#I wonder what my top fifth ship would be.......
flowertrigger · 2 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @a-noble-dragon @mostlyinthemorning @smallumbrella369 💜
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Schitt's Creek
Top five fics by kudos:
in finding myself, i found you
one week is seven days too long
silent in the summer air with you
Technically my drabble wip is fifth, but I didn't feel like that counted as a stand alone fic.
Do you respond to comments?
Yes. Although there are a few on my drabble collection that I haven't to every single one even though I feel terrible about it. I just felt like it would be annoying for the people commenting, which I acknowledge is dumb seeing as I like responses to my comments. But I still read and cry over every single one.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None of my fics have an angsty ending. Oh I guess my fresh&frozen drabble counts seeing as Patrick is dead!
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut?
I think that's all I write.
Craziest crossover:
I haven't written one.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No they're not worth stealing 😂
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, I wonder if I could. I think I'm bit of a control freak.
All time favourite ship?
Patrick/David all day every day.
What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really want to finish my pastry chef!pat fic, but I think I have to rewrite the whole thing and I just don't have it in me to do that at the moment. Also everything else I have on my wip list is at a standstill. Sometimes the input to feedback ratio is so low that I just don't care to finish anything.
What are your writing strengths?
I don't know 😭 keeping track of my character's limbs when they're fucking? Which I've seen a few people write as their weakness so I guess that's a thing?
What are your writing weaknesses?
I can think of a germ of an idea but I’m not imaginative or smart enough to flesh it out into a more substantial story. Also, punctuating dialogue, grammar, controlling the flow of a story, developing a strong voice for my characters, descriptions that aren’t contrived and over used, unnatural and forced dialogue, 'showing' instead of 'telling', overwriting and explaining something to the point that comes across as forced and boring to read.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I love fics where a character can speak another language. Especially French speaking Patrick. Can we get more of those?
First fandom you wrote in?
Good Charlote rpf, seriously.
Favourite fic you’ve written?
Maybe 'in finding myself, i found you'? It's the only one that has a plot aside from them needing a reason to be horndogs? Also it's the longest thing I've written and I like the outfits I came up for them. If only I could draw so I could bring David's outfits to life.
I'll no pressure tag: @ramonaflow @beaiola @chelle-68 @characterassassination-at-9am @fictasticvoyage
@filet-o-feelings @jamilas-pen @wordthieve @trickiwooao3 if they would like to play 💚
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the-genius-az · 2 months
Sorry, my social battery is in need to recharge so my brain doesn't allow long talks. Just silly undiagnosed mental issues shit.
Azula: I guess I'm lucky, no need to deal with mating cycles.
Mai & Ty Lee: not so fast, little princess.
I'm currently writing an Azutara fic featuring beta!Azula x omega!Katara (with a bit of backstory on Azula being the only beta among the royal family. Hi, I'm making Ozai an omega and Ursa an alpha because why not? Even if it's only mentioned since it is an Azula-centric fic that isn't really about her childhood.)
Azula in any gathering: I guess I'm the only who doesn't think with what's between their legs, for Agni's sake.
- Ash 🔥🍌
I understand! Don't worry, we all go through that stupid social battery.
Oh yes, Azula thinks she's free and soon she has an alpha and omega on top of her.
Azula can't even get free, huh?
I would love to read that wonderful fic, I haven't thought much about Azula Beta, my mind better refresh and I'll work on that idea.
Ozai Omega x Ursa Alfa?...Ash, you just blew up my mind! Now I want to see them being so damn affectionate, while the other Ozai/Ursa are so scared to see them so together and cute!
Do you know "my virtual girlfriend" Azutara? I love that fic because I LOVE Ozai and Ursa, I feel like they would be like this if they were an Ozai Omega and Ursa Alpha!
I apologize, I got excited about that idea.
Azula in any gathering: I guess I'm the only who doesn't think with what's between their legs, for Agni's sake.
Meanwhile there are three girls with their heat/ruin active and they are ready to jump towards Azula.
PS: I already have some ideas about Azula Beta, and I'll also put Katara as his girlfriend along with Mai and Ty Lee.
It's time to talk about my fifth favorite ship.
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hummingbird-of-light · 5 months
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Twenty-fifth (and therefore last) story for @badthingshappenbingo ~ (Thanks so much for the nice card, it was a pleasure to write ✍️)
Title: Satisfied
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Khan Noonien Singh | John Harrison
Relationship(s): /
Rating: T
Words: 841
Prompt: Stockholm Syndrome
Warnings: Spoilers for "Into Darkness", Not Canon Compliant, Gaslighting, Swearing
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ Satisfied ~
"Mr. Scott, I see you still haven't started your assignment."
Montgomery Scott looked up when he heard the familiar voice and his expression darkened.
This man. Every time he saw him, his hatred for him grew.
Khan, who had somehow managed to escape from his cryotube and steal an old freighter, had kidnapped him! He had torn him away from everything that was familiar to him. Everything he loved.
His crew. His friends.
And then he actually believed that Scotty would help him with this insane plan to take revenge on the Federation! What was that bastard thinking?
Scotty wouldn't lift a finger. He would just sit in the room where Khan had locked him every damn day and wait for Jim and the others to find him.
Surely it couldn't be much longer.
"Leave me alone," Scotty grumbled, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He sat on the bed, which was in the right-hand corner of the cabin, and let his eyes wander out to the stars.
"Oh please, Mr. Scott. You know very well that I won't do that. I need your inside knowledge."
Scotty just grunted and a bitter smile formed on his lips.
"Well, Khan, I'm not going to help ye. I'll just stay here and do my time. My crew will rescue me."
A cool chuckle made Scotty's head whirl around and he saw that Khan was standing right next to the bed by now. Slowly, the dark-haired man sat down next to him.
"They'll try, but they won't find you. This ship is invisible. I've made sure of that. And even if they do find us, it won't be so easy to free you. After all, we are already in Klingon territory."
Khan whispered the last words with relish into the Scotsman's ear and he pulled his head back only to survey the shocked look on Scotty's face.
"Quite right, Mr. Scott. So don't waste your precious life. Help me and maybe I'll spare the Enterprise when I have my vengeance."
Scotty swallowed hard. Then he regained his composure and shook his head.
"I'm not going to help ye. Never!"
Khan just sighed.
"That's... a real shame. Well then... I'll see you for supper."
Weeks passed and slowly but surely Scotty began to doubt that anyone would come to rescue him.
Every day was the same.
Khan came to his room - or rather his cell - and ate with him. He told him about all the things the Federation had done to him. Of all the heinous acts. Of the crimes. And of how much sorrow it would spread if Starfleet was not stopped. Day after day, he made it clearer why he hated the organization so much.
And indeed, Scotty's perfect world was slowly beginning to crumble. When he just sat on the bed and stared out of the window, as he did every day, he thought again and again about the stories Khan told him.
He thought about Admiral Marcus, who had threatened not only Khan but also Jim and all his other friends. He thought of all the stories that told of 'the lives of the many', as if not every single life had value and mattered.
And with each passing day he wondered more and more how much good the fleet - hell, the entire Federation - was actually doing.
He thought of the Prime Directive and how many lives and planets had been destroyed by those laws.
There... was just so much hate in this world he lived in.
Khan said that it could be changed. He said that if one destroyed Starfleet - at least all the top admirals and captains and officers - one could save this universe.
And Scotty couldn't deny that he was beginning to believe the augment more and more as time went on.
With each passing day, Khan became more transparent to him. Every day he could see more behind the façade, could recognize a broken, desperate man who wanted nothing more than to save his family.
Was it really so wrong? Were his plans really as cunning and sinister as they appeared at first glance?
Scotty kept remembering a conversation he had had with Khan a few days ago and the statement the man had made.
"As long as you're part of this broken system, you'll never be satisfied."
Aye. Maybe Khan was right. Maybe there really was no place in this current world where Scotty could be content.
Maybe... they really would have to work for justice. Together. Side by side.
When Scotty's hands finally gripped the PADD Khan had provided him, he knew he was about to set something big in motion. Something good. Something earth-shattering.
And he couldn't help but smile when Khan entered the room, as usual, and looked at him in surprise.
Scotty had never seen such a look on the Augment's face before. It was beautiful.
And when Khan returned the smile, Scotty knew that together they would make the world a better place. So that everyone could be satisfied.
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kandisheek · 6 months
In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned By Nick Fury): Series by scifigrl47
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Clint/Coulson Rating: M Words: 343,010 Tags: Team as Family, Slow Burn Romance, Hilarious Banter
Reasons why I love it: If you've been in this fandom for any amount of time, you've probably read or at least heard of this series. For good reason too, because scifigrl47 created an absolute masterpiece here. It's still ongoing, so I'm only going to be commenting on the complete works, but either way this one is definitely a must-read.
This series consists of:
Some Things Shouldn't Be A Chore
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Clint/Coulson Rating: T Words: 22,187 Tags: Humor, Fluff, Sentient Toaster
Summary: Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound. The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick. And some things shouldn't be a chore.
Reasons why I love it: Aaaah Tony, my love! The characterization feels so real, the humor is top notch, and the hurt/comfort is chef's kiss! I love this fic so much, definitely give it a read!
Ordinary Workplace Hazards, Or SHIELD and OSHA Aren't On Speaking Terms
Pairing: Clint/Coulson, pre-Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 25,992 Tags: Humor, Pre-Slash, Roomba Army of Doom
Summary: Tony Stark has once again engineered something that might well lead to the downfall of Western Civilization. No one's really surprised. This time, however, it might just be the lesser of two evils. Clint and Phil hate playing pickup, but damn, Clint loves the Roombas, and damn, Phil loves Clint, though he's not really sure why sometimes. It's time to play Hide-And-Seek with hostile robotic AIs in the SHIELD home office.
Reasons why I love it: I ship Clint/Coulson to hell and back, so I squee every time I read this one. Clint and Tony bickering while being BAMFs is always a win, and who doesn't love Coulson and Steve freaking out over their loved ones' safety? A wonderful fic laden with action and comedy, go and check it out!
Four (Or Five) Reasons for Kidnapping Tony Stark
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Clint/Coulson Rating: T Words: 78,101 Tags: BAMF Tony Stark, Kidnapping, Team as Family
Summary: There are four reasons for kidnapping Tony Stark. Tony's sick of all of them. Well, there's potentially a fifth, but it's highly unlikely that Captain America will suddenly fulfill THAT fantasy. Tony's deeply disappointed about that. Steve Rogers, as always, is oblivious. At least, that is, until someone who isn't him kidnaps Tony. Then he's just pissed.
Reasons why I love it: This is one of the first fics I read in this fandom, and it's what drew me into the whole world of Steve and Tony in the first place. I love the asymmetrical storytelling, the suspense, the drama, the angst, the humor, the resolution, all of it! The plot is so fricking creative, and the fact that all five reasons for kidnapping Tony Stark are explored in such a varied way just wows me. One of my favorite fics of all time!
Dating The Long Way Around
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Clint/Coulson Rating: M Words: 66,979 Tags: Dating, Humor, Domestic
Summary: Tony Stark was pretty sure the Universe had it out for him. Call it karma, or the natural balance, but on occasion, he had a sneaking suspicion that for every good thing that happened to him, something bad was waiting around the corner. That being the case, his first real date with Steve Rogers would probably lead to something disastrous. But in that he was, in fact, going on his first real date with Steve, he wasn't sure he cared. Steve was certain he didn't. It's a Thursday night in New York City, what can possibly go wrong?
Reasons why I love it: The team being dorks about Stony's first date? Steve being an insecure wreck? The FLIRTING?!?? Hell fucking yes to all of that!! And when the plot hits, it just takes the fic to a whole other level. I love it to bits, and I think you will too!
