#Learn Loyalty Towards Your Society
Self-love Lifestyle
Learn How To Be Loyal To Yourself In Your Society, Filled With Limitless Outside Pressures, Both Inside And Outside, Both Online And Offline! Like, Shares and Follow Please don’t forget to comment
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missfrieden · 3 months
Bad Batch ancient Egypt AU
Bad Batch AU Egypt
In a land, thousands of years ago, the sun was always shining and life depended on a river. The vein of life, the Nile. The visual representation of Hapi.
This idea came to me, because of personal interests, research and work. I decided to try it, and not be overly too specific with the practices and dynasties. Basically mushing the kingdoms a bit together, so I can really try to also educate in a way. I will try to link information which may confuse, or try to explain it within the story. I a always open to answer any questions.
The start may be a bit well, I either struggle to write the start or not.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Ancient Egypt, a civilization at its zenith with grand pyramids, intricate temples, and bustling cities. The society is hierarchical, deeply religious, and technologically advanced for its time. The Nile River is central to daily life, agriculture, and trade.
Hunter: A renowned general in the pharaoh's army. His keen senses make him an exceptional tracker and strategist. Hunter is known for his loyalty to the pharaoh and his unmatched ability to lead and inspire his soldiers.
Wrecker: A formidable warrior and a chief builder of the pharaoh's monumental projects or the noble families. His incredible strength is legendary, and he is often seen leading the construction of temples and houses, as well as defending them from threats.
Tech: One of the palace scribes and inventor, creating advanced tools in his free time and managing the vast records of the kingdom. Tech's inventions aid in agriculture, construction, and even in the military, providing strategic advantages, like making the chariots sturdier.
Echo: A high-ranking advisor and oracle, often seen as a bridge between the mortal world and the gods. Echo’s wisdom and foresight are invaluable in both governance and warfare. His insights are considered divine messages from the gods. Which he recieved after a horrific accident as his time as a soldier.
Crosshair: The pharaoh’s elite archer and hunter, known for his deadly precision. Crosshair protects the royal family and hunts dangerous game. His skills are also employed in strategic assassinations to eliminate threats to the kingdom. Or to keep the harbour safe, spotting foreigners before others can.
Omega: A young priestess in learning considered to be a prodigy blessed by the gods. Omega's unique abilities and pure heart make her a beloved figure among the people. She often assists in rituals and tries to provide spiritual guidance. And often seen playing with other kids.
The golden sun began to rise over the bustling city of Memphis, casting its first rays on the majestic temples and bustling marketplaces. Within a spacious compound near the royal palace, the Bad Batch siblings stirred from their slumber, each preparing for the day's duties.
Hunter was the first to rise. The leader of the siblings, he moved with purpose towards his personal shrine dedicated to Maahes, the lion-headed god of war and knives. The small altar was adorned with offerings of meat and a carved lion statue. Kneeling, he closed his eyes and muttered a prayer. “Maahes, grant me your strength and ferocity in battle today. Guide my hand and protect our land.” The air seemed to thrum with a powerful energy as he finished his prayer. Satisfied, he donned his armour, a leather tunic, and made his way to the palace to meet with the pharaoh’s generals.
Wrecker, known for his immense strength, was next to rise. His personal shrine to Ptah, the god of craftsmen and builders, stood prominently in his room. Wrecker offered bread and beer, his voice echoing through the compound as he prayed. “Ptah, guide my hands today. Help me build wonders that will stand for eternity.” His morning ritual complete, Wrecker headed to the construction site where a new temple was being erected. His presence was a source of inspiration for the workers, who admired his strength and leadership.
Tech, ever the intellectual, approached his shrine dedicated to Thoth, the god of wisdom and knowledge. Surrounded by scrolls and intricate tools, Tech lit incense and offered a beautifully scribed papyrus. “Thoth, grant me wisdom and clarity in my endeavours today. Help me uncover new knowledge and innovate for the betterment of our people.” After his prayer, Tech immersed himself in his workshop, working on an improved irrigation system to benefit the kingdom’s agriculture.
Echo, the spiritual advisor, was already at the temple, performing early morning rituals for Horus and Shai. His dual devotions made his shrine unique, adorned with feathers, small statues, and symbols of destiny. As the sun rose higher, he prayed: “Horus, protect our kingdom and guide us with your divine sight. Shai, help us understand the paths laid out for us and make wise decisions.” Echo’s presence in the temple was calming, and many citizens sought his counsel. His insights were considered divine messages, and his advice was highly respected.
Crosshair, the pharaoh’s elite archer, made his way to his shrine dedicated to Neith, the goddess of war and hunting. He offered a freshly hunted rabbit, his precision and skill evident in the clean kill. “Neith, grant me precision and protect our land from all who threaten it.” After his prayer, Crosshair joined the palace guard, which will be heading on today’s hunt.
Omega, the youngest, was full of energy as she approached her training. As a priestess in training, she honoured all gods, assisting in various rituals throughout the day. Her curiosity and devotion were clear as she participated in the morning rites. She often wants to join Echo, but he says the high priestess decides in which temple she will be.
Wrecker’s booming voice could be heard at the construction site, directing workers and moving massive stone blocks with ease. His strength, blessed by Ptah, was crucial in the monumental task. Tech continued his work on the irrigation system, consulting with officials and refining his designs and keeps to write down the test scribes neatly, never able to do just one thing. His mind, guided by Thoth, was a wellspring of innovation.
Echo within one of the many the temples, where he performed more rituals and offered guidance to those in need. His dual devotions gave him a unique perspective, and his advice was sought by many.
Crosshair patrolled the palace grounds after his hunt was successful, his sharp eyes missing nothing. Neith’s influence was evident in every arrow he loosed and every threat he neutralized.
As the sun began to set, the siblings reconvened at their home. They shared another meal, discussing the day’s events and their devotions. Hunter reflected on the day’s achievements. It was never easy to take care of them all, but he does. The gods are guiding him the right way.
Echo, ever the spiritual guide, said, “Horus and Shai have shown us the way. The omens are favourable, and our future looks bright.” Taking a sip from his young wine. Omega ads, smiling, shared her progress. “I learned so much today. The priests are teaching me well. Soon, I’ll know all the gods.”
As the night drew in, the siblings performed their evening rituals. Hunter offered thanks to Maahes, Wrecker to Ptah, Tech to Thoth, Echo to Horus and Shai, and Crosshair to Neith. Omega even if full of energy goes to fall on her bed tiredly, anticipating to continue her training. After the boys shared one last sweet beer, to make sure Omega did not sneak out again as she manages even to go through Tech’s systems unnoticed, retired to their quarters, their hearts filled with devotion and purpose. Each one thanked their deity before sleep, ready to face the challenges of the next day with the same determination and unity. Their respect for each other’s beliefs and their shared commitment to their roles in the kingdom of ancient Egypt bound them together as a formidable family.
Chapter 2
Tags: @sleepycreativewriter @clonethirstingisreal @babyscilence @happydragon
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childotkw · 10 months
Um, not sure if you've been asked this before (I could've sworn that at one point you had, but i can't for the life of me find the post) but do you have any thoughts about genderbent Regulus Black?
I can see there being a much more different sibling dynamic between them and Sirius as there isn't an heir and backup dynamic with Walburga and Orion no doubt seeing Regulus as a tool to be married off. Not to mention they'd be much more strict with Sirius without a backup heir to replace him.
Not to mention it would be interesting if Tom saw Regulus as a chance to better win the loyalty of the pureblood community, after all having a bride from one of the most prestigious pureblood families would raise his standing by a lot.
I absolutely love your female Harry AU's especially "I pray(death parts us)" and "Serpent In These Still Waters ", and I love the marriage dynamic between Tom and Harry.
However I do wonder about the arranged marriage dynamic that Tom could have. Especially with someone who was born into the world of pureblood politics.
No pressure obviously to answer if you're not interested, but yea I was just wondering.
Ohh yes I know the one you're talking about! I ended up with Rana Black being the fem!Regulus name - you can read the original outline here.
I do have many thoughts about it - mainly how Ran would have grown up shaped by society's expectations and how she would eventually grow to cast those expectations off.
In my idea, Rana manages to convince Orion to ship her off to Beauxbatons. Orion, because his daughter is his favourite child, agrees to do this one thing for her, despite any objections from his wife. Rana actually eventually moves permanently to France with Kreacher as her ""guardian"" (because let's be real, the wizarding world has a pretty broken view on how young children should be raised and this isn't that far out of the norm for them). So Rana misses a large portion of the bullshit that is brewing in Britain.
Walburga sees, Walburga knows. In the brief instances she actually interacts with her daughter (who seemed to grow up between blinks, who turned from a slim and silent shadow of a girl into a calm and confident young woman far from her mother's influence), Walburga learns.
Rana is not some demure wife-to-be. She is a...liberationist. A young woman with incorrect and damaging opinions on what her place in the world should be. Her time in France, in that school, has warped her understanding of her duty.
So, Walburga must fix this. As the new heir to the Black legacy, Rana has a responsibility to their House. She must bring in the next generation, and she must accept her place.
Walburga looks at Narcissa, at Bellatrix, and knows she must find her daughter a husband that can curb her radical views.
She also decides, rather firmly, that it's time her daughter learns deference. Learns to bow.
