ufogoo · 1 year
not to swtor post on main but i am Not normal about the minister
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bosspigeon · 7 months
one of my friends adores Gale and one of my friends hates him and i had both of them at my apartment tonight and i sat in between them while they argued about him and played both sides bc i like to cause problems
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identityquest · 1 year
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signedmio · 4 months
hey! i love your stuff and think its pretty cool
just wondering if i could get a lucifer fic where the reader is like, adams sister? (lets ignore the lore for a sec) and shes like him but toned down a tad and less straight up bad. and they kinda date in heaven a bit before he falls and then shes sad and ends up falling aswell eventually and he gets all blushy flustered when he sees her again in charlies hotel and charlies just really confused
also maybe a quick flash to him mocking adam abt how he not only stole both his wives but also his sister
sorry if this is written badly i never send requests :>
this is actually rlly cute wtf
anyway, yes ofc i can write it for you, here you go!!
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Sexual References (No Smut)
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“Mr. Took-Yo-Sis!”
Lucifer x Adam’s Sister!Reader
Lucifer had his fair share of significant others in his life, but there was only one that he truly loved, Y/N.
They had a relationship during his time in Heaven, which was eventually cut short as he fell not long after.
Y/N’s brother, Adam, didn’t like Lucifer, in the slightest. Lucifer had been with two of Adam’s wives, and he was not happy about that.
Unbeknownst to Lucifer, his beloved, had fallen not long after he did. But that was about to change.
Charlie, your first friend in Hell, was getting her rehabilitation hotel set up for her fathers arrival, various decor was hung, and (burnt) cookies were baked.
Charlie stood next to the door before taking a deep breath, “Okay everyone.” She said, getting ready to open the door, “It’s showtime!”
“Charlie!” A man’s voice says, you couldn’t see him, but his voice rings a bell.
“Hey da-” The blonde man runs up to his daughter, and squeezes her tightly, you finally got a good look at his face and… holy shit, it’s Lucifer.
“Oh, it’s so good to see you!” He exclaimed in a babyish tone, yep, Lucifer. “It’s uh, good to see you too, dad!”
Luci let’s go of his daughter after a moment, Charlie steps to the side, presenting to her father “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!” She says, as confetti pops out of two of Pentious’ non working canons.
“Wait…” Lucifer murmurs, before his eyes widen.
You grin, ‘Fuck yes, he remembers me!’ You think to yourself.
“Hi again, Luci.” You say, a wide smile present on your face, as you approach him.
You both smile at eachother, before some incoherent, awkward mumbles are exchanged, ‘Shit, I did not think this through.’ You thought. Then both just settle on giving eachother an awkward but friendly hug.
“Uh… Dad?” Charlie said, focusing both of your attentions to her, “You know eachother?”
“Oh, me and dear Y/N here go way back, we used to fling around if ya know what I mean!” Luci said, pointing finger guns at his daughter awkwardly, as she gave an awkward yet also disturbed smile, as your face flushes a bright red.
Vaggie steps forward. “Wait. Y/N? Like the Adam’s sister Y/N?” She asks, eyeing you in shock, “Heh. Yeah. A lot has happened since I fell.” You say bashfully.
Everyone kinda stares for a moment, sort of in shock, they had no idea you had a relationship, let alone you fell from Heaven, let alone you were Adam’s sister.
“So uh…” Lucifer starts awkwardly. “Who’s up for pancakes?”
Bonus Scene -
“So this is what you’ve been up to since Eden? Gotta say, you’ve let yourself go.” Lucifer jokes, as Adam attempted to toss him around. “You judging me? You’re the most hated being in all of creation!” Adam says, flying after him.
“Well you’re first wife didn’t seem to hate what I had to offer her.” He said, putting a ‘V’ to his lips with his fingers. “Or the second.” He spoke, continuing to fly. “Or Hell, even your sister!” He said laughing, thrusting his hips back and forth, referring to what they’ve done in bed. “Bicka-chow-cho!”
“I will fucking end you!” You heard your brother scream to your (ex)boyfriend.
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dailymothanon · 1 month
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I’m back 🐶 thank you for being patient, things are relatively back to normal! Anyways I got some drawings… it’s the actual D&D au now! I’ve got plenty of ideas, but for now this is Alaska and Maine! Alaska is a Druid, circle of stars though his race is unknown (I also don’t have any general cloth ideas for him). It is noted he is very bird-like tho, no wings because he can just have a wild shape/starry form with a pair. Maine is a half human half beast, he’s quite prickly because unfortunately even in this au he still has to deal with the northeast 😒 (long rants of ideas below)
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I also have other ideas for other states, but I haven’t drawn them yet. For New Jersey I’m thinking like Nevada he is a fae folk but of a bee; and he was born with deformed and torn wings that resemble the Jersey devil’s. But due to his deformity his “hive” decided to just toss him out because they wanted a big strong community with no one holding them back 😒 so maybe Jersey had to barely survive out there on his own, and in later years NY could’ve found him (I like to think he is a human knight, merely because instead of his bat he can have a sword) and took him in 😌 (and they were roommates)
Another idea I’ve got is for Texas! I would like to think he is a mostly human gunslinger who is legally blind (not totally blind, tho still very blind) but sees thru heat & taste, much like a snake does. Maybe he collects bounties, I haven’t really thought much for his lore yet 🤔 but he is one of the best gunslingers out there despite his disability!
