#I vaguely remember seeing this and planning to translate it before
quibbs126 · 2 years
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Edit: I now know this is common placeholder text
8 notes · View notes
yoonieper · 2 months
For the Birds— Part 3 | JJK
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I want you to stay even though you don’t want me.
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♡ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (feat. Yuri) 
♡ Genre: angst, smut
♡ Rated: T for Treachery 
♡ Series Warnings: Lots of smut (not always healthy), cheating, discussions of depression, this series includes Jk in a pretty toxic environment, degradation (not the sexy kind), manipulation, and overall Jk being in an emotionally abusive situation! 
♡ Chapter Warnings: Jungkook is really repressed, su*cidal thoughts (somewhat vague), cheating, masturbation (m), edging, mentions of substance abuse (alcohol), horny thoughts, public sex (kinda), lots of making out, dry humping, thigh fucking kinda (m), premature ejaculation(ish?), fingering, handjob, unprotected sex (nope!)
♡ Word Count: 34.5k
♡ Summary: As the son of the CEO at Golden Tech, a marriage was arranged in the name of business. Jungkook really tried to make the most of his situation and be the best husband he could be, but no matter how much he tried, his wife just doesn’t seem to want him. Then you… you came into his life and his eyes couldn’t help but wander.
♡ Now Playing: Low by SZA— see masterlist for playlist! 
♡ Betas: Thank you so much to @illyrian-book-lover @teawithhoneyandlemon and @mellowladyanchor for reading this part for me! If you’re interested in betaing a future part, dm me! If you're interested in becoming a permanent beta for this series please first click here and refer to 'details about the job' section for more details and dm for any questions you might have! Betas get early access to chapters, so if you're free to help out and can't wait for next chapter, consider joining the team!!!
♡ Author’s Note: This chapter was such a pain to get done 😭, but please enjoy this behemoth of a chapter! Nice and spicy with a side of tears! My specialty~ This is like the true part 1 of the series so ;)
No reposting, modifying. Translating is not allowed unless given explicit permission. Thank you so much : D
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Jungkook yawned and tried to blink away the tears that had formed to soothe his stinging, dry eyes. A sigh escaped his lips before he turned his head to face the clock that sat ticking away on his nightstand. 
Nearly a whole hour until his phone would begin buzzing and the drum solo he set as his alarm would go off. He still had some time to get the sleep he needed, yet no matter what he did, Jungkook couldn’t drift off like he wanted to. He had a long day ahead of him, normally he would never wake up this early, but today of all days, this had to happen.
Jungkook had gone to bed thinking about you. It started off simple, it was like a routine. He would usually take some time to establish a checklist for his next day, especially during times like these where he was normally so busy. Yuri had rested peacefully beside him while he stared at the ceiling trying to remember everything he had planned for tomorrow. It was just meant to be a reminder to himself that he couldn’t go home early, that he couldn’t forget to meet you after work, that he needed to make sure to text the chef not to wait on him to make it home, and that he had to tell Yuri he wasn’t going to be back ‘till late, not that she really even cared. But the second you entered his train of thought, that was enough to keep you in his head, and in consequence, the moments with you the day before started replaying in his mind as he tried to finally close his eyes and go to sleep.
He thought about how impressive you were during your presentation. You were settling into your new role so well; it was astounding to witness. You were always so poised, confident, and everyone admired you, he did too. Later that day, you both would be working alone together. Maybe it was the time he could ask you how you do it.
Then his mind drifted to his brief moment he spent talking to you. Why was he so awkward? The embarrassment made him bury his head in the pillow, a sad attempt to shield himself from the memory of your confused gaze meeting his eyes while his panicked brain tried to find the words he wanted to say. Why did he always find it hard to speak to you like a normal person? It was about work and he’d even practiced what to say during the meeting. However, like always, the minute he tapped your shoulder and you turned around to look at him, his brain just went blank.
That made him think about you even more, your expression as he stumbled over his words while he asked you to stay late with him. He didn’t know when it happened, but his attention had drifted from your face and zoomed in on the purple blouse you wore yesterday— you had looked really good. 
With thoughts of you on his mind, finally Jungkook was able to turn his brain off to the point he could sleep for a few hours. However, even in his slumber, he wasn’t safe from being bombarded with thoughts of you and your meeting. His tired mind thought about your blouse and running the silk between his fingers. He imagined your face, your red-tinted lips, and he thought about how confident you were during the presentation. You had led the meeting so well despite how quickly he knew you had to prepare for it. 
He had no idea how it happened, but instead of him sitting back and watching you from the head of the table like he remembered, suddenly he was facing the board room; you were now in front of him, on the table, and in his arms. Your skirt was bunched around your waist— he hadn’t seen it happen, but he knew it was because of him. Your lips were hastily chasing his and your arms were wrapped around his neck, clutching on to him for dear life as he pounded into you right there on the meeting table.
You made such pretty sounds for him— he wished he could recall them better when he woke up, all his hazy mind could remember in good detail was how nice it felt to be inside you. You felt so good, every move he made inside your warmth had him feeling like he was on the verge of losing his mind. Tears filled his eyes quicker than he thought possible— but then, he was actually crying.
Jungkook had pulled away. He didn’t know when, but suddenly he was staring at the blurred faces of all the executives that were in the meeting room.
“He’s pathetic.”
“I can’t believe he’s cheating on his wife.”
“He’s just like his parents.”
“Why would we trust someone like him to run the company?”
He couldn’t pick apart the voices, but the prosecution was distinct, and he heard every word so clearly. They never moved, he couldn’t even see their faces, but their words had tears rolling down his cheeks like a riverbank after a summer storm. They wouldn’t stop, but neither could he because you just felt so fucking good he could care less about what they say at this point. Jungkook was so desperate, it wouldn’t have mattered if they were in the middle of the most devastating, earth-shattering, cosmic event where the walls were crumbling around him and the floor was ready to swallow him whole; nothing was going to stop him from feeling you.
Nevertheless, the voices were all so loud in the background, it was mind numbing. He just wanted to enjoy this, but he knew he didn’t deserve to. They were right after all, what was he doing?! His body wanted it more than words could describe, but his mind was constantly telling him he shouldn’t do this, that he needed to listen and remember his wife, to remember Yuri, except he couldn’t. The fact that the judgmental remarks of the executives weren’t enough to stop him in his quest to have you, spoke volumes, and it just made the ache in his heart even worse.
Jungkook yearned to remember more of you instead of the accusations, like how it felt to have you that close. He wished he took in every detail— your expression as he pushed inside you, your lips against his, or recalled if he got the chance to kiss the exposed skin revealed by your off-the-shoulder, purple blouse like he had wanted to all day.
When he woke up, his room was still dark, his face was wet with sweat and tears, and he was painfully hard. It hurt so much, Jungkook panicked at first as he reached under the cover hoping his sinful dream hadn’t resulted in a mess— Yuri would hate him so much if it did. That happened once and she’d screamed at him all day about how disgusting he was. But no, this wasn’t that type of dream, but a dream nonetheless that created a horrible problem.
In desperation, Jungkook looked over to Yuri, who was still sleeping next to him, and considered waking her up to help him. Would she? He’s tried his best to do everything she asked, but he knew it would only make her hate him further.
Everything Jungkook did made her hate him even more.
And fixing this himself was off the table— he couldn’t stoop to a level that low. He’d done well for so long, he wouldn’t give up now; it’s what he kept telling himself, but everything inside his body was screaming for him to run to the bathroom and fix this. But how pitiful would that be?
He couldn’t, he just fucking couldn’t. It’s just been so long, too long…
Jungkook both wished and dreaded for Yuri to wake up. He didn’t want her to see him like this, he knew he looked pitiful right now, but he knew she’d make him forget about his dream in no time.
There was no excuse, the only person who he should be fantasizing about is his wife; but you, you just won’t leave him alone. With your short skirts, pretty red lips, and unwavering confidence. It’s only gotten worse as the months have passed— so much worse, he could hardly look at you without remembering what his sinful imagination had pictured of you. He was so disgusting, so fucking disgusting.
Every day he hoped Yuri would put him out his misery— in his most desperate moments, he’d thought about telling her what’s filled his imagination, wishing that it would make her fuck the thoughts of his coworker out of him.
His frustration has affected his marriage, he knew that. He’d been so irritable these days, how in the world could he be the perfect husband if he really couldn’t stop thinking with his dick for five seconds? But he was trying, he really was, but not hard enough.
That’s why he’d been laying here for the last twenty minutes. He had to be on his best behavior, he had to show Yuri he really was trying— no matter how much it hurt, he wouldn’t give into such deplorable urges. He wanted to be good for her. 
At first, Jungkook tried to go back to sleep. The minute he opened his eyes and felt his problem, he’d just hope going back to bed would be the solution. He’d tried to get comfortable, pulling up the covers again, but the minute he shut his eyes all he could see was you and your bunched up skirt while he pounded you into the table.
Jungkook hated sleeping on his stomach, he never knew why he ended up like that when he’d fallen asleep lying on his back or his side sometimes— but the position had his hips hastily chasing into the mattress searching for some type of friction. And it only got worse as he imagined you laying right underneath him.
He flipped over so he was on his back, but his pajama pants and even the covers caused enough friction for his mind to go back to the dream. Your red lips against his, bodies hot and heavy, panting and pleading for—
He’s spent the last twenty minutes tossing and turning, trying to force himself to go back to sleep. He had a long day ahead of him, he needed to sleep, but it just hurt so fucking much. He wanted to cum— he couldn’t even remember the last time he did that. Has it really been that long since Yuri came back from that New Years Party?
Fuck, he wanted to be good, he’d wait, he’d wait until she wanted him again, but—
Tears pricked Jungkook’s eyes as his hand slid underneath his shirt, feeling his hot skin covered in a thin layer of sweat. 
But it just hurt so much. He really shouldn’t be doing this.
Jungkook thought about Yuri, how much he wished she was awake. She was wearing those tiny shorts again, the ones she knew drove him crazy. If things were different, if he was a better husband, how nice it would have been to just push her shorts slightly to the side— feel her warmth, Yuri always felt so good.
Jungkook wouldn’t even have the patience to get on top, his neediness only allowed for him to swiftly pull his pants down, get one hand under her tank top, and use the other to push her shorts slightly to the side as he’d take her.
“Fuck.” He couldn’t stop his mouth or his hand as it started playing with the waistband of his pants. But you and your damn purple blouse. The one that showed off your shoulders and collarbones. Jungkook imagined in his dream that he’d kissed, sucked, and painted them with small bruises. Maybe you would have made more of those pretty sounds—
Jungkook stared wide eyed at the ceiling as he felt his hand slip past his waistband and grasp onto his throbbing length.
Oh no.
The tears quickly started welling up in his eyes again.
He didn’t even have the decency to commit such an act in private. The bathroom was just right there, but in the moment it felt so far away as he slowly started moving his hand. Jungkook tried his best to choke back the moan as his fingers made it to the tip, he was so sensitive— it felt so wrong, but all he could picture as they came back down was you on that table.
Your blouse, your skirt bunched up, your lips on his, your warmth— fuck, why did something so wrong feel so good? Jungkook tried to tell himself this was just to relieve the pain, but you just wouldn’t let him go.
“Oh no…” He tried to sob quietly as his hand started speeding up. He was so fucking pathetic. Apparently he wasn’t quiet enough, or maybe Yuri was just waking up, she’d normally be in the shower before his alarm even went off. Yuri steadily lifted her head and turned to face him.
“Jungkook, what the hell?” She grumbled. She sounded tired, maybe he really had been too loud.
He looked at her, but his vision became blurry as the tears in his eyes grew heavier. He still was able to see her eyes dart down to the tent under the comforter. He probably looked like a deer trapped in headlights as his whole body froze.
“What are you doing?!” She looked distraught.
He hurriedly tried to blink away the tears. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation, maybe that dream had actually made him lose his mind, but that burn, that need, just wasn’t subsiding like he knew it should.
“Yuri, please…” His voice was soft, but he was begging.
Yuri pulled back the covers and was able to see in as much glory as the sunrise would allow, his hand that had slipped into his pajama pants, and the hand that was still underneath his shirt. Jungkook had never felt more pathetic, but his body pleaded, no, begged for more.
Yuri just continued to stare at him.
“I had a dream and— I tried so hard to go back to sleep— so hard, I promise I really did.” He was trying his best not to cry but he could feel the hatred brewing behind her dark gaze. He knew she was disappointed. How does he always fuck everything up?
He probably would have crumbled into pieces and started bawling right then and there if her hands didn’t come up and grab his wrists. He was so confused, but she didn’t give him much time to process as she pinned his hands over his head and climbed into his lap— sitting right where he needed her.
He probably could have come by that action alone if only he wasn’t so ashamed.
“Yuri!” He gasped. She was so close, he could feel her so well, those fucking shorts not doing much at all, it was taking everything in him to not rip them off.
“You’re such a mess.” She mumbled, looking down at him.
“I know… I’m sorry…” He wanted her to forgive him just this once. 
Jungkook almost screamed when he felt her hips rock slowly, making him hurriedly chase into hers. 
“Please, please, please!” He moaned. His whole body burned, ached, pleaded— he wanted so much more.
“Mmmm, you know how pathetic you look like this?” Yuri chuckled as she ground down a little harder. He couldn’t even imagine how he looked right now.
“I’m so sorry.” He cried, because he genuinely was. He was so sorry she had to be married to him.
“What is it that you want anyway?” She asked like it wasn’t obvious with how hard he was underneath her. He was going to go crazy at this point.
“It’s been so long since we— I— please— I want to fuck you so badly— it hurts so much.” Jungkook normally wasn’t so blunt, but his lust-filled mind only allowed for the equivalent of getting on his knees and begging her to forgive him just this once and put him out of his misery.
It’s been ten months.
Yuri laughed but sped up her pace.
“Fuck!” Jungkook whined, his eyes welling up all over again. He wished he could touch her; his hands running under her tank top or grabbing onto her waist as he pushed her shorts to the side so he could finally feel her. What he would have given to do that.
“Whose fault is that? It was your dick that wouldn’t work the last time.” She was laughing at him. His eyes burned from the tears that continued to fill his eyes, but he needed more.
She was right. It was his fault. Why couldn’t he just get his shit together that day? He knew he wouldn’t get another chance like that again, yet he still couldn’t do it. It was embarrassing.
Jungkook looked intently at where their bodies connected. His erection was so obvious, he wasn’t wearing any underwear so he could clearly see it as she ran over his length. Every time she’d rock forward the tip would almost push past the waistband, red, angry, and staring back at him with shame. He whined at the sight. He couldn’t help imagining what it would feel like if he could take off his pants and she wasn’t wearing those shorts.
She really would feel so good… how the hell did he pass this up back in April?
“I’m sorry.” That’s the only thing he could do, apologize. He felt so bad.
“And you’re crying, again?” She laughed in disbelief. Yes, yes he was; both in the fact he was ashamed, but she’d also been working him far longer than his deprived mind could take, and he wanted to finish. He only needed a little more.
“You’re close, aren’t you?” Her voice was laced with honey, yet reeked of poison. She was so upset at him. Jungkook couldn’t even look at her anymore, he just hurriedly nodded, hoping she’d understand.
“You could cum just from this?” Yuri asked like she was actually curious.
“I will, soon.” There was no point in hiding it.  “I wish I could be inside you though— but I’ll take anything if you’ll let me finish.” How badly he wished she’d let him push her shorts to the side, but that didn’t matter anymore. All he needed was to be done with this pent-up frustration, maybe then he could get himself together again. 
This seemed to interest Yuri in some way, because she finally picked up the pace and started grinding on top of him. The tears spilled from Jungkook’s eyes as his whole body prepared for the release he craved more than anything right now. 
“Yuri please, please, please, please!” Jungkook cried and he couldn’t repeat it enough times for her to get it. He was close and all he could ask for was her forgiveness just this once. He knew this was his fault and he’d try and make it up to her in any way he could. 
He was so close, so fucking close— so hot, this position was so hot. He desperately wanted to touch her, but he liked being underneath her like this.
He only tried to hold back for a second, hoping at the last minute she’d hurl those stupid shorts across the room, get a condom, and he’d finally feel her like he’d been wanting for months. However, that only lasted for a second before he was sure he was about to spiral off the edge he craved. But it didn’t matter how much Jungkook pleaded, because right when his cries couldn’t get any more mangled and desperate, she stopped. She stopped and was off his lap before he could hardly comprehend his orgasm was snatched away. 
Yuri didn’t say much for once. She just hopped off the bed and looked at him for a little while.
“Somehow you keep getting more pitiful. Get your shit together, Jeon. This will never work if you don’t.” Was all she said with a dramatic eye roll, before she was marching out of the bedroom and leaving Jungkook alone.
Jungkook just sat there for a second, trying to comprehend what just happened. But his body didn’t allow for much because he still felt like he was five seconds away from exploding.
He hurriedly scurried over to the bathroom and set the shower to the coldest setting possible, he didn’t even bother to take off his clothes before jumping in.
As the cold water soaked his hair, his clothes, and finally started to cool his burning skin, that’s when the real tears began to flow. Because no cold water could stop how much he wanted to reach down and finish himself off. It would be so easy now that he was alone, but Jungkook couldn’t allow himself to stoop so low. 
He wouldn’t, he couldn’t. He’s already disappointed her so much. 
Jungkook let himself sink to the floor.
He felt as if he was incapable of being a good husband; really, a good person. He was awful. Jungkook was such a disappointment, a failure, a pathetic human being who only brought agony to the people he cared about the most. He was making everyone’s lives so fucking miserable…
Yuri deserved a good husband, it shouldn’t be that hard to at least be decent, yet he couldn’t even do just that. He got hard while imagining fucking his coworker and he had expected his wife to fix the problem?! It was hilarious, he deserved the punishment, worse really. When would he learn to be good? That’s all Yuri expected of him, but—
Jungkook tried to be as quiet as possible while the freezing water poured over his head and washed away the tears that just wouldn’t stop. He wanted to disappear. That would make everything so much easier. All he did was cause pain.
Jungkook stared at the coffee maker as the dark liquid slowly dripped into the cup. He wondered how he was going to make it through the day only running on three hours of sleep. It would be horrible if he passed out in front of you later.
His whole body felt heavy, just standing up was hard as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Coffee should help— at least it should give him enough energy to make it to work before he could make another cup to push him through the day.
He couldn’t embarrass himself in front of you.
Jungkook scoffed as he suddenly thought back to his dream— nightmare really. Oddly enough, he was used to it at this point. This wasn’t the first time you’d taken over his dreams, you had a terrible habit of filling his mind even when he was fast asleep. You seem to love being in his head.
It was a little more recently that the dreams started, but his mind loved making up scenarios anytime he’d see you in the office.
He couldn’t even remember when it began anymore.
Had it been since you’d spilled coffee all over him? Was it then? All he knew was that you pissed him off for a reason he didn’t even know, not then, not now. 
Why were you so pretty? Why did he think you were pretty? He had a wife!
Maybe if you had met any other day he would have had no problem with you, maybe he wouldn’t have noticed you at all, but you met at the wrong time on the wrong day. At first, there was a bit of resentment— he had never hated you, but your first impression left a mark where a wound already existed. Seeing you reminded him of that terrible day and, for a little while, he made it his mission to give you a hard time.
It was petty, he knew that. You literally did nothing wrong. He knew it was only an accident, but there was something about you… at first you just made him upset. The reasons now have morphed into something more complex, something he’s desperately been trying to figure out to get you out of his head. It didn’t make any sense why every time he’d look at you he wanted to pull you so close that your atoms would defy physics and meet at the quantum level. He wanted you, badly, so fucking badly that he was honestly a little worried about later’s meeting.
Jungkook would never act on anything, but he wasn’t sure if he could be alone with you and not lose his mind. How could he not? Everything about you was like candy handed out by a guy in a white van. Enticing, but dangerous, far worse than what his naive brain could comprehend.
His own anger made things worse. He should have known just seeing what you were like on your very first day. No matter what Jungkook seemed to throw at you, you never once faltered, never complained, you absolutely crushed the assignments he’d give you. He was so amazed. You were so self-assured, confident, and meticulous. 
Everything he wasn’t.
Jungkook would be in meetings trying to stop himself from fawning anytime you’d speak. You were amazing, and everything about you just aroused him in a way that shouldn’t be possible. It frustrated him so much, he was fucking married.
He was a husband. He had a wife. He couldn’t forget that.
Jungkook tried to shake himself out of it and focus back on the task at hand— coffee, something he desperately needed before he passed out on the floor. He'd taken up the job of making coffee for him and Yuri. She hadn’t asked him to, but he was hoping this would be a nice peace offering for earlier.
He’d worked part time as a barista throughout his first two years of college. How he managed school, gigs, part time jobs, and Golden Tech, was something he couldn’t even comprehend anymore. But while he was there, he did get the opportunity to learn how to make those cute drinks most people would only be able to get at coffee shops.
However, he went for the classics today. 
Yuri loved Americanos, iced when it was hotter, but the chill November weather begged for a warmer drink. Jungkook couldn’t handle bitter drinks, he didn’t even like coffee until his schedule forced him to develop a need for it before he even attempted to go outside. Still, he preferred sweeter drinks with milk, sugar, or so much creamer you couldn’t even taste the coffee anymore. Today though, he needed something a little more intense to make sure he wouldn’t pass out at his desk. 
He didn’t have time to nap, things were so hectic as they neared the end of the quarter and tried to prepare for next year. He was the overseer of all of this for their department and was more needed than ever.
A latte is what he settled with. He made it fancy too, using the milk to draw a heart over the shots of espresso because why the fuck not? He didn’t have much to smile about these days, why not add a heart to his coffee?
Americanos didn't offer the chance for a cute design, so instead he focused on trying to get the ratios right so it’d be perfect for his wife. 
Jungkook had just finished pouring the hot water into her mug, when he heard Yuri’s clicking heels as she made her way into the room. She was wearing a short, black, sweater dress, with her shoulders exposed just like your blouse had been yesterday.
His cheeks flushed the longer he looked. It was like she was trying to kill him. That shower had not worked like he’d hoped.
He coughed to keep himself from staring. “You won’t be cold?” He asked, hoping to keep his mind busy.
She stopped dead in her tracks.
“What?” Yuri scowled. He could sense her irritation immediately.
“I— I just saw it was going to be really cold today— 5 degrees actually, and it’s going to rain. I don’t want you to catch a cold.” He fretted as he saw Yuri roll her eyes before taking a seat on one of the barstools. 
“Don’t boss me around.” She grumbled. 
Jungkook froze as the guilt washed over him. He didn’t mean it to sound that way, but of course he couldn’t effectively communicate that he was just worried about her.
“What are you doing?” She asked, still clearly disgruntled as she rested her head on her hand. Jungkook suddenly remembered the coffee and hastily went to grab her mug.
“I made you coffee…” He attempted to smile as he placed it in front of her. He hurriedly grabbed his own before taking a seat, making sure he was far away enough to leave a chair in between them.
For a second, she just stared down at the mug, but then her eyes moved to his briefly. He probably looked desperate as he waited to see if she’d accept the offering. He felt like he was waiting for an eternity, but eventually Yuri just sighed before she picked it up.
Jungkook tried to subtly watch her face as she took her first sip. He made a silent prayer to whomever would listen that she would enjoy it, but her expression was unreadable as she set the cup down. Yuri didn’t say anything that gave him any type of clue into her thoughts. It wasn’t good or bad… but it was better than her spitting it out, throwing her cup on the floor, and saying she was better off without him.
Instead of worrying about it too much, he took a sip of his latte, and his brows furrowed as the taste relished in his mouth. It was pretty good for an espresso. He gave himself a mental pat on the back knowing at least he did a nice job on his own.
A few minutes passed by, the steady silence started filling the room and grew more unbearable.
“Are you going to the gym today?” Yuri asked, not bothering to look at him. He didn’t mind, he couldn’t handle meeting her eyes right now.
Jungkook sadly laughed at the mention of it. “No. Things are hectic right now and I have a lot of work today. I’m trying to get there a little early.” He said, taking another sip of his latte. Normally, the first thing Jungkook would do in the morning was head to the gym after he had a bit of caffeine in his system. He always found it a great way to wake himself up. However, the hecticness of his schedule has fucked up his gym routine so much that he’d barely had time to go lately.
Yuri didn’t respond to that.
“What about your plans today?” Jungkook tried inquiring.
Yuri sipped her coffee lightly before setting it down. “I’m going to Busan for a shoot. I’ll be back late— probably not till early morning.”
Jungkook couldn’t stop the way his heart sank knowing she wouldn’t be home later. He had wanted to talk after giving her some time to cool off and properly apologize for what happened this morning.  
“Hopefully they won’t make you work too late.” Jungkook tried to smile at her, but instead he was met with the sight of her blank gaze focused more on the kitchen rather than her own husband who was beside her. He resisted every urge in him to pull her close— a hug, an arm over her shoulder, anything to make this better. But he fought it, knowing that it would only dig himself deeper into the hole he created.
Silence, not even a chuckle.
“I’ll be home late too by the way. I have to work overtime with a coworker, so…” His words were drowned in his latte as he brought it up to his lips.
Yuri, once again, didn’t say anything. As the seconds continued to tick by, Jungkook couldn’t easily brush it off this time around. He wished she would plead for him to come home as soon as he could, and then complain about work always getting in the way of their relationship. Maybe she could even question him entirely about the coworker he had mentioned. Anything, he just wanted his wife to speak to him. Yuri was upset. He hated the silence. Why couldn’t he just be better?
“Yuri, I’m sorry for earlier.” Jungkook’s voice was shaky as he finally broke the awkward tension. 
“I don’t know what came over me. I just— Yuri, I miss you.” Jungkook turned to face her. He reached out and grabbed her hand that was sitting on the countertop.
“I miss you so much, I’m sorry if I woke you up earlier, sorry you had to see that.” He probably would never recover from the embarrassment, but then he thought about her on his lap and how he nearly blew his load right there. He missed her, why did things always need to be like this?
She still didn’t say anything. 
“I’m trying, I promise— I’ll be better…” His eyes started to sting, he knew he was moments away from crying again.
“How long have you been giving that excuse?” Yuri finally said as she let out a dark chuckle. As soon as the words hit his ears, he instantly felt bad for even saying anything. She was right— she was always right.
“Yuri—“ Before he could say anything else, she abruptly hopped off the barstool.
“Jungkook, I'm not in the mood today.” Yuri grumbled as she grabbed her mug.
She was never in the mood to talk about anything. Jungkook knew he should be focused on trying to apologize for his despicable actions this morning, but her words quickly lit a flame he couldn’t extinguish. She was never in the mood to deal with him, to deal with anything that involved them as a couple.  
“So that’s it then?” Jungkook huffed, but his face was wet. Embarrassing. 
Yuri stopped in her tracks.
“You’re not going to stay? We’re never here together in the mornings— you don’t want to sit here and talk with me, nothing?!” He was upset because he was coming face to face with the reality that his wife hated spending time with him. He knew that already, but seeing her walking away so easily from the one time they were up together in the morning, was enough to make him snap.
“Why is it such a crime that I want to spend time with you?” He cried as he stared at her when she still hadn’t said anything. He usually never got to talk this long before she had something to say. 
It was finally then that Yuri turned around.
“And why would I want to do that?” She said with the same dark laugh as before.
“I’m trying Yuri, so fucking hard. I—I—“ And he had nothing to say. Why would she want to be with him? Just look at what happened this morning. 
“Jungkook, I told you I’m not in the mood for this— I have places to be.” She sighed and turned away again.
Jungkook watched as she dumped her coffee into the sink.
“It was shit by the way!” She made sure he knew this. That was the last thing she said before heading back to their bedroom.
Jungkook tried his best to quickly wipe away the tears that just wouldn’t stop falling. Her words weren’t surprising, and he deserved them more than ever. He really was out of line. He was pathetic, so, so, so pathetic— why would she ever want to be with him?
However, for some reason, the thing that kept replaying in his mind was how easily she chucked the coffee he had worked so hard on trying to make perfect. The one thing he thought he could do right for her, and of course he failed. He was just one big fucking failure.
Jungkook attempted to take another sip of his own drink, but the taste was completely different than what he had remembered. The bitterness made him nearly gag and it took everything in him not to scream. Instead, the tears ran harder down his face as he quickly got up to throw his latte away too.
He couldn’t do anything right.
Things have been hectic these days. You were managing and making sure all of the numbers were being met for the holiday promotions, and also working hard to prepare for the next quarter with the teams.
This was the first time you’ve been managing by yourself this long. Director Son would take a day off occasionally when he had to leave the office for meetings at other companies— twice since you had been promoted, but handling an entire week on your own was a challenge you honestly weren’t sure you were qualified for. But there was no way you’d let anyone else know that. Instead, you put on a brave face and did your absolute best.
Today was hectic, and workwise, not really that interesting. Some meetings, assignments you needed to do, tasks you had to handle, it all mainly consisted of what you would typically do every day. However, there was an uneasiness in the air from the minute you woke up and thought about the fact that you were going to be working overtime with Jungkook. It was strange, but you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t nervous.
Maybe it was simply the fact that you were going to be alone with your boss for the first time— you’ve never really hung out with the guy before, and any brief conversation you’ve shared has always been so awkward. You wondered if he genuinely might not like you or something, that it might go beyond pettiness over an incident that happened over two years ago at this point. You’d never been rude to him (at least not to his face), so you had no idea where that would have come from. You figured it had to be the coffee incident still biting you in the ass. Director Son had told you prior to his absence that your workload was still abnormally high in comparison to what had been expected of the last associate director. 
Things hadn’t changed besides your feelings being a bit more complicated. Did you like Jeon Jungkook? No, he was still a major dickhead for singling you out over an accident. But were you worried about him? All the time lately.
As much as you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs every time you’d get assigned more work, you kept your cool because maybe— maybe things weren’t as they seemed.
Even though it was always awkward, Jungkook was never mean to you whenever you talked to each other. He would smile sometimes, and you’d joke around with each other occasionally. He was pretty shy— you noticed that almost immediately, he blushed a lot which always made you feel a little funny. 
It was when you wouldn’t see each other when he’d get back to being unreasonably petty. Maybe the sad boy act was a trap to make you accept his cruelness out of pity. Maybe, or maybe not. The chance was enough for you, so you settled with— you still didn’t like him, but with more caution. You needed more evidence, and today was a great day to collect findings and investigate further— with you both spending hours alone with each other, it would hopefully give you enough time to see his true colors. 
Just leading up to your meeting, things were already starting to get a little weird to say the least. You both worked more closely than usual, and anytime you’d talk with another executive, or you worked on the mountain that was your workload, you always felt stared at.
You liked to think you had a secret pair of eyes in the back of your head because you could always tell when someone was looking at you. Your senses were going off like crazy today, and every time you’d turn to check, you’d see him staring at you.
It could’ve been because you both had plans later. You never once found yourself creeped out by his staring. He reminded you of Bambi at the way his eyes sparkled in the light, and just how bewildered he looked by your mere existence.
You hated to admit it, but it was almost cute?
You had no issue meeting his gaze— at first, because you were a little confused by what was happening, but then you noticed the way his face would light up before he quickly turned away, visibly flustered, so you just kept doing it for fun.
Then, there was the incident on the roof…
You needed to find him to get him to sign some papers. You had gone to his office first— he wasn’t there, so you asked Secretary Yu— she didn’t know where he was, so you were left wandering the floor, asking around, trying to see if anyone had seen him. Luckily, Hoseok came to the rescue as you wandered through marketing trying to find him— he told you he had seen him in the elevator when he went to deliver something upstairs. 
“He said he was on his lunch break. I think he was heading to the roof, maybe?” Hoseok shrugged.
The roof?
You tried to ignore the way you felt your stomach drop. There could be a perfectly reasonable excuse for why he would be up there. The actual rooftop of the building was reachable only by maintenance, but there was a terrace a few stories down that everyone at the office referred to as ‘the roof.’ It didn’t have much up there— a few tables and chairs where people could lounge around, and it also had these beautiful trees and greenery that somehow managed to grow that high up on a building.
It was a popular spot during the warmer months, and maybe if today were a nice day, you wouldn’t be as worried, but it was freezing outside. Just walking from your bus stop, which was just down the street, to the building’s entrance, you swore your nose would fall off before you even reached the door.
What business would he have on the roof in November?
That’s why you said a hurried goodbye to Hoseok and nearly ran to the elevator. Maybe this was all in your head, and maybe you had a bad habit of thinking the worst— but your worry had saved someone before. Propelled by your belief that there was even the slightest chance of something bad happening, you never once slowed down as you made your way to the elevators. You hurriedly pressed the floor button, believing it would somehow make it go faster, and you nearly tripped over your heels trying to rush down the short hallway to the door.
As soon as you opened it, the chill air almost blew you away. Your stockings and your white button-up didn’t do much to protect you from the cold, but you persevered anyway. 
You didn’t immediately see him out there, so you hastily made your way further around the terrace. Your panic only grew worse with each step you took until you rounded the corner and a silhouette began appearing. It was Jungkook. You took a second to let out a sigh of relief, because at least things weren’t as bad as you thought or certainly could have been, but as you stood there, you noticed his hand come up to wipe his eyes.
He wasn’t crying… was he?
“Director Jeon!” You didn’t hesitate to make your presence known, feeling weird just watching him like this.
At your voice, he turned around, and for a split second you saw it, you saw his sad eyes and the way his face glistened with tears. However, it wasn’t long, and he hurriedly used his sleeve to wipe his face.
“What are you doing out here?! It’s freezing!” You exclaimed as you started making your way towards him. You tried to hold up the papers you were carrying to block the wind, but they merely fluttered before folding over in your hand.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” He tried to say over the sound of the wind rushing past. You couldn’t tell if he was annoyed to see you or not.
“I had papers I needed—” Before you could finish, he was approaching you and grabbing your wrist to lead you both back to the door.
You looked at him, then his hand on your wrist, then back at him, and then your wrist again. The more you looked, the more you felt your face grow hotter. Part of you wanted to scream and tell him to let go, but you never did, honestly too stunned to do anything but let him lead you away. He yanked the door open, pulling you back into the short hallway.
As soon as the door closed behind you, he finally let go, and you had to take a second to remind yourself to breathe, because what the fuck was that?
“Sorry, it’s freezing out there— I didn’t want you catching a cold.” He laughed shyly, and it was then that you realized how close he was standing. 
The hallway was short and not very wide. It was maybe big enough for two people to stand side by side with a little room left so they wouldn’t be scraping against the wall. But you and Jungkook were facing each other, so there was no need to be this close. You wondered if there was even a foot in between you.
You took a second to look at the way Jungkook was leaning against the door. A slight smile was on his face, but standing this close, you could see the way his eyes were a little red.
“I should be saying that to you. What were you doing out there?” You asked, hoping there was some reasonable answer to this. His smile slowly faded, and it’s like in an instant you saw the dark cloud that had managed to form above his head materialize right in front of your eyes. It rained and stormed down on him with a concerning ferocity, yet he never seemed to acknowledge the way the mood had shifted. 
“I— just needed some fresh air.” He didn’t even look at you as he spoke, almost like his mind was elsewhere.
“Fresh air without a coat?” You questioned after noticing he was only wearing his suit jacket.
“You got me there…” He chuckled sadly. You looked at him worriedly. It was on the tip of your tongue to ask if he was ok, but once again you found yourself lost for words.
“Um, you said you needed me for something?” Jungkook said, breaking the growing silence.
You almost completely forgot why you came up here. You looked down at the papers in your hand and waved them around. “Right, I just needed you to sign the proposal we talked about in the meeting earlier.”
“Ah right, I see— do you have a—“ he didn’t even need to finish before you were whipping out the pen you kept in the pocket of your shirt.
He smiled at your eagerness before taking your pen and the papers. You watched as he scanned over them, making sure everything was just as discussed, before putting the papers against the door and signing them.
For some reason as you watched him sign his name, it almost made you think about a celebrity signing autographs in the fancy way he wrote the characters. But that only led your eyes to his face, and then you were staring at him, observing him.
You noticed he was still a little pink, you weren’t sure if it was from crying or the cold outside. At some point he flicked his hair out of his face so you could finally see his eyes a little better and you were quick to notice the tinge of red, and his face seemed a little wet around his eyes. It instantly confirmed he had been crying earlier, worrying you further. 
His hair had gotten so long now, his bangs brushing softly against his cheeks, and the rest of his dark locks sat prettily just over his shoulders. It was probably long enough that he could very easily tie it up if he wanted. As he concentrated on the documents, you could even see that little mole make an appearance once again as he bit his lip.
It seems you weren’t the only one with eyes in the back of your head, because he turned to meet your gaze.
“I’m almost done.” He hurriedly reassured, and it was only then that you realized your staring might be rushing him.
You turned away so you were looking at the golden doors of the elevator, your face on fire again. It felt like a century as the silence painfully lingered in the air, but eventually he handed back the papers.
“I’m sorry you had to come looking for me. I wouldn’t have taken a break if I knew.” He genuinely seemed sorry. How could this be the same man who's been petty towards you since day one? How?! The Jungkook you had constructed in your mind over the years would never apologize, let alone for something he didn’t need to. 
“It’s not a problem. Things have been so hectic, it’s nice to have a break. It was only for a signature anyway.” He laughed at this, but then the silence started filling the air again.
You realized this was probably the time you should be saying your goodbyes.
“Do you want to come down with me?” You asked.
For a second, he pointed toward the door, like he really wanted to head back outside to that freezing tornado of no. But it’s like he realized that it didn’t make any sense, so he was just standing there, confused about what to say.
“Please don’t tell me you’re going back out there?” You looked at him worriedly.
If his fumbling earlier didn’t confirm anything, his silence now sure did. 
You had no idea what came over you, and honestly it probably wasn’t the most professional thing to do, but you flipped your hand over, brushed his bangs back, and rested your hand on his forehead.
You noticed his immediate shock with the way his eyes widened, but you pushed on. You then moved your hand to his cheeks and as you feared, he was still absolutely freezing.
“Sir, you’re freezing…” You let him know, hoping this would mean something.
You followed his gaze as it went from your hand, up your arm, and finally met your eyes once again. You nearly shivered as you stared into his eyes, his dark orbs felt weighted. Was it sadness, exhaustion, something else entirely?
You tried to shake yourself out of it and dropped your hand. “Going back out is just asking to get sick, and we really need you here.” You smiled up at him.
