#I'mma tell him anyway
highlifeboat · 2 years
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No thoughts only under appreciated OC Elizabeta
#actually i do have one thoght but it's not about them but i'mma ramble in the tags anyway#so i was thinking about max and his love of arachnids/spiders#and like#he probably wouldn't be able to make daniela un-afraid of them#BUT i think he could convince her that they really aren't a huge threat and that they don't have to be killed and she could probably#even hold one and it wouldn't do anything since 90% of the time she's in human form anyway#but also him being like ''I really like arachnids I think they're cute and amazing and they're so interesting let me go on a big info#info dump and tell you all about them" and just seeing him really passionate about something makes dani's heart melt#because max never does this stuff#he never rambles or goes off on huge passiionate tangents like that#it's usually HER rabling to HIM#and he's so genuinely happy while he talks about them and it's like#She's just never really seem him like that and even if spiders are a big part of it that doesn't matter#because ''holy shit he's smiling and he's talking so much and by miranda he's fucking cute''#anyway i forget what my point was but yeah i think max should ramble to daniela about arachnids cause no one else'll listen to him anyway#this tag rant would have been way more suited under a daximus post but i didn't have any art and if i didn't write it now i was gonna#gonna forget *wheeze*#if anyone takes the time to read my sleep deprived rambles about maximus n spooders thanks lmao i'm going to be now#my art#oc elizabeta#oc max#daximus#tag ramble#re 8 oc
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fusionbolts · 2 years
@tabletbound​ // plotted starter
Finally, a moment to himself. Every minute in Paladea was beginning to feel like an eternity. Diplomacy schplomacy! Yes, yes, he knew that it was true: Unova needed allies, especially after the war. Trade partners. (Anything even marginally more positive than “bitter ex-empires,” really.) But for goodness sake! It felt like his every move was being scrutinized. He couldn’t use the damn restroom without someone reading into it.
Well, it could be worse - he could be poor Zekrom, unable to even wander about. Sure, he understood the logic — a foreign king shows up with a dragon the size of a house. It only makes sense to keep said dragon somewhere it could be kept very carefully watched. Not that watching would do them any good if Adair really wanted to Zekrom to cause trouble, but he wasn’t about to voice that. They can go ahead believing some measly knights would be any match for Zekrom if they wanted to leave their ‘quarters’.
“You lucky bastard,” he greets his braviary as it lands beside him in the empty courtyard. At least someone was able to enjoy themselves here. “You can go fuck off and do whatever you want. What I wouldn’t give.”
(Braviary almost seems to chuckle at his partner’s misfortune. Or at least, it would, if a bird of prey were capable of laughing.)
“What a blowhard,” he scoffs, carefully combing out his braviary’s feathers with his good hand. “Honestly! How far up his own ass can a man possibly be? Of all the things I could be doing — off in some foreign country, kissing up to a bastard born with a silver spoon in his mouth for Unova to have a bit of extra coin to go around... I thought we’d quite definitively concluded that we were above this sort of tauros shit with the revolution. I swear, the second we return, I’m pushing Ephreith straight into the bay for talking me into this. Smarmy, know-it-all, son of a—”
It’s too little, too late when he realizes he’s not as alone as he’d first thought. Fight or flight kicks in and he runs through the scenario in his mind — they’re upwind, no wonder braviary hadn’t noticed anything, and turned just enough away, too. (Stupid. Should have given his position more thought before opening his big mouth.) Is that fellow hiding (poorly), or did he just approach from an unfortunate angle? Hard to tell.
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    “Ah, for fuck’s—” Sigh. He pinches the bridge of his nose. No use playing coy, is there? “Alright, how much did you hear, and what will it take to convince you that you didn’t? I would really rather not start an international incident today.”
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I mean
I dunno what happened
It kinda wrote itself, I had no real hand in this
Please consult with my muses on the subject, I didn't know they were this cracked out tonight
Anyway awaaaay we gggoooooooooo
Flight Risk
Young!Mihawk x AFAB!Marine!Reader
Ch. 7 of something there's gonna be at least two more chapters
First Chapter link Previous Chapter link
Brief summary of The Story So Far: Your mission, as a Marine and Zoan type devil fruit user (gray parrot), is to gather intel on Dracule Mihawk, a pirate on the Grand Line who has become a thorn in the Marines' side over a relatively short period of time. He's discovered your secret, and your life hangs in the balance of his mercy.
Possible !!Trigger Warnings!! in this chapter!! Largely for imprisonment and psychological turmoil, though not necessarily psychological torture yet. I will say, for readers who are used to my writing characters with a relatively gentle depiction, I likely won't be taking quite as gentle of an approach here. There is some Yandere possessiveness prevalent here that I haven't written much before.
Tags: Enemies to lovers, eventually NSFW, idk maybe more later
Word Count: 3,095
Taglist: @i-am-vita @browneyedhufflepuff @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @littleleelee @nerium-lil @schanwow @dragon-bubs @animefreak818
I'm happy to add anyone that asks. Still flabbergasted that the list is this long.
I forgot to do a music thing last time bc I was so sleepy but I'mma do one this time but IT'S NOT FRATELLIS?? WHO IS EVEN RUNNING THIS BLOG?? SHOULD YOU CALL THE AUTHORITIES??
♫♬The Game- Disturbed♬♫
Tell me, exactly what am I supposed to do, now that I've allowed you to beat me?
Do you think that we could play another game? Maybe I could win this time
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Dead, you were dead, he was going to kill you, and all he would have to do to get the job done would be to leave your right there in the shallows and let the tide slowly wash in until you were submerged, drained of strength and helpless.
To tighten his powerful grip around your neck until you ceased gasping for air.
To pull the golden cross from around his neck and plunge the small knife hidden within it into your torso, drag the sharp blade across your neck, watch the light leave your eyes.
So many ways he could kill you, in this very moment.
And yet his hand moved up your neck slowly, his grip unwavering as his fingers wrapped around your jaw instead. He tilted his head the slightest bit as he turned your head to one side, taking in your features with an air of both amusement and vague interest.
“And you were doing so well,” he said lightly, letting out a small sigh as he shook his head. You flinched as the rough pad of his thumb brushed across your cheek. “If you could have just refrained from making that silly little call to your boss last night—aw,” he added, an edge of mockery in his quiet words. “Did you think I was sound asleep the whole time? Poor thing.”
It hadn’t appeared as if he had done more than shift from his back to his side in the time you were gone last night—there had been absolutely no sign that he had gotten out of bed, not a single sound outside the cracked door of the study.
You should have known better.
“Though I must say, I do appreciate the vote of confidence.” Mihawk stood in a swift motion, tightening his grip around your jaw to pull you up with him, drawing a sharp gasp of alarm from you as your feet lifted a few inches from the ground. Still drenched in seawater, you didn’t even have the strength to lift your arms, held up only by his grasp, limp as a ragdoll. “‘No weaknesses.’ I’m almost flattered.”
You swallowed as he brought you closer, lifting his eyebrows a bit, the corner of his mouth curving the smallest bit into an almost imperceptible smirk.
“Provided it wasn’t a lie. You have quite the penchant for fooling others, it seems.” He quirked his brow a bit higher, his eyes darting up and down your limp form before settling back on yours. “Well? Was it a lie?”
“Mm—n-no,” you managed to choke out weakly, your eyes wincing and beginning to burn as his fingertips dug harder into your jaw and cheeks. “No…”
“No?” he repeated lightly. “Now, I’m sure you can do better than that, considering how polite you were with your employer last night. And I’m afraid it’s not them you’re answering to anymore. Try again.”
You swallowed dryly, your eyes flickering down toward his hand. “N—no, sir,” you whimpered.
“Ah, much better. Now, then….” The spark of amusement remained present in his yellow eyes as he rubbed his thumb against your cheek once again. “I suppose we should get you back inside and dried off, yes? I’d hate to see you get sick, pet.”
Your stomach felt as if it had dropped out of your body when he lifted you abruptly and flung you over his shoulder, your consciousness wavering between the complete sapping of your strength from the seawater still drenching your clothes and the state of shock you were left in. You drifted in and out during the trek back to the castle, your muscles limp and useless. You didn’t jolt back to a remotely aware state until he heaved you off and dropped you onto the cold stone floor of an unfamiliar part of the castle.
“I do just hate to have to cage you after all this time,” he said as you gazed around, your eyes squinted against the darkness. Judging from the lack of windows, you were below the ground level—and this was confirmed when he lit a torch along the wall opposite the one you were leaning against. “Nearly two months, it’s been, hasn’t it? Hmm. How the time flies.”
The dim orange light of the flame expanded as he lit another, and you realized he had deposited you in a small, square cell. The stone walls and floor were the same as the rest of the castle, if a great deal dustier, but the heavy iron bars and door made it clear that you were in the dungeon beneath the fortress.
“But, you’ve really left me no choice,” he went on with a soft, disappointed sigh. You could just make out his silhouette against the flickering firelight, the rattle of chains as he dug around in the drawer of a heavy desk just within your line of sight. “At least for now. I can’t have you escaping before we have a proper discussion about…” He lifted a heavy pair of iron shackles, examining them before giving a short nod. “About several things, really.”
He stepped slowly into the cell, his pace one of leisure, and stopped a few feet away from you, looking down at your pitiful form as you leaned back against the stone wall of the cell, struggling to steady your breathing, shivering in your damp clothes. He frowned as he looked you up and down, and gave a nod toward you.
“Off,” he said, his voice low but commanding enough that you jumped slightly, your brow furrowing as you tried to discern his meaning. “Off,” he repeated. “Can’t have you getting sick. We have a great deal to talk about.”
Your clothes. You glanced down at the wet fabric clinging to your skin, your stomach turning—he was telling you to get out of your clothes.
“Oh, modest, are we?” he said dryly, lifting an eyebrow. He took another step forward, crouching in front of you. You flinched back a bit when he reached a hand out and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Two months you’ve spent constantly at my side. I’m certain I’ve changed clothes in your presence more than a handful of times.”
“I...I didn’t...look,” you whimpered out, swallowing, closing your eyes as your face flared with heat.
“No, you didn’t,” he agreed. “I did find that curious, but you were quite the curious little bird.” You opened your eyes when you heard the chains of the shackles clink lightly, and watched as he stood, rolling his eyes as he turned around, his back to you. “Fine,” he said. “You may keep your undergarments. They’ll dry quickly enough.”
You almost wished that he had just killed you out by the shore. The embarrassment, the utter humiliation of pulling your tank top over your head and letting it fall to the floor with the towering form of the swordsman only a few feet away was enough to make you wish you could drop dead on the spot. You fumbled with your belt buckle, the buttons at the fly of your pants, before kicking them off along with your boots, wrapping your arms around your knees and clenching your eyes shut, trembling from more than just the cold, damp air of the dungeon now.
You heard a rustle of fabric in front of you, and before you could open your eyes you felt the material land in a heap at your feet. You cracked an eye open and frowned at the white heap.
Glanced up at him, your eyes widening as you realized he had removed his flowy, ruffled shirt, his back and shoulders bare as he crossed his arms, still facing the door of the cell.
“Put it on,” he commanded, stepping out of the cell. “And quickly. I pride myself on many things, my dear pet, but patience is not among them.”
You were already picking up the shirt and shrugging it around your shoulders before he finished, fumbling with the buttons with unsteady hands. The shirt was large enough on your much smaller form that it covered you from your shoulders to more than halfway down your thighs, the hem brushing your knees as you tugged it down, staring down at the floor, listening to the chair at the desk scrape across the stone. He set it down in front of you and tossed the shackles down at your feet, taking a seat and crossing an ankle over his knee.
“Those as well,” he said.
The moment your hand touched the shackles, you felt what little strength you had managed to regain begin to drift away from your body all over again. He chuckled when you drew your hand back as if you had been shocked.
“Seastone,” he said. “I salvaged them from the wreckage of a Marine vessel a handful of years ago. Thought they might prove useful one day. Go on.” He nodded down at them as you briefly met his eyes. “Around your ankles. So long as you remain compliant, I will allow you the continued use of your hands. You may need them at some point.”
You didn’t dare ask what that might mean.
You did, however, do as he told you. The seastone shackles felt as if they weighed fifty or more pounds, and it took some effort for you to drag them up even to the height of your ankles and clamp them shut.
“Very good,” he commended, leaning back in the chair and crossing his arms, his eyes never leaving you as you slumped back weakly against the walls. “Still such an obedient pet, aren’t you?” Every breath you drew in took a herculean effort, felt as if it might be the last you managed to draw before you passed out from sheer physical exhaustion. “Now, this is a first on my part. I’ve never been one to waste time taking prisoners. You ought to consider yourself privileged. Grateful for my continued hospitality despite your blatant betrayal.”
You swallowed, unable to do anything but give a weak nod.
He gave another small chuckle. “You’ve been trained to handle being the victim of a potential hostage situation,” he commented—it wasn’t a question. He cocked his head slightly to the side. “You’re quite small for a Marine. What rank are you, little bird?”
“Cadet,” you forced out—and, when he lifted an eyebrow, you quickly added, “s—sir.”
“Cadet,” he repeated, leaning back a bit further. “Hm.” He lifted a hand to his chin, his expression thoughtful as he brushed his thumb across his short goatee. “And they saw fit to send you after me.” You nodded again. “Your commanding officers either have a great amount of faith in your potential or they were trying to get rid of you. Which do you think it was?”
“T...they offered me the mission,” you said quietly. “I could have turned it down.”
“Faith in your potential, then,” he said lightly. “What a pity for them Of course, they weren’t wrong,” he went on, lowering his hand down to his knee, strumming his fingers there slowly. “You did play your role well. Well enough to fool that charming pet shop owner in Acacia, even. A veritable expert on the subject. You must have done your homework. Breezed through all your tests with flying colors. I did my own homework, as you know. Amid my reading, I recall mention that wounded or sick pets might show signs of decreased appetite. Interruption of sleep. In extreme cases, potentially isolating themselves from their owners. You see…” He tilted his head once more to meet your eyes, his gaze holding your own with an intensity that made it impossible for you to break the contact. “Had I not woken last night we might not even be having this conversation. Had I not noticed your absence and worried enough to go looking for you.”
Your worry over your mission. Your inability to eat or sleep regularly. Of course he had noticed. You were an idiot to think he wouldn’t have noticed.
“Had I not heard a voice coming from the study below my chambers,” he went on, lowering his voice, “you might have been able to complete your mission without a single hitch. I would have been forced to assume when you left that you had flown off somewhere to die.”
You flinched at that, closing your eyes and lowering your head.
“Oh, now what is this?” He chuckled. “Are we feeling guilty?”
“Yes.” You spoke through gritted teeth—there was no point in lying. You were already compromised, already at his mercy. “I…made the call last night because I…I couldn’t leave with nothing to show for it. Or without…” You swallowed once more, lowering your head to your knees. “I only had four days left. I was expected to slip away unnoticed and rendezvous with my commanding officers at a designated location before returning to Marineford to report on any potential weaknesses of yours I might have discovered.”
“And you claimed you found none,” he continued for you.
You nodded. “But...caring for another living creature is always a potential weakness,” you said quietly.
“Aaah.” You swallowed dryly, clenching your eyes shut tighter as you heard him push the chair back. The whisper of his boots on the stone floor as he took a step forward, the quiet rustle as he crouched down in front of you. “And you were unwilling to list your own presence as a potential weakness. Is that it?” You nodded again, and tensed as he caught your chin in his hand. “And here I’ve already admitted to having worried for the well-being of my pet. You certainly did do a stellar job, didn’t you, my little bird?”
His tone, his touch was almost gentle, despite that edge of persisting amusement at your predicament.
“Open your eyes.”
You obeyed his command once again—though your eyelids fluttered in your growing state of exhaustion brought on by the effects of the seastone shackles wrapped around your ankles, you did your best to maintain eye contact, only vaguely aware of his thumb brushing across your bottom lip as you gazed into his yellow irises.
“I may yet have use for you,” he murmured, his voice still light and amused. “I suppose you are a pretty little thing, if nothing else. And your abilities...well, you managed to fool me, now, didn’t you? Don’t,” he added, his tone sharpening as your eyes began to drift shut, and they shot back open. “There’s one more matter. You spoke of some offer while you were making your call last night. What is it?”
“W...warlord,” you forced out. “The World Government wants to offer pirates they consider too dangerous to combat status as ‘Warlords.’ No more than seven. Bounties expunged in exchange for an agreement to cease hostility against Marines and other World Government officials, and potentially being called upon to assist with other threats.”
“Warlords,” he repeated, letting out a quiet chuckle. “And you’ve been granted permission to extend me this offer?” You gave a small nod, blinking slowly, fighting to keep your eyes open. “Since you’ve reported to your commanding officers that I have no weaknesses they can exploit.” Another nod, and a quiet affirmative hum. “Mm-hmm,” he repeated, smirking. “I suppose it’s worth thinking over. At least until you’ve regained the ability to discuss the subject coherently.”
“Four days.” He lifted his eyebrows at your mumbling, waiting for you to continue. “Need to make contact in four days or they could send a Buster Call.”
“Ah.” His thumb brushed across your cheek, and you found yourself leaning unconsciously toward the warmth of his palm. “So they would sink this entire island into the depths of the ocean with you still on it, would they?” The hum you gave this time was neither affirmative nor dissenting—it was simply in acknowledgment that he had spoken at all, as your lessening coherency made it increasingly difficult to follow his words. “That does sound quite like the Marines. Heaven forbid they should have any loose ends to worry about.”
He expelled a slow sigh, one that might have been of resignation or annoyance, or perhaps some melding of both. Either way, the warmth of his breath across your face made your eyes drift shut, made you fall fully limp against the wall behind you.
You barely registered anything beyond that. Not his light shake at your shoulder in attempt to rouse you, his exasperated sigh as he caught you before you could fall sideways and hit your head against the stone floor.
Not his irritated grumble of, “Troublesome woman,” as he drew one of your hands up to cushion your head against the hard stone floor before he pulled himself to his feet to frown down at you.
To wonder why he hadn’t shoved his way through the door of his study the moment he heard your voice last night and throttled you in that moment.
To wonder why the hell he still had any concern at all for your continued safety and well-being.
