#I’m not just doing any Dc tags trust
clockwayswrites · 2 years
Specter of Starlight- Snippet
“How are you still alive?”
A sound tore from Danny. It was a horrible sound: rough and jagged and choking.
Danny was laughing.
He sunk back into the bed, seemingly exhausted just from the effort of making the half sound. A wry smile pulled at his lips, twisted the holes in his cheeks left by the muzzle in a way that made it look inhuman. “I died and died and died and died and…,” he signed. His hands trembled. “Death does not stay, I guess.”
“Is that why you were there?” Batman asked.
Danny nodded and finger spelled out ‘experiment’ and signed ‘rat’ after pointing to himself.
“They were experimenting on you.”
Danny nodded again.
“Not just experimenting, they were—” Tim had to pause to swallow back his anger. His eyes darted to the sloppily stitched Y shaped incision on Danny’s chest. “They dissected you.”
“I am fine,” Danny signed. His small, exhausted smile wasn’t very convincing. Not when it caused a new trail of blood to slide down his neck.
“Like fuck you are!”
“Red Robin,” Batman admonished.
Tim cut himself off, and dropped his gaze to the ground. The leather of his gloves creaked as he clenched his hands. He hated losing his temper, he was supposed to be the even tempered one. How could he though, looking at his friend abused and bleeding. Batman’s hand landed on his shoulder— a heavy, comforting weight.
“We’ll remove the rest of your bindings. Do I have your word you won’t hurt anyone here?” Batman asked. Tim hated that he had to, but he understood why. As much as he trusted Danny, the other was an unknown. A powerful unknown.
A moment later, Batman continued, obviously responding to something. “Yes, you are.”
The sound of metal on metal made Tim look up again. Danny was tapping his manacles against each other. He caught Tim’s eyes and very purposefully signed. “Am I safe?”
“Yes,” Tim answered without hesitation. “You’re safe, I promise. I’ll keep you safe.”
Danny nodded and signed, “I will not hurt anyone. Promise.”
AN: Having a very, very bad pain day and struggling to focus on one project so have a little angst from one of my ideas as I keep jumping around wips. This supposedly a short fic- 2 chapters. This would be early the second. This will probably be a lie.
I’m sorry for being in the dp x dc tag like, every single day with either fic or art. Hopefully no one minds my clutter too much.
(If there are any glaring errors with writing the sign language let me know. I’ve done some research and looked into certain signs as I can, but my knowledge is still growing. My own period of being deaf didn’t last long enough to get into signing as a bitty kid.)
Itty bitty tag committee: @michealawithana 
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Catch and Release
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: AU where Jason doesn’t die in the explosion and he and Tim end up attending the same high school months later.
Chapters: 18/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Sebastian Ives, Jack Drake, Janet Drake, Donna Troy
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tag: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd-centric, POV Jason Todd, POV First Person, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Jason Todd is Not Robin (Anymore), Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Stalker Tim Drake, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unlikely Friends, Injury Recovery, Emotional Baggage, Rage, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating
Chapter Eighteen: The Campaign: Malatra Pt. 2
We took a break after introductions to get our dinner.  Alfred made chicken alfredo, which was a hit with the guys. I lingered in the kitchen with Hudson for a minute. “How do you feel about DM-ing for the first time?” Hudson asked. 
I sipped my soda. “I feel like you guys are just being nice,” I replied. 
“Trust me, if you sucked we’d all be booing you mercilessly. Do you like it?” Hudson questioned. I nodded as I sipped his drink. 
“Jason! Hudson! Are you guys coming or not?” Tim called. I laughed, shaking off my nerves as I went upstairs with my plate to my room. I took my spot and ate a forkful before falling back into character. 
“Theren Everlake circles the four of you, staring with unknown intent, his hair makes a sweet hollow noise in the wind… And he stops, tilting his chin downward and toward the side as he glances upon Fettar Keephorn. His jaw tightens, his eyes waver, and something beneath his stern and wooden facade, something in him breaks.” I acted out the movements for everyone before shutting my eyes. “Quickly. He turns his attention to Eldrid Deepwood. He extends a hand, bowing warmly despite his despair.”
“Your reputation precedes you. The last of your clan. I feel as though you will understand my anguish… Would you give audience to my humble and sorrowful request?” I asked in Theren’s voice. 
Ives finished taking a bite and everyone chuckled. The shift between Ives and Eldrid was perfect. His eyes widened and he glanced down and around him before looking straight at me. “Aye,” Ives answered, “There’s much grief here.” 
“We’ve lost someone deeply beloved to us… Or I should say, someone dearly beloved to us was captured. Lunathari… And in her absence, a mysterious illness has befallen our children,” I explained. 
“Where did they take her?” Hudson asked in Clay’s voice. It was a little more grownup than his voice. Hudson’s characters always jump headfirst into a mission. It didn’t take a lot to get him involved, but he was a wildcard. 
I looked straight at him. “You’ve returned to your forgotten home. In any other circumstances, this would be a joyous occasion. Lunathari would be overjoyed to see you once more… But I’m afraid this quest may take more than one person… If your traveling companions will accept this quest, I am willing to offer payment. What say you?” I questioned. 
Tim scratched his head and pretended to push his glasses up. “Well, Mr. Everlake. May I call you Mr. Everlake? My liege? Nevermind that. We’ll do everything we can to retrieve Miss Lunathari. Won’t we, Mr. Deepwood?” Tim asked in his girl voice. I finished eating dinner, and I wiped my mouth while I waited for everyone else to speak. 
“I reckon we could get her home if we all work together,” Ives answered, “Miss Moonfall is right. We’ll do whatever we can.” 
“I owe you that much,” Hudman mumbled. He didn’t look up. 
“Then, I see fit to remind you to return Lunathari to me. Unlike what you’ve done with Clay—.”
“Hold your tongue, Clay. You were only a boy when you left us,” I replied, looking at Hudson with a sweet fondness. Hudson’s cheeks went rosy, and he bowed his head. Tim’s eyes widened as he looked straight at me. 
After two hours, they made it down the other side of the mountain in view of the cave where Lyra the Torturer held her adoptive sister Lunatharia. “Can I try to sneak toward the mouth of the cave?” Hudman asked. 
“Roll for stealth,” I replied. Hudman rolled and everyone held their breath. 
“Nineteen, plus nine stealth advantage,” Hudman sighed. 
The guys knocked each other around in celebration. “You stroll right up to the entrance without being seen or heard. You’re just… close… enough… to… hear…” The alarm on my phone went off. “Sorry, guys. Time to clean up. Alfred’ll be up any minute to take you guys home.” 
Everyone groaned and started picking up their backpacks. I left everything in its place, and Tim took a picture. Ives and Hudman texted their parents to tell them they’d be home soon, and Hudson sat next to me on the floor. “Do you maybe wanna—? The school’s going on a trip next month. Maybe we can sit next to each other on the bus,” Hudson offered. 
“For sure, Hudson,” I smiled, “And thanks for being nice about me DM-ing. I was nervous you’d think I sucked.” 
“Hey, you’re doing fine… I’ll see you tomorrow at school,” Hudson smiled as he hugged me. I don’t think he was thinking because he rushed behind the other guys as they went down the stairs. 
They left me alone with Tim. He seemed happy. It was nice to see him happy again. “ Hudson? ” Tim questioned. 
“What about him?” I asked. 
Tim shrugged, still smiling as he set his die in the pouch they came in. “I don’t even know why you were worried. You should DM for the next campaign, too,” Tim smiled. 
