limboraptor · 7 months
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I have ZERO clue if this is real but GODDDDD IF THIS IS.....This is new Creme Republic content. Would Sea Urchin possibly be a potential Salty Shark crew member?? And OH MY GOD LOBSTER????
This means that Sugartearea is definitely canon in the CRK universe!! OHHH ARE WE GONNA GET MORE CAVIAR DEEP-SEA DIVING WITH HIS SUBMARINE??? ALSO does this mean Caviar is gonna have beef with Abyss Monarch too????☠️☠️
also JESUS another legendary costume for BP and Sea Fairy??? I mean I shouldn't complain but they have enough 😭 But HEY IM HERE FOR MORE POTENTIAL CAVIAR CONTENT
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whumpsday · 5 months
Kane & Jim AU: Mermay Special
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: mer/vampire whumper, mer/vampire whumpee, whumper-turned-whumpee, dehydration, claustrophobia, starvation, torture, brief death wish, recovery, caretaking
have something special for mermay :) inspired by this fanart my friend lostie drew 2 years ago!!
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It hadn’t rained in a week, Jim’s freshwater had run out the day before, and he was going to die.
He knew he was going to die. Kane would come back to feed, and his body wouldn’t be able to hold up anymore, and he would die. Either with Kane’s jaws clamped around him, or later, alone in the damp cold sand.
He wasn’t thirsty enough to be desperate yet, not desperate enough to drink the abundant saltwater taunting him from his prison’s little beach. He knew it would only make him die faster. It was poison.
It hardly mattered at this point. Months with no rescue likely meant no rescue at all, and this was hardly a life. Still, something cried out in him, wanting to live.
Jim scrambled against the rock as he saw that telltale fin start to poke out of the water, more and more until the vampire revealed himself in full, the head and torso of a man and the tail-end of a shark. Not that there was anywhere for Jim to use his worthless legs to run to.
“Food.” Kane slung half a seal onto the surface, raw yet unbloodied.
Jim cautiously crept forward. “I need water.”
Kane raised an eyebrow at him, then splashed him, leaving him soaked.
“Fresh water,” he pressed, pointing up to the clear sky. “Rainwater. I need it or I’ll die. Please, just take me back to the beach, any beach where there’s humans. I won’t be any use to you dead. You’re not some animal, you know this isn’t right, please!”
“Human mine,” Kane dismissed firmly.
Jim sobbed drily. “I can’t. I can’t. You’re going to kill me.”
“Eat.” Kane shoved the meat toward him, making him flinch back. “Then I eat.”
Jim looked to the sky, Kane’s hungry eyes never leaving him as he devoured the vampire’s leftovers. If it didn’t rain tomorrow, he wouldn’t make it another day.
“Human.” Kane gestured him forward as soon as he finished.
“No, no, I don’t want to!” Jim backed up to the rock again, even knowing it was useless.
Kane huffed, climbing up onto the sand. “Food,” he called him now, a warning tone to his voice, piercing red eyes growing angry.
“Stop,” Jim insisted, squeezing his eyes shut. “No!”
A clawed hand grabbed his leg, any attempt to kick him away futile. He couldn’t match a vampire’s strength on his best day, and this was not his best day.
He cried out as sharp teeth dug into flesh once again, feeling much like the seal in his stomach.
Kane whined softly, squirming against the glass.
The fishers had put him in a smaller tank again. He couldn’t be sure–though he learned more of their language every awful day, there were still gaps–but he was near-certain it was a game to them, at this point, how small of a space they could force him to live in. He didn’t need to know their language to see their smirks.
He hadn’t even meant to break the last one. He had been trying so hard this time, and he’d been asleep when it happened. Even so, the fishers left him gasping on the floor in a pile of broken glass for hours. Even the tiny tank was better than none at all. How far he’d fallen, that he could consider this lucky.
Kane wished he could go back to complaining about not having room to swim. He would do anything to go back to the first tank. This one hardly afforded him room to move, to breathe. No matter how he tried to position himself, he always ended up touching the walls, his tail bunched up uncomfortably.
The water was too salty, burning his gills with every breath. He didn’t dare complain about that again. Last time, they left him in that horrible freshwater humans love so much until he screamed and bled to the point where any other fish would die.
But he was a vampire, and there was no driftwood here.
Every time a fisher walked past, Kane tensed. Some carried cruel metal tools, meant for fish already dead, though he’d already known their sting far more than he’d like. Some carried cruel metal tools and looked at him, making him wish he had anywhere to hide.
“Comfy?” a fisher mocked, tapping the glass with the end of his fishing stick, the unavoidable vibrations reverberating wherever he touched it.
Kane shook his head, hoping the answer was acceptable.
“Good. �̴̢̛̙̃̎̀̏͌�̶͙̪̉̃̐͋̈̈́̉͝�̵̛̹̪̳̾́̏̂̏̊͊�̴̤̬͖͖̬̹̣̏�̴̧̹͓͒̋͝�̸͎̝̂̅͋�̴̧͚͍̼̠͌�̵̤̜̻̦̬̄͒̏̃ little display case, leech. �̸͖̞̩̳̒̿͐̚͝ͅ�̴̢̫̺̟̺̬̯͔̋̄�̶̧̺̯͚̳͎͉̆͆̀̉̍�̵͚͈͛̌̑̚�̷̰͝͝�̴̢̡̯̗̖̥̈́̑̄̅̃̀̎̕ feed you this week.”
He perked up at the mention of food, whining louder this time.
The fisher laughed, flicking one of those foul little ash-and-paper cylinders into his tank. “Eat it.”
It would make him sick, but far worse would come of disobeying orders. Maybe the fisher would allow him some food if he obeyed. Kane wriggled until he could position himself enough to reach the bottom of the tank, scooped it up, and swallowed it down.
Another fisher joined him, saying something he couldn’t understand and nodding at his tank before approaching.
Nothing good ever happened when he was taken from his tank.
“No, no, no!” he wailed as his head breached the surface, his salt-lined gills burning all the more against unforgiving air.
Jim didn’t go to the beach anymore.
After months stranded and years after living in fear, he never thought he’d get even ten miles near a coastline. Not even twenty. Yet here he was, getting within two, just to see the damn vampire. Just to confirm it’s him.
The scars on his arms and legs floated the vague line between hurt and not, leaving him unsure if it was in his head.
The smell of distant saltwater made him want to vomit.
Jim greeted the fishers in a daze, letting them lead him to the vampire that might be his.
And there he was.
Kane looked worse for wear. He was littered with more scars than Jim was, trapped in a tank barely wider than his body, and even his body looked near-emaciated. His wide eyes locked onto Jim with sudden, harsh terror, and he squirmed as if to try to get away.
“Why’s he… in there?” he asked dumbly.
“Gotta keep a vampire reeeal secure, you of all people know you can’t trust the fuckers. Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile. Can’t move around, don’t have the energy to fight, knows it’s got hurt coming if it tries, that’s the safe way to keep ‘em,” the fisher explained.
Jim couldn’t look him in the eyes after that, so he looked at the tank instead.
Kane whimpered, pressed against the back of the tank, though that only left him what looked like a couple inches away from the front of it. Jim felt claustrophobic just looking at it.
“So?” the fisher prompted.
“This is him.” Jim took a step forward, hesitantly pressing a hand to the glass. He was really here, powerless to hurt him again.
But Kane was hurt, and terrified, and trapped somewhere small and uncomfortable. There was no way he could leave him here.
“Do you think… I could take him?”
Every day, humans came to the aquarium in droves. As an unending mercy, Kane’s tank here was large, with ample places to hide. He never came out while the humans were visiting.
No one hurt him at the aquarium. He always had enough to eat at the aquarium. The workers always smiled at him when he surfaced for his meals. Not the malicious smiles of the fishers, but real ones, like they were friends. They talked to him like he was a person, and he was getting better at talking back, and they didn’t even get mad at him when he wouldn’t come out for the guests. Bellamy slipped him an extra fish and told him he deserved it for being a trooper. He didn’t know what a trooper was, but it sounded good when he said it.
Maybe he would start showing himself, one day, just to make them happy. Maybe if it ever stopped being scary.
As it stood, there was only one guest Kane would leave his hidey-hole for. Thankfully, they allowed him to come just after closing, away from the crowds.
“Hey,” Jim greeted. “Just came to, uh, check up on you. Make sure you’re still doing alright.”
Kane couldn’t speak underwater, and Jim was nowhere close to the top of the roomy tank, so he nodded. He looked at his hand, trying to remember the sign for a second, before making a ‘thumbs-up’.
“You’re okay? You’re happy? No one’s hurting you? They’re feeding you good? Helping you with medical stuff?” Jim asked.
Kane nodded again, smiling this time. He tried not to show his teeth.
Jim sat by the tank. “That’s good. I’m happy for you, man. You know how long ‘til the doc clears you to go home?”
It wouldn’t be long, now. He was gaining the weight back, his injuries had healed, and the exercises he’d been given were helping him learn to swim normally again. Soon, he would be able to survive in the ocean, just like before any of this nightmare had ever happened.
Bellamy said they could do a program together, if he wanted, where guests would come to learn about vampires and ask him questions. He said Kane didn’t have to if he didn’t want to, but winked and promised him some of his blood if he gave it a try.
No fisher could catch him again if he stayed at the aquarium. People would protect him at the aquarium.
Kane shrugged, not sure he would ever leave.
sorry all i can write are AUs lol <3 they're warming me up for the main series i prommy
taglist in reblogs!
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Hope not late! 25 , 5 and 28👀👀
Nope not late at all!!
25. Which character(s) would you actively avoid? Personally, you would not see me anywhere near Vil, Rook or Sebek.
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I can appreciate Vil's efforts to have people more self-confident in their own image however I absolutely despise how forceful he goes about it, especially with Epel and the dance troupe. If I EVER caught him trying to change parts of myself that I'm proud of (my australian accent, my nerdy sense of fashion, etc.) it would be ON SIGHT- (Can you tell I'm still not over Book 5?)
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For Rook, i can say I..... respect his dedication and loyalty to his beliefs. However? That man... he scares me... Also, i'm still extremely salty over the VDC/SDC results WE SHOULD HAVE WON THAT AND WE LOST TO THE TWST EQUIVILANT OF BABY SHARK- Rook, i don't care about your reasonings for why we weren't at our best, I've seen the video performance AND THE NRC TRIBE FUCKING NAILED IT!!!
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And then our croccy boi- Now don't get me wrong, I do love Sebek as a member of the first year gang of idiots. I also don't know a lot about him personally since I've only known him in events and havent started Book 7 yet. From what I have seen, he does annoy me a lot with his blatant disregard and disrespect to anyone who isn't Malleus or Lilia. His ego and his racism also really piss me off and make me wanna slap some sense into him. I understand it comes from a place of self-loathing but dude, PLEASE read the room for once and not screech our ears off. I'm certain that I would eventually befriend him but if we actually met face to face, it would be a miracle for me to not punch him 1 minute after his insults.
5. If you could have any unique magic / signature spell in the game, which would you choose and why?
Ooooh I've never thought about that until now actually. Personally, i would want something that would be useful and practical both in a day to day life or in a fight since I'm not very physically strong. Going with that idea, i'd more than likely pick either Split Card or Paint The Roses/Doodle Suit. Multiple me's to help me do chores around the house or distract someone in a fight? YES PLEASE!! I also have a lot of sensory issues so I feel like Paint the Roses would really help me eat the things i need to or make a certain texture that feels funny to me turn comfortable. We've also seen how useful it can be in a fight during Riddle's Overblot when Trey turned the rosebush into cards and saved us.
If just for fun though, I'd love to try out any of Savanaclaw's UM's/SS's. Now THAT would be chaotic heheh.
28. What is the TWST related content that you've produced that you are most proud of?
I personally really love my HTTYD x TWST fic that i've been writing. Knowing myself, I probably wont ever finish/post it so I'll have what I've written linked here for anyone who's interested in my favourite brainworm lol. Bella is a very special oc near and dear to my heart as she's the first one that I've enjoyed writing for since being kicked out of home over a year ago. She gave me back my creativity and I couldn't be more thankful for it.
Right now, I've even been imagine a Fairly OddParents x TWST fic in my head which I think would be a BLAST to write, where my Twisted version of Timmy Turner (a girl called Izzy) would use their rule free wish to be a part of Wanda, Cosmo and Poof/Peri's family as their bio daughter when they're no longer her godparents and becomes a half-fairy hybrid in the process. The idea of a "magicless" girl at NRC who out of nowhere suddenly can not only make but GRANT wishes that bend the laws of reality around her is absolutely hilarious to me. Haha take that you pricks, you thought I was weak? BOOM you're a hedgehog, now you really are a prick. Rewatching FOP and seeing how Timmy can be such a menace/pos really makes me think he would fit in GREAT amongst NRC lol.
I'm also really proud of the Card edits I've done for other people where I turn their OC's into different rated cards so it looks like it's from the game. Seeing all the different kinds of OC's and hearing about their characters is so amazing.
Feel free to send in any more asks or questions!! I love interacting with the Twst Community <3
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ramu-ego · 2 years
I'm here for the lil event! And I'm going to surprise you hehe
Can I have Raichi + neck + pet play please ♡
Also congrats on the followers mama! This blog is truly an amazing blog for Blue Lock 😘
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is it reeaallly a surprise when I pegged Raichi as your type from day one 🤔
event ~ ♡ (closed) cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, oral (f!receiving), pet play/nicknames, choking, spit kink, unedited word count: drabble character(s): Raichi Jingo
DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
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Flat tongue pressed against your clit. There was nowhere for him to go but up when Raichi drug his wet twitching tongue along your folds. Curling the tip of it against your clit when he nearly ran out of things to taste. In desperation he quickly pressed his tongue back against your wet folds and repeated the process until his tongue was buzzing and numb. Focused on nothing more than lapping at the juices accumulating on his tongue as you carded your fingers through his blond hair.
Salty, sweet, musky. All of them intoxicating as he doubled down between your thighs even when you began to squeeze them together. Wiggling in your seat with his persistent lapping. Clit throbbing against his well used tongue. You couldn't help but drop your touch down further to the back of his neck. Leveraging his face into your cunt. Sloppy and wet all over his face as the only noise he was making right now was the messy wet ones coming from a diligent tongue all over your sensitive spots. Raichi's eyes closed in blissful content even when you pushed him down into your cunt nearly suffocating him. Using the friction of his tongue and his wet lips to grinding yourself on his face right up to the brink of your orgasm. Gushing over and holding him by the back of the neck, your orgasm taking precedence even over his breathing. Using such a well taught tongue to take out every last twitching moment of your orgasm until you couldn't handle it anymore.
"That's a good boy...Alright mutt." You tightened your grip on his neck until you had to pry Raichi away from your cunt. His lapping having gotten the job done but his ears clearly no working. Leaving you to pull him away from his meal like an untrained dog. Dopy gold eyes looking up at you like he was drunk on your pussy juices alone. Even licking his lips for extra and watching his adams apple bob in the process. The allure of his throat right there. Not much before your touch grazed the sides of his neck. Curled around his throat entirely and you cinched your grip on his neck. Raichi's tongue darting over his lips as his raspy breathes were hindered a bit by your grip. Eyes fluttering back to his head when he tried to take a deep breath but couldn't. His lips and cheeks glistening with your juices as his head lulled and his need for a breath grew, "Open up mutt." You released some of the grip on his neck but only for the sole purpose of having Raichi suck in his breath and return all his attention to you, "I said open your mouth like a good puppy."
As train as he was to worship your clit. The shark teethed striker unhinged his jaw for you. Unaware what you intended to do before it happened. A warm glob of spit being dribbled into your mouth. The second he felt your gift touch his tongue he wanted to clamp his mouth shut and swallow it. You quickly diminished that though when your hand came to curl around his throat.
"Hold it puppy. Hold onto it like a good trained mutt." You pressed your fingers into his neck to feel him struggle to listen and feel the twitching life to his tendons under his skin. You smiled down at him painted in your juices with your spit seeping down his tongue when you reached out with your free hand and patted him on the top of his head, "That's a good boy. Next we're make sure you clean all your cum out of my pussy. Never wasting a drop, just like a good boy."
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captainbogwitch · 1 year
Excerpt: There Are Many Benefits...
There are many benefits to being an early riser, he thinks, walking along the shoreline, eager for the day’s work to begin. The sun is rising above the horizon line casting the first colors of dawn over the world. He breathes in the salty sea air and is reminded of home—not too far from here, in Lurelin. He promised the village he would come visit at some point (and of course bring Zelda with him), but they’d already sent enough mail to the Institute for each day of the program and more before he even arrived.
He had some now, if he didn’t read them all Kiri would have an absolute fit when he came back—his cousin was not one to take unread letters lightly. Link sits in the sand, still cool from the hours without the sun, and settles in, crossed legged.