He didn’t say anything, and that confused look in his eyes still remained.
The awkward silence returned.
“Um, anyway, you should come down with me. I heard you were on your lunch break, yet I see no lunch.” You pointed out.
It seemed that was what it took to finally get him to snap out of it, as he looked down at his empty hands.
“Don’t tell me you forgot…?” And you just knew he did. 
“It’s a bad habit.” He chuckled shyly, but that just made you concerned all over again. What did he mean it was a habit? 
“Maybe we could eat together? I just have to drop these papers off and then we could head to the cafeteria.” You said so abruptly, it shocked yourself just as much as it seemed to shock him. 
What were you saying?! 
The silence that lingered had you ready to apologize for even putting out the idea.
“I’m a bit busy and my break is almost over…” You thought this was his way of rejecting your offer. “But… we can get food together.”
Jungkook looked back up at you with a smile on his face. For a second you saw it, that way his eyes crinkled and you found it hard not to fawn at the sight. You felt good that you were able to make him smile like that— for some reason you had the idea that it doesn’t happen too often.
With that, you were heading down the elevator and walking through the halls to your office. On the way, you sensed the questioning eyes of everyone as soon as they saw Jungkook trailing behind you.
Everyone around the office still thought that you hated him.
You eventually got to your office and you were a little shocked to find Solmi and Taehyung standing outside the door. They were just talking, probably waiting for you to go to the cafeteria, but then they finally saw you making your way over.
You noticed their smiles drop as soon as they saw Jungkook behind you.
“Hey guys…” You gave them a warning glare. “I was going to head down with Jungkook— meet me down there later~” You smiled a bit too hard as you set the papers down and turned back to Jungkook, who looked more than a little awkward.
You realized he probably didn’t come out here too often.
You didn’t give your friends any time to ask questions before you were whisking the both of you back to the elevator to finally head downstairs.
You honestly didn’t consider until later how… strange this might look to people. Not only because they thought you still hated him, but you were hanging around a married man like this. You sometimes forgot he was married, but the more looks you received, the more apparent it became how your colleagues might interpret your actions. But you had good intentions. All you wanted to do was make sure he actually ate something, fearing​​ that if you left him upstairs, he’d go back outside again and forget to eat lunch entirely. 
No one seemed to be worried, and you doubted anyone else would remind him to eat lunch. It’s not like you were this amazing person, but despite your mixed feelings toward Jeon Jungkook, you still didn’t want to just leave him like this. You wanted to help him even if it was just a little bit. He reminded you of Mi-Sun so much…
Besides that, it also gave you an opportunity to work on the awkwardness between you two before your long night together. Maybe he’d even give you bonus points for taking the initiative and being the first to try and extend the olive branch. 
However, neither of you talked too much as you waited in line, which wasn’t exactly what you had in mind. You’d sometimes try to ask him questions, but it didn’t lead anywhere besides a simple back and forth. The glaring awkwardness and the growing murmur of the crowd in the cafeteria filled the space between the two of you. Rome wasn’t built in a day; you knew creating any type of amicable relationship with Jungkook was going to take some time, especially considering you both didn’t start on the best foot, so you didn’t dwell on it too much. 
In between your short conversations, many people offered to let Jungkook go in front of them as soon as they noticed the CEO’s son was there, but he declined every time. You couldn’t lie and say you weren’t surprised. That side of you who still thought the worst of him had you thinking he would use his position to nudge his way into any door he possibly could, even something as insignificant as skipping through the lunch line. But no, he didn’t even think about it any time someone would come up to him. Maybe you were wrong once again. 
Eventually, you were able to make it through the line.
“You sure you don’t want to stay? Maybe you could spare a few minutes to eat? My friends will be down soon if you want to sit with us, or maybe Director Park—“ 
“No, it’s alright. I’ve been gone long enough. Thank you, though.” Jungkook smiled.
You looked at him hesitantly. “Alright, just make sure you actually eat.”
“Don’t worry. I’m the king of multitasking~” He laughed, but you still were in fact still worried. For some reason you didn’t believe him, but you didn’t want to fight him on this.
“Anyway, I’ll see you later, okay?” He smiled at you before turning around and heading back to the elevators.
That was the last time you saw each other before your meeting. The rest of the day, you found yourself feeling even more nervous.  
As your colleagues began packing up all their belongings and saying their goodbyes, you tried not to think about the fact that you had to meet with Jungkook soon, because you either found your nerves returning or you wanted to cry because you couldn’t go home. 
When the time finally arrived, you passed Secretary Yu’s empty desk and stood outside the door. You took a second to just breathe and try to calm your beating heart. There was no reason to be this nervous, you can handle Jeon Jungkook just like you do everything. Get in, be done, and then get out. Home was your finish line. 
Before they left, Taehyung and Solmi performed a ritual to wish you luck for tonight by surrounding your chair with pens, highlighters, bottles of white-out, and basically all the office supplies they could find. 
“By the power of this printer paper, Y/n is going to make it home alive.” Solmi said dramatically, holding a pack of printer paper— you had just asked her to fill the printer tray before they started doing this. Taehyung was standing behind her playing spooky music. They both told you that the ambiance was the last ingredient to reassure you that the ritual would work. 
You called them dramatic, but they said it was necessary to ensure you made it out of the “demon’s lair” unscathed. It was entirely too much, maybe even a little rude, but you let them have their fun.
There was absolutely no reason to be scared, but you couldn’t help the way your heart sped up in your chest as you knocked you pushed open the door.
Once again, you weren’t greeted with a demon’s lair, but well— no, maybe you couldn’t say that exactly. Taehyung and Solmi, during their ritual, had put the thought into your head that his bright office was merely a façade maintained during work hours, that he and the room revealed their true colors the minute most people were out of the building. You thought it was silly, but as you grasped your laptop tightly and saw that his office was dark apart from the faint glow of a couple of candles placed around the tables, you couldn’t help but wonder if you had entered the right room. This certainly wasn’t what you were expecting.
“Y/n—” You heard, but suddenly there was a loud thud making you nearly jump out of your skin as you snapped your head towards the commotion. “Shit!” You realized Jungkook groaned, as he clutched onto his desk. “I knew that was there…” He tried to laugh, but you could still hear the pain in his voice. 
You shook yourself out of your shock, before you hurriedly made your way over to him, trying your best to dodge past the faint outline of furniture on the way.
“Are you ok?” You asked looking down to see if you could notice any damage, but the room was just so dark. You helped him sit back down in his chair.
“Yeah, I just didn’t realize my desk was there…” He sighed, his brows furrowed as he leaned back.
“How could you? Why do you have all the lights off?” You looked around now that you were fully inside the room, and your eyes had adjusted a little more. The candles created a nice mood lighting, and the sparkling city lights outside provided that last little touch of magic. It was pretty, very different from what you’d see during the day. If you didn’t know any better, you might have thought he was preparing for a date considering how romantic this almost seemed.
“I always turn them off when I stay here late— the lights are way too bright for this time of night, in my opinion. I don’t mind it being completely dark, but I lit some candles so you could see.” You were tempted to ask where he got so many since you had never seen them around before, but you kept quiet and just accepted the gesture. It was really sweet.
Jungkook suddenly swiveled around in his chair to reveal a minifridge you didn’t realize he had in here. He opened it, and you peeped a variety of drinks, mainly beer it seemed, but he pulled out a wine bottle before shutting it.
“Only if you want to.” He looked down at the bottle and then back at you. 
You were shocked. 
It was just then that you realized you never had a picture of what Jungkook was like outside of work. You couldn’t even imagine him stepping outside of this office building, but if you ever subconsciously had any impression, you never expected that he would be so… loose? You honestly thought it would be quite boring staying late with him, where you would be stuck fighting all forces of nature to keep your eyes open. You thought he would be the stone-cold, boring, business type, where you were here for work only. 
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Jungkook instructed you to grab Secretary Yu’s chair and roll it in so you could sit next to him, since all of the seats in his office were too heavy to move. As you left, he popped open the cork and took out wine glasses he also brought out of thin air.  
Once you got back, he even told you that the wine was yours to keep (a gift for staying late with him). You looked at the bottle, but you had no idea what it was. You squinted, trying to read the label, and eventually figured out it was entirely written in French. That’s when Jungkook explained that he had first tried this wine when his father had given him a bottle after a business trip to France.
“I had been having a terrible day, and then I remembered I had this white wine my dad gave me. I poured just a little to taste— next thing I knew, the whole bottle was gone.” He chuckled at the memory as he filled both of your glasses about halfway.
“I bought a few more bottles when I went this summer. I hope you like it~” He smiled at you. 
You figured this bottle was expensive, and you didn’t need to recognize the brand to understand that. Just as Jungkook described, one sip was all it took for you to understand precisely what he meant. It was probably the best wine you’d ever had; the sweetness danced nicely across your tongue before you couldn’t resist and had to swallow. You weren’t even that big of a wine drinker, but with this one, you could see yourself turning into one of those people who have a glass after coming home from work every day.
You seriously had to resist downing your drink because you were trying to hurriedly settle your nerves, but it was also that delicious. It was then that you both agreed not to go overboard. You were here to work after all, and you both still had to get home one way or another. One glass, two at most.
As the tension eased slightly, you opened your laptop, Jungkook turned back to his computer, and finally you both got to work.
Most of the time, it went as planned. You were able to fly through work relatively smoothly. You hated to admit that you two worked pretty well together. Your flow was like a perfect machine, two functions working independently, but eventually coming together to create the final product. Sometimes, you’d both be sitting in silence as the candles flickered around you, typing away at the keys, but then you’d always reconvene and spend most of the time talking about ideas, plans for next year’s Q1, and making the last bit of confirmations needed for the end of Q4.
As you both approached the end of the workload, you started to slow down, the last little bit is the hardest to finish as they say.
The whole evening was peaceful. It wasn’t anything at all like the second shift you’d pictured. Jungkook was… pretty chill. You sipped wine, and lightly chatted about work. How could this be the same guy you hated since your first day here? How the hell was he the guy who had rumors about people going into his office only to come out crying? 
It didn’t make any sense, and suddenly you found yourself upset at whoever spread that nasty rumor. Jungkook, with his sparkling eyes, looked like he couldn’t even hurt a fly, how did that even become a thing?
Then again, it’s not like you were any better… you were practically president of the Jungkook hate club before your promotion. You found yourself tempted to ask him why things had been so weird between you, if it really was all about the coffee you spilled on him, or if there was something else you did that you were entirely unaware of.
Your thoughts were interrupted all of a sudden when you heard ruffling. You looked over to find Jungkook taking off his suit jacket.
He hadn’t thought much about it.
It was a little stuffy in his office, so he finally had to take his jacket off, roll up the sleeves of his white button-up, and undo just one more button. He didn’t even think you’d notice, but then he felt your gaze bearing down on him with enough weight to make him turn to face you.
Jungkook met your eyes briefly, and he had to take a second to recollect himself after seeing the way you were staring at him. Your eyes were dark and hooded, and you had the pen you had been twirling around your fingers teased between your lips. His mind was in all the wrong places. He knew that was his fault— but the longer he looked at you, the more his body burned with a horrible need. You looked so pretty; the city’s bright lights framed you nicely, and the faint candle glow made you look ethereal. 
“I didn’t know you had tattoos?” You used the pen you were holding to point at his arm. It finally dawned on him that that’s what you were looking at. He suddenly felt his cheeks grow warm, both embarrassed that he let his mind go there, and that you noticed something he’d been wanting to hide.
“Oh yeah… right, I sometimes forget they’re there.” Jungkook chuckled, trying to calm himself down. 
“When did you get them?” You asked, leaning a little closer to see them a bit better.
“Four— five years ago? I think I got them all during my last year of college.”
“Really?” He couldn’t help but notice the shock in your voice. “How did I never notice?”
“It’s not like I have too many. I originally planned to do a whole sleeve, but then I got busy, married, and overall things just changed. Unless I wear short sleeves, you can’t really see them.” Jungkook explained, his smile fading the longer he spoke.
“Does your wife not like tattoos?” You pondered, and he tried to ignore the weird feeling he got from hearing you mention her. 
“They’re not her favorite.” Jungkook was putting that a little nicely.
It wasn’t even like it was a big secret that he had tattoos before they got married. On their second date, Jungkook had to rush to meet Yuri after an appointment; his arm was still wrapped up and everything. This turned out to be the last tattoo he’d end up getting— the floral pattern he had on his elbow. 
Jungkook got so busy afterward dealing with the end of the semester and his job at Golden Tech, that he never could find the time for any more appointments before he got married. He planned to finish what he started when he got back from their honeymoon, he even had an appointment booked. But while they were lounging at the pool at their resort, basking under the sun in the Maldives, this one guy who had both arms done walked by. Jungkook had eagerly mentioned how cool they looked, but Yuri grimaced and said they weren’t really her thing.
At the time, she’d tried to recover and say she didn’t mind the couple that he'd managed to get, but Jungkook got the message; that was all she could tolerate.
Truthfully, she didn’t like them at all, and Yuri made sure he knew. In the heat of an argument, she’d called his tattoos ridiculous, silly, and even childish. Jungkook didn’t even fight back because he couldn’t deny that they didn’t look right. He’d planned to fill the space more when he got more time. The ones he had managed to brave before getting married individually he still thought were pretty cool, but all together, they were weirdly placed, spaced out, and generally just looked awkward since he never got to finish what he had planned.
He couldn’t say he liked them as much anymore. 
Jungkook had thought about getting them removed a couple of times; he’d even made an appointment once, but ultimately never followed through with it. He didn’t know if it was because of the pain he dreaded or the fact that when he tried to picture his arm bare again, he almost had a full-on breakdown. So he decided to keep them. They were his ridiculous, silly, and maybe even childish history.
Instead, he tried to be content with the fact his sleeve wouldn’t get finished, and just reminisced whenever he looked down at his right arm about the time when the thought of turning his body into a canvas was more than alluring.
He wanted to make Yuri happy.
“I think they’re pretty.” You suddenly mentioned, and one compliment was enough to make him feel funny all over. “Maybe you might change your mind one day about finishing it.” You continued.
Jungkook just stared at you as you spoke, his face felt like it was on fire. “I—I don’t know—“
“I’m sure your wife would grow to love them!” You exclaimed, turning your attention to the photo he kept on his desk. You leaned a little closer looking at his big smile as she kissed his cheek. They seemed so happy.
Jungkook noticed your gaze on the picture, and he couldn’t help but feel his heart ache at the sight. Something about it felt so wrong, almost like the two biggest problems in his life were coming face to face.
“How did you two meet?” You suddenly asked, breaking him out of his thoughts. At first, he was a little confused about who you were talking about, but in one of your hands was the picture you were looking at.
“Um— our parents introduced us to each other.” 
You cooed and turned to look at the picture, then back at Jungkook, and then back at the picture again. 
“You found love so early. We’re nearly the same age, right? It’s crazy to imagine being married right now.” You chuckled at the thought.
Jungkook stared at the candle in front of him as he soaked up your words. You were right; you would never see someone in this day and age married at twenty-six, at least not here. All of his friends from college were posting about going to the latest clubs. Not a single proposal announcement had crossed his timeline, yet he was about to celebrate his fourth anniversary in only a few months.
It really was crazy.
When Jungkook didn’t say anything, you took it upon yourself to fill in the silence. “Were you just so in love that you couldn’t wait?” You questioned dreamily as you batted your eyelashes. You watched as Jungkook continued to stare at the candle that sat between you, seemingly lost in thought.
“Jungkook?” You questioned.
“I heard you… it’s just… I mean, yes, we were, it’s just—”
“...trouble in paradise?” You asked hesitantly, worrying you were starting to pry too much.
Jungkook didn’t say anything for a while, his heart pounding at how easily you seemed to notice. “You could say that.” He chuckled, his voice was soft, you barely heard him.
“Don’t worry. Every couple goes through difficulties, I’m sure you both will make it through this.” You tried to bring the mood back up, sensing you must have hit a touchy subject.
Jungkook resisted the urge to say it was all his fault, that he was the bomb in their relationship— the one who was wreaking havoc and causing the mass destruction. It was all him. 
“You guys look so happy here. When did you take this?” You pointed back to the picture on his desk. 
“That was our honeymoon.” His voice was slightly pained, as he thought back to a time when everything was still so promising; when he still seemed promising. You didn’t seem to notice, though.
“Where did you guys go? The background looks so pretty.” You pointed out the sparkling water that sat behind them. It was the clearest blue you’d ever seen.
“The Maldives.” He answered, and your eyes widened. You instantly felt a little jealous.
“If you ever have a business trip that takes you back to some beautiful island, you should take me with you. I could even try to squeeze into your suitcase if you’ll let me.” This finally got Jungkook to laugh.
“I’m serious— I’m sure I could fit inside!” You were already working out your plan in your head on how you’d somehow make the journey. He laughed even harder, like it was the funniest thing in the world. You quickly settled on the fact you liked it when Jungkook laughed, it was cute, this was the first time you heard it go beyond just a simple chuckle. It didn’t match him at all, but at the same time, it did. It was a distinct sound that made you unable to stop yourself from joining in, because you would have never guessed that was his laugh, but you found it oddly… endearing? It felt very Jungkook, even though you weren’t sure what that really meant yet. 
You decided to keep the joke going because you wanted to hear him laugh more. You told him you were sure you could somehow do it; if anyone could figure out how to travel by suitcase from Korea all the way to The Maldives, it would be you.
“What! I’ve never even left the country before, and I want to travel so badly. You seriously have to bring me on your next business trip!” You were both joking and incredibly serious at the same time. You had always wanted to travel.
Jungkook sensed this and calmed down a little. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Your eyes widened. “Is this a promise I’m hearing, Director Jeon?” Your excitement made Jungkook feel strange— fluttery almost. 
“Promise.” He smiled at you. You beamed and held out your pinkie. Jungkook looked down and then back up at your eyes, a little confused.
You got the message and grabbed his wrist so you could lock pinkies. You took it a step further, and your hand so your thumbs touched. “Look, it’s official now~” 
Jungkook stared down at your interwoven hands, his heart nearly beating out of his chest at all the thoughts racing through his head. The clearest one being the feeling of your hand in his— so small, warm, and the urge to pull you into his arms was dangerous. He remembered his dream from this morning, that stupid fucking dream he had of fucking you on that meeting table. What would your hands feel like elsewhere? He wanted to touch you too. He was aware of how alone you both were in the building; no one was in the office, no one would barge in and see if you— 
But then he was brought back to reality, and suddenly it was painfully hot in this room. Jungkook quickly let go of your hand as his face continued to warm.
“You ok?” Your red lips formed the words, but he had a hard time listening.
That cold shower didn’t help at all. If he took another one once he got back home, he knew that wouldn’t be enough. At this point, Jungkook doubted that if he sat in a bath of ice water for an hour it would be enough to calm the way his body burned and pleaded for help.
If he tried once again and begged Yuri, would she say yes? The idea was laughable, considering the stunt he pulled this morning. He was pathetic; why would she help him?
“Jungkook?” You tried calling out to him once again after seeing him get lost in thought. 
That was finally enough to get him to snap out of it. 
“I–I’m so sorry. I’m fine, you’re fine.” He tried his best to laugh it off. Jungkook couldn’t even look at you as he spoke.
“Was it the promise? I’m sorry if that was inappropriate. I know you’re married. I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable…” You trailed off worriedly.
“Don’t worry, I promise! I just got a lot on my mind.” You, he had a whole lot of you in his head.
You still looked at him with concern, but you hoped you didn’t make things weird… or rather, weirder than they already were. You tried to get back to work once again, but it was hard to make any progress after what happened. 
You battled the thoughts clouding your mind.
What was even happening? Maybe the wine was stronger than you thought, or you had suddenly become a lightweight, the possibility making more sense than understanding just how much you weren’t thinking straight anymore. That had to be it, right? 
Your face grew more flushed as you stared at your computer trying to comprehend what just occurred. Was that weird? It was just supposed to be a cute promise. You didn’t think that was crossing a line, but the way he looked at you…
Your whole body shivered at the thought and where your mind led you. You had to get it together. 
This was bad.
His wandering mind had led him down a dangerous path that he was desperately trying to save himself from. The only thing Jungkook could think about while he tried to focus on the spreadsheets in front of him was you who was sitting next to him: your hand in his, your red lips you’d occasionally pull between your teeth as you concentrated on your work, and your skirt that he swore got shorter each time he glanced over at you. But then his mind drifted to his wife, Yuri. 
He missed her. Was there any chance she’d be back at their place, ready willing to help him fix this? Clothes nowhere in sight, her legs spread, just waiting for him to come home and—
If he was just better… 
It only made him think back to their honeymoon, when she still had hope in him. 
Things had been a bit awkward at first, but as they partook in more activities around the island, they started loosening up. The pleasant moments eventually led them to the hot tub right outside their room. 
They had a beautiful view of the Indian Ocean, the sun was just starting to go under the horizon, and the sky was lit up beautifully with a symphony of vibrant colors that had painted the water below. It was breathtaking. 
It was Yuri’s idea for them to get in the hot tub that overlooked the sight to finally get the chance to just sit and talk. They did, that evening had been so magical as they spoke with each other about their lives and even spilled a lot of personal thoughts and fears, all while they sipped a bottle of amazing champagne. The awkwardness finally seemed to dissipate, and it was just the two of them getting to know each other after the chaos of the wedding. The moment had made his heart feel so warm, knowing that they were in a place where they could open up to each other. 
Jungkook didn’t know how it happened. Maybe Yuri had started to feel the same sparks flying in the air that he did. He was just so happy and in the moment, he didn’t remember how things got to that point, but suddenly she was crawling into his lap and kissing him. 
Things escalated very quickly after that. One moment Jungkook was kissing her sweetly, just happy to be having an intimate moment with his wife, but things changed before he could even process what was going on. The pace all of a sudden started picking up, her hands were running across his burning skin, her lips hastily moving against his. Then he was throwing her red bikini top off, and suddenly they were rushing out the hot tub back inside to the bed. It was there where they fucked with their bathing suits still clinging to their bodies— He thought it was romantic, the type of sex he had only dreamed of, so passionate and lost in the moment that no one could even find time to take off their clothes. 
If he got an opportunity like that again with Yuri...       
He wanted to ruin her.
He tried his best not to get emotional again. Not with you here. He didn’t want you to know how pathetic he was, how disgusting his thoughts were— because, with you he wanted to do worse. With you, he entertained the deepest, darkest desires he’d tried his best to keep buried for the sake of his relationship. But when it came to you—
Jungkook looked over in your direction, your red lips, short skirt, and long legs… he didn’t want to just ruin you, he wanted to absolutely destroy you. At least that’s what he felt would happen— this horrible desire to have you, when he had someone to go home to, was a breeding ground for his imagination to run wild. You were a fantasy, a fantasy that should be burned in the hottest flames imaginable.
It was just so fucking wrong, and the more he looked at you, the more his blood boiled. Why did you have to work here? Why were you so pretty? Why did he have to want you so badly? Why did he have to be married? Why did his brother have to leave? Why couldn’t he be a better husband so Yuri would want him and this whole situation could have been avoided?
In another world, he could have dreaded needing to stay with you after work. His wife could have been sitting back at home waiting for him, missing him. If he was just better, Yuri would have texted him throughout the day. It would have been about random stuff she wanted to tell him, and when she would have made it home, she would have sent him something cheesy like the apartment feels so empty without you here ㅠㅠ. He would have apologized, but fawned every time she’d text him because she was so cute. He’d respond each time and reassure her that he would be home as soon as he could.
But unfortunately, the reality was everything but that. He was the fucking problem. He could have had it all if he was better… he was always the fucking problem.
Instead, he was here with you, trying his best to ignore the way his pants were starting to feel tighter because he couldn’t get it together. He was thinking about those three buttons undone on that white button-up you have tucked into that short fucking skirt— so close to seeing more, how easy it would be to undo one more if you’d let him. That dream too— right there on the meeting table. Sitting here at his desk, it was so easy to imagine you sprawled right on top, waiting for him to touch you. You would look so pretty, and he would do anything you asked. He just wanted to make you feel good, to make someone feel good—
“Shit—“ It left his lips before he could stop it as he lifted his hips subtly, desperately wishing to meet something. That’s when you finally turned back to him, noticing how flushed he was.
“Sir, are you sure you’re ok?” You asked, concerned at the way he jumped at your voice. The candlelight was enough to show the pink dusting his cheeks.
To be honest, he’d nearly forgotten you were actually in the room with him. 
“Uhh— I’m just a little warm is all…” He tried to play it off.
You awed and started to fan him lightly with your hands, hoping that would help.
It didn’t, but he smiled at the gesture nonetheless.
Looking around the room, you noticed the fan that was sitting in the corner. You quickly stood up and went to grab it, hoping that would help him cool down. 
As soon as you got up, Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and rolled over to the minifridge that sat beside him. Past all the alcohol were a few water bottles he mainly kept as a means of sobering up, or to put a dent in the iron wall of a hangover he’d often wake up with. 
He grabbed one, and hurriedly opened it up and chugged it down, hoping it would help him relax.
You were supposed to chase a drink down with water, the tip saving him so many times when he was in college, but lately, he never remembered. Most times, all he cared about was silencing the thoughts that had grown so loud at this point it was almost deafening; it would always make his head hurt, and his heart ache. These days he could care less about the consequences whenever he’d be reaching into his fridge and pulling out a drink. No matter how bad the aftermath was, it was never more painful than how he felt sober. But today, Jungkook wasn’t drunk, not even tipsy. You were enough to occupy his mind, you and the image of you naked on his desk. While it did pose a great problem, it was enough to ignore the biggest one temporarily. 
You were back soon after and set the fan in between you both. You were a little shocked to see the candles illuminate the sheen across his skin— you didn’t think it was that hot in here.
“Sir, are you—“
Jungkook set down his water and shook his head. “You don’t need to call me that— please don’t call me that, especially when we’re alone.”
You stood there, a little confused. 
“We’re the same age right— I don’t know, every time you call me sir it feels like I aged 50 years all of a sudden. Please just call me Jungkook.” He laughed. It was true, it was always weird anytime you’d call him sir, but he needed any distraction he could get so he could finish his work.
“Are you sure?” You questioned, a little surprised he didn’t want to keep the honorifics in place. 
Jungkook nodded. 
You smiled. This was progress.
“Alright… Jungkook, how’s that?” You asked as you plugged in the fan. It instantly came to life and the blades quickly picked up enough speed to have a cool breeze blowing in between you both.
Jungkook tried to ignore the way he flushed at the fact that he instantly knew how much he liked hearing his name come out of your mouth. 
“Better, thank you so much.” He was lying straight through his teeth. It really didn’t do much. Jungkook doubted even a staycation to Alaska could solve his issues, but his heart still warmed at the gesture. You were always so sweet.
You sat back down on your chair and took another sip from your wine glass. It was almost empty at this point. You had kept drinking as your mind continued to travel back to Jungkook, his newfound tattoos, that extra button he undid— two now it seems, that bottle of wine you were sharing, but most of all, you were questioning where you stood. 
You had been debating whether to ask him if he likes you or not. This was probably the worst time to ask, but the dim candlelight and just how… nice, things for the most part have been tonight made you want to get to the bottom of it.
But Jungkook was quicker at filling the silence.
“Y/n, if you don’t mind me asking, why’d you start working at Golden Tech?” His voice was so gentle, sitting right above the sounds of the crackling candles.
The question had you stunned for a second, not at all expecting it, nor did you immediately have an answer.
“I don’t know, why does anyone start working anywhere?” You laughed, but realized who you were speaking to. Maybe not the best joke. You quickly cleared your throat. “But Golden Tech is a really good company— I heard a lot about it when I was still in college about how well they treat their employees. It aligned well with many of my ambitions, so once I finished grad school I thought I’d apply and see what would happen.” 
It was still crazy that you were sitting with the CEO’s son. A few years ago you thought maybe you were being a little too ambitious with trying to aim for Golden Tech, yet not even two years later, you got the job, and you were already the Associate Director of the Seoul division’s financial team. Who knows where you might be in another two years?
“Do you regret your decision? Honestly, I think you could have gotten a notable position at Samsung if you had applied.” Jungkook wondered. 
You laughed at his comment. “Me? At Samsung? Never in a million years would that happen. I thought I was being too ambitious by applying here!” You giggled, the entire idea oddly amusing.
“I don’t think it’s ambitious at all; you would have done well there,” Jungkook said quite seriously. He wasn’t used to this side of you. You were normally so confident, it was strange seeing you doubt yourself. 
“Yah, is this your way of trying to get me to leave?” You were teasing slightly, but you weren’t prepared for the panic to appear all over his face.
“No— no— never! I just— you’re amazing— I was just saying that—” If he weren’t so flustered, you would have probably heard the part where he mentioned you were amazing.
“I know what you meant~” You chuckled lightly, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. You saw this wave of relief wash over him, more than you expected, considering this was the guy who you feared didn’t like you.
Silence went on for a moment until Jungkook spoke up again. “You never answered my question, though. Do you regret coming here?” 
You thought about it for a second, before shaking your head. “Things have been kinda hectic, but I expected it; I mean, it’s a big company, I figured it wouldn’t be easy.” You decided to put it simply. Saying you did initially regret it to your boss probably wasn’t the best idea.
You thought that was the end of that, but when you finally turned back to Jungkook, you saw this weird somber gaze beginning to settle on his features. 
“I’ve been overworking everyone too much, haven’t I?” Jungkook suddenly said after your words finally settled in the air. 
You couldn’t hide the look of confusion on your face as you turned to him. His eyes were staring at the blinding computer screen before him, but you knew he wasn’t paying attention.
“What do you mean? Quarter fours are always busy—”
“That’s not what I mean… I know what they say sometimes. Everyone always speaks so highly of my dad, and he’s done so much for the company as CEO. The way things have gone so far makes me doubt I can meet their expectations when I take over…” That was an understatement. He couldn’t even make one woman happy. 
“The team I manage is already suffering.” He fretted. 
You found yourself at a bit of a loss on what to say. Where was this coming from? You were just joking a second ago but now… that look in his eyes. As he spoke, they grew more weary, tired, and sad. It was that same look you saw when you spilled coffee all over him on your first day here, it was the same look you saw earlier on the roof.
It was a peek into what was running through his head as he looked at you with those sad eyes. If you needed a bigger sign that something was seriously wrong, he couldn’t have given you a more obvious one. What made it even more concerning was that you didn’t know how big of a crack this was. What more could be lying behind those sad eyes?
“Jungkook, people understand you have a lot on your shoulders, it’s alright.” You tried to reassure, but you doubted he heard you. For a second, as he continued to stare down the spreadsheet he had up, you swore you saw his eyes get shiny.
“Ahh— sorry, this sometimes happens when I drink.” Jungkook finally snapped out of it, and hurriedly reached for his wine glass.
You watched concerningly as he chugged down the rest of the clear wine all in one go. 
“What happened to sipping lightly?” You tried to remind him jokingly about what he said as he poured your glasses earlier.
The wine glass clinked against the desk as he set it down.
“I’m fine— I’m making things weird. Tell me about yourself instead? Anything interesting happening in your life?” You could tell he was quickly trying to change the subject. You debated probing further, but you figured maybe a distraction might be what’s best to get him out of his train of thought.
“I was promoted not too long ago.” You smiled, and he actually laughed. It felt good seeing him smile again.
“I’m serious! You’ve nearly been here for two years, but I feel like this is the first time we’ve ever actually just talked.” Jungkook pointed out.
“I don’t think it’s normal to just walk up to your boss and talk about the weather or something.” You pointed out, but again it made your mind travel to the elephant in the room. Despite everything, had this entire time he wanted to be friendly with you? 
“I wouldn’t mind—“ He said it like he was serious, but sensing the sarcasm, you lightly swatted his shoulder— it was out of habit, but you regretted it immediately as soon as it happened.
Jungkook looked shocked for a second, before he smiled, that same smile that would make his eyes crinkle. “Exactly what I was saying, especially when we’re alone like this; treat me like we’re just coworkers.”
“Sir— Jungkook, I’m so sorry.” You felt like you were caught doing the worst crime imaginable— similar to how you felt after discovering you spilled coffee on the CEO’s son on your first day.
“Don’t worry, I really don’t—”
“I’m so so so sorry!” You panicked. Even though you really didn’t hit him hard, this might warrant him to hate you for an actual reason besides an accident.
Jungkook softly grabbed your shoulders to get you to calm down.
“Y/n, I told you it’s ok, really—” He suddenly stopped in his tracks because it seemed he realized how close in proximity you both had become now. Your chairs were a lot closer than you remembered and Jungkook pulling you a bit had somehow created a space between you that only had to be a few centimeters at most. From here, you could see the cute little scar he had on his left cheek.
He was staring directly into your eyes and you were staring back into his. Both of you seemingly shocked at the position you were in and stuck in place. It reminded you of what happened on the roof earlier, another precarious position, but as the seconds ticked by, you could have sworn his eyes darted down to your lips. Time seemed to slow down as you felt the gentle caress of his thumb on your shoulder, and… for a split second, you saw him bite down on his lower lip, only lightly teasing the flesh between his teeth— maybe it was the embarrassment, but it was so, so subtle, before you thought he started to lean a little closer. For a moment, you thought he was about to kiss you.
As quickly as that second came, he suddenly let go of you and tried to smile. “Uh— It seriously wasn’t a big deal. Don’t worry about it.”
The moment of normalcy made you snap out of it. You honestly would have believed you blacked out for a second, but the way your face kept getting warmer was a sign something must have happened. 
As you turned away from him, you were greeted once again with the picture of him and his wife on their honeymoon. Right, he was married, you definitely imagined that.
Things grew awkward again as the silence settled into the room. You reached for your wine, wishing now it was a little stronger.
Saving the day from the growing discomfort being in this room was your phone buzzing on the desk. You sighed and set your glass down before you reached for it, not really thinking too much of it until you opened it to see a message from Solmi. 
You eagerly unlocked your phone, already having a feeling about what it was. Your smile erupted when you clicked on the picture she sent you. 
It was blurry, but you saw Solmi had quickly snapped a picture of her and Taehyung, who you heard earlier had decided to join her since you couldn’t make it. He had already been contemplating joining you both, but the fact that you definitely weren’t going with her, made him feel like he had to “be the responsible person there.” 
You had laughed at that considering they both were a handful, especially when alcohol was involved, but Taehyung could be worse if he got enough in his system. They matched each other’s energies so well, they had a sibling-like connection you had always found cute. Solmi was a year younger than you, and ever since she first introduced herself to your team when you used to be a manager, Taehyung had always taken on this big brother role to her, and it only got stronger as you all got closer to each other. Their bond created moments like this, Tae somehow getting dragged out to parties on a Tuesday. 
He’d left work a little early to go look for a last-minute costume, and you couldn’t help but laugh seeing what he’d somehow managed to get together. He was dressed as Mario— he had the hat, mustache, and you could just barely see the red shirt and straps that suggested he’d even managed to get overalls. Solmi was smiling beside him, and she had gone for another classic. She had already shown you a picture of her costume a few weeks ago, but she had thrown on some cat ears, drawn on a few whiskers, and you could also see a hint of the leather bodysuit she had on. 
It was a few seconds later that you got another text. 
Sweet Baby Solmi [11:48pm]: you should be here >:O 
Followed by more pictures and even some videos. Then additional texts came at the end of the spam. 
Sweet Baby Solmi [11:52pm]: taehyung’s drunk and keeps whining that he misses you 🙄 
Sweet Baby Solmi [11:52pm]: i miss you too friend 🥺
Sweet Baby Solmi [11:53pm]: tell director jeon we hate him for stealing you from us 😘
You couldn’t help but laugh at this one. However, out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Jungkook’s eyes on you again, so you quickly scrolled back up to look at the pictures she sent you earlier. 
They were mainly the same, just a few different angles. It looked like Solmi kept clicking the button to get as many pictures as she could. There were some with them holding up glasses of beer and clinking them together. Solmi must have also gotten someone to take their picture because she sent you a full-body one where you could see their entire costumes. You could see a few more details you didn’t get to at first. Taehyung had on these thick white gloves and boots. Solmi had left her bodysuit unzipped a little extra than what they advertised in the picture she’d shown you. You knew her goal was to try and get laid tonight, you silently saluted her, hoping she could succeed. She had even decided to brave wearing high-heeled boots to add that extra level of sexy to her outfit. There were also some pictures that showed they had moved into whatever club or bar they ended up in, and were busy enjoying themselves on the dance floor. 
You were so caught up in the sadness steadily filling your heart seeing your friends out having a great time while you were stuck at work, that you really forgot Jungkook was in the room with you. It was something you had gone through all your life, your friends out having fun and always needing to leave you behind… at least you could have been home enjoying yourself, but—
You scrolled back up and clicked on the first video she sent you. The sound of music filled the silence, and you were quickly greeted with Solmi’s smiling face as she danced along. She then brought the phone close. 
“You should be here Y/n! You left me with this idiot—” She then turned the camera around to reveal Taehyung who was dancing intensely beside her. It took him a second to notice the camera, but then he smiled as she brought it close. 
“Miss you Y/n!” He tried to say over the music before the video cut off. 
Awwww… you missed them too. But your attention tore away from your phone when you suddenly noticed Jungkook leaning over. 
“They’re at a club on a Tuesday?” He asked curiously. 
You smiled. “Mmmm, someone’s nosy.” You chuckled and that immediately had Jungkook leaning back. 
“I’m sorry, that was rude. I didn’t—” He quickly tried to defend, but you just laughed and leaned over yourself. 
“You’re fine, look.” You held out your phone to him so he could see a little better. At first you contemplated showing your boss these pictures, but you figured there was no harm, they were honestly cute. 
“It's Halloween?” He suddenly said, taking a better look to see they were dressed up.
“Yeah, did you forget?” You laughed, making him chuckle too.
“My memory is horrible these days.” Jungkook shied, running his hands through his hair.
“Understandable. Things have been really busy these days, it’s hard to keep track of what’s happening anymore.”
Jungkook nodded along as you spoke, but he couldn’t help but sigh. It felt like the world was moving without him, that he was just an observer in the background until moments like these where he was brought back down to realize time had in fact passed, and it was always more than expected. He could have sworn it was Chuseok just the other week. 
“Solmi had wanted to go bar hopping after she heard about all the stuff that they’re doing in Itaewon this year. She wanted me to come, but I was busy, so Taehyung decided to tag along and make sure she doesn’t do anything too crazy.” You smiled as you scrolled through the pictures and videos, and you landed on a particularly funny one where Taehyung managed to find a random pole and Solmi captured him hanging and swinging around it.   