Cali is also one I’ve thought up, I think he could be a dragon rider. A funny idea is that he has a scam where he and his dragon makes this whole act where he pretends to be a princess damsel in distress, being held captive by the big bag dragon and people who come and try to “save” him but it just ends up with Cali robbing them 😒 (love me a big flawed character)
As for Alaska, he’s as stated, a Druid of the circle of stars! He comes from an unknown island (just imagine irl state of Alaska except disconnected to any continent tbh) that’s gatekeeped gaslighted girlbossed because they don’t want no colonizers or anything ofc. But Alaska grew up hearing all about the other outside lands and he wanted to go see it! So one day he ventured into the continents (the one that contains all the other states except for Hawaii) and yaddy yadda; and Alaska is actually very curious and friendly in this au because he doesn’t have the trauma of outsiders 😌 he has a pet(s?) dog with three heads (ofc, Balto Togo and Fido) to accompany him! I haven’t designed his starry forms yet btw. And also he doesn’t really know how his Druid magic works somehow 🧎 it’s mostly innate and learned behaviors and habits and traditions. It just comes naturally to him! This is the biggest difference between him and Mass with magic, think of Alaska’s Druid magic as traditional and natural, meanwhile Mass’s sorcery as artificial and learned and studied magic. So it’s hard to say who between the two is better at magic
Maine is a half-human-half-beast, he faces discrimination because of it and there aren’t much others like him in at home land. He mostly doesn’t care but the occasional person really gets to him. Not really sure why he is half beast yet tho I don’t have the lore for that. Mass keeps trying to pester Maine about learning magic, as Mass is one of the best magic users in his region (and he’s quite boastful/egotistical because of it) so he believes Maine might be really good too, and Mass wants him to be able to know it when in times of need, but Maine doesn’t really listen 🙄 though he is nimble and quite good at sneaking!
My last minor ideas is that Ginny is a great swordsman (race undecided), Mass is probably a human sorcerer, Nevada is a fae folk, Ny is a human knight, and Hawaii 🤔 some sorta sea/ocean critter maybe? Dunno yet. Anyways I hope these ideas are cool and that you guys like them! I also want to mention I probably wont post daily still, I wanna do what’s comfortable for me.
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kwoojii · 7 months
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why Player/Brain (Plain if u will) is already a great ship
1) its angsty
player doesnt remember anything from their previous life, but dont you think theyd be curious? Brain holds all the memories, but brain knows that the tragedy would be overwhelming for player. This could lead to some potential dilemma on how to tell player. Alternatively, brain could also be blunt (as always) but this would still overwhelm player. This would lead to potential hurt/comfort and apology scenes between the two. Additionally, brain is the sole survivor in khml Scala from the tragedy of daybreak town. I would imagine its alienating and lonely, especially without chirithy. Seeing player must give him relief, but when player tells him they dont remember anything, brain is back to square one. Players memories, though forgotten, are not lost. The more the duo spends time together, the more they can grieve what was lost. Together they can make new friends and turn a new page, for themselves and the future
2) unlikely friends (therefore its funny)
Khux player is canonically not talkative and brain is not the type to talk bc hes friendly. I doubt brain saw player as a friend and player probably did not consider brain as a close friend. But with khml, theyre probably scrutinized for being the odd ones out in scala. Two outsiders (clodleth fam youll like this) finding company with each other, though they may have different views on how to make friends. Id imagine their friendship is a clumsy one, but theyd learn that they compliment e/o quite well. With their undying loyalty, grievances for ephemer and their friends, willingness to sacrifice themselves, and openness to learn about each other, i think they would trust eo the most in khml. They can also be hilariously blunt so bickering would def be their love language
3) brain (lol) and brawn
Brain sent player to go check out grand central station while brain stayed back to do the lore lifting, must i say more? You cannot tell me brain would be fascinated with players rusted starlight and send them out for data
4) default black and white duo/light and darkness duo
Default player is shown to wear white clothes with blond hair, meanwhile brain has black hair with black attire. We love our black n white duos (ie skuld/eph, xeha/eraqus, brain/eph, bugs bunny n daffy duck). They r aesthetically pleasing!!!
5) last bit, but they wouldnt even realize theyre in love this ship lives off the foundation of complete hurt/comfort and trust, not romance
They are slow burn to the max, if anything. They protect eo in battle ferociously, but only bc they need eo for their respective goals. They sleep in the same bed to comfort eo for nightmares but they arent friends. Brain cooks breakfast, but— 🤓
Anyway as khml comes out and we may not get any plain crumbs at all, pls remember me at my grave 😚🙏 i ofc will be sticking around for the plot. Im so excited for khml AAAA
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inertebarra · 7 days
Calex AU
But make it when they both get in touch with each other again after finding they volunteer at the same women's shelter.