Someone coughs behind him and he turns his head to see (what he can only assume is) another institute member giving him a small wave.
“Ah, good morning! I am sorry to bother you, but you are a student with the Institute, are you not?” he asks with a small smile. Oh, Link has to keep his eyes from widening at the man that’s approached him. He’s tall, definitely over a foot taller than himself, and his skin is the warm brown of someone who spends much of their time outside—similar to himself, when he’s not stuck inside doing data analysis, that is. His hair is a bright red, long, framing his face quite handsomely, and Link isn’t sure, but he’s pretty sure the underside is dyed white.
“Yes, I am,” Link signs, quickly catching his breath. “Name’s Link.” The smile on the man’s face grows.
“A truly fantastic name, a strong name! It is wonderful to meet you, Link. I am Sidon.” Sidon fingerspells his name and his smile becomes even larger at Link’s widening eyes. “My dear, late mother was hard of hearing, so my sister and I learned Hyrulean Common Sign when we were young. I am glad to be able to use it again. Might I sit with you? Please do not feel obligated to say yes—” but Link nods and the taller man sits close enough to him that their knees are touching. He seems content to watch the sunrise in silence, which is fine with Link, who gets back to reading his cousin’s many, many letters. The soundtrack of waves and gulls flying ahead is comfortable and they sit there together in the quiet until the sun is bright and yellow and full in the sky.
“He just came! Showed up! And sat! Quietly! And he knows HCS fluently! And he’s HOT, Zel, what am I going to do, I came here to learn about sharks, not beautiful red-headed biologists!” Link throws a pillow over his face after he slumps down onto Zelda’s bed while she watches his exaggerated, dramatic signs from her desk chair with a scientist’s interest.
“Interesting,” she says, tapping her chin. “You said he has a sister?” she giggles with mirth when Link chucks a pillow at her head.
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
Hello, can i please request an armin x reader but it’s a modern au where armin is a nerd and the reader is popular, feel free to ignore if you don’t like the idea :)
Thank you for your request, anon! I really hope you like it, and I can always rewrite it if it’s not the way you imagined. Also, sorry it is a little long - I think I got carried away with this prompt haha.
The beginning might be a little angsty, but the ending is cute ^_^
Warnings: one cuss word, mentions of self-doubt, kissing
Word Count: 2,346
Things change - sometimes for the better - like how Armin finally cut his bob-length hair and now has a handsome undercut that suits his jawline and like how you are finally growing taller since it seemed like forever that Armin was the taller one.
Things change - sometimes for the worse - like how you and Armin used to be so close in grade school, but now in college, your relationship is made up of awkward smiles in the hallways, small waves when passing each other in the library, and unfinished conversations on SnapChat.
Things fade - relationships come to an end, people move on, and that’s just life. Look at you now, from a quiet person to a popular student known for your humorous remarks, angelic facial features, a delightful sense of style, and your beautifully color-coded notes. You capture hearts with your smile, and you never fail to make anyone laugh with your stupidly funny puns and nonsense. To put it simply, Armin is a bit different - well, you could say nerdy. Quiet, polite, and has as much passion for the world as he does intelligence. Always heavily invested in school and studying as you could almost always find his nose in between the pages of a book or study guide. Poor Armin - not known for his sweet personality or his above average intelligence. Definitely not known for his sense of style but always comes to class dressed in a rather dashing blazer and keeps a couple Kleenex tissues in his left pocket. Armin barely has any friends, - if any - but he always makes sure to hold the door open for strangers, smile at teachers when entering the classroom, and send you a “Happy Birthday!” text every year.
Some things don’t fade - like Armin’s feelings for you even after you two grew apart and he was forced to watch you from the sidelines. How could he not be so deeply in love with you? When you two were close, you coddled up with each other and read books about the ocean, learning about sharks and so naively believing in the theory of Atlantis. You stayed over at each other’s houses and studied together as well as comforted each other if one of you didn’t do as well as you expected on a test. You used to braid his long blond locks as he told you stories about his grandfather. During the summers, you would use chalk to draw a picture of you two on the blistering sidewalks outside his house, and he would give you handmade bookmarks as a present. Even though you two have grown apart, he is still in love with you, watching you laugh from far away. The way your eyes squint out of happiness and the sound of your hearty laughter makes his body heat up and his cheeks rosy. The way you sometimes send him “Good luck!” texts for when there’s a big test in a class you both are taking makes him smile with teary eyes since it seems that you have in fact not forgotten about him and his intense anxiety when it comes to test-taking. The way you ran up to Armin and gripped his arm when you unexpectedly saw him in the campus coffee shop that one time sent a euphoric tingle throughout his body that made him forget how to breathe properly. How could he not love you when you were always there for him, when you remembered every personal detail he told you during late-night childhood sleepovers, when you tried your best to make him love himself? Armin wants so badly to tell you how important you are to him, how he wants to protect you from everything bad in the world, how he wants to wrap his arms around you and listen to your heartbeat… you are just so hard to reach. He is a nerd, a loser, and you are so popular, surrounded by endless amounts of friends… he’s sure your contacts are completely full and DMs flooding with people who are interested in you and are a lot better than him. What was the point in even trying?
Luckily for Armin, you feel the same way. To be honest with yourself, your stupid jokes, loud laughter, and wide smiles were really just a cover-up for how deeply sad you are. No matter how many friends you have or instant messages you receive from strangers online, you feel incredibly alone because none of them are him. Popularity doesn't matter to you anymore - you just miss your best friend so terribly. You missed walking on the beach together, splashing each other with the salty waves, making study-flashcards together, and being able to touch his beautiful blond hair whenever you wanted. Armin’s birthday is coming up, and you want to make your move and do something big for him that would let him know how special he is to you. This time, it wouldn’t involve loads of friends or a loud party with that overly social and fake personality of yours.
You text Armin: “Hey Armin! We haven’t talked in awhile, but your birthday is this Saturday, and I would like to meet up with you. Are you free to go to the beach on Saturday? I want to give you a present, and I just want to catch up with you. I miss my friend!”
Armin read the text with relief. Even if he couldn’t have you the way he wanted, he still wanted more than anything to reconnect with his old friend. “It’s good to hear from you, y/n! I have no plans for Saturday, so of course we can meet up… around 7pm if that’s okay. I want to watch the sunset! And I miss you too…”
It is November, which means it’s cold. At the beach in November? Even colder, so you make sure to dress warmly.
It is 6:59pm, and you trudge through the moist sand, the harsh wind bearing itself against your face making the tip of your nose turn a bright pink as you grip your hoodie close to your body. In the distance, you see Armin sitting on the sand, shoes off and wearing a dark green sweatshirt with a black beanie. Sitting next to him was his backpack - of course he was the type to bring his school work with him while you always brought your violently vibrating phone with you everywhere.
You release a tired breath as you sit next to him in the sand, setting the bag of presents down beside you and keeping your cold hands in your hoodie pocket. A big smile is on your face as you ask him: “Aren’t you cold, Armin? Why don’t you have your shoes on?!” Armin laughs as he turns his face toward you. At this point, you can see how red his cheeks really are, and this is really the first time you’ve noticed how handsome he actually is. The softness of his blond eyelashes beautifully contrast with the sharpness of his jawline. His smile is soft, and his deep blue eyes pierce into yours. “Hahaha, I don’t know. I just haven’t been to the beach in a long time…” he trails off. “It’s ‘cuz you’re so popular now that you don’t have time to hang out with me,” he states in a playfully butt-hurt tone though you can sense that he is indeed a little upset about it. The waves hitting the shore fill the awkward silence between you two. “I know,” you softly say, “but I think about you all the time. I miss you, and I hope we can be close friends again,” you confess. Armin feels his heart flutter when you say that you miss him. He wants to tell you he loves you and wants to reassure you that he’d always be there for you, but instead he pats you on the back. “It’s okay! I was just joking,” he awkwardly laughs. “Of course we are friends, and I hope we can be even closer too.”
He glances to your side. “What’s in the bag?” he inquires. “Oh!” you exclaim, seemingly as if you forgot about it. You rush to give him the bag and shove it into his arms. “It’s just some stuff I got you for your birthday.”
He rummages through it, going through the endless amount of tissue paper on the top. He pulls out a light blue sweater first.
“It’s almost winter, so I figured I’d give you something warm. I think this color…” you pause and hesitantly reach up to adjust his beautiful blond bangs, “... would look good on you.”
You both make eye contact for a second and quickly look away from each other. “Haha, it’s beautiful, y/n. Thank you!” You are just about to say ‘no problem’ before he is quickly taking off his green sweatshirt and replacing it with the light blue one, his very toned abs peeking through the plain white t-shirt he had on underneath the sweatshirt. You feel your cheeks grow warm and instantly look away. Armin notices and chuckles to himself. He would honestly never mind if you wanted to look at them or even touch them.
“Now, onto the second one,” you say, trying to change the subject. Armin pulls out two matching, homemade bracelets that feature a seashell on both of them. He looks at them silently and intently.
“I made matching bracelets!” you say proudly. “They’re like friendship bracelets, so we both have to wear them all the time! You aren’t allowed to take it off!” you joke.
“They’re so pretty, y/n,” he whispers as he stares at the shells, a sparkle in his eyes. He immediately puts it on and gently takes your wrist to put yours on.
“There,” he says contently, carefully placing your wrist in your lap.
You two sit silently next to each other, shoulders brushing against one another and watching the waves as the sun casts a dull orange and purple glow across the sky. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore and the squawking birds in the sky cancel out the noises of Armin softly crying.
Once you notice, you quickly snap your head around. “Armin, are you okay?” you ask, extremely worried.
“Thank you for the presents, y/n,” he sniffles. “You have always done stuff like this for me,” Armin continues as he gets flashbacks of you two running across the beach and gawking at beautiful seashells, telling jokes to each other in grade school when it was supposed to be reading time, and making funny drawings of each other. “I’ve never told you thank you - for being there for me and comforting me all those times, and just letting me be myself. It’s been such a long time since we’ve done anything together. I miss making you laugh, and I miss going to the library with you and asking you about your day.”
At this point, you feel like crying too because you feel the exact same. You spent so much of your life wanting to fit in, and you finally became popular but at what cost? You nearly forgot about the most important person to you, the one person that actually cares about you.
“I love you,” Armin suddenly blurts out, a tear running down his face. “I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine,” he says so quietly that it’s borderline pathetic. You swear your heart stopped when he said that. You feel a burning sensation all along your body as you forget about the cold air hitting your face, and you feel your breathing stop. The uncertainty you felt that kept you awake every night about whether Armin thought of you the same, all the self-doubt, all the guilt about leaving your friend behind, had been erased in an instant.
The silence between you two is unbearably awkward, and with confidence you seemingly pull out of nowhere, you throw yourself onto Armin’s lips, your arms enclosing his broad shoulders, and both of you falling sideways into the wet sand. Armin, at first shocked, passionately kisses back and links onto your soft lips. The tips of your noses are cold, but you both eventually succumb to each other's warmth. You both pull away to catch some breath. Armin gently wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him as you bury your head in the crook of his neck. Even after all this time, he still smells the same - vanilla and cedarwood. “I love you too,” you softly say. Noticing that you both are practically wallowing in the sand by now, you apologize. “Also, sorry I ruined your new sweatshirt. There’s sand all over it,” you laugh.
“Oh, it’s okay,” he reassures, shyly placing a kiss on your forehead. “Want to watch the sunset with me?” You nod your head enthusiastically, a smile you couldn’t help leave your lips.
“Oh, fuck,” you quitely exclaim.
“What’s wrong?” Armin asks in a concerned tone.
“I forgot I have an essay due at 11:59 tonight.”
Armin busts out laughing - a sound you wouldn’t mind hearing for the rest of your life even though he’s laughing at your poor planning.
“When the sun finally sets, we can go back to my dorm, and I can help you with it if that’s alright with you,” he politely offers.
“Sure!” you happily reply.
You both sit up and face the horizon. The sun was almost gone, and the sky was a heavenly pink color while the sea began to look indigo. Your hands were linked with Armin’s, and for the first time in a long time, you felt warm despite the air getting cooler.
Getting ready to go to Armin’s dorm, he grabs his backpack and his dark green sweatshirt. You get up and check your phone, not at all caring that you have nearly fifty missed text messages and missed calls asking why you didn’t come to the weekly campus party.
You finally have all that you need.
I really hoped you liked it! Requests are open ~ I have another request that will be posted soon.
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romioneficfest · 3 years
The Promise
Title: The Promise
Prompt/Day: Moon/Day 8
Tumbler Name: 
Rating: G+
Brief Summary: Ron goes missing and Hermione reacts
Beta Credits: A & A
 The glorious spring evening was regaled with purplish red sky as the sun sank into the sea. The outline of the moon slowly carved its shape in the sky. Despite the spectacular view,  Hermione felt gloomy, emptiness billowing inside her.
It took her the entire day to painstakingly prepare a synopsis of their upcoming plan. As soon as it was complete she bounced out of her room, excited to share it with both Ron and Harry. She found only Harry, sitting near Dobby’s grave in one of his intense moods. There was no sign of Ron.
By the time the moon glowed in the sky, Hermione's anxiety for Ron’s well-being increased tenfold. Her thread of thought was broken when she was joined by Luna and Dean in her stroll along the shoreline, although her eyes anxiously roamed around to catch a glimpse of the ginger boy she loved…..
Pointing to a black rubber tube bobbing up and down faraway in the sea, Luna squealed, making both Hermione and Dean jump, “That’s a talking turtle. Dad says they sing lullabies to hungry sharks and lull them to sleep.”
“There’s no such thing as talking turtles,” Hermione snapped. She was way too worried to debate with Luna. Talking turtles could exist only in Lovegood's fantasy world, she frowned.  
Luna did not bother to respond to Hermione. She waded ahead of them clucking and waving her hand vigorously at the rubber tube in an attempt to catch its attention.
“What’s got into her?” boomed Ron’s familiar voice, making Hermione feel simultaneously shocked and relieved.
“Wrackspurts, I guess,” Dean quipped and both the boys laughed. Hermione gestured to both of them to stop laughing, but giggled herself.
“That’s like our old Luna. I like that girl. She has her heart at the right place,” Hermione’s stomach twisted in knots as Ron praised her friend. She tried to brush the feeling aside.
“Yeah, she’s always been fearless. Ginny told me about her,” Dean paused and then said softly, “I’m sorry… you know the night that Dumbledore died….that I didn’t come to fight against the Death Eaters. Maybe all of us putting up a fight together there could have made a difference today,” Dean could not meet their eyes.
Before Hermione could tell off Dean for his past mistakes, Ron said warmly, “There’s always a next time, mate.”
Dean smiled gratefully.
Hermione tried to imagine how Ron would react if she toppled him onto the sand, kissed him ceaselessly and told him how wonderful a person he was. Her face flustered with the thought. The tall ginger had the capability to swing her like a pendulum through a multitude of emotions within seconds.
“Well, Fleur wants you all inside for supper. Besides, it’s not very safe to roam around here out of the wards,” Ron said meaningfully.
Dean dragged a reluctant Luna towards Shell Cottage. Ron was in tow. But Hermione tugged him back.
“Where were you all this time?” Hermione poked her finger into Ron’s chest and huffed. She sounded bitter. It was absurd, but Ron's attention to any woman made her resentful.  
“What’s got your wand in a twist? For that matter, you are not carrying one as I can see, and you're out of the wards” Ron retorted. “D’ya realise how worried I was when I couldn’t find you inside the cottage?”  
Hermione was reluctant to give in. But her emotions welled up tears in her eyes and she bit her lower lip to stop them from trickling out.
“Okay, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to shout at you,” Ron softened his hold on her hand and squeezed it lightly. “Fleur sent me to Muriel’s place to fetch supplies. You know, with all of us here, she was running out of food. She didn’t want to make a fuss or make you all uncomfortable,” Ron said gently.
“That’s indeed very thoughtful of her. How’s your family? You’ve missed them, haven't you?” Hermione loved Ron’s family. She understood that he needed them. But she needed him more.
“All good,” Ron grinned. “They’ve collected muggle clothes for us. Old though, but they will suffice, I guess.”
“That’s great. We lost ours. Dean and Luna don’t seem to have any. I literally smell Dean’s slimy socks even in my sleep,” Hermione scrunched up her nose in disgust. Ron chortled.
“So, that’s what you found so irresistable about him. How long have you been doing these walks—I mean—you and him together?” Ron raised a single brow and smirked; but the playfulness in his demeanor did not quite reach his eyes.
“That’s bollocks!” Hermione said, indignantly.
Ron put his hand over his mouth and acted gobsmacked. Before Hermione realised the implication of her choice of words, Ron said innocently, "There's only a pair in here. Sorry, can't part with them."