Orchestrating an encounter between her daughter and the Dark Lord is easy enough. Walburga is one of the few that still sees Tom Riddle in the face of Voldemort, and that tenuous childhood connection gives her enough leverage to push her daughter into the man's space with the implied permission to teach the girl how to drop her chin.
Only...that's not what happens.
Voldemort sees Rana's spark, sees her potential and her ideas and her biting cynicism towards the structures of their society; sees the way her eyes constantly drift towards the horizon, towards France, and finds himself a little curious at this until-now unknown Black.
(Voldemort is, after all, a radical himself. Why Walburga thought he would dismiss Rana's ideals or find her foolish is beyond him.)
Marriage isn't the first or fourth or even twentieth plot he envisions with Rana Black - but eventually it does creep into his purview.
And that intrigue, the future he could see forming with everything Rana Black brings with her, is enough for him to kick things into gear.
The biggest problem - the only problem, really - is that Rana Black does not want to marry.
Not even the Dark Lord.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 10 months
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: in which Yandere Skarlet and her darling move back to Earthrealm.
𝕰𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: yandere
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: yandere behaviour, murder, changed plot lines lol, housewife vibes
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The situation you were in was… peculiar to say the least. Skarlet wished to finish her life in the Netherrealm and settle with you in Earthrealm. You were definitely cautious towards the entire situation. The loyalty she had dedicated to Shao Kahn was fierce, but as you came to see, the loyalty bled away when she wandered into your room one midnight.
She staggered to your sleeping form, carefully stroking your face. You sleepily open your eyes as she stares lovingly at you. Your grip on your blanket tightens as blood is splattered on her face.
“Shh, my angel. I have found a way for us to be happy. I have hired an assassin to come and kill Shao Kahn. Upon his guard finding his corpse, we shall hide away and abdicate the throne,” she murmurs to you. Blood painted your face with each stroke as your face contorts in thought.
“But… where will we go? We can’t exactly hide with the Kytinn or take refuge with the Linn Kue monks,” you whisper back frightened. She shushes you again.
“Shh my darling. We shall leave and go to Earthrealm, where you used to live. I shall retire my status here, and live amongst you and the other mortals. We shall live as people,” she explains excitedly, pushing your head against her chest. Your heart starts pounding.
“I- I’m going home?!” You whisper to yourself. Skarlet’s claws dig into you slightly.
“WE are going to Earthrealm. I have it all figured out. If your home is still functional, we shall reside there. We can get jobs, and learn to live amongst the mortals. You will teach me how to live as one of you,” she explains giddily, letting you go.
“What do you say, my angel?”
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It was incredible having a sense of control back in your life. Despite the fact that your old home was destroyed, you managed to find a dodgy apartment complex that asked no questions. You had to find a job since Skarlet had very… limited… social skills (and life skills in general). She was curious about everything in the apartment. It was honestly kind of cute when she jumped and went to draw her blades when the toaster popped.
Even introducing her to microwaveable meals was an experience. You found she enjoyed darker red meats, and wasn’t too keen on more vegetarian dishes.
She was not keen at all to let you go find work again, not in the slightest. You had to explain to her gently that until she can fully adjust to being a human in modern society, it would be better that you focus on working while she tends to the home. Skarlet was still moody about it, until you said that it can be her way of taking care of you. You explain that she can learn quicker by cooking meals for you both, and keeping the flat clean prevents illness. This perks her up substantially.
She even takes it upon herself to try to learn to write English/your language. She asks you to help her learn, so you bring back preschool books. It offends her, sure, but you have to explain to her that it’s better to start from scratch so she can learn quicker. And learn quicker she does; in the space of 2 weeks, she is filling out the workbooks miraculously quick and with 100% accuracy. She ends up working at a 17 year old level in a month, and after 2 she’s possibly more fluent in writing than you!
The transition for Skarlet from being royalty to a regular person is bizarre. She was so used to people fearing her and respecting her from the sound of her name alone, to having next to no one give a shit about her. She finds it humiliating when you gently correct her about something, going pink every time the toaster pops and she still jumps, or accidentally burns the food.
As much as she gets embarrassed, she adores seeing you thrive. She loves seeing you ramble about your day at work, but clenches her fist when you talk about your coworkers (something you learn to stop talking about). It makes guilt rot in her stomach; if she was struggling here when she came of her own will, how did you feel when you were taken against your will?
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It takes a while to find a system that works, but when you do, it sticks. You wake up for work, give Skarlet a kiss as you get ready and go downstairs for breakfast. You choke down some slightly burnt pancakes, give her another kiss and leave. Skarlet cleans up, does some more reading and workbooks, then makes herself some lunch (usually a raw steak). She then busies herself on making dinner, wanting you to have a nice hot meal for when you came back. You come back, give her a kiss and eat dinner, then wash up and go to bed.
Skarlet never knew she could enjoy submitting to someone and taking care of someone so much. She loves seeing you thrive in something that you’re good at, and slipping back into a comforting routine that you can both enjoy.
She is still definitely a yandere. She keeps an incredibly close eye on you, and is still very possessive but she lets the reign loose a lot more too.
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mitsua · 9 months
hi, your theme is amazing :)
i hope it wouldnt be any trouble to request headcanons of hawks, tenya and aizawa (seperate) with an s/o whos quite rebellious, moody and silly? kinda like rusty-james from rumble fish or steve randle from the outsiders haha
🪼: Hellooo! I'm so happy you liked my theme!! Thanks for requesting and your patience as well, here we go
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Them with an S/o who's rebellious, moody & silly
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Warnings: none Genre: fluff
Series: Boku No Hero Academia Words' count: 0.48k
S/o's . . . GN!
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His interest will be picked.
Depending if you're a hero, villain, vigilante... he'd get to know you sooner or later.
If you get to meet each other on a battle, no matter your role there, he'd most probably get to know your rebellious & moody side or rebellious & silly side.
However, as the time kept running, it'd still be a short meeting as if to get to know your three strongest attitudes.
As circumstances kept making you both bump into each other; prison, missions, battle fields, classroom (as teacher ofc), etc. Aizawa discovered more sides of you.
Just as he'd try to be strict—as his sleepiness allowed him to be— he'd find funny some remarks you make but tried everything to keep a straight face all times.
If any hero found annoying your behaviour as their assigned companion on a mission, he'd try to negotiate exchanging partners because he 'tolerates you better.' (He only wants to spend more time with you.)
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Something similar to Aizawa, no matter your position in society— villain, hero, etc.—there's no much of a problem.
It'd just be a time matter wether he meets you sooner.
As you'd see, he's kinda silly himself, but does everything to do the best for everyone when it's important so he'd ask to you to do the same.
As there's times to joke, there's time to get serious and help.
How is it that the so called 'playboy' or 'traitor,' one way or another, just asked to see you? of all people?
Conferences, fights, (flights depending on your quirk), your noticeable energy and qualities would make him fall on his knees for you.
Even if your moody side would be difficult to attend sometimes, he'd learn to care for it as well, "It's a trait of yours, 'course I'd like it too!" He'd say if you ever got insecure about it.
This, was for starters, what made him want to look out for you.
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The first meeting must have gone funny I bet.
He 'd feel, at first, some kind of resentment towards you. Because maybe you were doing something a lil' illegal or were simply not wearing the school's uniform as it should be.
Whatever the occasion, he'd not be interest in someone who's not passionate at following the law.
At first.
As you somehow kept on appearing in front of him, maybe some chats you'd two get made him recognize a mistake of his. His prejudice of you much earlier than he could really say he knows you.
Your occasional jokes may be what finally made him want to stay with you.
He tries to ask if you're sure of what you're doing and if it's worth the risk.
He doesn't want to lose you by some Saturday night's stupidity.
"Your unbreakable spirit and permanent loyalty," might be the first qualities he'd love about you.
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All writings' rights reserved © 2023 Mitsua. (Credit to the respective owners of the idea tagged anime characters.) ⌇ my navigation!
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Pillars of Hellenismos
The Greeks largely did not name their religion or write much about it down in regards to their worship. People learned about their religion and the morals and values that were important in Greek society through family, friends, and participation in worship. Quite literally, they were simply immersed in it. These beliefs and values were modeled through religious and ethical behavior, there was no need to really write it down or spread it in that sort of way.
However, in modern Hellenism, there are a variety of differennt values that are prized/held highly in the practice. These values are drawn from the works of Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. While these values are reconstructed from philosophy and do not come in the form of specific religious texts, the general consensus is that these particular values represent the core of values in Hellenism.
According to Timothy Jay Alexander, one of the most visible Hellenists in modern times, there are seven pillars of Hellenism:
Ethike Arete: the practice of habitual excellence; ethics
Eusebia: reverence, loyalty, and a sense of duty towards the Gods
Hagneia: the maintenance of ritual purity by avoiding miasma
Nomos Arkhaios: the observence of tradition, religious law, and customs
Sophia: the pursuit of wisdom, understanding, and truth
Sophrosune: the control of self through deep contemplation
Xenia: the adherence to hospitality and the guest-host relationship
Of course, Alexander is not the only Hellenic scholar, simply the most well-known and visible. Other scholars have added onto his list or created their own lists, which include:
Akoe: learning the traditions, stories, and ideas that are the background of religion; the act of learning about the faith and the Gods so as not to blindly follow; literally "things heard"
Theurgy: the worship of the Gods
Philosophy: literally "the love of wisdom," the process of challenging your preconceptions in an endeavor to discover a more genuine truth and wisdom.