Casey was a regular since the suspension
Member of the legal team AND the designated coach for any sport the children of the shelter felt like trying
Alex starts attending after that case she mentioned in canon got to her (so around S14)
She's well into her 3rd month there so it's early in her volunteering days but still late enough for them to not have bumped into each other at that point and exactly on time to have their meet-cute (again)
Insert slow burn here
Casey was always on the fence about the illegal relocation network for women. She helped though in a way that wouldn't be legally binding, looking the other way when necessary and keeping her job at the DA's office. Ofc she was guarded about not repeating the suspension fiasco
It all changes when she sees a certain blonde starting to get involved. Out of preservation, she tells herself, she starts looking out for Alexandra by keeping her occupied in 'friendly' outings. They get to know each other and at some point, they realize the other is her ride or die. Alexandra is pretty much happy because this is her first time being treated with the care only someone like Casey could show. Cassandra grows amazed each day by this exceptional woman who she wasn't a fan of previously but neither put on a pedestal.
In this house Casey fell first and Alex fell deeper. Nonetheless, while Alex is aware of her feelings Casey is an oblivious- I'm -going-to deny-my-feelings- into- the-sunset mf
At some point, Alex drops out of the DA's office, and this is a big punch in their non-relationship relationship. After their brief fall out Alex reveals she's been a part of this organization for a while and kept it a secret from Casey to protect her. Read big misunderstanding because by the time Casey first suspected Alex may rope herself into the network her little scheme to keep her from it had already been late.
It all kind of makes sense seeing as Alex comes from enough money for ten generations to live off of for her to dedicate herself fully to helping disadvantaged mistreated women and their children
Anyway, Alex convinces her in the end it's fine and the door's open but it has to be Casey's decision to get involved. They're still going to be #friends tm
When Casey does finally join is painfully obvious to everyone they work so well together professionally as well now. Even Casey starts to realize her silly little enamourment but the more she tries to disprove it the weirder and filled with tension their interactions get. That means dorkier by the second and Alexandra's heart couldn't be any more pierced by cupid but some space magically appears for that woman.
At the time Casey starts noticing things about Alex (her smile, her hair, and those too-short for-this-place skirts) she also tries to bury them through acts of service like bringing her homemade food or ironing her work clothes. There's also that one time she went overboard with a surprise birthday party for Alex where she had all the people in the shelter a part of (you're not paying attention if you think someone threw one for Alex before)
Insert side characters here annoyed by whatever bullshit these two oblivious lesbians have going on. If one of the old lady volunteers one time locked them up in a room accidentally then nobody has to know
Their feelings to feel first ™ period comes to a close after a particularly gruesome case
The kind of heavy metal when one of them gets kidnapped by a criminal ring for messing up with one of their guys. Messy and messier gonna add the details later she gets rescued and finally, there's the confession then the most awaited by the whole of the gay community and their coworkers kiss
Casey quits her job and takes on moonlighting full-time
Insert some lore later here
And this is the backstory of Alex's cameo the last time she was in svu thanks for coming to my talk, feel free to fill in the blanks
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callinskiiscalling88 · 2 months
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An Ace pokemon is their strongest
Includes All 7 dorms + Staff
This is your sign to totally ask my about my pokemon au I wrote a whole lore doc for it and even added some hisui stuff
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Riddle: Shaymin
Shaymin is a hedgehog and since Riddle is the grass gym leader in my au it just worked the best. Imagine it's flower is a rose though. (He probably wouldn't use it for the gym that's too op)
Ace: Scorbunny
I needed a lil rascal for Ace and Scorbunny gives such Ace vibes.
Deuce: Buneary
After the bunny event (can't remember the name of it for the life of me) I had to give him a bunny pokemon. I also wanted it to be a duo with Ace's ace. (tehehe ace and ace) For all you Adeuce-ers I have a drawing vision I'll create one day.
Cater: Ditto
Identity issues. I picture Ditto approaching Cater as Cater and he assumed it was a clone for the longest time. Ofc until he tried making it disappear and it didn't work.
Trey: Chansey
He's like the big brother of the group so I thought Chansey was perfect.
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I didn't wanna just base them off of their species since I was going to give them Pokemon Beastman types instead. (For example Leona is a Pyroar Beastman)
Leona: Lucario
I wanted a fighting type since he's the fighting gym leader. So when I was playing Legends Arceus and stumbled upon an alpha Lucario I knew it had to be. (Dunno how much it fits tho tbh)
Ruggie: Timburr
I needed a lil rascal for him. Someone who could snag something and run off. Also preferably a fighting type. Timburr fits the profile.