“Ron!” Embarrassed, she scooped up a palm full of salty water and splashed it over Ron's face before running away from him, giggling.
Ron ran after her for his revenge. It did not take him long to grab her from behind with his strong, scarred arms.
“You barmy witch,” he cried.
"Don’t you dare!" Hermione yelped and wrestled to wiggle out of his grip.
Ron swept her off her feet and twirled her in the air. He dunked her in the sea till she was thoroughly drenched.
"Ron Weasley! Watch out for this," Hermione tittered. She kicked his shins and tickled him wherever she could reach, knocking both of them down on the sand, water sweeping over both of them. She was squealing in delight until she realised that she was propped up on her elbows over his chest, staring straight into his blue eyes. It was just the way she had imagined herself a few minutes ago.
Ron's left hand was wrapped around the small of her back. His right hand lifted his wand up in the air to prevent it from any damage. Hermione’s mass of matted curly hair with bits of sand stuck to the strands, enveloped both of their faces like a thick curtain.
Ron's gaze bore into hers. His wand was carelessly pointed at her. Hermione felt a warm glow as all the sand particles in her hair started emitting silver light. Ron's spontaneous magic was surreal. They were both shielded from the world by a constellation of stars.
Puffs of staggered breaths replaced the squeals of laughter. The sound of the waves were consumed by the beating of their hearts.
“You're like the moon, so beautiful" Ron murmured.
"Save your compliments for Luna, maybe Fleur or Lavender — Won-Won," Hermione scoffed, her voice loaded with sarcasm.
Ron kept on staring at her, but the enthusiasm in his eyes was gone; the glow of the glitters dimmed.  
Hermione knew she had just spoiled a beautiful moment of her life. Why do I always say the wrong thing?
Hermione rolled over her side to lie face up, staring at the moon and the stars; Ron's hand lying underneath her.
"It's been seven bloody years, Hermione. How much longer will we take to sort this out?" Ron groaned in anguish.
"I really don’t know why I do this. Sort this out for us Ron. Make it easier. Please!" Hermione pleaded.
Ron pulled her closer with a new found confidence. His body trembled against hers.
"Someday, when all this shite is over, yeah….I will," he stared into her eyes resolutely.
"Trust me, I want to do this right. For now, just know, this side kick is barmy for only one wee witch — a mental one and nothing's gonna change that."
Hermione brushed her hand over Ron's cheek and nodded. As they stood and walked towards the cottage, the glitters in her hair slowly faded away, but the promise he made stayed in her heart.
She never felt more content.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Eight // Kakuzu
What is with this group and wasting their free time doing such inane and pointless things? The old guy can think of at least 50 other activities (the majority of which involve making money) that everyone could be doing, rather than lining up to kiss each under a little green plant. When it’s his turn in the spotlight, he tries as hard as he can to back out of his “obligation” ... but Pein (and Kakuzu’s own persistent partner, Hidan) insist that Kakuzu participate. Kakuzu sighs and nods; he’s smart enough to know when he’s been defeated. However, Pein should know that Kakuzu will be adding a little extra money to his paycheck that week, for “hazard pay”.
Nagato was more interested in Kakuzu joining his group than any of the others. Immortality, money-sense, expertise and wisdom ... this is the man who survived the wars of the past. This is the man who survived the mighty Hashirama, God of all shinobi. Still, Nagato is no fool; he realizes that Kakuzu’s number one priority in life isn’t the Akatsuki, but money. Kakuzu would probably (and had likely thought about) betray them all in exchange for a tidy sum. So Nagato (as Pein) works to keep Kakuzu content enough to remain loyal, including making him the group’s treasurer and giving him complete control over everyone’s finances. And Kakuzu remains highly useful; strategizing, completing missions twice as fast (and ten times as efficient) as his younger teammates. Pein approaches Kakuzu and gives him a light kiss on the forehead, before returning to his room. He reminds himself to speak to Kakuzu later; he has some ideas about weapons he’d like to procure for the group, and needs to see if it would be financially feasible to do so.
Kakuzu genuinely likes Konan, and appreciates her company. Many men of Kakuzu’s generation were raised on the belief system that women were solely meant to be wives, child-bearers, and home-makers; to call a female a ninja was deemed unthinkable. But Kakuzu was a rarity in that he never saw this as being the case; man or woman, one’s inner strength was all that mattered in regards to being a shinobi. He’s spoken with Konan at length about her childhood, and the trauma she endured, and he knows that this little blue-haired lady is a sight tougher than a LOT of people (and Kakuzu’s met quite a few in his long life). Konan walks up to him and he smiles; it’s rare for Kakuzu to smile, but Konan brings it out of him. “Good evening, Kakuzu-san. I think it’s my turn.” He nods, and slips off his mask so that his lips are exposed. He leans down and very, very gently kisses her cheek. Her blushing skin is soft and her smile is beautiful as she thanks him and steps away, to let the next person go.
Nobody knows this about Kakuzu (and he fears he would be mocked if they did), but the old guy puts a lot of emphasis on the idea of exercise. Five hearts is a lot of responsibility, and staying healthy is how Kakuzu intends to keep living forever. So every night, when the others are asleep and after he’s done with his reading, he’ll spend some time in his room exercising. One night Kisame passed by his open door and saw him using a pair of heavy books as make-shift weights. The next evening Kisame came to Kakuzu’s room with a set of real barbells , which he casually gave to Kakuzu with the admonition not to overdo it. Kakuzu greatly appreciated the gesture (and the unspoken support), and the two have been good friends ever since. But ... a kiss between them would just be too strange, so Kisame comes up with a better option: an arm-wrestling match, Kisame grabs the kitchen table and two chairs and sets them up under the mistletoe. Of course the rest of the Akatsuki gathers to watch, hooting and hollering and placing bets on who will win. Kisame and Kakuzu are both fairly evenly matched, so that challenge goes on for a while. Finally, with a final grunt of exertion, Kakuzu is able to slam Kisame’s hand into the table. Everyone claps, and Kisame laughs and tells Kakuzu that he’s “one tough son of a bitch”; high compliment coming from a man who was half-shark.
Out of all the members of the Akatsuki, Itachi was by far the least problematic of the younger ones. Quiet, thoughtful, quick and efficient in completing missions. And polite; always forthcoming with “please” and “thank you”, and never failing to use honorifics with the others, even though some of them (ie Deidara and Hidan) don’t show him that same respect back. One time Kakuzu had caught a cold that stubbornly hung on for several days. Itachi came to his room every day with a cup of congestion-easing tea, something that Kakuzu didn’t ask for, but greatly appreciated nonetheless. Itachi comes up to him and nods. “Kakuzu-san.” “Itachi-san.” Itachi leans up and gives him a light kiss to the cheek, and Kakuzu is struck by a particular urge — to hug this kid. Something about him, perhaps everything about him, seems like a cry for parental love and affection. Kakuzu resists this odd impulse, but Itachi seems to sense that it’s something he wanted, because he leans over again and very briefly puts his arms around the older man. “Thank you,” he murmurs, before walking away. Kakuzu watches him go, slightly shaking his head.
Tobi gives Kakuzu an uneasy feeling deep within his heart(s). Running around, speaking loudly, eating nothing but candy and sweets, acting like a complete fool — it’s an act. Kakuzu has never been more convinced of anything in his life. The only question is, why is Tobi putting on this act? To deceive them all into a false sense of security, before striking? Kakuzu has hunted bounties a good deal of his life, and a lot of the more difficult ones to catch have acted EXACTLY the way Tobi does, in order to throw off potential bounty hunters. Kakuzu learned to see through them, the same way he sees through Tobi. But to tip one’s hand and give away what you know is unthinkable in the chase and capture game, so Kakuzu never lets on what he actually believes. “Oh boy Kakuzu-san; does Tobi get a kissy now?!” Kakuzu nods, and Tobi slides his mask halfway off (Kakuzu notes the lines on the side of his face; accident, most likely. Possibly a disfiguring one) and the strange glint of his eye. Before Tobi can act, Kakuzu puts a hand on his face and kisses his forehead. “There. Now go.” Tobi slides the mask back on and hurries away with his usual chatter and giggling, and Kakuzu reminds himself to loom through the bingo book later for bounties with visible scarring on the left side of the face.
Five hearts means more blood needed to sustain said hearts. More blood means a stronger scent. A stronger scent means ... Kakuzu smells delicious to someone like Zetsu. Zetsu approaches him and looks around quickly; the two are alone. His brain runs through every possible scenario in which he could successfully kill and eat Kakuzu. He’s victorious in a few ... but most end with him mutilated by the man’s tentacles, and having to face the wrath of Pein on top of everything else. So he simply sighs, flicks out his tongue to taste the saltiness of Kakuzu’s cheek, and walks away again. Just that one taste was almost enough to make zetsu throw restraint to the wind and eat his fill, so he leaves before he can do anything he’ll regret. Kakuzu wipes off his cheek in mild disgust ... in a group full of freaks, Zetsu certainly seemed to take the cake.
Kakuzu still remembers the day they brought this kid into the group. And that’s exactly what he was; a kid. Barely 15 years old, with a powerful “gift”, and full of anger at a village he felt betrayed him in not trying to understand his unique sense of ‘art’. Fast forward several years later and Deidara had changed, and most of that change was the better. Kakuzu could only surmise that the kid matured due to the constant council and guidance of his older and wiser partner Sasori; Kakuzu feels mildly jealous that Sasori was able to reign some measure of improvement over HIS young partner, but Kakuzu couldn’t do a thing with Hidan. Still, though, even Sasori hadn’t been able to completely tame the kid, as evidenced by Deidara managing to get BOTH arms blown off in a tussle with some Konoha nin. Kakuzu had been tasked with sewing his new arms back on, but to the kids credit, despite his painful the procedure had been, he didn’t utter a sound. Had even thanked Kakuzu, twice, afterwards. Deidara walks up to him and looks almost shy; 19 years old now and still with the face of a child. Kakuzu leans down and kisses the kid’s forehead, again noting his soft and smooth — and LONG — his hair was. It sways as Deidara walks away, and Kakuzu wonders how much he could get for those luscious locks, from the right buyer.
Respect. Out of all the words that Kakuzu could use to describe how he felt about Sasori, Respect was at the top of the list. And the funny thing was, Kakuzu hadn’t even met the REAL Sasori until almost a year of being in the Akatsuki. The two had been sent on a mission, and at night, near the campfire, a soft metal sound made Kakuzu turn his head. It was a small, slender redhead, emerging from the being that Kakuzu had THOUGHT was a real person. The two had looked at each other for a while, and then started a game of cards as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. As time went on, the two became closer. They both shared an interest in/knowledge of medical jutsu and procedures, and would often come to one another with questions or with articles on different medicines. Kakuzu nods at him as he walks up, and Sasori does the same. He thinks about it, bends down and kisses Sasori’s left cheek, and Sasori smiles at him, bidding him a quiet Good Evening before going back to his room.
“Hey old fuck; you’ve been dying to get your hands on my sexy body all day, haven’t ya, pervert?” Kakuzu would roll his eyes at Hidan’s comment, but at this point, he’s ridiculously used to the things his partner says and does. As he looks at Hidan’s face, he wonders, and not for the first time, whether this is a punishment of sorts. Gaining five hearts and creating a kind of immortality only came for Kakuzu at the end of a long and bloody road, one paved with the unwilling sacrifices of other people. Was it Fate, that the Gods had put THIS man, this loud, overbearing, foul-mouthed heathen, into his path? And as the one person who just might be immortal, too? Hidan often joked about “When all these other assholes bite the big one, me and you might as well get married, bastard.” But what in the world was he saying? Surely he was joking; why would someone as young and attractive as Hidan want to be with Kakuzu? Kakuzu who was heaven knows how many times Hidan’s age, and — “So we gonna slobber each other or what?” “You’ve got a big mouth, brat. Learn to shut up once in a while.” “MAKE me shut up, fuck-face.” So Kakuzu grabs Hidan around the waist, tilts him back, and sinks into his lips. Kakuzu’s mouth is rough and scarred but Hidan’s is smooth and soft, and the contrast creates a dizzying effect for both men. Hidan grasps Kakuzu’s shoulders tighter, leaving slight nail-prints in Kakuzu’s flesh. Their lips are touching but in this moment it feels like everything is touching, even their very souls (if either of them still had one, that is). When Kakuzu finally breaks the kiss and pulls Hidan back up, the white-haired immortal seems fairly disorientated ... but that doesn’t stop his mouth. “You’re an even bigger pervert than I thought, old fuck. Who the hell said you could stick your tongue in my mouth?? And why —” Kakuzu suddenly reaches out and grabs Hidan’s face with both hands, this time pulling him forward into a very soft, closed-mouth kiss. “Better?” Instead of a smartass answer, Hidan simply nods; and now he’s smiling as he walks away. If he were to turn around at any point, he’d surely gasp; because Kakuzu’s smile was even bigger than Hidan’s own. “Stupid kid,” Kakuzu mutters to himself, still smiling as he makes his way back to his room.
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valdemart · 4 years
Valdebreed (Part 1)
When your significant other is a wealthy mad scientist demon lacking several human emotions, you don’t get a normal life. In fact, you give up a lot more than you realized you would have to. You just have to hope they also realize it.
(Afab Reader has sex with Valdemar with the intent to start a family. Some good angst, minor body horror, breeding kink tentacle smut. No sex in the first part. I wrote too damn much.)
 “You’re going to pop any day, huh?”
Annabella beamed at you, grinning widely.
“The doctor says it will happen sometime this week. Early next week at the latest.”
That comment gave you pause.
“Wait. You’re not working, are you?”
Annabella waved your concern off.
“Of course not. Even if I wanted to, the Countess wouldn’t allow it. But I’m bored at home all day just waiting for the baby to come and I wanted to chat with everyone.”
That was reassuring, at least. You didn’t think Annabella could work, not with such a huge belly. Her arms probably couldn’t even reach the stove at this point.
“Oh! They’re kicking! Did you want to feel?”
Without waiting for your answer, Annabella grabbed your hand and placed it on her lower stomach and, sure enough, you felt a little kick against your searching fingers. You couldn’t hide your delight and the mother laughed at how happy you looked.
“Careful. You’ll catch baby fever from me and end up the next staff out on maternity leave.”
You smiled in response, your hand still resting against her stomach.
“Who knows? Maybe.”
You didn’t know Annabella well enough to get into why children probably weren’t in the cards for you. Besides, why bring the mood down? You were perfectly content to let this little baby kick you all day.
“Ugh. Excuse me, dear. This little bundle of joy has me having to pee every 20 minutes, I swear.”
You waved goodbye and watched the cook waddle away down the hall. As you stood there, lost in your thoughts, you felt a small hand tug on your shirt and you jumped in surprise.
“Procurator! You scared me!”
Volta stood well below you, looking up at you with her large, watery eyes.
“Volta saw you rubbing that servant girl’s belly. Do you like babies?”
“Oh, yeah. Of course, I do. Doesn’t everyone?”
Volta shook her head.
“No. They are loud and their crying scares Volta. But Volta wonders if what the servant said is true.”
“If what part was true?”
“That you will be the next one to have a baby.”
The bluntness of ponderings made you blush.
“Oh, um…probably not.”
She cocked her head to the side like a confused puppy.
“But why not. You just told Volta that you like babies.”
You liked Volta. She was genuinely sweet, weird quirks of hers aside. But this was a weird conversation to be stuck in with her. Even if she was pushing a couple decades old, she didn’t seem to know much about more ‘grown up’ matters. And you didn’t want to explain the birds and a bees to a tiny demon in the middle of a palace hallway. Especially when there were elements of your particular birds and bees that you yourself were unsure of.
“I don’t think the Quaestor would be much interested in having children.”
“Did you ask Quaestor Valdemar to have a baby with you?”
That one was a step too far for you. You could feel your cheeks heating up.
“Oh no! Volta has embarrassed the magician!”
“It’s-it’s fine, Volta. It’s just complicated, is all. Hey, uh, I heard they were making cucumber ice cream in the kitchen.”
That was all you had to say to make Volta scamper off. While horribly embarrassing, at least that conversation was short. However, you noticed your mood had soured quite considerably in that time. While you had never discussed children, you knew Valdemar would never want them even if they could get you pregnant, and you doubted very much that they could. Your elation for the sweet mother to be had deflated and you felt a weak longing in your chest.
You could give sweets to the children of staffers and entertain them with card tricks and little illusions, but you would always be the fun auntie and never the mother. That was just your life now. A part of you had always known. From the moment you let Valdemar kiss you after learning what they truly were, you knew your life would never be ‘normal’. And that was fine at the time. It was then, it was when you moved in with them, and it was still fine now. But it wasn’t until now that you were hurt by that knowledge.