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was a special occasion. If I would’ve known, I could've worked on this by my—” But you stopped him. 
“It’s fine, two people make the work go faster, and I had been contemplating going anyway. Who wants to go out on a Tuesday besides Solmi?” You cringed, in all likelihood you probably would have spent your evening cozied up under your blankets, enjoying any free time you could manage and catching up on sleep when you got too tired. “I know they’re going to be struggling trying to get to work tomorrow.” You laughed at your words and at another video where someone had joined Taehyung on the pole, a guy in one of those full-body suits people use for greenscreen stuff. 
But despite your words, Jungkook’s silence told you he still was thinking about it. 
“Jungkook, I promise it’s fine. The wine alone makes up for it.” You smiled. You were definitely going to brag to them that you were gifted expensive wine from the Jeon Jungkook. They probably wouldn’t believe it until they came over and saw the bottle. You also had plans to look it up afterward, check the price, and confirm your sneaking suspicion that this really would make up for it.
Another video. Without pressing play, you could see Taehyung had the phone. What was going on? 
“Y/n, baby, I miss you so much. Solmi keeps trying to—” But the video cuts off before he could finish. 
You laughed and kept going with a smile on your face. You didn’t even notice Jungkook’s eyes or the fact that you didn’t question the nickname.
“Yah… I don’t think I could do this anymore.” You suddenly said, as more and more hectic documentation came from Solmi.
Jungkook turned to you a little confused about what you meant. You showed him your phone again and revealed the crowd Solmi and Taehyung had found themselves in in their latest pictures. 
“Partying like this. I mean, I didn’t even do all this when I was in college, but now…”  You laughed. “Maybe I’m just getting old.”
“I don’t think we’re old,” Jungkook interjected, making you laugh.
“Oooo, is this when Jeon Jungkook reveals that he actually enjoys going to parties?” The thought was hilarious for some reason. He didn't seem like the party type, at all. You couldn’t imagine him doing anything else but work. 
“No— I just don’t think our age is a factor in us being able to go out and have fun at events like this…” 
You hummed at his answer. “I don’t know, the older I get, the more staying home and doing absolutely nothing becomes more and more appealing.” 
He laughed at that. “For me, that has nothing to do with getting older. But I somewhat see your point, college me was a very different person.” 
Was he?
You peered at him. Now that the thought was in your head, trying to imagine college-aged Jungkook. Hmmm…
You turned around over to where Jungkook had hung up his degrees. You had seen them before, but being this close actually gave you the chance to really look at them. 
You found yourself both shocked and not shocked at all to find out he graduated from SNU. It was the top university in the country, and of course the golden boy probably easily got accepted. No, that wasn't surprising, what was more interesting was the fact he didn’t have one but two bachelor's degrees, one in business and the other in computer science, you quickly read. It wasn’t the most outrageous thing to imagine because he was going to be the CEO of a tech company, but you knew that jaded perception you had of Jungkook still lingered because you couldn’t picture him actually managing to do all that work to get two very different degrees. 
“Did you even have time to go to parties?” You couldn’t help but ask. For all you knew he paid his way to get these degrees, but the more you talked with him, the more you couldn’t picture him doing that.
Jungkook laughed as he leaned back in his chair. “No, but Jimin hyung made me get out sometimes.”
His words reminded you that Jimin had mentioned that he and Jungkook had gone to the same college. As it sunk in though, you found that information a little easier to digest. Jimin had always seemed really smart. 
“Were you always the guy standing in the corner, brooding, clearly upset because his friend dragged him out of the house?” You giggled, and Jungkook joined in.
“You really think I’m that boring?” He laughed and you only just now realized how much closer you both were to each other once again as you looked into his sparkling eyes.  
“You tell me.” You smirked. 
He laughed again.
“Where did you go? Did you go to school in Seoul? I'm surprised we never ran into each other.” You suddenly heard Jungkook ask. 
“Korea University.” You answered quickly, but then your face grew flushed. You should be confident; it was really a notable achievement and most people would be in awe anytime you mentioned it, but for some reason everything about Jungkook made you a little self-conscious. 
“Ooo, so we were pretty much in the same boat then.” He said, and you looked at him with questioning eyes. 
“Did you even have time to go to parties?” He chuckled, repeating your original question. You playfully rolled your eyes at that. 
“I would make time, as much as I could, but I was often in situations like these where I’d be the one left behind so I could work.” You were proclaimed the most fun, non-fun person by your friend group in college.
“Were you the person in the corner?” His low voice had you feeling a little funny.
“Jungkook I’m a lot of things. I’ve been called a workaholic, understandable, but a wallflower is not one of them. You will find me on the dance floor at any given opportunity,” you boasted. 
Jungkook laughed again, the pinkness to his cheeks making you fawn. “I would like to see that.” 
Oh… you hated the way your body tingled at the thought of him watching you.
“Get me alone like this on a Friday or something, bring more wine like this one, and I’ll dance for you.” You smirked. 
His eyes quickly glanced over you, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. “Noted.” 
You nodded, but it was mainly to shake the thoughts running through your mind out of your head. Fuck, Jeon Jungkook.     
“So you haven’t changed much then?” He inquired further. 
You shook your head. “I’ve always been this way. I put work before anything else, but I try to make a little time for fun sometimes.” You smiled. You turned back to Jungkook who had rested his arm on his desk and his head in his hand, with this smile on his face you couldn’t quite recognize.
“How do you do it?” He said softly. 
“What?” You laughed, but you were already getting choked up. He had no reason to look at you like that.
“I don’t know how to make time for anything else besides going home and to work. You’re amazing~” He chuckled nervously.
You were too busy however trained on the fact that he called you amazing. “A-Amazing?” You stumbled, your face was burned the more you thought about it.
Jungkook turned to you again when he realized what he had said. “It’s something I’ve always admired about you. You do so much, and you’re always so great with everyone here. Your meeting yesterday for example—” He gushed, and the more he spoke, the faster your heart started pounding in your chest.
“You did so well, and then there’s me. I’m supposed to be the head, yet—” Jungkook sighed and stopped himself knowing where this would go if he kept going. He didn’t want to ruin the moment. 
You sighed before picking up your wine and motioning over to his empty glass. He chuckled lightly before picking it up and clinking it against your own. You took one for the team and took a sip for you both.       
“Don’t sweat it too much. You’re not so bad yourself.” You smiled at him as you set the glass down. 
He really wasn’t. He still got on your nerves sometimes, but the Jungkook you’ve gotten to know over the last few weeks was almost entirely different from what you expected before you came into your position. He was cute, in a way that made you want to pinch his cheeks, no… that completely wasn’t right. He was cute in a way that made it hard for you to tear your gaze away from him. He was hot if you were being honest, but you didn’t want to admit that, he was married, and you still hadn’t addressed the elephant in the room as to why he was always so weird with you.
As the candle flickered, you took a moment to admire him, and how his white button-up stretched across his toned body nicely. You’d been trying to be on your best behavior all night, forcing yourself not to peer too closely at the way it fitted across his arms, or how he undid that button, and you could only picture how nice his chest might look the way the buttons seemed to be struggling to keep all that contained. Then there were the newly found tattoos that decorated his arm. You’d always liked tattoos, and you never pictured a big-corpa guy like Jungkook to be tatted. It just made you wonder how many more you couldn’t see… His hands were nice, fingers enhanced with his pretty gold and silver jewelry. Then his face, you might have drank too much, it was only one glass, but you had always loved how he looked at you. He was handsome, his pretty eyes, nose, jawline, and lips that you knew his wife probably went crazy over. Jungkook was hot and maybe in a different timeline… In a different timeline… It was starting to make a little more sense why he was already married.    
Jungkook’s face burned the longer your eyes peered over him. His brain was malfunctioning as he felt your gaze. It just made his already scrambled thoughts drift more to a place he knew they shouldn’t.
He wished he could kiss you.
Interrupting the moment was the sound of your phone buzzing on the desk again. You finally tore your eyes away again to look at your phone. Lo and behold, it was another text, however, it wasn't from Solmi this time; it was Taehyung.    
You opened it and it was a video. You once again didn’t think too much about it as you clicked play.
“Y/n!” Taehyung had tried to yell over the music. It seemed he had made his way to a table and was taking a little break. “You should be here getting drunk with us.” He sighed.
“Solmi abandoned me for this random guy who came up to her while we were dancing.” You giggled at the pout on his face. “You should be here, I’m just going to be third-wheeling the rest of the night.” He sighed. 
You laughed at that. Anytime you all have gone out together, you and Taehyung were usually left behind, while Solmi abandoned you both for her person of interest for the night. You always had fun together, making the most of the fact that a member of your friend group left you for some rando for the rest of the night.  
“I miss youuuuuu. Fuck Jeon Jungkook for making you stay.” He whined, and you could tell the alcohol had really started to have an effect on him. You panicked, feeling Jungkook’s eyes burning into your phone.  
Oh, this really was a bad idea. 
“I might head home soon. We’ve been to I don’t know how many bars, and I’m drunk as shit. If I’m late or you don’t see me at work tomorrow, you know why. Anyway, I miss you and if I’m not there tomorrow, I’ll try and come over if you’re free.” You were hardly processing his words as Jungkook’s gaze burned into you.
“Byeeee…” He waved at the camera. “Solmi says bye too even though she’s not here. I’ll text you later.” The video then clicked off and you were left with the mortifying silence.
You worriedly glanced over at Jungkook. “I’m sorry, he didn’t mean it like—”
Jungkook weakly smiled at you. “It’s fine. I still feel bad for keeping you here.” 
“And I told you it was fine.” You both smiled at each other, but you hurriedly reached for your wine once again, feeling that awkward silence return all too quickly.     
“So, um… how are things going for you dating-wise?” Jungkook suddenly asked out of the blue.
You nearly spit out your wine. “What?!”
He suddenly looked panicked. “I just mean— well, I told you about my marriage, I don’t know, I thought— you know, I wondered how things were going for people my age who aren’t married. I mean— well, no, I was really curious about you too—“ He was rambling.
“Uh, it’s fine.” You were still flustered, but you understood what he was trying to say.
“Are you and Taehyung…?” Jungkook stopped himself, worrying he overstepped with the suggestion.
“Mmm, that’s what everyone around the office seems to think.” You sighed as you leaned back in your chair.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t—“
“Jungkook, do you think you can keep a secret?” You asked, before he could finish.
“Yeah, I guess so.” But that alone was enough to give Jungkook a bad feeling about your answer. The endearing nickname he heard from Taehyung in the video was pretty much the nail in the coffin. It’s not like it mattered. It wasn’t his business, he really didn’t know why he was asking. However, he couldn’t lie and say it hadn’t been on his mind for a while as he watched you from afar over the years. There had always been this suspicion that there had been more going on between you two than just being friends. 
You waited a second, the suspense killing him even though he felt like he knew the answer already. 
“We actually did date.” You answered bluntly.  
The words seemed to linger in the air for a second. You watched as Jungkook’s eyes widened as he seemed to take that in.
“Really?” He sounded surprised, but there was a trembling in his voice that made it seem like the news of the century. The shock hadn’t been real, but he couldn’t ignore the sinking feeling that spread throughout his entire body as the words processed in his mind. So, he hadn’t been crazy. He suddenly had the very violent urge to throw up the lunch you had so kindly insisted for him to eat; that, or he could send you away and attempt to water down this feeling with anything he could find in his fridge.
You nodded.
“It was only for a few months, and we never really put a label on it at the time. It was dating in the most casual sense.”
Jungkook was too busy trying his best to ignore the way his heart squeezed, he didn’t even bother paying attention to your use of past tense.
“Again, it was only for a few months— we decided we were better off as friends than anything more at the end of it.”
Did you? Jungkook still saw the way Taehyung looked at you. He wondered how that conversation went. Was it you who made the decision and Taehyung just agreed? Maybe it was him, and Jungkook was wrong. He still didn’t like him.
“We didn’t tell anyone at work, not even Solmi officially; you know how office romances can go. Plus, we knew what people were saying, we didn’t want them to get excited and things didn't work out. But I guess we didn’t do a good job of hiding it.”
Turned out for the better.
“If it’s not too personal, can I ask what made you come to that conclusion?” He really was curious.
You looked around for a second, trying to find the words. “I don’t want to say too much; it’s mainly Taehyung’s business, and I don’t want to reveal anything he wouldn’t want me to, but Taehyung had a lot going on in his life when we started dating. Despite our connection, what he was going through made it hard for us to take things to the next level. It’s kinda hard to describe unless you’ve been in that situation. We had all the basics: we were attracted to each other, he was great company, and we really did mesh well. But the more we crossed into that territory, the more we realized something was missing at that time. It’s like we had all the right ingredients, but never the spark to actually turn it into anything.”
Jungkook didn’t really get the picture. What more did you need in a relationship? What was the “spark?”
He still nodded his head.
“When did this happen?”
“End of last year, slightly going into this one.” You recounted.
Again, that strange feeling of his heart tightening returned. He tried his best to ignore it. However, it wasn’t enough to stop him from asking his next question.
“Would you guys ever get back together? You mentioned he was going through something at the time… would you ever try again?” Jungkook felt his face flush as soon as the words left his mouth. This was probably way too personal. 
You looked noticeably shocked by his question, but maybe you wrote it off as the wine making him a little loose, or perhaps a slightly awkward attempt to keep this conversation going. Part of you considered whether you wanted to answer this question or not, but there was no harm in it really. 
“Um— I guess it’s not impossible. We ended things pretty open ended. Taehyung suggested that maybe we should try again when things finally got better for him, but it’s been months since then. We haven’t spoken about getting together, so I’m not sure. I just assumed he figured we’re better off as friends.” Your words trailed off at the end. 
Jungkook was tempted to ask if you wanted to get back together, but he stopped himself, not really wanting to hear the answer. You probably already thought he was weird.
Some much-needed silence passed for a little while. 
Jungkook shifted around in his chair awkwardly, desperately wanting to get the picture of you and Taehyung together out of his mind. He asked the first thing that he could think of, even though it really wasn’t much better. 
“Anything else exciting in the romance department?”
“Not really. Taehyung was probably the most recent. Things have been kinda dry since.” Suddenly, you seemed flustered. “Wait! Not in that way! Well… you know what I mean, right?” 
Now it was Jungkook’s turn to get warm, and he did a horrible job at brushing past the image you put in his head.
“Yeah— oh yeah, I know what you mean.” He spluttered, but he couldn’t stop himself from imagining being buried between your thighs. All of a sudden, his mind was back to that dream again and your pretty sounds as he slid through your warmth. Would you let him make you feel good? What he would give just for the chance to bring you some type of relief… All he wanted to do was make someone feel good.
But he was Jeon Jungkook. Even if he was in a position where he could, he doubted he would be able to do anything for you. Jeon Jungkook couldn’t do anything right. Nothing.
“What about you?” You suddenly asked to ease the tension in the air. “Has it always been your wife?” You were honestly expecting a sob story that would melt your heart as soon as it began, a nice transition to hopefully get away from the weirdness that had settled into the room.
“I guess you could say that— Yuri and I got married right after I graduated. Besides her, I never really dated anyone. I was so busy throughout high school trying to work on getting into a good college once it was decided I was going to be taking over the company— I thought I would wait and try the whole dating thing in college, but then I got there… things were even worse…” Jungkook trailed off.
“Until you met Yuri?” You piped in, wondering when she came into the story.
The mention of Yuri visibly shocked him. Right, because you and everyone else thought they met while in college— a silly suggestion by their parents that turned into a fiery romance that burned so hard they couldn’t wait to get married. If Jungkook were a better husband, that illusion would be so simple to keep up— it’d be so easy when speaking to people to forget about the contract that was signed along with their marriage license. 
But Jungkook wasn’t a good husband, he was a husband who made his wife feel miserable just by being in his presence, no matter how hard he tried. He was always a failure.
“Jungkook?” You questioned when he wasn’t answering, seemingly lost in thought again.
“Oh yeah! Yeah, then Yuri came into my life. Things were hard, but you know what they say, the worst storms always bloom the best flowers afterward.” Jungkook was lying through his teeth, and he wondered if you could tell. 
Going from college to being married was one shitstorm to the next, and it was all his fault. Everything was his fault.
He knew he must have looked strange at the way you continued to stare at him. But instead of pressing any further, you let the silence fill the air until you both finally got back to work. 
Jungkook typed away on his keyboard, but steadily his mind continued to fill with thoughts that felt like bombs going off in his mind— loud and destructive, the ones he knew would end him one day.
If you weren’t here, he would have downed that wine bottle, maybe a couple of beers too to try and bring the eye of the storm closer. But nothing he did was ever enough. It was never enough, just like he would never be. He was so tired, so tired of every single day being the same. He wanted peace, he wanted a happy marriage, he wanted to be a confident boss who assured everyone that Golden Tech was being handed over to a capable person.
Will the storm ever be over? Would he ever get to see the sunshine again? He was so fed up, and so, so tired. It would be so much easier that way. Nothing was helping anymore, no matter how much he’d drink, no matter how much he’d tell himself to get better, to make things better, that everything wrong with his life was his fault— nothing ever changed, nothing ever helped.
In the middle of the sea with no land in sight, sometimes drowning was your only option. His limbs hurt, he was exhausted from swimming too long, he was so tired, he couldn’t keep his head above the water. The sea underneath him no longer seemed like an angry beast trying to pull him down with all its might, he didn’t want to fight against it anymore, he wanted to relax, to let it embrace him, let it comfort him in a way that no earthly distraction could ever grant him. He wanted peace.
Peace. The quiet. He wanted it, needed it, he—
“Jungkook, do you like me?” Once again, you were here to cut through the darkness. At first, he didn’t even register your question until you quickly tried to backtrack. 
“That’s not what I meant— I… sorry I speak without thinking sometimes.” It seems like it happened all the time tonight, and that was all it took for Jungkook to remember he was here alone with you, and he wanted you bent over his desk.
Jungkook tried his best to ignore the way his cock pleaded for you and let you elaborate. 
“I was nearly finished with my work, and I had wanted to ask you this before I left… this might be a bit inappropriate, but I thought that maybe since we’ve been pretty casual with each other you wouldn’t mind if I asked whether you hated me or not.” You worriedly peered over at him.
Jungkook just stared at you, a little confused, wondering where this was coming from. It was right before you were about to elaborate that he understood. 
“Again, this might be out of line, but ever since my first day here, when I spilled coffee all over your suit, I’ve felt like I had a target on my back.” You were still trying to be professional, so you dumbed it down a little. If you said what you actually thought, you were sure you wouldn’t walk out of here with a job.
“I—I don’t hate you!” He rushed out.
He really didn’t, but you did piss him off, you still did. You pissed him off so much it didn’t make sense. It was confusing to him as well, but what happened with the coffee he knew was at the bottom of the list for his reasons— whatever they were.
“Are you sure? I mean, I’m not oblivious; I can see how you treat everyone else on the team versus how you treat me. It’s been like that since my first day.”
It wasn’t a good look.
“I don’t hate you.” He stated a little more firmly this time; he really didn’t. “I will admit we didn’t meet on the best day or under the best circumstances— that just made things awkward from the get-go. But I don’t hate you, Y/n.”
By the look on your face— you still weren’t buying it.
“It’s not you, it’s me, I’m sorry. I have a lot going on in my life, and it seems like you’re often on the receiving end of it. Maybe it was the coffee at first, but I can assure you it’s not because of that.” Jungkook was scrambling, and you were still listening to him.
You already felt a little bad asking him this. Jungkook had a lot going on in his life, that much was obvious. The fact he let you drop the honorifics and gifted you an expensive bottle of wine should be enough proof that he couldn’t possibly hate you.
Unless the clear liquid turned out to be poison, but the fact you were sharing the bottle assured you that shouldn’t be the case. If Jungkook really did hate you, he had a weird way of showing it. But still, even if he didn’t mind your company, he manifested it in the strangest way possible.
“You always complete your work so well too, I can understand that it might be frustrating to you.” Jungkook was still rambling, but that much was true. You were a great employee and someone he could always rely on to get the work done well and on time.
“I’m so sorry.” He finally just pleaded.
You were truly amazing. Everything that he wasn’t.
His anger and frustration were misplaced, he knew that, and it wasn’t fair to you. An actual good boss wouldn't take out his frustrations on his employees, no matter what was going on in his personal life.
It just goes to show how good of a person he is.
“Jungkook, it’s fine. I just wanted to be sure there wasn’t any bad blood between us, especially if we’re going to work a lot more closely from here on out—“  It was then when you finally turned back to him. 
His breath had quickened slightly, he had leaned over his desk, and his hands had tangled into his hair. The long strands blocked his face, but you could tell something was wrong.
You reached a hand out and rested it on his forearm. The minute you did, he finally turned back to face you. Just like on the roof, you saw his eyes, and despite only having the city lights outside and the faint flicker of the candles, you could see the shininess.
It was terrifying, because you were close this time; you could perfectly see the despair that painted his features.
“I’m sorry, I’m fine— we’re almost done, let’s get through this, okay?” He quickly said, returning to typing on his keyboard.
“Jungkook—“ You tried, but he seemed adamant about finishing and getting the work done.
You sighed and followed his lead. You couldn’t ignore the guilt that coursed through your body. Once again, you missed the opportunity.
The bombs were back once again, and louder than ever it seemed. This happened every time his mind would wander in that direction, and it was almost impossible to turn it off once it started. With you here, it made his usual method of drinking until it stopped impossible unless he wanted to make a fool of himself in front of you. Instead, in order to ensure he wouldn’t lose it, he turned to the only thing he knew would drown the noise in his mind. You— you and that dream he had this morning.
His fingers were fast on the keyboard, but all he could picture as he stared at his screen was the fleeting memory of what it felt like to pound into you.
You on that meeting table, that purple blouse exposing your shoulders, your skirt around your waist, and in, out, in, out, his hips would move into your sopping heat. The drean was so fuzzy, and he hardly had a memory to draw from. It’s been ten months since he last had sex. Ten months of unbearable torture, much like what he experienced this morning.
He’s tried his best to be good to Yuri, assuring her that she was beautiful and telling her he wanted her now and always. Just last week, he had her clinging to their countertop as he was on his knees, pleasing her between her thighs.
It had nearly sent him over the edge untouched. Tears had filled his eyes because he was so sure he’d make another mistake, and the last thing he wanted to do was make her upset. 
He had tried to plead then, but he was too eager and said she had enough for the night. A cold shower had barely stopped him from giving into such disgusting urges, just like earlier today. Now he feared next time he wouldn’t be strong enough. 
If you weren’t right beside him, his hands would probably be in his pants right now. It was horrible, wasn’t it? He couldn’t be an adult and control himself. But that’s what the last ten months of his life had been like— Yuri testing him any chance she could, doing anything and everything to get under his skin. 
Yuri loved to tease him. He loved it too, it was only in those moments when he felt wanted. Didn’t she see how much he wanted her?
As childish as it was, Jungkook wanted to blame her for all this. Why couldn’t she listen? He had told her he wanted a break, a break from anything sexual for a while once he had recovered from pneumonia. It would offer the chance for them to work on and prioritize their relationship— just as he’d discussed with Dr. Min. He begged her to listen, that he would put in the effort so they could spend more quality time together to fill the void. He promised, but that short time she listened was absolutely miserable.
Yuri would wear those tiny shorts more often, and did everything she possibly could to get under his skin. He’d even walked into their room one day to see her using her fingers to do his job. She had forced him to just sit and watch, because it was his dumb idea and he had to pay for it.
It’s just been so long…
You sitting next to him was enough to send him over the edge. You and your short skirt, long legs, and that red lipstick. 
It’s been so long, he wished he could make his dream a reality; he wanted you bent over his desk right now, with your skirt pushed so far up he could watch your ass as he hurriedly pushed into you from behind. You would look so pretty, you always did.
He was desperate at this point, he needed something, anything… 
He had to get out of here. Jungkook wished he could count on Yuri being at the apartment, that she would see what she'd done to him and all would be well again, but he knew she wouldn’t. It’s not like he deserved it either. 
This was his rightful punishment. 
The fact things were so bad, the thought of an affair crossing his mind was sufficient proof that he deserved everything that was happening to him.
Jungkook was hardly paying attention to what he was typing, too focused on trying to stop the tears that were quickly welling up in his eyes and ignoring the way his cock throbbed. 
He was hard, painfully so— in public, and he was right next to you. 
He felt it happen, budget numbers being replaced in his mind with despondency, and how in a haste to escape his darker thoughts, his brain tried to go somewhere a little more buoyant, and instead fixated on the lewdness of what you did to him. That need to feel you, just the thought of feeling you, touching you— for you to need him, he wanted so badly for someone to need him.
This was so embarrassing…
“Alright! I think I’m done on my side~” You celebrated, and it was horrible how when he looked over and saw your bright smile, it just made things worse.
He wanted you. 
It was then that Jungkook realized he’d just been staring at his monitor for a while. It seems he’d been done as well. 
You picked up immediately that something was still off in the look you gave him.
“Uh— uh yeah, me too. We can be done here for tonight. We can meet in the morning and review everything before the meeting later.” Jungkook rushed as he hurriedly shut his computer off.
He needed to get out of here.
He knew his haste shocked you a bit. With his monitor off, a newfound darkness had filled the room, and his speed hurried you to shut off your laptop as well.
Jungkook recorked the wine he was giving you before he tried to get up inconspicuously, turning away from you as much as he could. Even with the darkness in his office, he felt it would be hard to hide what his dirty mind had done to him. 
He couldn’t let you see, he was already so ashamed. 
If you saw this…
His eyes were watery as he shakily got up from his chair. This was so embarrassing…
After you turned your laptop off, you got up too, noticing Jungkook was trying to hurry this up. You didn’t blame him; it was already near one in the morning, but you could still sense something was wrong.
“Jungkook?” You called out as you rested a hand on his shoulder, completely stopping him in his tracks. His eyes glanced down at your hand and then back up at you. You weren’t prepared for the look in his eyes the longer you stared into them. You couldn’t exactly read it; it was similar to what you saw on the roof. 
It made you hot in an instant as you got lost in his dark gaze. You knew you weren’t mistaken this time as you watched him scan over you. The candlelight flickered in between you, illuminating his shiny eyes and how obvious they settled on your lips. It just made you aware how nice his arm felt under your touch, and how alone you both were in the office. This was bad. 
What were you doing? 
“Is everything alright?” You questioned, your voice so meek you wanted to slap yourself. You needed to get it together. 
This causedJungkook to snap out of it as well, finally tearing his eyes away from you. “I— um, I’m fine.” It didn’t sound confident at all, and you noticed. 
You might have questioned it, but you knew you needed to get out of here. 
“Si— Jungkook, I’ll be right back!” You hurried as you started wheeling the chair you stole from Secretary Yu’s desk out the room.
“Alright.” He said weakly as you quickly passed by. 
As soon as the door closed behind you, the tears he had been holding back finally fell down his cheeks. This was just so embarrassing, it hurt so much. He just needed a minute or two alone, that’s all, and he could ease the ache. But that also means giving in, disappointing Yuri more than he already has.
Jungkook quickly wiped his face, scared you might come in any second now, and instead worked on blowing out the candles that were still burning around the room.
The darker it was, the less likely you’d see his shame.
Jungkook made quick work of blowing the candles out around the room, first going to the ones on the little tables, then he came back to where he had placed the most, on his desk.
As much as he wished this was a sufficient distraction, it wasn’t. He was still thinking about you and how much he wished you would be the one to help him, he would take anything at this point.
He was blowing out the last candle when he heard the door open again.
“Woah, you did a lot without me.” You remarked, seeing the room darkened by the candles being out already. And he was glad he worked so fast. One candle and he feared that would have been enough for you to notice what he was hiding.
It was disgusting how badly he wanted you.
“Y-yeah, I don’t want to keep you here later than necessary.” He stuttered and shakily turned around to face you.
Jungkook was nearly blown away seeing how gorgeous you were. The window bathed you in a beautiful glow that was only achievable by the moonlight. You were absolutely stunning, a goddess, a temptress pulling him in to commit the most horrible acts; and it was working.
Your heels steadily clicked as you walked, your red-stained lips that were turned up into a warm smile lured him even further into temptation, all the while your twinkling eyes peered over his quivering body.
He wanted you so badly…
The sweet perfume you were wearing just made the tears in his eyes grow even heavier, you smelled really good. He would do anything to relieve this ache. The desire was mind numbing at this point.
Jungkook hardly noticed both of your jackets and the scarf he’d worn were in your hands.
You handed him his jacket with a weak smile. It took him a minute to realize what you were doing, too busy staring into your shimmering orbs that would always have him choked up anytime he tried to speak to you.
“Jungkook?” You called out worriedly.
“U-uh I-I’m sorry.” He tried to laugh it off as he grabbed it, but he failed miserably, and it sounded more like a choked sob. He was hoping you’d brush it off as he quickly put on his black, fuzzy trench coat, but he knew it was too late in the way his vision grew blurry from tears. The dam had been broken and he just couldn’t stop it anymore.
You were still holding his scarf when he finally looked back up at you, and the look of concern in your face was unmistakable. You could see his despair.
“Jungkook…” Your voice was so soft and warm, like a flame lit in the dead of night. You reached up to drape the scarf across his shoulders, but your eyes were still locked into his, like you were staring right through his soul and could easily see everything.
Standing so close, you could see the pain hidden behind the starry way his eyes would shine, you could feel the hurt— they were just like Mi-Sun’s. Your hand lingered on his shoulders, before you finally found the confidence to reach your hand up and ever so gently cup his cheek.
Like on instinct, he couldn’t stop himself from nuzzling further into your warmth, a flicker of light in the frozen tundra he had become. It was an overwhelming affection he had never known, and while you may have just done it because of how pathetic he looked, it was something. He closed his eyes for a second, enjoying the taste of the haven he’d been craving for years.
“Jungkook, are you ok?” You finally asked earnestly because he genuinely looked like he was about to break. 
Jimin had been the only person to ever ask him that. He thought he’d been doing well at hiding from everyone the storm that raged on in his mind, but hearing you could clearly see something was wrong…
It felt real, too real.
You looked so worried, and as he felt your hand on his cheek, he just broke down.
Jungkook shook his head as tears easily slipped past his eyes and trickled down your hand. 
He wasn’t fine, he was the furthest from fine. Sometimes he wished the earth would swallow him whole so he wouldn’t have to wake up and feel like this every single day. He hadn’t been fine in years, and the weight of it all came crashing down at that very moment. He could tell you were about to question him further, but he didn’t give you the chance as his hand slowly came up and snaked around your waist to pull you close.
Jungkook didn’t know what he was doing, this was wrong on so many levels and went against everything he stood for, but in the moment he didn’t think, he just wanted to stop the pain. 
That warmth, he needed you.
Jungkook pulled you so close, closer than you both stood earlier in the hallway on the roof, you could probably feel the shame he was trying to hide.
Time stood still for a second as he stared down at your red-stained lips, the bright color like a lighthouse for a desperate sailor in the middle of a storm. You were the refuge he needed, and right now, he didn’t care about the consequences, he just wanted you.
Jungkook leaned forward so he could rest his head in the crook of your neck and bathed in the sweet scent of your perfume. He was so worthless that even just that seemed to make the ache worse.
He felt your arms wrap around his waist and you pulled him a little closer. The movement was slight, but it created just enough friction for a soft, unmistakable moan to escape his lips.
You could certainly feel it now.  
Jungkook felt like his skin was on fire, only moments away from boiling over, and you were the only one who could fix this. 
He lifted his head slowly, his face still wet with the tears that continuously spilled from his sad eyes. The hand that had been on your waist quickly trailed up your side to settle on your jawline, his thumb so gently grazed across your cheek.
You were dangerously close, he’d never experienced a need to this degree. He needed you, he wanted you so badly he wasn’t thinking straight anymore.
“Please— I need— can we…” You probably could barely hear him, his voice hoarse from the strain and he was shaking so much. 
But it seemed he didn’t need to elaborate; you knew what he wanted. Your hand came up from his waist to grab his shoulders to pull him closer, making his lips not even centimeters from yours.
Jungkook lost it. He couldn’t stop himself as he finally closed the distance. His lips were on yours in a haste, but he was slow and gentle as you both tried to process the fact this was happening. 
His heart nearly leapt out of his chest as he tasted the sweetness of the wine you both drank only moments before. Your lips were so soft, pillowy, and inviting. He could feel the soft tickle of your breath beneath his nose, gently pulling you close, as you breathed each other in.
The world around him seemed to disappear at that moment. He forgot about Yuri, he forgot about his marriage, he forgot how shitty he’s been feeling, he forgot about the contract, he forgot who he was. Right now, he wasn’t the future CEO of the second-biggest tech provider in the country— he was just Jeon Jungkook.
Nothing else mattered in the moment. It was just you, him, and ten months' worth of bottled-up lust.
His touch was hesitant at first, like he was so sure any moment you might change your mind. He thought you would, he was sure you would, that you would realize what he was doing, and your appalled reaction would be enough to finally wake him up and make him register what he’d just done. His brain was shot, but he remembered what this was usually like, waiting for the moment when you would say something, yell, scream, complain that he wasn’t good enough. He didn’t think he was, but that just made him more desperate. He wanted to prove himself.
But you never stopped him as his hands steadily grew more fervent, tugging at your white button-up and traveling down your sides to grab and touch as much as he could, settling just above the curve of your ass. The kiss quickly grew more heated, from slow, sensual pecks, to you both were practically trying to eat each other, building the ever-growing heat that settled between you two. It wasn’t a slow flame that steadily spread, but an explosion of lust that violently consumed everything in its path. 
Your hands grew curious, playing with the button-up he had tucked into his black slacks, and occasionally pressing down into the belt wrapped around his waist.
The sensation made Jungkook’s knees almost give out entirely. He fell back slightly onto his desk that sat behind him, breaking the kiss for just a second.
The moment was brief, but Jungkook used it as the perfect opportunity to finally let his hands slip under your skirt. He gripped your ass, enjoying the way the soft skin felt in his grasp way too much.
Jungkook didn’t know how it happened; all he could remember was hearing you gasp as he suddenly flipped you both around and had you pinned against his desk. He didn’t give you any time to process what was happening, because his lips were back on yours with even more ferocity. He just had to feel you. 
It hurt so much.
Jungkook could hardly help you up, the kiss grew more intense, and all he heard was the sound of anything in the way being forcefully pushed back— some things clattering to the ground, your heels even falling off in the commotion. But he couldn’t care less, not with the way you were clinging onto him as desperately as he needed to feel you.
It was messy, so fucking messy as he kissed you with all the pent-up lust that’s been building since you walked into him with your coffee. Your teeth clinked together more often than not. Jungkook was kissing you so hard, at some point he was so sure he was going to actually climb inside you.
But it felt so good.
Your legs hastily came up to wrap around his waist, pulling his needy self to where he wanted to be so fucking badly. The moan he let out was embarrassing; it was more like a whimper in all honesty, but he couldn’t stop thinking about this morning and all the dreams he had of being in this exact position.
His hips eagerly chased yours, desperate, so fucking embarrassingly desperate for any type of friction.
Everything was happening so fast, and still, the tears didn’t stop pouring out of his eyes. It was so sad, Jungkook couldn’t even kiss you anymore. The moment his aching cock felt your clothed heat against his, kissing you proved impossible. 
His mind felt like the most chaotic storm; he felt drunk not off the wine you shared, but of you, and he wanted so much more.
“Oh—“ You cried.
Just a few glides of his hips and he had you making such pretty sounds, even better than what he remembered from his dream. He only got greedier, and his pace increased too much.
He was going to cum.
“F-fuuu-uck” he tried to hold it back, but it just came out as something in between a moan and a sob. 
“It’s ok…” Your voice was soft and gentle as you tried to get him to look at you again. His eyes were so pretty, you wanted to see them again.
“I need you so bad.” Jungkook cried into the crook of your neck.
It hurt so much. He wanted to cum, any longer, and he was sure this was going to turn into a horrible disaster. He was so tempted to keep going just like this, to rock into you until he came in his pants like he was sure to at any moment.
“You can— have me— it’s alright.” Your voice was so soothing, but hicked when his hips came to meet yours in a haste. Your hand came up to run through his long hair. 
The affection was new, something he hadn’t experienced before, which made things so much worse.
It physically pained him to pull away, even for just a second, as he moved over and straddled your thigh— that wasn’t his intention, but your thigh was right there as he worked to change the position, and he needed to feel anything to ease the ache.
On instinct, your thigh raised up, and he could have cried— he was crying. He hadn’t stopped crying since you walked in— it just felt so good. His brain was scrambled, but he couldn’t— he wouldn’t allow himself to cum until he was inside you. He wanted to be selfish. He needed you.
Jungkook grabbed your chin so you would look up at him. He took a second to admire your delicate features; you were absolutely stunning, and he hated it. To drown out the agony, he kissed you lightly before moving to your cheek and he trailed down to your neck.
“Jungkook…” His name fell so prettily from your lips as your arm wrapped around his neck.
For a split second, Jungkook thought about Taehyung— he wondered if while you were together he got to see you like this, if you moaned his name so beautifully. It was only for a second, but it was enough to get him to suck a little harder on your skin, so that it would leave a mark.
He hoped it would.
“Don’t stop—” You whined. 
Jungkook let his hand travel down your body, stopping when he felt the buttons of your shirt. He needed this shit off now.
Using what very little brain power he had left, he tried to focus on getting the buttons undone, but it proved to be an impossible task. He was only using one hand, and Jungkook was more than distracted with painting your neck and enjoying the subtle pleasure of rubbing himself along your thigh.
Frustrated, Jungkook did the only thing his horny brain could think of at that moment, and pulled the fabric until the buttons snapped. For a second, he hoped he didn’t break any of them, but the worry quickly went away as he noticed the newly exposed skin and the pretty black bra you were wearing. His hands were eager and massaged your mounds with need. He was almost hypnotized as the moonlight outside painted your body and the feel of your soft skin in his hands.
The ache just got worse when he heard the soft sighs of pleasure fall from your red-stained lips. It delighted him too much seeing how it was smeared across your face. 
He hoped you weren’t too disappointed when he pulled away, but he hastily pulled up your skirt so it was bunched around your waist, just like it had been in his dream. The sight was even more bewitching than he imagined when he noticed what you were wearing.