Things Unseen (That Are Captured on Film)
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Clint/Coulson Rating: M Words: 42,476 Tags: Fighting And Making Up, Domestic Avengers, Developing Relationship
Summary: In which the Avengers discover the video footage of Tony testing the Iron Man armor, and that goes about as well as it could be expected. Steve Rogers attempts to make peace with his lover's rather cavalier attitude to his health and safety, and starts learning more about Tony's family along the way, both the one he was born into, and the one he's chosen. And, of course, the one that's chosen him. Subtitled: It's all Clint's fault. No one is surprised.
Reasons why I love it: If you sometimes get that itch of 'oh man, I wish character x would react to that thing character z did', then this one is for you. I absolutely love the idea of everyone watching Tony's reckless tests and being appropriately horrified. Plus, the following conflict and resolution is written beautifully, so yeah, definitely give this one a read.
Hollow Your Bones Like a Bird's
Pairing: Clint/Coulson, pre-Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 95,514 Tags: Fix-It, Teambuilding, Coulson Lives
Summary: In the wake of the Chitauri invasion, Clint Barton wakes up in a world that he very nearly had a hand in destroying. And confronting a loss he might not be able to cope with. The Avengers always needed something to avenge, but once the crisis is past, what keeps them together?
Reasons why I love it: Ladies and gents and my non-binary friends, we've got angst! Clint's struggles are so visceral that I get completely sucked into the fic, no matter how many times I read it. It's heart-breaking and lovely in equal measure, and the resolution is worth all the pain. Clint is one of my favorite characters, so the way his trauma is explored in this fic is just incredible to me. Definitely, DEFINITELY check this one out!
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csamhp · 2 months
Pelipper Mail - Birthday Gifts for Polaris!!!!
A rather large package arrives. opening it reveals a bunch of gifts.
[The first is a rather large cake in a brown box. It. Looks cursed to say the very least.
The icing is menacingly red and clumpy and written on the top in blue is "Happy birth" with the rest of the word smudged off in travel. On top of the cake are the number candles 36. Pink sprinkles have been put atop it to make it look less menacing. Upon slicing and eating the cake you would find it actually was perfectly cooked and mixed, the decoration had just gone awry.
The first proper present is a landyard with a bunch of hisuian pokemon on it, and some keychains and badges already attached to it.
The second is a thick set of pink gloves with purple accents, and a matching pink gas mask, custom made to fit polaris.
The third is a bunch of Pochacco from Sanrio merch. Including a bracelet, a fluffy hat, and a plushie, along with a bunch of trinkets from a familiar arcade.
The fourth is some books, a book of poems, written in ancient Sinnohian, a childrens book about two cyndaquil going on adventures and a book on enamourus.
The fifth is a bunch of johtoian candy and parischu themed beanie with big blue spikes.
And last, is a bunch of letters]
"Happy birthday!!!
We thought we would all send our stuff together to save on shipping, but I think you can guess who sent what!
Sorry the cakes a disaster, we were going for good but ended up with memeably bad. We couldn't find a 27 candle, so congratulations, you're 36 now! I'll let everyone write their peices now (making them change colours to seperate whose who)
I notice you're always loosing your things, I hope the landyard helped. Sprite helped me decorate it. Please take care of yourself. -Beedrill
Helloo proffesorr!!!! Hope you like the glvoes!! I know you're immune to poison but i think they could still be helpful handling the quilfish at the santurary (they ouch) also im purple because Tari "bagsed" blue smh
-Casey (^._.^)
Happy birthday Proffesor Polaris!! I really like sanrio- idk if you do, but you've always reminded me of Pochacco and, everyone else has matching bracelets for the character I've assigned them so I thought it would be cute idk
Much love Tari xoxo
I thought of you when at a bookstore. I also have something else to show you when you're home. I love you Polaris.
Finally !! Happy birthday from your son, who loves you very much. I've been looking at games to play when you get back home, 'n a couple have caught my fancy. 'm sorry. for messing things up. But. 'm. I hope I can be better for you.
You're amazing bubs.
-Sprite Crimson Chroma :>"
i dont...know what to say. i had completely forgotten today was my birthday, but you all remembered. i feel very loved. thank you so much. i'm going to write a separate bit for all of you.
first of all, the cake made me laugh. congrats i am now a decade older. oh my. it tasted wonderful, despite its appearance.
Beedrill: The lanyard is lovely and very cute. I've put my keys on them, and as such will never lose them again. It's a very thoughtful gift. The keychains and pins are very sweet as well.
Casey: The gloves are very nice. I was thinking about buying a pair for myself and you beat me to it, so thank you very much. The pink gas mask is also very cool, and I'm sure it'll do me well when we inevitably introduce the stunky line to the sanctuary haha.
Tari: I remember your sanrio critters. You made Delta Kuromi i think. Pochacco is a very cute little character. I think you picked well for me. I'm wearing the bracelet on my lanyard, as I fear it would snap on my working hands. The plushie and the hat are very very soft and nice. And the arcade trinkets are wonderful, they will go straight on the shelf once im home
Delta: I've never seen nor heard of this book of poems. It's incredible Delta. And the cyndaquil book- I had a very similar one growing up. It's gone now of course but- You act like you aren't good at giving gifts but you are very adept. And the Enamorus book is also wonderful. They will give me wonderful things to read on the plane home. And of course a secret other thing. I shouldn't be surprised haha.
Sprite: Hello, my wonderful, loving son. I miss you so much. The beanie is very cute. There is a pachirisu litter who came into the sanctuary. They are named after stars. One of them is very sweet and a bit too comfortable with people. Will you laugh at me if I come home with her? She comes to my window and she makes me smile. I hope I can play video games with you soon.
And for all of you: I love you all so much, and I miss you dearly. I'm trying to come home as soon as I can, but I barely have the energy to get out of bed, let along push my wheelchair without- him. (Beedrill: I promise Bird is being well taken care of. She still sleeps by me and I read her bedtime stories.) I promise I will come home as soon as I am feeling better. I promise. I love you all so so very much.
Oh. and Skie wanted to attach this video for you.
[A video is attached.]
[Watch it?]
[Skie and Bird are walking in front of the camera, Skie seems excited while Bird seems a bit nervous. Skie is holding....what could be considered a cake, with the candles "36" lit up. Bird gently pushes open a door to what must be Polaris' room. The lights are off, and Skie quickly turns the light switch on.
Polaris grumbles from their bed, and Skie snorts, gently ushering Bird over to go properly wake up Polaris. Bird trots over to the bed, gently and shyly nudging at Polaris to get up. They sit up, rubbing their eyes and murmuring something unintelligible to Bird, who gives them a shy smile, and points to Skie.
(Polaris doesn't look well. Their hair is messy and tangled, and there are obvious tear streaks on their face.)
Skie counts to three, and xe and Bird break out in what seems to be a rendition of Happy Birthday in Ancient Sinnohian. Polaris' eyes go wide as they realize what's happening, and a small smile crosses their face. As the song ends, Skie brings the cake over to Polaris' lap, and Polaris lets Bird blow out the candles for them. Skie turns and gives a big grin and thumbs up to the camera.
The video ends.]
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nemainofthewater · 7 months
Thanks for tagging me @thebansacredbanned!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 288
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
So many. Too many. At the moment, mainly cdrama related ones, with Nirvana in Fire being my most prolific fandom.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I was moderately popular in the Witcher fandom, so a lot of these aren't very representative of what I'm writing atm
Shining, (The Witcher) in which Jaskier is, unbeknownst to him, a dragon. Simmering, Mourning, and Vibing (from the same series) are respectively second, third, and fifth on the list, so I'm discounting them (and other works in the series in the top-kudos-ed) on the ground it would be boring if it was just this series.
Haunted and Haunting (The Umbrella Academy), in which Klaus died age 13 and spends his afterlife looking after his siblings.
Shang Qinghua’s testimonial to why you should NEVER TRY TO CHANGE THE PLOT [System, help!!], (SVSSS), in which Shang Qinghua tries to a slight plot change and ends up with a husband
Barmecide, (The Umbrella Academy), in which all of the Hargreeve siblings die except Klaus, and it's only after death they start to bond
On Reflection (SVSSS), in which the author shoves the characters into a small, enclosed space and makes them talk about their feelings
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Mainly because it's so lovely that people leave me comments that I want to also interact with them and thank them? The only exceptions are if I don't really know how to reply to them, if they're a bit mean, or if they've left a thank you on every chapter of a fic (beloved!!!) in which case I'll reply to the last comment
6) What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
erm... I have no idea. Probably one of the NiF ones. Lin Chen tends to suffer a lot at my hands.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I also have no idea. Like I've definitely written fluffy ones! but how to quantify what's the happiest??
8) Do you get hate on fics?
a couple of times, but I either ignore or block. Thankfully not habitually
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't, I tend to be a 'fades to black' kind of author
10) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
So many crossovers. I think the craziest might be 'Percival from Merlin switches bodies with Luther Hargreeves from the Umbrella Academy'
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
A Russian translation of Plausible Deniability (the Magicians), a Chinese translation of Shining (The Witcher), a Russian translation of tho' it were ten thousand miles (SVSSS), and a Russian translation of you could cut ties with all the lies (that you've been living in) (NiF)
That's so many words of translation and I am amazed that people have done it!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
So many co-written fics. Mainly with @thebansacredbanned and a couple with @luzzeagain
14) What's your all-time favorite ship?
This 100% changes all the time, but probably my favourite it Mei Changsu/Lin Chen/Jingyan, where Jingyan sometimes represents justice.
15) What's a wip that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hoarding or Barmecide, both of which have wonderful readers but are different from what I've been writing in the past few years. I will get back to them! One day...
16) What are your writing strenghts?
hmm depends. Maybe characterisation? especially in Nif? Dialogue perhaps
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't know how 'pretty' my writing is tbh... and also I have a propensity to plan these huge epic AUs that I then don't have enough time to finish writing (since they tend to be for exchanges)
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it! I think you need to either be fluent in the language of know someone who is and is happy to beta. not against it, but I think it needs to be done respectfully and not using google translate
19) First fandom you wrote for?
...it was possible the Bible. I wrote a poem about god... Discounting that, I think supernatural or Dr Who. It was possible a SPN/DW crossover.
If we're counting unposted ones, then I handwrote a Star Wars fic when I was like 8. Make it into a little book and drew the cover myself! ...it's never going to see the light of day
tagging @tavina-writes @abluescarfonwaston @shadaras
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smolbimbo · 1 month
Lemon Cake: A strawberry speed fanfiction
Tags: sonic x strawberry shortcake, tooth rotting fluff, cross over ship, they kiss, i put WAY too much effort into this
Strawberry shortcake sighs in pleasure as she gazes at the masterpiece in front of her. The smell of blueberries, vanilla, and a hint of lemon fill her nostrils as she wipes the sweat from her brow. Before her is most definitely her best work yet, a cake for sonic. Its vanilla with white icing, honey drizzled on top and blueberries placed asymmetrically in the middle, and to top it off, a lemon slice with a vanilla bud sat to the side.
Strawberry shortcake smiles, putting her oven mits away when she hears a knock, and then her door opening. "Hey Shortcake!" sonic calls, his sneakers thump against the cherry wood floor. Sonic sniffs the air then tilts his head. "Bakin' again?" strawberry nods. "Shortcake, isn't this the forth time today?" sonic joins her in the kitchen. Her cheeks go warm, the nickname he gave her rolls smoothly off his tongue. "Well, i had to do a couple warm ups before the main dish." Sonics ears shoot up as she slides the dessert over to him.
"Shortcake, i dont-"
"I know, i know, but at least try with this one? I made it especially for you."
He grimaces at the plate. Sonic doesn't typically like desserts, too sweet for him. Its why he has such a distain for the dessert "strawberry shortcake", the sweetest cake he says, you cant imagine all the jokes that were made when folks found out he was dating someone named "Strawberry Shortcake".