Jack: Lycanroc
He turns into a wolf...this one had to be a wolf. I wanted one that didn't give intimidating vibes and Lycanroc was my best bet. I feel like it's a very loyal pokemon and from what I know Jack is decently loyal. (I'm sorry I don't know much about Jackypoo)
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Azul: Grapploct
I know I said I didn't wanna go species based, but tbh it was either this or Vaporeon and I feel like I could find more similarities with these two. It's pre-evolution is a small little guy who works it's way up to it's strong version, similar to Azul working hard to become the successful man- teen he is today.
(this lil guy)
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Jade: Lapras
I needed something to pair with Floyd and just going for the eels felt too easy. Lapras has this elegance that Jade has so I thought it'd work
Floyd: Gyrados
(did I spell that wrong?) He totally caught a Magikarp when he was younger because he thought it looked funny then kept it. Look at it now!!
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Kalim: Donphan
I wanted an angry looking pokemon to contradict his friendly optimistic-ness. + elephant. He rides an elephant in Chapter/Book 4.
Jamil: Serviper
Jamil *Viper* Ser*Viper*
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Idia: Luxray
Almost went with PorygonZ but he likes kitties and as the electric type gym leader I had to go with Luxray. Lions are cats!!
Ortho: Rotom
Come on... Do I have to explain? Oh wait non-pokemon fans might be reading this, yes I do. Rotom can travel between devices and sometimes even the players Pokedex. (Encyclopedia of Pokemon) (Sun/Moon for example)
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Malleus: Meowstick♂️
Everyone keeps giving him a super op team full of legend/psuedo-legendary dragon types but instead I made him part Dialga (basically the god of time) so I could excuse it.
I can't see him getting many pokemon, most escaping their balls and leaving Mal down. But this Meowstick lives in his castle. He wanted to befriend it but it was really stubborn. Eventually they became comrades tho!!
Silver: Swablu
He needs an Altaria. It's a cloud bird (technically dragon but shhhh)‼️‼️Swablu doesn't evolve until level 50 though and he's still young so he needs to wait.
Sebek: Pom-Pom Oricorio
I LOVE HIS DYNAMIC WITH ORICORIO!! I picked it because it was an electric cheerleader and he's always idolizing Mal but there's lore origins
Sebek found Oricorio when he was younger and out playing with Silver. It was injured and about to faint (Pokemon's equivalent to dying) Silver insisted on rushing it home and having Lilia help save it. Sebek carried it all the way there and it grew attached to him.
I can see Baul having issues with him having a non-evolving Pokemon but give it time, it'll prove it can be strong
Lilia: Sneasler
Come on...Look at them.
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Sneasler is a Hisui exclusive actually, and Hisui is Sinnoh in the 1700s-ish. It also looks like it could be a soldier, look at it. Amazing. Perfect. I love Sneasler.
Extra: (You'll have to look these up yourself)
Crowley: Haunchcrow, it's in the name, it's a crow.
Crewel: Furfrou, dog you get to stylize, perfect fit
Vargas: Machamp (please say I didn't mix it up, the fully evolved one) Human like muscle pokemon absolutely perfect.
Trein: Lucius, Lucius is a pokemon in my au. shush it's just a rare species
Sam: Dusknoir, skull ghost type. Perfect for Sammypoo.
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So that concludes all their aces. Funsies!! I'm back in my Pokemon hyperfix so I'm brainrotting. This was one of many...
I have everything planned out but the lore doc only contains up to Scarabia's arc rn. (But still ask about anything I literally have most of it planned)
The Pokemon au focuses on Yuu, who gets sent to the TWST region (shush ik not creative) by Arceus (Pokemon God). Professor Crowley finds poor Yuu and offers to help them home, if they complete the Pokedex. (I had to type that out 4 times I kept accidentally deleting it)
Thanks for Reading
Octavinelle and Diasomnia are my favs rn because those (+ Pomfiore) I branch away from the main story the most. (Yuu gets into trouble with Azul let's just say~)
So ask about it, I wanna share the brainrot. (I'll probably make a massive lore post about it one day if no one does...I can't be contained)
Anyways have a wonderhoytastic day!!
Thanks for reading, Byebye!!
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arkiliastuff · 4 months
Prologue - In a Concrete Jungle
Noah Sebastian x OFC (Aurey)
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(pictures edited by me. Originals url linked on the pictures.)
A/N : I thought about this one for a while and, even though I have a lot of other fanfics that are waiting to be finished/written, I wanted to share this one in particular with you :D It's been on my mind for months, the lore maturing in my head. It's going to be a LOT different from what I usually write but I'm trying things and despite the dark mood in this story I hope you'll enjoy it as well ! :D
Warnings/Tags : Strangers/Enemies to Lovers trope, violence, blood, post-apocalyptical universe, cyber-futuristic vibe, "no god, no religion" vibe (I don't mean any form of disrespect in any religion), mention of trauma, death, loss, drugs, mental and physical abuse, trust and abandonment issues. (Just in case MDNI please).
