#I'm dying I'm dead let me Rest
shadowcitrine · 3 months
If you do That Again--
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DarlyxReader 912 words
Warnings: Some language.
Timeline: Not important, season 1-ish
Summary: Daryl is tired of listening to you blowing hair out of your face.
Darly stopped dead in his tracks, his jaw tightening as he glared over his shoulder. “Do tha’ one more time…” His tone is low and threatening, clearly irritated, but there wasn't a reason for it. 
Passing on his left you asked, “What crawled up your ass and died, Dixon?” 
Daryl chewed on the words brewing behind his teeth and marched forward. Why he was pissed off this time was a mystery. Up until now every single one of his demands to be out here with him had been followed to the letter. You'd kept quiet, stayed right on his heels and avoided every single stick you two had come across for at least the last half mile, which for you was a considerable win.
If you'd known he was going to be such an ass you wouldn't have asked to come. With the way he's been acting all day it would have been better to be bored sitting back at camp than deal with the king of grumpy walking buddies. What was worse is his foul mood was starting to rub off on you. Blowing a puff of air upwards you followed the lock of hair flying out of your field of view.
Daryl stopped again this time spinning on his heel. Eyes hard and narrowed, jaw jutting forward he seemed to be sizing you up. The last thing you wanted on this hell hike was to argue but you could see it brewing, unsaid words threatening to burst forward.
“What now?!” You snapped. Quick soured jerks of his head made you feel uneasy, doubly so when his hand went to rest on his knife hilt. The group had warned you about his temper but you'd overlooked that because he was kind of cute when he frowned. 
“All damn day!” He sneered. When you furled your eyebrows in confusion he puffed out his cheeks puffing little breaths between pursed lips. “Fuckin’ sick a’ it!”
“Oh! I'm sorry that the apocalypse didn't come with a thirty pack of elastic hair ties! I can't help the fact that I need to see!”
Daryl shook his head again, fist clenching around the hilt of the blade as he began pulling it out. “Come ‘ere.” He was going to butcher your hair, hack it off just because he was having a shitty day!
“No!” taking a step back away from him you gaped. “I'm gonna let you cut off all my hair!” 
“Ain't cuttin’ your damn hair! Come ‘ere!” he hooked a finger at you. “Gonna stop this shit ‘fore you drive me outta my damn mind.” Daryl is many things but a liar isn't one of then. Taking a cautious step forward ge tucked the blade between his teeth and pulled some string from his pocket. “Tur’ roun’.” 
A tiny gasp left your lips a smile tugging at the corners. “Are you going to do my hair?”
He took the blade from his lips, not an ounce of joy to be read. “Turn ‘round ‘fore I change my mind and saw it off your thick head.” He shoved the string at you. “Hold tha’.” When you didn't move right away he tucked the blade back between his teeth and grabbed your shoulder to spin you around.
He was actually going to do this. No longer facing him you didn't try to tamp down the nerves making goose flesh spreading down your arms. Expecting rough movements for a quick ponytail you were confused when he started sectioning your hair gently freeing tangles from it as he went. 
“Ow!” a sharp pinch at your scalp made you wince.
“Sto’.” The fat syllable sounded wrong in his mouth but you obeyed. He was deft but through fingertips massaging away the sharp pulls of tangles. You hair pulled tight at the back of your head, his actions pulling it backwards causing a strain to keep it upright for a moment. He reached over your shoulder, fingers snapping when you didn't hand him the red piece of dyed twine right away.
Handing it to him you asked, “What did you do to it? Can I see?”
He reached around and used two fingers to guide your face forward again. “Gonna fuck it up if you keep movin’.” Knuckles brushed your upper back, accidental but welcomed and you closed your eyes pretending not to hear the sound of something small snapping. “There! No more listenin’ to you huffin’ and puffin’ all damn day.” He moved away.
“How does it look?” you reached behind touching it, feeling your way down. He'd braided it. There was no stopping the grin that broke out as you pulled the tail over your shoulder to inspect his work. He'd tied off the end tightly finishing the red string with a tiny little bow. “Daryl!” 
“Ain't perfect but it'll hold. Keep it outta your-”
“It's so cute!” Suddenly seeing your inspection wasn't as important as the trees around him. You stepped around him bending to try and catch his eyes. “You even did a bow!” you held the end out for him to see.
“Stop!” the tops of cheeks were pink and while you could pretend it was from the heat you knew that wasn't it.
He started marching away and you ran ahead to try to make him look. “You made it all girly!” you teased. His cheeks were getting redder by the second.
“Daryl Dixon braided my hair!” you sang out.
“Shut up woman!”
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rueclfer · 22 days
neopet graveyard // shigaraki tomura
when you two always end up working the night shift together.
a/n: all together now! "finaaallllyyyyy" we collectively say. i love shiggy sm this fucking loser is the loml. <3
my smau warm up for this fic here too
@bbluefllame hehe
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12:37 AM the buzzing analog clock sitting on the counter glared back at you. Long and slow shifts like tonight's were agonizing to get through. You may have been getting paid to sit around and flip through dusty catalogs and sort through old video game discs, but you often wondered if you'd rather be at home broke and asleep right now.
"Hey Shigs," You call out, breaking his attention away from his phone. "Tits or ass?" You hold up the vintage Playboy magazine up to his direction from across the store.
"You have neither." He replies, leaning forward and slightly squinting in your direction. "I can't see that far. What are you showing me?"
"It's a fucking porn mag, you dick." You call out, throwing a pen in his direction, letting it bounce off the glass counter beside him and landing among the cardboard boxes behind the register.
"Freak, where the fuck did you find that?" He cocks an eyebrow at you, setting his phone down.
"In bossman's desk." You shrug. "Quite a collection he's got in there, actually. Answer the question."
Tomura stops for a moment, leaning against the glass counter behind the register as he deeply thinks about his answer. Given his stoic and apathetic personality, you were half expecting him to tell you to fuck off and eat shit.
"Loser-" You began, getting ready to shoot him the most annoyed eye-roll you could muster.
"-And ass." He cuts you off with a smirk before returning to his phone.
You chuckle, tossing the magazine back in the desk drawer with the others before slamming it shut.
You make your way over to the opposing side of the glass counter where he stood, peering over to see him playing clash of clans on his phone.
"I'm bored. Dying of it, actually." You exacerbated, blowing a breath of air into the pale strands of hair hanging over his forehead "Put your phone away and entertain me for the last hour that we're here."
"Piss off and perish." He mutters, eyes still glued to his screen.
You pout at his coldness. You had spent the day cleaning, reshelving, wiping down any counter you could find, and now at this ungodly hour, you've been left with nothing you could possibly do except wait for the minutes to go by until the end of the shift.
"Wanna make out in the back room?" You prop your elbow on the counter and rest your head in your palm, staring up at him with a flirty smile.
His thumbs pause on his screen, eyes snapping over to meet your own, annoyance flash across them the moment he sees your cheeky grin and fake-innocent eyes staring back at him.
"What?" A faint blush dust over his cheeks as he avert his gaze from your own.
"You heard me." You playfully lean back on your heels, swinging yourself back and forth. "All this alone time, you're not itching to take my clothes off? A little fun, Shigs? Something to help you loosen up?" You inch your face closer to his.
More often than not, you ended up on the schedule with Tomura for the most brutal hours of 6:30pm-1:30am for most nights of the week. Your boss says it's to stay available for the nightcrawlers of the city, but business is always dead by 11:00pm. For those excruciatingly slow last few hours, you cherished spending them terrorizing Tomura for his flustered reactions and the amusement of annoying him.
The pink of his cheeks bloom into a bright red, causing him to hide his face in his forearm, covering it with a cough.
"Just kidding, Shigs." You lean back and playfully shoving his shoulder from across the counter. "I'm just being silly, no need to get your panties in a twist."
"I fucking hate when you do that." He runs a hand through his hair, pushing back the strands that always end up falling back in his face.
"Do what, exactly?" You cock your head to the side.
"You know what. You're worse than Dabi." He huffs. "Start doing your closing work or something if you're bored." He turns his back to you and leans back against the counter, frantically scrolling through twitter- obviously not reading any of the words on screen, but just trying to avoid you for long enough so you lose interest in bothering him.
"I finished those an hour ago." You whine. "Crazy idea, but what if we close early? There's only less than an hour left and these cameras have been out of service for the past 2 months."
He looks back at you, and takes a scan at the state of the store- cleaned, restocked, inventory logged, everything seems to be in order. It wasn't like the store's upkeep was any hard work, anyways. In fact, the owner barely ever came in and you were half sure that he used this old comics and game store for money laundering purposes.
"That might actually be the smartest thing your dumbass has said all shift."
The night breeze blew right through your sweater, causing a chill to crawl up your spine.
"Alright, Shiggy, I'll see you when I see you, then?" You squeak out, rubbing your arms for the heat friction.
"Hold on." He mutters, cigarette hanging from his lips as he wiggles the door to make sure it's properly locked. "I'll walk you home."
"I do this walk multiple times a week, Shigs." You smile at the sentiment. "I'll be fine. I live close by."
"I know you'll be fine. I just don't want to go back to the apartment yet. Dabi's throwing a party and I'd rather not deal with a group of drunk idiots right now." He shrugs, taking a drag of the cig before passing it over to you in which you gladly accept from his fingers, letting the intoxicating smoke warm you from the inside.
"Oh, that's right. He invited me when I saw him during the shift change." You exhale, blowing the smoke behind you, starting to lead him towards the direction of your home.
"Shouldn't we head that way, then?" He stops in his tracks.
"Well, I'd only go if you were there to keep me company, but if you're not feeling it then probably not."
"Parties aren't really my thing, but if you're there, then it'll be fine. I can tolerate it." He mutters, kicking a pebble to the side. "I can always just lock myself in my room, I'm sure they'll be too shitfaced to notice, anyways."
"What? I'd notice." You pout.
"I'll lock you in with me, duh." He coughs, hiding a smile while sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
He nods his head in response.
"Sounds like you like my company a lot more than you give off, Shigs." You smile, redirecting your walk back towards his apartment now.
"Heavy on the tolerate." He meets your eye for a moment before returning them down at his feet.
It had been an especially cold winter night. Hoodies and knitted sweaters were always a staple in Tomura's wardrobe, in any weather, but tonight he sported a dingy old leather jacket over his usual hoodie for the extra warmth. The cold air nipped the apples of his cheeks and tip of his nose into a rosy pink, and if he didn't have his hood over his head, you were sure the tip of his ears would be under the same condition.
You naturally ran hot, but your favorite part of a chilly walk home from work was the blast of warm air hitting your face and defrosting your fingertips the second you walked into your apartment- which fortunately also motivated you to get quick with your pace.
"I think Twice and Toga live this way too." You mumble, starting to recognize the surrounding structures.
"They do. We walk together if we're scheduled together, which is almost never, but a couple times a month, maybe."
"Do you ever think about quitting?" You turn to him and ask.
"Only when the general population is being extra stupid. Other than that, not really. You?"
"Sometimes. I have an existential crisis about what I'm doing with my life every now and then, but I like working with everyone."
"With everyone? You mean just me?" He chuckles, earning him a scoff from you.
"I just tolerate you, actually. I live for those 5 minutes in between shifts where I say hi and bye to my people."
You catch the end of an eye-roll.
"What do you get so existential about?"
"You know, the typical stuff every twenty-something year old goes through. Progressing in life and all that bullshit?" You sigh.
"Get specific, dumbass." He takes a long drag of the cigarette, letting the smoke fog around you. "I'll grant you some of my wisdom."
"Lately, it's a lot of if my kid-self would like my adult-self, if working at the shop is just me trying to hold onto my childhood, dropping out of college, never having my first kiss, miss being taken care of, and probably a million more things." You list off, counting on your fingers.
"Damn. I'd hate to be in your brain." Tomura mutters. "Shit happens and we all die. Better to not stress about it."
"Great wisdom, dipshit." You chuckle, nudging him with your elbow.
"If it makes you feel better, I also dropped out and haven't had a first kiss."
"No education I can tell-"
He flips you off.
"-but no first kiss?" You dramatically gasps "I don't believe that. You're so cute!"
"And you're not?"
Your mouth gaped open at the subtle hit of flirtation from him. The coldness on your neck and cheeks were quickly replaced by an unfamiliar rush of heat.
"Shut up." You mutter, snapping your head forward to hide your blush. "I guess people don't like cute now-a-days."
"Guess not."
After coming up on his apartment building, you two halted to a stop. You two spent most of the walk in silent solitude, passing back and forth the same innocent subtle glances with every puff of the shared cigarette.
"You ready?" He steps out the butt of the cigarette and shoves his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
"Can't wait to see that crusty dusty reddit-incelified gaming set up of yours." You tease.
"Just wait 'til you see the jar." He retaliates, causing you to scowl in disgust and slapping him across the bicep.
For a second, you could almost make out the softest glimpse of a smile on his lips, but you decided to let that be something you keep to yourself, locking it away in your memories.
You follow him into the apartment complex and up the dingy and loud humming of the elevator that replaced the need for conversation. From a few steps outside of the door you could hear the trashy garage band music emitting from the inside- definitely Dabi's kind of party.
You watch Tomura fumble with his keys for a moment before swinging the door open, letting a rush of hot air mixed with the fumes of stale cigarette smoke and beer slap you in the face.
You two cram into the doorway, almost back to back as you kicked off your shoes and shed off unnecessary layers.
You take a step into the living room to see many new and familiar faces huddling in small circles around the apartment, sporting flushed cheeks and drink in hand.