Sonic looks up at strawberry and she sends a pout in return. Reluctantly, sonic takes a bite, his face scrunching up before the fork even passes his lips, bjt once it hits his tongue, his face melts into a softer expression. Strawberry watches the muscles on his face twitch and move, as if he was trying to figure out what expression he should make. She smiles. He likes it and he's trying desperately not to show it.
"Well?" strawberry coos with a smug bat of her eyelashes. Sonics brow twitch in slight annoyance, which only makes her smirk grow. "Lemon is...intresting."
Strawberrys laugh is ugly with pride.
"its good." sonic concludes in a whisper. "Hmm? Didnt hear ya."
"Alright, ya're pushing it." sonic says with a greenish chuckle. Sonic finishes the cake in hefty bites and it isnt long before he's asking for seconds, thirds...fifths. The tray tin clatters when it hits the sink. The pair stare at it, just standing there, one with sorrow, the other with glee. "That cake was really good..." Sonic mourns. "Im glad you liked it."
"Now my stomach hurts..."
Strawberry opens her arms to him and he accepts, nuzzling his nose in her curly red hair. "No one told you to eat the entire thing, i was planningbon having seconds." Sonic lets out a mixture of a groan and a whine. " 's your fault, dont make good food." strawberry leads them both to her fouch to get more comfortable. "Want some tea? It could help." Sonic only groans in response. Guess thats a no.
Sonic nuzzles deeper into her hair.
"I love you." Sonic says it in a way that strawberry can only describeas broken hearted. He speaks it like a mantra and whispers it like a prayer. Speaks as if he's preaching scriptures that can move mountains, as if she controlled where the sun rose and fell. He speaks with glass shards in his tongue. As if not saying it would make it any less true.
Strawberry wonders what put him in such a somber mood, maybe a stomach ache makes him sentimental. She tries to lighten the mood.
"Even if im strawberry shortcake?"
He chortles. "Especially."
Strawberry rubs his back. She pulls away and looks into his emerald eyes. Cupping his cheek amd rubbing a thumb to it, they both lean in for a kiss. Their lips move in sync, one after another, in perfect harmony. Strawberrys hands move from his face to his shoulders. Sonics slides to her waist and strawberry has never felt more full. She thinks she finally understands when sonic speaks with glass in his tongue, because she can feel it, the shards puncture her own.
The love she feels is soft and fragile, but in this moment, she can feel sonkcs desperation and understand. That every moment might be his last as a hero, and it makes her want fo cry. With this new viewpoint strawberrys love is no longer soft nor fragile. She whispers spells that tie ariund him, not satisfied until his arms are raw and bleeding from the rope. Tasting a salty potion, strawberry pulls back and realizes she is crying.
"im sorry-"
"its ok."
They look through each other, sonic smiles and she returns one. "Come on, lets make another cake." they get up and begin to make another cake.
Not too sweet.
But just right.
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compacflt · 1 year
Watching battleship right now and it got me thinking about ur post wondering how maverick and ice would react to current recruitment methods like e-girls and I just have to wonder what their thoughts would have been about this movie. It's more focused on the ships and not so much the fighter jets, obviously, but still...just a giant ad for the Navy. Also Rihanna which is perhaps the most important part of it all.
im no whitemanologist but if ice & mav are anything like my dad theyd probably think it’s some pretty sick shit
full disclosure: had not seen battleship until just now, when i watched it so i could answer this ask. thoughts: man, what a waste of jesse plemons! actually the whole cast is kinda stacked: liam neeson COMPACFLT (fuck yeah), Rihanna, alexander skarsgard….. woof. and yeah, it’s a gigantic fuck-you ad for the navy, but even i got a freedom boner when they hopped on *that ship* at the very end (70-year-old ordnance notwithstanding). like, i get it. that kinda whipped ass actually.
as recruitment material it’s very interesting. *guy who has only ever seen top gun watching any other movie* WOW JUST LIKE TOP GUN!!! no, but seriously, all these pro-Navy pro-mil movies are pushing a characterization of the military & the people in it that is laughably absurd. Our main character is always some guy who’s quietly very talented but outwardly a huge asshole who never plays by the rules & stays in the institution that gives him power only by the skin of his teeth. These movies are about *belonging* and push a message that even the most screwy of screw-ups can find their place in the military with a little patriotism and perseverance (maverick voice: “just wanna serve my country and be the best fighter pilot in the Navy, SIR”)—when that’s clearly not true. so, yes, in Battleship hopper is our asshole persevering main character who does everything (EVERYTHING) wrong until he just happens to do one thing right (read sun tzu I guess?) & gets a command of his own. The message is, join the navy, doesn’t matter how much of a fuck-up you are in real life, you too can excel & be recognized & get the outrageously hot chick & lead other men & have immense power….
…when we get invaded by aliens. cause that’s always the other part of these movies that kinda confuses me: unless it’s a historical movie (black Hawk down, american sniper, SPR, hacksaw ridge etc) in the modern age of pro-mil movies we have to make up an enemy to propagandize. TGM’s “fifth-gen fighter” advanced nation, for instance. Not Russia and not Iran and not DPRK, some other shitholistan that isn’t made of real people so we can drop fictional bombs on them without feeling bad. And these fictional enemies are always more advanced than us, because we are perpetual underdogs (& have been since the AmRev war, it’s part of our historical DNA). But… that discrepancy doesn’t reflect reality, obvi. If Tom Cruise hadn’t wanted to film inside real planes, TGM could’ve been a 5-minute short film of an F-35 dropping a precision guided bunker buster from 40,000 feet. like, we have the logistical/materiel capability to execute pretty much any mission we want with little to no actual struggle. But that makes for poor propaganda storytelling. So… aliens it is
It is also worth engaging with Top Gun: Maverick as a recruitment text in and of itself, and I don’t mean like “oh planes cool = people want to join the navy” I mean, this is a movie where the CORE EMOTIONAL TENET is that a kid who wanted to be in the navy got shut out & is still pissed about it. The central emotional tenet of TGM is Rooster trying to finally prove to Maverick that he IS ready to join the Navy. The whole movie is built upon the assumption that the Navy is someplace You Want To Be. It’s not just a recruitment text, it’s a recruitment story. And again, it’s asshole-rule-breaker Maverick who juuuuust manages to stay in because he’s actually super talented all along and not actually a fuck-up, and the Navy legitimizes him as a person (in my reading, as a man) at the end… warlock voice: “You’re where you belong.” Is he, though? All the evidence seems to suggest otherwise!
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
♡ walk with me - h.l ♡
requested by @juneberrie yayy <3 might be my favourite thing i've ever written
hazel levesque x fem!reader, fluff, talk of war, slight spoilers for HoO series
nothing gets in the way of a relationship like an armageddon prophecy - but when that's over?
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there seemed to be a period of time suspended with bated breath after gaea fell, like nobody could really believe they had the breathing space to untense their aching muscles.
in those few days, everyone was still in the mindset of war, stopping to talk only about strategy and rebuilding the damage done to the respective camps. or how to draw peace between them for good. or whether this meant dionysus was going to return to camp half blood anytime soon.
it gave you no time to talk to hazel about what you'd confessed before she was swept away by a flying ship and four greek demigods. in fact, the whole thing seemed rather trifle by this point, though it still danced across your mind constantly.
besides, you'd convinced yourself hazel would be much too busy for that sort of thing as the fifth cohort's new centurion.
which made it all the more surprising to find her approaching you at the end of your guard shift, curls bouncing with her hurried steps and a nervous smile on her face.
you could feel the heat in your cheeks and averted your gaze quickly, hanging up the last of your tack.
you swore to jupiter your heart almost gave out when she wrapped you in a tight hug, resting her face on your shoulder. quickly reciprocating her hold, you begged jupiter to forgive your earlier swear and prayed she could not feel your heart beating out of your ribcage.
"i missed you so much while we were gone." she mumbled, so muffled by hair you almost missed it.
you crushed the hope rising involuntarily in your chest. the two of you had been close friends, that's probably all she meant. she may not even remember what you told her. she may not remember her reaction consisting of blinking and murmuring and running away.
realising you had yet to answer, "oh- i missed you too pea."
"and i missed 'pea'. nobody else calls me pea."
"because you hate it?" you frowned, looking at where her head rested at the crux of your shoulder, unmoving. if anyone walked in, they would stare, but you couldn't bring yourself to mind.
"not when you say it though."
you took a sharp breath in.
it's just cos you're best friends, calm down.
"do you know why?"
"huh?" you asked, wondering if you'd misheard her question.
hazel stood up to face you, hands on your upper arms as if you were about to run off any moment.
slower this time, "do you know why you're the only one who can call me pea?"
"because we're best friends?"
she leaned in ever so slightly closer to you, forehead almost resting against your own. you could hardly breathe in this proximity, lungs about to become overrun with butterflies.
with a sigh, "is that what you want? for us to be best friends, have you changed your mind?"
"i know you remember. i remember. have you changed your mind?" she repeated, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth nervously.
you smiled the shyest, most pathetically in love smile you ever had given, "i haven't changed my mind."
the grin took over her face so fast you barely had time to register it before she looped her arms beneath your legs, holding you too her and spinning you around.
before her quest, of which she'd tell you all about in detail when she had the time, she would never act as such in public. but before her quest, she didn't have the world's fastest horse at her call. she didn't have friends from another camp of demigods. she didn't have control over her curse.
a lot of things had changed since hazel was gone. but not you, and not what you felt for her.
her face was nestled against your throat as the two of you turned circles in the small space, her laugh vibrating against you.
your hair ruffled and cheeks beginning to ache with happiness, you pressed a kiss to the top of her head before she lowered you to the ground, gently taking your hand in hers.
"i'm... sorry i panicked before. i suppose... girls were never really, you know, a part of my upbringing."
"you don't need to explain, i understand." you soothed, tightening your grip on her hand that had begun to shake slightly.
hazel looked at you gratefully, and almost like she was about to kiss you, before shaking her head, and stepping back, your joint hands dragging the distance before falling to your sides.
"would you like to walk with me this evening?"
"i'd love to."
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@anordinarymuse @kingshitonly
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blue-kyber · 1 year
I've done something in my story that might be dumb, but oh well.
I've called out specific references to scifi stories that I loved as a kid. Because this takes place at the turn of the century, and the kids are from Earth, there are pop culture references, and songs.
If this ever gets published, I may have to remove them for copyright reasons - if they apply, because there is a certain amount one can get away with - but until then, the kids from Earth are going to do what kids do: mimic and repeat things they saw or read in media.
(And yes, carbonites are like soot-sprites, only metal-eating, adorable, fuzzy little balls of Dumb that can survive in a vacuum. :). I love these little communal dumbasses. :D )
(reminder: The main kids are Terra and Will, who are 10 years old. Siffon is a friend of theirs)
In example:
Will faced off with a cluster of carbonites that he'd been tasked to stack using his source energy, which he had very little control over. 
The little soot-black and navy-blue fuzzy creatures wandered around a piece of metal scrap on a patch of dirt next to the house. They blinked their large eyes at him, though were more preoccupied with their delicious treat than being used as a training tool.
This would be his fourth attempt. "You sure they don't mind this?"
"They have the collective attention span of a rock. They're tough. This doesn't hurt them. You can do this,” Jeina said, “Focus on the carbonites. Create a path for your energy through the Field. Let it help you.”
“Ok.” He pictured the ping-pong sized, adorable metal-eaters in his head as he'd been taught, closed his eyes, and held out his hand.
Yune sat on the lowered ramp of his ship, eating a sandwich, and watching. He wanted to support Will, but didn't want to talk to Jeina right now.
Blue threads of energy wrapped around the first victim. It mrrp'd in confusion as if saying, 'Huh?' as the energy set it down off to the side.
Siffon watched in awe as a second one wobbled into the air to set upon the first. Of course, she couldn't see it. She could only perceive the little guys levitating unassisted. She accepted the existence of the Source Field, and that only some people could see it, though pouted with the disappointment of being left out.
