#I'm going to do another version later but that will take time
micechicken · 6 months
Eyes by Bastille
This is every use of the word "Eye" and variations in Bastille songs (and covers + Dan's solo work). I may be missing something but I tried my best.
It uses variations of the songs too, but not ALL of them cause that's just much lol. Ironically the song with a music video with a lot of eyes (Blame) doesn't have the word, but I used the picture of eyes from it lol. Naturally the easiest one to compile was Weight of Living Pt. I and the hardest was Starry Eyed with 12 😭
Here they are in order of apperence:
Poet 4x Family Ties 4x Haunt 1x Haunt (Dan's version) 1x Weight of Living Pt. I 8x The Draw 2x What Would you Do? 1x Skulls 1x Run for Trouble 1x Eight Hours 2x Pompeii 6x Irreverence 1x Starry Eyed 12x Bite Down 1x Thelma and Louise 4x Back to the Future 2x Give me the Future 1x Those Nights 2x Joy 1x Laura Palmer 1x Good Lesson 1x Basement 2x Drop it like it's Royal Mashup 1x Fake It 2x Good Grief 1x I don't want to miss a thing / It's the End of the world as we know it 3x Send Them Off! 1x Thinkin Ahead 1x Two Evils 1x Warmth 1x Would I Lie to You? 7x Falling 1x Forever Ever 1x Pompeii MMXXIII 6x Free 1x Love Don't Live Here 1x Requiem for Blue Jeans 1x Sweet Pompeii 3x Killing Me Softly with His Song 1x Beating Heart (Laura Palmer Demo) 1x Laura Palmer Simlish Version (Sims 3 Supernatural) 1x
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How I got scammed
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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I wuz robbed.
More specifically, I was tricked by a phone-phisher pretending to be from my bank, and he convinced me to hand over my credit-card number, then did $8,000+ worth of fraud with it before I figured out what happened. And then he tried to do it again, a week later!
Here's what happened. Over the Christmas holiday, I traveled to New Orleans. The day we landed, I hit a Chase ATM in the French Quarter for some cash, but the machine declined the transaction. Later in the day, we passed a little credit-union's ATM and I used that one instead (I bank with a one-branch credit union and generally there's no fee to use another CU's ATM).
A couple days later, I got a call from my credit union. It was a weekend, during the holiday, and the guy who called was obviously working for my little CU's after-hours fraud contractor. I'd dealt with these folks before – they service a ton of little credit unions, and generally the call quality isn't great and the staff will often make mistakes like mispronouncing my credit union's name.
That's what happened here – the guy was on a terrible VOIP line and I had to ask him to readjust his mic before I could even understand him. He mispronounced my bank's name and then asked if I'd attempted to spend $1,000 at an Apple Store in NYC that day. No, I said, and groaned inwardly. What a pain in the ass. Obviously, I'd had my ATM card skimmed – either at the Chase ATM (maybe that was why the transaction failed), or at the other credit union's ATM (it had been a very cheap looking system).
I told the guy to block my card and we started going through the tedious business of running through recent transactions, verifying my identity, and so on. It dragged on and on. These were my last hours in New Orleans, and I'd left my family at home and gone out to see some of the pre-Mardi Gras krewe celebrations and get a muffalata, and I could tell that I was going to run out of time before I finished talking to this guy.
"Look," I said, "you've got all my details, you've frozen the card. I gotta go home and meet my family and head to the airport. I'll call you back on the after-hours number once I'm through security, all right?"
He was frustrated, but that was his problem. I hung up, got my sandwich, went to the airport, and we checked in. It was total chaos: an Alaska Air 737 Max had just lost its door-plug in mid-air and every Max in every airline's fleet had been grounded, so the check in was crammed with people trying to rebook. We got through to the gate and I sat down to call the CU's after-hours line. The person on the other end told me that she could only handle lost and stolen cards, not fraud, and given that I'd already frozen the card, I should just drop by the branch on Monday to get a new card.
We flew home, and later the next day, I logged into my account and made a list of all the fraudulent transactions and printed them out, and on Monday morning, I drove to the bank to deal with all the paperwork. The folks at the CU were even more pissed than I was. The fraud that run up to more than $8,000, and if Visa refused to take it out of the merchants where the card had been used, my little credit union would have to eat the loss.
I agreed and commiserated. I also pointed out that their outsource, after-hours fraud center bore some blame here: I'd canceled the card on Saturday but most of the fraud had taken place on Sunday. Something had gone wrong.
One cool thing about banking at a tiny credit-union is that you end up talking to people who have actual authority, responsibility and agency. It turned out the the woman who was processing my fraud paperwork was a VP, and she decided to look into it. A few minutes later she came back and told me that the fraud center had no record of having called me on Saturday.
"That was the fraudster," she said.
Oh, shit. I frantically rewound my conversation, trying to figure out if this could possibly be true. I hadn't given him anything apart from some very anodyne info, like what city I live in (which is in my Wikipedia entry), my date of birth (ditto), and the last four digits of my card.
Wait a sec.
He hadn't asked for the last four digits. He'd asked for the last seven digits. At the time, I'd found that very frustrating, but now – "The first nine digits are the same for every card you issue, right?" I asked the VP.
I'd given him my entire card number.
The thing is, I know a lot about fraud. I'm writing an entire series of novels about this kind of scam:
And most summers, I go to Defcon, and I always go to the "social engineering" competitions where an audience listens as a hacker in a soundproof booth cold-calls merchants (with the owner's permission) and tries to con whoever answers the phone into giving up important information.
But I'd been conned.
Now look, I knew I could be conned. I'd been conned before, 13 years ago, by a Twitter worm that successfully phished out of my password via DM:
That scam had required a miracle of timing. It started the day before, when I'd reset my phone to factory defaults and reinstalled all my apps. That same day, I'd published two big online features that a lot of people were talking about. The next morning, we were late getting out of the house, so by the time my wife and I dropped the kid at daycare and went to the coffee shop, it had a long line. Rather than wait in line with me, my wife sat down to read a newspaper, and so I pulled out my phone and found a Twitter DM from a friend asking "is this you?" with a URL.
Assuming this was something to do with those articles I'd published the day before, I clicked the link and got prompted for my Twitter login again. This had been happening all day because I'd done that mobile reinstall the day before and all my stored passwords had been wiped. I entered it but the page timed out. By that time, the coffees were ready. We sat and chatted for a bit, then went our own ways.
I was on my way to the office when I checked my phone again. I had a whole string of DMs from other friends. Each one read "is this you?" and had a URL.
Oh, shit, I'd been phished.
If I hadn't reinstalled my mobile OS the day before. If I hadn't published a pair of big articles the day before. If we hadn't been late getting out the door. If we had been a little more late getting out the door (so that I'd have seen the multiple DMs, which would have tipped me off).
There's a name for this in security circles: "Swiss-cheese security." Imagine multiple slices of Swiss cheese all stacked up, the holes in one slice blocked by the slice below it. All the slices move around and every now and again, a hole opens up that goes all the way through the stack. Zap!
The fraudster who tricked me out of my credit card number had Swiss cheese security on his side. Yes, he spoofed my bank's caller ID, but that wouldn't have been enough to fool me if I hadn't been on vacation, having just used a pair of dodgy ATMs, in a hurry and distracted. If the 737 Max disaster hadn't happened that day and I'd had more time at the gate, I'd have called my bank back. If my bank didn't use a slightly crappy outsource/out-of-hours fraud center that I'd already had sub-par experiences with. If, if, if.
The next Friday night, at 5:30PM, the fraudster called me back, pretending to be the bank's after-hours center. He told me my card had been compromised again. But: I hadn't removed my card from my wallet since I'd had it replaced. Also, it was half an hour after the bank closed for the long weekend, a very fraud-friendly time. And when I told him I'd call him back and asked for the after-hours fraud number, he got very threatening and warned me that because I'd now been notified about the fraud that any losses the bank suffered after I hung up the phone without completing the fraud protocol would be billed to me. I hung up on him. He called me back immediately. I hung up on him again and put my phone into do-not-disturb.
The following Tuesday, I called my bank and spoke to their head of risk-management. I went through everything I'd figured out about the fraudsters, and she told me that credit unions across America were being hit by this scam, by fraudsters who somehow knew CU customers' phone numbers and names, and which CU they banked at. This was key: my phone number is a reasonably well-kept secret. You can get it by spending money with Equifax or another nonconsensual doxing giant, but you can't just google it or get it at any of the free services. The fact that the fraudsters knew where I banked, knew my name, and had my phone number had really caused me to let down my guard.
The risk management person and I talked about how the credit union could mitigate this attack: for example, by better-training the after-hours card-loss staff to be on the alert for calls from people who had been contacted about supposed card fraud. We also went through the confusing phone-menu that had funneled me to the wrong department when I called in, and worked through alternate wording for the menu system that would be clearer (this is the best part about banking with a small CU – you can talk directly to the responsible person and have a productive discussion!). I even convinced her to buy a ticket to next summer's Defcon to attend the social engineering competitions.
There's a leak somewhere in the CU systems' supply chain. Maybe it's Zelle, or the small number of corresponding banks that CUs rely on for SWIFT transaction forwarding. Maybe it's even those after-hours fraud/card-loss centers. But all across the USA, CU customers are getting calls with spoofed caller IDs from fraudsters who know their registered phone numbers and where they bank.
I've been mulling this over for most of a month now, and one thing has really been eating at me: the way that AI is going to make this kind of problem much worse.
Not because AI is going to commit fraud, though.
One of the truest things I know about AI is: "we're nowhere near a place where bots can steal your job, we're certainly at the point where your boss can be suckered into firing you and replacing you with a bot that fails at doing your job":
I trusted this fraudster specifically because I knew that the outsource, out-of-hours contractors my bank uses have crummy headsets, don't know how to pronounce my bank's name, and have long-ass, tedious, and pointless standardized questionnaires they run through when taking fraud reports. All of this created cover for the fraudster, whose plausibility was enhanced by the rough edges in his pitch - they didn't raise red flags.
As this kind of fraud reporting and fraud contacting is increasingly outsourced to AI, bank customers will be conditioned to dealing with semi-automated systems that make stupid mistakes, force you to repeat yourself, ask you questions they should already know the answers to, and so on. In other words, AI will groom bank customers to be phishing victims.
This is a mistake the finance sector keeps making. 15 years ago, Ben Laurie excoriated the UK banks for their "Verified By Visa" system, which validated credit card transactions by taking users to a third party site and requiring them to re-enter parts of their password there:
This is exactly how a phishing attack works. As Laurie pointed out, this was the banks training their customers to be phished.
I came close to getting phished again today, as it happens. I got back from Berlin on Friday and my suitcase was damaged in transit. I've been dealing with the airline, which means I've really been dealing with their third-party, outsource luggage-damage service. They have a terrible website, their emails are incoherent, and they officiously demand the same information over and over again.
This morning, I got a scam email asking me for more information to complete my damaged luggage claim. It was a terrible email, from a noreply@ email address, and it was vague, officious, and dishearteningly bureaucratic. For just a moment, my finger hovered over the phishing link, and then I looked a little closer.
On any other day, it wouldn't have had a chance. Today – right after I had my luggage wrecked, while I'm still jetlagged, and after days of dealing with my airline's terrible outsource partner – it almost worked.
