#I wanted to include her of course cuz she also looked stunning
embracethemadmess · 2 years
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Peak Jake Lockley energy
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: When they get scared by the reader (REQUESTED)
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
Requested by: @_Milla_7849_
SCP 073 (Cain)
I feel like Cain normally wouldn't be scared
Like if you made him watch a horror movie, he might flinch slightly but wouldn't be terrified of it
So when you try to scare him like a prank sort of way, he would flinch a little more than usual but would recover seconds later
Like that one time when he was alone walking down the hallway looking zoned out since he was thinking of something
And you just crept up to him like the sneaky little child you are and jumped onto his back
He did get a load yelp but realised it was you
Luckily for you, Cain didn't give you a lecture like before and actually laughed with you
However, if you were kidnapped or taken hostage or used for an experiment, it would obviously frighten him and he wouldn't forgive himself
So to prevent this, he would keep you within his line of sight at all times
Anyways, as I've mentioned before, Cain would probably also give you a tight hug after your little stunt and unbeknownst to him, the researchers recorded it for a laugh
Cain did give you a lecture but forgave you since you were so young and he couldn't resist those eyes
And the researchers did give you some sweets
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
Now, a warrior like Abel wouldn't be so easily frightened
Especially if it was a child, even more so if it's you since he knows you too well and has personally trained you from the age of 5
Basically, Abel would notice your movement and body language well since you're both stuck together
So you have devices a plan with your scientist friends to try and scare him
And yes, it's working
Because Abel got extremely distracted by Iris
Iris basically got yahooted into this mess and was told to wear a lingerie
Yes, you did scare him by shoving him into Iris
I wouldn't say he got a scare, but more like a surprise
Poor girl she just wanted to sleep
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster) 999 would most likely be scared the easiest out of everyone on this list
Aside from Glass
He's like a close second
Back to 999, you both were just chilling and wandering around the facility aimlessly
Because yall are boring (TBF you're both trapped in this giant mf blop of a building)
Anyways, let's just say that it was Bright and Clef who introduced you to the world of pranks and you guys thought it would be funny to scare our 999 here
Basically, yall decided to play dead and then pretend to turn into zombies with some makeup
Yes, it did work since you've managed to scare the living daylights out of 999
And he was about to have a cardiac arrest (if he even has a biological heart)
And yes, it almost ended in another breach
And 999 did give you a lecture on how to not scare people like that
He does sound like a grandpa though XD
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
I would say that scaring 682 would be difficult, but I won't since he's already terrified of that rabbit
You, along with the other researchers, thought it'll be fun to pull a prank on 682 in form of a magic trick
It's a classic rabbit in the hat trick and yes, you did pull SCP 524 out of the hat
But, little did your tiny brain know, that rabbit basically eats everything, including itself
So you just watched 524 approaches the already terrified 682 and nibble on his feet
And yes, you and the other researchers laughed hard since he crawled up the wall to get away from the rabbit (I'm now officially adopting 524 as my other pet)
Sadly, 524 didn't stay for long since another doctor needed him for a test with Josie (yes, the cat)
682 basically shouted at you for doing such a thing on him, your dad
But you ignored him anyways since you knew he never meant what he said and he wouldn't be mad at you for long
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
Our bird boy here is pretty much neutral when it comes to being scared
Like, he can be quite unfazed by many things, so it's no surprise if you or any other SCPs tried to jump on him
So as part of an experiment, you and your friends had decided that you would try to play dead and see if 049 would be terrified
Well, 049 was somewhat concerned and when you carried on playing dead, he became scared since you weren't so conscious, or so he thought
Since you played dead extremely well for such a young child, he tried to see if he could fix you
And before he could do anything, you jumped up at him like Bonnie from FNAF
Yes, he looked like he jumped out of his skin and was so stunned that he just sat in the corner with his head down for an hour
You all had to check up on him and he said he was 'fine'
He wasn't
049 gave you a lecture about playing dead like that unless there's a dangerous SCP
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
Now, since 035 is a mask and is very much a master manipulator and an award-winning actor/actress, you would most likely be able to take on those traits from him
When you were younger, you were eager to learn from 035, who you see as not only your best friend but also an idol, so he taught you everything he could
As you got older, you've gotten better at manipulation and acting, so much so that even 035 couldn't tell if you were just being you from time to time
So one day, you've decided to prank your dad because you were hella bored (like you always are :((( cuz yall never be productive and just sit on your flat bum all day and watch YouTube, Netflix or play games then sleep)
You basically produced a fake body of yourself and wrapped it in a black bag and sent it to 035's cell
Then, you've got one of your researcher buddies to write a note of your passing and that you do love him very much
035 did receive the message and made sure that there was a dead body in the package
He was pretty much convinced that it was you since you were able to disguise the fake body like bone and flesh
Which of course scared him to death because he was about to attack everyone on site
Luckily you got there on time to stop him which freaked him out and yes, you've gotten a lecture about being such a prankster (You got grounded for life but that didn't stop a rebellious child like you)
At least everyone at the facility has gotten a laugh about it for the next 3 months
SCP 105 (Iris)
Pranking Iris wouldn't be hard, but that doesn't mean she's fazed, but not in a sense like 049 who wouldn't get a good scare from some SCPs which could do him harm
Iris is very much a self-aware and open-minded individual who has common sense (unlike you, who don't even move out of your bed or even use your non-existent brain cells)
She's very much like every other person you'll meet on the streets who wouldn't just believe the first thing that she hears since she is very much a rational person
So, if you want to devise a plan to scare her, it'll have to blend in with everything or be quiet out there with realistic effects
You'll have to use your head to think of a good prank to scare her, which you did since you've inherited her intelligence (that's a lie because you don't have any intelligence left in you)
As her child, you have decided to prank her by making her a fake copy of her camera but instead of her being able to control objects within the photo, she would end up destroying it
You gave it to her as a gift and she accepted it with suspicion since you don't normally get her anything and encouraged her to try it (you're such an ungrateful child)
Cain, Dr Glass, Dr Kondraki and a couple of others wanted to see as well, so they stayed and watch
Much to everyone's horror, the illusion camera did exactly how you designed it to and Iris was furious and saddened
Later on, you told her about the prank since you feel bad and she was extremely mad
So instead of grounding or lecturing you, she decided to have revenge
SCP 106 (Old Man)
Now, scaring this old man would be rather interesting because he doesn't seem too fazed by the other, more dangerous and unpredictable, SCPs
But, you can still scare him to a certain degree
I mean, he is an old man after all, so scaring him would be fun
As long as you don't give him a heart attack then it's fine I guess (cuz yall be evil for scaring such an old man)
So, you have decided to scare 106 by giving off little bits of harmless pranks at first so 106 would let his guard down for a moment
Like, giving him a box full of spiders (he's quite disgusted by them just like how he sees your face every time) and popping an air-filled bag (Don't lie, you've all done it and it's hella fun)
Later on, you would gradually move to play with the more dangerous things, such as getting him to look at a picture of 096's face (Probs ugly like yo-)
As time moved on, 106 seemed to be relaxed and expected you to bring him random things and soon realised that there was something off
You didn't show up to him for almost a week and he was ready to get his dad mode on
Luckily, some of the guards caught you with Abel and got 106 involved since they were afraid of causing a massive breach
106 panicked and picked you up, giving you a lecture on how you shouldn't be with other SCPs like Abel
You managed to tell him that you've befriended Abel and he was stunned and gave him the dad glare (you know the one where dads would give to warn others to not hurt their kids right?)
And because it's Abel, he would even make sure to be with you whenever you were with him which made it difficult for you to play with Abel because he might steal you away (Yes I'm looking at you right now kiddo, don't play with Abel)
So in conclusion, if the prank involves you being in a dangerous position, he wouldn't necessarily be scared but would start to panic about your safety
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
I think 096 would be similar to 106 in a sense but less logical and unfazed
It's more like he would be pretty panicky every time you weren't there with him and his anxiety would act up (like you every time you're preparing for your exams where you didn't even revise)
Like if you were with Safe class SCPs, he would be more relaxed than you being with a Euclid class, but it kinda depends on who it is
If it was Cain then it would be fine, but if you were to be with 173, he would be quite wary at first and would tell you to try and avoid being with that peanut
So if you wanted to scare him, it wouldn't be too hard
All you had to do was to be with another Keter class SCPs and play with them
He would be extremely cautious and terrified if you were with one and knowing this, you've decided that playing with 682 instead of playing with Walter the rabbit (SCP 524 | He's my other pet), you've decided to go up and pet 682
When 096 got a hold on the commission on you being with that lizard, he ran out of his cell, causing a huge containment breach on the way like he's bulletproof, and went yeehaw with 682
All you did was sit there in confusion as they entertained you with some pole dancing
Basically, if you scare 096, he would go from anxious to paranoid to berserk then to we're all going down to hell and back again
Dr Jack bright
This mf right here is unpredictable af
Like in his own body, he would remain unfazed and would even go as far as pranking you back
I mean he still would act all fun and games but since he can possess multiple bodies, the outcome of him being scared would vary which would surprise him too since he wouldn't know
Unless he decided to possess someone he knows well, but he knows better than to do that
Dr Bright would most notably be scared, like everybody else on the list, if you were to put yourself in immediate danger, but since you were just as crazy as your dad, he would most likely go along with it until you deliver your prank
Like, you could be juggling knives while standing on top of 682's head while singing 'Painted Smile' by Madam Macabre (If you haven't heard it, you should, it's amazing)
Also, he would sometimes find you having your back faced towards peanut and still be fine after having your neck being snapped (Yall be like surprise mf)
Anyways, one time Jack had made a promise to you to meet you at a certain place and he was late
So you stormed into his office (like the entitled little nugget you are) and went 'tick-tock mf' to your dad
Well it worked and you showed him your trick with the Keter classes
By causing a containment breach and somehow you managed to bribe the Keter classes to perform with you
Let's just say that just because you've inherited his craziness doesn't mean that you could go as far as doing this prank
Bright was about to drop dead from a heart attack and he banned you from doing such things in the future
Dr Simon Glass
With Simon Glass, you could give him a fright relatively easily
Just because he's a psychologist and can read people rather well, he still would be terrified and paranoid about whatever you were planning on doing
Even if he told you not to
Like that time when you were told to not make toast because you can't cook and you almost burnt the whole facility and Glass stood there and said "I told you so" (he did ask for toast, as in toasted bread, not toasted humans)
Anyways, being the child of Simon Glass meant that you would learn a lot about the human mind and behaviour
He would teach you everything you were curious about and would sometimes ask Diogenes, Light, Kondraki, Cain and Iris to help teach you the things he wouldn't have much knowledge on
And sometimes Clef and Bright would appear and spoil you (not that Glass doesn't, he's just busy and trying to be the best dad he could by being anxious about you being alone in the facility with so many dangerous SCPs)
So this often meant that you, Bright and Clef would pull pranks on each other, usually on Kondraki and Iris
Except for this time, you've decided to pull a prank on your dad, Dr Glass
You've handed him over a realistic model of SCP 058 and he freaked out and called the MTFs
They've checked the model and realised that it was all fake and poor Simon had a heart attack from you
Simon was about to yeet that spider looking thing but it was able to move so he planned to carry you and yeet you both out
He did give you a lecture on doing that stunt and you did shed a few crocodile tears
And yes, Glass gave in and comforted you
He then went to grab Clef and Bright's ears and lectured them about helping you make the prank
Dr Alto Clef
I feel like Clef would be similar to Bright but without the whole process of changing bodies because of some curse
Like Clef wouldn't be all that scared since he's dealt with SCPsbefore and dies an extremely good job at it
So for Clef to be scarred for life, it'll either be an extremely dangerous SCP, he's drunk and/or high, he must care about you a lot and you must've been out of your mind to do something seriously stupid or you're evil enough to piss off a Simon Glass (Or all of the above if you're evil enough)
You would most likely want to take the easier and quicker route out of all the ones mentioned on the list which is to put yourself in an immediate danger
So you had asked Dr Bright for some help and so he did
Moments later, midway through preparing your prank, Clef came to Bright asking if he saw you and he did
However, they heard a familiar scream from down the hallway and they both rushed to your aid and soon realised that it's you
You were about to get eaten by 939 and they had to signal for the MTFs to help (Because you mfs didn't ask me for permission when you wanted to pet 939 D:<)
Clef gave you a big lecture and comforted you after he cooled down
Bright on the other hand wasn't so lucky as Clef wanted to murder him (But in his defence, you didn't tell Bright how dangerous the prank was cuz yall are as stubborn as a rock)
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Kondraki would be pretty much average when it comes to being scared but with a little more logical since he works with the Foundation
He's that type of dad who would let you go to sleepovers every now and again as long as they weren't of the opposite gender (Unless yall are Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Pan, Alien, Basketball etc then he's screwed)
We support BLM and LGBTQ+ in this community and anyone who says otherwise must leave now
Heck, even our friends here, especially Kondraki, Glass, Bright, 999, Cain, Iris and Josie (SCP 529, my new pet) supports them
Anyways, back to the main plot
Depending on what age you're at and whether you were planning to prank him with the Foundation staff or SCPs will lead to a different outcome
Like if you told him you were dating someone he would've died right there and then
No dating until you're 50
Anyhow, you've decided that it'll be funny to scare your dad with Clef and Bright by getting his Bootyflies to shapeshift into various Keter class SCPs and acting like it
And yes, you somehow managed to persuade the Bootiflies to do just that
And no, Kondraki didn't know about this even though he found it odd that his bootiflies didn't obey him that day
You got Kondraki to sit down in a room with Clef while you and Bright was setting up everything
The bootyflies shifted into the Scarlet King and boy sis Kondraki called the MTFs and was boutta shoot him
Everyone in the room had to get him to stop and that it was just a prank (And by everyone I mean just you, Bright and Clef)
Kondraki did manage to stop and was boutta drag you out for a big girl/boy lecture
Well, he did but not before kicked Bright and Clef in their privates first
Needless to say, nobody wanted to prank Kondraki again (Shush, no you don't, yes I'm looking at you from behind the screen and I know that you'll do it again)
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I genuinely hate the new little mermaid trailer because it’s boring and doesn’t do its job of getting people excited for a movie. The only thing that a lot of people talk about when they talk about the trailer is the ending where Ariel is sitting on the rock and singing. And the only thing that they’re complementing is her voice, Disney needs to make a better trailer. It’s not racist to say that the bad trailer is a bad trailer because it’s a bad trailer. Lifeless uninspired and boring, which might just be how the movie ends up being. Because that’s how a majority of Disney live action remakes are. I want this to be a good movie because I like watching good movies with great singing, and Halle has a great voice. Well I watched a movie probably not, will I definitely listen to Halles covers of the songs yes.
Uhhh…as someone who has seen the trailer multiple times, including the entire clip of Part Of Your World which wasn’t even edited completely that was shown at D23, I have to disagree. We start out with the ocean. Then we see sea creatures and even the shipwreck. We see Ariel’s tail and how she moves flawlessly through the water. Most of what we saw in the teaser, besides Ariel opening the door on the ship, was most likely also from the Part Of Your World sequence. That takes place at night. At the bottom of the ocean. In a cave. As fantastical as mermaids are you can’t really add that to the ocean. Magic can exist but the ocean is the ocean. The lighting is going to be dull in some places. Plus, we’re seeing things from Ariel’s POV. She lives in this world and is tired of it. Of course it’s going to look dull to her. Also, they aren’t done with editing. Ppl also have every right to compliment Halle’s voice as well because she’s stunning. However, I don’t know what side of the internet you’re one cuz I’ve seen ppl talk about the scenery and how it matches the og movie. I’ve seen ppl talk about her tail, how beautiful Halle looks, and how excited they are. If you didn’t feel excited I don’t know what to tell you, but don’t bring that over here.
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hello ! if ur requests are currently open, can i get headcanons / scenario of inarizakis manager having a celeb crush (like finn wolfhard, louis partridge ALSO if u can, can u please make the celeb crush louis patridge ? im kinda desperate for sum louis x reader scenarios lawl) and they let them simp for him cuz it's just a crush right ? right, what they don't know is that manager-chan has made some attempts for him (their celeb crush) to notice them and they have successfully made him notice them bc manager chan is such a charm, so what will be their reactions if they see manager chan holding hands with the celeb crush that they didn't worry ab ? thank u in advance if u do it ! but it's fine if ur requests aren't open,, i just didn't see any posts ab ur requests being closed hehe also sorry if i did this wrong 😭 this is my first time requesting sumthn 😭😭
Louis Patridge x Inarizaki manager
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Oh my goshhh hi bb. I'm so glad I was your first :D (yes, initially, requests were closed, unfortunately) but this was literally such a good one, I couldn't resist writing it. (I'm in love with Louis Patridge too, bubs)
Also, just a tip (if you're gonna request on anon, make sure you follow me, or have my profile saved because tumblr doesn't give you a notification when I've answered you 🥺🥺)
🦋; Inarizaki manager (reader) x Louis Patridge (celeb crush) x Inarizaki vbc ,, triggers: none!!
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“Guys. DID YOU WATCH ENOLA HOLMES?” your breathless face was red due to fact that you've ran a long way, obviously to tell them this.
Atsumu and Osamu nodded in unison, “Yea, that Millie Bobbi Brown chick acted prett' well”
Suna rolled his eyes. “Hated it. Only watched it for Superman, though.”
Kita shrugged, walked up to you, and shook his head as he smoothed your hair down (the stray curls obviously came undone as you were running). “I don't watch fictious movies, y/n-san. Was it good?”
Eyes sparkling, you nodded. “It was more than good. Besides, that actor, Louis Patridge? The guy who plays Lord Tewkesbury? I think I'm in love with him.” a dream-like look glazed over your eyes as you stared at your phone wallpaper wistfully.
Suddenly, the bell rang, jolting you back to reality. “Oh that's right, I need to go to class now.”, and with that, you left six very stunned boys in the gym.
“I wonder what'll be of her crush on that' actor?” asked Atsumu with a smirk. Don't be fooled though, behind the easygoing exterior, he was the most concerned of the lot (and the most jealous).
“Yer' overthinking it. They live oceans apart, and he plays movies on the big screen.” drawled Osamu.
“Yeah, I'm sure one of us still has more chance with her than him, she's actually met us, after all.” chirped Akagi, with a positive note. He was determined to win you over, and a celeb crush didn't deter him in any way.
