#Like he has no reasons to dislike school and he sees his friends and learns new stuff that’s interesting to him
lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
I keep rereading my Gabe fic. It’s the fourth chapter now, and
“Gabriel was briskly walking to his school.”
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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where we left off. (hinata shoyo x reader)
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summary: “you confess because you think you will never see him again, so it doesn’t matter ” - for my valentine’s day event - theme: confessions
word count: 1981
tags: @nishayuro @kitas-tapioca @kakashineedstotouchgrass s @amisuh @avis-writeshq @samanthaa-leanne @akaashi-todorki @sp1ng @kur0obaby @bleach-your-panties
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There is a light in Shoyo that just won’t dim. Not that you want it to. It’s your favorite thing about him.
There are ten million reasons to like Shoyo (though Tsukishima would disagree and say he can barely find one. He’s lying. No one can dislike Shoyo. It’s not possible). But you like him for the simple reason that he is the best person you have ever met. He is dedicated and kind, loyal and friendly. You have known him since your first year in high school, and you have seen him face every adversity that comes his way with full confidence and optimism.
It’s no wonder you’re hopelessly in love with him. How could you not be? Shoyo entered your life and made everything ten times brighter and easier to deal with. From day one, he was your confidant and your cheerleader. In all those three years, Shoyo stood by you like you stood by him. You had grown by leaps and bounds with him as your friend.
The sun was low in the sky, spreading a warm orange light over the clouds as it set. The color reminds you of Shoyo’s hair, and you have to curse yourself. It seems you can never stop thinking about him, and the world is adamant on making sure you didn’t even try to. You sigh and lean back on the bench you were seated on, closing your eyes and mentally preparing yourself for what was coming.
High school graduation had come and gone. Tomorrow, Shoyo will leave for Brazil. For two years minimum. And who knows? He says he will return, but there is a very real chance he won’t. An up-and-coming volleyball player like him, he could be snatched up by a local club. Or he could fall in love with beach volleyball and continue living there so he could keep playing it.
Two years is a long time for a person to change. You can change. He can change. You can’t trust yourself to leave this until then. Now, before Shoyo leaves, you will confess to him all of your closely guarded feelings. Before he potentially leaves your life for good, he has to know that he is the reason you are where you have gotten.
Heavy footsteps slowly fade in, making you turn your head to follow the sound. You spot Shoyo barreling down the sidewalk towards you, skidding to an abrupt halt when he reaches your bench. He takes a few deep breaths before grinning wide, and just the sight of his million watt smile has your own lips tugging up to return the gesture.
“Ready for dinner?”
Homey, comforting ramen is Shoyo’s choice of last meal in Japan. You both trudge into his usual ramen place, one that he loved to frequent often after practice. He talks your ear off all the way there, telling you about his day. He had been getting his affairs in order, saying goodbye to all the important people and packing up some last minute stuff. You let him catch you up to every tiny detail, (He is like that. He doesn’t like leaving anything out) and you hum along to his stories.
When steaming bowls of ramen are set down before you is when Shoyo finally shuts up, instead choosing to immediately wolf it down. You watch him with blatant adoration in your eyes. You know you do, and you don’t bother to hide it. Sharing this one last moment with him, you don’t want to hold back. This might be the last time you can look at him in leisure. So you drink him in the best you can, trying to seal this moment in your memory forever.
“Are you excited for beach volleyball?”
He nods around a mouthful of noodles. “I have just two years to learn it, so I’m a bit nervous. But I can’t wait to start!”
You smile at his usual unending enthusiasm. “You’ll be great, Shoyo. I have never met someone as hardworking as you.”
And there is that smile again, so bright you almost have to squint to withstand it. He was so different from how he was in first year. He had come such a long way in just three years. Imagine how much he would change after two years in a completely foreign country, on the other side of the world.
You can feel your shoulders drop.
After dinner, Shoyo insists on dessert and you both end up getting ice pops. He finishes his before you can even take one bite of your own, and then ends up finishing half of yours as well when you tell him you are full and he can have it. No wonder he has unending stamina. He eats the food of three people. You smile at the thought.
As per routine, Shoyo walks you home afterward. The sun has fully set by this time, and the streetlights periodically illuminate the two of you as you walk along the sidewalk. Your figures cast long, moving shadows on the concrete, and you keep your eyes on them as you walk. Shoyo is humming something under his breath, occasionally breaking the silence to comment on something. You bask in the moment.
When you slow to a stop at your front door, you realise it is finally time to do what you had been psyching yourself up for all this time.
“I have something to say.” You comment. Shoyo blinks and nods, encouraging you to continue. You take a deep breath.
“For the last three years, you’ve been the best person in my life. By a long shot. I can’t believe I met someone like you. You’re always so supportive, Shoyo, and you’ve really helped me be the best version of myself.”
You cringe at your corny statements, but Shoyo’s face has softened. He stays silent. You muscle on.
“I like you. A lot. A lot. And before you leave, I just wanted you to know this.”
Because I may never see you again. You let the last sentence die in your throat.
Shoyo looks down at the ground, fiddling with his hands a bit. You realize you have made him nervous. And no wonder. You just dumped a huge revelation on him the day before he leaves the country.
“You don’t have to say anything!” You add on, as soon as Shoyo opens his mouth to speak, trying to soothe his nerves. “I don’t want you to reciprocate. I just wanted to tell you all this before you left.”
You step forward to wrap him into a hug, feeling him freeze at the gesture. You don’t let yourself linger, pulling away mere seconds later. Shoyo opens and closes his mouth like a fish. You giggle.
“Do your best in Brazil, Shoyo. I’m counting on you.”
And then you pull open the door, shutting it behind yourself with one last smile at his surprised face.
Tokyo is a big city, and you lose yourself in the hustle and bustle of it.
Miyagi was quiet, peaceful, and you knew more or less everyone there. In contrast, Tokyo is continuously moving, and you have to run to keep up with it. It’s a big change, going from Tokyo to Miyagi, but it is a welcome one. You can feel how you change and blossom along with the city.
Your apartment is small. One bedroom, open kitchen, tiny bathroom. It’s a starter apartment and you are still a student, so it doesn’t matter. Every night, you cook yourself a modest meal and plop yourself down in front of the television, continuing some show you have been watching for the last few days. Afterwards, you have a warm cup of tea and then begin your nightly routine, ready for classes the next day.
Today that routine is disrupted by loud knocking on the door.
You pause your chewing, reaching for the remote to mute the TV. You don’t hear any sound, not even shuffling, but ten seconds later you hear another, longer knock. Sighing, you set your bowl down on the coffee table and throw your blanket off, trudging to the door. When you look through the peephole, all you see is one shoulder. You roll your eyes at the person who chose to not stand in your view.
You undo the lock and pull the door open, immediately freezing on the spot.
He has grown so much taller, and broader. His skin holds a wonderful bronze tan, and his hair is shorter than the last time you saw him. But his smile is the same. Bright and blinding, endlessly welcoming. Your heart skips.
“Hi.” He breathes. His voice is deeper too. A little scratchier. You continue to stare, mouth agape. You cannot believe it, and your brain cannot process it.
“Shoyo…” Your grip on the doorframe tightens. A small silence extends between you two. Shoto shifts a bit.
“Can I come in?” He asks sheepishly.
You abruptly jerk back, nodding vigorously. “Of course! Sorry, sorry. Come in.”
You allow Shoyo to pass through the threshold, toeing his shoes off and stacking them next to your own before looking back at you expectantly. You lead him into the living room, mind racing with a thousand thoughts.
He was back. From Brazil. Taller and tanned and just as bright. And he’s back. You reel with the revelation.
“How have you been?” He asks, seating himself on the couch and looking up at you with a small smile. He seems…. calmer somehow. More present instead of how flighty he used to be. More grounded. You nod a bit.
“I’m- I’ve been good. You?”
“Me too.”
“Okay good.”
Awkward silence stretches between you two. You feel your face heat up.
“I’m going to make tea!” You announce, bustling towards the kitchen before Shoyo can protest, trying not to think about the last conversation you had with him right before he left, over two years ago.
Once you settle before him with two steaming hot cups, the awkward air disperses a bit. You aren’t surprised. It always did with Shoyo. He had a talent like this. You ask him about Brazil and he goes on a whole storytime for it, telling you about the vast beaches and the burning sun. How much he learned and how much he changed.
That part is true, you can tell. Shoyo has changed. But despite all that, you can feel the way your heart skips, the way your palms get clammy. All those old feelings are coming back, and you cannot stop them. As you watch the way Shoyo laughs and reminisces with you, you’re not sure you want to.
A lull hits after Shoyo stops talking, and you watch as he fiddles with his hands a bit before speaking again, his voice lower this time, more serious.
“Can we….. pick up where we left off?” He doesn’t glance up at you, playing with his hands.
You blink at his words, trying to process them. He gives you a crooked smile that lights your nerves on fire.
“You never let me reply that day. And…. I didn’t think I should either, because I was leaving. But now…”
He trails off, you feel your breath catch. Is he implying what you think he is? You try not to get your hopes up, but Shoyo’s next words seal the deal.
“I like you tons.”
You can’t help your breathless laugh at his choice of words. Your skin buzzes. Shoyo scoots closer to you. You let him. His leg brushes against yours and you can feel the way electricity zips through you at the feeling.
“I like you tons too.”
Ten minutes later, when Shoyo drags huge suitcases into your lobby from outside your front door, you realize he came here straight from the airport. And it only makes you love him more.
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kyupidos · 3 months
updated 08/02/24: here is a part 2 to this analysis!
i think one of the most disturbing yet funny things about sebek antis is how they manage to twist a well written narration about internalized racism and the struggles of being a mixed person into something relating to “fascism”.
( btw there will be SLIGHTTT b7 spoilers in here but i personally think it’s whatever, no big difference to what we’ve known in the past nothing shocking. )
as his biggest fan AND as an ethnic person i feel as though you HAVE to be brain dead and/or white to not understand any of this. he doesn’t genuinely believe that humans are an inferior race, he has MULTIPLE instances praising human people ( riddle, epel ). and the evidence is in firstly, epel’s school uniform vignette where he praises his apple carving, saying it’s even nice enough to be used as a gift to malleus, and we KNOW how highly he regards him. and not once does he ever say anything like “for a human”, or insult him for “being human”, he appreciates his skill.
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then there’s riddle’s ceremonial robes vignette, and while he does look down on him, it’s not really even about being human saying, “i would better be served by weight training than riding with a bunch of amateurs” ( in reference that here we see him initially join the equestrian club ). but once riddle proves his skill, sebek is more than willing to respect him highly.