"Dabi's wasted." Tomura leans down and whispers, lips lightly grazing the shell of your ear, sending a shudder up your spine. "Watch out or he might claim your first kiss. He's a stupid affectionate drunk."
Unfortunately for you, your eyes instantly caught onto Dabi's from across the room, causing him to bum rush his way over to you guys, throwing his arms around you two into a hug, crushing your body together against Tomura's.
"I told you." Tomura mouths down to you with an annoyed expression.
"Fuckers, you're late." He slurs into your shoulder. "I shoulda burnt that fucking store down to get you here earlier."
"Aren't you scheduled for the morning?" You cock an eyebrow at his drunken state.
"That's tomorrow-me's problem, sweets." He says with a lopsided grin. He grabs Tomura's head and presses a wet kiss to his temple before slapping one on your forehead. "You kids mingle and go get something go drink."
Once Dabi returns back to the party, you turn to Tomura with a laugh. After wiping off the side of his head with his sleeve, he places a hand on the back of your head, and uses his other to swipe across your forehead, wiping off the remnants of Dabi's drunken kiss.
"Fuckin' gross." He mumbles to himself.
You two spent a little less than an hour making your rounds around the party, a shot here and there when the other coworkers demanded one from you, but with the nod of his head towards the hallway, you knew his social battery had been drained.
"Handling your alcohol?" He asked, pulling you towards his room by the sleeve of your sweater, slightly stumbling over the carpet.
"Of course." You mutter. "You?"
"Couple shots got nothing on me."
The second the door clicked shut behind you, you audibly sighed from the sweet relief of a moment of silence after a full shift of the same work playlist on repeat and the party's music following you around the apartment.
"Finally." Tomura groans, reaching up behind his neck, lightly tugging on the back of his hoodie.
You took a seat on his gaming chair, hugging a knee up to your chest as your eyes scan across the walls of his room, glancing over at his various superhero posters, and bookshelf of collectables until it locked on his pale lower torso that exposed itself from his t-shirt riding up with the hoodie as he yanked it off over his head.
"Uhh." You begin, swiveling your chair around and averting your attention towards his gaming setup. "You stream? You got a webcam."
"Do you care?" You feel a hand grip the head of the gaming chair, swiveling you back around to face him, who is now leaning over you. "Thought you didn't care about all that shit."
"It's different if it's you." You smirk up at him, letting the alcohol boost your suave facade that had originally faltered upon seeing a few inches of his naked torso.
"Relentless flirt." He brings his hand down to flick your forehead before taking a seat on his unmade bed, leaning back against the headboard with his hands behind his head.
You accidentally knock the mouse cursor with your elbow, waking the monitor. Staring back at you in a bright red blocky font was 2:39AM, suddenly sobering you up.
"Oh shit, it's getting pretty late." You check your phone to confirm. "I should get going."
"Uh, isn't your apartment in the opposite direction from work?"
He only had to look you up and down one time to know that you weren't sober enough to make the walk by yourself. He wouldn't even think about letting you leave this apartment at this hour, anyways.
"Yeah? So what?" You cock an eyebrow at him.
"I mean...you think you should stay the night?" He starts, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "If you want, I don't care."
"Do you want me to stay the night?" You shoot him a daring smirk.
"Do you want to stay the night?" He retaliates.
"Sounds like you want me to. So fine, I guess, if you're begging for it."
"Fuck off and get eaten by the coyotes." He scowls in irritation, pulling his phone out to divert his attention.
You hop onto the bed next to him, catching his panicked expression the moment he realized how close you two were now. On the same bed. Alone. Along with the new question of where you would be sleeping- something that he had not thought about until now.
"C'mon Shigs! It's no fun when I'm the one that's always doing the chasing, babe. You have to want me as much as I want you, that's what makes it fun." You jokingly sigh.
"Who says I don't?"
Your eyes go wide. You were so used to him deflecting all of your useless attempts to fluster him, so you weren't sure how to handle your short circuited brain the second he finally returns the same energy.
"Uhhh. Okay, I take it back. Don't do that again." You press your lips together in defeat.
"I say four words and you start losing it?" He chuckles. "Think I got you beat at your own game."
"I guess tonight will test that, won't it?"
You were slowly eating your words with every second that passed. Your alcohol induced fake confidence had slowly dwindled down to nothing and now here you are sharing a bed with Tomura with your heart beating out of your chest, when you probably should've just offered to take the floor.
You two were lying on your sides facing one another with the covers pulled up to your chin. You were desperately trying to fall asleep, but you could hear his soft inhale and exhales and feel the air brushing past your cheeks as a constant reminder that he's right next to you, sharing the same bed, sharing the same air, all under the same blanket.
You slightly opened your eyes to peer through your lashes to see him wide awake and looking right at you, the back of his hand pressed against his cheek and soft eyes scanning over your face.
You open your eyes to meet his own.
"You're awake?" He whispers, slightly taken aback.
"How can I sleep when your stare is burning into my soul?" You tease. "Go to sleep, Shigs."
You never were able to get this close to Tomura without him flinching back or turning his head away to avert your gaze, but he stayed right here, letting you fully take in his presence. You almost wanted to reach your hand out and touch him, feel the softness of his cheeks, and tuck the stray hairs behind his ears.
"You don't think I'm trying?" He huff "It's fucking freezing in here. Dabi has daddy's money to always have the AC running even in the Winter."
"You should've said something earlier. We've been lying here for the past 30 fucking minutes." You start throwing apart the pillow wall that he put up between you two to prevent any 'funny business.'
"What are you doing?" He furrows his brows.
You say nothing, but instead grabbed the fabric of the t-shirt and pulled him in to close the gap between you two. His eyes widen at the sudden closeness. Your faces were mere inches away from each other, your leg shoved its way in between his, and your arm snaked its way around his waist.
"This okay?"
"A warning would've been nice." He mutters under his breath, stiffly letting his arm hang over your body, landing his hand in the middle of your back.
"I like the essence of surprise." You chuckle, looking up at him. "Better, though?"
He sighs in confirmation. "You're like a fucking furnace." He groans into your hairline.
"And you're like a popsicle."
"This would be nicer if you didn't talk."
"And this would be nicer if you'd relax and stop being so stiff." You pat the area between his shoulder blades, motioning him to let his arms loose. "I've seen you and Spinner cuddle it out on the couch in the backroom all the time, so don't act like you don't know how to do this."
"It's different." He mumble, reluctantly letting his body relax and mold against your own. "It's you."
"You dislike me that much?" You sigh, pressing your cheek against his chest, tapping your fingers against his back in content. "Do it for the purpose of survival, then."
"The opposite."
Your breathing hitches.
"Huh?" You tilt your head up to look at his face.
"Yeah." He presses his lips together, eyes darting around the room.
"You're saying 'the opposite' as in you do like me?"
"Fuck off. Don't make me say it again." His eyes finally lowered to meet yours.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Say what again? You quite literally did not say anything."
"I think this is the worst fucking time to have this conversation. Go to sleep and talk later."
"No!" You pout. "I'm not tired anymore. Let's talk now. What did you mean by that?"
A moment of silence fell between you two. With your face against his chest, you could hear his heart pounding. You suffered from the same feeling. Your throat goes dry from the anticipation of a potential confession that you'd been silently hoping for since you first met him.
"I thi-" He begins, stopping for a moment to swallow down his nerves. "So fucking awkward." He groans. "I do like you. As if it wasn't obvious, you dumbass."
"Obvious?" You scoff. "I'm obvious. Me. You on the other hand, definitely not."
"You obvious? You flirt to fuck with me."
"I flirt with you because I like you." You bite the inside of your cheeks. "Also to fuck with you, but because I like you."
You two were rendered speechless as you're left to stare at each other with wide eyes, digesting this dual confession.
"So.." He begins, trailing off into nothing.
"So.. is this where we have our first kiss?" You awkwardly laugh, trying to cut through the tension.
"Are you joking?"
"Yes if you're not, but no if you are? I don't know? Not like either of us have done this before." You say through clenched teeth, cringing at yourself as your poor attempt to lighten the mood.
"Okay, then."
"Are you serious?" Your eyes widen at the sudden permission. "That easy? You're not going to tell me to fuck off?"
He disregards your hesitation and props himself on his elbow, looking down at you with a look in his eyes you've never seen before.
"On your back." He instructs.
Your body suddenly goes hot and numb as you slowly turn over onto your back, looking up at him looming over you sporting the same pair of flushed cheeks.
"This is unexpected." You whisper, balling fistfuls of the comforter in your hands. "What the hell is possessing you right now?"
"You, I think." He sheepishly smiles, cautiously bringing a hand down to cup your cheek, his cold hand absorbing your body heat. "It's what you wanted wasn't it? All those times when we're alone at the shop? Asking me to join you in the backroom? You did just say it wasn't just because you were fucking with me."
Just like that, the last 6 months of night shifts spent tormenting Tomura had come to bite you in the ass.
"Okay." You squeak out, reaching up to lay one hand over his, and the other on his shoulder. "I guess you're right. You're not freaking out, though? This is fine for you?"
"Definitely am freaking the fuck out. But I've been waiting for this, so I don't care." He mutters, running his thumb across your lower lip.
"This okay?" He mutters, inching closer to your face.
"Yeah." You whisper a moment before his lips grazes your own.
He finally closes the gap between you, letting the stray strands of his hair drape onto your face, tickling your forehead. For a second, the kiss was stiff with anxiety, but it wasn't even a second until your lips melted into each other's. It was almost suffocating- the sweet gentleness of it all.
Your hand traveled up his shoulder to the nape of his neck where you entangled your fingers in his hair, lightly tugging on the mass. His own hand made it down to your waist, flushing his palm against its curve.
When you broke apart, he collapsed on top of you, hiding his face in the crevice between your neck and shoulder before you two burst out in fits of childish giggles.
"Okay my turn. Get on your back, slut." You laugh, trying to shove him off of you.
"Hell fucking no. You want to kill me? We're done, go to sleep." He buries his face deeper into your neck, releasing a deep sigh of content. "Deal with everything else tomorrow."
"Talk tomorrow." You agree, turning over and entangling your body with his own.
You couldn't help but admire the look of his swollen-kissed lips and sleepy eyes staring back down at you. One last time before you two went off to sleep, you pressed a tender kiss to his lips before melting back into his body.
bonus scene:
your hands were lazily attached to one another's during another chilly quiet walk to your apartment the morning after your confessions and kiss.
"you didn't have to walk me home." you mutter, shyly peering over to him.
"i wanted to." he shrugs, tightening his grip on your hand. "the least i could do for keeping me company last night."
you hum in agreement. "no probs. thanks for letting me hang out. we should do it more often."
"the hanging out or..." he tugs down the collar of his knitted sweater to reveal an array of purple and red bruises on his collarbones and shoulder that conspired that early morning of more playful kisses and giggles.
"you see, i don't know how the hell that happened." you press your lips together, suppressing a smile. "must've been a ghost."
"must've been." he smirks, looking on ahead.
once you arrive at your door, he leans his shoulder against the wall as you dig through your bag for your keys.
"you're off tonight, yeah?"
"i am." you glance up at him before pulling out your bundle of keys. "you're kicking it with toga tonight?"
"mmhm. think i can come by after work? we're getting the new volume of terror tales tonight, so i can snatch one for you before it sells out?"
"already planning out the next time you can see me, shigs?" you smile, inserting the key into the door knob.
"i mean, i can let you scour ebay and pay triple for it too, see if i care." he rolls his eyes.
you grab the collar of his sweater and pull him in, connecting your lips for a brief moment.
"it better be in mint fucking condition." you mutter against his lips. "see you tonight."
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httpsghostie · 1 year
Can I Call You Tonight?
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got this silly idea from a reel, so I'm in silly neighbor ghost mood
summary: you watered simon's dying plants.
wc: 1,2k
warnings: pure fluff, ghost x f!reader
Simon was always working, either buried in paperwork or fighting for his dear life. He couldn’t complain, though, it was the life he chose to have. He’d rented this apartment because it was near his work and as he said, he could always go walking. It didn’t cost much to live in that area, and he believed he didn’t need more than that apartment could offer.
The relatively low cost was exactly the reason you chose this building, it could use some renovation but you were happy to be starting a new cycle of your life. Finally moving out, finally living alone, it was all you could’ve asked for.
Living there was great, you loved it. It was so chill it was almost boring, so when you found this silly thing to do, it became your favorite activity.
Looking diagonally down from your balcony, a neighbor of yours had a few sad-looking plants that could really use some water. That being said, you could give a little hand for them to come back to life. You grabbed your squeeze water bottle and poured down some water on the plants, trying not to wet his entire balcony as you did so.
It became your silly little thing, watering that person’s plant like you were taking care of a child, but watching as it slowly came to life again was priceless. 
And Simon, well, he did notice something was different. As he smoked his cigarette, late at night on the balcony after arriving from his three week duty, he noticed the plant coming back to life again.
“Well, this is odd.”  He said, grabbing his phone from the pocket and taking a picture of it.
“Why did you send me a photo of your plant?” Johnny called as soon as he saw the picture.
“It was dead when I left.” He said.
“I didn’t water it while I was gone.”
“Ok… so, someone watered it for you?” Johnny chuckled.
“Negative. No one has my keys.” Simon said in a low tone.
“Maybe it revived on its own.” If Johnny could see him right now, he’d laugh at his deadpan.
“I don’t- why did I even text you. Someone could’ve broken in.” 