As long as you were with Valdemar, you would never be a mother.
 The sun was setting as your carriage pulled up at the front gate of Valdemar’s estate. You had been able to forget your somber morning realization enough to fulfill all your duties as Court Magician that day. Luckily it had just been some minor spells and charms. But, as you had worked, you made a promise to yourself to not think about it any longer. Why should you lose sleep tonight over something you couldn’t control?
You thanked the driver and gave him a few coins while ignoring his concerned look. It was the same look all the drivers gave you when they dropped you off. Every single one of them always looked at you with a face that screamed ‘Hey, Lady, are you sure you want to go in there? I’ll drive you somewhere safe and not horrifying’. It was just another concession you made in your new life. Put ignoring weird looks right up there with never having babies and never getting married and sleeping alone most of the time and…
You felt the sting of tears in your eyes and your shoulders slumped.
‘So much for not letting me get myself down.’
You stood at the front door for a moment. You could run. You could go back to town and start a normal life. Fall in love with a human. Do normal human things. Fall asleep with a warm body next to you every night. Have a family. Grow old with them and die a few months after each other.
You shook your head at your foolishness. You don’t pick who you fall in love with, and you don’t deny it for the sake of comfort and familiarity. If anyone could roll with the punches, it was you. So far, not even death had been able to stop you.
“I’m home!” You called out once you were in the large marble foyer. You did this every time you came home, but you rarely got an answer. If Valdemar wasn’t out doing gods only knew what, then they were downstairs working.
“In the dining room, Little One,” came the reply, and you almost jumped out of your skin.
Valdemar? In the dining room? Not once had you ever seen them in there. Not once in over a year. Did they even know how to get to the dining room?
If you had been confused when you first arrived home, you were double confused once you were actually in the dining room. The fireplace as well as several candelabras were lit, warming off the darkness that was taking over outside.
“There you are, Dear Magician. Please, have a seat.”
Valdemar was sitting at the far end of the dining table, which was clear on the other side of the room. On the side nearest you was a bowl of soup in fine, white china. There was steam rising tantalizingly off it, and your stomach rumbled. You were always invited to dine with the servants at the palace, and normally you did, but your dower mood had spoiled your appetite so you hadn’t had much. Still, this was a bizarre sight and you stayed where you were.
“Who died?”
Valdemar grinned. You could see their large, white shark teeth clear across the table.
“Several thousand humans I imagine. As they do every night. But no one we know.”
“Are you breaking up with me?”
Valdemar just sat, unblinking and smiling, waiting patiently for you to sit. So, you did.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment until Valdemar motioned towards the food. You could smell that it was chicken and you saw droplets of oil floating on top of the broth above peas and carrots. Whatever horrible news Valdemar was about to tell you, you could at least hear it with a full stomach. It was warm and salty and you were quickly halfway through the bowl. Then they finally spoke.
“I had an unexpected guest for lunch. They brought their own servants to cook.”
Well, that was still weird, but at least it explained everything. Valdemar only had a few cleaning staff that came a couple times a week. You were the only one that ever used the kitchen. Valdemar also wasn’t terribly concerned with etiquette, so you raised the bowl to your lips to drink down the rich broth.
“My guest was the Procurator.”
Also weird for Valdemar to actually host the Procurator, since they usually didn’t care what she had to say, but they did work together.
You licked your lips and set the bowl down, realizing how much better you felt with something warm in your stomach.
“What did the Procurator need?”
Valdemar smiled wider, which shouldn’t have been possible, but it was Valdemar, so they could.
“She told me the two of you had a very interesting conversation.”
“We did?”
You talked to Volta about Annabella’s baby for all of two minutes before she ran off for a snack. It was embarrassing, yes, but hardly lunch visit worthy. You tried to think back to any other conversations the two of you had in the past month, but they had all been about food. What the Hell was Valdemar talking about?
“What makes you so sure I don’t want children?”
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no!
Your mouth opened to speak, but no words came out, so you sat there, looking like a palace pond koi.
“I must say, that’s a bit presumptuous of you. I don’t recall ever having spoken to you on the subject.”
Valdemar was clearly enjoying your discomfort. They were looking at you like they were Valerius reading the label of a fine bottle of vintage wine.
“You look embarrassed. You couldn’t have been this embarrassed when you were discussing such intimate things with the Procurator. She said it was imperative that I give you a baby. She recommended us starting on it tonight.”
Did you know a spell to make the ground open up and swallow you? No, unfortunately. But you did make a mental note to figure one out if you survived this.
“I…It’s not like I…She didn’t even…”
Valdemar watch you flounder with your words, savoring each mortified little stutter you made. They may not have been physically sadistic with you, but no one could say they didn’t love to torture you other ways.
You sighed and looked down at the table, trying to collect yourself.
“Ok, I shouldn’t have assumed. But am I wrong? Do you want children? Can you even make children?”
At least hearing Valdemar admit you were right would help soothe your ego a little.
“I’m not sure.”
“See!? You don’t even want-“
You cut yourself off and stared at them.
“Wait. What?”
“I said I’m not sure. I hadn’t ever taken the time to think about it. Only a few short years ago I wouldn’t have considered a relationship with a human and yet here we are. That means there are other aspects that need to be considered as well. And physically, I’m unsure if I am able to procreate, especially with a human. It’s not something I had ever looked into.”
Valdemar admitting to being unsure of something? Clearly, you had died from the plague again and you were stuck in some coo coo crazy afterlife. Absurdity of it all aside, you felt yourself growing aggravated.
“Ok. Are you done now?”
Valdemar cocked their head.
“Whatever do you mean, Little One?”
“I mean, are you done now? You had this whole nice set up to embarrass me and I am. So, are you done now? You’re very clever and I’m a very dumb little human. I fucking get it.”
Valdemar’s smile dropped.
“I don’t appreciate that tone, Apprentice.”
Your arms prickled with goosebumps as they stared you down across the table. ‘Apprentice’ was what they said as a more polite way of calling you an insolent little shit. They rarely used it with you but, when they did, it usually had you shape up pretty quickly. But tonight, it wasn’t going to work. All the heartache of the day had come back to you, and you felt that hurt bubble into anger. Your mouth filled with venom. How dare they embarrass you like this? After all you’ve given up for them.
“I didn’t talk to you about it because I knew you wouldn’t care! You don’t care when I get home, you don’t care when I go to bed alone, and you don’t care if I’m lonely! I-“
You stopped. That’s exactly what it was. You got lonely. It was lonely in a giant palace with a demon that didn’t like to cuddle or play kissy face or have sex. You felt the unshed tears from earlier and all the anger in you shriveled and died like early clover under a frost. You couldn’t just have kids because you were lonely. Children shouldn’t come into the world with a job to do. That was a terribly unfair burden to place on an infant. You couldn’t just make someone and want them to fix you.
You turned away from the table, knowing that if you had to look at them you would cry.
“I’m going to spend to night at the shop,” You said, your voice unsteady.
Two cold, gloved arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled back against Valdemar. They had crossed the room in a few silent seconds.
“Lemme go,” you whimpered quietly, your bottom lip trembling. You didn’t want to start sobbing after you had just gotten done yelling like some kind of mad woman.
One of the hands released you and brushed your hair back from your face.
“Hush now, Little Mouse. There’s no need for tears.”
Of course, with Valdemar asking you not to cry, your eyes decided you absolutely had you and you sobbed pitifully.
“Poor Little Human. So many emotions to feel.”
They loosened their grip and turned you around gently so you could cry against them. You always tried so hard not to cry in front of them, but you were too far gone to stop now. Their fingertips started to trail up and down your back soothingly as they made no attempt to push you off of them despite the excessive display of emotion you were putting on.
“I knew you were lonely. It would be very lonely, to come back from death’s realm. Perhaps the only human to do so. I suppose it feels simpler than that.”
You stopped crying and looked up at them with surprise. They were right. Even when people knew you had come back, Hell, even with Asra, you felt a wall between yourself and them. No one understood what it was like to come back. No one understood death like you did. No one understood being alive but knowing exactly how it felt to die. Except Valdemar, of course. But you didn’t know they knew about those feelings.
“A child won’t understand you either,” they explained as they softly brushed their thumb against your cheek.
“Do you…can you have children?” You asked softly. The pain of earlier was gone. You finally felt seen. Someone finally understood your quandary. You had tried to voice your loneliness to Asra and Portia once. They had both hugged you tightly and assured you that you weren’t alone and that they loved you. But they were wrong. As much as you loved each other, they didn’t understand the loneliness you meant. Even with half a heart, Asra didn’t know what it was to be alive when you shouldn’t be.
“I simply don’t know. I’ve never tried.”
Valdemar looked down at you with crimson, slitted eyes that should have been unnerving, if not terrifying, but you felt so soft and safe under them.
“It’s…probably something we should talk about later.”
“Of course, Dear One. Although, for the sake of science, I was hoping you’d try with me tonight.”
You stared at them, trying to process what they were saying. You had swung through too many moods tonight for their weird analytical speaking.
“I had had your bedroom ready for after dinner. Before I had teased you too much.”
“Wait, you mean you wanted to...” Were they talking about sex? Had they planned to have sex with you before you blew up?
“Considering how the evening played out, perhaps you should just sleep for tonight, hm?”
Perhaps. They were probably right about you needing to sleep this off. But you had had sex with Valdemar so rarely that just the prospect had your body lit up. Of course, they got you off plenty with their hands and occasionally their mouth, but the two of you had only had actual sex a handful of times. But now they wanted to? And they set up for it?
You wiped your eyes on the back of your hands quickly.
“No. We mustn’t keep science waiting. Important discoveries to be made and all that.”
Valdemar searched your face, looking for any sign that you might be lying to them about being ok now. When they could only see your genuine excitement, they grinned.
“Fascinating little thing that you are.”
Part 2 is gonna have it all! Body horror! Tentacle sex! Knotting! Dirty talk! Whatever else I decide is hot! Stay tuned!
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carnagecardinal · 3 years
Content Warning: BBU, slavery, abuse, non-con touching, blunt force trauma. Let me know if I missed anything.
Tears brim in his eyes. Overspilling the lids and running in salty streams down either cheek. A gentle swipe of thumbs has him flinching, the touch temporarily erasing the moisture before fresh tears replace it.
“Hush now.” Straddling his waist, Mr. Hansley leans over him. Peering at Bellamy with all the interest of a shark sizing up a seal. “Your face is too pretty to sully with crying.”
The initial panic - and his mental clarity - has gone blurry around the edges in the aftermath of administered punishment. When the effort of holding his head up becomes too much he lets it rest against the floor, and isn’t stopped.
“It hu-rts.” The abused skin bruised by blows. The weight of his owner sitting astride him, bearing down and pressing him against the unyielding floorboards beneath his back.
The crack in his voice increases the intensity with which he’s regarded, stoking the sadism crouched in eyes the color of iron.
Bellamy reaches, grasping tentatively at a jean-clad leg braced beside his hip. A fragile hope blooms in his chest when the action receives no reprimand.
“I know,” the man croons. A hand shifts to brush sweat soaked hair from Bellamy’s forehead, the brown darkened by the dampness. “I did warn you.”
A low noise slips from Bellamy, something between a groan and hummed affirmation. His next breath hitches as Mr. Hansley presses a palm flush to his breastbone.
“Would you like me to stop?” Eyes sharp, head tilting in inquiry. “Let you up, let you rest?”
Blinking against the tears, Bellamy fights for coherent thought. Mind reeling and the world with it, head light with the threat of unconsciousness.
“Hmm?” Mr. Hansley’s hand flexes before moving to trace the line of an injured rib.
Agony flares at the hard press of a fingertip to battered skin. A choked noise breaks from him, and a whimper follows swift on its heels. He tightens his grip on the rough fabric trapped in his fist, anchoring himself to the source of his torment.
“Rude to not give an answer when asked a question, don’t you think?” The man’s head tips to the other side, a predatory smile curving his lips.
Fear coils more solidly in the depths of his abdomen, and he gives a hasty nod that causes the world to lurch slightly to the left.
“Good!” A hand pats Bellamy’s cheek, emphasizing the empty praise. “Now,” he says, voice going silky, “Would you like me to stop?”
What I want is irrelevant.
Answer when directed.
“Y-yes, please, I- p-please stop.” A sob sets fire to his ribs, arresting the shallow motion of his lungs. His vision momentarily darkens around the edges and he struggles to keep hold of his consciousness.
“Do you think you deserve it?”
Doubt flickers through him, easing from the shadows of a mind gone hazy with exhaustion and pain. Does he deserve it? Has the punishment been adequate? His transgression properly forgiven by his date with brutality? “I-“
“I don’t… I d-don’t know.” Swallowing against a rush of nausea, he lets his eyes drift toward the spinning ceiling.
Another hum, another tracing of a rib. “Maybe not, then.”
Please no.
“Yes s-sir.”
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1-800-smash · 4 years
can you do the alphabet with kirishima please 🥺👉👈
「 now i know my abc’s. 」
feat. kirishima.
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summary: learn the alphabet with everyone’s favorite daddy shark ;)
warnings: nsfw content.
[all characters are aged up appropriately.]
word count: 2k
request: @im-alyssa-btw — ❝can you do the alphabet with kirishima please 🥺👉👈❞
a/n: ahh my first request, thank you so much! i hope you like it as much as i liked writing it. please enjoy  ♡ —  shelbs.
submitted — [09.16.20]
nsfw under the cut.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
⚘ the most attentive and caring to his partner after sex, you need something? name it.
⚘ water, your favorite snack, an extra pillow...
⚘ doesn’t matter what it is, he’ll always get it for you. all you have to do is ask.
⚘ it’s the least he can do after all you do for him alone, he’s so appreciative of all you do.
⚘ 100% down for cuddles after, he loves the feeling of your body on his.
⚘ and who could forget about the soft kisses he peppers your face with afterwards? not kirishima, that’s for sure!
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
⚘ kirishima is an absolute ass man.
⚘ there i said it.
⚘ he loves grabbing your ass when you ride him or even just staring at it from across the room, he fucking loves it.
⚘ and as for his favorite body part? his hands.
⚘ how else is he supposed to grab or smack your ass?
⚘ but also because he just loves holding your hand...
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
⚘ his loads are thick and when he cums, he comes a lot.
⚘ has a nice milk white color to it but still clear and very messy.
⚘ the taste isn’t that bad either, not that salty and you can swallow it like a champ.
⚘ fuck, if he doesn’t love it when you swallow...
⚘ and when he cums inside you, the feeling of it pooling out of you is enough to make you run straight to the bathroom.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
⚘ this may sound a little boring, but i don’t think he’d have one?
⚘ he’s not that experienced with sex and while he is open to experimentation i don’t think he would do anything on his own.
⚘ if you introduced him to things like toys, i think he would be really into building a collection with you.
⚘ he wants to try it ALL.
⚘ maybe even try them on himself when you’re not around to use them with?
⚘ but as for by himself, probably not.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
⚘ he doesn’t have much experience when it comes to sex.  
⚘ our baby shark doesn’t mess around when it comes to matters of the heart, it takes a lot of trust for him to be able to have a physical relationship with another person.
⚘ but what he lacks in experience he makes up for with an eagerness to learn, he wants to make you feel good!
⚘ with some careful guidance and mutual trust, he’ll map out every inch of your body with careful precision.
⚘ which areas draw out those cute, soft moans of yours and which ones leave you crying out his name is desperation.
⚘ it won’t take long for him to leave you a shivering, cum-filled mess by the end of the night.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
⚘ he likes to see his partner’s face during sex, he loves looking at all the expressions you make.
⚘ from the adorable moans you let out to the sinful look on your face as he makes you cum for the 3rd time.
⚘ he also likes to make sure he’s doing a good job and making you feel as great as he does.
⚘ missionary would be the most common in your relationship.
⚘ but he’s always down to try new positions with you, he wants nothing more than to make you happy.
⚘ he’s also a big fan of cowgirl, he’ll be rendered absolutely helpless under your control when your fucking his brains out.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
⚘ he takes having sex pretty serious, so he won’t be joking around too much.
⚘ that isn’t to say he won’t try to lighten the mood, especially if his partner is self-conscious.
⚘ he wants you to feel absolutely comfortable, and if that requires him to be a little less serious then so be it.
⚘ anything to make you feel safe when you’re with him.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
⚘ he tries his best to groom it but he mostly just leaves it the way it is.
⚘ the carpet DOES NOT match the drapes.
⚘ them pubes are as black as his hair was on the day he was born.
⚘ probably wouldn’t dye his pubes, he already puts too much time into his hair alone, why would he add his pubic hair into that mess?
⚘ his pubes are not as spiky as his hair but still have that pointed look and feel to them.
⚘ but don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt! in fact, it feels even better when they rub up against your clit as he fucks you into the mattress.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
⚘ oh, this boy is SUCH a romantic.
