#International Partnerships
farmerstrend · 1 month
Nairobi hosts high-level China-Africa forum to fast-track agricultural transformation
Experts from China and Africa convened for a meeting in Nairobi on Tuesday for a high-level forum on agricultural science and technology in an effort to harness the potential of technology to revolutionize agriculture. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China jointly…
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kesarijournal · 2 months
India: The Emerging Global Hub for Manufacturing, Maintenance, and Logistics
Imagine a world where India isn’t just the land of vibrant cultures, ancient history, and spicy curry but also the backbone of global manufacturing, maintenance, and logistics. This vision is rapidly becoming a reality, transforming India’s role in the global economy and military alliances. As this transformation unfolds, the implications are profound, setting the stage for India to become an…
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defensenow · 3 months
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The Argan Tree facing the challenges of climate change.
The theme of this year's International Day of Argania is "The Argan Tree facing the challenges of climate change", The day aims to highlight the challenges facing the ecosystem and the role of the Argania tree in strengthening sustainable development and environmental conservation efforts. It is also an opportunity to promote efforts that empower communities and rural women through the support and promotion of cooperatives and agricultural organizations.
Objectives of the event:
The 4th edition of the international celebration of the Argan tree aims to:
1. Promote greater understanding of the argan ecosystem and species response to climate change and their potential role in mitigation and adaptation.
2. Highlight the importance of its preservation, this serves as a cornerstone for cultivating sustainable practices that enhance the long-term well-being of both the environment and the communities dependent on the argan tree.
3. Promote the adoption of biodiversity preservation and climate change mitigation policies that integrate the protection of the argan tree.
4. Strengthening international partnerships and promoting cooperation to support initiatives for the conservation of the argan forest
Watch the panel discussion entitled the Argan Tree facing the challenges of climate change - International Day of Argania 2024!
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rodspurethoughts · 1 year
Axiom Space Launches Innovative Access Program for Countries to Unlock Economic and Scientific Value in Microgravity
Axiom Space’s new program is a game-changer for countries looking to expand their presence in space. The Axiom Space Access Program will allow these countries to access microgravity, offering unprecedented opportunities for research and development. The program includes astronaut training programs, expert advisory teams, priority access to future missions on Axiom Station, and other services that…
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The nation’s millionaires and billionaires are evading more than $150 billion a year in taxes, adding to growing government deficits and creating a “lack of fairness” in the tax system, according to the head of the Internal Revenue Service.
The IRS, with billions of dollars in new funding from Congress, has launched a sweeping crackdown on wealthy individuals, partnerships and large companies. In an exclusive interview with CNBC, IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said the agency has launched several programs targeting taxpayers with the most complex returns to root out tax evasion and make sure every taxpayer contributes their fair share.
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Werfel said that a lack of funding at the IRS for years starved the agency of staff, technology and resources needed to fund audits — especially of the most complicated and sophisticated returns, which require more resources. Audits of taxpayers making more than $1 million a year fell by more than 80% over the last decade, while the number of taxpayers with income of $1 million jumped 50%, according to IRS statistics.
“When I look at what we call our tax gap, which is the amount of money owed versus what is paid for, millionaires and billionaires that either don’t file or [are] underreporting their income, that’s $150 billion of our tax gap,” Werfel said. “There is plenty of work to be done.”
“For complex filings, it became increasingly difficult for us to determine what the balance due was,” he said. “So to ensure fairness, we have to make investments to make sure that whether you’re a complicated filer who can afford to hire an army of lawyers and accountants, or a more simple filer who has one income and takes the standard deduction, the IRS is equally able to determine what’s owed. And to us, that’s a fairer system.”
Some Republicans in Congress have ramped up their criticism of the IRS and its expanded enforcement efforts. They say the wave of new audits will burden small businesses with unnecessary bureaucracy and years of fruitless investigations and won’t raise the promised revenue.
The Inflation Reduction Act gave the IRS an $80 billion infusion, yet congressional Republicans won a deal last year to take $20 billion of the funding back. Now they’re pressing for further cuts.
The Treasury Department said last week it estimates greater IRS enforcement will result in an additional $561 billion in tax revenue between 2024 and 2034 — a higher projection than it had initially stated. The IRS says that for every extra dollar spent on enforcement, the agency raises about $6 in revenue.
The IRS is touting its early success with a program to collect unpaid taxes from millionaires. The agency identified 1,600 millionaire taxpayers who have failed to pay at least $250,000 each in assessed taxes. So far, the IRS has collected more than $480 million from the group “and we are still going,” Werfel said.