“And what? Water your plants everyday and leave your stuff behind? Seems unusual.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Go rest, Lt, you deserve it.”
Simon stood there for a while, contemplating the events and then deciding he was overreacting. It wasn’t until he woke up in the morning, having slept on his couch, and heard the noise of water running. He jumped on his feet to check if he didn’t leave the sink open, but as he came back to his living room, he was able to see a small stream of water from his balcony.
“Ay, ay.” He opened the door, looking at where the water was coming; your apartment. Your cheeks immediately flushed as you noticed you’d spilled water in not only his plants, but him. You’d been on the phone, leaning on the balcony and holding the water bottle as you scrolled on your social media, and him yelling made you lose balance and drop your phone, and the chain of events unfolded way too fast.
You quickly let go of the water bottle and ran downstairs, only to meet him in his wet shirt, looking at your fucked up phone on the concrete. “I’ll get you a new one, I’m sorry.” He mumbled, turning to face you. “Simon.” He gave you his hand.
“Y/n.” You said with a pout, shaking his hand. You crouched, grabbing your now obviously dead phone and analyzing it. “I’m sorry for… well, for this.” You pointed at the wet patch on his shirt and he smiled.
“It’s nothing, it’ll dry off.” He said, watching as you almost finger punched your clearly not working phone. “Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on?” He chuckled, following you back to the building. 
“Fuck off.” You rolled your eyes at him, but ended up laughing along. “Have you tried putting your shirt on rice?”
“Good one.” He smiled. He was so… handsome. Where was he the whole time you’ve been living there? You two got in the elevator, and he pressed the buttons of his and yours floors. “So it’s you who’s been watering my plants.”
“They were dehydrated. You’re a bad parent.” You said.
“I was at work.” He quickly said, and you mumbled a small ‘oh’. “Anyway, thank you. I was going to throw them out. They look good.”
“No, it’s fine.” You smiled.
“So, give me your number so I can let you know when I get your new phone.” He said as the elevator came to a stop. “Oh, you don’t have one.” He laughed as he watched your expressionless face. “Wanna come to my place to talk about it?”
He held the door open, waiting for your reaction, and immediately smiled as you walked out of the elevator with him. He opened his door for you, letting you step inside, then got in and closed it behind him.
“Make yourself at home.” He said as he passed in front of you, taking his shirt off. Oh, bloody hell.
Oh, fuckfuckfuck. Shit. He was so fine. No, fine was an understatement. His body was definitely sculpted by gods, definitely. He was absolutely breathtaking, he was ripped and toned in all the right places, and the scars on his torso only enhanced his attractiveness. He was the living embodiment of attractiveness.
You blinked desperately, trying to look away.
“Wow, this… this is not-” you choked out.
“What’s wrong with ‘ya?” He asked, coming back with a new shirt in hands and a really, really wide grin. Something about him playing innocent was flipping something inside of you. He made sure to stay right in front of you as he put a dry shirt on.
You looked away in embarrassment, you must’ve been overthinking.
“Want some tea?” He asked, snapping you back to reality. You nodded, and he went to the kitchen. 
You sat on his couch, looking around his apartment, finding a few pictures of people in the army. “You don’t spend a lot of time here, do you?” You asked as he came back with two mugs in his hand.
“What makes you think that?” He handed you a mug.
You pointed at the dusty frame and he walked to your side, picking it up. “Where’s you?” 
“Who do you think it’s me?” He chuckled. There was a man in a skull mask, holding a dog to his shoulder, and your little frown was adorable to his eyes. He pointed towards him, and you made an unsurprised ‘ah’.
“I knew it, the tattoos gave it away.” You smiled, watching as he put the frame down again.
“Yes, they did.” He mumbled, chuckling his way to the couch, where he gestured for you to sit.
“I have to say, you look better without the mask, by the way.” 
“Thanks. It’s uncomfortable to wear it.”
“I believe…”
The next minutes passed with an awkward silence until he finally spoke again.
“So, I don’t know a lot about phones. I suggest we go out together to get you a new one.”
That smooth bastard.
“Like a date.” You said.
“Like me taking you out to get a new phone.”
“A date.” You laughed.
He sighed, rubbing his temple.
“Yes, a date.”
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cherubfae · 7 months
Can you write Alastor x a Reader who works in radio? I don't think Alastor would let them on air since he doesn't seem the type to have a co host to me but maybe he'd have a intern who gets him coffee or a script writer.
Good To Be Back On the Air || Alastor x reader
tags: gn!sinner!reader (described to have horns but is an otherwise ambiguous demon!!), fluff, pre-established relationship, mentions of death, true crime, vox being vox lmao, jealous alastor, blood/bloody play (sorta??), Valentino is his own warning (threats of SA but nothing happens), mentions of injuries and being kidnapped (use of chloroform), implied VoxVal
a/n: I hope you enjoy!! This got a bit long!
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Much like Alastor's life before he died, you were also quite the popular radio host for your time. Engaging, funny, and respectable. Your audience loved tuning in the early hours of the morning to you recanting the strange occurrences of the multiple killings of men from the late 1920s until that stream suddenly stopped during the year 1933 within New Orleans, Louisiana.
True crime has always been your passion, in life and in death. You certainly didn't think you'd end up in Hell for taking the life of someone trying to mug you on the street. A tall, masked man who saw to it that you'd never see the light of day again. A couple gunshot wounds to your abdomen proved effective as you rest against the wall, bleeding out onto the concrete with your soon-to-be killer lying facedown and dead mere feet from you. Killed by the very thing you sought to bring awareness towards. Quite poetic in a way.
As your gaze clouds and vision becomes unfocused, you look up at the stars. The ares around you was beautiful. It was one of your favorite parts of town, even your death wouldn't taint the beauty of the stretching oak and maple trees reaching tall towards the skies. The faint sound of smooth jazz playing from the record shop only a few paces away mixing with the swirling scent of coffee. At least you were dying in a place that you loved.
Now, here you are. In Hell. Doomed to total damnation for all fucking eternity. You'd been down here for a couple months, taking up residence near Cannibal Town, yet still unsure of what to make of all the carnage, debauchery, and depravity. You didn't think you belonged in Hell, even if you took the life that simultaneously extinguished your own.
"What's wrong, dearie? I've known you to be quiet but today you are exceptionally so." Mused Rosie, her gentle tone pulling you out of your reverie. You glanced down at your tea, sighing.
Leaning your cheek against your palm, you meet her charcoal-black eyes. Genuine concern etched onto her politely beautiful face. "I'm just feeling lost is all, I guess. I told you how I ended up in Hell, right?" Solemnly, Rosie nods.
Placing down her tea cup, Rosie wiggles towards you a bit. "Maybe you just need to find that old spark again! Something that roused you when you were alive! I have a friend who was a radio host, same as you. He may be able to have a job for you! Alastor is as charming as they come!" She grins, her mouth full of pointed teeth on full display.
Your brow quirks. "Alastor? The Radio Demon?" Rosie nods, excitedly. Alastor had been the prolific serial killer that haunted New Orleans back in the 1920s. It felt weird that the main man-- subject, you studied in life would soon be your acquaintance and potential boss in death. You'd heard many hushed tales about the aforementioned Radio Demon dealing in bartered souls and how he wreaked havoc against his fellow Overlords overnight. He definitely seemed like the kind of demon you didn't want to make light of, or worse, be on his bad side.
"He's a quirky one, for sure, but don't listen to all those rumors and gossip!" Rosie waves her hand with a laugh. "Alastor is still a gentleman and I'm sure he'd be delighted to offer you a job! Maybe you can intern for him? Besides! If he's ever rude to you, ol' Rosie will kick him in the shins! I'll wear my extra-pointy boots!" She giggles, holding your hands in hers. "You'll be in good hands, my dear! I'll let Alastor know you're coming right away!"
Staring down at the neatly folded paper in your hand, you double and triple check the address scrawled in neat calligraphy.
Hazbin Hotel.
Was it normal for a former serial killer slash radio host to become a hotelier that's trying to rehabilitate sinners?
With a shrug, you made your way up the incline taking note of the rather ominous looking radio tower jutting out from the far-right side of the hotel. A sign displaying the words on-air was currently unlit and it looked quite dark inside from what you could see from the ground. Perhaps the great Alastor wasn't at home.
Knocking on the front door, you're greeted by a tall, deer-like demon with two-toned hair and sharp yellow teeth dressed in a dapper red-pinstripe suit complete with a microphone-like cane. Scarlet eyes stare down at you like a lion watching a gazelle. You feel utterly and completely exposed, like he's peeling back your every layer, surveying you, before he even said a single word.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, my dear! Quite a pleasure! You must be the little darling that dear Rosie sent, yes?" Alastor places his hand on your lower back, guiding you past the hotel's front doors and into the welcoming comfort of the establishment's front lobby and reception area. "This is a place where wayward sinners such as yourself can find peace and be led on the path of redemption to ascend to Heaven by Hell's very own princess, Charlie Morningstar!"
On queue, a blonde-haired girl sprints up to you squealing and flailing her arms a bit. She takes her hands in yours and offers you a big, delighted smile. You like her immediately. "Oh, my gosh! Welcome, welcome to Hazbin Hotel! I see you've met our gracious host Alastor! He's mentioned that you're going to be interning for him-- how exciting! We are so thankful to have you!"
To think, all those months ago had been the start of your journey with your friends. You had felt so out of place in Hell, in your new skin, uncomfortable with the weight of sharp horns protruding your skin and the strength of your clawed hands. You were quite pleasantly surprised at what you could withstand now as a demon.
With the attention directed back at him, Alastor grins with a whine of radio static. It was the equivalent of a lazy smirk with his half-lidded scarlet eyes taking you in one more, searching for any potential risks you may pose though you didn't intend any of that sort. You felt your skin begin to heat the longer his gaze remained on you, and hesitantly break the eye contact with the demon in favor of Charlie, who has been excitedly talking about all of the hotel's features.
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"I brought your coffee, sir." Alastor hums out a soft 'thank you' yet continues to fiddle with the buttons and tracks on his console, not raising his head to look at you. "Rosie gave me some venison for you. She said aid it's your favorite when it's fresh and raw." Placing Alastor's simple black coffee on a small side table, you revere your boss with a fond expression. Rosie had been truthful she said he was the charming sort. There certainly was an air of respectability about him that men lacked from your time.
"Our dear Rosie is certainly a clever one, and she is quite correct. There is no better way to enjoy meat than having it served fresh. Preferably off the bone but this will do." Alastor tilts his head, turning to the side to regale you from the corner of his eyes. Those damn beautiful scarlet gems. "Something the matter, my dear?" Alastor's voice is a soft crackle.
Stumbling in surprise, you wrack your brain for a plausible answer. When you find none, you shake your head from side to side cursing the heat that sets your cheeks ablaze.
Alastor smirks, standing from his stool and approaches you. He grasps your chin between his thumb and forefinger; his claw lightly dragging across your lower lip. Blood beads up following the path his claw created. He swipes it up, licking it in front of you.
"Tasty," Alastor grins, leaning down and bumping his nose into yours. "As I said, meat is best when fresh." He squeezes your cheek lightly, chuckling at the exudes into his palm. "If I wasn't certain, I'd say you have a little crush on me, hmm?" He turns his back to you, those damned scarlet eyes that see straight through your soul strike you where you stand. "That'll be all now, dearest. Thank you for your time and your blood."
You couldn't get out of there fast enough. You weren't afraid of him, no, you were more scared of kissing him now more than ever. A fantasy of both of you pressed tight to one another with mouths soaked in blood would be all you can think of for hours.
Whatever was going on between you and Alastor continued on much like a game of cat and mouse only he seemed to be going out of his way more and more to fluster you, saying things that would catch you off guard.
"I don't think of myself as much of a man who desires a relationship beyond friends and family, but cohabitating with you as lifelong partners does sound desirable."
"Hmm, tell me. Are your horns sensitive?" His breath ghosts then one day, causing you to shriek and cover them. You pout, turning your head to glare at him. Alastor's grin only seemed to stretch further. "Only teasing, darling, no need to get so uppity."
It was a slow evening, Alastor had sent you off on another errand. There was a sense of apprehension worrying his brow, glancing at the analog clock. The hour hand strikes the 3am mark. He'd sent you off almost an hour and a half ago, so where were you?
Interference crackles onto his radio, Alastor hissing as the feedback screeches. With ears pinned back, his eyes narrowed further when a familiar voice crosses.
"Ugh, I will never understand why thr fuck you use this shit, Alastor." Groaned Vox. "Anyway, I got your cute assistant here. You should see them, shaking like a leaf." The radio glitches in tune with Vox's laughter. "Valentino here has been itching for a new plaything, doesn't that sound good, sweetheart? Maybe we can broadcast that for all of Hell to see, right Al--"
Smash. Alastor's fist smashes through the radio cutting off Vox's boastful rant.
On the other side of the city, Vox blinks in confusion. "I lost the radio signal? Oh, fuck, God this shit is so old." He sighs, leaning back in his chair. Spinning around, he gives you a wry smirk. "Guess we'll see if the Great Alastor comes to rescue his lost pup, hmm?"
Glowering at him, left bound and gagged, sitting on the cold, hard floor. Valentino gives a harsh tug on your hair, your teeth sinking into the cotton gag shoved in your mouth, a muffled grunt leaving you.
An electric feeling in the air has your hair rising. Vox and Valentino share a confused look. A large fist blasts inside of the V Tower, claws sharp as they did through the metal like it was butter.
