0ffurself · 8 months
killian jones anything please love <3
Killian Jones x dying reader (angst)
On the deck of the Jolly Roger you lay, covered in blood and weak. "Curse you, Crocodile!" Killian shouted into he nothingness of the dark sky.
Killian turned to face you and his face could break at the sight of you. Sure Rumpelstiltskin had done bad things but nothing this bad before. He dropped to his knees. "No... Love." He grabbed you and held you close to him, as close as possible.
"No, I can't leave you. You can't leave me!" He sobbed into your hair, his face buried in it. Muffled sobs and whispers coming from his mouth. You lean back and use all of your strength to cup one of his cheeks in one of your hands.
"Everyone has to leave at some point, my point is now. I will see you again once your time comes... just promise me one thing!" You coughed some blood into your lap as he looks at you with teary and red eyes. "What darling?"
"Promise me you will move on, promise you won't be stuck on me forever. Promise you won't die alone and un-happy." He shakes his head at your words. "No, I ca-" You stop him, putting your hand over his mouth gently.
"Yes, you will. You will die with someone at your side, you will move on and live, not survive. You will !eet me again someday, but it will be a while." You try your best to give him on of those smiles he found comfort in, the ones that made him believe it would be okay. You would be okay. But this time you wouldn't be okay.
A single tear rolls down your cheek as your eyes grow pale and are almost colorless in the dark night. Your hand falls off of his face, leaving blood smeared across his face. "I love you" you whisper as your eyes gently close, your gentle smile fading.
"No!" He sobs. "My love! Come back! I can't... not without... please!" He gently kisses your cold and pale lips as one last try to bring you back to him. "No... no...." He cries as he wipes some of your blood off of his face.
He holds your limp and bloody body in his arms. Crying into you, planting gentle kisses on he top of your head as he cries into your hair. "Goodbye." He mutters between sobs.
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dttext · 1 year
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"Yer starin' a little too hard there hun~"
Murderer Rinne (??) + RinneRei content because I love them so much. Their dynamic in terms of dialect is my favorite due to how carefree they are with Rinne being very laidback versus Rei who is just theatrically poetic laidback.
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askthelovenest · 8 months
2 5 and 8 for your choice :D
2) Was your FO immediately receptive of your advances, or visa versa, or was that something that came with time?
Killian and I were receptive, but it wasn't something we rushed into. It wasn't super slow either. It was just a steady pace, the way we both like it.
5) Your FO has upset you (perhaps because of the above) and now wants to make amends. How do they do it? And has this changed over time as they’ve gotten to know you better?
Oh gosh, Ganondorf was REALLY BAD at trying to apologize at first. He would act as if I was still in the wrong somehow. Thankfully, he has learned better. What he does now is quietly sit or stand next to me. He softly mutters an apology and slides me mochi or tea.
8) Last time we asked how quickly your FO came to trust you. This time we want to know: How quickly did you come to trust your FO? Was it an instant thing, or did they have to really work to get through your barriers so you could open yourself up to them completely?
I trusted Fyrakk pretty quickly! I mean, he didn't give me a reason not to. He and I were pretty cordial with one other. Fy was a littel closed off at first, but he quickly came to trust me as time passed!
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poptart-cat-78 · 2 years
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Day 7 - Favorite Backstory: “Good Form”
I like how Adam and Eddy made their version of Captain Hook unique by having him start off as a navy officer named Lieutenant Killian Jones ailing with his older brother Liam, and because the king was looking for a plant that ended up killing Liam, he rebelled and became a pirate- eventually falling for Milah, fighting Rumplestilskin, loosing a hand, and becoming Captain Hook
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sahrabarik · 2 years
3 and 13 for the superhero ask thing, please? 👹
omg i did not expect this! Link to the ask thingy.
3. Favorite superhero film
gosh i wanna say Batman 2022 and The Suicide Squad (2 electric boogaloo) but i think ultimately its unfortunately still Thor: Ragnarok. I love Thor and i love his antics and hela was there. well.
13. A villain who genuinely scared you
i have a long story for this one actually i was playing arkham knight right like whatever BWAHH joker jumpscares im over it. but i'm flying around and there's these serial killer victims all over gotham, and every time i'm on that questline i'm genuinely filled with dread. but the dread vanished the moment i found out who he is? I wish it was a better reveal bcs every time I see another body its like hoo boy. its a body......................
SO I guess the answer here is, actually, Wu Wenwu from the new Shang-Chi movie. It kind of played a little to an old childhood fear I had that my own father was some kind of arms dealer with horrible expectations of me in taking over his business. Hit a little close to home even.
my boyfriend hijacked this quiz. He said Homelander from the boys. Not sure if i should be afraid too yet.
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separatist-apologist · 11 months
Still A Sunbeam
Summary: As a child, Elain Archeron is pushed into a pond by the heir to the Day Courts throne, Lucien Spell-Cleaver, and vows she'll never forgive him for it. But as an adult, Elain finds that if she wants out of an arranged marriage to a Spring Court prince, she will need Day Court's help. More is at stake than a decades-old rivalry, and when their home is threatened, Elain and Lucien will have to set aside old differences and work together
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Read on AO3
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Cadmus returned a few hours after he’d left her, appearing in the door she hadn’t bothered to close. Ever immaculate, the second born son smiled that wolfish grin as he stepped into the room.
“Sister,” he crooned, crossing his arms against his chest. 
“Don’t say that so loudly,” she warned, all but bouncing off the bed. Elain was bored. It had taken her ten minutes to unpack her things and Arina had never returned from wherever she’d gone with Eris. Elain knew she shouldn’t be frustrated but she was. Stupidly, she’d believed she and Arina were in this together.
But Elain was on her own, at least when it came to navigating Autumn. And clearly Cadmus was going to be her unofficial guide through it all, smirking like his older brother—like his younger brother, too. It must be a genetic thing, she decided, because she knew she’d seen that arrogant look on Lucien’s face more than once. 
Elain sighed. She missed Lucien which made her feel a little pathetic. She was certain he’d found ways to entertain himself and by the time she returned would have a whole host of stories for her. Elain didn’t believe for a second he was pining the way she was.
“Ashamed?” Cadmus asked, leaning casually against the frame of the door. She bet the ladies of Autumn went wild when they saw that. He was handsome in an aristocratic sort of way, with elegant, sharp features that could slice as easily as any knife. He was the only one of the Vanserra’s to have hair that was more brown than red, still coppery but in a darker, warmer sort of way. His features skewed toward his fathers and she wondered how that made him feel when he looked in the mirror.
She liked him, though. Liked him much more than she was sure to like the High Lord, at any rate. 
“No, I’m not ashamed,” Elain replied loftily, poking him in his broad chest when she reached him. “I don’t need you broadcasting what I told you all over the palace.”
Cadmus arched one elegantly groomed brow. “And when you return?”
“Would you like to be penpals?” Elain asked him with syrupy sweetness.
Cadmus’s expression shifted for a moment. “I’d like to see my mother more often.”
Ah. Elain mouthed a wordless oh, because she understood what he was asking—would she use her influence on Lucien so his half-brothers could visit without so much animosity. Elain’s heart ached at the thought of how little they must have gotten to see her and what it was like knowing she was happy without being able to see it for themselves. 
“I’ll talk to him,” Elain murmured softly. Anyone who stumbled on the scene at hand would think something intimate was happening between them which was better and safer than the truth. Killain would be irate but he was always angry when another male was in her vicinity. 
Cadmus exhaled a breath Elain hadn’t realized he’d been holding. His shoulders slumped for only a moment before he straightened himself back out and offered her that same arrogant smile.
“Yes,” she lied. Elain wanted to meet everyone who’d come and get a sense of what she’d be doing. Lucien had given her a rundown on the rather boring piece of policy Beron wanted to debate.
Which was shattered the moment Cadmus casually said, “Atticus is trying to rally the seasonal courts into strong arming the Night Court into war. They’ll see you as an ally.”
“Is she a prisoner?” Elain asked, certain there was no one and nothing that could keep Feyre if she didn’t truly want to be there. Not even the fearsome North and their Daemati powers were enough. 
Cadmus shrugged casually, falling into step with Elain. His smoke gray pants and navy blue jacket were a rather lovely combination against his complexion, and made him seem more naughty prince than anything. “No one knows. There is a rumor Feyre sent a letter, but no one has seen it so whether that's true or lies from Night Court, well…you’ll have to take Atticus at his word.”
“Atticus is…” A liar, though she didn’t dare say that. Not when Cadmus likely was, too. And she knew too well that these males often pulled rank and protected each other, regardless of the circumstances or female wishes. If Feyre was saying no, but Atticus was saying yes, Cadmus and Tarquin and maybe Lucien, too, was likely to fall in line. After all, if one female said no and they were forced to honor it, what stopped the rest of them from saying no, too?
Cadmus raised both brows. “I’m interested in your reaction specifically, princess.”
Elain narrowed her eyes, though she supposed princess was better than sister. “Is Tarquin here?”
“Yes,” Cadmus murmured, fingers brushing her back as he led her down a flight of stairs. “Viviane, too.”
Viviane felt like a dream to Elain. Had she once been jealous of Lucien dancing with the Winter princess…or…whatever she was? General to the High Lord who’d been unable to drag his eyes off her, at any rate. Elain wondered if Viviane would be an ally or if she’d side with the males. 
Reaching between them, Elain grabbed Cadmus’s hand. “Don’t let Atticus take me out of here.”
Cadmus paused. “Are you asking for sanctuary?”