Jungkook had too many fantasies where he would rip your stockings off to fuck you, but unlike what he’d pictured, you weren’t wearing stockings like he had expected, but the black sheer that covered your legs were thigh highs.
He just stared for a second because the wave of need that washed over him, didn’t make any sense at all. 
He whimpered as the picture started to become clearer, the sheer fabric coming up your legs to the lacy ends, your skirt bunched around your waist, and the black panties he could now see covering your core. It was hot; you were so hot, and he wanted to ruin you.
Suddenly, you grabbed his hand that was resting on your thigh. He looked into your eyes and could see the concern behind your gaze.
“You’re shaking…” You whispered so gently.
Jungkook looked down at his hand, and indeed he was.
Why? He didn’t know, and he didn’t really care at that moment. Jungkook did what he wanted to for so long, instead of answering, he shut you up with a kiss. Sometimes, you really did talk too much. No more talking; he couldn’t even think straight anymore to form an actual sentence. Instead, he used what little brain power he had left and let his hand slide up your thigh to hover right over your panties.
Jungkook barely touched you, but you were already bucking into his hand, like you were just begging for more. The arm you had wrapped around his neck tightened to pull him closer.
“Jungkook, please, please touch me.” You looked him directly in the eyes as you broke the kiss. 
He’d never heard those words before, and he knew from that point on that they should be illegal in how much they affected him. He wanted to please you—
Jungkook didn’t waste anymore time, and let his fingers brush over your clothed heat. He nearly lost his mind feeling the fabric damp already.
Did he do that?
“Please…” You whined, and Jungkook nearly broke after seeing the look on your face seemingly growing more frustrated.
He loved it too much.
Jungkook pressed into you a little harder, the fabric growing wetter by the second, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to feel you. You clung onto him tighter when he pushed your panties to the side, finally letting his fingers run through your soaked folds. You cried out, and he almost did too when your pretty whines grew more desperate.
His fingers stopped once they reached your clit, rubbing tiny circles across the bud. Jungkook’s heart nearly beat out of his chest at your reaction, the way you shook and moaned underneath him, and he reveled in your pleas for more.
It just made him more eager once his fingers came down to your pleading hole, slowly pushing the digits inside you. 
The ache was unbearable now.
You cried out for him, it was his name that fell from your lips, and he couldn’t stop imagining it was his cock instead as he pushed in further. 
He wished it was.
You felt so good, so warm, so tight, and he still couldn’t get over how wet you were. He could hear the slick sounds of his fingers as they pumped inside you, just imagining this was his cock alone could have made him cum.
And so could you, the suddenness of everything had your body on high alert, every new sensation, so unexpected you couldn’t keep up. It was all too much, his body on yours, his fingers inside of you, his pained whimpers as he steadily rubbed himself along your thigh.
Too much, yet you wanted more, you wanted so much more. You wanted to make him feel good too, so good that he wouldn’t hurt anymore.
“Jungkook, please.” You cried, pulling him close. You didn’t expect him to kiss you, but you relished in the sensation, enjoying the way his lips felt against yours. Even in that moment, you couldn’t stop focusing on how wet his cheeks were and the feeling of more tears trickling down onto you.
You wanted him to be ok.
Jungkook groaned into the kiss, pulling away slightly; he sped up his pace, enjoying the slick sounds of his fingers moving inside you and your pleading reaction way too much.
You cried and moaned so easily for him, like you both weren’t in his office right now, like you weren’t getting fingerfucked on his desk. It was dirty, and he hated how much he loved this.
“Does this feel good?” His raspy whisper right into your ear just made it all worse.
And it was all too much, he wanted to be inside you so badly, and he knew that if he waited any longer, he wouldn’t make it. 
“Yes, yes— fuck, yes!” You answered, clinging onto him just a little tighter.
He was already so close. Pathetic, so fucking pathetic.
As much as he didn’t want to, Jungkook finally found the strength to pull his fingers out of you. What he would have given to see you fall apart on his fingers, but not when he felt like he was seconds away from combusting. He had to hurry this up.
You whined at how empty you felt all of a sudden and were about to question it, maybe even scream because you were getting so close, but the moment of clarity let you feel his shaky hand on your thigh as he sank to his knees.
You looked at him confused as to what he was doing, but it didn’t take long for you to get the picture as he started spreading your thighs once again.
You pulled on his hair lightly, making him look up at you with his big, bright, bewildered, round eyes. You felt your body light a blaze at the sight, so innocent in such a dirty position.
“No time. Want you inside me.” It was blunt, but the moment didn’t allow for anything more. 
What you didn’t expect was for him to still seem confused. 
“You— you don’t need me to—“ His voice was just as shaky as his hands were. He genuinely seemed confused.
“Just fuck me, please.” You whined, your hand coming down to rest under his chin. His eyes were red and watery, and you just hated it. You’d do anything to see him better.
Jungkook steadily rose to his feet once again, but that brief moment of pause was short-lived, as he was on you in a haste, lips on lips, needing, chasing, he had to feel you.
Jungkook had been so worried, so worried he’d disappoint you, he’d nearly burst into tears when he got on his knees knowing he couldn’t eat you out without making a mistake. Then you said it, just like Yuri did after she came back from that New Year’s party. You wanted him, needing him to make you feel good. “Just fuck me, please.” He’d never forget it, to the point it was replaying in his head even now, as he tried his best to make that one thing happen.
He just had to last a little longer. 
Jungkook scrambled, trying to feel you, kiss you, and get his belt loose. It was all too much, why he ever decided to wear belts in the first place was beyond him at the moment. So little was in the way, he had your permission, and all that stood in between what he wanted were a few thin layers of fabric.
He desperately rubbed himself against you, needing the friction as he kissed you, fuck, why wasn’t he inside you yet?!
Then your hands eagerly raked across his back, trying to pull him close. Yuri had never done that to him, and it was too much, too much when he’s not inside you yet. Jungkook tried again to get his belt off, but he couldn’t think anymore and was growing more desperate by the second, your hands, fuck he was so close. 
Tears spilled out of his eyes, so worried he was about to embarrass himself when he was so close, but then you swooped in to save the day.
You broke the kiss when you noticed he was struggling a bit, and decided to help.  
He looked so pretty like this, the moonlight highlighting all of his delicate features, his eyes sparkling so sadly in the light. He looked sad, so sad that if you made one wrong move, he’d burst into tears. What could possibly be making him feel this way?
Your hands ran up his back, over his shoulders, and down to the buttons of his shirt. You didn’t miss the way he shivered, his eyes fluttered closed, and his grip on your thigh grew tighter as you went past his neck. 
Your hands were a little shaky, but you managed to undo them all. As more was revealed, you hadn’t even considered the possibility of Jungkook being absolutely built. You had a feeling he worked out, but the sight of his firm chest, then his defined abs was one shock after another. 
It was bad how much you needed him.
It was lucky you were so distracted that you entirely missed how red Jungkook’s face had become under your gaze. He was scared, scared of you seeing him like this and thinking he was just as pathetic as Yuri says. What if you hated—
With his shirt undone, you slowly ran your hands over his warm skin, covered in a thin layer of sweat. Down his nape, chest, abs, and then eventually settling on his belt. 
Jungkook tried his best not to rut into you like some animal, but he had never been touched like this before, and he feared he was seconds away from exploding because of how good it felt. 
Taking him out of his spiraling thoughts, you hurriedly tugged on his belt, finally getting it undone so you could unfasten his pants.
His eyes were watery once again, feeling your hands graze past the prominent outline in his slacks. 
“P-Please!” He cried because it hurt so much, and he just wanted to feel you. His voice was hoarse, sounding more like a pained sob than anything coherent, but he needed anything at this point. 
“Don’t worry, I got you.” You whispered right in his ear as you finally freed his aching length. 
Jungkook didn’t know what he was expecting, just enough help so he could finally push himself inside you, but then you didn’t let go. It didn’t fully register until you stared directly into his watery eyes and started dragging your hand slowly up his length. Jungkook could have screamed, he really wanted to, and would have if his voice wasn’t so hoarse. Maybe he was and he didn’t even realize it.
As you reached the tip, you focused all your attention on massaging the head, wanting to get a reaction out of him. You were pleasantly surprised as your thumb ran over the tip, the amount of pre-cum that seemed to just leak onto your fingers…
“Oh god.” He groaned, his voice was so shaky as he writhed in your grasp. He quickly had to shut his eyes, the pleasure was too much.
“Does this feel good?” Your voice was gentle once again, and Jungkook felt like he was moments away from blowing it. A strangled moan he couldn’t hold back left his lips.  
He couldn’t fully comprehend what was happening. Your hand was…? You were touching him? It was strange, horrible even, that for a moment he thought about Yuri, back in April when he practically begged her to touch him, just like this. He had begged her, but with you, he didn’t even need to ask. 
It was awful, so fucking horrific, but your hand was too much to handle as you went from running your fingers over the tip to steadily pumping his cock. Jungkook immediately knew he should have said something; each glide of your hand sent him closer to an edge he was practically hanging off of already, but fuck. This was pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
Jungkook whined as he buried himself into your shoulder and pushed you further into the desk. It was on the tip of his tongue to say something, to stop you. It would have been so easy. He knew deep down he didn’t want to. He moaned as he subtly rocked his hips into your grasp, he thought of this morning, how easily Yuri stopped, and the thought of having that taken away again.
He should have said something, he didn’t need to see your face to know you weren’t expecting this to go as far as it did. 
You’d only wanted to tease him a little before he finally filled you up, but maybe you should have realized how close he was. You certainly weren’t expecting his hoarse moans to grow louder and pained. 
His grip on your thighs quickly tightened, and suddenly, with a very pained cry, you felt wetness across your fingers. 
A colossal wave of pleasure hit him all at once with a strangled cry, a feeling he hadn’t felt after nearly a year. It was more than ecstasy, a high he never wanted to end, the most he’d felt in months. For a second, his life wasn’t a mess. He was happy, and everything was fine. It was overwhelming, and his knees nearly gave out entirely as you started gently pumping his length to help work his way through his high. 
It was a terrible mix of the pleasure he’d craved for months, and the guilt of being the failure he knew he was. Months of waiting, and he couldn’t at least make it inside you. It was embarrassing, pathetic, and not to mention as the ropes continued to come with each flick of your wrist, deep down he knew he truly had made a loathsome mistake because it just wouldn’t stop.
But it felt so good, it seemed never ending as each glide from your hand brought more euphoria than his brain ever thought was possible to experience. Yet the searing guilt that simmered behind the pleasure made his mangled moans turn into sobs. He was bawling in your arms, his tears soaking the fabric of your shirt. 
Your free hand gently rubbed his back to try and soothe him. He was shaking.
“I—I’m so sorry— so sorry.” Jungkook choked out. He clung to you a little tighter and buried himself further into your neck. He didn’t want to see the disappointed look on your face, he wouldn’t be able to bare it—
“Jungkook, it’s ok…” You tried to comfort him, feeling yourself getting a little emotional.
Your reassurance meant nothing, if anything it just made him more upset; he hated pity. This was a mistake, he was so disappointing, that’s all he ever did was make people disappointed. 
You seemed to notice your words didn’t do anything, so you pulled him out of your neck so he could look at you.
But instead of meeting your eyes, he immediately moved far back enough to see the scene of the crime. You were practically covered in his cum, your hand that had been grasping his length was coated in it, and your shirt and skirt were ruined with his mess. Ten months of shame and he’d covered you in it. 
Jungkook’s face burned at the sight.
His gaze finally pulled away to look into your eyes. Even in the darkness, you could see how wet and red his face was, but the tears never stopped as the guilt and embarrassment continued to take over him.
“I’m sorry— I didn’t—“ He tried to feign, but he was lying right through his teeth. He could have told you to stop sooner, but he didn’t want to; he had just been so close. 
Your sympathetic eyes just made things worse as you continued to look at him. 
“I wanted to—“ He wanted to fuck you, that much was true. As nice as your hand felt, he wanted more, so much more. To think he could have been buried deep inside you if he hadn't given in so quickly. 
“Jungkook, it’s ok, don’t worry about it.” You tried to reassure him, but with the haze of his orgasm fading, reality began to hit him at full force. 
He ruined your clothes, and he literally came all over you like a fucking teenager. How much more embarrassing could he be?!
“I can replace them if you want.” He sniffled out, but he felr like could barely understand him through his sobs. 
“It’s ok, I’m serious.” Your slight smile gave him more sympathy than he deserved. 
You turned around and noticed the tissue box beside you. You let him go, making a slight whine escape his lips as you did so, and you grabbed a tissue to start cleaning yourself up. 
To make matters worse, if he couldn’t get any more despicable, the lack of contact made a horrible realization dawn upon him. 
He still wanted more. Instead of the guilt from his actions, the burn raged on, a little tamer this time, but it was still there sizzling, waiting to erupt once again at any moment.
You finally looked up, noticing his apologies had become too quiet and his hands had begun to steadily run over your waist again. You hoped this meant Jungkook realized everything was alright and that there were no hard feelings, but you were a little shocked to see his dazed gaze staring directly down at your opened-up shirt that had your black bra still exposed. 
There was a hunger in his eyes you recognized from earlier. Hmmmm…
You put the tissue down before you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him close. You were delighted at the sound of his gasp as he was tugged flush against your chest. You kissed his neck, before you moved back up to trail kisses along his jaw up to his ear. His grip on your thigh grew tighter with each move you made.
“Did you want to keep going?” Your voice was soft as you felt him shiver in your grasp.
“We—we don’t have to!” His voice was a lot louder than yours, like he was trying to defend himself from being led into a trap, but you felt his grip tighten around your waist.
The number of times he’d begged Yuri for a second chance anytime he came too quickly, he couldn’t believe this was real. This had to be a trap, you were trying to embarrass him, weren’t you? You wanted to ruin him. 
“You think you’re up for it?” You asked once again, your tone dropping to an octave that made his whole body shiver. 
If only you knew he could keep it up the whole night. Jungkook couldn’t say anything, he almost didn’t want to; at any moment, he thought you would take it back.
“You don’t know what you’re doing…” He whispered, lightly rubbing his cheek against yours. You were unlocking a part of himself he was scared to face. He didn’t think he could come back from this.
“I do… don’t worry.” Your tone was low as your teeth grazed across his ear. A moan fell from his lips before he could stop it. He felt like an animal as his mind thought about all the things he wanted to do to you. Instead of the degradation he’d expect from Yuri, his silence was rewarded with you wrapping your hand around his semi-hard length and pumping him once again ever so gently, careful not to overstimulate him too much. 
Jungkook could have screamed; his voice was too hoarse, but a guttural moan escaped his lips before he could even realize it. He couldn’t believe it; he had to be dreaming. But dream or not, that didn’t stop his softening length from beginning to grow hard once again in your grasp. He wanted nothing more than to fuck you.
“Please…” It was a sad, desperate plea. He just had to feel you once tonight.
This time, you didn’t hesitate to spread your legs for him, using one hand to pull your panties to the side and the other to rub him through your folds. You were absolutely soaked. A whine fell from both your lips as Jungkook resisted every urge to fuck into you. 
He could probably cum just from this again if you kept this up.
You didn’t tease him for long, seeing his expression growing increasingly impatient. You couldn’t wait any longer either, as you took it upon yourself to guide his tip to your dripping hole. 
You sighed in relief as Jungkook finally took control and slowly sank himself further into you. The more you took, the more you could have screamed, the fit filling you up in all the right places.
How much you wanted him to just destroy you…
Jungkook wanted to do just that, but the sweet sting of overstimulation made his worked-up length that much more sensitive to a sensation he hadn’t felt in a long time. His eyes stung from the tears, and he felt drunk off the warmth of your walls wrapping around him, almost pleading to milk him of anything he had left. 
Too fast, and he knew you’d do just that.
He waited, as much as his body didn’t want to, but he wanted to try and make things right this time. He wanted to make you feel good too.
Soft sighs of pleasure escaped you, but you still tried to focus your mouth on his neck— gently sucking on a spot where he quickly found out was surprisingly sensitive. 
“Fuck…” He groaned. This was all new to him, and he wanted more.
“Y/n… can I move?” Jungkook rushed out. He felt like he was seconds away from losing his mind.
“Please…” You begged, just as desperate. 
Your plea was all he needed for him to slowly pull his hips out before shakily pushing back in. An embarrassing series of whines left his mouth in the process, not at all thinking about how loud he was anymore.
Tears spilled out of his eyes as the slick sounds started to fill his office. It was overwhelming in the best way possible. This was worse than his first time, he felt like a virgin all over again as he moved through your sopping heat, he wasn’t going to last long at all. 
Jungkook immediately had to focus on not cumming again, feeling the edge approaching so quickly, but he had to make you feel good this time.
His pace was a little awkward at first; he was too eager at times to feel you, making him fumble his rhythm, but he was quick at getting back in the groove of things. 
“Jungkook—“ You moaned out, your legs wrapping around his waist so he wouldn’t go far. You just needed him close, as close as he could get.
Fuck, how long has it been? Were you really this desperate? 
You clung onto him tightly, hearing his pretty whines with each glide of his hips. 
If you thought about it too much right now, you might come back down to the reality of the consequences of your actions. Weren’t you both about to leave just moments ago? But you didn’t think about it, you honestly couldn’t think about it as his cock glided past that spot that made you see stars. 
You both reveled in the pornographic sounds of skin slapping against skin and the subtle sounds of the creaking of his desk anytime he’d push inside you. Random objects would get knocked off occasionally as he pushed you further onto the desk, but neither of you cared, too focused on chasing a high that was quickly approaching.
Your hand ran through his hair, tugging at the strands in desperation, while the other was down his back, your manicured nails dragging across the white fabric that you knew would probably leave a mark. 
Your moans nearly drowned out his own,, but you both seemingly didn’t care about the fact that you were in public. 
Jungkook’s mind was filled with nothing but white-hot need, your hands on his body, it had never been like this, it had never felt like this. He almost didn’t know what to do with himself except fuck into you as quickly as his body would let him, any second spent apart was too long, needing to stay buried in your warmth.
You were fucking touching him— someone— touch— fuck.
“C-c-close!” Jungkook rushed out suddenly. He hurriedly wrapped his arm around your back and lifted your thigh so he could fuck into you even deeper. He just couldn’t get enough. Why did this feel so good?!
Jungkook wanted to delay it as much as he could so you would feel good too, but then your lips were on his neck and suddenly he had no self-control.
Still so sensitive from his last orgasm, fresh tears spilled from his eyes as he felt himself speeding toward the edge.
“Can I—“ He wanted to ask for permission, but at this point, he feared a no wouldn’t even be enough. 
“It’s okay… let go for me.” Your voice, always so sweet as you focused on running your fingers through his hair. It felt so good, so good that he wanted to cry right there in your arms. He could have, if that feeling hadn’t finally spilled over into another embarrassing whine.
“I’m sorry— so sorry, sorry, I’m—“
His rhythm turned frantic, then got sloppy, chasing, and chasing, till he buried his face in your shoulder as he came again, ropes and ropes of cum filling you up. It was hard to believe he came just minutes ago.
He sounded like he was crying again, maybe he was, but the pleasure overtook any realization of his surroundings. Jungkook’s moans turned silent, his voice too hoarse for anything louder. He wanted to scream, just wave after wave of pleasure hit him as he steadily thrusted into you. You were so nice, you always were, as you gently kissed his neck and rubbed his back.
You knew he needed it, you could feel the tears across your neck and the way he lightly shook in your arms. 
It had never been that intense before; a full minute passed and he was still getting hit with the shakes as another wave would hit. 
It was so good, so good, but he wasn’t satisfied just yet. 
Jungkook eventually found the strength to pull himself slightly away from your shoulder. Your kind eyes looked at him with so much concern, that he hardly gave you any time to process before he was kissing you again. It was a slow, sensual kiss, and his hand came up to cup your cheek so that he could have you just a little closer. A brief moment of calm, a second to settle your beating hearts.
It was at that moment, without you noticing, Jungkook slid his hand in between your bodies. You didn’t realize it until you felt his fingers on your clit, earning an immediate gasp out of you. Jungkook hummed lightly before kissing down your neck. 
You were so sensitive and so close already… 
“Cum for me…” Jungkook whispered across your skin. 
You will, you wanted to so badly.
His fingers quickly picked up the pace, and you cried out for him. Jungkook could feel you tightening around his cock, spent, but greedy for more, as he started slowly thrusting into you once more. 
He groaned. You felt so good— it just didn’t make sense.
This was about you though, and he had to make you feel just as good as you had made him. Jungkook relished in the way you clung onto him as your orgasm grew nearer. You were so close, he could feel it. 
His fingers were skilled, so skilled you hardly had time to process before you came face to face with the edge you craved more than anything at that moment. 
“Please— please, fuck, fuck, please!” You cried, and Jungkook nearly did too at how tightly you were squeezing him. Overstimulation, two orgasms, and the pain mixed with pleasure, had him speeding to his third. But this was all about you, and he pulled away to watch your expression as you fell apart.
Jungkook almost didn’t feel worthy as he watched your eyes roll back, and your moans and pleas turned into one big sigh of relief as your orgasm washed over you. You gripped him hard, and you had him crying out with you, cumming for the third time today.
It probably was a little over a minute since his last one, and he didn’t have much to give, but you made sure to milk him of everything he had left, and he loved it.
You, this, everything, it was so good. 
Jungkook, through the haziness of it all, helped you both through it, his hips steadily rocking into you, and his fingers still at work until you whined at the overstimulation.
Jungkook quickly pulled you in for another kiss. It was lazy, you both were exhausted at this point, but Jungkook craved the affection more than ever as the rush, the heat, burn, and desire started to settle down. All that was left in its wake was the startling realization of what you both had just done. 
The wetness began to pool in between you, his body ached, the guilt was beginning to wash over him, and the treacherous reality he ran from was back.
As much as he didn’t want to, Jungkook eventually found the strength to pull out of you. It hurt physically speaking, but it was even worse mentally. He didn’t want to leave, not with how warm and wet you were around him. It took everything in him to slowly but surely leave your warm embrace, a pained whine falling from his lips, before he took a step back. 
Your hooded eyes stared at him as you breathed heavily. He was probably doing the same, but he could hardly pay attention as he stared at his mess: 
Your lipstick was heavily smeared, your hair disheveled, your legs still spread with your skirt bunched up around your waist, your stockings had runs all over them, and your panties he’d pulled to the side were back in place but soaked with a mix of both of your juices.
Jungkook wanted to feel ashamed; he should, he had ruined you, but your fucked out expression only made a startling realization come over him. He liked seeing you like this, and it made the flame that had started to quell, spark once again.
This wasn’t right. None of this was right. 
Jungkook should feel guilty right now. Not only had he ruined his marriage, you were also now caught up in his mess. Instead, all that resided as you both calmed down, was a startling numbness. 
He should feel guilty, but it was so fucking horrible how much he enjoyed it. This was a relief Jungkook had never known could come from sex. He was spent, exhausted, yet craved more all at the same time. 
But he really did feel bad, seeing you like this, and Yuri… however, that’s not what his mind could focus on. As horrible as it was, he felt… good.
Jungkook gently helped you off his desk. Your knees were a little wobbly, but he held onto you tightly as he guided you over to the couch. 
You silently thanked him and watched as he went to grab your coat and shoes, which had dropped to the floor during the commotion. As soon as he handed it to you, he then kindly went over to pack up your laptop for you and grab the bottle of wine.
It was sweet, too sweet almost, considering what the fuck just happened.
You and Jungkook… you and Jungkook?
This was the same Jungkook you hated until about a month ago. This was the same Jungkook who had made your life at work hell for nearly two years. This was the same Jungkook that was married. 
You started to put on your stuff, Jungkook picked up all things that had fallen off his desk, before he had his own coat and scarf in hand, and he took a seat on the opposite end of the couch. You were quickly reminded how you found yourself in this situation as he practically collapsed. A pained sigh left his lips and his hands were tangled in his hair once again. 
You quickly scooted over. 
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry!” Jungkook cried, his sad eyes only looking at you for a second before his hair was in the way again. 
This… this is precisely why. Something about the look in his eyes, the pain in his voice, it was too much, and you wanted to do anything to fix that. 
You let your arm wrap around him. “You want to talk about it?” Your voice, soft and gentle as always. 
Jungkook didn’t know what to say. What could he possibly do at this point? It was really hitting him. He had done it, he truly had lost it.
His panic started getting to you as well, and you were realizing the mess you had just got yourself into. As concerned as you felt for Jungkook, you now were involved in an affair. His wife’s pictures that sat around his office felt like they were bearing into you, judging you for sleeping with her husband. How could you? Not only that, but this happened with your boss, at your job, who was fucking married.
The reason this happened in the first place was unknown, but what justification could there be for both of you? 
Jungkook tried his best to pull himself together as you both got up to begin your journey downstairs, but how could he go home now?
You both made a quick stop to the bathroom to clean yourselves up. 
You could hardly believe the sight you saw in the mirror. You finally saw the glorious mess Jungkook had made of you, your cheeks warmed at the sight the fluorescent lights granted you. You were a mess…
You tried to quickly cover up the evidence of your misdeed. You wiped your shirt and skirt so the stains wouldn’t be so noticeable, and with the brush you kept in your purse, you tried to smooth your hair down and style it so that it covered the marks across your neck. You then tried to make your clothes sit the way they did before you walked into his office earlier, tucking your top in and smoothing out your skirt.
You wiped down your face, and with a quick reapplication of your makeup, you were as good as new again— well, as new as you needed to be at nearly 1:30 in the morning.
Despite having more to do, you were left waiting outside the bathrooms on Jungkook for a little while. 
He’d walked in and the sight he saw in the mirror was equally as alluring as it was horrendous. His face was red and puffy, and his hair was sticking up in every direction. But the way your lipstick covered his face… his lips were smeared with it, just like yours had been. It was all over his cheeks, even his neck had red stains, and seeing that had him feeling funny all over again.
Jungkook was ashamed that he looked past it all, and enjoyed the way your lipstick painted his skin.
He nearly had another breakdown at the realization, and he had to give himself a pep talk to come out of the bathroom and face you again. His thoughts were quickly spiraling, and he felt himself getting jittery again. It was the same way he felt in Dr. Min’s office, the same way that would plague him occasionally, and he was stuck alone for hours trying to get himself together to face the world again. He probably would have collapsed and locked himself in the bathroom if you weren’t waiting on him.
He likely came out looking worse than he did coming in. Your lipstick was gone, but he had been stuck inside trying to wipe the tears that just wouldn’t stop falling from his eyes.
Eventually, you both made your way to the elevators.
Jungkook had offered to drive you home considering how late it was. You probably would have said no considering the situation, but you didn’t really think about how you would get home beforehand. You honestly didn’t think you’d be here this long, but you also knew Taehyung would have no issue coming to pick you up. 
He lived close by, and he’d been there many times before when the buses and subways were closed. Even at the oddest times of night, he always knew when you were out and would be there to get you. You would have called him, but considering you looked like a mess, surely Taehyung was bound to ask questions about what happened during your evening with the boss. That was the last thing you needed, keeping as few people involved as possible was the better option. Plus, he had spent the night partying, and you doubted if he was available or even sober enough to drive you.
Jungkook it was then.
Things were noticeably awkward between you two. As you both waited for the elevator, a notable distance separated you two, and a painful silence settled in the air.
“You never answered my question earlier…” Things felt different now. The further you walked from the sanctuary of his office, the more real it became. You honestly wanted nothing more than to get away from him.
The elevator dinged before the doors opened. You both stepped inside and Jungkook hit the button down to the garage. 
What could he say?
“What excuse could I give?” Jungkook sounded distraught and you started feeling bad once again. 
“I mean… I don’t mean to impose, but considering what happened… you just don’t seem fine.” You spoke sincerely, not wanting to beat around the bush.
Jungkook leaned against the elevator wall, and with the lights shining down on his face, you could clearly see the wetness staining his cheeks. 
There was a moment of silence as your statement lingered in the air, but eventually Jungkook worked up the courage to say something, anything really, he owed you that much at least. 
“It's an arranged marriage.” Jungkook's voice was still hoarse, and a tear rolled down his cheek as the words left his mouth. He really hated telling people.
You were visibly shocked at this, eyes widening as his words processed in your mind. You thought it was weird he was married, but you didn’t think arranged marriages happened anymore, especially here. Even if they did, that didn’t matter, he was still so young. 
“It’s been hard over the years… really, really hard, but that doesn’t excuse anything.” Jungkook was vague, however it was still something. 
As you both stepped out of the elevator, into the short hallway, and out the parking garage, Jungkook offered once again to get your clothes professionally cleaned or replaced if that’s what you preferred, when he still noticed the stain on your skirt under the light. 
You thanked him, but you didn’t want to be indebted to him. Instead, you said you’d handle it yourself.
Plus, now you can call it even.
It was awkward again as he pushed open the door and you both walked to his car. It was one of the only ones down here, but who else would own a Mercedes?
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t… I’m sorry…” Jungkook was lying through his teeth. He wished he wasn’t, but as bad as he felt, no one had ever made him feel that good before.
“Look.” You stopped in your tracks, making him stop with you.
“You obviously seem to be going through a lot, I get that. But Jungkook, I don't want to be involved in this.” You were serious as you spoke. 
“That’s your business. Tonight did not happen. Tomorrow we’ll come into work like none of this happened. You won’t ever need to worry about me telling anyone. This was a fluke, a mistake, something that shouldn’t have happened. I trust you’ll do the same. That’s as simple as it needs to be.” You seemed mad, and as much as you were right, Jungkook couldn’t stop the way his chest tightened at your words.
A fluke, a mistake, something that shouldn’t have happened. It hurt so much for some reason, but you were right in the end.
Jungkook just nodded, knowing he would have a breakdown if he tried to say anything. But what could he say anyway? You were right.
You both steadily made it to his car, a sleek, black, 2022 Mercedes AMG GT 53 4-door Coupe. This was his personal car, not the fancy SUV his driver would always take him around in, but whenever Jungkook worked late nights like this, he’d normally drive himself to work and give Dae-Jung the day off.
You tried not to show how impressed you were as you got in. It really was a nice car with the pretty LED lights dimly illuminating the matching black interior. Then the sound it made as he started it up, and with one hand on the wheel, he pulled out of the underground garage…
If things were different, this definitely would have easily made you fold— a good looking guy driving a sexy car was a thing you knew you had, but this was a married man who you just had an affair with.
Now was certainly not the time.
The ride was silent, aside from when Jungkook asked for your apartment’s address. What else was there to say really?
You were mad. You wanted to put all the blame on Jungkook for getting you involved with this mess, but it takes two to tango as they say. You never stopped him when he pulled you close and you didn’t want to. You were just as mad at him as you were at yourself.
You knew he was married, yet you kept going, you wanted more, and relished when he finally filled you up. And his eyes, he seemed so sad, you wanted to do anything to make him feel better. 
As Jungkook drove you home, a new look seemed to settle behind his gaze. Before he seemed like he was constantly at the point of breaking, but now it was nothingness, lifelessness, a void contained in his dark orbs. 
Were you too harsh earlier? That’s the way it had to be though, this had to be a mistake you would never acknowledge at any point going forward. But maybe there was a better way to say it. Something clearly wasn’t right, and you were still concerned at the end of the day.
The late hour offered minimal traffic so you were pulling up to your apartment building just a little over twenty minutes later.
You were quick to grab your stuff and push open the door to get out, but not without a glance at the man beside you whose hair almost entirely shielded his gaze. His hands on the steering wheel were tight and he never once looked at you. 
“Jungkook…” That gentle tone was back and he finally looked at you.
He seemed dazed almost. 
“You should probably talk to someone. You seem to be going through a lot, and even though you were vague with me, someone out there will listen to you. Not going to lie, I’m a little worried… you remind me so much of a friend who went through a lot and… It might really help talking to a professional.” You held that same look of concern you had right before he kissed you.
It was so bad, he wanted to do it again.
Jungkook felt his cheeks warm at the thought, remembering how it felt to have your lips against his.
He weakly tried to laugh it off. “You aren’t the first person who’s said that.” 
“You might really benefit from it. I suggest trying it out.” 
Jungkook nodded. The last time he attempted therapy it didn’t go so well, but then again, he had only gone twice. 
You gave him a weak smile before you swung your bag over your shoulder and started walking toward the entrance. Jungkook stayed until he made sure you made it inside, and then he was driving off. 
His head was empty as he drove down the road, no tears, no pain, no anything. Instead, he couldn’t stop thinking about what happened earlier, it had never felt like that before, not once had it felt like that before.
Your hands, your lips, your body, your our skirt bunched up around your waist, your thigh-highs, that lacy black bra you had on underneath, your smeared lipstick. It replayed in his head over and over again. By the time Jungkook made it home it was going on three. He was tired, his body ached, his mind spent, but there was only one thing he could focus on as he punched in the code to the door. 
He wasn’t entirely surprised when he opened the door to find the apartment, dark, empty, and he was alone, like always. Yuri had texted him right before you walked in his office that the shoot was in fact running long and she wouldn’t be home until early in the morning. It was almost a relief that she wasn’t here. He didn’t know what he would have done if she was, but the silence was painful. Silence let his mind wander off too much, and in the silence the realization of his actions hit him once again. 
Jungkook’s eyes started to blur as he looked at the pictures that were sprinkled around the apartment of the two of them. He felt terrible, but not like how he should have.
This was actually his worst nightmare, he had turned his marriage from one that could have posed as real as any other, into that fake shit his parents put up with. Jungkook had turned into the person he detested the most, and there was nothing he could do to come back from it. He should feel terrible, so fucking terrible. He should prepare to get on his knees and beg for Yuri’s forgiveness, even though he knew he didn’t deserve it. He had been such a terrible husband over the years and the one thing he thought he’d never betray was the fact he was faithful and he’d always try his best to make their relationship work.
What now? Had he just given up? Jungkook wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to do worse, he wanted to make it hurt, but instead, he just sank down against the door.
All he could think about was you and how good it felt. Was it just because he was so sensitive? It really had been so long, but it had never been like that before. Never, not even in the memory he held so closely— Yuri and him in the hot tub at the Maldives. It had never felt like that.
Jungkook should feel guilty, and he did, but only because he didn’t feel bad. He couldn’t stop thinking about you, your hands, your lips, you, you, you.
Despite the fiasco in his office, the ride over with him and his stupid fucking mind that wouldn’t shut up, had his cock aching all over again. He was hard, and he wished so much you would have invited him upstairs so he could have stayed in your arms all night long. He would have said yes if you offered.
He wanted you so badly, but this wasn’t right. 
Jungkook wanted to fix this, he easily could have, the memories were vivid and he so badly wanted to feel good again. But the tears finally fell on his cheeks when he remembered Yuri and how disappointed she would be. He couldn't do that, he couldn't, he fucking couldn’t.
He was a disappointment, Yuri was right about everything. He was pathetic, his life couldn’t get any worse.
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jinxthequeergirl · 17 days
omg yay!! so glad i can request you some billy cuz i love him sooo much… yeah, and also: if you don't want to write this it’s okay, but then please reply to this post somehow because damn otherwise i end up waiting like a hachiko😔
how about bill and reader had a deal but eventually their interactions developed into some kind of relationship (?). i don't know, in short bill became very attached to the reader but something happened and they had a fight which cancelled the deal.
time passed and bill still couldn't forget reader. and now, already being in a mental hospital, bill is sitting in general therapy in a circle with everyone else, with an empty look at the floor "i don't want to be here, they made me" in his eyes, and then suddenly one of the therapists says: "so, i want to introduce you to a new patient: y/n!"
bill, hearing this name, is shocked because how did this even happen, and the reader just smiled
ps english is not my first language i'm writing this by translation sorry for mistakes, i love you💘
The Multi-Dimensional break up
Bill chiper x Interdemensinal being!reader
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Here, take this while i work on Part 8!
Picture bill however you want to in this I left him vague for a reason (I personally go for the unconventional twink cipher)
Warning: none, it's short
Sure, Ford was interesting enough, but YOU were far more interesting. He remembered helping Ford with the portal, watching him fo test runs only to pull you out.
Ford was instantly fascinated with you, running tests interagating you, you happily answered, glad to talk to someone new, and you gladly accepted when offered to help with the portal reaserch.
That's when he'd introduce you to Bill, his other interdimensinal friend helping him. You two bonded quickly, and you shared how similar your dimensions were as well as how vastly different they were.
What he liked most of all about you was how he could talk to you about things others usually didn't get, not his parents in his home dimension, not ford...no one.
"You were only a child... That must've been hard." You admit to him after he opened up to you on a whim about his past, about seeing past his dimensions, about what he did...who he lost.
"It...it's was! But look at me now! Look at all the power I have because of it!" You gave him a sideways look.
"But are you happy?..." He stared at you.
No one's ever asked him that before.
"I understand what you did...I was given a similar chance to yours...but before I made my choice I stopped to think about everyone I held dear to me, I thought about everyone else and who they held dear to themselves...and most of all I thought about myself...would this really make me happy in the long run? If I lost everything, would I care if it was replaced with what I'm being offered?"
Bill stared at you once again. A strange sinking feeling he'd only ever felt once before in his life. "What did you do?"
"Well...to put it simply my home dimension is thriving! They all lived and still lived happily...in the end, I knew if I was willing to do something like that, I could risk it all just like that, then I was the one who needed to leave."
You weren't exactly the type of being he surrounded himself with. You were....well adjusted, to say the least. He kept you around.
He grew attached to you, basically at the hip. He liked that for some reason in a sea of crazy, horrific, and terrifying things you were very calm and collected. Though you did end up sharing his affinity for all those things, giving him a good evil idea in the most calm manner he'd ever seen.
But like before in his home dimension, he began to crave more. Working with you and Ford to get the portal up and running only made him desire it tenfold. He had a vision and with you in it.
So, who better to ask for help bleed into Fords reality and take over then you. Though he didn't tell you the whole plan or truth as to what the plan held in store for everyone.
"Would it make you happy?" He felt his eye twitch. Not a question he thought you'd ask.
"If it does?" You finally looked up at him from what you were fiddling with. "If you came to me right now asking me to do this and you were a million percent positive, it would make you happy... I would say ok."
"Really? Why?"
"You should have some happiness to if I could help achieve that I would love nothing more."
"Then it's a deal."
You shook his hand.
He beamed at you, worried a moment that you would give him a long speech about doing the right thing. True that you enjoyed the bits of chaos he would sprinkle about and even partake in them. But you also had a bit of a moral Compass. It never seemed to stop you from having fun with him, and to him it didn't seem like it stopped him from his fun when you thought other wise.