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( a small thing from the harveston event that i’ve been told of from a friend as well, he also holds high respect and love for marja. initially he wasn’t fond of her, but she gave him a squirrel plushie for the plush sled race. because of this he’s basically like, “she’s the only reason i got this far!!” and praises her. i haven’t played the event and this is what my friend says, but i figured to at least include this. )
the most insane part is you don’t even have to scour through every single moment he shows up on screen to know this, it even shows in his WIKI that one of his dislikes/pet peeves is “whining.” to be clear, while admittedly he does make patronizing remarks in regards to humans, it’s never enough to say he has a genuine hatred, and in fact he proves the opposite many times, in both epel and riddle’s case. and, in regards to the personality section, again referencing epel and riddle ( there may be other examples, they just happen to be the ones i found specifically ), he isn’t afraid to acknowledge and respect people for their talent or skills, even if they are human.
and if you’re wondering what i mean by it being ethnically related, fae are canonically ( say it with me now canonically, ) considered to be a minority race. being half human half fae is what makes him mixed, equally canonically so. as far as i’m concerned basically everyone in the fandom knows this but the complexity around this part of his character is just SO undermined that people are willing to call him “openly racist” ( to others, not his internalized racism ) and a FASCIST. are you serious?
we know already that sebek learned a lot of what he thinks now from his grandfather, ( sebek zigvolt wiki, trivia ) considering malleus and lilia commenting that his temper is a trait he gets from him ( scary monsters event story for malleus ), which of course is likely what garners his dislike towards his human aspect and his father for being human, even considering his father outputting, trailing off when noting he is human, while being prideful in his mother who is a fae ( birthday boy vignette ).
and what do we learn about his grandfather? he was in a war against humans, which makes it obvious enough how he would learn this internalized racism and why he would put down that part of his human identity. remember that fae age differently, this war wasn’t even that long ago for them. i think it’s a shame people seem to put so much love into diasomnia but not even recognize its lore that’s rooted so deep yet at the same time is right in front of our face.
but that’s all from me folks. willing to dive deeper into my sebek love and analysis if anyone wants it!
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2knightt · 4 months
idk if this makes sense, but smth like ponyboy x academic-rival!soc!reader? like they’re compared to each other a lot. they have quiet passive aggressive arguments. and they’re always on each other’s mind.. “for some reason.”
i was thinking like maybe ponyboy finds reader in some compromising position. like, maybe they’re getting bothered at the drive-in and he steps in (he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing until he does it) and sticks up for reader— and it leads to them learning more about each other in the process?
loll idk if this makes sense but your writing’s actually great can’t wait to see what u put out next ^^
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ and you can’t think of anyone else.⋄ 𓍯
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REQUESTED: you and ponyboy ‘dislike’ each other.
tags/warnings: story focused, long/on the longer side, gn!reader, reader gets harassed by a creep, ponyboy nearly gets into a fistfight, reader has a brother,
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ anon i think you’re magic because i was JUST thinking about writing academic rivals with ponyboy
“wow, pony. only 89%? i thought you were good at math.”
“i am.”
“you sure?”
ponyboy gritted his teeth as he huffed, pulling his paper out of your hands as he went back to his seat. right behind you.
if ponyboy didn’t know better, he’d thought that mr. lizweski was out for him. he glared daggers at the back of your head, his jaw still clenched.
99%. that’s such bullshit. you had to be bribing all the teachers to keep on getting first place, right? there’s no way in hell he’d ever come in second.
ponyboy wasn’t even second in track.
89% was all he thought about. in his remaining classes, he pressed down on the paper a little too hard when writing, he was oddly silent around his school friends, and he walked faster—with more of a purpose than anything.
it was clear to his friends that he was agitated, but they didn’t bother asking. each time the topic of you, the reason of his annoyance, was brought up ponyboy went on what seemed like an hour long rant.
“they’re bribing the teachers, right? they have to be! how else would they be getting these stupid marks when they’re busy parting their hair in class, or they’re too busy talking to their friends about, “what’s for lunch?” i am so goddamn tired of it!”
“….you seem to know an awful lot ‘bout y/n for someone who hates ‘em.”
“i do hate them! did you not just hear what i said?”
the rest of the day, ponyboy was in a bad mood. it felt like nothing could pull him out of it, not even when soda grabbed some change to treat him to go get snacks.
you stood out there gas station, head down to look at ground to avoid the random, rather ugly, dude standing above you.
“c’mon, pretty. gimme a smile, why don’t you?”
you stayed silent, turning your head away from him. he reeked of booze, the scent making your skin crawl.
ponyboy seen this, a slight anger bubbling inside him. it was different than what he felt all through today. this was real, genuine anger rather than annoyance.
ignoring soda calling for him and ignoring his subconscious yelling at him, ponyboy stomped toward you and the guy.
he got between the two of you, shoving the guy back slightly.
“they ain’t interested.”
“what’re you? their boyfriend?”
“just lay off.”
“or what?”
the guy pressed, taking a step closer to pony. neither of their glares wavered. pony’s knuckles were almost white with how hard he was clenching his hand.
you fully believe he wouldn’t socked him right then and there if soda hadn’t stepped in and talked the guy away, calming the drunkard a few feet away.
“you didn’t need to step in.”
“it’s not like you were gonna be anything.”
“you don’t know that.”
“i do know that, y/n.”
ponyboy spoke with such a stern tone, you almost believed him against your own will. but, as the whole situation set in, you couldn’t help but feel thankful.
he asked, sounding almost offended. pony almost fought a guy for you and all he gets is a goddamn, ‘whatever’?
“..thank you.”
you mumbled quietly, crossing your arms as you leaned back onto the gas station wall, looking down at the gravel below.
“you’re welcome.”
the silence that hung between the two of you was palpable. you shifted your weight from side to side until ponyboy broke the awkwardness.
“so, you come ‘round here often?”
“yeah. my brother works here so i get things for cheap.”
“you got a brother?”
“mhm. soda’s age.”
you confirmed, silence falling between the two of you once more. ponyboy glanced inside the store, seeing your brother work the register.
well, he should be, at least. he was currently being held back from going outside to kick some sense into the creep from earlier.
“you two look alike.”
ponyboy muttered under his breath, a small part of him hoping you wouldn’t hear. his ears went hot with embarrassment when he heard you snicker.
“don’t insult me like that.”
he always knew you were quick witted, but hearing it happen when pony wasn’t the one being made fun of was rare. but, rather funny.
ponyboy understands why your friends are always giggling around you now, as he’s begun to catch himself let out a small chuckle at your words.
“it ain’t a bad thing.”
“it totally is. you just haven’t met ‘em.”
you, yourself, were laughing at your own words. the two of you quickly laughing amongst yourselves, the conversation making 0 sense to anyone but to you guys.
time seemed to tick by faster and faster the more ponyboy got invested into the conversation. you carried yourself with a confidence he couldn’t comprehend.
the way you spoke, the way you stood, the way you looked—it was all so confusing for pony.
soda walked out of the gas station, a plastic bag full of all kinds of snacks as he shouted at his younger brother.
“ponyboy, let’s go!”
“alright, soda!”
the wind was the only thing filling your guys’ ears as he kicked the gravel you two stood on. until you, as always, broke the ice.
“i’ll see you ‘round, 89%.”
“yea. see you at school, 82%.”
you two teased, narrowing your eyes at each other one last time for the night.
even on the car ride home with soda, who calmed down the drunkard and even got close with your brother, ponyboy was still confused.
despite being the best, number one, in english—he couldn’t find the words to describe how he felt about you.
so, he’ll just say he’a neutral on you. until you get a higher grade than him, of course.
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coraniaid · 2 months
how about an AU where cordelia stayed in sunnydale?
Oh, that's interesting.
I think that, in reality, if Cordelia hadn't left for Angel, she'd probably have ended up occupying a pretty similar place in the rest of Buffy to the role Anya ends up taking. Maybe not exactly the same one (I don't know if the writers would have had her and Xander get back together, for example, and obviously Cordelia isn't a former vengeance demon), but close enough that I'm not even sure that they'd have made Anya a permanenent member of the cast.
But, ignoring that, and taking Anya's ongoing presence in Sunnydale as given...
I think something has to happen to make Cordelia stay in Sunnydale, right? It's clear from Season 3 that she doesn't want to (see, for example, her reaction to finding out that Buffy got into Northwestern: "great! now you can leave and never come back! [I mean] get out of Sunnydale: that's a good thing"). I guess maybe the lazy option is just to have her trying to save up money to get into drama school somewhere? We already see her working at April Fools in Season 3, maybe she can keep doing that. Or maybe -- remembering Cordelia's role as Buffy's shadow -- her parents split up because of her father's tax issues and she ends up feeling she has to stay in town to help look after her mom? Or maybe put those two ideas together: Buffy's surprised to see that Cordelia's still in town, Cordelia tries as nonchalantly as possible to pretend she's still around for her own reasons and then we learn that she's putting her own ambitions on hold because she has to help her mom look for a new place to stay. And maybe that gives us a chance to explore some of the class issue stuff that Buffy as a show always skirts around but never really touches (how does Cordelia feel about now being in a position more like Xander than Buffy or Willow?).
I've complained about this before (more than once), but I think Cordelia being in Sunnydale is a great excuse to change how the gang react to finding out that Harmony is a vampire. I mean, say what you want about the show's approach to vampire lore, but it's pretty jarring how quickly everyone reacts to finding out that their former classmate died helping fight the Mayor and his minions in the same dismissive "haha, Harmony's always been an idiot" way; as if Harmony had 'decided' to become a vampire in a slightly embarrasing post-school life choice. It feels more in character for Buffy, Giles and Xander to argue that Harmony is dead and That Thing Is Not Her while Cordelia (just as in Disharmony over on Angel a season later) says "no, this is definitely Harmony, she's my friend". (Willow can still react in the same way as canon, sure; it's not out of character for her to dislike Harmony.) And I think it would help the maybe-demons-aren't-all-bad approach that the show obviously wants to go for if Harmony and Cordelia actually were friends this season. Like, Harmony herself still absolutely is evil and will hang around trying to feed on people heading home late from work in the dark -- but when she recognizes her intended victim is Cordelia she immediately drops the vamp face and they cheerfully walk back to Cordelia's place chatting about high school and how much they agree Xander sucks.