“It’s a lot of work, though,” I replied.
“You love DM-ing. I can tell,” Tim smiled, but his eyes drooped. I could almost feel his sadness. 
I dropped down beside him, sitting on my bed with my hands clasped together. “What’s on your mind?” I questioned. 
“Mom… She used to read these books by R.A. Salvatore. She used to read them to me before bed, and it was our thing… And then, she started having me read to her… And then I started reading them to myself before bed. Jason, that’s why it means so much for you to host and DM like this,” Tim smiled, “Not only are we brothers, but you’re sharing something with me that Mom loved.” I bumped shoulders with him. 
“Are you sleeping in here tonight?” I asked. Tim nodded. He couldn’t sleep in his room. I couldn’t blame him. The manor wasn’t home for him. Not to mention, his parents’ house was a lot more friendly-looking on the inside. That… And the obvious stuff going on. 
I trained with Barbara on Wednesday, which mostly started with her taking me to physical therapy and then swimming. After we swam, Barbara went over the basics of self-defense in wheelchairs specifically. Always self-defense first. I think she knew the stress of losing Janet caused a flare-up of nerve pain in my legs. Maybe she saw it in the way I got out of the pool. 
Barbara was no-nonsense. She went over everything three times, and we did everything thrice. Unless I didn’t do things to her standards. “Nuh-uh. Sloppy. You’re coming up weak on that right arm block. I could push that arm right into your face,” Barbara replied as she pushed my forearm into my nose. It was humbling. And infuriating. And my temper was short.
I huffed and pushed my bangs back. “Okay! I get it,” I snapped. It wasn’t the first time she’d done it during training. That was the difference between her and Bruce. Bruce was way nicer about it when he trained me. 
I had to shake that thought off. I had to stop being sensitive and short-tempered if I wanted to get better. “Get it together. Three more times,” Barbara replied. I obeyed without any further complaint. If I could keep my head down and train hard, I could be back in fighting shape on schedule.
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there-must-be-a-lock · 3 months
Jason Todd/Frank Castle ship manifesto and rec list!
For @dc-marvel-crossovers Pool Noodle Party.
These two are both scary motherfuckers when they want to be. Between the guns and the vengeance — yeah, the surface-level similarities are clear. But they’re also people whose core motivations are a) loss and b) a sense of justice. They lost faith in the ability of others to protect the people they love, and so they decided to do it themselves. They get a lot of shit from the other vigilantes in their respective circles for their methods of doing so; I think the lack of judgment coming from the other person would absolutely draw them together.
And at first glance, I think they can both easily be written off as angry characters, but both of them have a massive soft, caring streak under all that Kevlar and grumbling. It comes out mostly in the way they look out for (and fight on behalf of) the innocent — women, children, dogs… they’re both natural caretakers, but they’re rarely allowed to express it, and I think that caretaking is a huge part of what I love about the idea of their dynamic. They only allow themselves to be soft and to be taken care of because they’re with someone who also respects their strength.
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Fic recs! Most of this tag belongs to the amazing @mightymightygnomepriest and @bittercape! Please go check out their work if you want more of this pairing — every one of their fics is great, not just the ones I’m quoting here.
forever trusting who we are by @bittercape - like I said, it’s the caretaking for me! This is peak softness, and I love the lived-in feel of the unspoken communication that comes from a long term relationship.
The rhythm of checking and mending gear is a familiar one, and Jason is comforted by the hiss of the whetstone against an already-sharp blade, as familiar as breathing.
Slightly less familiar is the way Frank leans against him when he comes back from packing up their gear. His weight is heavy against Jason’s back, seeking contact like a big cat.
can’t start a fire without a spark by @mightymightygnomepriest - Frank is literally in the rain trying to rescue a puppy in this. It’s so ridiculously endearing. There’s also caretaking (of course) and some sexy sexy sex.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jason catches sight of a calendar. He wonders if he’s been a good enough boy this year that Santa’s delivered him a dilf.
Probably not.
Even if We’re Just Dancing in the Dark by @daddyswickedqueen - a remix of the previous fic on the list, but god damn I love Sagacity’s take on this premise. The inner voices of both characters are so well done.
There’s a low laugh that could, in other meteorological conditions, make Jason shiver. Right now it’s too fucking cold and wet to tell.
Jason stays right where he is. This goddamn puppy is going to be warm and dry tonight or he’s going to commit war crimes. Again.
Parting is all we know of Heaven, (—and all we need of Hell.) by llamallamaduck - Witcher fusion! I know very little about the Witcher fandom but was able to follow without problems, and the glimpse at the world was more than enough to have me wanting more. Great characterizations.
“I’ve been around for a while, kid,” says the Witcher, shifting. Automatically, Jason’s eyes snap to track the movement. You can’t not pay attention to that shit. He’s not even making any threatening gestures; he’s rubbing his temples with one hand and is propped up by the other. Nevertheless, Jason wants to curl his shoulders, bare his teeth and show he’s not easy prey.
Make This Easy by @thepartyresponsible - it has once again been 0 days since somebody in the crossover server recced a TPR fic, and for good reason. Significantly darker than the others on this list; this is not a happy story. But it involves one of my favorite descriptions of Jason of all time:
There’s some kind of predator under his skin, the same way there’s one under Frank’s. Maybe this kid’s teeth run a little closer to the surface, but Frank still recognizes his own. It’s just weird as hell to find someone like him caged up in a body like that. He wonders if that’s what he looked like in his early twenties, some unholy mashup of empty eyes and soft edges, baby fat barely lingering on a body already smelted into a weapon.
He was never that pretty, but Russo used to be. Maybe that burning match energy is something boys like them learn early. Self-immolation as a form of self-protection. Nobody’s going to get their hands on them if they’re already on fire.
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noforkingclue · 2 years
Dear writer will u pls do diana prince x reader where they met a few times as wonder woman saving damsel in distress? Diana thinks ur adorable. Bruce thinks its suspicious that u keep crossing path with diana n in need of rescue. Eventually diana seek u out n then become friends. What happen after is up to u. Could be usual cute meet or there is sinister reason or whatever u want. Thanks in advance.
Note: requests are currently closed
Of course you can anon! I hope you like the fic :)
Title: Just a Coincidence?
DC tag list: @mxacegrey
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
Diana knew what Bruce was going to say even before he opened his mouth. She looked up at him and glared. Bruce ignored it as he sat down opposite her.
“Three times.” He said
“Three times?”
“You save y/n l/n three times in as many months.”
“And you don’t find that suspicious.”
“Do you find the amount of time Clark has save Lois suspicious?”
“What?” Diana stood up, “Different? This conversation is over.”
She walked towards the door but Bruce’s voice made her freeze.
“The first time was in London,” he said, “You saved her from being crushed from under a bus.”
Diana turned around slowly as Bruce continued to talk. He shuffled through the paperwork on his desk and pulled out another sheet.
“And then there’s Paris.” He said
“Tour boat she was on was sinking. At least, that was the story the newspapers were given.”
“You don’t believe it.”
“Initially I believed it.”
“So what’s changed?”
“Too many coincidences.”
“Coincidences,” Diana shook her head, “Your paranoia is getting the better of you.”
“And then there’s Germany. You saved her yet again.”
“What’s your point?”
“She keeps turning up where you are. And each time she does she’s in danger and needs rescuing.”
Bruce stood up and slowly walked towards Diana. Diana held his gaze but narrowed her eyes at him. She clenched her jaw as Bruce held up his ‘evidence’.
