#I’ve never been to a Waffle House
Welcome to The Waffle House vs Apocalypse blog!!!
This is the official blog for a dumb story I’m working on where the pov is a WH, and the 5 remaining employees have to keep the place open in the middle of Ohio.
There will be guns. There will be funny american stereotypes. There will be drama. And there will be a fun cast of characters who pop into the WH to share their stories!
This is an action-comedy written by a Canadian who has no idea what they’re doing!
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maybebits · 8 months
Let’s make this Waffle House into a Waffle Home.
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sunny-fossils · 10 months
I saw a Necrozma in a Waffle House the other night
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homecomingvn · 2 years
What's everyone's Waffle House order?
HENRY: Sausage Egg + Cheese Sandwich w/ a Coke
LYRA: Texas Chicken Melt w/ a Ginger Ale
ELIJAH: Apple Cinnamon Oat Waffle w/ a Chocolate Milk
SANDY: Bacon Angus Cheeseburger w/ a Iced Tea
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marble-trees · 1 year
Habit: He, of the Waffle House energy
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dark-vader28 · 4 months
before I start I love your work you’re literally my favourite writer on tumblr atm :)
(I never do requests so I might be a bit stiff 😭)
I was wondering if you could do something where the reader is Rodricks neighbour and one of his best friends. And it’s like friends to lovers?
Rodrick takes us on drives with his van often and loves spending time with us. And then one day he confesses. (Idk I’m waffling atp)
aww this is so cute i love this idea and tysm!!
a/n: i’m sorry this is so lazy and poorly edited, i’ve just been so swamped with work but i didn’t wanna wait any longer to write this cause it’s such a cute idea.
Greg and Rowley were getting tossed around in the back of Rodrick’s van, flying across with every bump in the road. Music blasted through the van and out the open windows as you and Rodrick sat in the front. For a moment you felt bad for the two boys in the back, one of them being your best friend’s younger brother. But you were over the feeling as Rodrick air-drummed along to the song, nearly crashing the car for the millionth time. You’d gotten used to his reckless driving and if anything, you enjoyed it like it was some rollercoaster.
The van slammed to a stop at Rodrick’s house and Greg slammed against the back of your seat, causing you to laugh. You turned to look back at them, unbuckling your seatbelt in the meantime. They both looked horrified, wide-eyed and disheveled clothing and hair, but they didn’t look hurt. No visible signs of bruises or bleeding anyway.
The radio shut off and you hurried out the car and to the back to help Greg and Rowley out. You knew Rodrick wasn’t the biggest fan of either of them but you didn’t mind them and the sinking feeling of guilt started to return as you watched them stumble out the car.
“Guess he shouldn’t have taken out the seats in the back,” you commented, grabbing Greg’s backpack that had been thrown around.
“Ya think?” Greg replied, pissy and sarcastic. Rowley scrambled to his feet, swinging his backpack onto both shoulders.
“Maybe I can convince Rodrick to let me drive next time, alright?” you suggested.
“Only if you’re better than that,” Greg scowled, glaring at Rodrick who was running inside.
“Be nice,” you warned.
“Why?! Rodrick nearly killed us!” Greg defended.
“He’s my best friend like Rowley is yours. Be nice or I won’t do you a favour and ask Rodrick if I could drive.” Greg frowned but kept his mouth shut, dragging Rowley along with him as they ran inside.
You were closing up the back of the van when Rodrick came running back out. You heard his quiet footsteps and quickly turned around before he could try and scare you.
“You know, maybe I should drive next time,” you told him, going to the passenger seat to grab your backpack.
“What? No way,” Rodrick replied without missing a beat. Your backpack hung from one shoulder as you closed the car door.
“Why not?” you questioned.
“My van, my keys,” he said, dangling his keys in the air. “I drive.”
“Yeah, well one day you’re gonna end up killing Greg and Rowley back there,” you added, shooting him a disapproving look.
“So?” he retorted. You pushed his shoulder, rolling your eyes and shaking your head as you hid a smile.
“You’re a douche, you know that?” you laughed, heading towards your house (which was right beside Rodrick’s). He followed after you. He tossed an arm around your shoulder, a gesture he started doing more and more often that you had grown accustomed to.
“Well, chicks dig bad boys,” he chuckled. You rolled your eyes again, pushing him off of you and he laughed harder.
Rodrick stayed over until about 7 that night, leaving when he figured he should go home before his mom had a fit about him missing family dinner. The two of you hung out nearly every night. More often than not, you were at his house, sat in his garage as he played drums or in his room watching scary movies until you were left holding onto him. You often weren’t that scared but watching horror movies at 3am is a different story. The only reason you ever hung out at your house was when Rowley was hanging out with Greg to spare the both of you from being bothered by them.
You and Rodrick had been friends since your family moved to town. The house right beside the Heffley’s was for sale and your father bought it without hesitation. You then met Rodrick at school, around the beginning of 8th grade. The two of you were sat in the back and you made some half-witted comment about how arbitrary and ridiculous the lecture and class was. Rodrick overheard and the two of you spent the next few weeks insulting and cracking jokes about the teacher in that class. Your desks would always scoot closer together and you had to cover your mouth to stifle the laughter and hide the smiles. By the end of 8th grade, you had spent a majority of the year sitting at his lunch table and hanging out after school. You used to go to the park near your house and torment the other kids there; hiding behind play structures and jumping out to scare them. It became more after that, especially when high school hit. You used to spend an afternoon together once in a while but he started to become an everyday thing, taking drives together when he somehow managed to get his license. Fortunately for the two of you, Rodrick’s mom adored you. Which may be why his parents never had a problem with you spending endless nights there.
But, despite what your parents thought at first and what Greg and Rowley think, you never had any romantic feelings for him. He didn’t feel like a brother to you either considering the way you saw Rodrick and Greg relentlessly bicker and fight. You weren’t like that with Rodrick. Sure, you teased one another but never fought in the way you’d watched Greg and Rodrick fight. You loved Rodrick, not in a brotherly way or in a “i’m in love with you, and i know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable” way. Or at least you thought.
Saturday evening rolled around and you sat up against the headboard of your bed, flipping through some old book you’d had for years. Your eyes flicked over the pages, hardly taking in and reading a single word. Your headphones blared music into your ears and you couldn’t help but tap the spine of the book along to the rhythm until you lost all interest in the book’s entirety. You tossed it aside, staring blankly at the wall in front of you. Normally, it would’ve been a day where you and Rodrick hung out but he had never picked up the phone and called you, or came pounding on your door, or even had failed attempts at climbing through your window (considering your parents were a little less fond of Rodrick, calling him a bad influence and whatnot). His absence left your day empty and it felt tedious with how slow the hours seemed to pass.
Around 9 o’clock, when you planned on having an early night due to your lack of things to do, you could hear honking from the front of your house. Then a shout of your name echoed through the house. You pulled on a jacket, covering up your bare arms, and practically flew down the stairs. Your mom stood at the front door, arms folded over her chest with a scowl.
“That boy, Rodrick, is honking outside. I just put your sister to bed and now she’s up, crying,” your mom frowned. You pursed your lips briefly and glanced at the door.
“Sorry, mom,” you mumbled, sliding into a pair of shoes before hurrying out the door. As you closed it behind you, you saw Rodrick hanging out the window of his van, one hand over the horn while the other held him up. His hand seemed to slip and he honked again. You rushed to the car and hit him as he flopped down into his seat. “Quit honking, or my mom’s gonna kill you,” you urged. Despite the darkness of the night, the pale moonlight lit up his face just enough to see the red of his cheeks as he looked away from you.
“Get in then, or I’ll honk again,” Rodrick joked and you rolled your eyes, smiling, before willingly getting in the passenger side.
“I should’ve asked, where exactly are we going?” you asked, turning your attention to him as he began driving. He was driving slower and much more carefully than he ever had before. His shoulders rose and fell in a shrug and he failed to look in your direction.
“I just wanted to take a drive,” he replied simply, sounding a little sheepish, which wasn’t like him. Taking drives with him wasn’t an unusual thing per se, but the way he seemed quieter and damn near stunned around you hadn’t fit his typical demeanor. Quite frankly, it worried you.
“Don’t you have a curfew?” you asked. He tapped the wheel, looking nearly everywhere but you. He nodded cautiously.
“Yeah, 9 o’clock,” he muttered. You laughed a bit, hoping it would lighten the mood or ease the tension that was weighing a ton.
“Well then, Rodrick, I-” but he interrupted.
“Have you ever liked anyone?” he blurted out. Your brow furrowed, stunned by the randomness of the question. His knuckles looked white from the way he gripped the steering wheel and you feared he would break it off.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” you questioned, avoiding answering. He drew in a sharp breath.
“I was just wondering,” he replied. You bit the inside of your cheek, hesitating on your response.