“No, I—”
No. She couldn’t get stuck in Autumn and didn’t think the High Lord would ever let her leave. She’d become leverage in his silent war against Helion, made worse when he realized he had the prince's mate. 
“I’m asking you not to let Atticus take me out of Autumn.”
“I can’t stop him if he’s your prince,” Cadmus reminded her. Elain loathed all these rules that bound females unfairly to males and their territory. She hadn’t claimed Lucien and he hadn’t claimed her, hadn’t renounced her home in Spring. Cadmus’s steps slowed, his eyes burning the skin of her cheek. “Is he?”
“So I say you are—”
“You say my brother is,” Cadmus murmured, his voice so soft she felt like he was speaking directly in her mind. “And force me to honor our blood.”
Lucien would kill her for this. She knew he wanted his brothers to learn about his bond at the same time everyone else did. Was she foolish to trust the Vanserra’s when conventional wisdom told her not to? No one in their right mind would entrust the second born Vanserra to a secret of this magnitude.
“Lucien is my mate,” she breathed. Cadmus’s eyes widened for only a moment, bright with wonder. 
“I ought to spend more time in Day,” he finally said, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. “No one knows?”
“Eris does,” she said, grateful he’d kept that secret when it might have served him better to tell his family. Cadmus didn’t seem surprised to hear that. “And Lucien, of course.”
“He hasn’t claimed you—”
“He can’t,” she hissed, forgetting that in Autumn, males owned their mates. If Lucien had been born in Autumn, he could have declared it before court and culturally, the expectation would be that Elain would accept. Spring was the exact same way, but Day, like the other solar courts, allowed females to decide whether they accepted the bond. She could see Cadmus chewing on this knowledge. He knew it in theory—but he was watching it play out in practice and it clearly confused him.
“Are you?” he finally asked, his face a strange mix of wonder and vulnerablity. 
“Maybe,” she replied, poking him in the ribs. “Feeling sorry for Lucien, are you?”
Cadmus scowled. “No.”
“That’s good to hear,” Elain said with a smile, gripping Cadmus’s arm once again. “I promise he is not suffering.”
A cruel smile spread over Cadmus’s face—the sort that told her he was about to ask her something wildly inappropriate. She was spared by Atticus, who rounded the same corner they were coming down only to nearly crash into Cadmus. She’d forgotten how tall and imposing the future High Lord was. He halted, his severe, tan face eyeing them both with distaste. He knew, now. And there was no doubt in Elain’s mind that Killian would be informed at some point. 
Those pine green eyes landed on her, lip curling with distaste. “What are you doing here?” he asked roughly, the demand clanging through her.
“She’s Day Court’s emissary,” Cadmus snapped, speaking when Elain’s mouth opened silently. Heart thudding, she didn’t think she could speak to Atticus. Not without making herself look small and foolish.
Atticus smiled, then, his whole face lighting up as though Cadmus had told a particularly funny joke. “Of course she is. Just as you and I are newly crowned High Lords. My brother is looking for you.”
“He knows how to find me,” Elain said, but the waver in her voice betrayed her. Atticus’s smile was undimmed.
And then he was gone, swanning past the pair of them like they were little more than an annoyance to him. Cadmus watched, fingers clenched to fists at his sides. “Don’t know where he thinks he’s fucking going,” Cadmus grumbled, placing one callused hand against her back. “Dining room is this fucking way.”
“He’s going to call Killian—” 
“So?” Cadmus interrupted impatiently. “You knew that.”
But knowing it and being confronted with seeing Killian, who was going to try and drag her home, were two entirely different things. And Elain didn’t know how to navigate this situation. Grabbing Cadmus roughly, she pulled her toward a shadowy corner just outside the twin doors carved with the image of a long-dead dragon. 
“I kissed him, once,” she said. Had she told anyone that? Maybe Arina—definitely not Lucien. Cadmus’s brows furrowed, struggling to understand why it mattered. “Killian has been kissing females his whole life. Surely—”
“But he wants to be married, and he’s…you know….how they think about these things.”
“Are you suggesting I think every female I kiss belongs to me?” he asked archly.
“No,” she snapped in response. “You only think they belong to you if you want them for longer than a night or two!”
Cadmus smiled. “You’ve got me there. This is a serious gathering Elain and not an engagement party. Killian still needs the permission of the High Lord to attend and father famously hates everyone. He’s not letting the second Spring son into his home when he didn’t want the first one.”
“Are you sure?”
Cadmus shrugged. “No. Father does things for his own reasons more often than I can count. But I would bet he’s not half as interested in your personal life as Killian is, and he’ll want everyone out just as soon as he can manage.”
And for some reason, that made Elain feel a little better. Everything felt as though it revolved around her and hearing Cadmus say no one was half as interested in her as she was felt reassuring, if nothing else.
With that in mind, Cadmus tugged her toward the doors that would take the pair of them to dinner. With every new step, Cadmus seemed to fade into a male she didn’t recognize. Straight spine, bored expression, and an almost lazy gait. He was every inch one of the Autumn bastards then, leading her into the high ceilinged dining room as though she were of no consequence to him. 
Eris was already there, sitting at a high table at the far end of the room just beside his father. Arina sat beside Viviane, her back to the Autumn prince a few feet away. The two blondes were smiling brightly, ignoring a table of nearby Autumn court males watching them with wolfish expressions. 
From behind them, Tarquin shoulder checked Cadmus. “Excuse me,” the handsome Summer prince murmured, winking once at Elain before making his way toward Viviane. Slipping away her arm, Elain did the same, taking the last chair at the little table already laden with food. Cadmus sauntered off, seemingly unbothered. He didn’t so much as look at her, even when Elain stared him down. He merely joined his brothers away from the high table where his brother and father sat, eating and making rude gestures at a table of nearby giggling females.
“What are you two talking about?” Elain asked, turning back to Viviane and Arina. 
“The Hybern General,” Viviane said, blue eyes crinkled at the edges. She was, if Elain recalled correctly, one of the Winter High Lords most trusted soldiers. A General in her own right, not that she appeared so in her soft, wintergreen dress. “She’s in Spring right now.”
“Atticus is here, though,” Elain said with surprise. She’d seen him in the hall—surely he’d want to stay with his father if a foreign dignitary was joining.
“He was forced here to deal with the Feyre Archeron situation,” Viviane said blithely, forgetting that Feyre was related to Elain by blood. “And I suspect the High Lord doesn’t want an audience to his meeting with her.”
“Or he’s showing her the wall,” Tarquin said casually, picking at a strawberry from a bowl. “Rumors swirl, princess, that Hybern is after more territory.”
“He’d have to be short sighted and stupid,” Arina chimed in, watching Tarquin with an unreadable expression. “Where does he think Hybern will turn once he’s slaughtered the humans?”
“Maybe he hopes to work out some deal. Make himself regent–”
“The High Lord of Spring would never rule under someone else,” Elain interrupted, thinking of that proud, haughty male. “He’d be aiming for High King.”
“He’ll die, just last,” Viviane whispered as Atticus stomped back in, his face twisted with anger. “But not before damning us all to a war on two fronts.”
“Three,” Tarquin replied, popping a grape into his mouth. “He’s been looking for a fight with the High Lord of Night for centuries. He’s finally found it. Just something to think about as we decide Feyre Archeron’s fate.”
“Lucien Spell-Cleaver is doing that already, is he not?” Viviane asked, eyes turning to Elain. Elain had no idea what Lucien was doing while she was away, and thought it was a trap to admit she had any interest in his coming and goings. She shrugged, taking a page from Tarquin’s playbook. Arina, of course, knew better—she knew better than any of them what Lucien might be doing.
She said nothing, drumming her fingers against the table.
“So the seasonal courts agree Night has stolen a Spring Court princess and…what? We force her back—”
“And put the prince on trial,” Tarquin murmured, leaning forward on his elbows. “Draw out his father from his mountain court where he’s much easier to assassinate. Kill the son, see the power transfer to someone more…aggreeable. Like the High Lord’s brother, for instance.”
“A stupid plan,” Arina hissed softly. “Stupider if he thinks someone like Beron would ever bend the knee for him.”
“One thing at a time,” Viviane said cooly, reaching for her fork. “Feyre Archeron today, Prythian’s politics tomorrow. How are you planning to vote?”
“I’ll be waiting to hear what Lucien Spell-Cleaver has to say,” Tarquin replied, glancing at Elain. “He’s honorable—and if she’s been forced, he won’t pretend otherwise, Solar Court alliance or not.”
Tarquin’s gaze slid to her, and Elain knew he was thinking about the night on that pleasure barge when Lucien by rights could have taken her. She’d been throwing herself at him. Begging him, even. And Lucien had locked her up, had put her to bed, and hadn’t touched her any more than was required to keep her safe. She wondered if that was what kept Tarquin from saying anything else. Lucien had mentioned Tarquin suspected what was happening between them when he’d warned her who might be in Autumn. 
Elain was grateful for his silence. 
“I heard she wrote a letter renouncing her home in Spring,” Viviane said, looking once again at Elain. “And if that’s true, I won’t be calling to bring her back, and neither will Kallias.”
“Very progressive of you,” Tarquin said with a slick smile. Viviane’s answering smile was just as vicious, lethal in its beauty. Like she knew some secret about the prince none of the rest of them did—a secret she, too, was choosing not to divulge, at least for now. Elain didn’t care. Sitting at that table, Elain could only think of Feyre.
What trouble have you gotten yourself in this time?
