want something you can expect him to get it for you. If you want him to do something just tell him and you can expect him to do it. If it makes you happy he would be more than happy to do it. Seeing you smiling is the best part of being with you, to him at least.
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shiningstardan · 1 month
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• N E J I x H I N A T A • R A T E D E • 1 0 K W •
S U M M A R Y:
'Talk to her!' Lee's words still rang in his mind, and he wondered if he actually should. Shame and guilt have the tendency to consume one's soul. How far can a gesture or a series of them compensate for the sins of the past? And will the sufferer be able to accept the atonement given or will they succumb to the guilt and heaviness of those emotions? Could Neji and Hinata relink a relationship that is plagued by the ghost of the past? Prompt 1: Dry Humping
✦ A O 3 - F F . N E T ✦
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Peculiar Considerations For Atonement
Part 1: Adagio
Late September.
Lee had always struggled with his alcohol intake and had decided to take his low resistance seriously.
He could be a liability in a mission if someone slipped something into his drink and, as a preventive measure, he had taken his drinking into his hands. Or more accurately, into his and Neji's hands. He had convinced Neji to train him, making him his drinking buddy. And, in one of those fortuitous drinking nights, his friend had mentioned liking someone. Neji had always been very private, he never talked about relationships, much less who he liked. Lee hadn't wanted to lose such an opportunity, he didn’t stop bugging Neji about who the girl was or whether he had talked to her ever since.
Nothing was going to stop Lee's youthful desire to discover his friend's secret love. Neji had been well aware of Lee's tactics, waiting for him to get drunk enough to slip up again.
"So? "
"So what Lee?" He asked, irritated.
"Tell me! "
"I don't have to tell you anything " He tried to sound more threatening than he knew he would. 
"So you haven't?... But! What about..."
"If you continue talking. I swear I'll kill you!" 
One drunken evening, that had been all Lee needed to make Neji talk.
"Ah man, so you are not telling me about her and worse than that, you are not telling her about your feelings, the flame of your youth is going to dim when she goes out with another guy" Lee said while sipping the sake.
"I told you I don't want to talk about it"
"But why not? Common man! We cannot talk about missions because they are confidential, we cannot talk about your clan because that's too convoluted" He complained. "I will tell you about my love if you tell me about yours" He said in a velvety manner, seeing how it had no effect on him when trying to persuade him "I don't want to get drunk just because! At least, let's make it worthwhile!"
"I can't!", said Neji angrily. "Plus, we all know that you love Sakura. But regardless of how much you fight, that's a long-lost battle. You are just fighting for nothing. 
"Tou are wrong, my friend! That's the thing, don’t you see? I can still enjoy the beauty of these heartfelt and youthful emotions, even if they are not corresponded” 
“You are not letting it die, aren't you?" Lee's sardonic smile confirmed his stubbornness, not letting him off the hook. Neji sighted, he was usually more strongly-willed than this, but he felt the tiredness sinking into him, he didn't know where to start or what to say without letting much information out. 
"Ok, ok... She - She's one of us"
"Uuuh , a fellow kunoichi from the Leave then. Do I know her?" Neji just stared blankly at him, but after so many years in each other's lives Lee had learned to read his facial expressions, and didn't feel any kind of intimidation anymore.
"I'll take that as a yes!" he said pointing a finger at him. "Next question! Have you given her anything?"
He sighted.
‘I gave her a heart failure ’, he thought morbidly. He could feel his friend gaze scrutinizing him once again. 
Despite what people thought, Lee was more perceptive than he let on, and people usually took him for granted. Neji knew him, and as naturally cautious as he was, he knew Lee would get the information out of him one way or another. It was only a matter of time. 
"Wait, you said that you... can't ? You can't talk about your mysterious lady?" Neji saw the moment Lee had caught him, deduced him, read him. A mix of surprise, shock and confusion was coursing through his face, making him groan.
‘Goddammit. I really need to start drinking less! ’, he thought. They had finished one bottle and were only halfway through the second one, said barely 4 words about the matter and deadpanned the whole way through the conversation, in the hopes of not being discovered. But it hadn’t been enough, that was everything Lee had needed. 
He saw his intentions, clear about saying something regarding the matter. But before he could say anything...
"Fuck you Lee!"
"Neejii!" he said giggling. The alcohol always made him laugh "My dearest and most esteemed friend and rival, you certainly are a complicated person. I'll give you that" Neji started rubbing his eyes half-heartedly with the heel of his free hand, wanting to let out some of his frustration "So , what was it that you gave he-… Oh, man! Common! Don’t be like this!” 
"This is why I didn't want to talk about it! It's complicated, and dangerous, and... We both know I shouldn’t be thinking about her like this, not after everything between us. What I almost did, the whole intention of it. It's shameful. And, a disgrace. The only reason why I am alive, it's because of how it happened. Never before had three senseis and a referee interjected a duel" 
Lee kept a poker face while listening to his friend, not wanting to make him feel judged, but deep down he knew he was right. If the fight had happened outside the chunin exams, he would have been sentenced to a painful death. 
The rules of the clan were absolute, and he had had too much anger inside him. And although he had worked on his issues and his temper, and the relationship with the lady had improved. He had never had the watchful eyes of the clan taken off of him.
"Well, my friend, I shall drink this one for our ladies! May them rule our hearts in the most benevolent way!"
"Cheers" Neji toasted dejectedly, raising his cup of sake to Lee’s and drinking it. 
He had to thank the fact that she was such a good person.
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"Are you sure that you can go up the stairs?"
"Yeah, man! Worry not. I am now better at this! Thanks for sharing a cup with me."
"Yeah, well. I'm the only one who has been able to handle your drunken fist, so I guess it has to be me"
"Ha! You wish!” He said between hiccups. “Only once and by pure luck, three years ago. You're just pure tell but can't show up for shit! Same time next week?"
"Maybe, if neither of us is on a mission. I'll pay for the first bottle"
"You ?"
"Don't start or you'll pay for both!"
"Ok, ok. I'll shut up" Neji started walking away towards the district.
"HEY NEJI!" Lee screamed from where he was "TALK TO HER!" Neji scoffed, Lee had improved, but he still got really really drunk. 
The moon was beautiful that night, it was full but blurred by a dense layer of thick clouds, dimming its light. 
‘Talk to her’  
Lee's words still rang in his mind, and he wondered if he actually could. 
A part of him wished that they were closer. 
Maybe he could... 
Definitely not. What was he thinking? He was being delusional. And at this point he didn't know if he needed a stronger drink before going to sleep, or simply sober up and never drink again.
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He walked straight into the kitchen, still undecided between that last drink or some aspirin, but to his surprise it was not empty. Hinata was there, and apparently she had also thought about having a drink before going to sleep.  ‘Correction. That is more than simply a drink ’ he thought after noticing the big bottle of sake resting in the middle of the table.
"Neji-onisama!" she said surprised, feeling like a little child who had been discovered in the middle of a naughty prank. The fact that she was drinking on her own, made her self-conscious. She felt as if she had been doing something illicit. Neji was petrified, Hinata was the last person that he wanted to see while being drunk.
"Hi... Hinata-Sama. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I-I was coming for a glass of water" he improvised while willing his words out of his body. Still surprised by her presence. The alcohol had affected his most perceptive ninja skills "I will get a glass and be... be on my way"
"Wait! Can... can you sit and have a cup with me?" he could not refuse her. Especially when he could see the need for companionship in her eyes.
"I'd be honored" he formally replied while she served him some sake. 
She sighted.
"Are you ok?" He tried to analyze her demeanor closely but failed, his mind too hazy and only a couple of brain cells were working at a time.
"I... um... yeah. I am just tired and needed something strong before going to sleep" her eyes were glued to the cup of sake in her hand. She was deep in thought, her eyelids almost closed. The bottle was not halfway through yet, but she had pulled out a big one. So, she must have drunk quite a bit before his arrival, and to her credit, she didn't look as if she was that deep into her cups. 
He finished his drink while she was mechanically raising her hand, going for the bottle once again, getting ready to serve herself yet another shot. Slowly grazing his hand over hers, he subtly indicated to her to stop drinking for tonight, since he could see the tiredness reflected under her eyes.
"Please" he said trying to call her attention "let me escort you back to your room Hinata-sama". She squinted her eyes, not breaking eye contact, and for a moment he felt a rumble in his chest where everything mixed: his feelings, the sensation of his hand over hers, and the fire in her eyes. She stood up, leaving the bottle open in the middle of the table, determined to not look back at him once again.
Neji walked through the wooden corridors and everything was spinning around him, he followed the wobbly steps of Hinata, but if that was his perception or her actual footing, he couldn't say. He walked behind her until the door to her room was visible. 
"You are relieved from your duties tonight" the sluggish iciness of her voice was something he had not expected from her. What just happened? He was confused. They hadn't talked that much, and in his mind they had shared what he could call a comfortable silence, hadn’t they? She had never dismissed him. Ever. Or anyone else, as far as he remembered. The distant and impersonal dismissal made him more uncertain. She had never talked to him in such a distant manner.
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
Next morning.
He was still feeling the effects of the drinks, with his head still spinning. The sun hadn't come out yet. He must have slept 4 hours tops. And although it was still early, he didn't feel like training at all. Lee would be out after all the shots he had drunk, that was for sure.
He tried remembering last night’s details. Trying to make sense about last night's Hinata, and the rarity of the circumstances. She had been so surprised when he got into the kitchen, she had reacted so skittish when he got there, and she had already gotten drunk, drinking half a bottle on her own... ‘ Why? ’. He couldn’t remember ever seeing her drinking, at least not like that. She had always gone for one or two shots, especially when she was invited to the Inuzuka parties. But last night… her demeanor, body language and posture had been narrating a different story. And the worst part was that she had been drinking alone. That made him feel uneasy. Was that something she did frequently, or had something happened? 
‘God, I need a painkiller ’. He looked through his medicine cabinet and pulled out some tablets. Gulping down two at the same time.
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By the time she entered the kitchen around 6 am, he had already prepared some steamed rice, sides, miso and was now frying some fish.
"Morning Neji-onisama,” she sounded a little sleepy, “that fish smells good. Do you need help?"
"Good Morning Hinata-sama, please sit. I'll be done in a minute"
"I would have thought you on the training grounds at this hour"
"I - I usually would be. You are right"
"But I have a terrible headache, it seems like I drank much more from what I can stand. How about you?"
"I'm - I'm a little... I don't know, not fully dizzy, but not fully ok"
"Here" he said, extending the capsule and a glass of water.
"Oh, thanks. This, this is very thoughtful of you"
"You can start drinking the water but, please, wait for the food before taking the pill. Otherwise, you might hurt your stomach"
"Thank you" she said with a shadow of a smile gracing her face.
Neji started serving the food while Hinata drank some of the water. The bubbly texture of the drink made her open her eyes surprised, lowering her glass and she stared into it trying to put two and two together despite the haziness of her mind.
"Did you put a seltzer in the water?"
"Um, well... I thought that - that you could wake up with a stomach ache" he could feel the blood running up his face. She smiled fully after his answer, and it was the most beautiful sight an early morning could bring him. She stood up from the table and went around it. And once she stood in front of him, she bowed.
"Thank you for being so thoughtful with me today. I'll set the table, so we can have breakfast" He eyes followed her moving around the kitchen, still in disbelief, paralyzed. Musing in the warmth he felt in the depth of his chest. 
They ate in silence, but unlike last night, his head was now mostly clear and Hinata seemed to be enjoying what she was tasting.   
"Can I ask something?" he dared himself, he felt that he had to know. They were not friends but maybe, maybe, he could show her that she could talk to him.
"Yes, of course", she answered expectantly.
"Did - did something happen last night?"
"Oh..." she felt her cheeks beating hard, remembering the events of the day before, "well..." looking for the appropriate words seemed like a struggle. "It's quite embarrassing, actually… I - I was back from a date" 
‘A date ?’. He tried assimilating the idea, and he knew he shouldn't be surprised. After all it was Hinata, with everything that she represented and was, she was bound to have suitors pursuing her, it was inevitable. But the surprising part for him was that she had actually gone out with someone, since she was usually timid. And, she had been secluding herself for almost two years now.