Suna nodded, whilst Kita and Aran exchanged looks. “It's important to be supportive of her though. Albeit it being merely a schoolgirl crush, this could mean a lot to her.” said Kita, and his tone invited no further disagreement.
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Back at home that evening, thoughts of the handsome brown haired boy could not leave your mind, and you logged onto Instagram, hoping to see if he had posted any updates.
He had, and it was a selfie of himself, with his tousled hair in all its "I-just-got-out-of-bed" glory. Damn, this man was sexy.
Smiling, you typed out a comment. “No offense, but if being adorable was a crime, you'd have fine written all over you ˃ᴗ˂ ”. Yes, it was dorky, and cheesy all in one. But why not? He might not ever read it anyways, as your comment got swept underneath the hundreds of others that came after it.
Sighing, you settled down to study, with thoughts about the comment and Louis pushed out of your mind.
Meanwhile, as Louis scrolled through his comments, a single one caught his eye. She used a pickup line (how adorable) which caused his cheeks to redden. Tentatively, he surveyed her profile, before feeling the familiar sensation of having a crush, wash over him.
She was gorgeous, and although he knew he shouldn't stalk random pretty girls over the internet, he couldn't help himself. Her pictures showed her to be the manager of a club of some sort, and she was almost always posing with a teammate. A male, teammate.
But damn, that smile. Even if he felt a small pit of unfounded jealousy at the guys, her smile was enough to distract him from anything.
His fingers hovered over the "follow back" button, before he finally gave in to temptation by following her, commenting, and putting his phone away quickly, suddenly feeling like a schoolboy all over again.
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That morning, before school, you could barely believe the notifications waiting for you on your phone.
"louispatridge_ is following you"
"louispatridge_ commented: nah, if anyone's fine, it's gotta be you ˃ᴗ˂ "
Of course, after having seven mini panic attacks, and fawning over him, you set out to tell your boys at the volleyball club the good news.
And all you could think about on the way there was how Louis Patridge somehow noticed you. It was unbelievable, and somehow turned your insides to jelly.
As soon as you reached the gym, you flung yourself on Atsumu, engulfing him in a hug. “Guys I'm so happy” you managed to choke out.
Atsumu obviously enjoyed holding you, and he gently wrapped his arms around you to feel your heart beating quickly
“To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you this early, y/n?” joked Aran.
Wordlessly, you dug into your pocket and pulled out your phone. “He thinks I'm fine. Fine means hot right? I mean, I used it meaning hot. Because he is hot. And he thinks the same of me, that's gotta be good? And the emoticon. He used the same one, he's so cu—”
But you were interrupted out of your whisper-babble by the boys' shocked faces. He noticed her? This fast? “I'm so happy for you, y/n” said Akagi cheerfully, but internally he was demotivated and sad at the prospect of you dating the young star.
Suna looked at you thoughtfully and ruffled your hair. “That's my girl. She's just as amazing and capable as those girls on the silver screen.” and although it pained him to say this, he just wanted to share your happiness.
The twins were withdrawn, and Kita congratulated you, whilst obviously feeling a bit regretful for dismissing it as a "schoolgirl crush".
In general, the boys were upset, but not surprised. If you had them all collectively whipped for you, why not a movie star?
After kissing Suna's cheek and waving the rest of the boys off, you skipped all the way to homeroom, excited to share the news with your friends.
Silence followed your absence as Aran shrugged. “So are we gonna acknowledge the elephant in the room?”
Atsumu pouted and glared at them all. “Why did he have to notice her? Was it her profile picture? I've always asked her to change it, she looks way too attractive.”
Osamu nodded and jutted his bottom lip. “I mean, we think she's the most beautiful girl in the world, and apparently other guys do too.”
“Oh God make it stop” whispered Suna. “I wish she'd just stay ours. I don't mind competing with you guys, I'm obviously better, but that actor dude? No chance.”
“We'll be supportive” reaffirmed Kita. “Above all, she's out friend and we do not own her. If this makes her happy, we won't ruin it.”. Akagi and Aran were quiet.
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Ever since that day, you and Louis have been slowly but steadily growing closer and falling harder for each other.
He tried his luck by texting you, and although you were shy and tentative at first, getting to know the real him was refreshing.
And you really did like him. He was intelligent, adorable, and realistic. The two of you spent your time from dusk till' dawn talking, whether on call or on text.
And no one could deny the blossoming chemistry between yourself and Louis. He was a gentleman in every way, and his honeyed words stuck in your heart, finding its way to be replayed every time you felt down.
The boys slowly saw you drifting away. And when you weren't, it was always "Louis this—" or “Louis said—” and frankly their hearts couldn't take it anymore. It was time to give up, and love you as a friend instead.
But immersed in his attention you barely even noticed.
One day, Louis called you as you were heading home after practice. “y/n! Love, guess what?”
“aw bubs, just tell me. I hate guessing. Mostly because I suck at it.”
You could hear him chuckle on the other side of the line as he softly whispered “I'm coming to Japan on the ninth!”
“Wait, Louis. Today's the ninth.”
“I know. So are you gonna come to that bubble tea place you won't shut up about, or must I come get you?”
“You're joking”
“I'm not. I've wanted to surprise you, and I swear it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Which includes getting kicked by a horse on set, but nevermind about that, y/n, I want to see you, so get your arse here.”
“Coming, Lord Tewkesbury”
“I might have a kink.”
You blushed bright red at his words. “shut up oh my gosh, I'll be there.”
Louis ended the call with a small smile on his face. He knew how easily flustered you were with him and he loved it. It was just another thing on the list of all the reasons why Louis Patridge adored you to hell and back.
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The whole way to the shop, your heart was pounding. So you'd finally get to meet the guy you've been dreaming about ever since you laid eyes on him in a movie.
Ever since those late night phone calls and early morning texts made your heart race and eyes sparkle with wonder.
You were finally meeting him.
The familiar sweet smell of the tea washed over you, and a familiar face waited for you at the entrance. His brown eyes looked gorgeous in the sun and his hair was tousled exactly the way you once saw in a selfie.
Wasting no time, you ran to him, pulling him to a hug. He laughed and caught you in his arms, holding you closer as your legs wrapped around his waist. No words were exchanged, just touches. There were too many words said already.
After pulling away, he gently stroked his thumb through your features. Tucking a strand aside, ruffling your hair. His hands ached to touch you, and now, finally, he could.
“You're such a dork.” was all you could whisper, afraid speaking loudly would break the spell.
“Your dork. All yours.”
“Louis!” your voice went an octave higher as the familiar warm sensation came over your cheeks, painting them a delicate pink.
“Oh God, I've always wanted to see you blush. How can you be so adorable?? Oh God.”
You whined in protest, but frankly, you were too happy to be around him to care much at all.
Tipping your chin to face him, Louis Patridge did the one thing he dreamt of doing, ever since he stalked through your Instagram profile one fateful morning.
He kissed you.
And wouldn't you know it? You kissed him back. It was warm, comforting, and everything you thought it'd be.
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Meanwhile, the boys had finished cleaning up the gym, and started heading home.
“Hey guys, do you wanna go grab some bubble tea?” asked Aran. The prospect of food, or sweet things always cheered up the boys, and after a day of particularly grueling practice, it was no surprise they agreed at once.
You however, were comfortably nestled next to Louis as you swapped stories. Your hands never left each other, though. He kept stroking your palm, just to remind himself you were here, right next to him.
“So how's the volleyball club, Mrs. manager?”
“Mrs? Do I look like I'm married?” to which Louis responded with a shrug and wink.
Coincidentally, the Inarizaki boys entered the shop at that very moment, freezing in their tracks after seeing you in a booth with Louis.
“Psst. Guys. Loverboy's here.”
“Should we say hello?”
“I might cry if they kiss” whimpered Akagi.
“We need to say hello, it's the right thing to do.” said Kita sensibly, as he walked up to the two of you. “Hello y/n-san, Louis-san.” said Kita with a slight nod.
Happily, you rose from your seat and hugged the captain, thanking him for saying hi, as you introduced him to Louis.
Soon, the other boys came around and one by one, introduced themselves as well. Honestly speaking, they were jealous. How could they possibly get over someone like you? Someone as spectacular and beautiful as you? But when they saw you face shining with radiance as you smiled at Louis, and the way his hands never left yours, they understood.
And they wanted you to be happy. That was the most important thing, above all else for the both of them.
“I love you, manager-chan.”
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 4 years
LGBTQ+ Harry Potter Headcannons that I say are cannon and JK Rowling can die mad about it 😊
Harry Potter is a disaster bisexual and half Arab on his father’s side
Hermione Granger is Black and pansexual as well as trans (MtF)
Ron Weasley is Asexual/Heteromantic
Ginny is pansexual
Fred and George are raging bisexuals
Literally none of the Weasley children are straight; Bill and Percy are bi and Charlie is gay
Luna Lovegood is a cottage core lesbian and uses They/Them pronouns
Molly Weasley knits Pride flags sweaters for all of her children with their own respective flags, fight me!
Arthur Weasley is very supportive of his children and always makes sure to educate himself (and others) every time he learns something new about the LGBTQ+ community
Draco Malfoy is fucking gay and you can’t change my mind!
Crabbe and Goyle are straight allies
Pansy Parkinson is aromantic/bisexual
Blaise Zabini is demisexual
Neville Longbottom is a soft pansexual ❤
Dean (bi) and Seamus (gay) are dating, fucking deal with it!
Cedric Diggory is a pansexual trans man and EVERY student at Hogwarts was in love with him! Don’t question me!
The only time Harry and Draco WEREN’T bickering (with loads of sexual/romantic tension) was when they were ogaling Cedric and complaining about how hot he was!
Hermione still went with Viktor Krum to the Yule Ball but Ron wasn’t all that bitter about it and instead suggested that he and Harry go as each other’s date. Harry agreed as well as suggested that they bring Luna along with them as well.
Luna was thrilled and accepted their invitation, making all three of them matching corsages and boutonnieres.
Sirius (gay) and Remus (pan) are married but they’re also polyamories so when Remus falls in love with Tonks Sirius is like “go for it dude”. So Remus starts dating Tonks and her and Sirius become good friends and when Remus wants to propose to her after a few years Sirius helps Remus pick out the ring that’ll match both of theirs.
A muggle born student gifts Dumbledore a mini rainbow pride flag and he sticks it on his hat like a feather. He hasn’t taken it off since.
McGonagall is bisexual and helped rally during one of the first pride marches in England back in the 70s
Once Hagrid learns about the LGBTQ+ community from Harry and Co. he asks them if they could get him some flags to hang around his hut so that every student knows it’s a safe place for all.
Hogwarts eventually starts allowing students to stay over the summer months if they have nowhere else to go or if their own home isn’t safe for them.
Harry knew he was bi since he was like 10 but he just didn’t have a word for it until he met Hermione (cuz she was smart and knew a lot of words)
Of course he never told the Dursleys this but one day (he was 14 at the time) he found Dudley crying in his room when he thought no one was home and Harry just had this strange feeling that he should talk to him.
So turns out that Dudley was bi too and he was not processing it as well as Harry did. Harry came out to him which somehow comforted Dudley a lot more than he thought it would; they talked all night long and it was the beginning of them mending their familial relationship with each other into something healthy.
Heromione told Ron and Harry that she was trans during their second year and she was so scared that they would reject her that she cried for a whole hour before being able to say anything properly. Ron and Harry comforted her the entire time and promised her that they would all remain friends no matter what.
After that if anybody even LOOKED at Hermione in any sort of offensive way Ron and Harry would go absolutely feral on their asses
It took a LONG while for Ron to figure out he was Asexual, like he knew that he liked girls he just didn’t wanna…go all the way with them.
He had thought there was something wrong with him because all the guys were always talking about their “experiences” with their partners and how good it was
At first he thought that maybe it was because he unknowingly liked guys but after a few curious make-out sessions with a couple of male class mates at parties he concluded that wasn’t the case. It wasn’t a terrible experience but it just wasn’t his cup of tea.
Eventually he caved and finally talked to Hermione and Harry who were both very patient and gave plenty of helpful advice. So in the end Ron found out that he wasn’t weird he was just asexual.
When Harry and Draco finally start dating every time they see Lucius in their range of sight they start acting obnoxiously couple-y just to piss him off.
Narcissa thinks it’s funny
Dolores Umbridge is a homophobe and everybody hated her even more (including Draco’s gang). This was the moment all four houses came together in perfect harmony and collectively fucked her over.
When Harry was sent to Umbridge’s office for detention and told to write “I must not tell lies” with a black quill he instead looked her straight in the eye and wrote down “raging bisexual” in all caps.
When Draco found this out he fell just a little bit more in love with Harry
During their DADA class as Umbridge was discussing Merlin, Draco made a disagreeable comment which led to a squabble between them. It ended with Draco rolling his eyes and scoffing: “If you honestly think Merlin was even remotely heterosexual then you’re even stupider than I previously though, you mythic bitch!”
The entire class was stun into awed silence and Harry would not stop making obvious heart eyes at Draco for entire week.
After double teaming on a particularly nasty prank on Umbridge, which involved replacing all her cat portraits with worted toads, configuring all her sweets into slugs, hiding spiders and harmless snakes in her desk draws, and changing anything pink in her office to a gross bog water color, Harry and Draco finally got together. They were caught by Umbridge making-out under the stairwell and sent to detention.
She tried to get them expelled for their prank but she didn’t have enough evidence against them to prove that they did it.
(AN: Please add your own headcannons that you think should be cannon ❤I would love to read them❤)
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Cheerleader Captain {HCs}
Includes: Terushima, Oikawa
Authors Note: This is a sort of collab with @lexysclubhouse based on our conversations LMAO, but seriously go check hers out!
If a part 2 is wanted, leave an ask!
Warnings: Cursing
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also hello go check out Lexy’s part of this (collab? Idfk)
you two probably met while he was in practice, but since you’re the cheer captain, you needed to get the last jacket for one of your competitions coming up
so they’re on a water break and they just see a random person come in like
are you lost baby gorl 😏
Terushima comes up to you smirk and all
“Hey gorgeous, you lookin for me?”
You just look up at this man
Bored as hell
And you’re just SILENT
so you go to your coach, and immediately a smile comes of your face
and he’s like oh my god
Angel 🥺
so you talk with your coach, get the jacket and say goodbye to her
jacket w a v i n g in the wind behind you like there’s literally a fan on but there’s not?
you’re just so cool to him
so he has already fallen like
was trying to find you but he can’t
He’s over here thinking you’re a 3rd year from how mature you were
(You’re a second year hehehehe)
so the next time he sees you, YOURE at practice!
His team wasn’t told that their gym was gonna be used for a little before practice
So his team got their early and saw your team doing a routine to “Livin’ La Vida Loca”
the words “I don’t deserve their oxygen” full on came out from his mouth
Like you’re practicing in sweats but shit I mean I’d simp 😳
About 2 weeks later he hears about you guys winning your competition
At this point you kind of know him? Like after that small interaction the cheer team and volleyball team were introduced to eachother
Especially since you were going to be cheering at prelims in 2 months
So the next day he pulls you aside and confesses
Stuttering and ALL
Shit I’d KILL to get flowers from someone
especially him
okay lex not the time
literally the first conversation was about his tongue piercing
And he got REALLY self conscious
like of course you took it out for comps and stuff but for just hanging out you had it in
You look so hot with it to him
so two weeks pass and it’s pre-lims!
At this point you’re one of Johzenji’s favorite couples
Like why didn’t y’all get together sooner you cute as FUCK
So you guys are doing a small routine while Terushima goes up to serve
Now between switching sides after losing the 1st set, you walk up to him
He’s just staring at you smirking
“So, you wanna talk about that serve?”
“OH IM SOOOOORY, my pretty baby was just so beautiful, I couldn’t look away.”
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here’s what I’m thinking
Terushima HAS a cheerleading partner?
Oikawa HAD a cheerleading partner
Your schedules just never lined up and it was a mutual break up!!
You guys broke up about 3 months ago so the awkwardness is basically gone?
Like y’all are friends ya know
And yeah both of you do both still think about it randomly
mostly oikawa 👀
So they’re at practice and you come in SPRINTING
you don’t come out of the office for a while so they end up starting the game
you wanna know who’d up to serve
Oikawa :)
boy serves RIGHT when you come out
Like the universe was like “oh? let’s scare the mother loving SHIT out of ‘em!”
literally hits the wall next to you
like shit
He was already gonna get scolded by iwa
but you?
he comes up to you with his arms behind his back, his eyes obviously terrified
“Do you know what you just did?”
“Yes.” 🥺
“And do you realize what you’re gonna do?”
Homeboy has never eeen this side of you so he’s terrified.
And when you go to walk away he realizes you’re wearing a captains jacket
“Wait, Y/N, you got promoted?”
“Oh, yeah, I tried for it like a month ago.”
he kinda just stares at you walk out like
oIKawA tOoRU
missing my ex?
n e v e r
okay maybe sometimes
so the next time he sees you they’re at the prelims against date tech
And he seems you come in in your uniform
So you guys lock eyes and y’all wave at eachother
you can see his face is r e d so you’re smiling
the game starts, you guys doing simple cheers, but as they get to the transition to the second set, you guys start doing a cheer to “Idol” by BTS that you choreographed
And seeing you as a captain?
he literally paused to stare at you, iwa was like
stan iwa honestly y’all would make fun of him together whenever you guys had time to hang out
So, end of prelims, they lost to Karasuno
And you’ve been to his house maybe a few times when you guys were dating?
so you remember where it is
his mom?
kinda shocked to see you?
especially in a cheerleading uniform since she never realized you did that?
but you were talking about how you just wanted to see him
so you go upstairs and into his room and he’s just in the corner with his alien plushy sobbing
Your heart is breaking at this point for this man
You go and sit beside him, him not really acknowledging you
“Tooru, I’m really really proud of you and what you’ve become. That will not be the last time you’re on a court, and I will make sure it that as long as I live.”.
he turns to you and turns his alien pushy, instead clinging onto you
You can feel your uniform getting soaked, but you run your fingers through his hair anyway, giving him forehead kisses
after a while of crying, he lifts his head to look at you, eyes still very puffy
You look at him back and you give him a small smile
And he puts his hand on your chin
Gotta get that kiss kiss after missing you for so long
so here you guys are at about 2am
Talking about how you missed eachother
“Y/N, I really want to get back together with you.”