“I’m sure there is more,” he said, “Or there will be.”
“What’s that meant to mean?”
“Like I said,” by now Bruce was directly in front of her, “Wherever you go, she’ll be there. I’m not the only one who has my suspicions on who, or what, she is.”
“And I will not have my friend’s name dragged through the mud.”
It took all of Diana’s willpower not to smile at the look on Bruce’s face.
“Did it ever occur to you that the reason why we were in the same place was because we were together.”
“So,” Bruce said after a tense second, “She knows who you are.”
“I don’t see how that is any concern of yours.”
“And you’re sure you can trust her.”
“I wouldn’t be with her if I didn’t.”
Diana sighed and shook her head.
“You might not trust y/n but I do,” she said, “That should be enough for you Bruce.”
But it wasn’t. Both of them could tell. The underlying tension was still thick in the air and Diana knew that she would have her work cut out changing Bruce’s mind. The others won’t take much persuading but Bruce would take a lot more effort.
“Now I really must be going,” she said, “You’ve made me late enough already.”
“Something nice?” Bruce asked, an awkward attempt to ease the tension
“Dinner,” she said, “With y/n.”
When Diana left the room Bruce sat back down, left alone with his thoughts. He pursed his lips as he looked through all the evidence he had gathered. He didn’t entirely believe Diana, too many coincidences for him to be completely satisfied. So, if y/n wasn’t following Diana that only left one other option.
Diana was the one following you.
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gretagerwigsmuse · 11 months
do you have any bradley fic recs…
hi! yes i do! i’ll give you a couple different types (ex one shots, series, etc). this is definitely not exhaustive, but just some that were at top of mind right now! if you’re really on a bradley fic kick, i do have 55+ pages of things tagged “bradley fic” on my blog too 🤭 i’m a bradley girl through and through
hey sailor - witty, smutty goodness wrapped up in fleet week (rumor has it alexa is cooking up a follow up of shorts 💁🏼‍♀️)
the night moves - i’ve been loving this fic lately! it’s so different than anything i’ve read before and the attention to detail is unreal! it makes me miss living in dc! there’s some spooky elements to it, but my goddddd bradley is a dream 🤭 we’re getting a little angsty now, which j’adore!
mar[r]y me and all the associated one shots too! - i love these two! they’re so soft and sweet and there’s the perfect amount of fluff and angst and longing and smut throughout their story! mary is such a real character to me and bradley is so terribly sweet and kind (and can occasionally be a little too in his own way 🤦🏼‍♀️). highly recommend the entire universe!
superstar - this is a two parter, fluff and angst city. basically a you’ve got mail kind of beat? like i cry every single time i read it, it’s so good? and i had never heard this taylor swift song before reading it and now it’s such a smart aleck song to me 🫢
of all the stars in the sky - girl if you wanna lose your mind at some world building and die at wwii pilot bradley??? this one’s for you! like the attention to detail in this is amazing and there’s smut and fluff and action!? i get so nervous when a new chapter is posted, mila really ropes you in!
coming home to you - these make me BLUSH just thinking about them! the entire series is so so good and the love and trust bradley and the reader have between each other is so good! they’re also a little slutty (affectionate)!
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2manyturbos · 2 months
🏁 Rules 🏁
Hi: You can call me Vile. They/She/He with a slight inclination toward They/Them. I’m 30+ and have been rping for well over a decade. Me nb grey ace gay cryptid that loves their villains.
This is a Side Blog: Follows are through vile-muses.
Content Disclaimer: Please use your better judgment when following. Expect heavy themes; this is NOT a coffee shop AU. Regardless that such themes will be tagged, if you can’t handle dark themes, I cannot recommend a follow. There will be morally grey if not outright immoral actions included on this blog. IC =/= OOC. This should go without saying, but I do not condone all the actions of my character. If this is a triggering subject or if you cannot divorce the writer from any potentially villainous characters they write, I cannot recommend a follow.
Obligatory Mention: I reserve the right to not RP with everyone, ect ect.
Fandom DNI’s: As a personal preference, I'd rather not see the following with high frequency on my dash: Harry Potter, FNAF (and similar “mascot horror”), South Park, Family Guy, Marvel, DC, Superheroes in general, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Homestuck, Disney Descendants, Twisted Wonderland, Once Upon A Time, Disney “Live Action” Remakes, K Pop. So I avoid blogs where it seems like I'll be seeing a lot of any of this.
Self Inserts: I don't roleplay with them. Sorry. In my experience there's always a problem with the inability to separate ic from ooc with self inserts. That and I'm just uncomfy with it in general. It isn't fun for me.
Accessibility Clause: If I can’t navigate or easily read your blog, I won’t follow. Ditto for post formatting. Accessibility is important. On the flip side: if there’s anything I can do to make my content easier to enjoy, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am a player to values accessibility over aesthetic.
Duplicate Muses: I will not allow duplicates of my own muse to meet each-other. I will allow my characters to meet other oc Turbos but NOT other versions of the original. Ties into me not wanting to focus on the multi-verse, as elaborated on further down. I will, however, interact with multiples of other characters.
Regarding Live Action Icons: If you cannot tolerate that I don’t always use them, I am not a good partner for you. I spent time and effort into developing my artistic skill and use my own art for some graphics; please be respectful of that. I have zero interest whatsoever in getting a rl face claim for Turbo.
Shipping: Highly selective. I need to trust you. I need to be familiar with your vibe, which requires months of me sharing a space with you. I do not like to ship with cis straight male muns, sorry.
Actions have consequences in my RPs. I don’t kill without consent, but don’t expect me or my character to be a doormat. If your muse antagonizes or annoys mine, expect an appropriate reaction. This goes both ways; my characters may not be terribly nice. Feel free to respond to their behavior in kind.
Assuming Relationships: I don’t do pre-established relationships (that aren’t canon) at all. I build IC relations from the ground up. If you want to plot out some -basic- history, or a sort of outline, that’s fine, but nothing too in-depth to start with. No long-lost lovers, children or family members. Please do not attempt to imply relationships I haven’t agreed to. If you have a destination in mind for their relationship (i.e. eventual family figures), I’ll slowly work up to it thread by thread, but I won’t go all in at first before I know what their chemistry is like.
I Am Slow: Please be aware I’m a working adult who may have to go on hiatus for months at a time. I can be a slow RPer and may take a week or more to respond to threads regularly. If potentially waiting a month or two for replies during my busy periods is a dealbreaker for you, I’m not the right partner. I do however do my best to give notice of hiatuses.
You Are Slow?: On the flip side, I don’t mind fellow slow RPers and I understand that life happens; in this case I will expect something in your rules, a hiatus notice, or even direct communication with me if replies will be slow. Don’t apologize for taking a month +, I’m very used to it.
Post Length: I regularly write two paragraphs (5+ sentences) or more. I don’t exactly have a firm wordcount requirement. As long as it seems like we’re putting in an equal effort, specific reply lengths aren’t a deal breaker for me. I never do one-liners; I honestly just can’t… unless it’s for crack threads lol.
My Artwork: This blog includes a fair amount my own art. Anyone is welcome to reblog my art. But please do not repost or reuse my art. Do not repost my artwork; no, not even with credit. Anyone doing so is doing so against my wishes and I will report you. Failing that, I will ask you personally to remove it. Failing that, I will go public. So please don’t steal my art.