So much fraud is a Swiss-cheese attack, and while companies can't close all the holes, they can stop creating new ones.
Meanwhile, I'll continue to post about it whenever I get scammed. I find the inner workings of scams to be fascinating, and it's also important to remind people that everyone is vulnerable sometimes, and scammers are willing to try endless variations until an attack lands at just the right place, at just the right time, in just the right way. If you think you can't get scammed, that makes you especially vulnerable:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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hedgehog-moss · 9 months
In previous years I've tried uprooting small fir trees in my woods to use as Christmas trees, making sure to be gentle in the process and keep as much of their root system as I could, but when I replanted them in the woods later it just never worked. The trees didn't appreciate being treated like this, so last year I didn't even try replanting my Christmas tree and just fed it to the llamas (who did appreciate.)
I meant to do the same this year, and on my to-do list this week I had "cut a Christmas tree" and "get rid of 10m2 of broom plants" (this is on my to-do list in perpetuity. They grow so rampantly, if I didn't fight back there would be no pasture left.)
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^ But then after I went and cut a bunch of horrible brooms I thought, well this is absurd, I'm going to kill a perfectly nice fir tree that I have no beef with, to have something green in my living-room for Christmas, when I could humiliate my plant nemesis by festooning its slain offspring with tinsel? I mean, shrubs are green. They fit the bill. I bet with a star on top they could pass for a Christmas tree.
At first I tried to cut a tall and large broom, then poke holes in its trunk with my drill to stick smaller broom branches in there like this: \o/ to give it a rough Christmas tree shape. It didn't work. Brooms as it turns out are extremely dense and fibrous and my drill didn't like drilling into them one bit.
So I lowered my expectations, and started gathering a big bouquet of younger brooms (the only positive aspect of broom invasiveness is that I have an infinite number of shrubs to experiment on. I cut a half dozen of them to try and drill holes into them and by the time I gave up, another two dozen had grown back in their place). I tied up my broom bouquet into something vaguely reminiscent of a fir and, I mean, with a star, it sort of looks the part?
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I had to do the tying-up part several times, because the pretty and festive golden string I initially used was too weak. This bouquet of broom branches may look placid and easygoing in photographs, but when tied together tightly, it is determined to free itself.
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But I managed to tame it using hay bale string. It didn't look happy with its fate, but I mean, it's a broom shrub. Its only ambition in life is to conquer as much pasture territory as possible and add it to its broom empire. It does not want to be a decorative plant in a living-room.
Take any historical figure who was mainly known as a ruthless conqueror and try to picture turning him into a Christmas tree. He won't look happy about it.
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I ended up making two Christmas Brooms, one for the greenhouse and one for my living-room. The greenhouse one was originally meant for the living-room, but it was made up of particularly obstinate Pampe-like branches and I was worried one of my cats would poke it and the "tree" would suddenly break its chains in an explosion of vegetal triumph and traumatise the cat.
It may look like a peaceful Christmas Yew in the below pic, but don't underestimate its very strong desire to free itself from even the tough hay bale string, which forced me to use my garlands to tie it up some more, wrapping them around the "tree" less loosely and festively than usual. But I put my biggest star on top and that means it looks like a Christmas tree. A Christmas tree with a restraining order.
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This tree is held together with tinsel, threats, and Christmas magic.
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In the dark and from afar you really can't tell it's a bunch of unruly invasive shrubs tied together <3 And here's the much thinner and therefore less angry version in my living-room:
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It was tilting to the left somewhat worryingly so I put a heavy stuffed hedgehog at the bottom to stabilise it, and a mountain goat at the top to dissuade it. All hands on deck. They both look somewhat petrified, like they are begging the faux-tree to remain a tree for the duration of the holidays...
Thus ends my Christmas Broom journey. It was a bit of a pain to set up but at least an innocent fir out there got to escape a grim fate (devoured by llamas), and a small gang of invasive shrubs get to be looked at with approval and joy for the first time in their life. It's a win-win.
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Multiverse Police
I've seen the idea that GIW is actually SCP foundation somewhere, and lately, I've been thinking a lot about Fenton Happy Ending, so I bring you this. Behold, GIW/SCP, Team Phantom, and Fentons are working all together, and the whole wide multiverse fears them.
So, a giant green Lazarus Pit that looks more like a vortex than an actual Pit randomly opens in, say, Ohio. Because I heard a lot of weird shit happens in Ohio. The world is worried, JL gets sent there, but they are not exactly sure of what to do with it. Nothing comes out of it, and, well, no one is volunteering to just jump inside it - Batman made everyone read his files on Lazarus Waters, and they are reasonably wary.
But then a thing appears literally out of thin air on top of it. It looks like a spaceship, kind of, but more sci-fi than what real spaceships look like. And before anyone says anything, a large green - Lazarus green - dome appears, effectively covering both the ship and the Pit and cutting the heroes off.
The heroes are Confused (tm). And worried. And no one has an idea of what the fuck is going on, for all they know it could be some kind of yet another alien invasion.
Then, two figures on the hoverboards - one read and one teal - come out of the ship, flying over the Pit. They are followed by drones, and they all look like they are... scanning the Pit? A few more people, wearing black visors and shiny white suits that look like they are packed with all kinds of tech, slide down on the ropes straight inside the Pit. It sure looks like they are very familiar with it and have a good idea of what they are doing, working as a team.
One of the figures on the hoverboard, the one in a teal suit, notices the heroes on the other side of the green dome. She - because both of them look feminine enough - slows down and flies down to the ground, landing in front of Superman and taking off her helmet. It reveals a rather young, no older than twenty years old girl with fiery red hair tied in a bun, with eyes the same color as her suit. She smiles at them.
"Hi, you must be the Justice League?" She asks politely, and as Superman gives her a nod just out of surprise at her friendly attitude, she touches her ear, "Mom, this is DC sector universe. Pretty sure it's not a dimension we've been before, though." She turns back to Superman, "You don't recognize any of this, do you?"
Batman intervenes before Supes has the time to answer, "Who are you?"
The girl nods and taps her ear again, "Yeah, they definitely don't know us. So mark it as either an unfamiliar dimension or an unfamiliar timeline." Then she turns to Batman and smiles.
"You can call us interdimensional police. And since all the Batmans we ever encountered never believed us, I'm going to send you a copy of the files your other versions complied all together, so you can read and add more if you feel like it."
She touches her wrist computer, and, a few moments later, Batman's comm comes online with Oracle's voice:
"B, I'm getting a shit ton of files on... Multiverse Law Enforcement?.. out of nowhere. What's going on?"
Now, JL is baffled. Some of them - Flashes and Bats, for example - knew there was a whole wide multiverse going on, but to learn the multiverse has police? That's new.
Meanwhile, the redhead continues:
"The green thing behind me is a natural portal to the Infinite Realms, the dimension between dimensions. Which is really not what is supposed to be happening, so we are in the process of fixing it. It will take from ten minutes to a few hours, depending on what's on the other side, but the portal will be gone soon, and then I'll have to ask you some questions."
"Questions about what?" Asks Flash, and the girl waves her hand in the air.
"Oh, well, about the portals? If one so big is opening up, it means a few smaller ones had to exist in this dimension already. Our tech is not picking them up if they are smaller than a certain size, but you must have seen them before. I believe in the DC sector, you call them Lazarus Pits? We can take care of them later, too."
The second hoverboarder flies closer to them and revs her engine.
"Jazz, talk to them later, Tucker and Agents are done. Fentons are about to get Dannies down, so you need to either come up or leave the shield."
The girl - Jazz - looks surprised.
"Dan, too?"
"Yeah, it's the Toothy Jungle on the other side. They wanted to ask Ember, but, eh, what's her guitar gonna do to plants, even if they are sentient?" The red hoverboarder shrugs, and Jazz tilts her head, looking back to the heroes.
"I think I'll stay with them. You know it gets violent when Dan goes down, so people get antsy about us. I don't want to give the wrong impression."
The other girl huffs, but doesn't argue.
"Okay. Get out of the shield, then, and for Ancients sake, keep your comm open. Danny has an aneurysm every time you turn it off." With that, she flies away, back to the ship, and Jazz taps her hoverboard so it folds down into a hexagon shape no bigger than a backpack. Then, she steps through the shield, joining the JL on the other side of it.
"Are you not scared we might take you hostage?" Asks Wonder Woman just out of curiosity, and Jazz smiles pleasantly at her.
"Don't judge a girl by her looks. I don't want to brag, but I did fist fight Superman once and won."
So basically, after Amity Park got sucked into Infinite Realms, the whole town just kind of collectively decided they like it there. And somehow they reached a happily ever after with both Danny's reveal to his parents and GIW, and then Clockwork showed up and was like, you guys want human food supply, running water and electricity, right? Well, I can do that, and so much more, you can be the ultimate perfect town. And for the price? You gonna go on adventures from time to time and fix the multiverse when shit hits the fan in various dimensions and universes. Doesn't that sound like fun?
And Amity Park, who's seen so much weird stuff over the years that it greatly affected their idea of common sense, goes yeah, that does sound fun! Let's go, people!
So here they are, appearing in different universes and doing damage control. They are, like, the superheroes for superheroes.
I'm probably going to write a part 2 to it, I want to show off Danny and Dan and Dani too. Halfas on the loose, JL is mildly concerned and kind of scared, and Jazz is just like yeah, that's just another regular Tuesday :)
I love Jazz being a badass, yes. Also, if you didn't get it, the other one on the hoverboard is Val, the drones are controlled by Tucker, and the people on the ropes are GIW agents.
| next -> |
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youryanderedaddy · 8 months
Tw: female reader, obsessive thoughts, nsfw, dub - con (reader is intoxicated), hinted stealthing
I'm thinking about a sweet, shy boyfriend who slowly but surely grows insecure, paranoid and jealous.
At first he's everything you've ever wanted - you're his first girlfriend and he does everything in his power to make you feel loved and appreciated.
As time passes, this doesn't change - he's still treating you like a goddess. But you are both different people now. You mature and you change, you blossom into a more radiant version of yourself. You finally get your dream job. As you gain more experience and wisdom, you begin to realize you want more from life than the small provincial town you've spent your whole life in.
In the beginning he supports you fully - he wants to see you happy after all. But then you start coming home later and later, looking more tired than the day before. Your friend circle broadens, and you spend more and more time outside of your shared home. Before the man knows it, it's Friday evening again and he's passively staring at you while you fix your makeup and adjust the tight dress (his favourite), ready to go to yet another networking event - for the third time this week.
You kiss his cheek, telling him not to wait up, just like that - no sweet words, no reasurrings or tempting promises, nothing he can cling onto in the darkness of your empty bedroom. Your perfume still lingers in the heavy air, making him light - headed. He can't stand it anymore - he buries his face in your pillow, savoring your smell, then he wraps the soft plush around his throbbing length and just thrusts, pathetic broken moans muffled by his own hand. He thinks about your smile and your eyes and the way you say his name and--
Fuck, now your pillow is all dirty again. Your boyfriend can't remember the last time he got to touch you directly. Recently you're always too tired or stressed out when you come back home, and though he's been respectful of your wishes, he's just so pent up at this point - all his dreams consist of you in compromising positions covered in silk and lace and nothing else. Just thinking about it gets him hard all over again.