“What are you painting?” he began, well aware she’d been working on a portrait of Rhysand. That didn’t seem to bode well for the Spring Court princess—was her mind consumed with him? And if it was, had Rhysand been the cause of that. He could scent nothing unusual about her. Not even sex, which he would have assumed would be present had Rhysand so much as touched her. That’s what Tamlin was alleging, at least partly. Feyre’s compliance was all forced. 
Scanning her form, Lucien couldn’t detect a spell bound around her. A bargain shimmered against her forearm, but that was hardly a secret given the swirling, black-inked tattoo was visible to anyone with a working pair of eyes. 
“Nothing,” she said, cheeks dark with embarrassment. Lucien was tempted to look behind him and see if Rhysand was still watching and didn’t think he’d like what he’d see. Feyre Archeron rose from her chair, fair skin splattered with multi-colored dots of paint. Planting her hands on her hips, she demanded, “Are you taking me back to Spring?”
“I could take you to Day Court, if you’re looking for sanctuary,” Lucien replied evenly. Feyre considered this for a moment, clearly not expecting him to offer an alternative. 
“With Elain?”
“Yes,” he agreed, picking up a dry paintbrush on a little stand by her easel. “I’m sure she’d be very happy to see you.”
Feyre snorted. “Annoyed, more like it. Nesta is here—no one is trying to drag her back.”
“I suppose they assume she plans to return at some point.”
“Well, that’s stupid considering she’s training with—”
“Feyre!” Rhysand interrupted, his smooth voice sharper than usual. “Manners, darling.”
Lucien did turn, then, sighing with exasperation. “You don’t have to watch, you know.”
Rhysands expression shifted, eyes wholly focused on Feyre. He said nothing for a period so long Lucien had began to wonder if he wasn’t going insane. Turning, he saw Feyre’s grinning back at him and— 
“Oh, Cauldron boil me! You’re doing very little to convince me she isn’t under your control, you know.”
“I’m not,” Feyre said with a sullen expression. “You don’t need to know everything.”
Lucien caught how Rhysand flinched at Feyre’s declaration Lucien didn’t need to know everything. Lucien raised his brows and decided to play a little harder. “Alright. Take me back, then—”
“She means about my territory,” Rhysand said smoothly, pushing off the door frame he was leaned again. “Not about her stay here. Isn’t that right, darling?”
“Oh, but of course,” she bit back sarcastically. “As I’m just a silly female, it makes total sense that the only way I’d be able to make my own decision was if another male was controlling my mind.”
Rhysand smothered his grin. “Play nice.”
Feyre rounded on him, arms crossed over her chest. “How is my sister? Do you boss her around, too?”
Lucien sighed. “Hardly.”
Feyre didn’t bother to hide her smile. “Good. I hope she’s giving you hell. She hates you, you know.”
“Yes, I am well aware of Elain’s feelings toward me,” Lucien replied dryly. He didn’t mention that those feelings had shifted because this wasn’t about him or Elain, but preventing an absurd civil war over one female Lucien was relatively certain had come of her own accord. “Why Night Court, Feyre?”
She chewed the inside of her cheek, turning toward the window looking over the mountains. “Nesta was here and I thought…Elain is practically engaged, and I think she’s content with that. I worried if I came to her, she’d urge me to go back. I snuck in–”
“How did you manage that?” Lucien asked, genuinely curious. Feyre glanced at Rhysand, something silent spoken between them. Lucien caught Rhysand subtly shake his head no.
“Their mind control doesn’t work on me,” Feyre told him, defiance flashing in those silvery blue eyes. “I’m daemati, too.”
Lucien blinked. A seer and a daemati in the same family. “Does Spring know—”
“No,” she said quickly, defiance replaced with panic. “And they can’t. This is between us, Spell-Cleaver.”
He inclined his head. “So, you can’t be manipulated. You sneak into Night. What then?”
“Rhysand picked me up at the border and brought me here.”
Lucien very much doubted that was the entirety of the story. He’d seen the city below, though, and guessed the prince was keeping far more secrets than one beautiful city. That was fine—Lucien was, too. All the courts jealously guarded their territories, hiding it from others who might try and take it if they knew it better. Night was hardly any different. 
“I’m not going back and I’m not marrying him. I wrote him a letter saying as much,” Feyre finished, her voice icy steel. “I know Atticus is convening in Autumn to try and whip the seasonal courts into a frenzy.”
Lucien sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, your sister is there on behalf of Day, so I suspect she’ll side with you.”
“You suspect, or you know?”
“I can’t predict Elain’s actions with accuracy,” Lucien replied in his most level tone. Rhysand rolled his eyes. “I don’t think she wants you to go back to Spring.”
“Why don’t you stay for the night?” Rhysand finally said, sliding his hands into his pockets. “Give it the illusion of fairness.”
That was the last thing Lucien wanted. He had to remind himself that going home wouldn’t bring Elain back to him any quicker and would only make him more restless. At least here he could pester Rhysand about Night and get to know Feyre a little better. He knew so little about her life before she’d come to him, though he knew the stories. Of course he knew of Feyre, but he didn’t know her well.
It was cynical, but maybe if he got in good with Feyre, Elain wouldn’t be so afraid to accept the mating bond—
“Mating bond?!” Feyre’s surprised gasp pulled Lucien from his thoughts. Even Rhysand’s eyes went wide, surprised by the news. “You and Elain are mates?”
Rhysand began laughing, pulling his hands from his pockets to cross them over his chest. “Oh, how funny, Spell-Cleaver.”
Lucien was tempted to divulge Rhysand’s secret right then and there. Careful with his thoughts, Lucien snarled, “My head isn’t an open play ground for you.”
“Forgive me for not trusting you,” she replied dismissively. “You were practically screaming them at me, besides.”
“We talked about this,” Rhysand murmured reproachfully. 
“Is he your teacher?”
“She has to earn her keep somehow,” Rhysand said smoothly. “Just like Elain does.”
“I asked him to,” Feyre said, defensive all over again. “You don’t know what it’s like to know everyones thoughts all the time.”
Lucien couldn’t imagine—didn’t want to imagine. That seemed like a particular kind of hell, hearing what everyone thought of you as they were thinking it, even as they smiled to your face and lied. He wondered if that didn’t play a part in why Feyre was so desperate to get away from Tamlin. She knew exactly what he thought of her—what he wanted, what he expected, even if his lips said something different. 
“It’s quiet here,” she told him with a slump of her shoulders. “I feel like I can breathe.”
Lucien tucked a lock of hair behind his ear. “How about lunch?”
Feyre’s eyes perked up. “Can I take him to—”
“Yes,” Rhysand interrupted smoothly, eyes twinkling like a thousand stars. “Don’t give it away. Lucien likes surprises. You two enjoy yourselves. I have to meet my mother at the border—mind what you tell the fox, hm, darling?”
Feyre’s smile was razon sharp. “As you say, princeling.”
Oh, Lucien liked her, even of Rhysand was wrong. Lucien liked nothing of the sort—at least, not the kind Rhysand found amusing. Still, he found himself charmed by Feyre Archeron and her easy, unguarded emotions. He sympathized with her.
And if she wanted to take him to lunch, well. Lucien was happy to tag along.
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sparklestardesigns · 1 year
35 - girl's gambit with Sleekwhisker maybe :0
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*HYPERVENTALATING* KILLAIN.... KILLIAN.......... KIALLIAN........ *falls face first on ground and dies*/LHJ
basically that meant t hat i almost had a heart attack trying to figure out colors with this esp cus my actual sleek whiskers design is like. Very Goth Girl so this was a great way to make me realize that i need to stop making all my designs goth/JJJ
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(Killain is having a nightmare.)
[The young boy was being attacked. By what, it was hard to tell. Shadowy figures of ever changing shape were chasing him. A lone pink butterfly flutters towards him.]
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year
Killian, messing with Niko: Someone said you sound like an owl.
Nikolai: Who?
Nikolai: Who?
Nikolai: WHO?
Killain: *holds his stomach from laughing*
Nikolai: WHOOOOOOO?!?!?
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Blanket Buddies
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50974162 by killianthebee Tony has this blanket with a horribly printed image of Iron Man on it. It is a little weird, he'll admit that. But why does Peter act so weird around it? Words: 1186, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of killain's whumptober 2023, Part 1 of Buddies Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Precious Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Protective Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Has Issues, Blankets read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50974162
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mtfjohnscp · 1 year
[When Kit saw Killain the next morning she was excited.]
Hi I'm Kit! Who are you? Do you want to play?
(Killian awoke to find Kit sitting near his bed. turning towards her, she managed to get a good look at his eyes.)
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everything-person · 6 months
Kazoos Advent Calendar
@kazoosandfannypacks Day
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Todays gift is based on “12 Dates of Christmas” abc family movie.
On the 12 day of Christmas my true love gave to me
“I hate this song.”
“It’s the holiday version of 99 bottles. Speaking of bottles. Why don’t me and you get out of here and get a drink?”
Bella glared at the office creep until he walked away with his tail tucked between his legs. Returning to her phone as she shouts over her shoulder, “Killian when did Pan say we could leave?”
“When the party was over.”
“Are you planning on joining us?”
“Be there in a moment,” Killian shouted from his cubical. Picking up his phone dialing the number he’s been thinking about all day.
“Hey Milah. It’s Killian. I was just calling wondering if we could share Smee for Christmas. I haven’t seen him for a couple of months. Just give me a call and let me know.” Killian hung up the phone as one of his coworkers dropped his secret Santa gift on his desk.
Ripping the wrapping paper revealed a Nicholas Sparks book. Grabbing the rest of his stuff he jumped up and ran to join the rest of the holiday party.