"Oh, fuck, it's Alastor!" Vox shrieks, scrambling to get away from the broken window. A second fist smashes through sending Vox into the opposing wall with a deep thud. Valentino runs to his friend's aid, helping him up.
"Well, this is what you wanted, honey."
Vox groans in protest. "I know."
Green electricity crackles, a dark shadow pooling into the room and with a shriek, manifests into Alastor.
Paying the two no mind, Alastor crosses the threshold and kneels down before you. His clawed fingers are gentle as he removes the gag around your bruised mouth. "Sorry it took me so long, mon cour." A tentacle bursts through his back, spiraling directly into Vox and Valentino, sending the two into the neighboring room with a loud crash.
Scooping you into his arms, Alastor calmly walks through to the next room, his hand cupping the back of your head. "Rest." He regards the other two males with a snarling crackle.
"If I didn't have more important matters to attend to, I would eviscerate you two gents. Touch what is mine again and I'll broadcast your fucking screams all over Hell." Alastor hums, exiting V Tower.
"Holy shit! Did you see?? He finally sees me as his rival!" Vox cheers, tossing both arms into the air in celebration.
"This may sting, but I trust that you can handle it." Alastor says, rubbing off the blood from your brow with a cotton ball doused in isopropyl alcohol. Wincing softly, you take the moment to look at him closely. You'd never seen Alastor so disheveled. Even with dealing with enemies, he was always composed. But, tonight, he had been anything but the picture of composure. He looked positively feral.
Valentino sighs, "Honey, you need psychiatric help."
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"Is there something about my face you find interesting, dearest?"
Squeaking, your face flushes, shaking your arms frantically. Gasping you quickly place a hand to your ribs. Guess they really did fracture something when they knocked you out.
Alastor stills your hands with his own. "Easy now, pet. You're in no state to be moving around like an interpretive mime. I was only teasing you, my dearest. You had me worried tonight."
Hanging your head low, you turn your gaze away. "I'm sorry, Alastor. I don't know how they got the drop on me. I was walking home and smelled something odd--," you gasped in realization. "Chloroform. It had to be."
Alastor growled tensely at that. He tied the bandage around your arm and with a snap of his fingers the medical kit disappeared and a serving tray appeared carrying a kettle full of hot chocolate and a staple 1920s dessert: pound cake. This one was drizzled with a bitter chocolate and filled with strawberries.
Alastor takes your hand and gently kisses your knuckles. "Care to join me for a treat?" His tone was a touch more gentle than it had been a heartbeat ago. You smile, nodding eagerly. He grins and begins to cut the cake, serving you first. "One more thing."
Softly, Alastor kisses your cheek. It was the lightest of touches and over as soon as it happened. He busies himself by pouring two mugs of steaming hot chocolate, the apples of his cheeks were a rosy hue.
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lixie-phoria · 7 months
↳ ♡₊˚. valentine's trouble ꒱
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⧽ summary - not everything can be perfect, no matter how hard your boyfriend tries for it to be. he was bound to make mistakes at some point. but as the fates would have it, even his mistakes were perfect - a perfect coincidence!
chan x gn!reader // fluff fluff fluff! // wc - 1250 words // warnings - one sexual joke // happy valentine's day 🫶🏼
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you can't find your boyfriend. you can't find your boyfriend in your own house.
"babe! where are you?"
he wasn't in the bathroom. he wasn't in your shared bedroom. he wasn't in the kitchen. he wasn't in any of his usual places.
a trickle of worry rolls into your mind.
"chan where-"
you stop dead, mouth still half open with your words dying at the tip of your tongue.
"what are you doing here?"
one problem solved - your boyfriend was slumped against the wall of your terrace, face contorted with an emotion you couldn't place, head hung low.
"babe? What's the matter?"
second problem uncovered - he avoids your eyes, pocketing his phone before looking away to the side. he's clearly hiding something from you.
"then why do you look so miserable?"
he clicks his tongue, awkwardly shuffling on his feet.
"it's nothing yn."
he wasn't even trying to hide his lie.
"you're going to hate me!"
you startle at his outburst, letting a beat pass in silence.
"why would I hate you?"
the very idea seems ridiculous. you didn't think you were ever capable of harboring any negative feelings towards your boyfriend.
"because i messed up, okay? I-" he breaks off, running a frustrated hand across his face.
"channie will you please tell me what's bothering you?"
when he finally meets your eyes, your heart sinks. he looks so sad a hint of worry creeps into your system.
"did you lose something? break something?"
"no! even worse - I forgot what date it is."
you stare back at him blankly, slowly wrapping your mind around his words. was today supposed to be something special?
"I don't understand Chris. is today an important anniversary or something?"
"it's valentine's week, yn! I was so caught up with work i forgot!"
his voice rings with disappointment, and you watch in confusion as he avoids your eyes when you take a step closer to him.
"yes channie it's valentine's week. what about it? there's nothing special to remember."
"no baby. i forgot that valentine's day is literally next week. i barely have time to plan something!"
and he seems so genuinely distraught you can't help the giggle that escapes your mouth, earning an exasperated glare from him.
"love, you don't have to plan anything for me. why are you so hung up about this?" you gently cup his cheek, urging him to look up.
"i'm barely at home and this is the one day i'm not supposed to miss."
"i remembered only an hour ago, and the restaurant I wanted to reserve for the day got booked out just this morning," he sadly whispers, leaning into your touch but still refusing to look you in the eyes. "i had been planning this for an entire year."
his voice trails off towards the end, and your heart aches as he looks like a kicked puppy.
chan's love language was acts of service. he did everything for you as far as he could - picking you up from work, looking after your health when you got too busy, never missing a date night, making sure you ate and rested well. there was nothing that he didn't do. and you loved him for it. so much. and you could only imagine how he felt upon forgetting a seemingly insignificant date.
"oh chan," you whisper, moving your hand from his cheek to his nape, tangling your fingers in his hair. "don't stress it, love. it's fine."
"plus," you silence him, bringing your other hand to place a finger against his lips. "i already planned something for us. if anything it's good that the restaurant is booked! or our plans would have clashed."
"but yn," he brings his own hands to cup your wrist, entwining your fingers together. "that place is so pretty. it would have been perfect. and so romantic."
you shake your head, flashing him a small smile.
"channie, i promise we can go there sometime else, yeah?"
he still looks a bit dejected, but he lets a small smile stretch across his lips none the less.
"i suppose."
"see! it isn't that big of a deal."
"so which place did you reserve?"
"that's a secret!"
"hey! not fair!"
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"can you at least tell me where it is?"
"nope. that would ruin the surprise."
you hear chan groan in the passenger seat as you drive through the busy streets of Seoul, patting his thigh comfortingly.
"this isn't fair. at least i always tell you where we're going!"
you laugh at his insistence, keeping your eyes trained on the road.
the week passed by so quick you barely realized it, and valentine's day came knocking on your door in the form of chan with your favorite bouquet of flowers, chocolates, and a will to coax the venue of your date for the special day.
"ok at least tell me what letter does it's name start with?"
"chan if you don't stop i will make you sleep on the couch tonight."
"you wouldn't dare deprive me of sex on valentine's day!"
you smack his arm, shaking your head in defeat as he laughs at your reaction.
"just wait for fifteen minutes babe. we're almost there."
you were going to stand your ground firmly.
you would not give in to his puppy eyes.
you even insisted on driving yourself so you wouldn't have to reveal the location.
"you're so mean," he mutters, sliding down in the seat.
but that's the last of his complains that you hear, because the rest of the ride is filled with your usual banter and jokes, and when you finally hit the breaks, and signal him to step out, he all but bounces out of the car in his excitement.
"thank you," you say gratefully as he opens your door, helping you out of the vehicle.
"so this is where - oh."
his mouth drops open, and he freezes in his spot, one arm still around your waist as he gaps at the building before you.
"surprise!" you say, a tinge of nervousness painting your words. "i hope you like it! hyunjin told me about this place a while back."
but you watch in confusion as he just stares at the restaurant with his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
did he not like it?
"how did you know?"
you blink at him in confusion as he fully turns to face you.
"how did i know what?"
"this," and he points at the building with one hand, "is where i wanted to take you!"
a laugh bubbles from him as he looks between you and the restaurant.
"this is the place i had in mind too! i wanted to take you here."
"you're joking."
"i can't believe it either," he agrees excitedly, finally moving along and pulling you with him.
"when did you reserve our table?"
"i think the morning when you told me you had forgotten it was valentine's week?"
"no way! you're the one who probably booked the last table i was trying to reserve!"
and his excitement is so contagious you can't help but laugh along, shaking your head.
"it worked out for both of us then," he says happily, slipping his hand into yours.
"yeah you were sad for no reason."
"hey! don't be mean!"
and hyunjin had been right.
the place was perfect. just like the man sitting in front of you.
it was a valentine's day well spent.
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©lixie-phoria, 2024
permanent taglist - @foxinnie8 @hamburgers101 @starlostlaiba @jiisungllvr @hyunverse (send an ask to be added/removed!)
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nikkicloudie · 6 days
When I was your man...PT 2
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Husband!Tyler Owens x Wife!Reader, Ex!Javi Rivera x Ex!Reader
Summary: After your last encounter with your ex Javi he has been doing stuff to push Tyler's buttons. Tyler takes you to a bar after a chase where Javi was. Javi finally pulls a move that makes Tyler snap.
Warning: Language, Violence, Unwanted touch (from Javi), mentions of sex but none (again from Javi), some backstory with Reader(you again) and Javi, protective Tyler
"Tyler talk to me" You pleaded with your stubborn boyfriend who just a few days ago saved you from Javi. "It's nun sweetheart ok?" he said annoyed while putting his hat down and falling on the bed like a ragdoll. "It's not nothing...please?" you asked before Tyler looked at you and sat up "I just hated how he touches you! He keeps pushing my buttons with his stupid comments about your body and how you should date him!" he said more annoyed than ever at Javi's name being brought up.
You grab his hand gently "Tyler... I need to tell you something since we are talking about Javi right now.." you say as he looks up at you confused "When you saved me from Javi...he..kissed me and.." before you can finish and stands up quickly "What?! Oh he is so fucking dead!" he yelled before going on the door "Ty wait!" you grab onto him "he's not worth it..." you said.
You sighed and rubbed his shoulders "Soon enough he will get bored...just a little longer" You said before he replied "Just a little longer..." he said as you shared a kiss. "Let's get sum rest sweetheart we got a big day," Tyler said rubbing the back of your thighs as you sighed and nodded "Alright," you said before crawling into bed with him you cuddled up next to each other and started to fall asleep.
"God damn it Y/N I told you to be careful and look what happened!" Javi yelled in your face as he wrapped up your arm too tightly for your liking. "I know I'm so-" "Sorry!? Your fucking sorry!? Sorry, won't bring them back! God because you and Kate were so careless they fucking died! Still sorry about that!?" He got in your face he yelled at you as you looked at him with teary eyes and let out a sob "Great now you're playing victim!?" he scoffs as Kate looks at both of you "Javi..." Before she continues he starts to walk away "I'm done I'm fucking done!" he yells you look at him before following after "Javi w-what are you talking about your done...?" you ask. He turns around angrily "I mean I'm done with you! Im fucking done with you!" he yelled as you stood there "Your...breaking up with me?" you said.
Up in the truck with Tyler and the group as you guys were driving back to the run-down hotel. Tyler's hand on your thigh slowly started to reach up near your panties before you slapped his hand away "Hey behave" you said laughing as he laughed with you "Alright alright I'll behave" he said as you kissed his cheek. "Wasn't that fun!?" yelled Boone as you looked back at him and nodded and you both giggled like teen girls as Tyler shook his head and kept driving. "Oh! We should go to the bar! To celebrate for not dying!" Boone yelled excitedly as everyone who was in the truck agreed (it was only you Tyler and Boone lmao).
As Tyler parked and you got out you saw Javi looking at you. It made you feel uneasy and you Boone and Tyler walked to the bar across the street. from the corner of your eyes, you see Javi move from his spot but you don't pay mind to your ex. You guys walked into Boone was the first to order the first set of drinks. The night continued with Boone getting a drink you guys made a stupid cheer about having not died in the tornado before drinking.
"I'll grab the next one so you don't have to waste all of your money Boone," You said as Tyler and Boone laughed. You get up from the table to the bar. You order more drinks and jerk up slightly when a hand lands on your ass you chuckled "Tyler what are u doing?" You turned around not to see Tyler but Javi which made you frown instantly and made you back up to the bar counter "Javi? What are you doing!?" you asked "Come on..don't lie and say you haven't missed my touch Y/N" he said as he got closer to your face and grabs you waist and you look away. He leans in close to your ear his hot breath on your ear lobe as his hands slowly start to reach to your butt.
"I remember when you told me you wanted to marry me...and have my kids with a house...I can see Tyler hasn't done it yet...so let me..Y/N please.." He said his hand finally landed on your ass. Before Javi can do or say anything else someone pulls him away. You look up to see Tyler "What do you think you're doing Rivera!?" Tyler yelled getting in his face as Javi smirked and rolled his eyes "Just reminding her of the good old days when she wanted to marry me...have my babies..." Javi glares at Tyler as his jaw clenches "Just told her how you couldn't do it clearly so someone has to might as well be me rig-" Before Javi could finish Tyler throws his fist at Javi face punching him as everyone looks over at them as Javi holds his cheek before they start to fight as you stare at them.