So this night when you come home drunk and needy, climbing over his lap, he doesn't bulge - doesn't push you off. He doesn't like your new life - having to share you with all those people who don't deserve you, having to stay aside and watch as you give yourself away to people who couldn't care less. He's the one who cares about you so much he's going crazy every second you're apart. He's your real family, he's the only one that should matter to you.
And that night as he fucks you raw for the first time in forever, his cock stretching your velvety walls beyond reason, your blissed out moans and cute little cries tell him exactly what he wants to hear. You're finally letting go, finally allowing yourself to feel safe and protected in his arms. This is your home, this is where you belong. Your body is calling out to him to take control - and he intends to do just that.
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spencereidluver · 10 months
D is for Diana
august 25, 2008
summary: You overhear Spencer calling his mother and telling her about you and how he's finally found someone like him and who can understand him.
word count: 675
warnings: none, just fluff and spencer crushing
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It was a normal Monday morning. The sounds of files rustling and pens against paper filled the room as people filled out their weekly paperwork. The only thing off was the slow speed the certified genius across from you was working. There was something on his mind, but from the look on his face, you could tell he wasn’t in the mood to share.
“Hey Spence, I’m gonna go make some coffee in a little bit, do you want some?” You asked, trying to find a way of cheering him up without trying to pry at him. 
“I’m good, thank you though.” He said without so much as looking up from his desk.
You let him work for a little longer, before you finally let it get the best of you, and you just had to ask him. “Okay, Spencer,” you said, finally getting him to look up at you for the first time this morning. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he responded. “I’m just waiting on a phone call from my mom.”
That made sense. Spencer always got nervous when his mother was brought up. His phone rang moments later, seemingly right on cue. “I’m gonna take this in the conference room, I’ll be back.” 
Spencer opened his phone as he stood up, greeting his mother with a warm “hello.” He quickly ran up the stairs, nearly hitting himself with the conference room door as he entered. You giggled to yourself before getting up and making your way to the kitchen to make the coffee you’d thought about earlier.
With a freshly made cup of coffee in your hand, you couldn’t help but follow your unconscious lead to the conference room, leaning against the door to make sure Spencer’s conversation with his mom was going well. You weren’t trying to be weird or creepy, you just were trying to look out for your friend. You knew sometimes his mom said things that hurt him, mostly without realizing it.
As you reached the conference, you heard the squeaky giggle you’ve heard so many times come from behind the door. You almost left it at that, but curiosity got the best of you as you leaned your ear against the wooden door.
“No, mom. She’s perfect,” you heard Spencer say. “Everything about her is perfect.”
There was a pause, Diana was talking. You wondered who he was talking about. Spencer hadn’t talked to you about a special lady before. Maybe you’d stick around a little longer.
Spencer began to speak again. “No, she is the nicest person I’ve ever met. She’s gorgeous too, mom… No, I haven't asked her out… No, no she doesn’t have a boyfriend… I just don’t want to ruin our friendship. And I don’t want to make work awkward if she says no.”
Work? The girl he liked was at work? 
“I can’t just ignore her if she says no mom. Our desks are right across from each other. I’d have to face her every day.”
Oh my god. He was talking about you. Your face turned a shade of red so dark it might be classified as maroon. Your stomach had so many butterflies it felt like it was migration season. 
You heard Spencer begin to tell his mom he’d have to be going soon, and you decided you’d better hurry back to your desk so he didn’t know you were listening. He’d die if he knew, you thought.
You thought for a second, before returning to the kitchen and pouring another cup of coffee in Spencer’s favorite mug. You knew he’d said no, but you also knew, especially now, how much it’d mean to him if he came back to a warm cup of coffee on his desk. You add 5 sugar packets to the small mug, just how he liked it. 
You returned to your desk, sitting your mug on your desk and Spencer’s on his. You grabbed a sticky note and a pen and wrote: "For Spence <3,”before sticking it to the mug and returning to your seat.
next chapter: E is for Even Guys Like Me?
other parts: Spencer Reid A-Z Masterlist
view the masterlist in a calendar version! 
a/n: i'm so glad that this group of stories has been so well received :) i've worked so hard on them and am trying my best to get ahead so i can release new parts at least every other day. i love reading all the comments you guys have left too... thank you all for the support. i'm so proud of the next chapter, it's definitelymy favorite one in the series so far. it's pretty long, but in my own opinion, it's worth it. the chapters are going to start getting more relationship centered, starting next chapter!
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taglist: @universallyblizzardlove @ms-ks-world @justlivinginadaydream @dij-ology
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asunflowerana · 1 month
𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭
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summary: usual grocery day with your husband
with: bokuto koutaro, oikawa tooru, sakusa kyoomi and osamu miya.
n/a: brought this one from my old blog, one of my favorites. I'm thinking about making a part 2 with more hq boys, I personally enjoy imagining them dealing with grocery with me 😂. hope you guys enjoy!
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⊛ bokuto koutaro
a child inside a full-grow 190cm male body, that's what he is. The fact that he still pouts whenever you remind him that "no, you can't get inside the cart baby, you won't fit" proves the point. But besides his childish mood, he can turn your time shopping a lot funnier.
he does cart races, searches for lower prices like hunting a treasure, throw his hands in the air when he finds his favorite snacks and cackles at every single brand with a silly name. He's a total dork, but his excitement is so endearing that you cannot help but absorb it. It's actually sweet, the way he lightly takes a domestic duty. He's also helpful, willingly carrying the bags to the car, and storing the groceries later at home.
he yearns to stay close to you, so even if his both hands are grabbing the cart handle, at least some arm-brushing will happen. He'll feel pretty lost if you both need to part ways through the market, but it's cute how he beams when you guys find each other later.
favorite section: breakfast food section (he's addicted to cereal), and meat section.
what you usually hear from him: "babe, can we buy this?"
⊛ oikawa tooru
if there's something Tooru doesn't look forward to, is grocery day. He even tried to wipe it off the fridge calendar a few times before, but you're too good to be fooled. "the Santos already ordered by delivery, why can't we do the same?" and he always uses the neighbor's card to try to convince you, whining like his teenager version would.
but one way or another, you always get him to go. If he's in a bad mood, he'll probably sulk in the beginning, lazily riding the cart while sighing every two minutes 'cause this is a total "waste of time". But as the shopping proceeds, he gets used to it, even forgetting what he was so grumpy about when a product catches his attention. With some subtle kisses and a small treat, you can even get a smile out of him. 
He likes to wrap his arm around your back or keep you close by the waist. Not having you there with him it's the worst thing it could happen, so he needs to make sure you stay by his side (also because he simply likes holding you).
favorite section: checkouts (not a surprise), and cosmetics section (he can spend a good amount of time selecting body products).
what you usually hear from him: "are we done?"; "baby, I need your help. This one, or this one?".
⊛ sakusa kiyoomi
He's the one looking forward to this day. He gets uneasy when things run out in the house, so going shopping is almost necessary for his peace of mind. What he doesn't look forward to, though, is dealing with people at the supermarket. Most precisely, the lines, but let's not talk about it to not ruin the mood.
he's very selective, taking whatever time he has to inspect and be sure of the products, in case it isn't a common choice of yours. He appreciates being aware of what you are consuming, not only for being an athlete but because he cares about your health. He likes to share what he's been learning from the team's nutritionist, but he is not a dictator: if you want to treat yourself to some tasty sweets or snacks, he won't get in the way. He'll even join the party.
He'll offer his arm for you to wrap your own, or hold hands. He's grateful to have your company, so he'll cherish it as much as he can. He's also very protective if the place or the lines are too crowned, keeping you by his side and holding you close with his arm.
favorite section: cleaning products (you have no idea how relieved he gets when he goes there).
what you usually hear from him: "I know you want it. Go ahead, put in the cart"; "tsc, they always put the gloves way back there"; "these stupid lines. Again."
⊛ osamu miya
The king of groceries. He's used to doing this two, or three times a week, and it never gets boring. The experience has made him smarter about where and when it is best to buy, plus he has a good eye when it comes to product quality and price. So yeah, you have almost nothing to worry about when Osamu Miya is your grocery partner. Almost.
He's very chill and helpful while shopping, but you better keep a good eye on the cart: it'll get filled to the brim in one minute. When Osamu likes something, he makes a point of buying as much as he can. Once, he filled almost three entire carts, and half of one was just from rice bags. Someone might think you have a whole volleyball team as a family with the amount of food he wants to take home.
Hands on your back, shoulder, waist, any free space he has to keep you close to him – and he'll keep it there the whole time. Touch is one of his love languages, so there's no way he won't keep in contact with you.
favorite section: fruit and vegetables section, and bakery section (he loves the smell of fresh ingredients).
what you usually hear from him: "sweetheart, just one more. It'll be the last, I promise"; "hope Tsum doesn't visit us today"
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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patricia-taxxon · 2 months
cw: venting about some drama that happened on twitter that many of you were likely not present for, and my very personal solipsistic emotional reaction to it that many of you will find annoying.
So every once in a while, people (normies) rediscover this furry musician called Pent Up Pup, who is a fan of me i think, so I need to be nice. To describe them with complete neutrality, they make music that is completely filled with memes and signifiers of furry kink erotica to the point of parody, and they invite a huge amount of derision like you'd expect. This particular drama storm was triggered by their new song, and it aroused a lot of negative emotions in me, which i'll go through from least to most self-centered.
So firstly, through being so audacious, Pent Up Pup has managed to become the default furry musician through which all discourse flows, normies treat them like the final boss. Everyone needed to have a take, but even more people saw this as an opportunity to bring them down in favor of someone else. Some poor furry rapper called $LEAZY EZ got caught in the crossfire, and her snippet that she uploaded got met with "see? finally some GOOD furry music, this is way better than the one other furry musician I know." And like, yea I'd absolutely produce and mix an entire mixtape for her at no charge, but she had a right to be upset that her big viral break was in service of a bunch of leeches one-upping another creator in the space she was trying to integrate with.
But worse, the main response to her snippet was just... "Oh, finally, furry music that isn't white boy EDM." And like, Pent Up Pup isn't white and imo is way more aligned with alt-rock/britpop, they're just imagining a minority that agrees with them. But also, the more self centered part of me just wants to ask "what about me?" Like imo I'm one of the best in the world at the specific thing I do, and it's not white boy EDM.
And furthermore, in response, every furry musician on twitter has been eager to defend their friend and say that trash talking Pup and uplifting someone else doesn't work when everyone in the scene knows each other. "Don't you know? We're a tight knit community!" And to this I feel a combination of petulant annoyance and RSD, because I have been trying to be a part of that scene and failing for a long time now. Like, I tried integrating into the community when I was first gearing my music in that direction & tried sending my music to the failed beta version of Aural Aliance, and Rinny turned down my track (it was the then unreleased beast / creature) because it had autotune in it. They apologized later (thankfully) and offered me a spot, but like, half of their lineup and also the people organizing the events have me blocked over callout stuff, so I just ghosted them. I've mostly been watching this huge unfair drama storm unfold, making me feel talked over, but then I also have to watch this community that ostracized me band together and show their unyielding comradery while everyone just sidesteps past me in the conversation. I warned you that this would be self centered.
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lovetei · 11 months
Can you write Their reaction to Sheep!MC turning into their human form, naked, in front of them but with side characters please ?