On Wednesday, the agency announced a program to audit owners of private jets, who may be using their planes for personal travel and not accounting for their trips or taxes properly. Werfel said the agency has started using public databases of private-jet flights and analytics tools to better identify tax returns with the highest likelihood of evasion. It is launching dozens of audits on companies and partnerships that own jets, which could then lead to audits of wealthy individuals.
Werfel said that for some companies and owners, the tax deduction from corporate jets can amount to “tens of millions of dollars.”
Another area that is potentially rife with evasion is limited partnerships, Werfel said, adding that many wealthy individuals have been shifting their income to the business entities to avoid income taxes.
“What we started to see was that certain taxpayers were claiming limited partnerships when it wasn’t fair,” he said. “They were basically shielding their income under the guise of a limited partnership.”
The IRS has launched the Large Partnership Compliance program, examining some of the largest and most complicated partnership returns. Werfel said the IRS has already opened examinations of 76 partnerships — including hedge funds, real estate investment partnerships and large law firms.
Werfel said the agency is using artificial intelligence as part of the program and others to better identify returns most likely to contain evasion or errors. Not only does AI help find evasion, it also helps avoid audits of taxpayers who are following the rules.
“Imagine all the audits are laid out before us on a table,” he said. “What AI does is it allows us to put on night vision goggles. What those night vision goggles allow us to do is be more precise in figuring out where the high risk [of evasion] is and where the low risk is, and that benefits everyone.”
Correction: The IRS has collected $480 million from a group of millionaire taxpayers who had failed to pay. An earlier version misstated the amount collected.
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wonder-worker · 6 months
Friendly reminder that Francesco Coppino and Prospero di Camulio, contemporaries who were literally getting their information from predominantly Yorkist circles, were both explicitly clear that it was Henry VI who decided to surrender Berwick to Scotland.
Camulio: "King Henry has given away a castle [town] called Berwick, which is one of the keys of the frontier between England and Scotland." Coppino: "[Scotland has] received from the same Henry the town of Berwick, on the frontiers of Scotland, which the Scots have long claimed as their right from the English, as the excellently well furnished guardian of their frontiers, and the place to which King Henry repaired as an asylum after the battle."
The idea that Margaret of Anjou was principally involved in the surrender, or that she was the one who actually made the decision, is based on nothing but assumption. Two direct contemporaries, both speaking of ongoing events as they unfolded, who were both getting information from Yorkist-held England, both clearly believed it was Henry who was responsible for this course of action. Neither of them mention Margaret. Sure, you can argue that it was merely rhetorical, and that they were simply automatically attributing such an important decision to the King rather than the queen - but rhetoric is nonetheless extremely important and helps us understand how historical figures were perceived at the time. Margaret's enemies would surely not have hesitated to broadcast her involvement had it actually been true, and Coppino in particular had shown no qualms about criticizing her in favor of the Yorkists before. If she was genuinely believed to have been responsible, and if the Yorkists were actually claiming that she was at the time, I see no reason why Coppino or Camulio would not have emphasized her role in their letters. What these samples instead indicate is literally the opposite: that their contemporaries - probably including the Yorkists who were putting out the information that Coppino and Camulio reported - actually believed that Henry was the one making the decision. I think it's a very large and very unnecessary stretch to go against actual evidence and claim otherwise by placing the responsibility on Margaret instead.
Additionally, these small samples may also reveal what people at the time - once again including the Yorkists - actually thought of Henry's role in the war on a broader level, away from direct Yorkist propaganda which would obviously and perhaps understandably seek to de-emphasize it: namely, that Henry was perceived as the one making decisions and deciding the courses of action for his own side.
Source: Excerpts from the Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts, Existing in the Archives and Collections of Milan
#henry vi#margaret of anjou#english history#my post#I want to make a longer post detailing the clear indications we have that Henry *was* perceived as the active decision maker of his side#which indicates that contemporaries did not really think that there was some kind of giant 'role-reversal' between him and MoA#but until then the gist is:#after Henry was rescued in 1461 contemporary letters clearly emphasize his own actions; they mostly did not attribute decisions to Margaret#we also know he and Margaret separated when she headed off to the continent;#that he seems to have been involved in border-raids against Yorkist England;#*and* that he avoided capture until 1465#if Henry was entirely passive throughout it all and entirely dependent on Margaret to make decisions#I do not understand how any of this would have been possible#Instead Henry & Margaret seemed to have had more of a partnership with Margaret focusing on gaining international support#which she was very well-suited for given her powerful foreign connections#& with her taking on leadership in his absence (mainly due to imprisonment/incapacity) rather than all the time/when they were together#and like I said when it comes to Berwick contemporaries clearly believed it was Henry's decision#but also like. let's hypothetically assume that Margaret was the driving force behind it. please think of this situation logically.#whoever's idea it was Scotland was very obviously going to want a proper confirmation from the *king*#who was. yk. the actual authority of the country#even if Margaret was the one encouraging this surrender Henry's approval and agreement would have still been required#if not by the Lancastrian party then by Scotland#and again this is assuming that Margaret was actually the driving force behind it. there's no indication that she was#but ultimately contemporaries very clearly believed *Henry* was responsible#we don't know what MoA actually thought of it or what her actual involvement was (she could may encouraged it; she may have misliked it;#she may have simply been told after the decision had already been made)#but ultimately even in the most extreme case - which is contradicted by actual evidence - the final say would have been Henry's#it would be nice if this was reflected by historians?