But it did. You not partaking with him felt wrong. You'd become his right hand in everything. Usually, if you rode a high horse, suddenly he was too.
However, you were hell-bent on helping him with this, that was until you realized what he was doing and trying to do to Ford.
You stopped helping him immediately.
"You lied to me! You didn't tell me this was your plan! Another dimension you can treat, like your home dimension?" Bill was taken aback for a moment. And hurt that you would compare what he was doing now to what he did in the past.
"Are you seriously going to do this? To Ford!?"
"Hey! We had a deal remember!"
"You purposely left information out you tricked me!"
Bill realized he'd never seen you angry in the years he'd gotten to know you. Seeing you now almost made him hesitate, almost.
"The deal is off! And I'm going to tell Ford about your plan."
"Not so fast!" You froze in place your whole body feeling over and turning to gold. "Bill wait! Wait! Don't do this! We can talk this out!"
"I don't think so...you and no one else in any dimension is going to stop me!"
"Bill Cipher, I swear I will -"
He winced, waiting for the rest of your sentence that never came, your face permanently frozen in distorted anger. This is what he wanted, right? He wanted out of the nightmare dimension. He wanted complete and utter chaos in the real world. He was sure of it only a moment ago.
Then why did he feel so bad.
He stared at your face solid gold and gleaming now.
"Are you happy?"
He shook your voice from his head.
"You'll see y/n! I'm going to Rule this dimension and you'll regret not joining me!" He said trying to gain back his confidence.
He could.
Not when you where looking at him like that.
So he possessed Fords body, tossed you threw the still finicky portal and forgot about you.
Tried to forget about you.
Every day, something new would come up, and he would still be ready to tell you, still wake up, ready to spend his time with you.
Who knew how lonely he really was until Ford dragged you out of that portal all those years ago.
He thought about you now most of all, staring up at the ceiling in his interdemensinal cell.
He wondered if he would have beaten the Pines family if you were by his side. He wandered if he would have even gone through with weirdmagedon if you were by his side.
He truly just missed you. He regretted throwing you away like you weren't everything to him. He hoped you would eventually forgive him if you ever crossed paths or if you were even unfrozen.
He avoided bringing you up now that he was in mandatory therapy. Anytime he felt he might mention you, he paused and steered the conversation away as best he could.
"Welcome, everyone. Let's settle down."
Bill sighed, slumping into his chair. Bracing himself for yet another group therapy session.
"Before we get started, I'd like to welcome a new member to the group." He rolled his eye while the other members erupted in chatter.
"Settle down, everyone, please welcome y/n."
Bill felt his heart stop, and the air leave his lungs.
Low and behold you scanned the room looking for an open seat, you sat across from him locking eyes with him for a moment.
"I like your scar" You mouthed.
He stared at you jaw on the floor.
"How?" He asked all you did was smile before the mediators spoke up again.
"Alright, everyone, let's begin."
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Hello everyone!
Here you are with a new story, with my one and only Ona. I hope you liked it! Please tell me what you think about it ♥
TW : Dirty Talk, mention of lover fight and mention of possible smut.
(Of course according to logic some dialogues are supposed to be in Spanish, but by sheer laziness I will simply put everything in English without translation)
With your face resting on your hand, you are sitting at a table in the refectory in which the team usually meets for breakfast before the big games. Your teammates seem in a good mood, but you must admit that you don't listen to what they can tell around you. You vaguely realized that Lucy, Salma and Claudia are sitting next to you, but that’s it. Playing with food and the tip of your fork, it's only when Alexia settles down on the vacant chair next to you that you leave your gloomy thoughts.
You see her looking at you with wrinkled eyes while gently placing her tray on the table.
"What?" you asked raising an eyebrow.
"That’s what I was going to ask you. What’s going on?"
You shrugs, taking a small piece of tortilla on your fork.
"She had a fight with Ona last night and they both are moody in their corner of the room"
Lucy answer at the same time as you and Alexia eyes goes to the english girl. You glare at Lucy, who send you a big smile, chewing her toast with some disgusting happiness.
In fact, she was right. Ona, contrary to your habits, was not at your side but at another table with Aitana, Ingrid and Mapi. It was in reality you who had changed tables when you saw her installed with the three other girls. A very stupid moove since it made you even sadder than you were already.
You can’t even tell why you started arguing, probably because of a small thing like every rare time it happens. But you went to bed angry and when you woke up Ona was already gone. She had an appointment with your medical team for a vague story of aductors and the worst is that you don’t even know if she’s okay and able to play.
"You're ok?" Alexia ask, full of empathy.
"She will be, you know how they are. If they are not reconciled after the game and in each other’s arms, call me Lucia for the rest of my life."
Lucy raise her eyebrows with amusement, while you prefer to answer nothing and lean against the back of your chair, showing her your middle finger.
"Leave her alone Lucia" Salma smiles.
You take advantage that Claudia relaunches a conversation with Salma and Lucy to lean discreetly towards Alexia.
"You know what the doctors said about Ona?"
"Yes, false alarm, she has nothing at all. She will be able to play the game as planned."
You nod, despite everything relieved to learn that your girlfriend is fine. Alexia doesn't add anything and doesn't even point out that you could have gone to ask her yourself, preferring to place a reassuring hand on your arm. The blonde definitely has great captain qualities.
On Ona's side, the mood is also gloomy. If the Spaniard finished her plate at Aitana’s insistence, she can’t help but look at your back and try to guess the interactions you have with your teammates. She saw you raise your middle finger at Lucy and then lean towards Alexia. She obviously also noticed that you didn’t swallow anything.
"Ona for God’s sake go talk to her!"
Ona responds negatively at Mapi's sentence with a nod and biting her lip. In her eyes, the fact that you didn't come to sit next to her is a way to make her understand that you have no desire to see her at the moment. And even if it break her heart, she respects it.
"What was the fight about?" Ingrid ask full of concern.
"I... I can't ever remember"
"Oh god, you are a real lesbian couple cliché, both of you" Mapi wines, earning a knowing smile from Ingrid.
Even Ona must bite the inside of her cheeks to avoid smiling.
Like Ona, you're starting the game too. Striker, you will be next to Alexia as Ona is on the back with Mapi, Ingrid and Lucy. You have not yet exchanged a word, but the elusive looks of the beginning of the day have become longer and longer. You even get a little smile from her when you turn around in her direction, while you wait with the rest of the team in the tunnel to enter the field. You smile back, just before the signal is given to you.
You were playing the final of the Copa de la Reina, against Real Madrid. As the rivalry between the two clubs no longer has to be explained, you all expect it to be a physically difficult match.
And the firsts minutes of the match will show you that you were right to have prepared yourself for this. The opposing players don't hesitate to tackle the person with the ball, sometimes rather hard. It's only at the eighth minute that a shock leaves Ona on the ground, much longer than usual. Usually she's quick to get back on her feet and run to her post, willing to take all the shots without flinching. This is not currently the case and it lasts a little too long for your taste.
So you decide to take advantage of the game stop to approach her, while she is still sitting on the lawn.
It's only when she looks up at you that she realizes you have approached her, a mixture of surprise and relief passing briefly on her face.
"You ok?" you ask softly as she nods.
"Yeah. My head is hard"
"Tell me about it" you joke.
You give her a small smile before before reaching out to help her up. She gives you a smile back and with that you go back to your place with such relief that you almost feel like you’re flying. Finally maybe you will be able to reconcile, even if you can't bother Lucy aka Lucia.
After half-time, the score is 2-0 for Barcelona, thanks to a goal by Alexia and a free-kick rather well drawn on your part, in all modesty obviously. You sat next to Ona in the locker room without talking, looking like two collegians in love but you didn't care. You even managed to avoid Lucy’s goofy look.
Back on the field, the game is even more brutal and rough than before. Dirty talk is also added by the Real Madrid players.
And Ona is the first one to suffer. In the action of the game and after a battle for the ball, you find yourself unbalanced by the number 12 of the opposing team who simply falls on you. Lying on you while you find yourself on your back, the situation isn't really pleasant. You nervously clear your throat, realizing that it takes her a few seconds too long to get up, both of her hand on either side of your waist, her face only a few inches from yours.
It's only when Alexia takes her by the arm to lift her up that you are finally released.
"Don't kill my best striker. Thanks."
Your captain’s icy tone sends your opponent back to her place, but she can’t help but smile with a bad look at Ona.
"Your girlfriend is really hot Batlle. Maybe at the end of the game I’ll have the trophy and your girl screaming my name in my room, who knows?"
Of course your girlfriend attended the scene and she already felt her blood bubbling. Far from suspecting what is happening, you thank Alexia on your side with a simple look. Jaw clenched, Ona takes a few steps in her direction but is immediately stopped by Mapi. No need to say anything, a look exchanged between the two women makes Ona realize that it's indeed not necessary to enter into this kind of things.
"You seem very sure of yourself, Leon. Maybe I could give your girl a try too"
Badly for her, with all the teasing she didn't realise that the game started again. And it only took a few tens of seconds for Ona to express her frustration in her rush and go to score a goal at the other end of the field.
Sincerely proud of her, this time you can’t resist joining your teammates to congratulate her. Both of you aren't the type to exchange kisses in public, especially on football fields, but you enjoy this embrace perhaps a little longer than usual.
"My little dragster" you smile and the smile she give you back asks you to use all your self-control not to kiss her until your lungs scream for help to get oxygen again.
Instead you kiss her cheeks and go back again where you belong on the pitch. And this time Ona will be content to address a corner smile to number 12 who will throw her a new spade based on "It is not that which will prevent me from asking her her number"
35 minutes later, the referee whistles the end of the game, awarding the victory to your team. Cries of joy rise in the stands as you begin to celebrate this victory too. Salma happens to be the closest to faith to the whistle, she was the first you hug soon joined by Alexia and several other of your teammates.
After releasing her, your eyes begin to travel the field, eagerly looking for your small brown head. Lost in your contemplation, you don't notice the number 12 of the opposing team which makes its way in your direction of a decided step. But Mapi does and she runs to you, jumping on your body, turning you away from her new enemy number one.
"Great kick maestro" she smiles, dragging you to the middle of the field by your hand.
You were going to protest that you would like to see your girlfriend, but you barely opened your mouth when she magically appears next to you.
"Hi" she says with her supermagic smile.
"Hi" you say back, before opening your arms.
She doesn't hesitate a second before snuggling up, seeing over your shoulder Number 12 with an air of defeat that fills her with pleasure. You're hers, no matter what. Passing her two arms around your neck, she sighs with ease at the same moment you feel your body finally relax against her. Her happiness grows a little more when she hears you whisper in the hollow of her ear.
"I want to kiss you so bad right now"
She smiles and look at your eyes, biting her lips thoughtfully.
"Maybe later, if you are nice enough"
"I was born nice"
You fake a pout and Ona smile wider. As you remove some golden confetti that fell in her hair, you see Lucy two meters from you. She's looking at you, arms crossed over her chest with an air that seems to speak for him.
"What did I tell you?"
And, while you find yourself in a fiery makeout session in a corner of the stadium with Ona a few hours and glasses of sangria later, you have probably never been so happy that Lucy was right. Ona's lips on yours, your arms keeping her between you and the wall and the caresses she makes on your neck are the only reality you want to face right now.
She will talk to you about the statements of the unfamous Numero 12 opposing team once you get home, needing to talk to you anyway. Because despite your arguments, you tell yourself everything.
And if someone asks her, if there’s a name that was screamed by you that night, it’s definitely hers.
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aceissomunster · 1 month
Clearing up misconceptions and such about Tim Drake for all you non-comic reading fic-writers and people that just don’t know. Mostly chronologically
Under the cut, cause this is gonna get long ,,
While Tim isn’t my favorite batfamily member, or even robin in particular, he is the one whose comics i’ve read the most of and know the most about.
If i’m wrong about any of this, please let me know!
- Tim’s parents weren’t especially abusive. they were neglectful, as in leaving him with the nannies and sending him off to boarding schools when they were out of the country, which was frequently. also, they did love him. i don’t even know where people got the idea that they didn’t.
- Tim did not stalk the bats, until he noticed Batman’s grief-driven violence and decided to follow, photograph, and gather evidence
- he also didn’t just go up to Bruce and ask to be Robin, he actually tracked down Dick Grayson to the circus and tried to convince him to come back to being Robin. Dick drove him to the manor, and then found out Tim’s whole story.
then Alfred let him down into the cave, Batman and Nightwing got captured by Two-Face, and Alfred practically threw the Robin costume at him and they went to save Batman and Nightwing. THEN Tim told Bruce that he was Robin. (— A Lonely Place of Dying, Tim’s 13)
- Before even becoming Robin fully, Tim’s parents were kidnapped and held for ransom in Haiti by a man called the “Obeah Man” (“Obeah” translates roughly to black magic, I’m pretty sure). Batman finds them by following the people that were going to pay the ransom, and they were being kept in some underground place? I’m not sure, but it was really really hot. There’s a pitcher of water, and Janet drinks it, and Jack starts drinking it, and Janet dies near-instantly, and Batman smacks the water out of Jack’s hands but Jack still ends up completely paralyzed and put into a coma. (— Rite of Passage)
- Fun fact: Janet’s funeral was Christmas eve
- it’s only after his mother’s death and father’s hospitalization that he goes to Paris (keep in mind, Batman did not force him to go, Tim wanted to!) to train under Rahul Lama, and then with Lady Shiva. (Robin mini 1)
- he doesn’t actually get trained by Shiva in the run, but it’s vaguely implied
- Fun fact: Tim actually kills Lady Shiva once (i forget what the storyline’s called, but it’s somewhere in Robin 52-55 ish)
- OH YEAH, Jason Todd was NOT Tim’s Robin. Tim Drake has been Dick Grayson’s #1 fanboy since the circus. He could not care less about Jason
- Fun fact: early in his Robin career, he hallucinated Dick and Jason as Robin (even though Dick was very alive) giving him advice
- He had friends outside of YJ. Like his best friend Sebastian Ives, his friend Callie, his (ex) girlfriend Ariana Dzerchenko, and a good bit more.
- he started dating Steph as Robin while dating Ariana as Tim, but Ari and Tim broke up like the day after Steph and Tim got together (not because of Steph, Ari didn’t know Tim was Robin, but because of other stuff that happened. go read Robin.)
- fun fact: Tim actually didn’t have contingency plans for Young Justice/the Titans, because he actually trusts them, unlike his mentor. (this is mentioned sometime in Young Justice 1998, but I don’t remember the issue)
- Tim’s 16 (not 14 or whatever THOSE tim stans try to say) and on the Teen Titans, when the fabled and constantly over-exaggerated “Titan’s Tower incident” occurs. Tim is fully suited up in the Robin suit, he puts up a good fight with Jason (who is in an adult-sized Robin costume, by the way) until he gets knocked out. This fight leaves no lasting injuries on Tim. (Teen Titans (2003) #29)
- the whole Jason slitting his throat thing happens in a different comic. (Batman: Hush, i’m pretty sure, correct me if i’m wrong)
- Tim also kicks Jason in the nuts the next time he sees him, so there’s not really any hard feelings there.
- Tim’s dad finds out he’s Robin and makes him quit, and Steph becomes Robin. Then Steph dies and Tim’s school gets shot up and he becomes Robin again.
- Tim leaves Jack alone at their home to go find the man sent to kill him. While he’s gone, the man (Captain Boomerang) kills Jack. (— Identity Crisis #5)
- after Jack dies, Bruce offers to adopt Tim and Tim turns him down and creates a fake uncle. Batman finds out the uncle is fake, commends him on his good job of making a fake uncle, and helps him make it better. Bruce later offers again to adopt Tim and he accepts. Damian literally shows up like the very issue after this in Batman
- Kon dies, then Bart dies a bit after. And, not to hate on yall TimKon shippers out there, but he also planned to clone Bart, and also in TT03 like 50-53ish, when him and the other Titans run into their future evil selves again, their Superman (Kon) and Flash (Bart) are clones.
- All those deaths happen relatively close together and in that order, I think, when Tim’s 16-17. But comic timelines are weird, like how Tim was 15 when the Quake hit and for the year-long duration of No Man’s Land (from New Year’s to New Year’s), he stays 15.
- When Bruce “dies” and Dick (Batman) makes Damian Robin. Damian needs guidance, and Dick wants him and Tim to be equals. Dick had good intentions and did the right thing! He just didn’t have the best execution.
- When Tim finds the painting and tells Dick about it, Dick DOES NOT THREATEN TO SEND HIM TO ARKHAM. He, reasonably (considering all the losses Tim has just faced) assumes Tim needs mental help and grief counseling, and recommends him a therapist in Metropolis.
- Tim decides to just go find evidence that Bruce isn’t dead by himself, and steals the Red Robin suit and runs off without even telling Alfred (Red Robin)
- Ra’s al Ghul sends people to kill Tim at first, but Tim obviously doesn’t die and breaks Pru’s nose twice. Eventually and reluctantly, Tim accepts the League’s help and resources.
- Tim finds his best piece of evidence in a cave in the desert with Pru, Z, and Owens. right after leaving the cave, an assassin attacks them, killing Z and Owens, slitting Pru’s throat, and stabbing Tim. Tim, ACTIVELY BLEEDING OUT, brings himself and Pru to the car they used to get there, drives to a hotel, CLIMBS UP THE BUILDING TO ONE OF THE TOP FLOORS WITH PRU WHILE THEY ARE BOTH BLEEDING OUT, and passes out on the bed, where Tam Fox (sent by Lucius to go find Tim) finds them. and so do a bunch of ninjas.
- Tim had to have his spleen removed because it was kebabed with a sword and was going to rupture. Ra’s also does NOT keep it in a jar.
- during the whole LOA part of RR, Ra’s is NOT preying on Tim. there is NO ROMANCE THERE. (no offense if you see it or think it’s implied, but to me it’s just really not?) its just RESPECT.
- with the whole bases exploding thing, its because the Council of Spiders was there and also he just doesn’t like the LOA. he gave them like 15 seconds to get out, obviously all the assassins managed to get out of the massive, complex bases in 15 seconds. (comic logic: if it’s not specified that it did kill them, then it didn’t.)
- the whole “Damian cutting Tim’s line” is also very exaggerated. Damian did it because of Tim’s “Hit List” and because Damian was on it. and Tim fell a few feet, caught himself, then fought Damian (neither won because Dick broke it up because they were literally right in front of THE alley.)
- not really a timeline thing, but in general, tim is VERY against murder. Part of the reason for this is Batman’s morals, which he built his own around, sure. But I think an even BIGGER part of his moral code is just to not become evil future gun Batman. And evil future gun Batman has no qualms against murder, he even killed Damian.
that’s pretty much the main stuff i wanted to touch on. LMK if i should add anything else or if i got anything wrong, thanks!!
No hate if u use the fanon stuff btw, i just know that a lot of people don’t read the comics and don’t know the actual information.
If you want pictures of some of these events from the comics, just lmk and I’ll provide
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moongothic · 11 months
You know I was wondering if Crocodile ever did have any kind of involvement with the Revolutionary Army in secret (lest the Government finds out and revokes his Shichibukai status), what kind of involvement would that even have been
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And now, with both the Vegapunk/Ohara flashback and Kuma's flashback, it's being made very clear to us that the Revolutionary Army was broke as hell 22 years ago. Like the fact that this has been brought up twice now in a relatively short span of time is interesting to me, that's usually a sign it's not an unimportant plotpoint
But you know who would have had money to help fund the Army
A funny little warlord who would eventually go and build a fucking casino to run for funsies. A warlord who had to give the Government some of his Pirating Income to keep his warlord-status
Like Crocodile hated the Government anyways so why not help fund the Revolutionary Army in secret, out of spite if for no other reason
Vaguely related, but I keep on remembering this scene (post-Enies Lobby), which at first glance just seems like a basic Lore Dump
But then there's the
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(Or "however", she says "no ni" in Japanese and you could translate that in many ways, I would probably have gone with "however" but that wouldn't have fit into the speechbubble)
Mind you, the conversation just kind of ends there, next we see Garp realize he probably shouldn't have mentioned Dragon infront of such a massive audience, so wherever that "yet" was going to lead to we will never find out, because Oda conveniently changed the subject before we got to it
And you know. Like yes, Robin could be just expressing her shock over finding out that the leader of the Revolutionary Army had a child with someone
But also, Robin was a part of an organization that was trying to overthrow one of the founding countries of the World Government in an explicit attempt to go against said Government (compared to like, Blackbeard, who currently wants to make Fullalead into a "pirate country" that's a part OF the World Government)
Like you don't have to be a genius to look at Crocodile's ultimate goals and compare that to what Dragon is doing and find a few similarities here and there maybe
(Also like, Crocodile's equivalent in Romancing SaGa 2 is meant to be Wagnas, the queer-coded leader of the Seven Heroes (whom the OG Shichibukai are based on) who "hoped to help the world". You know, an interesting detail and all.)
Not to mention, during the time Robin spent with Baroque Works, if Crocodile was ever in contact with the Revolutionary Army at all, considdering she has the ability to easily spy on people and that she didn't trust Crocodile one bit, it wouldn't be unsurprising if she ever spied on Crocodile and/or just overheard a phone call or knew about Crocodile having secret spending habits or something
(Mind you, I'm not saying "she knew" Crocodile was involved with the Revolutionaries, more that she might've been Suspecting Things, that "yet" being about her connecting the dots while unsure if her conclusion was right or not)
Of course Crocodile's plans can't have been Dragon Approved by any means, especially considdering the Army had been looking for Robin for over 10 years (pre-timeskip)
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Four years of which were with Crocodile. Like if he was FULLY allied with the Army and KNEW they were looking for Robin, surely he would've called Dragon and been like "hey I found the kid from Ohara, wanna come hang out" or something. But no, he had bigger plans and kept Robin a secret from the Revolutionaries and the Government alike
Also like, I have seen people question why the Revolutionaries weren't involved with Alabasta's rebellion at all, and "Oda hadn't come up with the Revolutionaries yet at the time of writing" (/"OP was meant to end at Alabasta at one point so there would've been no reason to introduce the subplot at that point") aside Between Baroque Works being a secret organization working undercover (thus the Army might not have been aware of the civil war being manufactured), the framing of the King making him look bad and very much the type of monarch that deserved to be overthrown in the Army's eyes, and Crocodile maybe lying through his teeth about what was happening in the country... Yeah, the Army's lack of involvement with Alabasta suddenly makes sense
EDIT Minor addition: Just realized that because Crocodile was technically working for the Government, if the Revs ever did send forces to participate in Alabasta's civil army and taking down the throne, the Government could've easily ordered Crocodile to step in to stop the rebellion and take down the Revolutionaries, right? Because he was supposed to be on the Government's side, right? And surely the Army wouldn't have wanted to fight against Crocodile if they were secretly allied (Croc's secret betrayal aside), and if Crocodile refused to fight the Revs the Government could've seen that as a reason to revoke his Shichibukai rights (which wouldn't be great if they wanted to keep Crocodile in a position where he could fund the Army?). So it could've also been a case of it being for the best for everyone's sake to let this one play out "naturally"
But my point is
I'm just deeply intriqued by these little details and wonder if I'm Actually Masterfully Connecting The Dots Like a True Genius or just seeing a pattern where there's none. Like this is far from confirming the theory, I'm just saying, the pieces do kinda fit together do they not
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theheirofthesharingan · 7 months
Okay, sorry if this was asked before but I'm curious and I'd really like to learn more. You've mentioned in a couple of posts now that Itachi wasn't retconned. Could you please elaborate further?
Hey! No, this wasn't asked before. I was thinking of making a separate post for this, but procrastination is evil. So, I am one of the 'Itachi was meant to be a good guy/was not evil/had more to him than he let on' people. Watching the anime, it was the feeling that there was more to him. His reveal was along the lines of devastation and shocking for me than surprise. Detailed post is below the cut.
First thing first.
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This was Itachi's first look that Kishimoto had planned.
Itachi was originally conceived as the leader of Konoha's Special Assassination and Tactical Squad called the "Anbu", dubbed the Itachi Squad (イタチ隊, Itachi-tai), which would have been a 70-man group divided into four teams, specializing in assassination and other illicit operations. However, this idea was scrapped in favour of the current Itachi working for the Akatsuki.
The above paragraph is from Itachi's wikipedia that cites a couple of interviews as sources. People can't be too blind in their delusion to think the author who wrote the story had no idea what he was writing.
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Next is the Naruto Databook that has some fishy things if we look closely. In the first glance it's not very obvious, but after learning the truth it seems very much obvious.
It says, "the ones who know the reason of its downfall are very small". Go back to Obito's words about only four people being aware of the reason of the clan's downfall.
Additionally, Itachi carried out 134 B-Rank missions. Zero A Rank. And one S-Rank. The S rank mission being the Uchiha massacre. It's very fishy that he was given one s rank mission without any A tank mission. Suspicious? We know later on why.
It's also interesting because the first databook was published in 2002 and Itachi first appeared in 2003. If his twist wasn't planned from the beginning this databook is very telling.
Since I mentioned how he looked, here's him in Sasuke's flashbacks for the first time.
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He looks far from evil or sadistic. You want to know who enjoys killing for fun? Hidan. Itachi, on the other hand, on the day of the massacre itself, looks miserable and lost.
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In chapter 7, he in a haze-like manner he talks about crying. In many English translations it's translated as 'he made me cry' and in many it's this. It's very, very vague, but his statement is complimented by Sakura's question, to which he still responds in the similar way 'My..' Maybe he was trying to say 'My brother', but he instead finishes his speech with 'my goal is to take revenge' etc., Since it's still very early so it might not be the strongest evidence, but a few chapters later in chapter 27, during their fight against Haku, when Sasuke awakens his Sharingan, he has two tomoe in his right eye.
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Yes, he might have awakened it this way, but it also suggests that maybe already had his Sharingan and that's why this is 'asymmetrical' awakening? In the later chapters we find out he actually did have his Sharingan he awakened after the massacre.
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This flashbacks in chapter 127 most firmly establishes Itachi's twist. The tilted head-protector. Sasuke remembers it vaguely, but he has no recollection of Itachi crying that night, because his mind is still hazy from the "truth" Itachi wanted him to believe. We know later on the significance of this scene.
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There are three moments before Itachi was even introduced that give away what we see right after his truth reveal and connect to the chapter 403.
The 'Itachi was retconned' camp also uses 'Itachi was meant to be older (than 13) but Kishi made him younger later on' as an excuse to justify their retcon bullshit.
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Kakashi, in chapter 142, states Itachi was 13 when he was made the Anbu captain.
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Itachi graduated when he was just seven. Sasuke is the same age as Itachi was when he graduated from the Academy. Itachi is 17 at the time of his first appearance and Sasuke is 12. It is enough to tell lies were spread about Itachi. We, obviously, learn later on why.
Some more obvious hints were his interaction with Asuma, Kurenai, and Kakashi.
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The criminal infamous for annihilating one of the strongest clans refuses to indulge in fight?
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He also asks Kisame to keep things low key and not get too much attention. That's an excuse. He's not here to wage war. Yes, later on he does ask Kisame to go ahead. But that's because he's a spy. He cannot let Danzo know he dropped his guard. One single mistake from his side that could unearth the truth of the massacre and Danzo would lay hands on Sasuke. Plus, while he's strong, his opponents aren't just fragile saplings who couldn't stand any blow he or Kisame cast. He knew reinforcements would be on the way.
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Kakashi also wonders why Itachi didn't just kill him. Again, yes, the torture was brutal, but they're ninja who are meant to do and endure cruel things. Itachi had to look like he was a menacing criminal reputed to have killed the Uchiha singlehandedly.
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So, he completely avoids fighting Asuma and Kuernai, takes on only Kakashi because he's strong and can take it, also has Sharingan. But he completely refuses to go against Jiraiya. Jiraiya may or may not be stronger than him. Maybe they were equal. However, recalling Obito's words again: Itachi devoted himself to fighting Sasuke to death.
Two conclusions come from this:
He didn't want to fight Jiraiya because it would result in a massive bloodbath and killing a leaf Shinobi is out of question for him. He's not a coward. He just doesn't want to fight him.
As we know from later on, he wanted to fight and die at Sasuke's hands only. Killing a Konoha Shinobi or dying at the hands of someone that isn't Sasuke isn't a part of his plan.
This can also be tracked further when Kisame captures the Four Tails.
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Kisame most likely knew about Itachi's illness, knew Itachi wanted to die at Sasuke's hands. The reason Itachi didn't fight Jiraiya and Rōshi was most likely the same.
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Kisame comments on Itachi's 'lingering affection' towards the village. The Akatsuki pairings' dynamics are quite opposite. Deidara and Sasori love art but have differing opinions on eternal vs explosive. Hidan and Kakuzu represent religion vs materialism (money). And Itachi and Kisame represent treachery vs loyalty. Itachi isn't loyal to Akatsuki, Kisame is.
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They also wonder why is Itachi taking the matter of kidnapping Naruto so lightly. He could have done it very easily. We know now that that wasn't his intent and his objective to visit the village was something else.
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As popular as 'Itachi knocked on the door before kidnapping Naruto' meme is, the truth is, he wasn't there to kidnap him at all. Replace Itachi with Kisame alone for a moment. Knock on the door? No, sir. Naruto would be half-dead. Or replace him with Hidan and Kakuzu. They're sadistic bastards and would have damaged Naruto in the worst possible way.
Furthermore, when you think of it, he revealed 'Akatsuki are after jinchuriki' years prior to the Akatsuki even began collecting the tailed beasts. It was a message he left because it was important. His job in the Akatsuki wasn't to "pass on the info to the village." It was to keep tabs on them so they don't attack Konoha.
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After the massacre, Sasuke's unwavering faith in Itachi despite being put in Tsukuyomi. At first it doesn't seem too much, but we later discover that Itachi used to be a kind and gentle boy. So this bit isn't just Sasuke is blind, but also that Itachi was a kind child before the tragedy happened.
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Sasuke's flashbacks in chapter 220 also hint towards Itachi being trapped in the politics of the village/clan. Fugaku is speaking to his own son but the discussion is so intense that he has to activate his Sharingan to convey the message to Itachi.
These are the flashbacks from the chapter #221 that further shed light on Itachi being a spy.
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He's the "pipeline between the clan and the village" - a spy. Later Obito says Itachi was callously used for his devotion towards the village, this is an example of his clan doing this to him.
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This is Itachi right after being accused of Shisui's murder. He looks in grief, while also processing the news. Once the narrative delves deep into Itachi's story (through Sasuke's eyes) in VOTE1, he continues to look miserable, lost, in pain, and in dire need of help. And once we begin to see more of him before his death, he is quite human. But again, Kishimoto had his whole story figured out by that time, knew what he was to do with Itachi's arc and Sasuke's future there.
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In the chapter 224 (during the battle between Sasuke and Naruto), the flashback goes to this moment: Itachi tells Sasuke that he'd be one of the three people to awaken Mangekyo.
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This connects to the chapter 385 when Sasuke vs Itachi happens. Sasuke asks him about the third person who had the MS.
Kishimoto isn't a terrible writer because some people choose to ignore what's written right there or cannot accept happened. Usually the deniers of this are those who question his morality. His morality is never the subject of the debate because Itachi isn't exonerated for his crimes. He's a part of a world that's cruel and violent and his actions align with it very much. The ones who "praise" him have their own bias, and that gives him nothing in return. Characters in fiction always, I mean, always respond to the information based on their morality. When Hashirama praises Itachi, it's because he grew up in the warring era and lost all his family. He learns there's this kid who chose a path with the least damage but at the cost of his life, he's a good Shinobi. Hiruzen also has his bias as well as his guilt. Naruto's praise for Itachi is not only because of stopping a war, but also for loving Sasuke. No one other than Sasuke sees him as a person whether anyone likes him or hates him. He's praised by other Shinobi for doing things that are expected from a Shinobi.
Either way, at the end of the day, Itachi himself doesn't see himself who is worth forgiving, worth loving, worth being remembered. That's his whole arc.
Some things above in the post I took from this thread. Some information I ommited from it, so feel free to go through it, please.
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anemonelovesfiction · 3 months
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Colors of Pandora 7: Pink
Jake x Fem! Omatikaya Reader
Emotion: Romance
Warnings ⚠️: none SAFE FOR WORK
Essentially a part two to this work
Last day of Colors of Pandora and I’m sad but also happy?!
A huge thank you to @xylianasblog for having come up with this event in the first place, thank you for your hard work darling❤️
Translation Station
Ikran: Warriors Mount
Olo’eyktan: Male Clan Leader
Kelku: Home
Word count: 1.4k
“Why do you feel the need to take care of others?” His voice was a soft timber breaking through the silence of the early morning.
I’d managed to wake up and just as he promised the night before we had to talk, but we’d decided on taking our ikran out toward the forest to speak privately, climbing the tree we were currently on being careful with my arm to ensure I didn’t damage it any further. The view we were seeing involved a lot of the forest, but it was too vast for us to be able to see a majority of it, but the bits we could see were beautiful.
The sun was rising from between the mountains and sky, the orange, red, and pink hues capturing its essence in a wonderful way. My heart beating slightly faster after having processed his question as I realized I’d have to finally open up about my past to the leader of our clan.
“It helps me forget about the war,” I answered honestly, attempting to take in a breath to explain further if needed, knowing I would have to as my answer was somewhat vague.
“Who did you lose?” It was a simple question really, but it was one that brought slight pain, the pain of having to remember the reason I often buried myself in my work.
“Both my parents.” I answered as I lowered my head to view my fingers starting to pick at one another, something I often did when I was growing nervous.
“I’m sorry for the pain I have caused you.” He apologizes but it doesn’t change the past. We knew what he had done after he had explained once he came back from mating with Neytiri, a lot of us were upset with him, but I always kind of knew he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Having to follow orders just to keep his place here, it wasn’t hard to read him, and I could tell he was honest with his apology, but our people were quick to anger and it didn’t matter to them how sorry he was. And now he was our leader, how strange, the great mother must have plans for him if he was still alive, and holding a place of importance within us.
“I have forgiven you a long time ago.” I answered honestly, letting my shoulders fall as I pick my head back up to stare at the beautiful view before me, the sun still rising slowly above the sky.
“I guess your compassion runs deep,” He jokes with a smile and his comment makes me smile as well.
That had been weeks ago, my arm had healed and had been allowed out of the cast, which I had been thankful for. My friendship with my Olo’eyktan had grown into something wonderful and I could finally say I had made my first friend.
“I have a question for you,” He walks up towards me right as I began to walk the opposite direction.
“You always have questions for me, Jake.” I stated as I continued walking, he’d asked me to instruct him as such and I was always one to follow orders, he followed behind me as I continued walking to grab my bow and arrow, ready to head out to hunt for Sepwa and Antuk once more. Sepwa had fallen ill and needed help with taking care of her children while Antuk had gotten injured while hunting and managed to injure his leg.
“I want to show you something.” He stated as his hand reaches out toward my arm, stopping me in my tracks as I felt the warmth leaving his palm and encasing my entire body, I fight a blush as I turn to face him with a serious look.
“That is not a question.” I stated and he rolls his eyes playfully, a smile tugging at his lips as he fights a laugh before straightening himself up, taking his hand off my arm, and I honestly missed the contact.
“Will you come with me?” He asks.
“I need to hunt for Sepwa and Antuk-“ I began to shoot his invitation down, knowing I didn’t want to, but knowing I had a sense of responsibility for my people.
“I’ve taken care of them already, I knew you were going out of your way again, so I was one step ahead of you the entire time,” He crosses his arms in a cocky manner, but all I could focus on were his bulging biceps, I only look up at his face with a blank expression to attempt to hide my own feelings as my heart rate quickens.
“And you have taken care of who will watch their children this morning before they go learn?” I raised a brow while crossing my own arms.
“Of course I did. Do you honestly think so little of me?” He asks with a palm on his chest while feigning hurt.
“Yes I do,” I teases with a smile on my lips before breaking out into a small laugh with his chuckle following soon after.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked after our laughter was out of the way, wondering where he planned to take me now, he had taken the last couple of weeks to show me the forest through his eyes, often choosing good places to calm down after a long and hard day of work, but surely he had to run out of places by now, the forest was only so big.
“Just wait and see,” He offers his hand out to me with a slight nod of his head and I take it without hesitation.
I had been nervous to say the least, I hadn’t expected to have grown feelings for someone so quickly after meeting them, but there was something about her that made my heart flutter alive after a while of it being in a dormant state. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was about her, but she made me feel alive again, made me feel as though I could start living once more.
“What is this place?” She asks in awe as she hops off of my Ikran, taking a careful glance around the cave that glowed with bioluminescent plants, the opening of the cave having a waterfall covering half of it, keeping this place well hidden from anyone.
“This is the place I come to when I have a tough decision to make.” I answered honestly only to have her turn with a confused look on her face.
“And what tough decision has this Olo’eyktan had to make recently?” She raises a hairless brow and I had to admit my heart was beating faster than it ever has within the last couple of years.
“You,” I stated honestly before clearing my throat and looking away quickly before looking back at her.
“What do you mean, me?” She asks as she tilts her head sideways and her ears flick over to place her full attention on me.
“I have grown to have feelings for you, and I wish to court you, but I only want to do that if you return my feelings. I don’t want you to agree to doing it if you don’t see a future with me.” I stated sternly, expecting her to have weighed her options before answering, I was about to tell her she could have some time to think about it before she gleefully runs up to me and embraces me in a hug, a squeal leaving her lips as she jumps up and down excitedly.
“Yes, the answer is yes, I don’t need time to think, I feel the same.” She answered quickly and I could feel my heart ready to burst at her reaction.
“Honest?” I asked as if I were about to wake up in my kelku to realize that it had only been a dream.
“I promise,” She smiles as her tail wriggles from side to side in an excited fashion.
“Good, because I’ve been waiting long enough to do this,”
I place my hand onto the side of her face to hold it gently, her eyes widening slightly as she stares at me, ears having gone down to show submission and I smile before leaning my face down to meet our lips in the middle, having closed my eyes to enjoy our kiss, and feeling her arms wrap around my neck loosely as she kisses me back.
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backtothe99 · 4 months
(18Trip Translation) Tao Kinouchi Novel: Back to the 99 - Track 4
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all novels have spoilers for information about the characters revealed in the main story, proceed with caution!