"Hey," he called getting the attention of his dancing coworker, "Stop that. Would a woman like a Nicholas Sparks book for Christmas?"
"No. Not really. Get her wine."
Killian shoved the book into a coworkers hands muttering, "Merry Christmas." Before grabbing Bellas hand and leaving.
"You know what I got for Secret Santa?" Bella asked as they walked down the street.
"Jam. Freaking jam."
"Jam isn't bad."
"I hate jam."
"It's the thought that counts."
"There was no thought."
"I like jam."
The petite blonde turned and looked at Killian, "Oh my god! It was from you!"
Killian scratched behind his ear, "I forgot about secret santa. I grabbed the first thing I saw."
"Socks would've been better."
"Your real present is coming tomorrow. I apologize lass. I have just been distracted."
"By what?"
Killian hesitated before saying, "The holidays."
"Meaning Milah."
"I called her today." Killian steered them into a mall.
"You holiday dialed your ex?"
"Excuse me?"
"Its like drunk dialing but during the holidays and more pathetic. You can't blame that call on rum."
"It's not pathetic and you need to help me find a present for her."
As they entered the first shop Bella turns and asks, "How do you know she will even want to see you?"
"It's the holidays. We love the holidays," Killian explained. Remembering how they mostly loved how the holidays were an excuse to stay at home in bed with each other.
"News flash," Bella shouted at him interrupting his day dream, "You aren't a 'we' anymore."
"We will be after tonight," Killian stated firmly.
"You're delusional," Bella muttered while looking at a rack of coats.
"I prefer optimistic. Now help me find a gift."
"Whats the rush?"
"I have a blind date at 5." Killain threw over his shoulder as he made his way to a display of jewelry.
That caught his friends attention.
"You have a blind date and you're meeting Milah?" Bella stormed over beside him.
"The blind date isn't going anywhere."
"How do you know? You haven't even met the poor girl."
"It was set up by my dads friend."
Bella rolled her eyes, "You mean by Maia his wife. Killain they've been married for 10 years. They have a son. Your half brother."
"AH HA!" Killian snatched a box holding gold diamond earrings, "What do you think of those?"
Bella took a look at the price, "Their 250$."
"Nothing says miracle like diamonds."
Bella looked between Killian and the earrings, "I'm out. You are my best friend and I love you platonically. But I will not stand by and encourage your insanity. I'm going back to the holiday party."
Killian turned his gaze to her at that, "Why?"
"You have a blind date and your crazy optimism. I have Felix in security."
Killian winced, "You're better than that."
Bella rolled her eyes, "Right back at ya. Happy Christmas."
"Happy Christmas."
Killian paid for the earrings then made his way through the mall hoping to find the Christmas wrappers. As he stepped off the escalator there were christmas caroler singing to his left as he turned her was hit with a strange scent and wet spray. The world began to spin and then went black.
The next thing he knew he woke up on the floor with a tan elderly man and a black woman standing over him.
"Are you alright?" the man spoke in a gruff voice.
"I spritzed you and you passed out."
Killian began sitting up.
"Oh wow. Be careful now," The gentleman warned grabbing his arms to hep him up. "Has this ever happened to you before?"
"Uh no. This hasn't." Killian thought for a moment before speaking again, "I haven't eaten today. Must be low blood sugar."
"Maybe you should take it easy."
"Thanks mate but I'm fine." Killian continued walking.
He finally made it out of the mall, passing a man trying desperately to untangle lights, to his apartment. He was welcome to the sight of his buildings elevator broken. After marching up the stairs he made it to his apartment door, before he could unlock the door his neighbor, a sweet old lady who insisted on most everyone calling her Granny, cornered him.
"Elevator still broken. Super says it'll be fixed by the new year but I wouldn't hold your breath. Anyways I made you a cherry chip loaf."
Killian was finally able to get his door open, turning he took the offered gift thanked the woman before closing the door behind him.
His apartment phone blinked red indicating he had a message. He pressed the button hoping to hear the voice of his ex but was instead greeted with the voice of a different woman.
'Hey Killian. It's Emma your blind date for the evening. Um just calling to say I got your message about the Rabbit Hole. Sounds good to me so I guess I'll see you at 5.'
Killian threw the cake his neighbor just gave him on the counter then went to change out of his office attire and into something more suitable for his date. When he felt he was dressed appropriately headed on his way.
He entered the bar first thing he sees is a rather large gentleman staring expectantly at the door.
"You look like a man that has been waiting for a miracle."
"I have a blind date."
"Oh please tell me you aren't waiting for someone named Killian."
The man grimaced, "No a Phyllis."
Killian turned his gaze to a stunning blonde in a pink dress, "Emma?"
She flashed him a blinding smile as he approached her.
"And it's Killian."
"Sorry. Maia told me-"
"It's fine. It's something we are working on." Killian brushed her off as they took a seat.
"You look relieved," Killian commented.
"Yeah well you never know with blind dates."
Just then a waitress came over and dropped off two drinks, "Oh I ordered for you. I hope that's alright."
"I'm actually not a beer man."
Emma cocked her head to the side, "Its not a beer it's a logger."
"I just never fancied it."
"It was a shot in the dark. Why not try something new?"
He turned to the waitress and asked for a rum. He turned back to the blonde and offered a smile as she fidgeted in her seat.
"This is going well," Killian commented trying to subtly look at his phone that he placed on the table.
Emma let a giggle slip from her lips, "Not awkward at all."
"So Killian what do you do? Maia wasn't willing to give any details about you other than you're a handsome gentleman."
Killian turned away at the compliment, "If it makes you feel any better she was the same with information about you. Only saying that you were a lovely lass that I just had to meet."
"I hope I don't disappoint."
Killian looked down at his phone again before answering her question, "I working in shipment. I keep track of what packages go where and which shipping containers they go in."
"That sounds-"
"Boring? Aye." He looked down at his phone again.
"Is there something wrong?"
"No why?"
"You keep looking at your phone."
Before he could speak his phone began going off. He rushed to pick it up muttering an excuse me before answering it.
"Hello? Milah? My place? Give me a moment." He pulled the phone away from his ear turning to his date who's face had scrunched up a bit.
"Would you mind if we pick this up another time?"
"Whos Milah?" Emma leaned back in her seat crossing her arms over her chest.
"My Ex."
Emma waved him off as she got out of her seat grabbing her leather jacket off the back of the chair, "Go. It was nice to meet you Killian."
She stormed out of the bar before Killian could speak another word. Pressing the phone back to his ear he confirmed with Milah to meet up with her at his apartment building. A half an hour later he was standing outside his building.
He turned around to see a dark haired woman approaching him. The woman he has been waiting all night for. When they met they smiled at each other and leaned in for a polite kiss on the cheek.
"I brought Max like you asked. I think he missed you."
"I missed him too. Great we can spend the night the three of us."
A dog bark turned their attention to behind them. Killian looked to see max being held by a strange man.
"Killian this is Robert. We are heading to a cabin and thought you could watch Max for us."
Killian looked between the man and the woman in front of him.
"It's a little cold." The man said handing off the leash to Milah, "I'll just wait in the car."
As the man walked off Killian turned back to Milah. "Who's he?"
"How long?"
"3 months. We knew each other in highschool. We reconnected and really-"
"Connected." Killian paused before asking his next question, "Do you love him?"
Milah took a breath in before say, "Yeah I do."
Killian just nodded taking the leash from her, "Thank you again for bringing Smee I really did miss him."
Without waiting for her response he made his way down the street to his own car starting the trek to his fathers.
Killian sat in an armchair in the living room as his father and Maia talked about how disappointed they were Liam couldn't be there tonight with Elsa and the grandchildren but Will should be there first thing in the morning for presents.
"You are staying the night Killian right?" Maia asked.
"Sure he will. We'll open gifts Christmas morning just like how we used to." his father chimed in patting him on his shoulder.
"Dad nothing is like it used to be. Not since moms passing."
Brennan glanced at Maia who's face had fallen slightly. Just then the phone rang, Maia stepped out to answer it.
"Killian that was rather rude."
Killian shook his head, "Dad you're wife died and you found a replacement. But I won't replace my mom."
Brennan leaned forward meeting his sons eye, "Maia isn't trying to replace anyone."
Just then Maia stepped back into the room, "That was Emma. She said you blew her off for another woman."
"That wasn't my intention-"
"Emma is the sweetest girl. She deserved better than that."
"I will call her tomorrow, offer a sincere apology, and try to reschedule our date."
Maia scoffed, "That ship has sailed. And I'll tell you it was one hell of a ship. You can't go back and fix this."
Not wanting to deal with anymore disappointed comments or glares Killian decided it was his time to leave.
Once home he quickly stripped out of his clothes threw on some sweat pants and cuddled up in bed them smee resting at his feet.
Nearing midnight Smee shifted, his paw landing on the remote turning on Killians tv. An infomercial played across the screen of a partridge broach warning customers of the sale that will end at midnight. As the clock turned to 12:00 something strange happened. The partridge broach began to glow. The light encompassing the entire room and the clock began to turn back.
Killian opened his eyes and he was once again greeted with the sight of a elderly tan man and a black woman standing over him as carolers sang in the distance.
"I spritzed you and you passed out," the black woman explained.
Killian furrowed his eyebrows, "What the bloody hell?"