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I knew people would request for the side characters sooner or later, glad I can write them again :b
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Their reaction to Sheep!MC turning into their human form, naked, in front of them
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
You were just giving your normal report to Diavolo after you got in the student council
You showed up in an empty hall where his throne is placed in the middle of the other end of it
And he's there
Sitting while looking oh so high and mighty
And you're there
Insisting to fulfill your duties even though you're feeling weird ever since this morning
"Greetings, Lord Diavolo-" You're not even done saying your greetings but you already dropped on your knees
The pain caused by the unnatural feeling of burning inside your body taking over your senses
"MC!" He called out before he stood up from his throne and come down to help you up
"I'm sorry, Dia... I'm just not feeling well-" And then again, you got cut off
But this time, you're not feeling weak
You're feeling all better
You're glowing like some light bulb though
"What happened..." You asked not noticing the once familiar feeling of being on your human knees
"How..." Diavolo just uttered a word and yet you felt a chill down your spine
Your spine?
"How disgraceful..." His voice seemed to grew more deep and husky and when you looked up
You saw yourself naked in the reflection of his eyes
His eyes that are looking at you like you're some prey
Your mind is hazy and your eyes are blurry from all the tears that are streaming out of it "Hmm?~ Are you alright, Honey?" His sickeningly sweet voice asked as he thrusted his hips even harder.
You let out a gasp before your hands gripped the hands of the throne even tighter, trying to spot yourself from falling forward because of his harsh movement "S-Slow downn!~" You whined.
But instead of him following your desires like how it usually works you felt his hand wrap around your neck "But I'm already as slow as I can get..." He dissapointedly whined before he thrusted one more time, releasing his seed inside of you.
You have informed everyone that you're not feeling your best today
And Barbatos insisted that he take care of you
Even going as far as to ask for a leave, which he never did back then.
And now he's here spoon feeding you the soup he cooked himself
"I can eat by myself..." You insisted but he just slapped your hand away when you tried to grab the spoon off of his hand
"You're an important guest MC... You need to have energy." He replied to you before he proceed to feed you.
Wait a minute, he never told you what this 'soup' is.
"What do you mean I need energy..? For what?" You asked, confused, by his choice of words.
But he didn't answer you.
Instead he put the bowl of 'soup' aside and loosened his tie.
"It's finally starting huh?" His voice lacked the formality, the modesty.
What's starting?
The unusual heat rising in your stomach?
Or this transformation?
You've lost everything, he blindfolded you, he stuffed your mouth with his tie and your hands cuffed to his own hands while your feet is tied to the headboard putting you in a sinful position.
Saliva dripped out of your mouth as you orgasmed again "How many was that already?" He asked before his hands gripped your waist, making you completely defenseless.
"MHM!" You screamed through the gag as you felt his dick grow larger "You should- stop squeezing me so much." He demanded before his tail ripped the tie off your mouth.
String of saliva flow down the side of your lips as your body submitted to his "T-Thank ywu..!-" Is what you managed mutter before his tail forced its way down your throat.
You're simply keeping him company as he wrote another chapter for his new book
Sitting on the sofa next to his desk as you scroll through the internet
"MC..." He suddenly called out catching your attention
"What's up?" You tried, putting your phone down.
"Have you ever thought about... You know... Getting your human form back." He suddenly commented
His stands still tapping the key board
"Well... Having this sheep body sure is hard but it's bearable." You answered
"If it's what keeps me alive in this place then do I really have the luxury to choose what my body will be?"
He was shocked by your answer
Shocked enough that he stood up from his seat and grabbed your jaw "Your body is the temple of God... Yous should know how to love it." He suddenly lectured
"How about I show you how?" And with that your whole body glowed bright
You grabbed the edge of the sink as he harshly pounded you from behind "F-FUck, wait..!" You moaned, asking him to slow down for just a bit.
But instead he covered your mouth with his hand and fucked you even harder, his cock achingly hard because of the sight of your saliva seeping through the gaps between his fingers.
“I love you-! S-So much!” Is all he can come up with as his hand moved to your hips and gripped them before his thrusts turned harder, much more erratic. If only his white wings weren't out you would've suspected him as a succubus in disguise.
Solomon has been giddy all day.
Always smiling at you whenever or wherever he saw you.
And based on experience, this man is up to something.
And your suspicion is confirmed when he dragged you into an empty hallway and asked you to meet him tonight in the purgatory hall.
But when you arrived in it
You thought no one was home since every light is off
And the lights in Solomon’s lab are the only light brightening the hall through the gaps of the door.
You knocked and he immediately opened the door as if expecting it.
He should be anyways
He let you in and introduced you to a potion, a dark pink one.
“And what does this do?” You ask as you swirl it.
He smirked, his hands behind “It would give you your human body back.”
Your now spread wide on his desk his cock fucking into you, his balls hitting your ass as your soft please and request to slow down fall on deaf ears “Hmm?~ Slow down? But I gave you such a good potion, bringin back this slutty body back to me.” His eyes darkened as you felt him throb inside of you causing you to moan again knowing his cum will be in you again.
“Don’t I deserve a reward for being so useful to y-you?!” He asked, his hips thrusting one last time before he shoot another load of cum in you causing you to orgasm for the third time this night, your eyes rolling back “Fucking hell, ever since I had you in the human world…” Not even long after and he’s already pounding you.
“You’ve been teasing me everyday.” His voice is deep, something you wouldn’t hear from Solomon on a normal day “I-I, NOT!” You tried to object as tears fall from your eyes while you shake your head “Oh, really?~” He teased definitely not falling for it “Lying is bad, little sheep.” With one swift movement he flipped you up, now your back facing his chest “I heard spanking works the best for liars.”
Mephistopheles have not seen your human form
And he does “not want to.”
That’s what he tells himself everyday.
But his curiosity is way too great to ignore.
Especially how the brothers are constantly searching for answers and ways to bring your human form back
Just what's about you that can make them so desperate?
But luckily
As he is the son of the greatest clan in the Devildom
Their family has a hidden heirloom that can just be of help in this situation
But he won’t tell the brothers about this
And at least, he won’t tell Diavolo yet.
And now he invited you in his mansion
You’re sitting on his bed as he conduct the ritual
And you must expect… This is not how you expect the ritual to end
“Slutty fucking human.” His words are laced with venom as his cock pushed your limits, threatening to tear you apart and yet you’re here, ass up in the air as he tried to push his cock all the way in “I T-T-OLD YOU!” You screamed as tears continuously roll down the side of your face “IT REALLY WON’T FIT IN ME!~” You moaned, still feeling him pushing it deeper.
“Are humans really this sensitive or you’re just an exemption?” He smirked as he pushed another inch in almost knocking the consciousness out of you “Stop fucking squeezing my cock so hard..!” He commanded as a harsh spank landed on your ass making you sob even more “S-Shit… So sorry!” He smirked as he noticed how he’s starting to take a toll on you.
“I’m barely balls deep in you and yet you’re already this reactive?” He mocked you as a distraction before he slammed himself all the way in and holy shit, he tried to not cum on the spot because he knows he’ll really break you if he does but fuck, the way you moan his name is not helping at all “Does it feel good, baby?” His voice is deep and husky as he leaned closer to your ear before biting it.
Oh poor MC
This place does not even let you live comfortably with your own human body
He started assisting you more after he found out that the sheep form is not your original form
And that you actually have a real human body
And then one day
You’re in the back of the library trying to get this book
Diavolo insisted that its safe
For him
But definitely not for you
Considering how the book is starting to attack you
He, of course, defended you with his spear
Not until the book exploded
And you started glowing
“Oh wow… You have your human body back.” His expression does not express it well but he’s glad for you.
He’s glad really.
What do you mean your body feels cold?
Ah… It’s alright.
He knows the best way to make it warm.
Your legs are around his waist, trying to pull him, push him deeper “Patience MC… You’ll start bleeding if I push it all the way in.” He reasoned, making you whine even more. He’s still expressionless but you’ve caught a glimpse of a smirk “Y-You’re just teasing me…” You argued as his hips pushed his cock further in you.
“D-Do you want me to stop?” He looked so shy… You thought you made him feel bad but you can’t help it, you buried your head on his neck and nodded and just when you’re about to reassure him a chuckle left his mouth before his hips harshly slammed in you, not even giving you time to adjust to his length.
A gasp left your mouth as you covered it up, remembering you’re still in the library “W-What’s wrong?!” His words sounded like a taunt as his hips assaulted yours like you two are some animals in heat “You want it like this right..?” His voice darkened even more.
You and Thirteen have developed this habit of hanging out in her cave
It was actually clean
It’s nice, quiet and the temperature is nice.
Though, as the two of you hang out
“MC is your skin really that… Glowy?” She asked
You looked down at yourself and you saw that
You really is glowing
You looked back at her in horror and you saw how her eyes darkened
“This can’t be happening… I’m death!” She voiced out as she turned to look at your candle
It was bruning flamboyantly, nothing was wrong…
She looked at the other candles threatening to blow them all off
If you don’t get to live
They can’t also-
“Thirteen…” You muttered, catching her attention.
She turned around with tears brimming on the bottom of her eyes
It immediately disappeared as soon as your naked form laid before her eyes though.
You whimpered softly as her tongue slithered inside your entrance “T-Thirteen… Give me a break..!” You mumbled as your fingers gripped the covers for its dear life and yet she just lifted her head up a little, a mixture of her saliva and your cum dripping from her mouth before she chuckled “You need to make it up to me… You made me worry and all ya know.”
Her lips started abusing your hole once again as her hands forced your legs open “So be a good little human and compensate me okay?” She managed to say between moans and slurps as she devoured you for the whole night.
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pubbamoon · 3 months
The Matrix of Destiny
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Hi sweeties! Hope you're doing okay. This time, I'm gonna get into a completely another topic I used to do. I want to make a post about the Matrix of Destiny and how to read this chart. It's a little bit similar as an astrological natal chart, but there's also a huge differences there. We're gonna get into that in this post. I'm gonna use my own Matrix of Destiny chart as an example.
The Matrix of Destiny is a method or a tool in esoteric practices where we can analyze and understand someone's individual life, personality, destiny, love life, career path, karma, talents etc. It isn't based on astrology, it's rather based on numerology and tarot cards from Major Arcana. There's 22 tarot cards overall in Major Arcana and they go in this order:
1 - The Magician
2 - The High Priestess
3 - The Empress
4 - The Emperor
5 - The Hierophant
6 - The Lovers
7 - The Chariot
8 - Justice
9 - The Hermit
10 - Wheel of Fortune
11 - Strength
12 - The Hanged Man
13 - Death
14 - Temperance
15 - The Devil
16 - The Tower
17 - The Star
18 - The Moon
19 - The Sun
20 - Judgement
21 - The World
22 - The Fool
If someone was born on 23rd, 24th, 25th of month and on and on, then it's crucial to add the numbers into one digit, so we get numbers such as 5, 6, 7 etc., because the numbers don't go further than 22 in the context of the Matrix of Destiny.
Now, I'm going to explain what the certain position of the Matrix of Destiny chart means.
The Center: A number at the center of a Destiny Matrix chart represents our overall personality and it's our most important number/arcana. It's also related to our comfort zone as well.
The Left Side: This number represents our external world, our first impression, presence and how people perceive us. It can also mean how people see us when they meet us for the very first time.
The Right Side: The number at the right side represents our internal world, our private life, our relationships. This part of a chart can give insight how we interact with our closest people
The Bottom Side: This part of a chart can represent our karmic tale and our past life experiences. It tells us about the side of us that we need to release in this incarnation, otherwise we'll be punished.