"And… was it a good one?" He cringed internally at himself. What kind of question was that one?! He certainly didn’t know how to continue a conversation like that. From all the things that could be discussed, Hinata’s love life had never been one of those. He felt as if he was crossing a boundary, invading her privacy. It felt inappropriate and invasive, every fiber of his body was screaming at him, telling him that he was not the person she ought to have that conversation with. Deep down he could only hope to not make Hinata’s embarrassment any greater, especially not at the expense of his curiosity.
"I wish" she simply said, and he wondered if he should ask more about it? or- "I finally had a date with Naruto-kun” her low tone indicated more than the words itself. “It wasn't at all as I had imagined it would be. I mean, he was nice, but... I don't know… I had been so excited and had spent hours getting ready for it. But I don't think he would ever be able to understand what it feels like to be part of a family like ours. Can you imagine that he said he would come and tell us to change our traditions?" She looked genuinely sad, the pressure of being the heir and now head of a noble clan weighing her down. He wanted to say something, but he knew that anything he said could end up sounding patronizing. “I just couldn't help but feel that we would have such a perfect date after years of wanting one, and while I'm happy I took the courage to ask him out... I - I - feel like a silly little girl"
"You asked Naruto out?" To say he was astounded would be an understatement "I feel congratulations are in order, then".
"Please, don't make fun of me, Neji-onisama. I feel bad enough already" she looked like she was about to bolt, she had started collecting the dishes in an attempt to escape the kitchen. Ready to recoil.
"No, wait!" he grabbed her wrist from across the table "Please sit, I didn't want to make you feel on the spot. It's just that...” She audibly heard him exhale, trying to find the appropriate words, “You always wanted to go out with him, and you asked him out. I commend you for your bravery" she wasn't looking at him, embarrassment fogging the previous brightness of her eyes. 
"Well...” she said defeatedly “at least the ramen was really tasty"
"Was your date at Ichiraku?" He asked incredulously.
She nodded, feeling more and more embarrassed by the second, covering her face. "Ino will kill me when I tell her. She thinks that Ichiraku isn't the place for a date".
He regarded her for a second and blurted a “Is there a place where you'd like to go?” before noticing. And he couldn’t lie to himself, the reality was that he was curious. He had never thought about the places she would like to visit. Nor dared to imagine the possibility of ever going out with her. He couldn't fool himself, there was a social gap dividing them. Letting his thoughts drift that way was dangerous. It would be considered an insolence, since she was a member of the main family.
"I guess, I would like to go to a place that wasn't one I have visited almost every day for more than 10 years, a place where I go all the time with my team. I want to do something different... Something special"  He could see that. Her craving for something new and different to happen when you are constricted by the rules of a strict family like theirs, was more than understandable. They all did it, in one way or another they all looked for ways of escaping the harshness of their reality.
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“Excuse me, Hinata-Sama. Something has been delivered for you” said Kaya.
A white envelope with no signature had been given to her, and inside, there was... a gift card? 
She looked confused at the colorful card. It had the name of a place she vaguely seemed to remember. 
She checked the paper again, as if checking it once again would make a name appear, the harder she started to do it. But despite her effort the paper remained as blank as it had been when she had received it.
She never received anything. 
Who would have sent it?
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"Hinata-chan! How's your day going?"
"Ino-chan! Sakura-chan! Thank you for coming!"
"So? What's today's plan?"
"Actually, I'm... not sure. I received a card for a place called... La... Lade-Ladu"
"LADURÉE???" Screamed Ino and Sakura excitedly at the same time. Hinata was a little stunned by how loud her friends had reacted.
"Ok, enough. Tell us! Who is it?"
"Who is who?"
"Oh common! Don’t play coy. Your boyfriend, of course!" asked Sakura "Who's your boyfriend?"
"I don't have one, you girls know that"
"Commooon, don't be shy! You can tell us" said Ino.
"No. I'm serious... I -  I don't know who sent it" the last was said in a really quiet voiced “Kaya-san gave me the envelope a week ago, and I wasn't sure if it was really for me, I asked her more than once if it she was sure, and she was vehement about it, but I cannot imagine who or why I was sent something like this”
"Argh! Not you too then!” Ino groaned.
“Me too?” she didn’t understand.
"I don't want to sound as if I'm stealing your moment but... I've also been receiving random gifts from time to time. And I have never been able to figure out who is the one sending me things", said Sakura
Ino sighed "You girls are so lucky, I only get bad dates. I'm so tired of 'what's your rank?', 'Where did you go on your last mission?', 'Do you belong to a clan?' over and over and over again” Ino stopped ranting for a second “This place opened not long ago, so it must be someone who considers you special. I've been dying to come ever since they opened. But enough is enough, don't let me bring down the mood, let's get some macarons!"
"Macarons?" Hinata was puzzled by the whole thing.
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"Thanks for walking me back, girls" Hinata bowed when she was at the gates of the Hyuga district. "It was a lovely afternoon". 
"Thanks to your boyfriend! It was very delicious, can't wait to go again!" Said Ino.
"Have a nice night Hinata-chan" said Sakura, bidding goodbye to her friend.
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Tea Nation
"Don't you think I sent it too soon?" For once, Neji was deeper into his cups, and Lee was actually surprised of seeing him so flustered "I mean, she looked so distraught and embarrassed after her date with Naruto, I just couldn't not do something "Lee saw his friend lamenting while drowning down the rest of his cup. 
"Don't worry Neji! Did you send it the next day?"
"No, of course not. I thought about it some days before deciding to get the card." 
"You see, don't stress out! It'll be alright" Lee served him a little bit more liquor, if anyone needed to have liquid courage at this moment, it was certainly his friend "So have you thought about giving her something else?"
"In fact, I have" He said while gracing the cup over his lips covering a shy smile.
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Late October
"Hinata-sama" Kaya called her attention "There’s a new envelope for you".
Roughly two weeks had already passed since the first envelope arrived. And this one was a very similar one. It was blank, no label nor penmanship. She tried scrutinizing it even further. Who could it be? She mused. 
“Byakugan” She activated her blood limit. She wanted to detect the faint traces of chakra left by the sender. Maybe she would be able to see something that gave her a clue about this person. But to no avail, nothing could be read out of the paper.
She pursed her lips, thinking.
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"Kyaaa!!!! Hinata-chan!!! This is amazing, Just what I needed!"
"Ino is so right" said Sakura "I hadn't come to the hot springs in a hot second, this is so nice!!"
"I'm happy that you are enjoying this!"
"We really need to get Ino a secret admirer, that way we can go to more restaurants and cafés" continued Sakura jokingly. 
"Do you really have no idea? Absolutely no idea who these men sending you gifts are?"
"I really don't" said Hinata thinking about those closer to her "I know Kiba-kun and Shino-kun are not the kind to be giving gifts"
"Yeah, I don't even want to talk about mine, they are a lost cause", said Sakura.
"Yeah, I bet mine are part of that group... Actually no, I could see Choji doing so, he doesn't deserve to be grouped with Shika’s lazy ass, I know he could never" Ino was taking the question very seriously "so no one in team 7, 8 or 10... and the cards, gifts and flowers you guys receive are usually nice, like really nice! So I'd say that they have to be top ninjas who get high ranking missions regularly"
"I mean, that doesn't really narrow down the list, there are still lots of Jounin or ANBU who could be in a position where they can give you nice presents" Sakura contemplated. The girls tried to think of other ways to continue narrowing down the list but the only thing they knew was that no one on their teams could be responsible.
"What Hinata? What?" asked Sakura.
"What are the possibilities of both you and I, receiving gifts from admirers simultaneously?!" asked Hinata
"What if they are friends?!" Followed Ino. 
Understanding flashing through their faces. 
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Early November
He could listen to the sounds coming from the kitchen. A bitter and warm smell flowing in the air, tea was being prepared. The closer he got to the kitchen, the more he could listen to the water boiling and the slightly warmer temperature. 
"Tadaima Hinata-sama" he said once he saw the woman he had fallen in love with in front of the stove. 
"Neji-onisama, okaerinasai! I am preparing tea, would you like some, or would you like water?"
"I'll wait for the tea, thanks. It smells really nice. How have you been?"
"I've been well. I even had the chance to go out with the girls while you were on mission"
"Yeah? Where to?"
"We went to a frent pâtisserie, a new place in the village. We ate macarons"
"Macarons?" He asked quizzically, feigning ignorance, curious about whether she had had a good time.
"Yes! They are these little cookies that..." for a moment, her words couldn't reach him. He was entranced by the glint in her eyes. It was a stark difference compared to the previous time he had seen her, almost a month ago.
"I'm glad to hear you had a good time"
"Yeah! It was really nice. We also went to an onsen. It was very relaxing, it had been a while since we had the opportunity to go together since we had been going and coming back from different missions and Sakura working at the hospital" she said while pouring the prepared tea in a cup "be careful, it's quite hot"
"Thank you very much, Hinata-sama"
"Please tell me about your mission, how was it?"
"It was good, I went to several villages in the south near the Wood Nation. Originally it was supposed to be a solo mission, but then Lee was sent to support me, so it was nice to have a familiar face with me. Even if it means enduring his endless energy"
"Did you see anything interesting?"
"Not much to be honest, but" he stopped for a second and turned around to his backpack and from it, he pulled out a small package "I thought... you might like this"
The fruity smell of the box reached her. The box read ‘Peach oolong Tea’ and he saw her take the tea pack with both hands, closing her eyes as her hands pulled the box closer to her nose, slowly breathing the sweet essence it emanated. He couldn't hear it, but he saw her chest rise up and down with a breath; inhaling, appreciating the subtle notes in the sweet smell.
"I hope you like it, Hinata-sama" he saw her face change instantly, her shoulders looked tense again "Are you ok?"
"Uh, am, yeah, sorry." she smiled, but now it looked force "I'll prepare some tomorrow and tell you how it tasted"
"Oh...ok” now Neji was feeling tense himself  “I..." he wanted to save the conversation, but was unsure how to do so "I... I have heard that a festival is coming"
"Oh yes, Ino-chan asked me to help her, she's ordering flowers and when they get here I'll be helping her with the arrangements. It should be nice. I feel I haven't gone to one in ages! There will even be fireworks!" This made Neji feel a rumbling in his chest, a sort of agitation, remembering the time when she had been temporarily blind thanks to him. 
That was another thing he had never apologized for. He could feel the blood surging to his face.
"Neji-onisama?" Now she looked worried "Are you alright?"
A sharp pain striking his heart. 
"I am - nothing to worry about"
"Are you sure?" He saw her bend over the table and extend the back of her hand over his cheek, which made him blush even more furiously. "It doesn't seem like a fever... Try not to exert yourself too much. You should rest. It’s been a long journey.
"I'll... I'll try to get a full night of sleep tonight" he knew that he was still blushing. Especially under her unflinching eyes.
"Neji-onisama. Can I ask you something?"
"Ask away" She looked uneasy. She wasn't sure about how to ask what she wanted, ideas spinning inside her head, not knowing how to ask the questions plaguing her mind. She was still reclining over the table, and was that his imagination or was there a tint shade of pink on her face? 
“What do you think about me?” The unexpected question left him speechless for a second.
“Hinata-sama” he saw her flinch, visibly flinch. “You have always been the respected heiress and now you are our honorable clan Head” She looked 10 times more uncomfortable. 
Neji pursed his lips forming a fine line when she broke eye contact with him. And in a quieter voice she asked “Are- are we friends?” The pumping of his heart resounding so loud he couldn’t hear his own thoughts.
Well, that question was something he certainly didn't expect. He didn't know what to say. 
They were... complicated.
That's what they were. 
They had been childhood friends, and he thought of her a cute girl from the very first time. Then politics had gotten between them, he was branded and had proudly promised to be at the service of the main family, swearing loyalty. He had been a new member of the secondary branch, bound through duty and sacrifice to protect the main family. But then, he had seen his father being subjugated by such duty and one day he had lost him. The closest person in the family, and the one who had guided and loved him, had simply vanished. The tomb located in the cemetery was a shell, empty of any real remains. For many years he blamed her for his death and he tried to kill her. ‘An eye for an eye’ some said, and without remorse or hesitation he had gone for her heart, giving her a heart failure that still required medical control. And to put the cherry on the cake, he had unintentionally blinded her while training. 
He couldn't allow her to call him a friend, she deserved more. Much more. 
She continued to look at him, but his silence spoke more than enough. She picked up all the china from the tea set. Full of shame he walked towards her, cringing on the inside, leaving his empty cup of tea in the sink. 