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captain swan / even if they’re enemies to lovers, them being ‘close’ so everyone doubts it
Emma shivered slightly as she stood outside Granny's diner, her knitted jumper doing little to protect her from the cold. She berated her past self for leaving her red jacket in the washer the night before, knowing full well Henry would end up being late. As she rubbed her arms in an attempt to get warm, she sensed a presence behind her before a warm weight was draped across her shoulders. She instinctively reached up to grab it, feeling the smooth leather of a leather jacket under her fingers as she turned to face the owner of the jacket, a frown immediately gracing her face.
"Nice to see you too, Swan." Killian scoffed fondly, wrapping an arm around the blonde and pulling her close, "I'm surprised to see you're not wearing your own leather jacket."
"I spilled hot chocolate on it yesterday," Emma grumbled, attempting to subtly move closer to the pirate, "and then forgot to wash it."
Killian chuckled and wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her into a bear hug.
"I feel like this is a sign to buy more jackets." She commented, resting her head on Killain’s chest before wrinkling her nose. “You smell like the sea.”
“I am a pirate, love.” Killian answered bemused, slowly rubbing a hand down her back to warm her up, “And considering that your lack of warm clothing choices led to you hugging me in public, I’m heavily against the new jackets idea.”
Before Emma could protest or come up with an insult, the sound of footsteps broke them out of their bubble.
“Mom, I’m sorry I’m- Killian?” Henry called, stopping in his tracks as he surveyed the couple frozen in their embrace,
“Henry! Um-” Emma started, untangling herself from Killian’s embrace and grabbing his jacket before it fell off her shoulders. “We were just- Killian and I-”
At the panicked look Emma sent his way, Killian stepped in quickly: “Your mom left her jacket at home and I thought I’d stop her from freezing.”
Henry looked between the two before turning a questioning stare to Emma. 
“Why didn’t you just wait in the diner?”
send me prompts
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middlemisty · 1 year
Random Once thought
I saw a comment on Reddit about how Emma falling for Hook doesn't make sense because she was grossed out by him and then suddenly stopped. I recognize that this is someone's own opinion but I just have thoughts about this person's thoughts. Everyone has their own opinions, this is just mine. 
Like it is true, although I wouldn’t say grossed out by Killian. In the beginning, there definitely is a level of like annoyance from Emma because he is this flirty, cocky guy, and she does not want to deal with him. I think especially after she leaves him on the beanstalk. I also think some of her aloofness with him comes from the fact that he did read her immediately, and that made her uncomfortable that someone could see through her.  
However, those feelings do dissipate into something else, which I think is highlighted in seasons 3a and 3b. Like 3a is very important for their relationship because it's where Emma initially begins to think of him as something more. Before that, he was a villain and worked with Cora, but now he’s helping her rescue her son, and she starts to see the more “real” Killain, not just Captain Hook. So yes, she does ”suddenly stop being grossed out by him” because she gets to know him. This then culminates in 3b, where his intentions to win Emma's heart have already been declared, but he isn’t actively pursuing her. He is there for her but stands aside for the sake of Henry. It’s obvious he has feelings and wants Emma, but like he says, he is in it for the long haul. And that allows their relationship to develop. Then you get the end of 3b and the captain swan movie. Literally, it’s two episodes of those two trusting and leaning on each other in order to get back to the present. 
So by then, looking back, yes, Emma is slightly annoyed and “grossed out” by Killian in the beginning, but that's because she doesn’t know him, so when she stops it's because their relationship has grown into one of trust and respect, which ends with the kiss in 3x22 and the beginning of their relationship in season 4. 
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oph3liatlou · 14 days
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─── 𝐻𝒶𝓈 ───
​🇨​​🇦​​🇳​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇸​​🇪​​🇪​ ​🇴​​🇷​ ​🇮​​🇸​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇧​​🇱​​🇮​​🇳​​🇩​?
Victoria's hands trembled, the warmth of her fire powers seeping through her fingertips. Though she had learned to embrace them, memories of the experiments, and the torment of Aldrich Killain, still haunted her. She stood there, conflicted between her past and her newfound strength, her eyes glowing like embers of determination.
"Who am I supposed to be?" she whispered, the flickering flames in her palms casting long shadows across the room. The weight of her heritage heavy on her shoulders.
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─── 𝒞𝒶𝓃───
​🇴​​🇷​ ​🇮​​🇫​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇲​​🇴​​🇻​​🇪​​🇸​, ​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇫​​🇦​​🇱​​🇱​?
first name; Victoria is derived from the latin word "victoria" meaning "victory". In Roman mythology, Victoria was the goddess of victory, corresponding to the Greek goddess Nike.
middle name; Meredith is of Welsh origin, meaning "great-ruler".
last name; Stark is of English origin derived from the Old English word "stearc" meaning "firm and unyielding." In modern times, Stark means "severe or pain".
Tori; was given the nickname "Tori" by her friends and family, a shortened version of her given name, Victoria. The name was affectionately used to differentiate her from her famous father, Tony Stark, also known as Ironman, who was a central figure in the Avengers. The nickname added a touch of familiarity and warmth, making her feel more approachable and less like the daughter of a superhero. It was a way for those closest to her to connect with her on a more personal level, beyond her father's larger-than-life persona.
Firecracker; Victoria's father, Tony Stark, often called his daughter "Firecracker" as a term of endearment. The nickname paid tribute to her fiery temperament and fierce determination, resembling the explosive power and captivating beauty of a firecracker. It was a way for Tony to express his love and acknowledgment for his daughter's resilience and strength in the face of challenges, often referring to her as such in moments of pride or admiration. The nickname served as a reminder of her unique and fiery spirit, reminiscent of a powerful explosion that illuminated the night sky.
Doll; Bucky Barnes calls Victoria "doll" as a term of endearment, a playful and affectionate nickname. The term "doll" suggests that he sees her as something precious, like a delicate and treasured object. At the same time, it also captures his fascination with her beauty and elegance. Nicknaming her "doll" is a way for Bucky to express his admiration and adoration for Victoria in a unique and endearing manner, setting her apart from others. The nickname serves as a constant reminder of her importance to him and the special place she holds in his heart.
date; august 10
zodiac sign; leo
ruling planet; sun
elemental sign; fire
female & pansexual
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─── 𝐼𝓈 ───
ʜᴀꜱ ʜᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ʜɪꜱ ʜᴇᴀᴅ?
Victoria stands at an average height of 5'6" with an athletic and toned physique, shaped by her training and regular physical activity. Her facial features are sharp and expressive, framed by a cascade of unruly brown hair that tumbles down to her shoulders. Her eyes are a warm, caramel brown and are framed by thick lashes, adding an air of intensity to her gaze. Her attire is often practical and designed for movement, complemented by her strong, agile figure.
When Victoria is not in battle, her sense of style is casual and comfortable. She tends to favor practical clothing that allows for easy movement and freedom of expression. She often opts for jeans or cargo pants paired with a simple t-shirt or a comfortable sweater. Her footwear of choice is usually sneakers or sturdy boots, ideal for walks or light outdoor activities. Accessorizing is minimal, with a preference for jewelry that is subtle and personal, such as a thin silver bracelet or a small pendant necklace. Overall, her style reflects her practical and no-nonsense personality.
When Victoria uses her powers, her demeanor transforms from reserved to fierce and commanding. Her eyes take on a fiery glow as the flames within her come to life, casting a warm, flickering light across her features. The air around her crackles with energy as heat radiates from her body, causing her hair to billow softly around her face. In this state, she exudes a sense of power and determination, her expression focused and resolute as she summons and harnesses the fiery energy within. This transformation is a testament to her connection to her fire powers and the strength she commands when utilizing them.
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─── 𝒲𝑒'𝓁𝓁 ───
ᴡʜʏ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴡᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴄᴀʀᴇ?
─ resolute; Victoria is determined and resilient, facing challenges head-on and refusing to back down easily.
─ compassionate; Despite her fiery demeanor, Victoria has a compassionate heart and a strong desire to help and protect others.
─ confident; With her impressive powers and skills, Victoria has a strong belief in herself and her abilities, which fuels her determination to push forward and achieve her goals.
─ impulsive; Victoria has a tendency to act on her emotions quickly and without thinking things through, which can led to hasty decisions and consequences.
─ stubborn; Once Victoria has set her mind on something, she can be stubborn and inflexible, refusing to consider other viewpoints or change her plans.
─ arrogant; Due to her abilities and skills, Victoria can sometimes come across as arrogant or overly confident, underestimating others and their capabilities.
─ guitar; Victoria's hobby is playing electric guitar. She finds solace in the loud, powerful music and enjoys the creative outlet it provides. She often spends her free time practicing her skills on different techniques and exploring new songs to add to her repertoire. Playing the electric guitar allows her to express herself and release any built-up tension or energy, providing a much-needed balance to her busy life as an Avenger.
─ pacing; Victoria has a habit of pacing back and forth when she's deep in thought or feeling anxious or restless. She often finds herself pacing around the room or her living space when contemplating a difficult decision or trying to strategize. This habit helps her expend excess energy and aids in her problem-solving process. She may also unconsciously hum or sing softly as she paces, allowing her mind to fully focus on the task at hand.
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─── 𝐻𝑒───
ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴍᴀɢɴᴇᴛɪᴄ ꜰɪᴇʟᴅ
─ sarcasm
Victoria has a witty and sarcastic sense of humor and enjoys using playful banter and sarcastic remarks as a way to connect with others and lighten the mood in a given situation.
─ quality time
She values the bonds she has formed with her family and friends and derives great enjoyment from spending time with them.
─ music
As a hobby, Victoria loves listening to and playing different genres of music, finding inspiration and solace in the lyrics and beats.