I only rp with other adults. This is not an invitation to convince me otherwise. I will check blogs for ages; any blog without an age, I will assume is under 18 and will not interact. If I suspect you are lying about your age or are otherwise not mature enough in interactions, I’m within my rights to cut contact.
No Multi-verse Shenanigans Please: I’m not interested in multi-verse shenanigans. I don’t like plots where my characters are warped to another universe and will not respond to RPs that paint me into that corner. I’m an old rper who’s already done that to death and am bored with it. Instead, I would suggest just a mutual agreement between partners that our characters come from the same universe. Or, if you really want your character to come from a different universe, please don’t make it the focus of the rp.
Digital vs Real World: “Players” somehow entering the digital world is okay as a plot point for face to face interaction reasons. But please don’t put my characters into the real world without plotting first.
Story progression is a thing. What your characters do will be remembered thread to thread. If we have a relationship between our characters in mind, I will generally try to work to get closer to it thread-by-thread. Also, there will be changes to the character on my blog as time goes on. Development happens. I am a roleplayer to likes to keep track of continuity.
Passwords give me anxiety. Sorry, lol: I’m not going to have my anxiety invalidated either. I don’t follow people with a password requirement in respect to that. I read rules before I even follow/follow back to check if we’re compatible. If you don’t believe me, that’s gravy, but we’re not compatible.
I am assuming if you’re down here, you read my rules. I have no password requirement so *party horn*
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Before You Follow
While this blog should mostly be SFW, certain posts may contain gore, mention/use of drugs, and suggestive content. As such, I ask that minors do not interact.
That said, I will not post full on smut here. I'm not as comfortable roleplaying it as I am with writing fic.
There will be no sex offender shit. I have a lot of opinions on how DC applies this to Jervis, but for brevity's sake, I'll just say I find it to be pure shock value and unnecessary.
So rule of thumb, if one of my Jervi did something along these lines in his particular piece of media, no the fuck he didn't.
There will still be themes of mind control as well as occasional kidnapping and murder, but it will never go in that direction.
I muse Many Jervi. Best to specify which one you're talking to when doing in character tags or asks.
OCs, self-inserts, and sonas are all welcome and encouraged here.
I’m also crossover friendly.
I have real life responsibilities, another RP account on Facebook, a fanfic blog, and other hobbies to keep up with. This means replies will be slow, even taking weeks depending on where my time and motivation are. So please, be patient when writing with me.
My Hatters are shipped with my Haresona, but I am open to Hattercrow or Riddlehat with close friends. For trust reasons, I will be selective. Also, all ships are in separate verses.
Apart from that, I'm open to just about any genre or idea within reason.
If I do express discomfort with an idea, don’t try to push it on me.
Jervis is not always pleasant 100% of the time. If he dislikes someone, he'll let them know it and he can be ruder still, depending on his mental state. Please don't take it personally.
If something he says or does really bothers you though, please let me know and I’ll avoid it with you in the future.
I may add more if it becomes necessary.
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applejee · 2 years
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I posted 17,813 times in 2022
That's 80 more posts than 2021!
151 posts created (1%)
17,662 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ officialspec
I tagged 3,777 of my posts in 2022
#dc - 1,160 posts
#batfam - 683 posts
#just us - 204 posts
#csm - 180 posts
#sandman - 178 posts
#q - 143 posts
#batman - 132 posts
#timkon - 104 posts
#cute - 103 posts
#goncharov - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#burning the receipt so you can keep the kid you were handed for a weekend who is painfully cute and a cool little dude
My Top Posts in 2022:
who’s ready for
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See the full post
68 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
Hi! Any recs for timkon, or kon centric fics? It only tends to be in the background/implied in batfam centric fics that i read, but i keep seeing you post about timkon and 🥺🥰 I’m catching feelings about it
i’ll be real... im glad u asked bc i read So much timkon ♥ sorting by kudos for timkon is hard bc yeah... its so often background..... kon deserves better!!!!!! so here are some stories u should definitely read, by some lovely authors whose works i am absolutely normal about:
- everything by @batfam-chaos​ especially this one. kon is injured and tim panics my beloved... their stuff is *chefs kiss*
- everything by @lemontongues​ especially this one! slowburn in kansas.... their 2021 whumptober is very kon-centric as well!
- everything by @mindshelter​, this one in particular makes me CRAAAZY
- composed of us by @starlikeknight​ which so far is tim centric BUT itll be eventual timkon and its already amazing so you know the timkon will be too
here are some others i like, found in my bookmarks:
- Gonna Be A Better One (A Thousand Miles To Your Door) by Traincat
- Leap, Fall, Fly by malcyon
- A Night In by Musafir
- Three Little Words by timkons
- please don't live in fear by murmurare
- time flies by by Laroyena
- shenanigans’ timkon my beloved
sadly, i read less kon-centric fic simply cause i am so obsessed with tim my little guy, my poor little meow meow, but again there is good stuff out there. u may have to search excluding timkon on ao3. REGARDLESS,
this is everything i can find off the top of my head, really. trust me theres so much more out there i adore (like the pretending to be a gold digger wip, or the catfishing fic, or the hannah montana-style identity shenanigans fic, or this one astolat fic, or the one where dick picks up kon as a cop and tim on the phone asks if he’s cute, or any of the countless other stories out there) so definitely go and have a search!! yeehaw!!!!! hope that helps!
96 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
omg omg i just BLEW through your dc fics (showstopping. incredible. magnificent) and AH TIM and was wondering do you have any Tim-centric fic recs? with that GOOD angst? no pressure or anything, thanks for all your hard work 💕💕💕💕💕
omg anon 😳😳😳😳 thank you im so glad to hear it <3
also FYCK YES IM HERE TO GIVE OUT ANGSTY TIM FICS. first and foremost u should probably jsut go thru my entire bookmark tag with tim drake but i will pick and choose the best for u here, i hopeu enjoy.
also fair warning all these may include, to some degree, violence, torture, child abuse, implied or referenced non con, etc, due to the fact these are very angsty and filled with hurt and comfort and lots of whump, so pls read the tags!
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin
this one is the best. i love it. @eggmacguffin blew it out of the PARK with this once ive reread it an absurd amount of times. tim's dad leaves him in atlanta so he makes his own way home, runs into jason, and shit happens. also, read ALL their other tim fic ok. u wont regret.
buried birds by envysparkler
have i told you to read everything by envysparkler? read everything by envysparkler. her shit is the BEST. buried birds is one of my faves, as tim is buried alive in a coffin and jason rescues him. luv it
Grilled Cheese by crumpetz
hooooooo 8k of pure tear inducing deliciousness. i reread this constantly for the catharsis. makes me cry everytime. cw for graphic injury
Echoes of You by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
wherein tim dies, is resurrected, and jason is the one to find him fresh out the grave. trauma times two electric boogaloo! check out their current wip and recent works as well!
best laid plans by Valkirin
ra's steals tim away at the same time as jason, freshly unearthed from his grave. Shit Happens. LOVE valkirin’s stuff
The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks
essential reading. what happens after batman's brought back out of time. read all their other tim fic if u havent yet
It's Not That Funny by Ionaperidot
tim becomes joker junior! uh oh! tim's brain is scrambled by the joker and ra's and he and jason maybe become serial killers and highly codependant but they slowly heal and rejoin the family. so good. cw for graphc violence and so much more, check the tags
On the Way Home by ignesfatuis
little wolf shifter tim is kidnapped, then rescued, and stays with the waynes to heal while he cant shift back. chicken soup for the soul
Fussing Over Scars by maychorian
platonic soulmate au! i cried. check out all of maychorians stuff for more tim angst!!