I think Cordelia would also help to push Giles out of his mid-life crisis a bit earlier than he manages in canon. Partly in the same way she does for Angel in his show. Sure, she can't fix everything going wrong in her own life but she can stop Giles sitting around feeling sorry for himself in his large house [much larger than some people's houses, she'll point out] and maybe push himself into finding an actual job more quickly. I think that would set up some tension with Anya later (when she gets a job at the shop Giles opens, a little ahead of canon) which I think would be nice to see. (I also think it would be fun to see Anya interact with Cordelia more generally, the way they did in The Wish when Anya was first pretending to be human. They are both pretty blunt speakers, after all, who both see themselves as being outside of the core Scooby Group, and it would be fun to see them commenting on things together. Or to imagine Cordelia's puzzled/disgusted reaction whenever Anya starts talking about how great Xander is and how much she enjoys having sex with him.)
Once we get to Season 5, I'd love to see how Dawn and Cordelia interact. As I think I've said before, I think they'd get on really well (and that this would annoy Buffy a lot). Dawn looks up to Cordelia as somebody a lot like her own sister before she became a Slayer (but infinitely superior because she isn't actually her sister), while Cordelia loves having somebody tell her how great she is and tells Dawn how much cooler she is than Buffy (and not entirely just to annoy Buffy). I think Cordelia might even replace Willow in some contexts (in particular, I think it parallels Cordelia instantly agreeing to drive Buffy home in Helpless if Dawn demands to stay at Cordelia's after Joyce's funeral and Cordelia instantly accepts even though we've already established she doesn't want anyone she knows seeing the reduced circumstances she's living in). Cordelia never interacts with Joyce in canon as much as Buffy's other shadow selves do, but she does seem to admire her [in their very limited exchanges]. Actually, maybe at some point in Season 4 Cordelia quits her retail job to go and work for Joyce at the art gallery? I mean, if Season 4 is (in part) about Buffy losing touch with her mother as she moves away from home, what better way to represent that than by having the character who represents Buffy's younger, pre-Slayer self start spending more time with her?
When Riley delivers his stupid ultimatum to Buffy in Into The Woods, Xander would still give his ridiculous speech to Buffy about how great Riley is and how this is all Buffy's fault, but Cordelia (who, it turns out, has views of her own on what to do when your boyfriend cheats on you and expects you to forgive him and take him back and indeed about whether you should take Xander Harris seriously about anything) would interupt and point out just how bizarre what Xander was saying was (and probably be the catalyst for him to realize that what he's saying applies far more to his own relationship with Anya). We cut to Riley waiting by his helicopter ready to go and pacify Central America for Christian missionaries [or whatever] when a female figure emerges from the woods ... Riley looks up, hopeful, but it's not Buffy. It's Cordelia ["what," she says, paraphrasing Gunn; "you were expecting somebody else?"]. Cordelia gets to give Riley a piece of her mind and tell him how great Buffy is [something she'd never tell Buffy, of course] and how badly Riley messed things up, and then she cheerfully waves him off as he leaves Sunnydale forever. [And, okay, yes, Buffy will still be upset about their relationship ending and she will still blame herself later when the topic comes up -- that's just who she is and how she approaches all of her romantic relationships. But at least we don't have to humor Joss Whedon's ego by pretending that she was right to do this and that her relationship with Riley was actually great all along.]
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pinkiemachine · 4 months
The entire planet of Tamaran is getting ready to welcome the newest member of the royal family as Starfire draws closer and closer to her due date. Consequently, this means that Dick and Star are off-world currently, and the entire BatFam is planning to travel there in about a month for the celebration. In the meantime, however, Bruce has noticed how awfully lonely Damian has been recently. Dick’s been gone for a few months at this point, he’s not exactly the closest of close buddies with the rest of the BatFam, and he doesn’t have any friends at school. (And, up until now he’s been prevented from joining the Teen Titans because he’s not quite 14 yet, and because he has “being in a team” issues.) But then, just his luck, Superman calls saying that there’s been a development with his son, Jonathan. He’s suddenly showing signs of Kryptonian abilities and Clark has had to reveal his secret identity to him. Right now, they need to look him over to check out his physiology and see what’s going on with him. Bruce says to meet at the Watchtower… and he brings Damian with him. Thus, Damian Wayne is introduced to Jonathan Kent. (I should note, Damian is 13 and Jon is 11, though Jon is taller than him and Damian hates it, especially since it leads to people thinking that Jon’s older all the stinkin time, lol.)
After they check up on Jon, discussion turns toward what they’re gonna do next. Jon’s going to need training, not just in how to use his powers, but also in other aspects like combat and stealth. (Jon’s adamant that he really wants to become a superhero just like his dad.) But Clark wants to ease Jon into all of this—he’s still only eleven—and that’s when Bruce says, “What if Jon… potentially… came over from time to time and hung out with Damian? He could show him a few things.”
Clark is surprised. Damian is confused and alarmed. Jon is all for it (right now, anyway).
Damian protests. He says that he has no time to “hang out” right now, he’s very busy! Fighting crime (which he’s very good at and there’s been no major stuff going on lately), studying (this is a lie, he’s practically college-level already), and training to prove that he’s ready to join the Teen Titans when he turns 14. Bruce sighs and pinches the brim of his nose. All that training won’t mean a thing if he can’t learn how to get along with other supers his age. This will be a good opportunity for him. It’s happening whether he likes it or not.
…So their first hangout ends in total disaster. Yeah, Damian doesn’t really know how to have “friends” especially when they’re completely normal and like, oh, I don’t know, playing video games or baseball or riding bikes or rollerblading or playing scrabble. Damian’s idea of a “fun time” is sneaking out in the Batmobile and punching the snot out of Condiment King. So… how would you explain to your dad why you’re covered in ketchup and glass shards when you get home?
There is now a growing resentment. We all know Damian’s personality. It’s very easy to dislike him. For a multitude of reasons. And after the initial starstruck-ness of meeting Robin wears off, Jon’s getting kinda sick of his reckless, arrogant, danger-loving demeanour. And Damian, he gets real sick real quick of Jon’s meeker, kinder, pushovery-er personality. Jon gets mad at Damian for getting them into trouble, but Damian says that it wouldn’t have happened at all if Jon hadn’t gotten in the way! Bruce and Clark break them up before the fighting gets worse, but they still think it would be a good idea for them to learn from each other, and Damian’s not going to be allowed to join the Titans until he can learn to get along with Jon. (Which Damian finds totally unfair.) Cue the Super Sons storyline!
Damian doesn’t have the patience or the desire to do things the way Bruce wants him to, so he devises a plan. If he and Jon can manage to complete a high-level mission and take down a dangerous criminal together, Bruce and Clark would be sure to let up on this nonsense and the two of them would never have to hang out ever again. 🤝 Deal.
So, they go on the dangerous mission, naturally things go haywire, Bruce and Clark have to show up and save them, and they’re not happy.
It takes the boys a few more tries, a few more training courses that their dads came up with, and a whole lot of patience, but eventually they do start to get along, and they do end up completing a real mission together. Finally, Bruce says that Damian, after his 14th birthday, (which is coming up soon), can join the Titans. Right now, though, it’s time to go see Dick and Star.
Princess Markori (Nightstar) Grayson is born! (Mar’i for short.) It’s a happy episode.
We do our standard check up on everyone, and everything’s going pretty well. (Well, things ended up not working out with Bab’s boyfriend, so that’s sad, but other than that, there’s been nothing super horrible lately.) Tim’s feeling a little overwhelmed as he slowly but surely becomes the new, up and coming face of Wayne Enterprises, Jason and Artemis are officially a couple, Cass and Steph have their own apartment in Gotham and team up a lot to fight crime, and BRUCE… he and Selina continue to get closer and closer… she’s been brought around the cave and she’s met most of the BatFam members by now… and Bruce just might have a ring picked out. All the more reason for Damian to be hanging out with Jon instead of being all alone at home, stewing about the situation.
So, Damian’s 14 birthday happens, and he’s officially inaugurated into the Titans… and then, when he notices Jon being kinda left out, Damian proposes that maybe they could bring Jon on as a part-time trainee. Thus bringing Jon along with him as the Ultimate Teen Titans head out on their first mission.
Back in Gotham, it’s time for the next big story arc. Get excited for the Robin Wars! Bruce is gone again on another big Justice League mission, Nightwing’s still on Tamaran, Jason’s doing his own thing, Tim was never the best fighter in the group (he’s more of a detective), and Damian’s away with the Teen Titans. Security in Gotham is at an all-time low right now, and it’s because of this over confidence that the heroes have in this quiet and peace that a new threat has started to emerge. A faceless, nameless evil. It’s taking over Gotham, little by little, egging on gangs like the Jokerz, undoing so much of the work that Bruce and the others have done and causing chaos. We, the audience, don’t find out until the very end, but… it’s the Court of Owls.
Now, we see yet again just how much of an effect Batman has really had the people of Gotham, because not long after all of this starts to happen, there’s pushback. A teenager named Duke Thomas (who happens to be a low-level meta human with light-based powers) just lost his parents to an attack by the Jokerz. They got laughing gassed and are now hospitalised. So he’s getting real fed up with these criminals, and without Batman around, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He doesn’t have much to fight with… so he sends out a rally cry. He creates an app that people can download, giving directions to all willing participants on how to organise and fight back. He calls it, “We Are Robin.” Hundreds of young people join the movement, keeping Gotham safe until Batman gets back, with Duke at the helm, leading them. This gets the attention of one Alfred Pennyworth who pitches in as well, making the whole thing feel a little more official.
But, there’s only so long they can hold out against a professional criminal organization. Sooner or later, Batman and the real Robin need to come back and push this new threat back to the shadows, especially before Duke loses control of the mob he’s incited. But Bruce was impressed. He managed to do a lot on his own. But it was also very dangerous. Duke’s lucky things didn’t go much worse.
Now that that’s over… Duke’s parents are still in the hospital… and there’s currently no known cure for Joker’s laughing gas. So, Bruce agrees to take Duke in until they can find a cure.
Gotham is back in steady hands… though Bruce is eager to figure out who that mysterious group was, manipulating everything.
At the current moment, however… he’s more concerned with proposing to Selina. Which he does. Which shocks the entire BatFam. And the entire Justice League. And Everyone.
Part 9 👇
Part 7 👇
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ATEEZ as Boyfriends
Anon request: Can I get a headcannon of what you think Yunho would be like as a boyfriend, a totally mysterious anon don't mind me
Let’s jump into the basics of the universe as we explore how each member of ATEEZ would act as partners, in age order. There are around 1700 words total in this dive, and this post is only the SFW headcanons for the boys, so it’s super fluffy.
Reminder: These are my own assumptions and not to be taken as truth. Take my opinions with a grain of salt. This is fiction.