"Hinata-sama?" He lowered himself, trying to see her beautiful eyes once again. But her hair curtained forward, covering most of her face. 
"I'm sorry Neji, I think I asked for more than I should have" her voice was trembling, but he could feel her effort, not trying to cry in front of him "Please go get some rest, you've just come back from a long journey, don't let me stall you any further"
"Hinata-sama, please look at me" he placed one of his hands on her shoulder. A part of him reminded himself that he was playing with fire, he wasn’t allowed to take such liberties. 
She didn't respond, she continued looking down to the sink and her eyes stuck on the dirty china. 
Neither said anything further.
Resigned, he just took a step back and bowed, exiting the kitchen.
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"I feel like an idiot, Lee" His friend was judging him with open eyes, and he deserved it.
"You are an idiot" 
He groaned.
"Life gives you the best opportunity to repair your relationship with her, and you simply said: No, thanks. I'm good " Lee sipped his sake
"I knoooooow" his palms covered his face "I'm seriously questioning why people call me a genius" if he could, he would pull out each hair from his head. Individually.
"Well, now that we agree on your idiocy. What are you going to do to not be an idiot anymore?"
"Face it, I guess" Neji was about to lift his cup, when Lee interjected him, stealing it.
"Good!" He drank Neji's sake on one go. "No more alcohol for you then. Not tonight"
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The wind had started feeling colder and colder during the nights. And at this point, he could only hope for the best. 
"Hinata-sama? Can I come in?" He could only hope for her to be in the mood to give him an audience, despite the hour. It had been some time since he had walked to this area of the house on his own. The only exceptions were when he escorted her back. "I can feel your chakra signature, please, I just - I just want to talk..." He could hear her quiet steps approaching before the door slowly slid open. Despite being in front of her she wouldn't look at him. "I brought something..." he raised his hand, a pastel green of the bag calling her attention "I - I thought you might like to have some''
"You brought Macarons?"
"I remember you mentioned liking them" she grabbed the bag shocked. Inside there was a collection of six cookies. She could feel something spreading within her, something reassuring.
"Can I come in?" She walked back a couple, giving him enough space to enter. 
"Do you mind if we sit outside?" she asked quietly "It'll not be long before the winter comes with full force, and I’d like to enjoy the weather before it turns too harsh"
"Of course” they both were wearing the traditional black training clothes. The fitted shirt with short sleeves and black pants didn’t provide much warmth, but the nights hadn’t turned that cold yet. Hinata sat on the engawa with her feet dangling, while trying to appear calmer than she actually was, still affected by their last conversation. Neji could see the hurt and rejection still reflected in her body language. 
He had told Lee that he was going to face the situation and that's what he ought to do.
"I'm sorry Hinata-sama"
"No, Neji-onisama. I'm sorry for putting you in a difficult position"
"No, please" he interrupted "don't apologize. Just, listen to me" He looked at her with determination and Hinata for a moment thought that she had seen something in his eyes, although she didn't know what. 
Neji moved a little closer to her, he wanted her to see his sincerity.
"I didn't want to give you the impression that we can't be friends. And,  while I feel honored that you would even consider me in such light. It's just that... I don't feel worthy"
"Neji. Please..."
"No, I beg you, let me continue" He interjected desperately      "I tried to kill you when we were young, I have exhausted you to the point of temporary blindness and demeaned you in the process. These are actions that I can’t forgive myself about, even if you have been gracious enough with your generosity. You can’t possibly call me a friend under such circumstances. But I want you to know that I will always comply with my duty, and I will always follow you. There are many others who deserve to be your friends, but me" he sat down in seiza and bowed to the floor.
"Neji-onisama! Ple-please! Don't do that, please don't bow to me. I-I"
"I can only beg for your forgiveness" his forehead rested firmly against the wooden floor.
Hinata was getting more and more flustered about the whole situation. Her heart pounded loudly and the air escaped her lungs.
The most respected and acclaimed member of the Hyuuga family was bowing to her.
She was horrified. 
She put her hands on his shoulders and pulled as hard as she could, and he resisted. Her fingers dug into his skin as hard as she could, trying to break his stance. Trying to force him to sit up once again. Her ragged breath tried to collect the oxygen she needed. Until she finally pulled hard enough to see his eyes.
"NEVER..." her voice was trembling and she gasped looking for the necessary air "Never! Never do that again! Ever!" He looked down, he hadn't intended for her to feel more distressed, but he had to say it. He had to make things right. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make the situation worse. I know - I don't deserve forgiveness"
"No! No Oni-sama, don't say that! Yes... We have been through a lot, and, and it hasn't been easy, but... it's... it's us"  She tried to smile for him, but her trembling lips shaped an abstract expression "We have always had each other, we have always been there... Maybe not in the best ways, but... it's always us in the end - I already forgave you a long time ago" Neji could feel her fingers digging back again into his shoulders "Neji, we were friends once, I thought... that maybe" her voice wavered "maybe we could be once again"
"How can you just forgive me? I've done horrible things to you, you should despise me"
"You might think that, but the truth is that I have never despise you, and probably never will" A part of him knew he should feel happy, he should *be* happy listening to her answer. But he wasn't. Sometimes he wished he had her rage instead, at least that would be understandable. "So, do you think we could be like that? Is there a chance we could be friends? No hierarchies between us"
"But we're not. I'm branded. I am part of the secondary branch. We could never be equal. It would be frowned upon" comprehension shone through her eyes. He was afraid 
"This - this is not about the clan Neji. This is not even about us" she couldn't contain the heartache anymore "This is just a very selfish wish. I just wish to feel that there's someone I can rely upon within these walls and I thought that you might feel the same. After everything, everything that has happened… These last two years have been the most horrible ones of my life. And I feel empty and so alone. How can a house full of so many people feel so empty? I’m losing my mind and I can’t do this anymore, I can’t continue pushing on my own. That is why, I thought that you might feel the same… but you are in no obligation to do this. I can understand if you don't..."
"I am here for you, Hinata-sama. If you want me to be your friend- If you want me to share your pain, I’d happily be your friend, even if I think I don't deserve it" He saw the light start to shine in her eyes.
"Thank you, Neji" He raised his hands and caressed one of her forearms, which were still firmly attached to his shoulders.
'Neji ' 
His own name echoing in his ears.
He felt lost for a moment, looking deep into her eyes.
She started feeling warm again, and she was sure that the blood was going up her neck and cheeks.  
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Mid - November
"I mean, it's white!"
"Really, Ino? As if we hadn't seen it with our own eyes" Sometimes Ino could be so exasperating. Sakura rolled her eyes "All that grandiosity of great spies and intelligence that runs in your family must have skipped you"
"I don't see you contributing, Haruno. If you are so amazing, tell me what you see" Ino passed the envelope to Sakura, daring her to examine it.
"You already said it, there's nothing special about it. What do you think, Hinata-chan?"
"The paper looks very similar to the other two envelopes, I have been saving them in case I can detect a chakra pattern or something, but so far I haven't noticed anything"
"Hmm, I wish we could have a clue, that way we could uncover who your boyfriend is" Hinata found it humorous that Ino had already decided that this person was 'her boyfriend', she didn't know if it was in fact a man.
"You know Ino, it could very well be a woman, for all we know. None of us can have an exact idea of who it is" said Sakura
"Open it Hinata! We must see what's in it"
Hinata examined it once again before she started peeling the flap of the envelope and from it, she pulled out a sachet.
'Cosmos seed', it read. Hinata opened her eyes, surprised to see that she had been given flower seeds. 
"Well it's definitely someone close to you", Said Sakura.
"Or a creep" 
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One week before the festival
Hinata sighed satisfied.
She needed a bath, that was for sure. Helping Ino in her spare time with the orders was taxing, but she loved it. The arrangements looked beautiful and everything was looking amazingly good. They would need to revitalize the flowers before the festival but with their jutsu skills they could make them look fresh during the festival. She was so excited, after the war and with the reconstruction efforts, everything had looked dreadful for a while but little by little Konoha was starting to feel like home again. 
‘So many things to do… I have to check how many orders are left to be done. And I need to make sure my clothes are ready for that day.  And Sakura-chan already confirmed she will go, I wonder if Tenten w-  Neji-onisama! I had totally forgotten! ’ 
She hadn't talked to him yet, but thinking about him made her feel fuzzy on the inside. ‘ I still don’t know if he will be in the village that day’ Since he had been going on a lot of solo missions recently it was hard to know. Hinata turned on her heels walking now towards her cousin's room, she could take a bath after she had asked him.
"Neji-onisama?" No answer.
It wasn't that late, maybe he was still training or attending to business. Knowing he could be assigned a mission with short notice, it'd be better to leave a note. The room was neatly organized. Very Neji-like, the thought made her giggle. She would need parchment paper and ink. Hinata started opening the drawers of his desk.
"Here's the ink" she said to herself pulling out the small container "and here's the..." 
Eyes wide open.
Was someone coming?
She didn't know if she could trust her senses or if it was her paranoia. Her instincts maxed to her surroundings. Her eyes rapidly went from left to right. She tried to feel if there were any chakra signatures around her. She could feel her heart beating three times faster. Her breathing went in and out, echoing loudly in the dead silence of the room. 
Delicately she lifted the sharpened feather quill and underneath it laid a white enveloped. A pack of them actually. 
‘I have to get out of here!’
No one could see her in Neji's room at that moment, especially him. 
And as discreetly as she had entered, she went out. 
Leaving no trace of ever being there.
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
 At the Konoha market
"Have you decided which one you are buying?" asked Neji.
"Yes! And it's the most beautiful one in the store! It'll bring out her dynamic green eyes and highlight her beauty. I just hope to be around that day, unless Hogake-sama has different plans"
The busy streets of the market had been busier now that everybody was shopping for everything they needed to get ready for the festival. Especially clothing and accessories. Lee and Neji had been out and about since the early hours of the afternoon, they were getting some other presents for their ladies. and since the festival was going to be so special for everybody, they had teamed up. Hopefully this way, they could help each other to not screw up.
"Well then, let's go to the next store. I still haven't decided what I'm buying. And I need to buy it today"
"Let me pay really quickly and talk to them about the delivery", said Lee, disappearing within the maze of patrons that flocked to the store. Ten minutes later they were going to the next store, it was Neji's turn now "Have you thought about what she might like?"
"Not yet, but I think I'll know what to get her once I see it"
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
Six days before the festival
The skies had turned a dark shade of gray. She sighed. She knew that the seasons were changing and she should not be surprised, but since most of the week had been particularly nice, she was not expecting to see such dull skies, but she guessed that it suited the day in a way. In her arms rested a beautiful bouquet of the most beautiful white Chrysanthemums. She felt the cold of the wind in her neck, hands and toes making her tremble. The light cardigan she had chosen to wear did not provide the needed warmth for the incoming cold front. From what she saw, it was probably going to be incoming during the night. The landscape looked drab now that the sunflowers had been cleared. At least during the summer, the place looked livelier, specially for a vicinity this solemn. 
The Hyuga cemetery was a secluded area, she tried visiting once a month, she had started coming more frequently when she was fifteen, she would come and clean her mother’s tombstone and place flowers and incense. But now, sadly, she now had more reasons to visit.
“Hello Hanabi-chan. How have you been?” She kneeled down sweeping the dried leaves that had fallen over the tomb “I brought some Mums for you. Ino gave me the freshest and biggest ones she had for you. They are kind of peppery and sweet. I think that they suit you” she was starting to feel the pain in the middle. “I have missed you so much, I have gotten better and have improved a little. Although I haven’t been going on many missions, you know, clan things happening and decisions to be made.”
“I just hoped I am doing what is correct and my decision will improve people’s life for our family” the wind was starting to pick up with more force “I… I have to confess something. I have been very confused lately. Neji-onisama and I have been talking more recently. Some days things feel easy, but sometimes, I don’t know what to think. He’s been so- so-” her cheeks felt warmer despite the cold air “He’s been through a lot, you know how our traditions and customs have affected the branch family, especially him. Our family has long been plagued by loss and despair and although we are resilient, we have grown indifferent and cold among each other. I was feeling desperate and lonely. So I did the most reckless thing I have ever done. You’ll not even imagine”
“Oh god, this is so embarrassing”, she laughed. Not feeling as embarrassed as months ago ”Can you imagine? I invited Naruto out!'' She was nervous, laughing, imagining and remembering the whole ordeal. “Do you remember that he said that he would change the Hyuga once he becomes Hokage during the chunin exams? Well, he told me the same thing during our date. As if things were this simple. But I do see change happening to us, but not on the promises of an outsider. We need to change ourselves for things to get better”
“I can feel myself changing and I think Neji’s changing too. You know how he was very reserved, well I don’t think you would recognize the amazing person he has turned to be. He’s grown fond of Lee’s antics, I know they are friends now, he is caring, and gregarious” her heart skipped a beat before she continued “He’s been putting a lot of effort into himself, well he always has. But I hope you understand what I mean. I wish you could see the sincerity that his eyes have. Sometimes I think they have gotten clearer that they really are”.  