“Who would I be to say no to an offer like that?”
You guys go to school the next day
Give the rest of Seijoh 4 sQUEEZES
cuz they deserve it I love them dearly
on Saturday you guys actually went on a date!!
you wanna know what song came on the radio
“Ya know you looked really cute doing this cheer, might want to see it again~”“OIKAWA TOORU I WILL NOT HESITATE TO CRASH THIS CAR”
End note: “Just a Friend to You” begins in two days and I’m v excited! (Once again thank you for 100 notes!) (self promotion ✨) But in all seriousness, please go check out Lexy’s stuff! She’s a great writer and is so sweet ❤️
~ Lex 🖤🤍
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oceanspray5 · 4 years
So @fiveisnumber1 and I were talking yesterday and we came up with a bunch of headcanons for Timeless based on some of our shared interests. I compiled them to share with everyone in this lil community and we’d love to hear what you all think:
H7 and the Hargreeves are Reader’s Wedding Dress Entourage like in SYTTD
So first of all, Say Yes to The Dress is so chaotic that the Hargreeves and H7 would fit in that environment entirely
They don’t actually go on the show so it’s more like Safiya Nygaard’s wedding dress shopping video where Reader and the rest go to shop, they film it and then they upload it on their Youtube channel.
Reader originally plans to take Grace, Addison, Allison, Viktoria and Vanya with her. Klaus and Kenny overhear dress shopping and immediately want in which means Ben is going too obviously and Bren goes to keep him company. (There’s a GHOST loose in a BRIDAL SALON). 
Dean and Diego find out and they HAVE to tag along especially Diego cuz he needs to monitor this whole thing as Reader’s brother and Dean as her “twin”. So of course Luther and Lucas decide to join too.
Five grumbles about being left behind all alone at the mansion but he's happy cuz he knows they've gone to pick out Reader’s wedding dress and so it makes the fact that they're getting married so much more real.
Oh and Charlie’s there too. He’s an old man now but he’s still healthy and fit and definitely doesn’t look as old as he is. Of course Reader invites him along.
They introduce him to the shop as Reader’s “grandfather” but she treats him as she always does. He’s her friend and to her its like he hasn’t aged at all.
He’s just so happy to be there for her and support her. He was with her the entire time she missed Five and knew Five spent 45 years without her too so it feels great to know they’re finally getting married and that he’s able to witness it.
As soon as the huge group enters the bridal salon it is CHAOS.
Everyone is picking dresses they think Reader will like and the consultant is overwhelmed at so many people in her shop (but more surprisingly, so many supportive people in her shop cuz this is the largest entourage she’s met that actually caters to the brides instead of thinking of only themselves).
They all pick out dresses for Reader cuz of course they do. They’re not all her style but they don’t throw a tantrum when she doesn’t wear what isn’t.
Diego goes around picking the most conservative dresses ever. Overprotective brother mode: ACTIVATED.
He also ends up picking out a bunch of poofy princess ballgowns cuz Reader is his little princess. You know those gorgeous ballgowns with the pretty sheer sleeves that look stunning? Yeah those
There’s so much chaos happening and Reader is pretty sure they’re gonna make her try on the entire shop’s gowns before they’re done
Reader, when she sees the mountain of dresses the H8 and Hargreeves have picked out: I should have just come by myself.
jk she loves her chaotic family
Reader is also constantly texting Five because she knows he’s home alone and he doesn’t mind but she misses him anyway cuz just the dress shopping reminds her of the fact they’re getting married and her heart fills with love for him and its adorable
I miss u 
Diego’s making me try on every fully covered dress and vetoeing anything that shows my ankles 
I should have brought you instead. 
"3 attached photos of the chaos"
Kenny and Klaus won’t stop teasing me about the mannequins
“1 photo of the Reader in the dressing room smiling while waiting to try on dresses”
Five just sips his coffee at home and smiles every time he gets a text cuz he's so happy the day they're getting married is getting closer and that Reader is having fun with everyone while picking out her dress.
He loves her so much for trying to include him even though it's supposed to be her day and he can’t be there.
Reader finds the PERFECT dress (which I will let fiveisnumber1 reveal to you all. It’s absolutely stunning). 
Diego almost has a heart attack about the low back.
But then Reader starts crying because she can see herself getting married in this dress and this dress only. It’s perfect. Diego can’t say No after that... and it is a gorgeous dress. He grumbles but gives in.
Reader says Yes to the Dress... or Sure to the Frock... Or Down for the Gown (No i totally didn’t steal this from Safiya’s videos or anything)
Anyway: The H7 and Hargreeves and Charlie would be the most supportive entourage but they'd be hilarious and chaotic as well. 
After Reader and Five get married and they post the video on YouTube, so many people just love to watch it cuz it's so obvious how happy Reader is to be getting married to Five and how happy everyone else is for them (and cuz the video is so chaotic and fun and everyone’s version of the best found family).
The H8 and Hargreeves making Weird Science videos for their Channel
Also inspired by Safiya Nygaard’s weird science or bad makeup science videos. (Seriously they’re hilarious and the bomb. 11/10 recommend).
They make the videos in pairs or the H8 make them as a group. There’s combinations.
The H8:
Normally when it’s the H8, because they're all broke the funding comes from Five's (or any of the Hargreeves) inheritance (what else is he gonna do with it but use it in the name of bad science experiments?) 
They all crowd around the kitchen table sorting stuff and making a mess and then if the stove is needed then the Reader heats their mixture up with her powers too but discreetly so its not on camera. 
It starts out organized but delves into chaos.
Five is probably trying to calculate outcomes based on the materials they have and figuring out accurate measuring systems. Bren writes down everything because “the only difference between messing around and science is if you write it down”. 
Kenny is officially the person who gets to "dump stuff in the pot" and he refuses to let anyone else do it. He pretends he's making a potion and has an evil laugh to go along with it.
Lucas and Dean are woefully clueless but help in getting necessary stuff from the cupboards. 
Viktoria and Addison take turns filming and narrating in deadpan. They also are the ones who help arrange the items and prep them to be ready for the mixture in the pot.
There is a lot of chaos.
Bren: Hey guys where’s the pot? 
Kenny: in my room but I don’t know why you would want it brennyboo 
Kenny: Oh Dean is using it as a hat 
Dean: I wouldn’t be using it if Lucas hadn’t took the bowl with holes 😩 
Reader: A COLENDER???
H8 with Hargreeves:
Its not just the H8 together causing chaos though. They pair off occasionally with their Hargreeves counterpart.
Lucas: “Welcome to bad science with Lucas and Luther! Today we’re going to combine every flavor of jello!” 
Cue Luther standing awkwardly. He doesn’t know what’s going on but is happy to help. 
It ends up tasting like Elliot’s “ambrosia” from the 60s.
Viktoria and Vanya make one too. 
Viktoria: Welcome to our channel for another edition of weird science. Today we're going to mix all the Peanut Butters we can find in the grocery stores around town together. We will then have Five taste test it on a sandwich because it's his favorite with marshmallows. He doesn’t know what we’re doing so his reaction will be very entertaining. 
Vanya: Wait... including the crunchy peanut butter? He doesn't like that. 
Viktoria: ALL the peanut butter
Idiot Four and Bad Science:
Speaking of the H8 with the Hargeeves: the Idiot Four and Bad Science. It’s beautiful.
They can't find anything so they improvise.
Dean: Guys I can’t find the measuring cups.
Lucas: Oh.. well just use something that’s a similar size?
Diego: The soup bowls are too big though
Luther: Would this work? *holds up sieve*
*cue Idiot 4 shoveling in whatever ingredients they can before it can leak out through the sieve*
Luther: Shit... the mixing bowl is missing.
Lucas: I didn’t take it this time!
Dean: Should we use the extra?
Diego: No. Do NOT use the one mom cooks in or our food will taste like wax for weeks again.
Lucas: The others will kill us if that happens again...
Dean: I found the bowl with the holes?
Lucas: Excellent! How do we make sure it doesn’t leak?
Diego: Tape?
Luther: I have a better idea!
His idea is to use the colander on top of the frying pan so it catches the excess that drips out.
Genius, these four. Truly the Einstein's of their generation.
The videos are a hit is all I’m saying.
Yes the kitchen does end up on fire numerous times. They’ve got it under control... mostly.
Charlie and Five:
This is more of a mini headcanon that sprouted from the wedding dress shopping headcanons but:
They get along really well.
They specifically use their ‘old men’ thing to irritate the others.  They would just have those stereotypical old man talks but really they’re just doing it to annoy the rest of them. 
Imagine Charlie and Five just sitting at the bar and bitching very loudly together about "kids these days have no respect for the elderly". They especially do it in front of the Hargreeves specifically Diego.
It drives them up the wall but Charlie and Five refuse to stop.
The rest of the H8 just find it funny more than irritating. 
Everyone is like "You're both healthy and Five your body is literally 18. Shut It!"
Both Five and Charlie are technically old men who Reader has introduced to Gen Z slang and trends. And it’s especially funny because reader turned both of these old men into people with Gen Z personalities so any of their old men schtick is just to annoy the others.
It forms a very amusing contrast of them speaking in Gen Z but talking like old people.
Five: And the other day Kenny yeeted his pet raccoon across the hall and said the poor thing liked it. Kids these days and their weird flexes 
Charlie: If I were Kenny, I simply would not. RIP to him but we old men are just built different.
(Sidenote: Garby totally loves being yeeted cuz its like flying. Kenny would just lift him above his head and fly him around).
Also Charlie just comes over with this huge stash of "old man candy" and then Five and him just go around solemnly handing it to the others and patting their heads for being "good children" for the stupidest of things just to patronize them. 
Charlie: *handing Luther a candy* And this is for you for making sure the Netflix subscription is paid for
Luther: *confused* thank you?
Five: You ate a grape for breakfast today *pats Bren’s head as he gives him a candy*
Bren: *tries not to laugh as he takes the candy*
Diego: *grumbling* Can I have a candy?
Five and Charlie: *consider it* 
Five: He spilled a drop of water on the table today.
Charlie: And he walks around in spandex.
Five and Charlie: No candy for you today
Diego: *frustrated screaming*
In conclusion: it would be hilarious.
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bakibakini · 4 years
a monster & his soulmate | s . tendo ( haikyuu ) -- 2
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pairing : satori tendo x gn ! reader
genre : fluff , kinda angsty
wc : 2 049
taglist : @simp4satori​ @ephemeralninon​
notes : sorry i’ve been gone for like ages !! i’ve been in a rut cuz this months is a BIG YIKES !!!
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For the first time in ages, Satori Tendo was nervous.
The butterflies had returned hours ago, the second he realized he was actually ditching volleyball practice and meeting up with his soulmate instead. But now that he was standing near the Karasuno school gate, standing out like a sore thumb in his white and purple uniform, he felt the butterflies shift into something much more malicious, something that made him stuff his sweaty hands into the pockets of his school blazer. You had smiled so warmly at him back when he confronted you and you had replied to him almost instantly after he fished your number out and sent you a friendly greeting, yet he still couldn’t help but think that it was all too good to be true. Not to mention it felt that everyone walking by had their eyes on him. Him, who was standing here for ten minutes now.
Did his happiness cloud his better judgement? Of course you smiled at him back in the gym, you didn’t want to look terrible in front of your friends, he understood. They all thought he was strange, you just wanted to look polite. It was fine, really, he didn’t mind. He’d rather you ignore him, than feel uncomfortable by his presence, after all —
“Ten – do – sen – pai~!”
Snapped out of his daze by a familiar voice, he turned to the source and was more than surprised to actually see your upper body leaning closer to him. Your eyes sparkled and the grin on your face seemed wider than ever. It made the butterflies come back and the smile on his own face widen.
“Sorry, did I make you wait?” You asked, scratching the back of your neck in a nervous motion. “Yachi-chan kept pestering me about…this.”
“Oho, this?” Eyes wide, Satori tilted his head. “You mean your super cool soulmate from Shiratorizawa Academy?”
“Sort of, but it was more or less about our date.”
Date?! This was a date?
Despite how nervous Satori felt, the nerves immediately disintegrated, replaced by a wide grin, much more sincere than any of his grins you’d seen at the volleyball match, and the need to hold your hand. And most of the time, Satori was shameless, but the thought of taking your hand in his made him oddly bashful. He didn’t know if this problem arose because of how utterly stunned he was at your soft face looking up at him or because he still felt like a black sheep amongst all the Karasuno students.
To you, though, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered now, because your soulmate was right in front of you, so you hardly hesitated when it came to boldly grabbing his lanky hand and beginning to lead the way down the hill.
“I know we didn’t really plan anything, but there’s this really nice café down the hill, so I thought we could go. That’s okay, right?” You spoke, your eyes firmly on the road as you walked slightly ahead of your soulmate. Doubt bubbled in your gut once you failed to hear Satori responding at all, so you turned your head, only to discover him staring at your interlinked hands with awe that he didn’t even try to hide. Then he looked back at you, and smiled, and nodded once, and all of that put together made your face turn completely beet red.
Satori used your small daze to catch up to you, eyes half-lidded and lips curling into a smirk. “Hey~ You’re blushing!”
“H-Hush, I’m not!”
His hold on your hand had become a little firmer at that moment, or rather, more confident. You noticed, of course, but you decided against bringing it up.
 It didn’t take long for the two of you to reach the café in question, perhaps it was because you were having fun that the time passed by so quickly. And it was totally not because you finally found someone to talk about the greatness of Tsuyu Asui with, no, definitely not! Although…it was definitely a factor, you had to admit. You hardly even noticed how the two of you were suddenly seated in front of each other in the far back of the quaint café, drinks of choice and two pieces of cheesecake lounging atop the wooden table.
“You sound like you actively want her to wrap her tongue around you.” You laughed, taking a bite of the cheesecake and relishing in the creamy goodness for a second, before speaking again. “I mean, I love her, and I care about her, but that’s a little too far.”
“Oh, please, you talk as if you hadn’t casually told me that you would thank Tsuyu if she crushed your head between her thighs.” He said, supporting his head in the palms of his hands as he stared intently.
“That’s different! It’s not…tongue!” Sticking out your own tongue, you grimaced at Satori. “You’re disgusting!”
“Oh, whatever shall I do!” He flailed and move his hands in order to dramatically plop his head down on the table. “I refuse to live in a world where I cannot be enveloped by the warmth of Tsu’s tongue!”
“Sorry,” you crossed your arms, throwing him a playful glance. “You’ll have to deal with a soulmate who can’t even lick their own elbow.”
Satori groaned loudly, making you glad the two of you picked a corner table. You opted to stare at his head of hair, which was spiky, but still looked somewhat soft. A thought crossed your head, a thought that perhaps had something to do with running your hand through his hair. Was that…way too soon though? Such an intimate touch…you wondered if it’d weird him out. Sure, you just held hands before coming here, but this was a way different thing! Your hand reached absentmindedly, longing for some sort of content with the soulmate you finally found, but you stopped it at the last second, poking his hair instead, as if a substitute for the prior thought.
A tender smile crept onto your face. “Hehe, I bet it looks cute when its down.”
With a little budge, Satori glanced at you from the corner of his eye, took in your smile, the brief touch upon his meticulously gelled hair. As soon as your eyes met his, he looked away all too quickly.
“It looks way too much like it did in elementary school when it’s down.” It was barely true, even when not styled to look spiky, it was a far-fetch from looking like that classic elementary school bowl-cut that he hated so much. But it was too close and brought him too many unpleasant memories.
Unfortunately, those memories included you, too.
He lifted his head ever-so slightly and sighed in an over the top manner. “Hmn, sorry!”
“What? For what?” Expressing your confusion with a tilt of your own head, you stared at him with a small pout, failing to see how the conversation could escalate into him apologizing.
It had always been hard for Satori to open up about his childhood. Apart from his parents, only Wakatoshi knew about the mocking words and the scared glances that burned into his memory and kept him up most nights. He had never doubted the words of his bullies and even though he enjoyed being called the Guess Monster on court, the concept of others seeing him as such regularly made him feel sick. Honestly, it was strange how he managed to fall under the impression that if he ever opened up to someone, they’d start thinking he was a monster. All they needed was to be introduced by the concept of him being terrifying ever since childhood and they’d be scared of him too. If it was up to him, he probably wouldn’t mind never telling you about all the insecurities clouding him, but every time he looked you in the eyes, he’d remember the stinging of his soulmate mark and the way he just ran off, and left you for years. And then he’d feel a tugging at his heart, yearning for you to console him, tell him that he’s not a monster, yet he knew that he’d also need to confess he ran away from you, leaving you without a soulmate for far too long.
He needed to tell you now, or else he never would, he thought.
“We met once, in elementary school.” Eyes cast down, he muttered. “When you told me I wasn’t a monster in the gym and I ran away. I thought you wouldn’t want to be my soulmate and that was really scary. Aha, sorry~”
He wasn’t sure if he was apologizing for running away or for being your soulmate. You weren’t sure either and it made you frown suddenly.
“Tendo-senpai!” You shot up from your seat, strutting towards him and sitting down next to him instead, which made him sit up properly and turn to you with a curious glance. You used that confusion to your advantage and grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks right after. Truth be told, the small elementary school encounter had managed to be forgotten by you. You vaguely remembered something, but it wasn’t until now that it popped back into your mind. Either way, you were sure he was telling the truth with how serious he looked, which prompted your little outburst. “That still stands, you know! I never thought you were a monster, dummy, and I still don’t!”
Then, you exhaled, letting your face relax and a small smile crawl to your face. “I don’t care if you ran away from me in elementary school, you were a little kid, you know. I’m just glad you talked to me now.”
Satori’s cheeks went red; you couldn’t see, but you could feel the warmth travelling from them to your hands. Despite the fact that he was flustered beyond belief, he felt the tension in his heart ease up and smiled, he found himself smiling earnestly much more when in contact with you and he couldn’t even think of anything usually snarky and teasing to say to you. You took all the words out of his mouth, all the rational thoughts out of his brain and at that point all he could do was smile like a lovestruck fool. He believed this to be a talent of yours, considering this was only the second time he was even talking to you in real life.
But you weren’t about to stop.