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Seonghwa is a massive giver. He's highly attentive to people he's close to and would be especially so for his partner. He will take the lead in the relationship if he can, using physical touch often to lead his partner around and protect them from dangers. He'll use any excuse to hold their hand or touch their shoulder. He wants to be touching you whenever you're together, half to remind himself that it isn't a dream and half because he wants everyone to know you are together. Although he'd be expressive in complimenting you, always making sure to point out small specifics he loves about you instead of simply calling you pretty/handsome/gorgeous, he would be very shy when you compliment him in the same way, smiling and getting red as he avoids your eyes. As an idol, he would know that he can't share your existence with everyone, but he ensures to subtly remind those who can know often that you are his partner, and makes sure you know that you are one of the happiest aspects of his life.
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Hongjoong is a quiet lover. He's often focused on work, so there's a high chance his partner becomes a muse for him. He doesn't put the full focus on his lover in his life as he's such a hard-working and ambitious person, and wouldn't want his lover to focus all their energy on him either. He'd be supportive towards whatever his partner wants to do, but he'd be clumsy in his expression of it. He's all smiles whenever his partner comes to him proud of themselves, but will stumble over his words when congratulating them. Often, this leads to the dynamic mimicking those middle-school crushes who would pick on one another, but it works. He'd also be a photographer boyfriend; he has an ever-growing album of (mostly) candid photos of his lover for himself to look back on whenever they aren't together. Although he's quiet and doesn't want to show you off, he'd like to match aspects or styles of outfits with you - matching accessories, phone cases, or pops of color. As an idol, he's the type to massively weigh the pros and cons of opening up to the fans but might accidentally mention having a partner during a casual livestream. However, he'd be exceptionally careful not to reveal any details about you.
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Yunho is such a sweetheart. He wants to be touching his partner constantly, as physical touch is an important love language to him. Most of the dates that he plans will revolve around sharing food, as he loves to see his lover eating well and enjoying his choices. He's a planner; he'll sit there and make sure everything is perfect in his mind before even telling his partner about the idea. Ever see a puppy prancing around happy to show off his favorite toy? That's Yunho with his lover. He wants to introduce them to all his friends, and he's extremely attentive to how he affects you. Holding you gently, shielding you without being obvious about it, and meeting you on your level during conversations whenever he can. He's also very attentive to your emotional state. He learns all your tells and likes and dislikes, so he can know how to help you when you need him. As an idol, this is someone who pouts at management for asking him not to reveal his partner to fans. While he understands their reasoning, he wants to share such a big happy part of his life with ATINY.
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Yeosang is another quiet lover, but different than Hongjoong. He will express himself through small touches and quality time. He doesn't need to talk to his lover all the time - feeling their presence is enough to improve his mood. I feel like he's prone to overstimulation, so body doubling with the occasional hand touch may be the best thing for him. Just let him quietly sit with you as you're busy working or vice versa, and he couldn't be happier. He's very expressive when he talks, and would love to make his partner laugh more than anything. Although he has a very clear sense of humor, he pays attention to what works best with his lover and uses it. Their smile and laugh constantly make him beam, especially if he causes it. I think he's silently protective, using himself as a barrier - both physical and emotional - between you and uncomfortable situations or people. Because of this, I think he'd be far too wary of the potential cons of revealing you to ATINY, so he wouldn't (unless he's announcing his marriage).
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San is a gem. He's clingy and easily excitable and often impulsive. This doesn't change with his partner. He will often spontaneously do things for his lover, even if they told him not to, because he wants to show his love. He will be one of the most supportive people in his partner's life and will be extremely giddy about all the things they do and the goals they reach, little or big. However, he's also very sensitive to how he treats other people and becomes extremely picky when in a relationship - must get the timing perfect, must find the best possible way to say something; man becomes a perfectionist when it involves his lover and their emotions. Early on, he will seriously sit them down just to talk about pet names, because he wants to choose ones that are meaningful and deliberate while ensuring that his partner doesn't have any negative feelings towards them. He wants to use your name sparingly in the deepest moments, like the first time he says he loves you, so that it's more meaningful. Although he's the happy-go-lucky type and would want to deal with his negative emotions out of his partner's view (at least in the beginning), he would always want to know when his partner is unwell, even if only slightly. In terms of revealing you to his fans, it will take a long time for him to take any risks. Although he's trusting of his fandom, he wants to keep you safe, so he often pushes those parts of his life away from one another.
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Mingi changes a lot as the relationship progresses and he becomes more relaxed around you. Although he's always going to be his quirky and giggly self, he becomes somewhat shy when beginning to talk to his partner. Even for a bit after becoming officially exclusive, he will tone himself down slightly, as he'd be a bit worried about scaring them away. He would be the type to use subtle touches to remind his partner that he's there for them, and he'd like very much to be a rock for his partner. He's comforting and affectionate and will show softer PDA without much hesitation. He loves holding your hand and giving you hugs, regardless of who sees you. He's also big on mental health and might linger over your well-being more than the others, but it's always in good faith and you know he's simply trying to help you. He'll leave little notes or texts for his partner when they are apart for any amount of time, and will constantly show his love rather than saying it. Mingi wouldn't have to tell the fans about the relationship; ATINY would simply ask after pictures of the couple flood the internet. He's a bit careless with it because he believes love should be expressed openly. When his fans ask about it, he would have a hard time hiding his giddiness while answering, so everyone would know regardless.
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Wooyoung is the definition of middle-school love. He will pick on and tease his partner constantly and want the energy returned tenfold. He's an actions-over-words person, so prepare for constant clinging when he has high energy. Despite being very fun and loud and chaotic, the relationship will often bounce between times of silence and chaos, as he likes to focus on one thing at a time with all of his energy. When he's at work or focused on a project, he might forget to message you back, but he will make up for those silent days by giving you his ultimate attention when you're together. Suddenly, work doesn't exist - nothing else exists but the two of you - because you're with him. He will ask you an ocean of questions once you move past the initial teasing, wanting to learn anything and everything about you as soon as he can. He'll be sure to plan dates you've mentioned enjoying or do things with you that you've expressed interest in. ATINY would have no idea you exist because he separates work and private life so well. Why would they have any reason to believe he has a lover when he's always expressing his undying love for his members and fans anyway? It doubles as the perfect way to keep you safe from toxic fans.
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Jongho is reserved as a lover. Although he is extremely caring and appreciative of everything you do for him and with him, he expresses his love in subtle ways. He never forgets important dates, whether that's birthdays and anniversaries or simply when you have an appointment. He always makes sure you leave on time and with everything you need for wherever you're going, and will always give sweet little kisses before you leave and when you arrive. He'll learn your favorite songs and artists to have an impromptu karaoke session with you while you're relaxing together, and will always have the next date planned out before you even have time to think about it. He's protective and slightly possessive but silent about it. He shows it most by keeping his hand on the small of your back or his arm wrapped around your waist in public, especially if you're wearing something more revealing. He would prefer you dress modestly in public, but would never fight you on your outfit choice, so he simply proves to everyone that you are his with these small actions that become a habit to you. He won't say that he loves you very often, but you will always feel loved by him. He wouldn't want to share you with ATINY, and he would only express that he has a partner to stop delusions from progressing too far. He'll know exactly when to say it and when not to.
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girl-named-matty · 1 year
Random Sebastian Sallow headcanons pt.3
Random Sebastian Sallow Headcanons by me!
Loves mythology, especially Greek mythology. 
Speaking of that, he’s really well versed in Scottish Mythology since he is Scottish. 
Definitely reads books that are written in Scottish Gaelic. He can understand it but he likes to challenge himself. 
Honestly I think if he played an instrument, he’d play the Violin. 
His mother definitely taught him and Anne so that they could play music together. 
He used to go down into their homes cellar and sit in his dads lap while he read. Because of this, Sebastian learned how to read from a very young age and it sparked his love for books. 
Even when he was younger, he didn’t like Solomon. 
Sebastian looks more like their dad and Anne looks more like their mother, hence why he has a bunch of freckles and Anne doesn’t. (which still baffles me) 
Speaking of freckles, he has full body freckles. They are most prominent on his face, shoulders, arms, and back. 
The reason why he can see Thestrals is because he had witnessed the death of another uncle. (we know it's not his parents because Ominis specified Anne and Sebastian got there after their parents died). 
He literally sucks at Gobstones. He mentions that Anne always beat him and he meant that when he said it. Like this boy couldn’t even beat Ominis, who’s literally blind. 
Gives the most annoying, slobbery kisses when he wants to annoy you. I’m sorry but it had to be said. 
That being said, he loves to annoy his S/O all the time. Nobody knows why, he just finds it really funny when they get frustrated with him. 
He is the number one Gaunt Family hater (besides Ominis himself of course). In their first year, Ominis opened up pretty quickly to Sebastian about how poorly his family treated him and ever since then Sebastian has resented the Gaunts for what they did to his best friend. 
Sebastian’s Patronus is honestly one of the ones I just can’t pin down honestly. I’d definitely have to do with his spontaneousness and his mischievousness along with his desire to have free will but also mirror his wisdom and intelligence.
He first got introduced to the dark arts obviously when he first attended school. He knew very little about them before. But when he became best friends with Ominis, a certain 7th-year older brother of his (*cough cough* Marvolo) decided to introduce him to some dark spells just to upset Ominis (which it did) although in the future, Sebastian did convince Ominis to learn confringo with him in the undercroft. 
After school, especially after 5th year and everything that happened with Anne and Solomon, he swears off using the dark arts unless absolutely necessary. He realized how much they ruined his life and didn’t want to continue allowing them to ruin his life. 
Horrible dancer, he’s practically got two left feet. He’ll try his best, especially if he’s dancing with his S/O but he definitely needs some pointers on what to do. 
He thinks he can learn everything from a book, which isn’t exactly untrue but he’ll be in the library for hours just to find the exact book that gives him exactly what he wants even if he has to go to the restricted section every once and a while. 
Doesn’t even understand WHY they have a restricted section. If the books down there are so “bad” why even keep them in a school full of children??? 
On a lighter note. When he blushes, it is IMPOSSIBLE to hide. His cheeks go a deep red color and his face heats up like it's burning. I’d like to think his ears turn a little pink too but no matter how hard he tries to cover it all up, he can’t. 
This of course just subjects him to a bit of teasing. 
I don’t think he’d be a prefect, it made it pretty clear how much he dislikes them in the game, not to mention with his detention record the school probably wouldn’t even imagine making him one.
That still doesn’t keep the younger students from going to him with their problems instead of the prefects because he’s just 1000 times better than them. 