⚘ can be cliche at times but honestly it’s so endearing that you could care less.
⚘ he wants you to know just how much you mean to him, and if that turns him into an absolute SIMP for you than so be it.
⚘ he’s always whispering how beautiful you look when you’re in the moment, caressing your face, kissing you everywhere.
⚘ when he’s done there will be no doubt in your mind that this boy loves you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
⚘ he masturbates at least 2-3 times a week or well at least he used to until he met you.
⚘ why would he need to masturbate when you’re sitting there and so ready to please him?
⚘ he doesn’t like to make sex just about pleasing him though, but he has to admit you do a good enough job doing that on your own.
⚘ the only time he really masturbates now is when you’re not in the mood (which is rare) or not home.
⚘ and even then it still doesn’t do much for him the way it used to, not when you can make him cum so much harder just by moving your hips that certain way...
⚘ you’ve got him seeing stars.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
⚘ let me tell you, this man has a PRAISE kink.
⚘ nothing will get him off faster than knowing how good he’s making you feel.
⚘ kirisima’s always struggled with his self-confidence and self-worth.
⚘ that’s why he’s so much better at making other people feel good rather than himself.
⚘ so for him to hear just how good he’s making his partner feel makes him really happy.
⚘ please, please, PLEASE tell this boy what a good job he’s doing!
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
⚘ he prefers a more romantic setting when it comes to sex.
⚘ *cough* your bedroom.
⚘ he’s definitely down to fuck you wherever though if he’s needy enough.
⚘ on the couch? why not. in the shower? hell yeah. on the kitchen counter? oh absolutely.
⚘ isn’t a big fan of public sex, he’d be way to worried of getting caught by someone.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
⚘ he adores you to the moon and back, but what he admires about you the most is your strength.
⚘ show off how strong you are with him around and he’s going to be swooning over you.
⚘ he also loves being surprised with you by being the one to initiate.
⚘ it makes him feel loved and wanted!
⚘ and there’s nothing that makes him feel better than knowing that you want him to fuck your brains out.
⚘ figuratively speaking, of course.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
⚘ nothing that involves hurting you in any shape or form, he loves you!
⚘ why on earth would he want to hurt you?
⚘ he’s the type of guy who would stop sex just to ask if you’re okay from even just a HINT of discomfort.
⚘ there is no way you could convince him otherwise, there just isn’t.
⚘ hurting your partner isn’t MANLY.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
⚘ absolute BEAST when it comes to giving oral.
⚘ he will leave you trembling under his touch as he draws out another orgasm out of you.
⚘ you’re not even going to remember your own name when he’s done.
⚘ sorry, but kirishima just takes the cake with this one!
⚘ no one will ever be able to eat pussy like this man does.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
⚘ his pace starts off slow and sensual, but he tends to pick it up once you get closer to your release.
⚘ he doesn’t like being too rough with you but with enough coercion he might be persuaded to be a little rougher than usual.
⚘ obviously, he doesn’t want to hurt you, so communication is key with him!
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
⚘ when the two of you have sex he really wants to take his time and leave you feeling absolutely satisfied.
⚘ he doesn’t mind quickies, he just wants more time to be intimate with you.
⚘ if the two of you only had time for a quickie then he wouldn’t mind, but he would think about how much he was going to make it up to you the next time you two are alone together.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
⚘ hell yeah, this man is game to experiment!
⚘ as long as you’re comfortable with what you’re doing than he’s good to go.
⚘ if at any point you want to stop then he’s there in a heartbeat, whatever you need it’s yours.
⚘ don’t even worry about it, he just wants you to feel safe and secure.
⚘ as for risks, it depends on what the risk is...
⚘ nothing that will hurt you or have anyone walk in on you both.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
⚘ he can go for at least 3 rounds, maybe 4 if you’re really into it.
⚘ baby boy has lots of stamina and all the more desire to please you all night long.
⚘ he wastes no time in fucking you absolutely silly.
⚘ sex with him can usually last an hour, but if you go for more rounds after they’ll not be as long.
⚘ what can he say? it takes a lot of energy in pleasing the one you love.
⚘ and god, does he love you a lot.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
⚘ he has a pretty open mind when it comes to these things.
⚘ now, while kirishima wouldn’t own any on his own volition, i think if his partner recommended it he would definitely want to try it for himself.
⚘ it doesn’t take much to convince him!
⚘ and if he really enjoys it he may even look for toys on his own to surprise you with or ones he thinks you might like.
⚘ i could definitely see him being into it once he gets nudged in the right direction.
⚘ *wink wink* ;)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
⚘ he doesn’t like to tease that much.
⚘ now whether his partner likes to is a different story all together.
⚘ but mostly, he loves to fulfill his partners needs and he just doesn’t think teasing will get him there any better.
⚘ what can i say, this man lives to please.
⚘ would be open to tease you if you suggested it to him and assured him you will like it,
⚘ he’s very big into over-stimulation though, he will leave you an incoherent mess that’s unable to walk when you’re done trust me on this.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
⚘ he can be very noisy and it doesn’t take much to break him.
⚘ the closer he gets to cumming the louder he’ll be, broken whines escaping from him as he tried to hold just a bit longer.
⚘ but with you, it’s impossible.
⚘ you know exactly how to make him cum until he’s whimpering from over-stimulation.
⚘ needless to say, the noises this boy makes is heaven to your ears.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
⚘ he has some pretty sharp teeth, so i wouldn’t be surprised if he might have a slight biting kink.
⚘ while he absolutely hates the thought of hurting you i think he’d be ok with soft nibbles here and there.
⚘ as long a you’re ok with it, of course!
⚘ i mean... they don’t call him daddy shark for nothing ;)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
⚘ he’s about 5.6 inches, uncircumcised.
⚘ it’s pretty thick and has a nice girth to it, makes you feel small whenever you hold it in your hand.
⚘ but god, if it doesn’t make you feel fucking amazing.
⚘ he can make you cum 3 times just from his cock alone, and fuck if he doesn’t make sure you do every damn time.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
⚘ he has an average sex drive.
⚘ he’s enjoys having sex like any other guy does but by no means is he going to be humping your leg every 10 minutes.
⚘ he respects what you want and if you don’t feel like it that’s all you have to say and he’ll go back to whatever you two were doing before.
⚘ he drinks respect women juice daily.
⚘ on average you both have sex with each other at least 5-6 times a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
⚘ he will not fall asleep before you do, he always makes sure you cared for before he even thinks of dozing off.
⚘ once he’s sure you have everything you need and your fast asleep in his arms, only then will he be satisfied enough to fall asleep himself.
⚘ it won’t take him too long to fall asleep after you, holding you tight in his embrace while he tries to think just how on earth he deserves you.
⚘ and honestly? he doesn’t know but he’s sure glad he does.
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I never claimed to be a film scholar, and that’s why I was almost 33 years old before I saw Jaws the first time (and yes, it is my birthday next week thank you so much for asking!) It’s not that I never wanted to - but by the time I had overcome my fear that Jaws was going to eat me in my bathtub, I didn’t want to watch it cut up by commercials on a Saturday afternoon on TNT and we didn’t own it and if you think I was going to waste my one pick at Blockbuster on a movie from 25 years ago instead of renting Now and Then for the fifth time, you are just a plain fool. So here we are in a quarantine and I’m doing some much needed catching up.
One thing I’ve discovered about these classic completely-permeated-in-pop-culture films is that they’re not immune to the phenomenon of high expectations->very disappointed. I was a little worried that, because I’ve had the “you’re gonna need a bigger boat” scene imprinted on my retinas since I was about 7 years old, the film just wouldn’t have the same oomph as it did when it became the world’s first true blockbuster. So, to an avid movie-watcher like me, does Jaws still have teeth? Well...
This is not a controversial opinion - yeah, it does. Jaws is pretty fucking awesome. Sometimes things really are that simple. For the uninitiated (although honestly who doesn’t know the plot of Jaws), it’s pretty simple. There’s a shark. Like....a really big one. He’s feeling peckish, and starts looking for snacks around Amity Island, a touristy (fictional) beach community somewhere off the coast of New England. The local chief of police, Brody (Roy Scheider) is staunchly anti-shark attack but the mayor is like “we’ll just have to accept the risk that the weak ones will die because we can’t shut the economy down!” But because this is a fantasy movie, after 4 people die, the authorities do everything they can to stop the threat, including hiring a scientist named Hooper from the Oceanographic Institute (Richard Dreyfuss), and a crusty ol’ sea captain named Quint (Robert Shaw) to hunt the shark down and kill it. 
Some thoughts:
That John Williams score just kicks you in the teeth right from the beginning, doesn’t it.
It’s interesting, regarding all the scenes I’ve seen just in the context of living in a world where Jaws is part of pop culture - they always come in these little 30-second bursts without the context, enough to suggest the dread and terror but not really sit in it for long. As a result, this first initial shark attack scene goes on for SO MUCH LONGER than I was expecting. I was genuinely disturbed.
I’m seeing many Very Good dogs, which is fantastic news. There’s the Chief’s cocker spaniel, there’s a frisky black Lab on the beach chasing a stick, a couple more when all the fisherman are arriving, and many puppers in boats!
I mean, I know it’s sad that kid Alex got eaten on his raft but why haven’t they given us reassurance that Pippet is ok??
This intro to Quint is truly one of the best character introductions I’ve ever seen. What an iconic and instantly memorable performance, this salty, grizzled fisherman/bounty hunter who literally never stops talking. He’s a walking sea shanty, a collection of dirty jokes held together with sheepshank knots and moonshine. I love him in spite of his vague, amorphous sexism and relentless repetition of the same terrible song.
God, I had no idea how young Richard Dreyfuss is in this!
I already knew a lot of the parallels existed, but Wife wanted me to point out explicitly that watching this film is deeply upsetting in the time of Covid-19. The same willful ignorance, the same disregard for public safety, and the same reverence for “the economy” at all cost to human life is relevant, to say the least.
It’s easy to forget, but having watched more of his early stuff in the past few months, I completely get why Steven Spielberg was such an absolute lightning bolt to the film industry. The naturalistic way everyone talks, the overlapping dialogue, the use of light with the moon on the ocean and these spotlights in the fog, that iconic dolly zoom shot - it really is unlike any other director’s films, especially in this era. 
Who the fuck does this mayor think he is? If the people are at the beach, isn’t that enough? Why do you NEED them to go in the water? How does that help you? If they’re on the beach and not swimming, you get the best of both worlds - people are there spending money and they’re also y’know, not dead.
I’ve seen the moment dozens of times, and everyone knows the line, but goddammit when we first see the shark in all his glory and Brody says “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” it honest to god made my heart nearly leap outta my chest. 
What I didn’t know about in all the familiarity I had with Jaws before this was this long night scene with the three men drinking and singing and comparing battle scars and stories and bonding the way men in wartime do. Quint’s monologue is especially haunting. This is all just...it’s really good. 
I’m a little uncomfortable (especially in the time of Covid) with this class warfare, working class grunt knows better than the academic tug-of-war going on between Quint and Hooper. For a long stretch it seems like Quint has a point, that Hooper doesn’t know what he’s doing out there in the dangerous reality of a fickle ocean and a murderous predator. But once they get on the boat, Hooper proves himself more the capable. Maybe the man who is actually like, a doctor of sharkology can know just as much - or maybe more?? - than the man who has been hunting and killing them for years. Aaah fiction. It’s a good thing you have nothing to teach us about reality. 
Did I Cry? No, and I kinda thought I would when Alex Kitner’s mother confronts Brody about how he did nothing to prevent her son’s death, but I was too preoccupied with the fact that she and her husband looked about 60 and I was trying to figure out how they could be the parents of an 8-year-old boy. 
In all the clips I’ve seen, I really haven’t been exposed to shots of the shark for that long, and that’s for the good. The only thing that isn’t quite pitch perfect about the movie is how, in the longer sequences, the shark robot begins to quickly lose its authentic feel. The shadows, quick glimpses, and brief chomps really do have a much greater impact. Thank goodness Bruce (the shark robot’s name) malfunctioned as much as he did, because if he had been seen up close from the very beginning, there’s no way this film would be the icon it is. 
Oh damn, that ending really comes at you quick, huh?
I love that “this is gonna be the beginning of a beautiful friendship” final exchange. 
I don’t know what to tell you, guys, this movie is just really, really good. The scares are scary, the characters are interesting, memorable, and have a lot of emotional heft to them, and the shark is sharky. There’s nothing not to like. Even if you think you know what it’s gonna be like, it’s worth it to take a couple hours and really absorb it the way it deserves, because it does deserve it.  
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yeenybeanies · 6 years
g/t prompt list 
1. discovery 
giant mer & human!reader ( 2nd person pov ).
2422 words
there’s a bit of cussing in this because of who i am as a person 
please keep comments to the tags!! thank you!! 
The water is peaceful. The sky is peaceful. The day is peaceful. There’s a light breeze in the air, pushing little waves that gently lap against the fiberglass side of your boat. You sit in one of the comfy chairs aboard your modestly-sized vessel, a fishing pole settled in its holster to your left, and a beer in the cupholder to your right. There’s not much left in it, but the few swallows that do remain are warm and unappealing. You think it’s probably best to lean over and dump the contents overboard ( not the can, of course; you’re not a monster ) and grab a new one, ice cold. That sounds like a good plan. And it is. It’s an excellent plan. The freshly-emptied can finds itself crushed in your hand and set into an impromptu garbage bag, leaving you free to head to the cooler for more refreshments. Maybe you could do with a snack, too, you think. You’ve been out here for a few hours now, resting in the shade, not bored, per se, but definitely unstimulated. There hasn’t been so much as a nibble on your line. 
U g h. Your cooler’s on the other side of the boat. You kick yourself internally for not pulling it closer, for putting yourself in a situation where you have to get up. You’re also kicking yourself for being so goddamn lazy. It’s not that far. You’re hungry and thirsty. It’s not that far. With a sigh, you push yourself up from your seat and give your fishing line a quick tug, testing it ( no surprise to find that there is still nothing biting ), then you leave your comfortable shade and cross over to the cooler. Its blue coloring nearly matches the ocean, you notice. Hunh. That’s interesting. It makes you smile. Your fingers brush some of the salty water off of the lid, then you lift it to rummage through the chilled contents. Beer and sandwich. That’s what you want. Where the fuck is your sandw––oh. There it is. 
Lunch in one hand and cold beer in the other, you pivot on your heel and head back towards your seat back in the shade. You get two steps forward when––wham––a sharp jolt lurches both you and your boat to the side. You stumble, dropping your beverage in your attempt to remain semi-upright. Sonova––curses bubble under your breath as you cling onto a ledge until the boat stops rocking. Once it’s calmed down, you stand and grab the half-emptied can, frowning deep. So much for that half of the plan. At least you have your sandwich. Frustrated, you take a bite, but it seems that’s all you have time for. A sharp, rapid buzzing reaches your ears––your line! Something must be on your line! And something big, too, if it’s taking off that quickly! You rush to your pole, sandwich held between your teeth, and give it a yank, hoping to hook whatever seems to be running away with your bait. 
You expect there to be a fight, like those you hear about from veteran fishermen ( and their dubious reliability ). You expect to stand here for an hour, maybe two, wrestling with this thing, until one of you eventually tires and gives in. What you intend to do with the presumed-leviathan, you’re not quite sure, but you’ll figure that out when you get there. That’s what you think. That’s what you expect. 
What you do not expect is for the line to go limp. Aww! That was barely a minute! Where’s your glory? Your battle? Where’s–––
Oh holy mother of goddamn shit. . . 
A massive fin slips up from the water only a few yards from your boat as the leviathan slowly rises from the dark, murky depths of whatever hell exists beneath this particular stretch of ocean. It has to be at least as tall as you––taller, even. You can’t quite see what it’s attached to yet, but you know you were right on one thing: this fucker is big! And you imagine it’s probably pissed off. ( Can fish get pissed off? Is this even a fish? It’s as big as a goddamn whale! ) 
There’s another yank on the line, pulling the very pole from your hands. You barely notice, though; you’re frozen, preoccupied with the sight before you. There’s your pole, dangling from what appears to be a massive fucking hand that’s sticking out of the water. That is definitely bigger than you, big enough to snatch you right from your boat. It’s horrifying as is to see one, but the second one scares you more when it slams against the ledge, those big, clawed and webbed fingers bending the metal and fiberglass under them. The boat lurches again, jolting you towards the ledge, close enough to where you could touch that giant hand if you wanted. But you sure as hell don’t want to! Sandwich still gripped in your mouth, you try to push away, try to scramble back, despite the incline behind you getting steeper by the second. It’s not really working in your favor. You hear things slide and shift around, hear the boat groan under the weight. You think this thing’s going to flip your boat! Until it very gently seems to ease off the pressure and lower the vessel back down. You lie flat on your back, stiff, staring up at the clear sky. What the hell? 