Disclaimer : I haven’t read the comic book “Concrete Jungle” written by Noah Sebastian and illustrated by many cover artists such as Nicola Izzo, Jeremy Wilson and many more, so I don’t know much about the lore and the universe. I just got inspired by the song and the few panels of the comic book that I saw about it. The rest is a pure work of my imagination and it’s not related to anything official. Nothing is canonically official. This is totally fanfiction. And so this is how I pictured the world in the song “Concrete Jungle”.
~The little bean taglist : @valiantroeagleangel @talialovesmiw -> ask me if you want to be tagged :D
She walked there, in this desolate landscape, with a strong determination. Two girls who seemed to look like her friends were following her, looking behind them briefly. Probably afraid of someone or something that will come after them. After all, they went out without authorization. They went out in this no man’s land, caused by gangs and mafias. Many civilians had perished because of this war. The survivors were hiding underground, in the subway. The reason why they went outside was because one of them, a girl with glasses and blue eyes, forgot her necklace at the church where she always went to pray. So after complaining to her friends about her precious loss, the strong-willed brunette who was among them decided to go and get the necklace back. The two other friends eventually followed her even though they were feeling nervous about disobeying.
“If we hurry, we will be back in no time” She said, trying to reassure her anxious friends.
And so, just like the bold brown-haired girl said, they arrived at the place. The church had been bombed. The two girls felt sad about the destruction, but the leader didn't seem to be moved by it. Instead, she was more focused on her mission, looking for the necklace, while making sure nobody would come to arrest them. She was in hypervigilance, almost looking paranoid. She looked everywhere under the seats and chairs that were still there until she saw something shiny. She reached for it and then wiped the dust on it. It was a crux with a silver chain. 
“I found it, Faith.” She stated, calling for her friend.
The latter one walked towards her, analyzing what she found before realizing what it was.
“It's my necklace ! Thank you so much, Audy !” Faith replied happily, using the usual friendly nickname for her friend.
The latter one just nodded in silence, her focus back on her group and looking for their second friend.
“Where is Daisy ?”
The two of them looked around the ruined church before they saw the red-haired girl who was near some candles next to a shrine of prayer. She lit up a candle and prayed in silence for their sake. Faith joined Daisy, lighting up a candle as well while Audy was watching them, starting to get annoyed.
“Come on guys, we cannot stay here too long.”
“Just a few more minutes.” Daisy replied.
A few seconds later a breeze came through, extinguishing the timid flames on the two candles. From this moment, Faith and Daisy stood up and stopped praying, turning on their heels at the same time towards Audy.
“We’re done.” The first one said.
“The Lord has heard our prayers.” The second added.
“What ? Already ? But you just lit the candles a few minutes ago” Audy replied, confusion in her eyes.
“It is the way it is. It’s probably a good omen” Faith said.
“Wait.. Let me just light the candles again.” The brunette said sheepishly.
As she was going slowly to the shrine, about to light the candles with another one, both of her friends widened their eyes in shock, attempting to stop her.
“DON’T !” Daisy yelled.
“DON’T DO IT, AUDREY ! You’re disrespecting His words !”
The long browned-haired one stopped her movement in the air, the spark just above the candle’s wick reaching it slowly but surely. Then, she looked at Faith and Daisy, an angry and dead gaze in her dark eyes.
“Even if I lit up those candles again, do you think it would change a fucking thing for what happened to our city ? To our families ? To our friends ?” She replied, clenching her teeth together as she spat her words like venom, anger getting the best of her, before she continued.
“No, it wouldn’t. Don’t take that fucking breeze as a sign from your Lord, ‘cause you two know better that, if He wanted to help us, He would have done it already. We are responsible for our own downfall. For our own misery. And no Gods will ever help us. Only the demons that you’re afraid of will answer us because they're close to what we are.”
After that, she saw the shock on her friends' faces, trying to reach out to her and yelling at her that she was irreverent by saying those words. It was the shock before the sound of something falling as fast as lightning just dropped on the ruined church. And then everything exploded. Bricks of the building were thrown away at Daisy and Faith’s head, knocking them out immediately. Audrey got hit as well, feeling her blood flowing from her face before blurring her vision. The last thing she saw was her two friends on the ground, blood running from their heads. Then, it went completely white.
Aurey woke up, sweating all over her body as she was panting, trying to gain some air. She put a hand on her forehead, trying to wipe the sweat away and checking it. There wasn’t any blood. She sighed in relief but not too long. She knew it couldn’t be just a dream.
“This wasn’t just a nightmare” She whispered to herself, knowing too well this situation.
She stood up, got her gear on her and packed her stuff together before leaving the spot where she slept. She knew she shouldn’t have slept there. 
It was a small cave of collapsed buildings parted together which were composed of cables, metal pieces of broken engines everywhere. 
It could crumble any minute. But she took the risk anyway, as she felt this one was more safe. She didn’t know how long she slept but she was aware it was late. Once she got out, she covered her nose as she smelled an heavy and toxic smoke. It was the smell of somewhat burned vehicles and trash cans not that far away. It was, probably, another threat from a gang who were arguing again in the city.