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pluralprompts · 1 year
Prompt #636
Headmate A is aroallo, and Headmate B is alloace. Both are attracted to the same person, but are worried that the attraction they lack might be a deal-breaker for this person, so they decide to try to team up and "make up" for each other's lack of attraction by pretending to be a single, completely allo headmate.
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unloneliest · 10 months
okay also fuck ex friend for REAL for real for misgendering me on purpose in the twitter rants about how much i suck. even though he's also not cis
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flip-flopping-frede · 2 years
What about a frayromantic and a cupioromantic story. The cupioromantic would be fine dating or getting into some sort of QPR or QPP with any of their friends, however at the same time the cupioro feels insecure about getting into a relationship, partnership, wavership, or any kind of QPR/QPP without experiencing any kind of romo attrac at all to their potential partner.
The frayromantic and the cupioromantic both come into eachother’s lives. The frayromantic initally experiences the involuntary primary romo attrac to the cupioro. However, as the frayro and cupioro form a bond (emotional and friendship) the frayro’s romo feelings for the cupioro fade. Frayro knows how Cupioro feels about a potential relationship, however Frayro is struggling to accept themself and their fading romantic attraction. Frayro is struggling to accept their frayromanticsm and how they cannot keep their romantic attraction.
Cupioro and Frayro connect over how it’s ok to want a romantic relationship without experiencing romantic attraction, and how both of them accepted that *if* they were in a QPP of some sort, neither of them would require their partner experience romo attrac towards them, which is an amatonormative and arophobic standard anyway.
I see so much stuff about “cupioros and lithros” but what about frayros. Lithros and frayros both experience involuntary, primary romantic attraction, and then it goes away. Frayros don’t deserve to be left out of the conversation.
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kesarijournal · 2 months
India: The Emerging Global Hub for Manufacturing, Maintenance, and Logistics
Imagine a world where India isn’t just the land of vibrant cultures, ancient history, and spicy curry but also the backbone of global manufacturing, maintenance, and logistics. This vision is rapidly becoming a reality, transforming India’s role in the global economy and military alliances. As this transformation unfolds, the implications are profound, setting the stage for India to become an…
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defensenow · 4 months
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landing-safeheaven · 9 months
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workersolidarity · 1 year
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Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to jointly announce the establishment of a China-Syria Strategic Partnership after their meeting in Hangzhou, China yesterday in the first visit by the Syrian President since 2004, long before the start of the Syrian Civil War.
The meeting comes on the backdrop of illegal US Sanctions meant to stifle economic activity in both Syria and China have failed to depose Assad or slow down Chinese technological advancement.
Chinese Officials say the partnership is of great practical importance as the partnership will greatly improve Syrian lives that have been hammered by war and sanctions.
Bashar Al-Assad and his wife were seen on Friday visiting the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, one of the largest Buddhist temples in China, and video appeared online showing Assad and his wife exchanging hugs and handshakes with smiling locals.
According to President Xi Jinping, Syria was one of the first Arab countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and even co-sponsored the resolution to restore China's lawful seat at the UN.
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investoropia · 1 year
FISKER DELIVERS FIRST 22 FISKER OCEAN SUVS, Establishing Presence in Competitive EV Market
Fisker Inc. achieves a major milestone by delivering the highly anticipated Fisker Ocean SUV to customers in the United States. Explore the groundbreaking features, sustainability, and investment potential of Fisker in the rapidly growing electric vehicle sector
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Fisker Ocean SUV:
Innovation and Unmatched Features: The Fisker Ocean SUV represents a groundbreaking leap in automotive innovation. Designed to offer a sustainable and luxurious driving experience, it is equipped with cutting-edge features and impressive performance capabilities. Boasting a class-leading range of up to 360 miles, it surpasses other electric SUVs in its category. The SUV's all-wheel drive system and dual-motor setup deliver exceptional power and acceleration, providing a thrilling driving experience that surpasses traditional internal combustion
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anonymolly · 2 years
annoying that the family trauma makes me sexy but the sex trauma doesn’t. but whatever I guess
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