CW: Tao's parents' religious fanaticism reaches a Snake-goes-missing-esque (999) climax
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Wednesday, June 30, 1999
— Wednesday, June 30, 1999
I involuntarily let out another sigh.
I didn’t go to school today.
Taiki’s fever had gone down, but he still seemed under the weather.
“Tao-nii, enough… Go to school…”
Taiki told me in the afternoon, after his condition had calmed down.
“I already skipped the morning classes, there’s no point in me going now.” I said and stayed home.
And in case you’re wondering, our parents hadn’t come home at all since the night before.
After Taiki fell asleep due to the side effects of the medicine I had given him just in case, I sat alone in the living room, just staring at my phone.
Should I call Goz, or no? Even if it’s by mail, should I apologize? 
“... What am I even gonna do tonight?” I muttered.
I actually had plans with Goz tonight.
About two months ago, while the two of us were having lunch at school, we started talking about King Anglomois’s prophecy, and I told Goz:
“I don’t know what my parents will do the moment July arrives. They seriously believe in that prophecy.”
There are people out there who believe in this prophecy so much that they become desperate, and there are people who vow they’ll spend all their money by the time June ends. There’s even TV specials.
Our generation has been hearing about this prophecy all our life, and even if we don’t believe it, we still feel a vague sense of fear when we hear the words “July 1999”.
I may be a skeptic myself, but I honestly don’t know what will happen to my parents, who believe in it blindly.
“I don’t wanna be home on that day.”
I had complained to Goz, and as if he just had a great idea, he said, “You don’t gotta be!”
“Let’s sneak out in the middle of the night and jump together the moment July hits!”
“Jump…? This ain't New Year’s Eve.”
“It’s cool, maybe the King of Terror will let us off the hook if our feet aren’t touching the ground?”
It was a silly, ridiculous suggestion.
But the way Goz talked about it with so much excitement somehow comforted me. I knew jumping the moment the clock struck midnight wouldn’t help me figure out what to do with my parents, and it wouldn’t alleviate Taiki’s pain.
But seeing Goz smile as he talked about it… I felt as though my problems were so simple that just jumping could solve them.
“Then, let’s do it. If I remember.”
“Huh? What’s that, Tao? You want me to write our plans on your forehead? Make sure you remember.”
It was just a light-hearted promise, so Goz might have already forgotten about it.
Just as I was at a loss about what to do, my phone’s notification rang, and a mail came through.
“Minami-cho Park. 11:55PM. If you don’t come, I’ll beat the crap out of you.”
The mail was from Goz.
A smile spread across my face.
I was happy that Goz remembered our promise, and was trying to suggest we make up.
I was determined to apologize properly for what happened yesterday when we met.
— I haven’t been able to talk about this with you until now, but truth is, Taiki hasn’t been going to school.
I can’t rely on my parents.
What can I do for Taiki?
This time, I’d be honest and ask for advice.
Goz is a good guy, if I explain the situation with Taiki and our parents, I’m sure he’ll understand.
And just like when he laughed and said we should jump, I’m sure he’ll make me feel better this time, too.
I looked at the time, it was already 11:30PM.
There wasn’t much time left until the arranged time, so I just got changed and ready to leave the house.
When I opened my room’s door, Taiki stood on the other side.
“Taiki, you’re awake? How’s your fever?”
“... It’s gone down. Are you going somewhere, Tao-nii?”
I lied and said I’m going to the convenience store.
I figured I’d be home in about 20 minutes, anyway.
I didn’t think I had any reason to tell him about my promise with Goz.
“Do you want me to buy you something? Like an ice cream?”
Just as I was thinking of really stopping by the convenience store, a loud noise rang from the entrance.
“Tao! Tao, where are you!?”
The next sound I heard was our parents’ screaming.
Taiki’s face suddenly stiffened.
They came into the house with heavy footsteps, looking for me. They’ve always been aggressive people, but they’re especially bad today. 
I hurried downstairs, not wanting to get Taiki involved.
“What are you doing here? Don’t yell, you’ll disturb our neighbors.”
When I got downstairs, my parents, who I hadn’t seen for some time, were running out of the living room.
Honestly, their behavior was strange–
Their hair was messy, their clothes were rumpled, and their eyes were bloodshot.
“There you are! Come on! Hurry!”
My mother screamed as she grabbed my arm. She put so much strength that I felt my bones were going to crack.
She pulled me and I stumbled a step forward, my phone slipping out of my pocket.
“Hold on, what are you doing…”
“Hurry! There’s no time!”
It’s okay. I’ll be back in no time.
I didn’t say that out loud, but I tried to convey it with my expression.
I figured that if I resisted, they’d make a commotion and scare Taiki, so I obediently followed them.
I barely had time to put on my shoes, and I was taken to a park near our house. It was a dark place filled with trees.
A huge coffin was placed there.
“By God’s will! As God’s child! You have the right to board this “Ark”!”
“You don’t have to worry, this is a machine created by God that can transcend time by channelling the energy in space. The church inherited this “Ark” from space!”
“No matter how much we paid, they wouldn’t lend it to us, so we brought it here in secret! Mom and Dad don’t mind becoming sacrifices, Tao is the only one who has to go to where God is!”
I couldn’t understand a thing they were saying.
Their eyes weren’t entirely here, but I couldn’t match up their strength–
Before I knew it, I was shoved into the coffin.
“Hey, hold on, I…”
— I made a promise.
And I have to stay by Taiki’s side.
I wanted to say that, but I couldn’t.
My parents closed the coffin’s lid.
Once I heard a loud noise and realized the lid was locked, I blanked out and everything went dark.
What? Are my screw-loosed parents finally going to kill me?
My parents were still making some kind of noise on the other side of the coffin, so I banged on the lid and yelled, “Let me out! Let me out!”
I’m late for my meeting with Goz. 
I don’t have my phone on me because I dropped it when my parents dragged me. I haven’t even replied to the mail.
— I want to meet him, I want to apologize and make up.
… And there’s also Taiki to think about.
If he starts crying…
Just as I thought that, a sharp pain struck my head.
My vision started to falter, and I felt my consciousness fade.
I can’t remember anything after that.
When I woke up –
I was thrown into an unfamiliar city in the future.
Novel directory: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 / 1 | Tuesday, June 29, 1999 / 2 | Tuesday, June 29, 1999 / 3 | Wednesday, June 30, 1999 | Souta Gozu
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pttucker · 9 months
Aaaand we're done! \o/
Well... "done" in one sense of the word since I just did a very quick search and apparently there's like another 140 chapters of side stories and counting. Possibly post-epilogue stuff??? Didn't look too closely since I don't want too many spoilers if I can avoid it. I already saw one vague spoiler relating to 49% Dokja's side story. 😢😢😢
Though at least now with the main novel+epilogues finished all of the mysteries have been wrapped up (as far as I can remember).
I guess I'm still curious about the Library, but even if that's never touched upon in any side story chapters, I think I kinda get it with my theories and how he broke up into many, many different Dokjas and/or was two different Oldest Dreams?
Oh, and the stuff with Dokja & 1863's Sooyoung's blurry faces, I would have liked to have seen that resolved. There were mentions of Dokja slowly getting less blurry that were kinda glossed over but nothing concrete ever popped up for why his face was blurry or if/when it fully stopped being blurry? Unless I just missed some subtle thing?? Like I guess the epilogue did mention that Sooyoung had fun writing in stuff about him being the Ugly King but I don't think she made him ugly, that was just her memories of him?? Either way, poor Dokja. 😭
idk maybe I'm the only one obsessed with things like that. (I literally eventually started a separate section in my ORV Scrivener notes just for all the times Dokja's looks are mentioned in any way.) So maybe it just wasn't deemed important to "resolve"? Or, again, it was but I totally missed it.
Or maybe there's still something about the Library and his looks (and other mysteries I may not be currently remembering) in the additional 140+ chapters out there?
Unfortunately, English translations of Chapters 552+ don't all seem to be in one place, or at least I wasn't able to quickly find them in my first search. I'll keep looking, though. Might just have to cobble together the chapters one by one from various sources. If anyone happens to know where I could possibly find them...
Though I'm honestly not certain if I want to immediately jump into them or if I want to give it a moment to breathe. I actually am a little bit disappointed that I jumped right into the 40+ chapter epilogues right after finishing the main story since I feel like it stole some of the impact from him finding his two separate ■■.
Even if I was really happy to see how they continued living on in the system-less world and how Dokja felt after losing all of his companions to be Oldest Dream. Seriously you never get to see those sort of things after the "happy" ending.
And I did love seeing how it all tied back together with Sooyoung being the author and ORV itself being Dokja's story (which Sooyoung also wrote!) which in turn is our story and getting to see Secretive Plotter and the 999ths again and poor Joonghyuk just not knowing what to do with himself after losing his purpose as a protagonist and him and Sooyoung wanting to save their precious Dokja more than anything and both of them coming to understand Dokja better and so on and so forth.
But if nothing else, I do really want to finally read some fanfiction and otherwise engage with fandom now that the big mysteries are solved. And if I can make one final prediction it's going to be that the top fanfic is some kind of modern, no powers gamer AU or something. Because that's just how these fandoms seem to go. 😂
Anyway, I think it should be obvious from my many, many ORV posts but I really enjoyed the novel! I am very happy that so many things were so well foreshadowed, so much was so carefully planned, so many loose ends were tied up in a very satisfying manner, etc. It's very impressive for such a long, looooong story. I mean, just the fact that you could get inklings that something was up with Secretive Plotter before we even hit Chapter 100 yet not have the reveal come until much later is impressive just on its own.
I guess if I had one complaint it'd be that I didn't quite vibe with the whole "multiple walls to open the Final Wall" thing. Like, I totally was into the idea of Dokja's Fourth Wall being the largest fragment, and I actually thought that Jang Hayoung's wall was pretty clever since it's all about commenting/texting others when Jan Hayoung was created due to Dokja's comments.
But I'm not quite so into the Wall of Samsara and Wall That Divides Good and Evil. Like, I do get how they relate to the story, what with Dokja literally reincarnating into multiple worlds himself and the fact that a lot of Dokja's main theme was that he didn't nicely fit into a box of good or evil. I mean, his literal Modifiers are Demon King of Salvation and Watcher of Light and Darkness. Not to mention, Dokja went through a ton of the novel saying that just because they were evil in one turn doesn't mean they're evil in the next and vice versa, as well as the fact that the had companions on both sides of the spectrum.
So I'm not saying that they just came out of nowhere, but personally I find something to be a little off with them when compared to the other two walls? idk these are just my initial thoughts and I might feel completely different once I re-read the novel and can better appreciate things.
Which, speaking of, I'm debating with myself if I want to do the truly ridiculous thing and start this entire novel over right from the beginning in true Dokja fashion or if I want to be good and maybe give some other universe some love. I was looking at The World After The Fall but...uh...
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Not to say that things with tiny fandoms aren't also good!!!
But it does make me kinda side-eye it a little and wonder if I shouldn't just read Solo Leveling...
...or read whatever side stories I can find, aaaaaalllllll the fanfic, and then read ORV all over again. 😂
We'll see.
FYI when I do start reacting to the side stories I think I'll use the tag "orv side story" if anyone wants to block it preemptively to avoid spoilers.
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itsuki-minamy · 23 days
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Anno
Unno Yutaka hates rain.
Therefore, on days when the weather is not good, he usually spends the day resting at the back of Todokoro Suwako's cafe, or resting at the back of the "Yakumo" game room. Unno, who was resting at the back of "Yakumo" that day as usual, suddenly stood up and walked out through the back door.
The direct reason was...
The radio that was beside his bed.
[Miya-chan, where are you?]
Even if he hit it or broke it,
[Whoever knows, answer me... I am...]
It was because that continued raising the voice.
[Oh... "Green King"...]
With a bat umbrella, he walked as if he was kicking the bitter icy rain.
Then, a member who was following closely behind joined him.
It was Todokoro Suwako, holding an umbrella.
"Even though I said I wasn’t going anywhere."
A hard look emerged from behind the round black glasses.
Embarrassed, Unno pouted even though he was the culprit.
"That’s not what I meant. I’m sure you understand."
"You said that? That's not even true."
Another person began to tease and follow them.
It was Tamataro Okuma, dressed in an uncomfortable-looking raincoat.
"There are people who believe in the phrase "don’t fly" and it's cannonball."
"Don't make any noise."
"There's a lot of noise."
At times like this, Unno and Suwako would answer in unison.
Okuma let out a sigh and asked again.
"So you know where you're going, right?"
"There's going to be a commotion anyway, so let's go there."
Suwako was very taken aback by the terse and messy answer.
"Were you planning on just walking in the rain until then?!"
"He's a boss who always looks out for you, see?"
Okuma was equally taken aback, but handed over the newspaper he had in his pocket.
After receiving it, Unno drew his attention to the area circled in red. The headline of the small article read, "Traffic restrictions in the vicinity of Nanakamado City due to the extraction of infectious disease samples from the Research Institute for Infectious Disease Control".
"Nanakamado, umm... Colt’s house?"
Without taking a moment to think, Unno's feet turned in that direction.
The two followers also had their destinations arranged.
"That's the only place where there's going to be commotion today. Traffic regulations will require people to pay before entering and leaving."
"Well, I guess the young lady and her blue-hatted husband will be coming too."
Unno walked away, kicking away the freezing rain.
"Don't talk about that bastard, he's really bad."
Although he had a premonition of a battle, or even a conviction, his steps remained the same.
The next two people were the same.
In Tsunogui Iku's memory, there is a flame break.
She doesn't remember what was supposed to be on the other side of that flame.
The woman she is today began with that fire, wandering through the scorched fields.
The fact that she was burned during an air raid was discovered by others much later.
At that time, she wandered around with a vague sense of loss, as the endlessly hot flames annihilated everything in their path... including her memories.
The only thing besides life was a name.
A name tag was sewn onto her clothes, which were riddled with tiny holes caused by the sparks. The small piece of cloth that testified to her existence had the words "Tsunogui Iku" written on it in furigana, probably because it was difficult to read. Or perhaps it was a beacon for parents and children to find each other among the burnt ruins, but it was never used.
Along with her memory, many of her criteria for judgment had also disappeared, and her face was expressionless.
At that moment, she was incapable of experiencing feelings built on some sort of foundation, such as feeling sad for the person she had lost or angry at the person who had provoked her.
The instincts of a living being, of being hungry and thirsty to connect with the present, and fearing the danger of oneself who has no way to protect oneself, ruled everything in her small body.
Even after the flame that caused the rupture had turned into a wasteland of extinguished charcoal,
She continued to walk aimlessly, hungry, thirsty, and scared.
No one else had the energy to help her.
Above all, it was not a particularly unusual hardship.
It was quite normal, except for the memory.
Many children lost their parents and were orphaned.
In a tense situation on the brink of defeat, there were very few ways to save orphans like her damaged by the war. There are very few orphanages that are public protection facilities and individual households are doing their best to keep their own families alive. It would have been better if only children could be evacuated, and it was still the same day to day where they evacuated to eat or not.
Orphans who were burned in the air raids flocked to makeshift communal dining halls or died in the field. On very rare occasions, some children found adopters, but in reality they were only a handful, or rather almost no one. Most of them just wandered around, got lost, and ended up at the edge of the place.
After many days, she finally reached one such abyss, the underground passage of Ueno Station.
It was a narrow, winding concrete underpass that connected the burned-out JNR Ueno Station to the Keisei Line’s Ueno Koen Station, and served as a makeshift evacuation center for people who had nowhere to go. Of course, that hadn’t been publicly acknowledged. Due to several large air raids, the number of homeless people numbered in the hundreds, even thousands, and society was at a standstill, with no one able to do anything about it.
10% to 20% of the homeless people were children, and she ended up living like one of them. Although they called it life, it wasn’t that of a normal human being. They slept in unsanitary and unsafe spaces, crammed into places where it was difficult to even lie down, and they survived by running soup kitchens and begging, and when that wasn’t enough, they resorted to illegal means… to put it bluntly, they resorted to criminal acts. The targets were mainly people coming and going from Ueno Station, sometimes people from far away who were rebuilding the ruins, and sometimes nearby neighbors who slept and woke up together in the underground passage.
"I can’t help it, what else can I do?"
In the stagnant darkness of the underground passage, she heard someone muttering.
In such a place, where everyone’s hearts were filled with resignation at the thought of losing their human relationships, Tsunogui Iku was rebuilding herself and continuing to live.
There is a girl who has a keen eye and keen intuition.
Such rumors began to circulate among the vagabonds of the underground passages a few months after the Empire of Japan, which they did not care about, suffered defeat and collapse.
At first, she was simply someone who knew a secret place to store leftover food from a US military facility, and for a short time, that place filled the stomachs of the few people who followed her until the parliamentarians chased them away.
Soon, people who had not only witnessed the incident but also cooperated with it began to share their experiences, such as locating a supply storage area that had been cleverly hidden by a blackmailer and unearthing several underground warehouses buried among the burnt ruins.
Ultimately, by predicting from the police's movements that a raid on an underground passage (squatter raid) is taking place, she gains tremendous trust from those who believe her and escape.
The girl's name is Tsunogui Iku.
Judging from the clothes she was wearing, that seemed to be the case.
She could be about ten years old. In addition to the person in question having lost their memory, homeless children are usually malnourished and underdeveloped. Guessing from her emaciated appearance was unreliable.
She was small in appearance, with a hunched back, and had a habit of slightly thrusting her chin forward. It was whispered that she looked like a beast, with her large eyes peeking out from her long, unruly hair.
When this strange-looking girl was asked the reason for her unusual intuition,
"You know it's going to happen when you see it."
She explained it concisely and difficultly. It is said that she is able to have a vague idea of ​​what will happen based on what she sees and how she will move from there.
Iku was often approached by people who thought that even if they couldn't understand her, there was value in using her, but unfortunately Iku didn't have the social skills to be "used for good". At this point, she shows no interest in collective action, and in the above case, she didn't encourage others to do anything. Those who followed or heard the story willingly participated in the spillover.
All she does is search for food, eat, defecate, and sleep. She secretly wanders around the city during the day and returns to the underground passage to sleep at night, repeating the same behavior. It was truly the life of a beast.
The other things began to increase little by little, and it was at the time when people began to flood into Tokyo again that she began to see obvious changes.
The trigger was a common occurrence.
The child sleeping next to her died of hunger.
It was not her friend, it was a child who somehow had a fixed position next to her and sometimes did not have it.
The children who often walked astride them were dying of hunger.
It was a child whose face she did not know well, and who always slept on the way to her usual bed.
The child who spoke to her without giving her anything died of hunger.
It was a child who only thought she was noisy and had never exchanged a single proper voice.
Children were dying of hunger.
Similarly, adults were dying of hunger.
It was a common occurrence, but the rate of occurrence was accelerating.
From the fall of 1945 (Showa 20) to the following year, the year of Japan's defeat in the war, there was a food shortage that was even more severe in Tokyo. Defeated countries have limited reserves and do not matter as they did during the war.
Furthermore, immediately after the defeat, Typhoon Makurazaki swept through the Japanese archipelago, destroying fields across the country and causing the worst crop failures in the Taisho and Showa periods. Even food distribution to the general public was suffering a reduction.
Furthermore, people returned to Tokyo, where air raids had ceased, and demobilized soldiers arrived as well. The city of Tokyo, which had always been a large consumer area, was experiencing rapid, uncontrollable population expansion.
The population did not increase naturally due to development, but was due to a sudden influx of population. There was no way production or supply could keep up (after this, Tokyo's population would increase by 1 million people in just one year).
The balance that had kept the vagrants barely alive, surviving the day by eating or not, was shattered by this food shortage. All kinds of people faced food shortages, and the homeless people down below were forced to starve, unable to get food even if they begged and soup kitchens were disrupted.
At first, Iku showed no particular reaction to the starvation of these other people, but soon she realized that it was becoming difficult to get food and that there was a limit to what she could do with a little intuition.
She began to have relationships with other people.
She learned to talk to people, she began to act and work together.
Still, all she could do was spread out a little, but in that small space there was a chance to find life... to put it more plainly, there was a chance to find food.
From her experience, she has seen many adults who think that children's weaknesses are an opportunity to take advantage of them, and who want to wear them out and throw them away, but the only ones who can work together and share the results are children of the same generation.
Over time, Iku and the dozens of homeless people who gathered around him became well-known in the neighborhood. Sometimes they died, ran away, or got separated, but they were never killed.
Homeless people do not understand difficult issues. They often acted on impulse or mood rather than logic. Among the jobs offered to them, Iku chose one that even they felt they could do.
Basically, they work in groups of several people and mainly do simple jobs like traveling around the city in Batya (waste collection business), selling newspapers, collecting trash cans, and shining shoes in a row. Homeless children were often suspected of stealing, so they could hardly work in a shop (although in some cases the suspicions were true).
In illegal activities, they often acted as transporters, secretly transporting rice and other goods thrown from trains to black markets to evade inspections. They were highly valued by black marketers because they never ran away with their belongings, never fought in secret, and were often obedient if given food.
In this way, Iku and the vagabonds around her began to resist the cold winds of society to a certain extent, but change came from an unexpected direction, leaving no trace.
The blind old man who taught Iku enough words to hold a conversation was killed. He was unknown to no one, never talked about himself, and had just appeared in a corner of an underground passage, but the Ueno yakuza glared at him and thought he was the mastermind who was manipulating a group of vagabonds and sucking their delicious juices.
Speaking of the interaction between the old man and Iku and the others, they talked about various things and received a small amount of food in return, but that was all, but there was no way for an outsider to know the actual circumstances of their interactions. For the yakuza, it was just a matter of removing the nuisance in order to remove the convenient.
After inflicting irreparable injuries on the yakuza who had approached them as their new boss, Iku and the vagabonds around her suddenly disappeared from the Ueno underground passage. These incidents... the murders, injuries, and disappearances were too much to erase, and people soon forgot the memories of the strange girl.
It was the summer of 1946 (Showa 21).
The months leading up to the breakup seemed to be going well.
Iku and his friends, who had literally become vagabonds with no place to live, set their sights on the barely surviving fields in the suburbs, rather than the urban areas of Tokyo, which had dried up due to food shortages. Following Iku's instructions, the children hid and penetrated the darkness, where their guard was relaxed, and were efficient and thorough, ruthlessly stealing the crops, which were valuable under the current circumstances.
They became bands of thieves and continued to plunder the outer limits of Tokyo from east to north, north to west... and finally reached a dead end. The police, taking the increasing damage seriously, formed a vigilante group together with the former local police (a part-time fire department that was disbanded by headquarters, but reorganized as a fire department the following year, in 1947). This was because they were organized and took strict precautions.
Iku's intuition was correct. She knew where the crops grew, and she also knew that the vigilante group was keeping a close eye on that area, and that if they ventured there, they would definitely be caught.
But she couldn't do anything else. There was no power to change things. Like other vagabonds, her young and wild mind couldn't even think of anything else.
They simply stopped targeting the fields and focused their attention on their next looting target.
Distributed in the western part of Tokyo, this is a place where rations for soldiers, luxury items sold to XP shops, and daily necessities are collected.
In other words, it's a base warehouse for the Occupation Forces, a subordinate unit of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces Headquarters.
They had no idea how great a risk they were taking.
The first five cases went as smoothly as before. Following Iku's instincts, they sneaked through security and gaps, and looted many things without being seen. The children were delighted by these processed and sweet foods, unlike agricultural products.
But that was all. They could not imagine what kind of reactions their actions would provoke, or the mechanisms they would unleash, outside of “out there” where they were looking at the moment.
By late autumn, relief supplies from well-known Asian relief organizations, the so-called "Lara supplies", had begun to arrive at the warehouses of the Occupation Forces. These are not just literal relief supplies, but are politically important tools for the Japanese government, which is facing a food shortage. There was no way they were going to let those few warehouse raiders have their way with those items.
The Headquarters decided to use the entire organization called the Occupation Forces to subjugate the mysterious bandits. The strategy was to leave the warehouse, which was predicted to be the next target, unguarded and reduce the circle of troops surrounding the area. That’s it. Just like in the previous war, it was a sumo yokozuna match in which even the slightest discrepancy was crushed with great force.
The characteristics of the robbers analyzed by the Occupation Forces were that they were incredibly thoughtless, contrary to their excellent infiltration techniques.
They raided the Occupation Forces' warehouses scattered from the north, one after another and periodically (this is the period when the children have eaten all the food they have stolen). The behavior was easy to predict.
The sixth attack occurred at the planned time and place. The operation went off without a hitch and the robbers, pursued by the troops surrounding them, were cornered in a corner of a grass field.
A cold rain fell on a dark night.
The last words the old man muttered when asked who stabbed him:
"Now that I know, what will I do? There's nothing I can do about it."
There's nothing she can do.
Tsunogui Iku hated that word.
She felt like those words were robbing her of the strength to live.
Many of those who spoke those words died before her eyes.
That happened to an old man whose name she didn't even know.
About the old man who died in blood and mud,
There's nothing she can do,
She didn't want to say that.
At that moment,
Even though she was forced to participate in a massacre with other homeless children,
She desperately tried to never let those words enter her mind.
The rain made everything go crazy.
Iku's intuition doesn't work unless she checks with her eyes whether it's a moving object or person.
The encircling troops of the Occupation Forces, who were stationed far away from the decoy warehouse, had no way of knowing about this situation, but in the end they opted for effective action. All the troops were forced to stay indoors, hating the cold rain. Anyway, from now on they will have to walk in the rain no matter how much they hate it. Furthermore, the operation started after midnight. At least until then, everyone was warming themselves in front of the stoves with a bottle of sake in hand.
Iku and the others didn’t know that and headed for the target warehouse, thinking that they had escaped the safety net as usual. Iku herself could smell a hint of unease in the air, but she didn't stop her attacks. That's because they had already eaten all the food they had on hand. They believe that things will turn out well next time, so they have no extra savings. Days filled with successful experiences had secretly stripped the wanderers of their sense of caution.
And so the strategy to subdue the warehouse raiders was launched.
First, superimposed on the sound of the rain, the sound of countless gunshots echoed in the dark night.
When Iku saw the gunshots, she instantly realized.
(Sounds, gunshots, noticed, soldiers, occupation forces, many.)
Realizing that, she shouted to the homeless people.
"Run away from here!"
The surrounding homeless people grabbed nearby food and chased after Iku, who was the first to run. Normally that would have been enough to get away with it, but this day was different.
At regular intervals gunshots could be heard behind the rain.
A cold wall of fear rose wherever they ran.
Every time her path was blocked, she ran away in another direction.
After repeating that dozens of times, the children realized.
Before they knew it, they heard gunshots coming from all directions.
When they finally hid in a corner of the grass field, they found themselves completely surrounded. To ensure that the bandits never escaped, the occupation forces continued to pursue them with gunfire.
The action the children were required to take in response to that siege was to surrender.
All they had to do was raise their hands and stand in front of the surrounding troops.
The occupation forces had no idea that all the bandits surrounding them were children.
The reason the Headquarters carried out the subjugation operation in the first place was that Lala's supplies were meant to help people like them who were in a state of starvation. Or perhaps simply letting that thin, dirty figure stand in front of the base gate would have given them enough food for a day.
But they didn't do that. That's because they were only thinking about looting.
In the first place, the option of surrendering didn't even cross her mind. There was no chance to gain knowledge.
To them, the occupation forces that kept firing guns were nothing more than an enemy that would kill them if they didn't run away.
To the opposing occupation forces, what's hiding deep in the grass is nothing more than filthy thieves gathering for relief supplies.
She couldn't do anything about it and things ended up like this.
Finally, many children, unable to bear the pressure of being surrounded and the gunfire, ran out of the grass without hearing Iku's restraints. It wasn't the slow steps of surrender, but a frantic and fierce run.
The occupation forces, who had originally been ordered to shoot at the bandits, aimed their guns at the children without hesitation. There was no way they could observe the other person closely in the dark and rain. The way a figure ran out of the grass seemed like nothing more than a desperate counterattack by the robbers.
The children turned into beehives one after another and sank into the mud.
After these gruesome encounters all around, the occupation forces began to slaughter them. Since there are no signs of them offering to surrender, there is no need to hold back. The plan is to shoot them all there, so there will be no one to stop them now. The soldiers were even more motivated to put an end to it quickly due to the gruesome nature of the incident.
The bullets pierced the rain, shook the grass, and reaped lives.
In order to avoid this death passing over her head, Iku lay down in the mud and continued to struggle desperately.
She found no way to escape.
She didn't know what to do at a time like that.
Still, it didn't mean it couldn't be helped.
She didn't want to give up her strength to live.
She didn't know the reason for the obsession.
("One hand"...)
She just didn't want to die.
More than that, she wanted to be alive.
She came from beyond the confines of the flame and possessed within her the power to live. It was just a bit of intuition, but that abnormal power had certainly kept her alive until now.
And she overcomes it again.
What she tried to accept on the other side of the rift.
She had almost accepted that she couldn't do anything about it.
Along with the words told to her by the person she lost in the fire.
To live in the present moment, she breaks away from the ordinary.
From deep within the cold rain and dark skies a new force emerged.
It glowed green and turned into a flash of lightning.
The moment she was struck by the power, Tsunogui Iku felt the truth flowing into her. At the same time, there was also something moving along with that principle, something developing beyond the Slate lying silently somewhere.
Instead of printing out words, she felt a huge and complex system.
In a surge of power, she grasped the flow that formed everything from the other side to that place.
Now she knew how to call someone who can do that.
"..."Green Queen"..."
After obtaining the power to live, the "Green Queen" first used it to "graft". She enveloped the vagabonds lying in the mud in her current. A tremendous electric shock ran through the land, giving the twenty people who were still alive the power they needed to make the most of their lives.
These scenes were hidden by the night, rain, and grass, and were never seen by the besieging forces. First of all, they no longer looked at the ground. They all looked up, dumbfounded.
In the dark night sky, a huge green sword shone brightly against the cold rain.
Even after the siege was broken by a sudden flash of lightning and allowed the bandits to escape, the soldiers of the occupation forces remained trapped in a strange dream. It wasn't long before the Heaven's Sword disappeared, and the cold rain showered their faces, and they finally realized the fact that their plan had failed.
The next day, regarding the sword that appeared in Japan three times and the paranormal phenomena that accompanied it, the Headquarters officially announced that it was a mass hallucination as usual, and further imposed a gag order to prevent the spread of rumors.
From the circumstances of the interview, it was clear that the incompetent guy who worked as a warehouse raider had obtained powers similar to that "demon". The Headquarters, which was in charge of maintaining public order, had no choice but to fear the arrival of a new crisis, but it turned out that these fears were unfounded. Like the "demon", the new sword master did not seem to have any intention of showing his fangs to them, at least on the surface.
However, surveillance and search had to continue. Although an examination of the operation revealed that "the warehouse raiders were a group that included many children", this did not reflect the (extremely unpleasant) situation at the location where "only the corpses of the children were left behind". It is nothing more than rhetoric to improve appearance, simply paraphrasing the situation at the scene. In the end, no other clues were found that could be useful in the search.
Above all, after the operation, the raider in question had disappeared.
It is true that, if you have such supernatural power, there is no need to go out of your way to steal.
He must be hiding in the darkness of the world, secretly plotting a plan worthy of using his power.
So, the Headquarters thought about it logically and remained extremely cautious.
But in reality, it was a complete acceptance.
That night, Tsunogui Iku woke up as the "Green Queen" and continued to rob the surrounding area with vagabonds in tow. What she gained through tragedy and awakening was a feeling of remorse for her careless plundering, and not a psychic's mission to provide a general outline of the plan.
With the sense of scanning and grasping things she gained as the "Green Queen", she was able to more clearly recognize where things were, how they moved, and where they were transported to. She then began to use that power to formulate elaborate robbery plans.
Existing supply warehouses, truck beds parked during transportation, wooden boxes piled up behind liquor stores, discarded items from accounting books, and stock that managers had forgotten about and left to rot. From there, she secretly stole an amount that would not cause any stir.
The Headquarters feared that they were hiding in the darkness of the world, but in the end, they were just children who wanted to eat as much as they could, no matter how far they went.
Lightning had begun to strike frequently in the western part of Tokyo.
Immediately afterward, the food disappeared without anyone noticing.
It was infinitely small, and those were all phenomena caused by the "Green Queen".
They secretly called themselves "The Biribiri Group". The twenty people who survived that night of murder are strongly united and lived together. No one escaped for about two years, until they caught a little girl sleeping on a blanket in a truck.
Iku has now jumped into the world to help that person.
There is no calculation. If she thinks she has to, she will not hesitate.
There is no fear of seriously exerting her "Green Queen" power.
The "Blue King" Somei Nazumi entered, or rather cut into, Nanakamado’s command room, and understood the situation from the screams overflowing from the communication device and the "Green King's" few words.
(The "Green King" who attacked Atsugi's base and his group are searching for a person called Miya-chan.)
The moment he understood, he destroyed all the communication devices in the room with a flash of his white sword. Nanakamado’s side must not allow the "Green King" to leak unnecessary information, whether out of distress or frustration.
Then, Nazumi entered the room and approached the person who seemed to be the chief engineer. However, in order to avoid unnecessary questions and answers, he did not forget to point the tip of his sword at him.
"Where is the key?!"
The questions became abstract as he took a few steps further in his understanding.
Even the chief engineer, who answered with a blank look, didn't understand.
"It's a person called Miya! Is he an engineer, a witch, or a geisha?"
"I-I don't know! It's true, it's true!"
Realizing that there was no deception in his tense expression, Nazumi grew increasingly impatient.
(This is the worst timing.)
Yes, he was unusually anxious.
(That tone of voice was trying to get a response through intimidation... In other words, the "Green King" was angry.)
Since the communication was from the Atsugi base where the rebel troops were stationed, it's highly likely that the "Green King" will target Nanakamado, a sophisticated intelligence agency located in the same hole. Soon, he and his group will attack in the freezing rain. From the brief content of the communication, elements such as children, women, forcefulness, and promiscuity could be extracted. He couldn't imagine him as a person who would settle the score with an unconditional conversation.
First of all, it is necessary to take control of the person called Miya and set her up as a negotiator. Still, five minutes is a good chance for a peaceful ending. If they allowed the arrival of the "Green King" as it was, they had no idea how many problems would arise during the search process. Of course, the Fourth Legislative Bureau of the Ministry of Justice exists precisely for this kind of emergency, but that's not the problem.
(He must not participate.)
If the enemy is so strong that he has no choice but to bring out the glow of a sword (Schubert), like in the battle with the "Red King" Unno Yutaka the other day, he might summon that monster again. That was the biggest problem. At that time, with the help of the "Gray King" Benji Otono, he was able to pass through without incident, but he doesn't think his good fortune will continue next time. He didn't think he would lose (he was also an arrogant King in that regard), but it was physically and politically dangerous for him to show his true intentions as the "Blue King" in such a complicated situation.
(This person is useless, so what else can I do?)
Nazumi turned the focus of his thought away from the chief engineer who pointed at him with his finger and took a broader view of what was there. From among the principles and phenomena that have been worked out up to this point,
(We need a collaborator who knows the inner workings of this place in detail and can have a conversation with them.)
It will only take him a moment to find the piece he needs.
"Where is Mr. Thomas Colt?"
"What? Ugh!"
He pushed the blade an inch towards the chief engineer, whom he asked again.
"Where is Mr. Thomas Colt?"
"Oh, I should have taken the doctor to the underground bunker."
"Please call him, there should be an indoor broadcast."
"Okay, someone..."
The voice of the chief engineer, who was following instructions, was cut off by the arrival of something.
Nazumi thought he was moving things as quickly as possible, and that's exactly what happened.
However, the existence of a "King" has the power to destroy such ideas and reality.
Tsunogui was the "Green Queen".
Atsugi Air Base is located about 40 kilometers west of Nanakamado.
A green lightning bolt shot out from there, scattering sparks.
It wasn't the "Green Queen".
It was a boy considered a vassal and a member of the "Biribiri Group".
A small body wrapped in lightning abruptly cut through the air and finally landed on top of a telephone pole. As he bent his knees like a monkey and reached out one hand towards the telephone pole for support and the other towards the rainy weather, the lightning around him became even more intense. The green power traveled along the cable and extended eastward.
Finally, when his power reached its limit of expansion, a new person rushed out from the base. The jump followed exactly the same trajectory, and just before colliding with the first person, his body began to slide. Riding the lightning, he went eastward. When he reached the limit of extension, the second person also applied force to the cable and stretched it.
As the second child finished, one by one, the children of the "Biribiri Group" slid their bodies towards the beam, transmitting their power and stretching it. When the last person was able to follow their movements, the total length of the electric wires transmitting the force had reached a kilometer. Nanakamado was still far away, but it didn't matter.
This is because what the vassals have prepared so far is nothing more than a taxiway or runway prepared for the "King" to head east. The preparations are complete and the time has come to travel the laid out path.
An extremely large beam shot out from the base.
The moment it traveled on the green energy extending from the top of the wire, it was guided and accelerated, passing over the heads of the subjects at high speed. At some point, it gained momentum surpassing that of a cannonball and flew away with its vassals in tow.
Naturally, the destination is east.
The other side of the communication he picked up was Nanakamado.
It had been less than five minutes since the previous question.
The loudmouthed "Green King" Tsunogui Iku arrived amidst the chaos.
Nazumi felt it coming from the freezing rain.
"Okay, someone..."
The chief engineer suddenly cut off the voice.
Right after that, something crashed to the ground.
Nazumi immediately knew what that something was.
Not only was there a crashing sound that shook the air and pieces of concrete flew, but there was also a flash of green lightning. The edge of the lightning spread out and burst into the freezing rain, leaving sparks and sounds.
Nazumi jumped from the collapsed roof to the roof just beyond, hoping to control the situation as soon as possible or, if possible, end it without missing a shot. When he came down, he saw a large hole in the center of the rooftop, an elegant bell tower rising higher, as if it had been hit by a cannonball.
From the depths of that large hole filled with lightning,
A figure, smaller than he expected, leapt towards Nazumi.
A girl whose appearance could be mistaken for that of a beast. The "Green Queen", Tsunogui Iku, did not speak or utter her name in battle. She will just have to strike him with all her might without hesitation from the start.
Nazumi barely managed to stop the small palm that tried to grab his face, but with a grip strong enough to crush rocks. When he came into contact with the lightning, an intense electric current ran through his body.
"..."Green King"! What you seek..."