She put her customized respirator on, breathing again. Then, she started to climb up the ruins, reaching for a higher spot to get a better view. She climbed a few minutes after finding a window, which gave a great opening view from below. She took her binoculars out of her pocket and started to look around. 
Through it, Aurey saw a usual wildfire in the city, on her right. She could barely hear the sound of gunshots. A lot was happening and she hoped her teammates could handle it while she went patrolling on her own. Suddenly she saw something blinking, in the corner of her left lens. She turned a bit more to her left and saw a black car entering the Nameless City. She had never seen a car like this before. This was the first time that she had witnessed new people arriving. Who could they be ? And why were they coming into this hell hole ? She made a mental note to herself to keep an eye on this vehicle and the people who were in it.
Meanwhile, Noah was lost in his thoughts as they were passing through the barbed wire gate of the city. He was just getting bored of the trip, having no idea why they got a call to come here. His partners and best friends in the car told him it was a well-paid mission, but he wasn’t really convinced by it. They had to do some cleanup as they were told. And given the sight of the city it seemed this town needed it. What was left of the police authorities were just broken cars, with no more tire or windows. They probably run away from all the chaos, just to survive somewhere else. Just being out of this mess. Noah kept staring through the window, his chin in the palm of his tattooed hand, just looking at all the clutter those crumbled buildings had made.
“A real concrete jungle…” He muttered.
Then he heard a howl. He was taken by surprise, not expecting to hear such a sound in this kind of city. He listened again, opening his window just to hear it more clearly. Another howling. It wasn’t human. It sounded more like an animal.
“ What was that ? Did you guys heard that ?” He said, his eyes widened as he couldn’t believe his ears.
"Heard what ?" Folio asked, not really paying too much attention to their surroundings.
"A howl. It sounded like a coyote. Or was it a wolf ?" Noah continued, his ears attentive to any other sound.
But the howling animal had stop. He still had no idea what his friends and him were getting into but he promised himself to investigate this strange city.
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catzspine · 3 months
My SpookySona!! (the sequel lmao)
// CW: Blood , limbs , mentions of murder and torture.
After some time i decided to do a small redesign of my spookysona! Krester! (yeah that's me).
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There's not much to say about them, i want them to be a simple character with a dark interest. They work as a school janitor (there must be a school in Spooky Month right?) during the day. They look, talk and sometimes act creepy but they is mostly friendly!
However, during the night-
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They like to record disgusting videos to sell and/or upload them for free on the "dark web". The videos are mostly about people getting murdered (no kids or animals) either in a park at night or in Krester's basement, an improvised torture room and recording studio. Their username they use to upload their content is " D15M3MB3R_CL0WN" (just noticed the spelling mistake in the ref sheet oh god) but they is mostly known as "Limbs the clown", a nickname the internet gave them after their creepy way of playing with the limbs of the victims in their videos.
Fun facts!
- I like to draw ship art of them with Dexter and Radford, but i think Krester is not capable of having a normal relationship. Basically, the ship art is just for fun and not important to their lore at all lmao (unless?).
- To make them i took inspiration from characters like The Quartermaster (Camp Camp), Groundskeeper Willie (The Simpsons), Strade (BTD), Fluttershed (PONY.MOV) and myself ofc!
- I have a few ideas for their voice claim, either this or this.
- I'm bad with heights, but let's say they is around...eh between Kevin and Radford! (slightly taller than John).
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- I'm okay with fanart as long as its not NSFW. And by NSFW i mean SEX, i'm okay with gore fanart of them so go wild!!
- Ship art with other canon characters is also okay as long as its not something problematic (ex: minor x adult).
- If u ever draw fanart of them don't be shy to tag me! I would love to see it :3!!
[might update this in the future!]
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gold-rhine · 10 months
anyway, fontaine world quests spoilers, but since Elynas is now my favorite sweet child, here is a little summary\speculations in case ppl mb did not catch some details from the quests and about abyss lore:
Elynas is the monster from the Abyss, some kind of dragon or a serpent. He is gigantic and Elynas island basically formed around him.
He existed in "cosmic cold", i.e. Abyss, until "Mother" summoned him and his "siblings". We know from the logs of fontaine fleet which was following "great beast Elynas" that he appeared during the cataclysm 500 years ago. As we know, Rhinedottir was known to open portals to Abyss that let abyss monsters in, so logically, Elynas was one of these, and "Mother" is most likely Rhinedottir and siblings are other monsters summoned.