You had spent two months, two months deceiving him, abusing his good will, masquerading as a loyal companion when you were nothing more than a dirty little spy.
His hands twitched into fists for a moment as he stared down at you, gritting his teeth. He could end your life right now. It would be only too easy. Crush your throat beneath the heel of his boot. Wrap a hand around your delicate neck until the labored rise and fall of your chest ceased entirely. You had already warned him of the Marines’ potential intent to destroy this island. He could dispose of you and leave on his own before that ever came to pass.
You shifted in your sleep on the cold stone floor, shivering slightly and laying a hand over the toe of one of his boots.
Mihawk swore under his breath, reaching behind him to drag the chair back into place and sit down heavily, crossing his arms over his chest as he surveyed your slight form below him on the floor covered only by his own shirt.
“What exactly am I supposed to do with you?” he grumbled under his breath, shaking his head, not completely aware himself of how his own gaze softened as he looked down at you. “Useless thing….”
His prisoner.
His pet.
His pretty little bird.
He would be damned if anyone but him were allowed to decide your fate.
First chapter and Previous chapter links again for your convenience
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ghostfanwriter · 11 months
✨🥐 𝐊𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐝 🥐✨
Part two to Pink Velvet.
🥐 Pairing: Single dad, young Joel Miller x Baker! Reader
✨ Setting: No Outbreak Au! Joel's the biological father of Sarah and Ellie.
🥐 Synopsis: Joel starts working on the renovations around your bakery. But he's willing to do more than just fixing your floors for you.
✨ Features: Joel and reader flirting some more, reader being helplessly down for Joel (and Joel eating it UP), a lot bit of a competency thing from reader.
🥐 Word count: 4.2k
✨ About this/Author's note: You guys seemed to really like part one, I can't tell you how happy I got with all the comments on it 🤧 This one is pure fluff and flirtation. I love watching them being all awkward and giggly next to one another. It's cooking, friends, and they know it.
Hope you like it 🩷
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You hear a soft sound while you're putting the chairs up so you can sweep the floor. After you don't pay it any mind, you hear a proper knock on your door, and it startles you, making you jump and laugh while you walk towards the door, Joel laughing on the other side.
"Sorry, I tried not to scare you, but you didn't hear it the first time." He says, laughing as you make room for him to walk in.
"Not, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting you to be here early, I was trying to finish cleaning before you arrived." You explain yourself, locking the door back.
"Did you just close?" He asks, noticing the dirty dishes on top of a few of the tables.
"Well, my closing time is never my closing time, you know? People arrive five minutes before closing and I just can't tell them to leave." You say.
"And they never even ask what time you're closing?" He asks and you laugh.
"Some do. But they stay anyway." You say, and he shakes his head.
"Well, I'mma help you so we can sit down and talk, then." He says and you smile.
"Thank you, Joel." You say as he gives you no time to protest, going to the dirty tables and picking up the dishes, putting them on the counter, then going around and putting the remaining chairs on top of their tables.
"You know what's really unfair?" He asks, and you frown.
"What is really unfair?" You ask.
"You know my name and I don't know yours." He says, and you smile, saying your name.
"Nice to meet you." He says your name, and you love how it sounds on his lips.
"Nice to meet you too." You say, swiping a table so you can sit down.
"So, tell me about what needs to be done here." He says, sitting across from you.
"Well, first the floorings." You start. "They're... Not great. There are hollow pieces, uneven parts, it's all scratched and the color's not so nice anymore, the tiles of the bathrooms are stained and gross. So I'd like to change all of them." You say, and he nods, a cute pout on his lips as he keeps his eyes on you while you talk.
"Alright, fully changing the floorings will require a few hours to work on them and then a while of no one walking over them, is that ok?" He asks, leaning down to touch the floor.
"Yeah, no problem. Sundays I only open in the morning, just to sell some bread, but it's always the same people, so I could just let them know I'd be closed on Sunday. Maybe try and deliver them the breads if they want." You say.
"Great. I could start on Saturday night and let it rest until Monday morning." He says.
"You can do the whole flooring in just one night?" You ask, shocked.
"Yeah, my brother helps me out when I need it. I'll just bring him with me and we should be done quick. Maybe in like... Four or five hours" He says.
"Alright, that sounds good. I can work on the bread for delivery while you two do it. Does Saturday night works for you, though?" You ask.
"Yeah, any day that works for you works for me." He says.
"Oh, ok. It's just that, you know, Saturday night. Maybe you'd have something to do." You say.
"Trust me, I don't know what going out at night feels like for a very long time now. I'm always working at night." He laughs.
"I know. I miss it, but since I opened I haven't really been going out much neither." You admit.
"Well, now you're gonna spend the nights here watching me renovate your shop, how exciting is that?" He jokes.
'Oh, watching you be skillful and fix things, carry heavy stuff around and make my bakery look better? That's very exciting.' You think to yourself.
"Can't wait." You say, and he laughs.
"So, floorings we can't do much for at least a week, then. Is it ok if I work in one bathroom at a time? Maybe you keep just one, would people hate that too much?" He asks.
"No, I don't think so. I'm ok with that." You say.
"Alright, so I can work on it before the floorings. But you mentioned the walls and lights too?" He squints his eyes.
"Yeah. I think the old renter used to hang big and heavy stuff on the walls, so they're full of big holes." You say, and he looks around, frowning when he doesn't see anything. "I covered them." You say. "With the paintings."
"Why do you need me then? You're already so good at this." He jokes, and you laugh.
"I'm talented." You shrug, laughing.
"That you are. That cake?" He says, his eyes growing wide as he remembers the taste.
"You liked it?" You ask.
"Oh, I fucking loved it!" He says. "We ate the whole thing in like... Ten minutes." He says.
"Really?" You ask, your smile even bigger, even though you can't help but wonder... Who's we?
"Yeah, I mean, I'm sorry." He says, his tone suddenly getting serious as he leans over the table, touching your forearm, your chest suddenly filling with air. "But we destroyed that beautiful thing you created." He says, laughing.
"Oh, my poor baby." You whine dramatically, making a cry face, and he laughs.
"Do you do it all yourself?" He asks, and you nod.
"I do." You say.
"Well, you're in the right business, that was insane." He says, and you can feel your cheeks on fire. "Is there anything else?"
"What?" You ask, a silly smile stuck on your face, still flustered with his praising.
"Anything else you want to work on?" He asks, laughing.
"Ah, yeah, hum... There's an infiltration on the open patio, on the back." You say, and his eyes grow wide.
"And we're here talking about holes in the wall?" He asks, concerned, his laugh telling how funny he thinks your priorities are.
"I'm sorry!" You say, laughing at yourself. "They just annoy me so much."
"Can I see it?" He asks.
"Sure, it's over there." You point to the patio, getting up, and he follows you.
You remove the planter from the corner where the infiltration is and he bends down to take a look at it.
"Well, this is not looking good." He says.
"Is it too bad?"
"Yeah, the concrete is pretty wet, there may be a broken pipe underneath here." He says. "Was it like this when you rented?" He asks.
"Yeah. I asked my landlord about it and he said he'd get a guy over to check on it, but it's been a year and still nothing." You explain.
"He won't fix it." He says, like he's certain of it. "But neither should you." He says.
"But you said it's not looking good." You say, confused.
"Because it isn't." He says, getting up, standing close to you. "But it's not your problem, you shouldn't pay for it."
"I was gonna ask you about that." You say, your voice small as he's towering over you. He smells so good, he's so big, so... "Do you want something to drink?" You ask, your throat dry all of a sudden.
"Yeah. Do you have coffee?" He asks.
"Coffee at night?" You laugh, walking back inside.
"Still got a lot to do when I get home." He says, sitting down as you brew him some coffee.
"So, how much of what I have to do here do you think I should ask him to help me with?" You ask.
"Anything that's structural, permanent or semipermanent." He starts. "The infiltration, the tiles and the floorings, basically. You won't take the floorings with you when you leave, and they seem like they haven't been touched for a long time, so you're gonna up the value of the space. The infiltration is here since before you, so it's not your problem." He says. "He should fully pay for both, as far as I'm concerned."
"Don't know if he's gonna like to hear that." You say. You know the man, unfortunately.
"I can come over if you want. I can bring you a detailed budget and project plan, we sit down and talk to him." He offers.
"When, you think?" You ask, bringing him his coffee, sipping on some water.
"Thank you." He says, drinking it. "I just have to take a look around, take some notes, see what kind of materials you want, maybe in one week we can have it all. Maybe earlier." He says.
"Cool. One week is long enough to decide everything and tell everyone about the Sunday when I'll need to close."
"Alright. So I'll take a look around." He says.
"Ok, I'll be in the kitchen. Just call if you need anything." You say, getting up.
You finish what there was still left to do in the kitchen while Joel inspects the place. After you're both done you close everything.
"Do you want a ride?" He asks after you close the door.
"No, it's fine. I gotta run some errands, buy some groceries." You say. "Thank you, though."
"No problem. I'll text you tomorrow so we can talk floorings and tiles." He says.
"Uhum. Thanks, Joel. See ya." You say.
"See ya." He says, waving goodbye before crossing the street, going to his car, and you walk away.
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For the next three days he texts you, you send him the type of floorings you want, he explains to you the durability and maintenance costs and efforts of each option, and you ultimately decide everything you want.
You set a meeting with your landlord, and Joel says he'll join you, like he promised he would.
"So, how do you want to do this?" He asks.
"I don't know." You admit. "What do you think?" You ask.
"I think you should talk to him, and I should just back up what you say." He suggests.
"What if he doesn't listen to me?"
"Then I'll deal with him." He says, his tone almost intimidating.
"Ok." You agree as you watch the man walk inside.
"Alright, now what's this about?" He asks, as sweet as always. His eyes roaming from you to Joel, and Joel hates how the man eyes you up and down.
"Hi, Michael, look, I wanted to do some renovations, like I told you, so I called Joel." You say. "And we talked about the floorings and the infiltration on the back—"
"You're not expecting me to pay for it, are you sweetheart?" He cuts you, his tone condescending, and you see Joel's nostrils widen.
"Those were bad before I got in, you knew about the loose tiles, the worn out floorings, the infiltration was already pretty bad. And you know that." You say, angry. "You even said you'd fix that before it became too much of a problem." You add.
"Don't remember that." He laughs.
"Do you really wanna fucking do this?" Joel asks, his ever so deep voice even deeper, none of the usual softness coating it.
"I'm not here to talk to you, ok? You're just trying to make money out of this situation." Your landlord tries to sound convincing.
"If you don't work on this I'm gonna have you sign this aknowledgement notice saying that you were aware of the infiltration before she rented the space." Joel says, placing a paper on top of the table. "Because if that shit gets worse and she loses equipment, one of her clients or God forbid, she gets hurt... She's gonna sue you and then you're gonna lose a lot more money than you'd spend to fix it now." Joel says firmly, and you take a deep breath in. He's always so sweet to you, but the angry yet somehow professional tone he's using with your landlord makes you almost melt.
"How much is it gonna cost?" He asks, his bravery finding a short end on Joel's dominant presence.
"I made a budget for her. Found the most affordable materials and I separated my labor's cost on each part of what needs to be done here." Joel says, handing him a folder filled with numbers and project details.
"And what else needs to be done?" He asks you.
"Some of the lights are not working, even after I changed the lightbulbs, the floors are terrible, some of the tiles on the restrooms are falling down and the walls are filled with holes." You say. "Now I told Joel I didn't mind paying for part of this. Especially the floors, because I need a specific flooring, and it's a little more costly than other, worse options. So I suggest I pay for Joel's labor in all of these, except the infiltration and split part of the costs of the floorings with you." You add.
After some more back and forth you get to an agreement you're all satisfied with. Your landlord ends up paying for all the structural and permanent fixes, and Joel tells you that it's ok for you to pay him a bit per month.
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On the first day of the renovations, Joel's working on the infiltration, breaking the old and humid concrete so he can access the pipe and see what's wrong with it.
He wants to make sure he at least changes the pipe today so the leaking stops, so he's outside, focused on finishing it as fast as he can.
But his work is interrupted when you scream from the kitchen.
"Fuck!" You scream, and he comes in running, his eyes and nostrils wide, his protection glasses still on, a cloth on his shoulder, his neck glistening with sweat, his hair slightly stuck on his forehead, his arms so big, his torso and belly slightly outlined on his shirt—
"Are you ok?" He asks, scared, pulling you out of him.
"Me?" You ask, confused, finally finding his eyes.
"Yeah, you!" He says. "You screamed, I thought something happened to you."
"Oh, God, no! No, Joel, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." You say, starting to laugh. "I'm just used to being here alone, I... I'm sorry, I'm fine." You explain yourself, and he laughs, his shoulders dropping as his body relaxes.
"Jesus, you almost fucking killed me." He says, a little out of breath while he removes his protection glasses.
"No, I'm sorry." You say, laughing, feeling funny for him caring about you.
"What happened?" He asks, leaning on the doorframe, still catching his breath.
"Oh, it was my fucking mixer. It was weird for a while and now it just doesn't wanna work anymore." You say, frustrated, going towards it to grab the dough that's inside it.
"Do you want me to take a look at it?" He offers.
"No, it's fine. You're already busy out there, I can call some technician tomorrow." You say, and he makes a 'tsk' sound, grunting at you.
"I'm already here, I'll see if it's something I can fix. You don't need to spend more money." He says, his look telling you he wouldn't let you say no as he uses the cloth he had on his shoulder to clean his hands.
"Thank you." You say. "Can you take that tray for me, please?" You ask, and he holds it in front of you, so you throw the dough in it and he puts it back on top of the table. "Thanks, gotta finish kneading it now." You say, setting a timer for fifteen minutes and starting to knead it.
He kneels down next to the mixer and uses his flashlight to inspect it.
"Did you smell anything burnt?" He asks, and you frown.
"Don't think so." You say, struggling with the dough.
"What did it do, exactly?" He asks, turning to look at you.
"It started kinda like... bumping, instead of it's constant movement?" You say, trying to see in his face if your words made any sense. "Like, usually it's pretty smooth, but then it started doing like—" you say, moving your arms to mimick it's bumpy and stiff movements. "And then it just stopped."
"Great demonstration, thank you." He says, his face showing pure satisfaction, and you laugh.
"Told ya. Talented." You joke, making him laugh before turning back to the mixer.
"Alright, I think I saw some oxidated parts. You'll probably have to change them, but I can oil them so you can use it until you get the new parts." He says.
"Sure, thank you." You say, and he goes outside, coming back with a can in hand.
He grunts as he kneels down next to the mixer, putting his flashlight in his mouth so he can properly oil the machine.
You watch him as he opens the can, throwing the lid on the floor besides him and wetting a brush, oiling the mixer parts.
His proactivity, his capacity, his availability to help you makes your knees weak, make you want to go to him — jump on him —, kiss him, thank him, fuck him.
Make sure he's well fed, well taken care of, make sure he's happy, he feels loved. Show him just how much you appreciate him.
"You got paper towels?" He asks, already up, startling you.
"Yeah, yeah, hum... They're over there." You point, almost out of breath. Both because of the kneading and your thoughts.
He rips two sheets of the paper and comes back, kneeling back down besides the mixer.
"I made a mess on your floor." He says, sounding apologetic.
"Ugh. How dare you, Joel? Make a mess while you fix my broken mixer for me?" You say, playfully. "How dare you try and not make me knead everything by — grunts — hand?" You say, grunting with the force you're making.
"That's a lot of dough, huh?" He says, standing next to you, watching you knead the dough from behind your shoulder before walking away to throw the paper away.
His smell — God his smell —, so woody and masculine, so strong and so gentle at the same time, the comforting warmth his body emanates, his soft and deep voice, so close to your ears...
All of him making you feel lightheaded, like you're drowning on the man, like you're incapable of peacefully coexisting with him without having him take over you.
"Yep, brioches, rolls, sweet breads." You say before the pause gets too long. "All the same dough." You add, almost jumping when your timer goes off. You look at it, turning your head, confused.
Has it been fifteen minutes already?
"It's this one." Joel says, coming back close to you with another timer in hand. "Croissants." He reads the name written on the tape you put on the timer, and you sigh.
"Shit." You say under your breath.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"The croissant dough is chilling, and it's good to roll out and shape now, but I still got ten minutes on this one." You say, and he catches the distress and tiredness on your tone.
"Can I help you?" He asks, his voice soft and gentle.
"Don't tell me you know how to shape croissants?" You joke sweetly, looking up at him and laughing.
That'd be too much to ask.
"No, that's not I'm my book, sorry." He laughs, his own tone sweet and playful. "But I know how to squeeze things." He says, almost suggestively, you could swear. "I mean, how hard can this be?" He says, pointing at the dough with his palm.
"Oh, yeah? Go wash your hands." You say, and he goes, smiling.
He comes back, his sleeves rolled up, forearms looking obscene almost, his strong hands looking like they would feel so good, like they'd squeeze and hold you so nice...
"What do I do?" He asks, pulling you out of him again.
"You're gonna knead it like this. You lift it, then slap it down, then turn it and do the same. As soon as it gets less sticky you can start doing more like, pressing down and rolling it motions." You say, showing him how to do it.
"Alright, cute, thank you. Let the professional work now." He jokes, pushing you aside with his body.
"Ten minutes, huh? Professional." You say, and he gives you a desperate smile.
You grab your dough on the fridge and come back. Then you take the rolling pin and smack the dough a few times, startling Joel on the first one.
"Love for the craft, right?" He jokes, noticing the lack of delicacy on your movements.
"I like to think about some clients when I do this part." You say before thinking, and he laughs.
"Sounds therapeutic." He responds.
"The butter is actually pretty hard. Gotta break it a bit so I can roll it out." You explain, and he smiles.
He could listen to you talk about baking for as long as you wanted.
You start rolling the dough out, and he focuses back on his own dough.
"Look." He calls your attention. "Not sticking anymore."
"Now you can press and roll it." You say. "If you stand on your tiptoes you can put more force into it."
You set the a ruler at the top of your dough and start cutting it in long and thin triangles. But then your sight escapes from it, finding Joel at the other edge of the table.