“A- Actually,” you started, suddenly going red yourself at the memories flooding back, “I- I mean I got over it, but back in elementary school, I was really bummed out you ran off, because, ah, haha, I had this really stupid crush on you!” You stammered and noticed Satori’s eyes widening, making you even more embarrassed. “I say it’s stupid since I really only got it cuz’ I saw you blocking one of my brother’s spikes and it was really cool, you know!”
“Whaat? No way!” Satori’s own hands moved to your cheeks, mirroring the way you held his, in hopes of making you more flustered. “You’re kidding!”
“I- I’m not!”
Unlike you, who really just placed your hands on his cheeks, he took it upon himself to squish yours as if they were balls of pizza dough. Despite how difficult it was with your squished-up face, you stuck your tongue out at him, making him chuckle.
“Now you’re making me feel even more terrible about running off!”
You uttered out an apology, snorting a little at the feeling of Satori continuing to move your cheeks around. Honestly, you failed to understand what the two of you were doing; hands on each other’s faces, slices of cheesecake and drinks long forgotten with how intently you stared at each other, the utmost softness in your eyes. You supposed that both of you were a tad bit too nervous at the moment to engage in actual affection, no matter how much the either of you wanted to deny it internally. Perhaps it was caused by the small unknowingness at what the two of you were at the moment, but you were sure it was going to be fine, even Satori’s own doubts started to creep back.
And he swore he wasn’t going to run off anymore.
hi if u made it this far send requests
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ikeservant · 4 years
Hello!!! Hope you are well! Uwu can I get some hc for Kenshin, Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, and Masamune with an Mc who is a photographer? (Lol idk how the battery and stuff will survive but oh well😂😂) thank you have a great day!
Intro: Mc is a photographer who just got done doing a photoshoot with her friends for practice, bringing both her regular good camera and her cute polaroid with some extra packets of its lil photo cards. She sees Sasuke at the shrine, wormhole, and BOOM! Sengoku time! Sasuke meets up with her and gives her a makeshift charger with some oranges, salt, and sanded copper (idk how science works but each of these things could probably be mixed with other stuff to make currents to conduct and charge stuff. It just WORKS.)
Kenshin: “What weaponry is this?” “A camera. It shoots stuff, but not in the way you think.” Mc explained how the camera worked, showing him the pictures she’s taken in the past. Is impressed with how it can capture a moment forever in a world where life is fleeting. When he expressed this, mc got an idea. “Just sit still and smile.” Seeing mc excited to take a picture made him feel warm and fuzzy so of course a nice smile would be in order. After a click of the polaroid camera, a small square came out. It took a little bit for him to notice that the image of him smiling was developing. “Now I can carry this with me wherever I go and see your smile even when you’re off in war.” He IMMEDIATELY snatched the polaroid camera and demanded/asked mc to smile so he could do the same and always have that image of her smiling captured in time, giving him reassurance that the memory of her smiling was consistent in the ever-changing world of war. If mc didn’t keep a close watch over him, he’d probably use the rest of her stack of film on taking pics of her so he could admire all the moments of her.
Ieyasu: When Ieyasu first introduced mc to Wasabi, mc was determined to capture a beautiful image of the cute deer in the courtyard setting. Ieyasu was nervous at first when mc brought it, afraid she was going to do something weird/harmful to his baby deer, but mc realized how odd a camera must look to someone in the 1500s (duh), and showed/explained how photography works and uses her good camera to shoot a pic of Wasabi sniffing flowers in front of the beautiful sunset. He was in shock that beautiful image was captured in an instant. “Does that image just stay in the camera?” “It can unless I go somewhere to develop the pictures, but I can’t do that here. I DO have this though! Say cheese!” Mc whipped around with her polaroid, clicking it as Ieyasu looked both surprised and flustered. As the film came out and began developing, showing his candid stunned face, mc had to run and hide it before Ieyasu could snatch it out of her hand out of embarrassment. He’s super camera shy so the only other pic she was able to get was him feeding Wasabi. “This isn’t fair.” “What? You want to take a picture of me with Wasabi?””…” Reading his mind that he wanted a pic of his love too, she let him take/keep a few pics of her and Wasabi and also some of just her, including a goofy photo that makes him smile and go “Look at this photograph. Every time I see it makes me laugh.”(Nickelback reference). Keeps them in a hidden drawer but when going to battle/going away for a while he secretly brings a photo of mc and tucks it in his clothes so it feels like she’s actually with him and gives him hope and light.
Hideyoshi: When he finally realized mc was NOT going to kill Nobunaga, he decided to go to her to apologize. When he entered however, he saw mc fiddling with a mysterious box with a weird circle on it, making him worried it was a sniper weapon for assassination. “HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, MISSY!” Mc about dropped her precious camera and became furious at HIM, causing him to go into shock. She sat him down and told him about cameras and how they work. He was still confused, but he thought it was very neat how it could capture and preserve a scene in time. He then remembered why he came there to apologize. As forgiveness, mc bestowed on him the beauty that was a polaroid picture of Nobunaga (Hidemama was #blessed). Likes seeing the sights that mc takes pictures of but is embarrassed when she takes pics of him. He decides to try his hand at photography, which at first he looked like a clueless dad with his thumb on the lens taking blurry photos. But, like his tea ceremony skills, he became quite steadyhanded and skilled, making mc lowkey jealous but also intrigued and excited what he finds photo-worthy and his vision. Would love a polaroid photo of mc and would put it on a stand next to his bed so when he’s not with her he can still be blessed by an image of her face.
Masamune: Mc was going through her camera memory when Masamune barged into her room, sword at her neck asking if she was from the future. Instead of being scared, mc was MAD that she almost deleted an important photo of her friends and lectured him on why this camera is important and why he shouldn’t be horsing around while she’s using it. He put his swords away and decided by the camera alone that she is definitely from the future. He would be intrigued by all the photos from the future and what certain objects, clothing, animals, and buildings he didn’t recognize, making him think the future was cool, especially the pics of food he doesn’t recognize that he wants to recreate RIGHT NOW. He wouldn’t understand the purpose of photography at first because he has more of a live in the moment philosophy versus trying to capture the moment/reminisce the past. However, he learns to appreciate the moments captured on camera as time goes on. Always carries a wholesome sweet pic of mc or a hawt pic of mc when away from her on dangerous trips or battle and has to fight the urge to show the pics off to everyone he sees to HYPE UP HIS LASS cuz looking at the pics helps him visualize how much mc means to him and he finally understood the beauty of photography. Loves the pics Mc takes every two weeks of Shogetsu so she can create a slideshow of how big the tiger cub has been growing like life in fast motion. Would hang polaroid pics up on the wall for the futuristic art aesthetic and its like a wall of his own lil family that he’s finally been blessed with. With his literary gift in poetry and mc’s visual gift of photography, they’re the ultimate art duo that’s both wild and has drunken their philosophical juice.
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missnxthingg · 5 years
Can you do cocky college Tom? Y/N hates him cuz he is such a player and so arrogant, but of course he is also extremely hot. One night, there's a costume party and Tom shows up in something ridiculous that shows off his body -- all his muscles and his bulge. Throughout the night, he keeps flirting and flexing until he finally wins her over. And then he's super dominant, making her go to her knees for a BJ. He makes her gag while he dirty talks and boasts and smirks :)
A/N: I’m so sorry I took too long to get to it. I have to be on the mood of writing smut to do it properly. I’ve been working on it for the past week and it’s going to have two parts, okay? If you, anon, want to be tagged on part two, send me a message! Also, I needed to give it a name and I fucking hated it, might change it later.
Pairing: College!Fuckboy!Tom x Reader
Words: 3.8K
Warnings: Smut, oral (f and m receiver), swearing, I don’t know how many more, but it’s pretty dirty.
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Cinnamon Coffee - Part One
College is supposed to be an amazing experience for everyone. Going out of your comfort zone, finally knowing what is like to be a grown up, meeting a lot of new people, make new friends and mess around with all sorts of people. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) couldn’t deny, she was very excited to pack her things and start her new life.
The dorm she got in was huge, with a beautiful front garden where a lot of girls could hang out whenever they want to. Her roommate was cute and very funny, easily to become friends with. She got the right side of the room, letting (Y/N) with no choice but to get the left one. But it was a big room though, with enough space for the both of them.
The first week was good, mostly getting to know the campus and the freshmans. A lot of parties and activities to make people bound before the classes even started. (Y/N) also took a time to chill out and get to know around the campus, and that’s how she discovered that they had a coffee shop right between her dorm and the boys dorm, and that their coffee was really great. One chilly day, she decided to go get some breakfast and just stay at her room and watch TV with her roommate.
“Morning Lizzie.” She greeted the barista. It became a common thing since she’s been going there for everyday during a week.
“Morning (Y/N). What it will be today?” She asked and (Y/N) glanced around the counter, thinking about what to order.
“I want a cinnamon latte, banana bread and croissant.”
“Done in a minute.”
(Y/N) smiled and turned around to watch for somewhere to sit and wait for her order to get ready, but something got in her way, or someone.
“Oi, watch it, gorgeous.” The person said and (Y/N) glanced up to find a beautiful boy, curly brown locks, strong arms and a bright smile.
“Sorry, I’m just sleepy.”
“Don’t worry about it, pretty one.” He touched her chin and winked.
“Uhm, personal space?” She said, thinking that he didn’t even knew her to be touching her chin.
“I’m Tom, by the way. Tom Holland.” He smiled, running his fingers through his hair. “Do you have a name, pretty angel?”
“Not really any of your-”
“(Y/N), your order is ready.” The barista called and she shut her eyes in anger.
“(Y/N), what a pretty name. Fits the pretty owner.” He smiled and she turned around to pay for her order. Tom stopped her, paying for her order. “Keep the change.”
“Why did you do that? You don’t even know me. And I don’t know you either.”
“Oh, but you will, baby girl.” He waved and turned around to get out of there. “See ya’ around, (Y/N).”
She just simply stood there, trying to digest what just happened, when a voice called her back to Earth.
“Oh, he’s such a player.” Lizzie said, cleaning the counter. “He’s been coming here for a whole week and I’ve already seen him paying for three girls.”
“Good to know.” (Y/N) said, before she thanked the barista and got back to her dorm.
After that day, the boy kept popping up everywhere she was. Tom was at every party, every game and soon he was in the psychology class. The day she saw him coming into the door, she almost dropped that one class immediately, specially when he sat behind her with a playful smile on his face.
“Hello gorgeous, I didn’t know you took psychology for major.” He caressed her cheek, smiling tenderly.
“And I’m considering dropping out right now.” She removed his hand out of her face, turning to her notebook resting on the table.
“Why so angry, baby girl? I’m just trying to be nice.”
“As you do to every girl.”
It was true. Tom did everything to impress every girl around. He didn’t need much, having a totally flawless body and being a super hot guy. But he winked, he picked on their waist, smiled, looked right into their eyes. So it didn’t take long until he got every girl on the campus to fall in love with him. That way, he started to ruin her Saturday mornings reading in the front garden.
The day she found it ruined was the worst. She accidentally got up early and she changed her clothes and got out to find something to do. She bought coffee and lied a blanket in the grass under a tree to drink it, eat small fruits and read a book. It was a normal Saturday morning for her, until she noticed a couple of girls almost passing out next to her, looking at something behind her back. And there he was, a tight shirt on, drinking his water slowly so the girls would enjoy the view. She rolled her eyes and he noticed.
“Morning (Y/N)!”
“Fuck off!” She shouted back, not getting her attention out of the book.
“Come on beautiful, I’m trying to be nice.”
“Maybe you should try and be less of a show off.”
“Can’t do that darling.” He smiled and continued his walk.
“Fucking pathetic.”
It was a pretty common thing to see him around girls. In the halls, in parties. God, she even caught him making out with one small ginger in the library. It was nonstop and it annoyed her so much, specially because he would be always going after her.
“Morning pretty angel, got your usual, you can thank me with a kiss.” He said to her once, giving her a coffee. She shook her head no and continued her walk.
“If that’s the payment, I’m not accepting it.” She said and he sighed.
“Come on, what am I supposed to do with a cinnamon latte? I don’t even like cinnamon.”
“Give it to another poor girl, I don’t fucking care.”
“But I bought it for you. Please accept it, as a friendly move.” (Y/N) stopped at the door and accepted the coffee.
“Thank you.” She directed herself into her class, thanking every god there is it wasn’t psychology class. This way she wasn’t going to spend two full hours with Tom.
She really started to think he was starting to change with that nice move, that until she saw him doing the same thing with another girl on her dorm. (Y/N)’s heart broke, but again, she wasn’t expecting much out of him.
They both continued their lives, him teasing her a lot, and trying to flirt too, while she tried to ignore him everytime he approached. The more time passed by, the more he wanted to make her his, at least for one night.
She was driving him insane. Maybe it was the fact that she’s the only girl who doesn’t want to be with him, and also adding the fact that she was completely gorgeous. He would watch her from far and be completely amused by her beauty. The littlest things got into his head. The way she sits at her desk, he way her hair falls softly on her shoulders, her rosy cheeks and cherry lips. She was perfect, and even looked cuter when she was angry at him.
“Hey baby girl, this one’s for you.” He was playing football with some of his friends while she was hanging around with some others in the corner. He scored a goal and blowed her a kiss.
“Is there going to be a day that you won’t remember my existence?”
“Probably not, considering we are getting married.”
“Oh, fuck you.” She rolled her eyes and drank another sip of her beer.
“You wish you could, darling.” He winked and went back to the game.
“He’s so into you.” One of her friends poked her with their elbow and she pretended to not even listen.
“He’s into everyone.” One of her friends told her and (Y/N) nodded.
“Tom Holland is a complete idiot, and I hate him. He literally does everything to get me to his bed.”
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“It is when he does it with every girl on campus.”
When summer came, everyone was wearing shorter clothes, showing much more skin, and that included (Y/N). One day she appeared for class in a white tank top and denim skirt. Tom watched her walking through the longs halls, observing the way her legs moved and how perfect she was. It sparked something on him, and he followed her all the day to class biting his lips. He kissed her cheek and sat down behind her.
“Good morning pretty angel. You look stunning today.”
“Morning Tom. Don’t you have anything else to do today?” She asked and he started to play with her hair.
“No, I have all day to admire your beauty.”
“You’re pathetic.” She said with her strong North Yorkshire accent. He leaned into her ear and pulled a strand of hair away from that.
“I love you accent.” He whispered so only she could hear it. “I wonder what it will sound like when you cum.”
Her whole body shivered, and as much as she hated to admit it, he turned her own. Oftenly actually. If there’s one thing she can’t deny is that he is extremely hot. And sometimes the things he does to her gets her to shiver from the top of her head to her tiptoes. Like those times he rest one hand on her waist and presses his finger in there. They usually make (Y/N)’s heart beat faster. But she always thought it was pure anger.
“Only in your dreams Holland.”
“Oh, I dream about it everyday baby girl. Having you in my bed, screaming my name. And today, your clothes aren’t really helping me.”
“So I guess you’ll have to find another girl to fuck it off.”
“Maybe I’ll do tomorrow. Also, are you coming tomorrow to the costume party? I’m not a frat kid, but I heard it’s going to be awesome.”
“I might stop by, yeah.” She said, focusing on what she’s been writing on her notebook for a while now.
“So look for me, I’ll be the guy in the sexy costume. It shouldn’t be hard to find me.”
(Y/N) didn’t want to go at first, but her roommate literally dragged her to the party. She wore a pretty bunny costume, a really sexy one, completely showing her thighs and popping her tits up. The party was full, and probably everyone on campus was there. She stood in a corner with her friends, drinking a beer and glancing at everyone to see their costumes. And she was really happy and impressed with everyone, smiling a lot, but her smiled died when she crossed her eyes with one know guy.
He was drinking with his friends in his stupid costume. For her surprise, they were matching up. Tom also was wearing a bunny costume, with the black ears, bow tie and shorts, completely shirtless. He knew everyone had their eyes on him, but he only had eyes for one person tonight, and she was looking stunning. He winked and got back to his conversation.
“You gotta be shitting me.” She whispered, rolling her eyes. He dropped his friends and directed himself to her, with a big smile on his face. “Oh God.”
“Hey baby girl, I’m glad you came.”
“Hey Tom.” She said, not sounding much excited to see him.
“I see we matched up. Even the universe is telling us to be together.”
“Or maybe you’re a psycho stalker that saw me buying bunny ears the other day.” She said and he nodded.
“Anyway, you look so fucking beautiful.” He caressed her chin and smiled. “Do you wanna dance?“
“Maybe later, I’m with my friends.”
“Pinky promise?” He showed his pinkie and she nodded. “You need to do the thing.”
“Shut up or you’re not even getting that." 
”(Y/N)…“ His finger was still standing, and she entwined their fingers. "I’ll be waiting.”
And he really meant it, but (Y/N) didn’t give a damn about it and had fun with her friends. They did shots, they had fun, laughed a lot and ended up on the dancefloor. He couldn’t take his eyes off her the whole night. She looked so fucking sexy, it was getting to him in a way he could never imagine it. Tom bit his lips while watching her dance alone on the dancefloor and he approached her from behind, his hands on each side of her hips, rocking her against his own hips. She leaned her head to the side and he got some strands of hair out of the way. He kissed her neck slowly and her whole body shivered, at that point she didn’t even know what she was doing. She turned around and glued their foreheads and they kept dancing together, breaths mixing and all handsy.
“You know, my room is empty tonight, if you wanna get out of here.” She let her fingers entwine behind his neck and he swayed her side to side.
“Won’t you get me a drink first?” She asked and leaned to his ear. “You’re not gonna get me this easily, Holland.”
“So, do you want a beer?”
“Oh, I’d love a beer.” She smiled and he pulled her to the bar to get two drinks. 
“You know, I really meant when I said you look so fucking beautiful tonight.” He caressed her right arm and sat on a high stool and pulled her to sit on his lap. “Actually, you always look so beautiful.”
“I bet that you say it to every girl.” She sipped her beer and he chuckled.
“Yeah, but I never really mean it. I say it to you everyday, and you still don’t believe me.”
“Because you have the fame of a womanizer.” She glanced somewhere else, finding her friends almost dying for seeing her on Tom’s lap.
“Well, but you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. And the sexiest too.” He pressed his fingers on her waist and sniffed her perfume, gluing his nose to her neck. He left a small peck right there. “Also you’re not helping with this short dress at all.“
"Well you aren’t helping me either.” She glanced down to his body and he smirked, leaning in to reach her lips on a brief and warm kiss.