“Please, watch over us from where you are in this times on uncertainty”
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
Four days before the festival
"Girls! Come here, I just got this" Ino said animatedly.
"What is it?"
"I think it is from Tenten" Ino opened it and read out loud.
I have missed hanging out with you girls, the weather here is drier than ever. I told T that if she didn't tell me about a spa I could go to in my free time, I would have to be deported for murder. My skin has been itchy but it looks like the treatments are having a good effect.
I heard that there will be a festival around the days I'm expecting to arrive.
I know you must be busy doing your things, but, could you get me something to wear in case I get there in time?
You know where to find the key for my apartment
"Well, we have to get her something, she cannot not go to the festival with us, it's been ages since we've gone together to something like this" said Ino "We might need to get her a new Kimono and probably a headdress..."
"Oh wait! I almost forgot to show you!" Sakura called up to them "I received something yesterday"
"What is it, Sakura-san?" 
"You have to see this" Sakura stood and walked towards her handbag and pulled out a sizable wooden box out of her bag. "It was delivered to the hospital reception, the girls were so excited, I am sure they were betting on whether I’d receive something"  Sakura opened the box revealing a headpiece that had a big red peony, gold ribbons and hanging flowers, in a very traditional style "I think that they got it for me, to wear it this weekend" Sakura felt their surprise in their gasps.
"That's so beautiful Sakura-chan! It'll make your hair pop up, they'll combine very nicely with your clothes" said Hinata excitedly. 
"You are a lucky one Haruno" She didn't want to sound bitter despite feeling a little jealous of her friends. *I don't have time for this, I have a business to run and clothing to get for Tenten!* She reprimanded herself "Have you received anything Hinata?"
"Not y-yet..."
"But?" They asked in unison 
"I think I know" said Hinata to her friends, confusion and caution clear in her eyes "I know who's been sending me gifts" Sakura opened her eyes in surprise. 
"Are you sure?"" she needed to know if Hinata was being dead serious. 
"I am, and knowing that I'm correct, we might know who's been sending you things as well"
"Well? Who is it?" Ino was eager to know.
"It's-it's Neji" Both of her friends went instantly quiet. 
"But... How?!" Confusion clear on Sakura's face.
"Well... I was on my way to ask him if he was going to be here for the festival, but he wasn't in his room, so I wanted to leave him a note since... Oh no!" She grunted "I never wrote the note!" she mentally chastised herself "Anyway, I started pulling out ink and quill from one of his desk drawers and I saw the envelopes! Same material, paper density, color, everything! To be honest, I am still trying to process the whole thing" Hinata was getting flustered and had started pacing around Ino's shop.
"Sakura! You know what that means, right?" Sakura had sunk into a chair putting two and two together.
"It's Lee then, it has to be him" concluded Ino "I mean" She said, racking her hands through her hair, seeming deep in thought.
"I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that you never suspected him or the fact that he has continued feeling this way after so many years!" Ino’s jealousy was long gone now. Hinata receiving gifts from Neji stood from a very dense history that she herself shared with absolutely no one, and was in no rush nor desire to experience anytime soon. And, Sakura and Lee... Well, it wasn't complicated, but Sakura had never been interested in reciprocating. Not an ideal situation either way “Well, since you both got into a conundrum, I guess we better order food or something”
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 
40 minutes later
"Sushi's here!" said Sakura, carrying the bags of food and presenting it to Hinata and Ino.
"I'll serve the drinks" Ino sighed "I really need a break from this arrangements"
"Thanks Sakura-chan, my hands are also starting to cramp here," said Hinata, shaking her hands vigorously.
"Everybody sit down", said Sakura, serving drinks for everybody. 
"Is it spiked Haruno?"
"Knowing what we know, you shouldn't even be asking..."
"Would it be that bad?" Hinata asked her, picking up her "Lee-san is really sweet guy" 
"It's not that," said Sakura, frustrated, sinking her head over her palms. "That's the problem. He really is a good guy" she somewhat frustrated.  
"Sakura-chan" said Hinata in a more comprehensive tone, "it's been years. You do deserve to be happy. Your relationship with Sasuke-son was tumultuous, you were always close to a panic attack and it's ok to be wary, but Lee-san has always been caring"
"You are afraid", said Ino, baffled. "I never thought that you would be scared of something like this..."
"It wouldn't be fair with Lee-kun” Ino pursed her lips while listening to her friend "he deserves someone who isn't walking on eggshells all the time..." she didn't want to push her too much, she was clearly sensitive.
"And you Hinata? What do you think about this?" asked the blonde
"I'm not sure"  she sighed "I feel this might be..."
"difficult?" offered Ino
"intricate?" countered Sakura
"confusing" she paused for a second "I think Neji is being consumed by guilt"
"He should be, tho" replied Ino "what he did was awful and he never addressed it"
Sakura furrowed her eyebrows "Has... something happened? Has he...?"
"Nonono, please don't judge Neji too harshly” she felt as if she was playing devil's advocate "He has been really cordial to me for years and lately he has been attentive with me but - but nothing special, we have just been talking more" she tried to focus "The manor is too big. These years haven't been easy on anyone... and I thought - I thought we were becoming closer again and it all devolved into a horrible afternoon" she needed a moment. "We kind of had a situation recently. I-" - she needed to take a deep breathe "I asked him if we were friends and he didn't say anything ! I thought I had overstepped some boundary or offended him in some way, and THEN that same evening I was in my room dreading how the only person who actively talks to me in my house was angry with me, knowing our relationship was going south again and that everything would be tense and awkward yet again"
Sakura and Ino were listening attentively to her friend. Not daring to interrupt her.
"That evening, I was in my bedroom and he came by. I didn't want to talk to him, I was so afraid of making things worse. He asked me if we could talk, I didn't know what to expect at this point, even though I was clearly intending to avoid him and he started to apologize and then he..." it hurt to even remember the whole ordeal. She lowered her voice. The taste of profanity stung her tongue "he... he bowed to me" everything came out of her in a spurt.
"Noooo..." Ino couldn't believe it, and Sakura covered her mouth with her hands. The sushi was long forgotten over the small table in the employee room of the flower shop. 
"Our clan... our traditions and protocols, they consume you, and eat you alive from the inside. I am always surrounded by many people that treat me as their master, I... I would like a sense of normalcy, but trying to change our customs is difficult. I guess I have been feeling lonely in my own house" Hinata took a second to breathe "And... And I asked Neji, the only person who I knew who would understand me, if we were closer. But he didn't say anything, he simply stood there"
"He can be a jerk sometimes" said Sakura "I still remember when we were 12 and he needed to get a" she abruptly stopped herself, maybe mentioning that incident now was not the best idea “... anyway, Naruto and I crossed paths with Neji and he was really rude".
"Sakura, I know he was like that. I know. But that's the Neji from 10 years ago. That's not the current Neji, he is different. But he feels guilty"
"So..." Asked Ino "What happened afterwards?"
"He apologized. He sounded very sincere! He did a full bow, his forehead touched the floor and everything. It felt so wrong. He shouldn't have done that" She crossed her arms trying to hug herself, seeking solace of her own memories. The uncomfortableness of the ordeal clearly coursed through her body. 
"Somehow I feel he owed you that, even if you felt uncomfortable. It's good to know he finally apologized, properly apologized" stated Sakura.
"It is Hinata, even if you didn't want it or expected it. It is good that he apologized. He wouldn't have been able to lift the blame any other way" - Hinata was conflicted, Neji had been wronged so many times by the Main House that... she felt that he shouldn't have apologized, at least not in such an extreme way.
"Will you tell him that you know?" questioned Sakura.
"I wouldn't know what to even say, or how to ask if it's him. I feel it might do more damage than good"
"And you? What are you going to do with Lee?"
"To be honest, I don't want to think about it right now"
The three friends decided to put the topic aside momentarily and eat their food, once their stomachs started protesting again. Ino felt tired and she was ready to call it a day. Her friends helped her to close the store. 
"Thank you for your help Hinata, it's much appreciated" she said in a comically formal accent, making Hinata giggle.
"No problem at all, but I better get going. Sakura-chan, Ino-chan. I hope you have a good night" She bowed to them before leaving.
"Did you notice Sakura?" asked Ino, now that Hinata was gone
"Notice? What was I supposed to notice?"
"She didn't call him 'Neji-onisama'. Not even once"
"You're right!" Sakura was smiling, replaying the conversation in her mind. Which brought a similar realization to her mind "You know who else she has been skipping honorifics with?"
"Who?" Intrigue reflected on Ino's face.
"Us" a smile gracing both of them.
To be continued...
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✦ N E X T ✦
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✦ N E J I H I N A D I R E C T O R Y ✦ C O L L E C T I O N ✦
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☆ P E R M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T
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10 notes · View notes
tkblythofficial · 4 months
hello, im tarot anon again. not tarot x.o, the other.
about the rebirth in their connection can mean different things. it’s a new start, something new. this could be romantic too, like the friendship developing to something else, but in this case i think it’s just them getting closer to each other. since he probably tried to do some contact 0 with R, he realized that he was acting childish so for now i see him being more in contact with her and just trying to keep this friendship. he sees her as a friend for life though, so maybe that’s also a reason why he’s scared of trying something romantic, he also kinda scared of messing up his connection with his gf. that’s why he needed time for himself, but it was kinda immature the way he did it and now he realized that.
also something i have noticed while doing these readings is that i always get cards talking about past lives so this could be literal or just that they get each other very deeply like they have known each other before. i also checked out their synastry chart (he doesn’t have his birth hour confirmed so isn’t that accurate) but they have south node synastry which is literally past lives together, but it’s very karmic.
also i’m planning to do a reading about R’s current feelings towards T so maybe in some hours i’ll send what i see on the reading
I’ll call you Tarot Red then! Hello :)
That aligns with what Tarot 2.0 said in Nov. That after the promo tour was over, he planned on never speaking to her :( and didn’t think he would miss her but he started to miss and think about her a lot.
Can you talk more about his connection with his gf? Tarot 2.0 said BB is very smart and aware but thinks her suspicions about R/T are all in her head because R clearly loves J. So she’s kinda of lost on how to see the situation? Wondering if you will get the same thing from your reads….
What do you mean by karmic 👀
Please do the reading and return to us, Tarot Red :)
9 notes · View notes
bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 2. brb x oc
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a/n: cHAPTER 2 and im still a bit....nervous! But im getting better. I really am open for feedback! ;0; so if u guys wanna comment or anything pls do. also put the title in lower case because it was bothering me so much.
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, self doubt issues even after marriage? you bet, Rooster loving Bea so much it drives me crazy
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! OR REMOVED! i just kept you guys cause you wanted to be in GG so >- > IDK IM SORRY)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
Besides her uncle's sudden call, Beatrice wasn’t too worried, maybe it’d be fun! Even if she just now found out her uncle had a boat and wondered how the hell he managed that without her aunt being against it.  Thankfully she wouldn’t worry about that yet since there were still many things Rooster should see.
And on the subject of Rooster, he looked so good, hard of him not to honestly, but that tight shirt was making more than her head turn. She could see people looking his way, he was taller than most of the people on the street and that does call people's attention a lot more.
A group of women walked past the two only to turn their heads back to her husband, one of the women even lowered her sunglasses to have a better look before noticing Beatrice looking at her. She wasn't mad, in fact she looked almost amused by the situation, clenching Rooster's hand a little bit tighter while stepping closer to him.
She didn’t have to be territorial because Rooster never gave her reason to be jealous of him…but it did make her feel good seeing those ladies speeding up their step when they noticed her looking towards them. Bradley looks down at her to see her head tilted back, which in turn makes him look too but he only sees the very few passerby, arching one eyebrow in question “Did something happen?”