Arete: literally "virtue" or "excellence"; the harmony of soul, the consent between one's emotions and one's reason. There are four manifestations of arete: courage, temperance, justice, and wisdom, which all come together to form compassion, the principle virtue; the achievement of arete is the development of perspective in relationship to one's place in the cosmos; striving to live to one's fullest potential
Kharis: giving without the expectation of something in return, gratitude for that which you are given
Katharmos: the act of being ritually clean; being ritually clean so that one can petition the Gods with a clear mind, clear conscience, and a clean body.
Epikeia: fairness, reasonableness
Episteme: scientific knowledge
Andraea: courage, bravery
Dicaeosyne: righteousness, justice
Eudaimonia: happiness, flourishing
Mesotes: nothing to excess; finding the middle ground
Ositois: reverence to the Gods, piety, a deference to divine law
Philotes: friendship
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🧚🏼‍♀️✨11:11 Day✨🧚🏼‍♀️
The number 11 represents dreams, desires, goals and achievements. Listening to your intuition and following your heart.
✨11th house represents our social life, friends, humanitarianism, difference, ambitions. Placements in your 11th house represents how you socialize, how you relate to your friends. How do you function in society. The 11th house also reflects our hopes for the future and the extent to which we believe life will buoy and support us. It shapes our attitude towards the making of plans and the strategies.
☀️Sun in 11th house- you may have a life at the heart of the community. You define yourself through your friendship and shine brightest when you are in action and doing something for other people. You can be a leader in society and people follow you.
🌜Moon in 11th house- maybe your relationships with your friends are on a rather emotional level and you want to create a special relationship with them. You prefer people you know and feel comfortable around them. Your role in the group may revolve around nurturing and protection.
🍀Mercury in 11th house- you can be a person who changes your society a lot or have many different friends. You have good communication skills and make friends quickly. You always know how to take advantage of many opportunities. Your goals may change many times or you may have several.
🥀Venus in 11th house- you can shine on social networks and in society. People can find you as a person who is charming and attractive. You can attract many people with your charm and beauty. You can quickly be noticed among people and you will be remembered many times. You can attract people who are charming, romantic, successful.
🪐Saturn in 11th house- represents time in this area. Which means that everything you do takes longer. You like to build relationships with others gradually.You can be more reserved or distant in society. You can also feel that people don't take you seriously. You like serious friendships and you are commit to them. Saturn here can also represent that you mature later. And you learn a lot of ugly truths about your friends. Later you can find a person who will be your true friend. As for social networks, you can have an old-fashioned view of them.
🌊Pluto in 11th house- represents intensity, depth in friendships. You prefer a small group of people and have a deep and genuine relationship with them. You like to have strong friendships that mean a lot to you. You prefer 1 on 1 meetings to a large group of people. You are a person who likes privacy. Maybe you can feel uncomfortable in a crowd of people. But you transform yourself a lot through friends, dreams, goals and ambitions.
⚡️Aries in 11th house- you might lean towards independent action when it comes to groups and friends. You can be a social pioneer, lead the group, or feel energized by a hectic social life. You can be very direct, full of energy and always ready for action in society.
💫Taurus in 11th house- you tend to look for loyalty from friends and return it in good measure. Your approach to friendship will emphasize constancy and longevity. You like people who are always the same and you don't like meeting new people. Because you stick to friendships that last a long time.
🧚🏼‍♀️Pisces in 11th house- you may deal sensitively and sympathetically with friends. Being in a community can evoke a capacity in you for altruistic service. People can see you as a person who is artistic, full of ideas and has a lot of compassion. But you can often be confused around people.
🙈Cancer in 11th house- for you, friends might feel like family - you gravitate towards the safety of the tribe, Your ideals might reflect this as a belief that society should provide support and nurturing. You can be very possessive and protective of the people you love. However, your mood can change many times around group of people. You can also have a hard time accepting people you don't know or you can quickly create an impression of others.
🦋☁️It is 11:11 today make a wish☁️🦋
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beevean · 4 months
Draactor prompt: Dracula hearing each of his boys' hearts skip a beat for him for the first time. ❤
Dracula not bullying Isaac? In my Beev fic??? what happened to modern society
Even when he was a human, Dracula would have been able to read Isaac like an open book.
The boy did not have a concept of hiding his thoughts or feelings, and his body was out of his control, with how easily he roused to anger or joy. More often than not, Dracula was almost sure he could hear his thoughts bouncing under that flaming hair of his, Still, that was fine for him. Isaac was young, there was time to teach him some discipline: he could draw comfort from the fact that he couldn’t have any doubts about Isaac’s loyalty, which was essential for a servant in training.
The boy was driven by pure, primal passion that scalded his blood. In normal circumstances, Dracula looked down on people unable to control their basic instincts, humans or vampires as they were. However, Isaac threw himself into any task, whether it was chipping gems to perfect polish or learning how to read Latin, with the same amount of determination – and, not hard to guess, eagerness to please his Lord, which made him content.
Now, if only he could channel said passion into a more useful concentration.
“You forgot a couple of words. It’s ‘immaculate being, appear before me now’,” Dracula corrected his student, after a failed summoning. The gangly boy was standing as straight as a rod, but his thumping heart belied his lingering shock. “You must be less hasty, Isaac, and ponder about the blasphemy you are committing. Otherwise, the energy you are drawing from Hell might retort against you. Let me see your wound…”
He had to bit his tongue to curb his urges at the smell of the young sorcerer’s blood, flowing in rivulets from a cut on the hand, that the boy was cradling close to his chest. He had promised that he would only allow Isaac to “pay” once a month, with proper equipment, and he was not one to betray a promise, even more so because Isaac has been nothing but docile and obedient.
(The boy even had the worrying tendency to dart his eyes towards Dracula, in particular his mouth, during the procedure. He was still a human at heart, and as such reasonably frightened of him. That wouldn’t do: Dracula needed Isaac to trust him with his life.)
Therefore, it was with all the gentleness he could muster that he lifted Isaac’s hand to examine it up close – and then he heard it.
The poor boy was outright flustered, with cheeks matching his hair, eyes as wide as a fae’s, and fidgeting in discomfort. Ah, but it wasn’t discomfort, per se: they were the tell-tale signs of a childish infatuation.
Dracula smiled.
“Mmh. Nothing that your Fairy won’t be able to heal without a trace. Very well, Isaac, you may leave for today, but remember my words.”
“Y-yes, my Lord!” chirped Isaac with a cracked voice, before bowing so deeply his nose nearly touched the ground and scuttling away.
The heat of his skin still lingered on Dracula’s: he rubbed it away.
What an interesting development.
Perhaps the time to teach Isaac some discipline had come earlier than expected. It would be unbecoming to indulge in the whims of a growing boy, even if he didn’t have a family. Deep inside, however, he could not deny that he found it quite endearing; oh, the way Isaac looked up to him, with stars in his eyes, like he was his entire world! Which he was, so he could understand where those feelings budded from.
During his tutelage, Isaac would be moved by something more intense than loyalty. It suited Dracula just fine.
The new boy brimmed with raw talent, ready to be molded under Dracula’s hands. He would keep a vigil eye on him.
Hector was everything Isaac wasn’t. Any passion his younger student might have had was most plainly beaten out of him, leaving him a frightened mouse in the den of lions, afraid of so much as breathing too loudly. His little heart did not beat any faster, but the way he hid inside himself spoke for him.
It was only due the pitch-black taste of his blood that Dracula took pity on him. Never shall anyone accuse him of not having infinite mercy towards the rejected.
It turned out that he had made the right call, because when left to his own devices, Hector showed an impressive intellect. He was already well-read in the matters of alchemy, although he refused to explain whence his knowledge came from, and he took to Devil Forging like a fish to swimming, blazing through his creations at a much faster pace than Isaac did at his age. The other boy plastered on a smile whenever Hector achieved a new accomplishment, but he could only fool his friend, not Dracula.
Well, anything that might incentivize him to work harder. He was starting to slack behind. Perhaps some more pressure would help.
Hector may be lacking in words, but he listened to Dracula with intent and seriousness, and he never forced him to repeat himself twice. More often than not, he found himself not knowing how to correct the boy, which left him at lost – even his own dear Adrian struggled with the matters of shapeshifting.
“The detail of its feathers is astounding,” he found himself commenting, while he circled around a bird of Hector’s making. The boy was boring holes in the floor with his stare, but Dracula knew that he was absorbing every word that came out of his mouth, and he was proud. “The material is sturdy, yet malleable. The wingspan is large enough that it might even be able to lift you. Was that your intent?”
“Yes, my Lord,” Hector replied in a tiny but steady voice. “It can’t fly yet, but I’m working on it.”
And Dracula had no doubt that he would succeed.
His approving smile was returned with a timid one from Hector. He truly was a cute boy, with glistening curls that spoke of the curse he was born with and delectable sinful blood, the smell of which was hard to ignore even when not wounded. Dracula didn't resist the impulse of tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
That was awkward, to say the least.
Dracula was taken aback. He hadn’t been able to read the boy properly. Hector was too closed off, too talented even in hiding. Now the boy was chewing his lip, pale eyes avoiding him, and Dracula was burdened with a problem that was only inconvenient.
What could he do, other than dismiss him and being left with the sensation of the boy’s hair brushing on his fingers?