“I want to fuck you until the only name you know is mine.” He said against her lips and it turned her on so badly, that she could feel the wet spot on her panty.
“Let’s go.” She whispered against his lips and she got up to let him stand up.
She was ahead of him, guided by a hand on her lower back. Tom was so close that (Y/N) could feel his breath against her neck. They left the party and hushed to his dorm, which wasn’t so far away. The halls were practically empty, and they easily got to his room without being seen. He let her go to open the door, getting inside before her. She followed him inside, anxious about what was about to happen. Tom pressed her against the door, provoking her while brushing his lips on hers, hands searching to lock the door. 
Once the door was locked, he started the kiss, ending the gap between them. His hands grabbed her ass and he gave a lot of squeezes right there. She removed his bunny ear, pulled his hair and scratched the back of his head, deepening the kiss. It was full of lust and desire, a long one coming from months wanting to do that. He pulled her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her fingers traced down to his length, massaging it over his trousers, making him moan during the kiss. He used his hands to hold hers above her head, while he stopped the kiss to suck her neck. She moaned when his hot mouth crashed her skin.
“Shit…” She whispered, feeling even more turned on.
“You want me to fuck you baby girl?” He said against her neck. “Do you want me to make you feel good?” She nodded and he sucked on her neck. “I need to hear you say it.”
“Yes! I want you to fuck the shit out of me.” She moaned and he sucked her jaw, letting her slowly get down from his lap.
“Go on your fucking knees.” He said, pushing her down. She stepped on her knees and he unbuttoned his trousers, along with his boxers. His cock smacked his belly and (Y/N)’s mouth watered. She tried to get her hands on his cock, and he stopped her. “Open your mouth”. She did as he said and he slapped her cheek. “Wider for daddy.”
She opened her mouth wider and he removed her bunny ears, held her hair back with one hand and the other one guided his cock to her mouth. He fucked her mouth with no pity, going deep down her throat, making her gag with his big cock, saliva dripping down her chin.
“You like to have my cock on your mouth, pretty angel? Fuck, you look so pretty when you’re taking my big cock.” He moaned looking for her eyes. “Look at me while you do it.” She glanced up and he smirked, going harder than before.
She wasn’t going to take up anymore, and he noticed it, stopping his movements and letting her go. She dropped her weight on the floor and he helped her getting up. She cleaned her mouth before he took her in a kiss again. Tom searched for the zip in her dress, sliding it down slowly when he found it opened. Quickly, he opened her bra and it joined her dress on the floor. He pulled her and dropped her in bed, going on top to give some proper attention to her breasts.
“You have the most amazing tits in the world.” He sucked on her left nipple while his hand massaged the left one. “So fucking good. I wanna suck it like a little baby.”
“Holy shit Thomas.” She moaned, throwing her head back. 
“You drive me insane baby.” He said between kisses on her bare chest, leaving dark circles where he passed. He trailed his kisses to her belly and her hips, where he sucked a little more before the tearing her panty, making it easier to removed it.
“You just ruined my favourite panty.” She said and he chuckled.
“You look so much beautiful without it.” He kissed her core and moaned with how wet she was. “You shouldn’t even wear it anymore.”
“Uhmmm… really?” She pressed her lips and let some small moans out.
“Yeah.” He licked it first, and pulled her legs over his shoulders, entwining their fingers right after. “It tastes amazing too.”
“Fuck Tom! You take me so fucking good.”
He didn’t reply, fully focusing on her dripping pussy, all wet for him. His tongue explored every corner of her, going faster whenever he found her clit. She rocked her hips against his mouth, throwing her head back, not being able to contain her moans in anymore. She was practically screaming, while pulling his hair. He let go one of her hands to slide two fingers in, pumping it hard inside her. He felt her clenching around his fingers, and he stopped sucking her, his fingers still working inside her.
“Are you close baby girl? I know you are. Cum for me pretty angel, I bet it will taste like heaven.”
“FUCK! I’m gonna cum Tommy, harder!” He obeyed her, going harder than before. She had her first orgasm of the night right there in his mouth. He got up to kiss her, making her savour her taste on his mouth.
“Can you see how good you taste? That’s my dirty girl.” He bit her ear and she moaned. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
“What are you waiting for?” He smiled and pulled her up.
“On your fours, pretty angel.” She did what he said while he got a condom out of his night stand. He pushed her against the mattress, rolling her hair around his hand to pull it. He brushed his cock on her core, making them moan loudly. He slide it in without pity, finding it hard to do it since she was so tight.
Tom’s cock was the biggest (Y/N)’s ever taken, so it took a while to adjust his size. But once he felt it was okay to keep going, he started to push hard inside her, bed bouncing along with their bodies. She moaned loudly against the mattress and he pulled her hair.
“Tom you’re so big, holy shit!”
“And you’re so tight, I love it.” He moaned, taking her harder. He slapped her ass and pounded even more inside her. “You like it when daddy fucks you from behind? I bet you do, you look so fucking good doing this.”
“Fuck my pussy d-daddy.” She could barely say anything, only feeling him.
“I know I make you feel good baby girl.” He said, smirking at the sight of her moaning against the mattress. “You wanna cum for me?”
“Uhm… Not yet baby.” She said and he got up, pulling her up to his lap. He pushed his core inside her again, pushing it inside. She was riding him like her life depended on it. He pounded inside her pussy so hard that she was concerned she wasn’t going to be able to walk tomorrow.
He lied her in bed again and pumped hard inside her, making her almost fall from bed, and she didn’t even bothered with how much pleasure she was getting.
“I’m so close!” She moaned, making him bite his lips.
“Uhm… You’re so good, I love to see you taking my cock. Are you gonna cum on my cock? Are you gonna let that heaven sent honey drip down your pussy right into my cock?”
“Yes daddy! Make me cum, please?”
“If you insist.” He pumped harder, as if it was possible and stimulated her clit with his thumb.
“HOLY FUCK TOM! I’M CUMMING.” She screamed letting her juice drip down his cock while he reached his high at the same time.
One both of them cummed, he fell on her side and they tried to rest and control their breathing in silence. He lied on her belly and kissed around there.
“Finally.” He said with a big smile on his face. “It was so good baby girl.”
He got up to get rid off his condom and clean himself and bring something for her to clean herself, but by the time he got there, she was gone, along with all of her stuff. Where the fuck did she go?
If your user is in bold, it means somehow I can’t tag you. Send me a message to solve it!
Taglist: @missmulti , @zabdisamor , @cmon-peter-tingle , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ , @tinyplanet-explorers , @spideyyypeter, @tomshufflepuff, @deathofthethrones , @unicornslothfish, @coonflix , @itsjustahuman, @legendsofwholock , @emistrash, @starlightfound
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow X Reader
Word count: 1777 words.
Summary: It seemed like a normal training day for you and Brock until Johnny came to ruin the day
Warnings: Angst, this is an Horror AU.
A/N: Universus means Universe.
This is my entry to the @star-spangled-beard-burn ‘s Season of Fiction Writing challenge 2020 with the fall prompt #1:
“I TOLD you I can’t do haunted houses”.
Also my entry to the @marvelgirlonamarvelworld ‘s Val’s 500 Writing challenge with the dialogue prompt #3:
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the one who fucked us all up. What trouble did you get yourself into now, sweetiepie?”
And my entry to the @anika-ann ‘s 500 Celebration Challenge with the Arrow prompt #5:
“You tell anyone about this, I will kill you”.
“…That’s just an expression, right?”
Is a horror AU.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @navybrat817
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You slipped and winced; Brock turned around and saw you on the floor, he went back to check if you were hurt.
“Are you okay?” He asked offering his hand to you.
"Yes, it's nothing, I just got distracted," you answered taking his hand and standing up with her help.
“Are you sure? You've had a lot of accidents and been distracted all week,” Brock commented with concern.
You dusted yourself off and looked at your boyfriend smiling.
"Come on, we've managed to survive that guy with the weird cloak and the girl who takes daggers out of her hands, as well as the group of weird kids who have a dinosaur."
"I still don't understand why they have a dinosaur," Brock questioned, putting a hand on his beard.
"After all we've been through, are there still things that surprise you?" You questioned incredulously.
"Not exactly, rather it surprises me that without having powers, I am still alive," he replied.
"That is because I’m healing all your wounds in the missions with my powers, but your destiny would probably be different if I didn’t do it," you agreed with satisfaction.
"Always so modest," he said wryly.
“Of course, well next time I won't heal you and I don’t know who’s gonna help you.”
"I don't think you will be so cruel ... are you?" He asked nervously.
"Challenge me and you will see," you threatened.
"You know I love you so much, right?" Brock replied, trying to sound friendly and approaching you.
"Don't even think about it," you stopped him by putting your hand on his chest.
"Don't be mad, babe, but as soon as the fair will be in the town, I will take you to the haunted house."
He got closer and started kissing your arm.
"Noooo, you know I hate haunted houses, let me," you said laughing, you knew what he was trying.
If you let him continue, he would achieve his goal and you could no longer pretend that you were upset with him, although obviously, at night you were going to take revenge. You saw the time and decided it was better to return to compound before they will start looking for them or they will find you in a "compromising" situation.
 Baxter Building
 Johnny saw the object in his hands, he had heard Ben talk about it, and obviously, Reed had created it, although he could not understand what it was for, he shook it a little, but nothing happened.
Maybe he could take it with Y/N and Wanda and see if they could find out what that item was doing or what it was for.
He immediately saved it and went to the compound, it would surely be a very fun visit, as long as the three of you were there you used to have many adventures.
 "Hello ladies," Johnny said, entering to the place.
“What are you doing here?” Brock asked.
Johnny and Brock didn't get along at all since Brock thought Johnny liked you.
“What is that?” Wanda asked when she saw what Johnny was holding.
"I don't know, I found it in Reed's lab, but you two are very smart and I know you'll help me find out," Johnny replied, ignoring Brock.
"Well ... it seems ... something Reed is probably going to be very upset if he doesn't find it when he looks for it," you said.
“Oh come on! I don't think…!”
At that time the Multisect activated and everything went dark for a few seconds.
 Unknown place
 You opened your eyes confused, you felt stunned, you assumed that the others were too, you turned looking for the rest, who were lying in the place, you did not know where they were, and you did not even seem familiar.
“Is everyone okay?” Johnny asked, getting up.
“Where we are?” Brock asked sulkily, he was sure you were going to have problems.
"This place is very dingy," Wanda said scared.
"I just hope a madman with a machete or an electric saw doesn't show up and wants to kill us," you said.
"Well, Tinker Bell, take us back to the compound," Brock ordered.
"Yes, of course," Johnny muttered as he waved the Multisect.
You and Wanda exchanged glances, you knew Johnny, and so you would have to find another way to return to the compound… although perhaps you should first find out where you were. Johnny seemed nervous, he didn't know how said object worked.
“Well, well, well. If it isn't the one who fucked us all up. What trouble did you get yourself into now, sweetie pie? ”
“Brock, this is not the time for sarcasm, we must find out where we are supposed to be and, above all, how to return to the compound…”
“Your idiot friend brought us who knows where, we have no weapons apart from those we carry for training, or anything to defend ourselves as we know, we will have to improvise and worst of all, we have not the slightest idea of what the ground, ”Brock interrupted.
"We have Wanda who has powers, Johnny has powers, I have powers, we will be fine, and apart from that is what training is for, right?"
Brock growled disgruntled, he did not like what was happening at all, of course, he could have hand-to-hand combat, which was his speciality, but he knew well that for some things, having some kind of power was more effective and weapons they were a great help too.
“Johnny please, don't lose that thing, I don't care if Reed scolds you, but we surely need it to return home…”
You heard a sound nearby as if someone was dragging chains and stepping on leaves, the four of you put themselves in a position to defend yourselves if necessary.
“What was that?” You asked scared in a whisper.
"I think your question is rather where we are?" Wanda corrected.
"We have two options, or we stay here like idiots while Tinkerbell tries to fix that shit or we start walking to find a way out, obviously we shouldn't separate," Brock suggested.
You turned to see Johnny, who smiled nervously.
"I don't know how it works," he admitted.
Brock sighed exasperated, you would have to walk without knowing what dangers there were.
"I don't know who is more useless if this one or Rogers, although at the moment I think we already have a winner," Brock mumbled.
“Then what do we do? “You asked.
Johnny pushed himself to be able to fly, however, it did not work, just as Wanda tried to use her powers creating a field, there was no success either.
"Okay, we are screwed, I think we will have to walk to get to the highway ... or somewhere that can bring us closer to a populated area, maybe there we can get a phone to call the others and come for us," you said while you were looking for the compass in your pockets.
Once you found it, you started walking towards where the compass indicated that it was the north, Wanda took your hand to try to control the fear that both of you felt, Brock had an angry and Johnny tried to make a flame appear in his fingers.
The forest seemed huge and endless, you lost track of time, you no longer knew if you walked for hours or minutes, each time the place became gloomier.
“Are you sure it's the right way? “Wanda questioned.
"I don't know, I don't even know where we are, I'm just following where the compass tells me its north," you replied.
Suddenly Brock stopped them, you looked at him asking for explanations; however, he put a finger to his mouth to silence everyone, you hid behind a huge tree.
A group of people with masks passed by, it seemed that they had some hostages that they were taking somewhere.
"We should help them," you whisper.
"We cannot care about others."
"Although I never liked him, your boyfriend is right," Johnny said.
you began to walk slowly so as not to attract attention and to run away when you were far enough they ran into another guy wearing another mask, so Brock and you shot him, you did no harm him, he began to chase you, you separated into two groups, you and Brock, Wanda and Johnny, without realizing it.
After you made sure you weren't chasing them anymore, you stopped, turned around looking for your friends while trying to catch your breath.
"Brock ... where are Wanda and Johnny?" You asked raggedly.
"I don't know ... I thought they were coming after us."
“Do we look for them or what do we do?”
"First, not to separate, second, we have to walk trying to avoid those damned fools and find them."
You held hands and began to walk, it was difficult to determine if you had already walked through the place or not, at times you had to run again when you were being chased.
"I TOLD you I can't do haunted houses".
"This is not a damn haunted house, it is a fuckin’ haunted forest," Brock replied.
"Anyway, Brock, I'm seriously scared, we must find Wanda and Johnny," you whimpered.
You were surrounded, it seemed that there was no escape, you tried to run until you ended up crashing into the other couple.
“Are you okay?” Wanda asked terrified.
“We are still alive, but I don't know how long…”
Impulsively Johnny threw the Multisect at the attackers, which activated at the exact moment when it looked like they were going to attack you.
You saw the others without understanding, nobody knew how you came to the compound, and the only thing that mattered was that you were safe. You and Wanda hugged each other while Brock grabbed Johnny by the collar of his shirt to threaten him.
"You tell anyone about this, I will kill you."
"... That’s just an expression, right?"
"No jerk, I'm serious ..."
“Brock is enough, Johnny already learned the lesson, he is going to return the object to Reed's laboratory, right Johnny? “You broke in separating the men.
“Yeah, yeah, of course.
"You know what, we're going to go with Johnny," Wanda said.
You entered the laboratory and Johnny left the Multisect where he had found it, then you went to the hall and there you found Reed.
"Hi guys, haven't you seen my Multisect?" Reed asked.
“The Multisect, it serves to travel to other universes… you know, forget it, I don't want you to get into troubles.”
"Doctor Richards, if you knew ..." You spluttered as he left.
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shions-heart · 5 years
okay strap in boyos cuz i’ve finished my glass of wine and i’m about to go full ham on this post featuring the one and only tendou satori in my being human ‘verse
a refresher on the years/ages: at Shiratorizawa you enroll at age 13 and you are in year 1; you graduate and receive your license after your 10th year, when most are 22-23, unless you’ve been moved up due to impressive growth in your power and abilities
Ushijima graduated at age 17 and is 23 at the start of the fic. Since it takes place in/around early September, and taking into account the official birth dates, the others ages/years are as follows: Tendou, 23 (year 10); Semi, 22 (year 10); Leon, 22 (year 10); Yamagata, 21 (year 10); Shirabu, 20 (year 10); Kawanishi, 20 (year 8); Goshiki, 18 (year 8). Both Shirabu and Goshiki moved up two years due to their impressive magical growth, power, and abilities.
because i believe it is relevant to their interests, i’m tagging @pulveremcomedesligulas @emerald-psyche @akaashisstar @semdere and @xevikan15
(spoilers for The Awakening under the cut y’all know the drill)
(looooong post, tw for child abuse and neglect, PTSD, and bullying)
okay so some backstory first: we got glimpses of it in the fic but the main run down of it is
Tendou’s mom was already pregnant with him when she did her Hinokoku trial at 18. She didn’t know she was pregnant at the time and went through some really harrowing stuff that ended up breaking her mind. She passed the trial but her PTSD was so bad afterwards she could barely function. That’s when she realized she was pregnant.
She kept the baby secret as long as she could, started isolating herself when she couldn’t hide it anymore, and generally did not do well. The amount of flashbacks she had started to twist her reality to the point where she became convinced that she conceived Tendou in Hinokoku and he was, in fact, a demon spawn.
After he was born and looked human, she tried to convince herself that everything was fine, he was fine, they were both fine, but she only got worse, and the House of the White Rose were no help. When Tendou was about three years old, she petitioned the House of the White Swan to take her and her son into their coven, so she could avoid Tendou facing the Hinokoku trials. The House of the White Swan coven council agreed when they saw how desperate she was, somewhat afraid what she might do to herself or the child if they refused.
So then Tendou and his mom lived in hiding, constantly moving to avoid detection from the House of the White Rose (the punishment for defecting is losing your magic); meanwhile, Tendou’s mother grew worse. He did his best to care for her himself, but she would have days where she would call him a monster and try to attack him, convinced once more that he was demon spawn. These episodes could last a few minutes or days. Tendou became quite good at recognizing and managing her mood swings, staying upbeat and cheerful for her sake, even though her words cut through him each time. 
(This is also when he became really good at Defensive Magic and wards. He had to be. His mother often threw things at him or cast spells at him when she was in this state. He had to know how to recognize the signs of an incoming attack, “guess” at where they’d be coming from and what type of attacks they’d be, and throw up wards quickly enough to block them.)
Finally, he was thirteen and old enough to enroll at Shiratorizawa. Not wanting to leave his mother on her own, he convinced her to check herself into an institution. It was one of the hardest decisions he ever made, but he knew it was for the best.