“Why, you like someone?” you asked, still delaying your answer as you tried to conjure up something to say. What did it matter to him? Better yet, why had the question made you so nervous? You and Rodrick told each other nearly everything. Rodrick ran to you asking for advice when he had a crush on Heather Hills. Why was it so different now?
“I don’t know,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t,” he added, his voice going even quieter.
“What do you mean you shouldn’t?” you inquired. His jaw clenched and he brought the car to a stop. You looked around outside for a moment. There were no houses. There was nothing at all really. Just empty land.
It was silent except for the distant chirp of crickets. It took Rodrick a moment before he finally spoke. “Y/n, I-” he stopped, finally looking at you. All words escaped his mind and the rest of his sentence trailed off. He averted his gaze as quickly as he had found it and cleared his throat. He shook his head and shut his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. He buried his face in his hands and your worry reached its peak. He seemed outright miserable.
“I like you,” he spoke, voice muffled by his hands. Your jaw went slack and eyes went wide.
“What?” you asked quietly, not because you hadn’t heard but because you couldn’t fathom the fact he liked you of all people.
He lifted his face out of his hands and repeated himself, louder this time. “I like you.” Your gaze softened.
“Rodrick,” you began softly. His hands fell to his lap, then raised again and gripped the wheel, running his hands over it. Your mind was going nearly a million miles an hour, trying to sort out his and your own feelings. Your heart was practically beating out of your chest and you could hear the thump of it through the silence. You were hoping he would say something as you tried to carefully pick out your words but your head was just a jumble of all the things you wished you could say.
“Yeah, no, I get it,” he said, sounding defeated. You shook your head and your mouth opened but no words seemed to pour out. When there was a lack of your response, Rodrick jumped in. “I’ll take you home. Forget this ever happened, alright?” He finally met your gaze again and you could see the way his eyes were glassy and on the verge of bloodshot. You felt your eyes start to pool up. He turned his attention to the road and started up the car again.
“Rod, I, um, I didn’t mean for you to take it like that.” You desperately racked your brain for any of the right words that seemed to be forming on the tip of your tongue but you couldn’t deliver it properly. “To be honest, I don’t know how I feel.” You let out a light laugh, keeping yourself from the tears about to flow down your cheeks.
You were so enveloped in your mess of thoughts, you hadn’t noticed when Rodrick’s van pulled to a stop right in front of your house. You swallowed the lump in your throat and a hot tear rolled down your cheek. You’d come to the realization you liked him too, and maybe that you always had. It had never made sense to you though; that you felt that way for him. It didn’t made sense now either but it was clear that you did. You both got out of his van and you rushed over to his side. He was heading up his driveway and you stepped in front of him. He stopped, looked down at you through a few strands of his dark shaggy hair that covered his glassy doe brown eyes and you felt your heart stop for a moment. You cupped his face, and moved up to press your lips to his. There was a moment of bliss and ignorance where it felt like the world fell away. But you felt him tense underneath your touch and you slipped away. You let your hand fall away and felt the sinking feeling of regret in your stomach as you started walking away. Maybe if you had seen the dorky bright smile illuminate Rodrick’s face as you walked away, you might’ve felt better but you scurried home and spent the rest of the night thinking you made the worst decision of your life; ruining your friendship with Rodrick in a way that couldn’t be recovered.
The doorbell echoed through the house, startling you awake. You groaned, rubbing your eyes and turning on your side to look at your alarm clock. It was barely 9 am. You yawned and stretched as you sat up, finally getting up as the doorbell rang impatiently again. Your eyes had dark rings and were still red from your night of crying over Rodrick (shamefully and feeling ridiculously stupid for caring so much) but you hardly thought about how you looked as you stumbled to the door. The doorbell rang a 3rd time and you were sure your parents would be mad at you for not answering the door sooner. You swung the door open carelessly, not bothering to look through the peephole first. Despite your tiredness blinding your senses, the strong scent of flowers filled your nose when the door opened and when your eyes focused, you noticed the bright arrangement of colors before you, all blooming and full of life, which you weren’t sure you’d be able to maintain for long.
“My mom picked them, I didn’t know what you like,” the voice mumbled. Your attention flicked up from the flowers to the one holding them. You suddenly wished you looked better; your hair tangled from bedhead, bloodshot eyes, and some old tank top and pajama pants you had for years. Your eyes found Rodrick’s deep brown eyes and messy hair with a crooked smile on his lips. You nearly swooned, gaze softening as you could feel your heart melt.
“Rodrick,” you started quietly. He held the flowers out to you and you took them, a grin spreading across your face. You were speechless. You never took him as the type to give flowers, especially after one impulsive kiss. Not to your knowledge, Rodrick had run to his mom that night and begged her to help him. He didn’t trust most of her advice but took her ideas and turned them into The Rodrick Way. Except for the flowers. That was all his mom’s idea.
“Wanna take a drive?”
a/n (again): this was kinda lazy and i hate this but i felt bad for postponing posting this for so long and i can’t keep rereading this and trying to fix it 😭 anyway, i loved the request so much!
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bettysupremacy · 3 months
congrats on the jobbbbb!!!! you’re gonna be the cutest ice cream scooper evaaa (close tie to Steve) 🍦
Could I please request something where you’re the cute new hiree at scoops and Steve has to teach you the ropes while crushing a little (are we sensing a theme?)
thank you beautiful I loved writing this he’s such a nerd
“Okay,” Steve sighs heavily, leaning his weight onto the counter. “And this is where we make the cones.”
“Got it.”
“You might think ‘how hard could this be?’, well, you’d be surprised-“
“It was only hard for you!” Robin yells from behind the counter.
Steve laughs, welcoming the tease. “Yes, she’s totally right. It really was only hard for me.”
He shines in the fluorescent light of the sailor themed shop. The lights are actually loud, louder in your nervousness than you assume for him. His hair is big, swooping over and curling at the nape of his neck. He wears no hat, but you can assume why.
“Would you like her to teach you?”
You shake your head adamantly. Steve’s cute. Really cute. You’d seen him around town before, glimpses of a boy seemingly untouched by the hurdles of life, but you hadn’t known he’d worked here. Robin had given you the application as she had laid in your bed. Music played, the windows were down, the warm summery air drifted through the windows smelling of grass, and the both of you had collapsed silently on your twin.
“Please.” She had said, and you’d agreed.
But you didn’t know Steve worked here as well. Maybe Robin held that on purpose. You’d been to his house once. Once, for a party. It wasn’t lame and neither was his home. Tall ceilings, pretty staircases and family portraits. Why did he work here for $3 an hour? Steve doesn’t seem to know either.
“I’m very clumsy — I burn myself a lot — please ignore it.”
“I promise.”
He teaches you the mechanics of the waffle machine. It’s really simple actually, a lot simpler than he made it seem. The batter is pre-made, shipped once a week and held in the small fridge they desperately need to upgrade. Pour it in, wait 30 seconds, flip, and wait thirty seconds again. He’d burned himself pulling it out, hissing, but never faltering.
It’s golden and warm, crunchy and smelling softy of vanilla. He holds it until it’s no longer hot, and then hands it to you.
“Here,” he shrugs. “Eat your first creation.”
“It’s already touched my hands.” He smiles innocently. “I can’t tarnish our A+ health inspection.”
Your smile is shy as you grab it. “Thank you.”
You bite it carefully, tearing off a piece for him to eat. He takes it from your nimble fingers, eyeing the blue nail polish that cracks on your fingertips.
“So..” Steve’s awkward. “I heard you’ve known Robin awhile?”
You break off another piece of and pop it on your mouth. “Definitely awhile.”
“She’s cool,“ He smiles fondly. “Or whatever, but yeah.”
“Yeah.” You laugh a little at his redirection.
“Also,” he adds messily. “They say you have to wear the hat but..” he leans in to whisper cheekily. “screw company policy.”
You laugh loudly, startled at his closeness.
He goes to say something, pink lips parting before he’s cut off by Robin. All he can get out his a huff a breath and dully you notice you’re staring at his lips. You think he’s noticed too.
“Y/N!” Robin yells from the ice cream stand. “Get out here and let me teach you the scooper!”
You turn, smiling in the direction of your short haired friend.
“Guess I’ve gotta quit slacking.” You murmur.
“See you soon.” He’s remorseful.
“See you soon.” You amuse a little, walking towards the swinging door. He walks too.
“Right,” He bumps into you, laughing nervously. “Sorry.”
You smile, talking over him. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He cringes.
The door swings behind you, letting glimpse of laughter from the bustling store through. He sighs, palm to his eyes.