Dangerous and Noble Things by destiny919    
tim is kidnapped by ra’s, and four years later the bats rescue him, and whaddaya know! he comes with a sister <3 love it. they have a bunch of other tim fic too!
more behind the cut!!
now theres a ghost in the back of this room by CosmoKid
tim helps an abused kid and comes to some Revelations of his own
whumptober 2021 by CosmoKid
just read all of it. chefs kiss. cosmokid has a lot of angsty tim fics and u should read them all
Bristol Kids by Anonymous
See the full post
109 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
reminded seeing the collection of the batfam fic survey i voted in (which is fun and exciting, ill be checking some of those out later!!!!!) of some of the batshit collections people have requested my works be added to.
straight up some of you need to just use the bookmark function because it is beyond offensive to have your fic added to a collection titled “dumb bullshit to satiate my escapism”. like, really? obviously i rejected that one, and ive rejected a few others just because. that’s not what collections are for.
do people forget collections are public? do people forget that you see a list of collections a work is in directly under the tags? i’m honoured to accept my works into collections titled “fics i love”; “fics i’ll reread until the end of time”; “fics with good stephanie characterisation”—these are compliments, and things like “robin vs red hood” collect specific tropes and AUs together that ao3 may not have the tags for yet. they serve a function
i dunno, i think collection use has got a bit out of hand. im complaining on main because this keeps happening and at one extreme it’s offensive (dumb bullshit??) and at the other extreme there already exists a function for tracking it (“fics i have read”?)
respectfully, i think some people may benefit from bookmarks and bookmark tags. for one, you can tag nigh limitlessly, and search them on your bookmarks page using both the tags and the notes. also, most importantly, you can make them private. want to leave a note for yourself as to why you didn’t fully enjoy a fic? remind yourself of something that triggered you? want to simply keep track of a fic you didn’t enjoy as much as others? private bookmark, and the author never has to know.
this is a little bit of a rant but when i have rejected my works being added to collections multiple times it adds up, lol.
202 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
since i cannot find the masterpost i initially used to obtain all these extensions initially, here’s a list of privacy extensions i use in conjunction with firefox! i’ve included a link to each of them which is very easy if you use firefox. pls use firefox. brave is also good for privacy. there are others out there so do your research, and again, please for the love of god, switch from chrome if you can xx
Bypass Paywalls Clean - bypasses paywalls. v helpful. this one isn’t verified by firefox however
Decentraleyes - this helps to prevent websites from tracking you and blocks requests
Don’t track me google - stops google from lengthening urls theycan track you with. godsend
DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials - blocks tracking, enables https where possible, overall a good and helpful extension
Facebook Container - isolates facebook in its own container so its much harder for them to track you. always a bonus
HTTPS Everywhere - does what it says!
Privacy Badger - blocks trackers, similar to some of the others listed. can never have too many
Shinigami eyes - if you dont have this enabled wyd? marks trans friendly accounts as green and transphobic ones as red, or other colours based on your preference. makes blocking very quick and easy! not verified by firefox, but just as essential as the rest
uBlock Origin - basically an ad blocker, the best of the bunch; also prevents a lot of tracking and coin miners too
if you have any privacy extensions you use or find useful, feel free to reblog with your own suggestions!
248 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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green4allseasons · 1 year
Welcome, everyone!
It’s been about a year since I made my last pinned post so I figured it might be time to start a new one! But for some of those new faces out there, I’m Green! So nice to meet you on this little nook of the internet. Whether you know me from here, AO3, or FF.net, please feel welcome to drop a message in my inbox, I am so happy for the company.
I’ll include the link to my current long-fic (please feel welcome to check it out if it suits your taste!) And I’ll include a lil’ about me section down below, feel free to peruse to your heart’s content! The Bird And The Hood Rating: M (for themes) Fandom: Young Justice TV/DCU Ship: Jason Todd x Tim Drake Part 1: Complete Part 2: Updating (Starts around 90K)
What are your opinions on shipping? Ah, the all important question these days. On here I like to go by old fandom rules of ship and let ship. I’m a notorious multi-shipper and you’ll notice on here that I’ll be just as likely to reblog a romantic ship as I am to reblog content with those two characters being shown in an entirely platonic relationship! We are blessed in the DC world to have a multiverse at our fingertips and I like to make the most of that. For my part, I will do my very best to tag appropriately so you don’t run across couples that you aren’t a fan of (that’s of course taking into account that you have your filters turned on!)
You only have one story updating, are you working on others? I’m always concocting other stories up in my head to revisit later but unfortunately (or fortunately) I am an entirely single minded creature and incapable of writing two stories at once (trust me I’ve tried 😔) On the plus side, that means I never give up on stories and I always see them to the end! But it does make my lil writing heart sad that I never have any content for Ship Weeks. But oh well, that just means I get to consume other authors’ amazing works rather than stressing about coming up with my own! But why a Jaytim story for your first posted fic? I could go on and on. The loss, the resentment, the angst, the pining, the growth... *BIG author sigh* There is just SO much potential and it has been so fun to explore especially in a setting like the YJ Cartoon where canon has been twisted on more than one occasion! Are you friendly? OHMYGOD yes!!! I swear it!! 🥺💚 Please feel welcome to pop into my inbox to just say hi, chat about TBATH, or anything else! You honestly might get more than you bargained for because I lovee gushing about all things writing and I’ll honestly be just so happy to know that there’s someone out there in the void who enjoys this fandom or my stories. It’s honestly the most humbling experience and I am just so profoundly grateful that there is even one of you out there! I think that’s all for now but let me know if there’s anything I missed! Thank you all again for stopping by!
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dontmindme2600 · 2 years
Things that have happened to in Fallout 3 so far as I go into the game not knowing anything at all about it, part 3 (part two is in the reblogs of the og post I just don’t want to make it any longer lol):
-Game just straight up crashed randomly (love u Bethesda) but thankfully it was like soon after I turned it on so I didn’t really lose anything important. What was weird though is that after closing it and reopening it, it was still crashing. Like it just froze with glitched audio on the title screen. Also somehow when I tried to open a whole other game to give it a break the glitching sound continued over to a whole other goddamn game for some reason. I am using past tense here but I actively write this stuff as it happens (I have this post drafted) and literally have no idea what to do rn because I’m playing on Xbox GamePass and like wha (I’ll figure it out)
-I found the mechanist and tried to do that speech thing on him where you try to tell him he’s become just as big of a problem as the AntAgonizer, the first time it didn’t work and he killed me. The second time it immediately worked, and after like 3 lines of dialogue he took the suit off and I completed the entire quest. Like. Like the whole thing. What the fuck. I don’t even know what the AntAgonizer looks like yet. I was. I was expecting a little more there
-Was hanging out in the Rivet city marketplace for the first time, got some pre-war clothes, gossiped with some NPC’s, all of sudden one of them starts running and I’m getting shot at, I leave and come back and everything’s normal, don’t know what that was about but I LIVED THIS TIME THOUGH HA
-Was going through hell in DC as you do and started repeatedly clipping through the ground with every step I took, had to reload a save to get it back to normal
-Whatever you do, do not take a left after you discover Friendship Heights
-Found an area that was full of raiders to practice my combat and the raiders just like. Hung a bunch of dismembered bodies from the ceiling of one room and I will not lie I was a bit aghast. Appalled if you would. Flabbergasted. Like have some class???
