#Journaling prompts
laidee-flegman · 5 months
30 journaling prompts for thinking deeper about love
What does love mean to you, and how has your understanding of it evolved over time?
Reflect on a past experience where you felt deeply loved. What made that experience special?
Describe your ideal vision of a loving relationship. How does it differ from your current situation, if at all?
What are the biggest barriers to experiencing love fully in your life?
How do you express love to others, and how do you prefer to receive it?
Explore the role of self-love in your life. What practices help you cultivate love for yourself?
Have you ever experienced unrequited love? How did it shape your perspective on love?
Consider the idea of unconditional love. Do you believe it's achievable, or is it merely an ideal?
Reflect on a time when you had to choose between love and something else. What did you choose, and why?
How does societal and cultural conditioning influence our perceptions and experiences of love?
Explore the connection between vulnerability and love. How do they intersect in your life?
Have you ever had to let go of someone you loved? What did you learn from that experience?
Reflect on the concept of forgiveness in the context of love. How does it contribute to healing and growth?
Consider the role of communication in nurturing love. What communication patterns enhance or hinder love in relationships?
How do you navigate conflicts and disagreements in your relationships? Are there healthier ways you could approach them?
Reflect on the balance between independence and interdependence in love. How do you maintain your autonomy while being in a loving relationship?
Explore the influence of past traumas on your capacity to love and trust others.
How do you differentiate between infatuation and genuine love?
Reflect on the love languages theory. Which love languages resonate most with you, and how do you incorporate them into your relationships?
Consider the idea of soulmates. Do you believe in soulmates, or do you think love is more about compatibility and effort?
Explore the impact of technology and social media on modern-day relationships and expressions of love.
Reflect on the role of passion and intimacy in sustaining long-term love.
How do you maintain a sense of individual identity while being part of a couple?
Consider the influence of family dynamics and upbringing on your views and experiences of love.
Reflect on the concept of eternal love. Do you believe love can last a lifetime, or is it subject to change and evolution?
Explore the connection between gratitude and love. How does expressing gratitude enhance your relationships?
Reflect on the significance of rituals and traditions in expressing and deepening love within relationships.
How do you support your loved ones during challenging times? Reflect on moments of showing up for each other.
Consider the concept of self-sacrifice in the context of love. When is it healthy, and when does it become detrimental?
Reflect on your fears and insecurities related to love. How do they influence your behaviour and choices in relationships?
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cassimothwin · 8 months
Finally did a flip through video of Carved by the Garden, my folk horror journaling game. I wrote and illustrated it!
You can find it on my shop if you're interested!
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thevirginwitch · 9 months
Celebrating the New Year
While those who follow the Wheel of the Year typically celebrate "The Witches' New Year" during Samhain, I wanted to throw together this presentation/event to give us all some ideas as we head into 2024!
Check out this post with a full 2024 astrological (and wheel of the year) calendar! 
From your favorite tarot deck, pull a “Card of the Year”. This card will be the main “theme”, lesson, or general idea for your 2024! 
To dive deeper into the meaning of this card, feel free to use the spread below:
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For more ideas, check out this post full of New Years Tarot Spreads!
What are my “witchy” goals for the upcoming year? What are my “mundane” goals for the upcoming year?
What lessons or events can I reflect on from this year, to make 2024 more productive/better?
Write down one word to describe 2023.
What does 2024 look like for you?
Deep clean your home, taking specific care to sweep dust/debris out of your front and back door. Even better if you move in a counterclockwise fashion throughout your home to banish any negative energies that may be lingering! To bring in “new” ideas, hang up new decorations that align with your new year goals, or add specific herbs that align with your intentions to window sills and the top of door frames. It’s also a great time to refresh any wards or protection symbols you might have around your house!
Pull together a few objects that symbolize your new year: sigils, charms, herbs, etc. and throw them together in a charm bag. Keep this bag on your person when the clock strikes 12am! Keep it stashed away, and pull it out whenever you feel the need to have some of that energy with you throughout the new year.
Utilize your favorite manifestation methods to bring your goals to fruition! My personal favorites include writing my “wishes” (or goals) on a bay leaf and burning it. However you prefer to manifest certain goals, new years is a great time to do so.