Yeah, he’s pretty cute.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 3 months
Correct Yuurivoice listeners 
These are things that I think the YV listeners have said (NSFW warning⚠️) Based off of things that I’ve said, or things that have been said around
(keep in mind these are my versions of the listeners so they’re slightly unhinged&out of context, )
“hell yeah it’s pullable” (referring to Auron’s hair) 
“i’m a little too hungry to fuck so maybe I should suck you off first”
“curiosity killed the cat is just a PG way of saying I fucked around and got my pussy pounded”
“🎶mama I’m in love with a drug lord~🎶”
“he’s a little Cunt, but maybe he’s just special”
“when I said that I want you I meant that I want all of you…..plus the scars give you bonus sexy points”
“here lies the heart that was shredded to pieces by the person it belonged to~” (Rook it has been 20 minutes. he will text you back I promise)
“oh, I am one heartfelt smile and half of poetic monologue away from having this man’s kids” (Afab Rook)
“Hear me out. what if I spelt mine on your tits with hickeys…..any thoughts? I am open to critique”
“i’m not like other girls~ I’ve got a strap and a bad attitude”
“according to the state, I have committed no crimes…..that’s according to the state tho”
“if she tried to ask you out one more time I would’ve caught that charge”
“he’s just a baby and babies get cold….so I bought him six sweaters…and matching booties”
“or you could become a house husband…that would work”
“I took a secret sixth option. My love language is intimidation” 
“no wonder he became a villain. His nickname’s Goob!”
“because I love you and I love us and I really really really hate 4 AM”
“didn’t you fuck after that?”
Angel 🍳
“🎶without love~ Life is like a breakfast without waffles~🎶”
“oh please, everything can die even the devil”
“we are not putting your nudes on the wall for my parents to see”
“Just because emotional vulnerability is my weakness doesn’t mean it’s a weakness”
“well, I’m pleased to know that your mom would like me”
“We already had that this week….although now that I’m saying that out loud that has never stopped us before”
“no I’m not buying a bigger bed because I don’t want to cuddle. I’m buying a bigger bed because I want the life-sized psyduck plush”
“gotta love THEM TITS”
“if you kiss my ass anymore this will turn into a very different porno”
I’ll do sugarboo, star and Sunflower later 
Sorry if there are any typos 
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igglemouse · 3 months
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I never imagined I’d be here as my plans had always happened in Selva. That was home, after all, any any place else was far far away. Locations more meant to be visited and vacationed but never stationed. 
I wasn’t even sure what I’d be doing in Selva but I was sure I’d be there. Moving across the border to a new country had never been in the cards and had never been the plan but as I’ve learned all throughout my short life plans are always in motion and if you aren’t ready to adjust life will quickly leave you behind. Change is something you simply have to expect.
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I grab a seat on a sun touched bench and take a sip of of orange juice as I look around the park. 
I’ve not been here long, not even a full day, but I’ve been here long enough to see that there wouldn’t be too much culture shock. Oasis Springs might not be on the border between Selva and Simerica but its close enough to be a city intertwined with enough culture from home to feel familiar but never familiar enough to be home.
That was fine. No, that was good. I needed change to be honest, not a lot, but just enough to make my own way in life and why not here? There were a few more opportunities here for me and in my case ditching a bit of my past is definitely a good thing.
I push out a breath and wipe a bead of sweat from my forehead, realizing that the sun has much more of a presence here than in Selva which is saying a lot and it is the dry kind of heat that a person can never get used to.
But I will. I’m not one to mind a bit of heat after all.
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I wasn’t alone at the park although I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. There was a woman there sitting alone playing chess and so I pulled out the opposite seat and made my challenge clear by moving a pawn. She accepted by moving hers.
I'm not good at the game, to be honest, as I've rarely played but I do think I put up a good fight before she eventually bests me. Not much was said between us as we played which was for the better because Simlish is my second language and I speak with an accent but she was kind enough to introduce herself, after winning, of course.
"Josefina, by the way," she says with a confident smirk. "Have a wonderful day!"
"You too..." I mumble, staring down at the board and wondering how I lost.
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I might have lost at chess but I’m definitely not a loser when it comes to life. Thanks to my father (the less said about him the better) I was able to afford this small but kinda luxurious house? As you can see it's not very spacious but it does have a nice little pool area out back which should help with the Oasis summers and it has a big enough kitchen which is really all that matters when it comes to me.
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I feel like a kitchen is the heart of the house and I would make sure that mines is beating strong and happy. It’s where life and love are nourished and I’ll be sure to add my own joy and flavor to mines. 
But...I do have a confession to make. I’m a novice. I’m a noob. At least when it comes to cooking. It’s not for a lack of passion, you know, life has been hectic and I’ve never had a chance to settle down and focus on my own dreams but now that I do I’ll make up for any lack of experience with pure enthusiasm and drive! 
Cooking will be very important to me seeing as its how I plan to make my simoleons and the first couple of dishes will be Frida’s homemade tortillas and waffles. The tortillas are something cheap I can make that I hopefully can sell in abundance and the waffles are, well, waffles. Who doesn’t love waffles?
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All that cooking just so I can stand outside in front of my house on a somewhat hot day and yell "Tortillas y Waffles!" at anyone passing by.
Unfortunately, most....okay, all of them ignored me. Passing me by and only stopping to stare if I were some odd curiosity. That's right, I didn't sell a single plate and and if anything was met with some hostility? It felt that way to me, at least. 
In fact, one of them, some old man with stupid little glasses glared at my offerings and simply said "Ewww..." shaking his head and moving right along.
So. This might be harder than I thought.
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And so I stood there, watching people walk right past me and my stand as if I were some bush that had always been here. Offering at most a glance and making me regret it all. 
Oasis Springs might be hot but it was only a spring day and it wasn’t nearly hot enough to prevent my offerings from going cold. Just as I’m ready to close my stand and write off today as a failure one customer approaches that makes it all worth it. 
A tall man with dark hair and fetching eyes who walks confidently right up to my stand and seems to seriously consider what's before him. “Waffles and tortillas huh?” he asks, the very tone of his voice making my heart skip a beat. 
“I chuss gettin’ started,” I say too quickly and too forcefully, already defending food that he hasn’t tried and revealing my accented simlish that puts either an adoring or mocking smile on his face. Hard to tell. 
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, slipping four measly simoleons on the table. “I’ll take the waffles to go,” and he does just that, walking off without another word but I swear (or maybe I’m hopefully imagining it) that his eyes linger on me before he leaves me a little breathless and oh so very curious. 
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"What are these?" Ray asked in a challenging tone, looking down at the food on display a little comically but moving out of the way so that his cameraman and audience could also see what he was seeing.
"These, sir, are empanadas," the woman replied dryly. Revealing to him that perhaps she wasn't here entirely by choice. She was just a woman hired to hand out the food, that's it. Ray knew the type, after all, he was a man that reviewed local food for a living and he could always tell when a server was there just to collect simoleons.
"Alright then...give me a few of those then."
The woman lazily smacked a paper plate on the stand for him and moved him along.
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He went back to his table and started to quietly eat. Every now and then he'd go "Mmmmm," or "Ahhh" giving his viewers something to react t other than him smacking his lips. He was a performer in the end, people watched his channel not for the food, but for him and the more he dragged his audience along with every bite the more views he expected to get.
He finished quickly, knowing that in his line of work people didn’t like watching anything for too long. He always had to wolf down his meal knowing that him sitting there and chewing food was bad content. "How was it?" his cameraman asked. A friend of his and always, to his viewers, just a voice. 
As usual he'd look to the camera, smile, and deliver his judgement. "Complete trash," he said with a hint of delight. Nothing got more clicks than a little negativity after all. "Greasy, doughy, and taste like processed garbage. Rubbery cheese and far too chewy. Just trash. It wouldn't even be morally right to ask the woman to try the food she serves..."
This was all an exaggeration of course. It wasn’t that bad but again, this was entertainment, and drama always sells...
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House by @thatonegreenleaf Juice poses by @mel-bennett
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hallietblr · 11 months
mango sorbet | j.fisher x sister!reader, c.fisher x sister!reader
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a/n: a lil fluffy n lighthearted fic about what’ll be like to be the youngest child in the fisher family. the reader is a year younger than jeremiah in this, so about 15!
warnings: none:)
my feet lift off the pedals of my mint green bicycle, my legs extended as a laugh leaves my lips. the fresh ocean breeze running through my hair while the warm summer sun beams down on my skin. i can hear conrad and jeremiah laughing behind me as we all bike towards our favourite ice cream parlour.
“be careful!” i hear conrad say behind me, he was only saying that because i wasn’t paying attention to the road and looking up at the clear blue skies.
jeremiah speeds past me so he’s in front, “she’s fine, conrad. woo!” he exclaims before copying me with both legs kicked out and even taking it a step further and throwing his arms up into the sky.
whenever i tell my friends back in boston that i miss summer, this is exactly what i’m missing. the summer heat, the salty beach air, biking with my older brothers to get ice cream, the never ending laughs and smiles, and waving to cars who pass us.
my foot lands on the ground while i quickly get off my bike, conrad and jeremiah doing the same. we leave our bikes by the doors since no one around here will take them. conrad pushes the front doors open, the cold of the air conditioner greeting us as we all walk in.
i watch as conrad smiles and winks at the teenage girl working there — i’ve seen her before at a few parties we’ve gone to here and the two of them are usually with each other. i look over at jeremiah who’s already looking at me. he snickers and shakes his head towards our older brother.