Speaking of this, I feel like a lot of the Slytherin first years look up to him because he’s the perfect mix of mischievous and intelligent. So as much as he likes having his fun that drives the school crazy, he’s still dedicated to his education. So he’s not gonna rat the first years out for anything they’ve done but he definitely guides them in a better direction. (after all he doesn’t want all of them ending up like him.) 
And even though he has his wild side, he’s still mature enough to take responsibility for his actions, no matter the punishment. 
Up next is Ominis! (request are open btw!)
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coolshadowtwins · 2 months
Ok, I meant to post this forever and a half ago, but better late than never.
This is a JJK post, so sorry to all the people following me for SVSSS lol
Moo, this au started as a stupid conversation about Gojo’d parents, which just done exist in canon for some reason. And I think it would be hilarious for them to also absolutely hate non-sorcerers.
They are so happy that their son is Satoru Gojo, holder of the six eyes and limitless! They are less happy at the friends he makes in high school. Oh sure, this Geto guy is already a special grade and that’s cool and all, but he doesn’t come from a family of sorcerers! He’s not good enough for their little boy! Gojo, who is in his teenage rebellion that he never leaves, is all ‘You guys just don’t understand >:( But daddy I love him 😭’
Of course, this all changes when they learn that Suguru Geto killed a whole village of non-sorcerers! Who knew he had it in him! Maybe this boy is good enough for their son after all.
And then they learn that not only has Geto become a curse user, he is also no longer together with their son!!! Unacceptable!!!
So they do what every set of parents have to do- call and nag their son about breaking up with the nice young man!
They don’t care about Gojo’s arguments, featuring things like ‘I thought you didn’t even like him!’ And ‘He murdered like 100 people???’ And the most repeated, ‘I didn’t break up with him! He broke up with me!’
“That just means you must of done something wrong!” His mother yells.
“Go and apologize, son, it will make everything easier. Trust me.” His father says.
They nag and nag at Gojo, and honestly, Gojo does really miss Geto. So he goes and finds him, since he had the Gojo Clan’s backing about bringing Geto back.
This is where it kinda falls apart lol. I can’t imagine a scenario where Geto comes back. My best guess is Gojo promises protection for the twins, and for them to be raised in the Gojo clan, around other sorcerers, but I don’t think that would do it lol
But let’s say it does! Geto still hates non sorcerers, but he’s no longer a curse user. He’s still a cult leader, but there’s nothing against being a cult leader and a sorcerer. I think it’s a really funny idea if no matter what other life path Geto takes, he always, somehow, becomes a cult leader.
Gojo still adopts the Fushiguros. His parents aren’t happy about it, but then they learn that they get to be the family of the Ten Shadows and Six eyes/Limitless? Wonderful, great, perfection. Welcome to the family, new grandson. The fact they have to act like they want Tsumiki as a granddaughter is merely trifles to pay for the look on the Zenins faces.
They also, of course, take the twins as granddaughters. And they of course have a tier list of grandkids, but if they showed it then their son won’t let them see any of them again! 😭 it’s sad, honestly lol
But they do make sure that Tsumiki is training to be a sorcerer. They do not care if she want to or not, and Tsumaki just wants the family that took her and her brother in’s approval, so she goes along with it. They get her some goggles that let her see curses, and I like to imagine she gets a bow and arrows! I think it would be neat. I also think she would be perfectly fine with being very very low ranked. She wants to be a sorcerer for the family approval, not be be a strong one.
There would be an episode about Geto disliking her, a child, and not bonding with her like he has with the other kids him and Gojo take care of. This upsets her, but she deals with it. Until Gojo is out of town on a mission, and she gets sick. But she’s not going to admit it to anyone around her!! To her supposed other guardian, who dislikes her? To her supposed grandparents, who tolerate her as long as she’s doing well? Absolutely not.
So she goes to her elementary school, and gets even sicker, and then before long the school has to call Geto to come get her. Maybe she throws up, or maybe the twins (who are around her age) snitch on her to a teacher because I would like to believe they care about her.
Geto comes, and is annoyed she didn’t just tell him that she was sick so he wouldn’t have to come out here to get her. She could have just stayed home! And they she starts crying about how she didn’t want to bother him, and she knows he doesn’t like her so she was trying to not be a bother and they she’ll stay out of the way. And Geto would realize how much of a dick he has been to a child and starts being a better parent to her.
(I need to note here, that in real life this would be a call cps moment. But this can be framed wholesome here I guess lol)
They only other joke I had here is Geto becomes the second year teacher at the school. Tsumiki and Maki (the twins went to the other school, to get away from their parents lol) would be in the same class, and they have a ‘Monkey Jar’ in the classroom, because Geto would keep making comments to Maki. Now every time he even says the word monkey, he has to put money in the jar, which the girls get at the end of the month. Tsumiki, of course, gets an allowance, and so let’s Maki have all of it.
This escalates to Maki goading Geto into saying the word to get more money. Not even just calling her one- any time he says the word. Even if he was only referring to the actual animal lol
I have this stupid idea of Geto taking the class to fight a mid range curse at an f zoo, that looks like a monkey, and he has to find new ways to describe it every time because he can’t call it the ‘monkey curse’ without Maki demanding money. And he can’t refuse because then he would be told on to Gojo, who would just be extra annoying to him as revenge lol
That’s all I have of this one. I hope it made someone laugh
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andreal831 · 2 months
Honestly, if I had to be honest, I could never get myself to like Hayley even after all she went through. Like I believe in karma and the very fact that she tried to build a family with Klaus after they both mutually destroyed Tyler's life - and they could never end up being the proper family they wanted with Hope in the end. Same could also be said about her betraying the hybrids yet going to NOLA where the Crescent Pack - cursed to be wolves every day except for one night - with members that have either betrayed her or got killed fighting battles not theirs for the sake of "loyalty" (I will also mention the Crescent Curse meant they were isolated from the werewolf grapevine outside of NOLA, so Hayley arrived with a blank slate). We - or I - still don't even have outright confirmation that she knew Oliver was the one who killed Eve, her only surviving relative. So even if it wasn't just Tyler, karma was always at Hayley's heel when her actions led to something horrific that she had to pay for.
But I think the reason why I dislike her is for Hope's sake. Yes, Hayley protected her and put her first first - but I think she was still selfish about it. We hear nothing about the years Hope was growing up on the road, like was she always stuck in a safehouse or did she interact with normal people. And on that note, we never got a clear reason why Hayley just packed up and left and didn't bring any Crescent members - who have the abilities of a hybrid (which is a joke when they got slaughtered easily) - even if Mary vouched for them. That doesn't make sense unless what I mentioned above about the Crescents being isolated comes into play and Hayley was worried about hypothetical pack members learning about what she's done before coming to NOLA and didn't want to chance anything (another thing, Tyler was still living while Hayley was looking for pack venom, so his possible influence with North America packs would have been an interesting hindrance to see).
So, if I'm not being clear, for going to a new state with virtually no one knowing her past misdeeds and those who did either being dead (I believe Jackson knew via truth ritual) or indisposed (the Mikaelsons), Hayley had to have struggled getting help because of being in relations with the Mikaelsons, the mother of Klaus's daughter, and an old friend-turned-enemy they stupidly left alive knowing he knew enough information to have packs turning her away. And how does this relate to Hope? Because if Hayley and Klaus have zero love in the werewolf community and know the truth, why would they trust Hope? I imagine the open invitation from the community by just being werewolf-affiliated or having the curse doesn't fall on Hope because her parents' treatment with werewolves...and that's if you had decent writing and proper consequences at work.
Also, in a previous ask, you said sending Hope to Salvatore made no sense..but it actually does if you wanna wager that the School Pack being made up of werewolves that either had no idea of their werewolf curse until triggered or lost their pack early in life would have no idea who Hope was or what her family is to werewolf current history, so like Hayley and the Crescents, Hope has a clean break at gaining the trust of werewolves who don't have anything to affiliate her with. And sending Hope to Salvatore also makes sense if you wanna also add in the fact perhaps certain Crescents may have felt bitter towards Hayley and it could have gone down to Hope. It probably did get better with time if Hope left to eat crawfish with them, but there's probably some distance given everything that happened. And then following how Hope used Henry - a fellow Crescent - by helping him become a hybrid and didn't do what was necessary like break the sirebond or help him gain control, and when that wasn't enough, kidnapping Hayley - the only parent in her life - just to get Klaus's attention, which led to the mess in S5...
Then, yes, I can't have it in myself care about Hayley. Just, she's a mom who's gonna do whatever it takes to do right by Hope but there's so many underlying things that sabotage her efforts. I get Hayley wanted to give her child a mom that always forgives her, but she dealt with Klaus's BS for years - so she should have doubled down on this behavior as soon as it was evidentiary. And furthering back, she's only acting out - and using people, as Mikaelsons do - because of Klaus. Klaus Mikaelson, who we watched for 3 seasons have several people reassure his relationship with Hope was solid and he could be a good dad only to foil it when Hope got a glimpse of the man everyone hated - and the one to even inspire Hope to love him to begin with was Hayley, so she looks like an idiot because Hope's 7 years of wanting his attention is technically on her because she encouraged this when Hope only had her to rely on. If Hayley's only redeeming quality was being a good mom to Hope, she would have: said "screw The Hollow", got Rebekah to track Klaus down, got on the first plane and dragged him back to Hope to explain himself because as bad as her child being possessed by her evil ancestors is, making her child feel unloved and unwanted (the very things Hayley promised her she wouldn't feel on the day she was born) was even worse and should have taken more precedence.
And if I had to warrant it, this is what got Hayley killed: If not staying by the Mikaelsons side and fighting for them, it's by half-assing things with Hope so badly - not being truthful about the real world, not preparing her for the consequences of Klaus's and her actions, kicking Klaus's ass in gear sooner - that the kid had to act like a Mikaelson, running her own childhood, and Hayley's head got put on the cutting board as a result.
(I'm so sorry, this came out harsher than I intended - I edited a lot but still came out this way. I care for Hope, but have responsibility where it lies, but if I had to blame anyone for orchestrating how Hope of S5 came to be, I blame Hayley - and Freya because I think she might have been undermining her parenting behind her back.)
Hi love, I know this is an old ask. Sorry, I'm just now responding. I know we discussed it a little already but I wanted to make sure I responded fully!