Not that he wasn’t flattered, of course. Hector didn't vibrate with emotion like his friend, but it still radiated from him, warm and intense and so painfully earnest. The boy begged for love with all but his words; how could not he grow attached to the only one who gave it to him? Dracula was pleased with himself for earning Hector’s trust, which he figured was not an easy feat.
Still. Dealing with one boy’s improper feelings was one matter, but both of them? It would be troublesome.
Dracula rubbed his temples, lost in thought. They were young, easy prey to emotions, and already competing against each other. They would fight for their Lord, to prove themselves superior to the other and worth of his undivided attention.
However, they were also both intelligent, and most importantly ready to please. In the best-case scenario, it would push them to strive their best each day. Both of them wanted and needed him: he was important to them like water to stranded travelers. Therefore, perhaps ignoring their infatuations would be disadvantageous? Could he, instead, nurture them and allow them to blossom?
The memory of Isaac’s heat and Hector’s smile stirred an emotion with no name in his chest.
Yes, Dracula smiled to himself, a healthy rivalry would allow the boys to grow, whether in study or love. And to the victor… well, he would have to decide the prize.
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bredforloyalty · 3 months
it would fix them because. i changed my mind hear me out .. fix in the sense that, you have the father who feels trapped by the family he didn't plan to have and who couldn't explore his attraction to men in peace and on his own terms due to the circumstances and whose rigid ideas of masculinity and insistence on playing by the rules and preserving the status quo ("man is the head of the family. i can win life if i just perform these roles well and shove the rest under the rug. this will surely work out fine for me and mine") clearly stopped him from being happy and ruined other lives like for example his son's. he got the baggage from his dad too btw naturally and my philosophy is that people improve when they get external love and validation so far be it from me to hold it against them when they don't and i will gladly extend that to everything so i am just saying that i intend to avoid double standards here.. because everybody hurts everybody has their reasons everybody also chooses to be the way they are. anyway then you have the son who learned way too young that his father's tendencies and said khm attitudes to gender and social roles and life in general combine to make the fun little sexual habit of dominating and hurting mainly young boys and trans women (and filming it without their consent of course) so you see there's the implicit sexual terror, and there's nate knowing men are animals and that would mean he is one too which is a problem on its own but every other animal is a threat as well and you can never let your guard down because then you'll be the one getting eaten. so you have to eat. that is the traditional man's world. probably not a very solid base for developing normal self-esteem and a personality that isn't destructive, outward Or inward, not a very supportive home in that sense. and there is affection and loyalty at home ((to an extent)) but if you live like that, live and raise kids by those rules, they're never gonna feel secure because once you fail to live up to the expectations you're on your own. and they're unrealistic so you'll never be enough. tilting at windmills. know what i mean? no son of mine will wander astray (abomination), don't come running to me . when they're coming for you. desert by brand new sound of the summer (again). so there's the family as this cage where gay sexuality isn't allowed to exist or rather it is but only in the form of men violating other men (inherent to patriarchy) and so you have the kid who's terrified of having dad's other side turned towards him who actually does feel unloved and doesn't want his mother to wonder when he "darkened" or see him as a ticking bomb and does want to please his father and does want to belong, and doesn't want his parents to think of him as a failure. i am not talking conscious wants necessarily it's just that people are people and we're social creatures and we would die without love and i don't think this is an instance of a character being written as rotten to the core and incapable of having those same needs everyone has. and i don't think that would be compelling anyway so these are my assumptions. And he also struggles with sexuality away from the family and with fitting into the hetero box and that is a mix of society's fault and the fault of upbringing. so you see there is the innate need for connection that isn't being met (both in cal and nate i mean) and a possibility for catharsis in many ways. now what if this situation could be two birds one stoned
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heliads · 1 year
So, Before You Go Chapter Two: Warnings of a Bygone Era
Hellas is gone; so too is your life as a cartographer. You and the Darkling must quell Alina Starkov’s attempt at an uprising in order to protect the Grisha of Ravka. However, your gods are not as dead as they seem, and that which you have taken for granted will soon prove to be quite unpredictable indeed.
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Centuries ago, when your mother was still perfecting her spells, a trickster named Odysseus fought in a great war of heroes. After all unnecessary blood was shed, he had to spend years on the open sea, encountering obstacle after obstacle slowing him down. That is what he gets for angering Poseidon. To incur the wrath of the gods is to have your entire life transformed into something even you can no longer recognize. Risking the might of the immortals is something no one should do. Even one of their own heroes.
The war has begun. You can tell from the ringing in your ears, the slow tilt of magic between your fingers, that the cascade of events has already been set in motion. You and Aleksander are already hurtling towards your intended fates, the leap of faith utterly dizzying but still everything you need to complete your mission.
In fact, you’ll be starting on that today. Although neither you nor Aleksander will truly know if Alina Starkov is alive until you lay eyes on her, the odds of her survival seem to be growing by the hour. Genya Safin hasn’t given up hope, you can tell that from one look at her. Then again, Genya believes a lot of things, and you’ve had reason to doubt where her true loyalties lie every day since you rescued her from the First Army. Genya says she believes Alina dead, but she says whatever will get her away from you whenever your paths cross.
Genya is lying to you, most likely. You can see it in her eyes whenever she looks at you or Aleksander, how the only thing she can identify in either of you is some horror beyond her comprehension. She’s not wrong to worry; you do want to kill her friends, if they’re still alive, and you will hurt her if she betrays you in anything other than thought. This is how change is made. Does the farmer think of the feelings of the stalks of wheat as he prowls through his fields with a scythe? No, only of the children he will feed with his bountiful crop.
So your motivations are different from hers, so you’ve had centuries longer than her to learn the consequences of letting your goals slip away from you. If you let the enemy get even one tenuous foothold over you, they’ll use it to choke you out. You want to shake her by the shoulders until she understands that. 
This is what happened to the Hellenids, can’t she see? A race of people blessed by your gods, and the rest of the world hunted them to extinction. There is no such thing as peaceful coexistence when the otkazat’sya hate Grisha to the point of burning them alive as witches. Either you establish yourself as enough of a threat that they dare not kill you, or you roll over and let them slaughter you in droves.
Genya does not comprehend the full extent of what generations of hatred can do to what seems like a prosperous society, however, and so she holds her breath and walks with light footsteps around you as if that will make the threat of your presence any less severe. It’s funny, the two of you talked quite frequently when you were still Y/N Stassov, former mapmaker and then-star oprichnik, but you suppose your transition from being Alina’s good friend to wanting her dead may have burned a bridge or two. In your defense, Alina stabbed you first.
Genya’s a false lead on information on Alina, then, and by extension, so is David. You found him not long after you saved her, and although you’re fairly certain that she’s been feeding him rumors on how you and Aleksander are utter monsters, he’s still here within the bounds of your camp, so there’s not a whole lot they can do to damage your movement. Not yet, at least.
What motivates you to believe that Alina may still be alive comes from Aleksander himself. He’s been having visions lately, brief snippets of scenes that solidified into real experiences. He sees her, he tells you. He sees her in places she should not be, with people he does not recognize. He could be mad, or, far better, David’s connection could still be fragile and present. She could actually be there.
The first thought you had upon hearing of his visions is that you wish your mother was still alive. It is something you have repeated to yourself several hundred times since she was murdered, but it remains true nonetheless. Hecate was a gifted witch, and who better than the goddess of magic to help you understand the relationship between Aleksander’s visions and the truth of what is happening to Alina at this very moment?
You have no doubt that were she here, Hecate would be able to reforge the connection in a heartbeat, strengthen the visions until Aleksander could appear by her side whenever he pleased. However, your mother is a ghost to you now, out of your reach until you cross the Styx for good and choose death over life once and for all. The only one who can help you with magic is yourself.
You do your best to confirm Aleksander’s rumors, but seeing as you are not the one with the stag’s connection, you can only pick up when his mind is briefly torn between locations, not what he’s seeing nor if they are real. The only thing you can do is seek out the other end of the connection. You have to find Alina.
Aleksander took a while to accept this when you first brought up the idea to him. He argued that both of you going on a wild goose chase to hunt down the Sun Summoner would risk the safety of your recovered Grisha. The answer is that only one of you can go, and seeing as Aleksander is the one who has known these Grisha the longest, you suggested that he stay here while you seek out Alina.
He had not liked that either. Whenever the two of you part ways, you have a habit of running away from him for anywhere between weeks to centuries. You had laughed when he mentioned that, and swore that you no longer wanted to be separated. Loneliness doesn’t suit you, nor him. At the end of the day, he agreed to let you go, but only after making you swear that you would hurry back as soon as possible.
Your scouting trip begins the next morning at dawn. Aleksander’s vision involved glimpses of the sea and churning waves, so you travel to the coast, borrow a boat from a First Army shipyard, and take off. You begin a tracking spell to scour the open seas for Alina’s craft. You watch ribbons of emerald magic soar from the bow of your ship, scattering in all directions in search of the Sun Summoner. Hopefully, they’ll get back to you soon, and then you can report back to Aleksander with the truth of her health or a dead body. Either works for you, you just need certainty.
As you travel farther from the Ravkan shore, however, the skies begin to darken, the wind kicking up with an almost unusual speed. Storms aren’t uncommon on the sea, but it is strange how soon this one descends upon you. You’ve had your fair share of seafaring time in all your centuries, having spent a good few years charting destinations from nation to nation as you reinvented life after life. You’ve seen storms. This one is unnatural.
