#Isekai inspired
lurafita · 8 months
Another Malec prompt
Non-Canon, more of a fantasy AU, main Malec:
Alec is so pissed, when the producers who he brokered a deal with for the tv-series/movie based on his book, vandalize his story. The character of crown prince Alexander (okay, so it was a bit of a self-insert. Sue him, he can act self-indulgent where it comes to his own book!) was supposed to be gay (which was not a big deal because his made up fantasy world had other problems than stupid homophobia!), and fall in love with the heavily misunderstood character of half-demon Magnus Bane (okay, so that one was based on his very first crush, but at least he changed the name this time!!!), and save him from those who would use and abuse him! Instead the stupid producers made the crown prince straight, fall in love with some commoner girl with a Cinderella type of cliche background, and made Magnus the villain of the plot who Alexander then killed! Horrible! Absolutely, unforgivably, horrible!!! Alec has a drink over the news. And another. And another. And maybe that was a bad idea, because drunk Alec was stupid enough to fall asleep on some railways and get offed by a train. HOWEVER, next thing he knows, he wakes up in a warm, soft bed, as crown prince Alexander, in the world of his book.
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Chapters 1-5 have been posted!
I decided to wait until I had Chapter 5 up to post this. I think I’ll do that every five chapters so there’s more for you guys to read.
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tigertaurus22 · 1 year
Once again, I did not get to share my piece during the last Drop In and Write session so I’m posting it here
This time, we had a special prompt from a company called Spokane Bottle Project. According to our Prompter, what they do is they collect old glass bottles and sell them to people that can make up a story about it.
And that’s basically what we did. We came up with a story about one of the bottles they gave us to choose from. We were even allowed to take them home with us!
Mine was a smaller clear glass bottle that kinda looked like an inkwell.
Again, this piece is supposed to be part of A Kitsune in Camelot. Some things will likely be changed in the final version.
The Piece:
The feather quill tapped the side of the little glass bottle as it was extracted, leaving small drops of black ink on the wooden surface of the desk.
The girl paused as she held the quill, pondering how she was going to transfer her thoughts to the parchment. She glanced at the bottle, noting how the sunlight reflected off its smooth, somewhat foggy surface.
It reminded her of the day she and her beloved Sigurd had found it, abandoned in the Court Magician’s study.
It had been much dustier then, likely sitting on that shelf for years before she found it. There had been stains all along the inside from the many potions and elixirs that had been kept inside it.
The Princess idly wondered whether there were still magical properties within the bottle now. There hadn’t been the last time she used her special inkwell, and the time before that. At least, that she knew of.
Sigurd must have really scrubbed it clean, as the magician had suggested.
It had apparently belonged to the Court Magician before him, and Copernicus just forgot it was there.
The Princess had forgotten what brought her to the magicians’ study in the first place that day. But she supposed it didn’t matter now.
Scratching sounds filled the silence of her room as she thought of something else to add to her letter.
At her father’s request, the Princess was writing letters to each of the five Champions that had won the recent tournament.
Of course, there had only been one actual winner, but the four runners-up were also allowed to become knights. The kingdom desperately needed as many soldiers as they could get, preferably pre-qualified for the job with little to no training required.
The thought made the Princess worry got her dear Sigurd all the more.
He’d gone missing soon after they’d returned from the Duchy of Wessex a month ago.
Last she knew, he’d fallen I’ll and then just… disappeared.
Reports from that night told that there had been a dragon spotted above the castle.
Logic suggested that the dragon must have taken him.
But that couldn’t be right.
Sigurd was one of the best fighters in all the realm. It was why he was made the Princess’ personal guard.
She suspected there was more to that story, but she knew she couldn’t investigate or retrace her steps herself.
So… she’d have one of the newly-appointed knights look into it for her.
The letter she was currently working on was addressed to the man who had actually won the Autumn Games.
He seemed trustworthy.
A few minutes later, she’d finished writing her message for help, tucked into the center of the letter, rolled up and held together with a green ribbon.