Beatrice snaps her eyes up to him in surprise “Huh?” He arches his bro higher “Oh uh no, no, nothing happened.” She offers him a shrug “ I just thought I saw something.”
He hums, not believing her but also not wanting to break that smug little look on her face, so he just let her go with it. They’ve been walking for a while, Beatrice explaining certain areas to him and leading him along, her smaller hand nestled against his with the cold of her wedding ring in his palm.
He rubs the side of her hand, smiling down at her as she explains how in the street they just walked past was where her uncle and aunt used to live in “There was a gelato place there and a bakery too. And down there was a record store too, I remember Guillermo got his Jimi Hendrix record there too, for like…fourteen euros?” 
“I didn’t know Guillermo liked rock? I thought that was more of a Michael thing.”
“Don’t let my brother’s absolute neutral face fool you, Roos. Guillermo was a metal head much like Michael and Leo are. He just…tries to play he's not.” She shrugs, interlacing their fingers “He used to play guitar, I have no idea he still has it. It was a Gibson I think.”
Rooster arches his eyebrows when she says it, then smiles in disbelief “You’d never think that looking at him honestly.” He pauses for a second “I used to play guitar,” that calls her attention, turning her head up at him “Back at uni. I couldn’t take a piano so a guitar was a lot better.” 
Was she surprised her husband played more than one instrument? Yes. Was she surprised he was incredibly talented? No. “You never told me you played the guitar.” She says sweetly, her eyes widening behind her sunglasses “That’s…” really attractive “That’s really cool. Maybe we should give you a guitar for Christmas.”
Rooster chuckles, leaning down to kiss her forehead “You are too cute, but I wouldn’t complain if I got one. I could serenade you every day like that.” Beatrice’s cheeks turn red over his words, dropping her eyes from his shyly and then pressing her face against his bicep because she couldn’t hide it anywhere else. 
He smiles again before kissing the top of her head, the only thing he could see since she was hiding her face from him, “I swear you couldn’t be cuter and yet you prove me wrong every time.”
Her muffled yet whined “Stooop!” Just makes him even more amused, her head eventually lifting from where it was pressed against his arm to give him a little smile with her face still beet red “You have to stop making me blush.”
“ I did say it’s my favorite pastime, didn’t I gorgeous?” He drops his sunglasses just enough to show his eyes, giving her a wink “There’s something about making my girl blush that just pleases me.”
Beatrice smiled more, cupping his cheeks in her hands to give him a sweet kiss, the very first one since they got to Sicily. She pulls back with a smack, rubbing her thumbs over his cheekbones with her cheeks flexing in a smile “I can take that…so, are you hungry?”
“Well it is,”he checks his watch “Almost lunchtime.”
“While I like the idea of having lunch at a restaurant…I think we should have arancinis.” He looks at her in question “Fried balls of risotto rice mixed with meat and cheese and you can get ones about the size of my fist! And if I’m right, there’s a lady that sells it close by, hopefully she’s still there.” The lady was already older when Beatrice was younger, so, maybe it was someone else instead? 
Palermo, now that it was closer to lunchtime, was a lot more lively and filled with people walking around, the Italian cacophony hitting their ears as they walked through the crowd.  The lady was still there! With her granddaughter, but she was still there and the arancinis were still looking delicious.
Beatrice was so excited she couldn’t even stop herself when she handed Rooster his, quickly snatching a bite of her own as they tried to find a place to sit. They got to a piazza with a small fountain, sitting on a bench with Beatrice sighing happily with her eyes closed “I think this has to be the best thing ever.” She says while leaning on her hand. 
Her husband was still looking at the fried ball with his eyes wide, it was indeed a big fist of fried dough and crunchiness that he was still figuring out how to bite it “This is huge.” And it smelled great. 
Beatrice giggles while chewing, “Right?”she says after swallowing “You’ll love it, it’s so great, Roos.”
“Oh I know I will, I just don’t know where to bite first.” It was perfectly round, he had never seen something so shaped like an actual ball before. She just watched her husband, her Lieutenant husband who flew high up in the air for god knows how long, analyzing how to bite an arancini without spilling everything.
He was so precious.
“Roos.” She whispers, scooting closer “You just have to take a bite, it’s not going to explode everywhere.”
Bradley just gives her a look by the corner of his eye, almost as if he wanted to make sure she was serious before he does bite, making a sound of surprise when the cheese just stretches,stretches and stretches until he had to rip it off with his finger, slurping it up like a noodle. Beatrice keeps her eyes on him, waiting for his reaction and when he finally says something it doesn’t disappoint “Holy shit.”
“Right?? Right?”
“Bea this is fucking delicious, I’ve never had anything like that,”he says after licking his fingers “And I’m from Virginia we do have a variety of fried stuff. “ his constant compliments went from sweet to vulgar in the same breath, and that’s how she knew she got him hooked. 
The bench they were sitting on made it easier to people watch, Beatrice took another bite of the sinfully delicious fried ball as she took notice of the people walking by. Her eyes immediately stopped at a family of three and their dog, the little baby in the mother’s arms wiggling and giggling at nothing, just like babies did, before they turned their head to Beatrice.
Her own smile softened at the baby’s gummy grin, before the family rounded a corner and disappeared from their view. With the family gone, the thought of a child, their child returned. Not that it ever left in all honesty, ever since they talked about it Beatrice couldn’t stop having it in her mind.
A mini Rooster or even a mini Bea was quite an adorable idea. But she didn’t want to bring it up in honeymoon quite yet, in fact she didn’t think it’d be a good idea if she did. She knew Rooster wanted a baby as well, but maybe saying that now wouldn’t be a good idea at all. So she just chewed her arancini in silence, but with a tiny smile on her face.
“Well. No beach today.” Soon after she says it, thunder rumbles above, making her flinch and immediately step back from the glass doors, the heavy raindrops hitting the glass like bullets. After their lunch they wandered around some more until they noticed the large gray clouds forming above their heads, it was almost incredible how minutes before the sky was bright blue and birds were chirping.
Now it looked like the watery apocalypse had begun. It was raining so bad she couldn’t see the outside besides the blurred shapes of the buildings and the lights that turned on automatically as soon as the sky got dark. “It’s okay, Bea, we’ll have tomorrow.”
She turned to see him stretched on the large comfortable bed, his hands interlaced on top of his stomach and he looked like a cat that just had fresh cream…or maybe a rooster who just had fresh arancini. He looked so relaxed and happy, his little smile and the way he was blinking hard to keep himself awake was endearing. “I know…but well, it is our first honeymoon day technically so, you know…”
He turns his head towards her, then stretches his arm in her direction “Baby, c’mere.” she does with a little pout, snuggling to his side as his arm drops around her shoulders to keep her close to him “It'll be fine, we have this whole week still. Don’t worry too much, okay?”
Beatrice grinned sweetly “I’m going to try, Roos.” While pressing her cheek to his chest, hearing his heartbeat and his breathing. She looks up at him when she hears his chest move more evenly, his eyes fighting hard to stay open and his head leaning into the pillow even more “Roos?”
He snaps his eyes open “Hm? What’s happening?”
Beatrice just laughs sweetly, caressing the side of his face with her smaller hand “Nothing…I was just checking on you,” the sound of rain was indeed sleep inducing, “If you want to nap a bit that’s fine.”
He laughs tiredly, rubbing his face with one of his huge hands, inhaling deeply against his palm before yawning, “I might, are you going to nap too?”
“I don’t know, maybe. I want to stay awake for a little bit longer if I’m able to.”
“Something on your mind?”
“Not really.” she replies with her cheek on the curve of his firm chest, her hand rushing to grab his and interlace their fingers, “A bit bummed it’s raining so much though,” its her soft reply followed by a quiet chuckle, so quiet he almost didn’t hear it. “I mean, I know we’ll have more days left but, you know.”
She couldn’t see it but his eyes squinted with amusement, “You just want to see my ass.” and that earned a louder laugh from his wife, one that she didn’t try to hide, one that only faltered when she tilted her head towards him, face red.
“Can you blame me? You do the same when it comes to mine.”
“I do.” he says unashamedly, “All the time.”
Beatrice just smiles more, looking up at him with her chin propped on his pec, her eyes shifting to her left hand to see her engagement and wedding rings together, “...we are married.” she whispers, rubbing the wedding band with her thumb so it turns on her ring finger, “We really are married.”
“We are,” he replies, kissing her forehead, “I couldn’t be happier, Bea.”
“Me too it’s just…” she shakes her head with a little smile, “...sometimes I feel like I’ll wake up from a dream and none of this is real. I know it is but, I…I don’t know. I know it’s real but it's just so…” she sighs, then holds her head with her hands, looking away from him, “...I’m sorry,I don’t know what came over me.” She didn’t want to bring stuff like that during their honeymoon, with the weight of her rings on her finger, with how happy she truly was.
Rooster’s hand stops the up and down movement of his fingers along her spine, pausing right on top of her tailbone, with his eyes on her profile, “Baby,” he calls softly, seeing that her mind was already being too loud for his liking, “It’s okay.” she still avoided his eyes, choosing to look at the raindrops sliding down the glass panes, “Bea, angel, look at me.” It takes some time but she eventually turns her head to him, “You keep thinking I’m too good for you.”
Beatrice widened her eyes, her face flaming up, ‘...sometimes I guess. I know,I know it’s dumb but…” she groans,hitting her forehead repeatedly on her palms, “Sometimes I get thought like this and it fucks me up because it’s not true. But I’ve heard it so often in my life that,I-I-I just get them and I hate it, Roos. I really do. And it sucks because I don’t like feeling like this. It makes me feel…really lost.’
His eyebrows lower when she says it, then he grabs her by the waist to drag her to lie on top of him, tucking the strands of brown hair that fell from the bun, cupping her cheek while dragging his thumb underneath her eye, “Baby, it’s okay. Remember when I said your brain can say a lot of dumb shit?”
“Look,” he adjusts himself to drape her fully over his body, “I’m happy with you, you are happy with me. I’m not mad at you, I’m not. I know how hard these thoughts can haunt you. Sometimes I do get the same way.” she furrowed her eyebrows at him and he laughed softly, looking to the side, “I do, you have no idea how amazing you are. And you are just…this bright light, Bea, this bright shining light that pulled me in.”
Beatrice smiles sweetly, leaning on his hand with her eyes closed, “Baby,this is a new rodeo for both of us.” he laughs quietly, still caressing her cheek, “We are…in a complete new territory, completely blank on what to do and, you know…it’ll be hard but it won’t be impossible.”
Both of them had their demons to deal with, he knew that. He knew it was going to be something they will have to work with over time, and he knew that Beatrice would blame herself for having said thoughts, but he knew it wasn’t something it could be so easily resolved.
Boy, didn’t he know about it.
“So, here’s my deal with this. How about,” he begins, “I get us some of that gelato downstairs at the lobby so we can have a sweet treat and get our minds out of things?”
Beatrice laughs sweetly, “Okay,I will–”
“No,no, no you can stay.” he grins, kissing the tip of her nose, “I’ll bring you some, I need something sweet anyway.” 
Beatrice smiles while sitting on the bed, but nods at him. Rooster makes his way to the door, then turns around and kisses her lips slowly, just enough to make the brunette almost forget how to breathe, “Just so you remember this isn’t a dream.” he mutters against her lips, pecking one last time before he finally leaves the room.
Bradley steps out on the long hallway, shutting the door behind himself as he makes the way to the elevators, not surprised to see the hallways are completely empty considering how hard it’s been raining since early afternoon. He stepped inside the elevator while rubbing his face trying his best to keep himself awake, pressing the button to the lobby and watching the numbers go down.
In the meantime, he was reminded of Beatrice’s words. The fact she still had thoughts about him being more than she could ever deserve broke his heart, they were much less than before but it makes him angry how bad Beatrice’s romantic life was. She didn’t deserve to feel less, she didn’t deserve to feel like she couldn’t have him.
She did deserve him and as much as he had a hard time admitting himself, he deserved her too. They were both two grown adults with enough trauma to fill a pool he thought, with a little laugh, but he wanted them to work on everything together. They just got married, they had a house, they are planning on having kids soon  - something that still made him anxious yet excited at the same time - , they both needed to understand they both deserved this.
He didn’t want to tell her how often he caught himself asking how he managed to get her because he didn’t want her to get worried.  Beatrice, to him, was a wonder. She truly was one of a kind, he had never met anyone as kind and as selfless as she was, as sweet and as absolutely unaware of how sexy she could be sometimes.