It only makes sense that if there’s two giant hands, there’s probably a giant head to match, but that doesn’t make the sight any less fucking terrifying when it greets you. It certainly doesn’t help, either, when that head looms over you, over your boat, like a child peering down into a hamster cage. Unfortunately, you’re not used to being the hamster. You can’t even scream out, though; your forgotten and soggy sandwich still blocks your mouth. At this point, you don’t even know if you have it in you to scream, certainly not when those big eyes lock with yours. You can’t look away from this . . . being. You can’t blink. It’s so goddamn huge––bigger than anything you’ve ever seen. 
Okay, maybe you can look away. The creature raises its giant fist, and you instinctively curl in on yourself, shielding your head with your arms ( as if that would do you any good ). Your expectations, though, seem to be very off today. Where you expect to feel the briefest moment of pain and death, crushed under that hand, you feel nothing but the light breeze and sunshine. There is a thud to your left, though, dull and soft. You peek from under your arms to see your fishing pole dropped onto the deck, fishing line keeping it suspended just a little. Following that line, you see that the hook at the end is––oh god, it’s lodged into the leviathan’s face! Just beneath its lower lip, towards the right corner of its mouth, is where that hook finds its home. You can see the metal glinting among the dark, curly hairs at the edge of the being’s beard. And the being is looking at you. . . expectantly. 
No. Fuck no. No fucking way. You are not going near that thing–––
Then you hear it––him?––g r o w l. Were you not five seconds from shitting yourself, you might notice that it doesn’t sound like an aggressive noise, rather more like an encouraging one, but you couldn’t possibly know such a thing. Again you cower, finally spitting out your ruined lunch so you can shout out a panicked okay! okay. You’ll. . .––well, it’s your fault that there’s a hook in the creature’s face. The least you can do is get it out and hope that he doesn’t decide to eat you. 
Shakily, you push yourself to your knees, then to your feet. But your feet aren’t wanting to move any further. You’re rooted in place, shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, staring at the leviathan. He produces another growl, softer this time, but it still makes you flinch and close your eyes. Fuck fuck fuck fuck! You can’t do this! Why can’t he just pull the hook out himself! It’d be like removing a burr, wouldn’t it? 
The boat tilts once more, slowly, sending you stumbling towards the giant. You thrust your hands forward, meeting the being’s cheek as you brace yourself. His skin is. . . far rougher than you expected, like fine-toothed sandpaper. It reminds you of times as a kid when you got to touch those little sharks in aquariums. Hot air blows against your side, startling you. Breath, you realize. The being is breathing. Shit, he is so fucking big. . . His head is taller than you. His mouth. . .––you don’t want to think about his mouth. You don’t want to know what kind of teeth lie behind those lips. But it’s hard not to think about it; you’re right fucking here. Still softer, the being rumbles. The hum travels through his skin, into your flesh, your bones. Okay. Alright. Okay, big guy. the sooner you can do this, the sooner the both of you can hopefully get on with your lives. You’re never going near the ocean again. 
Your voice is shaking just as badly as the rest of you, but you try to talk, more to yourself than the being, saying that you can get the hook out and everything will be okay. There’s also some nervous please don’t eat me after, mister sea giants in there. Much to your dismay, the hook is buried pretty well into the tough skin. It doesn’t seem to hurt the being when you tug, but it’s not something you really want to test. Luckily, your hands seem to ease their shaking a little as you force yourself to focus––enough so to where you can actually make some progress. A few more minutes, a few more little tugs, and the hook slips free of the sandpaper skin. 
Thank fucking god. 
You hold the hook up triumphantly so the leviathan can see, feeling more relief than you’ve ever felt in your life. That relief is short-lived, however. The fear is quick to return as the beast flexes his jaw and rubs a finger over the space where the hook was. You catch a glimpse of those sharp teeth, that big tongue, just beyond his lips. You step back as much as you can, but he notices your movement, and he’s quick to counter it. You scream out as his hand surrounds you. Yet. . . you feel no pressure. You only feel the slight warmth radiating from the giant palm and fingers around you. Tentatively, you look out, meeting the being’s eyes. They’re shockingly human, you realize. There’s emotion in those deep, brown pools. Another yelp leaves your throat as you’re nudged closer, pulled into his looming shadow. He’s gonna eat you! You’re about to be seafood! Your shaking starts up again––not that it ever really stopped. You watch in horror as the being leans in. This is it! This is the end–––
But this isn’t it. Impossibly gentle, its his forehead that meets yours, the scratchy skin resting against you. He must know, though, that you’re scared shitless; he backs off quickly, releasing you to scurry away as you please. What the hell was that? Was that a. . .––a show of gratitude? You blink, now backed up to the other side of the boat, as far away from the being as you can get. You swear you can see a little smile on his lips as he retreats from the side of your vessel, his hands disappearing back beneath the surface. His head remains above, though. Once he’s several feet away, you carefully, hesitantly move to the ledge he’d occupied. he’s. . . leaving. He’s leaving you alone! You watch as he gives you a parting nod, then he twists and dives into the water, his massive body sending waves out in all directions. It’s hard to see, but you swear you could spot several jagged, parallel scars along his back and side lap the surface, like something you’d see on a shark or a dolphin that was hit by a boat. Then comes his tail fluke, truly gargantuan, but missing at least half of the top lobe! It’s just occurred to you now that this being––what you’ve just seen––is a fucking mermaid. Merman? Mer. Despite your awe and your lingering fear, you feel a pang of guilt in your chest as you watch that mutilated tail vanish into the darkness. That creature. . . he’d already been hurt by human things in the sea. . . No wonder he wanted you to fix him. Your hook, you doubt, truly hurt him ( more of a discomfort, if anything, you imagine ), but you still feel bad. You hurt a mer. 
You watch the waves for a few moments longer, then you bow your head and breathe out heavily. It feels like you’d been holding your breath through that whole encounter. Damn. Well, that’s enough fishing for one lifetime. That’s enough ocean for one lifetime. You don’t think you ever want to encounter something like that again. You’re still a little shaky, but you gather up everything that’s fallen out of place and secure it down in preparation for your departure. You’re ready to be off this boat and back onto dry land. Once up at the wheel, you twist the key in the ignition, but the engine. . . sputters. Oh no. You try again, a bit more vigorously, and the resulting sputter is even weaker. You’re out of gas. What the fuck! Can’t you catch a break? All you wanted was a nice, relaxing day on the water! You didn’t ask for giant-ass mermen or shitty boat problems! You yell out in frustration and pound at the dashboard, head hung limply. How the hell are you going to get out of this one? Should you call the coast guard? 
Then you hear it again: that fucking growl. It’s more of a feeling, this time, sent up through the boat, up into your body, but it’s definitely a growl––the same growl. You look up, eyes wide, body shaking again, to see that giant fin heading back towards your vessel. 
AN: okay! so some info on the mer: his  " human ”  half is about 30′ long, head to hips, & his tail is about another 70′, bringing him up to a massive 100′ in total length. think whale shark-shaped, since his inspiration does come from whale sharks––particularly those that have been injured by boats  ( esp that last link there ). 
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free-pool-trash · 7 years
Those eight years - Mermaid! AU (Rin Matsuoka X Reader)
Here’s that Rin Matsuoka x Reader I was telling you about ;) Please let me know what you think of this because it’s actually my first attempt at an AU, if you want a part 2 or maybe even an extended series, let me know?
This also serves as a little bit of an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINRIN! 
3612 words
Angst to fluff then back to angst. Enjoy my lovlies, hope everyone has a wonderful week and I’ll be trying to catch up on matchups and stuff over the weekend since I’ve had mock exams all this week and next week but after next week we’ll be back in business ;)
[PART 2]
By the darkness of night the waves appeared black crashing against the unstable fishing boat that was unluckily miles away from view of any shore, small hands were clutching at the metal railing of the rickety metal boat, a boat that had earlier been described as a death trap- the statement seeming to be coming true as the boat was rocked violently by the unforgiving ocean.
The events of earlier that day played in the young girl’s mind, it was sunny and bright, but a few white clouds floating in the perfectly blue skies. “Come on, little fish! It’s prime fishing conditions…sort of, the ocean is calm, we might even see some dolphins…” A much older man tried convincing his little girl to take to the seas with him for the first time but much to his displeasure, the girl refused, “But dad! I’m scared, I don’t know how to swim, what if there’s a storm or something and I die?!” The little girl shouted waving her hands about frantically, her little eight year old mind running at a mile a minute. The older man, her father, leaned down to her level and placed his big hands on her small shoulders “There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of, in life there’s always going to be things that scare you but if you never pursue them your fear will only grow and we don’t want that now do we, little fish?” (E/c) eyes stared down at the floor and the little girl, (Y/n) was her name, shook her head before looking back into the same colured eyes of her father, a pout present on her face, “Fine, I’ll go on board your death trap.”  At this her father had smiled, neither him nor his daughter knew what the night would have in store.
“Dad!” Her voice was small and almost lost to the waves which she peered into urgently, her father had been sent overboard trying to stabilize the boat only minutes ago. The girl was scared, terror pounding through her blood as she recalled one of the many things both her and her father held in common, they both couldn’t swim.
Her mouth released a loud gasp when a shadow loomed over her, a wave, the biggest wave she had ever seen, quickly approached the girl as if it was a monster that planned to swallow her whole, and to an extent it was just that. (Y/n) screamed for help, hoping maybe something would hear her that maybe she could escape the watery grave that was sure to await her in a matter of seconds, but, the day’s theme seemed to be anything but luck.
The monstrous wave crashed over the boat, tipping it over and plunging the girl into the dark and cold ocean, acting on instinct she screamed for help, an action that caused water to enter into her lungs causing panic to mix with her terror and her actions to become more rushed. Her arms and legs thrashed violently trying to break the surface as she could no longer breath, although under water, her body kept attempting to intake air making her lungs fill up with the salty waters of the sea, her tears joining the ocean in it’s endeavor to send the eight year old to a cold eternal sleep. After fifteen seconds that felt like fifteen hours had passed her movement began to cease and ever so slowly she began to sink, the pain had turned to numbness and the little girl felt tired, a sleep would be nice was all she could think. Once her now dull (E/c) eyes started to drop she felt arms wrap around her waist, probably some sort of angel there to take her away to somewhere pretty, the thought soothed the child and so she let go, she let her eyes close as if simply falling asleep, and then, her world went dark.
Unknown to her the arms holding her were not that of an angel, no, the short arms belonged to a young ocean dweller, a merman if you would, a little bit older than the girl he was holding, around nine years of age. His mother had told him to ignore the sounds coming from the surface, that they would soon go away when the ocean was satisfied and he tried, he did, but there was something about the girl who was thrashing violently that he couldn’t ignore. His shark tail pushing through the water faster than it ever had before in hopes of getting the girl to the shore of the nearest island. It had only taken him a minute to get to the island and he wasted no time in pulling the girl out of the ocean, pulling himself with her until they were a safe distance from the rough waters, the boy pulled a strangely shaped bottle filled with strangely coloured liquid out of the brown cloth satchel he wore over his shoulder and tilted the human girl onto her side, removing the cork he held it to her lips and tipped the contents in slowly.
Sounds of coughing filled the empty island when (Y/n)’s eyes opened suddenly and all the water she had swallowed exited her lungs the colour of the strange liquid mixing with it in the brown rain matted sand, she took a huge breath before looking over her shoulder and coming face to face with the maroon haired boy who had saved her life. 
“Am I dead?” Her usually soft voice was gravelly and filled with uncertainty, the boy only shook his head “No, you were drowning but I got you out and gave you a potion so the water would leave your lungs, you almost died but you’re okay.” Her eyes filled with tears “…my dad? Did you see him?” The boy’s face fell as a familiar feeling settled in his chest, “I’m sorry, you were the only person there.” A loud squeaky sob escaped her throat as tears fell down her face “he…he couldn’t swim…” Again the boy felt his heart break inside of his chest, he knew what is was like to lose a father, cautiously he pulled himself into a sitting position beside the girl and wrapped his arms around her shaking frame. (Y/n) excepted his affection, leaning into it.
“Who are you? What are you?” She asked in a quiet voice her eyes focused on his grey tail. “My name is Rin and I’m a merman, my family are decent from sharks which is why my tail looks like a shark, who are you?” (Y/n)’s eyes were wide with shock, she wasn’t sure what she expected, he did have a tail after all, not to mention shark like teeth.
“My name is (Y/n), I’m a human… I didn’t know mer-people really existed, but, thank you for helping me.” Rin gave her a smile, showing his shark teeth while pulling his arms away from (Y/n), said girl shivered desperately in the cold air.
“A-are you okay? I’m sorry I’ve never saved anybody before, the sirens usually make sure all the sailors are with them, you’re really lucky they didn’t want you, otherwise this conversation wouldn’t be happening.” (Y/n) nodded slightly “I’m just cold but I’ll be okay, did…did the sirens- did they take my dad?” Her voice shook toward the end, Rin’s face set in a frown and kicked himself, regretting bringing up the sirens in the first place, “I don’t know but the only thing around was your ship and you, I heard singing before you appeared, so it could be, I- I’m really sorry…I lost my dad too.” (Y/n) stayed silent until she had another question “What do I do now? I can’t swim” Rin offered her a small smile “I can bring you home but we’ll have to wait until morning if the sirens are still around, they’d probably try to recruit you.” (Y/n) tilted her head “What would happen to me then?”
Rin looked out into the ocean “Depends on you really, they find young girls, teens usually, they go for the sad ones, the type who cry along the shore at night, they tell them they can be anything they have ever wanted to be, that they can get revenge on the world that was against them, if they do they either become sirens, dangerous spirits that lure sailors to their deaths, spellsingers which lure lost and lonely sailors to islands with either good or bad intentions, I don’t really know what it is they do, my mom says she’ll tell me when I’m older. The last thing they could become is a shipsaver, these are nice sirens, they help sailors navigate through rocky waters. There are weatherworkers too but they’re super rare.”
(Y/n) nodded, intrigued with what Rin was telling her, in what seemed like minutes of the two children telling of their different cultures the sun began to rise and true to his word, Rin brought (Y/n) home, agreeing to meet her on the shore that night, the pair had built a strong friendship in the hours they had known each other, (Y/n)’s mother would surely call her insane, blame Rin on the water in her lungs and trauma of losing her father, and even so, if Rin was a hallucination, he was one she welcomed.  
Rain poured heavily on the umbrella’s surface as the girl stood holding her mothers hand underneath the black material that was designed to keep her dry, it was too bad that the umbrella couldn’t protect her face from the tears she was shedding. It was the day of her father’s funeral and the weather surely matched the feeling everybody present was conveying, (Y/n)’s father was a respectable man, loved among the community and known as a devoted family man, a man who deserved more than just an empty coffin being buried in his name. The events of the past days had (Y/n)’s mother finding her only daughter washed up and passed out on the shore with her husband and his boat, nowhere to be seen. (Y/n) was held in hospital for two days due to hypothermia, police sat at her bedside and questioned her for the majority of her stay, the girl had told them everything, about Rin saving her and the sudden storm that required him to do so. Upon mention of the young merman a police officer had patted her shoulder and told her worried mother that the boy was merely a coping mechanism for the little girl who had witnessed her father drown.
As slowly as it felt, time began to pass, night after night (Y/n) would visit the beach and simply sit in a shaded cove that was out of the view of passers by, a cove that required taking your shoes off and walking through the ankle deep current to enter, the interior was beautiful, stalactites hung from the ceiling and sparkled in the moonlight that was reflected by the ocean, sand covered the ground, posing a safe spot to sit away from the cold waves, (Y/n) loved it there, but, what she loved more about it was the boy who met with her there each night. 
It has been three years now since the accident had happened, (Y/n) and Rin visited each other every night and the night of (Y/n)’s eleventh birthday was no different, (Y/n) sat in the sandy cove awaiting the young Matsuoka to arrive and after about ten minutes had passed, his smiley face popped up from out of the water “Happy birthday, (N/n)! Sorry I’m late, I have something for you!” 
A smile mirroring the boy’s appeared on her face as she helped the half shark onto the sandy shore, “A present? What is it?” She asked excitedly trying to peer into the brown satchel she had come accustomed to him wearing for the past three years, “Close your eyes!” Rin had insisted and waited for his best human friend to follow his orders before pulling the gift he had gotten for her out of his tattered satchel. It was simplistic but still very beautiful, a silver chain necklace with a small white pearl attached delicately in the middle, though it was beautiful, the sentiment behind the gift was far more breath taking. “You can open your eyes now” He had told her softly smiling when the girl let out an audible gasp at the sight of the necklace, she took it gently into her hand examining the pearl “Rin.. It’s amazing where did you get it?” 