"Stop both of you stop!" you yelled trying to pull Tyler off of Javi as they kept fighting "Tyler stop!" He looks at you his green eyes staring at yours as he lets go of Javi "This is your last warning Rivera! You hear me!? I'll throw you in a fucking tornado if I have to!" he grabs your hand and walks out of the bar and to the hotel room as you stayed quiet. You looked down as he looked at you his eyes looking at you before pulling you in a hug which confused you "I love you..." he said and kissed your neck before sighing "I'm gonna kill him next time I see him" he continued before looking at you and kissing your lips.
The kiss turns a little more heated as Tyler when to put his hand in your pants you stop him and smile "Not in the mood" you say as he nods at you and smiles "Okay sweetheart" he says "Ima hit the showers then you get rest" he said before walking to the bathroom as you stared at him and smiled before sitting down 'How did I get lucky?' you said to yourself before laying down.
Part 22222 ahhhhhhhh lmk if you like ittttt!!!
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reidmoony-toast · 28 days
Angel. - sr x reader
Reader gets shot and Spencer is there to comfort them
content: established relationship, angst/comfort, ambiguous ending, takes place in 15x01-02
cw: canon compliant violence, blood, guns, dying (they're going to be fine dw)
wc: 966
an: Hey, so this is my first ever published Spencer fic, so I'm really nervous lol! This will get zero to no engagement and I'm accepting that now, but if ya'll want a part 2 I'm happy to oblige!! Enjoy lovelies <3
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Everything happened so quickly, yet it felt like a millennia before I hit the ground–free falling through life and death in turn, the descent ending on the dingy floor of a parking garage. My vision cut in and out through the surges of white-hot agony that were coursing throughout my entire body, ears ringing.
I saw a blurry figure pile into a car, before peeling out of the parking space, kicking up dust as it raced out of the building. I tried to move to grab my gun that was lying a few feet away, but it felt like the weight of the world was pressing down on me, causing me to become prone and forcing me to accept the fate that was laid before me.
As I coughed up blood, I had the inexplicable urge to laugh. The irony, that this was the way I would go out–lying defenceless and helpless on the cold concrete, synthetic LED bulbs flickering incessantly above me.
The pain was becoming too unbearable, paralysing any coherent thoughts. There was one word that was repeated over and over again:
I didn't know if it was a prayer to some higher being, or merely a mantra, but it was the only single word I could make out in the haze of my dying mind. I wished I was the one with the eidetic memory, so that I could at least see his face one last time.
Blood pooled steadily around me as it left my body, never to return. The ringing in my ears steadily grew louder while the garage was dead silent, besides for the wet sounds of me choking on my own blood.
The bitter silence was cut off by the frantic shouting of a name. My name. The person neared, skidding to a halt and dropping to their knees beside me. The blurry figure hovered over me, obscuring the too-bright lights from view.
They came into partial focus, and I choked out a sob when I realised my pathetic prayers had been answered. Spencer was here. He shushed me soothingly, stroking my hair with shaking hands. "It's okay, baby. You're gonna be okay, okay?" He cradled my cheeks with his hands, trying in vain to wipe the blood from my face with his own bloodied hands. I sobbed again, squeezing my eyes shut.
"No, no, no, no," Spencer chanted, "Keep your eyes open, love, please. Look at me," He pleaded, gently shaking me so that I would open my eyes again. They landed on his face, screwed up in worry and pain. I vaguely wondered if he was hurt, if that's why he looked as though he too was in agony.
My eyes studied his face as best as they could, mapping out every detail, desperate to memorise it. They landed where they–without fail–always did. His eyes stared back with tears, frantic and pleading. I would gladly study these eyes for hours on end–and I did–so much so that he would often make fun of me for the incessant staring.
It didn't stop me though, not while those deep brown eyes with the ring of pure gold in the centre were there for me to look at. That's where my gaze now rested, on those gorgeous, breathtaking eyes.
"Spencer." My voice was foreign to me–shaky and so unbelievably small. "You- you came." I strangled out. He nodded, pushing my hair back off of my face.
"I'm here, baby. I'm here." His voice cracked and trailed off. He never let go of me as he radioed in, asking for an immediate ambulance. I didn't hear the response. Spencer carefully repositioned me, laying my head and shoulders in his lap as he searched for the source of the bleeding.
I gazed numbly up at Spencer, the lights causing a halo around his head with his messy curls. I thought that it was fitting. By all accounts he was an angel. My angel. I let out a shaky and ragged breath. How many more of those would I have? I could most likely count them with one hand.
Spencer stopped his quick search when he found what he was looking for, immediately putting pressure on the wound. I cried out at the added agony. "I know, I know, I know. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry." He kept chanting, cradling my head with his free hand. I whimper in pain.
"Spencer?" I breathed out, voice wobbling. He stroked my cheek lovingly, chest rising and falling rapidly.
My face crumpled in pain. "It hurts."
He drew in a sharp, pained breath. "I know, baby, I know." He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Help's coming, okay? Hang in there, love." Another shaky breath. "Stay with me." His sentence tapered off to a barely audible volume, bloodied hand shaking violently on my face, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Please."
I started coughing again, more blood spraying over my face, some of it even ending up on Spencer's. It made me disproportionately angry–that his face was tainted with my dying blood. I wished I could wipe it off, but I didn't have the strength to lift my arm.
My vision swam as I started to lose what was left of my consciousness as what felt like the last of my blood left my body. My eyes fluttered closed.
"No, no, no, hey!" Spencer gently tapped my cheek. "Don't close your eyes. Stay awake until the ambulance arrives, please," He begged, but my lids are incredibly heavy.
"I-I feel–," I sucked in a shallow breath. "So cold."
He bundled me tighter against him, trying to sooth me with whispered comforting words. The last thing I remembered before I slipped out of consciousness was Spencer's calming voice and the sound of approaching sirens.
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Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated x
Masterlist ౨ৎ
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munsster · 2 months
through and through
A/N: i am simply a sucker for a gorgeous, dumb blond (gif creds: @captainsamerica)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: The most stubborn man in the world has no one to blame for that gunshot but himself. And all over again, you'll clean him up. 1.5k words
Warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff, angry but soft reader, dumb stevie, slight wound description, its okay: everybody lives, cursing, pet names (honey, baby, darlin), friends to lovers
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"God, Steve, do you know how frustrating it is when you do this?" You're ruffled: wide-eyed and feverish. Upset might better describe your situation. Peeved, maybe. Because you're used to his recklessness. Always have been. Even when it was only news articles and rumored hospitalization.
Arm hooked around his waist, he slumps his weight against you while you struggle up the ramp of the jet. Labored breathing fans the nape of your neck, and you can feel his tension loosening with the grip of his consciousness. As he plops down into a hard metal seat, he deflates. Especially with you beside him, he's happy the scolding of his life is at hand.
And all he can do is laugh. Of course he's gonna be okay; he's pumped full of the purest steroids long-dead alchemists could come up with. Which is why he's not worried. So far from worried, in fact, that he's grinning. You're fingering antiseptic against the fresh gunshot wound in his abdomen, and he's sitting pleased.
"You couldn't have been a little more careful?” You grumble something about how stupid he is. That he's doing it on purpose to mess with you. Leave it to Steve to get shot just to piss you off. "Try to risk your life a little less, 'kay? God, it's so frustrating.”
He chuckles, hissing at the brief pain and slumping down in his seat. "You said that already."
"I'm not afraid to hit a dying man—"
"Hush, I'm not dying." He coughs up a wet gargle, and the panic sets in. You press a square of gauze against the shallow divot with the heel of your palm. Lazily, his head lulls to the side, and he can't stop himself from smiling at the crease between your brows.
"That's exactly what you'd say if—"
"—If I was dying, yadda yadda. Have I ever lied to you, darlin'?"
His palm cups yours on his hot skin. Each breath presses taut muscle into the gentle curve of your fingers. Your face screws inward, but he puts a little pressure on your knuckles, trapping them in place on his stomach.
"How'm I supposed to know?"
His tongue clicks behind a smirk, and he blinks his eyes shut. It's because he's exhausted, you know that. You should let him rest, but after losing all that blood, you also figure it's better if he stays conscious until you're sure he'll make it. There's no reason for this time to be different. But then again, there never really is.
"Hey, hey, hey, don't do that. Keep 'em open, please."
"Aw, come on, honey—fine"—his vibrant blue eyes startle you as he goes back to staring—"As I was saying—I'm not planning on dying anytime soon. If I was, I'd tell you so you could smack the deathwish outta me."
"Oh, and I'm just supposed to trust you, huh?"
"Yes, please." He's horrible. The blood he's got left all goes to his head to fuel a stupid grin and the biggest, dumbest puppy dog eyes. No thoughts behind them, just pure nonsense and foggy desire.
"You're the worst," you huff. It kinda stings when you don't chase it with a laugh or a smile. He hates that he's forcing you to be professional. Because unprofessional, unapologetic you is his favorite. A real sweetheart, and he's the one responsible for driving that away.
"I'm sorry," he whispers. More sincere than he's been in his life. Well, this life. It's not often that he gets to open up. He's been Captain for years now. And finally someone calls him Stevie again, and he's screwing it up with his stubbornness. He wishes he could be candid. Taken with life. Unabashed life, all at the tips of his fingers. Yet grabbing on never felt so far away.
He flutters when you scowl up at him, relieved that he gets to be acknowledged by you once more. Excited, suddenly, by the hand on his new scar. Wonderfully exposed by the top of his suit folded at the waist in his lap. And you have to admit, he's handsome. Golden hair flopped into his face, bloodied up by his or someone else's, but still so charming between rattling exhales.
You sigh. "I hate it when you're headstrong."
He perks up from behind the guise of creeping pain. You pay no mind, zipping the first-aid kit up and shoving it back into your duffel.
"Can't you let someone else take the high road? You know it's okay to be the bench guy for one game. Maybe save your life." You shrug, and the guilt washes away from the surface of his skull. He's thrilled again to be here for your bloom as the jet lifts and your ears pop.
"But that's what I have you for."
He hates it because it implies that's all. But that's far from all. You are all. He doesn't know it gives you butterflies because it implies that he has you. And he does. He will.
"As much as I love being your personal nurse, don't you think I deserve a break?" You pout and settle in beside him. He thinks the closeness could make his slow heart start up again. Even with near half his blood left, he'd circulate triple as long as you stay this close.
"C'mon, honey, you know I like when you work for it."
You don't have a second to process before he shifts closer and leans his head back against the tough wall. Your neck goes all hot because he drops his hand in the small space between his thigh and yours. The length of his thumb curiously swipes the skin of your catsuit, and you stiffen.
His breath catches in the dark. Your fingers fit slowly in the spaces of his own, a subconscious squeeze soothing the warm strain built up in all the little slips and slides. And it's okay now. Close like this is good for his ache. He doesn't have to be straight-posture, strict leader in your arms, even if he hasn't been there for very long. He would still like to fold into your warmth like perfect cake batter. Vanilla and streaks of funfetti if you'll keep him in place for a while longer.
"I told you to keep your eyes open, Stevie."
So they snap open. To find you're watching him. It wrecks him wholly to know you've noticed him before. It's so stupid, but he obsesses over the times you're not subtle about it. Like now: wetting the corner of your mouth with the tip of your tongue, pressing the pad of your thumb to his forefinger's knuckle.
"And I told you I'd be okay, darlin'." He feels himself softening. Hot peaches laid delicately into the shell of a tart to bake until golden brown. You could slice through him and take a bite. It would all reassure him knowing you enjoyed the bittersweetness and buttery smooth sinking of your teeth into his flesh.
"Stevie," you coo, lips parted. The gravity of you makes him want to slink closer like a stray cat to warm milk. To dip his tongue in and savor the newness. Cool and better than ever. You could—you do fuel his strength. Every centimeter poured from your cupped palms into—finally—Man. At last. Gold and glimmering. Exposed to weathering but picturesque evermore.
But he looks dazed. Glossed over. On the verge of emotion. And distress bubbles in your lungs.
"D'you need to rest—"
He shakes his head. "Stop thinking about me for five seconds, honey. I think kissing my girl is rest enough," he huffs, "Don't you agree?"
You squint. Smartass. "Actually, old man, it might be better if—"
In a breath, he holds the pretty swell of your chin in his shaking fingers. Mouth close enough to feel the dryness and the softness beneath it all. You gasp, going all pliant at his will. Like angels, too nervous to be impure, he's holding you in place like a statue. Keeping you on edge.
Until you grab his face and kiss him nice and slow. Enough to heal his plight. A new gunshot wound in the form of a pretty lady tearing through his well-grooved chest. Leave all the shrapnel if you'd like. With your mouth in the small of his own, he feels like a dizzy hangover in the middle of a house party. His hands grasp greedily at your waist, turning you and shifting you and pulling. Bringing. Begging.
And, like a minx, like always, like you, you push away with a laugh and wipe his spit from your mouth.
"Been waiting on that for... ever. Feelin' sealed up already, baby," he grumbles.
"Sweet on me now, Stevie?"
He shakes his head with a chuckle.
"Always have been."
marvel masterlist
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nana-gumi · 8 months
unconditionally g. satoru
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pairings: gojo satoru x fem! reader
cw: soulmates au, angst, deaths, historical events, spoilers on manga ig?, illness, blood, gore, fem! reader, typographical errors, listened to unconditionally by katy perry when writing this!
a/n: let's go, first post! thank you for helping me proofread @xuanzangg mwah
in every universe, you were soulmates. you were his and he was yours. what happens if one day you woke up, you weren't soulmates like how it was used to be 1000 years ago?