His arms muscles flexing as he kneads the dough, his thick fingers piercing into it, his nostrils widening as he uses all his force and body weight — he learned so fucking fast — to work the dough. You're completely lost in him. Lost until you hear...
Your name?
You look at up at his face, a cocky smile on his lips.
"If you told me croissants we're about measurements I'd have done it." He jokes, his smile getting larger as your eyes widen. "Did you mess up your measurements? 'Cause I wouldn't have messed mine up." He teases, his puffy and red cheeks showing how hard he was holding his laughter back.
"No. No, I'm just—I'm just thinking here." You say, embarrassed to be caught mid daydream.
"Thinking, huh?" He asks, panting. "How much longer, again?" He asks, turning his head to look at the timer in front of him.
"Five more minutes." You say, laughing, and he shakes his head.
"Fuck— alright, I take it back. This is hard, Jesus Christ." He admits, stopping as his muscles give up with his laughter.
"To think that I used to wake up at four in the morning to make these everyday." You say, and he shakes his head.
"That's what you were thinking about?" He asks, smirking.
"Kinda." You admit.
You weren't... But he doesn't have to know that.
"You always did it all by yourself?" He asks.
"Pretty much. At first I had my mom help me, but then I realized that overnight proofing and simplifying my menu was better than working all day everyday, and now it's just me." You explain. "Well, me and my mixer." You say, pitifully looking at it.
"I'll fix it, don't worry about it. It needs some rest too." He says. "And well, you have me while it's broken, so that's not perfect but... At least you're not alone." He says, smiling sweetly at you.
"It feels good. Having someone to talk to." You admit. "Though I'm starting to really worry about how many rolls I'm gonna have to make you to pay you for this." You say, and he laughs.
"Never enough." He says, going back to knead the dough.
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As the renovations progress, Joel spends each day more and more time in the kitchen with you. Even after he fixed your mixer, he still found reasons to spend some time there talking to you.
And it's not like you didn't escape your own chores to go talk to him. Your favorite thing to do was using him as a beta tester for new or improved recipes.
"Do you like raspberries?" You ask, coming close to him while he's applying the new tiles to the bathroom.
"I do." He answers, smiling. His smile sweeter everytime he looks at you.
"Try this." You hand him a small spoon with a raspberry custard. "Is it a bit too sweet?" You ask.
"Just a little, but yeah." He agrees. "Is it for a cake?" He asks.
"Donuts." You say, and he pouts, closing his eyes like you've hurt him.
"Get away from me." He says, handing you the spoon, gently pushing, and you walk away, laughing.
"Joel, catch." You say on another day, coming under his stairs and throwing him a pesto roll.
"Fucking amazing." He says with a mouthful after taking a big bite.
"Thank you. I'm testing them." You respond, almost skipping on your way back to the kitchen.
"Make some garlic ones!" He shouts.
"No!" You respond from the kitchen.
"Why not?" He yells, almost disappointed, his voice chocked on the rest of the roll he shoved in his mouth, and you come out of the kitchen.
"Because people come on dates here all the time!" You yell. "I don't want them kissing each other with garlic mouths." You say, already closer to him.
"Hmm. Is the atmosphere here romantic?" He asks, screwing a lightbulb.
"Very romantic." You say, smiling up at him. "Don't you think?" You ask him, and he finishes with the light, that starts brightening all of his best features as he climbs down the stairs, stopping close to your body.
"The only way to know is having a date here." He agrees, his eyes scanning your face, a sweet and adoringly smile on his lips. "You—"
When he opens them, one of your times goes off.
"My donuts." You say quietly, and he smiles, watching as you walk back into the kitchen.
"Are you ok with my brother coming over tomorrow?" He asks, throwing his equipment on the back of his truck.
"Yeah, sure. I don't want you going through the whole floor by yourself if you can have some help." You say, smiling.
He nods and stands near you, awkwardly shifting on his feet.
"Can I... Ask you something? And it's ok if you don't want to, I mean..." He stutters.
"What is it?" You ask.
"Is it ok if I bring us something to drink tomorrow?" He asks.
"Sure, I was already gonna bake you some rolls anyway." You say. "But is it to give you energy or to celebrate after you're done?" You ask with a smile, and he frowns, making you tilt your head to the side.
"No." He laughs, scrunching his eyes, gathering the courage to just say it. "I just — laughs — It's not for me and my brother... I wanted to ask you out, but we're already gonna be here tomorrow, so I was thinking of asking if we can hang out here, since we're already gonna be... here." He says, speaking fast so he doesn't have time to second guess himself.
"So you're asking me out... But in?" You ask, playfully, trying not to sound too excited.
"Yeah." He laughs. "Exactly." He says, his cheeks puffy and red as he looks down at you. "But I mean, I get it if you don't want to, if you want to keep it professional, you know?"
"Hmm, professionalism is kind overrated." You say.
"Alright, tomorrow night then." He's quick to say, not giving you time to second guess yourself. "We kick my brother out and hang out." He says, sighing, all of his stress leaving his body at once.
"Sure." You agree, laughing.
"Don't bake any garlic rolls, though." He adds, that sweet smile back on his lips.
"Oh, I'll exclusively bake them." You joke, and he smiles.
"See ya." He says.
"See ya." You say, walking away from him as he gets on his truck.
You're trying not to get your hopes too high. You are.
You're telling yourself there must me something about him that'll shatter the man you know. He can't be this charming, funny and good person he seems to be.
Or maybe you got lucky. Maybe he is all that.
Maybe tomorrow you're gonna have a great time, maybe you're gonna kiss him tomorrow.
You can't wait for tomorrow.
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Hope you liked it 🩷
I wrote it right after finishing Pink Velvet, and spend the last week editing it. This series is so warming and comfortable for me that it hurts, I'm so happy you seemed to like it as much as I do 🩷🫶🏻
My Masterlist 🩷
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sunny-mercya · 3 months
Cold Coffee
James Maguire x Male Reader
Fandom -> Derry Girls
Requested by -> Anon
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The once streaming hot coffee mug—which was scorching when poured into the silly with faces of cartoon characters decorated grey coloured mug—had long gone cold in James hands, who didn't really drank from it anyways—only taking minimal sips from it—but not that he seemed to realise at all, too focused on the boy before him.
When James had strutted down the old creaky squeaky stairs of the [Surname] household, on such faithful sunday morning—having spend the whole weekend over at [Name]'s—and making his way into the crowded kitchen, he literally had thoughts—sending prayers to the Lord above—that he perhaps had died in sleep and this is now an afterlife looping dream.
Seeing you in your baggy oversized shirt—with another row of some cartoon characters printed on it—and the short, orange in colour, pyjama pants, just took James breath away for a moment of minute—making him sucking in a breath.
James had seeing you in many clothes before—from school uniforms, sportswear, daily wear, swimtrunks to even only clad in boxers and their white school shirt—which was because of Mrs.Quinn, who wanted some more dark clothes to wash and demand from the whole squad the uniforms without room for arguments—and he also had seeing you in these pyjamas the whole weekend.
It's just, maybe it's the sunlight—which peeked through the windows and slight open curtains—which makes you look so fairy like, James wasn't sure if that's the right word to use even, so breathtaking in his eyes—that he had to gulp.
»Jamesie! Goo' morning! Ya slept'a wella? I've make us some coffee, well actually'a Dad did, but I'mma put sugar cubes and milk in it'a so I do have helped.«
You gave James his mug of coffee, once he had taken a seat at the small kitchen table—saying a quiet thanks to you, which sounded more like a meek whisper and you couldn't help yourself but to tease him just a bit.
»Don'tcha be shy now, James, it'a after all just'a mere coffee« you said, chuckling a bit when seeing your boyfriends confused face and slight flushed cheeks.
»I ain't scared of some Coffee?« still James eyes the mug with caution—as the amount of sugar cubes in it, a few swimming on top, looked dangerously high of upcoming future diabetics.
»Behave ya two. I ain't wanna funny business from ya two under my roof.« the voice of your dad, who seemed to have appeared from nowhere, had spooked James just a bit.
Now, despite your dad—who James and the girls were allowed, more like granted permission, to call Francis—being 1.80 in height—having the body shape of either an professional boxer or dock worker and the appearance of a pup owner (he does have quite the tattoos and piercings and that certain kind of scowl)—and looking like some scary guy to be feared off, he's in actuality a friendly man.
»Giving wee smooches ain't funny business, dad.« your bottom lip jutted out, creating a slight pout—and James, asking internally for the Lords forgiveness of his sinful thoughts on such a holy sunday, really wants to kiss you now.
Francis had half a mind to tell his dear precious son, that those “wee smooches” are indeed counted as funny business—especially with when it comes to the english fella, his son is having as a boyfriend now—but decided against it, not wanting to upset [Name], knowing well how affectionate his son was.
So instead, Francis only raised his eyebrow and glared half heartedly in a joking manner at James, before taking a plate of pancakes and venturing into the livingroom.
When Michelle came over around the late afternoon, letting herself in with the spare key—she and the rest of the squad has gotten one, in terms of emergencies—to drag James back home—well her mother said he could stay till Monday morning, but Michelle needs her partner in crime for whatever Erin seemed to have planned tonight—she narrowed her eyes in motherly disappointment, once discovering James on the couch and with a sleeping [Name] on top of him.
»Ya really wanna get booted outta this household, don't you Jamesie?« Michelle hissed it annoyance, hands stemming onto her hips.
»Please, for the love of our Lord, explain what you mean with this, would you?« James annoyances spiked as well, coming out in a hushed whisper.
»You get all English handsy with [Nickname], don't corrupt him with your english gayness. Christ, if Francis see this, he banns you forever from this household.«
»[Nickname] has drank two whole mug of overdose sugary coffee and passed out on me as soon as we started to watch some Cartoons and that had been hours ago.«
»Oh. Well, that makes sense. Next time you tell me that sooner, asshat. By christ, was I worried there for a second.«
James looked at Michelle in disbelieving exhaustion, sometimes wondering why the girls are like this.
»Well, don't bother to come home tonight anyway. I'll tell Erin and the others you're making sure, [Name] doesn't collapse on the coffee. We're don't need ya ass anyway. Bye!«
Michelle was out of the house, before James could even think of a reply.
When you woke up some hours later, the first you did was smooching James faces with kisses over and over—getting up from him, stretching your body and proclaiming that it is time for pancakes now.
James face erupted into a shade of redness, when seeing your exposed belly and your kisses have ascended him into a putty mess beneath you.
»I love ya«
And James thought, while replying you back—getting up from the couch himself and into the kitchen, kissing your cheek—that he too loves you, just how lucky he was to have you as his boyfriend.
And James also thinks, thanking the Lord sometimes for it, his mom leaving him in Derry—was the best thing to happen.
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Have you played Yakuza 6 yet? If so ya got any kazumaji head canons based off the events of the game?
I absolutely love your ideas for them and I am beyond upset that Majima was barley in the game. Or even mentioned that much.
They did the boi dirty in this game, I swear.
*clenches my ass hard enough to shit diamonds*
oh I have OPINIONS about 6 I'll tell you that but it is good fodder for the kazumaji agenda 👀 I'mma be kinda rambly in this but I promise it all ties together kdjfjkldfkldf
so we all know Kiryu goes off to find Haruka and because I'm a big fan of dadjima, I can only imagine Kiryu lets him know while he's stuck in jail and Majima's just like WHAT
so Kiryu does a lot of self reflection but acting upon it is another matter. I can see Majima chastising him, saying she ran away cuz that's all Kiryu ever does (part of him is still pissy about him leaving in y3) and she's never had a healthy role model other than the king of hypocrisy. Kiryu would go on about how it's just to protect people yada yada but Majima would be like my guy, you left a bunch of kids in the care of your daughter who should not be parenting for you. you refuse any and all help because you think you can do it all on your own. you left me with Daigo who you said I wouldn't be babysitting AND YET—
I just want Majima to absolutely rail into him about how self serving he's acted despite better intentions. like of course Haruka ran away, look how much pressure she was under, what she went through in the idol bizz (maybe I'm a loser but I did not like Haruka's part in y5 that shit icked me), what you (Kiryu) do every time you feel like a burden to people. how naïve it was to think any part of Kiryu's past would leave him behind just because he wanted it to. how his lone wolf thing impedes on everybody else. how in 5 he literally says he needs to stop running from his past and he does it anyway. this game FRUSTRATES ME rrhrrhhrhrr KIRYU FRUSTRATES ME ACK. but also I have a thing for Majima just being angry at him, to actually lash out and spew all those feelings of being left behind or being refused to let help because Kiryu's stubborn. how he let himself be used all those years to help Kiryu out just because he asked and now once again Kiryu's off on his own, never changing his tune about how he doesn't wanna rely on people. Majima's not perfect either and frankly he communicates like shit too but I just want that RAGE to get out and explore how Kiryu would hear him but never listen. makes it all the more tragic when he finds out Kiryu "died."
*tho I must note, as much as it does irritate me, 6 makes sense entirely for Kiryu's character lol. nothing he does in it surprises me in the slightest so while I'm not a fan of the story, it's pretty fitting for him since he's the downfall of his own story half the time. and it's not so simple as just saying Kiryu's to blame. he's constantly forced to deal with shit just as much as he wants to be left alone. he struggles and he tries hard I'll give him that. I don't think he's a bad person for what he aimed to do in 6 but he's not infallible either. and sometimes it's just par for the course. like how he makes the compromise at the end of the game to disappear so his family can be at peace all the while in his history, he's had major problems doing what he's told - never truly disappearing anyway, going about whatever's gonna happen in gaiden. could you imagine if Haruka caught wind that some resting bitch face motherfucker is beating the shit outta armies somewhere? could you imagine her finding out that Kiryu left again?
honestly I think his character is really interesting cuz of this. he has good intentions and I feel like to him there's some expectation that people should understand this, that people should accept his choices. I think it's fun to explore how others react to that - how it's in a way offensive, that Kiryu thinks he knows what's best and how to handle it as if he has all the power and say. how pissed people feel about him shoving them away for the sake of their safety, etc. I don't think he'd listen to Majima tbh but I think it's important that someone unafraid of Kiryu's dumbassery would lay it out how it is to him in a way that cuts, more so than Haruka, Date or like Akiyama could.
ANYWAY, Majima's mad at him lol but can't really do anything atm due to the surrounding circumstances. I like to think he's got some of the Majima family watching out for Kiryu and Haruka if they happened to see them. Nishida at least cuz ain't no one gonna arrest a cutie patootie like him. it's not much but it's a little peace of mind. Majima knows Kiryu's reckless as all hell so he's worried and doubly annoyed that Kiryu doesn't care (about his own safety or that other people are concerned for him).
so since Majima has a fat 5 minutes in the whole game, there's not much to say about his involvement overall (other than oopsie stuck in jail) but I've had some thoughts about what all the jimas³ are doing in the meantime.
all the jimas are grouped together because I said so even tho realistically they'd prolly be separated lol. Daigo and Saejima are handling things well enough but Majima's bouncing off the walls in boredom and nothing irks him more than being stuck in one spot while Kiryu's out probably getting hit over the head with a stop sign and refusing medical attention. Daigo's losing his mind but he can agree Kiryu's bullheaded and talking about that keeps Majima distracted. Saejima does his part in trying to get Majima's mind off things now that they have all the time in the world to catch up on whatever.
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time passes and I'm rewriting the part in 6 where they show up at the end cuz I live in a fantasy world.
Kiryu "dies" and suddenly the three of them are released early, no doubt knowing his death had something to do with it. Daigo gets Kiryu's letter and Majima makes some joke about Kiryu's literacy but a quick scan of the letter makes Daigo's face drop. he reads it and Majima doesn't think it's real. he doesn't know how to feel. even Saejima is in disbelief. but the letter is vague. it's conjecture written by Kiryu of his own death so there's a chance he's fine. Kiryu's fine, he's always fine. he's been shot and stabbed a million times, he's fine.
but it's not long till it's confirmed by Date. Daigo's skeptical cuz his inner punkass doesn't trust cops. Saejima's on the same page but Majima's in full denial whilst also believing it to be true. his reaction is immediate and violent. he wants something to be done, he wants revenge but Daigo wants to follow Kiryu's wish to avoid war. Majima's so outraged he frankly couldn't give less of a shit about Kiryu's wishes so it's up to Saejima to wrangle him back *insert a dramatic fight here.* Majima gets his ass beat and he's just a mess. things move fast though - the fate of the clan is up in the air and he just couldn't care. but Daigo needs him and for that he pulls it together, just barely.
fast forward to when the jimas go into hiding. they get set up in a lil safehouse via Nick Ogata. I like to see it as a basic bitch type of place, very out of the way, very ignorable but the inside is nice enough. they have to stay cooped up as much as possible and it drives Majima insane. he's fidgety, always pacing. Saejima tries to calm him down and it works for a time until Majima falls into another slump and repeats.
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they took a few things with them that they could, mostly small stuff, some clothes and the like. Majima brought along a few of Kiryu's things, namely some pocket cars and a shirt. he wears it often, being very against washing it. Daigo's too stressed to notice but Saejima watches Majima just break down into someone he doesn't know. he's tired, closed off, guilt ridden. Saejima starts to think this is who Majima was after getting out of the Hole. a shell of a person taking blame for things out of his control. losing the will to care for himself as some sort of self imposed punishment for not doing more. seething in silence in the powerlessness.
his beard grows scraggly, his hair is unkept and the circles under his eye grows darker everyday. his behavior mimics his Sotenbori days where everything was for Saejima, all he could think about was Saejima, how he failed him, how if he tried hard enough he could see him again. it's not the case with Kiryu though. he didn't even get to see the body himself.
he's always on his phone reliving memories through photos and conversations. he freaks out when anyone touches the pocket cars and eventually the shirt gets worn out. he's spiraling while the others look on, unsure how to deal with someone whose entire personality revolves around having a fake one.