Each of the letters had color-coded ribbons to indicate which was to go to who.
The others had yellow, red, blue and white ribbons.
She placed the quill back in the inkwell, causing the thick, black liquid within to slosh around inside the bottle a little.
After a moment, she picked up the bottle, a ginger caressing it’s side as she sighed sadly.
Holding it to her chest, she looked out the window at the jousting arena.
At least a dozen knights were out there, practicing their swordplay and horsemanship, their archery and martial arts techniques.
The Princess would often see Sigurd out there with them. She recognized a few faces, belonging to the captains of the King and Queen’s Guards and fellow knights that Sigurd seemed to get along with.
She wondered why they weren’t doing anything to look for their fellow knight.
They must think he’s as good ad dead, if he was taken by a dragon.
She refused to believe that.
With purpose, she strode out of her room, meeting Sigurd’s replacement at the door.
He had been his squire, a waifish boy with copper red hair and freckles and blue eyes.
Sigurd had taught him well, but he was still nervous around his charge.
Evident from the way the boy tensed up as she faced him.
“Oh, calm down. I’m not going to have you executed or anything.”
“R-right.” He laughed nervously. “A-anything you need, your highness?”
“Yes. Make sure these are delivered to the Champions. They contain the date and time for their accolade ceremony.”
“Oh! Of course, your highness!” He said, some of the nervous stutter leaving his voice.
“It’ll be good to have some new recruits. Especially ones as strong as them!”
He bowed respectfully.
“I’ll get these to a courier right away!”
With that, he turned and jogged down the hall.
Once he was out of sight, the Princess returned to her room, glass inkwell still in hand.
She sighed.
“Sigurd, my love… I do hope you return to me soon…”
If that foreign magic caster didn’t deliver… then she might have to do something drastic.
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lady-charinette · 1 year
I was a Dishwasher in my Previous Life but now I Got Reincarnated as a Spring Lake
This title just randomly came to me after thinking about all those isekai comics with "I used to be the 100th Villainess but now I got myself a Warlord Sugar Daddy" esque titles they usually have.
Dishwaser-kun went through so much in his previous life; dirty dishes got put into him, his insides constantly lined with lime and hardwater stains, pieces of food would rot within him before he was turned back to life in order to clean himself.
He finally got a second chance after he broke down and failed to function properly one day.
Death by lime stain. Or so the guy in the overalls said.
Now, he lives once more. Not as a hollow metallic hull, but as a clean spring lake in the middle of a peaceful meadow filled with the song of the birds and the noises of wildlife.
Until a couple of village children started to visit him and skip rocks on his clean surface, wash their dirty feet, and soak in his fresh water during the hot sommer days.
Women come and bathe their clothes, men would take bucket fulls of his clean water to sustain their families with.
Sometimes, his queit days return, in the winter months when a white veil washer over the once green meadow and turns everything to cold stone.
And yet, he lives, the fish finding purchase from the icy air at the bottom of the lake, where the cool temperatures find difficult to reach.
Dishwasher-kun was happy to be a spring lake.
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charlotte-queen-owl · 6 months
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There was an attempt 🤷‍♀️...
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hisui-dreamer · 8 months
twst but with the additional magical monsters and smth smth demon lord in typical fantasy aus...