Will's power sustained their balance.
The third, fourth, and fifth little astrothopids had a harder time getting off the ground. Their four spindly legs wiggled in the air, reaching for the snack they'd been pulled away from, complaining in little squeaks.
Will's eyebrows knit together in effort to keep the pillar of fuzz steady. The sixth carbonite settled upside-down on the fifth. The tower of fuzzballs wobbled precariously. A couple of them still munched on bits of metal in their 'hands' despite their situation.
The sixth barely lifted into the air. Will put all of his effort into placing it on top of the others. Instead of adding to it, it knocked into the stack, tumbling all of them into a pile of squeaking confusion. A few rolled lazily away.
Will exhaled in release of his concentration. "See? It won't listen."
The carbonites shook it off, wondering what just happened, forgot about it, and went back to nibbling on the metal.
"Remember what I told you," Jeina remained calm beside him, "Try it again."
He pushed his bangs out of his eyes and looked up at her, "Why? I can't do it. There's too many of them to keep together."
"Amounts are a social construct."
He arched an eyebrow at her, "I think you mean 'time is a social construct.'"
She folded her arms and tilted her head slightly in her usual, casual agreement, "That, too."
Yune snerked from the ramp.
"Go on," she said, "Try again."
"I can't do it."
"Yes you can."
"I thought you were going to tell me there is no try. Just do or do not."
Her arms dropped to her side, "That's terrible advice. Where’d you hear that?"
Will shrugged. He honestly couldn't remember. The phrase lived in his memory without context.
"Of course you have to try. Trying is essential to actually doing it. It's rare to get something right on the first shot," she used her power to pick up a carbonite.
Threads of her power wrapped their blue energy around it.
It blinked, confused and still holding a little piece of metal in two of its legs as it lifted effortlessly into the air.
She hovered the fuzzball over to him, "If you don't try, if you don't believe it's possible, you will fail. If you try, you could still fail, but you will learn from those failures. Once you learn, that is when you can do or do not."
The carbonite dropped gently into his hand. It looked up at him, fluffed its fuzz in a carbonite equivalent to a shrug of 'oh well. guess I'm here now,' and continued munching on its meal.
"I don't know where you heard this 'do or do not' absolute nonsense, but you need to unlearn it. Life isn’t made of absolues," she urged as a supportive teacher, "Now remember what you felt each time before, and try again. Try until you can Do."
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rizka-san · 2 years
God Complex
Better listen up, what I'm about to say is truthful. How you could pack up a booth full of poets and they can't rhyme in sync? What did you think was going to happen, they're not blowing on your rolls. They make phrases not bars, if you're rapping then you could be any different. We could keep going rounds under new depths, we're sneaking little episodes, evenly placed. Watch the letter if you think of pushing the envelope, but what isn't true is people calling you goat. You wouldn't stay afloat on your own religion, you're switching them to become relevant. Rocking the boat too violently, soon death's knocking on your door and taking you silently. Finally, somebody would notice it, the false messiah only talks lies and reversing water and fires. Don't wonder why a higher power prevented you from inventing anymore world-threatening gadgets. Not because God thought you would match it, but to make sure you are aware of your limits. I haven't seen a rapper in a minute, guess they didn't fill the document. They sent a verse only to come back crying first, saying it's worse than dying and carried out in a hearse. That's for trying someone who's dying to reverse your best actions, I'll turn those into your worst intentions. Best not kill yourself over a war of words, because you already know who's coming out on top. Stop plotting on stomping my penmanship, because I'll be the cause you've manned your last ship to sink.
How could show a display when my throwaways could roll over your day too easily. Feasibly blow over trays of whatever lays next, throw it in the air and stare at it because I caught it at the top. Don't trip over it watch your step, because your next rap might wrap your career in the trunk and chucked far off. You best not do this, I'd do betrayals with no hesitations like Judas and I have no remorse for splitting whatever you see. You can't get me to open up, I plead the fifth, for the third time I won't do it to you again, not even one word's coming out. I know you're hoping trucks full of prayers that I would slip up on myself, but I'm flexible like water so you'd slip up on me. Notice the reversal, I'm like a wrestler just messing with the turnbuckles to smash your head in it, I'm hitting harder now. I'm faster with spitting bars every time, you could study me but I'd be to complicated even for dedicated mathematics addicts. I'm no longer teasing with little packets, because between the brackets most would crack it and leak it out like faulty water taps. It's getting annoying, I might as well convert from water to acid because they love to track it's origin, now I know they wouldn't. They shouldn't in fact and I couldn't be responsible if someone dies to my word or two, it's they fault they've catapulted raiders. I should just name myself a creator, because I'm the whole package when I explode and that's it, remains of no evidence. The ultimatum when I name them my creations, you take the seconds from me whilst I make new eras and space-time residence. I don't sleep but when I close my eyes, my mind speaks for me, writing thesis after thesis until I'm awake to do the same thing. My name rings out, the separate cloth from the rest and I fly over everything overnight like Santa Claus because I'm wrapping the world. I'm stacking on carts, pushing the wheels fast enough so it's perpetual, any animal I want to pet becomes my mutual, it's cute isn't it?
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theroyalspiderart · 2 months
AO3 Questions Tag Game!
I got tagged by @squish--squash. Thank you so much! I'm glad you thought of me!
I Tag: @neon-virus and @xmajordumps And any wonderful person who wants to hop on the wagon!
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently, only three. One drabble and two actual fics. (One sadly left behind BUT I do intend to work on it again)
2- What's your total AO3 wordcount?
About 9,527 based on current fics. Actually a bit lower than I thought it would be, I should fix that.
3- What fandoms do you write for?
Currently it's Cult of the Lamb and Splatoon! Specifically bouncing off Splatoon 2 and into 3. I don't have a lot of things I'm a big fan of but maybe that will change in the near future! I'm getting into more games so I might pick up another.
4- What are your top five fics by Kudos?
Also pleading the fifth only because I'm no longer in the fandom for most of the fics sadly
5- Do you respond to comments?
I would like to more, yes! I don't get a lot of comments so it's hard to do, but if I get more I'd really like to!
6- What fic have you written with the angtiest ending?
A fic I haven't posted before actually. It's more of an on-going/living story so to speak. A story of trauma, pain, trying to make up for said inflicted trauma, coming to terms with never being forgiven, and knowing this character has actively fucked up that life beyond repair. It's real nice to have around for pain~
7- what fic have you written with the happiest ending?
Currently have plans for both my CoTL fic Death's Forbidden Love and my Splat fic Why Do I Hate You So? (Soon to be renamed) to both get happy endings! Of course there is angst along the way. What can I say? I think they deserve to be happy
8- Do you get hate on fics?
Dunno, never had someone actively tell me before :V
9- Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I need you to understand that is like the majority of my personal writing. I want to estimate a good like.... 80-90% of personal writing, be it RP or for myself, is either primarily smut or has some element of it sprinkled in.
As for what kind? Yeah, you'll have to kill me to get that answer. My main page is SFW but if you know me, You Know.
10- Do you write crossovers?
Not any more, but I used to all the time! Back when I was on Wattpad I want to say like 5/7 fics were all crossovers of fandoms and oc/canon stuff. It was a lot of fun. I think my most popular ever was a goofy Hetalia/Aliens fic I made. Don't ask me where I got the idea, I couldn't tell you.
11- Have you had a fic stolen?
ACTUALLY YES! Still pisses me off, but a fandom friend stole one of my drabbles and posted it to her account. I think it's dead now and you can't find it any longer but it did happen!
It was a small friend group and I was like- in middle school. I've done my wailing about it.
12- Have you had a fic translated?
Nope, but it would be nice if someone did! If they like it enough to translate it, I'd be honored!
13- Have you co-written a fic?
Sadly, no. Unless you count RP stuff turning into OC lore, then maybe. But in literal terms? Nah.
14- What's your all time favorite ship?
Oh this one made me think.
I'm gonna have to go with 3/8 from Splatoon simply because of my own ship pair of them. I adore these two a lot and all the growing they've done as characters together.
15- What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My personal Paracosm's story tbh. There's no set storyline for the world and it just exists in the back of my head like a DND campaign. I want to do it justice one day and turn it into an actual story and REALLY REALLY flesh it all out.
16- What are your writing strengths?
I'm often told that my characters feel like real characters. Not in like, they're made by a professional, but more so in the way they feel like they've had solid personalities. My personal favorite compliment I got was from a teacher in my high school. He'd commented on my lead at the time and how, despite my clunky writing skills, she felt like a living breathing person he was being told all about. Like a long lost friend.
I think this rings most true in my current writings of my version of Narinder. I've gotten a LOT of compliments about him and it makes me excited to write more! Hopefully if I can polish my skills again my whole cast will feel this way!
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing. By god is my pacing TRASH. I'm getting some more work on this with my friend's help and just getting back into the flow of writing again. I'm hoping to reawaken my middle and high school self cuz that bitch could bang out 3,000 words a day for fics.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Mixed. An actual language? I don't trust my translation skills to be that solid. Small phrases I can do but definitely not full on conversations.
A language I made myself and am currently attempting to flesh out more? Oh you bet your sweet bottom dollar I'm writing whole SCENES in that shit!
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
Funnily enough, Sonic. That's where a lot of my creation started as a kid and where my Paracosm kind of spawned from. Despite having never really written a fic for it before, I consider my first "comic" to be that fanfic. AKA 10yo Spider was having a blast writing their characters being besties with the canon crew -fingerguns-
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
Gonna be Death's Forbidden Love. It's my most ambitious writing project in years and has reignited a part of my love for just making stuff. Plot still isn't solid but I really enjoy the things I have planned and I hope to share more of this silly spinoff with everyone!
Thanks again for tagging me Squish! This was a lot of fun and brought back some good memories for me.
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edarrelpeloquin · 1 year
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So, why would you like to start a journey with #farmasi, you may ask! Well, I'll tell you why. First & foremost, this company is DEBT free & is owned by 3 generations of the same family for over 70 years. They might be somewhat new in the United States when it comes to Direct Sales but they've been around Europe before coming here & is currently #28 in Direct Sales in the Top 100 list throughout the entire world. Second, it's only $20 to join, & the only fee you'll ever spend. In farmasi, there's no website fees nor renewal fees ever. $20, plus tax and shipping, is all you need to start your bright future. Third, whomever gives you 50% commission AND 50% personal discount (and sometimes more if we have sales) is the company to be with. PLUS, we get paid our sale commissions every 3 days now after the order was made. 🥳 We don't have to wait till the next month to be paid anymore. 🤯 Fourth, there are constant training & support DAILY so you are not alone from DAY 1. The support & camaraderie in this company is just outstanding. Women empowering, supporting, encouraging each other. No competition here. Everyone is important & valued! Fifth, it's HOME! Farmasi's it! I'll be here as long as my body will allow me to be. You'll get tired of me talking about them. That's because they deserved to be shared. Sixth there's a lot more to farmasi. It's up to you to come & link arms with me & discover for yourself how wonderful this company is. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey now, perfect time to change the course of your future as we enter a new entire year ahead. What do you want your future to look like? - debt free? - more time with family? - being your own boss? - work on your own time? - extra money to set aside for vacations, e.t.c? - help family financially? It's up to you to work & make these goals a reality! Come & get your plans ahead off to a good start! I promise you, you won't regret it! Your portal to a new future: https://www.farmasius.com/tasteofthehomemakers/register/beautyinfluencer #farmasibeautyinfluencer #farmasius #opportunity #workfromhome #momtrepreneur #sahmboss #workonyourphone #entrepreneur #sidehustle #sidegig (at Pomfret Center, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmdfS_5u1F3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sparrowmoth · 4 years
1, 4, 5, and 12 for the ask game!