Like other Rhine's creation, Durin, Elynas was actually very good natured and didn't wish to harm anyone, but apparently his abyssal origin made him see the world differently and the actions he thought were harmless, were in fact destructive to this world. Spoilers for "Book of Esoteric knowledge", in the domain at the end of this quest we learn that Melusines see places corrupted by abyss not as ruined, but as a beautiful garden and abyssal rifthounds as friendly puppies. And in fact, after we fight rifthound here, it also turns into a friendly dog, hinting that ALL abyss monsters are well-natured, but there is some kind of warp going on that shifts their perspective\actions when they enter Teyvat into being destructive, while they see it completely differently.
after some time, Elynas realized that he was in fact, damaging the world around him, which saddened him greatly and he intentionally sought death to stop suffering of others. He was killed most likely by the fontaine fleet that followed him which i mentioned before, but its not stated directly. He died, but his consciousness still lingered and he is basically aware of his body and whats going on around.
After his death, he didn't rot, but calcified, and apparently many factions, including abyss order, Narzissenkreuz Institute and "spirit of primordial waters" (oceanid? hydro dragon?) explored his body and were collecting his blood and flesh, for which he was glad bc he felt lonely and liked to have company. Especially he liked Narzissenkreuz's Jakob, bc he felt the presence of same cold cosmic power (i.e. abyss) in him and so thought that consuming his flesh will be good for him. Jakob as we know, turned into "Inquitous Baptist" after this, but Narzissenkreuz drama is a different story. But we can at least intuit that one way of turning into abyss lectors\heralds\etc is consuming abyss monsters flesh\blood, btw hey Childe, can we have a word of how you got your foul legacy form? did u eat that whale, Childe???
At some point, there was a battle between former friends from Narzissenkreuz Institute inside of Elynas (mentioned before as Narzissenkreuz drama), which led to huge explosion. As result of this, wounds inside of Elynas were opened by explosions, and Melusines were created from them. Elynas was delighted, thought of them as his children and shaped them into what he thought was a beautiful form. They could hear him telepathically at first and he used this to guide and teach them, but with time, most of them lost this ability. The only one who can still hear him, Mamere, is able to do so because she paints with his blood (she doesn't know its his blood ofc), and so has prolonged contact with him. He still loves them and cares for them deeply.
Jakob tried to restart Elynas' heart with unknown goal, but Elynas didn't want to come back to life, stating that doing so would mean he will keep harming the world, which he doesn't want to. He appeared to traveler in the spirit form in a shape of Melusine bc he thinks they are cute:3 He dreams of being able to exist in the world without damaging it and to show traveler his true form eventually
i did not yet find all 13 pages for "Book of Esoteric Knowledge" quest, so here is probs more info to follow, but I think this is overall what we know of Elynas for now
oh, another thing is that every Melusine was born with a "token", which they don't know what it is, but highly treasure. Elynas doesn't mention them. This token can power a mechanical dog tho and dog calls it "power source". Elynas does mention many "mechanical animals" in the battle that resulted in explosion, so mb these power sources from exploded mechanisms interacting with abyss flesh were the triggers for creation of Melusines? Open question for now, hope to have these Eldritch NFTs explained later
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blorbo-brainrot · 3 months
Hilarious that the chapter ao3 is denying me access to is
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because I, a dino autistic, saw mentions of dinosaurs in the previous chapter last night, and asked my artistic fiance to once again draw my blorbos. which they did while watching 90 day fiance ofc 💕
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so until ao3 comes back from maintenance and gives up the goods, @dataentryspecialist , I am just gonna headcanon that this is basically how the chapter goes 😅🦕 Lore, Data and reader, exploring the planet on a friendly triceratops 🥰
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cerberus-writes · 10 months
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full res version of carnificare's graphics. open them in a new tab for ✨texture✨
the original portraits of serafim and selwyn aside, i think i gave myself about.... 40-60 minutes each for the rest of them? honestly, if i had more time/energy i'd love to do a more art-intensive game now that i've apparently gotten past the mental block of using my own art for anything. time will tell!
i've also realised that i have... maybe something like 1k worth of miscellaneous footnotes / lore explanations / dev notes that i had in the drafting docs for this. might throw some of that into a post one of these days for the sake of appeasing the brainworms -- once i figure out a mobile-friendly release of the game, ofc
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wyrm-with-a-why · 7 months
*raises hand* can I make a fan tf continuity too..?