Bradley is smiling when he reaches the gelato fridge, moving his eyes quickly until he finds the ones he was looking for: hazelnut chocolate and forest berries. He tosses them in the air and catches them before they land on the floor - after paying for it of course - and walks over to the elevator again. This time a group of women is walking past him, but he’s too busy checking the gelatos’ brand to pay attention, only looking up again when he’s inside the elevator.
The women were still staring, their eyes immediately dropping to the obvious wedding band on his ring finger as he holds both cups in one hand and presses the elevator’s button with his other, digging it into his pocket once he’s done. He notices the women looking and gives them a polite smile before the door closes.
They were pretty, but they weren’t Beatrice.
And he was more than happy when he got back and saw his wife fixing her dress’ strap as it slid down her shoulder, looking at him with surprise when he entered, “You found it?” she asks sweetly, still trying to keep the strap in the same spot, “God dang it.”
“What’s the matter?” he asks while putting the gelatos away on the desk by the corner of the room but his eyes still drop to the bare curve of her shoulder.
“I think I probably ripped a thread that kept the strap a bit tighter, it keeps falling off.” she huffs, standing up from the bed to the bathroom, “I’ll just have a quick look.”
Rooster immediately placed the gelatos inside the mini freezer and followed her to the bathroom, deciding that maybe he should focus on something else. He stops by the doorframe, where he sees Beatrice wearing only her undergarments - light blue lace this time, almost as if she wanted to match with her dress, God. - while narrowing her eyes to the dress strap, “Oh I think I can fix this,” she whispers, almost triumphantly, not seeing Rooster’s tall form sneak behind her, “I have a mini sewing kit–!” she squeaks in surprise when his strong arms wrap around her waist and his chin is nestled on the curve of her shoulder, “Roos.”
He just smiles, looking at their reflection and how the way his arms wrapped around her waist pushed her breasts higher and closer together, “I can’t help myself.” he whispers, kissing the curve of her jawline and then nuzzling her neck, which makes Beatrice’s lips curl into a shy smile, hands still holding onto the dress, bringing it up to her chest.
Rooster then props his chin on her shoulder again, “You are so beautiful.” Beatrice drops her head with the same shy smile, focusing on the dress’ pattern with her face a bright red, “How can you be this beautiful?”
“Roos.” she whispers sweetly, looking at him by the corner of her eye, “You are still making me blush.”
“I know.” he whispers back, meeting her lips in a sweet kiss, “I told you it’s my favorite thing to do.” Beatrice giggles against his mouth, pecking him repeatedly and giggling even more when he pulls her closer to his chest, “I got us our desserts.”
“Yeah?”she smiles, “Let me just get dre–”
“You can stay like this.”
“Get dressed.” she emphasizes with an amused grin, “And I’ll meet you outside, I can fix the strap after.” the sound of thunder from outside makes the two of them look up in surprise, “It’ll probably rain the whole night.”
“Yeah. But it’s fine,if it gets lighter we can get an umbrella from the hotel.” She nods after he suggests it, then gives him a look when his arms don’t move from around her, “What? Oh.” he slowly, almost too slow, removes his arms from her waist, “Sorry ma’am, I’m going to let you get dressed now,” he turns to leave, but not before slapping her ass cheek, enough to make the flesh bounce under the impact, “I mean, do you really need to get dressed?”
“Bradley Nicholas.”
He holds his hands up in defense, still looking at her bare butt with his lips pursed, “Just a suggestion, baby. No ill intent towards it.” but his head remains tilted, watching the perfect red hand print form on her pale cheek until she closes the bathroom door.
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ombrathefurry · 6 months
hi first ask, I didn’t know you had a tumblr :0 anyways out of the people who you have interacted with, who’s character(or characters) do you fear?
anyways have the nice day (also pet SmallFeather for me)
if I’m not misunderstanding the question then probably Mimfrank’s character Herobrine
he is very very well developed and written - all of mim’s work is extremely compelling and convincing and she has such a way with writing that can genuinely put pits in my stomach when she tries to (she can EASILY manipulate your feelings be careful /j /pos)
Herobrine is also just really intimidating to me personally he needs to Relax and Go To Therapy
combine this talent with this absolutely terrifying character and you have a guy who is at times Hell To Interact With (especially when I have Smallfeather as a character)
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Take a hike, literally
Jade Leech x Reader
Request: Hello! May I please request a one-shot with Jade and his f!s/o going on a hike together. And her introducing him to roasted marshmallows if they happen to camp out.
A/N: I’ve only actually been hiking once and I fell down twice. I’ve also been camping a total of 0.
Word Count: 731
Warnings: brief mention of poison, no beta, 
Fandom: Disney: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Jade Leech/Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
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You rushed around your house trying to collect everything you needed.Your boots thumped loudly against the floor as you carried your sleeping bag down the stairs. Luckily Grimm was a very sound sleeper. You quickly stuffed it in the large backpack, you had already packed food and water. 
Now you were in the kitchen, trying to find where you had put your flash lights. Maybe you should wake Grimm up, then again he probably wouldn't know either. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your front door opening and a voice calling out: “Hello~Darling, are you ready yet?” 
You instantly recognised the voice as belonging to your boyfriend, Jade. Quickly you responded, “J-just a minute!” You sorted through drawers and cupboards but came up empty handed again. He walked into the kitchen and saw you rummaging around in frustration. “Looking for something?” He asked, teasingly. You pulled your head out of the cupboard and glared at him, “I can't find my flashlight and I’ve looked everywhere.” You complained. 
“Is there anything else you need?” He asked. 
“No, just the flashlights.” You said, thinking about where else they could be. “I’ll lend you mine.” He said, a small sympathetic smile on his face. You sighed before accepting the fact that he wouldn't let it go if you refused. You walked into the living room and grabbed your backpack. You waited a few moments for Jade to enter before you both started your trek.
While you didn’t work out everyday you thought you would at least be able to survive a simple hike. You were wrong. By the time you two got to the top (or a place with level ground) your lungs were burning on par with your leg muscles. 
Though Jade could easily leave you in the dust, he tried his best to slow down for you. A lot of the time he was still walking a bit in front of you. Damn his long legs. 
You sat down on the ground, trying to catch your breath. Jade was crouching down next to you while rubbing your back. You had made the right call in bringing two water bottles, as both of them were now empty. 
You looked at the horizon, if you both started to walk back now you’d be less than halfway down by the time it was dark. You let out a sigh and got up, walking over to a place where you thought there would be the least amount of stones. You quickly got to work in setting up your campsite with the help of Jade. 
While you were busy making the fire Jade looked over your shoulder in curiosity. “What is that for?” Of course he knew what a fire was, he simply wanted to hear you talk. Who knows maybe they worked differently in your world? “Oh, it’s for cooking-” You said excitedly “- and light and warmth and-” He cut you off with a giggle. “Can we cook some of the mushrooms?” He asked, his pupils were slightly dilated. “Um, I guess.” You were hesitant to eat any plants from the forest but trusted your boyfriend enough to know he wouldn’t poison you. 
Once the fire was lit you rushed to your backpack and took out all the stuff needed for smores. 
You put a marshmallow on a stick as he eyed you curiously. “What are making?” You looked at him and raised your eyebrow, “Do you not know what s’mores are?” You asked, forgetting that there aren't fires underwater. 
“I have eaten one, no.” You honestly felt a bit bad for him. “Well,” you explained, “you roast a marshmallow like so-” you made a point of waving the marshmallow around- “then you put it in between two gram crackers, and you’re done.” You finished your sentence by presenting him with the s’more. Hesitantly he took a bite out of it. His facial expression did not change much but he did say it tasted alright. “Normally you add a piece of chocolate but I didn't have space for it.” You said disappointed as you took a bite of your own s’more. “Hmm. Well try that next time, won’t we?” He asked with a closed eyed smile. “Yeah, next time.” You responded hesitantly. 
He suddenly stood up and clapped his hands together, “I’ll go get the mushrooms now!”
Oh right, the mushrooms.
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AXEL‼️ today i almost shit myself at school(not actually)
I hate the first day back. my spanish teacher loves to call on me bc she knows im not confident with my spanish and that i have a fear of public speaking (i dont even know why i’ve been fluent since i was 5💀) SO SHE LIKES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT AND CALL ON ME TO READ THE LONGEST PARAGRAPH IN WHATEVER TEXTBOOK, ARTICLE OR LITERALLY WHATEVER WE’RE READING 😭 ITS LIKE SHE’LL LET EVERYONE ELSE READ THE SHORT STUFF AND THEN SHE’LL MAKE ME READ WAY MORE THAN EVERYONE ELSE AND IM JUST LIKE?? i get that its to “help build confidence” and shit like that but is it really helping if her “helping me build confidence” made me have a panic attack last year? I DONT THINK SO.
oh yeah so you’re probably wondering abt the panic attack thing🧍‍♀️ so lemme just give you a little back story first about how i feel about her class and stuff‼️ her class terrified me. like every time i would enter i’d be shaking and my heart would be beating so hard that i could feel it in my throat… kinda embarrassing…
but anyway it was just cause we had to present a something we made for a project and i was losing my mind because my friends didnt want to present it and my class was pretty big and filled with a bunch of rude and snotty people so i went to talk to the teacher to ask if i could just present to her privately or something but she said no so like i lowk freaked out and had a break down in the middle of the hallway 💀
honestly though the work isnt that hard considering i passed spanish with an A throughout the years but i just HATE talking in front of the class because for one my accent is different than everyone elses and two im one of the only non native spanish speakers so im kinda just like on edge cause yk how some people are theyre just not nice 🫠
anyway for the rest of the school day things were pretty good except J was being weird again and i think he was trying to flirt with me? he was just being rlly inappropriate and kept stealing my stuff 🫠 he stole my bag and then tried to go through it and then he asked if i had a dildo in my bag and if i like using it 😟 he then proceeded to walk around the class and tell people i have a dildo in my bag. i probably should’ve told C or a teacher idk why i didn’t 😭 oh yeah speaking of C hella people think we’re dating AND NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I TELL THEM WE’RE NOT THEY WONT SHUT UP AND JUST KEEP TELLING EVERYONE THAT WE’RE DATING.
oh i alsofell asleep in english😭 i got lucky at the teacher didnt notice though‼️ and then my friend fell down the stairs
thats all for today! byebye and ilysm 💗💗
dude i swear to god spanish teachers r either the worst person on this planet or the sweetest person ever no in between…. LIKE WHY IS SHE TARGETING U OMG i’d have to start swinging i fear…
i need J to like explode why does he act like that do u think it’s bc he doesn’t get attention at home… that’s mean sorry LMFAO um anyway i hope he leaves u the hell alone already bc u deserve it😍😍
i’m ok!!! and HMMMM my favorite animals r probably bats !!! what is urs :0
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marengogo · 2 years
hello i have a random question in this log called 200507 with rm, jhope & V do you think jimin was in the room with them? cos at the end namjoon said "jiminah are u watching this?" then there was the kiss/smooch sound...
Hello Anon,
Hope you are having a splendid Sunday 🫰💜🌻🌞~ 
Now the quickest answer to your question is:
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But, of course I have receipts to my beliefs, so let's get into it shall we?
Now this was the meeting who Tae as a PM (project manager) and Namjoon and Hobi as stylist/CM held in order to start working on ”BE” in a room within HYBE (a room we might all be pretty familiar with). 
At the very beginning there was someone who tried to help them with lighting by turning on a switch, which we can hear at 0:48. V is turning towards the person, while Hobi and Namjoon are waiting to see any changes on the camera but nothing happens.
Now it is important to note that whatever camera they are using to film this, has been set up with a directional microphone, which usually picks up frontal sound. Throughout the video you will notice how every little tap on the table, kick under the table is picked up so clearly and loudly. As well as the camera shaking for any sharp movement, hit of the table etc.
The one sound those mics will end up picking most of the time (depending how professional they are) are sounds like switches. You can definitely walk silently, but have you ever tried to flip a switch without it making the clicking sound? It’s fairly impossible . Also, I don’t think this particular room has a door, if it does, it was left wide open, which you can tell by watching RUN BTS 127 from VLIVE at about 25:01, you can see Hobi literally waltzing in.