The Upper Side: This number represents our inherent talents, abilities and something we're naturally good at. It's about our gifts that we should share in order to achieve success in any area of life.
The Heart Sign: The number close to this sign or emoji shows what we should seek for our partner. It represents the personality of our partner and our love life.
The Dollar Sign: This number tells us about out career path and our professional life. It shows us which career is the most suitable for us in general.
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While analyzing the Matrix of Destiny chart, it's essential to take a look on the state of our chakras. Each chakra has two numbers in it and one overall number and means several things.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): our spiritual connection and mission
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): how we use our intuition and its state*
Throat Chakra (Vissudha): our communication and writing style
Heart Chakra (Anahata): our heart's desire, what we love to do
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): our power and confidence style
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): how we use our creativity
Root Chakra (Muladhara): our foundation, ancestors and stability
Summary: our life path and the balanced perspective of our life
*This text was supposed to be dark blue colored, but I couldn't put a dark blue color, so I put pink color as the alternative version.
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This is what you're going to see at the end of the Destiny Matrix chart. I'm gonna explain what does all it mean.
Male Generation Lines: gifts and karma from our father's side
Female Generation Lines: gifts and karma from our mother's side
Soul Searching: our life purpose at the earlier stage of our life (mine is 14)
Socialization: our life purpose at the later stage of our life (mine is 19)
Summary: our overall life purpose (mine is 33/6)
Anyway, that's all for today. If you have some questions about this topic, drop them on the comment section and I will answer that. This is just an intro of what the Matrix of Destiny is. Hope it's understandable. Overall, have a beautiful day ahead.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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dinogoofymutated · 4 months
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NSFW!Beast/AFAB!reader. - NSFW HCs! I was already on it when I got this ask heehee. These hcs were originally suppost to be part of another NSFW request I got for him but I was thinking about this too hard and comepletely forgot the actual theme of the req! So I decided to save it for later and just post it under your ask lol Anyway I need him my god. I was writing this while picturing watxm Hank but I'm pretty sure it works for any version. TWS: MDNI!!! smut under the cut. PNV smut. Eating out/head. Cum descriptions. Reader written with Fem in mind and also wearing a dress is mentioned, but overall no pronouns used. Creampie. Getting caught after the fact but not during the deed.
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Okay, We all know that Logan has incredible stamina, and there's quite a few mutants that you would just expect that from anyway, but I'm 100% sure the one person that a good bit of people would NEVER expect to have insane stamina in bed is Hank. Like yeah he's nerdy, but dude straight up went to college on a SPORTS scholarship on top of his academic ones.
There is no fucking way this man has anything other than the most insane stamina. Dude is the perfect package of nerdy genius and athletic perfection. Can you imagine how long he could go on for in bed?? While you're sweaty and absolutely exhausted he's having the time of his life. Sure he's sweaty to but he's still. fucking. going?? It's like you'd been having sex for three minutes instead of four hours. He obviously gives you breaks and takes care of you, keeping you hydrated and such- but every time he begs you for "just one more". He's so gentle when he's gathering up your limp body and he's kissing your temples and forehead and massaging your tender spots, but he's a scientist at heart. He wants to know how far the two of you can really go, and he wants to know BAD.
I saw in a post somewhere on tumblr that he mentions that the one thing he doesn't have control of is his libido or something like that? It was from a comic snapshot so obviously this isn't even a hc it's fully cannon I don't make the rules.
THE FUCKING PHEROMONE THING!! For those of you who don't know, Hank was confirmed to have some minor Pheromone manipulation abilities. Like oh my god?? I definitely think that he will use it in sweet ways where he just wants some cuddles without asking you for them, but I feel like when he's hot and heated he just subtly does it without even knowing. Like he's super pent up one way and for some reason every time you greet him or pass him by you just start having more and more inappropriate thoughts about him. He'd feel so guilty if he catches himself doing it but at the end of the day, you don't really mind. Don't think too hard you beautiful big guy, can we just fuck already??
He will absolutely use his strength to hold you in any position possible. As long as you're both comfortable with it no position or hold is off the table for him. I don't think he'd be into BDSM or anything that has to do with hurting you, but I do think he's the type to read through the kamasutra and want to try all the positions to find the one you both enjoy the most.
He will fuck in the lab. He might do a whole "Oh my! Not in here, dear ;)" But most of the time he's instigating it! Sure he makes sure to lock the doors and everything but he's not shy when he has you splayed across his work tables, bent over you as he gently kisses and brushes his fangs over your skin. He likes how flustered it makes you.
He also cums A LOT. Like a lot a lot. He's most certainly got the heaviest balls you've ever seen, and they're not just for show. Every time he cums inside he causes you to practically overflow, and he's usually still cumming when he finally pulls out of you as well. He's a little embarrassed about it, and will clean you up very well because of that. He doesn't want you to deal with the sticky feeling of it drying on your skin, especially not if you have sensitive skin/texture issues. He is defiantly down to eat his one cum out of you though ;)
also, I think that he has a thing for long flowy dresses. I know there's a ton of dudes who say they like them bc of "easy access", and I know for a fact that Hank would find that sort of mindset disgusting. He just loves how beautiful and feminine you look in them, and also just happens to really enjoy the feeling of the fabric against his arms as he hitches up your skirt, his hands trailing up your thighs. As depraved as it might be, he also likes giving you head underneath your long skirts. He'd be apologising for being so ravenous and thanking you for letting him have you in such in intimate manner, all while giving you the most earth-shattering head. He's just so sweet about everything in the bedroom I swear.
    You swear you didn’t fully expect to be in this exact situation when you were getting dressed this morning. Sure, you knew exactly how much Hank loved to see you in sundresses and were definitely going for a certain reaction out of him, but you never would have expected to be pinned against the wall of his lab, his large hands cupping your ass and thighs as he holds you suspended whilst using the wall as leverage. His thick cock is pumping in and out of you at a quick, needy pace. He goes back and forth from biting his lips and letting his moans and groans ring out and echo in the cluttered space. You’d never done this position before, although you certainly knew that Hank had more than enough strength to pull it off. Still, you were sure that the image of him fucking you, hands beneath your long skirt as it bunches at your hips and drapes down below you, was certainly a sight to behold.
    “Ah- Please, let me know if this is uncomfortable in any way- nhg… I’m sure your anatomy is taking me quite… deeply, in this position.” Hank grunts, his thrusts deep and steadily paced in a manner in which he knows you like best. You smile at him, desperately trying to keep your eyes open as your hands clench and unclench on his shoulders every time his thrusts catch you Just right.
    “Is that what you’re calling it now? “Studying” my anatomy?” You muse. You wonder if he had noticed you catching on to the glances and stares he does when he thinks you’re not paying attention. You purposely poke your chest out as you mention it, and Hank huffs in amusement before he buries his face into your semi-exposed cleavage,  licking and sucking as he shifts your weight onto one hand as the other takes hold of your cheek. He puckers your lips, nipping at the top of your breast before he pries himself away, sending you a smug smile as he leans in teasingly close.
    “You know, I really think we could be using that quick tongue of yours for something a little more useful than backtalk.” Hank chuckles. He kisses you in a way that leaves you breathless, still holding you effortlessly even with a single hand as he keeps up his thrusts. His free hand drifts down to your clit as your walls begin to flutter and clench around him, a sign that he knows means you’re approaching your peak and fast. His kisses match the intensity of his hips as he closes in on his own pleasure. You cum barely a second before he does, his cum warming your insides as he cums, and cums and cums. He overflows your cunt quickly, and it drips down your legs when he pulls out. Hank makes sure to help you keep your balance when he sets you down, your legs shaking from your orgasm but also a bit numb from the position he had you in. He kisses you gently as you recover from your high, doing so over and over again all across your skin. The gentle touches make you giggle a bit. 
    “Had a feeling that we would end up like this today. Maybe I should wear dresses like this more often.” You hum. Hank chuckles deeply before drawing you into another sensual kiss, his hands stroking up and down your now-clothed body in a loving way.
    “I wouldn’t mind testing that theory.” He says when he separates from the kiss. You shake your head at him, laughing a bit more as you cup his face with love.
    “Of course you wouldn’t.” You say sweetly. Hank is smiling at you, his hands beginning to wander again right before the two of you hear a mortifying swish of the doors. Hank quickly tucks himself back inside his pants before the two of you instinctively turn to face the door where Logan is standing with a bit of a confused look on his face.
    “Logan! We were just-”
    “Hey, Logan! Nothing to see here!” Both of you are scrambling to fix the situation, utterly and spectacularly failing as Logan takes one sniff of the air and then smirks.
    “I’m all for a bit of risk, but at least lock the door, lovebirds.” Logan gives the two of you a sardonic wave before marching straight back out the door. Leaving both you and Hank more than a little mortified. As embarrassing as it was, you can’t help but begin to laugh, Hank joining you as you shake off the adrenaline of technically being caught red-handed.
    “Let’s go wash off before we have any other unexpected visitors,” Hank suggests. You agree wholeheartedly, your laughter picking up once again as he lifts you off the ground in a bridal hold to head to the showers.
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daenysx · 2 months
hi hello!! i've just found your blog and i adore it and your writing! <3 do you mind if i request remus lupin or james potter (whichever you prefer) with a reader who has excruciating period cramps? thank you sm!! :)
hi gorgeous, thank you for being so nice!! i once wrote a period fic with james, this is the remus version, i hope you like them both <3333
remus lupin x fem!reader
remus makes you another cup of hot tea, but he's not sure if you can drink it.
it breaks his heart, the way you try to lay down on your bed but being unable to relax. your entire body is tense, he knows the effects of your period by heart now. he also knows it's useless to try to cheer you up when you can't even feel your legs properly. he only wants you to get over the first three days which are always the hardest to get through.
"hi, pretty girl." he comes next to you with your tea. "i made you some tea."
"thank you, remus." you say, trying to sit up. remus helps you. "thanks."
"here you go." he holds the cup for you. it's too hot. "i hope this helps a bit."
you take a sip. your boyfriend is lovely with his wide eyes, his eagerness to do anything to make you feel better. the tea is nice. it would be nicer if your cramps weren't so bad.
"oh!" you suddenly hold your belly. the pain is always shocking, catches you unexpectedly. remus gets the cup from your hands. he knows it's for the best to stay calm, you're already hurting, he doesn't need to be another thing for you to worry about.
"it's okay, dove." he tries. "can i hold you?"
you nod. "please." he opens his arms to get you. putting your head on his shoulder, you give another painful sound coming deep from your throat. remus keeps his hands on your back.
"it's okay, it'll pass." he whispers against your head with a huge hand rubbing your back. "do you wanna go to the bathroom?"
you shake your hand, blinking tears back. "no. maybe later. i don't think i can stand up."
"tell me when you want to go, okay? i'll help you."
your hand finds remus's, he squeezes your fingers. he kisses your hair the way you like, too many kisses all at once. he's so warm, you lean against his heat to feel him. "i'm okay." you say. he nods, looking at you to see if you mean it.
"can we cuddle?" he asks, his eyes are pleading. "if you're okay to lie down?"