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in every universe we'll live in, i will always choose you
" 'toru.." you weakly whispered as your lover held you tightly on his arms, a sword piercing through your chests as blood continues to seep out of your clothes.
"hold on to me." satoru stammered as he choked on his own blood.
"i can't breath no more." you said as you pant heavily.
a curse left his lips as satoru wiped the blood off of your mouth, gently caressing your cheek.
satoru groans as he looked up to the person who happened to thrust a single sword into your bodies, a person he never thought would betray him.
"i trusted you!" satoru yelled followed by a cough as he held you close to his chest.
"that's the weakness of the queen, too softhearted, too gullible." the betrayer said as he forced the sword out of you and satoru's chest. "may you rest in peace, queen and king." he said as he left the place with his people.
there were dead bodies of your comrades around, not a single person left breathing, they were all killed.
"s-satoru.." you mumbled as you cupped your lover's cheek with your bloodied hands. "if the gods gave us another chance to live, will you still choose me as your lover?" you said as satoru opened his closed eyes and looked at you.
"i will. in every universe we'll live in, i will always choose you." he said as he placed his forehead against yours. "i love you, my queen." he mumbled, his breathing getting slower and slower.
"i love you too, my king."
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we'll meet again, my love.
if you died once, you couldn't possibly live again right?
you never believed in those words at first, but now, you're starting to believe them.
this man infront of you, the person who happened to always appear in your dreams, standing right infront of you.
"princess (name), it's an honor to finally meet you." he said as he bowed for respect as you did the same.
you were staring at him as he was.
"prince satoru, i think i've met you before." the said man laughed at your words as he held your hand on his, placing a kiss on your knuckles after winking at you.
"likewise, princess (name). it feels like i've known you my whole life but, it is the first time we met."
marrying the prince of the other kingdom wasn't a thing you expected, not when you're already a dying vegetable. you were born with a curse that when you reached the age of 25, it was the end.
at the age of 18, you married the only son of the gojo clan, a marriage where you thought your husband will be cruel and unloving like the books you read, but turns out, satoru loved you with all of his heart (just like in your past lives). he cherished you just like how you deserved it.
at the age of 24, satoru started neglecting you, or what you thought he did but it wasn't his intention though, he just doesn't want to see you disappear before him and you understand that. who would want to take care of someone who's death was already set.
but a week before your birthday, before everything ends, satoru came back to you.
"i'm turning 25 soon, prince." he was standing at the window near the bed, his sword on his hand as he kept quiet.
you sat on the bed as you caress the soft pillow in your fingers.
you heard the sound of his sword as you watch him make his way to the door.
you smiled sadly as clutched the pillow with your weakening grasp.
"satoru, will you be back?" you asked and he finally faced you.
satoru clicked his tongue, the only reason he disappeared was because he searched every land for a cure, something that would remove the curse that was casted upon you, yet not a single information was given to him.
satoru cursed under his breath as he dropped the sword on his hand, running towards you as he embraced you as tight as he could, hoping that his hold would make you stay forever.
you cupped his cheeks in your hands as you leaned your forehead to his.
"why are you crying?" you asked and it made him cry more.
"i'm scared." he said as you wiped his tears with your thumb.
"don't be, my love. i'm still here." you said as he shake his head.
"i was looking for a cure..i've searched everywhere but-" he let out a sob as he took a deep breath.
"really? i appreciate it." you said, giving him an assuring smile. "but we both know that the curse doesn't have cure." he knew that, he was just desperate.
the day of your birthday was finally coming.
it was almost midnight as you lay in bed with your lover.
"satoru, remember when you said that it's like you've known me your whole life?" you asked, looking up at him as you lay your head on his chest. "i think i get it now. it's because we're past lovers, satoru."
he chuckled in response as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "i know, from the moment i saw you, i already knew it was you, my queen."
you lay back on his chest as the surroundings went silent.
you felt his hands tightened around your form as the ticking of the clock can be heard.
"this is it, satoru."
"fuck.. i hate this." he mumbled as he clenched his fists. he couldn't do anything but to watch you die before him.
"satoru, in another universe, it's still me and you, right?"
"mhm, me and you. we'll meet again, my love."
you couldn't control your tears anymore as you kiss him for the last time.
"i love you so much, my prince." you said as satoru wiped your tears with his thumb.
"you'll always be my princess. i love you."
you and satoru went to sleep that night but the difference was he was the only one who woke up the next morning.
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you are the strongest, right? my everything..
"sensei?!" yuuji exclaimed as he saw his teacher, gojo satoru walking with you, an enemy as if you and him were friends.
gojo finally approached his surprised students as he placed his arms on your head like you were something to lean on.
"this is our ally now." satoru said as you rolled your eyes at him. "right, my queen." satoru half-joked as his students were now more than surprise.
"you forced me." you joked as satoru leaned down to your height, placing a finger on your lips.
"shh, it was you who begged me to spare you."
"i did not-!"
"are we supposed to see this?" nobara said as megumi left the scene.
"welcome, ms. (name)!" yuuji exclaimed as you nod at him.
"you almost killed us before! i won't trust you for now." nobara said as she crossed her arms before following megumi who just left.
"well, kugisaki is right, but since it was gojo-sensei who introduced you, i guess i'll trust you." yuuji said, following his friends who just left.
satoru chuckled as he started walking ahead.
"satoru." he said, cutting you off as he faced you.
"satoru.. it's still me and you, right?" you said as you smiled at him and another chuckle left his glossy lips.
"seems like we met again, my love. i've been waiting for you."
"satoru!" you forced the door open as you saw his friend, shoko doing her best to heal him.
"stay back!" his comrades said.
right, they still don't trust you. you were an enemy after all.
if satoru was standing beside you, he already protected you but he couldn't, not when he's laying on a bed, cut into half as his comrades gather around to see his situation.
seconds, minutes and an hour passed, there was no progress at all, shoko was losing her strength as she finally surrendered.
she shake her head left to right, indicating that she couldn't do anything at the situation anymore.
they left the room one by one until it was just you, him and shoko.
shoko covered his body with a white cloth as you noticed her clenched her fist.
you were standing by the door, processing the events in your head.
shoko walked past you, taking your hand as she placed something on it. a necklace, something satoru owned as she finally left.
you walked slowly to your lover as you removed the cloth that was covering his face.
your lips started to quiver as you caress his already cold cheeks
"satoru, you are the strongest right? come on, wake up now, my everything."
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until we meet again, mr. gojo satoru
gojo satoru was the strongest in your past life but he died in a gruesome death.
the day he died, the day you were cursed with immortality. a curse where the person you love the most will forget you, and if the time comes that, that person remembers you, you'll disappear.
you stand before a large painting inside a museum where a king and a queen embracing each other, a sword piercing through their bodies as the king cries blood tears.
"mesmerizing, is it not?" a voice said and not just a voice, you recognized it very clearly.
a gasp left your mouth as you as stand face to face with your lover.
"satoru?.." you mumbled in disbelief, taking a one step and another as you embraced the man. "you're finally here! i've been waiting for you." you said as you look up at him.
"ah, i'm sorry but this is the first time we meet." he said and all of your hope disappeared as you took a step back.
"satoru?" another voice called him as he turned around, revealing the person. "there you are! we've been searching for you. this museum's quite big."
"i'm sorry, this painting caught my attention, oh by the way-" satoru looked back only to see no one. he looked around the place, searching for the lady he just spoke with but she was nowhere to be seen.
it was supposed to be you and him. satoru was your soulmate, not the woman you haven't seen in your whole life, they even had a son that almost looked like him.
in the end, you went back to your usual spot, where you and satoru first met when both of you were still a sorcerer.
you leaned your back against the old tree, hugging your knees close to your chest as you cry.
a broken heart was worst than death.
it was always you who dies first in your past lives. did satoru wait for you this long too? did he once watched you fell in love with someone that's not you?
you think not, because whenever you reunite with him, he'll be the first one to recognize you.
it's all because of that stupid witch and the curse she left to you.
how ironic that you always cross paths with the said man.
in the mall, the park, the grocery store and anywhere, you just don't show yourself to him. it'll only break your heart more watching him be happy with someone.
"wait!" he yelled as you tried your best to run away from him. he finally catch up to you as his hand burned your skin. "what the hell?" he said, feeling the same burning sensation.
he didn't even notice that you were already running away.
"just a moment please!" he called. you stopped in your tracks, letting him catch up to you as you faced him.
you wanted to hug him so bad, to kiss him and tell him how much you missed him. but you don't have the rights to do so.
"this is yours." he said, showing you a gold necklace.
you frantically searched the necklace in your pockets and there was none so you harshly took it from his hands.
"my name was engraved on it and another one. is that you? is (name) your name?" he asked as you nod. "you were that lady from the museum, right?"
"what museum?" satoru was about to say something but he was cut off when his phone started ringing.
"ah sorry, my family's looking for me." he said and he didn't know how much those simple words broke your heart.
you watched him walk back to the grocery store, leaving you alone with nothing but a shattered soul.
your name had slipped off his lips accidentally that led an argument between him and his wife.
he's been having a dream with someone but the face was a blur, he couldn't recognize the person.
"satoru." you mumbled as you cupped your lover's cheek with your bloodied hands. "if the gods gave us another chance to live, will you still choose me as your lover?" you said as satoru opened his closed eyes and looked at you.
"satoru, remember when you said that it's like you've known me your whole life?" you asked, looking up at him as you lay your head on his chest. "i think i get it now. it's because we're past lovers, satoru."
"satoru.. it's still me and you, right?" you said as you smiled at him and another chuckle left his glossy lips.
you were on your usual night walk when you're suddenly running out of breath. it was like something was blocking your airway, an invisible hand gripping on your neck as you fell on your knees.
were you finally dying? if so you were glad.
you lay your back on the grass below, your heart beating slower and slower as you gaze at the stars.
"this is gonna be my last life, satoru." you said as if he was around to hear your words.
"(name)!" you heard his familiar voice. you've been thinking of him too much to the point that you were hallucinating.
you felt your body being carried as satoru held you on his arms.
"why are you here?" you said, weakly pushing him away.
"i'm sorry, (name). i'm really sorry." he said, biting back a sob as he embraced you.
"what are you talking about." you said.
"i remember it now, fuck, i remember all of it now. i am so sorry. stay with me, okay? i'll take you to the hospital." he said as he carried you.
"there's no need, there's no cure." you said as he stopped on his tracks.
"this is yours." you said, ignoring him as he took the necklace in your hand.
satoru kneeled on the grass as he took the observed the necklace on his hand.
"ah, i want my satoru..please?" he heard you said and his heart ached at your dying sight. he's seen this many times now but why does it hurt more this time?
"i'm here." he whispered.
"you're not him." you know you were being petty. you shouldn't blame him from the curse that was casted upon you.
satoru was startled when you started crying.
"i'm sorry, 'toru." you said as he smiled at you, wiping your tears with his thumb.
"it's fine, i'm sorry i did not recognize you, my queen, my princess, my everything." he said.
"satoru, this will be the last time we'll see each other. be happy."
"last time?" he shake his head as he cupped your cheek. "no, we'll meet again, right?" he said as you softly laughed
"maybe we will, but you'll have to wait million years for that." you said.
"i don't care how long, i will wait for you."
"i'm grateful to have you as my soulmate, satoru."
"what's happening?" satoru said as your hand were slowly disappearing with the wind.
"the curse was lifted now, satoru." you said as you smiled at him.
"t-then that's good! we'll go home together, okay?"
"that would be impossible, plus you have a family now." you said chuckling bitterly as you sigh. "goodbye, until we meet again, mr.gojo satoru."
satoru could only watch as you disappeared with the winds, another universe where he lost you again and yet he wasn't sure if he'll see you again. maybe someday.
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writerdreamerwhatever · 2 months
If I can have the pleasure of making the first request...🫣 Can you do something with young Remus Lupin? Maybe something really silly and sweet, like, he and the reader are in a secret relationship (kind of to avoid the commotion that James and Sirius would make about the fact that he's dating at all) and somehow he ends up with a face full of faint lipgloss kiss marks, which not even the reader realizes about, until the other marauders notice and discover their secret. Maybe the reader will even join in and tease Remus with them a little?
Sorry if the idea is bad, pls don't feel obligated to do it. I'm really not good at this kind of thing...
Have a good day anyways ☺️
Kisses ~ Young Remus Lupin
“Remus, you’re limping! Please let me help you.” I whisper-yelled at Remus, walking through the corridors.
“I can do it.” He grunts, still in pain from yesterday’s full moon.
“Well, at least let me tend to your injuries!” Remus looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll do it myself.” He said, shaking his head, “I don’t want to be a burden.” He muttered under his breath.
I stopped him dead in his tracks
“A burden? Are you serious?” At that, Remus smirked
“No, Sirius is at the library waiting for us with James. We can’t be anymore late!” He replied quickly, resuming his walk towards the library.
“Sirius and James can wait. Remus, please, at least go to Madame Pomfrey so she can help. I really hate seeing you like that.” It really pained me seeing him in this hurt state.
Remus sighed and clutched his bag tighter.
“Fine, but come with me.”
“You’ll take this right when you wake up and before you go to sleep for the next three days.” Instructed Pomfrey, giving Remus a vial containing a purple potion, “It should help restore your energy back.” With that, she left, going to aid another student.
“Are you happy now?” He asked me, smiling.
“I’m more than happy.” I leaned down, since he was sitting on one of the beds, and kissed him once on the lips.