At some point the person most likely leaves the room, which we can’t hear, but what we can hear is the sound someone suck-teething (this is how I’ve been used to calling that action of breathing through your teeth, while hitting your tongue against them. This is used a lot in African cultures to express, something not going as planned, disappointment, disgust, etc).The sound can be heard at 0:53 and 0:57/0:58. I think RM might have made the first one, which you can almost tell, whereas the second time could have been still RM or even V but with a mask it's hard to tell.
Now, none of them turned towards the door when this suck-teeth sound happened, they all turned towards the door only when the switch sounds happened, on both occasions. Which brings me to the switch in questions at 38:34. As we already discussed the room most likely doesn’t have a door, and whoever just walked into in turned on the switch, they probably tried to be discreet, but; once again, switches ain’t discreet my friends remember that! (most magnetic doors as well)
And from there we hear the “smooch” sounds at 38:37 and 38:40, and I believe this time is J-Hope teeth sucking. We can hear the sound loud and clear and he is closer to the camera than Namjoon and Tae. Also I think they kept looking to the side because more people were probably coming into the room, which gave them the clue that “It was time to go”.
Remember, giving the mic they are most likely using, the sound of someone smooching behind the camera would most likely not have been picked, unless they were trying with all their might to make the smooch be heard (smooching isn't that loud of a sound) … which, why?
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And yes, from around 37:36 Jimin is named by both Taehyung and Namjoon. Taehyung making the point that Jimin actually had a brainstorming meeting in much less time, 10 mins supposedly, so I think Namjoon was asking him if he was watching to perhaps witness the fact that they’ve been on for past 30mins and didn’t conclude much (at least according to them, if you ask me, I think they came up with good ideas 👀 …)
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Anyways, I hope this helps in explaining what I think went down. Obviously I might be wrong and if you have any more questions in regards or anything else feel free to swing by again!
Always respectfully 🫰,
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shiningstardan · 3 months
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• N E J I x H I N A T A • R A T E D G • 8 5 0 W •
S U M M A R Y: Hinata just wanted to return Neji's gesture
✦ A O 3 - F F . N E T ✦
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White Day
It had been a month since he had given her that beautiful bouquet with that big sunflower, and for one week she had stared at it every day. She had even tried playing it cool, but she had ended up talking about it with the boys, since she wanted to return the favor. The flowers he had given her had been so fresh they had lasted for more than 5 fays, a feat that was almost unthinkable taking into account how fragile flowers were. Nothing had actually changed between them, she had been expectant to see him more frequently in between trainings and missions, but life had continued without any change.
Hanabi had been the only one in the family asking about the flowers nonstop, but despite her internal enthusiasm, she denied it again and again that it was a gift, repeating every time that the bouquet had been given to her as a symbol of respect to the main family. Her sister had believed her, but after catching her staring at the bouquet more than once, and adding the fact that she had held the flowers in her room had not helped, she had started asking who had given it to her and why. Today, a month later, she had managed to escape Hanabi’s incessant questions and slipped into the market, hopeful to be able to find something that would suit Neji.
‘What could I possibly give him? ’ He tended to limit, as any ninja would, the amount of possessions that he had to the strictly necessary, and she didn’t want to impose on him with something that could be considered a burden.
“Hinataaaaaaa” She heard Kiba screaming in the distance, waving his arms energetically.
“Hey guys” she nodded towards Shino “What are you doing?”
“We wanted something to eat” He said with a slight blush on his cheeks ”So, we went to a grill, the meat was nice” His smile was evidence of how satisfied the meal had left him.
Shino extended the cup he was holding so she could have some of his vanilla honey yogurt ice cream. His all-time favorite.
“What about you?” Shino asked.
Hinata got quiet for a second. Even though she had told them about the bouquet, she didn’t want them to misinterpret her intentions.
“I - I’m looking for something… for Neji-onisama” her voice increased in pitch as the balance of her feet went from one foot to the other.
Kiba rolled his eyes, he still was suspicious about the whole ordeal.
“Why do you have to give something to that jerk?”
“I - I just… I want to be thankful. That’s all” She could feel the both of them staring directly at her.
They knew Neji couldn’t harm her, not outside an authorized fight or duel. But that didn’t make it easier for them to grapple with the idea that he could actively interact with her on a regular basis.
“Be careful” was Shino’s final comment.
With Shino’s warning still resounding in her head, she walked towards the training ground, where she knew that Team Guy would be doing their rounds.
“Byakugan” she discreetly activated her blood limit since she didn’t want to interrupt, but to her surprise, Neji was on his own. ‘It’s now or never’ she told herself. Breathing in and out she tried to calm the pumping of her heart. ‘Common, don’t get nervous’ she tried to calm herself feeling how her hands started trembling. Had he felt nervous when he had given her the flower? She couldn’t exactly remember that part of their conversation.
“Neji-onisama” she tried sounding as secure as possible. He turned towards her voice.
“Hinata-sama” He was surprise to see her in the area since the team 8 training grounds were in a different location. Had he forgotten about a training session? No, that couldn’t be it. “Is everything all right?”
“Yes!” the pitch of her voice sounding higher than she intended. Her nervousness now evident. “I hope I’m not interrupting your training”
“Not at all… Lee and Tenten have already left, since we called the day off earlier”
“I brought something” Hinata was holding a small cardboard box with a ribbon.
‘For me?’
“I’m not sure if you would like it, but I hope you do” He couldn’t think of a reason why she was giving him this, it wasn’t his birthday. “It’s Sponge Chocolate cake. It’s not as sweet as the traditional one”
“Thank you for the cake, but I must confess that I fail to recall the occasion”
“Oh” her cheeks turned a darker shade of red and blurted “It’swhiteday”
He didn’t understand what she had said. His eyebrow furrowed by trying to untangle the words. He came closer to her repeating her words mentally, trying to make sense of them until he clearly heard ‘It’s white day’. He took her hand, kissing the back of it.
“Thank you”
The End
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✦ N E J I H I N A D I R E C T O R Y ✦
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☆ P E R M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T
Hi! so here is my policy:
Ask permission for:
Translating my fics to other languages (I do my own translations for english or spanish).
Recording podfics.
No need to ask permission for:
Making fanarts
Companion or reimagining fics
Other inspiration works
Big No-nos:
Reposting my works to other sites and accounts under any circumstances, I manage my own works.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
First of all, I love your blog! You've gifted me so many hours full of joy.
Secondly, after reading three fics (Like Real People Do by anwh3r3y0uwant2g0, When Dreams Come True by cyankelpie, and Double-0 Omens by Supergeek21) I crave more fluffy/humourous "they meet in a dream" stories . Do you happen to know any?
Thanks a lot and have a marvellous week^^
Glad to be of service, anon! We have some dream fic recs, including dream sharing, here. I’ve managed to find a few more, though not all of them are fluffy so mind the tags!...
If Only In My Dreams by rw_eaden (T)
Crowley still has nightmares about the bookshop fire. This time, Aziraphale shows up in one.
At the Heart of Me, There's You by Corrosive_Moon (G)
“Our target is Anthony J Crowley,” Uriel begins. “38-year-old male, skilled Dream Architect, known associate of DreamFall group, went to school at École d'Architecture in Paris—“
“Isn't that where you went to school, Aziraphale?” Gabriel interrupts.
“Ah, yes. But we never met each other,” Aziraphale adds quickly. “Back then, that is. Large school. Large student body.”
Gabriel and Aziraphale are on a mission to Extract information from a certain Anthony J Crowley in the hopes of gaining information on HeavenCorp’s sworn enemy: the notorious crime syndicate named DreamFall.
Meanwhile, Aziraphale is having a moral crisis as he tries to balance a solution to obey his superiors and protect his childhood friend.
The Serpent and the Dove by Kat_Rowe (G)
When Aziraphale prayed for Crowley, to be allowed to try to help make up for what was lost to his friend, he didn’t expect an answer. After all, he hasn’t heard directly from the Almighty in thousands of years.
The last thing he expects is an answer in the form of a dream with symbolism that’s ridiculously on-the-nose. But She is there; he can feel Her, more strongly than he has in ages, and it’s perfectly clear that She approves of his relationship with Crowley.
In Somnis Veritas by PinkPenguinParade (T)
Aziraphale put a hand on his shoulder. "Bad dreams," he said. It wasn't a question. He'd seen it before, but never quite this bad.
"Yeah. Just... happens. When I sleep, sometimes. Nothing to worry about."
"I, um... I get assignments, from time to time. To talk to people in their dreams. I know the bad ones. I didn't... I couldn't, I won't step into your dreams without your leave," Aziraphale continued. "But I could help. If you want."
Courage Through Dreams by Carimes_treehouse (T)
After six millennia of never sleeping, all it took was the not-end-of-the-world for Aziraphale to find himself drifting to sleep often. That wouldn’t be much of a problem on its own, if it didn’t also involve a being known for sleeping decades at a time.
OR: 5 times Aziraphale accidentally enters Crowley's dreams and 1 time Aziraphale lets Crowley enter his.
Ships in the Night by cyankelpie (G)
Sixty-four years after their argument, Crowley dreams about Aziraphale. There's nothing unusual about that, but for some reason, he can’t seem to let this dream go.
Neither can Aziraphale.
And of course, the fics you mentioned...
Like Real People Do by anywh3r3y0uwant2g0 (T)
Aziraphale misses Crowley terribly during the lockdown and is done with waiting for him to wake up. He's going to take action! He decides the best option is to visit him in a dream. But the dreamworld's reality is a bit more... straightforward than the reality Aziraphale is used to...
When Dreams Come True by cyankelpie (G)
After Not-mageddon, Crowley and Aziraphale take a well-deserved nap. Aziraphale isn’t quite prepared for the romantic dream he has about Crowley. He’s even less prepared for what happens when he wakes up.
Double-0 Omens by Supergeek21 (T)
After being told by Aziraphale he'd see him "when all this is over" Crowley starts his lockdown nap early. But what do demons dream about when they take a multi-month nap? Being Britain's greatest secret agent on a mission to save the world and rescue his best friend of course! And if that best friend also happens to be his love interest? Well, what Aziraphale doesn't know can't hurt him, right?
The dream sequence James Bond AU that nobody asked for but everyone encouraged me to write anyway.
- Mod D
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 years
If you could change one thing about the Harry Potter books, what would it be? (No reason to limit yourself to 1 thing if you can think of multiple changes you’d make) 🤗
The Marauders, Lily, and Dumbledore.
Let’s start:
Remus Lupin:
I wished they had taken him literally endangering students’ lives more siriusly. I would like to change how much Remus manipulates Harry and the readers into thinking he’s an innocent victim who was being treated badly by meanie Snivellus.
He endangered the entire school, he kept secrets from Dumbledore, he forgot to take his potion (which Severus brewed for him) and it led to him nearly eating three children.
Sirius Black:
I wish they had taken him nearly murdering someone, showing no remorse, thinking the victim deserves it just because they were curious, using his “best friend” as a murder weapon, abusing his slave, and bullying Severus even as a full grown adult more siriusly.
I despise how J.K. Rowling tried to paint him as this super cool father-figure when he was really a manipulative, slave-kicking, child-abusing, reckless, immature lunatic who never grew up.
James Potter:
Sigh, I don’t even wanna get into detail cause I know it’s gonna turn into a 100,000 word essay full of rage and hatred so I’ll just keep it short.
The dude sexually assaulted Sev, harassed Sev, bullied him mercilessly, choked him with soap (*cough* equivalent of waterboarding *cough*), tortured him, immobilised him, and showed no remorse.
Yet he’s still seen as a saint, a hero, and a great person by society.
…because he died for his family?
Oh boo hoo -_-
And the Hogwarts staff (specifically McGonagall and Hagrid) talk about him with so much affection, it’s actually sickening. And the fact that he was made Head-boy even after the terrible shit he pulled is just proof the Hogwarts staff didn’t care about their students’ safety.
I wish they could’ve taken the shit he pulled more siriusly. Like holy shit, Sev was traumatised by that monster and he’s surrounded by people who think he’s an angel.
I’m glad J*mes P*tter died early.
Lily Evans:
I wish she was more caring to Severus. Every time I reread The Prince’s Tale, I find myself disappointed. She’s always interrupted him, and she doesn’t give a fuck about what he goes through.
I dislike her, and the fact that Severus dedicated his entire life to someone who thought they were better than him and didn’t value their friendship kills me.