Lightning flashes, a wave crashes over the railing of your ship and suddenly, you are not alone. The sky lightens enough for you to make out a silhouette standing on the deck, a figure where there had been empty wood before. You raise your hands in preparation to cast a spell as you realize just what it is.
There is a man on the ship. A man, but somehow not, translucent like a spray of water frozen in a human form. He looks at you, and you realize with a shuddering breath that you know him. This is Poseidon, god of the sea, and he died decades before your mother.
Yet here he stands before you now, perhaps not in corporeal flesh but still here, a spirit attached to a physical form. This should not be possible, but your eyes do not deceive you.
You incline your head quickly. “Lord Poseidon.” It may have been years since you have greeted a god, but that does not mean they will be any less willing to overlook the normal respects paid to immortals.
Eyes still fixed on the boards of your ship, you flinch when you hear him speak. It is his voice, the memory of it still lingers in your head even if distorted through water and sea foam. It rattles against your temples, trying to force its way into your mind like a spell. “Rise, child.”
You hesitantly raise your gaze, but Poseidon remains there nonetheless, refusing to vanish like a mirage into the waves around you. “How are you here?” You gasp out.
His gaze hardens. Poseidon was one of the eldest gods; you had forgotten what it was like to be so close to that much power. In one flash of his eyes, you can feel a tidal wave building strong enough to wipe out a city, an earthquake capable of cleaving the very ground in two. “You wished us gone forever, did you not? We have been trying to reach you for quite some time, daughter of Hecate. You refuse to listen to us.”
You shake your head slowly. “I mourned you. All of you. I prayed for you to come back, and you did not answer me then. I am making a new world, one that will not kill its heroes like it murdered you. Why would any of you have a problem with that?”
Poseidon stalks forward, dark brows furrowing. His visage is stony, as if cut from the very abyss of the ocean itself. He frightened you as a child, you remember hiding behind your mother whenever he came to pay a visit. He still has that effect on you now, but this time, you keep your back straight and eyes locked on his.
“You go about this the wrong way,” he spits. “You make a monster of yourself. All of the Hellenids are kept in place by you. Our memory rests on your shoulders. We wanted a hero, daughter of Hecate, someone to finally bury our legacy with all the glory we deserve. You are letting that son of darkness twist your mind.”
Your hands curl into fists by your sides. “You have no right to question my judgment. You died, all of you, because you stuck to the old ways. Maybe I’ve changed, but it’s what’s keeping me alive. If you wanted a better hero, you should have survived long enough to keep them safe.”
Posideon glares, great and terrible god. “You would do well to heed our warnings, Hecari. Even ghosts have power. Remember this.”
He raises his arm, and the entire sea comes to life around him. You watch with horrified eyes as the waves grow at a breakneck pace, reaching up so high you think they might drench the sun itself. All at once, they come crashing down towards you, an entire sea of water plummeting right on top of your ship. Your eyes close just before the water hits you, and the darkness swallows you whole.
It takes a while to open your eyes. Consciousness comes back slowly, running out before you like an athlete in a contest. You realize that you are lying down, and when you are able to carefully raise your eyelids, you recognize the scene around you as your room in Aleksander’s base. You have no memory of making it back from your ship to this place. In fact, you have no memory of surviving Poseidon’s message.
You look to your side and see Aleksander seated there, hands clasped as if in a prayer. You want to tell him that it is not worth the effort, but he seems too relieved that you’re alive to care about the nuances of trying to properly reach the gods.
He reaches out to take your hand. “How do you feel?”
You swallow to clear your salt-dry throat before speaking. “Fine. What happened?”
Aleksander sighs. “That’s exactly what I would like to know. My scouts found your ship a matter of hours after you took off. They say you were lying on the deck, completely unconscious and unresponsive to their attempts to wake you. They thought you dead. So did I.”
You can imagine that scene quite well. Aleksander in his study, already worrying about whether or not you would come back to him, only for his scouts to race in with a story of finding your fallen body. It would not go over well for anyone involved.
“So they brought me back, then,” you murmur, “that does clear a few things up.”
His grip tightens on your hand, but he forces himself to relax. “What did you see out there? Did she do this to you?”
You shake your head slowly. “No. No, not Alina. It was–” Your voice cuts off painfully, and it takes a few moments to regain your strength enough to continue. “I saw him. I saw Posideon. He spoke to me.”
Aleksander’s brow furrows. “Impossible. Your gods are dead. They cannot reach us.”
You let out a sound halfway between a laugh and a sob. “I know. That’s what I thought all this time, but I know what I saw. He was there, Aleksander. He was there, and he warned me that if I stuck to this path, I would risk the wrath of the gods.”
Aleksander seems just as confused as you are. “Why would he care? He abandoned you in death.”
“The Hellenids are a dead race,” you answer him. “They get their strength from memory, their power from their permanence in the cultural consciousness. If I ruin their legacy by making the streets run red with otkazat’sya blood, their image is tainted. That impacts how they live out their afterlife in the Underworld. It permanently alters their spirits.”
Aleksander’s voice is a low growl. “They shouldn’t have died, then.”
A weak smile tugs at the corners of your lips. “That’s what I told him, actually, but he didn’t take to that all too well.”
Aleksander glances at your interlocked hands, then back at you. “Forget him. If all Poseidon can do is issue threats from the Underworld, there is nothing he can do to stop you. We are remaking the world, my love. We are changing the progression of fate. We are better than your gods.”
“That we are,” you decide. “He can only offer advice. We will keep going. If he tried to stop me, it means Alina truly is somewhere out there and he was trying to hide her existence from me. We can train our troops, pursue your visions. Has David made any progress?”
Something dark flashes across Aleksander’s face, and you frown. “Has something happened?”
“David’s gone,” Aleksander mutters through gritted teeth, “He waited until you had left and tried to run. Genya led him out.”
Your eyes briefly flicker shut with disappointment. Genya had been smart to wait until she sensed a weakness to launch her escape. If both you and Aleksander had been present, there was no chance she could leave; there would always be at least one of you close by to keep an eye on them. With you gone and Aleksander subsequently distracted, of course she would seize the opportunity to make a move. 
You just regret that David was lost in the process. Although the Durast’s attempts at limiting the extent of Aleksander’s pain had been minimal at best, he was still a brilliant man, and you can only assume that he’s now in the hands of the enemy. You can tell by the newly darkened black lines cracked into Aleksander’s hands, as well as the faint residue of blood on the front of his kefta, that Genya has been subsequently punished.
Punishment will not bring David back, however, nor will it stop the rest of your rescued Grisha from noticing that perhaps the sense of loyalty amongst your soldiers is not at its strongest. Hope is a dangerous thing during a war, you’ve learned, too little of it could cause a hundred men to lose to as few as ten. You need your troops to rally their spirits, to believe in their leaders more than ever before.
You and Aleksander launch a few new assaults on First Army men, bringing in even more refugee Grisha than before. The numbers swell, the attitude at your base improves. That's all you can do for now. It takes everything in you to keep it together. You saw Posideon. You saw Poseidon. He should be dead. He is dead. Yet he appeared to you anyway, and with a warning no less. The gods do not like to be ignored. This is not something that you can shake all that easily.
Yet shake it you must. Your war is picking up steam now, a fierce wildfire unable to be put out. There is no stopping this, only shaping it, and you refuse to call it all off now. If you could not save your people, at least you can save Aleksander’s. The Grisha deserve a world that will protect them. If you must snuff out some of the nonbelievers, well, every war has its costs. This is yours.
series tag list: @britishbassett, @rogueanschel, @hotleaf-juice, @mxltifxnd0m, @kaqua, @nemesis729, @imma-too-many-fandoms, @cleverzonkwombatsludge, @yourabbymoore, @nemtodd-barnes1923, @heyyitsreign, @ponyboys-sunsets, @slytherinsssss, @fruitymoonbeams-blog, @lakeli, @darlinggbrekker, @rosesberose, @w1shes43, @fairyeunji, @cryinghotmess, @rainbowgoblinfan
grishaverse tag list: @deadreaderssociety, @cameronsails, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie, @gods-fools-heroes, @bl606dy, @auggie2000
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ophelyia · 2 years
My emotions
Moon in Capricorn
You tend to be very serious and responsible, thinking that duty calls first before all else. You are not comfortable displaying your emotions for all to see and you certainly don't want them to think that you need help and support. You never want to appear emotionally weak. There is a great sense of ambition within you, perhaps because you feel unloved, unwanted or inadequate. You then work very hard because it makes you feel important or needed. You need to feel secure in your own authority. Security needs are what drive you. You may be shy and insecure over your own worth and can be overly sensitive to real or imagined hurts. Sometimes you feel as though you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You are especially uncomfortable with emotional dependency, and will tell yourself and others (even children) not to be a baby. You need to accept that no one is self-sufficient all the time, and to be gentler with your childish emotional needs and wants. To others, you may appear to be rather hard-nosed and tough, with a business-like attitude toward their personal concerns and feelings. Your feelings and loyalties run deep, but you often do not let people know how much you care. You also need to learn to relax, enjoy yourself, and play sometimes. You are conservative, reliable and ambitious. You have the ability to bring plans to completion. On the negative side, you may be ruthless in your desire for power and success. Selfishness and manipulation are possible. You desire recognition. The emotions are steady, but can be quite cold.