If you are going to be around family or friends for new years, there are a handful of things you can make it a bit more witchy for yourself! For example: if you are drinking, don’t forget to pour out a small offering for your deities/God(s). If you have someone to kiss at midnight, and they consent to doing so, perhaps you could both perform some kind of ritual that involves the kiss “activating” the spell – for example, perform a “good luck” working for the new year, and involve the kiss as a part of the ritual!
Whether or not you celebrate the new year, I hope you all have a great holiday season!
Friendly reminder that this post was released 3 days early for my subscribers over on my Patreon! You can become a patron for $2/month and gain access to my unreleased drafts, research notes, early access to posts, and much more! You can also join for free to be notified whenever I post, and keep up-to-date on upcoming projects and announcements!
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Whether you're new to journaling or a seasoned writer, these prompts are designed to help you explore your thoughts and feelings, find moments of gratitude, and embrace the importance of self-care.
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tarot-hugs · 3 months
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The High Priestess - Tarot Study
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orangestripesblog · 11 months
Journaling prompts and ideas! ✧.*
- Describing your favorite places
- Random memories from your childhood
- Drawing strangers and giving them stories/personalities
- Create a new feeling
- Make a list of your friends and things you love and hate about them
- Glueing tickets from places you’ve been
- Describing your perfect dream date
- Writing about the dreams you had
- Listing your favorite animals and curiosities about them
- Collecting stickers
- Doodling bugs you found during the day
- Listing the musics you listed to trough the day
- Self care routine
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notofthisworldgirly · 2 months
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Journaling prompts as a Christian + general!!
~ sometimes when I dk how to spend time with God and don’t really want to keep with Bible study I do journaling !!
Some things to journal for Christians ————
—— Gratitude
——— THIS is so important! Not only does it make God happy but it helps when you feel envy and stuff! 🫶🏽
- times God has spoken/ answered your prayers
—— when you stop to realize these things you will notice its more often than you perceive!
- praise to The Lord
—— He deserves it 🎀
- lies you believe about yourself + scripture to cancel it
——— this is also a great method for mirror scripture! This will help you to fight any lies the enemy tried to make you believe!
- favorite scripture!
——— sometimes i talk to God or my Bible AI for scripture! I hear a lot of things that I can relate to so Its nice to have it where you can see !
—your testimony
——for future reference/ just for yourself!!
——Random letters to God
THISSS!!! I have kept a journal since I started my journey with God and to go back and see your progress>> and active transformation by the Holy Spirit!! Also journal your progress for anything! New hobby? Write about your experience! Trying something new? Write about it!!
More general things to journal
- Words
— i do this all the time. I have a word journal of pretty or special or fancy words. This is especially good to reference if you like to write like myself!
— Personality traits that you have
—— I do this to get to know myself + thank God for my uniqueness and diversity!!
- what you adore most about your look
—— this helped me to overcome my insecurities! I like a lot more of myself than what I used to 🎀
- recipes
—— there are SO many recipes on Pinterest and probably on here as well that are easy to make! One of my favs is cookie dough
- sticker page!!
—— you can make stickers with parchment paper, tape, and a photo!! A page for pretty stickers sounds lovely
- Colors and things and what they remind you of !
—— ex: green reminds me of lilypads and cheese reminds me of one of my friends
- if you were a xxxx what would you be?
- lyrics or songs that you relate to on a different level
I just typed these out i didn’t have a set list … thus i probably have more that I will add!
I hope you take some into consideration !!
Updates in orange!
Much love and God bless you!
- A.lizz
*not proofread*
- baby names!!!!
—— for future reference or for fun!!!
Lip prints, highlighters, makeup, everything and anything!!
——prayer for your future lover/ current lover!!
—— inspired by dear soulmate and other things
Oh and you can write love letters. To anyone really, God, future people, sounds fun!!
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miajnsn · 1 year
journal prompts for abandonment issues
when was the first time you felts like you had to hide a part of yourself to be loved ? 
when was the first time you felt like you were too much or not enough ?
what you truly want in a relationship ? 
what you truly don’t want ? 
what are your boundaries in relationship ? 
deep down, do you believe it’s possible to heal this trauma for you ? if not, that’s okay - you can heal this belief.
what is 1 thing you can do to show yourself love today and the days after ? 
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escarghosted · 2 months
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Hello! How are you doing? Hope everything is fine.