I personally don't believe in karma, especially in the context of TVDU. If anyone had karma coming for them, Hayley honestly wouldn't be high on the list. We are dealing with people who have been serial killers for decades/centuries/millennium. Yes, Hayley did some truly terrible things, but she learned and grew. I don't blame Tyler for his hatred to Hayley and Klaus and even how he went after them. But if we are saying that Hayley's karma is why she couldn't have a proper family in the end, why did Damon get one? Why did Caroline? Why did Kol get to get married to Davina? Or Rebekah and Marcel? They have all done equally (mostly worse) than Hayley. Why didn't Bonnie get her happy ending? Or Jenna? Or Cami? Or Eve? Karma can't play a role in TVDU because we are dealing with terrible people as the 'heroes' where the innocents are sacrificed as plot devices.
I think the only reason Hayley didn't bring anyone with her when she ran was because she had to get out of there quickly. She also never wanted her pack to sacrifice their lives for her. Jackson had just been killed because of his attachment to her. She wasn't going to risk anyone else for her. I wish the show would have gone more into the pack politics because I can't believe Oliver was the only pack member who had issues with Hayley's relationships with the Mikaelsons. This also could have played a part in it. She knew she would spend the next few years of her life doing anything to get the Mikaelsons back. This probably wouldn't be super popular with the pack.
The pack wouldn't have cared about her past. Let's be honest, they were not the most noble pack. They were ready to turn on each other and any one else for power. I don't think they would have cared that she got 12 random wolves killed to find them when they were willing to kill each other over moon rings.
We don't know what was happening during the time jump, but we can assume they didn't have much interaction with the outside world. This is something we know Hayley feels badly about since she argues with Klaus about keeping her isolated in New Orleans. Hayley understands what it is to grow up alone and never wanted that for Hope. But even more than that, she wants Hope safe. If we look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the first two bases of the pyramid are physiological needs (food and shelter) and safety. These come before social needs. I wish we could have seen more of this time and seen the conflicts she may have run into while trying to bring the Mikaelsons back. As you said, Tyler could have played a role or even just Hayley's reputation with the Mikaelsons.
You say that Hayley had no love from the wolves, but that isn't true. Hayley was still very respected with the packs that she ran with when she was young. We see this in season 3 when she and Klaus run into them. It would have been nice to see Hayley go back to them during the time jump and reconnect with her werewolf side as well as having Hope around other wolves. The Crescent Pack also still respects Hayley which is why she can come back after five years and still rebuild leading up to season 5.
Yes, Hayley got 12 wolves killed. But this is not going to destroy her relationship with the packs even if they all know. She isn't the only wolf to do this. We see Tyler get wolves killed when he sides with the MF Gang. Or the fact that when we are first introduced to wolves, Jules and her pack are willing to throw Tyler under the bus in order to get the moonstone. The wolves have zero loyalty to other wolves and have wavering loyalty to their own packs. It's no wonder Hayley behaved the way she did.
Now, the pack trusting Hope is interesting. I haven't watched Legacies but I've seen enough edits to know Hope does go back to NOLA and interact with the wolves. And they don't trust her. I think she even beheads one of them (and we are supposed to think it's badass or something??). Hope basically has to tell them that they shouldn't want a monarchy or even a hierarchy of alphas. But to your point, most of the Crescent fighting was generational because of this hierarchy. Hope didn't need to earn their respect because they operated as a monarchy -- which is the problem with monarchies.
I still hold that sending Hope to the Salvator School made no sense. You point out that it gives her a fresh start with the wolves, but when she was there initially, I don't think they even knew she was a wolf. She was Hope Marshall, a normal, average witch. In the few episodes I watched of Legacies, she doesn't seem to be forming any connections with the wolves. We never see any sign that the Crescents feel bitter towards Hope or Hayley until Hope turns one of them into a hybrid. Which is something that could have been prevented if Hope had been raised in New Orleans and learned about the faction issues. She would have had a better understanding of the Crescent Wolves. It also would have set her up better if she did want to be Alpha one day.
Hayley was a young mom put into an impossible situation. It was only made worse by every other member of Hope's family. You are placing the blame of Hope's behavior because of Klaus' neglect on Hayley. Kids misbehave. It's inevitable. Especially ones with werewolf tempers and absentee fathers. If you agree that sending Hope to the Salvator School was the right option, we really should be blaming Alaric for not being more aware or even Caroline who was at the school in season 5. If anything, I blame Hayley for sending Hope to the school. She would have never let Hope behave the way Alaric did. As soon as she heard, she went straight to the school and pulled Hope home. She made sure Hope knew it was wrong, but still felt supported and loved. Hayley also immediately began attempting to clean up her 15 year old's mess, as any good mom would do.
Hayley also never encouraged Klaus to stay away. She constantly wrote to him and even sent Caroline after him to make him listen. She is not his keeper. It was his choice to stay away. It was not her job to make a deadbeat dad be a parent. She tried to make Hope feel her father's love through stories and reinforcing always and forever, but she couldn't jeopardize Hope's safety. But to your statement, she can't win. Her telling Hope Klaus loved her only served to encourage Hope to fight for a relationship with her dad. But if she had poisoned Hope against Klaus so that Hope wouldn't even care that he abandoned her, that would be problematic too. Hayley didn't even know why Klaus stopped talking to Hope. He just disappeared one day. And when Klaus wants to stay gone, he does. But no, sorry, Hope's emotions were not more important than her life. Which is why every single Mikaelsons agreed to separate in order to protect Hope's safety.
You put the entirety of the Mikaelson burden on Hayley. Hayley was an excellent mother and gave Hope a chance to be a child. Klaus is the reason Hope felt unloved. Klaus is the reason Hope kidnapped Hayley and Hayley ended up dead. He couldn't cope with being a father and abandoned Hope, leaving Hayley to be a single mother with only the support of Freya. If anyone is to blame for season 5, it is Klaus. Which is the theme of the show. The Mikaelsons are their own undoing and anyone who gets caught up with them pays the price.
Sure, Hayley could have raised Hope to be a warrior. Trapped her in a house and raised her to train and fight and be ready for all of Klaus' enemies. But how would she be any different than Mikael? Mikael wanted to raise warriors so he neglected and abused his children. Or how Klaus 'raised' Marcel. All of these children grew up to resent their upbringing. Hayley wasn't going to do that. Hope deserved a childhood. Every child does. Children should not pay the price for their parents. This is shown in season 4 when Hayley stops Freya from torturing Keelin. We see numerous times that Klaus supports this. He also wants to protect Hope's innocents. Which is why he gets mad at Freya for helping with the Chambre in season 5 or when Freya tries to help suppress her wolf side. At the end of the day, Klaus and Hayley are Hope's parents and they are on the same page. They wanted their child to have the life they didn't.
And all of this would have worked out great had Klaus not abandoned Hope. If Klaus had stayed in contact with Hope and continued to try and find a solution for the Hollow, Hope could have had a safe and happy childhood. At the end of the day, Klaus was the problem and Hayley was just working with what she had to give her daughter the best possible life. Something Hope appreciated and loved Hayley for.
Thanks for the ask!
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t-bird510 · 4 days
My Sonic Rewritten Reboot AU Concept.
This AU is meant to show How I would make a Sonic Reboot of sorts and stuff like that. I am not a fully experience writer so nothing is 100% perfect and I cannot impress everyone.
Anyway…Lets continue shall we?!
Sonic is the fastest thing alive! A “Blue blur” if you will…
He is Confident, Smart, Cocky, and Too cool for school. He doesn't allow anyone to stop him in his tracks! He also loves Chili dogs and other types of Food that Teens would normally eat on Fridays and weekends. (Ex: Cheeseburgers, Pizza, Soda.)
Sonic may not listen to people but when he sees Danger or People who wants to cause Harm. He will stop them. He is Locked on doing that even if he is Cocky and Hates doing stuff by the book.
Sonics design would look like a mix of his game and Movie self, As he is wearing sneakers similar to his shoes from the beginning of the film before getting his Shoes that are game accurate.
Sonics Goal in this AU Reboot is to Stop Eggmans Goals in hurting animals and turning them into Robotic Experiments.
Later on in his adventures he would be best friends to Tails the Fox and Knuckles the echidna. He would learn to listen to others due to them and be less Cocky.
Eggman in this Reboot AU is a Master scientist and Master inventor. He is Intellegent, Smart and very similar to Canon Robotnick (But with a bit more added)
Eggmans design would have him wearing an Aviator-type outfit while still keeping that Nice looking Stash.
The reason why he has an airplane is due to Tails taking inspiration later on from Eggman and Tails would build his own Plane that would rival Eggmans aircraft.
Eggmans Goal in this AU is to create robotic cybernetic parts for his female Cousin who is in a Coma and Eggman wants to awaken her while still taking risks that could harm more then he thinks. (He Also dislikes Sonic and wants to stop him from ruining his plans)
The games details
The game would be similar to Frontiers with Large 3D environments that feel Realistic and Huge!
There would also be some puzzles for you to unlock special secrets that can unlock world-building and other stuff. (Sonic isn't known for its puzzles so I think some creative puzzles wouldn't hurt.)
This is part 1 of my Sonic reboot AU concept that I made for fun!
I hope you are all having a good day so far!
I might also make Part 2 about Tails, Knuckles and Amy plus metal sonic also.
(I might also make a Mario reboot AU for fun also!)
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deadsince1973 · 3 months
What happened to Despicable Me?
(SPOILERS for Despicable Me 4 ahead)
I went to see Despicable Me 4 today, and it was easily the worst of the franchise.
I think there were two overlapping problems. The first one is that there were too many characters and too many storylines, and they all felt truncated. The second is that the storylines themselves, truncated or not, were bad. Let's look at the storylines that we got.
First, the big point of this movie: Gru has a baby son now. The arc with the baby is that the baby doesn't like Gru, but then by the end, the baby learns to love his father. That is such a stupid storyline! Babies are not capable of determining who they like and who they dislike. That's just not how that stage of brain development works. I admit, I may not be the target audience of this movie (even though I should be; more on the below), but babies in movies are, in my opinion, annoying, and not at all cute or funny. I heard once that "all animals in movies act like dogs", and not just real dogs, but like idealized versions of dogs, who can think and emote like humans. I actually love that trope, because I love the fantasy that my pets or an exotic pet it would be cool to have could be a true friend to me, as an equal who could understand me and respond to me with intelligence and insight. I can only speculate that many people enjoy having the same fantasy about babies; all I'm certain of is that this storyline did not work for me at all.