“The pearl is a mermaid tear, my dad’s actually, when you’re a mermaid or a merman even sometimes a siren, if you fall in love with a human you can take a potion to give you legs and live with them on the surface or they can take one to become a mermaid and live under the sea but if a mermaid takes it each step on land they take until they find their love is more painful than the last and their tears turn to pearls. My mom was a human, her and my dad fell in love but she had to leave one day, so my dad took the potion and went to the surface to find her, the mer-people told him that if he found her, and if she agreed, he could have his tail back and my mom could live with him under the sea, long story short he found her and she became a mermaid. Anyway, my dad kept the tears and gave one to me and one to my little sister, he told us to think of his story and that when the time comes we’d know what to do with it and now I do…” Rin took the necklace from the girls hands and unclasped it, wrapping it around her neck and securing it, “I got it enchanted by my friend Makoto’s mom, she’s a sea witch, now whenever you’re wearing it you won’t be effected by the voice of any siren.” (Y/n) smiled so brightly looking to her little friend, “Thank you, Rin.” 
“It’s so pretty, I promise I’ll never take it off!”
And she didn’t. More years went on and the bond the two shared stayed strong, even grew stronger, until the winters night Rin arrived at the cove that became their exclusive spot to find (Y/n) staring wistfully out at the dark ocean, tears coating her face. It definitely was not his favorite look on the now sixteen year old girl. “Why the sad face?” He was answered with a throaty sob from the girl as she curled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees. His eyes could only widen at her response, the merman could count the amount of times he’s seen her truly break down on one hand, she didn’t let tears ever pass the rims of her beautiful (e/c) eyes often.
Rin pulled himself up beside her and grabbed her hand, careful not to touch her clothes since his body was wet from his natural habitat , “What’s wrong?” He asked as softly as he could manage. (Y/n) tried to compose herself but the tears kept falling and her breath kept hitching, her mother had met a man, what her daughter would describe as an absolute sleaze, but despite her daughters unrest the woman started seeing this abomination of a man, Jeff, the two had only been seeing each other for a month and (Y/n)’s mother had already decided she wanted to move everything to be with him and ‘be a real family’, frankly it made (Y/n) sick, not to get her wrong, it had been eight years since her father died and she wanted so much for her mother to be happy, just not with this stranger, a stranger that treated the teen horribly all while keeping a sweet face up for the woman he was trying so desperately to tie down, a stranger who had not only convinced (Y/n)’s mother to move in with him, but to bring (Y/n) with her, he wanted to drag her away from her coastal home town, take her away from every single friendship and memory she’d ever built, he was going to take her to his inland home, an inland home that was hours away from the ocean, an inland home where she wouldn’t be able to see Rin. Somewhere she knew she couldn’t be happy, she’d be giving up the only things that kept her smiling, for what? The sake of a bigger bedroom? It wasn’t anything anywhere near what she wanted. She didn’t know how her dear friend would react to the news, if it was anyway near as bad as she had things wouldn’t be ending very well.
She couldn’t be blamed for her reaction, she had arrived home from school to find her bedroom all packed up in big brown boxes, her mother and Jeff standing there amidst the boxes with bright smiles on their faces and the loud shouts of ‘surprise!’ came from their lips, when (Y/n) questioned them as to why her room was all packed up her mother had said “We’re moving!” her statement was followed up by Jeff adding “Tomorrow.” When (Y/n) screeched in question her mother had only said “We didn’t want you to have doubts” Yeah, that was it. The sixteen year old had stormed out of her house without a world, slamming the front door with as much fury as she could, her feet carrying her straight to the only place she felt at ease anymore, straight to the cove, straight to Rin.
All she could do was look at the male she had grown so attached to over the years and let her cracked voice try and explain “My- my mom just- she told me we were moving, tomorrow… she didn’t even give me a warning I just got home and my entire room was packed up and the house it’s not- it’s not even-” Her own sob cut off her rambling and Rin no longer cared for her clothes as he wrapped his arms around her and let her cry. Surely he’d still be able to see her, it might be a little hard to find the coast she’s at and sure no cove is gonna be the same as the one they’ve been sharing with each other for the past eight years, but they could make it work. 
“The house isn’t what?” His voice held it’s soft tone while his ring clad fingers stroked her (h/c) hair, an action he learned could calm her down greatly, her crying had ceased slightly and she met his maroon eyes only for second before biting her lip and looking down at his scaly lap which she had ended up sitting on while she cried her broken little heart out, her arms were still wound around his neck and in any other situation the pair would have blushed, but there was a time and place for their sexual tension and unspoken feelings and it wasn’t then and there. (Y/n) found her voice and slowly spit out the words that felt like venom on her tongue, “The house isn’t coastal, it’s in some remote area inland that’s at least an hours drive from the nearest beach.” Rin’s eyes widened, (Y/n)’s tears began to fall again, “…That means…” (Y/n) only nodded her head weakly, to her surprise Rin pulled her closer and his own tears began to fall onto her shoulder as they held on to each other, “I’m sorry” she choked out.
Neither of them wanted to move, both realizing that they wouldn’t be able to see each other for who knows how long, they could barely get through a weekend without seeing each other and now it seemed like they’d have to go on without their nightly chats indefinitely, Rin didn’t know if he could, (Y/n) on the other hand knew she couldn’t, her weak “I don’t want to go” proved that. So they simply stayed together moving their positioning every so often so Rin’s tail could be in contact with the water, (Y/n) had her head laid on his shoulder as one of her hands held his and the other played with the necklace around her neck, Rin’s free hand messing around with the silver bracelet with a small shark charm dangling from it (Y/n) had gotten him last February for his sixteenth birthday, when she had gifted it to him she had said “it doesn’t have any special siren repellent but I thought you might like it.” It was one of his favorite things, as the necklace was to her. It seemed now that they’d serve as memories of something wonderful that ended far too soon. The pair barely noticed the sun peaking up through the horizon, fingers not daring to release from around the others, (Y/n) heard her name being called by two voices in the distance, her mother and Jeff no doubt, a final tear fell from (Y/n)’s eye and she turned her head to look into the eyes of Rin, it was now or never, leaning in she kissed him softly, far too quickly, she pulled away to see his eyes closed and a tear matching her own rolling down his cheek.
“Goodbye, Rin.”
With that (Y/n) gently released Rin’s hand and trudged regretfully through the cold water of the ocean, not bothering to take her shoes off as she exited the cove leaving Rin alone with his tears.
“Goodbye, (Y/n).”
Yeah, eight years definitely wasn’t long enough, nothing ever would be, now he wasn’t sure if it ever could be as he watched her footprints in the sand blowing away as fast as she did.
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messy-voltron · 7 years
Ooh, I'm the first one here! Ok... if you do headcanons, can you write something about the Paladins at the Zoo w/ their S/O? Thks!
Thank you so much for this head canon! I’ve been thinking about writing something like this for a while, but I’m glad you gave me the push to actually write it! 
This boy loves the zoo! He loves seeing all of the unique animals, but he loves seeing you happy the most
Probably a first date idea for him, so asking you out was probably the scariest thing he’s ever done
“what if they don’t like me? what if they think I’m weird?!” 
When he asks you out, he’s so stuttery and nervous you almost feel bad, but it’s actually super cute
His favorite thing is being able to feed the animals, eSPECIALLY when you hold his hand while doing it he is a dead man you’re so precious to him
The both of you will probably spend the whole day there with no regrets you may be tired and sweaty but you’ll be together and honestly that’s all that matters 
And of course this gentlemen kisses your hand before you leave; it’s soft and gentle and it feels like a permanent tattoo because you’ll never be able to forget about it 
When you two go to the zoo, you are most likely to ask him because that boy can’t handle his feelings very well and he likes you so much that he’s too afraid to ask
But as soon as you ask it’s an automatic yes, no questions about it
Keith loves spending time with you, but isn’t a very affectionate person himself, so he secretly enjoys it when you grab his hand as you lead him around so you two don’t get lost
His favorite exhibit is the hippopotamus one hands down he could sit there for hours and be content, which makes you like him that much more
“Why hippos?” “Why not?! Have you seen them? They’re spectacular.”
By the end of the day the both of you are just sappy lovers at a zoo it’s so gross it would have you aww and throw up at the same time 
If this boy is going to take you anywhere, it’s an aquarium, which is still technically a zoo, but for salty animals
When he asks you out, he tries to use a really terrible pick up line, but it just makes you cringe and laugh. But if you’re really honest with yourself, you love his pick up lines
“Are you an octopus? Cause you octopi my thoughts~ Water you doing later? Wanna hang loose at the aquarium?” “Oh god Lance…..I’ll go…..but please…just….stop”
It’s a blast of course and you two go to see an orca whale performance, only to be splashed because Lance wanted to sit as close as possible. He’s a good gentlemen though as he offers you his coat to wear that wasn’t affected by the slash zone
Once you guys go to the shark exhibit, he gets all starry eyed and looks at them in wonder, and you can’t help but to stare at him.
He loves to hold your hand!!! Lean on his shoulder when you sit next to him!!! He’ll just melt!!!
Once it’s over, he’ll gain an ounce of confidence and kiss you on the cheek, but starts to get scared when you react by just staring at him in shock. That’s only because you’re so flustered you froze you guys will laugh about this later
Ugh, my bOI he loves going to the zoo with someone special (hint: that special person is you)
No matter what exhibit you go to, all of the animals seem to want to get close to him and it confuses him to no ends. But you love it because of how sweetly he talks to each and every animal
You don’t remember who offered to go through the creepy crawler exhibit, but here you guys are, scared out of your minds. And although Hunk’s scared, be doesn’t mind putting on a brave face as you cling on to him for dear life he loves it when you cling on to him but he will never admit it
‘Hunk, they’re trying to get me through the glass!” “Don’t worry I’ve got you! Just hold on!”
Once out, you decide that food might be a good option and he could’t agree more. The two of you eat until it’s hard to move, so you call it a day, but it was one of the best days you’ll make sure to remember, especially when he kisses you’re cheek before you leave 
Pidge tries to be confident and cool, but when she asks you if you want to go it’s just a jumble of words thrown together
“Hey, I heard you like animals, do you want a zoo? No wait, I mean do you want to go to my zoo? Wait- that’s not- I don’t have a zoo i mean-” “I would love to go to the zoo with you.”
She’s such a nerd because she brings a small notebook to do observational notes and sketches but you love to see the way her mind works on paper
Throughout the exhibits, she’ll randomly point out facts about certain animals and sometimes it’s hard to tell if she’s making it up, reading off the signs, or actually knows a cool fact
“Did you know that that species of bird is most known for their mating calls because they can produce a frequency high enough to kill a human?” “Really?!” “No, but wouldn’t that be cool?”
 When you guys get something to eat, Pidge almost gets into a fight with a squirrel because it steals some of her french fries and you have to be the giggling mess holding her back from killing any wild life. It works out in the end though because the staff gives the both of you more french fries because of how hilariously angry Pidge got
As the zoo starts shut down, she yet again becomes a stuttery mess when she asks if it would be ok to give you a quick kiss you say yes almost immediately gosh dang you’re so ready but she chickens out at the last second by kissing your nose instead, but it was still worth it 100%
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swimyghost · 7 years
The Haiamo Chapter
WARNING: THIS IS NOT MY UNIVERSE. Kiyrus Terino and this Homestuck Universe was based on @cay-reborn Homestuck fan-comic ‘288′ which can be found here:https://mspfa.com/?s=23527&p=1
Haiamo, her lusus, castle, and stuff was created by me. Please read “288″ for more details. Again, I THIS IS NOT MY UNIVERSE. Please enjoy!
(Background: Bored in class so I wrote this. Details a bit of Haiamo’s character and what she did before she is introduced in “288″. Please don’t kill me Cay ;( )
Haiamo’s typing style: E is 3, 4 is A, H is )(, and uses lots of slang and swears
Deep breath, release, smoke floats to the top. Deep breath, release, smoke floats to the top. A young troll girl, around six Alternian solar sweeps old, sat in her dark castle dungeon/respiteblock, smoking a basic troll blunt. As she smoked, the black haired girl looked at her fuschia and black computer screen. The light bounced off the troll girl’s goggles and hit the black curtains behind her computer.
Smoke and release. Smoke and release. It is a basic blunt, nothing special. The troll isn’t looking for something special, just something to make her relax. Now, the girl is normally a pretty chill bro. Relaxing and laughing and looking up some dank ass memes. But today is different! Today… Is when her guardian, her lusus, returns from their trip.
The girl’s neck fins lowered out both fear and annoyance. She loved her lusus, there was no doubt. However, Sharkmama could be very annoying. Trying to get to get her outside, trying to make her more “presentable”, trying to even get her away… away from her computer.
“ <3 )(ELL to d4 n4w </3!” The troll screamed, slamming her blunt on her expensive mahogany table. The blunt sizzled and burned out.
“<3 4w d4mn <3.” The girl mumbled to yourself.
She crossed the blunt and its dusty carcass on the ground. The troll… Wait… Does this troll even have a name? If we just keep calling her ‘the troll’ it would be boring and mysterious. And Haiamo is not mysterious!
The troll’s name is Haiamo Sorcere and she is the heiress to the Alternia throne and a fuschia blood. But Haiamo could care less. She is a very… Weird… Troll. She enjoys watching terrible harem anime and loves to smoke and do Alternian drugs. But her biggest passion is the mystic arts and memes, which totally go hand-and-hand. Memes, in Haiamo’s eyes, is the funniest shit ever and can make even the most humorless trolls laugh. And the magic and mystical arts? Well, after finding her weapon, she can hear the call of magic. Secretly, Haiamo looks up spells and enchantments so she can use them. However, they barely work… Like ever.
What shall this young troll do?
Well, she was trying to push all her garbage under her bed. Faygo bottles, used blunts, smelly clothes, and her baggies of drugs. Haiamo could let her lusus see this or else Sharkmama will go into rage mood.
“<3 4lright, )(ow much tim3 do I h4v3 l3ft b3for3 Sh4rkm4m4 g3ts h3r3?”
Haiamo speed-weeded over to her giant computer. The computer was a gift from the Empress of Alternia herself. Haiamo doesn’t know how to feel about the Empress. Don’t get her wrong, Haiamo loves everyone. But the Empress sends her presents a random. Sometimes it’s fancy dresses and other times its expensive tech equipment. Haiamo usually gives it to Troll!Goodwill because dresses are itchy and make her look fat and she didn’t care for technology. It's all about magic, baby.
She looked at the time. Three minutes until her lusus arrived.
“<3 4w )(3ll <3.” Haiamo groaned, baring her fanged teeth.
The young troll decided to, for once, clean up her lovely (disgusting) room. The room is very large and very important because she is a very large and important person herself. Her dirty, sweaty, and Alternian weed smelling clothes litter the ground and has seemingly created a second carpet, this time fuschia instead of black. The walls are fuschia with thick lines running from the top and bottom. Faygo stains are splashed against those walls and smell just as lovely (disgusting) as you’d imagine. Haiamo’s computer and the desk were pushed into the far left side of the room, far away from the exit, which is on the far right. Her bed is also covered in Alternian drugs, sweaters, pants, and Faygo bottles. The bed itself is in a fuschia heart shape and has a black frame with a silk-like canopy above it.
Haiamo looked back at the wall her desk is pushed up against. A giant black curtain covers the entire top part of the wall and can only be opened back either one of the golden ropes that dangle on each side of the curtain. Haiamo nervously watched the curtains, watching for any sign of movement.
“<3 Nothing y3t. )(3… Th4ts 4… R3r33f… )(4)(4)(4! G3T IT? R3r33F? R3LI3F? <3”
Clutching her knees, the young heiress gasped for breath for more then usual.
Suddenly, something massive against her wall, making the thick curtains shake. Haiamo leaped back and went to grab her toke bag that, conveniently, laid on the ebony bedside table sat stood near her bed (obviously).
The slammings continued until Haiamo raced over to her desk and pulled the golden rope nearby. The curtains pulled back to reveal a ginormous shark. The shark had to be the biggest in the ocean. It was white with a light gray underbelly. It bared it’s sharp fangs and opened it’s mouth, revealing twelve rows of them. Half of its right fin was missing completely and scars lined the remaining parts of it. The eyes of the shark were white with a faded pink color around the edges. Dark fuschia veins surrounded the area around the eyes.
Fun fact, this shark was Haiamo’s great and powerful lusus.
“<3 4y333333! S)(4rkm4m4! W4s poppin’ <3!” Haiamo waved at her lusus and smiled.
“<3 W4? W)(4chu t4lkin ‘bout?”
“<3 Go outsi3? )(3LL N4W </3!”
“<3 M4m444444 </3.” Haiamo whined.