“two scoops of cookie dough in a waffle cone please!” jeremiah grins at the blonde, she nods and looks over to conrad and i for our orders.
“a scoop of rocky road for me,” conrad tells her, “also in a waffle cone.”
“for sure,” she smiled softly at him, “and for you, y/n?”
my eyes skim over the variety of flavours, but only one sticks out to me. maybe because it was the flavour our mom always got when we used to come here when we were much younger, “two scoops of mango sorbet in a cone, please!”
“alright, and it’s on the house,” she tells us, “as long as conrad promises to come to the beach party tonight.”
jeremiah and i both look at conrad, silently pleading with our eyes that he would agree to the deal. conrad chuckles, “i’ll see you there, sarah”
her face lights up before getting our ice cream cones prepared for us. sarah hands us each of our cones, the three of us heading out the back door towards the beach behind the parlour.
we all sit on the soft sand while making conversations as we eat the sweet and cold dessert.
“you’re always ordering the same thing, n/n.” jeremiah says to me before stealing a large portion of my cone, “why not change it up a bit?”
i pull my cone away from him, “what the heck, jere!” i exclaim, “and yeah, i do order the same thing, it’s moms favourite.”
“does it not get boring?” conrad asks, “you’ve always been a suck up to mom.”
i roll my eyes, “not boring, mango is by far the best fruit. i’m not a sick up either, i’m the baby and the only girl she had so i’m just automatically her favourite” i giggle before sticking out my tongue at them.
conrad nudges me with his shoulder before laughing, “yeah yeah, whatever”
“so party tonight?” jeremiah brings up the question, “seems like conrad already has to go.” he wiggles his eyebrows at him
“i’m down to go!” i grin at the two, “i’ll even be the dd of you want”
both of them stare at me with huge eyes, “yeah right, you’re definitely not driving. i much rather deal with a drunk you than trying to explain to mom and dad that you crashed the jeep.”
“worth a shot.”
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beebopurr · 5 months
Your aprilnardo art makes me go “hi I don’t go here but this is cool”
It feels like I’ve been trying to find a waffle house in the middle of the woods but instead I find this charming log cabin and when I go inside it obviously does not smell like a Waffle House but it still smells good, and when I ask for a phone because I’m lost you just come around the counter with a plate full of food that I’ve never seen before and say “absolutely! Just one moment please” and then give me the food and disappear and I have no idea what I’ve just eaten but it’s actually really fuckin good, and then you give me the phone and I leave the cabin but when I turn around to say good bye and thank you, the entire house is just GONE.
Y'know what this is exactly what I'm going for actually. They call me Baba Yaga
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morallyinept · 5 months
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A full transcribe of MARCUS PIKE'S dialogue/lines from the TV show THE MENTALIST
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Mrs Hennigan, why was your husband trying to save this painting in particular? 
We’ll do our best to get it back for you. 
I’m special agent Marcus Pike, this is agent Searles. You’re… Patrick Jane, right? Abbot’s guy?
What makes you say that?
Sure. I’ve heard good things about you. We’d be happy to have your input. These guys, they’re… they’re really good. And our cases don’t usually lead to homicide. 
Art thieves used to be about sneaking. Night time break-ins. Not anymore. The new generation prefers guns. This guy is the leader. He does the talking, runs the show. But until yesterday morning, he’s never killed anybody. They’ve done about six jobs between Dallas and Phoenix in the last two years, taking down about one hundred million worth in art and artefacts. 
Stolen art can take a long time to sell. So our guess is they’re sitting on a lot of the art, including the paintings from yesterday's heist. 
Well, they’ve only slipped up once. We found a glove a few blocks from a gallery they robbed in Phoenix. We managed to get a partial print and we got a hit. Aaron Polaski. Time for armed robbery and battery, he’s also the former middleweight boxing champ at Fulsom prison. 
Yeah, we brought him in for questioning but he lawyered up quick and told the CIP. These guys are pros. 
We do, but nothings popped. Doesn't seem to have a lot of friends. He hangs out a lot at a bar on sixth street. 
So, how do we do that?
I don’t know what any of that means. 
I always feel a little bit like Aladdin right here. 
It’s stolen.
Sometimes we just get part of a haul. We sit on the art so the crooks don’t know we have a lead and we keep it here while we investigate the rest of it. 
Well, we keep a pretty tight lid. Our own secret museum. 
No. Just, once or twice… 
Well, I-I don’t wanna second guess you, Mr Jane, but if you wanna use these paintings as bait, the guy running this crew knows a lot about art, he’ll know this stuff is stolen. 
We ready?
What the hell’s that?
He asked him for some napkins, so?
No, he's gonna do it… watch. 
There you go. 
Pass the rice, please. 
It’s a drug forfeiture. On loan from the DEA. So, what’s the story with Jane and Lisbon? 
No, I mean are they in a relationship? A couple?
It’s going good. You got a nice red cross. 
This is Pike.
Okay, well, we, uh… we shut down the inside cameras, so you don’t have to worry about any more prying eyes, and just so you know there is someone outside the house, we’re guessing it’s another one of McCabe’s crew. 
No, we’ve got eyes on ‘em. Don’t worry. You’re safe. I wouldn’t lie to you. 
Well you’re… you were real good. 
Well, that’s a shame. There’s a pretty good diner just down the street from you. Biscuits and gravy, if that’s your thing. 
Alright, well what about pancakes? 
They have about six kinds; chocolate chip, banana, all that good stuff. 
Maybe, just a… little bit. I can have some sent over to you. 
No, you’re right I won’t tease you anymore. I won’t even mention the waffles. 
Right, well I don’t know what a canape is, but bon appetit. Goodnight, Lisbon. 
This is the part I don’t understand; we’re not gonna rob the museum?
Why not? I mean, he robs the paintings from the museum, we catch them red handed, case closed. We all go home. 
Then why is he at the museum with Jane?
How is it?
You probably like that Chicago style stuff, right?
Hmm… I'm not really in the mood for pizza. You know what sounds good? Those pancakes we were talking about before. 
Do you wanna go?
Yeah. Dinner is the best time for breakfast. What do you say?
Look, if you don’t wanna go, just say so. We’re cool. It’s good, but I like you, and I think you’re a hell of a good looking woman and I’d love to get to know you better. 
Let’s go. 
Uh… well, uh… Y-you-
I made you breakfast. 
Well when there’s a guest, I like to make a fuss. 
It’s just work stuff. Listen, I was wondering if we could get dinner tonight? Or… is that weird because we went out last night? Is-is two nights in a row weird?
Okay, good. I’ll make a reservation. 
Well, like I said, I like to make a fuss. 
I came looking for you, but they said you’re still in the woods. I’m disappointed. 
No problem. What’s holding you up?
Have your people tried accessing a forestry satellite? They’re imaging that area all the time looking for fire outbreaks. 
I used one once to find a guy who was running with some stolen Frederick Remmingtons. 
No, it’s okay. I took another girl out to dinner last night instead. 
Gladys. Eg-Eg-Egbert. 
It’s the best I could do in the spur of the moment. 
Oh, well, I’m glad. I’m a lousy liar, so you’re right. Actually, there’s uh, something I wanted to tell you. 
That work stuff, it’s actually a promotion. The Bureau is forming a task force to deal with international art theft. It’ll be working with Scotland Yard and a few other agencies. Long story short, they, uh, they-they want me to run it. Yeah, but they want me to run it from DC. 
So, I’m telling them no.
Well, I’m allowed. 
I’m not a kid. I’ve been married and divorced. I know when something’s real. And when it could get serious. I feel that way about us. Do you… feel that way? 
Look, one thing I know is that when you feel that way about someone, you gotta hang on ‘cause… because it doesn't happen very often. 
I know. It’s okay. 
What if you came with me? 
I’m asking what if we went to DC, you and me, together? What do you think of that, Teresa? 
You fell asleep. 
So listen, urm… turns out my old band’s playing a gig downtown tonight. Do you wanna go? 
I never told you I was in a band?
Bass. Vocals. 
Okay then. We need a cab. 
Was that “do you like butter with your popcorn” or “will you come with me to DC?”
I understand, a hundred per cent. Take your time, there’s no deadline. 
You’re welcome. 
Go ahead. 
I got some Thai from that place over on South Congress. 
I know. 
Not really, I have an ulterior motive. Just trying to make DC look attractive. 
Yeah… yeah… 
Guess what? That show we missed the other night. They’re playing another one in forty-five minutes, we can catch it if… if you guys are done?
See ya, Patrick. 
Am I interrupting?
I heard about your grand jury. I’m pulling for you. But I think you did what any good father and husband would do. 