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Saejima takes initiative. maybe he's seen Majima like this before or maybe he hasn't. doesn't matter because he gives Majima a bit of tough love, telling him to get a grip. telling him that Kiryu wouldn't want to see him like this and, under his breath, he needs him in better shape so they can beat the shit outta whoever was responsible. it's not easy of course. it takes Majima awhile to learn how to live again and frankly he doesn't want to talk about Kiryu but Saejima forces him to - to get comfortable with mentioning him, enjoying the memories they had. letting him know it's okay to be vulnerable. it's not a kind or pleasant recovery but it's there. it's helping.
and perhaps some time under supervision, he goes to see Haruka and meets Haruto for the first time. he tries to keep a strong façade for her but she can see right through him and gets one of those rare moments where he's just quiet. where he's real. she catches him up on things and it's a rough one for the both of them, especially since he has to keep the visit short. she doesn't bother asking him where he's going afterward but he promises to keep in touch and that he does. she sends him a lot of photos and videos of the family and he backseat-parents Yuta whenever possible. Haruka's never been a fan of always having Kiryu at arms length but this arrangement helps her deal with the long distance since there's effort on both ends to stay close.
Majima's not used to having others around to help him cope but he eases into it decently enough without the Tojo Clan on his shoulders. he even gets along better with Daigo who has time now to focus more on himself and the grunge within his soul. he's a silly lil dork and that charm reminds him of Kiryu but in a way that doesn't send him spiraling. he starts to see all reminders of Kiryu in a more hopeful light, one that brings back his energy. for most of their home confinement, Majima wouldn't even go out as Goromi since half his confidence came from Kiryu's support. but now and then, with Saejima and Daigo backing him, he can tiptoe a bit back into his fav dresses, ones that Kiryu gave him, ones that hurt to put on because of the baggage they carry. he doesn't even have his wigs anymore so he assembles what he can, how he can into something he knows Kiryu would have called pretty regardless. it stills hurts but it helps.
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but, he'll always dip back into the pain of it all. missing intimacy and things taken for granted. he regrets his last words with Kiryu were criticisms knowing he's not perfect himself. maybe he's faced with realizations that he can't survive without certain people, that his attachment issues are brought to the forefront for everyone to see. it's ugly and embarrassing and for the first time in a long time he feels very seen. death's always been a reality for him and he's never cared much for it in regards to himself but losing someone so close, so suddenly? without closure or goodbyes? he's forced to deal with the frailty and mortality of someone he thought was invincible.
and it scares him.
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lablim64 · 17 days
It's my mom's birthday today! 🎂🎉🍻
Ok I know I said I have mommy issues before and I still do but this woman is like surprise card
If you lucky, one day she be so motherly and all, and some moments she try her best to make everyone feel hatred in life-
So let's just say I have uply downly mommy issues 😅
Today I had a course so I didn't able to attend to the little cake cutting my dad did at her work place, but it's ok tho
She gave me some cake too after I came to visit her after course
My brother wanted to sent her a meal from him workplace but she were already ate (my mom can't eat so much because of her appetite after it)
Then I think her brother(my mom's brother) sent her some flowers because a delivery man came with a big ass bouquet of flowers, saying if was for her
I thought to myself, well I'mma just use the "forget" in "forgive and forget" and but her a gift, so I sneak out from her workplace as "go to check something" and when to a hot topic kind of store (there's a lot of those around there and I didn't had too much money)
I buy a little pretty gift box and a iron clover Bracelet and then I ready the gift and go back to the workplace to give it
She loved it so much :3
So yeah, I just wanted to tell some stuff
Oh! Also I saw a cat entering a gift shop and the workers there called it "the boss" lol
Anyway that's all
Happy birthday mom🎉🎂🍰🎁🎊
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Headcanons to dabbles!! 😍 (girl I'mma try to keep this short bc every time I look back at these asks I'm like "omg Nym stop typing so much" LOL)
We've talked about this before but basically- Bachira has big ler energy and usually isn't afraid to act on it, buuuuut even he gets a little insecure sometimes and worries he's doing it too much. When he does Isagi is always there to pick him back up and/or scope out how the others are feeling for him. Lee!Bachira may or may not ensue? Either that or ler!Bachira surfaces again! Up to you! 👀
Drink water and stay cool and keep being amazing friend! 💖💖💖
*happy bachisagi noises* AHHH! NYM! I love this holy- *explodes in happiness for Bachira* Girl this is such a perfect headcanon- thank you for giving me the chance to write it! :D (I threw in some Lee!bachira towards the end and the nicknames we discussed hehe)
“Ahehahahahaha! Ohoohhokay ohohohokay, I’m gooohhohood!” Isagi cried, flopping forward in a fit of laughter. He gasped for air, arms around his sides as he slowly composed himself. “Whohoohhow…yohohou gohohot me gohohohod, thehehere.”
“Hehe, yeah!” Bachira was smiling, but there was something in his voice that made Isagi pause. The usual joy he always heard sounded…soft. Dimmed.
“Heh..hehe…he-hey..are you okay?” Isagi sat up, lowering his voice to not bring attention to them. Well- at least not anymore. “You don’t sound like yourself.”
Bachira blinked, wide eyed. Then he was smiling- the expression painfully fake. “I’m fine, Isagi! Don’t worry about it.”
“Well…alright.” Isagi nodded, dropping the subject for now.
Still- he couldn’t get the sight of Bachira’s shoulders drooping when he left for water.
He waited until it was just the two of them before bringing it back up.
“You looked sad earlier today. What’s going on, Bachira?” He asked after they ran some drills. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Huh? No- no, not at all!” The dribbler was quick to reassure him, shooting up from his stretch. “You didn’t do anything, I just-” He snapped his mouth shut, but it was too late.
“You’re just..?” Isagi gently prompted. “Please, Bachira- You can talk to me. I want to be there for you. If there’s something wrong, I want to help if I can. Or at the very least, be someone you’re comfortable enough to talk to about it.”
Bachira bit his lip, hesitant. Then he nodded, giving in.
“Do I…overdue it? The tickling thing.” He asked, something shy and nervous in his tone. “I know I tend to tickle you and the guys a lot- but I’ve been thinking about it lately, and I’m worried you guys might just be tolerating it for my sake.” The last part came out a bit fast- like he was forcing it out. Isagi let it all sink in.
“Hey.” He took Bachira’ hand, squeezing it softly and meeting his eye. “You don’t have to worry about that- not with me, anyway. I…like it, when you erm…tickle me.” He blushed, trying not to look away. “It makes me happy. I like it when you're playful. And you always back off if I’m not in the mood or reached my limit, and I appreciate that.
“I can’t speak for the guys, but if you want- I’ll do a room check later and see how everyone’s feeling. I’m sure in their own ways, they all feel the same, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll gladly do so.” He nodded, setting his conviction. “Would you be okay with that?”
Bachira was staring at him, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. He nodded soon after, lips trembling as he pulled them into a wet smile. “Yeah..thanks, Isagi.”
“Yeah- I’m cool like that.” The brunette smiled, leaning in for a quick peck. “Now, since we’re on the topic…”
“Huh? Oh-Eheheahhahahaha!” Bachira was already laughing as the other boy pushed him over, scribbling gently into his sides. “Iihihihihisahahahhagihiihihi!”
“Just tell me if you want me to stop, but right now- I wanna see my bumblebee smiling!” Isagi cooed, pressing their foreheads together as he carried on tickling his boyfriend, relishing his precious laughter.
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
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neko-loogi · 8 months
Oh boy, Hazbin's episode one is finally out.. here are my thoughts on it.
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Before I start, I'mma just say, I'm so happy that they actually posted the first episode on YouTube, cuz there's absolutely NO WAY I am paying to watch this shit on Amazon Prime, hell nah. That's good money being wasted on a shit show, no thanks. Anyway, let's move on.
Warning: minor spoilers!
Alright so the first episode, all I can say is, it's a rough start. I have SO MANY things to talk about that I feel like this post is going to be extremely long. So bear with me my friends. To make things simple I'll just number everything for y'all cuz I'm such a nice person :)
1) Introduction..
I'mma be real with y'all here, I'm noticing a pattern with Vivziepop's shows in terms of episodes. Like, the thing I don't like about Hazbin Hotel right now is that they do nothing to establish the characters at all!
You have to watch the Pilot (and I guess do some research) to understand the characters a little better, but the thing with Viv is that she claims that the Pilot episode isn't canon, and that "you shouldn't watch it" because it doesn't count.
And yet, she doesn't even bother to introduce the characters in the first episode! So if you're watching this show for the first time, you won't understand what the characters motives are or their personalities. She literally did the same thing with Helluva Boss! And now she's doing it here, and it bothers me so much.
And don't come at me saying "Oh but that's the point of the show, we'll get to know about them later!" Like, the characters talk to each other as if they had already met before, which means that we won't get introduced to them. They're just there in the series with no explanation.
Moving on..
2) The characters..
Oh my god, where do I even begin? The characters are terrible- I absolutely dislike every single one. They completely butchered them all.
I'mma start with Adam because holy shit he's the worst one of all, he literally serves no purpose in the show, other than to talk about himself and stroke his massive ego in front of Charlie. Not only this but his character design is so stupid- nothing about him screams "I'm an angel, I'm supposed to be the good guy here!".
Alastor just sucks. He's such an asshole in this series and he doesn't care about anyone at all. Like, I get that he was kind of sadistic in the Pilot I guess, but that's because he was meant to be intimidating and someone not to be messed with. But here he's just a super powerful guy who really likes old timey shit, and he's a dick to everyone for no reason.
Angel Dust all he does is be horny 24/7 which really isn't a good personality trait. I mean, he's a porn star, I get it, but he doesn't have to be spewing sex jokes all the damn time, it's annoying.
Vaggie is boring as hell, and honestly it doesn't even feel like she's dating Charlie, she feels more like a weirdly overprotective older sister if anything- plus their relationship feels forced in.
Nifty has been reduced to a weird yandere type character and honestly it's super lame. She deserves better.
*Edit: Vaggie also has no redeeming qualities, or a personality at all. She's literally just Charlie's girlfriend, that's it. There's nothing else about her. She doesn't have a single purpose other than to be Charlie's girlfriend.
Next up..
3) The voices..
Oh boy, some of the voices are not that great to be honest. I still don't like Alastor's voice, he sounds like if Shrek had a congestion and tried speaking with a higher pitch. Angel Dust's voice is TERRIBLE, it's so irritating to listen to- like, you can tell the voice actor is really forcing himself to sound like the Pilot VA. But it doesn't come naturally to him! Angel Dust's voice cracks so many times and it sounds so annoying.
This one is just a personal opinion but I really don't like Husk's voice. Like, I kinda miss his old voice because he actually sounded like a drunk old man, but here he just has your typical black guy who works at a casino kind of voice. (Literally, if King Dice from Cuphead had a deeper voice). Like, the voice is good, don't get me wrong, Keith David is an amazing voice actor, it's just that his voice doesn't suit Husk in my opinion.
Oh, and don't get started on Brandon Rodgers voicing Katie Killjoy- I swear to god I just wanna rip my ears off. I hate Brandon, okay? No offense but the guy's voice is annoying, he's not funny at all- I am so disappointed that they cast him to voice Katie, she deserves so much better!
Charlie's voice is alright, I mean she sounds like your typical quirky Disney princess. Vaggie sounds incredibly monotonous and Nifty sounds off, it almost sounds like the VA is using a microphone with a different quality than everyone else.
4) The songs..
So there're two songs in this episode, and yeah they're boring. Basically, both songs are kinda like a rip-off of "Inside of every demon is a rainbow" from the Pilot, as they are both fast paced and explain Charlie's motive with the whole Hotel stuff.
But here the songs are divided in two, the first being "Happy day in hell". Which we've already seen countless of times in the trailers and whatnot. The song is a super Disney musical type of shit, which is alright I guess. But the second one "Hell is forever" sung by Adam is so unmemorable and boring. Yeah I personally didn't like these songs at all. I even ended up skipping through them when I watched the episode. That's how you know how bad they are.
And finally..
5) The comedy...
This show isn't funny guys. Viv's comedy isn't good and she genuinely doesn't know how to be funny. The only time I actually found a part of the episode funny was the scene where Vaggie was holding the camera while trying to make a commercial for the Hotel, and she asked Nifty to say some lines but all she did was just stand there blankly staring at the camera and not saying anything. That actually got a short chuckle outta me, but aside from that? Nothing else in the show is even remotely funny.
Alright that's it, that's all I have to say about the first episode. I'm done with this opinion post- If the other episodes get posted or leaked, I'll definitely watch them and give my opinion on them. Thank you all for reading and I'll see you next time!
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
Hello! Love your fics! <3 I'm saving them all and read when I have my fic reading goblin time and you always deliver.
And I'm sure you've probably done something similar (?) in the past, but my memory ain't that good so I'mma shoot my shot... Maybe tired, angry-by-default Sodo teaching oh-wow-human-body Phantom how does fucking work and he just ends up fucking him himself, maybe weirdly softly (for Sodo)?
I'd love that, but if it's not your vibe, perfectly fine, will look forward to more fics from you!
You sent this weeks ago I’m so sorry it’s so late! I hope you like it 🫶
Trans Dew cunt, clit and pussy used for his anatomy.
Phantom goes flying past Dew, all but throwing his guitar at the poor guitar tech. He’s practically vibrating with excitement, the adrenaline from being on stage making him hyper, jumping around, Babbling away so Loudly he’s basically yelling. 
“Did you see how many people in the audience had paint just like papa? Wait, holy shit, did you see Mountain? He was so sweaty at the end, is he always like that? I can’t Imagine how hot he gets drumming for that long, I’m so glad I’m on guitar…”
Dew tunes him out with a sigh. Normally Phantom’s excitement would be something he shared, the stage adrenaline would be pumping through his veins just the same, but today he was tired. A bad nights sleep, he was still trying to get use to sleeping without Aether, paired with him triggering an old knee injury, had made him irritable. He was desperate to get out of the claustrophobic halls of the venue and into the hotel, into a hot bath and into the no doubt overly   Washed and stiff bedsheets. 
“Did you see Swiss vaping? Do you think we’d be allowed to on stage? Although I don’t think I’d have the time, you know? Hands are always busy.”
Dew rolls his eyes at the excited ghoul, briefly wondering how he was even breathing with how fast he was talking. 
“Oh, did you see that person in the audience crying? I hope they were good tears and not bad tears, I don’t think we were that shit for someone to be crying bad tears though. I hope anyway, it’s kinda hard to hear ourselves on stage, you know? So we might have been shit and not even known it? Do you think-“ 
“Phantom!” Dew snaps, maybe a little more harsh then he was intending. “Satan below, do you ever shut the fuck up?” 
Phantom laughs at him, throwing his head back. 
“Not really. You know, back in the pits my mother use to say-“ 
He gets cut off by Dew pining him up against the wall with a harsh glare. 
“I’m telling you now, shut the fuck up.” 
“B-but I-“ He’s cut off again by Dew pushing him harder onto the wall, pushing two fingers against his lips. 
“No. No more. You don’t get to say another word until I say you can.” 
Dew watches as Phantom’s eyes widen and deep blush creeps up over his cheeks and feels him nod under his hands. 
“Now, are you going to listen to me?” 
Phantom audibly gasps, nodding once again, the blush on his cheeks going down to his neck. 
Dew takes a step back, releasing Phantom from where he had him pinned, raising an eyebrow when Phantom doesn’t move, just says leaning against the wall, panting. 
“I knew you could listen, good boy.” Dew beams proudly at him. 
Phantom's eyes flutter at the praise, his breath hitching. 
Dews smile turns evil, looking at him like he was a mouse under the predatory gaze of a cat. It makes Phantom run hot, heat flushing through his body and swirling in his belly like lava. 
“Now, let’s see if you can listen again.” He brushes a few stay hairs from Phantom’s eyes. “I want you to go to my dressing room, undress, and lay down on the sofa, okay?” 
Phantom looks at him with big doe eyes and nods again, fumbling and tripping over his feet as he tries to get them to move.  Dew gives him a bored look, watching Phantom trip over the air. 
“Well move then. Hurry up!” 
Phantom stumbles down the hall, letting out a small a small squeak. 
“And don’t even think about touching yourself.” Dew calls after him. 
“Yes sir.” Phantom whimpers, so quietly Dew could hardly hear it. 
And yeah, maybe, Dew had said he wasn’t allowed to speak, but the way that ‘yes sir’ had heat pooling in his belly and slick dampening his underwear, maybe he could let him off with it. 
Dew gives it a handful of seconds, just enough time for Phantom to do what he said, before he follows. 
Walking into the dressing room he’s met with the sight of Phantom stretched out on the sofa, fully naked, just like he’d asked, his cock resting hard and proud between his narrow hips. Dew smiles and let’s out a proud chuff noticing Phantoms clothes are neatly folded on the floor next to the sofa. 
He runs a gentle finger up Phantom's, watching as his muscles twitch under the touch.
“Good boy, did everything I asked so well.” He praises. Phantom’s cock jumps at the praise, a sticky stream leaking from the tip and pooling on his belly. He his lip, watching Dew completely ignore his cock, his finger jumping from his thigh to his belly, scratching at the skin.  Phantom whines, belly fluttering at the touch, and he looks at Dew owlishly. He opens his mouth to spew but the look Dew give his has him snapping his jaw shut so loudly the sound of his teeth  clashing together echos around the room.  “Remember what I said, Phantom. Not a word.”  Phantom  nervously plays this his bottom lip with his finger. “But I-“  Dew cuts him off by grabbing his face, squeezing his cheeks just a touch on the painful side. “You can’t fucking listen, can you? I thought you’d be a good boy for me?” 
Phantom squeezes his eyes closed, desperately hoping that Dew doesn’t see the tears welling. 
Dew scoffs and squeezes his cheeks harder. 
“You’re going to cry now? This is your own fault, you just needed to keep your mouth closed, but you couldn’t even do that.” 
Phantom’s feels a lump in his throat rise, feeling his throat constrict as he tries to swallow down a sob. 
Dew watches as Phantom’s bottom lip wobbles and he takes a wobbly breath. 
“Satan, you’re pathetic.” 
“I’m sorry-Dew-sir-I’m trying.”
Dew shakes his head, releasing Phantom’s face from his grasp. 
“And you’re still not fucking listening to me.” He click his tongue. “I should leave you here, leave you naked and hard for someone to find and you’ll have to explain to them that you weren’t good enough for me to fuck.” 
There are tears leaking steadily down Phantom’s cheeks and he lets out a hiccuped breath. The calmness in Dew’s voice sets him on edge, it would be easier if he was yelling and throwing him around the room, but the calm and collected look on his face made it hard to guess his next move.