─ restriction
 Victoria values her freedom and dislikes feeling constricted or controlled, especially when it comes to making decisions or taking action.
─ aldritch killian
She harbors a deep-seated dislike for Aldritch Killain, the villain who experimented on and tortured her during the events of Ironman 3.
─ disloyalty
Victoria has little tolerance for people who are dishonest, untrustworthy, or unreliable, especially in her team or among her loved ones.
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫      red
𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝       pizza
𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥   lion
𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠       cherry bomb
𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭      ac/dc
𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞     fast and furious
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞      the top of the avengers tower
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭    mars
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐫     socially
𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫     no
𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬        no
𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭    yes
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 yes
𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫       yes
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫      no
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ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴀɴᴋɪɴᴅ
Before becoming an Avenger, Victoria held a job as a Welder at Stark Industries. She worked in the fabrication and construction department, where she specialized in welding and metalwork. Her duties involved fabricating and repairing various metal components for Stark Industries' advanced technology, such as Iron Man's armors and weapons. Her skills and experience in welding made her an invaluable asset to the company and gave her a strong foundation of technical knowledge when she became an Avenger.
new york city
Victoria lives in a luxurious penthouse suite located in the heart of New York City. The penthouse is situated in a high-rise building that offers stunning views of the city skyline and the surrounding area. The apartment is modern and sleek, featuring a minimalist design with open-concept spaces and ample natural light. There is a spacious living room, a fully equipped kitchen, a home gym, a luxurious bathroom with a spa-like shower and tub, and a cozy bedroom. The penthouse is the ultimate escape from the chaos of her superhero life and offers her a quiet refuge where she can unwind and relax.
highly upper-class
Having come from a wealthy upbringing as the daughter of one of the richest men on the planet, Tony Stark, Victoria's financial situation is one of great affluence and privilege. She has access to significant resources and assets, thanks to her father's wealth and status. As a result, she has never wanted for anything and can afford the best of everything, from living accommodations and travel to leisure activities and designer fashion. However, despite her wealth, Victoria remains down-to-earth and empathetic to the struggles of those less fortunate.
Victoria is in excellent health, thanks to her regular physical training and adherence to a disciplined lifestyle. She maintains a healthy diet, exercises regularly, and ensures she gets enough rest and recovery time between missions. Her strong physical fitness, combined with her determination and resilience, allows her to withstand the demands of being an Avenger and to face any challenges that come her way. Despite the physical and emotional toll that comes with being a superhero, Victoria's health remains a priority, and she takes care of herself both mentally and physically.
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─── 𝒩𝑜𝒷𝑜𝒹𝓎 ───
​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇯​​🇺​​🇸​​🇹​ ​🇸​​🇹​​🇦​​🇷​​🇪​​🇸​ ​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇼​​🇴​​🇷​​🇱​​🇩​
Victoria is a cisgender woman and identifies as pansexual. Pansexuality means experiencing sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction to people of any gender, including cisgender, transgender, queer, or nonbinary individuals. It is a form of sexuality that is not limited by gender identity or expression. As someone who identifies as pansexual, Victoria is attracted to people of all genders and does not limit her attractions based on any gender boundaries. Being pansexual allows her to form connections with individuals based solely on their personality, character, and compatibility, without any restrictions or limitations imposed by gender stereotypes or expectations.
Victoria's preferences in a partner are primarily focused on emotional and personal compatibility, rather than external factors such as physical appearance or material possessions. She values qualities such as authenticity, honesty, loyalty, and empathy in a partner, as well as someone who is supportive of her lifestyle as an Avenger and can understand the complexities that come with it. She appreciates intelligence, creativity, and self-reliance, but doesn't mind a partner with a playful or mischievous side as well. Communication, trust, and a shared vision for the future are also important to her in a relationship.
Victoria's dream date would ideally involve something adventurous, exciting, and fun, such as going on a thrill ride at an amusement park, exploring a new city or place of interest, or participating in an adrenaline-pumping activity like bungee jumping or zip-lining. She also appreciates more intimate dates that allow her to connect with her partner on a deeper level, such as having a picnic in a scenic spot, attending a live music performance, or watching a movie at an outdoor theater. Ultimately, the key element of her dream date would be spending quality time with someone she cares about.
Victoria's past relationships, if any, have likely been shaped by her experiences as an Avenger and the challenges that come with her lifestyle as a superhero. It's possible that she has had partners who struggled with the demands of her job, especially if they had difficulty understanding the responsibilities and dangers that come with being an Avenger. However, it's also possible that she has found partners who appreciated and respected her lifestyle and were supportive of her career goals. Overall, her past relationships may have taught her valuable lessons about communication, trust, and the importance of finding someone who can balance her hectic life with her desire for connection and companionship.
bucky barnes
Victoria' relationship with Bucky Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier, is complex and ongoing. Initially, there may have been some tension and mistrust due to Bucky's past as a brainwashed assassin and Victoria's loyalty to her fellow Avengers. However, as they worked together and got to know each other better, they developed a strong friendship based on mutual respect and admiration. Over time, this friendship may have blossomed into something more romantic, with Victoria finding solace and companionship in Bucky's company. However, their relationship would likely also be marked by its own unique set of challenges due to their respective backgrounds and traumatic experiences.
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─── 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 ───
​🇹​​🇭​​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇸​​🇴​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇺​​🇳​​🇫​​🇺​​🇷​​🇱​
pepper potts
Victoria's relationship with her step-mother, Pepper Potts, is likely complex and nuanced. Pepper has filled a maternal role in Victoria's life since her father, Tony Stark, and Pepper got married. As such, Pepper has provided guidance, support, and stability for Victoria, especially during challenging times in her life. Pepper is known for her resilience, intelligence, and dedication, which are traits that Victoria could admire and respect. However, given Pepper's hectic life and responsibilities as the CEO of Stark Industries and a superhero in her own right, it's also possible that their relationship could be strained at times due to conflicting priorities or schedules.
tony stark
Victoria's relationship with her father, Tony Stark, is likely complex and multifaceted. As the daughter of one of the world's most famous superheroes and a billionaire entrepreneur, she has grown up in the shadow of his larger-than-life persona. On one hand, she may have admired and looked up to her father for his intelligence, ingenuity, and bravery. On the other hand, she may have felt overshadowed and overshadowed by his legacy and the high expectations placed upon her as his daughter. Despite potential challenges, it's also possible that they share a close bond based on their shared experiences as Avengers.
morgan stark
Victoria's relationship with her younger sister, Morgan Stark, is likely one of love, protection, and closeness. As the eldest sibling, Victoria may have taken on a protective and nurturing role in her younger sister's life, guiding her and providing her with support and advice as she grows up. Given the strong bond between Tony and Pepper, it's likely that Victoria has been a positive influence on Morgan and has helped her navigate the complexities of growing up in the Stark family legacy. Overall, their relationship is likely one that is built on mutual love, trust, and loyalty.
natasha romanoff
Natasha and Victoria share a strong bond based on their time working together, and Natasha has often been a supportive figure in Victoria's life, providing advice and mentorship. They have also faced many dangerous missions together and have developed a deep trust and mutual respect for each other. Additionally, Natasha's wisdom, intelligence, and empathetic nature make her an ideal friend for Victoria to confide in and seek support from.
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─── 𝒩𝑜𝓌 ───
ꜰᴏʀ ɪʀᴏɴ ᴍᴀɴ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴘʀᴇᴀᴅ ꜰᴇᴀʀ
𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 : felicity jones
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 : ophelia
𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 : 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒
𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 : 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦
𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : ironman by black sabbath
𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐚𝐠 : #LucidTemp
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separatist-apologist · 11 months
Still A Sunbeam
Summary: As a child, Elain Archeron is pushed into a pond by the heir to the Day Courts throne, Lucien Spell-Cleaver, and vows she'll never forgive him for it. But as an adult, Elain finds that if she wants out of an arranged marriage to a Spring Court prince, she will need Day Court's help. More is at stake than a decades-old rivalry, and when their home is threatened, Elain and Lucien will have to set aside old differences and work together
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Cadmus’s grip on Elain’s wrist was iron clad as he pulled her through the silent halls. Drawing a steady breath, Elain forced herself not to think about what she’d just done or who was trailing right behind her. Killian had seen her, and no matter what Eris told the world, Spring was always going to know the truth of the matter—the High Lord’s death was the fault of two Day Court females.
Helion was going to kill her. 
“Cadmus,” Elain began, breathless with fear. Maybe she should ask him to say. Facing down Lucien and his family, who had only ever been kind, only to tell him she’d likely dragged them into war, was Elain’s nightmare.
She’d forgotten about Killain for one blissful second. Just long enough for him to surge forward and grab for her, too.
“She needs to come with me,” he said, yanking so hard Elain stumbled, nearly hitting the floor. A warning snarl rumbled from Cadmus who reached for his sword when he saw Elain was now in Killian’s grip. “I can shield her. We’ll marry and—”
“If you put your hands on her again, I will cut them off. Elain Archeron has asked me for sanctuary, and I have granted it,” Cadmus growled, unsheathing his blade. “You will take her nowhere.”
Killian, wide eyed and speechless for perhaps the first time in life, gripped Elain by her shoulders. “They will put you on trial, Elain. How could you ask that of these—” Another snarl killed whatever insult Killian had been about to offer up. “Is it so awful, the prospect of marrying me, that you would choose death instead?”
“What makes you think I would let anything happen to her?” Cadmus demanded. Elain knew what was coming. She had to just tell Killain the truth, to be brave and admit that Cadmus was helping her because she was his brother's mate. She could see the conclusion Killian was drawing, eyes bouncing from the silver pointed sword and the violence etched over Cadmus’s handsome features. 