“<3 Ugh… Fin3! </3”
Haiamo picked up her FETCH MODUS, her toke bag. The bag was a terrible modus, but it kept all her drugs and memes so she was happy. At the top of her modus was her favorite necklace ever. A necklace of Troll!Pepe The Frog. His gray frog skin and his horns.. So beautiful. And his smug grin made Haiamo smile with glee. She slipped the necklace around her neck and watched its gold chain sparkle in the meme-light.
The troll girl opened the silver shark-lusus sized door and walked down the fuschia and black hallway. Lights shared space with the poster of her favorite anime, Rosario + Vampire and School Days. Haiamo glanced lovingly at the School Days poster. Haiamo has been loved School Days since her moirail gave her a copy of it for her Wriggling Day. She never understood why so many people hated Makoto Itou. He just wanted to get the bitches.
As she continued down the hallway, Haiamo tried to ignore the piles of gold, silver, bronze, and jewels. It was a thing of her past she tried to forget. Haiamo entered the entrance to her castle to see Sharkmama swimming in circles.
The entrance was huge. The floors were made from pink quartz and a large quartz and pink diamond staircase. Piles of gold and jewels touched the heavily detailed ceiling depicting lowblood rebellions and highblood rule. A massive diamond chandelier dangling from the ceiling, glimmering and shining like a beacon. The door to the castle was ebony and curved with ancient quotes from elder highbloods. The floor was white quartz and had black and fuchsia swirl-patterns. Sharkmama glanced up at Haiamo and let out a low growl. At full speed, Sharkmama swam up to Haiamo and roared in her face. The power of the roar made Haiamo slide back. Her hair tie that kept her long and knotted hair in a ponytail snapped and unleashed its wildness. Haiamo’s baggy fuschia sweater with her black ‘Pilo’ sign waved wildly back and forth. Her sweatpants nearly ripped from the force.
Sharkmama stopped and grumbled in pain, looking at her fin stub gingerly. Haiamo casually fixed her rainbow lensed goggles.
“<3 U don3? ‘C4us3 I w4nn4 go b4ck to my crib, ight? <3.” Haiamo said, running her fingers through her hair. After she was done, Haiamo pulled out a waterproof lighter and waterproof blunt and started smoking.
“<3 Iz just 4 blunt, no n33d to scr33 4t m3)(, ight <3.” Haiamo hissed.
“<3 M4444, it 4in’t gonn4 kill m3h.”
Sharkmama swam over and hit the blunt out of Haiamo’s hands and growled in her face. Haiamo growled back, baring her sharp teeth. The blunt slowly fizzled out and died on the ground. Haiamo slammed her foot on it and twisted her foot a few times. “<3 4lright, I’ll stop, f4 now. Just t3ll m3 w4 I gott4 do ‘for3 I st4rt r3kting yo <3.”
Sharkmama let out a tiny rawr, which Haiamo translated as Feed me now or I’ll eat you.
“<3 M4, get yo juss f33d yo-self <3?” Haiamo whined, dug her hands into her hair.
Sharkmama ran her good fin through Haiamo’s hair, letting out a small grunt. Haiamo sighed and let out a small smile.
“<3 Ight, I’ll go out 4n’ g3t you som3fin’... Juss, w4it h3r3, ight <3?” Haiamo mumbled.
Sharkmama let out a soft roar and pulled Haiamo back as she tried to go outside. With her good fin, Sharkmama started to brush Haiamo’s hair. While this pleased the lusus, the troll, however, was not.
“<3 M4...<3”
“<3 M4…<3”
“<3 M4 <3!”
Haiamo, with hair now all straight and neat, raced away from her lusus and opened the ebony door and closed it just as a wave of water slammed into her.
Not like it bothered the seadweller. Instead, she pushed off the door and swam away from the dark fuschia and black castle. Her hair waved wildly in the dark ocean, moving like a flag caught in a wild breeze. Haiamo clutched her toke bag tightly, making sure the contents of the bag don’t fall out as she swam through the water at breakneck speeds. Her fins flattened against the sides of her neck as she slowly raised the speed. She screeched to a halt as Haiamo sniffed the salty water.
“<3 Nop3 Nop3 Nop3, t)(3r3 is no lusii 4nywh3r3 </3!” Haiamo growled at nothing.
Haiamo sped up to the surface and gasped when the salty air slapped her. She, using her arms, swam closer to the shore so she wouldn’t be knocked around by waves. The Alternian sun was barely visible now. Only a sliver of the powerful sun was left as the night slowly consumed the sky. The little light touched the sandy shore that sat near the rolling hills and endless fields. In Haiamo’s peripheral vision, she watched a young troll walked casually on the shore with bronze colored headphones. He had a half shaved head with curly black hair covering his right eye. He wore a brown long coat over his gray pants and a black shirt with the Taurun sign in the center.
“<3 W)(o4! 4 BROWNBLOOD?! N3v3r s33n on3 of t)(os3 ‘roun ‘3r3 ‘for3… H3y! Yo! Y34)(, yo!”
The brown-blooded troll at first didn’t hear the fuschia-blooded troll, but he looked over when she slowly raised her voice. At first, he didn’t see Haiamo swimming towards him, but once he did, a look of complete fear spread across his face. He ripped the headphones off his ears and dropped them around his skinny neck.
“Y-Yes, Ma-Ma'am?” The young troll stuttered.
Haiamo ignored the fear-stricken trolls… Well, fear… And asked, “<3 Yo, bro! ‘4v3 you s33n 4ny lusii ‘round ‘3r3? I’m tryin’ to find m3 lusus 4 m34l so th3y’ll stop both3rin’ m3)(.”
The young troll wildly shook his head, “N-N-No Ma’am, sorry M-Ma’am.”
Haiamo made a pouty face, which caused the brown-blood to leap back in fear. Haiamo sighed and fixed her rainbow lensed goggles.
“<3 O)(! 4y3, w4it! I ‘4v3 som3t)(ing for y4!”
The heiress lifted her toke bag and unclipped the gray Alternia weed sign that held the bag closed. She pulled out a baggie of Alternia marijuana and looked at it fondly, “<3 3v3n t)(o you didn’t ‘3lp m3)( find 4 lusus, I still t)(ink you’d lik3 t)(is. It’s on3 of my f4v-”
Haiamo looked up to see the troll racing away, moving his long legs as fast as he could to get away from the heiress. Haiamo, once again, made a pouty face and dropped the bag back into the toke bag. She clipped it and dived back into the water. The warmth of the sun was quickly lost as Haiamo dived deeper and deeper under the waves. As the dark water started to swirl around the seadweller, her night(water)vision turned on and she ignored the ice cold water that clung to her skin. Haiamo continued going deeper, hoping to catch something.
She soon would get her wish when she heard the slight sound of growling and the sound of something fast moving around her. Haiamo stopped moving and stood still. The slight growling was getting closer and closer. Haiamo slowly unclipped her bag and retrieved her weapon. A wand called Wand O’ Wonder.    
Wand O’ Wonder was one of the items Haiamo found during her younger sweeps that she was proud of. Haiamo used to love to search the ruined ships and buildings that stood under the sea with Sharkmama. That is where 90 percent of her gold coins and jewels came from. But Wand O’ Wonder was found when Haiamo stumbled into some purple highblood’s private chambers when she was exploring a giant ship. There was a nine-foot tall skeleton wearing ruined black and dark purple robes and holding a white wand with dark brown ancient runes curved on the bottom. She took it and that is what started her secret interest in magic.
Clutching Wand O’ Wonder, Haiamo craned her neck forward and narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, a gray massive started to charge towards her. Haiamo dodged the mass’ attack and quickly turned to face it, bring her fangs.
It was the biggest type of whale lusus in Alternia. It had an entirely gray body with white under its huge fins. Ever spikes grew out of its back and around its fins. It had two rows of sharp teeth and its eyes were a deep violet. It let out a low growl and swam threateningly around Haiamo. Haiamo looked the whale deep into its eyes and adjusted her goggles. The heiress was slightly nervous about this fight. Wand O’ Wonder used the literal power of imagination, which took a lot of energy out of her. If she ran out of energy, she would be certainly be killed.
Haiamo ignored this fought and swiftly started the battle. She raised Wand O’ Wonder and imaged a fuschia laser-like light to burst out of the wand. She felt a sudden surge of warmth has a white blast with a fuschia outline and pointed tip shot out of the wand and shot towards the whale. It hit the whale in the center between its eyes. It roared it pain, but it didn’t cut him open and just made a large bruise. The whale snarled and charged.
Haiamo shot off three more laser-shots. Two of them missing, but one hit the whale’s side. It stunned it long enough for Haiamo to swim away and try to come up with a plan to kill it. Suddenly, a blast of searing pain consumed Haiamo’s right shoulder. The whale got swam up behind her and slashed deep into her shoulder with its left fin. The whale continued swimming before stopping and turning to face its prey.
Fuschia blood surrounded Haiamo like a thick swarm of mist. Haiamo gasped in pain and clutched her shoulder. Breathing heavily, Haiamo weakly raised her right hand and summoned a fuschia shield to protect herself from the whale’s charge. The whale bounced off the shield and shook its head wildly. Haiamo made the shield disappear and swam under the whale, who was still confused and even angrier. Haiamo imaged three dozen fuschia arrows as she stood under the whale. The whale didn’t notice three dozen fuschia outlined appeared and shot through the water and directly into his stomach. The whale snarled in pain and dove down.
Haiamo raised another shield and shot out two more lasers at the whale, both hitting its fins. The whale swam back, closing its violet eyes tightly.
In a sudden boost of adrenaline, Haiamo swam forward, shattering the shield, and shoving the Wand O’ Wonder into the whale’s eye. The creature howled in pain as the troll swam out of its reach. Violet blood poured from its eye. The whale blindly swam around, trying to see. Haiamo laughed as the whale struggled, accidentally catching some of its heavily salty blood in her mouth.
“<3 MOT)(ERFA- <3!” Haiamo cursed, spitting repeatedly.
The whale stopped and faced Haiamo, letting out a long, slow growl.
“<3 Shiiiiiit <3…” Haiamo muttered.
The whale roared and charged again. Haiamo moved slightly to the side and grabbed hold of the wand, trying to pull it out. Instead of doing just that, the troll started to be dragged around. The whale wailed as Haiamo wiggled the wand around, crushing up parts of its eye. Finally getting the wand free, Haiamo pushed off the whale. She started to clean off the violet muck with her already fuschia blood covered sleeve, not noticing the tail of the whale coming straight at her. The tail slapped her and forced her to crash into the rocky ground below.
Haiamo screamed in pain as her spine cracked against the ground. She dragged herself off the ground and watched as the whale circled above, exposing its giant underside. Haiamo took a deep breath and looked down. She noticed they the right side of her rainbow lensed goggles were shattered and the left side was cracked. Her Troll!Pepe the Frog necklace would cover in violet and fuschia blood.
<3 W4it… P3p3? <3
Haiamo stumbled to her feet, groaning as the pain in her back grew. The whale continued circling, letting out low hisses and clicks as it grew closer. Haiamo raised her wand and narrowed her eyes.
“<3 4Y3! )(OOFB34ST-S)(IT <3!”
The whale stopped and it's one eye looked down.
Haiamo stood with her legs apart and took an anime protagonist stance. She yelled and pointed her wand straight under the whale. A blast of bright light blinded the two and when they were able to see, they were met by the most beautiful thing that they ever saw.
Troll!Pepe the Frog was white with the standard fuschia outline. His pupils were rolling around in his round eyes and his tongue hanging out. He had tiny, but sharp-pointed horns. Pepe looked up and saw that his creator wanted him to attack the whale.
Pepe launched himself and, in a flash of light, ran straight toward the center of the whale, ripping a hole in his body. The whale coughed up blood before dying right then and there. Haiamo swam up and pushed straight through the giant hole, getting covered in violet blood and being hit by intestines. Haiamo ignored that fact, continuing to go to the surface. Once she broke the water's surface, the heiress watched as the Pepe, still screaming, stopped in mid-air and shook violently. Pepe exploded in a flash of fuschia. Mini frogs and rainbows fluttered across the Alternian night sky and faded into nothingness.
“<3 4W Y34)(! T)(4T’S MY FROG <3!” Haiamo cheered, laughing extra hard.
A bit of salty violet blood dripped down from her forehead and landed on her tongue. The troll coughed and started spitting into the sea.
“<3 O)( MY G4WD! T)(IS FUCKIN’ BLOOD… is…. So dis… disgusting…. <3”
Haiamo’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and slowly sank deeper into the ocean. She fell onto the back of the whale lusus, who was still bleeding out even though it had died. Haiamo noticed a white shark swimming towards her before passing out.
“<3 OW! T)(4T HURT <3!”
Sharkmama was using her strong jaw to tighten the white bandages that her wrapped around her shoulder. The injured Haiamo sat on the staircase they lead to the second story of her castle while her lusus swam in mid-air. According to Sharkmama (or what Haiamo had interpreted), Sharkmama was waiting outside the castle when she was hit with the faint scent of fuschia blood. Knowing that it must have been Haiamo’s blood, Sharkmama quickly swam over to try to find her and heard from the surface an explosion. She watched as her troll floated onto the whale lusus and quickly, but cautiously, dragged both Haiamo and the dead whale lusus home. Currently, the lusus laid dead on the floor, blocking to exit.
Once Sharkmama finished tightening the bandages, Haiamo had to tight the shoulder bandages and fix her back support (while she was a good caregiver, Sharkmama was terrible at doing anything the revolved medical treatment.) Haiamo pulled out a blunt and her lighter and started to smoke, hoping the drugs would kick in so she wouldn’t feel the pain anymore. At first, the royal blooded troll believed her lusus would rip the blunt out of her mouth. Instead, Sharkmama pressed herself against her troll’s side and started to brush her knotted hair with her good fin.
Haiamo did not complain.
Once a few minutes of complete silence, Haiamo looked down at her feet. Her goggles laid on the floor, the lenses completely shattered. Haiamo sighed, letting out a large cloud of smoke.
“Raaa…?” Sharkmama noticed Haiamo’s woeful face.
“... Look, I’ll talk to you normally, okay?” Haiamo looked Sharkmama dead in the eye, who just simply blinked.
“I know you what me to become a better heiress. I know you want me to go out treasure collecting again like we used to. I know you want me to stop smoking and get off drugs. I know you want me to get away from the computer. And I know that you want me to just go outside and get real friends, as you say. But… But I like how I live. I could care less about my blood because it makes my life a living hell. I like looking and memes and sending them to my moirail and online friends because I find them funny, unlike some trolls who find murdering lowbloods funny. I like doing drugs because it makes me feel better and makes me forget my duties as heiress… And these goggles…”
Haiamo picked up the goggles. The fuschia rims looked awful and had many scratches and tears along the edges. The flecks of the rainbow glass hung pitifully on the side while the rest remained either on the floor of the castle or on the ocean floor. Haiamo blinked away fuschia tears.
“These goggles blinded me from a world of distrust, hatred, and fear. But… Now that they’re broken…”
Haiamo watched as Sharkmama swam away into the left hallway and into one of the many treasure rooms. She appeared with a new pair of rainbow lens goggles, this time with black rubber that held them together instead of the dull gray. Sharkmama proudly dropped them into Haiamo’s gray hands.
Haiamo translated it as This was supposed to be your Wriggling Day gift, but I was mad at you on that day and decided not to give it to you.
“Was it because you caught me higher than the clouds?!” Haiamo yelled with playful anger.
Sharkmama let out a toothy grin (or was she baring her teeth?)
Haiamo pulled out a hair tie from her bag and pulled her butt-length hair in a ponytail before putting on the goggles. Haiamo let out a big smile and cheered,
“<3 4W Y34)(! H4I4MO SOC3R3 IS B4CK 4ND R34DY TO KICK 4NYON3 W)(4L3’S 4SS <3!!!!!!!!!!!!”
The troll leaped up and tackled hugged her lusus. Sharkmama shook a little, not ready for the hug. But let out a soft sigh and nuzzled her troll. Haiamo smiled and whispered gently,
“Thank you, Sharkmama…”
The two hugged it out and continued into the early morning.
A young limeblood sat on a swing what appears to be his treehouse. He seems to be a collector of rocks and space with the many rocks and space posters around his room. He kicks his legs as his gray and black shorts move in the wind, revealing a single green line running down one side. His sleeveless shirt was smoothed out and showed off the gray sign of Cancer, more commonly known as The Sign of the Signless. He had a half shaved head with the shaved side being green. His green eyes sparkled with curiosity and wonder.
His name is Kiryus Terino and his adventure starts here…
(Please support @cay-reborn! They are a really cool person and allowed Haiamo into their comic! Byee!)
P.S KarkatandNepeta’s GayChild will live forever!
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