"okay." you say. "i just- my legs hurt, i don't feel too comfortable."
remus is a quick thinker. he likes to think he knows what he's doing when it comes to holding you, there are too many positions you like but when you are on your period, he needs to be the one to take the weight off you. he lies down, gets you in his arms as you put your leg on his legs. remus puts your head on his chest, his long arms securely wrapped around your shoulders.
"good?" he asks. you nod, and he smiles. "i'm gonna rub your back, okay? tell me if anything hurts, dove."
"it's nice." you say, because it really is. his fingers know your body so well, he also knows where to put pressure and where to be kind. you force yourself to relax on him. sleep usually distracts you, it can work right now. you make quiet noises which guide remus to see if he's doing okay. he rubs your poor muscles until his hand goes numb.
"my tea got cold." you say, sadly.
"i can always make you a new one." remus says with a huge kiss on your forehead. "don't worry about it, sweetheart."
you hum quietly, press a little kiss on his clothed chest. remus's fingers go through your hair now, he braids a little piece to help you relax, you still don't know how he does it with one hand. the next few minutes are quiet but neither of you are uncomfortable because of the silence. you like remus's peaceful aura, he brings relief to your painful times, he keeps his cool. you are tired but never tired enough to not kiss his neck and show him how much you adore him.
another cramp hits you. it's not as painful as the earlier but you feel it deeper in your muscles because you lay down. you snuggle closer to remus, trying to bury yourself to his warmth until it passes.
remus cups your cheek. "you're doing so good." he says. "i know it hurts too much but try to focus on me, yeah? maybe you'll feel better if you sleep."
you feel so desperate and so needy for his affirmation, it hurts. "can you hold me tighter? until i fall asleep?"
"of course, baby." he coos. "if you feel worse when you wake up, i can get you a painkiller."
you nod against his chest. remus wraps his arms tighter around you until you feel nothing but him. you try to hug him back, it's a bit unsuccessful attempt but he supports your waist to keep you on himself. his hand on your waist is a nice weight, better than any heating pad you use. you take a deep breath of his familiar scent.
"it'll pass." he says before you close your eyes. "i'll hold you as long as you have me."
he's being too sweet, too precious. you would blush and hide yourself to his chest but your brain is focused on the pain, sadly. you still give remus a nice kiss, though. he keeps his lips on your head until your breathing evens out.
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futfemfantasies · 3 months
I need another Katrina gorry pregnancy one 🙏
Time \\ Katrina Gorry x Russo!reader (Baby #2 part 2)
It's your 37th week being pregnant and you were done with it. Rolling over on your back, you let out a heavy sigh and look over to Katrina who's already staring. You attempt to lean over and kiss her but fail. Katrina giggles and moves the rest of the way. A look was given and Katrina is quickly around your side of the bed, helping you up to start the day. Just as you give Katrina a thank you kiss, little feet run into your room. Both of you look down to see Harper smiling up at you both.
"Are we have breakfast mama?" Harper asks putting her small hands on your bump.
"Of course princess, let's go"
Harper grabs your hand and pulls you down the stairs, with Katrina trailing behind with a hand on your lower back. You move to the fridge to get out some ingredients when you feel a sharp pain in your lower belly. You grip the door a little tighter and take a deep breath before turning around, putting a smile on your face before putting the ingredients on the counter.
"I'm going to lie down for bit" Katrina looks at you with a worried expression but you wave her off and Harper runs to you, hugging your legs.
"I'm fine princess, you make the best pancakes with Mummy okay?" Harper nods and you waddle down the hallway until you feel a hand in yours.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, go make pancakes with Harps" You give Katrina a soft kiss before walking into the bedroom.
Meanwhile, you sit on the edge of the bed and reach for your phone to call Alessia. She immediately drops everything and starts to make her way over. You feel a sharp pain and yell for Katrina. She comes racing in, with Harper on her tail, giving you an anxious look. You swing your legs on the bed and put your head gently on the pillow. Harper climbs on the other side of the bed and cautiously puts her hand on your swollen belly. A faint knock on the front door makes you relax as it's Alessia. Harper races to the door and screams when she sees her aunt. You explain to her that she's having a sleepover with aunt Lessi until baby brother comes. She runs up to the bed, climbs on again and gives you a tight hug.
"You do well mama, I love you"
"I love you more princess" A tear escapes your eye as you kiss the little version of Katrina on the forehead. Alessia coaxes Harper off the bed as she didn't want to leave you. Alessia tells you she'll let your parents and brothers know. She gives you a hug and kiss on the forehead before leaving with Harper.
Katrina climbs into bed, moving you gently into her arms. You look up at Katrina with a scared expression and she holds you just a bit tighter, making you relax slightly.
"Everything will be okay. I'll be with you the whole time. They will have to drag me out of the room" You laugh at Katrina's commitment but deep down you'd do the same. A wet liquid comes between your legs and Katrina spots it. The panic that sets in to your face worries Katrina. She your cheeks in her hands and kisses you softly before moving out of the bed. Standing up, Katrina removes your shorts before quickly changing you into sweatpants.
"At least take me to dinner first" Katrina lets out a dry laugh before standing up, holding your bump.
"Let's go have a baby my love"
After eventually getting into the car and notifying the hospital of your impending arrival, you take a breath as it sinks in that you're giving birth and your family is expanding soon. Closing your eyes, you rest a hand on your bump and a small but gentle kick happened right under your hand. You smile and press into your bump softly in return. A hand lands on Katrina's thigh and she looks over at you with a smile.
"Nearly there babe" Katrina grabs your hand and gives it a soft squeeze.
After check in, a nurse wheels you into your room and tells you the procedure. Katrina helps you into the gown, then into the bed. Katrina sits next to you and the waiting game begins. Ten hours later, you're dilated enough to start pushing. You look at Katrina and she whispers encouraging words in your ear. Five pushes later and you both hear those beautiful cries you've waited nine months to hear. Katrina leans in to kiss you quickly before going to cut the umbilical cord.
"Would you like to hold him?" The nurse asks Katrina.
"No, she can hold him first" Katrina follows the nurse back to you and watches as she places your baby boy in your arms.
"Hi baby, I'm your mama. Your sister is very excited to meet you. I love you so my boy" You place a soft kiss on his cheek when you feel something between your legs. Moving the gown out of the way, you see a pool of blood. Katrina immediately runs to find someone to help. Seconds later the doctor and a few nurses run in and start assessing the situation. A nurse takes your baby and gives him to Katrina and asks her to wait outside. Katrina protests like she said she would and you put a hand on her arm, quietening her immediately. You silently say you'll be okay and give a kiss to them both before she left the room. You keep your head back as the doctor works on you but as you talk to the nurse everything becomes dizzy and blurry. You grip the nurses arm before closing your eyes.
"She's passed out, get A- blood immediately!" The doctor yells as a nurse runs out of the room, alerting Katrina.
"What's going on?" Katrina quickly asks, standing up.
"We need blood for a transfusion, I'm sorry, but I have to go" Katrina moves to the little window in the door to see your eyes closed and the doctors working quickly.
A few hours pass and the doctor comes out of the room. She explains everything and that you're stable, expecting to wake up sometime soon. She walks in and puts the baby in the hospital crib before sitting next you, holding your hand. A small squeeze on Katrina's hand made her look back to you as you open your eyes with a half smile on your face.
"You needed a blood transfusion because you had a haemorrhage but you're okay now, just need to rest"
"I'm sorry for scaring you. We didn't even get to name him"
"Koby. His name is Koby" Katrina tells you since you named Harper.
"Harper and Koby. It's perfect, they're perfect. I'm sorry for what happened" You say as you start to tear up.
"Hey no it's okay. The main thing is that you both are okay and healthy" You move over slightly in bed and motion for Katrina to get in. You cuddle up to her the best you can and relax immediately.
"Sleep baby, we'll call everybody tomorrow and tell them the good news" You nod as you quickly send Alessia a text saying that you and the baby are fine.
"I love you so much"
"I love you more my love" You reply to Katrina.
You wake up a few hours later to Koby crying and Katrina picks him up, settling him straight away. That's why you knew he was going to be a mummy's boy. Katrina sits back down next you and Koby opens his eyes and he's got your eyes. After what feels like hours staring at your bundle of joy, you hear a knock on the door. You both look up to see Harper perched on Alessia's hip holding a teddy bear and a card and your mum walking in behind her.
"Hi mama" Alessia put Harper on the ground and she immediately came over to you "Look at the card I make with Aunt Less"
"Oh honey that's a beautiful card, thank you I love it" You give her a big kiss on her cheek and Harper climbs to the end of the bed near your legs with her arms ready to hold her little brother.
"You ready to hold him Harps?" She nods excitedly and Katrina puts him in her arms. You look over at Alessia and she lets a few tears fall down her cheek. You wrap your are around Alessia and pull her into you for a tight side hug. She kisses the top of your head and whispers that she's so proud of you.
"Well, what's his name then?" You mum asks.
"Koby" You say looking at Alessia as she suggested the name at the baby shower. Your mum passes Koby to Alessia and you swear she fell in love with him the moment she saw him.
"Hi there little Koby, I'm your aunt Less. I love you so much little man, more than you know"
After a short while, your dad, Luca and his wife come to visit, along with a facetime from Gio in Sydney. Everyone eventually gets the hint to leave as Katrina mentions Koby needs a feed. Alessia says her goodbyes to you and Katrina before hugging Harper goodbye.
"No go Lessi" Harper says into your sisters neck as she clings to her like a koala.
"I'm going to see you tomorrow munchkin. You need to take care of Koby and mama for me okay?"
"Okay. I big sissy, I can do it"
"I know you can babe, I love you"
"Love you Lessi"
Harper started to yawn and you check the time and it's nearly her afternoon nap. You move over and Harper cuddles into your side under the blankets.
"Love you mama and mummy and Koby"
"We love you so much Harper Ollie" You whisper before kissing her head.
"I love you, my strong girl"
"I love you all so much"
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
I know sometimes people who've read the Kyoshi novels wonder what would have happened if Yun had not gone dark, if they would have gotten together.
And to be honest, even if Yun had not gone full villain and they had gotten together, I really don't think they would have worked as a couple. Part of this comes from the fact that Yun honestly was never in love with Kyoshi.
Now, hear me out here, I'm not saying he didn't care about Kyoshi or that he didn't love her; he truly cared about her in a platonic way and at some point he did feel something else. But that was for the Kyoshi at Yokoya. Kyoshi the servant girl who picked up after him and was gentle to him. Not the Kyoshi we see later, the real Kyoshi. We see later that that Kyoshi —the one Kyoshi herself feels proud of being in the final fight against him— actually kind of disgusts him. He tries to infantilize her, strip her of her fans and the elements that feel foreign for him, to revert her back to the version of Kyoshi he liked instead of the actual version now: Avatar Kyoshi. And that's another thing here: dark or not, I don't think Yun would have gotten over that easily the fact that Kyoshi was the Avatar and not him. Even if he did eventually come to terms with it and they could have still been friends, I really don't think their relationship would have ever been the same.
People also do not take into consideration that by the beginning of Rise of Kyoshi, the crush Kyoshi had had on Yun had started fading a while ago —she still loved him, of course, but with time the romantic feelings were fading— and she already had started having feelings for Rangi, even if she herself didn't fully realize it until she was crashing through walls in Chameleon Bay thinking Rangi looked gorgeous while they running from the cops (which sure is a way to have your 'oh' moment). Yun himself realized it and knew there was something going on between them. Honestly, with her feelings for Rangi in the middle now, I don't think Kyoshi would have gotten together with Yun. I think Kyoshi would have ended with Rangi either way. They do seem more compatible as well, because while Yun only liked a particular version of Kyoshi —the one that was a gentle girl and him the stronger figure who was protective— Rangi loved Kyoshi. Every version of her, the servant girl and the daofei and the Avatar. Just Kyoshi.