I saw your post about not being a pick me witch and I felt called in. Could you recommend me podcasts, videos or books that show how to imrpove this part of the practice?
I find myself always comparing and shiting on the religion I was born in, would like to see any work that could help me through this vice.
Thank you!!
(In reference to this post. Recommendation linked below. Personal experience ahead.)
I'll be honest with you - I used to have the same problem. I made that post because I used to BE one of those witches. It took years of self-work and really examining my motivations to be able to move past my trauma and my anger enough to talk about my craft and my beliefs without leaning on the crutch of I Have Beef With The Church.
And for a long time, it WAS a crutch. I WAS going full-speed down the pagan path partly as a fuck-you to my conservative religious relatives and the faith I was raised in, and I leaned into that because the rebellion felt GOOD. Moreover, it was reinforced by some of the books I was reading and certain portions of the online witch community.
But eventually that momentum faltered and I found that once I looked past the anger and the rebellion, I really didn't properly understand what I believed or what I felt. And I noticed the same thing in a lot of the witches I was associating with at the time, who came from similar religious backgrounds and had similar issues. I also started branching out in my research and found some sources that did not rely on the assumption that witchcraft/paganism and Christianity must be diametrically opposed.
So there I was, tired of being angry, stuck in a rut, processing this new information, and wondering how to make a change. And I finally realized that I had to do it myself.
I fully realize and acknowledge that my experience is NOT everyone's experience, and that we all need different things in order to grow, and that some wounds take longer to heal than others. But I do think it's still important to be able to talk about what we believe in without the reasoning behind it being anger or hate.
I don't know of any resources that deal specifically with this issue for witches (I know they must exist, I just can't point to any specific titles), but what really helped me was quantifying my craft. I made a journaling exercise of sitting down and identifying what I knew, what I believed, what I was learning, what I wanted to learn, and what questions I wanted answered. When I found myself straying into that old anger, I was able to consciously correct the trajectory and refocus on my craft.
Dealing with the emotional side of the problem was its' own struggle, but even the exercise of separating my craft from my anger helped me to grow as a person and as a witch, and to get past the roadblocks I hadn't realized I'd put in my own path.
If you'd like to give this a try, I'd recommend it for any witch as a thought exercise, a method for tracking progress, and a way of clarifying those sometimes-nebulous ideas we have about our craft. It's also very satisfying when you think you don't know all that much, then suddenly you find you've filled pages and pages with the things you've already learned and the ideas you have.
Best of luck on this part of your journey and I hope that you find the peace and clarity you're searching for. Self-reflection and self-improvement is an ongoing process and it's not easy, but good on you for making a start. Hope this helps! 💜
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laidee-flegman · 3 months
30 journaling prompts for finding your true self
What does "authentic self" mean to you?
List three moments when you felt truly yourself. What were you doing?
Who are the most important people in your life, and why?
Describe a time when you felt misunderstood. How did you handle it?
What are your core values, and how do they guide your decisions?
What’s a hobby or interest that you’ve always wanted to explore?
Write about a time when you overcame a significant challenge.
How do you show love and appreciation to yourself?
What are three things you’re grateful for today?
Describe your ideal day. What would you do and who would you spend it with?
What’s a belief or habit you’d like to change, and why?
How do you deal with stress and what could you do differently?
What does success look like for you?
Write a letter to your younger self. What advice would you give?
Who inspires you, and what qualities do you admire in them?
What’s a dream or goal you’ve been hesitant to pursue? Why?
Reflect on a recent failure. What did you learn from it?
How do you define happiness, and are you living in a way that supports it?
What are your biggest fears, and how do they hold you back?
Describe a moment when you felt a deep sense of peace.
How do you nurture your creativity?
What’s one thing you can do today to move closer to your goals?
What limiting beliefs do you hold about yourself, and how can you challenge them?
Describe a time when you felt incredibly proud of yourself.
What does self-care look like for you?
How do you balance your needs with the needs of others?
What’s one habit you’d like to develop, and why?
How do you handle change and uncertainty in your life?
Write about a time you stepped out of your comfort zone. What was the outcome?
What does living an authentic life mean to you, and how can you strive towards it every day?
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cassimothwin · 7 months
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Twisted Endings is out now!