Then there's the cluster of storylines making up the premise that Gru's family is now in witness protection. -Margot is upset about leaving her friends and having to start at a new school. She gets bullied on her first day. And that is the last we hear about that. -Edith and Agnes go to a karate class. (For the entire day? Why didn't Edith have to go to school?) She breaks the teacher's toe. And that's the last we hear about that. -Agnes is upset about having to leave Lucky, her pet unicorn/goat from Despicable Me 3. That does get wrapped up in the end, but it's absent from the middle of the movie. It's not even really an arc or a storyline, more a callback to the last movie. -Agnes is also upset about having to use a fake name in witness protection, because that's lying and she doesn't want to lie. That's potentially a good storyline because it would result in actual character growth, but it also goes nowhere! Agnes never uses her fake name, and that has no consequences (other than setting up Edith's story). -Lucy's new identity is a hairdresser, and she burns down the salon while working with her first client. The client later tries to chase her down in the grocery store for the sake of a wacky chase scene. Lucy and the girls escape, and we never hear from the injured client again. -Gru wants to make friends with his new neighbor in order to prove that he's not awkward. He plays tennis with the neighbor, but the game is interrupted by the arrival of the antagonist. The neighbor is never seen again.
Even though there isn't even enough room in the movie for all the family members, they still added a new character, Poppy. Poppy is the neighbor's teenage daughter and an aspiring supervillain who blackmails Gru into helping with a heist. Why? What does that have to do with either of the main two plots? (It does tie in with them, but it was entirely unnecessary to them.) Poppy later makes friends with Gru's daughters, but then she disappears during the climax, and she's only seen again during the ending montage, when we see that she got admitted to the villain school. What happened to her pet honey badger? We'll never know.
The A-plot, the one that's set up in the first scene, the one that drives Gru and his family into witness protection, the one that the movie ends on, is about Gru's high school bully. Really though, other than being the catalyst for putting Gru's family in witness protection, he has precious little role in the story. There's a reason this story is so far down the list. There's also yet another new character, Principal Ubelschlect. She's the boss fight of the heist Gru and Poppy do together, but, since the heist was pointless, she's a pointless character too. (This is how Poppy technically ties into both of the main storylines, by the way. Gru brought his son along on his heist, so the heist related to the bonding arc Gru had with him. But the heist was not the catalyst for the baby finally bonding with Gru, so what was the point of bringing the baby along at all?! And when the heist goes awry and Principal Ubelschlecht catches them in the act, she contacts the bully to join her in attacking Gru's safehouse. But there are any number of ways that the bully could have found Gru's location without making a whole other involved storyline that rivaled the main storyline for screen time! That should have been a single story beat, not a lengthy sequence.)
Of course, there are also the cutaways to the minions' wacky antics. This is why I say I should have been the target audience for this movie. I love the minions. Obviously this is a very small sample size, but it seemed to me that I laughed more at the minions in this movie than anyone else in the theater. I mean, if that's an accurate perception, then why were any of those other people even going to see this movie? Despicable Me is the minion franchise. If you don't like minions, this movie isn't for you. And if you do like minions, then this movie should be for you. Anyway, they split the minions into two groups for this movie: exactly the same symptom as the rest of the characters had! One group had a recurring gag about a minion being stuck in a vending machine. Okay, that doesn't need to be that developed. But it was entirely unrelated to the other minions' storyline, which felt weird! The other minions' storyline was the "Mega Minions", the ones in the promotional material. This storyline was about five minions who got superpowers and tried to become superheroes. It had nothing to do with any other plotline whatsoever. It felt a little bit like a retread of the mutated purple minions from the second movie, but the mutated minions actually connected to the main story of that movie!
Altogether, this movie just felt cobbled together from a bunch of disparate ideas. The animation felt as good to me as ever, but the writing and the design felt like it was rushed out the door. It felt like a bunch of people had got asked to write an idea for a funny thing to do with the characters from this franchise, and then they just put a bunch of those ideas in without considering how they would weave together into a single coherent movie.
And all of this is just my analysis of the problems with the stories. It doesn't address some of the other, smaller problems I had with the movie. -The baby was named Gru, Jr. I HATE when characters have a baby and they name one of them "Junior". Not only does it smack of a lack of creativity, but it also really shows how little the writers value the character. This might seem a little hypocritical after I implied above that babies aren't even human and complained about how there shouldn't have been so much of the baby in the movie, but I think calling a baby "Junior" exacerbates the problem. It's implicitly telling me, the viewer, not to care about this character as his own person, but to think of him as an extension of his father. Why should I care about him then?
Speaking of wanting less of the baby in the movie, I just want to add that part of the reason why I dared to have higher hopes for this movie despite the presence of the baby in the marketing is because of the Shrek movies. A friend of mine told me the other day that they had noped out of the Shrek franchise when babies became involved because they feel the exact same way I do about babies in media. But I don't really think that's fair. Shrek the Third and Shrek Forever After did an admirable job of keeping the babies on the periphery. I'm just bringing this up to say that that was very much an option for this movie too. They could've had their cake and eaten it too.
Almost as criminal as the poor writing was the poor design. The main villain, the bully, was cockroach-themed. That's not bad, per se, but compare him to the villains from previous films: Vector, who had both direction and magnitude (how memorable was that line?!); El Macho and his pet chicken; Bratt and his 1980's theming; Scarlet, with her feminist bent and perky personality, and her husband Herb who was delightfully 1960's; and the Vicious 6, all of whom had amusing puns for names: Jean-Clawed, Nun-Chuck, and Svengeance being the stand-outs for me. I guess, on paper, a cockroach theme isn't any worse than any of these other villains, but Maxime really had nothing else going for him other than his French accent. He didn't have a funny name, he didn't have an over-the-top personality, and he didn't have a particularly memorable style.
Finally, and here's where I'm fine with being disagreed with because it's just a matter of taste, but: as a general rule, I don't like bathroom humor in kid's movies. There were two jokes that were just about an animal pooing, and, worst of all in my opinion, was one of the English words in the Minionese. My friend and I had been discussing whether the one Mega Minion had "a cone head" or "was a missile." Well, one of the other minions shouted "suppository" when it jumped off a rooftop. So that clears that argument up. -_-
I just think this is a real shame because, while the other movies weren't flawless (except possibly for Minions), they all had a charm to them and at least a few good jokes. I'm also the type of person to find the storylines of Despicable Me 2 and 3 painful, but at least there were enough moments that I found sweet or endearing in those movies that I still enjoyed them more than I expected I would. This was the opposite, because the only moment I found charming at all was when the camera did a fly-through of the AVL office and we saw the minions participating in a wide variety of activities. I'm always a sucker for that.
This honestly makes me reluctant to hope for a future for this franchise. :/
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
Picrew is not mine: sushicore!
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Atlas: Based on Attina
Male, He/him
(29)Atlas is the heir to the throne of the Coralsea so he’s never left the Coralsea. He has an Orangey-Red tail and orange fins. He’s the oldest most mature and kind of a mom for all the siblings.
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Antoinette: Based on Alana
Female, She/Her
(26)Antoinette also lives in the Coralsea and has never left. She has a knack for fashion and always puts in great care to looking her best. She has a purple tail and pink fins.
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Allegra: Based on Adella
Female, She/Her
Age: 24
Height: 5’8”/173 cm
Birthday: July 2nd (Cancer)
Likes: scrapbooking about attractive land dwellers
Dislikes: not getting to finish her dreams or her day dreams being interrupted
Favorite Food: Sashimi
Least Favorite Food: Clam Chowder
Talent: match making (self proclaimed)
Allegra decided to go to land after graduating from school she got a job cohosting for reality shows on the TV show network “Once Upon A Dream” so she’s somewhat of a celebrity. She has a crush on her costar Alceé Bordelon. She’s bubbly and outgoing totally obsessed with romance. She’s a hopeless romantic. Her hair is naturally curly. She has a yellow tail. Her favorite color is lime green.
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Aaliyah: Based on Aquata
Female, She/Her
(20) She is recently graduated from RSA. She’s doing a part time teaching job there while she figures out what she wants to do in life. She’s quite shy and sweet. She likes staying in and reading books. She secretly likes going out and dancing but she’s notably very bad at it even in the water. She’s quite close to her younger brother. She still sleeps with her pink stuffed seahorse Mr. Fuzzyfinkel (when alabaster doesn’t steal it) she has a blue tail.
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Alabaster: Based on Arista
Trans Male, He/him
(disclaimer I have an Alabaster bias because Arista is my fav and I also played her in a musical 👉👈)
(19)Alabaster is a Seinor at RSA he’s adventurous and silly, and he loves music. He’s very similar in personality to Riel but he doesn’t get away with as much because he’s not his dad’s favorite and he’s kind of intimidated by him. He breaks the rules when he thinks he can, but at the same time, is very anxious about it. When he came to RSA he wanted to learn a whole bunch of instruments and is currently working on the saxophone. He’s very close with Aaliyah and is constantly stealing her stuff much to her frustration. He’s also really the only sibling Reil hangs around. Riel hangs out more with his friends than his siblings. He has a red tail and rose colored fins.
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Aria: Based on Andrina
(FYI I am the head of the Aria hate club so you are very welcome and expected to hate her)
Female, She/Her
(18) Aria is a Junior. She tried to get into both RSA and NRC but didn’t make it into either so she goes to Somercrest Academy instead. She was one of Azul’s Bullies through Elementary and Middle school. Still picks at him if they ever cross paths. She also is obsessed with Floyd and Quite in love with him. He despises her. In middle school she made a deal to give up her good voice to Azul in exchange for a pretty fin to impress a boy. After the contracts were sanded in book 3 she likewise got her voice and old fin back. She’s also a total gossip and kinda sucks at magic.
she doesn’t really have a reason for bullying people, other than she can. As a princess, she feels really entitled, and it really gets to her head.
as you can see, some of them are far more flushed out than others. You’re welcome to suggest things to me for ones that aren’t complete, which is basically all of them, except for Allegra cause I used her in a story lol
Reply if your part of the Aria hate club <3
@xen-blank @thehollowwriter @ferris-the-wheel @fizzydreamz @hyperfixation-or-death
@ravenwing0110 @keii-starz @distant-velleity
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
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fangirling-heart · 3 months
It's a first for me and quite honestly I am pretty nervous but...
I'm making a post about my OCs!!!
Yay!!! 🎉
And since I can't draw to save my life, I used this picrew to present them, one of them you might recognize since I have introduced him in a tag game. Anyway here they are:
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Starting with the familiar one, the 17 year old Achilles. He's the protagonist of an original story I'm working on and simply put, he's not okay. He lives with an emotionally and physically abusive father and a neglectful mother who cares more about her husband and their image than her son, and they both put a lot of pressure on him to be perfect in every way and also make sure he doesn't ruin the family's image in any way (a big part of which is hiding the signs of his father's abuse). In terms of a support system, he doesn't really have one since breaking up with his girlfriend, Ange, who also happens to be/have been his best friend, and his one other friend is...not that great. His only solace comes from reading and photography (and poetry but he would never admit it), but when even that isn't enough, his mind ends up in a really dark place and he tries something drastic. But thanks to a certain someone's intervention, he doesn't go through with it and as much as he (claims he) doesn't want to, he has to learn how to live again... in more ways than one.