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leaderpinhead · 1 month
Leona - The Whoopsie Wedding
Prompt: "Accidental" Marriage 6 months later, and I'm still trying to complete this prompt challenge. Otherwise known as "my excuse to write random LeonaxYuu stuff."
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“Unca Leona!” 
Leona’s ear twitched in response to the high-pitched shriek. He made an abrupt about-face and lengthened his stride. The slap of sandals against the stone floor behind him made his ear continue its erratic fluttering. 
He had nearly made it to the end of the hall when Kifaji turned the corner in front of him. The old chamberlain’s satisfied grin made a muscle above his eye twitch to the same rhythm as his ear. “Ah, there you are Prince Leona. I was just looking for you. There is a dignitary—” 
The sandal slapping grew louder along with the insistent shrieking. “Unca Leona!” 
“—who wishes to meet you—” 
Leona twisted on his heel without hesitation. Cheka yelped when Leona snatched him out of the air mid-pounce. Throwing his nephew over his shoulder, Leona prowled down the hallway in the opposite direction of Kifaji. “Can’t play replacement for my brother right now. Busy.” 
The corner of his mouth twitched up into a smirk at the startled stutter that escaped Kifaji. “Prince Leona! This is a delicate business relation Crown Prince Falena has—!” 
Cheka giggled and wildly kicked his legs. Leona swallowed a growl and pinned the boy’s flailing legs beneath his forearm. “Were you not one of the people insisting I spend more time with my precious nephew? Falena will understand rescheduling the meeting. He rescheduled an entire assembly to attend a little play at his son’s daycare.” 
The tired sigh behind him was worth the sharp yank of his hair. He knew he couldn’t argue against Leona’s logic—his brother would be over the moon the moment snitched on him. Leona willingly spending time with his nephew? A new national holiday would be created just to celebrate the miracle. 
Leona couldn’t stop the new growl that rose after another yank on his hair. He flipped Cheka off his shoulder to sit on his forearm. Cheka—the oblivious brat that he was—squeezed his face between tiny hands and grinned. “Unca Leona! Unca Leona!” 
“What?” Leona impatiently snapped. He shifted Cheka to his sit on his other arm in hopes the brat would release him. It was a temporary solution because Cheka’s sticky fingers were like magnets to his face. “Stop shouting. You have my attention.” 
Cheka hummed. One sandaled foot kicked Leona in the ribs. The lion mask—a smaller version of the one Leona wore with his liongarb—slipped down Cheka’s forehead. “I been lookin’ everywhere for you! Timmy says you ran off to nap, and I says nu uh ‘cause yous a big boy, and big boys don’t take naps!” 
Timmy was as a big a brat as Cheka was. The amount of times Leona suffered through listening to Cheka complain about his friend disagreeing with him were too many for Leona to count even if he cared to keep track. Leona couldn’t say that without Cheka getting all weepy for his friend though. Sade would give him a death glare until he finally went back to Night Raven College if she found out he made Cheka all weepy when he should have been having fun with his bratty friends during the Cloudcalling Festival. 
He also wasn’t about to admit one of those bratty friends had been right. 
“What do you want?” Leona asked with a heavy sigh. Strategically speaking, dealing with Cheka was the lesser of two hassles. Unlike a bunch of sweat-smelling, greedy businessmen, Leona could slip away once Cheka’s extremely tiny attention span waned. He just had to find the right beetle to distract the brat. “I have other things I have to do before returning to school.” 
Cheka pouted. His sticky fingers found the strands of beads hanging from the lion mask on Leona’s head. “You gotta go back? But why?” 
“I’m only here for the festival,” Leona said with the thin patience of already repeating the same sentence several times. “What do you want?” 
The question distracted Cheka from pouting over Leona’s inevitable departure. Cheka pulled on the strand of beads and pointed to one of the doorways ahead of them. “We needs you for a very big thing!” 
Leona heavily sighed. The last thing he wanted was to waste his time with Cheka’s bratty friends. He wasn’t a kid-person no matter what Sade tried to say. He barely had the patience for Falena, the biggest kid he knew. Fortunately, kids were easily distractible. 
Kalim’s and Lilia’s happy greetings when he turned into the open doorframe made that muscle above his eye twitch again. Grim snickered when the only thing preventing Cheka from flipping over Leona’s forearm in excitement was his grip on the bead strand. “Look what the lion cub dragged in.” 
Lilia giggled like the deranged imp he was. The skinny little boy sitting next to him joined his cackling, a pair of small round dark ears flicking from a mop of brownish-red hair. “He certainly does not disappoint! What an excellent sniffer you have!” 
Kalim’s laugh sounded less deranged and more ignorantly happy. The chubbier little boy sitting next to him had a dopey type of smile on his face. “I’ll say! It didn’t even take him five minutes. I can’t even find Jamil that quick!” 
Cheka emitted a happy grumbly noise at the praise. Leona whipped his forearm out from beneath Cheka, making his nephew squawk in surprise, before grabbing him under the armpits. His eyes cut across the room to where Yuu sat on a floor mat with the last of Cheka’s friends, another lion cub dressed in a liongarb costume with strands of beads woven through her braided blonde hair. Neither of them looked up from the pile of beads on the ground in front of them. The lion cub patiently showed Yuu how to string the beads, continuously measuring the length of the strand around Yuu’s wrist. Yuu nodded with an air of unwavering focus. 
Leona ignored the two and turned an unimpressed glower at the others. He flicked his tail at them. “Why am I not surprised none of you stayed at the hotel like I told you to.” 
Kalim laughed, predictably missing the sarcasm in Leona’s voice. “Kifaji came by my suite with an invitation from Cheka after we came back! Jamil was busy packing up everything, so I accepted.” 
“It would be incredibly rude to reject an invitation from nobility,” Lilia added. Leona caught the bright glint in Lilia’s eyes. “As a representative from Briar Valley, I would hate to taint any diplomatic alliances. Malleus would be highly displeased if he didn’t receive future invitations to visit.” 
Leona’s upper lip curled slightly over his teeth. “Like I’d invite the lizard anywhere.” 
That glint became brighter. “Oh ho! Whoever said it would be an invitation from you?” 
Leona’s eyes narrowed at the challenge. If he hadn’t needed Lilia for the Bead Brawl... 
A light tug on his pants made Leona drop Cheka. Cheka landed on the other two boys, who had gathered around Leona’s knees. They squealed and wiggled in a mound of limbs Leona found disturbingly...squishy. Even Leona couldn’t contort into the pretzel positions they did. 
Leona decided to ignore all of them and directed his next question to Yuu. “Did the beauty queen and Jack miss the invitation?” 
Yuu’s eyes barely flicked in his direction, her focus on her current task of stringing beads. “Vil wanted to go soak in the Ivory Springs again before we left. He said it was the least he was owed after the injury he took for you in the Bead Brawl. Jack went with him since he’s been feeling better. He still wanted to see parts of the city even if the festival has kinda died down after the rain.” Yuu glanced up long enough to meet Leona’s gaze. “I made him take three bottles of water with him.” 
Leona grunted. “It’s not my problem if he has another heatstroke. He’s aware of the risks now.” 
Cheka jumping on his leg was the perfect excuse to dismiss Yuu’s unconvinced hum. Leona stiffened when Cheka’s friends grabbed him without hesitation. Was that snot dripping out of the chubbier one’s nose? 
“Unca Leona! Unca Leona!” Cheka demanded. “You gotta play with me!” 
Leona bristled at the command. Kalim’s cheery laugh was the only thing preventing him from punting Cheka and his friends across the room. “Cheka told us only you could play the role in the game he wants to play because it’s one of the most important roles. He wouldn’t even let Vil fill in before he left!” 
“’Cause only Unca Leona can do it!” Cheka insisted. He twisted away from Leona and ran across the room, taking his friends with him. “Unca Leona is leader of the Sunset Warriors! Timmy! Pupa! Come stand here!” 
Leona ignored Cheka haughtily commanding his friends in favor of imagining Vil’s reaction to Cheka’s logic. He almost wished he had been there to see the offended huffing. Leona could imagine that was why Vil had chosen another trip to the Ivory Springs as opposed to an opportunity of running into the rest of Leona’s family at the palace. 
A tug on his fingers made Leona glance down at the little girl. She stared up at him with narrowed blue eyes. Leona narrowed his eyes back down at her. She barely stood taller than his knee, yet she had already mastered the same judgmental stare Sade gave him when he skipped “important” family activities. 
Her glare never wavering, she held out one of the beaded bracelets she and Yuu made. “Take this” 
Leona’s fingers twitched, but he didn’t immediately obey her command. “Why should I?” 
A jab to the back of his ribs made him turn his glower on Yuu. She rolled her eyes towards the ceiling. “She’s not asking you to eat a cactus. You can accept a gift without pretending you’re offended.” 
“A gift?” Leona questioned. The girl tugged on his fingers again, and he fought the urge to snatch his hand from her grasp. "Being told to accept something doesn’t sound like a gift.” 
“It’s not a gift,” the girl confirmed. She yanked on one finger hard enough for Leona to feel the hollow pop of a joint. Her tail angrily swished behind her when he conveyed his displeasure with a muted growl. “You gotta take it to give to her.” 
Leona frowned. He shot Yuu a suspicious glare, but she only shrugged. She held up the bracelet she made and gave it a little shake. “Don’t look at me. I’ve got my bracelet.” 
The little lioness emitted an annoyed huff. “That’s not yours either! Come on. Cheka! We’re ready.” 
Cheka jumped at the sudden shout. He ran back across the room to grab a patterned throw blanket draped over a bench. He climbed up on the bench and threw his shoulders back. Timmy and Pupa ran over to stand on the right side of the bench. Without receiving any instructions, Kalim, Lilia, and Grim moved to stand on the opposite side. Kalim grinned widely at Leona while Lilia softly snickered into his hand. 
Grim put his paws on his hips. “Let’s get this thing over with. I wanna go grab some more food from the festival stalls before they pack everything up!” 
Cheka solemnly nodded at the girl. “Bring Unca Leona and Ms. Yuu to me, Zahara.” 
Zahara slipped between them to grasp their hands, dragging them forward behind her. Leona loudly sighed and questioned his earlier decision to avoid Kifaji. There was no escaping Cheka with the others here. Especially the prefect, who jabbed his ribs again when he when he didn’t budge from Zahara’s tugging. “Just play along.” 
It was Leona’s turn to roll his eyes towards the ceiling. He stood his ground for about half a second—finding the little girl’s impatient grunting to be amusing—before another jab forced him to “play along.” By the time Zahara presented them to Cheka, his nephew had already become distracted with adjusting the throw blanket over him like a robe. A polite cough from Lilia snapped Cheka’s attention back to them. “Oh, right! Estimated peoples! We came here today to, uh, join the macaronis!” 
“Macaronis?” Timmy—or Pupa, Leona honestly didn’t know which of Cheka’s friends was which, but it was the scrawny looking one—repeated. His head bobbed around in a way that reminded Leona of a meerkat peeking out of his tunnel. “What does macaronis gotta do with anything?” 