This Tangled Blessings expansion adds 16 new, unique, and tragic outcomes for your student character mages at Brackroot Academy.
The endings support both solo and 2-player games! As always, no GM required.
Here's where you can find it on itch!
And here's where you can find it on DriveThruRPG!
What is Tangled Blessings???
Tangled Blessings is a solo journaling or 2-player RPG inspired by dark academia media, ghost stories, and graduate school.
Featuring a wizarding college, wandering specters, assigned houses, curses, devils’ bargains and more supernatural flavor, Tangled Blessings blends horror and the fantastical to help players craft a story that spans their time at the academy — culminating in one final showdown against their academic Rival.
Your Rival can be your best friend, a family member, a stranger, an enemy, a romantic interest or a combination of relations, and they're present in most of your memories at the academy.
How your relationship evolves with your Rival is up to you, but at the end of four years, you’ll still stand against each other in one final test of academic and magical mastery.
The game only requires a deck of tarot cards and a way to record the story.
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thevirginwitch · 11 months
New Moon in Scorpio - November 12th/13th
Friendly reminder that this post was released early over on my Patreon! If you enjoy my work and want to support me, you can join my Patreon for as little as $2/month! You'll gain early access to my Tumblr posts, access to exclusive content, digital freebies, access to my research notes, and much more!
With Scorpio being a water sign, we can see a lot of our hidden psyche coming to the forefront during this new moon. This new moon will be very passionate, intimate, and intense, but will ultimately hold a mirror to ourselves and the root of our actions.
Scorpio also rules over power, money, transformation, and rebirth – which are only intensified during this new moon! You may also notice an uptick in anxiety surrounding subjects such as death, betrayal, or feelings of vulnerability.
Black obsidian
Green tourmaline
Black cohosh
Try mirror scrying for some additional introspection
Write down some of the things weighing you down. Take them to a moving body of water, like a river or stream, and release these items. Alternatively, you may burn the pieces of paper and release the ashes to the wind. Bonus points if you invite friends to join you in this!
Work on a ritual or craft a spell to bring your “shadow side” to the surface before beginning these tarot/journaling prompts.
What things feel “out of control” in my life right now?
Is there anything missing in my life?
What do I need to prioritize for myself during this cycle?
Have you noticed any self-destructive behavior in yourself recently? What do you think is the cause of this behavior?
Is there anything you’ve been procrastinating on because of certain fears? How can conquering these fears better your life? Where did this fear originate?
When was the last time you fully felt free, seen, and accepted around others? What made you feel that way?
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July 24th is International Self Care Day
Here are a few resources to support your mental and physical wellbeing
🤎 Take What You Need
🤎 Self-Care Ideas
🤎 Daily Affirmation List
🤎 Journaling Prompts / Gratitude Journal
🤎 Yoga, breathing, and meditation resources
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tarot-hugs · 3 months
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The Empress - Tarot Study
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tea-is-toast · 2 months
I got back into journaling again so here’s a list of the very random and mostly unaesthetic prompts i have used / will be using during the summer 🪐
All I felt about spring
Best buys of spring haul
A comparison between my current relationship with someone versus what it was like when we were younger
A list of mental health achievements I made so far into the year
What I want for the next half of 2024
Summer bucket list
Vacation planning
Analyzing the epilogue of the book im currently reading and leaving a page to leave a review for when I finish the book
General venting and getting things off my chest
Clafouti recipe
Do I actually believe in those tests that assign you a drink or fruit? + things I would associate with myself and why
Why do I do makeup?
Getting my first cat: expectations vs reality
Current trends and my personal opinion on them
Current events and my personal opinion on them
Feelings about graduation
New additions to my list of fictional crushes
Love letter
A day in my life during summer ‘24
Is toast better sweet or savory?
New haircare routine update
Things people have said to me, what I replied, and what I actually thought
Reasons why buying a new swimsuit is a bad idea
Am I a narcissist or just a bitch? -In depth discussion-
Recent updates with writing projects
Games im playing + games I want to play
Two pages to defend a questionable crush
Ranking rom coms
Updates on my 2024 vision board
Who was the worst friend? Pros and cons list for serena and blair
A funny/interesting thing I recently read about + extra things i went to find about it
Role model update
Why news outlets are stupid
Arguments about why grapes are the best summer fruit
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