Looking at him, I chuckled under my breath at the sight of a lipstick mark on his mouth. I decided to kiss him once again the cheek, leaving another mark. Opting against wiping it off, I thought he’d like a little teasing from his friends.
“Let’s go. We can’t make the boys wait any longer.” I grabbed his hand and made our way through the corridors and to the library.
Before entering, I released Remus’ hand, since the boys didn’t know about our relationship. Yet.
At the sight of us, James and Sirius perked up. But once we got closer, they noticed Remus’ face and started laughing. I knew exactly why.
“Hey guys.” Remus said, sitting down opposite them, taking out a book from his bag opening it, ready to study.
I plopped down next to him, and a chorus of hushed exclamations was heard.
“Do you know that red suits you well, Moony?”
“Had a lover and never told us, you traitor.”
Remus quickly lifted his head up, confused.
“What? What are you talking about?”
Sirius and James could only laugh at Remus’ face.
“W-What is it?!” Remus exclaimed looking at me, while I only shrugged, a slight smirk resting on my face.
He could only conjure a small mirror to look at himself. Once noticing, the realization of why they were laughing quickly downed on him.
“Wow, Remus, when were you going to tell us you had a girlfriend?” I asked, deciding to join the teasing, while the other two were dying of laughter.
Remus glared at me, but couldn’t help the smile that was appearing on his face.
“So? Who is it?” Sirius asked, still giggling a bit, nudging James with his elbow.
I leaned my head on my fist and looked at Remus, smiling sweetly. He sighed and glanced at me, chuckling before answering.
“You’d be dumb if you didn’t know who.”
I'm sorry I took too long to write this, but here it is! i hope you like it <3
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Every time I learn something new about Batman: War Games I lose my mind a little bit more cause just, just fuckin, look okay so here's the thing:
Stephanie Brown tries to implement a contingency plan of Bruce's just after he fires her from being Robin and because of that gets tortured to (almost) death and no one knows she survived.
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So, you know, anyone who might be paying even half a fucking ounce of attention to news about ROBINS would definitely absolutely notice this!!!
And then very very soon afterwards Jason comes back and specifically targets Black Mask to ruin the criminal empire he tortured Stephanie to get
As a way to torment Bruce about the fact that he doesn't take care of the nastiest criminals and they continue killing people
And how Jason should have been the last to die
these two things are in no way related and Jason has nothing to do with or say about Stephanie Brown, fellow Robin, fellow martyred soldier, fellow child dead due to Bruce related villains.
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please walk with me down a timeline in which:
Lost Days Jason at first just tries to go after the Joker and can't because who he's really mad at is Bruce.
Then he sees Who Really Killed Stephanie Brown and the utter horror of another Robin dying on Bruce's watch (not just dying, but tortured to death!) is what convinces him to try to straight up kill Bruce via car bomb
Roman Sionis is no longer merely a tool against Batman, but another figure to demand vengeance be brought upon, another attempt to give Bruce a chance to right his wrongs and do what needs to be done
The confrontation with him and the Joker being all the more tragic due to how obvious Bruce's answer would have to be once Jason knows Bruce isn't going to avenge Stephanie either
Does Jason, once he escapes the rubble after UtRH is over, kill Black Mask anyways? Does he decide to avenge her himself? Or does he think that she too would demand that of Bruce, and find his death by a different hand unsatisfactory?
If he doesn't kill Black Mask, then when Steph is back, I feel confident he approaches her, tries to reach out to the other dead Robin, almost certainly makes the offer now that he can ask her. Does she take him up on it, gaining an ally and slipping into a far darker role? Does she instead refuse, either appealing to forgiveness or far more interestingly refusing both vengeance and forgiveness? How would Jason handle a refusal, which I gut instinct feel is more likely?
If he does kill Black Mask, then when Steph is back Jason drops his corpse at her feet like a loving housecat with a dead lizard and she has to grapple with her feelings about having someone really and truly avenge her!!! Like how DO you react to someone who you have been warned is wildly dangerous and mentally unstable coming up to you and saying, "I'm glad you're back, like me. I'm sorry you're back, like me. I made sure you could rest knowing he was dead, because I know what it feels like."
Like no matter how each character reacted to this happening there would be so much high stakes emotional shit to explore with both of them!! Revenge I feel like is such a pivotal thing for both characters, they mirror each other in so so many ways, they could be really interesting together if DC would just fucking let them!!!
Jason had a criminal father who he missed and wanted to avenge. Stephanie had a criminal father who she wanted vengeance on.
Jason started off as a fairly gentle soul who progressively became more violent and more hopeless as he was exposed to genuine horrors during his time as Robin. Stephanie starts off violent, angry and rash and finds her own courage and hope through her time as a crime fighter despite of the horrors she's been through.
Jason went to Africa and died there after Bruce failed to save him. Stephanie was taken to Africa via a fake death in order to save her from Bruce and the vigilante lifestyle.
I just...
There's just...
There's SO MUCH HERE I am genuinely fucking confused as to how this is not all deliberate?? And it's all just left on the cutting room floor because for no reason apparent to me they all just decided Stephanie and Jason were not gonna interact!
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fruitsoxs · 11 months
this is long so i'm putting some under read more
BUT- Thinking about Astarion with a generally good tav/reader. I’m thinking it’s sort of an enemies to lovers type deal, where the two of you start off the adventure by bickering constantly over what to do. You always want to do the right thing, and it absolutely infuriates Astarion. He pushes back whenever he can, because your little rag tag group has other matters that are much more important than saving children, or rescuing girls from some hag. But of course, he’s always outvoted. You are easily annoyed by his constant complaining whenever you want to do something good, and so of course the two of you are almost always at each other's throats.
“Oh I’m sorry that I actually have a heart.” “You should be- we have other matters to attend to. Like, well I don't know, the thing inside our heads!”
However, there are moments where Astarion comes to learn that he genuinely likes your kind heart. When you easily forgive him for…hiding what he truly is. Or how you lie when a hunter is out and about. There are moments where you tend to his wounds in complete silence, gently wrapping a bandage around his arm. And when he says a quiet thank you, you simply nod and move on. 
He’d never say this out loud, and of course continues to act as if you are nothing but a nuisance, but he starts to appreciate you little by little. You are not just some naïve adventurer who will drop dead if someone were to ask. You are the strongest person he knows, someone he could depend on if needed. He watches you fuss over the group, solving everyone’s problems. He sees how much work you put into making everyone comfortable, and how little you ask for in return. And while he thinks you’re a little stupid for it, he also recognizes that most of his disdain comes from the fact that he wishes he had someone like you to save him when he was at his lowest. If good people like you exist, then why did nobody come to his aid? 
So maybe he gets less snippy. He doesn’t roll his eyes every time you put the mission on hold to do favors for others. Maybe he starts to fall for you little by little.
And maybe it all becomes clear to him when you get hurt.
It was supposed to be an easy little mission. A peaceful meeting that you were sure you could talk your way out of (it always surprised him how easily you could lie your way out of fights). And of course, Astarion and you just had to get in a little spat beforehand, so he stays at the campsite while you’re off bringing peace to the world. He doesn’t expect to see the others come rushing into camp, dragging your weak body along. He doesn’t expect to see you so pale, fighting for your very life-
He rushes to your side, demanding to know what happened. Something went wrong, and somehow you ended up stabbed with a poisoned dagger in the midst of a fight. He feels his insides churn when they lay you down on a bed roll, and he watches as you give him a weak smile.
“Hey fangs.” you manage to get out, entering a coughing fit shortly after. Your smile almost fades when you notice how scared Astarion looks. It isn’t like him to be so worried. You don’t like seeing him like that so you whisper. “It’s gonna be okay-” And gods does it infuriate Astarion that you’re still trying to help others, help him, when you’re basically dying by his side. So he snaps a bit.
“And how do you know that?” He bites at you, pain and anger in his voice. You flinch a bit, letting a silence take over for a second. You slowly reach out to grab his shaking hand, your grip so weak. “Just trust me.”
He sits by your side, barking orders at everyone else- demanding someone heal you. He’s a bit of a prick as Shadowheart kneels down to tend to your wounds. He seems so angry, but everyone can see the way he’s clinging to your hand. Everyone knows what’s going on. And after you’re healed, and left to recover, he stays by your side. 
When the rest of the camp is asleep, he gently pushes your hair out of your face while looking you over. He’s just now realized how hard he’s fallen. While you’re protecting everyone else someone has to protect you. He may as well be that person.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Hey soo angst right?
So Miguel x male reader where they have a fight because of miles and miguel just gets really angry and says and or does something that hurts the reader. The reader isn't a spider person but is still important to tge universe. Because of the fight the reader decides to leave because he does want to deal with miguel anymore, and he dicise to just help miles and all
You can end it with fluff or angst, whatever you want :)
Put It Straight
Miguel O’Hara x M!Reader
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[Part 2]
Warnings: angst and swearing
Quote: “This is none of your business! So just go home!”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Y/n was one the few non-spider people working at the spider society. He worked as Miguel’s right hand man because Miguel couldn’t stand leaving y/n alone by himself and because they were dating.
It was a “normal” day in the beginning, but Miguel went off to a meeting, while y/n was on his break. But all of a sudden an alarm went off and everyone got an alert to go after Miles. Y/n knew about the kid, Gwen talked about him all the time. Y/n would occasionally tease her about it.
There were hundreds of different variants of Spider-Man chasing Miles, but one stood out from the rest, Miguel. Miguel seemed ruthless, like he wanted to kill the kid, and y/n was concerned. But what made y/n snap was when Miguel sent Gwen back to her universe.
When Miguel turned around, he saw a fuming y/n.
“Miguel what the fuck was that!” Yelled y/n.
Y/n was one of the only people who could yell at Miguel like that. If anyone else dared to talk to Miguel that way, they were bound to either be dead or in the Er.
“Baby, Not now” Miguel Said.
He was clearly frustrated but didn’t want to yell at y/n.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Not now? You just sent the kid home, where her own father is trying to arrest her! And you see nothing wrong with that!” Y/n yelled.
“Y/n you don’t get it” Miguel said.
“I don’t get it!? First you chased Miles throughout the whole city! And now you sent Gwen home where she could possibly be in danger!” Y/n said.
“He wasn’t supposed to even be here! Because of him, the universe could be destroyed! He found out that his dad was going to die! So he tried to prevent that! He could have destroyed the universe! And for Gwen, she is the whole reason why he is even here to begin with! There! You happy?!” Miguel snapped in anger.
“So you’re saying that he is trying to prevent his dad from dying and you’re trying to stop him?!” Y/n yelled with just as much anger.
“It has happened to all of us! And it’s the consequences of his actions! If he hadn’t followed Gwen then all of this wouldn’t have happened!” Miguel yelled.
“So you’re just going to let the kid’s dad die?! Hasn’t he been through enough, he had to watch his uncle die and now you want him to watch his dad die too?!” Y/n said.
“This is none of your business! So just go home!” Miguel said.
“Weren’t you the one begging for me to come here to work with you? And now it’s none of my business!” Y/n said.
“Y/n- watch who you’re talking to like that, don’t think for one second that I won’t-”
“You won’t what Miguel O’Hara?! I tried, I really tried to understand why you acted like this! I’m sorry, but I’m leaving to go help the kid” Y/n said as he walked away.
“And how exactly do you plan on traveling other universes? You don’t even have a watch!” Miguel said.
“With this” y/n held out a watch while still walking.
Miguel immediately looked at his wrist and noticed that his watch was gone, and started to look y/n and realized y/n took his watch as y/n opened a portal.
“Y/n don’t! You could get killed!” Miguel yelled.
Y/n turned to look back at Miguel one last time with tears in his eyes.
“I love you Miguel” y/n said as he walked inside of the portal.
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Edit]: I'm considering making a part 2 if there is a lot of demand for it
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mustainegf · 2 months
Readwe showing her tits to 80s James for the first time
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James and I were lounging in his living room sprawled on the couch with some movie running in the background, none of the guys were home so it was just us. We did errands earlier that morning (picked up beer and cereal) and then decided to really take it easy for the rest of the day.
He'd always had a knack for making me laugh. His sense of humor was one of the reasons I was first into him. Today was no different. We were joking around about something dumb, and he said something that really had me going. I can't even remember now what it was, but it led to us playfully shoving each other.
"Alright, alright, you win," I said, throwing my hands up mockingly.
James grinned, clearly pleased with himself. "I always win," he said, puffing out his chest dramatically like he always did, whether he knew it out not.
I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips. "Oh, really? Always?"
He nodded, staring at me with all the confidence in the world. "Yep. Always."
"Wanna bet?" I challenged, quirking an eyebrow.
"What's the wager?" he asked, his face inches closer to mine as he leaned in.
I held my breath a second, then let loose. "If I win, you have to do whatever I say for the rest of the day."
James laughed. "And if I win?"
I bit my lip, then suddenly bolder than I had any right to be, told him, "If you win, I'll show you my tits."
His eyes widened, and he stared at me with pure shock, and some sort of childlike joy. "Wait, what?"
I giggled at his stupid reaction. "You heard me."
James did a good number of blinking in an attempt to process the response. "You're serious?"
I nodded again as I tried to keep things straight. "Yep. Dead serious."
He swallowed hard. That was quite a shot to take, actually. "Alright," he said, trying to sound sure of himself, but in his eyes, I could easily see the gloss of excitement. "You're on."
We continued with the light banter, each of us trying to get the better of the other. In the end, it would be James who came out on top of our teasing match. I mentally facepalmed at situation I’d gotten myself into.