“What did you promise him—”
“Not him,” Elain interrupted breathlessly. “His brother. Lucien. He—”
Killain’s fingers dug rougher against her shoulder, likely bruising her sensitive skin. “He what?”
Cadmus pried Killain’s fingers from Elain’s body, sword pointed at Killian’s throat.
“I’m not afraid to kill you, prince. Your worthless brothers would likely thank me for it. Do not put your hands on her ever again.”
Elain let Cadmus shove her behind his back before saying, “He’s my mate! And I’m going…I’m going home to him.”Cadmus looked over his shoulder, brows raised. “Aright,” he said, a smile cracking his once furious features. “Anything else, little sister.”
Killain looked as though Elain had personally stabbed him. Cadmus put his sword away, lacing his fingers through Elain’s. “You never even asked me,” Elain managed to get out, her anger threatening tears again. “Not once did you ever even ask if I liked you.”
“Oh, and I’ll bet he does?” Killain sneered, though there was no real ire to his words. It was merely exhaustion lacing his tone, making his green eyes seem so much sadder than she’d ever seen them.
“Yes,” Elain replied, missing Lucien so much it made her teeth ache. She wished it was him, and not Cadmus who was keeping her steady. “Yes, he does.”
“Time to go,” Cadmus muttered, yanking her down the hall before another fight erupted between Elain and Killain. Elain let Cadmus jerk her away, not daring to look behind her. “For what it’s worth, I thought that was brave.”
“Just take me home,” she whispered. Killian still knew. If he was petty, he’d tell every other court what she’d done, forcing Helion to release her into the hands of a tribunal. Assuming, of course, Helion didn’t call it himself. He was one of two courts that were supposed to be neutral—Day and Summer, specifically—which meant he could imprison her while waiting for the other High Lords to decide her fate.
Eris wouldn’t vote against her, surely. But the others…? Elain wasn’t sure. And as Cadmus led her toward the entrance of the Forest House where he could safely winnow her out, she wasn’t even sure Lucien would side with her. Maybe he’d be furious with her. All those lessons in which he stressed how important diplomacy was, wasted in one foolish, impulsive moment. 
Elain wished she regretted her decision, but all Elain regretted was the position she’d put everyone else in. As far as Beron went, well…good riddance. The world was surely better off without him? High Lord or not, he was a terrible, cruel man and Elain hoped he was being punished by the mother for a life poorly lived. 
Cool, autumn air whipped around Elain’s face. “I’ll take you to Day Court,” Cadmus told Elain, reaching for her face so she had to look at him. Of all his brothers, he looked the most like his now dead father. Cadmus wore those handsome features well. There was light in his eyes, kindness in his features. “And I’ll stay while you tell Lucien what happened. If…look, Elain, you have a place here. A safe place. If my brother reacts poorly, ask me for sanctuary and I will be honor bound to provide it—”
“Why? Why would you risk yourself for me?”
“You don’t know what he was like,” Cadmus breathed, swallowing hard. “Eris isn’t going to let you claim that kill. No matter what Killian says he saw, it's his word versus the High Lord and his wife. Eris is going to claim that kill as his own. That’s how things are done in Autumn Court. So you tell Lucien the truth, and if he wants to imprison you, I will bring you back. Do you understand?”
Elain nodded her head, a tear sliding down her face. It was all so wrong. “I understand,” she whispered. Elain expected Cadmus to take her home. But there, standing beneath twinkling stars and the rustling, dark treetops of Autumn, the prince yanked Elain against his chest for a strong armed hug.
“Thank you,” he whispered into her hair, so soft she might have imagined it. Elain hugged back, leaning into Cadmus’s strength. She’d need it for what was coming. Cadmus’s winnow smelled like a crackling fire, comforting for the brief, crushing moment she was trapped in that wind. The chill of Autumn vanished, replaced with the humidity of Day. 
Elain felt like she could breathe again. Inhaling sharply, Elain let Cadmus take her toward the looming, moonlit palace still burning bright despite the late hour. Perhaps a party, she thought, plodding up the steps with a sense of dread. Elain didn’t make it far—Lucien met her just at the top, armed to the teeth in golden armor with a fluttering, red cape slung casually over one broad shoulder.
Behind him, a line of guards also halted when he raised one broad hand. Did he know, then? Elain swallowed, frozen beside Cadmus who kept a hand on the hilt of his sword, the other on Elain’s shoulder.
Lucien took a dangerous step toward them, burning so bright he might have been a living candle. She’d never seen that kind of heat radiating from him, never seen the light that was always present just beneath his skin flare the way it was now. Lucien looked as though he were just keeping a lid on his power.
“What,” he began, looking not at her, but at his brother, “did you do to my mate?”
Too late, Elain had forgotten she was still covered in the blood of the High Lord. Cadmus rolled his eyes. “I’ve returned her to you, safe and sound.”
“She’s injured—”
“I’m fine,” Elain breathed, stepping between the two males before a fight broke out on Helion's step. “The blood isn’t mine.”
Lucien held her gaze, so utterly still it scared her. Pressing her hand against his armored chest, Elain added, “Your brother helped me.”
“So bloodthirsty,” Cadmus added from behind her. “You’re one of us whether you like it or not. She certainly is. Remember what I said to you, Elain Archeron. Sanctuary—it’s yours without having to ask.”
Lucien snarled, but Cadmus was already gone, popping away without so much as a goodbye. It left Elain to face down Lucien, unsure if he had been coming to rescue her or imprison her.
“Why do you need sanctuary in Autumn?” Lucien asked, his tone softening. He reached for her face, cupping her cheek in one broad, gloved hand. Behind him, the soldiers who had been prepared to march with him to war melted away, vanishing back into the palace to give the prince privacy. “Whose blood are you wearing, my love?”
Elain took a breath. “Beron Vanserras.”
Lucien paused. This was it. This was the moment he’d decide how much she—and their mating bond—truly meant to him. Lucien was a consummate diplomat and bound by the same laws that governed his father. He was, she thought miserably, a fair prince who was likely weighing her life against the safety of his people, his territory. 
“Did you…?”
“Eris helped,” she whispered, unable to look at him for a moment longer. “And Arina, who I think isn’t coming back.”
Lucien exhaled a breath. “Eris won’t let you claim that kill.”
She looked back up at him, surprised to find not anger or disappointment, but admiration shining on his face.
“Killian saw me.”
Lucien swore softly, pulling her into his body the way his brother had done mere moments before. “It’s his word against the High Lords. And I suspect Killian has bigger problems to worry about than you.”
“Lucien, I killed a High Lord. I should…shouldn’t I…be punished?”
“You did this world a favor,” he disagreed fiercely, mouth pressed into her messy hair. “They can try and take you from me, and they’ll die for their trouble. Come inside, Elain. Let me…let me take care of you.”
A soft sob ripped out of her. “I thought you’d be angry with me.”
“Is that why Cadmus offered you sanctuary?” Lucien murmured, fingers dipping beneath her chin to tilt her face toward him. “You thought I’d want to see you punished for killing the male I’ve longed dreamt of killing?”
“Yes,” she whispered, hating the soft tremble in her voice. “It’s a crime—”
“I only love you more,” he whispered, mouth ghosting over her own. “And even if you’d killed every member of the royal family—my brothers included—I would fight a war to keep you here. I thought you knew that.”
“I…” Elain didn’t know what to say to any of that. Instead, she surged upward on her tiptoes, pressing her lips to his. “Were you coming for me?”
“Yes. It’s a bad week to be a High Lord and I wasn’t willing to take a chance when it came to you.”
“Tell me how you did it,” Lucien whispered, sweeping her up off her feet in his gleaming, golden armor. Elain was breathless, practically giddy as he walked her back into the palace. “Did he suffer?”
“Yes,” she murmured, kissing the exposed skin of his neck. “For a moment…before Eris severed his head from his shoulders.”
“Do I want to know Arina’s part in all this?” Lucien asked, ignoring the guards that waited just inside the entrance. Nor did Lucien track down his father like she’d expected he might, so they could explain her role in all this. 
“Probably not. Lucien, what are you going to do if Killian tells people what I’ve done?”
“Lie,” he replied smoothly, his steps quick as he took her back to his bedchamber. “Lie through my teeth, deny you had any involvement, and if none of that works, pull out my sword and dare him to try and take you from me.”
“He knows,” Elain said, mouth back on Lucien’s neck. He shuddered.
“You’ve said—”
“About the mating bond. He knows. I think he scented it, but before I left, I told him.”
Lucien exhaled noisily. “I’ll bet that went well.” 
She shrugged. “At least it’s done. And when he tells the High Lord—”
“He won’t. Well—he can’t. Tamlin is High Lord, now. Killian will be lucky to survive the night once he returns home, and if Tamlin is smart, he’ll eliminate his last brother.”
Lucien set Elain onto his bed, unconcerned by the dried blood still clinging to her skin and hair. Elain was left reeling as Lucien reached for the straps and chains of his armor, discarding it now that it was no longer necessary for him to march on Autumn. She tried to picture it—Lucien sweeping in moments after Beron was murdered, armed to the teeth and prepared to kill his own brothers. 
For her. 
Lucien glanced over, his expression tight. “A feud between Night—”
“She’s fine. She—this wasn’t about her. The High Lords of those territories have been fighting longer than we’ve been alive, and likely would have continued to fight long after we died. Feyre was merely a pretense, but this was planned likely long before your sister fled, and would have happened even if she’d agreed to marry Tamlin.”