His first day at Shiratorizawa did not go well. He unwittingly sat in a seat the class bully always sat in, and didn’t move when the kid told him to (not seeing why he should when there were plenty of other seats available). The bully got angry and Tendou, “guessing” that he’d was about to be attacked, threw up a ward. The bully’s hex hit it and backfired, giving him the ears, nose, and tail of a pig. Tendou thought this was hilarious and burst out laughing his loud, unnatural cackle, which put everyone on edge. They didn’t think Tendou should’ve been able to predict an attack or put up a powerful ward so quickly. That’s when the taunts and gossip started around him being a “monster.”
It hurt, because Shiratorizawa was supposed to be a place for him to make a new start. To finally be safe in one place and make friends. But Tendou, always one to bury his true feelings behind a smile and a joke, seemed to take it in stride. He didn’t retaliate but he gave up on trying to find any friends.
That’s when he met Ushijima. The quiet boy was strong and studious and didn’t seem aware of the bully incident at all. He was so absorbed in his homework he seemed to miss a lot of what was going on around him. That made him the perfect person for Tendou to befriend, it seemed. So he did. He sat next to Ushijima and chatted at him about anything and everything. Ushijima didn’t offer much back by way of conversation, but he also didn’t treat Tendou like a monster or someone to avoid.
At least, until Ushijima moved up a year, and then another, leaving Tendou behind and not ever seeking him out or trying to contact him. Tendou was pretty sure he’d just lost his best friend, if Ushijima had ever really been his friend at all, and that hurt pretty badly too.
Enter Semi Eita.
Tendou’s entire world lit up with his arrival. Semi had always been there, of course, but had hung back, not wanting to intrude on Tendou and Ushijima’s friendship, just glad to see Tendou had made a friend because after the bully incident, Semi thought the others’ treatment of Tendou was really unfair but was unnerved enough himself to hesitate to bridge that gap.
But once he saw Tendou sitting alone again, he mustered up his courage and went to sit with him. Tendou was stunned, honestly. He already thought Semi Eita was the prettiest boy he’d ever seen, and here he was sitting with him. Talking to him. Not treating him like a monster at all! Tendou clung to that, to Semi, and even though Semi would call him annoying sometimes, he never really tried to get away from him, so Tendou knew he liked him. They were friends. And when they became roommates a couple years later, Tendou was fricking thrilled, already well on his way to falling in love with Semi.
Having Semi around gave him the courage to start reaching out to the other loners. Leon was next. Being half-black made him a target for some of the more racist students, so Tendou dragged Semi over to meet him and all three of them hit it off really well. Yamagata came after this. The poor boy was a spazz, always misplacing his things, and rather flamboyantly gay. Thus, a target. So, into the group he went!
A couple years passed before Kawanishi and Shirabu arrived. Kawanishi got put in Yamagata’s room, so naturally Yamagata brought him to their lunch table. Tendou found his deadpan humor hilarious and took his aloof nature as a challenge. He went out of his way to include Kawanishi in things and surprisingly, Kawanishi went along with it. He never became a target because they all accepted him immediately, so he didn’t have time to become a loner.
Shirabu was a tougher cookie. He wasn’t a loner because others picked on him. He isolated himself intentionally. It reminded Tendou a lot of Ushijima, actually. The others were skeptical about bringing him in because of this, but Tendou insisted that he was perfect for their group. (“what’s wrong with weird?”) He reached out to Shirabu and got cold rebuffs in return, but he never gave up on him, and after a few months Shirabu seemed to warm up to them a bit more. Tendou found out about the nightmare incident from Semi, and felt himself somewhat akin to Shirabu. He, too, suffered from nightmares for a long time. It was only after he started rooming with Semi that they became less frequent before stopping altogether (so he totally understands Shirabu’s attachment to Semi). He did everything he could to make sure Shirabu felt included and wanted and cared for, knowing first hand how awful it feels when the circumstances are the opposite.
Goshiki came two years after Shirabu and Kawanishi. He became a target because of his outburst his first day of class (declaring he’d be the best, strongest Demon Hunter ever). Tendou found his enthusiasm endearing and basically thought he was the cutest thing ever, so he wasted no time in including him in the group.
And thus his little family was complete! For six years, nobody dared to say anything to his face. He finally had a group of people around him who loved him, wanted him, cared about him. He invested a lot of time into them, individually and as a whole, coming up with ideas for hang outs, outings, “parties,” etc. He was finally happy.
Then the attacks started, and the rumor mill did as well. People grew bold again, lashing out at Tendou as they were all convinced he was the perpetrator. The word “monster” got tossed around again, and Tendou desperately tried to not let it bother him. It didn’t matter, because his friends, his family, believed in him. For a while he succeeded in suppressing those bad thoughts and feelings. He concentrated on encouraging Goshiki’s growth, on watching Yamagata’s hopeless crush on Kawanishi unfold, on wooing Semi Eita through unconventional methods, never quite bold enough to come out and say that he was in love with him (especially because he wasn’t sure if Semi would even return his feelings).
Then Ushijima came back into his life.
Now, Tendou had been following Ushijima’s career. Of course he had. He was proud of his former friend. He was inspiring and powerful; someone to look up to and emulate, at least in his Demon Hunter career. Tendou wasn’t set on becoming a Demon Hunter, but he saw the way his friends looked up to the Great Ushijima Wakatoshi and he was glad for it.
Then Ushijima arrived at the school and Tendou ran into him by chance. There he was, in the flesh: tall, strong, unbelievably handsome. Tendou was starstruck. And then he realized Ushijima didn’t recognize him. It hurt, a lot more than Tendou was expecting, and he played it off like he was just meeting him for the first time. Then of course came his scheme to help out with the investigation and get to know him again, to make up for lost time, to maybe get his friend back. And as all those warm feelings from the past came back, paired with the admiration he already had, plus the fact that Ushijima became damn attractive, it led to deeper feelings, as well.
Let me tell you, Tendou Satori suffered a lot during the events of The Awakening. Being accused of being a demon, or a half-demon, brought back a lot of terrible memories from his past with his mother. (That was why he tried to protect Shirabu once he figured out about him.) But you know? I don’t think he would go back to change a thing. Because despite all that pain and hardship, it led him to Shiratorizawa. It led him to his family.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
In Who’s World Is This Normal? The Fenton’s That’s Who - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @trainernick Prompt: Meet Danielle - Danny decides after D-Stabilized that Dani needs a home, and his is the right fit. He just has to convince his parents. Summary: A brand new Fenton appears
Warning: mentions of clone death.
“Alright, you wait right here, ok?”
“Sure Danny”
Danny pushes open his front door, “hey mom! Hey dad! What you up to?”
“Just finishing up supper sweetie! Your father’s finishing up some changes to ghost gabber, again”, Danny can’t help but snicker and shake his head. Walking into the kitchen he eyes his parents a little nervously but knowing that what he has to say needs to be said. He won’t risk losing her again because of nerves.
“Hey, Uh. I know you guys are doing your thing right now but, there’s something I kind of need to talk about. Preferably now”, Maddie near instantly drops what she’s doing and spins around to face him. Worried at first but relaxes when she sees that while he’s clearly fiddling with his hands, he also has on a lose warm smile. Jack is only a beat or two behind his wife, nearly shoving the invention off the table. Danny’s always glad for the reminders that family comes before hunting to them, there’s no way he’d be doing this if family didn’t come first.
“What is it sweetie?”, Maddie won’t lie and says she’s not ecstatic at her closed off son actively wanting to share something with them.
“Is it a whole bucket of fudge kind of thing, or just a fudgesicle?”, Danny can’t help but snicker at that too, effectively loosening him up a bit.
“Try three buckets, dad. But the kind eaten with a, probably confused, smile. It’s nothing bad, just weird”, Danny almost laughs when his dad actually gets a bucket of fudge.
While his mom sits down with a sigh, “well, sweetie. I’m not sure I’d expect it to be anything but weird. I’ve heard nearly everyone in Amity refer to you and your friends as the “weirdo trio”, including the three of you. Weirds not bad though”.
“Of course it’s not mom. But I’m definitely the weirdest person in Amity, even if Tuck constantly gives me a run for my money. Sometimes literally”, Danny sits down and shuffles a bit. Hands clasped and in his lap, “anyway, there’s someone I want you to meet and before you ask, no we’re not dating or anything and that would be really gross if we did. For a lot of reasons, which I’ll get to. But more importantly, I’d like her to come live here, with us”.
Maddie looks rather frazzled as Jack speaks up, “oh yeah this is at least one bucket of fudge already. Who is she and why would she need to come here?”
Maddie finds her voice at this, “oh god, does she not have anywhere to go? Sweetie, we’d be glad to let a friend stay if that’s what you’re asking”.
Danny smiles awkwardly and rubs his hands together, “friend’s not really the right word and she’s never really had a home, at all”. Maddie looks utterly crushed to hear this but Danny continues, “this is where it starts getting kind of weird though. Her name is Danielle or Dani, with an I, for short”.
Jack can’t help but laugh good maturely at that, “her names nearly the same as yours Danny-boy! That has to be confusing”. Danny nods and laughs a little, “Oh it is, especially when someone is trying to get one of us’s attention. It’s a good thing she’s got a good sense of humour otherwise all of Tucker’s nicknames would probably offend her”. Danny shakes his head remembering that time Tucker called her “gooey Dani”, even he thought that was mean and he makes jokes at the expense of his own half death.
Being more serious he looks straight at his mom, “with what I’m asking, I’m not seeing it as a for the moment kind of situation. But rather permanently, to be part of the family”. Maddie’s eyebrows raise as far as they can go and Jack shovels ice cream in his mouth.
“But...but what about her parents? Oh god Danny, what happened to her?”, Maddie looks downright horrified now and Danny grimaces. Which doesn’t make Maddie feel any better. Even Jack has slowly put his spoon down, sensing that this is not a good time to be eating anymore.
“What happened is, yes, why I want her to come live here. With us. And this is where it gets really weird, the bad kind. As far as parents, she doesn’t really have them in the traditional sense”, Danny can’t help but look a little bit angry and Jack instantly hates what or whoever could make his kind-hearted son angry at just a thought.
“to put it frankly, her technical father, who will not be called such because he’s a piece of shit, tried to melt her down. Simply put, he almost murdered her three days ago”. Maddie brings her hand up to her mouth, a bit teary-eyed, while Jack clenches his fists and stares down at the table.
“Son, that is absolutely evil. Please tell me the cops have this man”, neither of the two are happy when Danny sighs and shakes his head. Maddie’s about to speak up as he shakes his head at her.
“The cops don’t know at all, about anything and they can’t. Legally, Dani doesn’t exist. I said he was her technical father for a reason. She was created, in a lab, by a mad man. Along with four others, all of whom are dead. Melted down, because they weren’t “successful”. Their genetics weren’t stable”. Danny sighs and shuffles, “Dani herself is only stable because I figured out how to fix her before she fully de-stabilised. Which you guys actually helped with, unknowingly but still, so thanks for that. Technically, the right word for her is “clone” but she doesn’t exactly like that and neither do I”.
Maddie nods, feeling a bit numb, “you-you’re right, Danny, sweetie. This is weird. I can’t even imagine cloning someone and I swear we-we will not call her that. I’m glad you were able to help her, you really always are good to a fault”, Danny doesn’t even have to wait for Jack to make his opinion known as he almost aggressively nods his head repeatedly. “Son, this seems mostly like the bad kind of weird”.
Danny rubs his neck awkwardly, “yeah for only being around for half a year or so, her life hasn’t been the greatest. She’s mentally and physically around 12 though”.
“Well that’s changing right now!”, Danny almost jumps from his dad’s unflinching resolute tone. Maddie nods rather sadly, “yes, of course. She really is welcome to stay, unusual “birth” or not. We’ll have to see how she fits in though, Danny. We Fenton’s are rather strange”.
Danny smirks and chuckles, “oh I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that. This might make more sense if I just bring her in. You guys ok with that?”. At both his parents nods he gets up and walks to the door, as they stand and busy themselves with trying to look happy and welcoming.
Sticking his head out the door, “hey you. So this has been an interesting reminder in how weird and kind of screwed up both our lives are, to more normal people”, Danny smirks as Dani giggles into her hand.
“You’re such a mess, cuz”
Danny rolls his eyes at her but smiles goofily, “just remember, no ghost shit for now, they don’t know about that quite yet”. Dani slugs him in the arm as she smirks, before hopping out and goes to walk in the door; Danny in front of her.
Danny barely suppresses as laugh and Dani fails at doing that completely, as Jack and Maddie look back and forth between the two of them rapidly.  
“Danny-boy!? She looks-she looks just like you?!”, Danny nods as he rubs his neck a little. “Yeah, this is sort of the weirdest part of the giant circle of weird”.
Danny doesn’t get to finish as Dani speaks up, with a goofy grin on her face, “yup! Genetically, he’s my daddy!”.
Danny’s face goes beat red, facepalming as he mutters into his hand, “what happened to calling me cuz?”
“Right now daddy is funnier. And it is technically more accurate”, Danny clearly sees her fingergun at him through his fingers.
He can’t help but smile and laugh, smirking at her, “you’re awful”.
“If I'm awful, then so are you”
“Have you heard my puns? Me being awful is well established”
“Well, I think they’re spooktacular. In that awful I want to beat a rubber chicken up to hear it scream, kind of way”, Danny snorts loudly at this.
Jack and Maddie watch the conversation still rather stunned, Maddie’s the first to find her voice, “wow, you really are cut from the same cloth. I, um, it’s nice to meet you”. Jack’s eyes go wide with a realisation and he claps his hands excitedly together, “this means you already are a Fenton! Danny-boy was right! There can’t be anything to worry about if you’ve got Fenton in you!”
Danny smiles and smirks at Dani, “told you”. Dani just sticks her tongue at him and runs into the kitchen, waving at Jack and Maddie as she goes.
“In case it isn’t obvious, her social skills aren’t the greatest”, Danny shrugs just as Dani shouts out from the kitchen, “got any pancakes! I could literally eat my whole arm! I haven’t eaten all day!”.
Jack and Maddie both notice how Danny looks instantly worried and heads into the kitchen, “you could have said something you know? I would have bought you something”.
“I don’t want you spending your little money on me. You need it”, Danny rolls his eyes at her as he serves her some of the, now slightly burnt, supper soup. Dani doesn’t seem to care that it’s not fluffy batter circles, as she stuffs her face.
Watching Danny doting on her, Maddie leans over and whispers to her husband, “I think Danny might really see her as his child, at least subconsciously anyway”. Jack nods and smiles warmly, “I’m certain you’re right, Mads. And this is certainly the most Fenton way to find out you have a granddaughter”.
Any remaining tension is obliterated when Dani bumps the ghost gabber as she asks for more soup. And, “my tiny fearsome body demands more soup! Fear me!”, is blurted out of the little machine. Everyone but Dani bursts out laughing, as Dani pokes incredulously at the machine.
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bluehhj · 5 years
listen to me — chapter 28
listen to me masterlist;
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Jisung barely took the key out of the ignition after stopping the motorbike in the parking lot of the college and was already approached by Woojin in a not inconspicuous way. Hyunjin and Yoorim were getting out of the car further ahead and, consequently, were drawn to Kim's too much energy at that time of the morning.
"Look who's here!" — the phrase of the oldest of the four made Han roll his eyes as he got off the motorbike. — "I didn't know you were the type of guy who sneaked in to kiss someone in the dark, that's more like me."
"Who did you kiss in the dark?" — asked Yoorim, one of her well-made eyebrows being arched. Though aware of the answer, Heo wanted to hold the smile for a few more seconds and be genuinely curious.
"Isn't that obvious, guys?" — Woojin took the word again, sending Han a look that blended pride and presumption. — "Even the hand on Jinah's ass he put."
"That's a lie," — Jisung finally pronounced, even though he might have given a little squeeze into that inviting ass by pure indirect encouragement from the girl herself. — "And you have to stop being so inconvenient."
"My prayers were heard." — Hyunjin had a silly grin on his face and a stupid gleam in his eyes. — "How did that happen? Or rather, it was the first time that happened, right?"
Han moistened his lips and passed them, then starting to walk in an unsuccessful attempt to escape an answer that would probably be his decline of the day.
"Han Jisung!" — Yoorim scolded and followed him along with the other two. — "You hid something like that from us, you can't do it!"
"I thought we were friends." — Hyunjin made drama.
"And we are, but I knew that, if I told you, you'd start acting the way you were acting fifteen seconds ago."
"Of course, that's what friends are for," — retorted Yoorim. — "I'm disappointed in you, oppa."
"Who are you to say something?" — Jisung frowned and turned his face toward the girl. — "When I found out that you and Hyunjin were dating, almost two months had passed!"
"It was different."
"No, it wasn't."
"The main thing is that soon Jisung will have a new girlfriend" — Woojin returned to the subject's focus. — "If he doesn't already have and we still don't know."
"Don't exaggerate, hyung," — Jisung murmured. — "It's just a few kisses from time to time, no one spoke of any label."
"But you feel something for her, don't you?" — Hyunjin asked hopefully. — "Even if it's just a little bit."
It was true that, at the time when they were becoming more than friends — although he couldn't really define what that relationship was — Jisung stopped thinking about Chaerin so often, even because who began to occupy the other half of his thoughts were Jinah. It still hurt the memory of being cheated on and dumped before the wedding, but not as much as it had been weeks ago. And it was also true to say that, in one way or another, Jisung had grown accustomed to Jinah and liked her as much as he liked what they were experiencing, he just couldn't tell what level that "liking" was, but it was clear the feeling existed somehow.
"If I answered you guys would become the most unbearable people in the world."
And Jisung was absolutely certain of his last statement from the moment the three of them started shouting, albeit modestly, and made him go through a little embarrassment in the middle of the campus.
Jinah was going through one of those extremely busy days when everything seemed out of place, including her neurons.
She had to pay attention to the class, but she couldn't stop thinking about the seminar she would have to present next week, the book that she hadn't yet read a third and the fact that she had to leave the last class in half because she had received a call from her work asking her to start earlier, since Sorn was ill and couldn't attend that afternoon. On the bright side was that she would get the next day off, but the downside was that she'd miss some important explanations that would certainly be charged in the evaluation. And there was still the damn final paper in the next period.