"Well, a bet's a bet," I said, standing up from the couch.
James met my eyes, his were shining with nervous excitement. "You don't have to if you don't want to," he blurted out.
I smiled, enjoying his nervousness. "I want to," I replied, working on the hem of my shirt. "Besides, I'm dying to see your reaction."
I then tugged up my shirt and exposed my breasts for the very first time to him. The entire house went silent as this happened, and I watched James's eyes go wide and his mouth fall open.
"Holy shit," he whispered in surprise, eyes locked on my boobs. "Are those real?"
I couldn't help but giggle at him. "Of course, they're real!" I told him, faking offence.
He shook his head, still looking utterly floored. "I just… wow."
I chuckled, staring to feel a bit shy with how he was looking at me. "You're such a dork."
James glanced up at me, this baby blue eyes full with disbelief. "Can I… can I touch them?"
I nodded, rubbing one of my cheeks as they started to flush. "Yeah, sure."
He hesitated for a moment before finally reaching out, his hands vibrating a bit. The instant his hands touched my skin, he took a soft inhale. "They're so soft," he whispered again, squeezing my breasts gently with his warm, calloused hands.
I looked at his face, his eyes were literally that wide with interest as he continued feeling and squeezing. "You're really liking this, aren't you?" I purred, teasing his eagerness.
James then peered up at me, breaking into a wide grin. "Yeah…” he stammered. "They're just… perfect."
I laughed, James really was just a big sweetheart. "You're so silly."
James quickly turned insistent. "I'm serious."
I smiled, still feeling tingly at the feeling of his warm hands on some of my most vulnerable areas. "I'm glad you like ‘em."
He kept squeezing and caressing my breasts, using fingers and hands to explore almost all of my skin area. "I love them.”
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riki-riks-chick · 4 months
jay smut :c
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Life Saver ┃P.JS
Vamp!Jay x Turned!Reader
Jay turns y/n to keep her from dying, but was that the only reason?
cw: smut!, finger fucking, oral (fem rec), unprotected sex, vampire sex, blood mentions (biting/feeding), multiple orgasms, slight obsession, and i think that's it.
wdct: 1.7k
Third Person POV~
You wake up in immense pain, vision blurry and ears ringing. you hear strong voices talking, and that's when you hear the words.  "You should have left her dead. why do you wanna be a hero so bad?" A strong voice rung through your ears as you opened your eyes, turning your head to face the two unfamiliar people, despite your aching head.
As soon as they heard the bed sheets rustle upon your movement, they both snapped their heads towards you. "You're awake! How do you feel!?" One of them rushed towards you, seating himself at the edge of the bed as you let your gaze fall on his platinum blonde head of hair. It framed his face perfectly. "I feel awful.." You spoke, your voice hoarse and raspy as you did. The other man in the room simply scoffed before taking his leave. 
 "Where am I?" You asked, glancing back at the kind man in front of you as he poured you a glass of water from the pitcher on the bedside table. "You're at my house.. You'll be staying here from now on.. Do you remember anything from when you were last awake?" He asked as you raised an inquisitive eyebrow, trying your hardest to remember your last conscious moment. 
 "Uhm.. I remember walking home after going out with my friends.. Those guys dragged me into that- wait.. what happened to me, and how did you find me?" You questioned as the man laughed nervously. "I saved your life..  It's a long story, really." He said as you shot up, immediately regretting the decision as your vision went blurry. "Steady.. The affects haven't worn off yet.. It's best to lay down for now.. Drink some water.."
You took a sip of water before laying back down. The second your head hit the cool silk pillow case, you felt somewhat at ease. "What's wrong with me? What affects are you talking about?" You asked as he sighed. "Promise not to freak out?.." He asked as you nodded. 
"I didn't want you to just die like that.. You looked so innocent, and... I may have turned you into vampire to keep you alive.." He explained as you stared at him, completely and utterly shocked. "I- I'm a vampire?" You stuttered out, and he nodded. "Yes, but it's hardly been long enough for the urges to kick in. Once you're okay to stand we can go through with your first feeding."
 "I'm a vampire!?" You repeated as he sighed. "Yes, but it's fine.. It's not much different from being human.. You're just immortal and have an undying thirst for human blood." He responded in a failed attempt to ease your mind, but you were still processing. "I'm a monster..."
 "Okay ouch.. We're not all monsters.. We live just like anyone else.. We didn't ask for this.." He said as you sighed. "Sorry..." You mumbled as he nodded. "It's whatever.. Get some rest and I'll check on you later.."
The second he left, the pulsing pain returned, making you wince. You couldn't even wrap your head around how much of a fucked up situation you were in. Eventually you fell back asleep, that way you wouldn't be distracted by the pain.
A few hours later, you were awaken by the same man as before. He was dressed differently this time, the dark clothing a stalking contrast against the white and gold face of the room.
He looked handsome, something you had hardly noticed before, and the sight of him seemed to ease your mind. "How are you feeling?.." He asked gently, his hand trailing your torso, it felt electrifying.
"I feel thirsty..." You explain simply, but he seems to understand perfectly. "I don't know if you're strong enough for your first feed, but you can feed off of me.." 
"What?..." You sound hesitant, but he brushes your hair out of your face, shushing you. "Don't worry... Every human has tasted blood before.. Just think of it as licking a bleeding cut.."
He then bites his wrist, his fangs stained crimson as he pulls you to sit up, letting you get your fill off of him. He runs his fingers through your hair in the process, easing you through it as you eventually pull away, your lips stained red, and your fangs peeking out curiously, the tips matching the same red color of your lips.
You seem to feel much better after your first feeding, but the glint in his eyes shows pure hunger. He leans in, capturing your lips with his own as he clears your lips of the crimson hue painting them. 
He pulls back, eyes glowing red as he smiles seductively. "I'm Jay..." He introduces before kissing you again, this time straddling you. His hands are planted on either side of you, hips meeting yours as you slide your hands up and over his shoulders, tugging him closer.
Something about him is simply impossible to resist, even the headache from earlier went away the second he got close. "Is this okay?.." He asks, his eyes almost begging you to say yes, and when you nod, he's sitting up, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. You help him, sliding it off of his toned shoulders as you undo his pants as well,  
He stares at you, in a daze almost as he watches you undo his pants, sliding them just barely past his hips before palming him through his boxers. He allows you to touch him for a bit before he grows too impatient, pushing your hand away before kicking off his pants completely. 
He then tugs at your shorts, tugging them off of you along with your silk panties, letting them litter the floor with the rest of his clothes. "You're really pretty... I have to say..." He whispers, running his finger over your hole as he spreads your folds. "So wet.. Good." He smirks, sliding a finger into you as a means of teasing. 
It's only one, and it's not that deep, but fuck it feels good. It's unbelievable how good he's making you feel off of one finger, and once he adds a second you can't even focus. 
"Holy fuck..." You grab his hand, moaning as he grasps your wrist, moving your hand. "Does it feel good?.." He asks, despite need of an answer. You nod, biting your lip as you tilt your head back against the pillows.
Jay pulls his fingers out of you, leaning down to kiss you again as he removes his boxers. "You know... I couldn't bring myself to leave you when I saw you like that.. I got this feeling, and it made me crave you.. Not in a vampiric way though."
You're hearing every word he says, but you can't seem to focus. He presses his tip against you, rubbing his cockhead along your glistening folds. "Can I? Please?.." He asks as you nods, moaning as he slowly pushes into you, filling you up completely.
He doesn't wait to move, his hips making slow efforts as he thrusts into you. His cock is deep inside you and you're seeing stars already.
You don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that your senses are now heightened, but you feel so much more sensitive than before.
"Jay..." You moan his name, feeling your stomach turn pleasurably with each thrust. His cockhead creates a bulge in your lower abdomen with each thrust, and he presses down on it, making everything feel ten times better. "Fuck.."
You feel like you've already experienced an orgasm, but you know for sure you haven't. Everything just seems so much better with him right now.
"If you feel like you need to cum, just let go... Trust me it won't be the last." He mutters lowly, thrusting harder as he slides his hand underneath your shirt, groping your breast. "Fuck Jay.." You grip his wrist, growing closer to your release with each burning touch. "I'm gonna cum.."
He smiles at your words, his hips seeming to increase the speed of their movements. "Cum for me, princess.. Let it all go."
His words seem to send you over the edge as a bout of pleasure blooms in the pit of your stomach. He's now leading you through the best orgasm, hips still moving fiercly against yours as you moan extremely loud.
He fucks you through your orgasm, wanting to push you over the edge even more. You feel incredible. Words getting mixed up, and just overall incoherent.
It's not long before he's coming undone too, thrusting hard, but slower as he cums inside you, filling you with his essence. "Stop clenching around me, fuck.."
He pulls out slowly, watching his white substance spill out of you as he runs his fingers through it, sucking them clean afterwards. "What a pretty little mess."
You're simply watching his every move, already feeling fucked out.
He lowers himself between your legs, licking your cunt from bottom to top as he sucks on your clit, lapping up the mess of cum between your legs.
You squirm beneath him, letting out little whines and whimpers as you tug on his hair. "Jay... Please.." The pleasure is intense and Jay knows it, he's obsessed with the way he's making you feel right now.
"You taste so good, princess..." He's breathing needily against your pussy, licking into it as he slides his fingers into your hole, moving them in and out at a fast pace while focusing his tongue on your clit.
You feel the all too familiar feeling build up inside you again as he continues to eat at your dripping cunt, his fingers fucking into you slightly faster with every passing minute.
You give no warning as you cum, but he's fully prepared for it, lapping up every fluid you let out for him.
When he finally pulls away, chin glistening with your liquids, he pulls his fingers out of you, sticking them into your mouth to make you taste yourself.
You moan around his fingers, gripping his wrist as he smirks down at you. After a short while, he pulls his hand away, leaning in to kiss you. His cock is pressed against you, fully erect and ready to fuck you again. "I hope you enjoy tonight because I want to be like this for the rest of eternity..."
I hope this was good 🫣
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
The Sound of Being Loved
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Possibly OOC. I'm posting this at like 12am and I am so tired sleepy but I needed to finish this Or Else
Warnings: some hurt/comfort, talk about The Scar™️
Word Count: 737
Astarion let out a stiff breath as your fingers brushed over the scar. The poem. The sigil. Whatever it was Cazador'd carved into his back.
You'd asked him about it before. He'd answer curtly and bitterly - as he’d always done when his master was the subject of conversation. But that was so long ago now. At least, it felt quite long ago. He couldn't really be sure. All he knew was things were finally dying down and becoming normal. As normal as things could be, anyway. And you couldn't stop yourself from asking again.
That's how you ended up straddling his thighs as he laid chest-down on the bed.
"Tell me if you want me to stop," you reminded him softly. You kept repeating the phrase when he tensed beneath your fingers, or got that quiet, distant aura about him.
He hummed, turning his head to peek over his shoulder at you. He offered the most reassuring smile he could muster. "Go on," he encouraged. "He's dead - it doesn't matter anymore."
You tilted your head. Sharp eyes studied him, searching for any hint of a lie. He sighed quietly as your hand massaged the back of his neck. "But it still happened," you said, "you still hate it."
He smirked, but his quiet voice gave away the false confidence. "You know me too well, darling."
"Yes," you leaned down to kiss his cheek, "I do." He turned his head slightly more to catch your lips for a momentary kiss. Your lips hovered over his, eyes boring into his soul, searching. "I can stop."
"No. Please. I... I want you to know every part of me. I trust you."
You kissed him once more, languid and sweet, before sitting back up. He closed his eyes and tried to relax under your fingers. They danced across his back, tracing each line in their circular pattern. One hand slid to his waist to thumb circles into his side. He wondered why for a moment. Surely it would be easier to feel each infernal letter with both hands? Then he realized: it was a distraction. You were giving him something to focus on while you studied his back. His undead heart stuttered in his chest.
“I could translate it,” you whisper. It’s a gentle offer. “If you wanted to know what it says.”
Cazador is dead, he reminds himself. Whatever the bastard carved into his skin, it shouldn’t hold so much power over him anymore. But the thought of knowing exactly what was written there… His lips pursed.
You pressed a kiss to his spine, in between the circles of text. He lets out a breath. “No. Let it die with him.”
You’re quiet as you go back to tracing. He wonders if you’re translating it in your mind. He… doesn’t mind the thought - not as much as he thought he would. He trusts you, enough to know you would take the words to your grave. They would never be used against him, held over him as leverage. They’d just sit in a corner of your mind and collect dust, until their meaning is lost forever. He doesn’t mind that at all.
Once you’ve felt all of the letters, your hand traces the circles themselves. Starting right at the center, you go out ring by ring. Where scarred lines branch off, you ghost your touch up and down the ridges. There are several at the bottom of the scar. It almost looks like dripping wax, sealed into his skin forever. Imagining what it was like hurts too much.
He peeks over his shoulder again as he feels your hands, full, flat-palmed on his skin, sliding over his sides. You lay on top of him, sliding your arms around him, squished between his stomach and the bed. You’re so warm. Your head rests between his shoulder blades, breaths sliding across his back and shoulders like a warm summer breeze. His body fully relaxed into the affection. All tension faded away, and he allowed his eyes to close in the comfort.
“I love you,” you hum near his ear. “My beautiful star.”
Astarion smiles. “I love you, too. My dearest blood donor.” He relishes in the way you laugh against him, full and bright and free. And he hopes, when he’s lived for centuries more, and loses the spark of life in his eye, he remembers exactly how it sounds to be loved.
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