To his surprise, Dew shimmies out of his jeans and underwear, leaving him completely naked from the waist down. Phantom can’t help licking his lips at the sight of Dew’s bare pussy, folds glistening with slick in the low light. 
Dew straddles his chest, thumb running over Phantom’s saliva wet bottom lip. 
“Open your mouth. It shouldn’t be hard for you seeing as you’ve not shut it since we got off stage.” 
Phantom mouth drops open without him even thinking about it. “If you do a good job and make me cum, maybe I’ll sit somewhere else and let you cum.” 
With that, Dew plants himself on Phantom’s open mouth. He sits, fully sits, no hovering, on his face, like he means nothing to him. Phantom can’t help but moan as the salty, tangy, taste of Dew’s cunt hits his tongue, surrounds his senses, suffocates him. 
Phantom grabs at Dew’s thighs, pulling him further into his face as Dew starts rolling his hip down, riding his face. He moans, unable to help himself, feeling his cock twitching on his belly as Dew uses him. He laps at Dew’s entrance, feeling slick coat his tongue and moans again into Dews cunt at the taste. 
Dew fists at Phantom’s hair, pulling hard, watching as Phantom’s eyes roll back, feeling him moan into his pussy. He can’t help moaning himself, feeling Phantom licking onto him with a strong tongue. It’s wet and mess, Phantoms making slick sucking sounds, he can feel spit soaking his thighs. 
He rolls his hips down harder, his clit bumping against Phantom’s nose and they both moan in unison, the sound vibrating right through Dew, making him moan again, throwing his head back. 
“That’s it, just like that, good boy.” 
Phantom moans onto his cunt again, his eyes fluttering shut and he grabs harder at Dew’s thighs, pulling him onto his face even harder. Dew ride his face not caring if Phantom can breathe, grinding his clit into his nose as Phantom licks into him, moaning each time Dew grinds down into him.  “That it, I’m so close, baby.” Dew pants, his hips rolling down faster, desperately grinding his entire cunt into his face.
“Keep going, just like that, I’m gunna-I’m gunna cum.” Dew moans, high pitched and feminine,and it goes straight to Phantom’s cock, more pre leaking from the tip and pooling on his already messy belly.   He pulls at his hair harder, pulling his face into his pussy and he pants. “Yes, yes, im-oh- I’m cumming-cumming-ah-“ 
He moans, more screams, and he cums, gushing all over Phantom’s face.  Phantom feels him tighten around his tongue and this whole body shakes as his face gets soaks with Dews release. He tries to lick up as much as he can, creating a wet slurping sound. Dew comes down, his moans dying down as his thighs stop shaking and let’s out a laugh, throwing his head back. 
“I need to use your mouth more often.” He pants, climbing off with shaky legs. He pulls his underwear and jeans pack on, looking down at Phantom. 
Phantom looks at him with wide, wet eyes, his whole face soaked with Dew’s release. It drips from his chin and his lips and he lick his lips, moaning a little at the taste. 
“What? Dew-you said I could- after you-after I made you-“
 “Oh sweetheart.” Dew fake pouts down at him. “I said maybe.” 
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v-67 · 4 months
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Zoro and his directions, i'mma make a series where people tell Zoro about it from now on
Here's law
And Law and Zoro really get along
They have the same kinda vibe
It's really cute.
Episode 760-780 somewhere
They were chopping wood to make Gondolas and help heal Zunesha's leg which that idiot Jack hurt so bad.
I kinda wanna know how is the elephant walking on the water, it's an ocean, the base is realllllllly down. The Zou is heavy, it's been a millenium. And I know it will make sense somehow but I wanna know.
And I am wondering what did Zunesha do, and does no one sympathise w this little kid? Walking all his life, for so many generations, skin all saggy, walking endlessly, in the midst of an ocean. I wonder what his crime was, who gave him such an order and why does he follow it with such discipline.
Anyways yessss, I'm currently here.
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Gangsta’s Paradise
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Pairing: Cody Rhodes/OC (Riley Carter)
Summary: After suffering a loss at Wrestlemania, Cody’s downward spiral is cut short when a certain American Gangsta seeks to tend to The American Nightmare’s wounds with a vacay. 
Warnings: Switch!OC, Switch!Cody Rhodes, Cody gets a bit feral ngl, Use of handcuffs and a blindfold, choking (lil bit), spanking, Oral (M. and F receiving), Dirty Talk, someone gets fucked dumb, etc.
Author’s Note: 10 months…It took me 10 MONTHS TO WRITE THIS SHIT. I hate writer’s block and low inspiration. Anyway, Enjoy my debauchery. As per usual,  
By proceeding with reading this work, you therefore accept any and all drawbacks from horniness. I.e, sudden soul departure, loss of underwear and extreme thirst. The author is not liable for medical and/or therapy costs, should side effects occur. 
-Signed Management
“And your winner…AND STILL The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, ROMAN REIGNS!”
Straight Cow Manure. 
These were the thoughts that ran through Riley’s head when she heard the announcement, watching the match in Cody’s locker room. The frustrated sigh that she exhaled as she rubbed her face in both hands to prevent herself from not hauling ass out there, her infamous Harley Quinn-eque mallet swinging and busting heads. She looked back at the TV just in time to see the look on her boyfriend’s face. 
Heartbreak and defeat was evident on it which further angered her and broke her heart at the same time. She could tell what he was thinking, too; How he was so close and how he would’ve won if it wasn’t for those rat bastards that were the bloodline’s shenanigans. Riley also took note of how quiet the arena was after that. 
Frankly, disappointment was in everyone’s spirits except for the bloodline, their small group of fans and Vince McMahon. Or Hunter. Who knows and who gives a shit, she thinks when Cody enters his locker room. Riley turns around to look at him, shoulders sagged with that look of defeat on his face still as he sits on the couch next to her. 
“Hey there, Angel Eyes…” Riley hopes to sweeten up to him as she leans over to rub his shoulders. “You ok? I know it’s a dumb question to ask right now but…I need to know what my baby’s thinking or feeling right now.” Cody gives her a deep sigh as he rubs his face. 
“I had him. I almost had him, Riles. But then I-." 
“Don’t you fucking dare, Mister.” Riley stops and rests her hands on his shoulders. "That sleazeball Paul and Solo are the reason The Tribal Chief doesn't sleep with nightmares tonight." She sighs as she slips her hands down his arms to wrap her arms around his waist. “In due time, babe. In due time.” There was a slight pause before she continued. “In the meantime, how about I cash in your victory gift?” 
This made Cody look up at her. “My victory gift? Riles, I didn't win.” 
"The belts, you didn’t win but you did win a vacation." Riley clarified. "Remember back in June, I said that I was gonna pay for our vacation this time but you got hurt and then you were mad busy because someone decided to win the rumble and the build up to Wrestlemania on top of being an EVP of AEW. Basically, what I’m saying Code, is that yo ass needs a break.” 
There was a brief pause as Cody reflected on her words before he spoke. “Well, you do have a point. Can’t remember the last time I had a break.” 
“Yeah, Mister ‘Do the work’.” She tosses him his bag. “Now do the work and pack up. I don’t want to keep the pilot waiting.” 
Cody raises an eyebrow, his face in bewilderment. “Pilot?”
“Yeah, a pilot. What, you think I'mma take a 12 hour plane ride with the poors in First Class?” Riley raised an eyebrow in question. “Angel, I may be a frugal motherfucka sometimes but even I have standards. Standards that don’t include that bullshit you call The Nightmare Express” This gets a chuckle out of him.
“You really need to stop hanging around Max.” Cody said as he got up to pack.
Riley cringes at the statement. “I do not. That fatherless bastard likes to harass me for advice like the orphan he is. Now, hurry up or you gettin’ left.” 
2 days had passed before the two had left the city of angels behind and had arrived at the hotel in Venice, Italy. Already irritated at the shenanigans of Brock on the following Monday night, Riley gave him an ultimatum that he could handle whatever business he can before they were on the plane before Cody convinced her to let him work while on the plane.
‘A’ight, fine but once the plane lands,’ She kissed him on the cheek while he was on call with Kenny and The Bucks. ‘You’re all mine, Angel…’ She smiled. Once the couple arrived at their suite, Riley immediately dropped her bags by the door and plopped face first on the bed in the master bedroom. 
“Ah, finally…” Riley sighs, muffled into the bed. “I was almost about to lose my mind in that jet.” 
Cody chuckled and placed his bags next to hers. “I’m sorry, Doll.” He sits down next to her on the bed. “I would’ve kept you entertained if I could.” 
Riley shook her head, rising to sit up straight next to him. “Mm-mm. Nah, I wanted you to handle whatever business you had to do, Mista Executive because, like I said on the plane,” She kissed him on the lips. “You’re all mine…” She smiled at him which he returned.
“Well…” Cody picked her up by her hips to sit him in his lap. “I’m all yours now. What do you wanna do to me?” He leans forward to kiss her but Riley cuts him off with a finger to his lips.
“Uh-uh-uh. Nope. You didn’t wanna join the mile high club so you not gettin’ the nookie that easily. Besides, we’re in Italy! And I really wanna check out the Golden Rectangle. Mami needs more Armani and Cartier.” She hops off his lap. 
He sighs, plopping backwards on the bed as she walks to the bathroom. “Really? You brought us here just to shop?” He exasperated. 
Riley scoffs. “No, dummy. I have other plans for you as well.”
"Babe, come on. How much more do you need?" Cody sat on the couch outside the dressing room, his head on his hand while he watched the inky crimson fluffy coils that was Riley’s 'fro roamed around the Dolce and Gabbana store. “You already practically bought out all of Versace.” He gestured to the boatload of bags at his feet. Riley sputters as she looks through the lingerie section. 
“S’cuse me, I have a special night planned with my man and the clothes I bought with me are not up to par with the event planned.” She explains as she collects a few sets. “Speaking of that, you have a decent suit?” She stopped in front of the dressing room, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
Cody scoffs. “Of course I do, Doll. Why?” 
“What color is it?” She further questioned.
“It’s the dark purple one you like. You know, the one I wore to that photoshoot for my dog collar match with Brodie. I had black hair at the time.” He explained.
“Mmm-mmm-mmm…Lord have mercy.” Riley nods in remembrance. “You really do look good in that suit.” She walks into the dressing room. “Really brings out those pretty eyes of yours.”
“So you tell me, babe. Why do you ask?” 
“So in order to avoid waiting for me to get dressed, I would like to know exactly what I’m gonna wear tonight.” She said from behind the door. Cody then chuckles. 
“Great, so now I only have to wait an hour for you to get ready.” 
“Ya mama!” She responded with playful venom as he laughed.
A few hours passed after Riley practically dragged Cody around her shopping spree and they were back at the hotel. 
"Cody, hurry yo ass up! Yo hair is fine, ya idiot now come on before we miss our reservation!" Riley yelled after him as she adjusted her dress in the mirror of the foyer. “I swear, got the nerve to tell me I take too long and here he go…”  She then hears the sounds of Cody’s footsteps making his way to the foyer, adjusting his cufflinks. 
“I’m right here, babe.” He kissed her on her cheek before grabbing their coats by the door. “Besides, what’s the rush? Didn’t you rent out the whole restaurant?” 
“Just because no one else is gonna be there to witness me in my finest unless they paid me first, it does not excuse us being late.” She said as Cody helped her put on her coat. “Something, something punctuality. Something, something good time management. Now, hurry along. I have a hot date and I refuse to be late, even if fashionably.” She declared as she stormed out the room with her head up high and swinging the door open in a dramatic fashion. Cody chuckles at her antics. 
After they arrived and ate, Riley led him to the ferry station nearby for a gondola ride to see the sights at night. It is there when the American Couple found themselves cuddled together, holding each other
“The city is so beautiful at night.” She commented, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, it is.” He said, looking at her. 
“I swear to god, if I look up and see you looking at me, I'mma throw you overboard, you absolute cheeseball.” Cody laughs at her semi-serious threat. 
“So you’re saying you’re not beautiful?” 
“I ain’t say all that, now.” She looks up at him. “I’m saying you’re corny, sir.” 
“Like taking a gondola ride in Venice with your girlfriend is not corny either.” He laughs, pulling her close. 
“Yeah, well…” She leans forward, lips almost touching. “Maybe I like a little corny.” She gives him a teasing smirk with a little chuckle. Cody then reaches over with his hand to pull her in closer to kiss her. Riley couldn’t help but release a soft moan as he grips her a little tighter around the waist. She then pushed him back before the kiss got too deep. 
 “Easy, tiger.” She teased. “We’ll have all the time in the world back at the hotel.” 
If only she believed that. As soon as the couple came back to the hotel, she pushed him up against the wall once they passed the hotel room threshold. “Baby, wait…” Cody gasps as she untucks his shirt from his pants while kissing his neck. “S-Slow down…” This made her giggle mischievously. 
“Oh why, Angel Eyes?” Riley presses her body against his, taking his tie in her hands. “Why slow down when you seemed so adamant on having me on my back as soon as we got here, hmm?” She pulls his tie, yanking him down to bring him face to face with her. 
Cody exhales a breath to calm himself as Riley moves her other hand to his belt to undo. He then looks her deep in the eyes. “Because Doll, unless you want to be fucked dumb and fucked proper, I would suggest you stop.” This made Riley giggle before she walked away from him deeper into the foyer where she stops.
“Well, then…” Riley unzips the back of her dress, letting it fall at her feet before putting her curls up into two space buns. She turns her head to look at him. “You’re gonna threaten me with a good time or what?” She taunted him, which shakes him out of his thoughts in his head. She could see the way his eyes darken before he snatches the tie off his neck, opening his shirt a bit in the process. 
“I’mma make you regret those words, babydoll.” Cody said before he chased after her, a playful squeal leaving her as she quickly ran to the bedroom. However, she doesn’t get far as Cody catches her before she reaches the room. He pushes her up against the wall, taking her hands into one of his own. “You know, I think you like to try me sometimes…” 
“To try you is to assume you have some control over me in the first place…” Riley muttered, feeling vulnerable as she looked down at her feet. Cody then grabs her face by the chin to make her look back up at him.
“Oh? And I don’t?” He then picks her up, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist with a shriek of surprise as she was suddenly airbourne. He then walks into the bedroom towards the bed where he places her down on her back. He strips out his shirt and vest before he takes hold of her hands above her head by her wrists. “We’ll see about that now, won’t we?” He leaned down to whisper in her ear before kissing underneath her ear which made her gasp. 
“Yeah…” Riley sighed before she looked up at the headboard of the bed for her surprise. She smirks at him when he looks back at her. “We will…” 
“What are you-?” Cody tried to ask before Riley managed to break her hands free of his grip to press against his chest to flip him over onto his back. She takes advantage of his confusion to then grab the handcuffs around the headboard to handcuff him to the bed. She then mounts him on his lap as she watches him struggle against the cuffs. 
“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t struggle, baby boy. I would hate for your wrists to be rubbed raw. No doubt, that would be hard to explain to your friends and peers.” She gives him a smug smile. Cody looks at her once he realizes he can’t break free. 
“Babydoll, whatcha got up your sleeve, huh?” He licks his lips as his breath gets a little heavy as he takes in her form again. “ All day, you’ve been leading me to surprise after surprise. Just treating me to things. What gives?” 
“I told you, baby.” Riley said, her hands sliding down his arms. “You haven’t had a real break in like 2 years. If you weren't busy with shit going on backstage in AEW, you were dealing with finishing the story in WWE. Basically…Papi?” She leans forward, placing her hands on the bed to meet him face to face. “You’ve been in control of things and when shit falls apart, you take the blame for it; even if it was something out of your control. So this whole vacation was dedicated to make sure you didn’t..” She leans closer, their lips barely touching. Cody gasps a bit at the slight contact. “Because I didn’t want you to further stress about anything. Can you do that?” She leans back, rubbing her hands down his chest to his abs. “Can you let me have control tonight?” .
“F-Fuck, doll…” Cody stuttered with a shiver, panting as her nails scratched him a little bit. "I…God fucking yes, baby.” He pleaded when she moved off his lap to lay in between his legs. “Ruin me…abuse me. Make me earn it, Baby…" His statement made her raise an amused eyebrow. 
“Make you earn it?” Riley chuckled as she slid off the bed which caused him to whine at the loss of contact. . “I just said I wanted to spoil you, Darlin’.” She teased him when she made her way over to her bags.
“I know. F-Fuck…” He mewled when he threw his head back, writhing against the cuffs. “But I-I wanna earn it. It’s not as rewarding if I don’t. So, please…” He felt movement on the bed before he raised his head again to look at her but couldn’t when she suddenly grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look up at the ceiling. He whined, waiting to see more of her as she mounted his lap again.
“You must really want me to torment you, considering you forgot your place under me.” She sweetly threatens before she takes the silk blindfold and ties it around his eyes. She giggles a bit at his whimpering when she rolls her hips against his cock through his pants. “Don’t worry. I have all the time in the world to remind you where you belong.” She runs her fingers through his blonde hair. 
“F-fuck me…” Cody pants with anticipation when she lightly scratches his scalp like she knew he liked. He let a sharp gasp of air when he felt her kiss his neck up to his ear. Riley giggles seductively in his ear which causes him to shiver.
“Begging for me already? But I’ve barely got started, my sweet…” She licks and bites his earlobe. 
Cody squirms in the cuffs at Riley’s teasing and swallows his spit thickly. “God-. You’re gonna-.” He gasps again as he feels Riley’s fingers trace along his abs, tracing circles in between his belly button and his pants. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” Riley gives him a mischievous chuckle before she slides down his body, now eye level with the bulge in the pants. 