“It sounds tasty,” Pupa said with the same dopey smile he’d had since Leona arrived. 
“I dunno what the macaronis do,” Cheka said with a shrug. He pulled the blanket over his shoulders again when it slipped. “But that’s what they said.” 
Timmy’s entire face wrinkled. Zahara jabbed his ribs in the same way Yuu had jabbed Leona. “Hush! We’re not done yet.” 
Leona never thought he’d empathize with one of Cheka’s friends, but the exasperated sigh from Timmy had him nodding in agreement. Lilia leaned over and whispered quietly in Cheka’s ear. Cheka’s ear twitched. Leona glared at Lilia when he fell back into his place with a giggle. 
Cheka threw out his hands. “Present the bracelets!” 
Yuu offered her bracelet to Cheka without hesitation. Cheka shook his head. He leaned forward and in a loud whisper said, “You gotta give it to Unca Leona, Ms. Yuu!” 
Leona’s fingers rolled over the beads of the bracelet Zahara had forced onto him. A memory whispered at the back of his thoughts, but Lilia’s giggles and Grim’s bemoaning “Hurry up!” chased it away. Yuu did as Cheka said and offered the bracelet to Leona instead. When Leona didn’t immediately accept it, she gently swung it from the tip of her finger. “Don’t make me put this on you myself.” 
Leona snorted. Deciding the quickest route to escaping all this was to play along, Leona took the bracelet from her. He tossed the other bracelet he held at Yuu, figuring that was his role in this weird game. He smirked when Yuu scrambled to catch it before it hit the ground. 
“The bracelets are presented,” Cheka happily exclaimed. He hopped in place on the bench. Leona took a small step forward when Cheka’s bouncing put him perilously close to the edge of the bench (because Sade would chew his ear off if Cheka broke an arm). “Holy macaronis is complete! Now you go whoopsie, and I get a cousin!” 
It was the first time Cheka’s prattling had left Leona completely speechless. His ears twitched from Kalim’s happy applause and Cheka’s friends’ mixed reactions of excitement and childish disgust. Lilia’s giggles had morphed into deranged cackles again. Grim’s head swiveled between them all. “I don’t get it. Is this another weird human thing? ‘Cause last I checked, macaroni was for eating, not...whatever this is.” 
Leona whipped his head towards Yuu. Her expression had completely flattened save for the small wrinkle between her eyebrows. She slowly blinked when Cheka jumped off the bench and tackled her legs. His thin tail swished behind him like an excited dog. “Can you give me a cousin before you leave? I want him to come to my next birthday party!” 
The whispered memory roared to the forefront of Leona’s tangled thoughts. Sade’s stupid friend—the one who had a shotgun wedding last summer. The one Sade kept calling a “whoopsie wedding” because she wasn’t about to sit down and explain to Cheka why everyone kept whispering about a missing baby. Sade had even said the couple exchanged bracelets they had made instead of rings because it was trendy or something equally as stupid. 
The kids—being kids—didn’t notice the new stiffness in the prefect or the shift in Lilia’s cackles. They huddled around Yuu and celebrated with happy cries. Cheka was the first to break away, and then it was like nothing had happened. Cheka took off across the room, and the other three naturally followed, the two boys grabbing an unsuspecting Grim and dragging him along with them. The direbeast sputtered when he was forced to sit between Cheka and Zahara while Timmy and Pupa served them imaginary plates of grilled beetles. 
Kalim was easily pulled into the game, “eating” his pretend beetles with gusto alongside Cheka. Lilia cackled and patted Leona’s elbow. “What an exciting way to end our adventure here! Now, you take care of our dear prefect. I know plenty of young men who will have a thing or two to say if you make too big of a whoopsie." 
An awkward cough from Yuu was the only thing that prevented Leona from snapping at Lilia’s retreating back. She wouldn’t look at him, fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist. “So, uh, that was something. Cheka has such a creative imagination.” 
Leona’s scowl flipped into a wide grin. He flicked his tail in her direction. She jumped when his tail brushed the back of her hand. His grin widened. "Imagination? You were the one who made the bracelet for me. You want me to believe you didn’t understand the significance behind it?” 
Yuu’s head snapped in his direction just as he had anticipated. Her eyes narrowed at him with obvious doubt. “It’s just a bracelet.” 
Leona hummed. He plucked at the larger red beads of his bracelet, feeling the shallow engravings in the glass beads. “I’m shocked you don’t have the Sunset Savanna’s traditions memorized by now. Jack brags about your dedication to learning Twisted Wonderland’s history after every little study session you froshes have.” 
The sunburn Yuu had developed over the last day slightly deepened in hue across her face. “I don’t exactly have the time to memorize every single country’s traditions. I’m the only one responsible enough to clean up all you boys’ messes after all.” 
Leona held back a derisive snort. He saw straight through her attempts to distract him, and he wouldn’t let her divert the embarrassment so easily. “Now I’m hurt. You’ve memorized the magical principles of alchemy but not engagement rituals? If I didn’t know any better, I'd say you were toying with my emotions.” 
“Engagement ritual?” Yuu didn’t sound nearly as scandalized as he would have liked, but where she was able to control her tone, her flush spread unhindered down her neck. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. What does a child’s imaginary game have anything to do with engagement rituals?” 
Leona clicked his tongue. He lifted his forearm and twisted his wrist for her to get a good look at his bracelet. The lie unfolded with the same ease as one of Vil’s flimsy little hand fans. “You see the symbol on these red beads? Couples once used the same symbol to proclaim their intentions of courting. If both parties accepted the courting, they’d paint the symbol on their foreheads with the same juice from the baobab fruit used to paint the Prince of Beasts forehead at his birth.” 
Yuu’s eyes remained narrow, but Leona caught the quick flick down to her own bracelet. She lifted her arm a second later and shook it with enough force to make the loose bracelet bounce against her smaller wrist. “All right then. Say I believe you. What’s the green beetle and yellow lion faces on my bracelet meant to symbolize in this so-called courting?” 
Leona barely blinked. “The green beetle is a promise to provide in even the harshest times. It was once said that the Prince of Beasts survived on a diet of insects after he became lost in the wilds beyond the savanna. Hence the symbolism.” He paused until he saw the slight widening of Yuu’s eyes, a subtle sign of her buying his lie. “I’d say the lions are pretty obvious. A promise of strength and protection.” 
That subtle hint of naivety instantly disappeared behind the prefect’s default blank expression. She crossed her arms and tilted her chin up to fully meet his gaze. The flush had paled to nothing more than a sunburn again. “Strength and protection, huh? Then shouldn’t the lions be on your bracelet? A promise from me for strength and protection? Because last I checked, it’s a pretty accepted fact that lionesses are tougher on the savanna than you broody, princely lions.” 
Leona sighed. He mimicked her posture, though his added slouch gave a hint of natural conviction. “Strength doesn’t come from just brute power. Wit can outmaneuver a flying fist with the right amount of flexibility and awareness.” 
“You’re so full of crap. Next, you’ll try to tell me a baboon’s ass is the symbol of wisdom around here.” 
Leona chuckled, finding her shift from gullible embarrassment to sharp skepticism amusing. He casually flicked his wrist while at the same time turning away from her. “If you want to be so dismissive of our traditions, I won’t stop you. More sympathy for me—the poor prince so callously rejected by an ignorant proposal. You can be the one to tell the brat he won’t be getting his whoopsie cousin anytime soon.” 
Yuu didn’t miss a beat. “I’ll tell Sade you made Cheka cry for no reason.” 
Leona stopped short and shot her a narrowed glare. He lightly hissed between his teeth. “The guards wouldn’t allow you close enough to speak to Sade even if Kifaji wasn’t the one watching the brat today.” 
Yuu arched one eyebrow. “Did you forget I have her cellphone number to video call Cheka? She’s even told me to text her if you ever gave me trouble.” 
Leona was going to have a chat with his sister-in-law. This was why he had never brought anyone around to visit—even if he had cared to bring anyone from NRC home, giving Falena and Sade direct access to people he associated with? Leona would rather eat vegetables for the rest of his life. 
Still, he couldn’t help but prod at Yuu’s renewed confidence. “And will you be telling her about our whoopsie marriage too?” 
Yuu’s eyelids lightly fluttered. “Well, someone has to confirm if Cheka has the authority to officiate a marriage, being a recognized prince and all.” 
Leona snorted and left when he caught Lilia shooting a wide grin in his direction. He wasn’t about to be stuck playing pretend with Cheka and his friends because the prefect thought she could use the threat of Sade to manipulate him. It was worth the risk of running into Kifaji again and being dragged to a boring, business luncheon. He could handle a slime-ball businessman; he wasn’t about to sit around here and lick the air pretending it was a grub soup with Lilia giggling on the side. 
A few days later, with the Cloudcalling Festival behind them, Leona pointedly ignored the bracelet Yuu continued to wear to classes and pretended the matching bracelet wasn’t stashed away in a drawer of his desk where even Ruggie wouldn’t find it. 
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morbethgames · 2 months
New Update Is Out!
First and foremost, new update is out! It's kind of a small one, but it's a scene with Hawks where they are debriefing the PC on the case. Lots of variation in those 10k or so words, so you'll probably only see about 2k of it per playthrough.
Well everybody, I had been taking a bit of time. Admittedly, and a bit… embarrassingly… coding like, 30 different variations of Lance's happy-fun-time burnt me out. But, it gave me time to really think about things for the game and scenes that should be in there and where their place in the story is. As well as a scene or two I could probably cut so the game doesn't take another year. It's all about that balance of whether or not you can say a scene happened, versus which scenes need to be shown happening. Maybe it can be added in later, but right now, the priority is definitely the time skip scenes and the main story.
But one thing that is refreshing, and a little scary, is seeing the fact that the first scene for chapter 5 is now set up in the game to start being written in. Chapter 5. The final chapter of the game. It's been 3 years. Now, it's gonna be another few months (few as in upper few) until it's finished because Chapter 5 is going to be the chapter with the most variations yet. Multiple TBI's to code. Multiple endings. Multiple paths. It's gonna be a huge chapter. But I'm gonna be starting it (in between finishing up the time skip scenes of course). It's absolutely wild to think about.
There are gonna be some scenes in the final game that aren't going to be in the demo, so the incentive to purchase the game is still gonna be there, but as of right now, the plan is to fully beta test this game. Including the ending. Because what's important to me is making sure I get it right, and in order to do that, I need people to help test it. Whether or not I'll do that publicly through to the ending here or not is yet to be seen. I may ask a couple people to beta test it in private. I'm honestly not sure yet. Maybe it'll be a patreon thing; who knows?
What I do know is this game has been, and will be until it's finished, a great lesson. I have a habit of starting things and not finishing them. Obviously I wasn't gonna say that before because then people wouldn't be invested in the game. But I think it's quite obvious at this point that I'm absolutely going to finish this project, and that is a huge accomplishment for me. It's proof that I can do something like this and see it through to the end.
But yeah, thanks everyone for continuing to come back and check out the game. Now that the current version of the demo is finished, I'll be posting a bit more on Patreon as well. Snippets and whatnot. I figured since I released the little mini-extra scenes game on there I could take another week or two to focus on finishing this up.
As always, stay brilliant.
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