Storyline is very stupid and here’s my sleep deprived stuff I have so far under the cut
Pronoun list:
Megatron-she/he(she/her pref)
Kiloton-he/her(he/him pref)
Orion Pax - he/him
Starscream(Celestial Prime) - he/him
Shockwave - they/he
Senator Soundwave - they/he/she
So Kiloton and Megatron are mining tanks. Megatron shows Kiloton his poetry during one of their “friendly meetups”(they “secretly” pine for one another) which Kiloton agrees with and admires so much. They start doing that anarchy shit
Kiloton becomes a gladiator and Megatron finally becomes a medic and is now Kiloton’s speech writer and personal medic
Other shifted characters so far:
Starscream and Orion Pax
Starscream’s just some naive young cop while Orion is a high lord in Vos. Their lore continues as the roles of IDW1 and Starscream becomes Celestial Prime while Orion Pax is the Decepticon second in command
Shockwave and Senator Soundwave- Shockwave is more Senator Soundwaves assistant. When Soundwave is rumoured to be involved with members of the Decepticon movement, an assassination attempt is made and Shockwave panics knowings it’s more their fault because of their involvement. Shockwave takes Soundwave to the only medic he trusts right now which is Megatron. Soundwave is saved but can never speak and is missing their left optic because Megatron didn’t have enough material to repair him fully(which she will blame herself for constantly)
Cassettes- Megatron keeps the minicons in his med bay and introduced Soundwave to the lil guys. She assigned the cassettes to be therapist friends to help Soundwave recover from such a traumatic event. They stuck around afterwards
And then all that war stuff happens and blah blah blah
Also, Megatron will only have one kill count and it will be Orion. When Megatron hears of Orions attempts to overthrow Kiloton, she takes action immediately and lures him away and beats him to death with a wrench. Megatron’s constantly underestimates as she can and has vomited over murder and has never killed anyone. Until Pax ofc
Sorry this is so messy I’m very tired-
One day I’ll make designs too!
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ineffabildaddy · 5 months
6, 8, and 21 for the soft asks <3
omg hiii hehehe
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
oh god okay, physical: my tattoos are sick, my beard's coming along nicely, and ermmm i'm stacked in the back lmfao
non-physical: i try to be a friendly person, i'm very organised and clean at work which i'm proud of, anddd i'd like to think i know a good amount about music
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
this bit's gna be long so i'll put it under the cut dlfjlkdg
@raining-stars-somewhere-else he's an inactive king atm but he's my bestie and i love him<3 so so hilarious and observant and talented and kind. he's my dude and he means a lot to me go away
@sad-chaos-goblin i feel like i can be totally insane around you and you'll get on my wavelength immediately, it's amazing dlkkkljgfjkld. also i feel really lucky to be friends with someone so well-rounded and driven and fun, not to mention compassionate<3 i'm really really lucky to have met you and i hope we get to do irl adventures in the nearish future!!! until then we're great friends from afar!!!
@omens-for-ophelia we're just perfectly matched for our headcanons and kinks and shit and i absolutely love it. u get me, i get u, we get each other on this front and on many others!!! ur an extremely nurturing person too. i also love having u around bc ur full of fun facts and passion and energy, and of course ur art is absolutely incredible, i'm scratching at the walls just thinking about it dklkjldfgjkl. can't wait to create more absolutely feral works of crowley and aziraphale [redacted] in various ways hahahhkshjdf. and also hopefully have some london hangouts soon<3
@queer-reader-07 of course i've gotta mention ya because you're one of my fave blogs! i feel so warm and welcome reading all your posts and tags because you're a very lovely individual, and you've also got so many valuable things to say and i really look forward to seeing your takes on everything<3 also as i said before ur a very funny person and i enjoy that heh. i always get so excited when u pop up in my notifs i'm like little old me????
@foolishlovers bestie your writing makes me so happy but chatting and things makes me even happier<3 you're a really enthusiastic friend to have and you've got so many wonderful qualities that i just wanna share the love as much as possible hehe. i'm very glad we're doing shhh it's a secret together and that we've become close in general uwu
@crowleyslvt ur a little lad who's always got something hilarious and insightful to say about literally anything i come to u with, whether it's fkn silly memes or an existential crisis lol. you have such a unique way of looking at the world and i really enjoy it. also having a giggle with u is always top tier and on top of that ur a very supportive king<3 and of course u writing's delish at all times in any context
@voluptatiscausa i can literally tell you my most redacted thoughts and you'll be like yeah this is just another day at the office dkffjddgl. you're a silly and goofy guy (gn) who's simultaneously very easy to open up to which is always a comfort<3 the fact that we both like mitchell and webb makes us collectively Not Like Other Girls and we need to capitalise on that more tbh. also i greatly enjoy ur writing ofc
@bowtiepastabitch you're jokes. also we're very different and yet somehow the same brand of fucked up which i love<3 the lore could not be more disparate but the vibes could not be more immaculate. pls continue to be my friend smh
some more legends i love @crowleyholmes @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @quoththemaiden @ineffable-rohese @crawley-fell
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
probably this - one day you're going to start sticking up for yourself, i promise<3
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awkwardsapphic · 9 months
Mostly neg because I'm tired of lore not being french/Baghera's friendly Like I said before, it may be selfish but I don't care, if something negative or positive happen to the eggs, mostly Pomme, and Baghera is not here to notice it, it would really sucks.
I think she deserves (and the other frenchs too ofc, moslty talking about her because her break was announced and they knew how long it would be) to be here and see what is happening to her daughter Yeah I'm sick of the french being set aside for the lore when they are as much important as the others. And I'm really sick of Baghera missing everything when she tries so hard to be a part of it. It was fun at first, but we're 12 days in, there was not a day without lore, it started just after she left and it may finish before she returns... Guys I'm just tired, I want her back, and I want lore when she's here, that's not hard Sorry for the rent but like, yeah
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