-Made it to the underworld, I’m considering killing Ahzrukhal to learn more about Charon without having to pay, but the people there already probably don’t trust me and I don’t want them to become hostile because I killed him lmao
-Found a glitched like,,, floating armor I think??? It was just a chest plate and mask floating in midair in some closed off area of an underground metro station, and I’m not joking it scared the shit out of me because it looked like a floating corpse staring straight at me alsjdhakksj. When I walked into it gravity kicked in and it fell to the ground, but when I went back into the same area again later it respawned, floating again.
-I’ve realized that there’s a counter for “pants exploded” in your stats and I am,,, very curious on when that will be a thing I can do
-I still have absolutely NO idea how to use V.A.T.S. properly, so I avoid it, so I’m absolutely dogshit at any combat in the game. I kind of think that at this point I should probably work on it because I’m struggling to make any major progress with the quests. So I’ll make sure to practice sometime
-From now on I’ll tag these posts as “fo3 with Stupid” (the old ones are tagged with this as well)
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aibhilin-atibeka · 2 years
So I got tagged TWICE somehow XD (jk, love y’all, big thanks to @that-cloud and @a-knight-owls-curse, I adore these tagging games!!!)
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
So, yes, the ones I’m working on, eh? Ought to only be a handful...
10 minutes later, it’s decidedly NOT a handful. It’s more like five handfuls, y’all. when did I ever accumulate this many??? why did I decide to work on them simultaneously??????????? new rule: ones that I’ve touched in the past five days or so. also, apparently I don’t have only ONE wip folder, what do you take me for, a heathen? no, I’ve got to have three different ones, one of those an analogue one that I had to hunt for behind the newspaper stash on my desk.
Around 6 original short stories that a) don’t all have titles yet but are plotted and planned out to a T and will be written within the next few days, if not weeks.
Through Troubled Waters (yup, why start into an easy, nice, oneshot after a writer’s block when I can start with the frigging longest longfic I’ve ever longed to write for???) One Piece, Buggy the Clown time travels to his own past and eventually his mini!me and Shanks stumble upon him and don’t leave him alone (neither does he them tho, so it evens out). (mind the tags, please!)
Dead Man Walking (it counts if I edit stuff, right? ... yup, it means I touched it within the last five days or so.) One Piece, a dimension travel (or is it?) piece about Portgas D. Ace (and company). (please mind the tags on this one!)
The Second Part to This Series That Still Exists, Why, Yes, It Does. One Piece, a young Buggy meets Garp a year after his ex-captain’s execution and, well, baby!Portgas D. Ace, as it so happens. Buggy doesn’t trust Garp to treat babies right and gets himself force-adopted/kidnappedoes with him to wherever he’s going. Dadan, meet pirate apprentice!Buggy. Buggy, be flabbergasted at Garp’s choice in babysitter. Ace, be happy.
An unpublished Christmas fanfic, namely a Danny Phantom/DC Batfamily crossover fanfic that doesn’t frigging leave me alone until I finish it.
An as-of-yet unnamed alternative crossover fanfic about Danny Phantom and the Batfamily that insists it wants to be a longfic and whose dreams and aspirations I regularly have to dash to dust cause I do not want any more longfics on ao3 until I’ve finished at least ONE, darn it all.
at least three more oneshots in the One Piece fandom I’ve yet to finish/write more on so they can count as done/edit
So. I had writer’s block for a while there (helloooooo job search, I hate you so. much.) cause I had to write other genres of text a LOT lately and am as unhappy about it as to want to actually publish a freaking book sometime soon, just so I’ll have something else to write for.
as for the tags, I have no clue WHO to tag? Feel free to ignore them if you don't want to.
@gallus-rising and anybody else who’d like to? Feel free to jump in and let me know about your wips, folks! I love hearing about any you’d like to share!!! :D
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silverandsunflowers · 2 years
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I posted 14,833 times in 2022
16 posts created (0%)
14,817 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 509 of my posts in 2022
#tiktok - 202 posts
#dracula - 76 posts
#goncharov - 21 posts
#unreality - 16 posts
#video - 15 posts
#dc - 11 posts
#uquiz - 8 posts
#nope 2022 - 6 posts
#batfam - 4 posts
#disco elysium - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#and if i know they’re a guesser then there’s the extra stress of knowing i can’t trust them to just tell me they don’t want help
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
29 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
so excited about this new technique of smacking the shit out of people who make ableist jokes, I think we should keep this up. I think we should make this a new tradition. hire someone as the resident comedian smacker for all future award shows
30 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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I’m absolutely obsessed with the set dresser for the new Shazam movie who made the genius choice to have a Batman action figure having tea with an Annabelle doll in the background of the pediatrician scene
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look at them. they’re buddies
57 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
The whole scene with the shaving mirror is so funny. Dracula panicking and chucking the mirror out the window, even though it had to be obvious that Jonathan had noticed the whole no reflection thing. Jonathan going from what the fuck! to awww my mirror :( how am I supposed to shave now :(( in the span of a few minutes. What We Do In The Shadows really does understand the vibe better than any other vampire media
65 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
one thing I really love about the Goncharov (1973) phenomenon is the way that it encourages people to not only be extremely creative but to be earnestly positive about their creations in a way that’s hard to do if you don’t have the excuse of a meme as a shield.
there’s a master post of musical scores that people have created making the rounds and more than one of them has some message about “I can’t believe no one is talking about how iconic this bit is” and like yes!! it IS iconic!!! you put so much work into creating that music and it is almost silly how good it is!!!!! the same goes for every bit of thoughtful meta analysis based around concepts that someone just thought would be lovely if the story existed, every iconic poster and sticker and carefully made gifset. and they are!!! they are so lovely!!!
I just really love that it gives people an excuse to say look. look how good this thing I made is. because of course I didn’t make it. it’s from that beloved classic movie which we have all seen and admire.
596 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tylindel · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 71 times in 2022
That's 43 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (7%)
66 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 53 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#maribat - 23 posts
#mlb x dc - 13 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 11 posts
#ml - 6 posts
#animals - 5 posts
#damian x marinette - 4 posts
#dick grayson - 4 posts
#chat noir - 4 posts
#marinette x damian - 4 posts
#jasonette - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#but then he’s at home and just gets completely totaled by his army of traumatized children
My Top Posts in 2022:
20) What is your favorite thing about writing fanfic? What about writing in general?
I love that a basis is set out about character so I can take them and stick them in whatever and how ever many situations as I want and see what happens.
For writing in general I gotta say I love being able to bring a random thought or feeling to life through stories and share them with others who might feel the same
1 note - Posted October 8, 2022
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
1) fluff
Oh absolutely I love to give hurting characters love which os probably why my second top is…
2) angst
Even if I go in planning only fluff angst in the form of panic attack or grief sneaks in. It allows for the comfort and care from loved ones. I cant commit to just angst though, there is enough sad things in the world lol.
3) songfic
This absolutely, i get most ideas while listening to a song or while thinking of a song. And their are so many good songs out there that can apply (read: Every song is thought out in fic form at some point or another in my brain lol)
4) not beta read
This less so lately. I know how horrible my grammer can be and how easy it is for me to overlook errors if i read and stare at the fic long enough. I am very thankful to have some wonderful writer friends to help me out here.
5 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write?
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
2. Top 4 additional tags:
1) fluff
Oh absolutely I love to give hurting characters love which os probably why my second top is…
2) angst
Even if I go in planning only fluff angst in the form of panic attack or grief sneaks in. It allows for the comfort and care from loved ones. I cant commit to just angst though, there is enough sad things in the world lol.