"Unnie," — Jade called softly after hearing the second sigh of pure frustration from Choi. — "I know it's hard to control stress at this stage, but you think everyone here is in the same boat as you. If you freak out is worse."
"I just wanted a vacation," — Jinah replied in the same tone. — "Life of a poor college student is a hell."
The american giggled, she couldn't disagree: — "You'll survive."
Taking a deep breath — an act that, sometimes, prevented her from committing madness that she'd come to regret at the last second —, Jinah tried to focus on the next classes and deprived herself of the break time to start writing a review her professor had requested last week. Jade insisted that she should leave it for another time, claiming that Choi should feed herself and take care of her health first of all, but Jinah didn't care and continued to do what she was doing. The last thing she asked the american was to tell Jisung that she was only too busy, since it had become routine to meet in the cafeteria and, when that didn't happen — like the time Jinah woke up in a bad mood and didn't wanted to talk to anybody —, Han noticed her absence, and maybe cared a little bit about it.
And there was also the fact that the girl wanted, more than anything, to exchange that fucking review for Han's company, but, sometimes, a few priorities should be imposed.
Having the last class of the day right in the middle of it, when Taeyeon sat at the table to correct some exercises, Jinah collected her few materials and left the room, not before hearing Jade saying that if she didn't have lunch, the two would have to solve things at the base of the slap when they got home. She hurried across the campus to the main gates, quickly greeting the Agronomy students who were already in the bar in front of the college, though it was morning, but Jinah didn't have time to discuss the others' level of alcoholism.
Her way home would have been quick and uninterrupted, as she wanted and imagined it to be, however, as soon as Jinah turned the corner and came across an extremely tall and unwanted figure, she knew that day couldn't get any worse.
"Look" — pale skin, dark hair scraped at the sides thanks to the beautiful jovial hairstyle, small eyes, lips proportionately full and rosy with a piercing attached to the lower, well marked jaw; this was Kim Minhwan. — "You didn't even wait for me to at least look for you."
"Oh, God, give me strength..." — Jinah muttered to herself, not sure if she wanted the strength to endure that situation or to simply punch that person. — "Look for me for what, man?"
"It's always good to see important people again," — Minhwan was offended. — "I thought you'd be happy."
"I would if you were really important and not an annoying one, now get out of the way I have more to do."
"You were more fun before, what happened?"
Patience, God, patience is essential.
"I used to like seeing your face," — Jinah explained. — "Today I want to hit your face."
"So, hit" — provocative, Minhwan leaned his face slightly in the direction of Choi. — "If you want to reverse roles, go ahead."
"You're the most disgusting person I've ever met."
"And you're the most stubborn person" — recovering his posture, Kim got a colder look. — "Did you have to leave the city like that?"
"And did you have to follow me here as if we were still in those days?"
"I couldn't be without you any longer, Jinah," — the girl laughed, wryly, but Minhwan really meant it. — "You know you're the only one I've ever loved in my life."
"Oh, for God's sake, you call that love?" — Choi hitted her hands in her jeans. — "No one loves like that, only you, in that sick head of yours."
"I'll do differently this time."
"No, you won't, because you're not good and this is the only certainty I have in my life" — Jinah, then, walked past him and tried to continue her way, but a hand on her forearm prevented her. — "Let go."
"You can't forget that, no matter where we are, your heart will still be mine," — Minhwan stated firmly. — "But, unlike you think, I'm not going to do it like the other times and make a presence in your life twenty-four hours a day. No, I'll wait for the right moment. A moment when you're happy and think nothing more can mess it up" — he smiled little, but it was a smile that shivered Jinah. — "After all, what happened years ago won't pass in vain, and everything that goes around, comes back. I hope you're aware of that."
"You're crazy."
"I am" — Minhwan nodded and released her arm from the slight squeeze. — "But it was you who left me like this; it's your fault."
One last stunned look of bad feeling from the tall boy and Jinah turned away, not bothering to respond. This was a conversation she'd, surely, take off before bed.
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(a/n: guys, how do you imagine minhwan? since i started writing this au i thought of him as mingi from ateez, but i was a little hesitant to put this baby as a character, it got worse when i became atiny, cuz i realized the baby he actually is, but his image didn't come out from my head and i just managed to change the name lskskj anyway, imagine him how you want, but i'll leave a gif of mingi for those who dont know him and want to follow the same line of reasoning as mine)
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(gif aint mine)
stan talent stan ateez guys, stream these icons
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Rising Stars
A/N: Tom is 21 in this fic, you’re 19. All movies you’ve featured in are purely fictional and if they’re the names of real movies, ignore that.
Not in any way connected to ‘Protection’ but this was in my drafts so... Enjoy!
Tom sighs and rests his chin on his hand, staring boredly at the movie screen. He’s watching some movie with Haz and his brothers and frankly, he’s enjoyed some quite more than this one. However, Harrison seems to be enjoying the movie, so he’s at least pretending to be invested. It rather seems to be the same sort of story—girl meets boy, they fall in love, they have a fight, they kiss and make up. Along with some murder and guns, which is what Harrison is chuckling at.
Then the main character’s best friend comes onto the screen. Tom’s eyes widen. The girl is… absolutely gorgeous. She should’ve had the starring movie role instead of the supporting character, even if the main role is being played by a much bigger name than yours.
He can’t help but marvel at how well you play your character, who’s name is Maria. You never even think about breaking character, he can tell, or maybe you’re just acting like yourself. Either way, Tom’s in awe. How could someone this gorgeous be so talented? There’s gotta be something you can’t do, but at one point you have to sing karaoke with the main character and your voice is stunning. Nope, you’re perfect.
All too soon, the movie is over, ending with the two main characters getting together and being happy. Tom grunts unhappily. He’d have liked to see you one more time.
“Dude!” Harrison laughs. “You were drooling over Maria!”
Tom immediately blushes. “I was not!”
“You so were!” Sam chimes in, his nose crinkling with disgust. “I saw you when she was singing!”
“You guys are so annoying,” Tom grumbles and tries to discreetly wipe off his chin just in case there is something on there. Harrison snorts.“Maybe you’ll end up in a movie with her,” he suggests optimistically. Tom shakes his head. That could never happen—he’s a good enough actor, sure, but you’re fantastic.
“Her name’s Y/N Y/L/N. She’s nineteen years old, only recently started acting,” Harry says, reading off his phone screen. “She was in a movie called ‘Evanescence’, which is supposed to be really good.”
Tom makes a mental note of that before saying loudly, “You guys are being ridiculous. I thought she was pretty, but I’m not about to watch every movie she’s ever been in.”
Which is exactly what he does. You’ve only been in five: ‘Evanescence’; in which you were the main character and it’s about a girl who is unable to be remembered by anyone she doesn’t see after more than a few days ‘cuz at the end it’s revealed that you’re a ghost, ‘Idols’; which was your first movie, in which you played a more or less important supporting character in a society that entirely lives underground but you were only in that one for about twenty minutes, ‘Jade Necklaces’; a movie in which you played the sidekick again in a story about a girl who sells jade necklaces on the black market, ‘Stormy’; a film about a girl with anxiety, and the one that Tom had watched with Harrison, which is called ‘Scars’.
Tom doesn’t want to call himself a stalker, exactly, but he does watch all your movies, and looks at your Instagram daily (he wants to watch your story but he doesn’t want the off chance of you seeing that he saw it), and he finds out that you have two brothers; one younger named Noah and one older named Caleb.
Harrison, however, repeatedly calls Tom a stalker, especially when he sees Tom’s wallpaper: a picture from ‘Jade Necklaces’ in which you’re wearing a sundress and laughing on a beach.
Tom nearly freaks out when he sees your most recent Instagram post: a small Spider-man plushie with a head as big as your hand next to your cat with the caption ‘Peter Parker isn’t dead because I say so fight me, I cried during Loki’s (faked) death and That Scene’. He hadn’t realized you like Marvel, let alone the character he plays!
Harry walks in on Tom on his bed, staring at the picture as he debates whether or not to like it. It’s a post about him, right, so it wouldn’t be super weird to like it, like liking a regular post of someone you don’t even know that has nothing to do with him. Of course, you’re also a movie star, so lots of people like every single thing you post, but still.
“You’ve been staring at that same picture for the last two hours,” Harry says matter-of-factly. “Just thought you should know.”
“Should I like it?” Tom groans with desperation. “Harry, help me!”
Harry shrugs and leaves the room.
“Thanks for your help!” Tom shouts after him, patting Tessa when she moves.
“I know you,” you say excitedly when you meet your co-star, Zendaya Coleman, before one of the readings for your upcoming movie. “You were in Spider-man: Homecoming! I loved that movie!” You then blush, flustered when you realize you hadn’t introduced yourself. “I mean, hi, I’m Y/N Y/L/N and I’m going to be your co-star.”
Zendaya smiles at you brightly, shaking your hand firmly. “I’m Zendaya and it’s fine, I’ve seen some of your movies too! You’re so talented. I can’t wait to work with you. My friend is going to freak out when he hears about this; he absolutely loves you.”
You blush a deep scarlet, letting out an awkward chuckle. “I’m really not that good. You’ve definitely had more experience than me.”
Zendaya shrugs and smiles. “Agree to disagree?” After your nod, she says, “I’ve actually not read the books for this, but I read the script. Have you, yet?”
Your eyes light up. “Oh, yeah! Actually, it’s a trilogy, so we’ll probably be called back if it’s a good enough success. And I’ve actually read the books. I loved them, but I nearly refused to act in the movies—too many series are ruined by film adaptations, you know?” You fake-shudder. “Don’t get me started on the Percy Jackson movies.”
“I know, right?” Zendaya bursts out. “They made me so angry!”
“Exactly!” You point at her. “It would have been amazing if they had actually had at least a moderately good grip on the gist of the books, but they didn’t even deserve to be called Percy Jackson. Actually, they would have been good as standalone films about the Greek gods, ‘cuz the screenwriters literally took the names of the main characters and that was it.” You blush again. “I’m sorry, that was off-topic.”
Zendaya waves a hand nonchalantly.
“The scripts for this are actually pretty on point, except in the book, your character, Alit,… dies,” you say apologetically. “From the Killer. In the second book, the base is bombed so it’s mostly about my character, Jag, who’s working in our makeshift base in the forest, and Matthew as he tries to break into the facility to get the virus. It ends on a cliffhanger of him being caught. In the third book, he makes it out but without the virus, but during the middle it turns out that he was exposed to it in the lab and didn’t die, so he’s immune, and Catherine manages to make an antidote out of it but… Jag dies too.” You laugh. “The author was pretty ruthless. Anyways, Matthew takes out President 67 and figures out that it was actually his mom all along—she’d faked her death to leave him and his dad. I don’t know what they’re going to do with your character, but your character and Matt will most likely get together at the end—it was implied during the first book that they liked each other and would have gotten together if Alit hadn’t died.”
Zendaya nods thoughtfully. “That sounds sweet.”
“Hopefully the next two movies stick to the books as much as this one did,” you say, smiling. Then you wiggle your eyebrows. “I’m actually disappointed you’re not playing Catherine, because she and Jag get together before Jag dies. Not many people get to say they’ve kissed Zendaya Coleman.”
Zendaya laughs loudly and just then, the director walks in. “Okay, guys, today we’re going to be reading through scenes one to ten. Let me know if you guys need a break!” Everyone shuffles to their seats. Your eyes skim over the people you’re going to be knowing very well, taking in the wide age ranges sitting at the table.
“Opening scene: Family sitting at a dinner table eating mush,” someone reads outloud. You have to smirk at that.
“Papa, have you heard from Uncle Mick lately?” a small child asks.
“He said he would be gone still until Monday,” a man reads.
And so it begins.
You and your friends are all watching ‘Spider-man: Homecoming’, which includes Zendaya and Ashley, the girl who plays Catherine in your upcoming movie. Your friends are all sufficiently awed by Z, who willingly takes photos with them, before you all settle down to watch the movie. You and your closest friend from school, Vivien, exchange excited glances. You two are humongous Marvel fans. She loves to make edits out of clips from Marvel movies, mainly about Bucky, but one edit that had been about Spider-man had gotten commented on by the actual Tom Holland.
He’d only commented ‘This is sick!’ but still, the two of you had squealed excitedly when she’d gotten the notification. You swear you’d nearly had a heart attack. Tom Holland is literally the sweetest thing ever, and so nice and talented, and yes, extremely hot. You’ve got a picture of him shirtless from the scene in his room during ‘Homecoming’ and it’s probably a bit creepy but he’s honestly gorgeous.
Your other friend, Athena, who is just as obsessed with Tom Holland as you, squeals with you when you see him on the screen for the first time without the suit on. Zendaya just smirks at the two of you and grins when MJ appears on-screen.
“That’s you,” you sing, drawing out the word ‘you’ and hugging a pillow to your chest.
“I know,” she says, grinning, and starts texting Harrison. The basement is filled with giggles and squeals the rest of the night, along with Z occasionally interjecting to tell funny stories about filming the movie.
About halfway through ‘Homecoming’ you stop and stare at her.
“Yes?” she asks, suppressing a laugh at the dumbfounded look on your face.
“You know Tom Holland,” you whisper and then put your face in your hands. “Oh my gosh, you’re so telling him about how ridiculous I am!”
“Ooh, thanks for the idea,” she teases.
“Z!” you squeal, lunging for her phone. She holds it out of your reach, shushing you.
“The movie’s playing!”
You cross your arms and pout but turn back to the movie just in time for Peter to be buried under rubble by the vulture. You scowl.
“Remember when this was the worst thing that happened to Peter Parker?” Athena asks.
“‘Infinity War’ is not to be mentioned in this household,” you command.
“She’s been like this for a while,” Vivien whispers loudly to Zendaya.
“That’s because he deserved better!” you say heatedly.
Athena holds up her hands. “Does it look like anyone else is arguing with you?”
Zendaya: Haz, you WOULD NOT BELIEVE who’s my costar and obsessed with tom
Harrison: Storm Reid?
Zendaya: What? No
Harrison: Rowan Blanchard?
Zendaya: NO
Zendaya: Y/N Y/L/N
Zendaya: She’s like in love with tom
Harrison: …
Harrison: How does that even happen
Zendaya: Can you believe how lucky they both are
Harrison: So we gotta set them up right
Zendaya: What kinda friends would we be if we didn’t? Meghan markle’s friends set her up with harry
Harrison: Who?
Zendaya: nvm
Zendaya: We just have to think of something
Zendaya: Hey Y/N, wanna go hiking?
Y/N: Sure, Z! When? How’re ur scenes doing?
Zendaya: its fun but a lot of work! I might invite some of my other friends too, is that cool? And i was thinking next saturday
Y/N: Yep, that’s fine.
Zendaya: bring noah too, all right?
Y/N: I’ll see if i can take him
Haz: Hey tom wanna go hiking with z and some of her friends?
Tom: sure, when
Haz: idk maybe next saturday?
Tom: that works, i’ll see u guys then
Haz: bring harry, sam, and paddy too, one of her friends is bringing their younger sibling
Tom: got it
Zendaya: Did he say yes?
Haz: Yeah, did she?
Zendaya: Yep! Jeez, i can’t wait to see her face. She is literally so smitten with him
Haz: I bet Tom’s worse.
You and Ashley have hardly been able to look each other in the eyes recently without bursting into fits of giggles. Having to kiss one of your friends is definitely a lot more awkward than you thought it would be, and trying to do it while pretending to be injured is another thing entirely.
“Scene thirty-nine, take five!” the director yells.
Ashley fixes you with a serious look. You can’t stop yourself from laughing at the sheer awkwardness of the situation.
“Y/N, please!” the director shouts, rubbing his face with his hands.
“Sorry, sir,” you say, trying and failing to mask your features into one of indifference. “Note to self: ask to film the kissing scenes before I see my ‘partner’ streaking across the set.”
Ashley colors and laughs as well, both of you glancing over at the actor who plays Matthew, who rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Please!” the director asks again and you two both quickly school your expressions back into that of seriousness. “Scene thirty-nine, take six!”
Ashley stares at you seriously, putting down the unused bandages. “Jag… you don’t have to be last in line to be helped. You can be selfish every once in a while.”
“Soldiers aren’t selfish,” you say stiffly, remembering that Jag has a nasty graze on her left side, so you lean a bit to the left. You keep your eyes on the wall but sneak a glance at her when she turns away.
“Are you a soldier 24/7?” Ashley asks, putting her hand on your cheek under the guise of checking the fake gash on your forehead. You blink slowly, staring up at her with an expression akin to the one you’d use if you ever saw Tom Holland. “Is that all you are?”
“Isn’t it?” you whisper and then Ashley puts her other hand on your cheek and presses her lips to yours. You stiffen, eyes wide, before slowly letting them flutter shut. Your hands rise to her waist.
“And cut!” the director shouts, not a moment too late. You can’t help yourself from breaking into loud guffaws and Ashley does the same. “Come on guys, be mature…” he sighs. You wave a hand at him, your eyes watering.
Noah is bouncing off the doors of the car, excited that you’re letting him sit in the front seat for the first time in his life.
“These are my friends, so behave,” you say sternly after you pull up to the start of the trail. “We’ll eat later, so make sure you have snacks, and don’t forget your stick.”
He nods impatiently, holding his lacrosse stick tightly in his fist, and shoulders his Avengers drawstring bag. “Can we go?”
“We’re going to wait for my friends,” you remind him. “Wanna throw?”
You two throw with your sticks for twenty minutes before he gets bored and pulls a small Nerf football out of his bag. You’ve only just started throwing with that before Zendaya pulls up, waving wildly. You wave back, giving Noah a perfect opportunity to hit you in the face with the football.
He gulps when you glare at him and points to your friend. “Don’t you need to behave?” He throws your words back at you.
You wag a finger at him. “Not cool, mister.”
“Okay, so I think my friends already started hiking, so we can head up,” Z calls once she’s close enough, checking her watch. “We’re going to meet them at the top and then hike along the top for a while before coming back. That cool?”
Noah nods at her and scampers ahead, instantly forgetting about his bag, stick, and football. Rolling your eyes, you scoop up his stuff and trail after him, chatting with Z about how weird it is to kiss your friends.
The hike isn’t long, and before long you can see the opening of the trees to the top. You’d dumped Noah’s stuff on him a while back, and he’s still bursting with energy despite having to lug it up the trail and quite a bit ahead of you and your friend. You’re a little out of breath but not too badly.
