longreads · 9 months
The new issue of The Atavist Magazine, by Rae Nudson, is about an ob-gyn in Virginia who took advantage of his patients and performed unnecessary surgeries for decades.
She requested her medical records and was stunned to find discrepancies with what Perwaiz had said to her during appointments. Most glaringly, she didn’t see any mention of precancerous cells on her cervix; the tests Perwaiz performed on her had come back normal. “If I was normal,” Debra said, “why did I have a surgery?”
Read the excerpt, “A Medical Nightmare,” on Longreads.
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lailoken · 2 months
I'm not thrilled to be doing this, but I am becoming involved in a fairly serious Occult Malpractice investigation, and as such, I am extending this question to the public:
Have you ever worked with/hired a magical practitioner whose behavior felt off, unprofessional, or otherwise troubling? (This includes Diviners, Spellworkers, and Otherworld Intercessors.) In the same vein, has your personal wellbeing or safety ever suffered as a result of said work?
If you have had such issues with one or more occult providers—especially if they are linked to each other professionally and/or personally—then I implore you to reach out and explain your situation to me. I can guarantee that all information provided will be kept confidential.
Thank you for helping me try and keep this community as safe as can be.
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miralines · 2 years
Oh by the way fun fact about Marius
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There’s a distinction between psychology and psychiatry
the phrasing here implies that marius wasn’t just doing therapy without a license; he was also (or maybe just) prescribing medication
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gamer2002 · 2 months
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9ofspades · 1 year
okay look we know Seward is being terrible to his patients and his actions are bad
but when he muses about how he wishes he could justify keeping on going and seeing how far Renfield takes it (keeping in mind the Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly song hadn’t been written yet, and also horses don’t really eat goats)… lambasting him for that feels kinda like it’s getting into thoughtcrime territory. Like, yeah, his assumptions are INCREDIBLY ableist and he’s clearly thinking of Renfield as an experiment rather than a human patient under his charge. He deserves all the hate for that. But SPECIFICALLY the thought of “man, I wish I could justify doing this… for science…” isn’t really scorn-worthy? Like. Wishing there was some way he could do the awful thing — that’s a thoughtcrime; he didn’t actually do the awful thing. He hasn’t even tried to do the awful thing. They’re all right that his ableism and actual treatment of patients mean he shouldn’t be in charge of any kind of hospital or asylum (at least by modern standards); but wishing he could do [a war crime/a human rights violation/a animal abuse] for science — that doesn’t mean anything; that’s just a thought.
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frog-lover69 · 2 months
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BOOM, Doctor Malice Malpractice.
Severed limbs, scars and scalpels are his favourite past times ^^
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sillycourtjester · 7 months
I can tell if someone is autistic faster than a professional allistic doctor, but somehow i'm the one committing malpractice
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silverbridge-harbor · 10 months
Doctor: "what's your blood type?"
Me: "O-positive"
Doctor: "are you sure?"
Me: "oh, positive"
Doctor: "okay cool"
They then use my blood in a transfusion and the patient instantly explodes into a puddle of gore because I am actually a Groot type alien whose every phrase just coincidentally sounds like "oh positive" and I was actually warning him that my blood type is really ξβ-7+
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boobachu · 1 year
This is TYPICAL!?!?
"Paralyzed! People [who] can't walk! That are totally reliant on a wheelchair. Take 'em out, put 'em on a wheelchair, throw all their stuff on the street and take off."
Just how divorced can you be from your humanity that you just carry on? I would have quit on the spot. Salvaging my career wouldn't be worth casting away my soul. This is just... horrifying.
Medical professionals never cease to shock me at how little they care about anything but their paycheck. This is utterly atrocious.
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Faith No More - Malpractice
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foxtwix · 7 days
ok listen
i think that the show House is unrealistic for a different reason than normal
al the patients in that show all take his shit but if i were in that situation i'd choke him to death and then sue for malpractice
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dougielombax · 1 year
Kid Named Malpractice:
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Shut up
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gamer2002 · 2 months
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
With the Theory of Structural Dissociation being talked about recently, I believe it should be known that the creator of the theory lost his license permanently in late 2019. He was found to be abusing his clients in a Dutch court case, going as far as breaking a wrist of one of his client's. He kept that same client in "stage 1" for 21 years and was extremely creepy towards her. The Stronghold System made a video about this in 2020 after he was still promoting TOSD.
Yes. Definitely.
Although, while this was really horrible, and I think it should make people re-evaluate these works in case his influence resulted harmful ideologies slipping into them, I do think it should be mention that Onno van der Hart a creator, not the creator. He's one of three psychiatrists who wrote The Haunted Self and created the theory.
Here is the video for anyone who is interested:
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lawbyrhys · 2 months
The Crazy Shit My Non-Law Friends Say #2
I was speaking with a friend in the medical field about topics we learned during our respective educations and how we don't always utilize all the generalized information to the fullest extent in our specialized work. In an effort to relate to me in conversation while having no substantive understanding of law, he said the following:
"It’s like telling a malpractice lawyer to recite tort law."
Let's take a moment to appreciate the hilarity.
I replied with, "I'd sure hope a malpractice lawyer would be able to recite tort law since malpractice, aka professional negligence, is a tort." Of course, a chuckle was uttered in there, too. Any lawyers who deal with civil casework have to have a thorough understanding of tort law. Our personal injury friends continue to be the butt of the joke; I'll always defend you, though!
To my friends in the medical profession: Please make sure your understanding of the law and your legal duty of care responsibilities are in order. Otherwise, you may face malpractice, or negligence, suits, as well as come into your own harm if you don't know your legal right to refuse unsafe working conditions. Stay smart and safe!
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valoale · 10 months
Back at the hospital. It seems the infection is getting worse and the radiologist had read my CT scans sloppily and there’s free fluid in my abdomen and they don’t know why. They’re doing more tests to find out if my previous doctor misdiagnosed me because of the vague description of the scans
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