riddle, who is the perfect model student, magnificent grades, spectacular magical capabilities, always following rules to the letter, with an aspiring career as a royal mage
riddle, who just so happens to be matched with you as your buddy, meaning your grades and lessons may be affected by each other
riddle, who will not stand having his grades and perfect record ruined by you, and demands you keep up with his standards so you won't be dead weight
riddle, who starts spending a ridiculous amount of time with you, tutoring academics and practising magic, making sure you're listening properly and will scold you if you're lazing around
riddle, who is so strict with how much you practice, requesting you cast the same spell so many times you think you might just overblot
riddle, who scoffs as you complain about his draconic training, saying repeated practice is required for learning mages
riddle, who always points out your mistakes firmly, but offers specific and detailed advice that always helps you improve
riddle, who will rant off about how unhealthy the dessert you're having for lunch is, listing all sorts of nutritional facts non-stop, but shuts up the moment you shove a piece of tart in his mouth
riddle, who becomes more accepting of desserts after you've made a habit of sharing a few bites of yours with him
riddle, who is your partner for your assignment to defeat low-ranking monsters in the nearby forest, and he's visibly excited to be encountering the creatures
riddle, who shields you from your fall after you've stepped on a loose piece of ground, tumbling into a more dangerous section of the forest
riddle, who nags you about not being careful and how you could have gotten seriously injured as he ties your injured foot with a shredded piece of his uniform
riddle, who shields you from the high-ranking monsters that have sensed your presence
riddle, who doesn't hesitate to use up all of his mana and set the forest ablaze just to protect you
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nibbelraz · 1 year
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Guys it doesn't matter who wins the Isekai tournament because Love Wins
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animefeminist · 28 days
Aiba Kyoko at Otakon 2024: Reverse Villainess Isekai, Social Issues, and the Manga-Making Process
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Aiba Kyoko has been working as a manga artist since the 2000s, developing a signature style that spotlights familiar tropes and turns them on their head. While best known for her BL work (especially, in English, the stunning Derail), Aiba’s most recent series targets a different genre: the wish-fulfillment isekai.
“In a typical isekai, you become a pretty woman, or a cool guy. It’s always these positive transformations, and I just didn’t like that. So I decided to do something the exact opposite,” Aiba explained during our interview, comparing the experience of an isekai protagonist to her own convention visit. “Me traveling to America is already this much of an ordeal, so how can someone going to an unknown land have such a great experience?”
That “opposite,” upside down and reversed isekai is Oji Tensei: The Villainess’s Days of Aging Gracefully, the story of a haughty villainess who awakens from execution to find she’s been reborn in modern Japan…as a middle-aged man. Originally a one-shot, the title was greenlit for serialization after it broke its platform’s record for most comments on a one-short work. It’s now a monthly series with five chapters available at time of writing.
While the premise of the series involves playing with gender, Aiba noted that her impulse in creating the series was more about that upending of expectations than telling a trans narrative. The chapters of Oji Tensei so far focus more on villainess Chloe learning life skills she was ignorant of in her former life and coming to terms with living in an aging, unglamorous body. Aging gracefully, in other words.
That isn’t to say that Aiba is uninterested in social issues—in fact, she emphasized the subject in her Otakon biography. The story that prompted her changing interest was Young Carer: Invisible Me, which she wrote last year. “I t actually started with a conversation with my editor when we got to talking about what my background is like [as a former young carer], and we thought it was an interesting topic so I was asked to write it. It was happenstance. It became a more socially conscious piece, but I didn’t think I would do that when I was working on it.”
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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timwhore · 5 months
while i'm cooking up two full blown fics (my logan x reader and an alex summers x reader one), hear me out on mutant!Reader whose mutation is invisibility ! i've been daydreaming for a while about being in the xmen universe and having for mutation invisibility so i'll share the ideas it gave me!
Your (reader's) mutation is invisibility, but it's not just, becoming invisible whenever you want. For starters, you can choose to make yourself invisible to any and every one, or only to a few select people - or vice versa, making yourself visible to only certain people. And you can use your power on others ! You can make others people invisible, but while doing so, you can't make yourself invisible (well depend - if you train enough, you can probably pull it off) - but making someone else invisible takes way more energy than just yourself.
Of course, the downside of your mutation in itself only work on the body - not the clothes. Well, the only clothes that become invisible with you is your x-men suit (if you are apart of them).
I like the idea of being always invisible ? Maybe reader is insecure, maybe they just prefer to not being seen ! There is a few occasion where you have to make yourself visible, but they aren't the frequent. I'd like to think that most people around you, don't mind it that much ? Some ( like Scott, Jean, Jubilee, Kurt, ect ... ) probably will never have seen you and they are just used to you being, invisible. They could be more shocked to see you visible than anything.