Moon in 2nd House
What others think is very important to you. A desire for achievement can dominate your feelings. You may hold a public position managing or dealing with change, women or publicity. You have a personal charisma which enables you to influence others. Many changes of career are possible. You feel a need to be socially useful to society. Concerning vocation: You desire a take-charge position within work situations. Your individuality is emphasized, often to the point that no subordinate position within work can be easily tolerated. Your emotions must be controlled.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 2): General Bracket Match 7
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Yrica Quell | Identity: bisexual | Media: Alphabet Squadron Trilogy
Yrica Quell is the main protagonist of the Alphabet Squadron trilogy. In her childhood, she had multiple relationships with both men and women. One of the most important was with a woman named Nette who attempted to join the Alliance, but likely never made it. At her urging, she joined the Empire to get training as a pilot but then never defected to the Rebellion because of her loyalty to her comrades. She is an exploration of the theme of redemption that undergirds the entire saga, but specifically what comes next. She is forced to defect by her mentor after participating in Operation Cinder. Traumatized and depressed, she is recruited into a New Republic task force attempting to take down her old unit of elite pilots- Shadow Wing.
This unit becomes Alphabet Squadron, where she finds a new found family. She also becomes a protegee to Hera Syndulla, as they both learn what it takes to win and establish a new government. She grows into being a leader, but abandons them after her actual involvement in Operation Cinder is exposed. She rejoins Shadow Wing to take them down from the inside. In the process, she discovers that Emperor Palpatine had a database of every Imperial atrocity. The question is how society can move forward when a large portion of them have been party to one atrocity or another, especially her. 
After the war, she opens an intra-system cargo company and eventually properly begins a romantic relationship with Chass na Chadic, a member of Alphabet Squadron.
Chelli Lona Aphra | Identity: lesbian | Media: Star Wars Comics
Oh Aphra, where to begin. Honestly the best way I can describe her is that she’s Star Wars’ Vriska. She’s a “rogue archeologist” and in marketing material sometimes compared to Indiana Jones, but the only similarity is that she can feature in the same wacky stories about retrieving artifacts except with none of the mismatch between modern ideas about archeology and repatriation and Indy being the hero, because she specifically isn’t. She was originally created for the 2015 Darth Vader comic series, recruited to help Vader raise a force that would let him coup the Emperor. She was so popular she then got her own comic series, making her the breakout star of the Disney/Marvel Star Wars comics. The Fandom Menace can’t touch her.
Her comics have been a series of frankly strange adventures involving Force artifacts, Vader either working with her or wanting her dead, and double crosses that leave your head spinning. She has Thrawn level tactical abilities, but only for schemes. She is haunted by how her trauma born behaviors make it hard for her to maintain relationships and be a good person. She has so many exes it's an entire section of this tournament. Her most significant relationships have been with Sana Starros and Magna Tolvan. As of the end of the Spark Eternal arc, the comic seems to be leaning towards a poly ending with the three of them, but first Aphra needs to stop self sabotaging.
One of Aphra’s greatest achievements was at the end of her 2016 comic run, where she trapped Vader in a PTSD flashback Force artifact on Tython and hacked his suit to allow her to erase Hoth from the Empire’s records. She did this for the sake of her loved ones who had joined the Alliance. Doing this gave Echo Base enough time to build up before they were found again that they were able to evacuate much more efficiently. That’s right, disaster lesbian love saved the Rebellion.
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So I'm typing up answers for the OC x Hobie questionnaire post that you typed up and I was gonna make a personal post about this plot point that fixed itself in my mind but I feel like you need to personally know how much you've ruined me 😭
So I'm trying to figure out how long Ansi and Hobie have known each other since she's only been a spider for less than 5 years and in the society for like 2. So how did they come to have such a close emotional bond where they have such a strong sense of trust and loyalty towards one another that I can only compare to skk from bungo stray dogs in just 2 years????
At first I was like what if they knew one another just like a year before or something. And then Ansi was like, "Oh we've known each other for longer than that actually."
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Wdym y'all have known each other for longer than that?
So apparently back when Ansi was like 8 her father had accidentally figured out how to open up the way for interdimensional travel (he's just kooky like that) and a young boy (Hobie) had accidentally gotten sucked through into their world. He had to stay with them for a good 2 and a half years before her father figured out how to send him back. (Either the glitching doesn't exist or her father figured out how to stop it.)
So when Hobie and Diane came to visit that one time Ansi had a shaking feeling that it was him. But he didn't wanna get his hopes up especially with what was going on in her world at the time. BUT IT WAS HIM. And the reunion they had CHILE THAT REUNION WAS HEARTBREAKING. After joining the society they reconnect and head in hands, WHERE DID THIS COME FROM
I think she's lying to me tho but who knows. (Your father is a genius of his time but the multiverse? Really? But wait, that'd explain why Alchemax was out to get him and....OH MY GOD)
I hope he isn't lying through because that means I just cried over nothing.
(I'm not adding this to her story.....maybe idek. I got so emotionally invested just typing up this ask. *Cough* anyways I just needed to let you know the insan- I mean the ideas that have awakened. I'm only on the 2nd section of the questionnaire and I'm terrified of what's gonna pop up in my brain next 😭)
I'm having a crisis. I hope you're happy with yourself 🥲
Ansi, Diane, Hobie, Bonding, and the Web of the Multiverse
[Screaming about my neurodivergent paracosm and how it syncs up with a mutal - and how the logic of the multiverse backs up/affects their stories] [This post is largely about Disco-Spider Diane and @spidey-bie's Ansi] THIS ASK IS SUCH A AHHHHHHAHAHHH BECAUSE AHHHHH SO MANY THINGS INTO THIS I HAVE TO-
The background Ansi gives you and the logic of what Hobie and Diane just did CONNECTS - like it all connects (Sorry this is lone)
And I'm SOOOOO SOOOO intrigued for their background. I plan to write a full post about this and explain fully what clusters are, how maps work, the function of bonding and how they work -
But this is how I 'learned' about all these things
I was interested in how certain universes would look if the multiverse was based on a flowchart like system to make a web - so I made a map of the multiverse based on attributes like style, time, and where they live -
AND FROM MY CALCULATIONS - NO JOKE - Ansi's universe would be the closest universes because he and Hobie share a cluster.
I explain like the logic of it in the post I'm finishing up BUT Ansi and Noir would border Hobie's in this map - and the closer universes are the more stable the transfer between them is.
AND WAIT THERES MORE - I was finishing up the Multiversal Map and realized Hobie and Diane were having a really good day at the boathouse
And then they introduced me to a whole new concept that we directly see in ATSV - Bonding
Multiversal Bonding -
[A long ass rant where I explain something wild Hobie and Diane just did in my head - and how it directly explains HOW Hobie fell into Ansi's universe too]
Diane and Hobie were doing their thing and then suddenly they shared a moment of this intense like...vibe, mental space idk
And afterwards they're like "oh yeah that happens because we're Bonded. Like Universe Bonded"
and this is where it goes wild...
Diane is like 'I...don't know. Something just happened what happened.'
What do you mean you don't know? I'm asking her to describe it and she's like 'umm errr' and Hobie isn't saying anything he's all dreamlike
Now all of this is happening directly after ATSV like an hour or two after they get everyone and head to Hobie's universe. - Gwen and the others are at the boathouse
Then Peter B. starts talking.... HUH??? Excuse me?
Hobie genuinely stopped and was like "wait how r u here, like in roman's head how are you here' like he's actually stunned. I DIDN'T know he could manifest in the boathouse
And Peter B. is the only one who knows what this term means. He had to explain it to me before I understood what they were doing
Peter B looks at Diane and Hobie and goes "........like Miles and Gwen?? How Gwen can feel Miles' spider-sense? Bonded'
Gwen is like 'ME AND MILES ARE BONDED????'
And Diane is like...we what now, i did what to the multiverse what does that mean
Peter has to explain the concept.
Miguel knew about bonding, and that two spider-people of close universes can 'Bond', and for a part-neurological, part-social link between the two of them.
This happened with Miguel and his partner Moche - and Miguel outright rejected it. As he's against Spider-people being together, and he believed Moche was better off with someone else
(he was actually just scared to accidentally kill her like he did gabriella but thats neither here nor there)
He instead chose to withhold the information of Bonding from the Society, and watched for it closely.
Only he, Peter, and Jess knew bonding was possible - and that's why Jess was SO against Hobie and Diane.
And everything just kinda clicked for Diane how brainwashed the society had made her cause for YEARS she was told having feeling for Hobie was wrong and NOT possible
But now that she's left The Society by her own choice, it was the last hurdle for them to finally be fully bonded.
Like they can sense each others location, react to each others spider sense, if one of their hearts starts racing the other will feel it too. Now Diane can use his guitar as a club in battle. IN HER WORLD Hobie LOOKS NORMAL - in his universe she looks like him - since they can just slide into each others universe easier. Diane is less likely to glitch out, she just needs to wear the watch for a short time each week so her DNA can reach baselevel again
AND WHEN THEY FIGHT TOGETHER THEY GET INTO THIS FLOW STATE And they can just fight in complete tandem with each other now
And it's like !!!! They just did that???? Suddenly. Like looked into each others eyes at an emotional moment
(Diane's first time seeing Hobie after leaving The Society - A rundown
Hobie asked her to come with him before leaving the society, she said no because she wanted to stay for Jess and Gwen - A VERY HARD moment for them. Hobie is really wounded by this.