3) song fic
This absolutely, i get most ideas while listening to a song or while thinking of a song. And their are so many good songs out there that can apply (read: Every song is thought out in fic form at some point or another in my brain lol)
4) not beta read
This less so lately. I know how horrible my grammer can be and how easy it is for me to overlook errors if i read and stare at the fic long enough. I am very thankful to have some wonderful writer friends to help me out here
11. Partial to char pairing: yes I absolutely do. I lean towards Daminette with Jasonette a close second when I’m writing. Reading wise I’m equal opportunity.
As for why, well I think it stems from my love of seeing the bad boy/angry boy softening for sunshine/sweet girl. I love bringing a character with trauma or insecurities together with a partner who will see that and do their best to support and soothe them. All while making sure they feel seen and loved beyond imagine.
14. Tropes only read if friend writes:
Hmm probably gender swaps. Nothing really against it It just does not typically bring me joy *shrug*
Only otherthing i avoid reading unless its by a friend or im in a special mood is true Main Character Death, meaning they dont come back through magic or something.
16. An AU id love to or have read:
Royalty is always fun, as is fairy tale in that same thread. Vampire is always a reoccurring au/theme I come back to as well. Though i have yet to write a fanfic au with it.
26. Only dialog or no dialog?
This ones tough I think no dialog would be easier as you can get what they talk about through descriptions of actions. Although you could set a scene with just dialog….hmm yeah, no dialog for me I struggle with convos in my fics generally.
See the full post
8 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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As best as I can make it, this is how I envision Déjouer from the Maribat fic I am working on rn. I will add a link once I post the first half. Marinette with the Fox Miraculous. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38004349/chapters/94921090
25 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello tumblr!! I have a question for all the Maribat readers who see this!
*This is not my artwork, I am no way claiming the lovely piece of work. If you enjoy it please go to the Webtoon it is fluffy batfam shenanigans!*
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Now that I have got your attention (thank you WFA webtoon) I would love to hear who you consider a maribat author celebrity! For example someone you feel is well known and you remember them or their fics frequently.
Here are mine:
@nightlychaotic / chaotic_immortal
@batsandbugs IcedAquarius
Just to name a few of the many many amazing authors out there. Please comment those that you feel are celebrities and share with others so they can also add their thoughts.
106 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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xdauntlessx · 7 months
🌊 Rules 🌊
Hi: You can call me Vile. They/She/He with a slight inclination toward They/Them. I’m 25+ and have been rping for well over a decade. Me nb grey ace gay cryptid that loves their villains.
Side Blog: Follows are through vile-muses.
Content Disclaimer: Please use your better judgment when following. Expect heavy themes; this is NOT a coffee shop AU. Regardless that such themes will be tagged, if you can’t handle dark themes, I cannot recommend a follow. There will be morally grey if not outright immoral actions included on this blog. IC =/= OOC. This should go without saying, but I do not condone all the actions of my character. If this is a triggering subject or if you cannot divorce the writer from any potentially villainous characters they write, I cannot recommend a follow.
Obligatory Mention: I reserve the right to not RP with everyone, ect ect.
Fandom DNI’s: As a personal preference, I'd rather not see the following with high frequency on my dash: Harry Potter, FNAF (and similar “mascot horror”), South Park, Family Guy, Marvel, DC, Superheroes in general, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Homestuck, Disney Descendants, Twisted Wonderland, Once Upon A Time, Disney “Live Action” Remakes, K Pop. So I avoid blogs where it seems like I'll be seeing a lot of any of this.
Self Inserts: I don't roleplay with them. Sorry. In my experience there's been always a problem with the inability to separate ic from ooc with self inserts. That and I'm just uncomfy with it in general. It isn't fun for me.
Accessibility Clause: If I can’t navigate or easily read your blog, I won’t follow. Ditto for post formatting. Accessibility is important. On the flip side: if there’s anything I can do to make my content easier to enjoy, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am a player to values accessibility over aesthetic.
Duplicate Muses: I will not allow duplicates of my own muse to meet each-other. Ties into me not wanting to focus on the multi-verse, as elaborated on further down. I will, however, interact with multiples of other characters.
Regarding Live Action Icons: If you cannot tolerate that I don’t always use them, I am not a good partner for you. I spent time and effort into developing my artistic skill and use my own art for some graphics; please be respectful of that. In fact, I eventually plan to phase out my live action icons as I build up my own art.
Shipping: Highly selective. I need to trust you. I need to be familiar with your vibe, which requires months of me sharing a space with you. I do not like to ship with cis straight male muns, sorry.
Actions have consequences in my RPs. I don’t kill without consent, but don’t expect me or my character to be a doormat. If your muse antagonizes or annoys mine, expect an appropriate reaction. This goes both ways; my character may not be terribly nice. Feel free to respond to his behavior in kind.
Assuming Relationships: I don’t do pre-established relationships (that aren’t canon) at all. I build IC relations from the ground up. If you want to plot out some -basic- history, that’s fine, but nothing too in-depth to start with. No long-lost lovers, children or family members. Please do not attempt to imply relationships I haven’t agreed to. If you have a destination in mind for their relationship (i.e. eventual family figures), I’ll slowly work up to it, but I won’t go all in at first before I know what their chemistry is like.
I Am Slow: Please be aware I’m a working adult who may have to go on hiatus for months at a time. I can be a slow RPer and may take a week or more to respond to threads regularly. If potentially waiting a month or two for replies during my busy periods is a dealbreaker for you, I’m not the right partner. I do however do my best to give notice of hiatuses.
You Are Slow?: On the flip side, I don’t mind fellow slow RPers and I understand that life happens; in this case I will expect something in your rules, a hiatus notice, or even direct communication with me if replies will be slow. Don’t apologize for taking a month +, I’m very used to it.
Post Length: I regularly write two paragraphs (5+ sentences) or more. I don’t exactly have a firm wordcount requirement. As long as it seems like we’re putting in an equal effort, specific reply lengths aren’t a deal breaker for me. I never do one-liners; I honestly just can’t… unless it’s for crack threads lol.
My Artwork: This blog includes a fair amount my own art. Anyone is welcome to reblog my art. But please do not repost or reuse my art obviously. Do not repost my artwork; no, not even with credit. Anyone doing so is doing so against my wishes.
I only rp with other adults. This is not an invitation to convince me otherwise. I will check blogs for ages; any blog without an age, I will assume is under 18 and will not interact. If suspect you are lying about your age or are otherwise not mature enough in interactions, I’m within my rights to cut contact.
No Multi-verse Shenanigans Please: I’m not interested in multi-verse shenanigans. I don’t like plots where my characters are warped to another universe and will not respond to RPs that paint me into that corner. I’m an old rper who’s already done that to death and am bored with it. Instead, I would suggest just a mutual agreement between partners that our characters come from the same universe. Or, if you really want your character to come from a different universe, please don’t make it the focus of the rp.
Story progression is a thing. What your characters do will be remembered thread to thread. If we have a relationship between our characters in mind, I will generally try to work to get closer to it thread-by-thread. Also, there will be changes to the character on my blog as time goes on. Development happens. I am a roleplayer to likes to keep track of continuity.
Passwords give me anxiety. Sorry, lol: randomly sending to someone I don’t know and having it posted publicly gives me the dumbest anxiety. I read rules before I even follow/follow back to check if we’re compatible. If you don’t believe me, that’s gravy, but we’re not compatible.