Thank you, @hallowedportal! ♥
1. What would you say is your top fandom right now?
Descendants! It’s the top fandom of the rest of my life tbh. I will never care about another fandom as much as I care about Descendants. This is simply A Fact. (I am trying to help revive another little fandom for an OTP atm, but that’s a side project.)
4. What are your top three ships across any fandoms?
Jaylos! It’s a very, very close tie with Rotten OT4, but I admit Jaylos owns me lol.
Sinja, or Sinbad x Ja’far (from Magi the Labyrinth of Magic and Sinbad no Bouken)
Daine x Numair (from Tamora Pierce’s “The Immortals” quartet, set in the Tortall universe)
I’m not actually involved in the fandom for Dumair (that might not even be their ship name, I really don’t know), BUT I have shipped the fuck out of them since 2005 or so? It’s been a while. I don’t venture into the fandom because I’m pretty happy with how the ship panned out in the books. They were endgame from the start, so I was lucky for that. I love their quartet so fucking much. I re-read the books every few years at minimum. They’re not perfect, but I do adore them.
The Sinja fandom is one I lurked when it was at peak around… 2014 - 2016? I decided to revisit it recently and, well, it’s… I refuse to call it dead because there’s definitely a few people rowing the boat (and bless them for it), but yeah. :’)
5. Do you have a favorite character “type?” What do your favorite characters have in common?
Answered here!
12. Do you have any themes in characters you ship? (two archetypes together, poly relationships, mlm or wlw, etc)
Answered here! ♥
Fandom Asks
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winchest09 · 2 years
Hello, Sailor - Chapter Seven
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Pairing: Sailor!Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 4665
Summary: Y/N was never a big fan of sailors, so when a ship full of them dock at the harbor in her town, she’s anything but happy. However, there is one in particular that is determined to prove to her that not all men of the sea are the same, and dedicates each day of his shore leave to the task of changing her mind. Will the green eyed sailor prove his point, or hers?
Rating: 15+
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff. Kisses, rope swings, cuddles in the meadow [spoiler] this is where you'll hate Tabby. Insecurities, talks of death, talks of past, arguments, heartbreak, tears.
A/N: Please don't hate me. Please. *insert a puppy dog look here* Let me know what you think if you have the time, thanks so much for reading!  I also want to say a massive thank you to my bestie; @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​ for being my wonderful beta, and for kicking my ass where needed. __________________________
This series is now complete on Patreon! __________________________
Hello,Sailor Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Let me know your thoughts!
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A new day had brought with it date number five, and Y/N couldn’t stop the beaming smile or the racing heart that pounded in her chest. From the moment she got out of bed that morning, her thoughts had been on the green-eyed sailor. His charming grin, his warm touch and the smell of his cologne were playing heavily on her mind; she couldn’t wait to see him again, even though it had only been around eight hours since she had last been in his arms. Now, the waitress was watching the clock, her hands wrapped around her purse as she waited for the time she was supposed to be meeting him.
The previous evening, they had spent another few hours just sitting on the beach, kissing and talking about the little things. She had explained to him in detail more about another shell she had found, and in return, he explained that he had an interest in mythical creatures. That caught her attention, not thinking that a man of the sea would have any interest in a book, yet here he was telling her all about his favorite monsters, and the lore that surrounded them. They waited until the darkness had encapsulated them both, a warm night breeze kissing their skin before Dean had walked her back to her home, with her hand in his.
Under the glow of the familiar streetlight, they shared a goodbye kiss with a promise of a fifth date. The sailor had told her to meet him by the docks for midday, promising a fun and relaxing surprise, and he had not disappointed her in his venture. For he had found a spot so beautiful, away from the waves of the sea, and the watchful eyes of the community. It was a quiet meadow, with a trickling brook that ran through it’s centre, long grass hiding some of its most perfect flowers. Next to the flow of running water, was a large oak tree that not only provided shade and solace from the sun's rays, but also a strong arm which was holding up a sizable swinging tire.
Y/N had looked at him, in a mixture of awe and shock, her summer dress kissing the back of her calves as she rushed over towards it. Without assistance, not caring in that instance if she looked less feminine or not, she wrapped her hands around the rope and hoisted herself on top of the rubber, the cord between her legs as the fabric she was wrapped in showed parts of her skin. It was then that she glanced back at her sailor, gesturing for him to come closer and give her a push.
She had been swinging for a good ten minutes, laughter leaving her lips and joy filling her soul. It was as if all the worries in the world were leaving her at that moment, and she felt at peace; calm, collected, restful. She never thought that this would happen in the presence of a sailor, of a man who was absolutely not her type. Yet here she was, biting her lip to stop her cheeks from aching due to the happiness he was bringing her.
“This is beautiful,” she sighed, enjoying the gentle breeze that caressed her cheeks as she swung. Smelling the summertime as she allowed herself to revel in the blissful point in time.
“I thought you would like it,” Dean replied, matching her cheery expression as he gave her another push over the ever flowing water.
“How did you even know this was here?” she questioned, genuinely curious. He had only been on shore leave for five days, and even though he might have visited this town before unbeknownst to her, this was still a really hard spot to find. She had lived here for most of her life and this was a first, even for her.
“I might have had some help. And in regards to the swing, well, we made it,” he explained, causing a curious look to befall Y/N’s features, prompting him to continue. “I had Cas and Benny come out to help me make something from what we had laying around on the ship.”
“Are you guys getting that bored?” She teased, enjoying the feeling of her hair blowing behind her as she swung through the air.
“Maybe they are,” Dean stated, a little shrug in his shoulders before he caught her as she came back, his hands holding onto the tops of her arms to keep her in place while he bent down to plant a kiss on the crown of her head. “But not me.”
To that, she felt like her heart had grown three sizes, this overwhelming wave of affection threatening to break the damn that kept her most delicate parts safe. However, she was curious about his shipmates, and what it was that he was telling them about her, but that specific question wasn’t one for today. This date was about them, having fun. It was about Y/N, getting close to letting him into her soul completely, with the trust that he would never hurt her. So she altered it slightly, still inquisitive about what they might have been getting up to.
“So what about them?” the waitress asked, unable to resist the urge to tease her sailor. She also wanted to see if she could prove her point about his kind. “Are they not sowing their wild oats?”
“They have wives,” Dean stated matter of factly, but in return, she shot him a look that read ‘What’s your point?’. “And they’re not those kind of guys.”
“I’m yet to be convinced,” she sang, her melodic voice carrying on the gentle breeze that came blowing across the meadow.
“And here was me thinking I was doing a pretty good job,” the Lieutenant Commander shot back, his words as smooth as honey as he caught her in her swing again, spinning the tire so she was now fully facing him.
“I’m going to need a stronger argument,” she whispered, both hands gripping onto the rope as she rested her head against the threads.
With a warm smile, and a soft gaze, Dean took a step forward and wrapped his fingers around the tether that bound the swing to the tree. With slow, calculated movements, he slid his palm up over her shoulder, his touch barely grazing her skin before it came to rest at the nape of her neck, his digits entwining in her hair. His gaze locked on hers before it momentarily dipped to her mouth, and he closed the distance between them. With the rays of the sun peeking through the leaves, the soft wind that kept them cool, and the gentle noise of running water behind them, they kissed.
Y/N felt herself melt against him, his lips providing her with a comfort she didn’t know she had been missing. She had to refrain from letting out a small whimper, not wanting the sailor to know how her body was truly reacting. It had been so long since she had felt loved, since she had been touched in a way which only a man could provide. She could feel herself beginning to give into him, her walls crumbling and her heart holding up a white flag in surrender to the magnetic pull she had been resisting since they first met.
“You make a good point,” she spoke quietly against his mouth, sighing in contentment as she stayed incredibly close to him, enjoying the safety his body brought with it.
“Is that so?” Dean smiled, nudging her nose ever so slightly with his as his fingers rubbed at the base of her neck.
To that, she hummed, a soft breath leaving her, “I’d advise you to keep making them.”
Not wasting a beat, the sailor dipped his head to catch her lips once more, only this time the exchange was a little more passionate. He encouraged her to wrap her arms around his neck, something she did willingly before she allowed her fingers to card through the short length of his hair. While drunk on his kisses, Y/N assisted him as she pulled her leg around the rope to ensure she wasn’t straddling it anymore, before allowing Dean to lift her close to his chest. His palms were warm on her thighs, only the thin material of her summer dress acting as a barrier away from his touch.
Entwined, he carried the waitress up a gradual sloping hill, before he carefully and cautiously sat her down upon the grass in the meadow. The long blades of greenery and crested dogstail shielded them from anyone’s view; it was secluded, private and as Dean lay down next to her, his arms open wide in encouragement for her to join him, she couldn’t help but feel at peace. It was an offer she couldn’t refuse, and quickly tucked herself into his side, her head coming to rest upon his chest, the rhythm of his heart a melody she could listen to on repeat.
They laid like that, in silence, for a few minutes. Only the sounds of gulls in the distance, random birdsong from the trees that surrounded them, and the wind rustling through the foliage could be heard. If she had to choose a happy place, one where she wanted to feel tranquil and calm, this would be it; with the sailor. It still shocked her, the way she had bonded to a man she had only known just shy of six days. It still confused her as to why he would want to spend all of this time by her side. He could be having the time of his life with his friends, seeing what the small town had to offer and yet instead, he chose to be with Y/N every single day.
“I could stay like this forever,” Dean confessed, matching her internal thoughts as his fingers came to softly caress the bare skin of her shoulder, while he bent his other arm under his head.
“Is that not against your code?” Y/N asked him, thankful her head was on his chest so he could not see her playful expression.
“Hm?” he hummed, his tone highlighting his slight bewilderment.
It was then that she turned, her chin now resting upon one of his pectorals, as she grinned at the man beneath her, “Laying with the same woman for the rest of your life?”
“Oh you’re a fireball today, Sparky,” he grumbled, although a smirk was pulling at his lips as he glanced down at his tormentor.
“Just today?”
“True,” Dean agreed, a little chuckle wrapping around his words as his fingers rubbed at her arm. “You didn’t earn the nickname without good reason.”
Y/N could have retorted to that comment, but instead she let it pass as she cuddled closer to him, enjoying the comfort his hold brought her. Alternatively, she looked up towards the blue skies and watched the clouds that were sailing on by. As she played a game with herself, her mind trying to make pictures out of the white fluffy cotton-like balls, she couldn’t help but think about how far they had come. From that very first night where had offered to walk her home to now, there had been a definite shift in things and she could only be thankful of his persistence. The happiness she felt in that moment, she wanted to bottle it and hold it close to heart, never letting it go.
“Look,” she breathed, her fingers pointing towards the sky, wanting to share the passtime with the man beneath her, “don’t you think that looks like a ship?”
“A little,” Dean returned, his voice deep as it vibrated through him, causing Y/N to turn her head to look up at him once more.
“Your eyes are closed!” she gasped, letting out a small chuckle as she allowed her fingers to idly play with the button of his denim shirt.
“I’m savoring the moment,” he replied, his smirk returning as he tightened his hold on the woman next to him.
“You’re missing it,” she laughed, playfully urging him to enjoy this moment. Upon those words leaving her, Dean slowly looked upon her face, granting her access to his enchanting jade orbs. His smirk had dropped, and was replaced with a smile that only made his cheeks twitch as he reached to move some stray hair out of Y/N’s face.
“I have my own ship that I can see at any time,” he informed her, his hand slowly tracing the edge of her jawline before he pinched her chin between his forefinger and thumb, “and with only two full days of shore leave left, I don’t want to think about any cruiser that’s going to take me away from you.”
That was the moment another wall crumbled. She saw the sincerity in his gaze, the honesty that rested behind his eyes and she felt a small wave of guilt wash over her, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”
“Hey, you have nothing to apologise for,” he reassured her, his palm now cupping her cheek as his mouth stretched into one of his beautiful smiles. “But you could always give me one of your kisses to sweeten the deal if you’re so inclined.”