Oh. Oh look, Casablanca’s on. “Here’s looking at you, kid.” You know Bogart made that line up? It wasn’t in the script. 
What? Are you serious? 
This is not an old movie! This is a classic, you gotta watch this. You’re gonna love it. 
Is everything okay?
Well, Teresa, I may not be able to read minds like Jane, but even I can tell when something’s going on. 
Do you wanna talk about it?
Just wanna say that I know that moving to DC is a big thing and it might raise issues you don’t feel totally comfortable talking to me about, but I just want you to know it’s okay. You go through whatever process you need to, just… let me know when you make a decision. I’ll be here. 
Well, various things, but basically it’s a love story about a woman who has to choose between two men. There’s also a baseball game on. 
Yeah, let’s do that. 
Yeah. Teresa! It’s, uh… It’s Jane… 
So… what are you thinking?
Well, Abbot’s right, it’s a great job. And Don’s the best. 
Look, Teresa. I’ve been patient. But… I kind of went out on a limb for you. Pushed Don to pass on other candidates so that I could have you with me in DC. I mean, I know it’s a big decision, but it’s a decision you need to make. 
There you are. Ready to go?
Look, about, uh, DC. I know it’s a lot to take in and I didn’t mean to pressure you. 
Yeah, I did. Maybe a little. But, it’s your life and… I just wanna be a part of it. 
Are you sure?
Wow…. wow, I wish we were somewhere more romantic, but… but what the hell. Will you marry me?
Don’t freak out. 
I know, I know. You need time to think about it. 
There’s no pressure, okay?
You’re a tough date. Have you told Jane that you’re leaving yet?
Oh. He’ll understand. 
I’ll be downstairs. 
Hey, sweetheart, How are ya?
Okay. Alright, alright. Text me your flight information and I’ll be there. Teresa, it’s gonna be great, you’re gonna love the neighbourhood. It’s-it’s full of restaurants, your favourite kind, I got a number to an excellent… (fades out)
I was, uh, looking for Teresa. 
Yeah, she probably is.
It’s for an undercover thing. So, it’s, uh… you and her. 
I know. I know that. So do you have a plan? 
Well, I was offering her a life. A home, a family if she wanted one. A future. Have you thought about any of that?
Well, what are you offering her? I mean, other than Patrick Jane?
Well I was upstairs, giving a deposition. I thought I would say hi. Stupid idea. 
Anyway, It’s good to see you, Teresa.
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0cta9on · 6 months
Unlikely Duet - 2
length: +4k words
Genre: Fluff
Newjeans Minji x Male Reader (OC)
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Yuno's POV
I’m walking through the familiar halls of Evergreen High School. The usual crowd of students walk past me like shadows, indifferent faces that I never bothered to remember in my almost three years of being a student here. The sun casts a warm glow through the windows, shining much brighter than usual. It was a welcome contrast to the darkness and rain from the other day. Suddenly, none other than Minji Kim bumps into me, a wide smile on her face. 
“Hey Yuno, mind if I walk with you?” she asks, her attitude much giddier than her usual composed demeanor.
I blinked, my usual guard lowered by her smile. “Sure, whatever,” I utter.
We walk together through the maze of hallways with no destination in mind. Minji’s arm brushes against me as she hums a tune of a song I’ve never heard, the subtle contact sending a jolt down my spine. I instinctively flinch, eliciting laughter from her. Shrugging off the moment, I turn my head away, attempting to conceal the embarrassment on my face.
“Y’know, Yuno,” she says, her voice lowering to a whisper. “You’re not as tough as people think you are.”
I raise an eyebrow at her, caught off guard by the random comment. Before I could respond, Minji suddenly pushed me against a nearby locker, her face dangerously close to mine. “But I like that about you,” she confesses, a hint of mischief in her voice.
My eyes grow wide as a flush of warmth spreads across my cheeks. I open my mouth to protest, but no sound comes out. Minji starts closing the gap between us, her eyes shut and her lips puckered. I tried to back away, but to no avail. My heart starts to pound in my chest as she slowly gets closer and closer. Without any other option in sight, I shut my eyes, bracing myself for the inevitable…
My eyes shoot open as I jolt awake. I look around at my surroundings, feeling disoriented. Couch. Window. Minji Kim. Flat-screen TV. Wait…
“Yuno! I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last 20 minutes!”
I whip my head around to the source of the voice. Minji is standing in front of me wearing her school uniform, a frying pan and a metal pot in her hands. 
“W-what?” I grunt, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My heart rate starts to calm down as I realize that everything that just occurred was a dream.
“You’re gonna be late for school at this rate. Here,” she says, placing my now clean school uniform on my lap. “Your breakfast is probably cold by n-”
“Breakfast?” I interrupt, wondering if I was hearing things. As if on cue, my stomach begins to rumble, signaling my hunger.
Minji’s cheeks turn pink as she averts her gaze, her fingers toying with her hair. “Uhh yeah, I made some waffles if you want, I don’t know if they’re any good…”
Without warning, my legs guide me to the kitchen as the scent of food beckons me. On the table, I see a plate of waffles, stacked three high and topped with whipped cream, maple syrup, and a couple sliced strawberries. I grab the fork lying next to the plate and begin digging in, scooping large forkfuls of waffle into my mouth.
“O-oh,” Minji stutters, her mouth forming into an amused smirk. “I’m glad you like them, Yuno.”
“...Fhanksh,” I mumble through a mouthful of waffle. Minji turns her face, attempting to stifle her laughter. I go back to finishing my first home cooked meal in a long while, feeling sheepish.
“I have to go in early today for a student council meeting, do you mind locking the door on your way out?” she asks, placing a house key next to me on the table.
I turn to her, my eyebrow raised in disbelief. “You’re giving a stranger a key to your house?” 
“You’re not exactly a stranger, Yuno,” Minji reassures me, flashing a warm smile. I feel my heart skip a beat for some odd reason.
She retrieves her phone from the pocket of her blazer, studying the screen with a serious expression. She sighs, tucking her phone back into her pocket. “Look, I really have to go, can you just please do me this one favor?” she pleads, slowly backing away.
I gave her a nod, knowing I didn’t have any other choice. Minji mouths a quick ‘Thank you’ before disappearing down the hall and out the front door. I finish the rest of my breakfast and place my dirty dish in the sink.
“What the hell have I gotten into?” I ask myself as I look out at the sun through the window, its warm glow looking much brighter than usual.
I step out the front door of Minji’s house and lock the door behind me, sliding the house key into the pocket of my uniform pants. The fabric of the uniform feels softer than I remember. Must be nice to be able to afford good detergent.
Heading toward Evergreen High School, I followed the familiar path I had walked with Minji the night before. Upon reaching the campus, I made a beeline to my first period class. Thanks to Minji’s wake up call, I end up arriving five minutes early, a stark contrast to my usual tardiness.
Before I could take my seat in the back corner of the room, an announcement echoed through the PA system, summoning me to the principal’s office. “Yuno Lin to the principal’s office, Yuno Lin to the principal’s office. Now.”
I feel everyone’s gaze fixate on me, their faces betraying a mixture of curiosity and fear. I shrug it off and start walking to Mr. Geier’s office, anticipating the same inevitable conversation that awaits me.
“You’re lucky I convinced them not to press charges,” Principal Geier says as he stares me down from behind his desk. His heavy breathing and his furrowed brows signify the anger he feels, a look I’m all too familiar with. 
I lean back in my chair, uninterested with whatever else he has to say. Principal Geier always does the same old song and dance everytime this happens. I kick someone’s ass, Geier does his whole brownnosing routine to get the parents to not press charges, and then he yells at me meaninglessly for half an hour. It happens so often that I’ve almost started to grow fond of these talks.
This time however, Mr. Geier lets out a long sigh instead of going on his angry tirade like usual. “How’s your father?” he asks, his voice sounding uncharacteristically sympathetic.
I raise my eyebrow at his sudden change of tone. “Why do you care?”
Mr. Geier leans forward, his hands folding on his desk. “Yuno, I know things have been tough for you since your mom’s passing. It’s not an easy situation to handle alone.”
I narrow my eyes, raising my guard. “What the hell does this have to do with Bryce’s parents not pressing charges?” I retort, poison seething in my voice.
“Because you can’t keep doing this, Yuno,” Mr. Geier asserts, raising his tone. “Look, I get that you're still upset that your mom died, really, I understand that.” He clears his throat before continuing, his demeanor much calmer. “But you can’t keep this up. How do you think your father would feel with his wife gone and his only son in jail?”
I shoot up out of my seat, slamming my hands against his desk. “What the fuck do you know!? What the fuck does that have to do with anything!?” I scream, tears welling up in my eyes.
Mr. Geier rises, leaning towards me. “Yuno, I will not have you disrespecting me in my office. I’m only trying to hel-”
“I don’t need your help!! I never fucking asked you to help!!”