“Oh, Cody, Cody, Cody, mon âme…If what I’m doing to you right now already has you on the edge, then I see now how Roman bested you.” She felt Cody’s hips buck when she finally undid his belt before sliding it off entirely. “All that time spent in the gym…all that time spent wrestling matches to prove just how great you are, only to lose to a man who barely shows his face anymore? Just lose to a man, who in my sleep, I can outwit and outmaneuver him? I haven’t even done anything to make you lose your mind just yet so you know what?” She said as she slowly dragged his belt across his nipples. His hips bucked at the sensation. “Let's have a test of will.” She takes the belt and folds it in half to snap the belt, the sound damn near echoing throughout the room. She giggles mischievously when she sees his abs contract as he shudders a moan at the sound. “Since you’re a closeted masochist, I think maybe 10 spanks across the chest. A light punishment for you. That okay?” Cody gives her a nod which makes her slap and grips his thigh harshly, manicured nails digging in a little. He whines a little at the pleasure and pain. “Des mots, chérie. I can’t hear you.”
“Yes, mami. I-I understand.” Riley chuckled before she leaned down to kiss, lick and tease his nipples, drawing more moans out of him. 
“Mami, huh? Well, are you just a good boy?” She taunts him before she takes the belt and hits him across the chest with it. Cody throws his head back, letting out one of the deepest groans Riley ever heard out of him. She raises an eyebrow at the sound, humming pleased by it. “Mmm, never heard you make that sound before. Do it again.” She demanded as she hit him with the belt again.
“Oh, fu-.” Cody moans before she hits him again, cutting him off. “Fuck!” Another. “Fucking h-hell.” Another. “Baby…” Another. “Mami…” Cody whimpered as he fought against the cuffs the harder she hit him. 
She chuckled and looked down at him to take it in his disheveled stance. Riley raises her hand to gently stroke his hair. “Don’t tell me you’re tapping out already.” She bends down to kiss his forehead. “We’re not even done with your punishment yet.” 
“Shit…” Cody whines at her gentle touch. “I’m trying not to, babe but…you’re making it hard not to. Ah…” He moaned as he tried to find his resolve to not bust too quickly in his pants. 
“T’is the reason why I said it was a test of will. It’s not supposed to be easy.” She sighs as she moves the hand in his hair down to his now reddening chest.. “If you can’t hold off from losing your mind in pleasure and pain for longer than a few minutes, then what makes you think you can be undisputed champion, baby?” She teases one of his nipples, drawing out more sounds from him.  “While I may be spoiling you, dear, I also mean to make you better in more ways than one so…” She takes her hand off of him. “Try to last as long as you can…otherwise, it’s gonna be a long night for you.” Riley warns before she strikes him with the belt again, this time catching his other nipple.
“Go-God, baby, fuck!” Cody tugs on the cuff as his back arches from the intense pain. “Fuck! I’m trying but you-oh fuck, you’re so fucking-. Ah-! Ha-!” She strikes him again for the eighth time. “Shit…Riley…Mami, I think I’m gonna-. I’m gonna-.” 
Riley looks down at him with a raised eyebrow. “Really? You’re gonna cum in your pants from a few hits to the chest like a horny teenager?” She laughed. “Oh, how the mighty fall. How do you survive taking chops to the chests then?” 
“It’s…one thing…to get chopped in the chest…by a grown ass man…and another..to get whipped by a smoking hot grown ass woman…with an italian leather belt.” He then swallows the excess saliva in his mouth before he continues. “One’s a job…the other’s a privilege.” Riley laughs before she delivers the ninth hit. “Mercy, Mami, Mercy. Ple-please!” His plea makes her shush him. 
“You have one more, baby. You’ve survived this long, mon âme. One more won’t kill you.”  Riley’s sweetened threat made him whine in anticipation. 
“No but you will.” His response sparks another laugh from her again. 
“I wouldn’t dare. After all…” She leans down to whisper in his ear. “There’s not a man on this earth that is as half as good at dicking me down as you, Mr. Rhodes.”  
“S-Shit…” Cody whimpers as she reaches down to squeeze his dick. “Mami…Mami, I’m gonna-gonna-!” Cody tries to warn her before she comes down with the belt from the tenth and final strike hard. He pulls against the cuffs, moaning as he cums in his pants. “Oh fuckfuckfuck! Mami…!” He continued to whimper as she continued to shake from his orgasm. There’s a sudden crack Riley hears coming from the headboard. 
“Oh, my. Looks like someone wants to break free, no Queen.” She laughs as she moves back up the bed, straddling Cody’s hips once more to check on the cuffs. She sees one of the links of the cuffs separate but not entirely break off. She also sees there’s a crack in the wood of the headboard when she attached the cuffs. She also checks his wrists to see that they’re a bit rubbed raw and red against the leather cuffs.She looks down at him to check him, seeing him catching his breath as he comes back down to earth. She lifts the blindfold off of his eyes to take a good look at him. “Hey…” She whispered softly to him, taking hold of the cuffs to get his attention. When he looked up, she could see the haziness in his eyes.  “Do you want your freedom, my love? You have earned it.” Cody just nods numbly. She reaches up to undo the cuffs, rubbing his wrists a little before she reaches around his head to fully take off the blindfold. Cody shuts his eyes to let them adjust before he locks eyes with hers. “Hi, my pretty… You were such a good boy. I think you deserve a reward now, right?” He then shakes his head which makes Riley’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline in surprise. “No? Why not?” 
“Because I-. I c-ame without permission, Mami.” Cody said hoarsely. “I don’t-deserve it.” Riley tilts his head up, clicking her tongue.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She shakes her head. “Oh, darlin’...Always so hard on yourself.” She leans closer to him. “Did I say that you couldn’t cum?” 
“No, I didn't. I said try to hold out as long as you can and you did. You didn’t break until I gave you the final hit with the belt so…” She kisses him on the forehead. “That means you listened and followed instructions which gets you a reward. Now, sit on the edge of the bed and accept your reward like a good boy.” Riley backs off for him to give him room to do as she instructed him. Riley gives him a mischievous chuckle before she slides down his body, now eye level with the bulge in the pants. 
“Now, then…” She gets onto her knees between his legs. “Time for me to get my reward.” She said as she slowly unbuttons and unzips his pants. He raises his hip to help her lower them a bit to free his dick from its prison. His dick smacks her in the face still hard, sparking a moan from her. “Fuck...” She sees his abs contract as he shudders a moan when she turns slightly to give his cock a few light kisses along his shaft. “I love this dick so fucking much.” Cody gives her a groan in pleasure when she licks his cum clean off his cock. She moans again where she feels it twitch against her lips. She licked all the way up his shaft from base to tip, drawing more moans out of him. “Mami…Can I…?” 
“Angel wants to pull Mami’s hair while she sucks him dry?” She taunts him before she takes his tip into her mouth. Cody throws his head back as Riley uses her tongue around the head of his cock. 
“Yes, Mami…Please, Mami.” Cody muttered as he balls his fists into the sheets the more Riley’s mouth sank down his cock slowly. She chuckled and looked up at him when she took one of his hands to put it in her hair. Cody looks down to see what Riley was doing only to have his eyes roll in the back of his head as Riley slowly deepthroats him as she does. “Goddamnthattongueisdangerous.” The hand Cody had in her hair grips the back of her head to guide her head up and down with her pace. Riley takes her free hand to play and toy with his balls. “Shit…” He throws his head again as she takes his dick out of her mouth to suck on his balls. “Goddamn…I think I’m gonna cum again.” He moaned as he tried to find his resolve to not bust too quickly. 
She gives his balls a firm suck before she lets them go to speak. “Much as I love for you to just nut in my mouth,” She sighs as she adjusted her position on the bed to nestle his cock in between her breasts.“I’ll let you decide. Do you wanna cum in my mouth…” She squeezed her breasts together to massage his dick. “Or on my tits?” Riley asks before she tongues and sucks on the head of his dick while continuing to stroke his cock with her breasts. 
“Oh, shit..” Cody groans into a gasp as he feels himself get closer. He looks down at her faux innocent look. “I’d rather cum in your pussy, Mami.” She looks up back at him with a raised eyebrow which makes him plead. “Can I please, Mami?” Riley’s firm look turns into a look of mischief before she speeds up her tempo, making him cry out. As quickly as she sped up, she stopped to stand on her feet. She places her hands on his knees. 
“I guess you can but you’re gonna have to do the work if you really want it-.” Riley suddenly shrieked as Cody grabs her by the waist and throws her onto the bed, immediately kissing all over her face. “Baby!” She giggled at the eager affection Cody was giving her as he crawled on top of her. “Baby, please!” 
“Mmm, sorry, doll but I’ve been waiting to just…fuck the shit outta you since we’ve arrived.” He whispered in her ear before kissing and sucking hickeys on her neck. “All day. All goddamn day, you’ve been teasing me. From the shopping trip, wearing those tight shorts that makes that plump ass of yours bounce everytime you walk,” His kisses moved down to her chest as he popped her on the ass, earning him a yelp of surprise. “That fucking dress you wore to dinner.” He took one of her nipples into his mouth, sparking a sharp gasp from Riley when he bites down. “ God, your tits...Tits were just…sitting pretty in that dress.” She continued to moan as he toys with the other nipple before he kisses down her stomach. ‘Your stomach and those rolls I love so much. Even though you hate when I show them love, I love that chub of yours, baby. But there’s something I love more than all that I just mentioned.” Cody sits up to pull her closer and throws her legs over his shoulders. Riley sits up on her forearms to watch as he kisses up her calf to her thigh, this time leaving love bites on them. “I absolutely love this pussy.” He muttered as he pushed her legs back to get a good look at her pussy, spreading her lips open to look at how wet she was. “So wet. You must really want me, don’t you?” She nodded, hiding her face with one hand. Cody tsked as he reached up to pull her hand away. “Uh-uh, Mami. Tell me. Do. You. Want. Me?” He enunciated. She nods eagerly, sitting up a little further to look him in the eyes.
“I want you…I always want you.” Her response earns her a sexy chuckle from Cody.
“Good girl. Now, hold your knees for me, doll.” He commanded as he pushed her knees to her for her to grab. “It’s gonna be a long night for you if you don’t behave while I indulge in my favorite treat, all right?” 
“Yes, sir.” Riley meekly answers as she does what she is told. Cody rolls his eyes in his head as he growls at the name.
“Goddamn, you obedient little thing…” He muttered before he leaned down to her pussy to lick from her hole to her clit in a long slow lick. 
“Ahn!” She moaned as she felt her eyes cross a bit when Cody flicks his tongue against her clit. “Oh, shit…” Cody growls into her when he feels her get wetter and drips more of her juice into his mouth. He slaps her thigh hard as he sucks on her clit. “Ah! Fuck…” Cody releases her clit to gently rub it the way he knows that will drive her crazy. Riley’s grip on her knees gets tighter when he does. “Oh, god…Too much! How-How are you so good at that?.” 
“Well, gorgeous.” He hits her with that blinding smile of his before he slips two fingers into her. The action makes her legs twitch with a hungry moan. “When you’re dating a very buxom, short, brazen woman who has spent her entire life, mouthing off to anything that displeases her…” He then curls his fingers up to caress her spot that made her sob with agonizing delight. “You learn how to not be on the receiving end of that brutality.” He sucks in a breath as he feels his fingers get more saturated with her essence. “Ooh, that’s the spot, ain’t it? That’s where you want me to touch, right?” He begins to scissor her with his fingertips assaulting her spot more, coupled with him going back to suck on her clit. Riley, in her ravenous want for more, lets go of her knees to grab the back of his head and pull his hair. He growled into her pussy at the pain and pulled away entirely to take hold of her hands in his free one, standing up. “Bad girl.” He began to scissor her faster, making her tremble in pleasure. “Did I say, you can let go of your legs, gorgeous?” Riley shakes her head which made him stop moving his fingers. “And now, you don’t want to answer Papi properly. Words, love or as you like to say, ‘Des mots, de l'amour’. I can't hear you.” 
“Nnnhmm, no..no, Papi. Y-you didn't…” Riley mewled. “I’m sorry, Papi.”
“No. I didn’t. So tell me why…” Cody said as she picked up his pace again, making her tug at his grip of her hands with a whine. “I should let you come after disobeying you.” 
“Nhn! Be-Beca-use if you don’t…You-Ohh! You wouldn’t be able to…fuck me properly.” She cracked her eyes open a little bit. “Plus, seeing me cum my brains would just make you harder than you already are.” He chuckles at her reasoning before he leans over her to kiss her. Riley kept squirming on the bed as she felt herself get closer and closer to the edge. She tried to break his grip to push him back but that didn’t work. She tried to break the kiss but she could barely get any words out as Cody just kept coming back for more kisses. After a few moments, he lets up on the kisses when he feels her squeeze his fingers tighter than before. “Nmh! Cody! Please! I’m gonna cum-Ahnn!” She shrieks as she squirts all over his fingers and even a little on the floor. Cody stands up straight and takes his fingers out of her. He chuckles as he looks at his hand.
“Tsk. You’re squirted all over me and the floor.” He licks his fingers as his dick twitches, getting harder at her smell and taste. “Making my dick so hard it hurts, you brat.” He moves to pick her up to move her further up the bed, kneels on the bed over her and folds her in half. “Things are gonna get rough, doll. You don’t mind, do you?” Riley keens as she feels Cody’s dick prod at her entrance. “Shit, you’re so soaked, just like I love it.” He then puts her legs back over his shoulders. “I’ve been waiting these past few months to have you.” He then slips the tip in when he takes hold of her hands on either side of her head to get leverage. “I don’t think I can be gentle.” His dick then just plunges into her pussy, causing her to arch her back in delightful agony. He feels her get impossibly tight around him and wetter. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head in disapproval. “You fucking brat. Nnh…you came again.” He started to rock his hips to drive his dick in a slow pace to prolong her orgasm. Riley then drops back to the bed, hands gripping Cody’s hands harder at the pleasure.
“Nhaa! Ha! I-I can’t…! C-Cody! Oh!” She gripe with insatiable ecstasy. 
“You can’t take any more?” He asked her to which she nodded. “Oh but darling…I think you need more.” He shifted his weight to his hands to start rocking his hip faster to pound into her with gluttonous thirst. The change of pace makes her struggle for breath and her toes curl. 
“Ahh! Oh, fuck…Ohhh, fuck me…nnahmm…” Riley thrashed in debauched bliss as she feels her eyes cross, the view of Cody above her getting more and more out of focus. Cody lets go of one of her hands to wrap it around her neck. He smirked when he saw her stick out her tongue with panting breaths. 
“Holy shit…you’re so fucking pretty like this. So fucked out of your mind, that you can’t focus on anything but how my hand feels around your neck…” He squeezes her neck a bit harder which causes her to tighten up more around his dick. “Or how my cock feels, digging out that tight little hole of yours. Fuck…I could just…fuck you full until that pussy couldn’t take anymore. Until every time I fill you up with another load, it would just push the ones before it until there’s a fucking puddle underneath you and yet…even if you would be that fucking stuffed, you’d still ask me for another, wouldn’t you?” He taunts her but Riley just nods, too fucked out to really process what he’s actually saying. He laughs as he leans closer to kiss her. He lets go of her neck when he pulls away. “Go ahead, baby. Cum. Cum all over Papi’s dick again so Papi can fill you up like he knows you like.” He reaches down to thumb her clit which makes her close her eyes tightly. “C’mon, babygirl. Make me proud and cum. Cum and lost the last of your fucking mind. Make a mess of these sheets baby. C’mon…C’mon…” He encourages her before her back arches again and she cums on his cock again, her pussy juices squirting all over the sheets as Cody keeps thrusting through her orgasm to chase his own. He leans down to get close to her ear. “Yesyesyes, fuck! Good girl! Good fucking girl. Take it. Take my fucking load, baby. Fuck, lemme fucking fill you up. Fuck…Fuck! Take it, Mami! Take it!” He growled into her ear as he finally came deep inside her, hips slowing down to feel her pussy pulse around him. “Shit! Oh, shit, baby! Fuck…” He groaned as he moved her legs from his shoulders to fall on the bed beside her. Once he gets on his back, he pulls her close to cuddle her. “C’mere, doll.” He kissed her on the temple to calm down her trembling body. “Hey, doll. You’re still with me, right?”
“Mhmm…” She hummed in confirmation. “We…really shouldn’t go months…without doing that…again.” She cuddled closer to him.
“Agreed…” Cody squeezed her tighter to him. “Last thing we need is you incapacitated from me dicking you down.” They both chuckled. He kissed her temple again and stood up. “All right, up you go.” He turns around to pick her up off the bed to carry her to the bathroom. “Someone made a mess and now we gotta clean it up.” 
“You’re sure that’s all we doing?” She teased him.
“Don’t start, woman. You already can’t feel your legs.” 
10 Months later… February 2024, Wrestlemania 40 Kickoff
“...Because I have made a legendary career out of knocking golden girls off their top spot…so Mami is gonna learn how to be a bottom.” Becky Lynch taunts the current champion, Rhea Ripley who steps closer to her. “Because that’s what happens when The Man comes around.” The two engage in a staredown as Becky’s theme plays in the background before it’s cut off by someone attacking Becky in the back with a steel chair, pushing her into Rhea to knock them both down. Becky crumbs to the floor as the unknown attacker hits her with the chair again. Once Becky is down, the attacker props the chair around her knee before she focuses her attention on Rhea. The attacker props Rhea onto their to deliver a fireman’s carry spinebuster onto the chair that Becky’s knee was in, causing both of them to scream in agony. The attacker then gets a mic and kneels down to Becky before they pull off the mask, revealing the face of Riley. Riley smirks at Becky’s look of surprise. She then puts the mic to her lips. 
“You know, Becky, I know you said that you’ve made a career out of knocking golden girls off their top spot…” She looks back to the knee Becky was grabbing at. “But I’ve made a career outta rewriting legends, no matter the gender, no matter the company because I know just how boring Life can get when it’s predetermined.” Riley then stands to her feet to look at the hard camera. “And at Elimination Chamber, I plan on rewriting the legend again because no matter who’s the champion. It doesn't matter who’s in the chamber. I’m walking into the chamber. I’m gonna win the chamber and at Mania, I’m gonna take the title off of whichever one of you two unlucky bitches has it by the time we meet.” She stops for a moment to take in the cheers and jeers from the crowd. “But I won’t just stop there because everyone’s got a story to finish but I’m the only one with the pen and paper…because I’m the American Gangsta and to mess with me is to mess with the best.” She drops the mic as she leaves the arena through the crowd. Meanwhile, Backstage, Cody just chuckles at the antics of his girlfriend. 
“She always did know how to make a statement.” 