“Is that so?” she questioned, unable to hide her own smile as she felt herself giving into him and stretching her body so their lips were only millimetres apart.
“Mhm,” he hummed once again, before he closed the space and allowed her to seek solace in his touch.
They lay there together, lost in each other as the clouds continued to pass by overhead. She didn’t think that she would ever tire of receiving such affection from him; each time felt new, exciting and there would always be a bubble of exhilaration in her stomach. Was this what love felt like? She thought she had given her heart away before but this…what she had with Dean…whatever was blossoming between them was something she had never experienced before. His hands never wandered, they stayed tied to the same positions they were in as they kissed; one on her cheek and the other on her hip as it slid when she moved towards him. Forever the gentlemen, she thought.
Breaking apart, she now tucked her head closer to his neck, resting against his shoulder. She breathed him in, the scent of his cologne grounding as she moved her hand to rest over his heart. She could feel the beat through her fingertips, the steady thud causing her to smile as it reminded her to enjoy this moment, for who knows what the future could hold. It made her think about Dean’s choice in profession; choosing to leave family, and loved ones. Putting his life on the line every single day while sacrificing points in time like the one they were sharing.
“Do you enjoy it?” Y/N asked, her voice soft and a little timid, “life on a ship?”
“I do,” he admitted, his hand coming to stroke delicate lines up and down her back. “Sort of.”
“Sort of?” she repeated, curious to know more about his answer and his life. She assumed there was a reason as to why he decided to leave dry land behind, and now they were swept up in this serene moment, she felt it was the perfect time to question it.
“As you know, my father was also a sailor, a Commander actually,” Dean started to explain, the tones of his voice deep as she listened. “He worked hard for his family, provided for my mom. Came home as often as he could. Not long after my brother Sammy finished school, he..uh,” he struggled before swallowing deeply, “he died at sea.”
Upon hearing that, Y/N lifted her head almost immediately and met his saddened expression with her sympathetic one, “Dean…”
“There was this huge storm, causing thirty foot high waves and unbearable winds. It swept him overboard,” he admitted to her, finally meeting her stare through his glazed over eyes.  “His body was never recovered. So, we held this memorial for him next to the sea at home, laid our flowers on the water and said our goodbyes. ”
“So that’s why you followed in his footsteps?” The question was more rhetorical than anything else. Like she was speaking her own thoughts aloud because it made sense, that he wanted to honor his father that way.
“Yeah,” he sighed, his fingers now coming to her hair as he played with a few loose strands. “That and I wanted to provide for my mom. I was the man of the house.”
“That’s a big burden to carry,” Y/N stated, frowning a little at the stress he must have been under. This man had put his life on hold, his own dreams pushed to the back of the queue out of love and duty for his family.
“I just knew I had to look after them. It’s what my dad would have wanted,” he confessed, a small sigh leaving him. “So I became a sailor, worked my way up through the ranks and now I’m here, on the list to be promoted to Commander.”
It was like someone had just thrown a bucket of ice down the back of her dress, cold water dousing out the growing fire that had slowly been burning brightly ever since she had decided to lower her defences. Now, the warning bells were ringing loud and clear, the guards of her heart signalling for the bridges to be closed and the walls to be rebuilt. The masters of her mind were clearing the fog that had clouded her vision, revealing the reality of what was.
“Y-you’re being promoted?” she struggled to say, pushing back off him into a seating position, her legs now curled beneath her as Dean angled his head to look at her clearly.
“Yeah, after these three–” he started, but the panic that was rising in her chest forced her to spit out her words.
“--no, I know what happens,” she cut him off, refusing to give him eye contact as she frantically began to brush any stray dried grass from her dress. “That means you have to do another tour, another four years.”
“It doe–”
“--so what is the point in all of this?” she snapped, one hand flying to her mouth as she tried to quell the fury and emotional upset that was raging like a storm inside of her.
Dean had done it. He had got her entranced in his spell and for a moment or two, she truly believed that he was different, that this was something different. But it wasn’t. He was a sailor who was looking to fill his time with a woman as his days passed, he was a man of the sea who didn’t care about the wreck he left behind as soon as he boarded his ship. Why else would he pursue her when he knew he would be signing up for another four years? What possible future could they ever have had when he would be god knows where with god knows who. She was stupid, she had let down her guard and she only had herself to blame.
“What?” He frowned, his eyebrows meeting together as he abruptly sat up, his hand reaching for hers but she quickly pulled away.
“This!” she exclaimed, gesturing between them. “Us!” It was then that she abruptly stood, agitatedly ensuring there was not one spec of dirt on her clothes before she turned to look down at him, her eyes glossy with tears  “Not that there is an us I’m guessing, I’m just something to fill that boredom until you leave. I can’t believe I fell for it, again.”
“Sweetheart, just calm down a second,” Dean spoke collectedly, his palms out in front of him as if he was trying to stop a deer from running, while he began to stand.
“Don’t call me that,” Y/N snapped, jumping slightly when she heard a rumble of thunder above her head. “I’m not your sweetheart!”
The once blue skies and golden sunshine were now hidden behind clouds that were dull and grey. A storm was rolling in, the wind picking up its pace as it swooped around them, bringing a few drops of rain along with it. She didn’t care that the water would mess up her makeup, or ruin her hair because the man in front of her had destroyed what little she thought about herself in one sentence.
“If you would just let me–” the sailor tried once more, wanting to reach out but she recoiled at the effort, choosing to instead wrap her arms around herself, becoming her own comfort.
“--explain?” the waitress interrupted once more, not even caring if she was coming across rude. “What do you need to say? That this is different to anything you’ve felt before? That I am nothing like any other woman? I’ve heard those lines, the ones that get said to every other willing female at every available port. I was so dumb to think that this was something.”
“Y/N, it is,” he reassured, his voice never raising as he held her stare.
“LIES!” she shot back, her bottom lip quivering as she desperately tried to hold back her tears. “You’re going back to that life when you could be free in three months! I’m just the filler for the week. The moment you step back on your ship, I’ll be forgotten.”
“I could never,” Dean appealed, taking a step closer towards her, which only caused her to take one back.
Y/N so desperately wanted to believe him, wanted to trust every word that left his pretty mouth but it was too late, the damage had been done. Not just by him, but by all the other sailors that had come before him. She had given this a chance, but she had been blinded by his act; by his kindness, his thoughtfulness, his beauty. All of it was just a ploy to get her on side, to ensure that he wasn’t by himself and womanless on those long lonely days. He made her believe that she was special, that she was worth something; now every single thing he had done for her just felt so tarnished.
“You filled my head with your fantasies, and I imagine you feel proud as punch that you were winning your bet. Going back to your sad little friends to tell them how you were this close to holding my heart,” she spoke with fervour, her words leaving her with as much strength as her shattered heart would allow. “Well jokes on you, sailor boy. Find someone else to play your game.”
With that final statement, the waitress turned on her heel and began to march down the hillside, bowing her head to try and steel herself from the storm that was now pouring down on top of them. She wasn’t bothered by the rain, or the wind, the discomfort they would cause would be nothing compared to the agony that was weighing heavily in her chest.
“Y/N, wait, th–” she heard Dean call after her, and it caused her to turn around fiercely. She wanted to be left alone, to recover what little fragments of her soul were left.
“--don’t!” she barked, pointing a finger at the sailor whose shirt was now clinging to his skin, beads of water hanging from his lashes as he stood just a few feet in front of her. “I knew it was a bad idea to come near your kind. I trusted you! I was starting to–”
“-- what, Sparky?” he gruffly cut off, his tone now sharp and intimidating as he finally attempted to stand his ground, his voice rising above the thunder. “What were you starting to do?! Fall for me?”
“You would love that wouldn’t you?” she said with a chiding tone, not even flinching when a bolt of lightning shot through the sky.  “Well tough luck.”
Her last sentence sounded as broken as she felt, before she turned back towards the descent of the hill and allowed her legs to carry her as quickly as they could. She couldn’t believe she was here again, experiencing heartbreak over someone who she had known for less than a week. This was hurting more than her last relationship, one that had lasted for a lot longer.
As she curled her arms back around her stomach, her sundress sticking to her skin, she could only hope that no-one would be around as she got back to the docks. She didn’t want the judgement, the pity, the whispered conversations as her neighbors talked about how foolish she was to get involved with another sailor.
“I’m not letting you go!” Dean shouted after her, causing her to suck in another breath. But she didn’t care to look back at him, wanting to get as far away as possible from the man whom she thought was different.
“That’s not your decision to make,” she cried, angling her head up to the heavens as if she was searching for some strength. Willing for some wisdom from her departed family, praying for some good to come her way. That wasn’t much to ask was it? For what had she done to deserve so much pain in so few years?
“We need to talk about–” the Lieutenant Commander tried again but she didn’t glance back, didn’t give him the time he wanted.
“--I said all I have to say!” It was her bold statement, one that she had to dig deep for. There was still a part of her that was yearning to go and run back into his arms, to seek the comfort and safety that she had quickly gotten used to over the past few days, the solace that only Dean Winchester could provide. But no, she wouldn’t give in, she had sailed this voyage too many times.
“Like it or not, Y/N, I’m not giving up on us,” the sailor shouted, his deep and gruff tones carrying on the wind as she reached the path that would take her home.  “I’ll be at the dock tomorrow, from the moment the sunrise hits the water. I’ll be there, waiting for you, and I will stay as long as it takes.”
“Like it or not, Dean, we’re done,” she reaffirmed, stopping in her path briefly as she inhaled another shaky breath. She was about to lay down her anchor on this relationship, and take the lifeboat to shore. “Don’t follow me, and don’t waste your time tomorrow.”
“It’s not a waste it comes to you.”
Y/N wanted to scream, she wanted to cry out her frustration but she would not allow herself to break in front of the green-eyed sailor. His last words had struck her heart, the fletching of the metaphorical arrow he had fired still wobbling within her chest. She had to fight the urge to look back at him one more time, that small spark of hope that was dodging each attempt at being extinguished shouting at her to memorise his face. But it was too much, and the shadows of her doubts and her demons blocked out that light.
Once he was unable to see her anymore, and she knew that his stares were not burning a hole in her back, a sob passed her lips. One that she had to mask with the palm of her hand as she hurriedly left him behind. With all of her might, she walked away from the happiest she had felt in months, ran away from the lingering touches and thoughtful words, away from the one person who apparently saw her like no-one else could.
Away from the man she had started to love.
——————————————– Chapter Eight ——————————————– A/N: I’m sorry...i’m sorry!! *hides* Tag list is open! If you want to jump on the ship, then let me know HERE :)
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Request: Imagine being Lin Beifong’s daughter and having a crush on Iroh II
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Tags: @tincdraws
Growing up as the daughter of Lin Beifong metal and earth bending were your whole life. You learnt to earth bend by the time you could walk and your mother had you in training from a young age so you graduated from the earth bending school at the top of your class with your eyes firmly set on following in your mother’s footsteps whilst also trying to emulate your grandmother’s success. You had a sharp focus and nothing else really caught your attention. You had friends but training came first and dating seemed something superficial you could live without. Republic city was your life and you would never dream of leaving it but your mother had other ideas.
Your mother thought you needed more worldly experience before you joined the police force so she sent you to the fire nation to gain some training as an officer. She claimed the fire nation had some of the best officers in the world and that they would help you learn invaluable real-life experience. You did not agree and protested the whole thing. All your training had revolved around the needs of Republic City specifically and you couldn’t see how you’d learn anything new about how to protect your city by travelling all the way to fire nation but your mother refused to change her mind and that was that.