“YUNO, Y-”
Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing Minji standing there, a bewildered look on her face. I turn my head away from her, furiously rubbing the tears from my eyes.
Mr. Geier clears his throat. “Yes Minji, did you need something?” he asks, his tone much calmer compared to the screaming competition two seconds ago. 
“U-uh, I just needed to drop off some paperwork,” Minji stammers, her voice filled with concern. “S-sorry, is this a bad time?” Her eyes flicker nervously between us.
“N-no, it’s fine, just give it here,” Mr. Geier replies, reaching for the papers. 
Minji gingerly places the papers into his hand before backing off, stealing a brief glance at me. “I-I’m just gonna go, Principal Geier.” An awkward laugh escapes her lips as she exits, shutting the door behind her.
Silence envelopes the room as Mr. Geier and I remain, the tension palpable. “I’m going back to class,” I mutter, storming out before he can say another word.
The rest of my first period goes normally without any hiccups. I wouldn’t consider myself a model student, but I do the work and take the notes. Once the bell rings, I gather my things and head to my second period class, English. Upon entering the classroom, I walk through the row of desks to my regular spot in the back corner of the room. Without anything else to do, I survey my surroundings. A group of popular students talk loudly on the far right side, while some students at the front are quietly reading or working on homework for other classes. I notice the popular group start whispering amongst themselves and laughing while pointing at a girl reading a book at the front. Suddenly, one of the boys departs from the group and walks towards the girl, a malicious look on his face. I recognize him as Tyler McGraw, one of Bryce’s friends and another member of the football team. I keep my guard up, sensing trouble.
“Hey Winter, what are you reading?” Tyler asks as he snatches the book out of the girl’s hands. He pretends to skim the pages before tossing the book behind him, laughing. The girl - Winter, I think her name is - simply watches in fear, her hands shaking. “Anywho, I heard from my friend Veronica that you called her a bitch behind her back. Is that true?” He gestures to his friends, and one of the girls (presumably Veronica) bursts into laughter.
“N-n-n-no, I-I didn’t s-say that at all,” Winter stutters, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Well, I have a few witnesses that say otherwise.” Tyler claims, triggering more laughter from his group. The commotion captures the attention of the entire room. “So I guess we’re just gonna have to sue for defamation of character.”
Winter’s eyes grow wide in shock. “W-w-w-what? But I-”
“We could sweep this entire thing under the rug for a fee,” Tyler interrupts, mimicking a “money” gesture with his fingers.
Tears start to well up in Winter’s eyes. The rest of the students simply watch in anticipation, not daring to intervene. “I-I-I d-don’t have any m-money…” Winter whimpered, her voice breaking.
“That’s just too bad, Winter. I guess your old man is gonna have to pay for it then,” Tyler snickers. Witnessing her distress, I exhale wearily, rising from my seat and heading towards them. Bystanders gradually retreat, anticipating a potential fight. I position myself between Winter and Tyler, squarely facing him. The entire room fell silent, even the popular group halting their laughter. 
“The fuck do you want?” he sneered, practically spitting in my face. 
I reach into my pocket, retrieving a couple crumpled dollar bills from my wallet. “Here. That should be enough to pay your stupid fee,” I gruffly declare, shoving the money into his chest. “Now go sit down.”
He grabs the money and scoffs, retreating towards his group of friends. I turn around and kneel in front of Winter. “You alright?” I murmur, trying my best to sound reassuring. Winter offers a small nod, wiping away her tears. “Good,” I state before standing up and retrieving her book that got thrown, placing it on her desk and returning to my seat.
Not even two seconds later, the English teacher enters the room, completely oblivious to what just went down. 
Minji’s POV
Replaying the unsettling scene from Principal Geier’s office in my head sends a shiver down my spine. Their muffled screams echoed through the walls, revealing a side of both of them that I have never witnessed before.
Part of my duties as student council president is handing out various paperwork to the teachers, which grants me the extra luxury of skipping my first two classes. I was ahead in both of them anyways, so it’s not like I was missing anything. My next stop is Mr. Fillips, the English teacher. I peer through the window to his classroom and notice that he isn’t there. Instead, my attention was drawn to Tyler McGraw, engaged in a conversation with a visibly distressed girl. I can’t quite make out what he’s saying, but whatever it is, it’s making her cry. Ready to intervene, I hesitate once I see an unexpected person emerge - Yuno. My eyes widen and I instinctively clutch the stack of papers to my chest, fearing Yuno might be drawing into another fight.
My worries are laid to rest as Yuno shoves something into Tyler’s chest and says something, causing him to back away. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the situation didn’t escalate any further. Yuno further surprises me with an unexpected display of kindness as he kneels beside the crying girl, offering comfort. He doesn’t act anything like how Hanni made him sound. He’s… gentle and kind and caring. I don’t condone his previous actions, but maybe there’s more to him than the rumors suggest.
Suddenly, Yuno stands up and turns towards the windows, causing me to instinctively kneel down behind the windows, away from his vision. An odd thought crosses my mind - Why am I hiding from him? It’s not like he hasn’t seen me before.
“Uh, are you okay, Minji?”
The sudden voice startles me as I look up and see Mr. Fillips, a quizzical expression on his face. “Yeah, I just dropped something, hehe…” I get up off the floor, brushing the dust off my skirt. “Actually, I was just looking for you. Here you go,” I say as I hand him a small stack of papers.
“Thank you, Minji. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m a little late to class.” He gives me a small nod before entering his classroom. As I start to walk away, my gaze lingers on Yuno for a second, an unexplainable flutter resides in my chest.
Yuno’s POV
The next two periods continued on as normal with no further incidents. The bell rings, signaling the end of the third period and ushering the much-needed lunch break.
Entering the cafeteria, I quickly move through the lunch line and get my food. I then head to an empty table at the edge of the room. I sit alone as everyone is too afraid to get within five feet of me. Or so I thought.
While picking at my food, an unusual hush fell over the room. I glanced up, only to find a familiar looking boy with black hair nonchalantly placing his tray next to mine.
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“Hi. Yujin Han at your service,” he greeted with a goofy smile, extending his hand towards me.
Momentarily taken aback, I hesitated before accepting the hand shake. “Uh, I’m Yuno,” I mumble awkwardly.
Yujin enthusiastically shakes my hand. “I wanted to personally thank you for helping me out with Bryce. Since he’s been in the hospital, I feel like I can finally breathe again.”
Puzzled, I began, “What do you…” Then, it dawned on me - this was the freshman that Bryce had been tormenting.
Yujin leaned back in his chair, a mix of gratitude and relief evident in his eyes. “I just moved here not too long ago. I thought things would be different here, but I guess being the new kid put a target on my back.” His expression shifts to a more introspective gaze. “It was like hell for weeks. I thought it would never end. But then you stood up to him. You saved me.”
Yujin’s expressions of gratitude felt foreign to my ears. I didn’t know how to respond. I just did what I always do and kicked some guy’s ass. I never expected to get thanked for it.
“Yeah, no problem,” is all I can mutter. I groan as I feel my head start to ache, the sudden influx of social interaction in the last two days starting to take a toll on me.
As if on cue, another person appears at my table.
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“C-c-can I sit here?” a small voice asked. I glance up to see the girl from my English class, Winter, standing across from me.
Before I could even open my mouth, Yujin answered, “Yeah, sure! The more the merrier!”
I sighed and gave Winter a reluctant nod. A hint of a smile appears on her face as she takes a seat next to me. My headache intensifies slightly as I find myself suddenly surrounded by two people.
Winter clears her throat. “I-I just wanted to thank you for helping me earlier.” She pulls a $10 bill out of her pocket and hands it to me. “I know it’s not much, but I hope this is enough to pay you back.”
I eye the money in her hand and shake my head. “It’s fine. You don’t have to pay me back.” 
She shoves the money into the palm of my hand. “I insist. Please accept it as a token of my gratitude.”
I tried to hand the money back to her, but she was surprisingly strong. After many futile attempts, I sighed and pocketed the money. “You really don’t have to do this.”
“I insist. You saved me.”
Yujin pipes up. “He saved you too? Wow, you’re like a superhero or something, Yuno!”
I groan, the throbbing in my head slowly increasing. “Don’t call me that. I’m not a hero.”
“But you totally are, dude! Right, uhh… What’s your name?” Yujin inquires, motioning towards Winter.
“M-my name is Winter,” she mumbled in response.
Yujin reached over me, extending his hand towards her. “Yujin Han, at your service.” She timidly shook his hand, casting a nervous smile.
“I-I agree with Yujin. Y-you are like a hero, Yuno,” she utters. Despite their good intentions, I can’t help but feel irked at the label.
“I’m not a hero, alright. I just don’t like bullies,” I responded curtly. 
The “end of lunch” bell rings and I immediately toss out my trash, briskly walking towards the exit of the cafeteria.
“See you around, Yuno!” I heard Yujin yell from behind me, drawing unwanted attention in my direction. I increase my pace without looking back.