I think the first time the mutation appeared, when you were a young teen, you were suck being invisible for a week straight and stayed cooped up in your bedroom for a few days until you had to get out of it because of your parents, and they fully lost it as why their kid was ... not visible anyone. They probably contacted Xavier themselves after researching online, what the hell was happening and stumbled onto articles talking about mutants and mentioning his school. They decided to contact him to ask if, what was happening to you, was possibly due to a mutation. And after that, you got send to his school. ( this is if your parents are ... good parents, with bad / worst one this could go so many different way )
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liauditore · 2 months
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new suicide squad anime got me thinking about the genderbend batman au i made when i was 16 again.
extra (nsfw??? body horror + shirtless doodle lol) art under the cut + drabble.
A mysterious actress appears in Gotham!
Production for the long-anticipated remake of the 1930s classic horror film, "The Clay", is saved in part thanks to the audition of one woman with no credits to her name, just a face and demeanor identical of the late leading actress of the original film.
However, the cast and crew have bigger worries than their limited budget and endless demands from their producers -- everyone involved seems to be disappearing one by one!
While the average gothammite worries that the cult classic's "cursed" reputation might be a little more than an urban legend, The Batman refuses to entertain such unfounded silliness and aims to get to the bottom of this crime against cinema!
presenting BATMAN '63 - THE RISE OF CLAYFACE coming not actually ever lmao
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(her hair is brown now because I like the idea of her appearance never being fully consistent lol. shapeshifters gotta do their thing)
#batman au#gotham rogues#genderbend#clayface#dc comics au#i have no idea how to tag this. hi guys.#anyway i rlly do like how silly they made clayface in the isekai anime. i definitely took some inspiration from that iteration but#this version of fem clayface has been. in the back of my mind for literally years. i like the film actor angle for him too much#might do more of these might not. depends on how indulgent i feel ig.#anyway some misc headcanons for this clayface:#she was a struggling actor who was incredibly insecure about her appearance.#before she became clayface she would undergo plastic surgery for every new role she landed. her over the top passion for getting into (cont#(cont) character frightened directors. she gained a moniker for herself as “the woman with 1000 faces”#in this story specifically she's working under the penguin to get rid of some loose ends in a sensationalized way because the targets (cont#(cont) are famous. and she's more than happy to comply because a good chunk of the cast on set have been bad to her in the past.#her shapeshifting abilities have some limitations. she can morph into anything she has had skin to skin contact with however (cont)#(cont) she cannot change her total mass. which is why she has so much hair lol#she also can't copy powers cus that's whack. also only living things she can't turn into a car.#i probably forgot something important but yeah. goddamn you au i made as a teenager#goddamn you stupid ass suicide squad anime for making me think about this au again#cw horror#body horror#oh yeah she's also probably got a weird gender but she doesn't know that#she also can't maintain her not-clay-monster form for long or she starts to literally melt away.#my art
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imbecominggayer · 1 month
Writing Prompt: Isekai And Reincarnation
This for those pesky moments when you have characters that are resurrected/transferred into different world(s) but you just can't decide how it goes.
Here Is Story Inspiration For The ISEKAI Genre:
Your character is incapable of dealing with their unfortunate crimes and instead indulges in the world of dreams as a form of escape. However each time they escape into the world of fantasy, their actual body starts decaying and deforming. Eventually, their body will cease to exist if they refuse to stop.
When your character becomes reincarnated into the life-sized recreation of their book they think they have won the lottery however, secretly, a cult has actually orchestrated these events with the goal of using this broken hole between universes as a way of bringing in a God!
You're a video game character who has been taken from their digital universe in order to serve as the perfect servant for your creator. Are you really content living like this though?
Apparently, you are so hated by rich people that they have created a fake horrible life for you after believing your character has amnesia. However, your character was LYING. They never had amnesia and now need to figure out how to simultaneously fake their forgetfullness and get out of this fake-real reality.