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fountainpenguin · 2 days
I know realistically Kevin and Dale would never talk to each because of age difference, class difference, Dale's trust issues etc.
But you can't write two socially inept boys with a passion for robotics and not have them interreact once!
Rip. They could have been besties. Maybe in another life.
I have been THINKING SO HARD on Kevin since I realized Dale is into robotics too- I didn't expect canon would just give me a robotics expert back when I tossed Kevin into that role due to cyborg obsession!
My current Cloudlands AU canon is still set up for Kevin designing the robot babysitters we see in "Channel Chasers" (Maybe Vicky bought one and customized it? Unclear)... I'm not sure if that will stay, but I feel like Dale wouldn't be happy about the Vicky design, sldkfj...
I'm not emotionally attached to the "Channel Chasers" future and I wasn't looking forward to rushing the city to be high-tech in 20 years, so if New Wish can ignore flying cars and stuff, I might too. We'll see...
Anyway, Kevin is practically the only kid in the OG series who told us what he wanted to be when he grew up and it was a dentist... and Dale has teeth issues and also likes robots... Hm. Inch resting.
I mean, Kevin IS a Buxaplenty in my lore...
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... it's not out of the question for him to toy more with that side of his heritage as he grows older and closer to Remy...
POV: You're Dale sent to meet a Buxaplenty at a convention:
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One of my favorite jokes in Cloudlands AU is that Kevin - an estranged Buxaplenty-Crocker child with witch magic that forces him to see ghosts under specific circumstances - has bizarre relationships with random people, but won't elaborate...
Ex: His job shadow with the Grim Reaper (x), his stepfamily (x) who are definitely not vampires (x), Jimmy Neutron's son despite him not being born at that point in the 2D World timeline (x), he's gotten an email from Danny Phantom (x), the Crocker house talks to him (x), he watches soap operas with his uncle's ex (who is a cat) (x), he knows the Burger World Employee & Bob the Boil & Mikey Munroe through Club Redheads Who Didn't Get Mindwiped (x), he's Foop's foster dad (x), he's caretaker for his undead great-uncle who was reborn as an iguana (x), he's still "alive" 150k years in the future (after he's reborn as a crow) and has met people in Foop's teen friend group (x), he lived beneath the same roof as Anti-Sanderson (x)... List goes on. I also like to think he's met Dark Laser's son. Kevin is the only one who ever knows what's going on with his life.
Canonically in my lore, Kevin has laid eyes on Rudy Tabootie from ChalkZone, Diego and Baby Jaguar from Go Diego Go, Chase from Paw Patrol, and he's spoken to Zac from Shimmer and Shine because they were all at the interdimensional Nick show pizza parlor.
It is not out of the question for Kevin to be familiar with Dale, because Dimmadelphia is heavily implied to be a tech empire (Robotics community is big there), they might've attended the same fancy tech university for a year or two, and it totally fits Kevin's gag. It's the Crocker curse of getting in everyone's way...
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I'mma be honest, I think Kevin is Dale's type (Struggling under the weight of the world, daddy / mommy / step-daddy / uncle issues, the town has come to expect A Vibe from his family, is "extra" when the setting calls for it, builds awesome robots, makes money in a stable career)... Dale's type is "As easy to understand and low maintenance as possible; bonus points for same interests."
I think Dale just wants to live by himself tbh. He gets along so well with Hadley because she's very independent, also from a wealthy family (Leadlys), travels a lot, doesn't "need" him, and totally gets his need for personal space and clear instructions on how she wants to celebrate holidays and anniversaries. Hadley tells him exactly what to do and Dale says "Bless this low-brainpower relationship I scored. Whatever you say, girlfriend." They definitely spark each other off sometimes, but they're both good at taking time for themselves (and remember they like existing with each other). I think deep down, Dale is glad to have someone helping him manage his stress and bringing in extra income - plus in City Lights AU, he wants Dev to be his heir and needs a basic "let me show you what Daddy does because this will be you someday" connection to him - so those are the things that stop him from living alone. He gets lonely when Hadley's away, but he also likes fewer distractions and not sharing the bed... They get along fine :)
But Kevin sees way too much of himself in Dale (Big and loud to cover the self-deprecation and anxiety) and he's not into that, so he'd pretend to be oblivious if he ever got hit on.
Kevin's vision of Dale is "only puts in emotional energy when it's convenient." You can pry "I adore you even when you hate yourself and will happily cover extra housework when you're exhausted b/c we're a team" Chloe from Kevin's undead talons <3
City Lights AU Dale would not hit on him because he's Daddy's Good Boy and would probably have an anxiety attack if he had One (1) Fantasy outside his marriage, but y'know... In some other universe, the robot-lovers geek out together. Kevdale tag when?
Alt consideration: Hadley has her QPR with Remy and Dale has one with the Crockermichaels... Crockermichaeldome tag when... Yes, It has to be both of them... Do not separate.
Alt consideration II:
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I love the Crockermichaels... I love the Cherrylemons... Please talk to me about them.
Secret Bonus Crockermichael Notes
For anyone unware of the ridiculous size difference between Chloe and Kevin's hands, allow me to enlighten you:
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And yes... in the Riddleverse, Chloe and Kevin changed their surnames to Crockermichael when they got married. They miss each other when they blink <3
Bonus Pt 2 - Crocker not recognizing grown-up Chloe, but still being nice to her when the employee sends her to ride with him, which is not his usual M.O.... Chloe and her uncle-in-law... They're important to me...
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Bonus Pt 3 - Kevin's wedding ring is a tiny dragon!
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It's inspired by these drafts I wrote in 2018:
Her fingers skimmed along plastic containers of strawberries, and she picked two up. “Here. One for your place, one for mine.” Kevin eyeballed the price sticker on the sign. “I dunno. They’re out of season. I’ll pass.” Chloe arched her brows. One offended hand flew to her chest. “Sure, it’s a premium price right now, but what could be more rewarding than maintaining a healthy body every month of the year?” “Your engagement ring, I hope.” Chloe considered this, then set one box down. “It better have a strawberry engraved on it.” “Actually, I was thinking I’d get this neat silver one that looks like a little robot wrapped around your finger.”
Chloe bounced on her heels. “I look forward to welcoming all aspects of my pregnancy, even the ones which are, tragically, so often seen as negative.” Molly tapped her nails against her mug. “Let me guess. You’ve already got a dozen baby names picked out.” “I am partial to Chloe Junior myself,” she admitted, grinning Kevin’s way. “But Kevin likes Phillip, after the prince from Sleeping Beauty.” “I like dragons,” he called over his hot chocolate. Chloe waved her hand. “I’m not sure about it since it isn’t super gender-neutral. We’re still working things out on that end. Although it would be a very cute name for a girl…” She stared at the loose change in the change jar, lost in thought.
Along the Cherry Lane - WIP
Fun game called "Can you guess which worldbuilding detail Chloe and Kevin don't know about above? :)"
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Hello darling! No pressure (I fukin tried to write this anon and YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN), but I keep thinking about a workaholic reader who needs cared for! It’s the beginning of a new year but she’s already worn out from last year.
You write such a real Steve, can he be stern about it? Tough, rewarding love? And you can request (that I stfu) anything from me, I wish you the whole world 💚💚💚💚
Drag me kicking and screaming :P
Dear bestie,
You bish. Fine. I see what you did there. Be warned, I'mma tap you back for this. Oh, it'll happen...
Not Today
Warnings for...Steve is a bit of a hypocrite? and that might be it? Oh, and Steve uses completely canonical profanity. It's literally the exact same line. You're welcome. WC 3.1k
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The tech support department is a team. There are about a dozen people who are tasked with directly answering any Avenger's call at any time, day or night or holiday. You know your own team but not socially since you all rotate and shift hours. It's a fairly lonely job, and that's fine.
The world's superheroes don't know your names, can't distinguish your voices, and don't really care which of you picks up as long as they get the information they need. Steve Rogers is guilty of this, too. It's not on purpose, but he still struggles to remember more than just a 2-D connection can come from technology. Old habits are hard to break.
Then came Thanksgiving, and Steve took several for the team by coordinating casual progress on a few upcoming missions while the rest of the Avengers scattered to celebrate with family. He still saw people; he still enjoyed the festivities. He just also worked.
That's when Steve noticed.
He called your department at 1900h after the big dinner because a document scan was cut off oddly and he needed to see the original. You answered. 
He called again after the house was quiet and everyone slept. At 2300h, you answered. 
With barely-bridled irritation, Steve called instead of a morning run because he needed clarification on a recon analysis. You answered at the ripe 0500h, but he was too distracted to notice it was the same voice until that afternoon.
When it occurred to him that the same person answered four calls in a row, Steve asks for your name, but you politely remind him you aren’t supposed to say it over the line.
“Plus, it’s not important, Captain Rogers. Answering your questions is.”
He doesn’t like that one bit.
After the holiday though, it’s you picking up less often. The others are back in rotation more, and perhaps it was just a fluke, he thinks. If you can’t say your name, you certainly can’t tell him that you filled in for coworkers hoping to spend just a few extra hours with their families.
Your team works out of one central computer lab which Steve knows, but since it’s all by phone and online, remote shifts are common. Steve wouldn’t have time to stalk around the facility anyway.
He lets it go.
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On his way out to the landing pad one night, Sam Wilson joins him in the elevator, suited up, ready, and on the phone.
“Thanks, Genie, I’ll call if there’s anything else,” Sam says before hanging up and nodding at Steve. “Ready?”
“Always,” he grunts back. “Who’s Jeannie?”
“One of the techs.”
“She told you her name?” Steve looks stunned. One of your coworkers doesn’t seem to follow the rules.
“Didn’t. She’s just particularly magical…and effectively trapped in a bottle since she’s always on the phone, I guess.”
Oh—Steve gets it now—Genie is like a nickname. That doesn’t explain why it is still you (because he just knows it’s you) answering calls so frequently.
“Are they short-staffed or something? People out on leave?”
Sam shrugs. “I don’t know, Cap. She just tells me what I need to know.”
They head off on their mission.
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Steve Rogers doesn’t have much of a social life. Ok, fine, he doesn’t have any social life, but he’s a curious sort of man. It bugs him to not understand what’s going on around him, and in theory, this isn’t a huge mystery. He pulls up the time logs for the on-call analysis team and glances over it.
Whether he expected a simple coincidence or a mostly-female staff now that could sound similar, Steve’s not sure, but what he finds infuriates him by proxy. He stops himself from looking up the personnel file for your employee number though. He’s not so mad as to break that protocol.
For another week or so, he fights the urge to hang up on you and call again since he knows there are likely at least three other people available. It probably wouldn’t make his point clear because Steve doesn’t know what his point is yet. Instead, he grits his teeth and does his work, oblivious to his annoyance growing.
Until Christmas Eve when he walks by the lobby coffee bar just as he’s dialing your team’s hotline.
He doesn’t notice at first but the woman next in a long line to order scurries out to hold the phone to her ear, pinning it to her shoulder and opening her laptop right there as she stands. He hears your response echo in both his ears and looks up.
“You gotta be shitting me,” he huffs, stomping over.
It’s only when he snatches your phone away that you realize he’s there. “Oh, gosh, sir—I mean, hello, Captain.”
“What are you doing?!”
He’s downright terrifying when angry, and his fury coupled with your alarm makes you shrink in your own skin.
“I—I just—“
“What is this? Day nine? In a row?!” His voice cracks slightly as he barks out questions he already knows the answer to. He sees people staring around you, so he points down the far hall. “Conference room, now.”
He keeps your phone in hand and ignores it ringing three times before you even make it to the giant table. You look tired. He complains it’s unhealthy but when you try to say something he cuts you off and asks when you last ate. That’s simple, right? You have to feed yourself.
“I was in line, sir. That’s what I was doing.”
“Then you shouldn’t have answered the phone. Sit there, no, right there.” He points and presses one finger against the wood for emphasis. “You don’t move. You don’t leave this room. I’m taking this—“ he pockets your phone “—and you sit there.”
As he’s about to let the door close behind him, he turns. “And if you so much as touch that laptop…”
It’s explicitly clear that you are still terrified, but you nod.
He comes back with food from their private lounge, a variety since he doesn’t know if you have restrictions or allergies. There’s water and coffee already in the room. He sits and eats something with you, staring until you munch on a few things.
When he’s satisfied, he stands and hands back your silenced phone. “I don’t want to catch you overworking like this again, you hear?”
Your very wide eyes blink twice.
He takes that as yes, wraps his knuckles on the table, and goes back to his own work.
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Steve gets exactly what he wants. You log long—but no extra—shifts all the way through to New Year. He never hears your voice when he’s not supposed to.
Except…he celebrated the clock striking midnight with Wilson, Torres, and some other employees on the roof, and after the crowd dissipated, Steve couldn’t get to sleep. He walks (wanders) the halls when this happens. The building is empty.
Of course, the building is not empty, so Steve smacks the glass door open in frustration.
“Nobody works in this lab for third shift.”
You’re startled, ripping your headset off and half-rising from a rolling chair. “This is my shift, and…I’m not nobody.”
“Agreed,” he spits before realizing how that sounds. “Gah—“ he runs his hand through his hair, pulling harder than necessary “—this is insufferable.”
“Agreed,” you mumble, sitting back down with a questioning gaze.
Thinking of nothing else to say, Steve then bursts, “have you at least eaten?”
“Uh…it’s two in the morning. It’s not a meal time.” You flinch at his powerful huff. “Have you? Do you need to eat, Captain Rogers?”
You point him toward a tiny table.
Of course, the phone rings, but he stares you down. “Are there other people working remotely?”
“Yeah but—“
“But what,” he says in a very specific way to indicate there is no correct response except—
“Nothing. I am actually supposed to work though.”
“Seventy-plus hours this week and you still think it’s required?” Steve kicks himself internally. He just showed his hand.
“Just stop—“ He doesn’t get to finish.
His phone rings, and he suddenly can’t say squat. Steve simply answers it, wearing the most sternly disappointed face he can muster, and leaves.
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He gets bold. Something about the anger boiling up inside him at the whole situation makes him far more aggressive at trying to change your habits, more so now that he’s seen your face. You’re not a 2-D sound anymore. You’re real, and you really work too much.
He keeps a closer track of the time logs and sees you’ve, in fact, reduced your hours. Then he hears Torres say something about ‘you rock, Genie’ on the phone…nine hours after he spoke to you that morning. So he checks and you’re not on-call. That’s when he realizes you’ve been working after and before clocking in so it looks like you have no overtime.
That’s nonsensical to Steve. He’s livid.
He picks out one of the burner phones constantly available to his Team and does something he’s not super proud of but feels justified in: he looks up your address in your file. It ends up not being a huge deal because you live in an apartment complex almost entirely rented out by compound employees. Still. Steve folds in his own self-condemnation with his fury at your deceit.
And you lied. You lied to him.
He drives over and stands by the door, flips open the phone, and calls the hotline.
“Ready,” a female voice chirps. It’s customary. No chit-chat just immediately prepared to listen to and research the caller’s question, but he can’t be sure it’s you from one word. Then Steve realizes he can’t say anything because he’ll give away that he also knows you have screened his calls from his normal number during times you are supposed to be off.
“Unclear. Weak audio connection. Boosting in three, two—“
Steve pounds on your door because goddamnit, stop working, woman. There’s a very sharp squeak from the phone (and through the entry) before the line cuts out. His heart rate and breathing spike in anger when he hears a muffled, “what do you want?”
It’s sad, not quizzical or alarmed. You’ve looked through the peephole at him.
“Open the door,” Steve says in his Captain voice, and you do, right away, unable to not comply. He wiggles the phone. “I know for a fact three other people are on-call. Explain yourself.”
You’ve also straightened in anger, but the posture is defensive and fragile. “It’s not like my work suffers, and I can keep going—“
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should,” he barks back, stepping over the threshold and blocking the entire doorway. “And you suffer even if the work doesn’t.”
You have no rebuttal for a long moment, frowning at his intrusion until you try again.
“Well, you…you’ve been up since at least five—“
“I have a physical advantage to handle more than you on less sleep.”
Your face sours further. “And that makes you better than me?!”
He’s defeated by that, having first scared the daylights out of you by yelling in the atrium, then interrupting you at the lab, and now showing up at your home to yell some more. Steve isn’t at all sure what’s gotten into him.
His shoulders sink. He finally takes a second to look around.
“You’re done. You are off work for the night. Do not pick up that phone.” He snatches it away again. “Just do something else.”
Without moving your feet, your whole body swivels to look around your apartment. You fill the silence with a short sniffle before confessing, “I…I don’t have anything else to do.”
Neither does he. Steve has not a single clue what he’d do if he were told the exact same thing.
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“It won’t fit,” you gasp in frustration.
Steve sighs. “You’re making this harder than it needs to be.” He continues to watch you struggle, leaning forward just enough so his breath fans over your face. “Go on. You can do it. It’s meant to be.”
“Shut up,” you whimper before dropping the slippery piece in defeat.
“You know in real life—“ he clucks his tongue “—they make cars big enough for your brood there.”
“Steve, this is the game of LIFE. I don’t know that anyone is supposed to end up with five children and a spouse. I’ll just have to strap him to the top of the van.”
As you delicately lay the little man to the side, Steve frowns.
“That’s no way to treat your beloved second son!”
“Who said it was my son I kicked outta the car?”
He barely stifles a laugh and goes to spin for his turn, but not Steve’s turn.
In order to make the game last longer, and because you both have somewhat alter egos, you are playing with Steve, Captain America, Genie, and yourself.
Genie has apparently been super busy having five children. It’s ridiculous.
So Captain America scores one for his perfect little life: a mansion.
“Look at you, Mister Two-Kids-and-A-White-Picket-Fence,” you chide.
One boy and one girl, of course. It’s now the running joke of the game that everyone’s life is terrible compared to Cap’s, even Steve’s.
Steve has three sons, and he keeps grumbling that he wants a daughter. You have offered him one of yours. He feigned offense. He openly hopes to avoid ending up like Genie though.
“I guess I’m just very dedicated to servicing my customers,” you joke in your best phone voice.
Steve sputters and blushes, putting down his to-go container in favor of sipping more water.