So you were shipped off to the fire nation fresh out of the academy. Your mother had spoken to Firelord Izumi and it was agreed you’d be staying at the palace so not only would you be unfamiliar with the environment, you’d be in a place where every small look, word or action had large consequences. You didn’t know much about the fire nation and couldn’t really recall the royal family. You were aware your grandmother was very close with the late Firelord Zuko but since then things had changed. Although your grandmother’s friends (mainly Katara) had tried to keep the group close it was hard with everyone scattered across the four nations and so with each generation the group had drifted further and further apart. You knew Firelord Izumi had a daughter older than you and a son around your age called Iroh. You recalled meeting Iroh when you were younger at some event in the south pole but couldn’t remember much more than a serious fire nation child. So you arrived on the steps of the palace utterly out of your depth determined to see these three months through so you could return to your beloved city. You were shown into the palace immediately, your belongings taken by maids who refused to let you carry them yourself as you were a royal guest. You weren’t used to finery so proceeded through the palace partly in awe and partly in utter confusion why someone needed this many paintings of old men everywhere. You were finally shown into a large room. “Ah you must be y/n Beifong” a voice called and you turned to see someone who looked vaguely familiar. You knew he wasn’t Firelord Zuko or Firelord Izumi’s husband as he was too young so figured by his royal outfit this was Izumi’s second child the prince. “Prince Iroh, it’s an honour to see you again” you said bowing and he chuckled “I bet you thought that would be a winning line with any fire nation citizen didn’t you? Because we’re still all obsessed with honour like we were centuries ago?” Iroh asked and you hesitated. “If I caused any offence...” you started but Iroh cut you off breaking out in a large smile “no I was only kidding, it is a winning line we are still obsessed with honour”. You watched as Iroh laughed at his own joke surprised, you didn’t expect the prince of the fire nation to be like this. You figured royalty lacked the ability or the clearance to have a sense of humour but apparently not. “So have I really not changed since we were eight?” Iroh asked and when you frowned he elaborated “you recognised me but the last time we met was just over ten years ago”. You paused “ow no I didn’t actually recognise you, you were young, dressed in fine clothes with royal hairpins, not to mention you’re in the palace...you had to be the prince”. “Good deductions officer” Iroh said saluting you before he grinned “i’m in training too”. That piqued your interest “really? for the fire nation army?”. He nodded “yep! I’m an officer but my hope is to be general one day and to fully earn it, rather than just get it because of who my family is...hopefully in a few years i’ll get there”. “I’m sure you will” you agreed and Iroh led you into a large dining room. “Are we dining alone?” you asked confused and Iroh smirked. “Why? Not pleased with me?” he asked and you rushed to assure him that wasn’t the case when he laughed again “I’m joking again y/n, I know my grandfather told you the whole family would be dining with you in his letter to your mother but he, my parents and sister were all called away to an urgent matter and asked me to fill in as we’re similar ages”. “Ow” you nodded “that makes sense...is everything okay?”. Iroh nodded “everything’s fine just boring fire nation stuff...so shall we?” he asked holding out his arm to you. You weren’t sure if this was appropriate so averted your eyes and only took his arm lightly. Iroh smirked at your caution and led you into the room.
The meal with Iroh was nice. He was friendly, hard-working and interesting. You soon got used to his humour and learnt not to take him too seriously. You hadn’t met many other people your age who shared your passion for a military career and found it was nice, a sentiment Iroh apparently shared. He enquired what you were doing the rest of the week and when you replied nothing as training didn’t start for another week he soon had several of your days planned out with fire nation sights to show you. Iroh seemed to understand you didn’t know much about the fire nation so planned to take you to all the important sites as well as areas relevant to the army to peak both your interests. You enjoyed the prince’s tours greatly and even when training did start you continued meeting with Iroh regularly. You liked his company and were surprised that didn’t fade the more time you spent with him, if anything it grew more and more. You thought he’d be a spoilt entitled prince but he was kind and considerate pleasantly surprising you.
You didn’t become aware that you liked Iroh as anything more until one of your friends at the academy pointed it out. Since starting training you were progressing well, you achieved high grades and were held in high esteem by your fellow recruits. You had made some friends and often trained with them after the academy retired for the day. After a long training session you were heading to the palace when one of your friends called out to you “hey y/n some of us were going into town to celebrate our class’s good progress, do you want to come?”. You smiled pleased they wanted you to come when you remembered you couldn’t go “I’d love to Shani but sorry I can’t I have plans”. “Of course you do” she smirked as your other friend Aizori grinned “is it with Iroh by any chance”. “Actually it is” you said frowning at their shared look “why?”. “Ow nothing just it’s not every day your friend is dating the crowned prince”. “Me and Iroh are not dating!” you cried “our families are old friends that’s all”. “Uh...hu, if that’s true then what are your plans together may we ask?”. “We’re attending a party at the palace”. “Together?” Shani asked and you blushed “yes but he only asked me because it’s a formal event that’s apparently really boring so he wanted a friend there, trust me we’re not dating”. “But how can you resist?” Aizori asked “I’ve only seen the prince a handful of times but he seems to get better looking every single time! How don’t you get lost in those golden eyes and that chiselled jaw? The royal family has some amazing genes not even a Beifong can resist”. You paused considering it. For you looks weren’t very important so you didn’t tend to notice them. You held work ethic and determination as much higher priorities and Iroh scored very highly in both but in looks...you honestly couldn’t say. “I’m not sure I’ve noticed” you admitted and the girls rolled their eyes not believing you.
When you arrived back at the palace your friend’s words were ringing in your head and when you next saw Iroh something felt different. You took note of his looks and were surprised by what you’d found. Iroh was attractive, very attractive, how had you missed that? You stared at Iroh wondering if his eyes had always been that bright? Was his jaw always that sharp? His hair that good regularly when he frowned “why are you staring at me?”. “Nothing” you cried and he paused before shrugging “Are you ready to go?” he asked “the party has already started” offering you his arm. You nodded and took it cautiously following Iroh into the ballroom.
You could see why Iroh had wanted to invite you, everyone in the room was at least 60 years old or some stiff nobel person from an ancient line of fire nation families. All they seemed to want to discuss was old family bloodlines, territories or ancient traditions. After your fifth boring ambush by some old fire nation man Iroh pointedly headed for the gardens. You frowned as he exited discreetly, closing the door behind him, and headed away from the hall. “Iroh I’m pretty sure the party is inside” you commented and Iroh grinned “I know but I can’t take another second in there so humour me? One lap of the gardens then we’ll head back, please? I know you haven’t seen them properly yet so how about a tour?” Iroh holding out his hand to you. You rolled your eyes but took his hand happily. 
Iroh led you around the gardens explaining the different flora to you and their history. “I spent so many parties hiding in here as a kid” he grinned “this place is so huge they couldn’t find me for hours”. You smiled at the thought “my mother would’ve killed me if I did that”. “Mine did” Iroh chuckled “but I’d honestly rather face her wrath than some boring commander who wants to lecture me about our family’s history and why it’s so important...they’re literally my own family and even I don’t care” Iroh cried making you smile. “I see why you escaped out here so often, I’m very grateful formal parties were not a part of my childhood”. Iroh smiled and went to comment when the smile was wiped from his face and he grabbed you, quickly pushing you behind a large fern. “Iroh what are you...”. “Shhh they’ve come for us” he hissed and you frowned when you heard a voice. “Prince Iroh?” a man you recognised as the palace coordinator called “Are you out here? You’re needed inside”. You smirked and Iroh rolled his eyes “they’re relentless”.  “Master Iroh if you’re out there please return to the ballroom, your mother’s orders”. There was silence and then the sound of the butler coming closer. Your eyes widened and Iroh put a hand over your mouth pushing you further into the bushes. “Prince Iroh?” a voice called literally right beside you and Iroh smirked as you grabbed his arm in surprise. You heard a sigh and the sound of the man retreating. When the footsteps died away Iroh dropped his hold on you and you both burst into laughter. “I thought we were going to be caught and then royally punished...literally” you added and Iroh smirked “I wouldn’t let them punish you, it’s not your fault I dragged you out here”. “True but I didn’t try hard to stop you”. “You did encourage me” Iroh nodded thinking “okay it’s all your fault”. You gaped laughing “I never said that! You are such a liar” you cried pushing him and Iroh laughed grabbing your arm “okay okay maybe we share the blame 50:50?”. “No way” you smiled and Iroh paused “60:40?”. “I think 90:10?” you said grinning and Iroh sighed “fine, i’ll take 10% of the blame”. You shook your head at how wonderfully infuriating he was and smiled at him fondly. Iroh grinned back and you realised suddenly how close his face was to yours. Iroh seemed to notice too, he glanced down at your lips and you panicked moving away from him suddenly. There was an awkward tension in the air and you broke it with a cough “so want to show me more of the gardens then?”. Iroh nodded “right this way my lady” the awkwardness gone and led you further into the garden.
When you were safely hidden from the ballroom Iroh stopped walking, explaining this was one of his favourite spots in the whole garden and you gratefully took a break sitting down. “I can’t believe you’ve already been here a month” Iroh commented and you nodded “I know only 2 more to go then my mandatory 3 months work experience is done”. Iroh frowned “mandatory...so you could stay longer if you wanted to?”. “Hypothetically” you agreed and Iroh hesitated “do you think you’d extend it? Hypothetically?”. You paused “I’m not sure, I have enjoyed the fire nation far more than I thought I would but I’ve always wanted to complete my training as quickly as possible, I hope to be chief of police one day and I’ll need many years of service for that...”. Iroh frowned “isn’t the youngest chief like 41?”. You nodded “yeah so i’ve got time I guess, maybe i’ll stay for longer...is this just so you have someone to skirt your royal duties with?”. Iroh laughed “maybe...I like you being here, it’s nice not being the only person under 30 in every room”. You smiled “well i’m glad my presence isn’t displeasing to you...you’ve been pleasant as well” you added blushing and Iroh grinned. “Wait did I make a Beifong blush? That’s like a legendary occurrence, this is amazing!”. “Stop it” you cried but Iroh wouldn’t let you turn away “no, this will go down in history, Beifong blushes are rarer than dragons so I’m soaking up every second”. For the second time that day Iroh stared at you closely and you blushed more under his gaze but this time you didn’t move away. Iroh continued gazing at you before he lightly moved his hand to your cheek “y/n...” he said softly leaning in closer when a figure appeared. “There you are!” a voice cried and you both jumped away from one another. Your jaw dropped when you realised who it was and you dropped into a bow “Firelord Izumi...i’m so sorry I didn’t see you approach”. “Rise child you did nothing wrong” she said warmly “my son on the other hand...” she trailed off glancing at Iroh who paled. “Hey mom” he frowned and she raised an eyebrow “really? That’s all you have to say? No apology or grovelling”. “Erm I’m sorry for ditching?” Iroh offered and Izumi sighed. “Y/n would you please excuse us, I want to have a word with my son”. “Of course” you agreed bowing and you rushed away.
Iroh returned not long after with his mother and told you he had to stay in the ballroom for the rest of the party. You agreed to stay with him and he smiled gratefully at you making you blush and look away rapidly. The night passed and neither you nor Iroh spoke about what happened in the garden. How he’d almost kissed you and how you were going to let him. You couldn’t believe your own recklessness. What good did you think would come out of kissing the prince of the fire nation? You were obviously not an appropriate match and so there was nothing to be encouraged there. You resolved to never find yourself in that situation again and decided to just stay as friends no matter how much you got along or how attractive he was. Getting involved with a fire nation prince was not responsible behaviour. So after that night you made sure to put distance between you and Iroh. You didn’t stop seeing him you just made sure to emphasise it was a friendship. You didn’t let yourself get caught up in him the way you had in the gardens and always kept a level head. Iroh never tried anything or mentioned that night either and you supposed he picked up on your not so subtle hints. You carried on as before but there was definitely an unmentioned barrier between you which you never let fade.