A character in a seperate universe made of magic looked into the various realities in order to find the most compassionate person in existence since they believed that this kind individual would be easy to manipulate. While they succeeded in getting a compassionate person, they definitely didn't expect the added bonus of insanity!
You were just scrolling away on your phone when suddenly a crash is heard from outside your house. According to the mysterious magical "alien", they are a member of the royal family from a different world who was being chased by "someone" and had to run into the sacred interdimensional portal! Now they are demanding that you allow them to live here! While they certainly aren't human, they definitely have the manners of one :(
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yandereforme · 1 year
Yan!Captive Royals au
You were the second daughter and third born into a noble family of four children. That meant people didn’t tend to give you a second thought, and you could see more than your siblings, since you were basically invisible. While your elder brother is being groomed to take over the Lord ship, your elder sister was being groomed to marry, wealthy, and your little brother was being taught the ways of a swordsman, you had no path and were seen as useless. You were able to do it you’re pleased, as long as you avoided your family. That meant you knew about the captives in the basement, and you hated it.
The captives were originally just a passing thought, but then you found out they were a sickly girl a year younger than you, a pregnant woman, and a boy who was even younger than the girl. You immediately started visiting them and helping them, though the boy was suspicious. You eventually realized that he responded better if he thought it was an exchange, so you ‘traded’ extra meals, blankets and clothes for stories and lectures on etiquette.
You quickly learned the pregnant lady was named Vera, the girl was named Kara, and the boy was named Darrow. You grew to like them, and could tell they were fond of you, even though Darrow hid it.
Then, Vera noticed a bruise you got from when your mother had dragged you into place in the family portrait. You dismissed it, and didn’t notice how they all seemed a little more attached to you and aggressive towards any talk of your family.
Then, after your old tutor was fired for no reason, you got a new tutor who believed in discipline above all else. He often instructed the kitchens to not allow you certain meals if you messed up in a lesson, making it harder for you to bring the others food. He also often bruised you, which you hid, not wanting to upset your friends.
The first time he drew blood, while punishing you, you were shocked. You were so shocked, that you didn’t think to cover any of your injury from your friends. When you went to see them that night, and they noticed, you tried to push the side. But the maternal aura from Vera, and the combined pressure from Kara and Darrow caused you to confess everything. You even ended up falling asleep there.
You awoke to the sounds of guards rushing around. You tried to get up, but Vera held you close and shushed you. You could hear the fighting outside, but were too groggy to realize that the guards were fighting someone else.
Then, the door was broken down, and three men stood at the door, all in different uniforms. Each of them cried out a ‘your ladyship’ ‘my lord’ ‘my duchess’ as your head spun. You couldn’t really process the words around you, just the feeling of being held by another guard who reminded you vaguely of your ex tutor.
You were being carried out of the castle by the time you realized what was going on. You had always been sharp though, so, despite the oddness of the situation, you still noticed the archer at the top of the castle. You moved before you thought, jumping in front of an arrow that would’ve gone straight into Kara’s heart. Your vision went hazy after that, and you fell unconscious, completely unaware that the duchess of Elderwood, the heir to Corera’s throne, and the princess of the country of Jaya now all considered themselves indebted to you, and all wanted to keep you.
If I get more than 50 notes on this, I will write from one of the yan’s perspectives.
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a-kitsune-in-camelot · 3 months
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Cover art for the prologue of Book 1 of A Kitsune of Camelot. I decided to turn it into a trilogy so I can expand upon my ideas more.
Sitting up, Ichiro found himself in what looked like a room in a ryoukan, or a traditional Japanese inn. He hadn’t been in one of those since high school.
He looked across the futon beside him, coming face to face with a woman the likes of which he’d only seen in Sengoku Rift or some other fantasy media.
She had a pale, elegant face with hair dark as night, falling like sparkling black curtains over her shoulders. Long, wedge-shaped ears poked out from behind her side bangs, adorned with leaf earrings that matched the green and silver circlet around her head.