I’ve spent the last two years at Evergreen with people being too scared to even breathe around me. Now, I’ve talked to a total of three people in the past two days, a new record as far as I’m concerned. A part of me felt drained from the sudden social interaction, but in the back of my mind, it felt… nice.
The remainder of the day unfolds smoothly. As I approach the front gate to leave campus, I spot Minji talking to a group of girls and remember that I have to return the house key she gave me. 
“Minji!,” I called out, catching her attention along with a mix of reactions from her friends. A girl with cat-like features whispers something to the tallest one, while the one with glasses shoots me an unreadable glare. The shortest in the group gives me a mischievous smile while nudging Minji in the ribs. Retrieving the key from my pocket, I hand it over to Minji. 
“Here’s your house key. I made sure to lock the front door before I left,” I mention, doing my best to sound casual.
Minji stutters, a noticeable blush painting her cheeks as she takes the key from my hands. “O-oh, thanks, she responds, slipping the key into her blazer pocket.
As I turn to leave, the short girl stops me, an impish grin on her face. “Hold on, why are you leaving so soon? Minji, aren’t you gonna introduce us?” She nudges Minji, who now sports an even deeper shade of pink.  
“U-uh, I guess. Girls, this is Yuno. Yuno, these are my friends Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein.” Minji introduces, trying to regain her composure.
Her group of friends gives me varying looks, ranging from curiosity to amusement. Hanni, the short one with a weird smile, extends her hand towards me. “Nice to meet you, Yuno. Tell me, how do you know our dear Minji?,” she interrogates.
I sigh, realizing that I have to navigate yet another social interaction. “We met in detention,” I answered curtly.
“Hmm, and how did you have Minji’s house key?” Hanni continues. Despite her innocent look, the smile on her face is like a red flag, warning me to leave the conversation as soon as possible.
“That’s between me and Minji,” I say in a slightly annoyed tone. I glance at Minji, who’s as red as a tomato at this point. “If you're done with your little interrogation, I’m gonna go,” I give them a nod before turning around and leaving, their gazes burning a hole in the back of my head as I set my sights towards my house.
Minji’s POV
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I step towards Hanni, my hands on her shoulders as I shake her in disbelief. “Hanni, what is wrong with you!?” I exclaim, frustration evident in my voice.
Hanni giggles, her eyes shut in laughter. “Whaaat, I’m just trying to get to know your new frienddd,” she teases, her mischievous grin widening.
Haerin examines my expression with her cat-like eyes. “Are you two dating?” she asks, genuine curiosity written on her face.
“NO!” I retort, feeling my face heat up with embarrassment. I narrow my eyes at Haerin. “We barely even know each other.”
Hyein interjects with a playful smirk. “You should invite him to hang out with us! He seems nice!”
Danielle adjusts her glasses, giving Hyein a disapproving look. “He’s not, but I’ll explain that later.” She turns to me, a serious expression on her face. “As your vice president, I advise that you stay away from that boy; he could ruin your reputation. And you can do a lot better than him, Minji.”
“C’mon Dani, give Yuno a chance,” Hanni says, leaning her arm on Danielle’s shoulder. “He already spent the night at her house, isn’t that right, Minji?” The atmosphere suddenly turns tense as Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein wear looks of disbelief on their faces. I cover my face with my hands, wanting to disappear from this awkward moment.
Haerin’s eyes widen as she exchanges a surprised look with Hyein. “I never thought I’d see the day our Minji brings a boy home.”
Hyein nods in agreement, clearly taken aback. “Yeah that’s… unexpected. B-but good for you, Minji,” she stammers, trying to be supportive.
Danielle, who usually maintains her composure, drops her jaw in shock. “Wait, you slept with him? Are you serious, Minji?”
I scramble to find the right words to explain myself, feeling the weight of their stares. “I-it’s not what you think! He offered to walk me home after detention, a-and it started raining, and… and, well, it’s not like we did anything! He slept on the couch, and I was upstairs, and…”
Hanni wipes a tear from her eye, still chuckling. “You should see the look on your face right now, Minj. It’s hilarious!”
“A-anyways, I have a student council meeting to attend. I’ll see you guys later,” I say before briskly walking away, my gaze fixed on the ground.
Danielle clears her throat, regaining her composure as she follows behind me. The rest of the girls say their goodbyes as we part ways. As we navigate through the school corridors, my mind drifts back to Yuno. This mysterious boy has suddenly entered my life, throwing it for a loop. A sense of foreboding travels up my spine as I imagine what could result from that fateful meeting.
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duckymcdoorknob · 7 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 14: 𝓢𝓸𝓯𝓽
Me when- when the- when-
I love them, your honor.
I wanna go to Waffle House.
Tags: @chrimsss @ticklish-n-stuff bc you helped me ❤️❤️❤️
—This do have tickles below the cut ngl—
The life of a forest ranger is never dull, and boy is the stress never-ending. It’s almost impossible for Tighnari to come back to his hut unscathed and unaffected by the day. This day in particular, he actually managed to cheat death!
Except, now he can’t sleep.
There’s zero work to be done, the hut is clean, his clothes are hanging to dry, Collei is completely taken care off, dinner has been cooked and dishes washed, workspace tidy, floor clean, nothing.
His mind raced through what could possibly be the issue, but he’s yet to find one.
Sighing, he threw his hands over his eyes before standing up and sliding on his slippers. He gently trudged past Collei, stepping outside for a moment.
The fennec shivered a bit as he draped a cardigan around himself. He glided to the hill near his hut and stood quietly, arms crossed. A chuckle broke him from his trance.
“You look like a wife waiting for her husband to return from the war.”
Tighnari gasped, summoning his bow in that moment. He groaned out a sigh of relief, letting his shoulders slump down and putting up his weapon. “Nice to see you too, Cyno. You spying on me?” he grumbled.
“Hey, I was here first; you were too busy being a war wife to notice me sitting here… Hey, great reaction time by the way.”
“Ugh, you’re such a- nevermind…“ the dendro user was far too exhausted to even argue, instead opting to lay down next to his dear friend and place his arms behind his head.
The general turned to look at him fondly, a small smile gracing his features. “So, what brings you here?”
“I just can’t seem to fall asleep. All of my work is done, but I just don’t feel the need to rest,” Tighnari replied in exasperation, resting his hands on his eyes.
“Do you want relief, or someone to just let you feel your feelings?” the white-haired man hummed.
“I want to say both, but I just want to get to sleep…” the bow user murmured.
“Alright, come here.”
Cyno reached out to the man next to him, waiting for him to react. Tighnari opted to grab onto Cyno’s hand, eliciting a chuckle from the latter. “What?” he grumbled.
“I was offering for you to lay on me, but this works too.”
“Oh…” the fennec hummed, scooting closer and draping atop of his friend. “Oh, yeah… this does feel nice.”
The general grinned and brought a hand up to gently card his finger’s through the black and green mess of hair in front of his eyes. He gently raked his nails down Tighnari’s head.
Tighnari’s eyes fluttered shut and his head lolled to rest on Cyno’s chest. A pleasant sigh escaped his mouth as he fully relaxed.
“See, you are tired; your mind is just completely overstimulated right now, so it’s keeping you awake,” Cyno replied in a low voice, bringing his hands up to scratch at the bow user’s ears.
Breathy giggles suddenly escaped the other male.
“Oh? Come on now, don’t tell me you’re ticklish here too?”
“Yohohohoure suhuhuch ahaha buhuhully,” the fennec whimpered, unmoving.
Cyno smiled fondly at Tighnari’s sweet giggles, caressing his ears with ticklish touches. His other arm wrapped securely around the latter’s waist. “Gasp, I’m no bully,” he deadpanned, “I would never. After how nice I was to help you…”
“Cynohohoho. Yohohouhuhure- pfffahaha-“
“I’m what? I’ve never heard of that adjective before. Have you and Alhaitham been hanging out without me?”
Tighnari groaned through his giggles as he lay still on Cyno’s torso.
The general’s heart skipped a beat when the fennec weakly reached for his hand, hoping to stop the ticklish scratches. “Aht aht, I’m trying to help you sleep.”
“Nohohoho- yohohou’re tihihickling mehehe.”
“Tickling you? No… if I was trying to tickle you, I would’ve gone for your feet.” A wider smile tugged at his lips as he felt Tighnari instinctively cross his ankles to protect the sensitive spot.
The hand on the exhausted male’s waist poked and prodded ever so gently, tracing light circles over the forest ranger’s back and sides. Sleepy giggles emitted from him as his eyes continued to open and flutter closed. “Cynohohoho.”
The general ceased all movement, wondering what Tighnari could’ve meant. He called his name; no response was given. When he tried again, he realized that the forest ranger had finally fallen asleep.
As carefully as he could, Cyno guided the latter into his arms, letting his head rest against his chest.