You left the fire nation 2 months later. You didn’t extend your stay as with your feelings for Iroh you didn’t think it would be wise. Iroh saw you off and hugged you tightly before you got onto the airship. “It’s been nice having you around Beifong, I’ll miss you”. Iroh’s words made you hesitate and you hugged him tighter. For that time in Iroh’s arms you imagined what would have happened if you’d kissed him in the gardens that night. Iroh didn’t strike you as someone who flitted from person to person taking what he wanted, you think if he wanted to kiss you he must have felt something for you too and perhaps would have suggested dating. You imagined all the things you’d have done together but as a couple and wondered if you’d made a mistake, maybe you should have just gone for it? But then reality set in. If you really wanted to be chief of police then you couldn’t have short relationships with high ranking members of the fire nation. Other candidates could use it to show you had compromised morals and there was no way it would be a long term relationship due to your lack of fire nation heritage. Sure the fire nation was pretty progressive but that didn’t really apply to royalty. They had thousand-year-old traditions to uphold that couldn’t be broken easily so Iroh was never a long term option for you. Therefore all logical signs said you’d done the correct thing not persuing something with him...so why did it feel so shit? You finally pulled away from Iroh and he noticed your expression. “What’s wrong?” he asked and you shook your head looking away “nothing i’ll just miss it here...promise you’ll keep in touch?”. “Cross my heart” Iroh smiled “you’re not someone I intend to let slip away, expect a visit every time I come to republic city”. You pushed away the rational voice in your mind telling you to keep a distance from him and smiled “you’ll always be welcome and I’m very much looking forward to it”. Iroh blushed “thank you y/n” and you nodded back, just looking at him in admiration before catching yourself. “I should go...” and Iroh nodded “safe travels” and with a final look you walked away.
2 years later
After your departure you and Iroh stayed in regular contact and your letters only halted when he was deployed by the military but the second we was out he would write and arrange to come visit you in Republic City. You still thought about him and your feelings for him regularly and every time you saw him you knew your crush hadn’t lessened. You loved Iroh’s visits and soon they became the thing you cherished most. You told yourself all of this was fine because you’d never act on your feelings but sometimes you wondered if Iroh felt something too? You’d catch him staring at you or he’d blush if you smiled at him in a certain way. The very idea of Iroh liking you made you very excited but you also knew it would only lead to heartache. He wouldn’t be allowed to settle down with someone outside the fire nation so it didn’t matter if he liked you too. So you settled for his friendship which was more than enough for you. When Iroh was posted in republic city when he became general you were thrilled and you only continued to grow closer.
However republic city wasn’t as peaceful. There had been multiple attacks on the city from Amon’s chi blockers to Vaatu’s take over and you and Iroh were constantly pushed into the fray. Multiple times you’d faced staggering odds and every single time you wondered if you should confess your feelings to Iroh in case the unthinkable happened but every time you chickened out. You and Iroh had been safe every time but there was only so much you could push your luck.  
You’d been wary of Kuvira’s take over of the earth kingdom from the very start. Your aunt Su Yin had told you all about her so you weren’t surprised when she set her sights on Republic City but that didn’t mean you weren’t terrified. The avatar and her friends informed you what you were facing and you weren’t sure how you could even think about facing a giant mecha suit with spirit cannons. Iroh shared your sentiment but as general of Republic City’s army he was forced by President Raiko to lead his troops out there. Watching Iroh take to the front line you were swept with the desire once again to be honest with him, to tell him how you felt before it was too late. You decided three was too many times to chance it and so decided to finally tell him how you felt. You made your way to the general’s tent and found Iroh with Korra discussing strategies. You greeted them both warmly before making your way to Iroh’s side “could we please talk? I have something to tell you”. You knew Iroh had a hundred things to do but he nodded warmly squeezing your hand “of course just give me one second to...” when the radio sprang into action. President Raiko had surendering to Kuvira’s demands. Republic City was hers.
The avatar was furious and you matched her sentiment. You and Iroh joined her as she met with other leaders in the city like Tenzin and your mother and they all agreed something had to be done to stop Kuvira. A plan was quickly assembled, it was agreed that airbenders would attack the suit from the sky and earth benders would attack from the ground. You didn’t actually expect to damage the suit, you only had to distract Kuvira long enough for Korra to get inside. You were agreeing fervently getting ready to leave with your cousins when Iroh grabbed your arm. “Wait Y/n are you sure you want to do this?” he asked nervously “that mecha suit is dangerous there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to stop it”. I know but it’s my home, I swore to protect it and I won’t break my oath. I have to try and help”. Iroh sighed thinking and you watched him wondering what he’d say. “I understand why you’re doing it and I want to come too”. You paused pleasantly surprised “You do...but I thought President Raiko told you to retreat and surrender?”. “He told me to surrender the army not that I couldn’t personally engage in fighting, i’m not fighting as a general but as plain old Iroh” he announced proudly and you smiled “there’s nothing plain about you even without your titles”. Iroh beamed at you “Does this mean you agree? We can fight this giant together!”. You nodded your head “okay let’s go meet up with the others”.
You and Iroh rushed after the others and found them all suiting up. “Finally” your mother said spotting you but she frowned when she saw Iroh with you “y/n tell me you didn’t bring the general who is also the prince of the fire nation into this”. “She didn’t, I volunteered” Iroh spoke up “I’m not here as a general or as a prince but as a civilian so, where can I help?”. “You know your mother won’t like this” Tenzin commented and Iroh nodded “I know but some things are worth facing her wrath for” he said shooting you a smile and you blushed.
So it was agreed Iroh would stay. Your mother thought it would be best to place him on the roof with the airbenders, she ordered him to shoot lightning at the joints to try and cause some malfunctioning. When you’d all suited up the teams said their goodbyes and Iroh appeared in front of you. You didn’t have long, Kuvira’s giant suit was already in view and the ground shook whenever it took a single step. Iroh stared at you and sighed heavily “Y/n...”. “Don’t say it like that, we don’t have time and we’re both going to be fine okay?” you said faking a smile but Iroh saw right through it. “What did you want to tell me earlier?”. You froze caught off guard and blushed “I...I just wanted to...it doesn’t matter”. The ground jumped and Iroh looked at it nervously before stepping closer to you “I think I can guess what you were going to say”. “You can?” you asked nervously and Iroh smiled “yeah...you had another Beifong blush moment and I’ve noticed you do them around me a lot”. You went bright red and Iroh chuckled “yeah like that...”. You looked down embarrassed but Iroh took your hand gently “don’t, I blush a lot around you too”. You smiled blushing more and Iroh chuckled softly. “Y/n are you ready?” your mom asked and Iroh gripped your hand tightly. “Wait I want to tell you everything before you leave” Iroh cried but you squeezed his hand gently. “It’ll be okay” you smiled “you can tell me everything later and I think I can guess too”. Iroh grinned blushing “later then...just got to get through this”. “We’ll be fine, this is what he trained for” you smiled confidently “I promise I’ll see you on the other side”. Iroh nodded and stared at your lips, he went to move in when your mother called “y/n are you coming or are we leaving you behind”. “I’m coming!” you yelled and stepped away from Iroh “mothers” you commented and he smiled “go, i’ll see you after” and with a last look you both rushed off to your assigned group.
The battle
The fight went about as good as could be expected. The suit swatted the air benders away like flies and your group’s earth, metal and even lava bending barely slowed it down. But it didn’t matter, all that mattered was the avatar and her team managed to find a way into that thing and your team cheered when you saw she’d done just that. Now the fight was Korra’s so you let your guard down when suddenly the machine began malfunctioning. Your mother yelled for you all to take cover but you were too far away from the building. The suit exploded with a blast and you saw a blinding light and then black.
After the suit exploded everyone assumed the battle won. Half the air benders went after Korra to help her with Kuvira and the other half went to the ground to make sure the others were okay, of course Iroh went with the latter. He saw Bolin, your aunt and cousins but no sign of you or your mother. They told him they were all searching for you and he rushed to join in. With each street he passed his heart began to sink when finally he spotted you! In the arms of your mother unconscious. Iroh ran forward dropping to his knees beside you. “What happened?” he cried and your mother clutched you desperately “that thing exploded and she was too far to get into cover, it hit her sending her flying through the street and now she’s...she’s...”. Iroh saw the blood seeping through your mother’s hands where she held them against you. “No” he said viciously “y/n won’t...she can’t! We need a medic” he yelled loudly before taking off his jacket to wrap around your wound. “Maybe I can cauterise the wound?” he asked “seal it to stop her losing so much blood?”. Lin paused “I think the wounds too big but it’s worth a shot”. Iroh nodded and Lin lifted the bottom of your uniform. Iroh saw a large gash across your stomach and winced. He lit his hand on fire and pressed his hands against the wound. You gasped suddenly and your eyes shot open. “Y/n” your mother and Iroh cried in unison and you blinked trying to make sense of the situation before you groaned in pain. You tensed trying to get away from the burning but your mother held onto you “please y/n just hang on Iroh is trying to cauterise your wound”. “It’s not working” you grimaced resisting the urge to scream “Iroh stop! Please!” you cried and he yelled in frustration moving his hands away from you. “No it has to work if it doesn’t then you’ll.....we need a medic down here” he yelled again but he knew everyone else was spread out and there were no healers in the group. “It’s okay” you said breathing heavily as the situation dawned on you “Iroh it’s alright”. “No it’s not” he cried sinking onto his knees beside you “it’s not y/n, you can’t...you have to fight this, you can’t leave me”. You nodded “trust me i’m trying but Iroh if I do...”. “No y/n don’t even think about it! I won’t let you go it’s not going to happen”. “I don’t think we have a choice” you admitted trying to smile but Iroh just shook his head “but we never got our shot, we never got to talk, I never got to tell you...I love you y/n” he said simply “I have for years, that’s why I never found anyone from the fire nation because the perfect person for me is you. I know there’s traditions and rules but I don’t care, I don’t want anyone else but you. I’d give up anything for you and we were finally heading in that direction and now that stupid spirit cannon”. Tears leaked down Iroh’s face and you reached out a hand to him shakily. He took it and you stroked his face “it’s okay, i’m sorry for being too scared and cautious, I’m sorry for wasting our time together but I love you too, I hope that’s enough”. Iroh nodded “It’s more than I ever hoped, you didn’t waste time you have nothing to be sorry for y/n Beifong, do you hear me?”. “I do” you smiled before coughing in pain and your mother clutched you tighter. “Y/n” your mother cried and you smiled up at her “it’s okay mom, don’t worry. It’s all going to be okay”. You clutched her hand against your chest and took Iroh’s other one. “I’m with the two people I love the most, I’m happy. This is the best way for it to...”. “Stop” Iroh said crying but you just gripped his hand tighter “Iroh look at me”. He blinked through the tears but looked at you. “It’s okay, I promise you everything will be okay”. Iroh just said your name softly and rested his head against yours. Your mother wrapped her arms around both of you and you held onto both of them the best you could when you felt the world fading away. You heard sobbing and your mother faintly saying your name until everything turned dark and it was over.
Following your death the fire nation, earth kingdom and republic city all paid their respects in their traditional fashions. A statue was raised by your mother in the spot of your death and every year on the anniversary of your death both her and Iroh would visit it. Iroh and your mother supported one another following your death being the only one’s who understood how monumental the loss of your life was. They managed to get through it together and although neither of them ever stopped loving you they found a way to carry on. Iroh never married, he couldn’t even consider the idea and his family never pushed him to. He still lived a long and happy life. He was very involved with his sister’s children who he loved dearly and his family never stopped supporting him. If he went quiet and got a teary look in his eye or if he struggled serving in the earth kingdom they understood. Your family also treated him like one of their own, with Lin even calling him her son on a few occasions, and he was invited to all your family’s events in recognition of your love for him. Your memory never faded and when Iroh’s life eventually ended he passed on to find you waiting for him. He knew all the suffering and heartache was over, you were finally together at last. 
So initially I was going to write a happy ending as well but then I thought screw it, I want to cry so I killed off the reader...but I can release the happy ending as a part two if anyone wants it. 
Edit: For the happy ending version click here
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