- Gwen gets sent home - Diane swings on Jess - They put her in a cage and let out after six hours. - Diane went immediately to Hobie's old abandoned dorm room, finding out Hobie still left parts behind for her.
She figured out how to hack herself based on all the times she watched hobie in the workshop - but she cant do it because she's missing one part and she's so frustrated with herself -
Jess comes to apology for Miguel and gives Diane Hobie's watch, an older model - insists Diane take it - Diane over his old watch and finds out Hobie's watch has the finally part she leaves - she hacks her watch and finally leaves the society)
This happened the movement they reunited with each other on the bow of the boathouse
then it was like a switch like not bonded to BONDED and NONE of us knew what that mean until Peter B said anything
They can finally just say "We're bonded."
Because it's not a romantic thing, it's not like that AT ALL. It's like a mental clarity between them like their understanding and connection to each other is a lot more clear and they can feel the other's emotions more clearly (but there's a distinction. Diane knows when she's feeling Hobie's feelings. it's a subtle thing, not a total emotion)
So that from their prior relationship they're now a lot more frictionless, but unchanged if you get what I mean
Like now Hobie annoys Diane more - Diane is down and free to go full groupie mode theyre suddenly REALLY good at planning and fighting together, and having each others back
The kind to do conversations like "Did you-" "Yeah, were you gonna-" "I was but before I was gonna-" "Handle the other thing? Oh okay that makes since." Like not even finishing sentences but understanding conversations totally
About Bonding: (according to how Peter B explained it to me)
I explain it more in the multiverse post but basically its when two spiderpeople of nearby universes form a bond that at a certain point a switch is flipped -
since their dna's are so similar (being from close universes) it's easier for people of closer worlds - and people someone is BONDED to - to assimilate into the other's world, and feel their sensations.
This connection is almost permanent - though it goes dormant - and it can happen to anyone destined to be a spider-person. They don't have to be bitten yet.
Gwen and Miles are bonded, which is why she can feel his senses across universes.
And it's like a concept I never saw about the movie just became explained based on a totally unrelated situation Diane and Hobie had separately.
Using this logic (I came up with at 5am while on a coffee binge) - Ansi's placement is CLOSER to Hobie's than Diane's is.
Hobie and Diane only share one cluster : The Time Desynchronization Cluster.
BUT Diane is from New York - so she's also apart of The New York & Adjacent Cluster with Pavi and Noir, while Hobie isn't.
And because Ansi is from Seattle he isn't in the New York Cluster either - so Diane's universe is farther away from Hobie's than Ansi's is. His universe is closer to Hobie's than Noir as well (as Noir also lives in NY)
And because of this - It's completely possible for Hobie to tumble into the next universe over.
AND ALSO because of this new unrelated term I learned from Peter B. of all people - his Ansi and Hobie bonded as young kids it would slow or totally reduce his multiversal decay.
Since their universes are so close, the multiverse can easily 'heal' itself without collapsing or shifting too much
Since they're so close, it's like the thread hasn't fully snapped. Because Hobie is close in proximity to his universe still, his universe hasn't 'noticed' enough to collapse in on itself
So as long as they found a way for Hobie to find equilibrium every week, or month, or even less - he's good.
Hell, if they bonded early it might even have been a year of him being there before any signs of glitching came on.
Even though Diane and Hobie are bonded, she still can't assimilate totally into Hobie's world 100%, because their universes are still a little farther apart. She can slip into his style or go in his universe unnoticed, but there's still that fraction of multiversal different. That's why for her, multiverse decay takes a week to set on instead of minutes or months.
Also bonding is permanent or near permanent - like it takes decades to wear off, though it may get weaker or dormant over time. But Ansi seeing Hobie come through the portal after all of those years and the bonding just KICKS IN and their spidey-senses go off
Diane sees this and is like ????? 'Hobie r u okay what r u feeling' cause he has this unreadable look on his face because one of the reasons he joined the Society WAS TO FIND ANSI.
He could figure out the watch on his own - but by going on missions and recruits he was just HOPING to find him one more time and finding out his universe number and he FINALLY DID
Immediately recognizing the house and being like 'damn im home.'
I think your Hobie was right. Oh and...because I told him I would, here's Hobie.
H: We're always right. -Hobie please.
Would you like to explain how Bonding feels? H:...No words for it really. We're Shining, basically. (OMFG He said this and I was like - no way. That's weirdly out of character. The Shining wasn't out in the 70's. - NOPE The book came out 1977. IT'S A NEW RELEASE TO HIM. I SWEAR I didn't know this I don't even like Stephen King. I've never even read the bookHOW DID HE KNOW THAT)
H: Because I'm always right. -All you do is irk my nerves. That's enough outta you.
Diane. Do you have anything to say?
D: Me currently
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Okay. How does Bonding feel? D: (Basically just squealing - after the initial shock she just kept jumping on his back)
Say hi to Ansi. D: OMGG I feel so far out right now!! Literally, like my brain is so OUT there. This is WICKED. COME OVER. are you busy? PLEASE tell you two have kid photos of you together. I NEED to see! - I think she has ADHD too D: It's like he's IN my head - Now you know how I feel.
That's it from them, they're spent and SO AM I
I hope any of this made sense cause I KN OW I sound like
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reinaxc · 4 months
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{riley keough, 33, ciswoman, she/her} we are so glad to see you safe, LADY CÉLESTINE GAUTHIER of FRANCE! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are AMBITIOUS and POISED enough to handle it. just don’t let your OBSTREPEROUS bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out about your DISLIKE TOWARDS NOBILITY BUT  ITS UNCANNY SINCE YOU HAVE COME TO AT THE BEHEST OF YOUR FAMILY TO FIND A WEALTHY HUSBAND TO ENSURE YOUR SISTERS SAFETY {mara, 26, est, she/her}
hi my name is mara but feel free to call me Maru if you like. here is the first character intro, I hope you adore Celestine like I do.
Lady Célestine Gauthier was born into a humble farming family in a village outside Lyon. Her parents, though not of noble birth themselves, worked for the wealthy and benevolent noblewoman, Madame Heloise de Montaigne. Her father served as the estate manager, overseeing the daily operations of Madame de Montaigne's extensive lands, while her mother was the head housekeeper, responsible for the smooth running of the household.
From a young age, Célestine and her siblings were exposed to the refined world of the aristocracy, albeit from the servants' quarters. Madame de Montaigne took a particular interest in Célestine and her sisters, recognizing their intelligence and potential. Seeing the disparity between their abilities and their circumstances, Madame de Montaigne decided to sponsor the Gauthier children, providing them with an education and the training required to navigate the complexities of high society. The womanhood lost her own family and with no heirs, she saw the Gauthier as her own.
Under Madame de Montaigne's tutelage, Célestine and her sisters were transformed into refined young ladies. They were taught the arts, languages, etiquette, and the ways of the aristocracy. Despite their humble origins, the Gauthier sisters quickly adapted to their new roles, thanks to their intelligence and determination.
Célestine's dual upbringing has endowed her with a unique blend of humility and grace. She is ambitious, driven by a desire to rise above her circumstances and secure a better future for herself and her family. Her poise and elegance make her a natural fit for high society, yet she retains a grounded and practical perspective from her rural roots.
Her obstreperous nature reflects her rebellious spirit and unwillingness to be confined by societal expectations. She is intelligent, resourceful, and not afraid to speak her mind, though she has learned to temper her outspokenness with diplomacy and tact.
Secret and Motivations:
Célestine harbors a secret disdain for the nobility, despite her own aristocratic background. She finds the superficiality and entitlement of the upper class distasteful, a sentiment that has only deepened with time. Her family's position as servants to Madame de Montaigne and her subsequent education have made her acutely aware of the disparity between the nobility's privileges and the common people's struggles.
Her primary motivation is to ensure the safety and well-being of her younger sisters. To achieve this, she has reluctantly accepted her family's plan to find a wealthy and influential husband. This mission is fraught with tension for Célestine, as it forces her to navigate a world she despises while maintaining a facade of acceptance and compliance.
Connection to Maximilien:
Célestine's relationship with her cousin Maximilien is one of mutual respect and deep familial loyalty. Both having grown up under the care of her parents, they share a bond forged through shared experiences and mutual support.
Maximilien's radical views and revolutionary activities are a source of inspiration and concern for Célestine. She shares his desire for a more just and equal society, but her approach is more subtle and cautious. Célestine uses her position within the nobility to gather information and influence events from the inside.
Current Situation:
As part of the French envoy, Célestine is thrust into the heart of the very society she secretly despises. She must play the role of a dutiful noblewoman, attending social functions and engaging in courtly politics, all while keeping her true feelings hidden. Her primary goal is to secure a marriage that will provide protection and stability for her sisters, but she is constantly on guard, aware that any misstep could expose her and jeopardize her mission.
Célestine's journey is one of balancing her public persona with her private convictions.
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abhijeetkashyap · 1 year
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The Pillar of Integrity: Building Trust and Character in a Shifting World
In a world that seems to be constantly changing, one value remains steadfast and essential - integrity. It is the moral compass that guides individuals, organizations, and societies toward honesty and transparency. The concept of integrity is multifaceted, encompassing not just our actions but also our thoughts and values. In this blog, we will explore the significance of integrity, its impact on personal and professional spheres, and how it can fortify the foundation of trust and character in our lives.