Their walk back to his hut was silent, but it was a long one. A million thoughts were in his head, yet Cyno said no words.
When he returned and entered the humble home, he was greeted by a bleary-eyed Collei getting some water. He pursed his lips and shushed her gently, resulting in a smile and a nod from the girl.
Laying the man down feet first—he remembered Tighnari saying that it worked on babies, so maybe it’ll work on people— and gently caressing his cheek, the general bid him farewell.
A hand grabbed his wrist as he turned around. “stay.”
Cyno exhaled fondly, settling down and taking Tighnari in his arms. Tighnari cuddled close to him and smiled in satisfaction; Cyno had to take a moment to keep himself from blushing too hard, then planted a small kiss on the ranger’s forehead.
Later on, Collei returned to the kitchen for some more water. On the way in, she noticed a bigger mess of blankets on her master’s bed.
Curiously, she opened the cracked door and laughed to herself. Retreating quickly, she grabbed her Kamera from her nightstand and took a quick photo. After securing the device and photos, she happily snuggled between the two, smiling in safety.
Her family…
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onehundredflamingos · 9 months
13 / water / 826 words / implied NSFW
It was Wednesday, which just so happened to be James’ longest day of the week— it was filled with endless meetings and stressful phone calls, and somehow he inevitably ran out of that one food he was craving the most, leaving him dissatisfied no matter what he made himself for dinner.
“James, is that you?” James heard from in the kitchen once he finally made his way there. He lived alone, but he would recognize that voice even from six feet under.
James tossed his keys onto the entryway table, making his way into the kitchen. “Hi baby,” he said, snaking his arms around Regulus from the back as he stood at the counter preparing food. “I wasn’t expecting you here tonight.” James rested his chin on Regulus’ shoulder, letting the smell of his skin, the feel of his hair soothe him.
“I know Wednesdays are long days for you,” Regulus replied, turning to face James. “I stopped and bought your favorite snacks because I know you always manage to finish everything by Tuesday.” James kissed him, tried to deepen it, a thank you thank you thank you for thinking of him, for being here at all, but Regulus wasn’t done. “I’ve made Mac n cheese, and cut up a watermelon. There are chocolate chip waffles in the freezer and pop tarts in the cupboard. Eat whichever of those horribly childish foods you’re in the mood for this week and then I’ll draw you a bath.”
“You— that’s— Regulus, that’s everything I’ve been snacking on for weeks. I can’t believe you remembered all of that.”
“Yes, yes,” Regulus placated. “You’re a creature of habit. Now eat.” He pressed a soft kiss to James’ cheek before pushing past him and making his way out of the kitchen.
James opted to eat the Mac n cheese, knowing it wouldn’t reheat the same, adding a couple slices of watermelon for balance.
He ate in silence for several minutes, listening to the distant shuffle in the background, the barely audible sounds of Regulus readying the bathroom for James.
Regulus was a bit of an enigma when it came to romance; it wasn’t that he wasn’t romantic, rather that he did it so sparingly that James never saw it coming. It was such a rare treat, and one that James cherished, wished he could bottle up and pour out into his hands just to touch it whenever he felt lonely.
“You done yet?” Regulus asked, suddenly standing at the threshold to the kitchen. “Bath’s ready.”
“Oh, yeah, I am,” James replied, allowing himself to be pulled out of his chair by a tug of his hand. Regulus led him to the back of the house, to the bathroom with the big bathtub.
There were candles lit everywhere, scented oils slick on the surface of the water filling the tub, and various bottles of soaps and scrubs and lotions that he had never seen before, lining the counter.
Suddenly, Regulus grabbed at the hem of his own shirt, pulling it over his head in one swift motion. James reached forward, desperate to touch his soft skin, grab his slender waist in his hands, let them slot in between his ribs and hips, the place where they fit so perfectly it was as if they were made to live there.
“Not yet,” Regulus whispered. He reached forward, pulling James’ shirt off of his body next, before moving to both sets of pants. Regulus stepped over the side of the tub, settling himself down and spreading his legs wide. “Get in,” he said, gesturing to the space in front of him.
James did, doing his best to focus on the feel of the warm water on his skin, the press of Regulus palms against his shoulders, and not the press of Regulus’ hard length against his tailbone.
“How was work?” Regulus asked, lathering some body wash onto a soft cloth. He twisted it within his fingers, making the soap froth and bubble before rubbing it against James’ back slowly, over the curve of his shoulders and along the dip of his collarbones.
James closed his eyes and talked, told Regulus of phone calls and deadlines and paperwork. James told him of his colleague getting fired and of policies being changed and what he needed to do in the upcoming weeks.
Regulus listened intently, all the while he brushed the cloth along James’ body, scrubbed his fingers through his hair, kissed the back of his neck. It was only once the water had gone cold and their fingers pruny, that Regulus allowed James to lead him to the bedroom.
Only then was James allowed to find that soft curve in Regulus’ waist, the dip between his hip and pelvis, the seam of his ass.
Only then was James allowed to make love to his boyfriend, to thank him with more than just words, for seeing him and caring for him and loving him.
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professoruber · 5 months
Incorrect Quotes: Bruce giving money to the Bat-Family | Part 4
Previous Part: Link | Next Part: Coming Soon
Bruce: Your recital tonight was lovely, Cass.
Cassandra: <Smile> Thank you.
Stephanie: No need to undersell it, B. That was great, Cass! I’ve never been into all that fancy ballet opera stuff; but that was… breathtaking.
Cassandra: <Smiles more and then yawns>
Alfred: All of you please cease crowding the poor girl. It seems Miss Cassandra is tired out by her performance routine. I suggest taking a short nap before the festivities later tonight, dear.
<Cassandra nods and Alfred guides her back to her room, leaving Bruce, Steph and Tim in the lounge>
Tim: So… you’ve both got something for her something to celebrate, right? I mean, I started working on a surprise for her the moment I heard she’d be preforming in the Gotham Opera House.
Stephanie: Well duh. It’s Cass! She deserves only the best. I’ve been collecting the finest ingredients to bake a feast of her favourite flavour of waffles.
Tim: Nice. No I can’t disagree with that, Cass deserves the best. Uh… you brought something for her, right Bruce?
Stephanie: <Eye roll> Of course he got something. Even the grim and grumpy Batman isn’t that heartless.
<Bruce suddenly coughs and then lets out a nervous laugh, prompting incredulous glares from Tim and Steph>
Bruce: I may have… forgotten.
Stephanie: Seriously dude? Even I’m disappointed in you for this.
Bruce: In my defence… I was distracted by a sudden gang war between the Mafia and Yakuza.
Stephanie: Well Tim and I managed to get her stuff even though we were busy chasing the Riddler through a series of heists!
Bruce: Oh please. Between the two of you even Nygma would be put on the ropes… but I agree that I made a mistake. And now I must rectify that mistake. <Gets up from couch, looking determined>
Tim: Tracking down something appropriately meaningful so late at night and having it prepared and delivered before Cass wakes up… is a tall order even for Bruce Wayne.
Bruce: For Bruce Wayne, yes. But not for Batman. Alfred! I’m heading out.
Alfred: Of course sir. And I trust you already have the, uh, Bat-Credit Card?
Bruce: Never leave the cave without it.
<An hour-ish later, Cass is happily eating waffles made by Steph and Tim>
Cassandra: Very tasty. Mhm. <Chews> And… thank you, Steph. For waffles.
Stephanie: Figured you would have quite the appetite after that.
Cassandra: I do. And thank you, Tim. For this. <Gesture to custom album of her favourite dancing tunes that Tim edited together>
Tim: No problem, Cass. Wanted to do something special to celebrate your big show. We all know how hard you’ve been working on your ballet prac-
<Tim is cut off as Bruce Wayne comes tumbling into the room, looking exhausted>
Stephanie: <Muttering> Look who finally showed up, it’s about time.
Cassandra: Are you okay?
Bruce: I… huff… I…
Tim: You doing okay Bruce?
<Bruce takes a brief moment to steady himself before marching over to Cassandra with renewed vigour and handing her a wrapped box>
Cassandra: For me?
<Cassandra unwraps and opens box to find her costume from the performance inside>
Stephanie: Woah. Wasn’t that on loan to the Gotham Opera House by some fancy French designer dude?
Bruce: Yes. I… tracked him down and purchased it before anyone else could.
Cassandra: <Smiles and hugs Bruce> Thank you… dad.
Bruce: I… I’m glad you’re happy with it. You were beautiful tonight, Cass. And I know you grew a bit fond of this costume during all those rehearsals, so I figured it might make a decent memento of the performance.
Cassandra: No matter what you got, I would have liked it. I know you care. But… thank you, again.
Stephanie: As touching as this whole father-daughter embrace is, I just wanted to let you guys know everyone’s starting to arrive.
Bruce: Right. Let’s go greet them.
<The rest of the Bat-Family arrived and they all had a good night celebrating Cass’ ballet>
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