Despite the pain, Nazumi still called out to her, but Iku paid him no heed.
When Nazumi tried to turn around, the palm of violent force was approaching once again.
This time, instead of blocking it with his sword, he dodged it with his body.
Iku didn't even have time to land, kicking the ceiling and attempting to grab it three times.
Nazumi watched her persistent attacks and began to understand the new factors that were shaping the battle situation.
(She's not going crazy somehow, she's clearly aiming for me.)
If you think about it calmly, it was a strange story.
She suddenly set Nazumi as her target and fights with all her might.
First, she should check if he's related to that situation and then ask, "I'm looking for Miya-chan." That would be the normal way. She didn't ask who the other person was, didn't tell him what her demands were, and attacked Nazumi she had just found with all her might from the start, which was foolish even for a child.
The "Blue King" was confused by the girl who didn't allow him to easily understand.
The "Green Queen", on the other hand, also had her own criteria for judgment.
Adults don't listen to what the vagabonds say and even refuse. Therefore, after gaining power, she decided to defeat the strongest of her opponents first. By doing so, hierarchical relationships are recorded and conversations can be established for the first time with less rejection, lies and deception.
In other words, the "Green Queen" thought that before she could do anything, she had to defeat the "Blue King".
Although she did not know the other person, she felt that way.
(This guy is the strongest here..., so I'll beat him.)
Nazumi couldn't understand those thoughts, but he knew that Iku had no intention of talking to him.
As long as he understands that, he'll feel relieved.
(We can control each other before they release their sword glow (Schubert)... no, we have to.)
The sword was abruptly swung and blue power overflowed throughout his body.
(First, I'll block the electric discharge and buy time to unlock my power.)
His consciousness increased in concentration and he began to have a broader view of the war situation.
The agility of the opponent who attacks without interruption is abnormal.
The interval between attacks is too short. There is almost no reserve in the continuous movement of jumping, landing, standing, and jumping again. Although her physical abilities improved like a superhuman, her maneuvers and trajectories were often impossible according to the laws of physics.
Due to this feeling of unease, Nazumi searched for a logical coherence. That is the act of "cutting", as he puts it. He tried to use not only his eyes and brain of observation, but also his sense of swordplay that Chika taught him and his power as a "King" to understand the phenomenon before him.
Immediately after that, Nazumi came to a realization.
(It’s not an illusion.)
Within his wide field of vision, he saw the freezing rain pouring down, the dazzling lightning flashing, and beyond that, several figures passing by. Those small figures were constantly moving, with the two combatants at the center.
(The children... are they subjects of the "Green King"?)
During the battle, Nazumi understood the principle of action of Iku and the "Biribiri Group" in a short period of time. By comparing it to the current situation, he had finally “revealed” their tactics to the truth.
(I see, it's a group operation that makes use of a wonderful "power".)
Around 20 of them, led by the "Green Queen", formed an induced current force field to aid their movement. The lightning didn't disperse in vain. It was a battle garden built by the vassals to make the "King" dance as they pleased, allowing her to accelerate, decelerate, and bend freely.
(The characteristic of the "Green King" is that it connects with others.)
Nazumi was satisfied that he had "solved" a new principle, but that had nothing to do with the quality of the battle. Even if he had revealed the truth, he wouldn't have found a way to overcome the situation he faced.
On the other hand, Iku and the others were steadily advancing towards victory. Every time the captured prey showed the behavior of breaking through the force field, Iku would block the front, attack the back, push left and right, and shake it up and down.
By blocking those attacks, the prey, Nazumi, is pushed back to the center of the group, or, in other words, the center of the force field. He was forced to fight on a narrow rooftop against an opponent who displayed overwhelming agility.
(Isn't it time to praise this as a good strategy with well-organized principles and methods?)
A stronger blue glow enveloped Nazumi's entire body as he smiled fearlessly.
It seemed like his goal was to cum, and a flash from the upper deck was shot towards the space he avoided. The blue power that returns everything to order cut through the electricity and created a path within the force field. At the same time, he stomped the ground with his boots and escaped from the rooftop. Without risking the carelessness of flying through the air, he ran down the blue crystal step and stood in the front garden of the research institute.
(With so much space, you can see the entire siege.)
Soon after, the "Green Queen" and the "Biribiri Group" descended upon him, scattering lightning, glaring down at him arrogantly as he readjusted his stance. A king who doesn't hesitate to fight, and subjects who are willing to give it their all. She was a brave figure made of pure hostility and command because she was a child.
After all, they don't hold a conversation with their opponents.
Iku immediately pounced on him, and the children scattered and surrounded Nazumi.
Nazumi, on the other hand, looked for a clue to defeat that tactic.
In other words, aside from Iku, he had begun to analyze the behavioral patterns of the children around him.
It's a simple operation on the surface. He evades Iku's attack and returns with a blue slash. However, it seemed like a desperate counterattack at first, but he soon regained his stance and his counterattacks became more precise.
Iku also noticed it immediately, as she had control of the entire force field. Behind his dodge, a blue slash was aimed at the child around him. The accuracy gradually increases and it will hit the target in a few more crosses.
(If I keep fighting this guy, it won't work.)
A hunch that had never gone wrong triggered a danger signal in Iku's mind.
Her decisions are always immediate.
This bright blue adult will not give up unless crushed with maximum force.
Action begins with decision.
Suddenly, the force field current concentrated at her feet. There was a green explosion and she jumped.
Nazumi took an Ukedachi stance, thinking it was an attack on himself, but the direction of the jump was completely different.
The place where Iku rose was directly above, in the middle of the sky where freezing rain was falling.
Hiding is the "special characteristic" of the "Biribiri Group". The induced current force field surrounding Nazumi was actually not circular. It was shaped like a spiral, or more specifically, a long vertical tornado. In order to escape the excess current of the "Green King", which spreads enormous power, it always rose up in a whirlpool. Then, at the point where the excess current rose, it transformed the cloud directly above it into a certain structure. It became a colossal cloud that continued to accumulate electric charge.
At the command of the "Green Queen", who was floating in the air, the out-of-season colossal clouds let out a solemn and divine wail. Pointing in the direction of the force was a gigantic sword-shaped glow (Schubert) that glowed green and appeared before he knew it.
"Thundering Jutsu."
A lightning bolt filled with hundreds of ordinary forms fell under the guidance of the "Biribiri Group".
Nazumi cast aside his thoughts and protected himself with all the power he could exert at the moment.
The entire lobby of the research institute was shattered by the electric shock and the explosion of the atmosphere. Numerous wrinkles and collapses appeared at the front of the house, and the tall concrete wall collapsed without a trace. Not only was there a roar that almost broke the eardrums, but also a strong shock wave that even the surrounding troops were shocked.
Nazumi was alive.
(Was it me who was drawn into the open area?)
A thin layer of smoke enveloped his entire body, but the shield of the "Blue King" was barely able to protect him.
(She was able to detect the offensive and defensive tendencies in just a few minutes. How sharp she is.)
A voice that takes priority over everything jumped into his consciousness, which had been absorbed in the analysis of that moment.
Don't relax,
Don't lose attention,
A word that expresses the knowledge of martial arts, a voice that has been beaten many times in the dojo. There was no need to ask who it was, but Somei Chika, wielding a naginata, was issuing a loud voice from the ruined entrance.
Nazumi reflexively brought his consciousness to the foundation of reality and analyzed it.
The attack had not ended yet.
The gigantic lightning bolt did not let all of its power flow into the ground, but instead stayed as much as possible within the circle of the "Biribiri Group" surrounding it, trying to unleash the final blow within the siege.
Nazumi ran.
The power he used in the previous defense could not be recovered in that instant, but he was not afraid or anxious. That was because Chika was wielding a naginata. Nazumi was confident and even believed that his wife in that form was invincible.
Therefore, he was running straight towards her.
Chika will not betray her husband’s trust. The others do not know.
"Lightning bolt!"
The halberd was swung down with all of her soul power. The blue power released from the sword was direct and strong, as if to show the user's true nature, and struck from outside the encirclement.
The ring of electricity was completely severed, destroying the stability of the force field.
The ring that housed an enormous amount of power scattered sparks and flew into pieces, and the children bounced off each other with their powers.
As the current flew turbulently, Nazumi finally escaped the encirclement by stepping on the blue force in a straight line. Standing next to Chika where he should be, he finally let out a sigh.
"Thank you for your help, Chika-san."
"You're welcome. By the way, Nazumi, is that the "Green King"?"
"It seems so."
Before the two could see, Iku was calling out to the "Biribiri Group" that had scattered in all directions. It seemed like it would be some time before some of the astonished people returned. Calling Iku himself might lead to a rematch, so Nazumi only spoke to Chika.
"I let Kouki (Schubert), who looks like a sword, out, I'm just ashamed of my inexperience."
"Not at all. If you were to show me two of those things, that's what would happen."
When he heard that, he noticed that there was also a gigantic blue glow in the shape of a sword (Schubert) floating above Nazumi. It seemed as if he was being pressured harder than he felt. His feelings of shame and anxiety about the situation doubled.
Chika verbally attacked her husband.
"Failure is a natural part of being human, just recover without worrying about it."
Nazumi looked at his wife who was attacking him with words.
"That's right."
After stating that, she gave him a belated report as vice commander.
"We've captured the main area. Shall we gather the personnel here?"
No, Nazumi lightly shook his head.
"I'll take care of this. Chika-san, please contact Mr. Thomas Colt, who seems to be in the underground bunker. Ask him about a person called "Miya"... she's probably a child like them. I want everyone to look for her. Only then can a dialogue be established with them."
"...The "Green King" is a child who can't hear."
Chika gave a loud salute as if to cut off her grief and went inside.
Suppressing the urge to send her off, Nazumi once again faced his opponent.
Iku, who was wary of Chika, immediately began to move as her figure disappeared. Once again, the lightning became more and more dazzling and enveloped the children. Nazumi couldn't help but smile bitterly at his direct and brazen actions.
(Clean up quickly.)
He doesn't believe there is another trick as powerful as the lightning bolt above. She must be a little upset that she couldn't kill him. It wouldn't be impossible to exploit that weakness and bend it.
(Fortunately, her power has been restored by bringing out the Sword-Shaped Radiance (Schubert).)
Nazumi stepped forward to make up for it.
(I mostly grabbed it.)
Both the "Green King" who pounced on him and the "Biribiri Group" surrounding him fought for too long and exposed much of their strength. This is probably the first time he's fought such a long battle.
(No wonder, the fight between kings is... difficult.)
Recalling the fight with a bandit, a faint feeling of "disliking" came back to him.
However, in any case, Nazumi had that experience.
Iku and the "Biribiri Group" don't have that.
He doesn't really like it, but experience makes the difference between winning and losing.
Intertwining with the "Green King" fighting in the center,
The footsteps of the "Biribiri Group" moving,
Nazumi was able to read the reality of the force field of both of them.
Observation leads to inferences.
(Wasn't this tactic originally intended to be implemented in a wider area?)
His guess was correct.
Her combat experience is limited to meeting Hagure several times in the two years since Iku became the "Green King". At that time, she only used a weak "Dazzling Jutsu" once, and the circle was kept far away from each other, and the induced current force field was also slightly deployed.
Now it's the other way around, and the children are closing the distance and deploying a powerful force field to fight against the powerful enemy known as the "Blue King". As a result, they were often swept away by the strong power of the "Green Queen" and left exposed to attacks from within. Cooperation is not as perfect as it seems.
These children, who have lived alone, have no guidelines or aspirations for their studies. The current induced force field strategy, which could have been the most powerful if it had been refined, had been neglected until now, when Iku encountered a strong enemy, relying entirely on his own individual strength.
(Well, thanks to that, I can also achieve a victory.)
Nazumi gathered the elements he had read up until now and used them in his own battle.
"Now it's my turn."
The stance had changed.
Instead of dodging and countering the opponent, he moved towards attacking and setting the stage himself.
Iku sensed it, but her methods remained the same. She has been at her best from the beginning. She has nothing but her full potential. The endless battle she was currently fighting was just to buy time until she could unleash the second "Rumbling Jutsu".
Suddenly, Nazumi made a move.
At first glance, it was the same slash as before, but it wasn't just a slash. It was his first chance. It's the same with cutting the force field, and with that in mind, he used his second sword to slash in the opposite direction.
A boy was right between the two sharp vertical slashes.
Nazumi quickly approached the boy, who suddenly broke away from the force field and had stopped moving. While the opponent was confused, he pressed the hilt against his opponent and pushed him away.
The boy, who received a strong but non-lethal blow, rolled out of the force field with the whites of his eyes exposed.
Nazumi shouted to provoke the opponent and also to corner him.
(I missed it.)
Iku was extremely excited and grabbed him even tighter.
However, that rough behavior no longer translates to Nazumi. He enveloped his entire body in blue power to avoid the electric shock, dodging it like a thin layer of paper, and then used one sword, then two swords, and slashed at another person. He pushed the boy away again, causing him to faint. It was a series of movements that looked like a dance.
(Hey, he's gone.)
According to Nazumi's calculations, if he separated the five from the siege, the "Green King" could also be attacked.
As each person diminishes, the induced current loses its sophistication and the speed of the impulse decreases... but she did not choose to flee. She came here to rescue her friend. She made that decision not based on logic or calculations. That's why she doesn't think about anything else. She had no choice but to continue fighting.
(Ah, he fainted.)
(Ah, it leaked.)
In addition, the number of people who left their places increased and the control of the force field became visibly questionable. Iku was irritated that her thrust was not as powerful and had no direction, but she still did not try to stop the fight.
Nazumi pushed the next fifth person away and at the same time prepared in his mind and body the final blow that would make him win.
(The only way to incapacitate her is to hit her with a dangerous spike... Chika might get angry at me for being too harsh on a child, but there's no other choice.)
(Oh, it's wet... I can eat it.)
The other person who had been waiting for the power to subside... rose up, as if seeping from the cracked ground.
He could be mistaken for black clothes,
He couldn't see the depths, there was no end,
Another person who exudes a feeling of "nothingness" that seems to sink forever.
He extended his twisted rows of teeth and swallowed the weakened "Green Queen" in one breath.
11 notes · View notes
[CN] Victor’s Mind Quest – Not the Slightest Gap (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a mind quest, 至无隙无间, that is yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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[Additional Warning]: As the spice for this mind quest is very explicit and borderline, if you don’t qualify for the 16+ rating of the game (CN server), it’s recommended that you don’t proceed under the cut~ :>
The exclusive radio is to be read before CH 1. Please make sure you read that before continuing. Here: ♡♡
✧ [Chapter 1] ✧
It’s very early in the morning, and the horizon has just unveiled the trace of a mackerel sky. I gently push open the bedroom door, walk quietly on my tiptoes, roll up a corner of the duvet and get in.
Even though I try my best to keep my movements light, the sound of even breathing in my ears ceases instantly, and I hear a slightly awakened voice reaching my ears.
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Victor: [adorably husky, sleepy tone]  What time is it?
MC: It’s past five…
Victor sighs a little helplessly. Then he reaches out and embraces me, wrapping my entire body in the warmth of his arms.
I instinctively release a sigh and curl up in his arms contentedly.
The year-end projects during this time have made me very busy and disoriented, and working overtime has already become a common occurrence. Even Victor is helpless about my frazzled appearance.
But no matter how cautiously I lie down every night, he always feels my presence in the first instance and enfolds me in his arms.
Victor: [sexy grunt, husky tone]  Lie down and focus on sleeping.
Victor: Don’t mull over work stuff in bed like you did a couple days ago.
MC: Understood~
I stealthily stick my tongue out. Just as I’m thinking about trying to relax and fall asleep, an idea for a new project pops into my head.
After a few moments of being torn, I clench the arm wrapped tightly around my waist and quietly move a few inches away.
Victor: [softly gasps]  Where are you going again?
MC: Go-going to the bathroom.
Victor: Didn’t you just go to the bathroom before lying down?
MC: …so you heard that.
I mutter in a low voice, unable to find any other reasons for the moment.
MC: Well… I accidentally came up with an idea for a new project, and I’m afraid I’ll forget it tomorrow. So, I wanted to go and write it down.
MC: I’ll really just go and write it down~
Even though I deliberately emphasize the pronunciation of “accidentally” and make a promise, the strength around my waist still tightens unexpectedly.
Victor: [grunts softly, sighs]  …your “accident” is very dedicated to your work.
Victor: No need to go to all that trouble. I’ll remember it for you. Go on.
MC: Who on earth submits a report to the CEO early in the morning?
Victor: It’s not like a certain someone has never done this before.
[Tidbits]: Refresher– a reference to S1 CH 7~ :>
His deep and low voice is laced with a hint of sleepiness that he is unable to conceal, blocking my retort.
Victor: And besides, right now, I’m not listening to your report as the CEO.
I blink, sensitively catching the implication of his words. My heart can’t help but turn into a puddle, and I finally give in and tell him about the idea I’ve come up with after a moment of resistance.
I turn over expectantly just as I finish speaking, looking into his deep eyes.
MC: How is it? Do you think it’s a feasible plan?
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Victor: [laughs softly]  I’m only responsible for remembering. I’m not gonna comment.
MC: …why are you being like this?
In the cold white light of dawn, I can see the corners of his lips vaguely curving upwards, as if he doesn’t plan on talking with me about this anymore.
I glare at him in secret and roll over again, deliberately sighing long and hard.
MC: That’s good. I feel even more sleepless now––
Hearing me pretending to feel wronged, Victor behind me seems to release a helpless, soft chuckle.
Victor: [sighs helplessly] Since you can’t sleep, answer a few questions of mine then.
Victor: Have you forgotten anything recently?
I’m stumped for a moment, wondering why he is suddenly asking this. Regardless, I earnestly reflect on this for a while. And in the next moment, I can’t help but let out a small cry of alarm.
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MC: AHH! I forgot to eat that pudding you made for me!
Victor: [precious gasp] …I didn’t think you’d think of that first.
Victor: No need to have such a big reaction. If those who don’t know hear you, they will think you’ve forgotten something of enormous value.
MC: Of course, it’s something of enormous value! You especially made that for me three days ago when you saw how hard I was working…
I turn around and poke his arm tentatively.
MC: Do you think it’s still edible?
Victor: Yes.
Victor: But after eating it, it shouldn’t be just a certain someone’s brain that will go bad.
I look at him with a blank expression. It takes me churning it several times in my mind to realize that he is scolding me.
MC: Victor!
A few soft, increasingly cheerful laughs ring in my ears. As I glower at him, he slowly withdraws his joking expression.
Victor: Is that the only thing you’ve forgotten?
MC: …is there anything else?
I gape wordlessly, waiting for his “crusade” without any confidence.
Victor: A certain someone was rolling up her sleeves to fight for the tickets to a musical half a month ago, but she forgot about it when they started selling the tickets.
Victor: It’s been about a week now, and the bag of tulip seeds is still exactly where it was in the living room since we bought them.
Victor: You don’t expect that they will jump into the flower pots and grow themselves, do you?
Victor: Also, I remember that you were planning to sign up for a dance class; to go and sweat it out after work…
Seeing my eyes widen in confusion, Victor raises his eyebrows somewhat helplessly.
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Victor: Indeed, a three-minute enthusiasm it was.
His face takes on an expression that says– “I knew it,” and following this, a somewhat vague memory surfaces in my mind.
───── [Flashback Begins] ─────
It was a night about two weeks ago. Victor and I were waiting on the roadside for the car after having dinner, and I was caught off guard by someone slipping a small flyer in my hand.
Passerby: Learn about Paso Doble dance~
I glanced down inadvertently and caught a glimpse of the bright red headline–– a passionate ballroom dance: Paso Doble.
The male and female dance partners in the picture on the side were intimate and assertive in their movements. I subconsciously stole a glance at Victor. He was looking at the finance and economics news on his phone, a calm and focused expression on his face.
A small, wicked idea suddenly bubbled up in my mind. I mysteriously leaned over to him and shook the flyer in my hand to him.
MC: Victor, would you like to sign up with me for a passionate Paso Doble dance experience?
Victor: [sighs sharply] Nope.
Victor: It’s not like I haven’t experienced a certain someone’s dance before.
[Tidbits]: Refresher– “Dance Date” reference where he taught her to dance, “Exhibition Date” reference where they danced in the rain~
He didn’t say much, but it seemed to convey the disdain implied therein vividly and thoroughly. I felt choked up and couldn’t help opening my mouth to refute.
MC: You don’t know about this Paso Doble dance yet. Aren’t you rejecting it a bit too early?
MC: Look at what it says on the flyer–– “The Paso Doble dance originated in France. It’s a dance that imitates a bullfighter’s movements, and the dancer’s posture is valiant and impassioned.”
MC: “In the Paso Doble dance, you can unleash the instinct to chase, hunt, and tear at…”
MC: So, don’t you want to chase, hunt, and tear me apart?
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Victor: …
Victor finally took his eyes off the phone, shooting a surveying glance left and right.
Victor: Do you want to hear what you just said?
As the belated realization dawned on me, I stopped talking and turned my head to make sure there wasn’t anyone around, smiling in embarrassment.
MC: Actually, I’ve been thinking for a while now about whether to do some exercise after work and sweat it out.
MC: I feel that dancing seems more fun. Moreover, I can learn ballroom dancing with you, and this way, there won’t be any interference in our time together~
I took his arm affectionately, swaying it expectantly.
He lifted the corners of his lips in what seemed like amusement and helplessness.
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Victor: [sighs helplessly]  If you’re not over this three-minute enthusiasm by next week, we’ll talk about it then.
───── [Flashback Ends] ─────
That completely undisguised query reverberates in my ears, and my cheeks can’t help but be flushed.
MC: It’s not that it was a three-minute enthusiasm. I really want to take dance lessons with you. But how do I find the time now?
I arch up against his chest, my tone tinged with a hint of coquetry.
MC: I now need CEO Victor to remind me about eating.
Victor holds down my bobbing head, rapping it gently with his finger pad.
Victor: [laughs softly] And do you know that your daily routine has also been a mess lately?
Victor: Now hurry up and get some sleep. I’ll take a look at your proposal when I get up tomorrow. I can give you some suggestions.
I let out a small cry of delight and hug him immediately.
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MC: No wonder they say no amount of anything can be a substitute for the CEO of LFG. Victor, you’re too great~
Victor: [sexy whisper] If you talk any more nonsense, I’ll dismiss tomorrow’s help.
✧ [Chapter 2] ✧
By the time I wake up again, it’s already noon.
Relaxed and refreshed, Victor sits on the sofa, sipping his coffee. On the table in front of him is the proposal I wrote yesterday till the late hours at night.
I hurriedly rub my eyes as I walk over to pick up the document and find that it has been marked with numerous annotations.
Victor: The overall direction is fine, but some details need fine-tuning.
Victor: As you can see now, your current logic is starting to get chaotic.
When I skim through it carefully, the realization suddenly dawns on me.
MC: Indeed. I seem to have drilled into a lot of insignificant problems...
Sighing, I rub my face between my hands as I feel a little out of my depth and put on an expression of humbly seeking his advice.
MC: Victor, how do you adjust in such situations when you lose your judgment due to having your hands full?
Victor raises an eyebrow at my words and looks at me. Understanding tacitly, I immediately withdraw my question.
MC: ...yes, you should never lose your judgment, even if your hands are full.
The corners of Victor’s lips curl up slightly. He lowers his head, takes a sip of his coffee, then stands up.
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Victor: Go and wash up briefly. Let’s go somewhere.
A wave of elegant classical music flows through the high-end dance costume store, and a variety of exquisite dance outfits hang on the clothes hangers.
MC: What are we doing here?
I stand in the clothing store, feeling a little at a loss.
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Victor: Pick a set you like. I’ve already asked Goldman to sign us up for dance classes.
MC: ?? You really signed us up for dance classes??
He nods without having any change of expression on his face, his gaze sweeping over the few women’s outfits next to him.
Victor: Wasn’t a certain someone looking forward to it at the time?
MC: Expectations are expectations... but I thought you’d let me have more time to rest when I could. After all, I’m working so much now.
Victor: Work will never end.
Victor withdraws his gaze, a few traces of calmness reflecting in his deep eyes.
Victor: As the boss of [MC’s Company Name], you will only have more and more things on your plate.
Victor: But if you lose the pace of your life every time you are busy with work, all your rhythms will be disrupted.
MC: My rhythms are not at the point of being “disrupted,” right...?
Victor: It looks like a certain someone has already forgotten about that poor pudding in the fridge and those tulip seeds.
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MC: ...didn’t forget, didn’t forget.
I make a standing-at-attention posture.
MC: I’m just a little curious. What does this have to do with us signing up for dance classes?
Victor: If you don’t want your work to lead you by the nose every time, finding your core with a regular activity is the best solution.
MC: Core?
MC: You mean, it’s something analogous to the power of body and mind?
Victor glances at me with a gratified look.
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Victor: There will always be changes and challenges in the outside world, and these are variables that are impossible to guard against.
Victor: It’s only when you have a stable core that the chaotic situations won’t be able to snatch away the initiative.
Although his explanation is brief, I already vaguely understand something, my eyes resting on the dance skirt behind Victor.
MC: So, the regular activity you mentioned just now is taking me to dance lessons?
Victor: Mm. Dancing is a good way of regulating yourself.
Victor: It can not only help you sweat and relieve stress, but it’s also a good form and physical exercise and a way of looking for core.
He pauses, his serene tone taking on an imperceptible hint of indulgence.
Victor: And like you said, it’s something I can accompany you on.
He downplays the last half of his sentence, but it stirs up a small wave of tingle in my heart.
He talked about so many major principles and all that. But in the end, it’s all because he cares about me~
Victor doesn’t seem to make out the smugness in my heart, continuing to speak.
Victor: It won’t take up too much of your time. If you can spare an hour or two for a few days, it will work just fine.
MC: But what if I can’t finish my work?
Victor: When have I ever let you drop the ball?
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MC: That’s true~
The transparent favoritism in his words causes me to burst into a cheerful smile. I look at my toes and begin to ponder conscientiously.
What Victor said just now is actually traceable in him. After all, no matter how busy he is, he will still find time to go to Souvenir to cook and relax.
Perhaps cooking is kind of a core of his being.
MC: If I can find my core, will I be able to make judgments and deal with things as calmly as you do?
Victor: I can’t guarantee that.
Victor glances down at my hand with which I have hooked his finger, seemingly a little amused.
Victor: [with an interlaced soft laugh]  But right now, at least you can calmly fire your flatteries.
I give a soft “humph,” deciding to be generous and not quibble with him, and lift my chin accordingly.
MC: I take your suggestion and will go to the dance classes with you.
MC: But why did we come straight to pick out clothes? Don’t we need to attend a trial class to understand it first?
Victor: Because beginning with the sense of ritual a certain someone likes the most can bring out one’s vibrant nature.
As he finishes speaking, he suddenly turns around and directly picks up a dance dress of vibrant color right behind him.
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Victor: This one.
MC: Eh? But I haven’t picked it out yet?
Victor: From the moment we walked in the door, your eyes have been darting towards this one.
Victor: If I couldn’t still read what’s on your mind, I’d be a dummy.
✧ [Chapter 2, Memory Silhouette, Narrator POV] ✧
Several beautifully plated dishes have been laid out in order on the table. Victor lifts his eyes and glances toward the living room, but he doesn’t catch sight of the girl’s figure on the sofa.
Victor: MC, dinner is ready.
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The voice that always responds to him loudly and clearly doesn’t ring out.
A little surprised, Victor cranes his head, realizing that it seems the girl hasn’t made much noise since the two of them bought their dance clothes and returned home in the afternoon.
Victor: Have you fallen asleep?
Victor takes off his heat-resistant gloves and heads toward the bedroom.
The bed in the bedroom is empty. His eyebrows knit into a frown, only to hear the faint rustling sound of a zipper coming from the walk-in closet.
Through the blurry, transparent glass door, he can vaguely see the familiar figure of the girl.
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Victor takes a few steps inside and sees the girl standing in front of the full-length mirror and trying on her newly brought dance dress, totally unaware of his arrival.
The silky satin fabric tightly hugs her waistline, and her beautiful butterfly bones are revealed through the backless dress, the vibrant crimson color making her skin even fairer in contrast.
Even though Victor has seen the girl trying on the dance dress in the clothing store before, there seems to be something a little different about this moment.
The warm light of the walk-in closet glistens on the hem of the girl’s skirt, the satin glowing with spots of golden reminiscent of fish scales.
The girl gently sways the hem of her skirt a little, and stars seem to be trickling brilliantly on her body.
She seems dazzled by the fine light streaming through her eyes, and unconsciously reveals a simple and somewhat silly smile.
Victor is stunned for a moment, subconsciously recalling the last time he saw this smile.
Perhaps it was a week ago, the day they agreed to plant tulips together.
When Victor pushed open the door to the home, he almost tripped over the bag of tulip seeds sprawled across the foyer.
Heaving a sigh, he moved the seeds to the corner and found the flower pots and planting tools there. Upon this, he headed for the study.
He thought the girl would welcome him with a beaming smile, take his arm, and jump and frisk about toward the “little garden” on the terrace she had nurtured with utmost care.
But before he could approach, the girl’s serious voice transmitted through the half-closed door of the study. It seemed that she was in the middle of a work phone call.
Out of courtesy, Victor did not continue to listen. But from the few words that drifted to his ears, it wasn’t difficult to perceive—
Time was pressing, but she insisted on prioritizing the quality and asked for the program to be redone.
Victor knew a smile that could be called one of approval had surfaced on his face.
Planting the flowers could wait until she is done with her work–– Victor thought to himself and put the tools for planting flowers one by one in their original position.
Or perhaps it was four days ago, when he made her most beloved pudding for the girl who had been working late.
Even though she had eaten the same taste countless times, she would always finish eating the pudding in big scoops and give a satisfied giggle every time.
But that day, she just wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled coquettishly. Then, she put the pudding next to her computer and said that she would use it to motivate herself to be more efficient tonight.
The next morning, Victor was a little surprised to see the pudding in the fridge, untouched.
Originally, these were the moments when he could’ve received that simple smile from her without a second thought. But time and time again, his potential expectations were dashed.
Victor pulls himself back from his thoughts. The smile on the girl’s face in front of the full-length mirror has not yet waned.
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As if infected, his brows slowly slacken, and the corners of his lips curl up into the same arc as hers.
Victor quietly takes a step back and closes the door to the walk-in closet for her.
Just let her be so simply happy for a little while longer.
While he waits, he can prepare another pudding for her for dessert.
✧ [Chapter 3] ✧
The pure white marble floor is as bright as a mirror, and the ornate crystal chandelier overhead reflects the multicolored light.
Standing in the dance classroom reminiscent of a palace, I quietly lean into Victor’s ear.
MC: This is not the dance classroom in that little advertisement, is it?
Victor lowers his head and straightens his sleeves, and there isn’t a single ripple in his tone.
Victor: It’s a one-on-one class, so that you can flexibly adjust the class time to suit your schedule.
A feeling of warmth surges in my heart in vain, and before the smile at the corners of my lips can be heaved up, Victor adds another sentence unhurriedly.
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Victor: [overflowing teasing tone]  And, I also found teachers of high caliber. A certain someone can hone her skills conveniently while learning, so that she doesn’t keep stepping on other people’s toes at parties.
MC: [muttering]  grudge-bearing devil.
While the dance teachers are entering the classroom, I stick my tongue out at Victor’s back.
In order to give us an initial introduction to the Paso Doble dance, the two teachers briefly exchange pleasantries with us before demonstrating a short dance routine for us.
Female Teacher: In the Paso Doble dance, although the female partner is in a passive position, she actually needs to arouse the instinct and desire of the male partner to “fight,” to seduce, stimulate and conquer the other person.
As she explains, the female teacher moves her body in a particularly expressive and lively manner to the impassioned music. I can vaguely feel a lot of pressure coming over me.
I tug at the corner of Victor’s shirt.
MC: I had no idea that the emotions of the Paso Doble dance would be so extroverted.
Seemingly hearing the hesitation in my tone, Victor lowers his head and looks at me.
Victor: [overflowing teasing tone]  Didn’t you want me to chase, hunt, and tear you apart? Why is there no confidence now?
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MC: …
I grit my teeth in indignation and pay no more attention to this gloating man.
Male Teacher: Today, we will start with the simple basic steps.
Along with these words from the teacher, we officially begin our first Paso Doble dance lesson.
I don’t know if it’s because I’ve given myself the psychological cues, but I really feel a little helpless. It’s either that I can’t stretch my body at all, or I’m simply getting frantic.
Female Teacher: You can spin your hand’s pattern along with your body.
MC: Like this?
Victor: She meant for you to rotate your palm when you jump apart, not take me with you.
MC: Oh-oh!
Female Teacher: When you put your hand on your male partner, sink your shoulder. Otherwise, it will look like you’re trying to fight with him.
MC: Okay, okay…
By the end of the class, I’m already dripping with sweat, not to mention the female teacher’s outpouring emotions, strength, and feeling of conquering the male partner.
On the other hand, even though Victor’s forehead is also covered with a layer of sweat from the dance, the way he carries himself exudes a sense of calmness at all times.
…damn it, why is this man so skilled at everything he does?
Fortunately, the content of the first lesson is only about getting familiar with the basic dance steps. It soon ends with a wonderfully rich psychological activity.
After making an appointment for the next session, the teachers bring us to the entrance of the lounge.
Male Teacher: The two of you can rest here. We will have someone bring champagne for you guys in a moment.
Female Teacher: It’s a special benefit for the very first course here. Enjoy~
After politely expressing our thanks, I move my already stiff limbs and walk into the lounge with a complex feeling.
As soon as the door is closed, I can’t help but stare at Victor with an extreme look of grievance.
MC: Sob sob sob, what should I do, Victor? I feel like I can’t do it.
Victor: [laughs helplessly]  It was only the first class. Don’t be so nervous.
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MC: It’s not a question of what the class number is… it’s that this dance is too physically and emotionally demanding!
MC: And the teacher wants me to “conquer” you! What is this concept? It’s harder than mounting the sky––
Victor seems to choke on my phrasing.
Victor: [he actually chokes]  Do you have to overstate like that?
MC: Of course! You know I’ve always been the one to be “dominated” by you.
MC: And I’m asked to guide you all of a sudden, and I’m at a loss…
Victor is slightly stunned, his deep eyes roaming over me for a moment as if he is pondering something. Then, he sits down on the sofa in a relaxed manner.
The space suddenly lapses into silence. Victor casually shakes off the sweat from the tips of his hair, then he slowly unfastens his cufflinks and pulls up his sleeves little by little in graceful movements.
Before I can react, I see that long, slender hand moving to his chest and unhurriedly loosening the first button.
…is it that hot?
The question still hasn’t left my mouth when I see that hand continuing to move down, resting on the second button.
My throat inexplicably feels dry. I swallow my saliva, my eyes “sincerely” glued to his slightly undulating chest.
And Victor doesn’t say anything, just meets my gaze looking at him straight-forwardly.
??: Mr. Victor, Miss MC, may I come in now?
There is a sudden knock at the door, interrupting the enchanting sight in the room.
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MC: [blushing and frantic]  ! W-wait a moment!
I subconsciously blurt out. Victor’s hand pauses only for a moment before continuing with the interrupted unbuttoning process.
And even his movements slow down more and more.
MC: What are you doing?
I anxiously ask him in a low voice, gesturing to the door with my gaze as my eyes widen. His gaze falls indifferently to the front, and his tone of voice is heedless.
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Victor: [very amused]  Unbuttoning.
MC: [blushing] …I didn’t ask you that! I mean why on earth are you doing that now! There are people outside.
Victor: [sounds very proud of himself] Because I feel very hot right now.
I’m baffled by his “rightful” attitude, and the constant knocking on the door agitates my mind. I hurriedly gesture at him again.
MC: [blushing and more frantic] Button up! Quick!
Victor obviously doesn’t listen to me, and the slightly raised corner of his eyes even spills out a hint of provocative arrogance.
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Victor: [even more amused and proud]  Are you sure you’re just going to keep watching like this?
Of course not!
The moment the next knock sounds on the door, I finally can’t help but spring up to my feet and walk quickly to the door.
Very cautiously, I open the door just a crack and politely take the champagne from the other party’s hand.
MC: I’m sorry. We’ll help ourselves.
Closing the door, I immediately turn around with a huff.
MC: If I hadn’t stopped that person just now, was CEO Victor going to present himself naked!
Victor: [deep, sexy™ laugh]  …
MC: You’re still laughing??
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I can’t help but grit my teeth. Meeting his haughty and midnight-dark eyes, I simply walk straight up to him and uncork the champagne, pretending to be angry and harsh as I open my mouth.
MC: [blushing]  The teacher will come in a while and talk to us about the feedback.
MC: [blushing]  CEO Victor, you should hurry up and wear your clothes properly. How can you be like this?
Hearing my words, he smiles in an even more unusual manner and gently tugs on yet another button.
His fingertips quietly circle the body of the button. Another one doesn’t survive.
Victor: [with a hint of rogue]  I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this.
I immediately shoot him a glare. But he remains unmoved and continues with the unbuttoning process. The dense beads of sweat slightly dampen his dark red dance shirt.
Beneath the gorgeous light, the sparkling and translucent particles are drawn into his firm skin, reflecting a seductive luster.
Those transparent droplets continue to glide down and disappear into the unrevealed territory. They seem to guide one’s line of sight, making them want to see more.
My heartbeat gradually accelerates along with his movements, but the continuous sound of passing footsteps outside the door makes me keep the last ounce of my sanity at bay.
I lift my gaze and meet the rare slyness in his eyes, feeling as if I’ve been gently pricked by something. At this moment, the twisted emotions within me pour down in torrents completely from my heart.
I pick up the wine glass and shove it into his hand, tightly pursing my lips as I pour the champagne. A few drops of translucent wine splash around and land on the backs of our hands.
Victor: [slow, deliberate teasing]  Be calm. You’re wasting the wine.
MC: [blushing] Isn’t this happening because a certain someone... anyway, I can’t calm down now.
Seeing me retorting angrily, Victor, on the contrary, gives a beaming smile.
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Victor: Oh? Why?
MC: I don’t believe that someone as smart as CEO Victor wouldn’t know why.
Victor: [coquettish tone x1] I really don’t know.
Victor: [x2]  After spending a long time with a dummy, there are times when it can get contagious.
MC: ...Victor!
