thelailasblog · 3 months
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isaiahsenders · 10 months
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Questioning Reality ?
Youtube* Isaiah Senders
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sadly-im-vhena · 2 years
My favorite line from Strange Magic is “Relax your Thorax” because it’s just how you say “Calm your tits” in bug speak
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twiginthewind-7 · 1 year
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С и н е в а Когда чувствуешь теплый ветер, улыбаешься внутри себя, расплескивая утро в новый день, знай, это я смотрю на север твоих ключей и бабочкой соскальзываю вглубь твоих истоков. Всё - синева. Безбрежность. Бесконечность. Есть ты. Есть я. Есть мы. И глубже: небо, что в нас пересеклось. © Copyright: Виктория Рассветная. 2014
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S i n e v a When you feel the warm wind, you smile inside yourself, splashing the morning into a new day, know that I am looking to the north of your keys and slipping like a butterfly deep into your origins. Everything is blue. Vastness. Infinity. There is you. There is me. There is us. And deeper: the sky that crossed in us.
© Copyright: Victoria Rassvetnaya.2014
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lysshome · 2 months
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nevergetstuck · 5 months
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Time will continue regardless of the reports, the demands, the movement or lack there of
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marbledragonet · 2 years
Marianne, Sunny and Dawn playing Simon says.
"Okey, Okey, my turn now!" Sunny jumped in as the two girls laughed at their misery, all three with legs high up a wall and the rest of them splayed on the floor in an L shape.
"Sure, but you won't make it as funny as I did!!" Dared him Dawn.
"I definitely will." He said, while standing up again. "Simon says get up." He ordered the two with a smile.
Marianne and Dawn stood up, looking down at Sunny as he scrambled on a couch and sat on the header.
"Simon says turn around!" He said, and the two obliged, facing the wall. "Sunny says jump." He ordered and watched Dawn jump and than scream, crumbling in embarrassment, with a long 'Noooooooooooo!!!' cry.
Sunny smiled cheekily and watched Dawn turn around. "Every single time, I fall for it. Even I the beginning!" She cried and looked up at Marianne.
"I am easily the best one of us all in Simon says!" Sunny exclaimed and jumped down from the couch, sliding to Dawn, while Marianne let out a victorious chuckle.
"Nope! You might be the second best. bog would confuse you even in the first round." Marianne said and went to a table, where her glass with a drink stood.
Meanwhile, Sunny gave Dawn a big smooch on her cheek, just the way he knew would cheer her up.
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wack-ashimself · 10 months
Just remember all that matters is remembering who you are. Not who you were or where you came from in this lifetime, but the source. Of existence. Because we're all part of it, we are all of it. That's why when spiritual people say we are all God, it's the truth. We're all just a sliver of a bigger part. And when you zoom out, you see the whole picture. Us, you, me, all of it. At which point do you know a drop of water differentiating from the ocean? How much you got to zoom in or Zoom out? Isn't it based all on perspective at that point then?
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Soy una bolita de amor, no puedo con tanta presión.
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noentiendotiendo · 1 year
A wolf and a penguin can never live together.
The Lobster (2005), dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
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If in the off chance that hbomberguy reads this, would you please make your next video about Lofe? That particular human has caused me much unnecessary stress lately, and I would greatly appreciate a 4-hour long video pointing out what a sh*t human being he is (not that the video needs to be that long, it's pretty obvious)
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the-cactus-taco · 2 years
OMG you made mr lofe!!!! I've been following both yours and mr lofes for awhile now and never made the connection!
Yes!! I did!! :D hearing that someone just randomly followed both me and him without realizing is very strange feeling in a very cool way! (And yes Lofe has a blog! : @lofe-for-your-mental-helth)
My by far favorite picture of him is this one, taken in a California cemetery:
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It’s just so stupid and glorious in every way-
He doesn’t go out much these days (because I don’t either) but I should post some older stuff there more- anyway thank you for liking my little guy!! He means a lot to me :)
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uneessencesensible · 11 months
N°1889 – Vendredi 15 juillet 2022
En ce jour spéciale, je voulais te souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire, mais pas que. Je tenais à te dire à quel point je suis heureuse d'être à tes côtés et de pouvoir partager un bout de chemin, aussi loin soit-il. J'ai conscience que mes craintes, qui n'appartiennent qu'à moi, ne sont pas fondées et que je peux avoir une totale confiance en toi. Je suis navrée si cela te cause du tort, ce n'est pas le but. Ce n'est pas toujours contrôlable, mais avec ma dernière séance de thérapie, j'ai compris beaucoup de choses. Je ferai les efforts qu'il faut pour que cela ne se reproduise plus. Je tenais aussi à te dire que je suis fière de l'homme que tu deviens. Je doute que tu t'en rendes compte, mais tu arrives à t'ouvrir, notamment envers moi et à te faire confiance dans notre couple. Puis, il y a tant de choses qui se sont transformées en toi. En bien évidemment. Tu comptes beaucoup pour moi et je ferai toujours en sorte que notre couple tienne aussi longtemps qu'il n'a déjà tenu, de te rendre heureux. J'espère que c'est toujours le cas. Je te remercie d'être toujours présent, dans la mesure du possible, d'être comme tu es. Tu ne le sais pas, mais ton caractère m'apporte beaucoup pour me forger et essayer de casser ses peurs qui m'empêchent, parfois, d'être complètement libre.
Ne prends pas la grosse tête quand même, tu as quand même un caractère d'un ours dans sa tanière par moment.
Sache que je t'aime comme tu es.
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twiginthewind-7 · 2 years
♡ Улетай на крыльях ветра Ты в край родной, родная песня наша, Туда, где мы тебя свободно пели, Где было так привольно нам с тобою. Там, под знойным небом, Негой воздух полон, Там под говор моря Дремлют горы в облаках; Там так ярко солнце светит, Родные горы светом заливая, В долинах пышно розы расцветают, И соловьи поют в лесах зеленых...
© Copyright: Песня из оперы "Князь Игорь" Александра Бородина /песня половецких девушек/, видеоряд из фильмов "Садко", 1952 г., и "Илья Муромец", 1956 u. Актеры из фильма "Садко": Сергей Столяров, Анна Ларионова/
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Song from the opera "Prince Igor" by Alexander Borodin / song of Polovtsian girls /, video sequence from the films "Sadko", 1952, and "Ilya Muromets", 1956 .
Actors from the film "Sadko": Sergei Stolyarov, Anna Larionova.
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theloulouge · 1 year
Realization 66
When you lose an emotional attachment to someone, you will finally realize how ordinary they are.
It's your love and your energy that makes people seem so special.
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A new instalment of the micro-AUs: a series of short companion stories to my main Dinahboose series, exploring what would have happened if one tiny thing would have gone differently, or if a character had made a different choice! This one was heavily inspired by @neacle 🖤
Summary: What if a drunk Greaseball had actually heard C.B. confessing to him that he’s in love with Dinah, and taken action?
Neah actually drew the central scene of this little story over a year ago and it’s extremely important that everybody sees it again and marvels at her work
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