A small boy runs to greet you three, accompanied by a grey dog. You immediately coo at the sight of it, crouching down to let it barrel into your legs. Zendaya rolls her eyes and leaves you there, scratching at the dog’s belly.
“Hey, Tom!” she greets her friend but not too loudly so you don’t hear. “Hey Haz!”
They both greet her.
“Where’s Tessa?” Tom asks awkwardly, running a hand through his hair. Normally she doesn’t run off, and if she gets lost it’ll ruin the whole trip.
Zendaya rolls her eyes. “Oh, my friend’s petting her. She loves dogs.”
“I bet Tessa’s bothering her, I’ll go get her,” the boy mutters and jogs down the path. A girl with Y/H/C is crouching down to pet Tessa, cooing at her. A lacrosse stick is at her side.
You look up when you hear the footsteps approaching, and nearly have a heart attack.
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
My Girl
If you have any fic ideas or requests you’d like me to write, you can leave me an ask!
Book: Queen B, Chapter 15
Pairing: Zoey Wade x MC (Bea Hughes)
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G, none
Word count: 3,649
A/N: Literally just chapter 15 with more fluff. If you read my fics, I’m pretty sure it’s obvious I’m a whore for characters slow dancing or just holding onto each other so this chapter was my dream lol. I wrote this cuz when I read it, this song was playing in my head and I knew I had it include it somehow. Highly recommend listening to it while they dance together. Song is ‘My Girl’ by The Temptations
Tag list: @ineedskyecrandall @kamilahsayeet2063 @avalawrencefl @lovekamilahsayeed @thequeenkamilahsayeed @heygmicheelle @djtjsmith14 (lmk if anyone would like to be included or removed in my next fics.)
"Zo? This isn't some Hollywood red carpet premiere, right?" I asked hesitantly while peering out from our limo's window. I suddenly felt very intimidated, realising that I was about to be greeted by a swarm of flashing cameras. "Why are there so many of them?!"
"Hey, we already talked about this! You can't show fear! Paparazzi are like wolves, they smell that stuff!" Zoey took my hand gently and brushed a kiss across my cheek. The sudden spike of anxiety I felt when I saw all the cameras subsided as soon as it appeared when she did so and was replaced by butterflies. "Besides, I'll be there to fight them for you if they get too rabid. You've got nothing to be scared of."
"You'd really fight them for me? You wouldn't mind risking your manicure?" I asked incredulously.
"As long as you cheer me on," she teased. "I'd be a campus legend!"
"I already think you are, Zo." I looked at into her bright eyes that were only made more captivating by her eye makeup. "You're officially the best date."
Zoey leaned in closer to me, eyes sparkled playfully, her breath against my lips as she answers.
"I know."
My heart jumped as her lips brushed mine, but all too soon the limo stopped and the chauffer opened the door. Zoey grinned and pats my cheek, stroking it lightly.
"It's time for your entrance."
She gave me one last kiss on the cheek before sliding out of the limo. I followed her, eyes screaming in pain as I tried to fight not to squint at the camera flashes. My heart started thumping in my chest at all the attention, feeling a little uneasy.
But then I noticed Zoey. She was waiting for me, her hand extended, smiling radiantly and outshining all the cameras while gazing at me lovingly. The sight made my breath hitch. She was seraphic and the flashing lights only made her look like she was glowing.  All the camera flashes were going off behind her but her focus was on me. Their attention may have been on us but her attention was only on me.
"Come on, darling. Remember, it's your moment."
I grinned back at her and took her hand, feeling warmth and ease spread through me as she laced her fingers with mine.
"It's our moment."
As we strode down the red carpet, I felt like cowering. I was used to getting attention since my ranking increased but that was nothing like this. All eyes were on me but with Zoey's hand in mine, it kept me grounded. An amity in the sea of unfamiliarity. She would give my hand a squeeze every once in a while as encouragement. 'You're doing great!'.
A little further, an interviewer and his camerawoman stopped us.
"Chad Bentley for Celeb Highlight. You look stunning tonight Miss Hughes!"
"You obviously haven't seen my date,"  I joked and gestured towards Zoey, feeling much more relaxed knowing she was by my side. "She's the stunning one."
Zoey laughed and squeezed my hand. "We're both the stunning ones tonight, babe."
"Only tonight?"
"Tonight, yesterday, tomorrow and always."
I turned back to Chad to address him. "I'll have to thank my wonderful date for this look tonight, she's the one that put it all together. She really knows how make me stand out even in a crowd as large and glamorous as this one."
"You're tiara is absolutely to die for too! Please tell us a little about it."
"It's garnet  and white diamonds in 18 karat gold. Once again, I have to hand all the props to my girl." I removed my hand from hers only to wrap it around her waist and tug her closer to me. "Miss Zoey Wade."
Chad averted his attention to Zoey. "Miss Wade, not only do you look gorgeous tonight, you styled, dare I say, the best-dressed person here tonight and a little bird told me you also produced the top-chart hit of the summer! Is there anything you can't do?"
Zoey lets out a brilliant laugh and responds, "I have yet to find out, Chad."
"That's my girl," I beamed in pride.
"You heard it here first, Highlighters! Looks like we have two new trendsetters on the scene! You both make an adorable and beautiful couple as well! Thank you for your time!"
Zoey and I continued to strut down the rest of the red carpet together, arms linked.
"Heard that, babe?" I nudged Zoey. "Adorable and beautiful couple."
"That's old news, we already knew that."
We laughed as we walked into the ballroom where we heard the guests complimenting the stellar decoration Zoey and I put together.
"Looks like another win for team Zea!" Zoey cheered.
"Since when were we known as Zea?" I questioned. "Why not put my name first? Let's call ourselves Boey!"
"Oh, babe, I adore you, but no," she patted my arm,  giving me a sympathetic look.
Just then, Thomas stepped onto the stage and grabs the mic. "Good evening, alums, faculty, Person to Watch hopefuls, and guests alike! Our talent show will begin at ten. In the meantime, please enjoy the refreshments as you mingle. Yes, the mini quiches are wrapped in gold foil. No, they won't poison you... but no promises about the guests. just try to be friends. You might even make some new ones."
The other guests laughed but I didn't know whether to join along or break into a sweat. I felt Zoey bumped her hip against mine lightly and snaked an arm around me to pull me into her. I instantly lost my train of thought at her close proximity.
"That's your cue to get out there and talk up the guests," she hinted at me. "Butter 'em up before the talent show."
"Are you coming with me?" I asked, giving her my best puppy dog eyes, already knowing the answer.
"You're so cute," she turned towards me and gave me a small peck on the forehead. "Unfortunately, I have to do my own rounds. Don't worry, I won't be too far."
"Don't take too long either."
I grabbed onto her hand as she moved to leave my side.
"I'll see you soon, babe," she laughed.
She moved further away, making our arms stretch out 'cuz I refused to let go.
"Bye...," I spoked sadly with a pout.
"I'll be back before you know it, babe!"
My hand slipped out from hers and hung limply by my side. She blew me a kiss before turning her back to me and walked away.
I sighed and went to go talk to the other guests, already missing her presence by my side.
While I was mingling, I snuck glances as Zoey every once in a while. I would get distracted by the littlest things she'd do. From the way her smile lit up her face to her every hand movements to even the way she stood, I noticed everything. It's always been that way with Zoey. Ever since I met her, I'd always catch myself getting enthralled by anything she did. She was a force to be reckoned with and all I could do was stare in awe. She was a celestial being and I was lucky for her to even give me a second glance.
But that's what she did.
Zoey was by the snacks, enjoying a mini quiche when she glimpsed at my direction. She caught me staring and gazed back at me, locking her eyes with mine. I felt myself getting breathless as we shared a heated look. The electricity between us was palpable and I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to feel Zoey's arms around me.
I excused myself from the person I was talking to and made my way towards her, never breaking eye contact. I stopped right in front of her and just stared at her for a second before dropping into a stupid curtsy that I don't even think I was doing right but I didn't care. She was a queen and she deserved to be bowed at. I'm sure Zoey was used to my weird and dorky antics by now anyway.
"May I have this dance, m'lady?" I asked with a huge grin.
"You are so embarrassing," she giggled at me. "Of course you can."
I take Zoey's hand, immediately loving the comfort it brought me, and leaded her to the middle of the dance floor. If anyone deserved the spotlight, it was her and I aimed to give that to her. Being right at the center also helped me show my gorgeous date. I had the most extraordinary woman on my arm tonight. Why wouldn't I want to let everyone know that?
The only problem was that the dance floor was filled with couples doing old-timey dances that made me think of Pride and Prejudice. And I was no Mr. Darcy.
"So," I started, "here's the part where I admit that I've never taken a ballroom dancing lesson in my life."
"I took one, it was so boring," she rolled her eyes. "You have to hold your partner as if they're some sort of cadaver or something."
"Ew," I said but smiled, knowing I wasn't alone. "Are we about to embarrass ourselves in front of all the old waltzing couples?"
She studied me for a moment before breaking into a grin. "It's only embarrassing if you're embarrassed. And I don't have time for that."
You are so right, as usual," I chuckled. "In that case, let's figure out our own slow dance."
I saw her face soften as I took one of her hands, my other arm slid around her waist. I grinned at the challenging gleam in her eyes.
"You better impress me," she teased. "You know you took me away from the best mini quiche I'd ever had in my life, right?"
"I'm just up against a quiche?" I questioned with an amused look. "Psh, I've got this. And don't act like you didn't want me to ask you to a dance, I saw the way you looked back at me."
"Only 'cuz I couldn't help but admire how good you look."
I slipped my arm a little further around the small of her back, then spun her in a sweeping circle that made the skirt of her dress flare out. She laughed breathlessly, her hand gripped mine tighter. The orchestra was nice and all, but Zoey's laugh? God, nothing in the world could compare. My heart soared from hearing it and pride swelled in my chest just knowing that I was the one that caused that heavenly sound.
"They teach you this move in Farmsville, Fancy Feet?"
I breath out a small laugh. "Nah."
"Then where's all this grace coming from, Miss 'I've never taken a dance lesson'?"
"I'm just feeling inspired looking at you."
She giggled as I slowed down. She brushed her lips against my cheek, her voice warm in my ears.
"You're doing a good job impressing me."
I giggled and leaned my cheek against hers.
I brought Zoey closer to me, hugging her and swaying to the melodic tune played by the orchestra, feeling drunk off the grandness of it all. And yet, somehow, the best part of it all was having Zoey in my arms. I smiled to myself, wondering how the hell I got so lucky to be with her here.
I noticed a few people staring at us and whispered to her, "Is it just me, or is everyone in this room watching us?
"Def not just you. Kinda makes me wish we could just sneak away from all these prying eyes."
I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "What are you saying?"
"Not whatever you're thinking off, get you mind out of the gutter." She rolled her eyes at me but smiled. I just want to sneak you out of the party for a little bit. I'd like to have you all to myself. What do you say?"
I grabbed onto her hand. "Lead the way."
"C'mon, let's find a place just for us."
The two of us snuck out a side exit and darted towards the deserted heart of of campus hand in hand and giggling , fueled by the giddy energy and crisp night air.
"Okay, reiterating, it is so hilarious that we took a limo to the gala when it's like, right on campus," Zoey said, still laughing.
"Idea for next year, we nix the limos, instead we roll out marble walkways from the dorms and everyone arrives fashion show style."
"Babe, your mind!"
We both laughed uncontrollably once again. She laced her fingers with mine, swinging our arms between us as we tried to keep our balance on the wet lawn. I looked at her and let out an involuntary grin. I've never felt happier than right now.
Then I noticed something. "Okay, quick question. The Zoey Wade I know would never walk through soggy grass in designer heels. You're not, like, an alien right?"
Zoey snorted and gave my hand a sharp tug towards her. I gasped at the sudden force but the sound was caught in Zoey's mouth as she kissed me.
"Does this prove it?"
"Mm, I'm not sure, you and that kiss do seem other-worldly. I think I need more time to figure it out..."
I wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her closer, kissing her again. Kissing her truly was transcendental. I shivered as she cupped my cheek, her thumb brushing my cheekbone. I don't think I'd ever get used to her touch. Every small stroke felt like lightning on my skin.
It was hard to focus on her question when her beautiful face was mere inches away from mine. It didn't matter how many times I've been so close to her, she still had the same effect on me since day one. I was always a flustered mess.
"Don't they say that mermaids lure their victims by kissing them then dragging them into the ocean? I joked. "Just saying."
"You're impossible," she sounded exasperated but I could hear all the fondness in the world behind it.
A sudden, crisp, breeze blows through campus, blowing mist off the lake causing Zoey to jump.
I brought my arms around her and pulled her into my embrace, trying to protect her from the cold. I felt her relax into me and hug me back, resting her chin on my shoulder.
"Y'know, I never really said we were done dancing...," I trailed off mischievously.
I couldn't see her but I knew she was smiling. "Hint received, Captain Obvious. Lets just take off our heels first, I can't risk them getting ruined."
We kicked our heels off and set them aside. We returned to our former positions and Zoey started to sway us slowly. Even though we were outside, we could still hear the faint music coming from the orchestra in the ballroom.
"To answer your question earlier, I knew no one would be here now," she spoke gently, quietly.  "We have this entire space to ourselves."
After a while, I noticed the orchestra started paying a different song. I recognised it as 'My Girl' by The Temptations. The music swells and I pulled back slightly to see a smile spread across her face as well. I gazed into alluring eyes. I couldn't seem to tear mime away from hers. Not that I would ever dream of it.
"What's that look for?"
"It's nothing," I brushed off. "I just can't believe we're actually here. We made it to the end of  this year alive. And I definitely couldn't have done it without you."
"Pshh, of course we did! We're bad bitches. You can't kill us!"
I giggled at her and agreed. "Truth. Still, I'm glad you're here with me... especially after everything we've been through. I really am so lucky to have you by my side."
I rested my head on her shoulder and let out a contented sigh before I continued, "Just a year ago I was a humble girl from Farmsville, and look at me now. Dancing with the most amazing, hottest woman I've ever laid eyes on at the Year-End Gala."
"I thought we agreed we we're tied for that title?"
I gave a little shrug and tightened my arms around her. I felt her reciprocate which only made my heart sing. "If you say so. From where I'm standing, I can't imagine anyone living up to your beauty. Or just you in general. You're an absolute goddess, Zo."
Zoey laughed lightly and shifted so she could embrace me further.
"If anyone can, it's the gorgeous girl in my arms."
I lifted my head from her shoulder to share a smile with her but after a second, she got this far-off look in her eyes. I tucked my head under chin and in response, she rested her cheek against the top of my head. I inhaled the intoxicating musk of her flowery perfume, leaving all my thoughts about only Zoey.
"What's wrong?" I whispered into her neck.
"It's just weird, looking back at this year. So much has changed in such a short time." She paused for a moment before resuming. "Before you got here, I didn't have any real friends. I started to think I'd never find a clique to fit into."
"Well, you didn't really get a clique. It's just me..."
"Babe, stop that. You're not just anything. You're everything and so much more."
I smiled into a neck, feeling myself blush at her words.
"I didn't think I'd meet anyone when I first arrived here too. I guess we got lucky that we found each other."
"So lucky." I felt her take in a deep breath. It's like the Fates conspired to make us an unbeatable friends-slash-roommates team."
"You sure you don't wanna add anything else to that?" I half-joked.
Zoey chuckled and nudged me to look up at her to give me a light kiss on the lips.
She looks me straight into my eyes. "I'll add one right now. How does friends-slash-roommates-slash-girlfriends sound like?"
"Zoey Wade," I pretended to be baffled even though my heart was beating like a drum. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend now?"
"It's as good a time as any. It's romantic, isn't it? We're all dressed up, slow dancing to an orchestra playing a 60's love song with no one else in sight."
I beamed at her. "It's perfect."
I leaned up and gave her a long, passionate kiss, trying to convey all the emotions I felt towards her into it. Kissing her was always an experience. It was thrilling every single time. I could kiss her a millions times and I'd still be dazed by the end of it. I thought my heart was going to burst from how full it felt.
"In case that wasn't clear enough," I spoke breathlessly with a smile. "The answer is hell yes."
She grinned back at me, that heart-stopping, breathtaking, infectious grin of hers.
"I hope you know this means that this is our song by default now," she said playfully.
"It's only right. And I'm not mad about it, I'm glad even."
She pulled me into her once again and kissed me. God, I couldn't believe I get to call this woman my girlfriend. I'm the Zoey Wade's girlfriend. I smiled into the kiss at the thought.
I broke the kiss and rested my forehead against hers.
"What would I do without all the happiness you bring me?" I whispered.
"Aww, someone call Hallmark because that was disgustingly cheesy," she teased.
"Only 'cuz it's so true."
I cupped her cheek in my palm, feeling butterflies as she leaned into it. I wasn't kidding when I said I was still very affected by her.
"Really, you've been my sanctuary from all the bullshit. Whenever I'm feeling down, I just have to think of you and I feel better. Nobody makes me happy like you do. You're the first person I see every morning and the last person I see every night."
"Yeah because we share a dorm, genius." She was being a smartass but I could feel her cheeks warm up at my confession.
"And I wouldn't want it any other way. It's the best way to start and end the day. When I'm with you... things just feel right."
"I'm so glad you said all those embarrassing stuff so I don't have to." She leaned in to kiss my nose. "But I feel the same way."
"You say 'embarrassing', but admit it,  your heart's fluttering a little bit." Mine definitely was.
Zoey laughed brightly and spins me, then she dipped me low to the ground with a smirk.
"Try a lot," she whispered against my lips and gives me a peck. "You're a damn good dance partner, by the way."
Before I could respond, I felt water being sprinkled all over me and noticed both our outfits getting damp.
"Oh my god!"
Instead of freaking out and worrying about it, we just looked at each other and laughed. Nothing could ruin this moment and if we had to return to the gala sopping wet, then so be it.
"Who the hell sets the sprinkler to go off at this time?"
Zoey pulled me back up from the dip and into her arms, still laughing as we held onto each other, letting the sprinklers shower us.
I couldn't care less about the damn award or the gala or anyone else. The only thing that mattered was the stunning woman in front of me and that I was incredibly contented to just be here.
And the only thing that could make me feel this way?
My girl.
(More fics!)
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