The sweet fragrance of alcohol lingers on the tip of my nose, and along with his provocation, my thoughts are thrown into chaos. I can’t help being the first one to “surrender.”
MC: Don’t you at all feel that your behavior just now was a little too much?
Victor: [deliberately dragging the tail notes]  Maybe, or maybe not.
MC: ...anyway, Mr. CEO just won’t admit to the “crime” he committed just now.
I pause for a moment, glancing at his finger resting on the button.
MC: And you still plan to continue doing it, don’t you?
Victor releases a soft laugh, looking at the liquid in his glass with a composed expression.
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Victor: Wanting me to listen to what you say, to do what you say – wouldn’t that depend on whether or not a certain someone can show some “sincerity?”
…you almost presented yourself naked in front of other people, and you want me to show “sincerity?”
I grit my teeth in indignation, lifting my wrist, which was about to stop pouring the wine, aloft again.
The raised wine bottle continues to spurt out the golden liquid with a gurgling sound, and an unending stream of wine pours into the glass in his hand.
MC: Is this kind of “sincerity” enough?
The aroma of champagne gradually pervades the air of the lounge, and the wine is about to be filled to the brink. But Victor still wears that expression of remaining calm in the hour of peril.
I start to lose confidence a little, so I can only inwardly bite the bullet and see it to the end without stopping.
At the moment when the golden champagne is about to spill over, Victor finally opens his mouth softly.
Victor: [laughs softly]  It’s enough.
I hastily withdraw my hand, stealthily heaving a sigh of relief.
Victor: I admit that I’ve committed a worthy “crime” just now.
Victor: Didn’t a certain someone say just now that she is incapable of occupying the guiding position in front of me? But now it seems that it’s very much in the process of being shaped.
Victor lowers his head and lightly takes a sip of the champagne in a graceful movement, not allowing a single drop of wine to be divulged.
Victor: So next time, just try to “conquer” me.
✧ [Chapter 4] ✧
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Two weeks later, at night. I’m practicing my newly learned dance steps in the dance studio at home.
Although I feel tired after each dance practice, I wake up the next day with high spirits, a positive feeling radiating from my body and mind.
This feeling is particularly strong when I’m working. Compared with the dispirited tone some time ago when I was dragging my body, now my entire being feels as if it’s brimming with energy.
Is this the core Victor was talking about?
Although I’m not too sure, I do find time to practice at home on days when we don’t have class so that I don’t lose this energy.
I look intently at myself in the mirror, and as the last rhythm falls, it jams perfectly with the ending movement.
Victor: That was a pretty good dance.
Following the sound, I turn around and see Victor leaning against the doorframe with arms crossed over his chest. He is wearing a dark-colored bathrobe, and the tips of his hair are slightly wet. It seems that he has just finished his shower.
MC: It seems I don’t feel so embarrassed when I’m not dancing in front of the teacher.
MC: Why don’t you and I dance together and see how it feels?
My gaze lands on his hair, and I shake my head again.
MC: Never mind. You’ve already washed up.
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Victor: [laughs softly]  It won’t hurt to dance through it once.
He walks up to me before I can answer and extends his palm. I slightly freeze for a moment, then hand my palm to him.
The melody flows slowly, and along with a note soaring intensely, the heavy curtains of the high-pitched and penetrating symphony are pulled open.
I skillfully put my hands on Victor’s shoulders, rise on my tiptoes, and then make my landing on the ground.
In the swaying dance steps, we sometimes cling to each other’s chest, and sometimes we push and pull, spinning and stretching.
And along with a sharp flinging back of the head, a few drops of cold water land on my lower jaw, appearing to be the droplets of water from the tips of Victor’s hair.
They glide down my chin to my collarbones, producing an almost unbearable itching sensation. I pull out my hand to wipe them away, only to have it tightly clutched by Victor in the next beat.
MC: ?
I meet his gaze and capture a fleeting glimpse of teasing in the depths of that pair of slender eyes.
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Victor: Stay focused.
Without waiting for me to react, Victor’s forearm exerts light pressure and pushes me out of his arms according to the choreography of the dance steps.
The dramatic movements cause the belt of his bathrobe to flap, tracing across the skin of my thighs coarsely.
My eyes can’t help but be drawn to his belt, following it to the corners of his robe, which are twining up in the air.
…wait a second.
Victor has just taken a shower. So right now, he shouldn’t be…?
I’m stunned for a moment, my cheeks flaring up immediately as I’m half-nailed to the spot by this sudden thought of mine.
I subconsciously draw my gaze back. However, an indescribable instinct drives me to lift my wrist and glide it toward his lapel.
Victor lowers his head and looks at me in surprise. I slide down my fingers, taking advantage of the twirling motion to “inadvertently” climb up his chest and “accidentally” tug his collar loose.
Intentionally or otherwise, my fingertips brush over his smooth, tight muscles, leading waves of fine shivers to linger in my heart.
Victor: It seems a certain someone has indeed gained her energy back. She is now daring to make little moves.
The steady, self-sustaining voice lands on my ear, leaving a burning warmth in my auricle. I promptly draw myself away a little, winking at him.
MC: If CEO Victor doesn’t mind, I can step up my moves a little more.
Victor: Is that so? And here I thought, that was the limit of a certain someone’s boldness.
The passionate music happens to reach its climax just at this moment, the melody flooding the entire dance studio. It causes my brain to turn blank for an instant, making me impulsive.
I don’t know if it’s his words that have aroused me to lose my reasons for a moment, or if it’s the faintly discernible instinct in the bottom of my heart that has done it…
Before I can think properly, the restless palm of my hand has already taken advantage of the dance movements and quietly slides over the strong thigh underneath the bathrobe.
Even my finger pads seem to glide through even more dangerous territory.
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Victor: [lets out a heavy moan, blushing]  …
The fiery beats seem to conceal a fleeting moan. Victor’s movements clearly fall short by a beat, and a slit finally appears in his blazing gaze.
Seeing him being disoriented like this, I can’t help but feel a little proud of myself.
MC: What do you think of my dance?
His wandering eyes gradually settle down little by little and focus on my face once again, flickering with some unknown complex emotions.
Victor: You loosened up quite a lot.
Victor: [dangerously husky tone]  However, it’s still not enough.
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, the force around my waist suddenly tightens, shackling me firmly to his fiery chest.
The entire world seems to be instantly taken over by Victor’s scent. The searing heat brands onto every inch of my skin, but the man opposite me doesn’t seem satisfied.
He closely follows my movements, and reminiscent of a wild animal on a hunt, he intertwines all my limbs until our bodies completely fit together.
My cheeks instantly flare into a crimson red. The flaming acceleration of my heartbeat causes my breathing to be thrown into chaos, and I struggle to draw in a deep breath.
MC: [blushing]  Wait, this isn’t how the dance works at all, is it?
Victor: A certain someone mustn’t have listened carefully during the class.
Victor: [elaborating the teacher’s words x1]  The teacher clearly said that the Paso Doble dance requires very high coordination of your limbs.
Victor: [x2]  If you really can’t meet the standard, there’s no need to force it.
Victor: [x3]  Amateur entrants can adjust their posture according to their preferences and do improvised dance steps.
The warmth circling my waist gradually shifts downward, holding my body steady as I try to escape.
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Victor: [return of the dangerously husky tone, with a hint of rouge x1] Right now, I’m just tweaking it according to my own preference.
MC: But…
He interrupts my powerless retort, his deep and low voice revealing an irresistible intensity.
Victor: [x2]  And what’s more, we’ve been practicing these few dance steps for two weeks now. It’s time to make some changes.
He slowly presses on towards me, closing the distance until there isn’t the slightest gap between us.
The burning heat coming from the pit of my stomach makes me vaguely aware of what he means, and I can’t resist accepting all of this seduction in my heart as it comes, but I still try my utmost to hang in there with my mouth.
MC: But didn’t you say that if you want to find your core, you have to do it with a regular set of activities?
Victor: That’s indeed what I said.
Victor: But there are many things in the world that… once you set them into a repetitive and fixed order, they will become monotonous to some extent.
As he says this, he squeezes in the slightly moist skin of his thigh between my legs. It’s as if he wants to open up everything I have to him without the slightest reservation.
Being in touch with an icy sensation behind me, I’m suddenly given a jolt, only to find that I’ve been pressed up against the mirror without even realizing it.
In front of me is the breath I’m familiar with. The slightly ragged breathing disturbs the air between us, and I feel my brain becoming light and airy, as if it has been stripped of oxygen.
Victor lowers his head. His moist kisses land softly and wordlessly in the pit of my stomach, dabbing away a few drops of water that pelt onto there earlier.
I instinctively squint my eyes, feeling the delicate sense of satisfaction flooding my entire chest.
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Victor: [that sly, sexy whisper x1]  Do you know what needs to be done when something becomes monotonous?
MC: [blushing] Wh-what?
Victor: [x2]  Make an improvised mess.
My consciousness is erratic at the moment, and I can’t seem to fully comprehend the meaning of his words. I only feel as if I were being burned by the blazing heat of his voice, and all my feelings seem to rush together to the top of my head.
Through the hazy corner of my eye, I see a dense layer of mist appearing on the surface of the mirror behind me, concealing the overlapping and undulating figures in the mirror.
I withdraw my gaze, using the last ounce of my sanity to focus on the face in front of me.
That pair of eyes, which has always been self-restrained, gradually becomes dazed, reflecting my equally inextricable gaze.
Longingly, I cling even closer to him, until the entire world is invaded and veiled by his breaths.
Amid the chaotic thoughts, the last glimmer of calm reflection flashes through the entirety of my perception––
I seem to clearly understand what my core is.
✧ [Chapter 4, Memory Silhouette] ✧
It’s early morning on the weekend. The warm sunlight spills over the entire dance studio. Filled with vigor, I tug on my rubber gloves and count the cleaning tools on the floor.
MC: Mop, rags, bucket – we’re all set.
MC: Reporting to CEO Victor, we can start cleaning up the dance studio now~
Victor stands helplessly next to me, silently pulling up the sleeves of his loungewear.
Victor: When I asked a certain someone to find her core, I didn’t mean she has to do every big and small thing.
Victor: We can just call the cleaning auntie. Why go to all this trouble?
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MC: [blushing] How can that be! Weren’t we here yesterday…
I subconsciously make a loud retort, my ears immediately burning up a little as I think back to the scenes from last night that made my heart pound and me a blushing mess. Hemming and hawing, I seem to have lost my ability to speak properly.
MC: [blushing]  A-anyway, we’d better clean it up ourselves!
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Victor gives me an amused look and doesn’t say anything more. He just simply picks up the mop and walks to a corner of the dance studio.
His back is straight, and the slightly blue veins on his arms peek out along with his movements of holding the mop. The sunlight filtering through the window blurs the contours of his sharp jawline.
I stare fixedly at his profile and can’t help but marvel again and again in admiration.
Is there really anyone out there who even makes doing household chores look so captivating?
And at the same time, another voice clamors in a low voice in my heart that I cannot ignore. After staring at Victor for a while, I finally can’t help giving those words a voice as I ask––
MC: Victor… why aren’t you asking me where the steam mop machine at home has gone?
Victor continues to drag the mop without any reaction whatsoever, not even giving me a look.
Victor: I thought you could keep that to yourself for good and not bring it up.
MC: What do you mean?
I tentatively walk up to his side, wiping the mirror while quietly observing his face in the glass.
MC: Did you already notice that the mopping machine is missing?
Victor: If I were as slow as a certain someone, it wouldn’t be surprising at all that this house would be utterly emptied one day.
MC: …humph. Then why didn’t you ask me where it went?
Hearing my words, Victor finally stops his movements and straightens up, giving me a meticulous and careful once–over with a smile in his eyes.
Victor: So that I could see this tentative, fluky, and curious look on a certain dummy’s face right now.
The expression on my face freezes immediately, and I can’t help pouting.
MC: You aren’t curious, are you? Then I won’t tell you~
After saying that, I continue wiping the mirror and catch a glimpse of Victor continuing to mop the floor with a focused expression out of the corner of my eye.
…he can really put up with it, huh. Or is it that he is really not curious?
While I absent-mindedly clean the mirror, the dumbbells, the yoga balls, and all the tables and chairs, I observe Victor’s movements out of the corner of my eyes the whole time.
He cleans the floor on the right side of the dance studio neatly, then wipes his hands and takes out his phone with his back turned to me, not making any new movements for a long time.
What is he looking at? Why so serious?
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Victor: …
Hearing him release a perplexed tone, I can’t resist taking advantage of the wiping motion to walk up behind him and sneak a glance.
Seeing that he is reading an email, I promptly withdraw my gaze out of courtesy, but I inadvertently happen to catch one of the lines––
“Your steam mop machine has been repaired. Please come to the store and collect it promptly.”
MC: Eh??
A soft chuckle resounds in my ears. I lift my head and look at the mirror before me, only to see Victor’s eyes colliding with mine in the glass.
MC: Did you already know that I had sent it in for repair after I accidentally broke it?
Victor: I filled in my email address when we first bought it. So, it’s only natural that the store would send the mail to me.
Victor: Even the reason for the damage is clearly noted here––
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Victor: [adorable teasing tone]  “When teasing a cat with the machine, the body was accidentally knocked to the ground…”
MC: Okay, okay, stop reading…
I smile in embarrassment and cover his phone screen, sheepishly averting my gaze.
Suddenly, a broad palm rubs the top of my head. I lift my eyes and see that Victor seems to be in a very good mood, curling the corners of his lips upward.
Victor: [laughs softly] Of course, I was curious.
Victor: It’s just that a certain dummy has never been very adept at concealing the answer.
Victor: Next time, you can redouble your efforts to do so.
✧ [Chapter 5] ✧
The end of the year is drawing increasingly nearer. I breathe a long sigh of relief as I conclude processing my final review before the holidays.
The work at the present stage has finally come to an end.
But compared with being relaxed, the feeling that consumes my heart even more is a sense of pride at being able to get things done methodically without wrecking my work and rest balance.
And all of this credit belongs to Victor, who helped me find my core.
I take out my phone and am just about to call him, when Victor’s name jumps up on the screen.
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MC: Hey, are you done with your meeting yet?
Victor: Mm, and I’ve also cleared up my schedule for the night.
Victor: Can a certain someone now tell me what exactly is the mysterious “surprise arrangement” she’s been cooking up these last few days?
MC: I simply want to thank CEO Victor for accompanying me in the dance practice. As for the details, you will find out when you get there.
MC: I’ve already given the address to your driver, and Goldman has the outfit I’ve prepared for you in advance!
Victor: [helpless, inaudible laugh]  …you’re quite good at managing people.
MC: It’s all because CEO Victor taught me so well~ See you later then!
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Before the evening descends, I arrive at the garden villa guest house ahead of schedule.
According to my arrangements, this place has been vacated in the morning, and some special preparations have been made.
After confirming everything, I come to the suite with the best view and begin to decorate this room with utmost care.
MC: Scented candles, flowers, mood lighting… and red wine! All set!
Elated, I admire my own decorations, take out my phone, and record the setting.
A few moments later, the doorbell to the room rings. I rush to the door at once and straighten my hair, before opening it slowly.
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MC: Welcome~
Outside the door, Victor stands against the backdrop of light, the white dance shirt embellished with fine diamonds perfectly framing his physique.
The V-neckline on the chest clings to the surface of his packed muscles, adding a touch of softness and alluring charm to his robust body.
And as his gaze lands on my red dress, a flash of imperceptible daze and breathlessness seems to flicker through his eyes.
I’m unable to grasp the entirety of all this. I just stare blankly at the person in front of me, forgetting to speak for a while.
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Victor: Have you seen enough?
I shake my head.
Victor: [laughs helplessly] …let’s go inside, and you can watch more if you haven’t seen enough.
Amused and in a good mood, Victor takes me by the hand as he walks into the room and sweeps his gaze over the decorations inside, a little smile dyeing the light in his eyes.
Victor: [precious, soft laugh] Is this the dummy’s surprise?
MC: This isn’t everything.
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I step forward and take his arm, bringing him to the semi-open-air balcony with a wide view while wearing a mysterious look on my face.
Seeing that he is a little puzzled, I draw a step back and solemnly twirl up the corner of my skirt, standing on ceremony before him.
MC: Welcome to Victor and MC’s exclusive ball.
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MC: Mr. Handsome CEO, may I have this dance?
As soon as my words fall, a spotlight comes from the direction of the guest house’s wall, enclosing the shadows of the two of us together.
Victor’s motion freezes slightly, followed by his long and narrow eyes gradually rising little by little.
Victor: Of course.
The instant our palms interlace, music begins to play in the garden outside the balcony. We dance to the familiar tune, melding warmly into each other’s arms.
At this moment, a delicate rustling sound breaks out from the sky. Our eyes can’t help being drawn to the source, and we see dazzling red dots of stars emerging high on the horizon.
And in the next instant, bright rose petals sprinkle down like droplets of rain, rendering the crystalline and shimmering lake outside the bay window until it blends in with the warm red of the sky tinged with the colors of sunset.
Victor laughs quietly, a rare softness emerging in the light of his eyes.
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Victor: [precious, helpless soft laugh]  Now can you explain your arrangements to me?
I purse my lips and take a deep breath of the pleasing fragrance of flowers in the air.
MC: We’ve been learning to dance for so long. We’ve got to “perform” once, right?
MC: And I also really wanted to find a sense of ritual for our dancing lessons.
MC: But I still might feel embarrassed in front of other people, so…
MC: I prepared a ball that belongs only to the two of us.
MC: Most importantly, it’s only you and me here now. So, it’s just “our” time~
Victor glances at the rain of petals descending from the sky, raising the tip of his brows slightly.
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Victor: [“still-surprised” laugh]  You not only prepared all these, but even reserved the entire place?
Hearing the surprise in his tone, I stick my tongue out.
MC: Thanks to CEO Victor, I’ve made a small fortune as the owner of [MC’s Company Name].
Victor smiles, letting me lightly spin in his arms.
MC: Judging from the expression on your face, it seems like my surprise has been successful?
Victor: Yes, I’m very surprised.
It’s rare for Victor to admit it so candidly, and the tip of his brows seem to have melted into a soft layer of warmth.
Victor: After all, work and dance practice already kept a certain someone very busy during this time.
Victor: It’s hard to imagine that she still had the energy to prepare all this.
MC: I’ve been very, very busy– so busy that at one point, I was writing a proposal and dancing simultaneously in my dreams.
I wink at him, causing the twinkling light flowing in his eyes to sway even more clearly.
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MC: But thanks to the best Victor in the world, now I will no longer lose the original rhythm of my life because of being busy.
Victor: [precious, overflowing laughter] A certain someone was very quick to see the light this time.
MC: Of course~ Don’t you know who is the one that taught me~
I raise my chin to him as if to show that he is the one who deserves the credit. And then, I seem to think of something. So, I withdraw my joking expression and stare at him earnestly.
MC: And it’s not just that. I also understood one thing––
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MC: Just like eating, sleeping, and laughing heartily, “accompanying the person I love” is something that I cannot allow for its pace to be disrupted.
MC: No matter the situation, it shouldn’t be muddled through for reasons such as “being busy.”
Victor doesn’t say anything, but the ripples shimmering in his eyes lay bare his happy mood.
MC: Come to think of it, this is how you’ve always treated me.
MC: Clearly, you yourself are already very busy. But you still attentively listened to my troubles in the early hours of the morning, found the time to practice dance with me, and helped me regain my stability step by step.
MC: You even secretly got the musical tickets for me and planted the tulips.
Victor laughs softly, drawing us a little closer to each other. I press myself against his chest, quietly listening to that powerful heartbeat.
[Anika’s Notes]: I mostly skip adding translation notes now since time is very short. But I had to stop here– MC uses the term “聆听,” which is different from the usual “听 (listen).” The term MC used means “listening respectfully,” which conveys a reverent emotion; and adds so much more depth to that seemingly simple action~ ❤️
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MC: And because of that, I realized––
MC: Victor, you are my core.
MC: With you by my side, I won’t be too flustered even if something as big as the sky smashes down on me.
I lift my head and gaze at Victor unwaveringly, as if I were trying to look into his heart.
The only thing left in the surrounding is the melody of the music. Amid the quietude, the light in Victor’s eyes is profound, and it’s as if they are tainted with a misty yearning.
I’m intoxicated by the light in that pair of eyes. Despite so, I ask with a little uncertainty.
MC: Why aren’t you saying anything? Did I say it wrongly?
Hearing my words, he releases a deep laugh. His finger pads fondly caress my lips and cheeks, and they finally rest on my back, holding me steady.
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The hem of my skirt flutters in the wind as I gently sit on Victor’s lap, my body leaning back slightly without the slightest apprehension.
Victor bends down following my movements, and his palm clasps around my waist, giving me a sense of complete security just like he’s always given me every time before.
As our breaths entwine in close proximity, I hear his answer.
Victor: [the softest™, sexiest™, striking you in the heart™ whisper to exist x1]  You didn’t say it wrongly.
Victor: [x2]  It’s just that I realized one thing too.
Victor pauses, his tone of certainty brimming with completely undisguised yearning.
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Victor: [x3]  Beginning from a very long time ago, a certain someone seems to have firmly believed that I’m the one who is leading her forward.
Victor: [x4] No matter how big or small, she seems to subconsciously seek my advice and my embrace.
Victor: [x5]  She will cry endlessly in front of me because of a trivial matter. But when faced with real difficulties, she is more courageous than anyone else.
Victor: [x6] And this girl who loves to cry so much, combined with her courage – she made me unable to take my eyes off her.
Victor: [x7]  I thought this contradiction in her was part of the reason that made me addicted to her.
Victor: [x8]  But now, I have another answer.
I gaze back into his eyes with some puzzlement and see the colors of night outlining the moving expression on Victor’s face. It’s as if he has got the entire world in his arms.
Victor: [x9 + helpless laugh] Dummy, it’s not that you’re incapable of guiding me left or right.
Victor: [x10] Rather, it’s with your ability to use the softest of words, and the most natural of gestures that…
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Victor: [x11] –– you have conquered all of me.
The setting sun quietly conceals its appearance, and the pinkish-purple sunset glow is inlaid with infinite stars, bearing witness to everything that has happened on the balcony.
The eyes in front of me are deep and burning hot, as if there are still more words to be said.
But before I can ask, he gently leans into my ear, giving me the best possible answer.
Victor: [x12] What I mean is, I’ve already been conquered by you a long time ago.
[Anika’s ramblings, feel free to ignore haha]
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babblingbookends · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Okay so hopefully I found all the people who tagged me in this game, thank you to @fleur-de-violette @goldenraeofsun and @wildsofmarch for the tag! (If you tagged me and I didn't see it, thanks to you too!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Thirty-eight! I didn't realize there were so many.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
50,029. A respectable number, but could be better
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DC Comics, but mostly Batman. I pretty much exclusively write fics for DC Comics, with the majority being Batman and Batfam-related comics. I have one single fic for another fandom, and that fandom is Avatar: The Last Airbender.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tim Drake (Doesn't) Drink Coffee, which is also my first fic! It currently has 990 kudos
Do You Need Another Box of Tissues? which beats the next fic by 1 kudo, sitting at 242 kudos
Hypnogogic Jerks and Other Body Quirks is still one of my favorite titles! It has 241 kudos (update: I double checked before posting this and it now has 242 kudos, tying it for second place
Batman vs. Bridezilla has an even 200 kudos
And number five is Isern, which I'm a little shocked by considering it's currently my most recent fic. It has 156 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I don't get a lot of comments, so it doesn't usually take me long to get through them, but I do tend to let them build up a bit before I answer them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhh good question. You're Just A Baby, You Can Not Fly is angst the whole way through, so maybe that one
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Realizing now that a lot of my fics are either angst or smut, soooo there's happy endings in most of the smut fics teehee. But also this one, Soda Pop, is sweet the whole way through.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'm fortunate enough that so far, I have not! I don't feel like I'm big enough to get hate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Not sure how to describe what kind, but I've touched on a lot of smut things. This may be TMI, but I really like writing sex that also involves pain, I think it works so well with the Batfams gestures wildly everything.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. I'm not opposed to the idea but it sounds too complicated for my writing tastes
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've noticed or been told about
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of! I would love to have it happen though
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I think it sounds fun but collaboration scares me sometimes because what if. what if I'm actually stupid. and my co-writer hates everything I come up with. Horrible thought
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
My all-time favorite is a tough one to choose butttt I really like Wonderbat from Justice League Unlimited. Niche, I know, but it was my childhood ship and holds a special place in my heart. Never actually written something for it though!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Hoooooo-boy, I recently abandoned a buuuuunch of wips in my wip folder because I had named them random, unimaginative stuff, and simply didn't have the mental energy to go through them and see what was in them and rename them so I just put them all in a folder and started fresh. However, in that folder was another folder where I had a series planned based around Jason and a bunch of members of the Batfam. Each fic would have chapters from Jason's POV and another character. The first fic was Jason and Tim solving a missing persons case. I think Barbara's was them, like, getting trapped in a mall by the Joker, and I vaguely remember that Dick's took place in New York City.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea. Maybe my descriptions of stuff? I really like describing things in unexpected ways and trying to pull emotion into them. No idea if other people like it though!
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
I always feel like my flow is really bad. Like some places feel really slow and some places feel too rushed, if that makes sense. I also think that when I'm writing a character I always make the character feel a bit too distant, like I'm just describing what's happening to them instead of making the reader feel what's happening to them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Well you see, I have this bad habit of thinking I can just learn an entire language in an afternoon, which means that no writing actually gets done. So unless it's something I can a. easily translate from a dictionary (so a single word or a simple, common phrase) or b. ask one of my international friends to translate for me, I usually find another way to say it without using the actual language. Maybe sticking the words in italics, or the old classic "he said something in Russian".
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Batman! As I said above, my first fic was Tim Drake (Doesn't) Drink Coffee. Before that I only wrote original stories.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
All these questions about fics when I don't remember anything about any fic I've ever written XD.
Probably either Gotham Roulette or Clock-Beat, Heart-Beat. Based off of popularity, Gotham Roulette is one of my least popular, but I still like it, it was so dramatic. And Clock-Beat was really fun to write, it's about the Batfam from the perspective of a clock.
And that's that!
Tagging @cephalog0d, @adelfie, @nelson-and-murdock, and whoever else wants to play!
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gilbirda · 2 years
Twin Damien and Danny but Danny died at 10 which is one of the reasons Talia gives Damien to Bruce and the biggest reason Damien is pissed about getting introduced to brothers.
Two ways this plays out,
Danny is now a halfa at 10 and is adopted by the Fentons (who don’t know he’s a halfa-even worse if he doesn’t age correctly/age is slowed down so he still looks tiny af)
Danny pulls a Jason and just wonders around as zombie before the Fentons find him and nurse him back to health. His memories are vague and fuzzy so he has no frame of reference though he is confused when he seems to just pick up languages and fighting super fast.
First one Danny knows who he is and is like hyped to see his brother (especially cause with slowed down aging he doesn’t mature as fast) and the second he can he flys out to Gotham only Damien is now 14-15 and Danny looks basically the same as when he died but inverted colors.
Second Danny gets a summer internship as a translator in the city Jazz planning to go to college. Either other superheroes like the Kent’s or Batfam see this kid around and keep mistaking him for Damien. Danny doesn’t know why these ppl are calling him Dami but whatever.
First of all, sorry it took me a while to answer. I just didn't have the spoons to answer asks apart from a few lines 😅😅
Interesting take! Danny still being 10, or looking like a 10 year old, could really mess with people's minds because if they know Damian they will be like.... Hello? Damian got cloned again and this one was half baked?
That being said, people can be really oblivious to things - if they are not expecting a 10 year old, colors inverted, Damian then they won't make the connection.
Also the angle that Damian knows his twin died and then this guy shows up a few years later????? An impostor, of course!
Just for me, I would want Danny to befriend Jason before he even crosses paths with Damian again. The similarities between their stories could make it a nice touch for them to bond.
Does Jason remember his time as a wandering zombie, I wonder?
Thanks for the ask!!! q(≧▽≦q)
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jewwyfeesh · 2 months
Diffuse Reflection - 1
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Morisawa Chiaki, Tomoe Hiyori, Sazanami Jun, Shiratori Aira, Ayase Mayoi, Kazehaya Tatsumi
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Jun: Important things? What important things? What kinda important things, Tatsumi-senpai?
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[ ♪ ]
Season: Summer
Location: Seishou Hall Kitchens
[In the middle of September…]
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Aira: Uwaah… We’re gonna be late, we’re gonna be late!! Mayoi-senpai, where did you go this time… Didn’t we agree on going to school together? Please come out~
Mayoi: I- I was always right behind you, Aira-san… Your bag wasn’t buttoned properly, and things kept falling out. But, there’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ve secured it for you, see…!
Aira: Oh! Thank you, Mayoi-senpai! You’re the best! I Love ♪
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Though errr… speaking of which, did you see Hiiro-kun anywhere? I thought he’d be here, already waiting for us. He didn’t sleep through his alarm, did he?
Tatsumi: Hiiro-kun is on student duty today, so he went ahead first. Before he left, he asked that I pass the message on to you both.
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Aira: Oh, that’s right… I vaguely remember him telling me about it yesterda— Ah— T-T-Tattsun-senpai…!
Tatsumi: Mhm, that’s me ♪ Good morning, Aira-san, Mayoi-san.
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Mayoi: Aah, g-good morning, T-T-T-T-T-Tatsumi-saaaaan…!
Aira: (whispering) Mayo-senpai, you’re too nervous; if you continue talking like this Tattsun-senpai will get worried!
Mayoi: (whispering) I-I-I… I’m really sorry! P-please forgive me… uuuu…
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Aira: E-erm… The… Tattsun-senpai, did you sleep well last night? Dunno, it kinda feels like you’re extra cool today, haha…
Tatsumi: Why, thank you, Aira-san. You’re full of energy yourself. Last night, I slept unexpectedly well, so I ended up getting out of bed a little later than usual. Currently, I plan on making some breakfast.
Aira: Then let me help! Tattsun-senpai, what would you like to eat?
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Mayoi: Th-then… I want to help too, Tatsumi-san! I’m willing to do anything…!
Tatsumi: Haha, I really appreciate the sentiment, thank you. However, the both of you are going to be late for school. Is that really okay?
Aira: —UWAHHHH!??? I’m so so so sorry Tattsun-senpai! I’ll wake up earlier tomorrow to help, promise!
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Mayoi: Eh? Aira-san…? Please wait for me toooooooooo…!!!
Tatsumi: Haha, they sure do run fast. I had wanted to give them a proper greeting, but now I can only wave at the shadow of their retreating backs… I pray that you both have a wonderful day… Amen ♪
Mm, what should I make for breakfast? I don’t need to report to school today, so I find myself with lots of time on my hands. Maybe I could go for an extensive spread…
Oya? It’s you, Hiyori-san. Good morning.
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Hiyori: (Stare~)
Tatsumi: You seem to be in a bad mood; did we disturb you? If that’s the case, please allow me to apologise on everyone’s behalf.
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Hiyori: No no, none of that sort.
I just felt that the earlier scene was quite cute – the two kids really care for you, Tatsumi-kun~ Makes it look like you’re the junior that’s being doted on~ ♪
Tatsumi: Haha. Aira-san and Mayoi-san have been rather concerned for my wellbeing these two days – I’m not even sure what happened myself. On the contrary, their questioning feels like I’m being excessively pampered.
But… Well, as long as they’re happy, then I have no complaints.
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Hiyori: Mhm, I’ve already sniffed it out! The scent of something absolutely fishy! Those two kids are definitely hiding something from you, Tatsumi-kun!
Jun: Oh! Tatsumi-senpai, Ohii-san, good morning! To meet Tatsumi-senpai as soon as I get out of bed… Lady Luck must be shinin’ down on me today ☆
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Hiyori: Jun-kun! Tatsumi-kun and I were about to discuss some very important matters, but you decided to interrupt all of a sudden! What foul weather!
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Jun: Important things? What important things? What kinda important things, Tatsumi-senpai?
Tatsumi: Haha. To be honest, they’re not that important. With that said, I actually would like to request for your assistance with something.
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Jun: Nom nom nom… I’d never thought I’d have the chance to taste Tatsumi-senpai's cooking again in this life… It’s makin’ me feel kinda nostalgic… ♪
Hiyori: What’s with your face? You look so touched you’re about to cry. You’re sooooo dramatic, Jun-kun.
Back to the topic at hand, I’m really not surprised that Tatsumi-kun gets along well with his juniors. But… don’t you think it’s… somewhat abnormal if the juniors excessively dote on their seniors to that kind of extent?
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Jun: …Eh? But the second I don’t show the slightest reaction in response, I’ll immediately get scolded by you, Ohii-san.
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Hiyori: Isn’t being aware of my feelings at any given moment literally your duty? It wasn’t easy for me to increase the recognition of Jun-kun’s existence either!
Ah. The tea cup’s empty.
Jun: ……Kay, I got it~ I’ll pour, I’ll pour.
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Tatsumi: Ahaha, the both of you have such a good relationship.
Location: STAR PRO office
[A few days ago, STAR PRO office]
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Chiaki: Oh wow! Seems like it’s time for me to get on stage ☆ Next time, if you have to carry so much stuff, please call someone to help ya out Anzu.
Ooh, so they’re sample books for STAR PRO. I’m surprised they sent you to personally deliver them. Can I leave them over here?
Hm? You’re asking me what my plans are for later?
Ahh— Time passes so fast. I’ll probably drag my coworkers out for a simple lunch. Anzu, you haven’t eaten yet, right? Do you wanna go with—
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You agreed so quickly!?
Because you have something you’d like to show me?
Location: Staff Dining Hall
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Chiaki: Motor Show happened just a while back, but upon seeing these photos it really feels like it was eons ago… ♪
In addition to us Ryuseitai, has ALKALOID – who participated alongside us – received these commemorative booklets too? This organizer is really good… ☆
Oho? I wasn’t expecting to see a photo of myself on stage. At that point in time I was trying to sneak a peak of everyone. I was super duper worried back then – to the point where I couldn’t bear it.
But seeing how things are now, I do need to thank past-me.
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I think, if a similar situation were to happen in the future, I’ll definitely extend a helping hand immediately. Not to mention, that’s what heroes would’ve done!
You want to thank me because the photo turned out well? Then, I should be thanking you for sneaking in, and looking particularly dashing while you’re doing it! Fuhahaha ☆
Speaking of which, Kazehaya looks pretty cool here. I’m guessing this photo was taken by you, Anzu?
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I think we were talking about cars back then—
[ ☆ ]
Story Masterlist | Chapter 2 →
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queergalpal97 · 3 months
Okay so this is only my second time posting a fic on here, so be gentle everybody. I'm also on mobile, so if the format is weird that's why. (Also because I'm shit with formatting)
My inspiration for this one shot was Olive convincing Adam to watch the ✨Barbie Movie.✨
I hope you enjoy!
~A ✨
(I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted, copied, or translated.)
"Yes, olive?" Adam looked down at his girlfriend, nestled into his side.
Movie night was her idea, and yet there she was scrolling on her phone not even watching the documentary. Practically doom scrolling again.
Adam had half a mind to throw the phone away, pull her into his lap and... we'll come back to that thought.
"Remember how you love me and would do anything for me? Remember that?" Adam narrowed his eyes as olive sheepishly pulled her blanket closer to her face.
"I vaguely remember something along those lines, yes," Adam paused, "Why?"
"Well I have our next movie night sorted!" Olive beamed at him, the things her simple smile did to him, it should be illegal. Adam wouldn't know though, he never did get around to applying for law school. Thank god for Holden.
Adam looked down at her, a bemused curve of his lip that only olive could pick up on appeared.
"Oh?" His eyebrow quirked
Olive blushed and would have turned away if it wasn't for Adams hand gently cupping her jaw.
"And what's your plan my smart-ass?" Olive giggled, yes giggled! And Adam melted slightly.
"I got us tickets to.....The Barbie Movie!" Olive exclaimed, smiling ever so anxiously. "I checked and it's not a musical, well not really, so I figured you wouldn't mind?"
It took Adam a second to register what olive said, before he chuckled slightly. Pulling olive into his lap he nuzzled himself into her neck and laid soft kisses on her skin.
"Well, if you promise it's not a musical I suppose I have no issue with going" He whispered into her ear, before nibbling on her earlobe.
"Adam...." Olive sighed breathily.
"Yes Olive?" Adams hands held on that bit tighter to olive, her hands snaked around his neck and into his hair.
"I- I um,"
"Yes?" He chuckled."Have you forgotten already, Olive?"
"N- No, I just" she moaned quietly, "It's n- not the time anymore."
"I don't think I believe you, smart ass, did I distract you that easily?"
Olive tucked her face into the Crook of his neck and she sighed, it was more of a whimper, but if Adam noticed he didn't say anything.
"What can I do for you Olive?" Adam whispered gently, trying to coax her out of her hiding spot.
Olive slowly angled her head up to Adams ear, careful not to move too far from her hiding spot, "I was thinking......that um- well......we could dress up when we see it?"
Adam raised a brow, "I beg your pardon?"
Olive blushed and almost shrunk against Adam before explaining herself.
"Well, it's a trend online where couples dress as Barbie and Ken, or Barbie and Barbie, or Ken and Ken, to go and see the movie! And it looks fun! And I could be scientist Barbie and you could be biology ninja Ken!" Olive giggled again, a nervous but somehow excited giggle. Possibly because of the look on Adams face as he tried to understand Olives rambling.
"Olive I never enjoyed acting or dressing up, but I think I could make an exception for you, my beautiful smart ass." Olive swooned and leaned back to look at Adam. Pure adoration flowing from her. "But Olive....." Adam smirked, "I'll only dress up if I can be your Biology Ninja Ken"
Olive wrapped herself around Adam once more, though this time for more wholesome reasons, and squeezed him tightly.
"As if I would ever let you be anybody else's, I'm terrible at sharing!"
Adam heartily laughed, "I'm well aware of your aversion to sharing, we do work together after all. Plus it's one more note for the Title IX" Adam smiled down at a blushing olive and leaned in closer, gently kissing her.
"Now can we please finish this documentary, it's actually quite interesting when you pay attention."
Olive scoffed and pushed herself off of Adam, before retrieving her phone again. It took mere seconds before it was plucked from her hands and onto the other couch.
"Hey!" She exclaimed.
"Oops," Adam grinned sheepishly, "I guess you just have to pay attention to me instead"
The end.
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated! ✨
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