I am assuming if you’re down here, you read my rules. I have no password requirement so *party horn*
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forlornmelody · 1 year
Writing Game
Tagged by @alyssalenko Thanks, fran!
Tagging: @ma-sulevin and @pigeontheoneandonly, if you want to play!
How many works do you have on AO3? 44. Though a couple of them are collections of Tumblr ficlets, so the number is higher if you count those seperately.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 183,424. I like to be brief, heh.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
About That Uniform
It's no secret that Artemis Shepard--Hero of the Alliance and Savior of the Citadel--hates Cerberus more than anything in the galaxy. The Illusive Man entrusts Miranda Lawson with the task of securing Shepard's loyalty by any means necessary. But who is seducing who?
2. The Fantabulous Vaction of One Harley Quinn and Her Girlfriend Poison Ivy
Harley's been burning the wick at both ends and Ivy knows just the thing to help. But it takes more than just a change of scenery to get Harley to let go.
3. Traitor Martyr Spy
Against all odds, Cerberus Spy Miranda Lawson and Alliance Marine Artemis Shepard have fallen in love. But Miranda is on the run and Artemis has turned herself in to Alliance custody--and the Reapers will arrive any second. Can these two defy all odds a second time?
4. Trust Exercise
Harley wants to try something new, but Ivy isn't sure her girlfriend is ready to see that part of her.
5. Three Robins Rose Has Kissed and the One Who Kissed Back.
Rose Wilson has a type and it is former protégés of Batman.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Of course! I know it takes a lot to leave a comment on someone else's work, so I always respond, even if it takes me a while to get to it. Plus, comments always make my day week month year life
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 
Uuuuuh. There's a lot of contenders for that one. But I imagine it's gonna end up being Traitor, Martyr, Spy. Y'know, when I actually finish the thing. Honestly that's probably why I haven't finished it yet. The pandemic hit and suddenly I needed to cheer myself up, haha.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Probably The Fantabulous Vacation of One Harley Quinn and Her Girlfriend Poison Ivy, A Valentine for Esteban, and in general, @scifi-ginger and I's Kord Center Mall Fics are on the fluffier side.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the strangest one you’ve written? See aforementioned mall-verse fic. We basically threw our favorite fandoms together in a mall-based AU and it just spiraled from there.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Kinda? I got a really weird, borderline biphobic comment on Not Your Hanar With Tits, which is basicaly an analogue for unicorn hunters.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I mostly write smut, haha. Non-smut is the exception to the rule. Um...mostly queer, often kinky, with lots of feelings included.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Fics, no, series, yes.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh come on, you know it's panphobic to make me choose! XD I'm currently a sucker for Jayrose, Poisonquinn (more commonly known as Harlivy), and Shenko, among others.
What are your writing strengths? Mmm...I would say angst, writing trauma in a grounded way, queer and queer coded romances. And possibly smut.
What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing a fucking fic, oh my God.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I try to stick with idiomatic phrases, and the limited words I know (usually Spanish.) But other than that I try really hard to avoid relying on Google Translate, as I don't trust it one bit.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Digimon. Yup. Those fics are still on FF.net, if that site still exists.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Spare Parts for Mass Effect, Three Robins for DC Comics, and of course, I have a soft spot for all my Tumblr ficlets.
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aj-artjunkyard · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 950 times in 2022
That's 335 more posts than 2021!
22 posts created (2%)
928 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 938 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#dc comics - 397 posts
#star wars - 309 posts
#green lantern - 260 posts
#hal jordan - 246 posts
#anakin skywalker - 227 posts
#tcw - 124 posts
#the clone wars - 124 posts
#batman - 98 posts
#bruce wayne - 95 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 144 characters
#the clones showing up at the council’s doors at 2am like 👉🏻👈🏻 um. we have something to tell you but first you have to promise not to get mad
My Top Posts in 2022:
How much senate gossip do you think Anakin was privy to. Two of his most trusted people were politicians and he spent enough time around them to want to betray his entire religion for them he had to know some dirty secrets
I like to think some of his ‘meetings’ with Palpatine were just straight up gossip sessions bc Palps wanted to prove that he was the only person Anakin should trust bc he noticed this awful behaviour and was renouncing it
Imagine Bail going over to Padmé’s to drop something off and going “oh btw,,,” and spilling the tea on some opposing Senator who did something scandalous and Anakin’s listening in while shirtless and stuffed in the wardrobe like 👀
When confronted about it he’ll be all “Jedi don’t believe in gossip” or whatever but he’s a terrible Jedi and knowing more than other people/being let in on secrets is like crack to him
The senate wasn’t completely dissolved until 0BBY do you think there were times when an officer would hand Darth Vader a report from Senator Whats-His-Face and Vader would pause and think “was that the guy who cheated on his wife with one of the cleaning staff”
318 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Shout out to all the other DC fans who were drawn in to DC comics for the Batfam, but who are now are getting sick of the bats bc all their other favourite DC characters are being constantly overshadowed by them
365 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
SPOILERS FOR THE VOX MACHINA ORIGIN COMICS BELOW just a warning for any new critical role fans like me who were brought in by the show ALSO don’t spoil me either I’m not finished them yet
The only thing I was knew before I started reading the comics was that the party met Percy when they freed him from a cage
Since Percy’s a whiny one-percenter who was embarrassed to be seen with VM, I assumed the situation would be more along the lines of
“Vox Machina, who are in the middle of a badly-paying jailbreak job that’s rapidly going south, free a strange white-haired man who claims to have a weapon that can help them. After completing the mission, Percy, though put off by the rude, rag-tag group, is truly grateful for their help and feels he owes them debt. They suggest he uses that neat weapon in their favour for a while and he hesitantly agrees to join them ‘temporarily’”
When in actual fact it was closer to:
Percy: excuse you all I’m guilty of is a little light-hearted assassination attempt
VM: oh nvm our bad
Percy: I was trying to murder one of the cultists tho so I can take you to them if you let me out
VM: k
Percy: hey so why do you want to fight a demon horse
VM: we need its’ skull
Percy: that’s so goth I love it
*they fight a demon horse*
VM: now perhaps we can save our friend from death’s door
Percy: you guys sound like an absolute riot can I join you
426 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
I feel like when the Earth GLs need to address each other in a situation where secret identities need protecting, they’ll refer to each other as one of three things:
1) their city names, Hal being called “Coast” and Kyle “LA”, etc. This idea was suggested by John, and even though he, Simon and Guy have public identities, they might still be referred to in this way. This method is usually used in serious situations in which people such as government agents or civil servants also need to differentiate between each lantern.
2) Increasingly vague nicknames. Usually for lower-stakes missions (which still might include planet-wide threats), these nicknames have been forged from years of going through wild DnD-esque alien shenanigans together. Hal and Guy will have the most saved up, since they’ve been around the longest. This is what the first option usually devolves into as soon as the government ppl/civil servants leave
3) just variations of the name green lantern. One of them is ‘GL’, one is ‘Lantern’, one is ‘Anti-Batman’. No one knows who is who including the lanterns themselves. This is not in any way a deterrent
531 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My favourite thing is the ‘Humans are Space Orcs’ theory in the context of Green Lantern
Literally half the plot of ‘Green Lantern: The Animated Series’ happens because a human officer couldn’t go 10 seconds in a new environment (the Interceptor spaceship) without immediately pack bonding with the disembodied voice of a Navigation AI
639 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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