Defining Integrity
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Integrity is often defined as the adherence to strong moral and ethical principles, even when no one is watching. It is staying true to one's values and principles, regardless of external influences or temptations. When a person possesses integrity, they are seen as trustworthy, reliable, and principled, garnering respect from those around them. This unwavering commitment to honesty and uprightness builds a strong character that serves as an inspiration for others.
The Power of Integrity
Integrity is a powerful force that can shape our lives in profound ways. At an individual level, it guides our decision-making, allowing us to choose the right path over the easy one. It helps us navigate difficult situations with integrity, even if the outcome may not be in our favor. This inner strength bolsters our self-esteem and grants us peace of mind, knowing that we have acted honorably.
In the professional world, integrity is a quality highly sought after by employers and colleagues alike. It sets the foundation for a positive work environment, fostering trust among team members. Leaders with integrity inspire their teams to work with dedication and loyalty. Integrity in business dealings creates a reputation that attracts customers and partners, leading to sustainable success.
Challenges to Integrity
While integrity is a noble virtue, it faces challenges in today's fast-paced and competitive world. The pressure to succeed, sometimes at any cost, can lead people to compromise their values. External influences, such as societal norms or workplace cultures that prioritize short-term gains over long-term ethics, can also erode integrity.
Furthermore, the prevalence of social media and the digital age has given rise to issues like misinformation, cybercrime, and online anonymity, testing our collective integrity. In such times, holding steadfast to our values and maintaining authenticity becomes all the more vital.
Cultivating Integrity
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Cultivating integrity requires conscious effort and self-reflection. Here are some ways to nurture this essential virtue:
Self-Awareness: Reflect on your values and beliefs. Understand what integrity means to you personally and commit to upholding those principles.
Honesty and Transparency: Be honest with yourself and others. Avoid deceitful practices and communicate openly.
Accountability: Take responsibility for your actions, even when they result in mistakes. Learn from them and grow stronger.
Resist Temptations: Identify situations that may challenge your integrity and devise strategies to stay true to your values.
Lead by Example: Demonstrate integrity in your actions, inspiring others to follow suit.
Surround Yourself with Integrity: Associate with people who value integrity and are positive influences.
The Ripple Effect of Integrity
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Integrity is not confined to individual actions; it ripples outward, shaping communities and societies. When integrity becomes the bedrock of social interactions and governance, it fosters trust among citizens, promotes cooperation, and helps maintain a harmonious society.
On a global scale, leaders and nations with integrity gain respect and credibility in the international arena. Upholding principles like justice, fairness, and transparency, they become champions of peace and cooperation.
Integrity is not just a word but a way of life, guiding us toward a more ethical and principled existence. As individuals, embracing integrity empowers us to face challenges with resilience and grace. In the broader context, it is the cornerstone of a just and trustworthy society.
In a world that may sometimes seem chaotic and unpredictable, let us remember that integrity is a light that illuminates our path, ensuring that we stay true to ourselves and inspire others to follow suit. Together, let us build a world where integrity thrives, trust abounds, and character prevails.
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furymint · 8 months
❤️ - How did your muse come to realize their romantic and sexual orientations? Was it difficult to accept? Are they proud of who they are?
Miscellaneous Symbol Headcanons
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(Elliot figured it out quickly but not before he irrevocably damaged his understanding of love with unrealistic expectations and few boundaries. He's constantly chagrined by society + his own self hatred but has a decent amount of compromises in place to protect himself. and nolanel is not normal. nolanel will never be normal about anything in his life, least of all sex)
but oh MAN this is a good question and one i think abt all the time. the answers are v detailed and a bit nsfw so it's all going under a cut
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elliot was young when he figured it out. his childhood was lonely and studious--and that was partly his doing. josseloux treated him almost like an adult, allowing him to make his own decisions abt where to go and what to do, and elliot invariably pursued learning over play. he was snobbish, oversensitive, and peculiarly observant and analytical--which hasn't rly changed.
he was obsessed with quixotic male heroes, would find his eye drawn for hours to the ideal male figures in statues, and wanted nothing to do with the coarse or unintelligent (read: not like him) boys around him. josseloux wasn't unaware, and stuffed a few books in his shelves to bait his son. something like edward carpenter's anthology of friendship Absolutely ruined elliot's understanding of what a relationship w another man should be: something full of devout loyalty, intellectual greatness, unerring inspiration, and nothing like what he observed in real life. he was Different and he wanted Better.
women were Better but they didn't do it Right. they had the grace, kindness, and beauty that he wanted--except they were women, and women were inconvenient bc of societal structure/expectations and ☆misogyny☆. he intuited what sex was between the lines of his dad's books and decided it was not for him. then a teenage boy stopped an 8yo eli in the hall, bent to fix elliot’s tie, and spiraled him into understanding.
his imagination became more in depth once he knew what he wanted to see but wasn't seeing it. as he grew older, his queerness became more prominent in contrast w the dominant culture, and he began to resent the way people treated him as a curiosity. it was in his sense of beauty, his voice, the carry of his body, his values, and he knew that he would feel humiliated abt it for the rest of his life. he doubled down on himself and allowed ppl who wanted to dislike him to do so; he would weaponize gossip against them eventually.
he's still self-conscious. self-hatred is part of it, but most of that hatred is towards other parts of himself. at this point, he's thrown himself so far into fretting about his socks  that bigger matters feel smaller. almost every salon, house, lodge, and backroom where queer talk happens has also heard elliot's laugh. his experience w relationships before nol are unexpectedly fleeting and shallow, too: 6 months mightve been the longest because he always knew smth isnt clicking completely and it's all hot & quick sparks before they stop talking.
his first approach to nol was intellectual before anything else, then sexual, and when neither of those made nol open up, he regarded their interactions as platonic until he actually learned what nolanel's suppressed af tells were. then he kissed the dope and entered the 'Oh. So Nolanel Like-Likes Me. He's Also Terrified Of Me. Please God Tell Me I Can Fix This' phase. it got worse before it got better. its a miracle he didnt drop nol then and there but i never claimed elliot was smart.
anyway. nols insanity aside its a huge effort for elliot to have to juggle his big silly personality & professionalism with smth (possibly) undesirable that ppl clock in him the minute he's in view. by n large tho, he likes being gay n celebrates it. he just gets in trouble bc his gay feelings are too big for him to handle.
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nolanel is just. jfc. so practically everything in the world terrifies nol. romance and sex are no different. part of that is just his own brain, and the other half is taught or cultural. he grew up knowing the how and why of sex bc of how crucial it was to the operation of the ranch. simultaneously, the only love he had towards a person was ephemie, so he just assumed one day he'd marry her and figure the rest out. he kissed her when he was 10 and both of them were like. uh yeah No.
his only other exposure to love was at community dances in the lowlands, where he danced and tried to convince himself of feelings but just couldn't sympathize with the couples secreted away and groping at each other. it didnt seem fun or worth breaking rules for. halone would be mad.
moving to the brume when he was 14 woke him up. the culture around sex was more open, which was distressing and confusing and thrilling. then the military compounded the jumble with peer pressure, the live-before-you-die mentality, and ohhhhhhh god oh no no no men everywhere why are men hot too. sex seemed embedded in everything down to their uniforms. perhaps he would learn to live w this. :)
absolutely fucking not. the ppl who ply sex horrify him by reminding him of his own desires (which halone says are bad). the most nol's done is make out w rando ladies but the minute they touch him past that he nopes out. this got even worse when his body was burned. dont look at him dont touch him (please look at him please touch him). he wants to be in love and have sex but any exp fills him w dread to the point it makes him sick. also, war makes him scared and sick. he is now doubly scared and sick. he starts telling himself its a waste and a distraction while knowing its not bc he cant. stop. thinking abt it.
ENTER BRUCEMONT. who loves sniffing out a weakness. he drills those feelings deeper into nols head while loudly contradicting them in his own life. he'll sit there and give explicit details abt the woman he bedded the night before so nol gets blueballed and furious. its hook line and sinker every time. truly embarrassing. brucemont loves his job. also, elliot is a political pest Needs To Go.
so this uber ridiculous religious, occupational, and personal shame cocktail is rly not helpful to nols state of mind. he Literally throws up after elliot kisses him for the first time bc he's so violently scared. his internalized homophobia acts up at the worst times, he's deathly ashamed of loving elliot at all for a while, and it takes forever for him learn that privacy is not secrecy and vice versa. the last thing i wrote is all about this.
honest to god if he just let himself enjoy something instead of analyzing the moral properties of kissing the man he's been pining after for 4 yrs, he'd have a better time of life. nol please go get laid im crying. and then he can't be normal abt that either bc hes i like uhhhh yeahhhhh im not rly interested in taking any of my clothes off the first time
i think if he fell in love w a woman he'd feel a lot more comfortable about it. anyone but elliot (and bruce. i know i joke abt it but GOD its possible its terrifying) would also do him good. nol has a v servile personality that adapts to the needs of the person he likes, but he and eli have such wildly different needs that they have to beat each other's brains like laundry for several years before they're compatible. none of this helps nol view his sexuality as smth hes remotely okay with for a v long time
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