Birthday: March 5
Sign: Pisces
Sexuality: Biromantic asexual
Likes: Photography, poetry, reading, watching and commenting movies, playing video games, rain, junk food, heights, dancing, history, mystery novels, Linkin Park (Ange constantly teases him for it), comics, rom-coms (when they aren't too cliché), motorcycles
Dislikes: His parents (his father especially), school, most sports, heat, having his privacy violated, being made fun of for his interests, big crowds, expectations, loneliness
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The special someone I mentioned before. This is Ephraim, the reason Achilles stays alive and the one person he cannot shut out (both much to his dismay). The reason for that and the reason he appears wearing the same clothes as Achilles is because, after the event that saved the latter's life, the two of them end up sharing a body. Simply put, Ephraim is a ghost that possesses him. He can get control of his body and speak in his thoughts, but his actual appearance is visible only in reflective surfaces and luckily for them both not all the time, just when Ephraim chooses to surface. He possesses Achilles, thinking the two would be able to trade places, but instead he basically just hitches a ride in his body and his life. As for the reason he wished to possess him in the first place, he did it because he wants a chance to live again but most of all to find out what happened to his boyfriend, Mario, from whom he got violently separated before he died. And while he sees Achilles as a means to his ends at first, the two form a genuine bond over time.
Birthday: August 1
Sign: Leo
Sexuality: Gay
Likes: Nature, sunny days, ice cream, driving, fire, rain, shadow puppetry, learning new things, music, dogs, hugs, Achilles' poetry and photos, messing with asshole authority figures, spicy food
Dislikes: Being confined, being bossed around, talking about his death, homophobes and assholes in general, people making fun of Achilles, having to wait, ghost stories (he finds the way ghosts are portrayed offensive and unimaginative), feeling helpless, cold
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And last one (for now). Ange (short for Angelica) is Achilles' ex girlfriend and best friend since childhood. Growing up the two were always together (the fact that they lived in the same building and shared a love for cinema and cameras helped with that) and long before they got together it was clear to everyone there were sparks flying between them. They were a classic childhood friends to lovers story, but after 2 years of dating, when Ange realized they both wanted and needed very different things from a relationship, as much as it hurt them both, she broke up with Achilles and the two haven't really spoken since, due to it being too awkward and painful. Though her homelife isn't as bad as Achilles' and she has other friends besides him, since the two broke up she has also been feeling very lonely and missing him, but doesn't dare to approach him, because she hates herself for hurting him and thinks he hates her too. It isn't until Ephraim comes along that they start kinda talking again (due to him pretty much forcing Achilles to talk to her).
Birthday: March 22
Sign: Aries
Sexuality: Straight or bisexual, I'm still figuring this out
Likes: Watching and commenting on movies, photography, making videos, directing, cinematography, animation, cake, dark humor, amusement parks, sunsets, puzzles, baggy clothes, late night walks, strawberries
Dislikes: Fake people, being underestimated, being judged, loneliness, people making fun of her work, makeup, gossip, visiting her grandparents, puppets
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Jeng speaking English should come with at least a 10 minute warning so I can collect myself.
Y'all know that I mute and speed up my shows, so I didn't realize he was speaking English until the Thai subs kept coming up; then, I had to rewind and slow it down to hear it, so I could appreciate the cuteness. Jeng bringing out his multilingual side to confess AGAIN made him more adorable!
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And because this isn't the first time the use of another language in a BL has caused me to stop in my tracks, let me give you something you didn't even ask for -
My Top Five Favorite Uses of Another Language in BLs!
offered in no particular order
My Only 12% - English
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Cake was studying with his pals when he decided to call it a night. He went into his bedroom and apologized to his boyfriend Eiw for waking him up. Eiw told Cake he wasn't really sleeping well because Cake wasn't next to him, and that was all it took for Cake's heart-eyes to be activated. He kissed Eiw so tenderly only to then dedicate an ode to Eiw's entire body, mind, and soul all in English while kissing each part of Eiw's body as he praised it. What a king!
Never Let Me Go - Mandarin
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I already thought that Palm liked Nueng's mean side a little too much before Wu and David wandered into Mam's bar, but this exchange solidified that Palm had a specific kink and Nueng was more than happy to offer Palm a helping hand a scolding insult. Nueng took great pleasure calling his boyfriend a fool in every language he knew including Mandarin, and I'm sure that is part of the reason Palm came around to Nueng extending his time abroad for schooling. The more education Nueng has, the more languages he can berate Palm in.
Unintentional Love Story - Spanish
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The main couple were great, but I was showing up every week for Donghee and Hotae's friends-to-enemies-to-menaces plot because once they screamed at each other in the alley, the only reasonable next step was to sleep together, no? Maybe that's just me, but Hotae trying to prove to Donghee that he was serious about him by learning Spanish like one of the Hisstrange (Hispanic) men Donghee liked had me screaming, "SECOND SEASON WHEN?" which now I must patiently wait for to see how well Hotae's improves his language skills for his amor.
KinnPorsche - English
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The VegasPete arc was a wild ride. They went from spying and torturing to crying and fucking in the span of two episodes, but what was the craziest moment of them all was when after sex and STILL CHAINED UP, Vegas turned to Pete and softly said, "Do you know how sexy you are?" Like . . . bitch, what?! Even crazier was Pete's apathetic response of "mmm" as if he had heard that line a thousand times after bringing countless men to their knees with his free therapy and snarky comebacks. Vegas served a lot of great English lines, but this one took the cake, and the tossed salad.
Moonlight Chicken - Modern Standard Thai Sign Language
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Heart and Li Ming's story was already the sweetest thing since a nice mango sorbet on a hot day, but add in the fact that Wen, the bridge between Li Ming and his uncle Jim, was not only fully supportive of these two kids finding happiness within each other, but started to learn MSTSL so he could communicate with Heart was what pushed me over the edge. Heart's own parents couldn't be bothered to learn how to communicate with their son, but Li Ming's very-gay-uncle's boyfriend did. Wen knew he needed an ally to deal with these stubborn guys, and no better than the boyfriend of your-soon-to-be-nephew. Ghost Host, Ghost House gets an honorable mention for MSTSL as well.
KinnPorsche - English
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Ken and Big were two bad bitches and the Regina George and Maddy Perez of Kinn's bodyguard squad. Big had his reasons for disliking Porsche like being jealous that the man he loved was in love with this idiot, but Ken just hated Porsche for being an idiot who upset the guy he was in love with (Ken x Big is canon to me), so when Ken yelled, "Are you fucking dumb, bro?!" at Porsche with Perth's Australian accent, I was cackling. It made me instantly think Ken was the mole because only someone who was rocking with Vegas "but this wasn't the fucking plan" Theerapanyakul could drop bangers like this.
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tetsunabouquet · 9 months
When Eyes Meet- Kise Ryota
A/N: Alright, someone actually expressed interest in having this one-shot series finished but I have not received an answer yet when I asked if they had a preference for the next guy so I'm picking Kise! The specific soulmate concept comes from ElfQuest, in case this is actually the first time you came across this series :) Aomine - Murasakibara - Kagami - Kuroko - Akashi - Midorima
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As long as mankind had existed, everyone had a second name. The name of their soul. It was a well-guarded secret one might only share with their family and friends as close as blood. However, there was a special instance that exposed one soul name to another, called Recognition. This occured when two people locked eyes with each other and somehow they would know the other's soul name. This is what society calls 'the moment you knew you found your soulmate'. There seemed to be no pattern or rules about how the concept worked. Some people did the moment they met someone, but others would Recognize someone they had known all their lives. Recognition just happened. But one thing was for sure, Recognized couples seemed to have the true love out of a fairy tale. It was something that seemed to evade you. You chalked it up to boys being too intimidated or focused on your beauty to actually properly see you. You were the prettiest girl at Kaijo and used to be a model when you were younger. You hated the toxic fashion industry though and quit during middle school. It wasn't all that bad though, as through modelling you met your best friend, Kise Ryota. In a sea of boys either too intimidated or horny, he seemed to be the only guy who treated you normally. A breath of fresh air. He always listened and understood, even when it were very girly topics like how your middle school classmate, Hitachin Kiki, had made your life a living hell because she was envious of you being prettier then her. It was because of him, that you attended Kaijo anyways. You liked attending school with your best friend, but currently, you were annoyed at the fangirls who just didn't seem to learn. They were squealing around his table, all having a bento box prepared for him. You sighed in irritation as you neared his table, your own bento box in hand. "Ryota, shall we eat lunch together? You don't want to believe what Momoi told me the other day." As his friend, Kise allowed you to call him by his first name and had introduced you to the GOM before. Because you and Momoi were stuck in a pretty similar boat, you had quickly gotten along. The girls all glared at you as Kise stood up with the bento box one of his sisters had prepared for him, neither in need of their bento boxes or wanting to try out their cooking. Kise didn't cared for them at all, and often, the two of you would secretly giggle about them behind their backs. It might be a little cruel, but they made it hard. Their dislike of you didn't earn any sympathy either. As the two of you strode off to your favorite spot on campus, Kise seeming a little extra quiet today. "OI! What's got you down in the dumps? Where's my ray of sunshine?" You teased him lightly, grinning. Kise refused to look at you, which got you to halt him dead in his tracks with our hands on your hips. "Kise Ryota, spill it!" He sighed. "I just feel guilty every now and then." You frowned, confused. "About what?" "You. I know you're into music and that Kaijo has a terrible music program. I just feel like you could be thriving as I am at basketball if you were in a school with a better program and I know I am the only reason why you are here in the first place." You blinked, feeling touched but you didn't like that look on his face. "Ryota," you said tenderly, "Success matters nothing to me if it means I have to stay away from the place where I've been treated with kindness I've never know before. I know you have respected me from the very beginning and that means so much to me." "Of course I have. Do you know how much I admire you from daring to quit modelling? You could have used your modelling connections to become an idol yet you choose freedom. I have never seen someone so wise as you, other then Kurokocchi." You chuckled at that and as you looked fondly into one another's eyes, it happened. "Fohn?" Kise asked as he looked at you, and you felt the shivers down your back as he spoke your soul name. "Yes, Gyl?" You asked, giggling out of the delightul shock, something he silenced as he kissed you. It was as magical indeed.
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