He withheld your phone to order, too, and insisted on paying for the obscene amount of food (because he eats like a horse, it seems). In addition, you are required to have half a glass of water every time your phone goes off. Self-care, he says. Hydration is good.
His phone has vibrated a few times as well, and because he’s him, Steve always answers to make absolutely sure it’s not urgent. He talks in his Captain voice, which gave you the idea to make him play the board game like that. He’s actually quite funny trying to get it together and ‘act the part’ while he spins a tiny rainbow dial that he’s already broken twice.
The air of irritation he arrived with has dissipated, and he smiles more. It makes you smile to see him relax. He’s more animated than you would have guessed. He holds himself very straight and still as Cap; Steve is a lot more approachable and a lot easier to make fun of.
He almost left in a completely flabbergasted huff when his original suggestion was for you to have a hot bath or something. Your quick “what are you gonna do? Watch me?” made Steve nearly crawl out of his skin in apology, but you decided to put him out of his misery and suggested eating instead.
“Right. Food,” he muttered under his breath, “that’s a good, basic life requirement…”
And that’s when you also had the idea for this game.
Best decision ever.
He’s never played, so you only made it through a few turns before the delivery arrived. Steve is practically a natural…a natural loser, that is, and it somehow makes him even more perfect. As Cap, he fights for justice, but he doesn’t fight over game rules or what’s fair about random cards and moving in an arbitrary pattern on the board. He doesn’t care if he wins, and oddly, you feel like the gleam in his eyes says “I’m winning by just being here.”
You feel the same. This is the most fun you’ve had in a long time, and it’s just a stupid foldout piece of cardboard. He’s just that magical.
So you both hide away in your own little bottle all night.
More jabs, more setbacks, more triumphant returns from behind later, and you barely care who wins. You chat absently between every spin. You have too much fun going wild with your alter ego’s stories. Then it’s past the three-hour mark of no-calls and quite late.
The food isn’t all gone, so you hop up to make Steve a doggy bag to take home. He shifts from relaxed to wildly awkward in the space of your walk back over.
“So,” he drawls, staring at your two phones on the coffee table, side by side and silent.
“So,” you mimic with a smirk, “I promise to not work until tomorrow, logged in or not. You have my word. Scouts’ honor.”
“I’d say I trust you—“ he bobs his head around, thinking “—but I don’t, so I might have to check up on you.”
“Oh dear,” you gasp. “A home visit? Expected or unexpected?”
He clearly feels bad about how he ended up here for the night, but Steve steps forward to take the wrapped offering of leftovers.
“Maybe expected. Next week? Same time?”
“Sure. I can survive on eating once a week.” It’s cheeky and a little forward of you, implying you might only eat with him and so he should see you that much more, but Steve beams.
He squints a little. “Or maybe sooner?”
“I’d like that. This…this was fun.” You step closer to gently kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Captai—Steve. Thanks.”
“Next time, I want a daughter,” he laughs, tilting to kiss your cheek, too, and then he jumps back and slaps his forehead. “No. Not like. I’m so sorry. That came out all wrong.”
You cackle while he still tries to correct himself.
“We can play the game. And in the game, it would be nice if—would you stop? I didn’t mean it like that.”
A few big breaths has you settling but just barely.
“I know, but hey, maybe next time you’ll be the one tied up?”
Steve swallows hard with huge eyes.
“To the top of the van, that is, because you would give up your seat for the children, right?”
Yeah, he would, he agrees and sees himself out, adding one more good night as he plucks his phone back, pushing it into his pocket next to the burner.
On his ride home, he already has the urge to check.
“Hey,” you answer immediately. “What’s up?”
“You aren’t supposed to pick up. You promised,” he snorts, smiling.
“But I knew it was you.”
He’ll be mad at that eventually. He should be mad at that. He could give another Captain speech about overworking and caring for yourself and yadda yadda, but not today.
No. Not today.
Today, you cared for each other, even though you didn’t know how, even though you didn’t want to, even though it was hard. Tomorrow, you can both care even more.
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Immediately started bawling. Whoops.
Reminder to self: it isn't even the big things that make you feel cared for. Sometimes it's just a very simple joy.
[Main Masterlist]
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letters-to-rosie · 7 months
Minutes to Midnight is seriously and envy-inducingly good! But I just want to say that, when you said "one shot of all time", my mind immediately went to you've got your demons, and darling, they all look like me. And then I got reminded of why it's my personal favorite (other than it being plain good, ofc): the summary. A well-written fic is a well-written fic, obviously, but the perfect summary really adds to the experience. Like how it catches your eye and makes your heart race because you know that an author who can write such a summary... well. They also can and probably did write a fic that blows your clothes off and turns them inside out before sending them to the hamper. It's about the anticipation.
Ahem, so anyway. I started thinking about how few words one needs to evoke an emotional response, and I wanted to share my excitement about that.
ahhhh thanks for the recommendation!!
I'mma use this as a little bit more time to gush over Minutes to Midnight just because, and then gush over you've got your demons as well because oh man. thank you for sending it my way!!
Ekko is my favorite character, but I am also a big fan of making him Worse, and I love how Minutes to Midnight does it in a way that feels so authentic. like I can extrapolate him right away from what we see in the show. and this is the only fic I can think of that really takes it to such an extreme, but again it's done so compellingly that it really feels like a Jinx version of Ekko, even if Jinx remains similarly filled with rage. there are just so many lines I love and I could list them all day but when it culminates at the end, tying together the time themes and the regret and the betrayal it's just... I love it so much
one line for fun: She’s bleeding, choking, underneath him, and he hits her, and hits her, don’t you get it, I could have done this anytime I wanted but I didn’t, I didn’t, I gave you my life and you threw it back in my face, even as she claws at him alley-cat-desperate.
every time I read it, I'm just in my room, actually screaming lol
and now for you've got your demons!!!!
there were also a ton of lines I could have pulled out but then we'd be here all day but
Dark against light - though the light has always been Ekko. i cry She chose him long before he chose her. i cry endlessly Powder never asks Vi her favorite color, because she doesn’t know what she’d do if she didn’t say the same thing Ekko did. a never-ending stream
but man it's just so stunning. like you said, I love how few words it uses to get its story across. getting to read prose that packs that sort of punch is always so special. Powder/Jinx is just so relatable and you really feel her struggles come through. her tangle of confusion and not getting things like marriage really resonated with my ace self (and I always enjoy an ace-spec Jinx). but her crush was so precious I just wanted to hug her and let her be happy with Ekko and maybe my delusional ass can imagine that they are someday in that fic universe lol
and the way the summary gets entirely recontextualized at the end????? INCREDIBLE truly a one-shot of all time. we have to make it an indefinite article now lmao
I got super lucky because the author of "you've got your demons" wrote my gift for the secret santa we just had!! that fic is called Moonlight Refuge and let me tell you if it didn't convey every emotion I wanted, which is the "I should want nothing to do with you but I can't help myself" part of timebomb, and in this one it's mutual and just fantastic. I spent like half my comment writing AHHH because the emotions were just everywhere it was a good time
also hi @cranechel we're in the corner gushing over your fic... I will leave a comment soon but wanted to answer this lol
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im-notbean · 1 year
Punz x Soccerplayer! Male!Reader
Summary; Your cousin Karl Jacobs invites you to be his plus one at twitch con, let's just say your day got better after you lost your game.
TW; Use of real names, reader had ADHD, reader is tall, Dream get's bullied a lot, reader is V E R Y flirtatious, swearing, kissing (lol), kinda gets ✨spicy✨ at the end, harassment, homophobia, let me know if theirs more!
THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION- I don't want my work posted anywhere but where it is at.
Y/F/N; Your favorite number
Y/N; Your Name
Y/L/N; Your last name
Y/H/C; Your hair color
Y/H/L; Your hair length
Y/E/C; Your eye color
Y/T/N; Your team name
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NO matter how much you told your cousin Karl that you wouldn't be able to be their on time, he somehow got you to go to Twitchcon. So of course he told his friends who never even herd of you before, which is very unnatural you played forward. They would recognize you based on looks rather than name.
So that's how you ended up losing your game by 1 goal, which pissed you and your coach off, you were team captain and one of your best team leaders, and players for that matter. Being in the top 5 teams, ranked 3 currently, means that all of you teammates cared about the sport to go professional. But today, you guys played like shit to say the least.
Currently you were getting swarmed by fan girls who tried to get you to notice them, you signed a boy's jersey who got his sister or friend to back off that had your number on it, Y/F/N, honestly you liked people like that. Rather than the player they care about the game, and have favorites obviously, but still.
You called your cousin after you got in your Uber, you and him liked these calls it always cheered you up. Maybe it was because you both had ADHD or had similar taste or that you were close in age. Honestly you guys didn't know, you and Karl has always just clicked.
"Karl." "Yes Y/N?" "Help." "Why?" "We lost, and played like shit." "It can't be that bad-" "We lost to the 6th ranked team Karl Jacobs. It's bad." "Oh...well shit then- CLAY SHUT THE FUCK UP IT'S MY MALE COUSIN." "One. WHO THE FUCK. NAMES THEIR CHILD CLAY! Two. Who's Clay?" "Ask his parents, he's a friend of mine Y/N" "Tell him he is named after a minecraft block." "CLAY! HE SAYS YOUR NAMED AFTER A MINECRAFT BLOCK! YEAH? WHAT YOU GONNA DO THEIR 6'4!!" "I am 6'5 actually." "I MENT 6'5!!" "Put Harden Clay on the phone" "Nicknames so soon...make him laugh and then call him a tea kettle." "Understood."
You heard rustling from the other end of your phone, you arrived ar your hotel and took your bag out going into your room on the 6th floor. Putting your phone on speaker as a new voice was put on the phone.
"KARL WHAT THE FUCK." "Danm Hardened Clay don't dish my cousin like that. Very rude ya' know." "Hold up. You single?" "Yes. But I don't wanna date someone who is named 'Clay'" "Just call me Dream." "Ok looking you up now. I get to do more burring if you're faceless that's nice." "Blurring? Do you not like you're face or something?" "Yep. Sheesh I forgot about how much I work out...dang these abbs don't lie." "Ok...I wanna see now." "Put it on facetime Nimrod" "Geez ok. ACK KARL WHAT THE HELL!" "Tell my cousin he needs to chill out" "Karl...your cousin wants you to chill out. Geez fine yeah I won't tell anyone." "So...you want to see my abbs or not man?" "Yeah- Sorry zoned out, ADHD" "I feel you man...not in that way of course-" "You just made it weird, oh well I'mma pull up facetime now."
You sighed, the face came up on the screen with a smile. His brown fluffy hair with his emerald eyes and a slight stubble on his chin. Oh yeah, did we mention that you are a flaming homosexual? Because you are. Anyway, you turned the camera the other way towards the mirror you had in the hotel room. You turned on the light, giving Dream a better look at your abbs.
"Damnnn...how often do you work out?" "Every day, except game days." "Game days? Karl what do you mean...he's who?" "Your dumb as fuck." "What? How?" "Google Y/T/N forward Y/F/N." "Okay...Oh fuck I am dumb...how did I not realize you were Y/N Y/L/N." "Because your really fucking dumb." "Karl asked if your going to Twitch con, says your his plus one." "Yeah I am, your smart in this shit. What do I wear?" "Probably a tee-shirt and pants" "Great advice. Give my cousin his phone back." "Why?" "Because I need to know where to tell my uber to go for this...place?" "The event?" "Yup."
༺ T I M E S K I P ༻
You stepped out off the Uber and located Karl and some of his other friends. You toward over most of them except for one, Ranboo. You didn't know him that well, but you two instantly became best friends. You also met Dream, who you very often bullied through out the night. But out of everyone you met, their was one person who you fell head over heals for. Punz. You asked Sapnap about him.
"Hey Sap." "Yeah, what's up Y/N?" "Who exactly is that?" "That's Luke, also known as Punz." "He's kinda...cute"
You were sober with a cup of alcohol in your hand. You sipped at your cup absentmindedly as you looked at Punz face immediately becoming dusted with red. He was talking to Dream and obviously you had to bully him some more. You started walking over to him and slaped Dream in the back of the head.
"Someone who is as dumb as you should not be talking to most pretty boy in the room, Dream." "Oh...WAIT WHAT?" "You heard me idiot. Your amount of dumbness will rub off on him. He's to pretty to be dumb." "I'm right here-" "I'm saving you. Trust me." "Damn, hey I'll take it." "Punz really?!" "What? According to him I am the most pretty boy in the room, and who wouldn't take that as a compliment." "Your outnumbered Dream~" "Ugh, Y/N you don't even know Punz." "I know his name and that he's hot. That's all I need to know really." "That's gay." "I am gay though-" "What the fuck." "Dream. I have been flirting with Punz the entire time. I made it plainly obvious that I was gay." "I am really am that dumb." "Yeah yeah, shoo bitch." "Fine. Nice chating with you Punz."
Dream started to walk away from you two and you swung your arm around Punz's shoulders and started laughing. Punz was also trying to not laugh but he obviously was failing. You moved your arm off Punz and the two off you started talking and drinking more and more, this went on for an hour or so. You both were drunk by this point and decided to go to Punz's room, since it was closer, obviously. Once you two drunkenly walked into Punz's room you started talking again, but this time it was much more... heated. And I mean much much more heated.
"No no no, 'cause *hic* I've had girls like grope my *hic* ass before. And I'm s-standing their, all sweaty and shit 'cause I just like finshed a game *hic* and I'm all like I guess were doing this now and my teammates *hic* they know I'm gay and stuff and they just *hic* push me along as I move away the girls hand from my ass. But she gripped it even tighter and now this bitch's nails are diggin into my skin so *hic* my teammate gets security and she now has a retraining order." "Damn, *hic* that mudt suck balls for her." "Eh I guess, but I didn't really give a fuck *hic* as long as she's away from me and shit." "Hm, has anyone told you that you're really fuck'n hot." "Why you wanna know eh? *Hic* You think I'm hot shit innit." "I do." "Wanna make out." "I'm down" "...m'kay"
You moved so you were in top of Punz, you looked for any sign of discomfort to which you saw none. You tipped Punz's head up and slowly moved your lips to his and you kissed Punz. Punz threw his hands around your neck and pulled you closer to him and you grabbed his waist and set him on you lap, Punz groaned into the kiss and started tugging at your shirt trying to rip it off you. You broke the kiss to say something to Punz.
"Want- my shirt off?" "Please." "Pull it off yourself." "Wha-" "You heard me bitch. You wanna see me with my shirt off take it off yourself." "Uh- okay..."
Puns started to undo the buttons on your shirt and wasn't getting very far, his hands were sweaty and shaking. He managed to get the first button before you got fed up from waiting and placed your hands up his hoodie tracing his nipples. Punz's breath hitched at the contact and groaned again placing his head in the crook of your neck.
"Hurry the fuck up." "I'm t-trying- fuck don't do that *groans* t-to give me a minute." "Good boys don't keep me waiting, your a good boy eh?" "Y-Yeah." "Then Hurry." "Yes- *moans* s-sir." "Oh~ call me that more often" "Y-yes sir"
༺ T H E N E X T D A Y ༻
You woke up in Punz's hotel room with just your boxers on and while cuddling Punz, his neck and chest was littered with with hickies and he only had on shorts and boxers. Your head was pounding, how much exactly did you have to drink last night...oh whatever. You moved to get out of the bed but an arn was thrown around your waist stopping you from doing so.
"Don't leave....warm." "Luke, Darling I need to go." "Whyyyyy." "Because I gotta go home." "But why." "Because my teammates will be wondering why it's taking me so long to get ready." You reached for your phone, thank god your powered it off before you left. "I say fuck them." "Like how I did to you last night?" "More harder than yeah." "Are you wanting me to go again?" "Nah, I'm fine just...stay please." "I'm only going to LA, I should be fine Luke." "Fineee." "Just give me your number." "Alright it's xxx-xxx-xxx" "Thanks."
You quickly texted your teammates that you weren't at your hotel and were Ubering over. They all swarmed your door went you finally got their and stared at your collar bone and neck. You finally said that yes you did have a hook up and yes you knew the person and yes you did have their number, they finally left you alone. You quickly changed and packed you bags and brushed your teeth. And you meet up with your team downstairs. You would be riding with one of the least accepting of your sexuality. Zach. This motherfucker was big on regularly tormenting ypu with "It was Addam and EVE. Not Addam and STEVE." Thanks for being an asshole I guess. You and Zach places your bags in the trunk of the car and got in the backseat and Zach sat down next to you. You decided to ignore him until he said something about Punz.
"Y'know I bet whoever that fuck you hooked up was ugly. Probably fat as hell." "Dude what the fuck. You don't even know them, don't make accusations you can't prove." "Then who you texting eh?" "Your dad. So I can fuck him 'cause we all know he definitely ain't straight." "My dad is 100% a heterosexual." "How do you know?" "Cause he's with my mom." "But whatif he's bisexual? Or pansexual? Or Omisexual-" "Don't go spreading false information about people! Especially people you don't know." "But that's what you to me, it's only fair innit." "Fuck you." "Nice talking to you to."
You arrived at the airport and met up with some of your closer teammates, your phone dinged in your pocket so you picked it up and it came up with an unknown number that said...
-Missing you already :(
You- Luke??
You- alr
You- miss ya too darling
-its actually so boring here ://
You- damn tf u want me to do 🧍
Luke🩷- Y/N respond to meeeeee
You- i was adding u as a contact chill your tits-
Luke🩷- what is it :D
You- *Sent an Screenshot*
Luke🩷- 🤭
You- im about to board da plane
Luke🩷- noooo dont leave meeee
You- I bought the damn plane wifi on the way here, what makes u think im not gonna do it on the way back :|
Luke🩷- dunno
Luke🩷- im just dumb like dat
You- ur not dumb luke
You- u can suck a cock pretty good 😉
Luke🩷- thats gay
You- no really?
Luke🩷- 🥲
You- please dont cry- im sowry :((
Luke🩷- Y/N wtf
Luke🩷- "sowry"
You- i feel attacked rn
You- alr i actually gott go
Luke🩷- damn talk to u soon babe
Luke🩷- luv ya ❤️
You- love you to darling ❤️
yall want a part 2 (cuz i do lol)
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