I wish we could’ve seen more of badass Lily. I wanna see her give James a taste of his own medicine. I wanna see her defending her best friend. I wanna see her beat the living shit out of the Marauders (James and Sirus the hardest) and telling them to stay away from Severus. I wanna see Lily valuing their friendship and Sev’s love for her. I wanna see Lily actually caring about Severus.
And I wish the books would stop portraying her as a saint. She’s extremely flawed and very bitchy. Like, at least with James, we saw his fucked up side, and Harry acknowledges it. But with Lily, literally never! She’s still seen as the angelic mother who sacrificed her life for her child, and it’s annoying. And this fandom portraying her as a Mary Sue makes my blood boil.
Albus Dumbledore:
Oh boy, where do I even begin.
Aight, lemme just release some anger:
Okay... *takes a deep breath* that felt nice. I apologise for going all Voldy on y’all.
I wish he had been more caring to Severus.
Severus is my biggest reason for hating Dumbledore.
He manipulated and used Severus when he was most vulnerable.
He let Severus almost get mauled to death by a fucking werewolf when he was just a kid and forced him to stay quiet and never punished his abusers. Dumbledore not only dismissed it but gave 0 attention to the possible trauma that gave Severus? Like holy shit, Sevy was literally fucking traumatised and Dumbledore did nothing!
Like I don’t care if y’all are in love with the Marauders and if y’all are a bunch of nasty apologists, no kid ever deserves that. He let Severus get bullied relentlessly by the kids he has a creepy ass obsession with for 7 fucking years with no punishments.
He let Severus be misguided and groomed by Lucius and the other Slytherins and into the Death Eaters. Hell, if Dumbles did shit and stopped the Marauders, Sev would 100% not have become a Death Eater.
Severus isn’t a saint but he never pretended to be the hero (even though he was -_-). He had one goal and he completed that by saving Harry. Severus was willing to die a villain, but Dumbles always has to play the hero.
“AnD wHaT uSe WoUlD tHaT bE tO aNyOnE?”
Fuck him. Severus was literally shattered and suicidal and that bastard used him and manipulated him when he was at his most vulnerable! He could've been so much kinder to Severus instead of telling him that killing himself wouldn't be of use, treating him like a pawn and not giving him a shred of compassion when he was literally suicidal!
Like, I get it, he had to fight a war yadda yadda but let's not act like the old cunt was morally justified for everything he ever did and didn't have any flaws. I understand that manipulation is necessary in a war, but can we come back on what exactly makes Severus so easily manipulated—and even more so, why he is at Dumbledore's mercy all his life?—Dumbledore let him be cruelly, emotionally and physically abused for seven years until he was broken enough. He let him, intentionally or not, become a Death Eater.
The spying, the things Severus must have witnessed, the forced stay in the toxic place that broke him in the first place were what Dumbledore asked from manipulated him in believing was what he deserved. Hogwarts was practically Azkaban to Severus, and it’s all because of the Marauders and Albus.
Albus’s manipulation of Severus is predicated on Severus being emotionally unhealthy/unstable to execute said plan. Dumbles does not want Severus to get better, because a healthier Severus means a Severus not doing what he’s told because of guilt he never let go of. Dumbledore manipulated Severus for like 18 years, that’s not okay.
“Dumbledore manipulated Snape for the better, he did it for a good cause”
Many people say this. However, if he had taken better care of Severus... then would manipulation even become necessary?
Wouldn’t it be just as good—if not better—if Severus could clutch to the wonderful feeling of being loved and having his pain acknowledged (rather than dismissed), a bit like therapists and just—family/friends—do?
If Albus had actually given a fuck about Severus, and showed that he actually cared for him and didn’t see him as just a puppet. Severus would’ve been attached, he would’ve stayed completely loyal to him.
This is why Severus was so loyal to Lily.
Because she was the light in his darkness, she taught Severus what it is to love, she showed him kindness and love. That’s why he loved her, that’s why he was incredibly devoted to her.
If Albus had done the same, he 100% would’ve earned Severus’s loyalty, and he wouldn’t have to manipulate, deceive, and force Severus into it.
I wish he would’ve done something about the Marauders’ bullying of Severus (and bullying in general).
There are a few more, I’ll just list them here:
I wish Hermione literally permanently scarring a girl’s face for life and showing no remorse could’ve been taken more siriusly. (Siriusly, Hermione... what the hell?)
I wish Hermione would treat Ronald better, and I also wish her literally attacking him with birds could’ve been taken more siriusly.
I wish Fred and George literally selling date-rape drugs could’ve been taken more siriusly.
I wish Fred and George’s cruel pranks could’ve been taken more siriusly and I wish they’d get called out!
I wish everyone (in the series and the fandom) would’ve taken everything Severus went through siriusly and not just dismissing it and thinking of him as petty. The poor man was traumatised and no one cared.
I wish Remus and Sirius would’ve apologised and they all move on and become good friends. Think about it, Severus, Sirius, and Remus would be SUCH an iconic trio! And there’s something about that thought that gives me a fuzzy and happy feeling inside. Maybe it’s cause I’ve also been bullied and I’d feel better if my bullies apologised to me.
I wish someone would’ve called Sirius and Remus on their bullshit. I want someone to just confront them, to scream at them, to call them out on their bullying ways. Actually, if Harry was the one to call them out and yell at them, it would be a million times better! (Siriusly tho, that would be epic!)
I wish Ronald wouldn’t have been painted as a jerk for “abandoning” Hermione and Harry. He was right, Harry didn’t have a plan and they made no progress whatsoever, and Ronald was worried about his family.
I wish I could change how Percy was treated throughout the series. His family was terrible to him (except Molly). I’ve already explained a lot in my answer to an ask a while ago, right here.
I wish people would take McGonagall’s treatment of students (especially Neville) more siriusly. They call Severus a child abuser when this woman exists.🤦‍♀️
I honestly wish Sirius Black was a villain. He would be extremely badass and I think I’d love him!
I wish Draco and Hermione ended up together (still love Romione tho)!
There’s more but I’ll stop here. I didn’t expect this to be so long, my apologies!
Also, I’m glad you told me that there’s no reason to limit myself to only one, cause god knows I can never pick one. It’s either 1000 reasons, or no reasons at all. There’s no in between.😂
Have a lovely day!❤️
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coco-goat-milk · 3 years
ello! may i request aether, albedo, and jean with reader who has two visions? (basically todoroki!reader)
Todoroki! reader x Aether, Albedo, Childe and Jean
Pronounce: She/him/they, no pronounce mentioned so i won't either!
Warning: Slight spoilers for Todoroki and Aether, Albedo and Childe, violence (a little bit, nothing concerning), implied family abuse
A/n: Moshi moshi~ dear anon, Yes ofc you may. I hope this is what you wanted!
Please check my rules before requesting!!
First time meeting:
You saved him from a cicin mage, he wasn't paying attention and he got sneaked up on.
When he saw both of your visions he was very intrigued! You just saved him, and you are also very attractive..wait not the time-.
He thanked you for saving him, but you just said that you didn't do it for him.
He was a little shocked by your cold voice, but you didn't mean it like that (you are just socially awkward)
Paimom called you rude, you just grabbed her lil’ legs and yeeted™ her.
Legend says people can still hear high-pitched screams in the distance, fly high(away) paimon 🕊
When you two get together:
Paimon would scream at the two of you to stop being so awkward.
It's kind of endearing, but like just hold hands already!?!??!?!?jehdfhisjb
In the beginning you are kind of unemotional but when the relationship progresses it changes a lot.
You try to understand his emotions but sometimes it's just hard, but he has a lot of patience so that's very nice!
He brings you a lot of flowers, and he is just a blushy mess when he gives them to you while you are more dense but when he explains it you are very grateful (you now bring him flowers as well)
If and when you tell him about your ‘daddy issues’ he will be there for you to talk it out and if you want hugs!
He will feel really sorry for you, but he will lovingly kiss your scars and support you very much (tbh you cried the first time he did that)
He would be really impressed and proud of you when you use the both of your visions, like shawty i see you *lip bite*
He would love to meet your siblings, and your siblings are very supportive over him since well he is amazing isn't he<33
The dates consist of getting soba! He also tries to buy you soba since you love it, whenever he can.
*Casually punches Paimon away from your soba*
He is probably your biggest simp, but as he should because your hot asf.
It's a very healthy relationship and I think it is very cute as well!
First time meeting:
He was very curious of you and wanted to ‘study’ you, you didn't take that lightly and were about to leave.
He explained that he just wanted to study you because you have two visions and he never saw such a thing before.
You two had a staring contest right after that, both of your faces were basically : 😐 (it was kinda creepy ngl).
Sucrose was standing there awkwardly and questioning her life choices.
When you two get together:
A quiet but cute relationship, I think you would be very glad that it was a relaxed relationship.
He draws you a lot, like each day you have different paintings/drawings of you.
He finds a lot of inspiration when he is with you<3
He doesn't really know his feelings but that's fine bc you don't either, yuh 2 socially awkward babies. The both of you have a lot of patience with each other because the two of you understand each other.
Honestly i really love the dynamic. Sometimes it's kind of awkward and hard since you two struggle with feeling but it's okay everyone's love language is different!
I think your love language would be a gift, Klee helps you pick flowers for Albedo!
If you decide to tell him about your family and your past...he will be shocked he doesn't know what to say or do...but he will suggest making a poison- what no no no you don't want to kill your dad :).
Albedo be like : this is my 13th reason to destroy mondstadt.
But he supports whatever you choose!
He really really really wants to study you, and maybe just maybe you will let him. (because you are a simp)
When you use your vision, he gets even more curious about you :0 wow he is very impressed by your display of raw strength!
Again he will probably study or draw you<3
This is such a cute dynamic. I think it also fits very well because the both of you can take things on your own time in your relationship!
First time meeting:
She was very curious when the knights introduced you to her..
First of all, how do you have two visions?
Second of all, why do you have such a big scar on your face?
Third of all, why are you so hot...wait what-?
She was very curious and Flustered by your presence, she also thought you were quite...intimidating and aloof.
When you two get together:
Ah yes my wifey mwah mwah <3
She is a busy person so you make her less busy <3 /srs
You help her with her work, because my baby is overworked and Mondstadt doesnt do shit. (I love the city but not the people don't attack me pls)
She really gets flustered each time you give her a kiss on the cheek or just a hug, and you're just confused ??
The first time she met you she thought you were very intimidating but your just socially awkward.
The two of you are Mondstadt’s most beautiful couple <3
When you tell her about your ‘lovely’ dad, she honestly feels so sad for you,, how could he do that. She will ignore your dad and take care of you so much if you want to. (she even takes a day off just for you <3)
She is more careful around you now, she often asks if you're comfortable or if you need a break or anything like that.
“My love, are you alright with me holding you?”
You tell force her to take breaks, you then take her for picnics or just cuddling<3
You also like to take her for a cup of tea and a book!
When you use your visions, she is shook 😮. She will ask a lot of questions about it and why you have two visions.
She is also very proud of you, you not only take care of your siblings but you also take care of not only one but two visions!
She is so supportive of you, but she needs a hand too..so you will be the one to give a hand to help her!
Whenever you feel insecure about your scar, she will reassure you and love you. She will put loving kisses on your scar <3
Honestly such a healthy and cute relationship.
First time meeting:
You just wanted to steal your dad’s mora bruh 😔
But the annoying pest named Childe saw your scar and the two of your visions.
Being very curious of both, he approached you and (pestered) talked to you, you just blankly stared at him.
You literally walked away and he started walking after you, you started walking faster and so he started walking faster...creepy Childe very creepy :|
When you two get together:
I don't know how he got together with you...he probably gave you money/j
Anyways he probably flirts with you a lot but you are just confused, and he then coos at you for being so cute and you are literally like ???
He thinks your intimidating side is very attractive, and will remind you of it everyday.
But when you compliment him back he just becomes so stiff and flustered.
When you tell him about your family and why you got the scar, he will become very protective over you. He will also be confused why would someone like you get hurt by their own family? He himself has a family and he would never do anything to them to hurt them, he actually would do anything to protect them!
He is more protective over you now, and say goodbye to your dad💀
He would love to meet you siblings, i mean this guy has a few siblings himself so i think he would be quite good with yours as well! He will treat your siblings as his own now.
He will also be more careful around you now, trying not to awaken trauma, y'know.
Anyways, he will really want to fight you and he is even more impressed that you can wield two visions!
I think the opposites of personalities is actually very nice, and I think it's a great relationship.
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