“Who is dead?”
“Everyone,” Lucien murmured, rolling his neck as though it was of little consequence to him. “The High Lord and his wife…everyone but Killian and Tamlin. The Night Court has lost their High Lord, and well as the Lady and daughter. And now Autumn…I’m sure every other High Lord in Prythian is sleeping nervously tonight.”
“Your father—”
“Safe,” Lucien said, kicking off his boots with a heavy thud. He was down to only the linens he wore beneath the heavy armor, conforming to his muscular frame so tightly that Elain could see every grove and dip. “There are extra patrols around the city, and the borders are being monitored. It’s how we knew Cadmus had come in—Day has been spelled against intruders, at least for the time being.”
“But…but you’re safe?”
Lucien’s smile was the loveliest thing she’d seen in days. “I am now. You’re home. That’s all I wanted.”
He came to her, tugging off his tight, white shirt and tossing it to the floor. Elain reached for him, thinking she ought to make him put her in the bath. Lucien, it seemed, had the same idea.
“Can I clean you up?” he asked, mouth ghosting her cheek. Lucien’s tongue slid down her jaw toward her neck, his fingers fisting in her hair so her neck arched upward.
“Yes,” she breathed, though what she truly meant was no. 
Covered in blood or not, Elain knew one thing with absolute certainty.
She was accepting their bond—tonight.
Lucien Spell-Cleaver was being driven out of his mind. The sight of his mate covered in blood ought to have disgusted him. Horrified him, even. Maybe it was instinct—the animal he’d once been rearing its stupid head in interest, scenting blood and wanting more. Or maybe it was knowing it was his mate who ended the cycle of violence Beron Vanserra had kept his family trapped in. 
Lucien kissed her, groaning when he tasted copper on her mouth, mingled with her usual sweetness. He was going to take it too far. Lucien knew that the minute he crawled up the bed, laying atop Elain who was perched sideways, her legs dangling off the edge. Had it really only been a day? It felt like a lifetime since he’d last been with her.
Elain didn’t push him off her, giving Lucien access to her open mouth and her body, still splattered with blood. Lucien liked the sight of her like this—vicious and sweet, all at once.
Just for him. No one else saw her like this, would ever have her like he was. Not even Killian, who was going home to a ruined court, his brother newly crowned High Lord, and without the female he’d always dreamed of marrying.
It felt like justice to Lucien. 
Bath, his stupid brain reminded him. Take her to the bath.
Maybe he’d just undress her, first. He could peel her out of her clothes and then he’d take her to the bathroom, where he was certain he’d display an embarrassing lack of self-control. Just like now, fingers tugging at the laces of her dress while Elain pulled the braids from his hair without meaning to. Their mouths moved hungrily, with the sort of heat he’d long been dreaming of.
This was happening. She was going to take him—all of him—and when it was over, Lucien hoped she might seal it with some food. 
Lucien gave up on the laces, pulling his mouth off her just long enough to rip the fabric clean in half. Elain gasped, elbowing her way further up the bed so he could pull it from beneath her and throw it to the floor. While he did, she unclasped her under things, removing them, too. It left her half blood stained, half smooth, unblemished perfection. Blood on her arms, her breasts untouched. Lucien didn’t know why the sight of her made him feel as wild as it did, only that his control was rapidly fraying and if he didn’t get inside her, he was going to lose his mind.
“Look at you,” he whispered as she reached for his shoulders. Elain yanked him against her, their bodies separated by only his pants, too tight against his overheated skin. “You used to hate me.”
“I might still, if you don’t stop talking,” she breathed before kissing him again. She was so clever with her tongue, stroking it over his own until Lucien was panting and grinding his rigid cock against her. He was close to begging. 
Please, Elain, please— Maybe he spoke the words out loud, because Elain said, “Take me, Lucien. I’m yours.”
He didn’t realize she’d undone his pants until she was yanking them over his hips, legs spread wide. It was happening. Lucien’s mind went suddenly quiet, only focused on her hands sliding down his lower stomach, curling against the base of his cock. Arousal perfumed the air, thick and heady as Lucien tried—and failed—to think of something helpful.
Wasn’t she supposed to taking a bath?
Lucien licked the column of her throat, tasting the copper and salt of her skin. She’d managed to get his pants to his knees, a feat given he was unable to keep himself still long enough to help her. Kicking them the rest of the way off, Lucien positioned himself between her legs. The slickness of her body hit him like a bolt of lightning. 
“Are you sure?” he whispered against her neck, nipping just behind her ear. 
“Stop talking, Lucien,” she replied, lifting her hips in invitation. She was new, he reminded himself, chanting the words over and over in his head so when he began to inch his way into her perfectly tight, warm body, he wouldn’t be tempted to slam himself fully in. If Elain didn’t enjoy herself, she wasn’t going to accept. And if she didn’t accept, Lucien thought he might die.
Certainly, Lucien’s self control was tenuous at best. With each new inch, the urge to give in to his base urges ripped through him until he was trembling.
But fully seated inside her.
Elain panted, eyes wide, pupils blown out until the pretty brown of her eyes had all but vanished. 
“Do you like it?” he asked, though what he was really asking was do you like me?
“Yes,” she breathed, squeezing so tight around him Lucien’s lungs expelled all the air they’d been holding. 
“And this?” he managed, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. Lucien rolled his hips, drawing a soft moan from Elain’s lips.
“Yes,” she whispered, looking up at him with such trust. Lucien wasn’t certain he deserved it, though the gods knew he wanted to. Lucien pushed again, bracing the majority of his weight against his wrists in an attempt not to crush her. It wouldn’t always be this way, he reminded himself. Once she grew accustomed to him, they could have each other the way they wanted—with wild, unyielding abandon. 
Between them, the cord that tethered their souls began to solidify, humming some ancient song Lucien would have recognized anywhere. With each new thrust, the link between them began stronger, made of shimmering, unbreakable gold. It was making him insane, robbing him of all his good sense. Elain, too, seemed to be falling beneath the spell of the mating bond.
Lucien could hear himself chanting her name like it was some kind of prayer. He supposed it was. She was everything to him—his mate.
“I’m yours,” he breathed, capturing her lips as she built higher. He could feel those pulsating walls fluttering around him, threatening to ruin them both. “And you’re mine.”
Elain’s tongue touched his own, whimpering against his skin. It was too much. Elain came mere seconds before Lucien did, legs squeezed tight around his hips. It was quick—and messy—but somehow still the best sex Lucien had ever had in his life. He might have howled or he might have whispered. He wasn’t sure, could barely hear over the roaring in his ears. 
He didn’t know what he was doing—Lucien grabbed her, standing on trembling legs while he was still inside her. They didn’t make it to the bathroom, where he realized he was taking her. Lucien fucked her up against the wall, fingers rubbing between her legs so she’d come before he did. It was close—Lucien had mere seconds to spare. 
They got to the bathroom, too, where he had her against a rug, and then, and only then, did Lucien manage to get the tap going and put Elain inside it. Settled between his legs, Elain was content to let Lucien scrub the blood from her skin and hair, drain the tub, and refill it again—this time, with bubbles.
Elain reached for a glass jar of purple salts, handing it to him with a smile.
“I can’t eat this,” he deadpanned, hoping she still wanted to accept. Elain snorted a soft laugh.
“Too bad. Put them in anyway, Lucien.”
Lucien unscrewed the cap, dumping the beads around them until Elain practically purred with pleasure. It satisfied him to see her happy—content, head resting against his shoulder, fingers grazing against his thighs under the water. 
“What happens now, Lucien?”
“My mother will likely want a wedding in the city. We could probably elope, but—”
“Not with us,” she interrupted, her amusement plain. “With…with Prythian?”
Oh. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
“Together?” she asked, her fingers coming awfully close to his still too-hard erection. Lucien wondered how long it would take for the mating bond to settle. 
“Of course,” he murmured, lips brushing the shell of her ear. “I have no intention of living this life without you, princess.”
“Who knew you’d turn out to be so sentimental?” Elain asked, twisting in the water so she could look at him. Lucien laughed, running his fingers through her silken, wet hair. 
“Trust me—I’m just as surprised as you.”
“If you would have told me I’d be kissing the very same male I once watched put his head beneath another ladies skirt, I would have called you a liar.”
“It was practice,” he breathed, strangely apologetic. Lucien wished he’d waited, too. They could have come together for the first time and he’d fucked that all up by assuming he’d always be a single male—that he’d never have to get married. “It was practice for you.”
“Don’t get soft on me now,” she teased, poking him in the stomach. 
Lucien shifted, his cock brushing against her hip. “There is nothing soft about me.”
“No,” she agreed, kissing beneath his jaw. “I suppose there isn’t. Tell me, prince, about this wedding you might throw.” Lucien’s heart stumbled. “Is that something you want?”
“I suppose that depends on if you ask me—not in a bathtub,” she added quickly, reading his mind. Lucien had intended to ask without thinking, without a ring or anything that might make the moment special—romantic. He settled, mind racing. He’d make a spectacle of it, if only to cement his claim on her permanently.
His wife and mate. Nothing had ever sounded more appealing to him in his life. “We’ll figure it out,” he murmured into her damp hair. “There’s no rush—we have eternity, remember?”
“An eternity to remind you of all the reasons you used to loathe me,” she joked, fingers returning to tease his thigh. They weren’t going to make it through the bath. Lucien’s need roared through him again, demanding he finish what he’d started. 
“I look forward to it,” he murmured, lips over her neck. 
And oh. How Lucien did. 
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