Her eyes were sharp and intelligent, dark blue with flecks of gold like gleaming lapis lazulis.
She wore a forest green gown beneath a robe one would wear after a good soak in a hot spring.
“Greetings, Dr. Kogane. Or would you prefer Kurokawa-san?”
”Kogane is fine. I’m not Playing right now. At least, I think I’m not. Um, who are you, if I may ask? And where am I?”
Just like in the void, Ichiro was perfectly calm in this situation when he probably would have been freaking out otherwise.
The woman smiled a knowing smile, like she was expecting that response.
”Your politeness is appreciated. My name is Hecate. And right now, your mind and soul are in the Void between worlds. I created this area so we may speak for a moment.”
”My mind and… soul? You make it sound like…” Realization dawned on him. He suddenly felt a cold pit of dread in his stomach.
”A-Am I… dead?”
To his surprise, Hecate shook her head.
”Yes and no. You are still very much alive, but your old body has perished. It seems your Virtual Reality chair malfunctioned and you were electrocuted. Preparations are being made for a new body as we speak. Your lack of emotional reaction thus far is due to the absence of the necessary hormones.”
‘Well, that explains that.’
He thought.
“Man, what an embarrassing way to go out. Heh, I bet the government’s gonna have a field day covering that up, especially if I wasn’t the only victim. Wait, what was that about a new body?”
She gestured to the table between them, upon which appeared a large saucer full of water.
A bit confused, Ichiro stared at the still surface. Hecate dipped a finger into the liquid, causing it to ripple. An image appeared as the ripples stilled, with the onlookers watching the scene from above.
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tigertaurus22 · 1 year
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My concept art for Hiroshi’s battle armor
Hiroshi is one of the main characters in the Isekai- inspired story I’m working on, A Kitsune in Camelot
He is half wood elf, half kitsune fox.
His armor is supposed to be a combination of a European knight and a samurai.
The mask he’s wearing is enchanted with four different spells: Appraisal, Mind Protection, Detect Magic and Detect Life.
The sword is supposed to be a wakizashi, or the katana equivalent of a shortsword. The blade has cold iron infused in it, so it’s effective against any fae seeking to hurt him.
Yokai and fae are two different things
It was enchanted by Hiroshi to withstand harsh elements as well as general wear and tear, be able to penetrate through the hardest substances and even cut spectral beings when used in conjunction with his foxfire.
The background is not mine
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
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some quick comic practice with my reincarnation/isekai oc's! honey is struggling with cat body language
more info about these guys here: x, x, x, x
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Imagine creator reader but no divine presence or aura that makes people crumble at the knees.
Reader just spawns in at wolvendom like a fly and meets diluc for no important reason i just love diluc then pow we can alter character builds then discover that my husband has the bell and instructors set on 😲
Creator freaks out cause wtf this is NOT the build i put on my diluc and hes standing there like ‘what psychopath did i just meet..’ so wow what no way creator reader just happens to have a 2 piece crimson witch in their inventory.
Reader: ‘You’re probably gonna leave me here but theres a hillichurl camp near by you dont want the knights of favonius to get to it first right’
Dilucs mad suspicious but hes a good civilian and puts his vision to use and absolutely destroys the hilichurls
Hes doing like 19x the amount of damage he normally would and word gets around that theres some random lady that makes people uncomprehendingly strong
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I don’t know how to write this without plagiarising that person!!
Because this is such a specific scenario, I don’t see a way around writing this or at least I don’t have the skill for it lmao, as this is the same situation as that fic, so here you guys go!
My first fic rec!! Thank you so much @myrainycollectorpizza for finding this fic!! You're a peach tysm,
Here's pretty much a cooler longer version of what anon said by Muraar on ao3!
Safe Travels Anon,
Fic rec sorry my beloveds! Another ask will be uploaded in an hour or so! :] I lied i forgot to tag u guys in the new one hold on
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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